#I answered an ask
Ok Bestie question time What is your Dave? Is he a cryptic snake? In curious. also here’s ur snack 🧁
Oh yeah, I don't think I've actually explained it here, but yeah, he's pretty much a humanoid snake like cryptid.
But more specifically he's a sleep paralysis demon [it just made too much sense to me, with dave watching jack sleep all the time, being generally unnerving to be around, the constant biting] a species of cryptids in my mind that eat people after putting them in a state of sleep paralysis with their venom.
Now, aren't you glad dave got his venom glands [violently] removed.
And the snack is greatly appreciated, you may have the cupcake wrapper back as a gift
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threeautisticbrothers · 3 months
wjat if you guys just stole each other's identities on here
Likr whay if percy posts as erza or something
Thats such an awesoem idea thank you <3
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thisismehappy · 2 years
Tuckson being an old crotchety couple about reality TV is easily one of the funniest moments of theirs. It's right up there with Liv saying that ordering takeout and going to her place is romantic. Like girl, raise your standards
Omg it's the best! It cracks me up so much. Like especially that they cut to Amanda and Sonny being completely engrossed the show right after that. 😂😂 Whoever put that cold open together was on point.
But I fr loved that they like had each other though. Like two middle-aged curmudgeons acting like they were 100. And like of course they hate reality TV because they both take stuff so seriously and I feel like him taking things seriously is why he was like good at taking care of her. And she felt really compatible with Ed. Like you know he was taking her to museums on the weekend if she wanted lol. And probably like planning enriching outings for them to take Noah on. And like you know he was out there trying to raise her standards. 🥺
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pontiaccbandit · 1 year
Happy birthday ! we're one day apart ! :)
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! 🫶🏻
And happy birthday to you today! ☺️
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piffle--paffle · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.
1. My little dog Tiger, the light of my life, the sweet bb bean. She is everything, I would die for her, I would kill for her. My bb.
2. Instant noodles. Easy quick meal or snack, I add some edamame and sing “I like to eat, eat, eat, noods and oodoomoomoo” instead of apples and bananas.
3. Having good friends over to play Mario Party 8 on the wii. A Mario Party Party if you will.
4. The fact that I have my dream job??? I make dog clothes in my basement and (essentially) earn enough to live on with only part-time hours. I am SO LUCKY and it’s not something I ever want to take for granted!!
5. Tumblr, and fandom. I’ve always been obsessive over the things I like, and being back on this site with so many like-minded people feels great and comfy. So stoked that I actually have mutuals this time around!
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appleinducedsleep · 2 years
Dear 🍎💤 I got a Cinnamon and Gunpowder ask for you~
We had a lot of bad guys in this story. Which one did you find the most intriguing or fun to read about?
Mad Hannah Mabbot, though you can argue, she's also a hero. She was unhinged, but perhaps some of that is the consequence of being a woman in a man's world.
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queenswearpurple · 2 years
I didn’t know you were a fic writer. What do you write about?
Hi! 🥰 I am indeed a fic writer! Right now I'm really into Teen Wolf and the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so a lot of my writing has been about that! I have an ao3 account if you want me to send it to you?
But if you're talking genre, I dabble in a lot of things. Found family, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, you name it, I've probably written it.
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ineed-to-sleep · 5 months
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Collection of memes with mostly my tav/astarion to keep myself sane
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carlyraejepsans · 6 months
When I was like 15 I dated this guy named Wes and we would roleplay Soriel so then when we broke up it made me have a vendetta against the ship for a few years. You made me like them again though so thanks. Also I'm a lesbian now.
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samble-moved · 10 months
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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o0kawaii0o · 18 days
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Happy pride!
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fluffydancer618 · 1 year
Have you ever partaken in the flesh of another?
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pontiaccbandit · 1 year
Dude what’s up with your url btw
It’s just random 🤣 first one that popped into my head when I was thinking abt one
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thenon-fictiondays · 3 months
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lmao he looks so smug about this
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inky-duchess · 7 months
Fantasy Guide to Building A Culture
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Culture is defined by a collection of morals, ethics, traditions, customs and behaviours shared by a group of people.
Hierarchy and Social Structures
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Within every culture, there is a hierarchy. Hierarchies are an important part of any culture, usually do ingrained that one within the culture wouldn't even question it. Hierarchy can be established either by age, gender or wealth and could even determine roles within their society. Sometimes hierarchy can may be oppressive and rigid whilst other times, ranks can intermingle without trouble. You should consider how these different ranks interact with one another and whether there are any special gestures or acts of deference one must pay to those higher than them. For example, the Khasi people of Meghalaya (Northern India), are strictly matrillineal. Women run the households, inheritance runs through the female line, and the men of the culture typically defer to their mothers and wives. Here are a few questions to consider:
How is a leader determined within the culture as a whole and the family unit?
