#I don’t have a plot or scenario yet where they could both die tho
loverboydotcom · 11 months
another bedtime another supernatural episode for me to watch and later steal the ideas from
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m1d-45 · 2 years
i’ve let deity of styling creator exist too long without even the slightest bit of angst…. i’m going to fix that real quick and then my brain will finally calm down about this batshit wild dress-up game i prommy 
(also my excuse for no designer’s reflections was being able to summon people out of nowhere that can also do wild insane shit is op but then i remembered. this is the “you are op” genre. so we’re keeping the reflections i changed my mind. teyvat in this scenario is made up of converted styling power so they’re still summonable or whatever. that might be a thing for later, maybe not. who knows.)
ignoring that tho. imposter au, except now you have your two companions by your side. they may not be the targets of the hunt, but as accessories to the imposter, they’re also technically criminals. they're in danger, just by being around you.
(“please,” you beg them, “i don’t want either of you getting hurt. they won’t go after you if you leave - i can’t lose you - please please save yourselves.”)
(“no,” nikki responds, holding your hands with a gentle smile, “i’m sure things will turn out fine in the end. i’ll protect you.”)
(“me too! i’ll protect you too!” momo cries, jumping into your lap.)
it’s to be expected, then, that at some point, they’d be used against you. you’re running, momo in your arms, when you realize that, oh shit, nikki’s not with you. did she get separated? is she lost? where is she where is your friend—
there’s a loud voice, a threat disguised as a challenge: turn yourself over if you want your accomplice back. you immediately turn and run, momo yelping but hanging on tighter as you run back to the very army you were trying to escape. it’s a horrific fucking sight that you return to, nikki held hostage by a soldier.
(even with the tears just barely held back, she does her best to keep a steely glare. your dear, brave nikki.)
“you or her.” the answer is immediate in your mind - you would always choose her life over yours, but nikki keeps yelling at you to run, she’ll be fine, go! but you can’t leave her, not when she refused to leave you, not when you both still have to return to miraland. everybody’s yelling and threatening and pleading and it’s too much, you just need everything to stop-!
the world listens, and the world freezes. your styling power grabs at the fabric of the world and tugs, tugs until it rips into the pattern of your choosing. you don’t know how or why it happened, but you don’t care enough to wonder about it right now, moving forward to grab nikki and get the fuck out of there.
by the time the world starts moving forward again, you’re all running, nikki’s hand firmly in your own and momo tucked under your other arm.
(later that night, you all try to ignore how close you were to disaster. momo complains about his hunger, nikki laughs and promises to get him bbq the second you return to miraland, and you… think. you already knew that there was some kind of styling power in this strange world, but nikki, who was already such a powerful stylist, could barely manipulate it the same way she could in miraland, taking great effort to even summon a designer’s reflection to bring supplies or throw off pursuers. yet you were able to weave it to your will with ease - maybe it has something to do with your godhood? but this isn’t miraland, the deity of styling shouldn’t have any sway here…)
ik i said this would be the last one but it turned out longer than i thought and i STILL have another thought so i’ll be back with that and then i’ll be free from my shining nikki chains…. Probably.
(also. blood curse anon is probably right about the body count considering that we also have everybody who died in delmond, everybody who would theoretically die in every calamity, the war… the OTHER war… this isn't even bringing love nikki into mind so that probably ups the body count a bit. also this is my official vouch to play shining nikki you have plot AND you get to dress up in pretty clothes. it has everything) - teddy anon
oooo that’s good that’s interesting….. reader accidentally using powers they didn’t know existed….
um what. what do you mean curse anon is right about the body count. what. what wars. what’s. is shining nikki ok. how is she still shining when the air carries the death of thousands. how do people theoretically die. i’m both not asking you to flood my inbox w lore but am also very intruiged.
i know this isn’t really addressing the main body of your ask but i. don’t know what to say. it was good. i would say more if i could, swear—
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makeste · 3 years
heyy makeste, so this is a request for wish fulfilment to avoid the absolute ridiculousness of the last chapter. Neway, so we all want kacchan to apologise, that's probably the one thing the entire fandom agrees and I belive horikoshi himself has implied that it will happen (?). Okay, so, assuming a verbal apology will happen (EVEN THO WE DIDN'T GET OUR HOSPITAL TALK - HURT/COMFORT SCENE), how do you see it panning out ? I, personally, don't want it to happen in some kind of life-or-death situation, but I can't even remotely predict how an apology would now, with where the manga is, so what do you think ????
P.S: all your meta and chapter recaps are so well articulated and not to mention, f*cking hilarious, so of all the people, of course I'd ask you <3
thank you so much!! <3 and okay, so as far as my ideal wish-fulfillment apology scene, all I really require are the following two components:
a fair amount of crying (on the parts of both Deku and Kacchan, and especially me)
a hug.
that’s it. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, personally, but we’ll see how generous Horikoshi decides to be.
HOWEVER, since we’re talking about this, this might be a good time for me to bring up a thought that’s been on my mind for these past couple of weeks, and especially today what with the new volume 30 angst fuel that just dropped. so basically, here are some facts.
Deku, amidst lots of talk about the villains being after him and about him Suffering In Silence, has left U.A.
while it’s not for-sure confirmed yet, right now all signs seem to point to him being alone.
it seems EXTREMELY unlikely to me that Certain People would have approved of or consented to this arrangement! especially considering Certain People’s recent Deku-adjacent actions, which include 1) Getting Stabbed To Save Deku’s Life, and 2) Going On A Rampage Three Minutes After Waking Up In A Hospital With A Hole In Their Torso, Because They Heard That Deku Was Still Unconscious. like, I’m just saying. right now Certain People are being really protective of Deku, and I can only assume this will continue indefinitely.
Deku knows Kacchan better than anyone, and knows exactly how stubborn he can be.
Deku is also freshly traumatized from Kacchan nearly dying for him, and I’m positive that out of all the people Deku is determined to protect, Kacchan is now at the very top of that list.
but as previously mentioned, Kacchan is even more determined to protect Deku, and is absolutely not the type of person to take no for an answer.
and now here are some suppositions building on these facts.
whatever hang-ups Kacchan might have had about apologizing, I’m almost positive that having a near-death experience complete with all sorts of symbolism and flashbacks and remorseful volume covers would be more than enough to finally overcome them. in other words, an apology should have been imminent. we’re talking “the very next time I finally get to see him and speak with him” imminent.
under 99.9% of circumstances, I have absolutely no doubt that Deku would forgive Kacchan instantaneously. he would be absolutely overjoyed.
there are precious few circumstances which could ever possibly lead to the 0.1% of scenarios in which Deku does not forgive him. even if there was some part of him that did still secretly resent Kacchan in some way, it would still be extraordinarily out-of-character for Deku to deny him forgiveness, if only because he’d know how much it would hurt him. for Deku to knowingly and purposely inflict that kind of pain on someone would be unthinkable.
UNLESS -- unless -- in his mind, it was somehow a choice between sparing him pain, or saving his life.
for instance, if he had already made up his mind that he had to leave.
and if he knew that Kacchan, in his stubbornness and determination to make amends, would follow him no matter what.
and if he was convinced, somehow -- whether by the memory of Kacchan being stabbed, or by the words of a mysterious Vestige, or simply by the subdued, quietly reverberating trauma of feeling inadvertently responsible for the deaths of thousands of people -- that Kacchan would die if he stayed by his side.
then, I could see it. much as I hate to say (which, admittedly, isn’t actually that much at all, because as heartbreaking as this hypothetical would be, oh my god, the angst).
so yeah. I’ve been wondering about all of this tbh. something about the irony of all of us waiting on the edge of our seats for this, only to have it finally happen in the worst way possible. the only thing is, Horikoshi almost never does this kind of “misunderstanding” plot with his characters. I get the impression that it frustrates him. and usually I enjoy watching him subvert this trope, and seeing his characters actually communicate and improve their understanding of each other rather than doing the tired old “one step forward, two steps back” dance.
but this is also the one time I could see him subverting his own usual conventions. mostly because he already has. Izuku leaving U.A. is proof of that. it means that this is the one time that talking things out and listening to his mentors’ sage advice didn’t pay off. it means that there absolutely was some type of misunderstanding and miscommunication between somebody, somewhere. someone fucked up. because if they hadn’t, then Deku wouldn’t be out here right now standing dramatically in the wind and rescuing Shindou from being bludgeoned into a conventionally attractive pulp.
so yeah. tl;dr, what if Kacchan apologized but Deku didn’t forgive him because he thought it was the only way to stop Kacchan from potentially getting hurt for his sake. ahaha, just kidding... unless...?
