#I can't believe I spent my morning doodling this
neeseeart · 9 months
Everyone.... I must share with you the most wonderful gift I received from a small child.
I'm at my mom's house for the holidays and I'm often tasked with entertaining my two young nephews. They both love to draw and they always ask my mom when they can draw with me.
So last night I was sitting on the couch drawing with them for about an hour. They were both showing me their drawings, and asking me to draw things like Pikachu, Zelda (Link), Mario, my mom dressed as Mario(which I will post soon), and Among Us. Asking me how to spell names, how to write names in Japanese. Stuff like that.
During a lull in requests I started drawing my default doodle man, Bos Brunnen. My 5-year-old nephew, the younger one, asked who I was drawing. I told him "he's my favorite character and I like to draw him a lot!" He gave me the weirdest little smile and then started showing me his "surprise" for everyone. That morning he'd drawn pictures of each person in my family and all of our pets, and was planning to give them out once everyone arrived. He wouldn't show me mine, because it was a surprise, but he was very excited about all of it.
Eventually everyone got to the house and my nephew started handing out his drawings. He gave me mine, pointed to everyone in the drawing and said "this is the guy you draw and he has a girlfriend and there's pikachu." I haven't stopped smiling since.
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(Left to right: Bos Brunnen, Reisalin Stout, and Pikachu)
My mother clarified, that morning while he was drawing all the surprises, he wanted to see my art. She showed him my fluffy BooRai drawings and that inspired his artistic decision for my surprise. I can't even express how happy this makes me, my 5-year-old nephew gave me BooRai art for Christmas. This is my favorite thing in the world and I need everyone to see it.
Bos and Ryza, as seen by a 5-year-old who can't believe I play video games even though I spent months building an Animal Crossing island for him:
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Here are some of his other drawings he did for everyone as part of his Christmas surprise:
My brother, the gamer
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My sister, the botanist with her cool flower
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My mom, with her fun earrings
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My partner, with his big muscles (and me admiring them)
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My step-dad (favorite one)
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The legendary 21-year-old Taco Kitty
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Momo and Mikan, big fans of his work
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And of course, the pure-hearted Ayla 🤍🖤
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This is all art so it belongs on my art blog. I'm framing the drawing he did for me but the rest of them belong in a museum. This is the best Christmas ever
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wherearethekidss · 1 year
-Yeah my bad guys
-When text is 'read like this' it is a characters thoughts
-When text is "read like this" Saiki is speaking through telepathy
-When text is "read like this" it is just normal speech (teehee)
God... Hi this is the for the people who love the slowest of slowburns...
omg send help by the way I have literally never ever in my life decided to write anything, so if it's ass just idk say it's ass and move on !!!
Female reader, she lowkey depressed but who isn't (plus it's not a huge part of the fic). #iloveallofyou
Also hi it's kind of late while I'm writing, I'll probably write some more in the morning, I've never written before so i don't exactly have a schedule lmaoooo
apologies for the amount of cliches, i'm literally in love with cliches !
Word Count- 1,468
'Sometimes I believe I am different I am different than others...'
'But then I get home and realize I'm just trying to stand out, be 'different' in a sense. Not that I mind it, everyone needs a little delusion in their life. I feel like many are only getting by on delusion. '
As she walks into this school, she can't help but feel as if the walls are closing in. Her mind racing with so many thoughts it's hard to breath. It subsides as she walk into her classroom, taking her usual seat in the back. She drags her hands through her hair, feeling the different strands of hair interlock between each finger. Trying to focus on one thought. 'Why is it quiet?'
Peering around the mostly empty classroom, 'makes sense, I'm here early.'
As she's lost in though she notices someone walk through the doors. 'weird... no one usually comes in before the bell'. He walks in and sits down a few seat ahead of her, he looks visibly annoyed.
'you and me both' she thinks, smiling to herself as she looks back down at her empty desk.
She taps her pen on her desk quietly, careful as to not disturb her classmate who has decided to come in extremely early. She sighs, taking out her notebook and opening it to a blank page. she clicks her pen and begins to write her name and the date. She then blankly stares at the notebook in front of her, asking herself why she even pulled it out in the first place.
She decides to just doodle in the margins. Minutes later, a bell rings and students begin filing into the classroom. She feels a weight on her chest as many students begin taking their seats. 'There goes the peace and quiet...' she smiles at her own sarcastic remark as she watches the students joke and laugh amongst themselves.
The ear piercing bell shakes Y/N out of her trance as she realizes class is over. She looks down at her notes and sees the paper still only has the name and the date... and the small drawings in the margins.
'great..' she thinks looking around the classroom as students begin walking out to begin their lunch period. She sighs, beginning to put her things back into her bag. Looking up, the boy from earlier still remains in the class, packing his things up as well.
'Maybe he has the notes...?' She shakes off the thought, not wanting to bother this guy who she hasn't even met before. Instead, she chooses to walk out of the classroom, completely ignoring the fact that she learned nothing in the hour that she spent in her class.
Y/N walks up the stairwell, carrying her bag loosely on her shoulders. Walking carefully, she counts the steps as she walks up. When she reaches the top she opens the door to the school's rooftop and walks out, feeling the brisk air. She takes a deep breath, feeling the chilly air enter her lungs. she walks over to a pillar and sits down beside it, leaning her back up against the side. She takes her lunch out of her bag and begins eating it. She just stares out, looking at the view from her now elevated perspective.
She hears the door the rooftop open. She curiously looks over to investigate the cause of the noise.
They boy from this morning walks out onto the rooftop, looking annoyed. Y/N tilts her head as she sees him walk out.
'is he always so annoyed?' She wonders, looking over at him curiously. Y/N smiles to herself, honestly relating to the stranger and turning back to her lunch, eating it quietly.
Returning to her classroom, Y/N finds herself staring off into space again. She tries to focus on what the teacher is saying, but realizes it's pointless, and that she would just figure it out later. Turning her attention to the window, she sees snow falling from the sky, dusting the ground with a soft white covering.
'Fifteen more minutes...' She thinks, looking at the clock.
The bell rings shortly after, signaling the end of the day. Y/N gathers her things quickly, not bothering to waste another second in the classroom.
It's not that she didn't like school, no, well she didn't, but still. She felt as though she could be spending her time elsewhere. Where? You ask? Well she wouldn't really know how to answer that last question.
She smiles as she slings her bag over her shoulders, her eye catching the same boy again. 'What is with me today?' She peers over at him. Some boys are talking to him, he still has an annoyed expression on his face, maybe even more than earlier. Y/N giggles to herself, she wishes him luck, or she would have if she hadn't already hurried out of the classroom.
As Y/N walks through the halls of the building, she is stopped by someone. She takes out one of her headphones and turns to give him more of her attention. It's their class rep, Hairo.
"You're not staying to help rebuild the pillar?" He asks in an almost annoyingly enthusiastic tone. Y/N winces as she hears his volume.
"Oh, yeah... I just uh," She says thinking of a way to possibly avoid it. "I just assumed you had enough people already, I didn't want to get in anyones way" Her lie is good enough, but Hairo looks at her with an enthusiastic smile.
"Nonsense, you wouldn't be in the way, we need all the help we can get!" He speaks in a loud tone, putting a hand on her shoulder and smiling widely. "Besides, we only have one person so far, I'm just going to get more materials" He speaks with such confidence.
Y/N sighs and thinks to herself. She honestly thought more people would have been helping. 'How awkward would it be to be there alone with one of my classmates?' She thinks it over in her head before sighing and agreeing to help. 'I hope this doesn't come to bite me in the ass' She thinks to herself as Hairo thanks her and runs off.
