#I forget if this is part of the dcamu
joyisoverparty · 4 months
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Batman: Assault on Arkham (2014)
Every adaptation of Harleen Quinzel, a never-ending list [16/?]
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @cxttlefishcxller, thank you my friend!
I really wanted to tag Pix, but I can’t seem to remember your blog’s URL. ;;;
Note: I am unsure if "fic" here indicates fanfic or also includes original fic, but I assumed fanfic for some reason? Meh, most of what I write is fanfiction anyways.
Also, this got really long....
How many works do you have on AO3?
So, I don't really have many fics posted on Ao3. I have like. Three, I think? I'm working on moving them over! I just only want the Rewritten Better Versions on Ao3.
Update: It's 4! I forgot I put the Ruby Gloom fic up there hoping someone would adopt it.
(Fanfiction.net has 33, for comparsion.)
What is your total AO3 word count?
...How does one find that out without manually adding the numbers up....????
Edit: I found the Statistics page. It's 35,853
Fanfic.net would be over 300,000 though.
What fandoms do you write for?
Actively: Teen Titans and Pokemon! I also started a Ruby Gloom fic and almost-entirely-outlined but never-fully-wrote a Steven Universe fanfic. (Well, I did finish the Ocean Gem scene from Lapis's POV. Does that count?)
As far as RPing (you did only say "write for", after all!): - Teen Titans (Dove's main verse, which is part 00's show and part 80's comics) - Steven Universe (my Lapis blog was kinda active for awhile and though my Blue Diamond blog never saw any actual roleplaying, I did write a lot of headcanons!) - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Ryou Bakura, like Blue, was never roleplayed except once on rabb.it but I wrote scattered heacanons) - DCAMU (Raven, of course! Would love to get some actual rps going with her again. But alas. The Horrors.)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
So, kudos is specific to Ao3, and I don't have a lot there. Apparently, uhh.... the only fic that has any kudos at all is the 14 on Unforeseen and Unforesaken.
....I was going to say "But on fanfic.net..." Except fanfic.net doesn't have a comparable feature. {lD;;
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really should! I just. Keep forgetting to check my email. I would, given the time and attention spoons and a computer that actually stays connected to the internet for longer than 15 minutes at a time...
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's not done yet. But it's going to be the final chapter of DDD. Dove literally asks, "I killed five people. Do I deserve to die?" It's... going to be Intense and come with a few content warnings because it's HEAVY.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So far? Uhhhh........ I mean, A work of Magic (Pokemon fic) is pretty upbeat so far. The story basically BEGINS with Jess wanting to raise a Misdreavus and Mismagius (and finding them); Murky hating his flock (and he's with a trainer now so he's away from them); Missie being abandoned (but then found by a trainer who loves her!); and Mistress's arc is in the works (ha) but it's already begun (she's mad about her species being hated for their reputation but Jess doesn't care about that). It's going to be ALL happy endings.
I think, in the published stories, it might be between Mystery Sickness (Raven heals from the titular sickness and everyone's happy!) or Missing: Raven (wherein the titular missing Raven returns and everyone's happy!). In my unpublished fics though... Fire and Flight is going to end with Dove and Srentha getting married, and that's a really blissful scene for them, of course. This is hard actually because I don't like NOT-happy endings! They mostly all do except the ones that have direct sequels (DDD and Something Special).
Do you get hate on your fic?
Oh my stars, I USED to! Dove's core concept - "Raven's sister" - made SO many people mad! Keep in mind, I started sharing my stories in 2005 or 2006. Writing a character that fit arbitrary criteria that everyone else except me somehow knew was a !!SIN!!. (Two exclamation points for Mercymorn vibes are, in this case, intentional.)
One of the first things I shared was Dove's character bio. And people almost always said things like "She's a Mary Sue!" Simply because she was related to Raven. Or "She has too many powers!" (And Raven canonically has a new power like every 3 issues in the comics; what's your point?) People also said I wasn't allowed to make Dove like J-Pop because I also liked J-pop. Which is. Like. ??? H u h ? ? ? ???
It didn't make sense to me then and it doesn't make sense to me now.
I don't think I've gotten any hate in the past 10 years or so, though. Though I personally consider it equivalent to hate when someone goes to my Teen Titans stories and, in a review on that Teen Titans fanfic, without commenting on anything whatsoever regarding the content of the Teen Titans story, asks me to update the Ruby Gloom fic.
Fuck off.
(I got Really Painfully Disappointed when I saw that email that someone reviewed DDD! The first review on that story in YEARS! A story I've poured my heart and soul [and a little bit of my own mindscape experience] into creating! Only for it to be someone begging--on the WRONG DAMN STORY-- for me to update something I already explicitly said I was no longer writing.)
