#I am not sad about leaving this show behind - also it being at 10pm like thats so late
merrumeru · 4 years
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Let me cheer you up even more: Graham!90 x reader
Words: 1870
Warning: nope, zero
The room was dark. The only light that could enter the room was the glow of the stars and of the tiny moon in the night sky. I was surrounded by silence as the last song on the vinyl record ended twenty minutes early. I had no desire or humor to get out of bed and change it. I focused on my slow and deep breathing. It was supposed to help me calm down, but it didn't work for me. My eyes were fixed on a distant point in the sky. I felt as if I was sinking into my anxiety. But I couldn't understand why. My life was going in quiet rhythm, I had a roof over my head and someone who cared for me. However, the thought of the future made me panic. Looking at friends who knew what they wanted to do in life, at Graham and his thriving career…I was stalled. I couldn't find a place for myself or this one thing that would be my passion. Graham always said that everything is fine with me, that I will somehow put my life in order. That he, my age, was also feeling lost. Still, the thought of working or continuing my studies scared my in the deep of heart. If I can't see my future myself, so does it even exist? I covered myself with the duvet. From head to toe, as if I was going to disappear. I promised Graham I would wait for him tonight. We'll watch a movie and eat something good. But suddenly I lost my desire for anything. I wanted to fall asleep and wake up in a much better mood. I suspected it was almost 10pm and Graham would be back from the band rehearsal soon. 
I heard the key in the door twist. The hit of his backpack on the ground and the sound of shoes being taken off. „Love I’m back”. The mellow voice of Graham sounded so happy. But I was about to ruin it all. On the one hand, I wanted to tell him how hopeless I felt, on the other hand, I preferred not to put stress on him at home. I didn't want to be a sad part of his life, I was supposed to help and encourage him. Graham was more delicate than I was and much more concerned about everything. I didn’t want the negative emotions and stress which he felt through a lack of privacy and high expectations soaking into his heart also in our home. So I pretended to be asleep.
I heard him slowly approaching the bed. He probably didn't expect to find me sleeping. I heard his soft laugh. „Y/N why you always decide to miss the best fun. Okay. I'll put the food in the fridge and lie down too.” 
„I’m awake”. I turned to face him. It was dark enough in the room that I could only see his silhouette.  
„Did something happened?” I heard his voice suddenly turn serious. I knew that he suddenly felt tensed, as if I was about to say that some kind of disaster had happened. I was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. „You are sick? Did something unpleasant happen to you at university? Sorry to be late, but you didn't call so I thought everything …”
„No! No Graham, everything is ok. I’m just tired” I stopped in the middle of a sentence, a lump that appeared in my throat blocked all words. „You will be angry if we put our romantic evening in another evening, or day, or  whatever?”
„Hey, who do you think I am. Of course it's not a problem baby.” I felt the bed on his side slowly bend under the weight of his body. Graham put his hand on my head and lightly stroked my hair. „I'm just worried. You've been sad for a while and I don't know how to help you.” I stretched my hand toward him and squeezed his hands tightly. „Your voice is so weak, yet your grip is still hard”.The moonlight illuminated his face and a shy smile. His thumb gently caressed the back of my hand.
„Nothing happens. I've just had bad days lately. You know, life is too much to handle for me sometimes.” 
„You can always tell me about anything Y/N. I don't want you to feel lonely in difficult times.” Graham released my hand. He took off his hoodie and tossed it next to the bed. After a moment, he was lying next to me, pressing me tightly to his chest. „God, why are you so emotionally unavailable. Will you ever stop being a mystery to me?” He placed a few kisses on my hair. I put one leg on his hip and gripped his T-shirt tighter. I wanted to blend in with his skin.
„I love you so much Graham. I don't know how to express it all.” His heart was beating fast. He radiated a warmth that I missed so much. I could wear a hundred sweaters, be surrounded by several heaters while sitting on one of the sunny beaches, and nothing would warm my heart and hands more than his inner warmth. 
„You don't have to show it or look for ways to express it. Just trust me and let me understand you.” His hand rested on my bare thigh, which I got on his hip.He used his finger to paint little circles. I brought my mouth close to his and kissed him softly. One sloppy stroke of the lips, but right after that a second time, much deeper and passionately.
He pulled me towards him so that I was suddenly on top of him. Our lips hardly detached.I felt hotter and hotter, as if all the accumulated emotions had suddenly burst forth and like a wave and found their way out. I felt dizzy, all my bad thoughts disappeared like clouds after the storm. Graham's hands got under my shirt and rested on my bare back. I opened my eyes and broke off the kiss. I straightened up, staring deeply into his eyes. Graham lowered his hands to my hips and gripped them tightly.
„You have such a handsome face, bastard. We both started laughing. „Handsome, talented… you are made to be star.” I pinched his cheek that he grimaced slightly, small lines forming on his nose.„And these crowds of female fans undressing you with their eyes.”
„I'm just looking for the eyes of one girl in this crowd. And I don't have to undress her with my sight. She does it by herself when we are at our home.” Graham straightened his glasses and rose to his elbows.”I just hope that she listen carefully to my words and will follow them. After all, with me, she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.”
He tucked a few locks of hair behind my ear and placed a hand against my cheek. My head rested on it. „Y/N just take it all easy. You are good enough at what you do right now. Life is not only about challenges. Sometimes there are occasions that come by themselves. Whatever it may be, I will try to be always by your side.” I wanted to cry and didn’t know if it was more of sadness or pure happiness and peace that overwhelmed me. 
“When did you get so mature? Two years ago, you wouldn't have been giving me such deep advice, just trying to make me laugh or whatever. Where's my baby boy gone?”  I smiled at the memories of the beginning of our relationship.  Even though Graham is three years older than me, I have always had the tendency to mother him. His delicacy combined with shyness and frequent confusion made me place my whole heart in his hands. I loved watching him do what he loves and his hard work was paying off.
“You have a great influence on me. I doubt if I could mentally handle this without you.” Graham's eyes were on me as I got up from the bed.”Where are you going love?”
“You don't even know how much I feel like having tea.” I stretched gently because my whole body was asleep and put on his hoodie that was lying on the floor. ”I'll do one for you too. You can easily go take a shower. When I'll come back, let's stay in bed, we've been doing it much too rarely lately”. 
