#I don't believe in true love ... relationships are just play pretend of a grand narrative ...
breitzbachbea · 2 years
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Will have to rewrite this part a bit for overall structual tension reasons, but new goal of my GreSic OS is now to make people who read Irish Problems and Italian Affairs and who will read The Amulet go fucking insane over SicIre and TurGre.
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Not Sam the literal guy who told us not to put so much energy into vacations & time off, crying over his life “feeling like a job” now. Wasnt this the same man who has been posting about expensive meals, and amazing friends, and amazing parties, and woo hoo this and woo hoo that?? So it’s all been for show you say? And he really wasnt or hasnt been “having the time of his life?”. I think instead of buying self help books for dummies, this man needs to take a crash course on sociology, and human behavior/social environment to really understand where most of his followers are coming from because he does not present himself to be relatable at all. Its like me reading one history chapter and calling myself a historian. He works for himself and complains more than someone like myself with a grummy 9-5 would, and not saying he isnt allowed to complain but why write bullshit think piece after bullshit think piece telling fans that vacations and relaxing arent all thats cracked up to be. He goes back and forth. Why not be real and show who you really are rather than pretending shitty music being played by a boombox is making you have the time of your life with “friends” who come and go yet always seem to be the best people ever for 2.5 seconds.
Sorry for ranting but this kid is really getting on my nerves, and i think you always give real raw opinions on them instead of sugar coating everything.
I will say this: for better or worse, his speech on snap yesterday was probably the most real I've ever seen him be. No bullshit, no trying to sell us a bill of goods about how great life is...nope, it was just, "Things are really hard and I'm very stressed about it."
I appreciated hearing that more than some "working all day, everyday, is the only way you'll ever achieve true greatness and happiness," bs.
Sam is hard to figure out and relate to, because he's so damn focused on building a persona of himself instead of just being himself that it just comes across sometimes (to me at least) as someone who is just playing a part in a one-man show that we all didn't know we bought tickets to, and that's the thing that can sometimes be grating about his little "think" pieces. They aren't always genuine, they aren't always true, and I don't think they are truly him- they come off as the him he wants to be perceived as, and not the person he is inside.
I also think a lot of his posts about loving the job and the grind and the "party life" is all part of that- he wants to be perceived as a fun guy with a great life and an internal library of great stories and life lessons because of it, and sometimes he has to alter the perception a bit to make the reality he's presenting fit the narrative he's tryjng to present, you know what I mean? I believe they call it "smoke and mirrors."
Now, does that mean he isn't always having a grand time in life? No, he does have a unique and high adrenaline, fun life and I'd love to hear all about it- but I can never tell with him when he's genuinely having fun and having a good day vs when the smoke and mirrors are out in full force and hes trying to justify a way to continue to live at as fast of a pace as he's living, or trying to sell this made up perception of himself. Whats real and what's a bill of goods? I don't know. I don't even know if he knows anymore, which is a little sad.
The food posts, btw, are them just trying to use payola to their advantage to get a free meal, which I have no issue with- if I had that kind of juice, you'd best believe I'd never pay for food again lol.
Anyway, for once, he wasn't sugar coating shit yesterday. He wasn't trying to sell anyone (at least on snap) on how great life is. He's stressed, his life choices are starting to cost him strain in places he didn't realize he couldn't afford to have strained (primarily relationships) and he's approaching burnout.
And btw- I said they would burn out eventually, if they had to do their own editing. I said this back when their fandom bullied them back into doing their own editing again, and look where we are, right on cue. Sam's crying in the parking lot of the post office, Colby's turned into a self help guru on snapchat as a way to try and avoid his own issues, they've got two mansions and no furniture in either one and that is somehow a great symbolism for how empty their lives are right now.
Let these boys have editors.
Anywho, Sam, if youre out there in tumbrland (please dont be out there in tumblrland): I'd appreciate it greatly if you were more honest and direct, not just with us, but with yourself more often. Not everything needs to be a Ted talk, a teachable moment, or a self-help quote. Sometimes, life is awesome and sometimes it's balls. Be honest and raw and not preachy about it all, and for fucks sake- stop trying to sell that more work = more happiness, cause you, Sam and Colby, are a textbook example of that not always being the case.
Also, please don't ever tell people again that vacations aren't the bomb dot com, as we used to say way back in the 1990s. Downtime is a necessary tool for anyone looking to not burn out completely.
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