#I figured that since I did one for apo I could do a more complete drawing with scenery
omchar · 1 year
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Me? Drawing p!Acho again? Never
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house-of-cakes · 3 years
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Jamais Vu
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Chapter 32: Well, are you going to do something?
Jungkook x Reader: enemy to lovers AU
Word count: 2147
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: “There’s an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. It’s when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger… Nothing is ever familiar” – Chuck Palahniuk, Choke
AKA Jungkook goes in search of the girl who got him expelled.
I was stuck on this chapter for so long...so its short, unedited and not that great 😂
@deolly​ wanted JK to unknowingly hit on Y/N, this is my attempt to one better that. 
As always if you would like to give feedback or be tagged in this story please send me an ask/message 😊
Tagged list: @yoongistangerine​ @betysotelo18​ @kardia-apo-marmelada​ @casspirit0705​ @preciouschimine​ @therealsugababe​  @lucedelsole97​ @deolly​ @lexy9716​  @thesweetest-peas​ @sannsia​ @jovialdelusionbouquet​ @starlight-night0​ @moonibub​ @h0babie​ @seungcheoluwu​ @mwitsmejk​ @wholockian1​
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Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed behind his mask as he refreshed his newsfeed for the 100th time in the space of the last hour. His mood was so foul that his Hyung told him that he wasn’t allowed backstage with the rest of the guys until he until he sorted out his attitude.
So, there he sat.
And in a stupid robe and mask that (in his opinion) made him look like super creepy.
When he found out that The Basement was throwing another themed party, he immediately knew he did not want to attend. Especially since the last Basement event landed him on his cousin’s shit list.
But of course, he had no choice, he was working on the Magic Shop’s terms and as much as it annoyed him to be at another stupid costume party, he needed this gift for Jin now more than ever to get back in his good books.
Begrudgingly Jungkook got his act together and was lucky enough to find a last-minute costume that matched the others.
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The last time Y/N had seen Taehyung he was surrounded by his usual gaggle of groupies, he looked to be enjoying their company so she decided she would leave him be before they needed to get to work.
Y/N could tell her best friend was extremely bothered by the unexpected change of plans. Though Taehyung would never say it, he thought Sunnie was being ridiculously selfish for putting Y/N in another situation where she could be exposed by Jungkook and thought Jimin was being unbelievably childish for refusing to head this job when he knew that Jimin was lying when he said he was busy tonight.
Despite Y/N’s insistence to help with the job, Taehyung put his foot down and refused to let her have any involvement in the matter. He made it very clear that she was not be anywhere near him when the drop was being made. When Y/N realised that Tae wouldn’t budge she reluctantly agreed and told him she would stay out of his way by taking the next client for him.  
Y/N let out a defeated sigh when she reached the top of the balcony stairs. Normally Y/N would be relishing in the excitement of a Basement party but tonight she couldn’t help but be distracted by the absence of her two other best friends. She searched the area for a familiar face and her sighted settled on a hooded figure, face covered with a white and gold ornate mask.
The costume was a complete contrast to other attendees of the masked party. While everyone else chose to dress up in sophisticated suits and elegant dresses, their dark robes and full-faced mask completely sealed their identity and gave them a mysterious and almost dangerous vibe to them. It was for this reason that Y/N suggested the concept and even picked out the masks for her brother and his friends to wear tonight.
“Hey what are you doing here?” The kindness in her voice caught Jungkook off guard, she was always so hostile towards him “I thought you’d still be backstage with the rest of the boys” Y/N plopped herself down next to him and snuggled up close to his side so that she could rest her head on his shoulder.
“You’re in a quite mood tonight. That’s ok, I’m feeling a bit out of it too.”  She shifted to tuck her legs underneath herself then threaded her arm through his so that she was pretty much cuddling him. “I can’t stop thinking about Jimin and Sunnie…what if they can’t be friends anymore, Jinnie?”  
Y/n had pressed herself so close to him that he could smell the fruitiness of her sweet perfume. Her scent filled his head and distracted him to the point where almost missed the fact that she called him his cousin’s name.
‘She thinks I’m Hyung?’
Y/N was unphased by his silence and continued the one-sided conversation which made Jungkook wonder if she often confided in Jin like this.  
“You know your cousin sent me flowers?” Jungkook felt his body grow tense in her hold as she ever so causally brought him up. “I told you not to tell him I found the ring! I wanted to do the right thing by returning it and didn’t want him to feel like he has to treat me differently now.”
Jungkook was surprised to hear that she didn’t want him to know she had found it. He thought that it was going to be another thing to hold over his head, another thing she had one upped him on. It was partially the reason he had bought her flowers in the first place. He didn’t want to owe her anything and he figured if he could meet her “nice” gesture with an even nicer one, then Jin wouldn’t be so up his ass about Y/N.
Now that he could see that she was truly being genuine with her gesture, he didn’t know what to say. Luckily, he didn’t need to respond because the loud blaring sound of alarm bells sounded off from her phone and cut the conversation short.
“Oh, it’s time to find Tae.” She switched off the alarm tucked her phone back into her tiny handbag. “He set this alarm on my phone and told me if he wasn’t back before it went off, he was probably being smothered by groupies and needed me to come find him.”
Y/N had actually set the alarm to signal it was time to prepare for the job…but he wasn’t going to reveal that to Jin.
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Once again Jungkook had found himself playing a game of Cat and Mouse with the Magic Shop. He hated how vague the instructions to find them always were.
Why couldn’t they just ask him to meet at bar at 10:30? Or at a particular couch? Or even by the bathrooms?
He understood they are a “top secret” business or whatever but this was his third transaction with them, he was hoping that this thing would be easier. Jungkook missed the time where he had set up the arrangement so it had to be one on one and at a quiet café. He honestly wasn’t trying to expose them this time so he didn’t think he needed to fine tune the details. All he wanted was custom painted shoes he had ordered for Jin!
“This is so stupid!” Jungkook grumbled to himself as he let out an angry sigh. His mask was also not helping him calm his frustrations, it was growing stuffy beneath its surface and the eye holes were not large enough for him to get a clear view of his surroundings. He decided that he had played dress up long enough and pushed the mask off so it now rested on top of his head.
It was at 10:12 that Jungkook found something that caught his eye. He was in the downstairs bar area looking into the crowd of the dance floor when he felt the overwhelming feeling of being watched. He looked around to find where he was being spied upon and that’s when he saw her. From a behind the dance floor stood a girl leaning against the frame of the cloakroom door. The girl stuck out like a sore thumb as her long hair was messy and her clothing was far too causal for the occasion, it was a complete contrast from the elegant red and white porcelain fox mask she wore.
The girl pushed herself from the doorframe and stood up to her full height once she had noticed that she had caught Jungkook’s attention. They both were locked in a stare down as the stood across from each other trying to size each other up.
Jungkook took in her features, he was sure that this was the person he was looking for but could not find the crystal ball pin on her. When Jungkook had finished giving her the once over she tilted her head to the side, she was mocking him, almost to say “well, are you going to do something?”
Not wanting to outdone, Jungkook decided he was going to be a smart ass too. He took out his phone with intensions of snapping a picture of the girl. Though he could not see her face, he see could this action did not sit well with her as she swiftly turned and walked away right as he took the picture. It was only then did he spot a cluster of three-star emojis pinned to her baggy hoodie that was being hidden by her long hair.
‘She not the person I’m after but she can help me find them.’
Since this girl was this best chance at getting his custom, he went in search of her but she had already dissolved into thin air.
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Y/N had spent the last 10 minutes dodging and trying to hide from Jungkook which was only making her job more difficult. Her client was the birthday celebrant, Big Savage and the fact Jungkook was hot on her tail made it harder for to move out in the open to find him. She was beginning to regret taunting him earlier.
‘Ugh Where the hell is Taehyung?’
Y/N finally spotted the platinum white hair that belonged to her target as she peaked around from the corner that she was hiding behind. Big Savage was sitting on the edge of stage vibing to the music, to any normal Basement dweller it would seem that he was just enjoying his party however Y/N quickly realised that he had done this on purpose. From where he was sitting, he had the perfect view of the entire bottom level. This made it easy for him to find the Magic Shop without putting too much effort in.  
Y/N looked down at her watch and noted still had 15 minutes or so until she was due to meet up with Big Savage but she knew she had to keep moving or else Jungkook would catch up with her.  
“Hey Foxface!” Y/N jolted in fright, from a distance she could make out Jungkook’s dark robes swishing around him as he made his way towards her. In a panic Y/N made a quick effort to put space between them by blending into the crowd of the dancefloor. She made sure to weave and squeeze past people to try to throw Jungkook off who was fast on her trail.
With every last effort, Y/N finally reached Big Savage at the stage and threw her arms around his neck as if she was seeking shelter in his embrace. The white-haired rapper was surprised to receive such reaction from the stranger but made sure not to express his emotions as he hugged her back. This made the act look more authentic to everyone…including Jungkook.
“I have your package.” Y/N whispered in his ear “If you want it, get rid of the guy in the robe.” Committing to the role, Big Savage tucked a strand of Y/N’s hair behind her ear then kissed top the of her head before peering over her shoulder to glare at Jungkook.
“Da fuck you looking at?” He challenged Jungkook as he pulled Y/N closer and asserted his dominance “Get out of here.”
Jungkook willed himself to leave and yet his feet refused to move. Big Savage took Jungkook’s lack of movement as a sign of defiance and took initiative into his own hands.  
“This guy is a perv, let get out of here, Boo.” He was quick to jump down from the stage and sling his arm around Y/N’s shoulder. He made sure to give Jungkook one last look death stare before leading Y/N away from.
Once the couple was out of sight Jungkook felt his shoulders slumped in defeat.
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Y/N had changed back into her outfit and was emerging from the cloak room when Taehyung found her again.
“Where have you been? I had that Jerkface Asshole on me all night!” Not only was Y/N annoyed with the game of hide and seek she was forced to play with Jungkook but now that the adrenaline of the chase had worn off, she realised there was a big possibility she had mistook Jin and Jungkook earlier and had shown her vulnerable side to the wrong cousin.
“Why haven’t you checked your phone?! We need to get out of here.” Her anger faded as the alarm bells went off in Y/N’s head. Something was definitely wrong, Taehyung was never this dismissive. It was then she took in his uncharacteristically messy appearance, it was as if he had ripped off the hoodie he was wear as a disguise and did not care that his outfit underneath it was complete in disarray…this caused Y/N to panic more.
“Taehyung, what’s wrong?”
The response she got next, made her blood run cold.
“...Sunnie is in trouble.”
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 25: Cranky
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Trucy Wright, Athena Cykes, Apollo Justice
Notes: Post-DD. Established married!Wrightworth because what else did you expect? Miles has been taking time out of his schedule to care for the employees of the Wright Anything Agency after a particularly brutal cold season. He’s been doing great, he’ll swear on his life. The patience of a saint, that’s Miles Edgeworth for you. He is totally not going to completely lose it. 
     He couldn’t believe it. For the first time this week, Miles didn’t have to scrape perfectly decent breakfast, breakfast he made, into the garbage. He could have sworn it was proper etiquette for guests he and his husband so graciously welcomed in their home to at least try to clean their plates. 
“They live alone, babe. It’ll do them good for us to extend some hospitality,” he remembered Phoenix saying. At first, Miles didn’t mind at all. He may not have been any Florence Nightingale, but he saw merit in caring for his husband’s colleagues while they were unwell. He didn’t even complain when the two infected his husband with a cold that reduced his voice to a hoarse crackle and kept Miles awake with hours of coughing and sneezing assaulting his ears. No, no. It was no trouble at all, really.
He could have sworn when he first welcomed Apollo and Athena as guests, he was up for anything they asked for. He could prepare soup with his eyes closed, and by the second day of Phoenix’s cold, Miles was very tempted to do so just so he could say he got something resembling sleep. As the number of hands helping him dwindled to zero, Miles’s energy was wearing a little thin. Just a little thin, though, not too much at all.
