#I come crying from BBH’s stream
6flyingosprey6 · 9 months
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genevawren38 · 4 months
I have so many thoughts surrounding what Fit and Bagi discussed about Phil on stream today, then Fit's realisation it might be the Ender King.
First of all; FitMC, you chef above the rest, you fucking cooked today.
Second I think Fit was our best chance of that connection being made because he is the one Phil has confided in the most besides his own kids. Fit was the person he grabbed when he was convinced he was seeing things. He told the anarchist about the birdhouse plot. He brought him *again* when he saw things his kids didn't see.
Fit, is quite possibly, the only one outside his immediate family that knows the most about the crow and he knows something is wrong.
And of course this is happening the moment before he is also being dragged off to his own mission, but he can't help but worry about Phil's kids alongside Ramon and Pac.
Because Chayanne seemed genuinely worried and Fit took it seriously. He knew something was wrong the moment he saw the duckie-wearing dragon child and how he was snarky but sorrowful with responding where their father is. Tallulah told him she's had better days, and you can tell the moment he focuses up.
[And its delicious. Whenever those cc's focus in, I sit up straight cause its so impressive.]
Fit has some of the most regular content on that server. He sees things and records them, filing them away for later in case he needs that knowledge.
So the moment it clocks in that Phil is being weird enough his children are being outspoken, he engages. They took him aside, especially, and opened up more to their Tio Fit than I have ever seen [except maybe Tallulah with BBH, who now has amnesia, and Bagi, though misguided has a good heart (thinks Phil is a Federation experiment)].
And he's made the best connections using his past knowledge and experiences.
Bagi helped with showing the crying obsidian and comparing it to the markings that spread across Phil's shoulders and back where the backpack hung, and I think that's when it clicked for Fit.
But he didn't want to tell Bagi because he isn't certain and perhaps he remembers Phil stressing this 'him' is dangerous. But the similarities have started to snap into place; especially with crying obsidian being a marker of the End Dimension, or at least drawing his thoughts that way.
Basically at the end of all of this; Fit had the best damn shot of making the connection based on lore from months ago and I am so fucking glad he did cause at least another Islander finally has a name for the fallen god chasing their crow.
I hope to God he or Ramon share this knowledge with another trustworthy source if an emergency comes up [Hoping on Bagi, Etoiles, Cellbit and Pac]. I have never been more proud to call that beautiful bald man one of my streamers, Veteran's Duo understand each other on a level no one else comes close too.
Yes they have their own important secrets. But, when they are themselves, they will trust one another to protect anyone effected if it becomes dangerous. It's been them since Day 1, between the regular visits and missions Fit is the closest brother in arms Phil has.
Despite the crow believing no one will care nor want to get involved due to the danger, Fit, Pac, Bagi and their families are all ready to prove them wrong. Phil sees himself as removed from the rest because he can be rather blind to affection and fondness, his self-blame not allowing him to acknowledge he is cared about.
But he is. And by Goddess will that server prove it, with Fit and Ramon at the front of the pack.
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the-crimson · 7 months
Why does it feel like we in the q!bbh fandom are constantly defending q!bbh from people who hate his character for no reason.
I say no reason because a majority of the time people make things up whole sale to get mad about or take the smallest action completely out of context to get mad about it. There are legitimate things about q!bbh that I can see turning people off from his character but those things are almost never part of the discourse.
It’s always: q!bbh doesn’t care about the eggs, q!bbh is the most evil person on the island and should be killed repeatedly, he and Leo have no relationship and she would dislike him, Dapper’s deserves a father that actually cares for him, etc etc etc
It’s honestly exhausting because all of these things are blatantly untrue and I have no idea how anyone could come to these conclusions even if they never watch a second of bbh. Q!bbb is the sole reasons no egg has died of neglect since Trump. Q!bbh is the sole reason many of the eggs have maxed out armor, auto feed set up so they are always at max health, and an XP backpack with hundreds of XP. Q!bbh is constantly going out of his way to help others the moment they ask regardless of his own plans.
There is a REASON q!bbh is the only character on quesadilla island with access to every egg’s safe room in and out of the Ninho. Q!bbh is the only character on the server who has an actual relationship with every single egg that goes beyond acquaintances. Ramon is Dapper’s bff and constantly hangs out with bbh and Dapper. Bbh has done Leo’s tasks more times than I can count and her last words before being kidnapped were “I love you”. Bbh has taken care of Tallulah and Chayanne too many time to count. It was only after talking to bbh about how she feels guilty about feeling like Philza is more her father than Wilbur that Tallulah asked Philza to adopt her. Pomme is literally his daughter. Richas has spent countless nights hanging out with bbh and Dapper (and Pomme) after his parents logged off. Bbh would literally burn the world for Dapper in a heart beat.
When bbh learned no other egg made it off the island in purgatory, he spent the last 15 minutes of his stream muted because he was crying irl. Q!bbh was literally killing himself after the eggs were kidnapped and is basically a walking corpse rn with a gapping hole in his head that’s been there for two months. He’s been having memory problems for over a month - this development with his short term memory loss is a natural progression of his preexisting condition!
PEOPLE PLEASE criticize his character for things he actually does. You don’t have to like every character - q!bbh is an annoying little menace! But don’t make shit up to get mad about I’m begging.
If you don’t like a character, then ignore them. There are several character on the qsmp that I absolutely despise and get annoyed when every they show up on stream but I doubt anyone following me could tell me which characters those are because I never talk about it! Especially not in the main tag! I think through purgatory - when my frustration was at its highest - I mentioned one of these characters once in the tags of a reblog.
Tldr: if you don’t like a character, ignore them. Don’t make shit up about them to get mad at. You’re just making urself look like an idiot and an asshole.
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molluskmirage · 6 months
Lets talk Bbh, learning and Love
Now Ive been watching qsmp bbh since the beginning and given the actually insane amount Bad has streamed its not something that would be easy to watch to see the whole story for newcomers, and while his lore points get relegated around the community in a great ready to read sort of way theres a much softer side to Bads story that Id like to share here.
Bad has an incredible capacity to learn however this does need motivation, wether this comes with pranking or what came to be from the love of his child.
At the beginning of the qsmp Bad had no modded Minecraft knowledge and wasn’t particularly interested from being overwhelmed by it all. Vegetta gave him his first backpack and while thrilled by the idea of being able to carry more things as this man loves to hoard he really didnt think he’d be able to use all the upgrades as they seemed to complicated to him. Very soon into the series however came Dapper. Someone for Bad to protect all alone in a place where he was clueless and Bad realized he needed to adapt if he wanted to protect Dapper with everything that he could.
Of course this doesn’t happen overnight learning takes time and you break it down in small bites a lot of this would be done by finding an item, testing its possibilities and then deciding how he could prank Foolish with it. Pranking Foolish with said item often then extended Foolish's learning as he was in the same place as bad was at the start.
Bad went on to discover slime armor, backpack upgrades, way stones (making systems then a subway to help other eggs), he made the first monitor controlled ender pearl system with Dapper, he also spent months figuring out the safest bunkers. Any knowledge Bad could gain to protect the eggs he was constantly evolving and adapting to there foes and challenges.
Now Dapper has a love for all things his intelligence and passion so quickly overcame Bads knowledge and abilities. Bad as a great parent always supports Dapper even though its beyond him, never putting Dapper down so that Bad might be on top intellectually as a parent but ‘saying’ (not necessarily in words but actions) to Dapper whatever your needs or actions I will provide and do for you. While Bad did this there was also a part of him that realized to really appreciate all that Dapper was capable of Bad would need to learn create a daunting task for him but spurred for the love of his child he begins.
when Dapper was around and building with create Bad kept an eye on him, he knew in a vague sense what Dapper was up to, and had a vague idea of how machines operated and would listen very intently to aypierre and ask questions. While Dapper was so far beyond Bad’s capabilities bad let Dapper be reliable for create needs while he focused on protection but then Dapper was gone.
Dappers machines broke and Bad had no idea how to fix them. In the love of his son as the grief and hopelessness washes over he connects with Dapper by learning create. He starts small and with examples from Forever and Aypierre and he builds gaining his own backpack for his create machines like Dapper had had.
Upon Dappers return Bad has eagerly been able to build with them. They chat so freely and openly, Bad knows all the parts and can quickly hand Dapper anything he might need or ask for. As Dapper sleeps Bad keeps developing new machines that can aid in finding a black lobster (a Christmas gift for Dapper as they’ve wanted one for so long) and the love the care that has gone into this point in time. Throughout all the months, from the beginning when bad knew nothing and had nothing to now decked out in a dress for his daughter working on a machine he built to find the elusive lobster for his son. Ugh I cry its so sweet and cute and the profound love that is there is the most beautiful thing of life and love.
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eomayas · 1 year
may i ask a baekhyun scenario? unplanned pregnancy and he doesn't want the baby. reader resists. anything about cold/bad/fucboy or what else 🤣 but happy end please. 🥺🥺 I want to see s/o's happiness.
omg 😭 anon i’m so sorry for how this turned out i hope you like it 😭😭😭 fuckboy baekhyun makes me feel insane i feel crazy for writing this! beware of the worst baekhyun you’ll probably ever read on my page ! i do not condone this behavior at all yall.. have fun with this. thank you for the ask also!! 🩷🩷
unplanned • bbh [req]
pairing: fuckboy!baekhyun x pregnant!reader, fwb (?) relationship
synopsis: you find out you’re pregnant with baekhyuns baby, and he wants nothing to do with you (or it).
warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, baekhyun is awful, like really awful. reader has a poor sense of self worth/respect :((. but the ending is kind of happy (ish??).
two red lines only mean one thing on this test; so does the word ‘pregnant’. three pregnancy tests lay on your bathroom counter, all concluding the same thing: you’re pregnant.
“well?” your friend, chaeyoung, asks on the other line. you called her when you woke up vomiting, after feeling nauseous for the last three days. she’s the one who bought you the tests, dropping them off at your work on her lunch break and telling you to call her immediately when you take them.
you don’t even know how your lasted at work today, feeling sick the entire day and vomiting every time you went to the bathroom. you had hoped it was just food poisoning, and had managed to convince yourself all day that it was, even when chaeyoung brought you the tests. up until now, your hope for food poisoning was going strong.
letting out a shaky breath, you say, “well, im pregnant,” your voice breaking on the last syllable. a nasty sob escapes your mouth and you drop the phone onto the counter, covering your mouth as the tears start streaming. your whole body shakes as you bawl into your hands, your tears gathering in your hands and sliding down your arms.
“i’m coming over,” you hear chaeyoung say, and you start shaking your head as if she can see you.
“no, chae, it’s fine,” you cry, wiping underneath your eyes with the back of your hand, though it does nothing because the tears keep flowing. you’re not ready to have a baby, not even close. it wasn’t even planned.
“y/n, i’m coming over,” your friend says. you can hear shuffling, and you panic as you try to find the nicest way to tell her to stay the hell away from you.
“chae, stop please! i just want to be alone right now,” you sniffle and hear her sigh.
“you need support.”
“i haven’t even told baekhyun,” you moan out, the realization crashing down on you. that alone makes you start bawling again, not ready to deal with him and his reaction to this.
