#I find this is very common with Border Collie breeders ...
pawsitivevibe · 1 year
Man some of these "sport dog" breeders will have a whole alphabet soup of titles on their dogs but when you look at them they're like all novice/beginner titles. Or things like CGN. Easy stuff. I want to see Excellent and Masters titles, even if that means your dog has fewer letters after their name.
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justslowdown · 4 years
2 possibly dumb questions! 1st, why would Ms Chops breeder care about you using her for mixes after he has his show line? I've noticed mentions of owners of male dogs reluctant to let them breed mixes too. Is it just a Show Dog thing? 2nd, isn't a papillon like the size of a chihuahua
Not dumb! Yeah, we genuinely did not think it would be possible to be able to find a breeder willing to sell a show bred buhund to people who breed crosses, let alone consider allowing us to use her herself for that
It's a struggle to find show bred stud owners open to letting us use them. Often (I know several people who've had to do this) you can only disclose the name of the dog and breeder to actual puppy buyers, not the general public
Sport people can be a little more receptive, because sport bred mixes are a common thing. Generally only OK with it if the dogs involve y'know, do sports, they don't tend to see companionship as a good reason to breed. Working folks tend to be the most practical about it but I've still talked to working Scotch collie folks (a breed that allows outcrossing!) who basically laughed me out of the room, and English shepherd breeders who were insulted. In general a lot of working ppl are like "if it works it works, breed isn't key" tho
I think there are a lot of reasons for how hard the process is. In purebred dog culture the predictability of a pure breed is one of the main reasons to breed dogs. There's also this concept that breeding "to better the breed" or somehow improve the population is the only ethical way to do it. A lot of people seem to think when I ask about crossing their dogs with other breeds, I'm saying their dogs aren't good enough? Like, that I'm trying to improve them? When personally I'm trying to say "hey, I really love what you're doing, I'm not a purebred [x] breed person but it would be great to get your genetics into my program."
Then there's just weird eugenicist nonsense. That's literally how kennel clubs started and it isn't very thinly veiled. Purity and "untainted bloodlines" are worshipped. Not ALL show people but a lot of them... I've seen some things said that really turned my stomach.
And lastly there are lots of folks who privately are interested in my hobby farm dogs and the companion bred ones, but can't be open about their support. Because if they do, all the people mentioned above will gossip and their reputation within the breed community will be damaged. You should have seen how downright vicious and cruel the Saluki community was to a friend who was planning a lurcher mix litter with his. So even if people are ok with crossing, they usually keep quiet.
I'm sure there's plenty more reasons. But yeah, in general, it's really really difficult to find people who are willing to help with this kind of thing. It took four yrs or so to network enough get a well bred dog like Kiwi. People are already picky about breeding rights (being allowed to breed the dog) let alone with all this crossbreeding complication. Essentially the breeder is putting their own reputation on the line to trust you!
And then there was Lambchop. Her breeder was skeptical about my spitz-collies but I think meeting Kiwi and hearing about the farm helped a lot. He still wasn't too on board, but basically said that after he got his show bred litter back (she's a co-own) what we do after is our business. He doesn't want to be involved but it's ok. However... Pip and I aren't sure what the US buhund community in particular thinks about crossing. We're concerned his reputation will be affected if people know he agreed to it. He's doing us a solid selling such a promising show dog to beginners, and agreeing that her offspring can be used for all the mixing we want. Personally I'd like to breed her to a collie-type but we'll just see how it goes. We need to talk to more people In the Breed to make sure we aren't sabotaging Lambchop's breeder by doing that
WOW THAT WAS LONG sorry!!!!! It's just a big topic and one that affects me like. Daily
For the second question. Yeah 😂 they're little. I'd never ever want to raise purebreds, I'd be so scared of how fragile they are! But there's precedent. Border collie/papillons are a big thing in the sport mix world right now so I asked for feedback on the kind of size range to expect in puppies. Kestrel is 38 lb as well (smaller than she looks in pics):
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The stud we're using has a litter with a low-30-something lb girl right now, so it will be interesting to see how they mature.
I like the idea of a more biddable, handler focused 20 lb Kestrel! From the feedback I've gotten about what I thought was just a wild idea, a lot of other people want that too. A pomsky type with a better coat, less spitz 'tude. More trainable and calm (paps aren't known for calmness but the sire is extremely mellow yet biddable). Better temperament and less inbred than a Klee Kai. And actually health tested and not $2.5k lmfao
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luckydoogs · 4 years
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Once you determine that you’re ready for a dog and capable of caring for one, then it’s time to narrow down your choices. While some people know exactly what kind of dog they want and where to find him, others have no clue. Either way, I’ll walk you through the most important issues to consider.
Puppy or Adult Dog?
at this stage of his life. For starters, you’re in a position to teach your pet from day one. You can prevent habits you don’t like from emerging in the first place, and you can take measures to prevent your dog from having socialization issues later on in life. Of course, there’s also something magical about caring for another living being from a very young age. However, keep in mind that puppies are a lot of work, and the time commitment is huge. A puppy is brand-new to this world and knows nothing of human culture and expectations. Puppies don’t come housetrained, and you have to walk them very often. They haven’t yet learned that they’re not supposed to play bite. Plus, you have to constantly monitor their every move—puppies are extremely curious and often love to chew everything in sight, so if you let your guard down they can damage your home or, worse, get hurt. In short, you’ll need to be extra tolerant and patient for some time. What are the advantages of adopting an adult dog? They don’t play bite as much, and housetraining is a little less difficult simply because their bladders are more developed and they can “hold it” longer. Some dogs may even come fully housetrained and know basic requests such as “sit” and “stay.” Older dogs typically cost less to acquire, too. Also, keep in mind that some of the best dogs in the world are those who have spent years in rescue shelters waiting for the perfect home. However, there may be some disadvantages: Many older dogs may not have been socialized properly as puppies, which can make them less confident in certain situations. For example, many dogs fear men simply because they weren’t exposed to them at a young age. Bad habits like destructive chewing, jumping on people, and pulling on a leash are likely more established, which means it may take a little more effort to put a stop to them. Weigh the pros and cons of having a puppy versus an older dog and remember not to underestimate the commitment a young puppy requires. However, if you have the time and patience to dedicate to a dog regardless of his age, then either can be a perfect addition to your family.
Does Size Matter?
Some people want only a dog they can tote around in their purse; others believe that bigger is better. I’ve worked with dogs of all shapes and sizes, and I’ve learned that size has absolutely nothing to do with the personality of a dog. However, it’s something you should consider. Here’s what you need to know:
Large dogs may require more room to exercise. This is a generalization, but it’s often true.
Smaller dogs tend to have longer life spans. For instance, a Chihuahua can live eighteen years, whereas a Bernese Mountain Dog’s life expectancy is a mere six to nine years. A study published in the American Naturalist found that for every 4.4-pound increase in weight, life expectancy dropped by one month. Of course, many variables will affect a dog’s life span; size is just one of them.
The larger the dog, the higher the costs for his basic care. While a small breed might eat about a half cup of kibble daily, a large one can go through ten times that. Grooming, toys, and other expenses can cost more, too.
Smaller dogs are more portable. You can more easily pick them up and take them in the car or on errands. Also, on most commercial airlines, you can bring a small dog on board as a carry-on as long as he fits in a travel case under the seat in front of you.
Large dogs can ward off strangers. A Bullmastiff sitting in your front window is going to scare off potential burglars more than a Maltese might, simply because of his appearance. (Though a small dog who’s attentive and likes to bark can also make for an excellent watchdog.)
Small dogs are easier to control. I’m not saying that it’s easier to train a small dog. However, when a ten-pound dog jumps up or lunges on his leash, it’s quite different from handling an eighty-pound dog with the same behavioral issues. Think about whether you have the strength to control a bigger dog.
Mixed Breed or Purebred ?
People often fixate on a particular breed, but I’ve got to say that many of the friendliest, smartest, most capable dogs I’ve ever worked with were mixed breeds. These dogs, often found in shelters, are typical results of random or unintentional breeding, and they tend to cost much less than purebred dogs. (We’re not talking about “designer dogs” here. I’ll get to that in a second.) On the flip side, it’s understandable that many people want a particular breed. Maybe they adore Pugs because they grew up with them or German Shepherds because they make them feel safe. Also, there’s the obvious advantage: with a purebred, you can safely estimate the future size, grooming needs, and appearance of your dog. With a mixed breed puppy, you can take a guess, but you might be surprised when the dog you thought was nonshedding and destined to top out at ten pounds winds up leaving hair all over the house and weighing so much you can’t lift him. Many experts argue that mixed breeds are healthier because of what’s known as hybrid vigor: by combining two different breeds, you are pooling from a larger range of traits, so the dog will less likely carry one of the genetic conditions common in certain breeds. However, a large study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association found that the prevalence of certain genetic disorders among purebreds versus mixed breeds greatly depends on the specific health condition.4 Bottom line: I can’t recommend one type of dog over another—for every great mixed breed, there’s an equally amazing purebred. And more research needs to be done on this topic before we definitively know whether one is healthier than the other. Just rest assured that with so many choices, you are sure to find a loving, well-behaved companion.
You might wonder about “designer dogs” such as Cockapoos and Morkies. These dogs are mixed breeds with a twist—they’re the result of intentional breeding of two purebreds to create a new breed that theoretically combines the best traits of both parents. For instance, a Cockapoo is a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle, while a Morkie is a cross between a Maltese and a Yorkie. These puppies sometimes have a much heftier price tag than purebreds. The popularity of these dogs has dramatically increased since the late 1980s when an Australian breeder named Wally Conron set out to create a nonshedding Seeing Eye dog. He crossed a Labrador Retriever with a Poodle and voilà: the Labradoodle was invented, and a new trend in the dog world was launched. Some experts claim these dogs are healthier because of hybrid vigor, though no studies have proven that. However, keep in mind a lot of these designer dogs come from puppy mills and backyard breeders who are looking to make a quick buck and have no concern for the puppy’s health or temperament. In fact, according to an article in Psychology Today, Conron himself said, “I opened a Pandora’s box, that’s what I did. I released a Frankenstein. So many people are just breeding for the money. So many of these dogs have physical problems, and a lot of them are just crazy.”5 I’m not saying you should avoid these dogs. Just don’t believe all the hype. Designer dogs aren’t that different from the mixes you see at a shelter. Regardless of any benefits, their sellers claim, you still won’t know exactly what you’re going to wind up with, as temperament, appearance, and coat can vary greatly from one dog to another. Many dogs bred not to shed actually do.
If you choose a purebred dog over a mutt, then your next step will be to pick a particular breed. I can’t stress enough how dangerous it can be to focus too much on the breed. People choose breeds based on stereotypes and are very often disappointed when their dog doesn’t behave as he’s “supposed to.” However, almost no individual dog will meet all of the characteristics defined by a breed description. Trust me: you simply cannot reliably assign attributes to your individual dog based on his breed. I’ve known lots of retrievers who don’t retrieve, tiny Yorkies who excel at competitive Frisbee, hyper Basset Hounds, and Border Collies who were terrified of the sheep they were bred to herd. I’m not saying to ignore breed altogether. Of course, there are characteristics of certain breeds that remain true: things like shedding and size are not going to vary widely, so these generalizations are more accurate. Also, if you’re picking out a dog, it’s still a good idea to get a wide-angle view of what certain breeds were bred to do, and if you need a dog to, say, herd cattle, then you should probably stick with a herding breed. When I first got into competitive Frisbee competitions, I purposely chose a Border Collie because I knew they are often high-energy dogs with relentless focus and physical stamina. In my dog Venus’s case, she fit the stereotype in those respects, and we won many competitions. However, I know plenty of other Border Collies who wouldn’t have been suited for the competitions at all. In sum, it’s fine to use breed stereotypes in a very preliminary way to get traction on the decision-making process as long as you understand that these are tentative guidelines, not absolute truths. Just as every human within a certain race, religion, or culture is different, the same concept applies to dogs: You need to get to know the individual.
