#I got paid for the art I did for him with a merch hoodie from the fandom
thepandalion · 7 months
and today in "why is fandom so antisemitic" just blocked two more followers in my sideblog, which makes it about 10 of what would have been almost 35 followers over a couple months. because the "all israelis are evil" bs is really big in mcyt circles.
also haven't watched the new season of hc because I don't want to touch the fandom anymore and enjoying things alone isn't as fun when you know there's a fandom. but also the fandom is full of people that wish I was dead so I dont want to be there either. which means right now the only things in my life are the jewish bloggers I follow (love yall) and doing daily challenges in microsoft solitaire. and university ig but it's the weekend and Im trying not to think about my homework rn
also gave up and made a "btw Im israeli plz stop following me if u want me dead" post on the sideblog. hope it works ig.
#its also wild bc I do fandom art on that blog and people love it#even my dad thought it was awesome enough to commission me for his own work stuff once! thats awesome#I got paid for the art I did for him with a merch hoodie from the fandom#and I love it and I love the art I did and I love the original content its based on.#but I cant even watch the new season without thinking about how I want to liveblog but cant because liveblogging attracts attention#and fandom attention scares me now. half a year ago I worked nonstop to get any amount of positive attention in the fandom#I stopped family dinners to watch new episodes and liveblog half an hour after the sessions were out to get people to see my posts#and now. I want none of that#a month or so ago I joined the community discord. the people were so nice to me#and then I went to the vent channel. bc someone mentioned there's i/p stuff in there. its all anti-israel#to the point I felt uncomfortable staying there despite never saying a word about where I'm from beforehand. almost felt unsafe to be there#just... that fandom prides itself on trying so hard to be wholesome and safe after the dsmp fandom ended up so toxic#and here they are wishing I was never born#because I never would have been born if not for this country. my grandparents on my dads side met in the resistance against the british#my parents met at uni. they never wouldve met if not for this country#I wouldnt be alive if not for this country and while I dont like the government I love this country so much#Im just so sad#ישראבלר
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snakeanon · 3 years
“One caramel Frappuccino to go please” you say to the barista. “That will be £3.45. What is your name?” He picks up a pen to write on the cup. “It’s Y/N. Here you go.” You hand him the money. He goes to make your drink as you move to the window to wait. You hear the tinkle of the bell above the door. A guy with his hood up comes in, you look at him curiously as he goes up to the counter. He tells the barista his order, a plain black coffee no milk or sugar, as he moves over to the window to wait. You continue to look at the hooded man. He takes down his black hood to reveal a bright mint green hair. Your eyebrows raise at the sight of his hair. Your eyes travel down his face. His eyes are tired, mouth straight in an emotionless expression. He looks blankly ahead of him while he waits for his coffee. You could not stop staring at him. He turned around to face you and says something. You realise he was talking to you. “I’m sorry, what was that?” “Did you want something? You keep staring at me.” He raises his eyebrow at you while he waits for your response. You just shake your head. You hear your name called out, so you go to collect your drink. Before you leave, you make sure to turn around to the guy and say, “You look good”. You leave but see his mouth drop open slightly in shock at what you said. You chuckle slightly and continue your way out of the café.
The next day, you go to the café again before you head to work. You place your order as usual and wait by the window. You start to draw in your art pad as you wait. You hear a cup being placed next to you. You look up and see your usual order in front of you. You pick up the cup, to see if it is your order. Sure enough, it was. Your name was scribbled along the side of the cup, but underneath was a small scrawl of writing. You lift the cup up to read “You look good too.”. You turn around to look around the café, not seeing anyone. Your eyes return to the window in time to see a flash of mint green hair pass by. You smile to yourself, knowing it was him that left the message. It was this that started the countless messages between you both on your morning coffees. The barista, giving you a knowing smile as you leave message after message for the unknown guy. You had grown a friendship between you, even though you never spoke face to face.