���oh god. y/n, i feel like i should come over,” chaeyoung says, and because she’s your best friend and you don’t have any energy to fight with her, you mumble an ‘ok’.
twenty minutes later, chaeyoung arrives with boba and a few snacks. you feel drained, and your skin feels tight due to the dried tears on your face. chaeyoung throws her arms around you once she’s inside of your apartment and all of her items are on the counter.
the two of you don’t say anything as you hug tightly, silently crying on her shoulder. chaeyoung rubs your back soothingly and tells you that it’ll be okay, but you don’t believe her. there’s so many things that you need to do, like tell your family, figure out doctors appointments, build a nursery, talk to the father of your child. but nothing feels possible, it all feels overwhelming and out of reach. “cmon, let’s sit,” chaeyoung says, grabbing the drinks and walking into your living room.
the both of you sit on your couch and pop the straws through the film lid, and drink. you barely take a sip, letting your lips wrap loosely around the straw, your mind everywhere but here. “talk ti me, y/n. let it all out,” chaeyoung says, scooting closer to you and wrapping her arms around you. you lean into her and let out a shaky breath.
all you can think about is baekhyun, and his reaction. you know it’ll be bad, and you’ll probably end up crying like you always do. he doesn’t spare your feelings ever, and can’t imagine him doing so when you tell him, and it makes your heart ache in the worst way. if your relationship wasn’t already messy and bad enough, it just got incredibly worse.
“i cant tell baekhyun,” you say. you feel chaeyoung let out a breath, and you’re grateful that you can’t see her face, because her expression would definitely make you cry. chaeyoung hates baekhyun, to put it simply, and has made ir clear that she doesn’t support you fucking with him to any degree.
“you know you have to,” she says. you close your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “do it now, before it’s too late.” and by too late, she means before you have 3 months to figure out if you’re going to be a single parent, or not.
you’d like to think that baekhyun wouldn’t be against raising this baby with you, but you know, deep down, that he he is going to be. hell would have to freeze over before he’d even consider playing the role of this baby’s father.
you pull yourself out of chaeyoungs embrace and lean back against the couch. you feel her eyes on you, and you take a drink of your boba to busy yourself. “you know i’ll always be here for you,” she says, and you nod. chaeyoung and you have been through a lot, emotionally, and it all started when you began sleeping with baekhyun. she hated (and still does) the way he treated you, like you a toy he could play with when he was bored. he’d call you up in the middle of the night and tell you to come over, hed show up unannounced and expect you to be ready and waiting for him, hed message and go out with other women, and you’d still stick around. for some reason, you defended him from all of her criticisms, which was the main reason the both of you stopped communicating for awhile.
“i know,” you say quietly.
“and i care about you. which is why this is the one and only time i’m going to tell you to call him, because he deserves to know,” she says, running a hand through her hair. you think back to your phone that you left in the bathroom, and you wished you would have flushed it down the toilet instead.
you can’t even think about what you’d even text him. you rarely ever ask him for favors, like to call you, nor do you ever really text him. you once tried to keep a conversation with him, but by the third text he stopped responding, and didn’t respond for days until he told you he was on his way to your house.
begrudgingly, you get up and walk to the bathroom to retrieve your phone. you open it and click on your messages with baekhyun, and start to scroll.
y/n: are you busy?
6:23 pm
baekhyun: come over
11:53 pm
y/n: come over?
7:30 pm
y/n: come to onyx tonite
8:50 pm
baekhyun: come over
10:35 pm
y/n: ok omw
10:37 pm
you could cry, looking at the messages. it’s pathetic, really. you guys never really communicated beyond being in the bed with each other. the only times you both talked, was during the beginning, but once he figured out that you were at his beck and call, the talking dwindled. sometimes, all you got from him were grunts, not even a greeting.
you sulk back into the living room, phone in hand and dignity in the garbage. “what do i even say?” you ask your friend.
“tell him to come over,” she sighs, rubbing her forehead. you bite your bottom lip and aimlessly type the message and send it without second thought. you gingerly take a seat on the couch, your phone burning a hole in your hand.
you expected silence, and after ten minutes and no response from him, you sigh and pick your phone up, contemplating if you should text him again. “just do it,” chaeyoung says, reading your mind. and so you double text him, for the first time since you two got involved. in the beginning, you didn’t feel uneasy about double texting, but that fear quickly seeped in when he simply wouldn’t respond, like ever, to any message if you sent more than one.
when you don’t get another response after a total of thirty minutes, you dial his number, almost blindly. you can’t even remember the last time you called him, but you have this number memorized despite it all. it’s tattooed in your brain from all the times you wanted to but didn’t.
the line rings and rings, until you get the message to leave a voicemail. so you do. “hey, baek… come over when you get this,” you say, and quickly end the call. your stomach has dropped to your ankles, and you want to die.
chaeyoung anxiously chews at her fingernails. “call again,” she says.
“but he’s not going to answer. and i dont want to tell him over the phone,” you say, tightly holding your phone between your hands.
“just try again. trust me.”
so you do. and to your surprise, he answers towards the last couple of rings, pure agitation in his voice. “fuck, y/n, what?” he asks. baekhyun pushes the forehead of sohee, the girl currently on her knees in between his legs, away from his crotch. “what do you want?” he asks, running a hand through his hair. sohee rests her cheek against his thigh and looks up at him, and baekhyun smirks down at her and drags a hand down the side of her face before pulling at her bottom lip with his thumb.
“i-i just wanted to see if you were free,” you say, cursing yourself mentally and not having your shit together. baekhyun didn’t like when you were unsure or nervous about something; it turned him off. if you were indecisive about going to his house or yours, he’d just cancel all together. “just come over when you can, ‘kay?” you say, pacing the living.
“yeah, okay, whatever. that it?” he asks, pulling him thumb out of sohee’s mouth.
“yes, by-“ he doesn’t let you finish and hangs up, tossing his phone behind him and looking down at the poor girl between his legs. if she had any bit of brains, she’d leave now and never look back. but like most of the women baekhyun is involved with, they never do.
when baekhyun is done with sohee, he leaves without as much as a goodbye. he vaguely tells her he’ll see her again, but never specifies when. she watches him leave, feeling confused and empty and wanting more. and maybe that’s why they all stick around for him, because he leaves them feeling like a piece of them is missing and they’re desperately chasing it, trying to get it back.
he decides to entertain you and come over, despite your neediness. that’s another thing baekhyun didnt appreciate; clingy and neediness. he hated when women wanted him so much, it made him feel trapped and confined. baekhyun didn’t like feeling trapped or tied down to anything.
baekhyun doesn’t text you that he’s on his way, he just shows up at your door. when you hear the knocks, you jump up, having forgotten that he was supposed to come over because two hours feels like ages ago.
when you look through the peephole, your heart drops and your palms start to sweat. you pull the door open and baekhyun up-nods at you and let’s himself in. you close the door behind him and lean against it as he comfortably makes his way through your house. that is all about to change in a few seconds.
you make your way into the living room and see bakehyun sitting on your couch, scrolling through his phone. he looks up when he hears your foot steps, and frowns. “why are you acting weird?” he asks.
“i’m not,” you definitely are.
“yes, you are. stop it,” he says, going back to his phone. it’s now or never.
“baekhyun, i need to talk to you,” you say, still standing in the entry of your living room. he lets out a sigh and looks at you, his expression a cross between irritation and panic.
“about what?” he all but groans out. when you asked him over, he had expected (and hoped) for less talking and a lot more sex.
you lick your lips and shyly cross your arms in front of your chest. “i’m… im pregnant,” you say, looking him in the eye. he stares at you blankly, his mind unable to process your words.
“baekhyun…” you say, taking a step towards him and then retreating. you really can’t say it again; it’s already too real.
“you’ve got to be fucking with me? you’re fucking with me, right?” he says, running a hand through his dark hair. you only shake your head, and he scoffs. “well, it’s not mine.” he says plainly, going back to his phone.
at this, you frown. “what? yes it is, baekhyun. i’ve only slept with you,” you say, a storm brewing in your head at him insinuating that you’ve been sleeping around. if anybody’s been sleeping around, it’s him. when you two first got together, he had asked you not to sleep with anybody else, and you didn’t see anything wrong with that. but now, you feel like maybe you should have.
“i don’t care; you don’t have any proof, y/n. that baby isn’t mine,” he says harshly. tears come to your eyes and you blink them away.
“this baby is yours! and you’re going to help me raise it!” you say, wiping at your eyes.
“like hell i am. i don’t give a fuck, y/n. i don’t want this baby, and you shouldn’t either. we aren’t even fucking together,” he spits, shaking his head, and that weight settles. you and baekhyun don’t even have a relationship label. you wouldn’t even know how to refer to him if somebody asked you who he was to you. friend was too mild, because you do things most friends don’t do to each other, and you don’t know that much about him. lovers isn’t even remotely true, because there is no love between the two of you. you’re somewhere higher than a friend, but lower than a lover, which is practically hell.
your mind drifts off to remember the time he invited you to his family’s barbecue. you practically met everyone in his family, danced with his grandma and little cousins, helped his mother in the kitchen. you thought he’d ask you out after that, but he never did. instead, he constantly reminded you that you two were not together.
“i don’t care,” you say quietly. “this is your baby. you’re going to help.” you tell him.
“y/n, i always use a condom. this baby isn’t fucking mine—what don’t you understand?”
you shake your head. for all of the times he’s used a condom, there is, of course, the one time he didn’t. and you remember it clear as day. you were the one who told him to get one, even though both of you were tipsy, you were still able to understand that. he told you he’d pull out, and did everything but. you can still remember the feeling of being so full of him. it still makes your knees weak.
“you didn’t the night after sehuns party,” you say.
“it was one time!” he shouts, as if he never took sex-ed. one time is all it takes—everybody knows that. “fuck, y/n. why do you want to keep this baby. are you trying to ruin my life?”
“i’m not trying to do anything. you think i want to be pregnant? baekhyun, i’m only 27! i’m not ready to be a fucking mother, but this is my reality right now!” you yell back, and it dawns on you that this is the most you’ve both ever spoken in a single meeting.
he shakes his head. “what do you want from me, y/n? i’m not raising this fucking baby with you—i’ll pay for you to get rid of it, but i’m not raising it. there’s no fucking way,” he says, standing up. you start to panic, stepping closer to him.
“what are you doing?”
“getting the fuck out of here,” he says, trying to push past you. you stop him, putting your hands on his chest. “y/n, move.”
“no. we need to talk about this.”
“there’s nothing to talk about! i’m not raising this baby with you, and that’s it. i don’t care what you do with it, but leave me out of it,” he says, removing your hands from his chest and brushing past you, his shoulder bumping into your arm in the process. “and lose my fucking number.” baekhyun says as he pulls your front door open and steps out, slamming it as he goes.
you can’t help but crumple to the floor, feeling like a rug has been swept from underneath you. you shake uncontrollably as you sob, fat tears rolling dons your face for the nth time today.
for some reason, you feel like a weight has been lifted off of you even though your world feels like it’s been flipped on it’s axis. you know you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life, as long as this baby is alive, whether either of you like it or not. but at least he knows, and maybe he will grow up and come around.
and you feel a sense of peace for the first time ever since he’s ever departed from you. usually, you feel hollow, used, and muddled; always in a constant state of anxiety when he’s around or when you think about him. but him leaving was probably the best things he’s ever done for you. now you can be sure he won’t be coming here unannounced, interrupting peaceful sleep at ungodly hours. now, you can rid yourself of unnecessary stress and drama, albeit unfortunate circumstances.
yes, you’ll be bound to baekhyun for life. but there are definitely worse things that could happen to you. and who knows, maybe he’ll change his mind.
