#I don't want to be a partypooper with this
reginrokkr · 1 year
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Putting here an itty bitty PSA before going to sleep. With the spike of interest for many people in the new Honkai game, I fear that comparisons between both Genshin and Honkai will spike too which is... something I don't like to see. It's tremendously clear that when HYV wants to make glaring cameos and make use of their ownership of other games and bring them to one of them, they will as it happens with SR. My pet peeve for the most part is that concepts of Honkai keep being used for Genshin and keep being assumed as "this is that" when I feel that at this point Genshin is its own thing as Honkai and Honkai SR are their own. Yes, I know there are some similarities of characters and names. But I, too, have two eyes and from what little I skimmed over the dialogue of SR and my own experience playing it, I can tell that these references in Genshin stray far from the way it's being done in SR. What I want to ask of you peeps is that if you ever do what I mentioned earlier about building theories including both Honkai and Genshin into the mix at once, that you kindly tag it so I can blacklist the tag.
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richeeduvie · 3 months
So we’ve seen Kendall give baby drugs and now I’m ready.. I’m ready for angst between Lalo and princesa. Im ready.. for her to fucking do a line and get hooked.
Princesa doing coke to me is hot sorry. I'm sorry! And it would be her to go ahead and get addicted. She already makes a terribly needy pothead, which is why Lalo saves that the drugs for very special and controlled occasions. That includes alcohol. #Partypooper.
But it would be Lalo letting her finally do a line between babies, because he's so sure that she's always pregnant, so he takes a good while to make sure she isn't.
But addiction is in her genes. How would Princesa get to the point where she's not afraid of it? That she breaks through the association drugs and fear? I have no idea, but she gets there. Lalo's still cautious, but he's more than happy to use this as a way to make her more dependent on him.
"You don't have to inhale the whole line, funny girl - just, move your with the line and sniff while you do."
"I know how to do it. I've seen it."
"With you...and sometimes your guys - they'll just do it sometimes. But I just know too. My head isn't completely empty. I don't think so."
"I wouldn't mind if it was."
No, he wouldn't. Lalo smiles at Princesa. He rubs her back.
And she goes ahead, one long sniff and it's Lalo laughing hard when she comes up blinking and looking like she's going to sneeze. But there's something in his chest, warming the whole of his body. He chooses to not believe it's him feeling something wrong.
But Princesa's holy, Princesa's his sweet girl. This is fun, sometimes, that's the white truth of what he's been doing since...forever. But it's also work. It's his cousin going off his rocks, as they say. It's what he's sure they say for when people go crazy. English terms. It's not Princesa.
But she feels so fall on him as she clings to his shirt. She looks happy. He did that.
He can keep doing that.
"How do you feel, Princesa?"
She feels...
"Good. It's weird."
Lalo snorts. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's how it feels the first time. You okay? Your little nose ain't gonna fall off on me? It would be you to do that to me."
Princesa sniffles, wiping her nose. It feels good. At first, it just feels big - then a rush, then good. Then...better.
It doesn't feel wrong, she doesn't feel like her dad. It just feels like she's slept really well. That she ate a good breakfast with the day feeling warm. And she doesn't want another line instantly.
"Let's...let's watch something."
"Okay, Princesa."
Not the day to do anything, not when it's Princesa's first time. It would be, she wouldn't be lying about it - not like she took some from her bastard of a Papa when she was younger. He smiles, putting something on.
And Princesa tries to watch the movie, but she can't focus. But only, only because she feels like she could be doing something better with her time. Like squeezing the life out of Lalo, or talking to him about anything.
"Did you ever question the family business?"
It's not a question that she's thought of just because of the coke, it's always been there. It's just now she can ask it, she wants the answer. She wants to talk to Lalo about it.
"Just...did you every think about why you guys were doing what you do?"
Lalo stares with his arm around Princesa.
"You're not getting another line."
She slumps, thumping her thumbs on her thighs.
"We'll see."
Princesa pushes for the conversation more, Lalo eventually letting up because it's Princesa.
"No, I guess not. Just never seemed like something to question, not when I wouldn't have it any other way-Princesa."
She's climbing Lalo, seeping into him when he has no other choice but to fall into the couch. All her weight on him.
"That's fair. Wanna make pancakes?"
"...In a minute, look what you just did."
