#He is clearly cheating on Lydia
bethanydelleman · 2 years
The Three Possible Fates of Fallen Women
Jane Austen offers three possible fates for women who are entangled in sexual misconduct: To be sure, it would have been more for the advantage of conversation had Miss Lydia Bennet come upon the town; or, as the happiest alternative, been secluded from the world, in some distant farmhouse.
"Come upon the town" means fall into prostitution. Now let's forget for a second how horrible Meryton is being (Wouldn't it be better for gossip if she was ruined forever?) Jane Austen has actually explored all three fates that are mentioned around Lydia Wickham.
In Sense & Sensibility, Eliza Brandon, the divorced and disgraced love of Colonel Brandon, was found by him in a sponging house, probably dying of syphilis, after falling into a life of either prostitution or becoming several people's mistress. "I could not trace her beyond her first seducer, and there was every reason to fear that she had removed from him only to sink deeper in a life of sin."
Then, in Mansfield Park, Maria Rushworth, also disgraced and divorced, ends up in a distant farmhouse with Mrs. Norris, "It ended in Mrs. Norris’s resolving to quit Mansfield and devote herself to her unfortunate Maria, and in an establishment being formed for them in another country, remote and private, where, shut up together with little society, on one side no affection, on the other no judgment, it may be reasonably supposed that their tempers became their mutual punishment."
We often think that Lydia has the worst fate, but of the three she seems to have the best. Eliza Brandon and Maria Rushworth suffered far more. All three women were failed by their male guardians/fathers and we see the three possibilities, prostitute/mistress, banishment, or married to an unworthy man. Fortunately for Lydia, her sisters will keep her from anything worse.
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mistywitcher · 3 years
look okay, okay okay, I really enjoyed the new season, I did, so here are my honest thoughts.
•ESKEL ESKEL!!! THE WITCHERS WHAT WHAT WHAT- we were CHEATED when it came to the witchers. I wish they had given lambert a bit more oomph if they were gonna kill off a HIGHLY ANTICIPATED FAN FAVOURITE! not going to lie, I was so excited, so HYPED and I feel like they were rushed. rip eskel and rip eskel’s book character, rip eskel’s game character, and rip to any real feeling of brotherhood
• YENNEFER IS A GIRLBOSS. I loved her this season even more than I already did. She feels like the character who at least in my opinion grew the most. Anya Chalrota is a STUNNING actress, and played her beautifully in every scene. I have NO problems with how they wrote yen this season.
• of course, the bard was fantastic as always, but y’a know I had no worries in the first place. Joey Batey and the writers did a great job of kind of aging jaskier without making him old. Like a slightly more grumpy, but still loveable and clear jaskier. 10/10, I loved the bard and still love the bard.
•GERALT! I love love love the his fatherly tendencies. I love how it was portrayed as well. We really really got to see a softer side this season which I think we all really wanted to see. You can also tell Henry Cavill really loved the character and story, and that passion shows through.
• okay ciri, she was pretty cool. Freya played her very very well, and I loved her slightly more comedic elements, we didn’t get that in season 1 very much. I really enjoyed how we got to see ciri evidently transition from season 1 ciri to season 2 ciri, and it didn’t feel too rushed in my opinion.
•rip roach
• I liked vesemir, I didn’t love vesemir. I felt he was too hasty and harsh in the show. Kim Bodnia is obviously a fantastic actor, but maybe isn’t my favourite casting choice. Still, he was enjoyable to watch a I liked seeing the fatherly moments from him.
• I won’t lie, I didn’t enjoy the (obviously very important) storyline with Francesca, and Fringilla, and Filavandrel, but it got the point across I guess. No shade to the actors at all, they played the characters well, but I found the pacing and writing a little unclear and bumpy around those scenes. As someone who has read the books, and played the games, I got lost here and there. Obviously it all made sense in the end but I found parts hard to latch onto.
• Tissaia killed it! I love this character, and I love how they have adapted her to the show from the books. Myanna is so beautiful and perfectly serene while still being emotional. AND I LOVED IT!
• Istress was good, it moved the story along and provided information clearly when he spoke. I look forward to seeing if him and Geralt meet again and seeing where that goes.
• I HOPE WE SEE MORE YARPIN ZIGRIN! and I hope we get some more Rience and Lydia and Vilgefortz too. GIVE ME THAT BATTLE OF ARETUZA NETFLIX!
•Cahir, my love, my misguided evil man. I really enjoyed the character this season! And I feel like we really did get to see some more sides to him more than just ‘evil man’
• I have so much more I can say but imma end it here coz otherwise I’ll never stop.
now, friends, mutuals, fans of the Witcher, these are just my opinions. I enjoyed the season and I am looking forward to the next one! I wasn’t disappointed :)
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usermischief · 3 years
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♞Pairing: Steo ♞Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate ♞Warnings: mentions of cheating ♞Words: 2295 ♞ Writing Prompt: ��If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
for @jimmy12427
“Can you get me a piece of carrot cake?” Theo asks as Lydia raises to her feet to order her next complicated coffee concoction. Stiles would vibrate into orbit considering the amount of sugar inside of each and every single one, but Lydia acts like it’s nothing; of course, it’s decaf because the caffeine clearly is the problem.
Lydia nods, pulling her wallet out of her purse, and stalks off. The anger about Theo’s recent discovery is visible in every step. She’d probably use her heels as a murder weapon if she could get away with it.
Stiles wouldn’t blame her. At all. He’d probably help her hide the body. He’d give her a fucking alibi. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he rips a piece off his blueberry muffin and shoves it into his mouth. He knew it. He knew it. Well, he had a pretty strong hunch. He’s told them about Malia acting weird after Stiles got his acceptance letters to various colleges. Sure, he didn’t expect that Theo would go all private investigator on her. It pissed him off at first, Stiles won’t deny that, and it was probably a smart decision on Theo’s part to tell him while they were having their weekly coffee shop date with Lydia and Kira because Stiles almost punched him in the face.
To be fair, Stiles still wants to punch Theo. Having a weird feeling about something going on in his relationship is very different to seeing actual proof. Stiles could’ve lived without having seen what Malia really thinks about him. She’s not just cheating on him, no, she blames him for her cheating because apparently he’s a terrible boyfriend. Is he the best boyfriend she could’ve had? No. Especially lately, they’ve hit more lows than highs in their relationship. Yes, maybe he’s been thinking about ending things with her, after she tried to guilt-trip him out of going to college. He’s been talking about it for months. She knew he’s been fucking exciting about going to Harvard. He almost considered going to Berkeley since it’s closest to home. But it’s fucking Harvard. Plus, Lydia got accepted into MIT, Theo goes to NYU, and Kira scored a spot at Yale. They may not be next door neighbors, but they’re still close together. If college doesn’t get too hectic, they could see each other a lot on the weekends.
Stiles never wanted to risk that, and now he’s glad he didn’t. But even if he took a gap year, then what? It’s not like Malia could’ve managed to go to the same college as Stiles — not with her gap in education. They would have the exact same issue one year from now, but then Stiles would’ve wasted a fucking year for a girl who fucks other guys because her boyfriend is going off to college. He’d be a year behind his friends, he’d wasted a fucking year of his life for a girl that’s just not fucking worth it.
His phone vibrates, and Stiles drops his muffin to check it. Malia. Again. It’s like she knows that he knows. He rejects her call, pushing his phone in the middle of the table under Kira’s watchful eye. If not for her, Stiles would’ve thrown his phone straight out of this window the first time she called after Theo told him the truth. Groaning, Stiles runs his hands through his hair then covers his face. If he’s being totally honest, he’s still not sure if he’s actually hurt or just fucking pissed off. Maybe it’s a combination of both.
Theo puts a hand on his thigh, squeezing it gently. “She’s not worth it.”
“He’s right,” Kira says, wrapping her fingers around her cup of iced tea. “You deserve better than that, you know?”
Stiles nods slowly. Of course, Theo is right. For some reason, the guy always knows what to say or what to do to make Stiles feel better. He’s been there through a lot of bullshit in his relationship. He’s the one who reminded him to chase his dreams and go to Harvard. Theo stood by his side through a lot of shit. He had his back, always, and he’s never made him feel like shit for going after the things he loved. None of his friends did. But Theo… he’s always been a little different. A little more persistent.
Smiling, Stiles grabs Theo’s hand and squeezes his fingers gently. “Guess I am breaking up with her after all.”
“Which you should’ve done months ago.” Theo sits up a little straighter, pulling his hand away as Lydia returns with his cake and whatever sugar hell she’s ordered now — Stiles does not miss the touch, he does not. Just like he never wondered how it would be to date Theo instead of Malia, and how he never wondered if Theo would’ve actually kissed him had he pushed the topic a little bit further.
But he was dating Malia, so he never did. Because he doesn’t fucking cheat on someone he cares about. “Theo…”
“Oh, he’s right.” Lydia sits down next to Kira again and crosses her legs, one perfectly plucked eyebrow raised. “You should’ve found someone better a long time ago. There are plenty of options. Some closer than you think.” Her eyes cut to Theo for a second, gaze dragging over his features while he’s busy stabbing the carrot cake with a slight scowl. Usually, Stiles would just consider this a coincidence, but it’s not the first time this happened. Every single time, he mentioned that he’s not happy, or that they had a fight, or anything of that matter, Lydia tells him that he should look for someone better, and every single time, without fail, she either looks at Theo or brings him up in conversation when he’s not around.
Stiles may not be a guy who realizes when someone may or may not have feelings for him, but Lydia is making it really easy — even for him. And it’s not like Stiles never thought about it, about him and Theo together; especially in the past three months as shit with Malia got worse with every passing day. That probably makes him a terrible boyfriend, but even if Theo asked, Stiles would have never done anything. Not as long as he’s with Malia. That’s just not how relationships are supposed to be.
Sighing, Stiles covers his face. “I’m terrible with breakups.”
“I can break up with her for you,” Theo offers in a way too light-hearted tone, “but I might break something else too.”
“I’m not going to stop you,” Lydia smiles sharply.
It’s not that Stiles doesn’t appreciate his friends. He does, but their tendency to be slightly overprotective really doesn’t help anybody. “I can end my relationships myself, thank you very much.”
“Then do it.” Theo stabs his carrot cake almost a little too aggressively.
Feeling bad for Theo probably makes him a terrible boyfriend yet again. Thinking about breaking up with Malia to get with Theo is even worse, but she is the one who cheated. She is the one who threw away their relationship because Stiles is going to college in a different city.
Kira taps a finger against her mug. “Well, here’s your chance.”
Stiles turns around and lets out a breath. Great.
With a furious expression, Malia strides towards him. She points her phone at him. “Why aren’t you answering my calls?!”
“Why are you fucking other guys?”
Stiles elbows Theo in the ribs, who doesn’t even look up from his carrot cake. Although he usually appreciates the guy’s commentary, right now, he really doesn’t need it. This situation is going to be uncomfortable enough without Theo chiming in every two seconds. “Eat your cake, okay?”
“What’s he talking about?”
“Oh, sweetheart, you know exactly what he’s talking about.”
“Lydia,” Stiles warns, ignoring the glare he receives in return. As great as it is that his friends are defending him, it’s more than a little annoying. He’s a big boy, and he can handle his shit. Most of the time. “I think you know what Theo is talking about.” Stiles turns to look at Malia. Sighing, he leans back and folds his arms. He doesn’t want to give her the time of day. “We’re done.” And they should’ve been done months ago. There’s nothing she could possibly say to convince him to stay with her.
Malia has the nerve to look shocked. “What? But Stiles—“
“I saw the messages.” At least the ones she exchanged with Theo. Fuck knows, what she’s said to other. Considering the shit she said about him to someone she’s started talking to 30 minutes prior, he really doesn’t want to.
Malia swallows. Her gaze darts to Theo and Lydia, to Kira then back to Stiles. “Can we talk about this in private?”
“I don’t think so, Sweetheart.” Lydia’s smile remains as sharp as a dagger.
Theo props his chin on his hand. “If you don’t want people to know you’re a cheater than perhaps you shouldn’t find guys to fuck on Instagram.” Quirking a brow, he buries his fork into another piece of carrot cake with a little more force than strictly necessary. Well, better the cake than Malia… although she certainly deserves it.
“Okay, Stiles, let me explain.”
Stiles folds his arms over his chest. “I don’t need a play-by-play on how you fucked other guys. I really don’t.”
Malia draws her brows together, holding herself as if Stiles was the one who’s hurt her. But he didn’t. He tried. He tried so hard for both of their sake. Every relationship hits a bumpy road eventually. It’s natural. Theirs is Stiles going to college, and Malia having to repeat senior year. They were both aware that this would most likely happen, yet he didn’t fuck someone else. Or multiple people. Theo hinted at something after showing him the picture of Malia getting into another guy’s car.
“I wasn’t about to.” Malia crosses her arms over her chest, looking as if Stiles cheated on her instead of the other way around. “I was just trying to say—“
“Oh, I can’t wait for this.”
“You’re going away!” she all but shrieks, and people are turning around to stare. Great. That’s even better. Like he needs an audience for this breakup. This is really all he ever wanted; his girlfriend not only cheats on him, but she blames him for cheating and then lets all of Beacon Hills know about it.
Stiles throws his hands in the air. Again. A—fucking—gain. “I’m going to college, Malia. It’s the circle of life.” And it’s not like she would’ve made it to any of his colleges anyway. Her grades have been a disaster from the very beginning. Stiles doesn’t know who pulled any strings, but that she made it to Senior year is a miracle to begin with.
Malia sets her jaw. “I asked you to stay.”
“You were just looking for an excuse to fuck someone else,” Stiles says, shaking his head. A gap year has never been on his radar. “And you know what? Knowing that fucking hurts. If I am such a horrible boyfriend, you should’ve just left me.” It hurts. It really does hurt. Stiles didn’t expect that because their relationship has been more about convenience than romance for a while. Still, it stings like a bitch to learn a person he did love once has nothing nice to say about him. Swallowing dryly, Stiles looks down and away.
“No,” Malia steps closer to the table, her voice shaky, “no, Stiles. If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
Stiles exchanges a quick glance with Kira, who blinks in confusion. “What—“ Stiles turns to look at Malia again, “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Stop blaming him for everything,” Lydia snaps, slamming her mug on the table hard enough coffee spills over its rim and onto her fingers. “You hooked up with other guys, and now he’s breaking up with you. It’s called consequences. Maybe look it up in a dictionary.” She smiles again, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Without people watching them, this conversation could’ve gone a lot differently.
Kira taps a finger against her mug. “I think it’s best if you’re leaving now.”
“And never come back,” Theo adds, nudging Stiles with his elbow, and offers him a piece of carrot cake.
Stiles takes the fork and looks at Malia. “One more time, fuck off.”
Her lips tremble, and for all but a second, Malia looks as if she’s about to break down crying. She rushes out of the café instead.
Good. Now that that’s over, Stiles can focus on the more important things. “Looks like I gotta find a new date for my aunt’s wedding.” Sighing, he picks the cake off the fork then props his chin on his hand. His cousins are going to be a fucking nightmare if he’s showing up single. The whole wedding is going to be a horror. He hates weddings. Attending alone is so not going to be on his agenda. Especially not when his dad can’t make it.
Kira chuckles. “I don’t think you gotta look for too long.”
“I make a great date,” Theo says, placing his hand on Stiles’ thigh again.
Lydia coos.
“Shut up,” Stiles mutters, flushing slightly, and grabs Theo’s hand. “The wedding is in three weeks, but Dad probably expects you to have dinner with us at seven tonight.”
Theo chews his carrot cake apprehensively. “Can you tell him tomorrow? I need more time to mentally prepare for dinner with your dad.”
“You’re an idiot.”
Theo squeezes his hand with a grin.
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Lydia Martin/Reader, Smut, Reader flirts with Stiles and Lydia punishes her.
TW: Smut
”Oh come on Y/N. Really?” Stiles laughs and you smirk, making a point of looking Lydia in the eye before you lean over him.
“Make me.” He grins back and nudges your shoulder so you fall off balance and slump onto him.
“That’s cheating Stiles.”
“Mhmm, say the one who was just looking for any excuse to climb me like a tree.” Stiles winks and you roll your eyes. You tense when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, sweetie, are you ready to go, we said we were taking lunch off campus.” Lydia’s smile has a faint edge to it, an edge you know that nobody besides you will actually pick up on. You try not to stutter when you breathe, Lydia only uses the name sweetie during sessions, or as a way to let you know she wants to play.
“Of course, lead the way Ma’am.” You mock salute her and Stiles chuckles, you risk a look back at him and Scott joking, Lydia’s hand turns your jaw as she nods to the door.
”What were you thinking?” She hisses as she walks you to the car, her arm tightening its grip around yours.
“I was just joking, playing around is all.” You chuckle and she narrows her eyes, lips tracing your ear.
“The only person you play with like that is me, understand?”
“Oh, is someone jealous?”
“I’d have to feel threatened to be jealous, clearly you just haven’t gotten enough attention from me.” She purrs into your ear, hand inching up your thigh as you sit in the passenger's seat. You’re a little surprised you know Lydia would never be so open about teasing you in public, that was something you both wanted to find the right time and place for, although you look around the empty parking lot and think maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to try it here, but just as her hand nudges against your underwear, you hadn’t even felt her move your skirt, it stops, and the car starts, she flicks her hair and smiles at you.
“I thought we could go back to mine.Get some lunch.” You nod back at her, you know what she means by that, and while you’re sure you’ll be eating you know it won’t be actual food.
You’re surprised once more when Lydia nods to the bed.
“But I thought..”
“You thought wrong, get on the bed Y/N. Be good.” She nods and you start to pull your shirt off, turning from her as you pull your skirt and underwear off, folding them and putting them on her chair.
She’s grinning when you turn back around, her fingers unbuckling the leather cuffs she likes to use on you, you’re still not sure what she’s planning but you’re already more excited than you’ve ever been.
Lydia smiles warmly as she wipes the tears from the edges of your eyes.
“Say it sweetie.” She nudges your chin with her cheek.
“I’m yours.” You whine as she pushes her fingers slowly in and out, her thumb circling over your clit before she pulls back completely, her hand dripping wet and her fingers running over your lips to make you taste yourself.
“You’re mine, I’m the only one who gets to do this to you.” You nod tearfully as she replaces her fingers, continuing to move drawing an orgasm out of you within seconds, you’re not sure how many times you’ve actually orgasmed but you lost count after five, you know Lydia had been edging you for what felt like hours before she’d finally accepted that you’d learned your lesson that you were hers and only hers.
”And what won’t you do anymore?” Lydia hums at you, as she undoes the leather cuffs, you pant a little shivering as her fingers trace down your arms. She helps you stand, walking from your spot on the carpet towards the bed.
“I won’t flirt with anyone else. Even for a joke.”
“Mhmm, and why not?” She purrs and you grin at her.
“Because I’m yours.” She nods, pressing her lips to yours and then pulling back to wrap you in a blanket.
“Good girl.”
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sourwulf · 3 years
Hi, can i request an imagine where stiles is in love with the reader since he was little but they never really talked(Kind of like lydia) bit they become Friends and after he gets beat up by Gerard she visits him and she tells him that she's worried about him Dying because she likes him and kisses him and he like starts crying because he can't believe that she likes him and that it feels nice to have her worried about him because no one is🥺
༄  word count  —  744
፨  characters  —  stiles stilinski
☓  tw  —  none
⊹  cw  —  mentions of cheating
✎  masterlist
you took a deep breath, raising your fist to the door. you knocked three times, and it was silent for a few seconds.
“not now, dad,” you heard stiles shout from inside his room. you sighed, knocking again. he groaned just loud enough to be audible and footsteps approached the door. it opened quickly and you stood with your hands to your side, the small smile on your mouth disappearing quickly when you saw the bruises on his face.
another groan from him.
“what the hell happened?” you asked, reaching up and gripping him by the chin so you could examine his injuries.
“who did this to you?” your tone was stern and serious.
“no one.”
“it was clearly someone. who?”
“seriously, i’m fine.” he pulled himself from your grip and walked over to his bed, sitting back down.
you stood in front of him and crossed your arms. “if you keep putting yourself at risk, you’re gonna get yourself killed.”
he shrugged. “maybe.”
“you’re okay with that? dying? leaving me and the rest of your friends?”
“why do you care?”
you took another step forward and squatted down in front of him, gripping his hands. “why wouldn’t i? you’re one of my best friends.” his eyes flashed down to your lips for a split second before he looked at the floor. “what?”
“she’s still in love with jackson.”
you knew he was talking about lydia, and you knew how in love with her he was. but all you could think about was how much you wished you were her — how much you wish he was lusting after you, not her.
“you know, lydia’s not the only person you’re gonna fall in love with.”
“i’ve been in love with her since the third grade. that doesn’t just... go away.”
“no, it doesn’t. but you’re gonna have to move on at some point. i’m sure there’s other girls.”
he scoffed. “no there’s not. no other girl is gonna wanna date me.”
you wanted to smack him upside the head at that comment. instead, you took a moment to think of a response.
“you don’t know that.”
he nodded. “yeah, i do.”
“how do you know?”
“every girl i’ve even talked to laughs at me.”
“not every girl. i like talking to you.”
“you know what i mean.”
you tilted your head slightly. “you really don’t think a single girl is interested in you?”
he looked you right in your eyes and furrowed his brows. “you say that like you know someone who is.” you didn’t know how to answer that, so you broke the eye contact. he perked up a bit. “do you?”
he sat up, scooting back in surprise. “who?”
you shook your head. “c’mon, stiles. you’re smart. you can figure this out.”
he squinted at you. “lydia?”
you groaned. “no, not lydia.”
he shrugged in defeat. “who then?”
you stood up and crossed your arms again. “are you really not getting it?” he got to his feet and looked at you.
“it’s me, you idiot.” his eyebrows raised, and you knew it was the first time he considered the idea of you liking him.
“o- w- you? you like me?”
“i thought i’d made it fairly obvious.”
he shook his head. “no, not obvious.”
“that’s why i was so afraid you were hurt. because if anything happened to you, i... i think i’d go insane.”
without thinking, he stepped forward and connected your lips gently and his hands barely touched your sides, as if he was afraid to hurt you. you reached down and pressed his hands to your clothed skin and he tightened his grip.
you grabbed him by the jaw on either side of his face before wrapping your arms around his neck.
the kiss lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away. when you opened your eyes, a tear slid down his face. you used your thumb to wipe it away and made him look at you.
“are you okay?”
he nodded. “it’s just... i spent so long focused on lydia. i didn’t know anyone liked me.”
“i’ve liked you for so long.”
“i’m sorry-”
“you don’t have to apologize. i know what it’s like to be in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way. it’s okay.”
he kissed you one more time before you made him sit back down on the bed.
“now why don’t you tell me who beat you up?”
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makeyouminemp3 · 3 years
I just realized the reason I don't like L*yton because it gives st*dia vibes (I watched Teen wolf before oth, that's kind of the reason why)
Constant pining from the boy since *insert grade year here* and the popular girl who doesn't know he exists, and who is clearly not interested. Is in a toxic relationship at the time (Neyton and Jydia)
Then inserts Brooke and Malia, who clearly show interest since the first meeting of one another. They know what they want. Brucas and Stalia are those type of unexpected ships that I like, that developed quickly, but it was still good due to chemistry.
Two breaks up, one make up. And then Peyton/Lydia starts pining for Lucas/Stiles while they're currently in a relationship with Brooke/Malia. The only difference here, is that Stiles didn't cheat.
Lucas & Peyton and Stiles and Lydia had an amazing friendship. And should've stayed that way. And then Lucas and Brooke break up and Stiles and Malia do too. And then eventually it's 'It's you Peyton, the one I want by my side. The one I want next to me. It's you' and 'remember that I love you'
And eventually Malia/Brooke found happiness in Scott/Julian, which good for them. They deserved it, I have yet to meet Julian because I'm terrified to move onto season 4 bc of l*yton like I'm terrified to move onto season 6 of Teen Wolf bc of st*dia which again, yuck. But ik Julian treated Brooke like a queen. And that's what I like. And I'm on and off with Scalia, the reason I'm not on board because it's a disservice to Kira. Like on Glee Samchel happened in season 6, which I think is a disservice to Mercedes. And the reason why I'm not totally against it is because Malia found someone who made her happy, so, whatever.
Malia and Brooke did get their happy ending, but it don't mean that they didn't deserve better than what they had gotten
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kippykasey · 3 years
Revelations - Chapter 1: Wolf Moon
Teen Wolf x SPN AU crossover
Word Count: 9745
A/N: Totally occurred to me that I wrote the teaser like they're in summer but its actually like winter in Beacon Hills so ignore that totally time confusion.
The Smith family just wanted normal, yet the new semester is bringing a new student, secrets in the woods, and secrets even in their own home?
Revelations Masterlist | Masterlist
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“Guy’s your going to be-” Dean started to call from the kitchen but Mick ran in dragging his twin sister behind him with one hand his other hand gripped around his lacrosse stick. “Morning pops!” Mick calls as he awkwardly holds the lacrosse stick while still tossing Stevie the keys to her 93 Subaru Loyale. “Bye pops!” Mick waves the hand that he has holding onto Stevie so in a way both of them were waving to their father. Dean just shook his head as the twins exited the house.
“Okay. Slow your roll bro-tater. What’s going on with you this morning? Did you drink the rest of dad’s coffee or something?” Stevie questioned pulling her arm out of her brother’s grasp. “You missed out on something last night and you have to know. Like now. It could be life or death for our dear Scott.” Mick was slightly exaggerating, sure but that’s just how he could get when he was excited. The twins put their things in the back seat and got in.
As Stevie drove the two to the school her brother told her what he had gone through the night before. The blonde teen girl parked her car and shut it off. Her mind was wheeling as it processed what she just heard. “Okay let me get this straight. Stiles climbed into my bedroom where you were playing video games on my tv, which by the way ask next time! Then he dragged you and Scott out into the woods of the preserve to look for half of a dead body?! Which given its Stiles, I would do it too but.. His dad showed up and he just left you two there? In the freaking woods where a dead body was found?! What if you got hurt??” Stevie started to repeat what she heard, getting nods of confirmation from her twin.
