#I am dying XDD
Jimmy and Joel this episode were literally the sitcom single men who randomly have to take care of a baby for an episode
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stillness138 · 1 year
my tav, literally only standing thanks to leaning on also heavily injured shadowheart's shoulder: what a day huh?
halsin, ignoring everyone's health bars, including his own: KILL MURDER SLAUGHTER KILL
romance of the decade
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galactia · 2 years
"Apparently Childe 'drinks his ice maiden like water'. I do not know what that means, but is it similar to what we do?"
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"I-...." Even he was at a loss for words. Who knew six centuries of eloquence would come to this moment. "By the Nine Seats." He pressed a palm to his brow. "I believe that is referring to him pleasuring a certain superior of his using his mouth."
He peeked up, amber eyes immensely tired. "Oral sex, my love. It refers to oral sex. So-... I suppose yes, it is similar to what I have done with you on multiple occasions."
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tacitusauxilium · 2 years
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@kinjiros-quiet-corner​ sent:  "A picture of Fuuka in a maid outfit doesn't compare to seeing Fuuka in person in a maid outfit. No picture can ever do her justice."
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“...I am sure I am hearing that as a compliment, Kinjiro. ...and only a select number of people get to see me in that maid outfit. Counting you.”
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youryanderedaddy · 7 months
(I love your work by the way, gives me the fuel to spitefully plan all those bastards demises. This is a compliment)
TBH Adam is terrible and I am not making any excuses for him. BUT HERE IS HIS SAD BACKSTORY (any excuse to talk about his emo ass). Basically him and reader grew up in a very poor area, both stuck in abusive households, and for a while they were each other's only support. They were best friends, and eventually escaped home at 16. They lived in motels for months, running small errands for a while to save enough money to move in together. Eventually they managed to rent a run - down flat (it's a start), but then little by little Adam started becoming more and more paranoid, from over - protective to possessive to boderline abusive. Reader escaped, found new friends and managed to find a normal job, which Adam learns of, and it just gets worse from there.
His deal is that he feels like he only has Reader - he has no family or friends, he has no social skills, he's very rough and hard to talk to, so if he can't be with Reader, he feels like he'll be alone again. He had some sadistic tendendies even as a child, hurting animals and getting into street fights, but as an adult it just got worse. Especially since Reader used to balance his bad side out - and now it's been left unchecked for a while.
The other thing is that he hates the idea of Reader moving on and starting a clean sheet. He knows he can't do that. He can't work a normal job, he can't act like a real adult, he feels totally disconnected from his surroundings. He has no actual skills, just trauma and skillduggery that he picked up from his father. Anyways, he's subconsciously envious of Reader, since she manages to move on from her past and start anew.
Adam is also prone to depressive episodes and unpredictable mood swings. He thinks that if he feels like shit, everyone should feel like shit lol. The grave story is him trying to say "You're not going anywhere, you're staying with me until you die." and in his head it sounds romantic, but irl Reader thinks she's getting murdered (which fair enough I would too lol).
But yeeeah overall he's like a time bomb and living with him is basically living on eggshels. Just a very dangerous and unstable character, you never know what you'll wake up to lmao. If it makes you feel better, in my headcanon he dies at 27 because he smokes and drinks waaaaay too much and Reader just takes all his money (which is not much lol) and leaves, and hits the lottery or something xDD
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wishingstarinajar · 6 months
I know, I know I'm a scratched record
But I'm dying to hear your thoughts on the Wakfu finale when you get to it!
I just finished watching it and it's uuh... hmm. I read people saying the finale was "satisfactory" but I am not fully on board with that sentiment.
Too much left unanswered, not enough wrapped up, too rushed to get to the end.
I know the Waven game is a continuation of sorts, it takes place decades after Wakfu's conclusion so that game might hold some answers or closure, buuuuttt... I'm not interested enough in the game to play and find out. I guess I've grown a bit tired of the whole cross-media info/lore some franchises love to do (like Blizzard and covering important info across the Warcraft games, books and short stories).
Wakfu season 4 obviously has an open ending, no matter that it is the final season, so who knows what might follow. I'm just a little saddened that the story picked up a little too late this season but the animation, particularly during action scenes, was pretty great... when not using the same static images of characters xDD They loved that a little too much but I understand the budget wasn't that big so I can't really fault Ankama for it.
Did I like this season? Mmmyyeeaaah, it's a mixed bag. Better than season 3 but not better than the first two seasons or even the OVA episodes. Glad it exists but I don't feel super satisfied with its conclusion.
HEAVY SPOILERS ahead, so be mindful but gonna share some thoughts:
Seeing Joris play a bigger part in the second half of the 4th season, and him vibing with Adamaï made me very giddy and happy. Love that for them, hope they become good friends. And thank fek neither of them died. RIP, Qilby, Armand and Brakmar (maybe?). The guys who needed to redeem themselves got their chance, at least.
Goddess Eliatrope was a big disappointment and an unlikeable character but I guess that was kind of the point...? Angry that she totally ignored Chibi and Grougal, like what the fuck even? Didn't even show a hint of acknowledgment towards them. What if they wanted to meet mom, huh?? And what even happened to Baltazar and Glip, who were in Emrub with the same kids that were asleep in Goddess Eliatrope's belly? What did she do with them?
But hey, at least my headcanon that the Sadida and Eliatropes will combine into a single kingdom/people (which I also wrote about in my Rebirth fic) actually happening was pretty satisfying x'D It even has Wakfu-infused trees, om nom nom.
A little frustrated with Necroworld (not the same Necroworld from the Transformers: Lost Light comics) because it's supposed to be a different planet in some other universe but it had dofus (dragon eggs) and races of the Twelve like Sadida, Sram and Sacrier. It was pretty confusing... Imo, it should have been something similar to The Upside Down (Stranger Things), or an alternate version of the world of Twelve rather than a completely separate place. But eh...
