#I am suffering in this Chili's tonight boys
azol-otl · 4 months
Sometimes it takes you months to hammer together enough motivation to nearly finish a fic.
Other times you decide to be a little silly in a sprint and the idea takes you by the throat so hard you not only DON'T finish the first fic, but you instead write nearly thrice as many words for the new fic and also it needs a chapter two now.
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tangiblejournal56 · 1 year
How there is no end to my self-destructive ways.  When I’ve just begun to believe I’ve broken from the habit, old patterns start to remerge, reminding me of who I truly am at base.
I slept with the Caveman.  I went to his house, we watched some awful movies, & eventually there was kissing, & that led to sex.  There was no poetry in our fucking beneath his “Boondock Saints” & pot leaf posters (both of which made me cringe when I first noticed them, they screamed frat-boy bro-dude), it was not sexy or fulfilling & I did not have an orgasm.  The bulk of his body reminded me of Ryan, such a change from the lightness of Max & Jacob’s limbs, & I was not attracted to him.  It was a cold experience.  After it had finally ceased, I was embarrassed with myself & left as soon as possible.  He had begun talking about all of the places he wanted to take me & I felt a panic rising, worried I may scream.
Why did I do this?  I knew walking to his house that I did not want to sleep with him, date him, become the girl cooking beans for her husband on Sundays, as Max once put it.  I was hesitant to even go to his house alone.  Yet I went, & allowed him to flirt, & to believe that he had a shot.  Am I this girl?  Am I capable of this detached, cruel behavior?  I wouldn’t have thought it possible, yet I commit these unfair acts, putting him & myself into a no-win situation.  Self-disgust, self-loathing, I allow these scenes to unfold as though I were incapable of stopping them, doing the right thing.
I went home to Jacob, sitting with his video games, eager to see me.  I’d made sure there were no traces of the vile act I’d so recently committed & when he inquired how the evening had gone I told him only that the Caveman liked me & I felt bad because I didn’t reciprocate.  I asked him to get me high, to which he happily obliged, & we played Skip-Bo as I attempted to cloud my thoughts.
The next day Jacob & I ventured out for falafel at Pita Pit.  My blues were written clearly on my face & he asked if I was okay, did I want to talk about it?  I smiled, said I was fine, promised to snap into Happy Jamie mode.  “Good!” he exclaimed, & we resumed our Friend Day, being nice & sweet to each other.  Out of habit I told him I hated him, but then turned & said “Just kidding, I love you!”  He laughed, “I love you too.”  Our adventure took us downtown to Natural Grocers, where he stocked up on tons of vegan food - chili, refried beans, tortillas, naan sandwiches, etc.  He was very pleased with all of this, & we returned home to smoke ourselves silly, eating our leftover falafel & watching “Arrested Development.”
The Caveman messaged me while Jacob & I were playing Life, asking me to come stay the night.  Unwilling to do what was necessary & tell him the truth, I said simply not tonight, maybe another time.  He was at the bus stop this morning, we sat together on the bus but I was quiet, barely responding with more than a half-smile to his run-on talking.  He grew quiet after awhile, & I found myself hoping he was beginning to get it.  This gnawing in my gut, is it out of not wanting to add to the cruelty by telling him bluntly that I will never be his, or is it purely out of my own selfish, self-inflicted discomfort with the situation?  Am I that self-centered egotist I have always so despised?  A girl like Jess, whom seems to have this hate against all men due to our father, & is determined to make them all suffer as a result?  I once prided myself on my lack of that capacity for cruelty, & now I question all of my previous actions, wondering if I haven’t been deceiving myself all along.  Did I twist the events with Ryan into an imagining where I am the victim?  Do I intentionally cause Max suffering?  Do I put us into situations where he will end up worse off than if we’d never began?  All of those stupid little fights we had towards the end of my staying in Iowa, out of my own anxiety that I’d leave & he’d replace me.  Not speaking to him for days, knowing what that does to him, how it spins his head into the dark place, the guilt this causes him.  Because I had a great need to hear his relief, his joy the we would make up, I wanted him to be grateful.  I thought his being grateful to be talking to me again was a sign of his dependence upon me, that he really did want to be with me despite his logical resistance.  I am realizing, I am someone to run from.  A plague of rotten behavior infecting those around me.  Life-ruiner.  I should be taken down.  If Max had any sense he’d never would have agreed to move with me.  He’d be catching the first flight away.
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skywalkeir · 4 years
luke skywalker canonically only cried when his father died and i think that says a lot about who he is as a person
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flameleads · 2 years
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Rina and Royra ships giving me all them feels in this Chili’s tonight. God, both of these ships just coming for my heart. 
Roy looking at Qissy and just “I never want you to suffer, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” And he’s finally realizing that maybe it’s time he proposed. Also, am I maybe foreshadowing things with that ask answer? Time will tell. 
Then, you have him with Aurora, and his confidence is just breaking. Someone saying he actually is the boytoy when he’s been working so hard to convince himself he’s not? Yikes. Doesn’t help with all the emotions Aurora’s now dealing with too because of the accusation that came her way. 
It feels so good to be writing again. My boy is letting me write, and he’s feeling things, and it’s fucking great. I think I might be able to write for the other muses I have too. We’ll see what the future brings. I’m working a 40 hour work week next week because I hate myself, I’m poor, and I need money, so I’m gonna be busy. 
Anyway, I need to sleep. Goodnight!
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azoraahai · 4 years
💧for lyra 🔹for Akysa 🔵 for Samson (give me allllll the pain)
💧what’s the worst pain your oc has ever been in? mental or physical? what was the cause of this? oh boy, where do i begin? lyra definitely has been through plenty of mental and physical pain, but i’ll do one of each since i’m feeling very angsty in this chili’s tonight. the worst mental pain was definitely caused by her father, janus. he is very manipulative, controlling, and extremely superficial. he has a quick temper, which he takes out on everyone in the family except for himself. there isn’t really an exact scene i have in mind for mental pain since it’s a process of it being built up for years, but the night samson and lyra left their home is definitely a big moment for both of them. i would say that’s the worst mental and physical pain for samson, actually. it’s a v rough night. physical pain for lyra,,, so this hasn’t been talked about on tumblr yet,,, but the night after lily and james’ death,,,, janus decides to pay lyra a visit and let’s just say that the night ends very bloody, sad, and a tragic parallel to what happens in the death hollows :)
🔷 has your oc ever had to leave something behind or abandon something they didn’t want to? have they ever had this happen to them? how has this effected them over the years? akysa,,, my angry bb,,, after order 66 disregarded her signature red lightsaber. it signified her time as a sith and the damage, pain, and suffering she’s caused while being manipulated by palpatine ever since he found her. i thought about her purifying her kyber crytals, but i decided against it because the crystals no longer belonged to her since she changed her allegiance and followed her own path as neither a sith or jedi. it took her a while to accept herself basically being “reborn” and the constant reminder of the hurt was getting in the way of the path she wanted to reach. so getting rid of them was a big part of the healing process and she’s definitely better off without them.
🔵 has your oc lived through any particularly traumatic events? does this event (or events) still effect them or have they tried to bury it? is there a reason why this event is so traumatic for them? my first thought was the john mulaney quote “now we don’t have time to unpack aLL OF THAT” but here i am doing so. my poor son samson goes through the ringer and he doesn’t deserve any of it. sadly, he has lived through one too many traumatic events so i’m just gonna name them. first, getting sorted into ravenclaw and bearing his father’s disappointment, torturing himself to become an animagus to please his father, literally had the cruciatus curse performed on him bY HIS OWN FATHER, the death of dorcas meadowes, witnessed the aftermath of what happened with lyra the night after halloween, and,,, we cannot forget,,, seeing lyra and remus’ dead bodies during the battle of hogwarts. it definitely effects him greatly, like poor guy cannot catch a fucking break. he is the last living member of his family and he never wanted to be, like jfc i really need to give him more happiness bc he suffers so much.
send me angst questions for my ocs
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jamkookies · 5 years
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Description :  A trip to Malta for the shooting of Bon Voyage seems peaceful enough until the moment things take an unexpected turn...
