#I don't have much else written but I have the plotline down lol
jfleamont · 7 months
never, sometimes, all the time
a snippet from my upcoming uni/band au - 1701 words
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The kitchen is scarcely lit and there's a faint smell of burnt eggs. Someone cooked during the party, probably Marlene. Nevermind that this isn’t her flat; the boys don’t mind. They’ve known her for a couple of months, but they welcomed her with open arms, just like they did with Lily. They’re good, she thinks. These kids are good. They let her smoke inside the house tonight— well, James did. She only smokes every once in a while. Mostly when she’s nervous.
He's sitting across from her, one arm draped across the chair beside him, his head thrown back. His eyes are closed and his lips are slightly upturned; he looks content. Lily thinks he's smiling. 
No, he definitely is.
Maybe it's the alcohol in his system. Or the music, which is still playing, though at a much lower volume than before; the others are already in their rooms, passed out, so they don’t care. This is just for the two of them.
She doesn’t know why she hasn’t left.
“You didn't keep your word,” she tells him. He'd promised Sirius he wouldn't get drunk. They hadn't said why, and only exchanged what looked like a meaningful look that she couldn’t decipher. Not yet, at least.
He chuckles, his eyes still closed. “I've only had one drink. And I didn't know you paid so much attention to me.”
“Remind me not to do it again. Also, it was a Long Island Iced Tea. A strong one, from the looks of it.”
He shrugs. “The situation called for it.”
She leans forward on the table, lowering her voice just a little. “Is this about Peter?”
“No. Maybe. I don't know.”
She waits for him to continue. He does. “It's just that we were so close to being great.” A humourless laugh, “Maybe I'm kidding myself. We weren't close at all.”
She notes the perfectly relaxed line of his brows. Maybe it’s just because he’s tired, but there’s no hint of anger on his face. “You don't seem too bothered by this, though.”
“Oh, well, I'm doing okay now. It's not too bad, I suppose.”
Lily snorts, and knows that he isn’t lying. “Yeah?”
He opens his eyes - they’re tired and soft like she’s never seen them - and fixes them on her.
“Always the optimist, you.”
He mirrors her position, resting his chin on his palm. “I had a good night, that's all.”
“I don't think that's all.”
“You’re right, it's not,” he shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. He laughs quietly, a hint of anxiety colours his voice.
“So? Tell me,” she prompts him.
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and looks behind her for a moment. “I have a plan. Mind you, not a good one, but it's a plan. It's sort of insane and if I'm being honest, it’s probably the worst idea I've ever had.”
“Are we still talking about the band or…?” 
“I found a solution for next week's gig,” he announces grandly, smiling from ear to ear. The only thing that is missing is the jazz hands.
“You found a bassist? That was quick. Who is it?” 
She blinks. Several times. James’ smile has faded a little, and his expression looks careful.
“You've got to be joking.”
“Told you it was a crazy idea.”
Lily doesn’t want to think about the implications of this. Being friends with the people Severus couldn’t stand was one thing, but actually performing with them? That couldn’t happen. It’s not like she cares about him anymore. No, that’s not it. Maybe a part of her misses him still, and she used to be a people pleaser when she was around him, but this has nothing to do with that. It’s the fact that she has been questioning every single decision she has made ever since she left Severus behind. With him, it felt right… until it didn’t. Who’s to say that this won’t happen again? She doesn’t trust herself anymore, and this is brand new territory.
“You want me to join your band. You?”
James sits up straighter and gives her a funny look. “Why do you sound so surprised? You're brilliant.”
“But… I can't.”
“You can't or you won't?”
“Can't! How am I supposed to learn your entire setlist by next week?” she exclaims. She doesn’t mean to raise her voice, but she can’t help it. The more she thinks about this, the less confident she feels.
“Actually it would be better by Wednesday.”
He doesn’t look apologetic at all. Strange, since he was so worried about asking her a minute ago. Either he’s mad - and this is a very real possibility - or he just believes she can do it, which, really, is another form of insanity. 
She tells him so. “You're not right in the head.”
“I've got two papers to submit by the end of next week! There's no way I can play with you,” she says in a whispered shout, and now she’s the one with her hands in her hair.
He’s grinning. “But you want to.”
She suppresses a smile at his bravado, but he’s right. “I want to help you. But I can't.”
He leans in conspiratorially, and his enthusiasm almost wins her over. Almost. “Come on, it would be fun! And it's just a one time thing, okay? Or at least until we find a new bassist.” 
“Can't believe you're asking me this.”
He’s not pouting, but he might as well be, and Lily can’t deny it: she’s thought about this exact scenario. She’s seen them on stage, she knows how good they are: they’re miles better than everyone else in their local music scene, really, and Lily can’t help but wonder if she’ll feel out of place up there. She loves performing, but being in a band with Severus showed her how awful it feels to be overshadowed by someone else, and she doesn’t want a repeat of that.
“… Can I think about it?”
James’ eyes light up. “Is this a yes?”
“It’s a question.”
“Of course you can think about it! Take a couple of days,” he waves a hand around and sits back in his chair, looking triumphant. Lily smiles; she’s about to burst his bubble. 
“Hmm,” she rubs her chin contemplatively, “What do I get in return, though?”
He furrows his brows, not expecting her question. “Oh… We're not getting paid for this gig, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I know, Potter,” she deadpans, rolling her eyes, but there’s no real annoyance in her tone. “I've performed there too. I'm talking about something else.”
The side of his mouth quirks up. Cheeky boy. “Anything in particular?”
“I'll let you know. After the gig,” she adds nonchalantly.
“What if I refuse?”
“These are my terms. Take it or leave it.”
James is thinking hard, by the looks of it. She doesn’t know what kind of favour she’ll ask him, but simply knowing that she has the upper hand in this situation makes her euphoric. He knows he’s signing away his soul if he agrees. She still hasn’t decided if she’s going to mess with him or not. Perhaps she’ll be nice about it.
“Fuck it. It's a deal,” he extends an arm to shake her hand and she’s about to do the same when a thought occurs.
“Hang on, did you say this was the worst idea you’ve ever had? What the fuck?”
“Shot myself in the foot, haven’t I?”
“I’m giving you one chance to recover from this. One.”
