#I don’t know why.. very minimalist. makes her look elegant… even though I tried to make her face look sort of rowdy.
rendside · 5 months
Could you draw Brightheart please?
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
OTP Ask Meme: 3, 8, 10, 39, 42 please.
3. Who takes longer getting ready?
On your average workday, Renji. Look at this man. He has an entire skincare/haircare/daily make-up routine, which he began under Yumichika-sempai, but has continued to hone. He’s very good at what he does, and he can get his face on very quickly when he needs to, but it is necessary. I headcanon that Renji’s lashes are naturally red and he is extremely self-conscious about them and will not leave the house without mascara.
Rukia is a minimalist in her daily routine, although she does take good care of her skin and hair, mostly through the use of extremely expensive product that Byakuya buys for her, and the guidance of her trusty maid.
Rukia’s fancy game is extremely fancy, and it can take hours for her to get wrapped up thirteen layers of silk and have her eyebrows filled and her face paint applied. She is exceptionally good at sitting still for all of this, this is just a thing that happens to her. I like to think she actually unlocked one of her sword attacks by while meditating during some interminable make-up session for the banquet to celebrate Ginrei’s Tennis Club winning the Seireitei Over-800s Division.
8. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
God, they’re both terrible. The difference is that Rukia is actually decent at video games, but Renji is horrible. He’s one of those jocks who would rather be out physically punching Ikkaku than playing a fighting game. So, he’ll talk a bunch of smack and then drive his car directly off a cliff.
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
Rukia does this constantly. Byakuya knows exactly why Renji’s phone suddenly starts blaring “I’m a bitch, I’m a lover” in the middle of squad drills, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a Glare of Disapproval anyway.
Rukia’s special ringtone for Renji is set to Hihiou Zabimaru screeching, but he made all of his friends set it to that.
39. Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch? (Bonus: What does it say?)
I think... they both do this actually? Renji is the lunch-packer, and Rukia felt like she wasn’t contributing, so she started slipping little notes into his lunches. They all have little muscle-y bunnies flexing and shouting overblown gymrat affirmations like “Pain is weakness leaving the body!” or “You are my swole-mate!!” Renji loves them so much that he started writing her little notes back that have Hihiou Zabimaru shouting self-care messages like “You got this!” and “Don’t forget to hydrate!”
42. What is their favorite feature of their partner?
Not to get super deep, but I’m gonna dive super deep on this one.
I’m never not thinking about the thing Renji says about Rukia in the Inuzuri flashback from “A Star and a Stray Dog”: “No matter what she did, her natural elegance showed through.” I think the thing Renji likes best about Rukia is her demeanor-- the way she struts through life like she has control of every situation, like everything is going according to plan. This may manifest itself as elegance or swagger or just plain old competence. Renji feels like he, personally, is an abject disaster. Everything he tries to do goes wrong. He’s just in awe of her ability to be the master of every situation, and a lot of the way he has built up his own brash, overconfident outward persona was inspired by her.
Conversely, Rukia knows that she is a complete fraud. She seat-of-her-pantses it 100% of the time. She deeply admires the hard work Renji puts toward his goals, his determination, the way he works to improve himself. She knows what a thankless job it is to be Squad 6 adjutant, and is incredibly proud of Renji, even though he makes it look easy. Likewise, over the course of knowing him, she has come to believe that she’s capable of achieving things if she works toward them, and believing that she can be as great as Renji thinks she is.
::sobbing:: I just really love them and their relationship makes both of them better.
otp meme
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purple-baby-d · 4 years
a good man.
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Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P.  — BIGBANG) x female reader.
Genre: I don’t know, it’s kinda angst, but also fluff and then it gets kinda smut... I’m a mess but whatevs.
Word count: 2,994.
Content: rich!top, gambler!gdragon, heartbroken!reader, college friends, descriptions of domestic violence, top being a hella interesting and caring man, vanilla sex (love making), unprotected sex, just the fluffy smut I needed to write as soon as zyanya told me she needed a good top reading material.
Brief: as you finally run away from your years-long toxic relationship, your best friend is right there to pick you up, and some feelings might bloom all over again once you let your hearts speak.
Dedicated to @theravengoddess​ 💜
"Do whatever you want, but leave me out of it!", you yelled, shutting the door closed as you left the apartment you and your troubled ex-boyfriend lived in, rain falling over your shoulders and your luggage as you cried silently. Where did it all go wrong?, you asked yourself, trying to understand why Jiyong, your former couple, had fallen into the darkest roads, and it was his short-tempered mood and up-to-the-clouds ego that led you both to self-destruction, and you knew it was over a long time ago.
But still, you somehow wanted to blame yourself for it.
Running down the roads of that small neighborhood you lived in, you sobbed to yourself, wanting to get as far as possible from that misery you left at your apartment. The buildings slowly started looking nicer as you kept running, ending up on one of the nicest neighborhoods of your city. As you walked in front of a nice restaurant, you bumped into a tall man, who sadly you recognized as your best friend, Seunghyun.
"Y/N? Princess, you're soaked!" he told you, giving you his old, rusty leather jacket to protect you from the cold night you ran into. "Why are you crying? What happened?", he kept asking, concerned by the tears that kept streaming down your face, not really knowing what to do anymore. "Come on, tell me something, please".
You just laid your head in his hands, reuniting every last strength of yours to tell him about the worst night of your mid-length life. Jiyong had bursted into your lovenest, the one you've shared for years now, looking desperately for money to pay his debts. You walked out of your workspace after hearing his whole rendezvous, the scandal making the neighbors concerned as things kept crashing on the floor, breaking into little, tiny pieces of glass as he then repaired on you. He shook your shoulders, asking you where you'd left the money you were saving for your years-planned dream vacations with him. You knew exactly what happened: he was gambling again, even when he told you he would stop after losing his dream car to it.
You told him to stop looking, that he wouldn't find it and he was definitely not using it, but you knew you were up to no good when rage got the best of him, combined with the drinks he was having back at that illegal casino he loved. He pushed you to the floor and kicked you out of the way once you tried to stop him. Still in pain, you got up and grabbed the bags you'd packed weeks prior in case of emergency, the money he was desperately looking for safe in one of them. You left your old phone at the apartment, along with everything he could locate you with. And although he deserved it, you still cried thinking about the years of your life you wasted on him, hoping he could change somehow.
Hoping he could become the good man your mother always said you deserved.
"God... I'd kick his ass, but that would lead him to know where you are", Seunghyun sighed, looking at you as his thumb stroke your cheek, weeping your tears off. "Don't cry, princess, you're breaking me slowly", he begged you, holding you close without caring about getting his expensive designer clothes wet or damaged. In that moment, he cared solely about you, about how you were dealing with finally leaving the toxic relationship you've kept yourself in for the last few years, at some point even thinking of marrying the guy who had just hurt you phisically and emotionally. "Come on, you can stay with me for as long as you please", he offered you, looking down at you with a smile. "Are you hungry? Wanna grab some food before we go?", he asked softly, to which you couldn't say no. Even though you weren't in the mood, you were starving, and the mixture of all the time you spent running combined with the nice smell flooding your nostrills thanks to the restaurants that surrounded you made your mouth water.
He ordered takeout as you waited in his black sports car, the heat was on as he tried to keep you from freezing, his jacket still over your shoulders as you watched him through the window. You met Seunghyun years ago, in college, to be precise. He was a natural hardworker, the best in his classes, the most promising future from our generation, and he stood up to that title. He started his own business, dedicated to funding different medical researches and environmental causes, such as cleaning the oceans or preventing deforestation. That was his happy place, knowing he was doing what he could to help, and he was tremendously well-known amongst the Korean community, earning several awards and rename because of it. Still, he was sweet, kind, polite, humble... everything your mother could wish for in a husband for her daughter.
You still couldn't understand how his only friend in college was a humble girl from a working class family, let alone how he still was single at his thirty-two years of age.
He sighed as he got in the car, touching your forehead gently to check on your body temperature, his concerned expression somehow making you feel safe. "You're still quite cold, but at least you won't get sick", he told you, his deep, raspy voice making you smile with the words it pronounced. "Thank you, Seunghyun", you muttered, making him smile to you in return. He drove down the roads that lead to his apartment as the city lights made the tamished glass of your window look quite artistic, and the raindrops that stuck to it started blurring as he sped up. Some low-fi music playing in the background as he looked ahead, his hands shaking on the steering wheel until he finally turned onto the underground parking lot of the building he lived in. He parked the car and got out of it, taking your luggage out of the car and taking it upstairs as he walked next to you, not letting you move a finger.
You gasped as the elevator led you to his apartment, the penthouse of one of the fanciest buildings around the whole city. Still on the minimalist spectrum, it looked so fancy and elegant, just like its owner. "Mi casa es tu casa, princess", he told you, taking your luggage to one of the rooms. "Get yourself comfortable, you can use the library as your workspace, and I'll settle a room for you. Until then, you can sleep on mine, I sleep on the couch most of the time, anyways". Without letting you hesitate, he left your bags on the laundry room, washing them over since they gained a certain smell because of the rain.
