#I am machine ||CYRAX||
dalekofchaos · 2 months
I am not happy about Sektor and Cyrax's change from Cyborgs to power suits.
I am very excited for Khaos Reigns.
But I am not a fan of the redesign of Sektor and Cyrax.
I could care less that they changed their genders. But.... Jade, Sareena, Jataaka, Kia, Skarlet, Cassie & Jacqui and Khameleon were all right there.
I'm all for new interpretations of the characters, especially since this game is all about the multiverse, but MK1 has been building up to Countess Jade and Sareena has this great redesign that's wasted as a cameo.
Also? We have the perfect design from MK11 that they refused to let us play as and the new designs feel like a downgrade
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And honestly MK9 did this better. Cyrax resisting automation while Sektor was fully prepared to lose his humanity to be a more efficient assassin. Cyrax gets his redemption in MK11(pointlessly killed because Ed didn't want us to play as him 🙃)
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But we're doing this AGAIN for the sake of multiverse bullshit that I'm already tired of.
Also, if this is Sektor
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Who the HELL is this from Sub-Zero's ending?
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But what really bothers me is the change in design and going from Cyborgs to Iron Man Suits.
They took away all the depth and tragedy that came with the cyber initiative program and just made it....people in bodysuits...
So much for "gore is an important part of MK"…… Cyber Initiative was one of the biggest body horror elements of MK
It was such a traumatic event that left people scarred for life. The process of having no say in it then getting dismembered and replacing your body with machine was pure horror. Now it's just Iron Man army.
The main elephant in the room, the gender swapping, doesn’t really bother me. But taking away that fact that they’re cyborgs is mind boggling. That’s the main thing Sektor and Cyrax are known for!
It was such a terrifying and important moment in Lin Kuei history and really spoke to the lengths that Kuai Liang went to reform the Lin Kuei. It was one of the most scary and gruesome aspects of Mk, which is what mk is all about. I'm tried of these sterile and watered down versions of these characters.
If I'm being honest, storywise. The "new era" sucks in almost every way. There are good things like redeeming Sindel, Mileena being good and having a proper sisterly relationship with Kitana, Li Mei, Reptile and Ashrah. But everything else? No. Making Kuai Liang Scorpion was bafflingly stupid. Like why couldn't they just have the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu be at peace? Liu Kang's new era amounted to changing but the same shit happens anyway.
It just tells the same beats over and over again. It would've been really cool if they actually told a new and different Mortal Kombat with actually different versions of the characters or entirely new characters altogether. But in every way it's just the old story but with at best slight, insignificant alterations and at worst alterations that fail to account for what made the old stuff actually cool and interesting. It should have actually did something with Liu Kang making The Great Kung Lao his champion and that should have resulted with a new story in an early era. But they refused to take risks.
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shirshik72 · 10 months
BiTomas week
Day 3. AU
Author's notes: the characters' images are taken from the classic games and supplemented with my headcannons. This is completely unrelated to "Mortal Kombat 1" (2023).
reverse!au, in which Bi Han came under the program of cybernetization of Lin Kuei
Yes, it was planned as a kind of SmokeHan, similar to the NoobSmoke from MKD. Planned…
The evening, smoothly flowing into night, again took place in the workshop. Smoke loved this place even more than his own room and, de facto, had long ago arranged his sleeping place here. He didn’t want to stain the feather beds in the room with machine oil, but the sofa in the workshop was no less dirty than the sofa itself.
Tomas, too keen on soldering, had stubbornly failed to notice Kuai Liang, who was watching him, for about 10 minutes. If you don’t break this silence, then Smoke won’t even notice him, Sub-Zero understood this very well.
— Did you at least leave here today? — He asked, tilting his head to the side.
The ninja flinched at the sudden sound, turning to look at the visitor.
— Well... — he fell silent for a long time, recalling the events of today. — I went outside to smoke a couple of times.
— But you can't tell by the smell of tobacco, — the grandmaster grumbled, waving away the disgusting smell of cigarettes. — Have you even eaten today?
— Well... — he looked down at the floor again, trying to remember something other than the cyborg to whom he devoted his entire day.
— This is not normal, Tomas, — Sub-Zero mutters, exhaling heavily. — I understand that you are free to spend your day off as you please, but as a friend, I am very worried about you. I repeat: your actions are abnormal. They harm you, Tomas!
— I... — Smoke bowed his head, frantically searching for some words in his head. — ...I understand the truth of your words. But you also understand me... — he emotionally clasped his hands, pointing at the cyborg with whom he had been fiddling with for the last 2 days. — Bi requires maintenance. Especially after the last mission.
Kuai Liang turned his head towards Bi. Or rather to the LK-7C8. He refused to call it by the name of his deceased brother.
Sighing heavily, he turned back to Smoke. He also considered the LK-7C8. But there was something in his gaze... Reverent. Enchanted. In love. It seems that Tomas really saw Bi Han in this pile of metal. How can we explain to him that there is no soul left in the cyborg? How to alleviate the pain from which he is hiding while caring for LK-7C8?
— You could also use some maintenance after the last mission, — Sub-Zero said after a painfully long silence.
— I was practically unhurt, — Smoke noted admiringly. — Bi took the entire blow upon himself, protecting me, — he pointed his finger at the deep hole in the cyborg’s chest. — I'll have to replace this slab.
— I'm talking about something else, Tomas. You are not a cyborg. You need a break. There's some relaxation there.
— I’m more than relaxed here, — he smiles, not taking his eyes off Bi. — I really like it here.
— And if I take the LK-7C8 out of here, will you like it here too?
— Don’t call him that, — Tomas snapped, almost growling. He grabbed the cyborg's hand tightly, squeezing it.
— What should I call it?
— Just like you once called your brother, — he said getting more and more annoyed
— This is no longer my brother, Tomas, — Kuai Liang remarked seriously and persistently.
— It contains everything that remains of your brother. It contains something that can be used to revive your brother, — Smoke said confidently. His gaze hardened, his lips pursed. The tension in the room grew steadily, causing almost physical discomfort.
— Quan Chi took Cyrax out of the cyborg. He is the only one, who knew the secret of this procedure, and he took this secret with him to the grave, — Sub-Zero muttered, trying – once again – to reason with his closest friend.
— It's all because of your idiot Hanzo!
The truth stings painfully and therefore Tomas responds to it with aggression. The vicious flame of malice and hatred lights up in the gray eyes. A cloud of black smoke appears around him. The faint rumble made by Bi only inflames Smoke and his indignation.
An ice dagger also appears in Kuai Liang's hand, but he quickly calms himself down. He understands that Smoke is just in pain. He understands that this cannot be brought to the boiling point. Taking a couple of steps back, Sub-Zero says:
— I'll leave you. It seems like I'm the odd one out here.
Kuai Liang really leaves. Tomas looks after him for a long time, exhaling heavily. He turns his gaze back to Bi, also squeezing the cold metal hand.
— I’ll definitely get you out of there, — he swears an oath, gently stroking the titanium body. — No matter what it costs me, Bi Han... I... I won’t give up. In no case.
Smoke looks up, staring for a long time at the unnatural light emitted by a pair of cybernetic eyes. So bright, blinding, but at the same time cold... Dead light.
Tomas is trying to say something, to continue convincing the cyborg that everything will work out well with him, but he is treacherously lacking in strength. The head falls wearily onto the metal chest.
Smoke is tired. Very tired. For 3 years now, he has been trying to awaken the soul of Bi Han. There is absolutely no result.
But he has no plans to give up yet. It took him more than a 3 year to find the cyborg.
But he found it! Restored it and brought it back into working order. It took a lot of effort, but it all paid off in full. Bi's return was worth all the years that Tomas spent looking for him and all the resources he spent on repairing him.
The ninja pressed closer to the cyborg. Just like how he clung to Bi Han during the long sleepless nights, which they filled with endless conversations about everything. The hand involuntarily reached out to the blue plates, outlining the contours of the titanium cybernetic body.
“Bi Han was always cold and hard too,” Smoke thought. Smiling helplessly at the stupidity of his own self-consolation, Tomas still did not find the strength within himself to get up from his chest. Even if Bi was cast from titanium, and not woven from flesh and blood, but inside this body slept everything that once controlled Bi Khan - his soul. And Tomas loved this soul, and not its shell. This is probably why his affection for the cyborg really knew no bounds, going beyond some limits of reason. There was truth in Kuai Liang's words... But emotions and feelings are indifferent to any truths.
Hugging Bi's body with both hands, he felt the incredible comfort of that distant time, when life was simpler, the grass was greener, and he himself never imagined that his life would become... Like this. Of course, there were problems then, but now they all seemed so stupid, petty, idiotic. At that distant time, he did not have to run away from cybernetization, revive the Lin Kuei together with Kuai Liang, wander around the entire Outworld trying to find what was left of his beloved. Yes, then life was not all sugar either, but there was a ray of light in it. Hope. Support. Bi Han was in it.
— I love you, — he muttered somewhere deep into Bi’s metal plates, as if trying to whisper to a soul that had lost its own body.
