#I don't even like the mcu t h a t much
caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
fhh ch35-40
another day another suffering cause of chloe gong lesgo
scarf and sunglasses look?? did miss chloe just reference the superhero disguise gag in the mcu of sunnies, cap and hoodie?? given she marketed the first book as like captain america,,, it's almost defo the case fvksdjfs
just the entire comedy bit about orion's big head fksdnfs
the way rosalind is inching closer and closer to figuring out that phoebe is priest
omg poor phoebe being approached by her mother's men RIGHT after expressing her abandonment issues
i really hope lady hong's men don't bring back rosalind's blood on the knife a sample for her to study and apply to her supersoldiers,,,
orion pov again. especially interesting now that he's more or less seeing rosalind in action for the first time
nation over everything? nation over everything, but never you, sweetheart. and yet here celia is, almost choosing not to sacrifice communist agents even if it means she can't save oliver, because of her principles, because she doesn't want to lie. god i love celia. stop giving her the hardest battles i can't take it
"to hear a proper laugh and store it away in a place no one could ever take from him again." THAT'S SO KAZ BREKKER CORE I'M THROWING UP. HE WOULD HAVE BOTTLED HER LAUGH AND GOTTEN DRUNK ON IT EVERY NIGHT
orion likes to get bitten confirmed. kinky bastard. i love knowing where all those "rosalind bites people" memes were coming from now fksjdhn
orion IS a prettyboy
alisa is such a little shit i love her. you go you funky little cockblocker
phoebe's identity crisis and being three girls at once because of all the faces she puts on, not knowing who the real one is >>> there's a reason she's my favourite character i'm smashing my head against a wall again and again and again until a crack forms and brings down the entire roof of the house on my head
poor phoebe my eyes are actually burning i will NOT cry but my poor girl
"there was no such reality where Phoebe could have stayed in the shadows forever protecting Orion. Eventually, people had to face their own danger." phoebe is totally gonna expose herself at the nationalist base to save oli
phoebe's urge to go all priest on her mum for her betrayal -> she's gonna go all priest on silas. i NEED it
delulu is the solulu i will simply believe that silas is quadruple or quintuple agenting rn until it becomes trululu there is no way he's NOT on our side
"Maybe they ran into each other at headquarters," oh they've run into each other alright celia ksjdnfs (coping with humour is the only thing left for me to do without screaming)
hgdjhb i love orion he's such a little guy for enjoying the wires
"Rosalind and Celia may as well start taking turns on whose mission partner went missing." STOPPPP MISS CHLOE THAT'S FUCKING COLD
silas seems genuine but i don't trust him. i fear he's also brainwashed as lady hong's little spy. he was in london with the others for very long. it would let her have eyes and ears in the two major forces in china, nationalists and commies. or maybe lady hong promised phoebe's safety. who knows
the fact that phoebe was called by her name for the entire chapter, only to be called priest at the end?? chills. also i'm dying
now celia sees the moon. i want to cry
omg oliver was hallucinating celia. that's almost romantic
oh shit japan is bombing
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mischiefmodig · 28 days
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Unpopular Opinion \ / @fellstcr \ / not accepting
🔥 (their parents) 🔥 (loki, character) 🔥 (mcu fandom??) 🔥 freebie!!
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I have a lot of ground to cover, but here we go!! (apologies in advance, the last one gets p long)
Frigga is not as good of a mom as everyone wants to say.
Now with that being said, Frigga is a good mom... but that's pretty much only regulated to Loki rather than both Thor AND Loki |D I have a lot of headcanons about Frigga being his main caretaker especially when he was a baby. And as Loki grew up he just had more of her temperament and obviously, his being magically inclined helped a lot in them becoming so close as well since she was able to able to teach him her own gifts with sorcery, essentially passing down her teachings to him.
But it's so clear in the films just how much she struggles to connect to Thor in the same way. She does her best but considering even she believes that Thor + Odin cast big shadows and that Loki learning her magic was his light, indicates pretty clearly to me that she never properly bothered to connect to Thor on his side of things. That and she can't comfort Thor properly when they are together, but she is literally able to read Loki like an open book.
Now I do think that of course, she loved both of her kids. Thor is actually her child, and I don't think she ever fully meant to favor Loki over him. It's just kind of how it happens when it feels like one child needs more attention than the other - That and I'm sure at some point Odin was taking a much greater role in Thor's life (which Loki was clearly envious of to a degree) and I think she absolutely would have been the biggest advocate for both of their well beings. (and ofc in terms of Thor she was his biggest support with Jane and I think that's very good of her to do too)
But let's not forget here. Frigga was just as complicit in lying to Loki about his heritage as Odin was. And I think personally if Odin did not love Loki at all he would not have hesitated to make it clear that Loki isn't his son at all times. I just think it's too easy to make Frigga out to be the better parent when she played favorites as much as Odin is perceived to. (lbr Odin of course was going to train Thor more than Loki. Thor is literally the oldest who was always going to become king. That's just how the system works and Loki knows that. I do think Odin neglected to give Loki enough affirmation, but people act like Odin was a fantastic father to Thor too when he really just wasn't.)