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aerltarg · 3 years
Maybe this is a stupid question, buuuuut:
I just can't imagine a world that Rhaegar comes back from the Trident, wins the war and becomes king. No, I'm not a anti Rhaegar, matter of fact I like him very much, I'm just can imagine how would Lya, little Jon, this whole affair, would settle in the capital. The norm that fics (at least those I read) tend to follow is to make Rhaegar:
1. A douche, paranoid and destiny-obessed king.
2. Completely incompetent, aloof monarch, that deep down has a heart of gold, but can't really be understood.
I mean, isn't he supposed to be a scholar since he was a kid? What's are your thoughts about it?
oh, yeah, i can totally understand this! it's is the whole point in canon actually, "the wrong man came back from the trident". you would expect a hero win against his antagonist and have a happy ending w his lady love but it doesn't happen. instead the subversion happens to them with rhaegar being killed by robert who becomes obviously a shitty king and lyanna dying after him. they were never supposed to have happy ending, they were created as tragic and doomed and dead from the beginning for the whole plot to start, jon to have his parentage mystery and dany to take the passed baton as the last dragon, prophesied savoir and the heir who has to carry entire house on her back now.
as for the realistic rhaegar wins aus that's the difficult question. tbh we just don't know enough abt their situation, plans and wishes. you see, e.g. in agot we can be right in ned's head and see his motivations, what he was thinking abt, what he was planning, what he was hoping to do. but if his story was told the way rhaegar's was i bet he would have his own crowd of haters and ~intellectuals~ jumping out every two seconds w their "hot takes" how actually all hints abt what rlly happened (ned being a good man w his own sense of honour, justice and experiences affecting him and the deal w cersei's children) doesn't matter and he was an ambitious prick, planned to grasp the power by being joffrey's regent and make his daughter sansa queen. (you can actually insert there any bullshit and still don't reach the level of stupidity of such "hot takes" this fandom loves so much lmao). also he would be blamed to the hell and beyond for being too stupid and not foreseeing the future and actions of other ppl bc ofc after everything happened it's so easy to say what was so obvious to notice. also they would say that the deaths of his men and horrible fates of his kids are 100% his fault and even straight up say he killed them lmao. i can rant abt it for hours so yeah. this is a situation w too many unknown variables bc it depends too much on actions of too many characters we don't know enough abt. the only thing it's possible to tell for sure is the fact that there couldn't be any perfect solutions since things got too complicated at this point.
such fics as you've mentioned tho are just a part of this dumb fanon where rhaegar is "too prophecy obsessed"/"incapable of love"/shrodinger's rhaegar both smart and stupid at the same time/whatever/all of this combined lmfao. the man was notably intelligent from the early age as you've absolutely rightly mentioned, his guesses abt himself being tptwp have nothing to do w egocentrism as some parts of the fandom would want us all to believe unless he wouldn't be so reasonable abt it and later on, after so many years, wouldn't have changed his mind and thought his son could be tptwp.
and literally fuck all antis that think you shouldn't consider prophecies that hold real power in this fantasy world lol. you know, aegon the conqueror was said to be motivated (or at least partly) to unify westeros by the prophecy and still got the treatment of perfect/maximum close to perfect figure of a leader everyone should look up to from the narrative and grrm. prophecy obsessed much, huh? i don't even talk abt all these parallels between him and rhaegar grrm put there not for bitches to ignore them completely! and i will never get tired of reminding that dismissing prophecies is UNWISE for targaryens of all people. the house whose story is built on the dream of young daenys and her father aenar that listened to her despite common sense (or what local "anti magic"/"anti prophecies" clowns consider to be common sense). targs would be as dead as the rest of dragonlords if not for daenys the dreamer. who else in the world has as many reasons to take prophecies seriously as them?
yet antis out there act as if rhaegar is one dimensional weirdo whose every character trait is abt mf ~prophecy obsession~. like how can they miss one of the main points so badly?? the game of thrones distracts ppl from the real danger beyond the wall, yk, the one rhaegar was aware of and meant to deal with. there wouldn't be such a problem if he became king and had as many years of head start before ice zombies apocalypse as ignorant bobby b did. rhaegar had to die just for westeros to sink in shit and our main heroes to save everyone to make this story more epic LMAO
so yeah, too many ppl portray rhaegar as this one dimensional robotic creature without any knowledge of what feelings are idk even for what reason. it seems these ppl can't read for real bc rhaegar was not only intelligent af as well as dutiful ("it seems i must be a warrior" but "he loved his harp more than his lance") but also. ugh emotional?? my boy had constant emo sessions w brooding at ruins of summerhall, sleeping out there beneath the stars all alone and writing songs that made all women cry. does it sound as someone who "isn't capable of love" lol? folks act as if he was completely heartless from the day he was born (bc he didnt play w other kids ig??) but in reality their emotional range is less than the one of a spoon in comparison to rhaegar's lol. i'm not even gonna address the horrible attitude of demonizing him for his implied depression, vile clowns never listen to themselves when they talk abt targaryens and their "madness".
tldr; these fics are mostly lame af and suck at characterization if they're making rhaegar like that lol. anyway his character isn't abt being a good or a bad king, it's abt being a would-be-king for characters in books and readers in reality to sigh over his tragic aura and pretty aesthetic abt how it could've been. however, grrm clearly doesn't write rhaegar as evil or incapable as some parts of the fandom would want to try to persuade others. realistically speaking in the scenario where he wins there couldn't be any perfect decisions but it's a territory of speculations on thin air and lit nothing more since canon doesn't provide us with enough information to rlly theorize anything instead of building biased headcanons some ppl call "analysis".
but remember what barristan said about rhaegar while practically watching him all his life, from a literal baby to the man grown:
“I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?”
The old man considered a moment. “Able. That above all. Determined, deliberate, dutiful, single-minded.” (ASOS, Daenerys I)
“Prince Rhaegar’s prowess was unquestioned, but he seldom entered the lists. He never loved the song of swords the way that Robert did, or Jaime Lannister. It was something he had to do, a task the world had set him. He did it well, for he did everything well. That was his nature. But he took no joy in it. Men said that he loved his harp much better than his lance.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
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kckenobi · 4 years
Hi kasey! B, F and Y? in case you haven't already. I'm glad you got through this week!❤️🥰 Now you can write as much as you want (presuming you don't have anything else to do)
Hi Ann! Sorry I’m getting to this a little late—there were a few in my inbox I kinda forgot about lol. And thank you!! Yes I got so much writing done this weekend, it’s been SO NICE after such a wild week :)
From these fic asks
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
In a way, yes! I mean there’s a lot of little snippets in my fics that come straight from real life, if not the plots themselves. There’s a joke between my brother and I where he once said “I’m a giant asset” and I said “your half right” to call him an ass, and that made it into chapter 2 of bloodlines lol. Also things like the brotherly banter, unspoken affection (cause my family tends to not do the words thing very often), etc are some general things across most of my fics, probably
Rainfall came from a moment last summer where my friends and I got caught in sprinklers on the lawn of the Washington monument in D.C. at 11 P.M. and started screaming and running through them, and my best friend was pulling my hand and I couldn’t even see through the raindrops on my glasses so I just let her lead me, laughing
Keepsakes is straight from my own experience of moving out to go to college, packing things up in my childhood bedroom and getting all nostalgic about it with my mom (jokes on me tho because I’m back to living in my childhood bedroom lol)
Six Feet Under comes from me being claustrophobic lol, and projecting a worst nightmare scenario onto Obi-Wan
Also, any of my Obi-wan migraine fics are basically me projecting lol, I don’t get migraines but I have a thing that has similar symptoms and just...really like to see Obi-wan being taken care of (so self-indulgent I know but this is fic folks)
Y: A character you want to protect.
Ahsoka. I once entertained writing a fic where Ahsoka does die on Mortis and literally could not even think about the idea seriously without going NOPE. NOPENOPENOPE. She can’t die she is a precious child oh god
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ooh I think it was this one from When the Music Stops:
“You’re paranoid,” Satine said.
“I’m realistic.”
“And you’re afraid.”
“I’m right.”