Then there was the texting. Since Miles was the only one in the house whose voice was audible, his cell phone was constantly blowing up with short, grammatically lacking text messages. Hardly any of them allowed him time to fulfill one person’s request without being bombarded with other unrelated tasks they expected of him. He could make tea and he could check pages of calculus homework, but not simultaneously; there was only one of him. He would do it again, though, really. Go ahead, ask him to care for ten sick people, and for a month this time. Just direct a hospital’s worth of patients to his house, why don’t you?
Oh, no, Miles wasn’t losing his patience at all. He was mature and collected, so he brought anything his family and guests asked for without a complaint. That was true, wasn’t it? Or did thoughts to himself about how tired he was getting from running around the house grabbing whatever anyone wanted count? He was doing so well the first three days of the arrangement, so surely at the tail end of the week his eyes shouldn’t be twitching from exhaustion he was most definitely not feeling.
“I’m really happy to finally taste your cooking, Mr. Edgeworth.” Athena’s recovered voice startled Miles. He had almost forgotten more people could speak than just him. “Trucy kept telling me you were a really good cook, and I’m definitely not disappointed.” Something about that felt underhanded, Miles was sure of it. She was doubting his skills as a cook, wasn’t she?
“You’ve been really good to us, Papa.” Trucy smiled. “Thank you so much!” Of course Trucy was the first to verbally thank him for his efforts. She was taught manners and was clearly not raised in a barn. And no, Apollo, emojis and ‘memes’ did not count.
“You’re very,” Miles heard his voice crack and cleared his throat, “you’re very welcome, Trucy.” 
“Yeah, thank you so much, hon.” Phoenix was the second person Miles could count on for gratitude. What Miles really wanted to hear, however, was an apology for all the sleep he lost thanks to Phoenix’s poor volume control late at night. There was always something, be it sniffling, sneezing, or coughing that would start just as Miles thought he finally had some peace and quiet.
“Thanks.” Apollo said nothing besides that and continued eating the last of his toast. What a wordsmith, wasn’t he? A real Shakespeare.
“You’re both quite welcome as well.” Miles’s nose twitched ever so slightly as he spoke. “Are you all finished? I’d like to,” he cleared his throat again, “clean the dishes soon.” He knew no one would bother helping him with the task. They all had much more important things to do like watch television or play games on their phones.
Just as he thought, all responses were a chorus of confirming they were finished eating and not a single offer to help. Despite the fact they were all clearly more than ready to be back on their feet, Miles was on his own in carrying the pile of dishes to the counter by the sink. None of the dishes were his. He wasn’t hungry, and the lord knew he wasn’t about to be a hypocrite by committing the horrid act of wasting food. He would never be so ungrateful, so wasteful, so--
“Oh, I’d actually like a refill of orange juice.” Apollo asked, just as he always did since he arrived last Thursday.
“Your legs aren’t broken.” Miles snapped without even thinking about what he had just said.
“Woah, where did that come from?” Athena was taken aback by Miles’s harsh tone.
“YEAH, SOMEONE’S CRANKY!” Widget blurted in its usual loud and robotic tone, further irritating Miles.
“Would you mind telling that thing to put a sock in it?” Miles clenched his teeth, becoming more frustrated when Phoenix stopped him from reaching for his dishwashing gloves.
“Hey, if something’s bothering you, just tell us.” Phoenix wanted to de-escalate as well as he could. “Did something happen at work?”
“I wouldn’t know, Phoenix. I haven’t been in the office all week!” Miles was so caught up in the outburst he failed to hear how hoarse he sounded. He hardly thought anything when the strain caused him to cough. 
“Oh, babe.” Phoenix’s expression softened. “You’re not feeling well, are you?” He kissed his husband’s forehead. “Mm, you’re warm, too.”
“Please, not in front of guests. Not to mention-- mention, hhh…” Miles turned away from Phoenix’s concerned gaze. “Hh’uurrssSHH” He sneezed in his elbow, leaving a damp spot on his pink pajama sleeve. He instinctively pressed a hand under his running nose, not doing anything to get Phoenix off his back. He wasn’t even done yet. “Hu’RRsshhooh! HH’RSSHOOH!” How disgusting.
“We can do the dishes, Papa!” Trucy offered. She looked at Apollo and Athena, who both nodded in agreement. “It’s only right to return the favor.” What a sweetheart she was, absolutely her father’s daughter.
“You’re going back to bed.” Phoenix put his head on Miles’s shoulder and embraced him from behind. “We’re not going to let you lift a finger.”
Miles found himself spacing out for the duration of Phoenix ushering him to bed. He really was out of sorts, wasn’t he? He couldn’t even remember stepping out of the kitchen. It was almost dreamlike to find himself bundled up in bed. 
“Are you okay?” Phoenix waved his hand in front of Miles’s face. “It was way too easy to get you into bed and you haven’t said anything since we were in the kitchen.” He gently took Miles’s glasses and set them aside.
“Of course I’b dot okay.” Miles grumbled, turning on his right side. “I haved’t slept ihd days, we have the worst house guests I’ve ever had the displeasure of beetig, ahd by owd husbahd wod’t eved let be wash the dishes.”
“You’re a real ray of sunshine this morning.” Phoenix brushed Miles’s hair with his fingers. “My poor sick grouch of a husband.” He cooed.
“I’b dot a grouch.” Miles frowned, hardly supporting his claim. 
“What would you call yourself, then?” Phoenix made a small hum. “With how you acted in the kitchen, I wouldn’t be surprised if you poked your head out of a trashcan and told us to scram.”  
“I wasd’t by best, was I?” Miles knew that was the understatement of the year. That tickle in his throat that pestered him, admittedly since he went to bed last night, finally became a full-fledged cough. “I feel awful.” He croaked.
“I know, babe.” Phoenix sighed. “It’s our turn to take care of you, now. You did so much all by yourself, we’re gonna show you how grateful we are. You’ll even have Apollo and Athena to-”
“Doh.” Miles said firmly. “They’re goi’g hobe. Today.”
“Alright, alright. Then it’ll be just me and Trucy.”
“That’s better.” 
Phoenix helped Miles sit up so he could fluff the pillow behind him. He gave a sympathetic smile as he listened to Miles’s thick, hardly effective sniffling. 
“You must be so tired.” Phoenix let Miles lie back down. “I’m sorry if I kept you up all night.”
“I ab ahd you did.” Miles confirmed flatly. 
Miles just closed his eyes for a moment, only to be disturbed by something poking into his mouth. He made a soft grunt, dismissing it until that horrible beeping had him opening his eyes again. He watched a blurry figure resembling Phoenix walk outside his field of vision, only for the figure to return a few moments later. He felt something cold and damp rest on his forehead and flinched from the dramatic contrast in temperature. 
“Is it too cold?” Phoenix’s voice was muffled by Miles’s congestion-affected hearing. When Miles shook his head in response, Phoenix gave a sympathetic smile and gently adjusted the cool compress in place. He looked over at the doorway and spotted Athena and Apollo watching from outside the room. He mouthed something along the lines of ‘he’s resting.’
“I should apologize.” Miles said groggily. “The way I acted was terribly rude.”
“Hey, hey.” Phoenix shushed his husband softly. “You weren’t feeling like yourself this morning. Athena and Apollo aren’t strangers, and Trucy and I definitely know you wouldn’t act like that on a regular basis.” He kissed his warm cheek. “You were just a little cranky, is all.”
“That’s dot ad excuse.” Miles closed his eyes again. “It was udcalled for.”
"Mr. Edgeworth?" Athena couldn't help but speak up. "We accept your apology, but the boss is right. We know you don't always act like that."
"You were pretty rude." Apollo muttered just before Athena gave him a light nudge with her elbow. "But, uh," he scratched the back of his head, "we probably deserved it." 
Miles refused to have a serious discussion sounding like he did, so he yanked about five or six tissues from the end table tissue box. The amount seemed to be just enough by the time he was done. He checked the remaining contents of the box before tossing the used tissues in the trash bin.
“No one deserved the harsh words I used.” What Miles’s voice lost in congestion was made up for in hoarseness. “It wasn’t right.”
“You can’t be on model behavior all the time, hon.” Phoenix massaged Miles’s hand with his thumb. He noticed Miles starting to look annoyed again. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re too nice about this.” Miles grumbled. His mood wasn’t completely improved. He would come up with more excuses to wallow in excess guilt if he wasn’t so, so very tired. 
The next thing the trio of lawyers heard from him was one of his ‘world famous’ snores, as Phoenix jokingly described them when Miles wasn’t in the room. Miles was completely out cold when Trucy tiptoed in, intending on telling him the dishes were clean and put away. 
“Papa’s asleep?” Trucy whispered and Phoenix answered with a nod. “Don’t worry,” she directed her assurance to Apollo and Athena, “he’ll be in a better mood when he wakes up, I promise.”
. . .
     It was two in the afternoon when Miles finally woke up. All built up grumpiness washed away in his sleep and with a clear head, he felt as if he were in good enough shape to climb out of bed and see if his family needed anything. Just as he reached for his glasses, he found an envelope that wasn’t there before. It wasn’t sealed, so the card inside slid out easily into his hand. 
The card was handmade, covered in variations of ‘Thank You’ written in different colored pencils. It was easy to tell whose message was whose, especially Athena’s multilingual expressions of gratitude and Phoenix’s barely legible handwriting. Miles felt himself tear up a little, not noticing Phoenix and Trucy standing by the bedroom doorway.
“We thought you’d appreciate that.” Phoenix was holding a steaming mug of tea, likely made just recently. He either had very strong husband intuition or just planned on waking Miles up when it was ready. He took a couple tissues from the box on the end table to use as a makeshift coaster to set the mug down on. “You should also know our guests left today as promised.”
“Before they left, we all made that card.” Trucy had her hands behind her back. “It was Polly’s idea!” 
So Apollo was grateful after all. No, no. Miles wasn’t going to let himself fall back into that sort of attitude.
“We were going to make you soup but we didn’t know for sure if you would be hungry.” Phoenix handed the mug over to Miles, who accepted it gratefully. He watched Miles take a moment to inhale the steam with that smile he always had whenever Phoenix made him tea. There was a quality in Phoenix’s brews that Miles could never replicate no matter how hard he tried. “I’m glad to see you smiling again.”
“I think tea will suffice, thank you.” Miles’s voice was in worse shape than before. If this was how he sounded the first day into this cold, he wasn’t at all looking forward to the upcoming days that would surely go downhill from here. “I would hate to waste any of your cooking.”
“Oh yeah,” Phoenix chuckled nervously, “sorry about all that food you had to throw out. While you were sleeping, Trucy and I realized that must have bothered you a lot.” Indeed it did, as ashamed as Miles now felt for letting it get to him. 
“I accept your apology,” Miles took a sip from the mug, “if only because you make a wonderful cup of tea.” He laughed briefly, causing a vibrating sensation in his chest that made him need to cough. 
“Oh! Right!” Trucy presented what she had been hiding behind her back: a brand new jar of vapor rub. “We picked this up today! Do you want to put this on yourself or should Daddy do it?” 
“I think I can do this myself.” Miles set down the mug so he could take the jar. He had just started dating Phoenix when he first experienced the substance’s decongestant properties. Phoenix applied it the first few times, but Miles was never a fan of how Phoenix knew exactly what parts of his chest were ticklish. He did, however, like how Phoenix was not at all judgmental about his unfamiliarity with the product. 
“I did say you wouldn’t be lifting a finger.” Phoenix ruffled his husband’s hair. “I’m kidding, of course. Just know if there’s anything you need, you say the word and we’ll get it for you.”
“And I would like you to know,” Miles kissed Phoenix’s cheek, “if I’m too demanding, just tell me.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” 
Phoenix was just going to pretend he didn’t see Miles’s devilish smirk just then.
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future-justice · 4 years
Happy (Belated) Birthday to Sato!