— It’s mutual, Tomas, — a painfully familiar voice whispered right in his ear, making Smoke tremble from the sudden rush of memories.
Or maybe he was trembling from the grave cold that enveloped his back.
Postscript: I am not an English-speaking person and this is my first experience in writing a literary text in a foreign language. I apologize in advance for all my mistakes in this text and ask you to point them out in the comments or personal messages. Thanks a lot in advance to everyone!
For organizing the event and a lot of new au, for which I will never write anything, thank @bitomas-week.
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
@fatalistyc​ (x)
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“I’m telling you, there are only three ways this ends for the both of you.”  Cyrax isn’t saying any of this to hurt Kuai Liang.  He respects the man too much to be anything but brutally honest with him.  “The first way is that you kill her, it hurts you.”  Cyrax himself was never a teacher, but he can imagine that killing one’s own student is never easy.  “The second way is that she kills you, and your work to restore the Lin Kuei dies.”  An outcome he knows Sub-Zero wouldn’t want.  “That just leaves us the third option, and I’m not even sure if that will work.”
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
MK11 Koncepts: Cyrax.
Redemption: Once a skilled assassin for the Lin Kuei, Cyrax was tragically converted into a cyborg against his will and forced to commit terrible acts. Now freed with help from the special forces, Cyrax now fights both to atone for his past failures, and to prove that the soul of a warrior still lives inside him.
Helmet/Mask: (Select animation: Close up on Cyrax’s helmet.) Designs include MKX triborg called “UPGRADE MARK X” a Kronika styled mask called “New era blessing” and a visor called Tekunin hunter.
Bomb: (Select animation: Cyrax holds out his hand and a bomb drops out to his hand. Designs include classic, Kronika style, SF style, and one with a mustard symbol on it called “Scent of fear.”
Pulse Blade: (Select animation: Cyrax summons his pulse blade from his wrist compartment and swings it to the screen) Designs include lightsaber like designs, a rudimentary design with a wooden handle, one blade with red light called “Sektor’s killer.”
Metal hearted: Mk11 Design.
Metal assassin: A sleek, ninja-Like design.
Involuntary assimilation: Mk3 klassic.
Soul of a warrior: A design that’s a mixture between his full human look in MK9, and his part human in MKDA.
(Kombat pack exclusive) Before the fall: Full Human Cyrax with certain animation differences. (Comes with maskless and gear that resembles his human form in mk9.)
Fatal Blow:
Soul of a warrior:
Begins with a three slice combo with his buzz saw hand. If it connects, Cyrax jams the buzz saw into their chest and drives it upwards. (SLO MO 1) Before he performs a series of spin kicks that ends with a round house to send the opponent stumbling back. (SLO MO 2) Finally, he takes out a bomb and slams it against the back of the opponent’s head. (SLO MO 3)
With a bang: Cyrax slices a hole in the opponent’s stomach and shove a bomb in there. The opponent tries to pull it out before it explodes, sending their body flying into the air.
Delayed action: Cyrax fires an energy net at the opponent, which seems to pass through them harmlessly. A bomb slowly rolls to the opponent, close up on the timer reaching zero and the opponent’s eyes widening, before the bomb explodes and the body explodes into various square shaped chunks.
Intro Animations:
Surprise entrance: Cyrax teleports into the arena. (If Cyborg, his body parts fly together like in MK9, if human, it’s in a puff of smoke.
Detonation sequence: Cyrax arms one of his bombs before putting it away. (Different whether human or cyborg.)
Kombat mode engaged: Shot of Cyrax scanning the opponent before it cuts to him.
Sharper than ever: Cyrax inspects his buzz saw before noticing the opponent.
Outro Animations:
Gift for you: Cyrax pulls a bomb out and rolls it towards the camera. When it explodes, it cracks the screen.
Beating pulse: Cyrax pulls out his two pulse blades and does a few practice swings before striking a pose.
Man or machine?: Cyrax looks at his gloved hand and peels it off, revealing either metal or flesh depending on the costume.
Loosening up: Cyrax laughs before he performs his MK3 friendship dance.
Intro dialogue:
Vs Sub-Zero:
Cyrax: I cannot thank you enough, Kuai Liang.
Sub-Zero: It was the special forces who restored you, not me.
Cyrax: You were the one that freed me.
Sub-Zero: Are you prepared for another match, Cyrax?
Cyrax: I am not Lin Kuei anymore.
Sub-Zero: Then it is between friends.
Vs Sonya Blade:
Cyrax: I wish to join your special forces.
Sonya: Show me that you’re ready.
Cyrax: With pleasure.
Vs Johnny Cage:
Cyrax: You owe me a refund for Ninja Mime.
Johnny: Sorry, all sales final.
Cyrax: Then I’ll beat it out of your skull.
Johnny Cage: Thanks for sparing me back in the tournament.
Cyrax: I only did what was right.
Johnny Cage: You get a discount for my movies from now on.
Vs Jax:
Cyrax: I could use some practice, Major Briggs.
Jax: Careful not to break anything.
Cyrax: Likewise.
Vs Frost:
Cyrax: And so thought Sektor was insane…
Frost: I am the Lin Kuei’s true master!
Cyrax: You are a petulant child.
My entire life I have been used. The Lin Kuei, and now Kronika. Now that I am freed, and the hourglass in my possession, I have a chance to rewrite history.
(Shot of Cyrax standing over Kronika’s destroyed body as Kronika’s essence enhances him.)
But I have learned one thing from my time as a cyborg. We cannot choose our fates. Even with the power of a Titan, life cannot be predicted.
(Cyrax looking down at his cybernetic hand, clenching it in resolved determination as he stops using the hourglass.)
So, I gave the hourglass to Raiden. Sub-Zero told me that I was welcome to rejoin the Lin Kuei. I told him I was honoured. But I couldn’t rest until Sektor paid for his crimes.
(Raiden inspects the hourglass while Cyrax discusses with Sub-Zero.)
There’s been word of Sektor amassing an army of cybernetic warriors. His vision for the Lin Kuei must be destroyed, and it shall with the help of the special forces.
(Shot of Cyrax meeting with The SF as they project an image of Sektor and his clan.)
When this battle is over, the Tekunin will be rubble, and Sektor’s madness will end.
(Final Shot is of Cyrax leaping towards Sektor with his saw as Sektor blasts his flamethrower)
Round win quotes:
“For the Lin Kuei.”
“Target down.”
I don’t want to kill you.”
“You’re knocking my rust off.”
Character specific:
Vs Sub-Zero:
“Is age slowing you down?”
Vs Jax:
“Are your arms rusting?”
Vs Frost:
“I’ve fought prototypes stronger than you.”
Vs Johnny Cage:
“I’ll get my refund one way or another.”
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kuai-liangst · 3 years
WIP- Lin Kuei's Massacre
Please note this is unfinished and has minimal editing b/c I'm lazy. Originally I posted this to discord and I realize that I can't hide text soo. Content warning graphic description of injuries and mutilated bodies. I also haven't worked on this one for months so...have fun. :)
“You are dismissed, Sub-Zero. Now I believe someone is waiting for you outside.” The Grandmaster tells him as Bi-Han finishes off his tea. “I am glad you have returned mostly unharmed even with the failure of this mission. You are one of our best warriors.”
Bi-Han sighs and runs his hands through his hair, “I... you have my sincerest apologies, Grandmaster. I will be more prepared the next time I encounter Hasashi.”
“It might have been for the best.” The Grandmaster sighs, “Lord Raiden has always been a suspicious figure in this world. Who knows if he was truly planning on keeping his half of the bargain?” The Grandmaster finishes his tea, “Now, Tundra has been waiting for you. It’s best not to keep your little brother waiting much longer.”
Bi-Han groans and stands, “You have my sincerest apologies.” The Grandmaster shakes his head.
“He’s nine, and I raised Sektor. I understand that nine-year-olds are very clingy, especially since you are his only family.” The Grandmaster says as he gives Bi-Han a comforting smile. “He’ll grow out of it. Just enjoy it while it lasts. When he hits his teens, he won’t even want to be associated with you.”
Bi-Han chuckles and goes over to the door, “Have a good night, Grandmaster.”
“You as well, Sub-Zero.” The Grandmaster tells him as he returns his attention to his paperwork as Bi-Han leaves the room.
Before he even takes a couple of steps away from the meeting room when he hears a loud squeal of “Bi-Han!” before being tackled by Kuai Liang, actually staggering him. “You’re back!!”
“Kuai Liang.” He fondly says as he pets his little brother’s hair out of his eyes, Kuai Liang clings to him as Kuai Liang’s life depends on it. Footsteps draw his attention as he looks and then laughs at Sektor running over to them. “Thank you for looking after him.”
Sektor groans, “Your brother is a menace.” Both brothers chuckle. “He’s lucky that he’s a cute menace.”
“Why didn’t Cyrax help?” Bi-Han asks, and a pleased chuckle escapes him as Sektor’s face flushes. “And where is Tomas?”
Sektor clears his throat, “He’s somewhere in South Africa looking for medicine, and Tomas is working on his smoke abilities at the moment.”