Graham chuckled and get up without one word. Before I left the room,I looked out of the corner of my eye as he took off his shirt. I bit my lower lip. His body was lean, not very muscular. It pained me that he couldn't see how handsome he was. His broad-shouldered silhouette, bathed in the darkness of the night, made me want to approach him, hug him tightly and kiss his back. Graham turned to face me and tossed the shirt in his hand at me. „Don’t peek! You were supposed to make tea hmmm?”
„Oh c’mon mr.She Coxon. I won't give you back this shirt.” 
„Just like my hoodie?” I saw him shift the weight from one leg to the other and cross his arms over his chest. 
„What is this slander towards me, Coxon?” I stuck my tongue out at him and, without waiting for an answer, disappeared into the darkness of the hall.
When I returned with two cups, Graham was waiting for me. The room was lit now by a single lamp in the corner of the room. His hair was still wet, he was wearing sweatpants but still no shirt. The towel hung loosely around his neck.  Graham flicked through the vinyl records, humming some tunes. Eventually he settled on one and put it in the adapter. I put the tea on the bedside table and lay down, trying to guess what music was about to start playing.
Graham positioned himself between my legs so that his head rested on my stomach.I gently stroked his thick, still wet hair. "God, I don't know how I'll survive these two months without you Y / N”. His hands wrapped around my torso.”Fucking hell”.
“You can always lie like this with Damon.” Graham turned his head abruptly, his chin gently digging into my stomach.
“This is a bloody bad idea. Where do you get such strange ideas from”
“I am not the one who has a deep male friendship. Straight fact, baby. I watched a program once about people in the jungle and they did weird things ...” I ran my finger down his nose.
“What the fuck, I won't be in jungle, in fact we even won't be in village. We're not going to a survival camp.” 
“You never know Graham. What if the plane will stuck on a desert island, or the bus will be unable to leave the forest?”
“Maybe let's not go that far. Let's go back to why I'm going to miss you, your body, your words and just being here.” Graham pulled himself to meet my lips.
“But the the-...”
“It won't get the legs and come out by itself. Let me cheer you up even more.”
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luthien-t · 4 years
The Sun Will Shine. (Chapter 5)
Summary: Thanos invaded the asgardians ship & Thor called for back up. Being a liable paramedic, you gather your tools and went to space. You end up being injured during battle but Thanos was defeated, what will you do when you find out your lover, Loki suffered more than just a few battle scars? But then again, no one is ever really gone.
Chapter Summary: You followed the signs to where Loki promised to be there waiting for you, after a month and a half of searching, will you finally reunite with your love?
warning: very sad-ish
wordcount: 2.6+K
A/N: Hellooo, yes I know this story is going way too slow even for my liking, but I just dont know where it will go after a certain scene, but if anyone has any ideas or even how they think it will end, please tell me, I could use some inspiration here, Happy reading!!
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You grabbed your laptop to check the current weather for the location Loki wrote for you, to prepare yourself for the trip you’re about to go to. You also stumbled upon your email and it was flooded with messages from Tony, sending you emails for any meeting and any party they were having. It made you frown knowing that he is still trying to include you as if you’re still there around them, you bit your lips and read through every single one of them, in some emails he was just checking up on you and asking about your whereabouts and checking if you’re doing okay and a certain email was talking about Bruces birthday today and they’re having a party to celebrate, you sighed as you started typing about how your last month was like, what you were doing and how difficult it was to decipher the journal. You still left out the details about Dr strange and the answers you found, you decided that you will tell him when you head back at the tower with Loki. 
You sent the email and got out of bed, checking the time, you knew you had an hour to go see Stephen before the time you both agreed on. You got ready and headed towards the Sanctum, you were more than ready for this search to end.
“Are you ready?” Strange stood in front of you, waiting for your respond so he can open a portal for you. 
You sighed softly and nodded, watching him as he moved his hands in a circular motion for a portal to open next to you. You take one last glance at him before smiling and going through. 
“Two hours! You have two hours before I come and get you two!” He smiled while pointing a finger at you. You nodded happily at the mention of ‘you two.’ 
“See you in two hours!” You waved at him before walking forward and away from the portal before he closes it behind you. 
The snow was piling around your feet, it wasn’t deep but it was enough for you to hear the crunch with every step you take, you look around you, it was quite, empty and peaceful, the sun just started rising in Ice Land and the horizon was beyond beautiful, you start to understand why Loki chose this place out of all the places you had on your list, he always talked about how landscapes like this remind him of Jutonheim, and he always fit perfectly around the snow, even sometimes if it was cold enough, his blue would start to show and glow softly under the sunlight, defining every curve on his skin. 
You found a large rock that resembled a chair and sat on it, counting the time in your head. 
55 minutes, 56 minutes, 57… 
Almost an hour past and no sign of Loki, you start to wonder if you misunderstood anything from the journal and cursed yourself for not bringing it with you. Maybe he meant 10AM Ice Land time? Or maybe he meant 10PM? You kept waiting and waiting and your negative thoughts kept growing and growing. Is it possible that Loki wrote that journal and forgot? Or just simply, is it possible that his plan actually failed? Maybe he really is gone? Maybe this was all to distract me and stop me from mourning for him because he always told me to move on if something does happen to him. You shook your head and look around, you heard a rustling sound and turned your head towards it with a smile. 
“Took you long enough” Your smile fell flat when you noticed that it was Stephen looking at you through the portal he just opened from his side of the world. 
“It’s been 2 hours, y/n.” He said with a frown on his face, he must have noticed that you are still sitting alone with no one around you. You shake your head as tears start to threaten to fall. “No, Steph, we have to wait a bit longer, maybe he meant a different time” You look away from him and wipe your face from the cold tears falling down your cheeks. 
“It’s okay, y/n.” He sighs quietly and walked through the portal to you, a blanket in his hands. “It’s time to let go.” He wrapped the blanket around you and helped you get up on your feet, you wanted to protest, to stand your ground and to not leave until Loki decides to stop playing this stupid game. You were starting to get angry. “This is stupid. Why did you agree on doing this with me?” You look up at Stephen and he shrugs. “Because I believed you, but Loki proved us both wrong” He said as he helped you step through the portal before closing it behind him. 
