#I do fuck w Marco tho he can stay
gralixe · 7 months
One Piece has so much gall giving so much screen time to characters I truly do not give a fuck about
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hobgayblin · 2 years
Rambling and trying to piece together Ricky’s lore like a madman. very long and insane
the BIGGEST lore thing for him is that I want him to be a Hunter or an ex-Hunter like Marco for the purposes of drama and also for him to be wildly strong for no reason bc its sexy and fun 
He was more of an experimentation case than the other Destroyers and thus wasn’t well known amongst the second destroyers since, given his age (early 30s), he probably would have been grouped into their squad. He still had one of their gun names tho his code name was Heckler and the other destroyers probably heard of him but never really met him. And uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the whatever fuckin experiments made him much stronger than the others but unfortunately he was not as obedient so they made this super powered weapon of a man that will not fucking listen to them or pretty much anyone else for that matter. Since the shit starts when theyre really young he probably listens for a while and DOES end up killing a bunch of twilights but in the end hes like. actually this sucks im gonna do other shit byeeee ❤️ and he just drops out of existence and becomes hard to track by changing his name frequently AND going on T
Hes uhhhhhhhh somewhere around 16-18 when he dips and he’s now kinda wandering around Ergastulum trying to survive as everyone else is. He takes a bunch of random jobs (waiter/bartender/probably random jobs for some of the mafia families/maybe works in a brothel for a bit/dancer of various sorts) and just kinda lives his life for a while. I think I’m gonna make him a dancer/dance instructor and ALSO a self defense/hand to hand combat teacher with stuff he learned in his hunter training or w/e. Also he becomes a drag queen at some point bc it’s fun and I say so. his drag name is Wyld Fyre because hes an insane redhead.
Might have it so the Corsica’s track him down, threaten him or do something to make him work with their new destroyers against his will. He won’t actively participate in their bullshit but his “”job”” is to track down the A and S ranks and 1. keep a ledger of them, 2. keep an eye on them, and 3. be ready to kill them because he’s the only one who could easily take care of them himself. He’s like yeah sure whatever, and DOES keep an eye on the higher rank twilights but never really does anything about them. He’ll give the Corsicas/Destroyers info but never very much and sometimes will just lie and they cant do anything about it because while the destroyers COULD kill him it would take most of them is not worth the casualties and injuries he would cause during a fight, which would fuck up their whole operation. 
That’s probably how he meets the Benriya bitches because he’s trying to keep an eye on Nic esp because of whatever nonsense is going on with Nic’s actual rank. He befriends them and may even join Benriya I havent decided but it would be fun and sexy. and Alex can come stay at his house when she wants so she doesnt have to deal with Worick being stupid GHKSDGH Also him and Worick fall in love a little and its sweet and nice
anyway DRAMA and HEARTBREAK and NONSENSE when Worick goes to the Corsicas and sees Ricky with the other destroyers. Worick is heartbroken seeing he was working with these bitches the whole time, and Ricky is heartbroken seeing Worick has switched sides and seemingly abandoned Nic and all the tagged he’s worked to help and theyre gonna have a dramatic talk about it eventually but who knows when
tldr: all of this is a big excuse to make this tiny bitch able to punch people through walls 
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
ok I read animorphs when I was 10 or 11 I think? and I only read it once, along w/the spinoffs and stuff, and I've always meant to revisit it...SO HERE I AM....
and oh MAN I forgot how good this series is. like I knew it was good but some things from your childhood don't hold up yknow? especially books aimed at younger audiences
but oh boy does animorphs hold up. they're easy to read and perfectly balance the line between dark/adult topics and more kid-friendly lessons. excellent 
so yeah I'm loving it so far. I forgot how fast some stuff happens lmao, like I forgot that tobias gets trapped as a bird in the FIRST BOOK 
also I just adore how realistically disorganized/confused the animorphs are. like, they got the elevator pitch version of the conflict from elfangor before my mans got eaten, and also they're middle schoolers. of course they’re always just like ‘wtf do we even do’ 
so like...their plans mostly don't work. and even when planning they run into tons of logistical issues w/morphing, traveling, communicating etc. 
and I love how they clearly need to maintain their normal lives as well in order not to raise any suspicion 
and I like the little details like them not spending all their time together at school because they didn’t before so that would be suspicious
oh man and I love the different family dynamics in the series. you have jake, whose family seems pretty normal until we find out that tom is a controller, and rachel, whose parents are divorced, and who has to deal w/the complications of that. and then cassie, who is an only child (I like that we have a mix, with rachel and jake having siblings), and of course marco...
iirc marco was one of my favs (if not my fav, but its hard to choose) back in the day, and I forgot how reluctant he was to participate in the animorphs thing...and the fact that he was about to quit the team and then runs into visser 1.....
another fucked up little moment I liked - when they morphed dolphin and marco had to morph back to human bc he gets injured and he was like ‘I cant swim, and my mom drowned, I don't want to die like she did’ I was like oooof
also on that topic I adore how little the animorphs know about how anything works. like they once wondered if there's a limit to how many morphs they can acquire and they were basically like ‘idk guess we’ll find out’ 
and then when marco got injured as a dolphin and they were like ‘morph back I guess and hopefully you'll be okay?’ like damn luckily that worked 
basically these books do The Most Excellent Job showing that these are just kids. like they're literally in jr high which is 90s speak for middle school....they're like 13???? at most???
and the narrative reflects that perfectly!! all of them, even rachel who is pretty much the most gung-ho about fighting and stuff, have nightmares and all these terrible experiences bc they don't have basically any guidance 
and even with ax, it’s immediately obvious that he’s also just a kid, even though he’s this deadly alien....
also oh mannnn I love so much how we’re introduced to the andalites as this heroic race and how that slowly changes over the course of the story 
like, when elfangor introduces himself as ‘prince’ you assume he’s part of the andalite monarchy - but later we find out that ‘prince’ is a military rank, and the andalites are a lot more militaristic than we would assume at the beginning 
its so fantastic how it starts off as a fairly black and white conflict of andalites = good guy aliens and yeerks = bad guy aliens
and you even have some background stuff going on w/the taxxons being controllers by choice, and the hork-bajir being enslaved 
but as the story goes on, all of those lines get blurred in different ways...
also ooof the poor hork-bajir. I always felt so bad for them. it’s crazy that even in the first book, the animorphs are killing their enemies - at least I inferred that in book 1, but it becomes way more overt later on...the tough situation of them knowing that the hork-bajir are unwilling hosts but that they’re so dangerous that not killing them could be fatal to the good guys
and ngl this time around I have a lot more sympathy for the yeerks, even tho they don't really deserve it (at least in the early parts of the story where I am rn)
like...they're just these blind helpless slug creatures, but they're also fully sentient and intelligent? like, that's so fucked up. imagine yourself as you are now, but you're just a sensory deprived slug swimming in a pool. that's pretty fucked. and then the fact that the yeerks are biologically made to be parasites...its kinda no wonder that they ended up the way they are (and it also makes stuff like the yeerk peace movement really compelling)
also wow I kinda forgot about all the body horror w/the morphing. like ik that's one of the things that animorphs is known for but like. I forgot how much it happens and how creative the horrifying descriptions are. I love it
and omfg so when I first read this series the ellimist stuff confused me a lot bc I didn't read the books That closely (I mostly wanted to see what would happen next) but I loooove time travel bullshit so I’m really enjoying it so far
even tho tbh I think even if I had paid more attention as a 10 yr old I still would've been confused bc the ellimist stuff is kinda just inherently confusing lmao 
ok and I just love the characters,,,I love that the books switch perspectives, and KAA did such a masterful job of portraying differing and realistic reactions to their situation....like, all the animorphs react so differently to their circumstances, but their reactions are all so grounded in realism and also their personalities 
like man I love rachel. she was one of my favs as a kid too bc I always loved female characters and she was just so cool. and she still is, and so excellently written too 
liiiike the fact that even though she’s so tough and brave, she’s still a kid and has plenty of moments when she’s scared or uncertain...