Do you write smut?
Not really. Not often. Not well. I mostly just have outlines. And there are like. Five scenes outlined. Brief scenes. (99.5% of the time, I don't care about smut at all. It's just not fun for me unless I am REALLY in EXACTLY the right mood to have fun with it.)
Do you write crossovers?
I did once! Unfortunately that was the only time I ever felt shame, because I thought it was Too Self-Indulgent and for some reason decided it was silly. Pokemon and Teen Titans. Dove gets a transportation spell wrong and ends up in the Pokemon world, and accidentally catches a Misdreavus. (Because what else would I write about in the Pokemon world? XD) I had this really fun idea about the ghost getting stuck in Raven's mindscape and Dove has to go in there to retrieve it. But I simply didn't have any idea where the story was going and lost interest. It's the only story I've ever deleted, and I regret it so much. I lost the flashdrive that had the original file on it and all the notes for that scene, too. u.u
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Although, let's be real, the idea that "Raven has a sister named Dove" is Very Far from Unique. Stories like that were all over 2000's fanfic.net. (I named my Dove independently and refuse to change it. It Has MEANING for mine, okay!)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Most of the process! Sort of. A Work of Magic (my ACTUAL Pokemon fanfiction) is going to involve my best friend's trainer character as my trainer character's traveling companion! Eventually. Assuming I ever publish enough of the story to solidify Jess's team first....
That's also assuming rping doesn't count, by the way. I assume you mean fic as in "fanfiction specifically". But if RPs count, I have co-authored a GREAT many fics! In fact the first 5ish years I was roleplaying, it was in a chatroom specifically for Teen Titans OCs!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
This may be cheating, but my VERY FAVORITE ship is actually my OCxOC ship, Dove and Srentha! Secretshipping! My babies. The first romantic interest/couple I ever actually cared about.
If it HAAAAS to be a ship of characters within the realm of canon... JeriRae is probably the one. Though Lapidot was a contender for awhile.
I also really liked the OCxRaven ship in my favorite Teen Titans fanfiction... before I reread it at an age where I realized it's Weird to ship a 25 year old man with a character that the story states "hasn't even reached her sixteenth birthday". Their dynamic would be REALLY exciting if it wasn't a little creepy.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly? All the smut scenes. I write at such an agonizingly slow pace as it is, but when I'm not actually In the Mood For Smutty Things, I'm actually mildly s*x-repulsed and when I'm not repulsed, I am simply Disinterested, and I'm not going to write it if it's Not Interesting.
What are your writing strengths?
Characterization so every character feels unique and alive! Maybe dialogue, as a subset of characterization and also sounding Pretty Natural? Using descriptive words that paint vivid pictures and echo vivid sounds and evoke powerful emotions! I've gotten my writing to a place where it generally flows very well, syntax-wise. Immersive descriptions of sensory experiences (especially tactile and auditory). Being able to get into the character's head and write the scene As They See It without using first-person. Character growth and developement is a Big Thing. I'm also learning to write better metaphors! (Still learning quite the right places to wield them, but I used to use a ton of hyperbole and modifiers that kinda killed the mood. I'm getting WAY better at them now though!)
Also, fic-specific: Hella headcanons! Especially for something I'm really interested in, like Azarath or how Raven's powers work. My analytical mind combined with the joy and perpetuity of hyperfixation means I analyze a LOT of little details in canon.
I can take a line that only briefly mentions a "magistrate of food production" and extrapolate an Entire Aspect of Society. (They have people in charge of food production! It's an organized aspect of society! It's HIERARCHICAL. "Magistrate" means he's judging things; he's not the only one calling the shots! It's PRODUCTION, which means it's not all foraged! They have a whole system for it; it's REGULATED! And I'm just now, at this very moment, thinking "holy shit, what did they do when the magistrate of food production fucking PERISHED"... not like that was the most important part of that scene. But. I never considered that before. Food is pretty important. I actually need to gnaw on this for awhile.)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Humor and fight scenes. Also fluff and smut, but I don't really enjoy writing those. There may be Occasional Fluff, especially in secretshipping scenes with Dove and Srentha, and usually it comes out pretty sweet, but it's always wrapped in Actual Story. And smut just. Doesn't really have any place in my writing. I've outlined a few things, "fully written" one singular lime scene. (It might eventually someday possibly conceivably become more than a lime. Maybe.)
But humor? I absolutely suck at that. My Pokemon fanfic has some humor elements, and sometimes the character narrating the scene via limited third person or omniscient makes a dry comment, and I appreciate dry humor. But humor just isn't... something I gravitate towards naturally. And when I do, it's dry and subtle and understated.
