#I do love Tevan though. it’s sweet!
drivebyanon · 4 months
So I am new to the 911 fandom because we just started watching so I have not been committed to a “particular” relationship for years & years (Although I do think they’re adorable). So when Buck & Tommy started I was able to enjoy it very easily without all the history and happily dove back into Tumblr.
Then I heard that it was toxic on Twitter, I thought “How bad could it be?” and kinda pushed it off. But then I did a search on “911 finale spoilers” (Don’t judge me! Bobby & Hen got me in an emotional wreck) and Great Googa Mooga was it inundated with unsaid relationship! But with stuff like “Is Bucktommy bones?” “Tommy will be bones” “Lou is old” “Lou is ugly”. I was soooo wrong, because it is nuts 😬. Yeah, I backed myself out that and back to tumblr into safe tags so damn fast.
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salty-autistic-writer · 4 months
For @bucktommyweek, June 5: "Bad Weather Days" Title: Healing Love
Summary: Or: One time Buck gets sick, one time Tommy gets sick plus one time they both get sick. (For Bucktommy / Tevan week Day: Bad Weather Days)
Buck doesn’t get sick often. 
Usually, his immune system shakes off any kind of bacteria or virus that tries to invade his body. But now, for the first time in years, he’s hit with a sickness like a truck. It might be the flu. Whatever it is, it seems to be the Queen bee of sickness, sending her worker-bacteria everywhere to shut down Buck’s immune system and force him to stay in bed the whole day.
It’s horrible. Ugly. Nasty. And it overwhelmed him in the middle of the night.
Buck’s nose won’t stop running. He can barely breathe. His eyes are red, swollen and itchy. There is a persistent scratching sensation in his throat that forces him to dry-cough every few seconds. His bed is surrounded by crumpled used tissues. He feels too hot in his own skin like he’s boiling from the inside.
Damnit. He can’t go anywhere like this. It’s his day off anyway. Of course, it is. But Tommy and he had a dinner night with a Star Wars marathon - and mind-blowing sex, obviously - planned, since Tommy doesn’t have to work either, which rarely ever happens. Great.
With a heavy heart, Buck pulls out his phone and writes a message to Tommy.
Sorry, we have to postpone movie night, I’m sick. 😷
Tommy answers almost immediately. How sick? 😨 You need a doctor? I can drive you.
Buck smiles through another terrible painful coughing fit. How can Tommy be that cute? He’s so … thoughtful, considerate and sweet. Buck doesn’t know how he deserved this. He’s really not that special. But Tommy looks at him like he is.
He types: Might be the flu. I think I just have to lay here and endure this.😞
Ok. I’ll come over and cuddle you.
Wait, what?! Buck hesitates, his fingers hovering above his phone. Tommy can’t mean that. Buck is one big living bacteria, coming here would surely make Tommy sick too.
But then you’ll get sick too!, he types, frowning.
I don’t care. You need endless cuddles. And tea. And food.
Buck has to bury his face in a pillow for a moment, like an embarrassed blushing teenager. 
Oh God. He is so in love, it’s ridiculous. His stomach is full of fluttering butterflies and his ears are burning and he feels dizzy in a good way. Right now, he wants nothing more but Tommy by his side, fussing over him and taking care of him, if he’s being honest.
Buck never had that. Not like this. 
He wants it. But there’s a persistent nagging voice in the back of his mind, admonishing him: Don’t be a burden, don’t ask for too much, don’t be too demanding, don’t be too much!
Buck swallows. He nervously chews on his lip and types: You’re sure???, while thinking: Please be sure …
Buck smiles and starts to feel a suspicious burning in his eyes. He tries to figure out how he can show Tommy through text what this means to him.  
What did I do to deserve you?🥲
Hmmmm. You booked a helicopter ride into a hurricane?
I did. Thank God, I did, Buck writes back, his heart jumping a loop in his chest.
Yes. Thank God, you did. See you soon, babe. Don’t die.
Buck’s laugh turns into a cough. I’ll try not to.  ~
Buck falls asleep while waiting for Tommy. Fortunately, they already exchanged keys. So he gets to wake up to the smell of tea and soup. And to Tommy, sitting on the edge of the bed, running his fingers through Buck’s sweat-soaked hair. Even though Buck’s head is swimming in fever-induced fog by now, he’s so happy to see Tommy, he smiles and tries to tell Tommy, only to break into a cough again.
“Hey,” Tommy says, worry filling his eyes. He puts the back of his hand against Buck’s forehead and frowns. “You’re too hot.”
Buck groans and leans into the touch. Tommy’s hand is so cool. It’s heaven … “No,” he says, his eyes snapping open, when he feels Tommy’s touch leave. “No. Please. Don’t.”
Tommy puts his hand back. “Jesus, Evan. I think we should get you to the hospital.”
“No. No hospital,” Buck groans, putting his own hand on Tommy’s. “Please. Can’t. I’m sick of it.”
“I get that. After everything you told me, I think they might have a bed with your name on it reserved for you,” Tommy says dryly. “Ok. No hospital. For now. But if the fever rises any higher, I’m going to carry you to my car and drive you to the ER. We clear?”
“Alright,” Buck grumbles. “M fine.”
“You’re really not,” Tommy sighs. “Anyway, we should get some fluids into you, ok? You’re sweating like crazy.”
Tommy is right. And it’s gross. Buck is gross. He grimaces. “Sorry …”
“You got nothing to apologize for, kid,” Tommy says, his fingers brushing Buck’s hair back from his forehead. “Now let me get you some tea and soup, alright?” ~
“Are you not scared of getting sick?” Buck croaks, his head resting on Tommy’s chest. They’re together in Buck’s bed now, after Tommy cleaned up and fed Buck soup and made him enough Chamomile tea to last a whole day. He also got Cough syrup and lozenges. Not to forget the month’s supply of Ibuprofen.
Buck feels better already. It’s so nice to be taken care of. He could get used to this. And he slowly reaches the point where he can actually allow himself to enjoy this. It feels like Tommy's care makes the bad intrusive thoughts fade away into an inaudible static noise. Drowned out by the heart-fluttering rhythm of I'm loved.
