#I got family lore today ig
See I knew my dad’s side of the family was fucked up… but it apparently goes back a bit further
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chthonicgodling · 9 months
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~*Seph's Daughters*~
first - next - last
cranking out Melinoe content as the one person who knew abt her before Had2 comes out - JOAKS,, anyway fr do you too forget all the time that Maci and Meli are half sisters bc OOPS!! though of course Meli's since been adopted by Euriales so -
weeelll for the uninformed, since i dont talk about Meli much here (anymore ah), lets delve into a very long recap<333 for you new people but also for you old people for funsiess – ahem! underr the cut! This is a massive lore dump!!!
FIRST: Melinoe! version: BLANK.  the backstory – 2,000 years ago, she was born the daughter of persephone and ZEUS, who saw an awful "opportunity" when the Underworld royal family was in turmoil immediately following the thanatos debacle and seized it :(( Melinoe was born with two physical souls inside of her, one of them the embodiment of all good and the other the incarnation of all evil, prophesied by Fate to lean one way or the other but ONLY one at a time depending on how she was treated
Her “family”… fuckin ignored this and proceeded to neglect and ignore her for eight solid years – mostly Hades but YES also Maci who 1) is not always the best person im sorry you had to find out this way fjfhfhg but also 2) was heavily influenced by Hades who was manipulating the fuck out of her too so idk I guess she cant fully be blamed??? She certainly should be tho cmonn. The Blank Early Melinoe, while the dual souls inside of her each waited to seize control of her vessel, did not speak (actually fun gross fact whenever she’s Blank shes got no physical tongue fhfhg), or sleep or really do anything, just quietly haunted the palace. Her aura was split down the middle black and white! and then!
SECOND: iiits OrigiMel! version: EVIL. “origiMel” is not a real name first of all its just Melinoe but she is considered the ORIGINALL incarnation of Melinoe hence the OoC nickname to differentiate, by age 8 the evil side of her had had enough and wrested control of the physical vessel and assumed her role as Goddess of Ghosts, Most Evil Creature In the Universe and thus began a reign of terror that would continue for two fuckin millenia. Her aura turning black. She murdered lots and lots of mortals and has done SO many awful things! Shed also hypnotize their ghosts of mortals she killed to serve her as endless slaves and playthings forever. Bc she reached her full powers so goddamn early thanks to Hades and Seph an Maci treating her like shit, Melinoe is forever 8 years old (out of universe this is. Because when I created her 15 years ago I was fucking obsessed with the ring that’s literally it. Self callout ig whatever lmfao) but was theeee most physically powerful being in the entire underworld.
Eventually due to her persistent hatred for Maci and family she focused all of her evil energies on the mortal Maci was DATING 2,000 years later – this of course was Tory – and she terrorized HIM specifically in some really really awful ways, before they got together, AFTER they got together – shes actually a huge part of Maci and Tory's story as their main villain forget about fuckin Thanatos,,, well this all culminated in the absolute last straw when she murdered Tory’s mother :((( in,, front of him,,, , eventually the Elysium gang figured out that by erasing her memories, they could reset her Blank again and give the good half of her a chance to take over, so after she was captured following that murder, Epi and Maci and Tory and Lethe forcibly erased OrigiMel's memory which turned her Blank indeed and then-
THIRD: finally, Meli! version: GOOD. That’s exactly what happened! When OrigiMel’s memory was erased, she was taken in by Epi and Eury (before they had other children, she was their first ,,) who adopted her as their own and cared for her lovingly, eventually the good half of her seized control. This is the Meli of today! She is sweet and kind and compassionate, still eternally eight years old, she has a family who she loves and so many siblings (including Ty and Bel who are her BABY BROTHERS no matter how old they get!), she loves to draw and hang out with her best friends whomst are all ghost children fggkgkh.,, The first thing she did as new Meli was cut her hair.
Meli’s aura glows white – WITH PATCHES OUT OF IT, becauuuse well oh god it’s a very long story but years later the evil half of her briefly escaped and umm killed Epi and eury’s first bio baby Melanie, before she was immortal in utero, tearing her soul to shreds as goddess of ghosts and uh. Aahh. Meli found all the pieces and glued them back together using parts of her own aura :’))) Melanie’s soul was reincarnated into Ty and Bel hence why they’re one split into two!!! Anyway as for Maci and Meli – i guess tbh they never really formed any sort of formal sisterly relationship since Seph's so disowned her and Meli is so completely Epi and Eury’s daughter, but Maci does love her and uh. Is super embarrassed and regretful of allowing all that to happen so. Happily ever after now!
Aaaaand that’s it weeooo. Anyway enjoy these three pictures rffjghjgjhkgggjkfgj i didnt need to write all that if you made it to the end. hi. thanks.
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devvinn1ie · 4 months
Continuing the genshin oc reposting saga and blah blah blah word words words and something else
Today's oc is Colette!
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A young seamstress, Colette works at her family’s business, Bachelot Tailoring and Alterations, fixing and altering clothes alongside her mother. Despite her job, and the fact she's actually a pretty decent seamstress, she would much instead prefer creating gadgets, which is a favorite hobby of hers.
Once Colette sets her mind on something, she will focus on that one specific thing until she is fully satisfied with the end result. She’s kinda a perfectionist who often feels the need to keep altering things for them to be “perfect”. Other than that, she’s a friendly person who can talk to most people without having a problem. 
Colette got her vision pretty recently, so she is still not used to using it. She hasn't been in a situation where she has to use it yet.
Sm things ig:
dendro vision
main phys dps (what would be kit is kinda complicated), main dendro dps
medium female model
Colette is neat. She also doesn't have much lore going on with her, but she's still a fun one to draw. She was also made a bit before Fontaine came out and at the time, i had no idea how Fontaine was gonna play out lol.
With OCs like Colette, I tend to doubt their popularity. I like to think i have an idea of who is popular vs who isn't, but it I don't lol Coltte turned out to be one of the more popular ocs among my genshin ocs.
ok bee bye
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
Let's talk about why Miracle and Plague will be a short series and additionally why I chose to write out characters such as Kagami, Zoe, Felix (I'm sorry baby </3)
Miracle and Plague won't be very long. In fact, It will be twice as short as the canon, purely because I feel like the series lost that sparkle, that thing that really made it special somewhere in the season 3. All of it started feeling worn out, boring or just annoying. It's also when the decision to re-estate Chloe as a villain really took place, so I'm obviously very displeased with how the seasons went on, but It's not the only reason! Adrien's character got completely assasinated, replaced by 10 and more heroes. I really like the doubt arc they had going for him, but It was never actually memorable or so impactful. All the focus seemed to be on Marinette and her issues, but the character who's the closest to the main villain, the one with a ton of their own insecurities to be explored was pushed aside. To add to that, the newer heroes were becoming boring or just straight up made me sigh when Ladybug needed to go get someone to help. Don't even get me started on the mass-hero episodes like Partycrusher or Penalteam. It was a lot squished together into 2 seasons where If not for the miraculous reveal, It would've been nothing short of a filler episode.
I feel like not adding too many plotlines, characters is simply a better idea. It'll ensure that all the existing ones will be explored to their best potential. Adrien's family story, Chloe's character, Chloe and Sabrina's relationship, Jiayi and Lila's relationship/rivalry, Alya's hero potential, Lila's urge for chaos, Monarch/Gabriel's motivation, Master Fu's backstory, possible expansion of Wonders - these are very good plotlines! Not even mentioning the side/less important plots like Luka and Jiayi's past, Unicorn band, Juleka wanting to be a model, Juleka and Rose's plot, Alix's hidden Wonder, Natalie's crush on Gabriel, Adrien's self-discovery. There's a LOT of them already and to add like 10 more just because I want a new character would extend and complicate the plot further. Not that I wouldn't take the challenge, but I just want to see this series conclude in a way that in my opinion is more satisfying than whatever we're getting.
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As for the characters I wrote out.. I think most of them already have a sort of pattern to them where you can tell why I removed them.
Zoe. Oh Zoe, the worst character I've had the displeasure of seeing on screen. I already reblogged plenty of content in regards to her, so I'll just refrain from writing a rant on that excuse of a character.
As much as I would've loved to keep Kagami (I still might), I really feel she wouldn't fit the narrtive so nicely. Of course, she appears in Riposte, but upon reviewing the timeline of MnP, that's literally the only episode she is taking an active part in as of today. I don't really see a reason to keep her in the lore If she'll appear once and never again, It feels a bit counterproductive, but like I said, I am still thinking about this one, because her and Adrien have so much potential in development; both coming from strict, cold households, both fencing... They do have quite a bit in common. Maybe If I just move Riposte to season 1....
Moving on to Felix, I believe I already mentioned that my first opinion of him was bitter. I didn't really like him being there and the fact that he look eerily like Adrien as If they'd reused his model was just weird (ig now we know WHY season 5 spoilers). Then, the opinion shifted to much better after mostly Emotion really and since then I really did like him, but... Looking at his journey from the end of season 3 to here and his role in the overarching plot I feel like he just wouldn't fit to MnP, not with the format I'm going for.
Besides, can I just mention how random it was that Emilie and Felix's mom look literally identical AND their sons look identical as well? It made me so confused when I first watched the episode lmao
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feelbokkie · 1 year
Allie nooo, 3 hours isn't enough, I should know! 😭 You better sleep better tonight!! I finally got 7 hours last night and it's so different not feeling like I'm dying immediately after waking up lol.
I thought it was normal that Chan had been following Y/n's account but he was blocked? 🤔 They were dating before and Bai even assumed he saw the photos until he reminded her he was blocked (which meant even Bai assumed Chan was still following Y/n). You also mentioned it before that only Chan and Y/n followed Bai on ig but she followed everyone, so I assumed it meant everyone else also followed each other (including Chan and Y/n).
You better not go the A.Ham route, he was too busy for his own life and DIED (arguably in part because of his writing) lmao. Maybe pick up other chiller hobbies so you can rotate between writing and other stuff so you don't burn out but you're still doing something?? That's what happened with me and assembling lego/mini block plants and flowers. I made so much in my spare time when I just had to do something that I ended up giving a bunch a gifts to friends, family, and coworkers, and my room is still full of them 😅
I will get some sleep tonight! I promise. If I go to sleep now though I'm waking up at 3 so I'm waiting until it's a bit later, lol. I just forgot that they asked me to come into work today as a favor at 7. Normally when I worked Saturdays (I decided that I deserve a weekend and took Saturdays off of my availability) I would go in at 9 so I would have gotten at least 5 hours if I remembered.
I think Bai knows that Chan would follow Y/n or at the very least stalk her account bc he feels the need to [REDACTED]. But also Bai was being two faced and showed him the pictures anyway despite him telling her no. I also forgot to mention this but Hyunjin, being the true ride or die for Y/n that he is, also has Chan blocked (I literally couldn't remember if I had him follow Chan but I just double checked).
