#I am definitely not sitting on my bathroom floor playing a game of chance that might end up with me bald
dark-elf-writes · 10 months
On a scale of 1-10 how crunchy do you think Kirishima’s hair is.
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offbrandhange · 3 years
AOT if you were sick | 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
Headcanons on how some of the AOT boys would help/comfort you when sick! :)
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Characters: Armin, Connie, Eren, Erwin, Jean, Levi, Niccolo, Reiner,
Gender: Neutral, no references to readers’ gender ! :)
a/n: I haven’t been feeling well lately so badabam badaboom here we go. Also I am trying a new format because I’m pretty sure when I write the bullet points it looks wonky on mobile?...I dunno man :/
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𝕬𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝕬𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖙 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Right off the bat, Armin would ask what your symptoms are. Immediately after telling him he’d rush out to the pharmacy to pick up meds, and probably some comfort food, too.
How does he comfort you?
Armin would comfort you by bringing you things you need like medicine, wet towels, clean clothes, food, etc. Constantly, and I mean constantly asking if you want anything.
He probably would also set up a little sick-station in the living room with a blanket, pillow, cup of water, wet towel, bowl of soup, etc. and put on a TV show you like and just...chill while you watch or nap (if you fall asleep midway through).
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Only if you were super sick. He would 1000% be worried about you while at work, though. You’d get “How are you doing” messages every hour, and he’d totally end up annoying the sh*t out of his co-workers for constantly talking about you being ill. Armin would probably also pick up a little snack/gift for you on his way home.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Most likely not. Armin would be scared he’d get sick too, and then you’d have to take care of him. If you begged him for a quick kiss, or you really whined for some cuddles, then maybe he’ll indulge.
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖊 𝕾𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
“Dang bro, that sucks.” And that’s all he says.
How does he comfort you?
I think if you asked him for something, he’d get you it willingly and eagerly, but otherwise he’s clueless; He assumes you’re good if you don’t say anything.
Connie would comfort you by hanging out with you. Most likely, he’d sit you down on the couch and play video games with you, like Mario Kart; or he’d show you him killing a really hard boss. I think he’d also send you funny videos/tiktoks, and I mean like, the really dumb ones, where it’s like...a fart sound effect over an image of a truck. Or a, “Can I touch that badonkadonk fool?”
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Yup, especially if you asked. I feel like Connie would take any chance he could to take off work, and you being sick would be his opening. He wouldn’t leave you alone all day, either; You’re stuck with him.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Connie does not care if you’re sick. You’re gonna get the same amount of treatment, maybe more if you whine and snuggle into his chest. He thinks you’re even more cute when you’re sick.
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𝕰𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Eren would say something like, “Oh. Are you alright?” If you said no, he’d make you a snack or ask if you want anything. Afterwards he would chill with you and probably cuddle or snuggle you. I doubt he would really worry, he’d be real calm about it.
How does he comfort you?
He’d bring you something if you needed it. The only time I could see him getting fussy about it though, is if you interrupted him while he was totally invested in a video game or on a work call.
Most definitely snuggles with you in bed. Probably would do something to tease you too, kissing down your neck and saying “Are you better yet? How about now? Are you better yet?” I can see Eren being totally down for an afternoon nap together anytime you wanted.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
He would ask you if you wanted/needed him to. If you said yes he would, even if you weren’t really sick. Likewise, if you said you’re fine, but were far from fine, he’d call BS and stay home too; if you kept saying he didn’t need to, it’s very likely his stubborn a*s would argue with you and take off anyways.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Definitely. Eren would still, probably even more than usual, baby the ever-loving sh*t out of you. There’s no escaping his cuddles, kisses, or more...sexual activities.
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𝕰𝖗𝖜𝖎𝖓 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Erwin, like Armin, would ask what’s wrong right away. Except he would completely annoy you by asking a million f*cking questions about your symptoms. He’d probably google them too and list a ton of possibilities that are so far-fetched. He’d end up scaring HIMSELF and forcing you to go to the doctor.
How does he comfort you?
Up your A**. Every five seconds he would be like, “Need something? You’re sure? You’re sure you’re sure? I know I was here five minutes ago, yeah, but I’m just making sure. So you’re sure?”
Pets your head, ruffles your hair. Goes out to pick up medicine, snacks, maybe even flowers. Probably tries to brush your teeth for you. You know, Erwin things.
Would they take/call off work for you?
Y E S. Yes. This man would call off the whole WEEK. He wouldn’t leave you alone, either. The whole damn day he’d be breathing down your NECK. Even if the only discomfort you felt was a scratchy throat. He’d make you call off work too.
Are they still physically affectionate?
I feel like Erwin is on the verge of being either, “Yes, princess, let me hold you.” or, “Oh no, no, no, we can’t be having that. Oh no, no, no. No passing illnesses, sweetie.” If the second were true, the only way to get him off your back would be by threatening to hug him while snot was dripping down your nose. This grown ass man would probably be screaming like a (very deep-voiced) little girl and running for dear life.
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𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Jean would be so FREAKING sweet, and nobody can tell me otherwise. He’d say something like, “Awe, baby. Are you okay? Want anything?” He genuinely cares; although, immediately afterward he did anything nice or caring for you, he’d text all his dude friends and be like “yo man I’m SUCH a good boyfriend.” and brag his a*s off.
How does he comfort you?
He’d ask every once in a while if you needed anything, and he’d randomly bring you stuff like soup or a fresh cup of water. He’d probably feed you it, too.
Depending on what you wanted, Jean would either leave you alone or smother you to death. If you wanted him to leave you alone he’d check in on you every so often, and if you wanted him to smother you, he’d literally follow you all around the house. I’m talking like, cuddling or napping on the couch/bed, or straight up just following you around like an overly-attached child. His arms would be around your waist, chin on your head, and he’d waddle behind you like a d*mn penguin. And that includes trips to the bathroom. He’d probably sit outside the bathroom and wait for you, though.
Would they take/call off work for you?
If you wanted him to, were really sick, or if you were incredibly pitiful and acting like you were on your deathbed. Otherwise, I think he’d still go to work. He would bring home snacks and flowers afterwards though.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Oh my god, Jean would still be all over you. Like, there wouldn’t be a moment you’d be free from his hold. He’d probably still want to have sex with you, too as long as you were feeling well enough for it...The only exception would be if you got too over-heated or over-whelmed, then he’d very sadly hold back. Like a scolded pup, he’d just sit there...watching you...wishing you were in his arms.
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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
You would tell him you’re not feeling well, and the first thing this man’d say would be, “What is it? You have the sh*ts? Something not coming out?” He’d get you what you needed immediately after you told him what was really wrong, though; but he’d also, very discreetly slip you a box of anti-diarrheals, too, just in case.
How does he comfort you?
Every once in a while he will ask if you need something. He’s not too over-bearing nor distant. Although, he’s probably constantly slipping you hand-sanitzers, and cleaning your room, or anything you’ve touched. It’s for your, and his sake. Oh, and he’s not handing you anything, either; he’s throwing it at you to catch. Or slipping his hand through the door with a bowl of soup/cup of water, and placing it on the floor/nearest surface. Kind of like when a cat pushes their paw through a crack, then disappears, and you’re like, “oh, would you look at that.”
I don’t think Levi would really want to be too close since he’s kind of a clean-freak, so he’d comfort you through, maybe, sending you low-quality cat memes he found on the web. Or he’d put on one of those full-on, ugly, yellow hazard suits and hold your hand while watching a reality-TV show like The Bachelorette meanwhile mocking them to oblivion. You’re legally required to laugh at the comments he makes about the people on the show; he’s doing it to be funny. He’s just awkward.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
If you were pitiful, or not that sick, no. If you were genuinely pretty sick, then he’d call off work. He wouldn’t bug you, he’d just...stand in the corner and watch you. Just...he’d be there. Also still in his hazard suit. With his arms crossed.
Are they still physically affectionate?
No. Absolutely not. Not unless you’re talking about him and the cleaning supplies. I think if you tried to go anywhere near him, he’d get really mad and threaten you with a spray-bottle filled with water.
I think he would be upset, though. Like, I could see him having a calendar and just...sadly, squeakily dragging that marker down to form an X over the day to see how long you were sick, waiting ‘till you were better so he could hug you again.
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖔 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
In a worried, but also kind of loving-scolding way, he’d say something like, “Geez, how’d this happen?” Immediately after he’d make you some homemade soup with fresh ingredients. Only after he would give you your medicine, because it needs a, “full stomach to work.”
Additionally, if he makes you food, don’t tell him if you can’t taste it. Please, god, don’t. He’ll feel like he did all that work for nothing then get annoyed.
How does he comfort you?
Constantly bringing you food or desserts. When he asks if you need anything, his mind jumps to a food or drink instead of medicine or a wet towel, because that’s just his strong-suit.
I feel like he would hang out with you and let you lay your head on his chest while you watched TV together. I picture him saying something like, “Hey babe, let’s watch Hell’s Kitchen.” Or, alternatively, “Hey babe, let’s watch Kitchen Nightmares.” Don’t watch Kitchen Nightmares with him. Those unclean kitchens will make HIM vomit, too.
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Niccolo probably wouldn’t call off, but he would make you a whole bunch of yummy meals for you to eat the next day. He’d probably leave you a cute little note too, like a “Feel better, love you! :-D” with hearts all over it.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Depends on what kind of sickness you had. I think if you lost your taste he’d draw the line, simply because he needs to be able to taste the food he makes. Also, it frustrates the sh*t out of him when he loses his taste. Otherwise, I think he’d be down to cuddle, and very limitedly, kiss.
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𝕽𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖚𝖓 ~
After telling him you’re sick...
Gets VERY concerned. Wants to take you to the doctor, even if it’s a light illness, because he wants to make sure it’s nothing bad. He wouldn’t leave you alone after you tell him you’re sick, either. Constantly by your side.
How does he comfort you?
You wouldn’t need to ask for anything, because he already has everything for you. You’re surrounded in snacks, bottles of water, blankets, pillows, wet towels, medicine, literally anything you need, it’s already there. He’ll even offer to carry you to the bathroom, just so you don’t have to move.
Reiner would probably cuddle with you and put on a romance, family, or Disney movie. If it’s extra emotional, it’s gonna make him extra emotional. He will be squeezing you for dear life and just saying stuff like, “Boy, I don’t know what I’d do without you...”
Would they take/call off work to take care of you?
Yes, even if all you had was the sniffles, Reiner would have already called off, and make you call off too. He just thinks that’s what you should do if a loved one is sick. If he left you alone, he’d get worried you’d end up falling or unable to get something you need. He wants to be there for you.
Are they still physically affectionate?
Reiner would, but in a much more sweet way. He’s genuinely really worried for you, and doesn’t like seeing you sick. So be prepared for him to constantly be holding you with your head on his chest, and him peppering kisses all over your face.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
V. Off to the Races, Lolita Series
My old man is a tough man, but he got a soul as sweet as blood-red jam. And he shows me, he knows me. Every inch of my tar-black soul.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: bestfriendsdad!Andy Barber x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of alcohol, mentions of relationship violence, rape, and murder, pet names, passionate sex,
Words: 4025 (I am SO sorry for this)
Summary: Andy takes y/n on a weekend getaway while Jacob and his friends are out of town.
Two weeks had dragged on since Andy had gotten a taste of y/n’s sweet nectar, and since then nothing. It wasn’t like they really had the chance to be alone, Jacob and the other boys weren’t going out late at night or on the weekends as they usually did. Andy had to settle for his hand every night, reminiscing on their oral escapades.
It didn’t help that Andy had been swamped with cases, court appearances, and tons of paperwork. He had spent every night of those two weeks at the office until his eyes physically couldn’t stare at the cases in front of him anymore. Andy even showed up on the weekend to fit in a little extra work, hoping it would help take care of some of the load but to no avail. He was completely and thoroughly exhausted, and he could tell that y/n was as well.
She had worked directly with him on a few late-night cases, the rest of the time being spent shadowing Neal fucking Loguidice. It was great for her internship to do so, getting new perspectives of different attorneys in the office, but it was not as good for his jealousy.
By Thursday evening the heavy load of cases and paperwork had seemed to disappear, and Andy was grateful for being able to leave the office at a decent hour. With y/n in tow, he ducked into his Audi, waiting for y/n to get comfortable in the passenger seat before roaring the vehicle to life.
“Is it just me, or have these past two weeks been exhausting?” He asked, glancing out of the corner of his eyes at y/n as he drove. Andy knew her answer before she even opened her mouth, a loud groan leaving her lips as she rested her head back against the seat.
“You’re telling me, if I have to hear Neal mention one more time about his new kickboxing class, I’m going to gouge my eyes out. He really fucking sucks.” Her words elicit a chuckle from Andy’s lips, a smile of pride seeping onto his face. It was good to know she didn’t have any interest in Neal.
“We should do something fun this weekend, just the two of us. Maybe you’ll let me finally take you on a date” He suggested, lulling his car to a stop at the next red light. Y/N raised an eyebrow in his direction, cocking her head to the side. “Andy, I already told you, I don’t do relationships.”
Andy rolled his eyes, shifting in his seat to look at her. “Yeah, you said that, but I’m in it for the long game, y/n. You have to admit there’s something between us.”
“Andy…” She sighs, watching the sun setting out the passenger window. Sure, there was definitely something between him. Was he different from all the other guys before that she had hooked up with? Yes, of course. First off, she had never been with a man his age, someone with a career, a house, and a car of his own. He even had a pension and a life insurance policy; she hadn’t hooked up with any men who had those.
The car is silent as they pull into the garage, Andy immediately shutting off the car and sitting back in his seat. Y/N looked down at her lap awkwardly, reaching for the door but Andy stopped her with a tug to her wrist, getting her to look up at him.
“You want to be an attorney, right?” The question has her furrowing her brows, looking at him as if he had said ‘You know the sky is blue, right?’
“Of course, you know that, but what does that have to do with-” Andy cuts her off by holding up his index finger, loosening his grip on her wrist. “Attorneys defend their cases in court to a judge or jury, who then ultimately decide the fate of their clients. Their job is to convince someone that their claim is right.” Andy rests one hand on the steering wheel, a smug smirk crossing his lips.
“Saturday morning we’ll leave for a weekend getaway, planned by yours truly. This will all be part of my case as to why we should be together, no more games, officially together. You as the judge will examine the weekend's evidence and conclude on whether we should be together. If you decide after the weekend that you don’t think so, I’ll leave it alone and we won’t have to discuss it ever again. But I’m hoping for it to change your mind.” Before she can protest, Andy holds his hand up. “And I’ll even get us a room with two beds, no funny business, promise. So...will you hear my case out?”
Y/N had to admit, she had never been chased by a guy so ferociously, but what was the harm in seeing the evidence and getting a free weekend vacation out of it? She stuck her hand out for him to shake, a professional gesture for their arrangement. “Alright, I will gladly hear your case out.”
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Andy had arranged it all down to the last detail, including lying to Jacob and the boys about an important conference for work that they both had to attend that weekend. Of course, he didn’t suspect a thing, he went out of town for conferences all the time, and thus his plan was set.
When Saturday morning finally arrived, Andy was feeling great. He had gone for an early morning jog, took a long shower, and even trimmed his hair and beard. Andy dressed in a plain white t-shirt and dark denim jeans, packing his bag with his essentials for the evening before walking out into the kitchen. As usual, the boys were all still asleep, hungover from their late-night game of shot roulette, which left the house extremely quiet.
Andy couldn’t help the smile creeping onto his face as he walked into the kitchen and saw y/n waiting at the counter, a familiar plate of breakfast and coffee next to her. “It’s a Saturday, you know that right? Thought breakfast was for workdays.” He stated, moving to sit at his usual spot beside her.
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” She responded, taking a swig from her coffee mug. Andy’s eyes wandered along her body; her outfit of the day effortlessly beautiful. She wore a tight white bodysuit tucked into a pair of figure-hugging mint shorts; a pair of matching wedges slipped onto her dainty feet to complete the look.
“You’re right, it is.” Andy’s silverware moved to cut into his meal, chewing thoughtfully as he thought about the day ahead. “You’d think that by making me breakfast you were trying to plead your own case.” He teased, engulfing another bite of his food.
Y/N rolled her eyes at him, moving to set her now empty coffee mug in the sink. “I’ve got nothing to plead, you on the other hand, do.” She waits with her back to the counter, playing on her phone until he finishes his meal, setting his plate in the sink behind her.
“Are you ready to go?” He questioned, grabbing his duffel bag off the floor. Y/N followed suit, grabbing her tiny black suitcase and following him out into the garage. Andy grabbed the suitcase from her, setting it with his own bag in the trunk before they both got into the car, backing slowly out of the driveway.
It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining, and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Y/N asks, crossing her legs.
“Would it matter? You’re not familiar with the state anyhow.” He retorted, pulling up the address on his GPS as they started on their journey.
“True, I just want to know what I’m getting into.” Her eyes locked on the GPS, noticing the destination was an hour away. “Rockport? What’s in Rockport?” She asked, raising a shapely brow in Andy’s direction.
“Well for starters, it’s along the ocean, which guarantees a good view. It also has great shopping, beaches, and restaurants. It’s a nice little getaway.” Andy turns on the radio as the car goes silent, y/n admiring the view as they drive.
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The silence in the car was comfortable, both of them enjoying each other’s company, and before they knew it, they had arrived at their home for the weekend. They were staying at the Cove at Rockport, a beautiful inn right along the ocean. It was even more classy than the photos online, and Andy made quick working of getting them checked into their room.
Andy and y/n walked together down the long hallway to their room, room one on the first floor. Unlocking the door with the key provided, Andy pushed it open, allowing y/n to step in and take in their living arrangements.
The main room was huge, donning a cute little breakfast nook adjacent to the kitchen, a living room, two separate bedrooms, and a bathroom. The decor was all beach themed, of course, shades of blues and beiges filling their sights.
“This definitely deserves a point towards your case.” Y/N admitted, chewing on her bottom lip. It was honestly the nicest place she’d ever stayed at, more luxurious than what she had expected. Walking further into the space, y/n pushed open the sliding door, the sound of waves hitting the shore bursting through her ears as she took in the view. It truly was gorgeous, much different from shitty life in Ohio.
“So, I did alright with my first piece of evidence?” He chortled, leaning back against the cool wall. Y/N continues to take in the view outside, a light breeze picking up and blowing her hair off her shoulders.
“I’d say so.” She shuts the sliding doors and walks back to investigate the sleeping spaces, setting her bags in the room with a large picture of a beach umbrella over the bed, the smaller of the two. “Well, what else do you have planned for your case? Because if this is it, I can come to a decision right away.”
Andy moved his own bag into the opposite room before walking into y/n’s and sitting down on the plush comforter. “I wanted to start the trip with a walk downtown, explore some of the shops before we get ready for our dinner reservations at six.”
Ah, he even sprung for reservations, what a smart man. “Sounds good, let’s explore.” Y/N got up from the bed, grabbing her purse before Andy followed her out, walking out of their room towards the lobby.
Downtown was only about a five-minute walk from the inn, an enjoyable stroll filled with laughter from a group of teens on the sidewalk, birds chirping in the trees, and the smell of fresh muffins wafting from the window of a bakery on the street. “Well, where should we look first?” He asked, turning to look at y/n for guidance on where she’d like to go.
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They had spent about two full hours downtown, walking in and out of all the little shops, picking up a blueberry donut to share from one of the bakeries, and taking photos of each other along the Rockport streets. Most of the photos Andy took of y/n were very Instagram appropriate photos, staring down the camera and moving from angle to angle. On a few photos though, Andy would say something to make her laugh, snapping away at her genuine reaction.
Before long they were walking back into the room to get ready for their dinner reservations. Andy was pulling out all the stops, dressing up in one of his nicest black suits, a matching black tie situated atop a crisp white button down. He spritzed on some of his favorite Versace Eros cologne, adjusting the laces of his dress shoes before walking out into the living room. Andy had ordered a dozen red roses to be delivered to the suite, arriving shortly after he had finished getting ready, sitting on the couch with the flowers and waiting for y/n to walk out. God, he hoped this wasn’t too cheesy.
After about five minutes of waiting anxiously, the door to y/n’s room opened, noticing her delicate silver peep toe heels first. His eyes roamed up her toned and tanned legs, settling on her baby blue dress, off the shoulder with slightly puffy sleeves, a tie in the front revealing just a bit of cleavage. The ruffles on the hem swayed as she moved, her eyes taking in the sight of him as well with the flowers.
Suddenly Andy stood up, holding out the flowers to her. “You look incredible, Lolita.” There went the pet name again, though it was always so fitting for her. “Shall we go?” Y/N silently thanked him for the flowers, taking a whiff of their sweet aroma before setting them down on the counter near the door. She followed Andy to his car, waving him off when he tried to open her door for her. Her expression stayed on Andy the entire drive, inhaling his intoxicating cologne, licking her lips. Y/N had to admit, he always looked great in a suit.
The restaurant was only a ten-minute drive from the inn, a little classy seafood restaurant along the ocean coast. It was packed with people, a quartet playing Sinatra’s finest hits off in the far-right corner of the room. Some people were dancing, some were sitting along the bar against the left wall, while most were diners enjoying their meals at their table.
Y/N and Andy were led to a table near the back wall facing the ocean view. Andy started off by ordering a bottle of chardonnay for the table, taking in the sight of y/n lit up by the candlelight provided.
“This is beautiful, Andy.” She exclaimed, her eyes scanning the room and all the happy couples around them. Andy smiled before opening his menu, mulling over what to order. “I told you, I’m great at pleading my case. And as you know, I almost always win.” Y/N rolled her eyes, opening her own menu. “Key word, almost.”
After deciding on what to eat, Andy getting the seafood gnocchi and y/n ordering the lobster bisque, Andy poured them each a glass of wine, holding his up towards hers. “Cheers to an unforgettable night.” He exclaimed, clinking their glasses together before they each took a sip of their respective glasses.
As they wait for their food, Andy and y/n sit and talk more about their likes and dislikes, what they want in the future, and the day they had downtown. Their food arrives during the conversation and they continue to talk while they indulge in their meals, all the food just as incredible as the atmosphere.
About thirty minutes later Andy and y/n take in their last bites of food, sitting back and enjoying the liveliness around them. As they waited for their check to arrive, the sound of Sinatra’s hit ‘It Had to Be You’ started drifting from the quartet. Andy smiles, holding out his hand towards y/n as he stares down at her. “Dance with me?” He asks, taking in her surprised expression before she scoots herself out of her seat, grabbing his hand as he led her over to where the other couples were dancing. Andy places his hands on the small of her back, y/n wrapping her own around his neck as they sway to the tune.
“This is definitely not as good as dancing together at the club.” She joked, making Andy laugh. “Well, technically I wouldn’t call that dancing. More like...gyrating, or maybe dry humping? Definitely not the same.” Her smile brightened; his eyes locked on her as they moved. It was as if they were the only people there, like the whole world stopped to see them dance.
“For nobody else gave me a thrill. With all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you...Wonderful you...It had to be you…” The quartet crooned, the song ending and a few of the couples clapping in response. Andy’s eyes bore into y/n’s, licking his lips before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips, holding it for a moment before y/n pulled away, clearing her throat and letting go of his neck.
“M’sure the bill is on the table.” She stated, walking back towards their chairs. Andy let out a huff of disappointment, following her over to the table and paying for their meal before they walked in silence back to their car.
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The car ride felt riddled with tension, the tension continuing to build as they got back to the room. “We need to talk, y/n.” He admitted as the door of their suite shut behind them, crossing his arms against his broad chest. Y/N leaned her weight against the wall between their bedrooms, tilting her head up to look at him.
“Andy…” She started, becoming silent again and chewing on her bottom lip. Andy’s stance becomes more tense, taking a step closer to her. “I want you, y/n. And not because of how mind-blowingly attractive you are. You are intelligent, thoughtful, and selfless. You’re not stuck up or fussy about material items. You make me feel like I’m in my twenties again, you make me feel like I���ve never felt with another woman.”
He takes another step closer to her, hovering above her due to his height. She puts her hands on his chest to stop him from moving, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“I’m terrified of this, Andy. How do I know you won’t turn out just like my piece of shit father, huh?” She leans her body weight against the wall, peering up at him.
“Look, I know how you feel, alright?” He moves away from her again, his back turned towards her as his hand ruffles through his hair. “I know firsthand, my father...he’s also in prison. He went to prison when I was young for raping and murdering a 19-year old woman. I vowed to myself to never ever treat a woman without kindness and respect. Though my marriage with Laurie wasn’t perfect, I’m sure she’d say that I was nothing like my father, and nothing like yours for that matter.”
He turns back to look at her, arms outstretched. “I promise I will never hurt you; you can trust me. I’m all in, y/n. And I meant everything I said.”
She processes his story of his father, realizing they had a lot more in common than she once thought. Her heart is beating so fast she thought it might splatter in her chest, closing the distance between the two quickly. Her hand came up to grip his jaw, leaning up and kissing him lovingly. They continue to kiss, y/n parting her lips to allow Andy’s tongue to slip inside, exploring her mouth and causing her to moan. After a moment they both pull away breathless, her hands playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Okay...I’m all in too, with you.” Her words are all Andy had been wanting to hear, gripping her waist and kissing her lustfully this time, pushing them backwards until they both hit the wall again with a groan. His lips trailed a line of kisses down her neck and along her collarbone, shrugging off his suit jacket and making quick work at the buttons on his shirt, practically ripping the buttons off completely.
Y/N is tilting her head back against the wall, helping to push off his now open shirt to expose his God-like torso. This was her first time seeing his chest, running her cool fingers against his abs as he kissed back up her neck and into her mouth.
He plays with the fabric on sleeves of her dress, pushing them down so that she can fully shimmy out of the pale blue fabric. Her breasts are on full display, no bra to pull down, and Andy growled at the sight of them. They were just as perky as they had been while peeking through her outfits.
He nudged her body in the direction of his bed, hands making quick work of his belt and pulling down his trousers, kicking them into a pile as he walked into the bedroom after her in only his Calvin Klein briefs. Andy moved forward to kiss her again, knocking them both over onto the bed, a breathy laugh escaping her throat. 
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful, my little Lolia.” He purred, his hands coming up between them to knead over her delectable breasts. Y/N cried out from the touch, grinding her hips up into Andy’s to evoke a similar noise from him. “Andy, need you…” She whined, her back arching off the bed, her panties rolling against his clearly clothed hard cock.
He slipped his hands lower, teasing his fingertips along her folds, already slick with her desire. “Need what, Lolita? Need you to tell me exactly what you want.” Her hands rub his cock through the thin fabric, a whine of impatience leaving her lips. 
“Need you inside me, Andy. Please, fuck my pussy.” Her words ignite an animalistic groan from his lips, pulling off her and scooting her up further onto the bed until her head touched the pillows. He quickly tugged off his boxers, stepping out of them before shimmying her out of her panties, tossing them aside.
His eyes grew dark as he took in her naked form in front of him, stroking his cock. She really was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and she was all his. Andy moved onto the bed, hovering over y/n with his cock dragging against her glistening folds. He was bigger than the guys she’d been with before, and the thought alone excited and terrified her. Her fingers land on the skin of his shoulder blades, pressing in lightly as she locks eyes with him.
