#which is kinda funny because many dragons have no ears
thirsty-4-ghouls · 5 months
I have three thoughts that pop up every time I see a dusthide. Not all of them each time, but at least one
Most common thought: he have no ears 😭
Second most common: armadillo (armadillos have ears though, so I guess more pangolin? But the way they are segmented… the pangolin thing reminds me of their claws more though. Hmm, overthinks what species of real animals one can compare them to)
And the final one: so, remember those toys from the 2000s that you put on a magnet and they went from a ball to a little guy?
Update, I have gotten sleep and am now confused about why I was so sad every time I saw that they had no ears
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howls-of-darkness · 5 months
Unimportant character trivia?
HELL YEAH!!!! First ask on this blog, let's go!!!
Anyway, here's some miscellaneous tidbits :)
. River was the equivalent of a dinosaur kid, except with the dragons, phoenixes, and gryphons that have been extinct for the last few thousand years. It was his special interest growing up, and he still knows a lot of random tidbits about them.
. Here's an embarrassing one for me. Middle school me upon first creating this world was like, "You know what we need? Forced hetero romance!" So at the very beginning I had Ember x Eclipse and Frost x Clover be endgame when they were all the equivalent of teenagers. I quickly got rid of Eclipse x Ember when I realized I was aroace and made Eclipse that too, so then it became Rain x Ember instead, which I still kinda like to this day. Frost and Clover didn't work out though cause I've recently made her much older than him, but they weren't too bad back then honestly. Romance is barely a factor in the main story anymore, and it's pretty funny to look back at when I felt it was necessary.
. Steel is transfem, both in universe and in the development for the story! She was a guy until a bit over a year ago because middle school me made WAY too many male characters in comparison to female ones. (something I've been trying to remedy) So I looked at her and was like, "There is no reason for you to be a guy. I'm hitting you with the transfeminator now."
. Eclipse comes from this huge mountain range, but compared to other Skybound wolves she's not the best climber because her family mostly stayed closer to the mountain's base for the majority of her childhood. She's an oddly good swimmer though because she spent a lot of time at this nearby lake in her downtime.
. Ember actually has a really nice family.
. Rain ironically has astraphobia.
. Frost is fairly nearsighted but just. Doesn't realize. He thinks everyone's eyesight is like that.
. Dew got his ear nick from getting it caught on a thorn while trying to hunt as a kid, and refuses to tell anyone.
. The human age equivalents for some major characters are as follows: River-16, Eclipse-18, Rain Steel and Frost-22, Ember-23, Dew-25, Dust and Clover-early to mid 40s, Gale-late 80s.
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Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 8: The Dragon Reborn
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This post and every other one I'll write is full of nothing but spoilers for the whole of The Wheel of Time series, so don't keep reading if that's a problem.
Once again I forgot about chapter icons. Last chapter was the wheel icon, which is probably because of the prophecy and the way it defines much of the shape of the rest of the age. This time we have the dragon's fang icon because Rand is the Dragon Reborn.
As they approached the women’s apartments, Lan suddenly snapped, “Cat Crosses the Courtyard!”
And this is why militaries have all those horrible drills, because it's actually a really good way of making stupid bullshit into reflexive routine. Lan gets to enjoy being one of the very few people in the world who get to order the Dragon Reborn around without consequence because he's doing it for Rand's good instead of whatever the hell it was Cadsuane was going for.
Were they looking for all of us, or just me? Why all of us?
They've been looking for all three of you this whole time, Rand. I get that you'd think things have changed now that one of you is the definitive Dragon Reborn, but that wasn't a guarantee. Shame Moiraine didn't spend the last month reminding you of that.
“What have you brought the Amyrlin Seat today, Lan Gaidin? A young lion? Better you don’t let any Greens see this one, or one of them will bond him before he can take a breath. Greens like to bond them young.”
Well that's not rapey at all and it certainly isn't foreshadowing. Sorry Elayne, but fuck the Greens.
The Aes Sedai shook her head. “The world grows stranger every day. I suppose the blacksmith will wear a crown and speak in High Chant. Wait here.”
And this also isn't foreshadowing, but not in my blatant lies kind of way, but in a "Somebody refused to finish the man's character arc" kind of way.
“Do you now, boy?” She sounded almost amused.
Siuan and I have very similar senses of humor I think.
Three Aes Sedai. How many does it take to gentle a man? They sent a dozen or more after Logain. Would Moiraine do that to me?
That's a good question, Rand. We know that any thirteen Aes Sedai in general could successfully shield you, but I'm not sure we know that they could gentle you on top of that if they were absolutely the weakest of the weak. The Tower only needed six specific Aes Sedai to keep Rand shielded, so presumably seven more of that caliber could finish the job if not fewer. But could Moiraine and Siuan, the Wondergirls of a previous generation, do the job with just Verin? Maybe right now while Rand's weak, but possibly not up against him in his fullest.
“Lan has been teaching all the boys, Mother,” Moiraine replied calmly. “He has spent a little more time with this one than the others because he carries a sword.”
Has Lan been teaching Mat and Perrin offscreen? I'm not convinced: Moiraine might well be counting the early drills in the last book. Let's her cover for the embarrassment of Lan fucking with their schemes.
“Tam al’Thor left the Two Rivers as a boy, Mother. He joined the army of Illian, and served in the Whitecloak War and the last two wars with Tear. In time he rose to be a blademaster and the Second Captain of the Companions. After the Aiel War, Tam al’Thor returned to the Two Rivers with a wife from Caemlyn and an infant boy. It would have saved much, had I known this earlier, but I know it now.”
Moiraine's only slightly exaggerating about Tam being a boy - the Whitecloak War was when he was 17! Like Rand, I do wonder how she got this information. Were her Eyes-and-Ears able to access some kind of public records in Illian for her? "Wife from Caemlyn" probably came directly from Nynaeve because it's not something that would be easy to learn otherwise in this sort of setting and because it's the kind of detail that covers for Rand.
“Against Tear.” The Amyrlin Seat frowned slightly.
Kinda funny that Siuan is so pissed at everyone for thinking she still has Blue loyalties when she still clearly likes her own homeland despite it hating her. She's mature enough to let it go though.
“Lan has been at you. Listen to me, boy. In a few hours, Ingtar will leave to find the stolen Horn. Your friend, Mat, will go with him. I expect that your other friend—Perrin?—will go, also. Do you wish to accompany them?”
And she is a good Amyrlin. She doesn't try to put Rand on a leash but talks about the thing that it makes the most sense for him to be interested in and encourages him to go do it even though it means being free range.
Or you can stay here. No doubt Lord Agelmar will let you remain as a guest as long as you wish. I will be leaving today, as well. Moiraine Sedai will accompany me, and so will Egwene and Nynaeve, so you will stay alone, if you stay. The choice is yours.
That said, she does try to put her thumb on the scales by emphasizing that Rand's gonna be on her own. But this kind of emotional manipulation is a lot more human and barely manipulative than putting someone in a box, so I don't hold it against her.
“How am I supposed to learn?” he demanded. Moiraine and Verin just sat there, unruffled, watching him. Like spiders. “How? Moiraine claims she can’t teach me anything, and I don’t know how to learn, or what. I don’t want to, anyway. I want to stop. Can’t you understand that? To stop!”
This is one of those things where I really don't think the show's changes are working in its favor. While it's fair enough to take umbrage to the whole "women forfeit, men conquer" dynamic of channeling, making them both share the same dynamic and making people able to teach those of the opposite gender means that Moiraine's not doing much with Rand gets even stupider on her front in hindsight. Book Moiraine legitimately cannot help Rand on this front and has no way of doing so; of her failings in between this book and the last, this is not among them.
“I have always thought that was a bad saying,” Verin said suddenly. “There are birds that dive and swim. And in the Sea of Storms are fish that fly, with long fins that stretch out as wide as your outstretched arms, and beaks like swords that can pierce. . . .” Her words trailed off and she became flustered. Moiraine and the Amyrlin Seat were staring at her without expression.
This is about as close to acknowledging the existence of non-Satan-caused trans people as the books get, but frankly I'll take it because we need it. I very much embrace the headcanon that trans people who seem to channel the wrong half of the Source have occasionally popped up and that they're among the secrets the Red Ajah keeps from the general Tower to avoid having their mandate reexamined.
But yeah, while I think Verin is usually playing up her distractability, I think this is a legitimately careless interruption on her part since they're talking about one of her hyperfixations.
The Amyrlin Seat looked him straight in the eye and said, “Because you are the Dragon Reborn.” The void rocked. The world rocked. Everything seemed to spin around him. He concentrated on nothing, and the emptiness returned, the world steadied. “No, Mother. I can channel, the Light help me, but I am not Raolin Darksbane, nor Guaire Amalasan, nor Yurian Stonebow. You can gentle me, or kill me, or let me go, but I will not be a tame false Dragon on a Tar Valon leash.”
Poor Rand. This was probably the most effective of Ba'allsy's manipulations last book and it at least is paying dividends. Even Verin is like "Damn!" and she almost never does that.
Moiraine made a sound, and he glanced at her. She claimed Thom was not dead, but she had never offered any proof, and he could not see how any man could survive grappling hand-to-hand with a Fade.
Impressive that the thing which almost brings Rand out of the void after the first big blow to it is Moriaine being all genre savvy.
We were soon to be raised to sisterhood, and that night we stood attendance on the then Amyrlin. Her Keeper of the Chronicles, Gitara Moroso, was there. Every other full sister in Tar Valon was out Healing as many wounded as she could find, even the Reds.
The Tower probably hasn't been emptied of sisters like that since Hawkwing's siege, when the sisters were probably often required to stand the walls. And before that probably not since the Trolloc Wars.
‘He is born again! I feel him! The Dragon takes his first breath on the slope of Dragonmount! He is coming! He is coming! Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!’
This is kind of a weird Foretelling in the grand scheme of things because it's really more of a... Telling. No future tense. Guess the Wheel was lagging a little because of the Aiel War.
For years we searched, finding other clues, poring over the Prophecies. ‘He will be of the ancient blood, and raised by the old blood.’ That was one; there were others. But there are many places where the old blood, descended from the Age of Legends, remains strong.
This is a weird little detail because... Well, the Aes Sedai seem to be interpreting it poorly. The ancient blood is the blood descended from the AoL; the Aiel are the only ethnic group that resemble any specific populace from the old days. The old blood is just that from the dawn of the age, but Manetheren is about two centuries separated from the end of the War of the Shadow and specifically formed as a distinct identity because the Mediterranean was turned into a mountain range.
If you believe that, you are as much a fool as the Domani. Many there believe he is dead, or say they do, but I notice they still won’t risk naming him.
Do we ever learn why the people of Arad Doman think that the Dark One is dead? It's one thing to not believe in Shadowspawn if you don't live on the Borderlands, but to think that the Dark One is just dead, dead? Where on Earth did THAT belief come from?
A part of Lan’s instructions came back to him. Left hand on the hilt, he twisted the sword behind him, catching the scabbard in his right, then bowed, arms straight. “By your leave, Mother, may I depart this place?”
Also, does Rand ever give Egwene this level of respect? Just wondering.
She stared at the spot where the bird had been. There is a storm, and there isn’t. It means something. But what?
It means your power is metaphorical! World's about to be broken in half a thousand ways. Considering everything else that has happened since you left home, it's surprising that you're not figuring that out, Nynaeve.
I don’t know, Nynaeve. He came out as fast as if he had Heartsbane himself at his heels. As well he might, coming here with a sword at his belt. The Dark One should be the least of his worries after that. What is the world coming to? And him presented to the Amyrlin in her chambers,
NGL, I don't think Siuan and Moiraine's plan to make sure all three ta'veren are seen is half as slick as they think, because Perrin's visit probably isn't going to involve his axe and Mat is unconscious. It's blatantly apparent which boy is the special one, especially for Elaida who they know is on Moiraine's trail.
Mavra will have to get back to her own village. No village can do without its Wisdom for long. Nynaeve cringed inside. She had been gone months from Emond’s Field.
Only two and a half! But it's nice of Jordan to start seeding the various archway problems she's having now, especially since this is the most immediate of them.
I ought to dose myself with rannel and sheepstongue root, she thought sourly. It was the mixture she gave anyone who moped about and claimed they were sick, or behaved like a goose. Rannel and sheepstongue root would perk you up a little, and did no harm, but mainly it tasted horrible, and the taste lasted all day. It was a perfect cure for acting the fool.
You overestimate me, Nynaeve! If it's an upper, I could get hooked to it no matter how miserable it tasted!
It took an effort to face him, but she was sure her features were calm when she looked up at him. “I’m looking for Rand.” She was not about to admit to avoiding him. “We said all we need to say long ago, you and I. I shamed myself—which I will not do again—and you told me to go away.”
I love all of Lan's deeply dysfunctional relationships. Poor Nynaeve. She has her pride at least.
He shrugged in an offhand way. “It is nothing. Old, and useless, now. But there are those who would know it when they saw it. Show that, and you will have guestright, and help if you need it, from any lord in the Borderlands. Show it to a Warder, and he will give aid, or carry a message to me. Send it to me, or a message marked with it, and I will come to you, without delay and without fail. This I swear.”
Lan: Crap, is it gay if I give Rand a pin? I know, I'll give Nynaeve jewelry and then it's still straight. Right?
Man was red in the face and studying his pipe intently cuz he was hoping he and his wife were about to get invites into Rand's little orgies, just saying.
“Not long enough to hear anything I should not have,” the Aes Sedai replied smoothly. “We will be leaving soon. I heard that. You must see to your packing.”
Moiraine: Anything Lan has to say at any time is something I should hear if I choose to. But also I guess you can keep your dignity.
“They are more than old enough to be off apron strings,” Moiraine said dryly. “And you know very well why you could never do that. For one of them, at least. Besides, it would mean leaving Egwene to go to Tar Valon alone. Or have you decided to forgo Tar Valon yourself? If your own use of the Power is not schooled, you will never be able to use it against me.”
Moiraine: Well, some of your dignity.
The two of them never getting to square off, even if just as a friendly exercise instead of Nynaeve's actual plan to totally kill her, is a missed opportunity.
“Nearly, Nynaeve. I am almost sorry to be going. I don’t suppose we’ll have many chances in Tar Valon to wear the nice dresses Amalisa gave us.” She gave an abrupt laugh. “Still, Wisdom, I won’t miss being able to bathe without looking over my shoulder the whole time.”
Yeah those dresses are basically already gone, aren't they? By the time Egwene could wear any of them again if she wanted, she's been away from Tar Valon for months.
“You are a woman, now.” Nynaeve glanced at her unbraided hair, and Egwene resisted the urge to hurriedly twist it into a semblance of a braid. Aes Sedai wore their hair any way they wanted, but wearing hers loose had become a symbol of starting on a new life. “You are a woman,” Nynaeve repeated firmly. “We are two women, a long way from Emond’s Field, and it will be longer still before we see home again. It will be better if you simply call me Nynaeve.”
Nynaeve really desperately wants to chide Egwene over her hair but is trying to give her respect. And she only doesn't want to be called Wisdom so she won't feel guilty about what she's done, though really she probably shouldn't have been forced into being the Wisdom so young in the first place. It's good that Nynaeve is getting a new life too, where she can make her own decisions instead of being bound to the expectations of a conservative community.
“Egwene, that young man of yours is trying to come into the women’s apartments.” She sounded scandalized. “And wearing a sword. Just because the Amyrlin let him enter that way. . . . Lord Rand should know better. He is causing an uproar. Egwene, you must speak to him.”
Jesus Rand, did you get drunk in the last three pages?
She had heard the talk in the women’s apartments about a suitable wife for Rand. At first it had caused stabs of jealousy, and anger. He had been all but promised to her since they were children. But she was going to be an Aes Sedai, and he was what he was. A man who could channel. She could marry him. And watch him go mad, watch him die. The only way to stop it would be to have him gentled. I can’t do that to him. I can’t!
What the Egwene haters here miss is that "at first" stating that Egwene no longer feels jealousy and anger about the whole affair because she's moved on in a healthy fashion. Well, semi-healthy, since her Accepted test will be entirely about her fixation on the probability of having to fail Rand in some way.
“I have to see her,” Rand said stubbornly. “We’re leaving soon. Not soon enough for me, but I still have to see Egwene. We will get the Horn of Valere and the dagger back, and that will be the end of it. The end of it. But I want to see her before I go.” Egwene frowned; he sounded odd.
Yeah, you know what, I am going with drunk. Boy ran to drown his stress and/or himself in a keg, got shit-faced at noon, and is now belligerent as all hell.
The women were still watching, Egwene realized. Watching her as well as Rand. Waiting to see what she would do. So I’m supposed to deal with him, am I? Yet she felt her heart going out to him. His hair needed brushing. His face showed anger, defiance, and weariness. “Walk with me,” she told him.