Unbeknownst to you, Loki was there and was waiting for you there, he was beyond happy seeing you again, you still look the same, you still took his breath away, after two months of not seeing you he was ready to run towards you but seeing Dr Strange helping you with his teleporting stopped him from moving from his spot behind the rock. He never wanted to drag any of the Avengers with you, no one was supposed to know about this but you, if anyone knew he was still alive, words will reach Thanos minions and it will backfire at you, they will use you as bait to drag him back to where he was before New York happened. He had to find a way to leave, he never meant for it to be like this, he only wanted to reassure you that he is fine and maybe ask you to leave this planet with him, he misses you and wants you back in his life, but he can’t risk anything when people still want him dead. He decided to teleport back to his hiding place and hope that one day you two will be reunited again.
You feel stupid, you feel like the world was pressing around you and it was getting harder to breath, the reality of Loki being gone was finally starting to hit you and you finally understand that this was always a game to Loki, he never wanted you to mourn, he never wanted you to feel bad about him being gone, he only did this to entertain you. But at what cost? You were ignoring the people who were looking out for you while hiding in some apartment, and you dragged Stephen with you on a ridiculous treasure hunt. 
“I feel like a child.” You say as you sit down on the chair and look up at Stephen. 
“You’re not. He was the God Of Mischief. Of course he would refuse dying without one last game.” He sat on the chair opposite of you and handed you a cup of tea. 
He was the God Of Mischief.
It was all coming down on you, the realisation that he really is gone. All of your hard work is just thrown out of the window. You’ve learnt Juton for nothing and you’ve learnt Asgardian for no reason, and you were going back to the Tower empty handed, defeated. 
You drank your tea in silence as you stared out the window, it was beginning to rain, in the middle of June, how ironic. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” Stephen interrupted your thoughts, you turn your head towards him and shrug with a weak smile on your face. 
“I can’t really avoid the inevitable, there is nothing left to do but move on.” You sigh and suddenly get up. “I’m gonna head back home to move back to the tower.” You look down at him and he nods. “Thank you, Stephen, for everything. You helped me with more than you can imagine, I learn a new thing every time I come into this Sanctum” and with that he smiled up at you and nodded again. “I’m glad for doing so, now if you are going to the Tower, I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow for Bruces party?” You chuckle softy and nod before walking towards the door. 
“Guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow” You bow your head and leave to go back to your apartment. 
You unlocked the door and headed to your room, the window was open and there was a crow standing on the edge of the frame, you raise an eyebrow and move your way towards the crow slowly. “Hey there little guy” You said in a singsongy voice, you grab the closest thing to you to shush the crow back out of the window. 
“I am not in the mood.” You say to the crow and wave a book towards it to leave the room but it wont budge, did not even flinch. You sigh and sit on the bed. “Whatever, I am leaving this place so the landlord will have a talk with you.” You say as you shove everything back in your bag, you never unpacked your stuff because you were too busy with the journal you had, so distracted by the game that you forgot about your actual life for a minute. 
You grabbed everything that was yours and left the room, the crow was still standing this with his held tilted at you, watching you as you were watching him. You were confused as to how a crow can be so calm around humans but shrugged it off and left. You have bigger things to focus on than some random crow. You have to head back to the tower and go back to your normal life. You can’t keep getting distracted by every little thing anymore. It is time to move past this. 
Your walk back to The Tower was quite, the rain stopped long before you left the apartment and your shoes were wet from the water on the pavement, you feel defeated and the weight of Loki being gone kept hitting you harder and harder with every step. You reached the tower and went straight to the elevator. You sighed happily when no one entered the elevator with you and pressed on the button to the living area you shared with the team. 
The elevator door opened and you were greeted by Tonys back while he was busy ordering people on where to put the cake and rearranging the furniture. You walked towards him and cleared your throat. “Oh thank goodness Pepper you’re back, can you he-“ His sentence was cut short when he turned around and saw you. 
“Y/n!” He smiled wide and walked towards you. You smiled lightly. 
“We’ve missed you” He wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace and kissed the top of your head. “How have you been?” He mumbled against your head. His question wasn’t supposed to hurt you like this but it did, you tighten your hug and buried your head in his shoulder, you can’t say he was shocked by the sudden tightness but he held you closer and sighed, as if he understood the words you couldn’t say. You wanted to pull away and apologise but you simply couldn’t let go. You needed this.
“You were right.” You mumbled against his shoulder and nodded. “I know, kid. Don’t beat yourself, you needed this to get your closure.” He said as he rubbed your back. You did not notice your tears but the dampness of his shirt under your breath gave it away to you, causing you to pull away and sniff. “Oh god I’m sorry” you say as you pat the wet patch on his shoulder and let out a small chuckle, he just watched you with a smile. “I’m just glad you’re back, y/n.” He said before pulling away from you. “Everyone is currently busy and getting the place ready to party! You don’t have to join if you don’t feel like it” He reassures you and you shake your head. “I’ll be fine, besides, I’ve missed you guys and a party never hurt no one” You say and pull your bag up, waving at him to get back to what he was doing and head back to your previous quarter. 
You can’t say you’re exactly happy to get back to this place, it was still filled with memories of Loki, but you knew that in order to move on you have to face it. Opening the door, you walk into the room and Lokis smell immediately invaded your lungs, everything is exactly where it was since you left a month and a half ago. You sigh deeply and head to the curtains, sliding them for the sun to enter the room, everything had a layer of dust on it and you have a lot of cleaning to do, you look around not sure what to do with Lokis stuff, you know that you are going to keep some of it but you also cant hold on to everything if you want to move on. 
tap, tap, tap. 
You hear a tapping noise on the window and turn your head towards it, there he is again, that crow from the apartment, you raise your eyebrows and walk to the window, approaching the crow slowly. “How-“ you were interrupted by someone opening the door and calling your name, looking back at the door you see Thor and smile widely before glancing quickly back at the window and the crow was gone, you sigh quickly and put your thoughts aside to go greet him. 
“Thor!” you yelped as he gave you one of his famous tight hugs.
“It’s so good to see you, Lady y/n!” He pulled away to look down at you and you smile at him, your smile slowly fading as you notice his beard grew longer than he likes and his eyes were framed with dark circles, you frown and cup his face. “What have you been doing to yourself, Thor?” you say in a soft whisper and he smiles slightly to you. 
