#I can't sleep because im not busy enough? 😂
thesargasmicgoddess · 5 months
An idle mind is the devil's playground....
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I have nothing due tomorrow (well, technically today now). No high stress meetings. No crazy commitments. No work travel, speaking engagements, or press interviews. And here I am, 3am, wide awake and going through potato chips.
You'd think that having less to do would help me sleep, but my brain is apparently confused by the sudden lull in activity and stress level....and is looking for distractions 😂
Like, wtf? My brain has forgotten how to relax. God. I'm so weird. And wired, apparently, for no reason. 😂
now...to masturbate or work....?🤔
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I know we all love people looking at sweet innocent and pretty timmy and going "aww cutie, I'm gonna fuck you :)" but consider: pathetic Tim Drake and everyone going "*deathly horny grip* hngh"
He looks sad, he looks pathetic, he looks like he's one bad day away from making a 23 step plan into killing you and making it look like suicide without ever lifting a hand in the mess, rendering him perfectly clean because he can use the excuse that 'he was never part of it. He just did a few things that set of a chain of events where the results are far too gone from his hands it can't technically be his fault anymore'. He looks like a tiny pitiful cat sadly doe-eyeing you into walking out in the rain and petting it only to be hit with it's sharp claws and a strong bite to match.
His eyebags go for DAYS and people fantasize about them being the reason, like they fuck him awake each night until dawn and he's too busy working to sleep any more than 15 minutes after. They wonder if he bites his moans down to keep quiet or if he's the loudest motherfucker with just a sharp tug on his hair. They imagine that it's his sweet hole they fuck in rather than their fist at night and sometimes they wonder if they can get away with drugging Tim and fucking him (they can. Bruce does it all the time.)
Hngh sexily depressed Tim because there's just something so sexy about the despairingly depraved feelings people feel when they look at him and go "he needs my dick in his ass rn. RN."
😂😂😂no because im just imagining someone texting tim "noooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy aha" and tim is just staring blankly at it before blocking their number.
tim was cute and so full of life when he young, but now he's aged a decade in just two years and he's TIRED. he wants to do his work and sleep. that's it that's all he wants. he doesn't have the time or patience for incompetence and he WILL bite. people see him scurrying the halls of titan's tower, the cave, and the watchtower and just bite their lips because he's half hunched over and busy working his little fingers into whatever tool he's fidgeting with.
but he's still so soft looking. he has these big little eyes that are lined with exhaustion and they look up at someone like they're his savior if they offer him a granola bar. it's an addicting feeling. he eats in these little bites and he sways with sleep if he stays still for too long.
he's constantly working looking like he's on the verge of a breakdown and sometimes they wonder if they could sneak up behind tim and pull down his pants and touch him while he was working.
they imagine pressing tim onto his back and fucking into his hot little pussy. would he pay them any mind at all? or would he just keep typing away on a tablet or computer because he's trying to meet a deadline and he has no time to shoo away some horndog humping into his pussy.
tim would let it happen, if it was too annoying to deal with. he's busy working and ignores the hands squeezing his tits and ass, the mouth sucking hickeys into his throat and the cock desperately rutting against the wet seam of his cunt.
the only time that tim is finally still and calm, at peace is when he's asleep or knocked out. tim eats or drinks whatever is handed toward him without a second though. he's so wary yet also so trusting. it wouldn't be hard to drug him, in fact bruce has mastered the art of it.
when he sees tim getting too into his head, when he sees him falling to deep into the abyss. bruce fucks him straight again.
he gives him enough tranquilizer to knock out a cow and fucks him deep and fast and rough. he abuses his clit until it's red, hot, and throbbing. he forces orgasm after orgasm into tim. he feels his insides got tight and clamp down on the cock inside him.
it helps. because tim wakes up sore from sleeping in an odd position but refreshed. he wakes up energized like his body has been hit with a reset button.
bruce just nods approvingly when tim is back to himself. he just needs to be fucked back to normality that's it.
bruce figured it out when tim was dosed with pollen and spent days in pain as he tried desperately to squeeze more pleasure out of himself. all slobber, drool, and tears as he fucked his fingers deep inside.
but when it was done. when it was over. it was like tim had been reviatlized.
some people got fucked stupid but tim? oh tim was different.
he needed to get fucked to be better when he worked all that tension out of his system that was when he could finally get back in control.
it's hard to resist, especially when you see tim struggling to desperately to keep his head above water.
he's an adorable little thing, a cute little animal when he's desperate and needy.
and he's made to be fucked.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Hey Dani!!!
Sorry I haven’t commented on the last couple of lbafs - I really loved them, especially Max’s
I’ve had a pretty busy week actually
I got braces today, and rn the wire is stabbing into the side of my cheek and I am not liking it,
i attended the funeral of a much beloved friend who died in November. My grandad conducted the service and we cried it was lovely but also really nice to catch up with people I haven’t seen in a while due to covid - but he’s in a better place and he was really sick so it’s almost selfish to miss him
I watched the first few episodes of call the midwife season 11 (which watching in 2020 really shaped my view on abortion) and yeah i haven’t watched tv in a while
I had a further maths exam last week and I think it went ok… but I have that kind of mindset where if I don’t think I’ve achieved near to 100% in subjects (particularly maths) I think I’ve failed 😭😂
Umm a bunch of my friends got covid and idk how I’ve avoided it, my friends grandma died, and she still was kind enough to ask about the funeral I went to 😭😭 she’s lovely
I have an argument with my music teacher brewing because technically I have to do a music recital evening but I have no wish to embarrass myself in front of judgmental strangers so that won’t be happening
My friends from london visited for the weekend and we haven’t seen them since before covid so that was nice
oh and odd thing - theres still a spare bed in my room and i was reading in it last night but i got back into my normal bed but somehow i woke up and i was in the other bed and idk what happened😭😭
i finished part one of the return of the king and it was amazing but i think i prefer the two towers
very excited for new lotr series in september so yayy
also, developing a new angsty plotline for my ongoing tsc story where (adult) rafe gets a mundane girl pregnant and we shall see where that goes
and finally, an lbaf related question, the last chapter in part 1, was that from magnus or clary's point of view, or could it be considered to be from both?
my autocorrect isnt on so im typing super slowly 😭😭
anyway apologies for my long rant, hope ur doing ok ❤️❤️‍🔥
Life update yes!
