#I can filter for all sorts of niche preferences
infriga · 2 years
Broke: I don't read as much as I used to.
Woke: I read twice as much as I used to, plus now I can tailor the experience to my exact preferences.
#I've come to realise in recent years#that the reason I don't read original fiction as often anymore isn't because I've somehow lost the motivation to read#I read all the damn time#I just don't like how when I try to read original fiction it's become a gamble#Even if I only ever got books free from the library I only end up enjoying what#5 out of 10 books if I'm lucky?#Because all I can go off of is the blurb on the back#I remember making threads on forums and reddit and stuff asking for recommendations for books that don't have romance#And so many answers would involve ''well it has romance BUT'' like bitch did I stutter???#But with fanfics they almost always explicitly state if there's romance or not#And I can filter for that#I can filter for all sorts of niche preferences#To my heart's desire#So if original fiction and libraries in general had a tagging system as extensive as AO3#Then honestly I'd probably read a lot more original fiction#And like of course it helps that I already know and like the characters with fanfics but that can actually backfire sometimes#if the characterization doesn't match my interpretation#But even then people often tag for certain depictions or behaviours or actions so I can still filter a lot of them out#Not perfectly but better than with original fiction#So for me the lack of a good filter system is the main barrier when it comes to reading original fiction#And I don't see original fiction as being somehow better than fanfiction tbh#Random#Idk why I suddenly had to make this post with a novel worth of tags on it but oh well here you go lol
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madfantasy · 3 months
To fan art and fiction enjoyers:
Please excuse my rage slipping if it happened over having to address this literal mediocrity of a subject in comparison to endless things that actually matters in real life. Because this would be at the scrapping bottom of it, but since the occasion presented itself, here we are:
Do you know there are some, let's say, manners, being in fandoms, and/or in using social media in general? NOOO? 8U
Well, Lets start somewhere!
Like it or not, YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY READ STUFF PEOPLE WRITE. Before you follow, before you comment, before you interact, because if you come across something you don't like, or you started to assume things— that's a you problem and not the fault of the poster.
If you DO NOT enjoy a character, a pair of ship, or a certain head cannon, filter the tag it's used for, Google has free tutorials on how. Most social media have these settings and most decent posters tag their posts correctly. If you keep seeing that pair, you can block the people who create it. You are free to do so ofc but WHY WOULD U come on main and air that out? Personally I find it so bizarre and it could show the type of person you are to other people — a toxic company over fictional substance — and I'd say that is not a flex, more like showing your dirty nappy in public. Those characters you love are not real and so not effected by your high ground stance, but actual humans that share you that love notice and get that impression, and it's a weird one. You SHOULD, of course, set your boundaries, and usually where that is be in your profile, on your bio or a pinned post.
Loving bizarre, villainous, creepy concepts DOES NOT EQUAL morality, nor loving good sunshine and flowers does. It's what a person does in real life what counts, not what they consume in entertainment. In fact, it is not a sign of a good person those who be shaming humans who like different fictional concepts. Or when someone keeps using ai generators knowing full well it's based on constant data theft of all sort of human creators across generations and can not exist without the continuance of this theft. Or those supporting creators that they know did irl crimes. Or those who are Policing what's can and cannot go into fiction as if the fickleness of preference have never let alot of things survive its judgement. And I can go on with the miniature examples. You are forgiven if you did not know before, some people learn through experience, but not anymore when you continue this behaviour. And maybe if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction, and what's more important than what, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be consuming fiction.
DO NOT POST WHAT YOU DID NOT CREATE. Do you like it when people keep posting your selfies that you only ment to share for funsies and what not? Isn't worse if you did not post that selfie in the first place or never wanted it to be used like that? It's the SAME FOR ART. This is the artists work just as much as your face is yours. Social media at the baseline is about who ever the poster is, their posts are theirs. So you posting an artist's drawing, with no permission, no credit to them, no nothing, is not allowed and people can report that. Don't be an ignorant thick fig and play the victim when schooled like this precious dear\s .Reposters disconnect so many content from their creators and this is how alot of beautiful things in life die, by simply not knowing they are loved, shoved into the over consumption machine..
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And lastly, You don't have anything nice to say to OP? Don't say anything! It's not your misguided duty to educate people on how embarrassingly self centered you are, it's okay to be a basic #&★— I promise. It okay to feel out of place in a niche that doesn't concern you. It's okay to realise other people have different perspectives of the fiction work you enjoy. You can sit down.
And I'd like to add, Mani is a safe space for au and ships even if I don't like em, cuz they are only FICTION and will remain FICTION no matter how much I loved them or hated them.
Good day, dears🍀
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kremlin · 1 year
you know, i don't do the super longform posts like i used to, i mean to say, i don't post them anymore, but i still do write looooong ass walls of text, they don't ever make it to my blog. idk. on re-read they all have a very distinctive, unmistakable smell of "bus stop crazy" to them, and even after fixing all the grammar mistakes & forgotten words & etc they graduate from nutcase scribblings to "manifesto"
all those posts go to pastebin, anonymously, and then on to reddit, which is a huge pain, i have to farm throwaway accounts for like a year, not posting at all, before i can post a pastebin link and not have it be spam filtered, just to gauge how accurate my self-assessment is. it doesn't work because nobody reads it, unlike this blog, where 5-6 people read it.
and even that isn't working due to a wild phenomenon. when you write about niche subjects unappetizing to a normal audience, it only really makes its way to the same freaks that you're already friends with. in my case, these are people i've spoken with at great length solely textually over the internet, for like, twenty fuckin years. it probably wouldn't surprise you to know that they can clock something i've written like eight sentences in. and this sucks, it defeats the purpose of trying to hide my Shame Posts from the world with anonymity, so let me tell you what i did.
i tried just, you know, making a conscious effort to write in the most unkremlin way possible, and the result was indifferentiable than something i wrote normally. like, didn't even fool them any longer than otherwise. sure. fine. i guess that isn't interesting. but i wasn't satisfied.
so i call in an owed favor to a buddy that has zero language skills, like, unless you are speaking to him and standing in front of him, every message, regardless of platform, will read like a business email, signature and all. total dingus. he's like 26 & perpetually on welfare, (like all elite programmers) but writes like he's your dad sending email with that fancy corporate-branded-outlooko client that auto-appends some long ass disclaimer to all your email. anyways, that's besides the point, i gave him something i wrote & asked him to rewrite it in his own voice. no dice. "this sounds like something kremlin wrote but he's doing some kind of joke i don't understand, or maybe he got hit in the head". fuck. so i write a WHOLE new thing, not even solely focused on some niche subject that auto-reduces the potential culprits to like 5 people, and i give his ass the broad strokes of what i wrote and asked him to flesh it out. only a marginal improvement. they still nailed me after just a bit more thinking.
so fuck it. i hit up "Gunther" which i don't have the right keys on my keyboard to type properly, there's two dots over the U. gunther is very clearly a german guy, which you can tell on account of him speaking German, and when you speak to him in english, he's all "wast ist das" and shit. so i try giving HIM the broad strokes and having him re-create it, which was an idea/concept he did not grasp fully or understand on account of us not really sharing a language exactly. guess what. it wasn't immediately recognized, at least, it took about an hour for them to deduce i was the author, and at this point i have given up, i have lost because these increasingly cartoon antics have become my signature, and i will never be able to escape the shame of my Weird Bad Writing. they even figured out it was gunther sort-of-ghostwriting it, since it didn't have the quirks of software translation & was sent using some fucking ISO/IEC charset that europeans prefer over utf-8, at least the ones i talk to, for completely unknown reasons. they try and explain it, and i can't figure out what they're talking about, not because i don't speak french & german but because i don't speak ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ
i will never -- and this is a solemn promise -- write in any other way than to bang out the whole thing in 1 hour, never organizing anything, never looking backwards even 2-3 words, never *ever* proofreading (i get someone else to do it for me with explicit instructions to only fix grammar & highlight completely incomprehensible gibberish that they couldn't decipher for my reluctant fixing). i will also never stop posting it.