She's already great at Amyrlining, huh? She's definitely gonna deal with Rand's bad behavior here, but she's not going to make a spectacle of it just because Ran did, and she's not going to be overly harsh because she gets that's he's going through a lot.
“I suppose—I suppose I’ll never see you again. I know you have to go to Tar Valon. I know that. And you’ll become an Aes Sedai. I am done with Aes Sedai, Egwene. I won’t be a puppet for them, not for Moiraine, or any of them.”
You know, for all that Siuan's soft power game is really the preferred approach, it does absolutely suck balls that she inadvertently put the panic of losing Egwene and Nynaeve as friends into his mind. Like his behavior is not remotely her fault or anything (it's his) but it's pretty clear he's acting out like this because the sudden deadline looming freaked him the hell out.
“Listen to me, you great ox. I am going to be an Aes Sedai, and I’ll find a way to help you. I will.”
And despite Rand's whining, Egwene does repeatedly find ways to help Rand.
Tears blurred her vision as she threw her arms around him. “You take care of yourself,” she said fiercely into his chest. “If you don’t, I’ll—I’ll. . . .” She thought she heard him murmur, “I love you,” and then he was firmly unwrapping her arms, gently moving her away from him. He turned and strode away from her, almost running.
I'm so happy that this isn't the end of their friendship because goddamn.
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Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find OFMD brainrot (particularly Izzy/Ed/Stede) and Dragon Age ramblings.
For context, some of my Dragon Age OC’s. From right to left, top to bottom, we have:
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Ambeth Lavellan: an elven warrior, Ambeth has no interest in being the inquisitor. Unfortunately, her protestations have fallen mostly on deaf ears. My only inquisitor who is also a mother, Ambeth is keenly aware of her son back with her clan. Her romance with Cullen was a slow, soft thing. 
Alexandria ‘Alex’ Hawke: A soft, diplomatic girl who holds the world on her shoulders and always sees the good in those around her, Alex Hawke has a group of friends that would kill to keep her safe. She is immensely in love with her wife Merrill.
Merripen Lavellan: Merripen Lavellan was born a twin, and when his brother died from the plague, he devoted his life to Falon’Din, Elven God of Death and Fortune. Now, he lives a supposedly quiet life with The Iron Bull, although rumours abound about his close contact with his previous Spy Master and one Dorian Pavus, and what plans he may have for the future.
Aiden Hawke: my canon Hawke, my beloved, my angry boi, my favourite. Full of rage, Aiden started ripping the world apart when his sister was taken to the circle. He fell in love with Anders because of the work Anders was doing for the mage underground, a course he violently believed in. He was very, very tragic and very, very angry and I loved him with my whole soul.
DeLila Cadash: my canon inquisitor, my beloved, my girl, my favourite. The youngest of six, a warrior and a closet nerd, DeLila found a family in the inquisition she never thought she'd have. She misses them all dearly, but loves running rooftops with her wife, infamous Red Jenny Sera (extra pics and info: x x x)
Queen Lillian Hawke: A power hungry blood mage, Lillian finds it mildly funny that her friends, even her biographer, all also kinda hate her. Her relationship with Sebastian led to her claiming the title of Queen of Starkhaven, along with Champion of Kirkwall and Provisional Viscount of Kirkwall. 
Aban Adaar: my sweet, shy mage qunari who loves gardening and his wife Lady Josephine Montilyet (extra pics and info: x x x x)
Jenny Hawke: Crazy, sacrastic, and a little obsessed with gold coin (if prone to over-spending with them), Jenny deflected all her problems with sarcasm. She also had a weakness for pirate queens. 
Rust Cadash-Rainier: whatever her original name was, it's been lost to time. Now she goes by Rust and is learning to cook eggs with her husband (who, rumour has it, may once have been a war criminal, if one can believe the kindly man who spends his free time making toys for children is the same Thom Rainier that Orlais tried to execute), and also fighting to put a stop to Solas's stupidity (fightings in her bones, she could never put down her daggers) (extra pics and info x x x)
Thank you to everyone who puts up with me talking about these idiots, and the many more I'm no doubt likely to create and talk about in the future - my asks are always open if you have any questions about any of them, from which songs I think fit them to their backstories to the choices they made in game x
Some links to other things you may be interested in (because tumblr only lets you pin one post at a time):
I run two discord groups: a Dragon Age one, and an OFMD SteddyHands centric One. Both are 18+. If you want a link to either, please message me and we'll sort something out. Both are v chill communities.
All my writing can be found here on Ao3
My Mod Recs for each Dragon Age game can be found here (I’ll try and keep these vaguely updated too): Dragon age Origins, Dragon age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition
My Solas Romance Review can be found here (one day when I have time I’ll review all the romances in Dragon Age but alas, not yet)
Some fic rec lists of other peoples fics! Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus , Geralt/Jaskier
The Dragon Age fic data I collected can be found here (Nov 2021): Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition
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Dorm Loaders react to you having a pop it but for fidget reasons
I KNOW IM CRINGE IM SORRY - but pops help calm me down - so i thought it'd be cute for a scenario too
This version is when you are dating the dorm leaders as well as the reader is gender neutral
Riddle was aware of the trend, he gets why but he's slightly annoyed by it
he was meeting up with you for a study date , before he approached you , he noticed your pop it
funny enough it was a strawberry one
"hah...you're into this too?" Riddle asked in a firm but slightly annoyed tone
"yeah? why ?? " you were constantly popping the bubbles
"hm? are you ok?"
"oh yeah! don't worry riddle , this is just calming me down! or keeping me calm at least- It's a fidget toy after all "
He kinda just stood there in silence, he completely forgot that's what the main purpose was
but this really opened his eyes on how anxious or fidgety you can get
"Very well, just don't make too much noise with it . "
"Aw i thought you were like the strawberry one "
He blushed a bit but quickly composed himself "Im glad you were thinking of me but- wait how many of those do you have ?"
"...." you just smiled
" y/n how many do you have - "
"............i may have over 30 - "
He's not too fond of the trend but he doesn't care either
He goes to the spot you agreed to meet up at for him to nap on you
then he sees you with a pop it
ugh...am i even gonna nap..." he begrudgingly walks over
"hey leona!" *pop*
"Please tell me you're not gonna use that damn thing while i nap .."
You looked at him but looked down 'Sorry..I'm just a bit anxious today."
His ears went down , he didn't get it , why does it evolve the pop a thingy ma bop "what does that have to do wit this..?"
"That's the original use- a pop it helps with stress and anxiety but it can help you focus too! "
He stood silent which lowkey made you more anxious
then he spoke "fine, as long as it isn't too loud, i don't care " he lays on your lap and sets himself in place
"oh ok! I think number 25th is the quietest one i have "
"*yawn* yeah ok ..."
"......you have number f**king what now..?? "
He is aware of the pop it's and actually uses it to his advantage
He actually sells them as a small bonus for certain meals
It actually is quite popular and he makes more money from it
One day , he noticed you having on but it was more unique then what he sold
"oya oya , you seem to be in this trend like the other , little pearl "
"oh yeah , i already had one before you sold them "
He seemed interested , he actually never looked into the pop its much but really used it for profit
"If you don't mind , what is the purpose of these?"
"well why everyone else usually gets them is either because of it trending , it's satisfying or just to show off but my reason is completely different
As you spoke that , he noticed how figdety your hands were getting and you were constantly popping the bubbles
"..does it relax you ? "
"Yeah and it can distract me too, it really helps !" you looked giddy
he blushed a bit, your smile was the sweetest thing to him, in fact it makes his day
"w-well..if you want , i could get you more"
you perked up " oh sweet ! even though i have like over 30 "
"that's great little pearl I'll-....30!? "
He has his own- you can't convince me otherwise and it annoys the hell out of jamil XD
You had like over 100 because he's extra of course , one for a different occasion
When you came over for a private date in the lounge, he took notice of your pop it , it was a ring looking one
"y/n...are you proposing to me!? " he was obviously joking but he did lowkey want to marry you
"pff very cute. i just have a lot on my mind. " you popped it a little faster
that kinda threw him off guard, he thought of it as a play thing , so he was a little confused, just a smidge
"It's a nice little fidget toy..." then it clicked for him , he didn't think it was a fidget toy- now he does
"Ah i see y/n ! I'm glad it keeps you calm "
You both continue your date and you both actually played with your pop its during then
THen kalim spoke " how many do you have ?" "ah...over 30 i think?"
"ah.." Kalim looked blankly
"..t-too much?.." you seemed worried
"To much ..? " he then suddenly beamed " you mean too little! Come on I'll get you some more!! "
He knows too well of this trend, he even got offered to do commercials for pop its
He was actually really annoyed by it. plus the poping gets old to him
He one day noticed you with one ,but he's not surprised
Even if he's annoyed by it , he can understand the popularity and satisfaction of it
"Ah , sweet potato..You're into this trend ?"
"Well.. I was in it before it was a trend. It just helps my fidget"
Ah. He knew you were a fidgety and anxious person but it went over his mind of the pop it being more of a fidget then a toy
still won't change his mind of how annoying they are
"i don't care if you use it but please refrain from making too much noise with it "
"hmm..I'll try but i like the sounds. " you pouted a little
He covers his face with his hand and sighs "Fine. but only for a small bit because it honestly pains me to constantly hear popping. "
"calm down , this is one of the quiest ones i own!" you smiled
"...How many do you have?"
"....mayhaps over 30"
"sweetie. My little darling. my sweet potato. you have a problem"
Of course he's in the trend and has his own , fite me
Idia kept it more lowkey then others but he really enjoys pops it and even got ortho some
SO he was happy that you had some of your own too
" ehhh! y-you have 30 !? " Idia spoke after he questioned how many you had
"it's not that bad. They're all different at least. Look at this kitty one!"
He looked in awe of the kitty pop it and held it "They have ones like this?? I thought it was just normal shapes?? "
After explaining all different shapes and varieties , Idia got excited
It was a nice time too, you both looked online to see some that you didn't have , some were cute while some were interesting
But something caught Idia's eye. "eh? what's this "
It was a pop it game board, it was just two pop its connected to a rubber board on each side
"how do you play?" he questioned
"i'm guessing you use the dice to pop the bubbles , and everytime you pop it fully you get a point? " As you point to the area that has 3 bubbles to show points
Idia was silent. Then the mouse slowly went to "add to cart "
"you're getting that for the board game club, aren't you ? "
"yep :) "
Probably has the purest / most confused reaction
He often keeps hearing of these ..."pop its"??
He sees others with them , coming in different shapes in sizes. he almost mistakes it as like a pet
The only person he would talk to more about it, is none other than his beloved
"Dearest. could you explain to me what are these things? they're quite confusing..." HE said as he examined one of yours
"Well...you know that feeling of being anxious or highly stressed? These things can distract or calm you down, try poping some of it and see!"
He did as he was told and oddly...he enjoyed it ??
malleus kept popping it for a few minutes without saying a word, like he was in a trance
"M-malleus ?? you ok ? "
"eh? ah. i'm sorry , i got distracted. "
you giggled because he was acting so cute, especially now possibly being invested
"I'll try and get you a dragon one !"
and you could of swore that a dragon tail suddenly and he wagged it
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
blood castle i. || enha 02z
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♜ main pairing: vampire! 02z x gn! reader
♜ genre: hogwarts au, mystery, fluff/angst
♜ wc: 2k
♜ warnings: mentions of blood (pg13), purposefully lowercase
♜ other pairings: lisa x namjoon, slight rose x jungkook
♜ a/n: disclaimer that i don't actually ship these pairings, i just find it fitting for the story :] also kinda boring chapter but we're setting things up <3 also hearts at the end of each chapter to keep track of how oc gets along with 02z hehe lmk what you think!
♜ index: teaser | next | masterlist
i. make the most of it
"what will i do when you're both gone? jennie just left and you two are next!" you pout in your train seat as your best friends exchange teasing smiles. as you get closer and closer to hogwarts, you can't help but keep thinking about rose and lisa inevitably graduating this year.
"i don't know y/n, maybe find some friends your age?" lisa teases. you groan outwardly, tilting your head back.
rose, the ever-exemplary hufflepuff, extends her hands out to yours on the table and grabs hold of them. you stop your obnoxious groaning to stare back at her kind smile. "lili has a point, y/nie. it wouldn't hurt to branch out this year so that lisa and i don't have to worry about you."
your eyes widened. "worry?! what's that supposed to mean?"
rose lets go of your hands to cover her mouth as she laughs while lisa is losing it. the gryffindor 7th year is wiping joyful tears out of her eyes, which isn't helping your case.
you sit, pouting once again and waiting for them to explain.
"two words, y/n," lisa begins while holding two fingers up in a peace sign that you know is anything but peaceful. "you're. clumsy."
"am not!" you defied. your best friends exchange looks once again before raising an eyebrow at you. "tell me one time when i was clumsy!"
"remember that time you tried to shut a mandrake up by putting your hand on its mouth and then it bit you?" rose asks.
"oh! that was so funny!" lisa says, trying to hold back her laughter. "my favorite is when she made a lizard instead of a mini dragon in transfiguration but then it burned her eyebrows off!"
as they share your most embarrassing moments, your ears begin heating up and all you want to do is transfigure yourself into the train seat.
"i stand corrected..." you mumble out unwillingly.
"we love you, y/nie. we only want someone to look out for you when we graduate," rose says as lisa nods.
"fine, fine. i get it, moms."
"you love us."
"yea, yea, i love my two moms who come after my clumsiness all the time."
"as you should, now let's get changing. the train is almost at school."
the older hufflepuff was right. you could see the tall towers of the second home you've come to love in the distance as you glance out the window. this year may be bittersweet since the last of your friend group would be leaving you behind, but you were determined to make the most of it with them and perhaps make some new friends this year.
"i'll stay to keep our spot, you two go ahead," lisa tells you and rose.
"going to text your joonie?" rose teases. the gryffindor's ears have a red tinge at the sound of her nickname for her boyfriend.
"just go before the changing rooms fill up," she mumbles. but as you close the door to your shared booth, you can see that she has already pulled out her phone with a cheeky smile as she waves hi on facetime with namjoon who is slightly older than her and currently working as a magizoologist for the ministry.
you smile to yourself, remembering their relationship when you were just a first year. "come on, yn!" rose calls out.
you break out of your daze and see her several feet away from you. "sorry, eonnie!"
you take your hand off the handle, which you didn't register it was still on, and start to move towards her, carrying your blouse, tie and skirt. before you could reach her, you bump into a hard chest.
you hear a deep oof noise from the figure as you rub your forehead.
"i am so sorry!" you hurriedly whisper.
"you're alright, y/n." you recognize the voice and look up to see sim jaeyun from your house and year. "did you hit your head too hard?" he kindly worries.
"yn!!" rose shouts.
"sorry, jaeyun," you apologetically smile as you brush past him. "coming, eonnie!!"
you could've sworn he said something like it was nice to see you, but you were far too focused on not letting rose wait any long. she's definitely amicable like most hufflepuffs, but like most hufflepuffs, you probably don't want to see them angry. you should know since lisa says you're already bad hangry.
it's a quick in and out of the changing room and back to your booth where lalisa waits, staring out the window and watching the castle come closer. it's like a wrestler tag team as you and rose high-five her on your way in and her way out. immediately, the two of you settle down and as you get comfortable in your seat, you notice that she's smirking with you, her eyebrow raised.
"why are you looking at me like that, eonnie?" you ask hesitantly. your fingers look more interesting picking fights with each other.
"oh, nothing," she replies, not giving up her smirk. "just wondering when you and jake were close."
"he's literally the same year and house as me. i can't go a year without a class with him."
she hums like she doesn't believe you. "really?"
"really, really."
"really, really, really?" you groan at her response as she starts to giggle.
"do you wanna talk about your crush on jeon jungkook then, eonnie?" she shuts up then and there, and it's your turn to smirk. "thought so."
"that's hogwarts' idol right there, yn. everyone likes him one way or another, so hush!"
"hush about what?" lisa asks as she slides the door open.
"jeon jungkook." rose glares at you.
"ohh, rosie's crush of 6 years?" your other friend confirms as she closes the door.
"the one and only."
"you know, he and i are co-captains this year for quidditch. you should just come to our practices."
"will he even notice me? i mean..." your focus on their conversation starts to waver as you glance through the door window. outside your door is the familiar trolley witch with all her pastries and drinks, and you can't help but have a craving for your favorite chocolate frogs. you also can't help but notice the other figure with the trolley witch: the very same sim jaeyun you bumped into earlier.
"eonnies, i'm going to buy some chocolate frogs. do you want any?" you ask, keeping an eye on the figures outside your window.
"cauldron cake for me please!"
"let's have every flavor beans for old time's sakes!"
"alright," you say as you slide the door open and close. they go back to their conversation about a plot to get the hogwarts idol that you're sure is bound to go wrong.
