#am I going to romance kaidan this first game just for the drama of it all? also yes
miceenscene · 1 year
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Ah shit here we go again
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average-mako-enjoyer · 10 months
Mass Effect LGBTQ+ representation issues and some headcanons
I've seen a few Mass Effect posts about the sexuality of the trilogy's characters, and I'd like to add my 5 cents, since none of those posts take into account the whole xenophilia aspect of canon relationships. And some of us are here for it. For the aliens. I am here for them. I'm not sorry.
Also, I have to acknowledge the fact that Bioware has made some very questionable choices, and the in-game representation is bad. Like BAD-bad.
I.E.(this list is going to be looong):
All Male Shepard/Kaidan Alenko dialog for ME1 and ME2 was written and fully voiced, but NOT INCLUDED in the final version of the game. And I know that the same thing happened to FemShep/Ashley, but that a bit different because...
The only "gay" romances in ME1 and ME2 are for femShep, and either with a female-representing human-like aliens (who like to dress in tight clothes that emphasize the size of their breasts), or with the equally feminine Kelly Chambers in ME2. Because, you know, guys who buy this game will be more tolerant of two "hot chicks making out" (insert a bunch of mods that make your femShep wear only lingerie and look like a TikTok e-girl) than a more realistic same-sex romance.
Especially when this romance is between two guys. Because ew. Right, Bioware? But you also wanted to sell your games to LGBTQ+ folks, so you installed a…
… so-called "gay button" into your games.
Before ME3, no one except for "hot chicks asari" states their sexuality. You can go through two entire games as a straight character completely surrounded by other completely straight characters. Oh, maybe Kelly likes aliens a little too much, but "who doesn't like asari", right? Even asexual salarians are into them. Sure, a straight woman like femShep…
"Hot chicks making out" really sells those game copies, I guess.
If you think ME3 is better, think again. The only two gay characters in the game are Cortez and Traynor, and they are both supporting characters, who are not even in your squad!
Cortez and his whole "I lost my husband" drama is conveniently placed on the lowest deck of the ship, so if this story offends your bigoted sensibilities, you can just ignore him along with the "dumb jock" Vega who is really unpopular with the players. Is it because he's really friendly with an openly gay character? Oh, who knows?
Meanwhile, Traynor is either mocked (oh, she found EDI voice hot and commented on that! what a shame! awkward lesbians, amirite?) or fetishized (don't get me wrong, Donnelly is funny, but his remarks about Traynor are even more yucky than the way he talks about EDI and lube).
But don't get mad about all this, because all the women in the trilogy are fetishized and heavily sexualized. The best example of this is Samara, whose character design is a war crime.
Bioware made Benezia look horrible (she tried to make Saren change his ways not with her power or wits but with those giant bazooms and the cleavage, I guess), and then they doubled down in ME2 and gave a warrior samurai nun a boob window. A FUCKING BOOB WINDOW. Because boys buy games, and they love boobs, y'know.
Oh, and any inappropriate remarks made by NPCs in the game are directed only at the femShep. Just like the MShenko romance, the male version of the dialog is fully voiced, but conveniently excluded from the game. Because guys can't tell other guys that they look hot in "that soldier getup". That can make bigots uncomfortable.
And let's talk about bi representation, because Bioware apparently hates bisexuals as much as straights and some queers do (trust me, as a bisexual I've experienced both types of hatred, and it's ugly). The only bisexual characters in the game are Kaidan and Diana Allers.
If you're a bigot playing as the maleShep, you can "safely" kill Kaidan on Virmire in the middle of the first game and not have to deal with his uncomfortable love confession at all!
So, yeah, Bigots: 1, Representation: 0. The bisexual is successfully killed, congratulations!
If you play as femShep, you won't even know that Kaidan is/was bi. Because who wants a bisexual guy who is comfortable with his sexuality? You can't sell that kind of romance to the good ladies who buy this game.
Diana Allers romance, meanwhile, is laugh-worthy. If you play as maleShep, you won't even know that she's bi. And if you're femShep, this romance is as insignificant as the one with Kelly, you won't even get an achievement for it! You can also kick her out of your ship without any consequences, so she will be KIA offscreen. You will find about it via fucking email. Bigots: 2, Representation: 0. Both of dirty bisexuals are successfully killed, congratulations!
The bi-xenophile Kelly suffers the same fate: no achievement for her romance, you cannot continue the romance after ME2, and she will either take a poison pill and die or be killed in the Collector's Base/Citadel offscreen in ME3. If she survives both the base and the Cerberus attack, you won't even get to say goodbye to her before the final battle of the game. Bigots: 3, Representation: 0
9. And I almost forgot about Omega DLC that kills the only female turian in the game. Who's also into asari. God, they did her dirty.
"Those were different times," you might say, but all of this could have been fixed in 2019, when the Limited Edition was released. Instead, we just have fellow modders changing the design of Benezia and Samara, restoring MShenko (one of the most healthy, respectful, and mature romances in the entire trilogy) and other gay romances in the game, making all NPCs flirt with your character, adding female turians and krogans to the environment, etc., etc.
Still, I think these games are great. The characters, the cinematics, some aspects of the writing, great! I love that canon. But the LGBTQ+ representation in those games sucks. Big time. But that doesn't stop me from having a bunch of headcanons. For the sake of convenience, I'm going to separate out all the characters for the games in which they debut.
Mass Effect:
MaleShep/FemShep: Both are canonically bi. Both don't mind the alien physiology thing and polyamory. Both are "married to your job" type, so they were okay with casual sex and one-night stands, and only mellowed out while in charge of the Normandy crew. Because of convenience, both had more hetero than same-sex hookups.
Ashley: Straight as a plank and xenophobic, but not homophobic. She's definitely into maleShep, but more into the idea of him as a sole survivor/war hero/butcher of Torfan than an actual person.
Garrus: He likes turian and quarian women. And both fem and maleShep. But with maleShep, he's more busy with the whole "flirt him to death" aspect of their bromance, so there's really no time to get on the floor and get dirty.
I also feel that turian society in the game is very patriarchal, so Garrus has a bias towards femShep and feels less restricted by her rank. With mShep, I think he would have only acted if mShep had specifically pursued that relationship. But mShep is also more interested in just flirting with Garrus.
Kaidan: Canonically bisexual (more into women) and demi. Not into aliens, but not xenophobic. Not a stranger to casual sex, but would really prefer to go steady because #introverted and has enough problems already. "How can you flirt with all these people, Shepard, it's exhausting…"
Liara: She's into both versions of Shepard. And maybe a bit into one drell. Classic demi/asexual. Also, imo, all asari are agender and Liara is not an exception.
Tali: Is a mess and can definitely go cross-species (her romance with Garrus is canon, after all). She's also a massive nerd and a bit kinky. I think she's into human/turian/quarian males, but maybe this femShep really is THAT SPECIAL.
Wrex: Krogan women - that's his sexual orientation. Real bros with mShep, more cautious with femShep because bias. Another "married to his job" character.
Joker: Straight and nerdy. #Irony. Too cool for homophobia.
Chakwas: More married to her job than anyone on this list. Cool lesbian aunt.
And this post is already so long that I'll make a separate one for ME2 and 3.
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mightymizora · 3 months
you asked me about solas and now I am here to ask about thom rainier! if you have a ted talk, i would love to hear it :D
(but also: how did your inquisitor deal with him??? how did you feel about how the confession went down in-game?)
haha WELL my canon Inquisitor is also an elf who romanced Solas (my second playthrough, I decided that it was best for the balance between the two so I will talk a little about both.)
My first inquisitor was a Cadash, and I tell you from pre-game (much like Gale) Blackwall was my least likely romance option. I had thought it would be Sera but then my character was older and it felt much more like a mother/daughter kind of thing - Blackwall completely sucker-punched me and was very unexpected.
The thing I love about him is he is just. A guy? He's like, the most just a guy I think I've ever seen in a bioware game, even more so than Kaidan! When you meet him he just seems quite shy and serious, with little flashes of a cheeky nature. And then... I'm going to go under the cut as I know some people are playing Inquisition for the first time...
The sort of doomed lover approach is something I loved for the drama, but I was NOT prepared for the reveal of why! I absolutely loved it. I had very much assumed that he was just an older Warden experiencing his calling and not wanting to get involved, and then to find out that he had done what he had done completely chilled me. I loved the drama of the reveal, how it completely repainted everything that came before it, and the fact that to save him a Cadash or Adaar can be forced to lean on their old criminal connections, something he, a man trying to atone, would hate SO much.
My main criticism of the romance (aside from the voice actor's wildly inconsistent performance, man I don't know how I coped with it) is what happens after that moment. The kiss in the throne room would NEVER have happened with my Cadash, even if she definitely leverages her power to keep him. And then it's very neatly resolved, which again isn't how I read it and isn't how I started to write it to "fix it." They have a very painful few years rebuilding their relationship and marriage with a lot of further mistakes on both sides, which to me feels right.
The thing I think I love the most about him and how he is written is that he's on a genuine redemption path. He is so obviously not the man he was - the gambler, the social climber, the cold soldier, the womaniser. He is genuinely on a path of atonement and I love that even if you give him the "out" of freedom, he still takes the time to try and atone, journeying around the Marches to try and do what's right. It's extremely rare to me that you see a redemption path done right - mostly because these things take time and changed behaviour and most fiction doesn't have the space to do it, and I adore how it works in Inquisition.
As for my canon inquisitor, they have a very solid friendship that is really, really rocked by the reveal. She sends him to become a warden, which again feels like the right path for him and is certainly what she thinks is his destiny. She's reeling from the recent deaths of her children and grandchildren, so their friendship never recovers from what he confesses.
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Officially opening for submissions on March 13.  (Submissions posting two to four weeks later)
Since the announcement of the legendary edition, I have received close to 100 really kind messages requests from people wanting the confession blog to reopen. I just want to say I am truly appreciative of all of them.
I ultimately made the decision to resurrect the blog because I love the series and I love the fandom..... when its not eating itself with rage, negativity and bullying.
And I have to admit this was not an easy decision because back when the blog was first opened the final year of the blog was not a pleasant or a very fun experience and that is putting it mildly. The Mass Effect Fandom is just not the same as Dragon Age Fandom.
And so in order to avoid stress, unnecessary drama, and any possible hate mail I decided there would have to be some changes to the blog so the following are some of the new rules I decided on.
First it goes without saying that many of the rules will be exactly the same as they are for Dragon Age Confessions.
1.  Always Check the tags to see if a confession has posted recently that looks like one you want to submit.  Please then reblog that confession rather than sending a new one.
2. I will not accept:
  A) Name dropping of other fans within the Tumblr fandom (either positive or or negative).   B)  Highly triggering explicit content.  HOWEVER, I will accept survivor stories and how the game has aided in healing, as long as it is NOT highly detailed.
  C) Under no circumstance will confessions relating to hate speech about a particular out of game (or some in game) race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or any other be published.  They will be deleted from the inbox without comment.
  D)  Libelous/slanderous  confessions of any kind about other fans or the game creators.
  E) Please keep confessions PG-13- there are other blogs that will take R and X rated confessions (see our other cool sites tab)   Please  don’t use emojis in your confessions. They don’t display properly in the inbox. (I have no tried the beta of the new editor yet so that might have changed.)
3)  I also will not be accepting any sort of super short confessions like "Ashley is racist", "Kaidan is a whiny crybaby", "Thane is too emotional"  "Liam needs to fucking die", etc.
A) These confessions do not accomplish anything except piss people off, cause drama and cause me stress. And these things have been said over and over and over that  they are NOT worth repeating.  
B) Character and game critical posts are welcome of course  but please just put some thought into them.  