More fun lore: Hyunjin immediately blocked and dropped Chan after everything. Y/n followed him until he posted a picture of him and Bair and decided that enough was enough, but she did mute Bai as soon as everything happened. Ji and Bin still follow and talk to everyone from the other group but choose to stick by Chan. Same goes for Innie and Minnie but they're on Y/n's side. They're mad at Chan too (more on at soon). Minho didn't want to choose sides, opting to be Switzerland most of the time, but he doesn't approve of what Chan did so he mostly only interacts with the main group.
Oh yeah, I definitely don't look up to A.Ham as a role model, lol. I do have other hobbies! I game, draw, learn languages, and read a lot. I've had a really rough 7 months and writing has been helping me the most (not to trauma dump on the internet to a total stranger but let's just say that one of the story lines for one of my posts was directly pulled from that). Gaming hurts my hands and eyes after a while. Drawing will mess with my wrist, which I learned the hard way after drawing for 6 hours straight one day. And I read too fast so I'm constantly out of books. I also did legos and I have so many around my room, I have no more space for them 😭
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sleepysnk · 7 months
(FNAF movie spoilers below)
HIHIHI I saw what u said abt the fnaf movie and I actually went to see it today with some friends and!!!!!
I agree with your rating being 6-7/10 actually. I’m not super super deep into the lore- ik a ton of stuff, the important stuff mainly and bits and pieces of the little stuff, so the lore change (the family thing is the only main change I realized) came as the biggest surprise to me. Ig they wanted to try to keep it fresh so it wasn’t as predictable to the long time fans? (but tbh when I saw Vanessa in the trailer way back when, I assumed they’d try to bring Vanny into it- though I’m not super in the know of that part of the lore so maybe I was silly for that)
but overall I thought it was good!! The little girl was so cute 😭🫶🏻
only thing is I wish it was scarier than it ended up being. I didn’t flinch or jump once and I was looking forward to a good horror movie 🥲 (I get they had to keep it pg for kids tho)
not too many complaints tho! definitely didn’t deserve the initially low score it got on rotten tomato, cause based on my theatre, everyone really enjoyed it, me and my friends included
hope it’s okay that I came here to talk abt it!!! you don’t have to respond if u don’t wanna I just wanted to share some thoughts 😋
have a lovely night!!!!!
HII thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
FNAF spoilers below!!
tbh i have watched a lot of videos on the movie and i guess the games and the movies are separate lore wise?? which i was a bit surprised about but Scott did say the movie wasn’t going to 100% follow the games, so i guess it’s valid.
i kinda wish it was a rated r movie 😭 because well the concepts in FNAF are very dark and it’s not some cute kiddie film. the games have a lot of bad shit in it and i feel like if it was rated r it would have been scarier compared to what we had initially. the whole family part where Garrett (Mike’s brother) got kidnapped by William had me like ?? it just feels like a plot hole. like WHY his brother specifically?? and why was he there??
Vanessa too had me a little confused. i know in the games she’s technically like an “adopted” daughter to William, but he ends up controlling her 😭 so idk.
i do think it was a 7/10 for me! it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t what i was expecting. i still love FNAF regardless and the movie was honestly good besides some of the obvious changes.
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crystalkleure · 3 years
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Haha hey remember that post I made awhile back, speculating on what a bad idea it might be to fuse dead things in the godless Frankenstein fossil machine
Meet White. He is a reanimated corpse. Two of them, actually. Or more like 1.5. [And I whipped up this half-assed partial reference sheet in one night instead of sleeping, so don’t look too hard at the chickenscratch lineart and visible guidelines, and kindly ignore the total lack of shading as well as any other messy jankiness.]
White is a product of me wondering not only about what happens if you NecroFuse a human with a Pokemon, but also what happens if you make it even worse and specifically fuse that human with a Pokemon capable of mega evolution. Because canon seems to imply that mega evolving is at best deeply uncomfortable -- and at worst outright agonizing -- for whatever creature is going through it.
Character Lore under the cut. Lots of text:
White is one of actually multiple undead guys who got mashed together with bits of dead Pokemon. They’re science experiments, so they've got the dex numbers of the Pokemon they're spliced with tattooed on the backs of their necks, and those numbers were treated as their names In The Evil Science Lab.
In his Original Life, White [and some of his buddies] got gored to death by some escaped Horrible Fucking Monsters that were accidentally [...and then not-so-accidentally] created via Two Pokemon At Once In A Fossil Resurrection Machine, because hey, it is SUPER easy to think you got Just One Thing's Bones from an excavation dig but then later you realize that Some Of Those Bones were from something TOTALLY different that just died in the same place. It happens. So, some Fossil Scientist People accidentally resurrected an Abomination, realized they fucked up pretty fast...and then started wondering if they REALLY fucked up or if this is Cool, Actually. And then the team of Science People split into two Morality Factions, with one half being like “This is unethical as shit, we need to make sure this doesn't happen again because it's not natural so who knows how this poor fucked up creature is suffering” and the other, cooler half being like “WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE SCIENCE. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES HOLY SHIT.”
Cooler group splits off from the Horrified Group With Morals, and they promptly use their Science Knowledge to Construct More Machines and Make More Monsters. Doesn't take too long for them to realize, however, that Abomination Pokemon are stupidly hard to control, because not only are they suffering, their masters obviously don't care for their wellbeing, so Revolt Inevitably Occurs and they escape to wreak havoc upon the nearest congregation of townspeople. They promptly maul some people to death at a nearby local rock concert, scientists chase after them to clean up the mess, realize “Oh Shit, Manslaughter Charges Impending”, and then realize...
Science Guy 1: “...Hey, what happens if you put a dead person in the fossil machine?”
Science Guy 2: “Hey, people probably listen better than Pokemon. We can, like, TALK to people.”
Science Guy 3: “Lads, I got a stellar idea just now. And we got plenty of Dead Guys to start with right here! Great way to hide the bodies too, probably.”
This goes approximately as well as you would expect, and precisely as ethically. A smashing success!
However, because they Fucking Died, the reanimated Newly-Monsterized dudes do not remember shit about who they were pre-resurrection. They're not technically even the same people, they’re more like clones. They've been remade. So, all they know now is Science Lab Life, and they have no initial attachment to eachother aside from "that other guy is also a Science Experiment Person just like me, so Same Hat @ Labrat Neighbour ig", in spite of several having been friends or even family prior to death. They also just...don’t know/remember things in general. They are fresh blank slates. And to a morally-bankrupt team of scientists, that’s perfect! They can train these guys to behave however they please!
...However, people might be People Instead Of Animals, meaning they can be Reasoned With And Manipulated And Coerced far better than animals due to their far better communication abilities with the Science People, but...there is Still A Problem in the sense that Holy Shit, A Person Can Only Take So Much. You can only treat someone as "Experiment [number]" for so long, blatantly putting no value on their life outside of The Value Of Scientific Research, in spite of literally basically needing to raise them like a normal child due to the Lack Of Memories issue. Eventually they're not gonna be able to take that anymore and they are gonna Fucking Leave, too. And they’re gonna be much harder to track down than the rampaging Pokemon were. Impossible, actually, once they’ve ripped out their tracking chips.
So then there's just these monster dudes, who don't actually know what they are because they weren't ever told anything more than necessary to get them to cooperate with Tests And Experiments, just Escaped Into Civilization and having NO idea how Anything works. Fun! Especially considering how, at first glance, these just look like Normal Dudes. Their monster bits either aren't apparent or just look like funky body modifications.
They've also got Science Things in them and they Don't Know What The Fuck Those Things Even Are. They've just got these little Devices in/on their chests, and they were never informed of the exact functions of them because there's no reason to explain to the experiment What Is Happening, just that the experiment needs to Hold Still and Cooperate and Now Do This, Now Do This, Now Do That, Good Job That's Enough For Today, etc.
Those devices contain both key stones and mega stones.
If you were a Mad Pokemon Scientist, you would most certainly be interested in the mega evolution phenomenon. What would YOU do if some of your Undead Fusion Experiments happened to be spliced with bits of Pokemon known to be capable of mega evolving? You’d kill two birds with one enigmatic set of stones, that’s what you’d do. Your Frankenstein Experiments can even TALK to you and tell you exactly what they are experiencing when you run tests on them! It’s perfect!
So, if a rock-bearing monster’s heart rate goes too high, part of the little device, which is a barrier between one type of rock and the other, opens up and Exposes One Rock To The Other Rock. Which exposes the monster to the Rock Energy Reaction. The greater the stress, the higher the dose. And I’m sure you can see the snowball effect that’s gonna create, at least the first time or two.
They were INTENDED to eventually be made to Physically Fight With Eachother to gauge the effects of The Rocks™️ when the Guys With The Rocks are under Stress and need to Do Some Self-Defense. The Science Squad was basically trying to suss out the Actual Purpose of mega evolution. Because mega evolution is weird -- it puts ENORMOUS stress on the body of whatever is undergoing it, so the hypothesis was that its true power is probably drawn out best via a perceived life-threatening situation, like it’s a type of hysterical strength, because what else would cause a need for that kind of ability. And aren’t ethics a bit overrated?
So, there’s our premise. White is just wandering around without any particular purpose outside of never ever going back to Science Hell, and he has no clue what the funny little doohickey buried in his chest does until it activates one day and absolutely fucks him up [...as well as everyone around him. Mega Absol radiate an Aura Of Sheer Terror that can literally scare people with weak hearts to death if they’re not careful.]
And now, some Miscellaneous Character Info:
The bit about Lots Of Death happening at a rock concert specifically was important. White was actually the vocalist of the band that was playing. He doesn’t remember that now, but he still loves music and has the same strong vocal cords. And THAT is important because White is partially an Absol now and Absol naturally learns Perish Song. These Fusion Monsters are absolutely capable of using Pokemon moves, though whether they’re aware of this is a different matter entirely. Imagine what happens when they end up tapping into those abilities accidentally.
That band was a relatively-unknown little local band. White was by no means anywhere near famous. Very few people even realized he was gone, and most of the ones who would have noticed also ended up Equally Unalive.
That black stuff between the belts on White’s arms is mesh. Like, stocking mesh. It gets Ripped The Fuck Apart when he goes Mega Mode and his arm fur gets Extra Spiky. Hence one stocking being a bit tattered in that reference pic. He frequently has to replace those things, they are fragile.
“How did White get his name if he doesn’t remember his original name and didn’t have a real name in the lab” I am glad you asked! Post-escape, he eventually encountered a situation where someone asked him what his name was, he bluntly told them “I don’t have one. I am #359.”, they said “Well That Is Not A Name, I need something proper to call you”, and he was just...Super Apathetic. So, the other person picked out the name “White” just based on the fact that White’s hair is white, and he just shrugged and rolled with it.
As you can see in my Incredibly Quick And Rough Sketches, the backs of White’s shirts are open to accommodate that huge amount of fur that bristles out into false wings when he goes Mega Mode. Because his Actual Normal Hair is relatively long and overlaps with that fur, it blends in with his Actual Normal Hair and doesn’t look too odd [when it’s down]. Probably mostly because nobody’s expecting it to be anything OTHER than Perfectly Normal Hair That Just Happens To Be Very Long.
