#I don’t do WvW or PvP
couple-o-commanders · 5 months
I need the Mist Reward Potion to come back.
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praise-joko · 1 year
Hey OP of the "What other MMOs do you play" poll, thanks for reminding me that Aion exists. That's the shit my dad used to play before he went onto GW2
Yeah, I honestly don’t really remember anything about it other than the soundtrack. I still love the music from that game.
I think I once tried to revisit it and found out that they got rid of all the zones I knew and had liked?Why??? I just immediately dropped it again. I was only going back because of the nostalgia.
That game was also my first experience with PvP I think. I died but my heart was racing a mile a minute during that random encounter. It was exhilarating. I got that excitement again once I finally willed myself to enter WvW.
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Hello peeps! As a little countdown to GW2's launch anniversary on August 28 I decided to dig up some old memories and take a small look at my personal journey through the game. Each day I'll make a post about another year.
DAY 4: 2015
Oh boy, 2015. A lot happened that year. The whole 2015/2016 era is incredibly nostalgic for me, so let's dive right in.
Coming back from my year long hiatus, I felt like having a new start. You know when you play an RPG that you don't touch for months and you think "might as well start over". I sat down and made another ranger.
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And so my little walnut Iekko (it's an i not an L inside joke) was created. He became my new main and continues to be the main to this day! My girlfriend decided to play through the story with me on her Sylvari mesmer Maëliss (also known as Shroomie), and so this dream-team commander duo was born. We've played every* story release together on these two since. *except for long live the lich which i somehow didn't play until last year. and then i didn't even play it on the main.
We went through the entirety of the personal story all the way to the end for the very first time... that included Arah, which back then still was a group instance. We really, really tried to beat it on our own.
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Didn't go so well. We ended up partying up with some strangers (our LFG looked kinda like "noobs looking for party to finish story") and finally defeated Zhaitan. We dove right into LS2 afterwards which was incredible to play through on a Sylvari commander team, and anticipated the teased expansion (and according to my screenshot folder fought tequatl A LOT in the meantime).
That year's April Fool's day brought us the airplane mode:
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I remember people were mad about it. I thought it was funny. Both the airplane mode, and the fact that it made people mad. Also I had come back to Lion's Arch being in shambles and I had no idea why. Just kept falling through all the holes in the bridges constantly.
Also, in memory of 2013: The return of the cliff.
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Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot to go with it, but my main's nickname Bobbie also had its roots that year. Did some pvp for the first time (terribly stressing. I am not a fan of pvp game modes. But I really wanted that dredge dungeon armour and somehow doing dungeons or doing wvw sounded even more terrifying to me. Don't understand that in retrospect but fine.) and at some point in Temple of the Silent Storm one person of the enemy team dies. I'm not even sure anymore if I was responsible for their death at all, I just happened to fall down the same hole in the same time (I generally 100% don't know what the hell I am doing in pvp), and next thing I see in say chat is "Lowbob hunter". Found it so funny that at first Lowbob became a nickname, which then evolved into just Bob and then to go better with Shroomie eventually became Bobbie some years later. Sometimes I wish I could find this random pvp person trying to insult me so I can properly thank them for giving my main a nickname that has lasted for years.
Later that year it happened... the Heart of Thorns beta. I mentioned this before, but can you imagine how excited I, someone who somehow thought it was a sensible thing to play a core tank heal ranger, was to find out about the druid specialization? Good times.
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Somehow this is one of the few screenshots I have from the beta and I believe it's because I must have been really enthralled by the lamps around Jaka Itzel. HoT graphics and lighting (fortunately I had a new PC at that point) seemed out of this world in comparison to many core places. Otherwise I remember the beta for playing it on my girlfriend's old pc with effectively non-exaggerated 3 fps and comically stuttering sound. It truly was an experience.
Fastforward to halloween! We had a little dance party with one of the devs:
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And you know what also happened on halloween in 2015? (takes a deep breath)
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If you've been following me for longer than a hot minute you know this is Heart of Thorns stan account number one. I don't think I need to say much about the general experience I've had with this expansion, you all know how I feel about it. On that note, remember when gliding was limited to HoT maps only for the first months?
In any case, the player base quickly learned we'd have to adapt our playstyle to enemies that set the bar a little higher than core enemies.
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Doing those Verdant Brink events for the first time after entering the map certainly was a bonding experience of the special kind.
Guess the map:
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This is the first screenshot I found that has chak in it. I don't remember the context for this. The way this is "framed" (if you want to call it that) makes me think I saw these little critters run by, slammed the screenshot button and went "the hell is this". Don't have any proof though. Just an assumption. I'll spare you more Tangled Depths talk, it'll happen sooner or later on this blog anyway if you want it or not.
