#I am still floored that we got freaking Boss Baby 2
imthepunchlord · 2 years
Heya! What's your opnion about kung Fu Panda? Personally, I liked more the effects and drawings then the ACTUAL history, I mean, it's STUNNING.
I love Kung Fu Panda.
Talk about a "don't judge a book by it's cover movie" as no one was expecting much from it, but it was incredibly deep, actually funny, and had amazing martial arts action that took full advantage of it being animated films. And the KFP series is visually stunning. The writing is solid, the jokes typically land and are funny, and they do have good words of wisdom to offer and share. It's a very encouraging and uplifting series.
Another thing to love is that KFP is up there with AtLA where occasionally, I come across thesis post of someone realizing something about these movies to talk about, and it's always fascinating to read and it's cool to realize these facts. Like, someone realized that the 3 movies of KFP cover arcs tied to body, mind, and spirit.
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This is also a solid trilogy that does have a believable path for Po in each film, from becoming the Dragon Warrior, to finding his inner peace, and learning to become a teacher. Not many trilogies can do well having a solid path for their leads to warrant 3 films, but Dreamworks did a good job with these films.
@xiranjayzhao did a youtube video talking about KFP to talk about Chinese culture in the film as well as the philosophical inspiration; until she talked about it, I didn't realize the Confucianism vs Daoism that was in the film between Shifu and Oogway.
I really recommend giving it a watch.
I was surprised to learn that there will be a KFP 4, but I am optimistic for it. For the most part, Dreamworks is really good at sequels, that arguably their sequels will be superior to the previous film. Like, Puss in Boots The Last Wish was superior to the first Puss in Boots film.
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KFP 2 I think is the best of the KFP movies (but that is me). I think they had the best villain, with Lord Shen being visually stunning and actually a little funny and intimidating. Loved Po's arc for his inner peace, and man, this film always makes me cry.
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So KFP 4 I will be expecting to be a solid film. I don't know what else they can do or what would be next but I'm intrigued to see what they'll do. Though I am still waiting and hoping to see Megamind 2 and Rise of the Guardians 2. Please Dreamworks. I want to see more of them too. Please.
Either way, love love love KFP. If no one has watched them yet they are missing out. And thanks to this ask I'm going to have to go and rewatch the movies soon as it's been a while and they are so good.
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harrysmimi · 3 years
It's A Date !!!
Synopsis: Harry goes overboard planning a date for his girlfriend.
A/N: 1) okay, I've had this up on my Wattpad for quite a while now, but I remember enjoying writing this so much! Hope y'all like it too!
2) if you see that it is mentioned that YN is Indian, it was meant to be. Hehe cuz I am Indian and I find ways to represent my country and culture. So yeah! And we also love inclusivity in this house hold! :))
More of my work
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Harry was in London, she didn't know for how long, but he was still in London and there was not alot going on with him. He was very free.
The new year has just kicked in, YN was back to work from her Christmas break.
As it was the start of year YN had a shit load of work going on, she might have to get some overtime hours in. Being a secretary of a company wasn't all unicorns and cotton candy as she imagined when she was in college but it was still fun. It was her break time. YN was headed out to get herself a coffee when she saw Harry walk in like he owns the place (he doesn't), making his way to the reception before he actually saw her, a huge grin spread across his face as he walked towards her.
"Hey baby!" He cooed draping an arm around her shoulders to pull her in a warm side hug, pressed a kiss on her forehead as he walked to wherever she was going with her. He'd swear he would walk through hell with her.
"Hey!" She wrapped her arm around his waist, "you don't come to see me this time at my office."
"Why, I can't?"
"You can but you usually never come over to my work place." She reminded him, "unless it's an emergency."
"There is an emergency, but it can wait for a couple of minutes." He told her, "where are we headed to?"
"To get coffee. I have a little over fifty drafted mails to go through, then I have to send in the letter for the annual meeting, and arrange a few meetings his week. I feel like I'm going fo die!" She ranted as both of them walked in the cafe right in front of the firm.
"You're not going to die, I am sure. But you also don't have to work." He told her, YN just shook her head and went ahead to order her coffee.
"You want anything?" She asked.
"I'm good, fanks lovie." He smiled, "don't worry about that I gotchu." He stopped her from paying for her coffee and quickly handed his own card to the cashier.
"Harry I-"
"Shush! Come here." He interrupted her, taking his card back he guided her to a side.
"I could have paid for it." She told him.
"I know, but I wanted to." He said, "we're going somewhere."
"Where? When?" She asked.
"It's a surprise but we'll have to take a flight. And we have to leave in three hours." He smiled his frog smile to get away with his impulsive decision, he never mentioned anything about this trip. He knew she was running a little low on budget as Christmas have seemed to get a heavy toll on her bank account, they both didn't lives together yet, she was definitely going to be angry, of not mad.
"What?" She almost screamed, "I have work! My boss will fire me if I ask for last minute day off."
"A week off actually, and I did talked to your boss. I'm friends with him." He reminded her.
"That's so unprofessional Harry! Where are you taking me anyway?" She was starting to freak out.
"It's okay we're mates, he didn't think of it that way," he assured her.
"Did he tell you that?"
"Kind of... He was a little bit on sides of saying no but I got him convinced, so let's go to your place now." As be explained YN's name was called to collect her coffee.
"I have my bag and stuff in my office." She sighed.
"Then let's go and get that first." He slid his hand into her lacing their fingers together as he guided her back to her office, he just stopped by the reception. He doesn't want to take any risk of her colleagues finding him there, he remembered YN telling him about how a few of them fangirl over him. Most of them don't leave the floor they're working on Harry got away with visiting his girlfriend at her work place, well, that was whole for four times.
"I'll wait for you in car, okay."
"Yeah, give me ten minutes."
"Don't rush and hurt yourself!" He called her as she ran up the stairs.
Harry was startled by the knock on his window. It wasn't YN, it was some other girls looking to be around her age. Harry remembered her from the pictures YN was showing him from this office party, how they all just ditched the party when to this pub near by. Harry couldn't remember her name, but he remembers her recent obsession with him and his songs as been told by his girlfriend. She didn't know YN was dating him actually and YN didn't even bothered to tell her about it.
"Shut up, you're Harry Styles!" That girl gasped when Harry rolled his window down making him giggle, "I am sorry to disturb you but just wanted to come up and say Hi, I love your music!"
"That means a lot, thank you so so." Harry said, he saw YN from the corner of her coming out and texting him, but she stopped once she saw the girl by the car.
"Do you mind if I get a picture with you?" She asked.
"Sure..." he agreed hesitantly, but posed for the selfie. "Would you mind waiting for a couple of days before you post them?"
"Yeah, yeah don't worry!" She assured him, "I am Brielle by the way, my friend YN is going to freak out when she sees these pictures!"
"Aw say Hi to her." Harry cooed trying to giggle and give it away.
"I will, I will thank you!" Brielle waved him bye and skipped her way back to office. Harry laughed seeing how the blonde tackled YN by the entrance in a hug shoving her into her face. Harry quickly ducked down seeing Brielle was about to point at his car.
"Harry unlock the door." It was YN calling him. She was holding her bag, her coat and her jacket in her arms. He unlocked the door for her and opened it. She got in his car and buckled her seat belt after putting her stuff in the back seat. Harry started driving.
"So where are we going?" YN asked.
"To your flat, you need to pack for about... a week. And a shit load of warm clothes." He said, "taking a puffer would be great idea."
"I don't have a puffer jacket." She shook her head.
"We'll get you one don't worry." He said, "or you can take one of mine."
"Okay..." YN said, "where are we going though? To fucking north pole or something?"
"Not exactly but close by." He said. "You trust me too much, don't you?"
"Why wouldn't I?" She shrugged, "unless you're secretly planning to murder me and get the sweets shop my grand dad have written on his will in my name all to yourself."
"That sounds like a plan but, I don't want your grand dad's sweets shop in India. Though the idea sounds delicious. It's a just a date!" He sounded way too enthusiastic.
"A week long date?"
"Yeah!" he nodded.
"Where are we going? Look Harry, I trust you with my dear life but you're giving me anxiety!" She groaned.
"Thank you for your trust in me, but trust me, I seriously don't want your grand dad's sweets shop, at least not right now, so you'll have to wait."
YN just nodded to that.
"Where did the joke of your grand dad writing his sweets shop in your name in his will came from in tbe first place anyway?" He spoke after a moment of silence, stopping at a red light making YN laugh.
"Remember when we went to India, my brothers were teasing me about it constantly and you asked what it was all about?" She reminded him, "I can't believe you still laugh at that joke and go along with me on it and don't know where it actually started! It's been almost two years!"
"Oh, I remember. Your grand dad is really caring I must say."
"I know right, totally! Like he totally didn't acknowledged me for entire six weeks after I was born." There was a sarcastic undertone carried with her words, "I hate that old man to my guts!"
"Oh god, you're going to hold that against that poor man until he dies?" Harry didn't wanted to laugh but he was laughing, on the inside though.
"Right, just few days left."
"Oh goodness!" He sighed.
"What? I can literally go on and on about how shit he have made my childhood look. Leaving a half assed sweets shop in my name on his stupid will isn't going to fucking fix it." YN got offended.
"Touché." Harry nodded knowing exactly what she was saying.
Whilst she says to cover everything up that it doesn't bother her anymore, her grandfather have fucked up her childhood in many ways. About which she went on and on about with her brother one night when they were visiting her parents in her country. From already calling her engagement to one of her cousin's when she was just one year old to not wanting her to go to school at all. To having her parents control ber life to restraining her from taking up the job opportunity in London. That man even hates Harry just because he is white and British, which he doesn't care about much. But the hate YN have for this man is nust indescribable.
"Where are we going again?" YN asked after a moment of silence.
"Thought your grand dad's will kept you distracted." He chuckled. "I'm not telling you where we are going until at least we're at the airport."
"You are seriously not interested in having a sweets shop in India all to yourself, are you?" She asked.
"Nope." He said trying to hold back his laugh back.
Harry got away until he got in plane with YN.
She did not ever fancied traveling in his private jet, for some reason she despised that idea of owning one in the first place even though it was very practical for him. She never travelled into his private jet, though she hardly ever travels for her own self unless it's just for to go see her family. But she didn't asked anything. Harry likes to think it's because she doesn't want to ruin his surprise.
He already knows her response if he asks reason behind her silence and patience. She'd say: 'Harry I plan surprises for you too and you never ruin it and actually be curious and patience at the same time. I don't want to ruin your surprise!"
Yeah, he knows her way too well for her liking. And they've only known each other for just a little over of two years. She was sat next to him on her phone as he read away his book. Harry didn't mean to but he peeped into her phone seeing she was chatting with her cousin who was about to get married in two months. And YN was going through the bridal outfit catalogue her cousin sent her. YN's always got a very good taste in fashion when it comes to her ethnic wear, and she takes full credits of it.
Harry even noticed her very subtly moving the ones she liked to a folder labelled as Urgh! Mine! in her camera roll. Harry never goes through her phone (that's just very toxic!), but he have seen another folder dedicated towards the wedding rings when showing him other pictures and videos on her phone. Yeah, she really mist be into those things. But nope, he have noticed she have the same things on her Pinterest. Though she have never dropped any hints at him, but they have talked about getting married in future.
It was just mainly YN's parents wanting YN to get married, as they think their daughter lives with a someone opposite of her gender whom she is involved in a romantic relationship with, without being married to him.
Yeah, that was a big no-no for her parents.
They don't live together even though Harry have brought up the idea of them moving in together. YN just think her parents are some how gonna find out and drag her ass back home to India, if they find out she is living with with a guy without being married to him.
"We're about to land baby." He informed her.
"What?" She looked surprised, "already?" She buckled her seat belt.
"Yeah." He nodded, "you might want to put the jacket no before we get off."
"Okay." She nodded looking nervous.
He chuckled, "don't be nervous or anything, we're in Norway right now." He announced to her, just as he said dhat the plane landed.
"Wait, for real?" Her heart skipped a beat.
"Yup!" He nodded extending the 'u' sound.
"For real, for real? Like you're not joking? You know this is time for northern lights!" She squealed turning to him.
"Why are you so smart?" Harry sighed dramatically.
"Harry, I love you so much!" She cooed hugging him tightly.
"I love you more angel!" He giggled at her reaction holding her close.
"I can't believe we're going to see northern lights!"
It was very obvious adrenaline was pumping through her body, as they both got of the plane. Looking like a waddling penguin in Harry's puffer jacket she jogged her way to the cab with her suitcase and one of Harry's duffle bag.
Harry remembers her going on and on about how she have always wanted to see the Aurora Borealis, it was out of nowhere, during one of their random conversations. The look on her face did not failed to make his heart full to the point where he thought it might burst.
"Are we going to stay in one of those semi underground igloo kinda houses?" She gasped.
"We're staying at a hotel for the night, I figured it might be too cold for you, so we're going there tomorrow night." He explained, "and rest of the trip we're going to stay at the hotel."
YN just cuddled his arm as they were headed to the hotel. She wasn't quite good at expressing her feelings by words. Harry knew she is happy.
Harry's friend accompanied them both showing around the town. YN felt like a typical tourist but they have Harry's friends showing them around. YN was having the time of her life.
Now they're at the underground igloo house; as she calls it. It was a little room with a bed, side tables, a tiny closet and a bathroom, an attachment living room area. Huge glass windows above the bed to give a view of the Aurora Borealis from inside, there were blinds they can draw for privacy. It was basically a place she wouldn't mind living for the rest of her life.
"This is so cool!" She exclaimed.
"Isn't it!" Harry was a little surprised himself.
"God, I can live here!" YN jumped on the bed on her tummy finding the mattress way too comfy.
"We can move here." Harry suggested lying next to her, "not exactly here but somewhere here."
"Oh please don't give me high hopes, you're already doing too much for me!" YN lifted her head to look at him. "Thank you so much, for everything."
"Of course baby, I love you. Don't think there would be anything as too much if it's for you." He smiled his dimply smile.
"Aw! You are so cheesy and I love you too!" YN scooted closer to him nudging their noses together, "so much!" She pressed a kiss on his plus lips.
"Are you enjoying the trip so far?" He enquired just to be sure, it is very visible she's been the happiest.
"I am having the time of my life! Thank you for bringing me here!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah?" Harry cooed. "Well if you're ready to go out and walk around before the thing starts, we can." He suggested.
"Yeah we can go on a walk." She agreed. Harry gave her a quick kiss before he got up and helped her up.
Their walk didn't go as planned, it was because of Harry who started throwing snow balls at his girlfriend out of nowhere.
"How are you- ow!- not missing- aahhhh!" He screamed over dramatically as YN was throwing snow at him.
"I was the captain of the dodgeball team in school, I wasn't in Corden's Angles." She said throwing another chunk of snow at him. He wasn't able to dodge any of those. "What happened to your spidey senses, Mr. Styles?"
"They are frozen!" He announced taking a decently amount of snow and throwing it at her.
"Let it go, let it go!" She sang casual throwing chunks of snow at him.
"No!" He groaned ducking the huge amount of snow. "You.."
"No!" She squealed and started running the best she could in the snow. But Harry was quick to catch her. She closed her eyes tightly in fear of hitting the ground, but the snow was bery comfy.
"Oh, this is comfy." She commented, Harry was basically laying on top of her, "you can't tickle me now."
"Yeah, I give up." He really gave up, she was wearing a think jacket there was no way she is going to be ticklish.
"You started the snow fight." She pointed.
"I know, but it was fun." He fixed her beanie covering her ears. He leaned down to place a tender kiss on her lips, pulling away after placing another on the corner of her mouth.
"Harry there are people out here." She reminded him.
"Oh, you didn't had to ruin my fantasy of having sex under northern lights." He sighed but his words carried teasing undertone.
"It is going to remain a fantasy then." She shrugged.
"We'll see..." He challenged.
"Look!" She gasped looking behind him at the sky. Harry got up from top of her, lying next to her he took in the sight of shifting hues from gorgeous greens to slight yellow hints, from pretty blue to purples and hints of pink. The sight almost appearing to be unbelievable, like a choreographed show of art by mother nature herself. Like those fancy water fountains but it was not man-made.
He looked to his side to even more beautiful sight, his girlfriend admiring the sky, her mitten clad hands covering her mouth in awe of the scenery she have dreamt of seeing in person. Her eyes sparkly with the mirrored image of the hues with glassy glaze, he swore those were tears. Her gasp made him glance at the sky again for a split second to see the waves of hues in the night sky have picked up a new pace moving a little faster.
"It's so pretty; would be an understatement!" She mumble behind her hands.
"Isn't it?" Harry chirped, his classic dimply smile on his face.
"Mhmm!" She nodded, "thank you for bringing me here, Harry, this was on my bucket list since I was eight and I read about it in one of the magazines. Really, thank you so much!" she turned her head to look at him already staring at her.
"Your welcome baby," he scooted closer, nuzzling his nose against hers, like a kitten's kiss. "Are you crying?"
She chuckled moving away a little, "no, my eyes are sweating! Of course I am crying!"
"Awh! C'mere." He cooed pulling her closer to him, "didn't meant to make you cry, lovie, I'm sorry."
"No, these are happy tears!" She mumble against his chest.
"They better be, don't ever want to make your sad." He whispered close to her ear, keeping the conversation private. "I love you so much, YN!"
"I love you more Harry!"
"Would you like to dance?" He asked offering his hand.
"Would love to." She slid her hand in his.
"I clearly did not plan this through." He pulled out his phone and pulling up Apple music, he played their song. YN claimed it as their song because it fit well with how their relationship grew.
He slid his phone in the pocket of his jacket, guided her hand on his shoulder, grabbing her free hand with his, wrapped his free arm around her waist pulling her closer.
One look, dark room
Meant just for you
Time moved too fast
You play it back
Buttons on a coat
Light-hearted joke
No proof, not much
But you saw enough
Small talk, he drives
Coffee at midnight
Harry remembers seeing her at the meeting, it was about his new brand, where he met YN. She was there in the meeting in room noting down minutes on her iPad, assisting the Marketing person to go through his presentation. Harry was gone the moment she started speaking there. He did not paid any attention to anything the presentor had to say (thanks to the minutes she forwarded him later he was able to keep with his business).
The light reflects
The chain on your neck
He says, "Look up"
And your shoulders brush
No proof, one touch
But you felt enough
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
One thing was sure she was not interested in him at all, she gave him hard time in name of professionalism. But pater learned she was just determined to prove her parents wrong showing the proof of her raise and promotion after the success of the project. but he stil teases her the way her clumsy ass fell down bumping into him at the office. How his cross necklace tangled with the necklace she was wearing. He was trying to free the tangled up chains, which she took the other way, gasping she hurriedly moved her clutching her shirt on her chest getting up, breaking her own chain in process. Scolding him in return as she fled the place gathering her files. In her defence, she was having a bad day at work.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday (she giggled at the line)
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
It was a good few months after YN finally agreeing to go on a date with him. The first night she spent at his after their yet another fancy date night. The next day was Sunday so YN agreed to stay over at his and they both binge watched Marvel series. It was a very innocent night, the serie being abandoned long time as one of the very first vulnerable conversation began between them. Him actually putting his feelings in words for her, confessing his love for her. In return she shared the feelings of trust he gained from her in words. Having men trying to pull her down her entire life, she was determined she was going to die single until she met him. Harry being the second after her brother to actually support her and give her right pep talks and encouragement. She have known him for barely three months but it was very easy for Harry fo make his way to her heart. That night he promised her he is not going to ever treat her like her asshole ex.
Next day it was made very obvious, Harry couldn't cook to save his life! But he was going to blame the first kiss they shared, there in his kitchen. He got carried away and burnt the toast and scrambled eggs he made. But YN came to rescue and he didn't had to survive on cereal until lunch, she made some amazing food with whatever was left in his fridge.
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much
But it said enough
For YN, it was very big deal. She does not trust anyone as much she trusts him. She literally flew to another country without knowing where he is taking her, it was not good, or it was good, it's a very debatable topic. But it's her Harry!
You kiss on sidewalks
You fight and you talk
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
It was raining, typical London weather, Harry had no other option than to ditch his dinner with his mum and stay over at YN's. It was raining very badly, he couldn't drive, nor it was safe for his mum. It was YN dragging him on the side walk (she called her driveway side walk), dancing in the rain. She later ended up getting sick making Harry upset as he warned her, but he was there to take care of her. He really kept his word.
But their first fight was very bad for YN. It was just a misunderstanding, her making him upset without even knowing it. It was not a big deal; he said, he was just being jealous of her colleague. Yeah, Harry Styles get insecure too some times, and why wouldn't he? His girlfriend is the most gorgeous person!
He had promised to pick her up for dinner this night, when he saw her hugging her colleague by the exist. He behaved childish, being grumpy throughout the dinner. Took her back to his as her car broke down and she lives a good one hour away from his place, had an argument there. Ended up sleeping on sofa in his grumpy mood. But she was understanding enough to talk and fix everything. Carefully slid under the blanket he was using and explaining what happened. Her colleague proposed to his girlfriend the day before and she was just congratulating him. Now that fight have became a joke between them. Harry apologised for acting like a baby. He was not feeling himself that day.
She was like his lover and his best friend in one package.
And so it goes
You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round
And he keeps the picture of you in his office downtown
It was dark, barely lit as they swayed to the slow music. Like they're in their own bubble dancing under the Northern Lights; like something straight out of a Bollywood movie song. None of them knew how to express their already known feelings to each other, words were never going to be enough.
With both his arms around her waist he leaned down to peck the tip of her nose. She was cold and so was her skin, the dry red tint on her skin was enough to explain that. It was romantically silent around.
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
And why I've spent my whole life tryin' to put it into words
'Cause you can hear in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
It was literally like a war on social media the day Harry invited YN to his Album listening party in New York, just because she could make it there as she was in the city for work. It was last year. An unfinished album about his ongoing love story with this person. For the first time nothing he wrote was being compared to his love life and private life because everything between YN and him was kept in a safe. No one was there to ruin it for him thist time and it's still going strong. YN took all the criticism from his fan as a grain of salt, mostly the negative comments. Though his fans are still very brutal towards her. He is still going to take her to the upcoming music award show as his plus one.
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love.
As the song ended, Harry smeared his lips over her in affectionate kiss, just like the first kiss they share. He doesn't have toast and eggs to worry about being burnt now. Taking his time he planted several small kisses on full of her lips before capturing her bottom lip in his two. YN was first to pull apart running out of air, just to picked up by her boyfriend as he spun around taking her by surprise. Making her squeal and giggle. He rest her back on her feet carefully.
"My hopeless romantic self is screaming like a feral inside." She told him earning a laugh from him.
"We'll make more of her wishes come true." He told her, making sure to pause the next song, Kiwi, before he continued, "but I need you to answer something first."
"Oh, sure." She nodded.
"Our second anniversary is in two months, would plan to ask you this on that day, but this-" he pointed at the sky with the colourful hue still swaying to their own music, "- wouldn't work out. I don't know what to say, honestly, I tried but I couldn't bring myself to prepare a perfect speech."
He grabbed her left mitten clad hand, and he fished his pocket for something, "I have approval and blessings of your father and brothers, so I'll the ask it: Will you Marry me, YN? Give me the honour of being addressed as your husband, please?" And with that he went on his knee.
YN's stomach did a back flip, he literally managed to make her go weak in knees, now she was stood on her knees too.
"Are you being serious right now?" She asked, crying out her happy sobs following by giggles.
"A thousand per cent serious." He assured her. "Will you marry me?" He asked again.
"You know my answer: yes!" She nodded. Harry gave her another kiss helping her take off her mitten so he can put the ring on her finger. YN noticed his hands were shaking, it was definitely not from the cold weather. She was quick and jump and hug him tightly. She broke the hug to look at him, he was crying too.
"Awh, Harry!" She cooed wiping off his tears and pressing a tender kiss on his lips, then on his dimpled cheek.
"I'm sorry break this to you, but we have our friends here." Harry announced breaking their little moment.
There was Harry's friend Rob, who was with them yesterday as they explored around the town. And Helene. YN was surprised to see her there with her camera.
"Congratulations!" She exclaimed walking towards the couple.
"I was not going to let out engagement go undocumented in pictures and videos." Harry explained seeing a surprise and confused look on her face.
"Yeah, this was all last moment, I was in town for a little and Harry called requesting to take pictures of you two getting engaged. Said; he couldn't trust anyone else to take good pictures." Helene added to his explanation.
"Awh thank you!" YN hugged the girl as well.
"Of course darling, I am so happy for you two!" Helene said and even hugged Harry.
It was getting very cold, so their friends left. Helene promised to send them all the pictures she took of them both by morning. Harry had ordered warm drinks for both of them, coffee at midnight line she sang as Harry got the door to take their coffee cups.
"They're decaff." He told her.
"It still have caffeine in it." She said taking her cup from him warming her hands.
"Do you like the ring, Babe?" He enquired.
YN couldn't look at the ring that closely as everything happened very quickly, and both of them had to rush in as it was getting colder and supposed to get even more cold.
She looked at the ring, which definitely made it obvious, he got it custom made seeing how extra and vintage looking it was. It screamed Harry. A very every-day-wear ring it was, with a square diamond with a halo of smaller ones around it, both of their birth stones places in engraved space on the either side, on a plain white gold band wrapped around her finger perfectly. It looked expensive!
"I love it!" She cooed.
"Look on the inner side of the band." He said before sipping on his coffee.
YN took off the ring, a gasp left her mouth as she saw both of their first initials engraved on the band, the tiny crevices of the letters filled with gold metal which stood out against the white metal, she was already impressed by the birth stone details.
She put her ring back and straddled his lap hugging him tightly. He carefully kept the hot cup of his coffee on the side table, wrapped his own arms around her.
"You said you asked my dad, when did you do that?" She moved back to look at him.
"I might have stopped by when I was coming back from Tokyo." He explained, "I was terrified, but, your dad was super nice."
"Oh, that's why my mum was asking if I was sure about us, like for a week straight." YN shared, "she stopped as it was clearly making me frustrated."
"She cares about you a lot." He cooed.
"She does, a little too much." She agreed.
"So, should we get to planning the wedding?" He asked with a cheeky smirk.
"Why no— ahhhh!" She held onto him tightly as he got up without any warning holding onto her making his way to their bed. "What you exactly want to start planning?"
"The wedding night." He told her lying her down, supporting her head though the mattress was very comfy. "Or where do you want to go for honeymoon."
"God! Let us take our time with planning the wedding. My boss is ACTUALLY fire me this time." She said. Harry managed to fit in between her thighs.
"We'll worry about that later, now let's worry about checking out one thing of my bucket list." He peppered her face with small tender kisses, "shall we?"
"I don't... know.." she teases.
"We'll see." He challenged her.
E N D N O T E :
I need a Harry in my life.
Also, I tried something new. This usually works in books with longer plots. It was a bit difficult to write the song parts there but I tried my best.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 15
(Masterpost)(Other Canary Content)
Warning: Spoilers for all 50 episodes!
