#I come home and just organize my room or do other stuff sm lately and it takes a lot of my time fjnfksosnsn
vepppy · 11 months
struggling so bad trying to balance work and my WIPs rn its frustrating
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dragon-fuccer · 2 months
Hi!!! If u're reading this u're probably the author of this absolutely amazing fic ✨
And if u're not, go read it;!! It's so good u won't regret it<33
First some fanart jumpscare !!! (I hope u're ok w it bc I haven't asked for permission 😭)
It's just how I imagine Jack to look with a few smaller headcannons based on the fic, and there will be more fic related doodles soon, so prepare for that >;D (ofc as long as u're ok with it!!)
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Second, the thing I lured ya here with, aka mine n my bfs ocs, art and description for ya to use in the fic if u want to ^^
TYSM for this offer, both me and my bf feel hella honored and it actually gave us a ton of motivation to actually expand on these two!
Tws : body horror, brief description of violence n death, mentioned suicide and brief description of murder
Smokey belongs to my bf and Something is mine !
Normal text is all written by me and green text was written by him ^^
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Art and design by my dearly beloved:
Real name : Victor Wilson
Age : around 26 yo
possible victor lore
used to be victor by marble hornets standards known as smokey
a dropout uni student with raging nicotine addiction (smokey did not retain any uni info but vic used to be psych student (projecting much lol))
prolly watched marble hornets with friends for fun and against better judgement decided to give a visit to rosswood park thinking its a film project in the beginning
turns out its not and they spotted the lanky guy
smokey the horror movie enthusiast wants out at that point before shize goes down but its late and they r deep in the forest so comes to conclusion they r all p much dead at this point
peeps want to go hunt for the lanky man cus cool and internet views
my guy is like f that yall r following basic horror lore of everyone dies im not playin like that and straight up says hes not going and hed rather go and sleep in the burned down psych ward
he gets called a wimp but decides if hes gonna die hes not dying an idiot and decides to vidtape everything on his mid tier phone camera
not sure what happens to the rest but they do their meet cute w slendy and prolly with time like half of em ends up in the arko e way or another
smokey manages most of the night fine but like luck would have it still end up meeting the guy
does not go well
wakes up in the burned down hospital not remembering the last unknown time and broken phone beyond repair
decides oho this is bad lets go back to uni and never talk abt it
meets with most friends back at uni but like 2 of em r missing and they just pretend nothing happened, friend group dissolves
after that he starts slowly having memory gaps, waking up in other places
all comes to head when it turns out he missed 5 months of uni after he wakes up back in rosswood really far from home and skinnier than ever and suddenly no more uni student
after that victor surfaces less and less till hes just kinda gone at that point
Smokey first shows up the night victor goes with friends to rosewood
in the beginning surfaces confused unsure who they are and what is their purpose
with time smokey goes through both phone and computer of vics
binges whole marble hornets in one sitting and decides he has a personal vendetta against the operator
since then they work on somehow stoping it (and terribly fails given the lack of information) leading to continuous trips back to rosewood and sleepovers in the rubble of the ex psych ward
figuring out the nicotine addiction takes a bit of time and leads to pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms as well as a very wrecked dorm room (he does find the cigarettes tho and is smart enough to connect the dots (smart cookie, here have a star sticker))
smokey learns asl and isolates themself a lot in the months of operator research
he still maintains two personas to some extends which is one the masked smokey who uses mostly asl and rarely speaks (to some extent also a tactic against being caught by police) and times when he goes without mask on library searches and grocery shoppings
smokey starts a yt channel dedicated to catching the operator and ending it which attracts at best some people commenting on obvious marble hornets ripoff and few cents into his wallet
with passing time they do start finding victims in order to keep themselves alive n appease the the big slinky leading to series of alleged suicides then turned to series of murders
he starts off with two of his ex friends who go back to rosewood and start showing symptoms he learned from mh
When they commit murder they hide in the trunk of the car and basically hotbox the whole thing due to smoking making the victim whoozy and confused, moving on they connect a pipe (like garden hose or whatevs) to the exhaustion pipe and suffocate their victims with the car smoke
the thing that tips off the police is the nicotine in the system of every victim and an account of almost to be one that got stalked by smokey who upon being discovered (also while smoking and which earned him the name) decided to bolt
since then he continues on just about the same, aka researching the operator, finding new victims and surviving untill they meet Something
His hoodie is dark green, the mask is greyish from the grime n dirt, the big cross on it is black so are his pants and hair
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Real name : Rae Dyer
Age : 23 before transformation, currently unknown
Something used to be a cryptid fan. They worked at a radio station and had a small night show where they played old rock and often rambled about the latest creature they heard about. While out, looking for a new creature to maybe see, they stumbled upon the Slenderman and became obsessed to document it somehow, quickly spiraling out of control and slowly, bit by bit became a creature themselves.
Something doesn't remember much from it's past life. It used to just wander, guided by the static in it's head towards it's victims, always terrified itself but not knowing why. After Smokey found it, they started wandering together. At first they had serious communication issues - Something only able to speak in tap code and Smokey mainly using ASL - but with time they learned to speak with each other, and now they can understand the other almost without words.
Something doesn't really eat, it survives on fear and between itself and Smokey, it always has more than enough of it. It does steal food for Smokey tho, cigarettes as well, usually leaving them in whatever ruined building he decided to stay in for the night. Something got also addicted to nicotine by just being around Smokey so much, leading to separation anxiety fueled by withdrawal when they're apart.
Something cannot speak, and can only communicate using tap code. When it's particularly worried or scared it does emit a small noise, that sounds like a particularly breathy whine, and more commonly when it tries to speak, quiet spider like ticking can be heard coming from it's mouths.
It usually walks hunched over, used to having to duck under branches, entryways, etc bc of it's height.
Something has pale skin reminiscent of porcelain, and is usually wearing a v neck sweater with a white undershirt and jeans or other pants. It's hair is very thin and scarce, floating around it's head down to it's lower back
Also a tiny doodle bonus of how I imagine these two showing up on Jacks doorstep xjbxbcbcb
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We think the most probable case of them showing up would be Smokey getting bonked on a mission (probably by a car or a would be victim) and Something bringing them over to Jacks cabin to get pached up, tho feel free to do something else ya might think fits =w=
Again, thank you so much for the offer, we're both so honored to have the opportunity to show these two off and maybe if you're so inclined getting them a chapter in ur amazing fic<3
If u have any questions you need answered Abt the two don't hesitate to ask them as well! ^^
-Kai n Bean
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hoe-for-yukhei · 4 years
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Clean Freak Idol BF taeyong — Soloist [fem] reader
Everybody knows the tea between 10th floor and 5th floor.
Then there's Taeyong.