“I’m doing fine, you shouldn’t worry, I came from New Asgard as soon as Tony informed me that you’re back in the tower” He pulled away and sat on your bed, avoiding your eyes. 
“That quickly?” You chuckle.
“Well, thanks to Tony and Bruce, we discovered a new way to create a portal similar to the one we had in asgard before, you know…”
You sighed and sat next to him, you start feeling selfish for leaving him to mourn and suffer his brothers loss on his own, you were so busy and distracted by that stupid journal that you forgot that not only did you lose your love, but Thor also lost his brother. You rest a hand on his knee. “I’m sorry for everything, I should’ve checked up on yo-“
“Nonsense! I know you’ve been looking for him, I know how my brother can be sometimes.” He chuckle and looks down at you.
“But I didn’t..” You look up at him with tears in your eyes. “I didn’t find him, Thor. You were right, everyone was right, and I’m sorry.” 
“Lady y/n, It’s all right, what matters is that we’re all here now. We have to celebrate Hulks birthday!!” He tries to change the subject and got off the bed. “We will be seeing you in the party, correct?” He bows his head so he is at eye level with you and smiles, you nod at him and get up. “Yes, I’ll be there, I promise” You smile and watch him leave the room. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but drift back to the window, and as if on time, the crow flew back again, standing on the balconies grill behind the window and it hits you. 
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naughtygirl286 · 5 years
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so yeah we finally went to see Avengers: Endgame we went to the 6:45pm showing and didn't leave until after 10pm lol We wanted to wait a bit for the excitement over the movie to fade a lil before going but surprisingly there were alot of ppl there for this I'd say 75% of the seats were filled by the time the trailers started. also of course there where collectables which I had already posted here https://naughtygirl286.tumblr.com/post/184613302890/unlike-dc-marvel-does-in-theater-collectables-i and yes being this was going to be a long movie I did go pee before it started lol I also was happy to meet my Spring time goal too I wanted to be wearing more summer clothes by the time I went to this so thankfully it was nice and warm on on Tuesday so I was happily wearing some jean shorts and a crop top lol  
but now as for the movie how am I going to talk about something this huge and this amazing with out spoiling anything?? I'll have to try my best not to.
The movie kinda starts with what happened to Hawkeye during Infinity War similar to How they showed what happened to Ant-Man being they were both on "House Arrest" then after the Hawkeye scene and the Marvel Studio logo the movie actually starts with Tony and Nebula stranded in space and there rescue. Once back on earth the remaining Avengers with the help of Nebula hunt down Thanos in hopes of using the Infinity Gauntlet to undo what Thanos had done but he destroyed the stones leading Thor to do what he should have done at the end of Infinity War. 5 years pass and the world is in chaos and the remaining Avengers have gone their separate ways do to them feeling like they have failed... But not all hope is lost as Ant-Man escapes the quantum realm and meets up with the others and has a plan to use the quantum realm to go back in time and collect the Infinity Stones before Thanos does and bring them to the future and then reverse the Universe breaking Snap! So the Avengers set out to do Whatever It Takes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOsM-DYAEhY) to set things right but this plan What did it cost?  ...Everything.
Personally I thought this movie was amazing!! I have to say I loved pretty much all of it I think I said this with Infinity War also but I have to say it again as a comic book reader this movie is like dreams come to life and seeing everyone on screen together its like being a kid again watching these movies
Now I did have some reservations about the "Time Travel" aspect of the movie. They do throw alot of jokes and references to "Time Travel" movies especially Back to the Future.  Also it was explained in a way that made sense and would not screw up the over all continuity at least I thought. Also them traveling back to certain points in the MCU such as The Battle for New York in the first Avengers movie as well as stuff from Thor:Dark World and the First Guardians of the Galaxy. You got to see certain things from a different perspective and it created some really cool, interesting and funny moments. but I do feel there is some inconsistencies in their "Time Hist"  
Now I'd have to say one of the best parts of the movie was the final showdown with Thanos and his arm near the end of the movie. I'd have to say it was one of the most awesome things That I have seen in a super hero movie and probably in a movie in general. they put everything they had into not just this movie but I feel in this Final Battle sequence. This is what fans have been waiting for and they do get a huge pay off it truly doesn't disappoint.  
from the actors to everyone behind the screen they put everything into this movie and it shows and it is the result off all these years of hard work and it is amazing.
Now where this is called Endgame it does have a feeling of finality to it this is The End now its not the end of Marvel movies but it is the end of the story that started back with Iron Man in 2008. It is the end of the idea "The idea to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could." Now I felt like it was a bit of a Bittersweet ending were they fought back Thanos and his army but in the process some sacrifices had to be made. So it is a mixture of happy and sad moments.
So in the end the movie is truly impressively amazing and lives up to the hype I think and actually should be watched to fully experience it.  I loved it that is pretty much all that needs to be said.
Also you don't have to stay after the credits there is no scenes to watch but it would be nice to watch the credits tho to show respect for all the work that went into this
The only thing after the credits is when the Marvel logo appears there is the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil which is as many ppl are saying a tribute to the scene in Iron Man 2008 where he builds the MARK 1 suit in the cave (I've heard others say its the sound of Wolverine popping his claws in and out which is stupid being Wolverine popping his claws don't make a clanging sound)
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
A Time Like No Other
Chapter 18
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Nori was a bit confused with Misun's statement. She kept eyeing her for a moment. “Maybe I didn't hear you. . .correctly. Who's texting you?”
Misun giggled. “Minhyuk. Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Because that smile screamed 'Shownu' but that's not even who you're talking to.” At this point Nori was baffled.
“Other people and things make me smile too. I don't know why you're overreacting.”
Nori placed her finger over her lips as if attempting to shut herself up. “I guess I just don't understand what's happening here.”
“What's so hard to understand about Minhyuk texting me?” Misun lifted an eyebrow now she was confused.
“I just don't understand why he's texting you instead of Shownu.”
Misun shrugged. “Jooheon said he's busy and so does Minhyuk. Honestly, Minhyuk texts me everyday to make sure we're okay.”
Nori shook her head. “So you and Minhyuk are friends now?”
