#I do know I’ve got at least another play thru after this one bc like fuck am I attempting insanity while not having played in over a year
miceenscene · 1 year
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Ah shit here we go again
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averagedemoenjoyer · 7 months
this is very self indulgent bc i just got my period and i’m really sad bc of it soooo :3
sniper with a s/o thats on their period!!
(afab reader obviously, gender neutral tho)
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he does actually know what a period is since his mum explained it to him after his dad gave him “the talk”
this is because he asked if people did it all the time, and his mum responded with “well, not really.” she then proceeded to explain the menstrual cycle to him
that being said, hes usually pretty good with dealing with periods. he’s had some girlfriends in the past and he was pretty good at dealing with periods then. he struggled a bit with his first girlfriend but he figured it out
he usually doesn’t like cooking meals, like he usually sticks to just barbecuing stuff. but if you’re craving it? he’ll 100% make it. what’s even better is if you’re craving something that he can buy from the shops or order and have delivered
refuses to let you do ANYTHING that too requires movement, not even small stuff like grabbing the tv remote. if you do have to get up and go to the toilet or shower, he’s carrying you over there
if you want something, he’ll go grab it for you. and i mean it. anything you want, he’ll go out of his way and grab it for you. a blanket, a snack, something to cure your boredom. basically if you get your period, you’ve earned yourself a servant for a week
one essential that he will ALWAYS get for you is a heatpack. it apparently helped his mum a bunch when she got her periods so ever since getting found out about it, he’s gone out of his way to make sure there is at least 2 heatpacks in his van. not even just for periods, any kind of cramp really. (pyro offered to heat one up once, but didn’t understand that heatpacks are heated up via a microwave and not actual flames)
if he’s not busy, he’ll snuggle up behind you and watch some tv. he’ll do all that good old fashioned kissing your head, nuzzling himself into the crook of your neck, playing with your hair. all that jazz
(nsfw under the cut)
i know some people headcanon that sniper would like period sex. and while i agree, i feel like he would only do it under certain circumstances (those being; if you’re okay with it, if your cramps aren’t that bad, if he’s got a condom on him at the time, stuff like that)
if you DO end up doing it, he’ll go a lot slower than usual. he’s kinda scared that he’ll make your cramps worse, so even if you REALLY want him to go fast, he won’t go too fast unless he’s about to cum. as much as it kills him to do it this way, your comfort comes first.
also wouldn’t mind fingering you, but again he does it slowly, just to avoid giving you worse cramps. the same goes for eating you out.
if he’s the one that got hard first and you’re NOT ok with receiving anything sexually while on your period, he’s always open for you to give him head. hell he ENCOURAGES it. he would get you in a position that you are comfortable in and let you go at it, with or without cramps. if not, he’ll just jerk off either next to you or in another room
in general when it comes periods and sexual stuff, he’s really all about your comfort (he’s like that even when your off your period, but it’s higher when you’re on it) unlike other mercs… ahem scout-
nsfw section done
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again, thank you so much for reading all the way thru!!
i apologise for not posting for a while, i haven’t been doing too well mentally for the past couple of months, but i’m doing a lot better now and i should be getting to the requests soon since i’ve now graduated! so stay tuned for that and have an awesome day/night! also requests are still open, so make sure to read my pinned to see my dos and don’ts.
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jay-scenarios · 1 year
Concert Trip Round 2✨
My turn! It’s a year since we said goodbye here in Cali, but this time I’m coming to you. I don’t know if you expect me to do one of these or not, but I am. I’m so excited. I’ve never been so excited to wake up at 6 AM to the point where I woke up at 3 and 5:45 AM and only needed the first alarm to wake me up. As I’m writing this, I’m putting my laptop into my bag and getting dressed and ready to see you shortly, and I’m sending you my flights to track me as I get to you.
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I’ve made it to the gate. I’ve eaten breakfast and had a coffee. They’re still boarding the flight before mine. I have over an hour to wait for the first flight. It feels like I’m dreaming, and you and I are talking about how you were here just a year ago today. I’ve never seen the airport so quiet and serene, so I feel like it’ll be a good day. I’ll be writing until they call for me.
Well, I guess I spoke too soon. The flight got cancelled, but luckily I got moved to another flight. It’s not the best, I have a five hour layover now, but at least I’ll still make it there, even if it’s 5 hours later. Guess I have to find a way to entertain myself today.
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Alrighty I’ve made my way to Vegas. I was greeted with slot machines right at the gate and it gave me whiplash honestly. Having never been to Vegas before, I might play, but I’m not too sure. The airport is huge though! Walked a good ten minutes from gate to gate, with countless slot machines and a deep swarm of people. I have a good 4 hours left to kill, so I’ll eat slowly before heading back to my gate to try and kill my time lol
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I’m about halfway thru the flight now. Vegas airport made my head hurt, but everyone knew it wouldn’t really be my thing. My phone says 7:36, but that’s still PST and I don’t know what time zone I’m in right now. Probably central. The guy next to me is pretty cool. Told me about his book and likes to crack jokes. 10/10 person to be next to tbh. I can’t wait to see you, and I’m strangely energized after resting my eyes at takeoff. I don’t think I fell asleep but either way is fine. I just want to be there to see you already. Even if all we do is drive to the hotel and sleep since it’ll be late. Just being with you again is going to be so refreshing.
I DID IT, IM HERE. AND AFTER A LONG ASS DAY, WE MADE IT TO THE HOTEL. YOURE IN THE PJS AND WE DID IT. It just feels normal ngl, like this is how it was supposed to be the whole time. Like we were meant to just have beds next to each other and be able to just scream at each other irl instead of through message. It just feels RIGHT. Anyway, good night love. You need sleep like now bc you wake up soon. I love you so much and I’m so glad I was able to get here. Have good Yunho dreams. See you in a few hours 💖
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Do you have any tips for writing? Or do you just have an unbelievable natural talent?
I don’t— I don’t even know how to answer this bc…😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰 I would not consider myself talented at all 😫 I personally feel like I’m breaking all the rules when I write bc I don’t know them, the do’s and don’ts. I read an article the other day, and I def did everything on their “never do this” list. I look at other ppl’s writing and constantly think “dammit, I’ll never be that good!” So I dunno. I’m just making it up as I go along and learning a bit more each time. I still feel like a newbie even tho I’ve been writing fic for 2 years now. Since I never wrote before that, I feel like I’m playing catch up all the time. So yeah, no idea if this made sense, but I was blown away and am kinda reeling about your ask. Like, “who me?” So thank you from the bottom of my heart 💕💕💕 gonna turn into a puddle now 😭
To get to the other part, I did answer an ask awhile back that included suggestions for writing motivation and what works for me (again with the caveat that I’m more familiar with nonfiction writing). It’s super long, but I think it applies to your ask. I’ll link it here. There’s a lot of info there. I will say. I did try writing sprints after I wrote this, and honestly they got me thru last year’s Skam Big Bang. I’m easily distracted, but the sprints kept me focused. No sneaking off to tumblr 😂. And I also liked seeing how much progress I was making in real time. So yeah, sprints are great!
Other advice I didn’t mention in that post:
Write what makes you happy, what excites you, what brings you joy. It’s so easy to get bogged down with “will anyone like this? ” It doesn’t matter. Unless you’re trying to publish, which is a whole diff world outside of my experience, fic writing is for you and about you. It’s about your love for the characters or the show or the world. You’re sharing that love with ppl, and whether 30 or 300 or 3000 ppl read it, you’ve made someone’s life better. I still struggle with this, but in the end I ask myself what matters most, being proud of my story and being happy that I wrote it, or the kudos? I have a fic with 11 kudos, and that’s okay. So I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t focus on the numbers. Focus on writing what makes you happy. (Also the age old, write what you know 😂—but I have a whole shadowhunters collection, and I’ve def never swung a sword or fought a demon, so...).
So in a similar vein, there’s also the “is this any good?” question that haunts us. Honestly, just put words on the paper!! It doesn’t matter. Try something new. Experiment. See what you’ve got in you. You’ll never know if you don’t try. Try try again. You’ll grow and improve and learn about yourself, but that only works if you start somewhere. Fic writing isn’t about being a perfect, great literary author, it’s about finding joy in sharing the story that’s in your head with ppl who also love those characters. Plenty of ppl slap up unedited stories. There’s no expectation. We’re out there having fun. And anyway, writing is a process, your stories will improve from one to the next. Just keep writing. 
Don’t be afraid to take ideas from real life. So many of my fics are grounded in reality. Anything can be inspiration for a story. I had an ER nurse who looked like Merlin, and a sobbe fic was born (odd correlation, i know). I got bogged down thinking about how kinnporsche got their shirts off while handcuffed together, and another sobbe fic was born. You can also use fic/plot generators or ask for prompts if you need ideas. 
I don’t do this bc I don’t like being bombarded by information, but a lot of ppl follow writing and author’s blogs. They give out great advice, and Neil Gaiman in particular is very active and often adds to posts. 
Internet searches are your best friend. I have at least 30 tabs open when I’m writing fic. A thesaurus tab and all kinds of research tabs. You can google anything. Need to know what exact set list Queen with Adam Lambert played in Brussels in 2019, you can find that. (I did, haha). Sometimes it helps to ground your story in reality so that it feels more real to you. Will anyone notice? Probably not, but we can get a lot of enjoyment out of our research dives, and you’ll know, which is all that matters.
Read, read, read. As I said before, I never wrote stories, nor did I study creative writing. But i read a hell of a lot. I think that helps. I understand plot and character. I know grammar. I know the mechanics of story writing. I think there’s something to be said that the more you expose yourself to the literary world, the more you will be able to function within it. You’ll pick up on how things are done--plot organization, character development, etc. Also sometimes it can be just as helpful to learn what not to do.
I don’t know if this is even remotely helpful. I hope it is. I am a very insecure writer, and I still don’t think of myself as one. I’m still surprised I’ve written half a million words of fic. I hope this came across as more hopeful and helpful than negative nancy, but i do understand the woes and struggles of writing too. Please let me know if there’s something more specific. This was very general.
I apologize for the length of this and for the length of the linked ask. You know me, I always write too much. I wish you all the best in your writing journey, and I hope to read your work some day!!!  Thank you for this ask and for blowing my mind and making my day and making me cry. 💕💕💕
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mokutone · 4 years
yo i would love to hear some of ur trans yam headcanons :) (also ps ur art is breathtaking and whenever i see it reblogged on my dash i always come here anyway to read ur tags bc they r so! good!)
thank u 🥺��🥺 god im sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a couple days ksdjghsdkjgh not only have i got a LOT of thoughts to put here (this is only a selection of the bigger thoughts skdjghsdkjhg) i was also super busy the past few days!!!! ty for ur patience, ur compliments, and for inviting me to ramble abt my favorite guy!
maybe the one constant in all trans people is just like. our decision to intentionally and purposefully create ourselves, to forced into an identity by outside forces and to turn away from it in search of something else, and that’s ultimately what makes captain yamato read as a trans character to me! He goes through so many identities, and they are meaningful to him, but you can also clearly tell that he’s searching for something that really fits him.
I don’t really have a lot of firm thoughts on what his specific identity would be, I’ve seen some great nonbinary yams, some lovely genderfluid yams, trans guy yams, there’s a great variety and i delight in them all! 
I tend to imagine him as transmasculine and nonbinary but male aligned (which means he’d feel at least a partial connection to or comfort with masculinity) and while there are a bunch of labels for this experience of gender (demiboy, bigender, etc etc) i don’t see him as somebody who would use any specific labels, I feel like he’d keep his own experience of his gender fairly private! He’d prefer and be fine with masculine-coded terms of address, and happy enough passing as a guy.
AHH and on names...
I think Kinoe is the only name that I really see as like. a genuine deadname. It’s a name that means “The First” to my understanding, and so like, probably refers to him having the genetics of the first. Therefore, it’s kind of. literally a name referring to him as his biology...boy thats as deadname as it gets, huh? kill that shit and also danzō
Tenzō is also a name thats given to him, but to my understanding (all I know about the anbu arc is picked up thru osmosis lol) it’s a name that’s given to him twice, with affection. Once from Yukimi, who sees him as her brother (not a vessel for the first hokage’s powers, probably for the first time ever—even if it’s still another person’s name) He takes the name, gladly! Unfortunately danzō. anyway,
Later, when he starts to introduce himself to the non-root Anbu as Kinoe, Kakashi cuts him off and names him to the anbu as Tenzō. To my understanding: it’s a name at rest, not a name for one singular mission, but a name for his entire time in Anbu. It’s the name he keeps the longest. Again, it’s a name that’s given to him to him by somebody else, but it’s one that is given with the intention to free him of Kinoe, and all that Kinoe had to be. 