C) I will also try to pair any sort critical confessions with positive ones the same way I pair them on Dragon Age Confessions
4)  I will NOT be accepting any sort of conspiracy related posts/theories regarding BioWare, EA, Andromeda, Anthem etc.  And that includes "BioWare is Dead" posts. The fandom has been spewing BioWare is dead posts, since the days of Dragon Age 2.  Its a broken record now.   
A) Andromeda Critical submissions will be accepted but will be deleted if they contain profanity, harassment, etc toward the developers. The developers are human beings. They have families. They deal with enough crap from the fandom and I refuse to add to it. 
B) I will also delete confessions that use ableist terms and basically shame those in fandom who enjoyed Andromeda.
5) Pairings/Ships
Since the announcement of the Legendary Edition I have seen certain tags being invaded. People can ship who they want to ship just don't be obnoxious about it.
If you want to confess/lament about some pairing not being available go for it. Feel free to shout it to the world!!
I'm just going to really watch the submissions regarding ships because some of them really caused drama as well as stress.   Love who you want to love but please please do not send me submissions that shame people for not being into your ship. 
Here is an example of what I will delete -----> “I don’t understand why anybody would want to romance “Insert Name here” when they can have “Insert Name Here”.   Confessions like that only piss people off and cause a massive headache for me. 
Like I said...Love who you want to love. Feel free to confess it just do NOT be obnoxious about it. Please.
6) Also if you see any confession tagged where they do NOT belong please feel free to send me a message and if the perpetrator is identified, they will be BLOCKED.
7) I will also be accepting confessor created confessions the way I do with Dragon Age Confessions.  Just make sure they are a decent size since Tumblr shrinks them and please add the caption so I can simply copy and paste.
8) If you have a particular screenshot you want with your confession, feel free to submit just please please make sure its a good size because Tumblr really shrinks them.
9) When this blog first reopens Anonymous will be off. I will turn on Anonymous eventually but not now. 75% of the time Anonymous is off with Dragon Age Confessions. Your identity will always be protected.
10) Tumblr has finally give us the ability to delete replies in posts. (ABOUT FREAKING TIME!!! ) If I see any reply that is racist, homophobic, lesbophobic, etc, I will delete them. And since I can’t be here 24 hours a day feel free to send me a message with the location and I will delete.
11) If I see a particularly interesting gaming news article  relating to the series and its from a legitimate source and not a clickbait site, I will post it. There is a tumblr regular ​ who does an extremely wonderful job at posting info about both the Dragon Age Series and Mass Effect Series. You can literally see how much work they put into compiling the info and if they post important info regarding the game, etc. I will reblog them.
12) I will post another announcement when the blog opens.
Thanks for reading.
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Mass Effect Tag
Wellio, I’ve been tagged by @berryshiara. Passing this on to @grummel83
Gunna answer my questions now. Y’all feel free to tell me what you think of these answers. ​
I’m a fan since: 2008. I was just out of high school and still not over KoTOR. I was fresh in the army and got to talking to some other dude fresh to the army about video games. He asked me if I played Mass Effect. I said no. By the next day I just about totally forgot about him, then he suddenly appeared out of nowhere sat in front of me in the chow hall and pulled a copy of ME1 for Xbox 360 out his pocket like he was a magician doing a magic trick (ACU pockets are huge.)
Anyway turns out that guy was a romance option and I must have picked the right dialogue options. I’m still with him, too.
Favorite game of the series:
Mass Effect 2. It seemed like that’s the one where choices mattered most and you really got to know your squaddies. Also MAJOR gameplay improvements over the first game. And that game gave me the most freedom to do basically whatever I wanted and wasnt afraid to give me consequences for it.
MShep or FShep:
FShep. Nothing against MShep, but for me the real Shep is FShep. Can’t beat Jennifer Hale’s voice. 
Earthborn, Colonist, or Spacer:
Colonist. I like having the background of knowing just how dangerous the galaxy can be and how the Alliance can’t be everywhere at once so sometimes you need to manage your best on your own.
Biotics or Tech:
Paragon or Renegade:
Paragon, mostly. I tried being renegade but some of the actions are just so pointlessly dickish, or even outright unhinged in a way that would make it impossible to believe the Alliance would ever promote Shepard as an officer or even keep her in the Alliance at all, especially in the first game.
That said, there are times where a renegade action is more expedient and practical than a paragon one, like in 2 when you stab a dude in the back to prevent him from repairing an enemy gunship, so even with a paragon playthrough, my Shepard will have no issues taking that opportunity. She’s already seconds away from betraying all those guys anyway.  
Paragon in treatment of others, renegade in combat pragmatism.
Favorite Class:
I play as infiltrator and vanguard.
Infiltrator is great for using a sniping and opening loot, and then for going invisible, and if I remember right AI hacking too. That’s cool and I wish there were more genuine opportunities for stealth.
Nowadays I play as Vanguard in my playthroughs mainly just so my Shepard can be canonically biotic for story reasons. From 2 on when looting no longer needs a special skill and I get to charge around the map. I don’t really care much about using biotics (that’s what the squadies are for) but the movement is super useful (when Shepard actually does the thing instead of just standing out in the open soaking up bullets until the ability decides to actually work.)
Favorite Companion:
Garrus. I like to set him up in sniper positions. When he actually STAYS where I put him instead of running straight up to enemies to try to snipe them at point blank, he’s great.
Also his quips in 2 on are pretty entertaining.
Least Favorite Companion:
Garrus, Oh my god. Go back to the sniper position where I put you. Leave tanking to krogan; you do not have the HP for this.
Also Kaidan in ME1. He can not shoot to save his life - literally.  
My Squad Selection:
For all ME1 playthroughs after my first one, Ashley and Kaidan, just of their comments and because... well... I only have so much time with them.
Apart from that I mainly just pick my team based on who’s likely to have the most interesting commentary on whatever the mission happens to be, squad balance be damned. 
Favorite In-Game Romance:
Garrus X Shepard is my favorite love story. They are just so adorable together and always supportive even when they disagree.
But my cannon romance is Kaidan X Shepard for the drama and angst.
Favorite NPC:
In ME1 there’s this random Turian on Noveria who randomly has like a New York accent and I absolutely adore him. He plays basically no part in the story other than some minor information but he’s just so pleasant to speak to.
“If you need anything, I’ll be here.”
Favorite Antagonist:
Morinth, the Ardat-Yakshi daughter of Samara. Yes, she’s a murderous vampire who will absolutely kill you given the chance... but like, it’s a medical condition. And I really can’t help but feel for ardat-yakshi in general when their only options are to spend their whole lives on the run from justicars out to execute them, or waste their entire 1000 year lifespan imprisoned in a monetary unable to experience the world at all. Yeah, Morinth is evil, but Ardat-Yakshi don’t exactly have a good deal.
Favorite Loyalty Mission:
Grunt’s loyalty mission is the best. I get to help my baby boy, reunite with Wrex, enjoy krogan society being fleshed out, have a kickass battle against a thresher maw, and get a breeding request. It’s nice to have a quest that isn’t about family drama and genuinely gets a happy end.
Favorite Mission:
Despite Citadel DLC requiring everyone to have a deathgrip on an idiot ball, and also basically gloss over some really dark stuff, the whole clone storyline with the whole crew is an absolute ride all the way though, with lots of interesting and unique scenarios, a ton of replay-value, and funny party banter that feels like it came straight out of a Marvel movie.
Favorite DLC:
Again, Citadel DLC. Not only did it come with the story above, it also had all those interactions with past and present crewmates, including a memorial for Thane (finally!), a cool apartment to hang out in, a party, an arcade, and an awesome battle arena. It really added a TON. Also, it’s nice to see Bioware figure out that DLC needs characters - I’m remembering back in the DLC to ME 1 the party never had a single thing to say, no matter what was going on. The fun and wacky Citadel DLC is a far cry from the serious and somewhat dark space opera Mass Effect started as, but as the final DLC capping off the end of the series, it gets to do a silly victory lap (and get the taste of the ending out of our mouths.)
Control, Synthesis, Or Destroy:
Favorite Weapon:
Sniper rifles, whatever I have that’s fast and has high damage output. Also that one pistol that shoots tiny energy grenades. Pew pew.
Yeah I wasn’t really big into the weapons so much. I’m here to get my story on. 
Favorite Place:
The presidium on the Citadel. It bothered me a lot when I couldn’t explore it in the second game. I know it would have been terribly impractical, but as the presidium is just a huge ring, it would have been cool to be able to explore the whole thing, going past all the little park areas, shops, monuments and so on until you loop aaaaall the way back around to where you started. Like, how cool would it be if the ring had a running track? Maybe C-sec  academy trainees would be spotted jogging together along it in formation. And can you imagine grabbing a coffee (I was going to make up a space-related name for Starbucks but it’s already STARbucks...) and taking a nice stroll along the water before finding a nice bench to alien-watch from? Other locations in the game are like great places to explore and do gameplay stuff, but the presidium seems like a nice place to just be.
Favorite Quote:
"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." - Javik.
This is such a fucking raw damn line. It makes me think a lot about Cerberus. When ME3 wasn’t out yet, I thought maybe the plan was Shepard would at some point choose a side, Alliance for paragons and Cerberus for renegades. It would have been so cool to have morality not merely be good vs evil, but idealism vs that ruthless calculus Garrus mentioned. How fucking raw would it be if Cerberus wasn’t just generically evil for no reason and suddenly indoctrinated but really were embodying that ruthless calculus, determined to defeat the reapers at any and all cost. Maybe Cerberus actions’ were more likely to do terrible things for the sake of ultimate victory, doing whatever it took, whereas the Alliance would be less willing to make the terrible choices and ultimately be less likely to succeed.
Now obviously, that’s not what happened, as it would have required Bioware to basically make two entirely separate games. But that line from Javik makes me think of that concept, and a universe where like Dragon Age party members can approve or disapprove of actions not merely as good or evil but along the lines of their personal values. I think Javik would sit at victory at all cost.
Also that one mission in 2 where some random NPC catches Shepard sneaking around and is all like ‘what are you doing here?’ and Shepard is like ‘What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Get out here before it blows!’ and the guy’s freaking out like WTF and she says ‘RUN!’ then laughs to herself as he flees from an imaginary bomb. Shep you troll. 
The thing I like the least about the entire franchise:
The misogyny and objectification that crept its way in, epically from the second game on. Really didn’t like those ass-shot camera angles, or female characters being slut-shamed in-universe for the clothes the designers made them wear. Yikes. 
But the biggest yikes for me in that regard is actually the reveal in 3 that the prothians guided asari development. That was fine and all, but the part that bothered me was the characters commenting “ooooh, so that’s why asari are so advanced,” as it was ever any kind of mystery before that exact moment. For one thing, asari aren’t really shown as being more advanced than anyone else, apart from having discovered the citadel first, and for second, why wouldn’t asari be advanced? All the way from ME1 it’s established that 1: Asari live for a really long time, and 2: can instant transmit information directly from brain to brain. That means they have long lifetime in which to accumulate knowledge and experience, and also can easily spread and preserve that knowledge without even the need for books. That ALONE should put them ahead. And even with all that, they only barely beat the salarians to discovering the Citadel first. But no one asks for an explanation for why salarians, who live only a few decades and can’t do mental data-transfer, are so advanced. No, only the success of the all-women race needs explaining. It was just one moment but it still bugs me. 
Also the general loss of realism after the second game. First game everyone gets armor, including full-face helmets automatically on in environments that need it. After that, people can apparently just wander the battlefield half-naked and even somehow survive in a total vacuum if they just put a plastic cup (that isn’t even connected to anything) over their mouth and nose. In the first game they at least made up some reasonable-sounding science fiction explanation for things, but after that it’s like F-it everything is just space magic now. 