“No, I have a pretty strong immune system,” Tommy says with a chuckle. “Also I care more about you right now. You shouldn’t be alone like this.”
Buck feels like crying again. “Thank you for being here. I … I wish I could tell you how I feel about this, but, but, but -” He sneezes violently.
Tommy laughs and hands Buck a tissue. Then gives him a kiss on his head. “I know. It’s alright, love. Just focus on getting healthy again, alright? We can talk later, after you stop exploding.”
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tenebrous-academic · 4 months
I think starting off with bucktommy having so many scenes focusing on them just made us greedy (Understandable, how could you get enough of them?😭). Like I'm mourning tommy's scene with henren. It's already established that chimney is bucktommy warrior but I really wanted to see how things between hen and tommy are. Like damn, there's no way we're finding out huh?
But considering how short the season is I think tim is doing a good job at establishing bt. We've seen tommy in many 118 important moments (the rescue, madney's wedding, the ceremony, even mentioned in Bobby's goodbye 😭, and the hospital). It's safe to say that tommy is like no other love interest. And buck already knows/feels that much. We only need the little nudge that makes him go: "yes, he's is the one for me". Could be in the hospital scene, could be not.
But the desperation is felt and REAL, like it's our last chance to get any substantial bt scenes to live off during the hiatus. It's gonna be wild out there
Anon, we were given a FEAST at the start of this season. The soft conversations, the chin grabs, the promise of something more beginning to blossom???? We had everything we wanted in the start of their relationship. The queer awakening of Buck was given so much attention and screen time (as it should) and, once the storyline focused on other characters (as it also should because this isn’t just the Buck show), we had to make do with small interactions and background scenes. But oh my, what we were given to begin with was almost too good to be true. It was such an authentic start to a relationship. The chemistry, awkwardness, earnestness, and desire was so amazing to witness because it felt so real and lasting. And it’s created such a believable couple that we’re still here, even though we’ve basically had nothing else to go off of since the kiss in the hospital.
It absolutely makes sense that people are saying it doesn’t feel like we’ve been shown enough of an established relationship because we were given so much of the start of the relationship. There seems to be a disconnect now where, if people aren’t shown it, then it just doesn’t exist. I don’t agree with it, but I understand why some fans are upset or are claiming it’s not there.
And, because this fandom is amazing, we’ve thought of all the scenes and interactions we want to see. Just look at A03 for the sheer untapped potential of Tevan content. But we’re not getting them because this show already has so much to showcase. RIP Hen and Tommy discussion scene, RIP Hen and Buck heart-to-heart over Buck’s newly discovered bisexual identity.
I completely agree that Tim is doing his best to give everyone equal screen time. We already know he’s returned from his Lone Star vacation with a determination to bring Buck back to former glory and I think the journey he’s on now is going to be incredible to witness. Tim is laying a foundation for Tevan in a way that isn’t monopolizing the screen (which we know Buddie fans would also complain about if that were happening) and he’s giving us just enough crumbs to keep us fed. The scenes you highlighted are so important and it’s weaving Tommy into the fabric of the 118. You’re so right that it’s unlike any other love interest. Taylor was there but we know she was there for the stories and the exploitation. Tommy is there for Buck.
Depending on what we get next episode for the finale this hiatus is going to be so wild. If we’re lucky, we’ll get some truly sweet moments between Tommy and Buck. If we’re not lucky, Tommy will only be there briefly (or maybe even only mentioned) and we’ll have to rely on fanfics to sustain us with codas and AUs.
Either way, what a way to go.
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Choices LI Tag Game
Thanks for the tags, @allaboutchoices and @flowerpowell !
Here are mine:
Across the Void - None really. I mean, I liked both Meridian and Sol but idc much. (For the end I chose Sol though. Idk why.)
America’s Most Eligible - Adam all the way! I couldn’t not choose him after he said that at the end of the day all he cares about is that MC would be happy. =(
Baby Bump - Still need to continue playing, but so far Clint is my favorite!
Bachelorette Party - None really. Ash was my favorite, though.
Big Sky Country - Sawyer. (Yes, still need to finish book 2.)
Blades of Light and Shadow - So far I’m leaning most toward Tyril. I’m flirting with everyone though. xD
Bloodbound - Adrian, but I love Lily just as much! <3
TC&TF - My first playthrough I picked Dom for Kenna. My second I didn’t care much, because it was obvious to me Dom and Kenna were better off as friends. (I loved Dom and Sei, though!) At the end I chose Tevan.
ACoR - None really.
Desire & Decorum - My Choices husband Ernest Sinclaire. (I miss him so much! =‘( )
The Elementalists - Becketttt! The one LI who stole my heart and then crushed it to smithereens when he didn’ t come back. Still haven’t recovered, and idk if I will. =(
Endless Summer - My first real playthrough I chose Jake. He’s the first Choices LI who stole my heart (but he’s not on my list anymore. Lol xD)
The Freshman - My only full playthrough I romanced Chris. Started another playthrough with Zig, but honestly- I prefer Chris.
HoBM - None really.
The Heist Monaco - None really. (I liked Fabien, though!) 
Hero - Couldn’t choose between Grayson and Kenji.
High School Story - Both Caleb and Michael (in seperate playthroughs).
High School Story- Class Act - White male Rory. He and Lily (my MC) are the most adorable couple ever. <3
HFTH - Nick Peralta.
It Lives in the Woods - Hm... Lucas, but I wish Dan was a LI. 
It Lives Beneath - Parker Shaw
Love Hacks - In both playthroughs couldn’t choose between Mark and Ben. <3
Mother of the Year - None really. Eiko? Levi? Lol I kept it polyamourous cause I couldn’ t choose.
Nightbound - Nik Ryder
Open Heart - None really. I guess Rafael is so far my favorite, though I love the Ramsey angst.