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This rewatch is going to fit into a single post, because a third of the episode is just crying and yelling on a very slow boat. If you want to learn the Chinese words for “Mother” and “Father” this is your episode. 
Captain Blowhard
Clan Leader Yao shows up, having barely survived the massacre of his clan, along with two disciples who aren't too excited about their unwilling promotion to top targets. Jiang Cheng tells his dad that the Wens are systematically exterminating the smaller clans, and have said anyone who helps the survivors is going to be punished. 
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Jiang Fengmian tells Yao that the Jiang Clan will protect him. Which is why Wei Wuxian is responsible for the massacre of the Jiang Clan. 
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian both think that taking Yao to the Jin clan is the best way to keep him safe. Wei Wuxian was wrong to help the heirs of the powerfullest richest clans, but sure, let's save this asshole.
Road Tripping
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The boys go down to the dock to send Jiang Yanli and Jiang Fengmian off, saying a formal goodbye with a bunch of disciples and showing off how extremely good they look in these close-fitted, simply cut robes with cool belts.
Yu Ziyuan comes down to say goodbye to Yanli and give her some medicine, covering by saying it's for Jiang Fengmian, because being sick is bad for marriage prospects, probably. 
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Later the boys will mention their hope that YZY will be mollified by the time JFM returns, which means this possibly isn't the usual state of their relationship. The dislike and jealousy seem to be constant, but perhaps being openly at war with each other is not.
(more after the cut!)
Club Ruohan
At Club Ruohan, Wen Ruohan is tired of sitting on his big uncomfortable throne so he's sitting on the floor next to it, instead. He's suffering the embarrassing problem of black smoke leakage, and needs Wen Qing to give him acupuncture to fix it, but she's not around. Wen Ruohan has an awful lot of trouble containing resentful energy, possibly because he is controlling a bunch of zombies 24x7 instead of letting them take a break. Wei Wuxian is mostly able to control it--except when he, you know, totally isn't--without ever needing an attractive acupuncturist to give him a poke.
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WRH learns from Wen Chao that Wei Wuxian 1. killed a boss-level monster on nightmare level difficulty without his sword 2. took whatever thing had been suppressing the nightmare monster for the previous really long time.  WRH wants whatever it is.
Boys in Charge
When the boys get back to Lotus Pier, Jiang Cheng doesn't understand why they couldn't all go to the Lins together, and Wei Wuxian explains it to him. Wei Wuxian is the one seeing the big picture, and he wants to plan how to handle the Wen forces when they, inevitably, arrive. 
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Jiang Cheng would rather talk big than actually plan, showing how--at this age--his anger management problem is an issue on a strategic level, not just a personal one.  As a clan leader he will eventually master this aspect, for the most part, and learn to keep a cool head in regard to martial matters, while continuing to feed his interpersonal rage problem.
The brothers supervise the archery practice of the Jiang disciples, having their last nice time together, and still without a plan. Wei Wuxian is bored and calls practice early so he can go be bored on the porch or in his room, since he isn't allowed out. In fact he's so bored by lockdown that he starts an irreverent niche blog.  
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(he’s kidding! keep your mask on, don’t go to wine houses)
Knowing that the Wen Clan is gunning for enemy cultivators, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng send the whole group of disciples, including children, outside the compound walls to retrieve their kites. This is what happens when you don't have a plan.
Wen the Levee Breaks
Wen Chao’s girlfriend Wang Lingjiao finds a kite with a hole in it and uses it as a pretext to snatch up the youngest disciple. 
The other disciples come running back and tell WWX and JC what happened. Wei Wuxian calmly gets all of the information from them and starts figuring out what to do, while Jiang Cheng freaks out. 
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Jiang Cheng is a good fighter, and matures into an excellent one after a core upgrade and war experience. But Wei Wuxian is a born battle leader, developing strategies on the fly and staying cool under pressure.
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Madame Yu is as brave as a barrel full of bears and Yinzhu and Jinzhu chase lions down the stairs
Yu Ziyuan and the murder twins show up and all of the disciples line up behind them, relieved to have someone scary in charge.. Yu Ziyuan is also a natural leader and an awesome fighter, but her judgement is terrible, as we're about to discover. 
Wang Lingjiao strolls in to the main hall and has the nerve to comment on the interior decorating, because it doesn't have enough rough-hewn black rock and lava pits, apparently.
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She shows them all the kite and says that because it looks (kind of) like the sun, using it for target practice is an attack on the Wen Clan. Bitch, everything your clan wears and uses has fire on it and is red. The sun is not your emblem, no matter what the text says. This kite situation is presumably where the anti-Wen campaign gets its name of "Sunshot," however, which sounds pretty cool.
Wang Lingjiao moves along to her main point, which is that Wei Wuxian needs his ass kicked, and she'd like Yu Ziyuan to do the kicking. To goad her, she starts talking about the rumors about Wei Wuxian's parentage.
Let it Whip
So let it whip (let's whip it, baby) Get a grip (let's whip it baby) Well, what's your trip? (Oh no)
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Yu Ziyuan takes the bait, and proceeds to whip the shit out of her strongest battle asset, in a sequence that's either horrifying or completely fucking awesome, depending on how you feel about whump.
There are a lot of bad effects in this show and a lot of questionable fighting, but any time Zidian flies, I am HERE for it. I gave this beatdown its own gifset over here.
Jiang Cheng is devastated and tries again and again to protect Wei Wuxian, but his mother and her lieutenants keep moving him out of the way so the beating can continue.
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Yu Ziyuan hits Wei Wuxian at least 5 times, until he is totally unable to get up off the floor. Wang Lingjiao has succeeded in eliminating him as a threat for the moment.
Gotta Hand It To You
Wang Lingjiao isn't satisfied with the brutal whipping, however; she wants his right hand as a trophy, and for him to be unable to recover.  Yu Ziyuan tells Jinzhu and Yinzhu to close the doors because some blood is going to fly. 
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I'd like to think this is when Yu Ziyuan decides to kill the Wens, rather than maiming WWX, but I'm not certain. Because she doesn't start attacking until after Wang Lingjiao says the Wens are taking Lotus Pier, and tells her to discipline Jiang Cheng. So maybe she is okay with taking WWX’s hand, but draws the line at giving up her house.
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Through all of this, Wei Wuxian doesn't once protest, even when he thinks they're getting ready to take his hand off. He'll do whatever it takes to make peace. THIS is the core of his heroism; he will sacrifice anything to do what he thinks is right. He's not "playing the hero;" not doing this for fame or kudos, but for a clear conscience.
It’s a Murder Party
Wang Lingjiao explains the new Wen World order, and Yu Ziyuan smacks her to the floor and then takes out all 8 of the Wen soldiers in one elegant move. 
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Can we talk about how incredibly effective a fighter Yu Ziyuan is, without a sword? With her first-class spiritual tool as her only weapon? Nobody is telling her she needs to carry a sword. She shows she can use one, after she gives Zidian to Jiang Cheng, but she's absolutely devastating without one.
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Having defied Wang Lingjiao, Yu Ziyuan...doesn't kill her. She chokes her, slaps her and yells at her. Then she insults her clan and sticks her FOOT on her FACE.
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She sics the murder twins on the guards in the room, and they shank all of them at super speed while the boys watch with alarm. 
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Then she has them sloooowly advance on Wang Lingjiao, giving her plenty of time to holler for Wen Zhuliu before they can kill her.
Het Heat
Wen Zhuliu comes flying in, literally, kicking both murder twins across the room at the same time. This is followed by Core-Melting Hand x Violet Spider suddenly becoming the most shippable M/F couple in this thing, because wow, they have some serious chemistry.
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I never saw a pretty girl look so tough
Actor Feng Mingjing continues to do an awful lot with almost no lines, in his portrayal of Wen Zhuliu. WZL politely apologizes to Yu Ziyuan. Is he offering to withdraw, or is he just being polite before getting down to the killy bit? Either way, Yu Ziyuan is ready to rumble, and doesn't even consider de-escalating.
You know who was able to rein in his temper, after fighting with this same extremely dangerous dude, and therefore lived to fight another day? Fucking Nie Mingjue, that's who, who has a generational CURSE making him angry. While Yu Ziyuan, is like, "fuck the safety of my clan, this is Wei Wuxian's fault anyway" and throws down.
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Wen Zhuliu and Yu Ziyuan proceed to have an epic, sexy fight, where he catches her whip and she dodges his attempt to feel up her core.
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He's a magic man, mama, he's got the magic hands.
Wei Wuxian, still incapacitated, tells Jiang Cheng to stop Wang Lingjiao from calling for help, but JC gets distracted by the threat to his mom, and goes to engage with Wen Zhuliu.
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Jiang Cheng takes a horrifying smack in the chest, which injures him and takes him out, while Wang Lingjiao sends the signal that seals the fate of Lotus Pier.
It’s All Over Except for the Crying
Yu Ziyuan immediately sees that she's lost the battle, and has the murder twins divert Wen Zhuliu while she brings the two boys to the pier. 
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She verifies that Jiang Cheng's core is still intact, showing the viewers, for future reference, that it's possible to tell by touch if someone's core is missing, although a casual touch won't do it.  
Then she re-codes the Zidian so that it recognizes Jiang Cheng and puts it on his wrist. She follows this with a display of maternal affection for Jiang Cheng unlike anything we've seen so far, which super fails to reassure him.  
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She follows this up with screaming at Wei Wuxian and telling him how much she hates him, and blaming him for the multiple shitty choices she just made..  
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With a heart full of rage, she reminds him that his worth lies in what he can do for more important people.
She binds the boys with Zidian and then sends the boat on its way....
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...with a frickin' TALISMAN, holeee shit. As toxic as she is for Wei Wuxian, there is a direct line from her cultivation skills to his.  
Dad To The  Rescue...sort of
The last third of the episode is basically yelling and crying punctuated by a couple of interactions out on the water. The extreme emotions go on for long enough that I eventually stop feeling bad for the characters and start feeling bad for the actors, who had to maintain this level of feeling for probably days of shooting.
The boys eventually meet up with Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Yanli. JFM discovers that Zidian responds to his control, which tells him something is very, very wrong, since it probably knows how his wife feels about him.
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This thing isn’t biting me; your mom is in serious trouble. 
Here Jiang Fengmian decides to do the heroic, totally futile thing, which is exactly his style. He tosses Jiang Yanli in with the boys and takes his leave so he can go die with his wife while the children survive.  
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He has to know that Yu Ziyuan is the stronger fighter of the two of them, and that he's not going back to rescue her. He's just going to stand with her and die together, which is the most romantic thing you can do in a C-drama, after all.  
How Much Do You Owe the Jiang Clan?
Jiang Fengmian tells his two children not to cry, making them and the viewer cry extra hard. (specially ouchy gifset here).
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Then he turns to Wei Wuxian and, with a heart full of tenderness, reminds him that his worth lies in what he can do for more important people.
Next episode: Is going to be even more horrible! 
Soundtrack: 1. When The Levee Breaks, Led Zeppelin 2. The Tale of Custard the Dragon (poem) by Ogden Nash 3. Let it Whip by the Dazz Band 4. U Got the Look by Prince & Sheena Easton 5. Magic Man by Heart
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minruko · 4 years
Hey!! Can i get hcs for bakusquad (Together) when they rate like fashionova outfits or something for the reader like what are theyre reactions amd stuff (Fem pronouns pls) Thank you 😁
I LOVE THIS. I hope in some way this is close to what you wanted! 
You were chillin' in your room with Mina as she went through your closet to help you prepare for the girls night coming in a few days. “Y/N sweetie I love you but this closet is not it.” You were kind of offended but you understood “ Well where am I supposed to get clothes, Mina?” You stared at each other for a solid minute  until she exclaimed  “Fashion Nova!” She quickly started to grab her things “ Mina were are you going??” She looked at you with fiery determined eyes “ I’m buying you a new wardrobe meet me at my place tomorrow at 3 P.M.” With that, she ran out of your door. The next day you rang her doorbell you were expecting to see Mina but you were greeted by Baby Shark Kirishima “Hey!” “Hey Kiri, what are you doing here?” He noticed your confused expression “You don’t know? Mina just called us all here she said it was very important.” “KIRI LET THE SUPERSTAR IN WE DON’T HAVE ALL DAY.”
Outfit #1
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Mina- She thinks you look like a boss bitch but she thinks its too tame for girls night 5/10
Light of my life Kirishima- Supportive baby! He thinks you look good in anything 10/10
Serooo- He’s the only guy that knows where y’all are going and he kinda agrees with Mina 7/10
Kaminari- Oh honey, Ohhh honneyyy 9/10
Bakugo (Mina paid him $20 to show up)- He thinks you look decent 4/10
Total- 35/50
   Outfit #2
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Mina- Two words. YES BITCH 10/10
Kirishima- He’s still a supportive baby maybe with a lil blushing action 👀10/10
SEROOOO- He won’t admit but he thinks you honestly look like a freaking boss bitch 10/10
Kaminari- Baby boy is rockin his pink 10/10 😌
Bakugo- Thinks you look OKAY 5/10
Total- 45/50
  Outfit #3
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Mina- She’s sitting there thinking “ DAMN I DID GOOD” 10/10
Kirishima- Redder than his hair 10/10
Serooo- Fell off the couch 10/10
Kaminari- Short circuited 10/10
Bakugo- If you got it he’s lookin, if you don’t he still lookin, he looked you up and down  he won’t admit it but 10/10
TOTAL- 50/50
You stepped out of Mina’s room and walked into the living room with outfit #3 on. You walked in front of the couch facing everyone “Well what do you guys think?” Kirishima's face turned redder than his hair “ I-I-its well um” he stammered. Sero fell off the couch being the smooth guy he is. He’d rather stay on the floor than fumble over his words. I’m pretty sure that you actually killed Kaminari at this point. Bakugo looked you UP AND DOWN thinkin' he’s slick he couldn’t take it you were so freaking fine. He made up the lame excuse that is needed water My ass. Meanwhile, all this chaos went down Mina just sat there with the smuggest look on her face thinkin' “ DAMN I DID THAT.”
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kyuublu · 4 years
Quick Thrills
Kyoutani Kentaro x reader
Underground Fighter AU
Part One
Song rec: Monks - Frank Ocean
The smell of booze and smoke was a thing I got used to pretty quickly, did I ever grow fond of it? Not really.
“Y/N, take out the trash wouldya?” My boss approached me from the side before taking the glass I had previously cleaned. “Yes, Sir.” I gave him a quick nod, making my way towards the back door of the small bar.
With the trash in both hands I leaned against the door, pushing my way into the cold night air. A couple of barking dogs could be heard in the distance. As I approached the garbage containers, another sound got my attention. Heavy breathing.
I turned to look at the alley behind me. A figure was uncomfortably slumped against the wall, panting like their life depended on it. Oh, its him again. After recognizing the stranger, I carelessly threw the trash into the container and decided to approach him.
“Got your ass beat again, huh?” I was a little cockier than usual, probably due to a couple of shots I had to share with some customers. The boy looked up, a bit taken back from the sudden encounter. He huffed out a chuckle and looked back to the ground.
“You should’ve seen how they looked like.”
If you looked close enough, you could make out a small glimpse of a smirk, hidden behind his harsh frown. “What a shame, I would’ve loved to see that. I only ever see you around here, all beaten up.” The boy was shaking slightly. After effects of the adrenaline probably.
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, so...” He declared, not once meeting my gaze. I only hummed in response and quickly looked at the watch on my wrist.
“My shift ends in 10 minutes. You can come over to my place after that.” His brows furrowed even more at the last comment, making me laugh a bit. He didn’t even look flustered. “I’m pretty good at handling wounds, ya know. My dad was a nurse.” Finally he turned to meet my eye. Silence.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
A grin plastered across my face, I always liked people who didn’t talk too much.
As I applied yet another coat of the clear liquid across my lips, my confidence visibly rose. A quick look in the mirror only confirmed my thoughts. I looked ready to manipulate yet another man.
After leaving the mess of a bathroom I was in, I quickly spotted my partner in crime.
“Is this really necessary again?”
Kyoutani Kentaro.
One of the new upcoming fighters in the underground scene in tokyo. After years of training and beating himself to the top (literally), he has finally reached the potential of becoming the best of the best. Of course, he didn’t get that far all on his own though.
“Yes Kentaro, you know how we play.” I gave him a side glance before walking up to the bar to get another drink. “Wasn’t your plan to play fair? When did that change?” He grumble as he began leaning against the counter. His eyes were wandering around the crowd until they focused on a certain spot in the VIP section. “Oh come on, that was years ago!” I waved off his attempts at leaving the club early. I knew only wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.
“Making connections, knowing your crowd. That’s what will get you even further than any of those fools that you fight against.” Holding his gaze for a minute I turned back to look for the VIP section. “You mean, milking rich guys for their money.” His brow perked up in expectation. He knew what I was doing, but he also knew it worked everytime.
“How about this? I go and get the big bad rich guys to bet on you-“ I walked infront of my dear friend as I poked his chest playfully. “And you introduce yourself, act nice for a bit and then excuse yourself because you need some rest before the game tomorrow.” The man only let out a dry chuckle before shrugging “That was my plan from the start.”
After introducing ourselves to most of the investors that were lingering around the VIP section, one caught my eye specifically. It was always the same type of guy. I could already feel the disgust of my working partner when the man shook my hand with the biggest smirk.
“Please tell me you’re going home with that guy. Anyone but him.”
“Come on ken! You know the guys I go for... And he’s one of the biggest investors for-“
Before Kyoutani could listen to any more of my drunk bullshit he stopped me with a pat on the shoulder. “Just call me if this idiot pulls some funny shit.” I giggled and nodded my head like a little kid, only to so him roll his eyes. He knew what I was getting myself into again, and he’d let me do it again.
The apartment I was currently in must’ve been huge. As soon as the investor guy, that had previously introduced himself as Atsumu, and I had entered the place there was a huge glass wall. It provided a view of the whole city. The rest was just a blurr due to his lips crashing on mine as soon as we stepped in.
“So you and Kentaro.. Is there something serious between y’all?” His voice only sounding like a whisper next to my ear. I put my head back for a second and looked him dead in the eye.
“Are you serious? I’m his manager.” I grabbed his face closer before he could make another dumb comment. Suddenly Atsumu backed away again with a smirk. “So what? Just because ya work for somebody doesn’t mean it can’t become more.”
I noticed pretty quickly that his while personality seemed to revolve around teasing people. He got off on making people visibly uncomfortable.
“Don’t compare my working ethics with your flings at the office.” The fake blonde only scoffed before guiding my hips against his more forcefully. This was gonna be a long night.
“Ya really think he’s gonna win?”
“I don’t think so, I know it.”
[Kyoutani POV]
She always does this shit. That was the first thing I thought as soon as I heard the door open at 9 am. My eyes snapped shut as she wandered around the room, clumsily getting out of her clothes and looking for the couch in the dark. The smell of alcohol filling the room caught my attention as I peaked through my barely shut eyes.
She often slept in underwear, but I still didn’t get used to the feeling it gave me when I saw her walking around so carelessly. Y/n finally found the end of the couch and slowly sprawled herself onto it. I could only see her feet peaking out from the side. I hated when she came home like that. At this point it wasn’t just reckless, she just seemed pathetic.
1st Fight
“Aran! You looking fine as always, I see.” The man held out his arms invitingly at the sight of me. “And you haven’t changed a bit, y/n.”
After letting go from the crushing hug, I frowned at his response. “I hope that’s a compliment.”
“I would never mock you, my friend.” He patted me on the shoulder until his eyes met Kentaros behind me. The fighter wore his usual frown, which was only accentuated by the black eyeliner under his eyes.
“I’m guessing you’re the infamous Mad dog I’ve been hearing about.” Aran held out his hand but was only met with another cold stare and somewhat of a grunt. I only sighed at his behavior. He always gets weird around new people, or just almost anyone besides me in general actually. I pushed his figure towards the door Aran had previously opened for us. “Sorry, he’s always a little grumpy before a fight.” The old friend only nodded and gave Kentaro a quick glance before entering after us. He was probably weirded out like most people who met him.
“You always seem to know someone, any place we go.” Kyoutani was trudging beside me now as we headed towards the lockers.
“Well yea, you always get to know some people when you work at a bar.”
“You quit like 2 years ago.” He huffed out.
“Like I said, you gotta know your crowd and thankfully I did enough research before we entered this scene.” My friend didn’t seem to convinced as he side eyed me. Poking his side I teasingly grinned up at him.
“Just appreciate my efforts, you big baby.”
[Kyoutani POV]
After hitting my last punch I knew it was over for the guy. His eyes only showing fear before I could draw out another swing to his face. I could feel the excitement taking over me when his body landed on the floor. I knew what was coming next.
“The Winner is... Maddog!”
The referee held up my hand before the guy could even stand up properly. At this point even the small crowd of people surrounding the ring weren’t paying attention to the guy who was knocked out. Everyone seemed ecstatic.
My eyes immediately found y/n’s. Without a doubt this was the best thing about winning a fight. The cheering from the crowd was nothing against the look she gave me every single time I won. Just for a moment, it felt like I was the only one she had eyes for. A genuine smile began forming on my lips when I saw her chanting with the crowd. Sadly the moment was over way too fast.
A sudden pat on the shoulder pulled me back into reality. The referee and I spoke a quick word and then I headed out of the ring. Back at the lockers I had just calmed back down again. The adrenaline usually stayed for a couple more hours after a fight but this time it didn’t seem to go down until a certain y/h/c came into view. She held out a big chunk of money in her hand and waved it around proudly. I couldn’t hold back my smile.
“Look at my boy taking big money home tonight.” Tossing the money on the spot next to me, y/n began to come closer. “I’m proud of you.” Her smile was wholeheartedly this time again until her gaze focused back on the money.
“But don’t get too cocky for now. You know who’s coming up next.” I nodded slowly in acknowledgement. “Come on, let’s get outta here.”
After walking for what felt like hours, we finally ended up at a bus stop where a bus was already waiting for us. Not just for us though.
“Really? One of those travel buses again?”
The woman beside me sighed again at my clear frustration. “Kyoutani, you know we can’t afford some freaking limousine.” Rolling my eyes at her exaggeration, I trudged after her into the vehicle. “We could’ve at least took a train or something.” This time she didn’t reply but only showed the driver our information. After handling that, we made our way towards our seats.
I was beat after this fight, but I sure as hell wasn’t to happy about having to sleep on an uncomfortable bus seat.
“Hey, I’m sorry dude but we just can’t spend the money on whatever we feel like.” It was clear that she genuinely felt bad about the situation. I shrugged as I took the seat next to her and threw my head back.
“It’s alright, I trust you with the organizing and stuff. You’re the boss after all.” The woman suddenly perked up at the ‘boss’ remark.
“Uhh so I’m your boss now, huh? I thought I was just your little assistant that takes care of you.”
My cheeks almost began to turn red until I pushed her shoulder playfully. “Sh-Shut up ya idiot.” Her giggles filled the rustling inside the bus and made my knees weak simultaneously.
Thank god I was already sitting.
Kyoutani was out in minutes after the bus left the station. I looked over his awkwardly placed form. His arms were crossed over his chest and his head was slightly tilted to the side.
My brows furrowed once I took in the current state of his body. He had scratches and blue spots here and there but that couldn’t compare to the pure exhaustion that was emitting from him. I knew this routine took a toll on him but everytime he came out of a fight I just felt bad. It was always a mystery to me why he had started fighting in the first place. The only thing I knew was his background of causing a lot of trouble in high school until he got kicked out of his home.
Thankfully our paths crossed pretty soon after and I took him in after finding him all busted on the streets. The idea of being his manager came when I first saw him fight in an underground competition.
My job at the bar only kept me somewhat afloat and my life seemed to be spiraling into a continuous cycle of depression.
Back then his fascination with fighting might have been out of pure need for thrill, but I was truly amazed by it. His drive shook me awake from that weird state I was in.
But it was still strange to me, what did he keep doing it for?
This guy got me way too worried. I shrugged off my thoughts, carefully placing my head against his shoulder. I slowly lulled my way into sleep as I took in the scenery of the drive to our next destination.
Hope u guys enjoyed another AU fic. Also Part 2 is coming pretty soon!
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I felt as though since this story had such a specific narrative (especially delving into the harsh world of modeling and the effects of discrimination) that it would reach out to a very specific niche of reader.
I was actually astonished by loud support this fic has obtained so for, so thank you so much! I cannot stress enough how much that means to me. 
HnM 💕
Tag-list: @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho​
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Month 1, Month 3
--Month 2--
You looked at the stick of plastic in your hand with wide eyes as your mouth stuttered into a slack jaw—your breaths hardly making their way in and out of your lungs evenly.
You squeezed your eyes shut so hard that you saw white spots underneath your lids before you snapped them back open again, internally praying that you would wake up form whatever nightmare you were having.
However, you couldn’t blink away the big, fat smiley face that stared back up at you from the piece of purple and white plastic that sealed your fate.
No. No. No!
The sudden urge to puke came back with a vengeance and you threw yourself to the toilet, slamming your knees to the ground in the process. As your stomach lurched up into your chest, you couldn’t tell whether the tears forming in your eyes were from the harshness of the motion or something else entirely.
“Gah!” you loudly choked out as you pulled away from the mess in the toilet. 
Once the nausea became slightly less debilitating you leaned back against your bathtub, throwing your head up as you groaned to the ceiling, “No, no, no, nooo…” you softly sobbed. You tried your best to keep from bawling so you didn’t find yourself with your head back in the bowl, but you couldn’t help the stream of hot tears that spilled from your eyes as you stared at the vent in the ceiling.
How could this happen? How could you be… pr...
A sudden stirring in your gut made you swallow hard as you tried to keep your stomach out of your throat.
Don’t be an idiot, Y/N. You took sex education in high school. You put the condom on the banana and were scolded with constant threats of STDs and the fires of Hell like everybody else. So yeah. You know how it happened.
You sighed as you thought back to all the guys you had slept with recently-- which was luckily not too many within the past few months, and only one since your last period.
Fuck, you didn’t even remember what the damn fathe-- guy looked like.
Well, excluding his rippling muscles.
You threw your head into your hands as the uncanny image of a body builder newborn infiltrated your mind. Well, that didn’t fucking help at all. Grabbing your hair tightly as you stared at the tile between your legs, you cursed yourself, “You dumbass! How could you be so goddamn stupid!? Stupid, stupid, stupid!” you repeatedly knocked against your skull.
You reached into the recesses of your memory for any information you might have about the guy. Where was his apartment again...? On the other side of town somewhere right… Near Club 52? God, you didn’t even fucking know! and what did it matter anyway, huh? What were you gonna do? Storm up to his place, pregnancy tests a-blazin’, and tell the complete stranger that you were carrying his kid?!