“Fuck,” he covers his face with his hands, and she thinks he’s blushing a little but she isn’t sure. “Remus is much better at this. He was supposed to broach the subject but he refused to, thinks I’m mental.”
She drops her smile and freezes. “Is he even okay with this? And Sirius?”
“Don’t worry, they both think you’re great. Sirius says you’re the female Flea.”
She beams at the compliment and relaxes into the seat. “Do you agree?”
His eyes roam around her face and Lily feels warm all over. It only lasts a moment, and then he’s smirking again. “You’re easier on the eyes, so…”
Right. He’s just messing with her. 
“Twat,” she responds, and kicks his chair.
His gaze softens. “But to me you’re more Macca than Flea,” James continues, tilting his head to the side as he studies her once again.
“He was fit when he was younger, not going to lie,” she deflects, because she knows she’s talented - she does! - but she feels the impostor syndrome kick in any time she is compared to another great bassist‒ she has a list; Paul McCartney is at the top. Wait, is James aware of this? She hopes not.
He laughs and nods vigorously. “Especially in the late ‘60s with that beard.”
“Shame he never grew it out again after that,” she sighs, and feels the tension dissipate.
James raises an eyebrow. “Wanna watch the Get Back documentary?”
She’s pretty sure he’s joking, but the last time she saw it she cried, and she doesn’t have the strength to hold back the tears in front of him. Besides, her eyelids feel so heavy that she would probably fall asleep ten minutes in, and she’d rather sleep in a bed tonight. “As much as I’d love to, you’re dead on your feet and I’m not doing much better so… I’d better walk home.”
James sits up straight, suddenly very alert. “No.”
“What do you mean no?”
He gets up from the chair and grabs the remote. “I don’t want to walk in the cold and neither do you,” he says with his back to her as he turns off the music, “so just do me a favour and use my bed.”
She can’t possibly sleep on James Potter’s bed. “You don’t have to—”
“It’s not up for debate,” his tone is resolute but he’s wagging his finger at her, which makes him look kind of ridiculous. “The sheets are clean, changed them this morning.”
“I can’t let you—”
“I’ll take the sofa, goodnight.”
And with that he walks to the bathroom and closes the door.
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soaps-mohawk · 5 months
Hii! I love your COD fic so much. I’m just beginning my own writing journey, and was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing what your outlining/writing process is like? ^^
Hi!! Hello!! Thank you!!! 💚 Aww, best of luck on your journey!! Writing is so hard but it can be so fulfilling at the same time!!
Hehe yeah, so I don't usually really do outlines for fics. I just kind of get a general idea of what I want to happen, and in the case of fics that follow plotlines of shows directly how the character/reader is going to fit into those events, and then just start writing what comes to me when it comes to me 😅 that's led to some fics getting quite out of hand, though, in the past.
I think CRCB is the first fic I've actually like physically laid things out as far as chapters and what I want to happen in them (which has changed about 10 times since I started around chapter 3). So yeah, I just kind of lay out how many chapters and what I want to happen in each chapter. I don't come up with everything that happens in the chapter right away. More filler type stuff I kind of just write as I go depending on what fits the vibe of the chapter. Sometimes things change a lot, and that's okay. My original outline had like 25 chapters and then the fic would be done and, well, as you can see we're nowhere near that now lol.
As far as the writing process, I just kind of take the outline and lay out what's going to happen in the chapter by section and then start writing. Sometimes I start at the beginning of the chapter and sometimes I start in the middle. Quite a few I've written the last scene first and then just kind of jumped around as inspiration came. I've found that's helped a lot with writer's block and motivation, as I can just kind of go where the words are flowing in the chapter and not have to worry about getting a certain section done before I write the next.
I also do a first draft where I can just lay out a basic description of something that happens if I get stuck and move on. If the words aren't flowing, drop a quick little summary of what happens in that scene and then move on and come back to it when you edit. Sometimes the first draft is just a super basic walk through of what happens and then I go back a second time and add in all the fluff and details. That can be really good if you're going to write smut scenes. Just get down the basics and then go through and add everything else later. Same with dialogue. Just write the lines and then go back and add in details, other things happening in the scene.
Your first draft does NOT have to be the final product. Sometimes it is. Sometimes the words are flowing and you can put out a masterpiece with just some light editing needed. Sometimes it takes two or three tries before you're happy with it. That happens to me a lot. Some chapters are basically first drafts with a little grammar/syntax editing. Others (like chapter 10) I wrote up, sat on it for two days, read it through and was unhappy with it, so I went back and added in like over 1,000 words of fluff and details.
So yeah. Take your time, sleep on things if you're not happy with them, don't be afraid to change things and jump around while you're writing. I know a lot of writers struggle with wanting to be linear in their writing and write a fic or chapter start to finish. You don't have to. Jumping around while writing has saved me so much stress.
I hope this helps, and best of luck with your writing. The best way to get good at it and figure out what works for you is just to write. Practice, practice, practice. It's taken me well over a decade to get to this point where I've figured out what works best for me and I'm still learning to this day.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Hi! This is long, but just some Inside Baseball-y theorizing/thoughts on LFJ... I don't have any insider info or anything lol but I know a bit about how the business side of the industry works.
So, he would have been brought back as either a recurring guest star or a recurring co-star (co-stars are usually minor characters who basically serve to push other characters to where they need to be, which is probably what he was in S2. Guest stars have a bigger role and are usually a little more central to the story they're being used in). The distinction is a little fluid and can be up for negotiation by your agent (guest stars get paid a higher rate), but I think Tommy lands pretty solidly into recurring guest category for S7, so that's my guess as to what he was contracted as. (The step above that but before main cast is series regular, which is where Karen and Ravi etc fall)
From what we now know, his original arc was only supposed to be 4 episodes, and he was there for Eddie. Then Natalia's actress became unavailable (I think she was doing a play?) and their original plan sort of fell apart, because if Eddie had his gay awakening in 704 and Buck was single (since Natalia wouldn't be there) the rest of whatever they had planned for the season would stop making sense... hence the switch, and imo you can see some traces of the original plan in the version that eventually made it to air.