Oh, and those repetitive unlocking stuff minigames. I use a mod to just skip those. 
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puppy-phum · 4 years
thank you once again @yibobibo​ for tagging me ♥ even if, like I said, this is pure torture. I have so many sons that I’ve given up on counting them sigh but here goes.
favourite male fictional characters.
I took it that this meant ten so am going with that (tho am not gonna try and put them into order). am also sticking to all the characters I loved this year. and gonna ramble and add gifs so cutting it here. 
1. Liu Sang
The Lost Tomb Reboot/Reunion: The Sound of The Providence
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I have so much love for this boy it’s not even healthy. it’s a bit funny tho bc once I started tltr, I didn’t really like him and almost forgot about him as the first season ended. he just felt so annoying and bitter in what I saw him, even if I did get that he had a Tragic BackstoryTM (I felt for him but well. tltr really made him hard to like at first). but then they brought him back in the second season with his sad puppy eyes and inability to handle his thoughts on wu xie and being all touch-starved and pitiful and whatnot and baam, I had the adoption papers ready. he’s wonderful and so strong and so smart and amazing. and liu chang as his actor has been wonderful (and he’s so pretty my god, have you seen him??)
2. Shen Wei
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never did I expect to just. fall into this hole after a year? I remember what a mess I was when I first watched guardian over a year ago, right after finishing the untamed. I was in shambles even as I knew how it would end. and now I’ve done this all again while also reading the novel and. my love for shen wei, especially bc it’s zhu yilong acting as shen wei? astronomical. I want to write poetry about him and his stupid responsibilities that he chooses to carry silently and his devotion to zhao yunlan and his love for his ppl and his didi and. I hope that one day I manage to write weilan bc I have this one idea and you can come pry it from my cold, dead fingers if it doesn’t get out there (am also super happy about the edit I made bc my god does he deserve at least that)
3. Cloud Strife
Final Fantasy VII
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ok so stepping into the video games territory now. I was waiting for the remake like crazy and it was everything to me once the quarantine hit during spring. the game is so beautiful and I felt like I looked at this gorgeous boy once and was ready to give him my heart (tbh am quite sure he owned my heart before I even learned to know him). he is tragic in so many ways (I’ve only scratched the surface of all of his pain I know) and I wish I could just. hug him a lot. he is kind and cares very deeply even if he hates to show it and I love it how remake showed him also just being a human disaster (some of his scenes are just. peak comedy). I would kill for his smile (I have already cried for it a dozen)
4. Geralt of Rivia
The Witcher (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
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if there’s one grumpy, brickwall of a man I love, it’s geralt. I affectionately call him “papa wolf” while playing witcher 3 and his voice in it does things to me (I am just so fond of him ok, begone you dirty fuckers). I got introduced to him through the books and adored him in them bc he is so prickly and sarcastic and still so full of love even if he will never admit to it. he is the father figure I wish I could have in real life. (and yes, I’ve seen the tv series (or at least a couple of the first episodes) and it looks stunning but. this is my version of geralt and that’s the hill I will die on)
5. Xiaoge
Zhang Qiling, Daomu Biji (The Lost Tomb 2)
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(wow finding a gif for him was a pain, apparently I gotta learn how to gif or?) ah, my dear boy who I’ve ended up just calling xiaoge bc he seems to prefer it over his real name/title/whatever zhang qiling really is. I got introduced to him through tltr where we really didn’t get to know that much about him bc he was just... there. huang junjie was absolutely stunning tho and his soft smiles made me super fond, but only in the lost tomb 2 did I really fall in love with xiaoge as a character. I was surprised tbh bc I didn’t expect it to be this drama? I had so many doubts about the cast in tlt2 but they all delivered! and I think cheng yi’s xiaoge is now my favorite bc he somehow captured that softness and the pain of him? (and we do not talk about that buxun storyline tyvm) tho now that ultimate note is on the way, I gotta say that xiao yuliang does a wonderful job as xiaoge too!
6. Wu Xie
Daomu Biji (Ultimate Note)
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(sorry we have to go with a pingxie gif now but maybe it’s only fitting) tbh it’s hard to choose my favorite version of wu xie. I think all of the actors for him have done amazing job showing wu xie in different parts of his life (all of them are very distinct but still feel like the same person) but currently zheng shunxi takes the lead. I really wanted to put the reboot version of him here (bc I love that mature, relaxed and somehow very soft version of him and the angst is phenomenal and the thoughts he has about death... yeah) but I already have zhu yilong’s face here once so :’D wu xie is just one of those characters you cannot not like. he is so strong, so kind, so stubborn, so wonderfully stupid sometimes and in need of careful protection. I also adore it how smart he is and I could listen to him spew history facts for 10 hours straight (even if it was in a tomb full of blood zombies) ♥
7. Jiang Cheng
Jiang Wanyin, The Untamed
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my darling boy! my beautiful angry grape! I love him beyond words. I love him in all of his raging, misunderstood, stupid, sassy, constipated, abused, tragic, bitter, big hearted glory. I could write novels about him (and I did and am still writing oh boy) and his love for ppl and his inability to show that love and his loneliness and his issues. I could also write another novel for all of his outfits etc. bc damn, what a fashion king. he is just so great. he owns my soul. he deserves happiness and in this essay I will
8. Isana Yashiro
Adolf K. Weismann, K Project
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I rewatched k project this spring bc a) it’s one of my favorite animes ever (it just looks stunning with all the colors) and b) I love yashiro to bits. I remember falling in love with him when I first watched k project many years ago bc he was just so kind and bright. this time though, I ended up seeing another side of him and my god did I cry. he is... so sweet. he cares for others so deeply and is ready to sacrifice so much for them and his love for his two clansmen... yeah. I think I finally saw the tragedy of him too, all the pain and loneliness and insecurity he decides to hide behind his smile and obnoxious personality. he reminded me a lot of myself and watching him made my heart bleed in a good way
9. Qi Tiezui
Ba Ye, The Mystic Nine
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(wow am going to riot for the lack of all the gifs hhh) yes, we’re continuing with the dmbj universe that sucked me in big time this year. the drama of the mystic nine wasn’t probably that earth shattering for me as it somehow got boring more than once but I did love ba ye to bits. he was just... so nice? I got it that he was somehow this “comedic relief” in the drama with all of his funny scenes and ridiculous mannerisms but I could see the brilliance of him. he is warm and smart and kind of a romantic too and he cares for all of his friends so deeply? it was also sweet how protective of him his two zhangs were (does that run in the family? the tendency to imprint into one smart but disastrous man and keep him safe? maybe) and I really hope I knew more about him bc he seemed to have a lot of knowledge and a lot of impact to ppl’s lives (I yelled when they mentioned him in ultimate note, I miss him ;;)
10. Dorian Pavus
Dragon Age Inquisition
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(yes I’ve been replaying DA:I this year, this counts!) another darling boy! my lovely sass master son! I have so much love for him and his story in DA:I. he is my favorite companion (and his romance is my favorite too, probably obvious in the way am currently romancing him for the third time) and he has given me a lot of strength. the way he stands up against his father, how he’s ready to reform his homeland instead of walking away, how he’s so caring for those he sees struggling... it’s very warming and I feel like I’m safe with him. it feels a bit silly to say that but he really is that comfort character I will seek out when I just want to know am doing fine :’) (and I am so excited to see him again in DA4! probably?)
+ 11. Li Cu
Tomb of the Sea
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yes I cheated a bit (with my own rules lol) to fit li cu here. I didn’t really expect to like him or tomb of the sea as much as I did once I started it? I’ve seen leo wu elsewhere before this (battle through the heavens, nirvana in fire) and his face always makes me think about a sad puppy so maybe I just grew fond over li cu instantly bc he was... so hurt? the first episode really slaps you in the face with all of it, showing him being abused, wounded, kidnapped, tortured, used and then just very, very scared and broken. he continues being that throughout the whole drama and I feel like tomb of the sea (or sand sea or sha hai idk) is the darkest and angstiest story in the dmbj universe. I know it deserves to be bc this is a dark time for wu xie but... my darling li cu. I wish him only happiness ;; he was so strong and smart and wonderful in this and it was just so amazing to watch him grow and find his own place in the world just bc he did something himself (even when he got dragged into all of this bc of wu xie) also I support the wu xie adopts li cu -agenda
Honorary mentions: 
Zhang Rishan, Xie Yuchen and Hei Xiazi from DMBJ universe. The Twin Jades of Gusu and Ouyang Zizhen from The Untamed. The Iron Bull and Fenris from Dragon Age games. Thane Krios, Kaidan Alenko and Jaal from Mass Effect games. The whole lot of Assassin’s Creed protagonists (especially Ezio Auditore and Shay Cormac). Adam Parrish and Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle. Neil Josten from All For The Game. Eduon and March from The Smoke Thieves. Qiling from L.O.R.D. Critical World. Luo Fei from Detective L (played by Bai Yu). 
well, with this I can really see that I have a thing for those who are tragic :’D I have a thing for grumpy, prickly and antisocial guys or those who hide their pain behind a smile. maybe it’s bc I am somehow both, even if I can’t show my anger or be mean to others and even if I feel like my smile never sticks either. I just find kinship in all of the characters who are on this list. and I feel like I aspire to be as strong and as kind and as loving despite all the pain I’ve been put through.  
thank you, this was so much fun! and sorry I made this so long and so complicated ^^’ but well, there are just way too many male characters I love haha
at the end I want to tag @i-am-just-a-kiddo​ @ashenwren​ @kholran​ @tiesanjiao​ @lan-xichens​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @manhasetardis​ and @lzswy​​ ♥ feel free to do this in your own way or not at all! and thank you if you managed to read through my rambling :’D
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biotic-boshtet · 4 years
Mass Effect Tag Meme
unofficially tagged by the lovely @jedirangerpenguin
im bad at tagging folks soooo tag you’re it, if you want, if you dont? thats cool too
I am a fan since: uhhh hang on, since at least 2015? i know i did most of my playing in 2017 though because i took a gap year
Favorite game of the series: Mass Effect 3, mostly because theres So Much To DO as far as story goes and side quests, but close second is Mass Effect 2 bc boy do i love the drama.
Mshep or Fshep? i have never finished a run with mshep sorry, femshep by default lmao
Earthborn, Colonist, or Spacer? ive only played spacer, but i’ve read the differences and i am sorry, but this is my emotional support spacer!shep, also, i like being able to talk to my mom so
Biotics or Tech? biotics, always biotics, why use tech when i can throw things aroundwith blue magic?
Paragon or Renegade? i always go hard paragon in ME1, then slip up in ME2 because those scars are so cool, but i reign it in a touch in ME3. so, generally paragon, but just enough renegade for cool scars
Favorite class: vanguard babey! gotta zip across the field to slam into a guy and then punch him to death, i love getting up close and personal with those biotics
Favorite companion: Kaidan is my boy, but after him, Garrus and Tali are tied
Least favorite companion: ok Samara only gets off the ship for her related missions because i think she’s boring
My squad selection: for ME1 it was always Kaidan and Ash, then Kaidan and Wrex or Garrus after Virmire, in ME2 i tended to go for Garrus and Tali, or Grunt and Jack, depending on how chaotic i felt, sometimes swapping one or the other out for Thane
Favorite in-game romance: Kaidan, because, god, he’s so sweet. it was all over the moment he tried to leave Shepard an out, just in case. i love the messiness of Horizon in ME2, and how raw things still are in ME3, but he still wants to try? thats the shit
Favorite NPC: Joker! he’s so fun and he’s so much more than comic relief, he’s grounding and good and not to be a sap, but he’s right up there with Shepard as one of humanity’s finest
Favorite Antagonist: hmm, i don’t think ive got a favorite, but Morinth was really intriguing, and i get why we didn’t see more of her, obviously, but it would’ve been nice to see, like, the effects of her activities outside of Samara’s loyalty mission
Favorite loyalty mission:  Tali’s! i love love love having to dig around the Alarei for evidence to clear her name, and also yelling at the Admiralty Board with that good good paragon rant
Favorite mission: Priority: Tuchanka, its really one of the first missions in ME3 where it feel’s like everything is coming together, we’ve got groups working together for a common goal, we’re curing the genophage, we get to see Mordin again, not for long, but he’s got work to do, we get Krogan history! we even get fuckign Kalros eating a reaper!