“Why?” Bi-Han asks as Kuai Liang lets out a sheepish chuckle, “What happened?”
Sektor grimaced, “He figured out he could somewhat teleport, and we’re working to make sure he doesn’t teleport himself off a ledge on accident.”
“Bi-Han,” Kuai Liang interrupts with pleading eyes, “Can we teleport?”
Bi-Han chuckles, and Sektor throws his hands up in frustration. “No, we can’t teleport, but we can do something to counteract the teleport if you want?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” Kuai Liang cries out as his tiny hands wrap around Bi-Han’s and starts tugging him out. "Now?”
Bi-Han chuckles and pets Kuai Liang’s head with his free hand before glancing at Sektor, “Do you need me to look over the project?”
Sektor shakes his head, “No, we haven’t made much leeway with both of you out and Shang having a block. Is it really almost done?”
“It’s feasible, but I would really advise against it at this stage. Any strong emotion can cause the damn software to malfunction.” Bi-Han informs him as Kuai Liang yanks his hand. “So don’t be an idiot.”
Sektor shakes his head, “I...don’t want to become a machine.”
“I understand that feeling,” Bi-Han says as he picks Kuai Liang up and sets him on his back. “Now, if you excuse me. I am going to spend some time with my little brother.”
Sektor rolls his eyes, “Go. I’m going to check on Smoke. Once he’s got it mostly down, I’ll send him over to you two.”
He should have known it was too good to be true. That something was going to go wrong.
Kuai Liang was making great progress. He almost got the black ice down perfectly. But even with Kuai Liang’s significant improvement, he knew there was something wrong.
And he was proven right when he saw the smoke coming from the temple.
“Stay here,” Bi-Han orders Kuai Liang sternly, only for the younger Cryomancers to leap onto his back. “Kuai Liang.”
Kuai Liang shakes his head, “No, I wanna help. We need to get Tomas.”
“No, you’ll only get in the way.” Bi-Han growls as he tries to get Kuai Liang off his back, “I need you to stay here where you’ll be safe.”
Kuai Liang shakes his head, “If you die, then I’ll be all alone. I would rather die than lose you.” He sobs into Bi-Han’s tunic, “Please, Dàgē.”
How could he say no to that?
He carefully sneaks back into the temple with Kuai Liang silent on his back. He kills any Shirai Ryu warriors that he stumbles across. To Bi-Han’s relief, Kuai Liang keeps his face tucked against Bi-Han’s back.
Bi-Han tries the training room, but it’s deserted with scorch marks on the floor. He sneaks through the hallways, following the scorch marks. Bi-Han coughs as the smoke fills the halls. He’s not sure if the flames are from the Shirai Ryu or Sektor. He can only hope that Sektor was able to get himself and Tomas to a safe place.
His hope is dashed when he finds Tomas’s body, “Oh, Tomas.” Bi-Han couldn’t help but quietly exclaim as he kneels next to the eight-year-old. Bi-Han couldn’t help but shake in rage as he took in the damage.
Tomas was almost burned to a crisp, with his eyes wide open in what Bi-Han could only guess was fear. There were the remains of large gashes around Tomas’s body. Kuai Liang sobs as he climbs off Bi-Han’s back and holds Tomas’s remains.
“Bi-Han? What the fuck are you doing?” Bi-Han hears Sektor call out, Bi-Han turns to Sektor, and the accusations on his tongue fall away as he sees his friend’s condition.
Sektor was holding what remained of his right arm with his left hand, and his face was bloodied, and his right eye was bloodied and closed. Blood covered Sektor’s entire body in deep gashes, and it was a wonder that he was still conscious.
“How the fuck are you still alive?” Slips out of Bi-Han’s mouth, causing a pained chuckle to escape Sektor, “And we came to get you two.”
Sektor scowls, “Get out of here, dumbass. I’ll try and draw their attention.”
“Like hell you are, I’m getting the three of us out of here!” Bi-Han argues.
Sektor lets his bloody arm go and grabs Bi-Han tunic, “I’m already a dead man Sub-Zero if our friendship means anything to you. Get the fuck out of here now!” Sektor doesn’t give Bi-Han a chance to respond as he marches off in the other direction, “Go! That’s an order!”
Bi-Han growls and clenches his fist before scooping up Kuai Liang and running in the opposite direction. He hears Sektor yelling for the Shirai Ryu to face him as he runs out of the temple.
They just had to get to the forest. Once they got to the woods, there was no chance that the Shirai Ryu would find them. “Are we going to die, Dàgē?” Kuai Liang softly asks in Bi-Han’s arms, and it breaks his heart.
“No,” Bi-Han says so firmly he almost believes it. “We aren’t going to die.” They were almost there. They were practically safe.
A sudden and familiar pain rips into his shoulder, and dread fills his stomach, “GET OVER HERE!” is shouted before he’s yanked back.
The sudden force makes him drop Kuai Liang, who lands with a soft oof as Bi-Han falls to the ground a few feet away from him. He quickly tries to stand only for a katana to be thrusted into his shoulder, pinning him to the ground.
He manages to squirm in place and looks to see Hasashi’s masked face looking down. Before Bi-Han could react, Hasashi grabs his other sword and stabs it into Bi-Han’s other shoulder. He was completely pinning Bi-Han to the ground.
“BI-HAN!” Kuai Liang screams, and fear fills him.
He looks right at Kuai Liang’s teary-eyed face as Hasashi steps away from Bi-Han.
And towards Kuai Liang.
“NO!” Bi-Han screams as he struggles to free himself, “Run Dìdì, run!”
Kuai Liang’s eyes flicker to Hasashi before returning to Bi-Han. A soft whimper escapes Kuai Liang before his soft Hazel eyes turn an icy blue. Kuai Liang slams his hands onto the ground, and a sheet of ice, black ice, appears between him and Hasashi.
“What are you doing?!? Run!” Bi-Han yells as Kuai Liang runs towards him.
Kuai Liang shakes his head, tears streaming down his face, “I won’t leave you,” Kuai Liang wraps his hands around the handle and desperately tries to pull the katana out.
Kuai Liang screams as a kunai rips into his arm and pulls Kuai Liang to Hasashi. Hasashi grabs Kuai Liang’s neck as he struggles to free himself. “Bi-Han!!”
“Let him go, Hasashi! He is just a child!” Bi-Han yells as he tries to get up, even with the two katanas pinning him.
A quiet whimper escapes Kuai Liang’s mouth as he claws at Hasashi’s hand. “Dà-gē” Kuai Liang chokes out.
“PUT HIM DOWN, HASASHI!” Bi-Han screams as he starts to lose control over his cryomancy. To Bi-Han’s surprise, Hasashi does drop Kuai Liang.
A sense of relief fills Bi-Han as Kuai Liang takes deep breaths of air. Kuai Liang looks at with relief as he starts to crawl towards Bi-Han. Kuai Liang desperately rips the sword out of Bi-Han’s shoulder.
He ignores the pain and desperately sits up as he tries to wrap his now free arm around Kuai Liang.
Before he could wrap his arm around Kuai Liang, a familiar whistle sound rips through the air, followed by a bloody gasp escaping Kuai Liang as he stiffens and then ripped away from Bi-Han.
“NO!” Bi-Han yells as he reaches out to Kuai Liang, horror filling him as he sees Hasashi once again holding Kuai Liang up by his neck. Bi-Han’s eyes flicker to the ornate kunai in Hasashi’s free hand.
Fear fuels Bi-Han as he desperately tries to rip the other sword out of his other shoulder. “Don’t you fucking dare Hasashi!”
Kuai Liang is kicking his legs desperately as he tries to pry Hasashi’s hands off his neck, “Bi-Han!” Kuai Liang screams.
Before Bi-Han could wrench the sword out of his shoulder, Hasashi slices through Kuai Liang’s throat. He drops Kuai Liang as his little brother chokes on his blood. Desperate gasps escape Kuai Liang’s throat.
A scream rips out Bi-Han’s throat as he rips the sword out of his shoulder and runs towards them. He swings the Katana at Hasashi as he forces Hasashi away from Kuai Liang.
He gently takes Kuai Liang into his arms. Kuai Liang looks up at him and reaches up to touch Bi-Han’s face as he tries to freeze the wound. As Kuai Liang finally touches Bi-Han’s face, Kuai Liang’s hand goes limp and falls as Kuai Liang takes his last attempted breath.
Bi-Han sobs and feels himself lose control of his cryomancy as he freezes their surroundings. He doesn’t care as Hasashi approaches him, his family, his clan, friends, and his main reason to live.
He doesn’t even notice Hasashi thrusting the Katana Kuai Liang had pulled out into his chest. “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Bi-Han growls, and he struggles to breathe. “I swear I will be fucking back, and I am going to fucking kill you for this.”
Bi-Han feels himself going limp as his vision goes black. Hasashi’s mask face was almost taunting him.
He looks down at Kuai Liang’s face, and rage fills him. He doesn’t care what it takes. He will get vengeance.
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museswithattitude · 3 years
Muse list.