In fifteen minutes, Lalo gives her more. It'll be like this for awhile, and he should've stopped before he stared.
Princesa nuzzles.
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Ok, so I see the ship name 'Ursa Minor' going around for Astarion x Halsin. I don't want to be a partypooper but... Ursa Minor comes from the star constellation, usually translated as 'Small Bear'. The problem here is that 'ursa' means 'she-bear', it's 'small she-bear' not 'small bear' (male). Thus, regarding Halsin, it should be called 'Ursus Minor'.
Sorry to spoil the fun, guys, but I couldn't keep quiet any longer.
Edit: Sorry, guys, I was a dummy and confused 'minor' (small) with 'major' (big) for a sec. My bad.
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nozunhinged · 1 month
I think I need to take a massive step back from Thai BL I can't enjoy a single show without getting pulled into this annoying industry stuff around it this is probably the wrong place to rant about it but Tumblr means a lot to me and I haven't had the greatest time recently between all the ships and drama, I came to enjoy queer stories not to learn about the million ways actors are getting exploited, harassed and bullied just because of an industry that profits off of some kind of fucked up method acting advertising strategy. To me, branded pairs are just the weirdest shit out there. There you go, I said it. And by that I don't mean the actors or the fans involved, but all these greedy production houses who push that stuff to the absolute limit.
Hate me all you want for it for it it's fine now I know I gave it all a serious chance and invested almost a year into learning and understanding after I discovered only friends last summer and I came across a lot of lovely stories during this time but all of them, literally all of them got ruined by this shipping stuff and I came to the conclusion that I absolutely hate it. I even got pulled into one or the other ship-rabbithole and I could just never shake off this feeling of how this is not a place for me. If it is for you, that's lovely and I don't wanna be the partypooper.
So why write a whole ranty post about it then? Well only friends was my first real tumblr experience, it was the beginning of a wonderful chapter and I discovered many new sides of me and I'm just sad okay.
But I'm out, back to my little corner where I don't know a single thing about any actor or director and the only thing that makes me decide whether I like a story or not is well — the story.
Same goes for kdrama btw that can of worms is getting DUMPED.
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eclipsionart · 5 months
So my stupid ass somehow managed to post this without tags yesterday so I decided I'd just post this again. Idk how it happened I coulda sworn I wrote tags but oh well.
Alex / Partypooper Dissection drawing I spent wayyy too much time on.
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I wanted to draw what I headcanon these dudes look like under their clothes. I never understood why ppl interpret these entities as just normal humans under there (no offense if you do, tho. You're cool.)
My headcanons for these entities is basically they are these weird creatures that resemble humans (at least in shape) but they don't behave quite like humans, and tend to unsettle people unintentionally despite generally being friendly.
Some of their clothing, like their hoodies and masks, are actually somewhat attached to their bodies. The mask is fused to their face, and they have "veins" lining the inside of their hoodie. Not their other clothes tho.
Also their blood is extremely bitter, as a deterrent to most hostile entities trying to eat them.
I also imagine them as being distantly related to partygoers and having some of their traits, like weak venom or smth.
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skull001 · 6 months
Something I find funny when people talk about Amy Rose's character, is how they akways follow a very predictable pattern:
"Amy back then was a stalker and useless"
"Her character is soo much better now"
"She now has a personality"
And so on.
These are just of the same phrases parroted by THOSE western fans who think that characters should be outstanding role models and not fictional people with virtues, but also flaws.
Frankly, I never understood WHY Amy in the 2000's was seen as "annoying". Either I'm very patient or those people are easily offended as they are spineless.
Or maybe it's the cultural clash between how western media sees girly girls like Amy VS how the Japanese see the same type of character.
In Japan, they aren't afraid of having feminine characters, let alone of allowing said feminine characters to do things that clash with western ideas of "that is not very lady like" or "girls shouldn't fight" and the such.
For the last years, something I never liked was seeing my favorite character be sanitized in her characterization for the sake of people who can't appreciate a good character since what they want is a safe, idealized, non-offensive take that saddly, results in Amy losing so much of what made her character fun. This approach is, if anything, the exact opposite of being "progressive", as it calls for Amy's feminine traits to be suppressed. Even Tyson Hesse has expressed in the Sonic Retro forums how writers are afraid of letting Amy express her affection for Sonic, something she used to do very openly (though understandibly childish in how she handled things, as a very young girl like her would) because of this silly fear that the western audience might be annoyed… the hell with that.