White does not particularly like violence. White does not want to beat you up. He will, though, without a bit of hesitation, if there’s some logical reason he feels like it’s the most practical course of action. Being essentially raised by Cold, Emotionally-Sterile Scientists With No Care For The Wellbeing Other Living Beings uh, tends to affect a guy a little bit. White has a bit of an internal dilemma regarding “It would be efficient for me to just Harm This Other Person to defuse the current situation, because attempting nonviolence will be overall more risky somehow” vs. “Holy shit it feels bad when I hurt people. Why does it feel bad when I hurt people. Is it...SUPPOSED to feel bad when I hurt people?? No one ever felt bad for hurting me.” He Figures Out How Empathy Works Eventually. He is a good guy at heart. He is a Monotone Snarker, but not actually Cold or Malicious at all.
If an Absol can do it, White can probably do it. He has incredibly keen senses and a STRONG ability to Detect Impending Doom. He has exactly the amount of Supernatural Absol Powers you would expect. He is also stupidly physically strong, way more so than he appears to be.
White can’t punch people. Look at the fist he’s making in the pic, he’s doing it wrong. If you punch someone like that, you WILL break your own thumb. That’s not a Revving Up To Sock Someone pose, he’s just tense. He’s using his thumb as a buffer between his long-ass Sharp As Fuck claws and the flesh of his palm. If White tries to punch anybody, or just makes a proper fist at all, he will impale his own hand on his nails. Like, all the way through. He CAN slash straight through things like metal and bone with those claws, though.
White...is unsettling. Completely accidentally, and unknowingly. He just radiates an Aura Of Intimidation [...or Pressure], even when not in Mega Mode, that scales depending on his mood. Just being near him tends to put people and Pokemon on edge. Thus, he’s generally avoided.
The latter point is especially unfortunate, because White’s preferred method of Socializing and Bonding is to just kind of quietly hang out in the same room as whoever he is trying to Socialize and Bond with. He just wants to, like...chill out Near A Buddy and watch a movie and share a bag of chips or something. His social skills are predictably not good.
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jeffhane · 3 years
dynasty live watching: an incoherent post so that i’m not spoiling people on the twitter tl (i doubt any of this will be chronological or coherent enough to actually contain spoilers but better safe than sorry!)
oh my god the “previously on” - i forgot abt fallon and evan....
Theyre at a FUNERAL??? this was actually predicted but oh my god. if its steven i am going to be so mad. what an unfitting end to the- WAIT WHAT SIX MONTHS? what was that font;;;;:; whes sueiwjwk
copper arch🥵🥵🥵
this is cute. this is cute i like faloon pretty women so true
fallon is genuinely such a bad person this is so bizarre,,,, i think she needs to calm down about oiterally everything ever
“This wedding is our chance to break the cycle of craziness” babe ur literally the one making the cycle of craziness
w. was that an ikmenn of liam getting his head off
alexis is up to no good. bad bad jpeg. why do they write her dialogue like this
adam is acted so well lmao he’s the most unhinged person to ever exist *screams*
ohhh dominique, i don’t remember much abt her 😭😭😭 this woman she’s with is beautiful
ITS LAGGING????? i cannot Believe tjis
~rebrand~ ok girlboss!!!!!!!!! can we ship this businesswoman i dont recall her name with fallon???? id like that i think
too many plotlines have happened in too many minutes, i’m already forgettint things that have happened... isn’t blake supposed to be in prisoj? no? Ok: sure
adam is constantly doing this expression that is like 👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁 HI SAM HI SAM HI SAM BEAUTIFUL MAN I LOVE HIM WHOS THIS MAN
raf is so stunning ughhhh i’m loving the costumes this season, everyone looks great! is this man a sam love interest? nervous? that is kinda cute. i miss stevej though. sadness. so many emotions
UHHHH hi alexis sure ig ur here
~OMENS~ babe that’s a tad dramatic don’t you think?????????? “Ignore the lore at your own peril” alright
bye everything is going wrong for this......:..:::... *rubs hands together evilly* that will certainly be entertaining
credit scene!!! such a beautiful cast! where’s anders, oh how i miss him... i miss monica too wasn’t she supposed to be BACK🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🤨🤨
its a commercial break... havent had to watch the show with these for so long😑😑😑. getting american ads is so funny bc the vast majority of them are Not at all relevant... at all
BACK TO DYNASTY!!!!!! was that a slinky? huh? oh ok that’s why the marriage is happening at the manor. #whenyouonlyhaveoneset oh hi ok monica so shes not going to be here?????😑😔😳
blake having dinner... ok hi cristal,,,,; is the priest subplot back? that was a weird one
adam???? how on earth does adam work his way into everything? NEXT GUEST? HUH? are you cheating on your wife? HI CULHANE! HI!
“straight people are exhausting” i mean yes, objectively, absolutely, but culhane is #notstraight .... idk how i feel about sam and this man. also what? huh? staying here? ok cool ig
OHHHHH he got married i see i see
“Haven’t you milked the carrington cow already” but....... she is literally the person who deserves the stuff..... k......... i don’t like dominique but she was given the short end of the stick also blake stop manipulating people just bc they tell u the truth😶😶😶😶😶😶😶
frustrated that we haven’t seen fallon in any non-wedding related stuff yet i always liked her more ~dramatic~ plots . like she’s a sweetheart but i do want her to evolve beyond thsi. idk if that makes sense. ok bye
“A relative’s happy marriage” uh???? we live in a society😔📈
who is father lynch<3333 oh he is in the hospital that’s not great oh adam upset that’s new /s
y is kirby dressed like an elf. god bless.
ughhhh i just think adam is not good for kirby. he’s not good in general. so true . what is he up to. ads again hhhhhhhhhh💯
omg we are back!!!!! blake wear the suit!! hi liz!!! i’ve seen pictures of this outfit, it looks nice. “I really want things to work out with liam” now that would be great but you’re in a soap opera so the chances of that are .... I DONT EVEN ONOW IF U CAN WEATHER ANYTHING W CRISTAL...)))))!$$ NOT NECESSARILY THE BEET CHOICE????
~technically it wasn’t cancelled~ alright love i feel as though you’re not telling the full truth here. ok his name is ryan . we know that now . cool . this relationship is awkward but it could be sweet
what the Fuck is dominique talking about this is so creepy😭😭😭 please do not market lingerie to ur niece 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 why does no one in this show know how to be polite
“You want me to stake my personal assets” i’m sure this would be meaningful if i knew anything about finance????? WAIT WAIT WIAT WAIT WAIT DHE REHEARING THE SAM DONS G THE SONG ALEXIS DONT INTERRUPT HER SINGING THE SONG🧐😔😔😔🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🥰🥰🤬😤😤😤😤😤😤
~duplicitous sham~ that’s quite a juicy phrase ms fallon. alexis i dislike your marriage. and you in fact. yes x . “We were just like any other newlyweds” except the newlywed factor........:
anders. oh my god i adore him so much. he reminds me of my grandfather . YES adam is dangerous. anders i love you so much. be my grandfather figure. top 10 cool old dudes of all time.
liz is so beautiful how am i suppised to “Focus” on the “storyline” kirby just went 🥰🥰 also hi culhane ily babe
“My father’s convinced adam is pure evil” you see, that is......... trueeeee...........:.::: im sorry culhane ily love
this dialogue unfortunately does not flow all that well LOL . people dont think up things like this on the fly “my love is like that boutineer” sir i guarantee that metaphors r not going to save ur relationship... HI sam. so true. hi ily. samhane? culsam? 😳😳
DONT STEAL ANDERS SPOT OH HI JEFF YOU LOOK STUNNING.......... BEAUTIFUL BOY ....... HI!!!! ~you are the only family you’ve ever needed~ shit none of this wouldve happened if the Carringtons werent so greedy ij the first place
~true love has many faces~ how many anti liam omens can they sneak in into the episode 😭😭😭😭 hi laura whats up
the poor waiters at this establishment...... why does laura look like a rlly young version of my grandma........: huh.... wont think abt it /... alexis bad mom.jpeg
“I don’t want to miss my sons special day” ok bye i don’t #care she’s kind of rude
fallon trying to avoid future drama is confusing to me as that used to be her ENTIRE THING? HUH??? everyones talking to their moms today what the heck do that many people talk to their moms???
jeff hiiiii <333 that maroon suit!!!!! love!!!!!
Dont hurt anders you strange little evil man!!!!!!!!!!! (Adam, for reference)
fallon likes to ~e n u n c i a t e~ her dialogue. Drama Teachers Love Her
FIRBY SCENE! WELL THEY R TALKINF! UWU ! UWU ! smiles:) smiiiiiles:) the height difference i cannot do this😑😊😊😊🕯🕯🕯 BYE
kirby babe you are the kist imorjri WHQT? HUH? when all the characters have the maturity of a 13 yr old <33333 DID THE SHOW JUST END?????? OK.... DAMN.... they were really 2 minutes away from the end and remembered that things are supposed to happen in tv show episodes.... i cannot tell whether it os over actually?????? huh??? going to keep watching because it would be so embarrassing if i missed a few minutes oh yeah theres more
IM SORRY WHYBARE THESE PEOPLE SO STUPID. every single one of them. ih my god l. ohhhh my god . “I never meant to hurt you” you cheated on him. both of them are bad people. 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 kirby darling what were you thinking . this dress on kirby is STUNNING ugh, she’s so charming . adam Shut the fuck up. He hasn’t said anything but shut the fuck up. OH MY GOD ADAM SHUT THE FUCK UP. OH MY GOD I HATE ADAM SO MUXH. OH MY GOD HOW IS HE THE WORST PERSON TO EVER LIVE 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 HES SO EVIL
“I didn’t want to tell you because i didnt want you to think of me as a monster” why did you do that stuff then bro . Kirby you SHOULDNT trust someone after they say that? How naive? Huh ?
omg hello jeffs grandma!!!!! she deserves better than every shitshow in this family... god🤨 dominique being a good person? i like to see that. she seems so genuine. ok this is nice . wait... SAFE? 😳😳😳😳 💴 💵 #money i miss monica
why do they never have sufficient lifhting in WAIT..... HER?????? #dumbofass HI JEFF <33333333 HI you can scam and whatever ur allowed to i support u
ooohhhh GORGEOUS fallon outfit
“Such a fail” IS THIS 2012 . CRINE HEIDJWJFIWNDWJDNWKFJW ENJDJSDJWJNDJWJD they keep saying folklore and im thinking its some sort of reference to the album and i get confused. wheres scheming fallon. need scheming fallon. do a scheme. do it
“We are that lucky couple” press x to doubt .... wait who is this🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 this seems cincerning im cocnentwd why did it zoom in on this random man
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
Is Darren under contract forcing him to be anyone but Darren?
The most verbose CCer today shared once again her feelings about Darren’s engagement -which she so hilariously calls the “encagement” because she’s clever like that.  In response to an anon who feels like Darren had to be part of the engagement decision she writes:
 “Anon I respectfully disagree. D didn’t chose this complete disaster of an encagement. D is bound by contracts to RR, SS, M, and F/ox. They get to determine how he’s marketed.”
