#I don't think austen could bear to have her on page
bethanydelleman · 1 year
Greetings! If you don't mind a little question from someone who's been recently browsing your page (and enjoying it greatly), how do you think the plot of Persuasion would change if the stillborn son of Sir Walter and Lady Elliot lived?
This question is awesome! It would change so much.
Firstly, Elizabeth Elliot would probably be married by the beginning of the novel. She is obsessed with retaining her position at Kellynch specifically and very focused on Mr. Elliot. Without him mattering, she would be more free to consider other options. And she wouldn't have had her big letdown with him at 16 because he wouldn't have mattered to them.
Mary's fortunes may also change because with Elizabeth married, Sir Walter would need either Anne or Mary to step up as hostess. So both Anne and Mary may travel to London and have a greater opportunity to meet men and mix in the world. Elizabeth doesn't want a tag-along sister but Anne is too nice to leave Mary at home.
Next, we have to consider if Lil Walter Jr. takes after mommy or daddy. He'd be about 12 when Lady Elliot died. If he was prudent, he could probably help curb his dad's irrational spending (I do think he could, Emma is able to manage a house at 13 after all). If he's like Sir Walter and Elizabeth, he would probably help drive the family into debt far more quickly. Indulgent as Sir Walter is with a favourite daughter, I think he'd be worse with a son. Lil Walter is the heir of Kellynch! He needs all the trappings of a man of his rank and etc.
The one thing that probably wouldn't change is Anne's first engagement to Wentworth, because if Lil Walter loves his sister... well Lady Russell's advice was sound, and a good brother would also say something like, "Hey maybe don't run off with a penniless sailor you've known for like 3 months total." If Lil Walter is a jerk, he would probably still be against it because he wouldn't want to care for a broke, widowed Anne with maybe some children (which was always a real possibility).
There is a chance Anne would marry someone else, as Austen did write:
More than seven years were gone since this little history of sorrowful interest had reached its close; and time had softened down much, perhaps nearly all of peculiar attachment to him, but she had been too dependent on time alone; no aid had been given in change of place (except in one visit to Bath soon after the rupture), or in any novelty or enlargement of society. No one had ever come within the Kellynch circle, who could bear a comparison with Frederick Wentworth, as he stood in her memory. No second attachment, the only thoroughly natural, happy, and sufficient cure, at her time of life, had been possible to the nice tone of her mind, the fastidiousness of her taste, in the small limits of the society around them.
The problem becomes Wentworth and Anne meeting again. The Elliots would probably either go into debt sooner, therefore before the sailors come home, or not at all, meaning the Crofts would not rent Kellynch either way. Without the Crofts, why would Wentworth return to the area? You could maybe have them all meet in Lyme while Wentworth is visiting the Harvilles and the Elliots just go sight-seeing? That would be the tricky part! They need enough time together for Wentworth to get over his resentment and for Anne to get her groove back.
Really great fan fiction idea! Or Anne marries someone else and Wentworth has to find another woman...
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 2.5k
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @stxrryemxlys
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To be promenaded in front of the entire ton is one of every lady’s desires. From the piercing stares of the envious, to the love-struck looks of those smitten by the pair, the two most-loved couple of this season gracefully saunters from the cemented pathway and down to the grassy lawn, ever so politely greeting Northumberland with their warmest and charming presence.
The young marquess joins the young miss’ family under the canopy near the lake. With a hand draping over Sunghoon’s arm, Lord Niki mutters swears to the gods for lightning to strike upon the chap, as the gagging sight of his sister along with his most despised douche is gradually sucking the life out of him.
“Good morning!” Sunghoon greets the family and so did Lady Park. Jay gives away a polite nod followed by a toast of the teacup, whereas the almost always brooding Niki responds with an exaggerated rolling of his eyes.
“Your Grace. Always the charmer, aren't we?” Niki jeers to which Jay chokes on his warm, jasmine tea.
“The smoothest at being one, Riki.” The name rolls naturally off his tongue like a snake’s hiss that roused Niki’s ire. The boy could feel the crescendo of his spite, yet he eases it casually with a sly smirk.
“Smooth like a snake, perhaps? I anticipate those fangs in action.” Niki surprisingly snaps back. Jay clears his throat as he whispers to Niki in hopes to prevent him from further fumes, although he knows it would be of no use.