“I guess. He's really nice, and he keeps me updated on Shownu.”
“And y'all only talk about Shownu?”
Misun nodded. “Pretty much, and he talks about the tour a little.”
“How did he even get your number?”
Misun was taken aback by that question. For some odd reason she never had wondered that but it was a valid question. “I don't know. I never gave it to him, now that I think about it.”
“Does Shownu know that y'all talk?” Nori kept prying with questions.
Misun took a deep breath. “What exactly are you getting at, Nori?”
“It's just strange that he ends up with your number and now you barely talk to Shownu at all.”
Misun rolled her eyes. “It's not like I don't want to talk to NuNu! He's just so preoccupied, which I get but I wish he would explain that to me rather than Minhyuk and Jooheon having to.”
“You don't think Minhyuk has a crush, right?”
Misun picked up a pillow and threw it at Nori's face. “No! Gosh, let's just move on from this.” She laughed.
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Shownu lied on the bed with his arms propped behind his head. He was in deep thought. He decided to call Misun since they hadn't spoken in a couple of days besides a few quick texts here and there. He missed her but he felt so burdened and tired all of the time. He didn't want to worry her with his petty problems. The phone rang and rang. He felt like she must've been mad at him for the lack of communication on his part and honestly could he blame her?
He placed his phone down on the night stand and stared at the ceiling. After about ten minutes his phone began to vibrate against the table. His face lit up as he noticed Misun's picture. “Hello?” He sang into the speaker.
“Hey, you called?” She asked. He could tell in her voice there was no excitement. She was definitely not happy with him.
“Yeah, I needed to hear your voice.”
“Oh really? Well you're hearing it.” She was being dry and straight to the point with him and he hated every moment of it but it was his fault.
“I just want you to know that I miss you a lot. I know you don't want to hear excuses but I am always busy, the managers literally keep me with them. I feel like I'm drowning in work and that's not helping us build what we've started. I'm so sorry but just bare with me, things will get better. I promise.” Shownu explained. He knew that his excuses weren't enough. He had to find a way to make things better because words weren't going to do it. He just was thankful that he had someone who never complained she just rolled with the punches.
Misun cleared her throat. “You're the leader so I get it. You want to make everyone happy but sometimes that's impossible. Just stay healthy, get plenty of rest and don't stress too much over me. I'm fine either way, okay?”
Shownu exhaled loudly. “I'll figure something out. It has to get better.”
“What time is it there?” She asked him.
Shownu sniffled. Tears had began to fill his eyes because even without her saying that she was hurt, he knew she was. She was stubborn and would never admit it but in a way he was glad that she didn't because hearing her say the words would have destroyed him. “It's 10pm, why?”
“Get some rest, you'll need it. We'll talk tomorrow if you have time.”
“No, I'm okay. I'm not ready to let you go, yet.” Shownu yawned unconsciously.
Misun giggled. “That yawn just let me know that you're not okay. Go to sleep! That's an order.”
Shownu groaned. “Yes ma'am. I am going to call you tomorrow, I swear!”
“Whatever you say. Sweet dreams.” She hung up.
Shownu turned over and noticed that Hyungwon had awakened.
“You okay, Hyung?” Hyungwon asked as he wiped his eyes.
Shownu simply nodded. “Yeah. I just don't want to screw up when I worked so hard to get her. I feel it falling apart.”
“Has she said something?”
Shownu shook his head. “She doesn't have to. It's the way she talks to me that lets me know that she's losing interest.”
“Maybe you're just reading her wrong.”
Shownu cut the lamp off. “Maybe. Go back to sleep. Goodnight.”
A week later
“Nori, you've got mail!” Misun screamed from the kitchen.
Nori ran in from her bedroom. She grabbed the pink envelope and noticed that Misun had one that looked just like it. “What the heck is this?”
Misun shrugged. “I didn't want open it till you opened yours.”
Nori immediately opened hers and pulled out a plane ticket. “No he didn't!?” Her eyes widened.
Misun opened hers apprehensively. Hers was also a plane ticket and note that read: You deserve this and more. Can't wait for you to get here. “Wow!” She stared at the ticket for awhile.
“See he does love you still. Or at least likes you but I'm almost certain that he loves you.” Nori said as she rubbed Misun's arm.
Misun nodded with a small smile. “We better get packed because the plane leaves tonight!”
The guys were preparing for their concert inside of their dressing room.
“Hey, bring it in guys!” Shownu called out.
The guys gathered around.
“I know we're all tired but our fans came to see a show and that's what we're going to give them. They're our motivation, we have to give them what they deserve and more!” Shownu told them with a smile.
“Are you ready?” Jooheon yelled.
The guys all yelled to get themselves pumped.
The door to their dressing room suddenly opened.
Shownu's eyes almost bulged out. “Am I dreaming?” He asked the guys.
Kihyun nodded to the girls and walked to a corner to warm up his vocals.
Nori jumped into Jooheon's arms. “I'm so glad you came!” he said with a huge smile. He held her tight.
“I wouldn't turn down a free trip for the world.” She answered with a smile and pecked his lips softly. “Plus I missed you!”
Shownu grabbed Misun's hands. “What are you doing here?” He was very excited but also very shocked to see her.
“You sent me a ticket so I'm here!” She smiled.
Shownu lifted an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”
Jooheon loosened his grip on Nori and tuned into the exchange.
“Shownu, stop playing around. Me and Nori both were sent plane tickets.” Misun giggled and slapped his arm.
“I sent Nori a ticket, yes. If you didn't send one to Misun, who did?” Jooheon asked. He honestly figured Shownu was trying to make it up to Misun which was why she was there too.
“That's what I'm wondering. I didn't send it. Who sent it?” Shownu looked at everyone in the room.
All the guys were silent. Kihyun shook his head.
Shownu was confused. “Who sent the damn ticket? It's not a big deal.”
Misun stepped back a little. “I'm so confused right now.”
Minhyuk stepped from behind Hyungwon and raised his hand silently. “I did it, Hyung.”
Nori looked to Misun. “What the hell is going on right now?”
“Exactly what I want to know!” Misun added.
“I knew you missed him, you always ask about him when we talk so I figured I'd help y'all out and I set this up. Surprise!” Minhyuk explained.