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
gonna vodblog bad's last vod really quick—i'm gonna miss the streams tonight anyway but yk. might as well catch up while i can. so take my thoughts in one long masterpost here <3 (i'll pop it under the cut so that i'm not annoying people lmao)
god he really is talking to the pictures of the eggs. bad. :(
and the laughing jesus this is terrifying.
okay but where did all the scaffolding come from??? who built the jungle gym at spawn???
god bad stop laughing holy crap
this is like a masterclass in driving yourself nuts/going insane, genuinely. my fic writing instincts are going nuts bbh, thank you kjsfgkjsf.
oh he found the code!flippa signs. oh god.
oh well now he knows there's two. except he's never gonna trust his own mind again if he gets out of this because...well. i think it's pretty obvious why.
why the scaffolding though???? skjfgsfk
god they keep teleporting him too...he's so discombobulated already, and they're just making it so much worse... (they being the feds, not the admins, love ya admins <3)
i need you all to understand that while i absolutely adore bbh as a character and a roleplayer, he has never managed to terrify me as much as he fucking is right now.
the way he keeps saying cucurucho is forever specifically, i'm gonna cry. if he sees forever again...i don't want to know what might happen. :(
that chainsaw sound is a personal trigger at this point /j i heard that thing and my eyes rocketed up ksjfgskfj cellbit mains understand my trauma
the way he's gone from calling for cucurucho (which i still don't quite know why? what were his plans???) to screaming and asking him to leave...god.
the cockroaches and the cucuruchos jumpscaring me is getting me worse than bad's actual reaction skjfgskfj whoever said minecraft was a horror game was correct-
god for a minute i really thought he was gonna jump into the lava. :(
the spotty blindness is TERRIFYING. it's only on for like 1 second but it's just enough to be freaky.
"no federation allowed in my house..." god he sounds terrified. BAD-
i shouldn't be giggling at the "BUT- NO- THE SIGNS-!!!" like my poor sweet demon if it really is cucurucho and you're not hallucinating (either of which are equally likely), a sign isn't gonna stop that goddamned bear. i'm convinced they don't know how to read. <3
oh he's absolutely losing it now. :(
him calling for skeppy is breaking my heart more than it should. :(
god the evil laughter is terrifying-
those noises were freaky :D were those soul vulture noises?
...oh my god he so totally ate ron what the hell-
...talk about a relapse. jesus christ okay then.
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sapnapsimparc · 2 years
getting drunk with the sex havers because im watching the punz gartic phone stream and i want to get drunk with him EDIT THIS IS FROM A WHILE AGO FROM MY DRAFTS THERE'S NO PUNZ STREAM
karl: he goes full crazy mode. sober he would talk about jumping over things and throwing shit around. drunk he does it. probably ends up in a dumpster. asks ''are you gonna drink that?'' and not wait for an answer. like, it was supposed to be a ''get drunk together'' but nobody dares to drink more just in case someone has to save him. he doesnt get hangover tho.
dream: he doesnt drink but hopes you have fun. he's only in for the funsies. says ''dont come crying to me when you have a headache tomorrow'' but you wake up to a blue gatorade/powerade next to you.
sapnap: acts way drunker than he is up until it hits him and Then he becomes Drunk. he's slurring he's hugging everyone he's your best friend he tells you all his secrets he probably even ends up crying on your shoulder. doesnt remember a thing in the morning though
quackity: becomes deep and phylosophical and sappy and cute and cuddly. the meaning of life to reciting his entire law textbook to talking about middleschool crushes to future plans. someone (him) probably ends up crying.
george: acts as if the drinks dont affect him at all but after the third one it hits him hard and he becomes a force to reckon with. he's like karl but louder. probably ends up wet for some reason.
punz: laid back and chill. you probably end up in his bed for one reason or another.
bbh: giggly and sweet but swears occasionally. slurry speech. would tell you all his secrets if you told him rat was cute. he would let you lay your head in his lap and pet you like youre rat. he would probably think you're rat.
foolish: he doesnt have the power to not flirt back anymore. its over for you hoes. he's flirting back. with everyone.
0 notes
crystalcow · 3 years
I was actually wondering if you could do a Karl, BBH, Wilbur, and Technoblade version with head canons please
𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟//𝑀𝑐𝑦𝑡 !ℎ𝑐
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Karl Jacobs//BBH//Wilbur Soot// x reader !r !cc/ Tommy x reader !p !cc
Pronouns used: gender neutral!
Warnings: bad days, swearing, mainly fluff
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙨/𝙤 𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝗼𝐛𝐬
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You had just heard from your manager that they’re reducing your paycheck
That pissed you off
So when you got off the phone you seriously wanted to break down
Instead you looked over to the door that lead into Karl’s office
You saw he was streaming with Sapnap and the rest of the guys playing a Minecraft cooking mod
But in the end you remember what Karl told you a while back
“I don’t care if the world finds out, if you need me just barge in!”
So you did just that
You came into the room, tears stunning at the brim of your eyes
He hadn’t noticed it yet until small sniffles were heard
So he muted looking over seeing you before opening his arms
You climbed in nuzzling your head in his neck trying to calm down
The guys were freaking out as much as chat was
But the second he saw a rude comment he BANNED that one person and closed chat
“So um guys, this is Y/n.. not the way I was expecting to introduce them but!”
You punched his shoulder lightly starting to feel better in his arms
“I’m sorry” you whispered feeling bad for ruining the stream
He just kissed your head, lightly pushing your head down into his sweater
“No need to apologize! We’ll talk after stream alright?”
So he just carried on while everyone was just in mixed emotions
Sapnap and Quackity joked around about it obviously
“Oh my god, he’s replaced us!”
They just teased him for the rest of the stream while chat became more and more curious
After the stream ended you and Karl chatted about why you had suddenly started crying
He swore he was going to punch your boss
Talked you into quitting, maybe doing videos with the mr beast crew instead
But in the end you both decided to formally introduce you soon
I’m so in love with you
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Your day has gotten off from a really bad start since the beginning
You and bad had recently just moved in with each other
For some reason rat hates you
She wouldn’t stop nipping at you and barking at your sight
Bad was shocked at the little pups behavior, she was never like this?
So while he went off to stream Gartic phone with the pp crew
You decided to bake
Taking up a new hobby to pass time while he streamed
Ironically enough you had found a recipe for muffins
The pan was hot as you were careful taking it out of the scorching oven
But that’s exactly when rat decided to yap at you
She had decided to start barking as you attempted to calm her with treats
In return you got a bite to the ankle
You must admit, that little munchkin had sharp teeth
So you winced know pain, ultimately dropping the hot pan right onto the same leg
You whined in pain pouring a cup of cold water down on it trying to sooth the pain
Almost crying when seeing the baked goods rolled around on the floor
You knew Bad didn’t stream with face cam so you went to his office to console
He was laughing while drawing a picture of him and skeppy eating rat?
You know you wanted to do the same at the moment
He heard you come in, immediately taking notice of your shambled appearance
“Are you okay muffin?”
He thought he had pressed mute
but instead he had just muted the game and not discord nor twitch
You shook your head going forward to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around him
He loved hugs
But hated seeing you upset
“Oh my goodness he’s talking to Skeppy!” Velvet joked
But he didn’t hear it due to his headset pulled down
“Your puppy hates me and the muffins are on the floor!” You complained, fidgeting with his hoodie strings
“It’s okay, everything will be alright. Let her warm up to you, and we can buy muffins from that bakery Huh!”
You perked up staying where you were, the corners of your lips upwarding
“IS BAD TALKING TO A [ ] RIGHT NOW??” Puffy shouted confused
He definitely heard that tho
“Oh crud.”
He slapped his hand over his mouth, quickly muting as chat went bonkers
His friends on the other line were laughing and making different theories
“Hey hey look at me.” You held his face in your hands
“We can tell them! It’s about time we told your friends right?”
So you both gathered yourselves together
His voice was shaking the whole time as he explained the situation
Safe to say they were all inlove with you
Puffy and Gumi decided to keep you
But throughout the next couple rounds of the game
All the prompts were about the both of you
Hm lets say that velvet and ant made things a little dirtier then wanted..
But after he ended he posted a picture of the both of you
Your head was on his shoulder as he held rat
“You make my sun brighter” “You’re my sun!”
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝗼𝗼𝐭
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Tommy was making your life hell at the moment
When Wilbur had introduced you to the sleepy bois
He hadn’t expected tommy to kidnap you
You had woken up in your shared home with Wilbur and a couple other of his mates
The doorbell had rang like 5 or 6 times
But when you opened the door you hadn’t had expected to see a 6’3 blonde gremlin
“How the hell did you know I live here?”
“I asked Joe..”
You just looked at him confused and we’re about to call for Wilbur
But the blonde boy shushed you before you alert your personal security guard
“Your coming with me, I’m going to vlog and you’ll have to deal with it!”
For some reason you decided to go with it
You texted Wilbur saying that you’ll be out for a couple hours before leaving
You wish someone had warned you about making the worst mistake
The blonde kid had promised a fun day of shopping, food, and regular foolery
All you wanted was to become closer with Wilburs friends, especially the one he considered as a little brother
But noooo
You got bombarded by a swarm of raging 9 year olds at the train station
Apparently someone had managed to also steal your wallet
Tommy had apologized professedly but you just wanted to go home
While you had a camera shoved in your face while walking down the mall
Some douchebag spilled his drink all over you
Didn’t even apologize, just ran
So whilst you were: poor, tired, and already on the verge of a mental breakdown
You were now embarrassed and soaked whilst all of that had been caught on camera
Just to your luck, someone who had been a fan of tommy had also recorded it from their phone
It all ended up on Twitter
So now there was a viral clip t r e n d I n g
“So how’s being Wilburs lOvEr acting up for you” “you better not put that in the video-“ “HEY DICK GET BACK HERE!”
The relationship you had been building for the past year or so felt like it was crumbling down
After months of hiding away, staying far from flashing cameras and Twitter headlines
All crumpled down with one video
Wilbur had been totally oblivious to the whole situation after he deleted Twitter
He was confused when chat started blowing up, shrugging it away more focused on the geo guesser match
So when you were dropped back off at his office you quietly made your way in with the spare key
Making your precence known without disturbing the stream
His face had litten up for a second before dying back down
“Will I think we need to talk..”
He ignored the 95k people watching as he saw you crumple down in his arms
Everyone was spamming as mods had to put it in slow mode
A lot of deleted messages may I tell you
He was quick to just end the stream hosting Phil
“They all know! And tommy abducted me, this wanker spilled something on me and my wallet was stolen.”
You ranted on crying into his shoulder
He was sickened by the whole situation
He just rubbed his hand on your back muttering little sweet things
“How can I help?” He asked
He knew how stressful social media can be, how toxic it is
Making a mental note to scold tommy later
So once he had calmed you down, grabbing a hot chocolate from the office kitchen
You both sat and he tried distracting you
But you slowly fell asleep on him
He made sure to download the forbidden app to make a notice of it
“Yes I have a partner, but im sure none of that is your business. If you see anyone post that clip report it and ignore. Mine and Y/ns personal life don’t need to be shared if unwanted. ❤️”
He watched the clip first before deleting the app
Promising to not let you get hurt again
“Please don’t let this be our downfall”
“I wouldn’t know what to do without you”
𝐓𝗼𝗺𝗺𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭 !𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂
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You were just about done with it
You had concealed your anger while greeting mother innit
Storming your way upstairs into Tommy’s room, barging in
“You would not believe what those shit cunts did today! Her bad her little group of friends accused me of fuckin dating you? As if! Oh and they grabbed my phone right out of my hand, throwing it across the parking lot!”
You shouted in agony showing him your demolished screen as you plopped down into the chair next to his
At first you were confused as to why he was just staring at you with widened eyes
“What you big wank, oh.”
Your eyes almost popped outside of its sockets as you slowly turned to face the monitor
213k watching Tommy Innit Dream Smp!