And then they were renewed for S8-9, which realistically would have been very much up in the air at the time the season was originally being written. They'd just come off the strikes, they were on a new network, they had a shortened season, they were planning a BIG swing by bringing at least one of their long-term characters out of the closet, so I don't think it's a coincidence that the renewal news came in the wake of those eps airing. I think the network was probably waiting to see how they'd do in the ratings once that happened before they decided how to move forward.
So once they were renewed, they decided to slow down the pace of whatever story they had planned since they now had more or less guaranteed time to do it. The back half of S7 was a hasty rewrite and suffered for it – I think that's been made obvious in interviews and just from what you see on-screen lmao
LFJ was probably asked back for a handful of 7B scenes because of the rewrites – most of his "presence" was done without him actually needing to be on-screen. A couple references to him here and there and one or two scenes in an episode, and that was kind of all they needed story-wise to keep Buck busy while Eddie started down his spiral. I don't think his "popularity" or "fanbase" or whatever had much at all to do with him staying longer. BIG fandom pushes can sometimes sway things, but I think people generally overestimate their influence on these kinds of decisions. It ultimately comes down to money and viewership and story needs, and it made sense for him to stay longer than expected, so he stayed.
When it stops making story or business sense to keep him, he'll be gone, which might have already happened if they think he's caused more trouble than he's worth. There's also the possibility that he'll be promoted to a main on SWAT or get booked for something else and become unavailable just like Natalia's actress did. That happens super frequently.
Or maybe not! If they have a plan for the wrap-up of that storyline that requires him to be physically present, or even if they want to keep him around off and on all next season, then he'll probably be back for a couple episodes, but they're definitely not going to be writing full independent storylines for him. If you pay attention, he (and Buck!) stopped being the focus of any of the plotlines as soon as the bulk of that story was resolved (Buck realizing he's bi and coming out to the rest of the team). Whatever their plan, his function is/was to push Buck to where he needs to be for whatever's next in his story, because Buck is the one who's part of the main cast. He's the one who gets storylines written about him.
I agree with a lot of this, really. I say his approval made him stay, but I kinda mean in the sense that Buck being bi was well received and unlike other love interests, he was well received, so keeping him in the background wasn't creating problems as they set up whatever it was they wanted to do with season 8 using the remainder of s7 after the renewal. I don't think his purpose on the narrative is completely done yet, so I do think he could be back to further Buck in whatever way they need him to, because like you said, he exists to push Buck somewhere and they stopped using Buck on his own after he came out and that's definitely not something that's gonna transfer into s8, so whatever plan they have for Buck is probably going to use him. I think the question is if the chaos that's been going on lately makes it worth it to drag out his presence or if they'll choose to get over with it quickly because while he still makes sense narratively, he might be stopping making sense from a business perspective. But we don't know, this is all speculation at this point. There's a chance he's already written off and there's a chance they are planning on keeping him as a presence for longer. We'll have to wait and see I guess. But this is a very detailed view, thank you for sharing it.
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elizabethshaw · 4 months
thoughts on "echoes"!! under the cut bc of spoilers:
this boxset absolutely came out at one of the worst possible times for me (my busiest day of the week, at a time when i have 6 different exams, a presentation and also assessments for my home uni to prepare for), and i fear it may have regnited my 8das fixation somewhat which is. not something i have time for rn lmao. we'll see how it goes i guess! anyway personal stuff over now-
i definitely enjoyed it overall! i'm still not entirely sure where i'd rank it in comparison with the other post-stranded boxsets but it was a lot of fun, and it was (as expected) a joy to hear this tardis team together again :)
i will say however that i did have one major qualm with it, which is that i felt a bit let down with how little it followed through with the emotional plotlines set up in the preceding two sets. i got the feeling when listening to "what lies inside?" and "connections" that they were very much going somewhere with this team's (particularly helen's) emotional arc, and while i won't deny there were some nice scenes with them in this set, the fact that these threads were otherwise left to one side most of the time was a disappointment. there was potential to do some really interesting character work in continuation from the events of those previous episodes and it just. didn't happen. i don't want to sound too down about it because i did still really enjoy these stories, but i think this side of things was missing a little bit for me. hm.
anyway, episode-by-episode thoughts:
i think this was my favourite of the set. i really love audio drama that leans into more horror-adjacent aspects (even though i'm not a massive horror fan otherwise tbh), and also love it when audio drama just gets kinda fucked up with it. this story hit on both counts for me :)
love that this continued the running trend from the previous boxsets of the episode starting with eight, liv and helen just getting to be silly for a bit before the Horrors inevitably happen :D
lowkey actually love the concept of barcodes as a written language! part of me wants to try and work out how that could work now
scots pine trees... it never rains... bracken... sand... they're literally in breckland lmao
saying that it does also have the Suffocating Quietness going on so i think i'm onto something here...
when the vortex previews for this set mentioned a family member of helen's first mentioned in doom coalition being relevant to this story, i wasn't expecting it to be the grandmother she mentioned in "ship in a bottle". however it was actually really nice to have helen's relationship with her developed further, and it was woven into the story well i thought
being Normal about the scene between liv and helen at the fireside. i am being so normal about it
"i'm not sure i could do this with anyone else, you know? everything from exploring strange new worlds... to talking about my family." i'm fine. i'm fine!!!
