#I didn't really have to do anything but find a hat and a long coat it was easy and awesome
violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Tangled Dreams [W. W]
Willy Wonka x fem!reader
word count: 3.7k
[Timothée masterlist]
note: I decided to combine these two because they are quite similar! I hope the ending doesn't seem rushed, I really appreciate your patience and please tell me if you liked it.
Special greetings to @kpopgirlbtssvt and @broadwaybaby123 ily pretty!
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As you fell towards an unknown place through a stone tunnel, you thought that there were two things you wished you had done the day before: check the hole in your bag to avoid losing all your money and have read the small print of the contract you had signed.
If you had done both, you would have avoided ending up in the mess you were in, with the seemingly kind woman who had greeted you telling you that you owed more than ten thousand sovereigns for charges you weren't even aware of. She had said that you would work for a sovereign a day, however, she hadn’t said what that job would be and before you could ask, Bleacher had already pushed you through the hole in the wall.
You hit yourself when you fell on a wagon full of white fabrics and quickly got up to understand where you had arrived. There were fumes, water, and everything smelled like detergent, so you knew it was the laundry room, but the place was desolate.
Would you have to do everything alone? How was it possible? Suddenly you felt very scared thinking about how long you would have to be there to pay off your debt. You had left your home to look for better employment opportunities so that you could develop all your artistic skills, since living in a small town it was almost impossible to practice with your brush. You were supposed to meet other artists, learn from them, buy new materials... you didn't have to end up where you had.
As the minutes passed and you had more time to think about things, the situation was getting worse. You had no one in the city who could help you, you were completely alone, without money, with debts, without food... between all of this you felt your breathing starting to accelerate and you knew you were about to experience a nervous breakdown.
That happened when you were in high-stress situations and, honestly, you hated it. Your heart began to beat like crazy with no way to stop it, you felt like you were sweating and everything around you seemed to start to suffocate you. So when you felt a couple of tears forming in your eyes, you thought that you just wanted to disappear into the wagon full of sheets where you were.
The shock didn't let you think properly and that's why you couldn't even hear the voices coming from the other room, which suddenly turned into the presence of a group of unfortunate workers.
"Oh, hello?" muttered an older man with glasses. He was accompanied by a woman dressed in blue work overalls, another lady, and a curly with a flashy suit “New here?”
Even though she seemed kind, you couldn't take the words that way. You were scared and soon everyone realized that.
“Girl, are you okay?” the woman with overalls was quick to say, with the same kindness as the man, and after that everyone approached your direction.
You wanted to talk, but you couldn't, and apparently the proximity of the group only made you more nervous. While you were trying to contain your sobs they were looking for ways to calm you down, to no avail.
After a few seconds another couple of people appeared in the place and from the corner of your eye you could observe them: she was a pretty little girl and next to her was a young man wearing a coat and hat. He noticed right away that something wasn't right and he walked in your direction to find out.
“Well, hi,” he greeted you. Everyone looked at each other with a combination of pity and concern, as if you were a helpless kitten in a box “How about we give her some space? She looks scared”
The group did as he told them and then the only one left near you was that man. He didn't say anything for a moment, as if analyzing your behavior, and then he leaned slightly against the box to watch you.
“I'm Noodle,” the girl murmured now, still keeping her distance from you. “What's your name?”
“Y/N” you managed to say. You were still looking into the green eyes that were also watching you carefully.
“It's a pretty name,” he complimented. You were still struggling to breathe a little when he held out his hand to you. “Do you want me to help you out of there, Y/N? So we can talk. We are all here to help you, don't be afraid”
Willy misjudged your appearance and thought that you were quite young, even though you were the same age, which is why he allowed himself to speak to you so cautiously.
You carefully took the hand he was offering you and then the man helped you out of the wagon, practically carrying you outside. Once you were outside his arm carefully wrapped around you and guided you to a couple of chairs, where you sat down and he sat down too.
“Breathe,” the boy urged you, realizing that you were still sobbing a little. He wasn't touching you anymore, but he was watching you carefully “Can you get some water, Piper?”
You realized that the first woman who had spoken to you was named Piper, and while you were working on regulating your breathing she disappeared down the hallway. The boy whispered soft instructions: inhale, exhale, and with that you managed to calm down until she returned with the glass he had ordered for you.
"Here you have"
You took it and drank slowly, being careful not to choke, until you felt better. You were suddenly aware of everyone's expectant gaze and you shrank in on yourself with some pity.
“I'm sorry for all this,” you murmured, now that you were more composed. “It's just that when I fell here, everything was alone and I felt very… scared.”
“That's how we all felt the first time,” said the older man, to reassure you. “I'm Abacus Crunch.”
“Y/N,” you repeated, even though everyone had heard it the first time.
“This is Piper, Lottie, and Larry,” the boy next to you murmured, smiling gently at you. “And my name is Willy Wonka.”
That last one was the one that settled in your mind the most. Willy Wonka.
“How did you end up here?” Lottie asked kindly.
Everyone listened to your story carefully, now that you had managed to calm down, and a couple of sympathetic grimaces appeared on the faces of your new companions as you spoke. They told you, in broad strokes, their own reasons for ending up there and it turned out that these weren’t very different from yours.
“We were all fooled just by not reading the small print,” Larry said bitterly, even though he was supposed to be a comedian.
“For now we will just assign you a room and… you can rest, okay?” the little girl named Noodle murmured, trying to be as friendly as possible.
“Mrs. Scrubitt told me that I would have to work here every day to pay off my debt, is that true?”
They all shared a knowing look, debating whether or not they should tell you about their recent escapades to sell chocolates, and then Willy made the decision for the rest.
“You don't have to worry about anything. We'll be out of here soon, all of us. Just sleep and tomorrow we will explain to you, okay?” he murmured gently.
There was something about his smile that calmed you greatly and you were grateful that there was someone like him in that place. They all seemed to be good people, actually, so at least that was one less thing to worry about.
Noodle took you to an empty room where you could settle in along with your few belongings and right or wrong, you thought that at least you had a roof over your head that night.
Once you slept for a few hours and when morning finally arrived, they took care of updating you on the activities they had been doing to settle all the debts that existed with the cruel woman who had deceived you.
“We move through the sewers and come back here before Scrubitt does the roll call, at night,” Abacus explained to you. He was something like the leader of the place, probably because of the years of experience he had “If you help us with sales, then you will enjoy the benefits too.”
“You mean I can leave here?” you wanted to corroborate. Willy nodded enthusiastically.
“You arrived at a fairly opportune time, the business seems quite prosperous and if we continue like this, we will be gone in… a month and a half, maybe two months,” he estimated. It all sounded pretty good and at least they had the decency to tell you, so they could include you in the plan “Are you in?”
You thought it was risky, but if it meant a chance to leave, of course you'd take it. After all, those people had been trapped for years, what assured you that you wouldn't have the same fate? As you saw things, actually agreeing to help them was your only option.
"Of course. Just tell me what to do, I'll learn quickly” you exclaimed and everyone was happy with your response. Especially Willy.
“I'll take care of it myself, take it for granted.”
You took the hand that the man was offering you, as if you wanted to formally close the deal, and then everyone rushed to get the things you needed for the day's sale ready. As you watched them go from here to there you thought that you would have to get used to that hustle and bustle, but somehow it comforted you to know that now you were no longer so alone.
“Thank you for helping me,” you exclaimed in the direction of the light-eyed boy, who had stayed next to you. “At this time and yesterday too. I was quite worried and I just… panicked”
“Oh, you don't have to thank me for anything” he smiled at you sincerely “I know how ugly it is to be scared, so if another day you feel like that just tell me. I am always happy to help”
For a man who had only known you a day, he turned out to be quite the gentleman around you. Or maybe it was just that he behaved that way naturally.
“All ready?” Piper spoke and you knew it was your cue to leave for wherever your destination was that day.
And of course, just like everyone else when Willy came into their lives, from that moment on your whole world turned completely upside down.
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Becoming friends with Willy Wonka wasn’t a task that required much effort, so after a few weeks the two of you were practically inseparable. To this we had to add that when he discovered that you were the same age, his sympathy towards you only increased, to the point of turning into a clear interest in you, although not in the way that most would expect.
Maybe he was rushing, but he had started to like you in a… romantic way? Maybe. He didn't know much about what it was like to be in love, but he knew that he had begun to feel something different in his chest for you. After all, you saw each other every day, at all hours, so it had been inevitable to know a lot about you.
You had talked to him about your life before arriving in the city, living in a modest village, about your dreams and the skills you hoped to improve with time and practice. Willy, in turn, had told you about his mother, the story of him making chocolates, the aspirations and desires he had to become the owner of a shop in the gourmet galleries... in short, everything that was truly important. Sometimes you spent entire hours, when you weren't working outside, talking and so you already knew a lot about each other by that point in your story.
That was why when, after a few weeks, your sleep was interrupted by a nightmare, the first thing you thought was to run and seek comfort in the arms of your friend. It was no secret that Scrubitt had been being particularly harsh with everyone there and although most of them were already used to it, you and Willy were the ones who suffered the most from those verbal attacks. She was quite trained in the art of being mean.
So maybe it was that he yelled at you a little worse that day, or it was just that you were too sensitive because the police almost caught you when you went out on the streets to sell the chocolates, but either way your mind had taken care of shaping everything that happened to create that bad dream.
When you knocked on his door you feared the thought of bothering him with your presence, however, it was too late to chicken out because almost immediately he had already peeked out of the room.
“Y/N?” he asked, slightly confused. From the lucidity with which he spoke you knew that he probably hadn't even been sleeping “What's wrong?”
“I had a nightmare,” you explained “Can I stay with you for a while?”
It didn't take Willy more than half a second to move to the side so that you could go inside and once you were there he invited you to sit on the deteriorated bed, where he also took a seat. The next thing he did was stretch his hand open on the mattress, offering you the option to take it if you needed it. You did it, partly to feel something to anchor you to reality and partly because you loved the feeling of his warm skin against yours.
“Do you want to talk about what you dreamed?” he asked softly.
“It wasn't anything too terrible, but it's just… Aren't you going to laugh?”
"Of course not. I would never do it,” Willy assured you, moving a little closer to you as if he wanted to keep the matter confidential. “What is it about?”
“It's just… I don't know, it was a strange dream. I dreamed that things were getting complicated with this whole business of selling chocolates and that's why I stayed here for years like Abacus or Piper. I mean, I really appreciate that you're trying to help us all and I know I'm the one who's been here the least and maybe I can't even complain, but… I've been afraid of something bad happening since I got here. And I dreamed that the chocolate cartel was hurting you, that's why I got very scared and I..."
“Hey, hey,” Willy murmured as he extended one of his arms to you, when he saw that you were about to burst into tears.
He hated seeing people cry, perhaps because of his compassionate and kind nature, but he hated seeing you cry, especially you. The first time you guys met he didn't want to be too invasive in terms of personal space because he didn't know how you were going to react, or he didn't even know if a hug would help you calm down. But now that you knew each other better he had also learned a few things about you, so he felt confident in holding you down if you were feeling bad. Like right now.
“I'm sorry, it's just that with what happened today with the police I feared the worst. It's not that I just love you because you're going to help us get out of here, it's that I really appreciate you and I don't want anything bad to happen to yo... to all of us, I mean”
Willy smiled moved at your concern and let go of the hand he was holding yours to hug you properly, without you objecting at all.
“But nothing bad is going to happen, dear. It was just a bad dream”
He calling you that pet name warmed your face, so you just let yourself be sheltered by his kind arms and nodded against his chest, a little less worried now that you had spoken it out loud. You stayed in that position for a few minutes, with you listening to the constant beat of his heart and with him enjoying the pleasant weight of your body against his.
“Were you making chocolates?” you asked quietly, noticing the ingredients spread across the table in his room. He loosened his grip on him slightly so you could get a better look.
"Yeah! Do you want some? Maybe that will make you feel better. Chocolate always makes me feel better” he smiled.
When Willy saw you nodding he rushed over to grab a couple of the treats and then shoved them into your hands, hoping you could enjoy them as much as he did. He was definitely right when he said that chocolate would make you feel better.
“Do these have nuts?” you asked, feeling the crunchy bits between your teeth.
“I love nuts” you confessed. You had already told him before and he had made sure not to forget it, so a little smile crossed his face when he saw that the candy was to your liking. “Thank you for the chocolates. And thanks for listening to me, I… I definitely feel better”
“I'm glad to hear that”
“You're so sweet, Willy. I'm serious"
“It's no wonder. You deserve all the sweetness in the world.”
Your gaze fell on him immediately and you gave him a couple of seconds in case he wanted to take back those words. However, he didn't do it.
“Well, it's nice that you think that. Not many people are nice these days.”
“Like Scrubitt, for example?” he joked and you laughed.
“At first I felt very angry, you know? But at least now I'm happy to know that despite all this bad situation, I was able to meet someone like you."
Suddenly the urge to tell you what he felt appeared in his chest and he was honestly surprised by the impulsiveness of his thinking. There hadn't even been anything that triggered that desire, it was just his brain together with his heart that were asking him to say that out loud.
Were you going to be scared? He hoped not. Maybe he should just refer to his feelings in the hopes that you'll put the missing pieces together, or maybe he should just stay silent, or maybe...
“I have never met someone like you. You are very special to me"
You couldn't help the shy smile on your mouth and Willy settled for the excited gleam in your eyes.
“Ow, are you serious?”
"Yeah. And I think I like you a lot.”
You assumed, like everything he did, that this was just another courtesy on his part and so you responded as kindly and friendly as you could.
“I like you too, Willy.”
“And I think you're very pretty. In every way” he continued.
You didn't know if he was trying to flirt with you or if he was just being nice, so you just laughed with flushed cheeks and shoved another chocolate into your mouth to try to calm your nerves. You wanted to tell him that he was handsome to you too, but instead you murmured:
"Are not you sleepy? I can leave if that's the case, I didn't even think about…”
“No, you can stay,” he said quickly. He really seemed to want you there with him “Did I say something wrong?”
Of course he hadn't said anything wrong, how could he?
"No. I just thought you were tired and I didn’t want to bother you,” you admitted. “And I appreciate that you think I’m pretty”
The way he was looking at you and the question he had just asked you made you think that maybe what he had told you about liking you was something like he really liked you. In the romantic, cheesy way you swore wasn't possible.
“I like that you are here, but I don't want to keep you if you are tired.”
“No, no” now you said. You were acting so awkwardly that your brain was screaming at you to do something to fix it, but your thoughts were interrupted by his eyes landing on your lips “What?”
There was something different in the atmosphere that had settled in from one moment to the next and could be felt with the fingers on your hand.
“Can I confess something to you?” he asked in a whisper. “And you promise not to be scared?”
“That depends,” you said nervously. Those kinds of secrets could range from the illegal to the wildly strange.
Luckily, what he longed to tell you was nothing on that spectrum.
“I think I like you a lot,” he repeated. But this time you understood perfectly what he meant.
You were burning with shame at the direction the conversation had taken and you looked at your friend with fear, not knowing how to respond to his confession. You knew you reciprocated those feelings, but you didn't feel the courage to say it. Fortunately you did have the courage to lean towards him and press your lips against his, because of course, from your strange logic that would be less embarrassing.
Now it was Willy who blushed noticeably and using the same reasoning as you, decided to mask his nerves by kissing you back again. Although he didn't say it explicitly, it was notable that he had never kissed any woman and the thought of it being his first kiss made you feel touched. He tasted like chocolate and inexperience, but he was perfect.
“I like you too,” you admitted between his lips, just as if you wanted to make it clear to him that the feeling was mutual and that he shouldn't have any fear about it.
While you were kissing him, your mind kept thinking that all that had happened thanks to one of your nightmares and, for the first time in your life, you felt grateful for that bad dream.
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taglist: @dyieying @reallysparklychaos @silverchainbee @amethyistheart @shadowygladiatorlight @lavendarhearts @lou-multifandoms
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penkura · 5 days
Scared of Doctors anon again.
I now raise you: Law during his time at Punk Hazard finding y/n while they're still a subject.
Honestly I have too many thoughts about this. It's helping me wait for the dub to come out
Such good ideas though, omg. I'm thinking and more is coming to me for this, it's such a good prompt. There's so many ways it could go!
But for now...
Law had not intended to save you when he came to Punk Hazard. He had a plan, one that would hopefully bring down this Devil Fruit factory and help him get his revenge, it didn't include meeting and getting to know you little by little in the time he was there. You had run into Law by accident when trying to escape, making him curious about what was going on.
You look scared when you first run into him, having turned a corner abruptly and colliding with the young doctor, asking him for help.
"Please, help me get out of here!"
There's a fear in your eyes he doesn't like seeing, while you grip his coat tightly and plead with Law to save you, somehow. He knew Caesar was conducting experiments, obviously with the SMILE fruit and everything, but he didn't know the extent, and now he's more curious seeing you.
You look perfectly fine and healthy, there doesn't seem to be a reason why you should be afraid of anything. Most of the people that Law has seen through the lab are willing participants, or they've been bribed by Caesar with something for him to use them. You don't seem to fit either bill, unless there's something hidden that even he can't see.
But his powers should tell him, right? The brief scan he does shows nothing is wrong, though he can see some kind of drugs in your system. He'd have to do his own testing to figure out what they are and what they're for, but you're interrupted by Monet a moment later.
"Oh, I see you've met our oldest patient, doctor."
Law's concerns grow when you immediately remove your hands from him, looking towards the ground with more fear than before. Monet explains you'd been sick with a highly deadly virus three years ago before she and Caesar took you in, away from your home and family, and have been working ever since to find a cure. He watches as you back away bit by bit, turning more into yourself and apologizing, before turning around and running back where you'd come from. When he asks Monet at the illness was, she beats around the bush and doesn't give a straight answer, Law knows something is wrong with this situation but he's not in a position to figure out what it is.
Not until the Straw Hats and the Navy show up anyway. The distractions provided by them allow him the time to find you again, though you still seem fearful of him. He holds his hands up where you can see them, making you tilt your head.
"I won't hurt you. I won't touch you at all. I can use my powers to see about your illness."
"...why bother? I'm gonna die anyway."
How strange, to hear words he'd said so long ago said to his own face, but in such a different situation. After Law explains how his Devil Fruit powers work, you consent to letting him do a proper Scan, and you're confused when he tells you there's no sign of any illnesses in your body. He still sees those drugs in your system, but he doesn't have the time to check what they are yet.
"We're going to destroy this place. You'll have to come with me if you want answers from Caesar."
You really don't know if you should trust him or not, he hasn't given you much of a reason not to apart from being a doctor, like Caesar and Monet had claimed to be. Your voice is shaky when you ask Law if he promises to find out what happened, and when he does, you're almost crying as you nod. Law lets you take his hand, once you've calmed down and agreed to go with him, he starts to lead you to a safer area.
"I won't let anything happen to you, all right? Not until we get you the answers you need."
For some reason, you decide to trust him.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
What Remains | Cooper Howard x gn!reader
↳ ❝ '' How I end up here''
"I wanna know who I'm looking at"
With ghoul please
( I didn’t watch the show but this character I.... What I'm thinking is bad...) ❞
: ̗̀➛ Cooper Howard is long dead, but maybe a part of him still lives in The Ghoul. Even if it's only a little bit.
trigger warnings : ̗̀➛ swearing, mentions of violence, jealousy, sex references, violence references
Cooper was too busy with searching the chem box to even think about looking up; with you standing guard so diligently and with great loyalty, he didn't know of any reason why he should have.
After all, you had been travelling together since you saved him from a group of super mutants, and although it was not easy, you had gained each other's trust, confidence and now it felt odd if you weren't together - you were a team, now, after spending so long together.
Of course, you still had disagreements, though, like when you wanted to help your old friend Valentine and Cooper it a bullshit distraction.
"Thou shalt not get side tracked by bullshit every time," he had grumbled, even whilst aiding you in helping Valentine.
It still made you laugh when you thought about it. He never wanted to play the good guy and was really only ever out for himself unless there were enough caps in the question; but you could see it, the layer of decency hidden under all that lone wanderer bullshit.
The humanity that he so desperately tried to snuff out. Trying to run so far from what he used to be but still clinging onto gope that somewhere in all the shit, there was something - someone - to bring him back. To pull Cooper Howard back into the light at last.
You cleared your throat, drawing his attention at last.
"It's gettin' dark, Coop," you told him. "We ought to find shelter for the night, then keep going."
Cooper grumbled even though he knew that you were right; being so close to the edge of the Glowing Sea was more dangerous at night than any other time.
Ravenous deathclaws stalked the land searching for anything they could devour. Glowing ghouls with rotted brains and empty dyes were just waiting at the chance to consume any sort of meat. There was always something in the shadows.
But Cooper still slammed the chem box shut and he still stood up and gestured for you to follow him back to the ruined house not far down the road.
It had only one bed, but it still had a roof, and that was better than nothing.
At least you weren't on that fucking foggy island again with all those gulpers and anglers and crabs. so there was that.
"You take the bed," Cooper told you with a huff. "I'll just sleep on the chair."