Shownu chuckled. “What do you mean when y'all talk?”
“I keep her updated, that's all.” Minhyuk answered.
“So you've been talking to my girlfriend behind my back and haven't mentioned a thing?”
“I only did it so she wouldn't worry so much about you!”
“No, you're selfish! You like her and I've tried to look over it but this is just too much. How the hell did you get her number?”
Nori grabbed Misun's hand. She was shaking and Nori was trying to calm her.
“He doesn't like me, he just was being a good friend. He was saving your ass, Shownu! I was very close to cutting things off but he made sure I knew that you were busy and not just ignoring me.” Misun explained.
Shownu was mad. “Well thanks but no thanks. I don't need help especially from someone who has admitted to liking you, Misun!”
“What are you talking about?” Misun asked. She was irritated.
“I don't, hyung. She's great but she's yours!” Minhyuk countered.
Shownu chuckled. “So why'd you tell Changkyun that she was your type?”
“That was before y'all were even dating!” Minhyuk rolled his eyes, now he was becoming angry.
“That's not the point! You like her, therefore texting her is a problem for me!”
“I've been doing what you should've been doing! Yes you're busy but a simple text to see if she's okay would've been great! You shouldn't be mad at anyone but your damn self! Get it together and stop blaming me for your mistake! She deserves a hell of a lot better!” Minhyuk stormed out and slammed the door.
Kihyun followed him.
“He's right.” Shownu said low as he turned to Misun with sad eyes.
Misun sniffled. “What are you saying, Shownu?” Tears were beginning to fill her eyes.
Shownu shook his head. “I don't deserve you. Maybe you should go find better.”
Misun pushed him in his chest.
Everyone's eyes bulged.
He reached for her but she stepped away with tears falling down her face.
“If you're going to stand in my face and not attempt to fix this then you don't deserve me! You know damn well you're the reason we're in this space! Go have a nice show.” Misun told him and left out as well.
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noona-clock · 7 years
Your Friend, Joo Hyuk - Part 10
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Joo Hyuk x You
By Admin B
Intro, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Epilogue
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Joo Hyuk ended up staying with you for a full week. You’d half-heartedly tried a few times to get him to leave earlier because you were worried about his job and everything, but he’d insisted on staying until you felt okay enough to be on your own.
To be honest, you weren’t sure how long that would take. You were taking Mickey’s death pretty hard.
So, Joo Hyuk simply convinced you to go back to Korea with him. He made the point you could simply exchange your ticket for the same flight he was on to return back to his home, and you still had the ticket for your flight back to California in about a week.
You were a little wary about leaving home, but it made too much sense for you to go with him. Plus, you wanted to spend more time with him, and if you had to fly halfway across the world to do it, then so be it.
You hadn’t unpacked your suitcase from a week ago, so on the day you two were set to fly to Seoul, you rarely even had to prepare. Your dad came and picked you up again, and you told him of your plans - or, rather, Joo Hyuk’s plans - to move here. He was supportive, of course, but you could tell he was also a little skeptical. You couldn’t blame him because you’d really only spent three weeks with Joo Hyuk in person. But you knew it was right.
Arriving at the airport, checking your bag, and going through security was like déjà vu, except this time Joo Hyuk was with you. And you were fairly certain you wouldn’t get another life-changing phone call while you were waiting to board your flight.
At least, you hoped not.
Thankfully, you both got on the plane without interruption. And the person sitting next to Joo Hyuk must have noticed you two reluctantly parting since your tickets weren’t next to each other because he offered to trade seats with you. You thanked him profusely, and you honestly almost cried because you were so relieved. It would’ve been just plain awful being on the same plane with Joo Hyuk for thirteen hours but not be sitting next to him.
The flight was long, but you didn’t mind sitting next to Joo Hyuk, watching movies, sleeping on his shoulder, and talking quietly about your plans the whole time. In a way... you were glad it worked out this way. Although you still wished things were different, of course.
You managed to sleep some during the flight, so when you arrived in Seoul, you weren’t too exhausted. Just a little.
Joo Hyuk took you back to his apartment, your nose pressed to the taxi window the whole time so you could take in as many sights of the city as you could. You would only be here for a week, and you wanted to get as much done as possible (though you were quite positive you would visit again in the future, but visiting someplace for the first time was always exciting).
You were pretty impressed with how nice his apartment was, and you expressed your regret he would have to leave and move into yours, which seemed old and shabby by comparison.
“I don’t really care where I live,” he assured you, coming up behind you and resting his chin on your shoulder. “As long as you’re there.”
You blushed, nudging him in the ribs gently. “You’re so cheesy sometimes,” you accused.
“But you like it,” he murmured, tilting his head to place a kiss on your neck.
You bit back a smile as you turned around, snaking your arms around his neck and quirking an eyebrow up at him.
“What?” he asked, sliding his arms around your waist.
“I can think of quite a few more things I like,” you told him before standing on your toes and pressing your lips to his.
And... let’s just say, you got your week started off on the right foot.
Your week in Korea was an amazing distraction from the current struggles in your life. You spent almost all day out in the city of Seoul with Joo Hyuk, eating and shopping like your life depended on it. You definitely didn’t leave enough room in your suitcase for all your purchases, but Joo Hyuk said he would bring whatever couldn’t fit when he moved.
You stopped by all the entertainment companies, letting your inner fangirl come out when you saw pictures of your favorite groups and idols. Joo Hyuk was the perfect boyfriend, of course, and didn’t let his jealousy show. He willingly took your picture, and he didn’t laugh or make fun of you.
Joo Hyuk also took you down to Busan for a few days to meet his family
You were extremely nervous to meet them, but they were more than excited to meet you. His mom hugged you about as tightly as your dad had at the farm last week, and she very proudly greeted you in English. Joo Hyuk murmured she’d been practicing just for you, and you almost wanted to cry. You had been practicing your Korean, as well, so you made sure to thank her for her hospitality in her native tongue. Which made her cry.
So, really, the two of you were a big mess. And now you understood why Joo Hyuk loved you so much. Your personality was almost identical to his mom’s!
Before traveling to Busan, you’d been anxious to meet his family and spend time with them, but your three days there were probably the most memorable and fun of your trip. You ate some supremely delicious seafood, went to a fun amusement park, and relaxed some at the beach.