“Scott did get hurt, Stevie. A wol-”
“Not possible.” She shook her head and got out of the car as she saw Scott ride past on his bike. By the time the twins reached the bike rack Stiles was already standing next to his best friend. “Okay let’s see this thing,” they both heard Stiles say as they stopped next to him. Scott let out a grunt as he lifted his shirt up enough to reveal the bandaged area on his abdominal. There was a brownish-red spot from where the blood had tried bleeding through. Stiles reached his hand out like he was about to touch it but Stevie slapped his hand away.
“Mick fill you in?” Scott asked, letting his shirt fall back down so he could pick up his backpack. Stevie nods her head, shoving her hands into her pockets. “Kinda upset that I missed the excitement.”
“Well it was pretty dark but I think we agreed that it was a wolf.” Scott looked between Stiles and Stevie. Stevie shakes her head, “Just like I told Mick, not possible.” Stiles snapped his fingers pointing at the girl and nodded in agreement. “But we heard a wolf howling.” Mick points out as he and his sister split to walk into school with Scott and Stiles in the middle, Mick on Scott’s side. “No you didn’t.” Stiles disagreed with the other two.
“What do you mean, no I didn’t? How do you know what Mick or I heard?” Scott asked not understanding why Stiles and Stevie didn’t believe them. Stevie sighed softly pushing her wavy blond hair out of her face. “Look guys, California hasn’t had wolves in like 60 years, right Stiles?”
“Yeah exactly. So there are no wolves for you to hear.” Stiles points as he turns to stand in front of the other two Stevie just a foot ahead of them, looking over her shoulder at the three males. “All right, well, if you don’t believe us about the wolf then you definitely won’t believe me when I tell you I found the body.” Scott almost looked proud that he found the dead body. Stevie’s eyes met her twin brother’s and Mick almost looked sick as he nodded at her. Stevie stepped close as the four huddled together. “You.. are you kidding me?” Stiles inquired in disbelief and excitement.
“I wish he were. I think we’re going to have nightmares from seeing it.” Mick told Stiles, glancing at Scott to see if they were on the same page. Stiles looked at Stevie whose blue-green eyes were shining with curiosity. “Oh, god, that is freakin’ awesome. That has got to be the best thing that’s happened to this town since...” Stiles lifted up onto his toes to clearly see over the blonde next to him at the strawberry blonde walking by, “since the birth of Lydia Martin.” Stiles fumbled as he tried to turn but bumped into his friend, knocking her into Scott’s side. “Hey, Lydia.. You look.. like you’re going to ignore me.”
Scott helped steady Stevie at his side while watching Stiles attempt and fail to talk to Lydia for the nth time. “You know what. I’m going to get to my locker and make sure it’s not surrounded by idiots.” Stevie tells them although she’s pretty sure Stiles didn’t hear a thing. “Want me to come?” Mick offered but Stevie just shook her head with a smile and hurried into the school.
Stevie moved through the halls towards her locker for the year, or what was supposed to be her locker. Stopping nearly 500 feet away from her locker she noticed who was either side of her and let out a groan. On one side was Jackson Whittemore, someone who Stevie just could not stand due to his ego. Then on the other was Matt Daehler, her middle school boyfriend who thought she was cheating on him with Stiles. Stevie turned around and nearly ran right into Lydia Martin in her haste.
“Stephanie Smith,” Lydia greeted, eyes scanning over the outfit Stevie wore-- black ripped tights, black combat boots, a black skirt and tank top, and an oversized green flannel (it was technically Stiles’ shirt). “Hmm, you know if you lost the flannel and wore a nice scarf you might actually look nice today.” Lydia states flipping her hair over her shoulder before walking away. Stevie was baffled at the backwards compliment from Lydia as she slowly walked towards class now out of time to stuff her things in one of the guy’s lockers.
Stevie slid into the seat next to Scott in front of Stiles, since her brother was already behind Stiles, Michael always sat in the back corner of whatever class he was in and usually the farthest from the door (a habit he got from Dean). Michael leaned over towards his twin confused by her confused face. “What’s up with you? Didn’t you go to your locker?” Stevie turned to her brother, face now back to normal. “Huh? Oh right uh. I’m sharing my locker with you this year. Get this, Lydia-” Stevie was cut off by the bell and then the teacher who was writing on the black board started to talk right away.
“As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night,” Scott looked over his shoulder towards Stiles who gave him a dramatic wink, “and I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody,” three of his friends turned to Stiles who looked just as stunned and confused at the teacher as they all did. “Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining the semester, Ms. Smith please turn all the way around.” Stevie rolled her eyes and turned back around.
Next to Stevie, who never looked over the syllabus until she got home, Scott was looking around for something. His searching stopped as he looked out the window and his eyes seemed locked onto something as his head turned. “Gimme your pen.” Scott whispered, holding his hand out to Stevie knowing she had more in her bag. “What?” The girl asked her friend, confused. “Just give me it.” Scott’s fingers wiggled as he waited for her to hand it over which she did moments before the classroom door opened. The principal entered with a girl the same height as him who could pass as a live action Snow White.
“Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome.” Allison gave the class a tight lip awkward smile before walking back towards the only open seat behind Scott. Scott turned in his seat holding out the pen he just got from Stevie to Allison. Next to them the Smith twins and Stiles are exchanging glances at each other. It was then that the teacher began his lesson.
When the bell finally rang dismissing everyone from the last class Stevie followed her twin to his locker, which was next to Scott’s. The dark haired teen was looking down the hall at the new girl, she caught him looking and smiled at him. Stevie waited for her brother to open his locker, leaning her chin awkwardly on Scott’s shoulder. “Hmm Lydia is already snatching her up.” The blonde’s mumble nearly pulled Scott’s eyes off the girl. The teen leaning on his shoulder moved, turning to her brother. “Lydia Martin talked to me earlier. Like actually kind of gave me a compliment.” Stiles popped up like the mention of Lydia summoned him.
“What about Lydia?” Stiles inquired looking between three of his friends. Mick shrugs his shoulders with a sigh looking over at Lydia along with the other three. “I just want to know how the new girl is here all of five minutes and she’s already hanging out with Lydia’s clique?” Stiles' response of “Because she’s hot” made the only girl in the group roll her eyes. Seeing the annoyed expression on his female best friend’s face Stiles quickly stumbled over his words to correct himself slightly. “Well, what I mean is.. I mean beautiful people herd together.” The female Smith twin crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Stiles. “What are you saying I’m not beautiful Stiles?” Stevie scoffed. The buzzed head boy opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.
“Stephanie!” The blonde turned her head down the hall towards the strawberry blonde that just called her name. “Go. Get over there.” Mick lightly pushed his sister towards the popular girl while leaning as casually as he could next to his other two friends. Stevie stumbled over her feet from the push but quickly caught herself and moved over towards Lydia, Jackson, and Allison. “Hi,” Stevie smiles at Allison before turning her head towards Lydia pointedly ignoring Jackson.
“So this weekend there’s this party,” Lydia starts looking at both Stevie and Allison. As soon as she heard the word ‘party’ Stevie wanted to run. “A party?” Allison looked at the couple then over at Stevie who gave a clueless look towards the girl next to her. “Yeah. Friday night. You two should come.” Jackson's suggestion made Stevie school her reaction from letting her jaw drop in amazement at the direct invite. “Uh, I can’t. It’s family night this Friday. Thanks for asking.” Allison excused herself. “Are you sure? Everyone is going after the scrimmage.” Jackson double checked.
Stevie glanced over towards her brother and friends, the only one looking towards her still was Scott. Stiles and Mick seemed to be in a very intense conversation over something, or someone. The blonde girl looked over at Allison. “You mean like football?” Allison clearly was new to the school and Stevie opened her mouth to politely correct her but Jackson beat her to it. “Football’s a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse.”
“The team has won the state championship for the last three years.” Stevie told Allison before Jackson got the chance to brag about it. Lydia reached up to fix Jackson’s hair as she proudly commented, “Because of a certain team captain.” Allison looked at Stevie almost as if asking if Lydia was being serious, given that Jackson wasn’t even playing for one of those years. Stevie tilts her head with a smile that Allison returned. “Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is if you don’t have anywhere else--” Jackson was cut off from inviting Allison to watch their practice by Allison herself, “Well, I was going to--” Allison was then cut off by Lydia. “Perfect, you’re coming. Even Stephanie here is going to be there.” Jackson turned leading the way as Lydia grabbed both Allison and Stevie’s hands to make sure they went with. Stevie and Allison turned their heads nearly insync to look over towards Scott.
Stiles jogged to keep up with Scott as Mick followed them. All three of them were in their lacrosse gear prepared for practice. “Wait, if you’re going to play, who am I going to talk to on the bench?” Stiles pants looking at Scott who was serious about playing this year. Scott looks over his shoulder at Mick who waved at Stiles nonverbally saying ‘uh me?’. “Look, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore. This is the season I make first line.” Scott tells the two friends as Mick looks to the stands spotting his twin arriving with Lydia and Allison. She had left her jacket at home like usual so she was hugging her arms around herself. Mick sat his stuff down and lifted his hoodie pointing at it when Stevie looked at her twin. She shook her head turning down his offer of taking the hoodie as she turned back towards Allison who was smiling at Scott.
Stevie leaned over towards Allison who was in between her and Lydia, her voice soft as she whispered to the dark haired girl, “Just so you know, coach is a bit.. Eccentric. He can also sometimes be harsh but he’s good.” Allison gave a small nod. We watched as Scott took a different stick and put his helmet on before moving towards the goal post. Allison’s eyes never left him even as she asked Lydia, “Who is that?” Lydia pressed her lips together before looking at Scott, “Him? I’m not sure who he is. Why?” Scott turned towards the girls in the stand, his head tilting to the side like a puppy with his ears perking up. “He’s in my English class.” Allison shook her head as if it was no big deal. Stevie smiled at how smitten Allison and Scott seemed towards each other as she leaned forward placing her elbows on her knees and resting her head on her hands. “That ladies is Scott McCall, sophomore. He’s one of my best friends, although he is a bit closer to my twin.”
The assistant coach blew his whistle and McCall clutched at the helmet on his head like he was trying to cover his ears from the pain. Stevie’s eyebrows furrowed at the action. Due to the distraction Scott received a ball to his face making Allison and Stevie wince. Coach and other players laughed. “Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!” One of the players called. Stiles dropped his head in a groan when Scott looked at the benches while Mick gave him a supportive thumbs up.
Scott stood back up physically shaking off the first fail. The second ball was thrown and Scott almost seemed shocked to see the ball in the net of his goalie stick. In fact most of the team looked shocked. Stiles was repeatedly slapping at Mick’s shoulder pad next to him. By the third block Stiles was cheering from the bench cheering. Stevie’s eyes drifted from Scott, who was killing it blocking, to the goofy guy ruffling her brother’s hair. Her attention did turn back to Scott until she heard Allison comment on how good he was. “Yeah, very good.” Lydia agreed. Stevie smiled, “He’s been practicing all summer with my brother from what I heard.”
Jackson moved up the line cutting in front. The moment was so intense that if it was filmed it would be in slow motion. The way Jackson ran forward, bringing back his stick to launch the ball towards the goal. The captain leaped into the air as he swung the stick forward sending the ball flying towards the net. Scott swiftly twisted at the waist bringing his stick up to block the ball from hitting the net. Stiles and Mick jumped up from the bench cheering for their friend. Both teens were shouting “That’s my friend!” Lydia stood from her seat cheering, making Jackson turn to face his girlfriend with a jealous gleam in his eyes.
The girls sat together until practice was over before going their separate ways. Stevie headed towards her car to wait for her brother and the other two troublemakers. After practice the four headed over to the preserve to look for Scott’s inhaler that he dropped. Stiles and Mick held a hand out for Stevie to hold onto as she balanced on a fallen over tree to cross the small creek that the boys basically just walked through or easily stepped over.
“I don’t know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball.” Scott was talking about practice. That’s not the only weird thing either. I can.. hear stuff I shouldn’t be able to hear.” McCall ducked under a branch, Stiles who walked around it looked back to make sure Stevie was okay but she had taken the easy way out and hopped onto her brother’s back. “Smell things.” Scott added making Stiles look back at his best friend. “Smell things?” Like what?” The Stilinski boy looked amused by what he was hearing. Yet Scott was serious as he took a moment smelling the air before looking back at the three teens behind him. “Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket. Or Stevie’s coconut shampoo.” Stiles instantly searched his pocket to prove him wrong, “I don’t even have any mint mojito--” Stiles stopped talking a half piece of gum from his pocket. Mick looked up at his sister. “I thought you were using a green apple shampoo?” Stevie shook her head, “Changed it up when I was in South Dakota.”
Scott turned and began to walk again with the others following. “So all this started with a bite?” Stiles was looking for clarification so he could piece it all together. “What if it’s like an infection, like my body’s flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?” Scott worried looking back at his friends every once in a while. Stiles glanced back at Stevie and Mick who were behind him. “You know what? I actually think I’ve heard of this,” Stevie knew that tone Stiles was using and she smiled tapping her brother’s shoulder to get down so she could move to Stiles’ side, “ It’s a specific kind of infection.” Scott looked back at Stiles, his eyes wide with worry. “Are you serious?” Stevie nods her head solemnly. “Sadly, yes. I know the infection he’s talking about.” She joined in, “What’s it called again?” Stiles looked at the girl next to him then to Scott, “I think it's called lycanthropy.”
Stevie snapped her fingers and turned to Scott, “That’s the one.”
“What is that?” Mick asked, followed up with Scott’s question, “Is that bad?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s the worst.” Stiles responds completely seriously. “But only once a month.” Stevie adds placing a hand on Stiles’ arm. Scott looks at the two confused, “Once a month?” Stiles nods his head, “Mhm, on the night of the full moon.” Together both Stiles and Stevie made soft howling sounds. Scott pushed Stiles into Stevie muttering something about them being the worst. Stiles wrapped his arm around the girl’s shoulders to make sure she didn’t fall as he quickly caught himself. “Hey, you’re the one who heard a wolf howling.” Stiles let out a soft chuckle as he teased the dark haired teen. “I heard it too, ya know.” Mick walked over to Scott showing that he was on his side in this. “There could be something seriously wrong with me.” Scott huffed annoyed at Stiles joking about this. “I know you’re a werewolf!” Stiles imitated a fake growl as he lifted his hands up like claws. Stevie giggled, bumping her hip into Stiles. “Okay, we’re obviously kidding. But if you see us in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it’s ‘cause Friday’s a full moon.” Stevie told Scott as he finally slowed to a stop.
“No, I-I could have sworn this was it. Mick and I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler.” The McCall boy bent down to ruffle through the leaves to see if the missing item was underneath them. “Maybe the killer moved the body?” Stiles suggested as Mick was shifting leaves around with his foot. “If he did I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks.”
Stevie looked up from Scott and her eyes locked onto a man in all black causing her to jump back into the tree behind her as she let out a yelp in fear, where the hell had he come from and why didn’t they hear him? Stiles and Mick looked up hearing the noise from Stevie. Mick quickly made his way to his sister’s side sliding himself slightly in front of her. Stiles hits Scott’s shoulder to get his attention. Scott stood and turned towards the figure, now making it harder for Stevie to see the man. The man stalked over to us a brooding look on his face
“What are you doing here? This is private property.” The intense gaze from the man on top of how close he now was made Stevie subconsciously grabbing at her shoulder. “Uh, sorry man, we didn’t know.” Stiles apologized looking like a caught kid sneaking a cookie. “Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..” Scott explained but there was a slight pause in which the man in front of them just looked at them. “Forget it.” Then the man shocked us all by pulling Scott’s inhaler from his pocket and tossing it over. He turned and began to walk away when Stevie stepped forward and called after him, “Thanks terminator!” Mick grabbed his sister’s arm and pulled her back but the man never turned around.
“Are you insane?” Mick looked at his sister like she was in fact crazy. “Don’t be such a bitch,” She muttered, turning towards Stiles and Scott. “Sorry for caring about you, jerk.” Mick huffed as Stiles turned towards them. “Come on guys, I got to get to work.” Scott sighs, turning to go but Stiles stops him. “Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember right? He’s only a few years older than us.” Stiles looked back to where Derek, the creepy Terminator man, disappeared into the woods. “Remember what exactly?” Mick asked just as confused as Scott looked. “His family all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago.” Mick gasped pointing over at his twin. “That was the first emergency response dad went on.” Scott looks between the three faces before stopping at Stiles, “I wonder what he’s doing back.”
Stiles let out a scoff before the four of them headed back to where they left their vehicles. Stiles and Scott pulled out first leaving the twins. Stevie tossed her keys over to her brother. “I think I hit my shoulder on something on our way back, you drive.” Mick nods and moves to the driver’s side of the car while Stevie takes a moment to scan her eyes over the woods. She stopped for a moment when her eyes landed on Derek Hale. He was a few yards away watching them, or more specifically her. “Come on Stephanie, we gotta get home before pops questions where we’ve been.” She finally pulled her eyes away from Derek and got into the car.
The twins parted ways when they got home. Stephanie settled into her room to go through her meticulous notes and organization. Mick never really understood the teachers so he usually studied with his sister to understand things the day before the test. Not to mention that since she always had the notes the boys always came to her for them, even if they were based on the book and not necessarily what the teacher said or did.
There was a light rap at the door before it opened wider than the few inches she kept it at. Dean leaned in the doorway, his hands stuffed into his jean pockets. The teen girl looked over at him from where she was color coordinating her notes. “Hey pops.” Dean looked over his shoulder towards Michael’s closed bedroom door before walking over to his daughter. “Mick, said your shoulder was bothering you. Which one was it?” Dean inquired as the girl closed her eyes. “Stevie,” Dean warned her for not answering him right away. “It’s nothing. Mickey is probably just over reacting. You know how worried he gets when it comes to me.”
“We all do kid. Finish up, we’re having ‘Smith Surprise’ for dinner.” Stevie dramatically laid back on the floor where she was sitting and let out a groan. “I swear that is not what it's supposed to be called, old man.” Dean was already turning towards the door to leave her room. “Yes it is. Call your uncle Sammy if you don’t believe me, baby doll.”
In a matter of minutes later the Smith family was gathered around the kitchen table, or close to seeing as James was getting ready for work. “So dad, pops..” Stevie started pushing her food around on her plate. Both of the parents in the house looked at their daughter who seemed hesitant about whatever it was she would ask or say. “What is it?” James glanced at Mick for any clues but the boy was too busy stuffing his mouth with food. “There’s this party Friday night after the scrimmage-” Stevie began to explain but was cut off by Dean, “No.” James hit his husband’s shoulder. “What about this party?”
“I was invited to go by Lydia Martin.” Mick’s fork clattered onto his plate from the shock of his sister’s statement causing him to drop his fork. “Widdia Marhim?” He tried to say Lydia Martin with a full mouth which earned him a light smack on the back of the head from Dean in scolding. “Whose all going?” James asked, leaning on the counter between where Dean was sitting and where his daughter was. “The lacrosse team and a couple others. No offense to the boys and all but...maybe it's time for me to have some girlfriends?” The last part changed the looks in all three of the male’s eyes. None of them have ever known Stevie to have a female friend to hang out with. Her sleepovers were usually at Stiles’ or at their own house with her brother and best friends. “I think it’s a good idea. Just no underaged drinking.” James pointed at his daughter as he pushed off the counter and headed towards the door to leave the house. “You really got invited by Lydia?” Mick asked, still shocked over her interaction with Lydia. Between Stiles and Mick it was hard not to hear about the girl. Stevie rolled her eyes and just ate her meal.
Scott was at his locker the following day. His head is a mess between the vanished bite mark, going on a date with Allison, and the strange sleepwalking. He reached back to close his locker when it was slammed closed for him by Jackson. Both were dressed in their lacrosse training gear. “Alright little man, how ‘bout you tell me where you’re getting your juice.” Jackson states bluntly looking a tad intimidating the way he stood in front of Scott. It took Scot a moment for him to focus on what was just instructed on. “What?”
“Where are you getting your juice?” Jackson repeated speaking slower and enunciating every word more clearly for Scott to understand him. Scott clearly wasn’t understanding what Jackson was getting at. Or at least not fully. The teen was thoroughly confused as he replied, “My mom does all the grocery shopping but Stevie sometimes gives me some of her fruit smoothie.” Jackson was slightly baffled by how Scott just wasn’t understanding him. “Now, listen, McCall.. You are going to tell me exactly what it is and who you’re buying it from, because there’s no way in hell you’re out there kicking ass on the field like that without some kind of chemical boost.” It was at that moment that everything clicked in Scott’s head. “Oh, you mean steroids.” Scott lowered his head a new wave of confusion setting in. “Are you on steroids?”
Jackson grabbed onto Scott’s practice jersey before shoving him into the lockers, “What the hell is going on with you, McCall?” Scott was looking right into Jackson’s eyes as he replied, “What’s going on with me? You really wanna know?” Jackson let go of Scott thinking he was about to get the answer he wanted. “Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn’t be able to. I do things that should be impossible, I’m sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I’m pretty much convinced that I’m totally out of my freaking mind!” McCall’s rant ended with a heavy sigh.
Whittemore chuckled thinking he was joking. “You think you’re funny.. Don’t you McCall? I know you’re hiding something. I’m going to find out what it is. I don’t care how long it takes.” The captain’s hand banged against the lockers for emphasis and intimidation before he walked away leaving a frustrated and confused Scott behind.
Scott kicked his foot back against the locker before heading to the lacrosse field for practice. Stevie was leaning against the bench where her brother was sitting with Scott across from them when Stiles comically came running towards them flailing his arms. “Scott! Scott, wait up.” Stevie ducked behind her brother whenever Coach looked towards them so she wasn’t kicked off the field towards the bleachers. “Stiles I’m playing the first elimination man, can it wait?” Stiles had one hand on McCall’s shoulder and the other moved from a stop motion to his side along with the other, “Just hold on okay? I overheard my dad on the phone.” Stiles grabbed Scott to make him look at him, “The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA they found animal hairs on the body from the woods.” Scott finally got away from Stiles trying to hold him in place. “I gotta go.” McCall ran out onto the field leaving Stiles there with Mick and Stevie. Stevie put her hand on Stiles’ arm. “What was the result?” Stiles turned towards the twins. “It was a wolf. The animal was a wolf.”
Stevie moved to the bleachers to sit with Allison and Lydia when they arrived. Stiles and Mick heading out to the field. Coach was giving his yearly explanation of ‘make the cut you play the rest of you losers sit on the bench’ or at least that’s how Mick always took it. Stevie bumped her shoulder into Allison’s as she sat the two exchanging a smile. The three girls watched the mock game played by the team. “Your brother doesn’t mind sitting on the bench does he?” Allison asked as they watched Mick jump away from another player. “Mick is a bit of a softy. Sometimes I think he plays just to stay close to Stiles and Scott.” The teasing smile on the blonde’s face made the fair skinned girl laugh. Both let out a small gasp as Jackson knocked Scott to the ground.
Yet when Scott got up and the new round began. McCall to the ball right from the start. None of his friends had seen him maneuver around the other players like he currently was. Stiles and Mick exchanged a look from the bench where Stiles waited for his chance to play and Mick just came off the field. Cheers erupted throughout the watching crowd as Scott scored a point. Lydia pulled at Allison’s arm playfully as the girls stood up with the other students. Another standing ovation was given seconds later as everyone overheard Coach announce that Scott made first line.
Mick went over to Scott’s after school, the two were going to do some homework together using the notes they borrowed from Stevie. Stevie herself decided to go with Stiles leaving Mick the keys to the car. The blonde climbed into the blue jeep along with her best friend. “Okay Watson, we have a mystery to solve.” Stiles begins as he pulls out of the school parking lot driving towards his house. “Mystery of what happened to Scott McCall?” Stevie inquired looking over at Stiles who nodded his head, fingers drumming against the steering wheel. “There has to be a reason for what’s going on and we’re going to figure it out.”
Stilinski hit the brakes as he slowed for a stop light, his right hand left the steering wheel as his arm reached across the passenger side of the jeep. Stevie rolled her eyes and smiled. Stiles Stilinski always soccer moms her in his jeep. She called him out on it once but he just said he didn’t trust her seatbelt. Scott and Mick teased him about it since she was the only one he did it for. Stevie sent a text to her parents letting them know where she and Michael were, since her twin probably forgot to check in. Arriving at the Stilinski house she and Stiles greeted his dad who was in the kitchen. “Hey dad.” / “Hi Sheriff Stilinski.” The sheriff waved at the both watching the teens run back towards Stiles’ room.
The two discussed for three hours what it could be before they came to one conclusion. “Hey Steph, I’m heading back to the station if you need a ride.” The Sheriff offered, leaning half way into his son’s room. The blonde smiled up at him from where she sat on the floor, her hair partly braided. “Actually Sheriff, I’ll probably just stay here with Stiles a bit longer. Thanks though.” The sheriff smiled at her, “Make sure to call your parents and let them know.” The sheriff waved before leaving.
Stevie was laying on Stiles’ bed reading some of the printed out pages from their research. After realizing they probably had as much information on werewolves as they were currently going to get they moved on to other things like silver and wolfsbane. Stiles closed his laptop at the sound of a knock on the door. Stephanie laughed softly as she looked around the floor of his room which was littered with printed out pages. Stiles opened the door seeing Scott and Michael standing there waiting.
“Oo door was closed with a girl over. Glad pops doesn’t know about this.” Michael teased looking at his sister. The shorter girl grabbed a balled up piece of paper and threw it at her brother. Stiles let out a sigh and stepped back. “Get in.” Both teen males joined Stiles and Stevie in the room before the door was swiftly closed behind them to avoid the sheriff meddling into their research. “You gotta see this thing. Steph and I have been up all night reading; websites, books. All this information.”
“How much Adderall have you had today?” Scott inquired looking at his best friend before glancing at the tired girl on the bed. “A lot.” She answered, pushing herself up into a sitting position. “Doesn’t matter. Okay, just listen.” Stiles grabs a few of the papers off his desk, spinning to face the three other teens. Scott tossed his backpack onto the bed next to Steph, “Oh, is this about the body?” Then sat down in front of the girl who leaned forward to rest her head on his back. “No, they’re still questioning people, even Derek Hale.”