and I just really like the fact that she out of all of them is the one who’s tough and loves to fight...and the fact that she also unapologetically loves shopping and stuff like that...its about the multifaced characters
just like how marco is the ‘funny guy’ but they make it very clear from the beginning that this is his way of coping w/shit like his family falling apart, and then alien BS 
and also marco is really smart? I kinda forgot abt that (sorry marco) but I like that bc that's uncommon to see with ‘funny’ characters
oh mannnn and ax. I love ax. I forgot a whole bunch about the early stuff w/him and how conflicted he was w/keeping secrets from the other animorphs
KAA did such a fantastic job w/ax - he really comes across as the perfect mix of ‘fish out of water alien’ and ‘young teen/tween’ and ‘alien from a strict militaristic society who is in training to become a soldier like his famous older brother’ 
n that was so sad n fucked up when he called the andalite home world and had to tell everyone (including his parents) that elfangor died, and then the elders or w/e forced ax to take blame for elfangor breaking their laws in order to preserve elfangor’s postmortem reputation, even at the cost of ax’s career/life :( 
and man I loved the part where ax is like ‘well, we didn't help the hork-bajir even tho we could have and now they're all enslaved. I'm not letting that happen to the humans’ and the council or w/e is like ‘well you should let it happen, don't interfere’ and ax basically realizes oh shit sometimes adults are wrong 
basically I love the conflict there, where the andalites are the ones who gave the yeerks the technology that led to them spreading across the galaxy like a disease, and now fight to stop them due to their guilt, but also refuse to directly help the less advanced species who are being invaded by the yeerks for fear of making a similar mistake like w/the yeerks....
ooooof and the part where ax is like ‘guess I have to go fight visser 3 and die’ :( he’s just a babyyyy
and augh when alloran asks them to kill him....geeeez there’s so much fucked up stuff already and I'm not even in the double digits yet 
oh my god and the brutally awful fact that any freed controller will just get tracked down by the yeerks and murdered so the secret invasion stays secret...and the animorphs think that by destroying the kandrona they've freed a bunch of controllers but really they just signed their death warrants - what a catch 22
oh and I love how even early on the yeerks aren't a completely unified force - we have the obvious rivalry w/visser 1 and visser 3, with visser 1 even arranging the animorphs release from visser 3′s prison bc of this, and that yeerk who told ax where to find visser 3 because he was pissed that his yeerk gf got killed by visser 3 - even though the reason she was killed was due to kandrona rationing, which was caused by the animorphs...i love the layers 
ok what else. oh yeah I love tobias sm, he was one of my favs as a kid too, his whole story is so deeply tragic but also interesting and we haven't even gotten into all the stuff w/his parents yet
the part where he’s freaking out as a hawk and he’s gonna fly into the windows even tho he knows it’ll probably kill him...christttt
also tobias and rachel are so romance aughhhh
ok also jake - he was never my favorite when I was younger bc I felt like he had Basic Protag Man Syndrome but now I can appreciate his character a lot more. like, he basically got elected the leader and he’s kinda like ‘guess I have to do this now.’ and that of course ends up fucking him up majorly in the long run bc even tho he’s more serious and responsible, he’s still just a kid too
and I loooove the horror of finding out that tom is a controller, and jake having to contend w/the fact that it’s very likely that he’ll have to fight and/or kill his brother someday 
also the book where jake gets infested w/a yeerk was one of my favs and still is. so fucked up and interesting. the fact that that yeerk was previously tom’s made it even more fucked, w/the yeerk taunting jake the whole time
and then the yeerk dying in jakes head...so messed up
omg and cassie too. I love cassie. I didn't appreciate her as much when I was younger bc I was a straightforward kid who liked action, and cassie is all about pacifism when possible and compassion, which I love a lot now that I Get it more. 
cassie being such a gentle person but still fighting in this fucked up war bc doing nothing would be worse is super compelling. plus the conflicts with her having to figure out where she and humanity fit in the circle of life and whatnot is great
I loved the contrast of her being very aware of how nature works bc of working w/her parents and all these injured animals, but also being so compassionate that it still bothers her to see death and especially participate in it 
like her feeling awful about killing the termite queen even tho its ‘just a bug’ and stuff
basically what makes the series great isn't that it’s got all these fucked up moments and horror elements and is overall quite dark - it’s that all of it comes together to make the point that war is hell, and child soldiers are gonna end up traumatized pretty much no matter what happens
it’s a very strong message, and the story never feels like it’s being dark just for the sake of being dark, but rather never letting the reader forget how awful things are
TL;DR: anirmorphs is to the YA genre what hunter x hunter is to the shounen genre
in animorphs, the heroes of the story are kids who get cool powers and get to fight aliens - in any other YA story they would have a bunch of fun adventures and come out on top most/all the time - things might get darker towards the end, but good would prevail. the evil yeerks would be stopped, and the main couples would get married and have kids and live happily ever after. 
however, war isn't like that, especially when the soldiers are kids. so instead we get animorphs, and it’s brutally realistic. they barely ever get to enjoy their powers - on the rare occasion that they get to, something usually goes horribly wrong
compare to hxh - it seems like a regular shounen story about kids participating in a fantastical mostly-adult world and being able to match the adults bc they're Special - but as the story wears on it becomes clear that the kids are just very traumatized. this all leads to gon’s berserker collapse in the chimera ant arc, which is led up to masterfully w/a bunch of adults treating gon as an adult even though he’s a child.
essentially the same thing happens in animorphs - with jake being shoved into the leader role and becoming a military general as a kid, which leads to him committing horrific war crimes because he’s been put in a position no child should ever have to be in
similarly, kurapika has what would be a very straightforward revenge plotline in any other story - but this is hxh, so the bad guys aren't just 2-dimensional evil caricatures, and the road to revenge just leads kurapika to ruin. we root for kurapika to win bc they’re a character we like, but it becomes clearer and clearer as the story goes on that getting revenge is not the path kurapika should be taking
nothing is ever as straightforward as we want it to be, basically. and the same applies to animorphs. so many times they're faced with conflicts that seem to have an obvious answer, only for it to be revealed later that the choices they made led to other unforeseen awful consequences
ok i need to stop rambling this is already super long. basically: animorphs good. I’ll probably do another post like this semi-soon as I continue reading (I'm partway thru book 10 now)
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hiii my bbs, I hope you are well. Get ready for a longgg post.
Some opening thoughts:
Brigid and I will be buying new chains for our boys. Esp for Quinner because he doesn’t have one and I want to start seeing this 🥵 look. Kesh care to join us?
- a baby that looks like Jamie and has his cute freckles. Brigid knows what I’m taking about.
Also brigid would like like Jamie’s beanie vv much so now we both are in that club because I have quinners and Brigid has Jamie’s.
- Mykonos is gorgeous. That is that.
- I am loving Brigid tracing Jamie’s freckles while he sleeps🥺 and I find it adorable that Brigid can only sleep with Jamie :)this would so be insta worthy photos.
- hehe yes to getting beeped by machines!! Okkk I’m glad, so Lexi is busy with Quinner means that we are just getting coffeeee. We aren’t like you and Jamie who make out in arenas.
- hehe Jamie would just be glaring at cozzy when he sits down, and cozzy becomes slightly terrified so he gives up the seat but still wants $50 because he wants to buy himself something on the flight. He goes to sit w his sleeping buddy devon. Kesh and Kirby are just to cool to deal with our crazy shit in the morning.