With a weak and tired moan, you lifted yourself off of your bathroom floor and went to the sink to rinse your bile infested mouth out and wash the salty tears off of your cheeks.
But not before you got a good look at yourself in the mirror.
Swollen eyes.
Red nose.
Drying, teary snot pooling on the rim of your upper lip.
“You look like shit,” you harshly reprimanded yourself before turning the sink on and sticking your face into the cool water. Your hands blindly reached around your counter until you finally grabbed a nearby hand towel to bring to your face. As you patted your cheeks dry, your eyes wandered to the counter where three other positive pregnancy tests that you had taken earlier that morning resided.
The trio all sported a similar smug smile as they looked up to you as if to say ‘we told you so.’
The little shits.
“Shut up.” You quickly grabbed all four tests and with a hint of bitterness chucked them into a nearby trash bin before making your way to your bedroom across the hall.
Plopping down onto your screeching mattress, you took your phone out:
Boss Lady
[2:50 pm]
Hey, brat. I hope you’re doing better.
Don’t forget that we have that runway fitting next week. And the test shots. And the international scouting event.
Think. Thin.
No carbs. No red meats.
Fucking no alcohol for nine whole months. You attempted to scoff at this, but what came out could have probably been mistaken for the last sounds of a dying animal.
[3:31 pm]
Hope you made it home safe last night!
As you read this text, a piece of you wished that maybe you hadn't made it home safe last night... Your brain briefly wandered into the dark territories of ‘what if’s’ as you imagined falling in front of the train at the subway, walking past a drug deal gone wrong, hell-- drowning on the water you took with your Pepto Bismol. You quickly brushed these thoughts away as you continued looking through your phone, 
Boss Lady
[4:45 pm]
Oh, also Deku just asked for a meeting with you personally.
You’re going of course. Glad you got his attention. Good girl.
Tomorrow.  5:00pm. El Vino’s downtown. (EAT LIGHTLY!)
Inches! Inches! Inches!
You slammed your phone down onto your mattress as you loudly sighed.
Inches. Your entire livelihood depended on your damn inches and now there was no way you could maintain the “golden ratio.” The thought made your blood churn.
Modeling… was all that you had. You didn’t have any other fucking talents—no quirk to depend on-- so when would your growing stomach steal your life away?
When do people even start ‘showing’? 
You haven’t come across many pregnant women, but all of the ones you have seen either looked like normal people or like freaking beach balls. For some reason your brain couldn’t conjure an intermediate.
Did they just blow up out of nowhere? If so, then when? How long could you pull a ruse off before your growing organ snitched on you? 5 months? 6 months? Next fucking week?
You realized then that you knew next to jack squat about pregnancy.
Or damn kids for that matter.
Okay so... abortion? For some reason, even just the thought of that word made an icky taste surge in your mouth—or maybe it was the leftover vomit, who knows?
To be honest, you had never really thought much on abortion before—it was one of the many topics filed into your brain under ‘that does not and will not pertain to me, so why the fuck should I care?’ Filtered out and forgotten, your feelings on abortion had yet to be developed.
Until now.
After a few beats, you opened your phone back up and began to dial Kimi, fearing that you might soon explode with the brunt of knowledge that weighed heavily upon your shoulders.
You paused.
Had you ever actually talked to her about anything that wasn’t exclusively work related? In the past two years of knowing her, have you ever actually learned anything about her, and she about you? Very suddenly, you were slapped in the face by a crude fact: Kimi was just a work-friend.
That was fucking fine and dandy up until now. You pretty much either worked, or drank, or showed up to work drunk. But now…
Who the hell else could you call? You barely had any friends, and you hadn’t talked to your family in what felt like ages. Who was there for situations like this? If half of your life was working, and half of your life was drinking, and your work friends were a no go… what about your drinking friends? Your mind briefly fled to the stashes of your best buddies-- vodka and tequila-- that you kept in your kitchen.
But not even they could save you now.
Fuck you really were alone.
That night, you found yourself constantly flipping your pillow to find a new dry spot to assault with fresh tears. You hadn’t cried so much since you were a kid. Wait-- come to think of it, you couldn’t even remember the last time you had cried at all.
So, was it hormones? Pregnancy hormones?
The surreal thought made your tears fly down your face even more furiously.
The next evening there was practically no trace or evidence of your mental breakdown from the night before as you strolled up to El Vino’s. It was honestly kind of frightening how quickly you had managed to pull yourself together before this little meeting—but mostly, it was empowering.
Okay, Y/N. You fucking got this. Hormones or not, you were still a baddie to your very core.
Deku was easy enough to spot in the little Mediterranean themed restaurant—with the green-ass hair and all. You strolled up to the table with the warmest smile that you could muster, “Mr. Deku,” you quickly approached his table and gave a slight bow.  
“H-Hey!” You seemed to startle him with your sudden appearance. He jumped a bit in his seat and awkwardly shifted as you made your way to your own chair. His face was a bit red as you maintained your eyes on his shying expression. 
“Look, before you say anything. I just want to say sorry,” his shocked eyes suddenly snapped back up to yours as you continued, “I had no idea that the event was yours and I probably ruined the rest of the night for you. If you want me off the brand deal, then I completely understand, just... don’t blame Ainu’s agency.”
His mouth fumbled over itself for a moment, causing you to quirk an unsure eyebrow before he could finally speak up, “No t-that’s not what I am here for at all, Miss L/N.”
“Call me Y/N. please,” your smirk was a little less sure than usual and you prayed that he couldn’t detect how off he had thrown you. This was going much different than you had expected it to. For one, he wasn’t trying to ‘put you in your place for disrespecting him’ or bargain  sex ‘as an apology’ like most power hungry men in his position would.
“Okay, M-miss Y/N,” the blush that adorned his cheeks confused you even further and you felt the space between your eyebrows involuntarily tighten. That was another thing… He didn’t seem like a typical man in a position of power. He was… soft... you didn’t know how else to explain it other than unusual for a man of his size and stature.
“I actually wanted to apologize to you,” he spoke up once more and you were completely lost by then. You could only blink as he continued to speak, “You really got me thinking about things the other night-- you were totally right. The brand of my sneakers did lose its true meaning. I really meant to have it be a symbol for kids growing up without a quirk to enjoy—to give them hope, but it turned into more of an endorsement to myself. The whole thing. It was wrong. That’s why I have decided to give 100% of my personal Red Sneakers profits to establishing my Quirkless Youth Initiative,”
You looked around for any hidden cameras—any hidden agenda behind his motives before looking back to him with a stiff expression. You had to physically keep your face from scrunching, “And just how are you going to make a living out of a mindset like that?” you dared to call his bluff.
“It’s just gonna have to work. It’s what my mentor would have done—given 100%. Beyond actually.”
Holy shit. This man was being serious. ‘100% and beyond’ serious, to be exact. Your face scrunched up once more, “Why do you care so much anyway?” you cut back on your tone as you noticed his eyes widen a bit at your accusatory voice, “Not to be rude, but… what’s a strong hero like you doing caring about us quirkless?”
He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment or two. Contemplating on whether or not he was going to lie, you noticed, “I… I…  didn’t have a quirk until much later in life. I was 14. Growing up, I always wanted to be a hero, and I just wish that I had someone back then believe in me. I want to be the one that tells kid’s—with a smile-- that they can do it. That they have at least one person who believes in them.”
His name-- Deku-- it meant worthless. The puzzle pieces were finally coming together and things began to make sense. It was a name that either himself or others used to describe him when he was growing up probably, and the man had taken it and spun it around to make it his own. Even you had to admit--
“That’s pretty damn impressive,” you couldn’t help the curl that tugged into the corners of your lips as Deku bashfully looked away from you,
“It’s nothing, really!” he tried to deflect. You gave a small laugh before smoothly bringing up the glass of wine in front of you to your lips. As soon as the liquid rushed in your mouth, your eyes flew wide open with realization,
Shit! What the fuck were you doing?
You immediately spit the alcohol back into your cup and snapped your eyes back to Deku who had, thankfully, been too caught up in his own embarrassment to be paying attention to you. You gave a sigh of relief and sat the wine glass as far away from you as inconspicuously possible. 
“So,” you leaned into the table a bit to get his eyes back on you, “Tell me about this Quirkless Youth Initiative,” you smiled. 
From that point on, you and Deku actually found talking to each other relatively easy—okay, extremely easy. In fact, you stayed past the point of dinner and ended up talking at your table hours after the bill had been paid.
You talked about everything and nothing altogether and didn’t know just when to end the conversation. You lowered your borders for some reason. Well-- you knew the reason. It was because you had been dying to talk to someone since you found out that you were the ‘p-word.’
 He ended up walking you home. Past that, for the next two weeks you guys pretty much saw each other every other day or two and talked fairly regularly. Things became habitual.
In fact.
As you stood in the beaming light of the wardrobe, getting your makeup done, you found yourself stealing little glances here and there to your phone to text with your new friend, Deku. Every buzz of your phone left you with a giddy sense of excitement.
One of the models sharing the gigantic mirror with you quickly took notice of your demeanor, “What are you smiling at, Y/N?”
“She’s texting someone,” another spoke up as your friend/babysitter, Kimi strolled up next to you,
“What?! Y/N L/N texting someone back? Have we entered the Twilight Zone??” she joked. You only responded with poking your tongue out at her before your phone buzzed again, 
[1:00 pm]
Good Luck on your runway thing today!
More like run away thing🏃‍♀️💨
I could help? Bring comfort snacks?
Most of us haven’t eaten a full meal in days BB
You would literally be stampeded by women
Wait that sounded too good🤔
You will literally be stampeded by hungry women***
You haven’t been eating?!
Since when?!
That’s not what I said. 
Just pre-show prep to keep the waists snatched and the legends skinny💁‍♀️
Sorry I don’t know how your job really works.
I’ll come over again tonight after your show and bring dinner!
If that’s okay. Sorry didn’t mean to sound pushy.
“Didn’t you hear? Her and Deku really hit it off on their date,”  Your attention was instantly snapped away from your phone screen.
You gave an ugly snort, “It wasn’t a date.” And you certainly weren’t lying. The friendly atmosphere between you and Izuku felt comfortable as best—nothing intimate about it.
You wouldn't have it any other way. It felt as though he was placed in your life to perfectly fill the holes in your boat just before you started sinking.
“Girl your phone is blowing up!” a co-worker exclaimed, loudly.
Kimi laughed as she pinched your cheeks, “Look at that smile on her face”
All of the commotion gathered the attention of Boss Lady, who was currently storming up to you with the ‘phone box’ (or phone cemetery as some of you liked to call it) in her hand. She liked to have this on her especially in big events like runways or show casings because some of the girls—you were guilty as charged—spent quite a bit of time on their phones behind the scenes, “Phone. Bin. Now.”
Usually, you would put up some type of argument or give a quick-witted remark, but this time around you only rushed to send one final text in before you threw your cellphone into the crate.
I should get off at like 11 see you then broccoli boy🥦🤪
Kimi looked terrified as though she was the one who had just incurred Ainu’s wrath, “Still smiling, huh...?” 
You hadn’t even notice that you had been.
Talking to Deku really did make you happy when you needed it. Just like he spun ‘deku’ around and made it make sense, he had spun your life around and did the same. He made you feel like life was normal—whatever the hell that was. You’d never really been classified as normal anyway, but you had some impression that this resembled what it must feel like.
For a fleeting moment you think that maybe you should just sleep with Deku and pass this pregnancy off as his since you had yet to tell him-- or anyone-- about it. 
But the better half of you instantly slaps this thought out through your ears.
Hello? Welcome to psycho bitch incorporated. Seriously. What the fuck was wrong with you?
Damn, you had been separated from your phone (and Deku) for exactly 23 seconds and you were already outta your cot-damn mind. You get one friend and suddenly you don’t know how to act. 
You needed to somehow find “blond muscle man” and let him know what was up. Fuck, how were you supposed to do that when you didn’t even know his name?
The runway that night went pretty much how every single other runway went, except this time-- you opted not to attend any of the after parties. Instead, you went home and had Deku over, who delivered on his promise with sushi. 
You could smell the sushi as soon as he walked through the door and your mouth instantly watered. He really was god sent. 
The two of you settled quickly in your apartment, deciding to risk it all and eat on your living room couch to watch TV; however, you quickly noticed that the TV wasn’t the only thing that Izuku was watching. As soon as you turned to raise an eyebrow on him he feebly attempted to avert his gaze, but you caught him anyways, “What? You better stop sizing me up unless you wanna fight, Deku,” you sang as you popped another sushi roll into your mouth.
“W-what sizing you up?!”
You cackled at the sudden redness of his face, “I’m just joking. We both know I’d probably kick your ass!”
“You think so?” he actually sounded a bit nervous in his tone, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Oh, I know so,” you shrugged with a growing smirk, “Anyway. What are you staring so hard at me for?”
The air became very still around the two of you as he looked down to think. This was something that became pretty expectant of him these past few week-- a funny little habit.
“It’s just… we’ve been hanging out a lot the past few weeks and I never really noticed it—your… dieting,” he seemed to fall into that last word a bit as if it wasn’t exactly the word that he had wanted to use. 
You knew that he meant to say ‘starving yourself’ but was too reserved for that level of bluntness. That was okay with you. You weren't particularly ready to open that can of worms, “Damn, and here I was thinkin’ I was looking pretty damn good,” you joked as the both of you began cleaning up your food mess.  
“No. That’s not what I meant I—”
“Joking! I’m just joking with you, Big D,” you found yourself using this nickname for him whenever you wanted to see his face fall into it’s deepest shades of red. It worked every single time,
“I have just been at this for a long time—modeling for Ainu’s agency. Since I was 15 actually,” you shook your head a little at the surge of nostalgia that wanted to bubble up your back. You clutched a nearby pillow and hugged it to your chest, “She scouted me at a mall food court. She changed my entire life—for the better of course. She is practically my mom... I owe her a lot,” you found yourself giving into the nostalgia a bit-- a small, fond smile tugging at your lips. You looked up after a few beats of silence filled the air and was met with Deku’s admiring stare, “What? You nerd!” you exclaimed with a giggle, chucking the pillow at him. 
“It’s nothing. I just like hearing about you. I feel like I have been doing a lot of talking about me since we have been hanging out.”
Yeah, he was a Cancer zodiac for sure. You pretty much knew his entire life’s story after only the first week of knowing him, “Are you kidding me?! Your life is straight out of a comic book, BB! I love hearing about it!” You began talking to him from out of the kitchen as you put your leftovers in the fridge,
“You went up against the League of Villains, the Vanguard Action Front and The Paranormal Liberation Front as a freshman?? You powered up from a quirkless crybaby! (Hey!) to an amazing, uprising, super considerate, overpowered crybaby on his way to number one! Your U.A. friends all seem like comic book characters, too. I love them already from what you tell me,” you closed the fridge, revealing his shocked expression.
“Really?” You nodded, igniting a spark in his eyes, “Well, I am actually having a little get together at my place for my friends if you wanna stop by.”
“Yeah sure. As long as my favorite character, Kaminari, is there,” Izuku seemed shocked and slightly offended by your choice in favorite, so you clarified, “He sounded really cool and all with his ‘chatty zappy’ thing going on,” you suddenly rolled your eyes as a bad taste emerged in your mouth, “Kacchan sounds like a little bitch baby though, no offense.”
“What?! Kacchan can ‘Kach’ these ‘hans’! Oh come on. Not even a pity laugh? A little one?” You apparently thought you were a lot funnier than Izuku did. 
“I think the two of you might actually get along. You’re very similar now that I think about it,” he trailed off on his last part, seemingly talking to himself as he grabbed his chin. 
You almost felt offended by his comparison, “Fuck that. Oppisites attract, Similars repel. Besides. Why would I wanna be friends with a little bitch baby that bullies and pisses on quirkless people?”
“Well, when you meet him next week you might like him…”
You clicked your tongue, “So now I am obligated to come, huh?” you smirked.
“N-no well that’s not what I meant but I would appreciate if you—”
You were only half paying attention to his freak out as the abrupt craving for orange juice infiltrated your mind and placed itself on the forefront of your thoughts, “Deku. I am joking!” you absentmindedly reminded him as you scoured your pantries for a wine glass. You had taken to drinking out of these instead of regular cups to at least maintain a semblance of your old self. 
Izuku’s eyes widened at the sight of your collection of wines and alcohols in one of your cupboards. You smirked at him-- throwing him  look that said ‘you ain’t seen nothin yet’ as you opened your freezer to reveal the insane hoard of alcohol you had stored.
His jaw practically dropped to the floor at the sight, “Holy woah, you have an entire liquor store in here!”
“Saving for a rainy day,” you almost immediately realized the error of your words as Izuku motions to one of the windows near you. The two of you sat in a beat of silence as the pitter-patter of rainfall splattered against the glass pane.
“It’s raining today,” he grinned excitedly. 
“No... I cant,” the way that the words fell out sounded about as convincing as a disguise with groucho glasses. You could really go for a drink right about now.
He looked to you a bit sadly, if not disappointed, “Y/N if this is about your diet… I am just saying, I don’t think one day will hurt too much.”
“No, I really shouldn't.” Understatement of the century. 
Izuku grabbed two glasses out of your cupboard with a soft smile gracing his features, “We’ll pour you just a little bit in case you change your mind—”
Maybe one glass wouldn't hurt... No. NO! God, you knew he meant well, but he is really fucking making this hard for you!! “I cant, I’m pregnant!!” you suddenly yelled. He immediately froze, 
“I’m pregnant...”
“Oh... Uhhh congratulations,” the most unconvincing thing to have ever come out of his mouth probably, “Who…”
“I don’t know,” the look of utter horror on his face had you instantly backtracking your answer, “Well—let me rephrase that. I do know who it is, but I don’t know his name. It was a umm.. ‘Wam. Bam. Thank you ma’am’ type deal.” Your face began burning as hot blood rushed into your cheeks. You literally couldn't have phrased that worse if you tried. What the hell was wrong with you? 
“You don’t look pregnant...” the horror on his face now registered into your mind as pure shock. 
“I sure as hell would hope not. I am like a month-ish along—I think.”
“You haven’t been to the doctor?”
“Uhh no...” He was right, you didn't even look pregnant. There was no way in hell that you needed to go to the doctor yet. Right?
“W-wait! Y/N the night we met! You were drinking alcohol!”
“So? I am probably only like a few weeks pregnant and I drank like two glasses. I am sure it didn’t do anything…?”
“Are you really sure? How can you know!? You have to go see a doctor!” he looked terrified. It was as if he suddenly was the embodiment every stressed emotion that you had been shoving away from you these past few weeks and the sight scared you. 
“You’re freaking me out, Deku.”
He instantly froze, “S-sorry,” he looked down to his shoes. Maybe you just might let him pour those drinks after all. He looked like he could use both of them right about now...
The next week dragged on for what felt like eons, as Izuku seemed to cautiously dance around the topic of your “preexisting condition.” It was quite obvious that every time the topic came up, a cloud of discomfort would come and sit on his shoulders; however, the man still made it a point to urge the fact that you needed to set up a doctor’s appointment.
Eventually, you caved in and scheduled for one at a local clinic, but they couldn't get you in for a few weeks anyway-- the joint was at maximum capacity, you guessed?  Apparently, there were more pregnant bitches waddling around than you thought.
Still, Deku urged you to read up and research some things prior to your appointment so that you could ask the doctor any questions that might pop up. It seemed like he was almost way too into this-- taking notes in a composition notepad that he dubbed “Baby Notes Vol 1″ and even mentioning coming along with you to your clinic visit.
It made things extremely real. 
Your little safe space with Deku had effectively been conquered and subjugated by the little parasite that took residence in your body. You shook your shoulders with a sigh as you neared Deku’s door for the party. 
When the door opened you couldn't help the way that your eyebrows flew up in surprise at the sight of a woman opening the door. Uhh... did you go to the wrong house?
The brown haired girl in front of you looked just as surprised as you-- if not even more so. 
Okay, you definitely went to the wrong house.
The sudden sound of Izuku’s voice coming deep from withing the apartment led you to breath easy. You deflated a little bit as you relaxed. You wouldn't have to make a mad dash in a lagged game of ‘ding dong ditch’ after all,  “Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
A series of emotions flashed across her expression at your greeting: shocked, nervous, then... disappointed? “Y/N! I’ve heard... so so much about you!” the smile that stretched across her lips seemed almost painful, “I’m Ochako Uraraka! I... love your hair!” she threw out the last part like a rabbit would throw steak to wolves. 
“Thank’s...” you felt fucking awkward and she still hasn’t let you into the apartment, “I’ll make sure to thank the stylist and the bottle of dye she used.”
“That’s not your real hair color? It looks so healthy though!” she seemed heartbroken as she used a pitying tone and you could gauge that the pity was not for yourself. 
“Nah. My agency pretty much determines what hairstyles I wear...”  You made eye contact with Deku inside of the house as he made his way to the door... Thank god! you were saved from that terribly awkward interaction.
“Agency? Hero agency?”
“Modeling, actually. I’m not that badass,” you smirked before walking into the party.
Her figure deflated as if to say, ‘of fucking course’, “Oh. That’s cool!” You didn’t see much of Uraraka after that 
Meanwhile, Bakugou was just a tick away from being angry enough to kill. His roommates had all three convinced him to go to this get together over Deku’s house and they weren't even going to be there on time! 
He had honestly never been to a party with these losers without at least Shitty Hair being with him, so he wasn’t exactly sure how it would pan out and that really bothered him. He wasn’t exactly social at these events, but at least the three stooges kept him somewhat entertained (he would never admit this aloud).
What could those other losers possible do to entertain him?
“Whyyyyyyy?” he heard crying as he neared Deku’s home. His face scrunched in on itself even further than usual as he approached the whining noise. He scoffed at the inebriated mess in front of him,
“What the hell are you doing, round face?”
Uraraka, who was leaning against the edge of Izuku’s front patio looked up, causing Bakugou to deeply grimace at the germy snot that trailed down her red face, “Deku’s new girlfriend sure is cool. He deserves someone like her, right? She’s perfect!” Bakugou couldn't help the way that his face shriveled into itself in disgust. 
It wasn't too late. He could still turn around and go the fuck home and no one would even know he was here. Well, save for bubble cheeks here, but she probably wouldn't even remember to be honest. 
But as soon as Bakugou turned back around to make his escape Uraraka spoke up again, “She’s a model. They met at the Red Sneakers Event apparently,” Of course this piqued the man’s interest. There were only a few models branding the event and he just so happened to be searching for one of them. Uraraka continued with her drooling of words as Bakugou brushed past her and made his way into the house-- not bothering to knock,
“You know I am the one who gave him that idea in the first place? It’s kinda like. I set him up with his future wife!” she drunkenly cried to no one in particular as Bakugou stormed away.
He passed Iida on his way in, “Go get round face and shut her drunk ass up-- she’s outside,” he didn't bother on stopping to further explain before walking back to the commotion of the party.
 As soon as he entered the packed room, his eyes landed on you. It was like the Red Sneakers Event all over again. You were simply glowing-- hard to miss-- especially with the crowd of his old classmates hovering around you like some damn flies on shit-- especially Deku. He was way too close to you-- the rat bastard. 
“Oooh! You’ve been to Milan! That’s so cool, girl! So you must get to sight-see like a lot!”
The way that your shoulders leaned and swayed as you talked sent flutters into Bakugou’s heart. Fucking gross. He watched you speak very intently-- searching for the magic you had used to bewitch him, “Actually I was working a lot when I was there, so I really only got to see the sets and runways,” you made fleeting eye contact with him from across the room, furrowing your eye brows a bit at his stare before breaking the gaze. 
“Do you get to keep the outfits after the shoots?!”
“Pfft. Hell no! This loser still hasn’t sent me a pair of his red shoes. What happened to helping the quirkless, huh, broccoli boi?” The most primal urge of jealousy that Bakugou had ever felt sprinted through his body as you leaned over to playfully tap that shitty Deku in the arm. The feeling was so intense that he hadn’t even registered what you had said fully. 
“You’re quirkless?” Racoon Eyes inquired, snapping Bakugou out of his feral trance. His face fell a bit as he dutifully awaited your answer. 
“Yeah. It’s whatever,” you shrugged.
“The competition must be so difficult!” Momo spoke up as she placed and apologetic hand to her chest. The gesture made you tense up a bit, but you reminded yourself that she probably didn't mean it in a belittling way as she continued,  “I’ve been to a few magazine shoots myself and it is always girls with flashy quirks who end up in front and center!”
“Well, I compete well, I guess,” you knew that hero hero modeling and your fashion modelling were two completely different worlds. Designers saw you guys mostly as clothing racks and mannequins for their clothes, so usually they wanted their models to be as mundane as possible-- not to distract from their fabric art. So basically the perfect job for someone like you, “it’s no big deal. I get by like everybody else.”
“You just live your life like normal!”
“Awhhhh. Y/N. You’re an inspiration!”
Suddenly you felt extremely tired. You couldn't find the energy within  yourself to filter out and soften your next response, “Glad I could inspire you just by breathing I guess.” you gave the girls a slight smile as you shrugged, but the undertone of your comment had not gone unnoticed-- especially by Bakugou who found himself stifling a proud smirk.
You once again made eye contact with him in this moment-- this time not daring to backtrack your gaze until he did-- a warning sign to back he hell off with that staring shit.
As the night progressed you found yourself becoming more and more tired. The debilitating sense of sudden fatigue actually felt like it had taken over even your bones at this point as the aching structures weighed heavily inside of you skin. You decided after about an hour that you were gonna make an early trip back home.
“What, why!?” Deku scanned your face nervously-- he thought you had been having fun!
“Just really damn tired suddenly.”
“Oh...” he trailed off, but suddenly realized the hidden context of your words. Baby Notes vol 1 page 4 section 3: ‘prenatal fatigue’, “Ohhhhh okay! Right! Well Let me call you a taxi or something.”
“Nahh, I’ll walk,” you waved him off as you made your journey toward small crowds of his friends-- waving them goodbye. Deku followed you in your path around his house, 
“W-what? You can’t be serious! You shouldn’t do that!”
You turned around and threw your hand on his shoulder, causing him to instantly freeze up, “I’ll be fine,” you smirked throwing your hand up to his cheek to gently pat his face. Of course, he was left a shivering, blushing mess. It was a low blow, but, hey, it gave you a good opportunity to escape. 
You felt a wave of relief as soon as you made it a few steps outside of the apartment. You released a heavy sigh as you continued walking away. 
Finally. You internally planned the rest of the night in your head: orange juice, Netflix and sleeeep. You could finally just let yourself relax and--
“HEY!” you jumped out of your skin a little at the sudden loud shout. You whipped around to see that blond spikey-haired dude from Deku’s house attempting to close in on you. 
You rolled your eyes as he neared. Hardly throwing him a glance as he approached you to walk a little behind you, “God. You’re the weirdo that was staring at me all night,” you groaned, hoping he would catch your drift. 
“We need to talk!” 