“The guy from the woods? Terminator dude?” Mick asked, sitting down next to Scott while reaching back to hand his sister a can of coffee he bought for her. Stevie’s eyes sparkled in excitement before she opened the can and took a sip. “Yeah! Yes. But that’s not it, okay?” Stiles looked over at Stevie who was too lost in her coffee to explain so he continued. “Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore.” The change of Stiles’ tone made the other two males in the room focus on him. “The wolf-- the bite in the woods. We,” Stiles wiped around his mouth before gesturing between Stevie and himself, “started to do this research and reading.” Stiles stands up from his seat as his voice changes again, “Do you even know why a wolf howls?”
“Should we?” Michael asked a bit slowly, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion.
“It’s a signal. When a wolf is alone it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack.” Stevie finally speaks up more awake than she was half a can of coffee ago. “Exactly, so if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of ‘em.” Stiles was definitely hyper fixated as he even stumbled over his words in his rush to get them out. “A whole pack of wolves?” Scott’s question was quickly shot down by Stiles, “No.. Werewolves.”
Scott stood from the bed, suddenly making both Smith twins look towards him. “Are you seriously wasting my time with this?” McCall was in disbelief at how his friends could be so serious about this. Stevie got up from the bed and grabbed his bag to stop him. “You know I’m picking up Allison in an hour.” Stiles reached out to also stop Scott. “We saw you on the field today, Scott. Okay, what you did wasn’t just amazing alright? It was impossible.”
“Yeah so I made a good shot.” Scott gave an extra little tug making Stevie let go as he walked towards the door. Stiles put his hand on his friend’s chest. “No, you made an incredible shot. I mean the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. People can’t just suddenly do that overnight.” Stevie couldn’t tell if Stiles was getting emotional or was simply that passionate about what he was talking about. “And there’s the vision and the senses and don’t even think that we haven’t noticed that you don’t need your inhaler anymore.” Stevie adds on as she walks around Scott to stand with Stiles. “Okay! Guys, I can’t think about this now. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Scott snapped at them, making Mick slowly rise to his feet feeling like a fight might break out.
“Have you lost your marbles?!”
Stiles and Stevie both objected at the same time. Stiles glanced at the girl next to him for a brief moment. “The full moon’s tonight. Don’t you get it?” Stiles points out. Michael stepped closer to his sister feeling more protective the louder the conversation got. “What are you trying to do? I-I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can’t believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?” Scott literally ended up talking down at Stiles as he sat back down on his computer chair. “We’re trying to help.” Stevie scoffs annoyed with how Scott’s acting. “You’re cursed Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak.” Stiles really was worried about his friend, the softer tone he lowered to proving that he didn’t want to argue or fight.
“His bloodlust?” Mick asked, speaking up, bringing Scott to glance over at the twins. “Yeah, his urge to kill.” Scott’s blank face turned to the two confronting him. “I’m already starting to feel an urge to kill.” At Scott’s admission Mick stepped closer holding his hands up. “Whoa, let's bring it down a few notches.” Stiles reached for one of the books ignoring Mick, “You got to hear this. ‘Change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse.’ All right?” Stiles looks at Scott pointedly closing the book he just quoted from a bit loudly. “We haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date.” Stiles side steps Scott and reaches for his bag to grab the boy’s cell phone. “I’m going to call her right now.”
“What are you doing?” Mick looked at Stiles with wide eyes. “He’s canceling the date.” Stevie answered for him. “No, give it to me!” Scott ordered in anger, slamming Stiles up against the wall. Mick grabbed his sister’s arm pulling her next to him before moving himself to be in front of her. Stevie gasped in fear grabbing onto the back of Mick’s jacket as she peered over his shoulder at Scott who had his arm pulled back ready to punch his best friend. Instead of hitting Stiles, McCall shoved over the computer chair and released a yell of rage. The heavy panting breaths Scott took to calm himself were all that were heard as the other three watched him. “I’m sorry. I-I gotta go get ready for that party.” Scott stepped away from Stiles and to the bed where his bag was. When he passed the twins Mick stood the slightest bit straighter as if he could hide his sister from view. No one moved otherwise as Scott made his way out stopping one more time at the door to apologize to Stiles.
Stiles banged his head gently back against the wall in frustration that Scott wouldn’t listen to them. “You okay, dude?” Mick stepped towards Stiles, his sister right behind him. “Yeah, I’m good.” Stiles moved to pick back up his computer chair. “But I don’t think he is.” The twins looked down to what Stiles was looking at. Carved through the material on the back of his computer chair, right where Scott’s hand touched to shove it, where three marks eerily similar to claw marks. “Well I hope everyone is up for a party.” Stevie sighs as she runs the tips of her fingers over the torn fabric.
“Stevie, let's go, you're taking forever.” Mick called up the stairs. He had washed up, changed and talked to Stiles who was driving them there. “Stiles is literally going to be here any minute.” Steph huffed as she walked halfway down the stairs. “Is this something Lydia would approve of?” Steph asked her brother as Dean walked in from the kitchen with a large slice of pie. “Why are you so dressed up?” He asked, looking at his daughter. Mick looked from Dean to his sister. “She might hate the shoes.” Mick told his sister who groaned and turned going to change out of the converse. “That party Stevie mentioned.” He told Dean who narrowed his eyes and pointed the fork at him.
“Now if I remember correctly, your sister got invited, not the whole Scooby gang.” Dean takes a bite of pie. “Don’t get caught doing something bad. No underaged drinking. Watch out for your sister.” Dean started to lecture with his mouth full as Stevie clunked down the stairs having exchanged the converse for chunky heeled boots. Stiles beeped out front and Steph leaned up to kiss her dad’s cheek. “Bye see you later pops.”
Upon arrival at Lydia’s house Stevie was pulled away from her twin and Stiles. Both males instantly went to find Scott in the crowd of teenagers dancing. Lydia, who was pulling the blonde girl behind her, walked back over to Jackson and a few of the other lacrosse players. Stevie was introduced and seconds later Lydia and Jackson disappeared to dance leaving Stevie with three of the lacrosse players. Danny was the only one she knew by name given they had been hanging out since last year doing study sessions together. Danny patted her arm and gestured to her to follow him.
“I take it Lydia is trying to set you up with a guy from the team?” Danny asked over the music making Stevie laugh with a shake of her head. “I actually don’t know. Kinda looked that way though.” Danny hands her a cup of punch before he wrapped an arm around her so he didn’t lose her in the crowd. “Good thing I know you better.” Danny leaned down to whispers as they approached a teen sitting secluded in the quietest corner of the back yard. He was tall, curly blonde hair, and he was wearing a grey cardigan like sweater over a t-shirt. “Isaac, I want to introduce you to someone. Stephanie Smith this is Isaac Lahey. Isaac works the graveyard shift at the cemetery. Isaac, Steph here is into the spooky stuff. I have a date to get back to. Mingle.” Danny pointed at the two teens he just introduced to each other before walking away.
Steph drops her head and sighs before rolling it to the side and looking up at the teen who was nearly the same height as her uncle. “Hi. Hope you don’t mind the company.” She took a small step closer to the half wall he was leaning against before tossing the contents of the cup into the bush behind it. “Not a fan of the punch?” His voice was low and with a gentle tone that made her smile slightly at him. “It’s spiked. Don’t want to go home after drinking.” Isaac nods his head. “Michael’s your brother right?”
“Yeah. What number are you?” Steph pushed herself up onto the half wall. “Uh fourteen.” Steph snaps her fingers and points at him. “You were amazing at the scrimmage. That toss to McCall. Golden. Sorry you got tackled so hard for it though. Is your neck okay?” Isaac nods his head slowly. “Yeah. My neck’s fine. I’m.. I’m a bit clumsy so I’m used to it.” He tugged at his sweater sleeves and Stevie looked around the party catching sight of Derek Hale stalking around. “Just so you know. The nurse might leave before practice but my dad is an EMT and he always makes me keep a fully stocked first aid kit in the car. If things get too bad I can always patch you up. I’ve done it for Danny before when he skinned his shin. Not to mention growing up with the Three Stooges.” Steph looked over to where Stiles and her brother were awkwardly standing around talking while watching Scott with Allison.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I uh, I have to get to work at the cemetery. My dad doesn’t know I’m here so I still have to get to work. See you at school?” Isaac looked down at Stevie as he stood up. “Sure thing. Be safe.” She smiled and waved before moving back towards the party to join her brother and Stiles. On her way over to them Danny stepped in front of her. “How did it go?” He asked with a smile, making her roll her eyes. “It’s good he seems sweet. We’ll talk more at school. Hey, have you seen any of my usual group?” Danny looked around for a moment. “Stiles and your brother went inside and Scott was just with Allison.” Danny pointed towards the girl left standing outside so Stevie walked over to her quickly.
“Al, is everything okay?” The blonde asked her and Allison grabbed her friend’s hand hurrying inside. Ahead of them Stevie could see Stiles and Mick hurrying outside together. “Something’s wrong with Scott.” Allison said over her shoulder as they hurried towards the entrance. They just made it down the stairs when Scott peeled out of there like a bat out of hell followed closely behind by Stiles and Mick in Roscoe.
“Allison,” A smooth voice called from behind the two teen girls making both turn around. Of course standing there looking out of place at a high school party was Derek Hale. Stevie looped her arm through Allison’s making it clear that she wasn’t leaving the other girl. “I’m a friend of Scott’s. My name’s Derek. I actually know Stevie here too.” Allison looked over to the blonde who was looking at Derek trying to figure out what his motive was. “Maybe I can give you two a ride home?” Hearing Derek’s offer instantly made Stevie wish she could physically snarl at the man, or maybe it’s all the werewolf talk getting to her.
“Uh, yeah that would be great. Let me grab my jacket.” Allison went back inside to grab her jacket leaving Stevie alone with Derek. “I don’t like you. Something about you is just off and I don’t like it but if you hurt Allison I will do everything in my power to make sure Sheriff Stilinski and Scott knows it was you. Got it Zuko?” Stevie poked his leather clad chest as she looked up at him trying to be as threatening as she could. Derek huffed out what was almost a laugh before pushing her hand away. “You’re something else..” Before Steph could ask what he meant Allison was back and both girls were getting in Derek’s Camaro.
When Stiles and Mick left Lydia's, their focus was solely on Scott who was clearly under the influence of something. Neither noticed that they forgot Steph until they were pulling up at Scott’s where they followed him to. Mick turned to tell his sister to wait in the jeep but she simply wasn’t there. “Shit pop is going to kill me later.” Mick mumbled as they both hopped out of the jeep running inside the house.
Stiles persistently knocked at Scott’s bedroom door. “Go away.” The weak reply from Scott came from inside. “Scott it’s me and Mick.” Scott came to open the door just enough that Stiles could probably fit his head in. “Come on, let me in. Scott, I can help.” Scott rested his head on the wooden door right above the sliding lock. “No! Listen, you gotta find Allison.” Stiles looked at Mick who was looking at his phone. Mick held the phone up for Stiles to see the text from Stevie. “She’s fine, Stevie’s with her, all right? They were getting a ride from the party. Stevie’s got her.”
“No, I think I know who it is.” Scott said still not opening the door enough to let his two male best friends in. “Just let us in Scotty, we can try--”
“It’s Derek.” Scott cut Mick off, “Derek Hale is the werewolf. He’s the one that bit me. He’s the one that killed the girl in the woods. Mick’s face paled at what Scott was claiming. He took a slightly staggered step back to lean against the wall. “Scott.. Derek’s the one who drove the girls from the party.” Stiles told him, realizing what this could mean. The bedroom door closed leaving Stiles to bang on it. “Scott!” Scott was ignoring his best friend, leaping from the window, the only thought on his mind was Allison, protecting Allison.
“Stiles, Stevie’s phone is going straight to voicemail.” Mick’s worried voice told the sheriff’s son as they tried looking for Scott as they hurried to Allison’s. “It probably just died. You know how she is with that thing.” Stiles tried to reassure his best friend. Mick jumped out of the jeep before Stiles even had it in park and was up at the house ringing the doorbell. When Stiles got to the door he rang the doorbell yet again. Not getting a response fast enough for either of them they both knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal one annoyed woman.
“Um.. Hi Mrs. Argent. You don’t know us but we’re friends of your daughter’s.” Stiles began to ramble. The woman turned towards the kitchen, “Allison it’s for you!” Allison just steps out of the kitchen with a confused look on her face. “Stiles, Mick...what are you doing here? I just got back from taking Stevie home.” Mick released a sigh of relief knowing his sister was home safe and so was Allison. “Sorry Allison, my sister’s phone died and I kind of panicked.” Mick rubbed the back of his head giving an apologetic smile to her and her mother. “We should go. Sorry for that.”
“Don’t worry. She did seem a bit upset though. Just warning you guys.” Allison nods her head as she sees them both out of her house. Mick called Dean, who didn’t answer so he called his dad’s cell and was thankful to get an answer to let his dad know he would be with Stiles tonight. Which his dad was okay with as usual.
Neither of them knew the argument taking place at home between Dean and Stevie. Dean was in the garage doing some late night work on his car when Allison and Stevie pulled into the driveway. Dean wiped his hands out and came to greet the two girls. “You’re home early and without your brother.” Dean comments looking at his daughter. “Mick mentioned something about going to Stiles’. I wanted to head out early so I got a ride. Pops this is Allison Argent, Allison this is my pops, Dean. You’ll have to meet my dad another time.
Allison agreed to go along with my lie on the way over which I was very thankful. Despite being upset that Stiles and Mick left I understood. Allison smiled at my dad as they shook hands. “Argent, huh? Nice to meet you Allison. Thanks for giving my daughter a ride. You better head home before it gets too late.” Allison nods and waved goodbye before getting in the car and leaving.
Dean followed his daughter into the house. He stood in the living room where she stopped to take off her shoes. “I don’t want you to hang out with Allison, Stevie.” The request took Stevie by utter shock as she snapped her head over to him. “What do you mean you don’t want me to hang out with her?” Stevie gaped as her pops shrugs with his hands in his pockets, “Exactly what I said. I don’t want you to hang out with her.”
“No. You can’t do this. I finally made a female friend and you say I can’t hang out with her? Why?” Stevie stands to face him, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “Because I said so now just do as I say.” Dean raised his voice as he gave her an order. “No! That’s not fair!” She objected, throwing her arms down to her sides. “Stephanie, I have my reasons and I am not going to explain them to you now. Just listen to me or I will ground you and you won’t be hanging out with any of your friends.” Stevie took a step back, her jaw locked in anger. Dean rarely ever called her by her first name, he was the one who gave her the nickname ‘Stevie’. So sure he was serious but to her it was still unfair. Grabbing her boots she stomped up the stairs to her room where she stayed for the rest of the night.
When James got home early the next morning Dean was sitting at the kitchen table picking at the label on an empty bottle of beer. He moved to sit next to his husband concerned for why he was still awake. “What’s on your mind?” James’ voice cut through Dean’s thoughts causing the man to grunt and push the bottle away. “I got to meet one of Stevie’s new girl friends today. She’s an Argent. Stevie and I got into a fight because I told her she couldn’t see her friend.”
“Why would you do that?” James began setting up the coffee pot as he looked over at his husband. “I know Argents James. If Argents are here in Beacon Hills that means something is going on.” Dean tapped on the table sitting forward on his chair. “Or they just want a safe place to raise their daughter like we did.” James walked over to pet Dean’s hair and soothe him. “You don’t get it. The Argents, they aren’t like me and Sam or even Bobby. They live their life for the job, it is their job from the moment they agree till death.” Dean stood from the table to pace. “Son of a bitch, I just wanted to raise our kids in peace.”
It was dawn by the time Stiles and Mick found Scott walking down the road without a shirt or shoes. While Stiles slowed to a stop to pick him up Mick climbed into the back of the jeep. “You know what worries me the most?” Scott spoke aloud drawing attention from the other two males in the jeep. “If you say Allison I’m going to punch you in the head.” Stiles comments glancing over at his best friend.
“She probably hates me now.” Stiles sighed in disgust over how love sick his best friend was. “I mean if it means anything I’m pretty sure Stevie hates everyone right now.” Mick muttered from behind them. He got a text about an hour ago from his sister telling him the story she used to cover for him and then some slightly angrier texts about being left alone, pops not liking Allison for no reason, and being grounded. “Guess we all need some pretty amazing apologies.”
“Stiles patted Scott’s shoulder, “We’ll get through this. Come on, if I have to I’ll chain you up myself on full moons and feed you live mice. I had a boa once.” Stiles was slightly joking, making Mick snort, “Pretty sure Stevie fed that thing more than you did. “We got this chill.” Stiles smiles at his friends.
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phantomdrawingbooth · 3 years
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Dean leaned against the counter in stunned silence. Whether that silence was because Charlie spoke to him, or the fact that other people noticed that he was in love with Cas? Well, he could figure that out later. Dean ran his fingers through his hair, his mind running through the day’s events that led him to this point.
Cassie, once upon a time, had been good for him. She made him popular, she boosted his self-confidence. Even when she cheated on him, Cassie had helped him. He learned that he could do better.
Lydia had been good for him— may she rest in peace. They were never destined to stay together; they both knew that, but they healed each other, filled a void. Their parting was amicable, and while they promised to keep in touch, it never truly happened. Still, she was the person he needed at the time.
Lisa was good for him. She checked off so many of the boxes on his ridiculous list. She was fun to spend time with. She knew how to lift Dean’s spirits. She brought him out of his shell. And of course, there was the fact that Lisa was one of the bendiest people Dean had ever met.
For what all three of them had done for Dean, there was something they couldn’t provide.
None of them were his best friend. More specifically, the best friend he’d been in love with since high school. None of them would ever compare to Cas. Listening to Charlie, knowing that his heart was clearly visible on his sleeve? Now Dean knew why John got uptight when Cas was around. It was no secret that John Winchester was a homophobe, and he had made it clear what would happen Sam or Dean had come out as some kind of queer. So Dean put on the false bravado and machismo that was expected of him.
But thinking on it, if John could see that Dean was in love with Cas, did that mean Cas could too?
A second preview for the @spn-mediabigbang comedy fic based on the movie Clerks! I am incredibly lucky I get to illustrate this story written by the amazing @nickelkeep ! Look for the full fic to be posted in late April/early May.
The first promo can be found here: Promo 1
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
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Warning: Jealousy, angst and fluff.
Summary: She goes on a ride with Dean. Stiles keeps a distance from her but his eyes were burning with fire. Jealousy takes over him leading to a fight between them.
It would be a lie to say that Y/n didn’t enjoy the ride. It was peaceful and Dean didn’t miss a chance to make her laugh. Well ofcourse she almost fell two darn times for speeding up her cycle, trying to beat Dean. But, overall she seemed happy and the nature did keep her happy.
It reminded her of the Woods…all the animals and the breeze and..Stiles. Well.um..she didn’t quite forget about him. At the back of her mind, it continued to pinch her. But she decided to concentrate on her surroundings rather than someone who didn’t appreciate her company. There were trees around, breeze making her hair flow back, the birds chirping around, a shiny golden quiet afternoon and a laughing crazy Dean. 
Things were going nice. She felt happy.
“Woooohoooooooo!!” She yelled.
Try and beat me Y/n!!!“ Dean shouted.
“IS that a challenge?!!” She shouted from the back.
“YES!!!” He said speeding up his cycle.
Dean sped up and was before her, and they heard a honk from the behind. She looked behind and saw a car..Roscoe. She moved aside as her thoughts began to move all over the place, and that’s when she realized. Dean decided to come cycling this way and this is where the Pack are gonna have their picnic. She quickly tried to hide her face when she heard a yell.
Ofcourse. I AM LATE AS ALWAYS GODDAMMIT. She looked beside her, trying hard to smile but ending up with a weird face.
“H-Hey Lydia!” She said.
“Are you going this way?!” Lydia yelled.
Y/n stuttered but was interrupted when Dean yelled, “You are losing Y/n! If I win I want a kiss!!!”
She felt the color of her cheeks rising when she realized that not only the Pack heard that BUT Mr Stilinski and Mrs McCall HEARD IT TOO. Ugh Dean can be reaallly annoying at times.
“Oh.” Allison giggled “It will be nice if you lose this race.”
Y/n smiled and took a peek inside, hoping to see Stiles, but he was turned around towards the right side of the window.
Wow, he didn’t even look at me. I mean atleast a hi would have been nice after his conversation with them. Sigh, looks like he is right. I am the one who is missing him. “Well um, you guys need to speed up. Hey Dean!! Move aside!!”
“Enjoy Y/n!” Scott shouted before they sped their car and were almost out of sight.
She stopped when Dean smirked and came beside her.
“Tell me this wasn’t the reason you planned the cycling for.”
“Not at all. If you remember then I asked you about the cycling before all those things happened.” He laughed when you glared at him “Okay, maybe the destination changed.”
“And the competition…so that we can reach there faster.” Y/n gave him the cold look.
“Ugh, I am not going there.” Y/n said turning her bicycle around. Dean held her hand and said, “YOU said you are up for a challenge, so I just leveled it up darling.”
“Leveled it up?! I didn’t even pass the beginner’s level and you decided to surprise me with the EXPERT LEVEL!! Dean what is wrong with you?! You are supposed to help me!”
“Oh I freaking am. See, the more you are around him, the more you will get used to him and then eventually all the hard feelings will be vanished just like ‘poof!’” He said.
She sighed, “It’s too much for the first day. You don’t understand how I feel.”
“I do. You…you are the one who supported me when she left me. Turned me into a fuckboy .”
Y/n smiled and said, “Yeah, I suppose. But wait, are you trying to turn me like a slut?”
“You? A slut? Oh trust me, you can’t do that even if I tried.” He laughed.
There was a moment of silence. “So..you feel good enough to turn around and continue cycling?” She just nodded her head.
“But please tell me we will be out of their sight.” Y/n said starting to cycle back to the park.
“Whatever is comfortable for you darling.” Dean said.
*Time Skip*
The Pack were all a giggling mess. They were whispering and occasionally looking at Stiles
“Will you guys stop that?” Stiles snapped, irritated of everything.
“Will YOU stop that? What is that behavior? We are going for a picnic STILES, we are supposed to be like this. Laughing and happy and not grumpy like you.” Issac said.
“Enough kids. No fighting. We are here.” Noah parked the car nearby while the others took out the food and mats.
Stiles wasn’t sure why was he upset. He was confused. Yes, he kind of expected Y/n to arrive and be with them in this picnic. Maybe he is upset because of this. She could be arriving here in this spot with that nosy Dean, then that would mean they will be together in the picnic right? Then why wasn’t he okay by now? I mean everyone will be there along with Y/n…and why was he upset with all the giggling and how Dean shouted about the kiss?
“Hey.” Scott nudged him.
“Oh. What were you saying?”
He laughed and said, “I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh..I was just..”
“Thinking about Y/n?”
“Ye–uh no no.”
“Come on bro you know you can tell me.”
“I don’t know..It’s just that..I don’t know why I am feeling angry. I mean, Y/n is gonna be here I guess and then I can apologise for everything but still something feels wrong.”
“Oh..don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. But if you ask me, then I will say you are just jealous to see them together.”He mischievously smiled and said.
“What?”Stiles looked at him.
“Coming!!!” And ran away to Allison who was standing with a volleyball, preparing herself to play.
Stiles sighed and ran towards them, hoping his mood will be fine at the end of the day.
*Time Skip*
*Tring Tring*
Stiles looked back. And there she was. Smiling and laughing. And her hair perfectly flo– His thoughts got interrupted.
“HEY LOOK OUT!! There’s a bird pooping above you!” Y/n looked up and Dean took the opportunity to overtake her and he turned back. “I win.”
“HEY! That’s cheating!” She laughed.
Oh she definitely wanted this. Ofcourse she wants to kiss him. She is not even looking at me! We are clearly loud enough for her to hear! Stiles looked at how they both perfectly parked their bicycles next to each other like..like darn couples.
And he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. “Ow!!” He yelled.
“You need to be present in the game physically AND mentally Stiles!” Issac smirked.
“I-I am!!” He blushed. Y/n now looked at him. His face was red.
She walked over the green soft grass and finally settled down under a tree, a little away from them. She looked at Mr Stilinski , who was present there and  pouring some tea and drinking it.
“Watching your father-in-law?” Dean laughed sitting beside her, their shoulders touching.
She kicked his legs lightly and smiled “It’s not funny.”
“It made you laugh. Kinda is then.”
“Make Stiles laugh and I’ll agree with you.”
“Naaaah. Atleast I can peacefully flirt with you now. Although he is literally trying to burn me to ashes right now.” He chuckled.
Yes, Stiles was playing, but his complete attention was towards Y/n. His jaw locked, eyes frequently moving back and forth from her to Dean, how dangerously close those two were sitting.
“What? Really?” She said turning her head to look at him but then Dean cupped his hands on her face trying to block her view. “Wha–”
“Don’t look. The method is working.”
“WHy can’t you just shut up for a second?”
“WHy can’t you just answer my questions?”
“This is the time. Kiss me.”
“Wait what? Woah Dea–” As she went on to remove his hands, the ball came rolling near Dean’s feet.
“Don’t wanna interrupt you two but can you pass the ball?” Allison giggled.
“Hey Y/n!! Join us!” Lydia yelled.
“Uh..s-sure! Sometime later! I promise! I have a company you see!” She said pointing at Dean.
Stiles chest tightened and he huffed, “Yeah!! You can enjoy with him!” He furiously walked to them, picked up the ball and said, “We are absolutely happy over here! Please don’t ruin our mood!”
Y/n now snapped. Enough is enough. She stood up while Dean quietly sat and watched the drama, a grin on his lips. “What is wrong with you! Why are you acting like this?! Have I done something now to irritate you? No right? Then why don’t you go back to your business!”
The Pack went to sit with the elders giving a little privacy to the both.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! All these days you are with me and-and spend your time with me and suddenly today you show up with some damn neighbour!”
“Well Miecyzslaw the world doesn’t revolve around you! I prefer spending my time with people who actually loves my clinginess and not lie about how they are enjoying with me, when they are actually not!”
Stiles went quiet for a while. “But I thought you only did this with me.”