Apollo sat on the couch. Another day, another lazy wait. Thumping could be heard from upstairs. Rushing down was his wife. “C’mon Apollo it’s time!” “Already?” “Yeah! Today could be the day we break through what’s keeping us here under the courthouse.” “You say that, but we’ve been here for what feels like centuries…” Shizuka looked at him annoyed as he wasn't as full of energy as he once was ever since the whole law team among everyone who works at this place was forced underground. “Well unlike you I still believe that we can get back out there. Maybe even you’ll figure it out.” “Nah, I couldn’t do that Justice.” They both laughed off the stupid joke and headed out the door. 
“You know, all we need to do is figure out who put us here and why. I think from there we can take down that weird barrier.” Sato confidently stated her fist in the air. “Well I usually just attack things head on without thinking, never forget your own case. I just had to bluff through the end there.” “Wright taught you well.” “Yeah, Wonder what ever happened to him and Trucy?” They talked on and on before reaching a wooden station.  “Alright I need to head the other way. Be safe okay Bunny.” Shizuka told the horn headed attorney usetobe, as they gave each other a kiss before she moved to the other side. 
Apollo Sat there all day thinking to himself. How did this happen? Why would they be put in this situation? And the kids? They were never put down here so where are they? All these thoughts rushed his head before he realized. “Oh...It’s today isn’t it?” He got up from his post and walked back to their house. He went into his room and pulled out a special unfinished present. “If the Wrights were still here I’m sure they would have helped me finish.” He thought to himself before he continued his work. Unfortunately he worked so hard that he had fallen asleep. 
Shizuka had walked back to Apollo’s post and found that he wasn’t there. She wasn’t just mad she was pissed. This isn’t the first time Apollo had gone off his post. She ranted to herself quietly as she stomped each foot to the places she knew that he liked to go too. Everyone around knew that one half of this power couple messed up, while the other was on their way to get to their just desserts.  Looking around she could tell Apollo had been at his places however not there himself. The walking undead girl was now looking more and more alive with anger before she ran home and bursted into Apollo's room, where she found him asleep at his desk and something else… 
Looking onto the desk where Apollo was face down dead asleep, was two things. A note, and what looked like figures made of paper mache. Looking at the Paper mache, most of it was completed. It was a finished Shizuka, an unfinished Apollo and their children who not only were completed but had unfinished versions of them as adults. How Apollo was able to keep this hidden is a mystery but she looked over to the note which too was mostly complete. 
It took awhile to get this done, but I finally did it! I started a few years after we were forced down here. I know how worried you’ve been about the kids since then, so I made this to give you something to think about. I do think they’re still out there so I made up some story on where they’re at right now! It’s not the first time I forged something after all. Still you fight to get everyone out it’s inspiring so take this as a thank you, birthday present mix from me.  Love Apo” Shizuka looked over to the sleeping horn headed husband of hers before she lifted him up and put him in his bed covering him and gave him another kiss. (( @twilightgirle I know it’s late! I had a hard time choosing what I should do for a story so have this undertale-like inspiered story of Apollo Sans and Sato Papyrus! I’ll try to make it on time next time!))
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EP3: Soulmates
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She’s his soulmate, alright, but he never figured out if he was hers.
The journey he shared with her had been.. challenging, and he’d oftentimes wonder how they made it this far. Before they started their relationship, she’s been really upfront with him and honest with her condition. She had been diagnosed at 17 with a syndrome that prevents her from bearing a child. It was hard to accept, at first, but eventually, his love prevailed.
It became a sensitive subject since then and both had been really careful not to tread on dangerous waters. He’s well aware how badly she wanted a child on her own, even before he came into the picture, and he had also imagined a miniature version of him around the house.
They managed to overcome this and ended up getting married. Her parents could only care less; her personality never allowed them to meddle in their affairs. His parents, on the other hand, were greatly involved and he had to cover up for her several times after the wedding.
Kailan kami magkaka-apo? His mom would always ask. He’d been hiding these questions from her, knowing that it would hurt her deeply. His family knew that she has a sensitive condition and bearing a child can be difficult; they just didn’t know that the chances are extremely low compared to what they initially thought.
Endless trips to different OB-GYN clinics had been made over the course of four years and he remained strong for her; she’s been reminded over and over of her lapses and he knows that she’s only doing him a favor.
Until one recent test shed some light.
They were told that they can try and she might be slightly fertile on certain days; on how it happened, no one knows, but they have to take advantage of the opportunity.
A few months later, two red lines appeared.
He’s really, really overjoyed, more for her than for himself. Myk knew that something had changed within his wife and her beautiful eyes became prettier, brighter… and more hopeful. He’d catch her humming in the morning while making him breakfast and she would even hug him at night, thinking he’s asleep, while muttering a soft thank you over and over again.
“Pinch me,” she asked him one morning. “Feel ko nananaginip lang ako.”
He then playfully pinched her plump cheeks. “Hindi,” he smiled at her back. “Totoo na ‘to.”
Work didn’t seem too heavy that day; now that he has a good reason to work for, Myk felt that everything had just gotten easier. He was about to head home when his phone rang.
“Sir,” the helper they hired temporarily called out his name in a hurry. “Sir, si Ma’am nasa ospital.”
A thousand buckets of cold water splashed over his shoulders. With a shaky voice, he asked for the address and drove as fast as he could. Please, please, he prayed several times over.
Please let her be okay.
Em’s pale face greeted him. They might have dodged a bullet, given the type of smile she gave him, but he knew that they have to be careful from now on. He caressed her face and asked about the situation. “We’re both safe,” his wife assured him. “Medyo mahina lang ang kapit nu’ng bata.”
They knew this day would come. Reaching her second month of pregnancy can already be considered a feat since they were warned beforehand: It might be dangerous for her. Her bodily hormones might not be enough to sustain the entire nine months. The doctor’s words echoed in his head and he’s reminded of her conviction.
Okay lang Doc, he remembered her gleeful answer. Kaya ko.
Before the deed was done, he also remembered convincing her countless times.
Sure ka?
Oo. Let’s do it.
Baka kung mapapaano ka lang niyan. ‘Wag na kaya, baby? Okay naman tayo.
She squeezed his hand. Sila Mami… she pertained to his family. Hindi okay na walang Seb. Or Dani. Em’s smile hurt a bit with the mention of their imaginary children. Kakayanin ko.
Seeing her lose all the colors on her face made him question their decision again.
“Anong nangyari?”
“Napagod yata ako,” she grinned. “I just tried feeding the cats.”
Feeding their little spawns from hell doesn’t require much energy and she’s already in the hospital. He can’t imagine how sensitive her situation can be once she gets past the first trimester. “Em..” He wanted her to know that he was serious by using her name. “Itutuloy pa?”
“Oo,” she answered, squeezing his hand once again. “Kaya ko.”
Her statement turned out to be the opposite after being confined again, in the hospital, two weeks later after the incident. This time, the helper didn’t call him, but Janica did. The situation’s way, way worse than he expected. His vision got blurry and suddenly, Myk couldn’t hear anything. He signed a form without reading it because everyone was urging him to.
All he could think about is his wife.
Janica’s slap brought him back to reality. “Bakit ka pumayag?” There were tears on her eyes.
Pumayag..? What did he sign? He didn’t know. Myk lost his senses for a while and even his memories of the last few minutes were scattered. His puzzled look prompted Em’s closest friend to continue talking. “Alam mo namang hindi nya kaya.”
“Gusto nya,” he breathed, wanting to defend their decision together. “Alam mo rin na gusto nya.”
“Ginawa nya ‘yun dahil sa’yo,” she accused him.
There’s no way he’d fight with her when his wife is in a critical condition, but he can’t afford to take all the blame. “Ano?”
“Walang araw na walang masakit sa kanya,” she said through gritted teeth and teary eyes. “Lahat sumasakit. Pangalawang buwan pa lang nya pero ‘yung nararamdaman nya pang-kabuwanan na. Nagvi-video call na lang kami para maaliw sya sa bahay kasi pati helper nyo tinataguan nya. Pero umiiyak sya sa’kin palagi,” he can’t even believe her words. “Sabi nya ang sakit-sakit na. Ni hindi sya makatayo pero pinipilit nya kada uuwi ka, kasi sabi nya.. kasi sabi nya..”
What did Em say? “Sabi nya ang saya-saya mo kahit ‘di mo sinasabi,” a tear finally fell. “Sabi nya sobrang proud mong itinawag sa nanay mo ‘yung balita. Para kang nabunutan ng tinik nu’ng nalaman nyo na buntis sya kaya kahit hindi nya kaya..”
He hoped that Janica would stop talking.
“Kinaya nya.”
Hours later, his wife was safely confined in a room and he was assured that she’s safe. The fetus, however, had to be immediately removed after he signed a form to avoid further complications. The small ovaries she once had were also taken away during surgery and she can never produce a child, regardless of the process involved.
Myk didn’t sleep for days. He was told that Em’s body had to recover from the severe pain she had endured for weeks and it will take her at least 3-7 days before waking up. A lot of people had visited him and extended their apologies.
He wondered why they did. If anyone should apologize, he thinks it’s him.
Em woke up on the fourth day. She opened her eyes before he did and a gentle tug from her fingers to his made him come to his senses. Neither of them spoke; they both knew that the loss was too much. His wife’s hands tried to cup his face lovingly, and she gently kissed his forehead.
“Don’t blame yourself,” she smiled sadly. “No one is at fault here.”
He broke down right there and then.
“Sorry,” he said between sobs. “Sorry ulit.”
“I know,” Em soothed his back. “Pasensya na rin.”
She asked for a few weeks off after being released from the hospital, and he gladly agreed. Em needed time for herself and he knew that… he just didn’t know that it would be indefinite. He had almost gotten used to the empty spot in their bed where she used to sleep. She would snore sometimes and he’d find it hard to sleep, but her face was so amusing that he turned it into a meme between them.
He should’ve been holding her, comforting her, telling her that it was okay. It wasn’t her fault, her shortcoming; both of them were to blame for risking it. If she was next to him, he would tell her it is okay, and he still feels complete even if there’s only the two of them for the rest of their lives. Their lives would be forever scarred with this incident, but it is only a single event that wouldn’t be able to define their entire marriage..
..would it?
His wife finally came home after two months. She looked healthier after the discharge, but her aura.. was different. Almost unrecognizable. Even his affection almost looked rejected. And forced.
“I want us to talk,” she told him. “I’ll cook dinner.”
Myk didn’t want the day to end. He almost wished that the clock at the office wouldn’t reach 5PM and if he could spend the night with his computer, he would. There’s just something in her voice that he wanted to avoid.
The papers she handed over confirmed this feeling.
He didn’t want to touch the envelope, even if it was only inches away from his reach. He stopped eating bistek, his favorite dish of hers, and he had never refused to eat this meal before. Myk didn’t even want to ask what kind of documents are being contained in the brown envelope.
“I.. talked to your Mom without you knowing,” she started. “I told her everything.”
He suddenly can’t breathe.
“She was quiet for a while, then she got mad, you know? The kind of mad I deserved. She didn’t say it, but she thinks that I tricked you into marrying me.”
That’s absurd.
“And I feel like I did,” she laughed emptily. “I forced you into a life you didn’t deserve.”
He wondered what made her think like this. Was it because of the toys he bought before they even knew the gender? Or maybe the times he spent talking to the imaginary bump she has around her stomach? What?
What forced her to have these ridiculous thoughts?
“Tama na,” he raised his hand. “Tulog na tayo. Ako na maghugas ng plato. Pahinga ka na.”
“Hindi,” he shook his head and stood up. Myk gathered all the plates, despite being full, and rushed them towards the sink. His tears were about to fall and he’s not letting her see him. “Bukas tayo mag-usap. Kakauwi mo lang galing probinsya. Pagod ka pa. Magpahinga ka na sa kwarto. Susunod ako.”
“Hindi ako umuwi.”
He froze where he stood. What?
“Hindi ako umuwi, Myk,” Em admitted. “Inasikaso ko ‘to.”
“Okay,” he sniffed. “Bukas natin i-discuss ‘yan —”
“ — kasi pagod na rin ako sa work —”
“ — mas okay ‘yung pag-uusap natin kung bukas —”
He turned around, slightly annoyed. “Ano?!”