(A note on him getting annoyed with Kakashi for calling him Tenzō in main-plot:
Most of this is of course based off of personal experience, but I find it hard to believe that he would actively dislike Tenzō as a name since it was given with such sweet intentions—most of my names have been gifts, and the only one I’ve actively taken out of rotation has been bc i cannot stand the person who used it, and the way it was used, and while Anbu was certainly bad for Yamato...I don’t think it was quite that bad. I think him telling Kakashi to stop calling him Tenzō has more to do with the use of it where it doesn’t belong—for example, while it’s not exactly a name, I am happy to be called “mokutone” here, and you may notice my friends calling me by another name, but if any of those friends called me mokutone in DMs, I would be bothered by that.)
Yamato starts off as an empty codename, given to him for the purposes of his team 7 mission by the Hokage, but I think it gets such a loving and warm association from just...using out in the sunlight, with these kids that he comes to think so fondly of (he’s such a dad. god. he’s such a fucking dad) and with the friends he makes going out drinking and actually having time to socialize—and that means a lot! I think Yamato is probably the name which becomes most meaningful and like a home to him by the end of the series. This is the active name, the name where he is most himself. It’s vital for him to have that space to grow into! 
But that said, I personally feel like, if he were to continue beyond the edges of the story, this would not be the final name he bears. He’s probably well aware that a single name cannot contain who he is, or who he wants to be, and while being Given a name can be a beautiful thing (like i said, most of my names are gifts! i treasure them.) I think that, for his character arc, I would like him to name himself at some point. Even if it’s a name that only exists for private spaces, I want him to complete that self determination, to at least try it out, even if ultimately Yamato is the name everyone else will know him by.
Physical Transition Stuff
i will confess i hurt to imagine these shinobi binding 😭😭 even if an individual is binding safely (well made binder, no more than 8 hours, AND No Physically Intense Activity) they stand to risk hurting themself! In real life we gotta balance out the physical pain and the pain of dysphoria, but this is naruto and I’m Gonna Play Some Headcanon Games!
If chakra is both a kind of spiritual energy as well as directly connected to the body (as we learned in the hyūga fight) then it stands to reason that by manipulating ones own chakra, they can manipulate the body, or at least the way the body changes (such as naruto’s healing factor) 
This probably is not the safest thing to do unless you’re a mednin or following the directions of one, LMAO
The second the hell of puberty started up for Tenzō he tried to hold it back by sheer force of willpower + chakra manipulation alone 
but, manually controlling one’s chakra is like trying to prevent a stream from flowing with your hands alone, which is to say: an exhausting uphill battle.
 He’d probably only be doing it on his down time and not on a mission, but even still the most I bet he could make it doing that without getting figured out is two months.
Luckily blockers are readily available, Tenzō just had no idea and, gender being a private experience for him, was trying to handle the whole thing entirely on his own. Soon after attempting to self-regulate hormones him-fucking-self like a very valid but desperate fool, he gets an appointment, gets a prescription, and can chill out and not have to be as hellishly aware of his body constantly.
 Konoha mednin will say trans rights even if the village itself is garbage, this series is so god damn weird already, nobody can tell me a ninja taking hormones is somehow weirder than a ninja taking his dead best friends genetic superpower eye.
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u might think kakashi is passing him a water bottle and they both look so exhausted bc its post spar but no. physically theyre fine, but the emotional toll of having to talk about something either of them care at all about? miracle they survived.
#lesbians4tenten#Tenzō#yamato#headcanons#kakashi says that so heavily bc both of them hate going to the hospital but blood tests are necessary for HRT usually#also kakashi is definitely trans as well. i have less headcanons about that bc i see him as like. Even More Private than yamato#(he hides 3/4 of his face. trans icon. also personal privacy icon.)#so like skdjghdskjhg him getting involved is not a moment of Concerned Cis Meddling but like. 'ghghhg this is bad. i gotta step in'#i hc that like he was one of those kids that by the time he was four he was like hey dad im a boy and sakumo was like. fuck ok!#i guess i got a son now!#yamato just did not think about it much#also while i see him having long hair as inherently him repressing his identity it has nothing to do with long hair being 'feminine'#esp bc most of the older men in naruto have long hair. sakumo j*raiya orochimaru madara the whole hyūga clan of men#but instead much more to do with. him repressing being tenzō in order to be kinoe for danzō#and if hashirama had long hair. and all he is is a weapon for hashiramas power to be used through. he too will have long hair.#its also why i wont draw yamato with long hair. while he is handsome with long hair...and an argument COULD be made for him reclaiming it#i feel like aesthetically it represents a return to a relationship he had with his body and with the idea of hashirama#that i am not interested in exploring#perhaps in sage mode it goes very long. and then he has a friend cut it off for him every time#that i could draw#ANYWAY I think everyone should have as many names as they want. you want to be called something? that's your name now congratulations#trans? cis? not sure? doesn't matter the world is your oyster and you can be called anything you want#if people dont respect that theyre jealous and being rude af lmao#image desc in alt text#for all thats worth
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spookitapes · 2 years
nsfw confession below the cut !! MINORS DNI !!
okay i just got my soul snatched 😀 just hooked up with my old guy bsf/first ever body for the first time in like 5 years…let’s call him J! for context i am a 4’9 mixed emo bitch & he’s a 6’2 yt boy with hella tats….that man took my innocence and first introduced me into toxic relationships lmao !! but no actually…he really ruined me…had me crying into my pillow and then humping it minutes later bc he had me conditioned to think of his dick every time i cried since he’d have me sobbing on his dick any chance he got 😭
after i finally let him take my virginity i was ruined bro…every time we hung out i had to get his dick someway. he had me obsessed with him and his dick and that’s exactly how he wanted it, too. no matter how much we fought or got on each other’s nerves we just kept coming back because no one else could fuck like us. he ignited my size kink before i even knew wtf that was…i remember the first time he ever fingered me and i was so scared because his fingers were so big and he just kept telling me he’d make ‘em fit while playing my clit threw my panties…and god after we fell off i just never had another guy ever made me cum again 😭 only girls and myself since…
well we recently got back in touch and we’ve been hanging and chilling since he got out of jail (LMAO OOPS) !! well bitch he took me out since this mfering morning!! he bought me a fat ass breakfast, took me shopping, took me to get coffee and pastries from my face cafe, took me to the speedway, got me to try funnel cake for the first time, and after a day full of fun he took me to his house and proceeded to fuck the absolute shit out of me….
okay let’s break this down bc i’m a whore !! when he took me shopping he picked out this like light pink satin dress that fits me SO GOOD…it also has a slit up my left leg & makes my tits look AMAZING…well i ended up changing after he bought it for me and keeping it on the rest of the day…and he just kept sneaking glances at me the whole day and i was blushing so hard jfc it’s embarrassing tbh.
well he ended up staring into my eyes while he rolled and i just super flustered and i started blushing and looking away and he was like “no no no..i spoil you all day and got you sitting pretty on my couch while i roll a blunt to smoke you out…the least you could do is let me look at you while i do.” and i just wanted to mount him. like fully just yank his pants off and ride his dick into the sunset 😩
so i looked back in his eyes and i know he could tell i was already going stupid for him from the dumb ass smirk he gave me…well while we were smoking let’s just say i get bold when high…and today was my first day smoking in two weeks so j was pretty geeked by hit like 4 😭 i ended up in his lap with him smoking the blunt and guiding my hips while i grinded on him…bro he made sure i kept getting hits in and the weed was just hitting and i was so sensitive and god J always gets so dirty when he’s high bc he doesn’t have a filter…and he just ended up having to put the blunt out bc i was just begging him to fuck me like at that point i was soaking thru to his pants 😭
j finally got his dick out and i was just so needy i lined him up and just started pushing down…his dick is literally the biggest i’ve ever taken and riding him is just a whole different world of full. so be grabbed my hips real quick and he was like “careful baby don’t wanna hurt yourself, huh? or do you like it when i get you a little hurt, yeaaah i know you like it when i treat you a little rough, don’t you baby?” and i was just moaning out yesyesyes love it when you hurt me a little baby love it so much !
and after he finally got me adjusted to his big ass dick he just started fucking me on him like a rag doll…i thought he was gonna let me have some control but i should’ve known better lmao…i think i just forgot he’s so strong so when he started slamming my body up and down on top of his cock like that i was just floating dude…i’m usually not that loud in the bedroom but he had me screaming !! 😭
and i went to go take the dress off but he fucking growled at me dude…held my hands behind my back with one of his while he choked me with his other one and just started fucking up into me so hard, but slow..he was staring me in the eyes with these fucking crazy eyes like he was gonna kill me or smth and he was like “don’t you dare take this dress off, not when you look so pretty wearing what i got you. yeah baby, say you look pretty. tell daddy how pretty you look while i’m deep in your fucking princess pussy, come on. say it. say it or you’re not coming, not on this dick, not at all. now, fucking. say. it.” and when i tell you my mouth started blabbing! i was not about to miss the opportunity to come, especially on his heavenly cock!
mm i look so pretty daddy, so pretty in the dress you got me! thank you for giving me your big dick,- fuck, you’re so deep please baby fuck me hard please needacumsobad!
and with that he flipped us over and literally POUNDED me until i was squiring all over him and he just kept going kept fucking using me like his little rag doll….and i let him…and even though it’s only been a few hours since this happened im still probably gonna meet up with him in 15 minutes to fuck again, bc i’m simply weak. he makes my toes curl and idc if he ends bad i’m having fun and getting my pussy absolute obliterated !!
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Just saw where you were asking for thots, so how about this. So I’m a hoe for our man in blue especially when he’s an alpha. I can imagine where Alpha!Paz and his omega are collecting supplies on another planet and they somehow get separated, put in a group of alphas that try to scent or even mark omega reader. Next thing you know Paz is whopping those alphas asses and taking omega reader back to his ship. Add in some possessive sex and heavy scenting/marking/breeding, that’s your decision ❤️
OK SO ...i’ve been thinking abt this, and the way I see it: Paz has got that Mandalorian training, he fucking knows self-restraint, if he’s upset no one’s gunna see it—except maybe those close to him that know his tells. Also Paz trusts his partner, getting separated isn’t something to worry abt. He trust you’re not gunna go out of your intended way or do something really impulsive and dumb (at least not without checking in on the commlink first). SO the real thing would be if you’re running late.
Say the two of you have a prescheduled rendezvous point and you don’t show up? He’s gunna immediately go and figure out what the hold up is, hoping it’s just some merchant who’s heckling you—BUT should he come upon you being hassled by some alphas? oh no..
Paz gets heated. Like, think of the scene in chp 1 with him and Din; he’s all pissy Din showed up with some beskar and is quick to grab his helmet and start a fight—but I see that as more of a sibling rivalry, he’s quick to fight with Din cus they’ve gotten into hundreds of tussles growing up together. It’s as normal to them as saying hello.
When it comes to fighting people outside of the covert he is much less likely to strike first bc—and let’s be real here—dude’s got like a fuckin natural +20 boost on intimidation. His stature alone sends an air of ‘don’t fuck with me’. Now cover him in armor with a jet pack and fucking rifle strapped to his forearm? Yeah he can end a fight before it starts just by being present. 
So he walks up, and anyone bothering you (and few who are uninvolved but happen to be near by) suddenly disappear. Poof! 
buuut what’s still here is his pent up energy. Just, the sight of seeing you upset—and he can tell from body language and expression even from a distance (the scope on his helmet does help)—gets him worked up, and he wants to avoid frivolous fights in public but after it’s all ended he’s still got all this unused energy in him, all the adrenalin preparing him for the worse case scenario buzzing thru his limbs, and no immediate way to exercise it.
The answer he finds is you 👀
Where ever you’re staying, he’s gunna drag you back to bed and take his sweet time showing how much he cares. Cooing abt how you’re so strong and it amazes him and he’d do anything—ANYTHING for you. He’d spend the whole night railing you into the mattress whispering abt how you’re his good girl, his sweet girl and you take him so well, even when he’s rough—and oh, those sweet noises you make when he plays with your clit, he’ll never tire of it.
At some point he’ll wear himself out, rolling onto his back as he catches his breath. He’d deffo grab your shoulders and pull you into him, needing to feel your skin on his still, to have that grounding feeling of touch between his body and yours so even when he closes his eyes he knows your still there, and that you’re his. 