One of you eyebrows instantly quirked up as your lips curled into a look of disgust. You whipped back around towards him, “Look, I am actually tired as hell, so excuse me for my bluntness, but FUCK OFF!” You only caught a glimpse of his flabbergasted expression before you spun back around to storm down the stairs entering the subway. 
“You really don’t know me?” he sounded pissed. 
That’s when it hit you. 
“Oh! it’s you!” you snapped your fingers at the sudden realization, 
“You’re Kacchan!” the look of disgust that hardened on his face intensified by ten fold when he heard you use that nickname. You continued regardless as you neared the train platform, “The asshole bully who likes to pick on quirkless kids. Yeah, well, I don’t give a damn how great you think you are, buddy. You can really fuck off now!” you spun once more to ditch him; however this time around your ankle twisted from underneath you, causing your body to fall down toward the ledge of the platform where underneath the tracks resided.
Bakugou cried out something like ‘you idiot!’ before grabbing you by the waist and yanking you into him before you could completely fall down the ledge. Everything happened so quickly that you hadn't even realized that you were holding your breath until you gasped heavily into his chest.
With a shocked expression you trailed up his neck to his face until you were met with his vermilion eyes, “Shit…” suddenly a wave of familiarity crashed into you. you breathed deeply, “I-It’s you...”
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tarlosprompts · 4 years
What about Carlos hurt on a call and TK freaking out and more or less moving in after Carlos gets home from the hospital bc he doesn't want to leave him alone for a second. Sorta a makes him realize how deep his feelings are and how much he loves him and can't live without him kinda deal
Claimed by Red💋
Part 2 of another prompt! Here’s Part 1
Warnings: past violence, high anxiety, slight dissociation
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Anxious Nights
TK didn’t want to leave Carlos when the ambulance rolled up to the hospital. Carlos hadn’t woken up on the ride to the hospital and that had TK on edge. Michelle had tried to explain to him that the shoulder wound would heal up fine, it didn’t seem like there was much damage...except for the fact that there was now a hole going from his boyfriend’s front to his back. What if Carlos didn’t regain full motion of his arm? 
Michelle had also tried to explain that Carlos probably wouldn’t wake up on the ride to the hospital because of how hard he hit his head. She tried to explain that head wounds bleed more and that it wasn’t that serious. She tried to explain that Carlos would probably only have a mild concussion, but TK couldn’t listen to her. All he could hear were the bad thoughts, the what ifs. What if Carlos hit his head hard enough to forget him? What if Carlos damaged his brain? What if Carlos didn’t wake up?
Watching Carlos get wheeled through the double doors where he couldn’t follow was almost as bad as watching Carlos go down on the scene. TK didn’t really know what to do with himself. He stood in the middle of the floor, staring at those doors. 
A small hand rested on his shoulder, “TK, you with me?” TK turned his head to Michelle, a frown on his face as it had been for the past thirty minutes. “We need to get you checked out, TK.”
“I’m staying here,” he muttered, staying in place.
“As soon as they know something, they know to find me. Carlos would want you to get yourself checked out.”
“I’m staying,” TK responded. 
Michelle rolled her eyes at the stubborn man. “Fine.” She turned to her radio, “bring me an ambo bag, I need to check TK out after his escapades today.” Turning back to TK, she led him over to a chair that faced the double doors. “I need you to take your turnout off.” 
TK followed her instructions and proceeded to sit down as Gillian placed a bag next to Michelle. “Go ahead and head back to the station. Do you mind having someone bring over mine and TK’s bags?”
“You got it, Boss.”
Michelle pulled out a light and flicked it in front of TK’s eyes. She did most of the exam nonverbally as TK’s anxiety showed itself through his extremities moving rapidly. “Does anything hurt? And I need you to be honest, TK.”
His gaze snapped to hers. “I have a mild headache and some sore muscles. Nothing that won’t fix itself.” 
Michelle studied him a moment more before nodding to herself. “If anything starts becoming unbearable, you need to let me know.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Three Hours Later
TK’s leg hadn’t stopped bouncing since he’d sat down. He’d tried pacing the room, but his dad had put a quick stop to that when he arrived with his and Michelle’s bags. Now he was stuck between the paramedic and his father as he waited for any news on Carlos. 
TK ticked his fingers as he looked up at the clock on the wall. How long did it take to let people know their loved ones were alright? It shouldn’t take three hours for someone to assess Carlos and let his friends and family know. 
TK tensed as a doctor walked through the door. “Family of Carlos Reyes,” he called. 
TK was immediately on his feet. “Is he alright? Can we see him? How bad was it? Is-”
“TK,” his father placed a hand on his shoulder. 
“Michelle Blake,” the doctor turned to the woman.
“That’s me. Anything you want to say, you can say in front of my friends.”
“Very well. Carlos sustained a through and through in the right shoulder. We cleansed the wound and exrayed it to make sure nothing was broken. We sewed it up and it should heal fully in four-six weeks. Mr. Reyes also sustained a head wound from his fall. That required four stitches but should heal just fine. We also assessed for a concussion. Because he lost consciousness we have diagnosed him with a Grade 3 concussion. He will need to be monitored closely so we have admitted Mr. Reyes for the next twenty-four hours. If all goes well, he should be able to return home within the next day or two as long as he has someone to watch over him. If there are no questions, I can lead you to his room.”
Seeing no questions, the doctor turned and walked them through the double doors. As they walked, TK could feel his anxiety climb. Concussions were nothing to joke about. Would this affect Carlos later on? As they approached the room, the doctor turned to him. “He was awake thirty minutes ago but he may not be now. He does need his rest, so please, do not wake him up. Visiting hours are technically over, but I can let a nurse know that one of you will be staying the night. The other two would need to leave in the next thirty minutes”
Michelle smiled at the doctor, “would you mind informing them that TK Strand will be staying with him tonight?”
The doctor gave her a kind smile and nod. “Will do. He is in room 740. To enter and exit the building use the main entrance, not the emergency doors.” With that, the doctor was off. 
TK, Owen, and Michelle walked the rest of the short way to Carlos’s room in silence. Michelle was the first to the room. She quietly opened the door and peeked her head in. She motioned for the Strands to be quiet as they entered. Once in the room, TK could see Carlos sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. He immediately went to Carlos’s bedside, hands fluttering once again, not knowing what to do with them. He didn’t want to wake Carlos as he did need sleep to recover. 
TK heard a quiet shuffle behind him before he saw a chair appear behind him out of his periphery. TK sat down, hands finally settling on clasping Carlos’s left hand. TK couldn’t take his eyes off of Carlos’s face and chest. Carlos was alive. He was breathing. He was resting. 
“He’s going to be okay, Son.”
Two Days Later
“Tiger, you don’t need to stay with me. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you a doctor? Hell, are you a paramedic? No? Oh that’s right, your a stubborn ass cop. We were told you needed to be supervised at home for the next week and that is what we are doing...unless you want to go back to the hospital?” TK raised an eyebrow as he parked the car in front of Carlos’s house. Seeing his boyfriend’s grimace, he responded, “I thought not.”
TK helped Carlos out of the car and into the house. He moved to take Carlos to the bedroom, but Carlos stopped. “I’d like to sit in the living room and watch movies with my boyfriend while he pretends like he isn’t trying to coddle me.”
TK’s glare held no heat. “Fine. Sit,” he ordered. “Don’t even think of getting up. Let me go grab our bags.”
In no time, TK had their bags in the house and pillows and blankets brought out from Carlos’s room and piled around the man. “Do you need anything? Water? Pain meds? Food? Should I get more blankets or-”
“Tiger, Baby, calm down. I just want to cuddle with my amazing boyfriend. That’s all I need.” Carlos’s brown eyes pleaded for him to concede. 
TK nodded quickly. “Yeah, yes. Yes, I can do that. I can totally do that.” TK quickly turned around before heading to the couch, “let me just grab some water and snacks. That way we don’t have to move. Can’t let you get dehydrated. I’ll bring over you meds too so that they’re in reach. We can’t stay on the couch for the rest of the day, you’ll need your rest in an actual bed to get better, plus the couch isn’t that comfy. Should we just go to your room? I can pull up movies on your laptop. It would be more comfortable and better for your recovery and we could still cuddle. We should-”
“TK, Tyler...Tyler I need you to breathe. I’m alright. If it would make you feel better, we can go to my room,” Carlos hated that TK was becoming more anxious by the second. He didn’t know what he could do to ease that anxiety. 
“Okay, yeah, okay. Let’s do that. Let me-let me come help you up.”
Carlos didn’t fight TK’s need to help him get up even though Carlos was seventy-five percent sure he could get up by himself. He let TK mother hen him into the bed and fortify him with pillows. He didn’t even object to the snacks that TK brought in, though Carlos never was big on eating things in bed. As TK straightened up to go get something else, Carlos caught his hand. “Baby, this is everything we need. Please lay down with me.”
Carlos could see the energy buzzing beneath TK’s skin. The last time he’d seen this much energy tightly coiled in his boyfriend had been the night he’d first called TK over for dinner that turned into a disaster. He didn’t like this side of his boyfriend. 
TK tried not to fidget in the bed, but he felt like he needed to be up and moving and making sure that Carlos was alright and bringing him anything he needed. He needed to be busy. After his hand started tapping on his leg for the fifth time, Carlos reached down to lace his fingers with TK’s. “I’m alright, Amore. I just want to relax with my boyfriend. I am fine, I’m going to be fully healed in a matter of weeks. There’s no need for you to worry yourself sick.”
“I’m not-I’m not worrying myself. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
“Babe, you literally can’t sit still. I don’t want you to be anxious over this. I’m fine.”
“But you weren’t! What if he had shot you in the head? He aimed for you and I couldn’t do anything and then I couldn’t see you. When I did-” TK’s voice cracked, “when I did see you, you weren’t moving, Carlos. You were not fine!” 
“In my defense, I did hit my head and I was unconscious.” Carlos was trying to lighten the mood slightly, but the look TK gave him, sobered him. “I watched you fly five feet through the air when the propane tanks blew. You didn’t move for a couple of seconds. I was worried about you, but you’re alright. You’re sitting here, talking to me. And I’m sitting here talking to you. Tyler, it’s alright to worry about me, but you don’t need to be in fight or flight mode because I’m not in danger. I’m healing.”
TK was silent for a while and all Carlos could do was look at him. He couldn’t tell what the man was thinking. TK extracted himself from the hold Carlos had on him. “I’m going to make some sandwiches and change clothes to be more comfortable in bed. Do you want to change or are you alright?” 
“Tiger,” Carlos sighed.
“Right, I’ll bring back a sandwich for you.” TK darted out the door.
Six Days Later
“I’m not an invalid,” Carlos sighed.
TK rolled his eyes in return. “I never said you were.”
“Yeah, you just treat me like one. If the roles were reversed, you’d be verbally fighting me about it.” 
“I just want you to heal correctly. Is that too much to ask?”
“You are allowed to go home now. You don’t need to watch me anymore.”
TK turned his back to Carlos as he pulled his shirt off to change. “What, so you’re kicking me out? For caring?” When Carlos didn’t respond, TK turned with his new shirt in his hands to look at the man. Carlos’s eyes were wide. “What?”
Carlos stood up, walking towards TK. “Baby, your back,” Carlos whispered, turning him around to run his hands over the healing bruises. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt?”
“It didn’t really hurt. Must have been the blast’s force. I’m fine. I had more important things to think about.”
“Tyler, you should have at least told me.”
TK turned back to face Carlos, “so you could refuse my help? I don’t think so. It really didn’t hurt that much, ‘Los.”
Carlos shook his head. “We’re partners, Tyler Kennedy Strand. We tell each other when we’re hurt. That’s how this works. You need to think about yourself too, not just me and my injuries.”
TK broke eye contact. His breathing was beginning to become uneven. “You could have...If that gangster had better aim, he could have killed you, Carlos. And I don’t-I don’t know how to live without you anymore. You-you’re my rock and I don’t know if I could stay sane or-or sober if you were gone. I love you...God I love you so much. I didn’t even realize how much I loved you...I don’t want to live without you. I don’t like it when you’re hurt. I can’t focus on me when you’re in pain because I want to fix it. I love you so much that when you’re hurt, I’m hurt and-and not just this time because I was also hurt, but-but because I care so deeply for you that it scares me. I’ve been so anxious because I wanted-I wanted to make it so you weren’t hurt. I wanted to take your pain and your injuries because you don’t deserve them.”
There was a shine in Carlos’s eyes as TK stared at them. A small smile was on the man’s face. “I happen to love you just as much. I feel your pain because I care so much for you...but it’s not scary because I know that you feel the same way. With our jobs, we can’t promise not to get hurt, Tyler. But we can promise to try out best. I think-I think we need to work on your anxiety, though, because it isn’t healthy to spend seven or more days filled to the brim with anxiety. I love you, so much Cariño.”
TK licked his lips as he leaned closer to Carlos. “Does this mean I can stay?”
Carlos bit his lip as a smile began to form. “However long you want...you already have a key, Baby.”
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crackheadgeminibby · 4 years
trust pt. 1
pairing: chris evans x black!reader
warnings: language, age gap, angst
word count: 1.3k
part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape or form or reposted on any other platform
not my picture
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You’d met Chris over a year ago while you were at the Public Defender’s office. You’d already been having an atrocious morning when you were leaving the building while trying to balance your phone, documents, and coffee when you’d quite literally ran into him and thus spilled your coffee all over yourself and your documents, that were now spread out on the floor, were soaked.
Chris had apologized and offered to buy you a new coffee as well as a new silk shirt. You were already late and didn’t want to make your boss madder, so you’d simply given him your phone number and told him to text you for that coffee. You hadn’t even realized you’d bumped into Chris Evans until you’d stopped rushing around and had time to sit for a second at your desk. This reinforced your thought that you’d never hear from him again and therefore have to find and buy yourself a new silk shirt as this gift from your parents was now as useless as that 5$ you’d spent on coffee that morning. It made you almost choke on your toast when, two days later, you’d received a text message from an unknown number:
So, how about that shirt and coffee? 😉
Since then, Chris and you had instantly clicked and became good friends. You texted and talked on the phone often but very rarely saw each other since you were both extremely busy, him with his budding career as a director and continuing career as an actor, and you as a lawyer in one of the biggest firms of the city.
This made you enjoy every single moment you could have with him but every time he left your apartment, you’d tell yourself you should have told him how you felt.
Three months after that first meeting and shortly after the holidays, Chris had invited you to a fancy restaurant, which was a big change from your usual, casual lunch and dinner hangouts at your apartment. You’d started the night anxious that he’d tell you he didn’t want to see you anymore, that it was weird that you guys were friends, but you ended the night content and Chris Evans’ new girlfriend.
It had now been a little over ten months since that night. You hadn’t seen Chris for the last three months because he had gone back and forth between New York and LA to finish the movie he was working on. After finishing the movie, he had spent a week at his mom’s house and was now coming back to LA to spend the week before Thanksgiving with you before going back to his mom’s house. This meant you had Chris for a whole seven days to you, and you only. You’d already planned the whole weekend almost to the minute so you could make the most out of the short time you had together.
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It’s Friday morning and your alarm rings, as usual, at 5:45am. You turn it off and immediately take your phone in the search for Chris’ text.
chris❤️, 5:38am:
Ready when you are
You press the phone icon next to his contact and stretch your back under the blanket while you wait for the phone to ring.
“Good morning, princess.”
“Hi”, you answer back while yawning.
You hear him chuckle a little then, “Slept well?”
His laughter makes you smile, and you hum in agreement.
“Your flight gets here at 4:45pm, right?”, you ask while getting up and setting your clothes for the day on the bed.
“Uh, yeah… Or 5pm, maybe”, you hear a bit of rustling in the background, and then “I’ll text you the exact time later.”
You head to the kitchen and take your overnight oatmeal out of the fridge.
“Okay. Did Scott say he can go get you or do you still need me to come?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. He said he can pick me up and drop me off at my house on his way back from Arizona so it’s all good.”
“Okay, so do you want to meet directly at the restaurant?”
You start the coffee machine and head to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower.
“Isn’t your car still at the garage?”
“No, I was supposed to get it back Monday morning, but they were done yesterday so I got it back already.”
“Okay, then we can meet at the restaurant. 7pm right?”
“Perfect.” He pauses for a bit then sighs. “I can’t wait to see you. I miss you so much.”
You turn on the shower and take off the old shirt Chris had left at your place that you often slept in when he wasn’t there. You put it on the counter and smile softly at it.
“I know, baby. Me too. I have to start getting ready soon though.”
“Okay. I’ll see you for dinner tonight then.”
“Yeah. Fly safe and don’t forget to text me when you board and land.”
“Yes, princess. Have a good day.”
“Thank you, baby. Bye.”
You hang up the phone and put it on the bathroom counter.
“Siri. Shuffle music.”
You hop in the shower while singing along to the music coming from your phone.
After getting out of the shower, drying off and putting on lotion, you put toothpaste on your toothbrush and are about to start brushing your teeth when your phone rings. Thinking it’s Chris calling you back, you put your toothbrush down and head over to your dresser to pick up. However, when you get there, you see an unknown number. Shrugging, you go back to the bathroom to brush your teeth as you hear the voicemail come in.
You finish brushing your teeth and head to your bedroom to get dressed. You do your makeup, pack your work bag and your purse and head to the kitchen for breakfast. You sit at your counter, eat your oatmeal and drink your coffee while watching the news.
20 minutes later, you’re out the door and on your way to work.
Your morning at work was relatively normal and uneventful except for the unending stories told by Chloe, your good friend and co-worker. She sees you being zoned out and asks what’s wrong with you.
“Nothing. My boyfriend comes back today and we’re having dinner tonight so I’m excited.”
“Oh my God (Y/N), I have no idea how you manage to never see him. I mean, I don’t understand why you would even get in a relationship with a lawyer that works halfway across the country, but you know, you do you. And when am I gonna freaking meet him, seriously? It’s been like a year.”
“I already told you: he worked here when we got together but his firm made him move. And, I don’t know, he’s… busy. I barely see him myself so when am I supposed to find time for him to meet you?”
You cringe internally at what you just said. Yeah, I lied to her. Sue me. What am I supposed to say? “Yeah, my boyfriend’s a worldwide known actor or whatever, you know haha.” Nope. Not happening.
Chloe starts telling another story about that time she dated some engineer that lived in Russia or something, you’re not really listening at this point. Your phone vibrates and rings in your jacket pocket. You look over at the clock thinking it’s Chris telling you he’s landed. 2:23pm. That can’t be right.
While Chloe continues to ramble on, you take your phone out and it lights up.
Unknown Number, 2:22pm:
You should really go look at that email.
Right now.
You frown and open your email app.
From: [email protected], 6:15am
Subject: Well, this is awkward
You immediately click on the email and almost choke on air when you see what’s inside.
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feralphoenix · 4 years
if you’re following my blog or if you read my fanfiction, you may have seen me talking in tags or comments about how the radiance hollowknight was a pacifist. “feral, wtf?” you may have thought. “she’s the freaking final boss and tries really, really hard to kill you and all her attacks do 2 entire masks damage. where on earth do you get pacifism out of that???”
to you specifically i say, that’s an understandable reaction! the short version of how i got here was that i started thinking about the story implications of radi not inflicting contact damage and took a deep dive into game mechanics and lore. when i came up for air i had made myself Very Sad.
if this intrigues you and you would like to know more, come along with me, i am happy to point out the things i noticed and share the Big Sad around.
this essay is also available on dreamwidth for accessibility purposes, since my layout’s text may be too small for folks on pc with high-res screens.
CONTENT WARNING: This essay discusses pseudo-zombie plagues and associated body horror, colonialism and genocide, horrible things that happened in real life Australian history... you know, the usual topics that come up when I’m talking about Hollow Knight.
ADDITIONAL NOTICE: TPK fans of the “TPK meant well/was working for the greater good”/“TPK and Radi are equally bad”/“TPK is bad but Radi is worse” variety please give this one a pass, it ain’t for you.
finally if youre from a christian cultural upbringing (whether currently practicing, agnostic/secular, or atheist now), understand that some of what i’m discussing here may challenge you. if thinking thru the implications of this particular part of hollow knight worldbuilding/lore is distressing for you, PLEASE only approach this essay when youre in a safe mindset & open to listening, and ask the help of a therapist or anti-racism teacher/mentor to help you process your thoughts & feelings. just like keep in mind that youre listening to an ethnoreligiously marginalized person and please be respectful here or wherever else youre discussing this dang essay
BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU’RE NOT PREPARED TO TRY: The Radiance Doesn’t Deal Contact Damage And That’s Kind Of Fucked Up And Sad
The vast majority of hostile creatures in Hollow Knight deal contact damage: This is to say, if the Wandering Knight (who I’ll probably spend most of this essay calling by their affectionate fan name Ghost) touches a hostile creature, this harms them.
There are exceptions to this rule. The most notable and most oft-memed example is the game’s literal actual true final boss, the Radiance. Not only will Ghost not be harmed by running into any part of her body, but during her stagger animation, where she drops to the boss arena floor on her front with her whole body splayed out, Ghost still isn’t harmed if she lands on top of them! What’s more, this holds true for her full-power form Absolute Radiance, the secret final boss of the Godmaster quest/endings.
A lot of people find this amusing, because it’s a little absurd that a game’s final boss is an exception to such a consistent element of gameplay! Hence all the “haha moth too soft and fluffy for contact damage” jokes. It is objective facts that Radi is very soft and very fluffy, so it’s very easy to understand why people don’t overthink this too much.
Thinking about things I like in gross detail is unfortunately my hobby. When it comes to Hollow Knight this usually leads to me making myself really sad. I’d like to share the fruits of my theorizing with the class, so other people can be sad with me.
Now, from a game design perspective I can think of a lot of reasons why Team Cherry chose for Radiance not to inflict contact damage. Her hitbox only covers the central part of her body. Her limbs are large, so because of the way she floats, if she did contact damage she would be protected from nail strikes from below and to either side. This would give a player who prefers nail combat a punishingly small margin through which they could inflict damage without also taking a hit, potentially forcing them to adapt to a new and unfamiliar play style at the very end of the game. That’s not fun for anybody and tends to make players feel very frustrated.
In addition to this, Radiance’s attacks are all bullet hell-style spells. All of them except the floor hazards inflict two masks of damage, meaning if you want to stay alive and identify points where it’s possible to heal, you need to learn the spell patterns and dodge a lot. Radi is a large boss. If running into her hurt you this would make the bullet hell elements of her fight extra punishing.
So, I think the purely game mechanics reason for Moth Too Soft And Fluffy is in interest of keeping her boss fight fair, and helping players feel like they have a chance of actually defeating her.
Part of why we all love Hollow Knight, though, is that there’s not much in the game that only exists for purely mechanical reasons. There’s always some form of story or lore integration.
So what on earth is the story reason behind why Radiance doesn’t deal contact damage?
Radi isn’t the only enemy (here defined as fightable/killable creature) in Hollow Knight who doesn't inflict contact damage, so let’s take a look at her fellow exceptions to the rule to see what we can learn.
Broadly speaking there are two categories of Enemies That Don’t Deal Contact Damage. The first is enemies or bosses who used to be hostile, but have become friendly to the player. For instance, when characters like Ogrim and Hornet are not being fought in boss battles, touching them won’t cause damage to Ghost. These story characters who Ghost has more or less reconciled with can’t be damaged by the player out of combat either.
In terms of generic enemies who used to be hostile but have become friendly to the player, we have the mantises of the Fungal Wastes and the Siblings/Ghost’s Shade. We learn from the game’s lore that the mantises Did Not Like The Pale King and were hostile to Hallownest, but that they established a ceasefire conditional on their keeping the people of Deepnest (who were also hostile to Hallownest) from leaving through the area’s main entrance/exit in the Fungal Wastes - essentially the two native kingdoms were pitted against one another by the Pale King.
Now, just because there was a ceasefire, that doesn’t mean the mantises take kindly to Hallownest bugs brazenly trespassing into their dang house; they will get in your face and try to kill you unless you have permission to be there. But once you’ve defeated the Mantis Lords in combat and proven yourself worthy of the mantises’ respect, they’ll let you pass through their turf unmolested. They are no longer actively hostile and don't deal contact damage.
(You're still able to attack them, though - maybe because you’d be locked out of receiving the Hunter’s Mark if you complete the Respect quest/achievement before you’ve successfully killed enough mantises? - and if you attack them, or if your pet charm familiars attack them, any mantises you aggroed will fight back and deal contact damage again.)
The Siblings, as well as Ghost’s Shade, are initially indiscriminately hostile. Our window into Shade psychology is limited, but we know that the Shade died violently and the Siblings probably did too; they may be lashing out. They’re also Void creatures, and Ghost looks a lot like the Pale King, whom we can guess from context clues pissed the Void off significantly by using it as his personal play-doh to make tools and toys with and also using its house as his personal garbage dump for baby corpses.
However, once Ghost recalls their past and breaks the mask of the Kingsoul charm to reveal the Void Heart at its core, the Void recognizes them as a part of it, and Ghost becomes able to direct/lead the Void to some extent. As an extension of this, the Siblings and Ghost’s shade become docile and can now be killed by any weapon in one hit instead of just the Dream Nail (which is made of Radiance’s Light and is the Void’s natural weakness). They don’t deal contact damage anymore either.
That’s it for “enemies that inflict contact damage at one point, but stop inflicting it after becoming friendly or neutral to Ghost”.
The generic enemies which don't inflict contact damage include shrumelings, maggots, maskflies, and lightseeds/lifeseeds. These enemies are incapable of inflicting any damage on Ghost whatsoever, because by themselves they are completely helpless entities with no natural defenses.
Shrumelings are infant members of the mushroom clan who are usually protected by adult fungi like shrumal warriors and ogres. Lightseeds and lifeseeds are harmless single-celled organisms. Maskflies are similarly harmless. Maggots, we glean from the Hunter’s Journal and dialogue from False Knight/Failed Champion, are the bottom rung of Hallownest’s society because they are weak and helpless, and are forced into menial and slave labor by other Hallownest bugs because they cannot defend themselves. The maggots’ plight is the whole reason why False Knight/Failed Champion stole Hegemol's armor in the first place, as he wanted to protect his people.
All of these enemies flee when Ghost approaches them. (Some maskfly groups’ flight triggers are set to specific areas on a map and won’t flee if you can avoid stepping on/passing through those areas, but this is clearly due to a programming oversight because their whole Thing is running away.)
But, there’s something interesting to be observed in the case of lightseeds and maggots: They can fight back against and harm Ghost if they use tools. The little flock of lightseeds you chase around the Ancient Basin eventually get sick of Ghost’s shit and take over Broken Vessel/Lost Kin’s corpse, which they puppet around to try to murder you. By doing so they gain access to Broken Vessel/Lost Kin’s considerable combat prowess and become very dangerous, contact damage included in the bargain. (The lightseeds’ doing this seems to evoke the vessel’s spirit, since they reach for Ghost when defeated. That’s not a gesture the lightseeds have any reason to make. The Lost Kin fight, by which the spirit seems to gain some form of closure, becomes available here too.)