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iquallinfoweb · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Ecommerce Store from Scratch
Launching an ecommerce store from scratch can be a thrilling yet daunting endeavor. From choosing the right platform to attracting customers and driving sales, there are many factors to consider when setting up your online store. In this complete guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of launching your ecommerce store from scratch, covering everything from initial planning to post-launch optimization.
Step 1: Define Your Niche and Target Audience Before getting into the technical aspects of building your ecommerce store, take the time to define your niche market and target audience. Conduct market research to identify opportunities in the market, analyze competitor offerings, and understand the needs and preferences of your target demographic.
Step 2: Choose the Right Ecommerce Platform Choosing the right ecommerce platform is vital for the success of your online store. Consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, scalability, and pricing when choosing a platform. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce.
Step 3: Design Your Store and Brand Identity Create a visually attractive and user-friendly design for your ecommerce store that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. Invest in high-quality product images, clear navigation, and persuasive copywriting to engage visitors and drive conversions.
Step 4: Set Up Your Product Catalog Organize and categorize your products effectively within your ecommerce platform. Create detailed product listings with clear descriptions, pricing, and high-resolution images. Implement filters and sorting options to help customers find products easily.
Step 5: Configure Payment and Shipping Options Set up secure and convenient payment options for your customers, including credit card payments, PayPal, and other popular payment gateways. Configure shipping options and rates based on your location, customer preferences, and delivery requirements.
Learn More i-quall.com/blogs/benefit-to-convert-an-ecommerce-website-to-mobile-app/
Step 6: Implement Marketing and Promotion Strategies Create a complete marketing and promotion plan to attract customers to your ecommerce store. Use a combination of digital marketing tactics, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and influencer partnerships, to boost visibility and drive traffic to your website.
Step 7: Launch Your Ecommerce Store Once everything is ready, it’s time to launch your ecommerce store to the world. Check all aspects of your website, including design, functionality, and payment processing, to ensure a smooth and seamless user experience for your customers.
Step 8: Monitor Performance and Optimize After launching your ecommerce store, monitor key performance metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, and sales. Use analytics tools to track customer behavior, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your website development for better performance and user experience.
Step 9: Provide Exceptional Customer Service Provide exceptional customer service to build trust and loyalty with your customers. Offer multiple channels for customer support, including live chat, email, and phone support, and respond quickly to inquiries and concerns.
Step 10: Stay Updated and Adapt The ecommerce landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay updated on industry trends and changes. Continuously look for opportunities for growth and innovation, try new strategies and technologies, and adapt your approach to meet the changing needs of your customers. Tips to Hire a Ecommerce Website Developer
When hire a dedicated e-commerce website developer, consider the following tips to ensure you find a skilled professional who aligns with your project needs:
Define Your Project Requirements:
Clearly outline the scope, features, and functionality you need for your e-commerce website. Define your goals, target audience, and any specific integrations required.
Identify E-commerce Platforms:
Specify the e-commerce platform you intend to use (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento). Ensure that the developer has expertise in the chosen platform.
Technical Skills:
Assess the technical skills of the developer, including proficiency in programming languages (such as PHP, JavaScript), databases, and experience with relevant frameworks.
E-commerce Experience:
Look for a developer with a proven track record in e-commerce development. Check their portfolio for past e-commerce projects and the complexity of the solutions they’ve implemented.
Customization Capability:
Ensure the developer has experience in customizing e-commerce solutions to meet specific business requirements. Customization is crucial for creating a unique and tailored online store.
Mobile Optimization:
Verify the developer’s ability to create mobile-friendly and responsive e-commerce websites. A mobile app optimized site is essential for reaching a broader audience.
Security Measures:
Inquire about the security measures the developer implements to protect customer data, ensuring a secure online shopping experience.
Portfolio Review:
Examine the developer’s portfolio for the variety and quality of e-commerce websites they have built. Look for examples that align with your industry and business model.
Communication Skills:
Effective communication is crucial. Ensure that the developer communicates clearly, understands your requirements, and provides regular project updates.
Inquire about the developer’s approach to scalability. Ensure that the e-commerce solution is scalable to accommodate future growth and increasing traffic.
Testing and Quality Assurance:
Confirm how the developer handles testing and quality assurance. A thorough testing process ensures a bug-free and high-performing e-commerce website.
Support and Maintenance:
Clarify the post-launch support and website maintenance services provided by the developer. Ensure they offer ongoing assistance for updates, bug fixes, and improvements.
Cost and Payment Structure:
Discuss the cost of hire a dedicated e-commerce developer and the payment structure. Ensure transparency in pricing and that it fits within your budget.
Legal Agreements:
Review and understand the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. Ensure that all aspects of the engagement are documented in a legal agreement.
Flexibility and Adaptability:
Assess the developer’s flexibility and adaptability to changes in project requirements. An agile approach can be beneficial for accommodating evolving business needs.
By considering these tips, you can make an informed decision when hire a dedicated e-commerce website developer. Thorough research and clear communication are key to finding the right professional for your project.
Feel free to contact if you looking for
E-Commerce-Store-Maintenance In conclusion, by following these steps and applying effective strategies, you can launch your ecommerce store from scratch and set it up for long-term success in the competitive online marketplace. With dedication, perseverance, and strategic planning, you can build a flourishing ecommerce business that attracts customers, drives sales, and achieves your entrepreneurial goals. Experience the unparalleled benefits of hire a mobile ecommerce developer from i-Quall Infoweb. Our developers have extensive expertise in creating customized mobile applications for ecommerce platforms, focusing on user experience, performance optimization, and security measures. Enjoy smooth integration capabilities, cross-platform compatibility, and ongoing support post-launch. Choose i-Quall Infoweb for cost-effective solutions and a proven track record of delivering successful mobile ecommerce projects across various industries.