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
random thought of mine, which clone do you think would have the best singing voice? Ik they’re clones so they all sound the same fmdndn but still. i think jesse or echo maybe?
jesse would be such a beautiful singer, not a doubt in my mind. his voice is velvety, a bit husky with a hard punch of power. i’ve entertained this thought on multiple occasions and will one day write smth with singing jesse.
echo though? akhdkshkakdj i never thought abt him singing before now but i can totally see it, his voice being a bit less gritty than jesse’s but with a smidge more range and a clearness that rivals the scarif oceans.
gonna send thank-you’s to @obiorbenkenobi and @hxldmxdxwn for letting me ramble abt this post on discord at ungodly hours.
i made a playlist for this almost-au as well!!! find it here, and i’ll soon add it to my spotify shenanigans.
now enjoy me going into more detail abt these two boys than anyone asked for:
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genre-wise i think jesse would be a bit more cocky and playful with his go-to songs, and he will dominate the stage with his godlike dancing every time he’s given the chance;
radar love by the golden earring - this is the song he first gets the confidence to dance to. once the crowd goes wild for it and he realizes how much he enjoys moving around, he keeps on doing it. there’s this one thing he does that’s like, um, jolting/bouncing (not sure how else to describe it) but the crowd thinks it’s great when he does it.
sexbomb by tom jones - his dancing here is utterly erotic and he knows how attractive it is, holy kriff. it’ll bring the entire bar staff to a standstill bc damn look at his hips go, sex god much??? most definitely grinds against the mic stand and gfgalkdfjghlkf it never fails to fluster quite a few patrons (this will soon be a full-fledged fic so keep your eyes open)
no mr. nice guy by alice cooper - he jokes sometimes that he was actually quite peaceful as a cadet before joining the five-oh-first. it isn’t a joke tho and you can blame fives and hardcase for making him go wild. but this song makes him think of when he stopped caring abt trying to impress the longnecks and he enjoys hitting the higher notes.
rock the casbah by the clash - this is where he learns to snap his hips to every “rock” with a bit extra force. the crowd has a blast clapping along, some of the more drunk people screeching “the shareef don’t like it!” at the top of their lungs. it’s upbeat 
rock this town by the stray cats - he’s having a damn good time with this song, a lot of elvis presley vibes. if he had enough hair he’d flip it. he does a bit of air guitar and will sway his mic stand around and bounce his knee to the beat.
strutter by kiss - he loves this one, it’s a personal favorite. he;ll be running his hands down his body when he’s still, but the times he’s walking around the stage he’s got a hand on his swinging hips, literally strutting. it’s so fun to watch him embrace the music
bad to the bone by george thorogood & the destroyers - a joking request from fives that turned into a crowd favorite. fives didn’t think his vod could do it but jesse rose to the occasion as he charmed his way through the song with his fun swagger and playful air sax. he drank quite a bit of water after this one bc he was unused to using as much gravel in his voice as this song took, but he enjoys it nonetheless.
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echo would be softer with his choices, leaning more towards soulful and sweet in comparison to jesse’s wild side. he also plays both guitar and piano, i take no criticism on these points;
the night they drove old dixie down by the band - he plays this one after a rough mission and it’s deeply resonating with everyone there, everyone either putting down their drinks to let the song flow thru them, or grab something stronger to let it lull them into inebriation.
no plan by hozier - he sounds so beautiful with literally any hozier song tbh, but this one is his favorite. this was the closest he got to smth soulful before the times he duetted with jesse and he really enjoyed it. it was smooth yet passionate and is one he sang for the first time when dejected and unsure abt his future.
piano man by billy joel - he plays the piano for this song & kriff did it take him a while to both master it and find someone that played the harmonica well enough to join him. this is rex’s favorite song to hear echo play and will hum it quite often. echo enjoys throwing himself into playing this one in a way he doesn’t often do & he’s called “the piano arc” the first time he plays it. the nickname sticks but he likes it, so no harm done.
amie by pure prarie league - this was a fun song for echo to learn and he really enjoys how gentle it is. he’ll tap his foot with the music and just let himself go. sometimes he’ll catch himself moving his shoulders slightly as he plays but he doesn’t stop. when he plays this one, he prepares to hear his brothers hum it for at least a week afterward, it’s just that good.
house of the rising sun by the animals - this one isn’t heard until some time after he and jesse duet & echo exhibits his capacity to have a bit of gravel, which is absolutely heavenly when heard. there’s a lot of held-out notes here and a special kind of twang he’s able to finesse, it’s stunning.
skinny love by bon iver - he learned to play guitar to this song right here, it’s one of his faves and loves how tender & raw it can be. he’s heard covers of it that added too much to it & detracted from the intensity of the emotions, so he sticks with the original. it’s an extremely vulnerable song and it’s somber, but he enjoys baring himself without the risk of being shamed for it. several people cry the first time they hear him sing this song. (this one will turn into a fic as well, time tbd)
bad moon rising by creedence clearwater revival - echo sang this one for the first time tne night before the five-oh-first got their orders, which ended up being to felucia. there are always strange occurences when this song is sung & a few ppl will do anything to keep echo from singing it bc they think it’s an omen. everyone enjoys hearing the song, no doubt, but the moment it ends, some battalion or another is doomed to a bad assignment.
now if these two were to ever team up???? no one would be able to talk about anything else for weeks afterwards
you don’t mess around with jim by jim croce - they’re sitting on barstools in front of their mics, echo strumming on his guitar while jesse pats his thigh as a substitution to the drums. v playful vibes with this song and they can’t stop grinning as they sing. it’s fun and they’ll sometimes lightly tap each other with their feet throughout the performance to tease. lighthearted and always enjoyed.
all this and heaven too by florence + the machine - it’s got enough power for jesse but is also delicate enough for echo, achieving a great balance of their strengths as well as a tambourine. you’d probably think that jesse and a tambourine can cause as much trouble as hardcase with explosives, but he’s insanely focused on getting the hits right. no one expects to hear echo belt out such strong notes in contrast to his normal choices but damn they love it. and jesse?? softly breathing the verses with a delicateness no one thought he possessed?? they’re weak for them both.
soul shop by prophets and outlaws - they harmonize SO!!! DAMN!!! GOOD!!! echo playing the piano and jesse sitting on top of it just straight up VIBING. the entire bar is swaying with the music and letting themselves melt into the floor. none of them were prepared for echo to harness a little bit of gravel in his voice or for jesse to capture the melodic tone that echo doesn’t have to put effort into. this song, having a lot of soul and grit to it but is smoother than corellian whiskey, is a performance for the record books.
if y’all wanna hear more about these two darlings singing, or if you have any other headcanons you want to share/ask me abt, please don’t hesitate to pop into my asks!! i would love to hear from you!!
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icharchivist · 3 years
first: WAHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭 I got so emotional!!! so emotional!!!! so much that I can’t even do this first second pattern bc I have SO MANY thoughts!!!!!!! I’m writing this in my notes instead of straight into the askbox so u know it’s serious business™
ok so debut night!!! I was like ahah yeah it’s a tragedy whatever it’ll be fun to start out with and then the voice acting was SO good that it knocked me out of the park and I almost cried haha. it’s crazy how good the voice acting in a3 is like I love how the dialogue and voice acting works well together bc like it’s limited but so effective!! u can so very clearly see and understand the style they’re going for. especially like tsumugi’s death scene... the Talent jumped out it really did... uh and ok so. I think I may be a littleeee confused abt the play bc I had always interpreted tasukus last lines as raphael to be like abt his being secretly in love with michael. but now that I’m actually reading the line that’s like oh don’t fall for a human it only ends in misery I know that all too well or whatever... ig the implication is that raphael was in love with another human / the same lady michael was in love with in the play. side note I had to go back and edit the proper names in instead of tasuku and tsumugi lol... but speaking of!! speaking of the voice acting and the play itself I 1) love how blatantly obvious it is when tsumugi goes for that grander, tasuku like style of delivery!! like u could just so easily feel the difference it was wild... and 2) tsuzuru is once again spot on with his writing, lol... I felt that like raphaels inability to save or help michael really parallels how tasuku feels abt tsumugi so well, and it’s wonderful that they r able to resolve things and tasuku can properly compliment him on his acting where the angels fail to do so. it’s very good. and I think the play rly highlights (for me at least) that like. to tasuku, it was tsumugi who was sort of an unreachable existence. like were he to idolize and respect someone’s acting, it would be tsumugi. and I think that like caring carries over into their roles really well, because I think in michael’s love for a human tasuku sees like... tsumugi’s style of acting. the heart that he’d lost while within the god troupe. mb I’m losing my mind a little but ah. the play rly works with their relationship so well!! im very excited to see the other winter ppl get main roles tho—same for all the troupes!!! now this ask is too long so I’ll have to do another part lol
going to start off this second part of the ask abt hisoka bc oh my GOD. hisoka. like I was just thinking “hm where r the winter troupe cgs anyways” and then BAM. hisoka CRYING???? especially since he doesn’t seem that emotional it was a really hard hit!!! and who tf is august.... ok well actually theory time!! skipping ahead to the end theres that note that like mentions December and April and. not to expose my friend but very many years ago (a couple years before a3 was launched, at the very least) she wrote this story where there were like 12 orphan assassins and they were all named after months. I remember the main dude was named dec lol. coupled with my “hisoka is capable of murder” bit? listen.... I’m not saying anything but I’m also not not saying anything if u feel me. also I feel like assassin / thief with mysterious background is a common trope!! that was silver from the pokémon adventures manga too... why is this my reference point lmao. anyways I’m unclear if assassins would make it into a3 but like.... if the yakuza and supernatural stuff makes it in...
okay moving away from conspiracy theories and into emotions!!! the quotes from like EVERY mankai actor before the final production made me SO emo... and yay!!! they won!!!! (though admittedly I almost had a heart attack when no one clapped) but they won!!!! that ending cg!!!! and I adore how sakyo immediately goes after god troupe man (I know his name is reni I just don’t feel like calling him that) for the money lol it’s just so sakyo-like. also I love the lil mixed troupe interactions!! I found the game night ch so fun.... ahh, now I wanna reread that ch since it was so good lol
all in all I was super satisfied ahh!! I am SO excited to start up spring troupe again (HELLO character development!!! and chikage) and I’m even MORE excited to get thru all the act 1 events!!!! as a final note, is there any way to reread or replay the flair conversations? I didn’t want any spoilers for the plays while I was doing the practices for them so I kinda sped thru the first time ahah...
HELLO FRIEND IM SO HAPPY TO GET SUCH A LENGHTY ASK ABOUT WINTER IM LKDJFLKDJFLKFD  Winter makes me feel shrimps emotions (i know the whole “shrimps can see more colors than humans can’t comprehend” thing has been disproved but i’m not letting go of that expression, i REALLY feel emotions humans can’t comprehend anymore and i’m going to make it everyone else’s problem)
1) First about the voice acting, rIGHT this is just so fascinating to me!!! I remember after act 2 i came back to reread the main act 1 chapter and i was so thrown out by how GOOD the voice acting was, especially for the first few troupes having to convince you they’re not comfortable or good at acting yet. Winter whole thing is that they’re more subtle and mature and you really feel that with their voice acting, Tsumugi’s voice especially knock it off the park anytime he’s on screen. 
2) Second: what does it say about me that i’ve never, ever considered your reading a possibility because i was so set on “oh Raphael you’re in love with Michael sooooo bad you see it as a tragedy already because you can see him throw his life away” i didn’t even consider “maybe Raphael went through that too”. Though i guess if we’re going with that reading i can totally see “The Woman” they let themselves consumed by easily be a representation of acting or even more the God Troupe, with Raphael/Tasuku knowing to step away before it consumes him completely while Michael/Tsumugi, by his love and passion, pushed himself until he broke, which fits and it hurtsssss god Winter plays hits so hard.
3) Third: oh god yeah when Tsumugi goes for Tasuku’s acting it’s just. It makes me SO uncomfortable, i’ve experienced this scene like three times by now and the third time i was just “can i skip it i can’t go through this again i can’t Tsumugi i love you i can’t do this”. It doesn’t match the play at all and it just throws everyone off balance, and Tsumu you could have told theM YOU WANTED TO DO THAT.... god
4) Fourth: I LOVE YOUR READING SO MUCH I LOVE IT I LOVE IT YES YOU’RE RIGHT!!! Just as we follow Tsumugi let his passion consumes him until he breaks, Tasuku’s character arc really jumps out in Raphael, like, everything you say!!!  The way Tasuku/Raphael knew how the feelings Tsumugi/Michael felt would hurt him on the long run but he didn’t know what to do about it until it was too late, the regrets and the way Raphael voices his frustrations.... Tasuku struggles to be honest without acting (Tasuku pls i love you) but having such a role really help him expressing all he feels about Tsumugi and i’m HHHH this is so good so so good!!! but yeah i also love that Tasuku finally manages to actually compliment Tsumugi naturally, that he understands he can’t let him destroys himself again and it’s just gnhhhhh Tasuku is so kind and considerate and i care about him so much....!!!
5) Fifth: “i’m losing my mind a little” winter mood, winter mood winter mood- (though every troupe’s mood tbh but Winter is gnhhhhh kdhd hdhjf??? you feel me) (i am BIASED i can’t help it TwT) but yeaH i’m looking forward to see how you react to the others plays because the roller coaster juST BEGUN!!!