Why did nobody care about the state Inglorium was in, or that the Gods have disappeared? That bothered me so so so soooo much during the first two episodes; nobody non-Eliatrope or non-demigod cared that their God/Goddess was... well... gone. Aside from God Iop, where are they?? Hated the disinterest, hated the silence around it. Guess that's a mystery that will be unraveled in some other media.
Yugo grew tall and handsome and I'm not afraid to say it. Happy for him, though him suddenly growing so quickly was a bit silly. I figured there would be a time skip to justify his 'growth' that we saw in promotional images and teasers. Won't complain though, he deserved to finally be in a body that reflects his actual age, it took him long enough!
"Bootleg Alys" from the Dofus movie made a cameo in episode 11 which made me snerk. (I noticed a few more background characters from the movie that were re-used in episode 11.)
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And that's all I have to say, at least here on Tumblr. It was quite a ride.
A big thanks Ankama and all the Kickbackers that made it possible; this show had its ups and downs over the past decade but it was enjoyable and loved. It still holds a special place in my heart and I will keep a tiny eye out for more Krozmos stuff in the future (like Welsh & Shedar, gimme!!).
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
I send you an ask AGAIN because word limit doens't let me axpress myself and this is important, K? mkay. I have so many thoughts regarding their very different personalities etc that I am laughing like a maniac.
One of those and most important is Carmen and Eleazar must be having a BLAST living in that house with all these shenanigans XDD
Another thing that crosses my mind is how different we all see our reader, bc when i read (reader) i think of myself? And I kind of have been participating in martial arts compeititions for some years and I think it's hilarious the reactions and arguments they would all have regarding this very matter? Given how protective -territorial- they can be, even though I think Kate would be over the moon with her smol human mate kicking ass (bc shes a warrior too so i think she can understand) Irina and Tanya though? they are totes a very different matter, but I mean if it makes reader happy I guess they'd end up agreeing, besides they can always kiss it better later, right? ;))
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Yes yes, Denali mattes are always most important, I fully agree with you there 100%. 😌👌
I actually HC Carmen and Eleazar as "the parents" of sorts? Like, they´ll be the ones most likely to see reason in things and, yknow, think and act in a rational manner. They´ll be the ones to take your concerns seriously, without mocking you or making fun of your whining. Something that can´t always be said for the sisters...
All in all, if I had to choose someone to confide in in a moment of crisis (which kidnapping very much is), I´d most likely go with Carmen. And well, Eleazar too, since it´s a package deal pretty much.
But oh boy, Carmen and Eleazar are just done most of the time, yknow? "Done" as in they´ll just be lovingly squatting together in a corner somewhere, observing all those heated discussions and crying and whining in a calm and collected manner, save for the occasional twitch of lips...on the outside.
Inside they´re very much dying. From laughter. But sometimes they´re honestly done, as in-
"Ah...here we go again."
And yknow, they´re so used to all that drama by now that they´ll just give a loving eye-roll, shaking their heads a bit, when Kate drags you in kicking and screaming with Tanya not far behind (Irina has long since gotten home because she can´t deal), going like-
"Look what we found! Can we keep her?? Pleeease?"
Ofc they´ll say yes.
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Ofc! That´s why ppl enjoy reader x character fics so much, after all. Self-inserting lets you live your daydreams a little bit and I think that´s a wonderful way to escape the everyday struggles. I honestly can´t tell if I see myself whenever I read/write such a story, or if it´s more like I envision an OC of sorts. Perhaps a bit of both? That´s the great thing about these fics - you can pretty much imagine everyone you´d like in it. 🥰
Ohh you do?? That´s neat! I´ve been thinking about picking up a sport as well. It´d defo be a good compensation, as I´m working whilst sitting most of the day. Perhaps some point in the future, we´ll see. 😅
Ohhh Kate would be ALL for it. She´d be so proud of her lil firecracker. As you said, she was a warrior in her human life, so she´d only be all too happy to teach you stuff and help you get better at it. She´ll most likely be a bit of a horndog about it though, because how could she not be when she gets to touch you places and help you get those positions right? 😏
Irina would feel...torn. She´d worry for your safety, but she wishes to see you happy. She doesn´t want anyone hurting her precious, but that glow in your eyes speaks volumes. She´d be waging the pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a decision. She might be overprotective/possessive (they all are) and sometimes hard to convince, but that doesn´t mean she won´t see reason when it´s more than clear how fulfilling it is for you. In the end, she´ll be on board with it.
...Something that absolutely cannot be said for Tanya. She´s the most stubborn (and territorial) out of the three, coven leader status be damned. She doesn´t appreciate when someone wishes to go against her word - she has told you numerous times she does not wish for you to continue this self-mutilation. She´s rational enough to recognize the joy it brings you, but not rational enough to allow it (at first). She simply doesn´t see sense in it when you could pick up any other hobby. One that doesn´t involve bruises and cuts and whatnot all over your lovely body. No, absolutely not-
You: "Pleeease?"
Tanya: "No."
You: "...Please with a cherry on top?"
Tanya, through gritted teeth: "My love...do not test me."
You: "..."
You: "But-"
Tanya, about to (lovingly) drag your ass back to your shared room: "I said-"
Carmen: "Tanya..."
Tanya, closing her eyes in exasperation: "..."
Carmen: "Don´t be like that. Look at her-"
Carmen: *points to your exaggerated smile*
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens one eye*
You: "😁"
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens another eye*
You: "🥺🫶"
Tanya, one eye starting to twitch: "...I-"
You: "😏💋"
Tanya: "...Oh alright." 🫠
Kate, in the distance: *makes whipping sound*
Irina, in the distance: "My 100 bucks now, please and thank you."