Favorite DLC: ok so Citadel, but Leviathan is a close second
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy, mostly because i feel weird about control, and synthesis feels a little anticlimactic
Favorite weapon: my fists, the amount of times i charge in and then just punch some guy? worth it
Favorite place: Virmire is so beautiful i hate that its such a sad place
Favourite Quote: i really really like, “THERE’S A REAPER IN MY WAY, WREX!” , but "Hell, Garrus, you were always ugly. Slap some face paint on there and no one will ever notice." will always be very very cherished by me
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dilebe06 · 5 years
Drama che devo vedere
3 days
38 task force
49 days
Across The Ocean To See You
Answer for heaven
Arsenal Military Academy
Arang and the magistrate
Are you human too?
A gentleman dignity
Age Of Legends
Angel’s last mission: love
Ancient Detective
A girl and the three sweethears
Adolescence Medley
A love Story: You Are The Greatest happiness of my life
About is love
Alice in Borderland
A Girl Like Me
Bad Family
Bad thief, good thief
Biblia Koshodou
Bad Buddy
Bloody Monday 2
Bokura No yuki
Brother Beat
Bridal Mask
Bitter man
Bride of Century
Bloody Romance
Boss and me
Black Dog
Best Mistake
Back to 1989
Beyond Evil
Bossam: Steal The fate
Boku No Satsui Ga Koi Wo Shita
Blue Birthday
Be Loves In House: I Do
Be Yourself
Bad and Crazy
Bangkok Breaking
Beging Again
Because of Love
Count Your Lucky Star
Class of lies
Cruel Romance
Crime Squad
Can you hear my heart?
Crash Landing on You
Chief kim
Candle in the tomb
Cheese In The Trap
Criminal Minds
Choosing Spouse
Cosmetology high
Cambrian Period
Cross Fire
Crime Puzzle
Cheat me, if you can
Delightful girl, choon hyang
Don Quixote
Deam High
D Day
Don’t disturb My Study
Doctor Stranger
Detective Chinatown
Delayed Justice
Destiny’s Love
Doctor Prisoner
Dokgo Rewind
Deja Vu
Dream Detective
Danger Less Detective
Drawing Sword 3
Death Notify:the  Darker
Dreaming Back To The Qing Dinasty
Dalì And The Cocky Prince
Do dream
Distortion Girl
Devil’s diary
Doctor John
Dear my name
Evasive inquari Agency
Empress ki
Extraordinary You
Eagles and Youngster
Emergency Couple
First Romance
Fated To love you
Falling for innocent
Fight for my way
Fly The Jumper
Forever Love
Fairyland Lovers
Falling Into You
Find Me in Your Memory
fall in love
Father Is Strange
For Married Doctress
Flower Of Evil
fantasy Westward Journey
Fake Motion: Takkyu No Osho
F4 Thailand
Futatsu No Spica
Final Life
Falling Into Your Smile
Feel good To die
Graceful family
Ghost Doctor
Go Ahead
Good casting
Gu Family Book
Gakeppuchi Hotel
Gap Dong
General’s Lady
Go! Goal! Fighting
Gokkou No Kaidan
Gank Your Heart
Gossip Box
Hammer Session
Harvest Villa
History of the Salaryman
Hito Ni Yasashiko
Hello Dear Ancestor
Hot Blooded Youth
Her private Life
Hot Girl
Hua Jai Sila
hard Nut!
Hello Debate Opponent
Hi School - love On
High And Crush
Holy Land
He Is Psychometric
High and Low: episode 0
Higambana Keishicho Sasa Nake ka
Here’s My plan
Heart by heart
I do, i do
Ikebukuro West Gate park
Irish Uppercut
I Cannot Hug You
I Hear Your Voice
In A Class Of Her Own
Introverted Boss
I’m Tee, me Too
Inference Notes
In house marriage honey
In Youth
it’s ok to not be ok
I am the head teacher
Inspector Koo
i need romance
i am the years you are the stars
Juui Dolittle
just an encore
Just between lovers
Joy of Life
jealousy Incarnate
Juvenile Justice
Kazoku No Uta
King 2 Hearts
Kekkon aite Wa Chusen De
Kiss Goblin
King Of Dramas
Kill me, heal Me
Kill It
Ko- One
Kill For Love
keita yamaneko
keita Hatsukoi
Kindapping Game
Liar Game
Lucky Seven
lawless lawyer
love with flaws
Love Lasts forever
Life Of Mars
Love me if you dare
Legend Of Fei
Laa Tah Chon
Love Unexpected
Love And The Emperor
Lovely Writer
Love Scenery
Love Crossed
Let me be your knight
Lovers of the red sky
love at night
Lie to love
Makete, Katsu
Master of Study
Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri
Mr. Brain
My girl
My Girlfriend is a gumiho
Melo Is My Nature
May I Blackmail you?
moon lovers
My Holo Love
My Sassy girl
Mad Dog
My Temporary
Moonshine And Valentine
Mr. Temper Abd Nam Jung Gi
Majurat See Nam Pueng
Mr Fox and miss Rose
my dear lady
My secret hotel
My Little princess
master devil do not kiss me
My absolute boyfriend
My Housband Oh Jak Doo
Miss Devil
Money Flawer
Moon embrancig the sun
My love from the star
Missing You
Miman keisatsu
My lover’s Secret
Miss Hammurabi
Marriage, not Dating
Mystic Pop up bar
My Mister
My Nighbour can’t Sleep
Master Of Study
Miss Gu Who Is Silent
My Heroic Husband
My Poseidon
Manner Of Death
My Unfamiliar Family
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Magical Space- Time
Marriage Contract
Missing Noir M
Mysterius Love
My Engineer
Meet By Window
Miss Crow With Mr. Lizard
Meet me @1006
Naniwa Shonen
Nihonjin No Shiranai nihongo
Nine:9 Time Time travel
Nirvana in Fire
Nobunaga Concerto
Naked Fireman
Nakuna, Hara- chan
Nighborhood Hero
Noble, My Love
New Face
Nueng Dao Fah Diew
Nobody Know
Once More Heartbeat
Ouran High School Host Club
Oh My Sweet Liar
Ph My Geum Bi
Oh My Boss
Omotesando Koukou Gasshoubu
Ojiichan wa 25 sai
Oniichan, gacha
Personal Taste
Prosecutor Princess
Protect The Boss
Prison Playbook
Professional Single
Parallel Love
Perfect Couple
Perfect World
Pride And prejudice
Please Feel At Ease Mr Ling
Pied Piper
Please, Come back Mister
Police University
Pop Out Boy!
Pretty Ugly
Prodigy healer
Qing Qing Zi jin
Queen: love or War
Reply 1988 / 1994 / 1998
Rooftop Prince
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryo
Runaway - Aisuru kimino tameni
Refresh man
Rakshasa Street
Regenge Note
Rebel: ThiefWo Stole The people Prelude
Reunited Worlds
Racket Boys
Risho hanzai gakusha
Remember: War Of the Sun
Scent of Woman
School 2013
Shut Up: Flower Boy band
Stars Falling Form The Sky
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Sweet Combat
Switch Girl!!!
Search: WWW
Six Flaying Dragons
Suspicius Partner
Switch: change the world
She was pretty
Sly and Single again
Something Abount 1 percent
Standing in the time
Start Up
Sabpaak Jai Naai Jomying
Secret Royal Agent: Joseon
Sweet First Love
Sisyphus: The Myth
She is One
Sekai Wa 3 De Dekite Iru
Shuttle love Millennium
Solomon’s Perjuty
Simple Man
Special Affair team TEN
Stealth walker
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
Tantei Gakuen
The Great Show
The Penthouse
The Tale of Nokdu
The Fiery Priest
Touch Your Heart
The World Owes Me A First love
The Scholar Who Walks the Night
The Stoy Of Ming Lan
The King’s Avatar
Take Care Of The Young Lady
Tong: memories
Time beetween dog and wolf
The Secret life of my secretary
The Lies Within
The Sound of your heart
Tokyo Bandwagon
The legend Of Monster
The master’s Sun
The best Hit
The king of Dramas
team bulldong: off duty invastigation
The Wonder Woman
The Privileged
The Best of you in my mind
The romance of tiger and Rose
The Golden Eyes
The K2
Tenchuu yamino Shiokinin
The beauty inside
The Night Of the Comet
the Song Of Glory
The Sweet Girl
Time teaches Me To love
The Universe’s Star
Tomorrow With You
Two Cops
The game: Towards Zero
Two Weeks
Thirty But Seventeen
the love By hypnotic
terius Behind Me
The Sand Princess
The Goddess Of revange
The Sword And Brocade
The Spies Who Love Me
The Emperor: Owner Of The Mask
Twelve Legends
Taxi Driver
The victim’s Game
The World Beetween Us
The Disguiser
The Gifted
The Sleuth Of Ming Dynasty
The Dance Of The Storm
The Imperial Coroner
Time Flies And You Are Here
The Suspicius Housekeeper
The Day Of Becoming You
The Devil Judge
The Road: The Tragedy Of One
The City Of Chaos
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim
The Blooms At Ruyi Pavilion
The Bond
The Veil
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
Under the power
Unexpected heroes
U- prince Series: The Single Lawyer
Unforgettable Love
Until We Meet Again
Warrior baek Dong Soo
When The Camellia Blooms
Welcome to Waikiki
When i see you again
While you were sleeping
Welcome 2 life
When a snail fall in love
Wacko At Law
When We Were Young
We best Love: N.1 For You
We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd
Why Ru?
Well Dominated Love
You’re all Surrounder
Yong-jiu grocery store
You Are My Hero
Youth Of May
Yong Pal
Yumi’s Cell
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Five
Will we make it off the Citadel in this update??
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Flux is my favorite bar in all of the first game, I know there’s not many to choose from, but I like the music best, everybody’s clothed, everyone’s having a good time, there’s slots upstairs for entertainment, there’s dancing, and plenty of space to chill out in.  Also the color scheme is great.  It looks particularly great now with the graphics mod improvements.  
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Doran gets a nice glamour shot here.
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I’m a tattle tale who always turns this guy in.  I agree with Kaidan...
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Also I really love Rita’s quest with her sister.  She loves her sister, Jenna  wants to be helpful, even Doran’s like “Hey I’d love to give her her job back.”  Everyone here is pretty wholesome.  And Jenna gets one of the best surprise appearances in ME3 if you do things right.  ME1Recalibrated fixes the bugs with her quest, too!
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Speaking of bugged quests, Hello Conrad!  ME1Recalibrated fixes Conrad’s bug, and even if it doesn’t, ME2Re does.  The only bad thing about that is it makes his apology for accusing you of something you maybe didn’t do make no sense.
Everyone else was sure Conrad would turn out to be evil, too, right? Instead making him into just a big lying dummy with an advanced degree was a great move.  I was kinda hoping he’d show up in the Citadel DLC.   
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Harkin is JUST the FUCKING WORST.  I’m always tempted to let Garrus cap him in ME2 because what a waste of air he is and doesn’t learn his lesson.  