“Andy, please.” She begs again. Andy keeps his eyes on hers as he pushes in slowly, giving her time to adjust as he moves inch by inch into her cunt. Her nails dig a bit deeper into his skin, mewling as he continues to press into her until he finally bottoms out, holding himself in place. 
“God, my little Lolita, you’re so fucking tight...you’re milking my cock and I haven’t even moved yet. Do you want me to move?” He leant down and pressed a passionate kiss to her lips, waiting for her mumbled ‘mhm’ against him before he rolled his hips into hers.
The pace started slowly, building up speed with every little noise y/n’s mouth made, coming undone underneath him with each thrust. They continued to share soft kisses, moaning into each other’s mouths, y/n’s hands locking around his neck.
“Andy.” She breathed, her walls tightening and releasing around him. “Wanna cum for you.”
Andy quickened his pace, kissing along her pulse point on her neck. “Cum for me, Lolita. Want to feel you cum on my cock.” It doesn’t take her long after his sentence before she’s tightening her walls again, crying out as her orgasm rips through her. Her eyesight is full of stars, and it takes a second for her to regain her vision, focusing on Andy’s face once she does.
“M’gonna cum in this pretty cunt, fill you up to the brim.” He states, thrusting a few more times before coating her walls with his release. He stills inside of her for a moment before pulling out slowly and plopping down with his back on the bed next to her.
They both lie in silence, staring up at the ceiling, panting. The sex was incredible, better than they both could’ve imagined. Andy’s arm wraps loosely around y/n’s shoulder, tugging her into his chest and pressing a loving kiss to her forehead.
“You’re mine now, it’s official.” He looked down at her with a lazy smile, watching as her fingers began to trail up and down his chest. “Guess you could say I won yet another case.”
“Shut up, Andy.”
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @my-divine-death @blackwiddows @sokovianheadtilt @fuckandfluff @rattlemyb0nes @rootcrop @turtoix @sylvielaufeydottirr @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @ccmarvelxx @rebelemilu @tenaciousperfectionunknown @agentofbarnes @serendipityrogers
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storiesbymads · 3 years
GIVE IT UP ( tyson jost . )
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You find yourself at your ex’s house party despite the fact that you’ve pretty much convinced him and yourself that you hate him. Apparently, he’s not that fond of you either. At least, that’s what he wants you to think.
warnings: smut, hate sex, unprotected sex
wc: 2.6k
add yourself to my taglist + masterlist
It was shocking of how quickly the sweet boy who once would’ve done anything to see you smile turned into the man before you that managed to get a rise out of you without even directly speaking to you.
Granted, most of that was your fault. All he’d wanted was a break, a few weeks, maybe a month apart to think things over. You’d been the one to suggest a full breakup.
“Tys-“ you stopped yourself. “Tyson.”
His pacing stalled, the hand that had been furiously running through his curls fell to rest on his hip as he turned to face where you were sitting on the couch. The couch you’d helped him pick out when he’d first moved into this apartment. The one he’d first kissed you on three years ago, though it was a bit more beat up now than it had been then. It was a faded blue in color now.
“What,” he halfway snapped. The tone of his voice caused you to flinch at his words, which almost sent Tyson into a deeper downward spiral had he not been so desperate to get through this evening without you killing each other.
“You know this isn’t working,” you said. “Not like it used to.”
“Then why are you fighting with me about taking a few weeks to figure things out,” he sighed before moving to sit on the matching ottoman in front of you.
“Please don’t make me say it out loud,” you said. Your jaw was trembling as you didn’t know how much longer you could keep looking him in the eye without breaking down.
Tyson’s hands were quick to start rubbing his eyes, almost painfully so as the heels of them dug in.
“You don’t mean it,” he whispered.
“I still love you,” he sighed.
“We had a great run, yeah?” you smiled sadly at him as you picked yourself up off the couch. “I’ll be back to get my things in the next week or so.”
And that probably would’ve been the end of it had Andre not been your best friend. He was, and he claimed, the best guy in your life before Tyson and he was going to stay that way after Tyson.
Sure, parties were awkward but it was nothing you couldn’t get through without a couple girl friends and some distance. And a handle of pink whitney.
“You’re kidding!” you gasped as your old college roommate gushed about her new boyfriend and their bedroom antics. “There’s no way you let him do that!”
“Long time no see, sunshine,” a familiar brown haired swede said as he pulled you into his side by the hip. You could tell the drink in his hand was far from his first based on the slur of his words and the way the snapback was situated sideways on his head.
“Hey, Dre,” you said before pecking his cheek quickly and sipping on the drink in your own hand. Contrary to your usual party behavior, you were only about half of the way through your first.
“Yeah, sunshine,” you heard Tyson say from behind you. The smile on your face wiped away into a scowl within seconds. “Long time no see.”
You opted to ignore him, continuing your conversation with your roommate, Savannah, as Andre left your side to join the beer pong game in the corner.
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not my fault you’re desperate enough to come to your ex’s house party,” he mocked as he shuffled his way closer to you.
“Aw, it’s not my fault your other eye’s just begging for a matching shiner,” you cooed. You could feel his breath against your pulse point as he leaned in closer.
“Think you have it in you?” he asked, voice grovely as it dropped an octave. Scoffing, you pushed away from him in search of anyone else to talk to. You couldn’t stand the fact that he was still able to jump start your heart rate after all these years, especially after all the things he’s said to you after you’d broken up.
You shouldn’t even be going to this part. You wouldn’t be had Andre not literally dragged you into his car with a promise that you wouldn’t even see Tyson, let alone have to speak to him.
“You haven’t been out in months, sunshine,” he said as he pulled out of your apartment complex. “We miss you.”
“You missed me,” you sighed, pulling your head up from where it was resting against the cool glass of the window.
“The team misses you,” he said, temporarily taking his hand off the wheel to pinch your hip. The team minus Tyson, you thought.
The party itself was fine for a while. You’d practically attached yourself to Andre’s side, not that he was complaining. He was just glad to have you in a social situation again. You were actually having fun for the first time in a while playing flip cup with some of the guys. Tyson had practically slipped your mind, another first.
Until he decided to, rather harshly, drag you away from the table.
“What are you doing here?” he rushed out as he clicked the lock on the bathroom door.
“Dre- Andre invited me,” you stuttered. The party was still going strong outside the room and you could feel the bass through the floor.
“God, I haven’t seen you in months and you’re here because my teammate invited you?” he scoffed. The shock in his eyes had since shifted to something more of disgust.
“We broke up, Tyson,” you said.
“Exactly! We broke up!” he said, throwing his hand up in the air. Your eyes stayed glued to the lock behind him.
“I didn’t come here to see you,” you said, though it came out more like a whimper. You swore you saw something crack in Tyson’s eyes before his resolve went back up.
“That’s rich, even coming from you.”
“God, you’re such a dick, Jost,” you pushed past him, wiping a tear away before it had the chance to fall as you unlocked the bathroom door.
You hated him. You hated him.
Thankfully the kitchen was empty when you found yourself there. You weren’t looking for anything, your cup was still mostly full.
How was Tyson always able to find you in a crowd? Even when you were actively avoiding him like the plague, he somehow managed to sneak up behind you and send your head into a downward spiral.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing thinking so much at a party,” an unfamiliar voice said from beside you, pulling you from your daze.
“I’m not-“ you cut yourself off. “It’s just…”
“Whoa, don’t burst a blood vessel,” he smiled at you. His comment was awkward at best, but the soft look in his eyes made up for it. He was cute.
“Sorry,” you chuckled. “I’m Y/N.”
“Jason,” he responded, clinking your red cups together in a fake toast.
Jason, you learned, was a bartender at the Star Bar in downtown Denver. Though, that was a temporary job as he worked on his masters in biochemistry. You ended up telling him a story about the time you found yourself being escorted out of said Star Bar from dancing on the bar.
“If you’ll excuse me, I really have to go to the ladie’s room,” you said, starting to walk past him in the now crowded kitchen before turning back to face the blond. “Would you mind holding my drink?”
“Sure,” Jason said, even going as far as putting his own drink down so that he could cover the top of yours fully with his hand. Maybe this party hadn’t gone completely to shit.
The line to the bathroom was nonexistent and you’d managed to finish your business in record time. You checked your appearance in the mirror before clicking the lock on the bathroom door and opening it to see the one person you really wished you hadn’t.
He pushed his way through, slamming the door and locking it behind him.
“What are you doing, Jost? Let me out,” you said.
“You really think you can come here and flirt with some random guy in my kitchen?” he scoffed. With every word he took another half step closer to you until your back was pressed against the far wall.
“What do you mean your kitchen?”
“Did Dre not tell you? Can’t believe this is the fourth time you’ve been here and you didn’t even know who’s apartment it was. I think that’s a little rude, if you ask me,” he cooed. Four times; he was counting. He’d made a mental note every time you’d been sitting on his couch and he’d been too fucked up about it to do anything.
His knee pushed your thighs apart as his hands found solace on the wall beside your head. You felt the sudden urge to spit in his face. Or to let him spit in yours.
This was much more possessive than he’d ever acted when you were together. Granted, he hasn’t acted the same way he’d been when you were together in the year and a half you’d been apart.
“Answer me,” he hummed. “It’s rude isn’t it.”
You tilted your head to the side in response only for Tyson’s thigh to press up further so that it was resting against your core. You took the sudden close proximity between the two of you to gauge the changes in his features. Most obviously was the beard he was sporting now, he’d never been able to accomplish more than a patch here or there while you were dating despite his best efforts. His shoulders were more filled out now, too, and his curls looked longer. He looked more… mature, if that was the word for it.
“Answer me,” he tutted. “Or am I gonna have to fuck it out of you?”
“You’re a lot bolder than I remember, Jost,” you gasped. There was a definite wet spot growing in your underwear at the rasp in his tone.
“You’re just as annoying,” he said before one of his hands found your hip. His mouth came crashing against yours an instant later, a rough mess of teeth clanging together as he popped the button on your jean shorts. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m sure I’ll fuck that out of you, too.”
The comment caused a gasp to slip past your lips as he removed his knee so that he could tug your bottoms to your ankles in one fell swoop. His fingers were quick in replacing the delicious pressure against your clit, circling the nub with the pad of his finger.
“Do you still make those pretty little noises you used to make?” he asked, only to pull a whimper out of you not even a second later when he slipped a finger into your hole.
“You’re still a dick,” you moaned as you dropped your head to rest against his shoulder. You bit down on the cotton of his t-shirt to conceal the whimper of emptiness as Tyson slipped his finger out of you so that he could push the band of his sweatpants down just enough for his cock to slip out.
“Yeah? And you’re about to cum all over it.”
The string of profanities that followed from your part were involuntary.
He pushed into you slowly until he was halfway in before snapping his hips forward in one quick motion so that your pelvic bones were pressed together. You hadn’t felt this full since… Well, since him.
“Fucking-“ he hissed. “I forgot how tight you were.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he started thrusting his hips. You would’ve been able to admire it longer had your eyes not rolled into the back of your head. Your hand slipped down between your bodies to rub your clit only to be swatted away and replaced by Tyson’s a moment later.
His name rolled off your tongue like a chant as you felt your orgasm building with each pump of his hips.
“I’m gonna cum, holy shit,” you said.
“That’s right, baby. Cum all over my cock,” he said. The rhythm of his thrusts was getting sloppier by the second and you could tell he was getting close. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where do you want it?”
“What?” you asked, head still very hazy from the impending orgasm.
“I can’t cum inside you—shit,” his thrusts slowed. “Where do you want it?”
“I’m on the pill,” you rushed out in hopes that he’d start fucking you again. The thought alone almost had him falling apart.
“Holy shit, ok,” he mumbled before picking up his thrusts once again. It was a step the two of you hadn’t taken before, and he was dying to see his cum drip out of you.
“Fuck, Tys,” the words came out rushed as your high washed over you. Tyson came soon after as ropes of it coated your walls in hot spurts.
Your senses came back to you as you came back down. What the fuck were you doing? Why did you allow yourself to hook up with the ex you were still pretty sure you hated in a bathroom.
“I-I’ve gotta go,” you said, pushing Tyson off, and subsequently out, of you so that you could pull up your shorts and button them.
“Wait, Y/N,” the flustered, blushing Tyson you thought you’d never see again made an appearance as you threw the bathroom door open just as he tucked himself back into his boxers. The fly of his blue jeans was undone as he chased you out of the bathroom, practically begging you to stop as he followed you out the front door.
“Leave me alone, Jost,” you scoffed as you watched him zip his pants out of the corner of your eye.
“There’s no way you’re gonna go back to hating me after that,” he said. You could feel his cum dripping into your panties as he spoke.
“We made our decision last year. We should’ve left it at that,” you shivered in the open exterior of his apartment complex, silently cursing yourself for thinking a jacket would ruin your outfit.
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?” a dry chuckle slipped from his lips. “After all of that? After a year and a half of pretending, you can’t admit it?”
“I wasn’t pretending-“
“Like hell you weren’t. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t regret even mentioning the idea of a break between us. What we had doesn‘t just go away,” he took a step towards you. You could still hear the music from inside his place, though it was fainter now and still half-muffled by the various conversations just past the front door.
“We weren’t working out,” you said, though it came out as more of a squeak.
“You and I both know we could’ve worked on it. We were stupid to let what we had go over nothing,” he said. “I miss you.”
Your resolve was breaking more with every word.
“Jost, what if this doesn’t work?” you asked, allowing him to get close enough to take your hand in his. It was quite the contrast to the way he’d been with you not even ten minutes ago.
“Would you stop calling me that?” his features were screwed tight as he asked. “You only call me that when you’re mad at me.”
“Tyson,” you said, only to be greeted with a knowing look in his brown eyes. “Tys.”
“We’re gonna work out,” he said. “We’re gonna work out because…”
“Because I still love you. And I’m not letting you go again,” his voice had lowered to a whisper and it shook and his forehead was dangerously close to resting against yours. Within the span of an hour, he’d transformed back into the shy boy you’d given your heart to three years ago on his blue couch.
“Ok,” you whispered back, closing the distance and resting your foreheads against each other only for Tyson to bridge the gap completely with a tilted head to plant his lips against your own.
tagged @ptersparkers @annedub @corebore123 @damndunner @kiedhara @watermelon05 @sidscrosbyy @thelionkingpw @besthockeyfics @iwantahockeyhimbo @beauvibaby
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auburnaudry · 3 years
Am I Your Forever? - Brock Boeser
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A/N: I had lots of free time this weekend now that I’m taking a break from my series. I love Brock and this has been living in my head for a while so I finally decided to write it. I also just wanted to get this out so it’s super unedited, sorry in advance.
Summary: You wanted Brock to be your forever but sometimes he says things that make you think your not his end game. (Ends super fluffy)
Word count: 2410 words
You and Brock had been dating for almost 4 years. He was it for you and you assumed you were it for him, you were perfect for eachother. Your relationship obviously had its challenges but nothing you two couldn’t figure out and over come.
You both were getting ready for Bo and Hollys engagement party and of course Brock was ready way before you.
You were putting your last earring in when Brock came up behind you, slipping his arms around your waste and placing sweet kisses on your exposed shoulder.
“You almost ready” he whispered as his mouth was still attached to you shoulder. He looked up at you through the mirror and your heart melted at the sight.
“Yeah I just need to get dressed then I’ll be ready” he nodded against your shoulder and kept you in his arms, closing his eye for a few seconds.
“Which I can only do if you let go of me” you continued. He chuckled and placed one last kiss to your neck as he let his hands fall slowly down your hips until he wasn’t touching you anymore.
You walked over to your shared closet and slowly slipped your clothes off, leaving you in just your underwear. You took the dress you planned on wearing off it’s hanger and slipped it on. You quickly turned around to call for Brock to help you with the zipper but he was already standing in front of you, leaning on the frame of the closet door.
Brocks cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he was clearly caught watching you changed. Even after almost 4 years of being together he still blushed at innocent moments like that and it made you fall more in love every single time.
“Can you please zip it bubs?” You asked him with a smirk. He didn’t answer, just walked over and motion for you to turn around. He left small kisses on your exposed back as he zipped you up. When he finished zipping the dress he slipped his arms around your waste again.
“Now are we ready? We going to be late if we don’t head over soon.” You and Brock were usually late to most casual events that didn’t have an exact start time. You both got teased about it, everyone thinking you two just couldn’t keep your hands off eachother. But in reality, you too just enjoyed taking your time to get ready and were never in a rush. It’s one of the reasons you two fit so perfectly together, you never put too much pressure on things, you both liked to go with the flow.
The ride over to the party was comfortably silent. You guys were enjoying each others company and the last bit of quiet before you were stuck with hours of loud music and constant talking.
Your stared out the window thinking about you and Brocks future engagement, how fun it will be to be engaged to your best friend and the love of your life. You two didn’t talk about the future too often because, again, you both liked to go with the flow. The few times it did come up though, he seemed excited and like a future with you was something he wanted.
When you arrived to the party, you were pulled from you thoughts by Brocks hand giving yours a squeeze.
“You ready?” He questioned.
“Always” your go to response anytime he asked you that. You entered the party hand in hand and began greeting everyone you knew.
Later on in the evening, you were sitting at your table with other canucks players and their significant others. These people had become family to you in the time that you’ve been with Brock, so the entire night had been filled with laughs and light hearted conversation.
“So are you guys next?” Micaela spoke looking in yours and Brocks direction. Before you had the chance to answer though, Brock spoke.
“No definitely not” he said laughing. Everyone else at the tabled laughed along. You just gave a small smile, pretending to not be hurt by his words. You weren’t one to make a scene and say something in front of other people so you bottled it up and hoped that you would have enough courage to bring it up when you two made it home.
The rest of the night, you were consumed by your own thoughts. Why did he sound so disgusted at the thought of marrying you? Your heart physically ached. Were you stupid to think he was the one?
You tried your best to seem unfazed by his comment but it kept eating away at you.
“You okay babe?” Brock whispered in your ear on the dance floor. You were lucky because he too hated drawing attention to your problems in public.
“Of course, just tired.” You weren’t sure if you voice was convincing enough, but it must have been because Brock dropped it.
“Me too, we can head home soon.” And within the next 30 mins you were saying your goodbye and congratulating Bo and Holly on your way out.
The ride home was quiet, but not the comfortable silence you felt on the way to the party. But you didn’t want to bring up your feelings. You were embarrassed that you were on a completely different page than your boyfriend.
As soon as the car was parked, you hopped out and went inside. You stripped your clothes and threw on your Pjs, too tired to even take a shower. You wiped your makeup off with a wipe and washed your face. As you started to brush your teeth Brock walked into the bathroom. He wrapped his arms around your middle again and kissed your cheek.
“Your sure your okay? You seem off.” He asked looking you directly in your eyes through the mirror in front of you. The eyes contact made you nervous so you looked down at the sink and nodded since you couldn’t respond with your mouth full of toothpaste.
You finished your nightly routine and crawled into bed. Shortly after, Brock turned all the lights off and crawled into bed next to you. He pulled you into his chest and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you baby girl, goodnight” you could tell Brock was a little worried about you but didn’t want to push things, so he didn’t bring it up again. He knew you would bring it up to him if something was really bothering you or when you were ready.
“Love you too, night” and with that you both went to sleep.
You and Brock were having a relaxing day at home with the puppies. It was rare that you got an entire day to spend together doing whatever you wanted so you decided on staying home and just enjoying each others company.
You were cuddled up on the couch talking about anything and everything with the TV playing in the background. You were interrupted by Brocks phone buzzing from under you and you were forced to get up and look for it.
“Hey mom” he answers the FaceTime call when he finally found the phone between the couch cushions. You also say hello and then leave to go grab a snack from the kitchen. When you got back to the couch, you focused on the TV while Brock continued his conversation with his mother.
“So when are you two going to get married.” Laurie asked. You weren’t paying much attention before so you weren’t sure how it even came up, but now you were completely focused on how Brock was going to respond.
“Couldn’t tell you, stop asking.” Again your heart sank into your stomach. This is now the second time he was asked about marrying you and his response was the same both times.
Just like the night of the engagement party a couple weeks earlier, you got lost in your thoughts again, questioning your entire relationship.
They continued talking for a little bit and eventually you and Brock said your goodbyes to Laurie. You stayed quiet for the rest of the day and avoided Brocks touch. You were so upset, but again you were too embarrassed to even bring up how you were feeling.
That night you decided to take a bath. You didn’t take baths often but loved it when you had the time. You always asked Brock if he wanted to join, but tonight you were too upset with him. So when he took the dogs on their walk, you went to the bathroom and shut the door.
You filled the bath with bubbles and a fun LED light to set the mood. You had just recently installed a TV in the bathroom for nights like this, so you turned on your favorite show and got into the tub. It was really calm and relaxing for about 5 mins but your body tensed up when you heard Brocks voice.
“Babeeee?” He called through the house. You could hear his footsteps get closer to the master bedroom “Bubs are you in here?” You didn’t respond. You thought maybe he would give up after looking in the master bedroom, but you were wrong.
He must have noticed the bathroom door was shut and the lights were on because soon after he called for you he knocked lightly on the door.
“Hey baby you in there?” His voice was sweet, laced with a little bit of concern, probably since you weren’t in the spot he had left you before he walked the dogs.
“Yeah babe.” You tried your best not to give away the fact that you were upset. You heard the door handle jiggle followed by the squeaking of the hinges as Brock opened the door to peak his head in.
“You didn’t tell me it was bath time.” He looked at you, a little hurt that you didn’t invite him.
“Sorry” was the only response you could think of.
“What’s wrong babe, your acting weird.” He walked into the bathroom and kneeled beside the tub. All of a sudden you felt extremely exposed and wrapped your arms around your chest to cover the bit that was visible over the bubbled.
Tears started rolling down you face and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. Brock quickly stood and undressed himself moving you slightly so he could slip in behind you. He held you, trying to make you feel better, but you didn’t relax into his touch and it was very noticeable.
“D-did I do something?” He questioned. You slowly nodded, turning yourself around in the tub and sitting across from him. His face fell as you nodded and moved away from him.
“Are you breaking up with me?” He whispered clearly afraid of the answer.
“No no of course not I-I would never.” You voice was still a little shaky from the crying. His expression soften from your reassurance.
“What’s wrong baby, you have to tell me.” He grabbed one of your feet as he spoke and started to rub it. You were quick to pull it away because you wanted his full attention on you.
“Do you not want to marry me?” Now you were the one whispering, afraid of what the answer might be.
“What? Of course I want to marry you one day, what kind of question even is that?” You looked at him confused.
“When mic asked when we were gonna get engaged at Holly and Bo’s party you acted disgusted at the thought and today your mom asked you a similar question and again you responded like she was crazy for asking.” He now understood why you were so upset and he felt so guilty “I-I just... it really hurt my feelings, like is the thought of marrying me that bad? And if you don’t want to marry me are we just wasting our -“ Brock cut you off before you could even finish your sentence.
“Please don’t ever think like that, I love you more than anything, I want you to be my wife and I want to start a family with you.” You finally felt at ease with his words “I only responded like that because we are really private about our relationship, and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable if I said yes and then everyone starts asking questions. And we really haven’t talked about it ourselves much so I didn’t want to put you on the spot. I wasn’t sure if you were on the same page as me, so I responded the way I did to get everyone off our backs.” He reached out and grabbed your hand and pulled you back between his legs with your back to his chest. “I’m sorry I hurt you and had you second guessing us.” You now understood where he was coming from and why he said the things he said
“It’s okay I understand now, I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up sooner.” He kissed your exposed shoulder and you finally relaxed into his touch.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He spoke after a few short moments of silence.
“Hmm?” You hummed, unsure what he was alluding to.
“About us, our future?” You smiled and grabbed one of his hands from your waste, bringing it to your mouth to place a kiss on it.
“I would love nothing more.” With that, you two talked about your future and when you wanted to get engaged, how long you wanted to be engaged before you got married, how long after you got married did you want to start having kids, how many kids you guys wanted, and so on. You spent so much time talking, the water turned cold and you were forced to get out of the bath.
You both dried off and finished your nightly routines, meeting eachother in bed. Once you were both laying comfortably in bed, Brock pulled you in for a long, passionate kiss. When you both pulled away to catch your breathe he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you and want to spend the rest off my life with you, please don’t ever doubt that.” Brock whispered.
“Good cause your stuck with me .” The rest of the night was spent kissing and exchanging I love you’s. You truly couldn’t have picked a better guy to spend the rest of your life with. 
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nhlandotherimagines · 3 years
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Oh Brother- Nolan Patrick (ft. Travis Konecny)
Author’s Note: I’ve been working on this for ages, and I finally just said ‘screw it!’ and am posting it! I’d love any and all feed back, and please tell me if you find any mistakes I’m the worst at editing! Thank you in advance!
Summary: Baby Konecny, that’s all you’re known as now that you’ve moved in with your older brother Travis. You love your brother, but things get a little difficult after one night at a bar with his bestfriend Nolan. Okay, and maybe one night turned to more, but Travis can’t know.
Tagging a few people, so if for any reason you would like to a) not be tagged on this particular post for any reason or b) would not liked to be tagged on any of my posts please do not hesitate to tell me ☺️ @anastasiyaigorevnadobrodevskaya @titobeauvs @bigboigritty
Word Count: 8.4 K
WARNINGS: This is definitely ✨spicy✨ at times, 18+ (sexual themes), cursing, alcohol, ANGST, anxiety, lying about/hiding a relationship, hospitals, some cute moments as well of course. (Please let me know if you find anything else in here that should be mentioned here thank you)
“Hey Y/n/n, you coming out with us after the game tonight?” Your brother Travis yelled to you from the kitchen of your shared apartment. You had just moved in with him a few months ago to start school in Philly, so you hadn’t gotten out much.
“You really think you’re okay with your baby sister going out with you tonight TK?” You added giggling to yourself as you pulled on your Flyers jersey. “Well you need to get out and see the world kid!”
“Call me kid again and I will set Nolan on you during warm ups.” You smirk joining him in the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
Travis’ face twists a little, but you choose to ignore it. “Fine! I’ll go.” You add shoving his shoulder lightly. He smiles at you, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. You don’t press him on it though as you both get ready to head to the arena.
“Trav and Nolan seem off, do you know what’s up with them?” You hadn’t really noticed, but now that Travis’ girlfriend Karly was pointing it out you could totally see it.
“I don’t know, but when I mentioned sticking Nolan on him earlier for calling me a kid, Travis did get a little weird. I hope they are okay.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing, you know how Trav can be at times!” Karly smiled reassuringly. The two of you continued to talk throughout the game, and soon enough you were waiting together outside the dressing room. Thankfully Travis and Nolan came out of the dressing room together both laughing which was a good sign.
“Hey babe!” Travis smiles wrapping his arms around Karly lifting her off the ground. You roll your eyes playfully and smile up at Nolan. He winks down at you, and your face heats up slightly.
“What’s up baby Konecny?” Nolan smirks down at you, resting his elbow on your head to emphasize the height difference. “Nolan I swear to god you’ve gotta stop calling me that! Just because I’m TK’s sister doesn’t mean I enjoy you pointing it out.” You scold, trying to ignore the butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Oh my bad let me try that again.” He clears his throat dramatically and drops his arm so it’s around your shoulder, “What’s up baby?” His voice is deep, and you nearly choke at the pet name. You open your mouth, and close it immediately. Unable to form any coherent sentences. Thankfully Travis finally turns to you, a frown on his face as his gaze comes to Nolan’s arm still around your shoulder.