Passport to Romance - Elliot tho he was super boring (should’ ve chosen Sumire)
Perfect Match - M!Hayden. I love him so much. =( 
Platinum - Is it not obvious yet? Avery Wilshere, the sweetest Hufflepuff pop star ever! <3
Red Carpet Diaries - Couldn’t really choose cause I didn’t really care. At the end I chose Matt in Book 3, though none of them are really outstanding tbh.
Ride or Die - Hispanic Logan =)
The Royal Masquerade - White Male Hunter, though I kinda regret not changing him to Asian Male Hunter
The Royal Romance - I did two playthroughs with Maxwell and one with Liam. TRH so far is all Maxwell, though. ^-^
Rules of Engagement - Dean
Save the Date - Simon, of course! He was way too sweet. <3
Sunkissed - Nate
Veil of Secrets - Flynn
Wishful Thinking - Jaime <3
That’s it! ^-^
I’m tagging @itsbrindleybinch @mariaoz and @ellieschoices in case you want to do it! <3
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endless-vall · 7 years
A full circle - Part Four - Seasons of love, final chapter
Summary: Arden prepares to ask the question of his life. Author’s note: I feel like through Arden and Erin, I’m giving a second chance that Dom x Rose didn’t have. This is the last part of my story, “A full circle”. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
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A few years ago, Arden was preparing himself to ask Erin a question. A quiet simple one, but he still hesitated, no sure what her answer will be. He remembered back on it, and how silly it made him feel when she answered, as if it was obvious. “Umm... Erin?” He stopped one of their sparring matches, fluttering. “Yeah?” Her eyes sparkled in their usual, exciting, selves. “I’ve been wondering for a while...” He blushed a little, but forced himself to ask anyway. He got so far thing time, there was no turning back. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” He finally let out. The mere question felt like taking a burden of his chest. Now... only remained the answer. He was mortified when Erin started laughing at him. Was he that ridiculous, thinking she could be his? “Aw, silly,” She punched playfully at his arm. “Aren’t I already your girlfriend?” She finally asked, making him feel relieved. Stuttering, he decided on “Sure.” And pulled her into a kiss. Now, Arden was getting ready to ask her another question. A more serious one. But he wasn’t hesitating this time. He was going to ask Erin to be his wife.
And it had to go perfectly. They’ve been together for years, now. They met when they were merely sixteen, but now they were already twenty-five, about to celebrate their twenty-sixth birthdays. almost ten years together. Ten years they’ve laughed, loved, hurted, and overcame together. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her for a while now. Watching her, he always found himself admiring her. Sometimes he couldn’t believe she was really his. How his life have turned around, changed. One day he met a girl by the river, while going with his mother to his first business trip, and the other - He was learning to wield fire and getting to know his father and an entire family he didn’t know he had in the mountains. Today, he was both managing his mother’s business and serves as a fire master in the Blackspine mountains. He was coming close to making a decision; staying in Stormholt or moving to The Fire kingdom. One thing was obvious for him, he wanted to be where Erin was. Or take her with him wherever he decide on staying. But will Erin agree to this? Does she want the same things as him? And where will he end up in? Those were the thoughts that raced through his mind. He knew only one person never failed helping him see everything clearer, and that person was Erin. So he was making his way to The Fire kingdom, that was still located in the Blackspine mountains, with a question in his mind. “Arden!” She spotted him even before he passed the entrance to the city, running towards him and attacking him with a hug. He spun her around, like he knew she liked being held, and then set her back on the ground, earning a giggle of her mellow voice. “Did you miss me?” He asked, playfully. “Uhhh, only like crazy!” Usually she’d tease him, but today was different. It felt different. Good different, just like Arden had needed. They haven’t seen each other in quite a long time, this time, and both were excited to reconnect. “Me too,” He admitted, kissing her forehead. She rose up to her tip-toes and planted a kiss to his lips. It was a sweet one, not long enough, for Arden’s liking, but he realized they needed to head into the kingdom itself. Breaking apart, he took her hand in his and they started making their way inside. Passing through the city, Arden saw many familiar faces. This place had become his second home. Since meeting Erin, he had traveled and met people he never thought he’d meet. He met Queen Kenna Rys and her husband King Raydan Lykel, which was a great honor since he grew up in Stormholt and was under their command. He also met King Tevan Drammir, his sister Princess Aurynn, along with his wife Zenobia Nevrakis. He met them with his mother, Rose, who got to thank both of them for their hospitality, and learn more about the kingdom that protected both of them in their darkest times - Fydoria. Sooner than he imagined, he got invited to balls and dinner parties, along with Dominic and Sei, and their family. As it turned out, Kenna vaguely remembered his mother and uncle, and was relieved to learn they’re alive. Arden was happy that both of his worlds coexisted in harmony, rather than competed with each other. He and Erin had made it into their house. He greeted his father, Dom, and Sei, before leaving his stuff in his room and joining Erin in the garden. “Pssst. I’m here!” He heard Hanae’s voice calling, when Erin went into the house to make them some tea. “Did you bring what I asked you for?” Arden’s eyes lightened up, and he rose to his feet, walking her way. “Here it is.” Hanae holds out a beautiful, velvet box. Arden opens the box, which is featuring an even more beautiful ring inside of it. Last time he was there, he asked Hanae to pick out a ring for him. “Wow.” He had no words. The only thing that could compete with the ring’s beauty was Erin herself, who was the most beautiful woman he had even known. “How much do I owe you for this?” He was willing to pay everything he had. “Shhh... It’s a gift.” Hanae winked at him, and disappeared into the house before he could say anything. He wanted to go after her, to protest, but just as he was about to, he saw Erin getting closer. He hid the ring just in time, while Erin came out to the garden with a tray, a kettle, and two cups. Arden smelled the sweet aroma of the tea, coming out of the kettle. “Mmm... My favorite?” He guessed. “As always.” She winked back, and set a full cup in front of him. She poured herself a cup as well, and they clinked their glasses. “Hey, dad, can I ask you something?” Arden asked while going on a meditation session with his father. They loved meditating together, it became sort of a habit doing together when Arden was over. “Sure,” Dom flashed a smile. “Anything.” He added. “Well, I