She frowns as he disappears behind a corner. She curses herself and turns around, walking slowly back in the direction of the classroom. She shakes her head, wondering why she ever agreed to help with this.
She walks into the classroom and sees a familiar face sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, reading something quietly. Y/N smiles to herself, 'Wow, what a surprise'.
Unbeknownst to her, her thoughts ring in a certain psychics head. He closes his eyes and pretends not to see her, hoping she will just ignore him too. He doesn't like how often he has been seeing her.
Y/N walks deeper into the classroom, walking over to where the broken pillar lies. She sets down her bag and looks over at the boy.
"So... what are we supposed to do?" She asks quietly, mostly to herself, but hoping to get a reply. She looks up from the pillar over to her classmate.
Saiki sighs to himself, not looking up from his book. "I'm waiting for Hairo to get back."
The boy's voice rings in her mind, startling her a little bit. "oh, alright" She says quietly, looking around the room for a chair to sit in. She decides to sit in one close to a window, putting in her headphones and trying to be patient and wait for Hairo to return with materials. She finds herself zoning out again, looking out the window.
She is snapped back to reality after a while by none other than Saiki. "The sun is setting, I don't think we are permitted to stay much longer" The boy says, Y/N stands up and grabs her things. As they are both about to leave, they hear a crowd of students down the hall. 'What-?'
'What, indeed' Saiki thinks to himself, rolling his eyes as he looks down the halls. He doesn't need to look, of course, already knowing why students are parading down the hall.
"Good god." Y/N says under her breath as she sees her classmates helping Hairo carry a log down the hall to the classroom. "Is it too late to leave?" She asks laughing softly as she nudges Saiki with her arm in a joking manner.
Saiki doesn't respond, but feels himself relate to her way of thinking.
Y/N sighs and just walks back into the classroom, with a defeated aura around her. She sets her things back down and gets ready to help her classmates.
'This isn't so bad' is what she thinks as she begins the work, smiling to herself.
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wandapinkay · 8 months
hiyaaa 👋 it’s the same anon from before back again with an update!
my friend, it is without a hint of irony that i bring you this momentous news. i don’t know what manner of spell you have cast on me with your lovely art and your immaculate vibes, but i genuinely think you have infected me with the self-shipping virus.
evidence to support this theory:
this morning i woke up from an indescribably wonderful dream where i went on a romantic date to the movies with the current fictional man of my dreams
in the 12 hours since then i have done nothing except fantasize about introducing him to my family and getting married (insane behavior)
i have drawn cat ears on like 4 different pictures of him (INSANE BEHAVIOR)
i spent two hours doodling him in my workbook instead of doing the assigned exercises
simply put, i love him, your honor
i cannot make this up. for all my life i have never once had any particular interest in self-shipping, but you single-handedly shattered that illusion with TWO sweet responses to my asks and some truly adorable art! i am ever grateful to you for opening my eyes, peace and love 🫶💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
(p.s. this is so embarrassing to admit but i am obligated by rule of funny to confess that the fictional character in question is in fact okabe. i cannot think of anything more on-brand for daru’s s/o than the inherent comedy of said s/o accidentally getting his bestie a girlfriend, you are truly the ✨Real Deal✨)
Congrats on starting your selfship journey!! With the mad scientist of all characters? That's amazing 🤭 The first time I read this, I honestly was like ".. no way, I can't believe I inspired someone like this." because IT FEELS SURREAL WHEN IT HAPPENS LIKE UH?? /POS Just as a lil' trivia fact btw; my selfship journey started all the way back in 2013, so you could say I'm a veteran selfshipper before I knew the term existed GHDFHG But still!! Anyone can begin doing so in literally any moment of their life! It's never too late to indulge into it, and I'm proud of you for doing so 🥹 I wish the both of you a great relationship as well!!
Also, I gotta say.. I adore the cat ear edits on his pics in particular GHFDHG I need to do that with Daru LMAO And, more importantly, love the helping you both get together! Happy and glad to do that hehe~ (Thank you again for the series of asks, you wonderful being 💕 have a great day/night!)
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ram-de · 1 year
my usual tuesday kinda day
oh wow, look who's here. me again. venting, thinking i'm going to have some reflective introspection moment only to get back and let myself fall deeper into the hole i dig myself. exactly. i know what i'm doing. and i can't even blame my home or my family. because i'm given space and time and all the warm comfort i needed. it's all me. i could blame my habit or some kind of mental illness but i'm not diagnosed and at this point that's just me trying to pick at something to blame.
i wrote a lot about how i'm so flawed and complain about myself and my life a lot. but there's not enough guilt. maybe i felt guilty when i wrote it, but all of it gone when i slept. the morning always fresh, though a bit clueless with all the options of what kind of distraction i'm going to sink deep into.
i've tried books. i don't read books, but if it's a distraction, i can dedicate weeks switching books. i've tried manga. andi i liked mangas, all the tropes and all the pretty art of works that i mostly read pirated because... i'm not exactly working and i don't know if i could afford subscription prices. i should work and let myself face the reality of how hard it is to make money but here i am. talking big and doing nothing. what else have i tried. oh. i've tried games, too. rhythm games, genshin and later on honkai. they're fun and immersive. i've tried netflix, movies or shows in general. and since i'm a marathon kind of guy, what else is there to do than to binge watch most of the series i found interesting?
i've tried lots but not anything productively. well, i tried doing doodling and sketching random things as a hobby. couldn't commit. what else? huh... i don't remember most of it. look at that. i haven't tried much. i didn't do things to improve myself. and no matter how long of a paragraphs i could write about how i really wanted to improve. i don't know if myself would commit to it. that's how much i don't believe in what i could do. 'coz it's so easy for me to bail. to ditch. to leave. to run away. to postpone. to be still. stagnant.
i'm such a hypocrite. fuck myself, am i right. fuck it all. but i can't afford to fuck it all life like that. because... because i spent time pursuing academics... and... and... it's just... i should be more desperate to run past the finishing line. but instead it's more of a whatever-ish kind of vibes from myself. it's so. weird.
it's easy to imagine how liberating doing such an fuck it all moves in life. i can't do fuck it all for a final year project of college because else how can't i graduate?! i can't do fuck it all for post-graduation plans because how else can i get a job? i can't do fuck it all for even coming out and saying i'm gay because i don't have a job and also i don't want to like be apart of my family and be estranged for it. i can't do fuck it all for shaving my head because i'm too much of a coward to make it like a symbolic kind of acts to make a fresh things to start my life with, and for me to just think of it like leaving my burden away with the hair being shed and cut. i can't do fuck it all because maybe i don't want to fuck life itself. i have hopes. but fuck me for not holding onto that strong enough to push myself forward. to force me to walk and do stuff. fuck it all. i said. fuck it...
what even i'm saying. i had this outline in my head about how i want to start the post of vent. so basically. i watched two seasons of the white lotus and it's such a good show. tense. funny. s1 definitely funnier than s2. it's so unhinged it's good. and ahem theo james. yes. um. what? no. i mean, i love series with ensemble cast. and the way it all lead up into the chaos that is the finale? *chef kiss* methinks.
okay, what else. ok prelude done. uh... then i was going to link it with why i was watching the white lotus in the first place. yes, yes. i was thinking of a show that is similiar to nine perfect strangers. and this one shows up right there. better, tbh. so... yep. and why was i watching nine perfect strangers in the first place? well, i was looking for bobby cannavale's other works since i liked his character in the station agent, joe. i think. i wrote a post about it. thinking it's going to be my. like. last movie before i face the world and my problems that i hid under my bed. and look am i here! you know what, why was i watching that in the first place? well, because i was watching kembang api on netflix, and was downright UNDERWHELMED by it. like. really. zero chemistry whatsoever. I'M NOT HATING ON LOCAL MOVIES!! i was intrigued by this movie and the premise. time loop? yea i'm a time loop trope enthusiast. ensemble cast? (i mean it's like 4, but still they're strangers) ok yea i like that too. and yea whatever. why was i watching this movie in the first place? becasue i was tired reading books.