Word count : 2.3k
There are seven pairs of eyes watching you expectantly and you don’t know where to look. This is definitely not what you had been thinking when Tae told you about having to pick a room.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Namjoon says as a matter of fact.
“Why? Should I be somewhere else?”
“Y/N, how many times do we have to explain? ” Jin interferes. “You are supposed to go outside and wait for us to hide in our rooms. Then you can come in and choose your own.”
You deadpan.
“I’m honestly suffering from jet - lag and I’m so tired and I really wanna get this over with, ” you say in a seemingly careless way, but the truth is you are internally panicking. The possibility of you sharing a room with Jungkook had you feeling on edge.
You didn’t understand what the hell was wrong with you. This wasn’t the first time you had to be close to him or to any other member. Living with them for five years sure had it’s own effect.
Then what exactly had changed?
Why did you keep looking at him in another light? Why did you feel your stomach sink every time you threw a glance his way?
And look, you didn’t even need to specify who him was, because there was no other to begin with. Just him.
You shake your head, trying to shake off the thoughts too.
This wasn’t the time. You had to stick to your plan. Act unbothered, be unbothered.
“Look, hyung. She’s scheming.” Taehyung observed you like you were a wild animal.
You took this in your own advantage.
“ I am so gonna get that single room. Just watch,” you said with a false sense of self-confidence.
You stomp off the room and get out into the hallway.
You wait until one of the staff members opens the door again and lets you in.
You carefully step inside, making your feet light on the floor so as not to give away your location.
You pace in the living room and then you think of something. You stomp your feet hard on the floor and wait for any other sound coming from upstairs.
Then your ears catch a romping on the corner of the ceiling.
So, that room was already overcrowded then.
You take the stairs and head for the opposite way.
There was no guarantee that it would be empty, considering that there were a lot of members, but at this point you didn’t care anymore. You tentatively pull down the handle and peek inside .
Only a glimpse of white sheets greets you. You swing the door completely open and almost cry out of joy.
It’s empty.
You had gotten the single room.
You raise your arms in victory and jump right into the single bed , savoring the comfortable feeling of the smooth sheets.
“Ahhh, finally - ”
You scream at the top of your lungs and fall to the floor with a thump, when you see Jungkook’s head peeking from under the bed.
The impact rattles your teeth and you groan in pain.
“What are you doing over there?”
Jungkook pulls off a cocky smile.
“Pranking you, of course. Did you really think you were gonna get a whole room to yourself?”
“I was hoping to.”
“Nope, you’re stuck with me.”
“Come here , you little rascal! ” You say through clenched teeth and make an attempt at catching him.
He easily avoids you and swerves to the side. You then start to chase him around the room like a five year-old, but was the boy fast…
When you somehow catch hold of him, you put him in a headlock and are about to smack him upside the head, when the rest of the boys come storming into the room.
“What are you doing?” Asks Yoongi. “We heard screaming.”
“What does it look like I’m doing? Beating this kid’s ass for almost giving me a heart attack, of course.”
“Hey, watch the formalities. I’m older than you,” Jungkook protests, head still under your arm.
Jin looks at the nearest camera.“ Could you please cut this part? We don’t want the show to be age - restricted because of her cussing.”
You stick your tongue at him and then proceed to make a face at the camera.
Jungkook takes his chance and tickles you on your side.
You release him almost immediately, writhing uncontrollably. You were really ticklish, and at the slightest threat you were always ready to throw hands.
Zero tolerance on that.
Still, you manage to kick him behind the knees, making his legs give out.
“How’s the ground, loser?”
He looks at you through his see - through bangs and gives you a mischievous smile.
You notice Hoseok pinching the bridge of his nose and then start laughing yourself.
* * *
You are sitting on the couch along with the boys, waiting for instructions from the staff. Even though this was a time for you to enjoy your holidays and get your mind off of the stress, concerts, and everything else, games and missions weren’t something you could get rid of.
“ You are all going to try to make dinner for tonight. Each one of you is assigned a special dish, and you are to cook it with the ingredients given to you. The one with the best dish wins 200 dollars to spend on shopping.”
Everyone lets out cheers of joy at the mention of money.
You were all rich as hell, but you still got excited even at the mention of so much as a coupon. It was your own way of appreciating little things.
The staff member offers you a basket full of tiny globes, each containing a rolled up paper.
He puts the basket in the middle of the circle were you are all sitting on the floor and gestures for you to proceed.
Taehyung fishes one out and opens it carefully, retrieving the roll of paper inside. He’s kinda nervous because he doesn’t have much experience with cooking, but you all give him reassuring smiles, nudging him to go on.
The paper reads ’ Pasta ’.
“You’re saved, Taehyungie. That’s an easy thing to make,” Jimin says.
He sighs, relieved and smiles widely.
Next is Jin, who goes for the globe without hesitation.
Jimin. Salad.
Jungkook. Steak.
Namjoon. Soup. You snorted when hearing that.
Hoseok. Milk-shakes.
Yoongi. Tteok-bokki.
It was your turn now.You open the paper with shaky hands and read it.
Yes !
That was one of the only things you knew how to make.
Namjoon looked at you with puppy eyes.
“Would you want to switch?”
You act like you’re touched by his display of cuteness then pull off the most serious face.
You jump around in excitement, showing your piece of paper to the other members with the most exagerated moves.
Jin joins you and you start making silly dance moves together.
* * *
Everyone is busy trying to make their own dish and you’re no less invested.
There’s a hell of a mess in front of you - flour, milk and eggs. Your hair is smeared white even though you had tied it in a bun on the back of your head.
It was fairly short and there were multiple strands escaping from it, but it didn’t bother you that much.
At least the apron was doing a good job of shielding your clothes.
You take a look at the others who are concentrated on their tasks. The only sounds in the room are those of knives, spoons and the occasional sizzling of oil.
Then, out of nowhere Jin’s voice is heard.
“Hey guys, can you turn off the AC? I’m a little chilli,” he says, while holding an actual chili pepper and then laughs like a windshield wiper.
Everyone is trying to hold their laughter, except for Yoongi who actually looks displeased.
“Please stop. It’s making me angry.”
Jin ignores him and grabs two eggs from the counter.
“You know why eggs don’t tell jokes?” He continues. “ Because they’d crack each other up!”
You can’t hold it in anymore. You double over with laughter, holding your aching stomach. Everyone else is having the time of their lives because of Jin’s antics.
Still giggling, you move around the kitchen trying to find other ingredients and bump into Jungkook along the way.
He kicks you lightly in the shin. You kick him back. You both have your hands occupied - him holding a bowl filled with water and you a pack of flour, so you start a kicking competition.
“Hey, quit it you two!” Yoongi yells over the noise of frying food.
Just to spite him, you pour flour all over Jungkook’s head. He is outraged and gets back at you splashing you in the face with the water.
You gasp, the coldness seeping into your clothes and making you shiver.
You are soaking wet and you’re making a mess out of the water dripping from your face onto the floor.
He’s gonna pay for this.
You’re about to grab something to hit him with, when Yoongi grabs both of your shirts an pushes you apart.
“What is it with you two today?”
“He started it,” you complain.
Yoongi glares at you one last time and lets you go.
You were beyond pissed off but you couldn’t deny that it was entertaining to joke around like this.
You both found yourself grinning at each other.
* * *
Dinner was ready.
You had to admit, it looked quite inviting, several dishes with different colors that let out a delicious scent.
You couldn’t wait to dig in and the only thing stopping you was the fact that the staff had to try it first in order to decide who the winner was.
You didn’t really care about the money.
Shopping wasn’t really your thing and even if you won ( which was unlikely to happen), you would probably give it to Hoseok or something. What you did care about was winning.