[putting on my clown shoes] this is how liv/helen can still be canon in some form before helen inevitably dies! :))
i love how vivid this story felt to me. i always end up getting visuals in my head as i listen with any audio drama but some stories end up, for storytelling or sound design reasons, or both, creating really clear and vivid pictures in my mind and this was definitely one of those
i hope to god that when i visit home over the summer and listen to these with my mum (who loves these audios but refuses to listen to them without me, which is kind of sweet of her), my dad is not in the same room. i love him but he absolutely would be asking me to pause it every few minutes so he could identify the bird calls and then also getting really frustrated when i inevitably end up being unable to guess any of them correctly myself lol. the pains of being related to an ornithologist
big fan of the way things got increasingly more disturbing towards the end. i do think the eight-liv-helen era has been lacking in terms of properly creepy stories (this is just my personal taste tbf), so it was cool having them properly lean into that for once. i have to say though the mental image of the scout's body with all the roots forcing their way into her eyes is not going to be leaving me for a long time
also thought the sound design was really well done on this one!! you could really feel the discomfort of the silence i think
got slightly choked up at helen and liv singing to bex as she died. i might have just been in a weird mood while i was listening to it but. yeah. it did something to me
anyway had a lot of fun with this episode! it had a lot of elements that appealed to me personally, and the character work it did was nice. i look forward to listening to it again one day :)
lost hearts
m.r. james episode!! i've only ever read two of his stories (both of which are products of me knowing this episode was coming haha), but was quite excited for this one regardless because a) ghost stories! and b) he's actually got connections to a village in the area i grew up in, and as i've never actually seen/heard any stories set where i come from in my life, it was neat to have a story in my favourite show, featuring some of my favourite characters, star someone more or less from where i'm from :')
have to say though i am disappointed to have lost the unofficial "will they namedrop great livermere" bet i had going on with my mum and brother. it's such a middle-of-nowhere village (it's not on the way to anywhere, has 3 streets (one of which is named "the street" and another of which is actually a dirt track), and you invariably see more chickens there than actual people), it would have been deeply amusing to me for it to have canonically existed in the dwu
loved all the direct (and indirect) callbacks to "the red lady" in this story! it felt fitting seeing as on some levels they do share certain elements in terms of plot/setting, and was also just fun for me as that is one of my favourite stories :)
was also a big fan of how active the story felt (not sure if that's quite the right word?) - each of the characters had a clear role to play and all the main cast got something to do, it never felt hugely like any of them were being sidelined, which does happen on occasion with 3+ person tardis teams
if helen had punched someone at some point in this story i honestly wouldn't have blamed her
"he's like the museum of cairo, stuffed inside a... well, a-" "a rude, ungracious little twerp?" oh my god askdfjdsfjkds
(let her swear!!!)
i like how the story was riffing off some of the plot/vibes of m.r. james' actual short story "lost hearts" (helpfully one of the two i've read)! it gave it that nice kind of connection, without feeling overly derivative and like it was straight-out copying it
my only main issue with this episode was that robert felt kinda underdeveloped. they started off well in his opening scene with liv, but i don't think we got enough of a chance to get to know him as a person after that point and i think the story suffered for it a little. i don't think it helped either that he's not a family member helen had ever mentioned prior to this episode, so they were essentially having to start from scratch and with everything else going on in the narrative, didn't quite find the time to give him sufficient detail
loved the emotional moments that were brought out when helen got erased... "helen, she's my- she's everything i have left" ough
and the salzburg parallels?? liv attempting to fly the tardis in a desperate attempt to rescue her friends, much like helen did? this is so... it's a lot
i won't lie, it did feel a bit odd to me that they would go to such lengths to avoid actually naming the uni in this episode as cambridge. i suppose it may have been to avoid spoiling the "it's m.r. james!!!" reveal at the end, but given that i think anyone who would have guessed it was him from the setting being cambridge probably would have guessed it anyway beforehand either from the episode blurb or the fact that the episode literally starts with him reciting one of his most famous short stories, it feels a little pointless. i mean i clocked it as an m.r. james episode when the set was announced and i had never read any of his work at that point lmao. not a glaring issue or anything, but felt like a weird choice
anyway loved helen getting to geek out a bit at the end... i love her :')
i think i'm going to have to relisten to this at some point so i can fully get my head around it but i did enjoy it!
slow beasts
this was a solid ep. not my favourite story this tardis team has ever had, but i did absolutely enjoy listening to it, and thought there were a lot of really good ideas in it!
the colonialism plotline especially worked really well for me, it felt pertinent in just the right sort of way. it's not necessarily something new for dr who, but i think it was definitely a good example of how to do it well.
i think "simple, but effective" is the way i'd sum this one up tbh. not exceptional, but it knew what it was setting out to do, did it, and did it well, and i think that worked. it did admittedly feel a bit strange after two more complex/experimental sort of stories, but i don't think that's any reflection on its actual quality
"here is the psychic paper. be confident. it only works if you're confident." "but... i- i'm not confident?" me if i got asked to use the psychic paper tbh
enjoyed the use of the translation circuit in this one :) i have a lot of thoughts on it as a general thing so i always like seeing the ways it gets utilized in different stories
so! had fun with these! a couple of things that maybe could have gone better, but overall a set of three stories i had good fun with and i suspect will enjoy listening to again. fingers crossed the december boxset is with these guys again and they do a bit more with helen's emotional plotlines next time :)
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echoes-lighthouse · 1 year
I’d love to read about your BNHA world ships and dynamics! 💞☕️🛌🪐💘🙈 - rnm-magicspace-xsd (I also really love BNHA so I got a bit overexcited and chose a lot of questions, but I’m looking forward for reading your take on your life with those dear lovers/found family members!)
Thank you so much @rnm-magic-space-xsd!!! I'm super duper in love with this ask game so all of the questions are soooo welcome! I love imagining what the 'canon' version of these selfships would look like.
Because I have three different BNHA canons, I'll just do a quick little recap before I dive in!
Caregiver Echo: paired with Shigaraki, my self-insert is a magazine editor and the plotline is more about Shigaraki's recovery arc
Silvertongue Echo: paired with Toshinori, our romance is a background arc to the canon plot: my self-insert is a teacher at a school for the deaf/hoh
Cat's Paw Echo: paired with Toga but also in a polycule with most League members, aligns with the canon plot with some shifts: my self-insert is another member of the League of Villains
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Caregiver Echo: answered here
Silvertongue Echo: hard to say! They're a relatively minor character: some people might pair them with Hizashi because of the sign language element. In my heart they should maybe be shipped with Nezu but I don't think anyone else would agree with that lol
Cat's Paw Echo: I think fans would just not really like them because they're a bit fanservicey?? But maybe they'd get shipped with both Toga and Ochako because Toga/Ochako is obviously OTP material so why not OT3 with the canon pair? Maybe also Mr. Compress because they get along well?
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o? 🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
I accidentally answered ☕️as 🪐 so here we go!
Caregiver Echo: Fantasy AUs are really popular for some reason? People are just really here for evil!prince!Shigaraki, I think. There's also a few childhood friend AUs or flipped roles where I'm evil and Shigaraki is just an innocent out there and I kidnap him >:)
Silvertongue Echo: mostly just a lot of different meet-cutes! People write about us meeting when Toshi's in hero form because we never interacted as Echo and All Might in canon. So lots of AUs where we meet with him rescuing me.