-no sore neck for Dylan. Thank you brigid. Yes to all of these soft moments. Playing with each other’s hair, the freckle tracing and the slightly heated make out that you would be having while Dylan is sleeping because I don’t think he could handle that lol. Another thought jamie just helping you fidget less because you keep hitting the back of Bowen’s seat and he’s sleeping.
- Kesh and Kirby are like the star couple, they are just perfect with each other. I understand why you wouldn’t want to know us esp when quinton Braden and Peyton start to throw snacks over the seats.
-honestly if I had that much coffee I would probably throw up, but kudos to Quinner for passing out after consuming all of that. I want freckles kisses but also I would play with jacks rope bracelets and w his hair 🥺. You would probably get really annoyed because of my leg tapping so Quinner also needs to calm that down as well.
- me slapping Ryan to wake up is just vv funny to me. Yess to them admiring our hair . Whenever I travel to warm places my skin always clears uppp so it’s nice.
-yay we are all sharing rooms w our bbs. hey hey
hey I’m not that dirty minded but like how can you resist? I don’t wanna hear to much from the two of you I mean it 😏. Omg I just had an idea imagine everybody just running into each other’s rooms and chasing each other. I hope we don’t walk in on you two lol. And we all settle in one room and have a slumber party lol. Face masks w the boys ‘I’m sorry why is it green’ ‘calm down, it’s a cucumber face mask it’ll hydrate your skin’ and then when they take them off the boys are glowing heheh.
- ok so I’ve bought an entire new wardrobe for this trip lol l. Ooo shopping would be vv fun. In this reality we have money hehe. Jamie carrying you into the water is 🤌 and I love it. Me and Quinner still need to be chaotic so we push each other into waves and then Brigid and jamie join. Meanwhile Kesh and Kirby are just chilling. Yesss with the hair slicked back and just wrapping your legs around their waists and maybeeeee kissing.
-finally me and Brigid are on the same team. Like Ryan you hit me in the face brigid will hit you 2x harder. Yess to all of us having moments on the beach at night.
- apparently we had some eventful nights😏 ehich I love even some of the boys because they want to have summer flings so no early morning for us. I love hotel breakfast as well esp if they have a buffet because you can eat as much as you want.
- cliff diving: ofc Brigid and Dylan go first because they are literally not scared of anything. aww you grabbing Jamie’s hand while he’s terrified. While that’s happening me and Ryan are hyping each other up, we slap each other on the backs etc. And we start to run and I get Quinner to come even if he’s terrified. I’d probably yell ‘let’s fucking goooo’ Brigid I’m making you the person that yells Marco the entire time lol cuz you are the swimmer of the group. Hehe us blaming Kesh and Kirby because they couldn’t figure out how to get out of the water. just a thought, wouldn’t it be better if you stay with the boys just in case they have trouble swimming and you can help them. And maybe I can go with Dylan and bond with him a bit. Any way works tho :). Hehe once everybody gets to the beach we are just crawling because we are tired from swimming and we just sleep on the beach lol.
- I’m good with dong half and half- snorkelling and scuba. Awww you holding Jamie’s hand and pulling him along. Same with me and Quinner and kesh and Kirby. I was terrified lol . Oo that’s so cool that you got to swim with turtles. That’s great for 8 year old Brigid:)).
Ooo a catamaran is so fun as well. Anyways dylan is just talented at everything. So he plays guitar and maybe he can help me reawaken my guitar skills. So I just watch him lol. Finally somebody who doesn’t make fun of me listening to the mamma Mia sound track. I love it sm and it just gives off the biggest Greece vibes. Aww and all of us just singing softly. And then just cuddling with the boys in the sun and me taking a bunch of photos! Aloe Vera it is😏😏.
Side story: so brigid you are playing music on the speakers while we are on the boat and Jamie goes to change the song and sees that there is an adorable photo of you and him as your wallpaper and he asks ‘you have me as your lock screen’ and you blush and say yes and he gives you the biggest kiss and then the rest of the boys are like awwww and all compare lock screens. And then Quinner looks at mine and smiles same w Kirby.
Yayyy us dressing cute all of hair is in natural waves/curls and getting dinner at a cute restaurant. and then exploring the nightlife in Mykonos. Ooo the drinks are a plus to us being chaotic at night. Like we would laugh so much at night. Awww kisses under the moon and then backkkk to the hotel for spicy evening pt 2
Side note: so imagine we already had dinner and we just start exploring Mykonos and we come across a live band playing outside and Jamie sees people dancing and then asks you to dance:) and you ofc agree and you just have the most intimate slow dance 🥺 and you just stare into his eyes and then tuck your face into his neck. Kirby also sees and asks kesh to dance and they are just admiring each other. And then Quinner sees me pouting and crying over you two and asks me to dance as well and we also slow dance. The rest of boys also find some ladies to dance with.
Next day: we decide to explore Mykonos like going to see the ruins and historical sights. So we all set off in the morning. Since Greece has a lot of alleys and stairs everyone some of us ( me and Ryan I fall down the stairs sm ) accidentally fall down the stairs ‘oh for fucks sake why do I always have to fall’ ‘what about me Lexi?’ ‘ you’re a hockey player you fall all the time anyway’ so we just bicker and you guys laugh and Quinner helps me up. ‘Hey Brigid we heard you and Jamie last night’ ‘shut up Cole we saw that girl sneak out of your room lol’ so everyone is just chirping each other the entire time. We get to the historic sights and we are all in awe and take a bunch of photos. Then we go get lunch and just chill. After that we all return to the hotel in the evening and we all get dinner. All in all I am loving this trip. It’s just so great.
Also I realized that pro tennis players go there during off season and so if I see one of them I will totally ask for a photo and go play tennis with them one afternoon. ‘Omg guys Serena William is hereeee’ and I just run off lol.
- another part might be happening but I might start with our Europe tripppppppp.
Ly thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy 🥺.
