#I die for like a week and drop this thing I made in 5 mins
yangthecatto · 2 years
Okay so this is the first time that I've been terrified of everything, also every emotions I'm feeling rn that I can't understand. I just transfered into a school that is not well known here in my place and also without my friends 4 months ago. So I'm having a problem with this school since the teaching system is not effective, we only have 2 days of class and mostly are not teaching seriously smh, also making us students answer all their lessons that had just been discussed not much, like for example they'll just read it like that not explaining anything and 5 mins later they'll give us quiz about it. And the worst thing is... I mean... my classmates is fine with that (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) So I think I'm the weird one here? Idk smh. I honestly been crying for 4 months now and I really wanted to die a week ago because I can't just learn anything. I read and understand the lessons since I always do self study but the thing I hate the most is teacher making us report the lesson while they're not discussing and when we made a mistake, they'll call us dumb for not knowing what we are discussing. Excuse me? I literally studied your lesson without you teaching us so why are they saying that ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ At first week of being in that school, me and my mom tried to drop out on that but they did not let us since there's payment etc. I'm crying (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I don't like that place and I can't believe I'm going to stay there for more 2 years. I hate it and when I look at others living their lifes okay, they're happy and looking fine, how luckkyy. I mean, they may be suffering without me knowing, I hate myself for feeling jealous to other people, guess I'll just stop myself from feeling that. Guess I'll just accept the fact that I'm on this school and hating this place, guess I'll remove that... damn I really hate it. I already made my mom worried because of this, I just don't want to dissapoint them (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I really hate it. I hate everything. Anyways after this I'm just going to write random scenes and plots that I'm thinking.
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
Describing Genshin Characters in (1) minute
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Hi Dear Jalebi, I demand your analysis :)   What are your thoughts on IPKKND might have some typical track if the audience, TRP, actors departure didn't influence it otherwise? Let me explain, IPKKND was supposed to have a longer office track (that wasn't common though, I would've loved it) but the TRP was low, so Shantivan track was introduced. Then, I read that, Sana Maqbul (Lavanya) wanted to quit IPKKND, that's why the quick breakup???
Is that why they didn't give us the COMMON AF *jealousy and hero's ex GF turns villain* track? Then again, Anjali was jealous and sad about Khushi after the first reveal of Shyam, and it looked like track about Didi Ki Saut was beginning. But again ratings dropped and the fandom didn't react well (kinda protested), Anjali quickly stopped showing jealousy and Dadi was introduced to give ArShi a common saas-bahu vibe.
Hello Dear Analysis Anon!
I am going to over answer this with a lot of detail because I have a lot of thoughts, as always! Time to get into my thinking cape/coat:
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This analysis is going to cover:
(1) every example you just mentioned,
(2) my thoughts on external things affecting plot of the story,
(3) things/plots/ tracks that could've been if not for external factors
1) IPKKND was supposed to have a longer office track (that wasn't common though, I would've loved it) but the TRP was low, so Shantivan track was introduced
As far as I can remember from one of the writers' interviews, the office track was cut short because this was a show on Star Plus - which, as a channel, caters to 'family audience' therefore needs to have sanskaar and stuff at its core. Hence the rude shortening of the office track and weird 'makeover' and 'desi-dying' Lavanya. And hence we had a very weird four months of an eighteen-twenty years old Khushi teaching someone about sanskaars and suddenly knowing everything about a household when Bua-ji or even Payal would've been a more apt choice for this 'tutoring'.
If this was a Star One show, they might've not shifted out of the office for the longest time!
2) Sana Maqbul (Lavanya) wanted to quit IPKKND, that's why the quick breakup??? Is that why they didn't give us the COMMON AF *jealousy and hero's ex GF turns villain* track?
I did not know that's why the quick end happened. Honestly that happened perfectly. I think Lavanya had an inkling about their relationship heading south right when Arnav told everyone he's getting engaged to her. But she chooses to not see it until one day she couldn't. Maybe we could've gotten more from La but if you see carefully, La clearly knows that this relationship is now just for face. Bless her heart for trying though, trying with a smile!
Also, again I think the writers never thought of making Lavanya a vamp. They had enough material with Arnav-Khushi's own differences, Shyam and Buaji playing enough roles to mess up Arnav-Khushi's love story. I probably think they always had planned Lavanya as a beautiful person who was unintentionally caught in all of this. I feel they planned La and Khushi's friendship - they clearly enjoyed writing two completely different people becoming closest of friends.
The writers/creators deserve full credit for this.
3) Then again, Anjali was jealous and sad about Khushi after the first reveal of Shyam, and it looked like track about Didi Ki Saut was beginning. But again ratings dropped and the fandom didn't react well (kinda protested), Anjali quickly stopped showing jealousy and Dadi was introduced to give ArShi a common saas-bahu vibe.
This is all true.
My Thoughts on External Things Affecting Plot
It's not necessarily bad that external things affect plot. Feedback, from channel or fans, can help the show to pivot and understand what is working and what's not. The problem is when feedback is implemented regardless whether or not it matches the theme of the plot.
I loved:
1) The channel moving out of the office because the power dynamic was too great and the contract terms were very unhealthy and Arnav Singh Raizada deserved to get sued at least 10 times by the end of this contract so yes, the shorter the office track the better. Literally the saving grace is they didn't "fall in love" there.
2) The fans protesting against Didi Ki Saut track. Not because I hated the track - I think it was executed in the worst manner! From identical visual languages to show Arnav-Anjali and Arnav-Khushi scenes (which didn't work to show Arnav being equally torn between the two most important women in his life, but just made the audience get creeped by Arnav-Anjali's relationship) and writing scenes of Anjali getting offended by Arnav-Khushi's intimacy/Arnav spending time with his wife, on her birthday, in his bedroom... did she expect Khushi would just *disappear* in a her and Arnav's bedroom? Like that was the worst way to show a compelling plot line and giving people some weird thoughts about Anjali-Arnav (which I hate because I LOVE Anjali-Arnav).
3) Barun walking out when the plot was literally done. Yes, thank you!
4) Barun going to do a movie led to the kidnapping track, which I liked a lot. No, not the nonsense of Manorama Bond fishing out Delhi's security camera footages in vintage recording system - but the fact that given the chasm and angst between Arnav & Khushi, only something bigger than their misunderstanding could force Arnav to give weight to his feelings and for Khushi to be able to forgive him. And his life was at stake. It was a sharp reminder to both of them that they lost so much by not communicating that it doesn't matter what they had to say - they loved each other, they just needed to get back and fight off everything together.
And then again, there are things I HATED that happened because of external factors:
1) The channel for the whole La becomes Desi. And the overdose of sanskaar and tradition that followed for a few months *uggggh* Clearly the channel demanded this from the plot because family, traditions and all are important to Star Plus (wtf are they thinking for Ghum Hai Kisi Ke? though or YRKKH?) And even the Aarav track and Mrs. India - two tracks with terrible execution - were very Star Plus recommended content. Just now Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 had a Mrs. Surat/Gujarat track and Yeh Hai Chaahatein had a miracle child popping up...
2) The fans demanding Arnav & Khushi's proximity. The whole hut scene was *noooooo*. Lack of consent, body doubles, GLARING logical loopholes and them just trying to do it when one of them is really not in the mood and they were both so out of character. @phati-sari explains this really well in her post (just search for the hut to get all relevant posts on her blog)
3) Barun? Not exactly - he's never in control of the plot so really it's the writers that kinda know what to do with his presence and absence. Even if they get a short time, it's upto the creators who know if they use the last 2-3 weeks for stretching a random track as much as they can and give a rushed ending or quickly wrap up a crap track and give a satisfactory ending. A good example of this is Lavanya's exit - although rushed was dealt with grace, important conversations and memorable hugs. Bad one is the end of the show - I know Barun gave his papers but I wish they went the La way with the end of the show - important convos, teary hugs and a sweet moment (they tried their best tho...)
It's an ITV trend though to not plan for the end of a show... they stretch a crappy track as much as they can and have like a 2 min epilogue. Kasautii 2.0 was the funniest cause they had all misconceptions cleared, Komolika and Mr. Bajaj die and then have a weird 2 min pillow fight to show 'happy family'... guess in that way I'm glad we had whatever we did with IPKKND!
Possible Tracks Then
So if external factors didn't influence the show, we might have had the following:
1) A longer office track. It would end the way it did in canon though. I think it was prewritten that at one point Khushi would tear up the contract and hold him accountable for everything Arnav did. Just instead of 3-4 days it would've been 10-15 days after the contract.
2) Didi Ki Saut track. Honestly that was compelling if executed right. Sometimes you can have an antagonist without becoming a villain, Anjali the perfect character for that.
3) A separation track. I'm pretty sure Arnav-Khushi could have separated at some point in their six months marriage - this is just my inkling and not something I heard in an interview unlike the above two. If given full reign to writing, we probably would've gotten an angst heavy stuff at some point post marriage/6 months.
4) A remarriage track sans Dadi. We know why Dadi was introduced (honestly I didn't mind her, it was a track done well and kinda to redeem Arnav in front of the public eyes. It's a perfect track cause Arnav is 'nice' for standing up for her and kinda heals the wounds he caused in the first few months of the marriage by retorting someone who tells Khushi everything he told her...) But anyway I do think a remarriage was in the works, not because of TRPs but the way their whole 'marriage' was framed and how Khushi was broken because of the lack of everything in it. And they deserved one w/o the devastation that night brought.
5) The 'marriage' would've been a live in. Arnav and Khushi's elopement was supposed to be darker in nature*. Their 'marriage' would've had no religious nor legal validity, therefore a stark contradiction to everything Khushi stood for... but you can't have that in ITV. *By dark I don't mean sexual violence - never.*
6) The whole IPKKND was meant to be darker. I am glad for the romantic comedy though! I think their balance of angst and comedy pre marriage was perfect! Not sure post marriage because it felt like a loop of going back to square one with no progress. But I think things were meant to be less subtle, more tragic and dramatized. So I think we could've gotten extremely angsty periods post marriage with a slow, gentle lull to the romance/comedy. While I am extremely glad for the lightheartedness, I wish I could've read what the whole original concept for Arnav/Khushi was!
7) Arnav revealing the truth to Khushi would've been different. We know the distasteful suicide track quickly came as a way to push Arnav's buttons and have him confess the truth of his elopement to Khushi. And that came from Barun going away - hence the quick kidnapping track and everything. So if Barun didn't go away, I honestly don't know how the revelation would happen. Would Arnav start piecing things together from information and things about Shyam in Laxminagar? Would Arnav end up helping and hospitalizing Shashi who would tell him the truth? Would Arnav come across any hidden wedding card Buaji could've had printed for Shyam-Khushi or even Shyam's fake kundili? Given the Gupta house wasn't the place where Shyam covered his tracks... was this where Arnav would start seeing things? Or guilt ridden, would Garima/Khushi/Madhumati tell Arnav the truth? Something was meant to happen for this revelation, whether it's Arnav believing Khushi or just getting further evidence against her - I... don't know! I wish I knew what the writers had in store.
We highly appreciate for not showing a typical Nanand against Bhaabi trope, also for not making La villain, but would it result differently if things didn't have a hand? Imma cry thinking Anjali jealous and La villain! meh!  What a feast for the eyes it was to see ONLY ONE VILLAIN and less negativity in a tellywood show. Baas bohut hua my casual verbiage. By demand I mean no pressure, please take your valuable time and reply whenever you feel like it.Take Loads of Care and Chocolates your way <3
I hope the above answered all your queries :) Thank you for all the chocolates and care!!!
Phew this was rather long! A big hug to anyone who went through it! See ya later!
- Jalebi
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beyondd-dazedd · 3 years
EPISODE👏 REVIEW👏 hsmtmts season 2 episode 9 let’s go
let me start off by saying pORTWELL NATION HOW WE FEELING??? more on portwell later
i liked this episode! not as much as the last one but i kind of expected that. it’s kind of the nature of television where if you have a big episode with a lot of plot then the next episode will be character driven.
ej my beloved. i love him so much and that’s it. that’s the tweet.
we love the zoom vibes very topical (also does covid not exist in the hsmtmts universe because that is a very interesting concept)
seblos tension?? no thanks. but ej and ash being cute?? yes please. also ashlyn saying red is her soulmate made my heart SO happy. also ej’s face when gina popped up was enough to fuel my portwell heart for at least the next week.
i loved the dive into gina’s character a bit more this episode. she was so soft omfg and i’ll give her this her attempt with the gate agent was a good one.
ASHER!! ok i thought jack and gina’s dynamic was very cute but not enough to live up to portwell excellency. i like how easily gina opened up to jack because the only other people she really does that with is the caswells who are obviously very close to the whole situation. i think it was good seeing her talk more about herself and her life and her confusion about everything. i thought it was really clever that they used jack as a cheeky andi mack reference but also as a way to help move gina’s character forward because she really needed that push. gina was so precious in this episode for so many reasons. she really did better with her improvising which seemed to be something she struggled with whether it was due to things going on during the Yes And episode or just her struggling with being able to improvise. seeing her actually be able to do that with jack warmed my heart. i love how gina really openly communicated how she felt closer towards the end. she basically was like i think you’re cute jack but i need someone who is going to be there (cough cough EJ). i thought the banter was really cute between them at the end and jack telling her where the safest place on the plane was just made me so happy.
MY BABY EJ i loved him in this episode despite how little screen time he really had. him being a bit of a kid with all of his and ash’s old stuff gave me big flash backs to being a senior and trying to hold onto childhood before college. also it was a side of him we don’t really get to see. he’s very intense and that’s just who he is but seeing him be a little goofy made my heart happy. also can we talk about gina being the first person he calls about ash painting his nails because 1) YES FUCK GENDER STEREOTYPES and 2) he wanted gina’s opinion on that which was so cute but also i loved that you could still see that his nails were painted when he meets gina at the airport partially because i’m a sucker for little continuity things but it also shows that he didn’t really care what other people thought. he just wanted gina’s opinion. also i feel like we’re one step closer to bi ej and since i project on him too much and i’m bi that makes me happy. EJ IS BI DISNEY ARE JUST COWARDS. also his dancing was so endearing omfg
PORTWELL NATION the ending was so amazing. gina really had that moment of realization that ej had in the quinceañero episode which was AMAZING but also gina saying that she’s just waiting for a sign for the right person and ej just showing up at the airport to pick her up and he has a granola bar for her?? shows he’s the right one. so he obviously knows gina well enough to know that her go to snack is a granola bar. he also brought it just in case she was hungry. he also took her bags for her aND HE DROVE TO THE AIRPORT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT TO GET HER AND PROMISED TO DROP HER OFF IN THE MORNING. it’s obvious that he gets her and she gets him and it also shows both of their progress from season 1 to now. gina is allowing people to help her after spending most of her life pushing through on her own and ej is becoming more and more selfless when he was used to being self centered to meet everyone’s expectations. i would pay all of the money in my bank account to see some of the missing scenes where ej and gina are getting to know one another.
alright moving promptly along to literally everything else in this episode. nini is clearly having issues focusing on her music account. it could be from all of the changes recently or it could be because her main topic of song writing has been her love life and without ricky she doesn’t really have that. she’s just nini. however i did love seeing ash and nini team up to write the song. we need to see more of them together because that’s an iconic friendship (would also love to see more of nini and ej being friends because everything before this episode felt very tense between them. rightly so but still). ricky this episode was so relatable. i have been exactly where he’s been. wrapped up in a blanket feeling sad over things and just replaying everything that went wrong (i’m a ricky apologist through and through and i’ll admit it. some of y’all are just way too harsh on him holy shit). i HATE lynn but i hate her a little less because she mentioned therapy for ricky. all in all though she’s still a shitty parent and it’s evident that ricky has suffered from her mistakes. ricky’s song BROKE me. like i spent 30 mins crying over that song because joshua’s voice is just so raw and emotional and he has an amazing way of capturing the emotion of songs when he sings them. i also think the contrast between ricky and nini’s varying degrees of ability to write songs right now is interesting. i’m sure we’re going to have another season 1 moment with a big confession and them getting back together but i sort of don’t want that. i am a rini shipper until the day I die but i understand what it’s like getting out of a relationship where your whole identity is built around the other person and i think they both need time to grow and mature as people before they get back together. but this is a disney show so i know that they won’t go for that.
all in all, good episode!! there’s a lot of plot lines that need to be wrapped up and some stuff to propel them into season 3 so i’m interested to see what they decide to address now and what they decide to leave for the next season. i was not super into the plot for this season at the beginning of it but i think episode 5 was really a turning point and really got my attention for the rest of the episodes. i’ll catch y’all back here next week for another review
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jeagerism · 3 years
i think im lost again
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+ word count : honestly idek, ill take a guess at maybe nearly 700-800?