Sunghoon scoffs in return, “need I remind you that I shall deliver if provoked. However tempting that may be right now, I regret to inform you that I’m only here to promenade your sister and impress your dear mother.”
“I do hope she turns you down in the most painful way possible, Your Grace. I find my sister's taste in men quite genteel. Surely, you're aware of how opposed you are to that considering your…” Niki walks closer to the marquess to give an exclusive barb against his ear, “nasty record.” He brushes off imaginary dust off Sunghoon’s shoulder before bumping against it, “Good day to you two!”
“Oh dear, your brother is making me worried. Is he alright?” Lady Park whispers to Jay and the gent soothes their mother by softly massaging her hands, rubbing circles on the back of her palm, “he's just going through puberty, mother.”
“Is that so? I don't remember you having those episodes before. Furthermore, I apologize, Your Grace. Rest assured it won't happen again. I will definitely see to it.”
“No worries entirely. It's Niki after all, he may be a tough handful but as far as I recall he's completely-”
“Held back? Are those the words you were going for?” Jay cuts off. 
“You're quite forgetting the fact that I’m right here.” Y/n attempts to intrude only to be silenced by her brother once again. With his head held high, Jay saunters up to Sunghoon, who is almost the same height as him. Locking eyes with the chap, he simpers, “come, Your Grace, I require a brief moment with you. Excuse us for a bit, sis.”
And with that, the men left the canopy, leaving Y/n and her mother utterly baffled with the uncalled tension.
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The sound of paper being folded into an almost crumple echoes around the parlour, where the only sound that existed prior was deafening silence from the three men sitting across each other.
The culprit was none other than Yang Jungwon, who appears to be insulted from what he just read. Throwing off the now crumpled paper, Daniel perfectly catches it mid-air and opens it in haste.
Sunoo takes a gander at the Daily Tattle’s contents that Daniel incoherently mutters. Jungwon carefully studies his brother's reaction as Sunoo’s smile quickly transforms into shock, followed by the furrowing of his eyebrows with his mouth ajar; the final gesture, shooting a questioning look-- with his mouth still ajar-- at one of the scandal’s subjects.
“Surely, me asking two dances from you was already too cheap but, one, brother? Are you seriously being expensive right now?" The eldest exclaims.
"One that is very exclusive and controversial, might I add." Daniel chimes in. “What was all that about?"
"Remind me why I need to explain myself to the both of you?" Jungwon monotonously replies with his eyes fixed on the book he was now reading.
“Because we ought to know?”
“Well, if not to us, at least to Y/n?"
“Good god. Why is she in this conversation all of a sudden?"
"Because you pulled a dick move on her and we ought to know what's going on inside that brain of yours! You're so dense. Must we shake you up to shrug off those lil rust in there?"
"Oh, shut up, Daniel."
“That thing you did there? With her? Was very unlikely of you, Jungwon." Sunoo stands from his seat and transfers to Jungwon’s side on the couch.
"Well, what is like me then?"
"Spit it out or Daniel and I are gonna have to annoy you for the whole week.”
Jungwon slams the book on the couch and lets out an exasperated sigh before grunting out loud. "I just wanted to be alone with her, okay?! Are you pleased now?"
"Wait. You like her, don't you?”
“No, I don't! And I would never for heaven's sake."
“But you want to be alone with her. Isn't that what people do when they're in love?" Daniel rubs his chin in thought.
“Oh, god! Whatever lets the both of you sleep at night then. Assume the worst for all I care." The heated gent lifts himself up from the couch and strides towards the exit.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from the two of you. You won't stop annoying me either way, so I’m gonna get myself some cleaner air.” Jungwon slams the door shut behind him for a relieving walk to the woods.
“Now he's mad.”
“All we ever said was the truth, didn't we?”
“He is pretty rusty, alright.”
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Y/n visits the Kielder Forest once again to run away from the stressful men of this morning’s promenade. She could've stayed in her fortress, but because of their foolish ruse, she had to show up. Now her brothers had to meddle with the already confusing mess.
Pages from the borrowed Austen book are now being flicked through again. She couldn't concentrate no matter how hard she tried, as Niki’s words still lingered in her mind.
“What nasty record could he have?” She mutters under her breath. Soon after, crunching of leaves startles her, and she realizes her whispers weren't the only noise around. Y/n dashes out of her sheer fort only to be welcomed by her most coveted man ever.