Do you sense a pattern here?
Tanya be whipped af.
I think it´s safe to say that, no matter what you come up with, the sisters will always yield in the end. They just can´t deny their little human. 🥰
It also helps having Carmen on your side, of course. You can do no wrong, in her opinion. 😇
Oh...there will be lots of kisses later indeed. ;3
#whippedtanya #supportivecarmen #happyhooman
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Thank you for the tag, @agent-troi!
(This confused me for a bit-- then realized the lists were set and I just had to highlight what applied to me. XDD)
Bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it
blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
Tagging anyone-- in no particular order-- if you wish (and if not, consider it a hello from me to you~): @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, @baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @suitablyaggrieved, @amplifyme, @mondfuchs, @annablume, @spidey-is-tired, @frogsmulder, @mollybecameanengineer, @scullyphile, @cecilysass, @slippinmickeys, @aloysiavirgata, @whovianelle, @dreamingofscully, @tofuttim, @cyb3rpeach, @merfilly, @nemocat-el, @teenie-xf, @scullys-scalpel, @jessahmewren, @swinging-stars-from-satellites, @goodshipsmulder, @settle-down-frohike, @impulsive-astrophile, @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @carrie11, @scapegrace74-blog, @youreadarkwizard, @piecesofscully, @greycoupon, @greekowl87, @fragilevixenfic, @im-a-goddamn-cat, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @invidiosa, @thetigerisout, @freckleslikestars, @basementskylight, @leiascully, @admiralty-xfd, @mulderwearingglasses, @fuxmulder, @herdingcats12, @opentheskies, @chavisory, etc.!
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whathappenstotheheart · 4 months
35, 17 and 7 from those fun "weird writer" asks 🥳
I've been pondering how to answer #17 for so long that's it's become tomorrow, twice. Anyway, here we are:
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I think for me it's a pretty even split between two things:
Realizing a vision. Getting that scene to move just like I imagined. Getting that dialogue to flow just like it does in my head. Getting that one line to be just as pretty or poignant as the feeling behind it.
Reader impact. Someone reading my words and feeling them deeply. Someone seeing themselves or their emotions or experiences reflected in my writing. Or for fic, someone seeing something they love or resonate with in a character in how I render them.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
This is a tricky one! I feel like I should talk about fic (since this is a fandom blog primarily, though I should make a sideblog for my original stuff soon) and honestly I have so many fic WIPs that are roughly at the same stage of production that I'm not sure which to pick.
Plus, with fic I tend to be so focused around whatever details (canon or headcanon) that draws me to a character or dynamic that not much gets left out, because if I can't fit it in the main fic I will write a fluff snippet or something with it. Also, most of my long-form fic are pre-production or very early days, so it's hard to say what might have been left out.
So instead, since my Beverly/Deanna fic is the only long-form one that actually has chapters up on AO3, let me regale you with some random Beverly Crusher headcanons that will probably end up in the fic eventually, but have not yet:
Beverly is bi/pan. The end of the Host says nothing about her sexuality and everything about the mindfuck of your lover suddenly dying and being told this new person is them, and I will die on that hill.
Beverly has ADHD and/or whatever neurospiciness I have (jury is still out on that. In fact, jury has not yet been assembled). Like, seriously. The impulse control that makes you fly into a literal sun to prove a point. The teenage experience of saying something and not realizing you'd hurt someone's feelings. Just her vibe is the vibe of someone who is making a real effort not to move more. Do I project onto her? Yes! Am I still right? Also yes.
Beverly has very specific comfort foods and whenever she moves, she always spends a period of time wrangling the replicator into making them right. Am I still projecting because I'd probably do that? Yes.
Beverly speaks some Portuguese. Why? Because I like to make chars bilingual whenever I can, and also I speak some Portuguese so there you are.
Relatedly, I have a sorta lore-headcanon that some subset of people would struggle with listening to music through the universal translator because of the disconnect between the relative mismatch between the length of the music for a given line and the length of the (translated) lyrics (which would be more obvious with some language pairs that others, obviously). I imagine like a lot of things, some people's brains would be able to compensate for and ignore this mismatch better than others. For some reason, I hc Bev as one of those people who always switch the UT off for music because it makes her brain itch otherwise.
Beverly will always love Jack but struggles with accepting that not all her feelings for him are as noble. And reasonably so, because uuuh... he sounds like kind of a crummy spouse. Like, between canon and inference from the infrequency of promotions in Trek broadly, there's a good chance he fucked off into space while Wes was still an infant. Maybe even before he was born. And iirc the way the years work out, there's a chance Bev was still in med school while basically single mom-ing a newborn. I side-eye that man, I tell you.
I really should stop there especially since I am not actually answering the question XDD.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hmmm, tricky. Probably the idea that adverbs should be avoided. Love me some adverbs! Same for the passive voice. Well-used passives can be so impactful!
Oh also (though I haven't seen this one as much) the idea that you shouldn't use a buncha different verbs as speech tags! Yes, they can definitely be overused but used well, you can pry "murmurs", "sighs", "grumbles" etc. from my cold, dead hands.
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fluffypichu876 · 4 months
Mutual, congratulate me - I've finally freakin read that Gaming Ask List you reblogged... uhhhhh... 6th jan. ANYWAY
Gaming ask game!
I'm gonna send a few of these together, feel free to answer as many or as few as you wish to)
3. Favourite childhood game?
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
15. Favourite animal in a video game?
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
43. Favourite sidekick or companion?
54. A sequel you really want?
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
65. Any favourite screenshots of games?
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
74. Which game has the best lore?
(links don't work with asks so I'll link the original post the ancient way) tumblr dot com /corvoblinks/136954217573/75-gaming-asks
That's a new record, mutual! xDDDDD Old ask games are still valid in my blog, so thank you for sending one!