Over time, you had grown fond of your new friend. You never learnt his name, simply referring to him as Minty. It was one summer’s morning when you went into your favourite café, expecting your usual message with your coffee, to find there was not anything at all. You were confused, but continued your way to work, left wondering what happened to your friend. Days passed; it had been years since your last message from Minty. It was like he dropped off the map. You had almost forgotten about him. Your friend, y/f/n, would always say it was like k-drama, how you two would are destined to be apart. “But Y/N! It’s such a tragedy!” You just shrugged and continued drinking your coffee. Over time, you had started drinking less caramel Frappuccino’s, finding your tastebuds craved the bitterness of black coffee with no milk or sugar that reminded you of a mint haired man. Your friend continued her rambling but soon changed the topic. They were now gushing on about a new boy group that debuted. Your friend had convinced you to go to one of their concerts with them.  
Arriving at the venue, you could see a lot of girls crowded near the stage already. You told your friend you were going to buy food and that you will meet them in there. You went to the nearest café to get yourself a coffee. You were going to need the energy later. “One black coffee, no milk or sugar please.” You paid for your drink and sat at a table, watching the crowds move around the venue. “Guys! In here!” Seven boys rush into the café, hiding from the windows. “How is it we have only just debuted, but we have already got crazy sasaengs?” You look at them with an eyebrow raised. “Since we’re here, why don’t we get some coffee?” One of them suggested to the group. “Yeah, I think Yoongi needs his daily dose.” They all laugh. You saw a flash of black hair as they moved to the counter to order their drinks. “Yoongi? You getting your black coffee? No milk or sugar, right?” Instead, he ordered a caramel Frappuccino. “Since when did you like sweet drinks?” The other boys look at the black-haired man in confusion. He just shrugs and  replies “I grew fond of them.” You look up the boys who by now were being watched by everyone there. Your eyes draw towards the one name Yoongi. Something was familiar to you. Shaking your head, you go to leave to the concert, not noticing the pair of eyes following you.
You meet up with your friend and get yourselves ready for the concert. Your friend explained to you the new group was called BTS. And started to explain about the members. You zoned out until you realise the lights on the stage starting up, indicating it was starting. The members came out one by one from different sides of the stage. Your eyes widen when you recognise the boys as the ones from the coffee shop. To the right, your attention is drawn to the one they called Yoongi as he makes his way across the stage. Throughout the first song, you could not take your eyes off him. They start to talk to the crowds as Jhope brings some props to the group. Among them, is a mint green scarf.  “Ah! This prop is for Yoongi.” The other members nod along as Yoongi looks down at the scarf. “He used to have hair this colour.” Jhope explained to the crowd. That is when you realised “Minty…” You breathed out. “What?” your friend looked at you confused. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter” It did matter, but you weren’t going to tell them that. The man you had grown a bond with, was stood on the stage right now. Throughout the show, you could not keep your eyes off him. As it ended, you had to hold back your tears because this was more than you have asked for. “They were so good! I’m totally going to buy all their merch!” your friend was still hyper from the concert. You, on the other hand, wanted to take a minute to register what you just saw. “I’m going to the café. I’ll see you later?” your friend nodded at you and you waved them off. You slowly made your way to the café.
You sat down and stared out the window at the crowds slowly leaving. You heard the shuffle of feet and a chair move next to you. You look from the side of your eye to see a man with his mask up and a hood up. You did not know whether to be scared or intrigued. He slid something across the table towards you. You looked down to see a caramel Frappuccino. Your eyes followed the hand that gave you the drink to look into the eyes of the mysterious stranger.  “Minty?” you ask. He starts to take off the mask and it really is him. “But how did you know I’d be here?” He  thought for a second before softly saying “I saw you earlier. I had a feeling you’d come back here.” When you hear his voice, you remember when you first met, and you know for sure it was your Minty. You jump forward, enveloping him in a hug. “I missed you.” You murmured into his hoodie. “I missed you too.” He whispered back as his hand slowly rubbed your back. “Where did you go? I waited for you every day, but you never came back.” He then proceeded to tell you all about how he went for an audition and, to his surprise, he got in. He ended up moving to the city to work. “And every day since, I have regretted not going back once. I regret not being able to tell you goodbye” He hung his head low, apologetic at leaving you.