You noticed he wasn't the average bachelor, even though he lived alone, he still managed to keep everything nice and clean. He then grabbed something from his office, handing it to you. "Use this", he told you, handing you a new phone. "It's my old phone, I also have a spare computer in case you need one. It has a new SIM card and my number's saved on it. It's yours". I nodded, taking it in my hands as I sighed. "Thank you", I muttered. He showed me a little grin, a slight chuckle coming out of his throat. "Is it all you know how to say?", he said, making you smile as he kneeled in front of you, caressing your cheek. "Mine is yours too, princess. You won't need anything as long as I'm here".
There was this tiny moment of tension, you felt like he was way too far from you. The way he made you feel suddenly reminded you of the way you felt about him years ago, that slight crush you developed in him that you immediately faded away with the fear of losing your best friend. Your only friend. But the way he looked at you made you sense something else... something new.
His phone rang, and the caller's ID made him clench his teeth at the most opportune moment. "I'll pick this up, you should take a shower. You can use my clothes for now, my sweaters will probably fit you like dresses", he smiled a little for you, and you nodded, doing as he commanded. He got up from his spot in front of you, picking up the call and walking away from you far enough for his voice not to sound as clear as if he talked in front of you, but you still could hear every word. "The fuck do you want, Jiyong?", he growled, the rage burning through his eyes. "I have no fucking idea, she doesn't pick up her phone and that means she wants to run away from you, so stay the fuck away from her!", he yelled at the phone. "I'll pay every single cent of your goddamn debts only if you promise you'll disappear", he snarled again, making you confused. "I'll find her, and when I do, I'll do what I should've done from the very start, what I didn't do because I cherished our friendship". You then entered the shower, letting the water run over your skin and the noise keep you from listening to the conversation Seunghyun kept on the phone. You washed your hair, appreciating how everything was made to your tall friend's fit, having to stretch out your hand to reach the shampoo.
You got out of the shower, wrapping a towel —a very long one— around your chest to cover you up while you looked for something to wear. You grabbed one of his oversized sweaters, the smell of his cologne making you obsessed with it. Just as you expected, it looked like you were wearing a dress, covering up to the middle of your thighs, giving you some sweater paws which you folded while combing your wet hair. You decided not to wear underwear, since you were dressed enough for it not to be obvious. But as you got out, you could tell he was still on his phone.
After one last "get lost", he hung up, sighing as he rested his back on the wall and your curiosity started shooting up like fireworks. He then got back to you, the rage you sensed in his voice not showing in the comforting smile he dedicated you. "Come on, let's have dinner", he invited you, getting two glasses and some chopsticks out of the kitchen, he then sat down with you, sighing as he served a glass of wine to the two of you from the bottle he bought, not knowing if you were in the mood for soju and deciding to go for the safe choice, your favorite wine. He served even portions of food for the two of you, again not letting you move a single finger to help him. It made you upset, but you couldn't deny how touched you were by the way he was treating you. He caressed your cheek and smiled at you. "Be my guest, princess", he told you with a smile.
You bowed politely at him, grabbing your chopsticks and having a bite of the food he'd bought for you, having you moaning in pleasure at the delicious flavors invading your tastebuds. It was so good, and he made you so happy you nearly forgot what you were about to ask him. But once he'd had his last bite, you took a deep breath and looked at him. "Seunghyun, what were you and Jiyong talking about?", you asked, after a soft "eung?" came out of his full mouth when you called his name. He then took a deep breath and a sip of his glass of wine, turning to look at you. "How much did you hear?", he asked you, concerned. "You said you would find me and do what you should've from the start".
He then sighed, his sight going down to the floor. "Princess, do you remember how you met Jiyong?", he asked softly. "I met him at a party in the dorms", you answered. "He was the host of that party, and he told me to invite you because he thought you were pretty", he told you. "Since he was my senior, I respected his order and did what he said, but the truth is I didn't want him to get anywhere near you... because I was falling in love with you".
You looked at him, shocked. Why was he saying those things? How could he ever fall in love with you? That wasn't the line he drew when you met Jiyong, not even before. But then, I got it: Seunghyun found it difficult to express his true feelings with words, if not to express them at all. He was tender and loving, but when it came to expressing his heart, he wasn't that much of an expert. "But I saw you were developing feelings for Jiyong too, so I stepped back and gave you the freedom to do your life however you decided to do it, because I knew you were strong enough to be good by yourself", he explained, breaking your heart in two as he muttered his point of view with nostalgia. "I wanted you to look at me in other way so badly, but I didn't want to force my feelings into you, nor to ruin our friendship. So I made my vows, I would stay away from you and Jiyong hyung, but I would always take care of you, and so I did".
You took his hand in yours, not really knowing what to say. Your feelings were mutual all along, but you were both so scared to lose eachother, you never thought about letting them bloom. How could you make up for the time you've lost? You were all grown up now, the age for joyful childish dates leaving you behind as soon as you started getting bills to pay. But neither of you cared about that, but about the way the other was feeling. So as Seunghyun leaned closer to you, you leaned in as well. "But I always wanted to be a good man for you, princess", he muttered.
Your lips then met, in the softest yet most special way yours had ever been kissed. His lips were soft and tender to yours, and the way they could naturally move with each other made the two of you know it was worth the wait. No matter how long it has been, you deserved this. You deserved eachother. You broke the kiss, looking for air to breathe as you didn't know how to function anymore as for doing such a simple thing. You looked at him, knowing that you wanted more, that the two of you did. He took your hand and pulled you to his lap, his lips meeting yours again as he held your waist tenderly, and your arms wrapped around him as he lifted you up, walking the two of you to his bedroom and laying you down slowly in his bed. The soft feeling of his sheets under your skin making you smile as he leaned down to kiss you again, holding up the weight of his body as he straddled over you. His lips started leaving kisses down your body as he took off his shirt, later on taking off his sweater from you, biting down on his lip as he realized you were naked, but then undressing himself completely so you were even.
You crawled up to his lap, his throbbing erection making direct contact with your dripping core, and you couldn't handle the foreplay much longer, none of you could. So he did it, right there, he guided you until you sat down on his length, taking it completely once you sat down on his lap, his lips connecting to yours as you kept a slow pace the whole while. You kept going up and down, feeling every single inch of his as he groaned, enjoying your tight, wet core more than he could ever express. You've had sex with Jiyong plenty of times before, but having sex with Seunghyun was different for one single reason: it wasn't sex, you were making love.
He kept up to your pace, respecting it as much as he could, and when the two of you reached the edge, you collapsed in his chest as he collapsed in the bed. You laid over the bed again as he got down to your core, eating out all of your arousal and the combination of his climax with yours. He didn't care, he found it so fantastic he actually could give two shits. He wanted you to feel comfortable, and the moans you let out of your mouth let him know you were enjoying it. Once you were clean, he got up and you grabbed his cheeks, kissing him for what felt like forever. But it felt good, it felt right.
It felt like that was where you needed to be.
"I'll make you fall in love with me too, princess", he told you, but you shook your head in denial. "I fell in love with you a long while ago, Choi Seunghyun", you muttered. And with a little smile of his, he covered the two of you with his bed's sheets and held you close to him, taking a deep breath as everything finally felt like it was the right path to follow, the two of you together at last. And as you were about to fall asleep in his loving arms, you muttered one last sentence.
"You're the good man I needed".
It’s short and not so smutty as I’ve been doing them lately, but I hope you like it! :)
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oshbluepacific · 6 years
Unfaithful Trust / X
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Type: Fluff
Character: Jung Hoseok x Reader (MAFIA! AU)
Words Counted: 2k3+
MASTERLIST . ask/request
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - XVI - XVII
“Are we close?” You asked, turning your head to Hosoek. Hosoek let out a chuckle. The corner of his lips turned up as he looked to you then back to the road.
“Relax (Y/N), I’m not kidnapping you.” He joked.
“It feels like you are.” You rolled your eyes, letting out a light laugh.
Hoseok then reached out from your hand and you took it. Intertwining your fingers with his.
“Don’t worry, this place is amazing, I think you’ll love it… I’ve heard that they have an amazing steak here, I think you’re going to love it.” He smiled.
“Maybe I will, but nobody can win against Kobe’s sirloin steak!” You laughed, and Hoseok joined.
“Ah, you might say that right now… but when you finally taste it, you’re going to change your mind.
You leaned against his shoulder with a smirk.
“Make me.” You dared.
 The place that Hoseok was taking you was far from town, far from the crowd. You turned left and right, it was just dark and not a lot of civilian around.
“Seriously though, where the hell are you taking me? We’re in the middle of nowhere.” You said, as you looked out the window.