Is the culture matriarchal? Patriarchal? Or does gender even matter?
How would one recognise the different ranks?
How would one act around somebody higher ranking? How would somebody he expected to act around somebody lower ranking?
Can one move socially? If not, why? If so, how?
Traditions and Customs
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Traditions are a staple in any culture. These can be gestures or living life a certain way or to the way a certain person should look. Traditions are a personal detail to culture, they are what make it important. Tradition can dictate how one should keep their home, run their family, take care of their appearance, act in public and even determine relationship. Tradition can also be a double edged sword. Traditions can also be restrictive and allow a culture to push away a former member if they do not adhere to them, eg Traditional expectations of chastity led to thousands of Irish women being imprisoned at the Magdelene Laundries. Customs could be anything from how one treats another, to how they greet someone.
How important is tradition?
What are some rituals your culture undertakes?
What are some traditional values in your world? Does it effect daily life?
Are there any traditions that determine one's status?
Values and Opinions
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Values and Opinions are the bread and butter of any culture. This is the way your culture sees the world and how they approach different life hurdles. These may differ with other cultures and be considered odd to outsiders, what one culture may value another may not and what opinion another holds, one may not. There will be historical and traditional reasons to why these values and opinions are held. Cultures usually have a paragon to which they hold their members to, a list of characteristics that they expect one to if not adhere to then aspire to. The Yoruba people value honesty, hard work, courage and integrity. Here are some questions to consider?
How important are these ethics and core values? Could somebody be ostracised for not living up to them?
What are some morals that clash with other cultures?
What does your culture precieved to be right? Or wrong?
What are some opinions that are considered to be taboo in your culture? Why?
Dress Code
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For many cultures, the way somebody dresses can be important. History and ethics can effect how one is meant to be dressed such as an expectation of chastity, can impose strict modesty. While other cultures, put more importance on details, the different sorts of clothes worn and when or what colour one might wear. The Palestinian people (من النهر إلى البحر ، قد يكونون أحرارا) denoted different family ties, marriage status and wealth by the embroidery and detailing on their thoub.
Are there traditional clothes for your world? Are they something somebody wears on a daily basis or just on occasion?
Are there any rules around what people can wear?
What would be considered formal dress? Casual dress?
What would happen if somebody wore the wrong clothes to an event?
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Language can also be ingrained as part of a Culture. It can be a specific way one speaks or a an entirely different language. For example, in the Southern States of America, one can engage in a sort of double talk, saying something that sounds sweet whilst delivering something pointed. Bless their heart. I have a post on creating your own language here.
Arts, Music and Craft
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Many cultures are known for different styles of dance, their artwork and crafts. Art is a great part of culture, a way for people to express themselves and their culture in art form. Dance can be an integral part of culture, such as céilí dance in Ireland or the Polka in the Czech Republic. Handicrafts could also be important in culture, such as knitting in Scottish culture and Hebron glass in Palestine. Music is also close to culture, from traditional kinds of singing such as the White Voice in Ukraine and the playing of certain instruments such as the mvet.
Food and Diet
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The way a culture prepares or intakes or treats certain foods are important to a culture. In some cultures, there is a diet yo adhere to, certain foods are completely banned. With Jewish culture, pork is prohibited along with fish such as sturgeon, along with shellfish and certain fowl. Meat must also be prepared in a certain way and animal byproducts such as dairy, must never be created or even eaten around this meat. This is known as kosher. The way one consumes food is also important to culture. In some cultures, only certain people may eat together. Some cultures place important on how food is eaten. In Nigerian culture, the oldest guests are served first usually the men before the women. In Japanese culture, one must say 'itadakimasu' (I recieve) before eating. Culture may also include fasting, periods of time one doesn't intake food for a specific reason.
What are some traditional dishes in your world?
What would be a basic diet for the common man?
What's considered a delicacy?
Is there a societal difference in diet? What are the factors that effect diet between classes?
Is there any influence from other cuisines? If not, why not? If so, to what extent?
What would a typical breakfast contain?
What meals are served during the day?
What's considered a comfort food or drink?
Are there any restrictions on who can eat what or when?
Are there any banned foods?
What stance does your world take on alcohol? Is it legal? Can anybody consume it?
Are there any dining customs? Are traditions?
Is there a difference in formal meals or casual meals? If so, what's involved?
Are there any gestures or actions unacceptable at the dinner table?
How are guests treated at meals? If they are given deference, how so?
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Vanessa TOTALLY got those Tapes for the FNAF lore..
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