+ characters : levi ackerman, armin arlert, mentions of eruri and eremin (armin and levi r not shipped fuck out of here)
+ warnings : season 3 attack on titan spoilers, mentions of death, modern!au, levi is basically a dad without being a dad (does that make him a dilf??), angst i suppose
+ summary : erwin was always good at this, levi thinks. people stuck to him like glue.
+ author's note : this is just a personal modern!au headcanon that i ranted to a friend abt and decided to make it full out
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in modern aus i see eren as looking up to levi, bc he ooks up to him in the manga in some ways, levi cares abt his wellbeing n shit
well armin, since he was chosen to live over erwin, he'd look up to erwin in a modern au
and when erwin dies in that au bc ofc he has to die, armin is still a teenager.
i like to think that they all lived in the same town as kids, and erwin always looked out for armin since he had no one else other than his friends. 
he basically lets armin live with him when he's not with eren, who also has no family and sort of couch surfs between jean and sasha - sasha's dad loves eren for whatever reason so he stays there a lot, and welcomes armin and mikasa with him - and so erwin and armin r close
and levi is always around, so he sees armin a lot, even if he takes care of eren more - he lets eren stay at is house on nights when he feels like hes overstayed his welcome at sasha’s.
but levi still cares abt armin bc he sees how erwin cares abt armin and levi is in love with the blond facebook dad
but erwin died when armin is like 15, so he still needs someone to look out for him
and erwin asks levi to do that, bc he trusts him and knows levi would take care of him just like he had  
anyways, he asks levi to take care of him and levi does
but armin is a 15 yr old who just lost yet another person who cares abt him 
and even tho hes grateful that levi cares for him, he misses erwin so much. 
he acts out bc of it bc hes a kid going through trauma and its what kids do. he starts acting even worse than eren and eren is a fucking demon spawn
armin and eren share a room, even tho levi had two empty rooms so they could have their own, and eren has stuff in the other room but armin doesn’t like the dark so eren stays there with him.
and levi isn’t really good at taking care of kids in the traditional way. 
he wakes them up every weekday for school by telling them he'll kick their ass if he has to take them himself - but he'll still drive them when it rains or its cold  
he doesnt really know how to cook bc erwin always did that, but his notes app is full of recipes erwin always recommended that were easy to follow bc he was always worried that levi always ate too much cold leftovers from days before and noodles
armin knows hot to cook pretty well bc erwin taught him but he enjoys laughing at levi failing at cooking simple shit - he burned water somehow
but levi still tries so its fine
he tries letting armin know hes welcome, and that he can ask for whatever he needs
he'll leave him lunch money on the counter
and when he notices armins jackets getting a little too short around the wrist he drops a new one by his lap when he sits on the couch
he pulls the blanket all the way to his chin if he falls asleep on the couch.
he'll mention he's going to get a haircut when he notices armin's hair getting longer, and says he can go with him if he wants
but armin still acts so off. 
before erwin was gone, armin always acted happy, even though he never had much, and levi feels guilty knowing he cant do what erwin did for him, but he's doing this for erwin, and knows erwin wouldnt have put armin in his care in the first place if he didn’t trust him
i see taking care of armin as the task that keeps levi going, just like how killing zeke is what keeps him alive in the anime.
both promises he makes to erwin and wont give up on until he’s fulfilled it
but one day armin just disappears. he doesnt come back after school with eren like usual. so he and levi try calling him and get nothing. eren offers to go look for him and levi tells him to stay safe n waits back home to see if armin will show up there
and he does like 5 mins after eren leaves. 
and levi feels his chest just deflate with relief. it was cold outside, and armin was out there alone. 
his cheeks and nose r red from being outside for so long
when levi asks where he's been, it comes out harsher than he meant, but its just bc he was worried, and armin rolls his eyes and asks why it matters
levi tells him its bc he's a kid and doesnt get to just disappear without a trace whenever he wants. levi never minded armin doing whatever he wanted - within regulation - but most times he knew eren was with him, or mikasa, someone who would call him if something happened
and armin says “you're not my father.” and starts taking off his jacket and stuff
“yeah, but i am the person who's taking care of your ass.”
and that seems to make armin a little more ticked off than he already was, bc he turns to levi and says, “well i never asked you to do that.”
to which levi replies without thinking, “no but erwin did”
levi and armin never talk abt erwin, ever.
its like an unspoken rule between them. its not that they arent as comfortable with each other - they arent anyways but - they just dont do that, talk abt how they feel abt erwin, and him being gone
armin looks like hes gonna cry before he just says “well i wish it was erwin that was still here instead of you”
and levi is suprised that armin would ever, it hurts a little, and he just nods in agreement and says “me too.”
armin doesnt say anything back to it, he just turns and makes his way to his room, slamming the door behind him
and levi is exhausted. in his head he wonders how erwin had done it - balanced college and a job and a fucking teenager 
but then he remembers that erwin was erwin, and hed always been good at that type of thing
people stuck to him like glue
thats the first night he lets himself admit that he misses him
he feels like he’s failing at the one thing erwin asked of him
when eren shows back up, levi apologizes for not letting him know that armin had came back
but eren just tells him that armin had texted him when he’d arrived - i have a hc that eren and armin were each others first crushes but uhebdbsi
he tells levi that armin had said hed went to the beach
erwin used to take armin to the beach all the time before he died
he’d collect shells with him, and the ones that armin really liked, he’d give them names
he still has one called smith from the last time erwin had taken him to see the ocean
a few weeks go by after that
they never really talked before, but now it seems almost even worse
the silence that they normally exist in feels empty
but everything felt empty without erwin
eren lets levi know where theyre going to be whenever theyre not home, when theyll be home, etc
levi never asked for him to do that, but he does it anyways
levi’s thankful for the near suicidal maniac at that point
even though he always was
he saw a lot of himself in eren, and he sees a lot of himself in armin too
levi and armin never really apologize to each other, but one night when levi’s attempting to cook, armin walks in the kitchen and watches him place things on a pan
“you’re putting them too close together.”
armin steps beside him and tilts his head to the side, as if hes gesturing for levi to move
and he does, letting the younger and taller boy move the prerolled croissants further away from each other on the baking tray
“they never wouldve cooked all the way through like that,” armin tells him
with a scoff, levi mumbles that he sounds like erwin
armin pauses for a second, before sliding the pan in the oven. levi tells him how long the packaging said they went on so that he can set the oven timer
armin sets it for two minutes longer, and levi’s heart aches
erwin did that, too
“i miss him”
it slips out without him meaning for it to
and he thinks he’s ruined armin’s head again, when he’s supposed to be someone this kid can look up to
but he doesnt leave
armin just leans against the oven and nods “me, too”
after that, things arent bad anymore
sure, it takes awhile for them to completely warm up to each other, but they manage
enough that armin sits in on levi’s cooking sessions just to point out what hes doing wrong - something that helps, bc pretty soon levi is learning
he cooks him, armin, and eren an entire meal without burning anything
eren laughs when armin tells him that the man had forgotten to grab an oven mit and had stuck his entire hand in the oven to grab a pan
levi raises his eyebrow when he notices the way armin blushes at eren’s laugh, of all things
and they talk abt erwin more
they have more to say about him that eren, and its just something the two of them share, so they tend to save it for little moments, tiny snippets of things that remind them of the blond
after about a year, things are good
armin asks to have his 17th birthday at the beach, and who would levi be to say no
levi doesnt particularly like the beach, he detests sand, but its for armin, so he’ll do it
its for his kid
him and erwins kid
at the party, he finds a smile coming to his face when he sees armin actually laughing and having fun
kid had been through too much hell at 17, so he deserved to be happy, even if it was only for a few moments
on their way home that evening, eren and armin passed out from a day of swimming and running on the beach - levi made the both of them bring extra towels to save his car seats from salt water and sand
eren’s head is on armin’s shoulder, and the blond’s is resting atop eren’s head
when they get home, the two of them trudge towards their room, but armin turns and holds his closed fist out to levi
with a raised eyebrow, levi holds his hand out and lets armin drop something into his hand, before the boy pivots and continues his shuffle to his and eren’s shared room
levi glances down at the object in his hand
its a shell
armin names it erwin
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Julie and the Phantoms Theory
Wow so I just binged watched julie and the phantoms on netflix and this show is amazing, like really really fantastic. It is aimed at a younger audience than most of the series I watch but it really doesn’t matter, I do think this is a show that any age group can enjoy. The music in it is so so good and I’ve been listening to the songs on replay non stop. Also have two new ships I am obsessed with Juke and Willex. If you haven’t seen the show it is defo one I would recommend. However despite watching the whole season I have soo many questions that need answering and well anyone who has read any of my posts ever know how much I love to over analyse and obsess/ theorise about tv shows. The rest I am going to put under the tag because of spoilers so if you want to hear some thoeries/ analysis then read on, but I should warn you I am going to be talking about the sensitive topics of death and bereavement so only do so if you feel comfortable. 
 So one of the biggest questions I have is regarding the deaths of Alex, Luke and Reggie. Now I know that they die from eating bad street hotdogs and I know alot of the reason why they die that way is for the comedy aspect of it. I mean one of the many things this show did really well was balancing the comedy aspects with the emotional aspects. I appreciate that as the audience we are suppose to just accept this somewhat wacky death and go with it but well thats just not me and I kept wondering what exactly was wrong with the hotdogs that it actually killed them. Some things about it just don’t add up and I hate not knowing the answers so here are some theories I have, some more outlandish than others. 
Theory 1- Food Posioning (Honestly this isn’t really a theory but lets just go with it)
My first thought when I first watched it is the most obvious one which is they got food poisoning. I mean the place they got the hotdogs from didn’t look the most sanitary. However here’s the part that doesn’t add up for me and that is how quickly they died. We know from Alex’s comment to Willy in episode 8 that they were two hours away from going on stage the night they died. This means they had to have started showing symptoms within those two hours before the show which lead to the ambulance being called. In the first episode Reggie says that after they floated out of the ambulance they went to a dark room. The part that caught my attention here is the line about the ambulance as this tells us that they died in the ambulance before they ever got to the hospital. Now I don’t know how far away the hotdog place was from The Orpheum but I’m assuming it was fairly close considering how important the show was to them, I personally wouldn’t go too far from the venue if I had a big show in just a couple of hours.  According to my google search the nearest hospital to The Orpheum is Diginity Health California Hospital Medical Center. This hospital is only 5 mins away from The Orpheum, obviously I know this time would be effected by traffic amongst other factors but the point is the time between ingesting the hotdogs and them dying was relatively short. Which makes it unlikely that they died from food posioning. Whilst food poisoning can kill its very rare and usually takes a lot longer than a few hours I mean ordinarily it takes days. So the likelihood that all three of them would have been killed by food posioning that quickly is actually slim to none.
Theory 2- It was Premeditated.  
My next theory is much much darker and definitely more out there. It also depends on how dark they plan to go with Bobby/Trevor’s character. But we know that Bobby stays behind and doesn’t go for hotdog’s claiming to be a vegetarian (which was a lie), he also seems to be pretty eager for the other three to go. Now in the scene it seems like the reason for this is so he can be alone to filrt with Rose but what if Bobby had more sinister plans what if he had some hand in the boys’ deaths and had actually posioned them or arranged for them to be poisoned. Maybe he always planned to steal Luke’s songs and take all the credit, fame and money for himself. When Julie looks up Sunset Curve on her phone you can get a glimpse at the article she reads. In the article it says ‘There was a surviving band member, Bobby, but no one has been able to track him down...’ This article seems to have been written about a week after the night they died which shows that Bobby went under the radar pretty quickly after his bandmates died. Now again this could be explained away as Bobby grieving and wanting to stay out of the spotlight as he worked through that and that him stealing the songs was a more opportunistic act than him premeditating his bandmates murders. 
Another possible variant of this theory is that it was still an orchestrated death but it wasn’t Bobby who wanted the boys dead but Caleb. During that opening scene they were still alive and we know normally lifers can’t see ghosts so for all we know Caleb could have seen them perform and had decided then that he wanted them as his house band, he didn’t want to wait for them to die so he took matters into his own hands. We assume that the first time Caleb hears about the band is from Willie but there was that scene from the first episode where he bumps into Alex and to me it almost seems like he recognises the group. Also I don’t think its a coincidence that he bumps into them right outside The Orpheum. It could be that he knew they would show up as ghosts at some point and figured they would go back to The Orpheum when they did and so would sometimes patrol that area just waiting for them. It could also explain why he’s willing to let Willie skate around the streets of LA maybe he was hoping Willie would do exactly would he did and bump into one of the boys whether Willie was aware of this plan is a whole other kettle of fish I feel like most likely he wouldn’t have because I feel like he would have told them Caleb had sent him to find them when he told them about the jolts. Point is the whole thing could have been one big elaborate plan of Caleb’s to get the band for himself, his obsession with the band could have been bigger than what we were shown in the first season. 
The last variant of this theory could be a mixture of the previous two. Maybe it was an elaborate plan made by Caleb but with the help of Bobby. Maybe Bobby made a deal with the devil so to speak and in exchange for fortune and fame he gave up his bandmates. Maybe he even gave up his own soul too but he gets to live out his dream life first. We know through Willy that Caleb has made deals with lifers that are part of the Hollywood Ghost Club so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to think he could’ve made a deal with Bobby. 
To be honest I’m not completely sold on this theory purely because the show is aimed at a younger audience and although it does cover some mature themes around death and bereavement I think murder might be a little too dark for its target audience. But then on the other hand they did have that storyline of Caleb trying to destroy the boys with those jolts so maybe I’m wrong.
Theory 3- The Car Battery. 