Only very recently has games like the one where the gang celebrates Amy's birthday and Sonic is "killed" or Sonic Dream Team have displayed the sassy, energic and even feisty sides of Amy's character… a character who deserves better characterizations that allows for her to be herself without writers acting like they're walking on thin ice due to a spoiled, entitled and over-sensitive western audience that hates fun.
"But we want Amy to mature…"
First, most people don't even understand what that word truly means.
Second, Amy doesn't need that. Why does she has to be the only one in the group who is not allowed to have some dumb silly fun with the boys? Especially when Amy is a mirror to a lot of things Sonic does, like loving adventures and excitement and who energy can even overwhelm him (see for example their specual victory animation in the Olympics or even as early as SA1). Like, where did people got this idea that Amy is a killjoy/partypooper who gets annoyed at the dumb boys for not being as smart as she is? That's not Amy… that's a very different character more akin to Sally, whose schtick was getting frustrated that she didn't had control.
Heck, even on the topic of Amy expressing her affection, I think the real problem is not her, but Sonic himself and the way he sometimes is written to act in ways that if not ruse, can come off as insensible towards an Amy who IMO doesn't deserve to be treated like a Meg Griffin.
That Amy is childish, bratty, sometimes a bit aggressive/hot tempered are things that balance her sweet, bubbly and compassionate side, making her feel more like a "real" person (at least within the confines of fiction). I love and adore Amy as a character with both admirable virtues as well as a flawed side that not only makes her a fun and amusing character (even when she does embarrassing things), but most importantly, it humanizes her. I don't lie when I say this: if Amy were a one-dimentional, highly idealized character who is only all-virtues with none of her flaws, I wouldn't like her at all, for that type of characters are not only impossible and unrelatable, but also come off as condescending and offer no entertainment value.
Amy is perfect by being imperfect. And both writers and audiences need to grow up and let my girl be all she can be, never again having her personality be suppressed for any reason.
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oscurascout · 6 months
Y/N As A Partygoer
Reader x Partypooper
Part 4 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
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I don't know how, but everything felt like it was in slow motion. My body moved towards the monster, feeling every detail as I tore off its head. "HOW DARE HE?!" I thought as I continued to rip apart every part of its yellow body. I then turned to the other Partygoers, tearing them to shreds as well. My only thought were, "HOW DARE THEY TRY TO HARM MY LOVER!" Despite their attempts to fight back, my rage made me far stronger. Maybe it was caused by my rage or something but I got bigger and more strong.
They continued to fight me, but soon realized they couldn't defeat me and started to retreat. After they ran away, I tried to calm down, but my body refused to listen as I continued to see red. However, I managed to control myself to avoid attacking them, knowing that it would jeopardize the love of my life and lead to my demise.
Slowly, I made my way towards my Partypooper, with several Party Destroyers pointing their guns at me. "I want to hold my Partypooper, maybe that will calm me down," I thought, feeling exhausted and weak. I reached my Partypooper and hugged him gently, causing him to tense up before he finally huged me back. As I relax, I suddenly lost consciousness.
When I opened my eyes, I saw a purple ceiling illuminated by a pinkish light. I looked around and saw my Partypooper hugging me. "Did he stay hugging me the whole time I was asleep? So cute!" I thought, trying not to move. Not seeing Party Destroyer, I relished the alone time with my lover, feeling happy.
Turning to face my lover, I noticed he still wore his mask. I wondered about the beauty behind it but stopped myself from invading his privacy, continuing to watch his chest rise and fall.
After what felt like an hour or so, he woke up and looked at me. I hugged him closer, caressing his back, but he sat up and gazed at me. I held his hand, finding it a bit difficult but managing. "He is so cute. Wait, is he crying?" I wondered as I saw tears fall from under his mask.
My Partypooper - *sobbing* "You're alive,"
I nodded and hugged him, comforting him.
My Partypooper - "You were asleep for so long, and you were very injured. Everyone thought you were dead, but I knew you wouldn't leave me."
I rested my head on his and nuzzled him. "I wish I could talk right now," I thought as he sobbed.
