#I don't think there are many snobs left around here but if you're going to be clutching your peals over some shitty formatting
devilisln-moved · 2 years
Alright. I’m thinking of sticking mostly to drafts for a spell, killing some threads, just to get to the to the point of using the beta editor because legacy still shows up when I’m making something fresh and with some reblogs? But I think it’s gone for my drafts. Like I said, i think we’ve got a janky hybrid mess going on here, and I kinda think it might be best to switch to beta.
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lucysarah-c · 2 years
Levi isn't romantic.
Levi isn't romantic, he simply is not. If we are forced to set an analogy, being romantic is like decoration. Levi thinks that decoration itself is pointless and lacks value, it may even be unpractical. Levi prefers to keep it simple and concise, cleaning is easier when there are not many things in the way and dust simply seems to have an adoration for unnecessary displays of objects in a room.
No, Levi isn't romantic. His love is not decorative, it's not up on display for others to admire its beauty, elegance, or extravagance. It doesn't exist for other humans to admire the lengths and power that humans held to demonstrate feelings, creativity, or passion. No, it's not the Sistine Chapel for strangers to come and go while wondering to themselves how a man can hold so much expression in his hands. It's not David by Michelangelo who some may say that it was a gift to humanity. Others may agree that such a display of capability could only be a physical representation of narcissism and its necessity to say "look at me, look at what I am capable of"
No, Levi isn't romantic. If you date him expecting pet names and endless declarations of adoration toward you, your past, or even your immortal soul... then don't. Don't expect kisses in crowded rooms to take not only your breath away, but those around whose hearts skip a beat admiring so much passion. Don't expect huge preparations for anniversaries and a gigantic bouquet of flowers at your work space.
No, because Levi's love isn't an endless novel that makes you grab a dictionary to understand half of its content.
No, because Levi's love isn't decorative. Levi's love is a quote between friends that stuck with you and makes you keep going when you feel like giving up. Levi's love isn't held in a museum sheltered so it may prevail, it's the overwhelming encompassing tranquility of a forest. It has been here even before humans existed to admire it and will probably overpass us without needing our protection. Levi's love is an old stone guarding house for refugees of a storm, rusty but homely. Levi's love isn't a complicated lecture so snobs can be spooned fed with deepness. Levi's love is a warm cup against your palms during a cold winter day after you're crawling home from work. It's pure, it's simple, it's there day at night, it's up for your reach at a cupboard where he left everything clean and prepare so it's the first thing you do when you arrive home. It's steady as a drum, it's strong as a stormy sea, it's essential and unwavering as Marmol pillar. It's not up on display because making public something so pure feels illicit and sordid.
In summary; no, you won't have a romantic partner if you decide to date Levi. There'll be non of the points I pointed out before, but do you truly need them? Why make a huge deal about San-valentines day, when you're loved every day?
Levi isn't romantic, he simply is not. It even goes against his nature to even try but his love for you isn't up for discussion.
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tiny-maus-boots · 1 year
Darkest of Nights pt 15
"Is she asleep?"
Beca turned her head from the dark road in front of them to peer into the cabin of the VW bus. Her brow came up at a soft rumble from Aubrey’s still form, her lips easing back in a grin as she recognized the sound as a low growl. Aubrey was dreaming and growling in her sleep.
"Pretty sure she is reliving some great battle in her sleep. She's growling."
Chloe nodded and smiled a little at it. "She does that when she is stressed out."
Aubrey had been even more quiet after they'd left the Walmart parking lot. At first she thought it was simply the need to feed but Beca had gone contemplative too and she wondered what had happened while she had been gone.
"Lady, everyone in this car is stressed. And between you and me she could use a little more rest. She's not moving so great."
"It will be light soon anyway. Another couple of hours and we will be in relative safety. We can feed, clean up, and get real sleep there."
Beca nodded and dug around in her bag of Mike and Ikes for a yellow candy to pop in her mouth. Chloe could sense something under the surface, some tension she didn't understand.
"Cool cool cool. I could use a shower myself. So um. When were you going to tell me you're Blood Guard?"
Chloe froze, her grip tightening on the hard plastic wheel. It wasn’t a secret. She hadn’t purposely kept it from Beca. Not really. But at the same time she was glad it hadn’t come up before.
"I guess I didn't think it was important. I'm not with them, Beca, I'm here with you. "
Beca looked out the window and played with her thumb ring. Chloe couldn't fathom what must be going on in the necromancer's head and was perhaps a little afraid to ask.
"I'm pretty sure it's still important. At least to Aubrey."
If she had a beating heart it would have stopped. Chloe blinked and glanced quickly at Beca while trying to keep her focus on the road.
"S-she told you?"
"Yeah. After I was a super judgy bitch and pretty much called her an elitist snob for caring that your mom was turned and not born."
"Aubrey never cared about that." It came quickly from her lips because it was the truth. Chloe sighed regretfully and leaned back into the squeaky seat. "But I did."
"So you're the snobby elitist bitch?"
"No! No one is the snobby bitch."
"Then I'm confused. Because if I'm understanding this right, the woman you're deadass in love with would have given everything up to be with you. And you walked away."
It sounded bad when Beca said it like that. But she didn't know. How could she understand the intricacies of vampire politics from more than a thousand years before her birth? 
"You make me feel old, Beca."
"Why? Because I see the truth?"
"Because you see the truth in the only way you will accept it, in small pieces. The truth is bigger than mine or even Aubrey’s feelings. She is meant for more than any union with me could provide her. If we had…"
It hurt too much to voice the possibility of what could have been. Chloe closed her mouth focused on checking the mirrors for signs of a tail to allow her a second to compose herself. 
"Don't you understand that she did the impossible once and can again? I couldn't help her change the world by being at her side, Beca. I could only do it by watching her back. So yes. I fought and earned my place in the Blood Guard instead of being with her. I believe in her so much that I would give her up. That is the whole truth of things."
Beca stared at her, tight lipped, for an eternity before she spoke.
"I owe you both an apology. The only snobby bitch here is apparently me. I'm the big snobby bitch. I…assumed things based on what I know about vampires. I should have known you two would be different."
"I'm not saying we weren't horrible. Beca, we are vampires. And for many many years we did unspeakable things because we thought they were the right things. Because we thought we had the right….I personally hav…"
"Stop! I don't want or need to hear that. Look. I have a hard time trusting anyone let alone vampires, but I do. Trust you and Aubrey. Whoever or whatever you were before, that isn't who I'm riding with now. And I can't even believe these words are even coming out of my face right now but, I believe in you. This…ideal didn't come from the vampire that was born damn near royal. It came from the one that was never considered good enough. It's you Chloe. You're why she wants to change the world. And I get it. I do. If someone had ever loved me the way you clearly love her…I would change the world for them too."
It was the longest single speech the necromancer had ever made and Chloe watched her out of the corner of her eye. Beca shrugged and tossed another candy in her mouth.
"I'm sorry, Chloe. I'm the last person that should be questioning anyone's feelings. I wouldn't know love if it bit me."
Chloe turned her head to look at Beca fully but the brunette was staring out the window at the shadows of trees racing past as they drove. 
There were only so many words to speak that could fill the gap but Chloe could live another thousand years and never know what they were. Instead she reached across the space between their seats and took Beca's so fragile hand in hers with a gentle squeeze.
If only it were so simple as saying she was already loved. Perhaps she didn't know the words right now but Chloe would spend all the days of the rest of her lifetime searching for the ones that would erase the shadow of hurt in Beca's eyes. 
That was a promise.
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I went to Meow Wolf in Denver today, and because it's themed on a station that leads you to a planet made up of four other planets that smashed into each other because of inter-dimensional whatnot, it got me thinking about some of my sci-fi based aus on this account.
And considering the first place you go to when you get off the elevator is into a local port that kinda reminds me of when Ten took Martha to New Earth, I decided to write something up for my au where the Doctor is traveling with Arthur from Passengers.
Warning: weird alien nonsense, it's not really a safe place but Ten and Arthur can defend themselves, stabbing, Arthur has cool robot spider legs because reasons (gr1d, I'm stealing from you)
On with the fic!
"Here we go!" The Doctor threw open the doors, grinning as he jumped out of the TARDIS. "Welcome to Port 8!"
Arthur slipped out of the TARDIS and frowned, glancing around at his surroundings. "It's... certainly different from what I'm used to."
The area around them was the complete opposite from Arthur's original home. It was filthy, grungy, someone's laundry was out on display on a clothes line, including a bra with multiple cups for it, and it smelled like something might have died while smoking something strong.
The Doctor shrugged. "It's got its charms! And the best place in all of the galaxy to get street tacos! Oooh, I am very excited to get some of those!"
"I don't eat." Arthur commented.
"I know, but still! And there's a bar I'd like to take you to, I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable to be a snob. Oh, don't look at me like that, Arthur, you know you love being superior."
Arthur did not reply to that, just straightened his bow tie and clicked his metal feet on the street as he walked past the Doctor. "Show me where to go."
The Doctor grinned and shoved his hands into his pockets, walking alongside the android as they passed people of all shapes, sizes, colors, flesh, and appendages. This was a very busy port, one that had quite the doozy of an incident centuries ago where it seemed to have been the subject of a universal one-of-a-kind phenomenon where several planets congealed together into a strange place that left you lost for hours but feeling like you were in a fun house.
And also making you a bit sick from all the neon colors.
Still, the Doctor liked coming here, you could find the most interesting things!
He walked past two aliens who looked oddly like Sularians, before suddenly being yanked into a strange room by the back of his jacket. That was the thing about this place, it had hidden doors all over and if you knew where they were, you knew where they were.
And if you didn't...
You end up in a situation like this.
The Doctor hissed as he was slammed into a wall, blinking past the paid to see a weird hallway, covered in what looked like thousands of posters and stickers and blinking lights. And red splatters of varying degrees of age.
There was an alien before him, tentacled and slimy, and reminding the Doctor way too much of a nasty one he and Donna had the misfortune of dealing with twice.
"Look, if you think you're gonna get money off me, it's pointless!" The Doctor shrugged. "I don't carry cash on me! Or credit sticks!"
He tried to smile, but that only angered the alien more. "Don't seem like the type not to have credits, or mems."
"Oooh, you can't exactly get those off me, way too many, way too hard to sort through, would upset some of my past selves if we did that." The Doctor completely forgot about mems, or memories, some of the locals used those as currency. It was not always a fun way to pay for things, but if you were low on credits, it helped.
"Someone paradin' around all snazzy in a suit's gotta have somethin' on 'em." The alien snarled, baring blunt teeth that looked like they'd break bones.
"I'm telling you, I- hey! Get your tentacles out of my pockets!" The Doctor shouted, letting out a squeak when he was suddenly grabbed by more tentacles, his arms locked in place, and one slapped across his mouth.
Uhg! Disgusting!
"Shut it, or you won't have ta add to the art here." The alien held up a nasty looking knife with another tentacle.
The Doctor squirmed, trying to free himself. He wondered if Arthur was aware that he was missing, he hoped that Arthur was looking for him. The tentacles in his pockets felt like they were going deeper and deeper, pocket dimension pockets were so helpful, but that still had him worried.