Ok so this theory I think is the most likely out of them all. When you think about what we know about the boys death and the timeline its that 1) They ate hot dogs that tasted bad. 2) They obviously started to show worrying symptoms that lead to somebody calling an ambulance, these symptoms showed up in under two hours. 3) They died in the ambulance before getting to the hospital (which was approx 5 mins away). Also from the sound of it they all died around the same time, as in all of them were in the ambulance it wasn’t a case of one of them died at the scene, another in the ambulance and another in the hospital. Meaning the effect time was pretty consistent, we know that they all took the first bite at the same time. So keeping all that in mind lets look at the scene again. The first thing I want to point out is that when the boys get the hot dogs they don’t show us them actually being handed the hotdogs, when we see them they already have the hotdogs and they are at the condiments adding their pickles and sauces. This in my opinion tells us that the hazard did not occur during the cooking process but at this moment when they were getting the condiments. Also we see Alex talking about how he couldn’t wait to eat someplace where the condiments weren’t in the back of a car. This scene opens by showing us said condiments and also whilst Alex is talking focusing in on the car battery. Right after his comment about the condiments Alex goes up to the seller and apologises for getting pickle juice on his battery cables once again this draws attention to the battery and its close proximity to the food. The seller just laughs it off stating that maybe it will help with the rust. This seems like a throw away comment but it could actually be a big clue into what happened to the boys. This tells us that not only is the battery near the food but its rusting and in a bad condition and if its in a poor condition it could be leaking. Ok so why is this important to how the boys died? Well because car batteries have sulfuric acid in them. I said before that the whole food poisoning thing didn’t add up for me because generally speaking when things go wrong during the cooking process such as something being undercooked or unclean, it doesn’t tend to kill you and in the rare circumstances if it does it usually takes days to weeks; but the chances of surviving food posioning are very high. However if someone were to ingest sulfuric acid even a couple of drops could be fatal. For examble if there was any sulfuric acid in the bottom of the trunk it could have gotton onto the utensils they used or onto the bottom of the sauce bottles which could then have tranferred over to the food. 
Also sulfuric acid usually kills a person within a few hours and can start having an effect on the body pretty much immediately. The mortality rate of sulfuric acid poisoning is very high the survival rate is only around 35% which would make it much more likely that not only did they all die but that the all died around the same time after exposure. The reason why it can kill so quickly is because it can effect the airways. Also the comment the seller made about the rust could have another possible explanation because whilst a leaking battery could have contaminated the food, sulfuric acid can also be found in some anti rust treatments. So if the seller was trying to treat the rust on the battery without removing the condiments from the trunk then that too could have created an opportunity for the food to become contaminated with sulfuric acid. 
So yeah this is my best guess at how the boys died, they accidently ingested sulfuric acid that had contaminated the condiments that had been stored next to a rusted car battery. It’s tragic and more tragic than that is that although it can only take a few drops obviously the less posion a person ingests the more chance they have at surviving. We know that even though the first bite tasted weird they continued to eat the hotdogs but if they had stopped after that first bite they might have actually survived. Obviously I’m not an expert on any of this so I could be totally wrong but to me this is what makes the most sense. 
Anyway what theories do you guys have? Also what questions are you hoping to get answered if we get a season 2 (we better get a season 2 or I’m gonna be real mad)? 
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rubbishrobots · 3 years
I wrote a Doctor Who story for Christmas
It's been a funny old year. High highs and low lows. My brain processes everything in terms of Doctor Who, so I thought I'd write a little story about a crap Christmas.
Doctor Who - “The Best Of it”
The drop in air pressure was first detected on December 24th. About 3% approximately every 5 hours, which might not seem like that big of a drop, but when you’re in a big research base right down at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, any air pressure escaping is a bit of a big deal.
And so I found myself, on Christmas Eve, in a big clunky OxySuit, lumbering around upon the sea floor at the deepest point in the Earth’s Ocean. I moved around the outer walls of Cameron Base One with great difficulty, pushing my limbs forward through the high-pressure water, the headlamps on either side of my helmet providing minimal light.
Reaching the West Wing of the base, the first thing I saw were the cracks in the floor. It began right where the wall of the base touched the ground, and then snaked out and broke off until the ground in front of me looked like a shatter pattern. This was an alarming sight, to say the least. It meant that the ground which Cameron Base One sat on, that the crew walked across, was unstable. I would have turned around immediately and gone to raise the alarm. But I didn’t.
Because the second thing I noticed was the tall, blue phone box. With a lamp on top and two square windows that sent wavy shimmers of light wafting through the ocean. It was right at the furthest reaches of the cracks in the floor. I wondered how the hell it had got there.
Of course, then I was plummeting through one of the cracks that opened up at my feet, so there wasn’t much else I could do except fall.
I only remember bits of my plummet, so it’s hard to describe now. But it was like being on a pitch black water slide that you fully expected to die at the end of. Something had struck the lights on my helmet almost immediately so I couldn’t see a darn thing, but my stomach twisted and turned, which told me I was being tossed to and fro. Then I remember a tiny bit of light approaching fast, and an impact. Then nothing.
Nothing until I was blinking awake in a dimly lit cave, and there was a woman peering down at me.
“What size shoe do you take?” she asked.
I stared at the fractured image of her through the cracked glass of my helmet. She had short yellow hair, a long pale blue coat, and a t shirt with a rainbow stripe across it. She waited expectantly for me to answer.
“I’m Ellie Tyson, Chief Engineer at Cameron Base One,” I said, unsure what else but name and rank was appropriate in this conversation.
“I’m the Doctor,” the woman replied. “I just knock about space, really. You alright?”
She helped me to my feet and out of my OxySuit. I was bumped and bruised, and the jumpsuit I wore beneath the suit was a bit scuffed, but I was otherwise okay and able to survey my surroundings. The cave was not spacious. There were small tea light candles dotted about, and a steady drip of water coming from the breach in the ceiling that I must have fallen through.
“Right! Welcome, welcome,” said the Doctor. “Let me show you around. I’d say this is the living area over here.” She gestured to the left side of the cave, where a fireplace had been drawn on the uneven rock wall. “But to be honest, it’s a bit of a studio apartment situation.”
“How long have you been here?” I asked, eyeing the crudely illustrated roaring fire and wondering if this was the sign of stir craziness.
“About a week. Been surviving on rations.” She held up a box of dried raisins. “And a few bits I had in my coat pockets to keep me busy.” On the floor of the cave, there was the aforementioned candles, a pack of crayons, a pair of knitting needles and some wool, and a tourist pamphlet for the Blue Man Group. “Don’t suppose you’ve got any food in that big clunky diving suit?”
I shook my head no. The only thing in the utility belt section of the suit was some bandages, medical tape, and a flare. None of which struck me as particularly edible.
“No hope of escape?” I asked, fearing the answer.
“Well, not until now.” She started walking to the mouth of the cave. “Come on, then.”
I followed. There were no candles in the long, narrow passageway she crept down, but the Doctor had a metallic remote thingy that was giving off an orange glow, and she rooted around her pockets until she found a small torch she could toss to me.
“So full disclosure,” said the Doctor, “I got knocked silly on the way down. Consequently, I was half unconscious for like the first 3 days, but as soon as I was able to, I did a bit of exploring. Didn’t get very far. There’s a massive wall just up ahead that proved to be a big fat dead end for me.”
I frowned. “So why are we bothering?”
The Doctor waved a hand impatiently. “You’ll see in a min. Anyway, I knew someone else was bound to fall down the same hole I did, it being next to a massive human science-y base thing.”
The word ‘human’ got caught on some filters in my head, but I moved past it. “Nobody else knows. They sent me out to see why we were having air pressure problems.”
“Exactly, so I knew it was only a matter of time till I had a mate. That reminds me, what size shoe did you say you took?”
“I didn’t, and we have much bigger problems. If the ground up there is this unstable, the whole crew of Cameron Base One could be in real danger.”
The Doctor pulled a face. “I’m working on that! Give us a chance.”
“Except you’re not working on it – you’ve been down here a week and you’re no closer to escaping. Now I’m stuck down here too. The whole base could collapse any second and there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“You literally just told me the only passageway leads to a dead end!”
“No,” the Doctor corrected. “I said it was a dead end for me.” We came to the huge wall she’d spoken off. It was about twice our height, but it did not reach the roof of the cave passage. There was a sizeable space at the top of the wall, and beyond that some source of light could be seen blinking on and off from out of view. In the torchlight, the Doctor grinned with great satisfaction. “See? All I needed was someone to give me a boost. I’ll go first and pull you up after. Don’t worry, I’m dead nimble in this body.”
The brain filter picked up that last weird comment too, but I didn’t have time to question. I laced my fingers and let the Doctor put her dirty boots in the palm of my hands, whereupon I heaved her high enough for her to grab something to hold onto and pull herself, and then me after, up onto the raised ground.
Wiping the muck off of my knees, I stood up and looked at where we’d ascended to. The sight before me made no sense. For at the top of this ledge, in this cavern deep down in the Earth’s crust, were a large pair of steel doors with a blinking control panel next to it.
“Oh, brilliant!” said the Doctor. She rushed towards it, aimed her metallic torch thingy at it, and I was amazed to see the doors rumble and draw themselves open. There was a great cloud of dust as they parted.
“These doors must have been sat closed for a good amount of time, then,” I coughed, as I followed the Doctor through the doorway.
On the other side, the Doctor stood dead still. “A very long time,” she said.
If the sight of steel doors had shocked me, it was nothing compared to the room of cryogenically frozen lizard people I was looking at now.
In this laboratory the length of a football pitch, there were rows and rows of pods, half metallic, half rock formations, and each of them contained a bipedal, human-sized lizard. There was frost on the glass of the pods, and they were cold to my touch. The creatures inside had not stirred a bit during our entrance or my examining of their containers. Astonished, I turned to the Doctor, hoping to gain some comfort in a shared vibe of ‘not knowing what the hell was going on.’
So imagine my surprise when I found her gazing at the cyro-pods in delight. “This works out perfectly.”
Silurians, she called them. I dropped to a seated position, probably going into some form of shock, while she paced around the room and ranted about the civilisation that walked the Earth eons before humans evolved (“Eons,” she paused to grin at me. “Love that word. Eons!”). Apparently they saw an asteroid approaching, and evacuated deep underground, putting themselves in stasis until such time as the damage from any impact would have passed. She’d moved over to a raised console built into a slab of rock and had been tinkering with the controls for a good minute before she realise I still hadn’t spoken.
“Soz, that was probably a bit of an overload, wasn’t it? Which bit did I lose you on?”
“The lizards who ruled the earth before humans,” I said softly.
The Doctor’s nose scrunched up in confusion. “Really? That bit makes sense, if you think about it.”
“In what universe does a secret society of Lizards frozen beneath the Mariana Trench make sense?!”
“Well that’s where all those daft stories about the Illuminati come from. It’s just people stumbling across all the different Silurian hibernation chambers and letting their imagination run wild.”  
That did actually make a little bit of sense, but I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of saying so, so I just stayed silent.
“Anyway,” she said, turning back to the controls. “Cheer up, this means there’s probably a way out of here.” That got my attention. I leapt to my feet and came to her side, staring at the panel of strange, unlabelled controls. “The Silurians tunnelled all the way down here, and they were obviously planning to return at some point. So logic says there must be a way out. A lift, or a teleport, or something.” She gasped. “Could be a massive ladder!”
“I’m not climbing a ladder out of the Mariana Trench, Doctor.”
She looked about to respond, but then a shrill, angry bleeping noise erupted from the console. The Doctor stuck her tongue out thoughtfully, the pressed some other buttons, only to be greeted with the same angry bleeping noise. She then tried pointing her metallic object at the controls, but the bleeping noise sounded again. The Doctor glared at the console panel. “Well, now you’re just being difficult.”
“Doctor,” I said, pointing to a small indent in the bottom corner of the console, that looked something like a fingerprint scanner. “It must need, I dunno, authorisation or something.”
I should have noticed the Doctor’s falling expression as she stared at what I’d pointed out. “Oh,” she said, and I should have noticed it was without her usual pep. “That’s a blow.”
Maybe I didn’t want to notice any of it. I was already looking around at which of the Silurians was closest. “So will we need to fully wake them up, or can we just sort of drag one over and then put it back?”
The Doctor turned to me. Her expression was grave. I turned my back on her and marched quickly over to one of the pods so I could pretend to be having a look. “And can it be any old one or does it need to be, like, a Boss or a President or a Mayor? I don’t know what the Silurian political hierarchy was like, was it like ours?”
“Ellie…” said the Doctor. “We can’t. The Silurians wouldn’t understand. They’d want to come back to the surface with us, and they can’t. The Earth isn’t ready for them yet.”
The trip back to the cave was awkward. I walked ahead, in silence. I heard the scuff of the Doctor’s boots behind me, and I felt her worried gaze on my back. And when we got back to the cave, I sat in the corner and didn’t look at her.
I was going to die down here. At Christmas. And everyone in that base above us had no idea they were walking and working on ground that could crumble awake at any second.
And worst of all, the only company I had, the person with which I was to perish, was a buffoon. At a certain point I had to break my sulk and look up at the Doctor, because I could sense her constantly moving and wondered how the hell she could be finding so much to do in a tiny little cave at the bottom of the planet.
Watching her, I still didn’t know. She was rummaging inside her coat pocket for a while, eventually fishing out old Quality Street sweet wrappers of red, green and gold. At one point, I heard her squeak with delight and drop down to examine something in the dirt and soil of the cave floor. When she began to draw more cave paintings and hum merrily to herself, I could take no more. I briefly considered digging the medical tape out of my suit and using it to seal her mouth shut.
“What on earth are you doing?” I asked instead.
She glanced at me over her shoulder. “I’m making the best of it!” she said, and moved aside so that I could see. Next to her 2D fireplace, she had scrawled a Christmas Tree on the wall, with scribbled baubles and doodled tinsel. And now she was humming White Christmas. “We might be stuck down here with no hope of escape. But it’s still Christmas.”
I stared in disbelief. “Are you for real? It is not Christmas.”
She did that nose-scrunch thing again. “I mean, it sort of is.”
“It is Christmas on a technicality!” I yelled. “It is Christmas only in the sense that the date is December 24th. Our current predicament, that being our impending death, takes precedent. And, for that matter, negates all circumstantial Christmas-ness.” I realised that tirade had come off oddly formal, so I added: “So stop being a dope, you big blonde-haired nutter.”
The Doctor, annoyingly, did not look hurt. Or offended. She just shook her head, like I didn’t understand. “That’s not how it works. It doesn’t matter what’s happening. Could be right in the middle of wartime, could be disease and pestilence sweeping the globe, you could be separated from everyone you love. The Titanic could be falling out of the sky! But if any of those things are happening in December, you get to press pause on them for a little bit, and be happy. Because it’s Christmas, and Christmas is magic like that.”
Nice speech. It didn’t work. “You’re a child,” I said, turning back around.
We didn’t talk again for a while. I sat and sat and sat, and at some point I lay down, and at another point I fell asleep.
Hours later, I awoke to a veritable Winter Wonderland.
The Doctor had been busy through the night. She had gone all around the cave, drawing holly and garlands all over the walls. Three tiny knitted stockings were stuck to the hand drawn fireplace. She had carefully placed the different sweet wrappers around the candles, creating a fairylight-like effect of flickering red, green and gold all around. And as I sat up, she was in front of me, beaming.
“Happy Christmas!” she bellowed, and thrust a folded piece of kitchen roll in my face. I took it from her delicately, realising that it was only obscuring something folded within. “Sorry, no wrapping paper. Best I could do.”
I did my best attempt at a smile, given the still pretty awful circumstances, and opened the gift. I had expected to find some random object standing in as a gift. After all, there was hardly a Henrick’s or Magpie Electricals to pop to down here. So when I opened the paper and found two carefully knitted socks, I took me a second to put the pieces together. Finally though, I looked up at her in wonder.
