#totally not from experience
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
On a scale of 1-10 how crunchy do you think Kirishima’s hair is.
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volfoss · 1 year
Pro tip do not put a potato straight out of a 500°oven right in your mouth. It will hurt
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mango-shpango · 2 years
dont be aro and a hopeless romantic its not a good mix guys
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lost326 · 2 months
I hate when you’re friend drops you off at home and waits for you to get inside and won’t leave until you do only the door is locked and you don’t have a key so you head to the back door waving your friend off only for them to text you that they won’t leave until you say your inside but the back door is locked too and no one is inside so you just have to hide behind a Bush and lie over text that you got in so that your friend will go home and enjoy the rest of the night but now you’re stuck outside till someone gets home.
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abyssalzones · 8 months
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it's really hard figuring out your gender and sexuality when it's the 1970s and you can't just google "am I transgender quiz"
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demi-romantics · 10 months
Truly experiencing the opposite of a gay panic, the aro/ace dread, when I think somebody has a crush on me
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trans-androgyne · 1 month
Believing that trans people afab benefit from transmisogyny as a system is absolutely wild. Having privileges from not being the main target of it is one thing. But you really think that if the systems making up transmisogyny (transphobia, sexism, racism, and white cisheteropatriarchy in general) went away, things would be worse for me as a transmasc instead of better? We're in this fight together. Trans people can weaponize transphobia against each other, but we are not each other's oppressors. We did not build this system and it is not good for us. Direct your rightful anger at perisex cis people; otherwise, you're not punching up, you're just punching.
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whumping-valentine · 2 months
We use being cold, hungry, and tired a lot in our writings, and that makes sense! Those aren't pleasant feelings, but what's not used enough is all of the other symptoms that can occur under those conditions.
Being malnourished not only causes the feeling of hunger, but can give you headaches, and make you feel weak, faint, sick, cold, and tired. It makes you irritable, unable to concentrate, and can even cause wounds to take longer to heal, while brusing much more easily. After a while you even develop an aversion to food, and don't want to eat. You feel nauseous just thinking about it, and breaking a fast isn't something you can do with a flick of your fingers. Your body isn't used to eating, and it may not sit well with you.
Not eating can also cause your blood sugar to drop, which is a whole entire thing in and of itself, and you don't have to be a diabetic to experience it. Low blood sugar is horrible 0/10 do NOT reccomend (but definitely do in whump!)
As for being cold, it can not only be uncomfortable, but it can make you feel physically ill. Especially when paired with a lack of vitamin D from low sun exposure. You just constantly feel sick, and may even begin to feel hot. It is absolutely FREEZING in my room all the time and I always feel sick. Horrible. Do it to your whumpees and tell them if they're good they can go outside and lay in the sun. That's shit's awesome when you're cold.
And of course, with sleep deprivation, it not only makes you drowsy, but it basically screws everything up. Your ability to think, your coordination, your strength. All you wanna do is curl up into a ball and go to sleep, no matter where you are. There's so much you can do with a tired whumpee.
The most fun thing about all of these is that they can generally go together all at once, inflicting symptoms of the others in an endless loop of torment. So yeah, go nuts! It's miserable!
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iiiiiiits-m · 2 months
“My child is completely fine!!”
Ma’am, your child is watching that one video of Matthew Gray Gubler in a cream pie eating contest on repeat
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th3e-m4ng0 · 11 months
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med student megatron....
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coyotesinew · 1 month
How do you reference yourself when speaking about your identity?
Constantly saying "my coyote theriotype" or "my dog identity" is so clunky and tedious, and also just feels weird and wrong. My dog identity is me, but if I just say "my identity" it's not specific enough since I am multiple creatures and I often want to speak about different parts of myself in specific.
When I'm thinking in my head or journaling I most often reference my identities as "my dog" "my werewolf" "my coyote" and so on. Which I guess is also still not perfectly accurate, seeing as my identities aren't really a separate part of myself (save for my werewolf on occasion. It's a whole thing). But it's easy, and it reflects the fact that different aspects of myself are not constant.
ie: my dog is often more intense when it rains, or my coyote really enjoyed laying in the dirt, my wolf loves when it's cold out, etc, etc.
