#a month or so ago I joined the community discord. the people were so nice to me
thepandalion · 7 months
and today in "why is fandom so antisemitic" just blocked two more followers in my sideblog, which makes it about 10 of what would have been almost 35 followers over a couple months. because the "all israelis are evil" bs is really big in mcyt circles.
also haven't watched the new season of hc because I don't want to touch the fandom anymore and enjoying things alone isn't as fun when you know there's a fandom. but also the fandom is full of people that wish I was dead so I dont want to be there either. which means right now the only things in my life are the jewish bloggers I follow (love yall) and doing daily challenges in microsoft solitaire. and university ig but it's the weekend and Im trying not to think about my homework rn
also gave up and made a "btw Im israeli plz stop following me if u want me dead" post on the sideblog. hope it works ig.
#its also wild bc I do fandom art on that blog and people love it#even my dad thought it was awesome enough to commission me for his own work stuff once! thats awesome#I got paid for the art I did for him with a merch hoodie from the fandom#and I love it and I love the art I did and I love the original content its based on.#but I cant even watch the new season without thinking about how I want to liveblog but cant because liveblogging attracts attention#and fandom attention scares me now. half a year ago I worked nonstop to get any amount of positive attention in the fandom#I stopped family dinners to watch new episodes and liveblog half an hour after the sessions were out to get people to see my posts#and now. I want none of that#a month or so ago I joined the community discord. the people were so nice to me#and then I went to the vent channel. bc someone mentioned there's i/p stuff in there. its all anti-israel#to the point I felt uncomfortable staying there despite never saying a word about where I'm from beforehand. almost felt unsafe to be there#just... that fandom prides itself on trying so hard to be wholesome and safe after the dsmp fandom ended up so toxic#and here they are wishing I was never born#because I never would have been born if not for this country. my grandparents on my dads side met in the resistance against the british#my parents met at uni. they never wouldve met if not for this country#I wouldnt be alive if not for this country and while I dont like the government I love this country so much#Im just so sad#ישראבלר
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aita for “not being able to keep issues in servers separate”
🌻🌷🌹🥀 (to find later)
this all happened a couple months ago now in mid november-ish so i’m sending this late, but i didn’t want to while the situation was ongoing. for the record me and everyone affected have collectively since left both servers mentioned. so. wee
i (23mtf) do a long of long form roleplay, specifically in public oc-based discord servers. these are servers where people will create a setting and then people can join and insert their ocs into the world, and they’re tons of fun! this is a hobby ive had for years now. it’s really important to me as it’s my main creative outlet and i know a good number of people in the community. i’ll often join servers and recognize at least a handful of people there already
around may last year, i joined a new server and things were great, for a while, but then not long after i joined someone new did, i’ll call her X (34nb) for this. when she first joined the interactions we had were fine, but - and i’m still really not sure why this is, i’m not trying to absolve myself if i did do something but i have no idea what i did to warrant this shift even to this day - a few weeks later she just got… extremely passive aggressive and contrary with me, over silly things. most of it was “in character” but it really stuck out to me. i’d have a character say something marginally unconventional and she’d always, without fail, have one of her characters come in to scold them, even if her characters hadn’t been part of the conversation prior. her characters constantly talked down to or insulted mine. she was always talking ooc about how strange her characters found mine. when i tried to get involved in overarching plots, she would often push me out of them, or insist that my characters were only getting in the way, or would insert her characters to do things i’d stated to the group i wanted mine to do, so i didn’t end up able to do anything. it seemed targeted to me because the main character she was doing this with was known to be very kind to everyone else, but for some reason never had anything nice to say about mine. i know none of this is outright bullying but it wore on me greatly. i tried to confront her on this multiple times to tell her it was making me uncomfortable and to please knock it off, and i tried to get the server mods involved when that failed, but the behavior never really stopped and eventually i was content to just… not interact with her
but then a while later i noticed her treating someone else the same way. i reached out to him about it, and he told me that she had done basically everything she’d done to me to him, and he wasn’t the only one. after snooping around a little more i realized that a lot of people in the server had had this problem with her, totaling 7 of us. 7 of us in the group at the time. some people had dropped characters or outright left the group because of her, so 7 isn’t even everyone because it doesn’t include people she’d already driven out that i couldn’t contact. for reference, this server only had roughly 30 people. even if the number of total members was bigger, 7+ still feels like a lot
i tried to take this to the mods of the server again, but (and this is where i’m unsure if i misstepped) i thought it would be right to bring it up to the mods of a separate, larger server that all of us were in together as well. this server had closed to 50-60 members. in my head, if this person has harassed over half a dozen people like this it’d be silly to assume its only a problem in one group, and even if it wasn’t a problem in this larger server it would be better to make them aware of it so they could keep an eye out
the mods in both servers weren’t happy with me, through. even when all 7 people tried to give testimony, both teams claimed there wasn’t enough evidence to support harassment and that they’d talk to her about it, but this didn’t warrant any further action. keep in mind again i’d already had to go to the mods about this same person before, so they weren’t unaware that this happened to me and they had tried talking to her already. then they told me that it was inappropriate of me to bring this up in a server that wasn’t necessarily involved, and that the 7 of us were ganging up against her and bullying her. and i, especially, had been unfairly targeting her
this confused me greatly! i will admit, it’s likely i’ve been snippier with X than i intended. thats on me, i struggle with tone and i have trouble masking my frustration, but i have never once gone out of my way to make her feel bad. she has a generalized anxiety disorder or some such, and before i realized how many people had this issue with her i had been avoiding her for months. i have no idea what i could have said to her that was taken as bullying, because i haven’t been talking to her, period. when i see her in channels i just mute the channel until it’s passed, ive seriously done everything i could to minimize contact because i figured it was a personal issue. i asked both the mods and her directly, in dms, for examples or screenshots of what i said or did so i could adjust my behavior, and i never got shown any. i still as of typing this don’t know what i did to warrant that being said
the mods said they would give her a warning, but they gave me a warning as well, that if i continued like this i would be booted from both servers. they insisted to me again that i’d been clearly bullying her (did not provide examples) and i never should have brought it up to the other server and gotten them involved. i admit i think they might be right on that last point, but i am iffy. i had (honestly still have) justifiable reason to think X is an unsafe person to be around. she pushes people out of the community and cries and gets meek if she’s ever confronted on it in a way that’s distinctly guilt trippy and makes it hard to communicate. i have previously tried to resolve my issues with her in private and she was never receptive nor did she ever accept accountability, or change her actions. if her target calls her out she just starts doing it to someone else. it’s not like her being in a different server suddenly means she’s a different person. if someone like that is in your server, even if you don’t have “proof” that it’s happened in your group, wouldn’t you want to know about it? they kept insisting it had nothing to do with them and it was wrong of me to get them involved. i kind of think this is a cowardly policy to have, that you won’t act on or acknowledge harassment from your members unless it happens right in front of you and is blindingly obvious, but i don’t know
to be clear, i think X is an asshole, so that’s not what i’m asking about. anxiety disorder or not, she is frankly too old and has done this too many times for me to believe it’s unintentional. even if it is unintentional, she’s still hurting people and makes no effort to change. but i’m wondering if i’m an asshole for bringing it into another server. should i have just kept it in the first group?
What are these acronyms?
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
In the time since I asked for silly and/or platformer-themed games, I managed to get my friends together a grand total of once after months of one of them flaking at the last minute, and now, their schedules don't allow for all four of us to do anything together. Do you have any tips on finding people to play games with?
Hello friend.
When I first got your ask, I went down memory lane, and thought about what worked for me. I found out about ttrpgs about five years ago, and I barely knew anyone who played them. I started by just talking to folks about them and asking friends who were willing to try something new, and that got me a game or two - which was nice! But it wasn’t permanent either.
I didn’t start playing games regularly until I moved to a new place and went back to university. I put up advertisements around campus and eventually interested people showed up. We made a Discord server and now half of our games are run online, to accommodate for folks who can’t always show up in person. Some folks left, some stayed, and some invited more people. I have a pretty sizeable group of friends who show interest in a number of different games… but I don’t know how much of this information is helpful to you.
I think I was successful in finding a group for a few reasons:
I was in a place where I was meeting a lot of people and I needed to be very social in order to find a new group of friends. Many of the people I was meeting were in the same position.
I advertised. I put up posters and people who were specifically interested in what I was doing responded. I made my games low-commitment one-shots and ran them for as many people as I could. I cast a wide net so that if a few people cancelled or walked away, there were still enough folks to have a group.
I was persistent, and I was flexible. Not everyone who showed up stayed, and I had to learn a lot about what it meant to be a GM, I had to figure out how to make sure we had a way to communicate and schedule things, and I had to care. Not just about the games, but about the people who were showing up to play with me.
If you are able to find places where folks who likely have the same interests also hang out, and you’re able to talk to them and make friends, you’ll likely make connections with folks who are interested in the same hobbies as you. If in-person is not feasible, you might be able to find some discord servers or other online communities to join.