“And did it ever occur to you that you’re not the only one?” She rose her voice, and Obi-Wan took a step back. “I lost you once. I have felt the weight of that grief already, and I feel it even now. But after Naboo…when I found out you were still alive, that the whole thing was a hoax, I expected perhaps that weight would be lifted. Yet it hasn’t been,” she said. The stained-glass light made her face look flushed, and her eyes flared. “It hasn’t been, because I lost you a long time ago. No, I’ve lost you a million little times—on Mandalore, on the Coronet, on Coruscant—yet still I fear the day I’ll lose you again. And I’ll be grieving you preemptively for the rest of my life.”
She finally looked away, and the loss of her gaze felt like something had been ripped from him.
“You Jedi always prattle on about letting go,” she said, turning away to face the stained glass. “Well, my life has been a grand exercise in letting go, in letting be what must be, in losing. I have made my peace with that, and I am prepared to face whatever end may come to meet me. Whatever end, except one—one where the phantom weight of losing you becomes real. Where I’m the one left behind, instead of the other way around.”
I love writing dialogue with Satine and Obi-Wan because they’re both so eloquent and trained to use language very intentionally, so when you put them together it’s just....yes. Plus this fic is just special to me, and I have you to thank for the fact that it exists :)
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nightwhite13 · 4 years
at first i wanna write something serious, but somewhere along the way @vallern came up with a hc and everything went crack from there, and she helped me wrote this even tho she didn’t play the game, ugh her mind. so if u asking us about plot, tone, etc? we dont know her. this set in distant future or an au idk, no one knows
anyway, stay strong during this trying time, fellow clowns
tagging @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @poppy-sin-clair @malvinghlein @jmojellybae  @simpforpoppy
The sound of your heels echoed between the dull conversation of the other students, still lingering at campus after their class. You ignored the worried glances they throw at you. You didn’t care; it wasn’t the first time they gawked at you nor will it be the last, but this time, it felt different because you fucking knew why they were looking at you, and it’s not because of something good.
Good, bad, neutral.
Once upon a time it’s such a foreign concept for you; after all, everything is acceptable in the name of profit, your father once said to you when he taught you everything you need to know to take over the family’s company.
“Poppy, wait!”
You grit your teeth and walked faster, thankful because unlike some idiot you can actually walk in heels. Hell, you probably could climb Mount Everest with one.
“Poppy, holy shit, stop!”
You ignored him, but you can tell he’s getting closer to you.
You screamed when Carter caught up with you. He tugged your wrist until you stopped walking, almost making you fall because of the sudden movement.
“Let go of me, you idiot!” You hissed as you yanked your hand away from his big hand.
“Look, it wasn’t her fault!” Carter said between his panting.
Your cheeks burn, remembering what you just saw a few minutes ago. “I don’t care whose fault…”
“Persephone kissed her, okay, we were just hanging around waiting for you and…”
“Why are you even waiting for me?” You know your class was going to take forever so you told Bea to go on ahead with everyone else and you can go there with Uber or something since you just had a fight with your parents and they forbid Samuel to pick you up. You don’t want to hear the jocks complaining because you disturbed their lunch scheduled–and they called you drama queen–so you thought it's better if Bea and the others leave first.
Carter looked at you softly. “You’re our friend; of course we’re going to wait for you.”
You looked away, unable to keep looking at Carter's super cute dimple. “I don’t remember ever being friends with himbo.”
Carter laughed. “Look, if you don’t believe me, just see Veronica’s Pictagram, okay? She’s doing a livestream of us catching grapes with our mouth.”
“What the hell?” You better keep Bea away from these himbos, otherwise she would turn into one. Not that it would be that hard, since Bea had half of a functional braincell on her best day.
“Look, just, just see it for yourself, okay? Bea didn’t kiss Persephone, she caught her off guard. It wasn’t Bea’s fault, Poppy.”
“And why is she not here? Why is she not the one that chases me? Are you her minion now?” It’s not like you ever imagined a scenario where Bea chased you down like in those romance movies you secretly love starring midwestern America's favorite white actress, Reese Witherspoon, no.
“What? No, I’m not yellow, don’t call me a minion. That’s a low insult, Poppy. Even by your standard.”
“Carter, that’s not…”
“Everyone is trying to stop everyone from getting into a fight with Persephone.”
“Well, the last time I saw, Chloe is trying to punch Persephone because she kissed Bea out of nowhere, and Ford and Luis are trying to stop her.”
You sighed, if this happened before Bea came into your life, you would probably have said something like she’s my minion, of course she did that. But now, after everything, after all the bad blood between the two of you, it was weird to hear that Chloe actually cared for you. She always has, but you still didn’t understand why would Chloe put up with your bullshit.
“Michael is holding back Zoey from calling her family’s lawyer.”
“Zoey said what Persephone did is a sexual assault and she can get Persephone in jail for that.”
You knew that Zoey girl was smart and efficient. A tiny part of yourself was happy for Veronica when they both announced that they’re together now.
“And where’s Bea now? Why is she not here?”
Carter’s forehead crinkled. “Uh, I don’t know.”
“See, she doesn’t care about me! Then why should I fucking care?” You said, yet you actually fucking cared. That was the worst part. “I told Bea that skank is bad news, but what did she make me do? I had to apologize to that bitch! And look what it got me?” You raised your voice, trying to keep your tears at bay and jabbed Carter’s chest. “That bitch kissed my…” Girlfriend, you wanted to say, yet you swallowed the word back and it made your throat hurt.
The two of you haven’t talked about your status, not yet. Both of you had so many issues to deal with, and by the time it’s done, reality slapped you and reminded you that finals were just three months away. You couldn't afford to slack off; not if you wanted a relatively free summer vacation away from your parents' nagging and not-so-hidden disappointment.
“Look, Poppy…” Carter touched your wrist again.
“Don’t touch me!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Carter raised his hands in surrender. “Look, just… Hey, Poppy, wait!”
You didn’t need to hear your stupid ex-boyfriend apologize in behalf of your stupid…
Stupid ex-something.
Thankfully, no other idiots were stupid enough to stop you from going to your dorm. You slammed your door hard, ignoring a voice that sounded like your parents’ at the back of your mind, angry at you for your childish behavior. ("Do not slam your door on me, young lady!")
You growled angrily when you realized you were wearing Bea’s new jacket, the jacket you gave to her a few weeks ago. It’s not that you were trying to change her style. Honestly, all those times you were mocking her style was maybe, just a little maybe, because you liked her, just a tiny bit. You'd rather die than to actually say that to her face, though.
Good girls don’t fall in love with another girl, Poppy.
Your parents' words kept echoing inside your head every time your heart beat faster whenever you saw Bea, and you were always listening to your brain instead of your heart. You still felt guilty every time you enjoyed bickering with her and pushing her buttons, because she made you feel alive. It was wrong. It was wrong and yet it was all you can feel whenever you think about her. Before you knew it, Bea had wormed her way into your brain, and now she lived in your head rent-free.
You ripped Bea’s jacket and threw it to the floor after taking off your heels. You looked over to Bea’s red jacket, lying on the floor with the back facing you. Bea still had that mindset where she wouldn’t spend money to pamper herself. “Jacket is a jacket, babe. Why do I need to buy something expensive if I don’t like it?”
So you tried to find something that Bea liked and it wasn't that expensive. Honestly, you were surprised with Taylor’s ability to find stores that sold medium-quality clothes and actually looked good. It was a marvel, your friendship, ugh you want to barf every time you say friendship, with Taylor. You never knew that thank you and please had so much power to control people. Whoever said you can catch more flies with honey was right.
You thought that maybe you should take a really nice and long bath to relax and forget everything that happened. But on another side, you were curious with what Carter said. He might be a himbo, but he’s no liar. So you opened your Pictagram and sure enough, Veronica’s livestream was the first thing you saw. You wanted to click it, but then Veronica might know that you see her livestream, and you didn’t want her to know. So you used your rarely used picta.
“Okay, so how are we doing this?” You could hear Veronica’s voice; she was recording Bea, standing between Carter and Luis. Suddenly, Veronica moved the camera, and you saw Chloe talking with Taylor, but you couldn’t really hear what they were saying.
When the camera was focused on Bea again, Michael stood next to Carter, holding a bag of green grapes.
“Simple, Louis will throw grapes at me and I’ll try to catch it with my mouth.” Bea said with a smirk.
“And I’ll catch Michael’s throw.” Carter pointed to himself with both of his thumbs.
