#I can just imagine how freaking hilarious this will be with these two causing shenanigans for Gabriel
wolflover2426 · 1 year
Crack Prompt: Alya and Adrien were assigned to do a project and Adrien suggested that they work in his house.
It also leads to Alya snooping around and Adrien having to reel her in and then they discovered that Adrien’s father is Hawk Moth.
Adrien instantly gets into a spiral and Alya is there to reassure him during this. They came up with a plan to steal the brooch but also to mess with Gabriel for being a shitty father and villain.
Or in layman’s terms, Adrien goes through a teenage rebellion phase with Alya encouraging this while making sure to support Adrien and threatening to expose Gabriel being a terrible father thanks to Alya’s influence as the Ladyblogger and being best friends with the babysitter of Nadja’s daughter.
(Marinette is blissfully unaware of this because she’s too busy having her brain melt into mush at seeing Adrien in leather outfits and looking absolutely fine)
Bonus if it ends with Rena and Chat just telling off Gabriel after he reveals his plans with the wish and Rena giving Gabriel her absolute terrifying speech of how he should allow his son more freedom or else she will make his life a living hell.
(Let’s say, if he doesn’t comply. She’ll make him her big sister’s new punching bag)
Also, it would be funny if Alya figured out Adrien’s identity during this or Plagg simply said “Screw secret identities” when the duo found out who Hawk Moth is and exposed himself to comfort his holder
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lightneverfades · 4 years
Tehee! The Frostiron Holiday Wishes challenge ❆ is officially closed for submissions, and OPEN FOR CLAIMS! 🎅🎄 (Wishlist)
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Sorry for the delay in posting the wishlist! And thank you so much to everyone who’s submitted prompts! :D ♥ ♥ ♥ 
For those not aware of the challenge, you can see what it it’s all about in the original post here! :)
*** This post was last updated: 12/8/2020 ***
Rules for Claiming a ‘Wish’
❆ Artists can claim as many ‘wishes’ (idea/prompt) as they want and fill them (as all prompts are not designated to a specific artist)!
After you’ve picked up a ‘Wish’ to Fill 
❆ Please be sure to contact me (lightneverfades) via message which one you chose! ❆ When you finish creating the artwork for the wish (ideally before Dec 24), please be sure to send me the art/fic/etc you’ve made! (If you need help sending it to me, let me know and I’ll help!)  ❆ I know you might be excited, but the surprise is what makes this fun, so please keep your artwork a secret until Dec 24 & 25!
❆ On Dec 24 & 25 (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!) 🎅🎄, I will post a MASTER POST including links/photos/etc of all the artwork/completed fills received for the prompts below! :)
Types of Fills ✨
❆ Any type of fan works is allowed - That means fan fics, fan art (drawings, digital graphics), fan videos and fan mixes!
Note: *= Anything with this means I couldn’t directly tag the user’s name. (Please contact me and I will edit it so that it works!)
Q: Is there a word limit?  A: Nope, there is no word limit! ;) Although it will be ideal if the fic in general is a complete work! 
Without further ado, here are the wishes received for the challenge! ♥
Requester: @kimmycup​  Rating: G (General audience) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Invasion fic where Tony figures out Loki was mind controlled before Loki does: "But I WAS in control. Thanos didn't control me like I did Clint." "Yeah sure. And if you wanted to take over the world, what would you do?" Loki spluttered, fully aware that plan was dumb. Still, he would KNOW if he were controlled... Right? "But I wasn't mind controlled! It was me!"
Requester: @kimmycup​ Rating: G (General audience) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki in Tony's MIT sweatshirt.
Requester: @worstloki​  Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: nothing nsfw please >:) Wish (Prompt/Idea): Tony and Loki both having panic attacks at the same time. just make it wild. whatever the reasons are, maybe it's the same reason? maybe they have shared triggers? maybe it's separate reasons? maybe the other avengers are around and don't realize the incoming attacks and keep bringing up bad memories? maybe one of them notices the other is freaking out and defends them? maybe drags them away only to also start having a panic attack? whatever. they're both freaking out and just kinda do that. they then bond over it. (this can be crack or angsty I don't mind)
Requester: Nivael * Rating: E (Explicit) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): I’d always had that idea in my head, that Loki somehow took notice of Tony during the events of Thor 1, when he was on earth/watched Thor on earth.He fell in love with the mortal that was at the same time so different yet similar to him. So when he fell from the Rainbow bridge and into Thanos’ hands he planned to sabotage earths invasion from the very start to save Tony. Fast forward to at least after the end of Thor 2, (when Loki takes Odin’s place in the MCU) Loki escapes to earth after Thor thinks he’s been killed by the dark elves. He knows Thanos won’t rest until the infinity stones are his and the earth is still in danger. So he watches Tony to keep him save. With all the self hatred and lack of self esteem he harbors, he does not plan to actually act on his feelings, because he does not think he could be worthy of Tony. Plus, he invaded earth, caused lots of casualties, he’s an ugly Frost giant and the god of lies...so... yeah. He cannot think of one reason why Tony could be interested in him.But his feelings draw him to Stark and one day while following him, Loki gets careless and Tony discovers him. (Maybe Loki even discreetly intervenes a few times when Tony is in danger and Tony doesn’t notice until one day he does...?). So Stark confronts him and bit by bit (because Loki is not very cooperative and the least he wants is for Tony to discover his "ugly" emotional secret) he uncovers the truth about Thanos, the invasion and how Loki feels for him. I can imagine Loki to react ashamed, dismissive and maybe aggressive when Tony finally finds out. Tony, not being stupid, already suspected something to be fishy about the invasion. With how much Thor told him about Lokis wit and cleverness, he finds it hard to believe that Loki would make so many obvious mistakes. But now that he knows, all makes sense.Loki still watches over Tony, but keeps his distance. Until one day he saves Tonys life during a (random) attack and gets badly injured. With Lokis life on the line Stark realizes he has feelings for Loki and he takes him in to take care of his wounds. Healing takes some time so the two have plenty of time to get to know each other and deepen their feelings. Smut may follow :D (Oh... I am SO SORRY this became so much. God, it is too much, isn’t it? And sorry for my english o.o)
Requester: Nivael * Rating: E (Explicit) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki and Tony are in an established relationship. Things go great, but Loki is still unaccepting of his Jotun heritage and body. While Tony is completely fascinated by it, partly because Loki tries to hide it so hard. So he gets a fancy magical gadget from Strange (amulet, bracelet,...?) to be able to avoid frostbite so he can touch Loki even when he's in his Jotun form. Then there will be smut! :D
Requester: @brianadoesart​  Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): MERMAIDS. I like mermaids. Either a fic or art, but I just want more content of mer-Loki or mer-Tony.   I always enjoy versions where Loki is an underwater prince who falls in love with a stupid human inventor by the name of Tony. He's never been 100% happy in the palace with Thor and the others, so he often would go to the shore to watch the humans. He sees Tony working on the beach one day and becomes interested in him from there on. Basically a little mermaid type thing... I am easy to please. I just like mermaids.