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boofblr · 5 years
hello! so, thanks to you and kima, I've decided i want a bc! i'll get a show line before any working or sports lines - I hope my dog is as pretty as kima! I am kinda curious about something, though - I've only ever seen black and white and blue merle show lines before! is this because they're preferred in the ring, or are they just prevalent in the breed itself? Id be happy with anything, but I'm interested in what a show line owner has to say! thank you for sharing kima with us btw!
It's kind of a combination of the two reasons you mentioned: preferential selection and genetic statistics.
Generally speaking, black & white Border Collies and “blue” merle Border Collies are the most common because the alleles that determine a black coat color are dominant to almost every other locus. You can read more about dog coat color genetics here. 
In addition to this genetic advantage, breeders typically choose to keep and breed black & white Border Collies with traditional Irish markings because judges prefer them in the ring. However, all coat colors are accepted according to the AKC and UKC standards, and the AKC parent club actually created a separate class for “Border Collies of color” in order to get them a couple of points even if the judge prefers black & white dogs.
So, depending on the lines that your breeder uses, you may get a puppy that isn’t a common color! I’m very humbled to hear that you have become interested in the breed because of my blog. If you want some help finding a breeder, or just want to talk about the breed, you can send me a private message.
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Finding a Reputable Breeder
In How to Crate Train Your Dog, the importance of purchasing a puppy from a reputable breeder was mentioned. Well, what is a reputable breeder, and why are they important? Reputable breeders breed their dogs responsibly, meaning:
dogs are bred for a purpose, not a profit
the breeder is focused on the improvement of the breed
puppies are bred from healthy dogs with a temperament expected of the breed
the health of the mother and lives of the puppies always come first
Sounds like common sense, and everyone who breeds dogs follows this ideology, right? Wrong. Nowadays there are many people who breed dogs to make a quick buck, or to teach their children to “the miracle of birth” in their backyard. These dogs are often kept in dirty, cramped spaces, are not health tested and are bred as often as possible, resulting in unhealthy puppies with unpredictable temperaments. These are called backyard breeders and puppy mills. They often breed designer dogs and mixes such as doodles, with the promise of a wonderful hypoallergenic family dog… which is impossible, since no dog is truly hypoallergenic. You’re better off looking for a reputable poodle breeder for a loving, kid-friendly, easily trainable dog that won’t shed very much.
Ok, I know the importance of finding a good breeder. How do I find one?
Good question! Start by finding your selected breed’s national or provincial breed club. They will have a list of breeders registered with the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), along with their phone number, email and a website if the breeder has one.
Next, pull up the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA) website and see which health tests are required for that breed. Tests for hip and elbow dysplasia are common in larger breeds. A reputable breeder will either have proof of these papers on their website for each dog, or you can search for the breeder’s dogs using their registered name in the OFA database. It doesn’t hurt to check the database anyways, even if your selected breeder has the papers on their website.
Check if the dogs compete in any dog sports, such as agility, obedience, showing, etc. Well-accomplished dogs will have acronyms before or after their registered names to provide evidence of good athletic ability, trainability and temperament; all important things you would want passed down to your puppy! In some working breeds such as border collies, breeders will usually have their dogs work (ex. herding) instead of participating in dog sports. The breeder should be able to prove this with demonstrations of the dogs doing their job.
What if the breeder doesn’t have a website?
If a breeder doesn’t have a website listed, they’ll most likely have a Facebook. Facebook pages are an excellent way to connect with the breeder and ask questions about them, their dogs, the breed, training, etc. Honestly, the breeders with “ugly” websites or ones rarely updated are the ones focused on caring for their dogs, and shouldn’t be a red flag to dissuade you. Reach out to them to see if they’d be a good fit!
Breeder Contracts
When looking for a breeder, you want to make sure that they’re someone whose ideals you agree with too. Nutrition, along with vaccination, training and spaying/neutering are all topics that may come up in a breeder’s contract. These contracts are put in place to provide a health guarantee up to a certain age (usually 2 years), a promise that you will care for this dog as best as you can and an agreement to surrender the dog to the breeder if you can no longer care for it. Contracts may also include financial reimbursements upon proof of health testing and training classes.
However, some puppy mills and backyard breeders will also have contracts. Their health guarantee only provides a few days for the health issue to pop up. They may require you to feed your dog supplements such as NuVet, which is a pyramid scheme and entirely unessential for your dog’s health.
The best thing you can do is read the contract over and over again, understand what you are agreeing to and ask your breeder questions as to why some things are included.
Meeting the Breeder
A responsible breeder will want to meet you and your family to discuss why you want a dog, why you chose that breed, what your plans are for the puppy, etc. They will also encourage the whole family to meet the puppy’s parents, or at least the mother if the dad isn’t kept on the property. This is a great time for you to ask questions again, clear up any confusion and really solidify that yes, this is someone I want to buy a dog from and keep in contact with for the rest of this puppy’s life.
Ask them if any of their dogs have encountered health issues common with the breed. Responsible breeders will be upfront and honest with their dogs' health history. On the other hand, a backyard breeder may claim none of their dogs have ever had any issues whatsoever. If the breeder produced a litter of puppies that all die of cancer by age 3 and continue to breed the same dogs together, run far away. But if they produced a poor litter and took responsibility by empathizing with the owners, doing their best to find a treatment and altering their breeding program to never breed those two dogs together again, then it shouldn’t dissuade you from continuing with the breeder.
Getting a Puppy
It’s not unusual for a breeder to have a wait list- reputable breeders will prioritize the mother’s health and only breed following guidelines from the CKC. One to two litters per year is not uncommon. Waiting 6 months or a year for a guaranteed healthy puppy is much safer and more humane than purchasing the nearest available puppy from a backyard breeder.
Once the litter is born, a responsible breeder will assign your puppy to you, rather than letting you choose. Sure, it’s cute to think that the puppy “chose” you, but chances are it just happens to be the most social of the litter. The breeder has had these puppies for the first 8 weeks of their life; they’ve seen the puppies personalities form and will be able to match the best dog for you with your lifestyle and needs.
To put it simply, look for a breeder, not a puppy. Your puppy’s health and temperament all start with responsible, safe and ethical breeding. Dogs are a big commitment, it’s not worth the stress of having to care for an unhealthy, unpredictable dog for ~10 years when you could do your research and find a reputable breeder.
With so many more people looking to purchase a canine companion throughout the pandemic, many have unknowingly supported unethical breeders and ended up with a dog with behavioural issues, then “ghosted” by said breeder when looking for support and were left feeling even more lost throughout quarantine. Put in the effort to find the perfect breeder for you and you will have the perfect pup to accompany you in all of your doggy adventures!
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puppyexpressions · 6 years
10 Myths About Border Collies
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Myth 1:  I have small children, so I want a puppy. Without a doubt, this is the most common reason people want a puppy.  A sweet, small puppy just seems like the best choice for sweet, small children. You know that cute Kodak commercial with the puppies climbing all over the giggling little boy? Have you ever noticed how short it is? That’s because they could only film for a few seconds before the welts rose, the blood dripped, and the boy began to scream for his mother.  Puppies have needle-teeth that they happily sink into anyone who walks by.  They also have sharp nails that scratch when they jump up -- and on little Ryan, those front feet land right around his face. Puppies leave “presents” that your toddler always seems to find before you do.  Puppies wake your children during the night.  And a puppy doesn’t know the difference between his stuffed toy and Sarah’s Piglet that she MUST have to fall asleep. And suppose you get a puppy when little Morgan is 2.  In six months, Morgan will be about 1 inch taller and 3 pounds heavier.  However, the 8-month-old puppy will now be as tall as Morgan and outweigh her by 20 pounds.  And those baby teeth will have been replaced by big snappers that need to chew. Of course, puppies and small children do successfully co-habitate.  But, in our experience, your child will go through far less Neosporin and Band-Aids with a calmer 2 + year old dog who is road-tested with children. Myth 2:  It’s better to get a puppy.  With an older dog, you never know what you’re getting. Seems to make sense, except the exact opposite is true.  All puppies are cute; all puppies love everyone.  It’s not until a dog hits sexual maturity that some innate behavioral problems start to surface.  We can’t even estimate how many calls we’ve had from people who paid thousands of dollars for a purebred puppy, who is now a year or two old and biting people, attacking other dogs, or engaging in some oddball neurotic behavior.  Purebred is not the same as well bred, and sometimes it feels like the disreputable breeders grossly outnumber the responsible ones. The truth is this: when we list a 4-month-old puppy, we can only guess what kind of adult she’ll make.  When we list an 18-month-old dog, we can predict pretty accurately what kind of dog you’ll have forever. Myth 3:  If you train your dog right, he’ll stay in the yard without a fence. Many people believe this, right up until the moment the dog is hit by a car, eats poison in the neighbor’s garage, or is stolen.  We insist on a fence or leash walks.  Rescue dogs are typically either strays (which means they have a history of wandering) or owner-surrenders (which means they’re going to go look for their ex-owner first chance they get).  We just can’t risk it. Myth 4:  When I was growing up, we had a PERFECT Border Collie. No, you didn’t.  Trust me, he was only perfect because you were 8 and didn’t have to clean up after him and be responsible for him.  I know you believed he was perfect, but you also believed in Santa and honest government then, too. I had a perfect BC named Max when I was growing up.  He died in my freshman year of college, and has since, in family lore, gone on to be canonized.  St. Max.  Bow your head when you say it.  Everyone in my family seems to forget the time St. Max was hit by a car he was chasing.  Or the time he bit the kid biking by.  Or how he used to sneak in and sleep on the furniture when no one was home.  Or the time he had diarrhea all over the hardwood floors.  Or how he used to eat the Christmas ornaments off the bottom half of the tree. Since I’ve been an adult, I’ve never had a perfect Border Collie--but every single one of them was perfect for me. Myth 5:  Border Collies stop being puppies around a year old. BUUUUZZZZZ! I’m sorry.  Try 2 or 3 for most.  Many Border Collies don’t calm down and hit their stride until they’re 4 or 5. Myth 6:  I want a dog without dominance issues, so I want a female. In the wacky world of Border collies, that’s just not true.  For starts, it’s impossible to make gender-based absolutes.  But once you spend time around Border Collies, you’ll start to notice there are plenty of hyper, dominant females out there.  You’ll also notice lots of mellow, roll-with-the-punches males (especially after they make that all-important trip to Dr.  Knife). It all depends on the individual dog, but don’t think for a minute that a female is a sure ticket to a passive, submissive pooch. Myth 7:  My 8 month old Border Collie is biting people.  He’s not lunging or growling, but he makes little nips on arms and legs.  I can’t keep an aggressive dog. The secret here is to look at what the dog has been bred to do.  Border Collies herd.  It’s what they do.  And chances are, that’s all he’s doing to your friends and family. This is called mouthing.  It’s what happens when those cute little puppy bites go uncorrected.  And if your dog’s doing it, he will continue to do it--and do it harder and stronger--until you DO correct it. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to fix in most dogs.  There’re lots of tips on the internet (just search for “dog mouthing”) and your vet can probably help as well.  If the problem is really out of hand, you may need to call in a trainer for a few sessions. Myth 8:  I’m unsure about getting a rescue dog, because I’m afraid he won’t bond to me. That sound you hear is all the people with rescued dogs falling over laughing.  Because the exact opposite is nearly always true--your rescue dog will CLING to you. Look at it from the dog’s perspective.  She’s spent the bulk of the last year on a 6-foot chain in someone’s back yard because she committed the unconscionable sin of no longer being a puppy.  At some point during the day, someone may remember to bring her food and water.  The only attention she gets is when they yell at her for barking. Finally, they take her for a car-ride--dumping her in a wooded area where she can have a “fighting chance.” Despite everything, she waits there for their return or tries to get back home.  She finds water somewhere.  She raids trashcans and gets sick.  If she’s extremely lucky, she survives long enough for an animal lover to find her and bring her to the shelter. Then she sits in the loud, scary shelter run, starting to lose faith that her family will ever find her.  The kennel people are nice, but she is one of a hundred needy dogs they have to care for. Finally, the shelter calls us.  And you take her home. You not only bring her into your house, you give her her own bed and bowl, and a crate where she feels safe.  You speak quietly.  When she messes on the carpet, you don’t seem to mind--you just take her outside and then clean it up.  You feed her regularly AND give her toys and treats and Nylabones.  She sleeps in your room.  She may even have a big brother or sister to play with.  She gets kisses.  And when she goes out in the car, she always comes back.