Loki would not be as interesting as a character without Thor.
They are the sun and moon. Hot and cold. Darkness and Light. Chaos and Order. At their best, they are an unstoppable team, and at their worst they are enemies. But no matter what, by blood or by oath they are brothers. B R O T H E R S.
Speaking strictly to Loki: he has never known his life without Thor in it. He was saved from death (NOT TAKEN) from Jotunheim and has spent his entire life since as a son of Odin. Where Thor struggles, Loki fills in his weaknesses, and vice versa. I see people get caught up in "Loki being weaker" and thus tearing down Thor in the process, but that couldn't be further from the truth. (also tearing down other characters to raise another up is actually lowering the bar for the second character to succeed and doesn't make them look better at all. In fact, it makes them look worse because the standard is now so low :))
Where Thor is very easily heated, Loki can help him focus. While Thor is a tank in combat, Loki is swift and able to take out enemies with precision and speed. Thor is intelligent particularly when it comes to people and he is very compassionate, while Loki focuses on being book smarts and being keen in debates and negotiations. It's SO obvious they really were meant to rule together, with Loki as an advisor to Thor as king. They have a dynamic with each other that is so neat and a bond that spans hundreds to a thousand years. You can't just tear that apart just because you like one character over another. Their stories are tied to each other, and in Tom's words "You can't have Loki without Thor, or Thor without Loki."
Has Thor done Loki wrong? Yes, absolutely. But Loki has equally done wrong by Thor, he is not innocent in that either. Being a shadow is not a bad thing, it's really not, in fact, I could absolutely argue that it is where Loki thrives tbch. But ultimately his origins are found in Thor, and trying to erase that is doing Loki a huge disservice.
Thorki is incestual in nature.
I'm not going to lie to ya, the fact that you ever have to say "Well technically they're not brothers" to ship them, I think makes it pretty clear that it's actually not a good ship LOL
Every time I mention that this is a thing to people not in fandom or in the Thor fandom, they are consistently appalled by it. And as they should be! I've actually seen fan-made comics of when the boys were kids crushing BEFORE THEY EVEN KNEW and that is just //gags
I really also need people to tag Thorki properly so that my filters can block those posts. I don't want nothin to do with that and I don't want it on my dash anymore <v< but that's kind of a whole other thing. I cccccan see why people do it, and I personally think Loki is attracted to people who are similar to Thor (i.e good hearts, heroes, sunshine personality, hopeful, kind, etc.) which is also why I don't think Sylki works as a ship either outside of the selfcest - but I could go on a whole other tangent about them tbh.
Gimme my good wholesome brothers who are just doing sibling things. Not every single pairing of people needs to have romantic inclinations, they can just be very close as friends or family. The boys grew up together for a thousand years, and you're seriously trying to tell me that suddenly both of them abandon their roots to be romantic?? Buddy that is not how that works and don't make no sense at aaaaaall.
Platonic soulmates are just as valid as Romantic ones.
TVA Loki and MCU Loki are not the same, and I won't be gaslit into thinking otherwise by directors who don't care about Loki in general.
I don't know why this is a trend at all, but it seems like the character of Loki keeps getting handled by people who don't care for him in the slightest. Waititi completely sidelined him in gagnarok (in favor of totally misunderstanding Thor and Odin's dynamics) when that film needed to be about the boys properly recovering from the past decades worth of issues. And then in the Loki show that director stopped making him the main character AT ALL as soon as Sylvie showed up.
Anyways, the whole entire point of the Loki show, is that there are multiple dimensions (which they call timelines stupidly) in which multiple variations of every exist. The people in them are supposed to be similar but clearly have slightly different characteristics (see Boastful Loki or Croc Loki) while they all have the same events. And in the show, he straight up does not act the same as he does in the Thor films.
And with that said, we go back to the main topic which is "these two Loki's are actually not the same person."