“Is this why you kept asking for my shoe size?”
The Doctor grinned. “Got it in the end. Took a tape measure to your footprint.” She pointed at what I’d seen her messing with on the floor the previous night, an indentation in the mucky ground from my shoe.
That broke my Scrooge-ness. I could continue to be a misery no longer. I thanked the Doctor genuinely, pulled on my new socks, and allowed her to lead me around the cave and tell me in great detail how she had thrown together every single makeshift Christmas decoration. We played snap and charades, and then gathered around the illustrated roaring fireplace to tell ghost stories (the Doctor’s were better than mine).
“I wish I had a gift for you,” I lamented after our Christmas Dinner of raisins and half a Wham bar. The socks really were quite cosy.
The Doctor waved a hand and tried not to look bothered. “No worries. It’s not the getting at this time of year, it’s the giving. That’s what my Mam used to say.” She paused though, then added “But also, if you happened to pack a toothbrush in that suit, I’ll love you forever. It’s been a week.”
A thought struck me. I stood up and wandered over to my discarded OxySuit, and reached into the utility belt. “No toothbrush, sorry. But in the spirit of the season, I gift you the one thing in my possession and pray it brings you happiness and good fortune.” I produced the small roll of medical tape, and tossed it to her.
She did not catch it. She did not even make an attempt. The Doctor had gone dead still since the moment she saw me pull the tape out of the suit. The roll bounced off her tummy and then fell lamely to the floor. Here, she stared at it, eyes wide.
When she looked up, there was the biggest smile on her face. “Ellie Tyson, this might be the most important Christmas gift I’ve ever been given.” Then she rushed across the distance and flung her arms around me. “Do you even realise what you’ve done? You’ve saved our lives, you daft little human.”
I had no chance to question her further. The second she let me out of her death-clutch hug, she snatched up the roll of tape and went sprinting out of the cave. I followed her through the narrow passage as best I could, but she was faster than you’d think, and by the time I reached the wall at the end, she was bouncing up and down impatiently. “Come on, come on, come on,” she begged, and I quickly boosted her up onto the ledge and let her heave me up after her.
Back in the Silurian chamber, the Doctor rushed over to the nearest cryogenic pod and started messing with the controls.
“But you said we couldn’t wake them up!” I shouted.
“No time to explain,” she shouted back. “Try and find some sort of powder or talc, any type will do.”
As she pointed her metallic thingy at the pod, I searched all over until I found what was probably the lizard equivalent of baby powder in what was probably the lizard equivalent of a medicine cabinet. I came back to the Doctor to find one of the pod doors open. The Silurian was still completely unmoving, and the air coming from the pod was predictably ice cold.
“What are we doing?” I asked, handing her the bottle.
“Spy stuff,” was her reply. And then, teeth chattering from the cold, I watched her crouch down to be able to coat one of the Silurian’s finger tips in the powder. Then, taking my Christmas gift, she pressed the scale-covered finger into a piece of tape and applied pressure. “That should do it,” she said, and stood up straight again.
“Do what?” I said. Except, no. That wasn’t my voice who had said that. And it wasn’t the Doctor’s either.
It was the Silurian. He was blinking awake, groggy like he’d overslept. “What are we doing?” he asked, then squinted at what was surely a blurry sight of two strangers in front of him. “Who are you?”
“Nobody,” the Doctor squeaked, pressing a complicated sequence of buttons on the panel next to the pod. “We’re nobody. Go back to sleep. We’re just… ghosts. We’re the Ghosts of Christmas Yet To Come.”
The Silurian frowned. “…what’s Christmas?”
“Shush,” said the Doctor, and she quickly closed the door and zapped the controls with her metallic remote, and the Silurian was asleep again.
The Doctor pressed the borrowed fingerprint on the tape into the scanner on the console and it worked perfectly. We were directed to an area at the back of the chamber, where a steel compartment took us back to the surface with frightening speed. We emerged into sparkling daylight, finding ourselves on an island in the Philippines. Well, there are worse places to spend Christmas Day. The Doctor helped me find a phone, which I used to contact central command, who in turn got in touch with Cameron Base One and ordered a speedy evacuation. The Doctor made friends with an old man who had a submarine, and he said he would take her down to retrieve her Blue Box after he’d had his Christmas dinner.
While we waited for the old man to finish his afters, the Doctor and I sat on a beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I thought it to be the bluest blue I’d ever seen, but the Doctor said she’d seen blue-er.
“It’s going to be mental down there,” I said, thinking of Cameron Base One. “Everyone loading stuff into boxes, shutting down all the experiments. Must be chaos.”
The Doctor smiled, looking out at the point where, miles and miles below the water, there was a whole base of people packing up and heading home. “It won’t be that bad,” she said. “It will still be Christmas. They’ll make the best of it.”
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Starfish in the sand
Collecting seashells is fun! Finding little treasures in the sand is something that never gets old. It's one of the little wonders of nature that keeps on giving.
Seashells are so cool and fascinating to look at. No two are alike and you never know what you'll find in the sand. Once in a while unique shells pop up in the beach, like these golden starfish ones. I don't know how long they'll stick around, so I try to collect a bunch to keep and give as gifts.
Jamie and Nedra have been staying at the camp for a while, enjoying the scenery and activities. It's been a long time since Jamie visited and this is Nedra's first time. A few days later Chrissie, Theda, Jean, and Emma joined us - which was why Jamie and Nedra stuck around.
So we've been having fun collecting seashells and doing craft projects with them. We made jewelry, decorated furniture, painted them, put together gift bags - there's a lot you can do with seashells! It's also nice to just chill and hang out with friends - especially Jean and Nedra as I haven't seen much of them since the entourage disbanded.
Jean's an actress and model with an interesting story regarding her family. Around the same time she joined the entourage, she had reunited with her father, who she hadn't seen in over 20 years. Up until she was around 5 Jean was raised by her mom. After she died, her dad decided to come back into her life and change his ways, abandoning the life of a conman. So he married his longtime partner and adopted Jean in hopes of starting over.
Unfortunately things didn't quite work out. Although Jean and her dad got along well, he fell back into his old schemes by stealing from heiress Agathe Dieudonne when he was going through some financial problems. The heiress forgave him since she took a liking to Jean and offered to send her to a prestigious boarding school in France so she can see the world. When her dad's old ways of living started to catch up with him, he and her stepmom decided to take up Agathe's offer so Jean could have a better life.
Over the years Jean kept in touch with her dad and stepmom through letters. Agathe doted on her like a granddaughter and used her connections to keep an eye on Jean's dad to make sure he was doing okay. Jean became aware of his past when she grew older, and the way she sees it, the conman and her dad are two different people. The fact that he tried his best and was willing to give her up so she could have a better upbringing is more than enough for her.
When she moved back to the states to pursue Broadway, Jean set out to reunite with her dad. It surprisingly wasn't too hard to find him and her stepmom as they happened to live on Peace Coast Island, not too far from where Jean was when she was in the entourage. Since then they've made up for a lot of lost time and Jean makes time in her busy schedule to visit often.
In a few weeks, Jean will be on tour for a show and one of the stops is the island. Coincidentally, Nedra's gonna be touring too and so she'll be performing a few nights at Starlight as well. The two became good friends through Jamie, becoming mentors for a drama program at Starlight Theatre as well as regular performers there for a time. Since the entourage disbanded they became super busy so it's nice that they finally got together for a long overdue meet up.
I told Jean about how Marlo's a huge fan of her and like Nedra, she's down to returning to the camp to meet her. We're still working out the details but Nedra and Jean will coordinate their schedules while I check in with Marlo and Don. It's gonna be fun having them all together!
Things have been the same old in Camellia according to Theda. Chrissie pops in for a visit every now and then, usually to bother Tanner or cause mischief with Lala, Theda, and sometimes Delwyn. It's good to hear that he's been doing much better these days - still, Edvin's absence continues to be a gaping presence.
Theda was right when she said that sooner or later, they'll move on and be okay - but it doesn't change the fact that what's gone is gone. And I fully agree with her.
Chrissie has also been spending a lot of time with Emma and her nieces and nephew, especially now that Emma lives about 15 mins away. She mentioned that Rocky and Lex have their hands full with the babies, which is why she's been bothering other friends. Emma doesn't mind as she's still adjusting to living in Cityburg, a drastic change of scenery after spending most of her life in a moderately sized suburban town.
Emma's doing a lot better since moving out and living with her brother Danny and his kids. She always got along with her mom's side of the family better than her dad's. Her mom's the type of parent who tends to be a bit overly critical of her kids but means well and just wants the best for them. As for Emma's father, he clearly favors her younger brother while putting Emma down for pretty much everything.
What prompted Emma to leave - aside from the threat of getting cut off financially - was something unforgivable her younger brother did. It's a fucking mess and if he keeps this up, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up destroying him. It also didn't help that their father contributed by adding fuel to the fire.
Basically, the brother's one of those shitty tabloid people who profits out of ruining lives. The incident involved a close friend of Emma's, who died unexpectedly due to illness. The brother, who hated the friend for petty reasons, got a hold of Emma's phone, looked through her texts and took a lot of her conversations with her friend out of context to paint the friend and her family in a bad light.
In short, he turned a bunch of texts into "signs" that the friend was likely murdered by her family. He also revealed private information about the friend and how she was going through a rough time, claiming those as motives for why her family wanted her dead. He also made it look like Emma was the one to bring up the speculation, which the family knows is a load of bullshit. To those who knew the friend, it's clearly a pathetic attempt to ruin someone's name for clout.
As a result of the incident, Emma's mom had enough and kicked the father out, which Emma said was long overdue. As for her younger brother, her mom hasn't disowned him (yet) but she's made it clear how she found what he did despicable. Danny never approved of his stepfather and didn't get along with the youngest, so his reaction to what happened was along the lines of disappointed but not surprised.
Since I last saw Emma, things have improved a lot between her and Margie. Although they're aunt and niece, they've always gotten along more like sisters. While Rusty and Linda took quickly to having their aunt move in, there was some tension with Margie, though it had nothing to do with Emma personally. Margie was forced to grow up quickly after their other dad, Terry, and older sister Sherry, died last year, so things haven't been easy for the family.
With Danny having trouble balancing work and family life and Emma having problems at home, he decided to take her in. Emma says their mom has mixed feelings about it, believing that Danny's giving her an easy way out. If anything, I think Emma's a hard worker, but not in a way a capitalist society approves of it. In other words, capitalism can't profit off someone like her, so it sees her as useless. By living with Danny, an entertainer who not only understands what she's going through, but has also made a successful life for himself and his kids, Emma can freely pursue her creative passions without worries.
Right now, Emma's been working on creating content for her channel, posting journal with me videos and vlogging everyday life. She hopes to open her own sticker shop one day so Daisy Jane's gonna help her with that when the time comes. For now, she wants to focus on developing her art style by experimenting and studying other artists before getting into all that. I'm so excited to see where this will take her!
Chrissie and Theda have been really into making charms so that's what we're gonna do with the tiny seashells. I think the little starfish shells make the prettiest charms, especially on a bracelet. We also have some jewelry wire so I'm thinking of making earrings too. It's been years since I've made earrings so it's good to finally use up those earring hooks.
For the larger seashells, we're thinking of using them to decorate furniture. Theda used a bunch of seashells to decorate an old mirror she found while thrifting with Daisy Jane and it looks sooooo pretty! The decor and the gold paint looks like a vintage picture frame with the starry seashells giving it a sorta celestial vibe. I'm still not sure what to decorate yet but I'm considering one of the old bookshelves that's sitting in storage that has been in need of fixing up for a while.
Emma's been filming footage for her vlogs so I try to do a bit of everything so she can have the full camping experience. So far it's mostly sightseeing, crafting, and chilling with the campers. From what it looks like, Emma's considering splitting the content into two videos - one for seashell crafting and one for sightseeing. I'm flattered that she can get so much out of the camp!
Jean and Nedra find the camp a good spot to unwind from their busy lives. Before meeting up with the others Jean visited her dad and stepmom, who will see her again when she returns to Starlight for opening night. She also said the next time she drops by, she plans to come via plane as she's a pilot, like Chrissie. I think Marlo would die on the spot when she finds out that she would be in a plane flown by Jean Theodora!
Today was a low key day where we wandered around, enjoying the sights and taking it slow. We actually didn't do too much crafting today, which is fine as we tackled a lot of big projects early on so we were kinda running low on shells. So we ended up with a pretty good haul and a bunch of new ideas for craft projects.
No matter how busy or chill the days are, we always find ourselves back at the beach, searching for starfish in the sand.
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jungkookfeelz · 4 years
Not What You Expected 5
Description: After years of dating Min Yoongi and starting a life together, he ends your relationship out of nowhere. Will you finally find out why the love of your life left you in the cold?
Words: 2K
Notes: Oooooh what a twist 0.0 I wonder what’s gonna happen next! The series is almost over, thank you for all the love so far.
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You shoved open the back door with a bang and ran out in the pouring rain but before your legs gave in, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.
"Y/N I'm so sorry, please forgive me" Yoongi cried into the back of your shoulder "I was just so stressed with this comeback and you didn't come to see me before any of the other guys, it made me jealous"
"Enough for you to kick me out?" You whipped back to face him, eyes closing every second due to the heavy rain. 
"No, I'm sorry, I never should've done that, I don't know what came over me, as soon as I shut the door on you I freaked" you sighed, you can never stay mad at him no matter how much you hate yourself for it, you nodded your head and smiled lightly, you were going to remind him about this later when you weren't in the pouring rain but all you wanted to do now is kiss him, you've missed him so much
"I love you Y/N" Yoongi whispered, you almost couldn't hear him from the roaring of the rain. You stood on your tippy-toes and kissed him, he kissed back right away, putting his hands on your waist to deepen it.
"I love you too weirdo, but never do that again" You scolded, pointing a finger at him
"You got yourself a deal, now let's go inside so you don't catch a cold"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You opened your eyes and groaned, turning over to hit the snooze button on your phone. You laid back down and put your hands on your face to cover your eyes from the sun that was shining through your white curtains. Dreaming about him wasn't helping you get over him, you have to figure out a way to stop them. To say the least, you were nervous, today was the day you were meeting Yoongi, after months not talking to him, not including the time where you slapped him and told him to go to Hell after belittling you in front of people. You turned around again and grabbed your phone before the alarm would go off again, noticing a text from Y/F/N you decided to respond.
Y/F/N - You going to see him today?
Y/N - Yah, I think so, I'm rethinking my decision....again
Y/F/N - Listen, you need to find out, if you can't move on and live your best life without knowing then you need to talk to him. BUT if it's too early then you can back out, not like he gives a shit about you
Y/N - Gee thanks girl, that made me feel so much better lol
Y/F/N - This is what best friends are for, telling the truth when you can't say it yourself
Y/F/N - Anyways good luck, I LOVE YOU, text me it's over xoxo
It took you a while to get out of bed, millions of thoughts ran through your head, deciding if you should actually go see him or not. You were petrified if you were going to make things worse...but you were also scared if you would make things better. Do you even want to take him back and pretend nothing happened if everything went well, or would you leave him like he did you? You groaned again, feeling helpless to your own problems. 