This is also maybe the most overt place where FemShep experiences sexism.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, there’s some pretty shitty sexism sprinkled throughout the games (as discussed a bit last post) but ugh this guy, if I could shoot him this game, I might.  At least on renegade playthroughs.
Speaking of Garrus...
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Finally, an alien who wants to hang out with us.
As primarily a Kaidan-romancing gal, who tends to keep up with the Kaidan Alenko tag, especially back in the heyday of tumblr, for a while, loving Garrus was... difficult.
In October, when I was finishing up my latest ME3 playthrough and also cleaning up my blog, and also rewatching Doctor Who and thinking a lot about Rose Tyler and Martha Jones, I posted a long thing in a post about Kaidan and Garrus and badly behaving fanbases, which I don’t feel like typing again.  Here’s the whole thing, but I’m going to pull a part of it into here.
I love Garrus, so much.  And I was thinking with this whole parallel DW rewatch / Mass Effect replay think I’m doing right now how both Rose Tyler and Garrus Vakaraian are characters that were ruined for me for awhile due to their respective… overly enthusiastic fanbases who a small percentage of were dicks to people who loved other characters.  The Kaidan tag (and from what I understand Thane got some of this too, but not nearly as bad) was a pretty hostile place for awhile (and yeah I used to regularly check the Garrus tag too and there was a small amount of tag-invasion there but uh, like 5% of what the Kaidan tag got) which made loving the character of Garrus a lot harder for awhile.  But when actually watching seasons 1 & 2 / the end of 4 of Doctor Who, or actually playing the ME games, those characters are awesome.  
Fanbases can be amazing or terrible, and time and time again I think you start to realize that no matter how great a fandom is, there are going to be a few people who can only enjoy themselves by feeding on drama, or on lifting up what they love by stomping on other people/characters/plotlines.  
It’s not fair to characterize everyone who loves a popular thing as someone who does this.  It’s also hard to avoid completely because there will always be jerks, or young/new people who don’t realize what bad form they’re showing.  I did learn by trying to fight it for a year or two, that responding might help that one person not do it again, but it’s not going to stop overall.  
Anyway, don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.  
It’s sad that even thirteen years past the release of ME1 and eight years past ME3 some people still need to have this fight online.   It’s basically impossible to enjoy like, any non-curated Mass Effect space online because of pissing contests or people spouting the same boring opinions.  Which they’re entitled to.  I’m just real tired of “Kaidan is boring!” “Ashley is a racist!” etc with no further depth of thought being given.
The ability to mute / block people and get away from the worst of it is one of the reasons I’m still on tumblr.  Especially always mute/block “confessions” blogs.  Yeesh.
I’m glad Garrus is here, and I’m glad he’s on the team.  What’s funny though, is that people tend to forget that Garrus like, wasn’t really all THAT popular of a character before ME2.  I know I was only in the fandom for a year before ME2 but I dug in pretty deep in that time.
It wasn’t until he gets his face blown off and starts talking about Old Times that a lot of people started to REALLY like him.  He’s still great in ME1, but not like, elevated to god-tier that so many people did post ME2 release.  But in ME1 he IS neat because he’s really malleable.  Probably the companion who can have the biggest personality shift depending on your choices.
Also, I remember a time when the people who wanted to romance Garrus were like... outliers?  I remember thinking “GARRUS?  As a romance?  That’s... weird.  Who would do that!?”
OH HOW I WAS WRONG.  But that was before reach and flexibility.
Hey I even have a Shep that romanced Garrus in ME2 and ME3.  And I loved it!
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Were I to replay a different Shep, she’d be my first choice.
So yeah, I love Garrus, I keep Kaidan in the squad all the time in ME1 and the other spot I try to rotate everyone else somewhat evenly, but you’ll see plenty of him.  Then ME2 he’s by my side most of the way.  And an awful lot in ME3, too.  But I’m happy for him to get crushed on by Dr. Michele and glad to see him and Tali find happiness in ME3.  SO that’s the path we’ll be going down if we get that far here.
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I love the Destiny Ascension flyby moment on the Citadel, and it’s so easy to miss.  Also really hard to get good screenshots of.  Thanks Flycam.  Don’t pay attention to the untextured wall in the first pic, just look at the pretty lights!
Let’s go get another squadmate!  This time, a not-as-initially-friendly alien!
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What an amazing entrance for Urdnot Wrex.
“Do you want me to arrest you?”
“I want you to try!”
Hell.  Yeah.
Here’s where the somewhat in somewhat evenly comes in.  I probably do favor Wrex and Ashely in the squad in ME1 a little because... well you know what’s coming for Ash and Wrex you get the least amount of time with by far of the other companions.  Also, he’s just... great?  A tank, with some biotics and a shotgun... okay well so am I as a vanguard, but Kaidan has just enough tech powers for us to muddle through where we need to when Wrex is in the squad and he’s so much fun to have around.  His “Fuck you, I don’t care” attitude is great, and his growth story throughout the trilogy is one of the best arcs a character gets, imho.  I just really love Urdnot Wrex.
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This is a real nice flight control office you’ve got here, C-Sec.  It would be a shame if someone planted a bug in it later, since literally anyone can just walk on up here uncontested.
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This entire area really is so pretty though.
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I always pump points into Paragon as much as possible from as early on as possible, and saving these poor guys’ lives is one of the big reasons.  They don’t need to die.
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Ash usually still stays in the party up to this point, though sometimes it’s Garrus.  Fist is still a dick in ME2 but he doesn’t need to die here, sorry Wrex.
...raise your hand if you still occasionally forget to pick up Emily Wong’s evidence and have to reload.  I remembered!  ...once I was almost out of Chora’s Den and had to turn around this time.
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Kaidan?  Kaidan my love?  My darling... perhaps YOU shouldn’t be the one standing in the middle of the corridor with no barrier or protection?  (I suppose I could scooch over but then I’d look less badass for these screenshots.  Naaah.)
It’d be a shame if someone properly lit the corridor so we could see what’s going on.
But hey... TALI!  Tali Tali Tali!  The first quarian we see, and only one for... awhile?  Is there another quarian in this entire game? I’m trying to remember and seriously can’t think of one.
Anyway, I love Tali, but another character you really need to ignore their most rabid fanbase portions of.  Yikes, Talimancers were really something back in the day.  The biggest problem I have with Tali being in the squad is that normally she’s REALLY useful against Geth and... not so much against just about anything else.  She gets sidelined on my team more than I wish she would.  Especially since she doesn’t show up until very late in ME2 and late-midway through ME3.
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Finally, the proof we need.  And the game continues to introduce new concepts to us with the Conduit and we hear the word Reapers for the first time.  We also get a loredump on the quarians and the geth.  
Tali’s voice doesn’t have quite as heavy of an accent in ME1 as it does in 2 and 3.  I guess we can assume she’s lost part of it while on her pilgrimage?  Picking up the local dialects a bit?  The next two times we see her she’s just spent a lot of time with her own people.
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Tali’s suit and omnitool look SO GOOD with the updated textures.
I swap Ash out and Tali in at this point, and usually finish up a few more quests along the way.
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Ah, Septimus.  You lovesick fool.
Honestly, the very best thing with Septimus is to bring Garrus here if you’re gonna romance him, have Garrus laugh at him for coming undone for love and then... well, ME2 and especially ME3 happen.  But still.  Septimus... always needs a kick in the pants but will get around to doing the right thing.
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Hey here’s a cool thing ME1Recalibated does -- Morlan carries a Squad Iconic Armors stock, so you can always find tier-appropriate default look armor for you and all the squad.  Very cool of you, Morlan.  You are currently my favorite store on the Citadel.  Now stop sending me spam, I didn’t sign up for your mailing list.
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Look, I have questions about what exactly Xeltan told the consort and how... all that... works... but... I don’t think I actually want to ask them.  Just.. let’s all shut up about all of it, it’s over now.
BTW, according to one of the novels, Councilor Anderson finds Ambassador Cayln super annoying.  I need to re-read that book.
OK fine... I’ll go talk to the Council.
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Coming at ya with Actual Proof and a quarian tagging along to back up the claims, the Council is ready to listen.  And while not surprising that it’s finally time to become a Spectre, the actual ceremony is really well done.  With the swelling theme music blaring, and all three councilors stressing what a big deal this is and what will be expected of you, you really feel the weight of this moment.  People take notice.  Although apparently later, Kaidan or Ash get an entire televised event around becoming a Spectre, I guess there’s no time for that right now.
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It definitely feels like the game so far has been building towards this moment, not only with POUNDING it into your brain about who Spectres are and why they’re so important and letting you know you’re being evaluated... but it feels like there’s been a shift in the game after this moment.  It’s A Big Deal.
I didn’t finish all the sidequests on the Citadel yet, they can wait, I’ve been here long enough.  Let’s go check out the new cool stuff we can buy.
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ME1Recalibrated adds in this Spectre Armor.  Eeehhhhh... no thanks.  We’ll stick with Onyx.
I did cheat myself in a bunch of credits and picked up Spectre weapons though. This ain’t no tryhard playthrough.  
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Well OK, we can finish ONE more quest.  Thanks, startlingly loud and triumphant music queue that’s never used again!
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Man, this would be SUCH a good pic of the Normandy if... the airlock didn’t go straight through the ship.
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We’ve got a ship of our own!  And most of our squadmates to put on it!
Sucks for Anderson to be sidelined, though.  We already love you, Anderson!
It’s cool to get a bit more of the Saren & Anderson backstory here for real.  Still, I enjoyed the book more.  Maybe I’ll do a re-read of all the ME books here soon.
Udina... just keep being you, I guess.  
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Okay, whew... we made it off the Citadel.  Now I gotta actually play some more to have more updates to post.  Might be a few days.  Have to actually go back to work tomorrow. :p
Let’s probably do like one sidequest then go get us an Asari!!
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・真骨頂] ≁Bakeneko Arahagi・Inugami Toneri≁
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No audio track this time sorry! But anyway, I’ve made sizeable progress on the Yuuroma series: Hifumi + Utashiro’s Hatenkou, Zakuro, Toneri, and a bunch of tokuten for everybody (/*^-^)/. I’ll do the 2nd Shinkocchou first, for continuity.
And I haven’t listened to the two individual discs before this, so I had no idea who they are... or that their names are actually Arahagi (cat demon; cv. Kaji Yuuki) and Toneri (dog deity; cv, Hirakawa Daisuke) until about 3/4 into the story, since they kept calling each other ‘Stupid Cat’ and ‘Stupid Dog’. Orz
Obvsly this time there is no bromance like in the 1st disc and they fight like... err... cats and dogs (for lack of a better description XD).
As before, hidden messages from the both of them:
1.壱、都市伝説『二次元カレシ』 2.弐、手が<か>りはどこ? 3.参、そこは見せか<け>の幸福世界 4.四、ここにず<っ>といよう 5.伍、意地でも負<け>られない 6.六、この世界が壊れ<る>としても 7.七、 都市伝説『二次元カレシ』看破 8.キャストトーク
Arahagi: bold⋆ spells 「どこにでも」 (‘No matter where [you are]...’)
Toneri: <⋆> spells 「かけつける」 (‘...I will rush to your side’)
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[The Second Rumour: Urban Legend ‘2D Boyfriend’]
All the girls at your school are addicted to a mobile otome game app. Rumour has it that players can end up getting trapped in the game world, and their bodies are found in sleeping position holding their phones in one hand.
Toilet Guy has again asked Arahagi and Toneri to investigate. This time your team name is: the Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~. Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_. And both your animal manservants have the good sense to hate this abomination of a name. But it will come in handy later on...
So. First order of business is to throw *you* into the virtual world. It’s been rumoured that collecting a full set of accessories from one game character can accomplish this, so your animal bfs possess your body and go shopping.