You pulled him into your arms, holding him as you cried. You never realised how much you missed him. Back then, you had started to fall for him and when he left, you felt like he took your heart with him. Seeing him in front of you, it brought all your feelings back to the surface. “You’re here now. Or are you planning on leaving again?” He stepped back and took your hands in his, “I promise you. I am not leaving you ever again. I’ve only just gotten you back, how can I leave you?” You smile up at him, hoping he feels the same as you. You stand up, bringing him with you as you lean up to kiss him gently on the cheek. At least, you were aiming for his cheek. You were not expecting him to turn his head. Your lips gently kissed the corner of his mouth. You felt him freeze up. You pulled away, realising what happened. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to… Gosh that’s embarrassing.” He just looks at you as you nervously ramble, a blush blooming across your cheeks. He leans down and kisses the corner of your mouth. You just smile up at him and pull his hood down, revealing his black hair. “I guess I can’t call you Minty anymore.” You tilt your head to the side and let your tongue stick out a little as you playfully mock him. “My name is Yoongi. But to you, I’ll always be your Minty.” He leads you out of the café, the scents of black coffee and a caramel Frappuccino lingering in the air.
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ts1989fanatic · 6 years
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Spencer Pratt Reviews Taylor Swift's Reputation Tour
"If the world felt more like a Taylor Swift concert, I don't think there would be wars."
If you've paid any attention to Spencer Pratt's Snapchat in the last eight months or so, then you know he's one of Taylor Swift's biggest fans, if not the biggest. On Saturday, he finally got to live his dream of seeing Reputation performed live, when he attended Taylor's show at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena with his wife Heidi and their son Gunnar. It was the first time Spencer had ever seen Taylor, but he's already thinking about rearranging his schedule so he can go see her in Colorado. Here, Spencer weighs in on everything from the openers to the costumes to Taylor's mid-concert surprise guests.
On the opening acts, Charli XCX and Camila Cabello
"My only issue is I wish the openers just covered Taylor songs. I kept thinking they would be so good if they were singing Taylor songs."
On meeting Taylor
"Right when Camila Cabello is winding down, I'm like, 'Oh my god, I don't think we're gonna meet Taylor, she's gotta go on stage.' And then I get an email like, 'We're coming to get you guys, stay in your seats.' Then we go backstage and Taylor's mom talked about how wild it is that we met Taylor ten years ago...and we're still in each other's lives. I was like, 'We're in Taylor's life? AHHHH!' Taylor brought up my hummingbirds and was talking about what a pure love it is. Then it hit me, I was like, 'Are you on Snapchat?' And she's like, 'No.' She only knows my IG story. I was like, 'Oh my god, I'm quitting Snapchat again.' So Taylor in her freakin' robe in her dressing room, holding Miracle Baby. I'm gonna have to have Heidi talk."
Heidi: "So we get in there and they're so nice offering to take the photos, and then I put Miracle Baby in her arms and he was so happy. He loved her. She held him for a while and he's really heavy, so I think she was probably like, 'OK, here's your baby! I’m not babysitting, I’m about to go on stage!'"
"I just run right in and I'm like, Please take Miracle Baby! Give him your energy!' My dad can't even hold Miracle Baby, he's so heavy. I could have gone home for the rest of my life happy right then and the show hadn't even started. She literally left us and walked on stage. I started thinking she's not a human. That's the level."
On the opening number
"She has this like trailer going off about all the media [that starts the show]. It's kind of like a little highlight sizzle reel about how the media was turning on her, like a little movie. It got me so pumped up. I was like, — sorry media — 'I HATE YOU MEDIA, WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO TAYLOR?!' And then this ghost says, 'REPUTATION,' and then it's like, [sings opening notes of "...Ready for It?"] 'Are you ready for it?' Then '...Ready for It?' drops and it's like, oh my god. The album is insane bumping loud in your car on eight espressos, but two skinny margaritas, front row, when that goes off? I swear to god I thought I was gonna explode.