If your three days at Disneyland were the best of Joo Hyuk’s life... you might consider these three days the best of your life. But that was a very strong ‘might.’ Because those three days at Disneyland were amazing.
After your visit to Busan, you only had one more day left in Seoul before your flight back to California. Joo Hyuk asked you what you wanted to, letting you choose anything you wanted. And after thinking about it for a good ten minutes, you decided you wanted to stay at his apartment, order takeout, and watch Netflix all day. It would be a while before you got to do that with him, so you wanted to take advantage of it while you could.
You managed to watch two movies before ordering black bean noodles for lunch, and while you ate, Joo Hyuk brought up a conversation he’d been having with his boss over e-mail throughout the week.
“So that’s what you were doing on your phone all the time,” you teased. You hadn’t asked him about it because you figured it was probably work related.
“He said it would be very possible for me to transfer to an L.A. based company, and most likely they would be able to sponsor my Visa and get me a green card.”
“Oh, good,” you chuckled. “So we won’t have to do that 90-day fiancé thing.”
“I mean... we could.”
You froze, your smile falling. You’d been joking. Obviously. “I think... the job thing is your best option.”
“You don’t want to get married?”
“Not in 90 days!”
“Okay, so I won’t propose when I move in like I planned,” he said with a hidden smirk.
You pinched him, understanding now he was teasing you.
You spent the rest of the day cuddling, making out, and watching half a drama on Netflix. Though you talked more than you watched. You talked about your future plans, mostly, and you tried your best to map out a timeline. He would move in about two months once all the visa paperwork was processed, start his new job as soon as possible, and then hopefully you two could find a new, slightly bigger apartment in about a year.
“What about Disneyland?” Joo Hyuk inquired.
“What about Disneyland?”
“When can we go?”
“I mean, we can go whenever you want,” you answered.
“Can we get passes so we can go all the time?”
“Yes, we can,” you chuckled, tapping a finger on his nose. He was so adorable.
When you began to yawn around 10pm (even in Korea you had a bedtime, it seemed), Joo Hyuk reached for the remote and turned off the television. He stood, holding his hand out for you and helping you up off the couch.
Once you were all cuddled in bed, Joo Hyuk faced you, brushing your hair back from your forehead before kissing you there. “It’s a lot easier knowing I’ll be moving over there soon.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, tipping your chin in the slightest of nods. “I still don’t want to go back, though.”
“What do I have to go back to? An empty apartment, a nice workload, and no Mickey.”
Joo Hyuk sighed, sliding his arm over your side and pulling you closer to him. “But not for long. At least the empty apartment part.”
“I know... but, still.”
“We went three months before, we can easily do two months now. I’ll still call you every day. I’ll video chat you every day to check up on you.”
You were tempted to tell him not to and he didn’t have to go to so much trouble, but... You knew it would be difficult to be by yourself. You would have the urge to go to the farm all the time, and it would probably take you a while before you got used to the fact you had no reason to go.
“Have I told you how thankful I am for you?” you said softly, bringing a hand up to rest on his cheek.
He simply kissed your nose in response, and you smiled like a little kid on Christmas morning.
“I’m very, very, very, very, very, very thankful. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through these past two weeks without you. And even though you didn’t have to fly all the way to California at the drop of a hat... I’m so grateful you did.”
“When I told you all those years ago I would’ve flown to California if I could have to give you a hug after your mom died, I really meant it. But I was 18 and broke. Now I’m actually capable of buying a plane ticket, and I didn’t want you to be alone. You didn’t need to be alone.”
You snuggled into his chest, letting out long, contented sigh as you felt his fingers begin to gently run up and down your back.
“I love you,” you murmured before you could fall asleep.
“I love you, too.”
Your goodbye at the airport the next morning was a lot less tearful than the last one. You still cried some, of course, because you were sad to be leaving both him and Korea. But the fact he would be moving to California permanently in just a couple months did wonders to ease your sorrow.
Your dad came to pick you up at the airport, and you hugged him sleepily, wishing he could carry you out to the car like he had when you were a kid.  You hadn’t gotten any sleep on the flight, and it was now basically the same time over here as it had been when you’d left Seoul. So you still had a whole day ahead of you.
You messaged Joo Hyuk as your dad pulled out of the parking lot, letting him know you had arrived safely. You figured he would be asleep by now, but he replied back almost immediately with a smiley face emoji and an ‘I love you.’
When your dad merged onto the highway, he cleared his throat. You had just closed your eyes, but the sound shook you back awake. “Mm?” you hummed.
“I, uh... The vet’s office called me while you were gone. They... I picked up the ashes.”
Your heart clenched, and you realized you had kind of forgotten about that.
“You don’t have to come pick them up until you’re ready,” he added quickly. “I’ll keep them for you.”
“Really?” you asked, feeling the tears pricking the back of your eyes.
“Of course, honey,” he said softly, reaching over to take your hand. “Take as much time as you need to grieve. And if you want to wait until Joo Hyuk comes back, that’s fine. I’ll keep them safe for as long as you need me to.”
It was then you realized, just like your personality was similar to Joo Hyuk’s mom’s, Joo Hyuk’s personality was similar to your dad’s. They were both incredibly kind and caring guys who would do anything for you. And you would do anything for them.
“Thanks, dad,” you sniffed. “You’re the best. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You would do just fine, my sweet girl,” he retorted, squeezing your hand. “Especially now you’ve got that handsome fella of yours.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes a little. No matter how wonderful he was, he was still a dad.
When Joo Hyuk called you later that afternoon, you had just woken up from a four-hour nap. So, naturally, you had no idea where you were or what year it was.
“Hello?” you slurred, pressing your phone to your ear.
“Did I wake you?” 
“Well, yeah, but...” You checked the time, your eyes widening slightly. “I’ve been asleep for four hours, apparently, so I probably needed to be woken up.”
“I forgot to warn you about the jet lag...” he chuckled. “How are you?”
“Besides extremely exhausted... I’m okay.”
“Yeah? Good, I’m glad to hear that.”
“Well... except my dad told me he picked up Mickey’s ashes while I was gone.”
“Oh,” Joo Hyuk replied softly. “I’m sorry. Do you... know what you’re going to do with them?”