“Alright then, are we ready to go?” He asks awkwardly. You and Karly share a look, and Nolan’s arm falls from your shoulder. You try not to think about it, but you already miss the contact and feel cold as he steps away from you. “Let’s go!” Karly smiles, and starts dragging you out to the parking lot by the wrist. She is practically running, and yells to the boys that you are both going to the bathroom before you leave. This seems odd because you had gone not even a half hour ago as you both waited for the boys.
“Do you seriously have to pee again? You didn’t even drink that m-“ You started to question but Karly quickly cut you off. “NOLAN IS INTO YOU!”
“Woah! What!? Karly what are you talking about?” Your heart rate sped up and your face felt like it was on fire.
“That’s what is wrong with Travis. He is pissed off that his best friend is into his little sister! I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” She is mostly just rambling on to herself and you feel sick. “He’s not into me Karly, he’s just nice to me because I’m TK’s baby sister.”
She stops and stares at you for a moment before her smirk grows even wider. “Oh. My. God. You’re into him too!”
“Nooo! No. No. No. Karly I am not, don’t even say that.”
“Why not?”
“Travis would kill me if he found out that I like Nolan!” After the words spilled past your lips followed by a moment of silence, your eyes nearly popped out of your head. “Karly I didn’t mean-“
“OH MY GOD! This is amazing!”
“SHHHH! What if they hear us!?”
After a few moments to collect yourselves, you head out to the car. As you open the passenger door of Travis’ car Karly grabs your arm. “Do you think I could sit in the front with Trav?” You know exactly what she is doing. “But I always sit shot gun...” you whine.
“Y/n, seriously just get in the back it’s a five minute drive back home.” Travis sighs out, rolling his eyes at your dramatics. You groan inwardly and climb into the back with Nolan.
“So Patty are you coming over to pregame with us?” Travis asks watching Nolan in the rear view mirror as he starts the car.
“What you meant to say I think is ‘Hey Patty will you come over and babysit y/n/n so Karly and I can fornicate before we go out?’ and the answer is yes I can, but I’m drinking your liquor and you better keep it down this time.” Nolan smirks at you once again and you quickly look down at your hands a smile tugging at your lips.“Yeah I’m with Patty here, I don’t need to hear that again!” You and Nolan laugh together in the backseat as the two in the front seat do their best to deny the accusations.
About an hour later, you are stepping out of your room dressed in dark jeans, a band tee, and a leather jacket. Your hair is curled a little, and your makeup all done. “You clean up nice baby Konecny” Nolan smiles at you from his spot on the couch as he tosses you a can of beer.
“Am I gonna be stuck living in your boyfriends shadow forever Patty?” You giggle cracking the beer and falling on to the couch beside him.“Jealous?” He grins, leaning back and stretching his arm across the back of the couch just behind your head.
“Not in the slightest.” As you both sit in a comfortable silence, you can hear music starting to play down the hall and you groan loudly and check the time on your phone. “They do this every time!”
“Oh don’t be such a baby y/n, they’re in love.” Nolan teases. “Yeah well they will still be in love tonight when I’m passed out drunk and can’t hear them.” You grumble playing with the hem of your shirt, and take another swig of beer.
“Sounds to me like someone needs to get laid” You immediately spit out the beer in your mouth choking on it. “Point proven.” He chuckles
“Hey! I get laid plenty thank you very much!” You shoot back at him after catching your breath. “Oh yeah? Must be when we are at the rink then, because last I checked TK hasn’t seen a single guy step foot in this apartment. And I know you don’t go out.”
“Why do you care?” You spit at him, becoming angry because you know he’s right. With that Nolan leans closer to you, and you can feel his breath on your neck. Subconsciously you tilt your head revealing more of your neck to him. You can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he whispers, “Gotta keep an eye on my competition.”
“What the-“ You don’t even have a chance to process the words when Travis’ voice makes you jump.
“Travis! Ready to go?” You practically shout, the nervousness pouring off you. Already on your feet walking towards the door.
“Wow TK that was fast. Not sure if I should be congratulating you or apologizing Karly.” Nolan chirps. You can feel the tension in the room, but no one acknowledges it. So soon enough you’re all packed in an Uber. Travis and Nolan both have their heads stuck in their phones, and Karly’s hands are all over Travis. It’s all really uncomfortable for you, so you’re the first out when the car pulls up to the bar.
Ignoring the entire group you make your way inside and to the bar, trying your best to flag down a bartender. “Want a hand short stuff?” You feel your breath catch in your throat as Nolan’s hand falls to the small of your back when he slides into the spot next to you. You just nod in response, as Nolan orders you a drink after quickly catching the attention of the bartender. He smiles down at you, and his hand slides lower so it is now resting dangerously close to the top of your ass.
“You look really good tonight Y/n.” You blush and mutter out a weak thank you, “You don’t look too bad yourself Patty.” Before either of you can say anything else your drinks are placed in front of you. Grabbing them quickly, you made your way to the booth Travis and Karly had claimed for you all.
“Wanna dance Y/n!?” Karly asked hopefully, a wide grin on her face. You chug about half your beverage, and take her hand as she drags you to the dance floor.
You and Karly dance for awhile together and you try and forget about the boys entirely. You’ve been mostly successful in that until you feel two big hands on your waist and a body dancing against you. You’re having too much fun to really care about the stranger dancing with you, until Karly speaks up about it. “Y/n, Nolan hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night! I think he’s jealous!” She smirks wiggling her eyebrows.
“You’ve been making eyes at my brother all night, how would you even know? Besides he’s not jealous.” You throw back, ignoring the pit forming in your stomach. You really wished Nolan felt that way about you, but he doesn’t. He couldn’t. You’re just baby Konecny. A frown creeps it’s way onto your face the farther in your thoughts you get. You’re so lost in thought, that you don’t even notice Karly slip away to find TK. It’s not until you feel the warm hands leave your hips, that you manage to tune back into your surroundings.
“I think you are done here man, go find someone else to bother.” Nolan is now standing between you and the guy you’d been dancing with. If you had been able to stop staring at Nolan, you might have even noticed how attractive your dance partner had truly been. “Nolan-“ You try and butt in to tell him it’s okay.
“Listen dude I didn’t know she was taken I’m sorry!” The mans hands go up in defence as he smiles apologetically at you. “Yeah well she is, so you can go now”
Your heart stops at his words. You knew it was just him playing the protective big brother roll, and hell TK probably sent him to do it. That doesn’t mean you didn’t feel things when he said it. “Okay I don’t know why TK told you to come over here, but I am quite capable of taking care of myself!” You scold him crossing your arms. You push past him bumping his arm as you head towards the table again. You don’t manage to get far though before Nolan’s hand is wrapped around your bicep. “He didn’t.”
You turn around to face him, and are taken aback by how close he is. The look in his eyes indecipherable. “What?” You manage to croak out, unable to comprehend what’s happening because you’re so nervous.
“TK didn’t send me over here. In fact Karly and TK left 5 minutes ago, but how would you know right? You were too busy basically having sex with that guy on the dance floor!” His words are sharp and his grip on your arm tightens slightly.
“I was not! And even if I was Patty, what’s it to you? Maybe I’d like to have a guy take me home for once, maybe I’m sick of having to go home and listen to my brother have sex with his girlfriend!” You’re yelling now, but as Nolan’s eyes darken you get nervous. “You’re not my babysitter...” you mumble dropping your eyes to stare at your feet. “I know I’m not your babysitter Y/n, but I can’t let you go home with strangers.”
“Why not? I’m an adult!” You’re sure you sound like a whining child at this point, which is not helping your argument. Nolan groans. He lets go of your arm and runs his hands over his face and stares up at the ceiling. “Because. Because I want to take you home. Okay?”
“N-Nolan what are you talking about?” Your heart is pounding in your ears, and your head is spinning.
“Y/n, I’m sorry if this is weird, but god I think you’re amazing and there is nothing I want to do more than be with you tonight. I want to be the one you dance with like that.” He lets out a shaky breath, before finishing, “And fuck Y/n/n, I want to take you home with me.” Before you can even comprehend what all of it means you’re stepping into him. You run your hands up his torso and down his arms slowly. He’s eyes are watching your every move, as you spin around so your back as facing him. Grabbing his wrists you set his hands on your hips, smiling over your shoulder at him. “Then shut up and dance with me Patty.” Nolan smirks, and pulls your body flush against him. You move your hips against his, biting your lip hard as you feel his bulge rub against you. His lips attach to the base of your neck, leaving sloppy kisses in a trail to your ear. “Y/n-“ he whispers in your ear, “let me take you home.” It’s a desperate plea, but the way he pulls your earlobe between his teeth as he pulls away makes you rub your thighs together.
“Nolan-“ you practically moan his name, “This is a bad idea.” With that he grips your hips, spins you around, and crashes his lips to yours. He is trying to communicate how it’s not a bad idea, or if it is, that it’s worth it. And as you melt into him, becoming more needy, you know he’s right. You barely make your way out of the bar and into the Uber before Nolan’s hands are roaming your body more freely. His lips are searching yours, as his hand creeps up under your tshirt. He moans against your lips when his fingers reach the lace of the bralette you were wearing. You arch your back in anticipation of his hands finally palming at your breasts, but you groan in frustration as he pulls away from you entirely. “Someone is needy!” He chuckles, “we are here.” He winks at you paying the driver and practically drags you out of the car into his building.
When you both finally reach his apartment he unlocks the door letting you inside. As you stand in his living room you start to feel self conscious. “Baby come here.” Nolan’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as you follow it into the kitchen. The pet name fuelling the fire that had been growing in you all evening.
Before you turn the corner into the kitchen, you pull your shirt over your head and throwing it to the floor. There is no going back now. “Fuck.”
“Are you just going to stare at me all night Patty, or are you going to fuck me? Because if not I’m just going to do it myself.” You smirk at him, running your hands down your sides stopping at the waste of your jeans.
“Jesus Christ! I was ready to bend you over this counter, but I think watching you touch yourself sounds pretty fucking hot.” He smirks and pats the counter looking at you expectantly.
Your evening started in Nolan’s kitchen, and eventually you found your way to his bedroom. The chemistry between you two, was undeniable. Nothing prepared you though, for the feeling of waking up in his arms. You were facing him, his face inches from yours. His breathing was shallow, and his cheeks their usual shade of pink. He was beautiful. “Anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” His voice was groggy and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t sexy as all hell.
“I wasn’t-“ you began your protest, but were cut off by your phone ringing loudly from the nightstand.As you roll over to grab it, Nolan groans in protest. Your stomach drops when you see the name flashing across the screen. “Oh fuck!” Nolan’s eyes are wide when you turn back to him, terror evident on your face. “It’s Travis.”
“Hey Trav, what’s up?” You answer, hoping he doesn’t pick up on how unsteady your voice is.
“Where are you? Are you okay? I tried getting Nolan on the phone to see what happened last night.” His voice is laced with worry, and guilt washes over you. “I’m okay, I promise.” You’re practically whispering into the phone. Nolan’s eyes burning into you with his hand covering his mouth in shock, isn’t helping your nerves.
“Holy shit, y/n, did you go home with someone!?” You can hear the smirk in his voice. “Umm- uh- yeah I guess I did?”
“Atta girl! Do you want me to come get you?” He asks, and you nearly throw up at the thought.
“NO!” You cringe outwardly at how fast and loudly you protested. “I’ve already ordered the Uber, I’ll be home soon!” With that you quickly said your goodbyes and hung up. Immediately getting out of bed, and searching around for your clothes. You can feel Nolan’s eyes on you.
“You could just stay awhile you know.” His voice is so soft it almost doesn’t sound like him. “Right!” You laugh humourlessly, “and would you like to explain to my brother that it was actually you I slept with last night?” As you look over at him for the first time since you left the bed, all the air is sucked from your lungs. The sheets draped around his waist, an arm resting behind his head, his hair a mess. He looks so perfect, but his face twists at your words and the look now present in his eyes is one you can’t place.
“The kitchen.” He responds lazily. Your brows furrow in confusion. “Your clothes. They are in the kitchen.” He adds, but his eyes don’t meet yours. Your mind wanders to last night in the kitchen, and you can’t help the smirk that comes to your face. Walking slowly back over to Nolan, your place a hand on his cheek. He leans into it, and your heart melts as his gaze finally meets yours.
“I had a good time last night. We should do it again sometime.” You wink at him and he chuckles lightly in response. “We just can’t let my brother know we are fooling around. He’d kill us!”
“Sure. Yeah.” He responds shaking his head and kissing you lightly. “Don’t tell your brother.”
“Took you long enough!” The words were out of his mouth before you even closed the door.
“Jesus Trav, I’m an adult I shouldn’t have to let you know exactly where I am and when I’ll be home!” You glare at him, as you kick off your shoes and basically fall onto the couch. He laughs at you as you let out a loud groan. “Long night?”
“You have no idea!”
“Okay ew gross!” He whines covering his ears.
“You asked! Besides I’m sure your night was just as eventful!” You laugh as he gives you the finger, walking down the hall.
Over the course of the next couple months you found yourself falling into bed with Nolan more than you’d care to admit. You also wouldn’t admit how much you enjoyed spending time with him. He was always so sweet to you, and you wanted more than the whole “friends with benefits” arrangement, but you knew you couldn’t have it, even if it was something Nolan wanted too. Which it wasn’t. The only part you really hated about this whole thing, was hiding it from Travis.
“Nolan needs a date to the Christmas charity dinner.” Travis announces as he falls down on the couch between you and Karly. He had just gotten back from practice, so when that was the first thing out of his mouth you and Karly both looked at him in confusion. “You should go with him Y/n, he says his new girlfriend is too shy to go. So you should go with him, because it wouldn’t be weird y’know?” He states matter-of-fact-ly.
“Babe, why would going with Y/n be any less weird than going with anyone else?” Karly speaks up before you can, because your mind is running a million miles a minute. Did Nolan have a girlfriend? He couldn’t. Right?
“Because, it’s not like there would be anything happening between them. It’d give his girlfriend peace of mind.” He shrugs getting up from the couch, and walking into the kitchen. Karly sends you a sad look, and you feel sick.
Travis really had no clue what was going on, and you should be trying to keep it that way. You couldn’t help the question falling past your lips though, as he came back in the living room with a glass of water. “So who is this girlfriend whose job I’m expected to take for the evening?” You groan internally at how jealous that sounded.
“Dunno,” Travis shrugs, “he gets pretty flustered any time someone asks about her. Doesn’t want us to know I guess. The only reason we even found out about her in the first place was because Patty kept showing up to the rink covered head to toe in hickies and scratch marks.”
“Sounds to me like this girl is just a hookup Trav.” Karly adds and smiles at you. She is obviously trying to make you feel better about the fact the guy you like is with another girl. She doesn’t know however how much that comment hurt. It’s you, you’re the hookup. Travis shrugs once again and takes a sip of water, turning to watch whatever bad reality show Karly had put on to watch. You tried to watch too, but the tears that stung at your eyes threatening to fall, forced you to get up quietly and slip out the front door.
Not sure what to do next, you pulled out your phone pressing Nolan’s contact. “Hey Y/n, what’s up?” He mumbled as he answered your call. “Hi- can I uh” you hesitate for a moment as the first tear slips down your face, “can I come over?”
“Uhhh I’m kind of busy at the moment.” Your stomach drops at his response, and the tears fall faster as you try and hold back a sob.
“What did you need?” He speaks again when you don’t respond.
“Oh- Travis said you needed a date to the charity dinner, a-and I was just thinking we could talk about it.” You say, voice breaking slightly. “It was stupid anyway, never mind.” You cover your mouth quickly to muffle the sob you’ve been suppressing. “Y/n, are you okay?” You can hear the concern in his voice, he knows you’re crying now. You can’t form any words, so you shake your head even though he can’t see you. You let yourself cry now, no longer fighting it as you slump against your steering wheel.
“Where are you? I’m coming to get you.” You can hear him pulling on his shoes and grabbing his keys. “I-I’m in my car.” You manage to get out in between sobs, desperately trying to stop crying. You want to object, and tell him you’re fine, but you can’t. You need to see him.
“You stay right there, you’re too upset to be driving. I’ll be there soon. Okay?” You hear him get into his car closing the door. You nod in response, and even though he can’t see you he seems to know. You expected him to hang up, but he doesn’t. Instead Nolan puts you on speaker phone, but he doesn’t say much. Instead you hear him muttering to himself about stupid drivers and occasionally telling you he’s almost there.
You must have spaced out, completely focused on the anxiety driven sobs wracking through your body, because you don’t notice when he hangs up. Moments later your car door is opened, and a hand is placed gently on your thigh. “Y/n.” His voice is so quiet you almost don’t hear it, “what’s wrong?” Embarrassment floods you immediately. You groan throwing your head back against the headrest, wiping at your face in frustration. You try once again to tell him you’re okay, but your voice is gone. You just shake your head and and try to stop the tears.
“Look at me please.” His voice is both firm and pleading. You drop your gaze to wear he is knelt down next to your car. His thumb is rubbing soothing circles on your thigh, and his eyes are full of confusion. The tears that had slowed mostly to a stop, sting your eyes again. You want to jump into his arms, and just stay there while he holds you. You know it’s not an option, so instead you let out a little whimper tears falling again. “I’m sorry.” Your voice is barely above a whisper and cracks as you say it, but you manage to muster out the apology.
“No. No, don’t be sorry. Hey it’s okay!” He wipes the tears from your cheek with his free hand, but they are immediately replaced with new ones. “I’m going to call TK, he will know what to do.”
“No!” You practically yell at him in protest. “P-please don’t.”
“Okay.” He looks at you, concern once again written all over his face. “What do you need?”
“You.” You regret the honest answer as soon as it slips past your lips, but decide to keep going anyway. “Fuck, Nolan I’m sorry I just- I’m really confused, and I just. Im sick of being Travis’ little sister. I’m sick of being baby Konecny and when I’m with you, I feel like I’m me. Like I’m just y/n. That’s all I want, but I feel guilty about it. And I know that the boys are giving you a hard time about “your girlfriend” so I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m holding you back, and I’m sorry I’m jeopardizing your friendship with Travis. We can stop now.” Nolan says nothing. Instead, he reaches across your lap and unbuckled your seatbelt. He gently frees your arm from it and then pulls you into his chest, and rubs your back. You step out of the car and wrap your arms around his waist as tight as you can, your legs feeling like jelly beneath you. You both stay there for a moment, as you cry against his chest.
“You’re upset. Why don’t you come stay at my place for the weekend and have a little break from TK?” Nolan mumbles into your hair, placing a soft kiss to the top of your head. You push back from him, and look into his eyes. You were going to yell at him, tell him this was only going to make things worse, but maybe he was right. Some time away from TK and Karly would be good. “What do I tell him?”
Nolan shrugs, “That you’re staying at a friend’s place?”
“Okay.” You sigh, and Nolan smiles at you. The smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but it still makes you feel a bit better. Nolan let’s go of you and opens his passenger door motioning for you to get in. You do, and he closes it gently. He closes and locks your car as well before hopping in the driver’s seat.
You decide to text TK.
Y/N: I’m going to be staying at a friend’s place for the weekend. See you Monday?
TK: Sure! Everything okay?
Y/N: Yeah! Don’t have too much fun with the apartment all to yourself 😛
“It’s going to be alright you know? You’re not holding me back from anything.” Nolan speaks leaning over and giving your knee a reassuring squeeze. And maybe, it will be.
You had spent the rest of the afternoon with Nolan between your legs. Nothing you hadn’t done before, but there was so much more emotion behind it, that it scared you.
As you laid in Nolan’s bed after your afternoon activities, his hand ran gently up and down your back. Tracing patterns across his chest, you let out a content sigh. You opened your mouth to tell Nolan how you felt, to ask him what this was to him, but before the words could even form on your tongue a knock on the front door caused both you and Nolan to jump up.
“Shit.” Nolan grumbled pulling a pair of shorts on, “I’ll be right back.” You frowned in response and got out of bed pulling on a pair of Nolan’s shorts and one of his hoodies. Little did you know, that just down the hall your worst nightmare was unfolding.
“Travis! What are you doing here?” Nolan said just loud enough for you to hear, and your body froze in fear.
“Hey Patty have you heard from Y/n at all? I’m a little worried about her. Wait a second is your girlfriend here!?” You could hear the excitement in Travis’s voice, when he realized he might finally get to meet the mystery lady.
“Um- yeah, now isn’t really the best time TK.” Nolan mumbled and you can practically hear his cheeks heating up, from your spot in the hallway just out of view. Your hands were shaking as you lean against the wall, trying to control your breathing.
“Oh shit! Did I interrupt something?! Dude you shoulda just told me! I’ll just call Y/n if you haven’t heard from her.” At that your heart stops. Where is your phone? You set it down when you got there.
“Okay, see you later TK!” Nolan basically shouts, trying to close the door you assume. Relief begins to wash over you, and you feel like you can breath again.
However, the relief leaves just as fast as it came, when you hear your phone ringing. Stomach dropping, as the memory of setting your phone on the table by the front door comes to mind.
“Nolan.. why the hell is Y/n’s phone in your apartment?” You can hear the anger in your brother’s voice. “Teeks I can explain” Nolan’s voice is weak, and your heart breaks a little despite its rapid beating in your chest.
“Great idea Patty! Please explain to me why you didn’t bother telling me my sister was your secret girlfriend!” He’s fuming and you don’t know if you should rush to Nolan’s aid or climb out the fire escape. “She’s not actually my girlfriend...”
“Okay so you’re telling me you’re just fucking my baby sister!? I’m going to fucking kill you”
“Travis stop!” You surprise yourself as your running to put yourself between the two best friends. “Please don’t.” You whimper the last part. Tears streaming down your cheeks, as you use your arms to push him back trying to keep the distance between him and Nolan.
“I told you she was off limits! I told the whole damn team that they weren’t allowed to mess with her. So what? You just thought you’d fuck your best friend’s sister like some cheap whore when you could have any girl in Philly!?” Your face twists at that. You know that Travis didn’t say it to hurt you, but you couldn’t help feeling sting of hurt mixed with jealousy you wish you didn’t feel.
“I-it’s not like that” Nolan mumbles out. Your heart crumbles at his limited response. “Travis, take me home.” You plead, trying not to let more tears fall.
“Y/n- don’t-“ Nolan reaches out for you, but Travis shoves him. Hard.
“Travis! Please!” With that, you lose it. Hands shaking, sobs escaping you relentlessly, and you can’t catch your breath. Both guys stop, eyes snapping to you. Travis wraps his arms around you, affectively keeping you upright.
You don’t hear anything else, or see anything else. Everything stops.
Your eyes flutter open, and you’re met with a white ceiling. Head aching nearly as much as your chest and you groan. “Y/n/n! You’re awake!” It’s Karly’s voice that startles you, “are you okay?”
You don’t know where you are, or what happened really, but you can only manage to ask two questions. “Where is Travis? Is Nolan okay?”
“Y/n-“ you can hear the pity in her voice. “Oh god!” You start crying again, “this is all my fault!”
Karly speaks softly to you, telling you everything is fine. Telling you Travis is coming, and that Nolan will be fine. You hardly listen. You just allow yourself to cry until you fall asleep.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. You knew it was wrong, and I told you it would be fine. I’m such an idiot.” You listened to his voice as he mumbled, hand gripping yours as tight as he could without hurting you. Keeping your eyes closed, you fight back the tears. It hurt so bad, everything hurt. You couldn’t face him, you were embarrassed, and heartbroken. “Nolan, I think you should go.” Travis’ voice makes you wince inwardly.
“Teeks, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt her, or you. Tell me she’s gonna be okay.” Nolan’s voice breaks and he lets go of your hand.
“The doctor said she is okay, she needs some rest. She is just stressed Nolan.” Travis sounds just as defeated as Nolan’s, “I’ll text you if anything changes I promise.” You could hear Nolan get up and leave, and honestly, your heart went with him. When the realization hit you, you’re shooting up in the bed eyes wide gasping for breath.
“Y/n/n-“ Travis starts, as he rushes to your side.
“I- I’m sorry Travis. I’m so sorry! God I’m so so stupid.” You start rambling, chest heaving, breathing shallow.
“Slow down! Just relax please, you’re okay. It’s okay.” Travis is squeezing your hand now, concern for you evident in his features.
“I ruined everything. He’s your best friend, and I ruined it...”
“Nolan and I will be fine. This is between him and I, not you. Don’t blame yourself ple-“
“I love him!” Your sudden outburst shocks you just as much as it shocks Travis. The silence that follows is deafening. You try to think of something to say, anything to make this less awkward. Before you or Travis can speak though, someone at the door clears their throat. Your eyes snap to the source, and your stomach drops to the floor.
“I- uh I left my keys” Nolan mumbles, scratching at the back of his neck. His cheeks are red, and his left eye is purple and swollen. Travis sighs and mumbles something about giving you a minute, before he gets up and leaves the room. Not without bumping a little to hard into Nolan’s shoulder. More awkward silence follows, and this time you manage to find words first. “Jesus Nols your eye, are you okay?”
“It’s nothing.” He mumbles.
“It’s not though! I’m sorry, about all of it. I shouldn’t have gone home with you, I shouldn’t have called you, I shouldn’t have kept it from TK, and I shouldn’t have said that I lo-“ you stop unable to say it again, “Well you heard. You didn’t need this drama.”
“So you regret it?” His entire body tenses.
“You don’t?” You laugh out humourlessly
“Lying to my best friend? Yes. Taking you home? Being the person you call when you’re upset? Falling in love with you? I’ll never regret any of that. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’ll leave you alone now.” He says the last line with so much hurt it kills you. He snatches his keys off the table by your bed and turns to leave, but you grab his wrist. “You don’t mean that. You don’t get to say that and leave me.”
“What do you want me to do?” He raises his voice. You’ve never seen him like this. “I can’t stay. You wanted to leave my place last night. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“I didn’t want to leave Nolan I wanted you to fight for me, for us! I wanted to hear you tell my brother that you wanted me as much as I wanted you. I know you don’t though, and that’s alright. But you do not get to say you fell in love with me, and walk out of here like nothing happened. You don’t get to fuck with me like that!” Tears fall slowly down your face, and you let them. Sure you probably looked like a hot mess, but you didn’t care anymore.
“I thought this was just sex for you. I didn’t think you wanted anything more than a distraction from your brother’s life. I tried to get you to stay with me that first morning. I tried to show you how much I wanted you in my life yesterday. Y/n I drove like a bat out of hell from the rink to pick you up because you were hurting. I was at the rink talking to Giroux, trying to figure out how the hell I was supposed to ask Travis for his permission to date you. Actually date you. I’m in love with your stubbornness. I’m in love with your aversion to being called baby Konecny. I’m in love with how you look in my jersey even though you refuse to wear it because ‘why wear mine when you could wear one with your last name’. I’m in love with your laugh and your smile. I’m head over heels for you baby, and I can’t stay here. I can’t stand seeing you in that bed knowing it’s my fault you’re even there, knowing that when you leave you’re going home with Travis and not with me. I can’t stand around and watch you hurting, only to make it last longer. I’m sorry.” His whole body seems to deflate as he adjusts the keys in his hand.