My Partypooper - "While you were asleep, I realized something. I ... I do like you."
Shaking with happiness, I looked at him in disbelief.
My Partypooper - Calm down, I still don't know for sure but, I, umm I'm sure I can give you a chance *hugs me* I love you”
I couldn't believe it, 'He said he loved me, I want to also say that I love him' I thought as I quickly tried to just say it, I continued to hug him and tried so hard to just say those words, say that iconic sentence, to be able to respond to his love, for him to hear me say it back, for me to just say "I love you”
Both me and him looked at each other in shock; I just shook with happiness and repeated those words, over and over again, until he put his forehead to mine, which made me calm down, and I nuzzle my face on him, then I looked at him and said "I love you ♡”
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Keep seeing the Hc of Steve Harrington being a triplet.
With his brothers being Joe Kerry's other characters.
Kurt Knuckle from Spree and Walter "Keys" Mckeys from Free guy.
My take on the idea is that the boys are orphans.
Their parents were involved in a car accident and the boys were taken to and raised in an orphanage.
The Harringtons adopted Steve, they could've taken the other 2 boys but refused.
Keys managed to track down Steve and they've all kept in contact in secret.
Because the Harringtons did not approve of Steve talking about his brothers. As they didn't want anyone to know Steve wasn't biologically theirs.
Steve tried to send as much money as he could to his siblings, allowing them to run off from the orphanage and rent out a place.
He got caught by his father, didn't end well for him but he never told them where the money went.
Keys is a freelance coder and developer and Kurt is a taxi driver/stand up comedian.
They meet up as much as they can but with the upside down shit going down they stop seeing Steve so much.
They both miss him dearly.
And know something is up.
Because when they do see Steve he's always covered in injuries. Steve brushes them off, blaming it on sports but they worry about him.
Steve is the middle child.
Keys is the oldest and Kurt is the youngest.
Deep down they share Steve's protectiveness for those he cares about.
They find out about everything after Starcourt, as Keys had changed Steve's emergency contact to him.
Once Steve let it slip his parents never show up.
Both Keys and Kurt have been threatened against coming anywhere near Hawkins by the Harringtons.
But as soon as Keys is called the hospital that Steve was bought in critical condition, both speed their.
Literally, Kurt drove like a madman. And for once Keys didn't complain.
Both burst into Hawkins General and we're immediately on guard seeing the people in Steve's room.
"... Are you guys seeing this?" Asked Dustin, looking at the duo in confusion.
Kurt ignored him, pushing past everyone and making a beeline for Steve and holding onto his hand.
"He's alive..."
Keys let out a breathe he didn't realise he was holding. Running a hand through his hair.
"Get away from hi- what the hell?!"
Kurt, not fond of anyone trying to make him leave Steve's side had pulled a large butchers knife.
.. From somewhere.
Everyone began freaking out.
Minus Steve and Keys.
Keys just sighed, tiredly. He needed some coffee, and stat. "Kurt, put the knife away. You don't wanna get us kicked out do you?"
Suprisingly to everyone else it worked. Kurt put the knife away, pouting like a kid but didn't move to attack anyone.
"....Wait, brother? Steve has brothers?" Asked Robin.
"No we just happen to look exactly like him... yes we're his brothers. Im Keys, this is Kurt." Said Keys, sitting down on Steve's other side and running a hand through his hair.
"How come we didn't know about you?" Asked Dustin, curious.
"Pfft, we're a secret. No ones supposed to know we exist." Said Kurt "but Stevie bee got hurt so..." his smile fell instantly.
"So we're here" finished Keys.
It was that moment Steve began whimpering, pleading for help and that he worked for Scoops Ahoy.
Kurt whimpered, poking Steve's cheek "Stevie, steeevie wake up. Your having a bad dream."
"... Kurt?"
Kurt grinned, he changed moods so quickly it gave everyone else whiplash "the one and only. Mr Partypooper is here too."
He eeped as Keys shot him a deadpan look and swatted his head.
"Keys...kurt...what you.." Steve cut himself off by coughing, hiding his side in pain.
Both immediately stopped their antics, nothing but worry on their faces.
Steve was always the toughest of them all, the strongest and it hurt seeing their big little brother like this.
"It's okay" hummed Robin, managing to soothe Steve back to sleep.