I didn't realize until last night, but her album is designed for a stadium tour. It’s designed for that level of sound and light. The coolest part about getting there at 12:00 is watching hundreds and hundreds of 18-wheelers with the Reputation art on them loading in. It looked like she was invading Pasadena. My heart's pounding right now thinking about it.
It was easily the most fun at an event I've had in my whole life, times 100. And the fact that I'm looking over and Miracle Baby's got his headphones on, right there, like could reach out and touch Taylor. He's listened to this album as much as I have. He's a real fan! It was just so magical."
On his run-in with Taylor's security
"I had the most realistic dream a couple months ago [where] Taylor grabbed my phone from me and did a Snapchat with my phone, and that ended up happening. Then also in that dream, Taylor's security jumped over a fence and tackled me. They thought I was some crazed super stan. I told people all this stuff months ago, I’m not making this up."
Heidi: "I heard!"
"Heidi heard. But last night out of nowhere, all this security and the sheriffs jump over the fence and surround me and grab my diaper bag that I'm carrying. Like, 'How did you get this backpack in the building?' It's not really a diaper bag, I just call it the diaper bag because I put diapers in it, but it's the biggest Gucci backpack you can buy. Keep in mind you're only allowed to have a clutch the size of, like, a sticker, or a clear handbag the size of a sticker. It couldn't look more suspicious. And I rushed the stage into the Snake Pit. Heidi said I looked like a psychotic fan. So they all circle me and grab me and open up my bag and everything. I'm like, 'It’s just diapers! We're with Taylor!' So they emptied out my whole bag right there in the front row. My dreams literally were like premonitions."
On how Taylor's performance compares to other concerts he's seen
"I think everybody else should just quit. There's no competition. Nobody's gonna bring that level of performance. How does she do that? How many espressos is Taylor getting? She is running and flying, she's in cages, crossing stages."
Heidi: "You're turning into a poet!"
"Flying in the air, in these like...Heidi, help me! Help me, Heidi! Nobody's even in the realm of this. I never went to a Michael Jackson concert, but I...feel like it's that level of superstardom. I don't think anyone's ever gonna catch this. Maybe people say things about her right now, but 20 years from now they're gonna look back and be like, 'Who was this?' Obviously I knew she was a huge superstar, but I didn't appreciate the level of actual performer. You think of performers that are good, and everyone's like — I'm gonna have the Beyhive coming for me — Beyoncé's amazing. She's also got like 15 years on Taylor. Fifteen years of performing and practice, and Taylor in my opinion is right there at that level right now. People are gonna be like, 'How did you say Taylor's like Beyoncé?' Well I said it, OK? I said it."
On Taylor's fans
"Taylor's fans are like the best humans. I've never been anywhere where the energy was just so electric but, like, pure. I felt like I was at a birth or a wedding. It felt like everyone was like a big family. Everyone's dressed up like it's freaking Halloween, too — the amount of time and energy people put into their looks and outfits and makeup. I'm so upset this isn't every Saturday night.
My only issue with the whole experience is it's over. If the world felt more like a Taylor Swift concert, I don't think there would be wars. I don't want to shade anybody, but you don't need to take a bunch of drugs and go into the desert for Burning Man. Have a skinny margarita and go to a Taylor show. You need to trip out? You don’t need to go to EDC and OD. Just put on one of these Taylor wristbands and just get in the middle."
On the merch
"I got a black hoodie, I got the Taylor PopSockets, I got the snake ring, I got the Rep hat, Heidi got the gray sweater. My one issue with the tour is they don't sell baby clothes, but then when Taylor was holding Miracle Baby in her dressing room, she did say he's definitely the youngest human in the entire building, so it made me think that's probably why they don't sell baby merch. I'm not sure how many babies are buying merch."
On Selena Gomez's surprise appearance
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"I'm not gonna say which one, but Selena's best friend DM-ed me and was like, 'It's gonna be so amazing.' I felt like she was telling me she knew the secret, so I was telling everyone I think Selena's the [guest], and when Selena came out I was like, 'Oh my god, everything in my brain is happening!' Selena gave a talk that was like — I mean I'm all about women empowerment and all the hashtags women wanna have, I back that — but whatever Selena said I was just like, 'Say that every day on the internet!' It was like, 'Yes, girl!' And then after meeting Taylor, obviously we only knew Taylor for so little time, but I was like, 'I feel that Selena! That is who she is! Yes! I'm voting for her!'"