Cat's Paw Echo: non-Quirk High School AUs get written a fair amount, also a lot of omegaverse :V
🛌💘🙈 are under the cut because I'm chatting a lot!!!!! I really super appreciate this ask and it is so much fun to answer them beside each other!
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
I'm sooo bad at knowing what tropes are so I'm sorry if my answers suck :P
Caregiver Echo: I mean the whole relationship is a bit cliche so it's tropes all the way down! The fics go more into the kink stuff but it's a bit 50/50 on who they make the dom/sub in the pair. Aside from that, all the usual 'villain redemption' tropes!
Silvertongue Echo: People really lean into my mental health in the fics and write a lot of hurt/comfort with me struggling with depression and things that come with that. And as I said, lots of meetcutes.
Cat's Paw Echo: lots of romantic blood drinking and trauma coping and sharing sad backstories
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates? 🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?
Hahahahaha oh THIS is a fun one: I have to answer them at the same time because they're similar answers!
Caregiver Echo: A classic story of love and redemption!!! Take care of that sad crusty boy! The masses love to see it! As I mentioned, we're ambiguously romantic in the canon content (some fans interpret it as platonic) so we are a VERY debated ship. There's an age gap and Shigaraki is clearly not familiar with interpersonal relationships so some people argue it would be creepy to ship it romantically, while others say it's encouraging the 'afab character saves dangerous man from his own emotions' story
Silvertongue Echo: I think people who dislike this ship just think it's boring and unnecessary to the plot? Adding romance is disrespectful to the point of the story, etc. But I'm sooo charming that most people like the ship anyways: we've got a sweet plot and we win most people over to our side! We don't get a lot of discourse: some people pick a fight with our age gap but it's not really noticeable from our designs so a lot of people forget about it tbh and also I'm a proper adult so who cares aside from the real sticklers
Cat's Paw Echo: Ohohoho big discourse on this one! My character is two years older than Toga which technically makes it an adult/minor relationship and that is Big Discourse, and then other League members are even older, so that's double discourse for the people who ship it as a poly thing. Evil gay people is also a point of discourse between me and Magne and Toga being all canon queer and basically no canon queer heroes. All of that said, people who see themselves in the outcast group and just want to run around like feral villains and get loved for being themselves without making themselves 'normal' go wild for the League and also for our ship!!!
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aclosetfan · 2 years
That was the funniest fucking thing and really just nailed almost every fanfic of them ever. And the thing is, half that isn’t even that bad. Because they can do all that but why is it always either gross or just never explained? Blossom especially because she can be stressed but who the fuck died and gave her that job when, realistically, she’d have had to fight to be able to have some control over their missions or whatever seeing as she’s both a girl and a child? And then the blues is just something else entirely😭 I will say though, it always confuses me when fanfic authors allow for Boomer to somehow be a genius but then never give Butch that chance? Is it just a quick and easy way to slide in their favorite abusive/dominate the ‘different girl’ trope? It’s also misogynistic in so many ways cause why’s Boomer smart and then Bubbles isn’t if the only reason Brick was made smart was so he’d be a counter to Blossom? Is this just to shove dumb blonde needs saving? Also, enough give me my himbos!! I’m so glad so many of these tropes have slowly started to fade away and here’s to hoping even more follow, especially the reds are gods oh my fucking god if I have to read one more story (that’s usually pretty well written with an intriguing plot!!!) about how sad and lonely and hated Blossom is and how she’s the most powerful ever but also nobody understand except her sworn enemy who she cannot love because of whatever rules she made up, then I’m gonna lose it. I love these losers so much and it sucks seeing some of them in abusive relationships and then seeing the girls especially have to give up so much of themselves and their development just to be with some boys. If anything, the boys would cling to the girls like they’re life support. If they’re gonna turn good, who better to learn from than the goodest™️? Which just opens up a brilliant story of friendships and team building that has lots of plotlines, with one of the main ones being the boys steady journey to turning a new leaf, like with Another Buttercrush and the boys having to ease back in via power restrictions and community service.
I was just nodding my head, reading along, and then you added the stuff about Another Buttercrush and had an "oh shit, I know that story lol" moment. Thank you! I know too much about the law that, realistically, the boys wouldn't be able to escape some kind of punishment for their past actions. Townsville would be stupid for denying the help of three extra super-powered people, but they have to make their citizens believe they have authority over the boys, so boom, power restrictions. That's boiled down politics, bby.
and it takes some of the pressure off the girls. Yeah, the girls would like the boys to be good, but they can't be judge, jury, and executioner. A lot of fanfics leave out how influential Townsville is in the girls' origin story. I believe it would be just as influential in the boys' redemption arc, and it gives the writers a chance to explore the boys outside of the girls and invent new conflicts, like person v society, instead of just person v person.
And if you're able to remove the sets of triplets from each other in this way, this also improves the girls' characters as well. Setting up a person v society conflict would allow fanfic writers to not only show how Townsville affects the boys but also allow you to explore why Blossom would feel stressed out about being a leader or why Bubbles feels the need to be infantilized not just in the context of their personal relationships with the boys, but as individuals.
However, I don't think most ppl come to this fandom for those deep dives into Townsville, and that's fine. Some people strictly want romance, which, like you were saying, anon, can be done in so many different ways that aren't determinantal to the girls or the boys. But until more ppl want that, we aren't going to get much more variety in stories. It's seriously not fun writing for three notes ngl, so I understand why ppl cut/paste the same boring, overdone, and problematic characterizations since those tropes get traction.
Nearly every time I try to write something serious, I have to sit there and remind myself that fanfic isn't literature in the traditional sense. People don't care about themes and plot lines when they're reading it. They care about their fave characters getting what they feel their fave character deserves. And it's a lil' depressing, but at the very least, I know a few people who agree with us!
In sum:
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ihopesocomic · 2 years
Man is the wiki-style of the th pages tricking peoples brains into thinking they have a say in how its written? Like sorry guys its not a real open editing wiki its an official source lmao. You guys are doing great btw, i agree with not leaving updated information for new readers. Its spoilers at best and confusing at worst.