- First of all, Loki is not a narcissist. A narcissist is defined as "a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves." which Loki has NEVER had. Ever. In any of his film appearances. Being ambitious (and occasionally selfish) is entirely different, but Loki does not admire himself to an unhealthy degree. The only thing the show gets right is that Loki is deeply fearful and insecure, but the fact that he says it outright is just bad writing. - Second of all, Loki is not flighty or talkative. Loki is famous for having a silver tongue, but that does not mean he rambles on and on about a point or uses big words just use them. Actually intelligent people do not need to fake it to prove that they are smart. Loki uses his words exactly when he means to, and doesn't use metaphors/hyperbole at every given opportunity. ( do not confuse Fanon Loki with what Loki is actually like in the films. ) Loki can quip but he never does it excessively. In the show, Loki is constantly moving and fidgeting something fierce when he is typically very still and planted. - THIRD of all, Loki has never been someone who relies on magic as much as TVA does in the second season. Loki is an Asgardian warrior, trained by the best of the best to be an absolute master at combat. Loki primarily relies on daggers using the Ice pick technique (which is actually extremely difficult to master btw), which allows him to be swift in a fight and take out his opponents with deadly precision. Of course, Loki uses his cleverness and magic in battle too, but he isn't out throwing balls of magic fire willy-nilly or making a big scene. Loki has never needed his magic to be good at fighting or keep up with Thor. Frankly, that is an impressive feat in itself that too many people put down for no reason. I'm all in favor of magic characters doing their magical thing, but high key Loki is so much cooler because he is strong enough to rely on magic that he has already mastered too. But this is not true for tva!loki who uses magic literally all of the time.
Now we could call all of this him being out of character, however, I think in the scope of the show it would make more sense to just have him be a different Loki entirely. Which would be fine, if they didn't try to constantly make him out to be exactly like mcu!Loki. They give him the memories of Avengers onward and then speed-run his development in like first episodes to make him have the same emotions WITHOUT actually any development.
Even if we are led to believe that tva!Loki and mcu!Loki started off the same, then they sTILL could never become the same as the Loki we know from 10 years' worth of films. mcu!Loki got to mourn for Frigga in the moment, sacrifice himself for Thor+Jane, lie about it again and take the throne from Odin, pretend to be Odin for several years, see him die, fight his crazy half-adopted sister, watch Asgard be destroyed, and then ultimately sacrifice himself AGAIN to save Thor ending his life.
tva!Loki watched it on a screen... and clearly was emotional about it, as one would be. But none of that is the same as Loki actually being able to experience it. I think I would like tva!Loki SO much more if they treated him like he was legitimately still in Avengers and still in the mindset that he wants to be king to prove to his brother/father that he could do it and is good enough to be a part of the family. And that he was a different Loki entirely.
Instead, the show completely erases his history and his character in favor of an annoying mix of taika!loki and fandom!loki and it's just cringy to watch honestly. The Loki show is just so bad in terms of writing, lore, characterization, humor, and continuity, and now that they're getting rid of Kang the Conqueror, the whole show is completely obsolete! :D
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nicostenz · 11 months
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- Hi, I'm Atlas or Nic, Mac even.. tbh anything u like :3
- I'm a minor and an amateur writer and artist! (drawing wise)
- I use He/him pronouns though any can be fine, just not she/her
- bisexual trans ftm
- Gabriel O'Hara enthusiast
-I love kpop, marvel, (some) anime, cartoons, etc. just ask
- prolly have smt wrong w me so if ur my moot and we interact here and I start showing my true self and u feel uncomfortable, sorry T T;
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You guys might recognize me for my bangchan pfp OR my Gabriel ohara drawing.. in this case my socials are :
Tumblr and cai: nicostenz
jai: macstenz
insta: nico.stenz
twt: nico_stenz
ao3: axhty_ALT
though, I'll change my insta and twt pfps to bangchan shortly after.
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- am I allowed to request?
yes! You are. as long as you keep it just PG. no 18+ shit on my page. I'm a minor and I won't show/write actual porn on my page to adults who would probably do weird stuff to it as— again— i am a minor.
- Can I request suggestive content?
yes you can. but just don't abuse this feature since again, I can't always do suggestive stuff. if it's suggestive, most likely it's on a cliffhanger.
- Hey, I'm an adult! Can I interact and follow?
Yes!! just please, don't do anything weird. I.e: Flirt with me. Pls don't :/
- can I dm you?
ofc. But just know that if you spam me about something, like a request that I'll do, please note you won't be answered.
- am I allowed to request a character from a movie or show you don't know?
This depends. If its a series and it catches my eye, I'll try making it close to canon.. and not only that I'll also try watching it if its worth.. but it's only a movie I'll actually watch if you want close to canon characters.
- can I request art?/do I need to pay for a commission?
absolutely yes! You can request art from me! just be patient because as stated, I'm a minor, so I have school. not only that I'm also in a troupe which requires me training for hours, so if you don't get even a simple sketch within a week or day, don't get mad at me! Also, no need to pay me for commissions. what I'm doing is purely for fun! that's unless I need the money, then yes. maybe I might starts but please I only accept cash (if ever) through gcash, and Filipino commissioners ONLY!!!!