Other than its beautiful maps (and great atmosphere. and amazing music. and-) HoT introduced two more things that would occupy me a lot throughout the end of 2015 and especially 2016 as well:
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More about Tarir south gate adventures and my first legendary journey to follow in 2016! :D
Permanent additions to the character roster that year:
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It was a very Sylvari year.
Links to all posts: 2012 // 2013 // 2014 // 2015 // 2016 // 2017 // 2018 // 2019 & 2020 // 2021 // 2022    
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immortal-elements · 3 years
Some preliminary thoughts about the new set of 3 elite specs
Mechanist. I like the build-a-mech style of traits, really allows you to get the right combination for your playstyle. That said, I wish that the traits provided other benefits than just abilities for your mech. It makes the engi gameplay seem super braindead. The signets are all really good, and I can’t complain there. I picked the grandmaster trait that let me keep the benefits of my signets even after activating them. I liked the signet that knocks down enemies, and the shadowstep one, and the elite signet. This, combined with the fact that engi has no weapon swapping, and no longer has tool belt skills, takes most of the complexity out of your engineer rotation. I used paladin’s stats, for damage, crit chance, and survivability, because realistically I am not going to be the one doing most the work, my mech is.
1. Whenever you recall your mech, it reverts to the default name, and I think that it should retain the name. I wanted to play a pvp game with a mech named “Soup Machine”, but it kept resetting.
2. I think that, as well as with the bladesworn, engi mech should get new skins eventually
3. Gameplay-wise, this fixes a lot of problems that I had with engineer. When you take away weapon swapping from a class, you must compensate them in some way. Elementalist gets 4 different attunements per weapon set, but engineer gets kits. Engineer kits are kind of bad because they take up a utility slot, they take up a tool belt slot, and most of the toolkits that are worth using provide very little in terms of utility.
Engineer gaining access to signets that are actually worth using saves a shitton of micromanagement from this class. Lower skill floor, higher skill ceiling.
4. The mech, while really powerful and cool, is kind of lame. Whenever it is on cooldown, most of my gameplay is waiting for it to come off cooldown. It’s a spec where the AI fights for you, and you are the mech’s sidekick. Not really a gripe, per se, but it probably won’t be one of my go-to classes.
So, the passing primal energy to and from your pet seems really cool! However, I don’t really see a reason why to move it to your pet. The new pet abilities are kinda cool, and I guess I could see using them occasionally, but I don’t think that that makes up for the fact that you are getting rid of your most powerful hammer abilities for not a lot of benefit. I guess you could unleash, dump your abilities, pass it to your pet, dump theirs, and then unleash again a few seconds later.
EDIT: Upon reading the abilities more closely, I realized that a lot of the utility of the hammer skills is in the un-unleashed state, but I am keeping that bit in for posterity’s sake. I like the unleash mechanic a lot more now.
The new healing skill is bonkers on fucking yonkers. 3 seconds of “you can’t die” followed by a heal? At the cost of your pet’s health, of course, but then you just swap as soon as you are able? The cantrips are nice too, but I’m not sure how to feel about the condition cleanse that turns all your conditions into vulnerability. It seems very situational for a condition cleanse.
The new elite seems good with like, longbow 2, or anything else that strikes rapidly. The rest of the cantrips are just pretty decent, not much to say about them.
1. The unleash only affecting the hammer is kind of disappointing. I would have loved to have other weapons with unleashed skills, but I suppose that would be adding too much for one elite spec.
2. Again, the unleash mechanic seems kind of clunky, while I like it, hiding utility under a 9 second cooldown doesn’t feel good. I know, this is rich coming from the ele main, but w/e.
3. I’m not entirely sure if the hammer competes with greatsword for a frontline bruiser ranger, but the daze skill definitely puts it in competition.
Specter: Hoooo boy, ok so this thing is going to be an absolute menace in wvw. Shortbow with 5 shadowsteps on your utility bar, fuckin ZOOMIN. A support thief spec is always an interesting one to look at. Traditionally, thief has been one of the more subtly difficult classes, it’s difficulty resulting from resource management and being a glass cannon. Specter allows you to play a sort of back-line healer. Pick your tank of choice, buff the fuck out of them, and sit back and watch. Personally, I am stoked for this spec. Not to play it, but rather to play WITH it. As a tank weaver main, this sounds nutty. More survivability, healing, boons, etc, sign me up!