YEP. I literally chose it because I liked the layout and it allowed me to put the information needed down in an organised and easy-to-digest manner. Not because we're planning a Fandom site without actually doing a Fandom site.
I also think when people see we’ve “updated” the TH, they think that means we’ve changed things to reflect the current state of the comic when, nope, sorry. I changed the code because the old one kept breaking and the characters needed their pronouns listed somewhere too. Sorry that you misunderstood. :/
And thank you so much, anon. It is kinda annoying that you spend days coding and trying to make things look good only to deal with people who talk to you like you don't know your own comic's plotline?
Like we do know Hope and Adamant have left the Grove, we literally wrote and drew them doing so but we’re not going to reflect every single change in TH when simply changing the code (and nothing else) takes days on its own lol - RJ
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laximpulsion · 2 years
Director's Cut Commentary, Ch. 2-6 oh, she's the one i should hate
Since I'm just about at the end of what I had originally planned for this story i thought it might be an appropriate place to pause for some reflection... more under the cut because it got kinda long and i dont want to inflict blog-length posts on your dash without warning lol
So I thought this was going to be just like, some la-di-da high school romcom AU that would never get very feelings-y or anything, and i CERTAINLY did not expect to have actual character development lol. but it got kinda real??? I mean obviously compared to other things i've written it's still pretty la-di-da and im not planning on having any big-time angst, but i've ended up really invested in it and enjoying a lot of the turns it's taken for both fatin and leah.
i think i've said this before but i'll say it any chance i can get... i have loved getting to show this from both of their POVs; i think it's worked out well and it's been such a great, rewarding challenge to weave the story together through both of their eyes. i love that i get to draw parallels between how and what the two of them think about each other, and i like getting to dig into what moments cause shifts for each of them; what do each of them fixate on; how do they interpret the same event differently... it's been really fun.
and just in general i cant overemphasize how much fun this one has been to write. i almost always enjoy writing, whether it's angst or fluff, whether it goes slow or quickly, even when im feeling uninspired/stuck, it's satisfying to just get some words down. but theres a difference between enjoying it/finding it satisfying, and like, literally being entertained by it. and this one i am just...having FUN! and it's awesome. i think it also helps that my frame of mind going into it was that i wasn't going to take it super seriously (vs. my s3 fic which i am arguably taking TOO seriously and need to loosen the fuck up about) so it's easier for me to roll with the punches when things get off track.
speaking of which... things got off track! little miss leah rilke refused to cooperate with me, which is such a bizarre sensation because i know i'm the one writing her, but it really feels like a couple times this fic she has literally just rebelled against me. the first was when fatin presented the revenge scheme; i intended for leah to hop right on board but instead she got worried about it being traced back to her. which i think makes sense because the way she's been this fic is very concerned about what people are saying/thinking about her. the other time just recently happened while i was writing the next chapter and now it's leaving me kind of at a crossroads wondering if I want to stick to my original plan or go with what Leah seems to want me to do lol.
and obviously the first time leah went rogue I adjusted the story so that they don't do a really big revenge scheme, and i dont regret that, i think it makes sense and i have one more revenge plan related plot beat that i think will wrap it up nicely. so honestly im thinking I'll just adjust things again...because it kind of feels like this is what's supposed to happen anyway, like, i'm letting the characters call the shots instead of trying to shoehorn them into my own plotlines. maybe? something like that? ok, this is getting a little pretentious lol sorry...
what else...mmm...i think thats actually all for now! until next time...
EDIT: oh yea actually i have more. i had to "kill my darlings" a couple times for this fic, i.e. get rid of a scene/plotline that i really liked but that i just couldnt justify keeping after i decided to go in a different direction. i'd never had to do that before and it's harder than i expected it to be! the first one was that i changed the party scene, which was not a huge tragedy bc i think it was the right choice but there are a few lines/ideas from that that i was sad to lose. i'm making myself feel better about it by tacking it on as a bonus chapter at the end so at least i didn't write it for nothing lol. the other one i'm even more bummed to let go of because it is so dumb and messy and i love idiots and mess, but if i go in the direction that leah seems to want me to, i don't think it'll make sense to keep it. i am optimistic that i'll be able to work the general idea into another fic, but it won't be quite the same. so maybe i'll offer that one up as another bonus chapter.
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venteamocha · 4 years
Hello! Sometimes I see you post stuff from IF blogs and I've recently started playing some IF games, which I've enjoyed so far. Do you have any IF stories you'd recommend in particular? I'm not attached to any particular genre and I don't need romance or a self-insert main character, (though I'm not opposed to either). Though, it's a definite plus if it's LGBTQ+ inclusive! I'm not really sure what the "cornerstones" are of IF so I'll take any and all recommendations haha
Oh god, I play so many IFs. So many. And it’s not even close to all of them, but I’m trying!!
Tbh IFs without romance seems to be very rare, I think because when I think IF I think Choice of Games, and those pretty much always have romance in them. At least, the most well known ones do. But a well done one without romance would be nice too!
Okay, this is a list of my favourites! They’re all LGBT+ inclusive, and most have gender selectable love interests, or at least ones that change gender depending on the gender and sexuality combination you pick. In no particular order, of course.  Behind a cut because I’m gonna give them each a mini review. Because I haven’t done that yet.
(There are so many.)
Mind Blind: I absolutely love our big brother Nick, I love how witty and sharp so much of the dialogue is, I love how the MC clearly has a rather large handicap, but is still such an important person to so many people and not looked down on in the slightest. And when they are, we all know it’s because that person is a jerk! They’re not defined by what they aren’t, but what they are, and that’s a great message.
Shepherds of Haven: Part of why I love this one so much is I just love fantasy settings and this one just pulls it off so well. The cast is full of amazing characters, and I gotta say I die inside pretty regularly for not being able to afford the patreon content, lol. The author puts so much amazing stuff on there, and gives us so much great content in the game and through answers on tumblr, and you can tell this whole thing is just the best thing ever to them, and that makes it the best ever for us readers too!