Once you have folks at the table, if you also show that you are dedicated to making sure your players' experience at the table is a good one, I think it helps ensure they'll come back.
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gala-xyzz · 4 days
to the idkhow community at large
holy shit i feel so nervous typing this up but here we go. i need to say this or i'm gonna feel awful for the rest my life
about seven or eight months ago i left this site due to some harrassment my sister and i were getting from people here. i'd made some statements about lgbt that upset some people, and we were getting lots of angry messages about "how could you be so homophobic" etc etc (not an actual quote but you get the idea)
well, to start, i would like to offer (what i hope is) an apology
i probably should never have made those remarks. to the people i offended, i'm sorry that i offended you, because i swear i never intended to do that. i want to be friends with all of you and i felt like i never got to explain what happened. if you see this, i sincerely hope we can become friends again, because everyone was so nice before the incident
i would also like to explain what happened from my point of view, because i felt that i was never given a fair chance to explain what happened on my end
some background: i come from a very strict home. my family is catholic, and they were very firm in making sure i wasn't exposed to most of modern culture, mostly via homeschooling and keeping me off of social media. as such, at the time of this all happening, i did not know much about lgbt or how to interact with people in that movement, especially without offending them
i was talking about some characters of mine, joking about how they had some gay tension between them, and another friend of mine, knowing my beliefs, was a bit confused about my stance on lgbt matters because of that and asked about it. i gave what i felt like was an approrpite answer, trying to stress that i was neutral about the matter and i was not going to attack people for being lgbt
turns out the phrasing i used offended some people, and it got me blocked by a couple of people. alright, i thought. it's only one or two people, i can maybe handle this
some months later, my sister was trying to join a discord server (i think that was it), and one of the blocked people mentioned my remarks about lgbt people again, which by that point i had forgotten about. that's when we started getting the angry dms and a lot os people blocked us
i was upset by this, as i have had a past history of losing friends. a lot of them, and not because of anything i did. it was mostly bullying and other shitty people. the situation then was beginning to feel (to me, at least), like one of those bullying incidents, especially because some of the messages came from people i considered close friends on here, so i got upset and left
it's been seven months now, and i'm trying to become a more accepting person. i've grown up in an environment where lgbt people are seen in a negative light, and i believe that is a wrong mindset. people are going to think how they will, and we need to be as accepting of that as we can
but this goes for the lgbt people, too. shunning someone for not understanding your ideas and beliefs does not help you, it only scares us away. and so i am hoping that maybe we can try again this time. maybe we can try to be friends again
and if you're still mad, please just give me a civil dm. don't call me names, don't insult me for my religion, etc etc
thank you for hearing me out :)
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oikiri · 1 year
So what happened exactly? (and a little timeline from what I have observed)
It started around March. AJ/Dilan was talking to Inquisitor3 (Vincent) on discord since she did some edits for him and I think he just wanted to be nice to her. Later on she already tried to expose him after trying to get him to flirt back to her which was I think her first attempt at exposing him (cue several screenshots of her talking to Tito mentioning they tried to expose/cancel him before and it didn't work & screenshots of him calling out AJ/Dilan in DMs because he saw her attempt at doing so.
Now, I don't know how long she's been scheming this whole thing along with Tito (her boyfriend) but from screenshots between them it's clear it's been months.
Tito encourages her to try harder because they don't have enough "proof"/enough entrapment material to set him up.
During this conversation Tito not only supports her and further pushes her to do so, AJ/Dilan isn't stupid, she is also quite obsessed with the idea of cancelling him.
She mentions hes live and mentions she needs someone called "Pippy" to answer back to her [for further planning I suppose but this person may be involved in this too].
Tito mentions he wants to speak to his other parent about AJ/Dilan so they know about her --> Dilan barely acknowledges that and then jumps straight back to talking about Inquisitor3. Then asks her own boyfriend if its okay if she "flirts" with Inquisitor3.
Very strange dynamic they have but even further proof that she is obsessed with him.
They message Keegan's Mask on tiktok, she tries to "help" apparently (I take it as being purposefully happy about someone in the community getting cancelled as her previous videos have been bordering on roasting/bullying other content creators in the hopes of being funny) and she makes a video of him. Now she has almost 300k followers and her fanbase picks it up rather quickly.
It blows up and Inquisitor3 deactivates all of his accounts.
What happens next?
I personally went onto tiktok to find some videos addressing the whole issue. Most of the videos I find aren't really viral so I check the comments.
I see someone commenting in all caps "IM THE GIRL HE WAS TALKING TO" (don't quote me on that I don't know if she wrote minor or girl but this was about it).
Her replies were full of support but I found her comment incredibly weird and off-putting.
There were many comments so I scrolled further down and saw Turkish Terminator's comment (same one who made the video explaining the situation so kudos to him for knowing all of this before and trying to tell people) that he was talking about AJ and her using slurs and what not.
So this brings me back to my original thought as to how this AJ person is this involved and proud about being the person in question and then also being someone who is problematic on whole other levels.
Meanwhile Tito is bragging in comments about how it's his girlfriend that was targeted.
Three days ago Inquisitor3's tiktok account is back up. He's on live for several hours but I couldn't join.
I commented on one of his recent videos asking for clarification and update about the accusations just to a few hours later receive a reply in which someone stated that he's dead.
Inquisitor3 had been on live for around 2 hours with nothing but silence, the room was mostly dark and the camera was facing his glass door. The comments were off. Keegans Mask meanwhile was making fun of this same live.
After 2 hours or so, someone breaks the glass in, pushes inside and you can hear the panic in his voice as he tries helping Vincent (Inquisitor3). This goes on for a while as more neighbours come around to help I suppose? They call paramedics and it's all caught on live until they turn it off.
So lets circle back. AJ came forward to say that the accusations were false.
Tito pretended he wasn't involved at all.
And Keegans Mask made a tiktok wistfully looking out the window as if a man hasn't just ended his life on tiktok live.
AJ immediately went into hiding right after, changed her discord username and responded to a comment on one of her tiktok accounts that she's been crying and praying all night for him and didn't want any of that to happen.
Meanwhile Vincent's real life friends/mutuals came forward to confirm that he has passed and Turkish Terminator made the video about him explaining the situation further for everyone's understanding and naming all three involved in these accusations and set up: AJ, Tito and Keegans Mask (which I think was the right thing to do.) Yes, Keegans Mask may not have been part of the set up but she is just as wrong.
So why did this happen?
In my opinion AJ is/was obsessed with Vincent. I think that is why Tito also played into it because it bothered him without him openly mentioning or confirming this fact. From their exchanges it's very clear of how she ignored Tito to obsess over Vincent. Ultimately she did all this because she wahted his attention.
Later that day Vincent's father also came forward to confirm his sons passing with a video.
Turkish Terminator made another video confirming this also and has been in contact with Vincent's father to make sure his source is right unlike some other people.
Now the community is obviously shaken up and upset and due to AJ's hiding she's lucky she's not getting tagged in most videos addressing these things. Minor or not she was the main culprit and needs to face consequences for pushing a man to end his life.
I cannot even begin to mention how it bothers me that in most videos now people only mention Tito and Keegans Mask or simply call Dilan Titos girlfriend. She needs to be named too.
All three have posted "apology videos" yet I find they lack responsibility and empathy.
Dilan deleted her apology account quickly again and Keegans Mask is currently deactivated. Tito still pretends to be mostly innocent and pretends to have broken up with Dilan and say that her accounts have been removed (which are lies).
She's also back on discord and chats with people claiming she wants to end it and Tito claims she attempted, yet the conversations that I have seen from her make it visible that she lacks any empathy in this situation still and sees herself as the victim.
I'm not here for a witch hunt I am simpy here to explain what I've observed and want these people included to face serious consequences.
Screenshots incoming soon as I am still collecting the ones I've seen floating around + extra ones and I'm currently at the beach with the worst internet connection.
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pidayforpi · 7 months
So, if anyone remembers: In last July (which was already nearly 9 months ago omg), there was a "Donro Week 2023" event here. From 23 July to 29 July.
For once, I had...actually planned to participate in it (which would have been the second time I participate in a community event, after a (small) Discord secret santa in 2021).
Of course via writing, because you won't want to see me draw.
The format of the (story) writings would have been like this:
If anyone still remembers, there were "question prompts" for each day of the Donro Week (in addition to the "one-word" prompts, like "Lazy Days" for Day 1, or "AU" for Day 6).
The question prompts were something like:
[Day 1: "How do you think Donald and Gyro first met and become friends, then eventual partners?"
Day 2: "What qualities do Donald and Gyro get annoyed by or not like in each other?"
Day 5: "How do you think the extended Gearloose and Duck family would react to their relationship?"]
What I had planned to do, was writing out a set of Dewey Dew-Night interview scenarios, in which Dewey asks Paperino and Archimedes the corresponding question for that day.
[NB: Not Donald and Gyro, at least not the DT17 versions. You will see why below.]
The format would have actually been like the "Chicken Soup" thing I had written all the way in 2020. Free form, equally cringe.