and why was i reading books in the first place. exactly. distraction. fuck me.
ugh. i could talk about it for hours!!!! i should talk about it, actually. but like. with real people. not a void. but i like the void too.
currently? i'm thinking of what kind of lines i'm going to write? am i leaning into the oh i'm so scared of myself and the future or, would it be more into the well i don't think i cared anymore or stuff like that. but then i ended up thinking about what am i going to write? how do i want to be perceived when someone reads this like duh this is a venting blog no one is supposed to read this.
how can i practice self-compassion when i'm so ignorant to my own responsibility? when i basically ditched myself? when i... i let myself be in this kind of situation again and again. there's no solution to a problem that i am not willing to work to solve. am i not willing? i'd like to think i am but i don't know how. no, scratch that. i am too ignorant to be willing. i don't know anymore.
maybe it's my hungry stomach writing. whatever... ugh... i'm reminded on the monthly reflection thing and the monthly spotify playlist too. see how commited i am to it whole? ahh....
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snarkspawn · 7 years
swtordestielshipper replied to your photo “I was going for a mock screenshot kind of thing...”
I like how the screen behind him says "I want to break free"
hahaha I was wondering if anyone would notice this :’D well done, you! I just thought it’d be fitting for agents, what with all those keywords being thrown around, lol 
plus, there’s that music video
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Hi hi hi ! I'd like to ask an hcs for clingy boyfriends ! Idk how many characters I can request for, so maybe Rinrin, Asahi, Kisumi & Natsuya ?
Honey, I'm sorry for taking so long! My internship has been taking all of my free time, but I added a few boys to make up for it UwU Baby for you there is no boy limit 7w7 ask freely.
Ohohohoho, he was basically a tsundere for 2 seasons.
Of course he is clingy. But he hates showing it.
He will casually grab your hand while walking and but hide it by shoving both in his jacket pocket.
He will pester you with reminders of when it's his next competition and will actually get upset (not at you tho) if you don't show up and don't at least send a message.
If you can't show up he will call you to tell you everything about it, often complaining about his diving time being off or some mistake and saying it was all because his "lucky charm" (you) wasn't with him.
He always goes to your events, from fesivals to presentations/contests/etc.
If you happen to end in a long distance relationship because he's in Australia he will videocall you everyday. RIP your wallet because the bills will go through the roof.
Regardless, expect tons of good morning and goodnight messages.
A bunch of selfies and photos of his every day life too.
He'll always text you his result in competitions and any feed if he finds it.
He writes poetry about you when he's bored in class. Spare his soul if you happen to find it.
"I-It's nothing! I was just really bored, okay?!"
He is super clingy and will die of embarrassment if pointed out.
For the love of god, PLEASE point it out.
I feel like he is craves being looked up to.
Being a younger brother he more than being needy wants to be a role model.
So he will do anything to impress you.
Constantly wanting to get you swept off your feet.
He is not pushy of you going to his events, but he always holds your hands and pull you close in his excitement and ask you to cheer the loudest.
He will make a code sign with you for when he steps on the diving board. Like tapping his chest with his knuckles and point at you discreetly.
He wholeheartedly believes that you watching him compete gives him good luck.
Reality is that his performance improves exponentially if he has the chance to impress you.
He's sort of the same thing as Asahi.
He wants to be admired.
But definitely wants to have your attention 24/7
He will nag you and pester you to go to every basketball match.
He will drag you to half of his extracurricular clubs (as long as he knows you both enjoy them).
It's that or he will take you to the mall for some shopping and he will always give you suggestions on what looks better on you.
Absolutely the kind to get some matching outfit with you.
He's a big brother and a leader, plus he spent years traveling on his own.
I really don't see him as the clingy type.
But rather an independent type, but no one's really smart when in love, right?
He is constantly messaging you and calling you every night.
Always asking how you're doing.
Caring boi
Constantly asking you on dates out of the blue.
I absolutely see him going to your school unanounced after class to take you on a surprise date.
"Get in looser we're going for ice cream!"
Once he goes back to swimming competitively, he always not so casually let's you know that he wants you there, reminding you time and place weeks ahead.
Ikuya is such a needy baby and is BAD at hiding it.
He will quietly follow you around classes, and will try to always coordinate your lunch schedules to spend extra time with you.
He is a busy boy too, but he always needs some special time with you.
Ikuya is like a little schoolgirl, doodling hearts with your and his initials over his notebook.
You can hear a very concerned Hiyori on the back, lol.
Ikuya gets very sad when you can't make it to his competitions.
He loves being cradled when you two cuddle.
He bab.
The amount of times Hiyori has walked into his room and found Ikuya napping snuggling his pillow while mumbling your name is astounding.
He probably keeps a photo of you under his pillow, lilo and Stitch style.
Give him all the love.
My man is like Ikuya on steroids.
He will never admit how much he adores spending time with you.
He constantly calls you, and he hates phone calls... so they're usually very short... At least he tries.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"Not yet Haru, why?"
"I'm on my way, I'll pick some mackerel to cook."
He loves cooking for you. Even willingly cooking stuff other than mackerel... sometimes.
He keeps every little note you give him in a notebook.
Whenever you need going shopping he will tag along with you even if he complains sometimes. He is such a domestic boy, he loves going over his grocery shop list with you.
And good thing he does because otherwise your fridge would be full of cookies and ice cream.
He will constantly try to take you to the pool.
How dare you leave the OG clingy powerhouse out.
He is SUPER CLINGY it's adorable.
He loves spending time with you and will openly admit it.
Makoto is the kind to hold your hand as much as he can whenever you walk around the city.
"I don't want to get separated from you"
He always texts you but mostly he calls you a lot.
Videochat until you both fall asleep are a huge thing.
He doesn't ask because he doesn't want to be rude, but he gets super happy when you ask him to hang out with your friends too.
He also takes you to Marron Café with his friends all the time.
Makoto's favorite thing is hanging out with you and Haru.
He invites you to all the Swim Club's competitons... his students already know you well as "the coach's sweetheart" and you get along with them just fine and often team up with them to tease Makoto... not that it is a hard task.
He always ask for help with his english homework because 1. He needs help. 2. Any excuse to see you is good.
He supports everything you do.
You may think he is overwhelming but he is very understanding of limits and no is no.
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
rule #6 | l.dh
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Summary: With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Word Count: 3.5k
a/n: hi, this is moon from somewhere august, scheduling this post before i chicken out again :D by the time it's posted, it's already Christmas so,,, merry christmas y'all who celebrate!!!! Lots of love!!!
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Just like most things involving Donghyuck, falling in love with him isn't such a good idea.
That was way too sped up, though. The best way to start this story, of course, is from the very beginning— the day human migraine number one (a.k.a Jaemin) decided to bring in evil genius Huang Renjun to the circle. That would've been fine. It just so happened that beside him sat the devil incarnate, Lee Donghyuck, and that, well, is totally all four directions far away from what's acceptable.
Rule number one to surviving this life thing: Never trust cute boys with sunshine smiles and mischief in their eyes, a.k.a Donghyuck, or Haechan, whatever name he decided to go by. That's why when he reaches his hands out over the table to your direction, you quickly dismiss his attempt — "Hi! I haven't met you yet, did you skip first period? You're Y/N, ri—"
"Please never speak to me." was your reply then, and human migraine number two (a.k.a Chenle) laughs. Jaemin nags for the rest of the break, talking about manners and getting along. The fools nod alongside him. You grumble, moody for no reason and feeling particularly mean, but you warmly smile at Mark when he arrives at your table. Somewhere along the lines, you met stares with the new boy, and you give him an indifferent look.