- hey.. is it okay to vent?
if you're my moot then yes, it's okay, just ask before since I might not be in the mood to listen or comfort. but if you're a stranger then most likely yes...? you can dm me about it but I don't think I'd do much if you vent.
- Hey! I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community! Will you write, fem x fem, masc x masc, gn x gn etc. stories?
absolutely! people are all welcome here and as a ftm myself, I'll mostly be m reader or gn reader! though, for fem aligned followers.. i will make content, yes, but fem aligned on my mlm/male content and gender neutral stuff, can read and interact, just do not fetishise my content.
- can I request a ship?
absolutely. go ahead! I will try to write it the best I can to canon if I don't know this ship, but what I won't write is ships from shows/movies I don't know, or illegal ships. (animal x human, child x adult, sibling x sibling)
- will you write age gaps?
yea. most likely. If the age gap is 10-20 yrs I'll still write it, as long as you mean if the reader/character is an adult and its both consenting, then yes, I will.
-will you write stuff on ao3?
in the future, maybe.
character x character
character x reader
MCU (avengers, ATSV, xmen, etc)
age gaps
ftm/mtf/gn character
ftm/mtf/gn reader
Iffy about it.. :
Daddy/mommy kink
ships/x readers from shows/movies I don't watch
$elf H (though, if it brings u comfort in a way w ur comfort character idm... just don't expect me to actually do it.)
anything bdsm in general (not yet at least)
weird kinks
anything illegal (incest, step-incest, Bestiality, racist things, noncon etc.)
you won't find me in any comment section if the post is nsfw/smut or someone has mdni in their bio.
but if you do, my anon emojis are monkeys. idk if that helps but if u stumble on a requested fic with a monkey anon that's me probably 😭
(🐒🙈🙊🐵🙉 <- using those.)
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the end of my intro!!! I'll edit this shit if I missed out on anything. anyway, hope and expect to see more fanfics!! soon!! (if school's being g nice hahah)
- sincerely, bangchan lover/mac/steny/nico whatever u like.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
ok so i t h i n k i get most of the stuff on your dni but what did mcr do? ive never heard anything problematic about them
And then other things, despite having a basic idea of why theyre problematic, its only that... a basic idea
a masterlist or smth would be really helpful because as an example, looking up taika waititi, the only thing i see him having done wrong is changing the tone of the mcu?
Sorry i just don't understand and i wanna know and as much as i wanna follow the "just google it law" im still not getting much info
I don’t have receipts because the tweets were relatively quickly deleted, but mcr is on it because gerard way is an antisemitic dick. he was just ignorant in his defense of making captain america, a jewish character with golem qualities whose original purpose was to fight hitler, a nazi for fun. but when he was educated on why Jews were rightfully upset, he doubled down and called us all snowflakes, essentially, and said it was an attack on artistry. like those comedians who think comedy is untouchable by criticism just because people wanna laugh at racist and bigoted jokes. the response was overall antisemitic and I don’t fuck with that.
taika is on the list because he’s an arrogant asshole that uses rapist language and he’s overall just unlikeable as a person, and I don’t get along well with the kind of people who actually like him. the language was telling someone genuinely just critical (not a hater or even being disrespectful) that they “didn’t know what they wanted until he gave it to them”, and it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way for good reason.
you can probably search my blog with tags like #anti(whatever it is) and get some posts on why it’s on the list if you need more info.
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nostalgiqueajamais · 2 years
Spider-Man: No Way Home
I have to admit, I used to be a bit biased when it came to Spider-Man. The first movies with Tobey Maguire were my favorites and I wasn't very open-minded when the newer versions were released. Despite liking Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, I didn't like that they made the Amazing Spider-man when they did. I was like "Why mess with the original?" Anyways, my thought process and general way of thinking changed when I entered my 20s. I don't remember the Amazing Spider-man, so I need watch that again. I do remember that it had a very sad ending with Gwen dying and I remember not liking that. I was more open-minded after the Avengers and the new movies with Tom Holland came out. But I never got around to actually watching them. I still haven't seen Homecoming. Gonna do that tomorrow after I get a good night's sleep. I watched Far from Home for the first time today on Netflix and it was EPIC!
No Way Home piqued my interest the most, obviously there's Tobey Maguire but also of course, the entire concept itself is genius. Creating a multiverse where all three Spider-mans exist in different timelines. I unconsciously had a lot of expectations for the movie.
I felt bad a lot for Tom Holland's Peter in this one. Like Doctor Strange put it, the kid has been through a lot! And now, he was about to be put through even more stuff. Luckily, he had two other friendly neighborhood Spider-mans to help him. That was a great moment when the other two Peters were just hanging on the rooftop like a regular chimp on a treetop. It was lowkey cool!