“Shit.” You muttered turning your head down before slamming it against the desk
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.” You muttered over and over again as he just chuckled rubbing your back
He just akawardly laughed unaware of what to do in this situation
“Chat this is my best friend Y/n from college!” He shouted pulling his lips into a thin line
You lifted your head up doing one quick wave
The only one who knew you existed out of his friends were Tubbo and partially dream
So this especially came to a shock from the rest of them
He thanked Lizzy that he wasn’t in a vc at that very moment
So instead you both just decided to ignore it
He went on with his stream, pretending that you weren’t there hiding your head in his shoulder
silently weeping
Time to time you’d let out a laugh as he told a joke
A random media share popped up on the screen of your loud appearance
The both of you sending the middle finger off into the camera
You gotta admit he was your best friend, made you laugh none the less
Oh boy Tubbo was laughing his ass off watching the stream
That boy was having the time of his life
“That girl really was a bitch.”
Yeah you wanted to start
“A wank really!” He continued riling you both up
You lifted your head from his shoulder, spinning around in the black office chair
“A fookin skunk!” “A blimey blighter!”
You both were shouting, throwing out the insults just getting each other more and more hyped up
You were ready to grab your bag and drag him to go punch the lad
Mother innit..
You both in sync shouted ‘Sorry!’
I swear chat was eating all of this up
‘Alarm duo’ now trending?
But you looked back at your phone, hitting your head on the desk seeing it’s cracked self
“You know after the stream I’ll take you to the shop, get you a new one?”
Your eyes widened at the words
“I wouldn’t let you spend that type of money on me.”
So his cocky ass self just leaned back in the chair, arms behind his head
“Well N/n.. I’m a billionaire Aren’t i?”
Yeah that wasn’t the end of you two
One he did end you were forced into a call with Wilbur and Phil
“So your the one Tommy keeps ditching us to hang out with!” Wilbur shouted through the vc
Phil was just laughing
You had gotten along with them great, Tommy promising to introduce you to techno soon
“Best friends forever?” “That’s a long ass time don’t you think?”
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Aha I love this so much. I switched out techno for a platonic tommy because techno isn’t comfortable unless it’s his character.
As always! Request or ask anything and ask if you want to be on a taglist :)
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
Human Error series by teeth_eater - Alright, first up we have the Human Error series! This series uses the "humans are space orcs trope" in that Tommy is a human stowaway on an alien ship run by SBI. Hijinks and angst ensue. 
Questions for Ada series by SilverWing15 - Aka that one fic series in which Tommy is a werewolf who so happens to go through the foster system. He's placed into the SBI household and tries to keep his werewolf stuff a secret.
when the wolf comes home by ThatWeirdGuyInTheBushes - Clingy Duo oneshot of after the New L'Manberg explosion.
Dollhouse by Lacy_Star - Holy frick Cam can I not recommend this one enough. It's fic in which the premise is that Dream locks everyone inside Pandora's Vault so they can all be one big happy family again. It's absolutely chilling and lowkey horrifying in which some of the characters behave towards their new predicament. 10/10, leaves a pit of dread in your chest afterwards.
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat - Tommy is revived and gets addicted to being dead after seeing all the new changes to the server. Angsty but with a happy ending, I love it.
keep you warm and safe by always_an_anxious_mess - Bench Trio fluff + WingInnit = Very fluffy preening scene. 
dissonance by shrugofgod - Tubbo centric fic that can kinda act as a character study. Deals with him processing his trauma.
Adagio by eneli - Another one I absolutely adore. I enjoy most works by eneli in general, they're an amazing writer. But anyways, this fic is a modern setting AU with coming of age Tommy and his new friend Tubbo. Focuses a lot on Tommy's relationship with SBI and Tubbo. I must warn you however, if you choose to read the rest of eneli's fics you'll notice a certain trend with them (not bad, just ohohohoho).
As for another work by this author I recommend TommyInnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death. Vigilante Tommy crack fic. So much crack. So much humor. Made me cackle several times while reading.
Saturday's at the Diner by justsummr - SBI foster family focused fic (surprise surprise, you can tell what fics I highly enjoy). Wilbur, Techno and Phil own a family diner in which Tommy starts visiting pretty often. Very heartwarming fic, I adore it.
where did my courage go (I think I left it under the rubble) by violet_sunflowers - Ah the vigilante fics I read. This is one of them and focuses on Vigilante Bench Trio + Superhero SBI (Phil, Wilbur and Techno). 
Saturday series by ScumbagSimon - Another vigilante fic series. The first book focuses on Vigilante Tommy and Bench Trio, in which Tommy gets into encounters with Villain Dream Team and Superhero SBI. The second book is more Ranboo centric with Villain BBH + Crimson.
Bee & Boo & Michael (and sometimes Tommy) series by Doodlebloo - Ah the series which I go to ignore canon. Heavily Bee Duo centric with lots of fluff and a bit of angst. 
Casualty and Consequence by skyestar7703 - The SMP is a hellhole Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Literally.
On another note, definitely check out the Living in the Circular series by the same author. This one has certain DSMP characters going through multiple "loops" and basically serves as a fic in which they go into several pieces of media and AUs possible.
east of eden series by subwaywalls - Holy shit Cam. This is another one I can't recommend enough, the description is beautiful and this series left me with a bittersweet numb ache after reading it. One of those fics that made me cry. It's an SBI foster family fic in which Phil is the equivalent to a biblically accurate angel, and Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo are different magical beings. 10/10, I love to reread it.
ad astra per aspera series by cacowhistle - From difficulty to the stars. It's a canon divergent fic set near exile time in which Bedrock Bros heal together and more characters join in on healing. I very much adore this series.
I was a kid in the village, doing alright, then I became a prince overnight by sircantus - Phil's a king, Techno and Wilbur are princes and Tommy's an orphan who gets adopted into the royal family. Hijinks galore.
Another fic by the same author I like is Change fate by being aggressively kind. Phil's an avian in a world where avians are rare, Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are the Minecraft equivalents of the Antichrist. Cue Phil having another way to stop the apocalypse without murdering the children.
Honeycomb by khaoticwoes - Tangled AU in which Tubbo is Rapunzel, Tommy is Flynn and Dream is Gothel. Tommy's just accidentally caused crime towards King Phil, and we also have Sapnap and George as criminal brothers to Tommy.
Stream Labs LIVE by A_Non_ymousWriter - AU in which there's an ARG surrounding genius teen scientist Tubbo that is very highly produced. Turns out this ARG isn't an ARG an everything is happening in a fantasy world parallel to the modern one. I recommend other works from this author as well.
We'll (Ender)walk this long road together by Ravivkit - Bee Duo centric fic in which Enderwalk Ranboo cares about Tubbo very much, but Ranboo is unaware and afraid of it. Cue lots of fluff but also some angst.
Those are my fic recs for now! I hope you enjoy them!
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batlingsstuff · 3 years
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
hello! this is my first time doing headcanons, and i just want to clarify some things:
sadly, i won't be doing requests because i'm busy af with school and i dont want to dissapoint anyone, but you can drop some suggestions and i would think about it! it would be really nice :)
also i won't be writing romantic headcanons for minors or those who are uncomfortable with it, but i can do platonic headcanons for them! ^^
i won't be doing nsfw headcanons either, because i'm uncomfy with sexualizing real people and just writing nsfw in general :)
also, please tell me if someone is uncomfortable with fanfics and/or headcanons and i will erase that part as fast as possible, thanks for passing by! - batling
✦ means platonic
✦ characters : ranboo, tubbo, tommy, philza, techno and jschlatt
♥ means romantic
♥ characters: quackity, wilbur, nihachu, dream, george, sapnap, eret, karl, fundy and bbh
(y/n) : your name
(n/n) : nickname
(p/p) : pizza place
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green
┌────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────┐
└────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────┘
♥ Quackity
oh boy
i just have two words for this one: pure chaos
he will punch you with a pillow if you try to sleep
and you will be MAD at this
grabbing a pillow and hitting him RIGHT IN THE FACE with all your strenght
he'll probably fake cry about it, saying that you hurt him
after a while of pillow fighting, you guys got tired and plopped into the bed, snuggling into eachother and just enyoing the comfortable silence before drifting to sleep
♥ Wilbur
you two will probably blast hamilton and scream the lyrics till the neighbours wake up and you get angry knocks at your door
and you will laugh at that, lowering the speaker's volume and telling him to lower his voice aswell to avoid your neighbours calling the police
then you'll eat snacks and talk about anything that pops into your mind, laughing at the most silly jokes
he will sing sweet songs to you, making you fall asleep to his calming voice
summary: fluff
♥ Nihachu
you and her will bake pastries at a very late hour
she REALLY enjoys baking with you bc she thinks it's a great way to spend time with you
all this girl wants is to spend her time by your side, doing particularlly anything like streaming, baking, playing games and going outside for a walk and/or shopping
once you finished baking, she will kiss your cheek multiple times. that's her way to tell you that you did a great job :)
you'll spend the rest of the night cuddling, eating your pastries and watching some random movie, commenting about how bad it is and laughing
♥ Dream
this bitch will speedrun the sleepover
is it possible to speedrun a sleepover? maybe
you'll spend the rest of the night probably playing uncharted 3: drake's deception in his old ps3
after a while, you guys got bored from uncharted and went to his pc to play amnesia: the dark descent
there are 2 options:
you will be scared as fuck and will avoid looking at the screen when you think something bad will happen or when some body will come out from a drawer
or you will be totally chill with it, laughing hard when clay pisses his pants for real when he encounters the gatherer
you named the gatherer 'bob' :)
♥ George
he'll take you to the rooftop
and pushes you so you fall to your death
i mean
he gets blankets and pillows so you can stargaze together
he'll teach you the constelations while pointing them, excited about every single one of them
"look (y/n), that's the ursa major!"
he'll have hot chocolate prepared too, so you don't get cold while stargazing
you try your best to not fall asleep on the rooftop
but eventually fail
when he notices you're asleep, he stops talking about the constellations and carries you to your bedroom, giving you a goodnight kiss and leaving you in your bed so you can have a peaceful rest
♥ Sapnap
hey mamas
i don't know what sapnap will do in a sleepover so i will just improvise B)
you will watch anime together
not any kind of anime, like that romance-comedy bullcrap
no fuck that
you will watch the classy angsty anime like madoka magica
you will fucking cry because of literally anything that happens to the characters
"(y/n) why are you crying it's just a show"
the last chapter made you fucking cry harder
yeah you will basically watch anime with him, cry about it and he will comfort you and bring you a glass of water so you don't have a terrible headache after it
♥ Eret
you two will plan a picnic in your yard
yes your yard
he'll bring a ton of snacks and you'll buy a few drinks
you two spend the rest of the picnic talking about your future and enjoying the snacks
then, he'll make you stand up and will teach you how to dance tango
and of course you will mess everything up
and you even stomped on his feet accidentally, making him wimper
but he brushed off the pain and laughed at your concerned face
after calming down his laughter, he gave you a passionate kiss and hugged you tightly
i love eret ok
♥ Karl Jacobs
this man.
this man is the definition of sweet
you'll spend the night cuddling and making cute pet names for eachother
he will definetely give you a great back massage if you're stressed
then he'll start writing love letters full of things he adore of you
and you'll do the same for him
after that, you will share your letters and just snuggle and smile at the sweet things you guys wrote for eachother
he will deffo shower you with kisses when he finishes reading your letter, telling you that you're the nicest person on earth
and that he loves you so so much
♥ Fundy
i'm a huge fundy simp ok
he will bring his piano to your house and you guys will compose a melody together
he will let you sit on his lap while you play the piano/keyboard with him
fundy will basically teach you how to play basic piano songs
you asked him if you guys could play megalovania together
he said no :(
but still you got to play nice songs together without messing up
and when you got the hang of it, he snuggled his face in your neck and kissed you there genly
and when you got tired, he started playing very calming songs and you fell asleep in his lap, snuggling into his chest
he gently carried to your room and will sleep beside you putting a fair distance so you can have a comfortable sleep!