Marvel: Blade, Black Panther, Bishop, War Machine, M'Baku, Luke Cage, Falcon.
DC: Green Lantern (John Stewart), Black Lightning, Mister Terrific, Cyborg, Azrael (Michael Lane), Bloodsport, (Robert Dubois), Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Martian Manhunter.
Anime: @kumogakuremuses , Dutch(Black Lagoon). @african-samurai (Yasuke)
Video Games: Jax Briggs (Mortal Kombat), Cyrax (Mortal Kombat), Balrog (Street Fighter), Raven (Tekken) Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy).
Disney: Wasabi (Big Hero 6), Lance Sterling (Spies in Disguise)
Other muses: Spawn (Al Simmons), Winston Zeddemore (Ghostbusters), Zack Taylor (Power Rangers), Shaft (John Shaft).
Rules: I am of age so mature themes such as blood, sex, explicit language, violence, etc may be and will be present.
Do not interact unless you're 18 or older.
Personals do not reblog my posts. I will block on sight. Rp blogs please reblog from the source or at least send something if you're gonna reblog my memes. Under no circumstances do I want my ooc posts reblogged. Kinda strange I have to say this.
I do not participate in cancel culture or callout culture. I am old enough to make decisions for myself. I have no interest in joining a mafia. If need be warn me and keep it moving. I don't want any drama.
All muses are heterosexual. Please respect that. If you have any questions please IM and don't be nervous. I normally give most a chance. I'm very crossover friendly.
Reasons I might not follow back or drop some rp's: One liners and multiple short replies. I'm not good at short rp's and I struggle with them. It doesn't have to be extremely para heavy, just I need something to work with. Exceptions are memes and starters.
Black Panther: I will not be using Chadwick Boseman as a fc. Outside of costume he'll have a different fc.
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fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 9
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader; second soulmate x reader
Warning: Angst, death, 
A/n: I do not own Mortal Kombat Characters. Next Chapter will include Mileena! Hope you all like!
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You pushed urgently towards Kuai Liang’s location, paying little attention to anything but the branches and twigs beneath your feet. Kuai was in danger and you were so close to reaching him. You hoped you were not too late to save him.
Up ahead there was set of gates that led to who knows where. You pushed urgently towards it, knowing your half brother was in there. Running down the steps you heard the exclamations of pain. Kuai Liang was under attack and you barely reached him in time.
You were nearly crying with relief as you had seen Kuai Liang freeze his enemies. “A pity you could not have cooperated.”
You ran towards him and as he turned in your direction, you slammed into him so hard that the force caused him to stumble backwards. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck afraid to let him go. You could not lose him. Not another brother.
Kuai Liang was taken by surprise as he had not expected this reaction from someone he had never met.
Out from the shadows Cyborg Cyrax appears out of the shadows. “You are ordered to return to the Lin Kuei temple for assimilation.”
Releasing your half-brother, you turn towards Cyrax, a deathly glare evident on your face. You stand protectively in front of Kuai Liang.
“I am Lin Kuei Unit L-K-4-D-4. You will come with me.” Cyborg Cyrax continued approaching the two of you.
“Like hell he will.” You get into a fighting stance, your hands glowing with green telekinetic energy.
Kuai Liang did not understand why you were so protective of him; he had never met you and yet you seemed familiar. You resemble someone he once loved. Someone who he had been taken away from. Not wanting you to fight his own battles, he stepped around you and faced Cyrax.
“I am sorry for what they did to you…” Kuai Liang gets into a fighting stance. “…But I will not comply.”
The two faced each other in battle and it was clear that despite being turned into a machine, Cyrax still harbored some of his humanity. It was a struggle as the cold-hearted cyber part of him continued to fight. Because of this Kuai Liang was able to easily defeat Cyrax.
“I will face the Lin Kuei when my task is done, not before.” Kuai Liang tells Cyrax, who immediately teleports away.
Kuai Liang then turns around and faces you, his eyes soften as he takes in your features. You remind him so much of his mother. It had been so long since he had last seen her. He wondered how she was. Where she was? Perhaps, maybe when this was over, he could try to locate her.
“You have questions. I can give you answers you seek.” You pause as you hear Jax and Sonya approaching through the tunnel.
“Who are you?” His brow furrows with confusion.
“You’re sister.” You rub the back of your neck. “From the future. Look I know this maybe hard to believe, but I can show you.” You close your eyes and show him images of you and your mother.
Comprehension flickers on his face as he sees you with his mother. So, it was true. You were his sister.  Kuai Liang could hear the laughter and joy from both of you. Before he could see any more, he heard the voices of Sonya and Jax. He yanks you and spins you effortlessly so that you were standing safely behind him. His stands protectively in front of you as Jax and Sonya step out of the dark tunnel.
“The readings were getting stronger and now they’re gone. I…”
Both Jax and Sonya come to a stop when they see Kuai Liang.
“Easy brother, they are friends.” You place your hand on his shoulder and step out from behind him.
“Sub-Zero?! But…you’re dead!” Sonya and Jax approach the both of you.
“I am not the Sub-Zero you speak of. He was my brother.” Kuai Liang looks down to you and notices the frown on your face.
“Your…brother?” Sonya repeats with confusion.
“I’m only here to learn Sub-Zero’s fate.” Kuai Liang sees the exchanged look between Sonya and Jax. Neither of them wants to give the unsettling news of Bi-han’s death.
“He was killed by Scorpion.” You turn your back on the three and whispered sadly. Scorpions betrayal was unexpected. You had befriended him, and he did the one thing you had asked him not to do.
Kuai Liang takes a step towards you. “Where would I find him?”
You place your hand against your head as you began to hear the many souls of Ermac.
“Try the Coliseum. That’s where…”
Souls surround Jax, Sonya, and Kuai Liang, until they sensed your presence and immediately were drawn to you.
“You have disturbed our regeneration process.” Ermac appears out of thin air, his eyes immediately lock on you.
“This one can free us from servitude.” One of the many souls spoke inside your mind. “It is our nature.” “She is bound to another soul.” Ermac’s eyes remained locked on you as he approached you.
Jax disturbed by Ermac’s interest in you approaches him to get him to stay away from you. “Gotcha.” He pulls back his fist and tries to punch Ermac.
Ermac uses his telekinesis to stop his fist mid motion. He then uses his telekinesis to stretch out Jax’s arms. Jax cries out in agony and before you all knew it Jax’ arms are ripped off.
“Jax!” You and Sonya scream in unison as you both rush to his aid. “Stay with us, Jax!”
“We will break you as well.” Ermac says to Kuai Liang as he stands behind you.
“Not if I break you first.” Sub-Zero threatens as he gets into a fighting stance.
The two get into an intense fight. You had never seen a fight like that before. A fight between Ice and telekinesis. You clench your fists as you assess the fight between the two, you had to interfere to keep Kuai Liang alive. Of course, he can take care of himself, but you were not going to risk his life. You lost one brother. You cannot lose another.
With Ermac’s back to you, you use your telekinesis to prevent him from attacking Kuai. Kuai Liang notices and decides to freeze him. “I remain whole, for now.”
Kuai sidesteps Frozen Ermac and stands beside you, his hand on your shoulder as you attempt to help Jax.
“Sonya Blade to Command. Sonya Blade to Command. Do you read?”
“You have stopped the bleeding.” He says to Sonya.
“Yes, but he needs a medic as soon as possible.” Sonya exchanges a look between him and you.
“I must go to the Coliseum.” Kuai Liang removes his hand from your shoulder.
“But I need your help to get him to…” Sonya sits up straighter.
“There is a portal to the south. You can use it to transport yourselves back to Earthrealm.” Kuai Liang informs her.
You had an internal debate on whether you should help Sonya save Jax or stay with Kuai Liang. As much as you cared for your new friends, you could not help but put Kuai first. The thought of something happening to him. No. You could not stomach losing him. And so, you rose to your feet and gave Sonya a look of sympathy.
Kuai Liang walks away from the three of you not expecting you to follow him.
“Mother f…” She sends deathly glares towards Kuai. “That portal better be close…Y/N, come on we have to get him out of here.” Sonya struggles to get him up right.
You use your telekinesis to get him up and off the ground, “I’m sorry Sonya, but I can’t come with you and Jax. Kuai Liang is my brother and he is in danger.”
“Seriously, I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself. I can’t do this by myself.”
You look back in the direction where Kuai had disappeared and then looked South. “I failed to save Bi-han. I can’t…”
Sonya sighs as she knows what its like to live with guilt and regret. “Y/n, Bi-han’s death isn’t your fault.”
“No, but I trusted Scorpion.” You take a moment to pause. “The portal isn’t far away. I can help you get Jax close enough, but from there I have to get back to Kuai Liang.”
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You arrived the Coliseum and rejoined Raiden, Smoke, and Johnny Cage, to find Kuai Liang surrounded by several cyber Lin Kuei.
“Sub-Zero?! No!” Smoke’s voice is filled with worry and fear.
You could feel your heart racing in your chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through your veins. Kuai Liang was being restrained and the thought of never seeing him again, had your emotions and abilities overwhelmed.
