#I couldn’t not have trans Jackie it’s such a good headcanon!
huffle-dork · 1 year
Greetings! I’m not sure how this works, but I wish you would write about the first time Jackie met Zara please. P.S. I think that your art and writings are amazing. - The Cinnamon Roll Anon
(God like 2 years later way to go me |D but I’m trying to get back into writing so I’m doing older requests! I wish I knew who to tag for this one- I hope they can find it 😭)
Jackie nervously picked at his gi as he studied the others in his class. God- did he pick the right sports bra? Were people staring at him? He had just decided before coming to Uni he was gonna try passing more… he started taking T as soon as he turned 18. Still- it felt like someone would be able to see through him… He felt eyes on him while he tried not to panic.
He really wanted to take this class though! He used to be in a dojo when he was younger. It’d be nice to connect back to the sport he loved- even if parkour had become his bigger love as of late. Still, that means he’d be good at this right?
Jackie snapped out of his thoughts as the class began, his sensei started the class and introduced himself. Jackie looked at the teacher with starry eyes. What a cool dude… could he look like that someday?
After going through warmups, Sensei asked how many of them had been in a martial arts class before. Jackie slowly raised his hand and saw one other hand shoot up. He met eyes with a girl with short cropped hair and violet eyes that smirked at him. Jackie felt his cheeks flush.
Sensei wanted to see what their level was- so while his teaching assistant led the rest of the class through the first lesson, Sensei took the two aside.
“Alright, why don’t you two show me what you can do?” He asked, watching as Jackie and the girl eased into fighting stances.
Jackie felt more nerves creeping up his chest, thick in his throat. He shouldn’t have said anything! He hasn’t been in classes since like primary school! But… men don’t show weakness like that. He had to prove himself… right?
He squared up his chest and smirked at the girl.
“Promise I’ll go easy on you,” He boasted, even though he was screaming at himself for saying that right after.
Especially when the girl’s eyes flash with anger. She takes the first jab, punching near Jackie’s chest. Luckily, Jackie remembers how to block and side steps away with a hushed, “Woah!” escaping his mouth.
Jackie steps back and tries to aim a flat hand strike to her collarbone. But she side steps and grabs his arm and shoulder, yanking him towards her. He’s immediately thrown off balance and cries out. She goes past him and hooks her leg around his and then scoops and pushes down, driving him hard into the ground onto his back with her on top of him, still gripping his sleeve while her fist hits solidly on the mat next to his face.
Jackie has to blink stars out of his eyes as the girl smirks down at him. The lights of the practice room backlit her like an Angel. Jackie could hear his heart beat in his ears as his chest and stomach seemed to fill with butterflies, leaving him even more breathless.
Then she bursts into laughter and Jackie feels his face turn bright red.
“God! The look on your face was priceless!” She giggled.
Sensei’s voice drawled disapprovingly from behind them, “That might have been too much, Zara.”
She glances at their teacher then groans, “c’mon teach! He was begging for a humbling moment!”
“H-Hey!” Jackie squirms, feeling more and more ashamed. Plus… she was very close to his chest…. She couldn’t tell could she?
Sensei raised his eyebrow, “Be that as it may, your humbling moment didn’t give me enough time to see his skill set.”
The girl, Zara it seems, blows hair out of her face and sighs. “Alrightttt-“ She lets go of Jackie and hops to her feet, offering Jackie a hand. Jackie hesitates but then takes the hand as he’s unsteadily pulled to his feet.
The girl takes the opportunity to shake Jackie’s hand and smiles. “Sorry about that… cocky guys get on my nerves here. But… that wasn’t fair of me. I’m actually another student assistant here… cuz I frequent Sensei's dojo. Or- I used to… got caught up the past summer so… Sensei wanted to see if I was still sharp. Wasn’t cool of me to do that to you though… you’re a bit stiff for someone who’s done this before.”
Jackie blushes again, looking away. “I… might have fudged my knowledge… I haven’t really been since I finished primary school…”
He cringes, like he’s expecting to hear the girl’s cruel laughter at him. But instead she beams. “Well hey! You got a pretty great start for being so rusty! Still loads better than the beginners here! I can give you some tips, if you’re okay with trying again?”
Jackie blinks in surprise but Zara does look a bit more apologetic. He grumbles and looks away, wishing his cheeks would stop turning so red. “…as long as you don’t make fun of me…”
“I won’t. Promise! Now… show me your stance again!”
After a while, their session ended as the rest of the class packed up. Sensei said he’d probably give them a few more one on one sessions until they got the rest of class up to speed.