♥ BadBoyHalo
bbh supremacy
he will get rat ready so you can snuggle with her too :)
you guys will mainly play with rat and talk about life in general
he will call you tons of cute pet names
ofc he will call you muffin it's bbh who we're talking about
he will talk about how bad he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
after a while, he will take you to his kitchen and start making muffins together
he will guide you on how to bake 'em though
you guys had a great time making muffins and cuddling with him and rat :)
══════ ∘◦❀◦∘ ══════
✦ Ranboo
tall mf gives the best piggy back rides
when he gets to your house there is a 100% chance he will bump his head on the door frame
and there is a 100% chance you will make fun of him because of that
"(y/n) please stop laughing my head hurts :("
you'll give him some ice to put on his head while you two play minecraft on your ps4
you will bring snacks too and ask him if his head is better
"yeah, thank you (n/n)"
he will pull you in a hug so you can be comfy together while you play good ol' minecraft
because ranboo surely doesn't play anything besides fucking minecraft
stfu that video of him playing spooky's jump scare mansion doesn't exist
✦ Tubbo
he will gift you a bee plushie
expect a lot of (FRIENDLY) hugs from him
like fundy, you guys will play piano together
you guys are most likely to prank call some random numbers AND your friends
and you accidentally called some random pizza place
"hello! this is (p/p), may i take your order?"
you were nervous and didn't know what to say
"hello? are you there?"
'hi yes, i would like to order 7 extra large pepperoni pizzas to (tommy's adress).'
"oh- okay! uhm- they will arrive in a few hours. are you okay with that?"
'yes ma'am, thank you.'
when you ended the call, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, knowing that tommy will be so mad at you guys-
✦ Tommy
like quackity, PURE. CHAOS.
you guys will obviously stream your sleepover
doing a q&a stream :)
tubbo and wilbur will probably crash your stream and start spamming things like 'MEETUP??' and 'DIDN'T GET AN INVITE'
you guys laughed and added them to the call
'i'm sorry willlll'
you kept playing minecraft with wilbur, tubbo and quackity too since he crashed your stream like an hour later
after the stream, you got up and plopped on the mattress that was on the floor
"okay, good night big (initial)"
✦ Philza
and oh god you ADORE kristin
i'm pretty sure she's a total sweetheart
it would be like having a sleepover with your parents
only that it's less boring
you guys will watch a movie together, you will be in one side of the couch eating snacks while phil and kristin are in the other cuddling
you'll eventually bug them about it
after the movie, you fell asleep early and philza noticed, talking to kristin about it too
and wrapped a blanket around you so that you get a good rest :)
✦ Technoblade
mr. blood god teaches you the arts of the CRAFT.
yeah i mean it's techno what else does he play besides minecraft
he will play bedwars w/ u, teaching you how to pvp
"bro you kinda suck tbh"
'stfu techno'
he will comment about how bad you are, but tries to help you get better anyways
and when you do a very poggers gamer move, he praises you
and when he praises you you're all :)))
after awhile, he gets tired from watching you play minecraft and suggest watching anime
fucking weeb
i mean
other thing you guys do together in a sleepover is playing and commenting about pokemon
if you don't like pokemon get tf out of here /J
i was joking please don't leave i respect your tastes
✦ Jschlatt
ooooh boy
get ready for a session of wii training
that's all you guys will do
play wii sports and some other shit like wii music
he will laugh his ass of if you fall while playing wii fit
but he will eventually help you bc outside his funny and shouty persona, he's a really chill guy and a really nice person!
seriously like have you ever seen a theweeklyslap video?
well expect hearing amazing pep talks from him
bc this man is a legend and knows his way to words and is very good at comforting people :)
sometimes you'll rant to him about anything that's happening in your life, and he will listen to you and give you really helpful advice
and you appreciate him so much for that
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
TYSM FOR READING GUYS, i appreciate it if you made it this far :)
i hope you guys really enjoyed these headcanons, it's my first time doing them and aa i'm a bit nervous about posting this but i'll be fine ig
also i'm sorry if there's a grammatical error, english is not my native language and i'm still learning it :) have a nice day/night, drink water and don't fuck up your sleeping schedule!!
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Dream SMP Recap (February 21/2021) - Tommy’s Visit, Guard Training Day
It’s the day for Tommy’s final prison visit, one last visit to see Dream and gain closure. Things don’t go exactly to plan, though, and the situation takes a turn for the worse...
Jack Manifold and Quackity discuss business plans, Eret returns to start collecting taxes, and Sam decides it’s about time to get some helping hands, getting Bad and Antfrost on the job.
A summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Tommy (Again)
Jack Manifold
Foolish (Again)
- Foolish works on building HBomb a giant mansion in the savannah village.
- HBomb and Niki build a Bellsprout Pokemon head attached to Ponk’s tree in Lemon City.
--- Tommy’s Prison Visit ---
- Tommy comes online to visit Dream one last time in prison, for closure. Even though Dream is locked up and out of sight, he still feels miserable, a little bit empty.
“I think it’s because I haven’t shut the book. He’s still in my life, y’know?”
- He heads over to the prison. He is greeted by photos of BBH and Rat. The pictures George put on the entrance are still there.
- Tommy comes through to the lobby and greets Sam. Sam asks the questions.
“When was the last time you visited the prison?” 
“A bit ago...like a while back. A month. A month ago.”
“Where is your place of residence currently located?”
“My home over there, down yonder. The hotel. The Big Innit Hotel, Sam.”
“Do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?”
“Yes, yeah, I absolutely do. I think he’s a wrongen. I don’t think he deserves death, though. I should make that very clear. I don’t think he deserves death.”
“What are your prior relations with the prisoner?” 
“I think he’s a bastard, he’s ugly, and um...I’d say...We manipulated one another. He...he manipulated me, kind of a bit of the villain, kind of an evil guy, kind of the ‘Dr. Octopus’ of the Dream SMP universe.”
- Tommy puts his items in the locker and they go through.
- Tommy comments on how every traumatic place he’s been in has been made of blackstone.
- Tommy doesn’t need to see Dream, “Unless one of my close friends dies...”
- They make it to the lava wall. The lava descends, and Tommy enters the cell.
- They greet each other. Dream’s lost his clock since the last time Tommy visited, and Tommy cracks a joke.
Dream: “That’s the Tommy I know...”
Dream throws Tommy some potatoes to regen health.
- Dream says he’s happy that Tommy came to visit. It’s been a while. Tommy tells him that it’s his last time visiting. Dream asks why, and insists that he’ll get out eventually.
- Tommy asks about the crying obsidian. Dream explains that it’s a security measure, and he likes to watch it drip.
- Tommy says it’s his last visit again, and the conversation grows more tense as they argue about exile, and Tommy says that he can’t even go into plains biomes now without trembling.
- Tommy then asks about the books he asked Dream to write, to which Dream replies that he burned them.
- Tommy opens the chest and sees the thank you letters. Tommy asks if Dream knows anything about the Egg. Dream doesn’t know much about it.
- The subject of it being Tommy’s final visit comes up again, and Tommy tells Dream that he doesn’t want him in his life anymore, that he ruined L’manburg and almost killed Tubbo.
Dream: “I did bad things, but...everybody thinks they’re right from their perspective.”
Tommy: “That’s not true. That’s not true!”
Dream: “I think I’m right. I did bad things but I did them for good reasons, but I’ve learned, I’ve...I did bad things and I’ve learned that I shouldn’t have done them.”
Tommy: “What good reasons? No, please, enlighten us.”
Dream: “I just wanted a...I just wanted to bring the server together, have it be...a happy family, y’know?”
Tommy: “Bring the server t-- you f-- Dream, you blew up L’manburg, Dream. You tried killing me! You tried killing everyone! You tried hurting people’s loved ones, man, it’s like what the fuck! You’re delusional, man, and I’m fucking sick of it. And I...but I don’t need to go through any of this stress anymore, alright? Because this is me doing this to me now, not you. You’re fine now, you’re locked up now, you’re a bitch. I’m the one that’s giving me the stress here now...but I’m better than that! I’m better than you, alright? So I’m done here.”
“You ruined my past, Dream, but you will NOT ruin my future.”
- Dream continues to insist that he’s changing. All of a sudden, Tommy hears TNT explosions.
Dream: “Sounds like a security issue.”
- Sam disappears. Tommy calls to be let out.
Tommy: “Dream, it hasn’t been an honor knowing you, but it will be an honor forgetting you.”
- The explosions continue.
- Dream says he wrote the 7-days waiver and thinks this might be a security issue, but he doesn’t know what’s going on.
- Dream and Tommy continue to argue.
Tommy: “I KNOW YOU. You haven’t changed! You’re the fuckin’ monster of this server, alright!? Not the Egg, not anything like this, YOU ARE!”
- Tommy only has one life left, so if he dies in here, then he dies for good. 
(Dying by the lava wall to get out would be a canon death)
- Tommy panics and starts burning Dream’s books in the lava. And the item frame. Dream takes the rest of the books into his inventory.
- Dream hands him a book and says he could write a story.
- Dream continually insists that he’s changed, and that he didn’t have anything to do with the TNT.
Tommy: “You’ve not changed, you’re the same old...you’re evil. You’re just evil.”
- Sam messages saying the prison is on lockdown, and to hang tight.
- Dream hands Tommy more potatoes, but he doesn’t have many left. They’ll have to wait for the automated refill.
- Tommy asks how long it’ll be. Dream guesses up to a week, like the waiver says.
“Oh no...”
Tommy ends his stream there.
- Jack logs on to check on the hotel and is confused by where Tommy is. He checks Twitter and finds out that Tommy has been locked in prison. He asks Sam to confirm. Sam tells him that there’s been a security issue and no one is to approach the prison.
- At first, Jack is outraged that his plans have been foiled again. But then he realizes that, with Tommy in prison, he’s now gained ownership of the hotel! He rebrands it to the Big Jack Manifold Hotel.
- Jack goes to rebrand and Sam Nook greets him at the hotel. Sam argues with Jack, not wanting Jack to take ownership.
- Jack speaks with Quackity, telling him that Tommy’s in jail. Quackity talks about how there’s soon to be an established currency: the diamond. Jack agrees to pay two diamonds for leather.
- Eret comes over to the hotel and Quackity and Jack speak with them. They tell Eret about Tommy being in jail. Eret calls it a “hostile takeover of Tommy’s hotel,” but Jack tries to convince him that it was bad for branding for Tommy’s name to be on the hotel.
- Quackity tells Eret that he’s setting up a big gathering for the opening of his business soon.
- Jack and Eret argue about hotel pricing.
- Quackity tells Jack to not be intimidated by competition, and also describes a plan to create a network of easily-accessible roads. He doesn’t like the wooden path, and says that Jack’s hotel would be a good destination for business. 
- Quackity questions what Jack will do when Tommy gets out of prison. Jack insists it will be fine.
- Jack works on rebranding.
- He then speaks with Badboyhalo. Bad finds out about Tommy being in jail and is surprised. Jack theorizes that maybe he tried to break Dream out.
- Bad discusses having a room in the hotel. Jack asks for payment.
- Eret comes up with a plan to tax the shit out of everyone.