Contact Us : https://www.i-quall.com/contact-us.html
URL : https://i-quall.com/blogs/the-ultimate-guide-to-launching-your-ecommerce-store-from-scratch/
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codeandgin · 3 months
The Enshittification of TikTok
I’ve been using TikTok since around 2020. I could probably be classed as an average user; I don’t upload much, occasionally leave comments, and mostly just doomscroll. I enjoy the app; I have managed to train the algorithm as best as I can to provide me a feed of queer humour, world news, gaming content, etc. Short-form video can be a great space for that kind of content, and I love watching creative people carve out a niche for themselves. However, during my time using TikTok, I’ve noticed a wave of bizarre design decisions, alterations to the UI, changes to what kind of content is preferred by the algorithm, and I would like to vent about them here.
I would like to preface this with the statement that this article is in no way researched, more that it is an anecdotal account of aspects of TikTok that stand out to me as annoying and emblematic of enshittification.
The UI of TikTok seems to be in an ever-changing state of flux. One day the homepage is split into “For You” and “Following”, the next day the TikTok Shop has joined them as a third tab. Then the “Friends” feed shifts to the navigation bar, only for it to be swapped out for the Shop a week later. Consistency is not key, it seems, in the minds of Douyin’s UX designers.
I understand optimising the layout. I understand the need to find places to put newly developed features. It just seems so constant on TikTok, that I almost doubt that they have a UX team at all. Given that it took years to add letterboxing so non-iPhone aspect ratios didn’t get random cutoff, I may be right.
II. Feature Added, Feature Removed
If you’ve been around on TikTok for any length of time, you’ll know how frustrating this is. With seemingly the same frequency of their UI changes, TikTok adds new features and removes well-liked features to the app. Who remembers pinned comments? I do. The repost feature that was recently added has already been gutted, as you can no longer attach comments to a repost. I don’t know if they’re unconfident in the features they make, or if they’re using us as unwitting beta testers, or what. To compound this frustration, rollout and removal of features seems almost random - dependant on the model of your device or even the region in which you reside. I didn’t get captions for nearly a year after they were first rolled out.
III. Impossible (4/4), conversations(2/4), are(3/4), coherent(1/4)
Comment threads are impossible to follow. It is impossible to have a coherent conversation with someone in the comments over a prolonged period because the comment threads don’t sort temporally. What’s the point in having the ability to reply to specific comments if the thread isn’t going to be displayed in the correct order? Sorting parent comments by an algorithm that boosts engagement, I understand. Sorting comments in a thread the same way is mind-boggling. The 100-character limit is already enough to kill nuance stone dead; we shouldn’t be forced to number a threaded comment so future readers can puzzle together the intended order.
IV. Filters, Content Scrapers, Commissions, and Ads
TikTok has some of the most bizarre content moderation on the planet, liberally applying the ban hammer on legitimate accounts for no apparent reason, and yet doing nothing about the prolific content scraper accounts. There are so many accounts that rip content from other TikTok users, from YouTube, from TV and Film, split it into a million 30-second slices, and farm engagement from it. Sometimes they go to the extra effort of pairing it with an unrelated video designed specifically to turn your brain off and keep watching. Sludge content is hell. And they see little to no pushback - from the comments, or seemingly from the copyright owners. And how could they? It’s like whack-a-mole, one goes down, and two more appear to take their place. And because these scraped videos are specifically designed to hold your attention, and leave you wanting more, the algorithm loves that shit, and pushes away genuine original creative material in favour of these rips. It’s horrifying.
Next to sludge content, with the goal of switching your brain off to farm engagement, are filters. Filter is a misnomer, in my opinion: low-budget augmented reality games would be a more accurate descriptor. With all the grace and robust programming of an interactive mobile game ad, most of these filters act as a medium to create low-effort videos, often to farm rage engagement through acting as incompetent as possible. Because people are so susceptible to rage engagement (why do you think mobile ads haven't changed in 10 years), the algorithm picks up on this and again, pushes this slop out.
Of course, TikTok is also a business and needs to make money. So of course that means, as time inexorably marches on, and they need to maintain the illusion of infinite growth, the algorithm is tweaked to push more ads, worse ads, and ads that are disguised as normal content. If you see “Commission Paid” under a video description, or a link to the TikTok shop, run, because that’s an ad. More ads between videos, and videos that are secretly ads, again diluting the wide range of actually creative art on the platform.
Block them, press the not interested button, close the app. Train TikTok not to reward this behaviour. Please.
V. Self-Censorship
Where Do We Go From Here?
Like I said, I love TikTok. It is a space that has connected communities around the world in a creative space. I learn more about current events on TikTok than I would ever learn on the ten o’clock news. I don’t want to see it continue to decline in quality, I want to see it grow.
This has been a space for me to vent, thank you for reading if you have.
I didn’t redact V. Self Censorship for a cheap joke, by the way. I wrote about five different versions of that segment, but I couldn’t find a way to word how I feel about the topic in a way that felt adequate.
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cheaperfly · 6 months
Elevate Your Travel Game with CheaperFly
Travel is a universal desire, a journey of exploration, adventure, and self-discovery. However, the financial aspect of travel can often serve as a barrier, making wanderlust feel like an unattainable dream. Enter CheaperFly, a platform that has been changing the way people travel by making it not only affordable but also a seamless and memorable experience. In this article, we will delve into how CheaperFly can elevate your travel game, ensuring that your next adventure is within reach.
The Rise of CheaperFly
CheaperFly, a relatively new player in the travel industry, has quickly risen to prominence. It has carved a niche for itself by redefining the way people book flights and accommodations. This platform's commitment to making travel accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget, has made it a favorite among travelers. So, how exactly does CheaperFly elevate your travel game?
Affordable Travel, Exceptional Experiences
The core philosophy of CheaperFly is simple but profound: travel should be affordable without compromising on the quality of your experience. CheaperFly is dedicated to providing travelers with a budget-friendly gateway to explore the world. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for flights and accommodations seamlessly, ensuring that you get the best deals without any hassle.
At CheaperFly, affordability doesn't mean sacrificing quality. They have built a vast network of partner airlines and hotels to offer you a broad range of options that cater to various budgets and preferences. This ensures that, with CheaperFly, you can have the adventure of a lifetime without breaking the bank.
Smart Strategies for Thrifty Travelers
While CheaperFly does an excellent job of offering affordable and cheap flights options, there are several strategies you can employ to make your travel even more budget-friendly:
Flexible Travel Dates:
If you can be flexible with your travel dates, you can save significantly. CheaperFly's platform allows you to search for the most cost-effective options across different dates, helping you find the best deals.
Bundle and Save:
Consider booking your flights and accommodations together as a package deal. CheaperFly often provides substantial discounts for travelers who choose this bundled approach.
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Fare Alerts and Notifications:
Stay in the loop for the best deals by subscribing to fare alerts and notifications. CheaperFly will notify you when there are price drops for your desired destinations, ensuring you never miss out on a great deal.
Navigating CheaperFly
Using CheaperFly is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive platform. Here's a step-by-step guide to make your travel booking process as smooth as possible:
Start by entering your departure and destination cities, travel dates, and the number of passengers.
Filter Your Preferences:
Utilize the platform's filters to refine your options. You can sort by price, airline, and specific amenities to find the ideal fit for your journey.
Review and Compare:
Take your time to review the available options and compare prices. CheaperFly makes it easy to see all the details in one place.