Jackie watched as Zara grabbed her shoes and bag as he carefully went over and coughed slightly, getting her attention.
She blinks and cocks her head at him, “Yes..? Did we forget something?”
“N-No! No I… I just…” Jackie played with the back of his hair as he tried to work up the nerve to say, “…m’sorry… for earlier. I… I didn’t mean to come off like that and I… I just want you to know I… I’m not that kinda guy… you know?” His cheeks flushed red again as he avoided her gaze.
Zara is quiet for a moment before she smiles warmly. “Well, clearly.” She replies bluntly.
“Huh?” Jackie looks at her in surprise.
She laughs, “A cocky guy would never admit he was wrong! They’re all tough and macho and big headed! Total meat heads I tell ya.” She slips on one of her shoes as they talk, “That’s why I stuck with martial arts for so long. Ain’t nothing sweeter than knocking a meat head down a peg for underestimating a girl.”
She straightens and gives Jackie a slight knowing look, briefly glancing down before meeting his eyes. “…you get that- right?”
Jackie doesn’t quite get what she’s hinting at though. But he quickly blurts out, “Y-Yeah totally! That’s why I… I didn’t want you to think of me like that… cuz I’m not- I swear!”
Zara finishes slipping on her other shoe as she giggles and lightly punches Jackie’s shoulder. “Well, you didn’t need to but… thanks… uh-“ Now it’s her turn to blush as she nervously laughs. “God I- I totally forgot to ask your name!”
Jackie laughs, “it’s Jackie… Jackie Mann.”
Zara seems to laugh a bit loud at that and claps a hand over her mouth as Jackie looks at her in confusion. She quickly tries to recover. “S-Sorry! Just… wasn’t expecting that last name.”
“Yeah it’s- kinda weird.” Jackie admits with a laugh.
“Sounds like a superhero name!” Zara chuckles.
“Oh huh… guess it does.” Jackie blushes, feeling his superhero nerd wanting to come out but he eagerly pushes it down. He was trying to make a good impression, not scare her away. “And you’re… Zara, right?”
Zara nods with a smile and holds out her hand, “Zara Caley, aspiring marine biologist and certified ass kicker.”
Jackie feels his chest and stomach flutter again as he takes her hand and shakes it. “…nice to meet you officially then, Zara.”
She grins, “You as well, Mr. Jackie Mann.”
She then grabs her bag and looks down at his still bare feet. “I dunno if you have another class soon but- this room is about to be filled again, I think. And I got a lecture halfway across campus.”
“O-Oh! Right right I… I won’t keep you then.” Jackie stammers quickly, going to grab his shoes and jam them on.
Zara giggles and waves at him. “See you next class, Jackie!” She then hurries out the door.
And Jackie can’t help but stare at her as she leaves, his breath taken away again.
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The Forgotten LGBT Characters of 1990s Marvel Comics
Hey X-Men fans! It’s still June, still Pride month, so I wanted to talk about three lesser-known LGBT Marvel characters. They’re very obscure, and they’re all also all from the early 1990s. Like Mystique, one might consider them pioneers of Marvel becoming inclusive of LGBT people. Unlike Mystique, no one really knows about them, as they never became major players (far from it, in fact) Be warned, two of them are villains and very much products of their time and the unfortunate way that society was still treating LGBT people; Marvel was starting to include them, sure, but in very demonized, stereotyped ways. But problematic or not, they existed and they’re close to my heart, and I’d like them to be remembered by a greater amount of fandom. Who knows, if enough people like them, maybe they will come back in canon one day and be treated with greater sensitivity!