You heard Zoey's groan, because how clear her voice was, like Veronica’s, you had a hunch that she probably sat next to her girlfriend. “Babe, that sounds dangerous. Can you do something that doesn’t have any probability with either one of you end up in the hospital?”
Veronica laughed and now she was filming Zoey’s frowning face. “Let them, it’s good for the view.”
“Babe, no!” Zoey pushed Veronica’s shoulder, probably, but it only made Veronica chuckle.
“Come on, are you guys doing this or what?” Chloe yelled from her place, she’s eating that spicy chips your great-aunt bought from Indonesia during her vacation there. Ford was sitting next to her, and she slapped his hand when he tried to take the chips bag from her.
“Michael, didn't Trixie ask you to buy grapes?” Zoey said. “Isn’t that your girlfriend’s grapes?”
Everyone groaned at the same time, while Michael slapped his forehead while looking at the bag. “Oh shit, I forget!”
“Zoey, stop being a voice of reason for once!” Bea yelled.
Veronica’s camera was still focused on Bea and the jocks, and honest to god she stomped her foot like a toddler. You couldn’t believe these people once called you drama queen. “Well, I’m sorry, but without Poppy here, I’m the only one with the brain cell left between you intellectually challenged people!” Zoey huffed. She’s right; you’ve lost count on how many times you had to stop Bea and the jocks from doing something stupid and idiotic.
“Hey, I’m not that stupid! You take that back!” Veronica moved the camera to Chloe right before Chloe threw a chip at Zoey, both of them gasped in surprise. Thankfully, the chip landed at the table.
“Veronica, come on, record us!” Bea whined.
“Are you sure… Oh, Persephone.” Veronica’s voice suddenly went flat.
Your blood boiled when that fucking skank entered Veronica’s camera view. She pushed Luis away from Bea, while Bea waved at her.
“Oh hey, what are you…”
Everything happened all at once.
Persephone pulled Bea by her shirt and kissed her hard. You felt like you want to vomit and your body suddenly felt colder than before, you heard Chloe screamed, “You fucking asshole, let her go!”, and then she lunged forward only for Luis to and Ford to hold her back, while Chloe was kicking and screaming. And then you saw Persephone waved.
And that’s the picture Persephone sent to you and posted it on public for everyone to see. The one that made your world stopped spinning and holding you back from going to find Bea. She could kiss whoever she wanted, you keep telling yourself that, yet your heart shattered with every step you took away from her.
Veronica’s camera suddenly shook the moment Zoey stood up and yelled. “Let her go, or I’ll call the police!”
Michael pushed Persephone away from Bea.
The last thing you saw before the video ended was Bea’s furious face.
You sighed deeply and threw your phone to your bed.
You knew it wasn’t Bea’s fault, you knew the moment you saw that bitch's smirk. And yet, you felt like someone burned what's left of your heart with jealousy and anger.
No, it wasn't anger. It was another emotion you haven’t acquainted with, one that is similar to what you always feel every time your parents break their promises to you.
("We can't go to Seoul this summer, Poppy, Auntie Na-ra is probably busy. Besides, wouldn't it better to spend time with Peter? Help your dad get that tender, will you?"
"But I called Auntie a few days ago and she said she's free anytime!"
"Spending time with Peter is more important, Poppy. You could go see Auntie Na-ra at winter break. This is more important.")
But you didn’t understand why you would feel that way for this kind of situation; it should’ve been anger, consuming you with passion until you burned everything down within your reach.
It should’ve been anger, because you understood anger. It was one of your best friends beside loneliness and fear, you knew it too well and anger understood you like no one ever does.
But instead of the comforting burn of anger, you felt the coldness of disappointment at the bottom of your empty heart.
Before you could analyze this anomaly further, you heard commotion from outside of the Zeta building.  Even before you walk toward your window, you know the source of said commotion.
“Luis, I thought you said your speaker work!” Bea raised her voice.
“Well yeah, that’s before Ford threw my speaker to the freaking wall!”
“Bro, I didn’t know it’s a speaker, okay? It looks like a brick! Why did you even buy that?”
“So you like to randomly throw bricks at walls?”
You folded your arms and watched Luis trying to fix his broken brick speaker from your window. He slapped Ford’s hand away when he tried to touch it.
Faintly, you could hear Irene Cara’s voice singing What a Feeling. You tried to keep your face impassive, but it was hard since your body remembered what you usually do while listening to this song. (Trying to copy Jennifer Beal's iconic dance routine and failed, every single time.)
If it wasn’t because Bea spent so much time using your Spotify (premium, thank you so much), you would probably be horrified that she knew your favorite song. You once offered her to pay for the premium, not out of the goodness of your heart, but because she’s kept forgetting to subscribe for premium feature, and you’re so tired hearing the ads every time you actually enjoying the flow of Bea’s playlist. She had, surprisingly, a decent taste in music.
Instead of accepting it like a normal human being, Bea just copied her playlists to your Spotify. Good thing you already tidied up your playlist and you had to make sure that Bea didn’t put a new song there. And also you made sure your private playlist stayed private. You don’t need her to mock you for your anime soundtracks playlist. Bea could say whatever she wanted ("You like a goddamn Naruto song?!") but Flow's GO!!! is an absolute banger and nothing could change your mind, thank you very much.
You almost lost your shit when Bea asked your favorite music genre. Good thing your father trained you well and you could compose yourself and answered diplomatically. You had to bite your tongue when you heard Bea said Hey! Say! Jump! was overrated. The disrespect!
You didn’t talk to her for three days until she begged for your forgiveness. God, your reputation would never recover if people knew that your actual taste was somewhere between a Midwestern white mom and a goddamn middle schooler weeb.
You blinked a few times when you heard the beginning note of Barracuda from Luis’ broken brick speaker. Well, you did accidentally tell Bea that you like this song, who doesn’t anyway? It was a bop.
But you didn’t tell her that your real dream date was actually rollerskating with Barracuda blast in full volume. You didn’t spend 137 dollar and skipped classes for three days straight to watch Birds of Prey nonstop during the first week of its release for nothing. Plus, Margot Robbie beating men with bat and rollerskating? Yes please.
“Yes!” Bea screamed in joy when the speaker was in the right place and actually worked. She looked up to your window, holding the speaker on top of her head. Well, at least she’s not holding her old Xiaomi with its cracked screen, otherwise you would probably—
Never mind, Luis was holding her phone.
You groaned, trying to hide your embarrassment. God, her family is rich now; can’t she spare some of the money to invest in her gadget? You hated it every time you sent her emojis and she was just “Babe, it’s just squares.” Or she just sent a screenshot of your text (she changed your name in her phone, it’s Satan Popsicle now) and it’s rows and rows of squares instead of emojis.
“Poppy, babe, please…”
Before she could say anything else, the sound of Spotify ads suddenly replaced Barracuda, making everyone gasped in surprise.
“What the fuck?!” Bea yelled angrily and looked over to Luis. “Luis, what the hell, man?!”
“Sorry, sorry! I accidentally hit the next button! I didn’t know you didn’t have a premium feature! Who the hell doesn’t have Spotify premium anyway?”
You sighed deeply and rubbed your forehead, already feeling the incoming headache, while everyone was fighting with everyone down there. You saw Bea already hugging Zoey and Zoey was patting Bea’s back in comfort, you couldn’t hear Bea say something, probably she was frustrated because she didn’t use Zoey’s phone or that she blamed herself because she kept forgetting to download the Spotify's premium APK. Probably the latter, since you knew how much she loved that APK. You don't know, you're neither a peasant nor poor enough to go into the world of blackmarket apps. You're too pretty for Android.
You took Chloe’s shoes that you secretly stole from her room. Those shoes were hideous. Getting rid of it was basically a public service. Chloe should've thanked you. Then you threw one of the shoes, but it hit Carter instead of Luis.
“Get lost, all of you.”
“Poppy, what the hell?! How do you even get my shoes?!” Chloe screamed as she took her ugly shoe.
“It's so hideous, Chloe.”
“Oh you’re just jealous because they don’t have your size!”
You gasped and threw the other shoe at Chloe, it only hit her shoulder, damn it. “How dare you! Get lost, all of you, right now!”
“Oh, come on!” Zoey yelled. “It wasn’t Bea’s fault, Satan!”
“I don’t care, new money, get fucking lost!”
Bea held Zoey back and shook her head. “Come on, let’s just go.”