Looking into the mirror you noticed a picture stuck to the edge of it, you picked it off and held it up to your face, it was a picture of your birthday from the past year. You looked so happy, with Yoongi by your side. The rest of the boys and Y/F/N were around the both of you, all of you wore weird headbands holding different color balloons in a beautiful sunflower field, how you wished you could go back in time to that moment. You touched the picture fondly before dropping it into the garbage can by your bed. This photo reminded you about the Yoongi you thought you knew, the one who paid a farmer just to be able to use it for your birthday, knowing they were your favorite. Not the one that you see now, the one who lies, who doesn't care. 
"Okay do I seriously have to wear a blindfold, I'm going to trip and die and it's going to be all your fault" You whined, carefully jumping out the van with the help of Y/F/N
"Oh calm down, drama queen" You can just hear her eyes rolling
"If I die, I swear I will haunt you" You pointed at her, making her laugh while turning you to actually point at her, you laughed sheepishly at the incident. 
"Guy's be quiet, she's here!" You heard Jimin yell
"See, we were quiet till you told us to be quiet" Jungkook pointed out, making Jimin glare at the Maknae and punch him in the shoulder, getting a bunch of 'shh's' from the other members. Apparently, you were finally where you needed to be since Y/F/N took off your blindfold, you squinted since it was so bright out. When your eyesight returned to you, you noticed it all. The beautiful field and your best friend huddled together in front of you, while Yoongi was in the middle, he had a singular flower in his hand and his beautiful shy smile that grew on his face when he saw your attention was on him. He walked right up to you and shoved the flower into your chest, putting a hand behind his neck, he coughed slightly. He was nervous.
"Yoongi...this is beautiful, thank you" You whispered, coming closer to him bringing your arms up to his neck to give him the biggest hug you could muster. 
"Y-you like it?" He stuttered, wrapping his arms around your waist to return the hug.
"Oh my gosh, yes. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me" You exclaimed making Yoongi chuckle.
"I'm so glad" He pecked your lips making you pout, you wanted more. "You can have whatever you like later, we have more surprises for you" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You had your hand hovering the door with the 'Suga' sign on it, you were psyching yourself out all day you couldn't help it, you don't know what you were going to find out today and it scared you. Your hand trembled in front of while, hand fisted, you took a deep breath before finally having the courage to knock. After a few painful seconds, you could hear a faint 'come in' you opened the door and shut it quietly behind you. You could see Yoongi playing around on his laptop, with big headphones over his head, not paying any attention to who had just come into his studio. You fiddled with your shirt starting at the stupid beautiful man in front of you.
"Yoongi" you interrupted, getting frustrated that he hasn't turned around to acknowledge you. "Are you going to stop and look at me?" You cross your arms over your chest and leaned back against the door, you needed something to lean on or you swear your would have fallen from how much your legs shook out of nervousness. He stopped what he was doing in an instant and was right in front of you faster than a blink of an eye. 
"You have no right telling me what to do" Yoongi growled, his voice was low making your heart flutter. He put his hands on the door behind you, trapping you. He leaned in close so that his lips were against your ear "watch your tongue next time" he whispered, his breath fanning over your cheek creating goosebumps all over your body. You gulped loudly, your mouth dry. You haven't been this close to Yoongi for a long time, you missed the way he made you feel, the way he used to touch you
"Yoongi..." you breathed out while he attacked your neck with his lips, he grabbed your waist harshly hearing you moan his name. He loved the way his name came out of your mouth he sucked harshly making your back arch, your chest's practically touching. You would never get tired of how good he made you feel, he didn't even have to do much, that's how putty you are in his hands. 
"What do you want baby?" Yoongi breathed out, grinding into you making you moan again. 
"Y-you, all of you, please" You whined slamming your lips onto his and pulled his hair, you knew that would help you rile him up. You wanted him, needed to feel all of him.
Yoongi smirked, his pride growing from how you much you wanted him to touch you, he looked down at your naked body and smirked "Your wish is my command princess"  
"Y-Yoongi" Your voice betrayed you. You put your hands on his chest, in an instant he was off of you, standing on the other side of the room breathing heavily. His hair was over his eyes so you couldn't see his face. You weren't surprised but hurt was all that you felt, he rejected you, yet again. Your face fell seeing him like this. He didn't look like his normal self, he wasn't the man that you remembered, he had dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in weeks, he looked skinnier and his face was paler than normal. You didn't notice any of this when you saw him at the restaurant two days ago, assuming he was wearing some makeup and baggier clothes.
You felt sorry for him, he looked exactly how you felt inside. At least you weren't the only one "When was the last time you slept?"  
Yoongi chuckled, putting his hand on his jaw. "Why the fuck do you care?" 
"Because I care about you, that's why"
"No you don't, if you cared about me you wouldn't have done what you did"
"What did I do Yoongi?" You pleaded, he didn't respond,  so you walked over to him and pushed his chest "What did I do so fucking bad that made you leave" You kept hitting his chest, you didn't know when you started crying but you could barely see anymore. But you didn't care, you kept pushing and hitting until he responded, but what you heard left you speechless. 
"You broke my trust and slept with another man! That's what you did!" He was shaking in anger, spit flying everywhere as he screamed at you. He grabbed a stack of papers on his desk and threw them to the side to relieve some of the anger he felt at that moment. You flinched and backed away from him in an instant, eyes wide open. 
You cheated on him? You would never even think about doing that horrendous act, you loved Yoongi with everything that you had to offer so why the hell would you sabotage your relationship for sex? You had great sex with Yoongi, he always took care of you and put your pleasure over his own, you never had any complaints. Before you could get a word in, he started verbally attacking you with more;
"Was I not enough for you? Did I not please you well enough? Did you expect more? Is that why you to spread your legs for another guy? Was I not fucking enough for you? Did you even love me, or were you using me for the shit I am able to provide for you?" He roared out again. He was seeing red, he thought he would be able to control himself, he prepared for this day for months but seeing you, lying to his face made him snap.  
"What? How could you say that?" You gasped shaking your head not believing a word he said, did you not show him how much you loved him when you were together?
"You heard me, I know everything." He blatantly ignored your second question, he stood before you, sending daggers to the form before him., he was breathing heavier than before, chest rising and falling rapidly.
"I...What?" Yoongi sighed and grabbed his phone from his back pocket if he had to show you proof then so be it. He looked through his photo album before finding the photo that broke his heart. He put it up to your face and watched your reaction. You looked from him to the phone in his hand, when you realized what the picture was you frowned, how did they know you were meeting him?
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huniieebee · 4 years
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Warning: cussing
April Fools ch.5
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cover photo by: @peachvii (check out her story!!)
The next few days I’ve been thinking about my maybe small...Okay BIG crush on Jaehyun. Deciding it was time to open up to my friends about my feelings towards Jaehyun on our Friday night hang outs. 
~Friday Night~
“Lucas! What did I say about chicken talk” I said pointing my finger at him like a mother scolding her child. Lucas sat there with a pout on his face.
“Sorry” he said looking down at the ground
“KIDS COME EAT FOOD IS HERE” Kun said after shutting the door. All of us quickly ran to the kitchen as fast as we could and started stuffing our faces.
“So Y/N, how are you and Jaehyun doing” Sicheng said raising his right brow
“Fine, he took me out to ice cream and we watched the sunrise together” 
“How do you feel about him” Sicheng asked 
“Honestly, I’m not sure, but I guess I can give him a chance”
“OMG finally, You’ve literally had the fattest crush on Taeyong for the longest time” Lucas said standing up from how excited he was 
“yeah what made you change your mind? What about Taeyong?” Jungwoo said 
“Ehh Taeyong is way too out of my league, it’s not like I’ll get the courage to even ask him out anyways”
“You barely figured that out now?” Lucas said 
 “Shut it big mouth, besides Jae is way easier to talk to and I heard Taeyong started to date someone anyways, but that’s enough about me, Jungwoo, spill the beans I know you’ve been talking to someone”
 “what do you mean” Jungwoo said as a blush creeps onto his cheeks “I’m not talking to anyone” 
“you know what I mean, I see you smiling at your phone a lot, so spill” 
 “we’re just friends..” 
“friends my ass, I hear you facetiming with them in the middle of buttass night” Lucas says 
“shut up big mouth let Jungwoo speak” Kun said getting closer to hear the tea “spill the beans Jungwoo, whose making you all giggly huh?” 
“you guys are annoying just eat your stupid food” Jungwoo said 
Jungwoo didn’t end up telling us about who he was talking to, but I honestly think it’s that one kid in his English class. Lily think?
As weeks went by, as Jaehyun and I began to get closer. He would randomly call me to show me the new song he learned on the violin, which he just started to learn and may I say, he was not the best at it but, he tried and that's that mattered. He started walk me to class, even if his class is across campus, he would even sit in my class with me till I told him to leave.
It was obvious to his friends and my friends, heck even everyone at school, that we both liked each other, but none of our friends forced us to get into a relationship quickly as they knew we both wanted to take things slow. My friends grew fond of Jaehyun’s friends, and as Lucas said, and I quote “the more crackheadness the better”. 
It was a Thursday evening, Johnny, Jaehyun, Kun, and I were waiting for Doyoung, Jungwoo, Lucas, and Sicheng to finish up their last class of the day. We all were at the lunch area sitting at one of the tables and chatting. 
“can they just ditch, I’m so hungry” I whined while holding my stomach and leaning onto Jaehyun’s arm. He chuckled a bit and lifted his arm to pat my head. 
“they’re so disgustingly cute, I honestly don’t know if I want to vomit or coo” Johnny said to Kun, who was next to him. 
“Honestly, I’d vomit on them” Kun said 
“hey! you’re rude” I said pouting 
“you’re not a nice either, so I wouldn’t be talking” Lucas says as he walks up to our table with Sicheng, Jungwoo, and Doyoung. 
“finally, I felt like I was going to die without some sushi in my stomach” I said while standing up and grabbing Lucas’s arm and pulling towards where his car is. “can we go now, that spicy tuna roll is waiting to get in my tummy” 
Everyone laughed a bit and split into two cars, Johnny (the driver), Sicheng, Doyoung, and Jungwoo, while Jaehyun, Kun, Lucas and I were in another car. 
Lucas was driving Kun sat in the passenger’s seat while Jaehyun and I were in the back playing around on each others phones. He was showing me this video he thought was funny. He was smiling at his phone, his cute dimple popping out. Honestly, I wasn’t even paying attention to the video, I was admiring him. I was happy, the happiest I been in my life. I had a great group of friends, and someone who I see myself with in the future. I was so happy that I didn’t know that I started crying till Jaehyun spoke up. 
“oh my god YN are you okay? why are you crying? was it the video? I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have showed you” Jaehyun said and started to wipe my tears with the sleaves of his hoodie 
I laughed a little “I’m fine, I just got emotional for a second” 
Lucas snorted “because of a monkey video” 
“No you fucking asshat, I just...I don’t know I just feel really happy. I just thought about how lucky I was to have all” I said beginning to tear up again
“shh Y/N don't cry, you’ll reveal your ugly crying face to Jaehyun” Lucas said 
“fuck you” I said
“I love you too” Lucas said smiling and quickly throwing me a fingerheart in the rearview mirror. 
“I’m happy to have you too Y/N” Kun said looking back and smiling at me 
I smiled and looked up at Jaehyun, I was staring at me and smiling as well. Nothing was said between us as he pulled me to his side and hugged me. 
When we got to the sushi place we were quickly got seated, Jaehyun to my left and Lucas to my right. Kun to the right of Lucas. On the other side was Johnny, Sicheng, Jungwoo, and Doyoung (in that order HHH). Lucas told everyone about what happened in the car. Everyone was laughing and smiling telling me they loved me too. I got embarrassed and hid myself in Jaehyun’s side. I can feel him shaking, as he’s laughing along with everyone
“I fucking hate all of you” I said but was muffled by Jaehyun’s hoodie
“Stop hiding in your boyfriend’s hoodie, the food is coming” Lucas said poking my side 
I squirmed and lifted my face “I hate you especially” I said pouting at Lucas. Blushing at the thought of Jaehyun being my boyfriend, obviously it wasn’t official...yet..I hope..
“mhmm that's not what you said in the car. Thank you” Lucas said as the waitress placed his plate in front of him 
I smiled at the waitress and said my thanks as well. I stuffed a piece into my mouth and tried to look mad, but that obviously didn’t last. 
The whole time we were laughing and telling jokes, yes Lucas got into an argument with Doyoung about the chicken and the egg thing. As everyone finished their food, I leaned back into Jaehyun, who was on his phone texting his mom, and watched Lucas and Doyoung argue. I laughed when Johnny entered the argument as well. Jaehyun put his phone down on the table and put his arm around my shoulder. 
“you okay?” he whispered to me. I didn’t say anything as I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled and turn towards the three arguing. He would randomly disagree with one of them and blurt out his own opinion to piss them off. After about 10 mins, Kun decided to break it up and said we should all start heading home. I held Jaehyun’s hand, swinging it back and forth, as we walk out the restaurant and to the cars. I frown up at Jaehyun realizing he had to ride home with Johnny and Doyoung, since they lived together.
“Stop frowning” Jaehyun said chuckling “I’ll call you later when you get home”
“okay” I said softly
Saying our goodbyes to the boys, the rest of us got into the car and dropping Kun and Sicheng off on our way home.
When we got home I texted Jaehyun and went straight to bathroom to get ready for bed. I was about ready to pass out after doing my night routine till I got a facetime call from Jaehyun. We talked for a few hours till eventually we both knocked out and fell asleep while on call. 
Fuck I really liked this guy
April Fools ch.5
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A/N: hello, I am not dead. I just lost motivation and didn’t know how to continue this story, BUT since I literally have nothing to do because of quarantine, I shall try to continue this story. It was 2am when I write this so I’m sorry if there’s a lot of mistakes :(
stay save my fools : )
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thotfuss · 4 years
I kind of agree with the other Annonymous writer, I have both your ex and your feed. She apologizes for the things she did wrong and never says a bad word about you. She fully admits to things. It does feel wrong to keep calling her out as an abuser because she has been getting targeted and crucified because of your words. Is that not just as bad really? Friends and family, of course, will always take your side ALWAYS. You should listen to your heart. I am sure you loved her once.
I’ll be honest, I wrote a really angry stream of consciousness response to this, deleted it, considered not answering this at all, wrote out an actual response, told myself I didn’t owe it to anyone to explain, deleted that, and then wrote it again. Maybe this is my fault for talking about it or referencing it on here, but I never used her url or name, and I never went into detail. I saw it as me using my own blog to express my feelings, which, maybe I shouldn’t have. So I’m sorry if that’s the case. i was never “calling her out,” simply expressing my own feelings on my personal blog, i’m sorry if that was irresponsible. But I am not okay with the messages I’ve been getting lately. This is one of...5 similar ones sitting in my inbox rn? So I am NOT answering this to put my ex on blast or to target and crucify her, and I DON’T owe this explanation to anyone but for my own peace of mind I’m going to explain! (under a read more for abuse tw)
First of all, even if she DID admit to things she did wrong and apologizes for them, it doesn’t make it...not abuse? I seriously doubt she’s getting targeted and crucified, I haven’t posted her URL on here, haven’t even used her NAME, and her family and friends were extremely supportive of her and her actions when all this was happening.
It took me MONTHS to even be able to consider labeling what happened as abuse. Even after my therapist, my family, my friends, EVERYONE who knew about even a FRACTION of what was going on, had said that it was categorically emotional abuse I still felt like i was exaggerating or asking for attention. and to be honest, I still feel like that! 