Shinobi Shaw (bisexual) - Shinobi Shaw appeared as the young estranged son of Sebastian Shaw, who abused him terribly as a child. While he looked pretty badass at first by killing his father (it turned out not to take, alas) he spent the rest of his time being pretty much a joke as a villain. He preferred to just get drunk and hang out with a bevvy of hot men and women than really do any villainy, and what villainy he did commit was largely limited to trying to get X-Men he liked (Warren and Storm) to join him. Seriously, he sent Warren an invitation to a Hellfire Club party on a PERFUMED card with a LACEY border written in LOOPY PINK INK, and wanted him to be his White King. He totally had a crush on him. Jubilee drives it home with a “Liberace” comparison just in case that was all too subtle for readers. And of course he was attracted to Storm because...STORM. All bad guys like Storm! That’s not where the hints of bisexuality end, though. And by “hints” I mean “on more than one occasion he’s surrounded by men and women who are in various states of undress” like basically the art is trying to tell us that he’s in the middle of an orgy at any given time. At one point, his butler asks him if he’s having oysters or snails tonight, which is an old-timey way of saying “women or men”, and Shinobi replies he thinks he’ll have dinner first, just so the readers are sure he AIN’T talking about food here. Also he dresses in a purple pirate coat and lilac pinstripe pants. I don’t like stereotyping but COME ON GUYS. Fashion bicon right here! Shinobi is definitely and blatantly depicted as bisexual, but he’s really not what could be called good bisexual representation. He’s not only a villain, he’s played up as simultaneously despicable and ineffective, as too effeminate and damaged (his status as an abuse survivor is not treated sympathetically either) to be any real threat, but still as disgusting nonetheless. He’s also depicted as something of an attempted sexual predator, but also as, again, not really enough of a “real man” for it to be scary, just gross. He’s also played up a LOT as a decadent hedonist obsessed only with pleasure, which is an age-old stereotype of gay people and bi people both, but especially bi people. There’s a lot of problems with Shinobi. But he’s still a lot of fun as a character, at least to me, and the hints of how emotionally damaged he is from aforementioned abuse and the implication he may have a substance abuse problem and that all this decadence might just be his only way of coping because he’s clearly unable to connect with people but WANTS to somehow...there’s a great character arc here waiting to happen, if some writer only sees it. Those familiar with the far more famous Daken might notice some similarities in design; both are the eastranged predatory  bisexual abused half-Japanese son of a burlier, hairier, pre-established white male character. Of course, Daken was far more competent and became a much more major, complex character. Maybe Shinobi was sort of his first draft? Who knows! All I know is that as of June 19, Shinobi has finally re-appeared alive in Uncanny X-Men #20, and I’m hoping for more shenanigans--preferably in the flamboyant bisexual disaster Shinobi style! Mindmeld (transgender) - Mindmeld appears solely in X-Force #62 as a bodyguard in the employ of Shinobi Shaw. No alternative name is given for her, and it’s my headcanon that “Mindmeld” is her chosen name as both a mutant and a trans woman. How do we know she’s a trans woman? Well, we don’t. But she’s drawn with the same body type and facial shape as all the male characters are, because this is comics and there’s one mold for guys, one for ladies. However, despite big muscles, a strong jaw, and a distinct lack of breasts, she presents pretty feminine, with makeup and a lot of jewelry. The other characters (the heroes, no less) express confusion about her gender, saying things like “Now, Mr. or Mrs. Mindmeld...” and “What is your real name? Pat? Chris?” (get it? those are unisex/androgynous names?) However, only “she” pronouns are ever used for her. Given all this, I think it’s fair to say that these jabs along with her physical appearance are meant to hint to the audience that she’s a transgender woman. She could fall into some other trans category, such as non-binary or genderqueer, but considering this was the 90s (when those identities were less known) and being written by straight cis guys (the least likely to know about said identities) I think that her being a pre-op/non-op/non-passing trans woman is a safe guess. My bet is that her presence was meant to add some shock value and play up Shinobi’s own bisexuality (since it’s a common misconception that a straight man couldn’t possibly be into a trans woman) In any case, she was short-lived and ill-treated by both the story and the other characters, but I find her intriguing. She’s also very important despite her obscurity, as she’s the first representation of a transgender mutant that I’m aware of that didn’t involve something like shapeshiting or or bodyswapping (though her powers could swap the brains of other people!) or being an alien with no knowledge of gender norms, or any other “explanation” that accounted for being trans that had no real-world equivalent. She just seems to have been trans in the way REAL people are trans, something that thus far no mutant I’m aware of (save for another one-time character, Jessie Drake) has been. And I think she damn well deserves some love for that. Plus look at her, she’s just cool! Nocturne (wlw) - Nocturne aka Angela Cairn (no, not TJ Wagner, this is a different Nocturne) is the only non-villain on this list, and the only one whose sexuality was treated sympathetically, perhaps because it was only hinted at and her story was told largely in metaphor. Ironically, she’s also the only chracter here who is not a mutant or an X-Men character, despite X-Men being the publication that’s supposed to be all about embracing the different and downtrodden. She first appears in the 1993 Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #13, and had a few subsequent appearances before disappearing from the page altogether. Angela Cairn was a police officer of Black, Cuban, and Native American (tribe unspecified) heritage. As a lifelong victim of prejudice, she joined the police in hopes of using the law to protect others from being victimized. She is implied to have been in a romantic relationship with a fellow female officer, Jackie Kessler, and the two may have co-habited. After Jackie is murdered in the line of duty, Angela went on the trail of a serial killer who she believed was the same supervillain that killed Jackie. Following a false lead, she was lured to a warehouse where she was trapped and experimented on by one of the nameless mutates created from humans by Baron Zemo. Unlike the other monstrous mutates, this one did not seek to return to human form, and, for reasons unknown, wanted Angela to become like her. As a result, Angela was transformed in the mute, winged, vampire-like being called Nocturne. No longer able to live in human society or even explain to others that she’s Angela, Nocturne becomes homeless and protects those who also live on the fringes of society, including a boy who is the victim of a gay-bashing. Her journey ends up being not a typical superhero tale, but an introspective single-issue saga of pain and self-acceptance. It’s told largely in what I interpret to be metaphor for coming to terms with being open about her sexuality only after she lost her partner, which I write more extensively about HERE, and I personally find it to be a surprisingly deep and nuanced story---especially for comics, which are usually about as subtle as an anvil when it comes to whatever social commentary they’re trying to get across (not that this is always a bad thing either!) Anyway, if you read this far, I’d very much appreciate it if you would reblog! I think these characters deserve to be more well-known, and I think a lot of people will enjoy seeing their representation, flawed and dated though it may be.