"What are you doing here?!" Jungwon asks in an angry kind of worry.
"What are you doing here?"
"Taking a walk, obviously?"
"Well, I’m reading. Obviously." Y/n sassily blinks at him, to which he returns a slightly puzzled look.
"You're much aware that you shouldn't be here, let alone unchaperoned, right?"
"Well, good thing you're here!"
Y/n crouches down to re enter her fort now that she has a guest. She softly taps the extra pillow, gesturing Jungwon to join her in a momentary bliss. One that is very rare when it comes to the both of them, and something that the young miss has found herself accustomed to now. When it comes to Jungwon, he'll just leave her begging for more.
Was it simply luck that had caused him to turn down this pathway? Whatever it was, he didn't feel the need to complain. As of now, all he ever wanted was a piece of mind from his brother's interrogations about him and Y/n. Not fully realizing that the very person who triggered him to rush out of his house would be the one he was impossibly hoping to run into.
"You still have that?" Jungwon points his lips to the book she was flipping. She had borrowed it from him and had yet to return it after all these years.
"Are the inclusions still there?" He continues. Although he wishes he didn't. He recalls all the little notes he left on his favorite pages just to get his feelings across and now he chuckles at the mere thought of him playing Romeo.
"They are. They're kind of tattered now, but they're still comprehensible. You do have a remarkable penmanship after all, something that's very impossible to miss."
The boy chuckles at the thought. "You do mean those things you wrote here, right?" She concerningly asks to which Jungwon only shrugs his shoulder with lips shut tight. "Well, don't mind me 'cause I'd like to think that you did."
"Suit yourself." He mutters. Little did she know he was smiling to himself with flushed cheeks.
The boy looks around the interior of the fort while whistling to the air, followed by a few jabberjays mocking his tune. They chuckle over the memory and realize they had traveled back in time.
"Jay's going to get aggressive with me on fencing once he hears about this. I've been conspiring to keep his sister hidden." He playfully smirks.
"Do you remember we used to do this in the garden lawn? Playing hide and seek just to get a glimpse of Jay's maddening face." Y/n reminisces the good old times they both used to share. Although there were petty fights here and there, what conquered most was their endearing bond.
Jungwon looks over as he vividly remembers that exact memory, "and we ended up building a fort out of the picnic sheets we used to hide in and officially made it our castle" he adds.
"I've forgotten what it's like to feel young." Y/n lets out a deep sigh, minding the pressure she's bearing now that she's about to be offered to the life-long commitment that is marriage.
Jungwon looks over her, feeling all concerned with the worries that she might be facing as of late; things that he wouldn't have any knowledge of as a man.
Society has dictated women's place in the world as persons who are supposed to be emotional, submissive, and homely; something very opposed to those of men. Knowing Y/n well enough and how she enjoys her liberty, her own principles, Jungwon worries her future companion, if not him, would find her very indifferent and of no use in the long run.
And it pains him to think that she wouldn't be well off with someone even worse than him.
She deserves more and he knows that fully well.
"Well, I, for one, miss moments like this more than anything." He lightens the mood in hopes of seeing that beautiful smile on her face.
As he turns to her, the two lock eyes. In that moment, Yang Jungwon swore of laying out his long-hidden sentiments. Under normal circumstances, he would speak his mind. But with Y/n looking at him like this, he would most likely fuck things up.
And he fails himself yet again.
"So uhh… you and the duke-to-be, huh? That must be thrilling." He looks away and pretends to play with the twigs on the ground.
"Y-Yeah! Yeah, indeed, it is. The promenade went well today… before the two decided to sabotage it."
"Do tell."
"We're all aware of how Niki ultimately detests the marquess, aren’t we? He kind of uhh… insulted the man in front of mother."
"And… Jay?"
"Stole the marquess from me to have a word with him."
"I reckon he had many words with him."
Y/n chagrins at the imagination of Jay going head to head with the marquess. Being the overprotective one, Jay will go out of his way to expel threats in the family.
"You seem to be clearly aware of that. Yet you entertained His Grace anyway. I pity Niki. He must be going through a loophole of shit again, now that his dear sister's off strutting with that man." Jungwon blurts out, though he wishes he never did… again.
He is clearly rusty and he kind of admits it now.
"That man? Whatever's the matter with all of you?! You dare speak of him like you know what happened between him and my brother-"
"Y/n, we all went to the same university. What makes you think I know nothing?"