False Knight/Failed Champion’s fights work on the same general principle. Now that he has a weapon he can attack Ghost, and his armor deals contact damage. The maggot inside the armor does not inflict contact damage; essentially both his boss fights consist of your whacking the armor until he’s stunned and pops out of the armor for a moment so you can hit his vulnerable real body, which is the only part of him that yields Soul when you smack him. In fact, his boss fights will last forever if you let him recover from being stunned on his own.
Between these two groups, Radiance very obviously doesn’t fit in the first, as she’s the final boss and is very vigorously trying to kill Ghost with various magic spells. You can tell from her Dream Nail dialogue that she’s furious about what the Pale King did to her and her people, and is afraid for her life. She is willing to use everything at her disposal to try to destroy Ghost so she can survive, go free, and get revenge for the Pale King’s crimes. If she could do contact damage to Ghost she would.
So, the only logical conclusion to make is that Radi falls into the second group of enemies that don’t inflict contact damage. She is physically incapable of causing any harm to anyone with only her body. Her magic is deadly as all get out and the 2 masks damage explosion noise probably haunts the nightmares of anyone who’s struggled fighting her, but without it she is helpless.
It might be pretty hard to reconcile the fact that a character with Audre Lorde energy as potent as Radi Hollowknight’s is has a whopping 0 ATK. The biggest clues we get in terms of story context for her inability to inflict physical harm of any kind can be found within the culture of the moth tribe, who were her people.
Thistlewind, the backer-designed moth ghost who can be found in the Resting Grounds, tells you that the majority of moths were pacifists, and that individuals like them and like Markoth who learned to wield a nail were in the minority. Thistlewind appears to have learned to fight as a means of self-defense while they explored the crater area, and describes Markoth as having done so in order to “[brave] the edges of this world, hoping to uncover a truth long forgotten”. It sounds to me like Markoth was trying to recover parts of moth culture that were lost when their tribe was assimilated into Hallownest, or maybe even searching for Radiance or trying to learn what happened to her. (Judging that his corpse is hidden behind one of the Pale King’s shade gates it seems this didn’t go well. Thanks TPK.)
As far as fighting moths go there’s Marmu too, but she seems to be a special case, possibly raised in Hallownest's culture instead of with her tribe. We don’t actually get any sort of canon explanation for how a baby moth wound up as a child soldier who died defending the Queen’s Gardens, but given the overall tone of Hollow Knight as a game and all the colonization/Australian history parallel subtext, some horrifying possibilities come to mind.
So, if Thistlewind, Markoth, and Marmu are Outliers Lepidoptera and should not be counted, how did the majority of moths spend their time? According to Seer, who knows more about the tribe’s history than most (and to Quirrel, who points you to her if you defeat Uumuu before picking up the Dream Nail), the moths’ main prerogative was cultivating and developing dream magic. From the way the Seer describes dreams as a living history as you collect Essence, dream magic seems to be a parallel to the Dreaming (or Dreamtime), a spiritual concept in Indigenous Australian religion related to both history and myth.
To translate this into simple terms, the moths were by and large pacifists whose culture celebrated art, history, and spirituality.
Team Cherry tends to adapt at least some aspects of real-life bug behavior and biology into their sad cartoon bugs, so moths-as-pacifists tracks: Real moths do not really have any way to fight. They defend themselves from predators via their mobility and their markings, which tend towards either camouflage that helps them hide or bright markings intended to scare predators off by indicating they’re poisonous (therefore not good to eat) or look like the face of something much bigger and more dangerous than they are.
There's not that much we can glean about the moths in pre-Hallownest society aside from Seer’s dialogue, because Hallownest destroyed their civilization so thoroughly: Except in the Dream Realm (which is filled with Essence spirographs and the wisteria charms that decorate Seer’s room), their architecture can only be found anymore in hidden parts of the Resting Grounds and at the very top of the Crystal Peak where Radi’s statue and a fuckton of lore tablets Ghost doesn’t know how to read are located.
But, we know that the crater pre-Hallownest was home to a ton of diverse bug nations - the mosskin, the mushroom tribe, the mantises, Deepnest, the Hive, the flukes - and every SINGLE one of those had some kind of warrior tradition, as well as their own unique cultures. In the midst of all that it was only the moths who were pacifists, so from there we can tentatively assume that they were on good enough terms with their neighbors for there not to be any fighting. The mosskin in particular also had and still have a Higher Being on their side, though in the modern day Unn seems to be rather conflict avoidant to say the least.
And we know from Hallownest’s past dealings with the mantises and Deepnest that even having Two (2) Higher Beings isn’t enough to keep rival civilizations off your nuts if they hate you, so it’s improbable that Radiance just did all the moths’ fighting for them.
The only hint that the moths ever had beef with anyone at all is one of Radiance’s Dream Nail lines, “ancient enemy” - this is popularly theorized to refer to the Void and might be corroborated by the Void’s willingness to follow Ghost into Radi’s boss fights and fight alongside them. As the Void seems to be some sort of Higher Being/god of darkness and nothingness, and the Dream Nail’s only offensive ability is to kill Void creatures, the Void and creatures of Light appear to be in a position of mutual vulnerability. Some of the Pale King’s writings in his workshop, which identify the Void as a power in direct opposition to his, support this too.
It’s unclear whether the Void civilization and Radiance ever directly came to blows or whether they were just giving each other the stink eye over being natural enemies - personally I think the latter is more likely because the two civilizations existed on opposite sides of the crater*, and again, the moths were pacifists; plus when Ghost brings the Void along to Radi’s boss fight she is quickly and gruesomely overwhelmed by it.
What I am saying here is that if pacifism was such an integral aspect of moth culture, and Radiance epitomized her people’s culture, and she is 100% incapable of inflicting physical harm, she was probably a pacifist too.
Hallownest flourished for a long, long time between the Pale King and White Lady first establishing it and the initial outbreak of the Infection.
There’s no conclusive information in-game as to why this is. We can only guess: Maybe Radiance was so badly hurt or weakened by the moths’ assimilation that it simply took her That Long to become capable of the mass dream broadcast to Literally Everyone In Hallownest that would eventually become the Infection when Hallownest’s people tried to suppress it. Or, maybe it just took a long time for her to come up with a way to fight back. It’s possible that it took her a while to find the resolve to actually fight back, too, with her principles of pacifism in conflict with the necessity of defending herself and taking her people back. Maybe there was a change in the moths’ situation in Hallownest somewhere down the line that compelled her to step in - all the moths are super extremely dead at the time Hollow Knight starts, after all. Even Seer is eventually revealed to be a revenant like Ze’mer the Grey Mourner, only lingering in the world to pass on the Dream Nail and tell Radiance’s story. Maybe it was a combination of all those factors. Barring Team Cherry dropping in to explain this bit of Sekret Deep Lore, we are never going to know.
All we DO know for sure is that when we mosey into Hollow’s brain (and/or Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny our way to the top of Hallownest’s Pantheon) and challenge the literal actual sun to a fight, Radi takes the challenge with extreme prejudice and comes in swinging.
Something interesting I noticed while comparing the Radiance boss fights with the Pure Vessel fight is that some of their attacks are vaguely similar. Where warrior-mage characters like Xero and Markoth have physical weapons that they summon and manipulate with magic, Radiance and Pure Vessel both create nails and daggers out of Essence and Soul respectively. Both characters’ magical weapon attacks are similar in nature too: Some are used to create hazards that must be dodged or avoided, and some are fired directly at Ghost in radial patterns.
This begs a very sad chicken-and-egg question. Did Radi and Hollow develop these battle techniques independently of each other, has Hollow in their prime form somehow absorbed similar techniques to Radi through osmosis since they’re currently chained together by the brain... or is Radi mimicking and innovating on these attacks she knows Hollow can do?
All her other attacks seem very obvious for a light-themed character, after all: Beam attacks and blobs of light. A flash of bright light is also how she shakes off the Void the first time it tries to grab her, too, making for a strong argument that that’s the original natural defense she possessed, and that’s what she based most of her attack magic off of.
Making sword’s and knive’s from Essence when most of her people didn’t even handle these sorts of tools even at the height of her power and influence, though... that seems less like something that would come naturally to her. i don’t really know i don’t have a definitive answer or theory for this one it just Seems Possible and it’s fucking me up guys
Even the Infection - which began life as Radiance’s attempt to communicate, let’s remember, before it progressed to “The End Of Eva Disease Will Continue Until Someone Actually Listens To Me” and then finally Radi screaming “FUCK U LET ME OUT, GET THAT NEW SUNNY D BOTTLE THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, HALLOWNEST EAT SHIT” during canon - does not appear to be fatal to living bugs until the tumorous growths grow so large they impede bodily functions, like real cancer. We can observe this phenomenon via a number of NPCs and enemies that are rediscovered as tumorous corpses after the whole Crossroads area becomes infected.
At least to me, all of this points to Radiance being a character to whom violence and causing harm doesn't come naturally, and who has resorted to these methods in desperation.
It actually reminds me a lot of False Knight/Failed Champion. It’s a very common theory among fans that when he stole Hegemol’s armor he killed Hegemol - this is a reasonable thing to believe, since Hegemol is the only one of the Five Great Knights of Hallownest who never appears at all in-game, not even as a corpse like Dryya and Isma. Like Radi, False Knight/Failed Champion is a character who rose up and turned to violence in order to protect his people, despite the maggots not being a belligerent species.
False Knight is one of the game’s first major bosses, sometimes the first boss that players encounter at all. And so Hollow Knight’s story bookends with two separate victims of a predatory system, one who lived within and was cannibalized by it, one outside of it who was deliberately targeted by the Pale King. Neither of them started out as a fighter, but both of them still adopted violence as a tool to protect themselves and their people. Radiance is as doomed as False Knight by the Pale King’s genocide, but just like False Knight, she has no intention of going quietly, and will rage against the dying of the light as only the literal actual sun can.
Cue Deedee Magno Hall voice clip. You all know the one.
*A footnote: There’s no conclusive evidence to tell us whether the Void civilization was contemporaneous with the other pre-Hallownest indigenous bug nations or whether it predated them. Mask Maker has a line suggesting that the Void civilization tried to expand throughout the crater in its heyday and that maybe this was linked to its collapse, but in general the Void lore is just too darn thin to draw firm conclusions - it’s like trying to speculate on the ancient stone age cultures of the Americas that came before pre-settler Indigenous countries when the only sources you can easily access are elementary school level US history textbooks. (To non-Americans: We mostly teach kids propaganda until they hit college-level courses and it sucks so much ass.) This is very realistic worldbuilding, but also please Team Cherry I want to know more about these ancient bugs who apparently got lost in the sauce
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, Yours. (5)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: family AU, hapkido teacher AU
Word count: 3.1K
Warnings: cursing
a/n: Finally I am updating this little story! I havent updated it in a long while for which I apologise, it wasnt my intention :( But there will be a slight twist in their “planned” pregnancy so... I cant wait to have a little fun 😁  I am always eager to hear your opinions.🙌 Stay safe!
PARTS: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5
This time, Baekhyun was the first one to be awake. Stirring a little bit around, he turned to his right side where your back was facing him, your hair splayed out on the pillow like a wild willow tree.
Scurrying a little closer, he brought his pillow to yours, his arm finding your sweet middle as he breathed in your fresh scent. He really liked moments like these, when the sun had yet to rise, the clock had yet to struck 6 and  you had yet to wake up, while he could just indulge in looking at you without being interrupted by anything or anyone.
Plus, the fact that few days had already passed since both you and him found out about your state did not mean he got used to the idea of suddenly three people occupying this bed. What a miracle, he thought. What a blessing.
Baekhyun carefully maneuvered himself out of the bed, his feet gently tapping on the wooden floor as he tiptoed to your side to turn off your alarm clock. He wanted to be the one to surprise you and wake you up with healthy breakfast in bed before both of you would have to head out to your work places.
Today he had a hapkido class with university students and as much as he loved the class, he just wanted to spend time with you.
He was just in the middle of pouring thick and rich pumpkin porridge into the last bowl when he heard you open the bedroom door.
“Baekhyun, what are you doing up so early?” you murmured, your voice low and heavy. “Sorry, it seems like I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. I would have done the breakfast myself,” you continued walking to his side to take the big pot out of his hand so that you could do it instead of him.
Baekhyun continued his job, not budging once at your prying hands. “Why are you up if your alarm clock didn't go off? I worked so hard this morning to turn off your alarm, and yet here you are beating the nature clock.”
“You turned off my alarm?” you asked, surprised.
“Of course I did!” exclaimed Baekhyun, as he put the pot back down on the stove and reached for the drawer to take out two spoons. “Now go back to bed, we have a breakfast to eat and you still owe me a face of surprise when I bring the food in,” he said, preoccupied with putting the bowls on the tray.
You held back the giggle that was threatening to spill at his antiques. “Alright, let me just pee real quick.”
By the time you were back, Baekhyun was bouncing on the bed, eagerly waiting for both of you to indulge in the hot porridge that was one of your favourites. You made sure to look completely taken aback when you sat down on the bed, giving him a loud peck on the cheek before making yourself comfortable. “You know this is the food we have after a hangover,” you murmured, taking a big spoonful and swallowing it in one.
“Oho, slow down, hungry cub. You will get a tummy ache if you eat so fast,” scolded Baekhyun gently, making you smile.
“Yes, chef.”
He gave you a wink. “And anyway. You love this porridge, might as well please your taste buds.”
You nodded, devouring a spoonful after another until you were done before him. And that rarely ever happened. “Done!”
he shook his head at you, trying to swallow the last bids of his porridge.
“Look at me! I rock today,” you laughed loudly when he pouted.
“It isn't fair,” he whined, putting down his spoon into now an empty bowl. “I am alone while you guys are two!”
Your laughter halted, melting into an endearing smile. Warmth spread through your insides. “I don't think its the matter yet,” you responded. “It has long way to grow for me to eat for two, you know?”
“No, it doesn't. It still counts.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you reached over the tray to mess up his bed hair. “Alright, whatever you say, mister. Still does not change the fact that I win for today, ha! And now, you better hurry, you need to be at the university in an hour!”
“First a kiss,” he demanded, crossing his arms on his chest.
Smiling, you pressed your lips to his warm ones, tasting the porridge. 
“Love you,” he murmured.
Once Baekhyun was out the door, you rushed to prepare for your work only to end up with your head in the toilet, throwing up all the porridge and more. 
You made it your absolute, utmost priority to keep your blessed state as far away from the workplace as possible. Not only was it all so fresh and new, but you also needed to wait till the first trimester was over to be 100% sure the pregnancy was safe and actually happening. Besides, you would lose your job immediately if your boss as much as whifs a baby around you. Thankfully, he was not the smartest man, as much as he insisted himself.
It only got proven when he called you into his office few days later, his meaty index finger pointing at the contract in front of him. It was a deal between yours and a Chinese company, but it was written in English. “I am sure there was a mistake on their side,” he mumbled, frustration slowly, but surely boiling in his facial features as he was gripping the piece of paper. He chuckled bitterly. “And they think I wouldnt find out? Just who do they think they are? I find out everything,” he seethed through gritted teeth as he suddenly snapped his eyes up at you, catching you off guard in the process.
You winced, taking a cautious step back, trying not to give too much attention to the meaning behind his words. “Sir, I believe this is correct,” you tried to explain gently, “the deal does not have any mistakes in English, we have already skimmed through it.”
He frowned. “But the calculations aren't correct. There should be one more zero.”
As calmly as you possibly could, you explained to him that he, indeed, bought much more than he actually thought. Making business was not always rainbows and unicorns, and today this fact seemed to dawn on your boss. “You were in a conference call last week,” you kept reminding him, “and because they offered you a good deal, you decided to buy more. Therefore you had to pay more, and we received less.”
He snatched the paper out of your small hands and gave you an ugly stare. “Whatever. I know my things,” he mumbled, turning his face back to the table.
“That is my job, sir.”
He whipped his head back at you again, but you only bowed at him politely, turning to walk out of his office when he started: “I still haven't scolded you for lying to me.”
Raising your head from your bow, you looked at him with worried eyes. “Lied to you, sir?”
He scoffed. “You lying about having a boyfriend was not the best move. Even if it is a white lie, I don't want any of it in my office. Nor in this company.”
You nodded, fully aware and guilty. You saw this coming sooner or later.
“And,” he started, giving you a side-look. “You plan on getting married?”
Holding back your breath, you knew you could reply to him truthfully. “No. Definitely not anytime soon anyway. As you know, it is a pricey matter.”
“Well, if you keep up the good work here, you might be able to save some money for such occasion,” he replied, his poker face giving you a slight unease. “Besides, I'm sure your handsome boyfriend would earn loads with that face of his.”
To that, you did not want to reply. Baekhyun, indeed, was a handsome man. This was a fact ever since you got to really know him back in the high school days, when he already graduated but still would sometimes visit your school for physical work around the building. The girls would be drooling and swooning in the big hallway windows during break, but he saved his handsome boyish smiles only for you,  always giving you a wink that would swoosh away the unwanted company of other girls.
When your boss realised he wouldn't get an answer from you, he ended the conversation on a very straight-forward note. “Whatever. Just don't get pregnant with him. Or anyone. No pregnancy in this company.”
It has been a few weeks later that the battle with the rollercoaster of your emotions had gone downward. There were still no direct signs of a small human being inside of you, but oh my goodness, were your hormones and emotions acting up. Tired of constantly puking your guts out on the morning, then rushing to work, dealing with the moody bastard of a boss, being either desperate for Baekhyun's touch or just plain hating his presence in the same room was driving you up the wall. 
Countless times you ended up bawling your eyes out in the bathroom in your work, or in the shower at home, because you didn't see a way out of this. Plus, the stress of accidentally revealing your pregnancy even to the ever-so-kind Sukyeong left you with a heavy soul. You needed to talk to someone of your age, you needed some help but your own independent self couldn't as much as think of such an option.
Another issue was scaring Baekhyun away from you and him leaving you alone in this mess that HE created… No, scratch that. Your slight change in weight made you feel so utterly unattractive that you were trying not to physically shudder whenever he complimented you about your looks. And the poor boy hadn't even a clue about your internal turmoil.
You sighed.
“You look freaking gorgeous, love.”
He said it again. And he meant it, he honestly did. You saw it in his eyes.
Being now almost past the first trimester, you and Baekhyun were both dressing up for your scheduled ultrasound at the doctor's. Although you were a bit nervous, you were thankful Baekhyun was always there throughout each check-up you had. And yet, here you were pissed at him, but you said nothing.
“Are you alright?” he asked you carefully, knowing how your mood could change within a nanosecond. He came closer to you as you were standing in front of the mirror you had in your tiny bedroom.
Swallowing harshly, you nodded, but did not look into his eyes. Ever so gently, through your tight dress, you saw a gentle baby bump. It could easily be covered up (and you did passionately cover it up for work) but it was there. Solid. A prove that it was real.
“Do we want to know the gender, honey?” asked Baekhyun gently, as he made another step closer to you and he let his hands hold your hips before his wide palms ever-so slowly slid over your stomach where he let them rest. Then his chin came resting on your shoulder as he turned his face to give you a gentle kiss to your neck.
You heart-rate picked up and it wasn't because of the high blood pressure you had been experiencing recently. “I don't know,” you whispered looking at him through the reflection in the mirror, “do we?”
This topic has been on your mind for the longest time. Do you want to be surprised? Or do you want to be prepared? Surely, in the nature of the village life, the answer would be an immediate: yes, we do want to know. Poor villagers always wanted certainty, and it was only understandable. But maybe this unpredictable city life of Seoul made you more adventurous. You might have not wanted to know.
He hummed, the vibrations in his chest sending electric shocks down your spine, causing you to squirm in his arms. He let out an amused laugh through his nose before he whispered into your ear: “So sensitive, my love.”
“You fucking tease,” you glowered, but leaned back into him.
He gasped softly and squeezed your body. “Now there, sweet cheeks, we do not swear with a baby inside of you.”
“Then stop teasing, love” you snapped back and he laughed now with an open mouth. “You know exactly what you are doing. You're sneaky.”
“Sure I am. You know me, hun. And now back to the point,” he emphasized, and you rolled your eyes but smiled anyways. “I don't mind if we get surprised. But if you want the gender to be revealed, I am supporting that as well.”
You nodded as you held his hands on your belly, letting your fingers caress the top of his knuckles. “Alright,” you said, nodding. “I think I will, ehm, see how I feel once we are there?”
He hummed in approval before he turned his head again, waiting for you to turn your face to see him. So you did. And then he gave you the sweetest smile of support before he leaned in and gave you a breathtaking kiss, ending it with a loud smack. “Shall we go then?”
Usually it was always an uncomfortable experience to sit in the waiting room of your doctor with other pregnant ladies. When you weren't pregnant, you felt so out of place, despite you having an active lovemaking life. That was why you were sitting there, right? Even at those times, Baekhyun was going with you, just because he wanted to be responsible and also to support you. He knew how much the village ladies didn't go for regular check-ups.
So now, sitting there with your tiny belly as your hands were intertwined with your boyfriend, it was a completely different feeling. You were still shy to as much as lie on that stupid chair, let alone spread your legs in front of a stranger - even though it was a woman and a doctor. But now it just felt right. You were eager. Excited. Happy. Curious. And Baekhyun felt your excitement as your knee was bouncing up and down. He was excited as well. The sparkle in his eyes was proving it.
Once finally inside, you both took a seat opposite your doctor, who gifted you with a kind smile as she also took a seat and skimmed through your papers. “The lovely couple I could never forget,” she noted, briefly looking at you and Baekhyun before diving back into your records. “And the unplanned baby. So!” she exclaimed, folding quickly the papers before she rested her laced hands down on the table. “Any abnormalities?” she looked at you, obviously expecting you to answer her questions.
Squeezing Baekhyun's hand under the table, you shrugged, not sure if what you were about to say was an abnormality. “Crazy mood swings. Emotions are a mess. Throwing up is still on, but thankfully not so often… And my boobs hurt,” you mumbled the last sentence, looking at your hand engulfed in Baekhyun's, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. This time Baekhyun squeezed your hand, although you didn't notice the affectionate look he sent your way. You dared to look up when you heard the doctor laugh.
“Those are all completely normal signs. Is your blood pressure still acting up?” she asked and as she was waiting for your reply she turned in her chair and grabbed the little machine. “I will check it now.”
You nodded but Baekhyun answered for you. “She had a couple of dizzy moments, but it wasn't as severe.”
The doctor nodded and checked you up, writing down the final results. “It's normal today. But if it will get too high, you need to go to the hospital. You know that, right?”
Not the happiest with her advice, you nodded.
“Good,” she replied cheerfully. “Any questions before we start the ultrasound?”
You were just about to shake your head when your boyfriend cleared his throat, stopping you from doing the action. You gave him a wary look, and he squeezed your hand again when he spoke: “How is it with, eh, sex? As the baby is growing, we are not sure how far we can go or if we should even do it. And I wouldn't want to hurt my girlfriend or the baby...” he trailed off, his ears growing pink. You felt your heart swell with love for him as you smiled like a little high school student.
“Oh my god, please do have sex,” replied your doctor, her eyes worried as she gestured with her hand to you. “She might not be showing it, but the sexual frustration can get out of hand, to put it nicely,” she continued, her stance confident. “Paying attention to your pregnant lady is very important in every phase of pregnancy and it is completely safe. Of course, around the due date you might want to be more careful, however it does not necessarily affect the baby in any way, so there is no need to worry, Baekhyun. It is more than healthy,” she laughed loudly, making you and Baekhyun giggle in the meantime.
“Any more questions? No? Good! Then let's get to it,” she clapped her hands, swiftly getting up from her chair and walking to the bed where you lied down, now familiar with the process. Baekhyun was sitting on a chair just where your head was, and he ran his fingers through your hair, giving you a reassuring smile while you tried not wince at the cold gel touching your hot skin covering your stomach.
“So do we want to find out the gender?” she asked as she spread the gel evenly, now digging into your tummy while she was already looking at the screen.
You contemplated quickly but before you could answer the doctor cut through: “Or do you want to know how many babies you would have?” she asked, but her voice was light but a bit unfocused as she stared at the screen. 
Not seeing Baekhyun's frown, he asked: “What do you mean?”
It was silent for a little longer, your doctor going through the same trail on your belly again, probably to double check whatever she saw there. Letting out a tiny laugh, she turned to look at your puzzled looks. “Well, this is fantastic!” she exclaimed and for some strange reason you had a feeling this might not be the best news, nor the news you were expecting when you were coming there. So when she uttered the next words, you felt your world crumbling down on you, and this time you could be sure Baekhyun wasn't as confident either. “You are expecting triplets!”
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austin-winchester67 · 4 years
I couldn’t believe it when I saw her walk through the doors and into the brewery. She was beautiful. Her y/h/c was pulled back in a simple braid that hung loosely across her right shoulder. Her y/e/c damn near stopped me in my tracks but I had things around that I had to do and couldn’t be distracted. However I did take note of where she had been seated.
Music was billowing from the sound system, idle chit chat was being had around the tables that were scattered around the inside floor of the building, but one laugh broke through all of the excess noise and caught my attention while I was behind the bar. I snapped my head up to see where it was coming from and discovered that it was coming from her table. I had been so zoned in on watching her face light up as she laughed that I failed to immediately notice that there was now somebody else sitting at the table with her. A man. To say that my smile fell and that my hurt ached a little was an understatement.
Of all days for me to be distracted, this was not the day. It was a Saturday afternoon and the musical reformer for the evening had cancelled last minute due to a family emergency. That meant one thing. I was going to have to get on stage and sing a little bit. I had no problem doing it, honestly it was second nature to me and it was something that I loved doing now and had gotten use to thanks to all the conventions that I had sang at. But this was slightly different and I knew that it would be as soon as I had seen her.
“Hey Boss, are you ready?” George asked me as he was getting the stage set up finalized for me.
“Yeah. Give me just a minute.” I replied as I signaled him for paper and a pen so I could jot down the songs that I wanted to do.
After a few more minutes I was standing on the small stage with the microphone in hand and the light shining on me.
“Hey y’all! It’s good to see so many people here on this beautiful Saturday. First I want to apologize but our musical act of the night couldn’t make it due to unforeseen circumstances.” I started.
Everybody had their eyes on me and I could feel one set of eyes imparticular. She was boring a hole straight through me. Apparently she hadn’t seen me when she came in or any while she and her date were sitting there enjoying each other’s company, because her eyes had just about bugged out of her head when she heard my voice.
I watched her relax back into conversation with her date while I spoke into the microphone again.
“But…” I said as I lifted a finger to the audience telling them to hold on a second. “I have something up my sleeve for y’all. Me. I am going to be the musical entertainment for the night. Just please, don’t throw any tomatoes at me.” I laughed as the music started.