I love all the wells, and I can guess at a support build that would work with a well coordinated group, utilizing shadow’s refuge, any blast finisher, and then the well that grant boons, the well that grant conditions, and the elite well. 
1. I appreciate that all the wells are shadowsteps, but I do feel like giving thief more shadowsteps is unnecessary.
2. I think that the ally targeting is a little clunky, just due to how I’ve played the game for so many years. I think that it will get easier with more practice.
3. Gw2 has this problem where any time that you are playing a healer, you are also playing a nigh-unkillable tank, (sword weaver, healbrand, etc). Thief doesn’t have that ability, which I suppose makes sense. They have VERY little self-healing for a support spec.
4. Siphon not getting benefits from the trickery skill tree when you target allies doesn’t seem all that good. I think that the trickery skills should proc even when you target allies, just for consistency’s sake.
5. I fucking love the sounds the scepter makes. Incredibly satisfying. Not a critique, but I felt I should add it.
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assortedasurathings · 3 years
First Thoughts : Mechanist
I’m typing this after a Little stress testing survivability and the Like.  And I gotta say  It’s great, But There’s some Tweaks that need to be made.  First off, The F-Skills don’t cancel other attacks, Making it Clunkier than a Ranger  Pet and a bit less responsive.  Second off : A breakbar? Why? Pets don’t have breakbars. I get that the Mech does more damage and has more ability.. But. Why have the breakber in PvE ? There’s already no way this is going to be in any Raid Content , given Engineer is already hard-pressed to find viability outside of a Scrapper.  In PvP , and only PvP , I can see it having function , But in WvW it’s going to be dead instantly and in PvE it’s.. only going to be massive downtime in ability, which is a death sentence.  I do Love how it Plays, though.  You are a Two person army and Your skills ( When you can use them ) Give a great deal of malleability to your playstyle.  It does , however, suffer from the issue that Firebrand does, That being  The J-drive is heavily incentivized over everything else in the Grandmaster Trait Line.  @guildwars2 Giving you guys feedback here
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salad-tales · 3 years
8-13, 38, and 40 from the GW2 asks, maybe?
also hugs
[ @thoseofuswhoblossom ]
thank you, fren
hugs right back
8. Whats your favourite zone?
Ooooh Caledon, hands down. But there are certain places in other zones.
9. Whats your favourite city?
Grove, if we only count capitals. Otherwise add Tarir.
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
Never touched one.
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much?
Seer Coat. I have a weakness for uniforms and that chestpiece is just *chefskiss*
And basically any sylvari cultural armor because
12. How many achievement points do you have?
At the point of writing this 7049 i am ashamed
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
Yes absolutely. I'm just very bad at it, especially lately.
38. Best memory in guild wars?
Do you want me to link @dumb-dumb-mander's list of voice goofs? Basically any time I get to play with friends.
40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything?
I don't know if it's the one thing that bothers me most but I am horribly bothered by the fact one has to play all game modes to get one's hands on legendaries
I have no desire to touch WvW or PvP ever
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ash-trash · 3 years
6-10 for the gw2 asks?
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP?
PvE by far!! I haaaate sPvP and don’t do it except under extreme duress x3;; I do like WvW and play that a lot, but I’m still primarily PvE!! (I mean I guess realistically it goes RP >>>> PvE > WvW >>>>> sPvP )
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop?
Yeah! I don’t see anything wrong with it! I certainly don’t spend frivolously but I love GW2 and I’ve gotten so much enjoyment from it, I’m happy to ”give back” a little :)
8. Whats your favourite zone?
Hmm! Tough choice between Grothmar and Drizzlewood… I’d have to say Drizzlewood if you ignore the story and the meta and all of that :p I just love the setting and the aesthetic and all the ambient dialogue! Plus, being a PacNWer myself I love all the little tidbits ;)
9. Whats your favourite city?
Black Citadel!! I love Charr and all the flavour! The layout is honestly pretty convenient once you get the hang of it, too. Hoelbrak comes in second though, that good good aesthetic!
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
Real talk I had to look up the PvP maps because I do so little PvP I could not name them x3;; I guess Temple of the Silent Storm?? Really don’t know lmao SORRY
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dasozelotvonnebenan · 3 years
8-13 + 26 for the GW2 asks?
8. Whats your favourite zone?
As an overarching area the Maguuma Jungle (metrica province, caledon forest, brisbane wilds and by extention sparkfly fen and mount maelstrom), but I think my single favourite map is timberline falls. Not with a huge lead though, there are plenty of maps I like very much.
9. Whats your favourite city?
I was about to type a nuanced answer when Rata Sum smashed through my thoughts with a sledgehammer.