You shook your head. "Why don't we just share? It's plenty big enough and it wouldn't be the first time."
Cooper huffed as he took his hat and coat off, putting them on the chair before sitting at the edge of the bed; he watched you with great curiosity, taking notes of every movement as if he was studying you and trying to learn your behaviour.
You didn't think much of it - he had been doing it for a while now.
Well, ever since you met up with that Ghoul Mayor who had endlessly flirted with you; you knew Cooper didn't like the fact that you flirted back, but you assumed it was only because he didn't want you to be distracted by the oh so handsome ghoul.
"Hey," you cleared your throat as you looked at him, the buttons of your shirt undone to expose only the slightest glimpse of your chest. "We're okay, right?"
Cooper glared up at you, then nodded slowly. "Why wouldn't we be?"
"You've been different since Goodneighbor," you said with a shrug. "Ever since that Mayor invited me to stay the night, you've been weird."
"Thou shalt not-"
"Get side tracked by bullshit every time, I know, I know, but it ain't that and you know it," you told him, folding your arms across your chest. "It's like you had an issue with him wanting to get in my trousers."
He glared at you for a moment, then shook his head with a scowl. "How'd I end up here? Bein' fuckin' questioned about why I cockblocked that Mayor you fuckin' couldn't wait to jump on."
"Hust tell me why, Coop," you sighed.
"He weren't right for you," he told you with a sneer. "He didn't know what it's like out there for people like us. He spent all his fuckin' time in an office doin' chems - he don't know. Someone like that can't be right for someone like you."
"And you think you would be?" You asked with a raised brow. "Then why the fuck didn't you just tell me? Why the fuck did you have to go all stupid and weird?"
Cooper grumbled. "Shut up about it, would ya? It don't matter - I ain't... I ain't who I was and I ain't never gonna go back to it. So shut up, lie down and fuckin' sleep. We'll head out first thing. Second dawn comes up."
"Or what?" You challenged.
"Or I'll take you back to Goodneighbor," he all but growled out. "And you can stay there with your pretty boy Mayor."
"You wouldn't," you shook your head, narrowing your gaze at him. "I'm not an asset to you, Coop, and you care about me - whether you admit it or not. You care, you just won't let me in... but you want to... so tell me, because I wanna know who I'm looking at: The Ghoul, or Cooper?"
His expression softened as he looked down at the ground to hide his weakness, groaning and sighing heavily. "My name was- is Cooper Howard. I'm a bounty hunter, and I hated the way that Mayor looked at you, spoke to you... but I can't be what you want, and we both know that."
You came to sit beside him, your hand landing on his thigh. "So you can't be yourself? Because that's what I'd want. I'd want the snarky, violent, asshole who shoots first and asks questions later."
Cooper didn't say anything, just put his hand on yours and nodded slowly; he couldn't bring himself to say it, in all honesty. He tried to long to snuff out his humanity that it felt wrong to even try to engage with it again; Cooper Howard was dead, and he knew that.
if you made it to the end of this fic and you enjoyed it, then please, if you have any cash to spare, please consider donating to help Mahmoud rebuild his life.
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purpleberiii · 8 months
"Sinners with a little sinner in MBCC"
☆Prompt: You are the youngest sinner in MBCC (about the age of 5-6). How would the characters treat you?
☆Warnings: None
☆Includes: Zoya, Anne, Nightingale (I know she's not a sinner), Chelsea, Caberent, Bai Yi.
Zoya's first impression of you was that you were smol and tiny but she felt you were strong.
Despite her scary nature, she was extremely gentle with you. Always carrying you around on her shoulders.
Zoya plays fight with you. She would throw light punches and when you throw a punch, she would dramatically fall to the ground saying you win.
Some nights, you would climb up on Zoya's lap and snuggle against her chest and fall asleep, soon after, she would as well, holding you close to her body.
Anne absolutely adores you. Your chubby cheeks makes you look like a baby in her arms.
Anne loves having you around whenever she takes care of others. She'd dress you in a little nurse outfit and give you small tasks like wetting a cloth and bringing it to her, throwing away unnecessary papers and stuff like that.
Anne also loves braiding your hair in her free time as well as reading books to you. She'd have you in her lap and a book opened up while she reads.
Eventually, you'd fall asleep, leaving her to tuck you in. Kissing you forehead and bidding goodnight is also a must.
You were the only sinner nightingale liked because you weren't constantly hogging all of chief's attention to you. Instead, you'd sit there and listen to her rant about her obsession with the chief even though your tiny brain can't comprehend any she says.
You followed her around like a puppy, whenever she has a task, she always made sure to bring you. If she sees one of the employees harassing you, immediately she will report them.
Nightingale loves feeding you. She loves watching the way your chubby cheeks worked to chew your food and while she remained calm on the outside, she was literally squealing on the inside.
Whenever you're feeling cold, expect her to wrap you up in her coat and place her hat on your head, she does literally everything to make you feel warm.
Chelsea spoils you. Literally with anything. She gives you new clothes every week, and even have the best shampoos brought in for you.
She made sure your cell was as clean as anything, even going long lengths to make sure your cell is designed however you deemed fit.
Chelsea had her tailor made matching outfits for you and her on occasions, for the chief as well, so you'd all look like a big family.
You're the only person she trusts with sitri and sometimes she even finds you sleeping on the big cat. She won't wake you, she'll take pictures.
You were scared of Cabernet no joke. The things she tell others had you thinking about it. "Will she really eat my soul?"
Once Cabernet realised this, she tried to be more gentle and loving around you and slowly, you warmed up to her.
Because of her wealth, Cabernet always bought expensive toys and books for you, also clothing.
There was always rivalry between her and Chelsea to see who you'd like more but in the end you choose them both, saying that you couldn't pick.
Cabernet always carried you around attached to her hip. Her favourite thing to do for you was to cook and believe it or not, she was a really good cook. She always looked forward to hearing your praises about the food.
She even went against the chief's orders and snuck a tiny bit of non alcoholic wine for you which made you all energetic.
Bai yi was your idol. You wanted to be like her when you grew up and you made sure she knew it. She was always so carefree and relaxed, making you think that she didn't have anything to worry about.
Bai yi was the one who'd go against all the rules for you, just so you could be happy. She has a weakness for you and everyone knew it.
She would take you on motorcycle rides at night, driving at a slower pace than normal. She bought you food and took you to a nice spot where you two sat down and admired the stars.
Eventually, she left with you sleeping peacefully in her arms, your head resting on your chest while her usually opened jacket was closed so that you fit snuggly in it.
When she returned to MBCC past curfew and while she being scolded by Nightingale, she would turn around and show them the position you were in and immediately they all would shut up. She never woke you up, she wanted you to sleep on her chest all night and you didn't mind as you fell asleep listening to her heartbeat.
A/n: you can clearly see who's my favourite from there. I might do another part with teenager reader.
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griffonsgrove · 9 months
General Dating Headcanons | Dr. Flug
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Dr. Flug X GN!Reader
fandom: Villainous/Villainos words: 1457 cw: none!! just cute tooth-rotting fluff!
a/n: aaa!! following the theme with villainous, I HAD to do our favorite scientist!! Also I'm open for requests!! I'd love to see what yall would send in!!
Dr. Flug was the one initially responsible for hiring a new employee for the organization after he had groveled at Black Hat’s feet, begging for an assistant to help lighten his workload.
Reluctantly, Black Hat agreed, but not without scaring the daylights out of the poor doctor first.
Flug thanked the high heavens.
And thus began the search for a new assistant, he sent out multiple ads and flyers, and in little to no time, there was a flood of applicants. Having to sift through each applicant only added even more stress to his ever-growing mountain of work. Most of them didn't really seem to stick out.
That was until he got to yours.
He wasn't quite sure what drew him to your application, maybe it was your astounding track record, accomplishments, and references, or maybe it was because he thought your appearance was pleasing to the eye, something about the gleam in your eyes told him that you were a reasonable, logical and pleasant person to be around.
Which is exactly how you ended up at the front gates of the manor, ready for an interview.
Of course, the first person you met was the doctor himself, he had to disable the alarm system to the manor before letting you in. It’s there that he gives a very brief, albeit awkward introduction.
He unfortunately doesn’t socialize much. 
Everything about his energy, to his stature just screamed nervous wreck. It's from there that he leads you to the Lord’s Office. Surprisingly the interview went well!! If getting demeaned and thrown insults was a norm. But! You got the job!
Now you’re in Flug’s hands, you follow alongside him as he leads you to his lab, listing off all the responsibilities he wanted you to be in charge of some of them being: Organizing files and client paperwork, taking calls from new clients and scheduling appointments, also taking customer reviews, and some minor tidying and organization.
And based on the state of his lab you had a LOT of work to do…
I know some people think Flug is an anxious mess 24/7 but that could not be further from the truth. He’s actually quite egotistical and snarky from time to time, and of course a know-it-all.
He's like the “erm actually ☝️ 🤓” guy in physical form.
IS NOT afraid to correct you over minor errors. He’s very particular about how his things are organized in his lab. He likes to call it his organized chaos. So, if anything gets misplaced, he will get snippy or irritable. 
SO..as long as you inform him of how you do things and WHERE you put them, then all is good!
Overtime as you work alongside him though, he genuinely does start to appreciate the work that you do, he's pleasantly surprised when he finds that all his files and blue prints have been organized alphabetically and by color, or that his tools had been rearranged neatly on his workbench by size and shape, and overall his lab was so much cleaner and tidy than he ever could imagine it to be.
No surprise here but, the doctor is AWFUL at taking care of himself.
Which is why you step in to do small little gestures to help him out.
Whether it be bringing him another cup of coffee or making up a small snack for him to eat throughout the day, he even noticed you had draped his lab coat over him when he fell asleep at his desk one night.
He had to admit he wasn't quite used such small acts of kindness; it was a foreign feeling to him.
Did I also mention he’s tired like 24/7. Let this poor man sleep!! 😭
Believe it or not, he’s grown to quite enjoy your company, maybe it was your relaxed nature, but he felt somewhat at ease whenever you were around.
You’ve both actually held some decent conversations from time to time, both sharing your interests that lead into a ramble about his favorite airplane models.
His confession was actually quite a funny story, and he wasn't even the one to do it! It was 5.0.5 surprisingly. The sweet blue bear wasn't blind, he began to notice that his papa would longingly stare at you, that he would mumble to himself in his sleep, secret confessions he would never dare say consciously. So, the bear came up with a little plan.
5.0.5 loves to draw, Flug practically keeps every drawing he’s ever given him. He decided that he’d make a love note, from Flug to You. He spends a generous amount of time on it, putting such care into the cute little card, and when he’s deemed it perfect enough, he drops it off to you, happily growling.
You're taken by surprise at first, but then you open up the heart shaped card covered in glitter and are pleased to find an adorable childlike drawing of you and Flug, surrounded by a bunch of pink and red hearts. How sweet!
When you confront the doctor in his lab, showing him the card, he flushes, and at first denies such feelings, slightly embarrassed that his fuzzy son was the one to do it instead of him. It’s then that he decides there's no going back and spills out everything to you.
Which is why he’s shocked when you tell him you reciprocate his feelings. What?? Him?? Really????
Things start if really awkward btw, the doctor has been without physical contact for so long that WASNT being beaten down by his boss, that he honestly forgot what it was like to experience affection, aside from the crushing hugs that 5.0.5 would give him.
He’s very fidgety, doesn't quite know what to do with his hands, where to put them or how you’ll respond to his touch.
Please give him a hug :(
He’s also very respectful of your boundaries, as you are with him, he’s not quite comfortable taking the bag off his head, which you don't mind in the slightest.
Things seem to continue almost as normally, but the two of you spend more and more time with each other, taking your breaks together, having lunch and spending your evening time hanging out when neither one of you are slammed with work. He quite enjoyed having movie nights with you, the sci-fi films are always his favorite btw. He heavily critiques the machines and inventions.
You both try to keep your relationship on the down low, Black Hat would blow a gasket if he found out. Demencia on the other hand was a huge tease. She frequently mocked the two of you, mostly Flug, however. You’d stick up for him of course and tease her right back, much to the doctor's surprise.
Queue the heart eyes.
Dr. Flug expresses his affection through small, thoughtful gestures, like leaving little notes of encouragement or surprising you with inventions tailored to your interests.
Speaking of gift giving, he prefers to hand make your gifts. His ideology is that there's no point in getting you a meaningless gift that you’ll throw out in a couple of weeks, so why not make you a meaningful one that you can make your life easier???
Which btw he's VERY observant, it's actually quite endearing from time to time, and he takes note of all your special interests, favorite foods, etc.
Mans is touch-starved. Sorry I don't make the rules. 
He’s pretty hesitant to touch at first, but the second he gets a feel for physical affection he's latching onto you like a koala-bear. He likes holding your hand, his hands are surprisingly soft underneath his gloves. 
When you’re both hidden away in the evening from prying eyes, is when you can finally cuddle and be more affectionate with each other. SPOIL HIM PLEASE.
You become one of his biggest supporters, encouraging him and giving him the long-deserved praise, he aches for. When he’s with you, he’ll admit that you have substantially helped boost his ego and confidence which really pays off in his work. Not that Black Hat would ever give him the satisfaction.
Overall, Dr. Flug really is a sweetheart on the inside, especially with those he's grown to love and care about and getting him to open up to you about his insecurities is one of your best accomplishments, he feels like he can be vulnerable with you and that really says a lot. The man has a lot of inner demons and has willingly put his life down the path of villainy, but he feels with you by his side, that things will be a little bit better...
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weministertomonsters · 3 months
M Werefox (Harcourt) x F reader - 2
➤ Pairing - M werefox x F reader
➤ Wordcount 2.4k
The spring air is still cool, but the bright sun overhead promises warmth. You step out of the train and immediately get attacked by your mother, who drags you into her arms.
"Oh, my darling girl!" She exclaims.
She smells of pastries and sun-warmed linen, a scent that reminds you of home.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.
"Not very. Look at you, a proper hat and brooch and pressed clothes! All the fixings of a proper lady," your mother says as you part.
You grin and touch the brim of your hat. "Just wait till we're back home. I'll be back to my sundresses and boots in no time."
Your mother insists on carrying your suitcase for you. In the time you've been gone, you've forgotten how capable your mother is. Her hair is peppered with gray, and yet she's stronger than you, fit from working in the gardens. The wagon looks new thanks to the coat of paint that matches the sky.
"You saved up for paint?" You raise your eyebrows.
Your mother has always been practical. In the past, she would refuse to spend money on something if it wasn't necessary, and you know the wagon wasn't high on her list of importance.
"No, that's thanks to Elrond Palmer across the street. I traded a couple of pies for it. You remember Mr. Palmer?"
You do. The warm, friendly face of the widower pops into your mind. In the summer he paid you to pick the wild berries that grew on the edges of his land. You raise your eyebrows meaningfully.
"I was wondering why you didn't write as often as I had expected. You've been busy."
Your mother swats at you with a twinkle in her eye. "Get in the wagon."
"Okay!" You laugh and clamber onto the seat next to her.
"So, Mr. Palmer, huh?" You say.
"I'm not saying anything just yet," she replies. "But we get along nicely."
"I'm glad. How's Harcourt been?"
"That fox!" Your mother hums as she gets Holly the pony moving. "He's been a real help around the house. He fixed a leak in the roof for me and gave the walls a new coat of paint. And he buys the eggs from me now, if you can believe that."
"But?" You prod.
"He's been getting into some trouble lately. A couple of fights, nothing more."
"He didn't mention anything of the sort to me in his letters." You grip the edge of the seat as the road gets bumpy.
"It's spring." Your mother paused. "Mating season for the forest folk, so I've heard."
"I know," you mutter, plucking at a loose thread on your sleeve.
"If you two are planning-"
You almost jump out of the wagon. "Mother!"
"Hmmm, very well." She purses her lips. "Whatever you have between you, I just want you to know you have my blessing. Listen to your heart. Nothing is sweeter than the freedom to follow it."
You can't help but smile at that. "I'll remember that," you say, leaning your head affectionately against her shoulder.
She sighs happily like a weight has been removed from her shoulders. "Step lively, Holly!" She calls, giving the reins a light snap. "Let's go home!"
You really want to go down to the forest and find Harcourt, but you just got home and don't want to leave your mother alone so soon. You spend a cozy day together. The next morning you're hanging freshly washed sheets out to dry when the chickens start to make a racket. Drying off your hands, you go around the house to find a sleek-furred fox stuck clumsily half over the fence. The last time you saw him, he was in his fluffy winter coat.
"Oh my- Harcourt?" You squeak.
He scrunches his nose. "Hey, I wanted to surprise you. Then I got caught in your dammned fence."
"You goofball!" You tease. "What's stuck?"
"My tail," he scowls.
You lean over. "Right. Here we go." You tug it up and out of the slats, and he shakes himself off, grumbling.
"Here." He shoves a bunch of flowers into your hand.
"You got me flowers?" You grin. "Did you pick them yourself?"
"Yes, along the way. It's not much but-"
"No, this is wonderful!" You hug him, breathing in his familiar scent as your cheek rests against his fur. "You've grown taller," you murmur.
He nuzzles your hair, then inches away from you. "Only a little."
"Are you headed somewhere?" You ask.
"The tavern. I have to work there twice a week for a month." He sees the expression on your face and grins. "Don't worry, it was only a little fight."
You grab his ear and tug on it. "We're not kids anymore. You should know better."
"I know. I'll do better," he promises.
"Mmhmm, now that I'm here, I'm going to keep an eye out," you warn.
He only grins and hugs you again before whisking away.
"I'll come and see you later!" You call after his retreating form.
After dinner with your mother, you steal away to go see Harcourt. Or at least you try to. Your mother seems to be asleep, but as you put your walking shoes on she says,
"Don't forget your shawl. It's cold tonight."
You run over and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back in an hour or so," you promise before you leave the house and walk the ten minutes to the tavern, which is right in the middle of the village.
As you push open the doors, raucous voices meet your ears.
"I heard you forest folk make the strongest brews. Is that true? Can this one hold his liquor? He looks stringy if you ask me. A good gust of wind would knock him over!" It's clear the beefy farmer is talking about Harcourt, who is busy setting mugs of frothy beer down on the table, his tail swishing with annoyance.
"You know how he gets when he's drunk," one man comes to Harcourt's defense. "Leave it be, Rob."
Rob ignores him, shoving one of the mugs towards Harcourt. "You a lightweight?"
"I don't think you want me drunk," Harcourt says coldly, staring at him with a black look that makes you shiver.
He's all tensed up, which is exactly how he gets when he's hunting. He's going to punch the man or worse.
You stride over to the table. "Hello, Rob!" You say. "How's your farm doing?"
You grab the mug and down it. You've had some alcohol during your time in the city, but this stuff is different. It's not as sweet and goes down hard. You manage not to cough as you slam the empty mug down.
Rob laughs. "Saving your friend's honor, hmm?"
"No, I was thirsty." Hands on your hips, you turn to Harcourt. "Give me another."
"You don't have to do this," he says quietly.
"I said I was thirsty," you say sweetly. "Now get me another." You put two coins on the tray and join the farmer's table.
Two mugs of beer later, you've managed to get Rob to stay out of Harcourt's business. It has costed you though, your head suddenly feels very heavy on your shoulders. You yawn and your vision tilts. Someone catches your forehead in their palm right before it cracks against the table.
"Come on," Harcourt murmurs.
"Yeah, I need some fresh air." You loop your arm around his waist and walk out of the tavern.
The cool, fresh air feels good on your face. Harcourt guides you over to the hill overlooking the forest which is covered in short, soft grass.
"Whoops," you giggle as you drop down on the grass next to him. "I think I've had a little too much to drink."
"Thanks for stopping me from being an idiot back there," Harcourt murmurs, tipping his head back and staring at the stars blanketing the night sky. "I'm always irritable in the spring."
"I wonder why!" you say, and frown as your head bumps down on the lumpy ground. "Do you mind?"
Before he can respond, you're already putting your head down on his chest.
"You're so warm," you hum in delight.
He lets out a soft breath. "You're way more drunk than I thought," he mutters. "You made such a big show of being able to handle it too."
Your alcohol-addled brain has decided he's a far more comfortable surface than the ground, so you roll over so you're completely on top of him, your hands clutching at his fur.
"Really? What am I, a pillow?" He complains.
You huff and lie there, enjoying the warmth. After a moment he whines softly, and you're just aware enough to realize you might be hurting him.
"Am I too heavy?"
"Then why are you making sounds like you're caught in a bear trap?" You grumble. "Scaring me for nothing."
His hand comes up, his claws trailing gently across your scalp.
"You're waking me up," he says.
"I've been trying to keep it off. My heat, I mean. The first one was horrible." He sucks in a breath, adjusting his position under you. "I'd be happy if I didn't have to go through it again."
"How do you do that?"
"I've been sleeping a lot," Harcourt admits. "To try and trick my body into thinking it's still winter."
"Now why would you do that? Isn't it a natural thing for your kind?"
"There aren't a lot of my kind around these parts if you haven't noticed," he says softly.