“Nolan I didnt know.”
“Yeah well...” he mumbles, and refuses to look at you. With that you let go of his hand and he’s gone.
“Well Miss Konecny you should be good to go. Just take it easy for the next couple weeks alright?” You were hardly listening to the doctor, but really he was more talking to Travis than you. After signing discharge papers, Travis helped you out to his car. He stops opens your door for you, and you mumble a thank you. You’re so caught up in your own thoughts, you don’t
“Trav?” You say, after awhile of driving. “Yeah?” He asks, taking another turn you’re sure is just taking you away from your shared apartment. “Where are we going?”
Pulling over and parking the car, Travis looks over at you guilt written all over his face. You look out the window, taking in your surroundings for a moment before it clicks. You’re in front of Nolan’s building. “Travis please no...”
“Y/n/n listen. I’ve never in my life heard Nolan talk about anything too real. When he left the hospital, he stopped me in the hallway. He apologized for hurting me, and you. But you know what else he told me? He told me he wouldn’t take it back. He said that if his options were to have you for those few months again or to take it all back and have it never happen he’d hurt me again. He told me he loved you, and that he still does. He said he’s not sorry for loving you, but he’s sorry he didn’t do it right. Then I called Claude. He told me about Nolan just about in tears trying to figure out how to make it work without hurting his friendship with me, but mostly about preserving our relationship. He was worried about what would happen between me and you. He is so into you, and obviously you are into him. So into him, and so worried about it you landed yourself in the hospital. I was the issue here, so now I’m going to fix it.” He pats your knee soothingly. “Please let me.” You can only nod, and pull yourself out of Travis’ car. He drapes an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into his side.
“You hit him didn’t you?” You ask quietly in the elevator ride up to Nolan’s floor. “I did. I thought he was using you. I was so upset. He didn’t fight back, he wouldn’t even defend himself. I’m such an asshat.” He admits
You nod in response, and hug him as tight as you can. “That’s my big brother, the asshat. Thank you for always looking out for me, but you really shouldn’t have hit him.” He whispers an apology into your hair as the elevator doors open. “Now let’s go get your man! Ew no, I’m not calling him that ever again.”
You laugh at that. Travis smiles at you as he knocks on Nolan’s door. You wait patiently, but nothing happens. The door never opens. Travis knocks again. Nothing. Your heart feels like it’s breaking all over again. Travis continues knocking. He even tries calling Nolan. Nothing.
You reach out and grab his wrist to stop his assault on Nolan’s door. “Trav. It’s over, it’s okay. He doesn’t want this.” Before he can say anything, his phone rings. Both of your eyes snapping to it hopefully. You deflate as you see Karlys name flashing across his screen. You sigh and slide down the wall beside Nolan’s door, as Travis answers.
“Hey babe. Well I decided to take Y/n to Nolan’s apartment to try and fix this, but he is refusing to answer his door or his phone.” You groan a little dropping your face into your hands. You feel pathetic. “Are you kidding me right now!” Travis’ last line comes out much louder than the others, and you jump a little. Looking up at him you see an expression you can’t quite read. “Stay there! We are on our way!”
You’re pretty sure he doesn’t even wait for Karlys response before hanging up. “Trav? What’s wrong? Is Karly okay?”
“Karly is fine, but we have to go.” With that he’s grabbing your hands and pulling you off the floor and out of the building. Foregoing the elevator, and instead rushing down the stairs like a mad man.
“Travis what is going on!” You’re frustrated and he’s not responding to any of your questions, as he jumps into his car. You follow suit, grumbling under your breath. The drive isn’t that long, and you spend most of it wondering why Nolan wouldn’t answer the door. How were you supposed to go on seeing him all the time again? He wants nothing to do with you right?
Your mind is still spinning when Travis pulls into his parking spot. Karly is already waiting outside.
“Listen Y/n/n, you’re going to be okay. If things with Nolan were meant to be they will be. Karly and I have to go, but we will be back later okay? Call me if you need anything.” Travis’ voice is soft, but hurried as he leans over and opens your door for you. The confusion is clear on your face as you get out of the passenger seat. Karly sends you a quick apology before sliding into your spot.
And then they were gone. Before you could even ask where they were going, they were gone. You’d never felt more alone in your entire life. The one person you wanted to see wants nothing to do with you, and your support system just up and left you.
As you make your way slowly up the stairs to the apartment, tears fall for what feels like the millionth time in the last 48 hours. Your heart was so unbelievably broken, and you couldn’t even starts to think about how to put it back together. As you finally made it to the door, you unlock it and let yourself in. As you close it, you fall back against it small sobs escaping you into the quiet apartment.
“Y/n?” Your eyes snap up, heart beating a million miles an hour.
“Nolan? What are you doing here?” There he was standing in front of you, dressed up and holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers.
“Well- I uh came to apologize. I’ve been here since Travis text me to say you were leaving the hospital. What took you guys so long?” He chuckles nervously, but makes no effort to move closer.
“We went to your apartment. Nolan I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. God I was so stupid, I don’t know how to make this better.” You’re shaking now, overwhelmed by emotion.
Nolan sees you struggling, and quickly closes the distance between you both. Dropping the flowers along the way his hands find your hips to hold you up. “The past is in the past babe. We can’t change it.” You deflate at his words, fresh tears springing to your eyes.
“But,” he adds, placing a finger under your chin lifting it up so you’re looking at him. “We can start again, and do it the right way. I don’t wanna hide you.” His eyes slip from yours to your lips. Your heart skips a beat, as he leans into you pressing his lips to yours in a kiss like none you’ve shared before. This kiss is not driven by lust, it’s all love. It’s slow and steady, as he pulls you closer to him. You stay like that awhile, both to afraid to stop. Nolan pulls away first though, so you can both catch your breath.
You smile up at him, reaching up to gently touch the stitches above his left eye. You frown a little, as he flinches but doesn’t stop you. “It’s not as bad as it looks.” Nolan mumbles, cheeks heating slightly.
“Really? Because I was just about to say it looks kinda hot.” You smirk up at him.
His fingers flex on your hips, eyes going a little darker. “You’re gonna be the death of me Konecny.” His voice is deep and it sets your whole body on fire.
“Stop talking and kiss me already Nols” With that Nolan’s lips are on yours, and his hands are on your thighs lifting you off the ground with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist as you pins you to the wall. A moan escapes your lips as your hands find his hair, tugging it lightly. The kiss grows needier by the second, and you’re getting impatient. As you push your hips into his to get some friction, Nolan pulls away.
“We should slow down.” Nolan sighs, as he sets you back down. “Why?” You pout, gripping his shirt and trying to pull him back into you.
“Because, I want to do this the right way. Let me take you out first before I fuck you in your brothers apartment” he chuckles.
“We’ve had sex before Nolan. Besides,” you say, running your hands up his torso to the back of his neck. Tugging on the hair a little before you continue. “Wouldn’t fucking his baby sister all over his apartment be a great way to get pay back after he punched you in the face.”
“Y/n. I’d rather not have my best friend kill me before I even get a chance to show you off. He could walk through that door at any second.” Nolan groans glancing over your shoulder to the door.
“You’re right he could.” You smirk as you start kissing his neck.
“Babe-“ he warns, but it lacks sincerity and you take that as a win. “Can it Patrick. Let me have my fun!” You wink, sliding down to your knees.
And just like that, he was at your mercy. He was a total mess above you, hands gripping your hair tightly as you took him in your mouth.
The fact Karly and Travis could walk through the door at any moment to see the two of you. Nolan with his head thrown back, pants at his ankles, and you, hands gripping his thighs tightly and tears forming in your eyes. It had your senses heightened. On edge already, your pussy clenching on nothing.
When Nolan came, his name left your lips followed by many profanities as you swallowed his cum. You smirk up at him, and trace your finger over his tattoo lazily. “Worth it?”
“Fuck, so worth it princess.” He groans pulling you to your feet attaching his lips to your neck.
Nolan pulls away after a moment and you whimper slightly at the loss. He chuckles as he pulls his pants up and you groan in response. “Sorry baby, but standing just inside the door with my pants around my ankles is not a good look.”
“I liked it” you pout, “your legs are nice.”
“Oh yeah?” He quirks an eyebrow at you, a smug grin growing on his face. You nod, cheeks heating up slightly. “Especially your thighs.” You wink.
Nolan throws his head back and laughs pulling you into his chest. “You’re amazing you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.” You wink up at him. His grip tightens on your waist, and his smile grows impossibly wider. Your heartbeat quickens as tears spring to your eyes, and you do everything in your power to hold them back as you press your forehead against Nolan’s chest.
Everything feels so perfect in that moment. You’re not Travis’ sister. Not baby Konecny. Nolan isn’t Travis’ best friend. Not the Nolan Patrick. He is yours, and you’re his. The only think that matters now is how at home you feel standing awkwardly in the hallway embracing each other, with no intentions of letting go.
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treasure-hwa · 3 years
as stubborn as you
pairing: seonghwa x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy, a tentative of enemies to lovers
synopsis: it's been a long way since they were kids and best friends. They consider themselves arch-enemies, but are they really?
word count: 4528
author's note: I took TOO LONG to write this one, I know! But it’s here and it’s here on this precious star’s birthday!!! I hope you all enjoy reading this. By the way, yes, I changed the story from “pocky challenge” to “pepero challenge”.
taglist: @winterviolet1 @multidreams-and-desires @ateezinmymind @devil-mp3 @little-precious-baby @hwaddict @trinityhasjams @hwa-luvs because when I did my little survey on what should I write, you voted for Hwa <3 @suni-ho
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The doorbell rang and, from the bathroom, you heard your brother yelling for you to get the door. You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath, preparing yourself to see that boy's face and try not to punch it. As you opened the door, a body crashed on yours and you didn't even need to see the face to see who it was.
— Wooyoung!
— Babe!
He kissed your cheek and moved away so the other boys could greet you too, but the last one barely looked at you, he seemed displeased to see you there, as if you didn't have the right to be at your own house. It was enough to see him at school, but in your house too?
Who is he, the reader must be asking. He was Park Seonghwa, your arch-enemy. How does one become an arch-enemy? Easy. Park Seonghwa was incredibly annoying and too perfect at everything he did, which was a lot. Class president, student council, volleyball and soccer player and dancer. To top it all, unfortunately, he was your younger brother's best friend and a member of your friend group, so you saw each other too often.
Didn't Yeosang, your brother, know how much you disliked his friend? You both were constantly picking on each other, everything the other said was a reason to eye rolls and scoffs. Quite annoying and immature of you two, the group friend thought, even if they were used by that now.
— Hi, guys, — Yeosang came out of the bathroom, sat on the couch beside Hongjoong and looked at you and his older friend on the door. — Are you two gonna spend the whole afternoon there?
Seonghwa smirked and let out the first teasing of the day:
— I know I’m a very important person, but you don’t need to wait for me to get in and sit to do the same.
You breathed deeply and pushed the door close, almost slamming it.
— Anyways… what are we doing today?
— I brought my new dancing game! — Yunho exclaimed and took the game out of his backpack. — Who wants to play it?
Everybody raised their hands and started asking if they could dance to certain songs, and to your surprise, Seonghwa said the same song you did, and it only fueled him to win over you, because that was one of his favorite songs, he had to be better. Everybody was shocked that you two had at least one thing in common.
— You dance? Since when? I thought your motor coordination was super bad — Seonghwa teased, raising an eyebrow.
— For your information, yes, I do dance and I am very good at it, thank you.
— Up for a challenge?
You two glared at each other, if you were a cartoon, there would be fire on your eyes. Most of the time, your group friend would hate your competitiveness, but it could be fun right now, so they rushed you to get up and Yunho put on the dance game.
It was a girl group song, in which you knew he was amazing at dancing, just as perfect as he was on all the other things he did, but even knowing that, you had to do better, so both put heart and soul on the performance, moving bodies exactly like the figure on the TV was doing.
By the end of the dance, you were panting, sweating and collapsed on the floor. Wooyoung quickly jumped over Seonghwa's body to sit behind you and put your head on his lap, complimenting your dance skills.
— Was it worth it? Did you have fun? — Jongho asked, looking at you, not amused at all.
— Of course… it was. I was… better — Seonghwa spoke between inhaling and exhaling air.
— You weren’t! I was!
— Ha! As if! I am the best.
— Listen here, Park...
— Here we go again. 
— Mom, mom!
— In the backyard!
Seven-year-old you had just arrived from school, your dad went to pick you up, while your mother went to pick your younger brother from his school. You ran to the backyard just to be greeted with a tight hug from a slightly smaller boy, that was not Yeosang, still in his school uniform.
— Noona!
— Wooyoung! — You laughed and hugged your brother’s best friend back. — I’ll play with you and Yeosang in a second, okay?
He nodded and went back to the other boy playing ball. You went to your mother and told her:
— Mom, I need to do a project in a group with two boys.
— Really? And are they your friends?
— No. — You pouted. — I don’t know them well.
— There is no problem, sweetheart, ask them for their phone numbers and I’ll call their parents to invite them over so you can work on the project. Does that sound good?
— Yes, mom, thanks!
Then, you ran towards the two six-year-old boys running, playing a weird kind of two-people tag.
In the same week, your mother called the boys' parents and scheduled a day for them to come to your house. When they arrived, you smiled big and welcomed them, they were Hongjoong and Seonghwa.
After some minutes of talking, you noticed Hongjoong talked more and had a nice colorful backpack, which he proudly showed saying his mom had painted it for him. Excited, you told him he should be the group leader since he looked confident in everything. Seonghwa was quieter, but heard and looked at everything attentively, so he agreed with you. Even if he was older, Hongjoong sounded more suited for the position.
When you were doing the project, colouring and writing, a loud voice and quick footsteps were heard, coming closer to the living room, where the three of you were. The voice owner was Wooyoung, who came to play with Yeosang again, however he changed his path to see you first and didn't like seeing another guy so close to you, looking at what you were writing and speaking quietly to not disturb anyone.
— Noona! Who is he?
— Oh, hi, Woo! They are my friends, Hongjoong — you pointed to the boy across you with the mullet, — and Seonghwa — you pointed to the boy beside you, wearing a red hoodie. — We are doing school stuff.
The boys waved to the younger one.
— I didn't know you had a brother — Seonghwa said.
— I do, but it isn't him, Woo is my brother's best friend. I can introduce you to Yeosang later.
And you did when it was break time. Your mother prepared snacks for the five kids and called all of you to sit at the dinner table, where your friends met your brother and they instantly clicked, though Yeosang was a little shy around strangers.
— Wooyoung! Don’t make a mess — you warned him and cleaned his cheek.
— Sorry~
Seonghwa and Wooyoung weren't the best of the friends right from the start and they still had little fights over the years, but you never understood them. Their friendship definitely grew though.
That was the beginning of the group, when you and Seonghwa were super friends. The others just came along the way.
The restaurant table was large enough for the nine of you, having a booth around its three sides, however Wooyoung insisted on coming closer to you, which didn’t make you uncomfortable at all. You had discussed it before, your feelings hadn't changed since you were little kids, you would always be best friends, you would be his noona and he would be your dongsaeng. The flirt and teasing was just for comedy. He was just a super sweet person who had to give love to who he loved the most, and you accepted his love because it was him.
— Wooyoung, we can't just drown ourselves in this gigantic glass of soda! You are crazy if you think I'm swallowing all this in seconds.
— You are just a coward.
— Hey, that's no way to talk to your noona! — You took the glass out of his hand, then held his face.
— Oh, shut up — he rolled his eyes fondly.
— Make me.
The moment was broken by an annoyed voice:
— Why don’t you two just get a freaking room? We don’t want to see your flirting.
You scoffed and diverted your eyes from Wooyoung, who was now grinning, and placed them on Seonghwa, who was sitting at the extremity of the booth, sipping his soda and looking out of the big window.
— Are you jealous, Seonghwa?
— Huh, you wish!
— Never in a million years. — You threw a saggy french fry on him, and the boy gave you a murderous look, ready to throw it back on you, but everybody stopped you two before things could get violent and you all were banned from the restaurant.
— I just can't stand him!
— Yet, you talk about him every time you get the chance — Yeosang spoke nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on his video-game.
— But I'm complaining about his behavior.
— You just hate that he is better than you in certain things — he mumbled back.
You inhaled deeply, remembering how your scores on that dance game were always close to his, but never better.
— It's not that… he just annoys me.
Yeosang was right, but you would never agree outloud. When you were thirteen, Seonghwa started being the best student of the class, the best boy of the school, the most talented, everybody loved him. You were just there, beside him, even if you were a great student too, nobody really paid attention to you.
It came a time where not even Seonghwa would pay attention to you. He would hang out with his new friends, with Hongjoong, with the group, but only when you weren’t with them. He talked to you just the bare minimum and it hurted that it seemed like the “fame”  he had in school got to his head. Seonghwa wasn’t the same quiet boy you had met when you were seven, so you decided to not be the excited girl you were back then with him.
— But seriously, when will Wooyoung just ask her out? It's getting annoying how he never makes a real move.
Hongjoong paid attention to what his friend was talking even if he was choosing new clothes, but the boy didn't believe what he had just heard.
— What are you even talking about, Seonghwa? You know he doesn't like her like that. They are just super close friends.
— I don't know, something on those two just doesn't smell good.
— Yeah, that's your jealousy, because he is still her friend, but you are not. Now, let's go, I'll try this one.
Jealousy? Pff, please! The boy thought while he followed Hongjoong to the fitting room. Why would he be jealous? Just because you chose Wooyoung over him? It was no big deal, Wooyoung was your friend before he had showed up in your life. Sure it annoyed him when you all were younger that you kept meeting up with Wooyoung, when Wooyoung wasn’t present in the group because he was watching a movie with you, when Wooyoung was always hugging you out of nowhere... he may have distanced himself that time.
But it wasn’t jealousy, he convinced himself. Not now. He had nothing to be jealousy of if he didn’t even like you.
Two weeks later, now at Jongho's house, you had a full studying day. While you, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were in the last year of high school, Yeosang, Yunho, Wooyoung, San and Mingi were in their second year and Jongho was alone in first year. He saw it as an opportunity to nag his hyungs and noona to help him. Needless to say, no one resisted him that long.
The studying session, however, was messy. Snacks crumbles were all over the place, covering books and the floor, San even dropped his chocolate milk on the table. You had a break time to eat something real, so Jongho and Yunho poured soda on glasses and everybody made their own sandwiches to their own likes. Later, you ate ice cream and had to hear a long discussion about mint choco ice cream between San and Hongjoong. You were about to scream, but Seonghwa took a napkin and pressed it against San’s mouth, saying “shut up! I don’t wanna hear any more words”. It worked.
After the studying was over, it was clean time. While you liked everything clean, you hated cleaning, so of course you didn't volunteer yourself. But, through a rock, paper, scissors game, it was decided that you and Seonghwa would do the dishes and clean the living room while Yeosang, Yunho and Hongjoong went to get real dinner. The others went to lay in the backyard and "breath fresh air since the weather is so nice".
— Do you think it is a good idea to let them together? They hate each other. — Yunho commented while Hongjoong started his old car.
— They really don't — Hongjoong answered. Yeosang agreed.
While that, you and Seonghwa were washing plates and throwing knives at each other. Not literally though. Not yet.
— Why are you so bad at rock, paper, scissors? — He teased. — You hate cleaning, should have done better.
— Me?! You were the one who played late and still lost! What did you even do that?
— Well, because I…
You didn’t let him finish, because your head was almost exploding, so you threw drops of water on his face, which soon expressed pure shock. Quickly, he wetted his hands and did the same to you.
— Are you a child?!
— Are you made of sugar?
So a water war started, leaving you both with humid hair and wet faces. It only ended because you slipped on droplets of water on the floor and he caught you before you could hit your head on the counter behind you. When he pulled you forward, you collided with his chest and was at a loss for words for some seconds.
— Are you alright?
You nodded slowly and got away from him when you heard the boys were coming back inside.
When your birthday came, you were excited and welcomed all the boys and a few girl friends, who couldn't understand why you disliked Seonghwa that much. The boy was perfect and so nice with everyone. You would always roll your eyes with that. Anyways, they all gave you gifts and enjoyed the small party, one of them hoping to see a certain friend of yours. You would play cupid someday. 
Wooyoung entered your house jumping on you as always, kissing your cheek and screaming "happy birthday!". He was a cutie, but, one day, you would lose your hearing. Seonghwa came last and gave you a square shaped gift, not hugging you, just shaking your hand and offering a pause on the rivalry.
— It's your birthday, you should be happy and be better than me at least today.
You smiled, thanked him, but still squeezed his hand until he was saying sorry.
— Come on in, try not to be a pain in the ass. I know sometimes you can’t control it.
— You are it! Ah, nice outfit by the way.
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, taking his gift to your room, you would open all of them later. When you came back to your party, you saw one of your girl friends talking to Seonghwa and… laughing hard? What was wrong with her? He wasn’t even funny.
— Planning his murder again? — Hongjoong bumped his shoulder with yours, following your eyes to Seonghwa.
— What? No! I mean, yes. All the time.
— You can’t fool me, stop lying.
— I’m not lying. He’s here just because he is part of the group.
— You know… he has been talking to me about you.
— Has he? What did he say? — you answered eagerly.
The boy laughed and shook his head.
— I think he doesn’t like how Wooyoung is so close to you.
— Well, it sounds like a him problem — you mumbled. — We are just friends.
While you changed the topic and diverted your attention from the other boy, Seonghwa had excused himself from your friend and went to take a glass of soda. Yeosang followed his friend and asked if he had brought a gift.
— Of course I did. We may be arch-enemies, but it’s her birthday. I know how to be decent.
— And what did you give her? I hope it’s not a bomb.
— It isn’t. — He gave a small smile, but hid it behind his glass.
When you were alone in your room, you opened the gifts you had received. They were all very nice, you loved them all, but Seonghwa’s probably got deeper to your heart. It was simple, nothing fancy, but held memories of when you were little kids.
— Hwa! You came!
— Of course I did! Is Wooyoung here? — He peeked inside your house. — It’s quiet.
— He is not. — You laughed. — Yeosang went to his house, so today is just me and you. And my mom, but me and you! Hongjoong couldn’t come, he had guitar lessons.
The boy nodded and widened his eyes before speaking again:
— My mom made cookies for us. I-I helped her. — He smiled and handed you a pretty pink container with chocolate cookies inside.
— Really?! That’s so cool! Thank you, Hwa.
That day, you sat around the living room center table, ate the delicious cookies that he insisted on not telling you the recipe, with crayons, colored pencils and paper scattered around you while you two drew and painted several things. You ended up drawing the two of you plus Hongjoong, to symbolize the best friends group formed two years ago in school, but, when you exchanged drawings at the end of the day, you noticed he had drawn only you and him eating cookies and hearts and flowers. It was pretty, so you kissed his cheek before he entered his car.
So, yes, when you saw the same pink container with the same special cookies — you have always loved them, but Seonghwa never told you the recipe — and the drawing you had made years ago inside the gift wrapping, your heart might have clenched and your eyes stung with tears. You kind of missed the old times.
Joining the boys that night was an idiot choice. You realized that the moment Mingi suggested playing Truth or Dare. Why did he even suggest that? Everybody agreed excitedly, so it was a dead end, at least it wasn't like they would order you to kiss any of them.
But you were wrong. You were so wrong.
As the bottle spun and stopped at you and Yeosang, you knew he would have no mercy. He asked the question and, for some unknown reason, you answered dare. Maybe you would like to see what he had in mind.
Not good things, you concluded after he said "do the pepero game with Seonghwa". You and the boy choked on your own saliva, looking away for a moment. San took the candy out of its package and offered it to his friend.
— Seonghwa? No way. Step aside, I can do this for you — Wooyoung suggested, winking to you, making you smirk playfully.
— No. I’ll do it — the eldest spoke up, making your eyes widen.
Seonghwa took the chocolate stick from San's hand and placed one of the ends between his perfect teeth. Rolling your eyes, but sweating on the inside, you got closer and refused to touch him in any way, which he approved. You put the pepero in your mouth and when San said “start!”, both your and Seonghwa’s mouths got closer, going forward on the stick.
Nobody thought you two would really do it, they actually expected you to poke each other’s eyes with the candy at the moment Yeosang set the dare. But you loved a challenge, so maybe that was why you two were not stopping.  Seonghwa’s hand went to the side of your neck, thumb placed gently on your jaw, and, surprisingly, you said nothing, just kept getting closer and closer, dangerously close.
— Will they… — Jongho started, but did not finish as an impossible scene was happening in front of his eyes. — They are....
The dark chocolate pepero disappeared inside your mouths as they were glued together, sharing a rather steamy kiss. Your hands were entangled in his gray hair and your mind could only think “his hair is soft, his tongue is soft, his lips too and they are so skillful”.
You kept going until Yunho came back from the bathroom and yelled at surprise. At that moment, your minds seemed to clear from some kind of hypnosis and you pushed each other far. You exclaimed “who wants more soda?” and ran to the kitchen, while Seonghwa rested his back on the couch behind him and wiped his mouth with his shirt.
Yeosang went after his sister and the other six boys glared at Seonghwa with a confused look, demanding an explanation. In the kitchen, you downed glasses of water as if they were vodka shots.
— What are you doing?
— Taking his disgusting taste out of my mouth.
Your brother took your shoulders and turned you to him, looking deep in your eyes.
— Stop lying to yourself — he whisper-yelled to your face. — You like him, it’s okay!
— I don’t! It was just…
From the living room, you heard Mingi shouting:
— I can’t believe you really did the Pepero challenge with her! Isn't her your rival or something like that?
— Yes, of course. And? — Seonghwa answered, trying to sound nonchalant while fixing the strands you messed.
— Dude, you just kissed her instead of stopping eating the candy. You’re not rivals. — Yunho slapped his shoulder, as if he was comforting the friend.
— We are! I didn’t even like their kiss that much.
You couldn’t contain yourself, so you shouted back for him to listen:
— Oh, yes, Park Seonghwa, sure you didn’t like my kiss, but maybe you should tell that to your tongue. That was disgusting!
An ovation was heard from the boys and Seonghwa stomped to the kitchen, meeting you in the middle of the way.
— Disgusting, you say now, but your tongue sure didn’t mind when it joined mine. And your hands! They… They were all over my hair! — His fingers pushed his hair back and, once again, you thought how soft it was. — Stop staring!
After shaking your head, you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks and his eyes were restless, searching a safe spot to look at.
— But you held my neck first! You’re not any better.
— Do you two want a little… private time to discuss your feelings? — Yeosang tried, holding a laugh in, because, yes, it was very funny how you and Seonghwa tried to deny your feelings, when he knew this mutual hate was nothing more than masked desire bullshit.
— No! — both shouted together.
Before you run up the stairs to your bedroom, you stuttered and attacked:
— Your… your breath stink!
His eyes widened and of course he could not let you have the last word, let alone those words, so, yes, he followed you, shouting “it doesn’t!”. Your brother laughed at the way the boy’s cheeks were even redder and went back to the living room, offering to watch a movie to his other friends.