Your rescue dog’s biggest fear is that you will spontaneously combust.
She’s not going to let you out of her sight for one minute.  People with rescue dogs learn to function with a 70 pound shadow following us everywhere. That said, there are some dogs who just never learned to connect with people, but that becomes apparent very quickly--long before we place him with you. Myth 9:  Border Collies are so smart they practically train themselves. Wrong.  Think about it- the dog is smart, so he learns to figure things out.  He may housetrain easily, learn basic obedience easily, but what else can he learn? My BC has learned to open doors, steal laundry, and climb a tree.  He’s also learned that he can entertain himself by digging or barking.  What makes him stop digging or barking? Learning something new and getting a lot of exercise- every day.  Not once a week, every day.  BCs are like that super-smart nerdy kid in Chemistry class- he successfully completes the class experiment, and then blows up the lab because he wants to see how the chemicals interact.  Super smart kids make super big messes. Myth 10:  I don't want to have my dog spayed or neutered because it's not natural/ she should be able to have a litter/I want my children to see the miracle of birth/etc. If everyone prevented irresponsible breeding, we'd be happily out of business.  Do not humanize your dog--no one's asking you to neuter yourself.  Your dog will be healthier and more comfortable once s/he's shifted into neutral--and will also be a much more pleasant companion. Neutered male dogs roam less, mark less territory, and are generally less aggressive.  Spayed female dogs avoid the messy and annoying heat cycles, and are not at risk for unwanted pregnancy.  And both males and females are less likely to get certain illnesses. As for the miracle of birth, well, there's another rite of passage occurring to 20 million dogs a year in this country, 25% of them purebred.  It happens every day at your local animal shelter.  But most parents are not as eager for their children to see that.
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canisitsnotlupus · 7 years
From all the farmers I have been around, from the USBCHA shows I’ve attended, as well as the ‘lesser’ shows like AKC herding, etc. I have yet to find a rescued BC competing. Sure, part of this is largely because of pedigrees, but for the average farmwork, I have yet to meet a farmer that is willing to put the health and safety of his livestock in a rescue dog. This is not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m sure it does. However, the farmers I work with, the dogs I’ve obtained from hardcore ranchers and the like, would not risk this. Again, I am not saying rescue dogs can’t work. I have a cattle-lined dog that I rescued (and after a lot of digging, discovered his lineage) that is my grittiest, most ‘on’ dog. He’s an amazing worker – I have pictures  (possibly video, if I can ever get access to that HD) of him at four months working a small herd of sheep with no training. I have never once said that it’s okay people throw dogs away. I’m not sure where that came from – I said that a lot of the BCs I’ve pulled from shelters were nuts. I’ve met dogs that chase shadows, cars, dust, etc., dogs over the top aggressive, dogs with fear issues so deep that putting them to sleep was a kindness. These dogs come from breeders that didn’t care about producing stable dogs, and with a breed as sensitive as BCs, it was a bad combination. It happens. I’m surprised that it’s implied I’m not supportive – I’m probably one of the single most supportive people for people having a BC for a first time dog. It is a matter of going in and knowing what you’re getting, not a matter of ‘someone special has to own these dogs.’ People that call them crazy have no interest in them or want to be something they’re not? Someone that’ll throw them away for the wrong behavior? No, people that call them crazy are people that adore the breed and know what it’s capable of, as well as people that have directly worked with dogs from various breeders. BCs have a tendency to run nuts. That’s just a fact of the breed – if you’re not willing to accept that, this isn’t the breed for you. I’ve had many a discussion about some lines being crazy and people understanding exactly what I mean. It isn’t a matter of ‘it takes a special person to own them,’ it’s that the dogs are unstable, but since they’re good at x sport, they’re wanted. If you’re implying that, for some reason, I’m not interested in the breed: get fucked. You clearly have no knowledge of the time and effort I’ve put into this breed, the dedication I have to studying pedigrees, the fact that I have a turning-15 year old BC with aggression issues out the ass that are genetic that I never dumped despite that is not a breed trait. So really: get fucked. I adore this breed with all my heart. I’m not sure what the point was about mixing them. Anyone that knows me can probably back that I’m the biggest crossbreeding supporter there can be, especially when it comes to BCs, as well as supporting the Border Collie as a landrace breed and not a standardized one. So.. what. However, breeding a shepherd to a BC will take much longer to get back to what a BC actually is: shepherds of all types work very differently from a BC, and that stuff is instinct. It’s hard to get back to the strength of the eye a properly bred BC should exhibit if you add in a breed so far away from what they are. And surely, can someone quote where I’ve said to let shelter dogs die? I made it a point that BCs are not common in shelters, most that I’ve pulled have severe issues, and that going to a breeder is sometimes the best thing to do for a person that wants a stable dog. I’m just amazed at the fact someone is actually willing to not call Border Collies nuts. Fuck, I think they’re batshit insane and that’s the -good- ones.  
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Top 10 dogs of all time
The list that was first made by mydogbreeder is the obvious choice
Aria (born 1998)
Athos (born 2000)
Cochise (born 2001)
Ringo (born 2002)
Jasper (born 2003)
Ned (born 2004)
Phaedra (born 2005)
Alicia (born 2006)
Santiago (born 2006)
Rozie (born 2006)
Piper (born 2007)
Milo (born 2007)
In general, most dogs on the list are not great dogs in the sense that they are poorly made, etc. (Cochise is a "pure bred" (aka not a "designer") poodle; I'm not sure if she was born a poodle or was just bred that way and would just have been a poodle anyway)
But they aren't stupid dogs either, which a lot of breeders, if the dogs they keep alive go on and get mixed with other dogs of their breed, will actually look like, including on the list.
In my experience, most dog-breeders who make dog lists for a living are a) trying to make money from selling puppies, b) trying to make money from a new puppy mill going up, or c) just trying to make money selling whatever breed they keep alive (poodles, pitbulls). None of this is necessarily bad – the puppies they make aren't necessarily badly made, the new puppy mills are not necessarily bad, and if you really want to make money that's your business. But it's not surprising that these sorts of lists of top dogs, or top dog parents, etc. might reflect (and encourage) a sort of "my dogs are the best and you should want your dogs to be like mine" perspective which is sometimes accompanied with a sort of overrating of a particular breed. (I also have a lot of sympathy for people who don't want their dogs to be designer dogs and want to breed them in more natural ways.)
What strikes me about the list is that, at the top, we have a list of purebred dogs, mostly poodles. Poodles aren't great dogs. But they're definitely better than anything else on the list except Ringo (which, again, if you want a "designer dog" that will end up as a dog that looks like a poodle). (I don't feel like I have the expertise to criticize how poodles and poodle-breeds are being kept alive on this list relative to other "top dogs", but they are definitely not well-kept dogs.)
The list is a long one, so I'll talk about one random dog from each list, starting with
Cochise – a poodle (not designer)
Jasper – a poodle (designer)
Alicia – a poodle (designer)
Athos – a poodle (designer)
Aria – a poodle (designer)
Ringo – a Chihuahua (designer, I'm not sure if a dog or a dog mix)
Ned – a poodle (designer)
Phaedra – a Shih Tzu (designer mix)
Santiago – a border collie (designer mix)
Milo – a Chihuahua (designer mix)
I'm skipping a couple on the basis of a) having trouble finding info on the internet about the dogs or the breeders keeping them and b) having no particular interest in the dogs or the breeders, including all of the dogs who are also on the list.
Chihuahua – a breed very closely related to the Mexican "hairless dog" or chihuahua, one of the breeds at the top of the list, but very popular outside of North America for a lot of the same reasons I wrote about earlier in that post about the PoodleList
Poodle – a common but somewhat unpopular European mixed breed, and therefore not on the top list (because they are on the list)
Mixed Breed – probably some sort of mixed breed or a dog mix. This is not a real breed, but one in which the breed being mixed with is on the top of the list. I'm not saying this is a good choice – I'm not a puppy expert, so I don't know which mixed breed is better than others, and I don't know which is more popular. But given how many mixed breeds there seem to be (and which is a major part of "all dogs" when it comes to dog breeding) this is just a sample.
I'll skip all the "designer mixes" (like the poodles, above) except the border collie and the shih tzu. I don't know enough about border collies or shih tzus to really have an opinion, but I still found the inclusion of those two on the list interesting. Border collies are a breed similar to German shepherds, and the shih tzu is a breed of dog similar to the poodle. Both are popular and have been at the top of the list on this list before.
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Exactly How to Locate Small Canines and Puppies For Adoption
Exactly How to Locate Small Canines and Puppies For Adoption
 Over the last handful of years, there has actually been actually very a change in the possession of pet dogs. It used to be actually that loved ones would purchase or even use the major, manly pets on the marketplace. Well, as the globe has altered, so possesses the need for tiny, petite, and very small dogs. Nowadays, the tiny canines go to the leading of the food chain when it relates to new investments and adoptings.
 While there are actually several establishments out certainly there selling all kinds of dogs in today times, locating lap dogs puppies for adoption is actually coming to be merely a bit easier. As the lap dogs population expands, thus carry out the quantity of lap dogs pups liters out their up for adoption.
 A bunch of times you can easily just visit the classified segment of your newspaper as well as discover "totally free" puppies to a great residence.