Then they attention was both drawn to the door, where there was a sound, and the Doctor watched as it seemed to move, like someone was trying to tear the secret door from the wall.
And then it was torn right from the wall, with Arthur standing there, and a few startled aliens behind him.
He threw the door out onto the street, getting shouts and warbled complaints from others out of view. He dusted his hands and put them in front of himself. "Excuse me, but what are you doing to my friend?"
"None of your business, get outta here!" The alien yelled.
The Doctor shouted from behind the tentacle, kicking and flailing his legs. The alien growled and turned, moving to stab at the Doctor with the knife.
But Arthur was fast, much faster on those new legs of his.
He was there just as the knife dropped, and struck him in the shoulder. The sound of metal scrapping metal was terrible and the alien hissed.
"How rude, this is my favorite jacket." Arthur huffed and grabbed the tentacle, gripping it tighter, and tighter, and...
The alien howled in pain as there was a horrible, wet sound, a nasty looking liquid spilled from between Arthur's fingers. He pulled away from Arthur and something purple and squirmy dropped to the ground, moving about on the ground.
With another hiss, one of anger and fear, the alien rushed away, down the other end of the hallway. Arthur looked bothered by the fluid on his hand and the Doctor, now free and wiping at his mouth with a handkerchief from his pocket, handed it over.
"Thank you." Arthur said as he cleaned up the mess, then looked up at the Doctor. "What happened?"
"Got grabbed and pulled into one of the many secret hallways and locations around here, was threatened for money."
"I see. You're lucky I noticed you vanished." He handed over the rag, which the Doctor pocketed it.
"And I'm grateful for that but... how'd you find me?"
Arthur sighed at the tear in his shoulder after he yanked out the knife and tossed it aside. "I may or may not have had the TARDIS put a tracking device on you so I could know where you wandered off to."
"Ah, I see." The Doctor nodded, then stopped, eyes wide. "You did what!?"
Look, Arthur seems like the type who would have the TARDIS do this because the Doctor may complain about the companions wandering off, but they're just as bad (if not worse).
The tentacled alien is based on one from an audio story (Time Reaver) and from a book (In The Blood).
A lot of the weird stuff I talked about, hidden doors and such, those were at Meow Wolf, lots of weird shit. I found a room full of bones and teeth in jars. And a terrifying pizza place.
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icarus-suraki · 1 year
Music Asks! Ask me things!
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD Hhhhhhhh there are so many though… Okay:
Motörhead, "Ace Of Spades"
The jam session part of "Freebird" is also good for playing loud, though I know Skyyyyyyynyrd are kind of controversial. But, man, get out your lighters.
And there are a bunch of songs that I, personally, like to play loud because that's my own taste but it's a bit idiosyncratic. Like, I will play Eurobeat anything loud as hell. I will play Techpara anything loud as hell. Anything from Rage Against the Machine gets to be loud. I always turn up "Someone to Love" and most Yes songs if one comes on the radio. (I am a bit of a radio addict and I have been vastly disappointed in what's passing for pop music in the last few years, let me tell you. Save us, Fall Out Boy.)
I will play "Never Gonna Give You Up" loud if it comes on the radio. Because I like to try and Rickroll the other cars around me.
17 :A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke I have a lot of solo karaoke songs but a duet? Not so much...
I dunno, can I say "Leather and Lace" in honor of the drunk couple who were singing it in the stairwell of my apartment building at 4am years and years ago? When I left for work a few hours later that same day, I absolutely had to check for any abandoned bottles and I was hoping to find something half-way decent. I would have forgiven them for waking me at 4am with their duet if they'd be drinking something more or less interesting. But no: it was fucking Miller Lite, the kind that came in the bottle-shaped cans. I was disappointed in them. You're gonna get smashed on light beer and then wake me up with your singing at 4am? C'mon.
If I can find someone to harmonize with me, we could annoy everyone with "Hotel California" in polyphony. Actually, we could do a lot of bluegrass and mountain music with harmony like that (I have Thoughts for Mumford & Sons about their lack of harmony in some of their songs). The thing is, a lot of bluegrass and mountain music is better for groups of singers where everyone just kind of finds their note (my mom raised me on folk music of all kinds). At that point it's not karaoke though.
It's gotta be something not-quite-a-real-duet, though. Like, we gotta do something Simon and Garfunkle or Hall and Oats, where there's technically two people but it's not really a duet the way "I've Got You Babe" or "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" are.
On second thought, anyone wanna sing some Babymetal with me? That'd be fun.
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to This isn't a specific song so much as a concept: I think everyone should listen to a song from a genre they never thought they'd listen to.
Find a genre you don't know anything about, maybe even a genre you hate, and go read up on it a bit, find a list of the "top 10" or "most recommended" songs for that genre--Wikipedia will probably mention several bands in an article on the genre.
Then go listen to a song or two. You are under zero (0) obligation to like the song or the genre. But I think it's worthwhile to at least listen to a couple of songs from a genre outside your usuals. Even if you hate it, try to understand why fans might like it. Look at it from an "art" perspective: what's going on here? What is the musician thinking or communicating? See if you can break some stereotypes you have about the genre.
I've done this more than a few times, though I know I may be an outlier adn should not be counted because I like nosing around in music (despite all the names I mentioned here being really fuckin' basic). I had the best time working in the music department a B&N. Even if the guys in the department were kind of snobs about music, they did know about a lot of obscure groups and genres that I definitely did not yet know (they weren't interested in what I knew though, so fuck those guys; one is in prison right now, btw). So these guys were pretty pleased to show off what they knew about math rock and the Black Heart Procession and I got to get a sense of what these styles or groups were about. Some of it I hated but I don't think I ever would have heard of or about this stuff if someone hadn't played it for me. So hopefully this is the next best thing.
Go listen to some fuckin…idk, bossa nova or something. Go figure out why you've always said "I love all kinds of music--except rap and country." Go explore shoegaze or original grunge or beach music or read about how "Pet Sounds" is actually a really significant album.
So it's not one particular song I think everyone should listen to. I think everyone should listen to a song they might not have otherwise listened to.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
It took over Genesis automobile and we're setting it up now to work the Ford and was sitting forward up too if they don't accept our cars that aren't they need to accept after this last few batches come out the upper Midwest does not hold that many compared to the Midwest like comparison is 10% of what was in the Midwest and 5% of it's gone now the final third is going out now 20% of it is out and we're bringing out lots at about 20% each time and they go out every few days and then it'll be gone then it's on your by our cars or you don't buy any a lot of people are going to go out of business cuz they're stupid snobs and they don't even know what a real car is your car are crumbling pieces of tin these are real cars and a lot of you want revenge by using our stuff and so forth and it's a little weird cuz your people are still making some of them and they still will be our version we don't know what to say you're a bunch of people who are so stupid and at times it hurts just to listen to you it's going to hurt very badly this time around cuz you're not going to put up with it this is the second 20% of the final third is coming out today at the end of the day so go up to 40% of the final third and it's a large amount of automobiles and trucks and pick up trucks car and boats and motorcycles dirt bikes what's a demand is it's not enough and really it's only out of the upper Midwest and Midwest it's probably each 20% is really 5% of what the total was so therefore there are three more 5% in the Midwest and one more in the upper Midwest totaling only 20% of what the total was and it's a lot but it's not that much all over the world is pretty much the same percentages going out and it's roughly about half of what you need at this time we have tons of cars and trucks built and if you don't buy any we will and we're prepared to do that and everyone else will start buying them as a matter of fact we will plan to just do that cuz you're such crap ass bastards and you want to roll over and let your retard win which might be impossible by the way and he may have missed tons of stuff by the way
Other than that I'm happy with my statement we have that 5% of the total coming out of the Midwest now and there's only four more of those and reach 20% which is what's left so after this two or three days will release another 5%, and so on that's for some reason you decide you need to drive and do business and work it hasn't happened yet
So trying to see it and really I said strange is my words the last three but really it is because the clones are trained to do it you guys are not responding well I think everyone hates you and all the stuff and the clothes don't care cuz they're doing it on purpose
Thor Freya
You need an economy even for a couple months because you're probably end up defeating Tommy f and you more luck don't really care about it at all but everybody else should to delete Tommy f you need to have transportation and other things like food and equipment but to get that you need to have transportation and you may want to try and do that this is really ugly already what people are doing and we are producing vehicles and they'll be out here and really this is still doing what they're doing this idiots don't know what they're doing they're working for Tommy f and he does not have a parallel that matches anything that's not really the concern the concern is how you going to get around
Now that 20% that will remain because it's four or 5% roughly what it is is going to be something to get out of there and that's the holdup go hold up is these idiots won't release it won't sell it it won't take it with them and they're sitting on it because they made robots or something you want the robots to drive in now it's a nuisance but for regular citizens it's damned upsetting I bet and those citizens should get mad that Tommy F and these retards are holding their future up completely all this burden is put on me and I'm supposed to get pissed off for everybody else and not much happens if you want your goddamn idiots to do something different have him do something different if you have time you have to shut them up and go shut Tommy off up
Zues Hera
We're so tired of hearing from you Tommy Ellen you little stuffed your head up your ass where it was a minute ago they're taking your business is over regardless cuz you don't care
We are working and we're going to get it done but here what you're saying get out of bed do the job somedays every day is drudgery but really this needs to get done and there's a lot of people that have to work and start working and see the dust stuff cuz now it's having an effect I'm going to keep doing it we like what we're hearing and we're getting out of bed and this is the way to do it too
I'm making progress and we're going to make more and it's working we have ideas that are working and we're going to use them these stinkers just have to go to hell they're stupid I'm going to make sure they do they're going to get out of the way now
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writerdream22 · 4 years
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requested by: no one, but I sincerely hope you like this anyways ✨🌻💛
pairings: levi ackerman x wife!reader, eren jeager x reader (platonic), hange zoe x reader (platonic), erwin smith x reader (platonic), etc.
warnings: none
taglist: @randomfandomimagine (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
a/n: I know I haven't been posting in a long while, and that I have lots and lots of pieces to work on. I've been watching aot for a while, and I wanted to write something regarding that fandom
You and Levi had met when you were just teenagers; you were the daughter of a scouting legion commander, and Erwin's new friend had caught your attention
Just like an ordinary introvert person, you were really shy, and it was Erwin himself who introduced you to Levi, Farlan and Isabel
“They seem like nice people, you know?”
“The kids from the underground city. You should go introduce yourself”
“They're criminals, Erwin. I won't go talk to them. They will surely snob me as soon as they see me”
“Trying doesn't hurt. And if they say something, just use the moves you learnt while training.”
“If you say so”
You were intimidated, especially by Levi. But it seemed that he was willing to talk to you
“Hi, uhm, my name is— my name is y/n”
“We know who you are”
“Erwin told us lots about you! I'm Isabel, and these two boys are Levi and Farlan”
“I just wanted to know if the three of you needed someone to show you around”
“Kids, cadet y/l/n will show you around. All right?”
“Yes sir!”
You immediately thought that it was a bad idea to be left alone by yourself, with people you didn't know. Erwin knew well that you felt anxious around newcomers, but he sincerely wanted you to have some friends.