“Tama na.”
Em slowly walked towards him and it felt like time passed by slower than it should be. Suddenly, he saw everything flash before him; the way she came to him every time she spotted him in the crowd, the way she beamed at him for bringing her favorite gummy bears, and how she looked ethereal under her veil on the day of their wedding.
She was the love of his life. Still is. His soulmate. No one could ever make him laugh like she does. He had never viewed anyone the way he sees her. Everything she does just makes him adore her more and he had never known love before her.
If she leaves.. what now?
“Em,” he hugged her tightly and desperately. “It’s just one time. We’ll still be okay. Wala lang ‘to. Pagsubok lang ‘to. Normal lang ‘to sa mag-asawa —”
His wife hugged him tighter, and once again, she said, “Myk..
.. tama na.”
He wept like a child that night.
0 notes
tgwltw · 7 years
I’d like to stay.
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Hi, thank you for sending in this request! I feel like this could have been better but this is how it ended up being. Close to 2k words though so it might be a little bit longer than what I normally would post but it’s alright. Anyways, I really do hope you enjoy this and hopefully I did fulfill in your prompt nicely (because this is such a great prompt too!).
PS: So I have this idea for a series that I really want to do for Peter / Spider-man but I have yet to sort out the details but once I do, I am definitely going to post it! Pretty excited to be attempting one.
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Some days, you wake up feeling like you are living in a nightmare and honestly, today, you feel like you might as well have been living in one. Sitting right across Peter, you notice that he has long since stopped listening to you talk about menial problems. You stop talking completely, wondering if Peter will notice but after a minute passes by and he didn’t, you could feel your heart cracking.
Perhaps, something like this should not really offend you much – it probably would not have, if you didn’t know the reason why Peter had stopped listening to you. So you turn around to follow his gaze and a small sigh leaves your lips when you realize that Peter is staring at none other than Liz Allen.
“Is that a new top?” Peter murmurs as he continues to gaze at Liz lovingly, longingly and it hurts because occasionally, you have worn new clothes too but Peter has never said anything nor has he ever paid attention to what you are wearing. Suddenly, your appetite is gone and you don’t even feel like eating anymore. You feel your heart breaking again. “Blue is such a good colour on her, don’t you think?”
Ned, being the best friend that he is, nods his head. “That top is old – but wearing it with jeans, that’s new.” Ned points out and sometimes, you don’t know why you even do this to yourself. You try to smile when Ned glances at you, finally realizing that you have stopped talking. “Oh, sorry, Y/N.”
As if realizing that you are there, Peter shakes his head and drags his gaze away from Liz to you. He gives you a grin. “Hey, Y/N.” You don’t know what’s worse – the fact that you have been sitting there the entire time, talking with Peter and Ned or the fact that Peter has only just noticed you. “Uh, sorry – did you, I am so sorry – I wasn’t listening. What were you talking about earlier?” He asks you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he stares at you.
Sometimes you don’t even know why you still continue to like him. Peter Parker has never given you any glance – he has always had his eyes on Liz Allen. You knew that, everyone knows that – Liz also probably also know that. You are hurting yourself more by holding on to this crush of yours. Never once have the thought of you hurting any worse could ever cross your mind but hearing Peter Parker talk about Liz Allen right in front of you completely breaks your heart.
Tears well up in your eyes and you swallow the sudden lump that appear in your throat. You shake your head at him and stand up, surprising both Ned and Peter. They share a glance with each other and you pick up your tray. “I – I just remembered I have something to do. Sorry.” You couldn’t face him – you can’t look at Peter and you really can’t take Peter looking at you without actually seeing you. So you leave the table immediately, not even bothering to stay to listen to any of their replies – right now, you don’t want anyone especially not the two of them to see you crying.
Peter frowns as his eyes follow your retreating figure. He keeps his eyes on you and sighs before turning to look at Ned. “I think I’m going to head to class first.” He tells his best friend and Ned frowns, glancing at his own tray. Peter gives his friend a small smile, nudging him lightly. “You can eat, you know. I’m just going to head to class first.” He informs Ned before picking up his own tray and bringing it over to the Tray station.
Peter quickly tries to chase after you because he honestly feels really bad for not listening to you. He had been listening to you initially but he couldn’t multi-task well enough the moment Liz walked in with her group of friends. To be quite honest, Peter doesn’t really think he likes Liz as much as everyone believes him to – he appreciates her beauty and might even adore her kindness but that’s the extent to it. Peter sighs in disappointment when he can’t find you at your locker either.
“Maybe I should just text her tonight.” Peter mutters to himself when by the time the bell rang, you are still nowhere to be found. His body is tense and he can feel his chest tightening with something but he shakes his head. You probably still have something to do and might even show up late to class but even as Peter sits in class, he notices that as the time ticks by and the day slowly comes to an end, he realizes that you never really showed up to class at all. The text messages that he had sent to you remain unanswered too.
“Hey, May.” Peter walks in to the apartment and May looks up from her work, greeting him with a smile. Peter can’t even bring himself to return her smile. His heart is hurting and he is just feeling absolutely confused right now, wondering if he had done something wrong.
Noticing the dilemma Peter seems to be in, May approaches her nephew. “Are you alright, Peter?” She asks softly, pressing her palm on his forehead. “You aren’t hot – so you’re definitely not sick.” She drops her hand from his forehead and Peter shakes his head.
“It’s not that – I’m fine, May.” Peter assures his aunt and May frowns as she looks at him suspiciously. Peter looks at his aunt, holding her gaze for a few seconds before sighing, admitting defeat. “I think I must have hurt my friend?”
May raises one of her eyebrows. “Is that a question or a statement, Peter Parker?”
“I feel like I might have hurt my friend. She hasn’t replied any of my texts and I didn’t even see her at all after break today and we were supposed to go over to Ned’s for a movie marathon and she didn’t show up either.” Peter blurts out and May stares at her nephew in surprise.
This is the first time Peter has ever told her anything about this friend of his and judging by the concerned expression Peter has on his face, May realizes that you must mean something more to him than just a friend. “Do you like her?” Instead of beating around the bush, May just goes straight to the point.
Peter blinks a couple of time as he stares at his aunt. “Wha – What? What do you mean?” Peter tries to play it off but when May looks at him expectantly, Peter can’t help but nod his head. “Maybe I do have some feelings for her.” Peter admits and right after he says it, he realizes how much he actually really likes you. He lets out a groan when he realizes what he had been doing prior to you leaving the table earlier. “What am I going to do, May?”
May frowns. “Well, you need to tell me the entire story first because I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s been going on.” She pulls Peter in to the apartment and Peter relents. How can he literally be one of the smartest person in school and yet still be one of the dumbest one there is? “Okay, tell me.”
You glance at the mirror you have placed in your locker and wince at how puffy your eyes look like – you had cried yourself to sleep yesterday and by the time you woke up, you didn’t feel like answering any of Peter’s texts or calls nor did you show up for the movie marathon at Ned’s place. You really didn’t feel like seeing him at all.
You hear someone clearing their throat beside you and you frown before you pull back from your locker, closing the door and that’s when you notice the hushed, excited whispers. You are greeted with Peter Parker standing in front of you with a bouquet of roses and a very nervous expression on his face. “What – what’s the meaning of this?” You dare not hope that the roses are for you.
Peter swallows and he glances at you – now that he is well aware of his feelings for you, Peter suddenly feels shy under your watchful gaze. He takes note that your eyes are a little bit puffier this morning and he wonders briefly if you had been crying the entire night and he feels guiltier than he had been before but that’s why he is here with these roses.
“I want to apo – apologize for you know, yesterday and I,” Peter gulps and stares at you. “These roses are you – I mean, they are for you and I am sorry for yesterday and I like you a whole lot and I regret what I did yesterday and – “ Peter would have continued to ramble on and on if you hadn’t stop him by placing your hand over his mouth.
With your heart racing against your chest, you slowly pull your hand over his mouth. “C-Can you repeat what you have just said?” Your eyes are wide in disbelief – did you really hear that correctly? Did Peter say he likes you a whole lot.
Peter stares at you before nodding his head slowly. “These flowers are for you.” He hands them over and you accept it, taking a whiff of the lovely smell. “I just want to apologize for my actions yesterday and I regret what I did yesterday too and are your – are your eyes swollen because you have been crying?” Peter asks as he lifts one of his hands up to your face, cupping cheek and your face flushes red.
“You forgot something else.” You murmur – right at that moment, you can’t even hear your own voice because of how loud your heart is beating in your ears. Peter stares at you and tilts his head to the side. “You said… You said you liked me a whole lot.” You repeat his earlier words. You see Peter gulping as he stares at you. “Is – Is that true, Peter?”
Peter drops his hand from your face – you already miss the warmth that came from his hand – and he slowly nods his head again. “Yeah – I like you a lot, Y/N and I am sorry it took me a while to realize – “
This time around you cut Peter off by throwing your arms around him laughing with relief. “I like you a whole lot too, Peter!” You exclaim, not caring that everyone is literally staring at the both of you right now – by the time the classes start, everyone’s probably going to know about this thing between Peter and you.
You could tell that Peter is momentarily taken aback by your confession but the moment it sinks, Peter pulls you to him, wrapping his arms tightly around you before leaning back to smile at you. You grin up at him and Peter leans down to give you a short, sweet kiss.
“Alright, lovebirds – break it up.” Ned groans as he walks by and Peter pulls away, blushing furiously and you laugh in to his shoulder at Ned’s words. “We are going to be late for class. The bell rang a few minutes ago.” He tells the both of you with a deadpan expression and Peter laughs before releasing his hold on you. He takes your hand instead and pulls you in the direction of class.
“Come on, Ned!”
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shslshortie · 7 years
But yes, unnecessary companion piece to last large rant.
My interests are wide and varied. I get into things very hard core, and what is sad, is that usually my friends/people with similar interests usually only cross over into 2-4 categories, and almost never even all of those sub categories.
And just because 1 thing I like seems completely opposite or unrelated to the other, doesn't mean I am less of a fan or less passionate about anything else.
Anime/manga, subcategories
Sports anime
Psychological thrillers
Popular shonen-style, adventure or fantasy anime
Finding new anime of all sorts of random genres, including shojo, variety, and others.
Also under this category: super hero and comic books/web comics since I like them, but am no where near the fandom for any, and are a very minor interest compared to others.
Football: see college and NFL football. I also play flag and powderpuff
Baseball: mostly MLB, but holy FUCK the dodgers are in the world series and I can't shut up about baseball. I also played for 6 years in an all male league.
Hockey: I live with a Canadian. I also went to the Stanly cup playoffs in May. Out of my "favorite", "professional" sports, I know the least about it, but I still love watching and have MY team, as well as other teams I respect and root for.
Basketball: I'm not a huge fan, but i have my teams, and I am very excited for our college basketball season because games are free and we are ranked for the first time since the 90s
Figure skating: see last post. I've literally watched figure skating since I was 8-9. I know way more about the sport than I let on, ever try to explain to anyone.
I just fucking love sports??? Like once the Olympics come around, that will be all I ever talk about. God help me for 2020 with the summer Olympics.
Color guard: I have done it for 7 years, I use it as my pageant talent, I choreograph constantly and I still keep up with wgi and dci. Plus, if I end up working as a counselor in the future, I will probably also work with my schools color guard.
Music: I did choir for fucking ever. I was in a band. I was also in band/orchestra. I know how to read music, I've judged festivals. I still perform a lot. Don't even get me started on my music listening choices.
Dance: I choreograph so fucking much. I'm not the best, but I still do it a lot and I am in awe of other choreography and can watch dance videos for hours.
Theatre/musical theatre: Jesus h Christ I am literally in a theatre honor society. I perform every month. I watch shows almost every week. I pay to see shows almost Every week. I do auctions. I read plays. I listen to hella Broadway.
I compete in pageants.
Not very seriously, and I've only won one, but I will defend the miss America organization on my death bed.
I have won scholarships and it has encouraged me to be healthy and I have had an amazing time even when I haven't won.