Donghyuck took the nonchalance as a challenge.
The following weeks have been infuriating.
Rule #2: At all times, seek Lee Jeno's company. Unreliable as he seems when it comes to patience, the boy is quite reasonable sometimes.
Your windows align with the sweet-faced boy, your roofs almost touching — if you tried hard enough, you two could sit together, side by side, just like this. Cold wind blows, but it doesn't make you shiver. Jeno's warm, and maybe that's why you love cuddling with him so much. Maybe.
Just maybe, that could be the reason.
"I can't hear what you're saying," he slowly says, laughter seeping through his lips. You whine at that, moving away so he could see you and you could speak clearly. His hand remains holding your chin up, endearing in a soft way, but it doesn't wash away your frown. "What were you saying?"
You groan, "I said, he's so annoying! The audacity, Lee Jeno, he had the audacity to call me ba—"
Jeno watches you with tender eyes. Your heart softens, and you forget whatever next words you had to say. Maybe things will be okay? He's here, after all. Just right next door.
At least, something is going right.
This new boy, it seems, is appealing to many. During his first week, people have constantly trying to 'show him around', and that excuse doesn't die down until one month. From then on, people just keep following him around with "Good morning, Haechan!", "Goodbye, Haechan!" and "How was the weekends for you, Haechan-ssi?"
To be honest, it's something you had to grow used to even way before the showed up. Having Na Jaemin and Mark Lee from the Basketball team in your circle just really has a way of putting the spotlight on your lunch table. Not to mention, Renjun, Jeno, and Jisung, who despite being quiet, just has a certain charm to them — Jaemin's words, not yours. And oh, don't even get started on Chenle. That boy is a social butterfly.
The difference is that he keeps entertaining them, unlike the others who awkwardly laughs or just greets back — safe to say that sometimes, the 'goodness' of his heart gets in the way of your education and daily life. Times just like this.
Jisung's name shines brightly at the top of the list. You cling to the boy excitedly, pinching his cheeks and slightly bouncing on your heels, "You made it on the dance team, Sungie! Oh my God, oh my Go—"
"Y/N..." he drawls out, both hands resting on your shoulder as if to calm you down, but the excitement in his eyes betrays his intentions. On the other side, Renjun waves at you with the others. It makes you chuckle, and you motion for them come — that is, of course, until someone pushes you, almost sending you to the ground if not for Jisung catching you midfall.
The girl furrows her brows, "Move, you're blocking the way."
Your palms itch at that moment, and you couldn't believe just what you heard — the nerve!
"Where's your manners?" rings Donghyuck's voice from where he's slowly making way towards you with the others, a grimace on each of their faces. Attitude seeps from his gaze, the kind that would've made someone quiver. "Don't go around pushing people."
"Stop." you clench your hands to fists, thanking Jisung before straightening up. Through gritted teeth, you calmly look at the girl with a scowl on her face. "Look, I'm sorry, but can you politely ask me to move next time? That's be appreciated, thank you."
After bidding the others a small smile, you turn around to make your way to the library. What? For peace? For space? Just to be as far away from the boy following you right now as possible? You don't even know at this point. You feel like your celebration is ruined and all you want is distance from the person you dislike the most — to be honest, you don't know anything about him aside from the fact that he's Lee Donghyuck and that he's annoying, and that you automatically hate him. You don't plan on knowing more. That's why before entering the library, you turn around to face him with a solemn look.
"Thank you." he halts in shock. His smile widens, but you look at him with the same seriousness in your face. "But don't do it again. I don't need saving, Lee Donghyuck."
Later that night, you grit your teeth as you write down another rule: Say your gratitude but don't get used to the way he saves you. You're not a damsel. Just hand the goddamn sword or you'll be fine with your fists — maybe your eyes for daggers, too.
Rule #3: Never go to him for comfort.
22nd of April, 10:35 p.m. You close your eyes and wait. The clock hits eleven and you open the door for the others, greeting everyone with a cheerful smile. "Where's Jaemin?"
Mark shrugs, "Said he has an essay. He'll be late for a bit, but he'll make it before 12."
23rd of April, 12:00 a.m, your heartbeat races. Everything's all set, everyone's in the living room. You take out your phone with a giggle, typing out 'Happy Birthday, dummy!!!' with the biggest grin on your face. Jisung judges you slightly, but he quickly forgets it when a taunting yell from Renjun comes. You sit in the kitchen, staring at the delicately decorated cake, and you wait.
One hour turns to two, then three. Your smile fades slightly, and you check your phone for replies. When nothing comes, you click over his contact shakily.
To: Star <3
Happy Birthday, dummy!!!
Hey, Jen? You're one door away from me and yet you're an hour late.
Birthday boy, you're not ditching us on your own celebration, aren't ya?
When are you coming over ;-;
From: Star <3
I'm sorry!!!
Sorry but I'll be late!
Jaeminnie really needs my help with something.
We'll be there! I'm sorry, Y/N
Your smile disappears. Sullenly making your way to the living room, you count your steps to keep your ground. You look at the others in front of you with a smile, "Go start the movie, I'll wait for Jeno and Jaemin outside. Deal?"
"Sure." Chenle chirps, his grin never fading. Must be because of cheating his way through besting Jisung, Donghyuck, Mark, and Renjun at Monopoly for the past three hours, probably ruining their friendship. Oblivious to the world, Renjun grumbles something about Jeno never being punctual, that he'd pray that trait onto him as a birthday gift. You glance at them before heading back outside, sitting down outside your door, head in between your knees.
A tear. Maybe two. Is this how heartbreak feels like? The kind of crying where you can't even make a sound because people could hear, but then even your teardrops seem to be so loud.
The door opens and you put your head up, hurriedly wiping them away. You put on your best smile until Donghyuck occupies the space beside you. He hands you a handkerchief.
"Don't," he whispers when you obviously hold down a sob, and he leans you on his chest. You cry freely there — you don't know why you let him of all people, but all you know was that you couldn't think straight; desperation blooms on your chest like fresh flowers die over time, and he doesn't judge. He just holds you — no cheesy pet name, no flirty looks, no catch. Just someone to be with.
At 4 a.m with Lee Donghyuck, the starless sky and the moon all alone looks a little less lonely. In front of you, the sun begins to rise.
Rule #4: Aaaaand if you don't follow the preceding rule, then, you're fucked. This is your mess. Good luck, you're alone on this one.
After Jeno's birthday (and after he made up to you, he spent a month doing that.) something just begins to change. A pleasant shift, according to Mark.
From that day, something in you says that maybe, just maybe, he's not so bad and you were just unfair to him. This realization must be something brought by time; slowly, you got used to Renjun and Hyuck being a part of your circle. These tutoring sessions must be a factor as well, judging how to two get to spend time alone in the same table as you can't possibly study with the others around you.
Donghyuck would do anything to evade mathematics, though. At least that's what it looks like right now, as he doodles around the margins instead of solving the problems, and then opens a topic, "Nana and Jisung looks cute together. Should've known they wouldn't be serious with each other, him and Jeno."
You roll your eyes, but not the way you did back then. It's way softer, much more affectionate. "It's been a year, let them be."
"So what? It's only been a year." he seems really determined to waste time. He even makes a show of briefly making eye contact before pouting at the paper, "You and Jeno still pretend to be just friends, but the whole school's just waiting for you two to kiss."
You chuckle, "We don't."
"You do."