was wondering...” Maybe Arden was a bit old fashioned. And maybe the situation was a bit weird since he was asking his own father for Erin’s hand. But while Erin wasn’t his biological daughter, Dom was still her father. “I wanted to ask you for Erin’s hand.” Arden let out decisively, blurting out the words. Dom burst into a blissful chuckle. “Finally!” He said after he regained his breath. All the while Arden was watching him in a shocked expression. “Did Hanae say anything...?” He wondered out loud, furrowing his eyebrows. “No, no...” Dom flashed a smirk. “She didn’t say anything. Though, I must admit I’m a bit offended you talked to her before you told me.” Dom teased. “But actually, no. You two have been together for forever... We were wondering when will you drop the big question... Me and Sei, we threw bets on it.” Dom admitted. “You did what?!” Arden exhaled, making Dom chuckle again. This time, Arden joined him, after getting over the initial shock. After both were done laughing, Dom threw up his hands in a surrendering gesture. “Got me there,” He admitted. “... Did you win, at least?” Arden wondered. “Oh, no... I said you’d propose before the age of twenty five. Sei said it would take some time, so she placed her bet on after the age of twenty five.” Dom explained. “Well, I’m still twenty five.” Arden argued. “Yeah, but you’re almost twenty six now, and Sei’s guess was more accurate, so yeah.” Dom shrugged. It’s not like being in Sei’s mercy was anything bad. Arden, though, finding it amusing that his father had lost yet another ‘battle’ with Sei. Sometimes he wondered if he ever did that on purpose. Arden watched his father for a long minute, considering. “That means I have the permission, right?” An excited smile crept to his face. “Of course.” Dom clasped his shoulders. “We’ve been waiting for forever.” Now, with the ring from Hanae and the permission of her father, Arden had all he needed. Taking Erin out for a stroll in the evening, they walked hand in hand on a beautiful path just outside the city’s walls. “Here again?” Erin playfully nudged Arden, as they got closer to the river. Where they first met, where they first kissed, by the fireplace, where they also... shared their first night. “What can I say? This place always brings back good memories.” He tells her, shrugging. “And great for making new ones.” She comments, smiling seductively at him. Arden nods, pulling her closer against his side. She didn’t know how right she was. They arrived at the river side, as snow started falling around them. They made a small bonfire near them, though they didn’t need it to keep warm. Their fire powers and each other’s presence was enough to keep them warm. If it was a regular fire the snow would’ve shut it off, but since it was a product of their powers, it kept burning in a beautiful, strong flame. Arden could never get over how the fire glistened, reflecting in Erin’s eyes. Blinking, Arden got back into reality, noticing Erin caught him starring at her. Chuckling, she questioned. “What is it?”. “Nothing... it’s just...” Arden knew it was the right moment. “I was just thinking about how happy you make me.” He told her. Erin blushed. “You make me happy too.” She told him, giving him hand a light squeeze. “And about how much love you brought into my life. Erin... before you, I never knew I was capable of many things... part of them being related to my fire magic but also... I never thought I’d love someone as deeply as I love you.” Arden wasn’t nervous anymore. Somehow, as he started talking, all he felt was confidence and assurance.  “Arden...” Erin’s voice was soft, and it made Arden smile as he continued. “And I’m ready to be an official part of the fire tribe, If you’ll have me...” Arden wore a sheepish grin. “What are you saying...?” She copied his smile. “Erin,” Arden got down on one knee. “Will you marry me?” There’s a long moment of silence, of both of them starring at each other in awe, before Erin exclaims and tackles Arden, attacking him with her embrace. “Yes!!!” She chuckles in complete bliss as she answered him. He spun her around in his arms, ready for the next chapter of his life begin, and closing a full circle. It was their wedding day, and everybody were in complete merriment, as Ardern and Erin shared their vows and first kiss as a married couple. Now, they were on the dance floor, sharing their first dance. “That’s it,” Arden told her, decisively. “Now you’re mine forever.” He teased. “Oh, silly.” She chuckled. “Wasn’t I already yours forever?” She nipped at his nose. Sharing a knowing smile, both remembering Arden’s stuttering proposal for Erin to be his girlfriend, all those years ago, Arden smiled. “Right. How could I ever forget?” He spun her around, one last time, as the song hit the last note, and pulled her into a loving kiss.
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My Opinions on the Choices Love Interests
Decided to update this with the new books, and made a couple minor changes to things that have evolved
Disclaimer: these are my headcanons and preferences for my versions of the characters and I don’t intend to stomp on anyone else’s. I put them roughly in ranking order
The Crown and the Flame:
MC: Kenna, female, straight
Dom: Married Kenna. I think they were always meant to be together. I’ll include his love interests in this list too
Raydan: My personal favorite. Sexy af. I enjoyed seeing him flirt with Kenna but in the end chose not to pair them together for the sake of storytelling. I ship him with Val
Tevan: Love this fabulous nerd completely platonically
Annelyse: I love how she can be badass and frivolous at the same time
Val: She grew on me over the series. I never wanted her as Kenna’s love interest but I ship her with Raydan
Diavolos: Sexy but by the time I met him I had already decided I wanted Kenna with Dom or Raydan
Sei: She’s cool but never intended to ship her with Dom because Dom was always in love with Kenna
Rose: Never intended any romance with her and Dom, kinda felt bad for her because she always liked him
Jackson: Honestly didn’t pay too much attention to him
Aurynn: I honestly can’t remember whether she was a LI for either of the main characters or just Raydan but she bugged me
Most Wanted:
Sam and Dave: Didn’t particularly ship them together. I don’t think there were really any other love interest options
The Freshman/The Sophomore:
MC: Cam, female, straight
Chris: Currently dating. Reminds me a bit of my real-life crush in the way that he was getting over a breakup and in how sweet he is so it was a little bit of wish fulfillment
Zig: Hot and tempting but I was already dating Chris
James: I flirted with him a little at the beginning but now just see him as a friend
Kaitlyn: Best friend, never interested in her romantically but I really want her to get with someone
Becca: Never really warmed up to her. She’s still kind of a bitch
Rules of Engagement:
MC: Jessica, female, straight
Party twin: Kat, female, bi
Nerdy Twin: Lily, female, lesbian
Brother: Max, male, straight
Bartender (Rory): Married to MC. I liked him from the start and he’s sexy, sweet, feisty, and someone my character can be comfortable around.