10. Whats your favourite PVP map?
While I don' play PvP at all I have at least seen all the maps, and I think I like the one with Svarnir on it the most. The asura looking one is nice too. Also the WvW maps are all absolutely stunning in the way they look, I just wish I could run around there without getting beaten up.
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much?
I don't think I have one really. I try to give each of my characters a very distinct look and weapons that fit their vibe. The only skins I have used more than once that I can really remember are duelist coat and the medium koda gloves.
12. How many achievement points do you have?
11803 (which is about a quarter of the current maximum)
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you?
Generally yeah. I used to run a rp guild (it lived for 5 years which is quite impressive) and I do want to get back into rp but I haven't warmed up to any group I've tried with yet.
26. Are there any players you look up to?
Everyone that has the patience to farm stuff.
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commanderfloppy · 3 years
mayhaps have 9, 32, 37, and 40 from the gw2 asks? :) @kerra-and-company
Thank you for the ask! <3
9. Whats your favourite city?
The grove.
It’s really pretty (I am a sucker for glowey mushrooms and flowers),
It’s a less popular city (so slower load times), and everything is super centralized (the bank, tp, merchant, and crafting are all like a raptor hop away)
I will say though, I was a real sucker for old LA. I would climb around the pirate ship buildings and explore for hours.
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion?
Best can kind of change depending on character and there’s a lot of good ones. But I really love that stained glass wing glider, it looks so pretty.
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37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, gw2 has a really nice player base (at least in PvE) and I notice a lot of starter areas usually have experienced players around to help out (especially queensdale)
The next would probably be to experiment, try out different classes and see what you like before being set on a certain character. Pvp will give you access to all skills (and I think specializations) and I’m pretty sure there’s a training area you can test them out in. Also don’t get too attached to characters, if a class or appearance isn’t right to you, just delete the character and remake them (if they’re still low level) if you want to give them the same name you’ll have to wait 24hrs though.
Finally, talk to the npcs, listen to the game. There’s a lot of fun character dialogue, interesting things you can buy from merchants, and pretty music. So if you have the attention span, then talk to the named npcs, listen to the ambient conversations. Also when you complete hearts the heart characters will become vendors and sell useful things.
Don’t forget to talk to merchants too, sometimes they special things; for instance there’s a moa keeper who sometimes shows up in the carnival near Caudecus manor who sells an item that spawns a mini dancing moa.
40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything?
I don’t know if this a problem with the game or the player base (probably a mix of both) but I hate how much it feels like higher level content requires you to have full ascended or legendary guild, and a super complicated “meta” build and class.
Strikes, Raids, pvp, and wvw all feel unplayable without that. Maybe I’m just a bad player, but I’ve got a build that I thought through and enjoy playing, and exotic/ascended gear, but because I’m playing chrono and haven’t chosen some ‘optimum’ build even living world content is super difficult for me. I get that I’m bad at the game, but I wish It was easier for me to do the things I want to do, and try the things that interest me.
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miragecounseling · 4 years
ty for the tag @krystha ♥
Give yourself five compliments!
Give your friends four compliments!
Say three things you're proud of from this year!
Say two thing you tried this year and never before!
Say one thing to your future self!
I’m going to tag @where-is-caithe, @thatonebirbnerd, @commander-pleur, @hmsdivinity, and @istanibald if u guys wanna participate / haven’t been tagged yet!!
1. (omg this is hard LMAO) I like that I dedicate a large part of... my existence?? To trying to make people laugh; whether it’s with my silly characters or screenshots or whatever. I love making people laugh and I do a pretty good job of it. I think I work hard to try and include people in stuff I do in the guild bc I know how it feels to be left out & I never wanna make people feel that way. My screenshots can turn out so well and so much better than I ever expect them to! And I’m slowly becoming a better writer too and that’s a great feeling! AAAND I like how much I’ve stepped up this year with doing things I’m uncomfortable / scared to do! 2. ALL OF YOU ARE SO TALENTED. And kind, friendly, sweet, etc!! Everyone I’m friends with here is fantastic at making others feel important and like their content matters and compared to other fandoms I’ve been in, it’s such a relief. You’re all amazing, supportive people and I’m glad I get to call you my friends (even those of us who aren’t ~super close~! I still think you’re amazing).  3). uhhhh Learning how to raid, starting to lead WvW on my own, and getting over my fear of PvP :) 4). PvP in GW hahaha!! And also... I think this was the first year I tried fractal cms? It might have been late last year, I don’t remember sdkujhgkjhgf 5). GOOD LUCK!! lmao ok I’m jk sfdkjhgh Even though you might not feel like it a lot of the time, you’re strong, creative, and important to people. 