The tour went all right; you and Isabel had immediately gotten along, while it took you a few months to warm up to Levi and Farlan
As time went on and you were slowly becoming autonomous, people started to think that you and Levi were actually related and that you had somehow been separated at birth; you were both quite short, with dark hair and light-colored eyes
Not to mention that you both loved tea
When you became part of the scouting legion, you were happier than ever even though you were fully aware of the risks you were taking
When Isabel and Farlan died, you and Levi were devastated. You had set aside your grief, and stayed by Levi's side
“What are you doing here?”
“Couldn't sleep. You?”
“Neither could I. I was making some tea, do you want some?”
“Yeah, Levi, thank you”
“Would you like to talk about — about that?”
“No, not really”
“Oh, well— can I braid your hair instead? It calms down the two of us. Me and Isabel had so much fun doing that, remember?”
“Tch, I hated it. But yeah—braid my hair, y/n”
You and Levi shared a sweet moment. You didn't talk, nor you wanted to, but you comforted each other just with your presence.
As time went by, you and Levi got extremely close. The two of you became corporals, giving Erwin the condition of always having to work together no matter what
The only people that the two of you became friends with, or just cared about, were Hange and your squad
One day, while you and the other corporals of the scouting legion were having breakfast, Hange made a sarcastic remark about how you and Levi were close
“Can't you just leave each other alone for a minute?”
“We just care about each other, and we respect our boundaries”
“Seems like you have some— that you share romantic feelings for each other, eh? ”
“What do you mean, Hange?”
“Yeah, this is ridiculous. Let's go, y/n, we need to prepare for our next mission”
Hange's words really sparked something in your soul. You started to think abot the relationship that you and Levi had, the special treatment you reserved for each other even though you were famous for being strict...
One day, you decided to confront him
“Hi, y/n, is everything all right?”
“Yeah. Have you— have you thought about what Hange said?”
“I did too, by the way”
“And what did you want to tell me about it?”
“She was right. I do have romantic feelings for you, but I need to know that you feel the same before I pour my heart out to you”
“Levi, please say something”
“I don't just like you, y/n, I love you. And now, come here—”
Then and there, he kissed you. Your first kiss, just like you had imagined.
You decided to keep your relationship a secret for a while, as you didn't want Hange to know that she was right. She found out anyways, and she told everyone.
After a few years, you decided to get married. You were extremely happy, and you couldn't ask for anything else in the world.
“With this ring, I give you my soul. With this ring, I put my trust in you, and hope to live by your side until we grow old. Meeting you was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. I wanted a splinter of happiness in that pathetic, dark void I had grown accustomed to call life. Meeting you fulfilled my dream of becoming a better man. With this ring, you make me happy, and I hope that I'll make you happy as well. Meeting you made me learn what true love is. I love you, y/n, always and forever”
As a team, Levi was deemed as more important by your superiors. Sometimes, they didn't even address themselves to you and just talked to your husband.
“Sir, my wife here also contributed to the mission. I think that you should congratulate yourself to her, as well”
Levi always looked out for you, making sure that every single detail was to your liking. As everyone knew, he showed his vulnerable self to only you, and you were grateful for the trust he had given you.
“Are you ok, darling?”
“Yeah. You're still working on those papers, eh?”
“I just have to sign a few things, then I have to meet up with Erwin. Tch, this stuff is so tiring sometimes”
“We can take a walk around the compound later, if you want. Then, I can make you some tea”
“That would be fantastic, y/n. You're really the best wife in the world”
“I'm your only wife, Levi”
The whole situation that emerged from the apparition of abnormal titans stressed you out, quite a lot nevertheless. Levi had noticed it, and saw that you were more nervous than usual. He made sure to always ride by your side, to always be able to keep his eye on you.
He knew what stress did to you. It made you more vulnerable, more subject to distractions, and he didn't want to lose you at all.
During one of your many missions, where you had the unpleasant surprise of meeting the female titan, you got severely hurt.
“What were you thinking?!”
“I wanted to save our squad! I wanted to save Petra, Oluo, everyone! But I couldn't!”
“You risked your life, y/n! You could have died, you know that?”
“I sure do, Levi! That's what soldiers do! They die, after having done something good for humanity, and I lived a pretty decent life! I got married, I had friends, but I am alive now! I am all right, it's just routine”
“You can't just do things recklessly. I can't stand losing you. Not now, not ever. I want to build a family with you, I want to live my life with you and only you. You can't die, you got it?”
“Yes, Levi. I'm sorry”
“Let me get you some tea, now”
That's when you fully understood that Levi loved you. You had managed to warm up his heart with your sweet and kind words, and he'd managed to conquer yours with just a look in your eyes.
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
| Taehyung x Ravenclaw! Reader (fluff) :00 can't | | Wait for the HMC au bby💜 |
Taehyungxravenclaw! Reader pt. 1/?
A/N- You got it! Sorry it took so long I was adjusting to my new school schedule before I started writing again. And SAME! It's my motivation to keep improving, as I don't want to write/post a HMC au I wouldn't want to read. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to tag you or not,so just let me know for the next parts. Anyways, hope you enjoy sorry if it's absolute garbage :[ I'm going to go back and check it one more time tomorrow to look for any typos I missed, but until then please ignore them.
The halls were buzzing with excitement all over the castle. You couldn't walk 15 feet without hearing the news about the rumored new students. From what your ears had gathered from students rushed conversations while walking to and from your lessons and the occasional accidental (read: deliberate) snooping, they were international students coming from somewhere in Asia. You were quite uninterested to say the least. (Or so you tried to tell yourself). If anything, you were confused and even a little irked at the news. As rumors tend to lack factual evidence, there's is no telling how many new students you'll be getting, how old they are, when exactly they'll be arriving and last but not least WHY they are coming to hogwarts on the cusp of the first exam season of the year. How inconvenient for the new students and the teachers, to be plopped into a class and then taking an exam on it days later, in a foreign language as you can only assume English isn't their first language. You became so invested in the news however, that you just HAD to solve it. You had to figure out all the answers. You saw it as a challenge: a riddle if you will. This always happens when new rumors surface. You try to convince yourself that you just don't care, that you remain unbothered at all times. But your Ravenclaw spirit sees this as a brain game. You just love the rush of sneaking around and discovering the truth before everyone else. You never share what you discover though, it's just a personal accomplishment that you record in your journal. Sometimes you've gotten into a couple sticky situations but nothing terrible or detention worthy. Just a "Miss L/N, why are you pretending to be a gargoyle above the gardens?" Or a "Can you please stop smelling people's closets, we assure you we will find whoever is taking our gillyweed on our own. " You were so close to solving the last one too. Your money is on one of the Weasley kids. You could've sworn that they left a trail of fallen wet Dill leaves that they used to replace the gillyweed that led all the way back to the Gryffindor common room.
Your steps are quick as you make the last turn to the doors of the great Hall for breakfast, and your quick pace is kept all the way until you're seated at the nearly empty Ravenclaw table. Usually the table is bustling with students shoving food down their throat, chatting up a storm to their friends whose heavy heads are playing a sleepy game of tag with the table or their cereal bowl. This morning, however, you decided to arrive to breakfast as early as possible, for the sole purpose of gathering more information on the new students -but don't get it wrong, you aren't interested in them: no. Your mission to gather information on them stems from the fact that you need to know what to prepare yourself for. More trouble makers? Dear God, you can barely handle the ones you have. Pompous students that strut down the hallways and expect those around them to worship the ground they walk on? Ugh we don't need anymore of those. Snobs? Bullies? Sweet innocent small children? Not likely. But there's so many possibilities. As a Ravenclaw, you prefer to stay on top of things and be prepared for whatever is thrown your way. Your grades are important to you and the last thing you need is trouble right before your exams- ESPECIALLY care for magical creatures .... It is the only class you struggle with and just can't seem to bring your grade up to the same score as all your other classes no matter how hard to try. Hagrid pities you, he really does but you can only lose your projects so many times before he has to subtract it from your grade.
"It's not MY fault the projects can run away on their own" you mutter to yourself before pouring a cup of pumpkin juice standing up to examine the other foods available. Your eyes scan the contents presented on the table over the rim of your goblet as you sip from it. After the second wizarding war in Hogwarts, they partnered with other wizarding schools to help send students all over the world to the school of their choice for different opportunities. As a result of all the different cultures and traditions, the kitchen started loading the table with more diverse food choices at every meal. Clicking your tongue at the delicious looking Ethiopian breakfast dish, you decide to go for something you've had before so you don't upset your stomach before your school day.
By the time you're putting the last bit of scrambled eggs on your plate a few more students have shuffled in for breakfast. You quickly sit and begin to eat keeping your ears open for any news of the supposed newcomers. Again, you really aren't that interested in them you swear.....
However minutes pass of you listening to a young Gryffindor complain about the girl she likes not noticing her, suddenly a conversation that carried over from the Hufflepuff table caught your attention.
"Seven?!" A voice exclaimed.
"keep your voice down!"
You turned your attention to two girls, one Hufflepuff and one Gryffindor. You recognized the first voice to be Kim Yong Sun, and the second as Moonbyul Yi; the both of them seventh year transfers from South Korea during their second year.
"Sorry. But how do you know? There hasn't been any confirmation of them arriving let alone how many there are. " Yongsun eyed Moonbyul skeptically and you can hear the click of her chopsticks being set down from where you're sitting you're listening so closely. You slightly nod in agreement to the conversation you aren't a part of. She's right. There hasn't been any confirmation or factual evidence of transfer students. Yet here you are, sitting in the breakfast hall at 6:05 am on a Friday morning listening to fourth year romance drama and the yawns of a few other students like you're life depends on it. Maybe this is stupid, you should just go back up to bed and let it go. You aren't one for caring about new students or rumors anyways. Maybe you were just looking for something to distract you from the upcoming exams: Yeah, that was probably it. You sigh picking up one last piece of toast making up your mind to take it upstairs with you. Putting the piece of toast in your mouth you place your hands on the table to stabilize you as you swing one leg off of the bench to get up.
"I know one of them." Moonbyul responds quietly. You bite your toast out of surprise causing the rest of it to fall from your mouth as you plop down to straddle the bench with a loud thud while playing hot potato with your toast attempting to save it before it hit the floor. You glace around to see if anyone noticed, but thankfully those there are much too tired to care. You swing your leg back into your seat and continuee to listen to their conversation. Everyone needs a little distraction every now and then right? A hobby? Can snooping be considered a hobby....? I guess you're really doing this again.
"You know them? Really? So they're from South Korea too?" Yongsun asked while beginning to eat again.
"Yep. But I only know one of them pretty well, his name is Kim Seokjin and he's in my year. The rest of them I've only met a few times through him. "
Yongsun pondered what was said before speaking .
"Wait- seven of them..... Are they those loud boys from the music club you were in back home? Some of them are a little young don't you think?"
Moonbyul laughed. "Yep that's them! And no- the youngest of them should be a fourth year right about now."
You figured you had heard enough information to go on and decided to actually go back to your dorm this time. You left your spot at the table and began to make your way back to your room for a quick nap before school began. Your walk back was filled with thoughts of the new kids. "Loud boys? Great." You said bitterly turning down a hall. " What does it have to do with me? From what I heard they are different ages, which will separate them a bit. Maybe none of them will even be in my house, and I won't see them. After all, there's only seven of them and a whole school of other students. I probably won't even notice them. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ •~•~•~• ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A fork clinked gently against a goblet, and McGonagall rose to her feet. "May I have your attention please."