Zoey was torn looking between you and Bea. “Babe, what the fuck. Poppy…”
And then Bea finally looked at you with that soft and understanding smile. You hated it, you once yearned for it.
“It’s okay, come on.” She knew that you need more time, and she’s willing to give it to you because she was that nice.
Veronica was the last one to leave. She raised her eyebrow, but you stood your ground. You saw her type something, but you didn’t really think much of it. Veronica and her phone was one entity anyway.
But then you saw your phone, and it looked like Veronica actually had something to say.
 watch my livestream, youll know the truth
idc bitch
Me & zoey r gonna leave this weekend 2 hang w Jaylen, do whtvr u want with that info
idk talk w ur gf or have tons of sex
shes not my gf
lol k
 You huffed loudly and threw your phone to your bed, good thing it didn’t miss or you need to buy a new one, again.
You paced back and forth inside your room; it feels weird without Bea here. Maybe you should go to her room? It wasn't her fault, after all. That fucking whore was to blame. She ruined your life once and while yes, sure, you had your revenge, now she’s back into your life again, and she’s already destroying everything.
You bit your nail, ignoring the sound of your mother from the corner of your mind reminding you not to bite your nails. ("Poppy, I will tie your fingers if I have to. Stop biting your nail, it's crass and disgusting.")
You gritted your teeth and took your phone from your bed and Bea’s old jacket from the floor. If this went wrong, you’re blaming Veronica.
“Poppy, what…”
You pushed the door wide open, forcing yourself to get inside Bea’s room. Now you’re standing in front of Bea, unsure what to say. What could you possibly say in this situation, anyway? And you still don’t understand why you felt disappointment. At what, exactly?
When you craned your neck to meet Bea’s eyes, because fuck her for being six foot tall, you finally understood why.
“I hope you slapped that bitch after what she did to you.”
Bea chuckled and shook her head. “No, but I broke her nose.” She raised her eyebrow when you took her hands. “Um, Poppy...”
“Next time, if I told you that you shouldn’t trust a rich kid that isn’t spoiled to the core, listen to me,” you said without breaking eye contact.
Bea sighed. “Okay, I will. I thought it was just your old self talking shit about Persephone.”
“Well, yeah, that too.” You let go of Bea’s hand. “But that skank is basically a bad news.”
“Yeah, whoever thought she would try to get back at you like that?” Bea scratched her neck. “I’m sorry, but can we stop talking about Persephone now? I don’t want to hear her name ever again.”
You nodded.
“Is that all?” Bea raised her eyebrow. “I mean, you can just text me for that.”
You bit your lips. You don’t want to do this, you really don’t. “Okay, you’re right." You tried to fight the urge to say something negative or to backtrack.
Bea’s forehead crinkled. “About what?”
“Kanashimi is better than GO!!!,” you said with a grimace, as if you just swallowed a gallon of poison. Might as well.
Bea laughed loudly. “Finally you admitted that I’m right. Wait, how do you know…”
You never said Bea, you’re so fucking wrong and uncultured, GO!!! is the ultimate opening every time Bea said Kanashimi was way better than GO!!!, you only said that I’m too pretty to heard those songs, but I know you’re wrong.
You ignored her questioning look and climbed into her bed. “I’m using my Netflix’s account since I’m sure you don’t even have a Netflix account. I don’t understand why you’re so adamant to watch from Fmovies. You'd better pay for Netflix than for Nord.” Kids these days with their Netflix and shady streaming sites, they would never understand the feeling reading some batshit subtitle translation or watching thirty parts of videos on YouTube.
“What?” Bea was still standing in the middle of her room like an idiot.
“Well? Do you want to watch Naruto or not?” You huffed, already feeling your cheeks getting warmer. You never showed this side of you to anyone else, and now here you are, baring your soul in front of your ex-nemesis. Yes, you counted opening up a bit about your weeaboo side as baring your soul.
Bea laughed, honest to god laughed out loud while bending over and hands on her knees like you just said one of the greatest jokes in the universe.
You growled lowly in your throat and then you climbed down from her bed. “Fine, spend your weekend on your own then, I don’t care. I have a lot of reading to do anyway.” By reading, you mean there was a new chapter of Gokushufudou that just came out yesterday, but she didn't need to know that.
But Bea stopped you when you’re walking past her; she touched your wrist gently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.”
“You did.”
Bea laughed again, that stupid idiot. “Okay, yes, I am. But it’s because you keep saying ‘I’m too pretty to watch anime’ but you know way too much about it.” You just grumbled when Bea said that while doing an impression of you. It’s bad. You were way cuter when you were being haughty.
Before you could say anything, Bea bent down and kissed your forehead. You felt your forehead burned pleasantly from the gentle touch of her lips. “And of course I would love to watch Naruto with you.” She grinned. “After all, I taught you the power of friendship, believe it.”
“I hate you.”
“I know, I hate you too, Miss ‘I’m-too-pretty-for-anime’,” Bea said adoringly. “But we’re going to skip Shippuden, right?”
“Bitch, that’s the best part of Naruto.”
Bea rolled her eyes, but she’s smiling. “You have a bad taste.”
“No, I have a good taste.” You kissed her lips tenderly. “Because I chose you,” you whispered softly.
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sweetpxsin · 6 years
Stray Kids As Fanboys
Request:  @sy-zygy-zacker
Member: Strays Kids
Plot: Can I please have a Stray Kids scenarios where the roles are switched and you’re an idol while the members are your fanboys?
Genre: fluff
Note: should I make another one where they’re idols yet a fan of you and is your significant other? Also I made them friends in this dog if they’re mentioned in each other’s that’s why
[ Masterlist ]
[ C H A N ]
•Sorry did you hear something?
•oh wait that was Chan already arranging a cover of your newest song
•this boy is a dedicated coverist and some day hopes you’ll notice one of them
•and when you do he will actually die no lie
•other fans will probably demand a collab tbh
•but he’s also a really soft stan, that stays up just to watch your lives
•like sleep who? My ulti is calling me
•would rather go to a fan meeting and have a casual conversation with you
•but still would get lit at a concert if he had the chance to go
•gets flustered and soft when other fans ship him with you or say how they believe he has the talent to collab with you
•if he goes live on Instagram he can go on and on about how much admires you and your talent
•probably also as your music playing has background music 25/8
[ W O O J I N ]
•a real chill and lowkey fan that everyone can get along with
•and is also that one fan you can’t tell is a fan until you look into his phone
•or hear him singing one of your songs
•but he’ll post him singing one of your songs ever once and while on his instagram
•isn’t really keen on collecting albums only the ones he really likes
•and he keeps them safe and sound far from the little monsters *cough* maknae line *cough*
•probably also is the type to get decent seats at the concert like not VIP but also not the far way seats
•truly admires your talent and is probably the main reason why he stans
•but also cause he’s a whole ass hoe for you but you didn't hear that from me
•like not to be nsfw but just cause he’s a lowkey stan doesn’t mean he doesn’t rant about how much he wants to hold your hand and cuddle with you
•and if he does feel like going to a fan meet he’s totally the soft most sweetest stan
[ M I N H O ]
•I don’t know what it is about him that makes me believe he’d end up being your backup dancer (note the sarcasm)
•like he went from being a bts back up dancer to being one of your backup dancers
•and even though he tries not to show it half of the time he got heart eyes for you
•but it never gets weird because you both know how to joke around
•and mostly because you can count on walking in on him dancing’s to your dances but crackhead ver.