So let’s take this apart to the most basic question...”Is Darren under contract with Fox? He completed Glee and he completed ACS Versace so I have no clue why CCers feel like they can talk about this contract with a straight face.  According to CC lore, his Glee contract ran an extra year plus until they got the ACS contract to replace it, but now that contract is done as well.  At the most basic level Fox is in business to make money and paying its actors AFTER a project is completed is not a good business decision.  Darren would be the luckiest bastard in LA if he was getting paid by Fox for this long without producing any work.
Is Darren under contract with Ricky? Yes, Ricky and Darren have a contract but in this case Darren is the boss, he holds the power and  clearly, he is happy with Ricky’s work as he continued with Ricky after Ricky started his own company a few years ago.  In other words Darren RESIGNED with Ricky after he started his own company.  This is counter to the “Darren was so young and niave he didn’t know what he was signing trope”. There is nothing to suggest Darren isn't happy with Ricky’s work- they started Elsie together,  they are in Ricky’s 90′s Band together-I. can’t remember the name of it- and Ricky and is family are around for all of Darren’s big celebrations.  
“They get to decide how he is marketed” Well Yes, you hire the best people to represent you and market you in the best way.  Just like your doctor is the person you go to for health advice. Your doctor gets to choose how to care for your medical problems. But you get a say in that relationship.  Your doctor doesn’t get it just do whatever he feels like, harm you because it gives him glee.  In the same way that Ricky or Sunshine Sachs doesn’t get to control Darren against his best interests.   
Is Darren “under contract” with Sunshine Sachs? yes, but again it is like with Ricky...Darren doesn’t work for SS, rather they proved a service for him. Does Sunshine Sachs have any reason to want Darren out there lying to his fans about his personal life? No. If they feel strongly about a client staying in the closet- and I have no clue what their stance on that is but I will say that many CCers still argue about how hostile Hollywood is for gay actors so if they DO push a closet, it is only because of that hostility that you all continue to talk about.  Do I agree with it? No of course not. But if I was a PR person and I saw actors being ignored after they came out and I knew my client really wanted to be a celeb and work a lot, I would have to think about my advice to him or her. IN any event, it is the client’s decision whether to come out or stay in the closet.  Colton Haynes talks about it a lot and he always talks about the pressure he felt but he never said they “forced him” to stay in the closet.  You could argue that the pressure was a lot and it wore down someone who had ongoing mental health issues making him vulnerable to it, but he did come out after all of that and he hasn’t been sued for breaching a contract.  In the event a client does decide to stay I the closet, I guarantee any PR firm would recommend their client say as little as possible about their personal life. Think Kevin Spacey or Barry Manilow or Jodie Forster before they came out...none of them talked about their personal lives in interviews or on social media.  EVER. 
Is Darren under contract with Mia? This one is just so stupid I have to chuckle.  Because I would imagine if there is a formal contract between “beards and their gays” that it would be very short term. Nobody would want to be contractually obligated to continue a beard situation well beyond when they are done with it just because the contract is still valid. So arguing there is an 8-year contract that he can’t break is ridiculous.  But even more important to this CC-trope is the part where Darren is FORCED to give media publicity to Mia which is the only reason he takes pictures with her in public, pretends to be a couple, ever talks about her, etc..  IF Mia were an attention whore, hell bent on celebrity she would have an active social media life and she really has almost none nowadays.  She occasionally posts on Snatchat, she has a private IG that has remained private for years and she almost never Tweets anymore.  In today’s celebrity driven culture it is a given that anyone seeking fame has very active social media accounts- this is how we ended up with “influencers”.  But Mia has given up social media as Darren’s star has risen. Mia being in Darren’s photos with him is a glimpse into his life.  It doesn’t give her anything by way of celebrity. Without an active social media presence there is no way she can enjoy this supposed publicity and celebrity.  If she posted the pictures she would have people writing back to gush over her but that isn’t happening. I know the CCers believe fully that Mia runs sock puppet accounts and sends them anon’s. When I finished laughing at the stupidity of that, I analyzed what the hell they were thinking and it is still laughable.  Mia is happily living her life with Darren and has no time to troll a fandom of busy bodies who seek to make her life miserable. The FetusMiarren account is run by a French woman who thinks she is HILARIOUSLY sarcastic, but is in fact just plain rude. They believe it is Mia because FetusMiarrien hates Mia and at one point the main CCers convinced themselves that Mia hated Lea too.  Like all of the CC-tropes, that was all made up in their heads..  If Mia was running “fan” accounts she would be posting more interesting photos and private info in order to get the attention for it. 
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bipedalseal · 3 years
re: playing dante's route: went for the bad end today! its so funny that nearly all the problems in the 2nd half of dante and nicola's routes would have not happened at all if nicola and dante had a dialogue first. like, "bro, hey, when we were kids u said u didnt want to be mafia anymore do u still believe that", and dante went, "lol ive been groomed into this role, i cant imagine doing anything else also ive found that this id my way of protecting the town and i want to continue that", and idk maybe nicola would say "ok then *cancels plans wirh gilbert*" and tell him togive more shits abt actually managing the family.
anyway that's my imagination, i dont want to actually write a fanfiction on this so ill stop
but this bad end was??? so???
1st of all. the anti church sentiments during dante's meeting with the lao-shu was. hm mr yang are you sure you're not just doing this for entertainment lmao. after having to do some cl homework it was a very satisfying read
2nd. the voice acting. the way the casino guy said "grazie, signore!" rlly made my day then reminded me he had the same va as shirotani from ten count. also reminded me that i wanted to do voice acting and singing back then but i never worked on that. nobuhiko okamoto's roles are always the same archetype?? back then it was karma akabane, then rin okumura, bakugou from bnha, and idv merc theyre all very delinquent type people. tho id say yang isnt like rhe general delinquent, more like some evolved version of karma akabane. im not complaining tho i love his stuff. and dante's voice actor. idk who he is but his delivery during ch9 bad end was pretty great. cherry on the icing. or ice cream??
3rd. i could mostly predict what was going to happen in the bad end but admittedly i was surprised by dante or mc not getting sacrificed. u shouldve heard me muttering to myself when they were abt to go to church. "gilbert is pious he wouldnt kill anyone at church" yeah he wouldnt but NICOLA WOULD. he didnt and that also surprised me. i thought dante wouldnt kill gil, bc he killed nicola out of surprise right? then he pulls the trigger. ok fam, st peter can talk to you himself.
4th. seeing lan alive and not going mad out of grief reminded me. im pretty sure lee drugged her but why? i mean im also pretty sure yang instructed him to. was she not an instrumental subordinate? or was she too distracted from fei's dying that she became unproductive.
5th, disappointed at how "being mad" is used for reasoning of anyone slightly villainous. its v dehumanzing when its actually being caused by humane reasons. for example the casino guy. he didnt do it bc he was mad he did it for the bottom line; lan didn't go berserk at falce just because of the drugs she was already thinking abt it beforehand; bad end nicola was an extreme response to death and grief and roberto is well, typical serial killer stuff, some feeling of oppression and the only way out is by violent justice. it loses all nuance when "going mad" is the reason.
6th, good end dante and mc consider themselves equals within the mafia and their relationship, with each their set of duties (dante protects victor, victor makes sure he doesnt forget his goal). in contrast, the bad end duo has a clear distinction between them despite deliberate public attachment. dante very clearly sees himself as a protector while mc worries about him, a more passive sort of role, also theyre both not so honest with each other.
7th, pretty sure dante is a *ghosts one-night stand* guy.
all in all it was a very, very different flavor to nicola's bad end. i like the relationship presented here, pretty good mix of side characters, lore was a lot but not so infodumped (bad end was a great palette cleanser), pretty sure therell be some good closure in the best end regarding dante and nicola's relationship, and nice set up for the future routes. its a nice contrast against nicola's route lmao. did i mention i got that guy's best end yesterday? contrast indeed. still havent written my post abt that. i will say tho, i think nicola's route spoiled me i keep expecting dubcon scenes now lmfaoo
going for orlok's route next, then back to dante's best end or maybe nicola's good end, we'll see. i like yang a lot more honestly, but save the best for last ig? also where tf is orlok lol. i still cant believe he has a route while roberto doesnt.
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You’re My One
Title:  You’re My One
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 4,360
Warnings: Fluff, angst, Fluff, Alcohol Consumption.
Summary: You have been in love with Dean since you met him in the third grade, but you’ve always been too afraid to tell him. 
Anon Request: Hi! I was wondering if I could request a Dean x Reader one shot where they are best friends, and they like each other, and they like to play-fight/flirt a lot and it ends in fluff? Thank you so much!!!
A/N: This is for @ilostmyshoe-79 Sweet Emotions challenge. Mine was Anticipation. In this sense, it’s good and bad. Feedback is always appreciated! Happy Reading!!!
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Dean Winchester was a man of many things. He was a badass hunter who could take down any monster without doubting himself. He could eat a burger, fries and down a beer in five minutes flat. He could eat anything and not put on a single pound. Dean also happened to be your best friend and the sweetest guy you had ever met and you had met a lot of men in your lifetime.
 Dean Winchester is and always was the man you turned to. At eight years old, you met him in your grade three class. He started the school year halfway through. He walked in with a leather jacket on his shoulders and no backpack on his back. Even then, he walked in the room with confidence. He took a seat next to you on the carpet, not saying another word as he listened to the teacher speaking before the group. But that didn’t stop you from wanting to talk to the kid. You were a bit of a loner yourself. The weird girl as most kids refered to you as. You were quiet, and always wore your hair in a ponytail. You never understood why no one wanted to be your friend. Why no one wanted to be associated with you.
 When it was lunch time, you sat in the back corner by yourself, as usual. The rest of your class was laughing at something one of the other kids said. You always felt excluded when it came to lunchtime, and recess time only made it worse. That is when the new kid came and sat next to you.
 “Why are you sitting all by yourself?” he asked you. You shrugged, taking a small bite out of your sandwich. You felt his eyes on you and you didn’t dare look at him. He wasn’t going to want to be friends with a freak kid like you. He was going to be in the popular group by the end of the day.  “You don’t say much do you?”
 “I talk,” you replied, almost inaudibly. “Why aren’t you over there?”
 “Because I saw you over here,” he chuckled. “I’m Dean.”
 “Nice to meet you.”
 “Where is your lunch?” you questioned.
 “I don’t have one today. My dad forgot to pack me something before he left this morning,” he told you.
 “You can have some of mine if you want. Take anything you want,” you pointed to your lunch box. Dean nodded his head, reaching for the other half of your sandwich.
 Instead of hanging out with the rest of the class at recess, Dean followed you outside to the swings. To say you were surprised was a vast understatement. He swung next to you for the entire recess, talking to you about little things like the leaves changing and the temperature getting colder. You weren’t used to someone talking to you for an extended period of time. Dean seemed to like talking to you and that was something you liked. And that soon became what you looked forward to everyday. You woke up in the morning and your first thought was Dean and getting to talk to Dean and hang out with Dean. Dean became your best friend.
 But one day, something flipped your world upside down.
 You were walking home from school one day with Dean and his younger brother Sam, something that happened everyday. Dean always walked you to your door and spent a couple of extra minutes talking to you before heading home with Sam. This day was no different. You walked in the front door of your house, calling out to your mom and dad but no answered yelled back. You walked in, heading straight to the kitchen, hoping to find them there.