The loud dinner chatter quieted down almost immediately and all heads turned to the teacher's table.
"Thank you." She placed her goblet down before returning her gaze to the students. "As many of you have heard, there are rumors going around that Hogwarts will be accepting some new students. It is my pleasure to finally put these rumors to rest- "
A chorus of disappointed sighs and groans rang through the hall, looks like they weren't getting new students after all. You almost let out a disappointed sigh but caught yourself. You didn't want new students, they were a distraction and a nuisance. Right? I mean... It was a little bit of a disappointment considering all the hard work and snooping you had been doing recently. Your friend group doesn't spread rumors much, so everything you knew had been from eaves dropping and hiding, like the gargoyle incident. You guess you sat up there for 45 minutes all for nothing.
"-excuse me please quiet down." The students all shut their mouths quickly, afraid of angering her. "As I was saying, I am happy to finally introduce to you our new students from South Korea." The hall erupted into excited chatter, girls and boys alike fawning over whether or not the newcomers were attractive, nice, mean or any other possibility, like you have been for weeks ever since you overheard the students chatting about it outside the potions cupboard you were in when the rumors first started.
Clearing her throat the headmaster gave a sharp warning look to all the students, again silencing them. "As you know, usually transfer students come on the first day of school with the first years to get sorted. However, there was a couple issues regarding the ministry during their application process, so they arrived later than usual. I have no doubts that you will all make them feel very welcome here." She waved her hand as a signal to Filtch, who scampered out of the Great Hall, returning only a few moments later with a trail of students behind him.
Seven. There was seven of them just like you'd heard about this morning. You feel your chest swell with pride. You did good for a half assed Snoop mission. They were all male, and most looked to be around your age, and you'd be lying if you said they weren't in the least bit attractive. You scowled internally knowing that their looks would be all you'd hear about during your study sessions in the common room.
The sorting hat was brought in and the sorting began. McGonagall unrolled a small piece of parchment and read off the first name "Jung Hoseok", and you held your breath as the first boy made his way up.
He looked rather pleasant. His bright face was framed with medium length brown hair, and his smile was wide. He was practically glowing as he sat on the stool. There was a few moments of silence before the hat shouted out a loud "Hufflepuff!" And the hall clapped while McGonagall lead him to the proper table.
Slowly one by one each of the other boys went up. There was another Hufflepuff, his name was Park Jimin, and a Gryffindor whose name was Jungkook. 'So far so good' you think to yourself.
The next boy to go was called Kim Namjoon. He was tall and had a pair of square modern glasses perched on his nose, the legs of the glasses covered by his messy silvery gray hair. He's a bit taller than most of the others so the stool looked comically small beneath his long legs which he had stretched out for his feet to rest on the heels of his shoes. He radiated nerves with his hands rubbing up and down his black pants and his cheek pulled in slightly as he chewed on it. You were too lost in thought to realize it had been almost an entire minute of silence when the hat announced a very loud "RAVENCLAW!"
You felt your face scrunch up a bit but clapped anyway. I mean, it's only one of them and he looks rather pleasant; not too loud or obnoxious. He looks put together-maybe a little clumsily- but still respectable. You watched him take a seat and shake hands with other students. Yeah, he seems pretty ok. Instead of paying attention you continued to study the boy. After all, there's only a small chance one of the last three would be a Ravenclaw. The next name which you recognized as the boy Moonbyul knew, Kim Seokjin but blocked it out after that.
Namjoon seemed to be getting along nicely with the other students at the table. His smile was friendly and welcoming and his demeanor calm and assured.
You clapped absent mindedly as you continued to watch Namjoon become much less nervous than he had been up on the stool. His eyes gleaming and his honey skin shining in the great Hall lights giving off a faint golden glow. He literally held the presence of a god. You were beginning to doubt what Yongsun had said about them being loud as you watched the next boy climb up to the stool, and you looked around at the other new students and noticed they all were pretty quiet and calm, aside from Jungkook whose cheeks had flushed pink as Seokjin had an arm thrown over his shoulders supposedly boasting about what you heard to be his "handsome face", and his "baby boy kookie" . You really did seem to have nothing to worry about, it was just your anxiety that made you so scared of newcomers.
Again you applauded without thinking before you froze. You looked back up to the stool and watched a boy about as tall as Namjoon bounce excitedly over to Namjoon and plop down right next him with a loud "Namjoon-hyung!" Followed by a box shaped smile and a joyful giggle. His eyes were dark to match his fluffy long ish hair that looked unsually soft. He was much louder than his friend Namjoon, you could hear his introductions and laugh travel down to your seat of the table, enabling you to hear his name: Kim Taehyung. You glared lightly at him sizing him up when suddenly your glare was met with bright cheerful eyes. 'Dont blush you're not interested, dont' You felt your face contort into a look of shock and heat slowly rise to your face before Taehyung sent you a wide boxy smile that caused his eyes to crinkle into small crescents, a sight that made you flush even more - you couldn't deny he was attractive. 'no no no no no-' At the sight of your blush you heard him laugh out a loud "cute", turning your face to an even darker shade of red than you had even thought possible. Those near him followed his gaze and laughed a little bit at your red face and a few "awww Y/N"'s and "oooh get it girl" were sent your way. You quickly tore your eyes away from his and shoveled the food down your throat causing you to choke on it, your hands grasped for your drink which a panicked seatmate handed you. You chugged half of it down before sputtering out a few coughs.
"Are you okay Y/N?" The same seatmate asked with a concerned look.
You nodded noticing that most of your table had now focused their attention on you. Embarrassment now completely took over your body as you shot up from your seat so fast you hit your knee off of the table and knocked your drink over to spill all over your robes. You let out a sound of frustration but you didn't let it stop you from your mission: to get out of the great Hall and to hide under your covers until morning. You turned and walked out as fast as you could ignoring the calls and stares you felt from the table. You made it outside of the great Hall and began to sprint down the halls all the way to the common room door.
Gasping out the password you don't even wait for the door to open all the way before you push inside the common room and up the steps to your dorm room. You slam the door shut and fall on the floor, the only sound in the room being your loud labored breathing and your wild heartbeat. After a few moments your breathing calmed down and it finally hit you what you had just done.
"oh my God I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I just let this one go? " You stood up and stomped your way to your dresser and ripped out some night clothes. "Was your life really this boring? You could've just ignored the new students. You could've just not given a damn but no. " You slammed the drawer shut and went into the bathroom to begin changing. Aggressively taking off your sticky pumpkin juice covered robes with a grunt "You just HAD to get involved in the rumors. You KNOW you can't let something go once you commit to it. You shouldn't have even committed to it. Hell, you should've stopped after you were caught snooping around the class attendance lists" You slid on your night clothes and picked up your robes to take a closer look at them with a sigh.
"now I have to wash my robes tomorrow because YOU have no self control and can't stop being nosy." You glared at yourself in the mirror, sticking your tongue out at the reflection.
Exiting the bathroom you ball up your robes and place them in your hamper. You have calmed down significantly, the steam and anger from the embarassing moment in the hall finally wearing off. With a inhuman groan you dragged your hands down the sides of your face. "He's just a boy. All he did was smile at me... And call me cute...." Your thoughts drifted off to his cute box smile, and twinkling brown eyes. You abruptly sat up with a determined look. "No. No no no no. You don't have time for crushes, you only have one more week till exams and you aren't letting your grades slip just because a cute boy happens to join your house. Just ignore him. It's easy as that. " You pull your covers down and flop into bed.
A couple hours had passed, and you pretended to sleep when all your dormmates came up to bed one by one. Eventually after some tossing and turning you sigh. Your mind is full of that stupid boy, and the way he called you cute. So much for not even noticing the new kids.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Love, Fate, Destiny
Part 6 - Jealous
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Riley Brooks is a waitress in a ‘Dive bar” in New York. One Saturday night, her past comes back to haunt her as some unfamiliar punters enter her bar on a bachelor party- one of them being someone who she was once close to.
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @butindeed @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs
“I just came to say goodbye.”
Rileys jaw was agape. She believed that after Drake’s outburst they would talk and go back to normal. As she watched him rush out the room, she moved one foot forward deciding to follow before Maxwell pulled her back.
“Blossom, don’t run after him. It’ll cause gossip. I’ll take you to his room after. I promise.”
Riley nodded sadly, she had hoped he meant goodbye as in goodnight. If he decided to leave, what was the point in her being there- there was none.
The evening slowly drew to a close. Everyone bid each other goodnight. Maxwell held Riley back purposely making sure that everyone had gone their separate ways. Luckily, Drake’s room was close to Riley’s so no one would suspect anything suspicious.
Max opened the door, noticing his friend slumped against the bed with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He ushered Riley in. She knew Drake liked to drink, but she had never seen him this melancholy before- to drink himself into oblivion.
“Drake?” Riley spoke softly, concerned about him.
“Ri.” He couldn’t look at her, he was still pissed off with Liam for suggesting that she completed in his social season.
“I’ll leave you two to it, I’ll stay in your room Ri.”
Giving Riley a soft smile- Maxwell left the two lovers alone, he didn’t want to play gooseberry. Riley slid to the floor, sitting next to Drake- snuggling up to him.
“Sorry.” Drake said quietly and emotionally. His head was spinning and believing he wouldn’t be able to string a sentence together. Riley cupped his cheek, ensuring that his eyes were fixated on hers.
“I’m sorry too. When Liam offered me this opportunity, I just had to follow my heart that led to you.”
Drake placed a comforting arm around her, pulling her into his warm embrace. The smell of whiskey lingered, his scent made her feel intoxicated. Riley decided to make a coffee to try and sober him up- his drunk mind wouldn’t comprehend how much she truly wanted him. They sat silence for a while, holding each other affectionately.
I don't like the way he's looking at you.I'm starting to think you want him too. Am I crazy? Have I lost ya? Even though I know you love me, can't help it.
Drake didn’t want to let Riley know about his inner thoughts. Paranoid. Constantly imagining Liam attempting to steal his girl. It’s happened before when they were teenagers. So what’s preventing it from happening again. But this time, this constant thought stabbed him in the heart like a voodoo doll. Riley was the only woman he had ever had true feelings about. These seven years, he tried to move on from her but physically couldn’t- she was a distant memory that kept reoccurring in his head on a daily basis. They both eventually stood up from the floor- Drake feeling slightly less drunk.
“I suppose I better get to my own room. I love you Drake.”
“I love you too! When this sham is over, my bags are packed to come back with you. Look.”
Riley gazed over to the corner of the room where Drake’s finger pointed. A large suitcase, had been packed. Opening his wardrobe it was bare.
“I want a future with you Riley. I messed up in the past. It’ll be the biggest regret of my life.”
“You didn’t ��mess up’ intentionally, I understand. I just wish you didn’t completely disappear off the face of the earth and had kept in touch with me. I love you. I always have and I always will. I’ll see you tomorrow baby.”
Riley text Max to make sure the coast was clear. He soon knocked on the door, and witnessed the two smooching, saying their goodbyes.