“Yeah, I just... don’t think I can do it alone. My dad said he would keep them as long as I needed him to, so... I’ll just wait until you get here.”
“Of course, baby. I would be honored to go with you.”
You smiled slightly, rolling onto your back and stretching. “How did you sleep?” you asked.
“Terribly,” he admitted with a sigh. “It’s crazy how quickly I got used to sleeping next to you.”
“Well, the cure for a bad night’s sleep is to get on a plane for half a day. You’ll sleep like a log after that, I’ll tell you what.”
He laughed, and your smile got even wider at the sound of it.
The next two months seemed to fly by, a fact for which you were extremely grateful. You found yourself wallowing several times, so the sooner Joo Hyuk got here, the better.
The day he told you he officially had his work visa, you video chatted him for over three hours. You ate a late dinner while he ate an early lunch, and you celebrated by eating dessert at the same time. He had purchased his plane ticket for exactly a week later, but you were very relieved to learn he had everything pretty much packed up already. He had sold all of his furniture and would be shipping some of his things a few days before he left, so he would only be bringing two suitcases with him. You applauded him, knowing full well you would never be able to move somewhere with just two suitcases.
You spent the week getting the apartment ready and, sadly, saying goodbye to your bed. Even though he hadn’t outwardly complained about it, you knew his height made it too uncomfortable for him to sleep in it. So you bought a new bed from Ikea, the largest size you could find so he would be sure to stretch his legs and still have room.
You also moved most of your clothes into the closet in your office so he could have enough space for his own wardrobe. You two would definitely need a bigger place eventually, but this would work for now. You just had to be very selective about any new clothes you purchased.
The day Joo Hyuk arrived, you hung up a ‘WELCOME HOME’ banner in your living room, and you even went to an International supermarket and bought Korean beer so you could celebrate his first night in his new place. In your place.
Your reunion at the airport was... actually the first normal, ‘run to him and jump into his arms’ kind of reunion you’d had so far. The first time you met, you had hugged, but it had been a little awkward. The second time you met, you’d collapsed into his arms sobbing. So this time, you made sure to kiss him long and hard, smiling against his lips and clinging to him tightly.
It took you guys a couple of days to get him completely unpacked, the things he’d shipped arriving the day after he did. And by the time the weekend rolled around, he was pretty much settled in.
So you decided it was time to finally say goodbye to Mickey.
You picked up his ashes before driving up to the farm. You, obviously, hadn’t been back since the day you’d found out, and you weren’t looking forward to seeing the stables where he should be. Where you still wanted him to be.
Even two and a half months later, you still missed him like crazy and sometimes forgot you would never see him again.
When you arrived at the farm, the owner was there to greet you, hugging you tightly and assuring you to take all the time you needed. And if you needed anything, you could just knock on the door and ask.
You and Joo Hyuk strolled across the field, stopping when you got to the stream which ran alongside your absolute favorite riding path. You’d walked and trotted along this stream so many times, you knew every twist and turn. And it eventually got to the point where you hadn’t even had to lead Mickey at all; he figured out where you wanted to go and just went there.
You’d had some of your happiest times here with him, so this was definitely where you wanted to remember him. He deserved to be remembered in such a beautiful, meaningful spot.
Tears streamed down your face as you opened the tin and poured his ashes into the water. You couldn’t say it out loud, but you said ‘goodbye’ in your heart. You knew Mickey was here right now, and you knew he could hear you.
Joo Hyuk kept his hand on your shoulder the whole time, squeezing it reassuringly and blinking back his own tears. He’d only met Mickey a few times, but he knew how much the horse had meant to you.
Joo Hyuk stopped for burgers and milkshakes on your way home, knowing you needed something to comfort you. When you saw he was pulling into the drive-thru, you furrowed your brow over at him. You hadn’t even asked him to stop and get something, and you hadn’t even known you’d needed comforting junk food until just now.
You had known this before, but this act cemented your thought: you were going to marry this guy. He knew you better than you knew yourself, and you loved him more than anything in the world.
The next few months were a bit of a struggle, but you figured it had to be a huge adjustment moving to a new country, starting a new job, and living with someone you’d only spent time with in person for a total of four weeks. 
It took Joo Hyuk a while to get used to life in America, especially the huge grocery stores and the wide varieties of food available. It took him a while to get used to working in a new office with new co-workers. It even took him a while to get used to living with a girl who regularly treated herself to spa nights and liked to spend an hour doing her makeup on the weekends.
But it was worth it, of course. And something which helped soften the blow tremendously?
Within the first month of his move-in date, you had surprised him with annual passes to Disneyland. You made it a point to go about once a month, usually only spending one day there. Every once in a while you spent the night at an Airbnb close by, but only when you were both majorly stressed from work.
But then, when you were approaching the year anniversary of your first trip there together, Joo Hyuk revealed he had booked a room for you at the Grand Californian, the same place where you’d stayed.
You guys took your time that trip, wanting to simply soak it all in and enjoy every single moment there. You strolled all around the parks, riding only your favorite rides, eating only your favorite snacks, and taking way too many pictures.
On your last night there, you went to watch World of Color. Obviously! You stood as you usually did during nighttime shows, Joo Hyuk behind you with his arms wrapped around your shoulders and you leaning back against his chest, holding onto his wrists.
You always cried during the romantic ending scene, the one where “So Close” from Enchanted played, and tonight was no different.
Well... except for one thing.
Joo Hyuk took one of his arms from around you, reached into his pocket, and then held out a ruby and diamond ring in front of you.
Your brow furrowed immediately, and you turned around to face him.
“Marry me,” he said softly, so only you two could hear.
A smile immediately came to your lips, tears already pooling in your eyes as you nodded wordlessly. He slipped the ring on your finger, and you practically jumped up to kiss him.
Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined this the day you’d gotten the brochure from your sixth-grade teacher. When you’d written out a letter to a pen pal you didn’t even know yet.
So much had happened to you since that day. So much heartbreak and loss, so much happiness and joy.
And you wouldn’t change any of it because it all led you to this moment.
Tagging @takura-rin , @sweg-imsorrywhatwasthat , @daelicious-jongbulge , @cramelot , and the anons who mentioned this!!! I love you all!
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