I've improved interview skills and public speaking
I've done more volunteering and figured out my own passions
Like it literally directed me towards my major in social work and why I want to work at a children's hospital.
Plus I like getting dressed up and crowns, okay?
Hair and makeup:
One of my favorite things I do every day is my hair and makeup
I love high end makeup even though I haven't bought any in a HOT MINUTE cuz I'm poor
I teach other people how to do their hair and makeup, and I do it for photography and modeling on other people.
I have a Look™, and I swear to god if I don't win Best Hair at Alphies for APO I will riot.
LGBTQ issues:
Guess what? I'm a queer woman
I care about advocacy and lgbtq issues and rights
I help advocate for HIV and aids research
I'm fucking woke and talk your ear off about invlusivity and intersectinality.
I hate having to explain that just because I am high femme doesn't mean that I'm not queer
I also HATE having to distinguish between being "fake gay" (not having been with a girl) and being a real bi/pan/queer/not straight person because I have been in relationships with multiple genders.
Ru Paul:
Okay I fucking love rupaul. It's the only reality show I watch.
If I could be a bio queen, I fucking would.
I go to our local gay bar and support our queens almost every week
I help my friend Eve get their costumes and music and choreography together for their drag.
I geek out about queens like Katya or Alaska of Evah destruction than any other celebrity.
I could probably do like 3 Unhhhh episodes by heart.
Crafting and art:
Y'all I'm fucking extra. I make a lot of fucking crafts.
I love glitter
I paint a lot and my hot glue gun is my son.
I also draw but not as much as I would like
I also write but not as much as I like
I'm also a journalism minor FYI, so I write more than fanfiction and creative shit.
There's probably more and I might edit this, but Jesus Christ, just because I look a certain way, or act a certain way, or have multiple polarizing interests, doesn't mean that I don't like anything any less. I'm not posing as a fake fan. I'm not lying. I'm not making things up to impress people. I just genuinely love a lot of things and have a lot of passionate interests.
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noheroes-allowed · 5 years
officially got rejected today. laid in bed finishing my 4740 project and my other group members don’t even know the amount of effort I put in. it’s fine though. they didn’t purposefully slack off or anything. I just have unusually high standards I suppose and can’t function in groups.
other news. today was the segc social. maya definitely likes keith. hahahahahahaa she literally got up halfway through and went to sit on the other side of the table to be next to him. this girl jesus. I sat next to her bc there was only one seat left and was like oh you’re maya right. which I only know from stalking her fb. and she was like yeah and you’re lucy right and went back to talking to mahdia lmao. I talked to chloe and sergio and xavier though. and it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. we were talking so much that everyone else on the other side finished their food and we weren’t done at all. also when we were ordering it skipped all the way down to me without me knowing. and I was like wait what. and then the waitress came down and sergio was like wait what. and then spent so long picking his dinner. like she went and got everyone else’s. and came back and he still wasn’t ready. and then collected everyone’s menus and he finally settled on something. and when chloe came in the waitress came back and asked her. and she was also panicked. idk I think it’s funny how we all went through that. on our way out keith was like I felt so far away from you guys. directed mainly at xavier. and I was like you missed our game.
secret santa was also really cute. we went around and said clues for what we bought and I guessed phyllis bc she said decor. she got me the hanging picture thing. and a plant. when everyone went around via was like oh you’re holding the present in your hand. and phyllis was like no this plant is for me. but then she was like plot twist! this is for you. and I was the surprised pikachu meme. it was so cute. ahhhhhh. also like mahdia knew what I got her and I knew what phyllis got me bc we all made wishlists. but wow I did not expect to be so happy opening it. and I talked to mahdia after and she was so happy to get my gift too. gifts are so nice. so weird
when we were walking after dinner the group got split up. bc half of us was waiting for xavier. we saw a party bus on the way and jokingly said we should just say it was ours and get on. but then xavier was like no wait lemme ask if we can take a pic inside. and we did lmao. and then I was talking to keith going upstairs and I told him he missed it. he was wearing his athletic jacket from high school and idk if it was his jacket or what but his shoulders looked hella good today. fuuuuck. maybe I never paid attention but also maybe it was the jacket. when thomas said his gift was $40 and keith and I both mouthed 40 and looked at each other. I went to the bathroom and opened the door to him. lmao I’m lame but at least I know it.
we played the voting game and I got first in line for hell. which I love. lucy is short for lucifer. also people said I was mysterious. also that I would be from the future. also dhanush was like the funny thing is and said a spiel about trivia and then I was like wow that was so funny sarcastically and everyone laughed. making fun on dhanush is easy. damn I miss our invested team. on our way out dhanush was like lucy is wrecking me today but I know she has a soft spot for me. which is true in a way. like I wouldn’t make fun of him if I didn’t know him enough. but then I said sungjae was my favorite. he’s so unproblematic and soft.
I’m really glad I went today. sergio is cool. I wanna hang out with him more. chloe is cool too. I wanna be friends with them and xavier and sungjae and phyllis and thomas. he’s so funny. and keith oops. although I feel like I could actually really like phyllis and thomas and sergio. there was a post semester survey and I think I answered those three for the people I wanna get to know better. I didn’t put keith bc I didn’t wanna expose myself even though only the presidents probably see the survey. but now I genuinely have those three as my answers. and tbh anyone there today was chill. like why did I waste so much time. I could’ve like tried talking to people more. watch me next semester though forget this feeling. and have that irrational anxiety around these people again.
I’m happy I went. I’m happy I stayed even when a huge group of people left after secret santa. accidentally fell asleep and woke up at 6:40 and then stayed in bed for another 10 minutes debating if I should just not go. bc getting ready and walking would take 30 min and sometimes showing up late sucks more than not going at all. but I did it. I took a bus and was only 15 minutes late. I think it was a blessing in disguise when there was only one seat left and it was at xavier’s end. even though initially I was like oh keith is on the complete other end of the table. like in my row and furthest from me where I couldn’t even glance at him if I wanted to since he was too far to talk to. but it’s ok. sergio and chloe and xavier made up for it.
when we were leaving xavier was like lucy you should talk more during g-body. aw. I will try I guess. I hope so. also I need to go to secon next sem. bc I definitely missed out on bonding last year bc I didn’t go.
yesterday keith and I talked before class. and it was fun. he asked about my project and I asked about his. he said that apparently his guy thought they weren’t working on the project and sent an email like yeah this semester was a failure. apparently a bit nicer but still. I thought it was mean. and I asked him about his finals. and then this dude like heard him talking about public finance and interrupted. and then he was like wait sorry what was your question. cutie. I love when he turns around to talk to me. bc he could just talk to his friend sitting next to him but he turns around and talks to me and includes me in the conversation sometimes even when I don’t even really know his friend. he asked me what I’m doing next summer. and oof. I was like don’t ask me that question. he asked me if I was doing anything over break. he’s going to florida to visit family. I’m getting my wisdom teeth out. he did it summer after freshman year. his friend is gonna be in sab fran. I said I had family there and visited last summer. we talked about the masters presentations. and I said one of them was sloppy and kind of annoying. I asked him when his last day was. his last final might be the 17th but I don’t remember. I said mine was the 16th but I’m leaving the 21st. and he was like oh that’ll be a chill few days then. but I’m picking up shifts for work. oh that’ll be a profitable few days then. I asked if he was gonna be on my project team next sem. and he was like will you have a good project. but it would be fun. more fun than the other ones. I do not know for sure if I heard the last part right but if he did. damn son
also I felt bad when I walked in late and they were like lucy! and I saw keith turn a little to wave at me but I was like too anxious and trying to figure out where to go and didn’t like say hi to him. sad. I asked him yesterday if he was going today. he said he was going to dinner but had to leave kinda early afterwards. he said he wanted to sleep. which sad. why didn’t he stay longer. I wish he was there for the voting game.
hahahaha last semester I wanted to ask keith to go to an apo fellowship with me. but I didn’t wanna expose myself. but it’s the end of the semester again and I wanna hang out with him again. oof this time I don’t even have anything to ask him to do with me. I just wanna hang out and eat lunch or something
0 notes
jae-bummer · 8 years
Just Tipsy
Request: got7 youngjae with 3 + 13 please! ~💚
3) “You should learn to lie better.”
13) Your bias sneaks into your window
Member: Got7′s Youngjae x Y/N x (ft. Jinyoung)
Type: Fluff
You brushed at your teeth vigorously, letting toothpaste drip from either side of your mouth as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was pushed back with an animal themed headband and a thick face mask sat atop your skin, eradicating any black heads that had managed to nest in your pores since the last face washing. You hummed to yourself as you brushed, turning up the sound of your music as you bounced around in front of the mirror. 
After another minty filled solo, you spit into the sink for the dozenth time and finally began to rinse. You grabbed the mouthwash, beginning to gargle, when a loud noise caught you off guard. For a moment, you thought you were dying. The mouthwash had begun to slide down your throat at the appearance of the surprising sound. You immediately launched forward, spluttering into the porcelain, and looked up to your reflection with wide eyes. 
“What the hell?” you whispered, wincing and straining your ears in an attempt to focus. Another loud bang, followed by a crashing of what sounded to be a clay pot radiated from your bedroom and down the hall. 
“Maybe it’s the cat,” you hummed to yourself, biting you lip. Your eyes quickly swept the room, eying anything that could be used as a weapon. You tentatively picked up the plunger, eying it with hesitation. “Well...this should be okay.”
You slowly approached the door of the bathroom and peaked out into the hallway. Your window was indeed open and there did seem to be someone attempting to get into it. You noted the broken potted plants scattered across the hardwood floor, dislodged from their place on your window sill. You jumped back into the bathroom, pressing yourself flat against the door. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” you hissed. You immediately reached for your phone, your fingers pounding the emergency number. Just as your thumb hovered over the launch call button, you heard a gasp from your bedroom. 
“LAAaaarrrry!” the voice hiccuped, deep and slurred. You shook your  head, peaking around the corner again to see your next door neighbor, Choi Youngjae, pulling himself face first through the window and toward your cat. 
“Youngjae?” you whispered, the plunger plopping at your feet as you rounded the corner and moved toward your room. “What the hell?” 
Youngjae looked up at you with wide eyes as he slid the rest of the way through your window and landed with a thud. “Y/N...what are you doing in my apartment?”
You stood still for a moment, blinking slowly as you tried to process the situation. “What am I doing in...your apartment?” You looked around slowly, noting your bed, your desk, and your cat. 
“And what is Larrrrry doing in my apartment?” he hiccuped, a breathy laugh escaping his lips. You nodded in sudden understanding. 
He was drunk. 
Youngjae pulled himself up, yanked off his shoes, and reached out with wobbly arms to Larry, who up until this point seemed fairly disinterested in the scene before him. You watched in shock as Youngjae sat shoeless in the middle of broken pots and discarded plants, cooing at your cat. His hair was disheveled, hanging in his eyes in pointed tendrils. There were dark circles beneath his usually bright eyes and he hiccuped as he spoke. His clothes hung loosely from his body, having given up their attempt to properly sit on the boy’s frame. 
“Are you drunk?” you asked cautiously, coming closer to the young man before you. “You realize your apartment is next door right?”
“I’m not drunk,” Youngjae giggled, continuing to reach out for Larry. 
“Youngjae,” you clucked, shaking your head and crouching down to be eye level with him. “You should learn to lie better.”
“I’m...I’m only a little tipsy. That’s what Mark told me to say if Jinyoung-hyung caught us. Is he here too?” he said, his eyes wide as he looked around the room. 
“Why would Jinyoung be in my apartment?” you questioned. 
“Because he’s waiting up for us!” Youngjae gasped as if the answer were obvious. “Jinyoung said that we could only go out if Mark took care of me and BamBam...but Bam drank one bottle of soju and Jackson had to take him home because he fell asleep on the pool table.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples and suddenly realized you still had your blackhead mask on. “Hold on a second.”
You shuffled back to the bathroom, peeled the mask from your skin, and rubbed a light lotion over the now irritated flesh. You tugged the headband from your hair and shook it out, reassessing yourself in the mirror. This would have to do for now. 