On the other celebrities in attendance
"Kobe Bryant was sitting to the left of us. That's when you know Taylor's a superstar, when I was not even Snapping him. I was like, 'I don't care about you, fool.' Any other setting I'd be like, 'Kobe, Kobe, I love you!'"
On the stage, costumes, etc.
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"It's definitely on a Cirque du Soleil level. If Taylor wasn't even there and they were just playing the music with the lights and the pyrotechnics, it would be worth paying the money, like if it was just a live show in Vegas without her. That's how good the dancers are, the costumes. When were backstage with these dancers, their costumes are legitimate like, Mad Max, Game of Thrones–level leather. I bet each costume is like 10 grand. They look like action movie outfits. The snake that comes out of the stage? It's like Universal Studios level. It looked doper than King Kong. I was like, 'How's she beating King Kong right now?'"
On how much he'd spend to see Taylor, if Taylor hadn't gifted him with a VIP pass
"I would easily drop 25 hundo. Because it's a priceless memory! People are like, 'They're so high priced,' but when you see the amount of budget that goes into it, there are a lot of people that are needing to get paid. That money is not all going in Taylor's pocket. I saw 200 18-wheelers. The gas alone! She performs for hours. So you spend $2,500, I'm obviously not good at math, but if you do the math on that, what you're actually paying Taylor per minute? She's worth more than even that. She's a wizard. Let's just go ahead and say it. She's a dang wizard."
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kitwilsonsass · 7 years
anyway at some point i should probably ramble about my trip to boston?? so i’m gonna go ahead and do that??
like right off the bat let me just say the worst [art was actually GETTING to mass. my train was supposed to leave at 9:55am, and around 7:50 i got a text saying it was delayed until 1:03pm. we arrived around noon, and gradually my anxiety about going on the trip turned into anxiety of NOT getting on the trip as the board kept delaying... and delaying... and delaying...
....and then it started pouring out. crazy wind. murmurs the train lost signal and all contact with the station. after i finally got on (at 3:00pm), my aunt texted me that all that? yeah. that was a tornado warning. wat.
i got a pair of seats to myself for most of trip. fought with my wifi. listened to the crazy lady rant about dope ruining america a few rows back. mostly enjoyed the view and basked in the fact that i was not, shockingly, puking my stomach lining out. until we got to utica, and a shit ton of people got on.
my seat buddy then became an almost cute 18 year old dude with dreads and a lower half trash polka sleeve who was more interested in his earbuds than anything so i was fine with this. until we were about to MA and a few exchanged word and lazy lounging around turned into him doing THING guys think is cute where they lowkey rub your skin with the side of their finger against my thigh. so i ended up sitting up and the next stop he moved his shit to another seat. YEAH BYE.
along the way we kept having to stop bc signal problems and track construction and letting other trains pass. needless to say the train that was supposed to get in at like 8pm got in at at like 2:30am.
it was miserable, and raining. rachel got us an uber and i sat in the back seat next to some chick wh was super pretty and dressed up and here i was, a goblin, smelling like train restoom, in an ill fitting deadpool hoodie and yoga pants.
when we got to her place she made me some ramen (WITH THE RANDOM EGG AND EVERYTHING) that was good but spicy af and my stomach noped out and tbh over a week later my stomach is just now letting me eat properly again. tho i’m blaming this more on the issues with my abdomen acting up prior to leaving than the actual trip (tho, my skin having pores the size of actual craters i am blaming on the trip). i think the one thing we ate that DIDN’T act up in my body was the awful chicken wings we got from Wings Over that were about half fat and ridiculously undercooked. it figures.
