#I feel like some parts turned out a bit wonky but I'm overall happy with it lol
sensitiveheartless · 2 years
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zombeebunnie · 2 months
Trembling Essence:💙Play tester help + Cleaning up endings💙
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Helllooo and welcome new followers, things fluctuated a lot this week but here's how the progress towards the game has been going. :[]
Play tester help:
My play testers played through some of endings again after I added touch ups, here's a couple of things they critiqued! :]
The bridge:
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I added some minor animations in areas that were suggested to make it look like you're actually walking towards the bridge! I found a better way to avoid the animation reset but I'm still hoping to discover a way to fix this so I can apply this in other areas. :[] Certain words were accidently repeated too many times and my play tester said it was very noticeable. More of the dialog has been cleaned up along with hidden grammatical errors. >:] A small bug was found where skipping through the dialog too fast can cause the CG's to blur which has been fixed too. :D
The Chasm Ending ???:
I have no idea how I got to this part anymore but this is one of the endings you can get from the [Extended Demo] that I went and fixed up. I want to show this animated one because I'm really happy with how it turned out. :,,,,]
My play testers gave me a lot of pointers before I managed to get it looking right! A couple of CG's have added camera pan and I took it a step further and added a better perspective of animated rain falling onto the player(Y/N)! In the original version the trees blended too much into the leaves and the angle where the rain came down looked really wonky. :,] There was a couple of grammar issues and wonky wording that got fixed mainly because the ending plays out a little bit differently. >:]
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Outside of other things going on with the game's progress this sort of sums up what all has been going on behind the scenes. The other endings (The Cave, etc) haven't been played yet but maybe next week they will be. Overall I've been fixing up everything my play testers recommended to me! :]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I continue to work on the game. Thank you to those that optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I enjoy hearing from you guys!
Overall, thank you everyone for the constant support, the progress has been fairly small this time around but I appreciate the uplifting words! >:,]
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rirururu · 5 years
Hey Riru, saw your analysis on Zenitsu and it's really good! I'm just wondering- in general, what do you think makes KnY work? What makes it distinguished beyond other shonens?
Hey there! Thank you so much for the ask. Sorry about the late reply as well. I’m so happy to hear that my analysis on Zenitsu has managed to reach a lot of people and have them rethink how they perceive Zenitsu as a character. That’s honestly all I can ask for!
As for your question? Well, I’m not a huge fan of the idea that you have to justify liking a series by saying that it’s better than other series of its genre. I like My Hero Academia but it’s not the best shounen out there, definitely not. In some ways, Kimetsu no Yaiba is worse than My Hero Academia while being better in other aspects. With that being said, I do think the Kimetsu no Yaiba manga is quite flawed. It relies too much on narrative exposition, off-screens a lot of important character moments that aren’t battle-related, there are too many flashbacks, the story is a tad too predictable, and the placing of comedic moments can be pretty wonky at times.
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The editor of KNY has said that the mangaka is not always aware of the best parts of their characters. He even revealed that the author was contemplating scrapping the scene with Tanjirou taking the demon’s hand in the final selection arc even though it was such a profound part of his personality. Thankfully, they were convinced to keep it. And therein lies the problem. It’s important that the writer of a story knows what makes their characters good. If they don’t, it results in a lot of missed opportunities. Characters who should get a chance to develop/shine in a certain situation end up being neglected. Zenitsu not really doing much in the drum house arc when that could’ve been a perfect display of how he uses his ears to fight while sleeping, causing confusion from the fandom on how he moves with his eyes closed when there’s no alter ego, is a perfect example of this.
But on the other hand, I’ve never met a more lovable cast. There’s not a single character that I dislike in this series and that really says a lot. It’s a habit of mine to compare one character’s backstory and motives to a character that I’ve seen from another series because they’ve been used so many times. It’s easy to give someone a recycled sob story. The reason why troupes exist is because they work, after all. Although I do the same with Kimetsu no Yaiba, only once (with Kanao) has it ever come up as a problem for me. All of the characters are three-dimensional in a way that’s very unique to this series.
I’ll use Tanjirou and Zenitsu as examples. Tanjirou’s story concerning his entire family being killed and his sister being turned into a demon isn’t actually that unique. It’s appeared a lot in countless other anime. But the way it’s being used as a motive to his character as well as how that ties to him as an overall selfless person who would never seek revenge executes said troupe in a very genuine way. It continues to tie into his values of showing empathy towards demons because he’s seen first-hand what it turned his sister into. Then there’s Zenitsu. He’s the “womanizer” troupe. However, we can see how him being so desperate for a girl’s attention is a direct result of him having grown up as an orphan with no one believing that he could protect anyone because of his habit of running away. Him wanting a girlfriend ties with how he wants to develop as a person in becoming someone strong and worth being loved.