Onto part 2... Winter Troupe Chapter Feels... 2!
6) Sixth: DLFJDFKLDF HISOKAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHH. Hisoka crying fucked me up so bad!! so so bad!! Like on my first read i didn’t know what to think of him as he starts out very apathic to his troupe and then the more it goes on the more you can feel he starts to open up and i’m soft for this sort of slow burn, but then this whole scene happened and it HIT ME IN THE FACE, he was crying, i was crying, we were all crying, the Unopening Door opened a flood of emotions i can’t cope with. He sounds SO VULNERABLE during that scene and i know all of the Winter Troupe united on “taking care of him” but that’s really the moment i went “i care you and i will keep taking care of you” and look at me now. Thanks funky little scene for ruining my life. I’m glad you liked it i’m aldhjflkjdfkd Hisokaaaaa.....
7) Seventh: I am not commenting on the theory but 👀 that’s so highly specific your friend has a galaxy brain i love it. and i love the idea of “well we have yakuza and supernatural entity what’s an assassin adding himself to it” dLKFJDLKF i know everyone in Mankai calls Izumi out everytime someone joins but that’d be peak. I’m not going further about what December and August and April are all about but i love this plotline sO much, the few mentions of August when Hisoka regained his memories for a minute still haunts me, the guilt he seems to feel and this pain i’m just... godddd such a good set up. I love this plotline.
8) Eigth: EMOTIONS!!  Oh GOD YEAH THE ENDING WITH ALL THE OTHER ACTORS... I cried so hard it’s just. It really shows you it’s not just the culmination of the Winter chapter but of all the act 1 main plot and it really makes you feel how much of a journey you’ve been onto!! A3 is so good at showing you the growth of its characters that especially by the end of Winter you really saw how all of them grew in their respective chapters and how cozy they felt in their new home in the remaining chapters, and the fact this chap has those defining character arc’s lines really drive home “oh my god that was a journey” i love them sO MUCH.... 
9) Ninth: wE WOOOON!!! They’re all so good i just. i’m gonna cry just thinking about it dlfdjlfk i know like, the game has so many content so you know it can’t end at the end of Winter but the suspense really was there. BUT YEAH LMAO I LOVE SAKYO DOING THAT IMMEDIATLY, man sure has the eyes on the prize and we love him for that.  AND THE GAME NIGHT SCENE they are all sO CUTE and sWEET and they’re a family now and i’m hHHHHH i love a3 a normal healthy amount that isn’t just making me cry thinking about how all of them grew so close even through mixed troupes.
10) Tenth: I am SO happy you were satisfied with the plot so far!! I’m genuinely so happy that you decided to take that journey with us and that you shared all of this with me, and i’m so so happy you liked it!! There is still so much content and all of it is so worth it! 
11) Eleventh: Yes!! The flair conversations are all readable on the Mini-Chat tab! So they’re easily accessible and they’re sorted in a way that’s easy to read so you can feel comfortable skipping the flairs if you want until you have seen the stories the flairs are all about. They’re all kinda set during the rehearsals (except for some crosstroupe conversation that wouldn’t make sense if they were like how the Summer Troupe talks with the Spring Troupe in their Flairs DKLFJDF but it’s okay what is a timeline anyway) so some of them are set pre-development and it’s wild to get back to them. I love rereading Flairs i get emotional everytime.
ANND That’s it for this ask! i had a blast reading through your thoughts and i’m so happy and excited!! i’ll send you the drive now so you can start digging through it whenever you feel like it :3c good luck grinding for act 2, meanwhile i hope you’ll have fun with all the act 1 events i compiled for you!!
(side note i need to update the drive too but it’s mostly act 2 content anyway, the only two act 1 things i need to update on it is Sakuya’s birthday card i think?? i think Itaru’s is already in act 2 so i’ll try to get around to it eventually but it’s so far away anyway) (edit: i forgot that the three cards i got for the latest revival are from act 1 DLKJFD okay so i’m missing three cards -)
The drive has backstages and event stories and it may be a lot and overwhelming ahah. Focus on the event stories for the plot and go back to the backstages whenever you feel like it, no need to read them at the same time, unless you want to in which case everything is set up for you :3c and there’s a file with cards that aren’t associated to events too so... lots of goodies hanging around. I’ll send it to you in DM ;O 
Take care and thank you so much for all your thoughts! my inbox remains wide opened for any others thoughts you may have as you go further into it :3c
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wait r u fr? tumblr ate the ask? pls i’m so fuckin mad i literally typed paragraphs about how much i loved it so here we go i’m gonna try to be more coherent this time:
this mafia fic is my favorite haikyuu fic i’ve ever read and one of my fave fics in general. like the amount of hard work and research u put into it is so clear and it shows in the amazing quality of the fic. ur pacing, the flow of ur words, ur characterizations of tanaka and val, the way u pull off that last scene. everything is so well done and all of those things are super hard to pull off on their own so props to u for being able to do all of those. like wow i really am in awe of ur talent and i’m so thankful for ur hard work and the fact that u posted this like u rlly took me thru an emotional ride and gave me such a good piece of writing to enjoy and i love that.
okay so: details. i love the way u include the little things in the fic. stuff like the name of the designers and the names of organizations and stuff in the fic helps me picture the scenes so much and it just really adds to the extravagant feel of the fic.
with symbolism, i could literally write paragraphs about how well u included symbols in this fic. like i deadass gasped when the viper necklace was crushed in the final scene at the end right before tanaka did it. the parallels!!!! god ur so good at writing and obviously ur brain is huge to have thought of that and seamlessly included it into the fic.
okay so idk what the proper term for this is but like, the way that action happens in the fic is so well done and not predictable but still in line with what you’ve revealed to us about the characters. like ofc tanaka would pull the necklace out of his pocket at just that moment as a way to reveal to daichi what he felt. it’s just so perfect and so true to the person he is in the fic. about his characterization, god i love it so much. all of the pain and yearning and sheer want in his person were clearly conveyed thru his perspectives and his actions. like that boy just wants to be loved and that’s why it made such good narrative sense to have daichi ask him who he loves more in the scene right before the ending. like i saw the tag for death and expected a million things but u somehow managed to surprise me and yet still stay true to the world and characters u created and ugh, it’s all so perfect.
speaking of, the pacing of this fic is so good. like u manage to take us thru a whirlwind time period that doesn’t feel fast or drawn out or anything other than perfect. u have such a good awareness of pacing that it makes me so jealous and yet so pleased as a reader. like nothing about their love confessions or trysts felt rushed or forced. it felt so natural and true to the people they were and the world that they live in.
also i said before in the other ask how i love the way u utilize sex scenes in the fic. u sprinkle them in at just the right moment and they manage to be hot but they also reveal so much about the characters involved. like i’m specifically thinking of the scene in tanaka’s home where she asks why he won’t touch her and he says that she didn’t give him permission. like the love and devotion in that way of thinking felt so true and yet in the end he still did it and ugh that breaks my heart in the best way bc i know my pain as a reader is nothing next to his pain as a character. i would actually love to pick ur brain about how u decided on the ending. did it come to u in the moment or did u set out writing the fic knowing it would end up like that? so many questions rlly bc u created a world and a cast of characters that are so interesting like i would literally read books about them. (esp val. i loved how headstrong and proud she was but also how weak and emotional she could be. her ending made me sad but u kno, it made sense) and i’m especially curious to find out how tanaka copes after. like i can’t imagine that daichi would just accept his loyalty again but u do manage to surprise me in the best way so who knows. but i also mourn for him which is a little odd for me bc after finding out that he knew about daichi’s affair i felt betrayed and it hurt for some reason which is so interesting bc i trusted him and felt like i knew him, but u still managed to keep parts of him hidden, which is so cool.
oh and despite the tragic ending, u fed us so good with scenes of the two everywhere. like i love how we got to see tanaka and val in their own homes and at parties and we truly got to see how they act when they’re alone and when they’re comfortable and when they’re playing the part of loyal bodyguard or loyal wife. ugh it’s all so good and tbh i only finished it like maybe half an hour again but i already want to read it again bc it was so fucking good and the way u write emotions like yearning and heartbreak is so good like ugh. everything about the way u wrote this fic was so amazing and fuck tumblr for eating my ask but i hope i at least manage to repeat the majority of what was in the og ask lol.
hello anon <3
It is the weekend so I finally have enough brain power to reply.
I wanted to be selfish and keep this in my inbox forever, because this might be the kindest, most appreciative thing everyone has ever said to me about my writing. Toska is a piece of my heart and my soul in written word, and to have received something like this? It’s... indescribable. You have picked up on so many of the small details, symbols, and more that I littered throughout the fic, and you’ve called out the things that I was excited about people reading and reacting to.
Fic Spoilers below the cut.
everything is so well done and all of those things are super hard to pull off on their own so props to u for being able to do all of those.
Thank you so much. I constantly worried that it was too long, too boring, that there wasn’t enough smut in there to be sexy, or that the plot ultimately didn’t make sense. This means everything to me. Pacing is one of the most important things in a fic to me, because I am the kind of person that easily loses interest when I read. 
details. i love the way u include the little things in the fic.
ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I’m glad this helped you to picture everything! I actually used real life dresses, shoes, locations (google Villa La Vigie, it is STUNNING). I was a fashion student, and I now work in the fashion industry so small details to convery luxury is extremely important to me. I love that it made all the difference to you.
i could literally write paragraphs about how well u included symbols in this fic.
fuck, wow. this. This is what I was truly hoping for. I love figuring out foreshadowing in movies, in books, in tv series. I try to write things that foreshadowing what going to happen in the end throughout of every one of my fics, but this is the first time someone called it out, and I am truly grateful for it. The viper necklace thing is a moment I was very proud of. and when Tanaka tells Val to stop talking about Daichi when they’re alone on the bed together: that’s the first instance where we see his guilt that he knows. Also, when Tanaka says “why dont i finish what I started,” is another thing I linked to the ending.
the way that action happens in the fic is so well done and not predictable but still in line with what you’ve revealed to us about the characters.
kasjsdfhksjdfsd I always thought people could see right through me and how I was going to end it!!!!!!! This means so much thank you! I kept thinking, “fuck people know he’s going to kill her, this is so predictable, all these extra scenes are so boring, is it even worth it?” so AH thank you!
thank you again for the pacing comment <3
i love the way u utilize sex scenes in the fic. u sprinkle them in at just the right moment 
hehehehehehe this makes me very happy. tbh, I wasn’t expecting there to be SO MUCH PLOT when I wrote this fic. I had mapped everything out and planned for it to be about... 5k? words? It ended up being 21k all together lmao. I actually thought there wasn’t enough smuttiness in the entire thing, so thanks for letting me now that it was just the right amount. I was worried because the only time I actually describe them fucking with Tanaka’s dick inside her, is that measley one paragraph at the Monte Carlo Casino. When I realised that, I was in utter shock. I was texting @mindninjax in the discord server like “FUCK. I can’t believe I haven’t actually written sex sex.” Then I went into thinking how disappointed people were going to be and phew, it was a whirlwind of a night.
i would actually love to pick ur brain about how u decided on the ending. did it come to u in the moment or did u set out writing the fic knowing it would end up like that? so many questions rlly
ask away, send in questions. I built this world beyond what I’ve written. I have character layouts and plans for every person I introduced, and have ideas for fics on all of them.
To answer your question, I knew exactly how I wanted it to end before I began writing. That end scene is what I thought of first. Exactly like that, with it being cut off mid-sentence to represent her being shot. That sort of “boom” or feeling of shock where you just stare at the screen is the exact reaction I wanted to get when I finished writing, so I hope that is what happened.
So just, thank you so much anon. For everything, for taking the time to write out this ask a second time after Tumblr ate the first one. It has kept me going since the day you sent it. I really appreciate you, and please, chat to me anytime x
Thank you.
Spasiba x
12 notes · View notes
In your opinion, which fast food place has the best fries? i love me some mcdonald’s fries.
Are there hurricanes where you live? they happen every once in a while
What do you hate the most about yourself? I'd really rather not get into this right about now. same
What song are you listening to right now? nothing but catch fire by 5sos is stuck in my head.
What was your first concert? brad paisley 🤠.
What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? willy wonka and the chocolate factory
Who did you last say “I love you” to? My sister. probably same
Do you like pumpkin pie? it’s about the only pie i DO like.
Do you know anyone named Austin? no one i like
Do you know anyone who is having a baby? my friend just gave birth to a baby about a week ago
What was the last thing you cried about? i cried in the car on the way home from work last night while listening to jet black heart lmaooo.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? i dont drink milk.
Do you think you are an argumentative person? Definitely not. agreed, i’m conflict avoidant to a fault
How many deep dark secrets do you have? i dont think i have any
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? the hot wings from bonchon were pretty f’n spicy
Who last called you sexy? i dont remember
Would you class yourself as a good role model? i think for the most part
Are you scared of the dark? sometimes i am
Do you have a motto? nah.