“I am really sorry. I didn’t mean those at all. I said those to make Scott and Allison shut up. Those just came out of anger. I missed you. I thought you sat like that only with me. I thought you laughed like that only with me. I thought you hugged like that…only with me. I never thought that..that you will…I always thought those moments belonged to me.” He said eyes locked with hers.
“But Sti you said you didn’t like that.” Her voice softened.
“I do, your every little gesture makes me happy. I love spending time with you. You are the only one who can make me smile and who truly understand me when.the Pack fails to do that.”
Y/n smiled and blushed. “I love you Sti. I did for a long time. You never..never really made any move to make me understand anything. I know that you may not love me like the way I do but…I need to let these out. I can still be your friend but, there will be changes in our friendship then.”
Stiles was quiet for her sudden confession. “I understand.” She smiled. Fighting back the tears, she turned around. Why did I do that?!
She suddenly felt a strong pull and they were kissing. It took a moment for her to realize what just happened. She smiled and kissed him back immediately, her hands going on the back of his neck, tugging his brown hair lightly, finally letting out the tears forming on her eyes. His hands went down to her waist pulling her closer to him. The kiss was full of love and force–needy, strong and passionate. All the emotions suppressed between them starting pouring out.
“Uhh…I appreciate your lovely moment of sucking each others faces but being her best friend, it really looks gross.” Dean interrupted.
They pulled from each other with a red face and smile on their lips. They looked back and saw the Pack smiling and giving him a thumbs up . 
“Oh no.” She blushed and hid her face on his chest, while he hugged her, “I really am clingy.”
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Hi!! Do you know any well written mpreg fics?? <3 thanks for the help!!
Here you are! (Just a heads up, be sure to send this as an ask next time instead of a submission!)
Apha Red and An Off White Moon by ScarredMuzzle (General | Complete | 4.5K) Tags: Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, True Mates Summary:The first big supermoon is coming up and the Alpha Red pack needs to prepare for what might happen with the kids. A Peek Inside:Liam shoved the last bag into the trunk and slammed it, willing everything to stay put. With everyone packing for a long weekend, both the minivan and Theo’s truck was loaded with bags. He felt the slight prickle under his skin, the aching reason that they were even taking a trip up to Lydia’s quiet lakehouse. Clearly the kids were feeling it too.
Little Paws by louis_wife505 (Not Rated | WIP | 35K) Tags: MPREG, smut, enemies to friends to lover Summary: Theo and Liam have a one night stand. They thought they could ignore it and forget it happened but fate has different plans. A Peek Inside: It didn't take a genius to tell Liam was uncomfortable with her coming on to them. Theo figured the girl would leave them alone if she thought they were a couple. Unfortunately she wasn't convinced with just Theo's verbal claim. "Excuse us. Babe let's dance." 
Fuck Food Lion okay? by synfulshark (Mature | Complete | 1.6K) Tags: Liam mpreg Summary: Liam doesn't feel great and want's Theo to make him one of his favorite home made meals so he does, but he finds out he doesn't have exactly what he needs so he has to go on a grocery run to aldi. His and Liam's go to for grocery supplies but they don't have one thing they need so he has to go to....food Lion. A Peek Inside: He scanned till he found Isaac's and he typed out a fast reply as he waited. ScarffyWolfBitch: Whatcha up to? SexyAssHellBitch: Aldi, Liam was hungry as fuck so he sent me to get food, ScarffyWolfBitch: What he want this time? Jesus didn't they kick you out of there for talking about killing people?
Knot The Brightest Idea by Haikyuuties_baeritto123 (Explicit | Complete | 2.6K) Tags: Knotting, outdoor sex, implied mpreg Summary: In retrospect, it probably wasn’t Theo’s brightest idea to get both he and Liam riled up before meeting the pack at the park. But the little wolf was just so easy to get flustered and Theo doesn’t pass up any opportunity to make Liam blush such a pretty shade of red. But perhaps this time he’s taken it a little too far. A Peek Inside: Theo melts and completely forgets about his phone; letting it rest on the bench beside them in order to get a good grip on Liam’s hips. The kiss is desperate and over quickly when Liam pulls back to whimper “Can’t wait” Theo does a quick survey of the area. It’s late at night so there isn’t anyone around, and the bench they are sat on is secluded from the majority of the path…but they could still get caught.
Woohoo by Shipper_trash (Teen | Complete | 1.1K) Tags: Omega Liam, alpha Theo Summary: This is a future fic, in the same 'verse as this: Get Together!! A Peek Inside: “We should seriously start watching something else,” Erica complains, shoving at Lydia who is giving her a glare. Even with tears running down her face, she looks scary. Stiles is impressed.   There is a murmur of agreement among the group of friends. Tissues are distributed, faces cleaned before Allison, Kira and Isaac decide to clean up the mess of plates and glasses on the too small coffee table. Stiles decides to help out by dialing up the pizza place’s number which they all love and ordering their usual. The lady on the other end knows the order by heart and he only has to say his name before she confirms the order and the price.  
Cracks in the surface by eliottsevak (Teen | Complete | 1.3K) Tags: Twink Liam Summary: Theo got Liam pregnant, then Kira sent him to hell. A Peek Inside: Liam knew it bordered on psychotic that Liam still found Theo to be a good person despite Theo trying to tear apart his pack and kill his alpha, but something was tugging himself to the older chimera.
Troubles (Yeah, Troubles Now) by NekoAliceYamiYaoi (Teen | Complete | 16K) Tags: Married Thiam, Nolan is Thiam’s adopted kid, angst with a happy ending, references to cheating but no actual cheating Summary: In all of his almost 6 years of life, Nolan never thought that he would be so afraid. And here we was, standing in front of the completely torn and with stenches of ink all over it dress that aunt Lydia had bought a few days ago. A Peek Inside: Nolan had only wanted to look at the dress because it had beautiful flowers in it. As he entered his dads room, he noticed Lydia's clean clothes on top of the bed, perfectly folded. He was touching the soft clothing -since his dads room had a big mirror behind the door- when he looked down and saw a spider -a big spider, not a tiny one- walking towards his feet. He screamed in fear and threw his hands up in the air, but had forgotten that he was holding the dress over his hands. He looked up as the dress flew in the air and landed in one of the blades of the ceiling fan, twirling around the room for a few seconds before the fan in a quick motion threw the dress to the boudoir where Liam kept a small portion of ink and it splattered all over the dress.
“Hello, Daddy.” by Katherin_Ravenlin (Teen | WIP | 13K) Tags: Break up, angst, alpha Liam, creepy, beating, misunderstandings, graphic depictions of violence, underage, rape/non-con Summary: Theo is already mated to Liam, they are spending their last high school year together and planning to go to college, the pack seemed to accept that they are together and Theo has big plans for their last prom - when Hayden comes back in town. The distance starts to grow between the Babywolf and the First Chimera, accusations start to settle in between them as Hayden's abusive boyfriend could be watching from any dark corner and somebody from the pack keeps leaking information about the hiding girl's whereabouts. But who is the one doing it? A Peek Inside: Laying on his back in the damp grass wasn't what Theo considered a good time. However, Liam curled up on his chest, cuddling into him stroking his skin like some kind of treasure while watching the sundown on the edge of a clearing far away from the city made it a quite okay experience. Liam nuzzles into his chest and hugs him a pit tighter, and Theo thinks, that getting his clothes damp is worth it, after all.
A Little Thing Called Love by Lanceiferroar (Explicit | Complete | 23K) Tags: Major character death, strangers to lovers, smut Summary: Liam Dunbar moves to Beacon Hills and never expects his life would change this much. A Peek Inside: Liam looked as they pulled up to their new house. “We’re here!” Liam’s mom said. Liam looked and saw the house. It was two floors, a nice yard, and an in ground pool. At least he had that going for him. He could work on his tan and lay by the pool. Maybe this life would not be too bad. Liam walked into the house and found his new room. It was surprisingly better than his room back home. He had a walk in closet and his own bathroom. No more waiting for mom or dad to get out. He could go whenever he needed to and take as long of showers as he wanted to. 
Creating Beauty From Mistakes by awesomerosie (Mature | WIP | 31K) Tags: Fluff and Humor, mentions of abuse, Starvation, mention of suicide Summary: The Dread Doctors did more than mess with Theo's status as a human, they messed with his status as a man too. A Peek Inside: Liam stood in the corner, gaping like a fish. Theo was going to kill him. He was going to drag him into the woods and beat him to death. It would take a while, a long while, but he would do it; he was just that enraged. Liam stepped closer, immediately flinching away from Theo’s snarl. At first, Theo thought he was just getting fat, but then a few days ago he started hearing a faint thumping following him. For all he knew, he had grown another heart or something, and in a way, he had.
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seanfalco · 3 years
The Going Away Party | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98​
Word Count: 5k Warnings: Smut, Jealousy a/n: The quad’s last night in London before starting a new chapter in their lives.
[ masterlist ]
“Okay, so... is that everythin’?” Win’s Nathan asked, trying to peer over Lyddie’s shoulder at the list in her hand.
"I think so, it's not like it's gonna be a ton of people, the flat can’t really fit more ten people sitting down, fifteen, if they’re standing up..." Lydia murmured, checking the list once again, her people-pleasing reflexes kicking in trying to remember what each of their guests liked. 
"Good thing Natty told us, I'm so happy to help you guys," she mused, following Win's Nathan while texting Win to say they would be home soon.  "I'll miss the Estate. I know we're not going forever, but it feels weird... I've been living here my whole life.
“Yeah, I hear yeh, but it’ll be a nice change of scenery,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, pushing the trolley for her.  “I’m excited for yeh to perform,” he said, flashing her a grin.
"Me too, I think I'm kinda numb at this point, if I actually access my feelings, I might faint," Lydia laughed as she put the groceries on the conveyor.  "Do you think that's enough beer?  Should I get more?" she mused at the four cases in front of them.
“We can tell people t’bring their own too,” Win’s Nathan’s laughed.  “Oh.... shite,” he breathed, quickly ducking down behind Lydia.
"What?" she almost instinctively made a force field around them, but thankfully she held back — that would've been hard to explain.  "Is it someone that tried to kill us?" she asked, looking around.
“No, even worse!” Nathan hissed, the checkout girl giving them a strange look.  “That’s Win’s evil stepmum.  The queen bitch, herself!” he exclaimed, gesturing toward the blonde woman nearby, who bore a rather striking resemblance to her daughter, Delilah.
"Ah, who cares, I'm not scared of her... If she tries me, her and her daughter will have matching scars," Lydia said, bagging the groceries with a chuckle.  "Nothing can ruin my mood today, not even the queen bitch supreme."
“Yeah, y’say that now...” Nathan mumbled, eyeing her warily.  She hadn’t seemed to see them... yet, but with the determined way Lydia was moving, it wouldn’t be long til she noticed them, having just gotten all her bagged groceries back into her own trolley.
"What is she gonna do?  Call the manager and say 'the girl with blue hair assaulted my daughter'?  The worst she can do is bore me to death, you shouldn't be scared of a gold-digging slag with ego problems, you're basically a superhero," Lydia pointed out, turning to kiss him before loading the groceries into the car Simon managed to borrow from their parents.
Win’s Nathan spluttered, but accepted Lyddie’s kiss.  “I guess,” he muttered.  “I don’t always feel like a superhero though.”  As soon as the words would out of his mouth he swallowed thickly, Win’s stepmum having clearly spotted him, her head swiveling his way and suddenly her trolley was changing directions.  He couldn’t see her eyes behind the dark sunglasses she wore, but he swore she was glaring bloody murder at him. 
“You!” she cried, running her trolley right into his shin as he yelped in pain.  “You and you!” she amended, venom dripping from her voice as she turned her glare on Lydia.  “You’re the miscreants that got my Delilah sent to the hospital!” she cried. 
“Oh hi, Karen,” Nathan drawled, “So y’remember me?  I’m flattered!”
"Hey, Karen... name suits you," Lydia added under her breath.  She was probably the only one able to understand the joke from the future, but she didn't care.  "I didn't do anything, Delilah's mouth sent her to the hospital, it wasn't me... and if you touch my boyfriend again you'll see who goes to the hospital next," Lydia growled.  She tried to be civil, but seeing her run into Nathan like that was too much. 
"You okay, sweetie?" she cooed, running her fingers through his curls as he nursed his bruised shin.
“Oh please, he’s fine!” Karen snapped, giving Nathan a disdainful look as he pouted, rubbing at his shin.  “I want you to tell my ungrateful slag of a stepdaughter not to contact us again.  Her father was willing to overlook her past transgressions, which is more than she deserved, honestly, but no longer.  He wishes to have nothing further to do with her and it’s about time.”
"I'll really appreciate if you wash your fucking mouth before talking about my girlfriend," Lydia snapped back, flashing her a hollow grin before taking Nathan's hand to avoid slapping the woman.  "Maybe watch what your own daughter is doing in her spare time.  You know, besides committing crimes, terrorizing children... but it'll be my pleasure, I'll tell Win that her shitty family is finally leaving her alone, she'll be enthused!"
Nathan let Lydia pull him away.  He knew, though, that she was bluffing.  She wouldn’t tell Win what Karen had said, it would hurt Win too much.  She’d always held out hope that her dad might finally come to his senses and try to make up for everything, to be the dad she needed him to be, and anger bubbled up inside him. 
“But what about me?” he called, catching Karen’s attention once more.  “Am I still allowed t’call?  I mean, how else are we supposed to continue our illicit affair, Karen?  You were the best cougar I’ve ever had!  I thought what he had meant somethin’!  And now you’re just throwin’ me away like a old rag?” he cried dramatically, drawing more onlookers’ attention and causing a scene, Karen’s mouth falling open.
"Oh my God!  You're saying that you're cheating on me with this crusty old cunt?" Lydia cried, dramatically falling to her knees, crocodile tears running down her face.  "Tell me now!  She's the one who gave you crabs wasn't she?  WASN'T SHE?” she sobbed, turning next to Win’s stepmum.  
“You homewrecker, I’m pregnant with his child and you stab me in the back, stealing my boyfriend, Karen?  You'll pay for what you did, you monster!"  Lydia knew that would probably end up somewhere in some tabloid, but Karen's expression was absolutely priceless, totally worth the damage control afterwards.
Snickering, Nathan pulled Lyddie to her feet and jumped into the car, leaving Karen gaping after them as people stared and muttered behind their hands. 
“Oh my God, that was priceless!” he laughed. “Lyddie, you were amazing!  Absolute perfection!”
 He knew it wouldn’t be enough to make up for the fact that Win’s dad was finally cutting her off for good, but it had felt good to humiliate Karen one last time.
"Thanks... I gotta practice for my big Broadway debut," Lydia laughed, taking Win's Nathan's face in her hands and kissing him lovingly.  "Once we get home, Winnie can borrow my power and get rid of that bruise — speaking of that!  I don't know what to say to her, she's gonna be devastated; I wanted tonight to be perfect for her."
“Maybe... we shouldn’t tell her?” Nathan ventured hesitantly.  He didn’t want her to be upset either and he had a feeling hearing about this would completely ruin her night.
"Yeah, maybe it's best, at least for now..." Lydia agreed.  "Maybe in New York, if I were to receive bad news, I'd rather be on top of the Empire State than a flat in Wertham."
“Jeeze what’s taking them so long,” Win muttered, checking her phone.  She and Lyddie’s Nathan were on decoration duty while Lyddie and her Nathan had gone to the supermarket to grab the food.  Smart idea, Win thought ruefully.  Though Lydia had been teaching her some things, she still struggled in the kitchen and didn’t want to ruin the party with her subpar cooking skills.
With Nathan’s powers and Win borrowing them, it had taken them almost no time at all to decorate the flat for the party.  
"They're shaggin', they have t'be!" Lyddie's Nathan groaned, throwing himself down to the couch.  "It's almost time for the party and they’re shaggin' in her mum's car!"
“Maybe they just got held up,” Win murmured, sitting down next to him on the edge and running her fingers through his hair.  “I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”
"Hey, loves!" Lydia exclaimed, shouldering open the door while carrying two huge paper bags under her arms.  "Sorry we took so long, the line was crazy..." 
"The line, uh huh..." her Natha teased, getting up to help.  "Let's pretend I believe you."
“Oh sure, like you weren’t gettin’ frisky with Win while you were waitin’ for us,” Win’s Nathan teased, carrying the beer in.
"How dare you!  We did no such thing!" Lyddie's Nathan gasped.  "We've been workin'..." 
"I wish we had time for that," Lydia mused, looking over at Win's Nathan, he was really sexy dealing with the whole Karen thing earlier.  "But looks like I'll have to wait until after the party, the guests will be here any second."
“Why didn’t we do that?” Win teased, following Lyddie’s Nathan into the kitchen to help unload the food.
"Cause I'm nervous..." he admitted, it was a little scary, every time he remembered he was moving across the world, he felt slightly sick to his stomach.  "But after the party I'll take care o'that," he pushed that fear aside and smiled.
“Aw, Nats,” Win murmured, wrapping her arms around him, momentarily surprised at his moment of vulnerability.  “I’m nervous too,” she whispered.  “But the important thing is we’ll all be together.”
Since the flat was so tiny, they only invited a few people — their closest friends, but Lydia was still freaking out.  Being anxious about being a good host, on top of leaving for New York the next day, on top of the unpleasant (to say the least) encounter from earlier made her run and hide in the bedroom for a moment, not sure if she was doing everything right.
“Hey Lyds, you alright?” Win asked, pushing the door open a hair, having noticed her hurry out of the room.
"I-I don't know... I think I'm having a little bit of a panic attack, but I'll be fine," Lydia assured her, kissing the back of Win's hands.  "Don't worry, baby, go have fun, I'll be right there."
“Are you sure?  I really don’t mind if you want me to keep you company,” Win insisted.
"Maybe just for a second..." Lydia admitted, curling up against Win, trying to breathe properly.  "I love you, Winnie. You’re amazing, you know that?  If anyone ever says you're not, the problem's with them," she insisted heatedly.
“Oh Lyddie, I love you too,” Win murmured, holding her girlfriend while rubbing soothing circles against her back.  “Did someone say I’m not amazing?” she asked with a laugh.
"I just wanted you to know, that's all," Lydia mumbled.  "You're the best girlfriend I could ask for, and I don't ever wanna be without you."  She said, looking up and placing a gentle kiss to Win's lips.
“Oh babe, you’re so sweet,” Win murmured, kissing her back as she caressed her cheek.  “I don’t ever wanna be without you either, Lyddie.”  She could hear the Nathans’ raucous laughter from the other room and was glad they were out there entertaining.  “Everything’s gunna be alright,” Win assured Lydia.  “Like I told Nathan... the most important part is we’ll all be together.”
"Yeah, that's all that matters..." Lydia agreed, getting up.  Before opening the door, she hesitated, looking in the mirror to make sure everything was in place.  "Let's do this." 
"Hey, are you okay, Lyds?" Simon asked, pulling her to the corner as soon as he noticed her coming out of the room. 
"Yeah yeah, don't worry, I was just a little scared, but I feel better now," she smiled.
Win gave Lyddie’s hand a squeeze before Simon pulled her off to the side to talk to her and she waded into the small sea of bodies, looking for a tall curly head.  
“Hey! There yeh are, Winnie,” her Nathan exclaimed, his twin not too far off.  “Where were ya?” 
“I was talking to Lyddie, she got a little overwhelmed, but I think she’s okay now,” she murmured, looking around at all their friends.  Most of them seemed to know her somehow, more like a faint memory, and though it made her a little sad to think about, it was bearable.  At least they knew her at all.
Lydia tried to forget all the foggy thoughts getting in the way and tried to have fun.  The Nathans worked really hard on planning the party, she didn't want to upset them by not enjoying it.  Grabbing a beer, she sat down with the rest of the gang and her partners.  Everyone seemed happy, chatting about anything and everything. 
"So, what are you guys talking about?"
"Not much, just gushing about you," Win answered, leaning into her side as she joined them, resting her head against her shoulder for a moment.
"About me?" Lydia blushed, laughing as she imagined what they could be saying. 
"Yeah, we were talkin' about your sexual prowess with three lovers," her Nathan mocked. 
"Nathan, Jesus Christ..." Simon shook his head with a wince.  "How many times have I told you not to do that?  I don't wanna know!"
"Actually we were talking about the musical, and how excited we are to be spending time in New York again," Win cut in, giving Simon an apologetic grin.
"It feels so odd to think about it, it's like a dream, I'm really excited, you know even in the future there has never been a female Lonny in Rock of Ages, I have no idea how this happened!"  Lydia was always so excited to talk about the musical.  She knew she’d never be able to repay them for getting her to audition.  "Of course, everyone's coming to the City to watch me when the night comes... I need everyone there," she insisted.
"Of course!" Alisha exclaimed excitedly, grabbing onto Simon's arm. 
"Don't worry, we'll make sure everyone's there, Lollipop," Win's Nathan assured her with a grin, his hand resting on her thigh. 
"Win? Hey, Win!"  A voice through the crowd drew her attention and she looked up to see her bandmate, Max making his way over.  She'd been a little surprised that the Nathans' had thought to invite him, but she was glad to see him.
"Max, hey!" she exclaimed, getting up from the couch to greet him with a hug.
"Who's that?" Lydia whispered to her Nathan, feeling just the tiniest hint of jealousy, not that she would ever admit it... 
"That's Max, th’other Nathan had the idea to invite him," he explained.  
Lydia watched that with an indecipherable expression.  She didn't really understand why she felt so off. 
"You alright?" Kelly asked, following Lydia's eyes. 
"Yeah, sure," she answered distractedly, getting up to introduce herself.  "Hey there."
"Hey!" Win exclaimed.  "Oh, that's right, you guys have never been introduced before," she remembered.  "Lyds, this is my bandmate Max.  Max, this is my lovely girlfriend, Lydia," she said, wearing a bright smile.
"Nice to meet you," Lydia murmured,  shaking his hand.  "Make yourself at home, get a drink, a snack... I think I remember seeing you at the music festival that Winnie and I played at together, is that right?" she asked, taking her seat with a smile that made Simon and Lyddie's Nathan exchange a look. 
“What's wrong with her?” Simon mouthed while Nathan shrugged, but he was wondering the same thing.
Win frowned as Lydia hurried away again before even really waiting for Max's response, but she couldn't exactly ask her about it right then. 
"Hey, Win, d'you think we could go somewhere quieter?” Max asked, interrupting her thoughts.  “There’s, uhh... there's something I need to talk to you about.” 
"Uh, yeah, sure..." Win said awkwardly, looking around for a quiet spot.  She didn’t exactly like the sound of that.
"I don't like him," Lydia announced suddenly, bouncing her leg nervously as she sat back down. "Not one bit..." 
"Aww, is someone jealous?" her Nathan teased, poking her playfully. 
"So what if I am?" she demanded, folding her arms. 
"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Peanut..." Simon took her hand. 
"Yeah, the Nathans should be jealous, but you're much hotter than that guy," Alisha assured her with a grin. 
"I feel like I should be offended, but I don't exactly understand why," Lyddie's Nathan muttered with a twist of his lips.
"Don't worry, Lollipop, I may have been a little jealous of the guy back in th'day, but he's good people.  Surprisingly," Win's Nathan exclaimed. 
"C'mon, we can talk on the balcony," Win suggested, opening the sliding door and ushering Max outside.  "So, what did you wanna talk about, Max?" 
"It's actually somethin' I've been wanting to tell you for a while, and when I heard you were leaving to go to the States... well, I couldn't put off telling you any longer.”
Oh no, Win thought with a grimace.  This can’t be good.
“Winrey, I'm in love with you," Max blurted out, taking her hand. 
"What?" Win exclaimed in response, nearly ripping her hand from his.
"I've been in love with you for years, don't you remember that night we spent together once? Didn't that mean something to you?"
"Being 'good people' doesn't stop him from hitting on our girlfriend..." Lydia huffed. "Did you see the way he looked at her?  I'm telling you, I have an eye for these things." 
"Win has three partners, I think that's more than enough," Kelly laughed. 
"Wow, Lollipop, haven't seen you like this ever since Ruth..." Lyddie's Nathan taunted. "Remember?" 
"Yeah, granny fucker, very funny!" Lydia replied, shifting slightly closer to the balcony to hear their conversation.
"Max, what the fuck are you talking about?" Win exclaimed.  “I never slept with you!”
“I know we were pretty drunk that night, but you have to remember.”
“Oh my God,” Win groaned.  It must have been the other her, the one originally from this timeline before she showed up.
"I'm already in a relationship.  Please don't do this, Max," she begged, saying anything to get him to back off. 
"Do what?  C'mon Win, I know you feel something for me too." 
"Max, I—" Win sighed, unsure what else to say.  This was not the conversation she wanted to be having right now, or ever to be honest.  Max was her best friend outside of the ASBO group, and she didn't want to lose him, but there was no way she was gunna jeopardize her relationship for him, for something she didn’t do.  
"Just, please Win—" Before she could react he leaned in to kiss her.
In a flurry of events the sliding door suddenly flew open and Lydia’s angry voice echoed over the Estate.  "BACK THE FUCK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" she cried, fuming.  
The two Nathans looked at each other surprised, Lyddie wouldn't act like that without a reason... she must've heard or seen something they didn’t. 
"You come to my flat, in the middle of my party, and you try to kiss my fucking girlfriend?  What the fuck, man?" she shouted angrily.  The rest of the gang was taken back, Simon’s eyes widening — it had been a long time since he'd seen his sister that angry. 
Turns out she did have a good eye for that stuff. 
"Get the fuck out!" Lydia snapped, pointing at the door.  "I've had a pretty hard day, I don't need this shit.  Take the hint and leave."
"But, Win, please?" Max stuttered, hesitating. 
"Max, I'm sorry, but you need t'leave," Win said, giving him a pointed look.  For a moment she didn't think he was going to, but finally he stormed out and Win slumped into the nearest chair, hiding her face in her hands.
"Very well done, Nathan, brilliant!" Lydia snapped at both of them, thought they couldn't have possibly known this was going to happen. "Very memorable last night in England!" she cried, throwing her hands up. 
She wasn't mad at Win, of course not, it wasn't her fault, though the thought of her — any version of her — sleeping with him made Lyddie's stomach churn and she slumped down next to Winnie. 