Audrey: I love her and I love their relationship, I think she is helping Nerdy twin be more adventurous and she is a film person like me
Prince (Conner): I liked him a lot so it was a tough choice. I liked his sense of adventure that he brought out in MC and I like how she inspired him to do what was best for him
Elena: She seems cool and I’m glad she’s dating the brother but I don’t have strong opinions
Blake: He’s the best of Party Twin’s love interests but I don’t really care that much
Carter: Don’t care too much for him, he seems kind of immature
Mira: A little intimidating
Businessman (Bryce): Never cared too much for him. He’s too focused on his work and just trying to win my character with his riches
Endless Summer:
MC: Blake, male, gay
Sean: Currently dating the MC. He surprised me a little in how much I ended up liking him, he’s sweet and brave and sometimes it annoys me when I lose points with him even though I’m trying my best but I love him with my character
Jake: I love his nicknames, he’s sexy and fun and he’s the one I initially flirted with
Estela: Intimidating and intriguing
Quinn: Always kind of annoyed me a little. She’s a little too sweet and pitiable. But she’s still my friend
MC: Naomi, female, straight
Mark: I’m a sucker for crushes turning into couples. I was really looking forward to him finally confessing but they kind of glossed over that unfortunately
Ben: He’s an adorable nerd and I would definitely date him if Mark wasn’t in the picture
Leah: She’s a good friend but no romantic feelings
Haunting of Braidwood Manor:
MC: Katie, female, straight
Victor: Maybe they got together but I don’t really care
Eleanor: Never really cared about the romance in this book
The Royal Romance:
MC: Logan, female, straight
Prince (Cody): The whole point is to marry the prince so she’s gonna go for the prince. But I’m not super invested
Justin: Can’t even tell if he’s gonna be a love interest or not but if he is he’ll give Cody a run for his money
Drake: Has his sweet moments but is kind of a grump
Maxwell: I know everyone in the fandom loves him but I don’t really have strong feelings either way
Hana: I like their friendship but I won’t pursue more
MC: Lara, female, bi
Poppy: Not currently a love interest but PLEASE
Caleb: Too hot, hot damn. Pun intended. Might date him
Ava: I’m starting to like her more now that I actually know who she is, might date her
Grayson: Seems nice but I don’t really care
Kenji: I don’t really get all the hype but to each their own
High School Story:
MC: Lucas, male, bi
Michael: Currently dating. He’s cute, initially I wasn’t sure about his attitude but I think MC is a good influence on him and his homecoming proposal was irresistible. I headcanon that he is bi and Lucas is his first boyfriend
Emma: Best friend, reminds me of me, I really want her to find a love interest but it’s probably not gonna be MC
Maria: Too type A, but she has her moments
Aiden: Not really my type, even though I’m in band
Caleb: Off limits. I wouldn’t do that to Emma
It Lives in the Woods:
MC: Olive, female, straight
Connor: I like flirting with him and will try to see where it goes
Noah: At first I didn’t like him that much but he’s growing on me and it could be cute to see their friendship grow into something more. His smile is adorable when he actually smiles
Lucas: Can you even date Lucas?? Idk but he’s kinda cute
Ava: She’s cool but I only see her as a friend
Andy: My character isn’t interested in him but I ship him with Tom
Stacy: Literally didn’t know she was a love interest until I just looked it up. But she’s cool
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endless-vall · 7 years
If you dont mind prompt 1, 6 for dom-raydan as two men who both love kenna. thanks
It’s all healthy competitionSummery: Dom is confronted by Raydan, with a strong statement of the truth. They’re both in love with Kenna, and both have business with her. While Raydan had come to him to make him act on his feelings, the outcome is entirely different, and the question in hand is, who’ll step down first?Written from Dom’s pov.Author’s note: I enjoyed writing this, thank you for the request ♥️ I got another request with this prompt, where I made Diavolos come up to Raydan, so I wanted to make Raydan the one doing the confrontation part this time. I love how different this turned out, so thank you for the chance to write about it :)I also made it unclear who ‘wins’ at the end, I hope this is what you meant!I want to say i’m not a Dom x Kenna shipper, so I hope I did them justice(?) in this piece.Pairings: Kenna x Dom, Kenna x Raydan
-“You’re in love with her.” Raydan tells him,capturing him the night before Azura’s forces attack Stormholt. Even thoughRaydan left the party early, he found the time to confront Dom and give himsome things to think about.He caught him by surprise, but Dom quickly caught up, and swallowed hard beforeanswering “Aren’t you?”, wearing a smug smile on his face.“I…” Raydan hesitates. “Yes. Of course.” He admits. Raydan had gave him a bookearlier, a book able to prove Dom was descendant from Fydoria’s royalty. Domalready had read that book a couple of times over, his eyes glimmering as hefound the truth, as he got to ‘meet’ his family.Dom then hugged Raydan, and although Raydan was caught up-prepared, he returnedthe gesture.And he didn’t say anything. He didn’t mention Kenna. So why now? Dom wondered,but played along with Raydan.“So? Aren’t you supposed to be over there, talking with her, instead of me?”Dom gestured to the other side of the room, where Kenna was making her roundsand entertaining guests.