"I could help?"
Your eyes narrow. "Why are you shouting at me?"
"Sorry. That's... No. I'll be fine," he mutters.
"I can manage," his voice goes hard. "You need to get home."
"But I'm comfortable here," you groan against his fur.
"Well, I'm not," he says sharply. "Besides, your mother will wonder where you are."
"I'm an adult," you grumble. "I can do what I like."
"Up," he says, patting your back.
You sit up slowly, squinting at him. "Are you mad at me?"
His warm eyes soften. "You're really drunk," he murmurs, dragging the blunt curve of his claws over your cheek. He inches closer, his tongue flicking hungrily over his teeth. You lean into his touch, and that breaks him out of it.
"Let's get you home. Can you walk?"
"Yeah," you grumble, standing up, your legs as shaky as a newborn foal.
He takes you home. Halfway there he ends up carrying you. You swing your feet happily and when he tells you to stop squirming and kicking him in the ribs, you sing him off-key songs and tug on his ears. You barely remember what happened after that, but you wake up the next day in your bed with your head pounding and your mouth as dry as a desert.
You stumble downstairs for some water and your mother turns from the stove, a hand on her hip.
"Last night you were-"
"Nothing happened," you say sourly as you fill a cup with water. "I just drank too much."
Your mother sighs and shakes her head. You nurse your cup of water until the pounding in your head calms down. A bath and a warm breakfast later, the details of last night come back to you, and you have the sense to be ashamed. You got far too comfortable. It must have been awkward for him, considering you'd been away for so long, only to come back and act like no time had passed at all. Then again, you were drunk. After you finish helping your mother around the house you pack a sandwich and head for Harcourt's den.
It has changed a lot since the last time you were here. It has a door, for one, set into a mound of earth so that it looks like the gateway to a faery realm. You knock tentatively but don't get an answer. It's possible he's not home.
You try the door, and to your surprise, it opens with a hitch.
"Hopefully he's not keeping any valuables in here," you murmur, ducking in. "Anyone could walk in."
The floors are laid with wood, and the walls are plastered. It almost looks like a real house. Impressed, you wander down the small hallway that used to be nothing but a dirt tunnel.
You plan on leaving the gift for him on a table or something, but as you step into the circular space of his den, you find that he's there after all, curled up into a tight ball with his face shoved into his fluffy tail. You recall his words from yesterday, about how he's trying to sleep off the natural cycle of his heat. It sounded like a bad idea to you then, and it still does now.
Carefully, you lower yourself onto the edge of his nest. His ear flicks, but he seems to be asleep. He doesn't snap or growl when you gently touch his face, he only wrinkles his muzzle. Your hand sinks into the plush fur at his neck, and you stroke your hand over his shoulders, feeling the strong muscle underneath. Then, he lets out a whimper and flops over, twitching in his sleep. You wonder what he is dreaming about.
He inhales deeply, and flies up, knocking you over and pinning you down. His teeth bare in your face, and for the first time since you've known him, you actually feel afraid.
"Harcourt!" You shriek, and the flat, glaring animalistic look gradually fades out of his eyes.
Then they're sweet and familiar again, filling with horror.
"Why are you here?" He releases you and shrinks away. "What were you doing?"
"Sorry." You scrub at your eyes as they begin to profile with tears. "I wanted to bring you this."
You hold up the sandwich and he stares at it.
"I could have bitten your face off," he growls, his fur going all puffy with anger.
"I don't think you would have done that," you mumble.
"I'm not a kit anymore. My teeth are fucking sharp," he hisses. "If that ever happens again, you kick me as hard as you can and run."
Your eyes go round at the idea. "You would never-"
He laughs bitterly. "You have no idea what I would do," he says.
He licks his teeth and his ears flick back. "I think you should leave."
"But I..."
"Leave. Please." He turns his back to you and it takes everything in you not to cry.
You have to clear your throat twice before you can speak.
"Okay. Sorry." You put the sandwich down and slink away, feeling ashamed and sorry for yourself. However, you get it now. This isn't the time to hang out with your friend, because he's clearly out of it.
Well. This was getting long, so looks like I need to write a part 3. I can't believe I finally managed to finish this part. 🤡 Writer's block was being mean to me.
That said, I'm going on a little hiatus to focus on Patreon. I feel like I've said this before, but I badly need to have a bunch of stories on there, because that's the whole point of it. My posting has been like Tumblr -> Wattpad -> Patreon which needs to change to Patreon -> Tumblr -> Wattpad. That will save me a lot of stress, which invariably means I'll get to write more! I will be posting part 3 when I write it, so you won't have to wait for that!
I'm already looking forward to it.
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dotster001 · 1 year
im not certain if you're taking requests or if you even write crowley so if you don't, please ignore this and have a lovely day :)
reader who has a crush on crowley and shows this by stealing his coat and top hat at any oppertunity, because thievery is my love language and also his coat looks really nice and comfy.
Crow(ley) Brain
A/N: I really liked how this came out. Hope it was what you were looking for 😁
3k followers masterlist
CW:It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age.
Present Day
Dire was getting ready for his work as headmaster, but he couldn't find his mask. He'd taken it off the night before so that he could turn your cuddle session into a full on makeout session. He could have sworn it was on the side table, but it was just…gone. 
"You haven't seen my mask, have you?" He asked as he started lifting up blankets and pillows and his various shiny things he kept on the floor.
"No," you said simply.
He turned back around, and you were fully dressed in his hat, mask, and coat, the coat hanging haphazardly off your shoulders.
"You're certain you haven't seen my mask?" he said with a smirk.
He walked up to you, lifting the mask slightly off your face so that he could kiss the tip of your nose.
"Well, you know, if I don't have my stuff, I can't go to work, and you can't go to class, cause I'll be lonely."
You gave the fakest gasp he's ever heard. "Oh no!"
He sighed.
"I can be generous with my lover. Five more minutes together, then you'll give me back my stuff."
You pouted. "25 minutes."
He really should not even bother looking anymore. Long before you'd started dating, you'd shown your hand. He just could forget all about it when you smiled at him so innocently.
6 months prior…
"Listen, prefect, the rest of the boys and I are starting to get suspicious," Ace whispered as you cycled through your keys. You'd bought a lot off of Sam, so you couldn't be sure which one was the one you were looking for.
"About what?"
"Well, you said that we were doing this to prank Crowley, but we aren't sure if that's true."
"Look, the rest will never say it to your face, but you spend far too much time hanging out with the headmage for it to be a normal thing."
"I'm not following your logic."
Ace exhaled heavily. "Well, some of the guys think, not necessarily me, but some of them, think that-"
"YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH THE HEADMAGE, HENCHHUMAN!" a gray blob shouted as it rammed into you, making you drop all the keys and lose your place.
"Sevens! Grim! You're supposed to keep watching at the end of the hall!"
"You don't need six people guarding a set of stairs and a hallway that doesn't spawn more than 40 feet," Grim folded his arms with a harrumph.
By sheer luck, you found the key you needed on the first try, and opened the headmage's office.
"What makes you think I'm in love with the headmage?" you asked with a scowl. "Nevermind, just watch the door. We'll discuss your idiocy later."
You stomped into the room, Grim right behind you.
"Grim! I said-"
"Ace can watch the door just fine! You can't avoid this conversation! Even Jack and Deuce are suspicious, and they don't notice anything!"
You glared, before digging through Crowley's desk, looking for something, anything, to take.
"That doesn't make any sense. If I loved Crowley, why would I rob him?"
"Perhaps to get his attention," the devil in question boomed directly behind you. Both you and Grim froze, and you stared at the open door.
"Ace!" You whined.
He peeked in, saw Crowley, and grimaced, before giving a half hearted,
"Um, caw caw…."
"Too late, Ace!" You snapped.
"He didn't come through the door!" He snapped back.
"Correct. In my geniusness, I laid a trap for you!"
You pouted. Sam must have sold you out. Your crew was stupid, but they were rock solid.
You turned to Crowley, putting your most innocent grin on.
"What can I do for you, headmage?"
"I'd like my things back, my darling crow," he hummed.
"Things?" Sweet, innocent, give him nothing to work with.
"You got sloppy, darling," he smirked, hooking a clawed finger under the chain you were wearing, revealing your gold pendant.
Or, more accurately, his gold pendant.
"I'll admit, you had me fooled for a while, but even the dimmest will notice if you literally flaunt your stolen trinkets. Although," he paused, tilting his head to the side, "it does suit you." He hummed for a moment, then, "Keep it."
"I want you to keep it." He seemed to remember Ace and Grim were there, and he gave a cough.
"You two. I have the mastermind. Get out of here before I change my mind."
Ace and Grim sprinted away without a glance back. Cowards.
You pouted, until you felt the claw from earlier tilting your chin up.
"What am I going to do with you, prefect?" He muttered, and in a way that you felt like you weren't actually meant to hear.
"I suppose all I can do is give you the attention you seem to crave." His smile would light up your world anyway.
4 months prior….
But it wasn't about attention. Which is why, even though you were Crowley's partner of two months, you still stole his stuff.
But today? Today was your masterpiece! You'd somehow managed to steal his cloak. You felt bad as hell.
And, since you two were dating, you were going to get away with it! Everyone assumes it was a sweet gesture, intended to keep a cold partner warm, or a possessive gesture, intended to show everyone who you belonged to. Either way? No one questioned you.
No one but the man himself, who had snuck up behind you in the courtyard and placed both his hands on your shoulders.
"Morning, my radiant prefect," he hummed, clearly grinning at how stiff you'd gotten. "I thought we had fixed our little thieving issue. Have you felt I've been neglecting you?" He nuzzled into your neck, pressing a ticklish kiss there.
"Nope. Just wanted to take it," you answered. You decided that honesty was what would make this relationship work.
"Oh? Any reason?" He asked, gently attempting to take it off your shoulders, while you sidestepped. To an outsider, it would look like two lovers doing a dance, not a headmage trying to steal his coat back.
"If I told you, it would spoil the fun of the mystery for you!" You sang as you expertly freed yourself and skipped away.
2 months prior…
"You're dating the man. Literally, you want his hat, ask for it!" Sebek growled. 
Ace was no longer your lookout when robbing your boyfriend. And Jack's new job was distracting Grim. You'd learned your lesson.
And you were thinking you were learning a new one. Sebek was too loud to be a lookout. You'd have to promote Epel or Deuce next round.
"It's not as exciting like that!" You growled, using the key you'd stolen to unlock his room.
"I don't understand! It seems foolish!"
"I agree." Crowley was always a step ahead of you these days. It was infuriating.
"I am more than happy to just give you my hat," he said, plopping his hat on your head. "In fact, I love taking every opportunity to show your admirers that you are mine!"
Sebek raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
You pouted. "It's not about that."
"Then what is it about?" He gave a booming laugh, pushing his hat over your eyes.
"How do I phrase this," you muttered, giggling as you pulled the hat back up. "You know how when you see something shiny, you can't resist the urge to take it?"
"And you feel like that about my stuff?"
"Sort of," you groaned in frustration, then perked back up, an idea in your head. "Okay, you know how when you see something cute, you just are filled with such joy that you want to squeeze it until it pops? Well, I see you, and I'm filled with so many emotions, and so much joy, that I just want to take your stuff and giggle!"
"That," Crowley breathed heavily, "is the sweetest thing I've ever heard!" He started sobbing, scooping you into his arms and holding you there, his hat falling to the ground.
"I shall, uh, take my leave," Sebek said with a cough as your boyfriend clung to you.
Present day…
"Twenty five minutes up," Crowley groaned. "Now be good, and give me my stuff back."
You pouted, but slowly removed the hat, mask, and cloak, handing them back with a growl.
He laughed lightly. "I know, dearest, but I need them for work. You'll have a chance to take them again tomorrow."
He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, then your nose, then a long kiss to your lips.
"I hope I get to see you today."
"Me too," you whispered. Crowley left with a grin.
When you were certain he was gone, you put on your new ring. Or more accurately.
His old ring.
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Aita for "yelling" at my teenage sister for putting earrings through the ears of my childhood stuffed animal?
🤬🐘 <- cause that was me holding them when I found out lmao
So I (22 two spirit, I was 20 when this happened) have had Ellie (Ive used He/she/they for Ellie my whole life, they never had a set gender), a stuffed realtively realistic elephant, since I was at least 3 years old. He was a plush of big Al, the elephant mascot for crimson Tide of the university of Alabama. (Roll tide?) that my dad owned but eventually it was cuddled by 3 yr old me and dragged to my room and out of his man cave (which I don't know why he had a big al plush, we're from Ohio) never to return. I think she had a jersey or hat or something at some point but she doesn't now. Considering just how cuddled Ellie was, it's a miracle how good her condition is. No rips, tears, bald patches or holes beyond the plasticy coating on one of his tusks ripping off in a few places. I wasn't super violent with my toys and never drew on them or ripped them up. The most I did was put hair ties around her ears so they'd look like pigtails.
I've had Ellie a very very long time obviously and he means a lot to me. I very rarely cuddle him now because I want him to stay in that good condition. Well, when I was 19, I moved to Maryland to be with my partner and Ellie went with me obviously. 3 or 4 times a year, me and my partner make the trip to Ohio to visit my family, about 8 hrs away. I bring Ellie because she comforts me when we're there (Alot of traumatic memories are wrapped up in childhood home). Well, one time Ellie got left behind and I was devastated. It was gonna be at least 3 months till I went back and even though my mom offered to send ellie through the mail, i was not willing to take the chance that ellie could get lost forever in said mail so i waited.
Here's the part where I mention I have a younger sister who was 14 at the time. we have a good, if not distant relationship that is a much better place now. Here's where the problem occurred. I returned home after about 3 months after accidentally leaving ellie and immediately wanted to find him once I arrived. My mom told me my sister had been watching them while I was away so I went to her room. My sister then excitedly held up Ellie to me... Ellie's big ears were absolutely littered with my sister's (real) earrings. There had to of been at least 150 piercings in her ears, if not 200. I held myself together as best I could and very sternly told her I was pissed she'd do that, she knew how much Ellie meant to me and she should never treat other people's things that way.
I make a very strong point to never insult, scream or yell or not explain why I'm angry at someone. If I get so angry I can't handle my composure, I leave and gather myself then come back. I never insulted my sister or raised my voice but I definitely hammered how disrespectful and destructive this was to something that wasn't hers as I took out her earrings one by one. My childhood stuffie did not deserve to be turned into Swiss cheese and used as an earring display. If I had done anything like that to her stuffed giraffe, her stuffie, she'd have a cow. Once they were all out I took Ellie and went to my room. Luckily, they were normal sized earrings so the holes were very small and I can't see them if I don't look for them but it felt so disrespectful.
My sister apologized pretty quickly but my mom said I didn't have to yell at her (I never raised my voice but I was clearly hiding an angry one trying to explain to her) nor should I have said it 5 times in the moment (shes exaggerating). I'll admit I repeat myself twice or thrice in the moment as a way to keep myself from raising my voice or stewing in it if I feel like i haven't properly expressed my anger or I feel like the person wasn't listening. Everything is cool now and we dont really talk about it (it's not taboo or too painful to touch, it just doesn't come up) but I wonder if I over reacted considering the holes are tiny, not super visible and I don't think my sister did it to spite me or hurt Ellie, she was just young and dumb and didn't think about how it could mess up Ellie. Should I have held my tounge since shes my sister? She was only 14 but I feel like you should know earrings can cause damage to fabric when you're 14, there's no way she didn't know that wouldn't leave tiny holes in Ellie. I just think she didn't think of them as a big deal.
What are these acronyms?
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k6ivies · 11 months
I have a Lyney request for you, dear author! How about Lyney with a s/o (reader) who upon finding out that Lyney is a Fatuus, is relieved because they didn't know how to tell him that they work for the Fatui too.
Basically a little bit of angst if you squint, because both of them are terrified of what the other one will feel when they found out, but with a happy ending.
(Sorry if this was a bit too specific.)
Here it is!!! I'm so sorry if this took so long! Had fun writing this; thank you so much for requesting btw <3
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“secrets under the fontaine sky” — a lyney fan fic
“What do you mean you can’t go on a date? You promised last week.”
Having a magician as your lover didn’t seem so hard, and Lyney was usually making time for you no matter what. But for the past few weeks, he’s been too busy to go on at least one date for a week.
Of course, you were fine with that… at first.
The first two times you asked, Lyney promised he’d go on that date. But he’d always cancel it last minute. And this was the 4th time–you couldn’t take it anymore.
Lyney was standing in front of you, apologetically holding his hat, “Look–I’m sorry, the show has been… time consuming.” His pleading eyes looked into yours, he even seemed genuinely sorry; your heart jumped, yet you still felt mad.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. Really.” Lyney held your hand with his free hand, rubbing your palm as he lovingly looked at you. How could you stay mad at him when he’s like this?
Alas, you weren’t calming down, yet. “...I’m.. I’m still angry at you! How could you promise things when you’d cancel them at the last minute four times?!-” You sighed exasperatedly and pursed your lips.
Before you could start speaking, Lyney leaned closer, planting a small peck on your lips with his hat covering your kisses from others passing by. You were taken aback.
“...What?” You muttered.
Lyney put his hat on and sheepishly smiled. “Can you accept that as an apology and something I can give to make up for lost time? I promise I’ll go on a date with you next week.” Lyney smiled, holding your hand tight, “Really this time!”
You were silent, still shocked about his kiss despite having kissed him at least 100 times. Your cheeks heated up, and your hand felt embarrassingly sweaty. “Just…”
You paused, looking away, “Just make sure you’re keeping your promises,” you looked at him for a moment, noticing his slightly weary figure. He seemed overworked, yet that same old smile that made your heart jump stayed. So, you hugged him.
“Take care of yourself. I can tell you’ve been skipping a few meals so don’t even think about trying to hide it.” You tightened your embrace and let him go after.
Lyney’s cheeks flushed and he laughed nervously, “I will… oh?” He started to look at your ear, as if he saw something odd. You immediately touched your ears, noticing nothing was off. Was something on your face?
“What’s wrong?” You asked, raising your eyebrow in confusion.
Lyney hummed playfully, booping your nose, “Why don’t you guess?” He smiled. This was one of his magic tricks again.
You thought carefully, touching your face to see if there’s something, but there really wasn’t anything. “Why don’t you check your pockets?” Lyney suggested with a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.
Like Lyney suggested, you checked your coat’s pockets, but there was nothing.
“Lyney, just–” Before you finished your sentence, Lyney clicked his tongue and shook his head. He sighed and crossed his arms, looking at you with fake disappointment.
“Come on, you have to cooperate with the magician if you want magic!” Lyney said, smiling cheekily. “Now, give me your hand, palm down,” he requested.
You did what Lyney asked, letting your hand out. Gently, he took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles, his other hand on his back. Your cheeks flushed at Lyney’s romantic gestures, flustered yet so amused with his silly antics–this was normal to you, anyway.
When you pulled your hand back, you noticed a Rainbow Rose stuck on your palm.
“You..” You laughed in amusement, sighing softly. “I didn’t even notice…” Lyney had a silly smile on his face—he knows he's enchanted your heart again.
“Well, I'll be going now!” Lyney smiled sheepishly. “I have to hurry—I'll see you for our date then!”
Lyney started walking away, and you started waving goodbye. “You better keep your promise!!” You exclaimed as he left. Lyney turned back and waved, doing one of his signature bows as he left. You rolled your eyes and started walking the opposite way.
You walked through the familiar streets of Fontaine. But something was amiss, you swore you could hear footsteps behind you–following you at each turn you go.
Normally, a person would be tense and afraid for their lives—a person wouldn't even notice they were being stalked at all. But you were a trained soldier—a soldier hailing from Snezhnaya, in the Fatui.
So, you walked to a quieter place, just outside of the Court of Fontaine, expecting to have a conversation with this person following you.
“Look, if you're going to assign me tasks, you shouldn't be following me like some stalker in the streets—you'll blow your cover,” you said, turning to your "stalker".
It was a Fatui agent, her arms crossed, and as expected, her mask was on. She seemed like she was at the age no more than 20—a new recruit, you assume.
“I apologize for my… incompetence. I was told to make haste, so I didn't think properly.” She said, bowing her head.
“It's alright, just hurry and spit it out.” You said nicely—although, your words weren't exactly kind enough. Perhaps you got too used to your superiors talking to you with no respect. It's a horrible habit that you took note of.
The Fatui agent lifted her head up and handed you a plain looking parcel, tied up neatly. “Your next mission is here in the city, tomorrow evening, at a party in Hotel Debord.”
The agent continued, “Your mission is to find a woman named Marfa Ivanovna, an illegal immigrant from Snezhnaya. She's made a loan in Northland Bank and hasn't paid for the loan that was due 6 months ago.”
“6 months ago?” Your eyebrows furrowed. No one has ever had an unpaid debt for that long, considering that Northland Bank wasn’t so friendly with unpaid debts. This would be no simple mission, and you’d most likely have a partner. Still, to be sure, you listened to the agent.