"We are here because we want to talk about the most awaited collaboration of the most iconic ship in the kpop industry, before we talk about your new mini album 'NO HISTORY' let me ask you guys a question first. The whole world knew you two used to date, isn't it awkward to work with each other?"
Man, what is this girl saying?
Taeyong and I stared at each other and laughed.
"Hahahahaha what are you guys laughing about? hahahaha"
The audacity to ask us.
Before inviting guests into your show, please dig some information about them.
"No hahaha sorry it's just so funny. Such a ridiculous question."
Taeyong stopped you for saying anything blunt, you have this image that you're straightforward and blunt, and to others they see it as rude.
You're not doing it for clout or to be savage wannabe, that's just who you are.
"No, we didn't broke up, we just lived apart. We moved out of our dorms and shared an apartment. But we didn't take it well so we moved back in."
Really taeyong? We didn't BROKE UP? interesting..
"Why? What didn't work out for the two of you?"
Oh let me tell you the story.
"Taeyong what are you doing? Stop covering your face! smile!"
"Eh-Andwae! I just woke up!"
What is he talking about?
Bare faced Taeyong is art.
Everyone who gets to see him fresh out of bed is so blessed, this would add 10,000,000+ on your lifespan.
"Oppa you stopped eating, Isn't the dish good?"
"Yes it's good! You should try that side dish too! I was just thinking about something."
Here we go again.
Taeyong is zoning out lately, I thought he's worrying about the NCT comeback, yearbook and all but turns out he isn't.
"What is it? Tell me hmm?"
"I was thinking, since we're already dating for 5 years why won't we live together already? I mean we're already in the right age and all."
Hmm I haven't thought about that.
"Why? Aren't you happy here with the members? And besides you have the whole room to yourself it's just like having your own house. Why need one?"
"Of course I'm happy. We grew up together and I treat them as biological brothers.. it's not about them. I want to start a life with you.. but if you don't want to then fine with me.."
"What do you mean I don't want to? I would love to move in with you. But heads up honey I'm a living mess. It will drive you nuts clean freak."
Everyone knows he's a clean freak. Aesthetic, spotless, and organized. He can't stand dirt. He's the type of guy who always bathe unlike jungwoo, the guy who would always wear gloves when handling food and dishes unlike jaehyun and yuta who uhh never you know what,he has sheets on his bed (and it's white as fuck no creases and lints jaehyun has been slapped hard),the guy who gets cranky when his clothes are not handled right so he ends up doing laundry everyday, he's also the guy who praises febreeze. Febreeze is his life,addiction,religion and many more.
Yes he loves febreeze more than me.
2 years went by like a bliss. Everything's good.
Actually too good.
We spent happy days together loving each other more as time passes by until he can't take it all anymore.
He knelt to the ground and pulled a ring and said 
"Marry me y/n."
"I know I know.. but please hear me out. y/n we spent 7 years together full of love,laughs,and cries. I know you're finally going to have your debut next week and can't be seen in a relationship for like 2 years, but I can't take it anymore I don't want to lose you..this industry is fucked up y/n.Just please promise me you'll hold on to me.. to us.."
"Of course. You're my rod in this dark world without you I'll be lost. I'll forever hold on you. But you sure this isn't an engagement ring?"
"*sighs; you know it's not. I really want to but I already know the answer after I proposed for you like 3 times already. You're not yet ready.. but I'll wait."
"I'm sorry taeyong–"
"No don't say sorry I understand"
You were both in the right age but still young to marry.. and both of your careers are not helping.
NCT PROJECT again. You're happy for Taeyong, he really likes it whenever the whole 23 of them perform together.
But also pitied him.
"What is wrong with you two?! I expected better than this. You better composed some good ones or I'll give back the job to  composers."
"No sir, I really want to participate again in composing I can give you a better one—"
"Then do it. I want it done by next week. I only let you boys play composer and lyricist again because the crowd wants to. You get me Johnny? Taeyong?"
It's the 6th time this week. You always pass by the room because it's in the same way of the recording studio. He was getting yelled at again.
And again.
And again. 
Taeyong's been stressed for the whole 2months. Johnny and he were told they could participate in producing the album.
At last they can express themselves.
Johnny really wants to write songs but never given the opportunity to. So Johnny and he are working hard. Knowing SM they're controlling as ever this means it's a one and only lifetime opportunity. 
His dog died. His best friend and buddy.
The warm condolences of his fans comforted him. He's thankful to have them.
Y/n's first ever single is coming out. You have been pretty busy too. Recordings, photoshoots,MV filming etc. And SM and fans are breathing down your neck everytime you move.
Some anti spread fake rumors about you. Usually you'll ignore it but right now is different. Being new to this industry brought pressure to you and you don't know what to do but just cry..
You saw a cat. You always love cats, they calm you down. It gives comfort to you. You decided to bring it home to your shared space with taeyong.
You did him a favor and put a little spice in his composition then while drinking your hot chocolate you were called by your mother leaving the cat,the chocolate and the house you hurried to the hospital.
Stressed ate taeyong. He's frustrated at the moment he wants to shout and cry his heart out.
The 8th song they made just got rejected. again.
It's the last draw and they can't participate in writing on the album anymore. Mark, xiaojun and taeil got injured while practicing,the new choreographer is a dick. A stubborn stylist doesn't follow anyone's instruction causing jaehyun to be called out because of his hair and the management wants them to do nothing. Some anti is making fun of his dog's death and a sasaeng is following him right now.
The house is where he rests,it's his favorite place .
But now it isn't.
The house is a fucking mess.
Dishes on sink
Furs on sofas and floor
Chocolate drink spilled on the carpeted floor of his work space.
The computer is on
Somebody touched his music
The air smelled like a stray dog or cat
Shits on his pile of clothes and a cat is napping on the end of the bed.
Lee. Taeyong. Mad.
He's angry asf.
"Oh hey taeyong you are home?? How was your da-"
"What is that?"
"A cat?"
"and that?"
"My drink.."
"Dishe–okay what is your point?"
"Nothing.  Just you being a pig."
"You're disgusting. Be ashamed of yourself y/n can't believe a woman doesn't know how to take care of a house."
"What's wrong with you?! That's so sexist!"
"What's wrong with me?! Your stupid new cat shitted on my clothes! The house is shit! Everything's shit! Even you! You messed up my song!"
"Taeyong calm down there was an emergency and about your song i-"
"shut up y/n! I'm tired! The last thing I want to see is a dumpsite! I have to keep up shits at work and I have to keep up with your everyday shits too?! I'm so sick! It looks like the house isn't the only one that needs cleaning. My life too.. I can't believe I put up with a garab6e like you. You should've been taken out a long time ago—"
"The only shit here is you."
You took your new cat and went.
Your grandmother died. That's the emergency.