ANYWAY. her futon is huge. it’s sad that i have more leg room on a futon than an actual mattress, but whatever. and there was construction going on across the street. fun fact: i came home to construction going on on MY street. so this was inescapable from the jump.
day 1 i got cute as possible and we hopped a bus and a train. my stomach was less forgiving of the motion here, but i lived. i saw Ron, the T-Rex. and we went to the isabella gardner museum where she lied and said i was a student. i was then asked a bunch of questions about being a student, none of which i was prepared for, and i’m pretty sure the only reason they let me in was because my zip code was accurate. that place is massive and pretty gorgeous from head to toe and i can’t fathom ever being that fucking rich.
then we went to get some food at a nifty little bar and restaurant . the name is escaping me rn but i stole a coaster. again, the food did not agree with me, and i could do a review on boston restrooms at this point. but it was great.
NINJA SEX PARTY! the house of blues wasn’t as bad as reviews made it sound, and aside from the mess that was the merch table they we kind of cheated like assholes due to some pretty honest confusion, was a good time. the line was MASSIVE. we got there an hour early and it was already around the corner and hard to miss. by the time we got towards the front of the building, it was around the block. we met a couple younger dudes from maine and a significantly more awkward gentleman more our age to keep us entertained. there were some street musicians. some asshole staff. you know.
all i really have to say about the concert itself was it was probably the best live music show of any kind i’ve ever been to and definitely the most enjoyable environment (huge tall dude who kept, somehow, ending up directly in front of me aside). everyone sounded amazing live, even if we were RIGHT under the speaker stage left and now permanently have bass vibrations embedded in our bones.
day two we hit up the museum of fine arts, which is massive and we didn’t see all of (and i paid full price for, thank you very much) and then grabbed a pizza and those awful wings and intended to chill out with some boy meets world. but the disks wouldn’t play. so we settled on mst3k. and let me tell you, i have not nearly cried from laughter in something as much as ‘cry wilderness’ nearly made me fucking cry.
day three we headed to south station to meet probes and hung out. there were a bunch of food trucks outside that were kinda neat. we didn’t think that girl would ever fucking find us, but she did. everything was OKAY. NO NEED TO PANIC. NO FIVE HOUR DELAYS. jess gives massive hugs, for the record.
we hit up a spot for lunch where they served be like, the biggest plate of pasta and bread i have ever witnessed in my life. i felt wasteful only eating barely half of it. then we found our way to the trains and the aquarium just in time for some sweet penguin education and eventually a lecture on their huge ass fucking tank that takes up the entire center of the room with a 90 year old sea turtle in it and some sharks and string rays. it was pretty cool, yo.  i got a stuffed squid in the gift shop, even tho we did not see any giant squids (0/10 do not recommend) and outside jess gave me a present even though i fucking told everyone no presents (RAChEL ALSO GAVE ME NAIL POLISH AND A WRISTBAND WTF). it was a new day candy bar from fye. and yes, pop rocks n chocolate is surprisingly pleasant.
our PLAN was to go see hitmans bodyguard. but everyone showing it before like 7 was only showing 3d, and we wanted to get her on a bus home by 9. haha what fucking suckers @ us, because the bus didn’t leave until like 10. so we got shitty milkshakes, hit up the comic shop, and wandered around harvard for a bit until it got dark. and then were stuck at south station, wondering if she was going to be stuck in MA forever. reflecting on two quiet nerds and one extrovert being a not great possible combination of three people. but i still had a good time.
day 4 we did, in fact, see hitmans bodyguard and while it was mostly forgettable summer action lulz, i do ship the hell out of samuel l jackson and salma hayek now. so that’s cool. it was a fun time. hit up the park after, and a b&n to get schooled on peak writing stephen king. then we went to starbucks and i HAD STARBUCKS FOR THE FIRST TIME?? it was the double choc ship frap thing. it’s good. i’m mad about it.
we headed back, did laundry, ordered food. i ought her dream daddy, which was a waste of money, but i do take pride in just knowing she’s stuck having technically played a portion of dream daddy now. it’s her own fault for asking about it, it really is. mostly we watched more mst3k, some grumps shit, some random shit, some postmodern jukebox, had a drink. just chilled. and the ‘oh... fuck... haha... i have to go home tomorrow’ feeling hit when i turned off the lights.