Uh...that didn't happen. Obviously. And for some unknown reasons, because I was somewhat motivated and inspired during that time much better than now at least. So...sorry.
But what I did write, however, was the "intro" to this set of "interview stories"...which is the entire purpose I am saying all this context all of a sudden. It has been a while, and way too long since I last produced and published...something.
It is a very short story - not even a complete one - but it is one of the last things I did before I kind of...stopped. Everything.
I also wrote this on a train, too.)
[A very late tag, but I hope it is the thought that counts. Thank you for organising this wonderful event. Just watching/reading through others' works was already super awesome.]
Donro Week 2023 [July 23th ~ July 29th]
(Just a small note: Sentences/Words in italic mean they are not supposed to be caught on camera, but are caught on camera accidentally regardless.)
Dewey: (Dewey Dew-Night Intro!)
Dewey: "And joining us tonight are two birds of a feather you know very well, yet ALSO know NOTHING about! *Gasp!* How is that possible?! Go on, ask! How is that possible?!"
Huey: "What?"
Dewey: "Dude, you are supposed to ask out loud. We've talked about this."
Louie: "You...you were serious..."
Dewey: "When was I not serious? Actually, don't answer that. Just cooperate. Ask that aloud, c'mon."
Huey & Louie: "*Sigh* Oh my god, how is that possible?!"
Dewey: "Well, I dunno!"
Dewey: "But we are about to find out! 'Cause joinin' us tonight is the greatest uncle of the universes...Donald Duck!"
Donald (Paperino): "Hi!...wait where even is the camera? That rectangular gadget on the stack of books?"
Dewey: "As well as the brightest mind in all Duckburgs, across space and time...Gyro Gearloose!"
Gyro (Archimedes): "H-hello...! Nice to meet you, people of the...uh...interweb? Internetwork? What was that again, modern Dewey?"
Dewey: "*chuckle* Well, pardon the old timers, you can say they might as well have come from the 20th century!"
Dewey: "And if you have guessed so, you are absolutely CORRECT! No prize though, sorry. Don't think they are only cosplaying..."
Paperino: "Cospl...what?"
Archimedes: "Just go along with it, honey..."
Dewey: "'Cause who you are seeing are literal time travellers! *Gasp!*"
Archimedes: "Well, technically, we are dimension trav-"
Dewey: "Thanks to this world's Gyro's now upgraded Time n' Space Tub™️..."
Huey: "Which he forbids you from entering a 20-metre radius around?"
Dewey: "...which I definitely have permission to enter a 20-metre radius around! Now! I bring you, Paperino and Archimedes Pitagorico! Donald Duck and Gyro Gearloose from another universe!"
*Fanfare! Applause!*
Dewey: "Stay tuned after the intermission for the exciting interview that ensues!"
Louie: "Wait, you literally haven't done anything yet-"
Dewey: "This is Dewford Dingus Duck, your beloved handsome host from Dewey Dew-Night! Don't forget to like n' subscribe! See ya!"
Louie: "Dude, you literally haven't done ANYTHING yet!"
Paperino: "Subscribe? Is this a newspaper or a magazine?"
Archimedes: "Wait, is this an interroga-"
*Recording cuts*
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fadebolt · 2 months
Soooo uhhhh, I'm about to go on vacation in two days. Don't worry, I'll still be doing the room analysis posts, and I will still probably post an AF attack or two, I'm mostly just bringing it up cus.... nostalgia. (Yes, I'm about to reminisce on my times in the RW community - I've been trying to keep these kinds of rambly posts to a minimum, but this felt like a pretty good time to go off about this)
Because the first time I discovered Rain World was two years ago, when I was also about to go on vacation very soon, and Htwo's video about the AI of the game caught my eye.
I was like "Wait, really? This looks like one of those old retro games, how the hell can it have a more complex AI, than some of the newer big games that are doing real fancy things with them?", so I just had to investigate, and something about the visuals, and the creatures, and the things described in the video.... it really mesmerized me, and I just had to learn more.
Which I did during vacation, checking out some spoiler free reviews and recommendation videos (as well as official stuff, including the DP scug previews, which sounded real interesting, even from a newcomer's perspective), as well as tons of fanart.
Of course, I did spoil myself a bunch in the process, but it all completely lacked context, so it didn't really mean much. I especially liked a guy called something along the lines of 'FlameFlower' (I'm sort of blanking on it, sry), as they had a real neat art style, and a lot of their comic pages were made traditionally, which impressed me a lot. It was nice and sweet and cute, and I liked the humanoid robot villain who I assumed to be the artist's personal interpretation of what the higher intelligence in this world might be like (yeah, I assumed the concept of an iterator was exclusive to that comic which is real silly, but still xd).
Anyways, I was eager to try out this difficult game filled with weird creatures, where you'll need to be patient and clever, but also skilled and quick witted, which I immediately did, after I traveled home.
I also quickly joined the Discord server, mostly just to view more art, but to my delight, there were a bunch of channels specifically for newbies on their first playthroughs, where I hung out a bunch.
Afterwards, I've mostly just been playing for the next couple months, having a blast while also struggling a little here and there, especially when I got to try Hunter.
I wasn't really doing anything with the community, outside of maybe chiming into a discussion or two. I had ideas, but I sorta lacked motivation. Sharing stuff in Discord gallery chats is not overly fun, as there's rarely any interaction (outside of a few random reacts - a lot of which comes from people that press reacts on literally everything), and the way Discord works makes it very difficult not to start comparing yourself to the other stuff you see, and it really demotivated me, especially cus my skills were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse back then (which is fair, I barely did art before my RW days, but still, good lord do I hate my older stuff xd).
I also just didn't particularly enjoy the vibes of the server too much. Lurking around the chats and looking at the things other people were doing was fun, but I never felt like it would be worth it to try and be a part of that.
Then you know, the new year rolled around, Downpour came out, the game got traction, and everything was getting crazy.
I was still mostly inactive, until my very first art month came up, and I had some fun with it (my skills still being absolutely horrendous, but at least I still had fun :3).
But then something caught my eye - a certain artist doing 'bombs', drawings where the Slugcat designs of many different artists were present. Yeap - I'm talkin' about Pansear!
I was digging around, and I found out that you can get featured by sending a DM, so I gathered the courage to send over a Saint, which was honestly extremely nerve-wracking. Yet the conversation was really pleasant. She actually complimented my design, which felt incredible, and was extremely appreciative of me congratulating her for getting featured in Akupara's Virtual Art Month Museum.
I know that this might sound like a basic everyday thing for most, but for a person with my levels of social anxiety? This was an enormous leap, one that I'm very grateful to have made.
Afterwards, things have finally started happening. I noticed that Pan and her buddies made a new server where they started hosting voice acting sessions for all the comics in their Shipping Container server. So I leaped on the chance to join in, the moment the invites were reopened again, since I always enjoyed imitating the voices of characters, and the idea of me doing the characters myself sounded incredible, especially when they're from a game I love so much.
And from that point onward, I stopped chatting in, or even looking at the overpopulated 'Main World' server entirely, and all my interactions with the community came from that small new server.
Then last year's vacation arrived, where.... nothing really happened, tbh. I was forced to miss out on the Helm fandub, but I had some fun doing colorless Artificer and Rivulet (aka, the first art pieces I ever posted onto Tumblr) on the beach.
But a few days after I returned, I noticed that North was actually starting a new video series, where she would animate Inv's dating sim, and she was looking for VAs on Tumblr, so I grabbed the opportunity, and made an account, so I could upload my auditions.
Yup, the Thanks Andrew dating sim is the reason why this account exists.
Neat, ain't it?
And initially, I didn't really know what to do with this thing, so I was just reblogging, and uploading art, as well as voiceovers, until...
The shipping polls arrived. And thus, my series of daily poll ramblings have begun. Ramblings that have been happening for almost a year now.
And then... I just sort of, kept doing the things I was doing, y'know. I finally got my wish, to be a part of a community I adore, even if just a minor one.
The vacations weirdly represent huge moments for me, as I found out and fell in love with the game during one, while my Tumblr was created immediately after the one that followed.
It's weird to look back on these last two years, and just how much has changed. Despite the downers that the community has had as of late, this was still a really pleasant journey, getting to have fun with others, and make them happy, while they also make me happy in return.
And I suppose this year's vacation can sort of represent my Artfight being created? That was also a pretty enjoyable experience, though it doesn't quite carry the same weight.
I dunno, not every year needs to be a special one. Though the last two have undoubtedly been that way! :D
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favoredsouls · 1 year
Why'd you change your URL? Did you leave the Collective all of a sudden?
I left a bit ago. Probably a few months back. I just haven't been too in touch with the Collective for a while but still love this blog and wanted to keep it. I found a lot of good inspiration here. It felt like I got distant and didnt participate much with others anymore so figured i would open the space for others with more passion to take part.