Who did you last see on webcam? my club committee from school
Do you need a haircut? i just got one about a month ago so not atm
How would you react if your mother told you that she was pregnant again? that would be impossible considering she’s in menopause and has her tubes tied
You log into Facebook and see the red ‘1’ notification next to the message icon. Who do you want it to be? no one i hate facebook
Would you rather exercise alone or with other people? most of the time alone but sometimes i’ll exercise with my sister or in a structured workout class
What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? any bc i suck at video games
Ever watch the show Supernatural? nope
Ever heard of flavored honey? If so, what’s you’re favorite flavor? i’ve heard of it but never tried it
Do you remember what your favorite show was when you were little? i went thru hardcore icarly and victorious phases, also LOVED spongebob
Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? sometimes i’ll do bacon on mine
When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages? the length of a book has never deterred me from reading it, ever.
Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving? maybe
Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? not to toot my own horn but me
Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails? no
When is the last time you cried? didnt i already answer this
Would you ever date somebody that has been divorced more than once? mm prob not
What are some stereotypically nerdy things that you like? i guess marvel and space would count
Have you ever attended a wedding that ended where the bride and groom didn’t actually get married? What happened? no but i’ve attended several weddings of people who have quickly divorced
What scares you the most about becoming a mother (hypothetically, if you don’t want to have children)? raising them to be a good well adjusted person.
Would you ever want a job in fashion? What would you enjoy about that type of job? prob not
Would you ever be a surrogate mother? nope
What do you think would be the best and worst parts about being a twin? i would love having that strong of a bond with someone and having someone to go thru life with but i would also feel like i never had anything that was truly mine esp in early childhood
Do you feel that your childhood was more rough compared to others around you? my childhood was great compared to a lot of peoples and i’m extremely thankful for that
How would you react if you found out today that you were actually adopted? i would feel betrayed that i’d lied to for 20 years
Have either of your parents ever cheated on one another before, that you know of? How would you react if you found out today that one of them cheated? not that i know of and again i would feel crushed and betrayed
Do you like cleaning and organizing? when i’m in the mood for it
How would you react if you found out you were infertile? If you don’t plan on having kids to begin with, what is a long-term goal you’d be crushed to find out was impossible to achieve? i would definitely be upset bc i want to have at least one biological kid but in the end i would find just as much joy from adopting a child and giving them a loving home.
Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country? it depends on what other factors are in my life at the time
Have you ever been robbed? no
Is anyone close to you an alcoholic? my friend at college and that’s not even a joke that’s genuine. i think he’s getting the help he needs tho which is good
Have you ever dumped anyone? no
What kind of tea do you drink? I hate tea. same it tastes like dish water
Do you know anyone in a gang? No, and I hope I never do. same
What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? omg i still remember this bc i was blown away by how sweet it was. so in 9th grade i had one friend in my pe class and idek how we started talking but we just stuck by each other bc we didn’t have anyone else and we sat at our own table right by the teacher’s desk in health class and we actually became pretty close friends throughout the year well anyway i mentioned my birthday was coming up and she asked me what i wanted and i was like no you don’t have to and she was like do you want flowers and i was like sure why not and i didn’t think she was gonna actually do it but then on my birthday she shows up to health class with these beautiful purple flowers and i was so shocked that she actually got them for me so yeah i’ve never forgotten that ever. she moved away after that year and i never saw her again but i hope she’s doing well
What is your orientation? Gay? Straight? Metrosexual? straight but i have questioned before.
Have you ever done anything really dangerous or illegal with friends? nothing too wild
Name three feelings you’re feeling right now: bored, content, excited
And the reasons for these feelings? bored bc i’m at work, content bc i like the way my life is going rn, excited bc i get to go back to school and see all my college friends soon.
How do you feel about your life right now? pretty pleased at the moment
Is it easy for you to like yourself? Why or why not? no. it’s a conscious choice to like yourself that you have to make everyday and some days that choice is easier to make than others
What subjects come naturally to you? English, some aspects of science. agree with this, i’m very good at english and i understand some science
What subjects do not? MATH
Do you read more fiction or more non-fiction books? fiction but sometimes i like a good non fiction book.
How has today been for you? pretty good nothing too exciting
What did you do? watched tv and went to work
Are there any candles lit in the room you’re in? no
Are there any lava lamps near you? nope.
Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. agree i have 4
Are any of your friends a pothead? yes, several
What’s a goal you’re trying to accomplish soon? start working out consistently again and get into therapy.
Are you a high maintenance person? nope
The last time you yelled as loud as you could, what was the reason? i was at a karaoke night
Have you ever been heartbroken? yep
Who did that to you? my ex crush
Did you go through an ugly stage as a kid? ohhhh yeah
The last type of sandwich you made or ate: a ham and cheese sandwich with pepperoni and mayo
The last time you spent most of the day in bed: when i was at school and i had stayed up until 6am the night before.
The last friend or acquaintance you made: my coworker
The last thing you took pictures of: a rainbow
The last time you were scared: when i thought a car was following me the other night
The last thing you looked up online: manic panic hair dye.
The last thing you disagreed with: i don’t remember.
Does your house have a separate laundry room? yep
Do your parents still help you financially? yes, a lot
Does your car have a backup camera? nope.
Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? not to where they’ve been arrested
Have you ever had a pet that lived to be really old for its breed/species? my childhood cat lived to be 18 which was pretty impressive.
What was the last strong scent you smelled? my cat’s fart
Have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly? no way
Is your bed against more than one of your walls? nope
Have you ever been attracted to someone’s parent? um yes some people i know have dilfs i’m sorry
Have you ever pole danced before? no
Have you ever broken into someone’s house? no.
Have you ever seen a live bat? yup at a beach house in the obx
What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? i bought bonchon for my friends and i one time which was just about $100
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? no
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? as little time as possible.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? i had one math teacher in high school that consistently made me feel dumb bc i needed extra help to understand the concepts and couldn’t do mental math that fast so didnt like her
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? closest i’ve been was second row
Are your parents supportive of you? yep
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 preston & scout
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
i cn imagine them somehow being wrangled into babysitting fr her sister bethan one time n.... she has three kids who r all young (like 6, 7 n 7 bc she had twin boys then a girl) n they’re all a handful in their own way. the boys r SO boisterous n loud like they’re truly feral n the girl is very.... like scout bt..... an outspoken n absolutely fearless version...... the only time she’s quiet is when she’s reading a book. anyway. i cn see scout n preston being run RAGGED hving to look after these demons like the boys wld slap mud prints onto the wallpaper..... they’d pull drawers out looking fr their confiscated toys when they misbehaved n cutlery wld crash bc it’d fall on the floor... they’d run away frm the scene of this crime after..... bebe scout wld be like..... UR THE UGLIEST BOYS I’VE EVER KNOWN..... AND I HATE U!!!!! hurling crayons at her brothers fr their mischief... n scout n preston wld have to somehow neutralise all of this chaos. it wld be exhausting. i cn anticipate it mounting frustrations n tensions to the point where scout n preston might even bicker between themselves jst over stupid stuff like scout being like preston u can’t give them chocolate before they’ve had their dinner n preston being like cmon.... let them live a little...... this isn’t a dictatorship... n scout being like do u WANT them to b bouncing off the WALLS???? literally like a married couple.... they’d finally manage to put them to bed in bethan’s room (which ws renovated into a room w three beds fr them to stay in when bethan needs help aka needs scout to babysit) n scout wld usher preston frm the room to let them settle n once she thought he wasn’t watching she’d tuck each in n kiss their heads n be like love u hell spawns. then she’d go dwn n eye preston on the couch frm the doorway like >_> bt still go to get them a beer each..... i cn picture literally by the time she returns frm the kitchen preston being asleep bc the children r relentless.... n even if they’d been bickering a bunch scout wld roll her eyes n kind of smile abt it n swig her beer then put it dwn n grab a blanket n carefully tuck it over him so he didn’t catch a cold in their drafty house w a faulty boiler.......... sickening.
this is related to scout’s nephews n niece again bt in summer they always play in the yard w the hose n i can picture scout n preston having like.... a fight in the morning mayb n her storming dwnstairs n leaving him to get dressed n leave or whatever jst childishly........ n then by the time he got down if it ws summer the kids wld be prancing around outside n shrieking up a storm as scout sat angrily in a fold out chair watching over them........ mayb they’d all b like PRESTON PRESTON STAY N PLAY n he’d be like i’m gna head home............... n they’re like NO PLAY W US PLAY W US n one of the boys even sprays him w the hose. mayb preston wld join in playing w them just picking him up n pretending to fling him around n they’d all be laughing n screaming n scout wld be a tiny bit mellowed by this bt still stubbornly clinging to being mad...... her niece is like SCOUT PLAY WITH US PLAY WITH US n she’s like maybe in a bit. i cn imagine preston spraying her w a little bit of water frm the hose to b childish kind of joining in w the kids being a nuisance n scout being like WTF??????? n then snatching the hose off him n spraying him bk n it just breaking into an all out war where they’re trying to get the hose off each other n both end up soaking wet n she breaks  n laughs n he’s picking her up as the kids all cackle n scream. their fight jst somehow resolved in the space of half an hr when they were jst on the verge of another stupid breakup............. this tumultuous relationship........ no wonder their friends r sick of them.
scout’s dad is...... certainly a character n she hasn’t heard from him in yrs bt he made a big reputation fr himself in town to say the least.... was just in w some rly shady ppl n always fucking everyone over fr his own selfish agenda.... truly jst a liability to b associated w nvm to have as a husband/father so the wilders rly.... went thru it a bit w him. it ws like being buckled into a rollercoaster. nw he’s been gone a few yrs they’ve managed to pick up some of the shrapnel he left behind bt there’s still pieces n tht’s evident in the fact tht every so often guys he used to run w will come knocking trying to shake them dwn fr debts Poppa Wilder still owes them. he’s on the run frm the law nw n they hv no idea where he is bt they still have to deal w these repercussions. anyway. scout is very much like... I Will Deal With Everything In The World On My Own bt with luca in prison, jasper out n about all the time n rarely home sometimes bc he’s a free spirit, her mum working long night shifts n sleeping thru the day n her sister bethan being moved out w kids a lot of the time it’s..... just scout in the house which she wld never admit gets rly lonely after growing up w a big hectic family. i cn imagine one of these guys waiting fr scout after her shift at the diner n just asking her again when he’s gna get his money n her being like fr the last time idk where my waste of space father is!!!!!! n he wouldn’t make a threat or anything bt he knows where they live so tht night i feel like scout wld be kind of nervous n peering out of the curtains a lot jst On Guard in case he shows up to take wht he’s owed by fleecing the place or smthn. mostly paranoia idk if he actually wld bt. scout wld just be kind of scared sleeping there alone n even if she’d wna deal w it on her own i feel like she’d put off contacting preston until pretty late when she’d eventually snap n just be like. can u stay over tonight? n she wouldn’t text it either which is kind of unusual fr her bc she mostly texts bt she’d wna hear his voice to calm her a little i think. again none of this wld b verbalised she wouldn’t even tell him abt this situation bc she tries to be independent as possible n not rely on anyone else fr anything bt......... it would calm her down a lot when he arrived n ws sleeping nxt to her. i feel like his laidback attitude is quite gd for her in tht respect like it has a soothing effect at times..... others perhaps not bt <3 miley cyrus life’s a climb.....
i feel like her ex............. wld not be happy abt scout dating preston. he’s quite a loose canon / volatile character n jst............... scrappy.......... n antagonistic sometimes...... not the worst bt definitely not the best! honestly i feel like if he ever bumped into preston he wld maybe even pick a fight w him except he wouldn’t mention scout he would just act like it wasn’t related bt it Would Be. if preston ws injured in any way via this then i can’t even express hw furious scout wld be she’d actually lose it a bit.... KJGFKHFKGHSFKGHS hell hath no fury like a scout wilder scorned <3 she’d nurse preston better if he had a bust lip or whtever (she’s quite gd at doing these things after yrs of living w reckless brothers who were always getting into fights n also hving a mother who’s in nursing n taught her first aid etc) n she literally wld refuse if he tried to be like i can do this myself she’d b like SIT. DOWN. stomping around the place grabbing her supplies n being so angry until it actually came to like.... dabbing his face where she’d b extremely gentle. stark contrast. she’d keep ranting abt how she was gna confront her ex fr it n even if preston was like just leave it she’d refuse at first then eventually be like ok :) w a tight lipped smile bt. the next day bc she knows where her ex hangs out she’d storm up to him on the street n jst fking RIP him a new one she’d b fully shouting at him unleashing such an ungodly rant w no fks given to who was watching..............if it was in a tv show i’d imagine her rampage all silent as opera music plays over the top n she’s jst yelling in slow motion as a child across the street gasps so loud at the multitude of swear words raining in his direction.... honestly i cn imagine this getting bk to preston w how public it was bt i get the feeling tht even tho he might’ve been like nah leave it he wld find her unbridled wrath funny n know it ws rooted in hw protective she is of those she loves which. as reluctant as she ever likes to admit it definitely includes him at this point.....