omgggg all of this is fucking amazing!! i love all of it, and ofc you guys lexi and kesh💕 anyways longggg post ahead
ok so first some random thoughts
ok so first of all new chains for the boyssss. quinner needs to start wearing one for lexi asap, and kesh and i are getting new ones for kirby and jamie. tbh they’re just as much gifts for us as for them lol
omg yessss i want a bb jamie. and his freckles 🥺🥺 i’m sorry this child is going to be so pale tho
hehe all of us out here stealing beanies. jamie’s beanie just looks so soft and i want to wear and then i can play with his hair better when he’s not wearing it too lol. and ofc lexi gets credit for starting this trend with quinner 
ok moving on to the flight lol
pleaseee i just want to trace jamie’s freckles and play with his hair while he sleeps. and us only being able to sleep with each other 🥰🥺 hehe please someone take pics for us
lmaooo yes lexi is busy GETTING COFFEE with quinner. and no need to bring jamie and i into this lexi, please and thank you
hehe cozzy making jamie give him $50 to switch seats so he can buy food on the flight. it’s ok cozzy isn’t really mad bc he can sleep better by devon anyways, he doesn’t have to deal with dyl and i’s crazy shit. lmaooo love kesh and kirby ignoring us
lol you’re welcome dyl for keeping you comfy, you better be getting me food to pay me back later. and then me and jamie just being soft 🥺🥺 tracing freckles and playing with each others hair. awww just peppering each others faces with kisses and then it somehow turns into a makeout. good thing dyl is asleep so he doesn’t slap one of us lmao. omg yessss jamie holding my hand or putting a hand on my leg so i’ll stop fidgeting the whole time so bo can sleep lol
awww yes kesh and kirby are adorable together, we love that for them. haha honestly same, i can see why they don’t wanna sit by us
 hehe quinner just has insanely high coffee tolerance, so he’s passed out on the plane lmao. but that gives lexi the perfect opportunity to play with his hair and rope bracelet. hehe he might pretend to still be asleep for a while after he wakes up bc it feels good. and then once he wakes up he kisses your freckles and he just puts a hand on your leg so you’ll stop kicking my chair (ty quinner)
lmaoooo i want to see you slapping ryan awake. and then us looking cute with our curly/wavy hair and our clear skin
ok so first day in greece
all of us get to share rooms with our bbs:) also i said we would try to keep quiet, i don’t know what more you want from jamie and i. i don’t think you and quinner are exactly silent either at night lmao. omg yesss running into each other’s rooms playing hotel tag! hehe i advise if you see a singular piece of clothing on our floor then you leave, bc i keep my room freakishly neat. but anywayssss i would dominate hotel tag, i love that game and i have a lot of practice lol
omg yes slumber party!! we can watch movies and stuff together and make the guys do face masks lmao. ‘why is it green’ ‘wait mine’s grey’ ‘i don’t want this shit on my skin’ ‘guys just put them on, it’ll be good for you’ omg yessss when we take them off they’re just glowing, love that for them
hehe all of us girls going shopping together to get cute new clothes bc guess what? we have moneyyyyy. and all the guys are just like where did they go
hehe yes jamie carrying me and then quinner and lexi pushing each other in behind us lol. but then ofc jamie and i join bc we’re (read: i’m) overly competitive. and kesh and kirby just chilling on the beach lol. and then i loveeee moments in the water, just like the slicked back hair and wrapping legs around waists and definitely maybe kissing
hehe yes lexi and i are the dream team. ryan i will beat you tf up if i have to lol. awww and cute moments on the beach at night 🥰
next dayyyy
hehe late breakfast bc we had eventful nights and don’t wanna get up early. and then i’m eating sm at the buffet lol and the guys are just like how? bc i’m just a very hungry person in general lol
hehe ok cliff diving: obvi me and dyl first bc we’re the daredevils, but i also pull jamie with us bc i don’t want to leave my bb behind. and then you and ryan hype each other up and you guys come next but then you pull quinner with you too, bc you don’t want to leave him behind. hehe i’m not being marco the whole time sorry, whoever gets tagged becomes marco. hehe and then once we’re ready to get out we blame kesh and kirby that we don’t know how lol ‘wow thanks mom and dad, how helpful’ jk we still love you kesh!! honestly i’m down to either, stay with the guys in the water or climb up, i did do rock climbing for a couple years tho so idk if that makes a difference. but then also they probably need help swimming and you want to bond with dyl, so honestly up to you:) 
snorkeling and scuba diving - all of us holding hands with our bfs and swimming with them🥺 hehe yes little brigid was really just living a wild life lol. anywaysss then we’re back on the catamaran and dyl’s just playing music and then we give lexi a turn and she’s surprisingly good for having not played in so long. and then singing mama mia is so fun! and just hanging out on the boat in general and having fun and cuddling with our boys. and then ofc we have to use aloe vera lol
hehe yess i have aux on the boat, but at some point i just ask jamie to go change the song and he knows my password, but i forgot he doesn’t know i changed my wallpaper. so then he’s sees the pic of us cuddling together in the airport and he’s just like ‘i’m your wallpaper’ and i just blush and go ‘well, yeah’ and he just comes over and hugs me and gives me a kiss. so then everyone’s comparing wallpapers lol, and so quinner and kirby are vv happy when they see lexi and kesh’s
yesss all of us looking cute and exploring mykonos nightlife. haha everyone’s at least a little tipsy bc it’s super easy to get drinks there. hehe all of us super loud and laughing and stuff, love that. and then moonlight kisses🥰 
awww yes, we’re exploring and we see a live band so jamie asks me to dance. and i blush but ofc i say yes, so we’re just having the softest most intimate slow dance🥺 staring into each other’s eyes at first, but then i tuck my face into his chest bc i get nervous with eye contact. and then ofc kirby has to ask kesh bc they’re #couplegoals and they’re just admiring each other while they dance. and quinner isn’t the best with social cues so he doesn’t pick up on it right away, but then he sees you’re sad and asks you to dance with him and then you two are adorable together. and the other guys ask some girls to dance, and guess who ends up coming back to the hotel with us that night lmao
next dayyyyy
oooh yes going to see the greek ruins, and there are a tonnn of alleys and stairs and stuff. so ofc you and ryan fall down them (and i by some miracle don’t). hehe you: ‘why tf am i always falling?’ him: ‘what about me tho lexi?’ you: ‘you’re a hockey player, it’s kind of in your job description’ and you guys keep fighting lmao, but ofc quinner helps you up 😍
and the chirpssss that would be going on all day lmaoooo ‘hey brigid, we heard you and jamie last night’ ‘oh fuck off, i saw a different girl come out of your room this morning cole. what are you doing, trying to go through every girl in mykonos by the time we leave?’
and then ofc sightseeing and taking lots of insta photos, and then we all go to get lunch together. imagine the people who have to serve our table, i feel sorry for them lol. and then we could just go back to the beach or smtg before dinner and then back to the hotel 😏
final thoughts
at some point lexi sees a really good tennis player and goes to get her picture taken and see if she can practice with them, and kesh and i being the good friends that we are chase after her to take the pictures lol. hehe and then lexi abandons us to go play tennis with them for the afternoon
ugggh this was amazing and i love it, i’m excited for another part of europe, i’m down with either bc both would be amazing
ly too 🥰 it was amazing, i was so happy to read it
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firefistlaw · 7 years
Hi. So i was just in a car accident. I’m fine, but my car needs to be fixed because I can’t drive it now and my back hurts. The guy ran a stop sign and ran into me band then tried to tell the cop it was my fault. So i was wondering how Ace, Kidd, Law, and Shanks would react if this happened to their s/o.
A/N: Oh my god, I’m so sorry to hear that! I can’t imagine how scary that must have been… Some people are just horrible, aren’t they? I hope you get well soon! Feel like this is lowkey bad tho so sorry!!!!!! I hope you still enjoy reading it!!!!!
Modern AU
After the accident had happened, you didn’t call him right away. Yes, you were scared and yes, you were hurt, but you didn’t want him to worry too much. So you didn’t tell him yet, just send a simple message that you would come home a bit later.
When you came home however, he was already expecting you and hugged you tightly as soon as you walked inside your apartment. “God, Y/N!” He practically yelled. “Why didn’t you call? You could have been hurt badly!”
You stayed silent, not able to speak as the tears came rushing down your face. You didn’t know why you were crying, you didn’t even cry when the police officers came or when you saw your car from the back. The backside was done, that was for sure.
Ace held you tightly, still not walking farther inside your home. He calmed you down with a way only he could do and whispered things to you, that made you stop crying quickly. “I was so worried, I tried to call you after Marco told me what happened.”
Ah, Marco. He was on the phone with you while you were driving, only on speaker of course. He must have told Ace as soon as he heard something crash, which you were kind of thankful for.
“Ace,” you whispered. You took a step back and looked at your boyfriend. His dark hair was a wild mess on his head, something that happened after he woke up or when he couldn’t stop going through it with his hands, which he always did when he was nervous. “The guy, the asshole, he tried to put the blame on me! It wasn’t even my fault!” You almost cried again, this time, because you were more than angry. You were furious.
“Shh, of course it’s not your fault.”, he calmly said, which made you relax. He was right, it wasn’t your fault. You knew that, the police knew that, Ace knew that, hell, even the guy should know that. “Are you hurt?” He asked.
“Nothing serious…”, you finally put your shoes and jacket away and went into the kitchen, slower as usual though, with Ace right behind you. “My back just hurts a bit.”
You could see him clench his jaw at that and thought for a moment that he was mad at you for being hurt, but then he explained. “That son of a-”, he caught himself.
“I should run you a bath.”, he suggested instead and turned around, directly into the bathroom. You were not sure, but you might have heard him curse a few times, but… you weren’t sure.