"Hey, it's okay," she whispered.  "I'm so sorry this happened, I... wanted tonight to be perfect for you."
"It's not your fault, Lyddie," Win murmured, completely embarrassed.  "I'm so sorry, I didn't think he'd... I had no idea he felt that way," she said, squeezing her eyes shut.  "I'm gunna... uh, I'll be right back—“  Before anyone could say anything more Win made a b-line for the bedroom, away from everyone's prying eyes.
Lydia was pretty much used to sharing her entire life with the gang, but she’d known them for a long time, Win had only known them since Community Service and she suddenly felt bad for making such a scene in front of everyone. "
“Winnie, baby," Lyddie exclaimed, hurrying to the door and knocking gently.  "Can I come in?  I just wanna talk and hold you, I'm sorry for all the yelling, I just couldn't help it."
“Yeah, you can come in,” Win said, her voice muffled.  As soon as Lydia shut the door behind her Win quickly scrubbed at her eyes, trying to hide her tears.
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea he felt that way... I can’t believe he tried to kiss me— I can’t believe he actually thought I’d leave you guys for him.  I’m just... I’m sorry, I don’t want you t’think—“  She shook her head and sank to the bed.
"There's nothing you could've done, baby, it was completely delusional of him to come here and pull this stunt," Lydia joined Win in bed and pulled her close.  "I love you, I would never judge you because of that.  I was really jealous and I embarrassed you, I'm so sorry about that."
“You were jealous?” Win asked softly, glancing over, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Yeah, of course..." Lyddie felt her cheeks burn slightly.  "I saw th’way he looked at you, I saw you hugging him, I was bloody jealous."
“Aw babe,” Win drawled, her embarrassment forgotten for the moment.  “Is it terrible that I kinda like that?  It makes me feel special,” she laughed.  “I’m sorry, I’m terrible.”
"No, you're not terrible and you are special..." Lydia felt happy for being able to make Win smile after that shitshow.  "I just love you too much, and thinking about someone else with you made me lose it, you're mine."
“Someone other than a Nathan?” Win teased.  “I like how fiery you got babe, it was pretty hot,” she admitted, sliding her hand along Lyddie’s jaw as she leaned in to kiss her.
"I've never seen you get jealous over me..." Lydia mused, kissing her back, one hand firmly squeezing her thigh.  "But that's good to know, I should get jealous over you more often," she joked.
“I’ve been jealous before,” Win admitted softly between kisses.  “Though it wasn’t like some asshole was about to try to shove his tongue down your throat,” she said with a small laugh. “But I’ve definitely been jealous,” she said.  “It’s usually when fans flirt with you and you don’t realize it, or when guys at the bar check you out...”
"Yeah you're right, it does feel good," Lyddie murmured, using her thigh to part Win's legs, as she pushed her back, grinding against her.  "To know that you're scared of losing me, it's cute..." she moved to kiss Win's neck.  "I think we might be getting a little outta hand here, do you want me to stop?"
“No, please don’t stop,” Win moaned, tilting her head for Lyddie to keep kissing her neck.
“Win, are you oka—?!” her Nathan exclaimed, cutting off as soon as he saw Lyddie with her. “Oh! I... sorry.  I came t’check on yeh... I knew that guy was bad news!”
"Hey, go on, sit down," Lydia bit her lip.  "That is if you'd like to watch…” she drawled before turning her attention back to her girlfriend.  "Don't worry, we'll be back at the party in no time, but you gotta be quiet, okay, Winnie?" Lydia purred next to her ear, one of her hands sliding under Win's shirt as her thigh kept rubbing against her girlfriend's sex.  "Come on, baby, you know what to do..."
Win nodded, careful not to make a noise as she reached for her Nathan who joined them without having to be told twice.
"So beautiful like this..." Lyddie breathed before capturing Win's lips, one hand sliding between her legs, gathering her arousal as lube to tease her clit.  "Say you're mine, Winnie," she commanded.
“I’m yours, Lyddie,” she breathed, her breath catching, and she rolled her hips against her hand.
"You're so good, baby," Lydia pumped one finger inside of her while nipping at the tender skin of her neck.  "I love you so much."
“I love you too, please Lyddie,” Win whimpered, jumping as she felt Nathan’s thumb circle her clit as Lydia’s fingers pumped into her.  “Oh—“ she sighed, writhing at the pleasure that coursed through her at such two simple touches.
"Please what?  You wanna come for us?  Is that what you want, baby?  Cause I wanna watch you..." Lyddie added another finger, moving faster, while leaving a trail of hickeys down Win's neck.
“Yes, please, I’ll be quiet,” Win whined, threading her fingers in Lyddie’s hair, her other hand seeking Nathan’s.
"Good girl, come for me," Lyddie smirked, by now all the anxiety and sadness had faded, the only one she could focus on was Win.
As if Lyddie’s words were a switch Win climaxed, her body tensing as pleasure took over and she was floating for a moment.  When she came down from her high, her chest heaving, she looked up at her two lovers and gave a tremulous smile.  “I love you both, so much.”
"I love you too," Lydia licked her fingers clean and gently kissed Win's forehead.  "Are you ready to go back?  Can't leave Natty out there by himself for too long," she laughed.
“Yeah, you go on, I’ll be there in a sec,” Win murmured, sitting up, her eyes trailing over to her Nathan who seemed rather quiet.
"Okay," Lyddie stole one last kiss before leaving.  When she came out, she found exactly what she expected: Nathan being Nathan, cracking jokes and pulling tricks that only made everyone roll their eyes, while Lydia laughed.
“Did you ever have a thing with Max?” Win’s Nathan asked quietly. 
“No,” Win answered truthfully.  “He’s a good friend, but I never thought of him that way.  Though,  if what he said tonight is to be believed, apparently my clone from this timeline did…”
Nathan nodded reluctantly.  “Guess he’s been in love with you ever since, huh?  Or at least… well, you know...” 
“Yeah, I guess,” Win murmured.  “This is just so fucked up.” 
“I know,” Nathan exclaimed, reaching for her and Win let him pull her into his arms.  “But it’s not your fault.”
“I know, but I’m still sorry...” she insisted, her words muffled against his shirt. 
“Y’got nothin’ to be sorry for.  I’m sorry he did that t’yeh.” 
Win stayed there for a long time, just letting Nathan hold her.  
“C’mon, let’s go back out there and put all this behind us, huh?  Don’t wanna keep our lovely Lyddie waitin’,” Nathan said, pulling Win to her feet. 
“Yeah, definitely not,” Win agreed, seeming better, and they left the room to rejoin the party.
"So you were right about Max after all," Lyddie's Nathan let his head rest on her lap while they all watched a movie.  
"Yeah, as usual..." she teased.  "But I thought you were used to it by now."  She grinned as Win and the other Nathan joined them.  It felt so odd to know that tomorrow she would have to say goodbye to all their friends and her home. 
"Hey, Simon?" a voice came from the door, Max having left it ajar as he’d left and Lydia looked at her brother, tears springing to her eyes as she recognized the voice. 
"In here, dad!" he called. 
"I was hoping this was the right address, you know how I am sometimes..." 
"Yeah," Lyddie laughed as she shed a tear. 
"The car, right... I'll get the keys.  Dad, you remember my friend Lyddie, right?" Simon asked, taking her hand as he got to his feet.  "She's going to the US tomorrow to perform on Broadway." 
"Wow, that's amazing!  Congratulations!  I remember how talented you are," he exclaimed, holding his hand out to shake hers, but instead Lydia threw her arms around him.
Win watched Lydia hug her dad from her spot on the couch and she was overcome with a sudden wave of emotion. She really wished that Lyddie could tell him the truth about her identity some day.  She wanted her to be happy.  And a part of her wished that she and her own dad could work things out.  For a moment she thought about giving him a call, but what would she say?
"Do you wanna stay?  We have plenty of food and beer," Lydia asked hopefully, fixing her hair to cover the birthmark on her shoulder.  
"Thank you, but I can't, I'm supposed to pick my daughter up at the library.  It's getting a little late, don't want her walking around alone." 
"Yeah, that's... yeah, it's dangerous at night, thanks for dropping by," Lydia stumbled over her words. 
"Well, congrats again on the Broadway thing," he said, giving Lydia a tender look and waved at the rest of the guests.  "Have a good night you lot, sorry for interrupting your party," he chuckled before leaving. 
"Goodbye," Lydia waved back, falling into her Nathan's lap. "—Dad," she added softly after he’d already left.
Win looked over as Lyddie returned, slipping her hand in hers without a word and giving her a squeeze.  “Can I get you anything?” she asked.
"Just a hug," Lydia murmured, wiping the tears from her face as she took Win in her arms.  "Let's just finish the movie, yeah?"
“Of course, babe,” Win murmured, pulling Lydia into her arms.  As they watched the movie, the Nathans cracking jokes and quoting random lines Win idly ran her fingers through Lyddie’s hair, feeling strangely at peace, despite how the evening had gone.
Tag list: @magic-multicolored-miracle @santacarlahorrorshow @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator  @spanishmossmagnolia @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby @vonkimmeren  @violetrainbow412-blog
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
2. “You have a nice voice” with Jake DeBrusk
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2. “You have a nice voice.”
Happy blurb weekend!
“We just signed you up for the karaoke thing,” Emily told you, drunk and giddy at the humiliation you were about to face. You look over to the small stage in the corner of the bar, two sloppily drunk girls belting out a song you didn’t recognize slightly off key. 
“You did what?” you ask, panic washing over you. You down the rest of your drink, hoping that the alcohol in your system would calm you down at least a little. Sadly, it did not. 
“Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood,” Lydia tells you, a stupid grin on her face.
“Why would you do that?”
“Oh, come on!” Emily practically screams, clearly too far gone to be making good decisions on her own, “We scream that song all the time in the car, this is no different.”
“In the car it’s just the three of us and sometimes a fourth passenger who either screams with us or sits there awkwardly while we scream. This is in front of a bunch of strangers who are going to judge me.”
“Everyone is drunk. No one’s going to judge you! Go! It’s your turn!” Lydia says, pushing you forward once the DJ calls your name. 
You were shaking, the song starting and the lyrics flashing on the screen in front of you. You start singing, everyone staring at you. You see Lydia and Emily with their phones in the air, probably recording to mock you if you miss a note or mess up the lyrics. Someone near the entrance starts making their way towards the stage. You swear you knew him from somewhere, not sure why you recognized their face.
He was handsome, a boyish grin covering his face while he was fixated on you. He kept looking between Emily and Lydia, eventually going up to your friends and talking to them, staying there until you join them once the song was over. 
“I can’t believe you made me do that,” you scold them, a smile on your face nonetheless.
“You were amazing!”
“You think if we post this, it’ll go viral?” 
“You two are doing nothing with those videos,” you say to them, turning to the mystery man that was standing with them. “I’m sorry, they’re annoying.”
Emily and Lydia scoff, leaving you alone with the guy. “You have a nice voice,” he saws, extending his hand out, “I’m Jake.” 
You introduce yourself, still trying to figure out why you know him. “What do you do?”
“I, uh, play for the Bruins.”
That’s when it clicked. You nod, “Yep, celly season.” 
The smile on his face grows, the space between you shrinking as he gets closer to you. “You know who I am?”
“One of my coworkers is obsessed with you. And understandably so.” 
He bites his bottom lip, the grin still on his face. “How about I buy you a drink, and you can explain why it’s understandable.”
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clovermunson · 3 years
28, 56, 63 :)
thanks for the ask, Lydia!🥰💕
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
unfortunately, yes I have😔 when I was 17 (young and clearly fuckin stupid) I let my shitty ex cheat on me five frickin times but I stayed with him until I could work up the courage to leave him, and I’m more than grateful I just said fuck it and left before it was too late to leave because he was beyond toxic.
56. How many people have you fist fought?
four. I’m not really sure if I’d really count the first one I’ve ever been in though because it was in elementary school and only started because this girl kept shoving me away from my friends when I was trying to talk to them and I just had enough of her shit that day honestly😂
63. Would you change your name?
I actually already have gone through the legal process of changing my name😅 my given first name at birth was Skyler but I always went by my middle name, Morgan, because I liked it better and felt that it was just a better fit for me. then I legally got my first name changed to Morgan and chose a new middle name all together because I don’t like the name Skyler at all and just pretty much wanted to do away with it completely (my mom chose it, me and my mom don’t really get along soooo…yeeaaahh)
send a horrible ask!
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captainscanadian · 4 years
Exception | Carter Baizen x Reader (Part 7)
My Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: You were his one exception. But he was your redemption.
Word Count: 6100+
Pairing: CEO!Carter Baizen x Lawyer!Reader, Nate Archibald x Caroline Baizen, Carter Eleanor Lydia Y/L/N-Baizen
Warnings: Swearing, Gossip Girl References, Drugs, Infidelity, Car Accident, Blood, Trauma, Hospital, Teenage Pregnancy
A/N: This is my entry for @baezen​​‘s writing challenge. Shout out to @franksufferbuddy​ and @propertyofpoeandbucky​ for motivating me to finish this part. I don’t do taglists. Gif’s not mine. Credits to the owner.
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According to the neurosurgeon who had operated on Carter, he was apparently on the verge of slipping into a coma if he did not wake up by tomorrow.  As time was passing by, the chances of Carter waking up on his own were rather slim. But the doctor had explained to Caroline that his mind was very awake even though his body wasn’t. Her advice had been for his loved ones to sit by his bedside and talk to him in hopes that someone could get through to his mind and convince him to wake up.
After spending the early hours of the morning by her brother’s bedside, the younger Baizen had given up on her attempts to get him to regain his consciousness. She knew that if anyone could bring Carter back from this, it was you. After all, you were the reason why she got him back the first time around.
Even if her brother had not been honest about how much you meant to him, she knew by the look in his eyes the moment he saw you at her wedding that he loved you. She then understood what Carter meant when he said to her that he knew what it meant to be in love with someone. He was in love with you.
“I’m not going to hold it against you for keeping your child a secret from all of us, Y/N.” Caroline grabbed onto your hands and held them tight in hers, her eyes puffy and her cheeks strained with tears since she had been crying all night. “You had your reasons for doing what you did and I can’t blame it all on you. We were all young and stupid back then. Carter was stupid enough to cheat on you. He fucked up and you had every right to feel hurt. But I’ll have you know that he only lived to regret it. It might not be easy for you to believe that he still loves you or that he has changed. But he has... and he still loves you, very much. He might not admit it, but I know him.”
“No, Caroline... I... I was terrible to him. I was awful... I treated him so badly. I was so angry at him for what he did. I was holding onto this fifteen year old grudge that did not do me any good. What even is the point in staying bitter about the past when...?” You paused to shake your head. “I’m done being mad at him, I’m done being mad at... the past, at who we were back then. We’ve all had to learn our lessons the hard way and... I think I’ve learned mine now.” You admitted, choking back your tears. “I can finally forgive him for hurting me back then, because he’s the reason why I’m even alive right now.”
“When he came back home after working for the Buckley’s, he came home a better man. He promised me that he would do right by me after being away from my life for a decade, to do right by our parents and to do right by our family. Ever since we lost our parents so suddenly and so tragically, Carter has done nothing but try his best to redeem himself, whether it be taking over as CEO of Baizen Industries or being there to walk me down the aisle and I... I don’t want to lose him now.” She let go off your hands as she pulled you into an embrace. “Losing you was the start of his downfall, Y/N... nothing in his life had ever been right until you came back into his life and got him out of his debt. He needs you in his life more than ever right now, you know... he needs you and he needs his daughter. My brother has suffered alone for long enough and... Only you can bring him back. You always have. You’re the only reason why I got my big brother back in the first place and I’m begging you, Y/N please... please bring my brother back to me. Please... don’t let him die on me like this. He can’t die.”
You hugged her back tightly, a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders because she had not held it against you for what you had done. After all, you had taken away her own brother’s flesh and blood from her family. You had expected her to be pissed at you for taking away that right, but her forgiveness made you realize that you were on the way to get your redemption as you had hoped when you had first arrived here. “Oh sweetie... we’re not going to lose him. I’m not going to lose him. Carter’s not going to die not knowing that he has a daughter, he’s not going to die... until we all become one big happy family, all of us. He’s not going to die until he walks our little girl down the aisle, just like he walked you.” You told her as you rubbed her back gently, sighing as you looked over at Nate and have him a nod. “He’s not going to die.” You realized now that Carter not your apocalypse. It was you; you were your own apocalypse. But Carter... he was your redemption.
As per your request, Nate had left for the airport right away. Since your mother and your daughter were meant to arrive in New York within the next hour, you had entrusted your cousin to bring Carter Eleanor Lydia straight to the hospital once she landed in the city. While you waited for your daughter’s arrival, you found yourself walking into her father’s hospital room now that you had gathered the courage to face his unconscious self and the words you needed him to hear.
“Would you like to get in bed with him, Miss. Y/L/N?” The nurse who had been assigned to keep an eye on him asked you as you stepped into the room.
“Huh?” You looked over at her, you eyes welling up with tears. A part of you wanted to hold him in your arms again, but you were also terrified that you would hurt him. “I-I can do that?”
She nodded as she walked over to his bed, pulling away the blanket that Carter had been laying under and moving him gently to make room for you. “Yeah, of course... go on ahead.” A small smile on her lips as she let you climb into the bed, she stepped out of the room once you had made yourself comfortable.
Careful not to tangle any of the wires that were attached to him, you rested your head against his chest. The steady beats of his heart seemed to have calmed you down for a moment, reminding you that he was still alive. You just had to get him to wake up.
“H-Hey... Carter. Carter, wake up...” You bit back your tears as you took his hand in yours, clutching tight and never wanting to let go. “What... are you... scared that... are you scared that I’d walk away from you again once you woke up? Is that why you’re unconscious, baby?” You sobbed softly against his chest, your salty tears soaking through the thin fabric of his hospital gown. “Carter, I’ll never... I’ll never walk away from you again, I promise. I’ll never leave you, please... wake up, please. Baby, please... please, wake up, I get it now. I was the one who screwed us up, not you.” You admitted, finally coming to your senses. You had been the one to blame for everything that had happened to you, from your pregnancy to Carter’s accident. You had brought it all upon yourself because of your own selfish grudges.
You let your free hand gently stroke his stubbly cheek, careful not to run your finger over the bruise on his lips. A sigh escaped your lips as you recalled the first few months of your relationship that had been the happiest. Those were the moments you wanted to relive right now, but could never get them back after all that the two of you had been through. “I used to think that drinking underage, going to every single party together and being prom king and queen was... what it meant to be in love with someone. I thought it was... what? The popularity of being the ‘it couple’ at Constance and St. Jude’s and making people jealous of me? That was not love, Carter. That’s wasn’t love. When I disappeared for fifteen years with no explanation, when I left you hanging... so lost... so confused, so worried... I treated you like crap. I blamed you... for everything- for being my apocalypse, the one who ruined my life. But you... you didn’t even think twice before you jumped in front of that moving car to save my life and I... I get it now. That’s what love is... it’s not... it’s not what I thought it was. It’s what you did for me. I believe you now, Carter. I know that you love me and I know that I never deserved any of it... but I can’t live without you, Carter. I’ve spent fifteen years without you and I can’t spend another second without you, please... wake up... baby, please... please wake up, you can’t leave me now. I can’t live without you, our daughter... you can’t leave behind our daughter. She did nothing wrong to get my messed up self as a mother. Carter, she needs you... Our Carter needs you.”
As you wrapped your arm gently around him, you cried harder as you recalled the last time you had cuddled together like this. It had been the night before you left for Santorini, the same night you had begun suspecting that you might be pregnant.  Seventeen years old you had been that night, unaware that you had indeed been carrying Carter’s child at that very moment you had shared that conversation. That night, the thought of having Carter’s child was very hypothetical. But only a day later, did it become very real.
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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Chuck Bass’ middle name is Bartholomew? Really?” Carter laughed as he looked over at you, clearly amused by this information as he wrapped his arms around you. “What? Did his dad hate him so much that he felt the need to make that his middle name? Like, I get that he wanted his son to carry on his name and all. But if my name were Bartholomew, the last thing I would do is name my fucking kid after me.”
“Oh don’t you dare tell him that I said that. He’d fucking kill me.” You rolled your eyes at him before shaking your head. “But it’s just his middle name, so I don’t think it’s that much of a big deal. My Pop says that Bart wanted Chuck to take after him, like how he wants me to take after him. All of our parents want us to take after them, right? That’s a given. But I swear, some of the parents... the ones who name their kids after them, they can be so fucking narcissistic.”
“Now that I think of it, it would have been valid if his name were something other than Bartholomew.” He admitted, laughing. “But I should be honest though. If I ever ended up having kids, not that I ever will, I’d totally want my kid to be named Carter. But then again, my name is Carter and not Bartholomew so I don’t really have to worry about ruining my kid’s life with a horrible name.” He gave you a cheeky grin, his hands clutching onto yours as you cuddled together in his bed. “Carter Baizen Jr. The name sure does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
Looking up at him, you could not help but raise your eyebrow slightly. “I have two things to say to that. One, you’re a fucking narcissist so you wanting to name your kid after yourself really doesn’t surprise me all that much.” You rolled your eyes, laughing softly. “Two, what if you ended up having a girl?”
“Hey, who said that Carter can’t be a girl’s name? Whether I have a boy or a girl, I don’t really care. I’m naming my firstborn Carter and no one can stop me from doing so.”
You laughed as you shook your head. “Yeah, I’d like to know if you’d feel the same way when you’re older though.” You rolled your eyes as you rolled over in bed to face the ceiling. You looked away to avoid his eyes for a moment, your heart pattering against you chest as you finally asked him the question that you had been wanting to ask him all week. “But seriously, Carter, do you ever see yourself having kids?”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you for a moment, clearly not expecting to be asked that question by his one-and-off girlfriend. Not that he did not want to have any children with you, but he knew that the two of you were too young to be parents. You both had your own separate plans for the future, neither of them including children for the moment. “What are you asking, Y/N?”
You let out a sigh as you thought about it for a moment. You feared that if you ended up wording your response the response the wrong way, you would inevitably inform him of your suspicion. You wanted to tell him that you were pregnant when the time was right, but unbeknownst to you that time never came. “I don’t know. Ever since my parents got divorced, I’ve had a lot of questions about what it means to... to be married, to have children, to have a family. My parents told me that their decision to separate was not my fault and that with time they just happened to fall out of love. If they could fall out of love, then what does that make me? Is it really worth having children when there’s a possibility that you could fall out love with the person who you had children with? Should children be burdened to live with the knowledge that their parents didn’t love each other? If you had a kid of your own, would you ever put them in that position?”
“Y/N, come on... what’s gotten into you?” Carter’s lips curled into a frown as he rolled over to wrap his arms around you. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
Your eyes glazed over as you let out a sigh. “Carter, I’m scared. I never wanted any of this. Yes, my parents’ divorce was hard on me but... I was happy for a while. I was hopeful that at least they were making the effort to both be a part of my life, you know? They decided to live in the same house even after their divorce for my sake and I hoped that they would fall back in love again. I was naive and completely dumb for getting my hopes up, I know... But now my father got my mother to jet off to England for a few months so that he can fuck Lily van der Woodsen without a care in the world as if my mother never even existed in his life. If he could just replace her that easily, what does that mean for me? I don’t like that he’s moved on and... the way he’s trying so hard to get her kids to like him... Good God, he bought Serena a car when she doesn’t even drive! It seems like only a matter of time before... Pop replaces me with her.”
“Babe, come on... he’s not going to replace you. I think you’re overreacting a little.” He sighed as he rested his chin against your shoulder, the palm of his hand resting gently against your belly. “I know it’s hard for you to see your dad with someone who’s not your mom. But you know he’s never going to replace you. You’re his daughter. He loves you so much, Y/N. And if you think that he’d ever replace you with Serena, then I’ll have you know you’ll still have me. I’ll never put anyone else before you. I love you.”
“Carter, no –“
“Shhh... it’s okay, babe. Don’t cry... we don’t want you getting a nose bleed now, do we? It’s okay, I got you.” He cut you off, moving his hand over to stroke your arm soothingly. “Babe, you’ve got me. Even if the entire world turned against you, I’ll always be by your side. I love you so fucking much and you’re my one exception. You hear me? I’ll never do you wrong, Y/N.”
“Carter, do you mean that?” You asked him as you wiped away your tears. “You’ll never let me go no matter what happens, right?”
“Y/N, I promise. I won’t ever let you go.” Carter leaned over to kiss the side of your neck. “Even if your father replaced you with Serena, I wouldn’t do such a thing. I love you so fucking much and I would always fight for you.” But a week later, you would come to realize that this was a promise that he could never keep. And even if he had vowed to fight for you, you had not done the same for him.
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“Carter...” You whispered, wiping away the tears in your eyes. “Carter, I need you to know that... I forgive you. Even if you might not forgive me when you wake up and find out what I did to you, I forgive you for what you did to me. We were young, stupid and spoiled rotten. We had no idea what we were doing with our lives. But we both... grew up, didn’t we? We both learned some hard lessons in these fifteen years.” You reached your hand to stroke his cheek, a sigh escaping you lips as you felt your heart break. All you could do is hope that he could hear what you were saying to him.
You needed him to hear every word you said. “When I found out that you cheated on me with Serena, it fucking broke my heart. You promised me that you wouldn’t throw me away like... like my Pop almost did. But then you went ahead and did the one thing that you said you wouldn’t do and all the while, I was pregnant with our daughter. I was so terrified to bring her into a world where her parents couldn’t love each other, a world where we would have had to fight each other. I didn’t want her to be caught up in the middle of that, like I was caught up in my own parents’ mess back then. Perhaps, I was too harsh on you both to think that she was better off without a father, but I was right to some extent, Carter. I did what I thought was best for her and getting away from the Upper East Side was the start of that.” You admitted, chuckling softly. “The Upper East Side, although known for its luxury and status, its literal hell. All the money that we have and the never-ending need to maintain your reputation and the gossip... I was all toxic! The money couldn’t always buy us happiness and I wanted our kid to be happy, to be away from this hell.”