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ascalonianpicnic · 4 years
30 questions: GW2 edition
I was tagged by @just-eyris-things and @where-is-caithe to fill out @pr-gw2 ‘s lovely question set <3 which i took forever to get to riiiip but here we go~
You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
1. Favorite living world season? while I think 4 was probably better in terms of writing and gameplay, I think lws3 is still my favorite. It was the first new story updates I got to experience in game and @mystery-salad and I played all the updates together so it was really fun! It’s just a really nostalgic season for me
2. Favorite expansion? Path of Fire. It’s really good man, it’s so good and so pretty and the plot I’m <3
3. Favorite soundtrack? Alpine Marches!
4. First profession you played? Necromancer! I’d say it was an excellent choice~
5. First race you played? Sylvari, and I still main her to this day~
6. Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? It was originally Caithe, and I love Zojja a lot, but after a ton of hate Eir got back in April and May, I’m an Eir stan now. That’s my milf and she’s amazing
7. Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Kasmeer currently~
8. Favorite Elder Dragon? Jormag, sorry for being massively gay for them
9. Best boss fight (story)? Probably the fight with Balthazar at the start of the Departing? Though to be honest I’m a huge fan of all of the Balthazar fights, his mechanics are really fun and his visuals and dialogue are *chefs kiss*
10. Best boss fight (fractal)? High Priestess Amala, it’s such an interesting fight but such a fucking tragic one
11. Best boss fight (raid)? I’ve only fought Cairn and never won but he’s cool. Based purely of aesthetics, Samarog is my wife, and I am very interested in Dhuum and the Soulless Horror
12. PvE or PvP or RP? RP my man, y’all hit me up for some rp Please
13. Favorite canon couple? Kas n Jory~
14. Favorite fanon/self made couple? for oc/oc it’s def Aildyn and @mystery-salad​‘s Matthias, and for oc/canon, Rhosill and Canach just hit a warm spot in me
15. Favorite quote? “They’ll write more songs about you. Keep your legend alive. I’ll find whoever did this. I promise.” Norn pc to Almorra’s body in Whisper in the Dark, I did in fact tear up hard at that
16. Most emotional cinematic?  Hard to say, since none of the most emotional moments for me were cinematics, but dialogue over action that adds to scenes, like leaving Blish in the Mists, or Executioner Amala’s death, where you and Braham are just stuck in space together for a few minutes after. That said, maybe when Braham pushes you free of Joko’s spell and takes your place so you can fight? Was that a cinematic?
17. Favorite VA? Sumalee Montano, the voice of Marjory
18. Post a fun screenshot! uvu
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19. Post a landscape screenshot! It’s the best I’ve got on this laptop sorry ^^’
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20. Most used mount(s)? the Skyscale, it was well worth the effort
21. Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)?
Overall - Desert Scarab for the beetle
for the rest - Storm Ridge (raptor), Sun Temple Gecko (springer), Magnificent Hummingbird (skimmer), Stardust (jackal), Sky Bandit (griffon), Starclaw (warclaw), Shimmerwing (skyscale)
22. Favorite weapon? in general, i adore axes and how they’re used on every class with access to them. in terms of just skins, Sharur and the merciless focus are my two favorite skins.
23. Favorite gear set? Zodiac, definitely. I know it’s skimpy and ridiculous but I love it
24. Favorite title? “I’m rich, you know” is my dream title, but “good apple” is my favorite of the ones I have
25. Something you worked really hard to get? I made Chuka and Champawat this year!!!! It took forever
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26. Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? now is my time to shill! @yolosmith​ has some really fun wvw roaming videos that you can find [here] !!!
27. Most used miniature? Mummy Legs
28. Most used novelty? The bouquet of roses~
29. Number of achievments points? 10,581 points, I don’t put in a ton of effort to gaining points for the sake of it
30. Something you’d love to see in GW2? I want More norn content! Especially anything about Forgal or his father since we’re meeting new followers of Ox/Dolyak
I’m not going to directly tag anyone since I literally have no clue who has and hasn’t done it and I’m late to the party, but if you see this, I’m tagging you to do it, fight me
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khorren · 4 years
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GW2 Photo Challenge - Day 25 - Friends
I believe that in GW2 you have more friends than you realise. Whether it’s your allies in WvW, or just that one guy you see at a world boss every day and you wave to. Friends can come together at unlikely and weird times. And of course they can be the people you talk to on discord or in game every single day for the past 8 years.