"Used to." you correct. You look over to the other table, Jaemin and Jeno throwing a banter while Jisung begs them to stop before Renjun smacks them all with a book. You gaze down the notes you're studying before shrugging, "Things change."
"Example?" he tentatively asks, absentmindedly tracing the letters and numbers scattered around his notebook. You rest your chin on your palm.
"Well, now, I might like you." because honestly, you do. He's a great company, although sometimes overwhelming and annoying. Especially that most of the time when he's with Jaemin, they brew the worst ideas together and it's pretty much storm from there.
It would be a lie to say that it's not one of the things that makes you feel warm, slowly growing fond. Your voice softens as he tilts up to meet your gaze, and you flash him a saccharine smile. "Soon, it might not be because you're my friend."
Things like this make you feel like you've missed everything with Jeno, all the things you both could've had; it's like you should've been like this. It's like you should've been holding hands, or walking down the streets, or sitting on a rooftop and asking for a kiss. The kind that would send a rush of energy on your veins, shaking you back to life, losing you to the dream that is the way his lips move against you. But best friends don't do that, so you don't.
Hyuck is not Jeno, though. He's not your best friend.
With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Rule #5: Well, seems like you can't back out now. Love him. Love him so much that the sunshine in his eyes never fades.
"Why are we celebrating Mark's last day in town?" Donghyuck sits down in the living room, looking around at the place — balloons, snacks, a cake, everyone in your friend group. He sets down his gift, "Are we that glad that he's leaving?"
Mark huffs, "You'd fucking cry once you miss me and I'm cities away, Lee Donghyuck."
"I won't miss you because I'm coming over to your dorm every day and I'm dragging everyone with me." Donghyuck smiles and even when Mark shoves him a little at that, everyone knows that he's happy the younger said that. He flashes his sly smile, "You, however... ah, what do we do? Mark might miss me so much he fails three subjects."
Everyone cackles at that, and Mark only raises his arms at surrender, saying something about not joking like that because he's honestly 'terrified to start hell', wanting to just stay here and finish school with all of you, ranting about how troublesome it is to transfer. You lean back on your loveseat, lightly kicking Hyuck's feet. "What?"
"You talk like this but you'd sulk tomorrow, wouldn't you?" You taunt, snickering. "This is false advertising."
Donghyuck gapes as the others fall over laughing. "Oi, are you trying to help me fill out all the ten reasons I hate you?"
"You have only ten for me?" you add, and for some reason, that makes the others laugh harder. "I have a hundred for you, Hyuckie."
"I could write you thousands—"
Jeno scrunches his face, hands moving to cover Donghyuck's mouth. "Just please go kiss each other."
Donghyuck tears away from his hold, rolls his eyes, and waves goodbye. He tugs you away from Jaemin and then leads you upstairs, but not before one last banter with Jeno, who, in his all confused expression, tilts his head in question, "Ya, where are you going?"
"I'm not kissing Y/N in front of you fools."
And true to his word, that's what he does.
Donghyuck smiles like the world is kind, like unending unconditional love, without boundaries nor fears. He kisses like that, too, passionate and deep. He does it like it's the end of the world, as if it's the only thing he wants to do. He does it like he's thanking every single thing that led him up to this moment. He kissed you under those stars in his balcony, a hand warm on your waist with the other softly caressing your jaw, and it seemed like it lasted forever.
Because that's the truth. The last time never feels like the last time. There had to be more to this than what the skies have laid down.
Inside your dreamy little mind, Donghyuck was eternal and the love you shared was forever. That's what happened. You thought you had forever.
You thought you had forever, but you didn't.
Rule #6: But that won't make him stay if he's bound to leave. Accept that and love him, still. Love him through the rain.
"Lee Jeno tripped!" yells Chenle's loud voice, gaining the attention of everybody in the room, "And fell in love with Y/N, totally whipped that they can't even shop separately!"
"Hell, Chenle, where's your mute button?" Renjun hissed, "We gotta buy presents too. Who decided to do this so late, though? It's the 24th! You guys should've done it weeks ago!"
"Let's go?" Jeno asks, blatantly ignoring Renjun as he waits for you to take his hands. You smirk, waving the folded paper to the others after entwining fingers with him.
"Bye, losers! See y'all later~" you wink. Before being dragged out the Cafe, you point at your friends' direction "Whoever had my name better give me a decent gift, or Christmas is cancelled!"
"Baby, stop that," he asks, squeezing your hands to make you calm down. Your laugh even louder. He smiles, "Who did you get?"
"Hey, Lee, you don't get special treatment just because I'm dating you. It's a secret." you roll your eyes, a skip in your step even though the weather is cold. Jeno steals a peck on your cheeks, and your eyes widen. "Lee Jeno!"
Before you could even catch him, he's already running away from you, and you're almost falling over laughing as you try to catch up to him. He meets you at the end, in front of a busy mall, and catches you with a hug. You laugh on his chest, warm against his hold.
If memories come washing over you, no one has to know. Jeno looks lovely against white. He feels like art on a Christmas day, so beautiful and warm and special. That's all that matters.
"We agreed that we wouldn't try..." Donghyuck whispers, arms around you, "if things will get too harsh on the other, didn't we?"
"Yeah... if I was to leave, Hyuck, I don't want you waiting on me." you responded, half-asleep and sincere, "But I'm only saying it because I'm not leaving."
Donghyuck laughed, "Well, just making sure that if that happens, we'll meet again, yeah?"
"Hyuck, shut up. Nobody's leaving." you groaned, stirring at the joyful yelling downstairs. "Looks like it's 12 already. Merry Christmas, baby."
"Mhm, Merry Christmas. I love you." He smiles, leaves a slow, gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you. I'll love you even more this year."
Does moving away without a word count as loving someone more than you did the past year?
"You're spacing out." Jeno smiles, "Am I that handsome?"
"You always are. Stunning." you quickly reply, a little guilty. You enter the busy room and part ways so that you could shop for your gifts, but not before deciding on a meeting point and leaving a sweet, loving kiss. "Come back, yeah?"
"Of course." he nods before parting ways. Your heart remains at peace — as planned, at the end of the day, Jeno would come back to you at the entrance. He won't leave like the other did. He won't do that to you...
Two hours before Christmas, you sit down on your own for a bit, occasionally distracted by the noise. At their loudness, you can make out Mark trying to calm everybody down, Jaemin threatening murder to keep Jisung and Mark away from the kitchen, Jeno convincing Chenle to get a dog. As you write down their yearly letters, you can't get rid of the smile on your face.
Why they decided to spend this holiday at yours, you don't really understand. Can't say you're against it, though. It's perfect; the tree all of you built together, the presents, the games you'll spend the night playing. The friendship.
Only that someone's missing. As if to lessen the pain, you write his name down on the paper — except it's not a new one, but rather, the page you've been foolishly writing your rules on; the rules that never stood a chance to save you. You trace your hands over the words, but you quickly shake nostalgia away as you turn the page over.
Hello, Donghyuck-ah!
You know the drill. For some time, you received some of my letters, didn't you? After all, we spent some years together... as enemies, as friends, as lovers. You probably memorized how it goes: I'll dwell on the year, I'll tell you how I chose your gift, I'll try to say how much I adore you, and then I'll thank you for being here.
Unfortunately this time, I can't tell you how our year went... I didn't spend it with you. I wasn't able to get you a gift, too, because I don't know if your preferences changed. And I can't thank you for being here. I can't because you're not.
Though I could still tell you that I love you, now it's kind of different. It's less of something that desperately needs you, and more of the kind that longs for you. Jeno and I got together at last. It's complicated how we happened, but we gave it a try and... just. That. You won't read this, but I still want you to know... even if this will never reach you.
Remember that we said that we'll meet again? Well, where are you? Are you happy? How's life been, miles away from home, from your friends, Hyuck-ah?