It's heartbreaking and with taeyong earlier the last hanging piece of your heart shattered completely.
You went back to your own place, you ask hae-un a friend of yours who's a model under the same entertainment to get all your stuff in your house. 
She came back with seong-hyun his boyfriend carrying boxes and bags.
"Y/n.. take a break..I'm here for you."
"He wants to talk to you y/n. he said he was—"
"okay.. I understand. Everything will be fine y/n hae-un and I will never leave you. We'll get through this together just like the old days.."
Hae-un take care of your things at work. You decided to wake up from the slump and change labels,made depression your motivation, you skyrocketed. Soon after many articles about you were made.
“솔로이스트 Y/N L/N은 왜 SM 엔터테인먼트를 떠났을까?”
(Why did Soloist Y/N L/N leave SM entertainment?)
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"할머니의 갑작스러운 죽음으로 솔로이스트 Y/N이 망했다. '나는 망연자실했다. 어떻게 해야 할지..' "
(Soloist Y/N went hiatus due to Grandmother's sudden death
"I was devastated. I don't know to do..")
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"솔로 퀸 Y/N L/N 7년 동안 NCT 이태용과 데이트 했었다고?!"
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"엘, 채널, 헤르메스 뉴 앰배서더, 모델 Y/N L/N. 그녀가 어떻게 도망가는지 지켜봐."
(ELLE, Channel, Hermes New ambassador and model Y/N L/N. Watch how she rules the runway)
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P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 NCT 김도영, 루카스 웡과 함께 메디컬 로맨스 드라마 '더 터치 오브 유어'로 데뷔한다.
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N, will debut as an Actress in a Medical romance Kdrama "The touch of you" with NCT Kim Doyoung and Lucas Wong)
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You have so many projects going on. Actually you were not ready for this. At SM you’re only an underrated singer who mostly writes others songs instead of doing yours. What can you do? It’s the higher ups orders.
Haeun recommended PNATION this is where you really felt like you’re an artist and family rather. Of Course you love your sunbaes and colleagues. It's just that SM restricts everyone and they try to shape them into KPOP robots that everyone will buy. 
You love all of your projects well..except one.
"P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 전 남자친구 NCT 이태용과 함께 새 미니 앨범 'NO History'를 발매한다!"
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N will release her new album "NO HISTORY" with ex-boyfriend NCT Lee Taeyong!)
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Oh great…
You haven't 
Communicated with Taeyong since you left the house.
You actually avoided him.
Taeyong would straight up walk to you when on stage such as Music Bank, Inkigayo, Mama etc. But you always find a way to avoid the guy.
The fans ship you guys after finding out your 7year relationship with him. You were chill with it but you always reminded your fans that you're not together anymore theyy should snap back to reality.
Y/N doesn't like the reality now.
His ex boyfriend is in front of him doing arrangements eating Sweet Potato cubes from Starbucks and guess what.
He's formal and silent asf.
Like you guys didn't date and almost got married.
There were 5 songs in the Mini Album
Letters on the floor
The title track is Ethereal. You have to dance to that sexy love hoe song. Produced and composed by yours truly.
You just sat on your swivel chair discussing with the other producer while Taeyong wrinkles his forehead seeing the album content.
Track 6. "DOUCHEBAG"
Who The fuck would name their song douchebag?
Taeyong is confused but at the same time a little hope and warm blooms at his heart. Thinking DOUCHEBAG is all about him. Little did he know it's a diss track about MNET.
Don't worry taeyong douchebag may not be about you but most of the songs are.
He's keeping his distance letting you adjust to him..but that doesn't look like it to Y/N.
The audacity of this guy to ignore me. Bitch.
It's noon and you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Taeyong comes to your side to invite you to lunch until he is cut off by a high pitch squeal of yours.
" y/n ssi—"
"Hahahahahah calm down, you miss me that much?"
It's Doyoung.
He knows you have a few modeling projects with doyoung and an ongoing drama but he didn't know you two were this close.
You smooch your face on doyoung's face and smile brightly at him.
Ah he hates it.
"Hahahahahah enough y/n I'm here for hyung. Hyung do you want to go grab lunch?"
"Ani. Doyoung-ah i’m not hungry. Comeback next time."
"I'll come with you oppa."
Taeyong stood up.
Oppa was the last straw for him. You don’t call anyone oppa.
Let alone smooch your face to someone’s chest.
You’re that brat girl who only warms up at him. 
Only him.
Doyoung and Y/N were surprised by Taeyong’s sudden actions.
Why is he angry? Did you guys do something wrong?
“Taeyong-ssi, gwaenchana? Is there something wrong?”
Taeyong suddenly realized what he did. So foolish of him. Now he looks like an ex-boyfriend who’s jealous of his ex’s friend.
He isn’t like that. He just wants closure with you.
We’ll look into that later.
“‘Y-YAH! What are you guys doing there? I thought we were going to eat?’ that’s what i’m trying to say.”
You and Doyoung just nodded, you thought you guys did something wrong to upset him hahaha.
Taeyong is literally speaking in small fonts as he says his excuse. As stupid as it sounds. You two believed him. Thank god phew.
You survived your 1 month with Taeyong. And for guys who dated for 7 years you two were awkward as fuck. It’s like the first time all over again. Calling each other with Honorifics and bowing whenever you two meet at the hallways, Just keeping it civil. But you gotta admit it to yourself, you start to warm up again to Taeyong these past few weeks. Dyed his hair black, and has that boyfriend material aura again.
Taeyong is planning something to win you back . He just woke up and realized ‘What if I show her again why she fell for me in the first place?’
He’s doing simple things to get close to you again. Your heart beats fast whenever he comes close.
“Jduigywfwygf Lee Taeyong i swear to god you-”
“I am what?
“You Scared me! Stop doing that! Why are you even here? I won’t record today. I'm going to learn the choreo.”
“Me too.”
Our Choreographer came and hell he was teaching us some sexy ass moves. I didn’t even know Taeyong was supposed to dance with me too. I suddenly have  flashbacks to Hyuna unnie and E’dawn sunbae’s Cage Dance Performance.
“One, Two, Step, Three, Step, Four”
“Y/N what are you doing? You missed the step.”
“I did?”
“Yes, It’s the 5th time already. Taeyong teach her. I’m going to take a break”
Y/N is very tense. He felt it. Especially whenever you two grind and to that one part where you kneel in front of him.
“You’re stiff and tense right now. How about you take a break?”
“Omg! Finally!”
“You left your body while we're dancing. Something wrong?”
“Nah I just feel Awkward and all. Knowing our history and everything.”
“Why would you?”
“It’s just you know uhmm.. I don’t know how to explain but you get what I mean.”
“Then Let’s be friends again! So it wouldn’t be awkward.”