Sorry I didn't make a post about it but I honestly didn't want the attention on it. I don't do well with spotlights even if I do love them a bit and I dont handle loud goodbyes well. I messaged Rogue explaining some of this, asked to keep it on the downlow, changed my url and took out the official Collective member part of my description. Really it just came down to "I don't follow the news or participate with the Collective on tumblr or discord anymore." I still follow a lot of them and will like posts and reblog the ones I really like. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to the ones I used to though but maybe ill have time and energy to reach out again. I just haven't been able to keep up with the community or any events that popped up. Which is okay. Just felt like I was doing a solo thing for a while and figured i'd just go and do that actually.
I know you didn't ask but I feel like yammering on a little. I miss it. The people were always so nice and supportive. But it wasn't something I felt the same connection to as before or after I joined. I got distant but thats on me. I changed and figured it wasn't a genuine passion like it used to be. So make space for folks who do have the passion to post more often and talk to people about their ideas and take part in the events and stuff. Thats what the Collective is about and I didn't feel, amongst other feelings and nonfeelings, that I was really engaging with that idea anymore.
Thanks for asking. Its been nice to talk about it a bit. I hope that explains things abit cause I know it must be confusing sometimes. Hope you have a good night!
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inthecarpets · 2 years
Hello, just a passer-by! I actually was just looking at waterfall and was considering using it(I'm just looking for new websites to us and be cringe on) when I saw your post recommending not to!
I'm curious, what happened that was so bad???
The admin Thell/Thelle doesn't plan to develop Waterfall.Social anymore. He said he plans to keep it on while he creates something else but its not worth the time. Trust Me. (And waterfall apparently is down half the time nowadays)
People paid for this website on gofund me or whatever patreon website so you'd expect a bit of professionalism but Thell is not and he's ready to blame the users on his own shortcomings.
The ToS at the beginning had some bull like "no need to tire you with legalese" (paraphrasing it here) at the beginning of it. which Obviously had to be changed later. But it was a red flag i suppose.
Back when i joined waterfall years ago it to had some nice ideas, but longterm it fell Apart due to Thell being a mess of a single admin.
Thell created us an art marketplace on the website and then took it down few months later bc it wasn't profitable and people wouldn't abide the rules.
Which, in all fairness, the website was small, and he'd refuse to hire more staff idk. hard to see it profitable if it's tiny
Like, he'd give us featured art frame like on Tumblr desktop except it was random art so everyone got the chance to use it. Everyone loved it bc of that. Maybe feew years later though he broke the feature down
Why? Bc, at least to him, People would register to the website, see "bad art" and then walk away from the website. (Ways to insult userbase💖)
Not that the website itself was kind of bare and laggy and bunch of people was on it :))
Thell changed the featured art frame into 'only artworks above a treshold of notes get in there'. And it was some bull amount bc all you could see was few artworks circulating on repeat 'for another year'
I also heard the coding of the website was a mess but i'm not an IT person so idk
he also promised an app for Waterfall but then it turned out he'd have to have more staff to post it in appstore lol
Thell would even sort of threaten at some point to take away NSFW? the very reason why the site existed
Saying that people don't tag nsfw and this is why other websites got it banned and he doesn't want it to happen here.
A year ago Waterfall stopped working for a few weeks.
And so i was curious and i started digging. (it was actually also after announcement that Thell was thinking about ditching the website altogether for maybe a new project but couldn't decide)
Invites for official discord server weren't working.
Official twitter was gone
Official tumblr account was gone
No info whatsoever
Except i only found some roleplaying cherp drama on tumblr dunking on Thell i guess, bc offtopic, but apparently he was an admin on it and they accussed him of pretending to be 2 people in the same time, god complex, narcissism, bad coding and telling one of the Discord members to kill themself.
At the beginning i also remember being able to look at notification board.
And later it disappeared for some reason.
No notification board
Thell took it down after a year or two I Suppose
Lack of communication, one big indecisiveness, lack of transparency, taking away what was already in there, lack of planning skills while not getting more people on board, etc.
And honestly the red signs were already there even before Waterfall. Before this site, which is supposed to be for leftist minded people, he was creating a website for rightists which also failed lol (you should be able to find more about it while browsing through waterfall tag more). People can change. But it seems Thell didn't change that much for the better beyond changing bunch of views.
If you'd like receipts, they should be available on Waterfall's Staff blog on Waterfall social bc Thell wrote updates through time.
If Thell creates another website ever again i Hope Tumblr will crush it to pulp.
If you'd like something that's more stable i can recommend Pillowfort and send you an invite code if you'd like. They also allow nsfw.
I heard there was some drama with it and staff aswell though i have no details about it, and i bet it wasn't as ridiculous as waterfall. I know they were fakely accussed on allowing cp tho. Even despite their website being one of the most anti-cp (even fictional is a No) i've seen. Heard they are too jumpy with implementing this ban, which is not good if you get fakely accussed, but well, maybe it changes. You don't have to pay for it to necessarily use it so at worst its just waste of time. o/ Pillowfort grows and seems to get regularly updated and it has a team behind it.
If you are an artist or an art enjoyer, Artfol is a cool new app for that. You can view it also from desktop. They are currently developing the option to post artworks from website. A very organised small team.
Other social media i somewhat heard of were mastodon (decentralised Twitter?) and Inkblot (another for artists)
If anyone knows more websites, please let me know!
Otherwise? Just not waterfall. Not it. The admin is way too unreliable
Edit: the website previous to Waterfall was racist. idk if rightist but for sure racist.
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marchingbandtshirt · 3 months
In regard to the tags on a previous post, I think it’s about time I come clean about some personal things related to a discord server I had been in and was removed from several months ago, and why. I won’t say everything in this post will be 100% objective or “what really happened,” but it will be at the very least the most honest I can be about the whole situation.
I joined a server sometime last year that was all about the inFAMOUS game series, something I’d gotten back into after the Destiny fixation wore off (which is now back again. lol. lmao even), and very importantly to me it was a server largely focused around the various OCs of its members. I love creating ocs for anything I’m a fan of, and finding a whole community of people for this tiny niche fandom that was geared towards what interests me the most about fan culture was like a dream come true. It was a pretty contained server as well, which was also very nice, as I tend to be overwhelmed easily by large servers even if the culture there is generally positive. The members were all extremely welcoming and friendly towards everyone who joined, which in hindsight just makes me all the more frustrated with myself over what happened, that I would ruin my relationships with so many wonderful people because of my own vices.
To get right down to it, I was removed over sending a controversial piece of nsfw-adjacent writing about my ocs (both over 18, both unrelated, just to be clear). I’m not going to repeat what I’d posted, that will forever remain between me and the locked note sealed away in notes app quarantine. In truth, what I had written hadn’t even been 100% in earnest, it was really just me trying to be “one of the cool kids” with an idea that had been only half-thought out and poorly executed, compounded by the fact that I wrote it all in a blur really late into the night and sent it without thinking. It feels pretty stupid as to why I would do such a thing, looking back on it now, but insecurity’s a hell of a brain poison when you’re in the midst of things.
By “one of the cool kids” I mean that the general server culture around nsfw topics was fairly lax, from my perspective, and it seemed like no one was really afraid to delve into convos or writing around characters’ kinks or sexual situations with various pairings. Since becoming a part of the server, I got the feeling of missing out on something everyone else was enjoying because I wasn’t doing the same, like I was standing outside looking through a window at a fun party everyone was invited to except for me. I’ve been a writer for a while now, but before then I barely had any experience writing about explicit topics or kinks (even my own), and I was admittedly way out of my depth with multiple things I’d written of that caliber that I shared in the server before, including my fateful message. In the moment, it seemed rather harmless, with two of my own characters who both enjoy pushing each others’ buttons in certain ways, but in actuality what I sent ended up making several people who read it uncomfortable with the subject.
To be completely honest, many of the conversations that happened before in the nsfw channel had also made me personally uncomfortable (YKINMKATO), so I just kept it muted, checking it on my own time when I could be in the right headspace. That meant I was largely unaware of any conversation happening around my post at the time until I checked the channel again later and saw multiple people’s comments about it, which in turn made me hastily write a follow-up to try and explain things better in context, but instead that just made everything worse and led to me being removed from the server due to a conversation I was never privy to. I don’t blame the admin or mods or anyone for how they responded at all, in hindsight it was largely deserved, and not just for that reason alone.
I won’t sugarcoat the situation. The way I engaged with the community and the people themselves before then, after the initial bout of anxiety around talking about my characters with others wore off, had frankly become unhealthy for me and unpleasant for everyone else. I let insecurity, jealousy, entitlement, and selfishness go to my head and mix into a really toxic mindset that made me think of it less as a collective of likeminded fans and more as a hierarchy of popularity. Instead of truly engaging in fandom and celebrating others’ creations, I’d just stew and rot in my own emotions because the same amount of “engagement” others had wasn’t happening with me, the most important person in the server (/s). I talked a big game about my own wip and still have next to nothing to show for it (I don’t know if I’ll ever have anything to show for it now, even if I want to). I derailed convos on others’ channels to talk about my own things and steer them towards myself, on several occasions. In general I’d been very inconsiderate and self-absorbed to my fellow fans, and that wasn’t fair for anyone involved. I was just making myself miserable, and as a result I ended up hurting the people I was supposed to call my friends. If not for that message, then it would’ve been just a matter of time before something else got me removed, I’m sure.