I breezed through a couple of songs with no problems but the song that I was going to end this set with would be different.
When the first chord of the song played I hung my head because I knew just how hard this was going to be. Not just for me.
I took the deepest breath possible before I started singing.
“She don’t love you, she’s just lonely
She wasn’t once upon a time
She used to dance when the band played
She used to be the trustin’ kind”
On instinct I scanned the room to see how people were reacting to the song that I had picked. Most people were just idly watching me with their generic wonder.
But her table told a different story. Her eyes had me pinned against the wall, while her date was none the wiser to anything that was going on.
“She’s no stranger to the leaving
She’s heard all the best goodbyes
Fallin’ has a different meaning
To her you’re just another guy”
I had to keep pulling my eyes away from her while I was singing, and while her date was trying his best to get her attention centered back onto himself.
“She don’t love you, she’s just lonely
She don’t know another way
To break free from what’s been broken
Too many cowboys rode away
So forgive her if she’s distant
She can’t tell her heart to lie, no
You’ll never been her one and only
She don’t love you, she’s just lonely”
“You can hold her in the moonlight
You can give her all the stars
You can promise her forever
But you’ll never have her heart”
“She don’t love you, she’s just lonely
She don’t know another way
To break free from what’s been broken
Too many cowboys rode away
So forgive her if she’s distant
She can’t tell her heart to lie, no
You’ll never be her one and only
She don’t love you, she’s just lonely”
As embarrassing as it was, I was so into the song that I had to wipe a stray tear from my cheek. I felt this song way too much, that’s why I picked this song.
“She don’t love you
She don’t love you, she’s just lonely
She wasn’t once upon a time
I remember her in sunlight
I remember her when she was mine
As the song ended I stood there briefly, with my head down, trying to catch my breath as the crowd showered me with their applause.
“Thank y’all. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” I thanked everybody as I waved and walked off the stage.
After a few minutes I finally mad my way back behind the bar and poured myself a healthy 2 fingers of whiskey. My plan was to just hang out behind the bar and makes drinks whenever the staff needed them but that plan was quickly shot to shit.
I heard her bracelet hit the bar just before I heard her voice.
“Jensen?” I asked softly, almost timidly.
‘Well here goes nothing.’ I thought as I swallowed the whiskey down all at once.
“Y/N.” I muttered before I turned around to face her.
“What are you doing here Jensen?” I could hear the confusion laced in her voice.
“Well I do own this place.” I stated matter-of-factly, trying to remain composed.
“I meant, I thought that you were still in Vancouver.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble darling but I still come home on weekends. This is home still.”
“I know. I just didn’t think that you would be here today. I…I shouldn’t have come.” Y/N said just before she turned away.
“No. Y/N…please. Stay for a minute.” I almost begged as I reached out and grabbed her hand before she could pull it off of the bar.
When Y/N turned around I could see the hurt in her eyes. I recognized it so quickly because it matched mine.
“Jen…I really shouldn’t have come, today of all days. I really didn’t think that you would be here. I figured that you would be in Vancouver filming or drowning in a bottle of whatever you could get your hands on.”
“Why are you here Y/N?” I asked softly, leaning onto the counter of the bar trying to close some of the distance that was between Y/N and I. Literally and metaphorically.
“Like I said, I didn’t think that you would be here today. I just needed to feel grounded. It’s been a year.” She explained, tears threatening to spill over her lower lashes.
“Yet you brought a date.” I could feel the disdain dripping from my voice.
“He has no idea what happened Jen. I’m just trying to move on.”
I grabbed her hand again and made her follow me to my office before I blew up in front of dozens of people that didn’t need to know my business.
“Trying to move on?!?” I growled as I closed the door to my office and locked it, not wanting anybody to barge in.
“Jensen. My date is out there! I can’t leave him alone.” Y/N groaned.
“I don’t give a fuck about him! How dare you bring another man HERE…TODAY!” I choked out. I didn’t want to yell her Y/N but everything was bubbling up and threatening to jump out.
“Jensen! I am just trying to finally move on.” Y/N spoke, tears pouring down her beautiful face now.
“Yeah. Now. The one thing that you couldn’t do with me…after everything.”
“I know. I’m sorry Jen. I tried. You tried. God, we tried so freaking hard! Don’t think I don’t know that. I NEVER asked for any of this shit to happen.”
“I know you didn’t.” I whispered as I pulled Y/N to me and wrapped her in a much needed hug. “Neither of us did.”
“Why did it have to happen to us Jens?” she cried into my chest.
“I wish I could answer the Y/N. I really do. To be totally honest with you, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t wonder the same thing.”
“I miss her so much.” Y/N looked into my eyes and I could see the devastation there, almost as fresh as the day our lives fell apart.
“I do too sweetheart.” I assured Y/N as I pulled her face back into my chest and stroked her hair soothingly. “I would do anything to have our baby girl Reverie back with us. But I guess things weren’t meant to be. Those 3 months with her were the best of my life. That night that I found her in her crib, I wish I could black it out of my memory on a daily basis. I wish I could bring her back and things could be the way that they were for us.” I spoke, tears steadily streaming down my face.
“I feel like my heart is being ripped out every time I wake up. I still have a picture of her up in my room at my apartment. I don’t think I will ever take it down.”
“I have her picture in my living room in Vancouver.” I tried smiling.
“I don’t remember if I ever apologized to you for pushing you away after Reverie died. It was so sudden and I didn’t know how to handle a loss of that magnitude. She was everything Jensen.” Y/N spoke as a sob wracked her body.
“Y/N losing a child, at any age, is something that a parent should never have to go through. Unfortunately for us, we were 2 unlucky souls that had to find a way to handle our 3 month old baby girl leaving us way too early. Sweetheart, there is no need to apologize for handling her death badly. Once you called off our engagement and kicked me out, I went back up to my place in Vancouver and got lost in my whiskey, beer, wine, anything that I could drink really. But I knew I couldn’t stay like that. Too many people depend on me. But most of all, I depend on myself and I had to grieve in a different way. I really can’t explain it Y/N, but I’m in a better place now. I’m not going to lie though, my heart fell out of my ass when I saw you walk in earlier. I wanted to run but I knew that I couldn’t.”
“You saw me walk in?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah. As soon as the doors opened I saw you. Then I saw your boyfriend sitting with you later on. I know that you are moving on and I’m happy for you but I know that you are lonely. You should know that if you ever want to talk about Reverie that you can call me. There is no reason that I shouldn’t have heard from you for the last 10 months. We needed each other and we weren’t there. There is no reason that we should be strangers Y/N. We were together for 3 years before you found out you were pregnant. We were going to get married. We shared our lives and had a beautiful daughter. You will always have a piece of me.” I said as I wiped the tears from my face.
“Boyfriend? Jensen, this is only mine and his second date. I have only known him about a month. He is sweet but he has no idea about anything. I don’t want to tell him just yet.”
“Well, I will let you get back to your date. Enjoy yourself Y/N and if you need anything just let me know. That goes for after you walk out of the brewery doors too.” I told her as I kissed the top of her head.
“Thank you Jensen. You will always have a piece of me too babe.” Y/N said as she reached up and kissed my cheek before she walked out of my office and back to her date.
I sat at my desk trying to catch my breath for a couple of minutes while mindlessly going over some paperwork that had been on my desk for a few days. That was until I heard my name.
“Jensen.” Somebody spoke through my closed door.
“It’s open.”
“My date left.” Y/N said with a crooked, lost looking smile.
“Oh really?” I smirked.
The End
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sakuwriteshere · 4 years
Pretty Little Liar: Chapter 2
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General warnings (for the whole story): Fluff, comedy, angst, sexual innuedos, roommates AU, Ketch is a douche
Beta reader: @irebloggbecauseiappreciateyou.
Words count: 4238 words
PLL Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Chapter 2:
It’s finally time for Y/N to properly meet Dean’s only woman he truly cares about: Baby, aka his car. There’s really something about men and their cars, her own father named his, and the few men she dated did just the same. She has to admit that the black muscle car is a beauty. A piece of collection and Dean does take good care of her, she’s sparkling and still in brand new condition. As she’s sitting down on the passenger seat, Y/N lets her fingers brush against the leather reverently while Dean puts the last of their bags in the trunk. The old car creaks and dips as Dean slides on the driver seat.
“Ready to go, Sweetheart?” Dean asks her in a huff, both hands roaming over the steering wheel. “I thought a pet name would make this thing more realistic.” he justifies himself when she frowns at the nickname.
“Do you prefer something else? Honey? Or Princess, maybe?” He suggests and can’t help himself but chuckles when she’s making a disgusted face with the last suggestion.
‘Princess.’ Y/N never liked that nickname, it sounded… cheesy as hell and now she despises it since it reminds her of one of her ex-boyfriends.
“Sweetheart is good. Let’s just stick with the basics.” She suppresses a shudder as one last memory from her ex crosses her mind, he was such a mistake.
“What do you want me to call you back, then?” The engine roars to life, muffling her voice.
“Babe? Oh wait, I know!” She exclaimed, a mischievous smile widening her face. “Bean!”
It’s Dean’s turn to make a sour face making her laugh heartily. Once her laughter subsided, they both agreed to stick with ‘Babe’. Dean is surprised with how good the nickname sounds in her voice. Shaking his head to focus, he finally drives out from his parking spot.
The Winchesters don’t live far from their sons, Dean informs Y/N it’s just a two hours drive which gives them enough time to learn the basics stuff about each other. It starts easily with their favorite colors and type of food, the conversation slowly drifting towards their taste in music, both having a soft spot for classic rock, before they end on more private facts.
“Speaking of which, I don’t really know what you do for a living.” Y/N says while watching the scenery flying through the opened window, the hot air blowing on her face.
“I’m helping my father with the family business,” Dean replies plainly.
“I know that.” Y/N states, giving him a bitchy face. “You own your own garage. It’s just I’ve never seen you coming back from work covered in grease and things like that. Don’t you get dirty when you’re repairing cars?”
Dean shrugs some more, his eyes flicking to her for a second as he licks his bottom lip. He’s not very fond of speaking about his job. Dean loves what he does for a living, he’s even proud of it but people tend to judge him once they really know what his job is.
“I own several businesses, the garage is one of them.” He starts to explain, knowing that he needs to tell her more if he wants to make his parents believe they’re a couple. “The coffee shop you’re working at, I own it too and a few other things.”
“What?” Y/N’s gaze abandons the scenery from outside at the revelation, her eyes fixed on Dean who chooses to keep his eyes on the road. 
“What?” Dean parrots as Y/N is strangely silent.
Slowly, she brings the pieces together, how easy and quick it was for Rachel to accept her days off.
“You ordered her.” She whispers more to herself than anything, but Dean hears her anyway. “You told her to let me leave for the weekend.”
Dean huffs, his body tensing at her accusation. “I own shops, Y/N, not people. I don’t give orders.” Despite the need to keep his eyes on the road, Dean glances at her a few times, searching for her eyes, he needs to show her he’s telling the truth. “I simply asked her to give you whatever you asked if it was possible, that’s it.”
“You’re rich…” She deduces in a whisper, her eyes staring at her lap.
Dean groans at her statement. Here it goes! Every time people learn about his real job, they start to act and treat him differently and Dean hates it.
“We’re healthy, yeah, but it doesn’t define who I am.” His grumpy voice resonating in the car.
It’s Y/N’s turn to be mad at him. Who does he think she is? She’s not going to treat him differently just because she learned he’s her big boss. “I know that. You’re still my neat-freak roommate.” 
Dean cools down at her indignant tone, his tensed shoulders relaxing in the process. “But?” He tries when he feels she has more to say. She lets out a heavy breath, clasping her hands on her lap.
“But...let’s just say I’m not really the type of girl your parents would expect for you.”
The defeated tone she’s using surprises Dean. Among everything else, that’s not what he thought would bother her.
“We’re not really a couple, you know that?” He reminds her, his hands turning the steering wheel as he approaches his parents’ house.
“I’m aware, thank you!” Her face is blushing hard at the reminder. “But I don’t want them to look down on you, even if it’s fake.”
The tires roll over the gravel, meaning they have reached their destination. Dean parks the car in the shadows in a little corner. They’re both silent for a moment, Dean watching her while she’s keeping her eyes on her lap, her knuckles turning white the more she clenches her hands.
“Hey, look at me,” Dean says quietly, his hand wrapping around her tensed fist. The physical contact forcing Y/N to look at him. 
“Yes we’re healthy but it hasn’t always been the case. We don’t forget where we came from. My parents- my whole family is pretty laid back so there’s nothing to fear, alright?” Green eyes searching her own. After a beat, feeling he’s being honest with her, Y/N forces a tiny smile and nods. Dean squeezes her hand one last time before getting out of the car.
Y/N inhales sharply, telling herself that she doesn’t need to prove anything. Dean and her are going to spend the weekend together, pretending they’re madly in love and by Monday everything will be back to normal. Yeah, there’s nothing to feel bad about, it’s going to be easy!
Her mouth slacks open as she gets out of the car, her eyes finally falling over the huge house in front of her. ‘Laidback people’ my ass! She thinks before she notices Mary Winchester appearing behind the opened vibrant red main door. The blond woman waves happily at them while Dean fetches their bags in the trunk.
“Alright, Sweetheart. Ready to shine?” Dean announces, one hand holding the bags the other one intertwined with Y/N’s one.
“Not even a bit.” Y/N replies between clenched teeth, a huge smile plastered over her face as they walked towards the main entrance.
As soon as they have climbed up the three little steps, Mary engulfs them in a bear hug.
“Dean. Y/N. It’s so good to see you. How was the drive?” Mary’s genuine intrigue can be heard in her voice. Her eyes drift between Y/N and her son, a hand pressed over her heart as she smiles at them. “ Sorry. Sorry.” Mary chuckles when she senses the awkward tension around them. “You look so cute together.”
Guilt creeps through Y/N’s veins. Mary is really happy for her son and doesn’t suspect the fraud, not even for a second. Is Y/N ready to lie right in front of her face? Maybe it’s better to tell Mary the truth before the lie escalates some more?
“Come in, please. You must be thirsty, it's really hot today. Dean, sweety, can you leave your bags in your old room?” Y/N’s trail of thoughts is broken as Mary pushes her into the house.
Y/N’s looking at him with dread and Dean gives her an apologetic smile as he climbs up the stairs leading to the second floor, where the bedrooms are, while she’s escorted by the Winchester’s matriarch into the living room. She wasn’t expecting to be on her own the minute right after they got in.
Fortunately, two familiar faces greet her as they enter the living room. Sam Winchester, Dean’s little brother, and Jessica Moore, his girlfriend, are already there. Y/N had met them a few times already, Sam and Dean being particularly close.
“Y/N?” The shock on Sam’s face is obvious as he recognizes the newcomer.
“Sam. Jessica. It’s so nice to see you again.” Y/N greets, easily accepting Jessica’s hug. It’s good to have something familiar with her, something to keep her nerves on track.
“You’ve already met?” Mary asks, a bit surprised that her youngest son didn’t mention Dean’s new girlfriend before.
“Yeah,” Sam confirms, giving Y/N a light hug as well. “Y/N and Dean are roommates.”
Panic raises within Y/N, Sam knows nothing about the lie, she needs to think about something to say and quickly.
“Dean and I weren’t a thing yet the last time we’ve met.” Y/N tells Mary, a shy smile on her lips, and doing everything she could to ignore Sam and Jessica’s questioning looks.
Looking everywhere to find a distraction, something white and fluffy catches Y/N attention. The awkwardness she was feeling a few seconds before flying out through the window as she spots the cute little puppy on the couch behind Jessica.
“Oh my god.” Y/N’s high pitched voice catches everyone’s attention as she walks towards the couch. “Hello there.”
Kneeling in front of the couch, she watches the Samoyed puppy rustling with the plaid cover wrapped around its tiny body. Her heart melts when she hears the puppy’s tiny barks.
“Aaaww look at you. You’re so cute.” Y/N says in a baby voice. Jessica kneeling next to her, using the same kind of voice.
“We found her on our way here. Went to the vet but it seems like no one claimed her, yet.” Jessica explains, one slender finger stroking the top of the puppy’s head.
“Does she have a name?” Jessica shakes her head no at Y/N question. “She needs a name. Oh, I know! Snowball! Because you just look like a cute, tiny snowball. Yes, you are.” Y/N proposes while stroking the newfound Snowball’s tiny belly. Every time an animal crosses her path, Y/N is a goner.
“Why do people speak with a baby voice when they’re in front of a puppy?” Sam asks his mother, a smile covering his lips when Jessica’s wonderful laughter rings in his ears.
“That’s because we can’t help it,” Mary replies with a baby voice, joining the girls near the couch, welcoming Snowball into the family.
As Sam rolls his eyes, feeling suddenly lonely he spots Dean coming in, his older brother looking down at the strange scene in front of him.
“What’s that thing?” He asks Sam, pointing his index finger at the little white bundle on the couch.
“Apparently it’s Snowball.” Sam sighs, knowing that Jessica didn’t forget what the vet said. If within two weeks no one has claimed the dog, they have the right to keep it. Seems like Sam just got a new dog. “Can I talk to you a second, Dean?” Sam’s lips forming a thin line as he forces a smile.
The two men leave the living room, moving into the main hall for a bit of privacy.
“Since when you and Y/N are dating?” Sam’s quick to ask the question that his mind was burning to ask.
“Er... a couple of months?” When he had picked Y/N as his fake girlfriend, Dean had totally forgotten about the fact Sam knew her already. He just needs to make up another lie, nothing too hard.
“And you didn’t tell me because…?”
“Because it’s none of your business.” Dean groans, not liking his little brother’s interrogation. Sam doesn’t bulge and Dean knows he has to say something more to convince him.
“I… I think this is it. She’s the one, Sam. And-and I don’t want to blow up whatever we have so I preferred to keep it a secret for a while, to go slow, you know?” Dean doesn’t mean any word at all, it’s just an act but he knows he’s little brother is a real sucker for that kind of romantic crap.
“Dean...I-I don’t know what to say.” Sam’s voice sounds apologetic enough to let Dean think he said the right things. The look Sam’s giving him is making Dean a bit uncomfortable, it’s been a long time since Dean had seen that glint in his little brother’s eyes, it’s a mix between joy and pride.
“I would say we’ve all found our perfect missing part, boys.” A deep, throaty voice booms behind them as strong hands tap their backs, startling them in the process.
John Winchester pushes his boys slightly so they can see what’s going on in the living room. From their spot under the doorframe, the three men watch the women kneeling around the puppy and gushing over it in pure wonder.
“Look at them,” John’s voice is softer now, as if he’s scared of disturbing the beautiful scenery in front of him. “They’re getting along so well, as if they have known each other for years. I’m proud of you boys.”
Getting a compliment from their father is like winning the jackpot at the lottery. John Winchester is a good father, he did his best to raise his sons while building an empire for their future, making sure they would never lack anything ever again. But he’s also a reserved man, very demanding, especially with his two sons, so whenever John compliments them, they know he means it.
A particular delightful sound breaks Dean from his giddy state. A sound as clear as crystal and soft as silk to Dean’s ears, Y/N’s laughing heartily as Snowball licks her nose. For a moment Dean’s looking at her like it was the first time, the way she throws her head back as she laughs, her face so opened and free from doubt and shame, her eyes full of life as they’re shining with mirth. He has never seen her like that, she’s always been a discreet and nice roommate until now, and Dean surprises himself with thinking how he wouldn't mind hearing her laughter more from now on. Y/N really blends in his family, it’s so easy that it scares him.
After some long arguments about Snowball and a promise that the dog would still be here later, Dean finally convinced Y/N to retreat in his bedroom, the room they could let their guard down a bit during the weekend. Behind the closed door, they don’t need to pretend they’re madly in love and after the disturbing revelation Dean had earlier, he needs some time to relax. They have a few hours to kill before they need to get back to fake dating.
“Can we have a dog?” Y/N asks, unzipping her bag in the bathroom, her voice loud enough for Dean to hear.
“We’re not having a dog, Y/N,” Dean says in a strained voice as he lays across his bed, thumb and index finger massaging his tired eyes.
“But why?” She whines coming back into the room, a brush clutches into her hand and pouting at him even though he’s not looking at her.
“Because I don’t really like dogs.” He lies, hopeful it would end the argument right away.
Y/N’s speechless, her mouth hangs open as shock is written all over her face. “Dean Winchester, I’m fake breaking up with you right now! There’s no way I’ll love a man who doesn’t like dogs, even if it’s fake love.”
“I’ll think about it.” Dean sighs, knowing that it’s easier to lie than to keep on arguing with her. It seems to work because nothing comes back at him and lifting his head slightly in her direction, Dean sees the satisfied smile over her lips, making him smile back without knowing.
“So about the bed arrangement…” Y/N starts to speak, her voice suddenly unsure about what they previously agreed on. “I know we were ok with sharing a bed but I wasn’t thinking it would be so small.” She voices her concerns, eyeing the bed warily.
“It’s just for sleeping, I think two grown-up adults can fit inside without anything happening.” He chuckles before adding “It’s not like I haven’t seen you in your pajamas, already.”
A loud gasp makes him lose his playful smile and he watches Y/N rushing back into the bathroom, all of her clothes flying around her.
“No, no, no.” She exclaims and when the last piece of clothes is out from the bag, a long whine comes out from her throat.
“What now?” Dean asks, being prepared for the worst.
“I forgot my pajamas.” Her eyes shut tight, slapping her face in her mind at her stupidity. “That’s why you don’t pack a bag the night before your departure, Dean! It’s the best way to forget something.” She turns towards Dean, pointing an accusing finger at him but the later doesn't see her as he’s busy shuffling into his dresser.
“Well, I packed this morning and didn’t forget anything. Take these, I think it’s your size.” Throwing an old t-shirt from when he was younger, Dean looks at Y/N’s blushing face as a soft ‘thank you’ falls out of her lips and realizes that the girl he knew, back at the apartment, was still here.
She has a strange persona, really. Most of the time she’s quiet and keeps to herself, but Dean had seen her earlier, smiling and laughing genuinely.
“What?” She asks him in a whisper, her gaze cast down as she clutches the t-shirt against her chest.
“You seem different,” Dean answers her without thinking, lost in his own thinking. Hearing himself, he knows his words can hurt her, so he’s quick to add “A good different. I don’t know it’s kind of...refreshing.”
Her grip around the material loosen, her fingers now playing with the grey tee-shirt and she shrugs, her gaze still fixed on her bare feet.
“It’s just...Your family is nice, I feel free to be truly myself.” Her voice is no lower than a whisper.
Using the same kind of tone as her, Dean has to ask, her words hurting him in a way. “You’re not at ease in our apartment?”
“Yes of course!” She’s quick to answer him, her eyes zeroing on him, a determined glint burning in them. She doesn’t want him to think he’s making her uncomfortable, because Dean has truly been a nice man, she’s very lucky to have him as her roommate.
“It’s just since...I don’t know even myself so how can I explain it to you?” Her shoulders slump, defeated because she truly doesn’t know why she can’t let herself be most of the time.
Dean nods at that, knowing it’s more complicated than what it seems and they’re not going to talk about it here. Instead, he’ll use the weekend to let her enjoy herself, and maybe she’ll trust him enough to stay that way even when they will be back at the apartment. Dean hadn’t realized until now, how much he didn’t pay attention to the little details. When he thinks about it, they barely see each other, except in the morning during breakfast and at night before they go to bed in their own room after a quick dinner. 
The weekend just gets more interesting as Dean promises himself he’s going to learn more about his roommate: Y/N  Y/L/N.
Later in the evening, the whole family is reunited around the table which is overflowed with delicious meals. Mary outdid herself once again, as she did every time her little family was gathered. As the years go, the family is getting bigger and bigger, and Mary can’t be more grateful for that. Lovingly she grabs John’s hand that rests on her right, intertwining their fingers as she watches her sons discreetly.
Sam and Jessica are chatting playfully, Sam’s being as smooth as possible as he feeds Snowball under the table from time to time. Y/N’s scolding Dean for his bad manners, the later not in a position to argue back as his mouth is full. She then shares a look with her husband, thanking him for giving her this family, John doesn’t need to speak to convey his own happiness. After 40 years of being together, you don’t need words to speak with the one you love. Mary only hopes that her sons will be as lucky as she is.
Groaning, Dean lets his body fall heavily on his bed. It's been a while since he ate this much, but he couldn’t help it, his mother is the best cook in the world. Rubbing his stomach, Dean eyed the slice of pie waiting for him on the bedside table. He ate more than the half already but Mary made his favorite, how could he not eat all of it? It’s a crime in his books, so he brought another slice sneakily into his room. There’s always room left for pie. Always.
The bathroom door opened, revealing Y/N in only Dean’s old tee-shirt. As expected, it was her size, the material large around her shoulders and covering her modesty perfectly. The faded logo of Led Zeppelin adorning her chest, Dean sits straighter in his bed, thinking how good she looks in his clothes.
“The bathroom is free.” Y/N’s offer not reaching his ears as he zones out. It takes several tries calling his name before Dean comes back to his senses, blinking twice.
“Are you alright?” She giggles and Dean feels sick in his stomach.
“Y-yeah.” He clears his throat and jumps from the bed, striding towards the bathroom. “I think I ate too much.” He mutters before closing the door behind him.
“Shocker.” She breathes, shaking her head. She told him he was eating too much, but did he listen to her? Noooo. As she lays down on her side of the bed, Y/N prays that he won’t puke on her during the night. The day has been so eventful and exciting that she’s out like a light.
In the bathroom, Dean’s looking back at his own reflection, hands clutched around the ceramic bowl. That is surely it, he ate too much, what else could it be? His brain is right, it’s just a stomach bug, nothing else. So why is his heart beating faster than usual? And more importantly, why is his nether regions telling him the exact opposite of his brain?
He has to admit, she looks very good in his t-shirt. And Dean is just a man, he loves the ladies, so of course he’s attracted when he can get a glimpse of skin. He can picture perfectly from the view he just had a few seconds earlier, how her thighs seemed smooth, her bare legs slightly covered with his tee-shirt. Great, now he has a boner! There’s no way he’s going to slide next to her with a boner, what will she think of him?
“Shower.” Dean orders to his own reflection, nodding at himself. He can take care of it in the shower, it wouldn’t be the first time he blew up some steam in the shower.
As the door creaks open, Dean’s glad the bedroom is plunged into darkness, meaning Y/N is already asleep. He wouldn’t feel at ease to look at her while he slides into the bed next to her. Carefully, Dean crawls on his side of his bed and finally lets go of his breath he’s holding once he’s securely laying down. She’s facing him, sleeping on her side, her hands tucked under her chin and against her chest. Dean is scolding himself, stopping his stupid brain to think about another part of her anatomy. The handjob he just had into the shower is already enough. 