"7 blood lollipops please." you hear jake order. you recall him having a large group of friends across different houses and different years, but for all of them to like blood lollipops is quite unheard of.
"you're not going to have all of those, are you?" you ask him, approaching the trolley.
"y/n," he greets with a smile and a shake of his head as he hands his coins to the witch. "no, my friends and i all really like them. i think i would have a headache if i were to eat all 7."
"2 chocolate frogs, bertie's beans, and a cauldron cake please," you order before turning back to him. "does it really taste like blood, or is it just to trick people into thinking you're vampires?"
jake's face pales though it's hard to see because he's already on the pale side and you're counting out your coins to give to the trolley witch. "personally, i think it tastes like cherry."
you hum as you gather your goodies together, and jake is thankful that you're not paying too much attention to how he reacted. "i'll take your word for it."
the trolley witch moves along, doing what she's done for many years and more to come. you're finally focusing on him more now that you have all your snacks and accomplished being a good citizen by paying the fees. your eyes search his face, go past his sharp jawline, and make their way to the shiny prefect badge on his black and gold robes. the prefect engraving is hard to see against the blinding gold of the hufflepuff badge, but it's hard to miss.
"oh, are you a prefect?" you ask curiously.
"yup, so don't stay out too late. i might have to write you up," he teases.
you playfully roll your eyes at him. "please, when am i not a model student?"
"i would say right now because we're about five minutes away from the castle, and you still don't have your robes on, miss l/n," he jokingly tsks at you.
"ahh, but you see, that's not my fault there, mr. prefect," you banter back.
"oh? then maybe i won't have to give you the first detention?"
"well, mr. sim, i was only taking care of my precious eonnies and buying them snacks. i paid my fees and also engaged in conversation with my fellow classmate, so i've been a little preoccupied," you acted out, playing the role of an innocent student.
"hmm.. engaging in conversation with your classmates on the first day does seem to follow the rules," he lightheartedly agrees. jake is about to add more, but his friends call out to him.
"hey, jake, what's taking so long?!"
"you'd better go take care of your friends, mr. sim," you tease. "be a good hyung, won't you?"
his beaming smile causes your heart to skip a few beats. "alright, miss l/n, but make sure not to let me catch you out of uniform." he waves before hurrying to his own booth.
when you open the door to yours, a chorus of oooh's from your eonnies is what you receive. you roll your eyes at them before shutting the door and grabbing your robe. you can see theirs were already on, the equally shining, gold head girl badge pinned on rose's robe.
"i think she'll be just fine on our own when we're gone, rosie," lisa teases as you slip your arms through your sleeves and tuck your wand in your pocket.
"just don't keep one of my prefects distracted, y/nie," rosie adds.
"so long as you aren't distracted by your head boy, rosie," you tease back.
"no way, jeon jungkook is head boy," she gasps at you.
"i don't know, but i just caught you simping in 4k!" you stick your tongue out at her as she whines and lalisa throws her head back in laughter.
"there really is only one choice though, so it probably is him," lisa affirms.
"i swear, if you two are wrong..." rose pouts.
"but if we're not, you'll get to spend more time with him and get to know him instead of just admiring him from afar like everyone else!" you console.
"well, we'll find out soon enough. we're here," lisa announces as she grabs her trunk from the top rack, helping you get yours and rose hers.
"thanks, eonnie! so glad your long legs are so useful!" you thank.
"yah! they'll be useful for kicking you too, ungrateful brat," she jokingly chastises.
"oh no, lisa eonnie is going to kill me!" you shout dramatically. "rose eonnie, save me!"
"it's going to be a long year," she sighs with a smile keeping close behind as you run off the train and lisa chases after you.
jake's expression mirrors rose's as he watches the trio run off to the nearest carriage. a crack forms in his blood lollipop as he sucks on it harder, the sweet taste of blood running across his tongue. "hyung, come on. let's get in the carriage," jungwon calls to him, his own sucker making his words slightly muddled.
"coming," he mumbles, securing his trunk and stepping into the carriage where his 6 friends wait for him.
their fangs are dripping with the blood of the lollipops.
jake: ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
jay: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
sunghoon: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 21: Joey Takes A Snack at that Cray Sauce
Hey guys! The 17 yo cat with kidney disease I was out of town watching lived to see another week (she was a very good girl). Which means now I can get back to the good stuff. This episode is brought to you by the colors red and orange, and I hope you like this color, and I hope you like this after effects they CGId onto this volcano.
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Anyways, they first have to do this familiar ledge fall, because, it’s Yugioh, and if there’s a bunch of lava, Tristan wants
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And then Joey decides...hey you know what? I’m gonna jet. And...it’s not the first time he’s pulled a wild card and been unpredictable, I mean none of us can really forget that time he decided to get murdered by Mai instead of going in a straight line towards the end boss last season, but this time it was kind of funny how it was hastily composed.
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And off he goes, folks.
As he left, Tristan was like “Ya dummy!” and Tea was like “nono, we gotta encourage him--run Joey! You can do it! See? Now he’s gone.” and it’s like...Tea is either trying to kill Joey with her support or honestly thinks that’s good support and I can’t fully tell which she is.
(read more under the cut)
It’s at this point that Grandpa has the gall to say “Did any of you happen to catch the lore? I fell asleep during that part.” Just like my Dad when we watch any movie as a family.
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Meanwhile, maybe 100 ft away from them, Joey is in mortal peril but it’s Joey, so he’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.
In fact, this episode seems like it would have been a better arc if it stretched out more episodes because the Joey neglect happens so quickly and out of nowhere that it’s...less organic than your average children’s show. Honestly it’s kind of funny how fast the fall of Joey Wheeler happens this episode. And I think it could have been a fun interesting time if it was handled better but youknow...it’s crammed into one single episode and you’ll se what happens.
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As Yugi ruminates a cool thing that would have been really interesting this season--like running into more rando’s from other periods of time than just Alexander--Tea looks across the lava highway and was like “found it.”
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Back at the dragon situation, Joey starts opening his heart to this dragon and it’s like...did they originally intend for Seto Kaiba to be here? Because I guess Joey uses Red Eyes a lot, but I also skip a lot of the card games, so when I think “who likes the dragon card?” Joey is not the first one I think of.
That and like he got over his Atlantis dragon card like hella fast, right? Like totally already over that?
And also if you thought Joey would pull out his other dragon to try and communicate or get a hold of this dragon like...nah.
Back at the fort, these guys decided to ditch Joey to get to this sword at the top of a volcano to solve the riddle, and what follows is some weird ass canon.
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As I’m pulling up my Google Doc with my deathcount on it, Tristan decides this is the time he won’t freakin die and turn into a robot monkey for 15 episodes.
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And he makes a huge ass green dragon. You’d think this MASSIVE dragon would do more in this episode, but nah. Although he pulls out Massive Dragon, it’s like kind of worthless, so he mostly puts it back in his pocket.
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And then Tea pulls this elf chick out and it’s freakin hilarious because look at her giant elf.
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Like Tea is not a small person! Are Yugioh monsters all 12 ft tall???
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Yugi is also all ham about fusing with his dude now. It knocked him out a couple episodes ago, but Yugi is so keen on destroying his body that he’s back in clown town. And like...took his Grandpa for a ride, I guess, although I’m pretty sure Summoned Skull has wings.
Course, Summoned Skulls insides are his outsides...and I dunno if you’d want Summoned Skull to give you a big hug and carry you around. Summoned Skull just seems like he’s sticky.
And, once they make it to the top of the volcano where the plot sword lives, we first have to visit this plot twist of the century.
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Aaaaaaand now Joey is going to try and kill everyone here. I did not skip anything, PS, Joey dipped off-screen.
PS, everyone’s reaction to “I will kill you!” was a whole lot of rolling their eyes at first being like “Joey, stawp.”
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So, now that Joey’s randomly possessed by this dragon, we get a peek into what Joey’s brain zone looks like. It’s a whole lot of nothing in between his ears.
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Consistent to S1 actually, when we had a bit of a Joey Brain Zone moment. It was a blank void there, too.
So apparently Joey decided, back when he was confessing his love to Red Eyes Black Dragon, that he would jump on it’s back to calm it down--and it just...fused with him. So...now he’s a dragon.
Sure, I guess. I mean...there’s really no limit on what a Duel monster can’t do, so I’ll allow it.
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The team tries to just say “ah screw it” and pull up this sword themselves (you can kind of see it in this shot) and the sword just slurps into the dirt even more out of spite. Seeing that there’s a bit of a time limit, Grandpa pulls this one out of his back pocket.
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Yo, Grandpa’s not even possessed. Hey, remember that time that Grandpa nearly died giving Arthur Hawkins the last of his water back in Egypt? Remember that?
Like uh, you can definitely tell this was made by a different team that may not have gotten that cue card. It may have been lost in the mail. Either way, kind of a hilarious heel turn on Grandpa’s personality here, although it does make logical sense to save most of the kids from sacrificing one kid. It’s just...that kid is Joey...so...that’s like his adopted Grandson, right?
So Yugi does something very on brand for Yugi and invades a brain.
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And like...obviously Yami and Yugi would say no to this. They would never do this. Not after all the dozens and dozens of times they have sacrificed the world and everything for their best friends.
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But...maybe just this one time we can kill Joey? As a treat?
So uh...Yami hella vaporizes Joey with his new powers. Luckily, Joey Wheeler has Shaggy Doo energy and just...he survives it for some reason. I don’t know why he isn’t dead, maybe because the dragon made him stronger? Eh, don’t do the math (on any part of this episode).
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So Joey gets up and is like “I know the answer to the riddle!” As the sword kinda melts into the volcano and Gramps is like “Well we’re dead, actually, so no one cares!”
And Joey’s like “Look!” and he hops onto the back of the Red Eyes Black dragon and reveals this random thing:
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Because it turns out, that the dragon was the real problem and not this volcano with a sword in it.
Which youknow...could have been cool if this episode wasn’t so many insane plot points so quickly. Kind of a lot of episode here. This episode could have been a whole season of a show.
Like how long was Joey Possessed by Marik in S2? Like 5 or 6 episodes? And you can see how much more successful it was at selling the story although it was a lot of the same themes and ideas. Pacing is important.
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And then Joey passes out from the suit juice.
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Which is when we get one more Alexander cameo, just kinda watching them leave and onto the next arc of their little journey.
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They sure did put a lot of eyeliner on Alexander the great, and, being real...he may have actually been wearing a hell ton of dope eyeliner when he was alive, so this could be historically accurate, for all we know. Those old marble statues used to be painted, after all. Maybe they had dope Yugioh eyeliner down to his cheekbones? One can wish.
And like if you ever get the time--seeing what those marble statues looked like with paint on it is so freakin goofy and fun, I love it. I love that for 600 years we thought those marble statues were supposed to be naked and white but it’s like, nah man--this guy’s just wearing a skin tight breast plate and when you paint it, it’s so garish it’s like a freakin clown outfit.
But anyway, that’s all for now! Hope y’all have a good weekend, and as always, here’s a link to read these in chrono order, if you just got here!
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Midnight City AU
it took me forever to decide where to go with this chapter and i was literally getting fed up editing it 😭 i’ve been so busy with all the chaos goin on in my life rn too so yeah writing’s been feeling delayed over all but i decided to just finalize this one for rn and uhhh sorry if it seems funky or shortttt
//Chapter 3: Vanished
The next day, Trevor went back to Sterling Lake Park, after spending the night at Wade’s. He agreed to meet up with him there later, walking around the park with his earbuds in. As he threw himself down on his usual bench, he settled on listening to his usual playlist of his favorite songs. He scrolled through nosedivr once again, taking a photo of the lake. It was foggy, and the thick air sat atop the water. He liked when it was like that. A sturdy drumbeat thumped in his ears, making him feel whole. He paused it briefly, just to change it to a different song that was even louder, but with the lack of music he could now hear the crunch of gravel not too far away. He thought he told Wade to come later on? He looked up from his phone, pulling out an earbud. It was the guy from yesterday.
“Where’s Amanda?” He asked, glancing around.
“Uhh she’s.. not here today. I kinda came to see if you were here. I wanna get to know more people at this park if I’m gonna hang ‘round here more I guess.”
“But she doesn’t like me?”
“She don’t gotta know.”
“Well aren’t you Boyfriend of the Year.”
“Oh uh, we aren’t dating yet.”
“Thought she was your girl though.”
“She is, she is. But it’s nothing serious. Not yet. And I don’t know what happened between you guys but you don’t seem that bad, so if I wanna talk to you that’s more of a her problem than me.”
Today Michael wore an eCola shirt, which was obviously made to resemble their old logo, with blue jeans. He had on a pair of red sneakers this time to match the color of the shirt. They looked slightly newer, compared to the pair he wore yesterday. He dressed nice for such a basic style. Trevor on the other hand, threw on an old, frayed Love Fist t-shirt, and messy jeans. He wore a different pair of boots, some kind of knockoff of a popular name brand. A pair of purple lensed circular glasses sat on his head, the nose pieces caught in his hair.
“So.. uh. Mind if I sit there?”
“Not like I own the bench or anything, go right ahead.”
He cautiously sat next to Trevor, hands in his lap. Trevor started one of his other playlists up again, settling on a mix of Paramore and Green Day. He left an earbud out, just so he wouldn’t be completely rude. He mindlessly scrolled, occasionally looking back at the lake or casting a sideways glance at Michael, who was looking at him funny. Sighing, he paused his music, putting his earbuds away.
“I.. nothin’ man. I just, I dunno. What is the point of coming here?”
“It’s a public fuckin’ park man.”
“I know, but you said that you don’t even really like the people here, so what’s the point?”
“There is no ‘point’ to it. I just like time to myself is all. These guys don’t bother me, and I don’t bother them. They only start trouble when they see fit.”
“Ah… I see? What were you listening to by the way?”
Trevor stifled a groan, not really wanting to talk to the guy when he had time to freely plot his scheme.
“Pop punk shit. Ever heard of it?”
“Uh, no? I thought punk wasn’t supposed to be popular. Or fit in. Or whatever.”
“That’s merely the ideology, which I do follow, dear Michael. I just like the sound I guess. You know Paramore?”
“Not really. I don’t listen to that stuff much.”
“Then what the fuck do you listen to?”
“Not sure if it has a genre per say, but I like that song Radioactive goin’ around? Songs that sound like that I guess.”
“You like Imagine Dragons?”
“That’s what they’re called?”
Trevor could only stare at him. Was this guy living under a rock?
“Uh.. yeah. Y’know what- never mind, what else do you listen to?”
“80s music?”
No wonder this guy was unaware of who’s popular now.
“Amanda’s been trying to get me into groups like the 1975. I actually kinda like them.”
Trevor rolled his eyes.
“Of course she did.”
“They’re not that bad to be honest. She likes that weird alternative shit.”
“Yeah, I know. By the way, there is a name for that genre. Indie rock. Can’t stand the stuff.”
“How come?”
“You know, you ask a lotta fuckin’ questions.”
“I’m just tryna understand this shit here. I ain’t in the loop of all these trends.”
“Well, for your information I just find the style to be too slow and whiny for my taste. I like fast, upbeat, wild stuff.”
“Any recommendations then? I wanna impress Amanda by at least knowing one artist off that nosedivr thing she goes on.”
He raised a brow, not really wanting to share anything else knowing he would just repeat it back to her, but he shrugged and continued.
“Alright. Besides pop punk, I like experimental songs. Underground groups. Crystal Castles are my favorite.”
“Never heard of ‘em.”
“Wouldn’t expect you to.”
“If you want more indie rock shit though, I suggest listening to I don’t know, the Arctic Monkeys? That seems more like her taste.”
“These bands have such weird names.”
“I think bands have always been like that.”
“Hey wait a sec, I thought you didn’t like that stuff? How do you know the name of one of those groups?”
“Ugh… I guess I might as well say it if you’re gonna get with her, but we were friends at some point. She introduced me to those bands, but even then I didn’t really like it. We had a stupid falling out I’d rather not get into.”
“Oh.. sorry.”
“Eh, don’t be. Shit happens. You definitely seem like her type though, no wonder she got with you.”
“What’s her type?”
“Heh. As if I’d tell you.” He scoffed.
“C’mon man, please?”
Michael frowned, slumping in his seat.
“Fine. Whatever. Not like I need to know.”
“You could at least pretend you don’t care.”
“I don’t.”
“You clearly do, bro.”
He sat arms crossed, turning a smidge away from Trevor. This was his opportunity to listen to his tunes again, but before he could Michael spoke up.
“Can I… can I listen to whatever you’re listening to?”
“I wanna hear what you’re into.”
Trevor shot him a puzzled look.
“Uh.. okay.”
Wiping off an earbud, he handed one to Michael. He already had one in.
“Pick your poison cowboy.”
“Just a nickname I give people.” He shrugged.