“Yes, 6 months ago–Miss Ivanovna has been running away, you see. She always successfully ran away from agents in Snezhnaya and in Liyue.” She continued, “so you’ll be working with another agent we assigned to this mission. He will meet you at Hotel Debord.”
“And the identification code is?” You inquired.
“‘Rainbow Roses are quite the sight; and a ballroom dance should be with romance.’” The agent stated.
Hearing that very sentence reminded you of Lyney—but you were in work mode, so you put your thoughts about him aside for a moment.
You nodded, “Understood.” You paused for a moment, mentally recounting the mission details.
“What's this parcel for?” You nearly forgot about the parcel you've been holding for the past few minutes.
“The Hotel Debord has tight security, but, if you are disguised as a noble, you are most likely to be left unquestioned by Gardes.”
“I see, thank you for the disguise.” You bowed your head in respect and in thanks. The Fatui agent bowed her head.
“I wish you success in your mission, agent.” The Fatui agent told you, soon disappearing in the night.
It seems that your other life is calling you once more… And this wasn't something you were keen on.
Being a Fatui soldier wasn't exactly ideal to you, considering that your line of work wasn't for the softhearted, and if anyone knew, you'd probably go run and start a new identity.
With your fear, you kept your Fatui life completely in the shadows. It was only a life only you knew. And you would only know it; you never even told Lyney.
You always wondered how Lyney would react to your association with the Fatui. Knowing how kind, gentle, and playful he is, you knew he wouldn’t like you being a Fatui member, and you were sometimes walking on eggshells with him.
It was the only thing that you never wanted to live through. You love Lyney, and you swore you couldn't live without his magical charms, not after you met him. You were bewitched by him, ever since the first time you kissed him–perhaps even before that. Either way, you knew you’d love him forever.
As you kept thinking quietly, you sighed, walking inside a building in the City of Fontaine. It was that familiar staircase again, and that flower vase with Rainbow Roses on the console table, which were close to dying out. You should probably throw it out for your landlady soon.
The room was candlelit, and you could hear footsteps. And then, someone called your name out, “Is that you?” It was your landlady, the floor creaking. Your landlady entered the room, holding her cane as she walked weakly.
“Madame Camille!-” You took her other arm and led her back to her bed, “Didn’t the doctor say that you should just stay in bed? She said your bones must rest so they stop aching…”
“Oh please,” Madame Camille rolled her eyes as she sat back down on her soft bed, “I’ll rest my bones when I’m dead.” Her tone was a bit sarcastic, yet so serious. Despite being old, Madame Camille was stubborn and always putting herself to work, despite the fact you were always open to helping out.
“I hope that isn’t soon…” You sighed, putting your hand on your hip.
Madame Camille hummed softly, laying down, “Any gossip today?” She asked, looking at you. You chuckled and smiled–this was usually what she’d ask every time you come to your flat.
“Idette–that black haired girl who always wears that pigeon pin on her collar–is dating one of your tenants here,” I muttered, “I think it’s the tenant on the 3rd floor?” Madame Camille raised her eyebrow in response to your words.
Madame Camille scoffed, “Bah! You don’t possibly mean Chandler! That boy is always cooped up in his home, I feel like I only see him when I ask for his rent!”
“So, what else?” She asked.
“Nothing else, really.” You shrugged, “Oh, but I did hear about–”
Madame Camille shook her head, “No, I meant how are things with that magician.” She cleared her throat, putting covers over her body. “What’s his name again? Lieny? Ah, whatever his name is, he hasn’t been sending flowers like he usually does! Has he been busy?”
You recalled that Lyney sent flowers every two weeks to your landlady, since you once told him that she was fond of Rainbow Roses. And his work was the most logical reason for not sending roses like usual.
“Yes, Lyney has been busy with work.” I nodded, looking at Madame Camille. She sighed, tutting.
“Well. Make sure he remembers about them when he gets his work done!” Madame Camille stated, seemingly displeased.
But then, Madame Camille's expression turned a bit softer, “...No man has ever given me flowers, not in my youth, nor in my old age. So I appreciate that boy's kindness.”
You were shocked that Madame Camille suddenly opened up to you—still, you smiled at her. “I'll be sure to remind him,” you assured.
Madame Camille sternly nodded, smiling at you. But this smile was different, and it could only mean one thing…
“Good, now, about your rent…”
The Hotel Debord was full of guests dressed in flamboyant clothing—such is expected in Fontaine, and especially expected in a party like this. With the eye-catching decorations and the glass roof, showing the beautiful stars under Fontaine skies, it would simply be rude to dress in dull clothing in such a beautiful hotel.
You were wearing a long purple dress, designed by a famous designer in Fontaine, it said so on the tag. The dress was designed with a bit of gold, and the sleeves were long. And since this party was a masquerade party, you were wearing a mask, designed with a beautiful lace design, and delicately fitting your clothes.
You were looking around for your supposed "partner", but you haven't really noticed them, so you looked for your target instead.
Your target, Marfa Ivanovna, was a ginger haired lady with grey eyes. She was a lady in her mid-30s, and was quite tall.
Holding a bottle of Fonta—you didn't drink alcohol since you were on a mission, you walked through a slightly crowded room full of people.
And there you saw your target.
Miss Ivanovna was holding a glass of wine, conversing with other guests with a smile. Though she was wearing a sky blue mask, you could tell that this was your target. After all, you've been doing this job for years.
You started approaching Miss Ivanovna, prepared to strike up a little chat, then lead her somewhere private, then confront her about her debts with the Fatui; your go-to plan when you collect debt.
But your plan was broken.
A familiar person with a top hat approached Miss Ivanovna. Those purple eyes, that little tear-shaped mark, and that oh-so charming grin–though he was masked, you immediately knew who this man was.
And your heart stopped when you realized it.
You immediately walked backwards, going to a nearby corner with less people around. Your body trembled, your stomach churned, and you felt a lump in your throat. This was what you most feared, happening at the very moment.
Despite the horrors of the situation, you couldn't abandon your mission. Yet, you cannot face Lyney amidst your mission.
You took a quick drink of your Fonta and took a deep breath, trying to think of a plan. You could wait until your partner arrives, or perhaps you could wait until Lyney leaves Miss Ivanovna alone. You sighed shakily, putting your hand on the wall as you looked down.
“Rainbow Roses are quite the sight…” Someone said behind you. Your ears perked up–your partner had found you first.
Without turning back, you spoke, “And a ballroom dance should be with romance.” You fixed yourself up and turned back, facing your partner.
You stepped back; your heart was beating fast, and you were visibly startled. Your partner was– “Lyney?” You said, a tone of nervousness in your voice. Lyney couldn’t have possibly known what the starting phrase of the code was, unless–
His purple eyes widened, looking at you in shock. “W-wait-” Lyney was frozen in place, staring at you. He was completely stunned at the sight of you here, and especially the fact that you were both members of the Fatui. And neither of you told each other.
Lyney sighed, shaking his head. “Er… Let’s talk later. Lynette is currently keeping watch of Miss Ivanovna.” He said, taking your hand and pulling you into the crowded area.
You felt Lyney's hand still trembling from shock (or was it you that was shaking?), taking you to the stairs in the Hotel Debord. Lyney stopped walking, holding you back. There were voices nearby. The stairs in Hotel Debord was an imperial staircase, and you would be hidden by walls if you were walking up.
“Yes, indeed! Art is such an exquisite form of life—I'm delighted to see a young girl like you chatting about it with such deep knowledge!” Miss Ivanovna said happily, fanning her face as she gazed at the painting in front of them.
Lynette smiled, “I'm glad you feel that way, Miss Fedorova.”
You were not surprised by the different name—she was using a fake name to hide her identity.
Lyney turned to you, holding your hand tight. “Lynette doesn't know you're our partner in this mission, but she's aware that someone will be helping us,” Lyney said, “do you understand?”
You gave him a quick nod, shrugging after “It's not like I knew you were my partner in this mission either,” you smiled.
“Hehe…” Lyney scratched his nape and focused on the task at hand soon after. Unbeknownst to Lynette’s true intentions, Miss Ivanovna was still talking happily with Lynette, her smile wide and her eyes almost glimmering. It seems Lynette has done a great job to earn Miss Ivanovna’s trust.
Lyney turned to you, signaling you to go to the other side of the imperial staircase, so if Miss Ivanovna tried to run away, she would be blocked. Besides, if she tried to escape, you had already placed traps in places she’d try to escape through, excluding the main entrance.
“I’m surprised about your knowledge about ‘Lady with an Umbrella, facing right’, Miss Fedorova,” Lynette smiled, “You even know the exact price for the painting.”
Lynette turned to Miss Ivanovna, her hands neatly placed in front of her, “Miss Fedorova, I must confess that I have other intentions with you.” Lynette said, putting her sword up.
“Or should I say, Miss Marfa Ivanovna?”
Miss Ivanovna flinched, her eyes bulged at the sight of a sword being pointed at her. She was probably shocked at the mention of her true name. “W-what–I’ve done nothing wrong! Why are you threatening me?”
“I suggest you stop pretending, Miss Ivanovna. I am well aware of who you truly are, and what debts you have with the Fatui,” Lynette said.
Miss Ivanovna stepped back—Lynette then spoke once more, “And don't even try escaping. My partners have already taken precautions to make sure you won't be exiting the hotel.”
Miss Ivanovna furrowed her eyebrows, clenching her fists.
Lynette put her sword down, “We only want to peacefully talk about your debt in Northland Bank, Miss Ivanovna. If you settle your debt, everything wouldn't be a hassle for yourself and the bank.”
It took a few moments until Miss Ivanovna’s expression softened. She still looked mad, but it seemed like she was more reasonable than you anticipated for a woman running from the Fatui for 6 months.
“Fine…” Miss Ivanovna said.
Immediately, you knew this was a trap. And you were right. Miss Ivanovna threw her fan at Lynette’s face harshly, causing her to get distracted as Miss Ivanovna ran away to the staircase where you were. You were sure that Lyney would be helping Lynette at the moment, so you were practically on your own in capturing Miss Ivanovna.
You heard frantic footsteps down the stairs, and then a figure passed you by. Immediately, you grabbed hold of that figure and pushed them against the wall. It was, indeed, the notorious Miss Marfa Ivanovna.
“Listen to me, Miss Ivanovna–the Fatui can get you into more trouble than we’re already giving you,” you whispered, pushing her harder against the wall as she tried squirming. “Don’t you know that the Fatui can take you to the Fortress of Meropide for illegally migrating into Fontaine–and just where justice is held up high in honor…”
You smiled and gripped Miss Ivanovna’s wrists, “Additionally, I could personally take measures into making things worse for you for hurting my boyfriend’s sister. So why don’t you settle all of your debts in the Fatui, and we’ll let you go?”
Miss Ivanovna groaned in annoyance, accepting her defeat at last, “Fine! Fine.”
“I'm a woman of elegance, so let's negotiate...”
Lynette had taken care of Miss Ivanovna, leaving you and Lyney alone together. Though Lyney insisted that Lynette should have taken a break, Lynette declined and dealt with Miss Ivanovna on her own. You figured that Lynette’s intention was for you to talk with Lyney about your identities as Fatui members.
You couldn’t wait until you could finally talk with Lyney privately–but you were also afraid of talking to him. You felt relieved that he wasn’t mad, but you kept overthinking that this would change things between the two of you. Well, it has but, you were worried about this changing your relationship negatively.
You and Lyney were seated on a bench somewhere on the sidewalk, listening to the evening sounds of Fontaine streets. You were too far from Lyney, sitting at the edge of the bench in awkwardness.
“Hey,” Lyney whispered, “sit closer… It's not like we're strangers…” His tone was similar to his usual playful tone, but there was a hint of sadness in his voice.
You turned to Lyney, who wasn't even looking at you; his head was down, fiddling his hat with his hands, while his body was slumped over. You've never seen him this quiet—it was unusual to you.
It made you nervous that he was acting like this. Was he sad about you not telling him? Was he embarrassed that you were a Fatui like him? What did he even feel about this? You felt as if your relationship was inching closer to a cliff.
You scooted closer, making your shoulder touch his, which made him look at you. You took his top hat and placed it on his head, his eyes staring into yours with bitterness.
“I'm sorry,” Lyney told you, taking your hand, “I'm sorry.”
You were confused, “Why?”
“I'm sorry for not telling you,” Lyney muttered, holding your hand tight, “I was afraid that… you would hate me for being a Fatuus.”
“But I never thought of the possibility of you hating me for not telling you.”
Lyney sighed shakily, tightening his grasp on your hands, “I'm sorry that I was afraid. I’m sorry I was a coward.”
“Lyney…” You muttered. The Lyney you once knew as confident and charming showed his vulnerable side–you felt honored to see this side of him, and to know more about how he truly is. You pulled him closer and hugged him, kissing his forehead gently, “I’m not mad at you for not telling me.”
You moved away and cupped his cheek, rubbing it, “It's okay,” you whispered, smiling at the sad magician. Lyney was still frowning in front of you, sighing softly.
“How are you forgiving me like this? Aren't you supposed to be a bit mad…?’
“How can I be mad when I've kept the same secret from you too?”
You laughed softly and hugged Lyney again, “Besides, I couldn't get mad at your charms,” you paused for a moment, kissing his cheek.
“I'm being serious!” Lyney sighed exasperatedly and moved away.
“I'm being serious too..!”
“...You're really not mad?”
“Yes, I'm not mad—I love you too much for that.”
Lyney froze and got flustered, a pink tint coloring his cheeks as his eyes strayed away. You've barely seen him flustered.
“...I love you too,” Lyney whispers, holding your hands again, kissing your knuckles before entwining his fingers with yours.
You laughed softly, putting your head on his shoulder, holding Lyney's hand while watching the time pass by in the evening light of Fontaine.
“Hey, Madame Camille wants you to bring more flowers to her,” you whispered, kissing Lyney's cheek.
“Ah… of course. I'm finished with all my missions anyway, I should have more time to perform and to visit your landlady,” Lyney stated.
“Wait, you haven't been performing?”
Lyney's eyes glanced somewhere else, and he scratched his neck nervously, “Oh… um.. yes.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, gently nudging his elbow, “So all this time, you weren't actually having shows?!”
You huffed, “You owe me 4 dates! I can't believe you lied to me like that…”
“I didn't mean to…” Lyney sighed, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You put out your pinky, “Promise?”
Lyney intertwined his pinky with yours, kissing your lips gently.
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sorencd · 1 year
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─ i want a love like i've seen in the movies.
september 19, 1957 ── 10:46 am
the bookshop, for the majority of the time, was quiet. only the sounds of customers opening the door from time to time was what could be heard. because usually, when people go bookshopping, it's done quietly. a certain pair of cheeky best friends, clad in coats and sweaters that entered the shop about an hour ago was an exception, though. the previously quiet and quaint store was now filled with hushed chattering amongst themselves and the occasional faint laughter.
examining the covers of books was your second-most favorite thing to do, aside from reading and smelling the comforting scent of aged and new books alike. neil would always stare at you incredelously whenever you took a sniff of a good old book's pages. in your defense, they really do genuinely smell good and of you could, you'd bask in the aroma forever.
"this book looks cool."
neil handed you a book with a bright cover, the title 'catcher in the rye' written in bold. you flipped it over a few times to examine it properly, it did pique your interest quite a bit, but not fully.
"what's it about?"
"it says here; 'the comic and touching novel about a raw american adolescent, which has become recognized as a key book of the present decade.' hm, it's all about adolescence, obviously." he ended, flipping the book over to look at the front page again.
"you gonna read it?"
scanning your eyes over various titles on the shelves, you couldn't find a single one that you haven't read, and if you hadn't read it, it didn't really sound too enticing to you. you were about to move to another shelve until one finally spoke to you. pulling it off where it comfortably sat between two other books with a smile, you held it in your hands carefully.
"i just might. have you found a book to read?"
"yeah." you blatantly responded, revealing the book that was in your hands. showing him the title of whatever piece of literature you were able to put your hands on.
"really, 'the cat in the hat?'." neil arched his eyebrow with a smile.
you laughed at his response and at yourself. it was maybe a bit silly, reading a children's book. but you couldn’t find anything else.
"yeah! nothing could go wrong with a dr. seuss book."
"if that's all your brain could comprehend i totally understand you, (y/n)."
shocked with what just came out of neil's mouth, you shoved his arm with faux hurt and a loud laugh. you're sure there are people watching the two of you and are giving you weird glances with how rowdy the both of you are being. you pulled your eyes away from neil to look at the selection of books once more, and another title caught your eye. repeating the same action from earlier, you took it out from where it was sandwiched.
"would you rather read this one? 'how the grinch stole christmas', it's perfect for someone like you. you could play the grinch."
"i will as long as you play max."
the pair of you were in another fit of giggles, teasing each other about ridiculous other things just to get a reaction out of the other. at this rate you're going you'd probably never be able to buy a new book to read before lunch.
"i think i'll just read 'the lord of the flies', no snide remarks neil."
"i wasn't planning on saying anything!"
"yeah ok. you go on outside, i'll be the one to pay for the books."
"it's alright, i'll wait for you."
to anyone who isn't close friends with the both of you, this could be easily misinterpreted as an interaction between a couple. but you assure them that you're just friends. moments like these however, constantly keeps you awake at night questioning if you still see neil as a friend or something more. you hated thinking about it, since you might just be giving meaning to things and you'll wind up hurting yourself in the end. why are feelings so complicated?
the clerk handed you your change and waved you off goodbye. the pair of you scuttled out of thr bookshop and into the slightly-chilled streets.
"where should we go next?" you looked at neil, hoping that he'll suggest you two visit the new cafe a few blocks down. you were a bit hungry despite doing nothing, but you were still hungry. and thank heavens neil knows you like the back of his hand.
"you wanna stop by the new cafe? the food on display always looks amazing whenever i pass by."
"brilliant idea! best decision you've ever made, neil. i must say. truly commendable."
side by side, you started walking on the pavement with your hands in each of your own pockets, respectively. neil was keen on striking up another conversation, judging by the brand new topic he had brought up seemingly out of nowhere. but you weren't complaining, you loved talking to him. that you couldn’t deny. and while the world continues moving on, your journey towards the cafe was a foot.
© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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Could you write a story for a normal customer from the Mega Pizzaplex eating Freddy, Monty, Bonnie and Foxy? (With disposal and weight gain, please)
Oh that sounds like a lot of fun, would love to do some stuff with them getting nommed by a random. Anyway, I'm in a really big F.NAF mood as of writing this due to some RPs with a friend, so expect a long one, folks. This is PRIME brainrot fetish content right here. This one took a bit to make...and reminded me why I don't often write this much for the blog. Still, it was fun!
For as big as this place is, one would think they could get something good to eat here. Norman was finding out that...no, you can't. Sure, most patrons didn't mind the cheap pizza or other such options, but it wasn't really the kind of food a man nearly in his forties should be expected to eat. It's all bland, empty calories that just leave his stomach grumbling for more. When he'd heard the P.izzaplex was handling more...adult-oriented endeavors, he figured that'd mean better food. It really just meant selling alcohol more openly and less filters. The booze was just as cheap and unfilling as the food, too, and it left Norman wandering around the place in search of anything he could fill his stomach with. That's when he found himself heading into R.ockstar Row.
The four animatronics the plex liked to show off--F.reddy, B.onnie, M.onty, and F.oxy--are all in their respective dressing rooms/exhibits. The place was otherwise empty, however, leaving Norman with an idea. It's not good service for this place to not have anything good to eat around here...so it's only fair if he takes the best option for him, right? No one's going to really miss one animatronic when there's so many of them. It's gotta taste better than the lousy food, too. His hungry belly is gurgling in agreement, and so, using some photo booth passes, he goes to pick out his meal right from the lunchbox. He figures F.oxy won't be missed too much, and the pirate's room is the one he enters first.
Like all of the animatronics, F.oxy is much taller than the average human, dawned in a flashy pirate's uniform with a long coat and a hat to go with it. When he noticed a customer entering his room, he got up fast and waved with a hooked hand. "Yar, what can I do for ye? An autograph, a photo, or a...private show?" He slurps over his teeth with that last line.
"Lunch," Norman says simply, looking annoyed and impatient. "There's nothing good to eat here, and I'm fed up with it. You'll have to do."
"I don't have anythin' here fer ya to--" F.oxy didn't really register what Norman meant, at least not at first. But when he's pulled down by the front of his coat, staring into the wide, drooling jaws of the customer...he gets a pretty good idea. Not that he can say anything about it, as his muzzle and face are shoved right inside. A few slurps over hard plastic and faux fur tells Norman that, for a just hunk of metal, animatronic actually doesn't taste too bad. So, he starts gulping, wedging down F.oxy's shoulders and going down his chest. By the time he's slurping down that stomach, and his gut is starting to push outward with a fox face, F.oxy begins to kick around and yell. But his arms are pinned down, and Norman has a good enough grip to keep gulping regardless.