I know I’ve told this tale before, but it’s an important one for me :)
For me, the biggest coming together of friends I have experienced in Guild Wars 2 was in April 2013. My dad has just passed away sunddenly and unexpectingly and I mentioned it to my guildmates. What happened next still floors me to this day.
Some of my closest friends got together and started a collection both in game and with IRL money. Some had contacts with the Jade Quarry WvW community that I was active in, and suddenly the bank of one of the guilds, [AoS] became a crowdfund bank to store materials to go towards Juggernaut, the legendary hammer I was working on.I had no clue about any of this, I was just bumbling about my own business. I got mails and PMs from people who I’d only vaguely bumped in to in game expressing their condolences. I got a message from the english speaking liaison from [FOO], a really big, dominant WvW force in the South-East Asian timezone which was super sweet.
PvP and WvW communities can get a bad rep for being toxic shitholes, and yeah, competitive game modes definitely showcase some of the finest dickwads in any game, but that these WvW people came together for me was like... idk man, I don’t have the words. But people can do some amazingly good things sometimes.
Anyway. 9 days later I was called to Divinity’s Reach and was greeted by a giant circle - slash - mishmash of JQ people, my friends, and also just... random people. One of them gave a really mushy speech in Teamspeak, and then I was told to go to the guild bank of AoS. Inside there was so so many materials to go towards Juggernaut, including the pre-cursor. A few of these people offered to drag me through Sorrow’s Embrace to get the dungeon currency, since I hated dungeons.
6 days later, everything was put together, and since it was a WvW crowd-funded present, it had to be made in the mystic forge in our garrison, and then we went on a Blackgate murder spree to go kill some [ICoa].
(WvW ranks were character bound back then and I mostly did WvW on my thief. So seeing rank 4 on my guardian was just lol! Bbie Aoife! Before she was Aoife, and she had white hair :3 )
I made a lot of good friends during those time, many of which I’m still in contact with, some have fallen outof contact for whatever reason and they’re all people I’ll never forget. They’re my friends <3
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Bonus screenshot of some badass bitches <3
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akurathereaper · 4 years
30 questions: GW2 edition
Seems I was tagged by ye boi myta, and this is one of the asks that actually seem a bit fun (?) i thought I’d do them? I usually don’t do these cuz they’re just... well here we go
Favorite living world season? For as much as I hated replaying it (cuz achievs), it has to be Season 2. The build up to Mordy was very cool imho (but I might be very much blinded by nostalgia lol)  Second to it would be definitely season 4, that shit picked up real fast
Favorite expansion? Not surprising, Heart of Thorns. Not sure WHAT it did to me (looking at you, Hearts and Minds), but it made me feel and those to whom I ranted know that me feeling stuff is rare. I first played through PS, then Season 2, and then got to Heart of Thorns, and the build up to it (shame I couldnt play S1) just stuck to me. Not sure if it’s me playing this game for too long that the spark faded out for me, or if PoF is just... not that shiny, you get me?
Favorite soundtrack? Basically the entire HoT soundtrack. And Fear not this night (+reprise). That shit makes me cry.
First profession you played? Thief :>
First race you played? Charr, actually. I thought they were going to be the nature themed race (dont ask me how I didnt see the literal plant people), and was very much wrong haha. 
Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Snaff, actually. I read the book and I loved him, even though he wasn’t there for long. Next up would be Rytlock, probably.
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Uhhhhhhh have you SEEN Canach? It’s obvious. It’s me boi Canach. I consider his ass a full fledged member of DW.
Favorite Elder Dragon? Ahhh, hard to choose, but I very enjoyed Mordy (until I saw him in the last fight lol I had hoped he would LITERALLY be the entire jungle, that his mental embodiment wasn’t a 50y o dad)
Best boss fight (story)? Mordremoth, first that came to mind.
Best boss fight (fractal)? Uhhhhhh hard to say, I’d say... the tentacle thingo in Solid Ocean. I enjoy chucking rocks at it.
Best boss fight (raid)? I’ve only ever killed the VG, so Imma say VG.
PvE or PvP or RP? Can I say WvW? haha no kidding. PvE is first, then WvW (Cuz I enjoy mindless killing), pvp is boring, and I am unable to stay in character for RP, so I don’t do it.
Favorite canon couple? Uh... Joko and his Choya concubine.
Favorite fanon/self made couple? Trammander is best boi. Also Catlock is very very fun (Canach and Rytlock)
Most emotional cinematic? Ending of HoT. I cry everytime I catch a glimpse of it, just because he looks like he’s in so much pain before everything goes white.