Any distrust the brothers had of her vanished instantly at that.
Keys turned to them all, thoughtfully. "I heard this was from a fire... So do you mind telling me what really happened. Steve seems to like you all, so I'd hate to hurt you."
"But if your lying..." Said Kurt, in a sing song voice twirling his knife.
"It all started in 83"
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readingismyhobby24 · 5 days
HIII FAITH!!!!!!!!! how have you been doing today? anythinggg interesting happen ? :3
today at school we went to town hall which was pretty cool :3 its all leaving my memory now.
really good news tho !! i finally started talking to an old online friend of mine again!! me and them used to talk a BUNCH they even mentioned that i was the reason they had their massive furby interest
(they have like 50+ furbies and i have 3💔 i need to get them to show me their collection or ill die)
i also joined a server on discord thats technically a remake of an old server i was in ?? its like a group of people with ocs of this one backrooms entity (entity 68 aka the partypoopers :3 theyre guys who wear blue masks with frown faces i think theyre silly)
one of my ocs technically used to be a partypooper (but for lore reasons he isnt anymore, rip the idea of buzz being a partypooper 2022-2023) but my friend just gave me two of her old partypooper ocs she didnt want anymore so i have to assign them numbers
(their names are hatchet and katana :3 theyre siblings!!)
speaking of assigning them numbers. give me a random number from 100 to 1000 >:D
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(^ my friends ‘partypooper oc’ he technically isnt one but hes labelled as one in the server his number is 222. the emotes were drawn by @/zappers-silly-shenanigans :3)
Hi Noah! I'm doing okay. I'm not gonna lie, though, my arm is in a lot of pain and I have no idea what I even did to it 😭 But I'm okay. Nothing interesting has happened because I've literally just been on my laptop or phone all day 😅 Thank you so much for dropping by!
That's really cool! I hope you had fun! And that's so exciting that you've started talking with your old friend!
And wow! That's cool and interesting! I'll give you the number 545! I don't have a reason for it other than it being the first number to pop in my head 😂
Thanks for coming by! I hope the rest of your day/night is good!
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lilylovesfoxs · 3 months
(this is a concept of a dream I had)
Bathrooms level 11
What used to be a beautiful city full of innocent wonders is now destroyed
Class deadzone
-entity infestation
-unhappable environment
- mental hazards
You were just going to the bathroom to level excited to get to level 11 because you wanted to live there after all if you're trapped in here forever you might as well get used to this place.
However when you entered.. something was wrong
Buildings were destroyed entities were all over the place
Sadly you had a death wish when you entered because you died almost immediately when the entity's saw you
Back rooms level 11 used to be a save zone that was until one of the exits to level ! Somehow malfunctioned causing all the entities to come out all at once
They took over the level any survivors that we may find will be taken back
Good news is level ! Can now be safe because the entities prefer the bigger states of the city
(how to enter)
All the entrys all all the same
(how to exit)
-find a glowing golden orb we sent that over luckily for you this orb scares off entities however if you're surrounded we will just teleport the orb to you
- find a balloon to get teleported to level fun it's not the best place to go but it's better than this
- a partypooper in disguise will find you and help you to their level
Not many people know about this so we're trying to spread the word anyone who finds this have some tips
-don't follow the signs that say "let's play hide and seek" trust me this level is somehow better than that
-if you can find buildings that are not fully destroyed don't go in them if the door is open if it isn't go in there's usually supplies there
- don't stare any of the entities and the eyes people keep getting hypnotized from that we don't really know what this entity is but it only seems to appear in this level
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ask-scroll-and-quill · 3 months
aww come on, quill
dont be a partypooper! scroll isnt bothered by it and i think thats what matters
-ornament anon
I don't care. He should have his arms back. What'd he even do to deserve this.
The anons do what they want, they're weird.
I hate them.
I could tell!
M!A - 5/13
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krislgfox · 11 months
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=}: If you don't want to eat them I will)
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lite-ralghost · 1 year
You have partypooper ocs? I'm wondering, have you written a lot of lore on the history of the partygoers/ partypoopers? Aside from the fun war?
Reason I'm asking is because I want to write a massive lore update that gives them a bit more history and origin but I don't want to mess up headcanons people already had.