He’s just waiting for you to open the topic. That’s all it takes to get Taeyong creep back to your heart. You don’t know if befriending your ex is good or what but it’s nice to have him back. It’s like normal. The teasings, hugs, and laughter are back. It’s like when you two were still together minus the label of course.
Since you two were close again why not invite him to your shoot? Besides Doyoung and Winwin are there.
Taeyong internally passed out when you invited him. He’s so happy for you. The dream of you being an actor never left his mind. Now he gets to see it with front-viewed seats, until that scene comes up.
Myeorin’s starts to tear up. He run after Haju and  hugged him behind. “H-haju you don’t have to..” 
The man just kept a blank face but you can see he’s having a hard time letting go.
“Go. I want you to be happy. You love him Myeorin”
“H-haju no! I love you!”
“You know you don’t. You're just stuck in our past memories.”
Haju breaks free from Myeorin’s hug, he cups her face and their foreheads touch each other while sobbing.
“I still want to live in that past. With you haju.”
He stared into Myeorin’s eyes and landed a soft peck at her temple.
“‘The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.’ The person who taught me doesn't apply it to herself. Pabo. Go, you have  no time left i heard he’s leaving”
Myeorin realizes Haju’s words and runs to chase the one  that she truly loves. “Do Hyejeong you bitch you didn’t tell me you’re leaving”
The Set changes and moves to a different venue.
Myeorin stands outside of Hyejeong’s penthouse sobbing. He erratically rang the bell 30th time already and no one’s answering. 
A Janitor saw Myeorin and confronted her.
“Miss Myeorin! What are you doing there?”
“Ahjussi *sniffs* have you seen Hyejong?”
“Ah! sir Hyejong?  He just left a while ago carrying his personal belongings. Why?”
Myeorin just stared at Mr.Kang and suddenly wailed.
“Ah-Uh M-miss did I do something wrong?”
Myeorin just missed Hyejeong. Knowing him  he wouldn’t come back ever again.
“What are you crying at you brat? You’re causing a scene in my property.”
“Hye-Hyejong!” Upon hearing that cold voice she stood up and faced Hyejeong with swollen, teary eyes, and a dripping nose.
“Sir Hyejong I promised I didn’t make her cry! She just suddenly weeps when I said-”
“It’s okay Mr. Kang I know. No need to clean here anymore. you can rest now. And you brat go inside.”
The two of them went inside. Hyejeong comfortably sat on his aesthetically white L-shaped sofa in front of his Floor to ceiling big windows. While Myeorin stands there dumbfounded.
“I-I thought you’re leaving…”
“Well yeah I am until Professor Shin said I have to cover his surgery tomorrow because his wife is in labor.”
“So you’re not leaving anymore?”
“I still am.”
Confused about Hyejeongs statement, creases were formed at her temples. She extended both of her hands trying to block the huge door. The lad just lowkey snickered at her actions.
“What do you mean?! No! nuh uh you won’t leave this place over my dead body.”
“”Why Won’t I leave?”
“Because I love you.”
Hyejong suddenly stopped sipping his drink and just stared at her with those big bunny-like eyes.
“Do Hyejong Saranghae.”
He rose from the chair and met her body.
“You lose.”
“I don't careabout the bet anymoret. I love you.”
Hyejeong's mind left the earth. His lips unconsciously guided him to  Myeorin’s plump, soft, pinkish lips. It tasted like pure heaven.
Taeyong got startled at the director’s cue. No thoughts, mind empty, just watching his love of his life kissing his best friend. He knew it’s part of their work and he’s proud of the both of them  but a part of him just aches knowing you’re single and doyoung single, you might fall for his kisses that used to be his.
“Y/N! Focus!”
“You okay?”
“Yeah just out of character.”
Y/N didn’t know the kissing scene and suggestive scenes are the ones that they'll be filming today. It’s supposed to be Next week! Now she felt odd knowing Taeyong’s here. She turned to Taeyong’s space, seeing him sending her a death glare while eating sweet potato chews.
“TAKE 6”
“TAKE 12”
The number of takes irked taeyong. Was he invited here just to suffer? Finally you guys nailed the scene. He thought it’s over yet there’s more to come.
Myeorin and Hyejeong were intoxicated with each other. A peck on the lips results in a very deep passionate one. Hyejong carried her in his arms, not letting go of her tasty lips together and they traveled towards the bedroom.
Taeyong stormed off the set. Right in front of my Sweet potato chews he said.
“Taeyong! Where are you going?”
“Don’t follow me. I’ll go home now.”
“What? why? I brought you here. I thought we were going to have ice cream after this?
He mimicked her voice. Taeyong tried to look angry. But in Y/N’s eyes he’s a baby pouting.
“H-Hyejong? Who is that?”
“Duh? Doyoung?”
“Why would i eat ice cream with him?”
“Yeah right. Why would you guys eat ice cream if you two can just suck each other’s faces off.”
“No! Why would I?”
“Fine I am! You said today’s going to be fun. Yeah fun for you you kissed doyoung 17 times.”
You grinned like a mad man  at his accusation even though you’re guilty of it. It’s just so cute you can’t help but to..
 “Why would you do that?! You kissed another guy then you kiss me? Don’t give me false hope Y/N.”
“Okay.. I won’t kiss you anymore. You said it yourself.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just that it’s giving me false hope..”
“About what?”
“About you. About us being together again. So don’t kiss me i you don’t mean i-”
Yeah you kissed your ex. He needs to shut up.
“Do you still love me?
“Of course. I have always been Taeyong.”
Cut the chase and hide and seek. You  won’t deny your feelings anymore. The feeling of missing him, his warmth, and love. You won’t deny it all again.
You two left the Area hand in hand, talking while having a little stroll.
“Hey I have a question?”
“What is it?
“Did you change your perfume?”
“Yeah. It’s Yves Saint Laurent’s  Black Opium”
“I like the old one better.”
“What smell do you love the most? Me or Febreeze? ”
“Definitely Febreeze.”
The sound of your laughs and voices faints as you two went back to the set
"If you were to pick what is your favorite song in this album? And What part of it makes you like it?"
The Interviewer  asks.
You picked up your mic and said
 “Ethereal. I like the pre chorus part the
 i can't wait to see him next
and witness his ethereal glow
he is my darling
and nothing or no one
could ever come between
bonded for life
he is my king. 
It just reminded me of someone. Someone I missed..” The crowd goes wild, they're squealing and most of them are screaming Lee Taeyong!
Taeyong goes shy.. He can’t believe you wrote him that song when he asked you who’s your inspiration you just said ‘my grandma why?’ now he knows.
He Throws you a ‘you’re hiding it from me’ look while you just replied a simple wink.
“Okay, Let’s get back to the unanswered question.. What didn't work out for the two of you?”