“I know that a lot of single mothers had it harder than I did. But I guess I was quite lucky to have my mother’s house. A roof over our heads was one less thing to worry about. I got my van der Bilt family trust fund when I turned 18 to keep me going until I finished school. I didn’t have it hard but... I did my best, you know? I had to give Carter the best life I could. And Carter... well, her full name... is Carter Eleanor Lydia Y/L/N.” A smile crept upon your lips as you said that, and you look over at him in hopes that he was hearing all of his.
“I was going to go with just Eleanor, but then I remembered you telling me that you would name your firstborn after yourself, so...” Laughing softly, you shook your head. “God, I hope you still do feel the same way about that. If you don’t then, I guess you should know that I like that name very much. But Carter... it just seemed like the right name for her when she was born. The moment I held her in my arms for the first time and she looked up at me with those bright blue eyes of hers... Oh my God, she has your eyes, Carter... and she has your mother’s hair. Carter Eleanor Lydia... it was just right.”
You shut your eyes for a moment, rubbing your temples with your free hand. All that crying had caused you to become quite dehydrated. But most importantly, the love that you had hid under the resentment was starting to pour out of you. “Carter, please... wake up. She’s on her way and I don’t know what I’m going to tell her when she gets here and asks for her dad. I need you to be awake and I need you to get better so... so that you could be a part of her life now, Carter. I fucked her over by having her grow up without a dad. She accepted it because she knew from a young age that I did what I needed to do in order to give her a good life. I did my best. I did all that I could do for her, except have her meet her father. I know that deep down she’s always wanted to get to know you but she didn’t force it. She didn’t hold it against me or blame me for her having grow up without a father. The truth is I didn’t want her to know the Carter Baizen who was irresponsible and didn’t care about his own family. I didn’t want her to know the Carter Baizen who was drinking underage and sleeping with literally every girl in the Upper East Side or... doing lines of cocaine and gambling away his father’s money. That’s not... If I’d ever stayed and raised her in New York, I don’t know if you would have been the best father she could have asked for. I didn’t know, Carter. I was terrified then... but now, God, now I want nothing more than for my little girl to meet her dad and... I swear, if you die not knowing that you had a daughter. Carter, I’ll never forgive myself. Please, wake up... wake up and see your daughter when she gets here.”
You leaned over to place a gentle kiss against Carter’s forehead, finally letting go of his hand that you had been holding onto for dear life. You rubbed your sweaty palms together as you let out another sigh, clearing your throat before climbing out of the bed.
As you turned around to look over at the father of your child, he still remained unconscious. While you had felt his chest rise and fall with every breath he took, that along with the beeping sound of the heart monitor let you know that he was still alive. Even after you had lain in bed with him and spoken to him as though he were awake, it seemed as though your words had no effect on him.
You had been on the verge of giving up when you heard the sliding door of the room open. You turned around to see a frowning Caroline enter the room in a hurry.
“Y/N, she’s here... and she’s beautiful.” She pulled you into a hug as she wiped away her tears. “She’s got your smile and my brother’s eyes. She really is the best of you and Carter.”
Your eyes glazed over as you felt your heart pounding against your chest. “Thank you. She’s got some good genes in her, at least on her dad’s side.” You admitted, chuckling nervously. “God, I don’t know how I’m going to explain myself. Now that she’s here, all I can do is hope that she doesn’t lose him as soon as she got him, you know? If he doesn’t wake up, I’d never forgive myself.”
Rubbing your back gently, she let out a sigh. “Maybe she can bring him back...”
Carter Eleanor Lydia found herself trembling as she clutched tightly onto her grandmother’s hand, her anxious heart pattering as she followed her Uncle Nate down the hallway in this unfamiliar American hospital. Having touched down across the pond just an hour ago, she had not expected her first time in the States to be such an emotional event. But she knew that her mother was somewhere in this building, along with the man she’d been longing to meet.
Her whole life she’d dreamt of being able to embrace her father, to let him hold her in his arms and tell her all about his life before she’d become a part of it – if she was even lucky enough to have that. Up until now, the only time she’d seen the face of Carter Baizen was in pictures. Aside from the multiple Forbes’ magazine covers and his interviews with CNN that she’d watched a thousand times now, this would be the first time she would see him in person, and it was certainly not the best time for a first meeting.
“Y/N, there she is...” Nate called out as he noticed you rushing towards him before motioning his niece.
As the fourteen year old looked across the hallway to see you, she felt a sense of relief mixed with fear. “Mom!” She ran as fast as her aching feet would take her, jumping into your arms in a hurry as she began sobbing. “Mom... is he okay? Is he awake? Can I see him? Does he know about me now?” The never-ending questions that flooded through her brain were not making this any easier for her. “Mom, please tell me he’s okay!”
“I got you, baby. I got you...” You sobbed softly as you held your daughter in your arms after weeks of being apart, filled with gratitude to this fucked up universe for at least keeping your daughter alive. “He’s... he’s out of surgery now. But the doctors said that... he hurt his head, so it might take him a while before he wakes up. I don’t know how long that’ll be but all we could do now is wait for him to wake up and then he’ll be okay.”
You pulled back from the hug to look down at you daughter. You had to put on a brave face for her sake. “Do you want to see him now? I know you’re probably tired because you just got off of the plane-”
“No, let me see him now.” She cut you off. “Mom, please...? I want to see him. Mom, may I please see him?”
You nodded your head before looking over at Nate and your mother, sighing softly. “Yeah, you’ve done enough waiting. It’s time for you to finally meet your dad, baby.”
As the two of you walked towards Carter’s hospital room, Caroline stepped out for a moment to give you some privacy. She stood outside the room with your mother and Nate, hoping that her brother would wake up just to meet his daughter.
Your hands were shaking as you held your daughter by her shoulders and led her up to her father’s bedside, your heart beating fast as you sat down on the edge of his bed. “Hey... Baizen, she’s here now. If you’re not going to wake up when Caroline asked you... or because I just poured my heart out to you, I hope you’ll wake up to finally meet your daughter. Fourteen years were too long, I know. But I don’t want the two of you to be apart for any longer and don’t do that to her. Please... wake up, Carter. You need to live to be a part of her life now.” Sighing to yourself, you turned over to your daughter and gave her a nod. “Go ahead, baby. Say hi to your dad.”  
Carter Eleanor let out a nervous sigh as she stepped towards her father, her hands shaking as she finally grabbed onto his. “H-Hey... D-Dad...” It almost came out in a whisper as she finally broke down in tears. The bandages around his head and the wires attached to his body made her realize how serious the accident really was. A part of her was terrified of losing him before she even got to know him. But she was grateful to be able to be in his presence, even though it was fourteen years too late. “Dad, please... wake up and look at me.”
The gentle touch of her tiny fingers against his rough ones was what he had felt at first. The beeping sound of the heart monitor was ringing through his ears. “
Carter could hear her sob, her soft hand clutching tightly onto his as she let a few drops of her tears land against his arm.
"Dad? Dad, please wake up. It's Carter... I-I'm your daughter and I’m here. I want you to know. Please... please, dad... wake up and talk to me."
There was a slight pain in his forehead that he chose to ignore, but he winced slightly. “Y/N...”
“Carter!” You gently reached over to stroke his cheek, turning towards the door. “Can one of you get the doctor in here?!”
Your mother gave you a nod before she skipped down the hallway.
He shook his head as he remembered what had happened before he had lost consciousness. "Y/N..." He said, softly. "Y/N, don't... don’t go!" As he struggled to open his eyes, the events of the dreadful accident replayed in his mind, bringing him back to the moment he had witnessed you almost get run over by a moving car, right before he jumped in front of it and pushed you out of the way.
"Carter?! Carter, I'm here..." You were quick to place your hand on top of your daughter's, holding onto his as you watched him slowly open your eyes. "Carter... hey..."
He squinted at the light for a moment, blinking away the blur. His mouth was dry but he could care less. All he could see was that you were sitting right there by his bedside, alive and well. “Y/N... y-you’re okay...”
“Carter, can you hear me?” You called out to him, feeling a huge weight lift from your chest. “Hey, Carter... talk to me. Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, I’m fine... head... hurts... fine. You’re okay.” He looked over at you, his lips curling into a weak smile at the sight of you. "Y-You bet... you thought you finally got rid of me... didn’t you?" He told you with a soft chuckle, wincing slightly at the pain in his chest. “But it’s not that easy, is it, Y/N?”
"Asshole. You're an asshole." You leaned over to hug him gently, careful not to mess with the wires that were attached to his body. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you shut your eyes for a moment, staying in his embrace a little longer before you pulled away. "And you're an idiot. You're such an idiot for jumping into a moving car that. What were you thinking?!"
"Well, you're not any better, are you?" He asked, laughing softly before he winced at the pain in his chest. “You didn’t watch where you were going... idiot.”
You chuckled softly as you leaned over to kiss the top of his head, wiping away your tears. "I'm glad you're okay, Baizen..."
"I think you still owe me a date... by the way."
"Okay... fine, we'll go in a proper date. But I do prefer staying at home, just me in my pajamas on my laptop."
"Why? Are you scared that I might end up almost dying on you again?" He joked.
You were quick to bring your hand up to his lips and shook your head. “Carter, shut up! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Carter chuckled as he took your hand with his other one. "Don't worry, I’m not going anywhere now." He said as he finally shifted his gaze towards the fourteen year old girl who stood next to you.
Carter Eleanor Lydia was a spitting image of her father, but she did have some of your physical traits as well. With her hair tied up into a braid, she looked exactly like you when you had attended Constance.
For a moment, the globetrotter wondered if his head injury had caused him to see a hallucination of the younger version of you, the one that he had lost fifteen years ago. But the moment he saw the bright blue eyes of this little girl he was reminded of his own reflection in the mirror every morning. She had his eyes.
"Y-You... you look a bit familiar. D-Do I... know you from somewhere?" He asked his daughter, his brows furrowing as he tried to recall where he had seen her before. She looked oddly familiar to him, yet he couldn’t recognize who she was.
"Carter..." You bit down on your bottom lip, not knowing how to break this to him. “She’s... your daughter. She’s yours.”
He gasped as he turned his gaze towards you, his eyes welling up with tears as he realized what you had been hiding from the last fifteen years. “Y/N... y-you had a baby?”
You nodded, smiling widely. “Yeah... yeah, I did. I had your baby. Carter Eleanor Lydia, named after... you and your mother.”
But the father of your child shook his head. "O-Oh God, I can't... I can’t believe it. I have a baby girl. I can't believe it... she’s really mine?” He smiled, weakly, as the tears continued to slip. “I-I’m her dad?”
You nodded. “Yeah, Carter. You’re her dad...”
“And you named her after me, really? I can’t believe it."
You burst into laughter at his reaction. "You wanted that, you jerk!"
"But I can't believe you still went through with it. Oh my God." He laughed softly before wincing in pain, turning over to look at his daughter as he finally let the tears slip. “You’re my daughter...”
She nodded. “Y-Yeah, I am...”
He reached over to gently stroke her cheek, realizing that she was the legacy that you had taken away from him, just like he had almost taken yours away from you. “Y-You look just like your mother... when she was... when she was younger and a lot less bitchy.”
You rolled your eyes. “Carter!”
Your daughter laughed before shaking her head, leaning over to stoke her father’s cheek. “But she says that I have your eyes.”
Nodding his head, he agreed. “Yeah, you do... because you’re mine. You’re my daughter.”
“Yeah, d-dad... I’m your daughter. I’m Carter Eleanor Lydia Y/L/N-Baizen.” She said before looking over at you. “Mom, I know it’s a long ass name but you’re going to let me legally change it, right? I hope you do. Uncle Nate says that I’m a Baizen and I do want to be a Baizen from now on, if you’d let me.”
You laughed softly before giving her a nod. “You just got here, baby. Let’s give your dad some time to get better and then we can negotiate.”
“Oh yes, I’m sure you would enjoy that. Negotiations are your mother’s strongest suit.” Carter joked, giving you a teasing look.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes once again. “Wow, it looks like someone’s retained his sense of humour even after waking up from brain surgery.” You laughed softly as you reached over to stroke his cheek. “You’re lucky I love you, Baizen.”
“Do you really?” He asked you with his brows raised slightly. “Are you sure you didn’t say that to every other guy you met in London?”
You shrugged your shoulders as you felt your cheeks heat up. “No, you’re my one exception.”
“Carter?” You heard Caroline enter the room, grinning through her tears as she walked up to her brother. “Oh Carter, thank God, you’re okay!”
“Hey, Carebear...” Carter smiled as he reached over to grab onto his sister’s hand. “I’ll be fine and... I’m sorry, I know you’re supposed to be on your honeymoon right now.”
“Bullshit, Carter.” Nate intervened as he walked over to stand behind you, his arms wrapped around you and your daughter’s shoulders. “The honeymoon can wait. But family’s a lot more important.”
“Yeah...” You agreed with a nod of your head. “Family’s a lot more important.”And your family, from now on, included Carter Baizen as well.
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singofsolace · 5 years
Miranda Otto’s Filmography as seen through a specific lens
otherwise known as: I watched some of these things so you don’t have to. But more specifically, I want to share basic information about which of her films and tv series require trigger warnings. Honestly, I’ve never recovered from some of them (thinking about In Her Skin... but also Homeland... because what the actual fuck, Saul?)
This isn’t a complete list. It’s only 21 of over 60 credits Miranda has to her name, but I think these are probably some of her most famous roles. Please let me know what you think of these brief descriptions, and whether anything should be added or removed.
It should go without saying that there are spoilers below. Read at your own risk.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:  Zelda Spellman
A powerful role, but be aware Zelda is abused, raped (implied), and violently murdered (twice)
Downhill: Charlotte
I love this woman with all my heart, okay? Miranda Otto is supposed to be playing the most heterosexual woman ever, and instead manages to make every single scene gay as fuck.
The Silence: Kelly Andrews
Gets her leg mutilated (also it’s implied that she and Kiernan’s character would be made sex slaves by this random cult that shows up... which is super tasteful and not at all disgusting)
Annabelle: Creation: Esther Mullins
Face mutilated, eventually murdered (I think? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this one)
24: Legacy: Rebecca Ingram
Powerful woman kidnapped, tortured, and violently murdered
Homeland: Allison Carr
Powerful woman violently attacked by her former lover in full view of her coworkers. Riddled with bullets while she is curled in a trunk.
The Daughter: Charlotte
I’ve made a whole post about how I think Charlotte was raped by her employer, and that it therefore shouldn’t be framed as a sexy affair… but here we are.
I, Frankenstein: Leonore
Powerful woman kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip. I’ve also made a post about this one, and how Miranda Otto claims this part could have been played by a man, but the blatant sexism around the kidnap and ransom—making a woman who is the leader of warriors powerless to fight back against her attackers, and having her rescued in a way that frames her as a damsel in distress (complete with bridal carry)—makes me believe that Miss Otto doesn’t notice just how much sexism was written into the role.
Reaching for the Moon: Elizabeth Bishop
While as a whole, this movie is beautiful and wonderful and one of my all-time favorites, we need to still acknowledge that Lota and Elizabeth were in an incredibly toxic relationship—which I actually think is great representation, because abuse doesn’t just happen between a husband and a wife, or a boyfriend and a girlfriend, it can happen to anyone with any partner.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: Lydia Andrews
I unapologetically adore Miranda in this one. She is so convincing as the grieving widow that the plot twist caught me completely by surprise. This is perhaps the only role that I’ve seen Miranda play where a bad woman was brought to justice, but in a way that had absolutely nothing to do with her gender. Justice was neutral and exacted without prejudice, in this case.
In Her Skin: Mrs. Barber
This is one of the most upsetting and disturbing films I’ve ever seen. Miranda Otto is brilliant in it, but playing the role of a mother whose daughter went missing (and then was brutally murdered) definitely took its toll. I will never understand why the movie released an interview during which Miranda was clearly distraught. She breaks down into tears multiple times just trying to talk about this movie (which was a real-life murder case).
Cashmere Mafia (TV Series): Juliet Draper
Okay, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Juliet Draper. I would cherish her and dote on her for the rest of her life if she were my wife. But in the actual show, her husband is a serial cheater. When her friends find out about it, they don’t judge her broken marriage, but they do give her the courage she needs to leave him. They tell her she deserves more—and she does!! But in the final episode there is a pretty disturbing plot about a multi-millionaire who wants to buy not only her Hotel company but also her… which is exactly as bad as it sounds.
War of the Worlds: Mary Ann
Miranda Otto is heavily pregnant and glowing in a grand total of five minutes of this movie, but oh, what wonderful five minutes!!
The Lord of the Rings: Eowyn
This is the role for which Miranda is most famous. I have nothing bad to say about Eowyn, except that she ought to have been given more screen time, and that there shouldn’t have been that creepy plot about the King’s advisor or whoever wanting to have sex with her. It was incredibly unnecessary and frames Eowyn as a potential victim in the beginning, which was completely unnecessary in terms of character/plot development. 
Danny Deckchair: Glenda Lake
Glenda Lake is a precious cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. Please for the love of Otto watch this film for baby Miranda in a sweet romantic comedy.
Julie Walking Home: Julie Makowsky
I don’t understand this film at all. It has one of the most absurd plots I’ve ever seen. Miranda’s husband/partner cheats on her and gets caught, and then he gets violent (in front of her children and multiple adult witnesses!!), and then their son gets cancer, and then she goes to Poland, and then a Healer tries to cure her son, and it works for a while, and eventually Julie (Miranda) has sex with the Healer, in order to teach him how to have sex? and then she gets pregnant by this man, and then her son’s cancer comes back, and then the Healer runs for the hills, and then her former partner takes her back so that they can all be a family again....?!?!?!?!
Human Nature: Gabrielle
This film made Miranda popular with a lot of creepy old men (okay maybe just Bruno Barreto based on this interview… (seriously I am so uncomfortable with the way he’s like… oh yes, I knew her from that film... and then later *places his hand on her bare knee/thigh* Lowell doesn’t give a shit about (Elizabeth/Miranda) being awkward! 
(the implication being that Lowell is only interested in getting Elizabeth into his bed...)
anyway… she plays a sexy French scientist, who isn’t actually French. There’s lots of lingerie, dancing, and kissing.
The Jack Bull (TV Movie) Cora Redding
Miranda Otto dies an incredibly violent death in period costume for no apparent reason besides generating male pain.
Dead Letter Office: Alice Walsh
Young!Miranda is so cute in this, but there’s a sort of ambiguously creepy older man-younger woman relationship… because Alice (Miranda) is looking for a father figure… and anyway I don’t remember this film well enough to comment more specifically, but I remember it being lovely except for the age difference between Alice and the guy in charge of the missing letters.
Doing Time for Patsy Cline: Patsy
I watched this purely for Miranda, and I do think it’s good, but only her part in it. Miranda plays the “busty bimbo with a heart” incredibly well. I remember being scared for her character, because her husband was a mean drunk/drug addict, but I don’t think any actual violence gets portrayed… but someone who has watched this more recently can correct me if I’m wrong.
Sex is a Four Letter Word
I only made it through half of this film before I turned it off. I wouldn’t watch it unless you’ve ingested/inhaled some substances and don’t mind people monologuing about their terrible sex experiences. 
Let me know if you’d like to know more about any of these films!
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vampiregirl1797 · 5 years
Scott McCall: Mates
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18+ For Mature Audiences ONLY
GIF Not Mine.
This is the first fic I've posted on Tumbler, so please be kind.
Click Here For My Masterlist
Scott and Stiles were walking down the street towards Heather’s house. Stiles had been invited to the girl’s seventeenth birthday party and he had invited Scott as he hadn’t wanted to go alone. It hadn’t been an easy task, getting the wolf to come due to him still being hung up on Allison, but after Stiles’ relentless badgering he eventually agreed.
 ‘What?’ Stiles asked, noticing his friend’s stare.
 ‘What do you mean what?’ Scott replied, shrugging his shoulders.
 ‘I mean what, and you know what.’ Stiles said, getting agitated; he was already nervous for the party and now Scott was making him even more agitated.
 ‘What, what?’ Scott frowned.
‘That look you were giving.’ The over-active boy huffed.
 ‘I didn’t give a look-,’ Scott denied but he was cut off.
 ‘No there was a distinct look, Scott.’ Stiles pressed.
 ‘What look?’ Scott asked, looking over to his friend in confusion.
 ‘The look that says the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party.’ Stiles accused, pointing his index finger at his best friend before letting it drop.
 He was trying not to get too panicked, they were only a few feet from the party—Scott couldn’t bail now could he? Stiles hoped not. He needed his wingman tonight.
 ‘It’s not that, it just seems a little weird going to a different High School’s party.’ Scott admitted with a shrug.
 ‘Well if you could just—,’ Stiles cut himself off with a sigh, frantically waving around his arms to convey his point, ‘oh my god, one drink alright? You’ll be fine. I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, tonight we’re moving on.’
 Scott zoned out near the end of his friend’s pep talk, distracted from the feeling of his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and his heart skipped a beat and felt like it was being crushed all at the same time. It was Allison. He hesitated, watching it ring and then with a sigh he decided to take his best friend’s advice. He declined the call and put it back in his pocket, squaring his shoulders he turned to Stiles.
 ‘You’re right.’ Scott said, finally coming to the same realisation—he and Allison were over and he needed to stop hanging onto the slim possibility that they would ever be together again.
 ‘That’s right, I’m right.’ Stiles nodded, trying not to act too surprised or excited that Scott had actually agreed with him.
 ‘Moving on.’ Scott said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself as they both came to a stop at the end of the walkway that led to Heather’s house.
 ‘Onward,’ Stiles gestured with his arm, pointing to the sky, ‘and upward.’
 ‘Let’s do this.’ Scott nodded, a small but genuine smile on his face.
 ‘That’s what I’m talking about,’ Stiles nodded, holding up his hand for a high five, ‘now look at me.’
 ‘Okay,’ the wolf said softly, bringing his hand to slap Stiles’ and moving it to reach back to slap it again from behind.
 Both of them walked to the party, this time both of them excited for what the night had the potential to bring. Scott was finally going to start looking at other women without feeling guilty, without feeling like he was cheating on the huntress that had broken up with him all those months ago. And Stiles was ready to get his flirt on and hopefully find someone who was interested in him, with Scott as his wingman he was pretty confident.
 ‘How does my breath smell?’ Scott asked randomly.
 Stiles gave him an incredulous look before answering, ‘I’m not smelling your breath.’
 ‘Do you have any gum?’ the wolf said, suddenly concerned his breath would smell of the lasagne he had for dinner.
 ‘No! No gum,’ Stiles said exasperated, ‘you’re fine.’
 ‘Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?’ Scott said, trying to forget about his concern over his breath.
 ‘It’s just a birthday party, dude. Not an orgy,’ the honey eyed boy rolled his eyes and pushed open the front door, looking up when he heard his name being shouted.
 ‘Stiles! Hi!’ Heather shouted, clearly happy to see him, though Stiles wondered if that had anything to do with the alcohol he could smell on her breath when she walked over to him and Scott.
 ‘Hey! There’s the birthday gi—,’ he never got to finish because Heather bought her lips to his straight away, catching him by surprise before he responded to the kiss eagerly.
 ‘So glad that you made it.’ Heather said when she pulled back.
 ‘Me too.’ Stiles responded immediately.
 ‘Come down stairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine.’ Heather told him, but Stiles didn’t mind in the slightest.
 ‘Yes.’ He agreed, allowing himself to be pulled away as he shot a look of disbelief over his shoulder at his best friend.
 Scott watched the encounter in shock and didn’t realise his mouth was hanging open until his best friend and the birthday girl were completely out of sight. When he did notice he quickly snapped it shut and couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face—it was part disbelief and happiness for his best friend. Shaking his head, he noticed the girl who had walked up with Heather taking him in as if she were deciding if he was worth talking to.
 ‘Hey,’ Scott said, tucking his hands into his pockets and slouching his shoulders almost bashfully.
 He may be much more confident than he had been before he became a werewolf, but he wasn’t used to talking to random girls at parties. Allison had just kind of happened without him planning it or even having to really try. He didn’t know how to talk to girls in this setting and he was hit with a new wave of nerves as he realised this.
 Scott was trying not to be consumed by his nerves, so he almost didn’t notice when the girl walked away after shooting him a ‘no way in hell’ look. He frowned and pursed his lips, wondering what could have possibly gone wrong in those thirty seconds. The wolf didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he was wearing; jeans and a brown Henley shirt—he was dressed similarly to most of the guys here. He let out a sigh, deciding that he wasn’t going to let one girls opinion get to him and headed to find the drinks, figuring he could assess the crowd better from there.
 ‘Wooo! Party!’ A random person screamed, running past Scott so fast that he almost didn’t have chance to move out of the way, even with his supernatural reflexes.
 After a few moments of aimless walking, Scott managed to find the drinks—the keg had been set up in the kitchen and there were various other bottles of cheap liquor. Scott eyed the Jack Daniels Honey with a nostalgic eye before grabbing a red solo cup and filling it halfway with beer from the keg. He had planned on trying to mingle after getting a beverage, but now that he was in the empty, quiet kitchen he was finding it difficult to gather enough motivation to move.
 Scott couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed—this year was supposed to be different. He wanted to be better, a better friend, son a better everything and that had seemed to be a good idea… except that didn’t leave any time to focus on his needs. To focus on what he wanted. He knew deep down he was focusing so hard on being a better person to those he cared about because all of his energy was going into not thinking about Allison. But now he couldn’t escape it. He lost her. She and him were never going to happen again, despite how much he had been hoping it would, hoping it could. And if he was honest a part of him was… relieved. As much as he loved her, being with Allison always ended badly on a whole new scale of awful. It was better for both of them if they just stayed friends.
 The wolf’s attention was broken when he felt a presence join him in the kitchen and he looked over to the new addition with a surprised face that the girl who joined him immediately found adorable. He couldn’t help but notice her beauty; she was wearing a green dress that made her emerald eyes stand out against her olive skin. Her hair was a long caramel blonde that fell down to her waist, which was small enough for Scott to wonder if both of his hands could wind around it and manage to touch. Her hips flared out, drawing his attention to the smooth looking skin of her legs; they were long and the wolf had a hard time looking away from them. She was gorgeous.