 Although this may certainly not seem to be like a type of adopting, it most absolutely is. You are actually taking on the family pet coming from the previous loved ones and also in some scenarios; carry out certainly not be actually surprised if the family members in fact requests for an adopting charge! It is actually certainly not that uncommon and also it deals with all the expenditures they acquired along with the brand new puppy dogs after childbirth. Sterilizing, bug and tick treatment, rabies inoculations, soul earthworm medicine, and also is actually merely a handful of. https://www.yuppypetboutique.com/
 Other more common pet dog fostering companies are usually such as pet dog rescues, adopting groups, as well as creature homes. You may locate these in your area through going out your telephone directory as well as only giving all of them a phone call to find what pups they presently possess. I choose to make use of the net, and also one of the greatest things regarding the internet is these teams have actually had the ability to partner with each other to deliver our company one systematized spot to find 1000s of family pets up for embracement at once.
 Where to Find Dogs as well as Puppies for Adoption
 Merely think if you are brand new wedded and you desire to surprise your charming as well as cute better half with a wonderful puppy dog what will be the response of your spouse? I make certain she will certainly yell with joy given that not a bachelor in this particular planet will certainly dislike such an innocent and attractive puppy. However if you are actually uninformed that where you may get such a beautiful puppy dog at that point listed below are actually some practical ideas for you.
 1. Examination in your community
 It is actually far better to look a family pet dog in to your neighborhood at very first. It may be actually achievable that your next door neighbor is wanting to purchase his pet dog. Then why don't you be actually the shopper of that pet dog if it is of your option? If your neighbor is actually willing to provide his new puppy to you then nothing may be much better for you than this since the pup has progressed facing your eyes. So, there are really less odds of its disease.
 2. Household pet Shops
 The next action is actually to find out a pet dog or puppy dog from the household pet shops. This is actually an easy way to discover a pet considering that you will discover an amount of canines in the store so the choices will definitely be actually fantastic. However one of the most significant thing in this regard is that, if you are planning to purchase a new puppy from the store after that take it to the doctor as well as have a complete checkup of the pup just before getting it. Always always remember that after taking the canine right into your house, it will definitely become your accountability.
 3. Species Rescue Organization
 There is a Breed Rescue Organization where you can easily additionally buy a pet dog or even a new puppy. This is actually area of terrific assortment of household pet dogs. So, you may simply find your favored canine or a new puppy.
 4. World wide web
 Yet another source to acquire a pet is net. I should mention this is the least expensive as well as easiest method of using a dog since you possess no requirement to visit any type of shop looking for a pet. Merely surf for an animal as well as you will definitely have the ability to discover your darling.
 Where to Find Puppies for Adoption?
 If you would like to stun your spouse on her birthday party along with a little bit of cute pooch yet if you do not recognize where to obtain these attractive creatures at that point right here are some interesting ideas for you.
 Possess some Investigations in your Neighborhood
If you possess no tip about the kind of a pet dog then it is actually better to check out about it in your area. If any one in your next-door neighbors has a welcome addition of pups then you can generously deliver your embracement solution to your next-door neighbors given that no one ever before likes to maintain a ton of young puppies in his house.
 Family pet Shops
A large number of individuals like to acquire new puppies coming from their regional household pet markets. An animal outlet are going to possess virtually every form of puppy dog breed as a result; it will definitely be actually much easier for you to decide on a dog of your selection through a bordering dog shop.
 Type Rescue Organization
I f you are fully rookie in canine training at that point it is better to take the aid of a Breed Rescue Organizations. Species Rescue Organizations are actually special groups that are actually concentrated on qualifying a puppy dog of a specific breed. They institutions could be a terrific aid for those that do not have any type of time for animal's training.
 Pet Shelter or Pet Rescue Groups
Animal sanctuaries or dog saving teams are actually undoubtedly helpful for those that are not aware concerning a specific species. Having said that, it is actually truly hard to discover a canine of a certain dimension and also age as a lot of the dog rescue teams includes adult pets.
 World wide web
Web is also a fine spot to locate a pet dog of your choice. Plenty of pet breeders publish their promotion on world wide web to make sure that you can easily opt for the pet dog of your desire.
 Puppies for Adoption - Adorable Puppies Need Home
 The majority of our team would merely enjoy to embrace an adorable new puppy at some aspect in time or other, isn't it? As well as much to our pleasure, our company can easily discover a lot of puppies for adoption pathways hanging around to greet our company and also to deliver our company with all information that could matter to our company a whole lot. Yet you still in requirement to be additional cautious in choosing some of these methods as you can easily go very wrong with them. Bring in sure you have spent sufficient opportunity researching their references before locating them. Yet when you have actually created the appropriate selection, you after that need to bring up these charming young puppies thoroughly and this is absolutely certainly not a cat-walk for most of us!
 Fully grown dogs and young puppies, particularly, are actually wonderful friends anyone can possess. They are probably the only residing creatures that will certainly stand up by you excessive as well as slim. If they can help you this way as well as in a lot numerous other techniques, why would certainly you trouble thinking of embracing one? The decision creating procedure entailed listed here need to instead be actually a quick and easy one. You need to adopt some of them at the very least right now. Discover an ideal location for puppies for adoption and after that complete the rules that are demanded in obtaining all of them for on your own and after that find what favorable variation they bring in to your lifestyle. Much more therefore, they are actually fantastic little animals that are so excellent looking that you could locate it upsetting your eyes off all of them.
 There are probably many concerns you may want to ask on your own prior to taking on a young puppy. Perform I have a tiny but a cozy little spot for my puppy to remain? Can I transform this place to a larger one to support the charming new puppy once it develops? Perform I recognize what its own food habits are and how they need to have to be actually kept each day? And more. If you have the ability to address these concerns and also a whole lot a lot more, you are actually probably prepared for taking on a puppy. In such a scenario, see puppies for adoption location as well as create your option. You may at that point proceed and apply the answers you had given previously. Mind you, using a charming young puppy is the greatest way to set about performing your bit in guarding these creatures coming from damaging killers.
 The wellness of the puppy dog you are actually heading to embrace should be actually on leading of your problem. See to it that you take your taken on young puppy to a medical professional as well as inspect the health condition of it. Observe all the measures that are demanded to keep all of them in well-balanced situation. This is actually really necessary while you are actually choosing for puppies for adoption. You will certainly never run except species of new puppies while you are hectic looking for them. Dalmatians, Danes, Labradors, golden retrievers, and English Collies are few species you can immediately believe of while adopting all of them. Yet whatever reproduce you are actually going for, make sure that you have potential strategies in location currently. It is actually a recognized reality that these young puppies grow quickly and also consequently you need to prepare for their sanctuary, food items as well as other traits as necessary.
 Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption are actually usually full-blooded, and also equally as wonderful, nurturing, and spirited as a new puppy you would certainly acquire. Why most likely to an animal shop or even breeder when you can locate Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption? Commonly complimentary!
 Places including "Labrador Retriever Rescue and Adoption" have sheer and mixed-breed Labrador Retriever pups. When we went seeming on the web briefly, our team located Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption that were actually 9 full weeks outdated and 12 full weeks outdated.
 In a "Yahoo Pets" identified ad, our company found 10 gorgeous little Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption in Colorado. The Hoobly classified website had 3 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption in Idaho.
 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption are also accessible at Humane Society and individual animal sanctuaries.
 That Would Adopt Labrador Retriever Puppies
 You might use Labrador Retriever new puppies if:
 1. your finances carries out not allow an expenditure of $400 to $1500 for a pup
 2. you have kindness on unwanted young puppies
 A lot of folks have huge, looking after hearts. They recognize the Labrador Retriever new puppies at the dog breeder, along with their expensive papers, will definitely locate properties. Lifestyle is certainly not as certain for rescue puppies. They have been quit for adoption considering that the owners would certainly not or might neglect additional canines.
 Disadvantages of Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 Labrador Retriever new puppies that have actually been actually offered up for adopting may possess concealed troubles. You are going to not recognize concerning the temperament of the parents. Nor will certainly you recognize whether either parent has illness that are going to be received through the young puppies. If you locate Labrador Retriever young puppies in an animal sanctuary, chances are good that the staff recognizes little bit of concerning them.
 Labrador Retriever young puppies in a home commonly are without building options. Folks come and folks go, but no one possesses time to teach the puppy exactly how to quadrate human friends.
 You take the chance of obtaining a puppy that has discovered to woof loudly for focus - in an area of loudly barking pets. Labrador Retriever young puppies from homes are going to take greater than a few times of adjustment to un-learn some bad practices.
 Some of these drawbacks faint if you obtain Labrador Retriever puppies with a saving network. Most systems position their adoptive puppy dogs in foster properties. This stays away from many of the animal sanctuary issues.
 Some saving networks are actually likewise capable to learn even more regarding the new puppies' background. The foster "moms and dads" can easily review the new puppies' personalities and health. They may start basic instruction and also mingle the puppy dogs. They can easily see to it the young puppies get a great begin in lifestyle while they expect their permanent houses.
 Perks of Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 The advantages of getting Labrador Retriever new puppies that are offered for adopting might surpass the negative aspects for you - especially if you can easily receive the puppies via a saving network.
 1. You are actually providing a really good property to Labrador Retriever new puppies that could otherwise not have one.
 2. You are actually acquiring nurturing, trustworthy buddies, who will definitely do anything to satisfy you, provided that you educate them what that is.
 3. You are actually paying for just a little fostering cost (or even obtaining all of them free of charge). Yet your Labrador Retriever young puppies will certainly be actually equally as caring as those setting you back numerous bucks.
 Practical Tip
 You can easily discover Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption online. Just type the key phrase "Labrador Retriever saving" into your search engine. Locally, view paper classified adds or even explore your animal sanctuary.
 What About Frenchie Puppies For Adoption?
 In scenario you perform certainly not recognize you can opt for puppies for adoption online. The system is actually quite complex, but it is also the easiest method scenario you are trying to find frenchie pups up for sale online.
 Lots of folks calculating movie stars as well as famous people possess French bulldogs and they are maintaining them as pets. They are actually smaller sized than the regular sort of bulldog, however every total are actually a lot more quiet, loveable and also really spirited.
 Before inviting your French bulldog puppy in your property you certainly need to have to be prepared for this certain activity. Our team all understand exactly how necessary it is to become unwinded as well as to believe comfy at home. Your frenchie young puppy have to believe the exact same point in his brand new house.
 The pups have lots of energy and also they are actually incredibly powerful in finishing their job. A frenchie young puppy will certainly create you to walk for kilometers; they will make you enjoy with all of them for hours considering that they will certainly not obtain tired any faster. Start showing your French bulldog soon as you possess him. Sooner is better due to the fact that he will definitely listen closely as well as learn quicker when it is quite young.
 Online internet site you can easily locate crucial details about a whole lot of points associated as exactly how you may supply all of them the right way, how you can easily embrace one, what they like or even do not like, wellness issues, and so on
 . It may be extremely useful to examine the Testimonials as well as Questions areas online internet site. By doing this you possess significant possibilities to learn additional regarding what you are actually seeking.
 You are going to need to have to create them believe as well as realize that they are actually extremely significant in your lifestyle. Together with their guideline treatments you additionally need to train your children too. Teach your youngsters on exactly how to act when they are actually connecting with French bulldog puppy dogs. This is considering that youngsters are commonly mean as well as they participate in excessive games with their puppy dogs, games that may harm them long times. Traits which little ones normally utilize to carry out feel like taking the rear of the little frenchie, play wildly along with their ears, they kick them and also they likewise do lots of various other distressing points which issue the little bit of frenchie.