The Wayhaven Chronicles: I’d be shot if I didn’t mention this one, the series that literally killed dashingdon when the book 3 demo dropped!! Again, another author that cares a lot and does their best to do right by their fans. We’ve been given drip after drip of these amazing characters backstories, and I just cannot wait for more! It’s definitely very romance centered, but the overall plotlines are also very good, and I have to say that no matter who I romance, I just feel like the group as a whole is a family. And that’s wonderful.
Speaker: I really like the lore. I really like the lore. I can’t wait until we get more of the overall plotline. Mostly I want my Speaker to get in deep trouble so Seb, Li and Seer (best sister ever) go off and beat the shit out of whatever is causing it. This probably says something about me, but what can I say, I thrive on angst and inflicting near death injuries on my OCs. Sometimes I even kill them, although all of this is offtopic. Or is it? I guess we’ll find out, although I doubt we’ll actually be able to kill off Speaker. And yes, I am definitely playing the Seb & Li poly route. I love them both so much. 
Wilhelmina: I love vampires, ok? Ok? And this one is based off Dracula!! The OG!! And you can choose Drac’s gender!! Shit, sign me up forever!! Yeah, she might be literally killing my bff, torturing my fiancé and low key fucking with my mind, but vampires are hot!! Let me live! Or not. But yeah, this is a really well done retelling of the Dracula novel and I like how well it works as an IF. Did I mention I like vampires?? Especially when they get all monstery?? (This one has an MC with a set gender, as it’s based on an already existing literary figure. Mina can have a same sex relationship with dracula, if you make drac a female, or with Lucy, a female love interest.)
More Things in Heaven and Earth: Hi Nell!! First off, I gotta uncover a deep shame of mine. My family literally has a Shakespeare heirloom collection. As in, my greatgrandfather passed down through the family a collection of Shakespeare that was published in 1911. In ye olde englishe. I tried to read it when I was like 10 and was like what language is this?? What the fuck? What the fuck??? And ended up reading As You Like It, a bit of Romeo and Juliet, and a little of Hamlet. Didn’t touch the rest of it. I only got into the other stories through trashy ya reimaginings. That said, this retelling of Hamlet inspired me to go read the whole of the original and now I have a lot of fears for these characters that I’m so much more attached to, oh god I hope my Ophelia has a happy ending. I hope Hamlet himself has a happy ending. The dialogue is so well done, everyone is engaging, and yeah it made me finish an old af book when nothing else did. (This one also has an MC with a set gender, female, for the same reason. However, there are two gender variable love interests, so you can very much play a bi or gay Ophelia if you so choose.)
Guenevere: I love King Arthur. All the myths. I have so many books based on the King Arthur mythos, oh dear god. I love pretty much every version of it. All the movie and tv shows too! I just can’t get enough of those knights. I could go on for paragraphs about how courtly love worked and how all the different social castes were, but I’ll try not to. This series lets you customize Guen as a character to an amazing degree, considering that she’s also based on an actual literary figure like the other two I mentioned above. It really feels like she becomes your own character, and yet she still exists within this world very very well. I worry quite a bit that the author might have bit off more than they can chew with the current book they’re working on, what I’ve seen of it looks absolutely massive in scale. What is out so far is a wonderful read though, full of drama and laughter and lots of chances to make the story your own.
Bastard of Camelot: Yep! Another King Arthur series! Sue me! This one lets you set Mordred’s gender though, so it’s more inclusive in that way. It is very interesting to play as one of the “bad guys” of the King Arthur mythos. You can play them as straight up evil, as good, or you know, a bit of column a and a bit of column b. Or they can just be a rude little shit. It’s got dragons too! You get a dragon pet! Dragons are cool. It can be a bit tough to play sometimes, since a lot of people dislike Mordred quite a lot because of prejudices. Hopefully this will change a bit later in the series if you’ve been a fairly good person up to that point. Gotta say though, as a warning, that Mordred is a product of incest. It’s not glossed over, and it does cause a lot of problems for them in the story.
God of the Red Mountain: I just love that this inspired me to read more chinese mythology tbh. There is just so much here! And it’s just such a good read. I wish I was better at describing things. The MC being a spirit that you can define, the whole setting, most of the love interests also being spirits, the massive amount of history and culture and lore, how it all fits together. It is such a well done story. I really wish it got more attention than it does. I still miss Big Sister. I still can’t wait to find out more about the foxes, and how we can heal our MC.
The Nameless: Another one that lets you play as something otherworldly. I love the lore behind this one, and I love all of the cast I’ve met. I kind of like that our MC isn’t loved right off the bat, that we’ll have to win over all of our love interests and even the other npcs. I’m up for the challenge! Everything I’ve read on the tumblr for these characters just makes me love them all more tbh. I love how much they’ve written for all of them! Most of all though, I love Oisein. All the art of them is just *chef kiss* and their personality is magical.
A Mage Reborn: This is a really recent one but!! Wow, it’s really well done! That cliffhanger!! Oof!! Not many books literally start with killing your MC off! That takes guts! I told the author this already, but I love the way they formatted this, the way it starts with the end, so to speak, and then fills it all out. It just made everything feel so poignant, how MC is literally looking back at all these moments in time in the last minutes they have before they die. Shit. That’s powerful. And there’s gonna be more??? Can’t wait for that angst. Give me that drama. Of course I picked the one who had me killed, that’s just how I am!
These are all just the COG type games, there are a few twine games with graphics I’d throw on here, but the list is long enough as it is and they feel like they’re in a different category to me. Maybe it’s just me?
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
15, 18 (specifically for the tie me down 'verse ending since i KNOW you were talking about that but if you don't want to disclose then that's cool i just think about it a lot), and 20 go crazy love you a lot xoxo bella
Thank you bella :)
okay these are going under a read more because they got ridiculously long. I really enjoy talking about my writing lol
also some spoilers ahead....