- Sam starts stream at the prison. He doesn’t know what the explosions were.
- He calls for Bad and Ant, as he’s going to make them guards. They’re part of the Badlands and he trusts them.
- The two arrive. Sam fills them in: Tommy came to visit Dream, as he had already 2 or 3 times, and there was TNT going off near the prison. He needs to figure out what’s happening, but he can’t leave the prison and he can’t be in every place at once, which is where the guards come in.
- He opens Locker 2 since Locker 1 still has Tommy’s stuff in it. Sam then starts filling them in on what each lever does.
- Sam walks them through navigating the prison and then shows them the guard-specific areas like the locker room and stasis chamber.
- Sam then shows them the spawn traps. Ant and Bad set their spawns. Each guard gets three full sets of Netherite, three chances to stop whatever security issue may arise.
- At the end of the next tunnel is something top secret that can’t be showed on-stream. 
- He also shows the chest with the waivers, including Ranboo’s in Enderman.
- Sam declares Ant and Bad officially guards. They are happy to finally be employed. Sam says he’s not paying them anything except the satisfaction of knowing they’ll be helping to keep Dream in there.
- Sam, Bad and Ant find Eret’s tax request.
- Ranboo works on building a farm, starting his farmer arc.
- There’s a secret message spelled out in his inventory that reads: “HE IS IN CON(T)ROL.”
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Upcoming Events:
- Quackity’s business reveal
- Whatever is going to happen in the prison now...
2/15 - Ranboo finds his wall signs changed
2/16 - Tommy’s hotel opening, Karl and Sapnap name Kinoko Kingdom
2/17 - Foolish, Ponk and HBomb’s lore, Bad confronts Puffy about the propaganda
2/18 - Bad and Antfrost confront Puffy about the propaganda
2/19 - George vandalizes the prison, Captain Puffy’s Prank Wars
2/20 - Nothing much happens.
2/21 - Tommy gets trapped in prison, Jack and Quackity speak, Eret returns
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iwantedtobeahotdog · 3 years
Tommy's "SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON" stream ~highlights~
-Tommy visited the egg and was neutral; it had no affect on him and he kept saying it was telling him to curse
-The egg told BBH it didn't like Tommy
-Sam Nook had Tommy put fences around the hotel to protect it from the egg, take down the rollercoaster, and get sand and gravel
-Tommy takes Tubbo to see the egg and it makes him cry
-Tommy told Tubbo to hold his hand and he'll yank him and they'll run out of the egg room
-Tubbo gets cleansed at the church
-BBH and Ant try to keep Tommy and Tubbo with the egg and Big Brother Sam™ comes to the rescue
-Tommy writes the contract for Sam
-Tommy gave us SBI content, wants all the credit so Phil will be proud of him. Excuse me while I go cry.
-Tommy and Tubbo watched Foolish lead a creeper into a boat and it exploded
-Jack and Nikki joined the vc and talked to Tommy, but nothing was mentioned about y'know killing him or inviting him somewhere. Nikki called him a twig bc I think he said he could fight her but jokes aside, don't body shame the child.
If I remember something else I'll add it.
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tay6119 · 3 years
Town of Salem Antics
This stream was a trip
This post is probably going to be so long I'm so sorry
- THE NAMES "Mile Memington" and "Cornelius" being some good contendors
- Catboy Corpse
- Their voice acting is.. it's something.. they tried?
- Everyone having nice skins and then Dream is just g r e e n
- Big Q and George immediately breaking character for their usual banter... it continues even more
- "that's not canon that's not canon"
- At least we don't have to deal with his ratchet rp for a while
- Tubbo saying "shocker" really sarcastically
- Big Q continuing to use his character's voice to trash on George "I'm glad he's dead"
I missed like 15 minutes so I may have missed sth funny
- Tubbo's speech
- "Want some yeezys?"
- "Wait where's George" KARL
- Dream's hella quiet kinda sus.. George died first so he could look inno didn't he..
- "it's much quieter" in reference to Quackity being gone ukgyftrgef
- Helga (Big Q) talking from the dead
- I miss Gog.. that has nothing to do with anything I'm just a simp
- Corpse trying to metagame I-
- Ponk coming for Dream's horrid OC naming in evidence against him
- Corpse not voting Dre, Jealous!George wya??
- Lazar not knowing he was jester rhntigwo
Start of Second Round
- if george dies first again I'll cry
- Helga continues her tyranny
- Even G e o r g e got dressed up
- George and Quackity banter
- "ohhh Helga~ Helga you're in trouble now"
- G E L G A
- I swear if it was George out of spite-
- George's fake british accent
- "They did it in front of me, I'm also blind"
- Corpse asking Helga to stay with him for the night
- "an orphan child is the most annoying thing.." ok Techno kinnie
- God I am in LOVE with Corpse being all protective of Tubbo and being all cute rp-wise with Dre when he was being sent to death
- Quackity trying to get George out as ALWAYS
- "They think I'm just getting revenge on Dream that's cute"
- Everytime Quackity goes back to his regular voice I have a seizure
- We wanted George rp, but not like this, not like this
- "the only thing that will be choking him tonight"
- Tubbo and Corpse interactions supremacy
- Tubbo is sad boi :(
- Quackity saying he'll save BBH is he literally just says fuck and BBH proceeding to move into the cell
- "orphans go to hell" LAZAR NO
- wait a T R I P L E kill
- Tubbo just wins money every time he does anything
In summary
watch it
it's good
Next one is more story focused!! Karl is going to try to do these weekly :)
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I find it interesting how each Feral boy is with DreamSMP lore and how they approach it if they do. This is also some ideas and improvements. This is all my opinion and you don't have to agree or disagree.
Disclaimer this will be me using comparisons as it makes it easier to explain. This isn't me saying one person is better than another. Some might be negative points, some will be positive so no critical tags sorry. Even with me once again expressing my strong negative opinions on Tales. The idea is good the execution is not.
This is based off of multiple things; Character story, Character traits, Lore?, Plot holes, Fan theories, General enjoyment, Viewer impact, Clear goals etc
Dream seems to enjoy it the most as he offers to join everyone's lore as well as helping when he can and also trying to include others into "main" lore He also has managed to create a character with a full storyline without not once streaming from his perspective. He's very good at doing things that may seem small at the time but ends up having a huge impact. He manages to have a full storyline and a complete character but still leaves room for theories and headcanons for people to add on (Dreamon my beloved 💕). Because we don't see his perspective we don't know his intentions or goals so he's made his character detailed but mysterious which is actually quite difficult as he's the main character (Sorry Ranboo but it's true)
When it comes to acting he's very good at staying in character even when things get a bit scuffed obviously there's a few moments of breaking character but they're not him trying to get others to break character with jokes and voices they're genuine fuck ups (Accidentally blowing himself up and breaking character to both clear up confusion about it being canon and to switch from a tense atmosphere to give the audience a break for a bit and breaking character to say his Twitch handle after accidentally breaking TOS so George didn't get banned)
Dream said he's got a storyline from his perspective and it's all prerecorded which I'm excited for as I think it's going to be a bunch of flashbacks which could expand both character backstory but also create more storylines for people to bounce off of. For example if he did a flashback with some of the OG members they could build from that. It could give more of an explanation of why he changed. Essentially Dream's lore could be a bunch of behind the scene clips giving more lore for characters like him discussing the egg or prison with Sam, him and Punz talking more about the deal, him and Techno , him and Puffy, him and Ranboo. Dream is the main character because literally ever other character can do a flashback scene with him and build a whole storyline from it. For example Dreamon Hunters can be bought back in which already was linked to the Egg by Fundy. To sum it up Dream's lore from his perspective can not only made way for multiple new theories and headcanons but also is the easiest way for other characters to have more dimension even with a 20 second clip. And it gives more context to Dream as a character. Disclaimer this isn't me saying people can only be dimensional characters because of Dream I'm saying that Dream is the easiest way for someone to start a storyline that they can then work on if they want.
Quackity can do lore if he puts his mind to it. However it also has to rely on multiple things. Who the lore is with?, How serious is it? And What's the vibe? Basically if Quackity is with people who don't do serious lore or people who crack jokes often then his lore won't have that good quality lore I know it can be. For example Quackity's lore with Sam and Dream couldn't be replicated with most other people on the server. I can't even imagine if Karl and George were trying to do the prison lore. Even in Quackity's big stream you can see this difference Schlatt's bit dragged on and often got derailed because whilst they were both interested in the lore they weren't invested. The bit with BBH was a bit all over the place because they were both talking over each other and you could sort of tell it had little to no script or end goal but this was also partly down to them both being very into lore. They both tried to stick to their pre-existing character traits which clash Vs the Prison which had a clear script even if it was vague. Go to prison, convince Sam to bring weapons, Go torture Dream. Sam, Dream and Quackity are 3 of the most mysterious characters who have no clear plans, you can't predict their moves which is why any lore with them is good because they don't have a character personality that they have to stick to. For example Dream is known to adapt for each person so he could be nice one minute and demon child next.
Once Quackity has broken character he used to completely lose it. The vibe was gone however I was highly impressed with how he and Sam managed to keep the vibe when the prison broke. Previously Quackity would have lost his shit and derailed everything. I do think Quackity's strongest lore point is going with other strong lore members or just being on his own.
George and Sapnap I'm going to sort of link together. They both seen to be a bit meh on lore. I think it genuinely depends on what mood they're in. I also think that they'll both be much more comfortable doing lore that's prefilmed Vs live on stream.
Sapnap is very good at bouncing off of people so I think he'd be really good at lore with most people. I think Sapnap could definitely capitalise on the angst of being the abandoned one who is loyal to death but doesn't have the same in return. Like Dream both Sapnap and George are good at voice manipulation meaning if they want sad angst they can sound upset. Sapnap seems more tempted to do on the spot lore so he can't back out so that's another option. Like Sapnap has multiple headcanons handed to him and I know this bitch can act his little yeehaw soul out. Even if it's short clips talking to people like Punz or Sam who he seems closest to.
George has this strange ability to kickstart ideas for lore and then let's others build from it. (Also his ability for all of his lore to have a LGBTQ subtext like pack it up Dean Winchester) I genuinely don't think it's intentional however I think with a bit of thought he can have a general well rounded character. I know he did that lore the other day and has started to build up a character background however I think he's better with less serious lore people as I don't think he can do serious mood streams like Dream or Ranboo but can potentially hold it long enough for a bit like Techno or Phil. I think George's weakness is he'd rather someone else guide him through lore instead of doing it himself. Man really doesn't like being the main character.
Karl seems to want to do lore but doesn't have the ability to create it. He has all these ideas but can't form a proper story about it. I used to have this issue where I had all these cool bullet point ideas but I could never form a cool idea with them and I think Karl has the same issue. In my opinion if Karl does want to continue with Tales and bullet point ideas I think he needs help formulating a bit more of a story. Once again like Sapnap and George I think he excels in prerecorded lore however it's also either heavily scripted or he's having his hand held through it. Which is fine but that's why a lot of people can't connect Tales to DreamSMP as his streams are the only ones that are heavily scripted and it gives off a different vibe. Karl is also too bubbly to crack down on serious lore which is fine not all lore needs to be serious and angsty however he tries to make it deep. I personally think that Karl should capitalise on this uwu soft boy persona he has. No deep lore. Obviously choosing memory loss time travel involves serious moments but I think he needs to split it more between dark angst and wholesome Karlnapity moments. What I mean is that Karl on DreamSMP and Tales Karl seem like 2 completely different characters that just so happen to share a name. I think the prerecorded bit at the end needs to begin to add his DreamSMP personality a bit more.