After the man had a taste out of everything, he prepared to give the final verdict.
The others started making drum sound effects.
You rolled your eyes.
They just had to make everything look as dramatic as possible.
The staff member didn’t hesitate.
“The winner is….Jin.”
You all groan out of annoyance while Jin gets up from his seat and blows a kiss at the camera.
You didn’t stand a chance, anyway.
Who were you to compete with Jin, the Mighty Cook ?
Curse him and his delicious kimbap.
So you dig in, trying everything that was laid out in front of you.
From the corner of your eye you notice Taehyung stuffing enormous amounts of food in his mouth and you smile.
You didn’t know why you had started to get so nostalgic lately, but you couldn’t help it.
These random moments were the ones that made you realize there wasn’t anywhere in the world that you wanted to be , except here, with your family.
* * *
“Let me get this straight. You expect us to fit into that?” You said pointing at the single bed in front of you.
It hadn’t really dawned upon you that there was only one single bed on display. And two of you.
At least the others had where to sleep.
Yoongi and Taehyung had gotten the king-sized bed, Namjoon also the same but all to himself, while Jimin, Jin and Hoseok had been assigned on the room consisting of three single beds.
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck.
“You sleep with your head at the front of the bed, while I sleep with mine at the end.”
“You mean so we can sleep while hugging each other’s legs?”
“You said it, not me.”
Despite all of the pent up frustration, you start laughing.
Once you start, it’s impossible to stop.
Your sides start to ache and you almost choke on your spit.
Jungkook stares at you, confusion all over his face.
“It’s just that,” you say, still not being able to produce words correctly, “ It’s weird how they make us go through all of this, and for what? Just so we can film a reality show.”
You shake your head, still smiling.
“Yeah, it is kinda weird now that you mention it,” Jungkook says.
He goes for the suitcase on the ground and takes out his pyjamas.
“I’m gonna go change in another room,” he says. “You can have the room to yourself.”
You nod and go for your own pyjamas.
After he’s left, you start slipping out of your clothes.
You’d decided to take an RJ pyjama set with you. The tiny characters were so cute and you really didn’t care about looking decent even on your sleep.
Then, you hear a knock on the door.
“Come in” , you say and what greets you is Jungkook wearing his own Cooky pajama set. His black hair and pink clothes makes him look conflicting and you can’t help but snort.
“Very funny” ,he mocks you.
He takes his own pillow and puts it at the end of the bed. You take your own and set it at the front.
You both lay down, keeping a respectable distance from each other.
“I can’t believe I’m gonna have to hear you snoring all night,” you say, eyes on the ceiling.
“I don’t snore.”
“Yes you do.”
“Am not.”
“Are to.”
“Am no - Ow!”
You pinch his leg.
“Hyung, don’t make me beat you again.”
His body shakes when he laughs, and he claps his hands together. You turn on your side and are greeted with the sight of his toes right in front of your face.
“Your feet smell.”
“I showered half an hour ago. It must be your nose.”
You kick him and he laughs again.
“If you’re gonna tell me my feet smell, I’ll shove you out of the bed.”
“I was just gonna say good night.”
“Oh. Good night, then.”
You take a deep breath through your nose and try to fall asleep, the hint of a smile still on your lips.
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vmficrecs · 5 years
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New to VM Fic Recs: 
Perdón Author: bigboobedcanuck Pairing: Logan; Leticia Navarro; Weevil Rating: T Genre: Healing!!!!  Setting: Post Season 2 Spoilers: 2.22, “Not Pictured”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1526 Status: Complete Summary: The door creaks open, and a boy tiptoes into the room. She can see that it is not Chardo, even though she has been waiting for three days for him to tell her what has become of Eli. Still Chardo doesn’t come, but whoever this is, he is strangely familiar. Squinting into the gloom, Leticia thinks she must be dreaming. Yet sure enough, Logan Echolls quietly approaches. Maybe he has come to evict her from this place, too.“Um…Mrs. Navarro?” He whispers, and hesitates like you would with a dog you think might bite. Her name sounds foreign coming from his mouth. She doesn’t think he’s ever said it before.She doesn’t answer because she doesn’t know what to say. Notes: CUT TO ME SCREAMING MY FUCKING HEAD OFF. Listen. Every single person who ever worked for the Echolls family knew about the abuse Logan suffered-- there’s no way they didn’t. This fic explores that in the best. way. possible. 10/10 love endlessly. 
Living Without Author: cerise Pairing: Logan/Weevil; Veronica; Cliff  Rating: T Genre: ROMANCE OKAY  Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.16, “The Rapes of Graff” and 2.21, “Happy Go Lucky”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3660 Status: Complete Summary: Logan picks up an irritating habit, and Weevil can't figure out why he keeps on letting him do it. Notes: Dear cerise, if you’re reading this, I know you wrote this in 2006, but please i am ready and willing for a sequel and I love you. Y’all. This is one of the best Veronica Mars fanfics ever written. The premise is practically canon and them beginning to care about each other!!! MY HEART. Read this!!! Thank you. And alright, I’ll relent, Logan and Weevil are not explicitly dating or together in this, just like they weren’t explicitly dating or together in the show, if you catch my drift. 
Not Real Author: litzie Pairing: Logan/Weevil Rating: NC-17 Genre: Angst, sad sex Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.06, “Rat Saw God”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1801 Status: Complete Summary: A little dirty Logan/Weevil fic...some language and some sex, be warned. Plus, spoilers as far as 2.06, Rat Saw God. // Logan chokes out a breath and smiles, mockingly seductive. "Why Eli, I had no idea you felt this way about me," he says with faux sincerity, rotating his hips against Weevil's. Notes: Logan really almost lets Weevil kill him in this fic, and I’m fucking sad as shit about it. Also Weevil trying to defend his grandma while Logan tears up about Lynn? Good shit!!!!! Sad shit but good shit!!! 
This Damned Unholy Alliance Author: amelia_kay (aka cerise)  Pairing: Logan/Weevil Rating: T Genre: reluctant crime fighting ft. fuck! i have feelings  Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.06, “Rat Saw God” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1801 Status: Complete Summary: Weevil thinks this whole truce thing is a hell of a lot harder than it looks. Notes: They don’t hate each other!!! They’re in love!!! Logan is a brat!!! 
The Devil You Don’t Author: cerise Pairing: Logan; Weevil; Veronica Rating: T Genre: reluctant crime fighting ft. fuck! i have feelings (deluxe edition) Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.09, “My Mother, the Fiend”   Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3774 Status: Complete Summary: After Weevil realizes Logan's innocent, and Logan agrees to work with him to find Felix's real killer, our intrepid teenagers get down to the business of figuring shit out together, and maybe they don't hate it as much as they'd thought. Maybe. Notes: This could be considered a sequel to “This Damn Unholy Alliance,” if you do a slight re work of how Veronica gets involved with helping Weevil and Logan figure out that whole PCHer/Fitzpatrick/everybody-hates-Logan-for-fun mess (sidebar: no shit they don’t fucking hire mystery writers on the Veronica Mars staff). This one is a little more of an ot3 than a pure boyfriends piece alone, but polyamory is real y’all and these three got it bad for each other. Especially Logan and Weevil. (Also. Listen. There’s a line Veronica says to Logan in this that literally makes me feel like someone is sitting on my chest and crushing it that’s how fucking sad it makes me. MOVING ON) 
In the Cards Author: Kass Pairing: Logan/Veronica/Weevil Rating: T Genre: ROMANCE  Setting: Season 3 Spoilers: 3.09, “Spit and Eggs”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2866 Status: Complete Summary: This is set after S3 x 09, "Spit and Eggs," and though it isn't directly spoilery, it presumes some knowledge of S3 canon. // Logan just grinned, and Weevil felt the pit of his stomach curl. Sonofabitch wasn't crazy enough to hit on both of them at the same time, was he? Notes: Alright. This is a flat out ot3 fic and I don’t care it still counts for boyfriend edition and I am very much in love with it. Weevil feels like the odd man out, but Logan and Veronica want him to stay and eat breakfast with them!! Speaking of, SEQUEL PLEASE ANYBODY. I’M BEGGING. Also god this fic has it all!! HAS. IT. ALL. I feel god in this chili’s tonight. 