There’s really no excuse for my actions given that they caused other people harm. Honestly, if I ever was given a second chance to return, even in good faith, I don’t know if I would. The damage has already been done, and all I can do now is try to amend myself and move forward to do better in the future and not let my insecurities blind me to the positive relationships I do have. But for what it’s worth, if anything at all, I’m sorry.
I really do miss you guys.
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irish-urn · 2 years
How did you get into Life with Derek? Sorry if you’ve been asked this before!
Hi!! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you: life, man.
How did I get into Life with Derek? Well, a long, long time ago, this Canadian girl used to very casually watch it when it was on her TV; nothing crazy, just occasionally. This was also around the time I discovered fanfiction, and since I was a curious baby teenager, I checked out what was around in fanfiction world that I might know.
I remember stumbling upon the Dasey community and realizing it was a lot spicier and hotter than I was prepared for at that young age, and that the people writing were WAAAAAYYYY more into the show than I was.
But every few years, I would remember that weird TV show and check out the fanfics, and then continue on my way. It was just... nice to visit, see what was happening. I never got into it.
Then, two Aprils ago, I hurt my foot very very badly — I was off work for... 5 months I think? I was in a lot of pain for weeks just sitting around because walking was, uh, even more painful than being still, and so I returned to what has always brought me happiness: fandoms. Somehow I stumbled upon a gif set of Dasey and then another one, and as one does when they're laid up and in pain, I just... chased the rabbit, to quote Pacific Rim.
I read some fanfictions. And then I found this edit on YouTube, which is a character study on Derek Venturi. I watched it and went, Oh. I know you. I get you.
I started writing Hand and Hand in Glove. I got halfway through Chapter One before I realized what I was creating. I spent days outlining the entire college series. I spent the summer writing. I joined a discord server because I was concerned that I, someone who hadn't actually watched an episode in years, wouldn't be doing the characters justice. I still worry about that, but less so now.
It's only been this last fall that I've started watching the show again, and it's slow going because I am just so busy and would rather write or read than watch TV. But I love the community and the friends I'm making, and I'm almost at a point where I don't feel like a total fraud.
And THAT'S how I got into Life with Derek.
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thedarkcoven · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors | Chapter One
Tumblr media
Minors DNI! 18+ [THIS IS FANTASY AND NOT REAL. Just fanfic :) Please no hate. I love both Amy and Mark <3 Will update as I go. The gif is from Google. Not mine :D ] Poly relationship. RPF. Smut/Lemon (basically porn with little to no plot lol). Some BDSM. Threesome. Secretive relationship. Fingering. Unsafe sex. Oral Sex (both male and female receiving). Dom!Amy. Switch!Markiplier. Switch!Reader. Thigh riding. Hair pulling. Voyeurism. Daddy Kink. Choking kink. Hand kink. Spanking. Cock warming. Breeding kink. Dirty Talk. Rough sex. Soft sex. Punishment. Fluff. Aftercare. Best friends to lovers. Note: this is a real person fanfic/real people fanfic and fantasy ONLY. None of this is real nor do I think they are like this so please no hate. If you do not like this type of stuff then please do not read <3 I love both Amy and Mark so I wanted to write something <3 Again this is all just made up and fictional :)
-A Few Years Ago- You were always up late gaming after work and after you were done with your studies. It helped you out a lot with stress and meeting new people always made your day so much better. You recently met this fellow YouTuber who went by Markiplier who you've heard quite a bit about and knew he was pretty popular in the community. You smiled as soon as you got a message notification from your new friend asking if you'd join him, Bob, and Wade for some casual gaming and asked if it would be okay if you were in one of his videos. Mark waited patiently as you pondered what to say but eventually you agreed and said you wouldn't mind if you were in one of his videos. He was pretty ecstatic and happy to finally introduce you as one of his friends that he has been playing with for months. You were nervous but figured why not. You enjoyed playing video games with him and the others so you felt comfortable enough to be introduced. A few days later you got the news that you were hired at a better job and immediately told Mark you'd be moving closer and would love to meet up with him and his girlfriend Amy who you loved like a best friend. When you weren't gaming, you were talking with her about mutual interests. Of course, Mark and Amy agreed and the bond between the three of you became stronger. -2021/2022- You let out a sigh as the sound of your alarm woke you from your sleep. The loud beeping made you sit up and stretch before you started your day. After showering and eating breakfast you decided to do a surprise stream since you hit your goal on subscribers. You were ecstatic and wanted to celebrate with your fans. During the stream, you got a surprise from Mark who decided to pop into the stream and say hi. You asked if he was doing anything and wanted to join. He said he would and began to stream himself as you guys connected on discord. You smiled and waved at the camera, knowing Mark was probably watching on his phone, and chuckled when you pulled up his stream on your phone and sure enough he showed his audience that he was doing just that. "So what ya planning on doing? Some q and a's and chit-chat before gaming?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair and looked into the camera, smiling slightly. "Yeah, why not. Sounds fun. How's everyone? And what about you, Mark? How you doing today?" "Pretty good. Had a nice breakfast. Amy and I took Chica and Henry out for a walk and enjoyed the weather. Edited some vids so I'll probably have those up soon. What about you? You sleep well last night?" "Yeah. I slept alright. I honestly had a hard time falling asleep because of hitting my goal. I'm still very thankful for everyone that has been supporting me from the beginning and even the new members here. It makes me happy to see people enjoying themselves." "A fan asks when are we going to get a video where you guys are together in person? Like a vlog or something." Mark chuckled and placed a hand on his chin as if anticipating my answer. "Whenever you would be up for it. I'm up for it whenever, honestly. I don't know what kind of video it would be though. Maybe Amy, you, and I could do some baking? Have a chill stream. I've been wanting to come over again and see you guys anyway." "Tomorrow. We're free. So come over tomorrow." You smiled and nodded. "Then it's a date. I'll make sure you guys will get selfies so you guys know we aren't lying to you all." You chuckled. Amy pulled open the door and pulled you in with a big hug. You smiled as you returned the hug then bent down and gave Chica and Henry loves, petting them and giving them kisses on the top of their heads. You smiled as they wagged their tails at you before running back to their dog toys. Mark smiled as he was finishing getting ready for the video and setting things up for you three to bake. You smiled and walked over to him, giving him a firm hug. Once everything was set up you walked over to stand off to the side as Mark and Amy sat in front of the camera. After they were done with
the intro of the live, they motioned for you to come over. Amy pulled you into her lap as you waved hi to everyone. You smiled as you, Mark, and Amy began to make the cookies. Amy and Mark chuckled and hugged you when you revealed cookies that you made for them. A pink mustache for Mark and you used a gingerbread cookie cutter to make a tiny version of Amy. After decorating the cookies and eating some, you three ended the stream and began to clean then start dinner. The three of you decided to watch a movie as you ate. Mark plated the food while Amy got the movie sat up and you held the plates for him, smiling up at him. You both chuckled as your stomach growled loudly. The food smelled amazing and looked delicious. You just couldn't wait to dig in. After the movie and once you three were finished, you helped Amy clean the dishes and helped take the dogs out before the two of you returned to watch more movies with Mark. What felt like a few moments later you woke to the feeling of Mark's hand on your thigh, shaking you softly. You blinked at him and yawned, rubbing your eyes before sitting up. "Hey. If you're that exhausted why don't you crash here tonight?" "I-I'm sorry for falling asleep. I would but I have no clothes to wear tonight." "Don't sweat it. I got a shirt you can wear and some shorts if you'd like." "You sure Amy wouldn't mind me staying the night?" "Of course not. We already talked about it. If you need us, you know where our room is. I'll bring you a shirt and shorts." You blushed slightly and nodded before sitting back down. Mark returned with not only a pair of his shorts and a shirt of his he also had a spare pillow and blanket in hand. You stood and thanked him before grabbing the clothes and heading to the bathroom. Mark gave you a firm hug before heading back to his and Amy's room and after he got your sleeping area all set up. You felt at home. Of course, you couldn't sleep. You let out an aggravated sigh as you squinted at the clock and saw it was only 2:30 in the morning. You were hesitant at first but you climbed off of the couch and lifted your fist to softly knock on their door. You stood, looking down at your feet as you heard shuffling then the door opened. Amy looked at you slightly worried as she rubbed her eyes. You gave her a slight smile and rubbed the back of your neck nervously before you looked over her shoulder to see Mark still fast asleep. You felt bad for waking her up and debated on just heading back to try and sleep more but waking her up for no reason was worse. "I-I can't sleep. I am probably going to change and head home." "Y/N. It's late. Come here." She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room, closing the door and dragging you to the bed. She patted the bed so you swallowed, shyly and crawled into the bed beside Mark. Only then did you realize he was only in his briefs. Amy smiled and nuzzled into you, resting her face in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around her. You would be lying if you said your heart wasn't racing. To be honest. You had feelings for both of them but obviously, you couldn't tell either of them. You were afraid you break the bond you three had that was so strong. You guys were inseparable from one another. You couldn't help but smile to yourself though as sleep took over. You didn't know what time it was but you woke to the feeling of strong arms around you and something pressing against your backside. It was then you realized Mark had his arms around you, his face buried in your neck as you spooned Amy, your arms tightly around her. You gasped as you shifted to get more comfortable and a groan escaped from Mark. Your face became hot at the feeling of his manhood pressed into you and the noises that were coming from him. "Ma-Mark." Your hands were shaky as you tapped his arm softly, tilting your head to look at him as best as you could. "Mark. Wake up." You felt like you could die when he moved his hand down to rest on your hips, stretching slightly and pressing