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blacknovelist · 4 years
sup ok here’s the promised details on uhhhhhh All for One in @guardianlioness​‘s and I’s Ageswap Mess, formed by collaborative headcanon jamming on discord and then roughly paraphrased via a run thru the unfortunate Quadruple Lengthening Filter that’s built into my brain bc I’m incapable of being brief.
(something of an expansion on this post and this ask. Nooooot spoiler free, actually pretty spoilers, idk, will pop it under a readmore bc who knows how long I’m gonna go on also)
ALSO!! I can’t at u but @randommly-passing-mia u asked forever ago about Toshinori and AfO’s relationship in this AU and i answered what I could then but I’m pleased to announce this goes more into that bc I knew Very Little back then. :)
So, All for One! Now, I feel it appropriate to note that the previous post I made regarding the history of OfA in Ageswap, as well as just about everything I’ve posted abt AfO and OfA for Ageswap (except for the linked ask above, obv) was made before the arc with the League of Villains and Shigaraki’s backstory all came out. Now that we’ve got some of those contexts, we can go a little further in fleshing everything else out, which we did, a little, today.
Pls keep in mind that Ageswap’s goal is not and never has been to make a direct 1:1 translation of adults to kids and vice versa -- good lord we’d have a lot of empty spaces if we were doing that. So, uh. Anyway. it’s time for “we make a mess of the characters and also the timeline and the plot because it’s Our City Now”
Student AfO is a different creature to small Toshinori of our au. For the purposes of this post we’ll call him AfO, because while I’d love to just jump into referring to him as Shigaraki there’s a lot of confusions that lie down that road. Also, again, we’re calling mr heckhands mcmike Tomura, because Shigaraki is a name with Weight.
Because canon parallels, Ageswap AfO has a little brother who we’re making Kyudai Garaki/the Good Doctor and also quirkless for our purposes (whether he’s AfO’s biological brother is up in the air, we haven’t settled yet). Garaki has something of an intense obsession with quirks, constantly studying and doing research, not unlike Izuku, and the age gap between him and AfO is... about six years. Now, because AfO had already manifested a quirk of his own and that quirk had fearsome potential, One for All was originally going to be passed on to his brother, because before Ageswap Izuku, OfA had strictly been handed down to trained members of the family.
Tomura was a member of the group that had, through the generations, been working to fight against the users of One for All. To hit them where it hurt, he attacked Izuku’s mentor’s (we’ll call them the Mentor) home with a group of League fighters. When he found out there was a quirkless boy, and a second one who was all but quirkless for all that he’d been told to avoid using his own powers, he quickly took them in under the League’s wing -- both in an act of cruelty against OfA and out of some misguided sympathy for the boys.
The fearsome thing is the toxicity of the relationships Tomura formed with the League, and eventually with the boys. He meant well, when he took them in, but whatever this version of him went through... well, just about all his relationships are some level of manipulative and unhealthy by default. See: his tendency for physical closeness and being tactile, as mentioned in the ask.
He’s firmly of an opinion along the lines of “if you’ve got the power, and you know you have the power, and you’re not using it to do whatever you can or want, then why do you even have it?” and, for all of AfO’s childhood, Tomura tried his hardest to share this with AfO and sway the kid to his side. With the Mentor having dropped off the grid and abandoned the Shigaraki name in grief, AfO and his brother had nowhere else to go, but AfO was a smart and cautious kid: he couldn’t just listen without a fight, or a reason.
(AfO didn’t know Tomura meant to kill them, that he attacked their home on purpose. When he eventually finds out, he firmly believes Tomura meant to save them)
But Tomura’s persistent, and he doesn’t stop, and eventually he points out: if All for One is a quirk that allows him to take and give quirks, does that not mean he can seek out the perfect quirk for his little brother? All the reasons he’s suffered, AfO has the power to fix that.
That’s the thing that sways AfO to their side, that convinces him to stay with the League and learn under Tomura. Because if it’s for family, isn’t it worth it?
(AfO sees Tomura as a teacher, as a friend, as someone beloved and important. Shigaraki was AfO’s name, but it can be Tomura’s too, if Tomura wants. Then everyone knows they’re family. And Tomura accepts it -- another spit in the face of an enemy, a welcomed token from a beloved student. Shigaraki is a good name for the rest of the world to use, but Tomura, Tomura is a name for the League and the League alone.)
AfO tries, at first, to find other quirks for his brother while he trains, while his brother studies (while Tomura tries to sway Garaki to their side also, because look at what you know, what you could do with that knowledge, combined with your brother’s quirk, you’re so young and so so smart-). OfA is gone beyond the League’s sight, in the hands of the Symbol of Peace, so there’s no point on dwelling on it, really, surely another quirk would work better?
But then One for All comes back around, in the hands of this blond... nobody. His brother’s quirk, running around in a stranger. AfO continues to hunt potential quirks down for his brother and his brother’s studies, but he has a new goal: to try and claim OfA back and give it to who it really belongs to.
the problem of course being that he can’t take it by force like every other quirk, and killing Toshinori would merely render it lost forever.
Essentially, AfO’s primary grudge against Toshinori is the fact that he’s the current bearer of a quirk that, in AfO’s eyes, should belong to Garaki. And Toshinori’s quirklessness, or past quirklessness... is easy to know when you know the secret of One for All.
Some good stuff gets said abt AfO vs Toshinori in this answer here I think, and I’m drawing on it: Toshinori’s more instinct and heart to AfO’s logic and strategy. That’s not to say, obv, that neither of them draw on the other quality, but it’s what stands out most to me about the two of them and just, kind of their general dynamic (or at least, that’s how it seems).
USJ was a subtle message laid beneath a louder declaration. Two-for-one, if you will. “Wouldn't it be so nice to have a quirk that fit better in your hands? that didn't fritz or go funky whenever you so much as turned your head? A quirk you might not even have to coax and strain and train and change your body for?”
But AfO does not confront Toshinori until much later, until after the sports festival. See, the mall incident in this AU is a scene on bargaining.
He confronts Toshinori at the mall -- his face is not known, and it’s a simple matter to pull him off to the side. But there won’t be fighting here today. No, he only came to talk.
Questions, first. About Toshinori, his experience with One for All, what he thinks of other people’s quirks. About what it was like for him, growing up quirkless, left abandoned by so many people for it. Eventually, his conversation circles back around. I have a little brother. He’s quirkless, just like you. You know what he went through, what he suffered.
All for One even did his research, is even willing to play by rules closer to Toshinori’s own: tucked under his arm is a folder, with lists upon lists of people. Villains with sentences for life, villains under the death sentence, people who would have no life of returning to the world ever again. People who don’t have a reason to use their quirks any longer. People for whom it wouldn’t matter if he took their quirks anyway. “Take your pick,” he offers Toshinori. “I’ll give you whatever quirk you’ve ever wanted. I’ll even take it from a villain so none of your precious civilians have to suffer the loss — but that one belongs to my little brother.”
And, well. We all know he says no.
Why would Toshinori hang onto a quirk that isn’t even his? All the people out there, bearing the quirks that his brother and even his greatest enemy were robbed of at birth, and AfO has the power to grant both Toshinori and Garaki the power that they’d dreamed of, that belongs to them. He knows what it means to suffer without a quirk. Why won’t Toshinori let him fix that?
and idk specifically what Toshi would say, but I think it’s something along the lines of “no one asks for what they're born with or given, but we make the most of it anyway. That's how we're supposed to live.“
Anyway Toshinori and All for One hate each other SO fucking much but. Unfortunately, also just kind of Get Each Other on some level. Like, they despise one another but also, if there’s one thing they can believe in, it’s that the other will always Be The Way They Are. Friendly Enemyship, if you will.
There’s some level of pity that AfO also holds on the percieved coldness of Toshinori’s relationship to his mentor, Izuku. Izuku is... really awkward, in his relationship with Toshi, and while Izuku loves his student very much he has a hard time showing it -- and Toshinori thinks so poorly of himself, it’s hard to grasp how close they are from the outside sometimes. AfO totally tries to recruit Toshinori to their side, even after he figures they’re Tight and also even though he knows Toshinori won’t ever say yes. Like, he hates the guy, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a kickass ally.
Tomura would like Toshinori and AfO says as much to his face. “You’re more like him than I am, anyway. You can act without overthinking. And he wouldn’t care if you were quirkless. He doesn’t with my brother.”
(Toshinori hates that. He isn’t, he isn’t he isn’t like him at all.)
Tomura has also more or less promised AfO that, at the end of his lifespan, his student should take on Decay. AfO, of course, doesn’t want that and is on the hunt for a good longevity quirk to give to his mentor
In the end, the way All for One is kind of being played in this AU is something not so far off from Anakin Skywalker.
In Lioness’ words:
Noble in his desire to keep his family alive
But horribly misdirected
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 9: “Dear Diary, it’s me, Jaiden” - Jaiden
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I feel like I've had a breakthrough. I just survived my first merge vote of the game and I wasn't even having a meltdown. That's already miles and miles ahead of my last Tumblr Survivor season where I made the merge. Although I don't think my position in this game is locked yet, I feel pretty good about where I stand. I hope that the Touchy Subjects answers reveal my hopes that I'm not a threat to anybody and that people don't believe the common idea is that I'm shitty or too perfect or something. If that makes any sense. Basically I just want to know that I'm doing okay here so far. I feel good about my chances at that but we need some work to be done before I can say that for certain. I hate seeing Andrew leave because like I said he's someone that I wanted to work with, but I have to believe what people said about him being an over-player, a mess, etc. and just stick to my guns that I made the right call here. I kind of wanted to see if Joey would play his legacy for Ben but I'm glad I held back on that because I hope the legacy will come back in the future to save me. I don't have a lot of confidence when it comes to the literal minefield of idols and nullifiers out there. As long as I continue convincing people I'm on their side, or that I'm not the enemy at least, those things won't get used on me. Right now that we're on the jury, I NEED to focus on my jury management first and foremost. I am super okay with playing my strategic and social game the way I've been doing it thus far (obv learning from past mistakes.....) but the killer to my game 99% of the time I've made it deep in these things is how I get that jury to feel about me. Protect myself in game, but also set up a jury of folks who feel like they can trust me and only me. And.. hopefully some day I'll blindside Joey and he'll give me his legacy advantage.
...five seconds later
Tbh I hope that Jake reads this after the season and realizes that I never once at this point in the merge find him annoying. Somehow in his own mind he thinks hes like, the worst person ever and I'm trying to tell him he's not, he's great, we have a lot of work ahead of, etc and he's not buying it at all. Idk if this is him trying to emotionally manipulate me or not, but.. like.. thats my gameplan tf! 
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So Steph, Pat and Jeff were left out of the vote. But Jaiden said it was supposed to be unanimous. That means that Keegan, Liv and Joey purposely left them out. I don't understand why they would intentionally make enemies. Better for us I suppose. We just got to keep our ragtag group of 6 together: me, John, Jake, Kailyn, Jaiden and Ben.