My ex was insecure. I wrote everything that happened off as her being insecure for SO long, because every time I brought up an issue she would say I “wasn’t supporting her,” and that I should “know how it felt” because of my own issues with mental illness. But when I look back at some of the things that happened-I went to visit my sister back in September, and when I told my ex, she threatened to break up with me if I went. She also threatened to break up with me after my sister gave me a string bracelet she’d made me before leaving for college, because my ex thought that if I put it on, I’d be “replacing her.” I wasn’t allowed to hang out with my family in any capacity unless she was there. I wasn’t allowed to have other friends, I wasn’t even allowed to spend time by myself. She got angry if I spent time on homework, if I went home to do laundry, even if I wanted to sleep. She would say I’d rather sleep than spend time with her, so I was averaging 5 hours of sleep on a GOOD night. she lived about 30 minutes away from me, and I work a lot of night shifts. 
I would often go home before going to her place to change, feed my frog, etc, and she would get FURIOUS over this. She forced me to keep my location services on at all times, despite my telling her that it made me incredibly anxious and paranoid. If she saw me at my parents’ house, my apartment, the store, ANYWHERE without me having told her that I was going there, she would call me until I picked up and explained. 
She forced me to put her fingerprint into my phone so that she could go through my phone whenever she wanted. When I expressed discomfort, I was told both by her and her mother (who genuinely thought everything I’m outlining was an okay way to treat someone, which made it really hard for ME to tell that it wasn’t because I was surrounded on all sides by people telling me the opposite) that if I didn’t have anything to hide, it shouldn’t be an issue. She read through old chats of mine, and got upset about things I’d said to people before I’d even MET her-telling my friends I loved them, etc. She would monitor my social media activity, and if I was active somewhere and hadn’t messaged her back in a few minutes, she would call me repeatedly until I picked up. If I didn’t pick up immediately-If I was in class, at work, asleep, etc, she would later cite that as a reason she couldn’t trust me.  There was one morning where I woke up and she had turned my alarm off, and was on my phone scrolling through my phone calls and asking why I had called a certain number the day before but hadn't called her (I had called my dentist's office to reschedule an appointment.) While I was at work, she texted me calling me a fucking asshole and a cheater, based off of this situation alone.
I’m an art major, and I draw a lot! I like drawing portraits, I’ll sketch people in class, etc, and when she saw that she would accuse me of being in love with the nameless stranger I’d sketched in the coffee shop or something. She told me that the figure drawing class I was taking was “basically cheating,” to the point that I dropped out of it. She would go through my sketchbook constantly, which is something that’s very personal to me and I told her this. She once again cited that if I didn’t have anything to hide, it should be fine. She got angry at me for drawing fictional characters, even guys, which. I’m a lesbian! But she would get jealous and have a meltdown. 
She CONSTANTLY accused me of looking at other girls in public, even though I truly never was. I was driving us home from somewhere once, and looked in my sideview mirror to merge lanes, and she thought I was checking out the girl who was walking by on the sidewalk and blew up at me. Multiple times, she would get upset at me while we were driving somewhere and try to jump out of my moving car over an issue such as the one I just mentioned. 
She would get mad when I wore makeup to class or work, or even dresses or nice clothes. I would tell her that I just LIKED that dress, or that I just enjoyed doing makeup, and she would say I was only doing it to ‘impress other girls.’ On the other hand, she got upset several times when I DIDN’T wear makeup when we went out, because she said I wasn’t making an effort for her. 
She got upset at me when I didn’t finish meals, which she said triggered her own issues. I explained several times that my own anxiety (not food-related, just general) messed with my appetite a LOT, and made it hard for me to eat sometimes. 
She also gets mad when I don't finish my food, and stuff like that. I get that that's because of her eating disorder, obviously, but she still takes it out on me. All of this, when I react defensively or show that I'm hurt by her accusations, she says that i'm not giving her the "reassurance" she needs.
When I brought any of this up, she would have a melt down and cite her insecurities and mental health issues. I have major anxiety and depression issues, I've been hospitalized for it before and go to therapy once a week and am also on a lot of medication for it. When I had depressive episodes, bad days, or anxiety attacks, she would often get mad at me, and said I was sulking, or she said that it must mean I didn’t love her because she didn’t make me happy enough. I usually ended up comforting her over it.
On the anxiety note, I also tend to break out in a rash on my chest and neck when I'm anxious, and I will clarify that this looks NOTHING like hickeys. My neck gets red and blotchy, and I get itchy. when this happens, she LOST it every time without fail, melting down and telling me over and over "stop lying! just tell me who it was who did you do this with," etc, etc.
She told me that if we broke up, she would probably let her own mental health issues get worse, and would stop eating all together. She also flat out LIED about this when I brought it up later, saying that I was the one who had threatened to hurt myself if we broke up. She told me this, and other people this, and made up similar stories, so much that I started to believe it. I was apologizing for my own existence by the end of it, for every word out of my mouth, I was going crazy. I didn’t even REALIZE how bad it was, until I mentioned to my sister that I hadn’t driven the 30 mins over to her house one night due to the bad weather, and she had called me and called me until I picked up, forced me to send her pictures of the roads(?) and then said she’d “rather have someone who would drive on bad roads for her.” This wasn’t even near the worst thing that had happened, but the fact that my sister CRIED over that made me take a step or two back. And I left. Like...a few weeks after that. and it was HARD, it was the hardest thing I”ve EVER had to do, because i GENUINELY thought I was condemning someone to die. Like she fucked me up that bad! I still feel guilty. But I did it! She told me that nobody else would ever love me like her, that nobody would accept my mental health issues, etc, but guess what! I did it! 
And she STILL tried to contact me, refused to leave me alone, showed up at my WORK with a letter and flowers wanting to work it out (and sure she says this was romantic, whatever, but she forced me to unblock her number and hug her and now cites that as me “still feeling the same”) and made like...several different accounts to message me on here after I kept blocking the new ones she made. 
I have NO idea what she’s saying about me, and I don’t care. I want more than anything to move on. I hope she’s happy, I do! I get really, really, angry about it sometimes and I feel horrible for the way her isolating me made me cut off some very important people in my life. I’m still hurting, but i’m HAPPY. I want to move on, I don’t want this to be who I am, it doesn’t define me and I’d love to move on and meet other people and not have this fucking haunting me! And she keeps finding ways to bring it up. I wish her no ill will, and I”m not saying she’s a bad person. I’m not! But I am entitled to my feelings in the matter, I”m allowed to say that it sucked, I’m ALLOWED to say that it was abuse because there are things that happened that I haven’t even told my therapist, because it’s too hard to think about. I’m allowed to move on. Please, please allow me to move on. 
I’m not going to answer anything else about this, maybe I shouldn’t have talked about it in any capacity on here, maybe that’s my fault. But please stop messaging me about it. 
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whumpitywhumpwhump · 4 years
Here’s Mafia Week Day 7! Prompt: Vendetta.
There’s a bit where they discuss homophobia briefly, and also there’s some death mentioned too (specifically of a pregnant person).Oh, and a brief mention/reference to a bad childhood home (implied child abuse, but nothing explicit here). 
Beck didn’t leave his apartment for two days. He also didn’t hear from Simon.
Instead, he sat on his couch, icing his face, clutching a pillow against his aching chest. Usually after a good beatdown, the pain made it too difficult to entertain thoughts, but this time the panic was cutting cleanly through all other sensations. Where was Simon? Was he ok? Did Pat even know yet? How long would it be until he found out? And after that, would he piece together the truth about him and Simon?
If it were any other family that had gotten ahold of the briefcase, Beck thought bitterly, it would have been alright—survivable, at least. But the Connells? They’ve been the enemies for decades, long before Beck even joined up. Back when he was still a toddler three states away, hiding from his parents as they smashed dishes against walls and screamed, Pat and his wife Mirabel were expecting a child—an heir to the family business.
Simon told him the whole story one night, while they were sitting in Beck’s car, maybe three months after they’d started dating.
“How come Pat never married or had his own kids? He always calls you his heir and stuff, why not have his own?”
“He was married once, but it didn’t end well for Aunt Mirabel.”
“Wait, really? What happened?”
“Aunt Mirabel was a fierce woman and ran as much of the business as Uncle Pat did. From what everyone says, she was nothing like Ma. My mother is great, but she would never be willing to go head-to-head with, say, the head of the Bertinessis or something. Aunt Mirabel would walk right in, and they’d be scared of her. Even after she got pregnant. You don’t have to guess why Uncle Pat loved her so much. Nick used to tell me about the two of them together, what Uncle Pat was like back then. He was… warmer, apparently. Not with anyone else, just with her.
Anyway, she was like, 5 months along or something, right? And Uncle Pat’s got this sting planned on the Connells, at one of their old hideouts, a seafood place down by the dock. And everything was going just as planned, until one of their people escaped the hit, and took matters into his own hands. It was the Connell heir at the time, this kid named Joel. A lot of his relatives died in the hit, so he decided to strike back, right where it hurt. He came to Uncle Pat’s house and started shooting through the windows—this was his old house, not the one you’ve seen. My uncle wasn’t home, because he was waiting at the deli for the report after the hit. By the time he got home, Aunt Mirabel was… well, he took her to the hospital, and they couldn’t do anything for her or the baby.”
“That’s terrible.”
“He couldn’t remarry—that’s why I’m his heir. A blood nephew, next best thing to a son of his own. It’s also why he hates the Connells so much. He’s basically had a vendetta against them ever since then. Anything they’re involved is immediately life and death, no negotiations, no second chances, nothing. Which, I don’t agree, necessarily, but I get it, you know?”
“Yeah, makes sense.”
Beck hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now—well, now, that vendetta put a target on Simon’s head. And, he supposed, on his.
The idea of falling in love with Simon hadn’t seemed that dangerous before it happened, or even while he was falling. It was only after that he realized the implications. Again, Simon had to spell it out for him.
“My uncle can’t know we’re dating.”
“Wait, what? Why not? I though he was ok with gay people—isn’t Mad Dog gay?”
“Oh no, Uncle Pat’s not homophobic or anything, he doesn’t really care about that stuff. Like, my mom dated a few women back in the day. It’s not that.”
“Then what?”
“Well… I’m his heir.”
“What does that have to do with it?”
“I’m the closest blood relative in the next generation, you know?”
“So one day, I’ll need an heir.”
“Makes sense, but—”
“A blood heir. I need to make a kid. Biologically.”
“But Uncle Pat chose you, and you’re his nephew, not his son.”
“True. But I don’t have any siblings, so I can’t choose a niece or nephew. It has to be my kid, or at least, it has to be under Uncle Pat’s rules at least. Once he dies, I’m just gonna do what I want to, but for now, he can’t know. You can’t let him know, Beck. He will kill you if he thinks you’re a threat to the family line. I’m serious, ok?”
Simon wasn’t serious often, but then again, he never fidgeted either, and when he asked Beck to keep their relationship secret, he was curling and uncurling his fingers in his lap. So Beck had nodded.
“I won’t say a word.”
And he hadn’t. Beck had done everything in his power to keep Pat from finding out about them, because he didn’t want to die, and he didn’t want anything to happen to Simon. But now, if Pat killed Simon, and he figured out that the reason Simon screwed up was a secret relationship with Beck? Well, in short, they were both fucked.
Normally, Beck could keep his calm. But he also usually heard from his boyfriend pretty quickly when things were dangerous because Simon knew he’d worry.
Two days, and not a single text or call from Simon—that was not good news.
Beck pulled himself up from the couch, stifling a groan as his ribs shifted. They still hurt like hell, but he’d just take another ibuprofen and ignore them. He shuffled into the kitchen and pulled the fridge open. The little light flicked on inside, illuminating the scant contents. With a sigh, he grabbed the container of sliced ham, a few slices of cheddar, and the jar of mayonnaise. Halfway through prepping his sandwich for dinner, he heard his cellphone buzzing in the next room. He considered going to check it right away, but a grumble in his stomach convinced him it could wait for two minutes while he got this sandwich ready.
Carrying his dinner on a plate, he returned to the living room and settled back onto the couch. He balanced the plate on the arm and picked up his phone.
MR. RIGGS flashed on the screen—the codename he’d used for Simon in his phone. He swallowed hard and unlocked his phone, opening the message. The text was short, but thorough.
He knows.
As Beck’s thumb hovered over the keys, trying to figure any way to answer that, a second message appeared.
He knows about everything.
Sweat broke out along Beck’s hairline. His skin crawled like he could already sense a gun pointed at him. A third message came up, longer.
He’s going to kill me—I’m in my room, door’s locked, but he’s coming up. Beck, you need to leave the city. I love you, I’m sorry.
Beck typed out the words, “I love you too, Simon,” but before he pressed send, one last message flashed onscreen.
I’m scared, Beck.
Somehow, that was worse than the other messages. Simon was never scared, not enough to admit it to anyone. Beck’s eyes watered, and he straightened up on the couch.
He was not going to let Pat kill Simon—not tonight, not ever.
Beck closed his text with Simon and typed in a different number in his phone, one he hadn’t used in years. He typed as fast as he could, trying to say everything in as few words as possible. She never liked long, winding explanations.
Hey, Sadie. It’s Beck. I need your help. My boyfriend is Pat the Butcher’s nephew, he leaked info to the Connell family (my fault), and Pat is going to kill him. Text me back ASAP.
Looking down at the message, he clicked send, then chuckled sadly. It wasn’t how he planned on coming out to his sister, but then again, he’d planned on never speaking to her again.
Her reply popped up maybe two minutes later.
They’re taking him to the docks, pit stop at the deli for a beatdown. Cement shoes. Be there in 20, wait 30 secs after they drop him, go in after. I’ll pick you up on the corner of 8th and Bettler, 10 mins after, black SUV with Oregon plates.
Perks of having a sister who was also a criminal mastermind—he’d never found a limit to what Sadie could find out or fix. Who she called in the organization to get those details, he’d never know, but he was so grateful she did. As he pushed himself up from the couch to grab his keys, his phone buzzed again, and he looked down to see another message from Sadie.
When he unlocked the screen, he grinned softly. It was just a little rainbow flag emoji.
He shook his head, dropping his phone into his pocket. He grabbed his keys, wallet, and a coat, stepped into some sneakers, then rushed out the door.
It was time to go save Simon.
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k-popscenxrios · 5 years
Didn’t Ask For This Part 16 (Roommate!JK x OC)
A/N: I’m sorry for the drastic time skip, but there really wasn’t anything interesting plot wise to write about up until this next part of the story. I keep getting more and more ideas for this, so don’t be surprised if the next one isn’t the final part. Also, this is the first part that I’m posting the same day that I’ve finished it. I really do want to finish this story before the release of BTS World! Let’s hope I make that goal!!
Summary: “I didn’t know you hated me so much,” he spoke as he grabbed my wrist and once again turned me around to face him, “and quite honestly, I don’t think I’ve done anything horrible enough for you to hate me to the degree that you do.” “You say that like the hate isn’t mutual,” I remarked as he shook his head. There was a bitter smile on his face as he took a deep breath, “I think you are quite honestly one of the worst human beings I’ve had to come in contact with.”
5.1k words | drama ✞ | fluff ♡ | mature themes (implied smut) ✗
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Finale
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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The summer was flying by a little too quickly for my liking as I looked at the calendar on my phone nervously. Taehyung and Jungkook told me that their dorms were opening again two weeks before their classes officially start. Taehyung was making it sound like they were going to move out once the dorms opened up, but they never clarified anything with me.