 You heard the sounds of the coffee machine beeping to say the brew was finished. When you circled round the counter, stopping dead in your tracks. Blood. So much blood that all you could see was red. You let out a scream and ran as quickly as you could.
 You caught up to Sam and Dean in no time, tackling him down as you cried your eyes out. You couldn’t form words to describe what went wrong or what you saw. You couldn’t speak another word.
 And that’s how it was for six months.
 It turns out it was a rougarou that John Winchester was hunting in your town and it just so happened to be your friendly neighbor, Mr Fenway, who snacked on both of your parents before you got home from school that day. After that, John Winchester took you in and you joined the brothers on the road.
 For six months, you spoke to no one, not even Dean. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he talked to you, you said nothing. You responded to nothing. You couldn’t form words to even remotely say something to him. Were you happy that you ended up with the Winchester’s, of course you were. But it didn’t change the fact that your family was dead and you were scared.
 Six months after it happened, you woke up from a nasty nightmare and you couldn’t calm down to save your life. So instead of curling up in a ball, your feet hit the ground and you made your way across the room to Dean’s bed, crawling in with him. He woke almost instantly, wondering who had joined him. When he realized it was you, he hugged you tightly and never said another word.
 But you knew then, Dean Winchester would always be your best friend. He would always protect you from any harm.
   “Dean Winchester I swear to god if you stole my laptop to watch porn again, I am going to to kick your ass into- what are you doing?” You questioned as you made your way into the bunker’s library. Dean indeed did have you laptop sitting on the table in front of him. But much to your dismay, he was doing something completely different.
 “I am trying to see if any movies are playing so I can take that girl from the diner in town on a date,” he answered. You smiled weakly. If only it was you he wanted to take to the movies, you thought to yourself.
 “Oh really? Trying to replace me?” you played.
 “Yes, you’re a pain in the ass,” he joked. “Unless you want to go with me?”
 “I’d love to, really. But if you’re interested in that girl from the diner, go for it. I can survive one night without my trusty knight in shining armour. Besides, I have another Winchester brother to harass. I’m sure Sammy will love a little Y/N time, you know,” you winked, not wanting to ruin his night. You ruined a few of them already and you didn’t want to stand in the way of him getting a little action.
 “Great, so I’m going to have leave halfway through my date,” he teased.
 “Shut up, Dean. I’m not that annoying,” you frowned.
 “Yes you are. You’re going to drive that poor boy up the wall with your constant talking. Have you ever considered becoming a mime?”
 “You’re mean and I don’t like you anymore,” you stated, trying to keep as serious as possible.
 “You love me and you know it,” he chuckled. “I mean come on, you’ve pictured me naked more than once. You want me, you need me. You desperately crave my body on top of yours, pounding you into the-”
 “Would you stop!” You scolded, playfully slapping his arm. He let out a laugh.
 “Never,” he beamed.
 Your heart fluttered in your chest as your eyes met his. This man was something else and he knew it too. If only he knew the affect he really had on you. You had been tempted to tell him a thousand times, each time more than the last. But you could never do it. You could never tell him what you desperately wanted to tell him every time. You just couldn’t ruin that friendship. It was the first friendship you ever formed and you didn’t want it to end because you had fallen head over heels in love with him. “Alright, Bean, have fun tonight. I’ll torture your brother some.”
 “Thanks, sweetheart. See you later.”
 Dean took off for his date with the waitress from the diner, leaving you in the bunker with Sam. Sure over the years, you and Sam had bonded quite well. He was the brother you always wanted. You and Sam liked to go on runs together and you both had the same taste in tv shows, which is something you enjoyed doing together. Sam’s favourite thing to do was to tease you about your feelings towards his older brother.
 You grabbed a case of beer from the fridge, bringing it into the library where Sam had settled down for the evening. He was reading a lore book with a salad in front of him, chewing away at the lettuce as his eyes ghosted over the pages.
 “Sam Winchester!” you shouted, smiling widely.
 “Dear god! I thought you went out with Dean,” he chuckled with amusement.
 “Nope. Dean’s off banging some waitress,” you sighed. “Nothing I can do about.”
 “Uh, you mean other than telling him you’re in love with him,” he let out a laugh. You rolled your eyes at his comment.
 “I need a drink.”
 Four beers later, you had an amazing buzz going on. Sam had the same amount to drink and he was still sober. Sam’s alcohol tolerance was extremely high. You on the other hand, were a light weight. That was one of the things the Winchester’s loved about you. Getting you drunk was always easy.
 “Y/N, I just don’t understand why you won’t take that chance and tell him how you feel? I mean, how long have you loved him? Since the day you met him? You guys would make such a cute couple,” Sam pointed out.
 “You know what, yes we would make such an adorable couple, Sammy. I mean, you are the only one that knows Dean as well as I do. What is a girl like her going to bring to him other than a one night stand. And what’s to bet he comes back and claims that she wasn’t even worth it?”
 “You sound jealous as hell, Y/N,” Sam let out a laugh.
 “I am!” you yelled. “I always tell myself, you know, just tell him. Just grow a pair and tell him that you love him. Tell him that he shouldn’t waste anymore time sleeping with girl after girl when he’s got one that loves him sitting in the backseat of his beloved impala. Why settle for someone who can’t even make him laugh? I want to tell him that there is no one out there better for him than me. And in my head, every single time, he’s smiling. That goofy one he does when he’s nervous and doesn’t know what to say. Then he’ll lean in just a little and the butterflies will start soaring in my stomach, and I’m just waiting to feel his lips on mine. And when I finally do, it feels like my whole world is pieced together. Because I’ll know that Dean Winchester is mine and that is all I’ve ever wanted.”
 “You know you always have a chance to do it. Just knock on his door, sit him down and tell him. You owe it to yourself to tell him. You have been living this life with us since the beginning and you have never, not once, complained about how much you wish you wanted to be normal. My brother has one girl and one girl only and that will always be you. Tell him. Trust me,” Sam nodded.
 “Well well, if it isn’t my brother and my best friend,” Dean’s voice called out. He stepped down the stairs, making his way over to you and Sam, taking a seat on top of the table. “Oh I see you’re getting ol’ lightweight drunk.”
 “Shut up! I’m not a lightweight!” you groaned.
 “Yes you are, sweetheart. Just admit it,” he chuckled.
 “What are you doing home so early?” you raised your eyebrow.
 “The girl was boring. She never said a word to me the entire time we were out. I wasn’t about to waste my night trying to grasp her attention when I never had it in the first place,” he shrugged.
 “Good. You deserve better,” you nodded your head proudly.
 “I wouldn’t go that far. But I certainly deserve someone who wants to spend time with me,” he added on. “So that’s why I’m here with you two nerds.”
 “Says the biggest nerd in the room. I’m sorry, is that the anime in your room calling?” you giggled.
 “Whatever you say, sweetheart.” Dean got up off the table and made his way over to you. Your heart began to race in your chest, something that happened often when he grew closer to you. After all, he was Dean Winchester. He could have any woman in the world. There was no way he would want a girl like you. You nervously downed the rest of your beer, your head feeling a little fuzzy as the effects of the alcohol set in. You had to get out of the room before you said something stupid, or did something you’d regret in the morning.
 “Well boys. It’s been fun. But I happen to have a date with my bed tonight, and I’m already running late. I’ll see y’all in the morning,” you smiled softly, getting up off your chair. Without another word, you practically stumbled out of the room, heading down the hallway to your room.
 Somewhere along the way, you stumbled your way into Dean’s room. His bed was made the way it usually was, along with a couple of shirts he had probably tried on before he went out for the night. On his couch was a couple of lore books he was reading in the privacy of his own space. You loved the look of his room, and that was more than likely because you wished that this was your room too.
 “What are you doing in here?” he chuckled, sneaking in passed you.
 “Oh you know, just creeping,” you giggled.
 “How drunk are you?” he tried to repress his smile.
 “Drunk enough,” you said bluntly.
 “You want to sit in here for awhile, maybe fool around a little?” he winked playfully.
 “You’re disgusting you know that?”
 “Well aware of it,” he beamed as he leaped on his bed, his arms resting behind his head. You took a seat on the end of the bed, crossing your legs as you faced him.
 “Do you remember when we were fifteen and your dad dropped us off at Bobby’s for the weekend, and we snuck out to go explore around his scrapyard?” you started.
 “Yeah, and you fell off one of the cars and hit your head and I couldn’t tell Bobby because he would kill us both. I stayed up all night with you to make sure you didn’t fall asleep in case you had a concussion. You scared the hell out of me that night,” he smiled weakly.
 “I don’t know why I thought of it but when I think back on all the good times we’ve had together that one always comes up as number one. Not because I got hurt or anything like that. You and I spent the entire night talking about anything and everything and I knew that night that you were always going to be there for me. That you were always going to protect me,” you breathed out.
 “I am always going to protect you,” he stated, moving over to the end of the bed. “You must be really drunk to think about that moment.”
 You felt the butterflies grow in the pit of your stomach. You swallowed hard. You were going to do it. You were going to tell Dean Winchester how you felt about him. You were going to finally take that chance you had been waiting on. Sam was right, Dean only had one girl in his life and that girl was you.
 “I may be drunk, but I know what I’m talking about Dean. That night back then, I knew that there was only going to be one person I could ever want in my life and that person is you Dean. You have always been there for me, and you have always been my go to when I need someone and somewhere along the way, I guess I maybe, kinda sorta fell in love with you in that time,” you stammered out. You didn’t dare meet his eyes. You couldn’t. You didn’t want to see the look in his eyes.
 “Y/N, I-” he started but stopped.
 “Don’t say anything okay. I just had to tell you because even though I try to be the supportive friend when you go out with other girls, it’s hard to hold it in sometimes. I just wish it was me sometimes,” you confessed. All the alcohol in your system made you more confident that you’d ever be. You took a deep breath, your eyes daring to look up at his. You could see the confusion etched on his face. You reached your hand up, cupping his cheek. You leaned in softly, pressing your lips to his in a sweet, chaste kiss. You felt your stomach doing flips as your heart fluttered in your chest, but it only lasted a second. Dean was not kissing you back.
 And that’s when you knew your feelings were completely one sided.
 You pulled away abruptly, casting your head down. This was not what you expected at all. Every time you thought he would tell you that he felt the same about you and he had waited long enough to tell you but he was just as scared as you were. But it never occurred to you that Dean protected you because he saw you as his sister.
 “I’m so sorry,” you stuttered. “I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have said anything. God, I am such an idiot.” Before anything else could be said, you got up off the bed, taking off like a gunshot, heading straight for your bedroom.
 You shut your door quietly as tears welled in your eyes. God, you were such an idiot. You just ruined the longest lasting friendship because you couldn’t keep your drunk mouth shut. Dean was going to hate you and now you were going to be lucky if he even spoke to you again. You brought this all on yourself. You only had yourself to blame for this mess.
 You crawled into your bed, pulling the comforter over your head as tears steadily made their way down your cheeks. This was all one big mess.