I had some freak out fangirl moments when Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield showed up. I even clapped. I was excited to see the villains as well. When Dr. Otto Octavius showed up, it felt like seeing an old friend again. My heart was beating fast when the Green Goblin showed up. I knew he was coming, still exciting. I mean, I haven't seen him since the FIRST movie. He's been gone a long time! Cameos as the dead vision don't count. He's alive! in this one. I think he was the scariest Spider-man villain. It's the voice.
I felt bad for the villains, compassion. Wow, script writers are all about enlightenment these days. Villains were humans once too, until they chose to turn into other beings and killed a bunch of people. I felt bad for the Spider-mans as well, having lost so many loved ones.
I know this was by design, but I feel the need to mention how poetic it was when Andrew's Peter saved MJ. I knew it was coming. It made the character's story come around full circle. He was also so adorable, constantly stating how he had always wanted brothers, telling them that he loved them. He was just lovable. I kind of wish that they would face-time him from across the universes.
I LOVE how mature Tobey's Peter is. There's just something classic about him. Like fine wine. I screamed out NO when he got stabbed but he lived. Phew. That would have been a bummer. A more interesting plotline, but a bummer.
Now, don't come for me MCU fans, but I was also a bit disappointed. Maybe because I expected so much. The idea of bringing all the villains and all three Spider-mans together, it's epic but also a lot of pressure. There was a lot of star power in this: Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Tobey Maguire, Jamie Foxx, Rhys Ifans, J. K. Simmons, Thomas Haden Church ... and yet, there was just something off about the way it was shot. Maybe it was the angles, but something felt awkward. Like the scene where Tom Holland's Peter rages and beats the $h*t out of the Green Goblin; I guess they wanted us to see the fight, but it could have been shot more dramatically than just the front angle. And then Tobey's Peter comes to stop him. Tom's Peter yielded a second too fast. Also, Peter paid ZERO attention to Ned after dating MJ even as he was about to be forgotten.
Btw, why does Zendaya or MJ remind me so much of Selena Gomez. More so, Alex Russo.
The scene on the statue of Lady Liberty was amazing, and beautifully shot. I loved when the three Peters talk normally before the villains come for them like it's just another Sunday. It was a nice little moment of relief which balances out the heavy, emotional scenes.
I really wanted to see the aftermath in the other universes. What happened to the villains? Norman Osborne? Without his evil counterpart, he's left with sanity and the guilt of what he did when his dark side took over. Does he go insane anyway? Does the amount of guilt drive him crazy? I also wanted to see Flint reunite with his daughter. What about Dillon? What becomes of him? And also Dr. Connors? Does he get put in jail? So many unanswered questions. Would have liked to see some scenes, even post-credits regarding that.
Overall, not a bad movie. A lot of moments to freak out over, the villains, the Peters, it was truly a treat for fans. But the hype of the crossover before the movie's release did ruin it a tad. I haven't seen Homecoming but so far, Far from Home is my favorite out of the trilogy.
Also, can't wait for the fourth one.
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Unpopular Opinion, but I think the first 2 Thor Movies were better than the last two directed by Taika, BUT LEMME EXPLAIN WHY.
I am ABSOLUTELY not dissing Taika as a director, not his take on the plot and characters.
In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed both "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Thor: Love and Thunder". I can personally say that I liked them quite a lot. They were entertaining, I cackled like an idiot for most of the movies and I did have a great time throughout the best part of them. (plus, Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster, Cate Blanchett as Hela -dear Gods, Hela fml - and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie...LIKE. THEY WERE *EVERYTHING. *E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G*)
What I DIDN'T LIKE was the STRIKING dissonance in vibes and mood between the first two movies and the last two.
We went from Kenneth Branagh's "Serious, almost Shakesperian motifs" in the first Thor (up to this date, still very much my favorite) to Loki's"Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster, and in exchange for codes and access to a ship, I'm asking for safe passage... through the Anus."
I personally am not a fan of movies connected to a certain character, that are set up to have a certain motif and that start up with a certain vibe behind them, and then, one movie later, they get a turn left so sudden, I couldn't even brace myself because it didn't see it coming AT ALL.
And once more, I am absolutely not dissing Taika's take on the movies, but rather whoever thought it was a good idea to bring such dissonance into the continuum of the events connected to the Asgardians.
If Thor's whole story had been set up to evolve through a more comical lens FROM THE BEGINNING, such as in Taika's movie, I wouldn't have had a problem AT ALL with how the movies had subsequentially developed, because there was a thread that was followed, and it was consistent. On the contrary, I would have probably been equally pissed had they started on the comical path and then took a more serious, gloomier turn with the last two (so basically the opposite of what has happened instead).