 Janelle Southerland was new to Beacon Hills and was struggling to fit in, hence trying to find a place to hide out, but apparently someone else had already had the same idea. She knew coming to this party was a bad idea, and she hadn’t been planning on it, but she had made the mistake of mentioning the invitation to her mom at dinner that night. Which led to her mom practically shoving her out of the door and encouraging her to make friends.
 ‘Sorry I didn’t mean to—,’ Janelle started but cut herself off, realising how stupid apologising for walking into the kitchen was.
 She tried not to blush but it was pointless; her body loved to betray her at the most inopportune moments. Scott couldn’t help but find her bashfulness adorable and for the first time that night his nerves seemed to disappear in the presence of someone who seemed as nervous as he did.
 ‘It’s totally okay,’ the wolf said with a smile that made his dimples stand out, biting his lip to stop it from growing when he heard the girls heartbeat pick up at the sight.
 ‘I’m Janelle Southerland.’ She said, holding out her hand in greeting.
 ‘Scott McCall.’ He returned, shaking her hand and blushing a little when he realised he held onto her for a little too long, ‘so… do you go to the same school as Heather?’
 ‘Uhh… yeah I will be. I just moved here yesterday. I ran into her at the grocery store and she mentioned she had a party tonight. To say I was surprised to get an invitation is an understatement.’ Janelle smiled, helping herself to a cup of beer before leaning next to Scott on the worktop.
 ‘I know what you mean, I’m not even technically invited I just tagged along with my friend Stiles. He grew up with Heather.’ He said, subtly leaning closer to her so their arms brushed.
 ‘Well I’m glad I’m not the only outcast at this party.’ She joked, biting her lip before she took another sip of beer.
 ‘Me too,’ Scott grinned.
 ‘Well as the only two people here who don’t know anyone else, we should do something.’ Janelle declared, turning to place her drink on the counter behind her.
 Scott cocked an eyebrow in surprise, ‘like what?’ he smiled in a way that made Janelle want to kiss him, an urge that took her by surprise.
 ‘I don’t know…’ She trailed off with a laugh, trying to think of something fun to do. In all honesty she was surprised by her own sense of adventure. She was never like this—a week ago she never would have dreamed of walking up to an attractive guy at a party and introducing herself. Janelle had no idea where this confidence was coming from, maybe it was the alcohol, or the comfort of knowing if she embarrassed herself she wouldn’t have to see Scott again seeing as he went to a different school. Either way, she decided to go for it and pretend for one night she was a confident and spontaneous person.
 ‘Lets go swimming.’ She suggested, laughing a little at his dumbfounded expression.
 ‘Swimming? Where? Does Heather have a pool?’ Scott asked, trying to calm his escalating heartbeat.
 ‘There’s actually a lake I used to swim at when I was younger not far from here.’ She suggested, resting her hand on his forearm and using it as leverage to lean up, her face coming to a stop about an inch from his face.
 Scott couldn’t help but stare at her lips before mumbling, ‘I don’t have a swimsuit.’
 ‘You won’t need one.’ She said, her voice dropping to a husky tone when she noticed the hunger in the wolf’s eyes.
 ‘Let’s go.’ Scott said abruptly, his suddenness made her laugh in delight but she allowed him to pull her along towards the front door.
 It didn’t take long for them to reach the lake that Janelle had been talking about; her aunt and uncle used to live here when she was little and Janelle and her mom used to visit them over the summer. They had all spent their fair share of days packing lunch and just chilling out at the lake. That all came to a stop when they moved out of Beacon Hills and to New York; she and her mom still visited them, but it hadn’t been the same.
 Scott and Janelle spent the walk talking about what they had been doing over the summer and both were surprised to find that their activities had been similar. Janelle hadn’t known she and her mom were moving until a few weeks ago and so she had spent the summer reading for the upcoming semester and working at her mom’s dentist office to earn some extra money, much like the beta had. Both were surprised that as they chatted it felt like two old friends catching up, rather than two people who had been strangers only an hour ago. When they finally arrived at their destination Scott hesitated on the bank while Janelle kicked off her shoes and walked to the edge, letting the water touch her feet. Scott watched, awed as for a moment she seemed to forget that he was there with her; she looked completely content and Scott was confused as to why that stirred something deep inside of him.
 Before he could consider it further, Janelle reached down and pulled her dress off over her head, throwing it carelessly behind her. It landed a few feet to the left of Scott—which he could tell from the corner of his eye—but his gaze remained on Janelle and plain cotton black bra and panties she was wearing. She threw an embarrassed look over her shoulder, allowing the wolf to see the blush over her cheeks, before she sank into the water and Scott struggled to close his hanging jaw, completely certain he was staring at her with an expression that was a mixture of amazement, shock and lust.
 ‘You’re not gonna make me do this alone are you?’ Janelle asked with an amused smirk—her head was the only part of her visible above the water, as well as brief flashes of her fingers where she was moving her hands back and forth.
 Her gentle voice snapped the wolf out of his trance and with a shake of his head he started losing clothing. When he noticed her gaze firmly fixed on him as he drew his shirt over his head, he felt himself blush a little until he heard her elevated heartbeat and the smell of her arousal in the air. After that, he was able to gather the courage to unbutton and unzip his jeans; once he’d kicked his shoes off he deposited his pants on the pile of clothing, leaving him only in his boxers. He smiled bashfully when the smell of Janelle’s arousal seemed to grow heavier in the air as he made his way out to her, coming to a stop a mere few inches away. Both of them could feel the attraction zapping between them, but they were waiting for the other one to make a move.
 Scott stared into her eyes, noticing that her green eyes were dilated just as his were. Janelle stared back, her gaze unwavering and she couldn’t help but bite her lip as she wondered how it was possible for her to be this attracted to someone she barely knew, though she had no idea the wolf was wondering the same thing as her as he listened to her heartbeat, feeling both comforted and aroused by the elevated thump thump thump of her heart. Scott’s gaze was drawn to her trapped lip and without thinking about it, he bought his hand to gently caress the side of her face, allowing his thumb to gently pull her lower lip free. What neither of them was prepared for was the warmth and affection generated by the touch; it both contented them and scared them.
 ‘What is that?’ Janelle gasped, scared that she was the only one feeling this connection between them, if she was then there was a slight chance she was going crazy.
 ‘I don’t know.’ Scott admitted with a murmur, stepping closer to the alluring blonde so that his body was flush against hers, a movement that made both of them feel the unexplainable warmth on every inch of their bodies.
 Whatever it was, Scott was powerless to fight it and his submission caused the voice at the back of Janelle’s head to go silent. Instead of trying to resist, she surrendered herself to the connection she felt with Scott, the fact that she hadn’t known him for twenty-four hours didn’t seem to matter anymore, not when she felt like she’d known him for years. Why that was, she didn’t know but she decided she wasn’t going to question it because it felt right.
 As she broke free from her mind she realised that Scott had hesitated from making any further movements, obviously waiting for her to come to her own decision. It made Janelle’s heart squeeze with warmth as she stared into his equally warm brown eyes. He was still caressing the side of her face while their bodies were aligned together, and now she was free from her minor inner turmoil, she could finally grasp that the hard planes of his body were pressed against hers, his bare skin was touching her. Janelle hesitantly bought her hands out of the now very warm water and trailed them up the wolf’s chest, biting her lip to hold back a moan of appreciation. She could feel Scott’s stare on her as her eyes followed the path of her hands, stopping for a moment over his heart and smiling when she noticed it was beating just as fast as hers. When she reached the tops of his shoulders, she surprised them both by using the grip as leverage and reaching up to bring her lips to his.
 For a moment, a brief moment that somehow felt like it lasted much longer, they stayed, paralysed with their lips pressed against each other. Both were overwhelmed by the mere brush of each others lips, their hearts were beating wildly, as one, and the warmth that had grown from a mere brush of skin exploded inside of them like a volcano. Alas, the moment passed and both of them were quick to move. Scott’s hands went to Janelle’s waist, pulling her firmly against him, while one of her hands rested on his shoulder to give her the leverage to remain at his height, while the other tangled furiously in his hair, refusing to let his lips leave hers even for a second.
 Scott was overwhelmed from the passion in the kiss; never had he experienced this kind of hunger when kissing Allison. Never had he felt so many emotions all at once. He felt lust, affection, attraction, desire to protect her and he didn’t know what it meant, but in that moment it wasn’t hard to push down his confusion and enjoy the moment of having a beautiful girl in his arms. When her hands tugged on his hair, he was surprised to hear an approving growl rise from his throat and to his horror, he felt himself begin to change. But before he could panic, Janelle’s hands moved and that was suddenly all he could focus on. They trailed down his arms, pausing at his elbows and jumping to his waist. When they met at the centre of his lower abdomen, above the waistband of his boxers he could feel his eyes glow beneath his eyelids and his claws grew from his fingertips, gently resting on the soft skin of her waist. She hesitated and before Scott could offer any reassurance from the scent of her nerves, one of her hands boldly slid underneath the fabric. The wolf pulled back from the kiss with a groan of pleasure and rested his head in the crook of her neck as her wondering hand found his length and grasped it gently but firmly.
 He gasped when her other hand went to one of his nipples, stroking back and forth over the puckered flesh and mimicking the movements of her other hand. Scott’s claws were still out and when her pace picked up ever so slightly, encouraged by the moans of ecstasy escaping the wolf’s mouth, he felt his fangs grow as well. But for whatever reason, he didn’t feel the need to push her away and get himself under control; all he could focus on was her. Her scent, her heartbeat, her touch, and the kisses she was placing to the side of his neck. In that moment, she was all that existed to him. It was just him and her and he had never felt more at peace before. His hips thrust forward involuntarily when she tugged at his puckered nipple, drawing out a surprising escalation in Scott’s pleasure.
 With boldness he didn’t know he possessed he trailed his fangs over the crook of her neck, releasing a growl when she shivered and gripped him tighter. For a brief moment he had the urge to bite into her flesh, to mark her as his, but he managed to fight it and with self-control he didn’t know he had, he pulled back his fangs and bought his lips to her neck, smiling when she whimpered at the appearance of his blunt teeth lightly biting her neck. Scott could feel himself nearing his end, and he didn’t want to reach it without her. He could smell her arousal in the air and the fact that she was so turned on because of the pleasure she was bringing him made his hips jerk in her hold again. When his hand slipped into her own underwear, she released a gasp of surprise that turned into a moan. Encouraged by her response, Scott’s hands delved further into her folds, marvelling that he could feel her desire despite the presence of the lake water. He knew he was doing something right when she gripped him tighter, increasing her pace and releasing a small growl of her own that went straight to Scott’s groin.
 He could feel the tell tale signs that indicated his orgasm was approaching; the base of his spine was tingling, his eyes were trying to roll back into his head and he was biting his lip so hard he was surprised he didn’t draw blood. But he could feel she was close, too. He let his fingers delve deeper and he easily slid his middle finger into her entrance, his other hand landing in the dip of her spine when her back arched into him, allowing him to move deeper. The sound that escaped his lips at the look of pure uncontained desire on her face couldn’t be described as human, but he felt her get wetter and her walls squeezed his digit, clearly aroused by the animalistic side of him. Scott pumped her softly, matching the pace that she hadn’t relented on him. The whimpers she released were almost too much for him, he could feel himself about to lose it and even though she was close, he knew if he didn’t do something he was going to reach the end before she did, and he didn’t want that. So he removed his other hand from the dip of her spine and bought down to her bra and freed one of her breasts. Before Janelle could even comprehend it, his mouth was sucking on the puckered flesh, his tongue toying with her nipple softly. When he added another finger inside her and tugged on her nipple with his teeth, it was enough to push her over the edge with a scream of incomprehensible pleasure that echoed in the empty space around them.
 Scott’s eyes changed, glowing a golden colour that the beauty in his arms didn’t see with her eyes clenched shut. He released a sound that was both a groan and a growl as he finally allowed himself to join Janelle; he gave in to the pull and fell apart in her hand. Janelle’s pace eased into a gentle caress and Scott’s mouth moved from her breast and kissed it’s way up her body, pausing at her collarbone to suck and nip at the flesh while they both rode out the aftershocks of their orgasms.
 Janelle couldn’t remember for the life of her how they’d got back to the bank and out of the water; after Scott removed his hand from her panties she was too focused on how her bones felt like liquid to pay attention to Scott scooping her up in his arms and carrying her out of the lake bridal style, the next thing she registered was the night sky above her, the stars twinkling against the blanket of darkness. He gently laid her on the grassy bank and laid down next to her, surprised that he was also still out of breath from their escapade. When Janelle rolled over and snuggled into his side he couldn’t fight the smile from lighting up his face if he tried. He wound his arm around her waist, allowing her to fit more snugly into his side, when she started drawing lazy circles on his collarbone he returned the favour on her waist, hoping it had the same relaxing effect her touch was having on him.
 The blonde couldn’t comprehend how comfortable she felt around Scott. They just seemed to fit together as if they had been a couple for years, which both settled her and terrified her. It didn’t make any sense. She didn’t know his middle name, if he even had one, but he made her feel safe. Protected. And more than anything, she was terrified that she was the only one who felt this way. She could feel the nerves threatening to bubble over and she bit her lip trying to regain control of her emotions.
 ‘What’s wrong?’ Scott asked, making her blink in surprise. She hadn’t moved, her hand was still drawing lazy circles on his collarbone and she hadn’t said anything so how did he know there was something wrong with her?
 ‘What do you mean?’ She asked, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck, allowing his scent to overwhelm her. She couldn’t fight a smile when she felt him shiver.
 ‘You’re upset? Is it because of what we did?’ he said, refusing to drop it, while Scott made her feel safe, she made a protective animal instinct inside him flare up; it wasn’t anything he had ever experienced before.
 ‘No,’ she said and he was assured by the firm tone of her voice. She felt her own skin shiver when Scott started to trail his hand softly up and down her back.
 Scott wondered how he had missed her moving so she was on top of him, her legs either side of his waist, but when she leaned up, using his shoulders as leverage to look him in the eye he couldn’t help but notice their proximity. He prayed a certain part of his anatomy behaved.
 ‘Am I crazy?’ She huffed, elaborating when she saw the confusion in Scott’s eyes, ‘I feel like I’ve known you for years.’
 Scott thought about her words for a minute and realised she was right. He didn’t feel the same nerves or awkwardness he had felt on his first date with Allison. Everything about being with Janelle felt right, natural and he couldn’t believe how close to her he felt in such a short space of time.
 He bought his hand up to caress the side of her face and when she involuntarily leaned into his touch he smiled softly.
 ‘You’re not crazy,’ he promised her, bringing his other hand to her waist, allowing his thumb to gently stroke the exposed skin, ‘I feel it too.’
 ‘You do?’ She said, cursing herself for sounding so vulnerable but at the same time she knew he wouldn’t take advantage of her.
 ‘I do,’ he said, his voice firm and Janelle couldn’t believe how much it affected her.
 When he heard her heartbeat quicken he also noticed her eyes lingering on his lips, which made him smile his dimpled smile. At an inhuman speed he sat up, bringing his upper body flush with hers. They both moaned at the friction created from the movement and the smell of her arousal invaded Scott’s senses and had him thinking one thing that both excited him and terrified him: mine. Before he could ponder what it meant he was distracted by her hands tangling in his hair and tilting his head so that she could bring her lips to his. Both of them released sounds of pleasure when their tongues joined together in a fight for dominance. Both of them were on fire from the heat generated by the kiss and when Scott bought his hands to her chest to massage her breasts, Janelle was certain for a second she was going to spontaneously combust. She decided to return the favour and grinded her hips against Scott’s, when she felt the growl vibrate his chest she couldn’t help but shiver from the anticipation.
 The wolf made a sudden movement that had Janelle blinking in surprise when she felt the cool blades of grass meeting her back. Scott pulled back from the kiss and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her underneath him, her hair fanned out around her, her lips bruised from their kiss and her green eyes dark with uncontained desire. He blinked and resumed his task, bringing his lips to the crook of her neck and was both surprised and irritated that the urge to mark her there overwhelmed him for the tiniest moment again. He fought the urge, instead nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin enough to mark her in a different way. Her hands curled into his hair while her hips squirmed underneath him, making it incredibly difficult to take this slow as the friction she was creating was driving him wild.
 His hands trailed down her body, moving to her back to gently unhook her bra. Scott’s hands didn’t leave her skin as he bought the straps down her arms before throwing it over to the pile of clothing that wasn’t that far above them. His hands went to her breasts first, massaging them and then softly pinching the puckered flesh in between his thumbs and middle fingers. His lips kissed down to her chest, nipping her collarbone on the way and when he removed one hand from her breast to take her nipple into his mouth, Janelle let out a sound that was a mixture of a scream and a moan as her back arched. Scott’s now free hand used that moment to slide into the dip of her spine using the hold to grind his erection against her warm folds.
 ‘Scott.’ She gasped in pleasure, her hands going to the dip in his spine to hold him in that position. When he growled in approval against her breast it only heightened her desire even more.
 Janelle had never felt so turned on in her life, every inch of her was burning in the best possible way, building her up to an orgasm that she could already tell was going to consume her. She could have screamed in relief when Scott removed his hand from her breast and slowly started to trail down towards her panties. Before he got there she stopped him by gently laying her hand on his arm. He pulled back from her breast and froze his movements immediately as he met her eyes.
 ‘Do you want to stop?’ He asked, and the lack of annoyance or frustration in his tone made her smile gently. She knew without a doubt if he said yes he would move away immediately without making her feel guilty.
 ‘No I don’t want to stop, I just wanted to make sure you had… protection.’ She murmured, feeling her cheeks colour at her words and when Scott smiled at her cheekily she slapped his shoulder with a light laugh.
 ‘I do.’ His gaze went to his abandoned jeans a few feet above them before he looked down at her with the gentlest look Janelle had ever been on the receiving end of, ‘are you sure? We don’t have to go that far.’
 ‘I’m sure.’ She bit her lip and summoning all of her courage she told him something that she had never told anyone, ‘I’ve never done this before.’
 That made the wolf pause and his eyes widened when he fully processed her words, ‘y-you’re a virgin?’
 ‘Yes.’ She admitted softly, looking over his shoulder, not being able to bring herself to look into his eyes.
 ‘Then are you definitely sure?’ Scott asked softly, bringing his index finger to her chin to get her to look at him.
 She was overwhelmed by the consideration she saw in his eyes and couldn’t stop the soft smile that formed on her lips if she tried, ‘I’m sure.’
 What Janelle wasn’t aware of was that the wolf was listening to her heartbeat, looking for any traces of a lie; he didn’t want her to feel forced into this. When her heartbeat remained steady and her gaze remained sincere, he bought his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. She bit his lip gently, silently asking him to deepen the kiss, which he did with a groan of pleasure when he felt her nails softly digging into the flesh of his back. One of his hands trailed down her body, resuming the path that had been interrupted before, only this time he reached the waistband of her panties without incident. His hand delved into her underwear and Scott felt himself get even harder when he heard her moan and felt how ready she was for him. He pulled back from their kiss and with his free hand he reached up to grab his jeans, grateful they were within reaching distance, to take the single condom from his back pocket. Janelle saw what he was doing and when he had the protection in his hand she rolled them both over with a strength she didn’t know she possessed. She giggled at the surprise on Scott’s face before using her new position to pull the boxers off the wolf, smiling at him gratefully when he lifted his hips to help her. When they were gone, Janelle felt a flutter of nerves in her belly; she didn’t understand how he was going to fit that inside her.
 ‘Hey.’ Scott’s gentle voice broke through her panic and she looked up to his warm brown eyes and felt her heart skip a beat at the affection she saw in them, ‘we’ll take it slow okay? And if you want to stop at any point, just tell me.’
 She bit her lip, surprised how much she trusted his words and how much comfort they bought her. Janelle nodded and watched as he carefully put on the condom. Once he was done and before she could blink she was suddenly underneath him. She felt his hands gripping her panties on each side of her hips and gave him a nod when he seemed to be waiting for permission. He pulled the cotton down and lifted her legs to rest on either side of his waist to allow him to settle in between her legs. She felt him pressing against her entrance and clenched her eyes shut to brace herself for the pain, but when nothing happened she looked up to the wolf above her with a frown of confusion. He was giving her a soft look that stole her breath and before she could say anything he leaned down, his hands gripping her waist and his lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss that made her heart flutter in her chest. She gasped against his lips when she felt Scott push himself inside her, and even though she felt her hymen break she didn’t feel any pain, only the alien but pleasurable feeling of Scott settling inside of her. What she didn’t notice was the black veins climbing up the wolf’s arms and disappearing as he took her pain before she had a chance to feel it.
 Scott’s lips moved from her lips to her neck, the urge to bite her stronger than ever when he started to move inside of her. The feel of her walls, tightly clenching him as he set a rhythm that wasn’t too fast or slow was almost too much for him. Mine. The voice screamed in his head, louder than last time, and he was having a hard time ignoring it. He felt his fangs grow without his consent and when Janelle’s fingernails dug into the tops of his shoulders and trailed down to his waist, he was sinking his teeth into her before he knew what he was doing. He realised what he had done when he heard Janelle gasp, and he was just about to pull away from her and apologise profusely when he realised something. Her gasp wasn’t one of pain, but pleasure, he could smell her arousal growing stronger and he could feel her getting wetter around him. This pleased the wolf in him and he growled in approval, pulling away from her neck and licking over the mark affectionately. Janelle moaned again and dug her nails so hard into Scott’s shoulders that he smelled his own blood joining hers in the night air. He couldn’t help but think that it smelled right for a brief moment before he bought his hands to her lower back to hold her in place as his hips met hers at a faster pace. Both of them were close, Scott’s wolf could sense it and refused to allow himself to find pleasure before she did. He bought his lips to her earlobe and allowed his human teeth to bite gently on her earlobe and tug it downward. The small jolt of pain was enough to bring her orgasm crashing down and when he felt her clench even tighter around him, he let himself fall apart, spilling himself inside of her with a loud groan.
 They were both breathing heavily as they came down from their orgasms and Scott rolled over onto his back, bringing Janelle to snuggle into his side much like they had been earlier. Both Scott and Janelle felt the loss of each other when the movement caused the wolf to move out of her, but neither commented on it. Janelle started to softly caress the skin of his chest when she noticed her fingertips were stained with blood.
 ‘Oh my god.’ She gasped in horror, looking up to Scott apologetically, ‘I made you bleed.’
 ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he chuckled sheepishly and bought a hand to the side of her neck he had bitten, ‘I got my revenge.’
 ‘I think you’ll find you bit me first.’ Janelle teased, and was surprised to find she wasn’t as bothered by him biting her as she probably should have been.
 ‘I’m sorry about that.’ Scott said, his sincere gaze burning into her, ‘I don’t know what came over me.’
 ‘Don’t apologise.’ She told him with a soft smile, ‘that was… amazing.’
 He could hear the truth behind her words and breathed out a sigh of relief, before adding in a teasing tone, ‘well I expect an apology, you’ve marked my beautiful skin.’
 She laughed, lightly slapping his shoulder, but she did bite her lip when she felt a pang of guilt in her gut. She opened her mouth to apologise but Scott bought his index finger to her lips to silence her.
 ‘I was kidding.’ He assured her, knowing the marks had more than likely healed by now, ‘like you said, it was amazing. You don’t need to apologise for that.’
 ‘Good.’ She smiled when Scott’s hand moved to caress the side of her face and couldn’t help but lean into the warmth of his touch.
 They lay there for a while in comfortable silence, enjoying the peace and quiet and the company. But eventually reality came calling, literally; Janelle’s mom called her asking her when she would be home and it was then that they realised just how late it was. Scott had a few missed texts from Allison, Stiles and his mom but they weren’t life or death so he just pocketed his phone again after they were both dressed. Janelle asked her mom to come and get her from Heather’s as they were only a short walk from the house. It was then that they started to walk back and Janelle felt her heart skip a happy beat when Scott took her hand in his, entwining their fingers.
 That night had been perfect for the both of them, and she didn’t want it to end, but she knew it had to. It was the first day of school tomorrow, which meant she needed to get back to reality. Even with how small the town was, it was unlikely that she was going to run into Scott again after tonight. She was surprised that that knowledge squeezed her heart painfully, but she refused to be one of those clingy girls who thought she was in a relationship with someone after they hooked up one time. Tonight was incredible, but she refused to make it more than what it was, even if her heart was telling her it was something more, she refused to believe it because it didn’t make sense.
 ‘I had a great time tonight.’ Janelle told the wolf with a small but genuine smile, their hands were still clasped together and she gave him a final squeeze before reluctantly letting go.
 ‘Me too.’ Scott told her, stepping closer and caressing the side of her face, as much as she begged herself not to, she leaned into his touch, ‘this doesn’t have to be goodbye.’
 ‘Tonight was… amazing, lets not ruin it by trying to make it something it’s not.’ she said gently, not able to meet his eyes, afraid he would be pissed.
 ‘If that’s what you want.’ Scott agreed reluctantly, he used his index finger to bring her gaze to his, giving her a reassuring smile, ‘I’ll never forget this.’
 ‘Neither will I,’ she agreed sincerely, already knowing that no guy was going to measure up to him.
 Scott bought his lips to hers; the kiss was different than any of the others they had shared that night. It was soft, gentle, sincere and full of the affection they shared for each other. They broke apart and Janelle gasped at the emotion she could see in Scott’s eyes and wondered if hers looked the same to him. Before they could do anything else, Janelle’s phone interrupted the moment; it was a text from her mother telling her she was out front.
 ‘I should go.’ She sighed, pocketing her phone once she had replied to her mother, ‘ bye Scott.’
 She hugged him tighter than what she thought she was capable of, inhaling his scent; he smelled of the woods, fabric softener and fresh rain. Scott hugged her back just as tight, documenting her smell into his memory; she smelled like citrus, the woods and vanilla and it was a scent he would never forget. Only a moment later she pulled away and after placing a kiss onto his cheek, she left. Scott watched her go, wondering why he could still feel her lips on his skin, why her scent lingered in his mind and why his heart felt like it had been ripped from his chest. This was insane, he hadn’t known her for more than twenty-four hours and suddenly the heartbreak he had felt over Allison felt like a distant memory as the pain of being separated from Janelle overwhelmed him. He shook his head and pulled out his phone, dialling Stiles’ number. This was insane and he needed to let it go.