Requester: @brianadoesart​ Rating: G (General audience) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): A.... Among Us au.......  Impostor Loki protecting his crewmate friend Tony from the other impostors.... I..... Tony and Loki as Among Us beans...
Requester: @arandomsewer​   Rating: M (Mature) Trigger warning: Mentions of trauma and past abuse and racism, maybe sex? Just some drama and comfort Wish (Prompt/Idea): I just want him to live on and being supported by his Friends and his brother recognizing him, that's basically the prompt. Tho here's the details of the Idea I had: Loki is living at the tower with the others (of course) too proud to say out loud how much he likes life on earth... The usual.Something happens and suddenly the magic that made him look Asgardian is just not working anymore. Understandably, he freaks out. Im talking hides in his room, crying, anger, hate, on himself and others... The whole lot, he just throws a major fit.The others know him and kind of understand and are patient... But it’s not getting fixed. Days pass, and he's stuck like this. After a while Tony snaps him out of It, and he slowly calms down and starts learning to accept this side of himself. It’s specially strange to him how he can just walk in a room and no one treats him different. How the others are even fascinated by this form. I expect Thor being shocked and curious and snapped at and reminded how he (and his people on general) have been unfair to Loki... And of course, there's the romance with Tony, Who loves him in all his forms (and they fit together 'cause he's kinky and Loki a shapeshifter)Also imagine Loki being terrified of touching Tony and then finding out he's cold to the touch but not actually dangerous (my headcanon: he's the son of Hella. Half giant and half Asgardian, and the actual heir... But that's for another fic)
Requester: @brianadoesart​​ Rating: G (General audience)   Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Tony has been living alone for so long that Pepper and Rhodey decide to find him a roommate. They've tried living with him themselves, but they're both so busy it didn't really help Tony's loneliness. So they put out an ad for someone who specifically works from home. Choosing to keep it secret WHO they need a roommate for, they get some applicants, but not the crazy amount they normally would. Rhodey and Pepper go through all the applicants, even meet with them, and they choose a nice, smart author named Loki. He's the perfect candidate- he's even excited by the idea that his new roommate has no idea he's even GETTING a roommate. He finds it funny. They introduce Loki and Tony and sit back and watch everything unfold. Obviously it ends up with Tony and Loki falling for each other in the end, but seeing the shenanigans of them trying to cohabitate would be hilarious. Just watching them learn each other and begin to care about each other. I would like to see it.
Requester: @brianadoesart​​ Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Cupcake shop au!!!  One of our boys owns a cupcake shop and the other one is a FREQUENT visitor to said coffee shop. Lots of people think its because they have a sweet tooth, but they're just hopelessly in love with whichever one owns the shop.
Requester: @loufeysson​​ Rating: M (Mature) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Hi! my prompt is teenage Tony and android Loki in a futuristic universe (in the style of Black Mirror, maybe?) 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Thank you!
Requester: @blancoluna​ Rating: M (Mature) Trigger warning: CRACK, haha Wish (Prompt/Idea): Basically Friga wonders where she went wrong, asks the Oracle and goes on a guilt trip realizing she messed up to Valhalla and back. The idea is, being a queen-godess of family, she should be able to do something about it, maybe traveling in time or something... And Loki's gonna need powerful allies and Friends, like the Avengers, for example Now the same, but with detail. This is the way I imagined It. Perhaps it’s too much drama? I just don't know how to tackle It or how to go from here:After everything that happened, Frigga wonders where she went wrong, not just with Loki, but with Thor who didn't appreciate his brother, Odín, who treated him unfairly and even the servants, Who didn't respect him.She wonders if she could have done anything, and the guilt wont let her sleep until she goes to the well of wisdom, the Oracle, to seek answers.She is warned the truth may be even more painful. She may not like the answer... But she goes in.It is way worse than she thought: in one second she is reminded of all the times she should have acted, and chose not to, and she sees how It affected her family.She could and should have done something, and she had plenty of time, but at every chance she chose not to. And its perhaps worse than what Odin did because she knew It was wrong but chose to do nothing about It.But even more: It is confirmed to her that not only Odín never gave Loki a chance: he didn't find him. He stole him from the temple where he was guarded. He is not just the son of Louffey, but also of Hella, and thus, the actual heir to the throne of Asgard.She was supposed to be the godess of family, and here she was, consumed by guilt and shame, by having followed blindly a King Who abused her children and betrayed his own heir, aside from many other crimes.But Frigga can't just spend the test of eternity crying. She must do something. She was raised by witches!!Will she manage to get her hands on the time Stone? Or Will she just travel to another dimension to warn a younger version of herself? Will this be the beginning of a new multiverse? The possibilities are endless, when the godess of family must avenge her child...But first: for him to have a better Life he would need support, allies... Friends. (Enter the Avengers) 
Add-on: Frigga having this vision was just meant to be a one shot that would connect many different alternative stories, all with the 'what if Frigga did something for Loki' as a common base. All of them would be Frostiron 'cause I honestly believe they are just meant for one another! It is just so open to so many possibilities... That I never got to writing any of them. 