So, I guess, what I am trying to say is that I failed to appreciate the last two movies 100% because of the lack of consistency in tones and also characterization of certain characters.
And this brings me to want to spend just a few words on Loki.
I adored Loki from the first Thor, how he was characterized in "The Avengers" and then how he still was himself in Thor 2, but with some growth to himself. Loki, from what I perceived, was set up to be a tragic villain bordering on the Anti-Hero territories, which was consistent with his mythologic counterpart, so, I truly failed to appreciate his evolution as the buttmonkey to Thor's jokes. While I appreciated that Taika kept Loki's mischievousness (I mean, Loki is THE God of Mischief), I didn't like the fact that he went from being considered a threat to being treated as a nuisance at best, and a buffoon at worst.
(don't let me start on the fact that Sygin was never brought into the MCU lore, because Gods forbid we bring someone that adds to Loki's whole character and bring even more depth to him. But that's precisely what fanfictions are for, fml.).
So, what I am trying to say is that I wish "Ragnarok" and "Love and Thunder" had been done with a little bit of criterium AND in correlations to how the whole Asgardian lore had been explored in the first two movies, rather than just deciding to throw all that to the nettles and go down another path altogether.
And I do realize that these movies have been done over the course of almost 15 years, so, of course, things change over time. But I still think that there was A LOT of potential to explore Thor and the Asgardians' lore in a more cohesive way.
that's my two cents right there.
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I want to see Loki's children (Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir) meet Phineas, Ferb and their friends/family
I'm gonna be honest, I love Loki in the MCU (hmu at @woulddieforloki casual promo is casual) but I don't really know much about him in mythology or the comics. I don't really know his kids or even his love interests beyond Tumblr text post jokes.
However, I do know that Hela from Ragnarok is based on Hel (even though she's Thor's half-sister which is very different than being his daughter-in-law), and that her big ol puppy Fenris is based on Fenrir, so now I'm just kinda picturing Phineas and Ferb and their friends meeting those two, and I imagine it would go something like this:
Hela: bow before me, mortals, for I am your queen
Hela: I said—
Hela: w h a t
And their activity of the day would be building a big ol dog house for him, and the Fireside Girls would be in charge of making sure Fenris doesn't overheat in the hot summer sun and that he always has water to drink and snacks to eat while he's waiting. Baljeet would be the only one who's at all concerned about helping the Goddess of Death house her attack dog, but Buford will not stop sitting on his head and scratches that spot behind the ears and clearly Fenris is just really happy to be here and Phineas insists that it's fine so Baljeet doesn't really have a leg to stand on but he keeps awkwardly looking back at them like 😟😟😟
Isabella would take it upon herself to help Hela get acquainted with this new world, and she'd help her do her hair and find her new clothes that are more summer-appropriate and maybe she'd paint her nails and at first Hela is like ????? but Isabella is very insistent that she get her "helping an alien adjust on their first visit to Earth" badge and honestly how is Hela supposed to say no to this hyper-enthusiastic little child?
and then very soon after they finish building the state-of-the-art dog house, Thor takes the Bifrost down to Earth. he's obviously very concerned that his evil half-sister has spent the day with his good friends Phineas and Ferb, but Phineas assures him that they had a lot of fun and they were more than happy to show her around a bit. Isabella tells Hela that she's more than welcome to come back and visit at any time, and Buford very reluctantly slides off Fenris's back, and Thor—after thanking them profusely for keeping her out of trouble—takes Hela, Fenris, and his new dog house back to Asgard.
then Candace bursts in, dragging her mom by the arm, to find the backyard completely empty except for Phineas, Ferb, their friends, and the complimentary Mjolnir stickers Thor gave them before he left. Linda thinks that's very cute. Candace does not.
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i love warriors three and I'll protect them with my own life lemme explain
they really were the BEST FRIENDS of Thor and I don't mention lady Sif (oww my girl) because she was NOT only a friend but she loved Thor. and Fandral, Volstagg & Hogun WERE. well yeah i think uhh maybe every person really need such friends. they were strong, positive, protective, they risked everything to find Thor in the first movie and they-- they really deceived Asgard. their home. just to find their friend and leader and bring him back. they did not even afraid death and they were THAT REALLY NEEDED SHIELD which gave a chance to Thor to think and people to run and hide. they were funny, happy and a bit comedian characters but what if there were none of them? probably Thor haven't became the god again and all the city was ruined.