I tried to write a funny moment into DDD where Dove tries doing laundry with her powers, they go out of control, she gets the clothes mixed up and because Dove isn't from Earth and didn't know they have to stay separate in the washer, the whites and colors get mixed, and so Beast Boy laments his clothes turning pink. The scene ends with Beast Boy teasing her and saying he'll just get revenge, and Robin says, "So everyone except Dove: Watch for trip wires." It feels SO out of place in DDD. (You know: The story where murders happen and Dove has a breakdown.) I was going for "Break the dramatic tension with humor". You know. Comic relief. I'm not sure how well it worked.
And fight scenes? I can imagine Some Things Happening, but it's always in brief snatches of moments. I can't follow the flow of a fight in my head. I mostly describe it in snapshots, because I don't enjoy fights much. I don't enjoy physical training or sports or martial arts or war stories. I even zone out during Teen Titans (My #1 Hyperfixation) episodes when they're fighting. I don't enjoy writing them and I don't enjoy content of them, so I kind of just. Can't even figure out how they work. Solution: Slap a few serviceable moments together and call it a day. It's not a skill I intend to polish beyond "just get it over with so I can get to the COOL part". Cool, subjectively, being the part AFTER the fight.
I will say that I GREATLY enjoyed both the process of writing and somewhat enjoyed the result of the DDD climax battle! Chapter 20, the largely-abstract battle between Raven and Dove in Dove's mindscape. I absolutely LOVED playing around with how an empath and a telepath would wage war when they're LITERALLY INSIDE SOMEONE'S MIND! I didn't have to coordinate hits and weapons in my head; it was all abstract, emotional, redirection stuff that DOES capture my imagination!
But how often am I ever going to write an empath and a telepath fighting in a mindscape? It's the only battle scene I've ever written that I'm actually HAPPY with. (....event-wise, anyways. Not at all happy with the rhythm/prose/style. I like What Happens in the battle, not How It's Written. But the thing about not enjoying, and thus not practicing, a thing is that I'm not going to be good at it even when I really want to be.)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I kinda do that already! Though most of it is in a conlang... Not sure if that counts. (I don't think I've published it anywhere. But if you've ever seen the scene I posted on dA that ends in "May your spirit soar free"? I hadn't done it at the time, but I now know how that's written: Phiareh se-o a'erentha.) Names come into play for character!Zira, particularly Ciraen and Zirane, and Leyla and Dove both have "affectionate" names used to denote especially deep fondness and significance. I don't think I've ever written an entire CONVERSATION in another language though.
Oh, and I intersperse Rorek's dialog with Latin at the beginning of that story because I'm a dork for Latin and he's supposed to have been ripped from the past and is ~magically~ learning English. It's a transition.
Anyways, I think it's fine but I think people should try to find a beta who knows the language.
First fandom you wrote for?
Does "inventing a Yu-Gi-Oh! card" count as writing? Because if so, probably that. If not: Does imagining a species count as writing? Then Pokemon or Yoshi (both of Nintendo fame). As far as actually fully writing out the stories in words with the intent for them to be read as a narrative: that's 100% Teen Titans.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
What is my favorite star in the sky? My favorite leaf on a tree? Which tidal wave is the moon's favorite? By the gods, I can't pick just ONE. I love them all for the whole tapestry they weave, and my Current Favorite changes by the day. The most statistically common "Favorites" tend to be:
- Dove's Dark Discovery (because writing the mindscape scenes was SO DAMN FUN!) - The Final Journey (I'm writing about Azar and that's very important to me for private Nexus reasons, but it's also important to DOVE! And it's a classic Adventure Quest story with a twist of "she's still getting over the fact that she killed people") - Something Special About Srentha (perhaps my most coherent plot to date and headcanoning Azarathean history like CRAZY) - Growing Up Demon (Leyla's childhood scenes that don't fit elsewhere and she's very fun and very loved and it warms my heart A Lot-- some of the only time I enjoy writing slice of life, but is it really slice of life when your life is magic and demons?) - A Work of Magic is my favorite when I'm in Pokemon-hyperfixation mode or am just really appreciating warm-fuzzies and low stakes.
Holy fricking gods I'm tired. I read that last question as "first fic you've ever written" and. Answer under the read-more because I typed that all out and I Like The Answer, but it's not....... the answer it's asking for. {lD;;
Oh great gods, define "writing"! I was playing out stories with my PowerPuff plush figure things at like age 5. I made up characters and species for Pokemon and Yoshi when I was that age, possibly even younger! And I made up Dove at a VERY young age, considering I'm still writing about her at age 30: I must have been 10 or 11! I came up with her Core Concept veeeery shortly after getting into Teen Titans. I specifically remember playing pretend when Teen Titans was still airing; my oldest sister was playing Terra and I was playing Dove. We were playing toys with a spare Raven Bandai figure being Raven's sister named Dove (something about time travel and crossing a river in a boat made of legos?) the night Spellbound aired. That was... (checks internet) October of 2004!