“We’re almost there, be patient grasshopper.” He said, softening his voice. “It’s a little surprise.”
“But I hate surprises.” You mumbled, turning towards him.
“Well, you surprised me tonight, now it’s my turn to surprise you.” He winked.
 You felt your cheeks heating up, as you looked down to your dress. God, Hoseok’s jaw dropped to the floor when you walked out of your room with the dress Anned picked out for you.
He couldn’t help but to stop and stare at you for brief seconds before you both could leave the house.
 “Hoseok, stop staring…” You said covering you face with your clutch.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare but…” He trailed off and continue to stare.
“I’m walking back to my room…” You said turning your heel, but Hoseok quickly grabbed your arm with a glee.
“No, don’t, come on, we’ll be late.” He chuckled.
 “We’re here!” Hosoek said as he pulled up to this minimalistic place. You found yourself looking out the window, awed at the place. The building was made out of concrete and glass window. In front of the building was a huge fountain, spraying water high up.
There were people dressed in elegant white uniform, sort of like a bellboy.
 “Hoseok, how did you know about this place?” You asked.
He lifted his shoulders. “Intel (Y/N), connections and all sorts of those things.” He said.
He pulled up in the driveway before one of the ‘men’ rushed to your door and opened it for you. Hoseok climbed out of the car as the men helped you climbed out. He gave his car key to the men before the men bowed a little and rushed to the driver’s seat and drove the car to park it somewhere.
Hoseok walked beside you and you both walked in together.
“Welcome, may I have your reservation name?” A lady behind a podium asked. You turn to Hoseok and he nodded his head towards the lady.
“Yes, Hoseok for 2 person?” He said.
The lady looked down to her tablet before he looked back up with a smile.
“Right, Sir Hoseok for 2 person, right this way please…” The lady stepped away from the podium and Hoseok held onto your hand as you both followed her behind.
The lady stopped in front of a huge golden door. She pushed it open and it revealed a huge crowded place, people in suits and dresses. You felt like you were in a vintage movie.
as the both of you were walking through tables, Hoseok felt all eyes were on you, and you didn’t seem to notice (all though you you freaking did and just trying to admire the place). Hoseok moved his hand to your waist and held you securely.
You turn to Hoseok and you smiled.
“People are staring.” He said through his gritted teeth.
“I noticed—“
“And I don’t like it.” He grumbled, and you just chuckled.
 The lady stopped near a table near the glass window, far from much crowded place, and more private.
“Here is your table sir, would you like to order right away?” She asked as the both of you took a seat.
You looked out and there was a huge pool below and still a few more tables. You looked past it and it was overlooking the beautiful cliff, sky and full moon.
It was gorgeous, if you brought your camera, you would’ve taken dozens of pictures.
“We’ll order later.” Hoseok answered, as he noticed you were gazing off.
The lady nodded her head before rushing off.
You turned to him.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine… I’m just…” You trailed off looking around the place. “This place is just magnificent, I’ve never been to a place like this before.” You told him, and a smile appeared on Hoseok’s face.
A waiter then appeared with menus in his hand. He gave them to you and Hoseok before he could take out his tablet.
 Technologies man.
 “Good evening, I’ll be your waiter for this evening, and would your like us to serve you a wine?” The man asked.
Hoseok turned to you and you shook your head.
“Just one glass please…” Hosoek nodded towards him.
“Certainly, and would you like to start ordering?” He asked.
“I’ll have the steak and she’ll have…” Hoseok trailed off.
“The salmon, and a mojito.” You continued.
The man tapped his fingers on his tablet. “Anything else?”
“I think that’s it for now.” Hoseok said.
“Great, and I’ll get that wine for you sir.” He said before walking away from your table.
“I’m not ready to get drunk by wine again.” You told Hoseok and he laughed.
“Really though, how much did you drink while I was talking with your father?” He asked again.
“I think i had 4 glasses…” You tried to remember.
“Maybe 5?” You corrected and Hoseok just shook his head with a smile.
“You could’ve.” He said.
“I’m not a drinker, I don’t even know what made myself drink that so much wine.” You told him.
“Did you and your mom talked about something while I was in your father’s office?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes, as you remembered.
“My mom and her friends were talking about arranged marriage, and how her friends wanted to do it to their kids.” You told him shaking your head.
“No offence— we are that couple, but when they were talking about it in front of me, it was sort of… uncomfortable.” You continued.
“I get it.” He nodded his head. “I mean, we’re not not that bad… Right?” Hoseok asked.
You shook your head.
It was bad at first but… It’s not really that bad now.
“We’re getting better.” You smiled.
 Later then, the waiter brought out your drinks and told you that it was only a few minutes until the food is ready. While waiting for the food to come out, Hoseok decided to ask you questions and taking turns.
 “What’s your favourite food?” He asked.
“Anything, who’s you celebrity crush?” You continued.
“Amanda Seyfried, what do you like to do at home?”
“I read and I write, what music are you listening to recently?”
“Nothing much since I’m very busy recently, if this is your last day on earth, what would you do?” He asked.
And it goes on and on until the food arrived.
 “It looks good…” You said in a small voice, as the waiter placed your food on your plate. Then you looked at Hoseok’s and it made your mouth watered.
“You can have a bite of the steak if you want.”
“In trade for a bite for the salmon?” You asked teasingly.
Hoseok nodded his head. “Your salmon looks good.” He laughed, and you giggled.
 The questions didn’t stop there, as you were enjoying your food, he kept asking questions and so did you. He asked about your favourite band, favourite colour, favourite TV shows and things like that. And before you know it, your plate was already empty.
 “The portion looks small, but damn, I feel stuffed already.” You smiled.
“Do you want any dessert?” He asked.
You bit your bottom lip. You were in the mood for something sweet too, but you thought that maybe your stomach couldn’t handle it.
“We can share a slice of chocolate cake together.” He suggested.
“Ah, that’s a good idea.” You clapped excitedly
You both shared a slice of chocolate cake together and you swore you didn’t mean to eat most of the piece. You could definitely feel the chocolate melts in you mouth. The sweetness, the texture, the softness—it was pure bliss.
“Still thinking that Kobe’s cooking is number one?” Hosoek asked with a chuckle.
You almost chocked before you giggled.
“I want to say yes… but my heart is telling me no….” You whispered and Hoseok let out a laugh.
 Right after dinner was paid, you both walked hand in hand back to the front and you met a gaze from a few people from the corner.
They had deadly stares before one of them whispered something to the other man’s ear. They looked away and you felt terribly uncomfortable.
“Hey, you alright?” Hoseok asked.
You looked up to Hoseok and gave him a weak smile.
“Yeah, just feeling a bit too full.” You laughed off, but Hoseok wasn’t buying it.
He looked up from you to see 2 shady people eyeing on you. They noticed Hoseok was looking so they turn away.
 Shit. Hosoek thought.
 As they got into the car, you quickly bashed about how you wanted to go back there again and Hoseok just smiled.
“Maybe some other time?”
“Are proposing on another date?” You teased.
“I am.” He grinned at you before looking back onto the road.
You smiled and leaned back to your seat.
“Is that a no?” Hoseok asked in a nervous tone.
“I’m still considering.” You said.
“Why?” Hoseok asked surprised.
“I want to go back there, but I want to try someplace else!” You told him.
“Well… I’ll try to find someplace… just tell me what you want to eat, and I’ll find where it has the best dish!” Hosoek told you.
And you just smiled.
 Hosoek parked his car on the driveway before he could gently shook your shoulder.
“(Y/N)… hey…” He said softly, as your eyes slowly opened. “We’re home.” He said with a gentle smile.
You let out a groan before you could open the car door, but not even bothering to move. Hosoek chuckled and climbed out of the car before he rushed to the passenger seat side and helped you get out of the car.
He had his arm on you and he kicked the car door gently behind him. You got off from him before you gently open your eyes.
“I can walk… I can walk.” You convinced him.
“You didn’t drink any alcohol did you?” Hoseok teased.
“I. Did. Not… right?” You asked suddenly unsure. Hosoek laughed.
“No, you didn’t.” Hosoek smiled as he let you walk towards the house first.
“Hopefully…” he whispered to himself.
 He followed you into the house and up the stairs before stopping right in front of your door.
“Thank you… for dinner… and tonight.” You thanked Hosoek.
“It was a pleasure.” He smiled.
“Will we be doing this again?”
“What again?”
“On a date.” You said.
Hoseok smiled as he took a step closer to you. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah… we could, if you want to.” He whispered.
“I want to…” You told him in a small voice.
“Then I’ll arrange something.” He smiled and you field back at him.
 His fingertips felt warm against your cheek. You closed you eyes, as you felt the warmth in his touch, feeling the pleasure. His other hand pulled you closer to his body, wrapping you securely.
“Hmm?” You opened your eyes, meeting his. His face was so close to you, you could feel his breath hitting your skin, as you both stare deeply into each other’s eyes.