Raiden prevented you and Smoke from rushing to Sub-Zero, “You cannot save him! Stay here or they will take you as well.”
You shake off Raiden’s hand. “The flow of time has been changed. I spared Smoke this fate, only to watch this new Sub-Zero fall.” Raiden states.
Kuai Liang’s eyes lock on yours, tears spill from your eyes as you rush forward. It is as if time slowed and you were unable to reach him fast enough.
“No!” Kuai Liang extends his hand to keep you away from harm. He knew what the Lin Kuei was capable of and the thought of you being in danger because of him, he could not bear to lose you. Not when he just found out you existed.
And just like that they disappeared, taking Kuai Liang with them. 
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You drop to your knees and cry out in pure anguish. You had gained the attention of Shao Kahn, his minions, and the other kombatants.
The ground beneath you trembles. Kombatants were thrown backwards and were knocked unconscious. Even the audience sitting in the stands watch in fear as a single massive blast of energy came out of you, causing half of the Coliseum to collapse. The audience screamed in horror and fear as they try to run for their lives. Others had fallen, crashing to the dungeons and debris.
“Ugh…” Johnny rubs his head as he was thrown into the wall behind him. He looks up and assesses the wreckage that you had caused. “Damn.”
Smoke shakes off the ring in his ears, he looks over to your hunched form. He slowly rises on his feet and makes his way towards you. He looks up to the throne room and sees Shao Kahn and his followers had disappeared. 
When he reaches you, he can hear your broken sobs. He kneels next to you and places his hand on your shoulder.
Overcome with rage and emotion, you pull away from him and set off to avenge both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang.
Raiden speaks out loud before you leave the Coliseum, “The fate of the world is in danger.”
You come to a stop, but do not dare turn around. Why was this your burden? You did not ask for this. You tried to save everyone, only to succumb to heartbreak and loss.
“What you seek, will not bring them back. Instead you will only find death.” Raiden tries to get you to see reason.
“He’s right kid. You trying to avenge both of your brother’s…you can die...”
You interrupt Johnny, “I just did. Do you want to know what it felt like?” You see a Tarkatan corpse beside you. You use your telekinesis to rip its dead heart from its body. “It felt like that.”
You leave the three of them stunned. Raiden looked around the Coliseum and he feared for the worst. Death. So much destruction and death. 
Suddenly the words of the Elder Gods ring in his head. “The Champion of Mortal Kombat shall be Earthrealms salvation or the cause of its destruction.”
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an alliance you silly fool
for lack of a better title--here ya go. I’mma call this a sequel (or maybe just a spiritual sequel) to thermodynamic equilibrium which, in turn, is a sequel to heart and fire. Should I turn these into legitimate fics? Fuck idk. 
Fire and Ice (subscorp) with tendrils of strange subplots--enjoy!
Broken Timeline
From the moment he woke up that morning, Johnny Cage knew that this was going to be the absolute strangest wedding he would ever have the pleasure of attending. The venue was idyllic with falling leaves of many colors scattered about, caught by wind and tossed here and there by eddies of breeze. Fujin’s on his game, thought the actor, passing beneath the archway that marked the entrance to the Shirai-Ryu Fire Gardens.
The place was a temple and a training complex all in one. The “facilities”, such as they were, bore the gravitas of age and deeply held tradition and dignity. The Lin Kuei dotting the area, therefore, were somewhat out of place. It was good, at least, to see them (those who remained) in flesh bodies—all save Cyrax, whose yellow chassis was impossible to miss. 
Johnny could not help noticing the amount of Shirai-Ryu, a clear testament to the late Hanzo Hasashi’s dedication to their restoration. His heart gave a little, achy beat, then, when he counted and compared their number to that of the Lin Kuei. The titan of time had taken so much from Sub-Zero and his clan. 
Kronika’s machinations had decimated the Lin Kuei; Sub-Zero had said as much, but seeing it first hand was gut-wrenching. “Great venue, though,” he commented to no one in particular.
“An ideal choice. Arctika would have been much too cold for the mortals in attendance.”
Johnny nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of his old friend, Liu Kang. It felt like an age since he had heard that voice but despite all that, it forced a smile. Johnny played it as cool as he could and turned to face the keeper of time, glowing eyes and all. I’m never getting used to that.
“Liu, ya made it—lookin’ ah… divine, buddy.” He reached out and patted Lord Liu Kang almost hesitantly on the shoulder. He was hot to the touch, but the fire did not burn, sort of like Raiden’s low-grade EMP field. Speaking of... “Where’s ah…” Johnny craned his neck and looked around, as if he missed something. “Ol’ Sparky?”
“Lord Raiden is indisposed, unfortunately—elsewhere in the timeline.” Liu Kang seemed hesitant to offer details. This sensation, along with the lack of Raiden told Johnny something was up. He would have dismissed it but for a tiny discharge of what was little more than static electricity, arcing from Liu Kang’s upper body. Johnny nodded and gave a thumbs up, catching sight of Cassie, Jacqui, and Takeda Takahashi over Liu’s shoulder.
“A’ight well, good to… y'know see ya, Liu. I’m gunna—”
“We must speak later, Johnny,” said Liu Kang, grasping Johnny’s upper arm, shining eyes boring into his, even through the sunglasses. Johnny's heart skipped a beat. Liu knew him too well to hope he had noticed nothing. “After the ceremony.”
“Sure thing, man, no problem…” Johnny paused. “You okay?”
“I think I will be, once we speak.”
That was the best he was going to get, so Johnny let it lie and moved over to see the happy couple and his daughter. Jacqui was leading one child, their eldest, a six year old named Hanzo—the child was bright and gleeful, dark eyes sparkling with wonderment at the falling leaves—and her belly was swelling with another. She was radiant. Takeda balanced a two-year-old on his hip. Her name was Sonya and she was just as inquisitive as her brother, holding a red leaf in one hand and a small blanket in the other.
“Jacqui, Takeda, glad you’re here,” he greeted, pulling them both in for a hug.
“Mr. Cage,” they both chimed, wide smiles stretching across their faces. Everyone, it seemed, was fairly fond of Cassie’s father. She stood off to one side, offering her hand to little Hanzo when the adults squeezed him out in favor of a hug and catch-up session. The boy ran to her and slapped her palm before grasping it.
“You two look great—ah, hey, Jacqui… how’s your dad?” Johnny didn’t want to pry, but felt it was the right thing to do to inquire. It was what Sonya would have done. She was always well aware of protocol and propriety. Now he had to be the master of his own manners. It had gotten easier, but it still was not easy.
“He was…” Jacqui chewed her lip. “Today wasn’t great, to be honest, Mr. Cage; he has ups and downs.”
“This one was a down,” Takeda said, shifting his grip on Sonya, “but he sent us with all his respect and… honestly, curiosity.”
“Yeah, who’da thunk?”
Presently, Cyrax, who was acting as an usher, approached and gestured that the Takahashi family should follow him. Jacqui bid Johnny goodbye and there was melancholy in her eyes, a kind of regret that she could not offer more solid information or good news on her father. Johnny crossed his arms and found himself losing focus, staring off into the woods beyond the gates, thought and memory carrying him away.
When Liu Kang had taken control of Kronika’s crown—Johnny was informed that that had been a fight literally for the ages, like all of them—he had supposedly set about restoring the timeline,doing his best to put pieces back into place, where they belonged. It meant making many painful decisions, but Liu was, as ever, aided by Raiden, who had given his chosen champion his divinity that he might fulfill his ultimate destiny.
Liu Kang had offered little information on the arrangement. Fortunately, Raiden was a little more forthcoming than ever he had been previously. He had explained to Johnny and Cassie one afternoon upon visiting Johnny’s Beverly Hills residence that he had conferred his divinity permanently, but that he was still himself, an elemental, and that Liu Kang had given him that aspect of himself back once Shang Tsung had been defeated. For what reason and to what end was evidently not for Johnny to know. 
“It will belong to Liu Kang again,” he had said, “once my mortal life is over.”
He had guided Fire God Liu Kang to make many decisions which hurt him deeply. Returning the younger versions of all of his friends to the past had been heart-rending. Johnny preferred not to think about it in depth. He had forgotten how much he liked Lao and Kitana until he had seen them in their younger forms again. It was doubly painful now to know they were back within their timelines, put into place to maintain the balance—Liu Kang’s balance. No more of that Kronika bitch, Johnny thought. That’s shitty balance.
“Something is on your mind, Cage-san.” It would be the second time that day Johnny would jump out of his skin. He whirled this time, recognizing the voice, but startled nonetheless.
“DO not sneak up on me—Jeezis…”
Scorpion shrugged. “Be more aware of your surroundings in a den of assassins.” He did not speak with malice, though his strange wraith’s eyes betrayed nothing and so Johnny had to go on instinct that he was not being menaced. Certainly Scorpion’s attire had changed; he wore the traditional robes of the Shirai-Ryu nuptial rites, rather than his customary yellow and black assassin garb. There was something comforting in that, but Johnny had laid money on there being some kind of violence at this wedding, so he was still hoping Scorpion was packing some kind of heat under all that fine fabric. Just one “get over here” would do me, I swear.