They push a bunch of bling on you (Toneri makes you wear a choker that reminds him of a dog collar XD), and eventually you can’t take it anymore and run out of the store because you don’t wanna turn into the lovechild of Katy Perry and Flavor Flav. And anyway it didn’t work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RIP Operation BringTheBling1.
Plan #2: There is another rumour that players get sucked in when they access the app at midnight. So Catboy and Dogman (henceforth ‘CatDog’) camp over in your bed, and sure enough, when the clock strikes 12, you fall into a deep sleep and enter the game world.
The game is set in a high school that’s an *exact* replica of Nanagiri, with two characters who sound (and look) exactly like your Cat and Dog bfs. [Hirarin is the senpai and Kaji is the kouhai, ofc.] You are shocked by this unfolding of events, and the two of them think you have a cold and need to go to the nurse’s office to rest.
You take this as an opportunity to escape, and as you are running you hear Arahagi and Toneri’s voices from the other side. They successfully possess your sleeping body and enter the virtual world as well.
Senpai and Kouhai can see the demons possessing you. They forcibly exorcise the duo and drag you away. As the exorcised duo come to, they find themselves turned into their chibi forms XDD. Meanwhile, Senpai and Kouhai have taken you to the nurse’s office. As they are trying to approach you, you spray the fire extinguisher at them and make your escape. Niceee.
You manage to find Arahagi and Toneri hiding in the courtyard. They repossess your body to regain their powers and apologise for not being able to protect you. But you have come up with a battle plan: Operation LoveLetter1. Dun dun DUNNN.
The plan is to put a love letter in their shoe locker asking Senpai and Kouhai to meet with you next evening. Being in an otome game, they can only do as they are told to unlock the love event. (Also what is with this 3P-harem setting where you can confess and unlock event for two characters at once?? I need to get in on dis yo. ¬‿¬)
You and CatDog stay up all night to discuss the battle plan, and Arahagi thinks this whole game reeks of the work of a human being. He figures out that they can rob the game characters of their powers by stealing their phones. (Why do even the characters have phones inside the game??) And to power-up themselves, CatDog trade hugs and kisses with each other (I WISH!!) you to feed off of your human energy.
Next day, Senpai and Kouhai show up at the arranged meeting time, and CatDog appear to start a riot. They throw out your team name Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~, which confuses their opponents and gives them the perfect opportunity to steal the opponents’ phones.
Toneri ties the two characters up with chains and Arahagi drops a bunch of machinery and shit on top of them, but dis ain’t ovah ya’ll. The two of them go into *dark mode*. They change the backdrop and damage the data of Arahagi and Toneri’s bodies. As they bury CatDog alive and take you away, you tell them that you believe in CatDog, which gives them the power they need to free themselves from entombment and destroy the game characters.
...When the smoke clears, they see a student that was sucked into the game world. Strangely enough, *it’s a boy*, and they figure that he must be the human that the game monster is possessing and feeding off of.
It turns out that the boy offered himself as a human sacrifice to the urban legend and created this game world to shield his younger sister from the harsh reality. The game world begins to disintegrate, and Toneri tells the boy to face his sister properly instead of doing this stupid shit in the name of ‘protection’. To Toneri and Arahagi, who come into this world all alone, every little detail of the familial bonds and ties between humans seems magical and deserves to be treasured.
The three of you wake up in your bed, and CatDog wonder if the boy’s little sister is going to be alright. You devise a plan... for the two of them to appear to her in a dream pretending to be the two game characters. Toneri flubs his lines and gets beaten up by Arahagi XD. They tell the girl they are relieved that she has finally awoken from her slumber, and invite her to play the game again whenever she is feeling down.
Now a new urban legend has arisen: that whenever a girl gets sucked into the game world, her 2D boyfriend tells her to get out or else she won’t make it to her own wedding in the future. (#meirl XDD.) What’s more, CatDog have erased the oniisan’s memories of the whole incident, and both he and his sister have returned to school as usual.
*Meanwhile*, YOU have become addicted to this game app XD. After unsuccessfully trying to snatch your phone out of your hands, CatDog tease you with kisses and promise to make your real life more exciting than any game ever... yes please Hirarin and Kaji the two of you can come and possess me any time I don’t mind fufufufu~~~ (´┓`*)
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[Thoughts] ⋆敬称略⋆
Ok so this was my first introduction to both characters (Arahagi/Toneri). I kept thinking as I was listening to it: wouldn’t it be great if Kaji and Hirarin switched roles? Doesn’t it feel like Kaji has more of an excitable puppy-like personality (or quality to his voice, rather), and Hirarin has more of a slow, cat-like temperament??
In fact in the Free Talk when Hirarin said that he is 100% a Cat Person and he thinks Arahagi is really cute, I was all ready to jump out of my chair all like, ‘I KNEW IT!!!’ #notoverreactingatall._(:3」∠)_. ...I guess Rejet wanted to switch it up a little? Or maybe Kimura Ryouhei was busy, because Toneri [yandere + dog ears] sounds like the job for him. Also I can’t help but wonder how perfect Hirarin would be as Utashiro lulling me to sleep with his soothing voice...
But all this fantasy casting aside, every time I hear Toneri’s adorable grumpy/growling noises that he makes when he’s dissatisfied, I feel like they made the right casting choice after all. #omgWANT ლ(⁰⊖⁰ლ)
What else, what else... HmMMmMmm, the story and characters/pair dynamics this time round is a bit more childish and less ‘tight’ than before. So idk, I didn’t feel as much of *Deh Romantic Feelz* towards Arahagi/Toneri like I did for Hifumi/Utashiro. Although I still enjoyed it because I am immature.
The doppelganger bit was pretty kewl though. Although the battle scene kind of got resolved in a very #WTF kind of way and left me wanting more. Also the overprotective older brother story would’ve benefited from a better explanation/backstory of why he did what he did, no? Overall just kind of #わけわかんない, and not a very tight story, like I said.
The otome game theme was kind of relevant and interesting, esp the senpai character in the game who kept emphasising the use of this kind of romance fantasies as a form of escapism. ...Which got a bit philosophical/personal in a way, although I’m not sure if Toneri was the best person to expound on this because he’s so... erm... simple-minded XD.
Nonetheless, the overall message was clear: that it’s always better to face things head-on, and you have limitless potential as a human being. +++
But *then again* this series isn’t meant to be analysed very deeply. It’s more just for ya’ll to enjoy the cute huggable chibi things and the powerful demons protecting the fuck out of you. Yeah? Yeahh.
Although!! From the cast commentaries it seems like the seiyuu themselves can’t/won’t actually protect you from anything in the event of an actual urban legend/haunting. It’s funny how they voice all these powerful/scary demon and spirit characters, but when they see an actual horror programme or whatever on TV they quickly look away and change the channel!! (-_-|||) SENSEI I AM DISAPPOINT. 
The only exception so far is Sakurai Takahiro, who spouted off a bunch of kaidan-banashi from his old high school enthusiastically when asked. Like, everyone else is a wimp and he is the One True Hero. He even has ‘he[/i]ro’ in his name!!
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lilacsolanum · 5 years
Who was your Shepard? What ending did they choose? Did it remind you much of the end of Animorphs?
Did you just– did you just give me an excuse to rant about my Mass Effect experience? WELL THANK YOU!
My Shepard was a fierce dark skinned woman with a penchant for a heavy eyeliner and a dark lip. She originally had a stern bun but I DID give her a haircut between ME2 and ME3 for the drama and she had a buzzcut. She ran around in a hoodie 24/7 and was my butch qween. I named her Ms Nesbit in ME1, but ME1 didn’t understand the space so she ended up being Ms Shepard which honestly was ideal. She was from the tragic Midnoir, and had the “soul survivor” psychological profile. I was absolutely role-playing her, giving her a strong “bright clear line” ruthless and practical moral code. She had. SO many renegade points. It was mostly a renegade play through, but I was always bros with my crew. Well. The crew members I liked. I killed someone on purpose in the suicide mission like. Bye.
I played these games blind and it was the best, not knowing how my choices would play out, not knowing what was coming next.
When I played the ending it was, like, 4 AM and I just wanted to be done so I could focus on writing and not be haunted by my love of this great video game I wanted to play all the time. So like. I wasn’t comprehending anything really, and Shepard was moving SO slowly, and I just went toward the pillar because it was shiny. TECHNICALLY I chose Synthesis, which was the cheesiest and worst ending.
I WANTED to choose Destroy, and would have if I was less of a sleepy bitch. Destroy was what we set out to do, and I don’t think the consequences of the literal universe existing beyond “the cycle” were going to be THAT bad. The Geth chilled out. Everyone calm down. Let’s rebuild.
Because I played a “war is hell, bright clear line” Shepard, the ending with her death DID feel right to me. It WAS very Animorphs-ish. Not everyone makes it out of war. Not everyone survives. But I understand why people hated it, especially if you played paragon. Like I told someone else, then the ending of ME is like if Sailor Moon ended with the gruesome death of Sailor Moon. Really, the thing that reminded me the most of Animorphs was the Krogans.
I wrote out, like, my entire play through under the cut because I was feeling myself and because I have SO MUCH TO SAY and played this video game like ten years after it came out so I only had one other person screaming with me. I (somewhat) restrained my boundless energy on their behalf. Cav is a patient soul.
In ME1, I killed the Rachni queen, because even if she was serving me some buckwild nonsense about songs and the general plot of Ender’s Game I was like bye gurl bye, your race died. It’s dead. It’s far too traumatizing for too many people to bring y'all back. Also, you are litterly a giant spider, absolutely not, no no, do not want, please leave.
I primarily ran Wrex and Kaidan because I very much enjoyed Kaidan’s idealistic banter where he’s just impressed with literally everything and then checking in on Wrex who was just bitter and full of hate. Wrex became my favorite character. I LIVE for a grumpy old man. I got his family armor and managed to chill him out on Virmire on the first choice, which was AMAZING, because I later looked up the other outcomes and found out Ashley would kill him and I would have been TRAUMATIZED. I zoomed in on Ashley being a racist and peaced her out, keeping my boy Kaidan around for another two games.
I accidentally romanced Liara even if I wanted to romance Kaidan, but I WAS flirting with them both for a bit (though I ultimately didn’t get the scene where they both confront me). I also slept with that random Asari lady.
I chose to kill the council in the end. It was the better choice for humanity. We needed to do something big to prove that we’re here, we’re not going away, and we’re just as important as the rest of you.
ME2 is just like Making Friends: The Video Game. Which was honestly so fun, I loved that it was an entire game devoted to character storytelling? I let Garrus break a dude’s legs, but I did not let him kill that man, even if I let him kill the guy in ME1. It honestly felt like letting that dude live was shittier. I killed the heretic Geth because, like, they’re machines, they’ve already been possessed by Reapers, they’re fine. I understand that Legion was doing it’s whole Breq thing but most Geth are just part of a whole. I was fine with it. I had enough Renegade points when I did Tali’s mission to allow her to be proven innocent without revealing her father’s treason, which I’m super glad I did because of it’s effects on ME3. The rest of the missions I basically just went renegade for the points. I loooved Thane, Miranda, and Grunt, fell deeper in love with Garrus and Tali, didn’t spend enough time with Legion but again, I saw the whole individual sentience storyline unfolding and appreciated it, Jack I liked ironically because Oh Boy Everything About Her (LOVED her in ME3 though), and Samara and Jacob were THUMBS DOWN.
And then Mordin. Holy shit. What an amazing character. First of all, he’s the best, second of all, he busts out in a musical number, third of all, his mission is SO BEAUTIFUL AND COMPLEX. But. I ended up destroying both Maelon’s data and Maelon himself.