 When you are actually training your French bulldog puppy dogs see to it that your child or little ones to note any sort of training treatment. By doing this, your little one will definitely recognize the French bulldog reactions to the directions. Reward your little close friend after each training treatment so you can improve up the self-confidence amount of your pet.
 They may be quite brilliant and also can they may discover very easily. They could be very skilled guard dogs if they learn appropriately. You are going to discover that they are quite quiet and also carry out not howl excessively. They howl just when they have something to inform you and also includes having a crook in your home. These pets likewise have a charming temper and also are actually really lovely. It is additionally in some way strange that they such as to chase after computer mice and also infections so you will certainly not require to use a family cat therefore. Ultimately, French bulldogs are actually fantastic consequent dogs. They are actually very devoted, lovable as well as enjoy a whole lot of exercise.
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poop4u · 5 years
It’s Not Where Pups are Raised, It’s How
A recent study in Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that pups raised in the home were more confident and less likely to exhibit fear-related aggression than pups raised in kennels. No surprise there to any of us, given all we know about the importance of social interaction and a varied environment in the healthy development of canine cognition, physiology and behavior. Indeed, a study done in 2013, led by McMillan and co-authored by Serpell and Duffy, found that pet store puppies have more behavioral problems than those raised by private breeds, as did a 2011 study on puppies from commercial breeding facilities. (FYI, see Frank McMillan’s new edition of his book, Mental Health and Well-Being in Animals, a truly excellent and important work.)
Zazie Todd, PhD, who wrote about this latest study in her kick ass blog, Companion Animal Psychology, concluded: “So if you are getting a puppy from a breeder, it’s a good idea to check that the puppy is being raised in the house, and not outside in a garage or barn.”
I know exactly where she is coming from, except . . . I don’t think where is the heart of the issue. I say that, full disclosure, as someone who many years ago raised a few litters of Border Collie puppies first in the house (one to 21 days) and then the barn (22 days until they left for new homes.) Once the pups were moved to the barn, in a converted milk house, they got both hours of social interaction from me, friends and my other dogs, and a profoundly varied environment in which to discover the world.
At least five times a day a pile of puppies tumbled out of the door and went exploring with me, their mom and the other dogs of the farm (Border Collies and Bo Peep, my first Great Pyrenees). They walked through short grass and high grass, dry grass and wet, cold grass. They stumbled over sticks and small logs, some charging forward with abandon, while others fussed and whined behind the obstacle while their litter mates moved ahead. They met butterflies and ant hills and smelled sheep poop and the tracks of foxes and chipmunks and squirrels. The heard bird song, traffic, dogs barking, people laughing, and music. I could go on, but you get the idea.
I thought of this while watching Jane Killion’s wonderful video, Puppy Culture. In it she explains the importance of social interaction, mild levels of stress and a varied sensory environment during the first twelve weeks of a puppy’s life. As I wrote in my review of the DVD (now also available for streaming), you gotta love a women who names one of her bull terrier puppies “Betty Pork and Beans”. As I watched the video, I thought back to watching my puppies struggle through grass over their heads, listening to gun shots from neighbors, and dancing after butterflies. No need for me to have created an elaborate system in my rec room for the puppies to experience mild stress, sensory variety and social interaction.
And so I want to add my voice to the work being done that emphasizes the importance of the environment during early development, and clarify what I think is important–not where, but how.
Speaking of how, I wish there was more research on the effect of litter size on early development. I’m thinking of it now because good friends just helped Kip, a lovely Basenji, whelp a singleton puppy. They were well aware of the concerns about singleton puppies, who miss out on so much of the normal stimulation provided by squirming, squealing litter mates. Years ago my own dog, Pippy Tay, had her own singleton pup, and I was worried sick he’d grow up to have the behavioral problems it seemed I had seen in singletons.
                Kip and her litter of one, Hope Solo.
I used puppy-sized stuffed animals to surround and push against him during the day, and gently forced him off the nipple every other feeding time so that he’d encounter mild stress and frustration. (The most common concerns about singleton puppies are frustration intolerance, touch hyper-sensitivity and difficulties with other dogs.) I counter conditioned him to surprise touches with chicken because he began growling around five weeks of age when touched. The growling disappeared after three weeks of conditioning and he went on to be a sweet, lovely and friendly pet puppy for a single woman who loved him liked life itself. She reported that he wasn’t always great at meeting new dogs (even though he’d been around 5 other dogs here), but he was a wonderful, happy dog, and she adored him.
Pippy Tay and a “normal sized” litter of five. The next time she whelped she had a singleton. Sorry for the fuzzy photo, I had to dig deep in boxes of old prints to find this.
But what do we really know about singleton puppies and behavior? Where’s the research? I could find none, althogh there are some good articles about singletons based on personal experience. Here’s a good one from Susan Garrett, with important points about feeding restrictions, frustration and touch tolerance. Although we have no research on the topic (that I know of–anyone?), it seems to me that the number of litter mates could/would have a profound effect on a dog’s eventual behavior. And not just a singleton versus “more”. What about a litter of two puppies? How is that different from 12? Surely 11 littermates creates a substantially different environment and set of stressors than only one or two. Given the lack of research (PhD anyone?), all we have now are anecdotes based on our own experiences. I’d love to hear yours, I’m all ears.
MEANWHILE, back on the farm: The market lambs “went to market today”. (Actually the deed was done here at the farm; which avoids the stress on the lambs of being driven in a truck to somewhere unfamiliar.) It’s an especially bittersweet time because we aren’t planning on any more lambs. We have saved three lovely ewe lambs however, all of which are going to need names. They are all white hair sheep of a similar size, so keeping track of who’s who is going to be tricky. Already we have Spot and Taylor Swift who look a lot alike and can only be distinguished by a black spot on Spot’s knee–not very easy to see most of the time.
Here are the new girls. Pretty adorable, hey? The two on the right are the lambs of Taylor Swift, the one on the left is from Snow White. Any and all ideas for new names are welcome. (I didn’t come up with the names for Meryl Sheep OR Lady Baa Baa. This might be the best feature of social media ever.)
That’s Taylor Swift and one of her lambs on the right. Brown and white Lady Baa Baa is in the middle. She’s become quite the porker. Beyonce is on the left, a daughter of Lady Godiva and without question the ewe I think is the most beautiful.
  Maggie is bringing the sheep down from the “moors” to the barn. That’s Lady Godiva in front. She’s doing very well after her medications for pneumonia, but writing this reminded me she needs her second shot today. Just another reason to be grateful for this blog!
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Trisha, Khareem Sudlow
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azworkingdogs · 5 years
Should You Buy a Dog or Should You Adopt (Pros and Cons)
Adopting a dog is a subject that is very close to my heart.  Petfinder helps people find the right pet every day!
After all I work with dogs all day, and some of the best are adoptions.
So let’s discuss the pros and the cons of adopting a dog; and the pros and the cons of buying a puppy!
We all love them!  And, to be honest I bought one puppy and adopted the other.
Puppies are a little bit less of a gamble when it comes to competition and integrating with other pets.
I  wanted a dog that I could compete in a very high level of protection sports with at that time in my life.
I did my research, her father was imported from Belgium and had earned a Schutzhund or IPO 3 (it was Schutzhund then).  He was also a known producer meaning his puppies were doing well in the competition world as well.  Her mother was a working police dog.
Ironically I grilled the police officer and tried to ensure that I would get a dog with an “off” switch.  Anyone who knows extreme working dogs like police or military dogs knows that sometimes they never shut off.  They are constantly moving and wanting to work.  Because I had kids in my life, I wanted a dog that could chill when she wasn’t working.
Thankfully, my hard work and questions paid off.  She was able to attain many titles including agility, protection, and dock diving as well as excelling in lure coursing.  We were even invited to compete together in AKC obedience.
Don’t get me wrong, I think I pretty much got the perfect dog (which isn’t always the case despite the effort) but thankfully it lessens your chances that the dog can’t do the work.
However, most people aren’t looking for a “working” dog.
My rescue was given to me because he had panosetitis and was given back to the breeder.  I also had high aspirations for him being able to compete at a high level in protection sports but he had different plans.  I later realized he was dropped from their bed bug sniffing problem (an indicator that his drive wasn’t as high as I wanted).  Or at least it is only on his terms.  I jokingly call him my flying dragon because he has no off switch!  And, that getting along with my other pets, even though I got him at 6 months he had aggression and possession issues
Instead of excelling at protection sports, we discovered he was really good at swimming and was a national champion in dock diving, fetch it, and chase it with Ultimate Air Dogs.
Long story short, if looking to compete is what you want; look into dogs that have pedigrees and high producing puppies.
If I want to compete at a high level in agility, I would be looking at Border Collies, Sheltland Sheepdogs, Labrador Retrievers or other breeds who’s mother and father have competed at that level.
If I want to compete in barn hunt, I would probably be looking for a Jack Russell or Norwich Terrier.
Sure, competing isn’t for everyone; but it can be a lot of fun and it gives you a great job to spend with your best friend.
I Don’t Want to Compete
So you don’t want to compete but you do want to know a little bit more about what you are getting.
If I want a 30 pound dog and I am adamant that I can’t have a dog that is bigger because of the apartment complex that I live in; I probably don’t want to take the risk on a puppy at a shelter.  I would want to stick with a dog that I know what size I am getting.
Also, different breeds have different personalities.  Want a couch potato get a Greyhound.  Want a dog constantly ready to move and you like hiking all weekend for hours at a time, get a Rhodesian Ridge Back.  The AKC can help you find local breeders.
Figure out what fits in your family with your lifestyle.  Everyone is different when it comes to lifestyle, and what preferences people want to look at as well as size so look up lots of options and visit lots of breeders so you find the right person and a good ethical breeder.
Good breeders should welcome your questions and concerns because it ensures the time and effort that you are putting into keeping a dog that will likely live 8-15 years.
As much as I love choosing the right competition dog I also love shelter dogs.  The ASPCA can also help you find the right pet!
When I owned (although you never truly own a 501 (c)(3) non-profit), I got all of my guide dogs, service dogs and assistance dogs from shelters or rescues.  Although, I adopted mine as adult dogs.
And, although I love great rescue groups, there are some rescues that exceed normalcy in their requirements.  One rescue I know won’t adopt a Boxer to anyone who hasn’t had a Boxer, me included.  And, let me tell you I could handle just about any breed.  I also provide routine medical care and would walk my dog if I didn’t have a yard.  I understand that these rescues want to provide the best homes but sometimes I think they take things a little far.
The one nice things about really good breed rescue groups is that they intricately know the temperament of those in their care better than a shelter would.  They would better know if the dog has lived with other pets, or children and what environment may be best.  Just be careful.  I know one dog that was adopted out to a home and it takes 5 veterinary technicians and a giant muzzle to trim this dog’s nails or do anything it doesn’t like, like clean ears or bandage feet… again probably not something someone wants in a dog.
Again, puppies are a little bit of a “crap shoot” if you will with their temperament as they age.  However most will get along with your cat easier if you teach them basic training and manners around them.
It is difficult to determine what breed of dog or dogs (let’s face it typically two pure bred dogs don’t get together and make puppies) most shelter puppies are a mixture of many things.   I think this makes them even more endearing.
A veterinarian I work with has a love affair with Mastiffs.  He has wanted a Mastiff for year and the bigger the better.  We often combine and comment about his favorite and my favorite Caucasian Ovcharka.  I suppose one day we will each have what we want.