TLDR: Dream is strongest lore, Quackity works best with serious lore with people invested or on his own with a bit of direction, Sapnap and George will probably be better off doing prerecorded lore as it seems more comfortable for them, Karl struggles to put his ideas into a storyline and would benefit from doing less heavily scripted pre recorded lore to make his storyline cohesive Vs a bunch of one shots.
To sum it up Dream is Hot and should bring back Dreamons, Quackity needs to work more with serious lore people, Sapnap should Capitalise on his loyalty trait and constant abandonment for maximum angst, George should cry on command more, Karl needs spend more time writing instead of paying for builds.
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unincised · 4 years
Okay, let’s break this down:
We need to sit down and have a discussion about the current lore in the Dream SMP, guys. Especially after today’s stream (w/ Quackity). This doesn’t make any sense ‘cause I’m tired but OH WELL WHO CARES?!
Also, remember this is all roleplaying, and when I discuss this it is in terms of lore. Be respectful during bits and know that no one truly wants to brutally murder the other (hopefully). :D
My predictions for the Factions that will happen (along with those that already are):
I’m definitely missing a lot of people, but these are the main players in the game.
Connor (?)
Mexican L’manberg
Karl (yes, I put him twice. He’s a bit of a wild card when it comes to picking sides)
Dream SMP
Punz (technically a merc)
Puffy (which might also mean Niki, since... marriage?)
Tommy (I’m almost guaranteeing this, you can @ me if I’m wrong tomorrow)
Why Tommy and Techno should not team up with Mexican L’manberg or the Badlands:
Techno is anti-government. L’manberg is government, Mexican L’manberg is government, the Badlands are an oligarchy (their land is neutral, but it’s still overseen by Bad and friends). Therefore, Techno has no reason to team with any of them. He is a wanted, exiled man -- not exactly an assassin-for-hire.
Tommy has a personal agenda that doesn’t line up with any of the factions’ endgoals (at the current moment). Taking over the Dream SMP w/ Mexican L’manberg and The Badlands might help him with retrieving his disc -- especially since Skeppy would be on his side during it -- but we aren’t too certain that’s all Tommy has going for him. He loves his discs, yes, but he also cares a lot about Tubbo. Going against Dream could get Tubbo targeted for use of leverage (and that’s a whole can of worms I’d like to open :D).
Why George was a “bad” king:
Dream’s one rule for Kingship was for George to stay neutral. He claims this was the case for Eret’s crowning, but Eret technically bought his title in exchange for the betrayal of L’manberg during the First Revolutionary War.
Of course, Eret was dethroned after his siding with Pogtopia during the “Final” War, and the crown was given to George on account of his neutral stance during it all.
But George, immediately after given that little bit of power, went and abused it.
Chopped down the L’mantree
Griefed L’manberg (built a mushroom house in front of Tommy’s) even though he was specifically instructed not to enter the walls on account of safety and diplomacy)
Taunting Tommy during his trial
Became VP of Mexican L’manberg w/ Quackity
Used his role as a protection, subsequently making Sapnap and Dream shields in order to stay alive after getting in trouble.
Why Sapnap is betraying Dream:
Sapnap is hurt. He’s been overlooked many times by both Dream and George. He’s often viewed as more of a grunt than a friend. Their trio dynamic has been off for the past few arcs -- being paired together by mere formality than loyalty -- and it’s finally past the breaking point.
Dream’s speech during the Tommy fiasco seemed to have pushed Sapnap over the edge, thus sparking his whole rebellion arc and general hatred of Dream. Dream does still care for them both, in my personal opinion, but Sapnap is taking Dream’s “I only care about one thing on this Server” to a personal level. It’s completely understandable, and I was actually waiting if it’d ever be addressed, but in practise it is becoming a lot more than just a friendly dispute.
Why the Badlands are asking for so much land:
Simple: They don’t really want to establish borders, per se, but more of a general consensus that the Badlands would be overseen by Bad and Friends as a neutral territory. A wilderness in an otherwise governed Server. As for the amount -- their reasoning is that no one is currently using the land, nor will it ever be used on account of distance. If flying was enabled on the server, there would most definitely be structures further from the mainland, but everyone’s main transportation is walking... so...
What alliances does Dream even have anymore?
To be honest, not much. We can’t rely too much on Techno, since Dream’s loyalties lie on the server’s best interest and Techno’s is to just create chaos.
Dream has Punz (hired), Eret, Purpled, possibly Ponk, and if Techno teamed up with them I wouldn’t be too surprised -- but it would be off character. Along with that is Dream’s access to creative mode (which I’d doubt he’d do just to win a fight, but it’s still an opportunity he has) along with his pride that will give him more of an edge than anything.
Why Tommy is getting the blame:
Tommy has been against Dream for most of the SMP. The only time they paired together was because they had a common enemy: Schlatt. From the beginning, however, it’s been constant squabble. The discs, Spirit, Revolution, Wilbur’s corruption, Manberg’s Last Stand, etc. So, in Dream’s eyes, Tommy is the main man to blame for all of this chaos happening now.
But Tommy is a kid (we’re still talking Lore, don’t forget!) who has lived through nothing but war and betrayal, now with a mindset of “nothing stays, cherish it while you can”. So he’s always trying to be the one coming out on top, to help stem any more of his treasures getting stolen, killed, or hurt. This ends up leading into wars, and going against the peak of the hierarchy -- Dream.
(Dream should know better than to blame children, tut tut.)
Also, please send help I’ve been writing this while the Dream SMP is building a wall of cursed George pics. I keep losing my train of thought. This was supposed to be a meta post but I’m literally just crying over G R O G.
So, apologies if this doesn’t end up making sense. It’s 12 AM and I’m tired, haha.
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Loss of a Hero
Hi, Admin Anesthesia here :). I’m so sad. Still crying over Tommy. Based on this. There's also a reference to the wonderful song letter to a dead friend by Precious Jewel Amor.
Summary: After Dream kills Tommy, Sam tells everyone. How will all of them deal with the loss of a hero?
Trigger Warnings: Implied Suicide, Spoilers, Death
Content Warnings: Swearing
Sam was pacing around the prison area as he tried to look for the woman.
“Sam...you okay?” Puffy asked as she appeared behind him with worried eyes.
Sam jumped before sighing and nodding, “Puffy...I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry about?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He continued to mutter.
“Sam, what happened?”
“I failed him. I promised that I’d protect him and I didn’t. I waved off the idea because I didn’t think he was capable.”
“Sam?” Puffy asked, fearing the worst.
“He’s dead, Puffy. Dream killed him because I didn’t want to kill Dream.” Sam couldn’t look Puffy in the eyes, “I’m sorry...I know I promised I’d protect him.”
“Tommy?” Puffy’s voice was a whisper, not wanting to confirm the truth.
Sam’s little nod made Puffy’s heart sink. “Oh...Sam, you couldn’t have known.”
“But I did. I could’ve stopped it.” Sam finally faced Puffy, tears streaming down his face, “I’m sorry, Puffy. He was just a kid.”
“I know, I know,” Puffy replied, pulling Sam into a hug as her tears started to come down as well.
Sapnap first heard about Tommy’s death when he was talking with Quackity.
“Hey, babe.” Sapnap smiled, kissing the top of Quackity’s head. He thought Quackity was praying because Quackity was kneeling down, but upon closer inspection, he knew that wasn’t the case.
“Hey, Sapnap.” Quackity gave a small smile to his fiance as he looked up at him. Quackity’s face was strewn with tears.
“What’s wrong?” Sapnap’s face immediately melted into worry, “Who hurt you? I can-”
“Tommy died.”
“Wait...what?” Sapnap’s worry turned into denial, “It can’t be. Dream didn’t have any weapons. Tommy could easily fight back.”
“He was just a child. He was my friend.”
“He...couldn’t have died. Tell me you’re joking….please.”
“Sam told us this morning. Dream beat him to death. That sick fuck even looked happy about it.”
Sapnap didn’t like Tommy that well, but the few times they got along, Tommy was a good teammate. He was just a kid. He had so much to experience still.
Tommy reminded him a lot of his younger self. Aspiring to be more than fate wrote him. So when he felt something roll down his cheek, he knew he was grieving for the boy that could’ve been so much more. The boy who would have achieved a lot more than Sapnap did.
“I have to go do something.” Sapnap muttered as he walked away, “Dream...what did you do? I told you not to do anything bad, and here you are, wishing for your death.”
Tubbo didn’t believe that Tommy was dead. Why should he?
Sam had told Tubbo that he was alive and well the day before. The last time he thought Tommy was dead, he ended up being alive and well. Sam was probably just trolling with him. Besides...
Dream didn’t have the balls to do this.
Tubbo, at least, thought this until he had gotten Tommy’s compass from Sam.
“I think Tommy would’ve wanted you to have this,” Sam whispered as he gave the compass to Tubbo.
Tubbo’s smile faded as he pulled out his own. The compass was spinning nonstop and it didn’t land on Tommy’s anymore. It was broken.
“Sam...Sam...why is it doing that?”
“Doing what, Tubbo?”
“Ghostbur gave it to me. He said that it pointed to Tommy’s compass. Theoretically, it should still work, right?” Tubbo asked, “Tommy’s not dead. He isn’t! How could he be? Dream’s never defeated him before.”
“Tubbo... I don’t know if you want me to answer that.” Sam looked regretful.
“Please...tell me.”
“They were bound to your souls. Once one of you die, it breaks because it has nothing to bound to anymore.”
Then a heavy feeling was placed on his shoulders as he realized that his best friend was gone. And he never got to say goodbye to him.
He was too busy trying to compete against the Big Innit Hotel and goofing off with Ranboo that….he didn’t pay enough attention to Tommy.
Tommy told him that he was going to face his abuser one last time. Tubbo was so proud of him. Sam told him that Tommy was stuck in the prison with Dream. That was fine, Tubbo knew that Tommy could fight through it. After all, it was only one week.
Tubbo thought that Sam was joking when he said that Tommy was dead.
“Sam….I never got to say goodbye to him.” Tubbo whispered as he crumbled to the ground, looking at his broken compasses.
“I know.” Sam sighed, “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I should’ve protected him from Dream. I’m sorry.”
Why wasn’t he crying? His best friend just died. Did he not care enough? Why did he feel so insensitive?
“Tubbo?” Sam asked as he knelt down beside the shaking boy.
“Sam, why am I not crying? He was my best friend and I don’t even care about it. Why am I not crying?”
“Tubbo, you don’t have to cry to show that you’re grieving. You’re just a boy still. Just...come here.”
Sam pulled him into a hug and that’s when Tubbo felt his tears come out.
“He’s gone. I was supposed to be there for him when he got out. And he’s gone.”
“He died protecting you.”
“WHAT?” Tubbo asked, standing up.
“Dream threatened Tommy that he’d kill you if he got out, and Tommy died to his hands, telling him that he’d never lay a hand on you.”
Tubbo felt everything rush to his head. It was all too much. How could he? How could Dream?
He felt angry. He needed to get his revenge. So he pulled himself together and started walking back to his base.
“Tubbo, where are you going?”
Tubbo smiled, “I’m going to finish what Tommy started. I’m going to make Dream lose his last life.”
“Sam, he killed my best friend. He manipulated me. I’m tired of playing his games. It’s time I made the rules.”
Sam sighed and before Tubbo could leave, Sam just handed him the compasses. “Keep them safe. After all, Tommy’s compass still works, right?”
Tubbo sighed, “Right.”