One of the first ideas I had following this concept was of Frigga introducing Tony and Loki early on somehow: as kids they would be like 'imaginary friends' then Tony manages to contact him and they are webcam buds... As young adults, they would help each other go a different path than they did in other lives.... and when Loki needed help, he had allies to back him. (The Avengers, whom Tony may have introduced to him earlier)
Requester: @snarkyship​​ Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Human/no powers AU. Sort-of-enemies to friends to lovers.Tony rents this house/bungalow by the sea for the summer, with a kind of private beach where there is also a cute gazebo. Only that the gazebo is exactly halfway with the other property (by some mistake?). And the tenant of the neighbour bungalow is Loki, who's not so keen on sharing. So Loki&Tony will start a "war" to gain possession of the gazebo, doing their worst using the excuse of "this is my half, I can use it as I want". ((Optional: there is a table right in the middle, so at the beginning they sit at their own side glaring at each other, before starting deploying more convoluted tactics)).Mischief after mischief, they will start to know each other and of course everything will end with one of them inviting the other to their half for a romantic dinner and they'll end up sharing more than the gazebo <3((I hope it's enough clear and but also not too detailed??))
Requester: @snarkyship​​ Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Finally Tony has managed to locate Loki's whereabouts. And it turns out the godling lives in a pretty loft in Manhattan, with all the comforts and the most advanced midgardian technology ((lighting, temperature and everything controlled by a tablet - the Stark latest model!- , appliances linked to the wifi, and has that roomba a knife??)).Tony decides to have a little fun: who said Loki is the only one who can do a little mischief?? So he takes control over Loki's apartment hacking its system; he starts with some flickering lights, the roomba changing suddenly trajectory to stab him, then blasting music in the middle of the night and so on.And Loki would be so frustrated: at the beginning he thinks about some failure in the inferior midgardian technology, then he'll think to be under attack, but he can't feel any magic signature!! Maybe he'll freak out a little, because there is some kind of unknown entity??? ((And while he may be using all the technology without problems, it doesn't mean he fully understands its working)).Tony will have fun, but he also will discover some cute aspects of Loki's personality, like he sings to his plants and he likes to wear fuzzy socks ((ok it sounds voyeuristic, but Tony would respect part Loki's privacy, maybe he'll spy on him only when in the living room or kitchen)).((And maybe he would help Loki as well? Like, the godling had a nightmare after falling asleep on the couch, and Tony would gently woke him up with music))Loki will eventually understand that Stark, the most clever midgardian, was behind all of this, and well, he's the God of Mischief, he can appreciate a well planned trick. Time to return the favor ;)
Requester: @martiszcz​ Rating: M (Mature) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Someone is trying to break them up by making Loki jealous, mentioning Tony's playboy years, talking about the time they slept with Tony, talking about how much time he spends with some friend (Pepper, Rhodey, I don't care who) but Loki doesn't react - they trust each other.
Requester: @shinindragon​  Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): The Avengers + Loki fight a villain. Loki uses a lot of his magic, eventually almost draining his energy completely when he protects Tony from getting hurt. When the battle is over, they return to the tower, all of them exhausted. Tony notices Loki doesn't look well, he asks if he's okay. Loki barely gets a word out before he collapses into Tony's arms, unconscious. Thor carries Loki to Tony's and his bedroom, explaining to Tony that he'll be alright, it's just exhaustion from an excessive use of magic. Tony stays with Loki, taking care of him. Fluff and with a sprinkle of angst. 
Requester: @lightneverfades​ (Lol yup, shamelessly requesting as well haha!) Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) or M (Mature) Trigger warning: N/A Wish (Prompt/Idea): Detroit: Become Human AU - Young Tony Stark is neglected by his father, who is the CEO of CyberLife corporation. He craves for his attention and approval but doesn’t get it, causing him to become so bitter one day that he sneaks into one of the labs to sabotage whatever work he is doing. Tony comes across an abandoned RK800 model (also known as ‘Loki’), about to be taken apart for parts. He salvages the model before it gets destroyed, feeling sorry for this inanimate object that’s being thrown away so carelessly. He rebuilds Loki again in secret, and Loki becomes his friend through lonely times (Tony is there to help Loki understand humans, life, language, etc and Loki just keeps Tony company). Tragedy strikes the Stark family though, when his parents die in a car accident. Loki is there to help him and as Tony starts to grow up and become a man (he continues to fix Loki when he breaks down or updates him), Loki’s system starts to show signs similar to that of human emotions, although Tony is completely unaware of this. At a certain point though, Tony - in one of his bad moods - decides that he doesn’t need Loki anymore and shuts him down and puts him away in storage, resolving to move on with life without these ‘distractions’ to keep him company (image a scene where Tony is angry and throws that frustration and loneliness onto Loki, who tries to calm him down and sooth away his anxiety (’I understand you’) but Tony’s all (‘But you’re just a machine!’) and although Tony isn’t aware, Loki feels a spark of hurt, though even he can’t explain what this emotion means.)  Years pass and eventually Tony forgets about Loki. He earns a name for himself, having taken over his father’s company (which still creates androids and in addition, creates weaponry of mass destruction as well). Obadiah is watching over Tony’s company (he is the one who ‘suggested’ he focus on building a name for himself and to shut out any ‘distractions’ that get in the way: namely Loki. Over the years, he saw how Tony interacted with the android and he had the uneasy sense that the android had matured into something more than its primary use. He considers Loki a threat). The events of Iron Man happen, with Tony being captured by the Ten Rings and then escaping. During his days confined at home to recover, he stumbles upon Loki and decides to reboot him again (partly out of guilt and partly because he’s lonely again). He finds comfort with Loki once more.  Tony decides to crash the charity party by making an appearance with Loki as his ‘bodyguard’. Obadiah sees this and is not happy about this strange attachment Tony has over this android.  Loki helps Tony build his first prototypes of the Iron Man suit, and they get to reacquaint themselves. One day, Loki sees on the news that there are a number of deviant android cases and is confused by what he sees, but it soon dawns on him that he might be feeling emotions for Tony, finally understanding the true meaning, especially when Tony is injured (while Loki is out on an errand) and Obadiah ambushes Tony by stealing the mini arc reactor in his chest.  Shortly afterwards, to spite Tony, Obadiah hacks into Loki’s system and tries to eradicate the ‘deviancy’ he sensed in Loki years ago and turn the android against Tony (he tries to make Loki kill him). It doesn’t work - on the contrary, it finally frees Loki. Together, Tony and Loki go against Obadiah, who is intent on destroying them and taking over CyberLife corp.