“I can say the exact same thing to you.” Raydan remarked. “True.” Dom sighed. He got two invitations today, two people he could go outwith, and he probably would take them out on their offer, and still, somethingwithin him lingered, hoping a certain queen would stumble along his path. But Kenna probably didn’t see him that way. He figured. Therewas a time he was sure he and Kenna would end up together. He didn’t know how,and when, but somehow, they both thought they’ll marry someday. But it was a long time ago.These days? Kenna was too busy with being a queen, with fighting wars andmoving mountains. She didn’t have time for love, and even when she did? The kissesthey’d steal didn’t have a stand against the longing, lingering staresshe’d send Raydan’s way. Dom wasn’t blind, he saw that. He noticed. He knew Kenna. And…he didn’t want to admit that, but he also knew she was probably in love withthe man.And Raydan was a good man. Someone worthy of her… Dom could approve of it.He and Kenna had never made promises, and what they had wasn’t nearly enough tobe called a relationship. They’ve shared only a couple of passionate kisses,and that was always after being forcefully torn apart for periods of time.After not seeing each other for two years, after she’d save him from Hex’s mindcontrol, etc.Besides, he owed Raydan. If it wasn’t for him, Dom might’ve never found thetruth about his parents. He was thankful for Margaret, but knowing his real motherhad loved him, had gave Raydan a few tokens of favor.Raydan was staring at him for a while now, so Dom finally chuckled, clasping ahand over his shoulder. “My friend, it’s alright. You should go celebrate withher. I’ll be fine. I’ll manage. I have a training session with Sei to surviveand a drink I owe Jackson.” Dom winked at him.“Training session?” Raydan questioned. “I thought tonight was all about relaxingbefore the battle ahead.” He added. Right. The calm before the storm. Domnodded, remembering. “I guess Sei got a different idea.” Dom shrugged. He likedSei, he really did. He was even flattered enough by Jackson, deciding to takehim on his offer.“Dom.” Raydan said, making him stop at his tracks. Dom’s back is turned to him,so Raydan can only guess what’s his expression right now. Dom has to forcehimself to say it. “Kenna is yours, if she wants that. I won’t stand in theway.” He promises, and then slips out of the party as fast as he can. He gladlymeets Sei’s eyes, and spends the rest of the night trying to ignore any thoughtof Kenna as hard as he can. Trying, forgetting, losing himself in otherpeople.It’s the next day, when Raydan gives him a glance, that Dom remembers onceagain, and his heart flutters when Kenna passes him right by, only seconds later.She gives him a sweet, quick smile, before giving an inspirational speech.Kenna’s grown so much, and her speeches were always incredible, stirring and motivating,but honestly? Dom didn’t hear any of it after that smile. His ear were ringing,and he understood why Raydan had confronted him the night before.He gulped as he watched Raydan making his ways towards him, and standingalongside Dom while watching soldiers and companions cheer Kenna on.“I just want to say, it’s noble of you to say those things, but Kenna’s heartis her to follow, and I’d gladly step aside if she chose you. You’re her bestfriend. I don’t want her to lose that, to lose you.” Raydan said, loud enough forjust Dom to hear.“While I love Kenna, for her, I’m just her best friend-““And I’m just her spy-master.” Raydan reminded.“It’s… not the same thing-“ Dom started saying, only to be interrupted by Raydan.“I’m merely a commoner,” ‘And I’m any better?’ Dom wants to counter, but then remembers the book.The book he had put in his inner jacket pocket, the closest to his heart. Andwhile his parent were royalty, Dom didn’t feel any different than he was a dayago. But he knew Raydan would oppose.“That doesn’t matter.” He says, instead, making Raydan’s eyes widen insurprise.“Really?” Raydan is taken aback, a hint of disbelief turning up in his tone.“Trust me. Knowing Kenna, It doesn’t.” Dom shrugs. “If any of us can dream ofhaving Kenna’s hand, why can’t the other?” He questions, knowing soon his turnwill come, and he’d leave with Kenna’s side to meet with Azura on commonground.He knew both of them weren’t the only one’s interested in Kenna, but they wereclosest to her. Raydan made it clear he’d be supportive of Kenna’s relationshipwith him, as would he. And while other suitors had better titles, “KingTevan”, “King Diavolos”, “Queen Annelyse”… Dom truly had faith that thosethings didn’t matter. Not when it came to Kenna. Not after everything they’dbeen through.“If we survive today…” Dom started saying. “It’s all healthy competition.”Raydan finished.“It won’t be easy,” Dom nodded, noticing Kenna signing him they shouldbe out on their way. He threw one last glance at Raydan before heading out. “Butit’ll be worth it.” He caught Raydan mouthing, while he was making his waytowards her.
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endless-vall · 7 years
What if? - part two - Dom/Sei fanfic
Summery: What if we got closure not only for Kenna, but for the other characters too? Three years after the war with the iron empire is over, and Dom serves as the ambassador for the fire tribe, he reflects on his past romantic relationships. On his way back to the fire tribe village, he comes to the conclusion he’s never going to get to keep his lover to himself. Especially if the discussion was regarding Sei. But life has its ways of surprising us. And he gets not only to keep his lover this time, but an entire family.
Author’s note: this is part two of the series i’m writing ^^ This time featuring Dom and Sei! I hope you guys like it! 😊 You can find part one here. Both pieces aren't directly connected, but will be at the end. So just hang in there for the next parts 😉 enjoy~ Spoiler alert! - Next part is going to be about Aurynn, and will defiantly feature Tevan and Zenobia!
It’s been three years. Three busy, time consuming years where Dom had found himself traveling a lot and meeting tons of new people. But those new people had never replaced the one he already cherished. Even with all the new friends and alliances he’s made, he always came back home. The thing was, that his home now was at two places. First, Stormholt, and now, the fire tribe, too. It was a strange yet fulfilling feeling, as he felt he had a purpose now. He was on his way back from yet another diplomatic meeting, with the intention on staying in the fire tribe for the night, and leaving first thing in the morning for Stormholt. He missed his best friend, Kenna, and had not had a full, deep conversation with her in ages. She was a busy woman, he reminded himself, as he knew she was a queen, and now, also a mother. When the thought hit him, he couldn’t feel a glimpse of jealousy, knowing he wasn’t anywhere close to that. And as much as he loved the freedom of playing around, he also could not deny something within him wanted to settle down. And when he thought about settling down, only one name popped into his mind, coming for the surface after being buried for so long - Sei.