 You woke up the next morning to a pounding sensation in your head. Something you should be used to by now, but clearly you weren’t. The memories from the night before came back to you in an instant and your heart dropped in your chest. You were the idiot who told Dean that you loved him and he didn’t love you back, and now you were going to have to face him. You were going to have to deal with your consequences, even if that meant you had to leave the bunker for good.
 The sooner you faced it, the sooner you could move forward with what the next step was. Your heart ached in your chest as you kicked the comforter off the bed. Your feet hit the cold, hard concrete floor, causing you to flinch at the shock of it. The bunker was quiet as you made your way through the hallways. Sure you prayed that both of the boys were still asleep, but you knew you were pushing your luck.
 The second you stepped foot in the kitchen, there was Dean, standing by the stove with his back turned to you. Your mouth went dry at the sight of him, and you desperately wanted to escape out of the room, or pray that the floor opened up and swallowed you whole. That definitely wasn’t going to happen. Not now, not ever.
 “Mornin’ sweetheart,” Dean smiled as he turned around. You swallowed hard, mustering up a weak smile as you took a seat at the table. It was time to face the music. “How’re you feeling?”
 “Like ass,” you responded. Your voice was raspy and void of all emotions.
 “I bet. Here, take two of these,” he said as he placed an orange bottle filled with pills in front of you. You didn’t protest, downing two with a the cup of coffee in front of you. You stared down at your thumbs, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, wondering just what to say to the tall handsome man standing a few feet away from you.
 You stood up, taking slow steps towards Dean. Were you nervous? Hell yes. You were terrified that he was going to tell you to give him space and that you were never going to be able to talk to him again. “Listen Dean, about last night-”
 “You remember?” he questioned, turning around to face you.
 “Unfortunately yes,” you whispered. “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in anyway and I’m sorry I kissed you. I wish I could take it all back, but I know I can’t. Can we maybe, just forget about it?” Tears welled in your eyes once more. Please don’t let this be the end of your friendship, you prayed.
 “And what if I don’t want to forget about it?” he questioned. You nodded your head as a single tear slipped down your cheek.
 “I’ll pack up my stuff and go. I’m really sorry, Dean. It wasn’t my intention to ruin our friendship. I was drunk and a little too honest and I should have just kept my thoughts to myself and it was stup-”
 You stopped in your tracks the second his hand reached under your chin, inching you to look up. When your eyes met his gorgeous green orbs, you saw just how soft his expression was towards you. His thumb traced over your chin as he flashed you that smile that made you weak in the knees. Your heart was stammering in your chest and your mouth went dry once more. He dipped down, growing closer and closer to your face before his lips were on yours.
 You grew weak in the knees at the feeling of his lips on yours. Every scenario, every daydream, every fantasy could never compare to what it felt like to finally have Dean Winchester kissing you. His lips were soft, subtle and careful. Inside, butterflies were soaring inside your stomach. Your swore if your heart could beat any faster it would pop out of your chest. You almost forgot to even respond to him. You were so worked up in how amazing it felt to finally kiss him.
 You opened your mouth, deepening the kiss as your hands made their way to his body, trying to bring him in closer to you, also needing something to hold you upright. It felt like a dream. Hell, it was you dream. It had been for a very long time and now it was happening. His tongue was now dancing with yours and you could taste the bacon he snacked on before you entered in the room. His hand grazed over your jaw, moving to cup your cheek and you practically melted into a puddle.
 You had to pull away. Your lungs were burning, and you desperately wanted to know if this was all real and not made up in your head. You had no knowing that you weren’t standing in front of him staring off into space, while he waited for you to say something else.
 When you opened your eyes once more, you found to breathtaking green ones staring back at you. You were speechless. “I don’t want to forget about what you said.”
 “Dean, but last night-”
 “Last night you were drunk and I wasn’t about to take advantage of you. I had to be sure that sober you felt the same way. I’ve wanted to tell you for as long as I can remember that I have feelings for you but I was so sure that you saw me as your best friend that could never amount to anything more. I mean I’ve had a crush on you since the first day I met you. I just didn’t think I stood a chance with a girl like you until you said that last night and then you kissed me and as much as I wanted to tell you the same. I wanted you to remember it all,” he whispered.
 “You do feel the same?” you practically gasped.
 “Of course I do, sweetheart. You’ve always been my one,” he chuckled. “You have no idea how long I have wanted to kiss you for.”
 “Oh believe me, I know. We’ve got a ton of time to make up for,” you beamed.
 “Let’s start right now,” he winked before dipping down, capturing your lips with his in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. Your hands made their way into his short, light brown hair as his snaked down to your waist, lifting you up onto the counter. You would never grow tired of this, not ever.
 “You know, I would usually be grossed out by this but it’s about fucking time you two got together that I’m not even going to stop you, this time only,” Sam interrupted. “But I swear to god, if I see or even remotely hear the two of you, I will kill both of you.”
 “Love you too, Sammy,” you giggled. “I love you, Dean Winchester.”
 “Mmmh,” he smiled, pressing his lips to yours. “Not as much as I love you.”
 “I take it back, I’m leaving for the day,” Sam groaned. “No sex in the kitchen!”
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freerebelmentality · 7 years
For the love of music pt3 (final)
Word Count: 2,380
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“Yeah, I did and he told me you were out” You tell him looking away from the folk lore books
“Ye have quite the collection” He says while looking around and getting up from the chair to get a better look at the books.
“Thank you. Some of them once belonged to my brother” You tell him
Chibs saw that as an opening to ask about your family or just about your brothers anyway.
“He come around to visit often?” He asks in hopes you will answer him.
“No, they havent because uh they passed away a couple of years ago” You tell him while feeling the ache in your chest
“Sorry to hear that. How did they pass?” He asks while looking to you and feeling the hurt you have suffered. He has great understanding when it comes to loosing people you love.
You are about to answer him is when a book comes flying off the shelf and stops at a page, a quote by Leo Tolstoy.
“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them” You pick up the book from the floor and read out the quote.
You go teary eyed and thank Sam for the inspiration. You see Chibs looking at you with great sorrow but you smile to him even though it doesnt look happy. You always remembered Franks quote about smiling after they passed and kept doing it ever since.
“I know this is going to sound crazy to you but um how they passed is. They saved the world from utter chaos with an end result of them dying while closing the gates of hell. Sam was originally suppose to do that but Dean got in the middle of it all and he died as well. We didnt know it was really going to end us but they did it while they told me to go and finally live the apple pie life. That they did it all for me and every single person on this earth” You say while remembering the things Dean had said before he took his last breath.
It was to late for you to say good bye to Sam because his injuries were so severe that he went quickly.
Chibs stood there getting teary eyed watching you tell him the dying last moments between you and the only family you had.
“I am truly sorry for your loss and really grateful at that” He says as he reaches over to place his hand on yours to give a gentle yet loving squeeze.
“I went down to Tacoma earlier today because after the things Juice has told me. He looked into your back ground” He admits while breaking the silence
“What did you find out” You ask while wiping the tears away.
“I have a brother in the Charter, he tells me he used to be a hunter until your brothers closed the gates of hell” He says while he hopes you wouldnt kick him out for going behind your back.
“His name is Jesse Cuevas, his husband is Caesar. Hes told me they have hunted with ye and your brothers. Supernatural beings. At first I thought he was crazy but made sense” He says while looking to you.
“Yeah, I remember him. We worked on a case together. He is a member now?” You reply while asking quickly
“Hes been a member for a couple years now. Most likely around the time your brothers passed” He says while getting up from the chair.
“Any more ex hunters who have joined the charter?” You ask out of curiosity
“No just him” He answers
“I’ve had enough of this chick flick moment. How about we go to the party thats happening at the club?” You ask while feeling better about opening up to him.
“Aye, feel like my balls turned into some fucked up looking pussy” The both of you laugh while you head up the stairs to change into something more suitable for a party.
“How do you know there is a party going on at TM?” He asks once you come down the stairs.
He loved how you looked in your outfit, showed all the right curves and how you hair just accented your face perfectly
“A friend of mine told me when she dropped me off to pick up the car” You answer him while grabbing his hand and leading him out the door.
He got on his bike and handed you a helmet. Once the bike came to life and roared down the street is when you loved everything about the motorcycle and now wondering if you should get one for yourself.
Once the both of you got to the club house is when you let loose right away. You didnt need to worry about anyone hitting on you because everyone knew who you came with. Juice looks to you and doesnt like that you are there. You walk up to him after downing the last of your Scotch.
“Its Juice right?” You ask while Chibs keeps an eye on you.
“Yeah” Is all he says and continues to drink his beer and ignore you.
“Dude what is wrong with you? You not like me or something?” You ask while you feel the Scotch burn your stomach knowing you are feeling a bit tipsy.
“Something like that” Juice says while turning his back on you.
“Well then, lets settle this once and for all. I saw a ring out there. Lets solve our problems the right way” You tell him while the guys look between you and Juice.
“I dont think that would be such great idea” Bobby says to you
“I can take care of myself” You tell him while walking away
“You wanna belt it out with me? In the ring? Sweet heart you dont stand a chance” He says looking to you with a serious expression on his face
“Lets see then” You tell him while leading the way outside.
Everyone around is in complete shock by the invitation but Tig couldnt help but pull together a pool.
He throws the first punch but that doesnt knock you down. You fight back, how Dean taught you to fight over the years and Sam always said you reminded him of Dean while fighting.
Juice got you a few times but not bad enough to leave your face puffy. You spit out the blood and fight back once more but never back down. You kept punching him left and right until you hit him really hard and he fell to the ground.
“Chibby I am getting incredibly turned on by your old lady” Tig says while his hand is against his belt buckle
You kept punching him until he wasnt able to fight back anymore. You kept going until someone pulled you off of Juice and you looked and it was Chibs. Everyone cheered as you won the fighting match. Everyone cleared out of the club house and went to their dorms to finish off the party and then some. All that was left in the bar area were you, Chibs, Bobby, Tig, Happy and Juice.
“Do I have your approval now?” You ask Juice while he is getting patched up by Chibs.
“Yeah. Where did you learn to fight like that?” He asks while spitting out blood from his mouth.
“My older brother taught me and when I went in well I had to fend for myself” You tell him while you did some time
“Oh my god, you hear that Chibby? She did time” Tig says while trying to contain himself from taking you to his dorm
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask looking to Tig
“Tiggy” Chibs basically growls out his name while he walks away and grabs a crow eater and to his dorm.
“Ye alright love?” Chibs asks as he places his hand under your chin to get a better look at your face
“I am ok now but wait till tomorrow when everything kicks in. I mean Im still pretty drunk and I know Im hurting but tomorrow is going to be a pain in my ass” You tell him while you take the cup of Scotch from Chibs hand and down the rest and handed him back the cup.
You downed the drink no problem while Chibs looks to you in complete amazement that you can handle your drinks. Another thing you got from Dean while growing up with him or just until you were old enough to drink on your own. You would dig into his stash from time to time and left enough for him not to notice anything is gone.