 The next day
 ‘Mom it’s fine. I get it.’ Janelle assured her, watching the passing scenery with minimal interest.
 Today was her first day at her new school—Davonford Prep—which she wasn’t looking forward to. And it wasn’t just because she didn’t have the school uniform yet so she was going in her normal clothes; she was wearing a deep blue lacy skater dress, her leather jacket and black combat boots. She wasn’t even as bothered by the news that her mom was going to be taking a work trip to San Francisco, despite the fact they had been here for two days. In our old town she had owned her own dentist’s office, but over the years she had opened up several all over, and the branch in San Francisco was in need of a refurbishment after a flood had completely destroyed it. Mom needed to go over assess and oversee the construction. It was fine; Janelle was more than used to being left alone. The only lingering thoughts in her mind were of last night. Amazingly, her mom hadn’t bombarded her with questions when she had gotten into the car, and so she had been left to her own thoughts. The only problem was that those thoughts consisted of Scott. His touch, his smile, his taste, his smell.
 Janelle looked away from the window, shaking her head in an attempt to rid it of thoughts of Scott. It was only then that she noticed they were pulling up to her new school. Only there was one problem. This was not Davonford Prep.
 ‘Mom? What are we doing here?’ I asked, trying to steady my escalating heartbeat.
 ‘Well I know you were dreading the idea of going to a private school, so I transferred your application. You’re now the newest student of Beacon Hills High School.’ She grinned, not noticing her daughter’s growing panic. She practically ushered her out of the car, and Janelle went, too stunned to react in that moment.
 ‘Wait out front! The principal will be out soon!’ She yelled after her and not a minute later she was gone; she had packing to do and a flight to catch.
 Janelle sat down on the stone bench in front of the school in a daze, her heartbeat steadily growing as her panic did. Scott went to this school. He was going to think she was lying. Or that she had transferred to be near him, after she told him that she didn’t want to make last night anything more than what it was. He was going to think she was crazy. Janelle’s head fell into her hands as she tried to pull herself together. There were no other students milling around outside and for that she was grateful, she assumed classes had already started. She sighed as her problem invaded her mind again. It would be fine. It had to be. There was no sense in panicking yet—they might not even have any classes together. That was true, and Janelle felt herself relax slightly with that knowledge.
 ‘Hello, sorry to keep you waiting.’ A male voice startled her and she immediately sat up and saw a tall man with light blonde hair, glasses and blue eyes.
 ‘It’s fine.’ She offered him a shaky smile and stood from the bench.
 ‘Janelle Southerland, right?’ He asked as he started walking to the school. Janelle took a deep breath and followed a few steps behind him.
 ‘Yes sir.’ She answered, shifting her bag up higher on her shoulder.
 ‘Where are you from?’ He said, attempting to make chit chat, but Janelle was saved from answering as he stopped in front of a classroom door and knocked twice before opening and stepping in.
 Janelle watched as he walked up to the female English teacher and had a quick but quiet word before gesturing for her to join him in the classroom. After taking a deep breath she did, she could feel her skin prickling as all of the students stared at her but she avoided eye contact. The principal left the room with a kind smile and the teacher who Janelle identified as Miss Blake from the tag on her desk smiled at her warmly.
 ‘This is our new student, Janelle Southerland, please do your best to make her feel welcome.’ Miss Blake turned to Janelle and told her to take a seat, which she did immediately, grateful that she started teaching before she had even made her way to the free desk at the back of the room; it made her feel like there was less attention on her.
 ‘Now, when William Shakespeare wrote this play it was intended to inflict fear upon the audience. Can anyone tell me how?’ Miss Blake asked as Janelle silently pulled a notebook and pen from her bag, writing the date in the top right corner.
 No one answered and Miss Blake tried to encourage, ‘come on guys, someone knows the answer. Don’t be shy.’
 Janelle looked to the black board behind her and saw that the play they were studying was Macbeth, she knew the answer to her question but she refrained from answering, not wanting to be labelled as ‘nerdy’ on her first day. Instead she wrote the answer down in her notebook before writing down everything she knew about Macbeth.
 ‘What about you, Scott?’ That name had Janelle’s head snapping up in shock, her heartbeat picking up again. It couldn’t be the same Scott, she was sure there were plenty of students in that school who were called Scott—.
 ‘Macbeth incorporated themes into the play that he knew would terrify the audience, such as elements of the supernatural. Witchcraft was highly feared in the time the play was written, so the presence of that alone would have been enough to scare them.’ Scott McCall’s voice said confidently from a few seats over from Janelle; he was sat by the window while she was in the middle row.
 ‘Oh my god.’ Janelle whispered, too quietly for the teacher to hear, but a few students around her gave her curious stares, including Scott.
 When they made eye contact, Janelle gave him a shaky smile, crossed her legs under the desk and turned her attention back to the class. Or so it appeared, every inch of her body was now aware of Scott’s presence a mere few rows away from her.
 ‘Very good, Scott.’ Miss Blake praised him before moving onto the major themes in the play, all of which Janelle had already written down so she didn’t feel too bad for her lack of attention during the rest of the class.
 As soon as the bell went, Janelle was torn between darting for the door and lingering until everyone else was gone. The decision was taken away from her when she felt Scott standing beside her desk before she looked up and saw him. She was relieved to see only surprise and happiness in his eyes; it didn’t seem like he thought she was crazy.
‘Hey.’ Scott said, his hands fidgeting on the straps of his backpack as he resisted the urge to reach out and touch her.
 ‘Hey,’ She breathed, overwhelmed by the scent of him, she didn’t realise how much she had missed it until then.
 Scott gave up on the fight to touch her and held out his hand, offering her help to stand even though they both knew she didn’t need it. Janelle didn’t hesitate and placed her hand in his, welcoming the rush of warmth and comfort that shot up her arm as she stood. When she was on her feet, Scott didn’t release her hand and she didn’t mind in the slightest. Both were oblivious to the confused stares of the students, and even Miss Blake, around them—they were completely lost in each other. Scott’s friends; Stiles, Lydia and Allison were the most confused of all, though the huntress was also partially jealous.
 ‘How are you here?’ Scott asked gently, his other hand brushing Janelle’s hair behind her ear before caressing the side of her face.
 ‘My mom changed the school without telling me.’ Janelle rolled her eyes in amusement, ‘surprised me with it this morning.’
 Scott was surprised how happy he was with the news, not even considering that Janelle was crazy like the blonde had been afraid of, and when she only saw affection and joy in his eyes she felt herself relax completely.
 ‘That’s great.’ Scott smiled his dimpled smile and kissed her forehead, the girl’s eyes closed at the touch and she gave him a bright smile when he pulled back and lowered the hand that had been on her cheek.
 ‘I’m glad you think so.’ Janelle said honestly, lifting her bag higher on her shoulder.
 ‘What’s your next class?’ Scott asked, leading her out of the classroom and past his gobsmacked friends. It was unlike Scott to ignore them, but he was completely lost in Janelle, and she was exactly the same.
 ‘Math.’ She groaned over dramatically and Scott chuckled in amusement as he led her towards the right classroom.
 ‘Well have fun. I’m in history next so I think I deserve more sympathy.’ He said, smiling his dimpled smile that he had discovered was one of Janelle’s weaknesses.
 ‘You do, do you?’ Janelle teased, gasping when she was suddenly pinned against the row of lockers next to the math classroom, ‘I think I am the clear winner of sympathy here. Math gives headaches. No contest.’
 ‘Yes, but history slips you into a coma.’ Scott countered, resting his forehead against hers, his eyes were sparkling in amusement and mischief.
 Her hands gripped his forearms, ‘headaches beat sleep, Mr McCall. Hands down.’ She laughed when he rolled his eyes at her.
 Scott leaned forward and Janelle felt her heartbeat pick up drastically, thinking that he was going to kiss her. And he did, just not in the way she was expecting; he leaned his forehead against hers and kissed the corner of her mouth.
 ‘See you soon?’ He murmured, so quietly she almost didn’t hear him.
 She smiled softly and nodded in answer to his question, her eyes closed for a moment when he placed another kiss to her forehead before leaving her with a small smile. She could feel his lips lingering on her skin and Janelle found herself smiling as she walked into the classroom to take an empty seat. Walking into math class happy—there was a first time for everything.
 ‘What the hell was that?’ Stiles asked his best friend, still a little shocked over what he had seen mere minutes ago.
 ‘What was what?’ Scott said distractedly as he pulled his history book and notepad out of his backpack before leaving it to rest at his feet.
 ‘What do you have sort term memory loss or something?’ Stiles’ tone was incredulous, not believing his friends sudden amnesia, ‘I’m talking about how comfortable you were looking with the new girl.’
 ‘Oh, I met her at the party last night.’ Scott said, writing the date on his paper, ‘we kind of hit it off.’
 ‘Hit it off?’ Stiles parroted, a slow smirk spreading over his face, ‘that’s my boy!’
 ‘Stiles? Shut up.’ Scott rolled his eyes, trying to squelch the flow of protectiveness that had flared up in his body.
 ‘Sorry dude, it’s nice to see you moving on from you-know-who.’ Stiles said sincerely, finally getting his own books out of his bag, ‘even if it’s weird seeing you two act so… close.’
 ‘What do you mean?’ The wolf frowned and looked over to his human friend.
 ‘I mean I’ve never seen you so consumed with a girl to the point that the world around you could cease to exist without you noticing.’ The overactive boy said bluntly, not noticing the thoughtful look on Scott’s face.
 ‘It’s weird. I know that and if I were on the outside looking in I’d think it was crazy, but it feels right with her. I can’t explain it, man, I feel like I’ve known her forever.’ Scott admitted, needing someone other than himself to talk to about this.
 ‘That’s not crazy.’ Stiles assured him, ‘sometimes you just click with people.’
 ‘No, that’s not the same thing. I feel like I’ve known her and when I was with her last night, the wolf part of me was screaming at me to protect her, to keep her safe.’ Scott’s voice dropped to a whisper when the teacher walked into the classroom.
 ‘Okay, maybe it’s a little crazy.’ Stiles nodded, his eyes wide in surprise, ‘as much as I hate to say this, you should ask Derek about it.’
 ‘Derek?’ Scott sounded surprised.
 ‘Yeah, as much as it kills me he’s more likely to have an answer than Google.’ Stiles huffed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration, though it wasn’t as aggravated as it would have been a year ago; he had come to trust Derek little by little over time.
 ‘He’s coming next period to see what Allison and Lydia have found. I’ll ask him then.’ Scott told him, feeling a little nervous about what information he might be faced with.
 Stiles noticed and patted his shoulder comfortingly, ‘don’t worry. If this is something beyond teenage hormones, we’ll deal with it.’
 ‘Thanks Stiles.’ Scott breathed a sigh of relief.
 ‘No problem.’ He replied, pulling out his phone without the wolf knowing to send a text.
 Stiles: Random question. If a wolf ran into a random girl and then suddenly felt like they’d known each other forever and felt protective of her, what would that mean exactly?
 Derek: Are you talking about Scott?
 Stiles: Maybe. What does it mean? He said he was gonna ask you in our free period next but I can’t wait that long.
 Derek: You’re going to have to, if it is what I think it is, we’re gonna need to do a little test.
 Stiles: Test? Ugh, already regretting texting you, Sourwolf.
 Derek: Don’t call me that. You know what this girl looks like?
 Stiles: Yes.
 Derek: See if you can get Scott to meet up with her after class. I’ll be there by then. It shouldn’t take long to see it.
 Stiles: See what?
 Derek: Later.
 Stiles huffed in frustration and shoved his phone into his pocket, biting his lip and discretely leaning over to talk to his best friend.
 ‘Hey, I just talked to Derek. He’s not gonna make it until half way through the free period.’ Stiles lied, grateful Scott was distracted enough to not pay attention to his heartbeat.
 ‘That’s cool.’ Scott tried to act casual, but his wolf was already howling in victory. He could see her, if she had a free period that is.
 Stiles rolled his eyes, easily seeing through the wolf’s façade, but he didn’t call him out on it. Whatever Derek needed to see to determine if his theory was correct was dependant on them being together. Scott forced himself to focus on the rest of the class, knowing that it would make the time go by faster, and sure enough it did. By the time the bell rang he threw out a quick ‘bye’ to Stiles before racing to the door. He didn’t notice Derek lingering at the end of the corridor, his gaze trained on him as he headed in the direction he could smell Janelle’s scent coming from. He saw her walking towards him and with a small smile he stepped into the empty chemistry lab and grabbed her when she walked past. Janelle released a small squeal of surprise and felt her panic fade when she registered who had pulled her into a classroom.
 ‘You scared me.’ She laughed, slapping his shoulder lightly.
 Neither of them noticed Derek standing with Stiles outside the closed door, watching them interact. Stiles was actually watching Derek watch them, looking for any indications to what he was thinking.
 ‘How was math?’ Scott asked, his hands settling comfortably on her waist while hers wound around his neck, ‘did it come with the promised headache?’
 ‘Of course it did.’ She said honestly; her head was throbbing a little, ‘but it’s nothing a little Advil won’t take care of.’
 Scott frowned in concern when he noticed that she was squinting a little, clearly she was in more pain than she was letting on. Without thinking about it, he leaned forward and captured her lips in a tender kiss. Stiles and Derek watched as the veins on his face turned black for a moment before disappearing as he took her pain. When there was no trace of her headache left, Scott nipped at her lip, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss that she happily gave to him by allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. Stiles returned to watching Derek’s reaction, not feeling comfortable seeing his best friend being so intimate with a girl.
 Scott’s hands lowered from her waist and reached down to lift her from the ground and wind her legs around his waist. He growled a little from the friction generated between their bodies as he walked over to a table and gently deposited her onto it. As soon as she hit the countertop, his mouth broke free from hers and he gently brushed away the hair covering her neck, baring the mark for him—and Derek—to see. Scott growled again, a possessive urge flaring up inside him at the sight of his mark on her neck. He felt his eyes glow golden as he leaned forward and permitted his human teeth to bite over it before he allowing his tongue to soothe the sting. Janelle gasped in pleasure, her own hands finding where she had pierced Scott the night before without her knowledge. When she found it, her nails lightly dug into the flesh through the wolf’s t-shirt, making Scott groan from the jolt of electricity that travelled through him.
 Derek had seen enough, and he knew without a doubt what was going on between Scott and the girl. Satisfied with his findings, he pushed away from the door, Stiles following behind him once his mind had registered that he had moved.
 ‘I take it you found what you were looking for?’ Stiles said, a little out of breath when he finally managed to catch up to him.
 ‘Yes, I did. Call Scott. Tell him to meet us in the English classroom.’ Derek ordered, not even glancing back to see if he was listening; the sound of his fingers tapping on his phone assured him he was.
 It was ten minutes later when Scott finally managed to find the will to pull himself away from the intoxicating blonde to join Derek, Lydia, Allison and Stiles in the English classroom.
 ‘Hey, sorry I’m…’ he trailed off when he noticed the perplexed expressions on everyone’s face, ‘what’s wrong? Is it Erica and Boyd?’
 ‘No. We haven’t found them yet.’ Derek released a weary sigh at the reminder of his missing pack mates, ‘Stiles mentioned you met someone that you’ve suddenly become very close to.’
 Allison looked down to the ground at the reminder while Scott rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing how to explain it.
 ‘I know it sounds insane, but…’ he trailed off when he noticed Allison’s sad expression.
 Derek noticed his gaze and rolled his eyes a little, but didn’t say anything. The huntress noticed that the room had gone silent and looked up, offering Scott a shaky smile.
 ‘It’s fine. We already showed Derek the bruise so we’ll leave.’ Allison stood from the desk and headed towards the door with Lydia following behind her, shooting Scott a supportive smile.
 ‘That wasn’t awkward at all,’ Stiles muttered sarcastically from his place on one of the desks.
 ‘You were saying?’ Derek ignored the human and cocked his brow at Scott.
 ‘I met her yesterday at a party and it feels like I’ve known her forever and when I’m with her, the wolf inside of me is screaming at me to protect her and keep her safe.’ Scott said all at once, barely pausing for breath, ‘I know it sounds insane, when I say it out loud I know how it sounds, but I just can’t explain how I feel whenever I’m with her.’
 ‘You don’t have to. What you’re feeling is completely normal, and so it how fast you’re moving with her.’ Derek assured him, smiling softly when he saw the younger wolf’s relief, ‘the need to be around her, to protect her, the way you feel like you’ve always known her can all be explained with two words. You’re mates.’
 ‘W-what?’ Scott frowned, not following.
 ‘You’re mates. Basically you’re meant for each other. That’s why you feel so comfortable around her, it’s because she’s meant to be with you, Scott. That’s also why you felt the uncontrollable urge to mark her yesterday.’ Derek gave him a pointed look that made Scott blush a little.
 ‘How did you know about that?’ He asked.
 ‘I saw it on her neck when you two where making out in the chemistry lab.’ Derek told him honestly, ‘and I’m willing to bet that she marked you somewhere too.’
 ‘She couldn’t have. I will have healed.’ Scott shook his head but Derek didn’t pay him any attention and spun him around to lift his shirt up and reveal the skin he had seen Janelle sinking her nails into.
 ‘Woah.’ Stiles said, surprised.
 ‘What?’ Scott asked, sounding a little panicked.
 ‘She dug her nails in real deep, huh?’ Stiles muttered, pulling on Derek’s arm to get him to release his friend’s shirt.
 ‘Yeah—wait it hasn’t healed?!’ Scott’s shoulder slipped back down his frame and he turned to face the other two in the room.
 ‘It won’t have. Mates mark each other. It’s how they let everyone else know they are taken.’ Derek said evenly.
 ‘What else is there? Anything I should know?’ Scott sounded stressed and overwhelmed by the information.
 ‘You’re going to be incredibly protective of her; it’s your animal instinct that will always demand that you keep her safe and protected. Until you learn to control it you’ll be in danger of shifting at miniscule things, like if someone accidentally bumps into her in the corridor. Which is why it’s better if you tell her what you are sooner rather than later.’ Derek told him solemnly; he had heard plenty of stories about finding your mate and the close calls his mom had around his dad when she had put off telling him what she was.
 ‘You mean tell her I’m a werewolf?’ Scott asked numbly.
 ‘Yes.’ Derek didn’t bother to hide the impatience from his voice.
 ‘But—she’ll think I’m crazy, or she’ll be terrified of me.’ The younger wolf said in a panicked voice.
 ‘Scott, try to remember this girl was literally made for you, just like you were made for her. Even if she has trouble accepting it at first, she will come around because she’ll have just as much trouble being apart from you as you do being away from her.’ Derek told him gently; he could sense his genuine panic and so figured he could use the reassurance.
 ‘So I just… tell her.’ Scott nodded, almost trying to convince himself.
 ‘We can be there with you if you want?’ Stiles offered, clapping Scott on the back, ‘it will probably be better if we were, actually. To make sure you stay focused.’
 ‘He’s right.’ Derek agreed, ‘in the beginning a lot of your relationship will be physical, and that won’t really go away.’
 ‘Something tells me he’s not gonna complain about that.’ Stiles said dryly, holding his hands up in surrender when his best friend glared at him.
 ‘I’ll talk to her. After school.’ Scott said, his voice sounding stronger than he felt. But his mind was made up. He had to tell her, not just because they were mates, but because it looked like things in Beacon Hills were about to get freaky again and she needed to know what dangers were around. It was that protective urge in him that made his resolve settle.
 If only the fear of how she would react would just disappear.
 ‘Bring her back to your house and we’ll meet you there?’ Stiles asked, slapping his best friend’s shoulder.
 ‘No. I’ll tell her by myself. This is going to be hard enough for her to believe without strangers being crowded around her.’ The younger wolf sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
 ‘You heard Derek, it’ll be fine.’ Stiles assured him.
 ‘I hope so.’ The golden-eyed wolf murmured, surprised at the ball of dread that was forming in his stomach in that moment.
 Janelle was surprised at how quickly the school day passed by. She had a few more classes with Scott, and while he was close and intimate with her, she could tell there was something on his mind. Something was bothering him; she could almost feel the ball of dread in his gut as if it were her own. She was planning on asking him about it after school, provided he wanted to hang out after. The blonde was having a hard time reminding herself that she and Scott weren’t technically “official” and she needed to stop acting like they were, she didn’t want to be presumptuous.
 Biology was the final class of the day, and Janelle had been lucky enough to get a seat next to Scott, making them lab partners for the rest of the year. She didn’t have a problem with that in the slightest. The lesson passed quickly for it was Janelle’s favourite subject and in between writing notes, she and Scott held hands underneath the table, her thumb rubbing back and forth comfortingly across his knuckles, trying to ease some of the tension she could practically see coming off him in waves. When the class was eventually dismissed, Janelle and Scott were the only two not to rush out of the room, they took their time packing away their things and the blonde patiently waited for him to speak; she could sense he wanted to say something.
 ‘Do you wanna come to my house? To study I mean, and I think we should talk too. About us.’ He murmured, taking her hand again as they both strolled from the class.
 ‘I’d like that. Could you give me a ride?’ she asked, butterflies forming in her stomach over the way he said “us”. Realistically she knew it could go two ways. Either he was going to tell her he liked her and he wanted to give them a real shot… or he was going to say that us hooking up at the party was just that—a hook up and nothing more. Janelle was hoping for the former.
 ‘Sure.’ He gave a cheeky grin that made her smile in return until she saw what he had led her to. A motorbike. She had never ridden on one of them before and he must have noticed the hesitancy in her expression because his hand came up to caress the side of her face.
 ‘You’ll be fine. I won’t let anything happen to you.’ He said gently, but the promise behind his words made her fear evaporate and she nodded, climbing on behind him after clipping her helmet in place. When she wrapped her arms and legs around him she found herself thinking that it was a form of transportation she could easily get used to.
 The ride was quick and not at all scary, Janelle realised that as long as it was Scott she was with, she wouldn’t feel anything but safe and protected. It was a realisation that both comforted her and confused her. But she pushed those feelings to the backburner when she noticed how tense Scott had become while leading her into his house.
 She didn’t know it, but he was terrified, and that in itself was baffling. Derek had told him that they were mates, which explained the instant attraction and attachment to the intoxicating blonde, but it was still incredible how scared he was of losing her after knowing her for less than a week.  
 ‘Scott?’ Janelle’s voice bought him out of his inner turmoil and when she bought her hand up to caress the side of his face, he didn’t fight the urge to lean into her touch and sighed, feeling the stress leave him.
 ‘I’m sorry, I’m acting weird, there’s something I need to tell you about me. Something that might scare you and freak you out but I just want you to know that I would never hurt you and I care about you, Janelle.’ She was blown away by the emotion and sincerity in his chocolate brown orbs.
 ‘Nothing is going to scare me away, Scott.’ Janelle assured him, she couldn’t explain it but something inside of her told her that Scott was constant. He was always going to be there.
 ‘We should sit.’ He murmured, leading her to the living room and sitting her on the sofa, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of her.
 He was quiet for a while, and the green-eyed girl was about to urge him to speak when he looked up and told her his secret. He told her everything. How he became a wolf, how they had stopped the Kanima, how his relationship with Allison had failed because she was a hunter and they were too different, how Lydia had acted strange after being bitten by Peter, how Derek was now the alpha, how he had created betas, how two of them were missing, how there was an alpha pack that they were pretty sure had Boyd and Erica, how Derek had told Scott this morning that he and her were mates. When he had gotten it all out he took a deep breath and held it, preparing himself for the inevitable reaction of her leaving and never wanting to speak to him again. But when she didn’t move, he glanced up and saw that she didn’t look scared and didn’t seem to think he was crazy. She looked overwhelmed and shocked, but the lack of fear encouraged Scott. He kept quiet, wanting her to speak when she was ready.
 ‘You’re a wolf and we’re mates?’ was the first thing she asked.
 ‘Yeah, I didn’t even know mates existed until Derek told me earlier. Stiles texted him about how odd I was acting around you and apparently he saw us together earlier at the school. He noticed that I’d marked you, and that you’d marked me. It’s something mates do to show others that they’re taken.’ Scott said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
 She went quiet again, not knowing what to say, mainly because she was surprised at her lack of upset. For some reason, when Scott had told her about them being mates, something inside of her settled as if she could relax now that she had found the one she was meant to be with. She bit her lip and glanced up when she heard Scott sigh, the sound was almost defeated and she felt guilty then when she realised how her silence must have looked to him. Janelle reached out, taking his hand in hers and offering him a comforting smile when his head snapped up to meet her gaze. Before he could say anything she leaned forward and bought her lips to his in a tender kiss. She needed him to know that this information hadn’t changed how she felt about him, if anything it had enhanced it. Now she didn’t feel stupid for having such strong feelings for him despite only knowing him for less than a week. She felt reassured over her own feelings and that he felt the same way as well. They were meant to be.
 He pulled back from the kiss first, his eyes searching hers for something.
 ‘This doesn’t change how I feel about you, Scott. I was a little overwhelmed with everything but…’ she bit her lip, wondering if he would agree with how she felt, ‘knowing that we’re literally meant to be makes me feel less crazy for how deep my feelings for you are already.’
 ‘I know what you mean.’ He said gently, his thumb rubbing across her cheek comfortingly.
 ‘It’s a lot to process, but I feel settled at the same time.’ Her hands ran through his hair and when he leaned into her touch, her lips tilted into a smile.
 ‘Me too. I feel… complete.’ He admitted, winding his arms around her waist and lifting her so that she was now straddling his lap on the sofa. Neither could remember him moving to join her on the furniture, but they didn’t question it.
 ‘I couldn’t have said it any better myself.’ She bit her lip, her forehead resting against his for a moment before she captured his lips in a smouldering kiss that allowed them both to feel the infatuation, tenderness and love they both felt for each other.
 In that moment, both felt completely settled and content with where their relationship stood. They were going to spend the rest of their lives together, and despite the dangers that were once again arising in Beacon Hills, the terror was minimalized by the fact that they knew they wouldn’t have to face anything alone.
 I hope you enjoyed this one shot! I really needed a Scott McCall mate fan fiction in my life.
 Hope you all had a nice Christmas, and that you have a great New Year!
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