You followed him after you gulped down a whole glass of water and when you got there, the bathroom was already filled with all kinds of fresh smells.
“By the way, do you know what the guys’ name was?”
He helped you out of your clothes and carefully let you inside the tub, to your content he joined you right after and sat down behind you.
“No, why?”
He started to massage your shoulders and you sighed happily. His hands felt like heaven on your skin, like a flame burning away the ache. (Yikes)
“Oh… just because. Could have visited him. Uh, just for a little talk. Between two man, you know… not much. Just talking.”
You smiled. Of course… just talking.
You had called him as soon as you were allowed to leave. After two beeps, he answered.
“You’re late.”, he said angrily. The two of you were supposed to meet up at his house and then leave to friends party, but now you were way too late.
“I’m sorry… I got into an accident.”, you breathed out. You were still shocked and wanted nothing more than just to lay down somewhere and just sleep. You were exhausted, physically and emotionally.
You could hear him breath loudly through the phone. “You what?”, he asked confused. “Like… just now?”
“Yeah, well, no. About an hour ago. I was on my way to you, when someone just hit my car from the back.” You explained. “After the police came he tried to say it was my fault, like I was too dumb to drive. ”
Even though you couldn’t see him, you knew he was frowning, jaw clenched and if he could, smoke would come out of his ears. “I will beat his fucking ass, who’s this guy? What’s his name?”, he asked angrily. “I swear I will make him never touch a fucking car again.”
You tried to smile, but it failed. You were just too exhausted to be happy about Kidd worrying about you, well, kind of.
“I’m fine, by the way.”, you said. “Can you pick me up, though? My car is fucked.”
A few surprisingly very short minutes later, his car stopped in front of you. You got inside quickly and put your seatbelt on. Instantly, you felt an ache in your lower back area. You hissed and started to shift.
“I thought you were fine?”, he asked quietly, worried. “Y/N?”
“Yeah, it’s just a bit uncomfortable, that’s all.”, you lied through the pain. It hurt, it really did.
“Liar.” He said and got out of the car. There were still a few people, who had watched your crashed car leave the place and a few of them even took pictures of it. Confused you got out of the car and followed the red haired man.
“What are you doing? Kidd?”, you whisper-yelled at him, after he asked a few of the people around where the guy who crashed your car was.
Luck must have been on the guys side in that moment, because he had left with a taxi 5 minutes ago, making Kidd clench his fist angrily. “Lucky fucker.”
You tried your best to convince Kidd to leave now, your patience hitting the bottom. Everything was starting to become more and more draining, which your boyfriend finally noticed. He left the scene with you quickly and drove back to his house. Without talking too much, he brought you to his bed, where he put you down gentle after he had carried you, something he thought was necessary.
“I’ll call Killer and tell him we won’t be at the party, then I’ll come and we’ll sleep for a bit, alright?” You hummed, barely registering what he said, too tired to care.
After a while you felt him lay down behind you, an arm carefully draped around your waist. He started to plant a few kisses on your neck, which made you shiver slightly, even in your state.
“You better give me a name tomorrow, Y/N. I need to see the guy.”, he whispered one last time and then you fell asleep.
He knew about it the second you got home. “Where’s your car, Y/N?”
You sighed. You felt like you just had the worst day of your life and you wanted nothing more than just forget about it. So you just walked right into Law’s arms, without saying anything and hugged him as tightly as you could.
He, however, barely hugged you back. Confused you raised your head and watched him. His eyes were full of worry and his face was painted with all kinds of emotions. “Come on.”, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the living room, where the both of you sat down on the couch.
“Tell me what happened.”, he softly said and stood up to get you something to drink. Just now you realized how dry your throat was. You thanked him and gulped the water down as soon as he put the glass down on the table.
After you were done, you explained what had happened. You explained it from the start, how you wanted to get some groceries, to the moment the guy tried to push the blame on you, after he completely crashed your car.
Law listened to you, worry still prominent in his features. After you had ended, he nodded.
“Well, my car needs to be fixed now. It’s done, god, my poor car…”, you stared at him, watching him watching you.
“Your car doesn’t matter, Y/N.”, he said annoyed, which surprised you. Why was he annoyed with you now? God, the day just couldn’t get any worse.
“I don’t care about that damn car, the only thing that matters is you right now! Shit, you could have been seriously hurt.”, he whispered the last part. Your heart broke into pieces, seeing him like that made you want to curl up somewhere and just be invisible for the rest of your life.
“Law, I’m sorry I-”
“What are you sorry for? I should be sorry!”, he grabbed you carefully and pushed you into his arms. “I should have went to get the groceries. It was my turn anyways. If something happened to you, god, that would have been my fault!”
“That’s not true! It’s neither yours nor my fault! It’s the guys’ fault! Law, really.”
He shook his head and stood up. “C'mon, how do you feel?”
Confused, you shrugged. “I don’t know, my back kind of hurts, but besides that I’m fine… I’ll probably just lay down.”
“No, you won’t.”, he said calmly and took your hand, pulling you up to your feet. “Let’s get you checked up first. You can have some serious injuries, which you don’t even know about yet. ”
You nodded, even if you didn’t want to get checked up. At least not now, but you knew it would make Law happy and calm his nerves, so you did.
On the way to the hospital you didn’t let go of his hand, even after you both had left, you still didn’t let go of him. You felt safe with him, and that was the only thing that made you keep going for the day, it was the only thing that mattered.
When you told Shanks that evening about what happened, he thought you were joking. He was sitting on the couch, the sun already gone for a long time and the living room illuminated by warm lights. You were seated across from him, back still aching. You didn’t want to tell him, feeling like it wasn’t really important, but then decided that he might want to know.
“Are you being honest right now?”, he laughed afterwards. “As if.”
“I’m being serious, I really had an accident.”
He shook his head, his red hair shining in the light and grabbed his phone, scrolling through his feed when a quiet ‘sure’ left his lips.
“You don’t believe me?”, you threw your own phone at him, after you had opened a picture of your car, which was completely crashed. “Watch this then.”
He grabbed the phone, that had hit his thighs and looked at it with a smirk, which faded quickly. You could see his face change, his emotion changing from one to another after it clicked in his head that you were in fact not joking.
“Oh my god,” He said quietly, serious for the first time this evening. “Why didn’t you tell me before? When did this happen?”
“It was this morning. I had to go through a lot of checkups and stuff, that’s why I came home a bit later than originally planned.” You shrugged. “It’s fine though.”, you mumbled and played with a pillow next to you.
You heard him shift and then he stood up, walked up to you and crouched down in front of you. His eyes were big, full of worry and he had an displeased look on his face.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me? Where’s your car now?”
You mustered him and avoided his eyes. “I don’t know, didn’t want to bother you… and, my car is getting fixed at the moment.” You shifted in your seat, suddenly feeling like a little child getting scolded.
“Woah… that’s insane. Are you hurt?” He worried and touched your arms, legs and then took your head in his hand, searching for any kinds of injuries. “Tell me.”
You gulped. “No. I’m not hurt, well not badly.”
“What do you mean with ‘not badly’?”, he said, louder this time.
“Well, my back hurts, but it’s nothing serious. It’ll fade, I just need to take a rest. ”
“Come with me.”, he said. He stood up from where he was crouched down and took your hand in his. Quickly the both of you left the living room and went into your shared bedroom, where he told you to lay down. After you had done what he said, he left the room for a few minutes, coming back with some scented candles.
He put them down in every corner of the room, making you giggle when he let one almost fall down. He lit all of them quickly and walked up to you, laying down next to you.
Instantly, you felt the scents embracing you, making you feel a hundred times more relaxed than before. Shanks knew your weakness for scented candles, how they made you feel and when you needed them.
You cuddled up to him, eyes closed and feeling calm. He started to stroke you hair and planted a little kiss on your forehead. “Next time, please tell me about things like that right away.”