You two stared at each other's eyes knowing the answer.
Once again you grabbed your mic and said
“Let’s just say he’s a major clean freak.”
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arteeztic-blog · 5 years
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Genre: fluff, lots of fluff Request: Yes Summary: ahhh your writing is so cute!! could i please request a fluffy scenario with hongjoong where the reader is worried about failing exams? thank you sm❤️❤️❤️ A/N: I’m the worst at titles omg but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the late reply, ironically, i’ve been really busy with exams lol
It was a really quiet and calm Saturday afternoon in Hongjoong’s studio. Even if you two were in the room and enjoying the other’s company, you both needed silence. 
On the one hand, Hongjoong was working on a song with his headphones on, facing at the screen of the computer on the desk and only breaking the silence once in a while to hum the melody he wanted to include into the song. You, on the other hand, were on the black coach that he had on his studio, with your notes spread over a coffee table in front of it, reading them over and over again to see if at some point a miracle happened and you memorized everything. 
However, you had been there for almost three hours and you hadn’t been able to finish two units of a subject, and you still had to study for two more subjects and write an essay for a third one. You took a look at the clock, which marked that it was almost dinner time and you should have already finished with that one subject. You started to feel a pressure on your chest, thinking about the possibility of not being able to finish everything on time and having to go to the exams without having been able to go through all the units. You tried to ignore that pressure and get back to study, but you just kept reading the same page over and over, not being able to concentrate in anything that wasn’t the passing of time and the possibility of failing. Your vision started to get blurry from the tears and you were thankful that Hongjoong wasn’t facing you. You used the back of your hand to wipe off your tears, feeling stupid for worrying so much about something that hadn’t yet happened. Right then, Hongjoong turned around on his chair.
“I’m so hungr-“ He stopped middle sentence when he faced you and saw you wiping a tear away. His face immediately showed how worried he was. “What’s wrong?” you shook your head, unable to say a word because of the lump in your throat. “Come here” he said, opening his arms for you. You got up, by then fully crying and sat on his lap. You buried your face on his neck and he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back slowly. He held you for a while without saying much apart from “It’s okay” and “I’m here”, waiting for you to calm down and explain what happened to you because he didn’t want to pressure you. After a while, you finally stopped crying.
“I just… I feel like I’m going to fail all of my exams” you started to talk with a hoarse voice. “I don’t know if I’ll have to study for all of the subjects and write the essay”
“Baby, please, you’re the smartest and most organized person I know, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Remember that it was you the one who made me a working schedule when I was writing for our last album.” He pointed out “If it wasn’t for you, the album would have had like two songs” he laughed, and you smiled a bit. You did help him to organize himself so that he had time to do everything while also getting some sleep, since you were worried for him because he got home really late.
“That’s true”
“Of course it’s true. Plus, you’re the most passionate and smartest person in your degree. I love it when you don’t stop talking about things that I’ve got no clue about and your eyes shine from how much you love this kind of stuff” He added. Knowing that he cared so much about the things you cared about made you feel happy. “Plus, even if I don’t know anything about what you study if you don’t have time I will do all the research in the world in order to help you out” you laughed. You knew he was joking to make you feel better, but, to be honest, it wouldn’t surprised you if he did something like that just to help you out. Suddenly, you felt much calmer, as if the storm that was inside you and the weight that your chest was feeling had disappeared.
“I’m so lucky to have you” you said, honestly, and placed your hands at the sides of his face before leaning in and kiss him. It was salty from your tears, but Hongjoong didn’t seem to care as he smiled in the kiss before tilting his head to get a better angle. After a while, you finally pulled away, not before he stole a quick peck.
“Now I’m going to buy some food at the store while you stay here studying and when I come back we can have dinner together, alright?” he asked. I got up from his lap and sat back on the coach.
“Sounds good”
“Would it sound better if I brought some ice cream, too?” he asked while opening the door, already knowing the answer.
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
Could you write brubi, hurt/comfort #45: “when’s the last time you slept?” I just want to take care of my king 🥺💙 and needs to know when to rest and think about himself once in awhile I won’t let him overwork myself to death 💖💪😤 thank you again for letting me request a prompt shdjsbsjsks you’re the best I love you sm!!! 😭💓💓💓💓
Rubi/Bruno 45: “When’s the last time you slept?”
Bruno’s agitation was not lost on Rubi, no matter how muchBruno tried to conceal it from her. She knew him and all his patterns tounderstand something had been bothering Bruno. While she was not involved inhis affairs, she was well aware of them. There were several things that couldhave been the reason for his sour mood ranging from dealing with the man namedLuca who wandered the Naples airport to taking orders from his own Capo tocleaning up the messes caused other organization members. He just had so muchon his plate, it was near impossible to remain unaffected by it. When theirrelationship developed into something deeper, Bruno revealed to her who he trulywas, and she promised to remain by his side. It took Bruno by surprising,knocking the air out of him unlike anything ever experienced. In turn, he promisedhe wouldn’t bring his work with him, but as time went by, his deep sighs andlong pauses along with the way he sucked in his breath before responding to anyof Rubi’s questions was enough for her to note work was catching up to him, andhe was preventing himself from lashing out on her.
At first, Rubi tried to subtly probe Bruno to try to get himto speak to her about his stressors, but he was relentless in keeping things tohimself, brushing off her subtle attempts, unwilling to bring Rubi into hisworld deeper than she needed to be. Time passed and Bruno agitation remained, takingit out with every curse and groan under his breath when he thought Rubi wasn’taround. Admittedly, Bruno’s sour mood was enough to turn her own in anunfavorable direction. It was taking a toll on her just as much as it was onhim. She had to tell him, so she waited for him to get him as late as he was.He came home late often, unsurprising considering he watches over the gamblingin Naples. To what extent and how much he was truly responsible for? She didn’tknow. She laid in bed, staring at the ceiling at the same spot for the lasthour and a half when she hard the door creak open and closed. A half-hour passed,and Bruno had yet to make his way into bed when Rubi decided to go look for himand found him looking at paperwork in the living room, having a glass of wineto keep him company.
“You know, if your work is stressing you out, you couldalways vent to me.” After a back and forth with herself as she watched him,Rubi confronted Bruno with a straightforward proposal in hopes he would accept.He didn’t react with surprise in any way, just continued to look the paperworkin silence before turning his head to give him some of his attention.
“Amore, I’m sorry for waking you.” It was just like him toavert any talk about his work, calling her sweet nicknames to butter her up andmake her forget her intentions, but she couldn’t this night.