However, his wife, who is also in law school accepted him adopting a puppy of unknown origin.  They called him a Cane Corso/Lab mix.  I joke that I see “pibble” (the nicer way to say Pitbull).  He is adorable no matter what breed he is but at 4 months old he is only about 27 pounds.  Clearly as an experienced dog owner it is still difficult to determine size.  And, btw Pitbull mixed breeds are some of my favorite puppy adoptions.
Again, he is adorable no matter what, but even his veterinary degree can’t tell him how big this puppy will get.  Another vet friend of mine adopted what she thought was a Shetland Sheepdog mix who turned out to be 70 pounds and also adorable.  Adopting a puppy can be fun but lots of work.
If in doubt and you want a small dog, try and stick with a dog that comes from a smaller and known mother.  Giant breeds are a bit bigger to accurately determine for any dog owner.
The only slightly negative thing I will say about shelter puppies is that most often their history is, of course, unknown and I am a firm believer in temperament genetics.  This is why I am so adamant about finding a dog that fits with my goals for a working dog.
I have seen puppies with EXTREME aggression at six weeks.  I know that is an unpopular opinion, but the truth is that you can see videos of it.  No one wants to think that anything is born with aggression issues but unfortunately I am more believer in nature versus nurture.  Sure, nurture is important but all the love in the world can’t change an aggressive dog into a dog with no issues.
Also puppy temperaments can change, just like going through puberty can change your temperament a bit as from who you were as a baby or young child.  The same can happen with puppies.  The puppy may have been social with other dogs at 5 months but not at one or two years.
Thankfully this is not frequent, shelter puppies most of them turn out to be canine good citizens.  And, remember as a dog trainer, I see the worst of the worst when it comes to aggression and behavior.
Adult Dog
Adopting an adult dog is probably my favorite option for most people.  I also love Greyhounds because I think they are usually great couch potatoes.  Paws on the Mountain can help you find the right one.
I know we have been through all the other pros and cons but adult shelter dogs or rescue dogs are like diamonds in the rough.  I think adopted animals also feel some gratitude when they get a forever home.
Also most of them have been to a veterinarian for a general vet exam and heartworm test.
People are soooooo worried that they are going to get someone’s problems but the truth is that it is just usually lack of training.
Don’t get me wrong, there are dogs with serious aggression issues in shelters and rescues.  But now a days it is more common for both of these kinds of organizations to temperament test prior to adoption.
Again, I am going out on a limb, and I know it is controversial.  But aggressive dog, dogs with possession issues or any dog that fails these tests should be euthanized.  Not all dogs are adoptable, it isn’t worth the risk.
So many good dogs get euthanized each day, why not euthanize the ones with aggression.
10 years ago I did a lot of temperament testing in a local humane society.  As we went through the shelter we kept passing a dog that was 8.  “Why aren’t we testing her?”   “She is 8 she will never get adopted.”
I was horrified and demanded to test her.   Not only did she pass (I could tell by her submissive behaviors in the kennel) she was also adopted out to a family that had a 4 year old.  They didn’t want a dog that needed potty trained and they didn’t want a dog that was rambunctious, would knock him down or steal his food.  She had several good years with her family.
I don’t understand all this time spent on “rehabilitation” when non-aggressive dogs get killed each day.
I have a friend that is known for this.  Her current “rehab” dog has to wear a muzzle in the house and out of the house.  That makes no sense for me.  This is a dog I would never trust and would never adopt out around kids.  But even those of us who don’t have kids of our own, we have kids in our life or that walk down the street or peer in your yard.
It has been proven that the majority of people who adopt from shelters are brand new pet owners.  Why add aggression to their already overwhelming plate!
So if you are looking to adopt a dog from a rescue or shelter look for those that have a 0 tolerance and also temperament test.  Ask to see the test.  Possession aggression can run rampant in adult shelter dogs.  But what happens if your child wanders near your new dog’s bowl?  Also what happens if your new dog steals “Barbie” and chases the dog down to take it away.  You want a dog that has NO possession issues at all!
NEVER, EVER, EVER take your children.  Yes, whether it is a puppy or adult  dog it will need to love your kids… but kids can’t leave a dog they fall in love which, which is basically all dogs.
When I was temperament testing for guide dog and service dogs there were several days if not weeks where I never took a dog home.  Trust your instincts.  You will find the right dog, there is no time limit on it and there should not be!
Look for temperament first in an older dog.  If you want an active dog, look for that active happy dog.  If you want a couch potato, look for a dog that is relaxed and happy.
You May Choose the Wrong Dog
It is OKAY to admit you chose the wrong dog, especially an adult dog.  It took about 3-4 weeks for an adult dog to begin to fit in well enough to show his real temperament.
I remember taking home a Golden Retriever that did great at my house but we liked to switch them up among us professional trainers.  He went to snack out of the cat box and my trainer friend’s 9 year old went to take him out and he snarled and lunged.
Tests are good and they weed out a lot but they aren’t perfect.
It is find to admit that the dog you chose isn’t a good fit.  People want to make you feel bad but this is a commitment that you are making for possibly 12 years or more.  You have no desire to live in an abusive relationship or have your child mauled.
Don’t feel bad if it doesn’t work out.
Ironically we had a Doberman in our clinic on Friday of last week.  She was there for possible bloat and was 7 months old.  She was TERRIBLE.  She screamed she paced and was basically a terror.  I think she had lived with the breeder for all 7 months and had never been alone.  The owners had only had her for a week but were going to give her back because she wasn’t the right dog.
She had kids and the kids scared the dog and the dog undoubtedly screamed all day and night.  I fell in love with this mess and would have certainly fostered her!  This wasn’t the right home for her but with some serious work she could find the right home.
Remember adopting a dog, whether it be puppy or adult is a big deal and a commitment for the lifetime of the dog.  Do your research but don’t punish yourself with the wrong dog!  The right dog is out there for you and your family.
The post Should You Buy a Dog or Should You Adopt (Pros and Cons) appeared first on TheDogTrainingSecret.com.
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elliottoeqz323-blog · 6 years
Australian Shepards Are An Active Dog
What Type Of Dog Would Match You Finest: A Take A Look At Canine Breeds
To begin with, would you desire a big pet, state around 100 pounds, a medium-sized canine, around 50 pounds, or a little or toy pet, which would be under 20 lbs. If you desire a large pet dog but have a small lawn, then you would need to offset the lack of space by taking it on a great deal of strolls. If you desire a small dog, then a little breed, especially in the toy group would be the very best choice for you.
A Jack Russell terrier will think, behave and look significantly various to a Terrific Dane. The latter typically being very calm. A Collie is a considerably various animal to a golden retriever. The Golden Retrievers being an excitable, but enjoyable caring pet. A Chihuahua and a German Shepherd do not actually have any more in common than the name 'pet dog'.
Pilot's Dog Is Sole Survivor Or Airplane Crash
The french bulldog is extremely easy to care for. It is an ideal buddy since they are playful and alert yet still very caring. If you live alone and wants to have an active companion in your home, then the french bulldog is the best for you. They will never provide you an uninteresting time.
Each memory.each valuable day.each precious talk with loved ones or buddies. is a gift. When our eyes open, it's a gift. When our feet touch the flooring as get up, is a gift.we are genuinely only players in the play of life.
Dogs Run The Fundraiser
After calling authorities the family took the Border collie/australian shepherd mix pup to the vet and had vaccinations, then took it house to wait for the findings on the bat. Regrettably, the results were bad. The bat tested positive for rabies. The young puppy would have had to be quarantined for 6 months, but the veterinarian stated by the time signs appeared it would be far too late to treat the puppy. The young puppy was too young to have had its rabies vaccination and due to the fact that of the place of the bite, the vet stated that the medicine might not be efficient in time. The household was destroyed by the choice, however chose they couldn't take an opportunity the puppy might accidently nip someone and cause transference of the deadly infection. They had the puppy euthanized.
Rebecca: A session is a dialogue between the animal, the person, and me. We just sit and discuss what's going on. A session generally takes an hour and accommodates one or 2 animals. In the very first part of a session, I will normally connect to the animal and let him or her talk first-all of which I show the animal's person. In the second half of the session, I generally ask the individual for his/her questions-anything that the animal hasn't currently attended to. If it is in the animal's highest great, I may likewise give Reiki or other energy work to assist with health or behavior issues that feel "stuck" or mentally charged. If there are 2 animals in a session, I will provide one animal the first half hour and move on to the 2nd animal in the last half hour.
Checking Out Goes To The Dogs
If you are interested in adopting a white https://ultimatedog.info/sleepless-dogs/ golden retriever, or you want to discover more about the one you currently own, talk to your veterinarian. She or he should be able to recommend breeders, sites and other owners who are willing to offer you with the information that you require about these remarkable animals.
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mccabebooth2-blog · 7 years
What To Feed Your Golden Retriever
The backyard breeders are individuals that breed their pets in their back backyard then offer them for a revenue. They tend to offer less than appropriate take care of the young puppies along with the parents. Pet dogs bought from yard breeders run a fantastic risk of being disease ridden when you bring them house. Since of the bad conditions they are kept in, finding a canine that is under weight and very fearful is a common sight. It is not a smart idea to purchase your puppy from someone that is practicing yard breeding. Keep washing even after all of the soap seems gone. Soap left on the pet can aggravate his skin. If Handy Border Collie Golden Retriever Material is being washed with a flea hair shampoo, bear in mind that the suds will have to rest on the pet for numerous minutes prior to they are washed off. The pet dogs wear vests or bandannas and their handlers have to be watchful in concerns to individuals with allergies or fear of dogs. Individuals generally are the first to connect to the dogs. # 2 Poodle (yay!) - I personally can confirm that my maltipoo is the most intelligent pet dog in the whole world (see my disclaimer above). Plus they are a very type, and you understand that quite and wise ought to constantly be found in the very same bundle. They have a medium length coat that sheds golden strands constantly. They do have to be brushed and detangled periodically to keep their coats looking gorgeous. They grow to a height of 24 inches, and weigh about 75 pounds. Expense and Mary Embry, among Expense's staff members, care for the pets while they're at work. Mary stated that the canine's are Costs's "children" and they receive lots of fatherly love. They will desire a top quality pet when someone desires to purchase a Golden Retriever young puppy. Enthusiasts that believe being a Golden Retriever breeder is easy are incorrect. It can be expensive and very tough if done correctly. They have a thick coat which drops a great deal of hair continuously. But they just require minimal grooming. They grow to be about 28 inches high and weigh anywhere from 120 to 180 pounds.