Seonghwa arrived at your room before you could close the door and held it with his foot.
— Go away, freak.
— No! Take it back.
— Take what back, Seonghwa? — you sighed, getting tired from the situation.
— My breath doesn’t stink. Take that back.
— I’ll need to check again.
All your movements ceased when you realized what you had said. The boy was still processing if he heard correctly. You left your spot by the door and threw yourself on the bed.
— Did you really say what I think you did?
— Depends. — Your voice came out muffled by the pillow. — What do you think you heard?
As the mattress dipped with additional weight, you shut your eyes, not wanting to look at him. You had basically confessed, right? Slowly, you sat up and kept your stare at your fingers, playing with them if they were the most interesting thing you had ever seen.
— I’m so-
— What are you waiting for then? Kiss me again and check it.
Your eyes widened and you turned your whole body to him. Seonghwa didn’t want to waste any more time, so he cupped a side of your face and leaned in to get your lips with his. The boy’s mouth was moving with yours slowly, tasting it the best he could and his breath definitely didn’t stink.
Going past the shock, your hands went up to his hair once again, caressing his nape and slightly pulling him closer to you, because it was the best kiss you have ever had — among three: your first one, the one that happened earlier that night and the present one —, but still wasn’t enough. Seonghwa’s kisses had plenty of the feelings that your first kiss with your pre-adolescence crush lacked, and you were already addicted. Call it whatever, but you secretly hoped he would kiss you forever.
This desire, however, couldn’t be fulfilled, because air was a thing and apparently you had to get it, but the kiss sure left you feeling on cloud nine.
— So… — he said low, his breath fanning over your wet lips. — Does my breath stink?
— Yeah… no. You’re free of this.
You opened your eyes slowly only to be met with a pair of big, round, shining eyes. The shining eyes you would always notice when you were kids.
— Hey, uhm… I know we are arch-enemies, but… — The boy scratched his neck, looking away from you. — What if we were arch-enemies with benefits?
You wanted to laugh and tease him, but the offer was interesting, so you asked more information about the concept.
— Like… we can hug, kiss, talk, maybe hang out together, but we still tease and compete with each other?
Reader must now be laughing at how silly the boy was, but he looked 100% serious and you gave it a thought before agreeing.
— If I get to kiss and tease you, it’s okay for me.
He chuckled and pulled you to another kiss, that didn’t last because you two were giggling and smiling too much.
— Can we hang out together soon? Just the two of us, I mean. — He caressed your cheek, noticing how it was warm.
— Like a date?
He stumbled on his own words, but nodded.
— Like a date.
— You are so whipped for me, Seonghwa.
— Shut up!
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justcourttee · 3 years
It’s More Than Just a Game Pt 1
@qualitypeacepainter sent me this wonderful idea for a Daminette Volleyball AU. It will definitely have several parts and I am so excited to write it so I hope you enjoy and I hope it’s something like what you had in mind :)
“So this is what a tournament looks like?” Marinette inhaled deeply “Do you smell that Nino? Air Salonpas. It’s so satisfying.”
She didn’t bother waiting for his response, she knew he was only here for her sake. Nobody could match her excitement for this day. It took her weeks, but she finally scrambled together a makeshift team so that she could enter at least one volleyball tournament before her middle school days were over. They had exactly three days of practice, but it didn’t matter.
Marinette was here to win.
“There are a lot of good teams here, please don’t get your hopes up Mari.” Adrien reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder as if he were attempting to pull her back down to reality. “Nino and I only know the basics, this isn’t anything like baseball.”
“Yeah Marinette, I know you gave us all a crash course, but this is way different from basketball.”
“And soccer!”
Her teammates all shared the same discouraged look on their faces. They knew how hard Marinette trained. Every day after school, she’d set to herself, pass to herself, spike at the school wall while the basketball team practiced. She was always helping them out, so the least they could do was help her form a team, but volleyball was something none of them knew much of.
“You guys worry too much! You’re all super athletic and the best friends a girl could ask for. There is absolutely nothing that could get in our way-”
Her sentence was cut short as a yell of excitement echoed through the gym. Instantly her eyes locked on the source of the commotion. Gotham Middle had entered and the crowd’s excitement was all focused on them. The teams around them begin to whisper, passing drills stopping as everyone took the chance to size up the competition.
“-it’s the King of the Court-”
“-I thought they weren’t entering this tournament-”
“-we’re so screwed-”
It was as if the world was crashing down around her. Marinette knew all about Gotham Middle. They were always featured in Sports Weekly as the top school in the volleyball world. In fact, there was even one student who was being scouted for the US National team. The King of the Court, Damian Al Ghul Wayne.
“I-I think I need to use the bathroom.” Marinette clutched her stomach, her face paling the longer she stared.
“Are you okay?”  Nino tried to offer her a hand to steady herself but she simply waved him off, stumbling past him to the hallway, her eyes dazed.
It’s just one team. It’s not like they would have to play them first. Of course, they would have a warm-up game, something to get her team in the groove. Yeah, there was no doubt in her mind. She came here to win, not worry about some top-ranked school.
Slowly she stood up, taking a few deep breaths, the bathroom door a mere ten steps away.
“I’ve never even heard of Dupont Transfer Middle.”
“Apparently it’s some French school that sends students wanting to study in America. It’s like a prep for American high school. They spend their eighth-grade year there to perfect their English and take any courses that wouldn’t transfer over.”
Marinette glanced over her shoulder. Sure enough, standing in front of the water fountain were a couple of members of Gotham Middle. The only reason they would be concerned with her school would be..no..fate wouldn’t be that cruel right?
“They barely have a six-man team, they don’t even have a libero. Did they actually think they had a chance?”
“Hey!” Three sets of eyes turned in her direction, instantly wavering her nerve. “Don’t underestimate us.”
As if on cue, her stomach lurched once more, taking any confidence she had with it. The Gotham players shared a glance before busting into laughter.
“Is she serious? I think she is.”
“Is that the captain label on her uniform? Maybe we should show her some respect.”
Instantly, they all straightened, mock saluting her before dissolving back into a fit of laughter. Marinette wanted to give them a piece of her mind, but her stomach refused to let up.
“Hey, benchwarmers. It’s time for the warm-up. Quit wasting time.”
The three silenced, their face a mixture of fear and awe. Who could command such respect? The coach? The manager? Marinette’s eyes strayed to where the voice came from, her stomach immediately dropping.
“The King,” she slapped her hand over her mouth, hoping she hadn’t said it loud enough to offend the guy in front of her. He didn’t even glance in her direction, his fierce glare completely focused on his teammates.
“Right away sir. Kasey, fill up two more.”
Damian Wayne. He couldn’t have been more 5’7”, but compared to Marinette’s 5’1”, she was in awe. It was impressive how he could command so much respect with just one look. She watched as he turned, taking a few steps toward the gym before pausing once more.
“Relax James, you act like we’ll need a lot. Just look at our opponent.”
It was as if they completely ignored his warning. Their giggles only enraged Marinette.
“What did you sa-”
“Did I stutter? Quit wasting time. You’re barely benchwarmers, quit acting as though you’re good enough to look down on your opponent.”
Marinette watched as they all paled, gathering their bottles before rushing back into the gym. None of them dared to make eye contact with him. Marinette released a chuckle of her own. He might be terrifying, but he really wasn’t a bad guy. Marinette relaxed as she stood, a friendly smile tugging at her lips.
“You know, I was just about to say something to them myself.”
His glare shifted from his retreating teammates to where she stood. Instantly she felt a shiver down her spine.
“You’re not even physically ready to sit the bench, don’t talk as if we’re on the same level. What are you even doing here anyway? Making memories? This is a tournament for people who are serious.”
“I am serious, my team is serious. We’re here to win and that means we start by defeating you.”
Damian took a step forward. Suddenly those six inches felt a lot taller than they were. Marinette fought with herself to not move away.
“You say that like it’s so easy.” The waves flowing off of him made her want to shrivel up, but her anger anchored her feet.
“I may not look like much, but I can jump. Really high. I will jump over any wall your team puts in front of me.”
He simply scoffed, only fueling her rage. Everyone always underestimates her, she hated it. She just wanted to be taken seriously in the sport she loved.
“You will simply be a stepping stone on the way to our championship.”
Before she could even respond, Damian turned his back, returning to the court, leaving her fuming in her spot. She wanted to declare war, rush him and take him out before he could even step onto the floor, but her stomach had other plans. Gripping her gut, Marinette turned to the bathroom, her face paler than before she left the gym.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Dudette! You were gone for like twenty minutes. It’s our turn to use the court. How do we warm-up?”
Marinette scanned the other side of the court to where Gotham Middle stood huddled, occasionally glancing back at her teammates. All except one. Damian stood alone, his arms crossed, his eyes closed. If she didn’t know any better, she would think he was meditating.
“Let’s work on passing. It’s something we all struggle with and I think we’ll really need it with this team.”
Five minutes passed and as they lined up for the beginning of the first set, Marinette’s eyes locked onto his from across the court. She already had a fire burning when she stepped into the gym, but it was as if he threw coal at her until she was ablaze ready to annihilate anything in her path.
“We will win.”
Her teammates shared a look of skepticism, but none voiced their concerns. They didn’t have to. It had only been ten minutes, but the score was already 12 - 0. The only one drenched in sweat was Marinette. The energy for the rest had been drained after the first service ace.
“Nino! Set me up!”
They were barely keeping the ball in the air with iffy passes that they were sure the ref was only letting slide out of pity. Nino was the only one who could decently set. It was nothing compared to the flawless and quick sets the King was serving on the other side, but Marinette could care less. All she wanted, was a chance to hit the ball.
His set was shaky, the ball wobbling as it flew, threatening to fall out of the sky at any moment. But to her, it was perfect. On instinct, Marinette jumped, her palm connecting to the ball. A satisfying thud came from the other side of the court as the gym silenced, trying to process what had happened.
“Did they just score?”
“Forget that, did you see how high she just jumped? She must’ve been a foot over the net!”
The whispers got louder until a single clap echoed from the crowd leading to another and another. As her feet touched the ground once more, Marinette immediately shot Damian a smug look. His mouth hung agape, his eyes a mixture of anger, and did she catch a hint of admiration? It was even more satisfying than the sound of the ball hitting the court.
“Why didn’t you get that?”
Marinette flinched as he turned on his teammates, his face fuming.
“Dude, you were in shock too! We didn’t think they had-”
“This is why you don’t underestimate anyone, ever. You give every team 100% of your effort.”
Damian turned back to the net, his eyes narrowing in on her. It took everything in her not to crumble as she picked up the ball, tossing it to Adrien. She had a kill. Her first one in a tournament and not even the terrifying demon behind her could stomp on her moment.
“Okay, guys! Here’s our chance. Let’s turn this around.”
Her excitement spread through the court, each of her teammate’s risking a smile. Their fire may not have been as bright as hers, but it was finally starting to shine through.
“You’re right Marinette. We can’t promise anything flashy like the King over there, but we will get you the ball. No matter what it takes.”
This was the chance she was waiting for, the chance to motivate her team. Now that she had their attention, she didn’t want to waste one second of it.
.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“It was a close game Marinette. Please don’t be upset.”
Marinette waved off her friends, her smile tight.
“They won in two sets and we barely hit double digits both times, but it’s okay guys, really. Thank you so much for helping me out. I’m going to stay for a while, so go on without me. I wanna watch some more matches.”
Her friends shared a look of skepticism, but one by one they slowly stood, all leaving until she was the only one left. Marinette sighed as she stood herself, working up the courage to step back into the gym.
“I told you it was useless.”
Marinette glanced over her shoulder only to meet an annoyingly familiar face blocking the entrance.
“Don’t you have something better to do than gloat oh glorious king?”
“Tt, I only wanted to point out that your jump was impressive, but volleyball is not a sport that you can get by with athleticism alone. You set yourself up for failure.”
It was Marinette’s turn to scoff as she brushed past him, intent on not speaking another word.
“A piece of advice for you. Drop volleyball while it’s all fun and games for you. High school has no place for a foreigner with no talent.”
“I’ll beat you.” Her voice was soft but cold. Damian didn’t speak a response, but he didn’t move either as if he were taunting her to continue. Marinette turned her head until she had a full view of his scowling face. “Whether it be when fall comes and my team smoothers yours or even if it takes ten, twenty, no fifty years, I will destroy you King of the Court. All I have to do is be the last one standing, right?”
He didn’t respond, only offered her a small grunt before exiting the doors. Her eyes followed him until the bus doors closed and Gotham Middle pulled out of the parking lot.
“I will get better, just you wait Damian Wayne.” Marinette took a step forward, her eyes zeroing in on the match in front of her. High School was only three months away. Three short months to make her declaration a reality.
She smiled, the fire in her eyes stirring with a deadly glint. 
“Next time we meet, I will destroy the King of the Court.”
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getitinbusan · 3 years
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Strawberry Lemonade
Even if you could decide, why would you want to? Both men were perfect in extremely different ways yet, your longing for both of them was beginning to feel greedy.
Pairing: Reader x Tae x Jungkook
Words: 3850
Warnings: 18+ threesome, MF vaginal sex, MF anal sex, MF oral sex, unprotected sex, swearing.
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You weren't technically staff, it was a loophole that benefited everyone. While the crew stayed in coach, you were up front with Jungkook as he helped stash your camera equipment into the first class overhead. In 7 hours you'd be in Bali for a week in paradise.
"Y/N's sitting with me, she already promised." Taehyung pulled your hand towards the middle aisle.
Pouting, Jungkook popped his air pods in and took his seat.
It was a competition, pure and simple. Like a new shiny toy Jungkook and Taehyung both wanted you. Everyone knew and the game of one upmanship was getting a little out of control. But somehow, caught in the middle wasn't such a bad place to be.
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Dim and quiet most of the plane was already asleep. Taehyung snored softly as you wiggled out from underneath his heavy grasp. You didn't want to disturb him but the days makeup needed to come off before you settled in for the night.
Taken by surprise, Jungkook stood with a smile waiting outside when you opened the bathroom door.
"I think we need to talk about something." He guided you back into the tiny room.
"What's that Kookie?"
His lips parted before he quickly pressed them onto yours. His hands were still holding your face as he broke away.
"I see the way you look at me and I think you want me just as much as I want you."
You loved being playful with Jungkook, teasing him was definitely a turn on.
"I'm keeping my options open." You wanted to sound taunting, but your hand slowly dragging down his chest let him know he was going to get whatever he was after.
His mouth moved over your neck as his fingers worked their way under your light t-shirt. His thumbs caressing the soft flesh just above the elastic of your waistband sent a gush of excitement to your panties.
"I want you so badly."
Pulling your pants to the floor he lifted you onto the small counter.
His finger slid into you easily.
"Does Taehyung get you this wet?"
"He's never tried. Should I let him?"
"I'm not afraid of a little competition Y/N."
His track pants came down with a quick tug and his hard cock sprang out. Stepping back towards you for a heated kiss his erection pressed against your sopping center. His length was more than you'd expected and you couldn't stand the anticipation any longer.
"Do you know how hard it's been to work with you for weeks and not get to touch you?"
Grasping his cock he held it straight to line himself up with your entrance.
"Uh huh," he nodded. "I've had to keep requesting baggy clothes to hide my chronic hard on."
He pushed himself into you letting out a long slow moan as his head fell back. Leaning into the mirror you pulled him in closer wrapping your legs around his hips.
Knees bent, he adjusted his height to pump himself into you. It wasn't sweet or slow, it was a mile high, hard quickie that had been a long time in the making.
Helping you down he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you while smiling. "I promise when we have more room i'm going to lay you out across a bed and make you cum so hard that mines the only name you're going to remember"
"That's pretty cocky considering you just spent the last 5 minutes only satisfying yourself." You straightened your clothes, "But I guess I could give you another shot."
You left him where he stood, red faced and pants down in the washroom.
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Taehyung stirred as you layed out your blankets.
"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
He hummed in pout, "Come back and cuddle with me."
He held up his blanket in invitation and you slid in beside him.
Settling in he was now wide awake and staring endearingly. "I really like you." He smiled brightly at his own admission.
You pushed his shaggy hair off his forehead. "I really like you too Tae."
Somewhere at 35,000 feet in dead of the night you found yourself tangled in lips and limbs with the soft boy.
Where Jungkook had left you wanting more Tae picked up the slack with long lingering kisses and slow moving hands.
His nimble fingers played at your entrance before he plunged one inside, "You're so wet"
Pulling it back out he raised it to his mouth and unknowingly sucked off the mixture of your excitement and Jungkook's cum.
"Taehyung, I want you."
"Yeah?" he ran his finger over your lip before he kissed you again, "flip over for me."
To anyone walking by it would look like you were spooning, slow movements and subdued noises would be the only tell. One hand expertly stroked your clit as the other held steady trapping the moans inside your mouth.
Jungkook sat the next row over listening intently to Taehyung's heavy breaths and the uncontainable whimpers of climax he'd drawn out of you. Mad at himself for his purely selfish attempt with you, he stuck his airpods in and drifted off.
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With the group shots finished you'd called a break for everyone but Jungkook.
"You're up first for individuals handsome."
He smiled as the others turned to leave. "Where are we shooting?"
Slinging the camera bag over your shoulder you started to walk away. "Your room."
Once the door was pulled closed he swept you into his arms. "Is this my second chance?"
"We've got a job to do Jungkook, maybe if I get a good shot and we have some time I'll consider it."
He threw his hands up in defeat, "Let's get this picture out of the way then."
"Good, go get in your pool."
Taking your dress off you hoped the added incentive of your bikini would motivate him. Playful and sexy it was the quickest shoot you'd ever done.
"I think I got what I need." You pulled yourself out of the pool and set the camera on the concrete.
"I don't think you did. Not from me anyways."
Legs dangling in the water you kicked some towards him.
"Whose fault is that?"
He pulled his wet shirt over his head and tossed it on the deck.
"Mine, and I'm sorry. I just wanted you so badly."
His hands found their way to your hips and he tugged on your bottoms.
"A little help here?"
You couldn't help but laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck you lifted yourself up so he could slide them off you.
"Let me make it up to you?"
He kissed you, softer this time, more intently.
"How much time do I have?"
"About 20 minutes…"
He raised his brow accepting the challenge. "Then you should lay back."
Sinking to his shoulders in the water his face took residence between your thighs. "So beautiful," he said before sliding his tongue inside you.
It felt like heaven, you couldn't help but tug at his hair as his mouth strategically worked to get you off.
"Are you done yet?" The unfazed voice came from the doorway.
Jungkook's hands held your thighs firmly open when he felt you trying to instinctively clamp them shut.
His eyes flicked up at Taehyung.
"Almost, do you want to stick around and see what it looks like when she cums?"
What was even happening right now? reaching for your dress you wiggled from Jungkook's hands and covered yourself.
Jungkook's tongue now finding itself restless and aggravated poked angrily into his cheek.
He scoffed, "Thanks, I've already seen it. It doesn't look like you're going to get her there anyway."
Taehyung turned, ignoring him completely unfazed. "I wanted to see if I could take you to dinner after you're done working."
Jungkook was visibly angry, "Maybe you should stop monopolizing her and let her spend some time with me without interrupting"
"You two are acting like children, let me know when you're done." Getting up and grabbing your things you left.
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Laying out in the sun as they swam nearby, they had unknowingly made a decision for you.
The waitress walked towards you with three frosty glasses on her tray. One was Red, one was Yellow and one was Pink.
“The gentlemen argued about which you’d like more, Strawberry or Lemonade.” She smiled, “they ended up compromising and ordering you a half and half.”
The condensation pooled onto the table as she set them down. Looking in their direction she raised her eyebrow at you knowingly, “Why choose one when you can have both, am I right?”
You'd always thought it had to be one or the other.
Taehyung was Strawberry 🍓
Classic, comforting, consistent. The sweetness of red stained lips and warm hugs that felt like home. Fresh air that made you sleepy while laundry hung on the line. Your Grandmother’s kitchen filled with memories and knowing you were safe.
Jungkook was Lemonade 🍋
Even if you knew what to expect, it always stunned you. A surprise tang that made everything feel like you were a kid on a summer day again. Bright yellow sunshine that permeated your eyelids making your body feel electric, alive and invincible.
But she was right why not have both?
The sunshine felt good on your skin. The decision had lightened your mind and as the waves broke on the shore you were lulled into an unguarded slumber.
If the whispers and stifled giggles hadn't given them away their shadows blocking out the sunshine through your eyelids would have.
"I don't know what you two think you're going to do, but you probably shouldn't."
Raising your hand to shield your face you carefully cracked your eyelids open.
Jungkook stood by your feet, water droplets glistening over his body.
"We wanted to apologise for yesterday." Placing his hand on the back of his neck his usual confidence wavered.
Taehyung laid down and pulled you into a wet bear hug. "We've decided to be mature about this, whoever you decide to pick we'll have no hard feelings."
"What if I don't want to pick, what if I want both of you?"
By the looks on their faces they clearly weren't expecting that as your answer.
"I don't need you to make a decision right away. I'm going to my room so you two can think about it."
Grabbing your drink you smiled and walked away.
Leaving the door unlocked you knew it wouldn't take long for their erections to override their brains. There was a light rapping on the door before the handle turned.
"We came to an agreement and we think that we would probably be okay sharing you."
Taehyung spoke while Jungkook stood blushing.
"But we want to know, how will it work?"
Jungkook cut in, "I think we need rules so we both get equal attention."
Walking closer to Jungkook you knew he'd been feeling neglected.
"Listen, sometimes one of us will need something and sometimes ALL of us will need something…"
You kissed his lips. "Right now I need something from both of you."
You pulled Tae in closer.
"You interrupted the other day and Jungkook never got me off. So the ground rules will come after I do."
Both their jaws were slack and they stood staring not knowing where to even begin.
"Are we good with this arrangement?" To help seal the deal you had a hand on each of them rubbing their growing bulges as they nodded.
"Can I make you cum first? I feel so bad about the other day."
Taehyung snickered.
"I don't know why that's so funny Tae, it's your fault for interrupting. It certainly wasn't from his lack of skill."
You moved your hand away from him and lifted Jungkook's shirt off.
"So, since I didn't get to cum because of you, you don't get to cum until Jungkook has taken care of me."
Used to be in charge, he didn't know what to do or where to be.
"Take your clothes off and sit in that chair, you're going to have to watch."
Jungkook undid the top of your bikini while you let the bottoms fall to your feet. Pulling down his shorts you walked him to the bed. "I need you to finish what you started."
Once again he spread your legs, however, this time it was a performance with an audience and he had a point to prove.
Making sure his Hyung could see everything he began to lay big soft tongue kisses over your excited entrance.
"Fuck Jungkook, I haven't been able to stop thinking about your mouth."
He was skilled. Between his tongue, his lips and his fingers your thighs shook uncontrollably. You looked towards Taehyung, he was watching intently with dark hungry eyes while stroking himself. His lips were parted and heavy breaths escaped everytime his hand moved over his tip.
"I think Taehyung wants a turn Kookie."
Jungkook didn't miss a beat. "He can lick my cum out of you when I'm finished."
"Jungkook, if you can't share you're going to have to leave."
He huffed, so used to getting his way. "You've only got one cunt."
"I do, and if you both want to stay you're both going to lick it."
Jungkook pulled away and flopped on the bed. "Fine, let me know when it's my turn again."
Dipping your finger inside yourself then running it around your lips you teased him, "Tae, do you want some?"
Taehyung grinned, his huge cock stood stiff and straight as he walked over to lay between your legs.
Dragging his finger through your wetness he slowly sank it inside you. Like he was starved he attached his mouth to you, his tongue dancing over your clit, slowly, softly, deliberately. Taehyung did nothing without purpose and his purpose was very clear.
"Holy shit."
Your hands reached to grip the sheets but Jungkook's thigh was closer.
He was staring, watching your face wrecked with pleasure.
"Please Kookie, I want you both so badly."
Shifting down the bed he filled the remaining space between your legs.
Taehyung coaxed him, "Not everything has to be a competition between us."
His fingers delicately opened you wide, "think of it more like choreo, working together."
Wrapping his lips around your aroused bud he sucked softly.
"Let's make this about her."
Their tongues worked in tandem just adjacent to your pleasure point. Their timidness could easily be mistaken for teasing if you didn't know how nervous they both were to be together in such intamacy.
"Please I need this," you couldn't help but beg desperately. 
Without looking at each other their tongues explored further meeting tentatively in the middle to combine their efforts. Inhibitions forgotten, the grander pursuit of ecstasy took over reason and apprehension. 
Their mixed saliva dripped down to where Taehyung's finger was circling around you seeking permission to enter. 
"Your ass is so tight, I'm calling dibs."
Sliding back up beside you he looked like a man possessed. Dark eyes stared into your soul as his fingertips rolled your nipples. 
He ran his nose up your neck and practically hissed, "Can I fuck it?" 
"uh huh." was all you could muster. 
Standing up he grabbed something from his shorts on the floor and moved back towards the chair. "Why don't you come sit on my lap?" 
You tugged Jungkook's hair trying to get his attention, "Change in position baby." 
He sloppily kissed up your stomach, over your breasts and his lips lingered along your jawline. His hard cock was pressed against your leg as he wiggled his hips in search of relief. 
His warm breath tickled your neck as he sighed, "I'm not going to stop until I make up for the quickie." 
His fingers slid inside you while his mouth latched onto your peaked nipple. Suckling as he pumped between your legs he whispered. "I'm want to make you cum so hard." 
The lurid sound of your wetness filled the air as your body squirmed in stimulation. "I'm gonna cum, don't stop, please …" 
His hand moved faster, your orgasm exploding, breaching its bodily confines as you cried out his name in satisfaction. 
Taking a minute to let you come down he got up, pulling you with him. 
Taehyung sat waiting with a smile, condom already stretched over his impressive cock. About to straddle him Jungkook turned you around. 
"You're gonna face me okay." 
He steadied you as you backed toward Tae. Placing your feet to squat on either side of his hips you lowered yourself towards his waiting shaft. 
"Have you done this before?" Taehyung's honey voice dripped into your ear. 
You nodded blushing.
"Of course you have my dirty girl." 
He pushed up and you pushed down, his tip sliding through the tight ring.
Your mouth open, and head back it was a painful adjustment. Jungkook stood staring at your breasts, your arched back making them sit pert on your chest. 
Walking closer, his cock stood pink, weepy and desperate for release while he stroked it. 
Adjusting your grip on the arm rest Taehyung began thrusting into the new more relaxed angel, deep moans rolling out of him like thunder. 
"Now you Jungkook." You pleaded, "I want you both at the same time." 
Jungkook's face was flush, overwhelmed with the scenario unfolding before him. 
"Just focus on me Jungkook, on how much my pussy is aching for you to fill it." 
His breath shook as he balanced his knees on the small remaining chair space. His tip, lingering at your entrance teased the wet folds driving your anticipation crazy. 
Waiting for his turn to jump in, he was trying to match Taehyung's rhythm like a sordid game of double dutch. 
In and out and in and out and oh god when he was finally in. 
Their dropped inhibitions along with the feeling of them thrusting into you in unison was almost too much to bear. Rubbing against your thin wall that lay between them, they must be able to feel it? Head to head their cocks pressing together in your sexual vice. 