“I feel like kissing you…” He confessed, making your heart jumped. “But I won’t do it unless you let me.” He said brushing his nose against yours.
Your heart’s beating like crazy against your chest. You wish for that too, but you don’t know if it’s right or not. He is your husband anyway, so you don’t see anything wrong. You’re already felt secure, comfortable and safe around him, and you also had this spark feeling everytime his skin touches yours.
“Do it.” You told him.
You saw a hint of brightness in his eyes before he could lean his face closer to you and—BAM.
His lips were on yours.
You felt the fireworks, the butterflies, the speeding heart rate, just how people described when they kiss someone they love.
You felt his plump lips moved slowly against yours, as you gripped the hem of his shirt. You could taste the wine he drank last night and feel the grip of his hand on your hip. He pulled his lips away, and to be honest, you didn’t want his lips to leave yours.
You leaned back into him and kissed him. He was taken aback but he quickly kissed you back and things heated up pretty quick.
He pushed you against the door causing a lot of noises and you both stopped and giggled.
“I don’t think we should do it here.” You said, your cheeks furiously blushing.
“Well I had a great night (Y/N)… thank you.” He thanked you and you smiled at him.
He leaned in to give you a quick kiss before he turned his heel.
“Wait, Hoseok.” You quickly grabbed his wrist and he turned to you.
“Stay the night with me again?” You asked.
He smiled before you could let go of his hand.
“Get inside, I’ll join you in a bit.” He answered.
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cluelessnamelessao3 · 3 years
But It’s Not Funny
17. Stay with Me
You were, to say the least, a little nervous. Though, that nervousness was quelled in part with your sheer determination. It was time to get some answers. The curiosity and the confusion you felt from the conversation with Frisk had never left you. It had only grown with time.
You wanted to know more. Still, Frisk was just a child, albeit a mature one, and you couldn’t place the expectation of an explanation on them. Besides, they had a lot on their plate—clearly. You needed to know exactly what had happened, especially as it seemed that it was going to affect you and your friends. You didn’t feel like you could talk to Sans, at least not until you knew what can of worms you were opening up.
So, here you were, outside of Alphys and Undyne’s home, pacing as you gathered your courage. Your plan was to learn about her job as the Royal Scientist, and, as a bonus, to learn about that which you could find no real information about the idea of souls, of magic, and of what actually forced monsters under Mount Ebott.
With a deep breath, you stalked up to the door and knocked. There were a few moments of nothing, then you could hear the clattering of claws against hardwood floors. The door opened and there was Alphys, herself.
She looked happy to see you, though you could sense a vague apprehension. It was nothing out of the norm, however, since she tended to be a very timid little lizard monster.
You waved, “Hey Alph!” and she let you inside.
The house was not what you expected. You weren’t sure what you had expected, but certainly not an open floor plan with a minimalist style. There was a small entryway, from which you had just come. The focus of the main room was on an elegant white grand piano. You noted the sheets of music that sat on the stand and on the little piano bench. Did Alphys play? you wondered idly. A large kitchen was off to the right and a simple living room with a rather expansive dvd collection sat to the left. You took a moment to admire the huge flat-screen television, before taking in the rest of the house. There was a hallway directly to the back, which was where Alphys started to walk. The hall had three doors, one to the left, one to the right, and the last one at the end of the hall.
“You have such a nice home,” you said as you followed her. You could just see a slight pink tinge to her orange scales and smiled. She was so easily flustered.
“Undyne d-did most of it,” she announced proudly.
“Oh?” You asked with some surprise, “Is the piano hers, then?”
“Yes!” She squealed, “She’s amazing.”
Whenever Alphys talked of Undyne it seemed as though she forgot her anxieties for a moment. Her stutter diminished; it was heart-warming to see the love between them.
You couldn’t believe the two were not already dating. Not only did they share a home, but it was so obvious to anyone who had spent more than a minute with either of them that they were head over heels for each other.
“So, you live together, but you aren’t together?”
This was the wrong question to ask, judging by the flush on her scales and the sudden sweat beading her yellow head.
“Y-yeah… Is that weird?”
“No!” You rushed to assure her, “I just feel like it is clear that you both like each other…”
She continued down the hallway, opening a door off to the right into a room that was notedly different from the rest of the house. While the greater part of the house was decorated in simple colours and only a few paintings or ornaments, Alphys’ room was absolutely vibrant, and a little messy. The walls were covered in posters of anime and there were several manga strewn about the room. The bed was unmade, with crumpled pink sheets and an anime themed comforter. You, mercifully, did not comment on the body pillow with the face of some heroine you didn’t recognise.
“I j-just d-don’t know if…” Alphys faltered, “I… she’s great… and I’m…”
You placed a comforting hand on the madly blushing monster, “Alph, I don’t think you know how great you are. Any fish-lady with an ounce of sense could see it.”
She flapped her hands in embarrassment, “Y-you’re just saying that.”
Before you could say anything else, she cleared her throat, “B-besides, there is a l-lot… t-that she doesn’t know yet. Th-things that would make her… She’ll hate me.”
In an even smaller voice, she added, “I hate me.”
You felt the urge to just grab her and hug her but resisted it—you didn’t want to add to her stress.
“Alphys, whatever it is that you haven’t told her… she’ll forgive you. I just know.”
She smiled, but it was a sad smile.
All she said was, “Well, we’ll see if you change your mind.”
With that, she gestured to another door that you had assumed was a closet. However, when she opened it, you discovered that it held another room. This room was in stark contrast to Alphys’ bedroom. It was sterile, clinical, with white walls and a tiled floor. There were machines beeping with indecipherable information flashing across them and counter tops filled with a variety of what you presumed to be scientific instruments.
She took a moment to point some of these things out, explaining that she still continued some of her research above ground. She admitted shyly that she hoped to get some kind of job as a scientist or researcher.
“This is so cool!” You exclaimed.
She waved her hand dismissively, “My lab Underground was much bigger.”
“What did you do down there?”
“Uh, I, uh, well,” she stuttered, sweating more and more as she floundered for words, “I experimented… f-for Asgore. I—Asgore w-wanted SOULs?” The last part sounded more like a question than a statement.
You stayed silent but tried to look encouraging. You knew about souls from the conversation with Frisk.
She seemed to consider something, then asked, “D-do you know what SOULs are?”
“Only vaguely. I know they exist, I guess,” you answered truthfully.
“Y-yes, SOULs exist. Th-they are… uhm, monsters have them and h-humans do too. Th-they’re basically your ess-essence.”
You nodded, that wasn’t new. Humans had beliefs about souls, after all.
Alphys’ tone become more serious and her speech less fragmented as she explained the properties of the SOUL.
“Monster SOULs are white and shaped like an upside-down heart, but human SOULs are also heart-shaped, but they have colour. I was researching SOULs for Asgore because they were the key to our escape.”
This was new information, “You needed them to escape? You said monsters have, uhm, SOULs, right?”
She nodded in affirmation, looking uncomfortable, “Yes, we do, but they’re just not as strong as a human SOUL. Do you know how the monsters were forced Underground?”
You shrugged, “Kind of. Frisk talked to me about it a little bit. Humans were at fault, yeah?”
There was silence for a moment. You felt a heaviness in your heart—or perhaps, in your SOUL.
Then, she continued. Alphys explained the history of the monsters and the seven mages that forced them Underground. She talked about the War of Humans and Monsters, which took place long before Frisk had ever come Underground. So many monsters died, due to an unfounded fear that the humans held—it was here that you learned that monsters could, theoretically, absorb a human SOUL. You wondered, could humans do the same? The seven mages created a barrier with their magic and sealed the monsters under Mount Ebott. She spoke of the bitterness in many of the monster’s hearts that came from the loss of so many of their own and their entrapment in the Underground. You felt sick, knowing that it was your kind that caused such destruction.
Then, she told you something that made you feel so much worse.
“To take down the barrier… we needed seven human SOULs.”
“But I thought Frisk took down the barrier?”
“They did. Th-they did… I-I don’t remember exactly how… It’s kind of a blur… but they didn’t do it alone,” she looked as though she had more to say, but was unsure of how to say it, or what your reaction might be.
“We had six SOULs before Frisk came.”
You couldn’t hide your shock and she cringed at the expression on your face.
She responded simply, “They fell. The same way Frisk fell.”
“What does this have to do with working for Asgore?”
And so, she told you. She told you the truth of it all—that she had lied to Asgore about creating an artificial SOUL so that she could impress him—that because of that lie, she became the Royal Scientist. She told you that she created Mettaton, that she tried and tried again to create a SOUL. She told you that she experimented with a compound found in some human SOULs known as determination. She told you of the true lab, of the failed experiments, of the melting amalgamations (you thought of Endogeny, suddenly understanding the nature of their existence) of monsters that had passed, and of the one that didn’t quite fail, but disappeared, nonetheless. She told you of the humans who had fallen before Frisk and the way those SOULs had been taken. At some point during her confession, she had started crying.