“It’s fine,” Rubi quickly brushed aside to get back to thematter at hand. “You’ve been off lately, and I want to help you. If talking or rantingabout your job will help, I’m here for you Bruno.” Rubi walked over to Brunoand sat on the edge of the armchair. She was opening herself up to him, but hestill couldn’t find it in himself to offer the same to her. Even though Brunohad mentioned several times that they were equals, it never felt like that. Hestill saw her as too innocent for their world that he did what he could to hidethings from her.
He sighed, underlined with exasperation. “I’ve told you, Rubi,my job has nothing to do with you. Besides, work is not an issue.” She noted the irritation,but she didn’t get the sense he was lying either. Her frown deepened when Brunorefused to look at her during their conversation, observing the way he rubbedhis face and eyes. When she took a good look at him, it started to click. Thosedark circles, the bags under his eyes, the redness and puffiness; these wereall signs she seemed to have overlooked and kicked herself for not realizing itbefore. She always assumed that he came to bed when he came from work while shewas sleep. Every morning, she woke up without him by her side, she just assumedhe woke up before her.
“Bruno,” she raised her voice, forcing him to look at him. Sheused this as an opportunity to take his face into her face and bring it closerto her to get a better look at him. For a belief second, she was distracted byhow his face looked squished together; he looked like a fish. But she quickly pushedthat to the back of her mind and analyzed his features.
“When’s the last time you slept?” Her eye narrowed in anaccusatory way letting him go to let him answer and allowing her to fold herarms in front of her chest.
“Last night,” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“When’s the last time you slept WELL,” she stressed the lastpart. “Slept 8 hours? Or even 6 hours?” Her voice softened as her hand made itsway into his hair and massage his scalp soothingly, causing him to lean backand relax in his armchair and sigh deeply.
“I don’t remember,” he mumbled, closing his eyes to enjoy herscalp massage. Rubi’s ministrations continued for a good while before she stoodup and deprived Bruno of his moment of leisure. He groaned, displeased.
“Come.” She stood and took his hand, pulling him up and awayfrom his paperwork. Even though he was much stronger than him, she found iteasy to lead him to their bedroom. He followed obediently despite his quietprotest that he needed to get stuff done before going to bed.
“That can wait until tomorrow,” she shut him down, and hedidn’t say anything further as she took care of him, making him sit on the bedas she undressed him as he dozed off every now and then, watching the way hiseyes grew heavy and struggled to keep them open. Left in only his briefs, Rubitucked Bruno in, kissing his forehead before taking her place next to him. Heshifted in place and turned to her, and she did the same. They stared into eachother’s eyes, and she saw the way he smiled at her, something she missed the lastcouple of days.
“Thank you, amore,” he yawned, taking her hand into hisbefore falling into a deep peaceful sleep in a long while.
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pokemagines · 6 years
ishtar relationship hc’s
anon asked: “Could we get general relationship hcs for ishtar? heart eyes emoji @ y'all”
a/n: ishtar is highly underrated i love her sm 10/10 wife... i read her arc in the story and god shes such a well written character...
also i’ve started doing otp memes when ppl ask for general relationship hc’s !!! -- mod touko
who hogs the duvet
you do, ishtar sleeps like a log mostly, and hates being too hot, so she’s fine with you stealing her blankets. of course, if you take all of the blankets, she’ll snuggle against your side for warmth.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
both of you tend to check on each other a few times a day. ishtar moreso than you, though, because you tend to hole yourself up in your room to work on battle plans, so she’ll come in to make sure you’re eating/sleeping properly. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
both of you, really. ishtar is really indecisive when it comes to giving you gifts just because everyone else in the army gets you things all the time, so she has to get creative. ishtar is hard to get gifts for because she’s the “you don’t have to get me anything” type, she appreciates personal gifts the most, which are usually a book she’s mentioned or an accessory you made yourself.
who gets up first in the morning
ishtar! she’s used to waking up early because of her duties. when you cling to her, whining because you don’t want her to leave you so early, she’d be torn between wanting to leave and needing to go to training. it really depends on the day (and how strong your puppy dog eyes are) on what she chooses.
who suggests new things in bed
the both of you! ishtar is willing to try most things you suggest and vice versa. 
who cries at movies
you do... ishtar is desensitized to most things, so she doesn’t react to sad parts in movies. when she sees you crying, though, she’ll turn all her attention to you and try to get you to stop crying because she hates it when you’re upset.
who gives unprompted massages
you do! ishtar gets really stiff easly because she’s a worrier and she doesn’t notice half the time that she has knot upon knot in her neck. she’s very thankful for your massages, though.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
ishtar fusses over you because you’re the one who gets sick more often because you don’t sleep well enough and are constantly around other heroes. you try to work when you’re sick which makes you even more sick, so she forces you to stay in the medical tent, fussing over you to get rest until you finally do sleep. 
who gets jealous easiest
neither of you are particularly jealous people. sometimes you get jealous of julius because you know that even though he’s caused her so much pain, she still has complicated feelings for him. you know she loves you and that she broke it off with him for a reason, so she assures you that she only has eyes for you.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
ishtar. you let her listen to “earth” music and she has an affinity for emo music -- like blink-182, green day, and my chemical romance. basically, any music that someone going through their emo phase would listen to, she likes.
who collects something unusual
you collect tactics books, but that’s not really odd. ishtar adds onto your collection because she always forgets to return books to the library.
who takes the longest to get ready
ishtar! her outfit takes forever to put on and it takes you like 10 minutes to throw on your cloak and go. you’ll help her do her hair if she’s running late, but most of the time she’ll take the extra time to do it herself, because she wants to look polished.
who is the most tidy and organised
ishtar by default because you’re a mess. you hardly have time to organize with your busy schedule. she often picks up after you, even though you tell her not to. 
who gets most excited about the holidays
you do! ishtar doesn’t really understand the holidays that much as she’s never really celebrated them (at least, not to the extent that you do). you always make her dress up with you and she does so to make you happy. she always ends up getting into the spirit as your energy is contagious.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
depends on the day, honestly. she doesn’t mind being either (and likes being both) so it really depends on your preference. ishtar just likes being close to you.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
also depends. if ishtar is playing and you’re watching, there’s no way she’s going to lose. you’re just competitive in general... especially when you’re going against any of the askr trio.
who starts the most arguments
neither of you are big on arguments, as you try your best to agree to disagree, but every couple has its fights. you both have started about the equal amount of arguments. (the biggest argument you two have ever had was about you overworking yourself).
who suggests that they buy a pet
you do! there’s many stray cats around askr and every time you see one you beg ishtar if y’all can adopt one. she always says ‘no’ because the two of you are too busy to take care of one, but she reassures you that when you settle down she’ll think about it.
what couple traditions they have
you always take time to take a walk together once a week. not only is it time for you two to discuss everything that’s been going on, but it’s very relaxing walking through the woods together, hand in hand.