For me, it's just a quick shorthand way of saying "X thing heavily impacts, triggers, is innate, or is associated with X part of myself, as opposed to impacting or being associated with my overall animal existence.
I'd be curious to see what language others prefer to use for themselves!
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ludinusdaleth · 4 months
i have a lot of thoughts on essek, with long, silver hair. astrid, wearing the robes of an assembly mage. essek who is forever in the shadow of ludinus and yet lets his hair grow long, white, like his mentor's, a resonant echo of him in his youth. astrid adorned in the gear of the man who ruined her life, who she can't shake even when hes gone, who she needs the world to know she usurped. essek grown roughshod, scruffy, dirty & unwashed, a tarnished mirror of his mentor because of the consequences of what he did for him. astrid bearing her scars she knows make folk wince, demanding what she went through be seen every day by those who allowed it, a promise, a threat, a "tarnished" mage in a den of perfect wizards.
to know you will always be associated with your abuser and choosing to say fuck it, to bluntly wear it, to be their more haggard & brutal ghost, to be a wraith who knows your fate of looking like the person who ruined your life and to look like you could haunt them. to destroy their image and make it your own. if their darkness is in you then warp it like they warped you, and make the world know. jump at your reflection in the mirror and force yourself to look at it til you can find it within yourself to love every part of it, even that which represents what destroyed you.
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dailymanners · 1 month
IF it can be helped at all, stay home when you are sick to prevent your illness from spreading to others, even if it's not a "serious" illness and is just a common cold, a common cold can still be really detrimental anyone with a weakened or compromised immune system from conditions including, but not limited to, leukemia, HIV, and hepatitis. And you can never know if one of your co-workers or a customer or a random stranger at the store has or lives with someone who has one of these conditions.
Not everyone can help it, some people risk losing their job if they call in sick, and not everyone has someone they can call on to run to the store for essentials while they're sick.
In these cases at least consider wearing a mask while you're in public so as to prevent spreading your sickness to co-workers / customers / random strangers you encounter while out in public. There are several cultures where even pre-COVID times it was considered rude to go out in public without a mask even if you had a simple cold because of it being inconsiderate to spread your sickness to others.
Now, if it can be helped at all, if you have a job where you can call in sick without losing your income, or if you have a job where you can work form home, or if you have anyone at all you can call on to run to the store for you to grab essentials, use that!
"Oh but I don't want to inconvenience my co-workers by having them down a person today, what if they really need my help?" You know what's going to inconvenience them more is when you make everyone at work sick, and some of them might either have a compromised immune system or live with someone who does.
"Oh but I don't want to inconvenience my friend by asking them to grab some essentials from the store for me while I'm sick!" You know what's going to be more inconvenient is when you spread your sickness to that dad you stood in line behind at the store who has a child at home withe leukemia, or a spouse with HIV.
And again, of course not everyone has an option. Some people risk losing their income if they call into work sick, or they don't have anyone who they can call on to get essentials from the store for them. But again, at least consider masking up to mitigate the risk of spreading your illness to vulnerable people who could be seriously harmed by even a common cold or mild flu.
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slavhew · 3 months
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shortly after this john misses his flipflop and lands with his heel straight on the scorching tarmac
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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florian's always struggled to make friends so he didn't really have any back in galar... uh, actually — it might be more accurate is that he USED to have one...
headcanon explanation + bonus under the cut!
like mentioned above, florian has always struggled a lot with making friends. while he's a kindhearted and friendly kid, he can come across as kinda intense to others, ( especially when discussing his interests, ) and that's led to him often being alienated amongst his peers. though he's grown used to being by himself and has learned to not care if others dislike him, he still hopes that he can find at least a few people to connect with outside of his family. it's a hope that's always been present, ever since he was growing up in wyndon.