•uwu’s everytime you give him a signed album or when you want to take a picture with him for your instagram
•Literally that one fan everyone wishes they could be
•probably posts some shit like “Dreaming to take a pic with your fav, can’t relate”
•he doesn’t even need tickets to your concerts dafuq
•might visit you during fansigns because he missed you
•d*spatch is also ultimately confused with his relation with you
[ C H A N G B I N  ]
•super soft stan but will have absolutely no problem clowning on some of your wardrobe decisions
•probably calls you dumb but only cause he loves you
•occasionally has soft hours for you
•and when he does he goes off sis, like a whole as spam story with paragraphs about how much he adores you
•”I am: devastated they’re so cute” to “why do I stan an idiot”
•is super shy and awkward during fan meets and might just use his aegyo voice on accident
•blushes so hard when you hold his hand
•and can barely answer your questions he’s so captivated
•still claims he’s a hard stan
•is also probably that one stan that performs your songs with a hairbrush in his bedroom or bathroom
•also isn’t too crazy about merch so if he really wants an album he’s gonna buy it
•otherwise he’s really saving for those VIP tickets bro
[ H Y U N J I N ]
•another pretty chill fan but it’s a bit more obvious that he’s a fan
•only because all his friends know he’s basically in love you
•one mention of your name, or look at you and he’s a shy boi uwu
•will probably get caught staring at you during a concert or fan meet with just a huge smile on his face
•and if you ask if he’s shy during a fan meet because he’s not saying anything, and make eye contact with him, he will look away shyly and freeze (y’all know how jinyoung caught his fanboy stare yeah like that)
•his friends laugh at his “misery” which is basically him uwuing at how soft, talented, rude, etc, you are
•tries to hoe around but somehow always gets pulled back to you for being his ulti
•but that’s okay because he’s the absolute softest for you
•hides his stack of merch in his closet because he doesn’t want to admit he has a problem
•probably knows all your dances and if theres back up dancers he’s gonna learn they’re part
•cause you never know man life might just be fair 
•lowkey dreams of dancing next to you one day
[ J I S U N G ]
•that one fan that yells at everyone to shut up when you have a comeback
•will actually scream, cry and go through a rollercoaster of emotion only to tweet “my wig is snatched”
•it’s hard to tell if he’s a soft stan or a hard stan
•but you’re the reason for his lack of sleep, sudden drop in grades and poorness
•that one fan that’s scream crying the lyrics during a concert
•and will probably act like nothing happened afterwards
•usually the one fan screaming in your comment section
•but then tries to act cool and chic during a fan sign but is just shy
•even though he’s a lot softer for you than he’d like to admit
•dies a little in happiness when you touch his hand and won’t wash it till Chan forces him oops won’t wash it till Chan forces him oops 
•probably owns more than just your official merch
•that one fan that will literally throw money at your management
•if he’s home alone you can bet he’s jamming out to your songs probably breaking his back
[ F E L I X ]
•he’s the one that makes meme/crack videos of you
•it’s his job to catch every one of your meme faces
•but that’s the reason why he stans and loves you even more
•besides the fact he could totally go on about why he loves, stans and appreciates your goofy ass he really likes your music
•and is probably that one fan that captions his instagram story with “don’t touch me” over a picture of him staring off into the distance when you have a comeback
•he’s not really afraid to admit that you inspire him and that he’s totally in love with you
•if he ever had the chance to go to a fan meet he’d be  super soft and smiley the whole time
•probably might even give you a small plushie that has one of your meme faces on it
•giggles like a little school girl if you hold his hand
OH or if you mention how much you love his freckles uwu
•either way you’re both whipped for each other after it
[ S E U N G M I N ]
•makes it a know fact that he knows all your songs, eras and dances
•that one bis that will correct fans and starts it with an “actually…”
•really though he’s a soft stan that’s just trying to make covers for his fave
•but if a hater tries some shit he’ll cut a bitch
•still a really cute and shy fan tho
•he gets really excited when he meets other fans of you
•doesn’t wanna admit he probably fanboys more than he’d like to
•stutters when he sees you during a fan meet because wow your so kind and funny
•is a little too shy to have soft hours on his instagram story but when he does it’s the purest most fluffiest
•probably owns all of your albums digitally and physically
•and super proud about it but literally no one is allowed to touch them 
•not even woojin
[ J E O N G I N ]
•the softest stan everyone wishes they are
•is the type of fan to post a fan picture of you on his story admiring how pretty/handsome and soft you are uwu
•and probably gets shipped with you because of it
•isn’t really that crazy for merch but might treat himself with an album or two
•if he ever got the chance to go to a fan meet he’d probably get you a cute little plushie in hopes you can keep it
•also gets really shy and can't stop smiling because he can’t believe he’s meeting his fave
•is a caring little bean and will ask if you ate or rested well •you might as well just be whipped because he’s just so cute
•might post small covers of your songs on his social
•if he’s at a concert all he’s either hyped asf or admiring you
•honestly the purest stan you could ask for
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butchedyke · 5 years
(for the char thing) stanley uris, mike hanlon, and patty blum
migz!!!! i’m sorry i abandoned this in favour of video games and capitalism i hope i can make it up to u uwu
this is mostly going off the movies but there’s occasional book and miniseries input- i’ve only read the first few chapters, a few wikia pages, and some character meta from the book and i’ve only seen the miniseries once vs the however many times ive watched the movies in the last 2 months so don’t expect consistency between canons
 (also i’m gonna put these under a cut because this post got really long)
stanley uris
How I feel about this character:
there is a reason i use the tag baby boy for stan (and also for miniseries eddie)!!!! he’s my favourite loser other than eddie and i want to like. hold him and make sure he’s happy and healthy and i think stephen king should treat his characters better.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
patty!!!!! their relationship in the book makes me so happy and anyone who’s ever spoken to me about stanpat knows that i am at all times thinking about how she calls his car sedanley.
that being said, i respect stenbrough, stanlon, and streddie but overall this is a stanpat household
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
stan with all the losers but especially richie! which isn’t very original since they are literally best friends but their dynamic!!! good!!!! i’ve not been able to stop thinking about that one scene from the miniseries where richie introduces stan as “this is stan the man uris, he’s a jew,” partially because it’s fucking funny because who says that richie what the fuck, but also because stan just instantly follows up by saying that richie has a high metabolism which makes him hyperactive, and maybe it’s because the miniseries is campy and a little bit shit but the delivery of those lines makes it seem like they do this a lot! they have these introductions ready to go! and i love the idea of them as a platonic package deal even if we don’t get to see much of that in the movies
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i don’t think i really have any? i tend to follow people who hold the same opinions as me tho so i have no idea what’s popular outside of that dshfk
i mean i do think fics that save eddie but not stan aren’t really fix-its and going off the amount of fics where stan’s still dead i guess that’s somehow an unpopular opinion? i know everyone’s focused on reddie rn but god like. stan is right there can we stop ignoring him pls
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i mean the most blatantly obvious answer here is that i wish he didn’t die! he should’ve gotten to go on his holiday and rail/get railed by his wife and live to meet his friends as adults, catch up on the 27 years they didn’t get to be with each other. he should’ve gotten to have kids, once everything was over, and they should’ve been able to grow up with 5 extra uncles and an aunt bc u can’t tell me the rest of the losers wouldn’t be deeply embedded in their lives. i just wish stan had a chance to be completely, 100% happy without the underlying terror of his childhood.
on a smaller note i also wish we’d gotten to see more of his interest in birds in the movies bc like. he’s babie. and who knows! maybe would’ve helped stop the perception that his entire personality is just being a bitch that hates richie jshfd
mike hanlon
How I feel about this character:
part of the reason i wanted to read the book was for more mike content because i adore this lil farm boy and the movies. well. y’know. :). characters who just openly and whole-heartedly love their friends and go straight ride or die like 10 minutes after meeting them have my whole heart! he’s so smart and so kind and just wanted to protect his friends as best he could even though he dragged them into this whole mess bc he doesn’t want to lose them again!!!! mike deserves the whole world and if his way of getting that is by getting out of derry and getting to know that his friends remember and love him and each other then that’s all i want for him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
i wasn’t overly set on any particular mike ship until i watched the miniseries and saw the homoerotic bike montage and now i’m fully on the hanbrough train. choo choo.
just like with stan i support stanlon but endgame hanbrough is just. it’s right there in the text. bill didn’t divorce audra for nothing in ch2.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
this also kinda ties in with the last point, but jane @billdenbrough opened my eyes, in the middle of a very in-depth conversation about audra’s minion strap, to the world of best friends mike and audra who are both with bill which is both galaxy brained and an incredibly good concept which i think about a lot
also i think mike and ben could’ve had something Incredibly soft if mike wasn’t treated like a background character in the first film and a quest-giving npc in the second one :) :)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i headcanon mike as gay, i have no textual evidence for this, i just think he’s neat. i think it’s a pretty popular opinion that the movies treated him poorly? and i also think that in ch2 he was just trying to protect his friends in a scenario that did not lend itself at all to protection. drugging bill and not telling the others about the full ritual might not have been the best thing to do, but he was in a goddamn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation, and he was trying his best to save his friends no matter how impossible it may have been.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i uh :) i don’t know if anyone’s figured out yet :) that i wish many things had happened with mike in canon :) :) the first film doesn’t give him much but the second film just infuriates me completely tbqh! he’s basically entirely there to push the narrative (his dialogue doesn’t even sound like dialogue! it sounds like prose explaining the plot and the next steps the characters have to take!), or to drug and lie to his friends. i wish they’d kept his backstory the same, that we’d actually gotten to see him find his token, that he’d gotten a token relevant to him as an individual rather than the group, that we’d gotten a flashback for him, that he was given more screentime and development across both films, like... i wish he’d been treated like the other losers and not a plot point.