Secure Your Booking:
Once you've found the perfect deal, follow the prompts to secure your booking. CheaperFly accepts various payment methods, making it convenient for everyone.
Extras and Perks:
Explore additional services and perks provided by CheaperFly, such as car rentals and tour packages, to enhance your travel experience.
Real Stories, Real Savings
But what truly sets CheaperFly apart is the real stories of travelers who have had their travel dreams realized through this platform. Here are a few testimonials from individuals who have experienced the magic of CheaperFly:
"I've always dreamt of exploring the world, but the cost of travel was a constant barrier. CheaperFly made it possible for me to see my dream destinations without going over budget. I saved significantly on my flight and had more money to spend on experiences."
"I can't thank CheaperFly enough for its fare alerts. I was able to secure a last-minute deal for my dream vacation that I thought was beyond my reach. The platform truly caters to budget-conscious travelers."
"The comprehensive search options and user-friendly interface made planning my family vacation a breeze. Thanks to CheaperFly, we created beautiful memories without breaking the bank."
A Glimpse into the Future
CheaperFly is not content with resting on its laurels. The platform continues to evolve, with exciting features on the horizon. These include an even more user-friendly interface, personalized travel recommendations, and an improved mobile app for on-the-go bookings. CheaperFly is more than just a booking platform; it's a community of travelers who believe that affordable travel is possible for everyone.
In Conclusion
In a world where wanderlust knows no bounds, CheaperFly stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking affordable adventures. With its user-friendly platform, commitment to making travel accessible, and ever-evolving features, CheaperFly is poised to elevate your travel game.
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seeklovenet · 1 year
10 Best Free Latin Courting Websites To Meet Hispanic Singles
10 Best Free Latin Courting Websites To Meet Hispanic Singles
With that said, you'll have the ability to still talk with other members and find dates by utilizing a free subscription. Another wonderful factor about Latin American Cupid is that it comes with a free app version you can obtain on Google Play Store. One factor is for sure; this website will assist you to land a date with a passionate Latino in just some days. EHarmony is another hugely in style courting website with superior options and a huge member base. It’s not just a Latin relationship site, as many members come from places outdoors of the US.
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If an account seems suspicious, no one will let or not it's shown on the website. Go go to the settings and discover the suitable button. It might say, “Switch off the profile.” Then you press it and voila! If you wish to return, feel free to register with the same credentials.
Why Use These On-line Courting Sites?
Don’t overlook to addContent your photographs and supply basic information so your profile can appeal to other women on-line. Since there are detailed profiles on Latin Feels, you can get extra information about your girl of curiosity. First, they normally offer more communication strategies and extra cool features, similar to sending flowers and presents, requesting contact data latina dating indian, and so on. The high quality of feminine profiles also tends to be greater in relation to fee-based courting platforms. Once you join and create a profile, you should addContent a few photographs to allow your profile to look in other people’s searches. You can create a profile at no cost, however you’ll need a paid subscription to speak with other members.
Needs to review the safety of your connection earlier than continuing.
The data you provide will be used to search out one of the best matches primarily based in your private preferences. When it involves the member construction, most lively customers are from the US, and the remainder are from Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, and other Latin American international locations. Users can seek for potential matches based mostly on many various filters, including looks, age, interests, location, and so on.
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There are specific niches of relationship websites designed to help folks find the sort of partners they are excited about. Lastly, it is important to analyze the standard of profiles. Proper websites pay plenty of attention to make profiles as detailed as potential and decrease dangers of fraudulent accounts. Anyway, there are tons of explanation why you should try international courting websites. Among great features, it’s crucial to spotlight the looking out tools that I discovered most helpful. You can set numerous parameters and find one of the best match, and this is what I tried and now I’m the happiest particular person.
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That is determined by the location you wish to be a part of, but most of them permit different ethnic teams to hitch the platform in their seek for a single Latino man or girl. All of the websites on our listing have some type of safety features, including member verification, encryption, and anti-scam mechanisms. Finally, to begin out looking for someone for a serious relationship, you just want to sign up, and this is fairly straightforward and quick. All the women’s accounts move the verification process.
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The plan comes with the best variety of instruments as in comparison with its counterparts. It has all the features you’ll discover within the gold membership and likewise enhances your profile visibility. It additionally permits customers to make extra detailed accounts, and it comes with a reside message translator. You can buy this membership at $12.50 a month, $23.33 per 3 months, and a year-long subscription for $34.ninety nine. Latino People Meet is a courting website that focuses on the Latino ethnic group. It’s a spot where Latin men and women can find a associate who shares their views on the world.
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briggsodonnell · 2 years
Social Media Consulting, Why, Who And How Much
Twitter is a perfect example of this. 90-95% of your tweets need to be appealing (Pull Technique), and the rest to press your specials on fans. Twitter followers think about specials as spam, so it's best not to over tweet them. Instead, vlike ought to focus on producing engaging material around your restaurant that pulls followers in. Preferably you ought to utilize a mix of Push vs Pull according to Mike Atkinson from FOHBOH. Play with your consumer base and see which platform/strategy is more effective for your restaurant. With web and social media whatever is changing. Social network is a digital variation of the good old word-of-mouth marketing. Today, social networks is the most simple and expense efficient methods of interaction. Your buddies here you put into "circles". You pick to call the circles whatever you desire (ex: buddies, household, work, prospects, news, and so on) and include individuals to the relevant circle. When you include a person to a circle they receive a notice that you have actually included them, however they are not told which circle you have actually put them in. When you search through your news feed you get to sort by circle, picking to only check out household posts or news posts, etc. You also get to pick who sees what you publish, you identify which circle of individuals can see what you type.
So what is it that makes a successful social media tactics plan. Well it's the social part of that formula. This seems like a dumb answer but it truly is the secret to understanding. This is where most newbie web online marketers in fact go wrong. They don't understand that its people out there, that are getting your newsletters, taking a look at your sales letters, including you as pals on Facebook or following you on twitter. So you have actually logged into Twitter and there are tons of possibly unwanted and unread tweets. You then go to your blog site, you've got an enormous amount of remarks and not sure what to do with them, either. And, then on Facebook you have actually got remarks from people you do not know and they aren't stating anything crucial. What do I do now? The option is to get a tool to filter it. Two tools that come in handy, if you're having this problem, is Cadmus and Nsyght. Cadmus helps filter out tweets that are very important to your specific niche whereas Nsyght will seek crucial details from your network, just like a search engine, but only using your network. They are wonderful. As I was planting I couldn't help think how much this procedure was precisely like social media. Think of it for a minute, gardening and social networks. We've both seen the bad marketers that probably have great intents, however they spread their message everywhere hoping that it sticks and that people will magically be attracted to them and whip out their credit cards. Unfortunately when that doesn't occur, they ramp it up or disappear until their all set with something new. Connect your efforts together and incorporate them with your total marketing technique. You must not be doing something entirely various online than you are doing offline. Avoid the split personality - do not attempt to be hip and cool online if you are a conventional, conservative business offline. You run the risk of damaging your brand name and alienating online audiences who can see right through that. First on the list is you need to use a URL shortener. Not just will this avoid messages from looking confined as a result of a long URL, however it will also offer you more tracking info about how well various links perform.
