#I could totally see Smiler getting Victor and Alice on a date like that
victorluvsalice · 6 months
Actually-Incorrect Valicer Quotes: Romantic Ridiculousness Edition
Another set of quotes from the Perchance generator (some slightly edited), this time all with a "this is how they got together, incorrectly" theme --
Victor: So, what’s Alice's type? Smiler: Brown eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor, dog lover. Victor: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends. Smiler: Did I mention oblivious? Victor: Yeah, why? Smiler: Okay, just making sure.
Smiler: Hey, Alice, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Alice: Yeah. Smiler: And you, Victor? Victor: Umm... yes? Smiler: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Victor: Did they just-
Smiler: That shirt looks great, Alice. Alice: Thanks. Smiler: But I bet it would look even better on Victor's floor. Victor: Are you hitting on Alice... for me?
Victor: [head on the table] Did Alice just tell me she loved me for the first time? Smiler: Yeah, she did. Victor: And did I just do finger guns back? Smiler: Yeah, you did.
Alice: [texting] Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Smiler: [texting] Did Victor say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Alice: [texting] THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
Victor: [pretending to joke] So when are you going to go out with me? Smiler: [smiling] I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? Alice: [later on] And you just ran away?! Victor: I didn't expect them to flirt back!
Smiler: [is wearing silk pants] How does this look? Victor: Like its slips on and off really easily. Smiler: Victor: No, I didn't mean it like that- Alice: We know what you meant.
Victor: Well, remember when Smiler made a romantic dinner for me? Alice: Victor, they microwaved you a pizza.
Victor: Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Smiler: I’m “a couple of things.” Alice: I’m “got distracted.”
Victor: Having two partners is both amazing and complicated. But all our problems are solved with communication. Smiler: It’s my turn to cuddle Alice. Victor: FIVE MORE MINUTES DAMMIT!
Random Other Person: So, what is Smiler to you two? Victor and Alice: [look at each other] Alice: The reason we wake up every morning. Random Other Person: Aww, that’s adorable. Smiler earlier that morning, barging into their shared room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Sims 4 Valicer Outfit Fun
So, as I said at the end of last week’s “episode” of the Chill Valicer Save, the next scheduled update, of the gang celebrating SimCity Founding in San Sequoia, is actually better-suited to be posted NEXT week, as it would fall then between 4th of July (the holiday SimCity Founding is based on) and Victor and Alice’s wedding date (for reasons to be explained in the update ;) ). So this week, I’m doing a post showcasing some new Smiler looks I made recently while saving an all-human Valicer trio to my Gallery (with the Smiler I mentioned curing of vampirism with MC Command Center back in the “Happy Smiler Creation Day” post), along with a couple of Victor and Alice looks! :)
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First up, we have another variant on the Valicer In The Dark AU Smiler look -- this time we have the black hat, the yellow vest, AND the yellow shoes! And also that one bracelet that seriously looks a bit like something they’d make as official Smiler merch. XD I think this is pretty much the “final” VITD look for Smiler, though don’t quote me on that. :p
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Here’s another idea for a “formal” Smiler look I came up with while playing around with some of the new clothes from the recent packs -- I’m like 99% certain that ruffled yellow shirt is from High School Years. It’s got some good vibes, but I’m not sure about the pure black shoes paired with those pure black pants. It feels a little too samey. Plus I wish the top hat was in a swatch other than “brown.”
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There’s a similar problem with this “fancy party” Smiler look -- I really like the fancy purple vest and yellow tie combo, but those black pants and shoes. . .little too plain for my liking! That being said, I like the eye makeup I gave Smiler in this outfit --
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Something about that soft pinkish-purple “glow” really suits them, I think! Though maybe for this outfit it should be a tad darker. . .we’ll see what happens as I continue playing around with stuff!
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An “athletic” Smiler, with a neon-yellow hoodie and bright yellow sneakers I knew I had to use for them. I’ve been trying to get them more “yellow and black” looks to go with The Smiler’s official color scheme -- a process hindered by the fact that The Sims 4 doesn’t have a lot of great yellow swatches. And sometimes a really good item in yellow is paired with another item in a not-so-good color. *sigh* I really wish layered items, like shirts and vests, had swatches you could customize separately! Meh.
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On the other hand, the sweater in this winter look is totally them. XD Not totally sold on the pants, but the bright yellow boots are nice, and of course I like the hat, given I used it earlier in their VITD look. :p
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And here’s a very casual Smiler more appropriate for the summer heat -- perhaps the shirt is a bit paler than I’d like, but it’s got a good “chill” vibe! And I like the black sneakers with the colorful shiny stripes on them. :)
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Onto some Victor looks, with one that I was playing around with trying to find a VITD outfit for him. It’s a little monochrome (which, uh, I guess DOES suit his source material), but it’s got a good vibe of “was once more formal, is now a little more casual“ with the open collar and whatnot. I tend to lean toward vest-based outfits for Victor, given he’s originally from a Victorian-esque film and sometimes it can be hard for me to picture him in more casual wear.
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Case in point, I’m not sold on the belted jeans here, but the blue vest with its little stripey tie works for me! I tend to default to putting Victor in blue if he’s not in black or grey -- he feels like a “blue” person to me.