Rubbing a hand over his face as he thinks about it: he just masturbated thinking about his roommate. Y/N! How fucked his mind is? This is wrong. Granted, it’s not the first time he’s fantasizing about her but usually she’s not sleeping right next to him. A rustling sound next to him breaks his trail of thoughts and Dean watches with horror, Y/N arms sneaking over his torso, the rest of her body following and getting closer. She sighs happily as her head rests over his arms, preventing him from moving. What happened to the one rule they agreed on ‘having each other's personal space?’ God, she smells good. Why does she have to smell good on top of that? And why does her body fits perfectly against his?
“Awesome.” Dean mouths ironically.
Pour Toujours tags:  @drakelover78​​​​​, @akshi8278​​
PLL tags: @eliwinchester99​​, @paiswhite​​, @vicmc624​​, @metalfangirl
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 3)
Bakugo x Reader 
Snuggles fix everything right? 
Angsty fluff? Idk. 
Words : 1703
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Telling your hero agency wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be. Apparently this happened pretty often. In fact your boss looked almost bored as  you told him. You had built a pretty close relationship with him since getting to the agency, giving him the loving nickname boss man. 
“Congratulations Bakugo... you finally found someone who could tolerate your bullshit.” He turned his attention to you, “And y/n my deepest condolences to your eardrums. As I’m sure you already know those temper tantrums of his aren't exactly quiet.” 
You gave him a knowing smile, “Oh sir I’m very aware. I’ve been at the receiving end of those tantrums for years.” 
You could see Bakugo’s ears tint pink as he rolled his eyes, “Yeah yeah, I yell, whatever. What about our patrol assignments? Will we be assigned new partners?” 
Boss man narrowed his eyes at you both... “No I don't think I will..” He ignored Bakugo's startled expression. “And I’ll tell you why. See Bakugo while you are likely the most talented hero at this agency you aren’t exactly a people person. In fact the only person you said you’d be willing to work with on your intake form was y/n. And luckily she has more patience in her pinky than most do in their whole body because she puts up with you. She keeps you centered and you keep her motivated. We’d be crazy to split you two up.” 
You gave him a smirk. See you and Bakugo had been adamently opposed when it came to splitting up as partners. You thought it was a stupid idea and Bakugo while he hated the idea of not being there to protect you, he also thought it was the only way he could focus and do his job. 
Katsuki stood up from his chair, fists clenched. “Sir with all due respect... WHAT THE FUCK!” You slipped your hand around his wrist trying to get him to calm down. His eyes met yours and he did seem to reign it in a bit. “Sorry what I meant to say is... please reconsider. I honest to god cant focus on anything besides her safety when were out there. That has to be a conflict of interest!” 
Boss man scoffed, “That right there is why I cant split you up.You start to blow up and all she has to do is touch your hand and you become a reasonable human.” 
You could see his shoulders tense up as he was bracing himself to lose this battle. He gave you one last last pleading look that tugged oh so hard on your heart strings. 
Sighing, “Listen Boss man, I understand why you want to keep us together. Really I do. I don't want us to split up either.. but if this is what Bakugo wants then I think you should at lest consider it. You say he has the most talent in this agency right? I’m sure there’s tons of better suited partners for him than me anyways...” 
Boss man knit his eyebrows together, “Now I won't have any of this self depreciating bullshit y/n. We’ve had this talk before and I think you are incredibly gifted...” He pinched the bridge of his nose as if trying to fight off a headache, “But if this is truly something both of you want... than I guess I’ll fill out the paperwork.” 
Bakugo’s eyes widened, not expecting you to step up to help him. But before he could say anything you gave him the ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look. 
The walk home was quiet. Bakugo could tell you were upset and he was still new at the whole being nice to others thing so he didn't know how to handle it. He finally settled for holding your hand. You usually talked his ear off, but now you wouldn't even look at him. You couldn't possibly be mad at him could you?Hell you even had his back in the meeting... He will never understand women. 
You both stepped into the elevator and to his surprise you hit the button for your floor. 
“Oi what gives? You just did laundry I know you don't need clothes..” 
Pulling your hand out of his, “What I need is space Katsuki... Before you freak out... I’m not mad at you. I understand why you don't want to work with me anymore. But you have to understand that I am very sad right now. I just need some alone time.” You gave him a gentle peck on the cheek before exiting on to your floor. 
Fuck... he didn't like this. On one hand he thought you were being ridiculous. You will still see him every day! You practically live with him for fucks sake. But on the other hand he knows you’re upset and he knows that he's the reason why. He hates it. 
He practically slammed his door after entering his apartment and threw his keys harshly at the couch. How was he going to fix this. He walked over to the freezer to see if he has any ice cream. It was something he only started buying once you two started dating. It seemed to be a staple in your diet. He pulled out a tub of cookies and cream and spoon not bothering to put it in a bowl. 
He walked back to the main room to binge eat and mope when he heard that precious sound of air whooshing in. He turned the corner to see y/n in one of his shirts curled up on the couch, “I was alone for maybe 5 minutes before I remembered how much I hate being alone... So can I be alone... but like with you...?”
His nose scrunched up, “What the fuck does that even mean?” He handed you the ice cream and sat next to you pulling your feet in his lap.
You accepted the ice cream greedily, “Exactly what we’re doing now, except we turn on the tv and just like don't talk to each other... Just give me some time to process that we’re no longer partners...” 
He pulled a blanket over the two of you and handed you the remote. He knew you'd end up picking something awful like a Disney movie or a romantic comedy but if this is what you needed then he’d do it. 
Three hours and eight episodes of Avatar: the last Airbender later you were passed out. Sometime between the third and fourth episode you had decided you wanted your back scratched so you scooched over and without saying a word laid on top of Katsuki, picked his hand up and placed it on you back and moved it back and forth until he got the idea. 
That leads him to now. You were asleep with your head on his chest. You were so cute when you were asleep. He was content. He could have fallen asleep himself. He probably would have too except his phone buzzed in his pocket. It took some expert maneuvering to get it out of his pocket without waking you up but he managed. 
He had received an email from the agency with a list of available heros for the two of you to choose from. He opened it up and low and behold the first available hero was fucking Deku.. well that was enough for one night. He closed the email before looking at any other candidates. 
There was no way in hell he would ever work with Deku... but maybe... maybe he’d let you. As much as he hates to admit it, Deku wasn't the weak ass nerd he used to be. He knew first hand how powerful he was, but more importantly he knew how loyal he was. 
He threw his head back exasperated. Was he really considering this. It’s not like he had the right to pick his replacement, that was totally up to you... but maybe he could ask. Fucking Deku... 
He could feel you stirring awake so he put his hand in your hair and ran his fingers through it, earning him a soft moan of approval from you. 
“I think I’m ready to talk about today.” 
You didn't make any move to look at him and he didn't make you, “Oh yeah?” 
You nodded and rubbed your eyes trying to wake yourself up. “But I only want to talk about the positives. Like for example... apparently you requested to work with me on your intake form?” 
He could feel your soft giggles vibrate against his chest. Usually he’d be annoyed but knowing this made you happy was enough to make him get over it. “I knew that didn't slip past you. And just so you know... I didn't request you... I said I don't work with anyone and then in parenthesis I said (but if I absolutely have to then I’ll only work with y/n.)” 
“Oh so it’s your fault that we got paired together! And here I thought you hated working with me all this time.”  
He kissed the top of your head, “I did at first. But not for the reasons you’d think. I hated that you never looked before running into things. I hated that your costume was so tight and every guy we walked past got to see you in it. I hated that because of your quirk you could always beat me to the scene of a crime, meaning for a few minutes you'd always be alone with a villain without me there to help. But most of all I hated how every day it got harder and harder to pretend that I actually didn't hate you at all.” 
“PPPPPFFFFFFFFT” You couldn’t help it you just started laughing. 
“What the fuck it so funny eh? I’m pouring my heart out over here and you’re fucking laughing at me?” 
“I’m sorry babe! Its just that sounds like the speech from one of my favorite movies and its totally a rom com so I know there’s no way you’ve seen it but it’s still just so funny!” 
So then you just had to show him 10 Things I Hate About You, and to your surprise he actually enjoyed it. 
Thanks for reading! I know this chapter was kind of slow but shit gets real starting in part 4! Buckle up! 
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Dangerous (Part 2/2)
Description: After meeting two handsome men in a club in London and finding out that these two men are friends, you were excited about trying something you've never done before.
A/N: This is sooo inspired by The Golden Rule (The Lonely Island) because I think these two sang it immediately after she told them to meet her outside the club in ten. 👀🤣
Tagging: @missdictatorme​ @yaeji-passion​
Playlist: The idiot dumbass sandwich that stole my heart™
Part 1.
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"Can you take Amber home?" - You asked Monica who was already supporting your drunk friend on her shoulder. She first opened up her mouth, but as soon as she saw standing the two men in the rain smoking and chatting, she understood.
That was so wild she giggled with a surprised expression. You weren't sure about leaving with one guy, but suddenly, there were both of them waiting for you to take your time. You never came across as a friend who would like something so... Nasty. Monica never had tried something like that, neither had you, but she understood as soon as she saw both of them.
"I knew you had it in you, you freak." - She giggled when drunk Amber told you threw a hundred times how much she loves you and that you're the best maid of honor on the whole world. - "Show them who's the boss here." - She slapped your ass, making you jolt excitedly - and placing dirty grins on the men's faces. You watched as the two of them getting into the cab, knowing well that once they leave you'll be in the hands of these two men. Which made you nervous.
"Any problems here, ladies?" - Sam strolled next to you, smiling at Amber already sitting on the backseat. She pointed at the man, opened up her mouth and squealed. She knew she already has seen him that night. Monica but a hand over her mouth as soon as she started to frantically mumble something, giving Drake one of those smiles. - "No that I would be aware of one, Mr. Drake. And be careful with her, because I'll find you and cut your weenie off if one of you does something she doesn't like, are we clear?" - She asked sweetly, having both you and Amber looking at her.
Although Sam looked mysterious for a second, soon, he started to laugh. - "Understood, Miss Monica. But trust me, the things on my mind... She's going to love all of it." - He winked at Monica, closing the door behind her. For a second, you were still standing there, Sam was still smoking and watched the cab with your friends leaving. - "Can we?" - The man grinned at you, walking backward to Charlie who was waiting for you, watching you with his palms in the pockets of his jeans.
The ride to Cutter’s apartment wasn't anything special - the bald man had a palm over your shoulder while Drake sat from the other side, having his palm on your knee, smoothing it subconsciously. You were sitting there between the two men, listening to them having a conversation about historical research.
These two weren't only someone who wanted to get laid for the night or some animals without respect to women, otherwise, you wouldn't be clothed when getting out of the cab. They were smart - and you meant seriously smart. Cutter was talking about a specific historical period this thing was supposed to be from and Sam sometimes hummed, responding a few words.
It was a surprise when the cab stopped in front of a huge, tall building in one of the better locations in London. Your friend told you that you'd have to be extremely rich and crazy to live there, which Cutter probably was. Just the entrance hall and a small yard inside the complex made you wonder - it was something built in an antique style with a pool in there.
"You live here?" - You asked when you were taking the stairs to the third floor, still looking onto the yard. Cutter turned his head at you. It was the first time you asked them something since you got out of the club. Normally, girls had a million questions about threesomes - like who’s on the top, who’s the bottom, if they have to do the infamous sandwich and so on... And yet, even if it was evident that you're doing this for the first time, your mouth was shut the whole time. So he smiled at you.
"Yeah. But it’s not because I have money to waste." - Charlie answered with true honesty in his face. - "He's extremely claustrophobic." - Sam said with a neutral expression, making you look at Charlie more attentively. Such a tall man, a macho man if you will, was afraid of small spaces? Yeah, you could see why he liked that place, yet the money he was paying for this place must've been crazy.
The men didn't tear the clothes off you even after the door to Cutter’s apartment was locked. They went straight to the bedroom... But not to fuck you senseless, yet to have another chit-chat and a glass of Scotch. Was the threesome even happening? Or..?
So while these two were talking in front of the big wall made out of glass, you were looking at the things Cutter had there - there was a lot of books, some ancient things you held in your hand for a second, then there was a huge TV with a lot of movies to choose from... And the bedroom looked messy and cozy as hell. Charlie didn't spend too much time thinking about the bedsheets or tidying them up, but it wasn’t smelly or anything.
You heard them bickering when you walked to the stereo, looking at the playlist Cutter had there. You smiled after reading the name of the song - and an idea came across your mind. You pressed play, letting it yell loudly all over the big bedroom.
The men didn't look at you, so you rose your hands above your head, swaying your hips in the bass guitar's melody, having a smile on your lips. That was when Samuel poked Cutter's hip, both of them shifting their attention to you.
You were dancing around, playing with your hair, showing them what you could do. When the second chorus came around, you looked at the men, slowly tugging the wet t-shirt from your body, revealing the bra you had on. Your boobs jumped around when you swayed your hips one more time, pointing both your fingers at them to lure them closer.
Samuel put the glass down, walking to you first. His palms copied the motion of your hips, his pelvis joining yours in the provocative movements. Charlie would be good with just watching Sam kissing you slowly as you danced, yet he didn't miss on the opportunity to press his chest on your back. The bulge on your ass showed you that he's into that as well.
Gently, you let Samuel's lips go, searching for the back of Cutter's head. When you found it, you let him kiss you as well, moaning again at the sensation. Each of you was moving the same rhythm and you were nothing but three bodies slowly destroyed with lust. While Sam kissed your neck and pulled your jeans a bit lower with his fingers, Charlie was kissing you and palming these incredible two girls you had on your chest.
"What about a quick shower before the long night, lovebug?" - Sam breathed out into your neck, slowly getting the pants even lower. Cutter slowly leaned from your lips, having you looking at him like the baby girl you were. - "Mate's idea is great, cutie. Come or we'll show you how bad girls are treated." - The older man agreed with Samuel, taking your hand and leading you to the bathroom. You made sure to drag Samuel along as well, giving him a sweet smile when you did so.
The bathroom was horrendously huge as well. Charlie might have some problems with small spaces in the end. Cutter was there to snap you out of the trance by taking the bra off of you and letting it fall on the ground along with your jeans. You helped him with kicking at away, walking to the shower right after that. You hated the England plumbing system. Once the water poured down on you, you yelled when it was ice-cold, then it suddenly went boiling and it took you almost ten minutes before you found the temperature you were okay with.
It was strange to see one of the men already naked, specifically cutter, but the other one leaning into the counter with a sink, lighting another cigarette up. Samuel loved the sight in front of him. It didn't strike him that your make-up was already smudged and your hair wet, he was in love with the gaze you were giving him. You had the vibe of an animal standing in the lights of a car, partially covering yourself with your hands while showing him these exquisite buttcheeks. Jesus, you were beautiful.
"You're not coming in?" - You asked, already feeling Charlie standing not even feet away from you. To make you more relaxed, Cutter started with massaging your back with some shower gel, earning an honest smile from you. But Samuel shook his head, enjoying the scenery. - "I'm good just here, baby."
There was something wickedly erotic about watching his friend getting a girl prepared, just as something was turning on you when you saw Samuel’s eyes not moving away from you. - "Drake, that cabinet on the right, third shelf. Fetch me the wipes." - Charlie turned your face to him, smiling at you while his fingers smoothed the hair off your face. Sure, your make up was running. - "Am I that ugly?" - You asked both the boys, earning a gentle ass slap from the bald man.
"I don't want you to have some rash or a burned skin in the morning, pet, but if you're into this stuff, I won't be stopping you." - Charlie answered you, putting the showerhead in a different direction, looking at your face. To be honest, you hadn't met a guy who would remember this sort of stuff. And it was nice of both of them. Charlie had some gentle-ass fingers, gently wiping every last shit off your face.
Holy shit, you even had the natural beauty other girls could dream about. That was a thing which made his boner go even wilder. And being the little minx you were, you pushed your belly to meet it, nettling it with all the gentleness. - "You little naughty girl." - Cutter laughed at you, still holding the wipe between his fingers before smiling down on you. It didn't take him long before he leaned in, pressing your back to the wall so you would have a good view on Samuel, who was watching the action with a contained smile.
It was just the way you hoped it would be - Cutter was quick and skilled with that mouth, slipping down on his knees before you could say shit. His palm slipped directly between your thighs, playing with you for a second before he turned his head to Samuel. You had already been smiling and biting your lip because it felt nice to feel a man down there.
"You should feel how wet this pet is, mate." - Cutter his at Drake who was staring in your eyes the whole time. Your expression changed fairly fast as Cutter worked wonders with entering you and slipping out. For a moment, your mouth was opened, then you bent it until touched the wall, moaning into the ceiling and after that, you closed your eyes, moaning Cutter’s surname. When you would swear it couldn't get better, Cutted swung your leg over his shoulder, burying his face between your legs.
At that sight, Samuel licked his lips, feeling himself getting seriously hard in those pants. Both your palms smoothed the back of the Britishman’s head, pushing him further in. Your breasts were rising and falling in the unsteady rhythm of your breathing, you were barely speaking.
For real, your inability to speak was perfectly reasonable. Cutter knew how to work a girl up until the point she goes crazy for the D, although that night, he was aware that you weren't only his plaything. Cutter was holding back and you still screamed his surname soon enough, holding your head in place, staring into Samuel's eyes. The music changed into something edgier and inviting.
There was a moment when you got lost in the moment, holding Cutter in his place, focusing on the rhythm of his tongue. You could feel all the gentles sucks and swirls, making you weaker and weaker. Along with the fingering, it was a heavenly combination. And you got really surprised when another hand-pulled Charlie from finishing you off completely.
"Let's go the bed, I want to play as well, pal." - Sam smiled wickedly, watching you fighting for every small breath. It didn't mean shit that you were all wet from the water because soon enough, your back leaned into Sam's chest. He already took off his t-shirt, kneeling on the bed in jeans.
Charlie took his time to dry the worst off, waking into the room after you with his pants back on, having a visible bulge in his groin. His chin was still provocatively glistering as he kneeled in front of you, smiling at Sam when his palm caressed your inner thigh.
Was this a hell or heaven? It was hard to tell the difference when you watched Cutter kissing the other thigh. Just when you wanted to circle the back of his head again, Samuel kept your palms directly in place. It was making you feel safe to hold and direct Cutter during eating you out, yet the discomfort to use them make you even wetter. You couldn't stop him once you'll cum. Which meant that you'll be at Charlie's grace.
"Look at him, honey, come on." - Samuel hugged your thighs with his knees, holding you in place. You did as you were told, feeling Drake gently biting on your neck. - "I want you to look at this guy while he'll eating your pussy out, be a doll, will you?" - Drake kissed your ear gently and you nodded, staring at Charlie when he dove back inside, making sure that his fingers are all the way in.
"Her throat, mate." - Charlie mumbled with a concentrated face, having Sam understand immediately. Another palm circled your throat skillfully, squeezing it just enough to have you on the edge, yet not hurting you or have you feeling uncomfortable. - "Attagirl." - Charlie hummed before kissing the sweet spot and curling his fingers inside of you. He had you moaning in a matter of seconds. Cutter spread your legs, even more, having a contained smile of a small boy on his face.
They knew what they were doing, which was evident from each move. They might be in the bed for the first together, but their teamwork was undeniable. While Samuel was praising you for being such a good girl, he made sure you won't try to touch Cutter and as a bonus, he was gently holding your throat. Cutter showed you his giving nature, making you cum twice before he was done with you. At the second one, he had you screaming and rolling eyes, and in those moments, you were beautiful.
After that, he gave Samuel a nod. His jaws needed some rest, so it was up to Drake to have his fun with you. Not for too long, of course, but enough time to get the fun started and some time for a cigarette.
You were ready with your eyes closed, sweat all over your body, your legs were performing a straightway spread eagle when Samuel was getting ready. Sam was looking down on you, taking in all of the beauty while Charlie sat in the corner, having a bulge in his pants and juices all over his face. You didn't know why didn't he wiped them off, yet it felt vulgar to see him wearing a piece of you in such an erotic manner.
There was something vulgar and erotic about seeing his friend fucking a woman he was into as well for Cutter. But he couldn't help himself at the moment he got up and got ready the tease the shit out of Drake.
"Are you sure what to do here, mate? Wanna help?" - Cutter broke the silence, walking next to the bed. His palm gently smoothed your hair, traveling down to cup your breast just moments after that. A moan could be heard when he gently teased your nipple.
"What the fuck are you trying to say, you fuck? Of course, I know what to do." - Samuel frowned, being taken back by Charlie's question. It completely ruined the flow inside Sam's head yet at that moment, you weren't that invested in the actual conversation since Cutter's palms were still playing with you, slowly smoothing your skin until it lingered above your pelvis.
"Sure looks like it, punk. Wanna me to show you how to please a woman?" - Cutter looked Sam in the eyes, completely ignoring his friend being naked.
"Excuse me? You have nothin' on me, so fuck off, sit down and watch." - Samuel hissed back, being completely taken away. Cutter rose his eyebrows, smoothing you with the tips of his fingers, slipping back between your thighs.
"Move, nitwit, I'll show you magic." - Charlie gently pushed Samuel away, still working wonders down there. Yet this time, you paid attention since the warmth around your ankles disappeared.
"Magic up my ass, it's my turn. Fuck off." - Samuel pushed him back, not violently, but it was enough for even the palm between your legs to disappear. You pushed them back together immediately, sitting up to look at these two idiots with your mouth open. What the hell was happening there?
"You fuck off, Drake, or should I show you what a man's punch looks like?" - Cutter threw the cigarette to the ashtray, standing up in front of Sam. Your eyes widened when you realized. These two were fighting. So you got on your knees, putting a hand of both naked chests.
"Boys, is this about trying to figure out who can piss further, or will you have some with me? Calm down, act like damn adults." - You mumbled, shaking your head. Were they forty or fucking five? It was hard to tell, yet more likely, they were mentally children.
"She's right. And you should be glad that she’s here because, under different circumstances, you'd get your face punched." - Cutter stepped back again while slapping you asscheek before sitting back into his chair. It could be felt that for Cutter, slaps on your ass are more or less showing a sings of affection - it never hurt and after each of them, he always gave you a heartwarming smile.
You wondered if he does it normally, in his everyday life. You always found it cute when a man caught his loved one's bottom, slapped it gently, or just held it. He sure seemed like that kind of a man.
After a small smile, you put your focus back on Samuel. The music playing was the only thing you heard when you leaned into the man, tugging him in for a kiss. And it wasn't just any kind of kiss - his palm tugged your hair harshly to lay you down. He crawling on top of you in the process. The warmth of his body never left you for a moment, the pressure on your hair didn't disappear either. Samuel was the boss for the moment and you were fully on board with that fact.
You didn't expect the first penetration come with such a force and as soon as it did. This man had it written in his face - the smile was telling you that he's an animal and that soon, you'll scream for God to help you while Cutter will be just sitting there and watching you. The pace of the act was fast; Sam was doing a lot of things, but riding your wet cunt slowly? That wasn’t one of them. It didn't take him even a minute to make you arch your back and to scratch his shoulders when you tried to keep up with him.
It wasn’t brutal or enjoyable, no, but it was a bit rougher than what you were used to, that was all. And you didn't want the man to stop at all, you did all you could to match his pace. There was scratching, begging, moaning, rolling your eyes, sloppy kisses. It was a cute show to watch you two fucking for Cutter. It could be heard that Drake knows what he's doing, especially when he slipped out and pulled back in forcefully.
The most magnificent moment of the whole show came when you rose your knees to circle Samuel’s hips as you turned your had to the other man in the chair. Cutter leaned closer too, gazing back into your eyes. - "Oh my fucking God." - Was a single scream before you came with an animalistic growl, shaking violently under the American, making him chuckle as he stood up.
"I think this girl is ready for the last number of the night." - Samuel kissed your shoulder, looking at Cutter while palming himself. Charlie smiled as well, having a similar position in his head as well.
"Last number of the night?" - You chuckled, still feeling the heights of orgasm crawling inside your body. Cutter licked his lips as his trousers fell to his ankles, gently turning on your belly. These men were something else. Were you ready for one last time? - "Of course, pet, there will be more coming in the morning." - Cutter bit your earlobe as you felt him entering you again. You couldn't see his member properly, yet he wasn’t the smallest at all.
"Use your elbows, honey. It'll be better." - Sam smiled and kneeled to gave you a kiss when he saw your eyes getting teary. Of course, every position was just the question of the time you get used to it, but this was something extremely new. You did doggy style before, but after just ending with one man to have another entering you, that was something. After the kiss, Charlie finally moved inside and caught your hips to let you get used to the rhythm of the sloppy fucking. Sam could see how contained he feels and on the way you put your hands to support your face, it seemed that you're starting to feel it too.
That was also the moment when you realized why Samuel is standing with his dick directly centimeters from your face. And also the comment about elbows made sense suddenly. With a quick sigh, you leaned in to lick at least the tip of it, only for Cutter to pull you back, getting all of him inside of you. The bald man was teasing the shit out of you until the moment you grabbed Sam’s thigh and clenched your nails to keep him close. He, on the other hand, grabbed your hair rather forcefully leading the place.
Sam checked for tears or red flags all the time - if you wouldn't like sucking his cock, he would just jerk it off. If you'd like to vomit, he would stop immediately. But just when he hit the back of your mouth, you slipped even further down, completely ignoring the gagging reflex. At that feeling, he bent his head backward with a lustful chuckle, putting the second hand into your hair as well.
"Jesus, mate. This feels so good." - Cutter hummed, slapping your ass again. Slowly, he was increasing the speed of his tempos, now getting at the speed of a drill. Samuel smiled at his remark, watching his cock inside your mouth. - "This one’s cute and handy. We hit the jackpot."
Not too long after both boys praising the living fuck out of you, Charlie became ruthless, bouncing your ass on his dick roughly to chase the release. Sam knew that this would be too much, so he stepped back whole having one of his palms entwined with yours, finishing himself off.
To be honest, you felt good. You have never felt better. You accepted Sam’s help with getting into the bathroom to clean both of you from the cum, letting Cutter change the sheets since the cum was everywhere there as well. The bald man landed you one of his flannel, old shirts, letting you lay the way you felt the most comfortable on his fucking huge bed, turning on the TV for you so you could watch something before the men finish the rest, like cleaning themselves, changing into fresh clothes and cleaning up the bedroom.
It was nice, even when the whole thing was done. The men were joking, chuckling, and checking on you. They made you even something to eat before going to sleep.
"How you're feeling, missy?" - Cutter asked and smoothed the hair off your face. Your smile was beaming through the dark bedroom. Only a blind person wouldn't see how tired you were, but you were happy. Such good sex... Who wouldn't be happy? - "It’s Y/N."
Sam surprised chuckled from smoothing your back. - "You didn't even know her name? Oh, Charles..." - Samuel sighed, kissing the back of your neck gently before leaning his chin into your shoulder to watch the movie on the TV.