'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants to taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
The next morning, Riley woke up to Maxwell bounding through the door. He gave her some privacy to get ready, before introducing her to his brother- the Duke of Ramsford. Riley believed Maxwell was pulling some sick joke on her- they can’t be brothers, she thought. Maxwell was outgoing. Bertrand was a full on snob, I mean who wears sweater vests with a blazer in today’s society. He gave the impression that he was strict, like a demon headteacher who would use the cane if you did anything slightly incorrect.
“Let’s pretend that I am meeting you for the first time at a royal event. ‘Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet you Lady Riley.’”
“The pleasures all mine, Duke Ramsford.”
Riley curtsied, whilst Bertrand took her hand in his right hand before kissing the back of it.
“Now, what did I do wrong?”
Riley smirked, Maxwell had explained to her about hand gestures. This was a test- a test Bertrand was hoping she would fail. Not that she gave a shit as she really wasn’t fighting for Liam’s hand.
“You should have taken my hand with your left hand. Otherwise it’s an insult.”
Straightening his expression out, he was impressed with her observation. Bertrand explained that the limo was waiting for them to take them to the Derby at Honeyhill Downs.
“I know this is all a sham and fake. But I’m so proud of you. I could turn you into a noble if you carry on impressing the Duke. Are you sure you’re a waitress and not lying to us all?”
“Max, I’m pretty sure I’m just a waitress. Let’s just say I’m a quick learner. And you’re a great teacher.”
They arrived, and the press swarmed around her. Shit. Just breath Riley. Donnie Brine was pleased with Riley’s ‘confident’ attitude for a newbie and now stereotyped her as ‘the mystery woman.’ She also impressed Ana De Luca - Maxwell was grinning like a Cheshire Cat, his attitude was like that of a first time parent when their child begins to walk- he was proud beyond words.
Maxwell escorted Riley to the White tents, where she met Hana and Olivia- err Olivia. First impressions of the redhead wasn’t the best- she needed to make amends. Olivia seemed much more relaxed around Riley now knowing her true intentions of being here- but the Duchess couldn’t resist stirring the pot.
“Lady Riley, I’d like you to meet Lady Penelope and Lady Kiara. Penelope loves dogs- specifically little rat ones. And Kiara is so intelligent - she speaks so many languages.”
“Hi, Riley! And they aren’t rats- they are poodles who are fluffy and cute!” Penelope squealed. She’s going to be the ditsy one of the group.
“Bonjour Riley. Ravi de vous rencontrer.” I don’t speak french- shit.
“Lady Kiara and Drake had a thing a few years back. In fact it’s been brewing for years wouldn’t you say Ki?”
“Oui, Duchess Olivia. He’s so handsome. I’d love to know what he’s like in bed....”
Hana saw Riley freeze, gulping hard she noticed that no one observed her sudden change of expression, and the increase of her breathing.
“Lady Riley can you help with the drinks please.”
“Oh, of course Hana. Nice to meet you all.”
“No problem”
They retrieved the drinks returning to the ladies in the white tent. Riley felt jealous- she needed to grab some air away from everyone. Explaining to Hana where she was going, Hana understood. Riley walked in a daze, she stumbled into a stable with some horses each in their own pen. No one will see me here. Sitting on some hay, she lifted her knees to her face, finally letting tears fall. After her little outburst, she began to admire the beauty of the horses. Feeling like a ‘loon’ she began to speak to the horses as if they were humans- startling one of them, it barrelled straight towards her after the pens door became loose.
“Easy, easy horsey! Everything’s okay!”
Riley shut her eyes, her body froze in shock- not knowing what to do. Should she run, should she stay frozen or should she scream for help.
“Woah there, woah!”
Drake calmed the horse down, before leading it back into a pen. Riley slowly opened her eyes, relieved that someone had come to her rescue.
“Nothing to worry about big fella. I’ll get this girl outta here for you. You okay baby?”
“You saved me. My hero!”
“Really? I thought I was saving the horse... these derby runners are like athletes. Can’t risk an injury over a stray human.”
“Oh charming. Did the horse knock the sense out of you?”
“Nah...in fact I got away without a scratch...Come here.”
Drake pulled Riley up, her hair was skew-wiff as if she had just woken up. He began to pull out hay from her beautiful brown curly locks. Before holding her protectively.
“You know id never let a horse trample you. I love you too much.”
“I love you too- even if you are a sarcastic son of a bitch.”
Drake crashed his searing hot lips onto Riley, she was intoxicating. He didn’t know how many more opportunities he would get with her alone. Grabbing her dress, he yanked it upwards and over her head before thrusting against her. His jeans tightened at the sight of her. Unzipping his jeans, she pulled out his cock gently stroking it before increasing the speed. Slipping his fingers underneath the elastic of her lace underwear, he gently pulled them to her ankles before Riley kicked them away. Laying her gently on the hay she spread her legs, positioning himself in between them - admiring her beauty. Removing his shirt, discarding it on the floor with the other clothes- she began feeling his bare muscled chest. Kissing her neck passionately, he needed her. She needed him. Losing themselves into each other’s touches. She felt her wetness slipping onto his manhood, as he entered her slowly. He took her nipple in his mouth and cradled her other breast in his calloused palm. Rocking in the perfect sync, the pair couldn’t contain their moans. Grunting as he exploded inside her -he fell to the side of her. Riley rolled over in to Drake’s arms.
“That was unexpected.” She said seductively, whilst running her finger over his chest.
“You know how I like to surprise you. Good job you got lost and I followed you.” Winking at her, he was feeling content and glad he listened to instincts.
“Yes. Even though it’s kind of creepy that you were following me. I suppose we better leave- we have a lawn party to attend. And Maxwell will be fretting.”
“It’s not creepy. If we have to go through with this charade, I’m keeping my eye on you and protecting you. I love you.”
“My knight in shining armour. Love you too Walker.”
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emo-scene-fm · 6 years
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Artist Name: These Hearts Genres: Post Hardcore, Easycore, Metalcore, Pop Punk, Emo Pop, Christian Hardcore, Melodic Hardcore Similar Artists: A Day To Remember, Taking Back Sunday, Fight Fair, Four Year Strong, Me vs Hero, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Can't Bear This Party, Set Your Goals, New Found Glory, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, From First To Last, We Are Defiance, Four Letter Lie Bio: I've been listening to this next band quite a lot recently. When I'm not teetering on the edge of everything I've been blasting this like I'm being paid to do it. These Hearts has been, and I can say this 100% honestly, the very best thing I've listened to in a while because of what it's done for my mood. I actually discovered a new subgenre of Post Hardcore because of these guys when I first discovered them. It's called "Easycore." Now at first glance it seems like an elitist phrase created by Fugazi and Husker Du loving snobs who don't like sharing the term Post Hardcore with anything in skinny jeans and swoopy hair but it actually isn't all that bad of a term. It's essentially the crossbreed of Post Hardcore, Metalcore, and Pop Punk which just so happen to be some of my three favorite things. If you're not familiar with this type of music, I feel like this along with Fight Fair are very good introductions to the style. Now, onto the band themselves. The band got started all the way back in the magical musical year of 2007 in Fargo, North Dakota. The original lineup consisted of Ryan Saunders as the lead vocalist, Daryl Van Beek on guitar, Isaih Folk on drums, and Skyler Patzer on Bass. Tom Westerholm would join them as a guitarist in 2008. Also in 2008 was their first independent release, a gorgeous EP called Mistakes and Second Takes that came out on September 16th. This EP contains the right amount of post hardcore intricacies and guitarwork, speed, screams, with all of the catchiness of Pop Punk. I'm not going to lie though, some of Ryan's vocals on this release is a bit of an aquired taste but they will either grow on you or you'll appreciate the growth he has in releases after this. His voice is somewhere between Sonny Moore and Kellin Quinn on the "I-don't-know-how-he-can-hit-that-note-o-meter". It's still a solid release with a nice piano interlude and some fantastic songs such as She'd like To Wear The Pants, But She Can't Fit Into Mine, the title track which felt like if Taking Back Sunday was a little more hardcore, and ending strong with Hats Off For Discontentment. In 2009 Skyler leaves the band and Kyle Colby joins as lead guitarist and backing vocalist. This year is when they put out a two track demo called the "Nada Demo." Somewhere around this time, the band was signed to Victory Records. Greg Gentzkow becomes the new bassist for the year of 2010 but it later replaced by Tyler Rice in 2011. On June 21st, 2011, the band puts out their first studio album Forever Ended Yesterday. With strong songs on this record like Apology Rejected, Denial Is Not Just A River In Egypt, Romans 15, Are You Mad?, and Live To The Point Of Tears, this also features a studio version of She's Like To Wear The Pants which is even better than the original. This album also has perhaps one of the sweetest songs I've ever heard, Thinking In Terms Of Two. Just go listen to it and feel the feels. In 2012 they put out the Elephant In The Room EP which features Denial and a new track called The Inconvienience along with some acoustic tracks. There are many faith-based elements to the lyrics of These Hearts, as they were a Christian hardcore band. I feel like it's worth mentioning at this point that although they were a Christian band, they're probably some of the coolest types of Christians ever and it's never overbearing or judgemental. It's overt and proud, but not toxic. I felt like saying that since sometimes religion can be a bit of a sore subject with some people who listen to hardcore music, especially those who were raised in Conservative environments. There's nothing toxic about These Hearts, in fact it's totally encouraging and positive if anything. I consider myself someone of faith so music like this really makes me happy, but I feel like non-Christians can enjoy These Hearts just as much. In 2013 they'd put out Yours To Take on July 19th before disbanding, but not before being a breakthrough release upon the Billboard magazine charts, peaking at No. 36 on the Christian Albums chart and 33 on the Heatseekers Albums chart. By this point Ryan's vocals improved greatly and so did the musicianship. The easycore sound on this album are absolutely killer with all of the speed and catchiness you'd ever want. Whenever I've been down (which I have been a LOT as of late by the way) I've listened to These Hearts. It's been great driving music but even greater singing into my hairbrush music. I'm definitely proud to admit that I'm a massive fan of this band and if you give them a chance, I doubt they'll disappoint you. EDIT: Tristan had originally taken this post down after harassment from another user regarding the problematic things that Ryan Saunders has done in the past. (He has since apologised though apparently) I'd just like to let everyone know that both me and Tristan do not condone or excuse the actions of Ryan Saunders. Nor do we support his questionable political views. This post was made purely to appreciate the music the band had created, while separating the art from the artist. I'd like to make a disclaimer that in a few future posts I'll potentially be covering artists who may have done problematic things. Whether I'm aware of it or not, if I know an artist is really problematic I will indeed clarify it in the post about them. If I don't know if they're problematic, please message me privately (in a polite way) and I can add a disclaimer like this one. Remember that if I cover a problematic artist, I'm purely doing a post to appreciate the talent of their music or other members who've worked with them and not to condone their bad actions. I hope you guys understand. Anyway... go check out the discography for These Heart's music down here. Discography: Mistakes And Second Takes (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mistakes-and-second-takes/291788447 https://open.spotify.com/album/3VztFF4jqkZZHZPPgpAZ2v?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPd0PhXe3Hn_oJKAbaQRu950y82W72sDO https://www.deezer.com/album/774467?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bkbhe5puq4c4oshhwmitqf2j5wa?play=1 Nada Demo (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nada-demo/320113752 https://open.spotify.com/album/7sGUYnbKZr9GGZqgYlcCt2?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-psFLkeb48bS2qd67Cl3q2cD2Zi8aARP https://www.deezer.com/album/774636?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bu2yghtdyduw6z2ylpx5olaujjm?play=1 Forever Ended Yesterday (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/forever-ended-yesterday/467076580 https://open.spotify.com/album/2AeLF6gAlqqckO17CEQxh5?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB6Y_0YwwQIP8PvWc5PsYY95oIbD-Mkay https://www.deezer.com/album/1266912?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bx52efkbywn72td6hw4lrligtwq?play=1 Elephant In The Room (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/elephant-in-the-room-ep/554449559 https://open.spotify.com/album/5pFBnsqirD2ihFCJczrhfW?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLca7REVQkotlNf-bT8SY4lsyEPRyhxJD7 https://www.deezer.com/album/5549771?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bx2xpenuje5yjrilufjphus4w4q?play=1 Yours To Take (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/yours-to-take/662293127 https://open.spotify.com/album/3NsWXiSZQ474zqqH6GvMSZ?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDsMHHY9vx8sjnUG2Mo6MNmXXIwVWyRID https://www.deezer.com/album/6689451?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bdyag4kzhsfzbxcyzz7uowm5y4m?play=1 Favorite Lyrics: "Tonight I'll fix what's left of your soul, the scars that you have are emotional. This is how you break a bad habit. What were you thinking all along? This is how you break a bad habit when your life means more than what you're good for." (Romans 15) Recommended Songs: Romans 15 (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPHyl5BeIBQ Are You Mad? (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPHOjqxS0mU Apology Rejected (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bZCrPybKww Denial Is Not Just A River In Egypt (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tut7Wz4vm_0 She'd Like To Wear The Pants, But She Can't Fit Into Mine (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOaL2hjwbSk Hats Off For Discontentment (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax8ElRruNNk Thinking In Terms Of Two (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnXrYPHmYaQ Miserable (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbJ2MIxpjsk Mistakes And Second Takes (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSHcSZZj2g4&index=5
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The Devil is a Woman Pt. 2
Summary: A Valkyrie betrays the throne after the war with Hela. She creates an alliance with the she-devil, but just after being released from the banishment along with Hela, she is thrown into another one with a raven haired mischievous god known as Loki.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Thor Ragnarok spoilers, lots of death, self hate, betrayal, should be it I think :)
Please Read Part 1
[Not my pics again]
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It is to be understood that there is a big difference between having an interest in someone rather than being in love, and at this moment as Loki and (Y/N) stomped their way through the rubble of trash of what would soon be announced to them as Sakaar, he was definitely nowhere near feeling in love.