Merry Christmas. I hope you're happy.
I hope you are, of course, I do. I want you to be happy, I do. I can't wish for anything more — I want you to be happy... just that I hope you're sad sometimes, too, just like me... because of me. I want your heart to break sometimes too. I want you to cry sometimes too. In those empty spaces, I want you to remember me.
And I know you won't do any of that, but in my twisted imagination, you do. And you are.
You're the happiest you could be, but not that much — not happy enough that you'd forget me.
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ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Arty Art Things ✨
I've decided to post some of the arty things I've done either recently or in the last few years, well the pieces I'm somewhat proud of at least. All my posts tend to be a lot more wordy than they need to be but hey it's what I do here!
Conchúr White
Anyone one who's been on this blog for a bit will have probably have seen me talk about this lovely Irish fella. The pencil drawing is actually a year old as of yesterday, I only know that because screenshots of me flipping out about Conchúr following me on twitter popped up in my memories yesterday. I think I'd sent it to him at about 3 in the morning (I was not in a good head space at that point in time), so probably not what he was expecting to see when he opened his phone in the morning aha
The biro version is much more recent: I got bored while sat at my desk and doing research about university courses, saw a biro, saw my old drawing of Conchúr, had an idea. I revisited my GCSE art techniques and here we are. Again, I put this up on Twitter and now (at the the time I'm writing this) when you google "Conchúr White" it's the third top image of him which is a bit mad really. I think I spent all of about 20 minutes on Conchúr but another 45 minutes on the words behind him. The words are the names of the songs on his EP 'Bikini Crops', he doesn't just really love the idea of Channing Tatum driving him around at night in a daisy print bikini... Well maybe he does but what he does in his spare time is none of my business...
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So I mentioned that the pencil drawing of Conchúr came from a rough patch in my mental health and this one is no different! In fact this one came from an even worse circumstance so we love to see it. I had a bad, bad time in July and this started as a way of distracting myself from what was going on in my head. Without it, I can't honestly say I'd still be here so even if the final product of this had been a terrible mess I would still love it for keeping me alive. However, it did not turn out to be a terrible mess!
Now that the origin of this is out the way, where do I start with TechDif? Unlike Conchúr, I haven't really talked about them on here (unless you count one brief post about Citation Needed) before so I guess I'll do it here. The Technical Difficulties are a wonderful group of 4 British fellas who have had their fair share of fun online and even before. They did a radio show at university together, which went on to become their Reverse Trivia Podcast, later moving on to a panel show called 'Citation Needed': and a game called 'Two of These People Are Lying'. All of which I would thoroughly reccomend, they're one of my go to things when I'm having a rough time. All 4 of them are excellent! Tom Scott (red top, blue jeans on the picture) has his own YouTube channel which does content aside from TechDif. If you're quite nerdy and like science, linguistics, computers, or any number of other things you may enjoy Tom's channel. He is probably best described as "The Moderator" of the group, much like a tired teacher he tries desperately to keep everyone on track with what they're meant to be doing, but usually it does not end well for him. Then we have Matt Gray (space top, holding an ice cream) who also has a channel away from TechDif stuff, he does techy electronic things and has a series called 'Will it Soft Serve?' where he puts all kinds of strange things through a soft serve machine. Matt brings a very specific energy to TechDif and I can't fully describe what that vibe is but I love it. Matt and Tom also share a YouTube channel where TOTPAL is posted and they had a series called 'The Park Bench'. Moving on to everybody's favourite Gary Brannan: Gary Brannan (SATIRE hoodie, glasses) and can I just say, what a fella he is! He's just excellent! He is the one that will argue and rip into Tom the most (not in a malicious way) and hilarity ensues. There are some episodes where he is absolutely on it, getting all the points and others where he very clearly has no idea and that's where some of his funniest quotes come from. Given how badly I was doing at the time I made this, his response to it on Twitter was so so lovely. I specifically remember one tweet where he said I'd made him happy and although it was probably a flippant comment, it just made feel alright for a bit. Yeah I might be feeling awful right now, but I've made someone else happy so that's a nice feeling. Then last but certainly not least, we have Chris Joel (buffalo check shirt, beard)! I would be lying if I said he isn’t my favourite... His sense of humor is the one I vibe with most, he can get rather dramatic in parts and can chat bollocks like a champion. He has absolutely no online presence away from TechDif and, like Rens from Temples, I fully believe he’s a cryptid and lives off in a tree somewhere. 
The picture took me about 4 days to complete, well 4 nights because I did most of it between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7a.m. - I remember watching the sun come through my window each morning. It’s made up of lots of little pieces, all cut out and stuck on; even the sky and hills are made of separate pieces of paper. Nothing was actually drawn on the piece of paper it’s all stuck on, it’s not how I usually do things but if I messed up one little but I could just redraw it rather than ruining the whole thing. The most tedious parts to make were Chris’ shirt because I had to draw each square individually and then join the as well, and cutting out the ban-hammer in the bottom right was surprisingly hard. Every single detail of the picture is a reference to the podcast/shows, I still have the plan sketch and reference list knocking about somewhere. I listened to a lot of true crime videos while making it to the point that certain parts remind me of different cases: the brandy now reminds me of Peter Tobin, and the big spiral thing reminds me of Tim McLean (very harrowing case) - sorry that fact is a bit morbid but interesting nonetheless. 
I did post this for a little bit back in July, but I received some rather awful messages so I took it down. Generally, Tom Scott/TechDif fans are lovely but there’s been a few that have taken a disliking to me for some reason so I’m hoping they don’t resurface again. I’m in a better head space now though, so even if they do I’m more equipped to deal with it this time.
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This was a quick sketch I did in April, I was getting bored with lockdown and decided to summon the bog man himself. There’s not really much more backstory than that, no poor mental health story, no fun twitter story - he’s just here. He’s vibing. I will say I’m particularly proud of his nose, I just think it’s one of the best noses I’ve ever drawn. His hand is okay, but I think that the hands on my Conchúr drawings are better. So there is the Hozi-Boi...
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The Corpse Bry
I’ve talked about Bry on here before as well, I love him, he’s excellent, top lad. He is a living Tim Burton character, he’s 6′6, very skinny, and his legs are longer than my will to live. I was watching ‘The Corpse Bride’ a few weeks ago and suddenly had an idea and so ‘The Corpse Bry’ came to be. I gave him a little panda friend because the panda has always been his animal - he used to wear a panda beanie all the time and his album had a panda on the cover. Again, there’s not really a fun story behind this one, I guess it’s somewhat fun because it’s the first art I made after finishing my psychology exams in October so it was nice to actually have the time to draw.
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James Bagshaw
Ginger talking about Temples for the third post in a row? it’s more likely than you think! I did this one last week, I’d had a bit of a wobbly day and had group therapy on Teams in the evening and I just couldn’t concentrate on what was going on and I ended up doodling Mr James E. Bagshaw, the glitter crying fraggle man himself. It’s a bare-bones drawing that I could definitely work into more but I’m happy with it as it is to be honest. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit and add the individual bits of fringe to his jacket, just thinking about doing that makes me tired. Maybe I’ll get around to drawing the whole band at some point...
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Alice in “Wonderland”
This one is from about 5(?) years ago, it’s not my typical style and was a “study” based on another artists work (basically i just had to copy this fellas work). I’ll be honest, this one has a sketchy backstory that I won’t go in to because it’s not exactly a nice one, and because of that I also won’t say who the artist is that it’s based on. Despite this, I’m still really proud of this one and I’m so sad that I never got this piece back after I got taken out the class. I’ve considered trying this style again, I’ve even joked about doing another Conchúr drawing in this style as a nod to my progression through GCSE art, eventually leading to Conchúr drawn in ink on music manuscript and stained with neon paint and dyes - it would be quite the project!