Oh hoh boy, let's talk video games!
3. Yoshi's Island for the SNES, no doubt! This game might be the first I have ever played! (at least, it's the first game I have played with the most vivid memories) Started it when I was little, picking up a joystick controller to play on the good old ZSNES emulator (that pixelated menu is so nostalgic for me), which my dad set up for me to play.
It was my first contact with a video game and a emulator, and one could say it was all downhill from there xDD
Childhood memories aside, the game itself is pretty good! A very fun platformer with very charming graphics. It's also pretty satisfying to 100%.
8. Ummm, there's some containders for that! As I have said in a post before, Castlevania SOTN has some of my favorite vibes and atmospheres in gaming, and it accomplishes that with a great blend of graphics and sound design.
The first Metal Gear Solid on the PSX also has an amazing atmosphere to it, despite the old-dated low polygon graphics.
Super Castlevania IV on the SNES is of the most atmospheric games on that system, and in true CV fashion, a good part of that is achieved through the soundtrack. The waterfalls and dracula's battle theme are highlights to me:
Dark Souls 1, which I'm currently playing, captures the feel of adventuring into a mysterious, dying world extremely well. The level design is intricate and the areas are interconnected in many ways, each with a unique vibe and story attached. Playing this game blind is highly recommended, as it enhances the experience a lot!
12. I haven't played it, but Top Banana for the Amiga does not look like something that should exist xD It looks cursed, sounds cursed, and it probably plays like a curse too.
As for something that I have played, I gotta say Ecco the Dolphin (and it's sequel). A beloved childhood game of mine, it's strange in a beautiful way, and even as a kid I was mystified by it (I still am).
14. Only snippets and ocasionally a live stream (I don't usually stay for long, though).
15. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE JUST ONE xDDDDD here's a comprehensive list of some of my most memorable favs:
   - Too many Pokemon to count, so here are a few that immediately come to mind: Flygon, Luxray, Reshiram, Elektross, Hydreigon, Skarmory, Breloom.
   - My BOTW horses <333
   - Chocobos
    - The Guardian Ape from Sekiro (awesome boss)
    - D-Dog from MGSV (most precious boi) 21. That's a really hard one xDD Certainly something highly replayable and endlessly fun. Perhaps DMC or Ultrakill?
26. Not very often. I have been engaging with DS1's multiplayer systems, and they're pretty fun!
30. Depends both on the game and my current creativity.
43. My boy D-Dog (mentioned above) is so helpful. So helpful in fact that it makes infiltrating too easy sometimes xD His ability to map out all nearby enemies by their scent makes it super fun to plan strategies ahead, and also you can pet him! :D
54. Sekiro 2 please??? (puppy eyes at Miyazaki)
62. y e s
65. Quite a few! (these are completely out of order, btw)
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amplifyme · 1 year
These episodes were magnificent. Wow, wow, wow.
Chimes At Midnight: 
Diana escaping and getting out of dodge (and shoving the driver aside and having to think in the tollbooth-- you’re right, she is chatty once she’s not so locked in her head) but having to surrender was an grippingly incredible segment. Vincent’s dreams and describing Diana to Father (did he have a brief “is this a rebound???” fear on his face or was that just me? It was probably just me XDD)-- her incredible mind, her uniqueness, that she truly understands… oh BOY am I liking where this is going. (Loosely quoted) “She won’t betray Catherine’s memory” is the best setup to a second romance. Also, Father waiting for Vincent to come to him instead of going to Vincent constantly is character growth, I think; and his advice is more understanding and careful and empathetic… more hopeful, really. Gabriel having Diana brought to Vincent’s son’s room is a powerfully manipulative move (and very reminiscent of Cookie in Nan’s AWTN entrusting her with Vincent’s baby No. 2) “There’s nothing unusual there.” “I don’t think he looks anything like you.” “Precisely.” Gabriel always one step ahead, getting an intelligent woman to come exactly to his point while thinking she’s skirting another one. Magnificent writing. THE BABY’S DYING???????????????? (VINCENT’S DREAM.) Gabriel wanting Vincent to save his son is a fascinating dynamic. Diana noticing his shoes (correction: floor tile), hmm. The Helpers and Father and Diana and the pipes (and Father hopes she’s a friend.) Vincent struggling over the news about his son and realizing the truth about their connection and the visions. Diana struggling because they both know Gabriel will kill Vincent and Vincent is willing if it will save his son. Diana talking about the future instead of letting Vincent wrap everything up in a thank you, and him promising to come to her when it’s all done. “Be careful” and letting him go without a fuss (WHAT A STEP UP FROM CATHERINE.) Darted and chained and caged… juuuuuuuuuuust like that episode from S1. Diana sketching Gabriel’s shoe (correction: floor tile) at the booth until she gets an idea and starts to track him. Gabriel just watching Vincent struggle-- transfusion won’t work (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting.) “Prove him wrong.” (There are just some things you can’t win, that you are incapable of winning, no matter how hard you want to, Gabriel.) Vincent talking to Gabriel through the cameras. “He is beautiful” look at that baby! That is a baby that gets it. (Also, perfect baby casting.) An aside: Vincent’s empathy is mentioned as starting to return, ooooooooooooh. 