The thought of their intimacy combined with their collective moans under you and over you made your skin shiver in ecstasy. 
 "Is this what you wanted? Both of us stuffed inside you?" 
Taehyung was eager with his words. Expletives and praise fell off his tongue in equal measure. 
"Once Jungkook makes that pretty pussy cum again I want you to finish both of us in your mouth." 
Jungkook was biting his lip, still fucking you with a determined concentration. As sweat built over his warm skin Taehyung lay back and wrapped his arms around your thighs. Pulling your knees back he spread you wider for his friend. 
"Lean in and fuck her deeper."
Ever the Maknae, Jungkook listened to his Hyung and ground himself into you slowly until he bottomed out inside your wet wonderland.  Your body shook with pleasure as your cunt pulsated, your second orgasam so close. 
Letting go of your leg Taehyung put his thumb to Jungkook's mouth. 
"Open," he commanded. 
Jungkook licked and sucked the digit until it was pulled hastily from his greedy mouth. Letting his hand wander to the space between you Taehyung rubbed the wet appendage roughly over your clit. 
It only took seconds, the sound of your own pleasured cries ringing through your head as the white lightning orgasm tore through and took over your body. 
Both men lay still enveloping you, Jungkook's face scrunching in concentration as he tried to discourage his own imminent release. 
Tae's soft smiling lips kissed the back of your glistening neck as Jungkook carded his hand gently through your hair brushing it back off your face. Hovering over your mouth his lips skimmed over yours, "Do you think you can finish us baby?"
You didn't have much energy but you nodded knowing that whatever was left you'd use it all to please them however they wanted. 
Jungkook stood and taking your hand helped lift you to the floor. Quickly throwing his condom aside Taehyung joined, wrapping his arms around you. Both men were attentive and grateful yet still acutely unsatisfied. Their lips and hands travelled over you appreciatively while their cocks stood begging for attention. 
Sinking to your knees their half moans half exhales spurred your enthusiasm to please them. 
Taking Jungkook in your mouth you could taste yourself all over him. Your sticky excitement was built up around his balls and you licked it off as he watched intently. 
Your hand slid up and down Tae's shaft easily with the lube left behind from the condom. They were equally thick and perfect, you couldn't help but smile up at them pleased with your choice to take them both.
"Fuck you're beautiful with a cock in your mouth." Tae purred while pumping himself into your grip. 
"Want to see what yours looks like?" 
He didn't have to answer, you gripped onto Jungkook and let your mouth take Tae. 
Alternating between them, rubbing and sucking back and forth they took turns having their way with your face. The breathing got heavier and they were getting greedy with your mouth. Gripping them both, your hands grasped tightly and pumped them until they were whining. 
"Where do you want it?" Jungkook asked urgently. Wrapping his own hand around his length he spurt his hot load into your open waiting mouth and proceeded to stand looking dazed as you turned towards Taehyung. 
"Are you gonna swallow that?"
You looked up with big eyes, mouth open and shook your head no while holding Jungkook's load on your tongue. 
A Few furious strokes later Taehyung came undone, filling the rest of your mouth with his salty excitement. 
Gripping your chin, his thumb caressed your jaw. "What are you waiting for?" 
Getting off your knees you stood to meet their gaze, swallowed and smiled. "Sometimes things taste better combined." 
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The last day was quiet, you'd not spoken to either man since yesterday's trist. Bags were packed, passports were lost and located and staff scurried around making sure everything was in order. Your mind was left to wander. You'd hoped the lack of communication was from exhaustion and not embarrassment, you didn't regret a thing.  
Separate cars rolled into the airport and you stood by yourself not wanting to make them uncomfortable in case they indeed had doubts over what had happened. 
Deep into your twitter feed you felt a warm arm wrap around your waist. Jungkook smiled shyly, "I was hoping you'd sit with me this time. You know keep things equal." 
Walking over Taehyung raised his eyebrows at the both of you, "I have a better idea." He held out three new boarding passes, "I got us our own cabin."
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duskamethyst · 3 years
close to you. | part. Ⅱ
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a/n: i am beyond grateful that i’ve got requests for a part two when i initially didn’t plan for this to be a series. i also don’t know what you’re expecting from the previous ending. i can make it spicy if that’s what you want (if you wish for part three), but i’ve no experience in writing gn!reader smut (so it’ll be f!reader instead). so, yeah. drop me something. it’ll really help. if not, i’ll just end it here.
word count: 3.2k
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
pairing: catboy!kuroo x gn!reader
← read part. Ⅰ
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“w-what do you mean?” you reply, refusing to look at him in the eyes as you speak. 
“you know, give me a kiss like you always did.” he purrs. “i kind of miss it, to be honest.”
your mind walks you down to memory lane where you always cradled him and gently kiss him on his wet nose. it was one of your favorite things to do and you swore you would’ve given him so many kisses on the nose but he always ended up squirming around and ran away. 
then you thought of kissing your cat in his human form and your cheeks start to warm when you realize how embarrassing it would be. you know he’s still your cat and all but it’s a bit different now, right?
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you sneer, crouching down and over his arm to step away from his silly enclosure like you’re a mouse that he managed to corner. he looks at you dejectedly, ears plopping down but perks back up the moment an idea pops in his head. from the look of his face, you can already tell that you hate it already. 
“how about we play hide and seek?” he suggests, golden irises glinting with playfulness. you know he’s stubborn and you can’t do anything but give in.
you sigh, “and what’s the catch?”
“if i catch you, you’ll have to kiss me.” he claims proudly as he puffs out his chest, hands on his hips and you regret asking in the first place. 
“what?!” your jaw almost drops. this game would only benefit him. you’ve played with him plenty of times before and you’re aware that he’s damn good at it. he’ll find you in a jiffy with the help of his strong sense of smell. 
“but that’s not fair! you already know where–” 
“ten, nine, eight...” kuroo completely ignores you as he closes his eyes to begin the countdown. although being completely forced into this game, your mind is already fumbling to figure out where would be the best spot to hide as you run away from the male. 
certainly not the closet– it would be too obvious. 
under the dining table? too easy.
under the bed? nah, that’s where he usually hides from you.
you don’t have much of a choice so in the end, you choose to hide behind the thick curtains in the corner of the living room. maybe if you hold your breath and sink in your stomach, you’d appear flatter and blend in with the curtains. 
“one!” he chirps before you start to hear his footsteps become louder and fade into the distance. just as you thought, the bedroom is the first place he would look into since that’s where the closet is located. you can hear the door open and a startling ‘boo!’ from him that almost makes you giggle before he closes it back again. 
it makes you anxious when you hear echoes of footsteps pacing back and forth as he walks to the bathroom then to the kitchen before they suddenly become quiet again and you think that he probably stops walking around the house. kuroo probably realizes that the sounds from his feet are making quite the noise in that form unlike when he was walking on his paws. 
“gotcha.” you squeal in surprise as kuroo yanks the curtains away and pulls you into his hard chest. “i immediately knew when i passed the living room but it wouldn’t be fun if the game ended so soon.”
“oh, shut up. you knew you would win anyway.” you huff in frustration. 
“you’ve picked the worst place to hide,” he smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear, “or was it on purpose?”
“you wish i was.” you roll your eyes, ignoring the shiver running down your spine when you feel his hot breath fanning your ear. 
“of course you didn’t.” chuckling, he then looks at you dead in the eyes. “and my reward?” 
“i didn’t agree to anything.” you internally curse at yourself when your heart makes a skip over how close his face is to yours, only separated by just a few inches. 
“but you played, didn’t you? you could’ve said no.” he purrs, hazel eyes flicking down to your lips and back to your eyes. 
“yeah– y-you didn’t give me a choice.” your breath comes out short as you realize he’s closing the space between you. “kuroo, stop.”
“don’t want to.” he cups your face gently to hold you still. you close your eyes as you nervously wait for his lips to crash onto yours and you can feel his bangs tickling against your face.
however, kuroo abruptly pulls away as a ‘pang’ sound reverberates throughout the room followed by an odd, stinging pain on his cheek.  
“ow?!” he yelps, his hand reaches his cheek and his eyes are blown in bewilderment. it feels warm, but it’s not the kind that he likes. it doesn’t feel anything like your body heat when he curls up on top of you despite the fact that it does heat up because of you.
“sike!” you laugh triumphantly but the man only looks at you in dejection. 
“you’ve never hit me before.” the corners of his lips tug into a frown and his tail curls around his waist for comfort.
you ponder for a moment, “true. but i find it easier to slap a man instead of a cat.” 
“then you’ll kiss me if i turn back into a cat, right?” his ears perk up as a sign of piqued interest.
you roll your eyes, “not necessarily.” you stretch your arms as you walk away to your room. “well, i’m beat. goodnight, kuroo.”
“coming!” he catches up to you but the door slams into his face before he can enter your room.
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kuroo ended up sleeping on the couch that night. he’s not entirely happy about it and you can see his attitude switches up the next morning. weekends mean you get the chance to laze around and steal the opportunity to wake up later than usual, and living with you for years means kuroo is also familiar with your schedule.
unfortunately, an unwanted noise disturbs your slumber. 
and he is scratching the door.
“go away, kuroo!” you groan, rolling to your side with a pillow between your head as you cover your ears in hopes to block out the racket right outside your bedroom. 
yet, kuroo is persistent, and you both are aware of that. whatever he wants, he will get. 
well, almost.
jumping off the bed and stomping your way to open the door, you look down to see the roguish cat grinning up at you tauntingly. 
kuroo meows as a reply and strides to the kitchen, glancing over to you to see if you’re following him before he stops and sits straight next to his empty bowl. you reach for the fridge to take out the fish for him and put it in the sink to let it thaw. 
kuroo jumps on the counter to scrutinize his food before looking up at you again, tail wagging in annoyance with wide brown irises surrounding his narrow pupils.
“that’s for misbehaving. i’m revoking our ‘truce’.” you sneer conceitedly with intent to show who actually holds the power around the house and him. 
kuroo only growls lowly, his ears pushed back in irritation but you only laugh. 
“that’s right. i can. i’m your master.” you say, before emitting a long, audible breath when you realize something. “but then again, i’m the one who has to work my ass off to feed you.”
kuroo only observes you in silence and curiosity– he thinks you look sad as you’re suddenly lost in your thoughts but you smile at him again and boop his little wet nose, making his heart flutter because it reminds him of the generous kisses you used to give him. if he knew it was going to turn out like this, he would’ve never struggled to escape when you cradled him into your arms. 
“but it’s okay. it’s all because i love your annoying ass.” you mindlessly mumble, almost forgetting the fact that kuroo is able to comprehend your language very well, and embarrassment washes over you once your mind becomes fully aware of it. even when he doesn’t speak, his pupils dilate in astonishment and he is utterly pleased. 
“i- uh, i mean– i have to give you credit where it’s due!” you say a little too loudly out of awkwardness, looking around anywhere except his gaze– you can already picture his stupid, smug grin in your head and you just wish for the ground to swallow you whole right now.
“anyways! i have to run to the grocery later after i feed you.” you quickly change the topic and run towards the bathroom to take a shower (or hide), leaving poor kuroo baffled on the counter. 
this time, he thinks that maybe he doesn’t mind having tuna. 
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kuroo lounges on the couch alone, watching the clock on the wall ticks by as he waits for you to come home. he’s getting anxious– you’ve been out for a while now and it doesn’t help the fact that he couldn’t read the time no matter how hard he stares at the numbers. but that one thin line seems to move fast and it already made multiple cycles. so that surely means something, right? 
his ears perk up at the sound of your footsteps and jingling keys and his gaze quickly shifts to the main door but he decides to act cool, turning on the tv (he knows that one since he has seen you do it plenty of times) and pretends to watch whatever is playing. 
“kuroo, look what i found!” you chirp happily as you open the door, but his sharp nose has already figured and it’s something he’d definitely won’t be too pleased about. 
putting your grocery bag down on the floor, you skip into the living room and show him the calico cat you’ve found on your way back home. you hold the cat by his armpits, shoving the poor thing in front of his face.
his eye twitches at the sight and his tail fluffs up in annoyance, “hah?!”
you cradle him protectively against your chest and the cat meows almost too quietly as his bright golden eyes look up at you. “don’t shout, kuroo. you’re gonna scare him.”
“w-what– you can’t–” he gets up on his seat and glares at the calico that’s practically clinging back onto you. 
“oh, yes i can.” you laugh. “no nails on the couch, kuroo.” you simply say before turning around to pick up your grocery bag to the kitchen. he’s fuming and he doesn’t even realize how hard his hands are clenching down on the couch. to make it worse, kuroo doesn’t miss the dirty look that the cat throws his way when you walk to the kitchen and boy, it makes him want to kick him out of the house immediately.
you quickly notice the intimidating vibe from the male as he observes you and your newfound friend, making you feel a little bad. “i’m just kidding, kuroo. i already asked if anyone wants to adopt it so i’m just gonna let him stay here for a while before my friend picks it up tomorrow.”
so you’re not entirely betraying him and he’s a bit relieved to hear it, but his territorial nature couldn’t stand the fact that he’s forced to go through one night with another feline in the house. kuroo could just leave the house for the night but then again, he’s the one that lives here so why should he? you may be oblivious, but kuroo can tell that there’s something malicious about him and it’s definitely not because he’s jealous.
“are you hungry, kenma?” you coo, ignoring the feeling of kuroo’s intense gaze burning holes from your back as he looks at you in disbelief after hearing the name you call him.
“k-kenma?! you already gave him a name?!” he yells and he’s so close to shredding the cushion underneath him. 
“mmhmm, i think it’s cute and it fits him.” you giggle as you watch the calico devour his food like he hasn't gotten a meal for ages. “or maybe kyanma is cuter?”
“ew.” kuroo tears his eyes away, no longer able to stand the sight of you smothering– (he can’t even bring himself to say the name) kenma despite being in his presence. first, the stupid blonde guy and now this? you’re breaking his little heart.
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“don’t look at him like that.” though your eyes are glued to the screen, you can feel his piercing gaze from the other couch as you lie down with kenma sleeping and purring peacefully on your chest. it’s such an eyesore for kuroo and he just hopes you’re not going to sleep in bed with him tonight. 
kenma’s eyes flutter open to glance over the older feline and his lips twitch into a victorious smirk before snuggling back on your chest to sleep again, causing kuroo’s jaw to clench in vexation. 
but what gets on his nerves even more is when he suddenly hears the sound your lips make as you kiss kenma on the nose. 
his ears are blowing steam right now and in his head he’s already throwing stupid kenma away to sit on top of you and yell at him to stay away from what’s his and that he’s unwelcomed here. he wants to do it, but he knows that you wouldn’t like that and he fears that he’ll be the one to get kicked out from the house instead of his competitor. 
alternatively, he tries to get your attention.
“i’m hungry.” he whines as he looks at you with his innocent and pleading eyes in an attempt for you to melt into them. 
“but i’m going to wake him up if i leave.” you answer, genuinely feeling bad if you start to move away from your seat. 
“he’s not sleeping.” he quickly replies and kenma’s ears perk up when he’s aware that he’s on the topic. 
“trust me, i know.” 
“hmm, fine.” you gently caress the cat and kenma mewls when you put him down on the couch to leave for the kitchen. kuroo watches you from his seat and turns to kenma once he’s confident that you’re distracted from preparing his food for him.
“listen here, you little shit.” he growls intimidatingly before bopping his head up to peep at you to see your back facing him, “i know what you’re up to and don’t you dare think that you’re running this place because you’ll be gone first thing in the morning.” 
“kuroo?” you call from the kitchen and he immediately stands up and pretends that nothing has happened as he skips happily to his plate. 
“feed me, pleaaase.” he shamelessly requests, but you only look at him weirdly and repulsed.
“but you already know–”
“pleaaaase?” his lips feign a pout but you roll your eyes.
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you wave your hand to disregard his plea and walk back into the living room and take kenma to sit on your lap before his head rubs on your hand to ask you to pet him.
kuroo only sighs and takes a mouthful of his meal into his mouth. 
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morning has finally arrived, though later than kuroo expected. he couldn’t sleep a wink knowing that you were having kenma together with you on your bed while he had to settle for the couch again. he said it was either you bring him with you or leave kenma with him in the living room. but you couldn’t possibly leave the two together in the same room, even if you were there and asleep. kuroo was literally on his knees and begged to come inside the room with you, yet your answer was resolute. 
but it’s fine, you can say goodbye to kenma now and you’re going to be stuck with him until the end of his life. 
your friend comes with a cat carrier in hand and they just fall in love with the calico as soon as they lay their eyes on him. you’re a bit sad since you’ve grown attached to the little guy over the short time, but your friend assures you that you can stop by their place anytime if you wish to see kenma. they think that maybe you can bring kuroo along so they can play together, but you just laugh at the idea– knowing kuroo doesn’t like him and you only kept kenma close to make sure he wouldn’t be too distressed. and well, they’re not dogs either.
as soon as you close the door for your friend, kuroo wraps his big arms around you and sighs in relief. 
“that was mean of you.” he whines softly. 
“you’re being dramatic.” but kuroo holds you tighter and your cheeks start to get warm.
“no. you keep on picking up nasty scents from others. first, your ugly friend and then… then...” he nibbles his lip, as if uttering the name would cause him to vomit.
“atsumu and kenma?” you giggle, causing kuroo to grunt when he hears the names. 
“but now that i have you like this, you can’t run away nor slap me again.” he purrs, leaning his chin to rest on your shoulder. 
“i don’t get it.” you reply coyly, as if him rubbing his cheek against yours isn’t clear enough to tell you what he wants to do. 
“look at me.” he orders, and you nervously turn your head to him. although there’s a shit eating grin plastered across his face, it only makes him look even more gorgeous especially when he is only a couple of inches away. 
there’s a sparkle of mischief in his umber eyes as he stares into you, “close your eyes.”
and you do. his hot breath prickles your skin when he closes in the gap and he finally plants a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
your eyes flutter open once he pulls away. “is that it? is that the kiss?”
“mmhmm.” he nods his head a bit too proudly and lets you go. 
you burst out laughing when you’re reminded of a pure, curious child that knows absolutely nothing of the world. 
“then, you missed.” you chaff, turning to face the clueless male.
“w-what?” kuroo blinks in confusion and his ears and tail plop down dispiritedly. he’s pretty sure that he did it right. besides, that’s how you’ve always kissed him when he was a–
you take a step closer to him and get on your tiptoes before cupping his face to pull it closer to yours. it must be the waves of endorphins rushing in your veins or the look of his handsome yet dejected face after thinking that he has accomplished something great– but you found the urge to kiss him properly on the lips, leaving kuroo stunned and wide eyed as he relishes on the new feeling of your soft lips pressing against his before you pull away all too quickly.
“that’s how you kiss someone.” 
well, maybe you shouldn’t have taught him that because now, he’ll just might want more.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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the-a-word-2214 · 3 years
Broken Hearts II
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summary: you finally get to meet the little girl that Joby couldn’t stop talking about
pairing: Joby Taylor x reader
word count: 1,750
warnings: language, fluff, mention of intoxication
A few nights ago, Joby came to your house drunk out of his mind. He started sobbing, telling you how much he missed his daughter and how he wanted to do better for her.
Now you were sleeping at his house when he burst into the room. It was highly unusual for him to be up much earlier than you were. He had to have been pretty antsy to have woken up so early and be showered already.
“Babe, babe you would not believe who called me.”
“What? Who called you?” You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you sat up, running a hand through your bed head.
“Jane, she called me. She must’ve used Claire’s phone or something because she called and said that she wanted to meet.”
It takes you a second to register his words.
“Oh wow, that’s incredible. Do you want me to come with? Make sure everything’s okay?”
He laughs softly, a lovestruck look on his face as he cradles your face.
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
You smile as you pull out a pair of clean clothes before you go into the bathroom and start the shower.
The drive to Claire’s house was nerve wracking for the both of you. You were terrified of any accusations that could come from Claire or any stupid boundaries that the lawyer might set.
Joby taps the steering wheel a few times before glancing over his appearance in the mirror.
He breathes out a shaky sigh before nodding and getting out.
You’re greeted by Claire’s lawyer who immediately asks you to take off your shoes at the door.
“Who is this, Mr. Taylor?”
“Oh uh this is my girlfriend (Y/N).”
You smile kindly at the man to show that you were harmless. He wasn’t expecting you so you hoped that you didn’t impose on any rule or boundary set for Joby’s visit.
“Come have a seat Mr. Taylor, there are some things that I want to go over with you before you see Jane.”
He gives you a look as to say “what’s this guy’s problem.” Joby sits down in front of the man after he kicks off his boots.
“Rule number one: you are not to discuss anything that went on between you and Claire. Rule number two: you are not to say anything negative about my client. Rule number three: do not put Jane in harm’s way.”
Joby scoffs, folding his arms.
“C’mon now, how dumb does she think I am?”
“It’s just a precaution, Joby. No need to get upset.”
You patiently wait, overhearing their conversation. A little girl with dark hair and a blue coat walks towards you. Joby’s star struck as he looks down at her.
“Hi Jane, I’m Joby.” He’s quiet and cautious as he speaks at her eye level.
“How are you?” He asks.
“I’m good.”
“Well good. Do you want to, uh, go do something for a little while?”
“Ok, cool. Yeah.” He smiles slightly.
“You’d better get going.” The gruff lawyer speaks as he holds Jane’s shoulders. It’s as if he’s guarding her from something.
“I’m gonna get my shoes on.” He pulls on his boots as you put on your shoes and he leads her outside, her hat now on.
In the car, he hands her a neatly wrapped present which you took care of that morning. She opens the paper to reveal a new doll.
“Hey look, it’s Abigail.”
“Thanks.” She holds the doll close as you drive off.
You can tell that the little girl is discouraged as she looks down at the doll.
Joby begins to doubt himself as he looks to you and then to his daughter.
“What’s the matter? You don’t like it? You can tell me if you don’t like it.”
“I already have it.” She mumbles.
“Okay, well at least you like dolls. You already have it.” He whispers the last part as you give him a kind smile, resting your hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, Joby. I can get her a different one.”
“Alright, let’s go pick out a new one and return it.”
He’s definitely an outsider in the toy store. His dark outfit contrasts the brightness of the toys and stuffed animals around you. He gently takes your hand, intertwining your fingers together.
It’s obvious that he’s nervous.
He walks carefully behind the little girl as she looks around the store, her big blue eyes scanning every toy in sight.
She finally stops on a different doll.
“I want this one.”
Joby fakes bewilderment as he picks it up.
“Okay, great. Yeah. Let’s uh- let’s exchange it.”
You watch the two in awe as they walk around the mall, trailing a few feet away. It may be new to him, but you can already tell that he’s a natural at it. You can’t help but smile to yourself, wishing that you two could one day have kids of your own.
Once you stop in a restaurant, Joby tries talking to Jane about her interests. She’s admittedly a hard nut to crack as she just shrugs at most of the questions. It’s funny to watch this little girl keep your boyfriend on his toes.
The conversation changes once she finally asks a question. Joby toys with the heat protectant on his coffee cup.
“Why didn’t you come see me before?”
Joby is taken aback suddenly, running his hand through his hair.
“Well, uh, I was touring a lot. Traveling. I moved and I was in LA for a little bit. I wanted to come see you but things weren’t so good between your mom and I. We thought it was the best for all of us...” he trails off as he looks to the floor.
He motions for her to lean in closer as he speaks. “You see I was in this band and we had this deal with a record company. And I couldn’t give that up. You know? I was just young and stupid. I wanted to make it so bad.” He shakes his head.
“Have you made it?” Her tiny voice is almost inaudible as she speaks above the loud patrons in the restaurant.
“Yeah, I think I’m real close. Yeah for sure.” He fibs as he messes with the melted strawberry ice cream in front of her.
“So uh, why don’t you like ice cream?” His tone is playful now as he moves past the earlier topic.
“Just don’t.” She shrugs again.
“So, what do you like?”
He laughs softly. “Cupcakes, I should have got you a cupcake.”
After the mall, you head to a nearby bowling alley. Joby’s elated when he learns that his daughter and him have something in common.
He finally takes off his prized jacket as you find an empty lane. You play scorekeeper as you watch the two of them play.
Joby’s lean figure catches your eye as he makes a strike.
“Did you write zero?”
“Yeah I did, great job baby.” You wink at him as he gives you a smile. He was finally starting to feel like himself again.
He squats down next to Jane as he watches her ball go into the gutter.
“Oh no!” Her little voice cries.
“Tough break, kiddo.” He ruffles her hair as they finish their game.
You only drive back after a phone call from Claire. Jane had a piano appointment that afternoon so he couldn’t spend all day with her.
“I had fun today with you.”
“Me too.” She smiles up at him.
“Okay, well thank you for giving me the chance.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Can I walk you to the door?” He helps her out as he takes her free hand that wasn’t carrying the doll with her bag.
You watch as she walks inside, Joby lingers by the door before walking back to the car. Tears fill his eyes as you get into the passenger seat where Jane once sat.
He was terrified that that was the only chance that he’d ever get. He drives down the road before pulling over, an empty feeling aches his bones as he cries.
He suddenly jerks the car around and drives back. You watch as he goes up to her window and steps inside it. Your heart rate increases as you watch him, thinking that he’s half sane, half crazy to want to do something that drastic.
He climbs in and sits in the floor with the little girl.
“I wanted to talk to you about us. We didn’t really get to talk about our relationship or anything. So, I was wondering, how do you feel about me?”
“Well, I can’t call you ‘dad’.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He hangs his head.
“I just wanna know how you feel about me.” The tears resurface again.
“You seem like a nice person.”
“I mean we could- we could like, I don’t know if you want this. I could be around more, me and (Y/N) could. We could be like a family. I mean...should I be here?”
“I don’t know. Mom’s getting married.” She wants me to call him ‘dad’.”
Joby’s breathing is erratic as he looks around.
“It’s okay. I mean, he’s cool to you and everything, right?”
“He’s nice.”
He looks around again before settling on her face.
“I want what’s best for you, you understand that right?”
She nods as he leans forward to hug her.
“Thank you.” Is all he whispers as she returns it with a “you’re welcome.”
He drives back to his lawyer’s office with a heavy heart, sunglasses on.
“Alright let’s go. I’m ready to sign.”
He signs the document before leaving, his head hangs as he silently drives you both back to his house. His gaze is heavy as you walk inside, you can tell that he’s hurting.
“It’s going to be okay, I just know it.” You take his hands in both of yours.
“Thanks for coming with me. It was nice getting to see her.”
“Yeah, she’s a sweet girl.”
He messes with a ring on your finger, looking down at it.
“Do you think we could start over? I want a family of my own. I want to prove that I’m more than just a fuck up.” He sighs as he studies your eyes.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I want a family too. I know that you’d be a great dad, you proved that today.”
“Oh yeah? I guess time will tell.”
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natashxromanovf · 3 years
Pairing: Sirius Black× fem! reader
Warnings: swearing, vomiting, alcohol, injuries
Word count: 2k
A/N: I’m kinda proud of this one. I can definitely see the progress. I hope you like it! I started writing it 2 weeks ago, but lost motivation and now I’m here finishing it today. Also @voidmalfoy wanted to be tagged in here. Thank you for deciding to read it.