And, despite the horror you felt, you reached over and gave her a hug. She cried into your shoulder, talking of her failure and her deceit, talking of her shame. She cried and she cried, confessing her sins and the desperation of the monsters who spent many a year trapped Underground.
“And, in the end, SOULs couldn’t even be artificially made. Everything I did was pointless,” she choked out.
Alphys was shaking, being practically held up by you. All you could do was hold her as she cried. You hadn’t known. You hadn’t known at all that this was what you would learn. You had only meant to learn more about magic and why the monsters were pushed Underground. You hadn’t known that she would tell you everything.
One thing was clear to you, however: this secret had weighed heavily on her heart.
“Does anyone else know?” You knew the answer, or rather, you could guess it.
“Y-yeah, Frisk does.”
It was as you expected.
“And Frisk doesn’t hate you,” your tone was a statement, but in reality, it was more of a question.
“N-no… but Frisk has always been… F-Frisk is so f-full of mercy.”
“Well,” you laughed, unable to keep the urge at bay, “I’m not so full of mercy.”
At this, Alphys stiffened, but you hurriedly continued, “And I don’t hate you in the slightest… I just… feel bad.”
“Me too.”
The rest of the visit was far less emotional and heavy, although the two of you did cover some difficult topics—such as the existence of human magic and whether or not there was a possibility of humans pulling the same abhorrent stunt. You learned a lot, though. You understood better how Frisk had fought and fought for a peaceful resolution. You learned about monster magic in more detail and perhaps in a more scientific way than your brain could fully comprehend, but Alphys was patient with your questions.
You still felt uncomfortable, unsure of what to make of the little reptilian monster and her past, but overall, you felt compassion for her and for the monsters. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live your life without having seen the sun, or the moon. So, in some part, you understood why they had done the things they had. Even if the murders were something terrible to hear about, you could still understand why.
There was nothing but empathy in your SOUL.
You were both in the kitchen, sitting at a pristine table, each drinking a cup of tea—Alphys had said it was “golden flower” tea. You had never heard of it before, but it helped soothe you. It seemed like it was helping Alphys, as well. The two of you chatted on more light-hearted subjects: the anime Alphys was currently watching, how cool Undyne was, and how Mew Mew Kissy Cutie was the best show ever.
Soon enough, evening had fallen, and it was time for you to go home.
Before you left, however, you still had one thing you felt the need to say to Alphys.
“I think you should tell Undyne everything.”
“Seriously, tell her everything. Tell her about the lab and what you did. She’ll understand. She really cares about you. You’ll see.”
She still looked unconvinced but said she would try anyway.
“Th-thank you,” Alphys said to you as you were leaving, “for listening.”
“Hey, I’ll always listen. You’re not a bad person, Alphys. You were just in a bad situation.”
Alphys did not say anything, but she appeared to take those words to heart. You could feel a sense of calm in her that you had never seen before. Perhaps, although the conversation was not what you expected, it was what both of you had needed.
 There was a lot on your mind, walking home. You were still trying to process everything that you had been told. It was hard to comprehend and there were still pieces missing. Alphys did not mention any magic that Frisk had; she didn’t seem to know that Frisk was capable of magic and you had not pressed her about it. That fact, though, seemed to confirm the idea that Frisk really had kept their powers a secret. You still did not know about Sans, either, and his involvement in any of what had taken place Underground, or whether or not he was truly the ‘he’ that Frisk had alluded to. You knew a whole lot more than you had previously. Although it had not been an easy discussion, nor had any of the information been something simple to digest, you were glad that you knew the truth. Or, that you knew part of the truth.
There was still more to uncover—like the experiment that Alphys said had partially worked. Where did that creature go? It made you think of Asriel—or Flowey, you corrected yourself. Frisk said that he had no SOUL. How could that be? Would it be so easy to say that Flowey was the creation that Alphys had mentioned? It seemed almost too convenient, or too obvious.
You would have to ask Frisk about that when you got the chance.
At that moment, something broke you from your thoughts.
It was getting late, and the streets were empty. You were still somewhat far away from your apartment building. You paused in your walk, straining to listen, while looking around surreptitiously.
You didn’t see anything, or anyone for that matter, but you had the peculiar feeling of being watched. You thought of the threatening note that had been left outside your apartment building so long ago and felt a spike of fear rising within you.
With more caution, now, you stepped forward. This time, you were listening intently. You stayed alert as you continued to walk home.
With a forced sense of casualness, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket and held it in your hands as you walked. You noticed the slight tremble in your hands. Your palms felt clammy, and your stomach was filled with dread. There was something terribly wrong. You didn’t know how you knew—you just knew. You knew that something bad was going to happen. You felt as though it already had.
You flipped the phone open, hearing footsteps from a distance behind you as you continued to walk down the sidewalk. In your head, you were working to calculate just how far of a run it would be to get back to the safety of your apartment.
All you could think about was the threatening note. It struck fear into your heart.
As you took a turn, from the corner of your eye you saw several dark figures a few yards down the street you had just left. They were staring, following, with no real sense of urgency. They were undeniably human, or at least humanoid—although you heavily doubted the idea of several monsters tracking you through the night. Your heart was pounding as you rounded the corner.
Most alarmingly of all, was that they made no motion to hide the fact that they were, indeed, stalking you.
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elysianjeonghan · 7 years
Summer Jobs Series (svt) - hairdresser!joshua
(reposting because something went wrong) hellooooo! I feel really really bad for not updating in a while. I was to update a long time ago but I hadn’t been feeling up to it. I would want to finish this series before I go back to school (in two weeks!!) so here I am :) I hope my writing isn’t that rusty whoops!!!
you really loved the new city you had moved to
it was so pretty and you would love to explore your neighborhood before you started your new year of college here!!!
except ,,, it was literally burning everyday
IT WAS SO HOT like looking outside made you start to sweat
the only time you would be ok with going out is after the sunsets cause the heat was actually tolerable
and the city lights were nice at night but you would like to stay out for longer
so one day you were like !! I had enough !! so you decided that you wanted to cut your hair pretty short so that you could lose the weight of your hair and maybe finally go outside in the sun and not die
and why not just dye your hair too, so you’re gonna have it balayage into a dusty rose
so you waited to till the sun set to go find a new hair salon
you walked around until you found one that you thought would be nice
it was a bit small but looked very minimalistic (how aesthetically pleasing
you went in and went to the front desk, where a nice lady smiled at you
you asked if you were able to dye and cut your hair today even if you didn’t have an appointment but she graciously said of course!!!
so she lead to to one of the chairs and went to get a hair dresser for you
you were on your phone, getting your reference photos for your hair ready, till you heard someone clear their throat
you could have gasped from seeing him, thank god you saved yourself from embarrassing yourself
what a beautiful boy wow
he had such an elegant aura around him, yet he looked so simply pretty
he looked like he was around your age, he wore a long sleeve white button up shirt with some black pants with one of those hairdressing tool belts
he looked a bit shy but nevertheless had this bright smile that blew you away
“hi!! my name’s joshua!! um,,, i heard you wanted to have a dye and cut? would you mind tell me how you would want to do it?”
you nervously said of course!!! my name is y/n btw!! and then you frantically tried to get the reference photo
and when you got them you were going to hand it to him but he,,,leaned down,,,and peered at it from your shoulders
you were so stiff as he looked at your phone ,,, he was too close ,,,
but you couldn’t help appreciate how good he smelled and how pretty he looked in the mirror in front of you
after assessing the photos joshua was like ok!!! lets get to work!!! and rolled his sleeves up which looked so good you could die
he was the sweetest person ever
even if it was a bit awkward at first, he made the conversation really smooth
you found out that he in fact was your age, he worked at the salon since he was 16 since his family ran the salon
when you guys found out that you were both going to the same college, he was !!! so happy!!
“I can’t believe we’re going to the same college!!! that’s gonna be so fun!!”
you guys found out you had a class together and joshua got !!! even more !! hyped !!! which was honestly so adorable
you guys easily talked about anything and everything, but there were times where he was concentrating so there was a comfortable silence
you didn’t really mind cause you were able to admire him through the mirror
he once had eye contact with you and you both were a blushing mess
you were honestly having such a good time talking to him that you didn’t notice how late it was getting
you only realized when the lady at the front desk told joshua to lock up the place after you guys were done that it was already 9 pm ,,, you’ve been here for like 3 hours?? you didn’t even realize??
you were profusely apologizing to joshua for coming so late and for choosing to get a look that took so long
he was like ?? are you kidding ?? its 100000% fine this is fun for me too
cue fluttering heart
you were like !!!! i need to make it up to you !!! so you decided you’ll order pizza for you guys
you ordered the pizza even though joshua kept saying that it was fine
when the pizza came your hair was cut but not finished and your hair was dyed and washed but wasn’t dried
even if you weren’t done you guys took a break from all the hair stuff cause it was getting TOO MUCH
you guys joked around and ate the pizza happily
you found out that you both liked the same music after he put on breathless by corrine bailey rae
“hey!!! I love this song!!!”