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I’d say more than half the cast of Kimetsu no Yaiba are as well thought-out as those two if not even better. Compare that to another isekai of the season anime like The Devil is a Part-Timer that tries too hard to break the troupe with a very unique premise / backstory but ultimately fails at the execution. Imagine if we actually got to see Maou as an anti-hero who did bad things because he’s Satan before gradually learning what it means to be human? It could’ve been a very genuine and heart-warming story. Yet the main character somehow fell into becoming a typical harem main protagonist almost immediately after entering Earth. Style over substance, in other words. Unfortunately, a majority of shounen and anime in general fall into this category.
Kimetsu no Yaiba is an anti-thesis to this at such a monumental extent (yes, even more than MHA) that I feel makes it stand out as a series from other good anime around it. Sure, because of the author’s occasional lack of awareness of these traits, it sometimes takes a bit of inferring from the audience to connect the dots. But the dots are there and implied heavily enough that we can deduct these things ourselves. That’s another thing too. Kimetsu no Yaiba’s story can fall apart a little if you look too much into it. But at the same time, the more you look into it, the more amazing that you realize the world and its characters are. It’s a flawed story but one that has a ton of heart from an author who is doing their best. I can say with confident that I am proud to be invested in their manga.
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
Charmed 02x02 Review
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Y'all part of me just can't. Like the excitement and energy over this last episode is too much to keep inside. I am super ready to burst and super excited for episode 3. But I am just gonna say that overall I thought this episode was superb 8/10 only because I am saving my 9 and 10. But if I could I'd give it a 9 out of ten. There was only like a couple things I was nitpicky about and it's pretty standard tv logic stuff that most people overlook so dont come at me for it. So I am just gonna start like I always do except I cant just pick 3 likes and dislikes so I am just gonna list my likes some of the nitpicks and then some episode highlights.
Things I liked:
1. Hacy development
So no secret I am a hacy fan and I pretty much love any hacy content the show will give us but I really thought the show did so well this episode.
Originally, I thought the show was going to explore Macy's feelings through Dark!Harry, and in a way they have revealed them using Dark!Harry (Season 1 ended with us not sure if Macy felt anything for Harry, but knowing he had some feelings for her). I was worried there may be less hacy moments because they would keep most of the interaction between Dark!Harry and Macy. Even had me scared that Macy may be falling for Dark!Harry and not Harry proper. But no, they gave us Genuine Hacy.
The awkwardness of the interactions after the dream. That car ride was hilarious with the map and the radio (harry is still super at comedic relief in club and in car)
Harry's concern over having done something wrong
The looks when checking each other out.
Making each other laugh and encouraging each other.
Harry trying to save that witch and Macy being concerned by what it would
"I know Harry"
I mean it wasn't just tension. There was some fluff thrown in. Harry telling her to celebrate the victories and looking at her proudly. Which brings me to item 2.
2) I love what rupert does with his eyes between the two Harrys. Real harry (as macy put it) is so harmless looking. Those puppy eyes are adorable and rupert makes sure to have then turned up all the way when being real harry.
The only time Dark!harry makes soft eyes (well sort of) is the first time we see him with Macy, the initial moment in episode 1, and then when Maggie goes for a hug in this episode. He is just so taken off guard by the affection that his pretending-to-be-Harry-face slips and his eyes kind of go wide and they arent so narrowed and focused. Which makes me think he has not been hugged often or at all . . . That's sad. Then the switch when Maggie backs away. The eyes narrow again and he gets all mean. Just love that rupert can do things like that to give both characters distinctive enough feels that you can tell that dark!harry is acting.
3) Mel and Maggie bonding
So I really do hope that we get some Macy and Mel bonding, but I am happy anytime the show can deepen the bonds between the sisters. Maggie and Mel have a bit of a complicated relationship even though they grew up together. I mean especially from this episode we see and remember that Mel was the big sister for most of her life. She protected Maggie and seems to have acted like a second parent. It is sad that there dad really just turned out to be a bad dad. No reason behind it no, issues with Marisol other than apparently the ones he created on his own (which I will get into on my nitpicks). The fact this was just a loss for Maggie, and not just a loss as in she was the only one to feel something when Ray died but a loss of memories she thought she had and an idea of who her dad (a piece of her past), was sad but it actually gave us further insight into mel and Maggie's dynamics. First season we knew the rift between mel and Maggie was over Mel's obsession with and Mel's expectations of how Maggie should have acted and behaved. I think a lot of us chalked it up to Mel being controlling and having the oldest child attitude, but I think now we see there is more there. Mel seems to have spent a lot of time protecting Maggie and biting her tongue about certain aspects of thier lives and in a sense making sacrifices for her. So it makes sense she would expect the same from Maggie, but at the same time Maggie didnt know, and even if she did thise were Mel's choices and Maggie doesnt owe her anything for them.