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snow-lavender · 5 years
The Last Day of Normality
AKA, “Why is there a superpowered teenager in my kitchen?”
Word count: 3075
Didn’t have anything specifically written for Jackie’s birthday today, so I decided to post something I had pre-written. This is my take on Jackie's first appearance. Fully headcanon!
Heads up, contains trans JBM, I know that’s really not some people’s thing.
AO3 link: here
July 10th, 2016
Jackie was done.
He couldn’t deal with this anymore. Fuck his classmates and fuck the school policy and fuck his Aunt Doris and fuck Irish conservatism and just...fuck. He dumped all the books and supplies out of his backpack and threw it onto the bed. You need to start acting properly. Jackie snorted. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen anytime soon. Your niece has some behavioral issues we need to address. Of course leave out the fact that the people he kept fighting were total assholes. Any more suspensions and we may have to consider expulsion. As the floorboards creaked, he noticed he was shaking. He tried to take a deep breath and calm down and...no, screw that, he needed to punch something. 
You have such a bright future ahead.
Thump, went the pillow.
You can’t solve every problem like this
I’m glad you’re experimenting, but you’ll be an adult soon.
What will people think?
I have your best interests at heart. 
Jackie paused, shoulders heaving. It felt like he’d been going at it for ten minutes, but, like always, his clock showed that only two had passed.
I have your best interests at heart. Yeah, that was the problem, wasn’t it. Doris legitimately thought she was in the right, thought they had the same plans for Jackie’s life, expected that her perfect little child would be just that. Perfect.
And Jackie loved her, he really did. Doris was the only family he’d ever known. But damn it, he couldn’t spend another day in this house. 
He grabbed his bag and went to raid his closet. Jeans, shorts, loose tees, sports bras, everything was dumped unceremoniously in. Laptop, chargers, socks, toothbrush- photos.
Jackie stared at the two photos on top of his bookshelf. One was of his parents, cuddling a small bundle of blankets. The other was of him and Doris from a few years ago, smiling in front of the Cliffs of Moher. He hesitated, then shoved them both in his bag as well.
‘hey, can i come over? -Jackie’. He shot off a text to one of his friends, then paced around the room, trying to burn energy.
“Jackie, dinner’s in ten minutes!” his aunt yelled up. 
‘Now? -Morgan :P’
‘preferably -Jackie’
“Alright, I’ll be there soon!” he replied.
‘Kay. Need a drive? -Morgan :P’
‘i can walk -Jackie’
Well, it was now or never. He shouldered his pack and reached for the doorknob...the fuck?
Jackie turned around, blinking in the sudden bright light. A green orb floated in the centre of his room. “What?” he murmured under his breath, reaching out to touch it-
Then there was a flash, and nothing remained in the bedroom but piles of scattered belongings. 
Jackie blinked the spots out of his eyes. When had he fallen on the floor? He moved to get up, then froze when he felt the floor. That wasn’t the carpet from his bedroom. He looked around as his vision cleared up. Instead, he was in a small, wood furnished kitchen. 
“What the fuck?” came a voice to his left.
Jackie looked over. In front of him was a man in his mid-twenties, looking just as confused as he felt. Jackie blinked away the blue glow around him, eyes still spotty from the flash.