Michael settled on his experimental music, actually nodding along to the sound. They were closer than a minute ago, and it made Trevor uncomfortable for whatever reason. Maybe because he was never in such close proximity to strangers, but the other part of him didn’t care that much. Michael’s eyes were closed, smiling.
“You like it?”
“Yeah! Reminds me of synth stuff from the 80s, just more modern I guess.”
He smiled back at Michael, appreciating the fact there was someone else who liked the music he liked. The two listened to a couple different playlists he had, up until the moment Wade arrived at the park.
“Trevor! Hey!”
“Woah. Who’s your friend?”
“Hm?” He pulled out the single earbud, turning his head around. Wade had clown makeup on, making Trevor jump in his seat.
“Fucks sake. Hey Wade.”
“Ooh who’s this?”
He wasn’t sure if Wade freaked him out or not, seeing as the guy not only had matted locs, but many facial piercings as well. And the clown shit. He stood up to introduce them to one another.
“Wade, this is Michael. Michael, Wade.”
The way Michael looked at him was like a kid seeing a zoo animal for the first time. He looked bewildered, but not disgusted.
“Hi. What’s with the..?” He wavered a hand in Wade’s direction.
“Oh! It’s jus’ clown face. Not tryna scare ya or nothin’!”
“Uh huh… man. How have I never been around these parts? You guys are real different.”
“You got that right, Mike.”
“Seems like I’ve been missin’ out. I hangout with some dudes who would hate this place if I’m being honest.”
“I’ll have to meet ‘em sometime.” Trevor chuckled.
“They’re real cool guys. Didn’t expect our paths to cross, but anything’s possible in this fuckin’ city.”
“Oh yeah. Land of opportunities, for all types of wackjobs.”
“Ain’t that the truth.”
A hand tapped Trevor on the shoulder.
“Uh, excuse me, Trevor, but are we still gonna talk about the Merryweather thingy-”
“Wade! Shut it-”
“What Merryweather thing?”
“Nothing, nothing. Not important.” He said, gritting his teeth, glare strong on Wade.
“But you said we’d talk about it over icecream!”
“Later, Wade. Not right now.”
“Fiiine. Can we still get icecream though?”
“Sure. Promise. I’ll let you know.”
“Okay! Bye Trevor, bye stranger!”
Michael lifted a hand to haphazardly to wave goodbye.
“What was that about?”
“I told ya man, nothin’. Just going over some plans we’re making.”
“Is it about that special event being held there?”
“How you know about that?”
“Mandy told me.”
“Mandy… yeah. Figures as much.”
“She got an invite, and wants me to go as her plus one. I don’t know if I really wanna go though, I’m still pretty unfamiliar with all this.”
“Trust me, you don’t.”
“Seriously, what is your beef with those guys?”
“I told you, they start shit when they want. Taught ‘em a lesson and that was it. Nearly got me banned from this place, but it was kinda worth the looks on their faces.”
“You are.. quite peculiar y’know. Anyway, you mind showing more of that music? I was honestly gettin’ a kick outta it.”
“Uh, yeah.”
He sat back down next to Michael, handing him the same earbud as before. He clicked on one of his favorite Crystal Castles songs, Vanished. As they were listening, Michael furrowed his eyebrows.
“Hey wait a minute.. I think I’ve heard this before.”
“You have? I thought you didn’t know them.”
“No, I mean yeah I haven’t, but that’s not it. The lyrics. Vocals. I’ve heard them in a different song.”
“Lemme think, lemme think, ah… I got it! Pass me your phone real quick.”
His fingers typed in the song title fast, pressing play right away. It was an indie rock song, much to Trevor’s dismay. But something stopped him from complaining, seeing how Michael’s face lit up.
“Yeah! This is it, Sex City by Van She. Y’know, I honestly think that’s neat.”
“What is?”
“The fact that a song you like, samples a song I like! Who would’ve guessed?” He said, eyes sparkling. Trevor didn’t notice how bright they were until now. The eye contact, along with the lack of space between them, made him feel stuffy again. He averted his eyes back to his phone, trying to loosen up a bit. As the song played, he savored in the sound, shocking himself a bit. The rock sound was there, but had an 80s sort of feel to it. The song finished before he knew it.
“So.. What’d ya think?”
“You know my thoughts on indie shit. Wasn’t for me, sorry.”
“Oh c’mon, you know you liked it.”
“Nope. Prefer Vanished.”
“Yeah, okay. Keep telling yourself that, but I honestly think they’re both really good. You think that too, I can feel it.”
“Whatever you say bro.”
He switched the song over to that Grimes song he listened to yesterday, the two of them sitting silently. It was a pleasant afternoon they shared. Suddenly Michael’s phone went off, and he yanked the earbud out.
“Ah shit. I gotta take this. Mandy.”
Trevor grabbed the other earbud, putting it back in. He saw Michael wave his free hand around, looking close to hurling his phone right into the lake. Trevor assumed he must’ve been shouting as well, from the way other people were looking at him. Hanging up not much later, he returned to the bench, as Trevor put his earbuds away.
“Fuckin’ Christ.”
“So.. how’d it go?”
“She’s finally not mad at me anymore, but demanded I go take her shopping now. I swear, she’s gonna clear out my bank account or something.”
“How? You guys aren’t even dating.”
“I know, but I just can’t say no to her.”
“Uh huh.”
“Look, I’m sorry to leave so suddenly, but I really gotta go before she goes back to being pissed at me. See ya around?”
“I’ll be here man.”
Michael stood up, storming away. Seemed like he had a short temper, huh? He wondered to himself how long he was gonna stick around, seeing how Amanda’s dating history was… an extensive list. He thought back to last night, when he had seen that post of them, remembering the fact that no guy stayed for longer than a week. It almost made him bummed, seeing as he only had Ron and Wade for friends. Lester too, but that was on rare occasion. Shit. The plans. What time was it?
“Ah, fuck me.” He muttered. How did he let the day go by so quick?
He shot a text to Wade, telling him to grab Ron and meet at some icecream place. He did promise Wade after all.
Ron ended up meeting them there a little bit later, apologizing profusely before Trevor told him to just sit down and shut up. He did just that, almost apologizing once more.
“Now, let’s get down to business. Who do we know that would help us sneak into that club to cause sheer utter mayhem?”
Ron raised his hand excitedly.
“I could get Floyd maybe-”
“Definite fuckin’ no. He would have a heart attack the minute he set foot in there.”
This was getting nowhere. He tossed his head back to look up at the sky. As he did, he saw a couple walking out of the icecream place.
“Oh fucking hell.”
Was this guy following him or something? He snapped his head forward, trying to be a little more hidden.
“What? Trevor what is it?”
“Shh! Keep your fucking voice down Ron!”
He made all three of them lower their heads as the couple walked away, peeking over his shoulder to make sure they were gone. As he did, he could’ve sworn he saw Michael looking back at him. The both of them turned away as quick as possible from the split second of eye contact.
“Trevor?” Ron repeated.
“It was nothing. Just thought I saw someone.”
“Ain’t that the Michael fella I met today?”
“Nope. Don’t think it is.”
“Are ya sure-”
“Pretty fucking positive. Now, back on topic.”
The next hour or so still went nowhere. Wade had gone through two servings of icecream, and Ron started to get restless. Trevor was just bored.
“Ughhh there has to be something we can do!”
“I don’t know what to tell you Trevor. We’ll find someone, soon. There’s enough time isn’t there?”
“Yeah, but I’m not waitin’ til the last possible fuckin’ second to get a guy to help us out here.”
“But we still have time.”
“If you fuckin’ say so Ron.”
The three of them called it a night, as Trevor tossed around the idea of possibly getting Michael involved in his head. On one hand he wanted to out of spite just to make Amanda and the other hipsters mad, and on the other he didn’t want to screw up whatever new friendship he had started with Michael. Ron did say they had time to find someone soon. They weren’t exactly in a rush, but he still wanted to make sure their plan was concrete. They all went back to Wade’s, Trevor deciding to take a walk along the beach. He threw on the same playlist from earlier, watching the sunset. As he walked, he didn’t pay much mind to where he was going, bumping into someone.
“Ah fuck, watch where you’re going-”
“Shit, sorry man-”
As they spun around from the collision, he realized exactly who he had run into.
What the fuck?
“What the fuck? Are you following me or something?”
“This is the third time I’ve seen you today. What are you even doing here?”
“Uh, it’s a public fuckin’ beach man.” He said, mocking the comment Trevor had made earlier.
“Don’t get smart with me.”
“Hey, I’m just tellin’ you how it is. I didn’t purposely search for you, hell I didn’t even know you lived this way.”
“I do. So make like a tree and fuck off.” He said bitterly.
“Woah, chill the fuck out. What’s your deal? I thought we were cool man.”
“I don’t like being followed.”
“I just told you I wasn’t!”
“It doesn’t exactly seem like it. You just so happen to look for me this morning, and just happen to go to the same icecream place I went, and then I find you here? I mean Jesus-”
“I’m telling you, it’s all purely coincidence.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fuckin’ hell man..” He mumbled.
“Y’know, you’re as fuckin’ stubborn as Amanda is. I already told you-”
Trevor balled his fists, before jabbing a finger into Michael’s chest.
“Don’t fucking compare me to her.”
Michael threw his hands up defensively, not realizing he touched a nerve.
“Woah woah, easy dude. I didn’t think it was that bad between you guys.”
He exhaled loudly, unclenching his hands.
“It wasn’t. Isn’t. Just.. don’t compare me to her.”
Michael pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling hard himself.
“Look, I think you’re cool and all but you can’t flip out on me like that. I mean we are just getting to know each other y’know. I can’t have you wanting to bite my head off like that if I just so happen to keep running into you. I really am just trying to navigate the area better, so forgive me if I came off as some sorta fuckin’ stalker. Amanda went home and I had nothing better to do so I chose to walk over this way.”
“Hmph. Fine. Whatever.”
“So we good?”
“Good. Now, since we’re already here why don’t we just hangout or something?”
Trevor folded his arms, trying to look like he didn’t want to spend another minute with him. It didn’t really work though, because he actually did want to talk to him more.
“If you insist.”
The two of them started to head in the direction of the boardwalk, neither one speaking yet. After finding a bench to sit on as the sun sunk below the horizon, the silence was still there. This sort of thing was bizarre for both of them in different ways. Michael never really frequented these parts of LS, and Trevor never really hit it off with any kind of stranger. Ron and Wade were exceptions if anything, and he had known Lester for a while now. Yet there was something about this guy that didn’t make him feel like he was spending time with a stranger, even though he knew jack shit about him. He might as well try to make small talk.
“So I-”
“So uhh-”
They spoke over each other while trying to start up a conversation, making things feel a little more awkward.
“Shit sorry, you go first.”
“Nah nah you go.”
“Um. Okay. So.. tell me about yourself? We haven’t really talked about much besides music.”
“Yeah.. right. What do ya wanna know?”
“I just asked you to tell me about yourself, so it’s your job to decide what to say.”
Michael gave him a sardonic smile in response to that, partly because he wasn’t sure what to bring up about himself. It seemed like they were gonna be here a while if they wanted to say the most basic shit you say when getting to know someone.
“Well, I ain’t that interesting if you really need to know. I’m guessing you already know about my whole ‘affinity for the 80s’ thing, like the culture n shit that came from it. Real sick stuff.”
“If you say so.”
“Yeah. Anyway, if you really want to know plain shit about me though, I will tell ya that my favorite color’s blue.”
Trevor snickered at that.
“Pfft, seriously? We’re talking favorite colors now?”
“Hey man, you said you wanted to know more about me.”
“Uh yeah, but that’s so fuckin’ silly.”
“Maybe it is, but what about you? You got one?”
“Favorite color? You kiddin’?”
“I’m waiting..”
“Uh huh… I’ll give. Always liked the color red I guess. Like, in variety. Not picky about something as childish as that.”
“What’s childish about that?”
“Cuz only kids exchange that whole ‘oh what’s your favorite color?’ thing. It’s like if I were to ask you what your favorite dinosaur is.”
“Hmm.. I’d probably say a T-Rex.”
“Oh now you’re just pulling my dick. And no, I’m not telling you what mine is just because you did.”
“Hey, I didn’t ask you though. That was all you.”
“Mm… shut it.”
“You got one though?”
“I’m not telling you!”
“Ah ah, I didn’t ask which one, I asked if you had one.”
“Well I don’t, so knock it off.”
“That’s fair. I won’t push.”
They grew silent for the second time that night, before Trevor mumbled something under his breath.
“It’s a pterodactyl..”
“What was that?”
He forced a breath through his nose, acting annoyed.
“It’s a fuckin’ pterodactyl. That’s mine. Okay?”
“Hah, okay. Any reason why?”
“You’re so nosy.”
“You’re the one who started this conversation about getting to know each other man.”
“Ugh, I know that.” He said, lightly shoving his shoulder.
“I think it’s cool that they could fly and shit. I like flying.”
“You like flying?”
“Loved it.”
“Wait, you tellin’ me you fly? Like, planes and shit?”
Trevor winced at the words, regretting what he just said.
“I did.. at some point. Air Force shit. They said I was one of the best they’d seen in a while but I.. left. Sort of.”
“Then why’d you leave?”
“I didn’t exactly leave on my own accord. More or less got kicked out.”
“How come-”
“I don’t like talking about it. I know we’re opening up or whatever the fuck but that.. that’s still too soon for me to want to bring up. Especially to someone I barely know.”
“It’s okay.” He said, even though it really wasn’t. It’s not like Michael knew though, he really wasn’t trying to prod in a bad way.
It was almost pitch black by the time their conversation got to that point, only distant streetlight and the nearby pier lighting up their surroundings. The whole mood had shifted, and both of them decided to just break it off there.
“Hey uh, I’ll probably see you tomorrow man. If I’m with Amanda I think I’ll just send a wave or something your way.”
“Got it. See ya.”
Trevor stayed put, watching Michael leave as he turned down a random one way street. This guy was tripping him out and he couldn’t pin point why. It was getting late though, and walked off himself back to Wade’s. He’ll save that vexed question for another night.
//ahhhhhh i rlly did not know what i wanted to do with this….,,., sorry if this wasn’t as good as the first two !! i alrdy know i repeated a bunch of stuff in there and i feel like it got kinda sloppy so again, soz (including typos or whtevr)
but uhhhh anyway yeah i cut it off here bc i wanted to continue some of this shit in the next chapter ig lol,, more stuff to come soon god willing
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kaiokentimesten · 2 years
since i answered i def wanna know your thoughts on the Buu arc im so curious if you want to share ofc! (esp bc i had no idea there was discourse about this help)
YAYA OF COURSE! I'll put these under the cut because naturally anything Dragon Ball with me is a long affair
So, everyone kind of agrees that the Buu arc is the weakest overall arc from Dragon Ball Z. However, just how weak it exactly is is kind of widely debated
I think the biggest issue with the Buu arc imo is the pacing. I rewatched it sort of recently and honestly it was a bit of a chore to get through. It just felt like there was a LOT more filler here than in the earlier arcs, and idk I just felt like some of it was a lot more boring. I have no problem with filler inherently, but when it's not very fun it's just....bleh, y'know?
It also feels like some of the things are so...disconnected. Like, Gohan was originally supposed to be the main character, and we saw a bit of it with the school life in the beginning and him trying to use his powers for good under the guise of being a superhero, but after Goku comes back that's...kind of it.
The stuff with Gohan and the Kais was funny but also like. Gohan didn't really work to get that powerup iirc. The old supreme Kai just kinda....walked around him a bunch and kept him out of the story for a bit which sucks because there's so much you can do with Gohan but they don't do anything! Like, after the stuff with the Kais, he fails to catch the Potarra earring to fuse with Goku like BRO that could've been really good for his arc
But I mean. Of course I won't really complain as like the #1 Vegito fan because he is so fucking fun and his fight with Buu was AMAZING. Objectively, though, it kinda left Gohan in the dust which is :(
I agree with you in that Buu wasn't a very interesting villain either. I thought he was an interesting character though, and I really loved his relationship with Mr. Satan- who btw CARRIES this arc he literally saved the world like good for him
Speaking of arcs I really loved Vegeta's character development here it was just. so good. Him wanting to go back to how he was and becoming Majin Vegeta was AMAZING I knew exactly what his motivations were. Which actually speaking of Majin Vegeta it's crazy to think he was SO popular and was the source of so many edgy DBZ AMVs from the early 2000s and yet he like. Barely appears? Wack. But anyway his sacrifice to try and take out Buu was PHENOMENAL. Not only was it super pretty from an animation perspective but also it was beautiful from a story perspective. Vegeta my beloved
Uhhh, what else, what else....animation-wise, it's Dragon Ball. The fights are fun, the attacks are cool, but also I CANNOT believe they just introduced SSJ3 out of nowhere??? Like I always forget about that but there was no hinting or buildup to it Goku was just like "oh yeah I can do this btw hee hee" like aight man.