Yeah but I'm still developing, like designs, functions that each one performs on both sides and events before the fun war and after
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eclipsionart · 1 year
You have partypooper ocs? I'm wondering, have you written a lot of lore on the history of the partygoers/ partypoopers? Aside from the fun war?
Reason I'm asking is because I want to write a massive lore update that gives them a bit more history and origin but I don't want to mess up headcanons people already had.
Yee I do have one, I don't write that much unfortunately but I'd love to get into it more!
I have a few headcanons of my own that I'd be down to share, unfortunately it's pretty late and I got work tomorrow but I would love any excuse to share them, I totally will next time I have free time. So probably tomorrow if I don't forget oof
Also ooo, I'm interested, I'd love to read it whenever your finished, it sounds cool :D
(Also, once again not a writer so my advice probably isn't the best, but I don't think you'd be messing up anyone's headcanons by writing it slightly differently or contradicting with some ppls. Like I think going around asking abt ppls headcanons for ideas to flesh out your lore is a really good idea! But making it somehow fit everyone's headcanons at the same time sounds like it would be really difficult and not that much fun. What I'm trying to say is write whatever /you/ want to. But thats just my opinion lol)
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 2 years
moar backrooms thingz
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i feel like i didn't specify enough on their relationship and personalities and if i did, i just wanna keep talking about them,
despite partypoopers being friendly, Finley is a bit more grumpy, cynical and just really wants to be felt alone, they're still a good person at heart
Funny is like the comedian for Partygoers, they have a sadistic sense of humor like most partygoers they're also to contrary to Finley, Funny is hyperactive, Crazy, topsy turvy, and has a charm that both Partygoers and unknowing wanderers love, that also keep other partygoers unknowing about their friendship with a Partypooper now about that,
they're like Friends AND Enemies, they hate eachother, but hate being without eachother even more, they mostly spend time together either Funny trys to do something spontaneous and Finley trying to do something relaxing, butit usually ends up going crazy
like how one time, Finley wanted to go to kitties house cause its very chill their and kitty is friendly, but funny wanted to go and cause chaos at level 5, so they tricked Finley into going to level 5 to get a good drawing of Samantha, so Funny could drew mustaches on the paintings, and ending up attracting a growler, so Finley threw a vase to distract it and it ended up crashing next to the beast of level 5 and ended up attacking him and destroying his hotel, and then they both got chased out by the beast in a eldritch form,
but sometimes it they're interactions can be wholesome, like Funny once tried getting Finley out of Level fun they ended up in the afterparty level and found like a bunch of capybaras that pulled up and hopped out at the afterparty, and Finley Loved vibein with them
(quick headcannon: PartyPoopers actually call themselves vibersand call partygoers Viberkillers, cause instead of partying, they vibe)
so they gave them one as a present, and when they brought it to the promised land, Turned out the capybara was Pregnant, (they thought that the rounder the better the capybara was) funny was really, really sorry, but Finley was totally chill with it, and now, capybaras pulled up and hopped out at the promised land.
most of partygoers and partypoopers have a "im going to tolerate you because if we were enemies it would be devastating for both of us"
but for Funny and Finley they go out of they're way to hang out with eachother much to the confusion of others
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I really don't have much to say on these to but Pre fun war, Koda helped M.E.G study the backrooms and liked vibn with humans, they're pretty shy and skittish even before the war
but RORY, oh rory..
They're convinced that the Partygoers are after the Partypoopers, and do things like setting up boobytraps, and being suspicious of people who act a little to partygoer-esque, much to Finley's annoyance
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Candy helps collect ingredients for bakers like Sugar Heart and Cuppycake, they dont really talk, more just speak in grunts, and weird noises
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oh and this
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oscurascout · 6 months
Y/N As A Partygoer
Reader x Partypooper
Part 2 ( Part 1, Part 3, Part 4)
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We arrived at a school hallway. I looked around and noticed that both the blue-masked individual and the teenager had entered a classroom. I followed them inside and observed that the room resembled a typical classroom, albeit slightly damaged and messy, yet still somewhat cozy.
The teenager promptly settled near the wall with a blanket, that he grabbed from a table, made themselves comfortable, and closed their eyes. Meanwhile, the person in the blue mask sat near a chair, gazing at me.
Blue Mask - *in a serious tone* "So, what do you want?"