Favorite episode. Hands down. Diana calling Joe. Gabriel taunting Vincent with “Julian”, talking about generations and writing their names (Snow theme coming back) in blood. Standoff in Vincent’s cell and the baby crying more at being separated. The waking nightmares and Gabriel observing Vincent and asking if he sleeps. No transfusion, Gabriel disappointed in his doctor, the baby getting stronger. Bet Gabriel is going to keep Vincent around as the baby touchstone for the rest of Vincent’s life. Buster going straight for Gabriel’s throat. Gabriel throwing out the ring as yet another life on Vincent’s hands (and he can’t verify with a bond so doubly mind-twisting.) Father and his taxi driver posse coming to grab Diana off the street, giving her the backstory, recruiting her to help, Father is going to give Diana Cathy’s gun, FATHER IS GOING TO GIVE DIANA CATHY’S GUN, FATHER IS GOING TO GIVE DIANA CATHY’S GUN, I KNOW WHERE THIS GOES. JAMIE! Full circle from The Outsiders to now amazing. Gabriel and Vincent’s conversation through the cameras. “‘Death shall have no dominion’…. She knew it, even at the end.” Joe loses Diana twice and he’s not happy. HERE COMES FATHER (in his tux.) Floor tile and not shoes, got it (going to correct the above.) Father just wheeling out the Catherine trump card because it will always work. “We could have been great friends. Fire.” WELP, Vincent didn’t flinch; and I shouldn’t be laughing at Gabriel’s antics but they’re clinically theatrical rather than theatrically dramatic (Paracelsus) and I really, really like his style. “Kingdom of shadows”, “It’s our kingdom, remember.” The irony, of course, is that Vincent embodies the aspects of humanity that are worth living for while Gabriel represents a willful desire to toss away those aspects and embrace what he thinks are primal, animalistic. The greater irony, of course, is that Gabriel can’t win on either ground: he can’t beat Vincent on either level because he is deficient of the qualities that make him anything other than a bad man. Ah yes, bringing back the introduction to Gabriel at that other funeral: boys watching their fathers die-- but not pulling the trigger, hoping Vincent will do it himself (Paracelsus but hands off.) Watching through this and jotting my notes down, I am amazed at how many turns Gabriel takes-- I can’t predict him. “He’s going to kill himself”, “No, he won’t die. Death has no meaning for him.” “The only thing he’s afraid of is himself” and “Don’t.” Gabriel seeking control by destroying the qualities Vincent has that are superior to his. Ouroboros, eyyyyyyyy. The ring and veritas and ouroboros, cool stuff. Gabriel’s men tracking Diana through Joe and Joe being led straight to the museum by the posse Below. Diana set up a trap knowing the police were compromised and Joe would have been toast otherwise. Joe just lets the dinosaur thing go (letting Diana have her mysteries now that he trusts her again.) Gabriel switching the tapes from blood, murder, and death to the baby-- “I know how to be merciful.” Gabriel trying to grandstand on “I owe you a life” then twisting the discussion around on the baby’s beauty and leading right up to Catherine’s death. “I’m sorry about Catherine.” WHAT GAME YA PLAYIN’, GABRIEL. “We all make mistakes.” Setting up the doctor’s death, of course-- “Life for a life.” The Paracelsus games are back; but Vincent already lost “everything” but still has something to gain. Also, Gabriel’s demonic face is… incredible work.  
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“No.” And Gabriel’s stumped expression. And the doctor died anyway: “I always pay my debts.” Wanting Vincent to kill off the doctor for him-- a life for a life-- is just the mark of how little lack of… anything he has. A life for a life should be on the other person’s terms, not his own. Excellently written. Gabriel becoming obsessed with Vincent while Diana saves Joe’s backside AGAIN is a great back and forth dynamic. “Which of you is the captive here?” (Vincent knowing Gabriel’s name and Gabriel knowing Vincent’s and that ouroboros Gabriel is trying to connect the two of them with, interesting.) Pope just LEFT, done (great speech he missed out on, though. But words are only so useful when you have the time to luxuriate over them.) Father and Diana making battle plans, I love this so much. The police moving in and Diana moving Below (and the practicality of Father warning about rust dust.) Gabriel antsy because his words have lost power and Vincent calls him on it and Gabriel doesn’t like it. Gabriel calling upon destiny to justify his actions and connections and “prove” his likeness to Vincent, and Vincent disproving the destiny Gabriel foists upon him because of the bond Gabriel can’t break no matter how many words or theories he spins. Gabriel talking to anyone who will listen because he has begun losing people who will. “I believe in the power of love….” Nurse leaving so she doesn’t have to see the baby’s death and Gabriel STILL takes me by surprise. Hurry up, Diana. HERE is the one thing that is the same for Gabriel and Vincent: “Perfection must be cherished”-- that pedestalized effect, except Gabriel wants to pin his butterflies in a preservation glass while Vincent wants to watch them float freely, happily around him. KILL HIM DIANA. DO IT, DIANA. NAN SAID YOU DID. DO IT. VINCENT’S FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YES! DIANA ROBBED GABRIEL FROM THE SATISFACTION OF DEATH ON “HIS” TERMS. YES. YES. YES. (*Ahem*-- ot a bit excited there.) “Your child is crying” and “what kind of a father” all perfectly culminate here, the setup and payoff-- perfection. Diana keeping Vincent grounded by talking so Buster doesn’t pop out is also perfection (even more so because I know she’s going to be an avenging angel.) “Father’s waiting”, perfection, too. Gabriel taunting Diana by using her name to gloat with some false sense of victory on his part; and Diana deciding to "lose" this battle with morality/ethics to win the war. “Not this time, Gabriel. This is Catherine Chandler’s gun.” Perfection. Father waiting and Vincent coming back from exile and Father meeting the baby (who continues to be adorable, of course), AND VINCENT’S FACE AND FATHER’S HAND AND VINCENT’S HAND AND BOTH OF THEM NOW "FULLY" FATHERS and the Naming ceremony and (of course I knew this part because of AWTN) naming him Jacob… I feel something lodged in my throat, gotta clear it a bit, *ahem*. FATHER’S FACE IS TOO HAPPY I CAN’T LOOK AT IT DIRECTLY. Catherine’s face there for a frame. PERFECTION. JUST. INCREDIBLE. 
