#I forgot pearlcatchers.
thirsty-4-ghouls · 5 months
I have three thoughts that pop up every time I see a dusthide. Not all of them each time, but at least one
Most common thought: he have no ears 😭
Second most common: armadillo (armadillos have ears though, so I guess more pangolin? But the way they are segmented… the pangolin thing reminds me of their claws more though. Hmm, overthinks what species of real animals one can compare them to)
And the final one: so, remember those toys from the 2000s that you put on a magnet and they went from a ball to a little guy?
Update, I have gotten sleep and am now confused about why I was so sad every time I saw that they had no ears
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goannafr · 4 months
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My half of an art trade with @pequene-ninho ! She wanted to do a black and white/lineart trade which was an interesting and fun idea :D
They wanted me to draw one of their pirate dragons, and I picked Toyon because I love that PC's kinda zombie look. Very Curse of the Black Pearl vibes.. gotta love them undead pirates >:)
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fancy-feathercroak · 1 year
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I was revisiting some old bio lore and my Plague priestess has some dialogue that gave me a chuckle since we now live in a post among us society.
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dormiebasne · 8 months
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I finally graduated to fullbody… Here is Mourning Dove, one of my progen’s unexalted children. This took a weirdly long time and is still kinda messy but I am in no way going to fix it
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firebirds-roost · 1 month
🍓: Show off your favorite wet cat (pathetic) dragon and share a fun fact about them!
I already shared Moloch in the last post, so I'll go with the second wettest cat in my lair:
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Sorrel! The world's saddest little llama man.
Seen here in his base form, he's a cursed longneck who turns into a vicious beast of a dragon every full moon. He's spent his whole life wandering Sornieth, being chased out of every clan he tried to join, and only recently found a permanent home in Firebird's Roost. Apparently they're used to weird magic anomalies like himself.
🍇: Share the "villain" or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them! (Note: Doesn't need to be a cackling supervillain, it can also be an annoying trickster, etc!)
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I will never miss a chance to talk about Fluffington.
He's the founder of the Roost, a charming little fuzzball adored by the whole clan, and quite possibly the most delightfully evil character I've ever created.
See, nobody in Cinderslag is really happy. The region's work culture is absolutely brutal, with dragons forced to toil in deadly environments for hardly any pay, and most of them are absolutely desperate for some sort of escape from it all. Fluffington is there to provide that escape! He preys on the weak and miserable dragons created by this cruel industrial complex, inviting them to live in his utopian clan far away from all their troubles, and they're so broken down by the system that they flock to his empty promises like sheep.
Unfortunately, I can't go into too much more detail without getting into spoilers... but let's just say he has an ulterior motive for luring all of these emotionally vulnerable dragons into one place and positioning himself as their benevolent savior.
He knows the truth about the factory - why it shut down, what Moloch saw there that was so terrible - and intends to take full advantage of its dark secrets for his own selfish gain. All he needs are a few more souls to fuel the fire with.
🍉: Share the dragon who would be most likely to get banned from a grocery store, and talk about why you picked them
I also got this question in the last post, so I'll talk about another one here:
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Rattlespine is less of a dragon and more of a weird undead armor construct that someone found in a ruined temple. It was created to guard something that no longer exists and never lost the instinct, so it'd probably start patrolling the produce section and attacking anyone who got too close to the watermelons. Now there's a fun mental image. They added boss fights to grocery store.
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terra-tortoise · 7 months
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shes still missing a few apparel pieces (my wishlist is here if youre feeling generous, ive been focusing on genes for everyone so apparel has taken a backseat) but aleph is basically complete! transgender lesbian pirate
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crimniko · 2 years
ask game: 4 !
Number 1 is possibly dragons, since I draw them so much and basically my spirit animals. Mainly Flight Rising dragons lately but I drew some more funky ones as well, but sadly I lost quite a few of these doodles since my pendrive died...
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serrated-snake · 2 months
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Violet Dream and Cirrus Dancer
Royal/pearl/bubblegum, arcane rare
Sky/ivory/pearl, water pastel
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finniigan-fr · 8 months
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Modelled a little forge for my blacksmith Pearlcatcher, Ember :3
Yes, he has a wooden workbench and a barrel full of coal next to an open flame,, his ass is NOT sornieth osha compliant!