i was too bummed the next day for much of anything tbh. i get depressed after anything fun. i get depressed after wwe shows, lmao, so for the trip to already be over when it suddenly seemed like i just got there sucked. plus it only just then really hit me i was in a different part of the country, if that makes sense even if it was only one state over. it was a weird realization as someone who never travels to have.
the train home i wasn’t so lucky to be alone most of it. i ended up in an aisle seat with a college girl. we minded our own business. stuck directly under the AC that was way too cold. a woman and a fucking baby sitting the next row over the second any space cleared out. had a layover in albany where an old guy made me a shot of iced chocolate espresso which he had never been asked to make before, and truthfully, i’d never had before, but it was alright. i actually enjoyed the layover as some weird, space between spaces, time to reflect on my own in an unfamiliar place kind of thing.
we got in around midnight, my aunt picked me up. got home around one.
that was that.
i had a really good time. i’m sure it didn’t seem that way. i’m like that. but i did and i appreciated the opportunity and definitely appreciated rachel for letting me freeload on her futon and showing me around and making me ramen i felt guilty for not finishing.
the city was nice. i’m sure i was only seeing the nicer parts, mind you, but compared to rochester or buffalo it just felt wider, cleaner. idk. i didn’t HATE it, and as someone who hates being in cities for more than a couple hours, it wasn’t bad.
it was a great time away from the world and despite the stress of coming home to everything, and a room without molding on the door (which was, for the record, still locked), i did feel a lot better afterwards. i still do.
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princess-havok · 7 years
So about the Dreamcar show
Y’all, so much happened. 
In bullet form for readability/it’s 1AM and I have work in the morning because I’m an adult.
I got there like 45 minutes after doors opened because my days of lining up mega early for shows are over.
That’s a lie
I just had to work til 5 and it was raining all day so I didn’t wanna sit outside anyway
So I walk into the venue, and??? It’s so empty??? Like what the fuck??? I went to the bathroom, which is wayyyyyyy at the back and in the basement, I hate getting to it during packed shows because you CAN’T MOVE. That venue is not safe and there are not enough exits BUT ANYWAY.
When I got back upstairs I went to the merch table and bought a tank top
Warning if you see Dreamcar: it fits weirdly small???
But I love it
Also they didn’t do that thing I hate when bands jack up prices by like $10 because of the conversion rate.
It’s $35 online and I paid $35CAD.
Joke’s on you that’s only like $20US
Help our dollar is a fucking joke
Then I went to the stage and despite the opening band staring imminently I was only two people from the front???
I mean, I don’t know if I would go seeking out their music but they were really fun and had fantastic energy. The lead singer kept making eye contact with people in the front and it was slightly awkward but also endearing as hell. I kept getting distracted during their set because I decided most of the rest of the band looked like other people
The keyboard player looked so much like Jamison Covington from JamisonParker
Does anyone remember them? They had like one album in maybe 2005 and I loved it
But it’s so emo
Listening to it now is like??? Was my world ever that dark? Damn son.
The drummer looks just like a dude I went to high school with and played in Concert Band with
But it is not.
That dude is a DJ now though
The percussionist lowkey reminded me of what’s his face from Cabin in the Woods... the stoner one. 
Cabin in the Woods is a great movie
I mean is it any surprise that they’re great live? All of them have been performing for so long so like... they know their shit. But there’s a lot happening all at once, it seems like. You’ll maybe see when I post my video of All Of The Dead Girls once it finishes uploading to YouTube. But I guess it’s partly because Tom, Adrian & Tony are so used to playing together but sometimes it’s like there’s their show happening and then there’s Davey being Davey around them and it is a lot.
Someone yelled “You’re good!” between songs and it got a good laugh out of Davey who was like, “I’m glad you think so???”
Like what an odd thing to say???