Overall it's a pretty fun arc but it also feels like a bit of a chore to get through LOL it definitely feels like the longest out of the four arcs but it doesn't really deserve to
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percydarling · 4 years
I'll be honest,if the weasley kids had a tv show I would have percy as my favourite. Bill aand charlie arent in it so I wouldnt have an opinion (they're obviously hinted at but never there) Arthur's gonna annoy me kinda, molly is really nice but she always compares her kids. Ron (as lovely as he is) can be really mean to percy and just sucky to him. I love Ginny but everyone knows jk made her because "girl power= not feminine traits!1!1!1!" I love her,I love her love for quidditch but I feel like I still clearly see what she represents and that's jks sentiments (like cho for example, as an asian it's never gonna leave my mind). The twins would be great in theory but 2 twins insulting their older brother, burning a hole through their brothers tongue? Pranking everybody ALL THE TIME? I say I love them but seriously if I studied at hogwarts I would loathe them because hey, were in class- prank somebody in a more boring one or after. Also they're way too mean to percy.
Percy is the kinda dude I'd identify with, I hate how his family shames him alot. Sure hes ambitious but at the same time I hate when they bully him for his pride in his prefect badge and his head boy badge, like CMON! Gryffindor traits??? PRIDEFUL like yeah hes gonna be happy because he feels accomplished. I remember getting into model un and I talked about it at dinner time,my siblings got kinda annoyed but did they insult me abt it? No! They understood that this was a big part of my pride. They teased me a little "Haha model un-er" or "your rooms the country your representing right? Oops I dont have my passport" regular happy sibling stuff. You dont insult your brothers pride and joy, it's obvious hes so happy about it.
If there's gonna be a show on the Weasley family, the only interestee Weasley I would be watching is for Percy. Now let's go through every Weasley.
Arthur- at work, never home, if at home in shed exploring muggle things instead of probably bonding with his children.
Molly-would do chores, help children and maybe chat with next door neigbour. A slight chance of bonding with kids. Not very entertaining really.
Bill and Charlie- I mean depends whether they're even there or gone. If they're there they'd probably argue with each other. Maybe we'll get the Bill earring story and Charlie dragon obsession. Other than that maybe sibling bonding which is always good.
Twins- I cannot emphasize enough as to why I wouldn't watch the twins, if there was such a tv show. Each episode they'll probably prank someone most probably Ron and Percy. And then these pranks would get violent and physical and they would still be the saints and Percy the villain.
I mean the twins cause Ron's phobia, almost make him take the Unbreakable Vow (Ron was 5!) and then beat his Puffskein to death.
And that's only Ron. If I start on Percy the jokes are endless but let's just end with the twins tried to locked Percy in a pyramid( God knows how old!). Enough said.
Ron- We already have Ron content in the book. Do we really need more? Yes we do but not if it's Ron insulting Percy. And if this show was before Harry and Hogwarts then Ron would be a young child like 9-10 years old and I personally wouldn't be interested. I love Ron but he loses absolutely no moment to insult or bitch about his brother. Plus Ron is whiny. Sometimes.
Ginny- They'll probably make her a Mary Sue who can do no wrong. They would seriously do that and make her a female version of the twins. Sorry not interested in watching her.
When we come to Percy there are so many things we can do. We can see bonding with Bill or Charlie. Percy being a good older brother and helping with nightmares. Percy being his mother's support system. Percy helping Arthur with his work. Percy teaching Ron chess. Percy planning a prank with twins. Percy playing dolls with Ginny.
With Percy you can relate him to everyone in some way or another. We know Molly loves Percy and probably considers him her favorite. Probably. Arthur with the Ministry so Percy and Ministry. Percy going to Bill with help for studies. Percy helping Charlie research about dragons.(Percy telling Charlie his dormmate is crazy about quidditch and asking if Charlie could give him tips and an autograph)
Percy playing chess with Ron. We know Percy is protective over Ron and Ginny. So we can assume that Percy teaches Ron chess and helps him read. Percy reading to Ginny about Harry Potter.(Really though who else would have? Molly would be busy and Bill and Charlie wouldn't)
Or we can have Percy writing stuff. Short stories and articles. Percy being a writer. Percy singing , dancing or drawing. Percy sneaking to Muggle town and talking to them.
Percy finding Scabbers.
Percy going to the Lovegood residence and talking with Luna's mother because she is such an amazing person.
(And taking her death the hardest)
Also Percy bonding with Luna.
Percy bonding with Uncle Billius or Great Aunt Muriel. Also reminsing time with Uncle Gideon and Fabian.
Percy having babysitter called Lily Potter who looked just like him but with bright green eyes. She reads to him about adventure stories and tells him she loves him very much and once brought her husband with her(who's an animagus!)
(While his brothers rejoiced the fall of You Know Who, Percy cried because Miss Lily and Mr James were dead. That was the time Percy realised that bad things happen to good people)
Well to put it in short there are so many angles with Percy which makes him interesting in my opinion.
If they do make let's hope they don't screw Percy over like they did with him in that damn game.
Also for that Percy interacting with Muggles there's an interesting fanfic called Percy's Diary.
Percy is the only Weasley who I can relate to which makes me love him more. I am an elder sibling, have been constantly insulted by family and friends for following rules and very rarely been put down for being excited for something.
And the whole making fun of Percy is bullying when they're laughing at him and not with him.
These 2 prepositions make all the difference when it comes to teasing and bullying.
And the twins are bullies. They are.
"Oh, are you a prefect, Percy? You should've said something, we had no idea."
This is one of the lines they say.
How much do you want to bet that the twins didn't say something like this to Bill when he became prefect and HeadBoy?
Percy was a constant butt of their jokes and pranks, including bewitching his prefect and Head Boy badges to read Pinhead and Bighead Boy respectively, and sending dragon dung to his office at the Ministry.
This is from the official wikia. People can try to make the twins saint and say it was all good natured and everything. But I will always see the twins as bullies.
And the thing is the twins and Ron never bothered to praise Percy and that just feels wrong. Everytime they talk about Percy it's qn insult. When I talk about my brother to an acquaintance I don't insult him unlike Ron.
I feel that as Percy fans we love him because he is complicated. He isn't like the rest of the Weasleys. He isn't charming or funny. He's just a normal guy trying to do better and Percy fans get it because it's relatable. We can relate to being ordinary. He doesn't have earrings or pranks or a saviour best friend. He's just a guy who follows rules and wants to be successful. Who wouldn't relate with that?
And maybe some of us have been ridiculed just like Percy so we understand. We also understand that this is Harry's biased view and all he has been told about Percy is usually by Ron or the twins who insult him on a regular basis. And Harry is no better! He uses words like pompously like he understands how a person talks pompously?
So I love Percy a lot because I relate to him and I would never in my life apologise for loving such a complicated character.
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
And They Were Oarmates
The Third Part of My Fic About The Oars by omni-scient-pan-da (One, Two, All)
For @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @burntuakrisp @wh33z @reaping-mae @jo-the-nerd @emo-bi-mess @taurianskies7 @the-dumbass-multishipper @pictures-that-are-kinda-cool @iprefertheterminsane @inkytrinket-irii
About six weeks had passed since Rowan set out on his journey to find his husband, and word was starting to get around that he was looking for a warlock with green magic.
Unfortuntely, he was no closer to finding Killian than he had been when he first started. Anytime he thought he’d found someone that could take him to the warlock, it turned out to be the wrong person. Every lead he had had led him to a dead end, but Rowan refused to give up hope. He’d do whatever it took to find his husband, even if it killed him. 
Right now though, things weren’t looking the greatest. Even if he hadn’t been worried about what was happening to Killian he had more pressing matters to focus on at the moment. 
Like the angry dragon that he’d accidentally stumbled upon.
Bright green fire shot past Rowan as he darted to the side of the cave. Holy shit, Rowan thought to himself. I didn’t realize dragons were so sensitive about being called warlocks.
It hadn’t seemed like an unreasonable assumption at the time, but if nothing else, this dragon really seemed to hate being confused for a warlock.
Rowan peaked around the corner, trying to gauge how far away the exit was. If he could just get past the dragon without being burned to a crisp, he could try and make a break for it. But of course, that would require him to actually be able to make it past the dragon.
“Look, I’m sorry I confused you for a warlock!” Rowan yelled, trying to reason with the dragon. “It won’t happen again!”
Green fire shot down the corridor once more and Rowan sighed. This was going to be difficult.
Killian fell to the ground, breathing heavily.
“Again,” the warlock commanded, glaring at him. 
“How many times is it going to take for you to realize I just can’t do magic?” Killian asked, wiping sweat from his brow as he pushed himself up off the ground into a sitting position. “It’s just not possible for me.”
The warlock smiled at him and suddenly Killian felt very very uneasy. The warlock never smiled, not unless he was about to do something Killian would absolutely despise.
“Everyone can do magic Killian,” the warlock sneered. “Maybe it’s just that you need a little more motivation.”
Green light sizzled through the air and all of a sudden the warlock was holding Killian’s ring in his hand. His wedding ring. The one thing that he had left to remind him of home, the one thing that still connected him to his husband, the one thing that gave him hope that he might actually find his way home.
“Isn’t it funny how something so small can give a person so much motivation?” the warlock asked, one corner of his mouth quirking up in a smirk. 
“Give it back you son of a bitch,” Killian ordered, trying to put all the force he could muster into his words, but even to his own ears his voice sounded hollow, shaky, and a little broken. He couldn’t take the ring, the ring was the one thing he had left.
“This little old thing?” the warlock asked innocently, twirling it in his hand. “Maybe having the metal on your person is what’s interfering with your magic.” He grinned sadistically and the palm holding the ring lit up in green flames.
Moving without thinking, Killian roared, lunging at the warlock. “YOU BASTARD!” he wound his arm up to punch the geezer in the gut, his own fist now alight with burning red angry magic as he swung. The only thing on his mind was how badly he needed to get that ring back, he had to have it, the warlock couldn’t take it from him, he needed it, he needed Rowan, he needed-
All of a sudden Killian flew back in the air before landing on the cold hard ground once more, his stomach on fire as if he had been the one to get hit and not the warlock.
In front of him the warlock laughed as green protection sigils flashed around him. “Reflection spells Killian, remember?”
Killian took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore the searing pain in his abdomen. “Give me the ring back or I’ll kill you.”
The warlock snorted. “As fun as it’d be to see you try, I think there are more important things at hand here, such as the fact that you can do magic.” he held up the ring, that sadistic grin of his plastered across his face once more. “And now I know exactly how to trigger it.”
After nearly getting burned to death by a dragon and numerous other failed attempts at finding his husband, Rowan was starting to get really fucking tired. He wasn’t giving up hope just yet, he couldn’t give up hope. Rowan couldn’t even begin to fathom how he was supposed to carry on without even the smallest slimmer of hope of finding Killian again.
But he was getting really really tired of all the traveling and time and energy it took for him to even find the smallest whisper of Killian, only for his plans to completely blow up in his face.
All he wanted was to find his husband, was that so terrible? Was he truly destined to endure a life of suffering without him? Constantly searching for a man that might not even want him anymore?
That was the worst part about this whole ordeal, the way Killian had acted in those last few precious moments before he had been stolen from Rowan. The warlock had to have done something to mess with Killian’s mind, right? There was no way Killian would’ve said or done those things of his own violition... 
Rowan shook his head as he walked, heading back into the inn where he had been staying for the past few nights, hoping he could get in quickly without the owner noticing that half his shirt had been scorched off. Luckily for him, Rowan had always been able to pull of a crop top.
Rowan pushed open the door to the inn, peaking his head inside to see if there was anyone in the lobby. Upon finding no one, he darted inside, thankful his room key had managed to survive his little skirmish with the dragon as he unlocked the door to his rented room and steped inside, sagging against the door as soon as it closed behind him.
“Just... Keep moving Rowan, keep moving and you’ll be fine,” he muttered to himself under his breath. “As long as you keep moving, you’ll find Killian eventually and then... And then...”
And then he really didn’t know what would happen next. He’d find some way to free Killian from that horrible warlock that had taken him? He didn’t know the first thing about magic, how was he supposed to defeat an all powerful warlock? And then of course came that nagging little voice in the back of his mind as he started to question whether or not Killian would even want him to come to his rescue...
Rowan sighed, pushing his doubts aside as he dug through his clothes to find a new shirt. He’d have to buy a new one to replace the one he’d ruined, but that could wait for another day. Right now he needed a drink and a long night’s rest before he decided which town to jump to next in search of his husband.
After changing clothes, Rowan headed out of his room once more, this time to the small tavern across the street from the inn. After taking a seat at the bar and ordering a drink he glanced around the room, looking for anyone that might have any clue where his husband could be.
“This is pointless... I’m never going to find him this way. I need to change strategies or... Or something or else I’m going to go insane.”
“They say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, so I’d say you’re on the right track,” a voice perked up from behind him said.
Rowan jumped a little in his seat, turning around to find a cloaked woman standing behind him. “I um... I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were standing there.”
The woman smiled slightly. “Don’t worry about it,” she replied. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time... You’re the one trying to find the Le Sorcier Vert, aren’t you?”
Rowan’s eye’s widened. “Do you know how to find him?” His heart was pounding in his chest and he didn’t dare to hope any more than he already was. He didn’t know if he could handle losing hope the way he’d lost Killian.
“I can do you one better,” the woman replied. “I know how to defeat him.
Author's Note: Okay alright it's been 3 months since I updated this but I have no concept of time, so once again, special thanks to @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus for sending me an ask and motivating me to finish this thing! There WILL be a part 4 and when I post it you can find the link HERE and I'm thinking part four will be the finale? Who knows, but there should be an updated list with all available parts HERE that includes links to the whole series, and I promise, the story will definitely have a happy ending. As before, if you wanna be tagged when part 4 comes out, leave a comment below or reblog this because seriously, I will not work on this for ages unless I have external motivation. Thanks so much for reading this far, I'm glad you're all enjoying the story so far!
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missturtleduck · 4 years
The Girls of Ba Sing Se - (Sokka x f!Reader) Pt. 6
Part Five│Part Seven
“You let me nearly be eaten, Toph!”
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She didn’t know how she ended up on Sokka’s chest, but Y/N wasn’t complaining.
It had been a few days since Azula administered psychological warfare on the Avatar and friends when she deprived them all of sleep, and so far, the days had been uneventful. The group had gone through the usual motions; travel for a while, make camp, eat, train, and sleep. One achievement Y/N was especially proud of, however, was training Qin to not eat Momo – Qin being the twenty-foot-long mongoose lizard that had refused to leave Y/N alone.
“I can’t believe you’re keeping it!” Katara had said, eyeing the creature warily, Momo clinging onto her by her loopies.
“But, Katara,” Y/N had whined, “We let you keep Sokka!”
Sokka was not amused.
Sleep, however, was a priority after they were deprived. With little to do when they made camp, Sokka and Y/N often made the most of it – the basking warmth of the sun and the cool shade from overhanging trees – with naps throughout the day. Perhaps that was how she ended up with her head on Sokka’s chest, ear over his heart, soothed by its steady thumping. How his hand ended up in her hair was another question entirely to Y/N, but she assumed it was probably the same for him; they had just moved in their sleep.
Just as Y/N was about to drift back into lazy slumber, Sokka yelped, shooting up and knocking her off of his chest. As she was about to shout at him, the anger caught in her throat, bubbling into laughter when she saw the mess in front of her.
Qin had her head on Sokka’s legs, pinning him down, her tail thumping like a dog – something she had likely learned from Momo. Her laughter developed into raucous cackling as Qin’s head slid up to rest on his chest, Sokka flailing his arms miserably in an attempt to get her off. Betrayal crossed his face as he watched Y/N double over in pure glee.
“Y/N!” He croaked, not appreciating the reptile nuzzling against him. “Get your dragon off of me!”
Still giggling, Y/N clapped her hand, Qin’s head snapping around to identify the noise. Clambering off of the poor boy, trampling him along the way, the lizard waited excitedly in front of her. Her tail had the strength of an earthbender’s tremor, enough to break ribs or send a soldier flying. Y/N though it was adorable, like when Kuai would wag his stub of a tail in excitement at the littlest thing. She missed Kuai.
“Qin,” Y/N said, catching her breath from giggling, “Qin is not a dragon. She’s a mongoose lizard.”
Sokka narrowed his eyes. “She’s probably spying for the Fire Nation.”
“Oh yeah?” She challenged, resting her chin on top of Qin’s head. “Qin, are you a Fire Nation spy?”
The reptile took its great tongue and licked its own eye, letting it loll dumbly after. Y/N gestured to the docile creature as if to say proof enough.
“That is exactly what a Fire Nation spy would say.”