He pushed the thought back, deep into the back of his mind, Sei didn’t look at him that way, he convinced himself. Looking back at his romantic history, Dom figured he wasn’t good at settling down anyway. From his years-long crush on Kenna, To lying to Rose and to himself he was able to love her -  he really wanted to, but it wasn’t enough. He didn’t love her since his heart was already occupies with Kenna, and he could never make up for hurting her. He had hoped that in one of his journeys he’d bump into her, and try to make amends. He wasn’t so lucky so far. He remembered the fling with Jackson, which lasted for a while, but ultimately, Jackson found someone else. They never were exclusive, but Jackson was nervous about telling Dom he had fallen for someone else. Dom brushed that off with a charming smile and said, that if that person made Jackson happy, then he approved. Even countless strangers he have met during his traveling as ambassador could not make him forget the way Sei made him feel. He and Sei had been lovers even before the war ended, but they were never in a relationship. They never discussed it, and they never claimed the other to be theirs. It was just casual kissing and sometimes stolen nights, when he would come back from a mission. He never knew what to expect, when he came back. She might find someone else, just as Jackson did, and he won’t even know about it until he arrived. He remembered how he told Shadow-Sei, the ghost he saw in his mind all that time ago, that he loved her, and how she laughed as response. He was sure the real Sei would react the same way, calling him ridiculous. Dom was good at attracting people, but not at keeping them. He wasn’t sure Sei even wanted a relationship, but even if she would, he probably wouldn’t get to keep her to himself, not for the long run, anyway.
He finally made his way into the village, when a random little girl ran his way. “Dominic!!!” She called, excitedly. “You’re home!” She jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around. This little girl was an orphan, whose parents died during the fight against the iron empire, and the entire tribe looked after her as if she was their own. “Yes, I’m home!” He answered, as enthusiastic as she was, even though he was exhausted. She giggled as he putt her down, and she took his arm in her little hand and leaded him towards the elder’s house. “Elder Sei, look who’s home!” She called as she threw the door open. Dom chuckled, at how impolite that was, but totally fitting for the little angel. He couldn’t help but feel he might’ve had some influence on her, too. “It’s impolite to barge into someone’s house like that, Erin.” He made a point, but he couldn’t really scowl at her. “It’s fine.” Sei came into the living room, ruffling Erin’s hair. “I’ve missed you.” Sei said, as Dom gathered her into his arms. Sei didn’t have problem with both of them displaying affection towards each other in front of her tribe, and for that he was grateful. “Erin, could you get grandfather back from the lake? I’m sure he’d want to say hi to Dom, too.” She said and Erin nodded, eyes full of excitement, as she ran out to fulfill her mission. Dom grinned at how warm and motherly Sei was with little Erin, and didn’t notice how Sei grinned at him the same way.
Both of them, along with Erin and Anu, had dinner together and discussed his last trip. They even did some meditation. Well, Sei, Anu and Erin meditated, Dom fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Sei chuckled when they all heard a snore, which broke away their concentration, and pulled out a fur blanked over him.
He woke up early in the next morning, and a sweet smell filled the house. Sei was already up and cooking something. Anu and Erin weren’t anywhere to be seen, probably left together even before he woke up. He noticed the blanket on top of him, and a warm feeling spread through him. “Did you tuck me in?” He asked as he entered the kitchen. “I did.” Sei hummed briefly. “Your snoring drove us crazy.” She teased, while serving his breakfast. “Wow. Tucked me in and cooked breakfast? You really have miss me!” He said as he motioned for her to seat beside him. And she did, both of the digging into their meal. “I have something to discuss with you.” Sei admitted. So that was what this all was about. “Is it about my work? Am i not doing well as an ambassador?” He asked, concerned. He, for one, thought he did a splendid job. “No. It’s not that. You’re doing a great job.” She assured him. “Oh. So?” He wondered. “It’s about Erin.” Sei admitted, looking up from her plate and into his eyes. “Erin? What about her? Is she alright?” He immediately got to his defensive mode, ready to burn down anyone who would being harm to her. “She’s just fine.” Sei chuckled. “I’m just thinking… about adopting her. Officially.” she announced. “The other day, she accidentally called me ‘Mommy’, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since.” Sei told him. “That’s great! I’m happy for both of you, that’ll be great.” He puts a hand over hers. Genuinely happy for her. “She looks up to you, too, you know.” She says, and he nods, oblivious to why she’s telling him this. “I may not understand all your rituals and culture…” she hesitated, just for a second, before regaining her composure back. “But i’d embrace it just as you had embraced ours. So, i’d be honored if you… adopted her with me.” Sei smiled at him, flashing her teeth. “Sei… are you..- are you PROPOSING to me?” It finally sunk down. She punched him in his arm, playfully, but sill strong enough to make him rub his shoulder. “Ah!” He protested. “Lowlander. Don’t make me repeat myself.” She held the collar of his shirt in her hand and pulled him closer. “I…-” he wanted to keep teasing her, but the overwhelming feeling of joy washed upon him, and before he could think about it, he found himself saying out loud “Yes”. “Yes?” She asked rhetorically and pulled him into a kiss, as she was already holding into his shirt, and their lips finally met. They were hungry for each other, kissing and biting each other’s lips, not minding they might get caught. He pushed his tongue against her and she parted her lips, allowing him in. Their tongues tangled together, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and bite hard at her lower lip. “Ah!” She exhaled. “Don’t pretend. I know you like it rough.” He teased against her lips, before kissing her again, gently this time. Taking his time to comfort her this time, planting soft, feather-like kisses to her lips and then lower, towards her neck, stopping at her collar bone. She smiled as she leaned in to kiss his ear, nipping lightly before whispering “I want you to stay.” He could feel himself getting hot from just the how sensual the whisper felt. “To stay?” He asked, a little confused but still willing to oblige. “You said you need to leave for Stormholt. Stay.” Sei knew she was asking for a lot, but he he could see his best friend later. Right now, she wanted Dom to herself. “Okay. I’ll stay.” He whispered back. He’d see Kenna later, she would understand. He didn’t know if Sei meant for right now, or forever. But he could do both, if she wanted him to.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In a few months, everything changed for Dom. From worrying about his future and relationships, he was about to marry the woman he loved. The woman he thought would never want him back, the way he wanted her. But she did, and she was willing to dress up in “something ridiculous”, as she called it, and go down the aisle. They embraced traditions from both of their cultures, as she rubbed in some body paint into his face, making him an official part of her tribe and her family. He watched as little Erin ran around the guests, scattering flowers all around the the area. He chuckled, as he remembered how glad and excited Erin was, when they suggested to adopt her. She was already their daughter. Erin ran around and bumped into a familiar woman, it was Kenna. Dom looked up and met Kenna’s gaze. She was so proud, and happy for him. With tears of joy in her eyes, she picked up Erin and motioned for the little girl to look in the same direction she was. When Erin spotted Dom from afar, she let out a happy squeal, and Kenna laughed. Her own son came near her, hand in hand with Raydan, and Dom felt like Kenna was the best aunt he could give the little girl who became his world. Kenna put Erin down, and the former started running around and playing with Kenna’s son, Adrian. He remembered how he was just an orphan boy, and Margaret took him in, and suddenly he had a family. He had lost that family, like his biological one, too. But when he watched as Kenna and her husband started walking in his direction, and Sei and Anu joined him, he realized he had a new family now. He instinctively took one of Sei’s arms in his, not planning on letting this family ever slip out of his hands.