i- maybe i say too much, but i need it. Thor grew up with them and he knew THEY ALL WILL ALWAYS BE BY HIS SIDE. not Jane Foster, not Loki, not even Odin or (forgive me, i LOVE her, but it's true) maybe Frigg. his friends will be on his side to help, to protect, to give an advice. to fight for him and I AM SURE THAT HE WOULD FIGHT FOR THEM EVERY TIME THEY NEED IT LIKE THOR DID IN VANAHEIM AT THE BEGINNING OF "THOR: THE DARK WORLD". i remember Volstagg get injured in in Jotunheim and he warned all his friend about how painful it will be if frost giant touch you. i remember Fandral was nearly killed at same time and he knew that something like that could happen but even that didn't stop him. i remember Hogun, who was the first person not to trust Loki and HE REALLY DID A LOT OF HARM. i love Loki, but his pain and anger blinded him, like Thor's anger and proud blinded him. i told i won't mention lady Sif, but she did a great thing too. in New-Mexico, in Vanaheim and everytime after. and. AND REMEMBER. without them how Thor, Loki and Jane escaped from Asgard to find Malekith? JUST N O W A Y .
and i fucking HATE Thor: Ragnarok because all their friendship was ruined, all what they had was stolen and FUCK ME GENTLY THE WARRIORS THREE ARE DEAD. JUST--- OH MY FUCKING GOD HELA KILLED THEM FOR WHAT??? "I CAN DO THAT WHY I MUST NOT???" OR WHAT HER FUCKING REASON?
and Thor. he didn't even asked where his best friends are. he wasn't interested at all. he lose a part of his life with them and he didn't give a fucking fuck! okay MCU that is NOT what i can call "character development", that's t o t a l s h i t . so i- i cancel MCU after ~2015 I DON'T WANT MCU WITHOUT THEM THEY WERE EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL SUPPORT TO THOR AND I WON'T MAKE A MISTAKE IF I SAY THEY WERE HIS FAMILY. Thor lose them all. his mom, his brother, his dad, his best friends. like like like what the hell i don't believe all of it is true so I CANCEL IT.
thanks for your attention.
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wayward-lives · 4 years
Are you answering the stucky ask game #2? Cuz I've got to know a ton of stuff.... 1, 4, 10, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31, 39, 40, 41, 46. Phew! You don't have to answer any if you don't want to of course ❤️
Oh I’m gonna answer all of them this is the kind of shit that gives me life
1. What are your favourite tropes in fanfic? I’m such a slut for tropes, I have so many favourites. Uhh... probably A/B/O, kid fic, college AU, forbidden romance, fake/pretend relationship, getting back together, sex worker AU... there are probably so many more but I can’t think of them
4. What are your favourite stucky fics? Do you have an all-time favourite? I just read How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? and it’s quickly become one of my absolute favourites. Also we are the things we do for fun is amazing
10. Who are your favourite stucky writers? Again, I have so many. Uhh, off the top of my head? @rohkeutta, @voxofthevoid, @thewaythatwerust, @musette22 (who also does amazing evanstan fics) and @transbucky
16. Who are your favourite stucky fanartists? @criticalamur, @frostbitebakery, @cobaltmoonysart, @fadefilter, and a lot more that I can’t think of right now
17. What’s a stucky AU you’ve never read/written, but would like to? I have this idea that I haven’t started writing but has been sitting in my prompts for about a year now. Here’s the prompt:
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20. How did you discover stucky? I was a pretty casual viewer of marvel until endgame came out, and I found out about stucky after my friends and I went to watch Black Panther and one of my friends was a big Bucky fan. When I asked her who the guy was, she said he was sad and gay and in love with Captain America
21. What was the last stucky fic you read? I’m in the middle of reading Catching Stardust
22. What are your favourite stucky AUs? Shrunkyclunks and shrinkyclinks, stucky retired in Wakanda, roles reversed (Bucky as Cap, Steve as WS) and post-WS recovering Bucky fics
26. Do you prefer AUs or canon stucky fanfic? It honestly depends on the mood I’m in. Right now, I like AUs
31. If you had to pick a favourite - Steve or Bucky, could you? Oh god, I don’t think I could. Maybe Bucky?
39. What is a stucky fic/piece of fanart you’ve created that you wished had got some more love? I wrote a fic for the Stucky Reverse Big Bang this year (and my artist STILL hasn’t done anything for it even though the deadline was six months ago) called The Invite which I’m really proud of, but it didn’t seem to get as much attention as I’d hoped
40. What was the last stucky fic that made you emotional? All fics make me emotional, let’s be real, but I honestly can’t remember the last fic that made me sad. I go through so many fics it’s probably unhealthy, so I really don’t know.
41. If you could have Steve and Bucky appear in another MCU film, which one would it be? Agh I don’t know... I would’ve loved it if the black panther post-credits scene had both of them in it... but I’d probably have to say Ant-Man and The Wasp (could you imagine that??? It’d be so great)
46. How many stucky WIPs do you have? I have 24, which is far too many.
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In the year 2k19 I will watch every single marvel movie in chronological order. Why? No seriously, why would I do this? I don't have an answer.