Y/N didn’t think she had ever laughed so hard in her life. Taking a seat in front of the campfire, which had lit very easily, she began boiling tea over the flames. Sokka sat opposite her, a goofy frown on his face as he grumbled to himself. To add to insult, Qin seemed completely unaffected, learning nothing about personal space as she curled her tail around Sokka’s midriff as she basked in the sun.
Comically, the three raised their heads to look eastwards as a great crack resounded through the mountain range. Aang was learning to earthbend, Y/N knew this much, but was it honestly that loud?
“I have an excellent idea!”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at her friend across the fire, whose hands gestured so wildly that his tea flew out of his cup. “I hope it’s not crying over spilt tea.”
“Hardy har har,” He blanched, sticking his tongue out. “No, we should train Qin to hunt!”
On cue, the reptile raised her head to look at Sokka, eyes glazed over with glee. Looking at the dopey animal, Y/N doubted it had the mental capability to catch an animal. Chase an animal? Qin could do that for miles? Have the depth perception and overall smarts to catch it? A firebender had more chance surviving in the North Pole.
“If you want to help train Qin, we’ll train Qin.”
With those words, Sokka tightened his wolf tail and wrapped his forearms ready for a hunting trip. Slinging her staff over her back, Y/N finished her tea, smothering the flames. She had a feeling that today was going to be very amusing.
To start with, Sokka held seal jerky under Qin’s nose, talking to her lowly as if he were bartering with a stall vendor. Surprising Y/N, Qin seemed interested. She knew that mongoose lizards were omnivorous, but she couldn’t imagine any animal wanting to snack on, let alone take a whiff of, dried seal jerky. Maybe she was just projecting; she wasn’t overly fond of the food as Sokka was, though he seemed fond of any food put on his plate.
Qin’s tail hit the floor in enthusiasm, a clear sign she smelt something similar. Sure, she was no shirshu, but she still had a keen enough nose to do what Sokka needed – well, wanted.
Following her nose, Qin moved swiftly, running ahead of Y/N and Sokka until she was nearly out of sight. Skidding to a halt, the lizard looked over the edge of the canyon, eyes trained to one spot. Obviously, she had found something. It was Sokka who got there first, less wary of the rocky edge than Y/N. He pumped his fist in the air, whooping something about an easy lunch.
That was until Qin startled, knocking him over the canyon edge.
“Sokka!” Y/N screamed, tripping over herself to look over the edge.
He looked up from the rocky crevice he was trapped in, a goofy grin on his face. “Aw, you care.”
“Shut up,” She muttered, sliding down the rock face with relative ease, Qin not far behind. “I was only upset because if you died like that, Katara would never let Qin stay.”
“Uh huh, and that’s why you screamed my name.”
Flushing red, she stared pointedly away from the boy, focusing her attention on her new favourite reptile, who was struggling to descend as easily. It took a few moments for the blood to return to normal in her face, so she thought it was safe to look at Sokka again. She was wrong. He was still grinning at her from his trap, eyebrows raised. She suddenly had a very vivid image of a fair game she used to play at festivals involving a large stick and a hole hopping gopher – and she already had the big stick, or staff.
“You’re very cocky for a boy stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Y/N quipped, taking a seat next to Sokka on the ground.
Sokka barked out a laugh. “And you’re very funny today!”
Y/N, cupping her face in her hands, pouted. “I’m always funny. Speaking of...”
Stifling a giggle, Y/N pointed past Sokka’s right side at Qin. She had managed to make it down the cliff face, and even found what she was hunting. Rather than having the baby animal between her jaws, she was playing with it, watching it chase her hand.
“You know, when I trained Qin to not rip Momo in half, I think she’s just applied it to all tiny creatures,” Y/N mused, “Kinda cute, really.”
He hummed in agreement, sounding almost dreamy. “Yeah, she is.”
The place he had managed to get stuck, though snug, had some beautiful surroundings. Naturally, the canyon was home to many different flora types, but the trees that had weathered such harsh conditions were phenomenally beautiful. Somehow the leaves seemed to shine with a green more brilliant than the uniforms of earthbending soldiers, or even the emerald adornments of noblewomen’s robes. It was shockingly quiet, bar the occasional bird call, each one new and more exotic than the last.
Grunting with effort, Sokka shimmied himself up in the crack, propping himself up with his arms.
Y/N frowned. “Should I go find Toph?”
“No!” He exclaimed, startling her. “No. Just keep me company?”
Her frown quickly dissolved into a small smile. Wordlessly, she sunk to his level, unpinning her hair and laying on the dusty ground. The sky was nice at least, serenely blue against the earth tones of the canyon.
“Is the sky as pretty here as it is in the South?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to catch a glimpse of Sokka.
“Oh, way prettier,” He said, his tone completely confident. “You know how blue the sky is right now? In the South Pole, it kinda meshes with the ice, like an ocean of sky.”
Y/N snorted. “Oh, so you’re a poet now.”
“Hey!” He pouted. “You asked! And I would know what that was like, considering I’m the only one from my village who can captain a ship.”
“A ship!”
“Well, more like a boat.”
“A boat?”
“A very small fishing canoe.”
The pair dissolved into laughter, Sokka shifting so that he didn’t slip down entirely.
“You live in the South Pole though,” Y/N said, brows furrowing in confusion. “Isn’t fishing your livelihood?”
“Not just fishing.” Sokka’s tone shifted, becoming more serious as he eyes glossed over with something very different from the glee it had just been. “My dad and his partner, Bato, would know how to captain proper ships. Most the men from my village knew how to work on a boat.”
Y/N sat up, propping her chin up on her palm. “You’re the only man in your village?”
“You’re looking at him!” He joked, though his heart didn’t seem in it. “The best captain, warrior, and overall guy you’ll find.”
She looked at him, her eyes sad, her smile even sadder. Silent, she put her hand over his, looking at him in the eyes. They stayed like that for a moment until he cleared his throat, his face red and uncomfortable.
“What about you then?” Sokka asked, staring up at her with what she could only describe as puppy dog eyes. “You’re my friend and I know nearly nothing about you.”
Spirits, help me.
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Do you have parents?”
“A mother,” She nodded, her face softening ever so slightly. “She lives in Ba Sing Se, actually. It was where I was heading when Lao had his tantrum.”
“Is she pretty like you?” He said, head tilted in curiosity.
“Sokka, you best not be going after my mum,” Y/N scoffed, hiding how pink she was turning. “No, I’m her spitting image, apparently. Brown eyes and what not, y’know? I didn’t, however, pick up her affinity for earthbending. I don’t really know what she’s doing since she sent me away.”
Sokka scowled, a silent question.
“I guess she though Ba Sing Se wasn’t safe anymore,” She shrugged. “That, or she finally got sick of me.”
“No offence to your mother,” Sokka began, eyes wide in ready defence, “But I don’t understand how anyone could get sick of you.”
Y/N eyes widened to the size of the moon, Sokka’s face falling as it happened. He was opening his mouth, she realised, but honestly Y/N was far too distracted by the saber-tooth moose-lion leering over the pair. Qin realised too, hackles raised as she nudged the baby back towards its mother. With Qin stalking to Y/N’s side, she realised that Sokka had no idea what was about to attack them. Gently, she pulled her bō staff out, holding it low down but ready to strike.
“Don’t tell me,” Sokka deadpanned. “Foo Foo Cuddlypoops’ mum has finally come to pick him up.”
“You called it Foo Foo Cuddlypoops?” Y/N hissed, placing a hand on Qin’s nose, anxious she was about to pounce.
Before Y/N could make a rash decision – she was going between charging the beast, kidnapping its kid and running as fast as possible, or likely following Qin to stop her killing herself – Aang came into the clearing. Trying to prevent a very messy accident, Y/N gestured subtly to Sokka, something along the lines of use your magical Avatar superpowers and get Sokka out of this mess.
Aang smiled panicked, replying with something like I can’t earthbend, what do you want me to do?!
With the still growling moose-lion, Sokka looked between the two like watching two teams in a sports game. “Hello? Sokka here! Still stuck!”
Startled, the moose-lion charged, and they reacted fast. Scooping up the baby, Y/N grabbed onto Qin and began to run. Maybe if she was watching the ensuing chaos, she would have laughed at how the baby seemed content with the wind hitting its face, looking at its mother unfazed by the distance between them. It took all of her willpower not to scream the entire way; death by moose-lion was not going to be written in her obituary, not if she had any say in it. Then the path ran out. Another cliff edge, another chasm to fall into. Climbing off of her mount, Y/N dropped her staff, holding the baby in one hand and doing the one thing she could think of.
She ignited.
Holding the flame near the baby, Y/N held back grimacing tears as it squealed in fear, but it was enough. The mother, seemingly unbothered about trampling Y/N and Qin, whined desperately, snarling and spitting up a vicious storm. Slowly, she put the baby to the floor, letting it run from them. As the mother tended to her child, she looked up briefly, as if considering whether she could get away with brutally killing the firebender. One look at the flame, and they bolted.
Extinguishing the fire swiftly, Y/N exhaled a sigh of relief, the nausea in her stomach – that she hadn’t been aware of until she had stood still – dissipating. Keeling over, she heaved herself onto Qin, letting the reptile run her back to her friends.
“Oh, hi Y/N.”
Toph was grinning atop a stone pillar. Had she been there the entire time?
“I can’t believe you watched that happen and didn’t do anything!” Sokka shouted, Aang sharing the sentiment with a scowl.
“Pssh, the Avatar learns better under pressure.”
Y/N eyes widened as she saw red, opening her mouth to speak; no words came out as she covered her mouth, trying not to be sick. “I was nearly eaten by a moose-lion.”
“You’re being dramatic- “
“You let me nearly be eaten, Toph!”
“Nearly is the key word there!”
Baffled, Y/N stared at her friend. Somewhat hysterically, she cracked up into laughter, clutching onto Qin for support. She laughed and laughed until Sokka approached her, holding her up by her arm.
“I am not making dinner tonight.”
TAGLIST: @lunariasilver​ @maragreene​
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My Beloved, Penis
Fuck it. I was infected by Penis SMP by @demonboyhalo reblogging a bunch of it and the lack of consistent lore bugged me, so I somehow banged out 2000+ words of fanfic about the Penis SMP and how it got started. Lots of internet humor and classic MInecraft shenanigans in this one folks. *slaps roof* This baby can fit so much crack treated seriously, lol. This is also up on my AO3, Zazibine, if you would prefer to read it there.
It was never supposed to get so big. It was just an SMP with a couple friends of his he had met from the Hypixel discord server, where he had logged on simply to trash talk the absolute asshole who had dared to kill him last minute in bedwars, only to stumble upon said asshole- going under the name shittyfartbaby69 of all things- complaining to his girlfriend(?) Milfboss in the voice chat. Thirty minutes later of awkward hellos and the manliest of bitching at each other (with Milf chiming in every once in a while to roast them both), and PenisUnavailable had perhaps his first Minecraft friend in, like, forever.
Then Admiral_Anus had entered chat, bitching about his competitor in ABBA Mining and his bullshit bad luck and the whole process repeated. By the end of the day, Penis had three new friends, a private discord server for the four of them, and a promise to meet up with them in Hypixel next Sunday for the ultimate round of bedwars.
The game went spectacularly. Somehow, Admiral had some of the best bridging skills any of them had ever seen, and between Milfboss' terrifying Scottish screaming and pvp and Shitty with his clutch TNT skills, the three of them almost made up for Penis' awful depth perception. They still lost around forty percent of their games, but that was certainly better than Penis' own abysmal record, not helped with his habit of walking off the edge at inconvenient times.
And it was... fun. Usually bedwars was just him playing in his bedroom alone for an hour before he rage-quit and went back to survival for a bit before he died to fall damage and rage quit that too. But shittyfartbaby69 would crack dirty jokes that he'd never even heard of before, and Milfboss would roast him for looking it up on reddit and Shitty would cuss her out as he tried to prove that no, he was being original- all while Admiral would comment of them as if they were a sideshow display. Then Admiral_Anus would turn around and knock an enemy player off their island with some clever pvp and they would all hoot and holler and swear for a while before going back to their conversation, joking about forgetting the topic and starting up a running gag about something new.
And their accents, mmm. PenisUnavailable would never say it, but he really was as American as white Wonder bread and Milfboss' Scottish brogue, Admiral's smooth British snark, and Shitty's shrieking in Australian, well. Ear candy, you know? Even if he teased them mercilessly for pronouncing shit wrong, like "buhguhr". Ppffttt, it still cracked him up how Milfboss had threatened to murder him after the dictionary app on his phone had proved him right that it was actually "Bur-gur", even if Admiral kept insisting it was pronounced "bruh-girl".
Four hours and twenty-eight wins later, they had agreed to meet up the next day to play again, preferably at an hour that wasn't two am for Shitty again. (It was two am for Shitty again, although that was because they played for six that time.) Eventually, it just became a regular thing, them playing bedwars and competing at ABBA Caving- the one game Penis was unnaturally good at, much to Admiral's annoyance- to the point where they ran out of funny jokes about their competitors and the game itself and started talking personal anecdotes.
Milfboss owned a motorcycle. Admiral, entirely independently, also owned a motorcycle, as that was the only vehicle of reasonable speed and style that could actually handle the London traffic. Shitty couldn't drive at all, something about never passing his driving test. Admiral ate cheese at breakfast. Shitty liked to burn his garbage in a metal oil drum in his backyard. Milfboss posted herself singing covers of shit over on Youtube. And it wasn't just real life stuff either- their minecraft skills were also on the table for them all to collectively roast.
Admiral had never seen a single Minecraft Championship. Milfboss thought a flat cobblestone roof was entirely acceptable. Shitty's favorite block was the flint and steel. (That's not a block, sixty-niner. Shut up, is too. OoOh, real clever, 'shut up'! Uh, how about no? How about I fuckin' make you, ever think 'a that? No nono nonono, I'm on two hearts! I'm on two hearts, stop!) It made him curious, honestly. He wanted to see Milf's builds for himself, get revenge on Shitty, see if Admiral really could beat the Ender Dragon with a knockback stick like he said he could.
So he made a minecraft server. And they all joined it. (And stuck PenisUnavailable with the bill, suckaaahhh~!)
Predictably, it all went to Hell in a hand basket pretty quick.
See, it's one thing to play with nutters like his friends in a structured set up like Hypixel games, it's quite another to try and keep a semblance of order in an open world survival server like the Penis SMP. The first five minutes had been him trying to explain the rules and teleporting everyone back to spawn over and over as they tried to "escape the cops," ie, him. The next five minutes was Shitty scream-laughing "scatter!" and other John Mulany references down the mic as everyone ran off to start their houses. Penis, as he was still "god" at that moment, used admin commands to find the closest flower field biome to settle into, hoping for some- ha- peace and quiet.
Shitty, inevitably, ended up trying to settle in the fucking Nether. Like a mad lad, you know, as you do when you are apparently obsessed with all things lava. Milfboss ended up making an oak plank box of a "tree house" in a dark oak forest, while Admiral_Anus picked a nearby swamp for his starter base. Outside of that, they just kinda vibed in discord as they tried to fend off the mobs and get enough resources to try and build up houses that were a bit more than cobblestone towers and wood boxes- er, mostly. Milf kinda just fucked off to go mining, found a skeleton spawner by chance, and made a set of iron gear to stand in the dungeon room with to just chill and kill mobs for a while. She ended up with something like 45 levels and burned her only diamond on an enchanting table so she could buff the Hell out of her iron weapons and armor.
Penis, rather typically, he though to himself, put together a basic sheep farm and started work on a cute little cobblestone cave base. He managed to get a whole twenty by twenty block room done and fully furnished before he noticed the chat full of Shitty's death messages and went to go investigate. After nearly dying in lava twice, he managed to find Shitty's pile of items floating on a basalt pillar about a hundred blocks out from his... base?
It was a soccer ball. Shitty's base was a perfect fucking spherical soccer ball made up of quartz blocks and basalt. Just. What. The Fuck??? Then out popped shittyfartbaby69 and it was PenisUnavailable's turn to misjudge a jump and plummet right into lava. Fifteen minutes and much shrieking later about losing his diamond pick, and it turns out that Shitty didn't really care about his lost items, as he really only had four gold picks, a stack of dark oak, two furnaces, a bucket, and thirteen cooked mutton to his name. Not even a bed, the fucker. He just ran back to his portal from spawn every time he just burned to death, taking the chance to gather resources on the way back each time.
And no, he wasn't following a tutorial for his "football" base. Jerk. (Although Penis did have to admire his determination...)
The day ended on Milfboss, Shitty, and Penis reconvening back at spawn to try and hunt down Admiral_Anus, who they found later having built a thirty block tall castle of all things. Out of cobble stone and the windows weren't quite even, but still, it was pretty impressive. And of course, when presented with a castle, what can what do but siege it? So they lay siege to the castle and Milfboss curb-stomped Admiral in pvp and laid claim to the throne, crowning herself queen before summarily throwing the rest of them out. It was a good day.