“Who the hell are you? How did you get into my apartment?” the man asked.
“I-I don’t know!” Jackie stuttered. “I was just in my bedroom, and there was this weird orb, and then I was here!”
“Orb?” the man repeated. “Like a green, glowy type orb?”
He ran his fingers through his very green hair. “ ‘Cause the same thing happened here; I was just makin’ coffee, then there was an orb and it flashed and out popped some random kid.”
Jackie tried to even his breathing. “What the hell? Do you have, like any clue what that was?”
“Maybe? Do you have magic blood?”
“Uh, what?” answered Jackie.
“You don’t come from a magic family, then?” the man pressed. Was this dude delusional? Did Jackie just get teleported into a psych ward? It didn’t look like any hospital he’d ever seen before.
“Magic isn’t real, though.” he said hesitantly, trying not to provoke the man. 
He snorted. “You sure about that?” he said, gesturing around the room, and okay, Jackie had to admit, he might have had a point. The man held out a hand. “I’m Sean.”
The teen took it slowly. “...Jackie.” he replied. “Where am I, exactly?”
“Athlone, County Westmeath.” As he pulled Jackie up, Sean squinted. “Are you Irish? Do you even know what that means?”
“I’m from Dublin. And I made it through fucking primary school, I think I can piece it together.” Jackie said indignantly
Sean held up his hands. “Hey, you can never be too careful.” he chuckled. “You want some tea, Jackie?”
Half an hour later, the two were in Sean’s sitting room. An awkward silence had fallen after the bare minimum of information had been exchanged. (How to contact Jackie’s parents/guardians had been the main point of conversation. Sean had looked a little confused at Jackie's reluctance to contact any other adults, but thankfully hadn’t pried. He’d simply said that it was Jackie’s priorities were his choice, and agreed to figure out their current situation first)
“You said you were from Dublin?” Sean finally asked.
Jackie looked over at him. “Yeah, why?”
Sean squinted. “You looked familiar, so I was wondering if we might be related, but I don’t have much for family in the city.” He paused. “Maybe it’s like that whole ‘There are seven people in the world who look like you’ thing? ‘Cause you look a lot like I did in Uni.”
Jackie took his first real, long look at the man on the other end of the sofa. “You do look kinda like my Dad did.” he conceded after a minute or two.
Sean’s eyes widened. “We’re not dealing with, like, time travel, right? It’s 2016 for you?”
“Yeah.” Jackie laughed. “Thank fuck.”
Sean smiled. “Good, meeting my future kid would come with a shit-ton of questions I don’t want to think about.”
Jackie made a face, setting off another round of laughter between the two. When they calmed, Jackie let out a huff and fell back onto the couch cushions. “So we’re back at square one.”
Sean sat up suddenly. “We might not be, actually.” He fished his phone out of his pocket and started tapping away. “This could be a stretch, but....”
“But what?” Jackie asked. When he got no response, he repeated, “But what?”
Sean still didn’t acknowledge his question, but he did mutter “Perfect.” and then pull himself up from the couch. “I have a friend who might have more information. C’mon.” he said, walking out into the hall.
As he followed after the man, Jackie kept on prodding for information. “You said something about magic families? Can you use magic, then?”
Sean looked up from his phone. “Hm? Oh, yeah, I grew up with it.” he said distractedly. Then he stopped abruptly. “Shit. If you could keep that a secret, that’d be great.”
“Even from this friend of yours?”
Up the stairs and around the corner, Sean opened a door and entered. “Huh.” Jackie said as he followed in. “I think this room has more tech than all of my classrooms combined. What d’you need all this for anyway?”
“I’m a youtuber.” Sean answered from the desk.
“What, like Pewdiepie?”
Jackie took in his surroundings. His eyes were drawn to a bookshelf filled with various merch and figurines. “What are all of these?”
Sean turned back from the desk. “Huh?” Then a fond smile fell across his face. “They’re gifts, mostly.” He started pointing things out. “That bug is from my friend Suzy, those are from this kid Alfie that I met in London, the Undertale ones there I got at Pax this year, this buddy here I bought myself, but I love him, so he goes on the shelf anyway..”
Jackie nodded as each item was pointed out. He noticed a particular abundance of one logo, and the pieces finally clicked. “Wait…” Jackie whirled around. “You’re that septic dude that Quinn won’t shut up about!”
“Hm?” Sean turned to face him, mid-tangent. “Oh! Probably, yeah.”
“Aren’t you, like, famous?” Jackie questioned. “Why do you live in such a tiny apartment?”