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littleleighxo · 4 years
3/9/2021 Mid Afternoon Thoughts 2/3 💕
Good Afternoon Everyone! & Welcome back to part two of today’s trilogy blog! Just one more part, then it would be part 3. Was supposed to do part 3 last night, but I felt too tired & had period cramps from pure hell!, Hours later, I still have cold chills, a sore throat & a sinus pressure headache, but I will be ok. Earlier I had a hot cup of matcha green tea w/the works, (the works is mainly Apple cider vinegar, turmeric, chili powder, lemon juice, Ceylon cinnamon & Mānuka honey) to open my nasal & sinus cavity, in a few I am going to take Tylenol again. I am feeling tired! Though I don’t get enough sleep. I need like 7 or 8 hours, ideally. SO I am going to try, to go to bed early tonight. Haha! Wishful thinking on that one. Today calls for coffee & lots of it! Like I always say in one of many blogs, the ideal & perfect motto. SO earlier I had a BLT w/Coca Cola Coffee, w/caramel. Loved it! & highly do recommend it! SO worth the price too! My local bagel store carries it. Will be having it again in the near future. Hope it would be a forever item, instead of temporary item. Today, feels like the ideal spring day! The sun is finally out! Though earlier, it was cloudy outside. Which I am loving & enjoying that warm radiant sunshine, as I have my bedroom window open, for the cool breeze. Sparkle is sitting by the window, watching her friend, the stray cat next door from us. Which is her kitty boy friend LOL! Today reminds me of the day of the Boston Marathon, 8 years later in April. That day was a day, I will never forget..like 9/11/2001. I remember I was sitting outside, cause it was nice outside. Having an iced French vanilla coffee. There was a time, when I ordered iced coffee over hot coffee. Now it’s the other way around. I prefer hot coffee over iced. Unless it’s a cold brew from Starbucks lol! I playing with my late dog Spike that afternoon. While listening to music. Like I said one of many blogs. Music is a huge part of my life. Once my headphones are in, I am chilling, lol! Next month, would be 5 years that Spike passed away. I do miss him everyday. I don’t miss him suffering at the very end of his life. Just those final months, makes me choke up & cry. He gave my family & I 16 years of unconditional love, loyalty & great memories. He was truly a great dog. SO happy I adopted him from a shelter too. When I was 12 years old, seeing, looking & meeting him for the first time. Was one of the best memories in my life. That I will always cherish in my heart, soul & mind. Tonight my family & I are ordering from the local diner for dinner. SO I am going to order a cheese burger w/fries for protein. Love their cheese burgers, kinda reminds me of In & Out in California. Loved that place, when I was in La, for a week. I definitely do miss traveling. Hope when this pandemic finally comes to an end. My family & I can go to San Francisco. I always wanted to go there. As seen on the show Full House. Another cult classic show, that I loved as a kid! Grew up watching the Olsen Twins. My cousin & I used to love the movie It Takes 2. We used to put on little shows from parts of the movie growing up. lol! I am still thinking about ordering those famous blue light glasses as on SO many social media ads. Though I am nearsighted, according to my eye doctor. I inherited that trait from my moms side of the family. Compared to be farsighted like my dads side of the family. Blah! Lol! Later on, I am going to have a hot cup of chamomile lavender tea, like I do every night. It’s one of those teas, that helps me relax & unwind. Officially feeling like I am in my 30s lol! I defiantly I wrote a lot, like I always say in every single entry of my blogs. As always Keep the faith, be kind & subscribe, Be well & stay safe also healthy. Cause we are still in this pandemic. Plus please wear your mask, to stop the spread of COVID-19. Ps: Many, Many more like an abundance of thanks to our essential workers for all their hard work hard work, ambition, determination, dedication & devotion is SO extremely noticed & appreciated! Much love everyone!! 💕
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Taking Comfort in Your Touch
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Summary: Jimin just wants to help you relax
Word Count: 1512
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“Are we really going to sit back and watch this happen?” Taehyung mumbled to Jungkook as the two of them watched Jimin bustle around the kitchen. His cheeks were flushed pink with exertion and both boys could clearly see the struggle their friend was having while attempting to cook.
“That depends. If he fails and burn the food, then Y/N will be the one to suffer, not Jimin.” Jungkook pointed out and Taehyung whined.
“Y/N doesn’t deserve that. This is supposed to be a reward, not a punishment.” Taehyung stepped into the kitchen as Jungkook leaned against the counter, watching the confrontation that was about to happen.
“Hyung, don’t you want some help?” Taehyung asked, stepping up behind Jimin to watch him slowly cut up an onion.
“Don’t you dare Tae, I want to do this myself.” Jimin scolded lightly, pointing his knife in Taehyung’s direction. Taehyung held his hands up in defense.
“Yield the knife my friend, for I am just an innocent man trying to look out for the wellbeing of his friend’s girlfriend.” Jimin rolled his eyes and went back to chopping.
“This is supposed to be a surprise for Y/N for finishing her finals. She’s worked so hard and has been stressing out so much, the least I can do is give her a nice meal and a relaxing evening. It’d feel wrong if it wasn't 100% from me.” Jimin admitted.
“Aw, hyung, are you crying?” Jungkook teased from the far side of the kitchen and Taehyung laughed.
“Shut up! It’s the onion you brat.” he growled and Jungkook snickered.
“You’ve spent the entire day cleaning and shopping for this night Jiminie, c’mon, let us help you out.” Taehyung urged.
“I don’t need it Tae, I have everything under control.” Jimin said proudly as he finished chopping.
“Oh really? Is that why the sauce is burning on the stove?” Jungkook pointed out and Jimin’s head whipped around so fast Taehyung could've sworn he’d broke his neck.
“Shit.” Jimin cursed as he removed the pan from the stove, waving off the smoke with a dish towel. He huffed and looked to his two friends who wore smug looks on their faces. His pink blush grew brighter as he stomped out of the kitchen.
“Thanks guys.” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the two boys high-five.
“Anything for our hyung! You should probably change though Jiminie, your clothes have seen better days.” Jungkook pointed out as he and Taehyung started to recover the tteokbokki Jimin was making. Jimin noticed for the first time how he had gotten the red chili sauce all over his shirt and pants, despite wearing the apron Seokjin gotten him for Christmas a while ago that said “Caution: extremely hot.”.
Jimin made the journey to his room in the shared apartment and closed the door behind him with a sigh. He could hear Taehyung and Jungkook singing something in the kitchen, and he shook his head and sighed as he discarded his clothes into the empty hamper.
He had tried so hard to make sure everything would run smoothly for this night. He woke up early in the morning and cleaned the entire apartment (sans Tae’s and Kookie’s room, he wouldn’t dare go near their toxic waste). By the time he was done and his friends left for the day, it was already noon. He went out and bought candles, flowers, the whole shebang and fresh ingredients for the food, only to foolishly burn it trying to make sure everything was perfect. Jimin just wanted to spoil his love tonight and hold you in his arms without you having to worry about deadlines and exam schedules and studying until you passed out.
Jimin threw on his comfiest pair of sweats and one of his black t-shirts that made his soft brown hair look like a warm cup of coffee. He walked back out into the kitchen and saw Jungkook washing the dishes, the dining table set in their finest plates with the candles Jimin purchased lit. He was about to smile and thank his adorable maknae when Taehyung slid by him. His pants were off, shirt unbuttoned, with big black sunglasses over his eyes as he danced around the kitchen while using a broom as his partner.
“What did I get myself into?” Jimin mumbled as he ran a hand over his face, snatching the broom from Taehyung’s hands who shouted out a protest.