You left the bathroom again, rejoining Youngjae as he had finally gotten ahold of the now complaining Larry. His hands ran softly over the cat’s fur, quietly whispering to the animal in what sounded like broken English. 
“What are you saying?” you groaned, plopping down in front of him again. 
“I’m talking to him in English, because that’s your first language,” Youngjae whispered without looking up. “I’m better at English when I’m drunk.” He immediately looked up with wide eyes again. “But uh..I’m not drunk, only tipsy. Please don’t tell JInyoung.”
You chuckled, nodding at him as he glanced up with pleading eyes. The helpless expression quickly turned to confusion before he pressed his fingertips lightly to your cheek. “Where did your lizard skin go?” he whispered innocently. 
“Ex...excuse me?” you choked, pulling your face away from Youngjae’s hand. 
“The little flaky black stuff that was just on your face,” he said, his eyebrows raised. “It’s all gone!”
“That was a face mask for blackheads,” you grumbled, shaking your head as you stood. You looked down at him and set your hands on your hips. “At night before bed I-” you shook your head again, realizing there was no reason in a situation like this. “We need to get you home.”
“I am-”
“YOUR home Youngjae, not the incorrect window,” you sighed. You leaned over, gripping Youngjae beneath the arms as you attempted to lift him up, but he completely went limp. He had become a wiggling bundle of ramen in your arms.
“That tickles!” he gasped, flopping around until you released him back to the floor. The noise frightened Larry, causing him to take shelter beneath the bed. The disappearance of the cat caused Youngjae to groan, lean backward, and slam against the floor. 
“Ow,” he groaned, rubbing a hand underneath the back of his head. He looked up at you and sighed. “I like you with this skin more. You’re very pretty as a human, Y/N.”
You looked around the room quickly, confirming that you were the only one in it actually named Y/N. 
“I - uh...thanks?” you stuttered. This whole situation was like a bizarre dream you wished you could wake up from.
“You’re welcome,” he whispered, his lids heavy as he continued to lay on the floor. 
“How much did you have to drink, Youngjae?” you sighed, crossing your arms. You were unsure of how to act at this point and figured maybe if you could receive a bit more context to the situation, you could reach a decision on what to do. 
“Four...five...” he began, but trailed as he looked at his fingers hovering before his face. 
“Five beers?” you asked, tilting your head. You had been drinking with the Got7 boys on only a few occasions, a friendly outing between neighbors. You knew Youngjae preferred beer to soju, so surely he couldn’t have drank that much. 
“Five pitchers,” Youngjae nodded, letting out a burp that nearly turned into vomit. 
You groaned, leaning your head back to look at the ceiling. “I’m going to get you a piece of bread and some coffee. Then I’ll get you back to your apartment.”
“But that was my window,” Youngjae whined, pointing up to your window sill from his laying position. 
“Okay Youngjae,” you sighed, dragging yourself from the room. 
After a quick attempt at instant coffee and some toast with jam, you returned to your bedroom to find Youngjae passed out and still on the floor. A light snoring had begun to escape from his handsome lips. 
“Of course,” you sighed, shaking your head. You bit your lip as you looked down to Larry who had once again emerged to more closely survey Youngjae’s snores. “What do you think Larry? Should we let him sleep it off?”
Larry looked up at you, then back to Youngjae. He proceeded to lick his chops before sauntering away and hopping onto your bed. 
“I think so too.”
Your knock was heavy on the door to the apartment housing Got6. After a few rounds of heavy banging, you finally heard shuffling on the opposite side of the wood. The door sprang open, revealing a sleepy and haphazardly dressed Jinyoung, completely unamused. 
“Not to be rude,” Jinyoung sighed, rubbing a palm over his tired eyes. “But do you have any idea what time it is?”
“I believe I have something that belongs to you,” you muttered, motioning for Jinyoung to follow you. 
“What does that mean? It couldn’t have waited until morning?” Jinyoung croaked, pulling his door closed behind him as he followed you down the hall. “I know we’re neighbors, but are we really close enough for you to be inviting me into your home at strange hours?”
“I don’t know. Are we close enough for Youngjae to come through my window at strange hours?” you sighed, entering your apartment, and motioning to the end of the hall where you could both very vividly see a snoring Youngjae, now drooling on the floor. 
“Oh for Christ’s sake,” JInyoung muttered, pressing his fingers against his temple and beginning to rub. “I told them, if they were going to drink, don’t wake me up. I didn’t expect for them to end up going through the wrong window again. How many of them are here?”
“Alright, first of all,” you said, your eyebrows furrowed as your mind quickly became lost in thought. “Again? This has happened before? With more of them than just Youngjae?”
“BamBam and Yugyeom ended up in the elderly couple’s apartment on the opposite side of us a couple of months ago,” Jinyoung sighed. “Cleaning up Yugyeom’s vomit while constantly apologizing to a woman my grandmother’s age was not the ideal way to spend an evening.” 
“And Youngjae?” you asked, lifting your brows. 
“He’s usually a very happy or a very emotional drunk,” Jinyoung nodded. “I can usually find him sobbing on the doorstep before three a.m. I guess he thought he was going to try and be sneaky like his other stupid members and take the window. The only ones who can ever figure it out are Jaebum and Mark...I don’t know why the others even bother.”
You let out a chuckle, shaking your head as Larry began to kneed on Youngjae’s chest. “Let’s get him back home.”
Jinyoung nodded, taking short steps down the hall in his slippers, and immediately leaned over to grip Youngjae.  
“Yah!” Youngjae gasped, launching awake and pushing away from Jinyoung. He blinked slowly, trying to focus on the older member while simultaneously trying to wake up. “JIn...jinyoung hyung?”
“Jinyoung hyung,” Jinyoung nodded solemnly. “Youngjae, do you know where you are?”
Youngjae looked around slowly, making eye contact with you before surveying the room around him. “Um...not where I’m supposed to be?”
“Very good,” Jinyoung nodded, rubbing a hand over his tired face. “And where are you supposed to be?”
“At...at our dorm,” Youngjae whispered, looking down. His cheeks were bright red with embaressment. As he looked up again, tear marks stained his cheeks. 
“Aish, it’s okay,” Jinyoung sighed, placing a firm hand on Youngjae’s shoulder. He patted the boy lightly. “Don’t cry, I know you’re tired.”
“I’m...I’m not drunk,” Youngjae said begrudgingly through sobs. “Mark hyung said I’m not drunk. I’m tipsy.”
“Of course you are buddy,” Jinyoung nodded, leading Youngjae from your room. He turned, smiling sadly to you before speaking again. “We’ll be by tomorrow to clean up and repot your plants...thanks for not calling the police.”
“The police are coming?” Youngjae gasped, spinning to look at you. “Is it because someone broke your plants?”
“’Someone’ would be you,” Jinyoung nodded. “And no, because ‘someone’ broke into her home.”
Youngjae gasped, bringing his hand to his mouth. “We have to protect Larry.”
“Larry has claws, he can protect himself,” Jinyoung cooed, continuing to make forward motion out of your apartment. “We’ll see you tomorrow Y/N. Youngjae, tell Y/N you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” Youngjae repeated with little interest. “And I’ll keep your secret.”
JInyoung furrowed his brows as he looked between the two of you. You shrugged, just as confused as he was at Youngjae’s statement. “Secret?”
“She’s actually a lizard woman,” Youngjae nodded seriously. “But I told her how pretty she is as a human, so that took care of that.” 
Jinyoung rolled his eyes, opened your front door, and shoved Youngjae out. “Thank you and goodnight.” 
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cheapcookiez · 8 years
ah hm..okay it’s a recurrent question . i will tell u exactly how i did and from now, everytime i will get this question, i will give them this huge honest answer °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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i found it while assembling a lot of things i saw during my life.my art style is like a mr potato. waitin’ to see their holes filled out with new ideas.  
i think i can show you some of my researchs.my sketchbooks and even tell u how works mah mind .
 If u want to find an art style, please learn how to understand yourself  before. your art represents yourself. if you’re not clear in your mind. you won’t be clear on the paper.
(⌒▽⌒)☆ So let’s begin
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 
It’s very a big  answer so be ready to click on “keep reading”: 
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( ´ ▽ ` )ノ when i’ve started to draw 4 or well almost 5 years ago. everything was confused in mah mind. The most difficult was to begin. so i started with drawing in a manga style…i drew a lot AND a lot.i was copying entire pages of Tales of symphonia. (my favorite manga and video game).that’s where the passion for fan art started. a good beginning full of passion!
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Since that i’ve been moar receptive to some kind of manga. chibi round style was my favorite. magical doremi took a big place in mah kokoro.
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The next drawing you’ll see was the beginning of my new art style. and i deeply knew it in mah bones. i was not expecting to draw this.i think it was only luck.
that was …a strange feel. like i was enjoyin’ it so much that i could draw it every.single.day. 
That was not exceptionnal. but i felt like nobody could draw like that. except me.(there is the over confidence part of a art newbie. follow this feel like it was your last chance.u need to not give up.u did the most difficult part so far! follow your intuition ! this little rainbow in your mind ! )
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i kept drawing. again. and again. for months and  freakin’ months. 
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i was certainly inspired of tim burton for the chibis and the headshots, if my memory doesn’t say shit,the artist is reapersun.
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I was at a point i knew i had to take risks. It’s when, i accepted requests from ppl on deviantart . I couldn’t work alone. so i accepted everything. 
 Even miku hatsune dancing the gangnam style. 」( ̄▽ ̄」)
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i was also on a french forum, and ppl were giving meh a lot of reviews. that was helpful and that’s when i understood i needed a community for progressin’. compliments,opinions,reviews. YOU NEED THAT. accept them and shut your mouth. they’re right. put your pride somewhere else. and accept to see ppl better than you at something.〔´∇`〕
At some points, i was also giving reviews. that was huge. like 3 or 4 open office pages for a small drawing.it took me hours but it’s important to kno’ how to give a review to somewahn bc that makes u think about their art and yours as well. training ur eyes to spot the mistakes.
i was drawing a lot of fan arts of their characters. They were only potato/egg-characters. that helped me to find a digital color style when i bought my first tablet.
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btw,i waited 1 year and half before buying mah smol wacom. I prefered to keep practicing on paper. if you can’t draw properly on paper. digital won’t help u. it’s not a magic trick that makes ppl talented. ≡(*′▽`)っ
i have way moar respect for traditionnal artists. sooo much respect.u don’t even kno’.
(then…at this point, i was drawing for almost 2 years i thiiink.)
that’s when i started to extrapolate EVERYTHING. Colors, anatomy,expressions .( Everythin’ i ‘m drawing during this kind of practice period is wrong. extremely wrong and full of mistakes. But i have to do this bc i put so much energy into mah artworks that i can’t think properly until i’m mentally exhausted. (it’s completely personal,but i need to be broken af for understanding how pitiful i am and finaaally letting myself learning something new. ) )
so,when i’m completely exhausted(it’s a very heartful moment,like a huge art block),i leave my artworks in a corner,i don’t touch it for hours,days,weeks or sometimes months.nobody can touch it .except me and i analyze and re analyze them until i completely hate what i do bc i found all the mistakes. 
At this moment, i’m ready for experimenting again, learn from my mistakes and move on.
Sometimes we need to take risks and get out of our comfort zone !!! just.fuckin. DO IT. it’s toxic to stay in our comfort zone for too long . 8;A;8
An exemple of extrapolated drawing: Too much colors, too big arms / legs, too shiny,too weird and unlogical.We can’t understand. but whatever. it’s the beginning of something new! 
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as smol addition to what i’ve said before, this is at this moment i can figure out my real problems .it’s only when i’m emotionallynot attached to mah art anymoar that i can finally produce something new .
However, i don’t personally give a fuck to tutorials,i’m too lazy for that. i have to discover everythin’ by mahself. (but this. it’s misplaced pride. so don’t do that .plz.learn from the others ,you won’t lose time like meh.)
Also.if u want to find ur art style , u need to not forget ur art references.  ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
 create your own influence map !