"Darling although I must say you have such a wonderful voice, would you please shut the hell up!" Loki's voice suddenly boomed.
You stepped back in shock. Obviously offended by the command, you pushed past him and tredded up the last mountain of trash before your destination.
"'Shut the hell up'," you repeated mockingly, "you're such a snob and a bore, you know that?"
Loki rolled his eyes. After listening to you complaining about the stench and the trash and the strange slime climbing up your boot, he was just grateful to finally get you to shut up for a few seconds.
"You are quite possibly the most annoying woman I have ever met." Loki spat as he too began climbing the mountain, quickly catching up to your own pace.
You didn't answer him. You had just managed to raise yourself on the top of the trash mountain, quickly seeing the large city in front of you. Before Loki could even capture the view of the city himself, you sprinted down the mountain and into the city in a desperate attempt to free yourself from the stuck up prince. Loki was at a loss of words for the first time in his life. You had just tricked the trickster, and Loki could not bring himself to believe it.
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If it weren't for the predicament you currently put yourself in, you would have patted yourself on the back. However knowing full well it wouldn't be that easy to be rid of Loki, you continued your run at top speed.
Pushing through hordes of people full of jabbing elbows and of course a stench worse than the trash you just left, you hurried into the innermost part of the city. Due to the crowd, it was only a matter of time before you were rammed into and forced onto the floor accidently (or purposefully, you would never know). Landing in front of two feet, you slowly eyed the character, praying it wasn't the prince you just left. When your eyes finally landed on the face of the man in front of you, you suddenly found yourself wishing it was Loki afterall.
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"My, my, who might you be?" The man bent down and took hold of your forearm, helping you off the ground.
Immediately, two guards stood beside you ready to charge, but the man before you swatted them away.
"I am the Grandmaster. Who might you be?" He asked again.
Just as you were about to answer, an arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close. "She is my wife, (Y/N)."
Wide eyed, you slowly moved your head from the hand on your shoulder to the raven haired idiot beside you.
"Oh, hell no!" You whispered to Loki as you both trailed behind the Grandmaster and his guards.
"For once in your life, shut up, or you'll get us both killed!" Loki muttered back.
You were sure that being married to Loki was more out of spite than cleverness in his plan. You took in your surroundings as you walked. It was explained to you both that the Grandmaster was parading around the city, advertising for a certain competition that was to be held when you had happened to bump into him. According to Loki by claiming you as his wife and declaring himself a prince, you would both be safe.
"You know, I have yet to see a princess in armor such as your wife," The grandmaster mused, radiating suspicion.
"She was a captain of a specialised military group before we met. Her father and mine, the king, got along well, so he promised her to me." The grandmaster seemed oddly satisfied with the answer as he turned to meet your gaze.
"Well then, she certainly isn't just a trophy wife." He laughed as he led us through a tall building.
You bit your lip as a rush of anger flushed into you. If it weren't for Loki suddenly pushing you behind him, you would have struck the man in the face. "I am sorry to say that my wife and I need to cut our introduction short. You see, we took a great fall on our way here and need rest. If it suits your fancy, we would like to take our leave now," Loki excused. The Grandmaster had no problem and allowed his servants to lead both of you to your room. However, Loki knew being alone with (Y/N) would be the biggest headache he would ever have. Before he could even close the door to your beautiful gold room, you had already bombarded him with question after question. Loki was barely allowed to utter a single word, so he simply pushed past you and towards a bar in the lavish living room.
"What are you doing? I'm speaking with you" You inquired.
"If we are going to talk, then I need a drink." He stated simply as he poured himself a suspicious looking beverage. You were awestruck to say the least. This man had just declared you as his wife, and you were somehow promised to him. You were beyond mad. Part of being a Valkyrie was that it was forbidden to ever be in any kind of relationship, whether it be with a man or with one of your sisters. Even a matter of joking about it was taboo, so being Loki's wife made you feel terrible.
"Look if you had told him you were an assassin to the goddess of death, then you and all other Asgardians would be a threat. If I have any chance of surviving here, then you have to be kept an eye one." He explained as he massaged his forehead. He took a long swig of his drink. You hated to admit it, but he was right. In that situation, you would have definitely exposed your identity; however, he had stopped you back there.
Loki looked at you and noticed the obvious understanding but reluctant expression on your face. He smugly stepped away from the bar and positioned himself in front of you. He quickly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close as he whispered in your ear, "Besides, being my wife should be an added bonus-" you cut him off by pulling a sword to his neck. "I would hardly call being with you a bonus. If you ever touch me again, I will cut your hand off." Again your threat failed, he saw right through it but still removed his hand. He would make sure you suffered just as much as him in this situation.
"You are still quite possibly the worst woman I have met, Love."
"What do you even mean by that?"
"Wh-What do I mean? Look at all this mess!"
You looked around the shared room of yours and Loki's. You and Loki had both settled into your lives of fake marriage. To be frank, you both still found a way to bicker every chance you got, but you both had stopped the small attempts to kill each other during the first week of your stay on Sakaar. Today, it would seem that Loki wanted to argue about your living space on the couch. He had offered to take the spot on your first night together, but you weren't accustomed to the coldness the master bedroom offered.
"It's not even that bad, Loki! You are just being picky."
You never really had many things before your stay on Sakaar. Banishment offered little things to own and life as a Valkyrie did not require many necessities. However as soon as you and Loki presented yourselves to the Grandmaster's guest, you were showered with gifts and offerings such as dresses and lavish jewelry. You usually just dumped them on the couch with the intention of putting it away later, but after a long day of drinks and dancing, you just push them off the couch and fall asleep.
Loki rolled his eyes and helped you pick up the unwanted presents. He secretly hated the attention you were receiving recently. It didn't bother him at first, but after he started to become accustomed to your stubborn attitude and hidden insecure nature, he despised the gifts. As if on cue, you noticed the obvious disdain in Loki's mood recently, but you always assumed it was your fault. You hated to admit how bother it made you. Being in close proximity with Loki at all times made you begin to like your little marriage routine. In fact, anytime you weren't with Loki was quite possible the most dull in your book.
"If you are going to have such a sour attitude, then you don't need to help." You muttered. He scoffed but continued with the cleaning. "I don't understand why you even bother accepting all these gifts." You ignored the comment as you picked up the last article of clothing left. The tension in the room was unbearable. Gossebumps rose up your arm as you tossed the clothes inside a closet. "I fail to see how It's any of your business, Loki! Last time I checked we aren't really married!" As I made my way back into the living room where Loki was, you noticed he was already gone.
Of course, it was your fault again. You rolled your eyes and made your way to the commotion down the hall. The grandmaster was holding another banquet today, so that could be the only place Loki had went to. When you made your way through the party, you couldn't find Loki at his usual spot. After searching more, you found him at the side of Thor in a clear argument. Before you had a chance to hide, Thor had already caught you in his piercing gaze.
You straightened yourself out and confidently walked over towards the idiot brothers. Loki refused to acknowledge your presence while his brother was soaking it all in. "Another betrayal, brother? I must say you work fast." The comment was far deadlier as it rolled off Thor's tounge. Loki, however, was unfazed. "Relax, it is only a facade for the Grandmaster. She is nothing more than a wench I'm using." You glared into the green eyed monster in front of you and smiled stunningly. "I can't wait to slaughter both of you and feed you to Hela." From afar, it would look like a beautiful wife smiling at her equally beautiful husband, but that smile was the biggest lie here. You pushed past Loki and walked towards your room. There was a hidden knife that pierced the peace you and Loki had finally created the moment Thor had landed. The war had begun again, and you refused to let any other distractions find its way to you. This was it. The demon is returning to her devil. As you changed into your armor and prepared for your escape. A terrifying thought came to you from your earlier conversationwith Loki and Thor.
You did not refer to Hela as your queen.
Alright, I aimed for a more lighter feel for this part. I decided not to make this part too long, so I will be making a third part to this. It will be the last, so I hope you are looking forward to it! Please let me know what you think!
Also, I have some shorter one shots in the making, and I would love to add more. Therefore, please sent in some request you are hoping for. The requests will have priority over my writing, so I will try to get those done before my own imagines on Sundays. Anyways thanks for reading!!