“Hey! Don’t kill my Tom Cruise vibe.” Taehyung whined.
“Put some pants on Tae, Y/N will be here soon and you both promised to leave tonight.” Jimin’s voice took on a small whimper and Jungkook looked up from his washing.
“C’mon Tae, go get dressed, we’re going to see Cars 3 with Hobi tonight.” Jungkook smiled. Taehyung’s face lit up and he cheered in excitement, running off to his room to change. Jimin sighed and sent a grateful smile to Jungkook.
“Thanks Kookie.” Jungkook smiled and wiped his hands.
“Of course hyung. It’s no problem.” he said as Taehyung came hopping back into the kitchen.
“Don’t wait up for us Jiminie! Have fun tonight!” Taehyung said, sending him a boxy smile and throwing up a V sign before dragging Jungkook out the door. Jimin let out a sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair before heading off to the bathroom; he hoped that he still had enough time to finish preparing before Y/N arrived.
Jimin heard the front door open just as he finished his finishing touches. He smiled and ran up to the door and his heart soared in his chest. He saw you kicking off your shoes and he swore you never looked more beautiful. Even though you just came back home after a long day, he didn’t care as he walked up behind you and hugged you, his hands splaying out over your stomach.
“Hey Y/N.” he smiled, nuzzling his head into your neck and peppering your skin with sweet kisses. He could feel you melt into his arms and you gratefully accepted his kisses.
“Hi Jiminie. It’s so quiet, where are the boys?” you asked.
“They’re gone for the night, I thought since you finished your finals today we could just relax tonight.” he murmured, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek before leading you to the table.
“Oh, Jimin, this is so sweet of you, I don’t know what to say.” you gushed, admiring the sweetheart candles and the flowers on the table. Jimin’s smile grew as he pulled out your chair for you.
“You don’t have to say anything my love, just enjoy it.” he said, taking his seat next to you. Jimin made small talk with you as you both ate, and he made a mental note to thank both of his friends again for their help in saving the food because hot damn was it good. His hand gently grabbed your thigh, rubbing small circles into the skin as you finished up your food. He noticed the blush rise on your cheeks and he wanted nothing more than to kiss the cute blotches of rose colored skin.
“Jiminie, that was amazing, thank you.” you told him once you finished, your belly full and heart warm at the kind gesture.
“That’s not all though.” Jimin took your hand and led you into the bathroom where a hot bath was waiting, the water was light pink and the scented candles made the room smell light and perfect.
“Jimin,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around him in a loving hug. He hugged you back, running his fingers through your hair and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You like it?” he asked softly. You nodded and pulled him down into a sweet kiss. Jimin happily reciprocated, placing his hands on your waist to pull you closer. His lips moved tenderly against yours, humming in content when you gently tugged on his hair. His fingers fleetingly ran down your back as he playfully nipped on your bottom lip, causing a soft gasp to escape your lips. Jimin started to place sporadic kisses down your jaw and neck, grinning against your skin when he heard a soft moan.
“What did I do to deserve an amazing guy like you?” you spoke softly and Jimin looked up at you with a smile on his lips.
“You took my heart and I fell in love.” he said simply and he kissed the blush on your cheeks.
“Now c’mon, before the water gets cold.” he smiled, taking off his clothes and helping you with your own. He sat back in the water and helped you into the tub, settling you in between his legs as the two of you relaxed in the warm water and the embrace of each other.
“Thank you Jimin, for everything.” you mumbled softly, interlacing your hands into his and leaning deeper into his chest. He squeezed your right hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on your palm.
“Of course Y/N, anything for the love of my life.”
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
so who was gonna tell me that writing in a lee mood doesn’t make the aforementioned mood go away. who was gonna tell me :|
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tatsupyon · 8 years
Title: Sweet dreams Pairing: HidaEno Prompt: Dreams/Nightmares Word Count:  2425 Summary:  Enomoto and Hidaka are both studying in college and they end up being roommates. Enomoto isn’t too pleased to have a popular straight guy as his roommate at first but soon Hidaka’s charm makes Enomoto to change his mind.
Special thanks to @heartlessfujoshi for helping me out with this one! This is firt fic I’ll ever post in tumblr and I was so nervous and wouldn’t be able to do this without your help ♥
First day at college. I’m sitting in back of classroom because I’m too shy to sit in front row. There were only few people besides me in the classroom. I take my notebook and pencils and then put my bag on floor next to my chair. Alas, I’m even more nervous than usual.
New school, new people, new life. New chances, full of possibilities. And of course, the possibility to fuck up everything again.
I take a deep breath to calm myself down a little and look the clock. Still ten minutes until class starts. I open the front camera on my phone to see how I look.
On screen appears an image of a slightly pale young man who has dark long hair in a ponytail. Olive eyes are framed by glasses. No disturbing pimples on the nose, food around mouth or anything else awkward. Good. It seems like I won’t make myself look like ass on first day. What a relief.
I put my phone away when I hear noises from the corridor. When I move my gaze to the classroom’s door I see a handsome tall guy enter the class. He’s surrounded by group of girls and they are all chattering happily together. Ah, of course a hot guy like him has got friends already. I couldn’t help myself, I was feeling a little envious. I hope that making friends could be that easy for me also, but it wasn’t. It never had been easy…
I turn my gaze away from that guy and his fangirls and focus on watching outside the window to get my thoughts elsewhere. Sigh. What did I think would happen? Being in college wouldn’t change anything. Popular kids would still be popular and nerds like me would never be popular, and even making friends would be a pain. I could only dream about having a chance to hang out with a guy like him.
After classes I head back to our dorm where I had lived since yesterday evening. Last night I had been there all by myself because my roommate hasn’t moved in yet and now I’m nervous to see what kind of guy I have to share an apartment with. When I step inside, the hallway is full of boxes, and I can hear chattering from the room that is across a hall from my room. But the voice I hear is a woman’s voice? I had thought that there were same sex dorms at our college?
I was just about to knock on my roommate’s door to go introduce myself when that door suddenly opens and the handsome guy from my morning class steps out.
”Hello! You must be my roommate? I’m Hidaka Akira. Nice to meet ya!” he introduces himself energetically and shakes my hand.
“E-Enomoto Tatsuya. Nice to meet you too” I introduce myself and try to show him a pleasant smile as much as possible.
Shit. I don’t like this at all. Out of all people, of course he has to be my roommate. Popular boys make me feel uncomfortable. And somehow, I’m already sure that this guy will be a really annoying roommate.
I peek quickly into Hidaka’s room. Yup. There were two of those girls I had seen earlier today in class. That explained why I had heard a woman voice’s earlier. Ugh. Hopefully Hidaka won’t bring girls to our apartment every damn day. And most importantly; I hope they won’t spend the night here.
”I’ll call you Enomo then!” Hidaka says cheerfully, and pats me on my shoulder.
“The girls are helping me with moving, and we are having a couple of beers. Wanna join us?”
He looks like a happy puppy when he asks me that. It’s actually nice that he asked me to join them. Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all? I look in the direction of girls, and the message they were sending to me with their glares was clear: go away. They didn’t need any more people to compete about Hidaka’s attention.
“Thank you ,but no thanks. I still haven’t unpacked even all of my own stuff” I replied with a polite tone and escaped into my own room as soon as possible.
So annoying. Just the type that annoys me the most. Popular and always surrounded by girls. The type of guy I love and hate the most. Straight and handsome.
 I was picking jalapenos off from my pizza while Hidaka was judging me with his gaze. Finally he says, with little offense in his voice, “C’mon mate! Don’t be so picky. For once I cooked for us and this is how you are, thanking me for my efforts?”
His comment makes me roll my eyes.
“First: It is not actually cooking that you order pizza for us. Second: I don’t like spicy food.” I defend myself, and continue removing jalapenos.
Hidaka made a deep sigh and I realize that I must have been little too harsh on him. He had tried his best after all and his intentions had been good so why I am being so bitchy to him?