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So this has been quite a lengthy post so apologies about that but life goes on. Similar to the vinyl post, I’ll probably add to this as and when I make more art. Even if no one is reading these posts, I’m enjoying making them so that’s the main thing. It’s just nice to document things and the feelings that go with them. 💕
~ Love Ginger xx 
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fydream · 4 years
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"Y/n!" A familiar voice calls out to you from down the hallway. It's less crowded now due to the majority of the students being in a classroom while the few that were there were either at their lockers or socializing with friends. This allowed you to see who was calling for you, to no surprise it was your best friend, Lee Donghyuck.
As soon as you spot him a wide grin appeared on his lips, one to be mirrored by you. "Is that my savior, Lee Donghyuck coming to rescue me?" You joke as you walk towards him.
"Why yes it is." He giggles, following along with the joke. "Oh and what a savior I am to be walking across campus to help my best friend find the cafeteria."
"You ruined it." You taunt, punching his arm lightly. "You wouldn't have to come get me if you showed up earlier this morning y'know.."
"Okay listen," He starts, which you reply to with an "I'm listening."
"You try sleeping over at a friends house on a school night trying to work on something for your best friend, then we'll talk." He scoffs.
"Aw you made something for me? I'm touched." There's a hint of playfulness in your voice and Donghyuck doesn't seem to pick up on it.
"Of course I did! What kind of friend would I be to not give my best friend a gift after not seeing them for so long?"
"You're so dramatic Hyuck," You sigh. "I was just kidding, besides I would've been happy to see you gift or not."
"Okay first of all," He starts. "You think I'm dramatic?"
"Did you really just ask me that question?" You ask back.
You roll your eyes at the boy walking next to you before replying with "You're literally the worlds biggest drama queen, but okay Hyuck. Whatever you say.."
He scoffs at your comment, "It's like you're not even trying to insult me Y/n. We both know I'm dramatic, so thank you. I try." He laughs.
"Anyways, my friends and I already made you one which is why you're getting one missy." He taunts and all of a sudden a warm feeling is brought back to you would get whenever you talked to Donghyuck.
It was a heartwarming feeling, to know that even after the couple of years you spent apart you two would still bicker over the silliest things. It was just another reminder to let you know that somethings never change, for the greater or for the worst. In this case, it was for the greater good.
You smile at him, it’s one of those smiles that you get when you remember a favorite memory of some sort. A sad, yet happy smile. It’s subtle and short but Donghyuck manages to see it.
“What?” he asks, looking at you weirdly. “Why’d you look at me like that?”
“It’s nothing.” You reply with, gathering your thoughts together.
“Okay.. Weirdo..” Hyuck comments, earning another light punch on the arm from you.
Another minute or so passed by until the two of you reached your destination. The school cafeteria, oh fun.
It’s noisy and loud, just as any other place full of teenagers would be. There’s tables set up in the middle and to the right of the room while the lunch line is on the left. There’s an isle between the tables in the middle and on the right that leads to a door outside towards the field of your school.
“Over there.” Hyuck nearly shouts, trying to make sure you hear him over the noise of the chatty students around you. He points to a boy with purple hair and another boy just a couple inches shorter standing next to him, who you assumed to be his friends.
A couple tables over you spot Jeno, Jisung, and another boy with them. "Huh, I didn't know they were friends." You thought to yourself. You notice that the  purple haired boy was sort of eyeing Jeno and that Jeno was returning the favor. Jisung must've noticed you looking at Jeno and the purple haired boy because he had hinted at Jeno to quit it, earning a bunch of snickers from the other boy seated next to him.
"Weird." You thought. Before you knew it Donghyuck was pulling you through the crowded cafeteria by your wrist. He gave a few "Hello's" and compliments to certain people while you mumbled a couple "sorry's" to whoever you bumped into. Sooner than later you were in front of the two boys that Donghyuck was pointing at.
"Lele! Junnie!" Hyuck called out as he waved at them.
"Hyuck!" The shorter boy said running towards you two. "Is this the infamous Y/n I keep hearing about?"
"Hell yeah it is." Donghyuck replied, introducing you to his two friends. "Y/n, this is Renjun" He said pointing at the shorter boy, who waved at you in response. He was holding what looked like a poster due to it being rolled up and a rubber band keeping it together.
"And this is Chenle!" He said pointing at the purpled haired boy. Chenle was holding a box which you assumed was the gift the three of them made you due to it being wrapped and having a red ribbon on top of the lid.
"Welcome to NCT High!" Chenle greeted, handing over the box to you. You were just about to grab it when Donghyuck snatched it from him.
"Lele!!" He whined, "Not yet!!! We have to give her a proper introduction." He pouted.
"That was a proper introduction, Hyuck." Renjun scoffs, taking the gift box from his hands and handing it back over to you. "Don't mind him." Renjun smiles. "He's just excited."
"Boy do I know.." You laugh, looking over at your best friend who was now giving Renjun puppy dog eyes. "He really hasn't changed at all." You mumble to yourself as you watch him attempt (and fail) to get things go his way.
"What's in the box?" You ask Renjun, turning your focus on to him.
"It's a surprise." He giggles. "You have to open it."
"Boo.. You're no fun." You joke as you tug on the ribbon, watching it easily fall apart.
Taking the top off of the box, the first thing you notice are the three letters taped to the bottom of the lid. Each envelope had one of the boy's names written on them along with a small doodle. "Aw, cute." You say as you file through them before putting them down back onto the lid. "I'll read these later" You think to yourself before continuing to open the gift. You don't notice it until now that the other two boys had started watching as you opened the gift from them.
"What?" You ask looking at the two boys in front of you.
"Nothing." Hyuck smiles, "Just keep opening it."
The second thing you find, or things in this case are woven and beaded friendship bracelets. The woven one followed the color scheme of purple, white, and blue, while the beaded one had your name spelled out with black and white beads and a heart next to it. Picking both up to put on your wrist you notice that Donghyuck is wearing another bracelet with the same color scheme as yours, just witth a different pattern, and Chenle the same. When you look over at Renjun you ask why he doesn't have one on and he explains that he clipped it onto his backpack.
"That's not the point of a bracelet though, Junnie." Chenle comments.
"I didn't want it to get dirty!" Renjun protests and Chenle snickers in response.
The last thing in the box is a small black leatherback journal. Painted on the cover is a pink heart that appeared to be melting at the bottom with the letters "DNYL" outlined in yellow on top of it. Confused, you open it to see it's empty. "What's this?" You ask holding the journal up to show the two boys in front of you and the one sitting next to you. None of them respond and all you gained was a fit of giggles from the three boys. "What?" You ask again, this time for firmly.
"You'll find out soon." Renjun replies, as a smile appears on his lips "But for now, welcome to the club y/n."
As you continue to question the three boys what "DNYL" stands for, a couple tables over Jisung couldn't help but watch you socialize with Lee Donghyuck and his friends.
"Whatcha looking at?" One of his friends asks from behind him in a mischievous tone. It startles Jisung at first before he realizes who it is. The boy hops over to sit next to Jisung and Jisung scowls at him. "Jesus christ Jaems, you fucking scared me."
"That's her isnt it?" Jaemin says teasingly, poking Jisung's side. "That's Y/n, huh?" He asks again.
Jisung swats away Jaemin's hand before giving him a more annoyed look. "Maybe it is," He responds. "Why does it matter?"
"Let's go say hi!!" Jaemin prompts excitingly as he attempts to drag Jisung off of the table and towards you, but Jisung doesn't budge and Jaemin is stopped by Jeno grabbing his forearm.