Requester: @lightneverfades​ (Lol yup, shamelessly requesting as well haha!) Rating: T (Teen and up audiences)  Trigger warning: Sickly, happy song cliches! xD Hah! Wish (Prompt/Idea): In which Tony or Loki (you can choose) is cursed by Amora to relive a week in which their lives suddenly become a musical and everyone around them spontaneously bursts into dance and song. (I have this image of Loki bursting into song about something ridiculous and Tony’s like, “What the HELL, what’s going on!”). This could either be enemies-to-lovers or it could start from them already being in a relationship. Bonus points if the Avengers team all burst into song together and there’s actually lyrics!! (Then I can actually make up a tune/sing it during the last month of 2020 so this year ends with rainbows and fluff and HAPPY FROSTIRON THOUGHTS! XD)
Requester: @lightneverfades​ (Lol yup, shamelessly requesting as well haha!) Rating: T (Teen and up audiences) or M (Mature) Trigger warning: FLUFF OVERLOAD! <3 Mpreg (might not be everyone’s cup of tea) Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki has a kid with Tony (eeehehe, go all in with the loving and caring Tony fussing over his pregnant enemy-turned-boyfriend-turned-husband), calls her Morgan. Tony is obsessed with buying baby clothes for their daughter to the point where he has a closet dedicated to socks (lol he can’t get enough of small baby clothes and the potential to make his daughter look like a rainbow?!). Lol, I don’t even know! Just domestic bliss I guess! <3 Bonus points if Tony buys Christmas sweaters for his fam, including the Avengers, who dote on baby Morgan like their own (Thor with his anime eyes). Or even better, if baby Morgan grows up and plays little tricks on Uncle Thor and Loki and Tony chuckle in the background as Thor lets his niece do whatever she wants, cause he loves him too much to care, lol~
Requester: @lightneverfades​ (Lol yup, shamelessly requesting as well haha!) Rating: M (Mature) Trigger warning: CRACK, haha Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki is a yoga instructor and one day Tony goes to one of his classes and finds out the best positions to ‘relax’ - body, mind and soul >:D. (I love puns, so go crazy hahaha!) 
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hogwartsfirebolt · 5 years
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Hi again! This is part two (out of three!) of my 2019 drarry fic recs. In the first part I recommended ten of my absolute favorite stories I read this year, and here I am today with ten more that I also love dearly and hope you’ll enjoy too. The banner art is by one of my FAVORITE ARTISTS, @aceveria-art who was kind enough to let me use their art for this and just LOOK AT THAT STUNNING PIECE (here’s the link for you to reblog if you want cause omg). Now, in no particular order, here’s some of my
1. Of Wands and Trees - Omi_Ohmy - 45k - All Draco wants to do is be a wandmaker, but to do so he needs to understand the soul of trees. Of course, the only man who might be able to help him is the one man who is more of a mystery to him than any tree.
We’re starting out this list with this absolute gemstone of a fic. It’s got everything: adventure, redemption, cabins in the middle of nowhere, a spin on the kind of magic we’re used to in this fandom, ancient trees, passion, wandlore, Draco being forced to work for his own food, Harry bathing naked in streams (my mouth’s watering as we speak), and it’s so, so good, the writing, the characterizations, the setting so vibrant I felt like I was standing right there. Just, a gem all around.
2. Take Into the Air (My Quiet Breath) - guardianmira - 11k - Draco is dying of Hanahaki Disease. Serves him right, Harry thinks.
This fic felt, to me, like something completely different from the eighth year fics I usually read, and, having found it by accident, it absolutely blew my mind! I did not expect to love it as much as I did, and I definitely did not expect to feel it as deeply as I did. Just the right amount of angst to give us that sweet, sweet relief at the end. Very lovely.
3. We have a Problem - @xx-thedarklord-xx - 3k - Weddings tend to have a variety of things happening at one time. With a groom as meticulous as Draco, Ron expected nothing to go wrong. When shenanigans, walkouts, disasters, no-shows, and a lack of food strike, it’s up to Ron to save the day.
SO SWEET. Just so, so freaking sweet and funny and different. Ron’s POV was fresh and lovely and so clever, and the plot is hilarious and engaging. It reads so quickly that you will barely feel time passing, and I am 10000% sure that everyone’s bound to adore this. It’s just one of those fics. I cannot recommend it enough. It will be the absolute best 15-20 minutes of your day.
4. Foreplay - @lqtraintracks - 6k - Getting a raging hard-on on the duelling room floor, pinned under Harry Potter’s sweaty body, is not how Draco saw his day going, but… Well, here he is.
Mmfffff. Can barely think about this without having to fan myself, because it’s probably the hottest fic I read all year. Aurors sparring, a Harry who is unbelievably hot, a Draco who tries but simply can’t resist him, showers, a bit of semi-public sex, and the very literal definition of “not safe for work” can be found in here. Just, goodness, it should’ve taken me half an hour to read it and it took about one because I KEPT STOPPING TO BREATHE. Lqt never fails to deliver powerful, incredibly sexy stories and you should all go see for yourselves what I’m talking about.
5. Safe Words - felix_atticus - 26k - Draco discovers his husband has been keeping a secret from him. At first he’s amused. Then he’s curious. The problem? Harry’s always had a hard time saying no.
Speaking of powerful, this one here stabbed me right in the chest and twisted the knife, but in the absolute best way possible. It’s FANTASTIC. The writing is beautiful, the characterizations astounding, and I felt every single emotion so deep inside me. It paints how difficult it is to navigate trust, how impossible it feels to put our own wants and needs over what’s expected of us, explores consent in so many different aspects of life and just presents a beautiful relationship at its core. It really is gorgeous.
6. Upstaged - @lettersbyelise - 3k - West End actor Drake O'Malley starts receiving fanmail from a (not so mysterious) stranger.
The epistolary format already makes this stand apart from our usual fic, but the plot itself is also something I hadn’t ever read before. It’s written so smoothly that it reads like a dream, and I loved every second of it and how it allowed me to build up an entire picture of what was happening with each letter. I’ve gone back to it two or three times just to experience it all over again, and I always have a great time when I do. This is so lovely, witty and just different.