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You and Sirius were best friends since the second year. You have never imagined him as something else. Something more.
Your dorm was very bright from the sun shining through the windows. You could feel the warmth on your body. It was a perfect afternoon.
“Hey Y/N.”
“Hello, Marlene”
“I need to ask you something” 
“What’s going on with you and Sirius?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, are you two a couple or something?”
“What?” the question caught you off guard. “No. You know we are not.”
“Babe, I have seen the way you’re looking at him. You look like your heart is about to melt into your hands.”
“What, no-” and then it hit. The realization that you are, indeed, in love with your best friend. it didn’t happen all of a sudden, no. The feelings were built through the years. It started with a little crush, you developed in fifth year. You pushed it at the back of your mind, convincing yourself it’ll go away. But it didn’t. It just kept growing and growing, until it was too big for you to deny it anymore.   
“Fuck” you sighed “No, no, no this is not happening! It can’t be happening. I can’t. He doesn’t feel the same I’m just going to end up heartbroken.” a million thoughts were running through your head. But the loudest and strongest one was He doesn’t feel the same. How am I gonna tell him?
You decided not to worry about it. Not tonight. Tonight is time for fun. The marauders planed one hell of a good party (Sirius was in charge of the drinks, Remus planned the whole thing and James and Peter made sure that teachers won’t hear a thing) and there’s no way you are gonna ruin yourself the night. Tonight is time for drinking and celebrating Gryffindor's win in the match against Ravenclaw. 
When you got there the common room was already pretty full. Your eyes started to search for Sirius before you even realized it. And there he was, flirting with a girl as always. The new feeling hit you. You immediately knew what it was. It felt like a stab in the chest, like someone was trying to tear your heart out of your chest. No, don’t you thought. What did I promise myself? You got lost in your thoughts before someone tapped your shoulder.
“Hey Y/N/N.”
“Oh, hey Lily.”
She looked at Sirius and then at your face. “Marls told me” she sighed.
“Oh news travels fast around here.” you rolled your eyes.
“Let’s go somewhere else. Drinks!”
Soon all of your friends joined. You danced, drank, you had fun. Maybe a little too much. You tripped and fell, but somebody caught you.
“Wow, you okay, love?”
“Yeah, I’m all good, Siri” you giggled. Trying to steady yourself, you once again lost balance but there were hands quickly to wrap around your waist.
“Okay, I think you had enough.”
What? No. I didn’t know you were such a party killer.”
“Believe me, I’m not, but I think you should go up.”
“Whatever.” He escorted you.
“Thank-” you couldn’t even finish the sentence. As soon as you came up you ran straight to the bathroom. You don’t tolerate alcohol very well. You knew that. You started throwing up and someone's hands grabbed your hair.
“See. Told you.” joked Sirius but there was a hint of worry in his voice.
“I’m okay. Thank you.” you smiled. “But I think I’m gonna stay here for a little bit. I don’t think it’s over yet.”
“Then I’m staying too.” he sounded pretty sober, looking at a fact he drank nearly as much as you.
“No, you don’t have to. Go, have some more fun.”
“It’s okay.”
“You sure?” you raised your eyebrows.
Soon your urge to puke went away so you fell asleep. 
The morning came quicker than you wanted. Your head was pounding and you felt sick. What you didn’t expect was to wake up to the black-haired boy sleeping on the floor beside your bed. You couldn’t help yourself but stare at the beautiful being sleeping in front of you.  
No worries, no school, no quiddi- “Quidditch!!” you shouted “Sirius wake up! Wake up, idiot!” you screamed, throwing a pillow in his face.
“Quidditch, Sirius, quidditch” 
He looked at you confused.
“Practice, James saying it was important, don’t you remember??”
“Oh, shit!”
“YES! We have exactly five minutes to get ready. Oh God, my head! Do you have any painkillers?
“Yes, in my dorm. We get ready and then meet me down in five?"
“Yes, now go!”
As fast as you could, you got ready, took your broom, and ran down the stairs. Sirius was already waiting for you with a water bottle and three pain killers. “Thanks.”
“No worries, now run.”
“Where have you been!?! You’re late!”
“I know, I’m so sorry James”
“Do you even have a good excuse? I told you this training is very important!”
“Does hangover count?” half-joked, half asked Sirius.
“What? Oh, the party. No, it doesn’t count! And where even were you, you didn’t come back to our dorm last night.”
The boy looked at you and then started speaking “In girls’ dorm.”
“What were you- You know what I don’t wanna know, just get ready quick!”
You quickly swallowed the medications, saddled the broom, and pushed yourself from the ground. 
The practice was quite enjoyable. The fresh air helped with your headache. Or was it just the medications, you didn’t know. The ending of the practice was approaching when James called you all down for a quick word. 
“So, many of you are probably wondering why the hell was this training so important. No, it wasn’t just because I wanted to have it, it was also because professor Mcgonagall informed me, that Hufflepuff’s seeker broke her arm, so they can’t play in their game against Slytherin next week. Which means that we have to play instead of them. 
You enjoyed playing quidditch. Tho matches against Slytherin were never fun. It always ended with at least half of the team in the hospital wing. By any chance, that half of the team often included you. The raven-haired boy, who stood next to you, bumped your shoulder.
“Excited for the game, y/l/n”
“I don’t know, these matches always end the same.”
“With injuries and annoyed Madam Pomfrey.” you two said in sync. The laughter filled your lungs, echoing through the changing room.
The week went through pretty boring yet normal. Lessons, tons of homework, intense practices, a couple of pranks, and fun evenings with friends. Saturday came again quickly and nerves settled into your body. You were tense, anyone could see that from a mile away. You tried to eat, but your stomach refused. 
“Come on darling, relax.” said Sirius massaging your shoulders and neck.
“I don’t even know why I’m so stressed, it’s just a normal game. But I have a feeling something will go terribly wrong!”
“Hey, hey, look at me” whisper- yelled Sirius. “Everything is going to be okay. You’ll do good, I’ll do good, James’ll do good.” staring at those beautiful grey eyes of his, you calmed. They took your worries away and your lips formed a gentle smile. His expression soon mirrored yours, looking away from you.
“Thank you so much Pads, I have no idea how you do it but it works. You’re the only person that can calm me.” He would probably throw some flirty remark back if James hadn’t cut him off.
“Attention, attention my dear teammates. The match will take place at 9.30 so we have exactly 30 minutes-”
“29 minutes, thank you, Williams, to get ready. So lift your ass up, take your brooms and lets go to changing rooms!” James yelled, clearly determined to win today's game. He can be sweet and nice but when it comes to quidditch there is no joke.
When you changed into quidditch ropes the team went through all your tactics again. Soon enough you heard Madam Hooch's whistle that announced the game is gonna begin. Two captains shook hands, roughly than they should.
The game was pretty tight Gryffindor only leading by 10 points. If James doesn't catch the snitch soon you're all screwed.
"Williams throwing a quaffle to y/n, y/n passing it to Andrews and Andrews right back to y/n... And y/n scores!! The result is now 180 for Gryffindor and 160 for Slytherin." Right as the commentator announced your goal you saw James diving after something very small, something golden... a snitch! "And Potter caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins!!" Loud cheering was heard from all directions. Cheering people in scarlet and gold, some Gryffindors some even Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.
Right as you were about to land someone knocked you from your broom. As you started falling you saw a familiar face behind you. You didn't give it much a thought tho as blackness took over all your senses.
The moment you woke up you felt a pair of familiar hands around your own. Your head was pounding, your vision was blurry and you had to blink a couple more times than normal. You tried to sit up but your body strongly disagreed.
"Siri? What happened?" the black-haired boy quickly looked up and a smile formed on his face.
"You're awake, thank god." he said with such a caring voice and your stomach immediately started doing flips. "You were diving when somebody knocked you off your broom. Nobody saw who it was tho." as the memories started forming themselves in your mind you remembered who you saw. It was Goyle.
"I know who it was. But you have to promise me you won't do anything stupid!" Sirius' face darkened. Hesitatingly he said "I promise. Now please tell me."
"It was Goyle." Goyle has always been short-tempered. He probably couldn't take the Slytherin's loss so he took his anger out on you.
"I'm gonna kill him! That son of a bitch. I knew it, I knew it!!"
"Sirius Black! You promised you won't do anything stupid. Now please calm down. Nothing bad happened."
"Nothing bad happened?! Y/n you're in a hospital wing!"
"Yea, but I'm okay." That was obviously a lie. Every part of your body hurts. With every move, every word, something hurts. As you could saw, Sirius didn't buy it but decided to play along anyway.
"Oh, you're okay? Fine, then please sit up for me."
Again you tried but couldn't do it. "I can't."
"Oh, I know you can't." a smirk appeared on his face but was soon replaced with a worried expression. "You fell from 8 meters, you can't be okay."
"You know me too well, it's creepy really. You know more about me than I do myself." he laughed, leaving you no other choice than to join him.
"Please don't make me laugh, it hurts." you said through chuckles and pain.
Soon enough, you both calmed down and a comforting silence fell over you two. That was until Sirius interrupted "You got me worried there, you know."
"I'm sorry."
"It wasn't your fault what in the world are you sorry for, love?"
"Don't know. For destroying a happy feeling after our win?"
"You didn't. I'm just happy you'll be okay." he smiled. Overwhelmed with emotions you said something you didn't intend to. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"No Sirius, I'm in love with you." no stopping now, you thought. He was caught by surprise, hundreds of thoughts running through his mind. You miss judged the silence, looking away with glassy eyes. He broke out of his thoughts by the sight of you almost crying.
"I- I'm in love with you too."
"What?" you have to hear him say it again. Was this just your head playing with you? You waited so long for these words to come out of his mouth, you didn't know if they were real.
"I love you too." he said right before pressing his lips against yours. It didn't take you long to melt into the kiss. Your lips felt like they were made for each other.
Like you two were made for each other.
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adenei · 3 years
Ch. 2 How to Win a Witch in 10 Days
James rolls out of bed after the third snooze of his alarm clock. He knows exactly how long he can wait until he has to get out of bed so he won’t be late for work. Sometimes he misses living with Sirius and Remus, who used to help make sure he was up and at ‘em on time.
Stretching, James releases a groan as he goes to the bathroom and turns the water on for a shower. At least I’m not competing for hot water anymore. He steps into the scalding hot spray. He’s barely been living on his own for a month, and has to admit the perks certainly outweigh the drawbacks. Besides, they still work together for Alastor’s Ads, so it’s not like they never see each other.
After a quick lather and rinse, James steps out and towels off. He figures he has a good ten minutes to floo to the office. He’s pulling clothes out of his closet when Remus’s Patronus bursts through the window.
Get to the office. Now.
“Well, that doesn’t sound foreboding or anything,” he mutters to himself.
He quickly dresses and grabs his bag before heading to the fireplace. He’ll have to take a mid-morning break to get a bite to eat since the wolf interrupted his usual routine. Tossing the powder into the hearth, he steps in and transports himself to the office.
Sirius and Remus are waiting for him when he arrives, with looks of concern donning their faces.
“What’s got your wands in a twist this morning?” James assumes it’s not dire, and that Remus only sent the Patronus as a stern reminder for timeliness.
“It’s the Zabini Jewels pitch,” Sirius responds.
The name raises the hairs on the back of James’s neck.
“What about it?” he plays it cool.
The three men begin walking to James’s office, where Remus shuts the door after they all pile in.
“Well, the good news is that Moody liked your pitch,” Remus states, clearly easing James in as he begins.
Alastor Moody is the owner of Alastor’s Ads. After a mission with the Aurors put him out of commission, Moody opened an advertising business to do something with his settlement claim. He knew how corrupt the advertising business can be, so he set out to make the industry a little more honest, consequently weeding out the shadier businesses in the process. In the ten years since the company opened, it’s risen to the top spot of marketing in Magical England.
James’s position typically consists of wooing clients from magical games and sports and the food and spirits industry, but he’s recently begun dabbling in businesses outside his forte. Zabini’s is an up and coming jewelry shop with a lot of money backing its name. James submitted the proposal to Moody earlier that week, hoping to hear whether he would be the one to move forward with the pitch.
“Why do I sense there’s a but…” James trails off.
“Well…” Remus grimaces.
“Oh, come off it! If you’re not going to tell him, then I will!” Sirius interjects. “Moody’s given the pitch to my cousins!”
“No!” James bangs his fist on his desk, causing some of the hot young interns who are standing by the water cooler to jump and turn around.
James relaxes enough to flash a charming smile their way as he turns back to his best friends. “That was my proposal! I should be the one who meets with Zabini!”
“We know. But Moody said something about women ‘knowing and understanding’ the business more,” Remus attempts to calm James.
“That’s bullshit! Maybe they’re the ones who receive the jewelry, but blokes are the ones who buy it!”
“I know, mate.” Sirius throws his hands in the air, indicating he’s not the one James needs to argue with.
James is pissed. He’s worked too hard on this proposal for Moody to give the pitch to someone else. I’m not going down without a fight.
“Where are they?”
“They already left for a meeting at Witch Weekly.”
“Well, when are they meeting with Moody?”
“At Abbott's tonight,” Sirius answers automatically. Remus shoots him a look.
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
James looks down at his desk. Memos are piling up from existing clients, but he can’t be arsed to worry about those right now. He needs to sign Zabini. It will be the breakthrough he needs to stand on his own in the business, and a way to finally prove to himself that he doesn't need to rely on his parent’s wealth.
A look of determination crosses his face. “I’m going to crash their meeting and sell my pitch.”
Sirius holds up his hand for a high five as Remus winces. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, James.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not going down without a fight.”
James sits at a small cocktail table, sipping on a firewhisky at Abbott’s, a swanky magical speakeasy tucked away in the heart of Muggle London. The walls are painted an elegant navy blue that stands in stark contrast with the white marble floor, giving off an air of class and wealth that James has always refused to engage in. Gold trim lines the backlit shelves that house bottles upon bottles of expensive alcohol for the bar’s many eager patrons.
Business starts to pick up as the night drones on, and James can’t help but notice how many beautiful women are out on this fine Thursday night. If he didn’t have a pitch to snag, he might be on the prowl, looking for a good time. But he’s already limiting himself to one drink so he can keep his mind clear, but that’s not to say the alcohol isn’t tempting.
“Potter, what are you doing here?” Moody’s gruff voice can be heard from across the room.
James immediately stands up on his boss’s arrival. Ordinarily, he’d hold out his hand in greeting, but Moody’s always been a suspicious man, so he forgoes the gesture.
“I heard you accepted my proposal for Zabini’s Jewels.”
“Yes, and it’s my intention to give the pitch to Narcissa and Andromeda.”
“Why, sir?” James asks. He’s about to continue when another voice juts in.
“Why what?” Andromeda asks.
As if on cue, the Black sisters appear.
“What’s he doing here?” Narcissa quickly follows.
“It’d only be fair if the person who submitted the proposal has a hand in acquiring the pitch,” James says as suavely as he can, ignoring the ladies’ interjection.
“Ha!” Andromeda scoffs, “James couldn’t possibly know enough about what women like to know how to sell jewels.”
“Yes, I don’t think he’s ever had a proper girlfriend to buy jewelry for,” Narcissa adds with a smirk.
“Ah, but there’s the catch. You may think it’s all about what women want. But does a man consult his girl when he’s out to buy her a ring?” James doesn’t give either woman a chance to respond before he answers for them. “Exactly. You’re not just looking at it from the angle of ‘what a woman wants.’ One has to consider the man who’s shopping for his girl, and that is where I come in.”
Moody is listening raptly to James’s argument, which seems like a good sign. James notices Andromeda and Narcissa share a nervous glance, and he knows his ideas are being received better than the women assumed.
“Potter brings up a good point,” Moody says. “Every other advertising company always focuses on the woman, but this has potential.”
“Can’t you see it now? We’d include the women in the slogan, of course: ‘Zabini’s Jewels, where dreams come true.’” James lifts his hands to outline an imaginary sign that bears his ideas.
“Please, you’ve never been in a relationship long enough to even contemplate any of that!” Narcissa smacks her hand on the table in annoyance. “How do you know what it’s like shopping as a man in love? You’d be an imposter!”
“Am I really an imposter if I’m simply waiting for the right woman to come along?” James raises his eyebrows to match the smooth sound of his voice.
“Says the guy who’s only rival for the one-night stand trophy is Sirius,” Andromeda says.
To be honest, that jab hurts. For years, James has had the image of ‘womanizer’ placed on his head, even since his Hogwarts days. Sure, he’s a flirt, but he’s definitely not the type of bloke to bring home a different woman every night.
“That’s not entirely true and you know it. I have fun, but not that much fun.”
“Prove it, then,” Narcissa crosses her arms in front of her chest in indignation.
“Prove you’re capable of a serious relationship. That you can win a witch over and make her fall in love with you. Unless you don’t think you can handle anything more than taking a woman to bed,” Andromeda goads.
James is never one to back down from a challenge, but he worries the girls are doing this to throw him off his agenda. “I would gladly accept if this had anything to do with the Zabini pitch, but—”
“That’s an interesting offer,” Moody’s gruff voice interjects. All three look at him. “If you’re this cutthroat about winning a jewelry pitch, let’s have some fun with it. We’ve been invited to attend a gala that Zabini is hosting a week from Saturday. Find a woman and bring her as your date. If you can make her fall in love with you, you get the pitch. If you fail, the ladies win.”
“But how will you know he’s not paying the girl to fake it?” Narcissa pouts.
“I always know the truth,” Moody says. His glass eye is twitching in all directions as he stares at James with his good one.
Now, this is an interesting turn of events. James contemplates what Moody’s said. There has to be an easier way to shed the girls off his client, but his mind is coming up empty.
You did say you’d do anything earlier, didn’t you?
Yeah, he supposes he did.
“Alright, deal.”
“But we get to pick your lucky lady!” Andromeda interjects.
“What? No! I didn’t agree to that.”
“Oh, come on, it has to be someone completely neutral. We can’t have you calling up a friend and faking it, now can we?” Narcissa reasons.
Ugh, fuck them.
“I’ll allow it,” Moody says, as the girls begin scanning the room.
“Hmm, Cissy, who should we choose?”
“I don’t know, Andie, there are so many people here tonight. It’s bound to be tough. What about that one over there in the neon yellow dress with the black platform shoes?”
James groans. This is going to be a disaster.
“Or the overly eager woman by the bar in the too-tight green dress, downing her third martini of the night.” Andromeda smirks.
“Come on, ladies, let’s try and be fair here.” James makes the request, even though he’s not convinced they’ll listen.
“What about—” Narcissa begins to point out another woman, whom James is sure would never work, when Andromeda cuts her off.
“I’ve found her.”
Narcissa turns her head on a swivel, looking around with increased interest. “Who?”
“There, on the other end of the bar. Long auburn hair in the little black dress. She’s sipping on a cosmo.”
No fucking way.
James follows Andromeda’s eyeline until it falls on a very gorgeous, very familiar face. Lily Evans. His former Gryffindor schoolmate and long-time crush.
At first, James’s mind is screaming an adamant NO. That ship sailed during seventh year when he finally gave up his pursuit of Lily and settled with sixth year Hufflepuff Bridgette Carmicheal instead. It wasn’t until the end of term that he overheard Lily insisting that whatever feelings she thought she might have for him were gone.
‘He chose Bridgette, Marls. I strung him along for too long, and I lost my chance. I’m over it.’
Those words still sting as they hover in the back of his mind. James recalls breaking up with Bridgette within the week, hopeful that it wasn’t too late. But then Bridgette had taken the break-up horribly, and he knew going for Lily the next day wasn’t a good idea. Then graduation came and went, and he hasn’t seen her since.
Seeing her standing there now, his heart leaps into his throat. She’s just as beautiful as ever, and all those feelings he thinks he’s finally gotten over are back, like a tornado completely upending his life. This could be his chance—their chance—to finally make a go of things. The thoughts begin whirring in his mind of ways to win her over.
Before James realizes what he’s doing, he’s standing up, and his feet are carrying him over to where she’s sipping on her drink. She doesn’t see him coming.
“Evans,” he croons as he sidles up next to her.
Her body stiffens when she hears his voice. James hasn’t thought what her reaction might be upon seeing him for the first time in years. Well, it’s too late to back out now. I’ve got a pitch to win and a second shot with the girl of my dreams.
She turns around after a moment, her face impassive, but not unwelcoming.
“Potter.” She’s eyeing him up and down. “Long time, no see.”
“Yeah, since when? Graduation?”
“Something like that,” she shrugs nonchalantly.
“What brings you to Abbott’s?” James would rather know how often she comes here, but he keeps that question to himself.
“It’s been a long week, and I needed a night out. You?”
“Same.” James contemplates what’s made this week long, and is about to ask when Lily continues without prompting.
“Though I forget how stuffy this place can be,” Lily sighs, “Marlene and Alice convinced me to come, but I can’t say I’m having much success in tonight’s pursuits. And I’m starting to think they’ve ditched me. Though, I suppose all’s fair in love and war when you enter the dating game. Don’t you agree?”
Her comment almost throws James off as he looks down at the hand holding her cosmopolitan. He breathes a sigh of relief and thanks Merlin that there’s no ring on her finger. So, she’s looking for a good time tonight, is she? Well, I can certainly show her a good time—and then some—if she’ll let me.
“Couldn’t agree more,” he says in an attempt to continue engaging her in conversation.
She makes the effort to look around the room. Now is his chance to make a move.
“You hungry?”
Lily observes him carefully. James can tell she’s closed off and knows he needs to reassure her that it’s innocent, for now…
“C’mon, Evans, it’s just dinner. Catching up can’t hurt, can it?” He pauses for a moment before making the split-second decision to add, “I’ve missed you.”
It’s true. Standing here with Lily now, James wonders how he coped over the past three years. He thought he’s been managing just fine, but her presence brings back everything he’s so desperately missed about her. James doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until he sees her relax. Her eyebrows soften and the smallest smile plays at the corners of her lips.
She sets her almost empty glass down on the bar before sliding off her stool. “Well, Potter, how can I resist when you put it like that? Lead the way.”
James can’t help the grin that spreads on his face. He holds out his arm as Lily gingerly latches on. Her touch sends a tingle up his spine as they move toward the doors.
Before he forgets, James takes a quick glance back at Moody, Andromeda and Narcissa. He flashes a smirk that he hopes says ‘you’re going down’ before turning back to the beautiful woman on his arm. After ten years of pining, he’s finally got Lily Evans right where he’s always wanted her, and he’s determined not to ruin this second chance.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all!
I've been sick as hell for a week, and finaly started to feel a bit better today.
So, finaly got the strenght to post new part of the story.