what tv shows they watch together
you two are really into crime shows -- from mindhunter to the people vs. oj simpson. though you do like light-hearted stuff from time to time such as merlin and some reality tv shows like queer eye and any cooking show (but chopped especially).
what other couple they hang out with
there aren’t many couples that ishtar gets along with because she doesn’t have many friends in askr, but you introduce her to eliwood and ninian, alm and celica, and ike and soren, all whom you get along well with. she’s polite, but doesn’t feel like she fits in with them. all in all, she prefers to go on dates with you only.
how they spend time together as a couple
again, it all depends on what is going on in the castle on that day. usually, the two of you meet in the library or go on walks and just talk things out. of course, when there’s a festival going on you always make an effort to spend a lot of time there.
who made the first move
you did! you thought ishtar was cute ever since she was summoned, and when you got to know her, you realized she was not only pretty but so very kind. at first, you two would talk a lot about julius and how he cruel he could be to others (she assured you that he was never like that to her) and eventually she worked up the courage to break it off with him. it was hard on her for a long time, because she did love him dearly, but she realized that he was also terribly cruel and she didn’t want to live with regrets in fighting beside him anymore. she leaned on your for support through the ordeal as you knew it was extremely rough for her, but about a year after, you asked her to accompany you to the new year’s festival, this time as a couple, and she happily obliged.
who brings flowers home
you do! ishtar loves peonies, you’ve come to notice, and whenever you spot them when you’re out scouting you make an effort to get some for her. she’s always grateful for them, and thanks you with a peck on the cheek.
who is the best cook
neither of you, that’s what the kitchen staff are for. of course, when either of you is on kitchen duty, it can be disastrous. 
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Surf and Sand
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a/n: Kang Seulgi is a queen and here is just something I’ve been wanting to write for a while. It’s a bit indulgent, so bear with me. 
Also shout-out to @gummydoesstuff for this marvelous mood board, it’s simply stunning ! <3
We could never stay apart, for even the tide returns the shore, washing it anew and leaving behind presents of shells and animals - a declaration of love for the unchanging sand. We build castles in the air, but at the end of the day, you are the home I return to. 
If someone told you three years ago that you were going to date Kang Seulgi, you would've laughed in their face.
She was your good friend, although you wanted it to be something more, you knew, she was way out of your league. The day she secretly revealed that she was going to join SM Entertainment as a trainee, your heart sank. You were headed to college soon, and you hoped that she would be at least one friend you would take into the new phase of your life. 
On the last day of high school, the two of your parted ways, fulling knowing that sustaining the friendship would be hard to do, between you moving to another city to study, and her busy training schedule.
Seulgi, however, didn't let you feel like much had changed. Every time something exciting happened to her, she would call you and in a rush of words, describe in great detail the events that had occurred. She met the idols she looked up to and respected, and shared her daily struggles. You admired her strength to endure it all, and in a way, she was a sort of inspiration for you to deal with your own difficulties of being away from your family and dealing with tests and assignments.
Irene, Wendy, Joy and Yeri soon became close to you as well, and would send you snaps of Seulgi being a cute dork. It made you miss her terribly, but you were grateful that she had such great friends to support her on her journey.
Post debut, and during comebacks, the calls and snaps would cease, as she was thrown into busy schedules. You watched her group rise the ranks with pride, although it hurt to be away from her. 
To put it simply - you were confused about your feelings.
 Is this what a friendship is like? 
Or were you too scared to admit to yourself that you did indeed love Kang Seulgi and you didn't know what to do with the feelings?
In your third year of college, you got a chance to intern at a company in Seoul over the holidays. 
You were over the moon in excitement! It was a chance to be reunited with Seulgi after three long years, and to finally meet her friends in person. 
A part of you was reluctant, hesitant even. Would your feelings be revealed? Would you tell her the truth you've now come to accept? Or would you continue to watch her grow and go on without you?
There were a lot of things that you worried about - what if she didn't like you the same way? What would her company do if they found out? What were the rules on dating idols? How would the two of you work around your schedules? To top it all, you were still unsure about what you were going to do after college   study further or work?
Your head began to ache with all the questions. You unlocked your phone to see a snap from Seulgi, of her holding a bear toy you had gifted her on her 18th birthday. The caption read - "I can't wait for you to come here!" Your smile grew so wide when you realised that she kept the stuffed bear even after all this time. 
It was time you told her the truth. As her best friend, you owed her that much.
When you arrived in Seoul, you obviously didn't expect Seulgi to be there to pick you up. Thats not what idols do, you had to remind yourself.  
You checked your phone two missed calls - one from Seulgi and one from your parents. 
A text notification revealed one from Seulgi - "Hey! I'm really sorry about not meeting you at the airport, something urgent came up. We might have our comeback sooner than expected so I won't be free the whole day today :( I promise I'll make it up to you when we meet. Take care <3"
Well you couldn't blame her for the decisions her company took. You quickly found your parents in the crowd and all other thoughts vanished as your were squished into a group hug.
Your mother took it upon herself to cook your favourite dishes as she thought you were underweight. It was quite the contrary, but you weren't going to say no to home food, after being away for so long.
Your dad on the other hand decided to be a total dad and slyly asked you if after all this time, you found someone you liked. You choked on the hot soup you were having, and it took a whole five minutes to say "Well there is someone..."
"I knew it!" shouted your father, as her turned his head in glee, wiggling his eyebrows at your mother.
"Honey, let her finish her sentence, then we'll settle the bet." you mother said.
"You guys bet on me? What the hell?" you asked, your voice coated with pretend anger.
"Yeah, you were away from us for three whole years, we assumed you'd finally get some one. So who is this lucky person?" you mother replied.
"Uh, its nobody. I just like someone and I don't know if they like me back." you said, your eyes trained on your bowl.
"Well then baby girl I think its time you told them and found out?" you father gently said.
That evening, right around dinner time, your doorbell rang. Your family was puzzled as you weren't expecting any guests.
when you opened the door, Seulgi pulled you into her arms, while screaming "SURPRISE!" in your ear.
The sudden ambush surprised you and the two of you toppled over to the floor, along with the bags Seulgi was carrying. Your parents came out to inspect the noise only to see a giggling mess of two girls surrounded by bags.
"What's all this? How come you're here I thought you might have practice until late night? Are you hungry?" you asked, as you voiced your thoughts as they occurred.
Seulgi helped you to your feet before collecting the stuff that had fallen. "I can't believe you're here after all this time! I left practice early because I didn't want to let your first day back here go without meeting you!"
"What's all this?" you asked curiously.
"Great things come to those who wait." She said cheekily. "I'm super hungry, have you had dinner yet?"
"We were just about to, c'mon." you said, leading her to the dinning room.
The four of you sat down to eat and Seulgi and you chatted your heads off. She kept complimenting the food, and you realised that home cooked food must be pretty rare for her too.