The genophage was population control, not genocide, and while it’s a harsh method it was the kindest solution at the time. The Krogan really remind me of the Yeerks, actually. When it was pointed out that they were given technology before they had culture, I was like, yes, YES, my favorite children’s books series addressed this SAME THING! And like Yeerks, absolutely, I recognize that some Krogans were good, that they didn’t have the same bloodthirst as others, that they saw a better future. Wrex was one of those Krogans. Wrex had power. But was that enough power? How very easy would it be for a rogue group of Krogans to hide away, procreate, get strong, and go to war with the Urdnots. How very easy would it be to destroy the efforts of one man. It was idealistic to think that just because Wrex had influence, that the entirity of the Krogan race could be changed. Ms Shepard made a hard choice, but she did what she had to do.
Also, my renegade zombie face was fucking hilarious, the drama, the theatrics. When I came back from some mission with red eyes I laughed so much. What a choice. What an amazing choice Bioware made with that. I probed the planets and fixed my busted mug, but not after enjoying my glowing scars and bags under my eyes for a MINUTE.
I two timed Garrus and Thane for a minute, but ultimately I went with Garrus, because I texted my BFF, a normal person who does not write or read about alien fucking, with a photo of the two and he immediately replied with “zaddy with the scope for sure” and it was decided. Thane did call me sita for a hot minute and it was very very sweet. Oh and you knoooooow I flirted with Kelly Chambers HARD.
I played the suicide mission blind and I have this weird habit of overestimating video games when they are CLEARLY telling me what to do and trying to outsmart them, so I somehow lost Thane, Garrus, and Mordin. I broke my rule about not going back on any choice and replayed it to save everyone’s asses, except for Jacob Taylor, who I killed on purpose. No regrets.
And then shit went DOOOOOOOOWN in ME3.
First of all, fuck EDI’s robot body. I was already shipping her with Joker and in no way did they need a physical form, it’s called IMAGINATION. I might write a fic where EDI as a ship’s AI instructs Joker on how to get himself off, Dom style. *I* know how to write an AI/human romance without a robot that has FUCKING HIGH HEELS??? No. Nope. Also, why the hell does literally every male squadmate have to call her hot. What was the point. WHAT WAS THE REASON. WHAT WAS THE REASON BITCH.
I immediately went to deal with the Krogan genophage because I knew some shit was about to go on. This whole thing ended up being maybe one of my absolute favorite story experiences, ever.
It starts happening. Wrex rolls up. He is PISSED at me. He is saying he wished he killed me in Virmire, the first time I blocked a genophage cure. It’s heartbreaking. I loved him so much, and he’s SO ANGRY, and he has every right to be.
Mordin starts his research. Eve is there, she’s fucking ICONIC, her and her 50-year-old diner waitress smoker voice. Poor unfortunate goddamn soul, YES. I love her. But I also doomed her by destroying Maelon’s data.
Then the Salarian talks to me. And I know I’ve chosen this stance for Ms Shepard and that I’m not going back on it. When she says “You stop Mordin from spreading the cure, no matter what” I already knew what was going to happen. It’d been spoiled for his death, yes, but damn. The way it went down.
The first thing that happened that made me go “holy shit” was when we were all flying toward Tuchanka and I had an option to tell everyone about the sabotage. I actually took it. Even if I had this storyline, I had this moment of like, okay, I love these characters, I love Mordin and he’s so happy to redeem himself, I have to tell my friends about what the Salarian wants to do. And I chose that option AND I AM INTERRUPTED AND DON’T GET THE WORDS OUT. I mean WHAT a fucking amazing detail. When the option came back again, to lie to my friends or tell them the truth, I lied.
Watching to confrontation go down with Mordin just destroyed me. The voice actors killed it. I told Maelon about the sabotage. It was so fucking emotional. “I MADE A MISTAKE! I made a mistake. I focused on the big picture. Big picture made of little pictures.” Just. Holy shit. And I knew what was about to happen and what I would have to do, and even if it was a video game, I was IN IT. It was the fact that the renegade interrupt was in slow motion that absolutely got me. That there was extra time to think about it, to let him go. I closed my eyes and hit my mouse trigger and Shepard shot Mordin. The way she walked off and threw her gun to the side was devastating. And then the game made me watch Mordin drag his dying body across the tower to try and get to the controls, saying, “Not yet, not ready, not ready,” which was honestly very rude. And then the cutscene where Wrex looked out on his planet, joy and awe on his face, that was also incredibly rude.
I later watched the paragon version and just. “I’m the very model of a-” SUPER. RUDE.
I knew doing all this meant I would also have to kill Wrex. That wasn’t a spoiler, that’s just logic. So one day I go to the Citadel, lalala, fetch quest fetch quest fetch quest, and then I go back to my ship and BAM. Wrex. How fucking brilliant. There is no moment around his confrontation, no visit to Tuchanka. It hits you when you’re completely off guard. He also called me out on not doing the “Bomb on Tuchanka” mission because I did things out of order. Found Grunt, go cure genophage. I shot Wrex. Bailey would have, but it was my responsibility.
Later, Garrus called me out on everything during his “tough call” scene. I told him what I did. The way he then asks, “Did Mordin just go along with it?” and Shepard just walks off was so good.
All of Legions missions were SO cool. I’m learning I have such a weakness for robots/AIs and sentience. “Do these units have a soul?” Also it’s little inner brain Tron world was great, and how the Geth remember the Quarians who were kind was just beautiful. When it came time to choose between the Geth and the Quarians, I was able to save both. Even if that wasn’t the most renegade-y choice, it came from my original mission statement: bright, clear line. Both forces living meant both forces could fight. The rest of my “storyline” was so super dark that this moment felt really triumphant it my little role play? It reminded me of The Doctor saying “This time, everybody lives!”
The rest of the game was just “How many people can Liana kill?”
When Thane died, he called me sita one more time, even if I didn’t commit to him, and it BROKE MY FUCKING HEART. What a great detail to bring back one last time. When Bioware is on, it is ON. 
When Samara held a gun to her head I was just like “See ya later alligator.” What a boring character. btw, the whole Morinth thing could have been SO cool but ended up so lame. I didn’t have enough renegade points to get her and I don’t even care. Bye. I didn’t give Miranda Alliance support so SHE died. That was sad. Grunt survived because my baby boy was loyal, but he might have died since I didn’t deal with the bomb. I was supposed to get a poorly spelled message from him according to the internet, and I never did, so uhhhh oops. Sorry, my son. Kaidan didn’t die during his little freak out because we were besties.
When Liara asked me if we were still dating, I said yes, then I immediately went to Garrus and he asked me if we were still dating and I ALSO said yes, then I flirted with James Vega and Samantha Traynor a lot. Eventually, during Garrus’s personal quest, he asked me if I was ready to be a one Turian kind of woman. I said no and he took the rejection well. Then I went to see Kaidan, and he told me he had feelings, and I locked in with him. I love the idea of Kaidan, who is kind of sheltered and idealistic, attempting to protect and soothe this war torn woman, while accepting the darkness of war himself and questioning his place in it. I loved the idea of us breaking apart, but brief grounded moments with one another. Plus Garrus never even seemed THAT into me, like, yeah you’re awkward bro but idk give me a cute nickname or SOMETHING, and Liara was boring. Liara was SO PISSED AT ME LMAOOO she used A Tone when I would go visit her in her little office and like stopped talking to me. It was hilarious.
I can’t remember if anything else super relavant happed in ME3. I hated Cortez’s “bury your gays” storyline. Gays can do more than be sad. Samantha Traynor was such an afterthought. I still don’t understand why a femShep couldn’t romance Jack, who is canonically bisexual, and I wish that was an option in ME3. I love that Kaidan came back bisexual, like he was just on his little Barbarella journey. What happeneds on Horizon, stays in Horizon.
I have written too much that no one, if anyone, will read, and I must sleep now before I chose the Symbosis ending again.
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annakie · 5 years
Thoughts on a DW Rewatch & Mass Effect replay.
So I’m in the Eleven / Clara half-season now.
Also I’m now replaying Andromeda.  I have thoughts, about both.  I’ll start with Doctor Who then label it when I get to Mass Effect stuff.
Oh my God this gets long and rambly.  Apparently, I have a lot of thoughts.
So, season 702... I’m ready for it to be over.  I miss the Ponds.  I felt like most of the first half of this season was pretty great, honestly.  I’d forgotten how fun some of those episodes were, I think at the time we were anticipating a new companion so heavily that it was harder to appreciate those episodes?  I feel like there was a lot of criticism levied towards them that now I felt like was a bit too much.  The western episode was kinda meh but still not bad.
I’m not sure what exactly it is about these Clara / Eleven episodes that I’m still not connecting with but I’m in the middle of the Crimson Horror episode (which is a Vastra/Jenny/Strax heavy episode and enjoying it more than anything else so far this half-season.  
Honestly even with some excellent guest start acting, the Russian Submarine episode was STILL a slog and the ghosts in the 1950′s episode no better.  Like they still weren’t ridiculous and unwatchable but... just didn’t feel fun or interesting at all?  The Journey to the Center of the TARDIS episode was decent, and I felt like that wasn’t nearly as cool as it should have been..
I remember reading a criticism of these episodes early on where they said that the biggest fault is that they failed to give Clara any real characterization or solid personality other than “girl the Doctor is obsessed with”.  She’s SUPER IMPORTANT but not only do we not know why at this point but it really doesn’t feel... earned?  I don’t recall it ever feeling earned that Clara was supposedly always so important?  “The most importantest companion EVAR!”  
And as someone who stanned the hell out of a character who was hated in the fandom for “replacing” a previous companion I’m checking myself to make sure it’s still not because I Miss the Ponds.  Like, I don’t HATE Clara, I just, at least at this point in the rewatch, can’t find any reason to really LOVE her?  She’s there, she’s fine, Jenna-Louise Coleman is doing a great job with what they’re giving to her but... I don’t know.  It all feels... off.
I had forgotten all about the “the Doctor rides a motorcycle up the side of a skyscraper” moment and something hit me in that moment that made me remember that wow people hated that moment.  It felt really... shark-jumpy somehow.  
I love Eleven, but this half-season isn’t connecting with me, AT ALL. It feels like the writers just went and dug through a bunch of rejected script ideas, polished them up and were likle “let’s just do this until Matt Smith is gone.”  I’m anxious to get to Twelve.
Mass Effect Stuff
OK TECHNICALLY I haven’t finished ME3.  I still need to do the party and the goodbye scene, (Citadel Epiloge Mod installed) but I’ve gotten all the Stuff and done all the missions in the arena.  I just wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye yet, so I started Andromeda a bit early.
OK look I had a point I wanted to make and never quite got where I wanted to go with it right here.  I’m too tired of trying to fix it, so this stands as written.
This playthrough had me ruminating a lot on Kaidan and Garrus.  I really love both of those characters, though in my heart I’ll always primarily love Kaidan, I’ve done the Garrus romance and wouldn’t mind playing that character again to see the romance one more time.  In ME1, I bring Kaidan everywhere all the time, and pick which other companion I bring to the story-based missions based on what I know is gonna happen like I’m sure most people do.  Wrex for Therum, Tali for Feros (though I REALLY wish you could switch before going to see the Thorian), Liara for Noveria, Ashley on Virmire, Garrus for Ilos/Endgame.  I rotate through all five for sidemissions.  
In ME2, Garrus is my always-bring companion, with Garrus + Miranda being my favorite team.  Except after the Omega relay, where characters with Throw really shine with all those husks running at us, Jack holds the bubble, and Miranda and Thane, who both have Warp to help take down the Reaper Baby, are the preferred team.  Also so Miranda can tell TIM to fuck off.