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spectralarchers · 5 years
I don't really have anyone else that's even half excited as I am that Clint's not only coming back, but Kate Bishop's now coming to the MCU and I-- I'm so happyyyyy It's all I've wanted for Clint was to have an adventure of his own and get the recognition he deserves, man!! And for Kate to have her own awesome intro!! 2021 is gonna be so awesome T~T (okay i'm done, i'm sorry XD)
Hall H just lost its collective shit when Kate's silhouette was on screen, and the way Renner talked about her, it was so endearing because he can't wait to bring her in.
I have VERY high hopes - they're using the Matt Fraction style for the logo and Bishop's silhouette is from the Fraction run too, so there's SO MANY THINGS to be excited for!
Kate! Lucky! Barney! Tracksuit mafia! And all of it will blend in with Clint from the MCU! Like, it is going to be absolutely mind blowing and it's going to be absolutely fantastic.
He called her the better Hawkeye, and like. I trust him.
I would NOT trust 2012!Renner with it, but 2019!Renner has grown SO MUCH that I believe in him and the story they're going to tell.
Ps: for anyone who's like 'why another white girl', Hailee has Filipino ancestry.
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yndigot · 3 years
Fanfic ask -- F,L,R,S,T,V
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
I want to caveat that I read a LOT of fic. Like ... probably minimum 5K-10K per day most days in between also reading original fiction and stuff for grad school. I just generally consume massive amounts of written material every day. I also bookmark a lot of stuff that I may or may never come back to. So. I basically set my bookmarks to 'hurt/comfort' and picked a few that I really clearly remembered and thought fuck yeah, that's the stuff. It leans heavily toward stuff I've read fairly recently (I mean ... last 5 or so years, not last week, but still, my most recent fandoms are disproportionately represented). I've been in fandom for 20+ years and could dig deeper to find old favorites, but going through recent Ao3 bookmarks is much easier.
favored nations by blueink3 - Schitt's Creek, David is a theatre producer and Patrick is a pop star and there's a lot of good h/c mixed in
The Love Left Behind by DelilahMcMuffin - Schitt's Creek, Mr Rose dies
Getting Over Getting Older All the Time by Distractivate - Schitt's Creek, David and Patrick are business partners for a decade without dating each other
All That I Know by Rubynye - The Martian, Beth is pregnant in space, and makes the necessary decision
wash away the rain series by warbrarian - Star Trek AOS, aliens put Chekov in a fuck-or-die scenario, and then the aftermath of that experience is actually explored
I feel like something by copperbadge should probably be on this list. IDK if I haven't bookmarked his stuff because it's so easy to find again or if he doesn't tag hurt/comfort, but doubtless some of it fits the bill.
There should definitely also be some Tolkien, Ted Lasso, and MCU fic here, even just looking at the past 5 years. Don't know if those weren't bookmarked or weren't tagged, but that would be more truly representative. Schitt's Creek is very good at H/C though, so I'm not shocked that was most of my recent bookmarks. I think there are probably a lot of fics I read and even bookmarked that give me a H/C catharsis but probably the writer didn't tag them that way.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
HP third year AU Remus Lupin/Minerva McGonagall based on the final episode of The Secret World of Alex Mack. I published a few chapters of it almost 20 years ago and never finished. It would probably not have been an especially weird fic had 1) JK not revealed that McGonagall was much older than many of us online were assuming in the first few books, 2) I did not reveal that it was based on the final ep of a kids' TV show. Also, evidently Alex Mack is not streaming in its entirety and that's a crime.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
There are probably a lot of fic writers that have influenced me. I'm not sure I could pinpoint the influences now. I remember finding victoria_p/musesfool's writing style especially captivating, though it's been a while since I've revisited their work, so I'd have to re-read and see how much has soaked into my own writing. Truman Capote was pretty formative for me as a young teen. I know there have been other writers of original fiction I've felt influenced me over the years, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Celebrity AU -- one or more of the leads are famous actors/musicians/socialites/royalty/other public figures and are dodging the press as they try to sort out their personal lives. OR in cases where this is already true in canon, the public/private divide and press dodging is one of the major focal points of the fic.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
Ronnie Lee from Schitt's Creek feels like a difficult character to get a handle on, so I know why she's always mostly a supporting character in fic (as she is in the show), but I'd love to see more deep explorations of her. I'd love more Edward Courtenay fic for Downton Abbey. Fortunately, most of my fandoms have been large and sprawling and have had pockets dedicated to virtually every secondary character, so I rarely felt badly under-served.
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