“y/n, you are officially the best person ever” 
you guys were jamming out and you saw that this sweet, elegant, gentlemanly boy ,,, is such a dork and you loved it
he got really into the song and even danced weirdly which made you both burst out laughing
after an hour of just silliness you guys finally went back to the hair
joshua wanted to surprise you when you saw the hair at the end so he covered up the mirror
he delicately and precisely cut hair, blow dried it and finally curled it
when he was finished you were just really giddy and excited
joshua was about to take the towel off the mirror to let you see your hair when he looked a bit anxious
“y/n ,,, it was my first time dying hair like this ,,, so I am so so so so sorry if I somehow messed it up or if it doesn’t live up to your expectations”
the already disappointed look on his face broke your heart ,,, what a sweet guy
you assured him that you were so sure you were gonna love it and you were 100000% positive it came out great
he looked unsure but gave you an adorable half smile and was like ok,,,if you’re sure
then he pulled off the towel from the mirror
you knew that hair shouldn’t define how pretty you were or anything, but you truly thought that this was the best you’ve looked. EVER.
the length complimented the color of the hair and your bone structure so much, the dye came out even prettier than you imagined, and your hair was curled perfectly
and it was all because of joshua
you were so happy with the cut you jumped out of the chair and hugged joshua while you kept squealing about loving it so much
while you repeatedly thanked him joshua was. so. overwhelmed.
he was so shocked he was pretty sure his heart skipped a beat
seeing how happy you looked with something he did, all that hours of work was so worth it
he was so glad you liked it his already big smile got even bigger
you were so happy, you didn’t mind helping him clean up and close the salon
joshua insisted on walking you home since it was almost midnight and he wouldn’t want anything to happen to you
so while you were walking home you were rambling about how happy you were with your hair and how you could finally go out and explore the city
when you got to your apartment complex you were saying your goodbyes and you were walking away,,, but then you felt someone holding your hand
joshua shyly offered ,,, if you were free tomorrow ,,, maybe he could show you around the city ,,, if you needed
and your face must have turned beet red and you don’t know where your courage came from ,, but you asked if it was as a date
and now it was joshua's turn to blush but you did hear him softly say yes
you were so happy you just squeezed his hand and said you'd love to
his ears tinged red and he looked so happy it squeezed your heart
you guys exchanged phone numbers and set the time he would come by again tomorrow
and before you went to sleep, you got a text from joshua
“I don't think I can sleep, I can't wait to see you tomorrow ;)”
you guys texted until the wee hours of the day until you both fell asleep
but lord knows you both fell asleep smiling
AHHHHH personally this is one of my favorites already whoops. Do I have something for guys and hair or something (this plus seungcheol in my first au whoops). PLS APPRECIATE MY RESEARCH I DID FOR MS CORRINE BAILEY RAE (jk i already knew joshua liked her and i liked that song) but go listen to the song it kinda?? relates to the au?? ANYWAYS, I'm really sorry this took such a long time to upload!!! I'll try to be a lot more consistent for the next two weeks, but I’ll probably only write maybe one au a week when school starts :( But thank you so much to those who like and support my writing <3
(disclaimer I’ll check for mistakes later so sorry for those!)
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New Family - Part 2 - Request
Colab sent by hem....something: Oh my god your blog is so adorable! I love your spn and Sherlock one shots, they’re absolutely adorable! May I please have a one shot for Sherlock where he proposes? Really fluffy and sweet if you don’t mind.  😘 Requested by @tanovic54321: Can you possibly maybe if you don't mind do a part 2 of the "new family" request? Maybe Sherlock, the boys & the misses go to John's wedding (ya know before everything went down hill for John) & just some fluff about how that would go? & I just imagined Jim Moriarty meeting the "Sherlock's" two boys (from the fic New Family) 😂 Jim would just stare at them like "omg they are multiplying" & I think he would find them adorable 😍What do you think?
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Word count: 1,983
Warnings: un-edited.
A/N: I love those kids.
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| Part 1 |
The night was dark and cold. The smell of the place was a mixture between chlorine and something burned, with a bit of ink and rotten pop corn. There was a flickering lightbulb right over Sherlock, and the rest of the place was dark, and only the echo of Moriarty waddling around helped Sherlock to locate him.
With a gun in hand, Sherlock pointed to whichever place he heard Jim’s footsteps. He tried to keep his breathing steady, but it was nearly impossible considering his heart was beating a thousand miles per hour.
“I heard you got yourself a bird.” Moriarty chanted from the shadows, “Is she… Yummy?”
“Come out to the light; see if you’re so brave like that.” Sherlock commanded.
“Sher, you’re trembling.” Moriarty giggled, “Are you late for dinner?”
“I always knew you were a coward.” Sherlock teased.
“I’M NOT A COWARD!” Moriarty roared as he appeared right in front of Sherlock. The consulting criminal took in a deep breath and exhaled a macabre laughter. “Sherlock, you’re becoming human.”
“You too.” Sherlock observed. Moriarty, although impulsive, usually keep his calm for a bit longer and didn’t get triggered so rapidly.
“I do admit there has been a few… Changes. But you know I’m changeable.” He shrugged his shoulders, “But you… I smell weakness. That lady tamed you.”
“Mum, do we really have to dress up?” Shep inquired sadly.
“Yes.” She replied listlessly as she tied the bow tie around his neck.
“But why?” Shep insisted.
“Because it’s your Uncle John’s wedding.” She explained patiently.
“Exactly!” Shep argued, “It’s his wedding, not mine.”
Sherlock laughed at loud at Shepherd’s argument. “My young man, I agree with you.”
“See? Dad agrees with me.” Shep looked at his mother while gesturing towards Sherlock.
“Yet, Dad will dress up as well.” She snapped back and finished the last knot. “In fact, he seems to also have trouble with his tie.”
Sherlock gave her a shy grin and remained steady so (Y/N) could fix his own tie. Shep furrowed his eyebrows; Sherlock captured the kid’s gaze and started making funny faces until he was laughing his arse-off.
“Show off.” (Y/N) whispered, knowing exactly what was going on.
“I’m empathizing with the kids.” Sherlock replied and then his tongue darted out in a strange angle, which made Shep fall to the floor.
(Y/N) laughed as well, leaving a quick kiss on Sherlock’s cheeks before leaving the room.
“Let’s make a deal.” Sherlock said as he picked Shep from the floor, “Behave tonight and I will show you some gory pictures from my most recent case.”
“DO NOT DARE TO SHOW HIM THOSE PICTURES.” (Y/N) commanded from the other side of the room.
“I was joking!” Sherlock replied loudly, “I wasn’t. Deal?” He whispered and Shep nodded.
Michael had dressed himself. Mycroft had taught him how a real gentleman got dressed and so the kid was extra elegant, but neither (Y/N) nor Sherlock argued against his clothing choice. Mostly because they had to be early so Sherlock could accomplish his bridegroom/best man responsibilities.
The wedding started as odd as expected. Sherlock was a hilarious yet annoying best man, and even though he behaved in Church, he still had many things to do that, (Y/N) and everyone close to him feared, he would end up blowing.
“The famous Mr. Holmes.” Janine, the bride’s maid, spoke as Mary and John took pictures. “I’m very pleased to meet you, but no sex. Okay?”
Sherlock’s eyes widened as he turned to see her. “I-I’m sorry, what?”
“Look at you! You look so scared.” Janine giggled, “Bride’s maid, best man… It’s a bit traditional.”
“I guess… But I’m afraid I’m taken.” Sherlock looked at (Y/N), who was arranging Shepherd’s shirt.
“Oh… Apologies.” Janine cleared her throat. “She’s a lucky lady… and that kid, he looks lovely.”
“Oh yes, he is highly functional.” Sherlock nodded, looking towards Shep and (Y/N) lovingly.
“And he looks just like you.” Janine observed, “I thought you had been single for years…”
“It’s a long story.” Sherlock cut her off.
“Right… But please, tell me, is he really your kid?” She inquired. Sherlock gulped and then gave her a proud smile.
“More than you can imagine.” He said and then (Y/N) joined them, changing the whole conversation topic to something different.
As predicted, Sherlock gave the strangest speech ever. (Y/N) knew he was trying to solve a case, which didn’t impress her; what did impress her was that Shep served him as an assistant. He would say random words that, somehow, triggered clearer thoughts into Sherlock’s mind. They were like a same brain in that moment.
Eventually, Sherlock solved the case and so he was ready to keep moving on. Sherlock had composed John and Mary’s song for their first waltz, and he didn’t hesitate in playing it himself with his violin. It was a romantic ballad that melted everyone’s heart, but especially (Y/N)’s because he would only look at her, alternating his gaze between her eyes and the music sheet.