I simply gazed at him, tilted my head, and after a moment of contemplation, shook my head in response.
Blue Mask - "I know you Partygoers can talk."
I attempted to speak but found myself unable to produce any sound. I gestured with my hands, pointing at myself and crossing my arms in an X shape.
Blue Mask - "So you can't talk, huh? That's strange."
I nodded and tried to approach him, but he quickly stood up and tensed, causing me to retreat and maintain my distance. Although I felt a pang of sadness, realizing my crush didn't reciprocate my feelings, I swiftly composed myself. Glancing around, I spotted paper and a pen on the teacher's desk. I seized them and wrote, "I want to be your friend, and maybe more ♡." I displayed the message to him, awaiting his reaction.
Blue Mask - *surprised* "Wait, what? Um... I don't think either of those things would be possible."
As he rose and positioned himself protectively in front of the teenager, expecting a potential attack after rejecting me, I viewed this as an opportunity to persist. I quickly wrote again, "Don't worry, I won't harm either of you, but I will try to win your heart ;) ♡♡." I presented the note to him, and he resumed his seat, appearing contemplative this time, tilting his head. After a few moments, he nodded, and I spun around happily.
At that moment, the door opened, and another individual in a blue mask entered, brandishing a spear at me. I swiftly retreated to a corner, while my blue-masked companion stepped in front of me.
My Blue Mask - "Relax, they're not hostile like the others."
Blue Mask Individual - "How can you be so sure? They might be deceiving us."
Feeling offended by his accusation, I hastily wrote, "I would never deceive the love of my life!" I showed him the message proudly, while the other blue-masked person tilted his head in confusion.
Blue Mask Individual - "Huh?"
My Blue Mask - *sighs* "It's a long story."
My blue-masked companion proceeded to explain the situation to the skeptic, who eventually relented and refrained from attacking. Approaching my blue mask, I handed him a paper with a heart drawn on it. He accepted it, placing it in his pocket. Overjoyed, I twirled around, while the other blue-masked individual observed us with surprise.
I then noticed the teenager stirring awake and heard footsteps approaching from beyond the classroom doors. Attempting to shield my blue mask, I was stopped by him, as he opened the door to reveal several other blue-masked individuals in the hallway. Upon sighting me, they swiftly brandished their weapons, with some red-masked individuals bearing firearms, intensifying the situation. I froze, that's when my blue knight in shining armor saved me, oh, and the teenager too.
Both of them positioned themselves in front of me, offering brief explanations to the group. Although the blue masks lowered their weapons, the red-masked individuals remained hostile, guns still pointed at me.
My Blue Mask - *addressing the red masks* "Party Destroyers, please lower your weapons. This Partygoer means no harm."
Red Mask Individual - *still pointing* "This type of foolishness, from all of you, Partypoopers, caused our defeat in the first Fun War."
As they continued to argue, I pondered on the name "Partypooper" for my crush, wondering if he had a proper name. In the end, my hands-mouth were covered, a scarf was placed around my neck for identification, and a Party Destroyer stood nearby. Unfazed, I retrieved paper and pen, writing, "Thanks for rescuing me :D ♡♡♡♡," albeit clumsily like a child, since I now had these cloth covering my hands. With effort, I showed it to my beloved.
My Partypooper - *nodding* "Well, you saved us before, so now we're even."
“Wait but he had previously save me from another Partypooper, hmm could this mean that he is catching feelings?“ I thought as I tried really hard to think about it.
Party Destroyer - *after reading the note* "Why the hearts?" *glancing at my Partypooper*
My Partypooper swiftly turned around, a gesture I interpreted as embarrassment. Without hesitation, I wrote again, "Because I love him, and only him!! ♡ :D," proudly displaying it to him.
Party Destroyer - "How will you distinguish him from all the other Partypoopers?"
I suddenly froze, overwhelmed by panic, causing me to move around frantically like a headless chicken. “I never considered that. Not even a name could help since I can't speak!“ I pondered, as both of them observed my escalating panic.
Teen - "Maybe you could mark him, similar to how they marked you."
Upon hearing this suggestion, I ceased my frantic movements and directed my attention to the teenager. I wrote, "You are a genius," before embarking on a search for something to distinguish my Partypooper. Meanwhile, the Party Destroyer simply shook its head, while my Partypooper gazed back at me.
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