After eating to your hearts content, you went to your room to finally uncover the mystery of the bags.
"Okay, here we go." she said, handing you one bag after another. You found books, chocolate, jewelry and even a Red Velvet light stick.
"Seul, whats all this for?"
"These are just things I've been wanting to give you for a while now. Whenever I saw something you might like, I picked up and kept it with me to give it to you when we meet. I hope you like them?” she asked, her voice soft. 
“Of course I do, they’re all such thoughtful gifts, Seul, thank you so much.” you said as you pulled her in for a hug. Your eyes welled with tears, and you sniffled into her shoulder. 
“Hey cry baby! I just wanted to get these for you okay now just use them nicely.” She said, wiping your tears. 
“I didn’t get you anything great, except this book I read. It’s really nice. I also made you a playlist for the holidays, and uhhh.....” you trailed off. 
“Yeah that’s... that’s all. Here.” you said, your heart thumping in your chest as you handed her a book and a CD. You couldn’t bring yourself to give her the last gift yet. 
“Thank you much! I was actually looking for a good book and I seriously missed your playlists. You mind reader. Never fails to surprise me.” 
She giggled and put the CD into the player and pulled you to dance with her. You spent the rest of the evening talking, singing, dancing and eating the chocolates she brought. 
Closer to 12 am, however, you had to say your goodbyes. You were lucky that her manager had let her out so long. 
You spent the rest of your time buried in your internship and your weekends with Seulgi. It was never a one on one though, the other girls from Red Velvet joined in, or some of your friends from high school. You went to their practices and performances on occasion. She was a force to reckon with when on stage and a total sweetheart off stage.
You thought that being with her and having to adjust your schedules might knock some sense into you, but that failed as well. 
You just fell for her, harder. 
How on earth could you contain your feelings any longer?  You had do something about it before the holidays ended. 
“Seul, I really want to get away for this weekend. It’ll be my last one here and the weather is perfect, I want to go to the beach.” you said to her, on an evening shopping spree. 
“The beach? That actually sounds like a good idea. Now that all the comeback promotions are over, I might get some free time. We could go on a little road trip!” she said.
The two of you planned out the logistics before heading home. You couldn’t wait for the weekend. 
The ride to the beach was fun, you sang on the top of your lungs and ate a lot of junk food. You missed how organic it was - a weird way to put it - but hanging out with Seulgi like this reminded you of the days you would sneak out to the lake near the end of town to watch the sunset after school. 
Back then you were worried about your hopes and dreams and future, and she was worried about hers. Not once did you think that maybe your futures had a chance of reuniting. 
You got her ice cream, played volleyball with a few other people and took lots of photos on the polaroid camera you got for her. The sky was clear and you could not have picked a better day. The two of you built sand castles, and watched the tide take it away in its clutches, leaving behind beautiful shells in exchange. A fair transaction, you thought. 
Settling on a towel on the shore, Seulgi handed you your ukulele. It had been ages since you had played, but once you saw the excitement on her face, you knew you couldn’t say no. 
So slowly and surely, you began signing the one song you still remembered the chords to - Don’t U Wait No More. You were feeling a bit bold, but when Seulgi joined in, you couldn’t help the thumping in your chest. 
“Wow I didn’t think you would’ve known that song!” Seulgi said, once you finished. 
“Well how could I call myself your best friend if I didn’t know all of your discography?” you replied. 
Seulgi’s smile faltered a bit but she covered it up with a cute giggle. 
Pulling you on your feet she called out, “Last one to the food shack is a loser!”, as she took off toward the other end of the beach. 
The setting sun graced the horizon, as you chased behind her, struggling to keep up. “Seulgi, wait!! I can’t run that fast!” 
“C’mon slow poke!” 
She lessened her pace as she turned to face the sea. Her mouth was open in surprise and as you caught up, she pointed out, “Hey, isn’t that so beautiful?” 
You couldn’t tear your eyes off her, however, and merely replied a simple, “Yeah”. 
The only sounds that were heard were your panting and the ocean waves meeting the shore. You wanted to stay in this moment forever, knowing fully that this was your last chance to do something. 
“Seul..” you said, quietly. 
“Seul I wanted to tell you something.”
She turned to look at you, her face washed over with a sense of calm. 
The sight made all the words that collected in your throat go back to the pit of your stomach, as you held your breath. 
“Go on.” she said. 
“I uh.. I don’t know how to say this but, I really I’ve just been wanting to tell you this and I don’t know how to..”
She closed the distance between the two of you and held your hand. 
“It’s okay, you can tell me anything.” 
“Kang Seulgi. I’ve known you for so long, and I don’t when it all started but I can’t keep it in anymore. You know that song by Day6 ? I Like You? This is exactly that.
I like you. More than I can say. I don’t know if you feel the same but I had to let you know.” you finished, your cheeks aflame like the setting sun. 
You looked down at the sand, not daring to see her reaction. 
She lifted your chin up gently with her fingers and looked at you with such emotion, before pulling you in for a kiss. 
It was soft, like she was, and you tasted the vanilla of the ice cream she had earlier. You mind buzzed with a million thoughts and at the same time you couldn’t process any of it. You wanted to be in that moment. 
Kang Seulgi was kissing you. 
When she pulled away, she tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear, before smiling fondly at you. 
“Does that take away your worries? I can’t believe it took you so long to tell me. I was about to confess, myself, but I wanted to see just how far you would go with those bottled up emotions.” she teased. 
You pulled into a hug as the two of you giggled. “Wait, you liked me too?” you asked. 
“Right from the day you choked on your chocolate milk back in high school, and it came out through your nose.”
“Whaaat why- why would that make you like me?”
“You’re my best friend, you’re funny and cute and smart and you take care of me well, how could I not like you?”
You took a moment to process the information. 
“Also, I’m pretty sure the girls were fed up about me pining after you, they came close to telling you so many times! Now they can finally shut up.” she said, as she interlinked your arms and led you toward the food stalls. 
“.... and then she handed me a book of poems she had written in our years away. It was almost like the sonnets from Shakespeare’s plays, if I must say.” Seulgi finished.   
“Oh my god that is so cute unnie! You guys are adorable I’m just so glad we don’t have to deal with Seulgi’s whining anymore.” Yeri commented after you told her the events that had transpired on the beach. 
“Oh no, if you think that was bad, wait till you have to deal with her for the next year.” Irene replied sharply. 
It completely slipped your mind that you had the last year of college to finish, away form Seulgi.  
“Well, we’ll find a way to work around it right honey?” Seulgi said, as she placed a soft kiss on your cheek. 
Yeri stuck her tongue out and said, “Gross, guys! Ugh you’re right unnie we’re going to suffer!” 
You can find my masterlist here. 
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