That's a lot of intense shit happening in a short while - especially all the covid-related stuff you can't really control. I hope you are talking some time for yourself!
The bed thing happens to me as well! Sometimes your body is so tired that it doesn't really remember all the moments you do (especially when you are about to sleep or actually sleeping)
I'm so glad you are enjoying lotr. Tis a masterpiece. Love the angsty plotline! Keep me posted (if that's okay??)
LBAF - the last chapter is from clary's pov because it's the dream about Idris. I wrote it in a way that people would think it's Magnus pov :)
PS - never apologise. I love these updates. ❤️
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I don’t know if you’ve been on Twitter and seen that whole thing that the guidebook said that Eren’s middle name is Matthew. It’s fake but it’s so funny because all I’m thinking is:
His name is Eren Matthew Jaeger III. He’s a trust fund kid that got into an Ivy League because his dad donated a lot of money and now has a library named after him on campus. He’s president of his frat and he’s a complete fuckboi.
I’m so sorry Eren 😭😭😭
IM SCREAMING, I ACTUALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD, MATTHEW!!!!! MATTHEW 😂😂😂😂 if MMDS Mikasa found this out she’d be like we’re breaking up bye, sorry I can’t be with a Matthew. But fr, omg SO MANY HEADCANONS
"Matthew?" She questions as the boy she's supposed to tutor for her business class comes to stand in front of her table at the library. The very same one from class earlier, this is the asshole she's tutoring. "Mikasa?" Matthew sounds equally confused and there is also a note of horror in his voice, as his mouth hangs open like a fish. She wonders how he knows her name, she'd only given him her description and in class they know each other casually, no names.
Mikasa usually comes into class with a blanket and her hooded sweatshirt over her head to hide her face because it's an 8:30 class and there's no time for makeup. She chugs coffee during breaks and she looks like a homeless person if she's being honest with herself, but at least she participates in class.
Then there is the guy she's supposed to be tutoring, fratboy asshole extraordinaire her teacher call's 'Matthew' whenever he takes attendance. Matthew never responds, he's usually sleeping or he's late, but her teacher calls his name and sometimes he mumbles that he's here. To him her name is probably smartypants McGee or something. They've spoken in class when he's not sleeping and is actually coherent enough to voice his thoughts on the lecture, just some pleasantries called back and forth sometimes when the teacher asks them to discuss a topic. He's actually articulate for a frat boy, has real thoughts on their topic of business finance. However, those times are rare and more often he's snoring two rows behind her.
But they've never been this close up before, he's usually still a little drunk, he's told her before as the alcohol seeps out of his pores and he takes another chug of the vodka in his water bottle, the best remedy for a hangover is just to go right back to being drunk. She's surprised he's sober at all for this library meeting, but he's probably on academic probation if she had to guess.
"Matthew?" She repeats again because maybe she's wrong and this is not the same Matthew she watched come in late and half hungover to their business course, only to both fall walking up the stairs and almost faceplant on his way back down after class. Honourable mentions to his continued snoring during the first half of the lecture and for showing her just how many tablets of ibuprofen the human body can handle over the course of two hours, it's seven in case anyone was wondering.
"Mikasa!" Matthew's voice is getting increasingly hysterical and she can't properly see his expression behind his ball cap and the dark shades he wears everywhere even though they're inside, he's THAT kind of frat boy. She's never seen him without some kind of ball cap, and his sunglasses are glued to his face. She wonders if he can even comprehend light anymore or if the hangover is permanent? He takes his shades off and Mikasa suddenly realizes just why he was so horrified, "Eren!?"
"Mikasa!" He moves a step closer and really it should be a tearful reunion and excited because it's Eren, her beloved, her long lost love. But also what the fuck, it's Matthew from her business 101 class who is never without sunglasses or his signature khakis and a polo or board shorts, who comes to class every day reeking of alcohol from the night before and most assuredly hungover. She's had an entire semester with him sat behind her, the boy she loves and also everything she hates in the world. Frat boy douchebag, Eren Matthew Yeager.
She stares at him in horror, looking up and down holding her hand out to stop as he tries to move closer.
"You're Matthew!?" She's a little outraged.
He takes his hat off, brushing through his hat-head with his fingers, looking bashful, "Umm yeah, it's my middle name."
He gestures to himself a little as if to say 'its me'. And it really is, she can tell by how pretty his eyes are, the cut of his abs through his t-shirt, his height, everything about him is assuredly Eren Yeager. Her own slate grey eyes dart back up to his face, and there are those fucking sunglasses, that throw her back to months of him sitting behind her.
Asking stupid questions mid lecture, the time he fell asleep with his head on his hand only for his hand to slip and his face to slam into the desk waking himself up with a huff and a lot of fanfare as the instructor glared at him.
The time he decided to mix a caesar in class because he claimed he needed a savoury drink that morning, more than just vodka. He'd had the gall to ask her if she wanted some from his thermos.
She looks at him, tone shrill and disapproving as she repeats once again in total disbelief, "Matthew???"
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