Sean gave him a look. “I’m sorry, that was kinda shitty, wasn’t it?” Jackie said after a second. “Kinda.” the other agreed, “I get that sort of thing a lot, don’t worry about.”  He set a hand on Jackie’s shoulder. 
The two were interrupted by a skype ringtone coming from the desktop. Sean bolted over to pick up, Jackie following behind a moment later.
The call opened, displaying a worried looking man. “Jack! Is everything okay over there?”
“Uhh, sorta? It’s a little complicated.” Sean gestured for Jackie to move into frame. As he did, Sean’s friend inhaled sharply. “Jackie, this is Mark. Mark, Jackie. He just kinda ...popped into my apartment. Soo… yeah.” he finished awkwardly.
“Hi?” Jackie said, giving a small wave.
Mark cursed under his breath. “Okay, now I get why you mentioned the... yeah, that clears things up. Uhh, I’m gonna just...gimme a sec.” He typed something frantically into his phone. “Nice to meet you Jackie. Jack mentioned-” he paused. “That’ll get confusing fast.”
“You could just, you know, call me by my actual name?” Sean replied with a smirk.
“But that’s weird!” the other whined, grinning. “Alright then, Seeaaan. I’m gonna pop into the office to grab Google. Be right back!” and with that, Mark hung up the call.
“Did he say Google?” Jackie asked hesitantly.
“I think so?”
The two stood silently for a few minutes, before Mark called once again. This time, he was sitting at a computer desk. Standing behind him was another person who looked strangely similar to him. This stranger stood rigidly, arms behind their back and face blank. 
“This is Google,'' Mark said. “He’s... uhh...hm, how do I explain you?” he muttered, turning around to glance at him.
Google’s eyes glowed blue. “Designation: Google IRL Humanoid Home Assistant. Model Serial Number: G-IRL 001B. For more information about this product, please consult your user’s manual or contact Google Support online or through telephone.”
“I guess that works.'' Mark said after a moment.
Jackie and Sean stared, dumbfounded. “...Holy shit, is that a robot?” Jackie asked.
“I am an Android.” it (he?) corrected sharply.
“What the fuck.” said Sean.
“Why are you surprised?” Mark asked. “I told you about him. I texted you to complain about him literally last week.”
“Well yeah, but I didn’t think he’d look so much like a machine!”. Sean protested. The robot frowned deeper. 
“But they don’t have that kind of tech at Google yet, right? They would have told us! This is a huge technological leap!” Jackie said, brow furrowed.
“That’s because they didn’t make him.” Mark replied.
Mark grimaced. “Okay, um, the gist of it is, you have a character, right? From a skit or joke or something. So in my case, sometimes to characters, well,” he gestured behind him, “become real. Somehow. I still have no clue how it works.” 
Jackie gaped, slack jawed. “So you made a video about a robot ...and he just came to life.”
“Do they all look like you?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I play them first.”
Jackie turned back to Sean. “And you’ve met these...things?”
“I call them figments.” Mark interrupted. “Like ‘figment of the imagination’.”
Sean was still staring at the robot, looking uncomfortable. “I’ve only met one other, when Mark was telling me about them last year.”
Mark winced. “Yeah, I figured Googs would be a better first introduction than Wilford. He’s less...well, just less in general, I guess.”
“Why are you telling me any of this? I don’t get how any of this is-” Jackie froze. “You think I’m like them.”
Sean looked sheepish. “It would explain why we look so similar.”
“But I’m real!” Jackie protested. “I existed before this. I have a life, and friends and all that shit! I’m a real person!”
Mark spoke softly. “All of my guys have backstories, things that feel like they happened. But those people never existed.” He smiled apologetically. “It gets easier with time, I promise.”
“But I’m real.” Jackie repeated. “I can prove it!” He pulled out his phone. “Look, my friends have been texting me non-stop!”. As he spoke, another notification popped up.
New Text from Morgan :P
  Jackie, please answer. Everyone’s really worried about you. Doris called the Garda and everything. 
“See!” Jackie yelled. “They’re real! I’m real! I’m not some imaginary character!”
Sean raised his hands placatingly. “Jackie, calm down. It was just an idea.” He stepped forward.
“Get off of me!” Jackie yelled. He pushed Sean away and ran out the door. 
Jackie ran down the stairs, looking for the bathroom. He needed someplace private. He bolted into the small room and locked the door. Curling up on the floor, he rubbed at his face, and checked his phone to try to calm down.