i also wish we’d gotten to see him on his travels post-canon, seeing the other losers, and just generally actually getting to be happy- we see the start of it but god i just want to see him having a good time outside of derry.
patty blum
How I feel about this character:
if she were not stan’s wife she would be my wife. we don’t get to see much of her in the movie or miniseries and that is a fucking crime!!!! i’ve already mentioned sedanley but like. sedanley. i’ve read patty’s bit in the book and that’s all i need the other 1100 pages can get fucked, she’s just here to watch family feud and love stan which i can confidently say is a huge fucking mood
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
STAN. i guess i already talked about this before but i’ll keep going!!! my love for stanpat overwhelms my usual distaste towards straight relationships bc they’re so good!!!!! the fact that they’re really the only happy relationship to come out of the 27 year gap and they love each other so much and so like... wholesomely? but they still blow each other’s backs out on the reg and it’s what they deserve.
also i sometimes think about patty/audra as like. kind of a crack ship kind of a “i’m a lesbian and i’m desperate to see lesbians” ship. i haven’t thought about it in depth i just want to plant the seed
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
stan introducing patty to the losers and patty becoming an honorary loser is my weakness!!!! patty being comfortable enough to rib richie (and richieandeddie) with stan, but also vice versa going along with richie’s bits. patty and bev getting close because as much as st*phen k*ng and co push bev as One Of The Boys(tm) there’s just something in having another woman around that can be refreshing especially when they’re both bicons. patty and mike enthusiastically sharing holiday pictures and tales of their trips. patty noticing when eddie’s having a bad day, whether it’s anxiety or lingering trauma, and supporting him through it, regaling him with stories about stan and what essentially amount to dad jokes (sedanley!!!) and making sure he knows he’s loved and supported by all the losers. patty, the teacher, and ben, lunchtimes-in-the-library ben who never outgrew his love of reading, nerding out over shit that the others don’t really know about. bill telling patty all about what stan was like as a kid in that way only bill can, richie chiming in with crude comments sometimes but noticeably keeping quieter than usual, and patty returning the favour, telling them about the last 27 years, and not even richie makes a single joke when everyone tears up (because he’s tearing up the most). stan sitting there the whole time not even bothering to point out that he’s right there because it’s enough for him to see the romantic love of his life and the platonic loves of his life bonding, and yeah, maybe it was worth sticking around for.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i don’t know if this is unpopular but patty pegs. that’s all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
more patty. let me see my wife.
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serkonans · 6 years
i would legit love to know ur answer to all of those dnd questions tbh
so many gfsljgf thank you antonia i love ask memesputting #13 up here for the anon who requested it and the rest below the cut!13. Introduce your current party.I currently DM a few games! School is hectic and I don’t get to play very often but all the characters are GoodI have one group campaign titled “When the River Bleeds Red” (which is probably news to you, Antonia, and everyone else who plays, idt I ever mentioned that slkfjglfskj) that has a blacksmith (half-elven cleric, @the-idiot-who-stood-still​) named Brigitte Faestrum, a pumpkin farmer (halfling druid, @beesgnees​) named Cathal Headrig, a former stage performer (fire genasi sorcerer, @merrigold​) named Emelia Sparks, and a former mercenary (gnome fighter, @jacqmutiny​) named Nyx!I also DM one-on-one campaigns for @merrigold​ (who plays an aasimar druid named senua tasked with undertaking journeys on behalf of the gods in “The Glacial Erratic”) and @fictitiousbees​ (who plays a kenku wizard named scribbles called to the service of a high dragon in “Luck of the Draw”)Everything else below the cut!
1. A favorite character you have played.
I’ve only played two characters! One was Carran Warset, who is my Son and like the bulk of the reason I know I’m trans, and one was Chim from your one-on-one campaign. I rly like both of them tbh but Carran is my child gkjlsfgjs
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
Excluding anything I’ve DMed, Sivarna by @pluviance!
3. Your favorite side quest.
In the group campaign we played in together, there was one session that idr if you were able to be there for but we like,,, went into a forest and bought a really ugly belt from a stoner for zero plot reasons and I count it as a side quest in my heart
4. Your current campaign.
Well, you know everything about all my current campaigns that you’re allowed to know rn, but for anyone who might be reading who isn’t in them:
The group campaign is being used as scapegoats in the brutal murder of an ambassador’s daughter and is fleeing a city through secret tunnels -- we last left off at Cathal becoming a giant badger and burrowing upward
In the solo campaign with Senua, she’s attempting to deliver a large, magical object from the goddess of earth deep inside a mountain, and she’s facing down a basilisk with three NPCs
And in the solo campaign with Scribbles, he’s just played a card game that was really more of an interrogation, where he found out a high dragon has taken interest in him, and he is, in unrelated news, taking a package to the local apothecary
5. Favorite NPC.
Of someone else’s, I love Lucy from the Chim campaign!
Of mine, I will never stop loving Mr. Kretever Tatell. Kret is a goddamn idiot but he’s my goddamn idiot
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
Carran once killed an evil poison merchant by seducing her in an enemy king’s bedroom and stabbing her when he went in for the kiss gkfsljgfsj. Then he and Sivarna wound up hiding with her corpse under a bed discussing the concept of threesomes in whispers while the king wandered around his room. Not as like, a possibility. Just because the topic came up
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
S,,,hop,,,,,,, money tiem $
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
I liked the fight where I balanced the combat correctly lkgsflkjskljg, the one with guards in the tunnels
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
Homebrew enemies are coolest imo but hard to balance; the giant gemstone ant I had you fight would’ve been my favorite if it’d been able to get more than like two attacks in gskjgksj
And insect swarms are very annoying to fight
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
How often I play is whenever every single one of the stars align and ideally I would play like every other day fksjglskfjg
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
God the current ones haven’t gone long enough for those yet really and I’m blanking on most from the group player campaign
I do remember Carran was 1000% convinced basil was poison at one point and his pet rat killed an evil, powerful sorcerer by chewing his ear
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Just the group player campaign with Carran, which didn’t get to the heavy plot stuff before it ended tbh, and then the solo one you ran with Chim in what was rly a Very cool world concept of like hellish Las Vegas that I’d like to steal at some point
And then you ofc know this but for anyone reading who doesn’t, I’m going DM a maybe-oneshot, maybe-a few more than oneshot post-apocalyptic campaign for you and @fictitiousbees​, set in a world that’s been destroyed by fast growing invasive fungi which is like. only The sexiest apocalypse scenario
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Yes, religiously. Game time snack time
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I’ve never played in person other than a single test game for new players! I prefer online tho; you can look things up and type if you’re shy
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
I have a rule about only two players being able to try the same sort of check, but that’s it for us so far that I can think of
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Not yet! Cathal has a way with animals though
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
I Do
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
I got into it bc Critical Role made it look super super fun, and I’ve been playing off and on for two years now
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
I’ve regretted everything any character I’ve controlled has done I think that’s just dnd
Realistically tho, big yes for a lot of what Carran did, most notably snooping on another player character who had cast Alarm on her room
22. What color was your first dragon?
Haven’t had one yet!