also i may have forgot his pearl and whiskers uhhh just pretend he left the pearl inside and he burnt his whiskers off when he leaned over the fire one time (again... he is not operating a safe business by any means)
plus some wip pics if youre into that sort of thing
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and heres what hes gonna look like once i gene him up! still need to save up for a trans scroll and all the genes lol
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the Flight Rising dragon breeds as Jerma quotes
Fae: The whole moral of the story is, even little guys- even big guy- little guys got some big stuff in their- in their brains. Guardians: Be my Charge, or take this at least two months' supply of chips. The choice is yours. I stand you will make the correct one. Mirrors: Cheeseburgers? Byeah. Hotdogs? Byeah. Donuts? Byeah. Bar fightin'? Byeah. Bug collections? Byeah. Tundra: AAAUUGH- I forgot I was playing a game and I forgot I was streaming and I forgot I was sitting in a chair and I forgot where I was. Pearlcatchers: Why am I so short? Because God doesn't fucking love me. Ridgebacks: I eat more seafood than fruit. I eat more seafood than dairy, I eat more seafood than flour and bread. I don't eat all these other things, I eat SEAFOOD. Snappers: What would you like to say to the scientist a hundred years from now? Seeing a lot of 'Fuck you's'. Now, this scientist is gonna look at this and be like, 'What- how primitive were they? They must have been very primitive. They, immediately on talking to a potential scientist in the future, went right to vulgarities. Primitive species.' Spirals: If you had a fucking battleaxe and you were gonna try to get me with it, you are NOT gonna get me with it. I'm too fast for you. Way too fast. I am fast as FUCK and I have lightning-like reflexes. Bogsneaks: [crawling out from under a log] ANY SCRAPS FOR ME? Obelisks: This is a, um- this is a smoky… a smoky granite.​ ​Oh, I can tell by the flavor.​ Skydancers: I'm telling ya, I- I can like feel- I can like sense it, I can like sense the world around me. I can like feel the fucking world around me. I think I might be claymation. Clairvoyant. Imperials: 'At least they're handsome'. [chuckles] I appreciate that. Nocturnes: Hello, yes, may I come in your house? Thank you. I'M A VAMPIRE, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT. Coatl: [agitated beatboxing] Wildclaws: What animal do you think I would be? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY. I think I'd be a wolf. I would be a wolf-lion hybrid mix. King of the junj- junjle, but still social and with it and ferocious. Aberrations: [10 seconds before being swept into the Wyrmwound] I am as safe as you can possibly be! It's never gonna happen! You'll never dunk me, you fuckers! Fuck all'a ya! It's not gonna ha- Aethers: We're just a bunch of dragons. 'Are you an alien?' …I am. Banescale: Why clean, when you can burn your house down? Gaolers: Global warming? Global warming my ass! Sandsurges: Did somebody say 'next game'? [wind howling in the bg] 'Yeah, let me load up Yakuza'. I'm in the middle of the damn desert, man, what are you talking about? Undertide: There are plenty- plenty- of fish in the sea, you understand? Some of them are small, some of them are big, some of them have- some of them are very mean, some of them'll dump ya. But as you can see, there's plenty of good fish too. Look, you see? There's this fish right here that's VERY good potential, like, spouse material. Veilspun: I'm not tiny, I'm compact!
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cosmologicalrising · 3 months
thoughts on the breed + poses under the cut! some positive, some negative, just my opinions
overall, i'm kind of... eh. i think it hasn't really set in for me yet that these are moderns. i got so used to ancients getting released that i forgot how huge of a deal it is to get a new modern LMAO
so, while i'm trying to kick my habit of judging new breeds based on the new line-breaking terts they get, i think i like these guys! as of right now i like imperials more, and imps aren't really at the top of my favorites list, so they're not at the bottom but they're definitely not at the top.
i'm kind of disappointed with the m pose. the ears don't stick out of the silhouette, and neither do the back legs, so trying to put apparel on either of those two places kind of ends up with a mess. i know the pose is swimming (which i do like), but it also kind of looks to me like the males are all stuck in a glue trap :'D though i WILL say i love how you can see the segmented wings in this pose better. the wings are one of the best parts about this breed imo
BUT the F pose though..... IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!!!! the ears stick out of the silhouette, the wings are folded with some perspective but you can still use apparel on them fine, and all of the legs are visible and sticking out. i like that their mouths are open, too. AND seraph looks FANTASTIC on this pose!!! i noticed the m pose makes seraph look a little less feathery.