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theguardian911 · 7 years
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Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Raising A Puppy You’ll make mistakes as you raise your puppy so being aware of what to do and what not to do will ensure you move forward in a positive, healthy manner. When I promised to write this article, I suggested listing the ten most common mistakes dog lovers make with puppies. My list turned into 30 or 40 points and I realized this article will be the starting point of many more conversations whether it’s in these pages or online. Hip dysplasia, vaccinosis, too many prescriptions drugs, poor bone growth, chronic diarrhea, cruciate ligament tears, obesity, epilepsy, organ failure, autoimmune disease, cancer and premature loss are often the outcomes of well intended deeds and poor advice that people get about puppy care. I hope the following 10 points serve as a springboard to ignite the engine of learning so you can go deeper and your actions will make a huge, positive difference in the life of the dog you love. Enjoy! MISTAKE #1: GETTING THE WRONG DOG We live in times when almost anything you buy can be returned. This has led to certain behaviors when it comes to getting a dog. People see a dog and don’t think about how much food a dog needs, what climate their coat and body can handle, what diseases the breed is predisposed to, how much they bark and how they connect with their people. Some dog lovers go through a harsh awakening when the food bill for their Great Dane is more than their own or they have to wear earplugs night and day because their dog barks like crazy. A Border Collie is not a good match for a couch potato, a Chihuahua is not a great avalanche rescue dog, a Chow Chow is not likely to be tolerant with kids and an Alaskan Malamute is not exactly a dog for Hawaii. Research breeds before you get your puppy. With some exceptions, most dogs come with reliable breed characteristics, which makes it easier to match your dog’s traits to your needs and situation. MISTAKE #2: GETTING A PUPPY FROM THE WRONG PLACE Most people are aware that puppy mills are some of the worst, torturous places for dogs. Many who buy a dog from a pet store or a puppy mill say they “just wanted to rescue the poor puppy” but that only supports the puppy mill machine. The only time you should adopt a puppy mill dog is after a crackdown by local authorities. Puppy mill purchasers only contribute to the misery of many canine generations. Puppy mill operators often advertise themselves as reputable breeders. That makes it increasingly important to check the puppy’s home and ensure you have not fallen for false advertising. Ideally, adopt from a reputable registered rescue organization that aligns with your beliefs and values. Find a breed-specific rescue if you want particular breed. MISTAKE #3: KNOW-IT-ALL SYNDROME Just recently I visited a friend who fostered two puppies. I saw her boyfriend spanking the puppy because it was chewing on his hand and I knew the situation was tricky. If I let him go on spanking the puppy without intervening, I would be letting the poor puppy down. So as gently as I could, I suggested that placing a toy or a bone in the puppy’s mouth or putting him in a crate for a moment would be effective without the spanking. “I know how to raise dogs!” my friend replied. “My parents had dogs and we always spanked them and they turned out alright!” In fact, dogs are not okay when they are physically punished. A dog is much better behaved and happier when we reinforce good behavior and prevent or ignore negative behavior (when it’s safe to do so). MISTAKE # 4: OVERUSE USE OF THE WORD NO Imagine you’re in a restaurant with a friend and you’d like to excuse yourself from the table for a minute to say hi to a person you know. Your friend looks at you and loudly says NO! Or you want to watch your favorite TV show and your partner, who has a different idea in mind, comes and yells at you NO! The truth is that the word NO in a commanding tone makes most people feel uncomfortable, irritated or downright angry. NO is disrespectful and negative. Dogs are no different except they can’t tell a person to treat them kindly. Their only defense is to ignore the word if it is used frequently or get away as far as possible. I remember the words of my behaviorist friend who advised me to treat my dog the same way I’d like to be treated. Kindness and patience generate trust while dominance and use of force create resistance, fear or even aggression. A good example is a situation when a dog is jumping up on people. Yelling “Fido NO!” usually creates tension. Contain your dog calmly, use a neutral tone of voice and put training of difficult tasks aside for later in a setting with minimal distraction or with the help of a positively minded behaviorist or trainer. MISTAKE #5: CHOOSING THE WRONG VETERINARIAN It’s my experience that most of my colleagues are sincere and are there for their patients and clients. However, some veterinarians are unable to separate their responsibility and duty from the idea of nancial gains or losses in their practice. It takes personal maturity and integrity to talk a client out of a $1,000 procedure when there’s a $50 solution. There are several reasons why this is happening. One is that it is extremely hard to run a profitable practice without the sales of drugs, vaccines, surgery and kibble. Another reason is veterinarians are educated by drug and pet food companies and their reps, who frequently visit clinics to teach the staff how to push their products. Before you choose a new vet, read their website, research online reviews and talk to local dog lovers. If you see a lot of negative reviews about your vet, it may be a sign you should go elsewhere. MISTAKE #6: FEEDING PROCESSED FOOD I regularly talk to other dog lovers in dog parks and on beaches and I often hear them say they feed “natural kibble.” It’s true some pet foods are made from better than average ingredients but there are several issues with processed food that may make you rethink your puppy’s diet. The dry foods like kibble or dehydrated foods put stress on your dog’s kidneys because they draw water from the body and may cause a state of dehydration. The fat in processed food can turn rancid fast. It’s common for pet food to sit in a store or warehouse for several months before it’s sold. Often I see the numbers don’t add up when I consider the per pound price of processed dog food and compare it with the price of quality meat and factor in the weight lost from dehydration. And even if your dog’s food is made of the best ingredients available, how would you like to eat the same dry food every day? Perhaps every dog lover who feeds kibble should try eating uncooked, dehydrated camp food for a weekend! Canned food is heated to high temperatures, which makes it less nutritious. Feeding your dog a raw diet, or at least a cooked meat and vegetable diet, is the best for your puppy – but don’t forget to add natural vitamins, minerals, an omega-3 supplement and probiotics. Feeding your dog a raw diet, or at least a cooked meat and vegetable diet, is the best for your puppy – but don’t forget to add natural vitamins, minerals, an omega-3 supplement and probiotics. (Start your puppy off right, start him on a raw diet! Read more …) MISTAKE #7: EXERCISING TOO LITTLE OR TOO MUCH Frequently, people exercise their dog too much because they worry about boredom and weakness. Or they don’t exercise them enough because they worry their young puppy will get hurt. As with most things in life, the truth is somewhere in between. When it comes to exercise, we should try to get as close to the natural lifestyle of dogs (and wolves)as possible. Ample play and socialization in a safe environment with dogs about the same size and age are ideal. If there is a discrepancy in size and age, rough play or injuries and ghts can be very traumatic for puppies and can be the start of reactivity and fear aggression. Ball throwing and too much sprinting, slipping and sliding cause injuries. It’s not natural for dogs to go back and forth for 15 or even 30 minutes. Dogs should mainly play, trot and run but sprint only very brie y here and there. Walking and hiking are okay but introduce your puppy gradually to these activities and use common sense with young puppies. Play and walking are more appropriate activities. If you use a daycare facility while you’re at work, stay with your dog a few minutes a few times to see how she interacts and if she truly enjoys being there. I remember putting my dog Skai in a daycare once when he was a puppy. I will never forget his look when I came back. It was simply too much for him. He also ran away from a dog walker twice because the group was too rowdy. He ended up at the nearest house where he was looked after until we found him. The truth is that dogs are like people. Some enjoy larger groups and others do better with fewer dogs. It’s important to respect your puppy’s comfort zone to keep her safe. MISTAKE #8: USING THE WRONG RESTRAINT I see many people demand that their youngster heel on leash right away. Puppies need to develop and evolve mentally to be able to grasp this challenge – similarly to a two-year-old needing to grow up a little before learning to read. The natural tendency of dogs is to pull and if you use a collar, the probability of your puppy sustaining a neck injury and thyroid gland trauma is very high. Plus, such injuries are often missed and untreated. The neck is vital to your dog’s health. It governs the function of many internal organs and conducts nerves and arteries to the body, head and brain. To keep your puppy safe, use a front clip or a combination of a front and top clip harness. Even if you your puppy doesn’t pull on the leash in general, there are When it comes to exercise, we should try to get as close to the natural lifestyle of dogs (and wolves) as possible. Ample play and socialization in a safe environment with dogs about the same size and age are ideal. The times when she’ll pull because she sees a friend, another dog or wants to sniff or chase a squirrel. I recommend never attaching a leash to your dog’s collar, and never use choke, prong or shock collars on your dog. You’ll be able to avoid serious medical problems. MISTAKE #9: USING A RETRACTABLE LEASH Many people love retractable leashes because they give their dog more freedom of movement. However this comes with a hefty price. In order for a dog to move away, it has to pull on the spring-loaded leash which creates pressure on the neck. A dog wearing a collar puts an unnatural degree of stress on the neck or the shoulders and the torso so wearing a harness with this type of leash is safest. But this is not all. When a dog gets to the end of the leash or when the leash brake is applied, it creates an extra strong jerk that can cause even more serious damage to the thyroid gland, blood vessels and nerves. One of the most common problems related to such injuries is paw licking. Dogs lick their paws because the nerves coming from the neck to the feet are pinched or injured which causes abnormal sensation and licking. MISTAKE #10: LACK OF BOUNDARIES AND SOCIALIZATION I kept this topic for last because if you ensure clear and loving boundaries, living with a dog can be the most rewarding life experience. If you don’t, your dog may turn into a little hell on wheels. Obedience is a sensitive topic but here are a few pointers that make a big difference. Socialize your puppy with other dogs as soon as the titer test comes back conforming antibodies (immunity) against distemper and parvovirus. Don’t take your puppy to a busy dog park until she’s more mature to avoid getting traumatized by rowdy dogs. Teach your dog how to stay put in an emergency in street traffic where you need to maintain control. Never scold your dog if she does something wrong, especially when she comes back to you. This may create fear and hesitation next time. Don’t let your dog beg or give her food when you’re eating at the table. As soon as you reward your dog for begging, the habit is hard to shake and your dog will be unhappy and confused. It can also be difficult if you have visitors for dinner. I see strict table manners as an act of kindness and love, not the opposite. Dogs also love clear boundaries. If you call your dog and she doesn’t come, use the cue “wait” and go and pick up your puppy. Repeated calls will make recall ine cient and put your dog in danger. Personally, I recommend using healthy treats to reward your puppy for good behavior. Wishing you and your puppy many happy years to come!
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Exactly How to Locate Small Canines and Puppies For Adoption
Exactly How to Locate Small Canines and Puppies For Adoption
 Over the last handful of years, there has actually been actually very a change in the possession of pet dogs. It used to be actually that loved ones would purchase or even use the major, manly pets on the marketplace. Well, as the globe has altered, so possesses the need for tiny, petite, and very small dogs. Nowadays, the tiny canines go to the leading of the food chain when it relates to new investments and adoptings.
 While there are actually several establishments out certainly there selling all kinds of dogs in today times, locating lap dogs puppies for adoption is actually coming to be merely a bit easier. As the lap dogs population expands, thus carry out the quantity of lap dogs pups liters out their up for adoption.
 A bunch of times you can easily just visit the classified segment of your newspaper as well as discover "totally free" puppies to a great residence. www.yuppypetboutique.com
 Although this may certainly not seem to be like a type of adopting, it most absolutely is. You are actually taking on the family pet coming from the previous loved ones and also in some scenarios; carry out certainly not be actually surprised if the family members in fact requests for an adopting charge! It is actually certainly not that uncommon and also it deals with all the expenditures they acquired along with the brand new puppy dogs after childbirth. Sterilizing, bug and tick treatment, rabies inoculations, soul earthworm medicine, and also is actually merely a handful of.
 Other more common pet dog fostering companies are usually such as pet dog rescues, adopting groups, as well as creature homes. You may locate these in your area through going out your telephone directory as well as only giving all of them a phone call to find what pups they presently possess. I choose to make use of the net, and also one of the greatest things regarding the internet is these teams have actually had the ability to partner with each other to deliver our company one systematized spot to find 1000s of family pets up for embracement at once.
 Where to Find Dogs as well as Puppies for Adoption
 Merely think if you are brand new wedded and you desire to surprise your charming as well as cute better half with a wonderful puppy dog what will be the response of your spouse? I make certain she will certainly yell with joy given that not a bachelor in this particular planet will certainly dislike such an innocent and attractive puppy. However if you are actually uninformed that where you may get such a beautiful puppy dog at that point listed below are actually some practical ideas for you.