Quackity was sitting on the signature bench and he had Wilbur’s guitar in hand. He guessed that it was about as a good time as any to sing for the soul they had just lost. The strums of the guitar echoed throughout the entire Dream SMP area and soon, people were gathering around him.
“I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers. Well, this place is real you needn’t fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret. It's a very big and a little bit blown up L’Manberg.”
“My L’manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg.” Tubbo started to sing, sitting down next to Quackity as he started to sing with him.
“For freedom and for liberty, our nation sought to build on these, a victory for all under democracy. Well, the darkness came, and then it went, we built a home and watched it sink, and there from rubble, there emerged L’Manberg.” Quackity sang at the same time that Tubbo had sung the verse of the ad-libbed on the day L’manberg was destroyed.
They both laughed it off as they started to sing again.
“My L’manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg.”
Tubbo had to stop because he had started to cry. “Tommy….”
Quackity just continued. He knew that Tubbo wanted him to continue the symphony. Tommy would’ve liked to hear it.
“With bloodied hands and weakened knees, our people rose like the phoenix, our empty fields and canals ‘round L’Mantree. With sweat and tears we armed our ranks, we laid foundations in our land, and from every lips fro here up to infinity.” Quackity looked at Tubbo to make sure he was okay.
Tubbo just nodded as he continued to wipe away the endless stream of tears.
And as they came to the final verse, everyone around them started to sing with them.
“We sing L’Manberg. We sing L’Manberg. We sing L’Manberg. To our L’Manberg.”
As soon as the song was done, everyone went to hug Tubbo, grief surrounding all of them.
No one thought that Tommy would be gone so soon, especially Tubbo. The one person Tommy cared about more than the discs.
“Ranboo….what’s wrong?” Technoblade had asked as soon as he saw Ranboo’s defeated face. “Who hurt you? Was it BBH again? I can-”
“No...nothing like that.” Ranboo shrugged it off, “It’s just….Sam told me that Tommy died today.”
Technoblade snorted, raising an eyebrow, “You know he’s probably joking, right?”
“I don’t think he is.” Ranboo whispered, “Sam told me to give this to you.”
Techno raised an eyebrow before Ranboo dropped something small into Techno’s hand. Something splattered with blood.
“It can’t be.” Techno’s voice was barely a whisper.
No...that was the friendship emerald Phil had given Tommy. Techno had seen Tommy wear it as an earring during his exile time period. Techno knew that Tommy still wore it. There would be no reason for him to lose it, and more importantly, lose it with blood splattered on it.
“I’m sorry, Techno.”
Techno felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. He knew that Tommy wasn’t ready to go just yet. Techno never got to say he was sorry for betraying the boy.
“Why are you sorry?” Techno laughed, “It wasn’t you that killed him, was it?”
“He was like a brother to you, right?”
“Tommy meant nothing to me.” Techno replied coldly as he sighed, “But I’m sorry for your loss, Ranboo. I know that Tommy was your first friend.”
Ranboo just broke down, “I never even got to say goodbye to him. There were so many things I wanted to say to him. Tubbo and I were going to compete with him with our hotel. And-”
Ranboo was caught off guard by a pair of arms wrapping around him. Technoblade was hugging him.
“He meant a lot to me too,” Techno whispered as Ranboo wrapped his arms around Techno as well.
They stood there in silence, just hugging each other for the longest time until finally, Ranboo separated. “Techno...I have something to admit.”
“Your enderwalk state was the one to trap Tommy in the prison? I know.” Techno sighed, “But that’s not you. And you can make it up by coming with me and helping me kill the green Teletubby.”
Ranboo smiled as he took the sword Techno passed him, “Let’s do this.”
“Niki, I don’t think I want to do this plan anymore.” Jack sighed as soon as he saw Niki approaching him with plans to try and kill Tommy.
“Why not? Are you really backing out?”
“Niki, look at us. We were blaming a child for something that he’s already trying to fix. You’re blaming him for Wilbur’s death, but you know just as well as me that Wilbur was not in his right mind. He chose to die at the hands of his father.”
“Jack, where is this coming from?” Niki scoffed.
“Dream killed Tommy today. Beaten to death by his abuser in a tight space, according to Sam. It got me thinking.”
“Wait...what? Tommy’s dead.”
“Niki, you never wanted Tommy to be dead, did you? You just needed someone to blame while you were grieving.”
“No, no, no, no, no, he can’t die. We still have plans to make. We were supposed to make his death happy. He was supposed to see Wilbur and face his consequences. What do you mean Dream did it? That could’ve been the worst way for him to die.”
“Niki, we just wanted to feel important to him again. He ignored us, so we forced ourselves into his story. Look back…”
“Wilbur...did choose to die, didn’t he? It wasn’t Tommy’s fault. Oh god…” Niki sobbed, “I tried to kill him. And I couldn’t focus on having fun with him. Now he’s dead.”
Jack nodded, “Me too…”
Niki just went to hug Jack, “How can I ever forgive myself?”
“Time,” Jack whispered, knowing fully well that he needed to forgive himself too.
But for now, they felt ashamed of their actions and thoughts leading up to Tommy’s death.
“At least Dream did it instead of us,” Niki whispered. “That way, we saw clearly before we made the mistake.”
“He was just a kid, Niki.”
“I know...Tommy, we’re sorry.”
“Tubbo...did Sam tell you?” Ranboo asked as soon as he entered the Bee N Boo hotel.
Tubbo nodded, holding up the broken compass he was looking at. “Please tell me we’re just in a dream and that Tommy is still in the prison alive, waiting for Sam to let him go.”
“I’m sorry, Tubbo.”
Tubbo slumped down, “I never even got to say goodbye to him. We thought it was over when we put Dream in jail. Sam told me he was still wearing his compass when Sam went into the cell.”
“He was my first friend.” Ranboo whispered, “Of course, we immediately got into a war crime, but he was still nice to me. I’m sorry.”
Tubbo just stood up, “Can we go and get some more blocks to finish the hotel? I don’t want to think about it.”
“Sure...come on.” Ranboo gave a small smile, “We can even go and get some red and white dye to have a memorial for Tommy in the hotel.”
“That sounds nice,” Tubbo mumbled as he allowed Ranboo to pull him towards the flower field.
“Hey...what’s up with you two? Why so gloomy today?”
Ranboo looked up at Phil, only holding out something red.
Phil raised an eyebrow as he took it, only to realize it was the bandana he gave Tommy a long time ago.
“You guys are fucking with me, right?”
Techno shook his head as he took out Tommy’s friendship emerald, “Dream killed him in prison.”
Everything came crashing down at that point. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, he can’t be dead. Tommy’s the main character. He was supposed to show me the hotel after he got out of prison. I promised myself that I’d be a better father for him and that I would move on from Wilbur’s death. What do you mean that he’s dead?”
“I’m sorry, Phil. I know how much Tommy meant to you.” Techno sighed, putting a hand on Phil’s shoulder. “We’ll leave you alone to think about this.”
“Thank you, Techno.” Phil sighed.
Before Ranboo could leave though, Phil asked, “Did Tommy ever tell you anything about me?”
“He told me once that he missed the dad that was there for him. He said he knew you were getting better and still healing, as was he, but he was tired of you leaning on his misery in order to cope. He just wanted to have a dad again.”
With that, Ranboo left the room, leaving Phil to collapse on the ground, caving in to the voices that were telling him that he was a bad father.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Phil sobbed, “I failed you, Tommy, and it’s all my fault.”
Tommy opened his eyes to see that he was somewhere. And nowhere at the same time. He didn’t know where he was.
He heard Wilbur and he turned around to see his brother. “Wilbur, where are we?”
“Oh, Tommy, when I meant see you soon, I didn’t mean this soon.” Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug, “You’re in the afterlife.”
“That son of a bitch did it, huh?” Schlatt snorted, “I can’t believe he did it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Schlatt rolled his eyes, “But I can’t believe that Dream killed you. To prove that the book is real.”
“Is it real?” Tommy asked.
“Nah, I’m a drunk alcoholic. How the fuck am I supposed to get a necromancy book? No...I gave him something else.”
“A script.”
“A script?”
“Our script. See, Tommy, I was supposed to be the idiot, but I managed to be one step ahead of Pogtopia. Because I knew what was going to happen. So I gave the script to Dream in order for him to win. I knew I would die in the end and that you would get a happy ending. So I needed you to continue losing. So he became self-aware. He kept causing problems and blowing things out of proportion so that there would still be a story. Without one, he wouldn’t exist. He needed you to continue doing stuff. So in the end, he knew it was him or you. And he decided to choose you. To keep the story going for a bit longer.”
“Schlatt, you sick fucker. You never told me that.” Wilbur hissed at Schlatt.
“Well, there was no reason to. We might as well become friends again in the afterlife. There’s nothing to do here. But-”
“Tommy, we’re going to get you back and you’re going to kill that son of a bitch because it isn’t your time to die.”
“How though?”
“By the same way Dream convinced you to let him live. We’re going to guide the people to find a necromancy book and we’re going to bring you back to life.”
“Wilbur, what about you? What if I just like being with my brother again?”
“You have forever to talk to me when you die, but you still have unfinished business with the rest of the Dream SMP.”
Tommy smiled, hugging Wilbur, “Okay...let’s do this then.”
They were going to help the others revive Tommy.
Tubbo walked to Tommy’s house. Dozens of flowers laid across the doorway and items of value were on the ground for Tommy. Tubbo was the last person to not put something there.
“Hi Tommy.” Tubbo gave a small smile, “I’m sorry it took me so long to visit your house. Everyone seemed to already give you so many flowers. I don’t know if you’d like more, but I picked them out for you.”
He knelt down at the doorway, placing the flowers.
“I also got you some of the things I’ve kept. Like blue premium bonds, blaze powder flavor therapy, signs from our pranks, swords I grinded for, blocks from my house, and-”
Tubbo couldn’t continue as he held back a sob.
“I miss you so much, Tommy. Why did you have to go?”
He put the items down before walking towards the bench. It felt empty next to him.
Opening his ender chest, he found one of Tommy’s discs in there. He put it into the jukebox next to him as a familiar tune came up.
When Tommy and Tubbo had reunited, Tubbo had shown Tommy his letter he wrote for his best friend he presumed dead.
Tubbo took out the crumpled paper from his pocket.
“I miss you. The memories flashed back tonight. I want to tell you, but I’m sure you’re alright. I can’t move on from the pain and the loss that I gave you. My world is silent right now. I finally live in peace, but it seems like everyone’s been fooling me. I thought that I was fine, but now that you’re gone, I wish I had more time. Don’t you remember you call me your Tubbo? I once assured you, together we’ll grow, but now I’m alone and I don’t know what to do. Everything just leads back to you. I miss you as I sit by the horizon myself. It’s not true, I won’t forget the good times we shared. You told me it was us against the world and I’m sorry I have left you all injured and hurt. My world is silent right now. Don’t you remember I call you my Tommy? I used to tell you that I’ll never leave, but now that I did, and I don’t know what to do. I’m sure everything will lead back to you.” Tubbo read out loud, the tears dropping from his face onto the paper.
And for some reason, he couldn’t stop reading the last sentence. It made sense.
“Everything will lead back to you. Everything will lead back to you.” Tubbo sobbed. Everything he had done was for the good of Tommy or L’manberg. He just wanted to be back with his best friend again.
“Sincerely yours, Your Tubbo.” Tubbo whispered as the song ended and he put everything back into his ender chest.
He felt exhaustion come over him and he laid down on the bench, his tears still flowing down his face. Sleep came over him soon as he cried himself to sleep.
Tommy was gone for real this time and Tubbo couldn’t do anything to reverse it.
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