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ammar12897 · 2 years
Glorify App Review
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What is Glorify App?
Glorify is a marketing layout platform with integrated gear and a multimedia library for all skill degrees to create professional visuals. Glorify lets you create stunning, high-changing e-commerce images, with only some clicks.
When it comes to developing visual property for advanced advertising, Glorify is easy enough for non-designers whilst packing all the punch that seasoned designers want.
The platform comprises all talent ranges, so pro designers are free first of all a clean canvas and create to their imagination.
The less tech-savvy can get a soar beginning with extraordinary templates from the close-to-endless library, sorted via niche and subject.
From there, bring your marketing campaign to the following degree and follow bundled templates that convey one constant fashion throughout distinctive layouts, use instances, and size ratios.Now, you may locate a few baseline equipments which provides basic features like upload shapes, text, stock photographs & pix, photograph filters, customize colours, logos, snapshots, select pre-made templates, resize canvas, crop, masks photographs, and so on. But they all are lacking essential equipment with a view to beautifying how any product is provided online that may improve the CTR(Click-thru-fee) and conversions.
Glorify App Honest Review. Get 40+ Exclusive & Special Bonuses inside for you, absolutely Free today. Create High Converting Ecom Product Images in just few clicks.
Glorify_graphic_design_reviewGlorify App (2.Zero)
Glorify, lets you create high-converting beautiful product snapshots with only some clicks. Well, not just pictures, you can also create advertising materials, eBooks, Logos, social media pix, and plenty extra, with no layout abilities or mastering curve!
A photograph is worth a thousand phrases! ~ Frederick R. Barnard
So, in this text, we’re going to dive into the currently launched Glorify app free download, Glorify app designing device. How this picture designing tool isn't like the existing gear like Canva, Crello, etc. We’ll also get to know how this tool can help e-trade sellers, Instagram influencers Funnel Hackers, and Drop-shippers in increasing income, sales, and conversions with the electricity of conversion-driven product pics.
First, have a look at the video to peer how without difficulty you can create a lovely product photograph using Glorify.
Best Features of Glorify App
Create Stunning Product Images Within mins
I’ve used Canva a variety of times however I must say with Glorify Glorify app download  I can create any kind of layout quite fast. I’ll inform you, how speedy it’s. Just pick your preferred template from the ever-developing library, upload your product, brand it with your very own shade palette, edit text and choose your desired font from their library, upload heritage or use outcomes to present it a first-rate look.
Glorify Honest Review. With Benefits, Features, Price, Pros & Cons, Discounts & 40+ Exclusive Bonuses inside for you. Is it the Best Graphic Designing Software for Ecommerce Images?
Quick Easy Effects for a Pro Look.
As of writing this, they have 3 necessary effects – One-Click Background Remover (a function that’s lacking from Canva), Shadows, and reflections. Have a take a look at the beneath gif(s) under to apprehend those results better.
Reflections Effect on Product Image in Glorify.
Annotate Tool to show Important Features of the Product
Now, I suppose this is a critical function for the product pix. Customers can effortlessly get to recognize approximately the essential product capabilities and that’s something which improves the CTR & conversions.
Annotate Tool Glorify
Inbuilt Logo Maker
Have to create a cool brand in your new Shopify Store? Use Glorify’s inbuilt brand maker. Now, glaringly, it is able to update a brand designed by way of an expert logo fashion designer however good day it’s ok to go together with an easy and exceptional emblem within the starting. To design an emblem, simply enter your logo call, and choose key phrases to explain your emblem in order that it can recommend colourings to go together. Once you pick out your preferred colourations, pick out your icons from hundreds of free icons and tweak a chunk to get your perfect logo.
Smart Resizer on your Design
A smart resizer is my favourite device which lets you resize the identical design to any social media format. Take an observation of the beneath gif to recognise how it works. Don’t worry, it's going to contend with all social media system's picture dimensions mechanically.
Smart Resizer function on Glorify
Looking for Design Inspiration?
In many instances, we don’t get the right layout concept. But not now, way to Glorify’s huge library of designs categorized consistent with the area of interest and themes.  For example, if you’re Instagram Influencer grows a cool design for the beauty product you’re promoting then just select the ‘beauty niche’  and you'll get hundreds of design ideas as templates.
Glorify is best for?
E-Commerce Sellers: Glorify app is the precise product picture designing device for all online dealers, no matter what you’re promoting and on which platform. It helps right from Amazon, Shopify, and Woo-commerce to all different online platforms. Using Glorify’s specific features and templates you may boom earnings, income, and conversions with the electricity of conversion-pushed product pictures.
Instagram Influencers: Instagram Influencers industry is booming and in case you’re one of the Influencers, attempt Glorify today in your product photos and improve your engagement and sales.
Funnel Hackers: Using Clickfunnels, Leadpages, Unbounce or Instapage to promote irresistibly gives through charming sales funnel? Glorify is for you.
Drop-Shippers: As drop-shipper are you continuously trying out distinct product opportunities. Create effective product advertising on steroids and the usage of Glorify.
And Everyone?: I, in my opinion, assume, Glorify Review, Glorify App Review Glorify app isn't always just for e-commerce but absolutely everyone can use this picture-designing device to create outstanding expert snapshots that may be used for their online campaigns, social media, blogs, ebooks, commercials and what now not?
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m-ountainhermit · 3 years
taurus moons (marry me <3)
ive known about 4 taurus moons intimately in my life? 3 of which being geminis lol........... how did that even happen. all 4 are among some of my closest friends & family so i would say i have a fairly comprehensive grasp of this placement :,) I LOVE THEM so so much
taurus moons are some of the sharpest, talented and patient individuals ever (ok i’m starting to sound biased LOL sorry i cant help it). uh where do i even start???
the way they process their emotions
the moon is comfortable in taurus so although there might be internal conflicts (can be exacerbated/ minimised by ur aspects), they express them in a more measured manner. they tend to rationalise/ filter their emotions so that they don’t feel too much at once? will usually endure all kinds of shit that’s thrown to them although they might get annoyed, but if u screw with any of their close friends/ family you will get the coldest stare in the history of stares. their anger isn’t reactive, most of the times they prefer to ice people out until they sort through their own emotions by themselves. in that way, they’re quite independent and private about what they’re feeling. if they choose to open up to you, u can bet that they trust you a hella lot. and if they do choose to, they’ll usually do so in a contemplative if not (maybe) slightly annoyed tone if they can’t figure out a way to “solve” the issue. they don’t show their anger externally most of the time but they do remember what you’ve done to them/ their close ones and they might hold it against you secretly. and if that happens be careful, because once they’ve made up their minds on a persons character, they’re not likely to change it unless u personally interact with them for a long period of time.