Wish you all a good week, take care and stay healthy! :)
„'Morning.“ I said smiling, peeping from under the covers. Jake tured to me from his laptop „Good morning, angel.“ He said smiling back. „Did you sleep well?“ „I did.“ I said, getting up and stretching. „I actually don't remember the last time I slept so well.“ He grinned „Good.“ I looked arround the room, the absence of my favourite scent leaving me confused. „No coffee?“ I asked, and he looked serious at me „No, I'm affraid.“ „Oh.“ I said disappointed, draging my feet towards the bathroom, mumbling curses under my breath. I was at the doors when he said „I actually thought we could go to town for coffee.“ I turned to him surprised „You did?“ „Mhm.“ He said „It's a nice morning, would be a shame to spend it inside.“ He grinned, and I looked at him inquirely, leaning on the doorframe and crossing my arms „Really?“ „Yes.“ He said and I raised my brow at him „And that's the only reason?“ He laughed shaking his head „All right, you caught me. I do have an ulterior motive for it.“ „Yeah, I figured that out already.“ I said and grinned „All right, so out with it.“ Now he grinned „Patience, angel.“ I laughed „Are we playing that game again?“ „We are, and we both know who will win.“ He said and grinned even more „Again.“ I chuckled shaking my head. „Fine. But just so you know, one day I will find out how to break your winning streak.“ I said to him all serious. „Is that a threat?“ he asked teasingly. „No“ I said, detaching from the doorframe , mischievous smile on my face „It's a promise. And I always keep my promises.“
„Better now?“ Jake asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow, as I took a big sip of my coffee sighing happily. „Better now.“ I hummed cheerfuly back at him. He chuckled leaning back in the chair. „You know, I wonder what would happen if you'd go a day without coffee.“ „Oh, god, don't.“ I said and shuddered at the though of it „That would definitely NOT be a good day.“ He laughed hard at it. „Well then, I'll let you enjoy the rest of your coffee in peace.“ He said getting up. „Right, the 'ulterior motive'.“ I said grinning at him. He smiled and leaned to me for a kiss. „I wont be long.“ „Don't worry, you're leaving me in a good company.“ I said taking another big sip of coffee and grinning at him, and he shook his head at me as he walked away. With him gone, I took my phone out to check some things online, enjoying my coffee and the warmth of the sun. I was casually scrolling through some pictures slouched in the chair, when someone blocked the sun from me. I looked up annoyed by it, and was surprised at seeing the person in front of me. „Hello, Maya.“ I straightened in my chair. The bruise on his face was still a bit visible. „Hello, Phil.“ I said with indifferent voice. „You're still pissed at me, I see.“ He said and I looked at him rising my eyebrow. „You think?“ „All right, I deserve that.“ He said. „Can I join you?“ „Not sure that's a good idea“ I said „Jake will be back shortly, and I doubt he would be thrilled at seeing you.“ „You know what? I don't care.“ He said pulling the chair and sitting across from me. „Suit yourself.“ I said leaning back in mine. „So, how are you?“ he asked lighting up a cigarette. „Really, Phil?“ I asked sarcastically „Small talk?“ He sighed desperatly, exhaling the cigarette smoke „Damn it, Maya, cut me some slack here.“ „You're kidding me, right?“ I asked surprised „After what you did, you expect me to go easy on you?“ „Hey, I was the one who ended up on the floor, so yes.“ He said and grinned. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. „And I am trying to apologise here.“ „It's not just me that you need to apologise to, Phil.“ I said. „I know that.“ He started „But with you first, I have a less chance of ending up with a new bruise.“ „Oh, I wouldn't be so confident about it if I was you.“ I said with a smirk. He laughed „ I knew I wasn't wrong about you.“ „What's that supposed to mean?“ I asked a bit defensively. „Relax, gorgeous.“ He said, and I looked at him warningly. „Sorry, old habbits.“ He said and grinned. „All right, Phil“ I said a bit annoyed „So far, all that I heard from you didn't sound remotely close to an apology.“ „Jesus, you really are a tough cookie.“ He said, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray a bit harshly. He looked back at me „I am sorry for what happened.“ He said, and I waited a little for him to continue, but he said nothing. „That's it?“ I asked surprised. „This has to be the lousiest apology I have ever heard.“ „Damn it, Maya, what do you want from me?“ he said, his voice starting to sound insecure. He took out another cigarette, lighting it up. „Well, a bit more then a simple 'sorry' was what I expected, to be honest.“ I said. He shook his head at me „You really can't comprehend it, can you?“ Now I got confused „What are you talking about?“ „You think this is easy for me?“ he said almost hissing it. „I was really into you, Maya, and I guess I still am. Belive me, I tried to move on, but dam it, you are not easy to let go off.“ I held my breath a this words. „And then the two of you parade in front of my eyes all happy and shit, and you expect me to just be ok with it?“ I didn't know if he wanted me to answer, but I could't say a word, feeling a knot in my throath. He laughed then „It's funny, you know“ he said „I always laughed at guys like that, thought of them as weak, whining about a girl that got away.“ He looked me in the eyes, his own with a sad touch in them, my heart squeezing at the sight of it. „How ignorant was I.“ I felt awful, his words hit hard at me. I never gave much thought of it all after we talked back then, when he assured me he
will be fine. But hearing all this from him now... „Phil“ I said softly, reaching for his hand, but he pulled it away before I had a chance to do it „Don't.“ He said sighing „And don't look at me liket that, please.“ „I'm sorry, Phil.“ I said and he laughed surprised „You are apologising to me now?“ „Yes“ I said „I had no clue how this all might be for you, I never wanted for any of this to happen. I really am sorry I made you feel this way.“ „Excellent, now I fell like even a bigger wimp.“ He said defeated. „Don't say that“ I said, reaching for his hand again, and this time he didn't pull it away. He looked at me. „I don't find you weak, or think of you being a wimp. It takes a lot of courage to admit what you just did to me.“ I said and squeezed his hand tight. He shook his head at me „You are really not making it any easier for me like this.“ I smiled awkwardly at him, moving my hand away „Sorry.“ I said, not knowing what more to say. I slouched sadly in my chair. „Don't worry, gorgeous.“ He siad and I looked at him. „I'll be fine, eventually.“ I smiled „I'm sure you will, Phil.“ „So“ he started, clearing his throath „Are we good now?“ „We are, as far as I'm concerned.“ I said and smiled. „Excellent!“ he said and grinned. He chuckled „Huh, I guess the hard part is done now.“ I chuckled back, but he got serious then, straightening in his chair. „Or was it?“ he said, and I looked confused at him, when I felt an arm on my shoulder „Everything all right here?“ I looked up, Jake staring intensly at Phil. I saw tension in his jawline, so I quickly covered his hand with mine „Everything is fine.“ He looked at me and I smiled reassuringly. „If you say so.“ He said, sitting down next to me, turning his look back to Phil. „So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?“ Jake asked him witha a bit of a menacing tone, taking my hand in his. Phil looked at Jake, a mixture of emotions on his face, and I felt a squeez at my heart again, so I quickly said „Phil was actually apologising for what happened.“ He looked at me, his eyes grateful for not making him say the words himself to Jake, and i smiled. „And I accepted his apology, from us both.“ I said, and Jake turned to me rising his eyebrow „Really?“ „Yes, really. I knew you would agree with me eitherway.“ I said, flashing him with the most charming smile I could make, knowing he wont be able to contradict me. „Don't tell me I was wrong?“ i said making a bit sad face, and he smiled at me „No, angel, you wer not.“ I smiled back at him, turning to Phil „Great, so that's settled then. Let bygones be bygones?“ I grinned, looking from Phil to Jake, until both reluclantly mumbled under their breaths something that sounded like 'fine' and 'sure'. „All right“ Phil said after a moment getting up „I'll be off now.“ Jake said nothing but I smiled at him „Take care, Phil. See you arround.“ He smiled back „ See you arround.“ He made a few steps, when he turned and walked back. „I just want to tell you one more thing, loverboy.“ He said, nad I tensed. His tone wasnt friendly at all, and I felt Jake tensing too, squeezing my hand tighter. „You better take care of her really good.“ He said his voice threatening. „Because, if anything happens to her, you better run, and fast. Before I can get my hands on you.“ He looked at me and winked before turning around and walking away casually. I just stared speechless after him. „Did he...just threatened me?“ Jake asked surprised, his grip to my hand relaxing. „It did sound that way.“ I said serious, but I was laughing inside at it. „He is aware that I don't have to use any physical force to make his life miserable, right?“ he said, and I turned to him. He was grinning devilishly still staring after Phil. „What ever diabolical thoughts are crossing your mind at the moment, disperse them.“ I said. „I have no idea what you're talking about.“ He said turning to me, trying to sound ignorant. „Jake, I'm being serious here.“ I said warningly, looking at him crossly „Leave Phil alone.“ „Fine.“ He groaned after a moment. „But only because you asked so
„So, are you finally gonna tell me where you went earlier?“ I asked him as we walked back to the motel. He looked sideways at me „Hmm, I could keep you on edge for a while more.“ „Oh, you're just being evil now!“ I protested and he laughed. „All right, all right. You have been really patiente, so here.“ He said, reaching to his back pocket handing me an envelope. I slowed my steps opening the envelope, and stopped when I saw what was in it. He stopped after a few more steps turning to me, and I ran and jumped to hug him. „Thank you, thank you, thank you!“ He chuckled „You're welcome, angel.“ I moved from him grinning „Are you really gonna endure watching an almost two hours long 'chick' movie with me?“ „If it makes you happy, yes.“ He said and smiled. I gave him a quick kiss „Thank you for this, really.“ I said as we started walking again. „It's something a normal couple would do.“ He laughed „ We definitely don't fall under that category.“ He hugged me with one hand „But you know, I will get a bit jelous, with you dreamily staring at the screen at Chris Hemsworth, with me sitting right next to you.“ „Oh, you dont have to get jelous“ I said grinning at him „After all, you will be the one I'll be going home with after.“
„I'm bored.“ Jake groaned, throwing himself on the bed next to me, my drawing pad jumping from my lap from it. „I can see that.“ I chuckled at him, taking my headphones off. „I have a great idea how you can help me with that.“ He grinned, burrying his face to my neck, leaving soft kisses. „Oh, as much as I like where this is going“ I said, reluctantly pushing him away „But I really need to finish with this before we go to the cinema.“ „You can be so cruel sometimes.“ He said, dramaticaly throwing his head on the pillow. I laughed, reaching for my phone that started to ring. „Hey, Jessy.“ I answered. „Hey, Maya.“ She said „Hope I'm not bothering you.“ „Ofcourse not, what's up?“ I asked. „Well, I'm actually calling to see if Jake is with you.“ she said, and I turned to look at him „He is.“ I said, and he looked confused at me. „Great. Is he bussy at the moment?“ she asked, and I grinned at him „Nop, he's not bussy at all.“ He made a face at me, and I chuckled silently. „What's happening, Jessy?“ „Oh, the end of the world is happening!“ she exclimed desperatly. „All right, calm down and explain.“ I said to her, trying not to laugh, knowing how Jessy can be overdramatic sometimes. „Calm down?!“ she boomed form the other side „I can't, Maya! I need some important things from my laptop for tomorrow for work, and it just started to act weird on me a minute ago! I can't do anything on it, I'm desperate.“ „Oh, thats not good, indeed.“ I said symphathetically. „Would you like me to send Jake over to take a look at it?“ „That would be great.“ She said hopefully „He really wouldn't mind coming?“ „Ofcourse not, Jessy.“ I said „He is bored, and I do have some work to do, so you are actually doing me a favore with draging him out of here.“ I grinned again at him, and he threw a pillow at me. „Yay, thank you so much!“ she said cheerfully „Tell him he can come over whenever he feels like it.“ „No worries, Jessy. He will be there shortly.“ „Thank you again, Maya. Talk to you soon.“ „Bye, Jessy.“ I putted the phone away, turning back to him grinning again. „There, now you have something to do.“ „Yeah, yeah.“ He said, getting up from the bed. „I get the hint.“ „Awww, dont be sulky.“ I said teasingly, coming to him, putting my hands arround his neck. „I'm almost done with my work, so if you finish fast with Jessys laptop, we might still have time for some fun before we have to go.“ He smiled mischievous at me „Oh, you just gave me a motivation to be fast with it.“ „Good“ I said kissing him. „Now, off you go, I'll be right here waiting eagerly.“
I was done with work after Jake left sooner then I expected, so I decided to take a quick shower. When done, I got dressed and I took my laptop sitting at the desk, finding some entertainment online to pass the time. My phone beeped with a new message, so I took it and smiled as I opened the chat.
Jake: Almost done here
Maya: That was really fast :P
Jake: You did gave me a motivation for it :P
Maya: And you weren't kidding about it :D
Jake: I never joke when that's in question ;)
Maya: Haha, I'll keep that in mind :)
Jake: See you soon, angel :)
Maya: Can't wait :)
The movie doesn't start before 9pm, and it was not even 7pm yet, so we still had plenty of time. I continued to browse stuff online, finding an interesting documentary to watch. I got so into it, when a knock at the door surprised me, making me jump in the chair. I turned to the doors, shaking my head at the sight of the keys sticking from the lock. I closed the laptop and got up, walking to the doors with a smile. I opened the doors grinning, ready with a witty comment on the subject of forgetfulness, the grin from my face dissapearing as i saw the person standing in front of me was not Jake. „Good evening, Miss Cole.“ I stared at the face of the unknow man, and the feeling of dread started to crawl at me. As I continued to look at thim, I thought there was something familiar about him to me, but i couldn't quite realize what. „I'm sorry“ I said, trying to hide the fear from my voice „Do I know you?“ „Not really.“ the man said, as the sinister smile formed on his lips. „But I tought the time has come for me to properly introduce myself.“
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
A Game of Chance
I felt like writing something to kinda introduce Roulette, so ye. You get to see a little more of her and what she's like, I guess
Roulette has a nightmare, and her favorite tiger demon unintentionally winds up providing the exact kind of comfort she needs
Some warnings for: implied alcohol consumption, abusive language, references to gambling, guns/gun violence, threats, and character death. There's a little bit of implied nudity at one point too, but it's super brief and could be easy to miss
"Ah, I'm sorry, bud! Your bankroll's empty again. Better luck next time!" 
The middle-aged man that the dealer had addressed scowled in response to her words, the stench of alcohol on his breath as he spoke, "Like hell it is! You're just tryna get rid of me, aren't you?" The dealer tilted her head, her lips curving into the sweetest smile she could manage, "No, sir. You're out of money, and I'm afraid that means you won't be able to keep playing." He continued to scowl, "I am NOT out of money! I know I put down more than what you just took!" Her smile became smug and condescending for just a fraction of a second; There was some truth to this man's words... But he didn't need to know that.
She placed a hand on her chest in a gesture of mock sincerity. Using the opportunity to make sure the wad of cash that she'd slipped into her top was still there, she furrowed her brows, morphing her expression into a concerned frown, "Would it help if I contacted my supervisor? You could dispute this further with him, if you'd like." The drunk shook his head, his face slowly reddening from what she assumed was a mix of anger and the alcohol he'd already gulped down, "No, I don't want no damn supervisor. I want my MONEY." The dealer sighed, "Sir, I can't do that. You lost it in the game, fair and square." He rose from his seat, slamming his hands down on the tabletop and roaring, "BULLSHIT." 
Seeing the other people at her table begin to look concerned, she lifted her hands as if surrendering, "Sir, I need to ask you to calm down. If you can't calm yourself, then I'll be forced to call security." The drunk growled in annoyance, not quite shouting, but still speaking much louder than necessary, "Give me my money and then I'll leave." She slowly shook her head, "I'm sorry, sir. I can't-" Her breath caught in her throat as the man drew a small, handheld gun and pointed it at her. The other casino-goers immediately stood and backed away from the table, visibly terrified as he raised his voice at the dealer again, "HAND OVER MY MONEY, YOU STUPID BITCH. I WANT WHAT'S MINE." She was frozen, her dark eyes wide with fear. The woman tried to form words, but couldn't produce any sound whatsoever.
As security began rushing toward him, he shouted another string of obscenities and pulled the trigger.
The bunny demon bolted up in bed, gasping for air. Beads of sweat gathered on her forehead and she trembled, her eyes wide. Her frantic gaze swept around before catching on her companion, who was still sound asleep beside her. The sheets were tangled around his body, and his already tousled, black hair was now such a mess that she couldn't even see his eyes. Her gaze drifted lower, and she frowned as it settled on the large hole that went clean through his chest. Power boosts, like the one he'd been talking about getting lately, took a heavy toll on a demon's body. They reopened all of their previous wounds, even those that had long since healed. As she gazed at his chest wound, she couldn't imagine how much pain he'd have to endure if he were to go through with getting another power boost. 
Letting out a deep sigh, Roulette carefully slipped out of the bed, leaning down to grab her companion’s discarded shirt from the floor. Tugging it on in a lazy attempt to cover herself, she made her way to the attached bathroom. Once she reached her destination, she ducked into the room, her vision going black for a second as she gingerly closed the door. As soon as it was closed, she flicked on the light, squinting her eyes tiredly as they tried to adjust to the sudden brightness. Roulette gave them a moment to adjust before she approached the sink, leaning over it to gaze at her reflection in the mirror. She brushed her bangs aside, wincing as a small and deep, x-shaped scar came into her line of sight, situated just above her left eyebrow. Yep... Sure enough, it was still there. 
She frowned, her brows furrowing as her thoughts began to wander back to the friends she'd left behind, as well as her family. She was never close with her parents, but she had a little brother that meant everything to her, and she could never see him again. Her eyes began to sting and she blinked back tears, one of her large, white rabbit ears lifting the tiniest bit in response to some sound that was just outside the bathroom door. Processing that it was likely just Othni, she relaxed, her ear drooping and hanging limply behind her again. Roulette quickly fixed her bangs, combing her fingers through them and covering her scar again before she grabbed ahold of her ears, slipping a hair tie around them and tightening it just enough to guarantee that it wouldn't come loose. 
Othni stumbled into the bathroom, very clearly still half-asleep as he squinted his eyes, unhappy with the amount of light that greeted him. Roulette remained where she stood, watching quietly as he approached, wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder, his voice rough with grogginess, "What are you doing out of bed, Bon-Bon? It's late..."  The bunny demon smiled softly, lightly leaning back against him, "I could ask you the same thing, Tiger." He snorted, his voice becoming muffled as he turned his head and buried his face in the crook of her neck, "I'm up because I rolled over and didn't feel you there in bed with me... Wanted to check on you, that's all." 
Roulette's expression softened a bit further and she hummed in response, "Awe... Well aren't you sweet?" Othni's voice remained muffled as he grumbled, "I can neither confirm nor deny such things. Now, can we go back to bed, or is something wrong?" She sighed deeply and turned to face him, offering him a small, reassuring grin as she gently touched his face, "I'm ok, Othni... It was just a bad dream again, that's all. You're exhausted, so I think we should head back to bed." Othni tiredly leaned into her touch, making a sound in acknowledgment as his eyes began to slowly drift shut. Realizing that he was already dozing off again, Roulette smiled softly. 
Her magic flared up, and their surroundings began to rapidly change. The bathroom shifted into her sitting room, and she gently coaxed Othni over to the sofa. She climbed onto it first and then turned her body, leaning back against the armrest. Almost as soon as she'd finished getting comfortable, Othni was already climbing onto the couch with her. He settled in the space between her legs and leaned down to lay his head on her chest, listening quietly to the sound of her heartbeat. Roulette's magic faded away and she smiled to herself, beginning to very gently pet him, gingerly running her fingers through his tangled, curly locks. Even as he drifted off to sleep, he purred faintly, enjoying her touch.
She watched him for a moment, her cheeks gaining a slight blush. Sure, he had his flaws like everyone else, but it was times like these, where she couldn't help but admire how soft some of his features were. His skin was smooth, and while there were some scars along his arms and one of his sides, his face was completely devoid of any imperfections. His cheeks were rosy, he had beautiful eyes, and lord, his physique. The guy was a bit taller than her and was quite slender, but at the same time... She slid a hand down to one of his shoulders, allowing it to explore the area and trace along his bare back, being mindful of his injury. He was slender, but he still had a little muscle, and she could definitely appreciate that. 
Roulette smiled to herself; He was truly the most beautiful demon she'd ever laid her eyes on.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Coming Up Easy - First Sightings
I am *SO* sorry this is so hella late this week. It's been... a fucking week. CW: One mention of a homophobic slur.
You can also read this on AO3!
CUE - First Sightings
Unpacking boxes was not one of Alex’s favorite activities. He hadn’t had many when he’d moved because he hadn’t wanted to rent a truck or deal with shipping things, so the twelve boxes he’d been able to load into the late nineties Ford Explorer encompassed all his worldly possessions. He’d finally gotten a chance to start unpacking the miscellaneous boxes after a trip to Ikea for bookshelves, a bed, and a couch. Furthermore, he’d promised himself he’d explore his new city more and find second-hand shops for other household furniture and accessories, but the bookshelves would be enough to finally clear away the last of his unpacked boxes.
Alex opened the last box and looked inside. His heart softened a little as he saw the small shoebox of photographs he kept. Promising himself he’d look through it later, he unpacked the few other knick-knacks out of the box and took them to the bookshelves to start placing them. The box didn’t reenter his mind until after dinner when he found himself lounging across his new sofa with a cold beer in his hand. The box stared at him from the floor where he’d left it. Setting down his beer on the floor, he quickly got up and grabbed the box, and brought it back over to the couch. He flipped open the top and gingerly picked up the pile closest to him.
Michael and him in the desert with guitars. Liz, Max, Michael, and him at a church car wash. Michael, Kyle, and him all leaning against a bathroom wall in various stages of being phenomenally sick from drinking too much. Him and Michael hanging out at the UFO Emporium. Him and Michael eating pizza and playing video games at Max and Isobel’s. Him and Michael in college at a frat party. Him and Michael. Him and Michael. Him and Michael…
It hit Alex quite suddenly that basically since he and Michael had become friends they’d been fairly inseparable. They’d dated other people and had friends that the other didn’t like, but as a rule, it was always the two of them against the world and it had been since they were fifteen. He picked up his phone and snapped a photo of the photograph he held in his hand where they were sixteen, pimply, awkward, and bent over laughing outside the high school band room.
Me 8:46 p.m.>> Who the fuck are these dorks? <<Picture sent at 8:46 p.m.>> <<Michael 8:50 p.m.>> Holy shit, look at those nerds!! <<Michael 8:51 p.m.>> Though I gotta say, the emo one is pretty hot. If I were sixteen, I’d definitely have a crush on him. Me 8:52 p.m.>> You did not have a crush on me at 16! I was so tragic! <<Michael 8:53 p.m.>> You were not. You were fucking feral. You took exactly zero percent shit from anyone. It was hot as fuck. Me 8:55 p.m.>> You are definitely misremembering the amount of bullshit I put up with. <<Michael 9:00 p.m.>> Do you know what you were doing the first time I saw you?
Alex cast back in his memory. He remembered the first time he was aware of Michael, but not necessarily the first time Michael was aware of him. He always assumed it was at the same time.
Me 9:02 p.m.>> Uh? Scribbling emo song lyrics on my bio lab notebook? <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> Nope. <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> You were having a fight with Kyle during gym because he tagged your gym shirt with the word “faggot” in pink sharpie.
“Mr. Manes, you cannot wear shirts with inappropriate text on them. This is the gym. White shirts only,” Coach Heim called at Alex as soon as he walked out of the locker room and started towards where the rest of the class was lounging in the middle of the basketball court. Alex could see Kyle elbowing his football buddies and smirking, barely containing their laughter. Alex felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and fury. He kept walking towards the group.
“MR. MANES! GO CHANGE YOUR SHIRT!” the coach yelled, putting more authority into his deep baritone. He was a fit, balding adult who generally was an alright guy, but Alex was swelling with indignation. He stopped a few feet away from the group so he didn’t have to yell to be heard.
“I don’t have another shirt, sir. This is my gym shirt,” Alex explained through clenched teeth. As the rest of the class got a good look at the words emblazoned across his chest and stomach, he heard them begin to snicker and giggle quietly.
“Well, you can’t wear that one. You’re smarter than this, Alex, why would you wear this out of the locker room?” the coach asked, not sounding unkind. He shot the gathered students a dirty look and they quieted their laughter.
“Because it’s all I had to wear and it’s not my fault it was defaced. Some pink-fingered fucking COWARD of a football player must’ve thought it’d be REAL FUNNY to break into my locker and--” Alex started, voice growing louder as he let the heat behind his cheeks infuse his voice.
“I did no such thing!” Kyle yelled, cutting in on Alex. Coach Heim looked over at him, eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, maybe to tell Kyle to sit down, but as soon as Kyle stepped forward away from his buddies, Alex pounced. He landed the first hit on Kyle’s cheek, the meaty smack of their skin satisfying to him. Kyle shook it off and came at him. Before he knew it, they were rolling on the ground hitting each other as hard as they could in anyplace visible. The pain was nothing new for Alex and he kept his head clear as he tried to aim for spots that would hurt long after he was pulled off.
Too soon, arms were wrapped around his chest and a much bigger body than his was pulling him back and off of where he’d pinned Valenti to the ground. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, his ears still ringing with rage, but he could see the thin trickle of blood from Kyle’s split lip and he felt himself smile at the shock on everyone else’s face as they watched him get dragged back. He would not take Kyle’s shit this year. He would not take anyone’s shit.
Alex rubbed his fingers across his eyebrows and sighed deeply. He had been so ready to cause someone else pain by then. His dad had only gotten worse towards him when Kyle started to pull away because it meant that his “unnaturalness” was evident to everyone. His fight then and the fights in the following year always had more to do with his dad than with him being ashamed of being gay. He put the photos down in the box and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. His phone chimed as he unscrewed the top and after a deep drink, he checked the message.
<<Michael 9:13 p.m.>> Uh oh, you’ve left me on read. You okay? Me 9:14 p.m.>> I’m fine. Sorry. Just got wrapped up in my head for a minute. Me 9:15 p.m.>> How did you see that? You weren’t in my gym class? <<Michael 9:16 p.m.>> I was hiding under the bleachers skipping english. Me 9:17 p.m.>> THAT WAS THE FIRST DAY! <<Michael 9:17 p.m.>> Right? Nothing to do anyway. It was fine. It’s in the past. I graduated high school, didn’t I? No harm, no foul.
Alex laughed quietly to himself, staring at the message screen. He went back to the couch and flopped back down across the cushions with a sigh.
Me 9:20 p.m.>> You did. Even graduated college. I guess you’re right. <<Michael 9:21 p.m.>> When do you remember seeing me for the first time? Me 9: 23 p.m.>> I feel like it was biology when we were lab partners. I was supposed to be with Max, remember? <<Michael 9:24 p.m.>> Yeah, I was with Liz. Max had no chill back then. How the fuck did it take Liz until senior year to notice that he liked her? Me 9:35 p.m.>> Had no chill? *Has* no chill.
“Michael! MI-CHAEL!” Max hissed loudly from his seat next to Alex two rows behind where Liz was sitting. The class period was just getting started and everyone was still milling around trying to find their assigned seats. Michael looked over his shoulder at Max who was looking desperately at him. Michael mouthed ‘what?!’ and gave Max an irritated glare.
“Switch with me!” Max whisper screamed. Alex was smirking into his notebook as he watched the exchange through the side of his eye. He hadn’t really noticed the curly-haired boy before, but the eye roll he gave Max was epic. He started to turn back to the front when Max whispered again. “I’ll pay you!”
Michael turned back around abruptly and narrowed his eyes.
“How much?” Michael asked, not whispering but keeping his voice low enough not to carry to the teacher who was about to start taking roll. Max looked desperately towards the front of the class at Liz’s back where she was ignoring what was happening beside her in favor of actually paying attention. She was about the only one.
“Fifty,” Max called out.
“Seventy-five and you buy my lunch for a week,” Michael countered. Alex was highly amused. Max darted his eyes over to Liz’s back again and nodded. Michael grabbed his stuff and moved quickly towards the back of the classroom while Max grabbed his stuff to go forward.
“Sorry!” Max called out to Alex softly before he left. Alex watched him slide into the seat next to Liz smoothly and take out his notebook. She looked over and smiled at him in confusion, turning to look back at where Michael was now taking his seat next to Alex. Alex looked over at him and was struck full in the face with his mischievous grin.
“That sucker, I would’ve done it for twenty-five,” Michael shared with Alex conspiratorially, leaning closer to him while he spoke so his voice wouldn’t reach Max’s ears. Alex felt himself blushing a little at the somewhat flirtatious smirk Michael was giving him. He’d been aware of Michael, but hadn’t really ever paid him any mind. Now he was near him, he could see the interesting light brown of his eyes somewhere between gold and green. He also smelled a little like lake water and the woodsy, spicy deodorant Alex had smelled on Mr. Valenti. It was weirdly comforting.
“So he has a thing for Liz or is he that afraid of failing bio that badly? I’m not stupid,” Alex asked, clearing his throat and trying not to seem offended by Max’s desperation to switch partners.
“Oh, he has a major thing for Liz. It’s gross. Like, she’s pretty, don’t get me wrong. But he’s been writing Mr. and Mrs. Ortecho-Evans in his notebook since third grade or some shit like that,” Michael revealed, taking out his own bio notebook from his bag and setting in on the lab table in front of him. Alex took in what he was saying and nodded.
“So it’s not cause everyone says I’m gay?” Alex asked, voice low and a little nervous to see Michael’s reaction. Michael looked over at him, eyebrows drawn together and something like sympathy passing over his expression before he responded.
“No, man. Max doesn’t give a shit about that and neither do I. You weren’t planning on trying to date him, were you?” Michael asked, shooting him a grin. Alex grinned back, relieved to hear that someone in the school who was so upstanding and obviously straight like Max wasn’t a complete jerk. Michael didn’t seem too bad either.
“Nah. He’s not my type. I like musicians,” Alex joked, shooting Michael a side-grin.
“You don’t say? Do you play?” Michael asked, eyes forward now in a semblance of paying attention to the teacher. Alex glanced up towards the board, but continued slouching over his lyrics notebook.
“Guitar,” he replied shortly as the teacher started explaining their first lab assignment.
“Cool. Me too,” Michael said. Alex could see him studying him out of the corner of his eye. “We should jam sometime.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
And they did jam together eventually. A week later they’d gotten together and Alex had learned that Michael did not know one end of a guitar from the other. He’d let Michael borrow his brother Greg’s guitar and then taught him everything he knew over the course of the next three months.
Me 9:40 p.m.>> Man. Who knew we’d still be friends this long after. <<Michael 9:45 p.m.>> I did. Once you taught me to play guitar, you were stuck with me for life. There’s an unbreakable bond built when one dude teaches another dude how to finger... Me 9:46 p.m.>> Jesus Christ. That was terrible. <<Michael 9:47 p.m.>> Bet you’re laughing though. Me 9:48 p.m.>> I plead the fifth. Also, I gotta get to bed. Early day tomorrow. <<Michael 9:50 p.m.>> That’s some responsible adult behavior right there. Gross. Me 9:51 p.m.>> You’re gross. <<Michael 9:52 p.m.>> I am gross. I’m going to take a shower and change that, however. When will you be young and fun again? Me 9:53 p.m. >> Shut up. Go take your shower. <<Michael 9:53 p.m.>> Fine. Go to bed. Think about me in bed. Me 9:54 p.m.>> *You* think about me in bed. <<Michael 9:55 p.m.>> Always do. Night Me 9:56 p.m.>> Night.
Alex heaved himself off the couch and went to his room. The apartment always seemed so dark and lonely when he finished talking with Michael. He needed to work on making friends. That would help him not miss him so much.
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