"That man you're referring to was just the man who saved me from an embarrassing night, no thanks to you."
Jungwon scoffs at her pettiness.
"Don't turn away with those remarks now. You toyed with me that night, left me there with nothing but utter shame to bring home. I'm sure you're very proud of that now."
Promenading would be every woman's desire, indeed. But being ghosted or fled from is something that every woman fears, especially when they've been shunned by someone they adore the most. Such shame and reproach haunts them for almost the rest of their lives, especially when the ton won't let them sleep at night with that reminder.
"Have you not at least any bit of politeness left in you? You must be ashamed, asking my brother for such favor that you cannot even put through yourself."
"I have my reasons."
"I highly doubt they're even valid." Y/n retorts. Jungwon sighs in exasperation, finding the situation rather unnecessary that he'd rather keep his mouth shut. She deserves to let her anger out after all.
"Whatever happened to you?" She mutters under her breath, looking over to the boy who kept his head hung low with his elbows leaning on his raised knees. "Sometimes, I look at you and see a completely different person. You know, I never learned to read your mind, Jungwon. So stop giving me all these silent treatments as if something happened even though nothing ever did."
Jungwon lets out a sharp exhale before poking his cheek with his tongue. "Stop seeing Sunghoon then. If you care so much about your brother, stop frolicking around with that scoundrel."
Y/n scoffs at him, followed by the rolling of her eyes, trying to stifle an untimely tear from falling.
"You're unbelievable! Just so you know, I've wasted many sleepless nights crying because of your stupid ass, and I still do for heaven's sake! But now it's very clear to me that there's no amount of crying left that I can do for you!"
Y/n groans heavily before standing up from the pillow she was sitting on, throwing the Austen book hardly on the cold ground.
"So much for hearing nothing but the truth from you, huh? I despise you, Jung. Very much."
She runs off from the boy for what seemed like the nth time. For the past years, this exact scene had happened. Jungwon closes his eyes and lets himself fall harshly on the pillows. He raises a hand over his head, looking at the gaps between his fingers thinking of how he let her slip away, again. He drowns himself in deep thoughts, all the while trusting that Y/n will forget this day ever happened, like before.
He knows she will.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
Though deep down, his stomach churns in fear.
And there's no one to blame but his damning pride.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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recurringwriter · 3 years
1, 4, and 5 for the writing asks!
these are fun for me! thank you. i went on a bit, so i’m putting a readmore:
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? currently...
the Eh-U chapter 70 has a vague Plan--it's Mia spending the night with Felix after they drove down to Rodrigue's in Toronto for Glenn's birthday. i want Felix to have an interesting dream + there to be some more family feelings heading into chapters focusing more on Mia's family. i love...that everyone's growing closer and navigating new relationships. not just felix and mia but mia and rodrigue, felix and mia's family, soon hopefully rodrigue and mia's parents aaaaaaaaaaa
Crescendo--i'm at 3k words describing the Myrddin battle and a little after it. the plan is to fill in the month leading up to the battle at Gronder, which will probably be chapter 4. it's going well! i did some sprints with a friend yesterday and had good progress. there's going to be some funny moments, finally! Hanneman has a line that i think is hilarious but might be considered throwaway. i Will be including personal headcanons about Mrs. Fraldarius and no one can stop me. honestly? i love everything about this fic
in original work, i'm 28 chapters into my revision (43 total) before i have to do Another pass which will be more difficult. but so far it makes sense to me. so that's good.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
 i'm going to limit this to two in no particular order because i'm a vain writer who would post pages if i could
from the Eh-U: "Felix exchanged a look with Ingrid and Sylvain, and got up to get a cup of coffee for his dad.  He returned to see that the old man had collapsed into a chair like the swooning mother of a Jane Austen heroine." i'm sorry but if you don't think this is the funniest thing ever you're so wrong aksdjhgfkjhg the reference! the image of rodrigue sleep-deprived and melting into a chair! stunning. i give myself 10/10
from the Creature AU (warning for minor vomit/grossness. he's a werewolf beneath the full moon don't be alarmed): "Sometimes Felix got angry.  He couldn't stop himself from feeling things.  He also didn't have to try and find a reason for feeling something--sometimes, he just felt.  That was what you did, when you were so alive.  Felix stopped, and horked up the rabbit he'd eaten. It was hard to be a lot of things at once.  It was hard to believe that someone could love you if you weren't always the same thing.  It was even hard to believe that someone could know you at all.  Felix snuffled at the regurgitated rabbit, then heard a shrill noise. The unicorn was bearing down on him, her horn lowered like a knight's lance." werewolf felix engaging in typical dog-on-the-loose behaviours while having emotional clarity? goals, frankly. the funniest part of that story. also Ingrid being a unicorn and her unicorn horn being described as a knight’s lance is just ~mwah~ delightful to me.
i know i have serious lines that i’m so proud of but i’m spending enough time looking for the funny ones.