Norman slurps past the fox's stomach. A fluffy ass hangs out of his mouth, tail swishing around and legs kicking. The man tips his head back and steadily sucks the rest of the meal down. His gut bloats out as he does, forcing his shirt up and letting the fuzzy organ hang out for the world to see. Once those kicking fox feet slip past his lips, Norman gulps a final time. There's a wet slosh as the last of F.oxy drops down into his gut, which is now curled up tightly around him. A thick, wet belch rumbles out of the man as he roughly pats the bulge the animatronic's head made. This was a very filling meal, the eight-foot F.oxy now tightly curled up in the man's gut. It's so tight that the bulges are rather well defined--Norman could almost make out the rather pissed expression on the pirate fox through the flesh. He gives the bulge another rough pat. "Best food in the building. Maybe they should start serving you guys up instead of that greasy cardboard."
"I ain't no lousy slice o' pizza! Lemme outta here, ya landluber!" F.oxy's voice is muffled, but still audible, and he's doing his best to shift around inside. It's not going well. The stomach walls keep contracting him back into place, not giving him an inch to work with. The best he can do is make the stomach slosh back and forth. "This is supposed t' be the other way 'round!"
"That's too bad." Norman seats himself on a couch in the room, his gut resting on his lap. Another crass belch escapes him and he relaxes. "At least you're filling. Shouldn't need anything else to eat for--" A long, harsh gurgle cuts Norman off. F.oxy pauses for a moment, but then the walls around him contract more, getting an inch or so smaller. Then it happens again...and again...and after the third inch, F.oxy begins to panic as he realizes he's melting.
Norman watches as his furry stomach begins to shrink downward, bubbling and gurgling intensely. F.oxy thrashes around as best he can, making the whole thing slosh back and forth. But all it does is knock another noxious belch out of the man, a bit of red fur on his breath. A singed pirate's hat comes flying out as well, splattering onto the ground. The defined bulges of the man's gut steadily lose shape, becoming softer blobs as they sink in on themselves. F.oxy's gone from angry curses to calling for help. He's able to cry out for F.reddy's to save him before the wet, hard gurgling of Norman's gut totally overtakes his voice. That's about the same time the last of the bulges finally round off. Norman's gut is left at half the size it had been, and the last of the movement in his gut finally goes still. Norman lets out a disappointed sigh as he watches his gut continue to shrink back down, messily pumping all of that fox slop away. "Dammit...you tasted better for sure, but this is just as bad as that crappy pizza. Going right through me, too..." How are even the animatronics here no better than a cheap meal?
Not to mention all the calories that fox had been. Norman already had a pretty soft body from one too many fast food runs, but he's growing plumper by the second. His gut is resting in his lap now, shirt too tight and letting his gut peek out. Then there's his tightening pants, his legs and ass growing larger inside of them. He grumbles slightly and readjusts, only to feel a harsh rumbling deep in his bowels. Yep...the fox is done and he wants out. Annoyed by the whole thing, Norman gets to his feet and simply drops his pants. A thick ass sticks out over the fox's couch, and with a sputtering fart, a thick log of shit begins to slide out of him. The logs are rather dense, given what went to making them, and Norman has to grunt as he passes them. Tufts of red pepper the dark brown, whatever is left of F.oxy's foax fur. Thin pieces of metal that didn't quite get digested are also baked into a lot of the logs. Likely an exoskeleton, now broken and in disrepair from the fast but harsh journey through a man's digestive tract. Norman can feel the fox's hook tickle him a bit of the way out, but it's hardly an issue. The long, stained coat that's now wrapped around a rusted ribcage gives him more trouble, even. The worst part is the fox's skull, which takes a bit of effort to force out finally. But then it's done, and Norman feels a lot lighter for it. The heavy pile of crap left behind is now spread out on F.oxy's couch, steaming slightly in the air and smelling horrible. His skull sits right on top, half-buried in the muck now and the lower jaw missing somewhere else in the pile. The man barely regards it, though. He's grumbling over his fatter gut and tighter clothes and, worst of all, the fact that he's somehow still hungry after all of that. At this point...he might as well have a second. They're the only thing he's willing to choke down, even if they're not good for him.
Leaving the mass behind, Norman makes his way to a different room. He figures people don't care too much about M.onty either, so he should be a good second meal. The big alligator doesn't even seem to register the man at first, too busy wailing on the couch he turned into a punching bag. It's only when his long, thrashing tail is grabbed that he notices. And by then, it's too late, because Norman is sticking it into his jaws and slurping it down.
"Hey, whaddya think you're doing?!" M.onty tries to pull his tail back out, but Norman just gulps around it. Soon he's at the base of the gator's tail, and with a rather hard gulp, he's starting to work the ass in. M.onty lets out a roar as his body is forced to fold, knees meeting his chest. The gulping continues, sending his stomach and thighs down in tandem. M.onty tries to wiggle and push himself away, but all that does is get his hands lodged in Norman's gullet. Now he can only roar out angrily as he continues to sink deeper with each gulp. Soon, Norman is getting past his chest and shins. M.onty is snapping at the air and roaring out. Each gulp sinks him deeper and deeper and soon...his head and feet go down together with a final, wet swallow that drops him down into Norman's stomach. It bounces up and down, knocking out a massive belch from Norman that sends the gator's sunglasses flying out, all while M.onty does his best to thrash about.
Just like with F.oxy, Norman's gut is rumbling to life harshly. The man has to brace himself against the wall with how much M.onty is thrashing around, but his gut is sloshing wetly soon enough, and those detailed bulges of the snapping, roaring gator are sinking in on himself. His sharp claws grow duller, his snapping muzzle sinks down, the lumps made by his tail and limbs all merge together; and finally, with another thunderous belch and a final gurgling roar, Norman's gut goes soft and sloshy. He can feel a few more fading twitches from M.onty before the lump in his gut is still, and it's swiftly being reduced completely to water weight that's chugging down through his bowels. The gator had been even bigger than the fox, but Norman is pretty sure he went down even faster. Must have been the squirming...
Norman frowns as he tries to pull his shorts down and finds that it's...not easy. M.onty really piled onto his ass, another absolute calorie bomb. His thighs aren't much better, and his shorts are squeezing pretty tight now. Then there's also his shirt, which just doesn't come down over his gut anymore. It sticks out completely, heavy and soft from all the new weight. His chest and arms make the rest of his shirt rather tight as well. That's going to be an issue, he can tell. But his bowels rumble heavily, reminding him of a different issue. He finally gets his shorts down and squats, letting out a deep rumbling fart before a dense, brown log begins to crown and stretch him out. Norman is groaning around it, feeling the thick ropes of shit steadily coil up under him in a massive heap. Fake scales are embedded in the crap, giving it a sparkly green every so often, as well as more bits from what's left of M.onty's exoskeleton. The gator's claws come out one after another, tickling the man a bit as he passes them. "Bulky bastard..." Norman grunts as he squeezes out another few feet of shit. The pile is heaping up to his waist when he's finally pushing out what would count as a skull. M.onty's jaws are open wide, shit pushing through them, a few teeth missing and his mohawk only a few strands left over. It takes a few good pushes to get it out and Norman can hear the thunk it makes when it drops onto the pile. "Finally..."
Of course, even after dumping out two hulking animatronics, Norman can't help but find that his gut is still grumbling softly. This is all just annoying at this point, but he's not leaving until he's full...or he runs out of robots to eat. And he's starting to wonder if it'll be the second thing first. For now, he's heading out of M.onty's room, struggling to pull his shorts back up the whole way. B.onnie is the last 'expendable' robot, so he heads for the rabbit's room next. He gives up on getting his shorts over his ass again by the time he walks in.
B.onnie is currently...sleeping? The robot is laying back on his couch, his knees hanging off the end with a magazine over his face while he snoozed. Norman pauses for a moment to wonder if robots even need to sleep...before his stomach grumbles impatiently and he returns to his snacking. Hoisting up the robot's bulky feet, he opens wide and stuffs them in. He starts taking thick gulps, working his way up B.onnie's legs. That results in him climbing onto the couch as he eats, crawling forward with each thick gulp he takes. B.onnie is starting to shift a bit as his waist slips into the man's maw, but he's still out. His hands are taken in as Norman starts working up his stomach, then his chest. The magazine is casually tossed aside, and that seems to fully stir B.onnie. "Huh..? What's going o--" Norman's lips seal over B.onnie's face with another gulp. Just the rabbit's ears stick out of his mouth now, and with a slurp, the last of the robot is sent down the hatch.
Norman's gut bulges out under him once again, pressed down on the couch with the man resting on it. He's on the other side of the couch now, gut resting against the armrest B.onnie had been using as a pillow. B.onnie is starting to shift around inside, confusion growing into panic as the stomach walls churn and gurgle over him. By the time Norman lets out a heavy belch, the rabbit is full-on squirming around. "Hey, this...this isn't cool, man!" B.onnie calls out, face and hands pushing against the stomach walls as best they can. "I'm the entertainment, not the food! Hello? Are you listening?" The stomach walls churn harder and Norman belches again. His gut is beginning to shrink down, inches at a time as everything sinks inward. "H-Hey, hold on, we can work this out!" B.onnie yelps. "Please?" The stomach rumbles hard and suddenly shrinks down several inches at once, the bulges getting muted. "S-Somebody! Security! Get me outta here! Anyone?! Fred! Please--" Another wet gurgle, and Norman belches deeply, his stomach suddenly compacting with wet crunches and churns. His gut rounds out fast, pumping B.onnie away and turning him into a boiling slop. It's half the size it had been, Norman lazily rubbing along the side of it.
"So noisy...almost enough to give me a headache," Norman grumbles. He gives the side of his gut a few rough pats, making it wobble and slosh. Norman is starting to wish he just took his shorts off all the way, because with how tight they've gotten on his legs, he's not sure he could now at all. At least his ass is still exposed, which is weighing down on the band of the shorts. His gut is so large that it nearly touches the ground while he's resting on his hands and knees. His shirt has grown taut, and it's starting to rip at points of tension thanks to all the new weight. Norman is really starting to hope this is the last meal he needs. Speaking of...which a deep, wet rumble from his ass, Norman grunts and starts to push. B.onnie comes out soft and thick, coiling up on the couch behind Norman. At least the position he's in lets him handle this without needing to move. Other than little tufts of purple and the dense, ruined endoskeleon passing through, Norman found it to be a rather average dump. Easiest of the three by far. At least until he finds himself struggling over the skull, which takes a few tries to force out fully and onto the pile. By the time he's done and getting up again, the couch is filled up with shit, all that's left of B.onnie. And Norman finds his gut is still grumbling.
Well, there's only one animatronic left. Norman had been avoiding it out of some common courtesy--he figured the establishment could keep running so long as it had the face of the show walking around, even if the rest of the band was reduced to manure. But his impatient gut isn't having it, and so he's walking...er, waddling into the final dressing room.
F.reddy is sitting at his mirror when Norman walks in, but the bear perks up and looks over. "Oh, I didn't realize we were having guests right now! Hello, S.uperstar!" He rises to his feet with a smile and walks over to Norman. He does pause when he notices the state of the man--an annoyed look on his face, clothes that are several sizes too small, and his stomach is grumbling and gurgling wetly. "Is...something the matter?"
"Yeah, the food here is terrible, and the only thing that tastes remotely good is your bandmates." Norman gives the side of his gut a smack, making it wobble. "But they went through me too fast, and I'm still hungry. So...down you go." He grabs the bear animatronic by the arms and shovels his hands into his maw. Wet slurping starts, and F.reddy shakes from his shock by the time he's elbow deep.
"N-Now S.uperstar, I'm sure we can find something here that will satiate you so there's no need to be going to such drastic--" A wet slurp sucks his upper arms in. "--lengths..." Norman's maw yawns open wide before his face, tongue slurping over his face. "Oh no..." His head is shoveled in, a thick gulp sucks it down, and Norman is working down the bear's sturdy chest and stomach. F.reddy tries to dig into the ground with his feet, but Norman hefts him up and begins to slurp the bear's legs down. His fat gut bulges out with a wet slosh as F.reddy drops inside, the final massive course to this meal. Once his twitching feet are slurped up, it's over, and Norman lets out a deep huff once the weight settles inside of him.
With a deep belch, Norman seats himself on the chair in front of F.reddy's mirror. Despite how fat he's gotten after the last three meals, his gut is still stretched rather tightly around F.reddy, so it's easy to tell exactly what has ended up in the man's gut. The large bear is still shifting around, pushing on the walls that are compacting him into place. Norman's gut is already churning wetly, getting ready to work down yet another robotic snack. At this point, he's not even expecting F.reddy to satisfy him--he's doing it on the principle of such poor service. Or something like that. He's more so worried about justifying all the weight he's put on than devouring the P.izzaplex's star attractions.
F.reddy is already stammering something about 'lifetime coupons', but Norman isn't listening. He pats a hand to his gut, pushing down slightly, already feeling it growing softer. The large animatronic bear is compacting down, melting, turning into gut slush just as easily as his bandmates did. He's just junk food, really. As bad as anything else Norman could have gotten to eat around here, but tastier and at least somewhat filling. As the bulge sinks inward and the defined lumps smooth out, F.reddy's resistance quickly wanes. There's a final, bubbly "S...S.uperstar...please..." before Norman shoves down on the bulge of the head and belches out, reducing the star of the company into nothing but thick chyme. Though that's at least a more sightly appearance than what he'll become soon, as all that chyme sinks deeper through Norman's system.
The weight is a serious issue for him, though. He can hear his clothes tearing as a lot of F.reddy piles onto his figure. He's completely naked before long, grumbling over the lost clothing as he sits on the scraps. By now, his gut is a massive, soft ball that stinks out perpetually by nearly a foot. His limbs have all gotten much thicker and his ass fills out the chair a little too much. Even his face has gotten much rounder, though it doesn't do much to soften that annoyed expression he's wearing. He's going to have to really work on burning this weight...
However, the only weight Norman is truly worried about at the moment is the one bubbling in his bowels. He gets to his feet with a grunt and keeps himself squatting over the chair he'd been sitting in. He pushes, wincing slightly as a bassy fart comes from him first. The smell is getting worse. But it's nothing compared to the raw stench made by the thick, dense log of crap Norman is pushing out. Whatever's left of F.reddy is heaping up on his chair now, tan faux fur and scraps of metal and wire baked into the mass. The ruined exoskeleton comes out occasionally, making Norman groan as he feels the awkward shapes stretch him out further. There's heavy thuds as the massive logs begin to spill over the sides of the chair and pile up on the floor around it. Norman doesn't pause at all, just doing his best to void his bowels of all the dead weight. One of the last things to stretch out the man's hole is the skull, barely recognizable as the famous, friendly bear. It's just worn-down metal sticking out of a brown log of shit. A few more logs squeeze out and Norman is finally, truly done.
A deep sigh escapes the man and he stands up again, taking a few steps away from the pile. It's mostly buried the chair now, sitting high enough to reflect in the mirror. Norman waves the air away with a groan. Looking around the room, he finds that there's lots of random F.reddy merch sitting around. He's able to find some sweatpants and a hoodie among it all. The pants are a bit tight and the hoodie doesn't fully cover his gut, but it's enough that it'll last for the trip back home. He walks past the pile without a second glance, just glad to be escaping the stinking room.
Norman rubs along his stomach as he waddles his way past all of the rooms, each window open to show off the four piles that the band has been reduced into. "Even the talent is just cheap food..." Norman sighs. His stomach is settled down, though. But it really had to take all four of them to sate his hunger? He's going to be leaving a very poor review of the place when he gets home. This is just terrible service! Of course, his review won't mean much compared to the others that'll come pouring in after. Nobody wants to come to the P.izzaplex just to look at four stinking piles of shit, after all.
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
Hi, how are you?
Can i request headcanons about how Vash would react to finding out reader (gender neutral) has pointed ears?
Like, reader is always seen wearing a beanie that conveniently hides their ears and one day, during a fight with bounty hunters, they lost their beanie and Vash end up seeing reader's ears.
Later, when asked why reader didn't told him, reader just gives him a piece of paper that has written "how to tell your boyfriend you have pointed ears in 3 steps" in it.
Reader was planning on telling him but the plan got ruined.
When asked how their ears are like that, reader just shrugs and says "mama told me it was a birth defect and, well, i never questioned it".
Also, reader's ears are very expressive.
They are happy/excited? Their ears perk up.
They are sad/depressed? Their ears drop down.
They hear something from afar? Their ears move up and down as if it was trying to find out where the sound was coming from.
I'm so sorry of this is super long.
I hope you have a good day!
Authors Note: Sorry it took me so long to get to this!!! I'm writing a DnD campaign so I've been busy...but yes I've had a good day thank you! I also added a bit of reasoning behind having pointed ears (vaguely) hope that's okay!
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Vash x Reader, Reader Has Pointed Ears HC's
•When your mother was pregnant with you she had experienced a lot of difficulties, most the doctors had determined that you wouldn't survive
•As a last resort she had gone to the towns plant facility, she didn't know why but it always calmed her to watch the plants move around their tanks
•No one 100% knows what happened that day but your mother insist that the plant gave her the energy to carry you, and to be honest it seemed to be true because when you were born...you had a pair of pointed ears
•They were highly expressive, perking up at sounds and standing at attention when you were happy, drooping when you were sad. Your mother saw it as a sign of luck, that you had been blessed. Others...did not
•A lot of people thought it was weird, or even said you were cursed. You had learned to hide them away the older you got, not enjoying the odd looks or insults you had thrown your way.
•When you first joined Vash's little group no one really said anything, they all had their weird things, I mean Vash wears a bright red coat and Wolfwood drags a cross wherever he goes no one was really in the place to judge you for not taking your hat off, besides it wasn't uncommon for people to wear beanies or cowboy hats
•Eventually as everyone becomes closer you do get the ossiconal question, whether it's Meryl just causally asking about it (it's the reporter in her) or Wolfwood teasing you about it (it's the big brother in him) you always blow it off with a half assed excuse with "oh i dunno" or "I just like it"
• Vash actually doesn't press you too hard about it, he's got his own secrets (cough scars) (cough plant markings) so he's fine if you keep your hat on, even when your dating
•Then the two of you get caught in the crossfire of some bandits. Vash is quickly pulling you down in the dirt with him trying to keep you from getting hurt when you feel your hat fall off, your ear perk up at the sound of gun fire going off and Vash stops wide eyed for a second before remembering he's supposed to be not getting shot and pulls the two of you off to safety
•When you two first talk alone he's a bit pouty, not because of your ears but because he feels bad you didn't trust him enough to know. Then you argue that for awhile he didn't tell you about his plant markings and the argument is resolved with a truce lmao
•You also mention that you had been planning to tell him but chickened out each time worried he'd see you as a freak. Which he gets 100% he's often worried his plant qualities will be ridiculed so if anything this brings the two of you a lot closer!
•Vash loves your ears, he thinks it's super cute how they perk up at the sound of his voice, or stand at attention when you talk about something you like. Sometimes he gently runs his fingers over them enjoying how the flicker at his touch
•When you're sad he instantly knows because of your ears and won't leave your side until their not drooping. Doing everything in his power to cheer you up
•Then when he learns that it was plant energy that gave them to you he's even more excited!
"y/n we're the same!" "uh..i don't think that's how it works Vash" "shh let me have this"
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huffle-dork · 1 month
Swap Beyond the Crystalverse Chapter 10: SepticPirates
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs
Other Multiverse Stories: SITCV | SATCV | GITHV
SBTCV Masterpost
Bro falls, and lands on a city street. But not a modern city street. It's clear from the cobbled streets and clothes the people are wearing. but it's not quite as medieval as Glasúil. The buildings are made of brown bricks with shingled roofs, and the people wandering around don't wear tunics, but instead frilly shirts and the occasional long coat. The sky above is the bright orange and pinks of sunset. The air smells salty. Nobody really looks at Bro as he appears, but he does get long looks for his strange outfit as he stands there. 
Bro blinks and brushes himself off, flushing a bit self consciously as the people looking at him. He takes it all in and whispers to himself, “… the fuck did we fall now…?”
A window in the nearest building suddenly shatters as a person goes flying out. They quickly get to their feet. A man wearing a red bandanna around his head and a belt around his chest. "Oh, you be making a big mistake here!" He shouts back through the window. He grabs onto Bro's arm. "Come on, Chase, let's—Chase?!" The man does a double-take, looking at Bro. "What in the deep seas are you wearing?! When did you put that on?!"
Bro starts and jerks his arm back with wide eyes, “woah woah woah!! The fuck is happening?!”
"Wait... you got out really real fast, didn't you?" the man in the bandanna says, looking more and more confused. 
CRASH! Another window breaks as a second man gets thrown through it. And then a tri-cornered hat is tossed out after him. The man scrambles to his feet, putting the hat on his head. "Bunch of ass-bastards!" he curses. "Come on, Jackie, let's—Jackie?!" The man also does a comical double-take, staring at Bro. "What in the blue blazes?!" 
And he's staring for good reason, because Bro looks exactly like him.
Bro flounders for something to say. “Why the fuck did you crash through the window?!” Is what he finds himself saying. Then he jumps again as he stares at his other self. “…holy fuck… are you guys pirates?!” he gasps.