Meanwhile, in the recording room, Sean and Mark stared in shock at the door. Slowly, Sean pulled himself out of the mattress he’d been shoved into. “Um.” he said eloquently.
“Are you okay?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I think so.” he replied. 
“So, this isn’t exactly the same thing. But do you have any clue what could cause..” He gestured at the door.
“Some random teenager throwing me across the room and then super speeding himself away?” Sean finished.
He stretched, grimacing as he wiggled a shoulder. “I recorded a video where I dressed up like a superhero. It went up today.” Sean sighed. “And I called myself ‘Jackie-boy-man’.”
“Jackie.” Mark echoed.
Sean didn’t reply. “Can I call you if I need anything else?” he said after a moment.
“Course you can. Anything at all, man.”
“Thanks.” Sean walked over to the computer. “Thanks for everything. See ya.”
“Bye. Good luck Sean.”
Sean hung up the call and put his head in his hands. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” he muttered. 
Leave him. Make him leave.
“Nope, none of that.” Sean replied.
Not his home. Not your responsibility.
“Stop it. Just because I don’t need to help doesn't mean I shouldn’t.”
Bleeding heart. Weak resolve.
“Okay, you can stop now.” Sean said, standing up. “I’m going to talk to him, and he’ll decide what to do, and you,” he emphasized, “are going to shut up and be reasonable for once.”
He left to recording room and started looking through the house. Jackie wasn’t in any of the bedrooms, not in the living room, not the dining room, or the kitchen…
When he tried the door to the toilet, it was locked. Sean knocked hesitantly. “You okay in there?” he asked. There was no response. “Can I do anything to help?” Still nothing. He tried once more. “D’you want some more tea?”.
That one got a quiet “Okay.” Sean left for the kitchen, and when he returned, Jackie was sitting against the hall wall, head on his knees. He set the two mugs down on the floor, before sitting himself. It took a little while, but Jackie finally spoke up. “I’ve been missing for two days.”
“What?” Sean exclaimed.
“Before I was here, I was in my room, on Friday night.” he sighed. “My friends think I ran away or something.”
“Did you talk to them just now?” 
Jackie covered his face further. “Mhm. Told ‘em I was safe. But what else do I say? ‘Hey, by the way, I got magically transported across the country, and also imaginary friends can be real, and also I might be one of them?!’”, he rambled.
“Yeah, Mark and I talked some more after you left.” Sean paused. “You got out of there crazy fast. Like, inhumanly fast. Did...did you know you have super speed?”
Jackie stared at him. “...I just figured I was bad at time management.”
“You threw me across the room.”
“...And anger management.” He looked up, worriedly. “You’re okay, right?” 
“Yeah, I landed on a mattress.” Sean smiled. “And I’m not mad. You should have seen some of the shit I did when I was still learning control. My parents have repainted the kitchen twice, and you can still see some of the scorch marks.” he chuckled.
Jackie laughed too. “Okay, sure, why not add superpowers to today’s what-the-fuck list.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Anything else, Universe? You wanna add multiple realities or some shit to the mix?”
They laughed. “Yeah, what a fuckin’ great birthday.” Jackie snorted.
Sean turned to him, surprised. “Happy Birthday! How old are you?”
“Seventeen.” Jackie smiled. “One more year, then I can finally move out.” Then he froze. “What if I lived here?”
“What?” said Sean. “How does that make sense?”
“Well, you think I’m one of those figment things, right?” Jackie continued. 
Sean nodded. “Yeah, I think you’re supposed to be a superhero character I made up.”
“All of your friend’s figments are close to him. Besides, you’re the only person who knows what’s going on.”
“I really don’t.” Sean protested.
Jackie shrugged. “Still. We’re, like, connected or something. You could help me figure out these powers or whatever. And…” he shrunk down again. “I wouldn’t really mind moving. I was about to get expelled, anyway.”
Sean rubbed at his forehead. “I’m twenty-six. I can’t raise a teenager. You’re like, ten years younger than me.”
“People make it work.”
He sighed. “I..I’ll think about it?”
Jackie nodded. Sean moved to get up, when Jackie suddenly interrupted. “Wait! Okay. Umm... so, you’re cool with gay people, right?”
Sean looked confused. “Yeah?” Then it clicked. “Oh! Oh no, don’t worry, I’m cool with you being-yeah, it’s okay.”
Jackie looked relieved. “Okay. Okay, cool. Then we’re good. No issue here”
“Gotcha.” Sean stood up, grabbing the mugs. “I’mma deal with these., then I gotta go record. You can use my Playstation, if you want. And I’m upstairs if you need anything.”