You hummed, sleep already tiptoeing into your body.
“Your car, fuck, to think that you were inside that thing is overwhelming. There are so many things that could have happened to you.”, he whispered. “Y/N… you’re so important to me, don’t just go and… die or something.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I’m fine, Shanks. There’s no need to worry now. ”, you mumbled tiredly.
He gulped visibly, still not feeling very comfortable, but nodded. “You’re right. Let’s just sleep.”
You hummed, already almost asleep.
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7x16: “the glove that rocks the crAdle”
****This is late b/c I work on tuesdays & don’t get to watch it live :(****
- I actually like Marco Fuery a lot I'm not gonna lie he reminds me of a knock off john stamos but I'm kinda living for it he's so far my fav cop overall in rosewood
- spencer stays getting questioned by cops & accused of murder you'd think she'd have the whole interrogation thing down by now
- Emily's so sweet for getting out all that baby shit but you already know some twisted ass dilaurentis shit is gonna be hidden in it
- "rule number 1 never send me to voicemail" THE CRINGE omg ariasiri still creeps the fuck outta me the chin is just too damn big 😂
- "did you screw anything else up?" haha i love it.
- "yeah what about Lucas" I am loving Ali's sassiness tonight
- of course Caleb is helping with all his tech savvy ness
omg Caleb is such a dick at least hanna is trying to own up to the mistake she made by hurting her friend like that. Fuck Caleb honestly I think I'm done w/ the guys of pll at this point.
- EXCEPT MY BABY JASON (he needs to come back asap)
- don't be risky spence it ain't worth it
oh shit but she just got real af with emily
- "I think you're assuming a lot" lmao that's all y'all do tho girl shut up
- I am living for arias outfit it's simple but her & s/o her for being very mature about the Nicole thing I couldn't do it
- hanna baby u just gotta face it people lie, girl you lie
- patsy Klein hmmm I feel like I should remember this
she really just committed theft ahaha they wild
- damnnnnn Lucas really just threw them all under the bus ha all this time he was gonna protect hanna and turn the others in, I knew it. I knew it.
- "should I rewind it so we can watch him back it over you???" YAS SPENCE
- "that's not true." Yeah aria & it starts w/ you if they could only see it w/ ya stuttering ass
- "& I only got 10 mins to do it or the swat team shows up"
can someone pls make a whole video of hannas best one liners when this shows over??? Thnx
- omg Caleb what are you doing of course you just make things more uncomfortable for spencer this is not the time!
sorry I just got a lil upset at the end
- the dolls are back and of course aria's in the scene
- omg how rude of AD or Lucas you don't knock over a pregnant chick
- okay it's official aria is the worst A lmao no way she can be the real AD
- "he has to have help" finally someone said it you go emily
Side note idk how aria can just stay quiet while watching 2 of her ‘best friends’ heartbroken like that, this secret better be good af girl or u just wrong
- ha so wait does this mean Mona is the one who pushed Ali? That's so like her. I love it.
- who was Lucas meeting???? 🤔
apparently AD but they didn’t answer, now do we think AD was there & just didnt answer or was she/he busy somewhere else?
- damn spencer has ballllsssssssss! I feel like I always knew this though.
- oh shit we all saw that look Lucas gave Aria that means he knows what's going on w/ AD right now or at least more than he’s saying
- hmmm he said HE first but maybe it really was just a slip up... & are we just gonna be believe he never knew cece was Charles???
so he's just another pawn not a sidekick?
"the second one was made a lot later on".... so they met again?
if he is telling the truth this means he truly loves hanna & risked a lot for her & might just mean he's only helping AD at this point b/c she's probably offering him money (like jenna said about her, noel, & sara)
- that face Ali made like she doesn't know what to say ugh it bothers me so much b/c we only got 5 episodes left girl spit it ALL tf out emily deserves it!!!
ok nvm she did and I was slightly living for it! My emison heart can't help it... but I know this can go 1 of 2 ways either Ali is still playing games (which I kinda want to happen but probs wont) or she's telling the truth.
I really don't care too to much about which way it goes only b/c I love Sasha so much
- I feel bad for aria a little but you can tell she was trying HARD not to make that ugly crying face again lmao
- AD is so cheesy I die every time
overall another good episode but I wish there was more answers. I think thats always though. Sasha slayed me this episode not only was her acting terrific I think the lines they gave Alison tonight were just so old Ali I loved it! Also loved the Mona part!! I think that was my fav part of the whole episode b/c she finally said what EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE FANDOM HAS BEEN SAYING SINCE LIKE S3!! haha anyways what were you guys fav parts of tonights episodes?
I give it a solid 7/10!
send me any theories or questions
its the last 4 episodes now so,
I wanna know everything!
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Send me a ship MarcoAce~!
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Marco is the werewolf and Ace is the hunter!!! I mean like, the concept of ASL as werewolves and Ace as an angry lone wolf is Great TM but also like?? The WBs are totally a pack and they adopt like everyone. Also Marco’s like, huge in wolf form and probably has fur a bit like a russian blue?? So he totally Looks sleek and deadly and then omfg he’s the Biggest worried mama around the smoll weres or the newly turned weres etc. 
I can also imagine being a werewolf is a pretty rare trait, it might be recessive rather than dominant (my friend and I the other day were laughing over the thought of people only being werewolves if they were born on a full moon and werewolf moms just being like NO. IM NOT HAVING MY BABY YET “m’am please the baby is coming now” GOTTA WAIT TILL THE FULL MOON “ma’m thAT’S LIKE 3 WEEKS AWAY”). So like !!! ace knowing a werewolf killed his mom and knowing his dad was a werewolf, so…………………..  
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Ace likes to work w/ his hands a lot!!! And depending on where you fish etc. it can be Lonely. So I can totally see him being a fisherman. But also like I can imagine deep-sea trawler marco + his brothers and just What the Fuck did they just catch. So Mer!ace and fisherman!marco
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Marco’s totes the familiar but Ace is a really really bad witch. Like?? He never practices, he barely does spells for people, he kinda just punches his enemies instead of cursing them….So like Marco just sighs in Perpetual aggravation and most of ace’s magic is!! run through his familair, and when he does spells they do them together. It means Ace is pretty powerful tho!!! and Marco’s really smart. Also probably why he can turn into a human w/ such ease too sniggers. Just. Was like. “Look gods, my human’s useless. I’m gonna use this magic and learn how to shapeshift okay??”  
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Ace is the barista and Marco is Exhausted 24/7 he’s totally the coffee addict. Like!! Usually he’s Amazing at balancing things and he’s totally a morning person and good at wrangling his fam but
When it’s bad??? It’s Baaaaad. He orders six coffees and drains two of them and then comes back an hour later for 4 more and Ace is like uhhhh I’m….Concerned,,,,,
Also Ace probably laughs Forever when people ask for recommendations bc caffeine messes w/ his narcolepsy medication so he can’t have it. His friends laugh bc his job is literally him being around caffeine all day, but the bosses like it bc he doesn’t drink coffee while he’s on the job lol. 
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
For all his faults and difficulty interacting w/ people, I can see Ace as a really really good tutor. But not a professor. He isn’t that interested in learning just one thing. He has to know everything. Anything he’s interested in, he just goes out and learns. It makes him Weirdly knowledgeable about the most random of things, but Bad for excessive amounts of study. So he’d totally be the TA, but he’d be even more scatterbrained than Professor Marco, who is on top of everything until One Thing in his schedule gets kicked out of place. Then he needs like 14 coffees to stay alive and walks in looking like he slept on a bench outside the lecture hall and Ace is actually the surprisingly organised one, and bounces in all cheerful and peppy.    