“But thanks for ordering pizza for us. That was a nice surprise.” I said, and smiled to my roommate who returned a big smile.
It has been about a month since we started living together. Against my pessimistic expectations, Hidaka and I have had a fun time living together. Actually, we were getting along almost too well. During this past month I had developed a huge crush on him already. And the fact that Hidaka seemed to want spend time with me didn’t actually help the situation.
Hidaka had been the one who had suggested that we could eat dinner together every night. While we were eating, we usually told to each other how our day had been. It was nice. It gave both of us warm, homelike feelings, I guess. It also gave us a chance to get to know each other little better.
I was usually the one who was cooking (because to be fair: Hidaka is totally hopeless in the kitchen. I had forbid him cooking after I had suffered through two meals cooked by him) and Hidaka did his part by washing dishes. But tonight Hidaka had surprised me by ordering pizza for us. It’s actually really nice of him. He knew that I had a long evening class so he must have figured that I must be tired and little cranky after it and not in the mood for cooking.
“Next time I know not to order pizza with jalapenos on it for you. I didn’t know you don’t like spicy food. I still have lots to learn about you, mate.”
Yeah, for example you don’t know that little thing about me that I am gay. Oh and also that I’m interested in you.
“Well, now you know. And now I know you like spicy stuff so I can put extra chili on your dish from now on if you like.” I say, and take my first bite of my finally jalapeno-free pizza.
”Oh yeah I like hot and spicy. Both food and women.” Hidaka says, and winks his eye.
Sigh. Here he goes again. Talking about women was the most common topic we had while we were eating. Hidaka is always describing his ideal woman, and rating girls in our class and stuff like that. Thank god Hidaka is usually the one who talks so I had avoided all the awkward questions like “what kind of girls you like?” because the answer would be: not any kind of girl. I want to be fucked hard by a hot, tall hetero guy like you.
“By the way, what kind of girls you are into Enomo?”
Are you fucking kidding me? I was just celebrating that you hadn’t asked me that one. Ah, here we go. Time to lie to him and –
“Or… don’t be offended but… are guys more your thing?”
D-did he just…?  Shit shit shit. He knows. Panic mode: ON!
I slowly lift my gaze to see how Hidaka’s face looks. I was sure he would be grossed out by the idea that he’s living with a gay guy and ---
Hidaka is smiling.
“You’re gay, right?” He asks, and there is no judgement in his voice at all, so I nod.
“Ok, cool.” Hidaka says, and continues eating his pizza.
”Enomo…. Hey, Enomo!”
I’m startled awake from deep sleep by the sensation of someone touching my shoulder. I reach to grab my glasses from off the nightstand, and when I had my glasses on my gaze focuses on teary eyed Hidaka, who is standing beside my bed.
“Enomo, I had a terrible nightmare, and now I’m too scared to sleep alone!”
Is he a kid or something? Like really? He is almost an adult. I’m sure he can handle one nightmare and – I was just about to open my mouth to tell Hidaka to go back to his own room when my sleepy brain starts to finally work properly. Hidaka is in my room. In the middle of the night. Wearing only pajama pants. My gaze wanders around Hidaka’s naked torso for a few seconds before I pulled myself together again.
“Come here then.” I say, and tap the place next to me in bed.
Hidaka looks more than happy, and without any hesitation he rolls next to me in bed and under the same blanket.
My heart starts racing like crazy. He is so close to me. I can feel his skin against mine. My hand is shaking a little when I wrap it around Hidaka before I ask, “What kind of nightmare were you having?”
“I was surfing and then suddenly a shark attacked me. I tried to escape it by going to land but that shark was some kind of crazy mutant shark, and it had legs so it started to chase me! I ran as fast as I could, but it still was catching up so I decided to climb up a tree. There were coconuts in the tree and I started to throw those at the shark so I could knock it unconscious, but that fucker ate all coconuts!”
Yup. It is official now. Hidaka Akira is 100% idiot. But an adorable idiot. My idiot.
I give a small peck on Hidaka’s forehead and try to sound even little bit empathic and not to laugh when I say, “No need to fear mutant sharks anymore. I’ll protect you.”
Luckily, it’s so dark in my room that Hidaka can’t see how much I’m blushing to my own words. Damn. Hidaka might have had nightmare but I feel like I’m having the most wonderful dream at this moment. My crush is laying in my arms. I can be so close to him. Touch him.
Hidaka leans even closer to me, closing his eyes and murmurs, “Thanks, mate.”
No, thank you. And thank god. Thank you all possible forces in the world. Thank you for this amazing moment I am having right now.
Hidaka’s breath against my neck feels amazing. I also enjoy having taller guy curled against me far too much, his head resting against my shoulder.
I start to stroke Hidaka’s messy bed hair and I feel his breath starting to become calmer. It seems that he’d fallen asleep again in no time. I, on other hand, won’t be able to sleep at all anymore. I’m way too excited to sleep. I want to enjoy every second of this rare opportunity to have Hidaka in my bed.
Soon I lose track of time because I had been too focused on watching Hidaka’s sleeping face. I’m still stroking his hair slowly and enjoying his warm breath against my skin. Damn. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. I have to do it - now or never! I pluck up all of my courage and then I press my lips softly against Hidaka’s lips.
After a short kiss I open my eyes and almost have a heart attack. Hidaka’s eyes are open. He isn’t asleep. Oh shit. Shit. I thought he was deep in sleep.
“…Did you just kiss me?” He asks, sounding really sleepy.
I can’t answer. I was too focused panicking inside my head.
Hidaka stands up, and I am sure that he is about to go back to his own room and not talk to me ever again. But instead of doing that, Hidaka soon leans closer to me again, pressing me softly against the mattress, and looks me in the eyes with smirk on his face.
“If you want to kiss me, at least do it properly.”
After saying that Hidaka kisses me. Properly. He sucks my lower lip softly and it makes me feel so good that I moan a little. When I open my mouth, I soon feel Hidaka’s tongue swirling around mine. I wrap my arms around Hidaka when our kiss starts to deepen. He sucks my tongue and bites my lower lip from time to time ,and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. Finally our lips part. I pant heavily, and I’m pretty sure that my face is completely red. Nobody has ever kissed me like that. It felt so great. I wanted more.
I lean forward, and kiss Hidaka again. I hear a soft groan escaping from his lips, and it gives me even more courage. It seems like I’m not the only one who was enjoying of this situation. I could never dream that Hidaka would like to do stuff like this with me? I thought he was totally straight. Maybe he was just being bi-curious? Fuck, who cares. Enjoy the situation now and worry about things like that tomorrow.
We continue kissing each other for a while. My whole body feels hot, and the fact that Hidaka’s hands are touching me here and there doesn’t help the situation. This has to be a dream. Hidaka is holding me like I’m something precious to him. It feels too great.
After our passionate cuddling session, we finally try to sleep again. I feel like the happiest man on earth at this moment. Hidaka, the man I have a huge crush on, has his arms wrapped around me, and he is pressing soft kisses against my neck. Just when I’m about to fall asleep I heard his voice whispering, ”Sweet dreams cutie.”
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
COVID-19: Everything UAE residents should know during coronavirus restrictions
RTA completes its sterilisation drive Picture Credit score: RTA
Dubai: The final weekend (March 26,27,28) noticed the primary three days of the sterlisation drive adopted throughout the UAE to fight the unfold of the coronavirus illness, COVID-19. The drive, which happens at night time from 8pm to 6am, has been prolonged for per week and can go on till April 5.
Can I am going out during the day?
Is determined by the place you’re going.
UAE’s #StayHome marketing campaign focuses on ensuring that residents keep residence always except completely needed. You’ll be able to exit for work or to buy necessities akin to grocery objects or medicines. To verify folks keep residence as a lot as potential, UAE authorities have issued a listing of fines as effectively.
You could possibly find yourself paying a Dh2,000 tremendous in case your journey outdoors is non-essential.