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So the merge vote was quite interesting. With this being a 13 person merge, I tend to believe it is best to play a tad conservatively early on. This made it to where I figure the OG Palazzo would get a good 1-2 rounds of things their way before Keegan, Jake, and I mounted our little rebellion. As it turns out, I woke up to Jake and Keegan wanting me on call because Andrew was being as messy as he was on our swap tribe. Jake said that Andrew confirmed the OG Palazzo chat, something Keegan and I had already did, and that Keegan threw Jake's name out in said chat and Andrew shot it down. In reality, Andrew is actually the person that threw Jake out. He threw Jake's name out first on our swap tribe and he threw it out first here. I am really unsure what game Andrew really wanted to play beyond making sure he had options outside of the OG Palazzo. So from this point, we went around and got a feel for who we could pull. Joey had already expressed to Keegan that he felt nervous about there being a massive numerical OG Palazzo majority. The game is better for all of us if it is a bad more fluid. We ended up kicking Andrew to the curb in a 9-4 vote with Steph, Jeff, Pat, and Andrew voting in the minority. We talked in the OG Palazzo chat and those left out seemed to understand once we explained some of Andrew's missteps in PM's. This is good because I want some form of OG Palazzo to be there if it becomes something that I need down the line. At this current moment, I have heard no one bring up the super idol that is in Keegan and I's possession so I can only assume that we got lucky and no one actually checked the vault after we grabbed it. This could be due to lack of chips at the time or people just forgetting to. So for now, I shall assume everyone thinks that the super idol is vibing on the idol board, which is very good for me. Typically with a super idol, it would be super easy for you to get voted out the round after saving yourself with it. That is why I would like for it to get as deep into this game as possible. At the end of the day, the best part about having it is knowing its whereabouts and not having someone else possess it. So after TC, Jake, Keegan, and I hopped on call to celebrate. Jake revealed that Joey offered a 4 to him and Jake said I am good and should be included. This is how many current alliances are looking: - F2: Keegan and I - Three of Us: Keegan, Jake, and I - Meninism: Keegan, Jake, Joey, Jaiden, and I - OG Palazzo: Keegan, Joey, Jeff, Pat, Steph, and I This makes it so that the only people I do not have some sort of alliance with are Ben, Kailyn, John, and Xavier. I like these people but that is kind of how the game is shaking out currently. Ideally, I want Ben out next as it would allow my 3 to fade into the background and let what should be a consensus boot happen. After TC, multiple people expressed that Ben hadn't been very social. Now the current challenge is Touchy Subjects and I hope I do not get too many positive ones just because they could result in me being targeted. I think I am in a good spot to where I am doing well socially and having one on one's with everyone in some capacity, but I am hoping I am not perceived as any sort of power player at the moment. That fucked me in Trinity: Deception Island and I would not like for that to fuck me over here. I do think I have the connections to make it through for a little while. I see a path to the end but as I get closer I will have to evaluate whether or not that is a winning path to the end. Below is a short synopsis of my one on ones with people: - Steph: like nothing because I have found her super dry premerge - Jaiden: we have been talking about reading and writing and books and it is a good time - Jeff: he is a king and we have been talking about theatre and work and past games and shit - Jake: not as much one on one stuff due to our calls with Keegan - Keegan: not a lot but I have been updating him prior to updating the 3 chat - Kailyn: college and majors and such - Xavier: not a whole lot but he seems really sweet and messaged me "i am glad we voted together :)" after TC and I found that super wholesome - Ben: he has not responded in a bit but he wanted to strategize for the idol hunt with me - Joey: a decent bit of memes back and forth - Pat: lots of small talk but we have had some good convos and he seems to understand the Andrew move - John: we talked a bit about Atomic Nova Scotia Overall, I think I am doing well but not overtly so. This is ideal when we are still at Final 12 I think.
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I think Palazzo will vote out Stephanie :) They hate women
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Wow. I'm writing this after immunity results. I'm kind of just gonna word vomit. I checked off individual immunity from my checklist. And it's this challenge. The one that eliminated me in 26. The one that crushed 16 year old Jake's self confidence, and made him never want to play again. I got Hero, want to win, funniest, and stop talking which is kind of my favorite. I never ever thought I'd come back after 73 seasons, win THIS challenge, and in an individual setting. I changed history a little bit. And now I'm in the final 11. Ben is the easy vote this round, personally I'd love to see Stephanie go so that I can have Xavier to myself. But I can't push too hard. I controlled last vote, let someone else have a turn in the sun. I get to chill for once.
Now that’s character development!
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Move now or lay low?
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Final 12 feels pretty good, but final 11 will be so much better. If I make it through this vote, this will be the longest I’ve made it in a merge! And I’ll tie my placement with India :) Obviously I am still focused on my goal of making it thru til single digits, but I’m celebrating the small victories now so I don’t focus too hard on strategy that doesn’t need to take place this early. I feel like everyone is going to be looking at Ben as the dude they need to get rid of, so I won’t be surprised if he ends up going home. I don’t think that is the absolute worst thing for my game right now, but I’d prefer Stephanie or Xavier going before Ben at least for right now. I suppose I don’t have a huge voice on the subject but my pitch to keep Ben tomorrow is that it keeps Kailyn away from trying to work with Stephanie and Xavier who, frankly, need to be part of the next couple boots if we’re thinking big picture.. I don’t know if Joey will listen to me. Another option is maybe see if we can swing votes to Pat. Would anybody be upset to see Pat go home? Who knows. But basically my relationships are so little with Pat, Kailyn, Stephanie, and Xavier and idk what to do about them right now. I really just don’t wanna see those four link up and go super far because that would be kinda boring and really devastating LOL Another big win for me today was that I got put into the Meninist alliance with Jake, Joey, Livingston, and Keegan. While I’m not particularly fond of Livingston yet, we’ll see if he grows on me :) if not he can say adios. Since Joey is looking REALLY dangerous I’m gonna try to distance myself from him more and more right now. I don’t want people to think I’m drinking his kool aid bc I’m not, but I don’t want him to think I’ve turned on him bc I definitely want him to still give me that legacy advantage.. This morning I was thinking about how I can really give myself a better trajectory to the end and I’m a little bit confused still on what my winning conditions are for this game. What moves can I start making today that will set me up for six tribals down the line when surely the game is getting messy as fuck and I need protection from all sides? Maybe discrediting people like Xavier, Stephanie, Kailyn, Pat, and even Livingston aren’t the best things for me to do right now. I want to keep people who are in my corner safe such as Jeff, Keegan, Jake, and hopefully Joey but we’re almost to the halfway point of the game and it’s not going to be easy to keep everybody including myself safe. It’s no longer a question of whether I’ll win this or not. It’s a question of how I win. The merge is what counts I think.. everything before that was just the foundation for success. My foundation is cracked and not the best but I’m picking up the pace, I think. Whatever. If I have to use my social connections to Joey or John or whoever, I’m going to manipulate them to what benefits me. I don’t wanna go down that path of being messy but some day soon these ppl are gonna realize they should’ve never trusted me to begin with... because I’m coming for them.
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Me almost forgetting confessionals were a thing. Ben is really popping off here today because he knows he's the boot. And now he has created a "straights alliance". This... is such a weird day. I wanna just go back to bed and not deal with all of this because it's weird.
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6 years ago I wanted to pull of a move like this. I can get Ben to explode in main chat and with everyone. Pick fights, freak out, tank people’s games, just be a monster. And without anyone knowing, I’ll give him my safety without power. Idols will be flushed, mass panic, and I have immunity so I’m just chilling. We’re about to gamble baby.
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Dear Diary, it’s me, Jaiden. Ben went off the deep end today and proved that he was a wasted spot on this season to begin with. This tribe is only big enough for one messy bitch, and not only that but I'm one big fat messy bitch, so sorry Ben but your time has come. 
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I always get a bad feeling before tribal. I just hope Ben goes, and it’s easy and smooth and there’s no issues. 
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I thought Kailyn was horny texting me, turns out she's just high........ Kailyn, 5:15 PM so is the vote tonight ben ?? i’m kind of [redacted] rn don’t know what’s going on 😳 Jaiden, 5:15 PM yeah :/ i feel bad bc ive grown to like ben but no one is offering any sort of alternative omg whats redacted Kailyn, 5:16 PM 😳😳😳 legally, it’s a joke 💖 Jaiden, 5:16 PM IM??? Kailyn, 5:16 PM JSDJKSKA Jaiden, 5:16 PM WHAT do u mean uimm i cant find the up emoji but like UP u know?? Kailyn, 5:16 PM SJHDJDKSLA yes 💖 Jaiden, 5:17 PM omg queeeeeeeen i love that for u JOKINGLY of course hehe Kailyn, 5:17 PM for the laugh 💖💖💖💖💖 thank u Jaiden, 5:17 PM god we stan r u gonna be at tribal?? Kailyn, 5:18 PM if i remember yes ofc 😇 me trying to do my french hw rn: 🧍‍♀️🧍🧍‍♂️ Jaiden, 5:19 PM HAHA good...i wanna see u pop awf hopefully HJAHHAHA i love the emojis Jaiden, Kailyn, 5:19 PM NSHDJSJAJ ofc 💖 Jaiden, 5:19 PM god im truely living my best life thru u rn tell me something french Kailyn, 5:22 PM je can’t remember a word of français rn bc i’m so h word 💖🙏🥵 Jaiden, 5:22 PM *HAPPY!!* Kailyn, 5:27 PM so true 😇 Jaiden, 5:27 PM wait i hope we mean the same h word im starting to think its not the one im thinking of....... Kailyn, 5:28 PM DJDJDJKSAKALKAK uhhh not me accidentally calling Xavier 😭😭😭😭 Jaiden, 5:29 PM DID HE ANSWER Kailyn, 5:30 PM YEAHHHSJDJSKLALA Jaiden, 5:31 PM WHAT HAPPENED IM FUIOHWODIH thats so fucking funy Kailyn, 5:31 PM NDDHJDKSS I SAW MY FACE POP UP ON THE SCREEN AND I WAS LIKE FUCK Jaiden, 5:31 PM H9uhiudheiuhfH Kailyn, 5:31 PM AND HE WAS LIKE. DID U CALL Jaiden, 5:31 PM VIDEO CALL????????????? Kailyn, 5:31 PM AND I WAS LIKE UHHH Jaiden, 5:31 PM IM DYING Kailyn, 5:32 PM AND HUNG UP Jaiden, 5:32 PM KAILYN Kailyn, 5:32 PM NSHDHDKSLSLA Jaiden, 5:32 PM IM LAUGHING SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKIGNM HARD Kailyn, 5:32 PM ate some Good chocolate on this night 😤👼 Jaiden, 5:33 PM oh my GOD you're talking about the H i DIDNT THINK U WERE TAKING ABT Kailyn, 5:33 PM JDDHJDKSKALAP WHAT DID U THINK Jaiden, 5:33 PM maybe calling xavier wasnt on accident i THOUGHT you were talking about being high but UGHFWO)DJH CHOCOLATE IS AN APHRODISIAC Kailyn, 5:34 PM YEAH I AM WTF Jaiden, 5:34 PM WHAT] Kailyn, 5:34 PM DJJDDJKSLSPAPS NOOOOOO Jaiden, 5:34 PM I TOHUGHT Kailyn, 5:34 PM SHJDJDKDOEOEOWOWA Jaiden, 5:34 PM OMFG Kailyn, 5:34 PM BCUCNCNDODNDIEOEKOEW Jaiden, 5:34 PM WHEN U SAID CALLED XAVIER AND THE CHOCOLATE Kailyn, 5:34 PM WHAT THE FUCKODKSKSKS NOOOOOOO Jaiden, 5:34 PM I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING Kailyn, 5:34 PM DBHDJSKAKAKS BYE NOOOOOO DJDHDJSKALLAA Jaiden, 5:34 PM IM DETLTING MY FUCKING ACCOUNT IM DLEETING MY FUCKING ACCOT Kailyn, 5:34 PM HSHDHDKSKALA
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Naughty Alphabet ;o
@savnofilter , YOU HAVE UNLEASHED THE BEAST, PREPARE THYSELF FOR MINE WRITINGS. (That I hope are suitable to you lol) thanks for giving me that extra push to finally make my page!
Warnings: if you not into the naughties, get outta here before it’s too late.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
•Will want v much to knock tf out bc you sucked all of the energy out of him, (thru his dick). But will tend to you until he is sure you are all set and good to knock out with him. (Make sure you go to the bathroom after, bring you a washcloth, help hold you up in the shower bc he fucked you so hard you couldn’t stand....) Aaaaand don’t forget the cuddles, doesn’t care how sweaty y’all are.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
•D-UUUH, his hands!! So he can sMaCk that delectable ass, which is definitely his favorite. Grope, jiggle, poke, the possibilities are endless. But tbh he’d find a way to enjoy you just the same even without access to his arms.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
•WOOOOOOO-EEEE, this boy don’t give a fuck about messes while having sex-it’s called doing the dirty for a reason. He’ll cum on you, make you cum on him, you won’t know what fluids belong where.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
•Its kind of hard to pinpoint a kinky type dirty secret on him bc I’m pretty sure he’d own it. But I’m gonna go ahead and say that he secretly loves when you take the reigns. He’d do anything to make you feel good, but it’s just as fun to watch you going to town, pleasing yourself by bouncing up and down on his dick, not allowing him any access to you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
•HAHAHAHAHA, he was a sweet boi until he met you. But, Katsuki is a very smart boy, and will have you writhing and begging under him in no time.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
•D D D DOOOGGGY STYLE. He wants full access to that ass. Like mentioned earlier, he likes slapping it, groping it, watching Newton’s third fucking law of motion in play (google it and learn something new). Your ass, to him is fantASStic. And I bet he likes the sound of his balls slapping against your pussy too.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
•I can’t imagine you’d get anything more than a chuckle or two from him, and that’d probably be from how cute he thinks you are in the moment, or what a mess you are, undone by him. But if you initiated a joke or two, as it arises, I don’t think he’d mind and you might get a reaction. I really don’t think he’d appreciate it being continuous though.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
•BAKUBUSH FOR THE WIN! Groomed bush tho, it annoys him when it’s out of control and he doesn’t like the way it feels.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
•It might not be typical romantic, but I’m pretty positive that every time you guys do the deed, he looks at you like you are the only true thing in the world. He loves that you trust him enough and love him enough to let him be inside of you like this, that you feel he is good enough for you. Of course, the way he shows this is by fucking you mercilessly into the mattress.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
•Katsuki is whipped for you. (Though he’d never admit it). So if he doesn’t have access to you, or you are on vacation and he won’t be seeing you for a while, you can bet your bottom dollar that he’s gonna jack off if he needs to. And if he can, he’ll try to do facetime sex with you. If that’s not an option, he’ll do it in the shower to the thought of you. (Which sometimes he enjoys a lot because he can imagine whatever he wants to do to you, and how he’s gonna give it to you when he can see you again.)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
•Ddlg!! You are daddy’s girl, (or whatever name you prefer), and you and your entire being belong to him, and he loves making you understand that, and hearing you admit it and moan it out of those pretty lips of yours.