"No, Jaemin." Jeno starts. "As much as I'd like to, don't know you how badly this could go if all three of us just waltz over there right now? Can't you see who she's with?" He sighs.
"Yeah? Lee Donghyuck and his crew?" Jaemin questions. "What are they gonna do? Tell her what happened with us right there?"
"Yes! A thousand times yes! That's exactly what they're going to do!" Jisung exclaims. "Who do you think she's gonna believe more? Jeno and I? The two people she just met today. Or Lee Donghyuck? A boy who she's probably known her whole life." Jisung asks harshly.
"God god, okay." Jaemin backs off, not wanting to start a fight. He stops for a second trying to find another option to try and talk to you. "Jeno don't you have her number? Just text her and ask if she can meet us after school or something." He scoffs, turning his attention back over to his unfinished lunch.
"You're so eager.. And for why?" Jeno teases in a light voice, handing Jaemin his phone. Jaemin glances up at Jeno then back to his` phone before raising an eyebrow as if he's asking "Why?" after all, Lee Jeno isn't one to be so careless. Jeno picks up the confused and unsure vibes from Jaemin as he nudges it closer towards him. "Are you gonna take it or what?" He asks, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Jaemin doesn't hesitate to snatch the device out of Jeno's hand as he frantically searches through his contacts for yours, and Jisung snickers at the fact that Jaemin is definitely in no rush to talk to you.
"You're so needy, Jaeminie~" Jisung teases, earning a light slap on the back of his head.
"Fuck off. You're one to talk." Jaemin hisses, handing Jeno his phone back.
"You're both needy. There." Jeno scoffs, rolling his eyes as he tucks his phone back into his pocket. "What did you even message her?"
"Nothing much, I just asked if she wanted to hang out after school that's all." Jaemin says, smiling innocently.
"Whatever you say Jaemin, just know that I can still see whatever you sent."
"You don't trust me?" Jaemin gasps dramatically, hand coming up to his chest to show that he'd been hurt.
"You're so annoying." Jeno teases, rolling his eyes at Jaemin. "But I believe you, just this once."
"Thank you, Jeno!" Jaemin exclaims, eyeing Jisung who still happens to be looking in your direction. "Nice to know some people will believe me."
"I didn't even say anything!" Jisung defends, hands shooting up.
"Will you two ever stop fighting?" Jeno asks as a dramatic sigh escapes his lips as he watches the two boys go back at each other again. He knows it's all just playful banter but sometimes he wishes the two would just quit it.
"I'll stop when he stops." Jaemin mumbles to which Jisung responds with "You started it!"
"No I didn't! You did!"
"You sound like children." Jeno snorts diverting his attention away from the two boys and on to his phone where he see's Jaemin's text to you. "I guess he wasn't lying." Jeno thinks. Soon enough he sees a bubble pop up on his screen indicating that you were typing. A message appears from you saying "i'll see if i can ask my mom! if not maybe over the weekend? :]"
Jeno smiles but before he could respond the bell rings indicating that lunch is over and all the students in the cafeteria, including you, leave to go to their next class. He sighs and packs up his lunch as he watches the other two boys continue to bicker.
"Jaemin, are you coming?" He asks, getting Jaemin's attention. "The bell rang and I can already tell Ms. V doesn't like us.." He mumbles.
"Yeah yeah, just give me a second." Jaemin responds before sticking his tongue out at Jisung.
"They're both children.. I swear.." Jeno mumbles to himself was he watches Jaemin pack up his bag and Jisung leave walking to the doors opposite from where they were sitting.
"You two are annoying, y'know." Jeno snorts as he and Jaemin walk to their history class together.
"I know." Jaemin smiles, "But you love us anyway."
"Sadly.." Jeno sighs, earning a "Hey!" from Jaemin.
"You know it's true.~~"
"Yeah. It is."
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✰ how to be a heartbreaker
↳ so what happens when park jisung, the school’s infamous fuckboy runs into the new girl at school? out of boredom he decides it’ll be fun to have someone new to play with, but little does he know, she’s learning how to be a heartbreaker. 
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ankeliebe · 4 years
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(  FLORENCE PUGH,   CIS FEMALE,   SHE/HER     —     oh  gosh,  sorry  ANKE LIEBLEIN !  i  didn't  see  you  there !  y'know,  i  can't  believe  you're  already  26  years  old;  seems  like  just  yesterday  you  were  tripping  over  yourself,  or  was  that  yesterday ?  just  kidding,  just  kidding  !  anyway,  i  hear  that  you've  been  here  since  1964,  or  so  you  think;  congratulations  !  at  least  that  shining  COMPOSED personality  of  yours  hasn't  changed  a  bit,  especially  that  CHARMING  +  CLEVER,  but  SUSPICIOUS +  EVASIVE way  about  you.  look,  i  gotta  get  back  to  the  group,  but  i'll  see  you  around  !       
Hello hello! My name is Lou from gmt+1 and I’m beyond excited to join you! Let me tell you - my history-loving heart skipped a beat when I found this group! But anyway, under the cut you’ll find some info for my chem nerd child Anke! If you’d ever like to plot, feel free to leave a like or message me directly! 
TW: a brief mention of wwii, secret police (Stasi), psychological manipulation, steroids & mentions of doping 
Full Name: Anke Lieblein Date of birth: 5th september, 1936 Age: 26 Pronouns: cis female, she/her Date of dissapearance: 1964 Hometown: East Berlin, German Democratic Republic Occupation: graduate student Trait: composed Languages spoken: German, English and Russian
Inspired by: Ulyana Khornyuk (Chernobyl miniseries), Valery Legasov (Chernobyl miniseries), Marie Curie (history), Emmy Noether (history), Creola Katherine Johnson (history), Athena (Greek mythology), Georg Dreyman (The lives of others)
The synopsis:
Anke was not born in Berlin. Rather, she was born in a quiet village far from the city, where she spent her formative years.
She only ever knew her mother. She suspects her father was conscripted for the war effort, and never returned.
A precarious reader, she'd often get so caught up in a book she'd completely ignore her surroundings.
After the war, she moved with her mother to what was soon to become East Berlin. Her mother was the one that encouraged her to expand her knowledge base. She taught her languages, introduced her to mathematics and the natural sciences. Her mother ignited the spark in her so to speak.
Years later, Anke graduates from the German Academy of Sciences at Berlin. With a bachelor's degree in chemistry, the star of her class pursues a master's degree.
And that's where the trouble begins.
In her last year, right as she was wrapping up her experiments for her master's thesis, her athlete friend requested that she examines a vitamin pill they were handed out after practice
So she does, and lo and behold – it's not a vitamin, but a steroid.
Anke asked for more of these supposed vitamins and examined them further. Around that point, she begins noticing items being misplaced, her alarm going off at unusual hours, and the vague feeling of being watched.
She continues, and the situation escalates – soon, her previous academic papers are being denied and remain unpublished. At this point, she knows she is being monitored.
But she must search for the truth, right? She's a scientist. It's what she does.
What follows is perhaps the nail in the coffin for her – she procures a textbook from the West and completely buries herself into her investigation.
On one such occasion, when Anke stays hunched over the test tubes she quickly disposes of, she is informed that a fire had started in her building and must stay overnight in a hotel.
Knowing full well that she will most likely get arrested in the morning, Anke rents a hotel room, thinking it is her last night as a free woman.
(In a way, it was.)
Now, she devotes herself to uncovering the inner workings of The Raven House. And while she searches for truth, she keeps her own experiences – the manipulation of the Stasi – under wraps
Her treasued item is her notebook. It houses her doodles, notes, and the occassional page torn out from the western textbook. 
Read her full biography (and application) here!
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