Favorite VA? Brandon Bales (Male sylvari VA), he just grew so much with the role! Although I didn’t enjoy how aggressive we seemed in PoF, I kinda understood that we were in a hot af area, plucked out of our element and chasing a fucknugget that was ruining our day lol
Post a fun screenshot!
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Post a landscape screenshot!
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Most used mount(s)? Skyscale, griffon, beetleboi. In that succession XD
Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? I loooove the bioluminescent ones!
Favorite weapon? Nevermore :3
Favorite gear set? Warbeast (It has a tiddy window)
Favorite title? I don’t rly have one? I choose them depending on the char I play. But the longest one I used is Loyal
Something you worked really hard to get? Twilight :D It was my first legendary and I slaved off for almost a year xD
Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? I don’t really watch gw2 youtube scene :< Last person I watched was my friend... Game slobs (but he hasnt uploaded for 2 years so uwu)
Most used miniature? Trahearne :>
Most used novelty? The Embiggening tonic heheheheheh
Number of achievments points? According to gw2efficiency... 11,218 :>
Something you’d love to see in GW2? Dyable weapons!! (And Kirin mount (thank u cantha)
aaaand that’s it I uh... don’t have many people to tag who probably weren’t tagged already so uhhhhh @just-eyris-things​ Im tagging yo ass again? :DDD
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ryuunosenshi · 4 years
Fun facts about yourself: GW2 edition
tagged by the wonderful @astralarias thank you! 💜 (btw, if any of my followers gotten an interest in guild wars from seeing me post about it, check out hir blog! It’s amazing!)
also, sorry this took a while, I’m honestly not sure if there are any fun facts about me as a guild wars 2 player ^^’’’ but I’ll give it a shot
1. I made my account back in 2016 and my oldest character rn is Neliah, my main, who I made in october 2017, I stopped playing for some reason when she was between lvl20 and 30 (think RL got in the way but I’m not sure), came back in december 2019 and have been absolutely hooked.
2. I currently have 12 characters, I want to make more but since I have a compulsive need to come up with elaborate stories for every single one of them (and feel very self-conscious and upset when I ‘fail’ in that) I think 12 is enough for now and probably the limit of what my creative brain can handle atm
3. I’ve always been very scared and intimidated by things like fractals, pvp/wvw, raids, strikes etc. I’ve had horrible experiences with unfair and unbalanced open world pvp in previous games (think lvl80 beating the shit out of a newbie lvl10 knowing full well they don’t stand a chance) and any group pve that has fight mechanics more challenging than a Caledon mosquito, I’ve been terrified of messing up and ruining it for everyone. But all thanks to my wonderful friend, I’ve slowly made my way through T1 and started WvW and realized I actually really like it! xD I’ve also joined on 2 easy strikes and definitely want to do more of that after I’ve gotten the icebrood masteries for the pylon and chests.
4. Norn are my favorite race, the first time I saw Hoelbrak my jaw dropped to the floor and I just immediately felt like I was home, everything about Norn architecture and aesthetic is just... *grabby hands* gimme gimme gimme. 2nd favorite race are the sylvari.
5. I’ve gone from being convinced I’d never craft a leggy to working on multiple at the same time (mostly gen2). Help me, I’m too poor in-game to even afford the runestones for one legendary, why am I doing this to myself? T_T
I’m gonna tag @fluttering-by and anyone else who wants to do this ^^
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delphiniumiris · 4 years
Was tagged by @fellis-world​ tyty uvu
Favorite living World Season?
I like the events of Season 3, but I think Season 4 is my favourite. It had more of the characters I like.
Favorite Expansion?
Heart of Thorns. The story is just more impactful for me. I love Sylvari and it just opened a boatload of possibilities. PoF was a little bland tbh and Balthazar was lame as hell. Though I love the mounts, gw2 has ruined mounts for me with how good they feel when you’re handling them.
Favorite Soundtrack?
I love this game’s music, I think I kinda like HoT’s map music more? Dragon’s Stand in particular. But Fear Not This Night is still top of my list.
First profession you played?
I started with Elementalist.
First race you played?
Human, and then a LOT of Sylvari. My left over slots are gonna be at least one of the other three races haha
Favortie Destiny’s Edge Character?
At first it was Caithe, but then she did things and I absolutely despise her now. So Rytlock, even if he’s fucked up a bunch, he at least definitely shows remorse and you can see him doing his best to be better and as he says, to make things right.
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character?
I love Canach’s snark, but I have to say my fave is Taimi, and by extension Gorrik as well.
Favorite Elder Dragon?