u might never see these people cry but obviously like everyone they feel sadness??? it’s just that they don’t see the point in dwelling in it for too long, or they integrate it into their emotional landscape such that it mellows out and eventually becomes less potent. they get sad when their friends are sad, when they see human suffering (for example, my best friend cried after talking to an old lady with alzheimer’s), when they don’t meet their standards in that one niche area they’re vv passionate about (imo every taurus moon has that one specific hobby they’re super talented/ know a lot about at). when they express their sadness, just be there w them and listen. honestly get them their favorite drink and make them laugh and they’ll appreciate u till the end of time.
their dedication & compassion
b4 i start this section i feel like it’s important to establish that when it comes to people, taurus moons don’t do anything they don’t want to, so if u feel like you’re the most high maintenance person ever, but they’re still by ur side, they don’t see u as a burden ever, and instead they’ll probably find those things u deem as “high maintenance” as endearing quirks. taurus moons value their social circle quite a bit, and even if u guys drift you’ll still have a space in their heart - they won’t forget the good times u had. which is why i say that taurus moons are incredibly loyal and steady friends to have. they’ll roll ur eyes if you do something stupid but they’ll stick with you unless u do something so horrible it violates their unmoving moral code.
although, if for some reason u fight with a taurus moon, you can 100% bet that they will never apologise first. they are personable, live their own lives in a usually morally good manner, are intelligent and responsible, and they put up with a lot of shit, so they don’t usually see why they would have to apologise. they don’t apologise unless they really mean it, and usually they don’t think they’ve done anything that wrong that warrants an apology. personally i’ve never encountered a taurus moon who apologises voluntarily 🙄 but that’s ok because i’m the one usually stirring up shit LMAO. if u didn’t get the memo taurus moons are actually so stubborn and will never budge from their perceived moral goodness they hold.
the type of people they vibe with
taurus moons with air/ water sun signs know how to sweet talk people good and can honestly be a bit manipulative so they usually attract a medium-ish social group. but they will have a few close friends that they rotate around because altho they are dedicated, they do need variety. these people are cautious with their hearts and sensible with who they let in - it’s not personal or anything, it’s just that they require a slightly longer time to assess somebody’s character and determine if that person is worthy of their time/ trust. they know their self-worth so they won’t settle for less.
idk why this isn’t mentioned more in astro but taurus moons hate feeling bored. like they hate it. they make a ton of crackhead friends, oftentimes those who express their emotions more explosively or feel things a lot more intensely. so they love someone who’s authentically themselves, or has some weirdass quirk that makes them a bit eccentric. they need someone who will make them laugh and u have to be a good conversationalist or they’ll drop u in like one second fr. they usually can see through people’s bullshit so if you’re putting up a facade/ saying stupid shit they will humor you but they’ll give u that look that tells you they know. will ask u if you’re ok if it’s gone on too long but will never hold it against you if there’s a reasonable explanation. ultimately they appreciate someone whose outlook on life aligns with theirs or if different, someone who is consistent and passionate about their approach to life. oh and also, they have such a good sense of humor and are generally good-natured enough so that they’ll laugh at the shittiest jokes ever. @ every taurus moon falling in love w witty smooth-talkers 🤚 literally their kryptonite
ok i’m done w this finally!! might come back and edit it if i have anything else to add. wanted to add a section to roast them 😇😇 but i didn’t want to make this longer than i had to. hope u enjoyed!!
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lexosaurus · 3 years
How do you get people to follow you and your schedule??? How to make a fandom schedule??? How are you so influential??
i could answer this sort of meme-y like "lol i post stupid things" but if u actually wanna know how to throw a proper event, here are some tips:
1. if you're a small blog, collaborate with other blogs. the first time i picked up an event, i probably only had like half the followers i do now. so i buddied up with multiple blogs to get as much reach as possible. it can be fun to work with other people!
2. make your shit look nice. if you're making an actual calendar, make sure it's colorful and fun, but also legible. this is actually hard to do, especially if it's a 31 day calendar. when in doubt, post the prompts again below the image calendar.
also, this is kinda an aside, but if you wanna make a fun calendar using images online, make sure you filter your google searches by the image copyright. dont be that asshole who makes an art event and...accidentally steals art to promote it.
if you're lazy and are just making a post, still organize the post in a way that's fun. whether that's using emojis, paragraph lines, etc., have your post be pleasing to the eye. if it's just a bunch of walls of text, people aren't gonna read it.
3. make an event that's unique. the classic dannymay calendar event is cool and fun, but it can be oversaturated. i think events work best when you take that prompt-style familiarity and find a twist or niche to it.
4. give people an easy way to engage in the event. whether you make a discord, make a separate blog for it, or just throw up a hashtag and pin the post to your blog. it doesn't matter so long as the event has its own easy way for people to find the content. ---
5. establish in writing the level of participation required. whenever i throw events i CONSTANTLY get asks/DMs of people worried that they won't be able to participate every day and can't do the event, or they're posting late, etc. if your event is like invisobang and is very intensive, say so. but if it's like dannymay or side hoes week and is pretty much a "do what you want," say it and reiterate it every time someone asks. because you never know who's lurking and may want to post something but doesn't think they're "good enough."
(funny story, i actually never tried phic phight till this year because i knew i couldn't make more than 1 or 2 fics for it. turns out u can literally not write anything and still score points for your team, and even if you don't get points, you're not shamed or banned from future phights. so that made me really excited to try the event out, and i loved it!)
6. engage with people's content during the event. i make a queue system, i read and comment on fics, i follow blogs, i reblog stuff all the time, i always try to leave nice comments in the tags at the very least. i like to let people know that i see the effort they're putting in and i love and support it. positive encouragement is one helluva drug.
anddd yeah that's all i can think of. keep in mind that different types of events require different amounts of work. i prefer to run "hands-off" types of events where i do a bunch of prep beforehand, but then once the event actually starts, aside from checking the tag every day, i don't do much. but some events, like phic phight or truce, require a LOT of work before, during, and after the event. so if you know that you can't handle that, then just don't do it. it's the exact reason why i had to step away from truce last year, and honestly it's better to pull away before than to get into an event and realize you're in over your head (which has happened to me before and it's no fun i promise).
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Just saw your vent post and I think diving into your self indulgent stuff might help. For me personally, when working on original stuff, that's when I'll think about things like appealing to others/marketability/etc, but when it comes to fandom stuff, the only audience I care to pander to is Me, Myself, and I. Other people sometimes end up liking it, mostly it just goes ignored, maybe a like by a mutual if they see it. I prefer it this way, since worrying about appealing to more people when writing fanfic makes it feel too much like Writing I Do For Work, and I even never use betas for that same reason, it makes it feel too much like Work Writing, when fandom is Fun Writing.
I'm not sure what you do outside of fandom, but you have so much creativity, I've kinda assumed you've either been doing creative work or are studying to go into it--I can see you in a character design shop tbh, I can see Pin being a villain people would just eat up and love or love to hate.
If you're in a creative field, I feel like it's just good practice to go into Work Creative Space and Fandom Creative Space with different intents, if anything for the sake of mental health, as I've been in a very similar place, where silence on my fandom work would make me rethink what I'm doing, make me want to retcon WIPs, thinking "Maybe if I change this to that or this ship to that ship or change this character to be closer to fanon, more people will want to read/will comment/whatever".