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with? i Hate to admit this but i really do relate to felix a lot. or project on him. i don't know why because my experience is very different from his. but i also know the feeling of drifting apart from a close childhood friend who wanted nothing more than to pursue brief romantic relationships and also tried to drag you along with them. ours reached the b-support only. and the littler details about Felix’s character vibe with me A Lot, too also Mia! i split my personality evenly between her and Felix when they're together. it's self-love. i’m thriving.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Out Of The Woods (3/?)
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This multi chap fic has been one that I've wanted to write for a while. I'm hoping to connect a few loose ends, since my series is getting closer to the end. Don't worry, I still got a couple of fics left in me. I'd love to thank @xerxezra whose conversations with me are always inspirational. I'd also like to thank @dorkydisappointment whose writing got my creative juice flowing and @hoodoo12 who continues to inspire me all the time. Please check out the wonderful art done by @ravenousscorpian for two scenes out of the second chapter of this fic (Her art found here)
References to the woman in Ricks journal is from my fic What You Found Amongst The Pages. I know, that was shameless self promotion. There are a lot of questions that I wanted to answer in you'd chapter, but for the sake of editing had to put it in the next. I'll work on it right as soon as this is posted. Thanks for everyone's continued support. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
If you haven't read part 1 or part2, then heres a link (Read Chapter 1, Chapter 2)
In this fic the reader tries to uncover the mystery of the artist behind Zeta-7s portrait.
Chapter 3: Dare Not Say That Man Forgets Sooner
Whatever redeeming qualities the room held in the previous happy hours were gone, and now even the remnant, lingering daydreams were falling away. With every hour you comprehended the severity of your assumptions and what the consequences were if you decided that enough was enough. Honestly, you didn't want to lose him because Zeta-7 was the light of your life; he expanded your universe and had helped you become a better person, but you could still carry on if you needed to. You had the means, your work, and an ever growing list of books to read, but was it enough, now that you had gotten a taste of the good life? Probably not.
Nothing made sense anymore.
Concerning the current situation, and all which led up to it; if you considered everything which included your existence, life till now, and all he had ever done, then there was no mistaking that he loved you; or had; at least thought he did, but it didn't change the truth of the matter; you hadn't been the first. A few hours had given you time to weep until you thought you had no tears left to cry, but there was still a thick fog over your thoughts and rationality; any shift of emotion being too much to bear. You curled into yourself, aching, hoping you'd disappear, but it didn't work; you were still here; stuck. Being at a disadvantage, not knowing how to get home and neither having a way to get there if you could was frustrating.
Who knows how long you'd been down here, despairing, wallowing in memories and dust, but you were tired, thirsty, and knew that if you didn't move he'd have trouble finding you, and yet you didn't care; let him find you; let him work for it. Though, how would that make it any better? All it would do is succeed in upsetting him before you knew all the facts. You hated this. Father always said hate was a strong word that shouldn't be taken for granted; you rarely had reason to feel as such, but the more you gleaned from those photos and the more proof you found of her presence about the place made you feel hateful and bitter.
Thinking of her smiling at him, receiving every bit of his loving-kindness and inviting demeanor animated by unaffected good-will; his general countenance and becoming familiar with a fresher-faced creature of your dreams; holding him; touching him; loving him. Oh God no, you thought, groaning into a handmade pillow. What was worse was that you couldn't dissuade the thought of her mysterious silhouette sneaking up behind you, plunging a knife into your already fragile identity, and taking back what was hers. Your doubt feeding these ugly horrors which were hybrids of nightmares and daydreams.
Though during a brief moment of clarity, you had come to a conclusion which hardly alleviated these feelings, but we're true; it wasn't your fault. Yes, it had been your choice to accept him and be in a proper relationship with someone with an ambiguous past, and yes you did snoop around a little, but you didn't know how much he'd been hiding or searching for someone like her and had settled on silly, stupid you. Yet, no matter how much you thought about it, why chase a vision of the past and put so much effort in the present? There must've been more to this; there had to be.