Jackie flashed him a thumbs up, then went back into the bathroom. He braced himself on the sink and looked into the mirror.
A superhero, huh?
Yeah, that could work. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 years
Reader helping finding out that he’s trans when he has his period (cause I kind HC him as not having gone through the full medical transition yet) and them showing Jackie that they still love him and they accept him for who he is by helping him through the dysphoric thoughts and really bad cramps. They’re probably a tinsy bit sad that they found out like this, but it’s okay. Anything for their wonderful MAN.
Oh, dude. I have that headcanon, too. But yeah this boi needs all the love and support he can get-
TW: Dysphoric thoughts, although they’re minor
The entire day just passed and you haven’t seen Jackie come out from his room at all. It had you awfully worried that he got himself injured and he couldn’t call out for any help.
So you made your way over to the door. And at that point you could hear what sounded like…crying?
“Jackie? You okay, hun?”
“What’s wrong?” You asked. “You hurt?”
“Can I come in?”
You didn’t hear any response this time, although you did hear some shuffling and the door click, indicating it was unlocked.
“N-Now you can.”
With a sigh, you opened the door and saw Jackie laying on his bed, underneath his blanket and his Spider-Man bed comforter. He was curled up with his face buried into the pillow.
You climbed onto the bed and sat down, looking at your boyfriend. Least to say you’ve never ever seen him like this before…and it broke your heart. “So what happened? Talk to me, hun.” You placed your hand on the lump, gently rubbing his side.
But he just shook his head. “..I-I can’t…I-I…”
It was then you noticed his suit which he had thrown in the corner, which had a bloodstain on it. You then looked back down at Jackie. “Did you get injured or something?”
“N-No…it’s..” But he shivered and let out a whine of pain as he curled up further. “….f-fuckin’ useless organs..” You heard him mumble.
Then you glanced at the suit again, seeing the stain was actually in the crotch area, and in that moment you finally realized what “useless organs” he was talking about.
“….Jackie..are you..saying you’re on your period?”
For a moment, he stiffened up, but then he began to sob quietly. “I-I’m sorry…I-I didn’t…I…”
“Hey..it’s okay.” You hushed, eventually coaxing him into a sitting position. Now you could see he was in a T-shirt and boxers, his brown hair was a total mess, and tears stained his cheeks.
With a sigh, you scooted closer and cupped his face, wiping away his tears. It didn’t take you long to realize what he was. But you just stayed with him, trying to calm him down.
“..[y/n], am I-I really a man?” Jackie’s breath hitched. “Or do I just claim to be that a-and...? No....I..m-men shouldn’t have..p-periods...they….d-don’t….” His words were shaky, unable to form coherent sentences….and that’s when you understood why he was acting so off.
His dysphoria.
“Oh no Jackie..” You kissed his forehead, before bringing him into a hug, rubbing circles into his back. “You are a man. And you always will be. Please don’t ever let this menstruation bullshit tell you otherwise, okay?”
He hiccuped softly, returning the hug. ���I-I’m a man..?”
“Yes you are, hun. You’re the handsomest man I’ve ever known.” You smiled, glad that you managed to say the right thing to him and calm him down even a little.
For about a minute you stayed that way, before he was the first to let go. “Th-Thank you, [y/n],” he sniffled, pulling the blanket up and wrapping it around himself. Then he sighed deeply.  “I’m..sorry you had to..find out like this…..you can leave if you want.”
You shot him a look. Did he really just say that to you?
“Wha…Jackie I…I’m fine with you being trans.” You embraced him once more. “And after finding you like this..you honestly think I’m going to just leave you? Absolutely not.“
Jackie’s eyes widened, although they became teary as he rested his head on your shoulder, whining softly. He curled up and snuggled closer to you.
“How about I get you a heating pad and chocolate? Those are some good remedies for cramps.”
He nodded against you shoulder, before he sat up and smiled at you. “Thanks, babe…but..a-ah…god this is embarrassing as hell t-to ask but….I-I might need one of those-”
“I’ll get that, too.” You gave him a smile in return, kissing his lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to help you through this.”
“I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have you,” he chuckled, his eyes now shimmering with happiness. “I..I really do appreciate this, [y/n]. A-And the fact that you accepted me..“
“Of course, honey. I’ll be right back, okay?”
Jackie nodded and watched as you got up and left his room for a few moments to get whatever he needed.
While you were doing that, he made note to take you to the movies after his week of suffering was over as repayment.
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