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
100% original babey
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
3% planning 97% “oh fuck I need to have an idea Now” babey
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
Everything, it’s why I never know what I’m doing
I never expected Cathal to become a large badger and dig out of the underground, how do you prepare for someone to, in all seriousness, tell you they’re going to become a badger and scrabble to the surface
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
I really tend to enjoy the one-on-one scenes; I think my favorite was having you roll that insane wild magic surge and detailing What Happened At The Theatre
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
Yes if it can go in DND Beyond
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
In group campaigns, not often, although we have two with us right now. In solo campaigns, if you want combat you’re getting an NPC party, at least for a bit
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Personally I love RP heavy sessions; combat is fun but I crave Story
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
I think mostly diplomatic with a dash of murder hobo
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
I’m so so so boring but I love humans gksfjgsk
Humans, elves, and half-elves are my favorite
And then I Would Die For Every Rogue, it’s hands down my favorite class
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
Rogue role
Lemme stealth and steal and stab
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
For Carran it was,, A Whole Process
I came up with a basic idea, then journaled as him several times and wrote and rewrote until I had what felt Right, and then I kept toying with it and adding more details throughout the campaign -- I love playing and would really like to again but the obsession with expanding upon his story made me realize I need the freedom of worldbuilding that goes along with DMing; I don’t think I could be a player without DMing a separate campaign bc I just try to take over
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
So much, I usually use old acting techniques and get fully into character
thank you again antonia!!! these were fun
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lilietsblog · 7 years
my mirai nikki liveblog notes from last night
yandere is a gross and creepy fandom trope beloved by gross and creepy fandom dudes but I really like Mirai Nikki and personally Gasai Yuno, and I hope she finds some stability in her mind orrr she could kill either herself or Yukki to get the other to be the god of time and space and I'm honestly not sure which of those would be a healthier decision or more fascinating to watch. but i dont want this ending bc of the cop )= (my taste in anime is impeccable)
I like how Yukki is still majorly creeped out by Yuno, even if making out with her is no longer even a Big Thing for him
WHY DID THIS THING JUST HAPPEN THIS IS LIKE THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO HONESTLY WHAT THE FUCK I like the girl just snapping photos of everything I aspire to be this chill
Yuno if you fuck up Yukki's friendships because you are jealous I'm going to be very cross with you that's exactly what you're going to do isn't it I mean you've been 100% right about Tsubasa and you've been actually very charismatic with Yukki's mom but I can just feel the trainwreck coming
huh, they all end up just hanging out together, that's surprisingly nice I'm glad things other than blood and carnage are allowed to happen in this anime it won't last long will it
shine shine shine wow Yuno maybe chill
Mao and Hinata, I swear I'm going to remember this
okay what followed was teeth snapping not blood from a bitten throat so maybe she won't die after all thank god
guys you are discussing it with them walking right behind you how well have you thought this through I guess they were further behind?
Akise is another Diary owner isn't he
I feel Yukki on his Definite Overload With Everything
I sure hope those are not Akise's dogs that Akise deliberately set on them to engineer this situation
hm well at least this is not personally Akise, doesn't mean he's not affiliated with this guy at the very least they seem to share hair color
I love Mary tho
hmmm this might actually not be the guy with the flesh eating dogs, these look different okay I'm holding off on further speculation right now and giving it a tentative 50/50, as well as to Akise turning out to have been behind the attack
okay what the FUCK that looks like Hinata
fuuuck i am SO tempted to like Akise but that would also come with a sore wish to have him Join The Team and I hoped that for Tsubasa too >_> my heart can't take it
...that feeling when Yuno is being the Voice of Reason
aaand it's gone
please Yukki don't tell them about your diary there's nothing about that that's not a bad idea don't drag them into this aaand of course that's what you're doing and once again, Yuno is me
aaand there's Mao isn't there fuck not the one I was expecting at least thank you Akase for it not being you
okay Hinata is alive that's fair enough except she won't be for long will she why must you take away Pure things from me anime why ugggghhhh
a Breeder's diary??? oh right dogs whew
oh my god Akise too????? okay this is kind of hilarious now I hope they go for a reverse of the temple thing and he actually gets to join the squad I guess the girls were doomed because of Yuno anyway but he has a chance
so I think Deus rigged this whole game specifically for Yukki his random observations diary made the future diary a very interesting idea and a very powerful tool but then Deus threw a bunch of various... interesting characters into it, and I imagine physical proximity (or ability and willingness to get around fast) and, ah, interestingness of character were the main criteria, and he went for ANY kind of diary at all, which made most of theirs much less potent
another thing I'm thinking is I've been noticing the small child holding hands with ?parents? in the end credits for a while, and it looks like Hinata, and she might be an important character
maybe this anime just burned through a few expendable characters at the beginning to set up the situation and create the athmosphere, and the main plot is going to be about a bunch of high schoolers after all, because that's just how anime rolls - high schoolers would be the major characters out of the whole bunch of diary owners
so maybe they're not all dying next episode is what i'm trying to say
Murmur is amazing btw
hum so Akise got his diary late? or does he not have one after all oh my god I love Akise so much already his expression here like 'i can't believe i'm going along with this' and yet he's going along with this like sure ok
aaand SUDDEN DORK MODE oh no I have a new favorite character please don't turn out to secretly be a mass murderer that's all I ask ;~; hum might he not actually have a diary after all dammit these are supposed to be post credit scenes not revealing plot twists I'm just confusing myself at this point aren't I
lol oh my god they thought Akise was a diary owner but he's just a guy who's good at investigation isn't he
or is he??? godfuckingdammit I need to stop doing this to myself theorizing is a bad habit that I get way too into I don't like bumpy rides of plot twists I like being able to follow what the fuck is going on )=
yeah he does not have a diary nor any idea what's going on does he lol I called it seconds before Yuno caught on it's kind of interesting how it seems her job is to be the genre savvy one, whose usefulness is however kind of fucked up by her brain cockroaches
I guess she caught on that he was bluffing but??? ??? ???
and Akise's just going nuts and laughing because what else is left to do honestly
Akise why are you so fucking likable how dare you I'm actually angry at this development HAVE A FLAW DAMN YOU I CANNOT RELAX BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT I CANNOT TRUST WHAT I AM SEEING THIS FUCKING ANIME
oh man I thought they were lesbians when Mao first brought up that she's taken, but this is V Cute
oh my fucking god Akise have you MISSED Yuno's thing in your investigation or are you doing this ON PURPOSE
wait what just happened was that yandere on yandere combat or what
Mao what the fuck were you doing
Yuno you are an ASSHOLE I hope everyone other than Yukki keeps just ignoring everything you say and do
I love this one normal guy who's kind of a dick and just reacts normally to things and his contrast to Akise whom I love
honestly Yukki I agree I think I DON'T WANT TO is the only argument Yuno can be receptive to
oooor that only makes things worse huh Yuno honey please settle down believe in Yukki a little more than that
oh hey good solution even if it's just getting yourself deeper in I guess in a BLOOD DEATH situation it's kind of the best available option
"You don't want me to hate you, do you?" A+ game Yukki hit her where it hurts aka explain basic facts of human relationships >_>
aaand yep he's freaking out because he doesn't even like her that way and he's getting deeper and deeper in )=
uuunless that was a lie huh can't deny that possibility
lol Akise also has voice of reason tendencies <3
hum okay dammit I liked the cop a lot then again Akise is like him+ as far as having an Awesome detective character goes and Yukki has a Squad his age now I'm surprised by how well this went actually
another episode and I'm going to sleep (yes i'm aware these are Cursed Words but what if I'm lucky)
Yuno? Uh, are you okay?...
see the thing is I really can't find a way to apply to this anime the standards of 'healthy relationship with a mentally ill person' because PEOPLE ARE DYING AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE LET'S PUT THAT OFF UNTIL THE FUCKING GAME IS OVER like Yukki can't just ditch Yuno because she keeps fucking saving his life??? and Yuno can't just resolve to Not Murder because that keeps fucking saving both of their lives??? they can't do what would have been the Reasonable Thing To Do under normal circumstances because these SURE AS FUCK AREN'T NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES
oh please girl are you sure anyone's MAKING you do anything
wait what the fuck is going on here oh it's Murmur fucking around isn't it yep there it is
okay I'm not sure what's happening like, what? seriously? what the fuck
okay so that's what happened huh that still leaves a lot of holes but okay
uh Akise why what makes you think this is a good idea I mean I've noticed you don't exactly have conventional emotional responses to fucked up stuff either but like seriously
oh Yukki you're starting to become more OK with murder that's just the world you live in huh
awww he cares about her when they are one on one as much as he cares about EVERYONE which he does because he is wonderful and I love him it's just in mixed company that Yuno's stalkerish shit gets lower priority to everyone else's normal shit and Yukki is 100% right in that
aha I'd been wondering whose last name I forgot
ahhh so that's what he was doing that makes more sense than him being a shipper on deck -_- just throwing Yukki under the bus for the sake of investigation that's p much normal... by this anime's standards...
also holy damn Yuno you can work when you try hum self-induced amnesia or something? that's almost a sensible coping mechanism I'm glad the anime is actually paying attention to that
augh what the fuck Kurusu why do you gotta hum and there's that other detective uuugh this anime has way too much going on I guess it IS 11 pm and I HAD decided to go to sleep after this
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