7. Pure Imagination - @aibidil - 14k - An eighth-year tale of depressed happiness, reluctant imagination, and conflicted hope. And skateboarding.
My god is this fic lovely. I spent about three quarters of it clutching my chest because I loved it so much, I love these kids so much and it hit me right in the feels to see everything they go through after the dust of the war settles and they have to figure out their place in life. This is hope in a jar, it’s that light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel story that becomes a metaphor for life itself. A beautiful, beautiful ride.
8. Poor Unfortunate Souls - @doubleappled - 19k - Draco is a potioneer. Harry is trying to save his sex-challenged marriage. Everything is a mess, but at least there’s an octopus in the lobby.
Chaotic, unique, HOT!!! The whole set up is brilliant, Draco’s work is very interesting, the scenes where we get to see with Harry and Ginny are so incredibly well done that my jaw fell to the floor a little, and what can I even say about the entire buildup we get for Draco and Harry’s relationship, it was MASTERFUL. This fic is absolutely amazing and the ending is so good I can still savor it when I remember it. Go check it out, right now!!!
9. Weather With You - @quicksilvermaid - 29k - Flood. Heatwave. Cyclone. Epic storm ready to rip London apart? Something strange is happening to the weather inside the Ministry of Magic…–Featuring magical creatures, Harry wearing minimal clothes, a snarky snake, and Draco Malfoy who is definitely Up To Something.
This story is such a fun ride that can, at times, be absolutely freaking hilarious (the whole “He Is Up To Something” narrative never fails to crack me up), and at times become sweet and tender. There is nothing more relatable to me than a Draco who wants Harry so much he doesn’t even know what to do with himself, and it was a joy to read him here, and actually, both of their characterizations are so fantastic that they definitely feel like an extension of what we know about them to begin with, and I just had the best of times watching them work their way out of this mess. Sprinkle in a bit of parseltongue, witty snakes and shirtless Harry, and you’ve found yourself the best way to spend the evening.
10. A Sword Laid Aside - @korlaena - 128k - When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be. Draco has to navigate dealing with this Potter while being hunted by Dark wizards and wanted by extremists in the Ministry. When things take a turn for the worse, Draco has to decide whether he’s going to keep running or find a way to protect the world and the people he cares about most.
There are so many things I want to say about this one, so many little details that drove me wild and I want to mention but I just… I- this story is absolutely MIND BLOWING, it’s deep, it’s amazing and frankly extraordinary and I don’t even know how to tell you how much I adore every single word of it. This must be one of my absolute favorite versions of Harry that I’ve ever read, his immense power, his internal conflict, pain and sheer physicality made me weak in the knees; Draco’s characterization is also so heartbreakingly spot on that I could barely believe what I was reading. This story gripped me, squeezed me, spun me around a little and then put me upright again, and there is honestly nothing like it. I haven’t even told you anything about the plot, which… omg. There are no words to tell you how much you NEED to read this. Just typing this is making me want to embark on this adventure again. — I have no excuse for the amount of Harry thirst to be found on this list, I just- well. I really hope you like these little gems! Hahaha. If you do end up reading any of them and want to chat about them, or have questions about any tags or warnings that might worry you, my DMs are always open!!! Enjoy ❤️
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Hey, ya boi at it again adding stuff to my Netherworld!AU-ROTTMNT[part1] cause I can’t stop thinking about it now! You’re gonna wanna click that link before continuing. It’s the original post I made about this if you haven’t read it.
Added, Barry goes with him. Like, Leo activates a portal-Esque thing only used when opening up the Netherworld (is it obvious I’m still working out how to get him to the Netherworld yet?) and knocks Barry in with him.
Oh, maybe it was carved in the symbol on the floor and it took a blood activation. So like, Leo accidentally cut his foot on the carving, activating the portal. Maybe Barry is the closest to him and he accidentally pulls Barry down with him. It obviously closes before anyone can jump in to pull them out or whatever.
So, I guess they had Barry being the ref for whatever competition Leo dragged them into. Hueso had to help set up, stayed to watch because let’s face it. It’d be hilarious to watch. I also love the idea that Leo is kinda able to pull Hueso into whatever shenanigans he’s setting up.
So, as for the Netherworld here's how it works. A keep reading cause this gets long.
There are five levels. Lovely, Good, Bad, Worse, and Horrible. The names obviously speak for themselves I’d imagine but we’re gonna continue talking about them anyway.
Lovely: it’s mainly filled with people who wanted to do good for the world. Or had good intentions. Religion plays no part in if you get into this level or not. It’s very high quality for those who enter. Fancy housing and plenty of activities and events to keep you busy if you’d like. You have a chance to meet up with old friends and a chance to create new ones. This one is the ideal level to be in. Each home is tailor-created for the arrival living in it. On this level only are you given a chance to reincarnate. At any time you’d like. You can earn your way to this level if you're already dead, but it’s no easy feat. Not many people exist on this level.
Good: It's for people who changed directions for the better in life. Or had lost their way at some point before coming back. Most people here are friendly, but have bad habits. You're probably more likely to end up here than anywhere else. As long as you hadn’t murdered, raped, or tortured someone within your lifetime you should be good. This has a lot of people in it, most taking a “Ten-Step” program to enter the Lovely level and get a chance to reincarnate. Homing here isn’t all too bad, not as personally tailored when you first arrive but otherwise, it’s similar to Lovely housing level. The most crowded level, believe it or not. 
Bad: Despite its namesake. It's mainly for people who ended their lives before they should’ve. Or for people who murdered, or tortured someone as a part of their job, but had no true joy in it. A lot of the people here are either war-scarred veterans or teenagers who couldn’t take life anymore. Lot’s of therapy buildings for these people. They live in more apartments like housing, mainly because it helps bring togetherness for them. Everyone at this level is trying to upgrade to the Good level. Not too keen on getting reincarnated, but to have a better place of eternal rest. Many artistic forms of activities and events are typically just group therapy sessions. It’s actually not really bad at all, more of just a “This child needs some therapy.” type of place.