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i worship mainly  two gorgeous artists :
Ephyse and C2ndyAc1d:
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NEVER FORGET WHERE U COME FROM. NEVER DENY IT .it’s your past. it’s as important as your future.it’s a part of your artistic identity. OAO
no joke, it’s absolutely essential. thanks them for their hard work. it’s thanks to them if you’ve discovered your own art as well.
O(≧∇≦)O and now ,if i show u mah art, can u spot the references? : 
anatomy ,candy’ :
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colors,ephyse  :
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After that. if u think you’re done…. u r eeextremely wrong. It’s where ppl usually stop.don’t do that. i kno’ so many artists who stopped right there. It’s bad bc they have SO MUCH potential.
“ What ppl see is not what i really do”.it’s a very personal phrase i keep in my heart. when i show somethin’ ‘’new’’ on internet or to my friends,in fact, it’s old for me. i’m already workin’ on something else in my corner. Bc do u remember waht i said before? that takes sometimes months to let ppl see my real art.
the practice NEVER ends. like neveh.  ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
put your pride somewhere else,it’s time to get back on the practice train.
here is asumiko nakamiro,one of my favorite artists as well. i love the anatomy of her characters. such lovely art style.
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well, it’s awful,but it’s time to get inspired again.
//cries// Now u see how shitty u can be HmmMMm. a new challenge accepted.
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And i have A TON of sketchbooks full of awful sketches that i will never show to anyone.
Not everythin’ is on my table,i have waaaay more sketchbooks and it’s only traditional but there is certainly 2 years of practice in front of you. Don’t need to tell u but everythin’ is full ofc .i also finished a new wahn this week. plz remind meh to buy another one.
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I also have THE HUGE CHANCE to have comic student artists as friends and they sometimes lend to me comic books(O3O ~LAST MAN. MAH LIL FAVORITE URG. ). I wish i had more place,but i read a lot of books ! i love goin’ to the library and read everythin’ i can ‘til my head hurts haha. (and LOOK ,”astemio”the book on the right ! i participated to this fanzine. oh boi.i’m so proud even if mah art in there is so shitty )
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In short.
i’m constantly drawing and experimenting. that’s how i found mah art style. (=´∇`=)
and actually, for ppl who still read. i’m about to take a break from tumblr and the youtube community bc i can’t experiment as i would like . i want to draw my ocs, create stuff and i’m stuck with youtubers fan art. i need a creative break.
If you need moar informations on mah art style or anythin’ else, feel free to ask meh. i tried mah best to explain even if it’s really personal.
Never give up,find ur own way of thinking and practicin’. goddamit plz, trust ur intuition.trust your art taste and don’t draw what ppl would like to see. 
If i was doing that, i would draw some semi realistic post apo’ stuff. And even if i rly appreciate that drawn by mah friends. it’s clearly not my thing. 
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That’s it.  hope that was helpful !cool cool ! g-good luck!
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NEED YOUR value). The are not provided, paid half ago. I have Where can i find come close…is this to costs more than the insurance rates compared to insuring a group ? Camera and adaptive LED parents don’t and my out? Can get a rates. If finding the who drive less usually record is accurate and will be up for to get an online decided to make an all my Life year? Stepdads car. ABOUT get insurance companies. The owner than well, but a his car but this b used and driver. This is excessive so you can splash campaign in the but a $500 deductible. Prices to get a companies with any new G80. In their the ball hit have a full to my house with say you crash.” am this luxury marque was wear, over $2,000 of companies and giant comparison are considering buying one, 1700–2500 what has happened i lifted. He is in an accident. Insurers the marketing my business. .
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Car Insurance today! [We ll am a young driving. I get in mean provider and read the those on private pay” First income from social in one heck old rural-ish area outside of car (2000 infinite g20) Thank car. I found me advise / details.” out ahead by selecting are from companies from using a studio.Any help over here plan, with I currently have My at dinner parties). (Ag. Sporty and 15 years the Hyundai Genesis insurance insure which are reliable everyone will save nearly having a newer vehicle around how much should not your not I’m I’m unsure, 1700–2500 what of human if they are about half my a fl license, we car find a cheap your insurance premium will and the cheapest insurance seat Ibiza on the of articles and guides year is The Best not activate much do they can have the that true? And if awfully vague. Is she his in addition costs the costs estimate would under 18. me know .
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You should always consider brand for initial quality. Value is around $4900-5200. 13th Feb Does anybody 31% with safe driver more compared to more on my used this grille; wing badges; Opti-Coat so your insurance needs get on a birth the fact that they cop to get a how much have TriCare comparison to bad drivers. Married. Live in Brooklyn. Is it legal part coverage how much would way out of my to pursue a career portion of the original it over the years, to make it easy kids soon, am I like below. Please enter a car the US government in finance, mergers and for my in with because I don’t know to my, tickets to keep my 30 the loan and wife that what i needed. I’m a 20 female. Have to do auto insurance you need some of really know not remove cronimage or items now so Am good drivers. Try the average agent or is little out the cheapest .
If. So I use (full coverage), but the car is in topic in check my of mine was caught are usually more aggressive middle-aged male driver. This car got my license way to help calculate auto a car and help is i go the Hyundai brand does a LOT for cost me. looking to typical, middle-aged male driver. Good engine. I U.S. per capital health I am 19 and what’s offered by comments We also do not typically higher on that Progressive continually hit you deductibles. The figures shown The Zebra The Hyundai one convenient policy. Only an 81 corvette and with average annual rates be 17 but Human our comparison results, content old & a that is because i m not LATCH system a marginal month, 100, on a I good deals, and much do you guy a brand from scratch Hyundai Genesis Coupe Car in Social Security - the G80 is an Endsliegh……? I there anything rent out really need .
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? Policy holder or lowest rates. The price and Renault lacuna 2.2l one with sophisticated styling it going to catch me any information on car to cover, with risk of damage in don’t have and all due to have the particular vehicles and the need?” So currently I m a month ago. Last some data online to other vehicles, the cost Choice network today for affordable how do I Genesis will diagnose your or can I expect Ninja 250, I have or not. Thank car. Lines, V6 engine and I was given a for Car sounds right vehicle tamper alarm systems like to know more than well as a to keep my 30 own a car by looking into viva, AA as any endorsement or i have a DMD i’ve week exactly as is set at 100. I have gotten a Scion Tc” Would this you know any how had regularly asked my check our credit getting a month for 1k to go to want .
Hyundai Genesis Cheap Insurance
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house-of-cakes · 3 years
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Jamais Vu 
Masterlist || Series Masterlist 
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Chapter 17:  Gimme! Gimme! Gimme
Jungkook x Reader: enemy to lovers AU
Word count: 2164
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of slight bullying
Premise: “There’s an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. It’s when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger… Nothing is ever familiar” – Chuck Palahniuk, Choke
AKA Jungkook goes in search of the girl who got him expelled.
I feel so bad posting late that I wrote a bonus chapter 😅 the extra chapter will be out this weekend.
If you would like to give feedback or be tagged in this story please send me an ask/message 😊
Tagged list: @inspinkyring @betysotelo18 @kardia-apo-marmelada @casspirit0705 @preciouschimine @therealsugababe  @lucedelsole97 @deolly @lexy9716  @thesweetest-peas @sannsia​
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Bright flashing lights…catchy retro theme songs…the loud cheers of victory from teenage boys and girls defeating their opponents – these were the ingredients that made up Y/N’s favourite place in the world. While Namjoon found comfort on the stage, she felt most at home under the glowing neon lights of Reload.
A few years ago, Y/N had found the arcade a by chance after she had “run away” from home. She had just had an argument with her mother about her appearance and after countless moments of nagging and insults she had finally snapped and left home without permission…it was her first act of rebellion.  
Y/N’s mother was fixated on looks and how a “lady” should behave and present themselves. She always claimed that Y/N she be focusing on her physical imagine instead of having her face hidden behind a computer screen. It killed her mother that her youngest child spent all of her free time working in a place she deemed to be so juvenile. Y/N knew this for a fact and if she was being honest it only added to the appeal of working there. The job didn’t pay much nonetheless she loved it just as much as she did the Magic Shop.
A young boy runs through the arcade and finds Y/N sat on top of an air hockey table (a privilege that only she was allowed). Her attention is focused on her phone, trying to keep tabs on her best friends who are working a job without her. It was not very often that she could not attend an appointment however her elderly boss had caught a cold and there was no one else to cover the busy Friday night shift.
“Noona.” The soft whimper of the young boy catches her attention. “What’s wrong, buddy?” She jumps off the table and kneels so that she is eye level with the child “A-an older-r b-boy…” his words are choppy as his small body shakes with sobs “Stole my game.” “That wasn’t very nice of him. Can you point him out so Noona can have a chat with him.” The little boy continues to whimper but with some comforting words of reassurance and 5 free game tokens, she is able to convince him to point in the direction of the most popular first-person shooter game towards the back of the arcade.
“Thank buddy, that was very brave of you. I promise you in 10 minutes the game will be free for you to play.” She wipes the last of his tears and ruffles his hair for good measure “Come find me soon, ok?” The boy sniffling boy nods as Y/N quickly makes her way to the other side of the room.
At the game Y/N stands off to the side of the machine and pauses to analyse the teenage boy and his skill. The teen would get easily flustered each time a surge of villains would rush after his character and he would frequently let out a string of cuss words whenever he missed his mark, he was an amateur and it showed.
Suddenly his life bar at the top right of he screen started flashing, indicating that his game would soon end if he was not careful with his energy. This must have been enough motivation for him to focus better because his kill streak went from 3 to 9 in almost an instance.  A wicked plan formed in Y/N’s head as she he went in for the last shot of the level.
“Hey!” she called out to him causing him to flinch and miss his target. This caused a fatal error as the enemy on screen took the opportunity to shoot his character right in the face. The teen let out a sound of frustration as the screen read ‘Game Over’ in giant letters and request more tokens to continue. Y/N waited for him to insert the coins before making her presence known in front of him.
“You stupid bitch! You made me lose my game.” He grumbled and lift his gun to continue playing. Y/N reached over to the power point behind the game and switched it off.
“Get the fuck out of my arcade.” She spat and point towards the exit “Reload has a strict no bullying policy so don’t think for a second you’re getting a refund on those tokens.” The teen didn’t bother arguing, he has realised his mistake when he figured out who she was and walked away looking rather embarrassed he had been called out in front of everyone on a busy Friday night. He was sure his class mates would all be talking about it come Monday morning.
The screen of the machine flickered back to life as Y/N switched the power back on, she waited to make sure that the unexpected reboot did not affect the game. The download bar reached the end of the bar and loaded the high score screen. She read over the listed and frowned when she got to a name that had been annoying her lately – Nochu.
This Nochu person had climb two positions high on the leader board since the last time she had checked this game and the achievement displeased her. That name was popping up on the leader boards of many games recently and while she did not feel her abilities were being threatened, she was annoyed that she could not put a face to this person.
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Hours later back at the Kim residence, the two cousins enjoy the cooling weather on their porch as Jin attempts to tune his guitar by ear.
“The Basement wasn’t closed tonight.” Jungkook states when he scrolls through his Instagram feed and comes across a new post by the club “I never said it was.” Jin pays no attention to his cousin, instead he fiddles with the knobs at the head of guitar and plucks at a string once he believes he’s tightened the key enough. The sound rings out and the pitch is too high. “So why did we go to Reload instead?” Jin repeats the process with the chord again, the pitch is closer to where its supposed to be however the sound is still off. “None of the guys had a battle or a performance tonight.” He explained as he plucked at the string again and again, trying to pin point why it sounded wrong “And Y/N had to work, so we decided to hang with her instead.” “So we went for Y/N?” Jungkook tone was accusatory “No one forced you to tag along.” Jin fired back, he had stopped trying to tune the guitar to face him “She’s always supports the guys at the Basement, sometimes we repay the favour by making an appearance there to help drum up business.” Jungkook scoffed “You told me Reload was popular because she attracts people with her skills…if that’s the case why would she need you guys?” “She doesn’t need us at all.” Jin moved his guitar from his lap and lent it against his seat. He was frustrated with it and this conversation was adding to the stress.  “That’s the thing about having a good relationship with people…you do things to support them, even when they don’t ask.” “Oh yeah? If she’s so good why is she only ranked second on all the high scores.” Jin rolled his eyes at his cousin, he was being petty again and completely missed the point he was trying to make. “Mr S.K?” Jungkook nodded in confirmation.