Hands down, Invictus is the best episode by far. And there’s still two episodes left, wow. 
I gotta tell you, I giggled my way through your entire post. Just because I remember that feeling of giddiness watching these two episodes when they first aired.
Let's discuss!
Diana escaping and getting out of dodge
Girlfriend knows how to take care of herself. A damsel in distress she's not.
Vincent’s dreams and describing Diana to Father (did he have a brief “is this a rebound???” fear on his face or was that just me? It was probably just me XDD)
What I saw on his face was more like "A woman?? Oh, dear God, not another one!" 🤣🤣🤣 But by the time he and Diana are in that cab on the way to Gabe's, she's more than earned his respect. Not to compare unfairly, but it took Cathy a lot longer than that to earn it.
“She won’t betray Catherine’s memory” is the best setup to a second romance.
Isn't it, though?? I love how the writer's room made sure there was a thread running throughout the arc of Diana having great respect and reverence for what Vincent and Catherine shared.
Diana noticing his shoes (correction: floor tile)
Don't feel bad. A lot of folks couldn't figure out why she'd be looking at his shoes until she was in the phone booth sketching the pattern of the floor tile.
Diana talking about the future instead of letting Vincent wrap everything up in a thank you, and him promising to come to her when it’s all done. “Be careful” and letting him go without a fuss (WHAT A STEP UP FROM CATHERINE.)
Nothing to add to this. *chef's kiss*
transfusion won’t work (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting.)
It's already been established that Vincent's blood type is unique and any transfusion would kill him. Jacob's is the same. I love how Nan elaborated on this in AWTN 3 when Vincent is shot by Lena's husband and we find out Father has been taking blood from V every month to store for emergencies and would be doing the same for Jacob when he was old enough.
An aside: Vincent’s empathy is mentioned as starting to return, ooooooooooooh. 
I think he started to get it back when Jacob was born. It's just not fully back yet, the way he's used to it being, so he may not be recognizing the way it's manifesting itself right now - showing up at the park threshold just as Diana was attacked was not a coincidence. Somehow he knew, even if he didn't realize it.
Oh, my beloved Invictus...
Bet Gabriel is going to keep Vincent around as the baby touchstone for the rest of Vincent’s life.
I'm pretty sure that was his intent once he realized it was Vincent's bond with the child that saved his life. And in if that's the case, Gabriel would want to mold V into the kind of man he wants him to be, just as he wanted to do with the child.
Buster going straight for Gabriel’s throat.
Gonna have to disagree here. That was 100% Vincent. Truthfully, by this time in the arc, there's not a lot of Buster left, at least not in the way he was earlier set up as somehow separate from Vincent. V absolutely had Gabe's number by this point and just wants him dead.
Gabriel throwing out the ring as yet another life on Vincent’s hands (and he can’t verify with a bond so doubly mind-twisting.)
Going to disagree again here. I'm pretty sure when Gabe first tossed the ring on the floor and told him D was dead, V believed it. But I'm convinced as soon as he picked up and held that ring, he knew she was still alive. Especially in the later scene when he's rolling it between thumb and forefinger and he kind of tosses it up and catches it in his fist. Look at his face. He knows she's alive. Like I said, he's on to Gabe by now. "You're the only monster here."
The irony, of course, is that Vincent embodies the aspects of humanity that are worth living for while Gabriel represents a willful desire to toss away those aspects and embrace what he thinks are primal, animalistic. The greater irony, of course, is that Gabriel can’t win on either ground: he can’t beat Vincent on either level because he is deficient of the qualities that make him anything other than a bad man.
This is perfection. Thank you.
“No.” And Gabriel’s stumped expression. And the doctor died anyway: “I always pay my debts.” Wanting Vincent to kill off the doctor for him-- a life for a life-- is just the mark of how little lack of… anything he has.
Not gonna lie, this is another moment where I stand up and cheer for Vincent. He so badly wanted to kill the doctor, but the best part of who he is knows that he can't - not unless he's willing to become Gabe's weapon. It's just such a transformative moment for Vincent. He's finally achieved a firm grip on Buster.
KILL HIM DIANA. DO IT, DIANA. NAN SAID YOU DID. DO IT. VINCENT’S FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. YES! DIANA ROBBED GABRIEL FROM THE SATISFACTION OF DEATH ON “HIS” TERMS. YES. YES. YES. (*Ahem*-- ot a bit excited there.) “Your child is crying” and “what kind of a father” all perfectly culminate here, the setup and payoff-- perfection. Diana keeping Vincent grounded by talking so Buster doesn’t pop out is also perfection (even more so because I know she’s going to be an avenging angel.)
Again, that's not Buster in that nursery, that's Vincent. And, yes, he's killing mad. But Buster wouldn't have let a little thing like Diana yelling his name stop him. But Vincent the man would respond to her voice. Vincent the man remembers what she said to him in that alley, asking him what kind of father he wants his son to have. Another transformative moment for him.
Re: Diana killing Gabe. GRRM really, really wanted to write an ep. focusing on the ramifications of that and how it might affect her going forward. Sadly, he didn't get the chance to do it. I mean, she absolutely did the right thing for the right reasons, but she still killed an unarmed man and she has her own sense of morality to deal with there - as a human being and as a cop.
Wasn't that a lovely moment? Vincent is just beaming!
Touching on the darkness in everyone for a moment here, i have to admit there's nothing more satisfyingly to me than those few seconds when Vincent bursts through that nursery door and just swats the hell out of Gabe, causing him to twirl around until he smacks into the door and goes down. I have (and will continue to) watch those few seconds on a loop. Never get tired of it. What does that say about me? 🤣
Oh, and can I add that I love that by the time Diana avenges Cathy's death, she looks like she's been through the spin cycle of a washing machine more than a few times? I just adore her.