“Okay, you got me there—am I supposed to be sitting down? Also aren’t you like… shouldn’t you be hiding someplace ‘til it all starts?” He found himself observing the man’s hair, now, held up with an ornate pin that looked to be made of gold. Everything about this was weird, but also made a strange, cosmic sense. There was balance in this, too.
“Western wedding traditions and eastern ones are laid aside here,” said Scorpion cryptically. “We are neither. Shirai-Ryu descend from Outworld… But if you would be seated, we might begin.”
Before Johnny could respond, Scorpion sank into the ground in a flash of fire and heat. Johnny wondered if his hakama would be singed by so doing and chuckled, shaking his head at the thought. Heading toward the seats, he noticed that many people had arrived while he had been daydreaming and he wondered how he had missed them. Before he could worry much about that, Cassie had caught his eye and was signaling him to a seat near the Takahashi family and, of all people, Kung Jin.
“Good to see you, kid,” said Johnny, shaking Jin’s hand. Jin nodded. 
“You kidding, Mr. Cage? I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”
The seats were filling, all familiar faces. Not many were complete unknowns; those who were quickly found their place among kindred spirits. This was an intimate affair, after all. Who would turn down the chance to see the legendary Fire Gardens of the Shirai-Ryu? There was low, murmured chatter, a few peals of laughter, and many wide eyes. 
All at once, however, a hush fell over the crowd prompting the laughter to die down and the murmuring to become whispers. The wind which had been moving the multicolored leaves two and fro stilled and Fujin himself touched down near the back, settling into his seat. Grey Cloud leaned over and whispered something in the god’s ear; Fujin seemed pleased and smiled a crooked grin, nodding. 
Kotal Kahn adjusted his headdress a moment, before taking it off and setting it to the side of his seat. Now is not the time to be emperor, he thought, but honored guest. Next to him, his empress’s smile was soft, approving, her hands folded in her lap. Lord Liu Kang had given them a great gift, restoring Jade to life and vitality. Their wedding had been the largest celebration Outworld had ever seen. She could not see how this could eclipse that, but was politely in attendance nevertheless. 
Erron Black leaned forward and exchanged a few whispered words with Johnny, who shook his head, pointed toward the most ornate building in the Fire Gardens which was serving as the backdrop for the “stage” of this ceremony. Swatting Johnny’s shoulder, Erron leaned back and crossed his arms. 
“Hang on! Don’t start without us!” A voice called from the entrance where a couple of Lin Kuei were struggling to lead a pair of figures who were now jogging toward the seated assembly. Johnny flew up out of his seat and lifted a hand. 
“Lao! Kitana! How…?” He was baffled, but so very, very glad to have the seats in that row filled by these two. Perhaps Liu had done something similar for them to what he had done for Jade. It was good to see her sitting next to Kotal. This was balance. 
“Divine intervention,” said Kitana simply, her face a broad, open grin. Dark eyes sparkled with delight and she looked as young and beautiful as ever. Lao had aged a bit, but he was still a knockout. Johnny flushed a little at the thought and shook his head.
“Well c’mon you acts of god, siddown.”
“You think there’s gunna be some kombat?” Lao asked, stuffing an elbow into his nephew’s ribs. Jin swatted at him and shrugged. Kitana shot a look at both and they sat back. Johnny shook his head. 
“It’s a wedding,” Johnny stated nebulously.
“You’ll be eatin’ your words come this evening,” Erron declared without looking or offering context. Cassie looked between them, eyes narrowed with suspicion. Johnny pulled a face and gestured at Lao and Kitana to sit. Everyone else had gone silent, so it was clearly time. 
A frigid bank of fog had settled into one side of the “stage”. Those closest were shivering, wrapping arms around themselves, smiling with heart-pounding anticipation. Of course this could not be a normal wedding. 
Sub-Zero emerged from the fog bank, ice coating his hands, which he opened and held out toward the right side of the venue. His attire was formal, some kind of ancient Chinese wedding garb, very traditional, as Scorpion’s had been. What were they playing at? And where’s Liu?
“This’s gonna be a helluva show,” rumbled Erron Black, sitting a little straighter. Grey Cloud leaned over and whispered something else to Fujin, who nodded, but then covered his mouth, glowing eyes wide and darting toward his companion, who crossed thick arms with satisfaction and sat back looking very much like the cat who ate the canary. 
A tornado of fire swept the fog and chill from the crowd and Scorpion stood, wearing the same garb in which Johnny had earlier seen him. Not a bit of it was scorched, which was impressive special effects, in Johnny’s mind. He tried to forget the magic bits as much as possible; it hurt his brain even now. He heard a low whistle from behind him, distracting his enchantment-driven discomfort. Evidently his gray matter wasn’t the only thing being strained constantly by their odd choice of companionship.
“It is Shirai-Ryu tradition that the intended must fight for his wife,” said Scorpion, his voice resonating over the quiet crowd without a need to raise it. “A brother, a father, an uncle, or cousin…” He gestured, arms out to either side of himself, as if to indicate that he had no relatives, that he was his only family. “I am nobody’s ‘wife’.”
This, at least, earned a chuckle, rippling through the crowd and easing some tension. Those who had been present from the beginning of the initial konflict knew well the former animosity between Scorpion and the man who had once worn the Sub-Zero mantle. More than that, they knew the rivalry between the Shirai-Ryu and the Lin Kuei, then brutalities committed against the former by the latter. This ceremony was unprecedented. 
“But, I will represent myself.”
“I challenge you, then, Hanzo Hasashi, Grandmaster of the Shirai-Ryu, for the right to call you mine.” Sub-Zero’s dress garb had not changed, but his hands had retained their icy coating and, presumably, that ice was running up his arms now. A cold snap was fanning out from his position, placing a beautiful layer of frost upon the leaves and greenery closest to him.
“I assent.”
Scorpion was enveloped, then, in violent flames, the challenge accepted. These consumed his dress attire and replaced it with his yellow, black, and red assassin garb as he walked through it, untouched. Swinging the spearpoint of his chain almost lazily, Scorpion emerged. With a swift, unforgiving motion, he hurled it toward Sub-Zero. 
The spear flew like lightning, taking Sub-Zero by surprise in the shoulder and tugging him forward into a stumble, staining his nuptial attire with blood. Scorpion was on him in an instant, pulling one of his swords out and swinging hard for the man’s face. Only a quick motion deflected it, ice coating the Lin Kuei Grandmaster’s arm and sending the blade spinning off and sticking into the fine wood of the dojo’s porch. The crowd gasped appropriately as Sub-Zero grasped the spear end and tugged it free, tossing it almost contemptuously onto the ground.
Scorpion retracted it and then began swinging it in another lazy arc as he approached, backing Sub-Zero toward a stone monument to the left of the dojo building. Before he could make another move, Sub-Zero had encased himself in ice and burst forth with a rolling tackle in his traditional blue uniform. Scorpion stood his ground and took the man’s momentum in stride, forcing him to one side and bringing a savage elbow down on his back. There was a grunt of agony from Sub-Zero, but the kryomancer did not release his hold, slowly beginning to chill his arms. Scorpion’s hand bearing the spearhead was trapped, but his other arm remained free and he beat Sub-Zero about the head and shoulders mercilessly, trying to free himself before hypothermia set in.
When his hand dropped open and the spear dropped from it, Scorpion knew he had to change tactics. He set his jaw and brought a leg up, aiming for Sub-Zero’s thigh muscle. The hit drove home and he broke away swiftly, rolling into a kick to the Lin Kuei Grandmaster’s jaw which sent him reeling onto his back. Sub-Zero manifested a snowpile—something he had recently cultivated—to catch himself.
“He’s not even fightin’,” Erron grumbled, arms crossed.
“Would you fight the man you loved? ‘Cause I wouldn’t.” Johnny’s mind flew, unbidden, to Liu Kang. “Besides, you’re still winning.”
“Damn right.”
“You’re BETTING on this?” Cassie’s hiss was so forceful, Johnny nearly jumped.
“Of course not, pumpkin, why would I do something like that?”
Meanwhile, Scorpion was bearing down on Sub-Zero, intent lacing every single one of his tightly coiled, compact muscles. He was an imposing figure, if only in reputation. As far as Johnny was aware, the man had never breached five and a half feet tall, if that—but make no mistake, he had more than earned his name. Supposedly—and everyone was inclined to believe this tale—he had, through sheer force of will and rage, fought his way through the Netherrealm to challenge Quan-Chi and demand his vengeance. The story, after that, became a bit sordid and most people did not repeat what came next.
Sub-Zero launched a few icicles in rapid succession at Scorpion, who was making a run at him. These, he leapt and ducked with almost practiced ease and then, with one tremendous heave, launched himself into the air to come down on top of Sub-Zero, spearhead kunai in hand, aiming very clearly for throat or face. Johnny could see their mouths moving from where he sat, but could not make out their words.
“Do you fight for your honor?”
“I fight for ours.”
“You will not best me.”
“I will.”