That day is fast approaching, and I couldn’t help but feel dread constantly in my gut. We only have a week left until their expected leave, which meant I was going to be living alone again.
I was definitely not ready to wake up to that reality. I was getting so used to the three of us living together that I refused to accept the fact that they’re going to eventually leave.
Jungkook was very good at deflecting all talk about leaving for college. Every time I tried to bring it up, he’d just smile and give me a soft kiss before changing the subject. I couldn’t help but worry about how the two of us will handle being apart from each other. We’re used to seeing each other every single day both at home and at work.
“You know that I’m not going anywhere, right?”
I snapped out of my depressing thoughts as I looked up at Yoongi. We were supposed to be cleaning theaters right now, but we had a power outage due to severe thunderstorms a couple hours ago. Everyone has been passing out apologies over customer’s movies being cut off, giving them free passes for the next time they come in.
We’d closed the theater down to customers for the day, but Yoongi and I were unlucky enough to be two of the people stuck in the building to clean up the nonexistent messes left behind by unhappy customers.
“I know,” I nodded as I locked my phone to quit staring at the haunting dates, “I’m not trying to imply that I’ll be alone at work… it’s just, how do I go back to living alone? I’m used to Jungkook and I making grocery runs together. I’m used to having help when bringing all the bags up the three flights of stairs. I’ve had them around to fix the garbage disposal when it breaks for the four hundredth time. They’ve been around to keep me company and watch shows with me in our free time.”
I paused after my rambling, trying to keep my emotions in check, “I’ve become so dependent on the two of them that it’s going to be hard to adjust to being on my own again. I’m going to look around my apartment and remember all the good times that I had with them.”
“Look, Ari,” Yoongi grabbed my phone and put it face down on the bench in between us, “it just sounds like you need yourself a new roommate. Doesn’t that sound like it’ll fix a lot of your problems?”
My eyes slightly narrowed at nothing in particular before I glanced over at Yoongi curiously, “I guess I didn’t think that I could get another roommate. Even if I do that, it’s not going to be anywhere near the same as how things are now.”
Yoongi looked down and gave me a slight shrug, “You’re still going to miss them, sure, but you’ll have someone to keep you company at home.”
“Yeah,” I nodded, slowly growing fine with the idea, “but how do I go about finding a new roommate? I’d ask Chaeyoung, but I’m pretty sure she’s moving in with her sister once school starts back.”
Yoongi stayed quiet as I looked his way curiously. His eyes were fixated on the ground before he mumbled out his next words.
“I think I know someone who needs a place to stay.”
I grabbed my phone from the bench and scooted closer to him. He glanced over my way for a couple seconds before he sniffed and let a slight laugh out of his mouth, “Ah, never mind. Forget I said anything.”
I pursed my lips and slightly narrowed my eyes at him as he kept his eyes focused on the floor. “Yoongi.”
He didn’t respond, so I sighed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, “Do you need a place to stay, Min?”
He slightly stiffened as my arm placed around his shoulder, but he didn’t shove me off like I thought he would. He didn’t confirm or deny as I just watched his face carefully. “My mom’s thinking of moving in with her new boyfriend. Quite frankly, I don’t want to live with the guy. He’s nice and all, but he’s…”
“Not your dad,” I finished. Anytime his mom’s boyfriend had come up before, that was what he said. He’s had a tough home life he’s gone through, but he hardly ever talks about it. He hates it when people pity him after finding out his dad was killed in a freak car accident.
“Well, I have a room that’ll be freeing up in the next… week, I guess. They won’t tell me when they’re officially leaving, the jerks.”
Yoongi let a small smile appear on his face as he glanced over at me. I saw the guy smile pretty often, but it was his bright, gummy smile that I’ve only seen a handful of times.
“You don’t think Jungkook will have a problem with you living with another guy?” He asked, the smile not leaving his face.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, moving my arm from around him, “If you’re the guy, he’ll be fine. He trusts you to not make any moves on me.”
Yoongi just laughed and nodded, the mood between us brightening considerably. I felt better about the end of the summer, now. Sure, living with Yoongi won’t be the same as living with Jungkook and Taehyung, but I could learn to get used to it.
“I looked forward to living with you, then,” I nodded, holding my hand out for him to take. He glanced down at my hand before taking it, firmly shaking it.
“Same to you, Ari.”
Yoongi and I were finally free to go home when we met up with Chaeyoung. She had been asked to stay and deep clean behind the concession counters, and I could tell that she was exhausted. They liked to take strange days like this and work us to the bone with deep cleaning. Lucky for Yoongi and I, we got the lesser of the evils.
“I wanna die,” Chaeyoung whined, “I feel like my whole body is covered in grease, sweat, and popcorn. I’m so sick of seeing popcorn you guys. I might go insane.”
“I’m with you, there,”  I agreed, “I’ve never really liked popcorn, but this job has made me hate it.”
“I still like it,” Yoongi shrugged as Chaeyoung and I ignored him.
“Anyway, how are things with Jimin?” I asked, Chaeyoung’s mood slightly brightening. She and Jimin have been having a lot of little arguments here than there, but judging from her reaction, the two of them were on good terms again.
“Great, actually. We’ve finally figured out the root of all of our arguing, and now that we’re aware of it, we hardly argue. Jimin’s been really sweet recently, and we’ve actually been trying to schedule our classes together for this coming semester.”
I felt jealousy budding after she said her last words. It must be great going to the same college as a couple… I tried to not feel too bitter towards her, but I couldn’t help but feel that way every once in a while.
“Sounds awesome,” I nodded with a smile on my face. She could even sense my bitterness as she was quick to drop the topic.
“How’s it going with Jungkook and Tae?” she asked, kinda switching topics. I took a deep breath and felt Yoongi’s eyes on me as well.
“They won’t tell me when they’re leaving for sure,” I confessed, “And it’s really bothering me. They could leave as soon as a week from now and I wouldn’t know it. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just all the sudden came up to me tonight and told me that they’re leaving tomorrow.”
“They wouldn’t do that to you, Ari,” Chaeyoung shook her head, but I’m not convinced.
“Wouldn’t they? Jungkook has told me multiple times that he’s not good at goodbyes. I’ll kick his butt if he packs up all his stuff and leaves in the middle of the night without saying goodbye,” I ranted, trying to not get myself too worked up. I felt my heart drop in my chest when I started thinking about just how upset I’ll be if Jungkook leaves without saying goodbye to me. “I want them to make up their minds about this. It’s killing me.”
“I’ll beat it out of them,” Chaeyoung nodded my way with a serious look on her face, “I’m sure they’ve decided by now.”
I just nodded, but I couldn’t let go how paranoid I was making myself. Jungkook would not do that to me. We still have so much that we haven’t talked about. He hasn’t told me about if he’s ever going to drive down to spend the weekend with me. He also hasn’t reassured me that we’re going to stay in touch despite being four hours away from each other.
He’d never consider cutting me off, but I couldn’t help but feel paranoid about it. I knew it was an irrational fear, but I won’t let myself rule it out until I actually talk to him about it.
“I’m gonna head out,” I pointed to my car and started walking toward it, “I’ll keep you two updated once I figure out this mess.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Chaeyoung nodded and sent me a thumbs up, “Everything’s gonna be okay, got it?”
I tried to smile and nod, but it was very forced. They could both tell judging from their concerned looks.
“I hope so.”
When I first walked in the door, I felt my heart drop. The apartment was eerily silent which was causing me to get very paranoid. I locked the door behind me, holding my breath and I rushed to look into Jungkook’s room.
His bags were still here. Thank God…
I looked into Taehyung’s room and his bags were also still here. They’re not gone, they’re probably just hanging out somewhere. I can wait for them to get home and then hopefully they’ll tell me when they’re leaving…
It was about 1am when the sound of the front door opening woke me up. I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for the two of them to get home. I didn’t expect them to be out that late.
I started to get paranoid that they were drunk, but as I opened my eyes and met with Jungkook’s, he just looked tipsy. Knowing him, he could be a little more drunk than he lead on. He was very good at seeming sober it he wasn’t too far gone.
“Hey,” he said softly as I sat up and moved my hair out of my face. He sat down next to me on the couch and I could faintly smell alcohol mixed in with his cologne.
“Hey, Kook. Where were you guys?” I covered my face as I let a soft yawn escape. Taehyung walked over to the two of us, plopping down on the couch to my other side.
“We just went out with some college friends. They drove down here to spend the day with us, so that’s why we didn’t get home till now,” Taehyung explained as I just nodded and glanced back in Jungkook’s direction. His eyes moved away from mine as he noticed me looking at him. He was obviously more intoxicated than Taehyung, and the look he was suddenly trying to hide from me was making me feel uneasy.
“Do I know these friends?” I asked as I looked back over at Taehyung. His previous relaxed attitude was slowly shifting to discomfort as I spun around to look at Jungkook. I caught the tail end of Jungkook motioning for Taehyung to keep quiet. My eyes narrowed at him before I spun around and gave Taehyung a pressed look.
“I doubt it,” Taehyung shook his head, ignoring the intensity in my eyes, “Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Baekhyun? I don’t think I’ve mentioned any of them to you.”
I could almost hear Jungkook sigh as I swallowed and bit the inside of my cheek. So first, he won’t tell me when they’re leaving for sure. Second, he’s hiding something from me about who he was with tonight. What’s next? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he packed his things and left for college in the middle of the night.
“So it was just the five of you?” I asked as Taehyung raised his eyebrows, “And nothing… bad happened tonight, right? Like, nothing you’d need to hide from me.” I paused and turned to face Jungkook. His face was burning red as my eyes tore into him. “Right, Jungkook?”
Taehyung put a hand on my shoulder and just laughed it off, “Nothing happened, Ari. Jungkook’s just paranoid that you’re gonna be mad at him for drinking a little too much.”
I didn’t believe Taehyung for one second. Jungkook had gotten drunk before now, and I was certainly not angry with him in any way. He was lying to me again.
“Jungkook,” I called out to him as he stumbled over to me. I had been out with Chaeyoung for the night, only to come home to find a drunk Jungkook. He grabbed onto my shirt and buried his face into my hair with a sigh.
“Babe, you’re home,” he softly spoke into my ear, his breath tickling me as shivers ran through my body.
“And you’re drunk,” I commented as he just giggled.
“Sorry,” he didn’t sound very sorry, “Hoseok came over and brought some alcohol. I may have had some.”
“Some?” I laughed and pushed him away slightly so that I could look into his eyes. His eyes were clouded over as I just smiled and rolled my eyes. “Let’s get you to your room, okay?”
“No,” he shook his head, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull my hips to his. “I wanna stay in your room.”
“No,” I echoed, shaking my head, “Taehyung’s still not completely okay with seeing us all close to each other. He’ll have a heart attack.”
“Taehyung’s staying the night at Hoseok’s.”
I froze in his hold as I looked into his eyes, biting my lip as I realized what that meant. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious,” he whispered as I felt a smirk appear on my face. Jungkook’s eyes widened with slight innocence as I reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt.
“You should have lead with that, Kook,” I pulled his mouth down on mine, kissing him violently. His body was quick to respond as he moved his hands from my waist to hold the backs of my thighs. I laughed against his mouth as I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist.
“I’ve waited all summer for this,” Jungkook swallowed and looked deep into my eyes. I could still smell the alcohol on his breath, but I could tell he was sobering up from our kiss.
“Hopefully this will happen more often,” I mumbled as Jungkook started walking toward my bedroom.
“If you’ll act like this when it happens, I’ll lock Taehyung out of the apartment.”
I swallowed and tried to keep myself calm as I sat between the two of them. I wanted to just storm off to my room like I would have in the past. It was very tempting to do, but I didn’t have time for this. Jungkook and I only had so much time left, and if I were to give him the silent treatment, we would get less time together.
“Look,” I sighed and looked over at Jungkook with a slightly defeated expression, “I know something’s up. I really don’t want you two hiding things from me. If I’m gonna be mad at you over something, can you just tell me so that we can have it out and forgive each other?”
I was hoping that Jungkook would spill, but his expression didn’t soften even a little bit. Why was he being so stubborn?
“Taehyung,” I turned to him, but he was also closing himself off from me. “You guys, I know something’s up. You guys look guilty as hell,” I frowned, turning back to Jungkook.
“Nothing happened, Ari. We’re just tired.”
I felt the urge to get up and storm away, but once again, I talked myself out of it. I need to stick this out. I have to resolve this. I only have a week left with him.
“Jeon Jungkook,” I turned completely to him as I noticed him sharply inhale, “I dare you to say that to me again.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched as I watched his internal struggle through his eyes. He looked like he was about to cave, and I felt relief starting to wash over me. We could talk this out and go back to normal for our last few days together.
“We just got a little drunk. Nothing happened.”
I closed my eyes and swallowed, trying to keep my anger on the low. It’s been so long since Jungkook and I have had a legitimate argument, and I wanted more than anything for this to be a problem that we quickly resolved.
I turned to Taehyung as a last effort to figure out what these two weren’t telling me. “Tae…”
He just shook his head, “Nothing happened.”
I felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of delusional parrots as I ran my fingers through my messy hair. I felt tears stinging my eyes as I realized that this night was going to end the way that I was begging it not to. I’m going to go to bed angry and this conflict is going to just stir between the two of us until he fesses up.
“You know, Kook,” I stood up and spun around to glare at him half-heartedly. “I will be less angry at you if you just fess up now. The longer you wait to tell me what’s going on, the more upset it’s going to make me. Quite frankly, I’m already mad and I don’t even know what happened.”
I gave him one last chance to explain himself as I stared deep into his eyes. His jaw clenched and I noticed the deep breath he took. His hands shook as he rubbed the knees of his jeans, his mouth opening ever so slightly.
“Ari,” Taehyung shook his head and let a slight laugh out of his mouth, “Nothing happened. We were just out with our friends before college starts again.”
“Right,” I laughed in disbelief. My eyes glared at Jungkook as I gave him a few more seconds to interject.
Once again, he said nothing.
“Goodnight, then,” I whispered, trying to not let my emotions get the best of me. It’d been so long since Jungkook made me cry…
Taehyung had to be at work fairly early, so Jungkook and I were left alone for the morning. Normally we would take that time to be disgustingly cheesy with one another and at the very least make out with each other on the couch.
Today was very different. The air felt very tense and I hardly left my room to avoid having to talk to him.
I felt like we were back at our old habits before the two of us got together, and it sucked. I threw several pity parties in my room as I thought about how much fun we could be having right now. Our days were numbered, and Jungkook was choosing to push me further away.
“Yoongi,” I whined into my phone as I finally gave in to my tears. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook and how worried he has me. It felt like he was trying to push me away, and that thought was terrifying. What would possess him to think that was a good idea?
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi’s voice sounded worried as I sniffed, trying to keep my emotions under my control. I slowly calmed down my soft sobs, trying to not be too loud as to attract Jungkook inside.
“Jungkook’s scaring me,” I grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my body. I rested my chin on the top of it as my tears started soaking into the object. “It feels like he’s trying to push me away. I love him so much, and I’m afraid that he’s going to try and break up with me when he leaves.”
“Well that makes no damn sense,” Yoongi sounded pissed as I nodded, sniffing as quietly as possible. “He’s disgustingly in love with you. Why would he even consider something so childish?”