hatchling pose is fucking adorable and i love it. ALTHOUGH the silhouette again is like.... hoo boy. it took me a solid minute to figure out what parts of the dragon were attached where when looking at the hatchling pose. it's kind of suffering from the same issue as auraboas, where there's just so much Stuff going on that it all gets squished together and hard to parse. also, if you don't register their head as being lower than their neck, it looks like they have a dialga head that sticks waaaaay back lol
i think i'll warm up to this breed more as i see more and more of them with good outfits and such. we're kind of in the first day stage where everyone has gen1s with funky colors, so i'm looking forward to seeing whether or not they'll grow on me and at least be on the level of pearlcatchers for me (i.e. pretty dang good)
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I wanna make another crochet dragon to be a friend to Tom but what breed…
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(Tom, for those who forgot)
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Crystalline Gala Skin Census
As of 1/17/2024 6:00 PM
Aberration M - 1 (1A, 0S)
Banescale M - 4 (3A, 1S)
Banescale F - 2 (1A, 1S)
Bogsneak M - 2 (2A, 0S)
Bogsneak F - 3 (1A, 2S)
Coatl M - 4 (2A, 2S)
Coatl F - 5 (4A, 1S)
Fae M - 5 (4A, 1S)
Fae F - 4 (4A, 0S)
Gaoler M - 3 (1A, 2S)
Gaoler F - 5 (4A, 1S)
Guardian M - 3 (0A, 3S)
Guardian F - 5 (3A, 2S)
Imperial M - 4 (3A, 1S)
Imperial F - 4 (3A, 1S)
Mirror M - 2 (0A, 2S)
Mirror F - 4 (1A, 3S)
Nocturne M - 3 (2A, 1S)
Nocturne F - 5 (3A, 2S)
Obelisk M - 2 (2A, 0S)
Obelisk F - 2 (2A, 0S)
Pearlcatcher M - 3 (1A, 2S)
Pearlcatcher F - 4 (2A, 2S)
Ridgeback M - 2 (0A, 2S)
Ridgeback F - 4 (1A, 3S)
Skydancer M - 5 (2A, 3S)
Skydancer F - 4 (2A, 2S)
Snapper M - 2 (0A, 2S)
Snapper F - 4 (3A, 1S)
Spiral M - 4 (2A, 2S)
Spiral F - 1 (1A, 0S)
Tundra M - 9 (6A, 3S)
Tundra F - 8 (4A, 4S)
Undertide M - 1 (0A, 1S)
Undertide F - 2 (1A, 1S)
Veilspun M - 2 (2A, 0S)
Wildclaw M - 5 (4A, 1S)
Wildclaw F - 3 (0A, 3S)
Aberration F
Aether M
Aether F
Auraboa M
Auraboa F
Sandsurge M
Sandsurge F
Veilspun F
Current entries in the contest
Aberration M - 2
Aberration F - 1
Aether M - 6
Aether F - 5
Auraboa M - 6
Auraboa F - 8
Banescale M - 1
Banescale F - 3
Bogsneak M - 2
Bogsneak F - 3
Coatl M - 6
Coatl F - 1
Fae F - 3
Gaoler M - 6
Gaoler F - 4
Guardian M - 1
Guardian F - 2
Imperial M - 3
Imperial F - 9
Mirror F - 2
Nocturne M - 1
Obelisk M - 3
Obelisk F - 1
Pearlcatcher M - 2
Pearlcatcher F - 3
Ridgeback M - 3
Ridgeback F - 3
Sandsurge M - 3
Sandsurge F - 4
Skydancer F - 4
Snapper M - 2
Snapper F - 2
Spiral M - 3
Spiral F - 2
Tundra M - 5
Tundra F - 4
Undertide M - 1
Veilspun M - 6
Veilspun F - 5
Wildclaw M - 1
No entries yet
Fae M
Mirror M
Nocturne F
Skydancer M
Undertide F
Wildclaw F
Recommended to attempt:
Aberration M (1W, 1E)
Aberration F (0W, 1E)
Banescale M (4W, 1E)
Bogsneak M (2W, 2E)
Guardian M (3W, 1E)
Mirror M (2W, 0E)
Nocturne M (3W, 1E)
Obelisk F (2W, 1E)
Pearlcatcher M (3W, 2E)
Snapper M (2W, 2E)
Snapper F (4W, 2E)
Spiral F (1W, 2E)
Undertide M (1W, 1E)
Undertide F (2W, 0E)
Wildclaw F (3W, 0E)
I think we have a close guarantee on all the poses that don't have skins or accents for Ice. Except maybe the Aberrations. The Abby female entry is pretty good, a LOT of good Aether and Auraboas. Idk abt the Sandsurge
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sharkbuttfr · 1 year
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I had this dumb idea for a Pearlcatcher using its pearl like a magic 8ball and sketched it really quickly on my phone, then forgot about it.
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tox-talks · 1 year
i COULD sell a 20 dollar base if i wanted but frankly the cutesy simple flats are more fun to draw repetitively and i'd get frustrated with a complicated base. hell, i don't even enjoy the chibi fullbody bases i have (namely the wildclaw and snapper ones), but boy do they look nice when they're finished. i need to do more general bases that are suitable for any breed, or maybe redraw the bases i have because my art style's improved and some of these bases are pretty fricken old. did you see the improvement in the spiral base? yeow. the wildclaw one's only a couple months old but i feel like I should have a more consistent style or something, i don't know.
if I redraw an old base I ought to also transfer all the finished genes and apparel and stuff, I think, but that's a whole lot of effort for an uncertain outcome. I'm better off just making a brand new base. The spiral head was an exception and will be the only one i redo, because it was a popular one and I knew I could do better.
I've been dabbling in pixel art, maybe I could do a few pixel bases? I've got a teensy tiny flying pearlcatcher pixel that never caught interest, maybe I can stick that on my sheet. I forgot about it. it's animated, four frames.
mostly just talking to myself to formulate my brain chatter here, haha.
Might design a fox, or a new pony. The pony I did before had the layers all discombobulated and it wasn't suitable to how I do my adopts. I wonder what kind of general non-breed Thing would have a wide appeal?
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gravesyard-fr · 3 years
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uhhhh long time no art of my other dragons
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