Manifested, unstinted kindness and consideration and love in his form didn't happen out of the blue, it was nurtured and conditioned. Had it been her influence which made you knew? Who knows, but you had been fortunate to have had an opportunity to associate let alone form a romantic attachment, but that would soon pass away once you confronted him. Right? After a little while longer, when your heart was finally beginning to slow and thought you'd be able to catch your breath, you heard him walking about upstairs; calling and knocking.
Rick was home and you turned over on the couch and covered your ears so you wouldn't hear him; you weren't ready to deal with this; you didn't want to deal with this. In your heart of hearts, you wanted to go home, to the past, back to when there were no problems and it was just you, dad, and your dreams. If only he was still around so that he could tell you that everything was alright and it was all just a bad dream and that he could fix it, but you couldn't; only in a dream, you could. Dad always knew what was best, but you were old enough to decide for yourself now.
Did this mean you wish you never knew Rick? No, but you wished that you would've never known about all this; about her; that you could've lived in ignorance. Oh, the sweet, sweet bliss of ignorance, how wonderful it had been while it lasted. Even when his warm laughter echoed down the stairway, having found you, ready, eager and excitable to be near you, you didn't answer. You knew you weren't in the state of mind to say anything nice, that despite it all he wasn't a bad person. Yet, the moment that hand of his touched your shoulder, you hissed. “Don't touch me.”
He gasped, stunned by this uncharacteristic aggression. Maybe you weren't the nice girl he thought you were after all; especially if the rustling of his clothes alone made you angry enough to dig your nails into the couch cushions. Zeta-7 waited for a few moments, ruminating on what would be the best course of action before he knelt down to be at your level and wondered. “What's wrong? Are y-y-you hurt? Is th-there anything I can do?”
Swallowing back a sob, you silently counted to ten then answered in a listless tone. “I don't know if you can. You've… you've been hiding stuff from me.”
“Huh, I-I have? What have I…”
“Don't try to deny it.”
Pushing yourself up, you rubbed your swollen eyes and chanced a look at him; your sight fuzzy as tears threatened to fall but thankfully didn't. The alarm in his widened eyes at the state of your runny nose, and tear-stained cheeks made him instinctively reach out to wipe your tears away, but you pushed that familiar, loving hand away. “M-mi corazón?”
Instead of answering as you usually would, you pulled out the well-loved copy of Persuasion from behind a pillow, took a deep breath and dropped it on his lap. “I found it while I was looking for something to read.”
“Oh geez.”
“And can you believe I found more than I bargained for.”
You two sat in silence for what felt like hours as he stared at it, and when he gathered the courage to look inside, the lines about his brow and mouth deepened; another sign that it was true. When he finally interrupted the silence, he confessed regretfully. “I-I was going to tell you.”
“But you didn't. There's a lot of things that I understand are none of my business, but this….I think is a good time to know. If you care about me at all, then read what you wrote.”
“But it's - it's not what you think.”
“Then there's nothing be afraid of. Go on then, read it.”
Visibly swallowing, his shaky hands held it open and he stuttered. “I-I-I thought of you today as I left th-the milky way, on my way t-to a classified location. I-I wish you were here so I could show you the beauty that exists across the universe, but knowing our limitations I can only send you this wonderful novel that I found when I was exploring a-a bookstore located on one of Saturn's moons. I-I know it can be hard to believe that Miss Jane Austen's works can reach the furthest depths of-of space, but that can be blamed on a certain Gallifreyan and his little blue box. I can't wait to hear what y-y-you think of it. Till next time my dear. With love, from Rick.”
“Don't forget the photos.”
Setting down the book, he glanced at the discarded photos, sagging a little after each one, gauging your reaction after he finished studying them. Rick was a smart man, he knew well enough that he messed up and how compromising those photos were. “It's not - I was only writing as ugh - as a friend.” He began, wringing his hands as he went on. “Y-y-y-y-you know I don't have that many.”
Which was true. “Really? So what did she do for you? Was she special?”
“She - she made me a little less lonely. That in itself was something I w-was grateful for.”