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
they’re both so good to imagine as princes tho 
Honestly most of the time I lean towards !!! Prince!Ace because, well, his dad is a King (of sorts). But like, if it’s prince vs knight then??? Abt 95% of the time it’s Totally knight!ace. Like??? Loyal to a self-sacrificial fault, would guard the prince w/ his life/dedicate his life to protecting Marco…Be ridiculously stubborn whenever marco’s like “hey here’s this….dangerous thing i want to do” / “DON’T YOU DARE MARCO” / “Ace I have a healing ability and aLSO I SAW YOU DOING THIS JUST LAST WEEK”
Also Marco’s better suited to diplomacy lol
my favourite thing abt royalty!aus is that,,,,they usually come w/ arranged marriage and then whoever is the knight/servant Pines to a depressing degree. Ugh, I love!!!! it!!!
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Marco’s the “”single”” (in the dating sense) of like………so many siblings, but also like?? these siblings are taken care of by so many other people, so like??? One week Haruta picks up the kids, the next it’s thatch and izo and namur all switching off, so like, dropping them off and then someone picks them up and then by the time it gets to marco ace is like right you are NOT taking these kids, how many parents do they have?????!!!???
“Communal living” Marco says, shrugging. Also I’m imaging at the beginning of the year just. Ace ccalling out names and like it’s basically a whole list of “newgate” and he’s like wtf
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
It depends on what’s being written!! Marco would write short kid’s books and creative nonfiction, whereas Ace might publish the weirdest, most eclectic collection of fantasy novels. Honestly they’d Totally be rivals, in a weird way, because they’ve read the others’ stuff and Enjoyed it but been like CAN’T ADMIT THAT. If not tho, Marco’s totally the editor and ace is the writer. Marco’s too Pedantic, and ace just. Grammer and spelling are too finicky for him to know Everything
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authenticaussie · 8 years
Cinderella au
I hope y'all realise that when u don’t specify a ship i just…..automatically resort to mas ///haha ha h hOPEING THAT’S WHAT U GUYS WANT ANWAY 👍
anyway idk if y’all will know the movie I’m talking abt but there’s a Cinderella adaption called Another Cinderella Story that has like?? hillary duff in it??? And this is based a bit on that;;;
SO Sabo as cinderella and when he was a kid he lived/stayed w/ dragon most of the time and dragon was going to fight for him in court but then the Outlooks were Shitty and got a restraining order on Dragon and Sabo was forced to stay w/ them instead and is generally just Very Stressed and all he wants to do is get a scholarship and get the fuck out of town and really one of the only things that makes him feel better is talking to this guy he met on the school’s online chat room. It was just meant to be a one off thing, because he was scared and anxious and no-one else was around and it didn’t matter because this thing was anonymous, right, he just couldn’t- tell it to either of his friends because all they’d do was try and “help” by encouraging him to leave but he- (he’s a coward, and he doesn’t understand how they can’t see that) his two friends are koala and ace  btw but more on them Later
Anyway he starts talking to this anonymous helper called Nix and Nix is??? super kind and calm and helpful and helps talk sabo out of a panic attack and gives sabo his IM chat handle so that they can keep talking because he wants to help and over the next few months they become friends and Sabo grows this Huge as Fuck crush on the guy but also??? doesn’t want Nix to ever know who he is bc he’s basically invisible at school and that’s the way he likes it, and everyone knows about the Outlook / Dragon scandal and Sabo doesn’t want Nix to connect him w/ that but then one time when they stay up all night talking Nix asks for his phone number and Sabo caves (he later proceeds to freak the FUCK out but at the time he isn’t thinking, he’s tired and he just really wants to get to know Nix in RL as well and he knows they go to the same school and sabo just wants a moment where he can pretend he’s a normal fucking kid).
Sabo also works as a tutor and at one of those old timey diner based places and!!! Ace and Thatch work there w/ him!! To make up for the fact that they’re FUCKING DEAD in canon Thatch and Ace are both alive and ~magic~ Literally magic. Bc I’m a sucker probably like. Fae-ish??? Defs some sort of magic but they’re Totally the fairy godmothers in this situation (once again tho lol more on that later). So Sabo goes from school to work and tries to study while he’s working and Ace and Thatch just kinda. Magic nudge help him bc their boss is Totally a dick and Sabo needs extra time to study if he wants a scholarship but he can’t quit his job bc he needs money to move out of home with and w o w it’s a lovely big ol’ mess. Ummm but like!!!! Marco invites Sabo to the graduation ball!!!! And Sabo’s at first rlly hesitant bc??? he still doesn’t want nix to know who he is but then marco’s like no no no i’m- uhhhhh f R I EN D S with the people running it (Marco and Boa run the student council and are fake dating bc they’re both Gay as Fuck) and it’s gonna be a masquerade???? So you don’t have to reveal who you are??? Anyway Koala steals his phone and glares at him until Sabo rants abt everything he’s scared of and she comforts him and helps him work through his panic and Sabo agrees to go the grad.
He gets forbidden by his parents however bc they. Found out his plans for college???? And agrees to a shift instead bc it’s Easy to sneak out for shifts only Ace sees him and he’s like SABO PLS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE and Sab’s like uhh??? working??? (Thatch and Ace, Suffering™ in the corner). And Ace calls koala and gets her to come pick him up and they run around trying to find costumes (I’m Torn bc like Captain Marvel Koala is nice but also Black Canary there’s So Many Options instead of just like. Zorro like in the original zorro’s still a good time tho ffft) but ANYWAY All the places are closed!!!!!!!!!!! So Ace is like alsjkhdfg and kind of looks around and sneaks them to the side and he’s like Okay this is Totally a secret and magics up a really really pretty outfit for Sabo and theyre both happy bc outfit! He can go to the ball the masquerade! But also hAHAHAH ACE WHAT THE FUCK.
 Ace explains on the way to the party and gives a list of some of his powers and mentions he can shrink and sabo’s like !!! Dude. Please. Come with me. P l e a s e. I don’t want to do this alone????? And Koala’s like Wow  Rude and Sabo glares at her and he’s like Yeah don’t even try and pretend that you wouldn’t skip out on me and she haf-shrugs and grins “guilty as charged”. UMMMM but!!!! Sabo and Marco meet and Sabo’s f R EAKING OUT and doesn’t think Marco’s there for him and blurts something like “n eed help finding your girlfriend?????????????????” And Marco laughs and he’s like noo, but uh….i do need help finding a boyfriend??? and Sabo’s d  Y I N G 
(whispers look I have More okay, Other Shit goes down, but I’m planning to try and write this later so I’m actually going to keep it to five points L O L sweats)
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authenticaussie · 8 years
Ahhhh, so I was told that you like Marvel stuff and that I was supposed to send you my Marvel AU asks. This is the only one that I can actually ever remember sending anyone, but M/S/A Marvel AU where those three are effectively Coulson, Clint and Natasha. Also Lunarshores said you like my stuff and I honestly cannot even cause I'm just like meep. Anyways, I hope you have an awesome rest of your day cause you deserve to! Also have fun with that thought. Also, what are your thoughts on Budapest?
Commissions! || Ko-fi! 
Welcome too: this ask is literally so old that it existed before we Became Friends. 
Sabo as the Coulson equivalent (SHIELD spy) and Ace as Widow and Marco is Hawkeye
Marco grew up in the Whitebeard circus and they were super close and really good and supported each other and were a b i t out there, just like performing people are wont to be, but they also….lived a good hundred years ago.
And Marco….just kept living. As his family started dying around him, as the years passed and he just stayed-
Marco can get hurt and has the scars to prove it, but he….he can’t die by anything like old age or sickness, and so he just keeps living. Keeps living as the circus starts to wither into obscurity, keeps living as the last traces of his family vanish like pieces of sand, keeps living and gaining skills and getting stronger and smarter but he can’t ever forget the feeling of watching his family die.  