“How about that dinner you owe me?” You ask looking to Chibs
“Ye hungry?” He raises his eye brow
“I could eat” You reply with a smile
“I know a place that opens all night” He says while he helps you to his bike.
“Y/n?” Juice yells before the both of you walk out the door. You turn to see what he wants.
“Take care of my brother, hes a good man and he deserves the best” He says while Happy helps him to his dorm.
“Shouldn’t ye be saying that to me about er?” Chibs asks looking to Juice
“I know she can take care of herself but man you fight for shit at times” Juice says while everyone laughs and you share a chuckle as well.
You and Chibs park in front of a diner and walked in together. He led you to a booth by the window, he slid in while you did the same across from him. The waitress came by to take the drink order and meal order. You ordered a bacon cheese burger with fries along with a salad.
“The food I get because I dont want my brothers missing out on the things they liked” You tell him while explaining the food you have ordered. He looks to you with a puzzled expression.
“My brother Dean always got bacon cheese burgers and fries. Sam well he was the health nut and always got something with salad and all that other crap” You tell him while chuckling. He smiles while you love how his dimples show when he does.
“Understandable. Before Charming. Where did ye move from?” He asks while the waitress serves our drinks and coffee.
“Kansas, we had lived in this place that people forgot about. We were given the place by my late grandpa but we didnt know exactly where it was. Until we went to visit his friend that knew the place well” You tell him and tell the story about the men of letter bunker.
“So no one knows about this place?” He asks looking to you.
“No, not even the government. Only way you can find the place is coordinates” You tell him while the waitress comes back with food.
“Enjoy your meal” The waitress says and walks away back into the kitchen.
He got the stake and eggs. You looked to his plate and really wanted to pick from it.
“Ye have your own food” He says trying to swat your hand out of the way.
“Your food looks so good so I couldnt help it” You tell him while he chuckles.
He doesnt know when the last time he had this much fun, well during a meal course and he was feeling really comfortable with you and you made it easy. You and Chibs eat in harmony and you like the some what domestics that come along with eating at a table with another person.
“Is that everything?” The waitress comes back.
“Pie please, cherry would be good” You tell her while Chibs smiles to you and you knew Dean was very happy about that.
“Im guessing your brother likes pie too?” He asks after taking a sip from his coffee.
“Yeah he did and I always loved em to” You smile to him.
Chibs took you home while you grabbed his hand for him to come inside as well. He followed into the house and led him up the stairs. He hesitated for a while until you reassured him it was to sleep and nothing else. You liked the fact he is very respectable. In some ways he reminded you of Dean. In others reminded you of Sam and another that was very Chibs. He knew how to be vulnerable with you and thats the most incredible thing you have seen in a man.
Your brothers always hid their vulnerability because they always had this mentality to always be strong for one another, well Dean anyway. Sam on the other hand was more open with his feelings but at times he would hide too but you would know something would be there. You knew he would say something once you asked.
They always had to have this stoic and strong mentality around each other. And thats all you were used to. But with Chibs it was different and thats what you loved about the man. You knew something special is within Chibs and you wanted to find out what it was. You found it and you wanted to cherish it and be that person who he needs to lean on. You wanted to be his rock when shit hit the fan and you want him to be your rock as well.
Chibs couldnt believe how much you can handle yourself but living the life you have for so long. It made sense for you to learn how to defend for yourself, especially with the things you used to hunt. He understood the look in your eye of seeing nightmares. He thought it was crazy at first but remembering back to all those Scottish folk lore he has heard growing up made him believe that those stories were always told for a reason. Now that all the supernatural beings are gone, demons gone and now you finally get to live that apple pie life your brothers wanted for you. He is happy you wanted to live that life with him. He wants love you forever. You are his forever.
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celtfather · 4 years
Celtic Christmas Cheer #440
Merry Christmas from the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast lots of Celtic Christmas culture and cheer.
Eira, Heather Dale, Peat in the Creel, Marc Gunn, Natalie MacMaster, Donnell Leahy, Alexander James Adams, A Shamrock in Kudzu, The Wee Heavies, Jil Chambless, Ed Miller, Scooter Muse, Spencer & Beane, The Selkie Girls, Sarah Marie Mullen , Susan Toman, Farsan, Aizle & Riognach Connolly, Tommy Sands
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The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
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VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 With the new year comes a new votes in the Celtic Top 20. This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. Just list the show number, and the name of as many bands in the episode as you like. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2019 episode.  Vote Now!
0:05 - "Taladh Chriosda" by Eira from Glen Tidings Pronunciation: Tall-uck Crees-da
4:06 - "O Come All Ye Faithful" by Heather Dale from Spark
8:25 - "Merry Christmas Jig, Masters of the Hall, All Around the Holly Tree" by Peat in the Creel from Winter
12:50 - "Slainte Mhaith Christmas" by Marc Gunn from Single
14:52 - "Ding Dong Merrily On High" by Natalie MacMaster/Donnell Leahy from A Celtic Family Christmas
23:32 - "Wintertide" by Alexander James Adams from Wintertide
29:21 - "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen w/The Lamplighter's Jig" by A Shamrock in Kudzu from Kudzu for Christmas
31:14 - "Court of a King" by The Wee Heavies from A Christmas Minding
34:35 - "Christmas Card" by Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and Scooter Muse from Nollaig Chridheil / Songs of the Christmas Season
35:48 - "Blessed Be That Maid Mairie" by Spencer & Beane from On Christmas Day in the Morning
41:15 - "Upon a Winter's Night" by The Selkie Girls from Winter Lore: Songs of Celtic Christmas
44:44 - "Good King Wenceslas" by Sarah Marie Mullen from In the Moon of Wintertime
47:22 - "The Sussex Carol" by Susan Toman from Angels on High
50:31 - "A' Mhisg A Chuir An Nollaig" by Farsan from Farsan Pronunciation: A-Vishk a cur an knoll-ig
54:16 - "The Wexford Carol" by Aizle & Riognach Connolly from The Wexford Carol
1:00:00 - "Slainte Mhaith/The Cat in the Attic" by Tommy Sands from To Shorten the Winter - An Irish Christmas
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
If you enjoy this episode makes sure you subscribe to the Celtic Christmas Podcast. You’ll get over 50 episodes of Christmas music by Celtic musicians.
Find more Celtic Christmas music, including podcasts, videos, Spotify playlists, Celtic Christmas song lyrics, and even some free downloads.
Stephen Conroy’s Celtic Playlists
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Join the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
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Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow. Plus, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are super close to getting a two-hour instrumental special.
I want to thank our Patrons of the Podcast:
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at http://patreon.com/celticpodcast.
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
James Slaven emailed a photo last year: "I’ve very much enjoyed the holiday music! The main podcast’s Christmas was a great cherry on top.  Listened while baking Busha Bread (my great-grandmother’s recipe) for family holidays. Keep it up!"
Brian Stuepfert of Sacramento, California emailed a photo: "Training for a marathon with celtic and Irish music in my ears."
Neill McShea emailed: "Hey man, Just got back from a trip to Asia so I hadn’t actually heard any of the recent podcast. Nice job on the track titles! Sounded like a true Gaeligor!"
Thanks also to Neill for helping with my Gaelic pronunciation on many of the recent episodes of the podcasts.
Michael Vitagliano emailed: "Hey Mark! My wife and I are listening to episode 430 while driving from Galway to Dublin. It’s our last couple of days on the Emerald Isle and one stop is definitely going to be Cobblestone in Dublin for some amazing live trad tunes. One thing I’ve been surprised about being over here is the lack of cd shops. Back in the States we stream everything, but I understand why artists over here don’t want to be on services like Spotify. We’re going to explore Claddagh Records tomorrow and I’m optimistic we’ll find a pretty solid selection. I don’t know how much more work it is for you, but to include album links in the episodes would definitely help us in finding the artist and knowing which album to purchase. Just throwing that out there. Love the podcast, we’ve been binging it these past two weeks here in Ireland. It’s definitely made the experience that much more special."
Joseph Rosenthal emailed: "Hey Marc! I've been listening for about 2 months now and love hearing the diverse styles of Celtic music and helps me expand my knowledge on artists. I was going to email a favorite local Celtic group I listen to religiously during the Maryland Renaissance Festival called The Hooligans, but I'm unsure if you've played them already since you and they've been around for a couple years. Is there a condensed archive of Artists you have shared on your Podcast available? Keep up the good work! And good on you for imploring that no hate comes to your podcast! I like the focus on the positivity!"
#celticchristmas #irishchristmas #scottishchristmas
  Check out this episode!
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Title: Solo
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,971
Warnings: Sadness, Alzheimer’s Disease, Fluff
Summary: You mention to the boys that you’re taking a solo hunt, only to have Dean tag along with you. Little does he know there is no hunt and you’re going to visit your grandfather instead.
A/N: This one is personal. I just needed a way to deal with my feelings in a way that I could share. Feedback is always appreciated!
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 You carried your duffel bag over your shoulder. Nothing had been unpacked from the last hunt. Granted you just got back from your last hunt three hours ago but this one was different. This next one you were doing by yourself. This one you needed to do by yourself.
 Sam and Dean were sitting in the library, a cold beer on the table in front of the two of them. Sam had a lore book open on the table while Dean flipped around his knife. Nothing unusual. In fact, neither of them had changed yet.
 “Winchester’s,” you called out. You placed your duffel on the other table before crossing your arms over your chest. Both of them look up at you at the exact same time. “I’m heading out on a hunt. Shouldn’t take me more than a day, two days tops.”
 “Why don’t we come with you?” Sam suggested.
 “You guys rest. This one’s an easy one. Nothing I can’t handle on my own. Enjoy the comfortable beds. I’ll keep in contact,” you stated. What they didn’t know was that there was no hunt at all. There was just something you needed to do and you needed to do it alone.  “I’ll text you when I get there, okay?”
 “Okay,” Sam smiled softly before turning back to his book. Dean on the other hand, didn’t look too impressed. You flashed him a weak smile, turning on your heel, grabbing your bag. You headed straight for the garage to take one of the vehicles parked in there.
 You were thankful all the keys were kept in one place, making it so much easier to just hop in and get to it. It wasn’t a far drive to your old hometown. The boys had nothing to worry about. You grabbed the keys to the closest car to you, that way you wouldn’t be near the impala while you drove out. You turned around to head to the car when you collided with something, almost toppling over in the process.
 “Geez Dean! Announce yourself next time!” you scolded, taking a step back.
 “Sorry,” he chuckled. Dean had his duffel bag in hand, which only meant one thing.
 “You’re not coming with me, Dean!” you practically shouted.
 “Why not? If it’s just you and me, it will be done faster. That way you can get some well needed rest back here,” he tried. You shook your head profusely.
 “I can handle it myself, Dean. I know what I’m doing!”
 “And I’m not saying you don’t. I’d just feel better if I came along with you,” he shrugged. You could tell by his demeanor that he wasn’t trying to cause you any harm. His intention wasn’t to make you feel like a bad hunter. That was Dean for you. His heart was always in the right place. But you weren’t going on a hunt and taking him with you was far too risky. This was something you needed to do by yourself.
 “And that’s sweet of you. It really is. But I can handle it. I promise,” you pleaded.