You sound like you already very well know this isn't a healthy mindset, so I'm not going to go into that. I'll just say dive into that self indulgence, whether or not you're doing original creative work in the background as a job/part of study. You have great stuff, but audiences can get burned out just like creatives do. Sometimes it's because they're also creatives. Sometimes it's just burn out from seeing so much art/writing/media ALL THE TIME.
Something a professor told me was that if you got to go to an art museum, and you tried to really appreciate each piece, you'd end up exhausted before finishing even one section of the museum. This can lead to the 'mindless scrolling' a lot of the time. Fandom is becoming a large part of a lot of people's lives, but for most people, it's secondary or even tertiary media, and they're already putting a lot of energy into enjoying and appreciating the media they're in fandoms for. (Yes, there are some people who 'set fire to canon' and are in the center area of a fandom, but most people are closer to the sides, occasionally popping in from time to time but not setting up tents, if that makes sense.) So many of those people just don't have the energy to really get involved with a lot of media produced my fan creators, especially if they follow a lot of them and can only comment or otherwise get involved with a few posts/creators at a time. This can be what often leads to some 'visiting' the same 3-4 creators more often than they may go to another creator.
Setting up a place and waiting for more people to filter in can feel exhausting all by itself, especially when you're trying to create more to fill more of that space and hopefully entice more people to pop in and see what's going on.
When you focus on self indulgence for a while, you're not always looking at the door, since you usually don't expect people to walk in (at least, I never expect it), so when people actually do come in and tap you on the shoulder to see what you're working on and if they can see, it can really help offer that extra boost you need.
I really don't think you're doing anything wrong. A lot of artists who don't do what those "How to get more followers" tips still find an audience, sometimes due to the niche, sometimes starting out niche but expanding as more ideas get tossed in. Some artists who by the book, seem to do everything right, don't get nearly as much. There's really not a right or wrong way to create or share your creations. There are just a /lot/ of creators, so a lot of times, it boils down to how people find your door.
These are all really good points so I am going to share. Honestly a lot of my GerCanMano stuff is pure self indulgence but you're honestly right I think I'm probably gonna focus on some self indulgent shinanigans for a bit, and stop worrying as much about getting things out on time and making it perfect
but I do wanna point out this cause it hit me;
I'm not sure what you do outside of fandom, but you have so much creativity, I've kinda assumed you've either been doing creative work or are studying to go into it--I can see you in a character design shop tbh, I can see Pin being a villain people would just eat up and love or love to hate.
I was in school, but I never declared my major so I had to stop temporarily because I honestly don't know what major to be. There's so many things I like to do, but I don't know if I want to make a career out of them if that makes sense.
Like art, I love art and video games, I'd love to do things like animation or graphic design or be my own indie developer, but I worry if thinking about a game like a business slash whats making me money will ruin the creative process. It wont be making things for the joy of making things, it would be for my job because I had to, and idk- that just isn't as fun. Im worried about that mentality sinking in. I like them but idk if I wanna have to take them full on seriously as a career.
I'm trying to get a minimum wage job right now but its hard to find a job right now in the US job climate, especially with the fact that I have to find job willing to cater to a disability I have currently offrecord because my doctor wouldnt listen to me. Which is even harder because Ive had to walk away from jobs before because they wouldnt give me accomedations without doctors recommendation.
I am planning to set up a Etsy shop right now actually. I need to get a printer, but otherwise hopefully soon I will have a store up with stickers and preorders for keychains. One day I plan to get a button press and make my own buttons. I have hetalia merch planned, as well as my ocs. I'd love and have designs for all sorts of stuff, custom tshirt designs- like subtle hetalia fan stuff like pockets on the chest witht he character "sticking out" with familiar hetalia patterns. I have miraculous ladybug stuff planned. My friend gave me the idea of aster's heart as a friendship necklace and I love it, I could imagine all sorts of needle and thread themed pin merch I have a lot of ideas its just designing and making them and seeing if people would buy them.
I dont quite know what you mean by character design shop if thats something different or not, but yes.
Ill save a ramble about pin for a seperate post this ask is long and so is my response so Ill stop
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
I’m happy I’m sad I’m motivated I’m unmotivated I’m sick I’m taken I have a crush I’m in love I’m single I’m brokenhearted
I want to sleep I want to study I want to go out I want to stay home I have school today I have work today
I’m afraid of spiders I’m afraid of being alone I’m afraid of snakes I’m afraid of flying I’m afraid of failure I’m afraid of clowns
I took chemistry classes in high school I took math classes in high school I took English classes in high school I took geography classes in high school I took biology classes in high school I had gym in high school I took art classes in high school I took science classes in high school I took history classes in high school I took physics classes in high school I was in the theatre after school program in high school I had some sort of music classes in high school I had some sort of dance classes in high school
Bold the things you’ve never done.
I’ve never gone to Disney World. I’ve never been out of my home country. I’ve never kissed a stranger on the lips. I’ve never read a book over eight hundred pages. I’ve never painted a picture on a canvas. I’ve never sang in front of a large crowd by myself.
I’ve never had braces. I’ve never learned French. I’ve never had a fight with my dad. I’ve never updated my status through my phone. I’ve never used Nair. I’ve never cut my wrists. I’ve never wanted plastic surgery. I’ve never drank organic regular milk. I’ve never learned Chinese. I’ve never blew up a balloon. I’ve never changed a baby’s diaper. I’ve never lost my phone for good. I’ve never lost a friend through death. I’ve never met one of my grandparents. I’ve never met someone with my exact name. I’ve never dated someone with red hair. I’ve never put on eyeliner for myself. I’ve never took a dance class. I’ve never tried weed. I’ve never tried drugs. I’ve never cooked dinner for my family. I’ve never had anything besides my ears pierced. I’ve never had a tattoo. I’ve never went to the beach to tan. I’ve never kissed anyone on the lips that was younger than me. I’ve never dumped someone. I’ve never stepped in something nasty barefooted. I’ve never cheated on someone. I’ve never waxed anything on my body. I’ve never dyed my whole head a different color. I’ve never kissed anyone who was above the age of seventeen. I’ve never kissed in the rain. I’ve never gone a day without laughing. I’ve never got held back a grade. I’ve never stolen anything over twenty dollars.