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Indie had a good night out that didn't result in me holding back her hair Rio: Am I dreaming??? Buster: Gotta be Rio: Yeah forreal Rio: Can call be a Mum all you like though, 'cos think she's got a proper lil boyfriend and I am so proud 😜 Buster: Thought you two didn't do hubbys Rio: Not as a rule but she's defs 😍 Rio: So cute Buster: While it lasts Rio: Oosh, pessimist this morning, are we? Rio: Was gonna ask how you were but ??? Buster: I'm being real. It's Indie Buster: And she's learnt from you Rio: She's 17, would you like her to have a marriage under her belt already Rio: and why you being a cunt about me for? Buster: I'm not Buster: I'm saying, she doesn't need to get wifed up at 17 like Buster: And she won't Buster: He's just one in a line, she had a crush on me, remember? What makes this lad special? Rio: Alright Rio: She can still enjoy it whilst it lasts, nah? Rio: So can I 🤷 Rio: Don't worry, I know she still has time for you, like, your ego can chill Buster: Never said otherwise Buster: You're the one throwing your congrats around for her and her new man Buster: Making it something it ain't and won't be Rio: And we get to the real issue here Rio: Look, I don't have expectations, alright? You don't need to worry, I'm not Chlo about it like, Jesus Rio: Give me some credit Buster: Fuck off Buster: I already know what expectations you've got. Understood like Rio: Do you? 'Cos you are deffo reading something wrong here Buster: I'm not an idiot Rio: Again, didn't say you were Rio: But I don't know where the fuck this has come from Buster: Then you're the stupid one Buster: Come on, Rio Rio: That's what it is Rio: I'm not clever enough for you? Did one of your arrogant law school friends see us the other night and now you've gotta ditch me and pray third times a charm with Erin? Rio: Fuck, I didn't know you were an ACTUAL snob, Buster Buster: Fuck you Buster: I'm not making this that easy for you Buster: If you want out get a better excuse, babe Rio: You're the one that's saying all this! Buster: Don't act like you don't know what's pissing me off Rio: I actually fucking don't Rio: Not a mindreader, yeah? Buster: Finally admitting it Buster: Usually reckon you know it all, yeah? Rio: Don't be a twat Rio: Just tell me Rio: I can handle it Buster: Last night Rio: What? Rio: You didn't like it? Buster: You know I did Buster: That's not the problem Rio: What then? It can't happen again? Rio: I thought we were past this Buster: We're clearly not in the same place Buster: Or headspace whatever Buster: I told you to stay. What the fuck Rio: But you don't have to Rio: Don't feel you have to, you know Rio: I get it Buster: No you don't Buster: I didn't do it for that Rio: You've just got out of a thing, and you've been fucked over and tied down unwittingly before that Rio: I'm not trying to be that, you don't have to pretend with me Rio: You want what you want and that's okay Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Something wrong with your hearing this morning or do you just not wanna hear this Rio: I wanna hear but you ain't saying shit Buster: Cause you're too busy doing it for me like Buster: I'm trying to tell you what I want Buster: Christ Rio: Tell me Rio: Alright, I'm listening Buster: Yeah? Cause you didn't last night Rio: I didn't think you meant it Rio: not meant to hold people to what they say during sex, figure that rule extended to right after, like Buster: I reckoned we were past saying shit we don't mean Buster: I wanted you here with me Buster: I fucking still do Rio: Oh Buster: Tell me what you want Buster: Cause if I'm wasting my time I wanna know Rio: You know I want you Rio: I just feel stupid now Buster: I know you wanna fuck me Buster: I need to know if you wanna stay around after Rio: I do Rio: I thought you knew that too Rio: but I was thinking that's the opposite of what you wanted so I was just ignoring that side of it to keep you happy Rio: Pathetic, I'm aware Buster: How could you think that? Buster: You're the smart one like Rio: It sounds stupider now than it felt Rio: You can't blame me, like, you did just try and chuck me again Rio: its not like its ancient history Buster: I didn't Buster: I told you it wasn't about us Buster: And it's not like I wanted Erin Rio: I know, I get why you did it, 'course I do Rio: but it still woulda ended it, like Buster: But it wouldn't have been what I wanted Buster: You know I want you Rio: but I don't always know how Rio: you don't either, I know like Rio: we've not really said..ever Buster: Tell me now Rio: I want to be with you Rio: Basically all the time Rio: and not just because I wanna fuck you all the time either Rio: Still true but Rio: I do like you too Buster: Good Buster: I've told you so many times before that we're the same Buster: Need to start hearing me, babe Rio: I might just start Rio: Maybe Buster: Yeah? Buster: I wish Buster: I thought you knew what the bracelet meant like Rio: I know what it meant to me Rio: I don't know, I guess I'm scared to read into things you say and do, case I get it wrong and get fucked up over it Rio: Call me a pussy if you want Buster: I won't Buster: I get it Buster: But I'm not Drew and I'm never trying to give you mixed messages Buster: You can trust Rio: Okay Rio: I do Rio: in almost every way Rio: and I want to with the rest too Buster: Okay Buster: I know I've fucked up a lot but I'm not gonna do that any more, as best as I can swear to it Buster: You're too important to me like Rio: I'm not going anywhere Rio: I'm sorry I left Buster: I can't blame you Buster: I was gonna leave you, like it or not Buster: I'm sick of trying to fight this Buster: I care about you Rio: You're just trying to do what's right, be a good person, I'm not going to fault you that Rio: but you are good already Rio: you know that, right? Buster: All I know is if this is wrong then I'll be wrong. Fucking gladly. It doesn't feel like it to me, never has Rio: Me either Rio: Its only knowing what everyone else will think Rio: but it feels right to me, for me Buster: Yeah Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks, just what you think Rio: Do you mean that? Buster: I do Buster: I wanna give you what you want, if we're fucking or not Rio: I wish I could claim you Buster: You already have Buster: I've not felt like this for anyone else Rio: Me either Rio: I didn't think I was capable honestly Buster: Proved you wrong, babe Buster: I wanna take you out. A meal or whatever. Not like we're sneaking around in the fucking dark Rio: I'd like that Rio: I told Indie Rio: Don't be mad, swear she won't tell anyone, she knew there was someone and I didn't want to say that was anyone but you Buster: Fuck Buster: What did she say? I don't want to fuck things up between you and her Rio: She was obviously taken aback at first Rio: but she is genuinely okay with it Rio: even happy for me Rio: gutted to have missed out herself, like but you know Buster: You're not just telling me what I wanna hear, are you? Buster: Minus that last part Rio: No Rio: For real, swear on my life Rio: I was headfucked too Buster: Maybe if we ever tell anyone else they won't be as headfucked themselves as we reckoned Buster: I don't know but it's good to think about Rio: Yeah, we don't wanna get too cocky too soon Rio: even if that's your speciality Rio: but maybe the world wouldn't implode? hm Buster: I'm well mad you said that before I could Buster: My MO Buster: Did you mean what you said about claiming me? Cause I have an idea Rio: Sorry to ruin your fun, babe Rio: Of course Rio: Hit me Buster: Well you're wearing something for me, I should too, yeah? Buster: Let's shop Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never turning down a shopping spree Rio: Let's do this Buster: Maybe I'll get you something too Buster: If you behave Buster: No clues if I mean good or bad Rio: Lucky I'm so great at both Rio: and I always work out what you want Buster: Yeah Buster: And lucky for me when you model it that's entirely for my benefit Buster: We both win Rio: 😍 Rio: Feels good being a winner again Rio: Especially with you Rio: but just know if we're buying lingerie you're helping me try on and take off in the changing rooms okay Buster: Just know then we might not make it to purchasing anything Buster: And don't blame me if we get kicked out Rio joined the chat 8 hours ago Rio: 🤷 I don't mind Rio: we're treating you, already got mine Buster: But we're meant to both be winning like Rio: We still will be, trust Rio: or we can behave and be really boring if you're feeling it Buster: I like you, yeah, but I ain't that whipped cheers Buster: 😂 Rio: If you think that's what I'm gon' be cracking the whip for, you're mistaken hun 😏 Buster: Valid, you can't be distracting me in lectures one minute and telling me to behave the next Buster: When do you wanna head out spending? Rio: Oh, can't I now? Rio: Bold assumption Rio: I'm ready whenever you are, not got anything on 'til my shift tonight Buster: On my way then Buster: Fuck it Rio: Yay Rio: Just need to get changed Rio: not gon' let me in the good stores like Rio: not on my pretty woman clapback best today Buster: I look so good it won't matter what you wear Buster: Other than to me 'course Buster: So take your time Rio: 😂 Rio: Boy bye Rio: I got my fans, how dare Buster: I know but I'm trying not to think about it Buster: Got jealous enough already Rio: Yeah? Rio: That mean you don't wanna head up the club, like? 😏 Buster: What do you think? Rio: 💋 Rio: I only want you, the rest just pay my bills, babe Buster: Too late to kick it old school and set you up like you're my mistress all expenses paid Buster: Flat set up to have you all to myself sounds good though Rio: Feminism fucked me on that one, yeah Rio: at least you got the dubo place to yourself basically all the time Buster: Thank fuck Buster: It's hard enough sneaking around when we've got somewhere to go Buster: If I couldn't see you as much like Buster: Fuck Rio: Rich boy perks paying off as per 😉 Rio: but nah, I feel that too, too hard Rio: like Indie knows now but she don't need a show still Buster: Much as she'd like catching one of my performances Buster: Don't need to make your friendship that weird Rio: 🙄 thought you didn't do performances? Buster: Maybe Buster: Maybe not Rio: Hmpf Rio: who you been performing for if not me boy Buster: Gonna dole that fake shit out to my exes Buster: You know you don't make me feel like you Rio: Damn, you're too smooth Rio: see how we got in this trouble Rio: can't be blamed Buster: Can't lie Buster: You gotta handle the truth Rio: Okay, only if you can handle all this Rio: [sends pics, more cutesy than usual but still hot obvs] Buster: Doing my best like Buster: Always trying to make me die at the wheel Rio: No Rio: I'm not Buster: 🤞 🍀 Rio: Seen more lively morgues than this joint tonight 💀 Rio: Entertain me? Buster: Course Buster: I could always do it in person you know Buster: Try not to get too jealous of your customers Rio: As much of a tryhard as you are, babe- 😘 Rio: Better boozers about, trust Rio: Looking for new jobs rn like, soz, know y'all all miss me Buster: Takes one to know one, babe Buster: Fucking feminism making you pay your own bills Buster: Keep getting reminders of it today like Rio: 🖕 Rio: Gotta try hard to get these tight old fuckers to part with the tips, like Rio: If only we'd known what we were fighting for, eh ladies? 