•Another one might be you dressing up and looking nice to go somewhere. Like a fancy cocktail party, or one of the hero galas he gets invited to. You guys are always late and everyone always knows why. He loves seeing you stand tall and proud, stomping in those heels and swaying those hips, ready to stab someone’s eye out if they look at you wrong.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
•E V E R Y W H E R E.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
•Anything that has to do with you. But the number one way to get him riled up is to play with him. Like playing dumb and dropping something in front of him, or “accidentally” brushing against his dick when you stand up, stuff like that. And playing hard to get.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
•He won’t share you, or himself with anyone else, so no threesomes or anything like that. He needs to have you all to himself.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
•I’m gonna say it’s an even split between the two. Either way, he wins. He gets to see you wiggle and unwind by his doing, getting himself worked up in the process, or just being straight up blessed every time you decide to go down on him in return. But he really does love just watching the way you react, in either scenario.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
•Will almost always want and do it fast and rough, but if you’re in need of some tender love, he’ll give it to you slow and sensual. Which will probably drive you nuts and it’ll eventually end up fast and hard anyways.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
•He’d rather have proper sex because it’s more fun, but he’ll take what he can get, just to be with you. Quickies happen more often when you guys are out and about and he really needs a piece of you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
•Bakuboi is a good boi, he doesn’t like breaking rules. So when it comes to doing it in public, it has to be in a place where no ones is gonna catch you guys. (Though he doesn’t really mind the thought of someone catching him giving it to you, cuz no one else can.) As for sexy time introductions of new ideas and toys? To me, he’s a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type of guy, but if you want to try something he’s willing to do, he’ll do it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
•I really think that for any human being, it depends on what kind of mood/day they’ve had. But for a good day? Hours. A really good day? You won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
•Nah, he’s fully confident he can give you all the pleasure you need by himself. He has to be the best after all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
•Bring some tissues bc he’ll drive you to crying for release.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
•Katsuki has them sexy grunts, the deep rumble growls that come from his chest, and the occasional curse word. If you guys are on the younger side, I wouldn’t be surprised if his voice cracked as he came.
W = Wild Card (Get a random head-canon for the character of your choice)
•If you got angry with him and denied him sex for a while, he will once again convert into Lord Explosion Murder Guy. He will be on the war path, probably throw himself into work to forget about how fucking horny he is, and everybody should keep at least five feet of distance from him at all times. He probably won’t even be able to relieve himself because he’s so angry he’s scared he’ll blow his dick off.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
•I don’t think he’s the longest cucumber in the patch, definitely above average but not a horse. But he got that girth. Even if you’ve tossed around your share of cucumbers, I’m pretty sure you’re going to have to work up to fit around him.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
•....It gets lower as he gets older, but set aside a private fund between you two for condoms.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
•I firmly believe that he is actually a perpetually sleepy boi, he will knock tf as soon as you are ready to do so with him.
A/N: I’m not always this ‘silly’ but this is my first post and it’s the way I preferred to do something like this. Please feel free to send in requests and asks and comments and what not, just be patient with me! I hope the format wasn’t confusing, I’ve never used the text posts on tumblr so I don’t know all of the features yet, otherwise I would have added a cut.
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Okay so I wanted to make a seperate post about this because it’s got me like  🤔 but i didn’t wanna get too off topic with my answer. context? The wonderful @luxury-of-insanity asked me to take a look at a pic of Tyreen he took during the We are Mayhem trailer. Here is the screencap he took for reference (because it’s infinitely higher quality than any of the ones I would take aha)
The topic was Ty’s tattoos and I noticed something really, really interesting here that I didn’t pick up on from the cosplay guide (like they were deliberately not showing where her tattoos end)
her tattoos stop before her shirt
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she is clipping thru her jacket a little bit here lol but the point is, that big tattoo bit just cuts off before it goes under her shirt. Just like Troy’s don’t go down his abdomen
Now as I understand it there are a couple reasons why this could be:
there is an awesome theory that Siren tattoos get bigger and more expansive the more powerful (and, usually, the older, im guessing) a Siren gets
Ty has unique tattoos like her brother, where they are different because they’re twins (? or something??)
Ty got her powers from a non-natural source- eg she isn’t a natural/normal Siren
The tattoos are fake and the source of her succ power is something else entirely
idk what the right answer is, but I'm gonna try to go through these 1 by 1. the first one has been talked about in depth a lot (on this blog) so i won’t be addressing it here, but the others i’ll try to talk more about!
minor commander lilith spoilers below the cut
so before we begin, i just want to point this out. All theories aside and looking at the facts: every Siren we know of at least has chest tattoos. Barring Angel, because we can’t see, every known Siren has tattoos that extend down her torso.
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At the moment, Tyreen is super covered up. Unlike Troy, we never see anything except her arms/head/parts of her thigh. We don’t know if her tattoos extend beyond her shoulder/arm. Personally? I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t. Amara has her hip tattoos, but no leg tattoos, like Tyreen has no leg tattoos (you can see through the gaps in her pants)
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it’s possible that Lilith is the exception (for any of the theories discussed) and the tattoos don’t normally extend down their left legs. We just don’t know for certain. I do think it’s interesting how covered up Ty is in general, considering every Siren we’ve met so far at the very least has shown off their chest/neck tattoos. 
Ty has unique arm-only tattoos like her brother, where they are different because they’re twins
Sooo the unique arm-only tattoos one. Not really much to say about this tbh? We know Troy’s tattoos 100% do not go further down his abdomen. 
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Timeline wise, I really don’t think he gets the tattoos after Lily has her powers stolen, but I can’t say for certain. 
If it’s the case that his tattoos are 100% based off Lilith’s powers then idk if Ty having only arm tattoos would make sense. Maybe it’s because they’re being filtered through her powers that he only gets arm tattoos and not full tattoos? Maybe bc they are twins, Ty’s powers got split in the womb (explaining the only-arm tattoos) or whatever and they needed other powers to awaken (or heal, cause apparently he’s sick- that could be the tattoos) Troy’s or some shit. idk, just spitballing here. 
But yeah, looking at Troy’s tattoos and the way they don’t go down his abdomen, beyond his shoulder area, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ty’s don’t, either.
Moving on from that one mainly because I don’t have a lot to say due to lack of evidence/info on it lol
Ty got her powers from a non-natural source- eg she isn’t a natural/normal Siren
This theory i am a fan of and y’all know it lmao
There’s a bunch of ways this could have happened: they’re products of experimentation, maybe they met an alien that gave them the powers, it’s the product of a Vault (possibly the red Vault we see in the HBC).
For the first one, it’s possible it was a corporation, be it Maliwan/Atlas/Jakobs/Hyperion/etc. Maliwan and Atlas would be my first guesses, Atlas for reasons you guys already know and Maliwan because of their elemental focus (and for some reason being on Athenas/having Amara’s tattoos on a building in the Academic District?). Hyperion is also a strong contender because of their research with Angel, though I don’t know about this one... We know they’re under new ownership, and I can’t imagine Jack would’ve captured Lilith/been so protective of Angel if he knew he had another Siren. So I guess it’s possible they were created within the 7 years between bl2 and bl3... Jakobs I threw in cause they’re apparently having a hold on the story of Eden-6. Doubt it’s them, though. If it is i’m gonna be questioning everything i know lol
It could’ve also been Tannis, as we know she’s experimenting on Lilith and [Spoilers!] now has all of Jack’s research on Angel. I have been looking all throughout the Backburner but can’t figure out where she had been staying, so it’s possible she is staying somewhere off base until her and the other Crimson Raiders take to space. That would definitely give her some room to start some funky experiments. Though I am curious where she’d get the test subjects. Also, I just realized it’s possible she could set up a room like control core angel in order to capture the twins/Tyreen. I’ve seen it being discussed that she could also create the collar Jack made which has me like 👀. She could’ve also done her experiments between bl1 and bl2, which leaves her with 3ish years iirc. Though I don’t think she has a lot of info on Lilith before bl2.
It ALSO could’ve been a totally new outside force. Kinda would suck cause all the theories haha, but hey, it might happen. 
Oh part 2. It could’ve been some alien bullshit giving Ty Siren powers (not that... siren powers AREN’T alien bullshit already, but you know what I mean). We still don’t know what the Seraphs are, yet we’re supposed to fear their return. Well we know they’re able to create the Seraph Guardians (that drop Seraph Crystals), so maybe those were them experimenting with creating their own version of Sirens? Or maybe a rogue Eridian/Guardian (a smart one like the Watcher) giving out Siren powers to offset the balance of the universe (6 Sirens) for some reason (war is coming? maybe it’s a civil war between the Eridians). Or some new type of alien. We’ve seen so many new flora/fauna in bl3, I wouldn’t be surprised if they introduced a new race of aliens as well. (in this context I mean alien like... intelligent ones. at least on the rank of human. probably more tho, let’s be real). I also am looking at those demon dragon looking things, idk they seem really unique and I’m super curious to see how they come to play in the story. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were a product of an experiment as well. They seem to be inside an Eridian temple tho (I will make a post on this later prob)
part 3. kind of a play off part 2 but whatever. The tattoos came from a Vault. we see in the HBC wall art that looks like the twins opening a red Vault. I think this may be propaganda art and that it’s just part of the believer’s stuff, like “join our cause and this will happen!” as it shows the twins with boxes of food and guns and shit, but it’s possible that they’ve already opened it. Maybe Tyreen wants to absorb the powers of the other Vault Monsters because she thinks that will help her Vault-gifted powers grow stronger. We know as outsiders that all the Vaults lead to a huge power (Hector and also the website used to say “Universe-destroying power”), so maybe that power is super strong Siren powers? (full body tattoos hell yeah) Or can only be opened by all the Siren powers as a failsafe and that’s why Ty absorbed Lily’s... idk lol
Okay and my favorite one of all of the options we have:
The tattoos are fake and the source of her succ power is something else entirely
so. okay hear me out. I know her tattoos look like they’re glowing under the surface, but they’re super ‘perfect’ looking compared to the other Siren tattoos we’ve seen. Could also be a reason they’re products of an experiment, maybe these two theories tie together. (lol) My friend (@bonelesspotter​) also pointed out that it’s possible to use jellyfish to make cats glow in the dark. anyway. They also don’t seem to glow when she’s using her powers (which are black and red/orange instead of the normal purple/blue??) (also thank you for allowing me to see this @luxury-of-insanity) 
I made a post about the tattoos being fake as sort of a joke, where they saw how Lilith had a cult as the Firehawk (Ty does tell us to thank Lily for the ‘Firehawk’ powers) and decided to masquerade as Siren(s?) in order to build their cult up.
and it is slowly, slowly, looking more and more like the truth the more we learn about Ty lmao
I am gonna posit the idea that it’s not her tattoos that give her powers, but some other sort of technology.
possibly? hidden inside her glove??? idk
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idk it just seems to clunky and BIG 
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seriously, this thing is thicc, i could totally see some sort of drainage tech being hidden inside. I know Moxxi’s weapons have a lifesteal component, as do transfusion grenades, so it could be based off that. I point this out mainly bc Troy is a smart boy, it’s possible he built her something so they could pretend they were twin gods. Maybe his sword/mechanical arm will do something similar/give him his own set of ‘powers’? Or maybe those screws in his left arm could also do it, too.
idk, this is all me just speculating. I will not be surprised if she is an actual Siren, I just like being extra when it comes to theorycrafting. don’t have much to do for uhhh 90 more days, sooooo
i am also curious if her powers have something to do with the tablets with the crystals coming out of them considering her lifeforce suck makes statues with eridium-like crystals coming out of them
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... maybe not. different shapes and all.
are they even the same ones as the ones on promethea?
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i do think there’s something on that tablet(?) on eden-6 that we gotta uncover by breaking the purple crystals cause when moze does it she uses a special melee tool and breaking them doesn’t add anything to her inventory.
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“let’s free you up”
but that’s getting wayyyy off topic. that’s all i got for tyreen today
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