The final two episodes are something of a reset. We get a hint of what the show might've become going forward. It's much quieter than the baby arc but is still important as we see Vincent begin to rebuild his life, and how and where Diana will fit into that. It's actually a two-parter. If I had to reduce it to a single theme, I would say it's very much a story of second chances - for several characters.
I look forward to seeing you through to the end. Then you can go back and do it all again, whenever you want to. Because while all stories may end, we can always read (or watch) them again. ❤️
P.S. I managed to get all 3 books of AWTN posted on AO3. So you can revisit those, too.
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12romy · 8 months
I know you must be so busy - but the fact we are actually getting chewis is sending me crazy! So maybe please could you post a fic or prompt over them maybe ? You are the chewis queen!
Hi dear! You're so sweet!!! Sorry I'm a little busy with work at the moment x__x
I am going insane over chewis as well, however, so I wrote this a few days ago... It got drown because I was frantically reblogging every post I could find about Lewis to Ferrari, so here, enjoy! Very short, but all I could do in the midst of all that chaos XDD
I am obviously dying to see chewis fics pop on AO3, and I am totally making fics in my head about how they'd fall in love while being teammates, but I got so many wips at the moment I can't afford to start a new one lmao
At the moment, I'm struggling a little to come up with any original prompts for them, though. Like, either they're teammates, they're rival, they fuck about it then fall in love. Or, they're teammates, they get along amazingly well, they fall in love then fuck about it.
My brain can't come up with anything better, I'm so sorry, I'm a bit overworked and I'm already trying to keep up with my current fic ^^"
But I'm sure we'll get fed some very nice chewis content, with that news, so we shouldn't starve anytime soon... Hopefully x)
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
I'm not okay
She is just a baby:(
On the bright side, fit and pac are dating yay
Uh... I'm not thinking about that post about pac having two hands or something, nope, it's not like eoiles have ttwo hand too, one for fighting other to hold pac's hand...
Polyqsmp for the win, y'know?
Also, Ramon and Pac's relationship is the cutest thing ever, they are father and son your honor 🥺
I love them
At least a couple is okay because guapoduo, on the other hand... meus pais meus pais where are them?
Slimeriana too...
I really want Mariana to log on, but specifically when Richas is awake because it would be funny
Roier traumatized him kkkkkkkk
Oh, and I friend of mine really likes goodomensduo(Scott + Febatista), the thing is that they had very little interactions... The poor guy is suffering with lack of content
The problem of liking not popular dynamics/ships is that you have to make the content yourself
We suffer
Apparently, Cellbit, Slime and Baguera's thing is running their voices on karaoke every time they meet up
They are having fun:D
I don't have that confidence kkkkk(I don't know if I wait or fear the day my friends decide to do a karaoke while I'm with them because they are liking the idea recently)
I was remembering your royal(? Or was medieval, I struggle with names) au the other day and I don't remember if you talked about Baguera's kingdom, or Phil(who is on the wall, the sigh must be nice), does she still a duck?(and the other winged people too?) Or they are just humans?
And I'm fearing that the owl Cellbit hc will catch me, I AM ALREADY A INDECISIVE PERSON I DON'T NEED MORE IDEAS TO FREAK OUT
But I saw some fanarts and... owlboy... I love owls...
Anyway, I hope you had a great day and week:D
Good day/night!
- 🍽
empanada dying was probably an accident too :((( (based on tubbo's analysis on stream) it's so sad :(( she's the first egg to lose a death ever since the new eggs arrived + everyone got their two lives back.... i really thought richas would be the first one to lose a life again ngl just because of how he is
DSVAKLSMDLA PLLATE ANON YOU'RE MY HEROOOOO XDD you're right. etoiles has two hands, one for pac and the other is to fight the eye workers from purgaotry <33 pac has two hands, one for fit and one for etoiles and mike is helping fix his prosthetic leg <33 romance <33 at it's finest
i loved that ramon called pac his dad and mike didn't realize janvkjasdjk he completely forgot that fit and pac dating now meant that ramon is pac's son XDD the favela family grows bigger every day...
i would love for mariana to log on when roier and richas are both on because i want to see roier make a big deal out of it and richas runs for his life XDD i want richas to spread his fear to the new eggs too like imagine how funny that would be asdvkjaska poor pepito,,, being told one of pepito's dad is an egg eating monster
EVERY DUO AND FRIEND GROUP FROM PURGATORY IS SUFFERING!! THEY LIVE OFF OF SO LITTLE CONTENT TT at least they can make up whatever lore they want with the purgaotry cubitos... im shaking your friends hand for liking a rarepair TT we make the content all ourselves... life is so hard for us
ive never done kareoke before but it looks like fun to do with friends :oo i can't sing so i would be so bad at it kjnsdavjkask
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YAAA THE ROYALTY AU (which is also a little medieval, it's like both so it's okay adsjkvnask)
baghera is the queen of her own kingdom!! everyone is human in this au but they have magic they specialize in and can create items to give them things that are sort of like wings!!
philza is a special case tho because his wife is the goddess of death so maybe she blesses his cape to act like wings or something... since baghera is a queen im sure she has the resources to find someone to make her a cape or item that works like wings because i feel like something like that would be super hard to make.