"I still like pet better." - Charlie smiled, getting up from the bed to give you a small notebook. - "Would like to have your number if it wouldn't be a problem." - The Britishman asked and looked at the movie too.
"Why?" - You asked, but you wrote your name, surname and phone number in nonetheless, adding a small smiley-face at the end.
"Drake and I happen to travel the world often these days, and it would be a pleasure to meet you again. I mean, inside of the bed or in it, it doesn't matter." - Cutter disappeared with the small notebook, and you turned your face to Drake still resting his chin on your shoulder. He didn't look at you, but he did smile.
Boys weren't lying to you. In the morning, you had a pretty sweet waking up with Charles between your legs, seeing Mr. Drake in the bathroom right after that. They rode you back to the hotel, saying goodbye with the sweetest smiles and kisses. And soon after you got back home, you already got a text message.
When you're free?
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itisannak · 5 years
Irwin family vacation (Ashton Irwin Smut)
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Summary: The Irwin Family heads to Australia for vacation. Even after 4 children, Ashton is barely capable of keeping his hands off his wife. (Smut / Unprotected Sex / Public Sex/ Fingering) (Request) (Words: 3.6k)
"You ready, mama?" Ashton asks as he enters the en suite bathroom. He whistles at me as his eyes fall on my figure. "Yeah, I need to slip in a dress and we can go. Are the kids ready?" I ask, fixing the strings of my bikini. "Yeap. Wait, before you slip it on... Let me take a good look at my freakingly gorgeous wife." Ashton whispers, scanning my body hungrily as I chuckle. "All 4 of them are in their bathing suits, have sunscreen on, and are wearing clothes and shoes?" I ask as Ashton shuts the door and walks to me, kneeling on the floor in front of me. "Yes, they are ready to go. Can you stop and let me enjoy this?" He asks, kissing down my stomach, all the way down from my navel. His finger slips in the hem of my bikini, tracing my skin softly. "These are getting in my way..." He whispers, looking up to me. I sigh, running my fingers through his hair. "These are keeping us from missing the kneeboard appointment, actually. Or whatever that shit is that you and the twins convinced me to let you do." I sigh as his fingers move lower, pulling my bottoms to the side. He kisses my lips before his mouth purses and pecks on my clit as well. "Butterfly..." I mumble, knowing that the safe word will be the only thing to stop him. "You are turning oral down?" He asks me, cocking an eyebrow. "You and I know that you are awfully good at this, and if I let you continue, our kids will probably find out that their daddy does stuff to their mommy in the bathroom, while half of them want to go to the activity their daddy promised them he would take them... So, butterfly... Get off your knees and get out of the bathroom, because while you stay and stare at my body with those eyes, there is no way that either of us will be able to resist." I command, pointing at the door. Ashton smirks, biting his lip as he pulls the bikini back in place. "I love it when you think you are in place to control and command me, princess. But bear in mind that the moment our kids are off to bed, I can and will boss you around all I want..." He kisses the inside of my thigh before he stands up and unlocks the door, walking out with his back as he smirks mischievously at me. I throw him a side smirk as I grab my dress and slip in it, trying to get rid of my fluster.
"You guys are the parents?" The trainer asks us as he hands us the consent form. He is eyeing us like every other parent at our children's school during activities and PTAs. "We started early." Ashton brushes him off, taking a pen and completing the forms. "With all the respect, mate, she doesn't look like a mom of 4." He points at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Want to see the scar from the twins' C-section?" I ask, pointing at my stomach. "No, I am good." He surrenders, moving to the back of the room, where the equipment is. "It always freaks them out..." I whisper, taking the other consent form. "You are riding along, right?" He asks me, scribbling on the paper. "If I do, who stays with Leah and Jackson? There is no way I am leaving a 7 and a 4-year old alone..." I reply and he chuckles. "There are activities for children here. We can let them socialize and play with other children here, take April and May for the kneeboard and spend some time together in the boat. Everyone is happy." He winks at me, bringing his free hand to the small of my back. "It's been 12 years and I still don't know how you convinced me to name our babies April and May..." I sigh, signing the form. "I am great at persuading... Will you come on the boat with me? It will be boring if you don't." He pouts and I shake my head. "If anything happens to Jackson or Leah, I will fucking neuter you." I shake my finger threateningly, causing her to smirk. "You love my creampies too much to do that." He leans to whisper in my ear, biting my earlobe before he signs the form.
"Are you sure you want to do that? If you have changed your minds, you can tell us now." I ask the girls as we prep for the ride. "Yes, mom. We are sure. Geez, can you chill?" April rolls her eyes at me, making me look at her with wide eyes. "Yes, babe... Can you chill?" Ashton mocks me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Irwin, I swear to God..." I growl at him, looking at him and squeezing my eyes. He leans down and kisses my neck, squeezing me to his body to the point there is no place for me to squirm. "Stop being gross." April groans, turning away from us. May follows her, rolling her eyes at us. "Teenagers..." I sigh, turning to my husband and cupping his face. "I know, right?" He chuckles, leaning in for a kiss.
The boat is on and we are skipping through the river, while the girls in the back scream and squeal and are having a good time. I am turned so I can look at them, my legs over Ashton's lap who sneaks a peek at them now and then. "They are not looking at us, you know..." He mumbles, pulling me closer by my ankles. I yap, feeling myself slide on the surface until I am right next to him, thighs over his lap as he plays with the fastens of my life jacket. "Yeah, thank God they are focused." I mumble, watching him as he looks down at my legs, exposed to him. "And the driver isn't either..." He whispers, with his other hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "And I am thankful for that too... He is driving us safely." I state and Ashton hums. "Yeah, thank God for that too. Plus, I can have some fun with my gorgeous wife. Like good old times..." He smirks, undoing the fastens of my life vest. "What are you doing?" I ask as he pulls me to his lap. "I am taking a look at my goddess-like wife and baby mama. After 4 children and you look smoking hot in a bikini..." He mumbles, dragging a finger down from the middle of my chest to my stomach, stopping on the hem of my bikini. "Stop praising me... It gets all in my head and I cannot resist you." I whisper, cupping his face and tilting it up, looking into his eyes as he beams at me. "Then don't. Let me help you feel like the goddess you are... Let me make you feel good..." He promises me, bringing his lips to my chest, kissing softly, and dragging his lips up to my neck. "We can't... We might be seen. We might be heard..." I try to reason him, but his hand on the hem of my bikini bottoms makes me shiver, clench around nothing. "No one is looking at us. And we have practiced keeping you quiet... 12 years now, you are doing such a great job keeping those moans almost inaudible and concealing those cute little screams you make when I am balls deep inside your tight little pussy..." He whispers, smirking against my skin. "For God's sake, Ash..." I moan, feeling my body give up and succumb to him. "I know. Just my fingers, baby. I know how much you love my fingers..." He groans, making me whimper. "Just fingers were the beginning of what got us into trouble 3 times already..." I make an effort to resist him, one last time. "Well, I promise to not tell our children you called them troubles..." He chuckles, letting his hand slip in my bikini, letting a finger feel all the way down to my entrance. He collects my wetness, rubbing it up to my clit as I sigh, happy and satisfied, feeling some relief from the itch in the pit of my stomach. "See, you are purring... And you are wet... And you are mine..." He utters, using his thumb to rub my clit in slow circles. "I am yours..." I repeat, relaxing as he slips 2 fingers inside me, curving them up as he pumps them, slowly and steadily, while his thumb is pressed on my clit. I grip onto him, bringing my face in the curve of his neck, latching my lips onto his skin and sucking, making sure I leave a hickey on his skin. And as he fingers me faster, as he puts more pressure, I find it harder to contain myself, I find it harder to stop myself from moaning. So I bury my face in his neck harder, letting the moans vibrate on his skin. "Look at that..." Ashton seems to find my reaction amusing, cheering at me as he pounds his fingers in me. "I need a little more, just a tiny little bit more, baby..." I cry out, biting his earlobe. My body is on a fast track, chilling at the tiniest touch, sending shivers down my spine as Ashton whispers sweet nothing, praises, and encouragements. I don't make out most of it, my brain is in too much pleasure to process anything else other than the pleasure I am giving at this moment. "Then let's give you some more..." He mumbles, moving his fingers faster. My clit feels all tingly and warm, sending signals to the knot in my stomach, making it tighten as my body prepares for an orgasm. "Just try not to squirt on me, princess..." He teases me, pressing his fingers on my g-spot. I groan, throwing my head back as I buck on his hand, cumming on his fingers. My walls squeeze and clench around his fingers, causing him to chuckle. "I will never get used to this..." Ashton says, taking off his fingers, but leaving his thumb on my clit, stroking it slowly. It makes me jolt at every stroke, fueling the high that takes over my body. "Get used to what?" I manage to ask after I regain a little bit of my breathing pattern back. "Watching you cum... Watching you fill up with pleasure... And try to stay quiet... I love it... I can't get enough." He smiles at me, slowly taking his thumb away. "You'd better not. Because I have signed up for a life long membership of orgasm by you." I remind him, earning a chuckle. "That could potentially result in more trouble..." He sasses and I shrug, cocking an eyebrow at him. "I wouldn't mind more trouble. Maybe a boy trouble this time, so the gap can be smaller." I state, watching Ashton's face become more intrigued about my proposal. "I could arrange that..." He murmurs, making me shake my head.
"Daddy, I am starving..." Leah complains as we walk back in the car. She is in her daddy's arms, leaning her little head on his shoulder, making Ashton smile at her remark. He is in a good mood, definitely in a better mood than before, even though it would have been impossible since he has been in a good mood since we landed in Australia. "We can go eat now, ladybug. What do you want to eat?" He asks, turning to look at us. Jackson is walking right next to him, tired from playing around while we were in the boat. The twins are in an even worse condition, May a little more cheerful than April, but both exhausted. "Maccas's good." Jackson shrugs his shoulders, his voice being more quiet than usual. "Macca's it is, then..." Ashton chuckles, fluffing his messy curls. "April, May... Do you want anything else maybe?" I turn to look at them. April shrugs her shoulders, still typing on her phone. "McDonald's is fine..." She brushes me off, still tapping away. "Macca's it is then..." I mumble, sighing as my children gather around their dad.
The kids are practically passed out after eating, Ashton having to carry Jax and Leah back in the room. "I'll bathe Leah, you do Jackson. And I will help the girls with the sunburns on their shoulders." I whisper to Ashton as I unlock the Airbnb apartment we are staying in. "Mommy, we can help each other. We will be fine." May says, smiling at me. "Ok then. I take Leah, daddy takes Jax. And I will see you 2 in a bit. Aloe gel is in the fridge," I smile at them, picking Leah from Ashton's chest. "Need any help from us, mom? April offers and I shake my head no. "I am good, bunny. I got this." I smile, carrying Leah in the bathroom. "Mommy, I am so tired. Can I sleep in the bathtub like in the movies?" She asks me as I set her on the bathroom counter to let her out of her clothes. "No more watching movies with your sisters, missy. And no, because you are a big girl and you need to take a nice bath, to get clean and ready to bed. And then you can sleep on your bed." I explain, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "But I am so tired... Daddy would let me." She whines, throwing her head back. "He would, huh? Well, daddy is taking care of Jax now, and I take care of you, so..." I chuckle, picking her up and putting her in the bathtub.
"The tiny little humans are asleep." Ashton announces, closing the door behind him. "What about the middle-sized humans?" I ask, making him chuckle. "Had to practically make them put their phones down. But they are asleep, I checked." He says, resting on the bed with a sigh. "You think they did not shove their phones under the pillows and waited for you to be gone so they could pick them right up... Your daughters are smart, they got it from their mama." I cup his face to kiss him. "Damn... And I wanted them to be asleep so I can have fun with their mama... Maybe give them one more sibling..." He whispers, pushing me to lay on my back and hovering above me. I giggle, placing my hands on his jaw and leaning up to kiss him. "Are you serious? About having another baby? We have 4 already..." I ask him. He gasps and looks at me surprised. "We have 4 already? I had no clue about that." He shakes his head. "Ok, you are mocking me now... But I am serious. Do you want another baby?" I ask. He looks at me with a smile. "Of course I want. One or two or three more. I want all I can get from you. Do you want another baby?" He asks. I smile and nod, almost instinctively. "I do. Not three, if that's possible. But I want one. Or two." I shrug, causing him to chuckle. "Then we can start trying. I can even put a baby inside you, right now." He wiggles his eyebrows, slotting his body between my thighs. "Oh yeah? You can do that?" I ask, bunching his t-shirt in my hand. "I can... Let me just show you." He says confidently, grabbing the t-shirt and pulling it off his body. "You don't mind impregnating me on another person's bed?" I ask, smirking at him as I hook my toes in the waistband of his sweatpants. "It will be the best damn thing that will ever happen on this bed." He replies, reaching to get me naked.
"Spread those legs for me..." He demands, leaving a slap on the side of my ass. I do as I am told, without putting on a fight. He has this tone, this sparkle in his eyes that screams 'I am going to fuck you up so good you'll beg for mercy', and I love that tone, I love that look, I love that sparkle. He tears my underwear apart, making me yelp a little in protest. Instinctively, I shut my legs, pressing my thighs together. The pressure feels good, relieving a little bit if the tingling in my sex. Ashton groans and prays my legs apart, bringing his fingers to stroke my sex. 3 fingers press down on my clit, rubbing it in circles. "No fingers. I had them inside me a few hours before. Just fuck me. I need to feel you throb inside me. I need you." I whimper, looking at Ashton, who scans my body. "Need me, huh? Well, I can tell. See how wet you are for me..." He taunts me, getting that cocky smile back on his lips. I watch him like a hawk as he takes his sweatpants off, freeing his cock and stroking it a couple of times as moves closer to me. He runs his tip along my folds, making me feel how hard he is. He slips in the very tip of his cock a couple of times, causing gasps of surprise to roll from my lips every time he pulls out. I try to buck my hips up to let him thrust in me, but he pins my hips down with his free hand, chuckling at how impatient I am getting. "Just, please... Please..." I plead, feeling like my body is on fire. "Eager much?" He whispers, leaning in to engulf my lips with his. And as his tongue traces my bottom lip, asking for permission, he thrusts in me, rolling his hips upward. And I feel every inch of him, every vein. I relax back on the pillows, purring softly as I part from his lips. He goes slow, teasingly slow, letting out soft breaths as he does. I look at him with my mouth open, watching him as his face contorts from soft to completely focused. He holds my body down as he gives me a forceful thrust, making me slide back a little. "Ash..." I breathe out, reaching down to wrap my fingers around his wrist. "Feels good, baby?" He asks as if he doesn't know the answer already. "Do it again." I almost demand, voice coming out trembling. "Oh, I will." He declares, almost threateningly. He brings the hand that I am holding onto to cup my face, touch it softly in the beginning before his fingers press onto my face and hold it still. He brings his lips to mine, driving his cock deep inside me. I feel him in my stomach, so intensely that I bite onto his lip. I inflect my leg, bringing my thigh close to his ribcage, giving him better access. Ashton holds onto it, supporting himself so he can thrust deeper in me. With every pound he is giving me, he breaths harder, heavier, moans twisting with his breaths. "You look so good like that..." I whisper as I bring my hand to stroke his pec. "Yeah? I look good? Maybe next time I should fuck you in front of a mirror, make you look how great my view is as I fuck this pretty pussy." He growls, reaching down between our bodies and using his thumb to stroke my clit. I feel my breath getting caught to the back of my throat, pussy pulsing as he pounds in me fast, rubbing my clit even faster. "Shush, princess. The kids are going to hear you." He smirks, enjoying the fact that he has me writhing underneath him. I bring my hand to my mouth, biting onto it to prevent myself from screaming as Ashton rams into me. "There... Right there..." I let out as Ashton hits my spot just right. "There, princess?" He asks me, sneering as he hits the same spot again, only this time harder. I bite my hand again, letting the scream become absorbed by it. My toes curl, my whole body reacting to every touch he is giving me at this moment. "Wanna cum, pretty girl?" He asks me, stroking my clit faster. I nod my head, pressing my hand harder on my mouth. But Ashton preys it away, covering my mouth with his. He slips his tongue in my mouth as he still pounds his hips on mine, making me clench around him with every thrust. I try to kiss him back, but moaning makes it hard for me to do that. I try to move back as it gets too much for me, but he keeps me steady by my thigh, complaining against my mouth. My head tilts back as I get there, eyes rolling back at the surge of pleasure. I manage to keep myself quiet, so quiet that I hear my heartbeat in my ears. "Fuck, you feel so good, milking my cock." Ashton leans in my ear, whispering and biting my earlobe. My orgasm lasts longer as he keeps on thrusting inside me, reaching for his own high. He becomes sloppy, my wetness making it so much easier to slip in and out of me. His mouth is focusing on my neck, trailing from my ear all the way to my collarbone. I feel the vibrations from his moans on my skin as he cums, filling me up and making me feel warm and exhausted.
Ashton collapses next to me, gasping for air. "Shit..." He mumbles, his body still being tensed. "I know... 4 guys later and you still got it..." I chuckle, turning on my side and leaving a kiss on his shoulder cap. "5... I just put a baby in there..." He says cockily, pulling me closer. "Don't get your hopes up already..." I giggle and trace a pattern on his chest. "Wanna bet that in a few weeks you'll tell me we are having baby number 5?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at me. "Those things take time. I might not get pregnant right away. But that means we will get to have tons of sex..." I kiss his neck as he hums satisfied. "I don't think we will have to, though. A baby Irwin is in there already..." He states, totally confident about this. "Well, we will have to wait and see..." I relax on his chest, planting a kiss on it.  
My Masterlist
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jq37 · 5 years
Let's go final bloodkeep ep breakdown!
**spoilers for the tomb of ultimate evil**
I was originally kind of annoyed that dropout wasn’t working when I wanted to do this originally, but it’s actually kind of a blessing in disguise now that I think about it because it means I get to rewatch and discuss the ep in light of the bombshells Brennan dropping in the BTS video.
As I watch the Previouslies, I realize I’m still not over the fact that Maggie named her kid after Leiland. It was so sweet an unexpected. 
So, at the start of this episode, Brennan must have realized that his plans are pretty much jossed because the 4 baby blessing was *very* not on the docket  
“Absolutely, Lilith’s got 25 strength.” Idk why that’s so funny to me. Maybe because I think Rekha was asking whether Lilith was allowed to carry her, not if she was physically cable but Brennan was like “Of course she can carry you. She’s an absolute unit.”
Leiland’s first move? Drawing all the enemy fire. Markus’s first move? Immediately hiding. In fairness, my dude is a rogue.
Lol, spiderweb baby bjorn.
“We’re evil but we understand communication and consent.”
Nat 20 from Old Pickering! Finally he’s useful!
Watch a bitch call lightning! A different bitch, but still.
Amy’s childish delight at the prospect that there might be a bomb in the goblins is so good.
I love how on board everyone was for the mystery potion.
Did Hork exist before this episode? I have no memory of him existing.
Nat 20 for Sohkbar!
Brennan is really so good at all of his on the cuff J'er'em'ih nonsense.
Erika yelling, “Sanctuary!” a la Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I like that Lilith calls her spider kids to defend them by going, “Get ‘em ladies!” and then Brennan decides one of the kids she summoned is Jason.
“I really am sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done…and everything I’m about to do.”
Leiland Jr. MVP!
I love that Lilith treat’s Sohkbar as if he’s also a parent.
Two words I’ve learned to fear since I’ve started watching RPG shows: Lair action.
Leiland just BARELY not being on the falling chunk of floor.
Brennan really faked me out on that Jason fall. Man really was about to make me cry over a fictional spider for the SECOND TIME in my life (Charlotte’s Web).
I love Erika screaming over Jason in and out of character separately.
“Guys, this is our element! Knocking people off of things!”
Leiland’s affirmations. Who is doing counseling at the Bloodkeep.
AOE spells are so boss.
“Everyone look at Leiland! He’s doing it!” Aww, everyone finally gets to see him be cool! It’s really wild how much of an arc these guys went through in just 2 days of play. It’s very narratively consistent.
“Oh you fucking freak, you’d love that.”
“Tell him something is gonna happen to his bones but don’t explain it.”
Rekha loudly announcing her ridic amount of hitpoints is on of my fave things
I love how in both campaigns so far, Brennan has had a moment of, “You’re not bad at magic, you’re just depressed.” What an oddly specific thing but also, relateable.
Cell Block Tango ft. Leiland.
Leiland curses one of the Vingury. I’m sure that won’t be important later (I’m lying).
Ify/Markus just refusing to learn Hobbert and Frod’s names.
 Ify: *Trying to do a shenanigan*
Brennan: I see what’s happening here.
So I guess the real lesson of this season of D20 is always commit to your running jokes because you’ll get free nonsense out of it. (A 19! That’s so painful!)
Jessa just straight eats not-Gollum.
Both Jason and Jessa are very protective of their mom and I love it.
Maggie All elves look the same. (Maggie said F elf rights)
The full 6 seconds of silence from Matt between his saying  he loves J'er'em'ih more than any other animal companion and looking directly at the camera and saying, “Except for Trinket,” very seriously.
Amy: I must become the necro boatman.
Brennan, whose plans have now been entirely womped: :O.
I truly didn’t even consider attacking the boatman. I feel like this is such a good DM moment, because I feel like my reaction would have been, “That’s not how this works,” but Bren just let it happen, which is better both for the story and player agency. I’m taking notes.  
Efink getting validation on her chosen name by the evil statues.
“Kick his ass and you get the power!”
“I’m like a setpiece, not like a guy!”
Sohkbar claims the baby as his ward. This baby is gonna have so many godparents.
What a wild improv.
I love the ancient evil statues have Lilith’s back on the fact that she should have gotten the promotion.
When Leiland Jr was born Brennan was like, “He’s not gonna do much. He’s a baby.” One ep later this baby is taking turns and fireblasting enemies and talking like he’s the Godfather.
OK so there’s a lair action. Leiland rolls a NAT ONE to not plummet into the Bloodkeep. Brennan clearly is ready to bring out the ghost figurines we saw in the BTS.
The statue Lilith JUST got the blessing from falls which means if she hadn’t gotten it that turn, they would have been screwed. Sidenote: Brennan says it was an instant lose condition for them which is part of why I was surprised that this wasn’t his plan to begin with. He just readjusted everything on the fly and set new parameters. What a good, confidence projecting, quick thinking DM.
It’s Leiland’s turn. He is once again falling to his doom. This time, without the bossa nova music and soothing apathy because he actually has something to live for.
It was JUST close enough. And he almost cursed Olag instead! That decision saved his undead ass!
I love that Leiland is Uncle Leiland to Jason! And later Jessa calls Efink Aunt Efink.  I wanna see evil Thanksgiving so bad.
“You’re really killing it today Leiland!” My boy finally getting the praise he deserves. (Also, wild that this is all still THE SAME DAY)
“oKAY, okay, OKAY, oKay.” –Brennan having a moment
“You wanted us to play evil characters but we’re actually playing evil players.”
Man this episode is truly how Leiland got his groove back, huh?
Boatman rolls a 4 to resist fear. Go Leiland!
“I take off my mask to reveal…I’m sexy as fuck.”
Everyone including the evil statue is hot for Markus.
“Shut the fuck up, Olag. Go kill yourself.” Maggie just has no patience for nonsense (that’s not the kind of nonsense she enjoys anyway).
“Do I take psychic damage from that?”
Lilith gets a nat 20!
Maggie, upon Leiland calling her 'my queen’ for the second time: Just call me Maggie, please.
“Lilith, you’re my girl! Lilith, my girl!” They grab hands over the table. It’s such a pure moment.
Brennan after they kill the Boatman: I mean, fuck me I guess.
Leiland goes down. Leiland Jr. goes, “Nah, get up, you’re fine,” and he gets back up. (Brennan at this point has clearly fully leaned in to the direction his players dragged him).
Leiland comes back as Leiland the White. And I just realized! That’s the ghost figurine! I thought that was the figure Bren got for when Leiland inevitably completed his story arc. No! It was the figure for in case Leiland DIED.
Leiland FONZES at Leiland Jr.
Nat 20 from Maggie to avoid falling into the Bloodkeep!
Leiland lets Markus convince him to not kill Olag (for future shenanigans). Leiland instead owns Toby and rolls a 29 to convince Oswald back onto their side. Toby also comes as a zombie on their side. Everything’s coming up Leiland!
Except no, he goes back down immediately and falls face first into the blood pool.
OK, check it. Markus bargains with one of the evil statues to make Olag alive and undead for eternity. The statue is kinda on board but wants to make a trade. Markus basically goes, “Watch this,” and STEPS INTO THE VOID.
Go back and watch Amy’s reaction. It’s so genuinely shocked and concerned. Matt’s is good too.
Sidenote: That is apropos of nothing goal wise. He just wanted to torture Olag.
Maggie gets the final blessing with a quiet, heartfelt speech Brennan doesn’t even make her roll for. The statue tries to get her to put in a good word w/ her dad for it and steps all over the moment.
Ify, about to pull out shenanigans part two, electric boogaloo: I never got a chance to attack on my turn.
He attacks himself and warps back up!
Amy: Is that how you play a rogue????
Why sneak attack damage? Can you sneak attack yourself?
“You’re a liar!”/“I’m a rogue.” Beautiful.
We’re evil!
Oswald dies and Leiland comes back! Hexing Oswald really panned out for him
“It’s all spiders from here!” I wanna start saying that.
Efink cancels out a nat 20 on Sohkbar!
Lilith telling her kids to go find safety is a small thing but sweet.
“You know you live near Goblin Island and you always say you’re gonna visit.”
Markus swashbuckles over to the bloodkeep before he falls. Leiland is ready to jump his bones.
Nat 20 from Leiland! Is that his first one?
Classic Leiland.
I love that Leiland is pro J'er'em'ih now.
John Feathers comes back for the epilogue. Rehka is more excited than anyone.
Lilith is voted queen regent of Gorgar! Go girl! And Jessa opens her fashion firm while Jason sets out to the forest. Good for them.
Scream beast babies!
And little Leiland asks big Leiland to get him the head of Galfast Hamhead! Full circle, I love it.
OK so Brennan said this and he was right. Leiland and Maggie have such a wild ass arc. She goes being “that whore” in ep 1 (idr what he actually called her but that’s the vibe he gave off) to “my queen” in episode 6. And like, man. Imagine planning a game where the goal is to lead the players into a PvP free for all and, instead, the only two characters with a legit grievance mend fences so much that one names their child after the other and that one swears fealty to that mom and her child. Imagine failing so hard at your original goal. Wow.
Anyway, that’s it for Bloodkeep! Thanks for hanging in there for me to write this up! I want to say something about the teaser for T.U.S. too but I’ll save that for another post. 
Sidenote: So Matt has been on D20 and Brennan has been on Naddpod. I think this means Brennan or Murph gets to be on Critical Role now. I’m a lawyer and I’m pretty sure that’s how the law works. 
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