 “I just- I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, okay,” he revealed. “You know me, you know I’m going to follow you anyways. My gut is telling me to.”
 Dammit Dean. You weren’t getting out of this one unscathed. Dean was persistent, and typically got his way, which wasn’t always a bad thing given the situation. But this? This was something personal. Something not even the great Dean Winchester could understand. This was a part of you life that the Winchester’s didn’t know.
 “Fine,” you breathed out. “You’re staying back in the motel and you’re only allowed to help if I ask you for it. Got it?”
 “Yep. Got it. I’ll drive,” he claimed, already heading straight for the impala. You could make this work, right? You could get away with keeping him at the motel while you snuck off to do your own thing. Dean would never have to know. You could do this. You could get away with this.
 Dean drive down the open road twenty over the speed limit. His music was playing loudly with the windows rolled down. Occasionally his hands would drum against the steering wheel to a good song. You on the other hand, threw your sunglasses on and stared out the window until you grew closer to your hometown.
 “So what are you hunting?” he questioned as he turned the music down.
 “Uhhh vengeful spirit,” you lied.  
 “Any idea who it is?” he inquired.
 “Nope. Not yet.”
 “Okay. What happened then? Who are you looking for? Witnesses?”
 “What? These are simple questions. You should have figured this out the second you found the hunt,” he reminded you. “I’m just asking.”
 “What part of solo don’t you understand?” you sassed.
 “Sorry!” he said calmly. “Can you at least tell me what happened? Suicide?”
 You sat in silence. Not knowing what lie to say next. You glanced out the window once more, trying to come up with something that made sense. Nothing did. Dean would know you were lying to him. Lying to Dean Winchester was one of the hardest things to do.
 “What happened?” You looked over and instantly saw the look on his face. Dean knew you were lying. He had the knowing look playing on his lips. His tone was sharp and unwavering. You were toast.
  “There- uh- there is no hunt,” you confessed. You instantly felt relief course through your body.
 “Then why are we here? We’re what, three hours away from the bunker?”
 “Because I have something I need to do here. I need you to let me do it alone. It’s nothing monster related, or even supernatural related okay?” you informed him. He furrowed his brows.
 “You’re being a little too shady for my liking, Y/N,” he stated.
 “Dean, please,” you whispered. “Just stay back at the motel and let me do what I need to do. I promise we’ll be out of here by tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. Please!”
 “Can you please explain to me what’s going on first?” he pleaded. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”
 “No,” you breathed out. You allowed him to come along after all. You knew he was going to have some questions and it was unfair of you to keep him in the dark. You could see the genuine concern he had for you, the fear that something was going to happen to you. Dean saw you as family, and treated you like family, hell better than you own ever did.
 He pulled into the motel parking lot, parking in front of the building. You could practically hear the defeat as he cut the engine. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I’m not in any kind of trouble. I used to live in this town.”
 “Oh,” he said quietly.
 “My family still lives here,” you told him. “And my mom emailed me yesterday, asking me to come by to visit.”
 “You could have just told me, Y/N. You don’t have to lie about stuff like this. I understand stuff like this, more than you know.”
 “I know, Dean. It’s not that I didn’t think you’d understand. This is just something I like to keep away from the life we live. Bringing you here is kind of a risk,” you frowned. “I’m not here for a friendly visit. I’m here because my mom asked me to be here.”
 “I’ll stay in the motel until you’re done,” he assured you. You were about to nod your head when you phone went off, your mother’s name spread across the top of the screen. Your lips formed a line before you answered it.
 “Hi mom!”
 “Hey kiddo. You here yet?” she questioned.
 “Yeah, just arrived,” you replied. “What time do you want me there?”
 “I’m in the hospital now,” she started. “He’s not good today so be prepared.”
 “Okay,” you mumbled. “Would it be okay if I brought a friend with me or is that too much?”
 “It might be best for you to bring your friend. Come by whenever you’re ready. Go in the front door of the mental health center and ask the front desk how to get to the ward under your grandfather’s name. They’ll assist you. See you soon.”
 You hung up the phone and placed it down on the seat between you and Dean. Suddenly, you were so thankful for lying and bringing him along. Dean Winchester’s stubborn ass actually came in handy.
 You swallowed hard, trying to push the lump down your throat. You could feel Dean’s eyes on you. You took a deep breath, composing yourself, trying to act as though everything was okay.
 “Let’s head to the hospital,” you told him. He nodded his head, starting up baby once more. It wasn’t a long ride from the motel to the hospital. The hospital in your hometown was broken down into two different places. The emergency room and the mental health center. It was one of the best in the country which was a relief to you. You weren’t ready for this. Not even close.
 Dean parked along the side of the road, throwing a couple of quarters in the metre to pay for your visit. He had been quiet since you received the phone call. He probably didn’t understand what he had gotten himself into.
 The front desk gave you the directions to the upstairs ward where your grandfather was being kept. You recognized the guy as one of the kids you went to school with, not that he seemed to recognize you.
 The hallways were clean, paintings covering the walls, along with pictures of the building years and years before. Dean trailed a little behind you, taking in the building for the first time. The gift shops and the elegant dining room that you didn’t quite understand. All of that along the way to the elevator.
 The third floor was where they were keeping your grandfather. You let out a sigh as you walked over to the glass. The nursed opened it, before asking who you wanted to see, buzzing you in. This time, Dean kept closely behind you.
 There was quite a few patients wandering around. Most of them well in their eighties, a few in their early fifties by the looks of it. You quickly spotted your mom sitting on a couch next to your sleeping grandfather, who looked a little different to the last time you saw him just a few months back.
 “Hi mom,” you smiled. She got up off the couch and pulled you in tightly to her. “How’s he doing?”
 “He’s bad today. Before you got here, he was yelling at me. Telling me I’m not doing enough to try and get him out of here. Of course I’m trying to get him out but not every retirement home is going to want someone with his history. He doesn’t quite understand that. He keeps telling me he wants to go back to his old place. He’s not allowed back there. They are not equipped to handle someone with his needs.”
 “I’m sorry. I know you’re trying from your emails,” you frowned. “Mom, this is Dean, my best friend.”
 “Nice to meet you, Dean,” she smiled, holding out her hand for Dean to shake and he gracefully shook her hand. Your eyes met Dean’s and you smiled weakly. You could see he felt completely awkward and out of place.
 “Dad,” your mom said, trying to wake up your Papa. He woke up slowly, looking up from his position on the couch. A smile spread across his face.
 “Hi papa,�� you greeted. “It’s nice to see you.”
 “Ah right!” he let out a laugh. “How are you doin’?”
 “I’m good. Keeping busy.”
 “Dad,  you remember Y/N, your granddaughter,” your mom reminded him. You watched a look of confusion take over his expression. You kept your smile in hopes that he was still the same way he was when you last saw him in February.
 “I don’t have any grandchildren,” he said nonchalantly. He stood up, planting his feet directly in front of you. “Guess I’m getting up there in age,” he joked. He slipped between you and your mom as tears welled in your eyes. Your mom nodded her head, acknowledging how you must be feeling. You pointed over towards the corner before moving over, turning your back to the two of them.
 Tears steadily slipped down your cheeks as you tried to deal with what just occurred. It was a hard pill to swallow. You grew up with your papa. You lived with him for your entire childhood and teenage years. You ate breakfast with him every morning and built puzzles with him. Having him forget all of that and who you were was worse than you ever imagined it to be.
 You felt two hands grasp your biceps, gently but enough to grab your attention. Dean was standing in front of you with a sympathetic smile on his lips. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said softly. “I’m right here, okay? I’m here for you. I’m here with you. You’re not going through this alone.”
 “Okay,” you breathed out. Dean brought his hand up to your cheek, the side of his index finger ran underneath your eyes, wiping away your tears. You gave him your best smile, trying to push down whatever feelings you had inside down.
 “Let’s go see your papa,” he suggested, taking your hand in his.
 His hand never left yours the entire time.
 You got back to the motel room about an hour later and you were completely wiped. Your eyes felt puffy and red and you hadn’t even dealt with your feelings just yet. Dean paid for the motel room for the night. Your mind was reeling and you didn’t know where to begin. Dean stayed quiet, giving you some space. You sat down on the king sized bed, the only room they had left.
 “You wanna leave in the morning?” he questioned.
 “Yeah,” you breathed out.
 “You need anything? You need someone to talk to? A hug? A bottle of whiskey?” Tears welled in your eyes once more. Just thinking back to it is enough to upset you. You dropped your head down, trying to hide your tears from Dean. You had never shown this side of you to either Winchester. The weak, normal girl side of you.
 You felt the bed dip down next to you before an arm pulling you in. The smell of Dean’s cologne mixed with his soap filled your nose. He pulled you in tightly to him so you were sitting on his lap. You buried your head in the crook of his neck, relishing in the comfort that he brought to you.
 “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he whispered, “let it all out.”
 “He forgot who I was, Dean. He didn’t know who I was,” you sniffled.
 “I know, Y/N. It’s a terrible illness and I’m sorry that he didn’t remember you. But what’s important is that you do. You still have those memories and you can still share those. He was still happy to see you and he seemed to be in good spirits. It’s hard and it’s not going to get any easier, but I’ll be here for you through it all,” he told you. His hands ran up and down your arm, trying to comfort you the best he could.
 “That place made me really uncomfortable. Especially that guy that kept swearing at us and getting too close to me. Thank god you were there. I’m really glad you came here with me, even if you didn’t know what you were getting into.”
 “We’re friends and you know I’d do anything for you,” he smiled. “Your papa is a badass though. Fighting that guy he told us about, what was it, three times? Sounds like it runs in your family.”
 “Yeah,” you agreed.
 “It’s okay to cry about this. You can’t bury stuff like this. You gotta deal with it. Talk about it and how you’re feeling. Don’t bottle it up like I do okay? I’ll always listen to you and hold you when you need me to. Any time you want to visit, we’ll go,” he reassured you.
  “Thank you.” you squeezed him tightly.
 “You need me to do anything else?”
 “Just keep holding me. Feels safe,” you muttered.
 “‘M going to have a good cry then we can go to bed,” you informed him. He nodded his head. He released you from his arms for a moment, only to stand up and rid of his jeans and flannel shirt. You decided to do the same, opting for some comfort. You shed your shirt and grabbed Dean’s flannel before pushing your jeans down your legs.
 Dean climbed into the bed, pulling back the covers for you to hop in next to him. His arm was around you in an instant. You buried your face in his chest before bursting into tears. Sobs quaked through your body. You were sure you were soaking through Dean’s shirt, and you were almost certain snot was dripping out of your nose. Dean didn’t care and if he did, he certainly didn’t show it. His grip was tight. His fingers drawing circles into your back.
 “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
 “Thank you for being here,” you sniffled. “You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met.”
 “Now now,” he chuckled.
 “I love you, Dean Winchester,” you stuttered, almost inaudibly. You didn’t care if he said it back. If you had learned anything today, it’s that you shouldn’t be afraid to tell the people you love that you love them, and show them the exact same.
 “I love you, too.”
Please tell me what you think here!
Dean Babes
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