#I genuinely was so caught off guard
So in Bonelabs (VR game) every time you pass a level you get a new avatar- and uh-
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I started laughing so hard I nearly peed myself
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kotaki · 2 months
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trashie-nerd · 7 months
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taken from the most recent etho secret life episode
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gio-cosmo · 2 months
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Embrace your inner silliness 💗💖💞
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frostluvrs · 9 months
so sorry but that “but when i’m with you i’m so damn happy” line from ray genuinely broke a piece of me
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canisalbus · 8 months
Oh hey the person who wrote the novella is a friend of mine, wild to see them come up here of all places, but with how much of a history buff they are it makes sense! What was your favorite part of the novella?
Hah, small world! He did exceptional job, you could definitely tell he wasn't taking the historical setting lightly, the amount of research he conducted must've been immense. The text was peppered with historical references throughout, I had good time trying to recognize all of them and seeing if they had a deeper meaning in the context of the story.
Every chapter had parts that I absolutely loved. I kept coming actoss small and seemingly insignificant character beats, gestures and mannerisms that made me go "oh my god, that's so him, that's exactly what he would do", those were truly delightful, they really brought the characters to life, in my opinion.
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frogsock · 4 months
*is listening to the magnus protocol* *hilltop road is mentioned* *immediately pauses the episode and curls into a ball on the floor*
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quibbs126 · 10 days
I also started replaying Final Fantasy 7 the other day (not the remake, since I don’t have it, but the version on the Switch), and honestly, I have to praise the animation
Like yeah, the overworld 3D models are SUPER rudimentary and not very good, but the models have so many animations and things that they do, you can tell the characters’ personalities just by the animations and models themselves. They’re so expressive, even if their faces themselves don’t ever change
I don’t know if this explains what I mean, but like, I was shocked when the characters did a whole backflip. And it’s not like, a frequently repeated animation, they just did that when they got off the train
Also, the game’s camera isn’t centered on you, rather having more of a fixed angle that goes in various directions. Sure, it can be a hassle sometimes, but it lets you see more than one angle on the characters
I don’t know, I don’t feel like you see that much anymore. Maybe it’s just because I don’t play too many 3D games (or modern ones for that matter), but I don’t think I see games with this level of expression in their characters’ animations
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hella1975 · 1 year
tams azula is sooo fascinating bc while canon azula doesn't really show her age at all like she's completely desensitised to so much shit 'she is fourteen' is not a justification for ANYTHING both in her own mind and in other people's, in tams she has zuko. and yes the world has been abundantly cruel to her but zuko hasn't. he's basically raised azula and he's done so in a way that she's allowed to show her age, but she still only shows her age in very azula-esque ways. there's no reluctance to see violence like you'd expect from a fourteen-year-old, and like ive said before, that means zuko can't play on that reluctance in order to shield her, but he still wants to shield her from that violence because regardless of what SHE feels about it, as the eldest he knows fundamentally that she shouldn't be seeing certain things no matter how well she can handle them. and seeing zuko effectively PLAY azula in order to protect her is so interesting and complicated and fun
#and also a little heartbreaking bc it's the 'you protect azula but who protects you?'#like in order to shield azula from these things zuko is metaphorically standing in front of her and seeing them himself#as if he's not only sixteen and a child too#but yeah taking azula's canon traits and manipulating into the tamsverse is soooo fun#like the example that inspired this post is how canon azula is logical NOT cruel#like time and time again she follows only the logical route and even actively avoids the cruel route#e.g calling off torture in the boiling rock bc she knew that he was telling the truth and therefore continuing to torture him was illogical#im not saying azula is averse to/incapable of cruelty i just hc that she genuinely just thinks it's stupid#just like any other unnecessary act would be considered stupid. if it's not logical or being used for a greater plan then what's the point?#and tams azula STILL HOLDS THIS TRAIT except because i lean more into her age in tams bc she's been given the freedom with zuko#to liberally be a CHILD without any consequences as a result of that simple thing#her intense logic actually becomes a certain naivety on azula#like she cannot comprehend other people NOT coming to the conclusions she comes to#and that expands to needless cruelty. like she wont factor a person's cruelty into her calculations#because in her head all she needs to dismiss that calculation is 'excessive cruelty here would waste time which is illogical'#she assumes everyone is as smart and to-the-point as she is so when they ARENT and will actively waste time just to do dumb shit#it catches her off guard and she DOESNT PLAN FOR IT so it can really fuck them over sometimes#so this is one instance where zuko has azula beat despite it being STRATEGY aka azula's strong point#bc zuko's immense cynicism and assumption that Everyone Is Awful doesn't hold up against logic 9 times out of 10#but the one time it does is the time azula gets caught out#i just think tams zuko and azula's dynamic is so fucking interesting im so clever for that tbh#twice as many stars
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icarusbetide · 2 months
just got told by two people that i talk like a millennial grandmother and fell to my knees
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ccarrot · 10 months
i think chuuya 'killing' dazai in 109 has been a long time coming. whats the point of making him say "IM REALLY GONNA KILL YOU DAZAI" during every one on his appearances if not to build up to this dramatic ass chapter. But also, the first time he's not in control of himself is the first time that promise held any weight
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purrfectlycontent · 1 year
[bsd chapter 105.5 spoilers!]
dazai and sigma having a bonding moment was not something i expected from this chapter, but it’s not entirely unwelcome
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cowboysmp3 · 9 months
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i am. inconsolable. HE LOOKS SO GOOFY
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gio-cosmo · 4 months
Guys was there a time in p3r where Kenji texts you and is like “hey cutie~ ❤️❤️” and uses a bunch of heart emojis or did I hallucinate that in a tired stupor
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
I'm so fucking tired of getting the same "Lila is manipulating Chloé" comment whenever I post something about the two of them. Because if there is one thing I know is that Lila is NOT manipulating Chloé. She IS using her for her own benefits but that's NOT manipulation. Lila doesn't lie to Chloé nor is hiding what she wants from her or who she is - she didn't tell her EVERYTHING about herself but she showed her her personality and told her her motive which is more than what she does with any other "friend". Lila doesn't force Chloé nor make her do stuff without her consent nor her awareness - she actually asks her if she wants to do this and that before she pulls her in - and Chloé is choosing to follow her cuz they have the same interests. This is NOT manipulating.
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