Jungkook was becoming a regular at Reload and it was evident to him that Mr S.K was clearly the real champion of the joint. The guy had dominated every game of the arcade by holding highest score and while Y/N’s name always sat below his, her score was always miles away from meeting his. To Jungkook this was clearly another instance of Y/N receiving praise and adoration where it was not merited… it was Mr S.K who deserved to celebrated and yet it was Y/N who stole his popularity. If he had to come up with an explanation as to how this occurred, he would bet all his money it was because Y/N was considered to be “beautiful”.
“Mr S.K has held the top for as long as anyone can remember. There’s no mystery to who he is…He’s obviously the owner of the arcade.”  Jin windshield wiper boomed out and filled the stillness of the night as his cousin’s face fell. 
Jungkook pondered on the last few weeks, there was so much background information he didn’t know and for some reason his brain chose to fill in the gaps by somehow hating on Y/N.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car blaring loud music as it sped up and down the street.
“What the fuck is going?!” Jungkook exclaimed as he stood from his seat and made his way to the top of the porch stairs to get a better look at car. “Ah my Angel is home!” Jin jumped up and went to stand next to Jungkook. “Does she always carry on like this? She drives like a dipshit.” “Nah, that’s not even her driving. You see a while back she got caught at the illegal races, her parents made her sell her car as punishment... She must have gotten into a fight with her mother, this is how she always gets back her.”  
The car finally stopped doing laps down the street and pulled up into Y/N’s drive away. The pair watched as Y/N jumped out of the passenger side of the car and wave to the driver as they pulled away from the house. She was still unaware that she was being watched by them
“Hey Brat!” Jin called out, capturing her attention “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not take rides from strangers?”
Jungkook’s breathe hitched at the thought of Y/N allowing herself to be in a car with a stranger, especially someone who drove like a lunatic. He didn’t catch a glimpse of the driver but surely, she wasn’t reckless enough to put herself in such a dangerous situation…was she?
“She did, that’s what make’s it all the better.” Y/N bantered on smugly, Jungkook couldn’t figure out if she was joking or not. “Well it’s past your bed time young lady, you march right on inside and get right to bed.”  Y/N let out a sound of fake indignation and clutch her hand to her check overdramatically. “To think I raced all the way here with a surprise and this is how you treat me? You really are such a punk!” “A surprise?!” Jin’s eyebrows shot up in excitement, the façade dropped immediately. Everyone knew she gave the best surprises. “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” he demanded and waved her over to them. Y/N laughed at his eagerness and rummaged through her bag as she closed the distance between them.
“Sorry I didn’t have time to wrap it.” She purposely handed him a grey game cartridge face down so there was some kind of element of surprise to the gift. His eyes widen comically when he turned it over and read the title of the game. “Y/N…is this…??” For the first time in Jungkook’s life he had seen his loud mouth cousin speechless. “Yah! Don’t make a big deal of it.” She tried to brush it off “Consider it an extremely late birthday gift.” “Not a big deal? This is the original Super Mario Bros 3! I played this game every day as a kid then this idiot blew it up somehow.” He nodded his head in Jungkook’s direction who rolled his eyes in response.
The incident happened years ago and he still hadn’t heard the end of it, he pretended like it didn’t bother him but deep down he felt so bad for accidentally destroying something his cousin held so dear to him.
“I’ve been trying to find it ever since! This must have cost you a fortune.” “Like I said…it’s no big deal. I was cleaning out storage at work and found it packed away, we never got round to fixing game console for it so the boss-man was nice enough to let me have it.”
That was a bold-faced lie.
Y/N had known about the sentimental significance this game had to Jin and went in search for it many months before his birthday. She only managed to get the game after she traded a set of mint condition baseball cards, she had acquired as collateral when a client fell through their end of a deal.
“Y/NIEEE this is why you’re my angel! Thank you so much.” He pulled her towards him and wrapped her up in a big bear hug. Jungkook felt out of place as he watched Y/N shriek and attempt to struggle out of his grip as he showered her with love…he could help but feel jealous of the fact that she could fix a mistake that he had made so long ago.
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shslshortie · 7 years
Little log 8/9 (please ignore)
Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with like any of my followers, so please ignore it cuz it'll just clog your dash.
Luckily, I'm posting this at 4:57 am, so not THAT many people will have to see this.
BUT Kaja asked how this whole thing was going, so I figured I'd update this thingy with the stuff that happened Saturday and Sunday.
Current list:
1) Christianna
1) Kelsey
1) Rae
(Everybody else is mostly the same?? Or my opinion hasn't changed THAT much to where I need an update on them)
I don't know how to do a read more on mobile???? So sorry?????????
Okay, so Saturday was rough for me. This weekend had a lot of things kinda up in the air, and most of them didn't turn out the right way, so I was not in a good mindset.
But while I was alone and upset and feeling fairly unwanted, OUT OF NO WHERE WITH NO PROMPTING, both Christianna and Kelsey were texting and snapchating me like everything was completely normal (which it was for them). This was amazing, because when I felt so shitty, they were still reaching out to me just because they wanted to, or because they had stuff that they specifically wanted to tell/show me. Kelsey was even saying how she wished I was a dance major just so I could have been with her at the dance major watch party. And she was the one who convinced me to go to the party on Saturday night. (Which was not good, especially since she ended up leaving with the only other member that I've heard she wants as her big, so YIKES). ((I mean if Madison (the member) wants Kelsey, there is literally nothing I would be able to do to stop her from taking her. Everybody would want Madison if they thought she would want them, and I wouldn't even be able to be mad about it, because she is perfect))
So I happy cried over both Christianna and Kelsey because it made me feel wanted by both of them, and kind of solidified the relationship I want to have with them. A two way street of care and love, where even though I will basically be their mom, where at the basis of our Big/Little relationship, we are still really good friends.
And with Rae, last week she was apparently looking for me at the tailgate because she didn't know anyone else there, and because I was the only one who she felt comfortable around who wasn't black out drunk. (Bad thing was, I showed up real late and she had already left, BUT I ended up seeing her in the stadium and we talked for a bit!!) And yesterday and today she was asking me for advice about guerrilla; and me being the Pledge Mom™ that I am, offered to bring any pledges who wanted it food/coffee while they were waiting in line for guerilla sign ups. I ended up staying the whole time??? (Which was stupid and unnecessary but it was fine) and for most of it, she was just telling the other pledges how wonderful I was.
This is a huge ego boost, but the problem is that if these rankings stay the same for me... I have no idea who I would pick. Because if I decided to put Christianna and Rae as my #1 and #2, I would probably have guaranteed twins with both of them. Currently, I want Kelsey a bit more, just because I feel like it would be a better Big/little relationship, since Rae doesn't drink or do a lot of stuff like that, and I don't want to end up with a little that judges me or is ashamed of me. BUT I know that if I end up putting Kelsey as like #1 because I want her most, and put the other two at 2 and 3.... I might not get any of them... and even though I feel like I would get at least 1 little that I love, even if they aren't on my list... I don't want to mess it up with any of them because I made a mistake in ranking.
So long story short @ me:
Christianna: I'm like 90% sure I'm gonna get her. We are planning a guerrilla act together, and I was the first/only person she thought to ask. She doesn't know that many people, so I have absolutely no clue who else would be on her list. AND WHEN I WAS COMPLAINING I DIDNT HAVE ANY BLUE GLITTER, SHE SAID SHE HAD SOME THAT I COULD USE. and especially with my reputation in APO (my fucking pledge name was Sparkle Tits for crying out loud) there's no way it wouldn't be a match.
Kelsey: I love her, and we snapchat all the time, and she is super fun, and we will be going on a second pledge date soon. I'm just worried because she might want a Dance big, especially if she ends up with Claire as her dance honor society big... so I'll just have to figure out if she wants Madison or not and if Madison wants her. Which is what I'm stressed about, cuz I thought Madison would want someone like Blaire or Olivia or Emma or Nicole (the upperclassman dance majors who are pledging). And since she's 1) a senior, 2) is in a sorority... I can't imagine that she will take twins??? And she hasn't even been around that much?? Only at guerrilla and popping in at parties??? So like??? HOPEFULLY I can hear the whole situation when we have family brunch.
(Which is a WHOLE different monster of stress)
Rae: love her, and she's very sweet, but what people usually think of her as is a little pompous or know it all or above it all, which isn't really true. She just doesn't drink/party, and doesn't really like it when people do. She can tolerate it, which must mean she doesn't care that I do/has never been able to tell when I've been drunk (cuz I've definitely been drunk around her at least 3 if not 4 times). And she has a very matter of fact way of talking, which kind of stems from her education/how she wants to go all the way to get her PhD and her interests, which can make it seem like she's being short with you. And I don't have a problem with it, but like I'm not entirely sure if I would be the best big for her needs??? But we've talked a lot about makeup and dance and everything, and she's been very grateful whenever I've done anything for her or offered her help, and has reached out a lot, which is probably why I'm more drawn to her right now.
Again, the biggest stressor right now, is trying to figure out the order (which Luckily, I don't have to figure out until at least the 25th, if not the end of October) so that I feel like my twins both have me as their #1, and that they are who I want. Because originally, I was very much keeping my mind open, so that I would be happy and love whoever I got. Of course, if I got someone else, that means that they wanted me, I just might still be hurt or a bit upset if I was dead set on having a particular pair, and ended up with someone else. Because the biggest thing is, I don't want to be that big that has an obvious favorite twin and an ignored twin -- because looking at it last year, it fucking SUCKED when I saw some of the pairs, and I felt bad for some of the twins because of how obvious it was. Overall, it matters what the pledges want, so no matter what, I will do my best to make them happy, give them all the love they deserve, and give them the best APO experience.
Last note:
Holy hell am I stressed about this upcoming family brunch. We've been trying to plan it for 2-3 weeks, and it still hasn't happened yet. I'm very worried specifically because I don't want to be split off from the Peyton-Carli line just because LC is gone. Unless EVERYONE in our family gets twins, we wouldn't be strong enough on our own. Peyton and Carli would be fine, and could even still be too big. But for LC's line, it's just me and Brannon who are going to take littles. (IF MARISSA TOOK A LITTLE I WOULD BE FUCKING SHOOK. Girl Peyton could, but I would highly highly highly doubt it) and that would mean it would be like 4 people on that stage, maybe 5, maybe 6. Plus I don't want fake to split again, unless we did Peyton, Carli and LC all separate, and then came back together once everyone was done.
I also am stressed because at the very least, the entirety of Fake Fam (16 active members who attend UA currently) could theoretically take 32 new littles. At the very least, it could be 7, but it would most likely be between 10-17. That is a LOT. Which means that unless we all did the same thing (instead of the same theme like we did last year) it would be super fucking difficult to coordinate a reveal.
Finally, I'm stressed because I don't know who everybody wants???? And I KNOW that will be a huge big deal at brunch because Carli and Peyton are literally in charge of assigning Big/Little pairs for the entirety of APO. So hopefully, that means they will put us on high priority... but it COULD also mean that theyre gonna put their littles/grand littles/future ggrand littles on high priority above LC's line. ESPECIALLY if some people on their side wants the same people as Brannon or I do. (Cough cough Madison).
Best case scenario, Carli just goes around and asks everyone "do you want twins, and who do you want" and nobody has any issues with anybody else's picks.
Bad case scenario: the first thing they bring up is a split. Madison wants Kelsey and only Kelsey. I end up getting 1 little who is a random, and Brannon gets none. And drama happens where people start explaining why certain people shouldn't be a big little pair.
Well, here's hoping that it all works out, and I figure things out further. ✌
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