"Are you not?!" The man in the bandanna—Jackie—says. "Why are you in the Cove if you're not?!" 
"Must come from very far," the man in the hat—Chase—says. "What bright garb." 
"But he sounds like he's an Angle, or maybe an Éiran," Jackie insists. 
"Then explain the clothes! I've never seen anything like this in Anglice or Éire." Chase gestures at Bro's whole getup.
Bro holds up his hands, grinning nervously, “Oh right me immmm very very very far from here! Some place you all have never heard of- and some place where I thought pirates like- didn’t exist anymore! …so I guess we’re in the past again??” Bro muses to himself.
Chase and Jackie exchange looks. "Are you a friend of Chase's?" Jackie asks. "Or a relative, perhaps?" 
"I don't have any friends or relatives in strange places." Chase shakes his head. 
“Uhhh- not exactly a relative… I’mmmm kinda him like- exactly?” Bro says with an awkward grin.
"You're... me? But I'm me." Chase looks very confused about that.
"Must be pretty far if ye don't think pirates exist." Jackie grins and chuckles. "Well, what brings you to the Cove, then? Looking to join a crew? Because the Septic Eye has openings."
Bro blinks at the offer and laughs, “…you guys are being very casual about being thrown through a window. Doesn’t that like- hurt normal people?”
"Oh, trust me, it stings," Jackie says, brushing broken glass off his shirt sleeves. "But a brawl is nothing! Speaking of, Chase, what do you say we hand it back to those Dark Waves bastards?!" 
"Um—I think this man claiming to be me is a bit more important." 
"Aww." Jackie looks a bit disappointed.
“Oh well, I’m from…. Another world. Where I’m Chase but… not a pirate-“ Bro laughs, “Uh- it’s hard to explain- but um I’m Chase Brody… from the future I guess…??? Depends on how mythical this place is… or like- imagine if you grew up somewhere different and then met that other you? …that’s what I am! …I’m not sure that’s better ah fuck-“
"...no, I'm not heading where you're leading." Chase shakes his head. "But I'll take mystical as an explanation and leave it at that." 
“Yeah okay magic is usually the best explanation,” Bro laughs. 
"Still wondering what you're doing here, Chase Brody from the future," Jackie says. "Like I asked, you want to join a crew?"
Bro looks to Jackie and thinks, “Uhhhh well… me and my brother are looking for something… but god joining a pirate crew would be kickass… even if I’m sure I’m not cool with like- killing, pillaging and stealing-“ as he’s talking, he goes to hold the tracker- if they need to cross the ocean to find this thing… then this might be the best bet! The tracker says that the parts are out at sea, on a ship called the Antithesis. 
"What an unusual glass eye," Jackie says, leaning down to look at it. "Some witchcraft bob?" 
Bro blinks then grins. “Yeah basically! I don’t really get how it works but it shows me what I’m supposed to find.”
"I'll note that the Septic Eye doesn't pillage," Chase says, raising his hand. "We only steal from ships of nobility."
“Oh! Like Robin Hood!” Bro says excitedly, “I can dig that. Sayyy have you two ever heard of the ship Antithesis? cuz what I’m looking for seems to have fallen there.” 
The smiles immediately vanish from their faces. "Your eye told you that?" Jackie asks, suddenly serious. "Well... hang me, then." 
"Don't say that, Jackie," Chase mutters, tilting his hat back. "He's a tough-looking guy. Surely he can, uh... figure his way on and out of there."
Bro blinks comically in surprise. “…damn this boat really brought down the vibe…” he says, rubbing the back of his head. He then smiles sheepishly. “Oh yeah don’t worry about me- I’m.. kinda magic… I guess.”
"Hmm. That would explain your strange clothing... and why you look like me." Chase laughs. 
"If ye be going to find the Antithetis, you'll need to head out to sea," Jackie says. "Need help finding your way back to the docks? I know the Cove can be confusing for people who aren't here often. And I don't think me or Chase will be welcome back in that pub while those Dark Waves sailors are still in there."
“Well… you said you were lookin for crew for your ship, right? Maybe we could.. work something out together?” Bro offers sheepishly.
"Oh yes, that would be a real help!" Jackie grins and nods. "And you can ask Jays about the Antithesis. He knows the most about it." 
"This way, then." Chase points down the street. "Follow us." 
"Ha! The rest of the crew will have fits seeing you!" Jackie grins, and the two of them lead Bro down the street. 
Bro beams and stims a bit, “Brilliant! Oh Jackie is gonna be sooo jealous-“ He mutters to himself as he follows after the other two. Hopefully Alt isn’t too far away- 
Alt lands—lands on the very edge of some sort of platform holy shit—!
For a moment, he wobbles back and forth... and then falls into water with a loud SPLASH!
Alt cries out as he lands, trying to keep his balance- then screeches as he splashes into the water. He breaks the surface and gasps, floundering to try to stay above it as he coughs water out of his mouth.
Squawk! "Man overboard! Man overboard!" 
A bird flies down and lands on the edge of the platform Alt fell off of—some wooden planks of some kind. It looks like a parrot, mostly green, but its head is blue and so are its wing feathers. "Man overboard!" 
"Man overboard?!" A human voice repeats from up above. "Hold on!" Looks like Alt has fallen right into the gap between a dock and a boat. A... large wooden boat. 
A sailing ship.
Alt treads water for a bit to try to get his bearings. It’s hard to glitch when he’s in water… not impossible but not pleasant. He jumps a bit at the squawk then finally looks up to take in the huge ship in front of him. “H-Holy shit…!”
A rope ladder unfolds, dropping down the side of the ship. A man leans over the edge, a man with a mustache. He waves at Alt, and points at the ladder. Then a second face, and a third, lean over the side as well. "Grab and climb!" one says.
Alt shakes himself out of his awe and blinks at the ladder. He swims up and then clumsily tries his best to climb, struggling at bit.
As soon as he gets close enough, the man with the mustache reaches down and helps pull him onto the deck of the ship. 
Alt hurriedly grabs onto the other man and falls to deck, heaving and trying to catch his breath. Alt looks up at the others and then he stares at them wide eyed. “I-I’m… okay… “ he breathes, then weakly pushes himself to his feet, taking the men in.
"Are you hurt?" One of the other men asks. He's wearing glasses, the type where they stay on by pinching the bridge of your nose. He's wearing a long, old-fashioned sort of blue coat. Next to him, the man in the mustache is wearing a frilly shirt and vest, and the third man is wearing a similar outfit, but with the addition of lots of handmade-looking jewelry... some of which include shells, and some of which include bones. Some beads are even braided into his shoulder-length hair. 
"Unusual outfit," comments the man with the jewelry. The man with the glasses rolls his eyes. 
"Yes, in contrast to your normal outfit," he drawls sarcastically.
“I… I could say the same for you all..” Alt mutters. He looks around, “um… where are we, exactly?” 
The man with the jewelry raises an eyebrow. "Did you hit your head on the way into the water?" 
Squawk! The bird from earlier flies towards the group, landing on the shoulder of the mustached man. "Cutlass Cove!" it says. "Cutlass Cove!" 
"As Sam said." The man with the glasses gestures at the bird. "You are in Cutlass Cove. Or, on the Septic Eye, which is docked at the Cove." The mustached man points off the edge of the boat. 
They are indeed docked at a town of some kind, a town that sits on the curve of a bay.
Alt jumps and glitches back from the bird, then hisses a bit, gripping at his arm. He stares at the bird wide eyed then at the scenery. “…holy shit…” he whispers, looking around.
The man with the glasses laughs a little. "What?" He glances at the other two. "That is unusual phrase." 
The man with the mustache raises his hands and... starts to sign. But it's slightly different than the BSL Alt knows. He can still understand it, but there's some guesswork involved. I don't think that's a phrase that exists. 
"Really? It is not some Anglish saying?" 
"Never heard it before--seems a bit blasphemous to the gods, to be honest," the man with jewelry says.
Alt blinks at the others and then smiles sheepishly, “Oh it’s uh… pretty common where… I’m from…”
A faint voice comes from the bag where Alt put his phone. "Welcome to UF-0628724SS," Anti says, his voice too quiet and muffled for the three men to hear. "I like to call it the water world. Cause that's what it mostly is." 
Alt startles a bit at Anti’s voice but relaxes quickly, glad he can still hear him. He snorts a bit at this then looks away from the cove, staring out at the sea. He stares in awe, walking towards the edge at looking out. “This is insane…” he laughs breathlessly.
"...not familiar with that word, either," the man with jewelry says. "En-sain." 
"I can understand from the reaction, though," the man with glasses says. "Grew up somewhere in the middle of land?" 
The man with the mustache nods. That would explain his clothes. 
“Kinda… I live near a beach now but… this is definitely different,” Alt says.
"Where are you from, stranger?" the man with jewelry says. "I'll bet Anglice or Éire from your voice. But I suppose you could be from any in that area." 
"Not Deutsreich, we do not dress like that back home," the man with glasses comments.
Alt turns back to look at the others and sighs, “Alright uh… guessing by how you all talk… this is gonna be hard to explain.” He then straightens up and says, “My name is Alt Brody and- I’m from another world. One very very different from here.”
"Another... world?" The man with glasses repeats. 
"Did you sail off the edge of your last one and land in the water by our ship?" The man with the jewelry chuckles. 
“…yeah that’s pretty accurate actually-“ Alt says to the man with the jewelry. 
The man with the mustache frowns. He looks at the others. Did you hear his surname? 
"No, I did. But the part about the world seemed more urgent." The man in jewelry says.
The man with the glasses reached up, adjusting them. "Well, ah... I am Henrik von Schneeplestein, I am the ship's doctor. This is Jameson Jackson, he is the purser, and Marvin MacLoughlen, he is..." He trails off, gesturing vaguely. 
"I'm the witch." The man with jewelry--Marvin--stares at Alt as if expecting him to laugh or scoff at that.
Alt looks at Marvin and nods in understanding. “You certainly look the part… like a… a witch doctor I’ve seen in pirate- …boooks?” They clearly wouldn’t know what a movie is ah shit-
Marvin grins. "Well... that does make sense, doesn't it?" He turns to the side, making a little pose. "After all, I am also a pirate. We all are." 
"The Septic Eye is a pirate ship, and the Cove has been claimed by us as well," Henrik says. "You must really be from another world if you do not know that about the Cove." 
"Cutlass Cove!" squawks Sam the macaw. "Avast! Avast!" Jameson reaches into his pocket and holds out a little cracker for them, which they immediately start nibbling with their beak.
Alt’s jaw drops. “Nooo fucking way- are you… are you serious?! Pirates??” He glitches a bit in excitement, “that’s so fucking cool!” but quickly stops with a wince. Ugh he needs to dry off… he whispers a spell under his breath then presses a hand to his chest- and he’s suddenly dry again with a zip of green magic. “Oh- that’s much better…”
Henrik laughs. "Well—if you find the pirates' life exciting, then you are not with a nation's navy, clearly. Or the Armada." 
“Oh hell no- I get why pirates do the things they do.” Alt grins. 
Marvin's eyes light up. "A fellow witch, I see?!" he says, matching Alt's excitement. "What spell was that? It'll come in sure handy!"
Alt blinks at Marvin then smiles, “Oh! Uh… I can see if I can teach you! Being wet doesn’t really.. mesh well with my powers.”
"Well—bad luck that you arrived in this world, then," Marvin says. "It's mostly the sea. The land nations are small, some being just islands. Like Éire, that's where I'm from." 
"And it is where our friends Chase Brody and Jackie Menan are from, as well," Henrik adds. "And our Captain Jack." 
"Cap'n Jack!" Sam caws. 
Alt sighs, “I guess that figures…” He then smiles hearing at the others. “Oh you guys do know Chase-! I wonder if my brother appeared by him then…” he muses.
Your brother? JJ asks. 
"Oh, ah... do you know handsign, Alt?" Henrik asks.
“Imm… picking it up mostly-“ Alt says, rubbing his head. “But yeah in my world… Chase is my brother. We’re… technically people from this world too… if you know anyone called Anti… that’s me.” He sighs, pushing up his mask.
"Oh? How fascinating," Marvin says, grinning. He does look a bit... less than hinged, shall we say, but that's probably just the bone jewelry giving him a bad impression. 
"I have never met anyone called Anti," Henrik says. "Or Alt. Certainly not on our crew." 
Jameson shakes his head. 
Alt seems to relax a bit at what Henrik says. At least these guys won’t have a negative image of him. 
Speaking of the crew... now that Alt's really looking around, they're not alone on the deck. There's a woman at the helm, hands on the wheel. There are some men up in the masts. And there's a handful of people around the edges of the deck, tying ropes and scrubbing the deck.
Alt blinks and looks around, noticing the other members of the crew. “Oh damn- there’s… so many more people on here than I thought-“
Jameson laughs—an actual sound. They do tend to blend into the deck, don't they? 
"We were just settling down for the night," Marvin says. "We'll have to ask Jackie and Chase if you can stay on board, if that's what you want. If it's not, you'll have to find an inn on the shore. Plenty of those, though, don't worry your head." 
"Though you said you needed to find your brother?" Henrik recalls. "Another Chase Brody... how strange."
Alt notices that the sun is setting and nods. “Ah yeah… guess this will be a.. longer journey for us this time. Hopefully Chase is nearby… but we’re also looking for something pretty important.” He takes out his tracker- learning the location of the TRVLR piece is on the ship called the Antithesis. He hums and looks back at the others, “…according to this…. It’s on something called the Antithesis? Do you guys know of it?”
All three of the men stiffen in unison. Jameson goes pale as Henrik and Marvin both glance at him. "That is... a ship," Henrik says slowly. "A very... strange ship. Ah... you being a witch, you must know about magic. Have you heard of ghost ships before?"
Alt blinks. “I think so?” …he’s heard of them in a video game before. “But uh- go ahead and enlighten me?”
"They wander the seas, phantasmal ships with phantom crews," Marvin says in a low, spooky voice, like one would use for telling a ghost story. "Some are signs that your own ship will meet its doom soon. Some are simply strange visions. But some will actively attack, leaving damage from cannonballs but no cannonball fragments to find." 
"The Antithesis and its captain are among the most fearsome," Henrik says. "The ghostly sailors will board ships out at night, killing some crew and passengers and... taking... some captive." 
Jameson takes a step back. 
"No one knows how the Antithesis came to be," Marvin continues. "Some say the captain ran aground on purpose on a lunar eclipse, seeking the immortality of ghostliness. Some say the ship was sunk by the Iris Armada. The truth is completely unknown."
Alt’s eyes widen, “Woah…” He glances briefly at Jameson and looks concerned. “…that’s so interesting if it was just like a myth but… sounds like this is something me and Chase need to face now.” He sighs. “cool fun- I can… handle ghosts… probably..?”
"Well... you'll have to be careful," Marvin says. "Can't exactly shoot or stab a ghost." 
And you can't stay on there for too long, Jameson adds. Or... you won't be able to leave. 
"But witchcraft will sure be a good help." Marvin grins. 
“Oh… well that’s- good to know.” Alt smiles at Marvin. He then sighs and looks over near the cove again. “….guess I should start looking for my brother then-“
“Aye, of course,” Marvin says. “I could probably help with finding him—” 
“Ahoy!” calls a distant shout. 
Several of the crew members stop what they’re doing and rush to the bow of the ship. “Ahoy!” Many shout back. One turns around and says, “The mates ’re returning!” 
“Already?” Henrik says in surprise, leaning over the side of the ship. “I do hope the two of them didn’t get in a brawl again.”
In the distance, walking down the city streets, is a man in a red bandanna and two others.
Alt blinks and turn glitches to look towards the streets. He grins as he sees the familiar bright orange of Bro’s jacket. “Hey! There he is!” He laughs, “what good timing.” 
Bro sees the flash of green from the ship and starts to wave wildly towards it.
Jackie and Chase break into a run. "Oh, what's that?!" Jackie shouts in response to the green flash. "Some sort of witchcraft? Never seen the like! What's Marv working on now?" 
"Hmm... I don't think it's Marvin." Chase looks at Bro. "You know what's going on there?"
“Yeah! That’s my brother!” Bro grins. Since they’re running- and because he thinks it’ll be funny to see their faces- he kicks off the ground and bursts into the air sailing towards the ship.  
"What in the blue blazes?!" Chase gasps. 
"Fucking witch stuff!" Jackie shouts, surprised.
Soon enough, Bro is landing down next to Alt with a flourish. “Alt!! Isn’t this so cool?! Pirates!!!” He beams. 
Alt laughs and shakes his head- “I think you just gave everyone on the ship a heart attack bro-“
The whole crew does indeed seem to have had a collective heart attack. One of them reaches for a bell hanging from the side of a mast but another stops her. 
"H-how--excuse me?!" Henrik gapes at Bro. 
"Not a bird! Not a bird!" Sam squawks, and Jameson shakes his head slowly, as if agreeing with the macaw. 
"Amazing!" Marvin gasps, and suddenly grabs onto Bro's arm. "Oh, you're real!" 
Jameson grabs him and pulls him back. You can't just latch onto someone. 
"Ah, sorry."
Bro startles slightly then laughs, “Yeah I’m real! I’m Chase but you all can call me Bro! Nice to meet ya!” 
Alt laughs and rolls his eyes a bit. “Excuse my brother- he likes to show off.” 
“You’re one to talk.” Bro snickers.
Henrik nods. "Well... you do look much like Chase." 
"The spitting image, really," Marvin says. "Except for that leaping through the air." 
“Yeah kinda freaky, huh?” Bro chuckles.
Jameson leans over the side of the ship, looking at the dock. He turns back around and whistles. "Lower the gangplank!" Sam caws. 
The crew members spring into action, pulling out the gangplank and lowering it as directed so Jackie and Chase can come on board.
Once the crew starts to move Bro hurries over to the edge and waves down at them. “Ah sorry! Didn’t mean to leave you!!” 
"Excited to see your brother, huh?" Jackie laughs. "Alright, ye show-off, don't worry about it." 
Bro flushes a bit but grins sheepishly at Jackie and Chase.
"You both dress like that, huh?" Chase comments, looking at Alt. "Might need something new if you don't want all eyes on you." 
Alt looks at his outfit and hums, “…guess we do kinda stick out…” 
Jameson's eyes light up. I could help with that! 
Marvin laughs. "Excited?" 
Excited to give advice to people who will listen to my points on clothes for once instead of putting bones in their hair. "I don't put bones in my hair! Just beads."
“Yes! Oh I love when we get to wear costumes!” Bro stims eagerly. 
“I hate to admit it… but me too,” Alt laughs. “We’d appreciate the help, Jameson.”
Jameson grins. We'll have to go back into the city. There's a clothing shop right on the dock. He leans over, pointing it out. 
"Aye, you can tell by the blue columns out front," Jackie agrees. 
Anyone else want to follow? Jameson asks. 
"Well I want to know more about this other me," Chase says. "Might as well tag along for that." 
"How much rum did you and Jackie have?" Henrik asks. "They're not going to let you in if you wobble like idiots." 
"Not that much!" Chase says defensively. "We, uh... got in a... fight--" 
"Of course you did," Henrik sighs. 
"But we weren't hurt!"
“They both got thrown through a window,” Bro points out. Alt blinks in surprise and stares at Jackie and Chase.
"Hey!" Jackie says. 
"You brainless gulls." Henrik sighs. "Alright, where were you cut?" 
"We weren't!" Chase holds out his arms. "Look for yourselves!" 
"I will be!" Henrik immediately bursts into action, brushing Chase and Jackie down and checking their skin. 
"It wasn't our fault," Jackie grumbles. "Some crew from the Dark Waves were insulting to the captain."
Bro blinks, “…what’d they say?” 
“And what did you do back that got you thrown out a window? Seems like a pretty drastic reaction…” Alt mutters.
"They said that Captain Jack abandoned us!" Jackie growls. "He'd never! Not in a thousand years, in a thousand fathoms! I'd believe he sunk to the locker before I believed he left us!" 
"Maybe you should have said that instead of hitting the man square in the face," Chase says. 
"You got tossed out after me! What did you do?!" 
"...hit his friend in the face." 
Marvin laughs. Henrik rolls his eyes. "Well, you two seem fine, at least. You'll have bruises later but no cuts."
Alt blinks then grins, “Nice- sounds like those guys deserved it.” 
“…what happened to Captain Jack?” Bro asks quietly.
Chase shakes his head. "We don't know. Vanished right off the deck while we were not too far from Anglice. Nobody else on deck at the time saw anything, which is very strange." 
"He left all of his things behind!" Jackie says. "Even Sam!" 
Sam squawks. "Cap'n Jack! Hoist the colors!" 
"We can only guess there was witchcraft involved," Marvin says. "But I'm not sure how it was used."
Bro looks concerned, “…that’s so weird-“ 
“Hm… maybe I could help? I have some spellbooks with me… I could try to see if maybe there’s a trace of what took him still around..” Alt says.
Marvin snaps to attention. "Books of spells?! Yes, if you could find something in them, that would be a great help!" 
But I'm sure the shops will be closing soon, JJ says. How long will this take? We don't want to wait.