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? I think this really depends!  On occasion, I’ll have a title while I’m writing a piece, but otherwise titles are pretty difficult for me because I really want them to have some sort of meaning. I don’t like just plucking song lyrics for them unless the song has some sort of significance to the fic, but sometimes I have to because I can’t think of anything else and that’s the accepted way to name fics.  Something like All I Really Want Is You is okay because I referenced slsp in the fic.  Something like Puzzle Pieces was taken from a running metaphor in the fic, which I feel better about because it’s something that is more specific to the fic itself.  Summaries are also difficult because sometimes I don’t have a few lines that I feel properly introduce the fic and hook the reader without giving things away, but I feel like people are less likely to read if there isn’t an excerpt??? idk.  tags are pretty easy though even though I’m always guessing a little and worried that someone will say I should have tagged it with something else or that it doesn’t fit a tag I added.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them. For the most part, I don’t have alternate versions unless it’s a prompt fic that I started out going one direction then deleted and flipped it around.  HOWEVER the Tie Me Down trilogy DID have a possible different third installment (spoilers ahead)
If I had written the epilogue from Jack’s perspective, it would’ve been a little bit of a different ending.  Something I mentioned in both of the first parts was Jack’s restlessness and Alex’s desire for something more settled, and one day I was listening to peace by Taylor swift and was like “wow this is Jack from the tie me down verse,” and that song could’ve very easily been the inspiration behind the third part.  Alex’s epilogue was based on best years because he recognized that he hadn’t treated Jack the best but resolved to then make up for it by giving Jack the best years possible ahead with all of his love.  peace as an epilogue song would’ve pushed the story away from a crystal-clear resolution.  that would’ve focused a bit more on the struggle of making it work with two people who want/need fundamentally different things.  It would’ve had much more to do with the compromise of Jack being able to give Alex infinite love and devotion, but not the peace that he craves.  Inevitably, something would go wrong.  “The rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me.”  The epilogue would’ve then been about Jack living with that knowledge and trusting that Alex would stay anyway and that their relationship would be enough, but there’s still a lot of uncertainty of an imperfect relationship in that song, and it inevitably would’ve ended up in the fic.  that’s why the Alex epilogue was the one I went with: I needed a strong, conclusive, and positive ending for them, and Jack’s epilogue would not have given that
otherwise though I don’t think my fics shift too terribly much between when I think of them and when they get published.  nothing is coming to mind, at least not for things that I have completed.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?) Okayyyyyy a lot of my symbolism is in the short angsty fics and when I talk about it I feel like I didn’t do it well lol but for my unrequited lashton (I was done but you undid me) (spoiler) the buckling of the seatbelt was something I thought about a lot and ending the fic with that action was important to me because it was Luke making the conscious decision to protect himself in this situation.  there’s a lot of symbolism in the lie to me music vid in general but back seat of the car/no seatbelt is very significant because 1. he can’t swerve, he just has to take the crash and 2. he isn’t doing the bare minimum to protect himself from the hit, he’s letting himself take maximum damage from it.  while Luke may be in the passenger seat in the fic, he can still take that little step to protect himself metaphorically, which goes along with the decision to protect himself by not trying to pursue something with Ashton or try to get the validation from him that he wants but that would ultimately be a lie.
also fun fact! my angsty Luke song is putting the dog to sleep by the antlers, which partially inspired the bear-trap metaphor despite bear traps not being mentioned in the song at all.  when I wasn’t listening to a version of lie to me while writing that, I was listening to that song.
the tie me down trilogy also included a whole bunch of metaphors that first appeared in tie me down and I hate that for you.  when I do song fics, I really look at the songs for inspiration, so a lot of the figurative language and images in the songs were incorporated into the fics, then I combined stuff for the third installment.  best years arguably had the least amount of influence over the installment out of that trilogy.
I have had a few people ask if the cocktail chats reference in off-screen was intentional.  it was.  that moment in cocktail chats inspired the entire fic.  it all stemmed from a desire to put that one little moment into a fic.  also my personal thought is that off-screen Ashton pretends to dislike petunia but he actually adores her and calls her darling all the time when they’re alone.  Luke heard him do it once and teased him mercilessly.
now for puzzle pieces!!!! sorry bella I know that you asked this question and haven’t read this one yet but I want to talk about it so you can stop reading now because that’s what the rest of this ask is.
I talked about this briefly once, but the colors for puzzle pieces were chosen specifically!  there was thought behind it! 
Michael got red not just because of the iconic red hair, which is how I almost think of younger Michael, but because it’s a pretty loud and brash color.  Michael (especially when he was younger) doesn’t really filter things and wears a decent amount of his personality on his sleeve. that’s red to me, baby!
Calum has always been forest green to be.  This is partially influenced by the empathy hoodie (even though that’s a bit brighter than forest green), but it’s more because my associations with green have always said it’s a very dependable, stable color.  It reminds me of pine trees, and I think Calum can give off that same sense of reliability in weathering the seasons.  It’s a quieter color but can really pop next to another one.  It also worked out nicely that Calum and Michael’s colors were compliments
Luke gets gold because he is a sunshine boy!  Luke actually was the person I had the most trouble with, because I was flipping between gold, a lighter blue, or pink.  Pink ultimately was too close to red to make me be able to visualize what the marks looked like on each boy to my satisfaction like it just looked ugly.  I went with gold because there is a lot of outward brightness in Luke.  He’s the kind of person where if he’s happy everyone else gets a bit happier, and gold also seemed fitting for the eventual shift into a rockstar and the amount of talent he has
Ashton gets purple, but a deeper purple.  Dynamic but still relatively stable, has a lot of depth.  Purple is a secret color, but it’s still beautiful and it draws people in.  When I visualize it it ends up being a really dark shade, but in reality he’s probably more of a royal purple than a plum purple
I have a lot of favorite moments in that fic but one that’s standing out now is right when Ashton and Michael do their first touch: “The dark purple reminds him of spilling grape juice on his clothes as a kid, and when he collapses into Ashton he feels like they could have known each other at that age, too.”  There is something so charming about meeting someone later and feeling like you’ve known them your whole life, and that was significant here because Michael has known Calum and Luke since they were younger (although Luke did come in the picture when they were tweens/young teens instead of kids).  I wanted to be sure that although Michael, Calum, and Luke are the triangle, Ashton is an equal part of their soulmate group.  He doesn’t have the same history, but that doesn’t matter because it feels like he does.
also pretty early on in the fic (I think it’s when Calum is in Brazil) I say that Michael is always touch-starved for Calum, and I brought that line back in the hair dye scene because baby seasons change but people don’t!  one thing is consistent about Michael and that is his love for Calum, expressed here through the love language of physical touch
As for clues for future scenes... :)
anyway! ask me some fun meta writer asks!
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