“I will kill you, Liang.”
“Hanzo… you are beautiful.”
Sub-Zero forced Scorpion’s arms, both of which were now employed in trying to drive the blade downward, up and over his own head, sticking the tip into the dirt. Both of Sub-Zero’s chilly arms had wrapped around his torso again, but the hold was much softer and without menace. He was holding Scorpion, rather than attempting to crush his ribcage.
“I… yield,” said Hanzo Hasashi, very quietly, sitting up and facing the crowd. “Before this assemblage… I yield.”
Johnny couldn’t help noticing that Sub-Zero’s hands had come to rest easily and comfortably on the yellow-clad assassin’s hips for but a moment before Scorpion stood and offered one of his own. Sub-Zero took it and stood, towering over his new husband, looking pleased, but hardly gloating. Both chests were heaving.
“That counts as violence,” Erron hissed in Johnny’s ear. Cassie was rolling her eyes in their direction, but her attention was mostly upon the spectacle before them. She had never, in her lifetime, had the privilege of witnessing the two Grandmasters really throw down. She was glad she did not have to take them on; one was enough and Sub-Zero had been toying with them. Proud as she was of her training, skill, and heritage, there was something to be said for the raw experience of age.
“Wait…!” Takeda called from a few seats down. He stood, gesturing. “Master Hasashi, your… your eyes!”
“My…” Scorpion paused and looked at Sub-Zero.
“You’ve returned to me, Hanzo,” whispered Kuai Liang, brushing a few stray hairs out of Scorpion’s face. “Body and soul.”
Johnny was the first to stand and applaud. Others soon joined until the entire crowd was surging to their feet with wild laughter and clapping and whistles, whooping and hollering. Jade considered this ceremony adequate competition to hers. Kotal was in tears. 
“If anyone here has any reason these two should not be joined,” said Liu Kang, appearing from a portal just at the top of the steps to the Shirai-Ryu dojo. “Speak now and risk life and limb.”
“It is not recommended,” Sub-Zero added, holding Scorpion tightly.
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“To say I fear isn’t exactly a lie, but my will to protect my clan from you is far greater than any fear or trauma you could ever hope to instill. Far more than I fear you is failing my clan and allowing them to become your puppets, and I will use that as strength to drive an ice dagger into your plans and tear into the void that lacks your heart.
You can threaten to silence my mind, but I will promise to silence you for good.”
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raskol-ot · 5 years
Lin Kuei - Character Playlist
1. Billie Eilish - “Bury a Friend”
Perfect for the Lin Kuei! The creepy aesthetic and ALL the words fit so well! -
“Step on the glass, staple your tongue. Bury a friend, try to wake up. Cannibal class, killing the son. Bury a friend, I wanna end me”
2. Billie Eilish - “Bellyache”
An amazing, aesthetic song about murder - Lin Kuei, duh.
“Sittin' all alone, mouth full of gum. In the driveway. My friends aren't far in the back of my car lay their bodies.” ,
“Everything I do the way I wear my noose, like a necklace. I wanna make 'em scared like I could be anywhere, like I'm wreck-less”
3. Imagine Dragons - “Natural”
“That's the price you pay. Leave behind your heartache, cast away, just another product of today. And you're standing on the edge, face up 'cause you're a natural, a beating heart of stone. You gotta be so cold to make it in this world.“ ,
“Deep inside me, I'm fading to black, I'm fading. Took an oath by the blood of my hand, won't break it. I can taste it, the end is upon us, I swear Im gonna make it”
4. Bohnes - “Middle Finger”
This is more about the rebellious kids, like Tomas and Kuai and Cyrax.
“Making your money off all of my pain. You put an eagle inside of a cage, and you think I'm not strong enough to escape.”
“So I put my middle finger up, I'm done being your slave. My generation's had enough, and you should be afraid”
5. Bring Me The Horizon - “True Friends”
The essence of the Lin Kuei all in this song. I feel a lot of Frost vibes off of this song too.
“I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you, 'cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you. Don't you know, don't you know? True friends stab you in the front.”
6. Escape the Fate - “One For The Money.”
Enter epic fight sequence during a mission.
7. Bring Me The Horizon - “Can You Feel My Heart”
The theme fits a lot, both lyrically and musically. I always think of Bi-Han when I listen to it.
“Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel, can you feel my heart?”
“I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink, I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim”
8. Three Days Grace - “I Am Machine”
No song, and I say NO song fits the cyber initiative more!
“Here's to being human, all the pain and suffering. There's beauty in the bleeding, at least you feel something”
“I wish I knew what it was like to care about what's right or wrong. I wish someone could help me find, find a place where I belong, but I am machine, I never sleep, I keep my eyes wide open. I am machine a part of me wishes I could just feel something.”
I’d quote the whole song tbh, consider this a teaser to when you actually listen to it.
9. Three Days Grace - “Pain”
Simply - “Pain without love. Pain, I can't get enough. Pain, I like it rough. 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all” and all the other lyrics.
10. Falluah - “Give Us A Little Love”
Everytime I listen, I have a montage of everytime a Lin Kuei character has been wronged in my head. I really gotta draw an Animatic at this point.
“Where do we belong, where did we go wrong? If there's nothing here, why are we still here? It's another time, it's another day, numbers they are new, but it's all the same - Running from yourself, it will never change. If you try you could die”
11. Melanie Martinez - “Mad Hatter”
Has a creepy vibe, and fitting words.
“My friends don't walk, they run. Popping, popping balloons with guns, getting high off helium. We paint white roses red. Each shade from a different person's head”
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luvsavos · 7 years
Cyrax and Sektor stuff wooo
The scuffed yellow cyborg glanced to his partner cyborg—a metallic red one with glowing blue eyes reminiscent of a pale blue river under a setting summer's sun—and then down to the male in his arms. A pale man with black hair like a raven's wing in the night, and a beard to certaintly be proud of. Upon his right eye was a scar that once surely fountained crimson human-blood. When open, his eyes were a beautiful ice blue, nearly indifferent from the whites of his eye. He was well muscled, and ice crept upon his thick arms.
Yet, he had been dangerously unconscious.
"Hou... Do you think they will accept us?" The yellow robot asked hesitaintly after a moment. The red cyborg skipped beat before replying.
"I don't know, Fenyang," he admitted. "They once knew us as Sektor and Cyrax, two of their best. Now they know us as machines of murder and destruction." He paused to laugh bitterly. "But I suppose that's all we really are now, isn't it?"
This caused the first—Cyrax—to wince.
"Don't think like that, Hou... We helped save their grandmaster. Our friend."
Sektor inclined his head slightly to the side, implying an eyebrow being raised. "You really think that they'll believe that when we come prancing to the doors of the temple, holding his limp body? By the Gods, they'll most likely think we killed him!"
Another wince from Cyrax. "I'm sure that they'll know we were doing no harm. He shows no injury, now does he?"
Sektor merely shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. Dearest Fenyang, as much as I admire your constant attempts at having faith... Sometimes it's misplaced. We cyborgs can easily deal damage that is not external, but is internal, rather. They know this. For all they might believe, we have killed him and are merely delivering his corpse."
Cyrax sighed. "I, the optimist, and you—the pessimist."
Sektor made to respond, but merely let his words form into a sigh as he looked up. The temple was near. 
And there were people outside.
"What have we to lose?" He laughed bitterly, and Cyrax averted his gaze from both the temple, and his cynical lover.
"Do you truly have no belief that they will be accepting towards us?" He asked in a small voice.
Sektor glanced to him, and was hit with a pang of guilt. He knew how much this all meant to Cyrax. He knew how much his lover—his best friend—simply wished to be accepted into the Lin Kuei as it once was.
He also knew it was not to be.
"I'm sorry, Fenyang," he said carefully after a moment.
Cyrax only numbly nodded.
Sektor cursed when two of the more prominent ones noticed the pair of them (and then realized it was highly rhetorical; who was bound to miss two tall cyborgs, one red and one yellow, upon the fresh white snow?). One was midnight black, with midnight black skin, and the other was a girl with crimson hair (I wasn't aware that the Lin Kuei allowed it's members to dye their hair, Sektor thought to himself) and fairly pale skin, adorned in white.
Cyrax whimpered in fear—neither party seemed friendly.
Sektor recoiled in confusion as the man disappeared, and as the female advanced threateningly towards them with no weapons visible anywhere.
Cyrax took a hesitant step back; the female was oddly unsettling. Perhaps it was the inhuman green of her eyes, or how horribly fang-like her teeth seemed. Perhaps it was the near animalistic way she held herself. Or, the way her eyes never left them. Never blinked.
Sektor let out a surprised, choked cough as he felt himself roughly pulled back, and a dagger pressed to his neck.
"Why do you have my brother," his attacker, clearly the man, demanded.
"B-Bi-Han? I thought you-?" Sektor sputtered.
"Quan Chi restored me," the man spat. "However, Bi-Han is dead. I am Noob Saibot."
Sektor growled, finding himself unable to retaliate in any way; as his arms were full, and he saw the female advancing on Cyrax.