“…clothes first- I can do the spell stuff whenever!” Alt laughs. “Especially since if we’re hunting down a ghost ship… we’ll probably be here a bit.” 
“Woahhh a ghost ship?? Like in wind waker??” Bro asks, looking excited.
"Ah, so you told him what the Antithesis is, then?" Jackie asks. 
Marvin nods. "It'll be tough to find it, but maybe that glass eye of yours will make the search easier." 
"So we're going to help them, then?" Chase asks. 
"Of course!" Henrik chuckles. "Do you think we can resist a hunt for something valuable like that?" 
Jameson nods. I'll help out, too, of course. He clears his throat, then smiles. Well? Let's go get those clothes! I'll use my share for it, don't worry, you won't need to pay.
“…I would offer to help but uh- I don’t think we have the right kind of money,” Bro laughs timidly, “So… thanks that’s so nice. We’ll find a way to make it up to you!”
Don't concern yourself, we can get some more! Jameson says cheerfully. 
"Easy enough." Jackie grins mischievously. Chase laughs. "Alright. Down to the shop, then?" 
Down to the shop! Jameson hurries over to the gangplank, and Chase follows him. Sam the macaw does as well, flying overhead.
Alt and Bro shared glances then grin at each other and hurry after the others.
The clothing shop, identified with the blue columns as Jameson pointed out, is filled with all sorts of outfits. It's a real eclectic collection, a mismatch of patterns and colors. There are some fancier-looking dresses and coats, but most of it is more casual, better fitted for a life on the sea.
Alt and Bro look around at all the materials and patterns.
“Dudeee this is sick!” Bro grins excitedly. Alt chuckles and nods. 
 A woman walks out from a door at the back, wearing a long red outfit that's reminiscent of traditional Japanese clothing back on Earth. "Oh, Mr. Jackson, welcome back! And Mr. Brody as well. And--oh!" She hurries over to Bro and Alt. "So vibrant! What is this material?" 
The brothers both blink at Haru checking out their clothes. “Uh… cotton I think? Or… something synthetic- that’s why it’s shiny.” Bro tries to explain.
 "How beautiful," Haru coos.
"Ah, Bro, Alt, this is Haru Milton," Chase says. "She and her husband run this place."
“It’s nice to meet you,” Alt smiles shyly.
Haru backs away, looks between the two Brody brothers, and bows. "Nice to meet you too." 
They'll be sailing with our crew for a while and want something suitable, Jameson says. 
"Oh, of course, of course, a pleasure to help." She pulls a measuring tape out of her sleeve. "Though your clothes now are quite amazing. I have never seen anything like them. Do you mind measurements or would you prefer to go by sight?"
“Oh! This is so fancy-“ Bro giggles with glee. “I’m okay being measured.” 
"Fancy?" Chase laughs. "It is, isn't it? But the Miltons take their work seriously." 
“Um- I’d prefer sight,” Alt mutters, messing with his mask.
"Of course, of course." Haru nods and starts measuring Bro, starting with his chest and waist. "Mr. Jackson, please help your friend while I help Mr. Bro here." 
Jameson nods. He looks at Alt and smiles. You like layers, then? Here, I think these are close to your size. He walks over to a rack of coats.
Alt blinks and follows after Jameson. “Oh yeah layers would be good…” his eyes brighten at the sight of the jackets and he grins wide, starting to look through them.
Bro holds out his arms and stays very still for Haru. He laughs, “We don’t have anything like this back home! … or if we do I’ve never been!”
"Oh no, not back home where I'm from, either." Chase laughs. "Me and my family had about four sets of clothes each, and my son's clothes were mine when I was his age." His smile fades slightly. 
Not many space for clothes on a ship, either, so you have to be sure what you have fits, Jameson adds. 
Haru finishes up measuring. "Yes, I see. Over here, Mr. Bro. These should fit your form nicely." She gestures to a corner of the store.
“Oh you have a son?” Bro asks then furrows his eyebrows in concern. But, he’s distracted by Haru and he giggles at the name. “Ha- Mr. Bro…” as he goes to look over where she directs him.
Chase nods slowly. "Yes... I haven't... been home in a while, though. My wife, Stacia, she found out that the ship I was sailing on was a pirate ship, and she was... not happy. She told me to get out, and I... I want to return, but..." He sighs.
Bro winces and looks back at Chase, “Damn… that’s rough, buddy. But I’m sure you’ll be able to get back some day!”
Chase laughs. "I'm sure. But we are far from Éire right now, so it will be a while." He pauses. "The next time we sail nearby, I'll ask the others if I can go see them." 
You don't need to ask anyone, Jameson says. You're the first mate. You can do as you want. 
"Well it wouldn't be right to go off without telling the crew, would it?"
“Oh you’re first mate! …I forget what that means but it sounds important!” Bro laughs.
Chase laughs. "It means I'm second highest, right behind the captain. I'm not sure why Jack chose me, especially when Jackie and Henrik had been on the crew much longer than me--" 
Well, Henrik's a doctor, isn't he? Jameson says. 
"Jackie, though?" 
He's happy where he is. Jameson smiles. You do great, Chase, don't worry. He looks at Bro and Alt. Well? Found things you like? 
"I have a room in back to try the clothes," Haru offers.
Bro beams at his other self, “Yeah other me! I’m sure you’re awesome!” 
In the meantime Bro has piled a couple fabrics and things he likes in his arms, including a bright orange piece- close to the color of his jacket. He grins, “Heck yeah! I’m busting out all my movie knowledge lemne see how this looks!” 
Ah yes, orange must be a favorite color of yours, given the bandanna, Jameson says, chuckling. 
Bro beams and nods then rushes into the room to try stuff on. 
Alt has picked out a dark gray blue coat and is looking it over, smiling slightly. “Bet this will look cool-“
Oh yes, I'm sure it will! Jameson says excitedly. Try something green as well, to bring out the unusual coloring in your eyes. 
Alt blinks at Jameson then smiles and nods, “Alright! Something green…” Alt starts to look around and soon enough finds a teal-ish vest and a green sash. 
"Having fun?" Chase comments, smiling. 
I am! None of you ever listen to me! Jameson laughs.
Then Bro rushes back out, throwing out his arms to show off his look. “What do you think?!” He has an orange bandana wrapped around his head, a soft blue open collared shirt and a gray vest with blue stripes on the front. The vest and shirt are tied with a striped sash that’s yellow, white, gray and blue. He had tall brown boots on and brown braces on his arms and black and blue striped pants. He grins wide, giggling in excitement. 
"Oh!" Chase gasps, and laughs. "You look more dashing than I do!" He pushes his hat back. 
You'll fit right in! Jameson says, grinning. You have a good eye on you. Both of you. He nods at Alt. Make sure that fits. 
Alt grins at Bro and laughs. “Looking good dude!” 
“Thanks! Hurry and go try your stuff Alt!” Bro encourages. 
Alt flushes a bit then checks over his stuff- grabbing a grayish undershirt and pants and hurrying into the back.
"How many eights, Haru?" Chase asks. 
"No more than a handful, surely," Haru says. "Here, let me find the details." She goes around the counter, taking a ledger of some kind from beneath it. 
Jameson goes over there, too, taking a small bag out of a pocket.
Alt comes out after a bit, pulling on the long trench coat and adjusting his mask self consciously. Underneath the coat he has on a teal vest and that gray shirt- tied together with a thick green sash. He has dark blue pants and black boots. He smiles sheepishly. “Not nearly as flashy as Chase but… eh?”
"Not as flashy, but not everyone is flashy!" Chase looks over at Jameson. "Is that something like you'd say?" 
Jameson nods. Don't worry, Alt, it looks great on you.
 Alt smiles a bit more, playing with his necklace. “Thanks…” 
“You look good Alt!! Very nice!” Bro laughs, looping his arm around Alt. 
Alt glitches a bit in surprise then playfully shoves at Bro. 
Jameson takes some coins out of the bag and starts lining them up for Haru. Big, golden coins--very pirate-y. No, wait, they're not exactly coins. They're more octagonal in shape.
Bro then wanders over to Jameson and looks at the coins with wide eyes. “Woah! Pirate coins!! They’re so big-“
"Aye, the pieces of eight are the main form of coin in this part of the sea," Chase says. "Though it's not the only coin. There's... um... I don't actually know." 
Jameson laughs. Silver pieces are another popular coin, and pieces of jade as well. 
“Ohhh- neat!” Bro laughs. 
Haru takes the coins as payment. "I'll assume you just want to wear those out?"
Bro smiles at Haru, “if that’s okay, that’d be grand!” Then he blinks, “oh my other clothes-! Alt can you-?!” 
Alt walks over, stuffing their clothes into his backpack. “Way ahead of you-“
Chase laughs. "Glad that someone thinks ahead, because I also forgot." 
"Pleasure doing business with you," Haru says. "As always, Mr. Jackson." 
Jameson nods, and turns back to the others. Now, let's go back to that ship to try that witchcraft.
Alt zips up the backpack and nods with a smile. “for sure!” 
“Thanks Jameson!” Bro grins.
The group says goodbye to Haru and head back to the docks. The sky is darker now, becoming a dusky blue as the pinks and oranges of sunset started to fade. The Septic Eye's gangplank is still lowered, and there's some music coming from up on the deck. Cheerful accordion and fiddles, along with some singing. 
Chase laughs. "Sounds like they've cut loose while we were gone. I bet you an eight that Jackie started it." 
I'm not taking that, because you're probably right, Jameson says. 
"Pieces of eight!" Sam the macaw squawks from the edge of the ship.
Bro hears the music and starts to rush for the gangplank excitedly. “Ohhh!! They’re throwing a party!” Alt shakes his head and laughs.
The deck is filled with people, a circle of crew around the main mast playing instruments. The others are singing, clapping along to the beat, and some are even dancing. 
"Avast, Chase, Jays!" Jackie shouts, sitting up in the netting you'd use to climb up to a mast. "And our newcomers too!" The crew all shouts in greeting, a chorus of "Aye!"s and "Ahoy!"s and "Avast!"s.
“Aye!” Bro greets and raises his hand. He watches the circle with a big grin and looks up at Jackie. “You guys sure do know how to put on a show!” 
Once they’re close enough Alt glitches up and goes to sit on the edge of the wall of the ship, curiously watching the people playing the instruments and singing.
The crew shouts in surprise as Alt glitches, but they quickly shrug it off. Alt shrinks in as he surprises eveyone and hides his face in his mask. 
"Come on, join in!" Jackie shouts to Bro, laughing. "Ye'll learn the lyrics fast enough! And if you don't, just sounds are fine, too!" 
"You all are going to feel this tomorrow!" Henrik shouts from... somewhere. It's hard to see him through everyone else. 
Bro blinks and looks out before shrugging and then climbing up to sit next to Jackie on the rigging, “Maybe you can teach me!” 
"Maybe I can!" Jackie grins. "Alright, we're coming to a call and respond section! Repeat with me! And now we sail on the bright blue seas!" 
Bro grins back and follows Jackie’s lead, singing out loudly, “And now we sail on the bright blue seas!” 
"Looking for bounty for you and me!" Jackie continues, laughing. 
“Looking for bounty for you and meeee!” Bro sings with a flourish, finding himself giggling. 
"Fighting 'gainst monsters from the waves!" Jackie and half the crew sing. 
“Fighting ‘haunts monsters from the waves!” Bro calls in response with the other half. 
"The crew of the Eye will prove we're brave!" Jackie sings. 
Bro grins and repeats, “The crew of the Eye will prove we’re brave!” 
"And say 'aye aye aye!' Away!" Jackie shouts. 
“And say ‘aye aye aye!’ Away!” Bro shouts too, pumping a fist into the air. 
The whole crew cheers, and the sea shanty goes into an instrumental section, the musicians fiddling away. 
Bro cheers too and starts to clap along to the music. “Damn! This is a riot!” He grins at Jackie.
Meanwhile, Marvin hops up next to Alt. "Can you teach me to do that disappearing thing or is it just in your blood?"
Alt glitches a bit in surprise as Marvin joins him and then blinks at him, “Oh my glitching? It’s… blood… I think. It’s uh… complicated but- it’s kinda only something I can do really…” he says self-consciously, fiddling with his necklace.
"Ah." Marvin sighs. "Would've come in hand to appear and disappear like that." 
Alt chuckles, “It is very useful.” 
Marvin brightens up again though. "Nice coat, by the way! See you still have your bag as well. Your books of spells in there?"
Alt flushes a bit but lowers his mask to smile at Marvin. “Ah, thanks… and uh yup! Lemme see if I can still read it before it gets too dark…” he plops his bag in front of him and pulls out his normal spellbook, flipping through the pages. “Maybe… something with divination…? Or a tracking spell…” he mumbles to himself.
"Oh, you can use the lantern if the shadows get too deep," Marvin says, pointing around and indicating a bunch of lanterns hanging around. "My divining didn't work, myself, but maybe something about your powers will be different."
Alt nods and starts looking through his spells. He hums in thought, “…if your divining didn’t work I’m not sure mine will… my practical spells are still kinda… iffy. Maybe if I had something of his…”
"Do you think you could use Sam?" Marvin points at the bird as they perch on Jameson's shoulder. "If not, there's plenty of his things still in the captain's cabin."
Alt thinks, “Probably something that hasn’t been touched as much by other people… that way his like presence? isn’t muddled with someone else’s… if this even works… “
Marvin nods. "The cabin it is, then." He hops up. "Come on, I'll open the door for you." And he leads the way around the singing crew towards the stern of the boat--the back.
Alt hops down from the wall and follows after Marvin, still looking through his book as they walk. 
The captain's quarters is unlocked. Marvin pulls open the set of double doors, revealing a wooden room with a single set of glass windows. There's a bed in the corner, a wardrobe in another corner, a desk against one wall with a bunch of papers and some books, and a framed map on the wall that is most definitely not of Earth. Little bits of sea-based paraphernalia litter every surface.
Alt enters the room and looks away from his book, taking in all the details. He whistles at the sight of the map then runs his hand across the desk with the papers. Trying to see if there’s anything lingering here… any magic he can sense.
Marvin lights a few of the lanterns in the cabin as Alt looks around, turning the little keys at the bottom. Seems this world has gas lights, as opposed to the world of Glasuil, still with only candles and magic. 
Alt looks at Marvin turning on the lanterns with a bit of fascination before getting back on track. 
Alt can't really sense any magical signatures from a specific item. But there is a vague feeling of something... dark. Dusty and salty, like a turbulent sea. 
He tries to focus on that dark salty feeling, closing his eyes and clutching at his necklace, using the chaos star symbol to channel his magic- trying to see if he could divine… something. Thinking of how the Jacks in the other worlds looked could help maybe?
A moment passes. Marvin leans closer, watching him with interest. 
And then, a shadow forms. A flickering green figure. Alt can't discern many details, but he sees the figure take a hat off its head and hang it on the corner of the wardrobe—where a hat actually rests. And then another figure appears. It seems to walk through the wall from the side. The first figure spins around in shock, and the second one lunges, grabbing onto it before it can react. And then they both disappear.
Alt gasps as the vision forms and watches with wide eyes. “S-Someone attacked him… it must have been a… a ghost cuz it came through that wall-“ he points at where he saw it came from. “Then it grabbed Jack and just… disappeared.” He walks over to where Jack’s hat is and touches it lightly, frowning in concern.
"A ghost?" Marvin blinks. "Oh no. Don't tell me we'll be dealing with that ghost ship for more reason than one. The Antithesis has haunted these waters enough. That ship's captain is the only ghost who'd have a problem with Jack."
“…if the Antithesis’s captain had a problem with him then… that’s your best lead.” Alt says gravelly. “…why would the captain want Jack though? Enough to steal him away with no pomp or circumstance?”
Marvin shakes his head. "I'm not sure. No good reason. Maybe he'd want to make him into a ghost with the rest of his crew? Or maybe it's revenge for--" He stops. "Oh, I'm not sure I should share that. Not my business, really. You can ask Jays about it, see if he'll tell you."
“I hope he’s not a ghost now…” Alt mutters. He closes his spell book and walks back towards the door, raising an eyebrow at Marvin. “…sure- I’ll bring it up with him later.” He shrugs.
They leave the captain's cabin. Out on the main deck, people have broken off into smaller groups that are talking loudly while the band plays a different song. 
"Where did Chase go?" Marvin mutters. "We'll need to talk to him about what to do pursuing the Antithesis. He's the one in charge while the captain is gone."
Jackie is hanging upside down from the rigging and Henrik is shouting at him to be careful-- "I do not want to fix more head injuries!" 
Bro is trying to copy Jackie, giggling to himself and waving down at Henrik. “He’ll be fine bro, chill out!” 
Henrik throws his hands up in the air and curses in German--or, a language that sounds German. Given how they called English "Anglish" earlier, they probably have a different name for that language, too. Bro giggles more, reminded of how him and his Jackie push Dr. J’s buttons.
Alt sticks kinda close to Marvin, warily eyeing the crowd. It’s a bit more manageable now that it’s in smaller groups but- god there’s still so many people… “Oh yeah I heard he was the first mate… um-“ Alt tries to help look around for him. He sees his own Chase hanging from the rigging like a doof and rolls his eyes.
Chase is up on the deck with the helm, leaning back against the wall and holding a brown glass bottle, taking a swing. Jameson in here, too, with a bottle of his own. 
"Ah, Alt! Marvin. Care for some rum? This is fruity." 
"Remember to drink water, Chase, to help your headaches," Marvin says.
Alt blinks at the two of them, hesitates, then shrugs with a grin, “Ah sure what the hell?”
Chase hands the bottle out to him. It is, indeed, very fruity, more like a cocktail than straight rum. 
Alt tries some then blinks at it in surprise, “damn- this fucks.” He grins, taking another swig. 
Jameson laughs. Let's use that phrase in the future. This fucks.
"Alt just did some of his witchcraft in the captain's cabin," Marvin reports. "Says that a ghost might have taken him. Meaning we have another reason to find the Antithesis." 
Chase blinks. "Alright... and you're telling me?" 
You're the acting captain, Jameson says. "Ah, yes, of course." Chase leans back, pressing a hand to his head. "We'll stay in the Cove for the night, and then set off in the morning. I'll assume those glass eyes can give us a heading. Ghost ships are usually only found in fog or at night, so we might be at sea all day."
Alt listens to the others and then nods, “Yeah that sounds good to me. Our tracker… eyes- they can give us pretty specific info on where to look.” He smiles to himself as he hands the bottle back to Chase. “…not gonna lie- I’m actually kinda looking forward to sailing on a real ship like this.”
Chase takes a swig back. "A real ship? As opposed to a fake ship?" He laughs. "I suppose you don't sail much where you're from."
Alt laughs, “No not really- …my friends all got to a little bit back but I-“ He grips at his arm, trying to push back to unpleasant memories of that trip. “…I couldn’t join them.” He shakes his head and tries to smile, “But now I get to so- it’s all good. And it seems like Chase- my Chase- is already getting comfortable being on one again,” He laughs, gesturing towards Bro and Jackie.
Jameson turns to look at Bro and Jackie, frowning. I do hope they don't get hurt. 
"Well, the other Chase can fly, so I wouldn't worry about that," Marvin says. "He'll probably catch Jackie, too." Bro seems to slip for a second from the rigging but catches himself with a laugh. 
Chase smiles at Alt. "Sailing isn't for everyone, but the life can be... the sea can pull to you. The open ocean, the salt in the air..." He laughs a little and shakes his head fondly just thinking about it. "So. Will you two be sleeping on the ship tonight? We do have spare hammocks. Or if not, you can stay in the Cove."
Then, Bro parkours off the rigging and hops over to Alt and the others, “Sup lads! Oh hell yeah are we drinking?!” 
Alt laughs and rolls his eyes before looking back at Chase, “spare hammocks would be grand. We haven’t really had much chances to rest so- I’m afraid if we slept in an inn you’d all cast off without us!” 
“Oh yeah- I’m probably gonna sleep like a baby tonight-“ Bro laughs.
Chase laughs. "You want some? Jays, give him yours, Alt got mine." 
Jameson rolls his eyes but holds out the bottle to Bro. 
Bro eagerly takes it from Jameson and raises it up, “Cheers!” He takes a large swig then blinks down at the bottle. “…dude this fucks!” 
“That’s what I said!” Alt laughs. 
"We'd be sure to remember you I'm sure!" Marvin says. "After all, you'd provide the heading. We wouldn't know where to go if you weren't with us!" 
"Aye! Gus, Mona! Find some hammocks for our two new travelers!" Chase shouts. 
"Aye, mate!" a voice shouts back.
“Hey Marv, what’s a heading? S’that like directions?” Bro asks, taking another sip.
Marvin laughs. "Heading is the direction to point the boat! A course is how you'll get there, you need the heading to plot it out. Chase was our navigator before Jack made him the first mate. Now that's Jackie." 
Which is why he should always be careful not to hit his head, Jameson says, watching as Jackie slips in the rigging for a moment, his foot getting caught. He's going to give Henrik a conniption.