He was a freelance head hunter/bounty hunter before SHIELD picked him up, and was bored and didn’t know what else to do, so just sighed and agreed to join them. They have a better pay rate, at least, and the healthcare is a nice bonus 
Sabo and Ace used to know each other as kids!! 
But Sabo forgot ;n; Sabo vanished and then Ace was found sneaking out of the facility that was training him and kept under better security. But one of Ace’s missions takes him to Luffy and he doesn’t look back. Grabs the kid he used to call brother and runs. 
And Sabo was the one who brought in Marco and got sent to tail Ace and see if they could convince him to join, because they were close in age, and Ace had killed almost everyone else who’d come after him and Luffy, but then this was Sabo, and he-
He hesitates (he’s never hesitated, before, in his line of work you can’t but this was-)
Ace being so cautious and quiet at first bc they bought in him and Luffy and Ace was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, for them to threaten Luffy to make Ace do something, but that just-
it doesn’t happen. 
It ends up making him Really Jumpy and Fidgety all the time until Marco starts Super Casually refusing orders and giving Ace outs and the ability to choose without any sort of punishments threatening him and letting Ace adjust to SHIELD at his own rate. 
Sabo has retrograde amnesia, and everything close to the explosion the red room (Ace’s institute) organised to kill him is basically gone, but he does have a few scattered memories of Luffy and some bits of Ace that are super blurred. They come back a bit, but that’s mainly because Luffy + Ace fill in the parts he’s missing
Sabo talks Ace through a lot of missions and Marco gets jealous (and denies it ofc, he doesn’t get jealous he’s an adult)
And he ends up casually bringing it up in conversation with Sabo and Sabo gets really startled because he didn’t think anyone had noticed, and then goes really quiet
“Ace- never had anyone on the comms. When he did- missions, before- no-one was there, helping him. I dunno, I guess I just- I just want him to know I’m there. That I won’t leave him to do it alone.”
And everyone thinks sabo will do a bad job because he’s so young, right? But he’s so tactical, he fights so hard to learn because he won’t ever let anyone else die under his command, he won’t let them get hurt, he’s lost people before because he was overconfident and arrogant and rude and he just wants to prove himself!!!
But Sab!!!!!!!! Also gets SUPER FUCKING FLUSTERED around Coby, because Coby was basically the original fucking revolutionary 
Basically it’s a Good Fucking Time okay ;u;
(P.S everyone Totally Flirts With Coby because he gets flustered super easily and is like 100% the stereotypes of Dorky Captain America ;u;)
Ace Totally huffs about it and fidgets a lot and is baaaaaaaasically a little envious of all the attention Sabo gives Coby by accident, but they eventually get over that when they’re dealing w/ Ace’s issues w/ self-confidence and it basically turns into the biggest running joke, and !!! Ace befriends Coby because COBY IS SO USELESS AROUND LUFFY!!!! AND ACE THINKS IT’S HILARIOUS!!! BECAUSE LUFFY IS OBLIVIOUS AS FUCK!!! 
and his one rule, his one stipend to working with SHIELD is that he will never ever shoot someone with his bow and he requests missions where killing is avoided at all costs or if unavoidable than only against those of the worst calibre/situations of extreme danger, and Loki makes him break that
Robin (Director Fury) questions Marco’s loyalty for a moment when Marco turns on them and Sabo grabs the table so hard that it almost breaks in his hands and Ace doesn’t even say a word, just leaves. Koala has to quietly explain to her about Marco’s code, and how he’d never do this unless influenced by something else. 
Ace who loves the fact that Marco chose that. Marco chose to never kill, and SHIELD respects that, and Ace knows he doesn’t ever have to be forced to kill - to hurt - ever again. 
Ace talking to Loki to try and find out his plan / where Marco is and Loki only smiles and promises that Ace will find out where Marco is when Marco shoots him through the throat-
And Ace can’t help the fraction of a second where fear almost overwhelms him, because that-
That’s one of his greatest fears. 
That Marco is going to realise how awful Ace is, and  get rid of him. Clear out the mistake he made. 
Ace hiding the fear he feels because he’s been trained and he knows how to do this, he has to figure out what Loki’s plan (he has to save Marco. He has to prove that he was worth it)
When they’re fighting, when Marco’s still under Loki’s control, Marco just whispers so carefully, so pleadingly, for Ace to stop and he almost does because this is Marco-
And then the to-vibrant blue of Marco’s usually dark eyes gives him away and Ace knocks him out and has to swallow the nausea that caused him
(And least Marco will be okay, he thinks, but can’t drive away the thought of Marco’s pleading expression, Marco begging him to stop)
Ace refusing to say that he loves either Sabo or Marco because he’s just- 
He doesn’t think he is in love with them, Love is bright and vibrant and fluttery, messy, nervous feelings, he just feels-
Comfortable. Around them he just feels comfortable 
(That’s not love, right? That’s not-)
and look okay you know what isn’t a good time???
Sabo dying
(or, at least, mar+ace thinking he’s dead ala Coulson)
Ace regretting that he’d never told Sabo how important he was, never telling Sabo how much he meant, and when they get a spare moment he pulls Marco aside and tells Marco that he loves the fuck out of him and Marco’s his best friend and he’d basically do anything??? for Marco???
And it helps Marco as well because he’s suffering some serious trauma from being forced to fucking kill people when he didn’t want to, from being forced to kill innocent men and women who were trying to protect others, from having to fight and manipulate Ace……
whispers marco and ace not. doing anything abt ace’s confession, tho. it’s there, and they both know it, but Marco wants to get better first, and Ace wants time to mourn the fact that for the second time in his life he’s lost his best friend.
And theyre toooootally not dating
even though they move all of marco’s stuff into ace’s room. and have date nights. and marco presses kisses to ace’s forehead whenever ace leans on him (which is often). and ace curls up into marco’s side when they’re sitting on the couch. and they defs don’t hold hands, or press quick kisses to each other’s cheeks just before one of them has to leave on a mission without the other
Totally not dating.
And then just when they think everything is going back to normal, when there’s been two years of dealing with grief and pain and growing closer and supporting each other even more intimately than before-
Ace thinks he sees Sabo. For a fraction of a second, on one of their missions, and he barely believes that it is him-
But there’s a moment of surprise and regret on the stranger’s face, and Ace knows it’s him.
SHIELD fixed Sabo with some of Captain America/Coby’s blood and he’s alive but he’s different now. He’s stronger and faster and he just-
notices things. 
Notices how Marco’s fingertips linger on Ace’s hand but Ace doesn’t act like anything is out of the ordinary. Notices how Marco looks like he’s about to kiss Ace before a mission but aborts it at the last second and hides his promise to return in the crook of Ace’s neck. 
Sabo who goes on solo missions because no-one thinks he’s alive and he’s highly-trained and now he’s got super soldier serum in his veins…But he’s there the moment they need him but he’s unable to look at marco and ace 
Looking at how close they are and just realising what he’s missed. Quietly letting them he supported them and cared about them and was sorry in as many ways as he could - through cards, through care, through always having their backs, through trying constantly to protect them, because he could now, in real life instead of just directing them while he sat behind a computer screen. 
(#tfw you can’t figure out who is who in a marvel au bc all the charas are assholes/morally grey)
Carrot is Thor!!!! and Detective Fury is Robin and Maria Hill is Koala
Ace gets confused by language metaphors sometimes!!! But he won’t say it because he hates being seen as weak, or that anything needs to be explained to him. He has to be perfect and in control and mysterious all the time, no-one can know that puns confuse him. 
(Sabo+Marco totally figure it out and always casually explain the joke/idiom so that Ace isn’t left out of the loop, and even when he figures out they’re doing it he can’t ask them to stop.)
They both know how much he hates feeling/looking weak or stupid, and they do!!! everything they can to make sure he doesn’t feel like that,,,,,,,,,,
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