And the day after was a good day. They played dodge ball crossed with hide and seek in forest around Penis' house with arrows supplied by Milfboss. And the day after that, too, where they had a building competition using nothing but cobble stone, specifically to spite Milfboss, who had kicked all of their asses the day before. In fact, three wonderful weeks passed of doing normal Minecraft shit and being friends passed by, and every bit of it was great fun.
And then came the fucking role play.
PenisUnavailable would have liked to preface that with he only participated under duress, but really, Milfboss had been queen for too long and nobody wanted to risk TNT cannoning any of Shitty's nice builds, so. Well, the castle was better than his drafty cave, alright? It was cold and wet and didn't have a proper door because aesthetic (and because it usually took him several tries to work an iron pressure plate door), so there were far too many mobs wandering in at night and spawn camping him. He and Shitty had almost the same number of deaths and Shitty lived in the fucking Nether.
So yeah. Castle time, baby! Daddy needs a new home! And Admiral obviously wasn't happy living out of Milf's awful tree house hot box where they all did drugs together on day fifteen and it still smelled of burnt wheat seeds, aka "weed." It was only obvious that they teamed up to try and take back the castle.
The battle itself didn't exactly go great, but it wasn't exactly horrible either. A lot of shouting shit at each other for fifteen minutes, the majority of which he wouldn't remember until it was too late- something about server unity?- only to find out that it wasn't two on one girl boss, it was two on a girl boss and her "baked out of his mind" henchman, also known as Shitty in a squirrel furry skin.
The ears man. Those stupid (cute) ears.
And then they were running for their lives because Milf had somehow gotten her hands on a flame bow with infinity enchants.
It all culminated in a dramatic stand-off in front of Shitty's Nether Soccer ball, Milf on one side, diamond axe in hand, not a bit of armor on because of an unfortunate run in with lava, Penis and Admiral on the other, picks in hand, threatening to tear down shittyfartbaby69's base. Shitty wasn't online just then to comment, but they could all hear him click-clacking away on his keyboard so he obviously hadn't gone to sleep just yet like he said he had. At an impasse, and unable to justify letting her teammate's home be used as collateral, Milfboss stood down and gave up her "crown," an enchanted golden Prot IV helmet she had gotten off a skeleton from her spawner.
Then the great betrayal, the beginning of the end. Shitty came back online. 96-Cam joined the game, not that they noticed in the chaos. Admiral-Anus cackled wildly and PMed Milfboss the message that Shitty had sent him, giving Team Gay Sex permission to tear down his base in the name of winning the war if it came down to it- making Milf's sacrifice worthless in the end. Penis gave another dramatic speech, circling around Shitty, who was acting weirdly apologetic to Milf about betraying her and still wearing that fucking squirrel furry skin.
"You see Milf, there's one thing more powerful than a girl boss, and when it comes down to wars between kingdoms, there's something you need to remember!" Penis got out his golden ax, helpfully labeled 'Piss Off'.  "And that's a dilf with something to lose!" An enderpearl in his off hand and he teleported behind Milf, catching on fire from the lava but still landing the last hit needed to finish her off. She puffed into a cloud of EXP, swearing up a storm, and then Admiral and Penis turned their gaze to the cheering Shitty.
"AAAAAYYY, LET'S GO DADDY!" the squirrel man screeched, wild laughter shorting out the discord voice chat, making him go quiet in patches when the volume overloaded the client. Behind him, Admiral quietly started building a chair out of birch fence posts and slabs.
"Not so fast, shit-ty-fart-baaaaa-byyyyy~, this isn't quite over yet!" Penis fucking chirped, barely holding back his laughter. "You're still a fucking traitor and we can't have you backstabbing us too. Get in the chair for Daddy, okay baby?"
Admiral finished the chair just in time for Shitty to turn around and see the completed monstrosity, shrieking dying off immediately. "Oh screw you, that's just mean. The Hell man? That's not a chair, that's illegal. If you want an electric chair or some shit, just ask. That's just sad." Mentally shrugging, Admiral lit up his work with a flint and steel while Penis pillared up above where Shitty was building an electric chair out of iron bars and trap doors. Admiral nudged Shitty into the chair, Penis dumped a bucket of lava over the edge of the pillar so it flowed over him, and Shitty started giving a soliloquy about how betrayal and how his love for his "Daddy" still "burned strong".
Like his dick. Apparently.
By the time the lava finally hit the floor and burned Shitty to death, Penis was crying with laughter, shrieking down the mike and banging on the desk hard enough to make him forget that his was still on the mouse, making him mine the block under him with the bucket and sending him hurtling to his fiery death too.
It was a good day... almost.
Because, as it turned out, shittyfartbaby69 was actually a tiktokker of some renown and his cam account had record everything. And he had uploaded the bit to tiktok, as you do, where it went viral, where it wasn't supposed to. And Milfboss, who had recently been uploading covers of herself singing old classic Minecraft songs, had attracted the Minecraft fandom kids to her twitter, where she had gone to post her rage about the events of her dethroning and Shitty's execution.
Penis SMP had gotten on. Fucking. Trending. And now everyone was demanding the full clip, their names, their Twitch streamer handles, their characters' backstories.
The masses wanted lore.
Penis watched in disbelief, head in his hands and mouth agape as sugar crash played over a clip of him killing Milf on loop.
They were making memes.
...Oh god. They were screwed.
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scribbleb-red · 5 years
Neil is a lying liar who lies AU
A Morning AU - with a fab prompt from @djhedy
There’s a new boy in Andrew’s class and there’s something not quite right about him. He’s mouthy and sharp, the kinda kid that should end up in detention three times a week but never does.
They are seven years old, though the new kid looks five, with eyes like a wide open sky. 
He is very pretty - that’s why Andrew notices him first - he looks like a fairy prince. 
And it’s because Andrew is watching that he notices though: the kid is a big bad lying liar who lies. 
The day he joined, the kid said his name was ‘Stefan’ to Mrs Stewart and ‘Chris’ to Mr Brasenose. The next day he was just ‘Neil’ and was given a fond, exasperated warning to keep his make believe in the playground. 
 But the kid didn’t stop lying.
Some lies were big and others were small. 
On a Tuesday, Neil announced that he’d had a huge feast for breakfast - listing all the foods and making everyone’s mouth water with the descriptions. (But Andrew saw how he winced nd held his stomach like it was empty.)
On a Thursday, Neil said he grew up in England and proceeded to spend the next week speaking in a post English accent. (But he later admits at lunch it was just a couple months).
On a Friday, Neil whispers that his house is haunted and he’s scared to go home for the weekend. (There’s a little too much truth shining through those eyes as he talks about the ghost in his house. Andrew doesn’t doubt that he’s scared of something).
The following Monday, Neil explains his bruises by saying he spent the week learning to skateboard. 
“My cousin visited and let me use her skate board. It was pretty rad.” 
(Andrew eyes the split lip, it could be true. But then he sees the hand shape around Neil’s thin wrist and knows the truth: it’s a lie.)
Through it all, Andrew is very quiet and very alone. He knows how this goes - he’s seven years old with more cracks in his heart than a fifty year romantic - but he kinda enjoys Neil’s lies and how he gets away with them.
He particularly likes the outrageous ones: 
My father parachuted into Paris because he’s a spy. He died landing on the Eiffel Tower. I once wrestled a monster. I won but it stole all my mom’s apples. I’m telling the truth. My tongue goes green when I lie. I met Kevin Day.
Andrew won’t pretend he’s not intrigued. He thinks Neil is interesting and his lies are ones he can often hold in the dark, imagining over and over when he’s hurt and wishing to be anyone, anywhere but here.
Plus Neil is funny - he always snarks at the teachers and gets away with the most ridiculous things. Other kids always want to play with him because his games are brilliant - epic journeys, castles and wizards, magical tigers, patchwork villains made from the skin of children. 
Some of Neil’s tall tales are part fairytales, part nightmares.  And Andrew isn’t sure which part Neil actually belongs to. There are times where he’s the brightest, prettiest boy on the playground. And times where his eyes are haunted, mouth wicked cruel. And then there are times like today, where Neil is quiet and blank - a little too familiar to what Andrew sees in the mirror these days, looking like someone has scooped out his insides and left nothing but darkness behind in its wake. 
Andrew almost talks to him then. 
But he doesn't. Not for another few weeks. Not until Neil's facing down Greg Doyle - the fight has the vibe of a hissing kitten against a rottweiler. 
 There's no way Neil can win. Greg is a third grader and big beside. 
But Neil doesn't look scared. He looks ferocious.
Not that appearances are going to help. Neil could have the sharpest claws of them all and he'd still weigh nothing against Greg. Neil dodges and ducks the first few blows. He snipes and snarks, that liar's mouth rattling off stories of how he took down a SWAT team once.
But dumb luck can’t do everything and finally Greg gets a thump in, straight across Neil’s jaw - hard enough to make him stagger. 
"So much for a SWAT team, fucking liar." 
There are gasps at the bad word from the growing first and second grade audience. 
"Tongue turns green," Neil says. He spits out blood.
Andrew's had enough when he sees the blood. 
Neil might be an idiot but Andrew knows that there's no way to win this one on alone He steps forward and puts himself between Neil and Greg. 
"Oooo who's this, your boyfriend?" 
Andrew would roll his eyes, but can't be bothered. He is the tallest kid in their year at nearly 4'5. He can look the nine year old Greg in the eye without trouble and he can see the bigger kid calculating his chances of taking Andrew on instead of the skinny little creature that was Neil "motor mouth" Josten.
"Back off," he says. He doesn't inflect. He watched a cartoon where a character spoke completely flat and it was really scary so he figures this might make Greg cower too. "Leave him alone."
Greg nearly steps into Andrew's space but someone has started a whisper: 
Andrew Doe is the kid who killed his parents. Andrew Doe is the kid that burned a house down. Andrew Doe is the kid who took on Bertie Becker from fifth grade and flushed his head down the loo.
It's the last one that gives away the source of these rumours - Neil has started a chain of Chinese whispers. And Greg hears them swirling from mouth to mouth, ear to ear, each more terrifying than the last. It makes Andrew want to grin, so he does. Greg actually whimpers.
The crowd laughs when Greg runs away - he can’t save face when he’s fleeing from a first grader. 
Andrew feels triumphant. 
 Especially when Neil steps up beside him, shy smile and summer sky eyes. “Thanks Andrew.” 
 Neil Josten knows his name, Andrew thinks. Wow wow wow.
Neil’s mouth is swollen but he’s still the prettiest boy in the playground so Andrew doesn’t say anything. 
“Want to play a game?” Neil says. 
 Andrew shrugs. 
 “Yes or no?” Neil says again. “I won’t force you but I’d like to play with you to if you’d like to play with me.”
Andrew thinks about it before saying yes. 
It’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
They start with games - make believe quests and imaginary journeys. They visit magical worlds in their heads and fall about laughing when one of them (mostly Andrew) doesn’t break character even for class.
They become inseparable - two boys with home lives full of ghosts but dreams that can take them anywhere. The lying liar is the better story teller but the stoic hero a better actor. And sometimes in games they hide their truths - violent families and horrifying pasts.
Neil shows Andrew his scars, “I sometimes say they’re from a shark or ninjas and stuff but...” 
“That’s from an iron.” 
In turn, Andrew tells Neil about his foster family. 
“We could poison him,” Neil says. “I heard we can make poison from apple cores. Applesenic or something.”
If only it were that simple.
It happens just before the end of the year - summer is nearly there and Andrew can only imagine how fun it'll be having a friend to adventure with for the first time. And then he finds out that his foster family is getting rid of him. He'll be packed off at the end of term.
"I think mom and I will move too," Neil admits. "We never hang around anywhere long." 
"Because of your dad?" 
"Yeah..." Neil plays with the hem of his t-shirt. "He's in prison but mom is still terrified. She moves us a lot." 
"Maybe you can move to the same place as me."
They pretend that the world isn't going to split them apart. 
They pretend that they're going to have the summer together. 
And the year after. 
That they'll start middle school together. 
And be best friends all the way to the end of high school.
And go to the same college.
"We could play exy together all the way through," Neil says. It's his new obsession. 
"I'm not going to play stickball. I prefer playing games with you." 
"We can play games on the court. You can be the fierce dragon and I'll be the knight that looks after you."
"You'd steal all my dragon gold." 
"Would not." 
Andrew raises one eyebrow. 
"Okay, yes I would. I'd be the knight trying to take your gold. But I'd be sneaky about it." Neil's laughter is high and bright. "Does that mean you'll play with me?" 
"Yeah okay," Andrew says.
But it doesn't work out that way. 
Neil vanishes like sun behind a mountain the day after term ends. 
Andrew's bags are packed. He's dumped in a new home near the beach. He hates the beach. He misses Neil the way his lungs miss oxygen when he's stuck in the swell of a wave.
He does play exy though. 
He does it because he figures one day he'll find Neil on a court too. 
He'll either face him down or by some miracle they'll be on the same team. 
He'll find Neil again. He will.  
He tells himself this every day. 
Even when it feels like a lie.
Something like an epilogue
Years pass before Andrew hears anything about the little boy who - for two semesters when he was seven - was his best friend. So many years that if it weren't for one polaroid from a cheeky arcade photo-booth, he might have let the idea of Neil go.
But he keeps the photo with him - through home after home, through Cass and Drake and juvie and Aaron and Nicky. He hides it in books, folds it into pockets. Makes sure to hold onto Neil and the memories of those few happy months.
He plays exy. Keeps track of other teams and their players. The sport does nothing for him - but sometimes he closes his eyes and imagines Neil with his flashing blue eyes mischievous smile and that long ago conversation. He remembers why he's doing this.
At 13, he asks Pig Higgins to do a search on Neil's name but the policeman refuses. 
At 14, he goes through the entire directory for California and when that's exhausted, he starts searching every state from West to East. 
He calls 362 Jostens across the USA. None are Neil.
When he turns 16, he uses a fake and has two small dragons outlined on the top of his left shoulder. 
When he's 17 he meets Riko and Kevin Day. He remembers Neil once saying he'd met Kevin and wonders if that was true or just one of Neil's many many lies. He turns the Ravens down.
He signs two weeks later with the Palmetto State Foxes - taking his brother and cousin with him. 
He watches as the lists of drafted players on other teams go up. There's no Chris or Stefan or Abram - not with the matching face Andrew wants. There's no sign of a Neil Josten.
Andrew smooths out the photo at night, slipping it between the pages of Whitman's Leaves of Grass every morning. 
Maybe it's time to put the memory of Neil to rest, but he can't. 
Neil is one of those beautiful ghosts that he can't help but hold onto. The one unspoilt thing in his memory.
Unspoilt, that is, until a Monday when Kevin Day announces he's recruiting a nobody from a nothing town in the middle of nowhere Arizona and the nobody's name is Neil.
"Neil what?" 
"Josten. Want to see his tape?" 
"Nope," Andrew says. But his heart is a thunderdrum, hope cutting through the medicated hyper mania easy as a knife through butter. "Actually yes, gimme the tapes little birdie." 
Kevin grimaces at his nickname but says nothing until they’re watching the tape. And then he can’t shut up about the player’s potential, his speed and natural flare on the Court. 
It's not Andrew’s Neil. 
But it is too. 
The striker on the court is a brunette with dark eyes but he runs like Neil. He's ferocious and plays like it's the last thing keeping him afloat. He has that little flick of his racquet before he goes to score, a telltale that would never get passed Andrew but no one else seemed to have noticed. 
Andrew says as much to Kevin. 
"Exactly," Kevin says. "That's why we have to have him."
So they go to Millport. 
And Andrew knows Neil well enough to anticipate that he'll run. 
Knows him well enough to trip him with a racquet and catch him as he falls. 
Neil hasn't grown much either - he's still small and sharp and far too pretty to be real.
"Stupid little liar, you should watch where you put your feet." Andrew wishes he were sober. Wishes he didn't have to greet Neil with this grin splitting his face. 
Wishes wishes wishes. 
But his one wish has already come true, Neil is here with him. Warm and lithe and alive.
"Drew?" Neil says, but the word is choked and breathless. Neil’s voice does something to Andrew’s insides and Andrew feels the muscles beneath his hands warring between flight and relief. 
"Neil," he replies. 
"Oh my god, Drew." 
And then Neil's arms are around Andrew's shoulders, and his face is turning into his neck and Andrew realises they're hugging and he shouldn't want to hug back but he does. He does because it's Neil. His friend. His pipe dream. The little boy with the pathological need to lie and an imagination that could create whole worlds from a handful of dust. 
He hugs Neil tight. 
Never wants to let go.
Kevin of course ruins the moment. 
But Neil isn't going to say no to the Foxes. Not now. 