😂 Rio: but it's all good, 'cos the only reminder all my new shit is giving me is of us definitely getting caught by that shop assistant but we were throwing too much 💸 around for her to do anything about it Buster: And you looked so hot in all of it Buster: Can't blame her for wanting to get a front row Rio: Glad you think so baby, the good shit is for your eyes only Rio: Don't need potential investors knowing I can already afford that shit shh 🤫🤭 Rio: as long as she abides by look but don't touch, I'm cool Buster: Nah for my eyes only you said Buster: It's well shit you have to work tonight Rio: Obviously not her, weren't feeling her that hard, like, even tho she was werkin' what she had for the commission but whaddya reckon on threesomes? Rio: Yeah, proper shit ever having to leave the bed init 💔 Rio: Fucking rest of the world, leave us alone for a bit Buster: You know how I feel about sharing Buster: Depends if who you're thinking of is worth it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Since you mentioned it, guess who's blowing my phone up and making me wish even harder you were here Rio: No, good Rio: I feel the same Rio: Done it before but Rio: can we keep it just you and me please Rio: Didn't leave it at the bitchy comment then? Not the entertainment I was after but, always happy to oblige isn't she Buster: You know I only want you Buster: It's more than fine with me if you feel the same Buster: My fault for thinking how bored I was, yeah? Can't lie though I was hoping we'd distract each other Buster: Maybe she sensed it. Still trying to cockblock after all this time Rio: You make me feel so special 😇 Rio: Lbr, who's competing with me, good luck hoe 😉😂 Rio: She's like anti-viagra, her mission in life to bring down the vibe and your hard on 😒 Rio: Got an idea but what bullshit she chatting Buster: Easiest thing I've ever done and you know I'm a lazy, entitled brat so long list Buster: Or me. Honestly. What lad? Fuck that Buster: Yeah. How did I ever get her pregnant? Never wanted anyone less like Buster: She's trying to say that I'm failing Jay 'cause I went shopping once without buying out half the shops for her. Please Rio: Looks like we stuck being the baddest for now then Rio: Hard job but someone's gotta, yeah? Rio: I don't even know, genuine, unless you were packing lil' blue pills for some reason Rio: 😑 She's the one out here already trying to buy love Rio: who's the real failure, hun Buster: I can't even blame coke 'cause I didn't take any far as I remember Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: She's pissing me off already Buster: Acting like Jay's boring her like Rio: Who could be bored with their own child? Rio: Soz real babies don't come with as many fun features as your dollies, like...the fuck? Buster: She's like a kid herself Buster: Her parents do everything and she has the nerve to act like I'm the one not pulling my weight Buster: I take the piss a lot with mine like, but I don't dump Jay on them as well Rio: Having a kid SHOULD grow you up but it don't always Rio: seen it with a lot of people I went to School with, all about the drama STILL, like they ain't got mouths to feed Rio: You're a good Dad, that's why Rio: No one can say otherwise Buster: Now who's making who feel special Rio: You should know Rio: and she ain't gonna tell you unless you marry her dumb ass so Buster: And that ain't never happening Buster: I'd rather the shotgun blew my head off Rio: 😂 Rio: No one is gunning for that one but her Rio: If you reckoned you were gonna do that next to make things right, I'd have to lock you up for your own sake, not even selfish, like Buster: I'd let you, not even selfishly, though it'd be fucking hot like Buster: Looks like I might get to see Jay soon though 🍀🤞 Rio: 😳🤤😍 Don't need to be given any more ideas about what I wanna do to you but I'll take 'em Rio: No way! See, cocky for a reason, gotta admit like Rio: How have you managed that? So happy Buster: It didn't take much, she has a life of her own, don't you know?! 😒 Buster: It obviously takes an age to prepare for a girls spa trip like Rio: Unsurprised Rio: but give a shit, she can spa 'til she shrivels up, like Rio: she's got so big like Rio: Jay, not Chlo Rio: not going for low hanging fruit bitchiness Buster: You ain't wrong on either count, but lot of other shit I can slag her off for before that Buster: Chlo's well thrilled Jay can say more words, gotta get those insta vids uploaded often enough that people think you care Rio: Absolutely, so not on brand to be a shit Mum Rio: cute though Rio: the fam will be buzzing to get to see her again Buster: Yeah Buster: I won't blame you if you don't wanna see me as much like Buster: Baby can be a mood killer Rio: Don't be daft Rio: It will be a bit weird for me compared to the rest but what else is new there? Rio: I still love her, like Buster: Suppose we'll have to find our rhythm with it 'cause when the other one gets here I'll have to hit the ground running from day 1 Buster: No excuse to be part time other than the ma hating me like Rio: Are you ready? Buster: Gotta be Rio: True Rio: At least this time the Ma isn't insane Buster: Thank christ Buster: Next time I might get one I actually like. Third time lucky and shit Rio: That's the plan, is it? Rio: You blatantly just want a male heir Buster: 'Course Buster: Do the world a favor creating a mini me Buster: Jay's already beautiful like Rio: Such a joker, McKenna Rio: though no kidding on that score Buster: Not asking you to volunteer to make me one, babe Buster: It's fine Rio: Obviously Rio: But you make 2 by accident and all of a sudden you're picking out names and potential mamas Buster: What can I say? So good at being a dad it'd be a crime to stop Rio: 🙄 I can't with you boy 😂 Buster: You love it Buster: I know you miss me Rio: Miss you more when you're a one-man sperm bank 😜 Rio: I do though, this shift could not drag any harder Buster: What time do you finish? Rio: last orders 12.30 but I'm closing 'cos the boss man cba Rio: come help if you like Buster: Only if you're offering me a lock in Buster: Honestly though, I can. Don't have anything on at uni until the afternoon Rio: I'm offering you a nightcap, think on, boyo Rio: Good, then we've got 'til then Rio: let's make it worth it Buster: Course Buster: The sooner I get my assignments done the sooner I can go get Jay too so gonna need you to motivate me Buster: I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas Rio: Absolutely, best study buddy you ever had Rio: Gotta be a hotshot lawyer or I'm out, like Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'd give you a week until you missed me too bad Rio: Channel that confidence into your work and you won't have to find out the hard way 😏 Buster: Well played Rio: I'll take my bow and reward when you're done tah Buster: But I know you ain't working hard enough for it yet Rio: Firm but fair Rio: such a DILF 😜 Buster: You're trying to joke but it's true Buster: We're parent goals here, ma 😜 Rio: I tell you you're daddy all the time Rio: No surprises here Buster: But I ain't gonna be mad that you said it again Rio: Now you're really gonna have to work harder to have me screaming that Buster: Nah, it's easily done Rio: Wish you'd come and prove it, babe Buster: I know Buster: But I'll make it worth it when I get there Rio: Same Rio: I'll let you focus for now though Rio: Good girl, see? Buster: I'd rather you let me distract us both Buster: Slow enough night that I could have you on the bar or I'd just have to hide behind it like? Rio: Baby Rio: You're killing me Rio: soz that pint was all head, something on my mind Buster: You're just trying to reciprocate, giving head while you're getting it Buster: They're welcome Rio: Be here now Buster: I don't want you to lose your job, babe Buster: Hot as it is to make you lose control Rio: I do Rio: Fuck this job and fuck me Buster: Gladly Buster: When's your break, that'd be a compromise worth making, yeah? Rio: I'm head tonight so I'll just take it Rio: we should wait though, right? you get some work done, I'll try too and then closing will be all the better Buster: You're right Rio: Standard Buster: If you get any more cocky I won't be getting any work done Rio: Sorry, you're too damn fun to distract Rio: Easy, too Buster: Shut up Buster: It's your fault Buster: Making me and my game look weak Buster: Thank Christ this all a secret Buster: And I have an idea how to level the playing field Rio: Your rep is safe Rio: Only I know how whipped you really are, s'how I like it too Rio: Yeah? Intrigued, maybe Buster: Take your break, babe. Touch yourself and think about me Buster: You'll be as weak as me Buster: And left wanting more too Rio: Done and done Rio: My fingers will do until your tongue can replace 'em and finish the job properly Rio: You want me to show you or is thinking about it enough already? Buster: Proof or it didn't happen Buster: And you can't hold me to anything if not Rio: you really want to get out of your job here? ow 💔 Rio: [10 mins later, said video] Rio: Will that convince you I need you? Buster: It's a start Buster: a fucking good one Rio: Well, I'm beyond ready for you Buster: I'm beyond regretting telling you to keep your job so there's your answer Buster: I've never wanted someone more instead of less as time goes on Buster: Until you Rio: I know Rio: I'm addicted to you Buster: I'd say sorry but I'm not Rio: Don't care, just keep giving me my fix and I'm happy Buster: I'm not about to stop, don't worry Buster: My family might be around more once Jay is though so thank christ Indie's on side Rio: Yeah, fair Rio: I'm not that much of a selfish cow Rio: That's your time with her, see me when you can, like Buster: I want time with you too and I'll make it Buster: Besides, who better to help me with a baby than the greatest ma I know Rio: I'd like that Buster: Yeah? Buster: I know it's a lot, but you're both important to me Rio: I'm ready Rio: Promise Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I love you too Buster: Tell me again when I see you and I'll know you mean it Buster: Don't want you to just feel like you have to say it back 'cause Rio: I will Rio: You'll see Rio: I've wanted to say that for a while now Buster: Sorry for beating you to it, but me too Rio: I'm glad, I was too scared, what if I never Buster: I'd still know Buster: I was shitting myself too though, not said it before Buster: I'm glad I have now Rio: Good, 'cos I'm gonna make you say it 'til you don't mean it no more Rio: feels too good Buster: I'm not gonna stop meaning it. Good luck Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I love you too, Rio Buster: Get used to it like Rio: Don't know if I can Rio: its crazy Buster: I reckon you can do pretty much anything if you want it bad enough Buster: And I know you want this Rio: You really think that? Rio: I wanna do great things with you Buster: 'Course Buster: I don't fall in love with just anyone Buster: How could we not? We're both unbeatable like Buster: Together. Who else has a chance? Rio: Yeah Rio: Was never gonna be anyone else, I've known that for a while too Rio: I'm just so relieved to finally know for certain you feel it too Buster: Sorry to keep you waiting Buster: Always doing that Rio: Nah, I'd rather you were sure than say it too soon and regret it later Rio: and I've done my fair sure of making you wait so we're even on that one Buster: Not surprised. You're on my level all the time Buster: I didn't reckon I could be this happy. Don't get me wrong, I love being a dad and I wouldn't change it, but it doesn't always make me feel great Buster: You do Rio: Understandable, its a hard, thankless (most the time) fucking job, sure any of the 'rents would be happy to shout that at you like you don't know yourself Rio: but Jay is the best, and your other girl will be too, 'cos you're their Dad Buster: I actually believe that coming from you Buster: You make me feel like I'm not all just bullshit ego or whatever and could properly do something good Rio: Good Rio: 'cos you can and you will Rio: and Imma be right there with you Buster: I don't know how you started believing in me and not my bullshit but I ain't mad Rio: I told you, not as good an actor as people have you believing, sorry to burst ya bubble but not Rio: people didn't get to know the real you because it was too hard for 'em to bother Rio: I ain't never been afraid of a challenge, you know this Buster: Yeah Buster: Reckon you'll have to get me in front of the camera and let me work on that Buster: Keep the secret safe Rio: Now I know you're just saying that to make me happy 😏 Buster: I wanna make you so fucking happy Buster: Trust me Rio: I do Rio: We're gonna have it all Buster: Can I get you fired if I promise to find you a new job? Buster: 'Cause fucking hell Buster: I've gotta see you Rio: You have to Rio: Got big plans and they don't involve this place, but they definitely do you Buster: Fuck it then Buster: Nothing to stop me unless there's anyone there you don't want to see this Rio: I couldn't care less about anyone that ain't you right now Rio: You know I wanna claim you Buster: Good Buster: I'll be right there
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