jaiden is a witch in this au and she doesn't live in any kingdom!! she lives sort of by herself surrounded by a rose garden and she uses a lot of nature magic which is focused on birds!! because of this and how long she's been studying it she's able to enchant herself a cloack that allows her to glide short distances :DD more similar to the paraglider in mineraft then an elytra. the feathers she used for her cloack were all shedded feathers she gets from her bird friends :]]
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IVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF OWL CELLBIT HCS BUT THAT'S SO COOL,,,,,, he would be so unnerving, imagine he can turn his head all around 360 like an actual owl advknaskja poor roier if he ever sees that,,,, he would scream so loud
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morievna · 2 years
Mix 18 – Ugetsu’s grand return 🥳
Ohh sorry so much I was meaning to write about this chapter since awhile, but my job was demanding lately and I also got new obsession to over-think *cough* BSD Stormbringer *cough* But here I am finally getting time to gush about Ugetsu and Mafuyu xD
(btw i had fun with creating new pfp with this picrew)
This post will be more Ugetsu-centric – I will focus on Mafuyu later on together with covering mix 19 – though maybe after full scans will be available since judging from spoilers it relies a lot on visuals. But in short, it is so beautiful chapter with Mafuyu’s arc blooming 💖
As for now - what can i say -  mix 18 is simply perfection. Feel prepared to me simply counting up things I loved xD
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Honestly I love everything about it  – finally getting Ugetsu’s return in such amazing way, the way Mafuyu was portrayed in such human and vulnerable way and character development of them both. Besides, interaction between them were pure gold xD I liked how funny was clash between their personalities, which balanced more serious and angsty side of this chapter.
I really like how Given is consistent with themes and parallels between all characters, especially Akigetsu and Mafuyama in this one. It feels very thoughtful how Natsuki-sensei planned all of it.
Okay, so let’s start digging~~
If you read my analysis of Ugetsu’s booklet from movie  - you know that I was concerned with how he was shown so alone and isolated from outside world; with no human interaction except that text from Akihiko.
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Honestly I literally gasped when he admitted that by himself in this chapter xD
Really wow – such development considering that he started as character ‘i-have-no-friends’ and neglecting himself in lot of ways. He went long way T_T
I really liked his vibe in this chapter – it really feels that he thought over his life and changed. Even without clear destination – it feels symbolic that he no longer wants to live in temporary hotels and wants to sell his old house ( which was symbol of his cocoon) – like butterfly he is now free to live fully and make connection with outside world.
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So proud of Ugetsu~~
I am really curious if we will got more spinoff or something about Ugetsu – it really feels like some part of his life ended, but new possibilities are ahead – I really love how carefree he ponders on his future. Also since Natsuki-sensei mentioned on her twt that she made changes to booklet story to include improved version to Given vol.8 – I still think she likes Ugetsu quite a lot xD
Okay, let’s move on Mafuyu-Ugetsu bond ~~
I love their dynamics so much – in this chapter it was really perfect way how to show kinda mentor-student relationship should work (and without mentor dying per trope *sighs in bsd*).
I loved how Mafuyu opened to Ugetsu about he is going through – because of he knew what’s Ugetsu been through and how they are alike, these factors helped him to admit his deepest worries and insecurities. Though this arc Mafuyu talked to others, but it was the heartfelt connection between MafuUge that let him to be more at ease speaking himself. Like Ugetsu being comfort friend for him like no other.
I love Mafuyu reaction to Ugetsu’s spontaneous decision to go together to SYH live :D
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They are just perfect xDD
On more serious side, I really liked hands symbolism in this – at first Mafuyu is uncomfortable with this decision like feeling desperate that Ugetsu didn’t understand him and grasping him to wait, not wanting to go and confront Uenoyama.
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But then after they talk more – Ugetsu’s points get through to Mafuyu. I also loved how Ugetsu knew what to say and  how help Mafuyu. Like literally he said what Mafuyu needed to hear – both calling out on lack of communication with Uenoyama, making good points on indecisiveness having painful consequences, and praising him for trying his best.
It is great too that Ugetsu didn’t handed full solution for Mafuyu – ‘only’ provided support and good insights and ultimately gave Mafuyu push in right direction, which is taking him by hand to SYH debut (meanwhile Mafuyu ceasing to resist).
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What’s more, it is really good that they got separated in the crowd – Mafuyu has to alone make decision for his own future and this is giving him that free space. After all, from story perspective mentor is supposed only to show protagonist way of living and giving advice like fundament -  and protag must have built on that by himself and go beyond.
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Besides, I really love that callback to chapter 27 – on one side we have that emotional scene with Ugetsu/Mafuyu crying due to being terrified of what comes with future, and to balance that we have frame with comforting ‘all will be okay’ providing support to one another.
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Excuse me now to cry in the corner a bit T_T
Ngl Ugetsu looking melancholic when Mafuyu brought up his story with Akihiko also made my Akigetsu heart weep a bit too T_T
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Finally - to end on positive note,
mentor-student dynamics is often show that student could achieve at what mentor didn’t succeed -  that’s why imo (contrary to Akigetsu as these ships were paralleled in this chapter) Mafuyama will get their happy ending with most likely pursuing music as career. And since story established that Mafuyu and Ugetsu and inspiring and helping each other -  I hope one day we will get Ugetsu happy ending as well – by that I mean him being renowned violinist while having friends and/or loving husbando xD
That’s all for now – thanks for reading and have great day <3
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viatrixtravels-a · 1 year
 ✏ I do always have ideas for crossovers, but outside of that, the most "wowza i really want to do that" would be Yoimiya and Lumine talking about how Lumine perceives feelings and romance!
Send “ ✏“ plus a scenario you’ve always wanted to rp with our muses and I’ll tell you whether or not I’m interested!
// That would be so much fun!!
My Lumine is very much inexperienced when it comes to love or dating haha.
Basically when she has a crush on someone, she thinks that she's sick or something. xDD
'Why is my heart beating this fast!? Why does my face feel hot!? GOD AM I DYING!?'
Just like that. xD
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