Eating places are closed for dine-in and supply is energetic so you can’t exit to eat. Malls are closed and so are different leisure avenues. Faculties have been closed for over two weeks now. 
Can I am going out during the night time?
Not except you’re registered.
The UAE sterilisation drive has been prolonged for per week, so residents have been informed to strictly keep residence from 8pm to 6am. Tips have been issued to remain residence together with fines for violators of restrictions. Violators will find yourself paying a tremendous of Dh3,000. 
For those who nonetheless have to exit during this time, register on this official web site. Public transportation can even be suspended during these hours (8pm to 6am) till April 5, Sunday to implement the restriction.
Didn’t pace, however received a radar flash?
Radars flag dashing automobiles are actually getting used to establish motorists who don’t adjust to the authorities’ name to remain at residence during the nationwide sterilisation drive in Dubai, an official mentioned on Friday. That is energetic from 8pm to 6am.
“Solely individuals who have registered on the web site and acquired approval shall be allowed to go away [their] residence in Dubai. We acquired many calls from motorists tonight [asking about the flashing radars in spite of] driving below pace limits,” the official added.
Going to work
Can I take the metro or the bus?
Public transportation in Dubai shall be operational during non-curfew timings. RTA used its social media accounts to substantiate that intercity bus timings have modified, and identified that each one metro trains will run till 8pm earlier than the curfew begins.
Additional steps taken by the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) embrace the disinfection and sterilisation of metro carriages, public buses, taxis and marine transport, with round 1,000 staff solely devoted to the duty. Moreover, all bus shelters in Dubai have been closed briefly as a part of precautionary steps.
Bus doorways shall be managed by the driving force. The entrance and center doorways shall be opened, and the rear door will stay shut.
How many individuals in your automotive or a taxi?
No more than three together with the one who is driving.
The UAE Ministry of Inside and the Nationwide Emergency and Disaster and Disasters Administration Authority, on March 23, acknowledged: “The general public are additionally urged to make use of their very own household automobiles with a most of three people per automobile.”
As for taxis, a most variety of two passengers can now journey in a taxi in Dubai, the RTA introduced on Wednesday.
Motorists who violate this rule of three shall be liable to a tremendous of Dh1,000. 
Grocery procuring guidelines
Important grocery procuring is allowed during non-curfew hours. Nevertheless, the identical social distancing and motion limits apply when it comes to restrictions in automobiles, public transport and so on.
Pharmacies, and meals stores within the UAE, together with cooperative societies, grocery shops, and supermarkets, shall be allowed to function 24 hours, supplied buyers inside don’t exceed 30 per cent of the whole capability. Residence supply can also be energetic for a lot of shops.
Precautionary measures
Many supermarkets have began normal sanitisation procedures together with sanitising trolleys earlier than and after every use. Prospects at some supermarkets are being handed gloves to allow straightforward and clear dealing with of merchandise within the retailer. Social distancing guidelines (bodily distance of two metres) apply in fee queues. 
Supermarkets in malls
Since malls are closed, mall entrances will stay open to permit entry to supermarkets solely.
Meals orders
You’ll be able to order meals supply.
UAE officers confirmed to Gulf Information that meals deliveries are allowed during the sterilisation interval. Bakeries are open for supply as effectively.
When requested by Gulf Information, most eating places in Dubai, akin to PF Changs, Al Forno, Buffalo Wild Wings and Chilis, that are all generally discovered at most malls, confirmed that they might not be accepting clients who got here in retailer to pick-up their meals and as an alternative referred clients to Talabat, Zomato, Deliveroo and Uber Eats to put their orders and get meals delivered direct to their door.
Eating places may pay a tremendous of Dh50,000 in the event that they violate closure directions, whereas guests of those closed institutions will find yourself paying a tremendous of Dh500.
Can I’ve a celebration or a small gathering at residence?
Residents should not plan personal gatherings of any scale as this shall be a direct violation of one of many guidelines in step with the COVID-19 precautionary measures. The one that arranges such a gathering shall be liable to a tremendous of Dh10,000 whereas members will find yourself paying Dh5,000 every.
Public gatherings, occasions and so on. are additionally topic to this rule.
Can I get laundry companies?
In line with the Dubai Economic system directive, laundries are open for enterprise. Specialists say that whereas the precise strategy of washing with highly effective industrial grade detergents at a excessive temperature inactivates the virus, the true risk would the way by which the garments are dealt with and the variety of fingers it passes by earlier than being packaged.
Talking about this, Dr Kamal Akkach, Inner Medication Advisor at King’s School Hospital of London in UAE informed Gulf Information, “Take precautions to not take the parcel in. Because the supply boy, to go away it in your door step. Utilizing gloves, you extract your garments and discard the outer bag outdoors. Convey solely the garments in.”
Should I put on a masks?
UAE introduced a Dh1,000 tremendous for not sporting medical masks in closed locations, for power illness sufferers and other people affected by signs of colds and influenza, and never bearing in mind the protected distance between folks.
WHO directives say that if you’re wholesome, you solely have to put on a masks in case you are taking good care of an individual with suspected COVID-19 an infection. WHO additionally directs folks to put on a masks in case you are coughing or sneezing.
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jamkookies · 5 years
° Bon Voyage °
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• Part III •
There are seven pairs of eyes watching you expectantly and you don't know where to look. This is definitely not what you had been thinking when Tae told you about having to pick a room.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Namjoon says as a matter of fact.
"Why? Should I be somewhere else?"
"Y/N, how many times do we have to explain? " Jin interferes. "You are supposed to go outside and wait for us to hide in our rooms. Then you can come in and choose your own."
You deadpan.
"I'm honestly suffering from jet - lag and I'm so tired and I really wanna get this over with, " you say in a seemingly careless way, but the truth is you are internally panicking. The possibility of you sharing a room with Jungkook had you feeling on edge.
You didn't understand what the hell was wrong with you. This wasn't the first time you had to be close to him or to any other member. Living with them for five years sure had it's own effect.
Then what exactly had changed?
Why did you keep looking at him in another light? Why did you feel your stomach sink every time you threw a glance his way?
And look, you didn't even need to specify who him was, because there was no other to begin with. Just him.
You shake your head, trying to shake off the thoughts too.
This wasn't the time. You had to stick to your plan. Act unbothered, be unbothered.
"Look, hyung. She's scheming." Taehyung observed you like you were a wild animal.
You took this in your own advantage.
" I am so gonna get that single room. Just watch," you said with a false sense of self-confidence.
You stomp off the room and get out into the hallway.
You wait until one of the staff members opens the door again and lets you in.
You carefully step inside, making your feet light on the floor so as not to give away your location.
You pace in the living room and then you think of something. You stomp your feet hard on the floor and wait for any other sound coming from upstairs.
Then your ears catch a romping on the corner of the ceiling.
So, that room was already overcrowded then.
You take the stairs and head for the opposite way.
There was no guarantee that it would be empty, considering that there were a lot of members, but at this point you didn't care anymore. You tentatively pull down the handle and peek inside .
Only a glimpse of white sheets greets you. You swing the door completely open and almost cry out of joy.
It's empty.
You had gotten the single room.
You raise your arms in victory and jump right into the single bed , savoring the comfortable feeling of the smooth sheets.
"Ahhh, finally - "
You scream at the top of your lungs and fall to the floor with a thump, when you see Jungkook's head peeking from under the bed.
The impact rattles your teeth and you groan in pain.
"What are you doing over there?"
Jungkook pulls off a cocky smile.
"Pranking you, of course. Did you really think you were gonna get a whole room to yourself?"
"I was hoping to."
"Nope, you're stuck with me."
"Come here , you little rascal! " You say through clenched teeth and make an attempt at catching him.
He easily avoids you and swerves to the side. You then start to chase him around the room like a five year-old, but was the boy fast...
When you somehow catch hold of him, you put him in a headlock and are about to smack him upside the head, when the rest of the boys come storming into the room.