“Oooh okay! Cool! Learning new things!” Bro grins. He takes another sip before passing the bottle back to Jameson and backing up. “Heh- if Jackie is so important I’ll get back to keeping an eye on him then! Just in case~” he grins then hurries back to Jackie, climbing up the rigging a little more sloppily. 
“Oh boy…” Alt sighs.
Luckily, Jackie is just about to climb down and ends up meeting Bro halfway. "Other Chase, I was thinking, you'd be a great topman with your flying craft. Or a lookout. No need to climb all this!"
Bro blinks then grins wide, “Oh yeah! I think my Jackie tried that out last time! That’d be fun- it is fun to climb these too though~” he giggles. 
"Isn't it?! This is why I became a sailor!" Jackie laughs. "Saw them all climbing up the ropes from my windows and wondered what it would be like to do that out on the open ocean." 
“Ha! My Jackie was the same way when we first got on a boat,” Bro grins, “he took to the riggings like he was born to be a sailor!” 
"Someone remind your brother to drink water as well," Chase laughs. 
“I’m torn between letting him get drunk and regret it or trying to stop him,” Alt mutters.
"Well... if you'll think he'll be able to help us cast off in the morning if he weren't drunk, maybe try stopping him," Chase says. "Personally? The drink doesn't come out as much on the open sea, so I say why not take it while you can?"
Alt contemplates this then shrugs. “Chase burns through alcohol quick- and since we’ll be here for a bit-” He glitches over to grab the bottle from Chase before suddenly sitting on the wall behind him. “You’re right! Why not let loose?” He takes another big sip with a giggle. 
"Ayyyyy!" Chase laughs. "Let me get you your own rum, then! So you don't have to keep swiping mine." 
"Henrik better have those headache cures ready in the morning," Marvin says, grinning. Alt grins too. 
The night goes on, the sky darkening and filling with stars. Seems they're not the only ones partying, as there are a couple more ships in the dock lit up with strains of music. And some seems to be coming from the city on land as well. The people in this world really know how to celebrate, don't they? 
Bro and Alt get probably too into drinking- considering how good the rum tasted. Bro talks and laughs with the other boys and the crew- trying to dance and sing to the songs they’re playing or join in any games. Alt tries to see if there’s any instruments he might know how to play- but soon enough gets too drunk to really try.
Luckily, Jackie gets off the rigging before he gets too drunk, and there are a handful who stay away from the rum to keep an eye on things. Henrik is one of those, and Marvin stops fairly early before going to bed, but the rest of the crew goes on until they all eventually trickle off, down to the decks below. 
Jameson shows Alt and Bro where they set up extra hammocks for the two of them—right at the end of the rows, closest to the stairs into the next deck up. Then he heads off. Apparently intending to sleep in the purser's office instead of with everyone else. Henrik must have done the same with the doctor's office, and Marvin disappears to who knows where, but Chase and Jackie take to the hammocks with the rest of the crew.
True to his word, Bro seemed to burn off the alcohol fast but he stayed decently buzzed until they started heading below deck. But, that also meant he had to help Alt who was a giggling mess. The older brother helped get Alt into a hammock before smiling down at him and patting his hair. 
Alt usually isn’t that good at falling asleep around others- but it does seem their adventures have caught up to him as he slips into sleep. Bro climbs into the other hammock and sighs, feeling exhaustion pull him down too.
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belethlegwen · 6 months
Hey I've read both your stories and I absolutely love them. I can't wait for the next chapters. I have a little question. I would really like to know what the different uniforms in The Stranding look like (Eastern Coastal Watch, Royal Guard, Medic uniform). What are their styles and colors? (I know some colors are mentioned in the story, but I would like to know how you imagen them or what they are supposed to look like). I would really like to get some reference pictures to imagen them better. Anyways thank you so much for your great stories!
Hello darlin! I am so so so so sorry it took me this long to get around to this ask. I'll do my best to lay some things out here. Apologies for how wildly messy this is going to be. I have a folder for uniform references but I didn't write down literally anything about where I got them from at the time, and they've been sitting in this folder for years.
Without further delay:
Uniforms of the Vogunti Military Branches
Branch One: The Coastal Watch
Our lads (and soon enough, ladies) of the King's Eastern Coastal Watch dress primarily in green with brown highlights and pants for the majority of the non-Officer ranks. The style, minus the hat, is very much like this for their jacket:
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The jacket is green, with brown on the cuffs and for the vest. Typically, anyone below Major isn't required to wear the vest while on duty, a standard white/offwhite buttoned shirt underneath is more than suitable, but if there's a parade or an event then full dress typically demands a vest to be worn. Vests are usually where are Award pins are displayed, while rank pins are displayed on the jackets (specifically collars, shoulders and breast depending on branch and significance).
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Their hat is pretty basic. A beak, the emblem of the Coastal Watch (there are slight differences for which region, Eastern/Northern/Western/Southern (distinction between East and West of the Collapse, the conflict area with the Hostenians). Their hats are green to match the uniform, and bands are added for rank.
For officers, the hats get a bit fancier and different in style, mostly in the sense that a band gets added for each rank and become more prominent/colourful as you climb through the ranks to make it easier to distinguish higher-ranked officers by the heights of the hats. ("High hats" very literal here).
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They tend to be significantly fancier in make, bolder/polished beaks, metal embellishments. That kind of deal.
Officer UNIFORMS are similar to the coat above, but the coats are longer, and they have white socks with black buttons up the side that go to just about the knee, the pants are looser and tend to be a softer material.
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This is the closest approxiamation I can find specifically for the coat. Higher collar, green instead of blue and brown instead of red. Vests are always worn (unless there's certain extenuating circumstances such as heat concerns, so on, but that's usually for training/more casual drills). White shirt, brown pants with a green stripe up the side.
The medics are pretty basic field attire when working, but for parade/events, they will usually be in the same dress as the regular Watch members/officers.
Lionus, bless his face, is supposed to wear an officer's uniform, and utterly refuses.
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Lots of pockets, less buttons to fuck around with, additional straps for holding bags/packs in place better. They have broad belts with lots of pouches to help carry bandages, gloves, tools and medicine as necessary. Same hat as basic Watch Members.
Branch Two: The Inland Watch
The King's Inland Watch follows almost the exact same uniform dress styles as the Coastal Watch, but with stricter adherence to vests. Their coats and vests tend to have more buttons than the Coastal Watch as they are significantly less likely to need to remove their layers and do water rescues/swimming. Their colours are red with black accenting.
Branch Three: The Navy
General Navy attire for non-officer members (but still members of rank above Midshipman/Private) is extremely similar to this, though minus the hat:
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Their colors as well are cerulean blue (leaning more towards a lighter version, like Crayola Cerulean/a shade darker than Sky blue), with admiral blue accenting.
Ranks below Major have long, relatively wide-legged pants of light material, white with no accents. Their coats have tails but are fairly short in the front, as shown, and they looooove their shoulder tassels in the Navy. Once you're above Sub-Lieutenant, you get tassels.
The accents on the sleeve-cuffs will be more elaborate as you get promoted.
Midshipmen, specifically, are not required to be in dress like this with the coat unless in parade/there's an event/inspection sort of deal, OR unless they've been assigned as specifically a Captain of a certain area of the ship, though those distinctions are typically reserved for Sub-Lieutenants or Lieutenants. Their coats have no accents on the cuffs or collar, no tassels, and their collar either isn't as tall or is required to be folded down (the Navy is the fastest growing military branch and has been for several years, sometimes the influx of new privates is large and they have to essentially strip the accents off of back-stocked clothing, so it's not uncommon for privates to sometimes wind up with collars that are too high, hence the rule about folding them down.)
This is a VERY similar kind of idea to how the coats change, with some minor details tweaked that I am not able to get like... 1000% into right now or I'll be here all week.
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Privates do not wear hats, Lieutenants and everyone up to Admiral wear tricorners with varying bands/ribbons as accent.
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Rear-Admiral and up wear Bicorners with feathers/colored bands and so on to express their rank. High-hats applies quite literally here as well: The more important you are, the bigger the hat.
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Also the way they wear the bicorn is an indicator of rank, and also indicative of if the officer at the moment is directing just this vessel, or a fleet of any size.
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This orientation is specifically "I am just as important off of this fucking boat". Regardless of status of current operation, members of the Royal family and the highest ranked admirals will always wear their hats like this.
Their uniforms are much more dressy as well, starting at Captain and going up through Commander, Commodore and the Admirals:
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Differences being very high boots, shoulder tassels, etc. and their pants are white with admiral-blue striping up the side.
I did this as an embarrassingly rough attempt to colour it correctly as a reference for a piece of Henry and Melanie I had commissioned from Aaytaro back in the day, to give you an example:
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It is terrible, do not judge me.
Branch Four: Noble Guard
Their colours are black and gold, with lower ranks accenting with white as well. The higher ranked you are, the more solidly black-and-gold your uniform becomes. You are a member of high distinction and require extreme respect, because you are typically dealing with (or are) members of the extended Royal Family.
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This, but with white instead of red, and the lower ranks will actually have fully-white breasts beneath the golden embellishments.
Our Lieutenant General, Duchess Ais'lyn Vogunti, wears this specifically:
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This typically with pants/a false skirt over pants. Her full attire for parade/events/just being a boss involves a gold-embellished belt with scabbard and saber. She wears an exceptionally large hat, wide brim folded up one side and pinned with a rank-distinguisher/royal emblem (depends on who she's bossing around that day) and very very large white feathers.
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Similar to this. Black, gold accents/ribboning/etc.
They also do the high-white-socks thing for the lower ranks specifically, again with more white on your uniform meaning lower rank, less white meaning higher.
I think that's about it for these, but thank you so so so much for your patience! I have at least one more ask to get to but I'm still up to my armpits in trying to move and everything, so hopefully this will all settle out soon. Very glad I got this out while I had a bit of time this morning!
Thank you so so much for the ask <3
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mxeve0 · 10 months
Spiderman Noir X Fem Reader
No warnings, just fluff :)
A Shadow of a Shadow
Part•3 (Part•1, Part•2)
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"Aaaand... you're all set. Your home earth has been officially changed to 20914," Margo said, smiling up at you. After a long discussion with Miguel, you'd come to an agreement that there was no saving your earth, and that it would be better for you to transfer somewhere else. He suggested that you stay on his earth, and that he could set you up with a proper room in HQ, but you denied his offer, saying that it would be too overwhelming with all the different Spiders coming and going. Actually, that didn't bother you, but were you about to tell him that the reason you wanted to stay at Peter's earth was because you were emotionally attached to him? No. Definitely not.
"Thank you," you replied, placing your hand on her shoulder. In order to switch your earth, D.N.A had been taken from both you and Peter, the spider genome was extracted from both and then yours had been modified to match. They'd watched you like a hawk for a couple days afterwards to make sure nothing went wrong, and then you were all set. You turned around, Peter's gaze meeting yours. Intertwining his arm with yours, he put his hand in his pocket before leading you through the portal he had opened up.
The portal put the two of you just a couple blocks down from his house, but you didn't mind the walk. His neighbourhood was actually quite pretty, well, as pretty as it could be without colours. You were going to have to ignore the questions of 'What colour is the couch' and 'Are the walls grey in general or are they grey because of the way this universe works' if you were going to permanently stay here. Speaking of,
"Y'kow, I've been thinking, since it's now kinda official that I'm staying here, I should probably try and get a job. I mean it's not fair if you have to start buying twice as many groceries and things. Besides, it might help me settle in." You turn to look at him. He's smiling.
"If that's what you want to do. The help would be greatly appreciated anyway," he answers as you turn the corner to his home. "What job were you thinking about?" You looked up at him, thinking about what sort of jobs would be available for a woman in the 30's.
"Well, I suppose anything that I can get, but I don't want some stupid job stuck in an office, you know..." You raised your hand to your mouth, remembering that Peter spent most of his job in an office. "Sorry."
"Wow," he said, pretending to be offended. You felt bad, but when he started laughing, you realised that it wasn't that big of a deal. "Well, don't feel like you have to find a job straight away, though your best bet would probably be to look in the papers, there's ads in there all the time," he said at the two of you walked through his front gate. You let go of his arm as he dug through his pockets to find his key, unlocking the door once he'd done so.
You hung your small handbag on the coat rack that was by the door; it was the last thing that you needed to bring from your earth to his. Now it really felt like you belonged here.
"Though, if you end up not being able to find a job," Peter started, hanging his coat up, along with his hat. "We're looking for a receptionist. I know you said you didn't want an office job, but, just in case." The pair of you smiled as he disappeared around the corner into the kitchen.
"I still don't like the idea of you sleeping on the couch every night," you sigh, standing to the side of the sofa. He'd been sleeping there every night that you were here, and now that this was your permanent home, you weren't okay with it. "This is your house, I'll be fine sleeping on the couch."
"And as I've told you darlin', I'm not making you sleep on a sofa when there's a perfectly good bed in the room ten steps behind you," Peter said sternly, as usual. Though, you had to admit, the name did make your stomach do flips.
"Yeah, your bed," you respond, walking backwards as he guided you into the bedroom. You wished that you had the confidence to ask he to share the bed with you, but you'd have to hear it from God himself before you did that.
"I don't care, I'm not having you sleeping on the couch. Now, go to bed, and in the mornin' I'll help you look for a job, deal?" He asked, cocking his head to one side. You realised that you were pressed up against the door, and that there was no way out. Sighing again, you answered,
"Fine, but I'm not doing this all the time." You turned around, trying to ignore his satisfied smile and entered the bedroom. Opening one of the drawers on your dresser, you pulled out a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt.
You needed a new wardrobe; it was one of the first things Peter mentioned when you began talking about permanently staying with him. He'd tried his best to explain it in a way that wouldn't upset you, but the basic message was that he was worried about how much your regular clothes would make you stand out.
Of course, you were going to keep the clothes you had now; they were perfectly fine so, no point in throwing them out. You were just keeping them so you could wear them at home.
As much as you wanted to get a job so you could pay for your own clothes, you knew that finding a job with the ones you had would be difficult. Peter had said that once you had found a job that you wanted he'd take you shopping for just a couple outfits to get you through the work week. Again you had protested this as well, but you knew he was right.
Walking into the kitchen, the smell of bacon and coffee filling your lungs. You see Peter standing by the cooker, wearing an apron that you liked to imagine was pink for comedic purposes.
"There's a paper on the table that's got a few job adverts, if you want to take a look," Peter said, turning slightly to look at you over his shoulder. You nod, walking over to the kitchen table where the newspaper was laid open along with a glass of...orange juice? It was still going to take a while to learn the shades of everything. You confirmed that it was orange juice when you took a sip as you sat down, looking at the ads. There were a few that seemed interesting, but there was one in particular that caught your eye.
"Hey Peter?" You called. He turned around and made his way over to you, leaning over to look at the paper.
"Oh, that's just a couple blocks away," he says, returning back to the stove. Maybe you would go for an interview tomorrow.
Took my time writing this one (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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n00dl3gal · 8 months
Definitions of Treasure - Fragile Dreams 15th Anniversary Collab (Theme: Maps)
Hello hello! This is my part of the Fragile Dreams collab hosted by @lunarhillfunland. I got the theme "maps" and decided to focus on the Merchant! Working on this was a lot of fun, I hope you guys enjoy! Read it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53130829
The fireflies danced restlessly among the blades of grass, anxious as the Merchant stepped around them. Ahead, a campfire flickered. He had every reason to assume Seto was there. 
Fate was just; indeed, Seto sat, warming his hands against the fire. The Merchant bowed slightly in greeting, which Seto returned with a kind wave. The typical small talk began. Seto purchased some candy and sold an old slingshot in return. “Have you anything exciting this evening?” the Merchant asked eagerly. 
Seto shook his head, then paused. “Well, it’s not a shiny thing, but- hold on,” he said. He dug through the many pockets of his coat before pulling out a yellowed sheet of paper. “I found this. I think it’s a map of some kind? I was wondering if you could decipher it.” 
The Merchant took the paper and unfolded it. “Ho-ho!” he exclaimed jubilantly. “This isn’t just a regular map, it’s a treasure map!”
“Treasure map?” Seto echoed. 
“Do you see this ‘X’ here?” he said, pointing to the spot. “It marks a key location. Someone, perhaps several someones, had a great treasure they wanted to hide away for safekeeping. But to prevent forgetting where it was, they created this map as a guide. If you can find the spot the ‘X’ marks, the treasure is yours!” 
Seto smiled. “That’s great, but… I really should focus on finding that silver-haired girl. I don’t want to delay any further. You can have it.” 
“Are you certain?” Seto nodded. The Merchant clutched the paper to his chest as if it might disappear. “Thank you, kind sir! No doubt a treasure of this magnitude will be enough to wake my Princess!” 
Seto’s smile turned tight-lipped and strained. “I, uh, I wish you luck.” The Merchant bid him farewell and returned into the misty night. 
The Merchant opted to wait for the morning before beginning his search. The first step would be locating where exactly the map depicted. It was a rough sketch, with little in the way of definitive landmarks. The illustration was faded; the writing needed to be legible. It would be daunting to interpret. 
Nevertheless, the Merchant was not deterred. Even before his Princess entered her long sleep, he had traveled the streets of the city frequently. He had errands to run. Not once had he gotten lost. 
The map still offered a few clues. The winding lines could be paths. If true, they indicated it wasn't for an urban area. There were some circles of varying sizes outside of the paths. "Perhaps the amusement park," the Merchant mused aloud. "What do you think, dear?" 
The Princess did not stir. The Merchant was undaunted. 
The gate to Lunar Hill Funland creaked in the breeze. While he was loath to leave his Princess alone, the Merchant didn't want to spoil the surprise. He stowed her away by an abandoned food cart. The foliage disguised her pram and protected her from the sun. 
The Merchant studied the map as he wandered through the park. The circles seemed to be in similar locations to former attractions- the carousel and the Ferris wheel. The "X" was near what the Merchant assumed to be the broken-down remains of the teacup ride. He searched for a patch of grass or unturned earth; any sign that the dirt had been disturbed. He lamented not bringing a shovel. 
He got to his knees and looked under the ride. All he saw were the rusted mechanical parts. "Hey!" a stranger's voice called out to him. "What are you doing?" The Merchant stood and looked at the strangely-dressed figure. "Oh, I've seen you before."
"As have I," the Merchant replied. "You live around this park, don't you?"
"Yeah," the stranger confirmed. He tipped his hat in salutation. "Did you lose something?"
"No. I'm actually trying to find- well. Before I say anything more, would you mind looking at something?"
"I guess," the stranger said slowly. The Merchant handed him the map. "Huh. Is this for a scavenger hunt or something?"
The Merchant nodded. "Indeed. Seeing as this is your home, I was wondering if you could determine if this is a map of the park."
The stranger studied it for a moment before shaking his head. "Don't think so. I know this place too well. And if there was anything buried or hidden here, I would've found it by now." He handed the map back. "Good luck, though."
The Merchant thanked him, folding and tucking the map back into his coat. The stranger tipped his hat again before backflipping away. What a curious individual. 
So the treasure was not at Lunar Hill. At least this narrowed the possible locations down. The Merchant found his Princess and began his search anew.  
He decided the next location to search should be Azabudai Station. The circles on the map might represent the domed ceilings. It would be a bit of a hike, but the Merchant did not fear the journey. He had made it before. 
Taking the Princess in her pram down the stairs was difficult. Still, he maneuvered them down without incident. He left her secured in a rusted-out ticket booth.
Light shimmered down from the dome, casting shadows over the broken turnstiles and benches. Not far from the entrance stood twin pillars. The Merchant regarded the map. The circles aligned. 
With a quiet cheer, he dashed towards the spot marked on the map. He bent down, searching for anything out of the ordinary. With the limited light, it was hard to see anything strange. He ran his hands over the tile floor. One shifted under his palm. A loose tile! He dug his fingers underneath and heaved it upwards. Pushing it to the side, he revealed-
"Treasure!" he exclaimed, pulling the box out. It was coated in a thick layer of dust. He brushed it off. Scribbled writing on top read Property of Suki. 
A pang of guilt wracked the Merchant. This was someone else's property. Somebody else's treasure. He shouldn't take it. Yet nobody else was around, and his Princess was so sick… surely they wouldn't mind. 
He opened the box. 
The Princess did not stir as the Merchant unveiled the first of his spoils: a plastic ring, won from a gachapon machine. The crude drawing of two smiling girls similarly resulted in no response. He elected not to show her the rotting food. But the silence at a sparkly hairpin worried him. It wasn't too different from the usual baubles he brought, though, so perhaps she just didn't care for them. 
He dug out the last treasure. "What do you think, Princess?" he asked quietly. The silver pendant dangled from his fingers. It caught the fading sunset light and glimmered. 
The Princess stayed silent. 
The Merchant wanted to weep but simply sighed. He put the box's contents back inside and placed it back under the loose tile. "We'll find the right treasure soon, I'm sure of it," he reassured her. He stood straight and took her pram. "Soon, I'll see you smile once more, my Princess. I promise."
He guided them back upstairs and into the setting sun. 
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