Waiting until the last minute TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) Angry crying 4 am seamless Big flirt Hot yoga “Why are you so upset? I’m over it now” No filter Cutting in line at the store Skipping to the “good part” Ignoring the speed limit Tinder Shoplifting Exclamation points!!! Bad tattoos Caffeine addiction Toned AF Muay Thai “Don’t touch me” Breaking a bone Spelling errors Picking fights for no reason Lowkey really sensitive Skipping breakfast 7/24
Taurus Falling asleep on the subway Going barefoot Using hands as utensils Calling in sick Materialism Tree climbing Cuddling Controlling the aux Great British baking show “I deserve to treat myself” Aesthetics Spending the whole day in bed Anything that says “natural” on it Long-term relationships Expensive sheets Picnics in the park Essential oils Sex as exercise Tender Wearing the same outfit 3 days in a row Says a controversial opinion and then “I’m not going to argue” Calm, cool, and collected Silk everything 5 meals a day 7/24
Gemini Giving unqualified advice 50 different tangents “Prove it” Playing Devil’s advocate Can’t keep a secret Scamming Carrying a book around Arguing for fun Always knowing the latest gossip Adderall Spilling guts to the Uber driver Rationalizing emotions Lying to be more interesting Most active in the group chat Anxiety Telling the same story 10 times to perfect it Philosophy 1000 ideas per minute Sardonic sense of humor Full of interesting facts 23 best friends Internet memes Forgot how to cry Living a double life 4/24
Cancer Screenshots Same friends since high school Sleeps with a stuffed animal Vintage clothes Cries when yelled at Going home early Nesting Holding grudges Mood swings Drinking tea Supporting others’ chaos Social anxiety HGTV Super protective of loved ones Accidental emotional manipulation Cooking for friends Likes animals more than humans Meeting someone and immediately planning their whole lives together Empathizing with film protagonists Vivid childhood memories “Mi casa es tu casa” Serial monogamist Good emotional memory Big hugs 8/24
Leo Mid-day outfit changes Giving out compliments Taking an hour to get ready Accidentally flirting Making friends in the Uber pool Using a window as a mirror Passionate emotional outbursts Lowkey insecure Creating drama to avoid boredom Opening up after just meeting someone Going to the spa Needing to make opinions known Large but fragile ego Wanting recognition for your generosity Making a scene Pretending life is reality TV Giving really subjective advice Overdressed for the function Creative genius Social media as therapy Trying something and being instantly good at it Can’t take a joke Self-care Urge to stand out 7/24
Virgo Over-analyzing friendships Fact check Knowing a little about everything Helping people get their shit together Very specific tastes Fixing it or making it 10x worse Personal projects Health routines Pretending to have your shit together Repeating a task over and over until it’s perfect On good terms with your trash exes Stretching self too thin Stuck in negative thought cycles Noticing little things no one else notices Needs to quit like 3 things Nitpicking Self-sacrificing Hyperfocus Reading 3 books at once “Sorry for the late reply” Functioning on 3 hours of sleep Can’t turn brain off Neurotic Putting yourself last 17/24
Libra Fomo (fear of missing out) Saying yes to every opportunity A little bit of suck up Fear of being alone Flirting with everyone but your crush Tossing a coin to make big decisions Easily influenced Art films Strong sense of right and wrong Torn between being social and having much needed alone time New crush every day Going to museums Overthinking romantic relationships Truly admiring all your friends Adopting others’ hobbies and mannerisms Overdraft fees Showing up late or not showing up at all Avoiding conflicts at all costs Talking about past romances on the first date Gossipy but with good intentions Panicking when someone raises their voice Trying to see both sides Unable to end a bad relationship Pretending to hate drama 9/24
Scorpio Resting bitch face Keeping the right amount of secrets Has a “hit” list (either meaning) Needing to have control in relationships Knowing what you want and exactly how to get it Disappearing at parties Morbid thoughts Believes in “energy” Attractive Staring from across the room Stalking crush’s social media Fascination with cults Still in an emo phase Breaking hearts but sad about it Trust issues All black Existential angst Silently walking away from uninteresting conversations Chaotic emotions behind a calm mask Craving emotional intensity “What am I gonna gain from it?” Seeming intimidating, actually really sensitive Friendships of utility Loves crime 12/24
Sagittarius Losing interest and quitting anything that doesn’t come easily Giving opinions without being asked No inside voice Arguing as foreplay Backpacking trips Talking over people Stating opinions as facts Corny jokes Took one philosophy class and is basically Nietzsche now Always having the last word Using big words to sound smart Speaking more than one language Fueled by laughter Calling friends on their BS Asking for advice and then not taking it Needing to change activities every 30 minutes Telling it like it is Correcting people Unwaveringly optimistic Laugh can be heard from across the room Talking about a book after only reading the Wikipedia synopsis Learning a lot from travel Periodically getting rid of all your belongings Pulling out a party trick 9/24
Capricorn Fear of not living up to potential Overcommitting Anything ‘rustic’ Favorite song is the NPR jingle Has real, tangible goals Repressing trauma Always on time Slow and steady Minding your own business Prefers on one hangs to group hangs Work/life balance Putting more money into savings than you take out Acting 20 years older than you actually are Is prepared for the worst-case scenario Never asking for help Reading for fun Is actually normcore Taking care of business Taking things seriously Motivated by stress Minimalism Hanging out with the same 3 people Bashful around crush Holding friends to high standards 9/24
Aquarius Lowkey superstitious Obscure music David Lynch Weird makeup Self-given haircuts Bad at flirting Feeling like an alien Reding conspiracy theories on the internet Estranged from emotions Experimental poetry Martyr complex Being called a free spirit Abstract concepts Making plans and canceling them Intellectual superiority A little arrogant Loves an underdog Using a thesaurus Activism Fuck the rules Intentionally provocative Highly ethical Queer theory Niche knowledge base 1/24
Pisces Head in the clouds Misplacing keys Unofficially moving in with friends Easily overwhelmed Empathizing with plants Existential crisis #3 Really long showers Leaving clothes in a pile on the ground Using fantasies as an escape Romantic drama Need for constant validation Acts either 7 or 70 Incredibly active imagination Cripplingly self-aware Over-apologizing In love with 10 people at once Binge drinking Giving good advice but can’t apply it to yourself Secretly writes poetry Crying in the bathroom at work Can’t take criticism Mind reading #NoBoundaries Saying something deep out of nowhere 12/24
I am most like a Virgo (my actual sign)
You have an ex You don’t wear glasses You have blue/gray/green eyes
You’re pretty tall
You can drive a manual transmission car
You know how to change the oil
You know all about cars
You have a serious passion for photography
You’ve known your best friend since middle school You’re close friends with someone since elementary school You prefer Quiznos over Subway
You’re in a relationship You’ve had a rebound before You’ve been in a relationship for five years
You’ve cheated before
You’ve dated someone who was Asian You’ve dated someone who was Hispanic
You’ve dated someone of your own ethnicity You like to sleep a lot You were born in winter Your birthday is in February
You’re the oldest in your family
You have a younger sister You have a cat You don’t have step-parents You often work the night shifts at your job
You can play the drums
You know a lot about flowers
You’re allergic to shellfish
You like garlic You like a lot of cheese
You get real Christmas trees
You’ve been in a car accident before You’ve snuck people over to your house You’re part Hawaiian
You’re a Pisces
You have no tattoos You have no piercings You have brown hair You have a Steam account You don’t have a Twitter
You’re hardly on any networking sites
You have an XBox360 You don’t like Playstation products very much
You have relatives in Alaska and/or Hawaii
You have a Toshiba laptop
You love German Shepherds You love Welsh Corgis You are Republican
You are Methodist
Your room is rarely ever clean
You’ve drunk dialed someone
A nasty rumor has been spread about you You’re in college One of your parents was at one point enlisted in the military
You are close with your family You like paintballing
You don’t smoke You don’t do drugs
You have a habit of keeping things you borrowed longer than expected
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