The other three have mastered the art of keeping Davey on topic
If he sounds like he’s about to go off on a tangent just start the next song it’s great
“If only that would work during interviews,” I’m sure Jade/Adam/Hunter is muttering to himself in the distance
They covered Don’t Change and it was amazing, I wanted to get a video of it but it was such a different (more upbeat) version I didn’t even clue in on time lmao
During the bridge of Kill For Candy, Davey and I shared a moment during the first “Let it dissolve on your tongue” and it was magical
It rained literally the entire day here, so when I walked out of the venue and it wasn’t raining anymore I thought, y’know what, I’m gonna stick around for a bit, try my luck meeting these dudes. But only until 11:00. That’s my cut-off. I’m a responsible adult.
This is a lie
It’s cute that I believed it though
Also it was still raining but it was a very fine mist so it wasn’t that bad
This is also a lie it was terrible and my hair went to shit
There were like 25 people waiting, at the peak of it. After about an hour, some people had left so there were maybe 20 or so. Not bad at all, right? About half of those were No Doubt faithful, who seemed to be a very tight-knit group who all knew each other from various No Doubt events and trips and stuff. They were super nice and -- bonus! -- most of them couldn’t be fucked about Davey. But we did talk about the show, how awesome it was, and the fact that Davey is secretly jacked was mentioned -- not even by me!!! And most of them agreed that a) it should’ve been a longer set and b) they should’ve covered some No Doubt because Davey singing I’m Just A Girl would be delightful.
Somebody made the joke that the guys snuck out past all of us and were probably on the public transit bus that went by
“But then they’ll get to Sherbourne station and get shanked.”
If you know Toronto at all you know that’s probably true
If there was anywhere in this city where a repeat of “what are you gonna do about it, pink shoes?” was gonna go down it’s motherfucking Sherbourne St.
Finally at around 11:15 or so, security & tour management came out and set up a barricade by the bus, telling us all to line up in twos. Ok cool. We did. 
Tom came out first and the orderly line went to shit because he just like, walked right out to chat and take pictures and sign autographs. I was trying to stay near the barricade and missed him entirely. Oops. 
Tony came out next and did the same thing, but actually on my side. I got a picture with him and he signed my ticket.
 Adrian stayed by the barricade but was very chatty with people. I also got a picture and autograph from him.
All of them seemed to like, know some of the No Doubt die hards who were there and I think that’s so cool, they’ve always seemed like this huge, untouchable band to me but they’re so cool with their fans
All three of them got on the bus, and because of the No Doubt fans stepping back I was pretty much at the barricade. The tour manager came back and asked who we were still waiting for so of course were like, obviously Davey. So then came the new instructions:
Single file lineup please (I ended up third, so cool)
No photos
This is 900% ok I’ve seen my pictures with Adrian & Tony I know what I look like
I’ve been standing in the rain for two hours I look like I live in garbage and a family of raccoons have been living in my hair for the winter
No hugs either
Also fine because who honestly wants to hug a bunch of damp strangers???
Just a chat, an autograph, and keep the line moving
Awesome, we’re grown ups, we can do this
Oh shit now I have to think of something to say
So then Davey appears in that long hoodie/cloak... thing... which I SHOULD have asked where he got it because I love it but obviously I think of things to say after the fact, so whatever. He was really chatty and smiling at everyone and it was so nice. The first two conversations happened as I was trying not to awkwardly stare at Davey. I’m not gonna be the one who makes it weird.
This is also a lie
I don’t think I made it weird though
When it was my turn, he asked how I was and I said “amazing” because I was, and the teenage version of me fainted then and there, she was not at all prepared for this moment.
I might’ve rattled off something about how his music, whether AFI or Blaqk Audio or Dreamcar or any other project, has been such a big part of my life for almost half my life now, so thank you and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it
I don’t think that was weird
It was true, too
“Thank you, I hope that’s a good thing.”
I mean.
So I said it’s absolutely a good thing, thanked him again, and mentioned I would see him in like 3 weeks (!!!) for some AFI shows. 
‘Cause y’know. He’ll remember.
And then I walked back to the subway and went home, 18-year-old me screaming internally.
tl;dr I saw Dreamcar, they were amazing, I finally met Davey Havok after 15 years.
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