And even though Andrew can recognise the lies slipping passed Neil's lips, he doesn't tell Wymack. Doesn't call out his idiot's new ouchies. Doesn't answer any questions when Kevin demands answers.
"Sign," he speaks only to Neil. He means, Stay with me. "We can play a game. Yes or no?" 
"Yes," Neil says and his smile is a little wild, a lot wonderful. "Let's play a game."
The End.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars CIV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Not to toot my own horn but this fic really is one of the best things I’ve ever written -Danny
Words: 3,498
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Enemies’ -by Lauv
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Chapter Two: Expected Mishaps.
"You may think he doesn't like you, but he's got a knack for interrupting your flirting with others," Fred smirked.
"Shut up," Mel groaned.
It was chaos in the kitchen. A bunch of people trying to discover why and how Harry had seen himself in the position of having to use unauthorized magic. Mel chuckled bitterly as she entered the living room.
"This is why I don't worry, I've been acquainted with my uncle's ways for far too long to even bother– Harry was being watched, wasn't he?"
Hermione gave her an irritated look.
"You're talking about your best friend!"
"He's alive, isn't he?" She sat on a chair lazily. "Explains my headache..."
"Your headache?" Ginny asked.
"The point is," Mel brushed it off, "Dumbledore will find a way to fix it."
"They'll give him a hearing on August twelfth, he won't be expelled just yet!" Her mother's head peered from the doorway before disappearing again.
"See?" The girl smiled sarcastically. "Harry Potter and his bloody luck..."
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'I've just been attacked by dementors and I might be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what's going on and when I'm going to get out of here.'
She'd been glaring at the piece of parchment for days. The nerve! No letters whatsoever to ask about how was she doing and the first time he writes is to demand things! As if they knew more than him...
The moment she'd gotten the letter she locked herself in her room and refused to think about it. Everyone downstairs couldn't stop talking about Harry and she just wanted a nap.
Her mother walked in with a very grim expression, holding a cup of tea.
"You missed dinner."
"M'sorry," Mel said hoarsely, rubbing her eyes. "My head was hurting..."
"Was it Harry?"
"I guess," She sulked. "This connection is a pain..."
"You must be dead worried–"
"I never said that," Mel replied promptly. "It annoys me, that's all."
"I know it hurts when things don't happen the way we want to, but I hope you know better than to treat someone poorly because of it, especially when they're not to blame."
Mel let out a short and dry chuckle. If only her mother knew...
Harry wasn't to blame on his trauma, that much was true, but when it came to the way things ended between them, that was a different story. If he'd handled things differently they'd be together. Mel would be waiting for him, he would have someone to come home to.
He messed up and yet he still had twenty people running around doing everything in their power to help him, she was allowed to be a bit shitty.
"I know," Mel replied, but it sounded condescending. "Is he coming tonight?"
"Yes. He's coming guarded."
"Because he's bloody Harry Potter..."
"Language," Her mother warned her, standing up and taking the empty teacup with her.
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Ginny came in and sat down next to her, an anxious look on her face.
"What?" Mel grinned. "Why're you looking at me like that?"
Ginny inched closer.
"I promise I won't ask again, you'll have me off your back..."
"What's going on?"
"Are you avoiding him because of me?"
She didn't need to explain herself. For almost a year Ginny and Mel had kept their mouths shut about their feelings for a certain dark-haired boy in order to keep a good friendship, but tonight the wall was falling apart. They had to be clear in order to move forward.
"Not at all!" She smiled tensely. "I'm so sorry if you thought I was, I didn't mean to worry you."
"Oh!" The girl turned scarlet. "I was starting to feel guilty, especially now that..."
She stopped and sent a furtive look to the door, Mel cocked her head to the side and smirked.
"What's the matter?"
"I'm dating someone."
Mel let out a short gasp.
"A Ravenclaw from your year," Ginny responded happily. "I met him during the ball, his name is Michael..."
"I know him!" She exclaimed. "Quiet boy, kinda looks like he's falling asleep all the time?"
"Yes," Ginny laughed. "He's really nice, though..."
"I'm happy for you!"
The girl beamed at her, but her eyes grew shy as she continued.
"Why did you stop talking to Harry, then?"
It'd be easier for everyone if she just started lying. Ginny knew her enough to know she wasn't being entirely honest, but Mel was determined to work on it until it was true. She wasn't going to feed a stupid illusion, by the end of the year, Harry Potter would have no place in her heart.
He was going to have a place in her life though, he proved as much three seconds later, when his voice echoed from the second floor:
Ginny and Mel shared a look.
"Sounds delighted to be here," Mel said sarcastically.
"Should we go check on him?"
The older girl changed her posture awkwardly.
"Dunno Ginny, things kinda went sideways last time we spoke..."
"It's Harry! He can't be mad at you!"
"I'm mad at him," She corrected.
"Don't be a baby," Ginny stood up. "He'll be happy to see you..."
They continued to hear his yelling as they went downstairs.
"He's out of control," Mel rolled her eyes, starting to feel a bit annoyed. "I'm sure everyone's listening downstairs, I'd be embarrassed if I were him..."
"...What kind of idiots does he think we are?"
"He's stressed, I mean, he's been alone hasn't he?"
"Four weeks!" Mel exclaimed. "Barely a month! Sirius spent a whole year hiding just to be sure that twat was okay!"
A loud cracking noise came from Ron's room followed by Hermione's scream, Mel chuckled.
"Your brothers have arrived at the crime scene..."
"At least that way Harry won't be able to snap at us," Ginny smiled.
When they reached the door, she hesitated. Mel stood behind her, her smile vanished completely and her palms were awfully sweaty.
"Whatever the fight was about..." Ginny said. "I'm sure you'll make things right."
"Yeah..." Mel said weakly. She really, really wished she could've avoided Harry for a few more hours. "Let's just..." She gestured vaguely to the door, which Ginny opened.
"Oh hello, Harry!" She heard her say. "I thought I heard your voice." She walked in, Mel following with a quiet groan. "It's no go with the Extendable Ears, she's gone and put an Imperturbable Charm on the kitchen door."
"How d'you know?" asked George.
"Tonks told me how to find out– You just chuck stuff at the door and if it can't make contact the door's been Imperturbed. I've been flicking Dungbombs at it from the top of the stairs and they just soar away from it, so there's no way the Extendable Ears will be able to get under the gap."
"Shame. I really fancied finding out what old Snape's been up to."
"Snape? Is he here?" Harry asked.
"Yeah," George walked past, giving Mel a funny look before carefully closing the door. He sat down and Fred and Ginny followed. "Giving a report. Top secret."
"Git," said Fred.
"He's on our side now," Hermione reminded them.
"Doesn't stop him from being a git," Ron replied. "The way he looks at us when he sees us..."
"Bill doesn't like him either," said Ginny matter-of-factly.
Harry was skinnier than ever, he had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was even more unkempt than before. But what really hit her, what made her realize how long they'd been apart, was the fact that he'd finally surpass her in height by at least six inches.
"You've grown," She stated, a mix of sadness and outrage.
"I know," Harry replied. His voice was no longer angry, and his eyes had softened at the sight of the girl.
Mel tried not to think about the way he was looking at her. Was she supposed to hug him? To ramble about how happy she was? She didn't even know if she was happy...
The group was looking back and forth with increasing interest.
"Well," She cleared her throat. "Welcome..."
"How's Emily?" Harry stepped further.
"Fine. So is Sirius and Buck–"
"How're you?" He looked positively anxious now, eager to get closer.
For some reason, that irritated her.
"I'm having nightmares and headaches, thank you very much... You would know if you had written to me."
Harry's face fell.
"You didn't write to me either!"
"So?" She responded.
Harry looked like he wanted to reply, but Fred moved and that caught his attention, he remembered they weren't alone.
"So... Bill's here?" He asked, clearing his throat and looking away from her. "I thought he was working in Egypt."
"He applied for a desk job so he could come home and work for the Order. He says he misses the tombs, but," Fred smirked, "there are compensations..."
"What d'you mean?"
"Remember old Fleur Delacour?" said George. "She's got a job at Gringotts to eemprove 'er Eeenglish —"
"— and Bill's been giving her a lot of private lessons," Fred grinned.
"Charlie's in the Order too," said George, "but he's still in Romania, Dumbledore wants as many foreign wizards brought in as possible, so Charlie's trying to make contacts on his days off."
"Couldn't Percy do that?" Harry asked.
Mel sat down, feeling ten times heavier than an hour ago. She let Hermione silently rub her back as a way of comfort.
"Whatever you do, don't mention Percy in front of Mum and Dad," Ron said quickly.
"Why not?"
"Because every time Percy's name's mentioned, Dad breaks whatever he's holding and Mum starts crying," Fred said.
"It's been awful," said Ginny.
"I think we're well shut of him," said George darkly.
"What's happened?"
"Percy and Dad had a row. I've never seen Dad row with anyone like that. It's normally Mum who shouts..."
"It was the first week back after term ended," said Ron. "We were about to come and join the Order. Percy came home and told us he'd been promoted."
"You're kidding?" said Harry.
"Yeah, we were all surprised, because Percy got into a load of trouble about Crouch, there was an inquiry and everything. They said Percy ought to have realized Crouch was off his rocker and informed a superior. But you know Percy, Crouch left him in charge, he wasn't going to complain..."
"So how come they promoted him?"
"That's exactly what we wondered. He came home really pleased with himself — even more pleased than usual if you can imagine that — and told Dad he'd been offered a position in Fudge's own office. A really good one for someone only a year out of Hogwarts — Junior Assistant to the Minister. He expected Dad to be all impressed, I think."
"Only Dad wasn't," said Fred.
"Why not?" said Harry.
"Well, apparently Fudge has been storming 'round the Ministry checking that nobody's having any contact with Dumbledore," said George.
"Dumbledore's name's mud with the Ministry these days, see," said Fred. "They all think he's just making trouble saying You-Know-Who's back."
"Brilliant," Mel said bitterly. "More people thinking we're mental..."
"Dad says Fudge has made it clear that anyone who's in league with Dumbledore can clear out their desks," said George.
"Trouble is, Fudge suspects Dad, he knows he's friendly with Dumbledore, and he's always thought Dad's a bit of a weirdo because of his Muggle obsession —"
"But what's this got to do with Percy?" asked Harry, confused.
"I'm coming to that. Dad reckons Fudge only wants Percy in his office because he wants to use him to spy on the family — and Dumbledore."
"Bet Percy loved that." Said Harry.
"He went completely berserk. He said — well, he said loads of terrible stuff. He said he's been having to struggle against Dad's lousy reputation ever since he joined the Ministry and that Dad's got no ambition and that's why we've always been — you know — not had a lot of money, I mean —"
"What?" Harry spat.
"I know... And it got worse. He said Dad was an idiot to run around with Dumbledore, that Dumbledore was heading for big trouble and Dad was going to go down with him, and that he — Percy — knew where his loyalty lay and it was with the Ministry. And if Mum and Dad were going to become traitors to the Ministry he was going to make sure everyone knew he didn't belong to our family anymore. And he packed his bags the same night and left. He's living here in London now."
"Bastard..." Harry swore quietly. She would've laughed at his outburst hadn't been because she was upset about Percy too.
"Not that he deserves being in your family right now," Mel grumbled. "That idiot..."
"Always thought you were his fan, Lady..." Fred teased.
"If he's stupid enough to stand behind Fudge, then I clearly had the wrong impression."
"Mum's been in a right state," Ron continued. "You know — crying and stuff. She came up to London to try and talk to Percy but he slammed the door in her face. I dunno what he does if he meets Dad at work — ignores him, I s'pose."
"But Percy must know Voldemort's back– He's not stupid, he must know your mum and dad wouldn't risk everything without proof —"
"Yeah, well, your name got dragged into the row. Percy said the only evidence was your word and... I dunno... he didn't think it was good enough."
"Percy takes the Daily Prophet seriously," said Hermione.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.
"Haven't — haven't you been getting the Daily Prophet?"
"Yeah, I have!" said Harry.
"Have you — er — been reading it thoroughly?"
"Not cover to cover. If they were going to report anything about Voldemort it would be headline news, wouldn't it!"
"I haven't read it at all," Mel didn't want anything to do with the world for as long as she could, that included the newspaper. The rest would discuss it during breakfast, but her brain would sort of tune out whenever that happened.
"Well, you'd need to read it cover to cover to pick it up, but they — um — they mention you a couple of times a week."
"But I'd have seen —"
"Not if you've only been reading the front page, you wouldn't. I'm not talking about big articles. They just slip you in, like you're a standing joke."
"What d'you — ?"
"It's quite nasty, actually," said Hermione, Mel could feel her tensing. "They're just building on Rita's stuff."
"But she's not writing for them anymore, is she?"
"Oh no, she's kept her promise — not that she's got any choice, but she laid the foundation for what they're trying to do now."
"Which is what?"
"Okay, you know she wrote that you were collapsing all over the place and saying your scar was hurting and all that? And that Mel was a dangerous loony that would do anything to keep you happy?"
"Clear as day," Mel grumbled.
"Well, they're writing about you as though you're both deluded, attention-seeking people, they say Harry thinks he's a great tragic hero or something. They keep slipping in snide comments about you. If some far-fetched story appears they say something like 'a tale worthy of Harry Potter' and if anyone has a funny accident or anything it's 'let's hope he hasn't got a scar on his forehead or we'll be asked to worship him next —'"
"I don't want anyone to worship —"
"I know you don't," said Hermione. "I know, Harry. But you see what they're doing? They want to turn you into someone nobody will believe. Fudge is behind it, I'll bet anything. They want wizards on the street to think you're just some stupid boy who's a bit of a joke, who tells ridiculous tall stories because he loves being famous and wants to keep it going."
"And they want me to look like a blind follower?" Mel asked. "A desperate, mental girl?"
"I didn't ask — I didn't want — Voldemort killed my parents!" Harry continued heatedly. "I got famous because he murdered my family but couldn't kill me! Who wants to be famous for that? Don't they think I'd rather it'd never —"
"We know, Harry," said Ginny.
"And of course, they didn't report a word about the dementors attacking you. Someone's told them to keep that quiet. That should've been a really big story, out-of-control dementors. They haven't even reported that you broke the International Statute of Secrecy — we thought they would, it would tie in so well with this image of you as some stupid show-off — we think they're biding their time until you're expelled, then they're really going to go to town — I mean, if you're expelled, obviously, you really shouldn't be, not if they abide by their own laws, there's no case against you."
The sound of steps came from outside the door. Fred grabbed his Extendable Ear and both twins vanished. Mrs Weasley appeared.
"The meeting's over, you can come down and have dinner now, everyone's dying to see you, Harry. And who's left all those Dungbombs outside the kitchen door?"
"Crookshanks. He loves playing with them," Ginny said.
"Oh... I thought it might have been Kreacher, he keeps doing odd things like that. Now don't forget to keep your voices down in the hall. Ginny, your hands are filthy, what have you been doing? Go and wash them before dinner, please..."
When the four of them were left alone, Mel had a hard time avoiding Harry's gaze.
"Look..." He started, but Hermione quickly interrupted.
"We knew you'd be angry, Harry, we really don't blame you, but you've got to understand, we did try and persuade Dumbledore —"
"Yeah, I know... Who's Kreacher?" he asked.
"The house-elf who lives here. Nutter— er," Ron looked at Mel with a bit of fear. "I mean, never met one like him."
"He's not a nutter, Ron —" Hermione started.
"His life's ambition is to have his head cut off and stuck up on a plaque just like his mother... Is that normal, Hermione?"
"Well — well, if he is a bit strange, it's not his fault —"
"I found him on the cupboard during my first morning here, he followed me for days thinking I was going to steal the cluttery–!"
"He's just doing his job!"
"Hermione still hasn't given up on spew —"
"It's not 'spew'! It's the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, and it's not just me, Dumbledore says we should be kind to Kreacher too —"
"Yeah, yeah– C'mon, I'm starving."
Ron and Hermione walked out first, a hand caught her wrist and dragged her back inside. Mel growled loudly, snatching her hand away.
"I'm not a ragdoll, you know?" She snapped.
Harry stepped back, raising his hands in surrender but looking rather decided.
"I want to talk to you."
"I'm glad you're okay but there's nothing to talk about."
"I didn't want you to react like this, I didn't want to hurt you–"
"I don't believe you," Mel replied bluntly, starting to leave. "After all we went through and you had the nerve to tell me you didn't want me close! You told me you didn't like me! Fair enough, for the first time in our lives I think I'll listen and leave you alone."
"You know it was the right thing to do, you're safer this way!" Harry rubbed his neck. "Look, I don't want you to be angry at me– I... I've missed you."
She stopped at the door, looking over her shoulder one last time.
"That's not my fault, is it?" Mel asked coldly. "Oh! And you did a splendid job with the dementors, by the way..."
'Just another thing you no longer need me for...' She thought, conscious of how all of her happy memories had to do with him.
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