himself into you more. "God... Please stop moving." "Hmm? What is it baby?" "I-It's Y/N.." Mark quickly sat up and cleared his throat, his face now equally red. "I couldn't sleep so Amy dragged me to bed." "I'm.. I'm sorry. I um... God this is embarrassing now." "No. Its um. It's okay. So what were you dreaming about?" You raised a brow and tilted your head as you sat up as well, smiling slightly as Amy turned over and rested her head in your lap. "I-I can't tell you." "Come on. You're my best friend and we are both adults. What you and Amy having sex?" You chuckled. "With you." You sat there for a bit, trying to comprehend what he had just said. "O-Oh.... Oh.. Mark, I." You could feel the wetness start to soak through your undies as you began to think of the scenario. "You guys okay?" Amy sat up, yawning cutely and resting her head on your shoulder. "Yeah." You gripped her hand. "Mark just woke from a dream is all. He was telling me about it." "Oh? What was it about?" "I-I can't tell you." He was embarrassed and you placed a hand on his thigh. "Its kind of embarrassing and not expected." "Oh? Like?" You tilted your head and whispered the dream to Amy who let out a chuckle and looked over at Mark. "That's not so embarrassing. I mean I've had those types of dreams before." "Oh..." It was your turn to feel embarrassed as yous at there between the two of them. "Well, I was not expecting this." You admitted before looking at them. "How come you've never told me bout it?" Mark asked, a little curious. "Embarrassed and honestly didn't know how to tell you, "Hey. Had a dream we both fucked our best friend." "Fair point." Mark lay back down, looking up at the ceiling when Amy noticed his problem. You blushed as Amy grabbed your hand and moved it against his hardened member, making you squeeze slightly. Mark let out a shaky breath as he looked up at you through his lashes before closing his eyes and leaning his head back. Amy began to press soft kisses along your jaw and neck as she ran her free hand down to settle between your legs, slipping it under the waistband of the shorts you were wearing. "You can tell us to stop, okay? We won't go any further if you don't want to." "D-Don't stop. Please." You whimpered as Mark pulled his briefs down, his cock springing free. Amy rubbed your back as you hesitantly moved to where you were between his thighs, taking his length in your hands. "Sh-Shit.." Amy chuckled and pressed her lips to Mark's as you slowly worked him in your palm, your thumb teasing the head of his cock when you moved your hand up, smearing his precum along the ridge of his dick. You pushed your hair back and took him into your mouth, taking a deep breath before deepthroating him. Mark moaned as he gripped your hair, bucking his hips slightly. Amy smirked as she pulled away and pulled your underwear and shorts down then moved to settle between your legs. The feeling of her tongue against your folds made you shiver as you looked up at Mark. He rubbed your cheek as you continued to bob your head up and down, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. You couldn't help but pull away from Mark and whimper as Amy held you in place firmly, your thighs on either side of her head as her tongue moved against your clit. "Oh my god. I-I'm gonna cum, Amy. Please." You whined as she stopped and pulled away, landing a smack on your ass. She smirk as she stood on her knees behind you, kneading your breasts with one hand while the other teased your aching pussy. "You wanna cum? Why don't you be a good girl and ride his cock, baby. Let him take care of you." "O-Okay." You smiled shyly and pressed your lips to hers before straddling Mark's lap. Mark pressed his lips to yours as he held you close, squeezing and spanking your ass as he ground his hips against yours, making the shaft of his cock rub between your fold and coating himself in your juices. You clung to him desperately, shaking, as he
teased you. Before you thought you couldn't handle it anymore he positioned himself at your entrance and began to push himself into you. You both let out a moan in sync as he slowly pushed in until he bottomed out, his balls resting against your ass. Before moving, Mark pressed soft kisses to your shoulder, whispering sweet praises so you could adjust to his size. He made you lean back slightly, the angle making you gasp, and began to rub your clit softly with his thumb. Whines spilled from your lips as he then began to grind his hips into yours. The feeling of you clenching around him makes him shake and moan. "Fu-Fuck, Y/N. You're squeezing me so tightly." He pulled you against him so he could kiss you, his lips moving against yours in desperation as he started to become rougher and dominant with his actions. You let out a loud moan as he tangles his fingers into your hair, deepening the kiss. You felt the knot start to form in your womb as you clenched around him, making it almost impossible for him to move. He growled and kissed down to your neck, nipping as he smacked your ass hard. You couldn't help but grind against him, bringing yourself closer to your orgasm. "Mark! I-I'm cumming. Fuckfuckfuck... Mark!" "That's it, babygirl. Cum on my cock. Gonna make me fill you to the brim. Cum with me, princess." You began to see fireworks as he held you in place and began slamming his hips into yours. Your body shook uncontrollably as you clung to him, hugging yourself to him and hiding your face in his neck. "So- so good. Feels so good, daddy." You went to cover your mouth at the slip of the word but Mark gripped your wrist softly as he continued grinding his hips into yours. "Nu-uh. Let daddy hear your beautiful noises. I'm so close." You nodded and blushed as he peppered kisses on your wrist before resting your hand against his cheek. "You're so beautiful, princess. All ours." You whined out as the tip of his cock rubbed against your spot, making the both of you shudder. Mark threw his head back in pleasure as you began rocking your hips into yours, another orgasm starting to wash over you. Your thighs began to shake as Amy came to rest behind you, moving a hand to rest against your pussy as she rubbed your clit. The feeling of her giving you pleasure and Mark's cum filling you was almost unbearable. "That's it. Such a good girl. So good for us." Amy praised before tilting your head slightly to where she could kiss you. Mark smiled up at the both of you, running his hands up and down your sides before sitting up, keeping you on his lap. "I don't know what to say." You chuckled, looking away from them shyly. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Mark asked with a raised brow, brushing your hair out of your face. "Yes. And you two?" They nodded as Amy rested her head against your shoulder, keeping her arms around you. "Let's go shower. Get you cleaned up." Mark said, kissing your forehead. "And I'll make breakfast." Amy said with a smile. "You're going to need the energy for later." You began to feel butterflies in your stomach at the thought of this being an ongoing thing. You had no idea that the start of your friendship would blossom into something like this... but honestly. You couldn't complain.
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juliaswickcrs · 2 years
I know so many people have made posts already but I feel the need to tell my own story and experience.
I befriended Maddie (randomestfandoms-OCs) at the start of 2020. When I first joined the community I was wary, seeing as we had similar FCs for Teen Wolf OCs and stories, but I shoved it aside as coincidence because I was new and they weren’t.
Once I started befriending them I got so caught up in everything I lost myself. I was just getting out of a shitty relationship and had been evicted from my very nice apartment due to COVID and losing my job. Maddie made me feel less lonely and relied on my support to enable their OCs. I considered us friends. I thought they did too.
The first red flag came up when they told me of their side blog codenamekryptonite. I thought nothing of it, considering most people had sideblogs. But then I found out that they were pretending to be an entirely different person named Veronica and in their own words “it was like they were Hannah Montana”.
I was uncomfortable with this but I brushed it aside. Because they were my friend and I trusted them not to abuse the sideblog.
Clearly this didn’t happen.
The second red flag happened when I asked what was wrong after seeing a “delete later” post on their blog. Immediately I was bombarded with Maddie talking about an OC discord they were in where they felt their ideas were being ignored and how stressed they felt. I did not know any of the users they mentioned, so once again I took Maddie at their word, believing my friend over people I didn’t know.
I now know and befriended the people they were talking about and I regret taking Maddie’s side.
The third red flag was the Gloria situation. I behaved horribly because again I thought I was protecting my friend. I had grown used to the comfort Maddie’s protection brought me and I felt like I owed them because they helped me out of the hole I was in. So I acted in an abhorrent manner, discrediting Gloria and blocking her because I was blind to the other accusations that occurred. I didn’t have much information on Gloria and what little I did came from Maddie and Emily (perfectlyemily).
To Gloria. I apologize for acting the way I did. I was horrible to you when you were telling the truth and I’m sorry it took me so long to realize this.