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My Opinions on the Choices Love Interests
Disclaimer: these are my headcanons and preferences for my versions of the characters and I don’t intend to stomp on anyone else’s. I put them roughly in ranking order
The Crown and the Flame:
MC: Kenna, female, straight
Dom: Married Kenna. I think they were always meant to be together. I’ll include his love interests in this list too
Raydan: My personal favorite. Sexy af. I enjoyed seeing him flirt with Kenna but in the end chose not to pair them together for the sake of storytelling. I ship him with Val
Tevan: Love this fabulous nerd completely platonically
Annelyse: I love how she can be badass and frivolous at the same time
Val: She grew on me over the series. I never wanted her as Kenna’s love interest but I ship her with Raydan
Diavolos: Sexy but by the time I met him I had already decided I wanted Kenna with Dom or Raydan
Sei: She’s cool but never intended to ship her with Dom because Dom was always in love with Kenna
Rose: Never intended any romance with her and Dom, kinda felt bad for her because she always liked him
Jackson: Honestly didn’t pay too much attention to him
Aurynn: I honestly can’t remember whether she was a LI for either of the main characters or just Raydan but she bugged me 
Most Wanted:
Sam and Dave: Didn’t particularly ship them together. I don’t think there were really any other love interest options
The Freshman/The Sophomore:
MC: Cam, female, straight
Chris: Currently dating. Reminds me a bit of my real-life crush in the way that he was getting over a breakup and in how sweet he is so it was a little bit of wish fulfillment
Zig: Hot and tempting but I was already dating Chris
James: I flirted with him a little at the beginning but now just see him as a friend
Kaitlyn: Best friend, never interested in her romantically but I really want her to get with someone 
Becca: Never really warmed up to her. She’s still kind of a bitch
Rules of Engagement:
MC: Jessica, female, straight
Party twin: Kat, female, bi
Nerdy Twin: Lily, female, lesbian
Brother: Max, male, straight
Bartender (Rory): Currently engaged to MC. I liked him from the start and he’s sexy, sweet, feisty, and someone my character can be comfortable around.
Audrey: I love her and I love their relationship, I think she is helping Nerdy twin be more adventurous and she is a film person like me
Prince (Conner): I liked him a lot so it was a tough choice. I liked his sense of adventure that he brought out in MC and I like how she inspired him to do what was best for him
Elena: She seems cool and I’m glad she’s dating the brother but I don’t have strong opinions
Blake: He’s the best of Party Twin’s love interests but I don’t really care that much
Carter: Don’t care too much for him, he seems kind of immature
Mira: A little intimidating
Businessman (Bryce): Never cared too much for him. He’s too focused on his work and just trying to win my character with his riches
Endless Summer:
MC: Blake, male, gay
Sean: Currently dating the MC. He surprised me a little in how much I ended up liking him, he’s sweet and brave and sometimes it annoys me when I lose points with him even though I’m trying my best but I love him with my character
Jake: I love his nicknames, he’s sexy and fun and he’s the one I initially flirted with
Estela: Intimidating and intriguing
Quinn: Always kind of annoyed me a little. She’s a little too sweet and pitiable. But she’s still my friend
MC: Naomi, female, straight
Mark: I’m a sucker for crushes turning into couples. I was really looking forward to him finally confessing but they kind of glossed over that unfortunately
Ben: He’s an adorable nerd and I would definitely date him if Mark wasn’t in the picture
Leah: She’s a good friend but no romantic feelings
Haunting of Braidwood Manor:
MC: Katie, female, straight 
Victor: Maybe they got together but I don’t really care
Eleanor: Never really cared about the romance in this book
The Royal Romance:
MC: Logan, female, straight
Prince (Cody): The whole point is to marry the prince so she’s gonna go for the prince. But I’m not super invested
Drake: Has his moments but is kind of a grump 
Hana: I like their friendship but I won’t pursue more
MC: Lara, female, bi
Poppy: Not currently a love interest but PLEASE
Caleb: Too hot, hot damn. Pun intended. I will date him if he becomes an option and Poppy doesn’t
Grayson: Seems nice but I don’t really care
Kenji: I don’t really get all the hype but to each their own
Mysterious girl: I literally know nothing about her because diamonds
High School Story:
MC: Lucas, male, bi
Michael: Current homecoming date. He’s cute, initially I wasn’t sure about his attitude but I think MC is a good influence on him and his homecoming proposal was irresistible
Emma: Best friend, reminds me of me, I really want her to find a love interest but it’s probably not gonna be MC
Maria: Too type A, but she has her moments
Aiden: Not really my type, even though I’m in band
Caleb: Off limits. I wouldn’t do that to Emma
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