“I don’t know!” I raised my voice a little too much as I cursed under my breath. Jungkook definitely heard that. There was no way that he didn’t…
This was normally when Jungkook would come in to talk to me. Every time he heard any loud noises from my room, he’d come in to check on me. It was really cute, honestly.
I felt my face twist with disgust as I glared at my phone in my hand. Soomin had texted me the grossest text I’d ever read about some guy who’s still in high school! She was being a pedophile over him! I had been on the phone with her several times over him, and she continued to ignore my warnings.
“Ugh, she’s such a tramp!” I screamed in frustration, not taking into account that it was nearly two in the morning. I felt my disgust increasing the more she texted me, and I made more frustrated noises.
“Ari?” I spun around to see Jungkook poking his head into my room. His eyes were laced with worry and exhaustion as I realized I had woken him up.
“Kook,” my eyes softened as he stepped into my room to walk over to me. I was on the edge of my bed, pillows thrown around the room from me trying to quietly get out all my frustration.
“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, pulling my desk chair to the side of my bed to sit in front of me. I dangled my feet off the edge of the bed and leaned closer to him.
“Soomin won’t listen to me about her pedophilia. She’s going to get in serious trouble for this, and she’s blowing it all off. She’s convinced that it’s okay because he turns 18 in three months.”
Jungkook sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, “I forgot about her talking to that kid. She really thinks it’s okay?”
“Yes!” I cried as Jungkook grabbed my hand with his. I looked down at our hands and felt his touch calming me down, “She’s lost her mind… I don’t know why I’m still talking to her.”
“I don’t know, either,” Jungkook laughed nervously as he pulled me further to the edge, “Do you want to stay in my room tonight?”
I raised my eyebrows as I felt my mind moving on from the frustrating conversation I had just been having.
“Your bed’s small, though,” I mentioned. It was the reason that we never stayed in his room if we slept in the same bed together.
“I know,” he smirked and winked as I scoffed and ran my fingers through his soft, messy hair. I ruffled the hair a little as he closed his eyes, liking the feeling of my hand in his hair despite making it a mess.
“Just stay in here with me?” I offered, smiling at the sight of his relaxed smile. He didn’t say anything as he hopped out of the chair and jumped onto the bed, causing it to bounce me a little.
“You didn’t even need to ask, babe.”
The seconds ticked by as I felt my heart being squeezed in my chest. He’s not coming. He’s… not coming.
“Yoongi, I…” I took a deep breath, “I can’t take this. I’ve gotta have it out with Jungkook. He can’t do this to me. He’s being a selfish asshole. He’s reverting to how he was before we got together.”
“Why would he want to do that?” Yoongi asked, confusion laced in his voice.
“Because he’s an idiot. I think that he’s too afraid to say goodbye to me, so instead he’s shutting me out. It’s as if he feels like this will be less painful when in reality, it’s making it excruciatingly hard.”
I was quick to hang up the call after I made up my mind to try and fix this. If they’re leaving in six days, I want to have these six days with Jungkook. I want to have so much fun with him that he’ll forget that our days are numbered.
I didn’t even knock on his door as I swung the door open, scaring Jungkook as he looked up at me with wide eyes. He was just scrolling through his phone when I had stormed in. He definitely heard my frustrated words to Yoongi.
I was opening my mouth to snap at Jungkook over pushing me away, but I stopped short seeing him. I saw him just yesterday, but seeing him right now was just… different. He was the same guy I’d been spending my summer with, but everything felt so wrong.
I felt like he had already made the decision to push me away without thinking about how hard this was going to affect me.
“Jungkook, I want you to tell me what happened last night.”
I kept my words short and sweet as Jungkook just looked at me with wide eyes. I was afraid that he was going to snap back at me, but it looked like I knocked the breath out of him.
I took a few steps closer to him and felt my hands shaking at my sides. His eyes studied my face as his expression dropped to worried. He noticed that I’ve been crying.
“Please,” I whispered, standing at the foot of his bed. He swallowed while looking at me, and I watched the internal battle I could see taking place in his eyes. He looked like he was on the edge of convincing himself to keep me away from him, but I broke him as another tear fell from my eyes.
I walked to the side of his bed and lowered myself to sit on the edge of it. My back was against his knees and I felt my breathing stagger at the simple touch.
Jungkook looked down at my skin that was touching his as I just continued looking at him with pleading eyes. His breathing was irregular as his fists clenched in his lap. He looked like he was trying to build his wall back up, but I wasn’t about to let that happen.
“Jungkook,” I moved my body closer to the front of the bed, my side now pressing up against his torso. I faced him and reluctantly reached out to grab one of his tense hands. “I love you.”
I saw all his barriers break as his bottom lip started quivering. His eyes shied away from mine before he took a deep breath. This was obviously as hard on him as it was me.
“Stop pushing me away, Kook,” I managed to get out as fresh tears began to build up into my eyes. I squeezed his hand lightly before Jungkook moved to intertwine our fingers. A tear dropped from his eyes as he sat up to get closer to me.
“I love you, too,” he nodded, pulling me closer to him, “I love you so damn much, and please remember that as I tell you this.”
I felt my hand grip his slightly tighter than before as I just nodded, wiping my tears away from my eyes with my free hand.
“Last night when hanging out with the guys, we ran into Jennie,” he paused as I felt my muscles tense. Since Taehyung still worked with her, it wasn’t like she was completely out of our lives, but Jungkook hadn’t spoken to her since that night at the movie theater. I didn’t feel jealousy, but I did feel paranoia filling my emotions.
“She was mainly talking to Yugyeom because they had met a couple times before. She was kinda flirting with him a little until I stopped her and told her to back off. She didn’t like how harsh I was with her, so she made it her goal to stay around us for the rest of the night. She wouldn’t shut up about how things used to be with us, and I gave in and started getting carried away with my drinks. I was about to drink myself into a coma when she stopped me and…”
I saw another tear trail down his face as his bit his lip and looked away, “She leaned in to kiss me. I just barely pulled out of the way in time to keep her fish lips off of me, but she was being persistent…
*Third Person POV*
“Jungkookie,” She whined as Jungkook continued to keep her away from him. She was just about as drunk as he was, and he was terrified that she was going to catch him off guard and assault his lips with her’s. He’d never forgive himself if he let her lips touch his…
“Kiss me, dammit,” she grumbled as Jungkook just spun around and shook his head. He tried to move away from her, but her hands were quick to grab his wrist and forcefully pull him back to her.
“I’m the better fit for you, Kookie,” she forced him to face her as his annoyance was growing in his chest. He had come out tonight to have fun with his friends, not to be assaulted by his ex-girlfriend… “You wanna know why I’m better?”
“You’re not better, Jennie. Go find some other guy to screw with,” Jungkook pulled his arm out of her hold only for her hands to grab his shoulders. His hands were quick to grab her wrists, but when she spoke her next words, he froze. Nothing could have prepared him for what she was going to say.
She caught him so off guard that the moment he froze in shock, she leaned up and pressed a sloppy kiss to his mouth. He was quick to shove her off and tell her to piss off, but even as he stormed away from her, the words played through his head over and over again.
Was he really going to have to deal with her like this regularly? He couldn’t handle this… He won’t be able to take it. He’ll lose his mind if what she said really was true…
“You’ll be seeing a lot of me. I’ve transferred to your college this coming semester, Kookie.”
A/N: I don’t hate the real Jennie, I swear! She just happens to be the antagonist to this story!! (And she wasn’t originally going to be when I first wrote her in!) But sorry for any errors that I didn’t catch. I very loosely edited this. And I give everyone permission to beat Jungkook’s butt for his stupidity, but be gentle!
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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asiryn · 4 years
this post is going to be very rambly, so i apologize in advance. if you’re potentially interested in my liveblogs, and/or interested in hearing a bit about my current life and disability issues, tune in. if you aren’t, then....keep scrolling i guess XD
(if you just want the current liveblog schedule, scroll to the bottom)
[and this got predictably very long, so i’m gonna put it behind a cut for convenience] 
up to recently, my main liveblogs have been about the pokemon anime, with a few other shows, books, and especially video games sprinkled in here and there. essentially, waaaay back in yonder year of 2014, netflix added the first season of pokemon, the indigo league, to their site, and i, in a fit of nostalgia, made the veeery questionable decision to watch all of the pokemon anime---rewatching the stuff i hadn’t touched since i was kid, and then continuing on into the unknown, and watching all the seasons from gen 3 onward that i had missed due to dropping out of pokemon. i only really started actually making liveblog posts once i hit gen 3, then i stayed consistent-ish from then onward. (for the curious, i’m up to sun & moon, and i have 44 episodes left until i finish it (i’m not ready ;;;; ), and then netflix actually just dropped the first 12 episodes of the newest series, pokemon journeys, so....56 until i’ve caught up with the dub XD)
so, all of y’all who climbed aboard with those liveblogs are probably already aware of Who I Am, at least a little. (....this is making it sound like i’m Some Big Name in liveblogging, but i’m not really anything of the sort, just so we’re all on the same page XD) at least, in terms of the fact that i’m physically disabled, suffer from chronic pain, etc. but recently, i’ve joined two new fandoms, and i’ve begun liveblogging spop and my next life as a villainess. and my spop posts in particular are already becoming some of the most popular posts i’ve ever done (like wow, you guys). and i think part of that popularity is due to the fact that these are two pretty recent, pretty popular fandoms (tho i do also like to think that i do make good content XP). but the point is that quite a lot of new ppl are coming across me, and idk how much, if any, of you have taken the time to look at my bio or anything. so i guess....part of this post is just some ruminations, but also my way of letting you know more of what you’re getting into. 
so, for those who don’t know: hi, you can call me kiryn, i liveblog stuff sometimes, and i’m physically disabled. i suffer from intense, constant, chronic pain. it stems from a bone disease called HME, or hereditary multiple exostosis, if you’re curious (i have a severe case of it, joy of joys). the short version of what that means is that i have a lot of bone spurs everywhere on my body, and they....cause me a lot of pain. basically, i cannot do any kind of sustained activity without the already significant, never-ceasing pain that i feel cranking up to unbearable levels, and basically i’ll be rendered immobile. i do have pain meds that i take, and that very much help to take the edge off, and make it so that i can function at all (bc, believe fucking me, w/o them, i wouldn’t be able to achieve even the little i can do), but even with them, it only makes a dent in my pain levels, and again, sustained activity makes up that difference very quickly. 
now, the gist of this stuff i’ll mention from time to time, but....i don’t usually go into much detail about it (and this post is probably the most detailed i’ve been about my condition in years). bc, quite frankly, it’s depressing. (and seeing as i also already have clinical depression, that’s definitely not something that i need more of XD) i participate in fandoms for escapism, and bc i don’t really want to think about that crushing mountain of reality. i’ve had this condition since birth, and i’ve literally lived my entire life in constant pain, and i honestly have no fucking idea what it even feels like to be painless. and what’s even worse is that it’s a degenerative disease---essentially, the bone spurs are wearing down my joints, so....my entire condition will just keep worsening as i get older. (and no, surgery to remove the spurs isn’t really an option.) i’ll be 29 next month, and i can already tell you, i’ve been feeling that decline sharply. when i was a kid, i could still run. by the time i was a teenager, i couldn’t even do that anymore; the best i could manage was a jog. now....i don’t think i could even do that. 
i guess the main point in why i’m saying all this, is that for the last year especially, i’ve been dealing with the worst downward swing that i’ve had in years. in my late teens and early-mid 20s, i got into a pretty good rhythm, of knowing my body’s limits, how to budget spoons to accomplish things, etc. but now even that fragile equilibrium has been thrown out the window, and i’m currently struggling to learn the new limits and rhythm of this downward swing that is unfortunately now my reality. even before, i was pretty limited on what i could accomplish, but even that narrow window has shrunk even further. so basically, i’m in the testing zone still. and it’s a very slow process, bc once i exceed the limit, my body breaks down, and now it takes me even longer to recover. as an example, i used to know that i could wake up in the morning and get ready to leave the house in 20-30 mins. now? i need at least an hour, which involves me pushing through a wave of agony to be able to take my pain meds in the first place, and then wait for those meds to kick in and the pain to die down enough to move without feeling like i’m moving through a wall of spikes. (and that’s just the start of every day for me, and before even throwing in all of the other variables)
so, coming back to the liveblogs......obviously, that’s affected by all this too. if you’ve wondered why there’s been a gap between me finishing up spop s1 and starting s2....that’s why. partly, i didn’t expect how analysis-heavy i was going to get on spop; pokeani just doesn’t tend to be as consistently thematically deep, so those liveblogs took far less out of me than spop has, and pushing myself to finish 5 episodes in one day....well, it was too much. and the thing is, it’s obviously unhealthy for me to continually push myself to the point of total breakdown, so...that’s where learning my new limits comes in. so, these past few days, i’ve been thinking, and essentially trying to better figure out how to do liveblogs like this without pretty much killing myself in the process (bc i honestly do love making them....i mean, if i didn’t, then it really wouldn’t be worth the literal pain it takes to make them XD). and also there’s a component of managing my anxiety-brain, bc leaving things Unfinished stresses me out, and so when coming to terms with the fact that it’s going to take me awhile to finish one show....knowing that i’d be leaving others hanging....Doesn’t Help XD
so, here’s what i’ve got so far (and obvs, this is subject to much tweaking in the future XP)
currently, i’m watching 4 shows: pokeani, good omens, villainess, and spop. villainess rn is the least of my worries, bc 1 ep is coming out a week, so it’s not demanding a lot of my time. 
for the other 3, here’s the preliminary schedule i’ve sort of hashed out:
- pokeani sm103-106
- spop s2
- pokeani sm107-110
- spop s3 
- pokeani sm111-114
- spop s4
- pokeani sm115-118
- spop s5 
- pokeani sm119-122
- good omens
- pokeani sm123-126
- [catch up block] (i don’t have a good track record in keeping up with ongoing shows, so if i fall behind on villainess, this is where i can catch up)
- finish pokeani sun & moon [sm127-146] (the league starts on ep 128, so i’d rather not experience any big interruptions in the battles XD)
basically, i’ve given myself a limit of 4 pokeani eps in a single session (bc as stated, they don’t take as much out of me), and with spop, the most i’ll let myself watch in a row will be 3 eps (s2 will probably be broken up into a 3/2/2 block, s3 a 3/3 block, and s4&5 will be a 3/3/3/2/2 block).
now, keep in mind that i’m very deliberately making no guarantees about specific days, bc who even knows, but at the very least, scheduling and talking it all out like this will help me to better manage my spoons, and if you’ve actually read this far, then you’ll know the method in the madness and why i’m doing things this way. XD the vague goal is to get in a least 1 liveblog session a week (plus a bonus of the new villainess ep on saturdays)---at least for the shows. i’m still having to working out what i’m going to do about video games....maybe i should just go on a ‘once a week’ model for all my hobbies across the board XDD
in the next couple of days, i’ll be posting that in-depth look into all the ships of villainess (it started as me just pecking down a few thoughts while i was taking a social media break due to the Current Events, but now i’m at the point where i’m like, i’ve put too much effort into this to not post it, damn it XP), and then depending on spoons, i’ll try to start in on that schedule this week, so stay tuned for some pokeani! (again....i’ll try to hit at least 1 liveblog a week before i start trying to get more ambitious XDD)
in any case, if you have stuck through to the end, thank you very much. your support means a lot to me 💖
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incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
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CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
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ryncorrect · 5 years
university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
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warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
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