The final red flag and eventual end to our close friendship was Maddie stealing my Lya Dayne OC. Receipts are in Anna’s (anna-phora) post but this was just the latest in a long line of OCs that were more than coincidences.
They continued to steal OC ideas of mine long after I cut ties with them in July of 2020.
Every time I believed an OC of mine was stolen I confronted them privately, hoping to resolve this without going public but I can’t stay silent on this anymore. It’s clear that going public is the only way to get the message across.
I cut ties with them in messages but remained friendly when the situation called for it. Until a few months ago when I admitted to one of my friends that ocfanhub was also Maddie and that they were not only going by Veronica on tumblr, but on discord.
This eventually became public knowledge and I woke up to find myself blocked and unfollowed by Maddie. Our friendship was over and even though I was angry at them for stealing so many of my ideas, I still wanted to be friends with them. I still considered them my friend.
It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with the extent of their influence over me during that time, but I’ve been speaking out against them for years, because no one deserves to have their loneliness manipulated, no one deserves to have their OCs stolen, and no one deserves to be silenced when they’re trying to speak out.
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bridgeportbritt · 3 years
The Toxicity of Royal Simblr
alright guys. I was kind of hoping I wouldn’t have to make a post about this or that it would just go away. But, I’m seeing now that this is not the case. As the owner of the Royal Discord Community, I along with others in the community feel like this behind the scenes toxic behavior needs to be addressed because it’s been going on for a while now and a lot of people have been affected.
Please note that the intention is to bring attention to some of the toxic behaviors shown here so those involved will not continue further. We’ve blocked names of some people in the following screenshots to remove their identity as this is not about he said/she said stuff. It’s about bringing light to something that’s been affecting all of us.
This is a long post so be prepared to do some reading if you continue on. The following screenshots were provided to me because I took over the Royal Discord once the previous admins no longer wanted it. The rest is under the cut.
*Before you read on, I’m happy to let you know that a resolution has come since this initial post. Please read this post. Thank you!*
A lot of these messages are disheartening because myself, the other admins/mods, and the community as a whole has worked hard to bring the community back from a place where people honestly felt too scared to join because messages like these were playing in the background and this sentiment seeps into every part of Royal Simblr unfortunately. Due to how things were run previously on top of this toxic underbelly it’s made people hesistant to join in.
There is one thing I’d like to address first as it was directed at myself and I want to own up to anything I have done in this. When I first joined Royal Simblr, I participated in a Royal Sim Pageant. In one of the rounds, derogatory and racist remarks against Asians were made without the participants knowing. I truly regret to have been apart of it. When it was brought to my attention, I worked to correct the damage done with the owners of the pageant. I’m not perfect and don’t claim to be, but I’m always working to be better especially when it comes to correctly representing other cultures as it’s something I take very seriously.
To preface these messages, there are two things to know. There are two seperate servers. Server A) The server I’ve been admin of for a little over a month after the last admin transferred it to me. Server B) A smaller server that was created before Server A and made up a lot of the folks who also created and ran the Server A initially. The other thing is most of these people are not in Server A and haven’t been in over a month.
The conversation you see here started with a member of the community being accused of copying storylines. This person being accused is in Server A and this conversation took place in Server B on July 15, 2021.
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The person speaking is saying they left Server A because a person is accused of copying storylines. For some reason, the whole community is then somehow involved in this as the conversation shifts. The person accused of copying happened to be a moderator in Server A which is mentioned. 
From what I’ve seen from this server, this is fairly common behaviour and multiple people have been bullied, accused of copying, etc. many stemming from this server.
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In this shot, Server A is put into question. Many stating they left because they don’t want to pretend to be positive or show interest in other stories as if they are being forced to. As you can see one person states that this is not the case of the server since I’ve been admin and don’t encourage people to show fake positivity.
However, this person is actually in Server A which I’m guessing is why they decided to sort of defend it. But, then they agree that those running Server A are questionable (ie myself and the other admins/mods).
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More of the same, but speaking about the previous ownership of the server when referring to being asked to step down. Also more just toxic talk about the entire Royal simblr community for no reason. This comes from those who have “built the community” and “do so much for it.” But behind closed doors this is what is done.
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In this shot, those in Server A are accused of not “making an effort to be anyone’s friend” with those who rarely interact, being nice to each other for clout, and just overall being fake. Although, keep in mind, one of these people (”I stay for the drama”) is in Server A and never expressed any of this to me or other admins. Yet talking trash about us in Server B. Note: the pageant is also brought up here which I’ve addressed above and I believe I was the only admin or moderator apart of the pageant. 
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Here they make fun of people speaking about their stories and other people encouraging them. Also, just want to point out if anyone ever feels unwelcomed in the server, please reach out to me of the other admins. It’s our goal to make everyone welcome, but we can’t do that if we don’t know. Also, being a jerk to people in another server for no reason isn't really a good way to make friends.
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Some general nonsense about the server and those in the server. Again most of these people haven’t been in the server since I took over so sentiments about the status of the server are all from a month ago when those in Server B were in charge of Server A. The “felt like a corporation” and “crickets” is all things we’ve been working to reverse since we’ve taken it over.
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In these shots, it’s talked about how so many people are stuck in their Royal stories and don’t plan methodically and decorate and how they take bad screenshots. Basically making fun of everyone else because they aren’t doing things exactly as they are or think they should be done. The community they “built” mind you. Then, they talk about some plan to rejoin Server A and bait people, but not wanting to get caught up so deciding against it.
This gives you a gist of what is happening in the Royal Simblr community. Some of the most beloved and talented among us are spending their time poking fun at everyone else, bullying, and being toxic in a server that is “not exclusive.” Many of my friends have been apart of this and even got swept into the toxicity which shows you the nature of this group. It’s very exclusive and meant to bully and mock others even going as far as making people want leave the community alrogether.
This is not me trying to bash anyone or continue bullying or single out these people specifically as bad people. There are a lot more screenshots that I did not share of just really mean stuff, but we’ve all done messed up stuff. I won't say who said what or even who had this particular conversation because at this point it doesn't matter, but I will address those who are in the server and actively participate in toxic conversations including @royaldevilliers @thesimsroyalfam @wa-royal-tea @royalfamilyofgrimalldi and @markinghamroyals​
We all have a vision for the community and we’ve been working towards that and this is NOT it. It’s not about who’s best or being being better than everyone else. It’s supposed to be about community, sharing stories, and overall just having a good time with a fun HOBBY. Others are just taking it too far and too seriously. Things like this ruin it for EVERYONE. 
When I took over Server A, no one interacted, people were nervous to join, and it was a place where people didn’t feel welcomed. Now, we just had a random 6 hour server stream yesterday, people are helping people daily and sharing their stories again. This is what we want for the community. But with behavior like this, we will NEVER get there.
To those who are doing this, please look at these nasty messages and see how this does so much harm. The toxic energy you bring does not stop just because it’s in your little bubble. 
This is who you want to be known as?
This is how you want to “build a community?” 
None of us are perfect and we don’t expect you to be either, but this is just mean especially to folks who haven’t done anything to you and even look up to you.
To those who’ve been affected by this, I’m really sorry. We have to do better if we want this community to continue and be a good place for us all.
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amazingphilza · 4 years
maniac :: cc!tommy x reader
angst (?) , platonic (?) , gender neutral ! ib: conan gray’s maniac
this is satire & note that i write the reader to be a few months younger than tommy (besides that, i think it is fully inclusive !)
synopsis : you put all your hard work towards a useless crush. with no expectation for reciprocated feelings in the first place, it still all ends in a bittersweet slap to reality.
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you grew up with minecraft and it was an understatement to say it was part of your childhood
even years later, you still maintained interested in the game
it wasn’t just a simple video game, the community inspired you to do many things
you aspired to be like the creators you watched at a young age like sky, dantdm, cupquake, stampy, and many more
making people happy and entertained was a dream
and when minecraft slowly began trending again in 2019, you started making your own content whenever you felt like it out of fun
you never got much views but it was an enjoyable experience nonetheless
but it wasn’t until the first minecraft monday you decided to push a bit more with your hobbies and worked hard to make it somewhere
however balancing your passions with school wasn’t the easiest
given, you were still only around 15 and your content wasn’t even that good
with not much of a goal or plan with your youtube channel, you fell out of interest eventually
you loved minecraft but you always a rocky relationship with it; getting back into it for a few months then pretending it never really existed for another few
besides the occasional videos you watched in your pass time, you didn’t stay that updated
then lockdown happened
it changed everything and even got you regressing back to old interests
soon enough you were back to minecraft
there was so much to catch up on
hermitcraft season 7 just started, there was minecraft championships, and smp earth and smp live, and so much more to look forward to watching
you were a bit late on both of the smps but your interest peaked specially towards smp earth and it didn’t stop you from watching the past videos
you first gravitated towards a certain youtuber’s videos first since you remember stumbling onto his videos before from your recommended page; wilbur soot
besides recognizing him from his you laugh you lose series and making parody-type of songs, you didn’t know much
however with a few clicks, you had binge watched his smp earth series effortlessly
you found yourself falling down the endless hole, finding more creators to watch through wilbur
one in particular caught your eye in an interesting way
my god, how can someone be so annoying and pushy in these videos? like shut up already
and to find out he was barely months older than you frustrated you
you just wanted to be better in some way
if someone like him could be popular, why can’t you? yelling at others and causing problems didn’t seem that hard
and so you went back to working hard on your previously failed youtube channel but this time with a goal; be better than tommyinnit
it was a weird aspiration in your head but it worked
he was your age and successful, why need a better motivator?