Afterwards, the real party started.
The music was loud, but not enough to make Sherlock cringe. Everyone was dancing and the dinner had been incredible. Mary looked stunning, just like any pregnant woman would before bloating like a cow. John was the happiest man of them all, and the huge smile on his face was enough proof of that.
There were small string lights all over the place and the rest of the lights were dim. The moon and stars could be seen through every window, creating a romantic aura. The giggles of the many children at the wedding filled the air, accompanying the music perfectly, and the sound of the chit-chat being shared by the elder invitees was another great compliment. It was joyful, it was comfortable, and most importantly: It was perfect for John and Mary.
“Are you enjoying it?” (Y/N) inquired as she and Sherlock danced.
“More than I’m willing to admit.” Sherlock confessed playfully. (Y/N) giggled as Sherlock spun her around yet again. “Let’s go outside.”
The contrast between the warm air inside the ballroom and the extensive gardens was huge. The cold wind blew through the trees, making both (Y/N) and Sherlock shiver. He suggested removing his coat, just like normal people did on romantic films, but she refused claiming that he would get sick. Therefore, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to his body.
“Tell me,” Sherlock started, “have you enjoyed the wedding so far?”
“Yes,” she replied, “it’s been lovely. Mary looks gorgeous.”
“I agree.” He stopped right at the edge of a small lake between the trees. “She said that, as a child, she would dream of her wedding and that this is exactly what she desired.”
“That’s very sweet.” (Y/N) commented.
“Did you ever dream about your wedding?” Sherlock inquired.
“I… Why are you asking?” She cocked her eyebrow. Sherlock breathed out a shy smile and pulled away slightly.
“I must confess, before I do something else, that I debated myself about this. I wasn’t sure that it would be a good idea, but after seeing Mary so happy… My mind has changed.” Sherlock spoke solemnly.
“Sherlock, what are you trying to say?” (Y/N) asked in a whisper.
“More than saying, I want to ask you something.” He searched his pocket and took out a tiny silver ring with a dark diamond in the middle, “I know it’s not much, but I felt like you would prefer a minimalistic ring rather than a massive rock that got in the way when we held hands.”
“Sherlock…” She gasped.
“We both know what’s next.” He chuckled and then kneeled down on the moist grass, “Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“Sherlock!” She covered her mouth. Sherlock noticed how she was trembling, and the tears threatening to spill her gorgeous eyes. He could’ve sworn she was smiling under her hands.
Sherlock looked at her expectantly, holding the slim ring between his big fingers. He had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes reflected how in love he was with the woman in front of him.
“YES!” She replied. Sherlock smiled widely at her, getting up from his knees to put the ring on her finger.
(Y/N) threw her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. His hands travelled to her waist, pressing her body tightly against his. It was an intimate moment for them, and the isolated barrier the trees created only added up to that feeling. It was just them against the world.
“Mary will kill us for getting engaged during her wedding.” (Y/N) mumbled as they pulled away.
“Who do you think helped me pick the ring?” Sherlock inquired and then looked over (Y/N)’s shoulder.
(Y/N) followed his gaze, only to find Mary and John smiling at them. Both women hugged each other tightly, as (Y/N) kept thanking her. John congratulated Sherlock and then hugged (Y/N), promising to kill Sherlock if he ever screwed up.
“Let’s stop stealing Mary and John’s spotlight.” (Y/N) finally said and they all agreed to return to the party.
“I’m not a beast that can be tamed.” Sherlock commented.
“Yet, she did tame you.” Moriarty observed.
Sherlock rolled his eyes, lowering the hand-gun. “She did not.”
“Yes, she did.” Moriarty instantly snapped.
“No, you… You know nothing about our relationship.” Sherlock argued.
“I know enough just by seeing you.” Moriarty assured mockingly.
“Like you knew anything about human relationships.” Sherlock hissed.
“Well, I know what we had wasn’t as strong as this.” Moriarty mumbled.
“What we had meant nothing.” Sherlock stated.
“Right, because a hero-villain relationship isn’t enough human for you know.” Jim rolled his eyes.
“I’m not a hero.” Sherlock insisted.
“You’re boring, though. Just like a hero.” Jim said.
“Can we please go back to trying to kill the other?” Sherlock begged.
“I thought you were trying to kill me with this dull conversation.” Jim snapped sassily.
“You started it!” Sherlock argued.
“And now I want it to end!”
Sherlock sighed heavily and proceeded to punch Moriarty in the face, forgetting about the gun on his hand. The two of them rolled all over the place, throwing miss-placed punches in all direction until they ripped a large fabric wall, falling to another room.
“Sherlock?” A voice called.
Sherlock, who was on top of Moriarty, snapped his head towards the source of the sound. However, there was a very bright light that messed with Sherlock’s view.
“Oh my God, Sherlock!”
“Are they talking to you or me?” Moriarty inquired in a whisper.
“I…” The light dimed and Sherlock could finally see (Y/N) and the two kids standing in front of him. “I thought you were out to watch a film!”
“We are out watching a film.” (/YN) replied, “Or at least we were until you ripped the screen.”
Sherlock and Moriarty looked around. They were in fact at the movie theatre, right in front of the movie screen as the rest of the people complained about the inconvenience.
“I told you she had tamed you.” Moriarty whispered. Sherlock was about to do something when two children’s voices spoke.
“Dad? People are getting mad.” Shep said.
“Dad…” Moriarty laughed but then noticed the two kids. “OH MY GOD THE SHERLOCK’S ARE MULTYPLIYING!”
The consultant criminal managed to escape Sherlock’s tight grip and jumped on to his feet. Sherlock soon follow standing protectively in front of (Y/N) and the kids.
“I don’t know how you managed to get two mini-Sherlocks so fast, but I will find a way to make my own and I’ll be back.” Moriarty threatened and then escaped through the ripped screen.
“So that’s Moriarty.” (Y/N) muttered.
“Indeed.” Sherlock replied.
“Won’t you chase after him?” Michael inquired.
“No.” Sherlock answered and then turned to see them. “My apologies for interrupting the movie… Was it good?”
Sherlock Tags: @resurrection-huntress @oaisara @charlottemalfoy @zena-dukmak @just-a-blog00 @wefracturedmotivation @beccamullz @newts-fan-case @sugarshai @alexandsher @roseyhxnt @thisisjessicatalking @foureyedsiopao @nicole-pierce @captain-sherlockomg @kissed-by-white-wolf @samanthasmileys @love-charmer-sketch @givemeamemoryicanuse @diesintheshower @demonminnion3 @thatmoodindigo @sexyporntime @jennajoseh @destiel5100
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kendrixtermina · 8 years
5w4 Gothic
- You drop a 3 word latin sentence in causual conversation. At the prompt of your mildly confused co-worker, you try and translate it to english, and it becomes seven words, except, you realize, those couldn’t possibly suffice to precisely encapsulate what the sentence means in its original contexts, how exactly it fits into your conversation and how much thought you put into picking out the most fitting description for the subject matter. They ask you to explain in your own words; You paraphrase, and suddenly, the sentence becomes an entire paragraph. You try to say “hammer”, but out comes “manual, multidirectional short-term pressure device”. Your co-worker gives you a long, silent look whose meaning you can’t discern. You wish faces were as easy to read as latin.
- You’re never sure if you’re hungry, having a sad, or dying of cancer. You assign each possibility percentages and keep them updated through your day. 
- Over time, you have found that you absorb information best when it’s presented to you as a logical, self-contained explanation. Some things are often explained that way; Other topics, not so much. For example, how to talk to people without somehow pissing them off. You’re getting a little frustrated - Why don’t people just explain these things to you? More importantly: Where is everyone else getting this information from, since they don’t seem to have that problem? This might merit further investigation. 
- “We only remember 30% of a given text” . You remember your teacher saying it, and you’ve read articles than confirm it; At the time, you speculated that your rate must be subtly higher, and that it may have been a ploy to get you to put up with all the boring repetition. Only during your last introspection session did the true horror dawn on you; You thought that the more you read, the more you absorbed, the more you would know, but that is not so. Time eats on your precious reserves, every night, bits and pieces are sorted out by some arcane algorithm; Even without counting the horrors of sleep and the odd drunken blackout, you probably do not recall most of your life. Yet, your neurotic habit of feeding yourself with random trivia does not cease, but you are now aware of the futile, consumerist nature of your endeavors. You take a scientific magazine, shove it in one ear, and wait to it to come out the other. You are torn between chiding yourself for that gross violation of anatomy and admiring the beauty of that metaphor. 