of course, he wasn't the only loner amongst his childhood peers. around 7 years old, he found a friend in bede fee, who attended the same primary school as him. bede themself wasn't exactly the friendliest kid out there and often had spats with people who made fun of them for their family's low-income status, but florian managed to get them to warm up to him. the two got along pretty well and found comfort in having a friend that seemed to understand them, both being lonely kids who were often picked on by others. after a while, they became pretty much inseparable as they frequently played, read, and laughed together. to florian, it didn't matter that people picked on him just as long as he had bede there to be his friend. bede shared a similar sentiment... at least, at first he did.
admittedly, florian has a habit of resting on his laurels when it comes to things he doesn't have an interest in improving. ( it doesn't matter if he isn't as good of a battler as his sister, all he needs is to be strong enough to keep himself safe during field research. it doesn't matter if he's ostracized amongst his peers and looked down upon, he's alright as long as he has someone to call a friend. etc, etc. ) bede, however, couldn't keep themself from caring about their place in the pecking order. they were sick of others looking down on them, sick of others thinking they were better than them. they just couldn't understand how florian could stand people treating him poorly without getting angry. over time, frustration and resentment towards his attitude festered inside them. these feelings were only exacerbated by their struggles at home and being sent to the orphanage. while they would still call each other friends, their bond had definitely become strained.
everything came to a head when they were both 11 years old, when rose visited bede's orphanage and his acknowledgement caused a major shift in their personality. after all, someone that important seeing their potential surely meant that they better than their peers, right? they soon became much more pompous and rude in nature. florian still stayed close by despite bede's worsening attitude towards him, but it wasn't before long until all of their pent-up feelings came flooding out. their friendship ended with massive fight, with bede telling florian that they were sick of being weighed down by an " annoying pest " like him. while they expected for him to take their cruel remarks in stride like he always did with everyone else, bede couldn't help but feel a little guilty when florian ran off in tears. the two stopped talking after that fight and ever since then, there's always a worry in the back of florian's mind that his friends will eventually get sick of him like bede did. ( thankfully, the friends he's made since then have helped make him feel a lot more secure in their relationships. )
apologies for the long-winded explanation, here's the bonus i promised to make up for how sad this hc got :
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the goofy ass side effect of coming up with this headcanon is realizing that they accidentally shaped each others' taste in guys rip
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 184
“Well damn.” 
Jason wrenched his gaze from the mess of red and green spattered across the room, searching for the source of the voice. His head hurt, he wanted his Dad. He wanted Bruce. He… his head hurt. His everything hurt. 
“Honestly, didn’t expect them to find another half-breed. Didn’t think there was another halfa out there…”  
He tore his gaze away from the floor- when had it gotten there- finally finding the other… person? The person giving him an empty smile through some sort of muzzle and missing an entire arm. Well, he couldn’t judge, he’d torn his nails off while digging out of his grave before… this. 
“Hey, kid, don’t sweat it, it’ll grow back,” the man apparently noticed where he was staring, shoulder twitching as he shrugged and more green pouring out. Jason couldn’t stop staring, eyes slipping from the growing pool to the rest of the chains apparently keeping the person on that side of the… room? Cage? Cell? 
“Shit, hey, kid, kid, don’t cry, uh, fuck, shh, kid don’t cry-” the person made a noise, some sort of hum or croon that caused him to relax. To his already brain-damaged confusion. “C’mere, away from the door now, shh…” 
Oh, when had he started to move? It was like he blinked and was stumbling away towards the chained person, practically tripping over a limb before the person managed to catch him. “Ope, oh you’re just a little baby-” a hand, clawed, carefully ran through his hair, tucking him against a rumbling chest that nearly made him tear up again. He wanted Bruce. 
“It’s alright kid, shh, they won’t get you,” the man rumbled, everything about him green to his rapidly closing eyes. Pale skin like a corpse, black scales like rot, hair white like snow, all stained green with blood.  “They’d have to kill me again for that.” 
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