"What are you doing?" Asks Yoongi. "We heard screaming."
"What does it look like I'm doing? Beating this kid's ass for almost giving me a heart attack, of course."
"Hey, watch the formalities. I'm older than you," Jungkook protests, head still under your arm.
Jin looks at the nearest camera." Could you please cut this part? We don't want the show to be age - restricted because of her cussing."
You stick your tongue at him and then proceed to make a face at the camera.
Jungkook takes his chance and tickles you on your side.
You release him almost immediately, writhing uncontrollably. You were really ticklish, and at the slightest threat you were always ready to throw hands.
Zero tolerance on that.
Still, you manage to kick him behind the knees, making his legs give out.
"How's the ground, loser?"
He looks at you through his see - through bangs and gives you a mischievous smile.
You notice Hoseok pinching the bridge of his nose and then start laughing yourself.
* * *
You are sitting on the couch along with the boys, waiting for instructions from the staff. Even though this was a time for you to enjoy your holidays and get your mind off of the stress, concerts, and everything else, games and missions weren't something you could get rid of.
" You are all going to try to make dinner for tonight. Each one of you is assigned a special dish, and you are to cook it with the ingredients given to you. The one with the best dish wins 200 dollars to spend on shopping."
Everyone lets out cheers of joy at the mention of money.
You were all rich as hell, but you still got excited even at the mention of so much as a coupon. It was your own way of appreciating little things.
The staff member offers you a basket full of tiny globes, each containing a rolled up paper.
He puts the basket in the middle of the circle were you are all sitting on the floor and gestures for you to proceed.
Taehyung fishes one out and opens it carefully, retrieving the roll of paper inside. He's kinda nervous because he doesn't have much experience with cooking, but you all give him reassuring smiles, nudging him to go on.
The paper reads ' Pasta '.
"You're saved, Taehyungie. That's an easy thing to make," Jimin says.
He sighs, relieved and smiles widely.
Next is Jin, who goes for the globe without hesitation.
Jimin. Salad.
Jungkook. Steak.
Namjoon. Soup. You snorted when hearing that.
Hoseok. Milk-shakes.
Yoongi. Tteok-bokki.
It was your turn now.You open the paper with shaky hands and read it.
Yes !
That was one of the only things you knew how to make.
Namjoon looked at you with puppy eyes.
"Would you want to switch?"
You act like you're touched by his display of cuteness then pull off the most serious face.
You jump around in excitement, showing your piece of paper to the other members with the most exagerated moves.
Jin joins you and you start making silly dance moves together.
* * *
Everyone is busy trying to make their own dish and you're no less invested.
There's a hell of a mess in front of you - flour, milk and eggs. Your hair is smeared white even though you had tied it in a bun on the back of your head.
It was fairly short and there were multiple strands escaping from it, but it didn't bother you that much.
At least the apron was doing a good job of shielding your clothes.
You take a look at the others who are concentrated on their tasks. The only sounds in the room are those of knives, spoons and the occasional sizzling of oil.
Then, out of nowhere Jin's voice is heard.
"Hey guys, can you turn off the AC? I'm a little chilli," he says, while holding an actual chili pepper and then laughs like a windshield wiper.
Everyone is trying to hold their laughter, except for Yoongi who actually looks displeased.
"Please stop. It's making me angry."
Jin ignores him and grabs two eggs from the counter.
"You know why eggs don't tell jokes?" He continues. " Because they'd crack each other up!"
You can't hold it in anymore. You double over with laughter, holding your aching stomach. Everyone else is having the time of their lives because of Jin's antics.
Still giggling, you move around the kitchen trying to find other ingredients and bump into Jungkook along the way.
He kicks you lightly in the shin. You kick him back. You both have your hands occupied - him holding a bowl filled with water and you a pack of flour, so you start a kicking competition.
"Hey, quit it you two!" Yoongi yells over the noise of frying food.
Just to spite him, you pour flour all over Jungkook's head. He is outraged and gets back at you splashing you in the face with the water.
You gasp, the coldness seeping into your clothes and making you shiver.
You are soaking wet and you're making a mess out of the water dripping from your face onto the floor.
He's gonna pay for this.
You're about to grab something to hit him with, when Yoongi grabs both of your shirts an pushes you apart.
"What is it with you two today?"
"He started it," you complain.
Yoongi glares at you one last time and lets you go.
You were beyond pissed off but you couldn't deny that it was entertaining to joke around like this.
You both found yourself grinning at each other.
* * *
Dinner was ready.
You had to admit, it looked quite inviting, several dishes with different colors that let out a delicious scent.
You couldn't wait to dig in and the only thing stopping you was the fact that the staff had to try it first in order to decide who the winner was.
You didn't really care about the money.
Shopping wasn't really your thing and even if you won ( which was unlikely to happen), you would probably give it to Hoseok or something. What you did care about was winning.
After the man had a taste out of everything, he prepared to give the final verdict.
The others started making drum sound effects.
You rolled your eyes.
They just had to make everything look as dramatic as possible.
The staff member didn't hesitate.
"The winner is....Jin."
You all groan out of annoyance while Jin gets up from his seat and blows a kiss at the camera.
You didn't stand a chance, anyway.
Who were you to compete with Jin, the Mighty Cook ?
Curse him and his delicious kimbap.
So you dig in, trying everything that was laid out in front of you.
From the corner of your eye you notice Taehyung stuffing enormous amounts of food in his mouth and you smile.
You didn't know why you had started to get so nostalgic lately, but you couldn't help it.
These random moments were the ones that made you realize there wasn't anywhere in the world that you wanted to be , except here, with your family.
* * *
"Let me get this straight. You expect us to fit into that?" You said pointing at the single bed in front of you.
It hadn't really dawned upon you that there was only one single bed on display. And two of you.
At least the others had where to sleep.
Yoongi and Taehyung had gotten the king-sized bed, Namjoon also the same but all to himself, while Jimin, Jin and Hoseok had been assigned on the room consisting of three single beds.
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck.
"You sleep with your head at the front of the bed, while I sleep with mine at the end."
"You mean so we can sleep while hugging each other's legs?"
"You said it, not me."
Despite all of the pent up frustration, you start laughing.
Once you start, it's impossible to stop.
Your sides start to ache and you almost choke on your spit.
Jungkook stares at you, confusion all over his face.
"It's just that," you say, still not being able to produce words correctly, " It's weird how they make us go through all of this, and for what? Just so we can film a reality show."
You shake your head, still smiling.
"Yeah, it is kinda weird now that you mention it," Jungkook says.
He goes for the suitcase on the ground and takes out his pyjamas.
"I'm gonna go change in another room," he says. "You can have the room to yourself."
You nod and go for your own pyjamas.
After he's left, you start slipping out of your clothes.
You'd decided to take an RJ pyjama set with you. The tiny characters were so cute and you really didn't care about looking decent even on your sleep.
Then, you hear a knock on the door.
"Come in" , you say and what greets you is Jungkook wearing his own Cooky pajama set. His black hair and pink clothes makes him look conflicting and you can't help but snort.
"Very funny" ,he mocks you.
He takes his own pillow and puts it at the end of the bed. You take your own and set it at the front.
You both lay down, keeping a respectable distance from each other.
"I can't believe I'm gonna have to hear you snoring all night," you say, eyes on the ceiling.
"I don't snore."
"Yes you do."
"Am not."
"Are to."
"Am no - Ow!"
You pinch his leg.
"Hyung, don't make me beat you again."
His body shakes when he laughs, and he claps his hands together. You turn on your side and are greeted with the sight of his toes right in front of your face.
"Your feet smell."
"I showered half an hour ago. It must be your nose."
You kick him and he laughs again.
"If you're gonna tell me my feet smell, I'll shove you out of the bed."
"I was just gonna say good night."
"Oh. Good night, then."
You take a deep breath through your nose and try to fall asleep, the hint of a smile still on your lips.
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