- You heard your boyfriend making noise in the living room, walking back and forth, grabbing what sounds like china and also the door hinge. Is he grabbing the leftovers, or making something for himself? Is he not satisfied with the quality of your cooking? Does he wish that it be served at more regular frequencies? You want to leave him his freedom because you believe in retaining yours, but you’re forced to stifle the stupid irrational displeasure over the sense that one of your skills is being questioned. You want to offer to cook, to prove that you can do it right, but you also really don’t feel like cleaning up the kitchen first; But giving up a duty that you took upon yourself seems like admitting incompetence. He suggests getting a dishwasher; You say that it seems to be overkill for two people, but as you have no rational reason to protest, you end it with, “Well, it’s your money.” You hope he will not demand that you talk to you again today
- You live in a hamster cage. You think it is elegant and functional and like how the water tube looks sciencey. The first time someone said it, it could be dismissed as a fluke, but by now, you’re forced to conclude that your appartment is considered “small”. You do not think it is small. You think it’s just large enough. Why do they think you would want a larger one? You never nagged them with such a demand and in fact made sure to assure them that you are perfectly satisfied, though perhaps not enthusiastically; Then again, it’s not like such enthusiasm would have been warranted over a simple room.
- One day, you realize that you have never cried at a movie. That schocks you, albeit mildly and vaguely. You fear for your Angsty Deep Person credentials. You do not understand. After all, you care a lot about fictional universes. You spend all day analyzing their brilliance and playing out fanfic scenarion in your head.  Eventually, you slightly tear up as you rewatching an episode of your favorite Sci Fi schow in the middle of the night, in your room, by yourself.  You consider that a sucess. 
- As a child, you were nicknamed as the “walking Dictionary” on at least three separate occasions. What they do not realize is that every time they said that, it drove a sharp icicle into your fragile little heart. Yet, some warped sort of pride keeps you bringing up this incident. Perhaps it might be relevant or useful to someone? Or so you delude yourself. 
- You change your current obsession to “enneagram”. It’s almost like one of these edutainment games that combines something hard(peopling) with something fun (theoriring.) You furrow your brow as you read the description.  do not think you’re a minimalist; There is, after all, a poster of the periodic system on your wall and an anime figurine next to your laptop. 
- You once spent sixty full minutes rambling to your classmates about some awesome thing related to your curent obsession. There are stars in your eyes, and there is life in your animated gestures. You move with confidence because you know exactly what to do. You feel as if that is one of those moments where you are most yourself.   Later, your teacher informs you that no one was listening or caring,  and that you are selfish for speaking about rambling on about that no one else is interested in. You do not talk to your classmates again. 
- You don’t know why that is, but people just don’t like you. Wherever you go, you stand out. You don’t now what causes it or how to prevent it. “Oh, do you suddenly have feelings too?” says one person. “Yeah you have a lot up here, but nothing here *points at chest*” says another.  You’re confused and uncertain. You only wanted to share something that you loved. You only wanted to inform others of something you would want to know. You’re supposed to treat others as you want to be treated, right? Besides, to have a place in this world, you must be useful somehow, right? You want very bad to be useful. You are bad at many things, and doing the one thing you can do apparently makes you arrogant. You wonder what else you are supposed to do. You are good for nothing else. 
- You join the local theatre group and attach yourself to the subset of it that is planning to do a satre play. You always wanted to do Satre, the philosophy and concepts interest you, and it has a nice, deep intellectual touch to it, basically your jam. You don’t look into any of the other groups as you don’t feel that interested in a romcom and are very certain that you want to be in this one.  A few weeks in, the group leader pulls you aside-  “Your style of acting does not match my vision”, he says. “Besides, I don’t think you really felt at home in our group, I’ve noticed that you always sit a little apart. Perhaps, maybe you’ll feel better in a different group?” You did not feel unwelcome.  You really liked the group. Your opinion of everyone in it is vaguely positive. You had no opinion on “group dynamics” at all because you were focussed on theater.   You respect his decision as it is based on objective fact and loyalty to his artistic vision. You just wish he had just told you that you suck without making it sound like he was doing you a favor. You want to tell him that you enjoyed your time with the group, but the words won’t come out in your mouth and you are frozen solid in the doorway.
- But hell is others
- You don’t want to be one of these clingy girlfriends everyone complains of, but unfortunately, he’s a social-first ESFJ and this is before you knew typology.  You’ve read that men have to have enough free space. He asks you to write and talk more, and you try, but you don’t know what about. You attempted long, deep-onversation letters earlier, but he responded with vague one-liners, even when you tried to referrence the topics you saw him discussing on his facebooks and the radio shows he listens to. You wonder if you are annoying him. Your feeble efforts matter little as he accuses you of not caring about him and tells you that he never had such problems with a girl before. He doesn’t say “freak” but the world is there. You conclude that the golden rule is bullshit.
- You don’t understands why he keeps e-mailing you after the breakup. It makes no logical sense. You broke up for good reasons, and its not like those will magically dissapear because you take him beck. You are puzzled. What could his objective be? You delete all the emails. He probably tells all his friends. 
- Even your best relationship involved you once being compared to a robot at least once. Illuminated by the eerie light of your computer screen in the darkened, you turn back to look at him from under the tangle of cables and wires poking out of your skin and reply “Does not compute.” He’s not sure if you replied to him, or to whoever you were currently talking with in cyberspace.
- You would argue that you have a lot of feelings, but then, there come those rare occasions when you actualy talk to people. The documentary you’re watching includes a shot of a decapitated corpse, mudered by her jealous ex-husband amid a mix of very interesting socipolitical factors. “Fascinating.” you mumble. The 1w9 beside you is audibly gagging. 
- You mostly eat or sleep when your hunger or tiredness reach a level that impacts your concentration. You have not seen the sun in days. You begin to wonder if it even still exists and concoct an elaborate esoteric theory to explain its dissapearance.
- You are lowkey jealous of people who have calloused hands from their work or specific patterns of muscles from their favorite sport. Not because you remotely like sport, but because it’s evidence of their dedication and devotion. to their passion.  The evidence of your dedication is all in your head, and you wonder if that is also true in the figuratice sense. You phantasize at lenght about being an outwardly human-looking cyborg.
- On TV, everyone who talks like you turns out to be an alien or an android. You read through forum discussions where everyone calls them “plot devices” with “no personality”. You would apparently do better to like a “real girl”, like that super-atractive popular 3w4 teen prodigy for example. You delight in the knowledge that you are apparently imaginary, and ponder the philosophical implications of that. 
- Your mind is like a sieve - not a regular sieve, but a molecular one, the kind that only allows passage to certain substances and selectively retains others. When you can’t remember your appointments or the names of your classmates, you tell them you have a bad memory, but how are you going to explain how you manage to remember all that random trivia? Far too late, it dawns on you that people think you do not care. You do not precisely grasp what you ability to remember a few words or numbers has to do with caring. You
- At least your cacti understand you. 
- You think, therefore you are. You try to explain to people that if you did sports, or small talk, or watch a romcom, or do everything else they keep nagging you to do, you would dissapear. Despite your flawless logical reasoning, people do not seem to believe you. Then, someone disrupts your cncentration, and you scatter into a cloud of Sea Foam, little mermaid style
- You seem to have misplaced your body. You’re not sure where it was when it happened, but you’re certain that your mind was drifting about the edge of the galaxy at the time, or perhaps in that book about ancient athens. If only you could make it back to a time and place where your friends existed, you might possess one of them and write them a note, but they’d only think that you’re an useless child who can’t handle their shit, so it’s probably good that you don’t have any friends. 
- You cannot make a sound, and you must scream. Your mouth works perfectly fine, but the are now as distant to you as the stars, and your memory of when this wasn’t so is just as far back as their time-shifted illusions that you once saw in the sky. But since you can think the sound, actually making it is clearly optional
- Clearly, you see only two logical possibilities here: Either Cthulhu is real and you have just fulfilled your life-long dream of meeting him, or you have gone fully and completely bonkers for perfectly ordinary reasons like severe trauma or an oopsie-daisy in your brain chemistry. You hope it was Cthulhu.  Your only regret is that you will never find out the truth.
- Where did you come from, and where are you going? You do not know, and because you don’t know, you cannot understand. You have no framework with which to decide where you are now - You might as well be curled up in an old abandoned fallout shelter, drifting at sea in an abadoned ship, or deep undergound in a glacial ravine, with nothing but ice and rock in every direction. You cower all alone, in the endless vastness of time and space, and the flimsy, ephemeral chunk of soul canned in your stinky, decaying flesh is awash with awe of the merciless void, so filled with the magnitude of your own insignifance that you cannot think or feel anything else; There’s not even enough room for that little, distant voice that usually watches and comments on your misadventures with surprising rationality. Whatever lies outside your frail, enclosed chysalis, you finally realize in full just how badly you are terrified of it. Your entire soul consists of nothing else. What were you, originally, before you tried to contain the horrors of the universe in your tiny little head? What are you now, that it refused to fit inside, what are you but this single, naked consciousness?
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