Mordremoth. but visually, the concept art for Zhaitan is incredible. It’s sad they didn’t have the technology they have now to do Zhaitan’s last stand.
Best Boss Fight (story)?
I can’t remember much but I feel I enjoyed fighting Kralkatorrik the most.
Best boss fight (fractal)
Never tried
Best boss fight (raid)
Never tried
PvE or Pvp or RP
PvE and WvW also RP but not in game.
Favorite canon couple?
I like Kasmeer and Jory. Even if it doesn’t end well, I also like Tiachren and Ysvelta. It’s my fave Sylvari story path.
Favorite fanon/self made couple?
Trammander is always a big fave. No matter who the commander is haha.
Favorite Quote?
"Well done.” kfdlgjj I also really like the ambient quotes of the Male Human Elementalist when swapping around attunements and hitting Overload limit. 
Most emotional Cinematic?
End of HoT. Also end of All or Nothing.
Favorite VA? 
Matthew Brenher (Trahearne), Brandon Bales (Male Sylvari PC), Nolan North (Male Human PC, Joko)
Most used Mounts?
Griffin, I have the skyscale but I still prefer the Griffin for traversing the map
Favorite Mount skin (for every mount you have)?
I only have defaults and spooky for Raptor, Skimmer, Roller Beetle, Springer, and Warclaw. Mordrem Alpha for Jackal, Exalted Sky Sentry for Griffon, and Incarnate Flame for Skyscale
Favorite Weapon?
Kudzu, I’m still crafting it haha.
Favorite gear set?
Sylvari Tier 3 Medium Set
favorite Title?
Knight of Thorn and Combat Medic.
Something you really worked hard to get?
Bifrost. That was my first Legendary and also basically my gateway to legendary crafting
Favorite Gw2 Youtuber /Gw2 related video?
I don’t really watch GW2 on youtube, probably Silverdisc/Cmaj?
Most used Miniature?
Most used novelty?
I think that tonic that puts hearts over your head.
Number of Achievement points?
Something you’d love to see in GW2?
Tag: Idk who to tag tbh ahhaah I feel like most of the people I talk to have been tagged so if you see this and want to do it, I encourage you to do it.
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panic-in-tarir · 4 years
30 questions: GW2 edition
Saw several questionnaire things going around, felt like picking up this one since I like reflecting on my past-game-self..
This can be done in many different ways: get asks by your followers, pick some questions for yourself, answer the whole damn thing at once, etc!
You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
Favorite living world season? LS3
Favorite expansion? HoT
Favorite soundtrack? Arid Dawn. Ambient, chill tracks are my love ;A;
First profession you played? Ele
First race you played? Asura (and that combo stayed my main)
Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Zojja
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Taimi (how can I get more predictable)
Favorite Elder Dragon? Tough question since we still haven’t fully explored them yet.. I think Kralk’s cool. He also has a rather rich presence in canon starting with novels, he’s literally The Ascalon of dragons lmao.
Best boss fight (story)? Balthazar \o/
Best boss fight (fractal)? MAMA fight in Nightmare fractal has a nice rhythm to it, it’s almost like a high-skilled dance.
Best boss fight (raid)? I’ve only fought like half of the available bosses, I like Keep Construct so far. Very little bs rng stuff, a fun and fair fight.
PvE or PvP or RP? WvW >:V
Favorite canon couple? Wait we do have couples aside Casjory?
Favorite fanon/self made couple? Rytlock & Logan :D
Favorite quote? I’m torn between the two: “you’re dumb, you’ll die and you’ll leave a dumb corpse” and “is it luck or skill that’s keeping you alive?” - latter is literally my WvW shenanigans in a nutshell \o/
Most emotional cinematic? Joko speech!!!!!
Favorite VA? Torn between Taimi’s and Rytlock’s, he’s just so cool.. o/////o
Post a fun screenshot! -
Post a landscape screenshot! -
Most used mount(s)? Griffon
Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? I’ve got many skins but one stands above all, mirror masked jackal \o/
Favorite weapon? -
Favorite gear set? -
Favorite title? Been there, done that.
Something you worked really hard to get? I suppose GWAMM which is heavily in-progress with 9/50 points so far :’>
Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? MiiiiightyTeapot / launch the mesmer
Most used miniature? I don’t use minis anymore since they ruin stealth in WvW, but floppy fish is forever in my heart.
Most used novelty? Frog tonic \o/
Number of achievments points? 30363
Something you’d love to see in GW2? Old Anet that cares, playerbase that’s not divided into casuals and skilled players hating on each other, stable releases for every gamemode oTL
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