Worse: Think of people like who did bad things because they thought it was right. People who aren’t the worst of the worst, but they def ain’t anywhere near being the best of the best either. Very stubborn and don’t often try to move up levels out of pride or whatever. Have apartment housing but no activities. Kinda like being put in a time out, nothing to do but think about your actions. Think, non-remorseful Bounty Hunters or Mafia Kings/Queens type of people. Something similar to them anyways. Not necessarily personal kills, or not the ones to technically get their hands dirty. 
Horrible: Now this, this is bad. Everyone who actively choose to be racists, homophobic, sexist, trans-phobic, any form of discrimination without any remorse or any form of redemption. People who murdered, tortured, raped for enjoyment of it with no remorse to their actions. People, who despite living in the worst level, still don’t want to do anything to move to the higher levels. But do complain about not “being able” to. They don’t get the luxury of housing, or anything really. They are still given a chance to go to higher levels, but no one on this level does. It has quite a few residents since people here never leave, it’s mainly built up from eons and eons. A lot of people here never sleep, ever, because if they do, they get nightmares so bad that if they were living, it would kill them. Sleep isn’t a necessity, but it helps pass the time. They are given nothing, only a chance to reflect up everything they’ve ever done. No one here is a good person, they are the worst of the worst.
No one in the Netherworld needs to eat or sleep. But most do out of an unbreakable habit. Both humans and Yokai reside in the same Netherworld. Humans often before they truly enter the Netherworld, are sat down and given the information about Yokai. Their existence, history, what they are, etc. So humans don’t freak out upon entering their level to see Yokai just chillin’. 
Kinda wanna say no Yokai reside on the Horrible level. But at the same time, there are some Yokai on the Horrible level, and it's not a pleasant experience for them especially. I mean, you know why.
Leo & Barry end up in the Bad level, mainly because it wouldn’t really be an adventure if they entered one of the other ones. At least, not to me. So, Bad level for them. 
Can’t decide if I want OC to be a war-torn veteran who just wants to reside peacefully in the Netherworld. Or if OC is a young teenager who wants to take a second chance in life to be better than they were. It's tough because both are so good.
Also, because it's no fun without drama. Since Leo and Barry are in the Netherworld someone can take their place above and become living again. Maybe it's just everyone who isn't in Lovely or Good trying to get out and take Leo and Barry's places. With the exception of OC of course.
Cause, sure getting to live again is great and all. But if its to take someone else’s place when they’ve still got so much life left to live. Then maybe it’s not really worth it. Or OC is just trying to help them to only to get closer to switching places with one of them. Only to become emotionally attached to these two fools and actually want them to live a full life.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #24 Rating:Teen Notes: Movies ~ Crimson Peak, Tom Hiddleston & Jessica Chastain ~ The Witches of Eastwick, Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon & Michelle Pfieffer
Coco made Shandi bold and a tad unpredictable, but most of her sense returned after lunch. One openly frisky move towards Nat or Loki, might sour Clint for the entire mission and have Tony suiting up. Vodka was Nats inhibition crusher and with Shandi ‘her’ weakness, she opted to take it slow. While the ladies swam again, Loki chatted up Clint.
“I’ve chosen hunting and fencing as my hobbies to have in common with Shamus.”
That earned him a look. “The latter I could envision, but hunting? As royals, weren’t your beasts served already cooked?”
“Odin believed the skill to mine and Thor’s advantages. It sharpens marksmanship, teaches alertness, survival skills and other tactics critical for battle. Lost in any woods without food or knowledge of how to catch it, is a death sentence.”
“What?” Asked Loki.
“Turns out we’ve something in common. My father took me camping and hunting for years. Did my first kill at age thirteen, a large hare.”
“I was eleven, a small boar, Thor twelve, a wild turkey.”
Clint chuckled at the image. “It’s unfortunate Tony forbade my specialty as means of gaining leverage with Shamus. Archery being his favorite. Too risky for recognition though.”
Centuries prior, advanced sorcery had rendered archery useless to Loki, so his next statement required some pride swallowing. “Perhaps through me, ‘we’ still can. Given I’m under orders to conceal all magic.”
“Wait. Is the God of Mischief asking a lowly Midgardian to teach him a specialty?”
Loki sighed. “Yes and I do not consider Midgardians lowly. I’ve dabbled in the skill, yet long before you were a twitch in your father’s loins.”
“Ask nicely, Cactus.”
“Very well. Will you please hone my skills in archery, Cupid? No pun intended.”
“Consider it done. You’ll need various targets.”
“I’m aware. Should any end up animals however, your gutting them. A ghastly task I refuse.”
“Don’t like getting your hands dirty, Prince?”
“I master at killing and skinning.”
“Then who’d be responsible for clean up?”
“You as well, the stench is nauseating. Afterwards, I’ll season and marinate while you prepare the fire.”
“And just like that, you expect me to comply? What if I protest by hiding the matches?”
“Be my guest. I’m still not removing the innards.” ***** Huddled in a corner of the deep end, Nat whispered to Shandi. “Cavemen Grog and Igor, planning their next hunt. Watch them murder a skunk.”
Shandi smiled. “At least they’re bonding.” ***** “Interesting this connection through marriage with Obadiah’s niece?” Loki commented.
“Very.” Said Clint. “It’s scary imagining the bloodshed that fucker would’ve caused had he taken over Stark Industries. Tony has S.H.I.E.L.D. working overtime, investigating every distribution of his weapons since this began.”
“The goal being they’re limited to America’s military?”
“Impossible, unfortunately. Some were distributed to allies, but it’s no secret the all mighty dollar rules every black market. The right price could easily entice a duplicator.”
“Certainly he thought this plausible, beforehand?”
“Another yes and contracts were made with strict specifications, but I think this Taser issue finally destroyed Tony’s trust in people. She didn’t like it, but he increased Peppers security again.”
“As of when?”
“Shortly before we left.”
Loki was fully aware his return majorly influenced Tony’s trust issues. S.H.I.E.L.D never discovered the Avengers death threat culprits, yet Stark highly suspected some came from home. “I regret my presence the catalyst for that necessity.”
“Tony’s appreciative. He told us about your call, Cactus. Thought it pretty decent.” Clint smirked and shook his head. “I still can’t believe that shithead’s gonna be a dad.”