Then in ME3, once the game opens up, Garrus is back on the perma-team, with a preference towards bringing Liara along... until we get Kaidan back.  And then I realized I didn’t bring him to a single thing except a side mission or two until Earth.  Mostly, this is because I’m following the Kaidan Banter guide and it turns out Garrus is a real banter hog for most of the missions.  At leat he’s not James, who I literally never use unless I’m going on an N7 mission and feel bad that I haven’t taken him off the Normandy in awhile.  I mean, even Javik gets more play.  Also EDI doesnt leave the Normandy til near the end when all of a sudden she gets real important.  
But Garrus is always on the team for Priority Earth.  And that always felt like the way the main game should end, with your two favorites.  (Also what kind of monster wouldn’t bring Wrex to the combat-centric areas of Citadel DLC?  I keep thinking I should have runs where I bring other people but... Wrex is my other fave and we don’t get him with us AT ALL since ME1.)  
I love Garrus, so much.  And I was thinking with this whole parallel DW rewatch / Mass Effect replay think I’m doing right now how both Rose Tyler and Garrus Vakaraian are characters that were ruined for me for awhile due to their respective... overly enthusiastic fanbases who a small percentage of were dicks to people who loved other characters.  The Kaidan tag (and from what I understand Thane got some of this too, but not nearly as bad) was a pretty hostile place for awhile (and yeah I used to check the Garrus tag too and there was a small amount of tag-invasion there but uh, like 5% of what the Kaidan tag got) which made loving the character of Garrus a lot harder for awhile.  But when actually watching seasons 1 & 2 / the end of 4 of DW, or actually playing the games, those characters are awesome.  
Fanbases can be amazing or terrible, and time and time again I think you start to realize that no matter how great a fandom is, there are going to be a few people who can only enjoy themselves by feeding on drama, or on lifting up what they love by stomping on other people/characters/plotlines.  Going back through my blog reminded me that even the TAH fandom had some of this, with a small percentage of fans being real dicks to two prominent female characters in favor of their favorite ship, which soured even that just a tiny bit.  
It’s not fair to characterize everyone who loves a popular thing as someone who does this.  It’s also hard to avoid completely because there will always be jerks, or young/new people who don’t realize what bad form they’re showing.  I did learn by trying to fight it for a year or two, that responding might help that one person not do it again, but it’s not going to stop overall.  Maybe yelling a lot about Martha Jones did change some people’s minds.  It still isn’t that good of a look now, even knowing that in general I was pretty polite and logical about it.  I might respond to an odd comment now and again in some favorite character tags, but in general, turns out that kind of fight just isn’t worth it.
And those fights seem so stupid in the light of everything else happening in the world today.
Anyway, don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.  
I also wanted to say, and I know I said it in a few other posts about this ME3 playthrough, but seriously I cannot believe how much ME3 is a changed game because of the modders.  I cannot imagine ever playing ME3 again without these mods.  There were so many small things that I kept thinking I should take note of to talk about and I’m sure I forgot 90% of them, but there’s things like... adding in mentions of the Andromeda Initiative, closing a few plotholes, mentioning Emily Wong, adding in many more Spectre console options which end up having their own plotlines, adding in an entire plotline about the VI civilization that had previously only been talked about in like, social media or Cerberus News Network posts, having the Normandy be so much more populated, seeing so many more other species on the Citadel with more variety in clothing for those species that have clothing / could have more variety, way more female Turians.... every time I play ME3 the game is more and more like the game we wanted when it came out.  
I am kind of itching to go back and replay it even now.
But hey, instead, its time to talk about Andromeda.
So first of all, yes, mods for Andromeda.  A few appearance mods, a lot of convenience mods.  
After having recently played DA:I and I think Andromeda and DA:I are a lot more similar than Andromeda and the previous trilogy, I had decided it was time to cut down on the stupid stuff Andromeda does, like “Oh, you want minerals?  Spend 10 minutes in each mining zone finding the PERFECT place to gather materials or you’re fucked”  No, thanks.  I’ll mine but give me that “one probe placed anywhere and you’re done” mod.  
Make the modifications and crafting materials I use actually matter. 2% damage increase is nothing.  Make my squadmates not suck because I remember doing 90% of the work myself before and that got exhausting with the number of spawns.  
I tried to not go overboard so things feel like cheating, but there’s enough out there to just get rid of the stupid stuff, and it’s nice.  And works together a lot easier than the DA:I mods did.
One thing I did do was install the Multiple Romance Mod.  I enjoyed it in DA:I, even though ultimately I only did 2 full romances.  I am **NOT** romancing Gil or Cora with the mod, I just wanted to experience all the content available for female Ryders at once, since I’m not going to have the energy to replay this 100+ hour game enough times to see every romance on its own.  So I am poly-romancing Liam, Jaal, Vetra, Suvi, Peebee, Keri, and if it lets me, Reyes when it’s time.  
I’ve only gotten all the way through Andromeda once (where I romanced Liam)  My second playthrough was right after my first and stalled out about halfway through (was romancing Jaal.)  It was one of those “I’m totally gonna get back to this! (She didn’t.)” things.  I’m gonna be honest, I enjoyed the Liam romance and was enjoying the Jaal romance, I’d done a fling with Reyes but not the full romance my first time through and the fling with PeeBee on my second.  Reyes was probably my favorite out of all of them.  So this time I decided.. let’s see which I love the most, all at once.  I don’t know if I’ll do this in the future, but this game is too long to not see all the content I wanna see, TBH.  
And you know, I still really do like Andromeda.  It’s a GOOD game.  And I’m forever going to be mad that we’re not going to see how this story ends.  This story deserved to finish being told.  Like, there are a lot of very legit criticisms about Andromeda, but it didn’t deserve the harshness it got.  And the worst thing about it, and DA:I both is that... there’s just a little TOO MUCH of it.  100 hours is an amazing amount of game but... it’s also just too much.  For now I’m not trying to 100% this playthrough.  My plan is on each planet to get the planet to 100%, take out the Kett or whatever major base, the Remnant Architect, and yeah probably clear out the sidequests that show up on the map, but fuck quests that are like “visit random Kett camps until you find the right datapads that don’t show up on the map!” or “scan random blobs in the forest that don’t show up on the map!”  
So like, do the content, not the filler.  
I still hate the vaults.  The first one is cool.  The rest are tedious.  But they’re mandatory.
I love everyone on this spaceship though.  They did the Tempest stuff SO WELL.  All the companions I think are... good?  There’s no one I don’t like, even the non-squadmate shipmates ship have so much interaction and so much to do/say.  It’s not like “a bunch of randos and Joker, with occasional appearances by Chakwas and the Engineers”  There’s no randos, it’s just a few people you have real interactions with, and its great.
The lack of enough beds in the bedroom will never not annoy me.  There’s 4 beds for... Lexi, Liam, Cora, Suvi, Kallo, Vetra and Gil?  Even if Liam slept on his couch, and Vetra put a bed in her supply room... still doesn’t add up.  What, do Salarains not sleep or something?  Does Lexi sleep in a medical bed?!?  Peebee sleeps in the escape pod, Jaal brings a bed with him, and Drack’s like “Eh I’ll just sleep in the kitchen”.  WHAT?  THE KITCHEN?
I mean sure there weren’t enough beds, even with the sleeper pods, on the Normandy either, but somehow that was less disturbing.  
Also, I know you’re supposed to HATE Director Tann but I love Kumail Nanjiani so I find it hard to be a total dick to him, even if he usually deserves it.  If he wasn’t an anti-Krogan racist I think it’d be easier to like him.  He was thrown into a pretty shitty situation and... did actually hold things together for some time.  He’s not doing anything out of malice.  He’s a dick, but also doing what he needs to do to keep the Initiatiave going.  Oh, except for being a anti-krogan racist.  (Honestly, I also think  “until he turned Cerberus Udina was just doing his job pretty well” too, so...)
Taking some screenshots as I go.  I mostly just take screenshots for me now.  I have a few thousands screenshots from a dozen or more games rotating through my desktop background, and I keep adding to it, and love it.
Anyway, I’ve gotten Eos, Voeld and Havral to 100%.  Time to go save the Moeshe.  I’m having fun.  
*edit from later* I’d forgotten that... idk if the dialog they recorded for Jaal was the first thing they recorded for him or they used a different VA or what but on the Save the Moshe mission his voice is VERY DIFFERENT and oh man, that is still bad.
Might take a break for when Onslaught comes out for SWTOR, though.  I haven’t really played SWTOR in months. Oops.
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puppy-phum · 8 years
Small problems and something to call a future
Hi, guys! I feel like talking, want to tell about the things going on in my head. 
Games are killing me. I finished Final Fantasy XV a few days (almost a week now!) back and it made me a mess. I was ready for that but... Who am trying to fool, I wasn’t ready at all. I got so fond of my chocobros, all the laughter, all the silly and cute things that happened. And then the game just punched me with the angst and feels and dared to end! God dammit. The game was so pretty and I’d been waiting for it for ages and I loved it to the moon and back. My fave from the guys? Ignis. My precious tactician, the Mom™ of the team. I was devastated when he got hurt. Gladio made me hurt. Noctis deserved more. And Prompto, my sweet lil baby, deserved a thousand hugs. Also, somehow, I never stopped liking Ardyn. 
Now I’ve been trying to finish Mass Effect 3 while waiting for the new ME to launch. This will be the first time I finish the trilogy as a whole and my heart already hurts. I’ve gotten so attached to this stone-faced, deep-down-I’m-a-real-softie -guy aka my Shepard (I play with the default MShep). Especially Thane and Jack have taken their places from my far too soft heart. I’ve missed Kaidan. And I regret romancing Miranda bc breaking her heart was a tough choice. Every mission makes me so damn emotional. And god, the upcoming Andromeda? It looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to play it, get to see the new places, know what it’s all about (who’s the gay, that’s the real question here, right? :D). I’m so hyped! 
And, as this wasn’t enough for me already, I finally got time to watch the DA Inquisition Trespasser DLC’s playthrough. Am glad I can’t play it myself bc gosh, that was some deep stuff. And now I just want the DA4 to make its first appearance. How can we stop Fen’Harel? Who is gonna do it? Is Tevinter going to be a part of it? Is Dorian, my pretty sass master, going to appear again? And Iron Bull, that sweet guy... Don’t even let me started about him. 
Which gets me to the real problem here. All of these feels get my fic fingers tingling and oh boy, oh boy am I gonna go down with this. A fic about FFXV guys where Prompto gets taken and Ardyn actually owns a heart. A fic about my 15-year-old Inquisitor who will get his journey and meet the betrayal destined for him, just watch me. And god, I never thought I would end up going from one youtuber hell to another but here I am. In the middle of all these Septiplier thoughts. Following the drama going on from the sidelines. Following the hype. Two ideas stuck in my head (feel free to ask about them if ya want to, I won’t speak of them here)  I just need my English to improve and gather my courage bc I have one fic almost ready to go. I just want to get my school wrapped up first. 
Which leads me to: my final exams. Am gonna graduate and it scares me. I’m glad it’s over, that all this studying and stressing and waiting finally ends but... This is going to be the end. I’m not ready to leave my friends, those that have grown into me and been my family. My bestie who has been with me over 10 years. And my girlfriend who has made me feel so damn special. But at the same time, I’m super excited. I get to start everything over, get to do me now. I got a place from the UK, from a university I’ve thought about a long time now. Studying things that really interest me. I’m just so happy. Happy and scared. (Never thought that combination would sound right.)
So, mm... That’s it, I guess. I really want to try everything new now. Want to write, maybe want to share my university experience here. Maybe want to share the anxiety of being separated from all that’s familiar. If any of you have similar things going on right now, feel free to share! Thank you for reading.
~ V  
P.S. Expect some changes with the blog. Nothing serious, though.                
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