Your nails bit into your palms and that ever familiar ache bloomed across your chest; his answer birthing more questions than you were willing to ask. He offered you a Werther's original to placate you which you accepted; it's wrapper similar to the one in the painting. As ever he waited for you to answer, and the longer he waited, the more he sagged; his eyes pleading, hoping, wishing that he could know whatever hurt clouded your heart and wanted to fix it. “I want to believe you, I really do,” you admitted, which made him hopeful, though only for you to crush it with this. “but I'm tired of walking on eggshells. Tell me, what did you want from me when you had someone like her? Seems as though she was a good match for you. She was a creative who could paint, loved flowers, and butterflies among other things I imagine.”
“Sh-she did.”
You bit the inside of your cheek in an attempt to hold back the surge of feelings which were a result of his sincerity. Damn it. You could do this……possibly. “See?” you said cooly, focusing your gaze on your naked feet. “I knew she was special considering you sent her a book that had belonged to the Doctor. She also knew about your travels, which meant you trusted her and you hardly trust anyone. The point I'm getting at is that I want to know what I am to you. So, am I a knockoff or a rebound? Because we both know there's nothing like the real thing.”
“N-n-no, not at all. You mean th-the world to me and I-I love you. I have only loved you. ”
“But she loved you, didn't she? And you loved her. I can't ignore that. If she's anything like me, then what are we doing together Ricardo? Why aren't you with her? I…. I thought we understood each other but then I found proof that I was only second best. I can't do it, I can't compete with a shadow, and I'm not going to try. I don't have it in me.”
“I-I-I-I never expected you to. Por favor mi amor de m-mi vida, if you'll let me explain, I'll tell you whatever you want. I - I don't want to lose you. Please, honest t-t-to God, I don't. I can't.”
“Hmm, I didn't know you were a praying man.”
“When you're about t-t-to lose your universe, I don't think there are th-that many options. I can't - oh please I can't lose you. Not again.”
You felt your resolve breaking. You wanted to fall into his arms and melt into the comfort of them; for you both to comfort each other and let it all go because it probably was just a big misunderstanding; him being the best thing that ever happened to you, but not yet. Maybe he was a praying man after all, and if God was merciful, then why wouldn't you be? Rick certainly would. For Zeta-7, you could be. He'd definitely given you enough chances.
“Fine.” you decided, helping him up as you stood, but through this brief touch he almost misunderstood, thinking that the worst was over and gave your hand a squeeze; his warm smile weakening your resolve even further. Maybe Ricks were masters at mind games after all. And you knew it wouldn't take much for him to make you forget how unhappy you were, and like magic, show you something wonderful and dazzling, but you didn't want to be charmed; you wanted the truth. You bit the flesh inside of your cheeks hard enough for you to bleed, and despite relishing the warmth which permeated your chilled hands, you let go. “I'm……I'm not over it yet.”
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
The Three Possible Fates of Fallen Women
Jane Austen offers three possible fates for women who are entangled in sexual misconduct: To be sure, it would have been more for the advantage of conversation had Miss Lydia Bennet come upon the town; or, as the happiest alternative, been secluded from the world, in some distant farmhouse.
"Come upon the town" means fall into prostitution. Now let's forget for a second how horrible Meryton is being (Wouldn't it be better for gossip if she was ruined forever?) Jane Austen has actually explored all three fates that are mentioned around Lydia Wickham.
In Sense & Sensibility, Eliza Brandon, the divorced and disgraced love of Colonel Brandon, was found by him in a sponging house, probably dying of syphilis, after falling into a life of either prostitution or becoming several people's mistress. "I could not trace her beyond her first seducer, and there was every reason to fear that she had removed from him only to sink deeper in a life of sin."
Then, in Mansfield Park, Maria Rushworth, also disgraced and divorced, ends up in a distant farmhouse with Mrs. Norris, "It ended in Mrs. Norris’s resolving to quit Mansfield and devote herself to her unfortunate Maria, and in an establishment being formed for them in another country, remote and private, where, shut up together with little society, on one side no affection, on the other no judgment, it may be reasonably supposed that their tempers became their mutual punishment."
We often think that Lydia has the worst fate, but of the three she seems to have the best. Eliza Brandon and Maria Rushworth suffered far more. All three women were failed by their male guardians/fathers and we see the three possibilities, prostitute/mistress, banishment, or married to an unworthy man. Fortunately for Lydia, her sisters will keep her from anything worse.
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