“Tin Man’s a good human. I think he’ll take to fatherhood well.”
“Me too. Earth could certainly use more benevolent geniuses.” ***** Shandi suddenly untied Nats bikini top and swam off. “Luckily we’re still in the deep end and you’re knocked up woman, or I’d have your one piece over the fence.” ***** “Want your first lesson, Cactus? We can ditch these two for a time.”
“That’s questionable.”
“Nat would kill to protect her if that’s your worry. Besides, I’ve concluded their shenanigans a mischievous farce.”
‘Norns man, how blind can you be?’
They weren’t in the woods long, before returning with Clint rather disgruntled.
“Problem?” Asked Nat.
“You could say that. What took me years to master, took him only hours. Fuck it, I’m returning in my next life as a God.”
“Eh he he he. I’ll welcome that as a compliment, Cupid. Yet of what. Vodka?”
“If the shoe fits!” Shandi blurted from the rec room.
“The Queen of Unruliness has spoken.” Announced Loki. Everyone laughed and when Clint went to indulge, he addressed Nat. “Has she had more coco?”
“Why, does the fallout concern you?” A lazy smile gave her buzz away.
“Explain, ‘handful,’ Kroshka?”
Nat spoke quietly. “That was the first sign of trouble. Brazenness, which inevitably worsens. Then she gets comically affectionate so stay away. Have you set the house alarm yet?”
“No, why?”
“She tends to wander.”
“She what?”
“Trust me, just do it. Oh and no tickling. It’s highly problematic.”
A chuckle escaped him. “How so?”
Shandis voice cut in again. “You comin’ back Natskies?”
“I’ll fill you in later.” She whispered. “Join us. We’re watching ‘Witches of Eastwick.’”
“A personal favorite of theirs.” Added Clint, passing with a tall drink. “Poor old Jack subjected to such a beating.”
“It was long overdue, baby cakes.”
Loki spent most of his evening keeping an eye on Shandi, but not closely enough. After dinner she rapidly graduated beyond tipsy, despite him adding extra ice and less alcohol to her drinks. At one point when spotting her sneaking up the backstairs, he followed invisible and watched her gulp straight coco from a bottle in her closet. ‘Well, well. Thieved from the pantry have we?’ When she left, two were teleported to the Jags trunk, leaving behind the one presently refrigerated. An hour later she snuck off again and returned looking very confused. ‘Not so clever now, are you darling?’
Before the evening ended, she wiped out during a slide attempt down the hall in slippery socks, used telekinesis to accidentally propel a small frying pan at Clints package, meant for Loki’s ass while he cooked dinner, topped a shot of his whiskey off with whipped cream, kept hugging Nat, kissed her once on the lips and tripped the alarm for a dip in the pool. When it first sounded, he was upstairs and Nat was waiting on her in the rec room. Upon meeting at the kitchens sliding door, she was the first to comment on their discovery.
“Damn Cactus, looks like you missed her little strip tease.”
Loki glanced at Shandis clothes on the floor. “Are those her panties in that pile?”
“Aren’t they enticing, so black and lacy? Take a closer look.”
His eyes playfully narrowed. “You’re somewhat enjoying my plight of longing.”
Nat snorted. “A little.“
“Listen Midgardian she devil, why is she so inebriated when I’ve diluted her drinks for hours?”
“I may have helped.”
Luckily Cupid was asleep as Shandi tried luring Nat and Loki out with her. “Heyyyy guys! Come on in, I’m nekked!”
Loki smirked and was about to speak again, when a loud splash occurred. “Did she just…”
“Leap off the diving board? Yep, ya missed that too.”
‘Fuck.’ “Why, Kroshka?”
“Yo Natskies, tits make amazin’ buoys! Come out an’ play!”
“That’s why.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“She’s freaking hilarious.”
“Give her anymore alcohol and you’re sleeping in the truck.”
“Pshh..just for that, you go get her.”
“And risk Cupid venturing downstairs? I think not.”
“He’s toast. You scared of a little boner?”
“Ooooh..she gonna like you.”
“Okay, don’t get your nuggets in a knot. I'll…”
Shandi appeared at the door wrapped in a towel forgotten outside. “You done discussin’ testies? I gotta pee.”
Loki was resetting the alarm when hearing a ruckus from the back stairs and thought them kidding around. Minutes later, Nat seeked him for help. Shandi had lost her footing on the second step down, smacked her injured hand on the landing and reopened her wound.
“She’s in the ensuite.”
Loki gave her a look. “Perhaps you should sleep in the shed instead. We’ve some neighbors residing there, I’m certain would enjoy making your acquaintance.”
“I get it Romeo, now be off. Your damsels in distress.”
He found Shandi perched on the counter with a small towel around her hand. “May I take a took? You’ve torn this further.”
“Yeah, I smacked it pretty hard.”
One gentle caress from his finger numbed her discomfort. “If you aren’t more careful, you’ll stunt the healing.”
“I know.”
Magic re closed the wound, but this time Loki decided to bandage it himself. While preparing supplies, her next words startled him.
“You must think me a moron.”
“Not in the least, Shandi. Yet may I advise you refrain from further drink?”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I’m pleased.” To ease her evident embarrassment, he jested. “Tell me, was there a desired outcome of Nat and I accepting your skinny dipping offer?”
Her face flushed as the image conjured Nats fantasy. “I…no, nothing specific.”
“Oh? All three of us, ‘nekked,’ your natures buoys bobbing above the waves.”
“What waves?”
“The ones my cannonball into the deep end would inevitably create?”
She chuckled, then fixated on how attentively he was wrapping the gauze.
“Your wheels are turning again. What are you thinking about? Try saying nothing specific and I’ll never believe it.”
‘Aren’t my cheeks red enough already?’ “Your hands.” She bashfully replied.
“What about them?”
‘If that hand to penis size ratio is true…’ “They’re big, yet..very gentle.”
After securing the gauze, he softly kissed one corner of her mouth. “Gentle like that?“ His lips then traced the contour of her jaw, stopped beneath her lobe and Shandis eyes rolled back when he nipped and lightly sucked at her pulse. "Or is this your preference?”