"If you were with Quan Chi, why are you in the Lin Kuei?" Sektor spat.
"I broke free of his curse. Give me my brother, and you and Mustard will leave with little to no harm done," Noob Saibot growled in his dark, arresting voice as he pressed the dagger more to his throat.
Cyrax glanced to this, backing away a little more. A terrified squeak was torn from his throat as the female began to literally melt away. Her flesh began to melt from her body, but she still came for him, like some hideous, amorphous blob demon straight out of a nightmare. Blood was covering her body now, and it nearly seemed what was left has begun to change colour, to orange.
And then, all at once, there was no more melting. 
There was a massive, angry tiger.
"A shapeshifter...?" Cyrax managed before the cat suddenly leaped at him, mouth open and claws extended.
Narrowly did he sidestep, hissing in more surprise than pain (pain? what is pain? he asked himself. i haven't felt it in so long, but gods, please don't let me start now) when a long, black claw tore across his arm, causing it to leak oil.
The cat skidded in the snow before turning around and crouching to pounce again, tail lashing from side to side angrily.
"If you were with Quan Chi once, I cannot trust you with the grandmaster," Sektor hissed.
All at once, pain flashed across his throat, and then
Cyrax yelped in sheer suprise as he watched the shadowy male run his dagger across Sektor's throat, and as Sektor fell.
The shadowy man simply caught Sub-Zero before he could hit the ground.
No longer caring if he was mauled (as everything had suddenly gone very blank and hazy), Cyrax made his way to Sektor before dropping to his knees.
"Oh, Gods... Sektor... Oh Gods," he whispered, finding that his hands were shaking.
When he looked up again, the tiger was once again a beautiful and yet unsettling female, staring hatefully down at him.
"Leave these premises," she demanded. "You and your foul comrade."
Cyrax merely averted his gaze, lowering his head again. 
"If you must kill me, I only ask you do it quickly," he whispered.
The shadowy man scoffed. "Pitiful." He then turned to look to the female. "Come, Imperium. We should bring Sub-Zero inside to assess his injuries."
The girl nodded. "Of course, Noob."
With that, the two simply walked away, leaving Cyrax and Sektor.
Cyrax lifted a hand to Sektor's face, gently cupping it. There was no light burning in his blue eyes.
"Oh, Sektor... I wish I had listened to you," Cyrax whispered. He would not leave until forced to. And he would not leave without Sektor.
For days, he sat there, servos and joints growing stiffer and freezing up. None of the Lin Kuei paid him any mind. He was no threat.
On the third day, he felt a strong, firm hand upon his shoulder. Just barely was he able to turn his head to look, and when he saw its owner he nearly fainted.
"How long have you been here?" The man asked, kneeling beside him. "Your joints are all frozen up."
"Three days," Cyrax managed, voice glitching. 
"Ah." Kuai looked over Sektor, his face neutral. "I heard you two were in a scuffle with some of the Lin Kuei members?"
Cyrax nodded. "Yes. Your... Your brother, he-..."
"Sektor is not dead," Kuai calmly said. "My brother merely rendered him unconscious. May I?" 
Cyrax nodded a little, and Kuai began to tamper with the wires on Sektor's neck. After a mere moment, the fierce blue fire glowed back into his eyes, and for one horrible moment Cyrax was scared that he would be as he once was; without humanity.
"So," Sektor murmured after a moment, gently bringing a hand up and stroking Cyrax's cheek, "you stayed with me, Fenyang?"
Instantly, Cyrax threw himself upon Sektor, burying his face into his neck and allowing himself to sob. As Sektor curled his arms gently around Cyrax's torso, Kuai watched with satisfaction.
"We should get the two of you indoors, where it is far warmer and your joints can thaw. Perhaps then you might once rejoin is, if your are willing."
Sektor glanced to Kuai and snorted. 
"If we are willing? We both are, but what of your clan? The girl and your brother certaintly did not take a liking to us."
"Leah and my brother will be of no consequence," Kuai affirmed. He then stood, arching a brow as Cyrax reluctantly peeled himself off of Sektor. He then offered a hand to the cyborg. "Would you like some help up?" He asked.
Cyrax took his hand gratefully and stood himself, then helped Sektor stand. Gently, Sektor leaned on Cyrax, and the three of them together walked into the temple.
The inside of the temple was warm, and Kuai allowed them to stop at a large torch and warm themselves.
"Where are we going?" Sektor asked when they were walking once again.
"To the throne room," Kuai answered calmly.
Cyrax glanced to Sektor and tilted his head to the side, indicating his confusion, and Sektor merely shrugged.
After a large flight of stairs, they came to the throne room. The throne was made of solid ice, and much to the cyborgs confusion, Kuai sat in it, facing them.
"Sektor. Cyrax. You two wish to join the Lin Kuei once again."
With some giddy excitement barely contained, Cyrax realized that this was some sort of initiation.
"Yes," he breathed, and Sektor merely nodded.
Kuai leaned forward slightly. It was clear that he had done this a million times with a million other, as he nearly seemed bored. 
"You both swear to dedicate yourselves and your lives to the Lin Kuei?"
"Yes," Cyrax breathed again, and, once again, Sektor simply nodded.
"We have never had cyborgs in our ranks, before," Kuai murmured. "You will serve us well..."
Cyrax held his breath in anticipation.
In his hands, Kuai skillfully created a small jar made of ice.
"This is rather, ah... Brutal, I suppose. Cut your palms and allow some of your blood to drip into this jar."
While Cyrax wished to question, he dared not, and simply brought a small sawblade out, while Sektor simply took one of his pulse blades, and together they slit their palms, allowing the black, tar-like oil to drip into the jar with little plipping noises.
When Kuai was satisfied, he drew the jar back, and froze the top closed, looking between the two tense cyborgs. He then allowed a warm smile to break across his face.
"Welcome home."
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
@cryomistrss​ (sc)
The blast hit, and perhaps for the first time in years, Cyrax felt at peace with himself.  He detested his current form.  He detested how cold and mechanical he has become.  In spite of this, however, he managed to do some good, and kill the Cyber Initiative once and for all.  With Kuai Liang as the sole survivor of the Lin Kuei, the clan can begin again.  And on a more personal note, Cyrax had managed to fight along side a member of the clan one last time.  A real member of the clan, not one of those mechanical husks left in the wake of the Cyber Initiative.  This was a good death.  He would be content with this ending.
And then he wakes up in a cold, sterile room.  The first thing that comes to mind is the lack of feeling.  He looks down upon himself, and sees that he is once more trapped in this chassis he is forced to call a body.  And in the corner of his eye, he can see other beings trapped in similar shells.  Only one question lingers throughout his mind.
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“Is this hell?”
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maximummusesarch · 3 years
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“Every time I look at myself, it gets harder and harder to figure out where the machine ends and the man begins.  Is there even anything left of me, underneath all this?”
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
"Does it give you some sort of pleasure to betray everyone you know for Kuai Liang?" (@umbrclflame, Sektor is glaring at Cyrax)
Send uncomfortable questions to my muse!
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“The knowledge that the actions I take will save the Lin Kuei give me the strength to go on.  I would offer you a place in the new future, but we both know you’re too far gone for that.”
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
@extraordinarygrrls​ (sc)
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The hardest thing in this new reality was finding meaning.  For so long, Cyrax was so wholely dedicated to the Lin Kuei, and whatever they would have asked of him.  And then he was bound by mechanical shackles in his life.  It would only be mere moments before his death when he would be free once again, and put an end to the nightmare that the clan had become.
But that was then.  This is now, and things have changed.  And he was reborn in a fashion.  What Cyrax needed was meaning... a sort of meaning that Special Forces could provide.  Maybe not completely, but at least until Cyrax knows what he’s doing.  
He didn’t expect to see a familiar face, though.
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maximummusesarch · 4 years
There’s a low hum, as the lights which illuminate Cyrax shine brighter.  For as evil as the Cyberization Process was, and what it stole from him... it was efficient.  Of that, Cyrax cannot doubt.  It wasn’t just turning him into a machine, it was taking every possible enhancement a machine could have given him and turning it up to eleven.  There was an undeniable allure to the process.  
Would he still give it all up to become flesh and blood again?  Of course he would.  Every advantage he has in a fight, every mechanical enhancement which has made him what he is?  Absolutely.  He yearns for his old form every day, desperately waiting for when he will be granted an opportunity to be human once again, and not this excuse of a machine.  His freedom is one thing, but it’s the only silver lining he has in this gilded cage.
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“It’s good to see you again, Sub Zero.”  He announces his presence and survival first of all.  After all, he was aware that when he shut down the clan... he did it with the understanding that he would be embarking on a one way trait.  He knows full well how guilt can eat up the master of the Lin Kuei.  To know that Cyrax survived would more than extinguish that guilt.  
“We need to talk, about Frost.”  He crosses his arms.  He trusts the grandmaster’s judgement, more than he has the judgement of any other individual he’s met.  But at the same time... he cannot be unafraid to call out his judgement as need be.  And there have been mistakes made with Frost.  Mistakes which Cyrax is doing his best to rectify.
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