Knowing that we can see how it is so easy for riffs to form between them which make the start of this season make more sense to me. Because Maggie wants to live her life and is a trusting and positive person. Mel expects a certain level of loyalty and commitment and has a different idea of what that looks like compared to Maggie. On top of there general personality differences it makes sense they all that would culminate into a rocky relationship prone to communication difficulties and tifs. But I love that they are starting to acknowledge those things and rebuild. Last season it was them just getting over feeling abandoned by each other after the death of Marisol. This exposed deeper roots of the initial rift. I liked that.
4) I love that the Maggie and Mel still have Magic and even though though the active powers are gone they arent defenseless. They just need to be resourceful. I actually like this a lot and I feel gives the writers a lot of room to play with creative ways for the ladies to save other witches.
5) demon lore!!!! Okay so while season 1 seems mostly thrown out the lore actually explains season 1 demons better.
One of the issues I had was that there did not seem to be a synchronized front with the demons and they never explained why even though Alistair claimed to be a hotshot the only people he had working for him was his family.
In the OG in first season before lore got expanded) demons and witches werent organized. Demons sort of acted on thier own for thier own purposes and witches seem mostly solitary except for occasional get togethers on important events. Later on in the series demons got an organization system (triad) then later one ruler (the source of all evil). Witches seem mostly solitary except for now the elders who assigned white lighters watched over them and placed rules on magic. I dont think people really remember the drastic shift in lore and the plot holes OG had because we generally liked the places it was going. So I am kinda on that page fro the reboot.
It flipped the script. Witches are or were the organized bunch both self ruling and ruling over the magical community. Demons were at war with each other and all had different agendas so makes sense that the Caines were mostly on thier own.
I like this idea of there being different general types of demons and a hierarchy. I do wonder if that will limit then in the long run, but assuming they can be creative with the categories they have defined I am not too worried. I am excited to get more info on demons now.
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6) the new love interests. I love Mel's new love interest. So different from Mel and her previous love interests. I reserve judgment until we get more interaction but I am liking her so far. Jordan is interesting I am actually liking the build up of thier relationship and will be nice to see maggie start off slow and make friends with him first. I wasnt a huge parkerita fan but I did not dislike the ship. But one of my general blehs is love at first site between teens. The way parker and Maggie began was just off putting to me but they were nice together when they were together honestly. This will be a good venture into perhaps an adult relationship or at least on that doesnt begin with as much drama. That said she is dead and will have to hide her identity from him soo....
Now on to the nitpicks:
1) Ray's characterization.
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Okay so I dont mind that Ray turned out to be just a crap dad. It happens. But there are things we know that Ray probably didnt that makes us wonder why marisol even got with him and married him.
A) we know Marisol continued an affair throughout her marriage to Ray. Even assuming Ray was just a crap husband and father, why did marisol get with him and marry him if he was so good at alienating everyone he met. I wouldnt think he was just a one night stand that Marisol decided she would have to marry after getting pregnant. I would think she would be above that.
B) did he even know about magic. Was his whole relationship and life with Marisol and the girls just based on secrets, ignorance, and not being around?
I mean for B it is fine if it was I just would like to know for sure what it was versus just guessing. But I assume like Maggie I am just gonna have to move on from this
2) the house lights and the job application.
Okay how does the house have power and and water without the city noticing? How can maggie apply for a job with no social security number? I mean I assume because she is dead she cant use her real info. Or she could but wouldnt that make it easy for demons who may think to infiltrate government records to find them? I mean this is a nitpick and can be explained away by Magic, but still it was on my mind.
3) the mysterious figure at the end. Okay y'all, I assume it is Dark!Harry. But the more I thought about it, the more I got angry that they didnt show his face. Basically, that is leaving room that it could be someone else like one of the other new love interests or someone we havent met yet. I dont like that. If it is Dark!Harry we've already met him and know he is after the girls so most likely would be working with the demons. So showing him wouldnt be a big deal. But keeping the figure hidden means leaving that door of possibilites open. This has me paranoid now. Again nitpick. I'll get over it. Some people might like that.
Episode Highlights:
Comic relief Harry. Getting knocked down when orbing into the club and not being able to hold a map.
"I'll put a hex on you."
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"I'm formidable!" You tell him!
Harry's wonky orbing in general. so confused so turned about.
Maggie being able to tell that Dark!Harry was not Harry. "Those are Harry's charges and family you cant fool them ya creep!!!"
Invisible mel putting a shovel to the side of Dark!Harry's face. "Yess!!!!"
Harry's puppy dog eyes when Macy says all she needs is a look to know who the real Harry is
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