And the oldest writings I have dated-- as in, writings when I actually wrote down the date I put the words on paper-- are Dove stories from 2005. But I know I was writing the stories down on paper about a year before I actually started writing the dates down. So at the VERY latest, I started "writing" fics in 2005.
I don't think I started Intentionally Writing Fanfiction, as it actually
I'm tagging: Under the singular condition that you actually want to do it! @mymixofmuses @orionsdestiny @sirenianheart @impulse-goblin 
+AND: Anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Frankly I'm not sure who else writes. @monstrousgourmandizingcats, if it can be interpreted as original fic?
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coolgirl32 · 1 year
How they found out nightmare was pregnant with her baby as always there will be a part 2 so please do enjoy and do not judge me and do not copyright this
Batman yes I'm using this version of Batman because this version is really sexy do not blame me for being horny for this man for any of the Justice League men that I find attractive in the dcamu
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How he found out nightmare was pregnant with his baby. They didn't call him the greatest detective for nothing so on one beautiful night Bruce and nightmare were both cuddling after making hot love for 3 hours Bruce started to notice some things different about nightmare 1 she's covering herself up and not showing her belly to him 2 her running off to the bathroom every few minutes or so and 3 she told him she has to go. The next thing that was really weird was when at the watchtower Bruce didn't see nightmare anywhere when he asked Diana where nightmare was she told him that nightmare was on vacation with her family (of course that was a lie because nightmare told Diana she was pregnant with Bruce's baby Diana being a very good supportive friend promise not to tell Bruce about the whole pregnancy thing) Bruce was relieved that nightmare didn't catch a cold or got sick or something but 9 months later that's when Bruce really started worrying about nightmare so he decided to go to nightmares apartment building in Mississippi when he knocked on the door there was no noise except a baby's cry he thought it was an emergency so when the door opened he was shocked to see nightmare holding a little baby girl wrapped in a pink baby's blanket and a head full of hair dark jet black hair when Bruce realized that nightmare was pregnant with his baby Bruce was going to need some explanation from nightmare. I'm so nightmare explained she told him that she asked him and forgot about her birth control 9 months ago and when she found out she was pregnant she told Diana not to tell him cuz she felt like he would not love her anymore Bruce told nightmare that you would still love her and that she should have told him from the beginning and he would have helped her he then asked her with the little baby girls name was nightmare said that his daughter's name was Rachel Marie Wayne Bruce thought that was a very beautiful full name
Green arrow
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How he found out nightmare was pregnant with his baby. He's very experienced so he knows the symptoms of pregnancy the women he went out with back then he'd always make sure to see if they were pregnant or not because sometimes they would "forget to take their birth control" so when he saw all the symptoms of pregnancy were correct on nightmare he hope that it was just her being sick with the stomach virus or something. So while he was practicing with his bow and arrow nightmare came up to him with tears in her eyes and a positive pregnancy stick in her hand he asked her what was wrong and when he looked at it he couldn't believe that he asked her is she sure she nodded her head yes you told her everything was going to be ok and that he will be there to support her and the baby she smiled and gave him a hug and she said sorry he said it was ok they both kissed and announce the pregnancy to everyone in the watchtower everyone congratulate them. (9 months later just pretend the French narrator is saying this I couldn't help it it's too funny 🤣). nightmare gave birth to a little boy they named him Andrew Dale Queen. Oliver was really happy that he became a father of course his son ended up having blonde hair and looking like his father but had his mother's eyes.
Superman also I'm making Connor the biological child of Superman and night owl
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How he found out nightmare was pregnant with his baby. Of course this is simple and easy he found out by hearing the baby's heartbeat and seeing through x-ray vision without hurting my and without hurting the baby. Of course Superman being really excited told nightmare that she was carrying his baby. Of course the nightmare told him that she already knew that she was carrying his baby and that she was going to surprise him I felt so bad his face turned red of embarrassment and said sorry thousands of times she said it was okay with a smile on her face and try so hard not to laugh she was comforting him she was even rubbing his back and allowing him to put his hand on her womb where the baby is. So when they told everyone at the watchtower about the pregnancy they all congratulated both of them. 9 months later nightmare gave birth to a baby boy with jet black hair and looked a little bit like his father but had his mother's beautiful blue eyes they named him Connor Wesley Kent it was truly the happiest day of Superman's life
Ok so I'm going to be doing a part 2 the reason why I have done three is because I don't want this to be too long and I have to go to bed so I hope you all enjoyed it and please do not copyright any of my work or anyone else's work because you will get in trouble for it okay bye
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