“Both.” She breathlessly whispered as her core rippled.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Nat disrupted their moment when entering the bedroom. “Bloods cleaned up in the hall.” One glance at them revealed something was up and she smiled. “I’ll be downstairs searching Netflix.”
Loki helped Shandi down. “Join her, hm? I’ll be there soon.”
She left and snuggled to up to Nat in one corner of the sectional. “Stop staring at me.”
Nat chuckled. “I know that look. You’ve been left wanting.”
“Oh shuddup.”
Loki entered after calming his hormones, stretched out opposite them and Shandi eyed him. ‘Panty melting little shit.’ “I still can’t fathom how you can just ‘poof’ anything into existence.”
“‘Poof?’” He asked, amused.
“She’s obsessed with that word.” Said Nat.
“Will you please show me more of your magic one day?”
Her tone and expression held that childlike innocence he now adored, but wanted to move things along. “Of course. Do you ladies like horror movies? I’ve been curious of a one ‘Crimson Peak.’”
“Sure.” Said Nat. “Although beautiful tends to squeeze the ‘shit out of the nearest pillow or arm throughout.” She smirked at Shandis stink eye and after the movie began, quietly whispered something to her.
“But what about…”
“We’d hear him long beforehand, go.”
Loki was pleasantly surprised when Shandi snuggled up to him instead.
“Can I stay here a bit?”
“You may stay as long as you wish.” The movie wasn’t half over when she drifted off. “Why did you suggest this Kroshka?”
"After all we’ve discussed, haven’t you figured it out yet?”
Loki was ninety percent certain of why, yet doubt forever plagued him that anyone could truly want him. His heart needed that final assurance and he waited for it.
“Shandis right where she wants to be, Cactus. What are you waiting for?”
Those words meant more than Nat would ever know, but he had a plan. “I thought of letting her come to me. Tell me the story behind the pickles?”
The last time Shandi overindulged in coco, was at Nats for dinner. She asked for a large pickle from the fridge and did a selacios presentation of oral with it. When Nat praised her, Clint chimed in. He’d been napping and secretly watched from the hall. “Well done. A talent no woman should be without if you ask me.” Nat said Shandi never turned a deeper shade of scarlet.
Loki smiled. “I couldn’t agree with him more.”
“Not a word, Cactus. I mean it.”
“Never and the tickling?”
“Nope, you figure it out. Just do ‘not’ try it in public.”
"Very well. I’ll take your advice, but will definitely indulge.”
Unbeknownst to Nat, Loki presently possessed another secret. His magic was emitting subliminal messages through the television, to hypnotize her. Once they refocused on the movie, her eyes fell shut and he began.
“You will answer all my questions, truthfully Natasha. Understood?”
“Is Tony withholding any information from me, regarding the Allfather?”
“Why must I keep things more professional around Clint?”
“Tony asked us to keep a close eye on your behavior and report back. Clint can’t know anything.”
"I understand.” Having his most worrisome questions answered, obliterated any need to eavesdrop on her and Clint. All further enquiries, regarded Shandi. “Explain the difficult road Shandi has ahead. You said this while she slept.”
“All the secrecy and loss of freedom will make things hard.”
“Explain further, please?”
“When our missions over and we’ve returned to the Tower.”
Her response could only mean one thing. “Have you previously assumed we’d become a couple?”
“For how long?”
“Since you met.”
Loki’s mouth fell open. “What exactly are you saying, Natasha?”
“Her heart’s never been the same since that day, like yours.”
He froze, not only astonished to learn Nat had grasped his immediate experience, but more that he’d affected Shandi so profoundly. “Despite my behavior?”
“Her beautiful heart had faith in you.”
“Did she tell you this?”
“No…I just knew.”
‘Norns, Pet. Your heavens have sent me an angel.’
“Earlier, Shandi called herself a moron. Does she frequently self criticize?”
Nat deeply frowned. “Only sometimes.”
“You seem angered by this. Why?” Loki thought Nat would admit to loving Shandi. Instead, he received a more intriguing response.
“It’s that word. Shandis mother frequently used it to degrade her and it stuck. Bitch said the telekinesis was why friends and lovers always left them. But Shandi was brave and stopped him.”
“Stopped who and from what?”
“The bitches last lover. He’s why Shandi was abandoned.”
Loki probed further and learned the man had attempted molesting Shandi, but her Telekinesis stopped him. When confronted, he denied it and Shandi was accused of lying. A beating followed and several days later, she was abandoned.
“Exactly how?”
Shandis mother took them by bus, to a large church in a neighboring town. They snuck in as people stood to pray, settling near the back. When everyone sang, Shandi was told to lay in silence beneath the pew ahead and remain there while her mother used the washroom. Mommy never returned and Shandi wasn’t found until later that evening when a cleaner heard her crying. By then, she’d soiled herself and was terrified to come out for fear of harsher punishment. Now Loki understood why she’d gotten so defensive when he teased her during their drive to the Palisades. He further concluded she’d used Telekinesis to protect herself from future molestations and beatings, hence the numerous moves from one home to another.
“Thank you Natasha, you’ve been very helpful.”
Loki finished the hypnotism by putting her to sleep, then kissed Shandis head. ‘Your mother is fortunate to never experience my wrath. Forgive me for wishing her ill.’
Later, he was helping her to bed when a loud thud came from Clints room. “What’s this fixation you Midgardians have, getting better acquainted with floors following alcohol consumption? Even Tin Man’s fallen victim.”
Shandi chuckled. “I’ve yet to witness that.”
“You may never. Pepper’s gotten strict since the last occurance.“
Shandi was pretty tired so they bid each other goodnight. Loki waited a time and after relieving her hangover, received a text. “You awake, brother? I’ve just returned from Asgard.”
“Delivering my progress report?”
“Please don’t, Loki?”
“What couldn’t wait until dawn, Thor?”
“Iris’s father recently passed.”
“His Mistress slashed his throat while he slept.”
A wicked grin formed on Loki’s face. “How tragic I cannot express my gratitude.”
“Mother feels the same and sends her love.”
Their correspondence ended, but his grin remained. ‘Ahh, king evil has finally perished. Enjoy your eternity with Satan.’
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