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Okay, I’m not sure this one is really Victor, but I honestly love how silly he looks, especially with the shades. XD It’s like, he’s trying just that little bit too hard to be cool. In all senses of the word. XD
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And now onto Alice looks -- though this first one, as you can see, is less of a “look” and more be playing around with body details. Specifically, this is me slapping on one of the new birthmarks in “skin details” on her shoulder because I think, in that particular color variant, it might sub nicely for the burn scar I’ve always headcanoned her having there. The actual body scars from Werewolves never fit because those were explicitly claw and bite marks, but this. . .yeah, it at least has the right vibes! Though, of course, if anyone can point me to any actual scars that might look more like burn scars, I’m all ears.
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This was a “party” look I played around with for her -- I’m not totally sold on it, but I do kind of like how this dress, at least on the top, has sort of the opposite vibes from her standard Wonderland outfit. And it’s a good color combo for her!
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And here we have a summer look for a more modern Alice -- I think this is a dress she’d wear, and the white-framed sunglasses go well with it! Though I just realized, the color scheme actually roughly matches Victor’s summer outfit above. XD Well, they do say that couples do tend to start dressing alike. . .
And yeah, that is your lookbook for this week! Hope you enjoyed, and hopefully I shall see you next week for SimCity Founding shenanigans in the Chill Valicer Save! :)
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
AU Thursday: Smiler Alton’s Day Off
And now, for another edition of “Me Vs. My Brain:”
Me: [asks my friend Nebby for some ideas about what she would like for her birthday fic this year]
Nebby: [gives me a few different options, including one where Marty McFly and Alice kidnap Victor and Victoria from their school in a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off-kinda way]
My Brain: [looking at that particular idea and its source inspiration] Yeah, no, that’s actually a Valicer AU.
My Brain: Hey, give me points for it being based on something you’re familiar with!
So, yeah, now I have a Valicer Ferris Bueller’s Day Off AU kicking around in my head refusing to pay rent. -.- There’s not that much to it yet, but I do have a few basics:
-->As you might guess from the title, Smiler is Ferris in this AU -- Victor, of course, is Cameron, and Alice is Sloane (though she isn’t actually dating Smiler in this verse, they’re just friends). Rita is Jeannie Bueller, with Thirteen being Charlie Sheen’s druggie character (named Garth in the original script, I believe). Wickerman is of course Dean of Students Ed Rooney, and Nemesis would be the Bueller’s dog. I’m a little stuck as to where I could fit in Oblivion and Galactica though...I guess the best options would be either be the parents (Tom and Katie Bueller) or the two valets who take the Ferrari out for a joy ride? Though now that I’ve written that, I’m leaning toward the parents, as I’ve seen Galactica as the “Mom Friend” of the group for a while now...
-->The rough plot of the movie (Smiler faking sick, then getting their best friends Victor and Alice out of school to come with them on an adventure through the nearby city) is about the same, but part of the reason for the day out in this world is Smiler trying to get Victor and Alice officially together, having cottoned on that they have feelings for each other but are stuck in a “mutual pining” loop due to their various self-esteem problems. Smiler themselves has a crush on Victor, but just wants their beloved to be happy and figures that’s best accomplished by pushing them toward Alice. Victor and Alice DO end up confessing to each other (see below)...but after Smiler rescues Victor during the pool scene, Victor also kisses Smiler, because he too has a thing for them, and Alice laughingly tells the shocked Smiler that she noticed their crush and made it clear to Victor she didn’t mind sharing. Cue formation of V polycule and Smiler declaring this the “best day out ever.” :)
-->Really, a lot of this AU is based on the fact that I could totally see Smiler hopping on a parade float and singing “Danke Schoen” and “Twist and Shout” to the crowd. XD Though, having recently watched that scene on YouTube, I think in this AU’s version, Smiler would end up dragging Victor and Alice onto the float to dance with them, and this might be the prompt to get them to actually kiss, to Smiler’s delight. XD
-->Oh, and as for the restaurant scene -- Smiler HAS an elaborate plan to pretend to be whatever the AU’s equivalent of “The Sausage King of Chicago” is, and is ready to put it into action when they encounter the maitre’d...only for Victor to intervene and straight-up bribe the guy into giving them a table. XD Smiler is like “...I keep forgetting you can just do that.”
-->And for Rita’s subplot -- after encountering Wickerman in the Alton house, beating him up, and frightening him away, she does not call the police, as she’s very anti-authority -- instead, a neighbor calls the cops after seeing Wickerman running away from the house. The officer who comes by has the bad luck to encounter Rita right after she’s rejected the singing sexy nurse-o-gram, and Rita assumes they’re just another stripper and gets taken in for mouthing off to an officer (this does not make her feel any better about the police). This does lead to her meeting Thirteen, though, so not all bad! Result -- when she saves Smiler from Wickerman at the end, she lets Wickerman know that the only reason she’s not telling their parents about him being in their house is the date she’s got with the hot goth chick, but he’d better be real fuckin’ nice to her and her sibling from now on. (She also gets Smiler to agree to hack her grades, though rejects their offer of straight As, feeling it would be too suspicious -- “Just raise my two weakest subjects to Cs, that’ll be fine.”)
Further developments possibly to come -- we’ll see if my brain insists on keeping this one!
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