 1. Examination in your community
 It is actually far better to look a family pet dog in to your neighborhood at very first. It may be actually achievable that your next door neighbor is wanting to purchase his pet dog. Then why don't you be actually the shopper of that pet dog if it is of your option? If your neighbor is actually willing to provide his new puppy to you then nothing may be much better for you than this since the pup has progressed facing your eyes. So, there are really less odds of its disease.
 2. Household pet Shops
 The next action is actually to find out a pet dog or puppy dog from the household pet shops. This is actually an easy way to discover a pet considering that you will discover an amount of canines in the store so the choices will definitely be actually fantastic. However one of the most significant thing in this regard is that, if you are planning to purchase a new puppy from the store after that take it to the doctor as well as have a complete checkup of the pup just before getting it. Always always remember that after taking the canine right into your house, it will definitely become your accountability.
 3. Species Rescue Organization
 There is a Breed Rescue Organization where you can easily additionally buy a pet dog or even a new puppy. This is actually area of terrific assortment of household pet dogs. So, you may simply find your favored canine or a new puppy.
 4. World wide web
 Yet another source to acquire a pet is net. I should mention this is the least expensive as well as easiest method of using a dog since you possess no requirement to visit any type of shop looking for a pet. Merely surf for an animal as well as you will definitely have the ability to discover your darling.
 Where to Find Puppies for Adoption?
 If you would like to stun your spouse on her birthday party along with a little bit of cute pooch yet if you do not recognize where to obtain these attractive creatures at that point right here are some interesting ideas for you.
 Possess some Investigations in your Neighborhood
If you possess no tip about the kind of a pet dog then it is actually better to check out about it in your area. If any one in your next-door neighbors has a welcome addition of pups then you can generously deliver your embracement solution to your next-door neighbors given that no one ever before likes to maintain a ton of young puppies in his house.
 Family pet Shops
A large number of individuals like to acquire new puppies coming from their regional household pet markets. An animal outlet are going to possess virtually every form of puppy dog breed as a result; it will definitely be actually much easier for you to decide on a dog of your selection through a bordering dog shop.
 Type Rescue Organization
I f you are fully rookie in canine training at that point it is better to take the aid of a Breed Rescue Organizations. Species Rescue Organizations are actually special groups that are actually concentrated on qualifying a puppy dog of a specific breed. They institutions could be a terrific aid for those that do not have any type of time for animal's training.
 Pet Shelter or Pet Rescue Groups
Animal sanctuaries or dog saving teams are actually undoubtedly helpful for those that are not aware concerning a specific species. Having said that, it is actually truly hard to discover a canine of a certain dimension and also age as a lot of the dog rescue teams includes adult pets.
 World wide web
Web is also a fine spot to locate a pet dog of your choice. Plenty of pet breeders publish their promotion on world wide web to make sure that you can easily opt for the pet dog of your desire.
 Puppies for Adoption - Adorable Puppies Need Home
 The majority of our team would merely enjoy to embrace an adorable new puppy at some aspect in time or other, isn't it? As well as much to our pleasure, our company can easily discover a lot of puppies for adoption pathways hanging around to greet our company and also to deliver our company with all information that could matter to our company a whole lot. Yet you still in requirement to be additional cautious in choosing some of these methods as you can easily go very wrong with them. Bring in sure you have spent sufficient opportunity researching their references before locating them. Yet when you have actually created the appropriate selection, you after that need to bring up these charming young puppies thoroughly and this is absolutely certainly not a cat-walk for most of us!
 Fully grown dogs and young puppies, particularly, are actually wonderful friends anyone can possess. They are probably the only residing creatures that will certainly stand up by you excessive as well as slim. If they can help you this way as well as in a lot numerous other techniques, why would certainly you trouble thinking of embracing one? The decision creating procedure entailed listed here need to instead be actually a quick and easy one. You need to adopt some of them at the very least right now. Discover an ideal location for puppies for adoption and after that complete the rules that are demanded in obtaining all of them for on your own and after that find what favorable variation they bring in to your lifestyle. Much more therefore, they are actually fantastic little animals that are so excellent looking that you could locate it upsetting your eyes off all of them.
 There are probably many concerns you may want to ask on your own prior to taking on a young puppy. Perform I have a tiny but a cozy little spot for my puppy to remain? Can I transform this place to a larger one to support the charming new puppy once it develops? Perform I recognize what its own food habits are and how they need to have to be actually kept each day? And more. If you have the ability to address these concerns and also a whole lot a lot more, you are actually probably prepared for taking on a puppy. In such a scenario, see puppies for adoption location as well as create your option. You may at that point proceed and apply the answers you had given previously. Mind you, using a charming young puppy is the greatest way to set about performing your bit in guarding these creatures coming from damaging killers.
 The wellness of the puppy dog you are actually heading to embrace should be actually on leading of your problem. See to it that you take your taken on young puppy to a medical professional as well as inspect the health condition of it. Observe all the measures that are demanded to keep all of them in well-balanced situation. This is actually really necessary while you are actually choosing for puppies for adoption. You will certainly never run except species of new puppies while you are hectic looking for them. Dalmatians, Danes, Labradors, golden retrievers, and English Collies are few species you can immediately believe of while adopting all of them. Yet whatever reproduce you are actually going for, make sure that you have potential strategies in location currently. It is actually a recognized reality that these young puppies grow quickly and also consequently you need to prepare for their sanctuary, food items as well as other traits as necessary.
 Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption are actually usually full-blooded, and also equally as wonderful, nurturing, and spirited as a new puppy you would certainly acquire. Why most likely to an animal shop or even breeder when you can locate Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption? Commonly complimentary!
 Places including "Labrador Retriever Rescue and Adoption" have sheer and mixed-breed Labrador Retriever pups. When we went seeming on the web briefly, our team located Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption that were actually 9 full weeks outdated and 12 full weeks outdated.
 In a "Yahoo Pets" identified ad, our company found 10 gorgeous little Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption in Colorado. The Hoobly classified website had 3 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption in Idaho.
 Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption are also accessible at Humane Society and individual animal sanctuaries.
 That Would Adopt Labrador Retriever Puppies
 You might use Labrador Retriever new puppies if:
 1. your finances carries out not allow an expenditure of $400 to $1500 for a pup
 2. you have kindness on unwanted young puppies
 A lot of folks have huge, looking after hearts. They recognize the Labrador Retriever new puppies at the dog breeder, along with their expensive papers, will definitely locate properties. Lifestyle is certainly not as certain for rescue puppies. They have been quit for adoption considering that the owners would certainly not or might neglect additional canines.
 Disadvantages of Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 Labrador Retriever new puppies that have actually been actually offered up for adopting may possess concealed troubles. You are going to not recognize concerning the temperament of the parents. Nor will certainly you recognize whether either parent has illness that are going to be received through the young puppies. If you locate Labrador Retriever young puppies in an animal sanctuary, chances are good that the staff recognizes little bit of concerning them.
 Labrador Retriever young puppies in a home commonly are without building options. Folks come and folks go, but no one possesses time to teach the puppy exactly how to quadrate human friends.
 You take the chance of obtaining a puppy that has discovered to woof loudly for focus - in an area of loudly barking pets. Labrador Retriever young puppies from homes are going to take greater than a few times of adjustment to un-learn some bad practices.
 Some of these drawbacks faint if you obtain Labrador Retriever puppies with a saving network. Most systems position their adoptive puppy dogs in foster properties. This stays away from many of the animal sanctuary issues.
 Some saving networks are actually likewise capable to learn even more regarding the new puppies' background. The foster "moms and dads" can easily review the new puppies' personalities and health. They may start basic instruction and also mingle the puppy dogs. They can easily see to it the young puppies get a great begin in lifestyle while they expect their permanent houses.
 Perks of Labrador Retriever Puppies for Adoption
 The advantages of getting Labrador Retriever new puppies that are offered for adopting might surpass the negative aspects for you - especially if you can easily receive the puppies via a saving network.
 1. You are actually providing a really good property to Labrador Retriever new puppies that could otherwise not have one.
 2. You are actually acquiring nurturing, trustworthy buddies, who will definitely do anything to satisfy you, provided that you educate them what that is.
 3. You are actually paying for just a little fostering cost (or even obtaining all of them free of charge). Yet your Labrador Retriever young puppies will certainly be actually equally as caring as those setting you back numerous bucks.
 Practical Tip
 You can easily discover Labrador Retriever puppies for adoption online. Just type the key phrase "Labrador Retriever saving" into your search engine. Locally, view paper classified adds or even explore your animal sanctuary.
 What About Frenchie Puppies For Adoption?
 In scenario you perform certainly not recognize you can opt for puppies for adoption online. The system is actually quite complex, but it is also the easiest method scenario you are trying to find frenchie pups up for sale online.
 Lots of folks calculating movie stars as well as famous people possess French bulldogs and they are maintaining them as pets. They are actually smaller sized than the regular sort of bulldog, however every total are actually a lot more quiet, loveable and also really spirited.
 Before inviting your French bulldog puppy in your property you certainly need to have to be prepared for this certain activity. Our team all understand exactly how necessary it is to become unwinded as well as to believe comfy at home. Your frenchie young puppy have to believe the exact same point in his brand new house.
 The pups have lots of energy and also they are actually incredibly powerful in finishing their job. A frenchie young puppy will certainly create you to walk for kilometers; they will make you enjoy with all of them for hours considering that they will certainly not obtain tired any faster. Start showing your French bulldog soon as you possess him. Sooner is better due to the fact that he will definitely listen closely as well as learn quicker when it is quite young.
 Online internet site you can easily locate crucial details about a whole lot of points associated as exactly how you may supply all of them the right way, how you can easily embrace one, what they like or even do not like, wellness issues, and so on
 . It may be extremely useful to examine the Testimonials as well as Questions areas online internet site. By doing this you possess significant possibilities to learn additional regarding what you are actually seeking.
 You are going to need to have to create them believe as well as realize that they are actually extremely significant in your lifestyle. Together with their guideline treatments you additionally need to train your children too. Teach your youngsters on exactly how to act when they are actually connecting with French bulldog puppy dogs. This is considering that youngsters are commonly mean as well as they participate in excessive games with their puppy dogs, games that may harm them long times. Traits which little ones normally utilize to carry out feel like taking the rear of the little frenchie, play wildly along with their ears, they kick them and also they likewise do lots of various other distressing points which issue the little bit of frenchie.
 When you are actually training your French bulldog puppy dogs see to it that your child or little ones to note any sort of training treatment. By doing this, your little one will definitely recognize the French bulldog reactions to the directions. Reward your little close friend after each training treatment so you can improve up the self-confidence amount of your pet.
 They may be quite brilliant and also can they may discover very easily. They could be very skilled guard dogs if they learn appropriately. You are going to discover that they are quite quiet and also carry out not howl excessively. They howl just when they have something to inform you and also includes having a crook in your home. These pets likewise have a charming temper and also are actually really lovely. It is additionally in some way strange that they such as to chase after computer mice and also infections so you will certainly not require to use a family cat therefore. Ultimately, French bulldogs are actually fantastic consequent dogs. They are actually very devoted, lovable as well as enjoy a whole lot of exercise.
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