tommy wasn’t the sole reason why you strive to make content since you truly did want to create videos to entertain people like the youtubers you originally grew up watching
and with the amount of free time you had, you thoroughly analyzed his content; what was the most popular, how he streamed, edited his videos, everything
you just completely studied the algorithm in general
along the way, tommy’s personality grew on you
tommy was undoubtedly a very loud and energetic person but you became fond of his ambitions
you understood why he was popular at such a young age; he was a natural entertainer
your spite towards the boy turned into a hope
a hope to be at par with him someday and even be mutuals
and it was like your dreams were suddenly manifested into existence
you gained a large following in the early months of lockdown and even was recognized to be apart of minecraft championships
it felt like yesterday that you were just watching your favorite youtubers livestream the same competition
and now you were situation in a team to play yourself for the first time instead of being a viewer for once
not to mention, with tommyinnit as a teammate
how did you manage to get so lucky?
under the excitement, you felt beyond never nervous waiting in the empty discord call for your team to join you to practice the mini-games
in the middle of gathering your thoughts together, you heard a sound from discord signaling someone joined the call
“uh, hello?”
you heard the familiar british accent you spent hours listening to from countless streams and videos
“h-hi! i’m y/n, how are you?”
you hoped tommy couldn’t hear the strain in your voice due to fighting your nerves, but you quietly celebrated that you didn’t freeze up altogether
“oh i’m good, thank you. and i’m tommy by the way, this is the first time we’re speaking, yeah?”
“yep! it’s nice to meet you”
“yeah, i’ve seen your name around the timeline a few times, you seem cool”
oh my god what?
“thanks! um i actually really enjoy your content not gonna lie”
“oh wow, good shit!”
and the conversation smoothly went on, bouncing back and forth between you two before your other two teammates joined the call
once everyone was situated, you decided to start streaming since it was your first mcc and you wanted a vod of you practicing to look at later on as a memory
your chat immediately noticed how much you were enjoying yourself, especially after all the short stories of talking about who inspired you in the past
the smile plastered on your face never left
after stream and your other teammates went offline, it was you and tommy left in the call once together again
“it was nice talking to you tommy! and the practice was really fun, i cant wait for the actual competition!”
“yeah definitely, we’ll for sure place high”
“hopefully. it’s my first time and i hope i don’t cost us the dub”
“nah, you think so? i mean rt and plumbella are also our team mates so you know, it’s all for fun in the end”
you knew tommy was implying the teamwork wasn’t going to be the best compared to the other teams but at least in the end you’ve both made a new friend
“yeah you’re right!”
“anyway it’s getting late imma hop off”
“okay tommy, talk to you soon?”
“alright byee”
the moment he left the call, you felt a sense of relief before a small wave of sadness took over
you wanted to continue talking to tommy but you knew you had other responsibilities to tend to
for the rest of the day, you couldn’t stop thinking of the call and mcc practice
the funny jokes, singing random songs, screaming for no reason, everything
it even kept you awake until the early morning
you buried your head in a pillow and screamed into it after realization hit
y/n no
no no no no no no no
you tried to recall anything that remotely related your other teammates which you remembered that didn’t include tommy
even if it was a few hours ago, you couldn’t pin point something specific
i must just be forgetful, right?
what the hell did rt and plumbella even say that whole call?
you vividly remembered everything with tommy and it was clear to you why
surely not
with putting a hand on your chest above your heart, you confirmed that you couldn’t lie to yourself based on the rapid speed
you liked tommy for a good while but it hadn’t clicked to you until now
eventually you fell asleep due to exhaustion but that’s to say you didn’t do so without imagining spending more time with tommy
ever since that day, time went by in a flash
your team didn’t do the best in mcc but it had been a while since then to have that as a concern
sadly you and tommy didn’t talk as often as you hoped but that didn’t make you have less feelings for him
on some days you felt bad since you thought you didn’t know enough about him to even be allowed to crush on him
it was a bit unprofessional but you were nearly 16, it’s normal to have these little crushes right?
eventually time came to rescue when tommy asked you if you wanted to accompany him in the dream smp
undoubtedly, you said yes
and for the few months during summer, it was where you two became even closer than before
however, once both of you two had to go back and attend school, it was harder to catch up with each other
even on calls together off stream, the occasional snapchat notification going off irked you in a way you couldn’t explain
only winter break was the small pause on your disappointment
but even then, it was a slow but steady hill of repressed sadness and frustration until early spring of the following year
you had hoped 2021 would be better than last year but after scrolling through twitter one day and seeing stans making rumors about how tommy had a crush on one of his classmates gave you the same pain you felt when school started last fall
you dreaded to look over at tommy’s most recent story time stream vod where all the gossip arose from; it was him stumbling over his words with the mention of a girl during a certain part
jealousy wasn’t the right word to describe the way you felt
you would never go out of your way to make tommy reciprocate the feelings you had for him
and if he liked someone else the way you saw him, you wouldn’t mind
having a crush is ecstatic, and if he has someone like that too, you should be happy
you tried
what finally broke you was seeing a tiktok a few weeks later of tommy in college with eryn and another girl talking
you didn’t know how she looked like or anything but you wanted to sob
good for him
she didn’t even say much in the video and you dont know enough about tommy’s personal life to jump to conclusions like this
you knew you were acting irrational and you couldn’t be upset at tommy for something he couldn’t control
if anything, you never directly showed interest in him
you didn’t want to in the first place
it was a bad idea from the start
you looked back at the past year and all your intentions
what kind of sick fanfiction did you think you were living?
becoming a content creator, hoping to blow up, just to talk to a big youtuber you had a crush on?
oh my god
y/n what is wrong with you?
listen to yourself, y/n
you need to get some help
whether tommy was dating or even just had interest someone was none of your business
you had to move on no matter what it was and be good and supportive friend
it was dreadful to get over a stupid crush like this but after so much work you put in, you gave some sympathy for yourself
in a friend perspective, you were happy with whatever tommy did and was satisfied your friendship together, but you hadn’t realized how much you gambled from the beginning
and just for a crush?
you couldn’t comprehend how far you gone because you fancied someone
it wasn’t like anyone could get famous and become a popular content creator either
and now with you being on the dream smp along with a successful youtube channel at 16? you were grateful something pushed you enough to work this hard
but you’d never forget the fact everything that lead up to this point was a crush on no other than tommyinnit which first spurred from complete spite
“who’s the one better off now?” your thoughts mocked you from the complete irony
y/n, you maniac
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
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Hi Kat! Popping in to request some top fives, please <3
(If you're up for sharing) how about the top five things that always make you smile? Aaaand top five cursed images 👀
(Intrigued to know if Pwimo will make it onto both lists lollll.)
Aw hi Sarah! Thank you so much for sending this one! I love playing the glad game and can easily go on a tangent, so let's see if I can even limit it to five things that make me smile (which, fun fact, isn't all that hard to do - I've even been told I smile too much so yeah, doesn't take a lot lol).
(This got long - that's what she said - so I put it under the cut)
1. Hubby
It's a long running joke that I married Mr. Darcy, in what appears to be a sort of sunshine meets (seemingly) grumpy, but it's all a facade lol. He's so funny! And I remember once, when we first got together (almost 18 years ago!), a family member politely asked uh, what it is about him that drew me in, and I replied that he makes me laugh so much! And she said, "but he never talks?" And I just laughed harder because like, sure maybe not to others - but for me, he makes not only jokes, but sound effect noises, and accents, and I never know when. Can just be in the living room and suddenly it's like Black Pete walked in lol.
He also makes me smile in many other ways, too - like he's the first person to ever kiss my hand, and all my princess dreams were fulfilled. He was the first person to just accept my sexuality (even before I ever knew the term asexual, much less the spectrum of it - though maybe him being the same is what helped us both go "you, too?!" Yeah it just felt so nice not to deal with - what I later learned was aphobia - and just get to be). So basically, yeah, he was the first healthy, mutually equal relationship I ever had, and he helped me better understand the minds of introverts, too. He is my biggest supporter, even patiently listens to me sharing server stories or Pwimo memes and never in a patronizing way - though sometimes he looks like this:
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I love him your honor
2. Kiddos
Both my children are my rainbow babies after loss, and I'm so blessed and honored that I get to be their mother. It is my job to love them, not theirs to love me, but they bring me so much joy and laughter simply by being them. There are several videos of us just hamming it up, dancing, singing, dramatic play - and I hope I never take the gift of their presence in my life for granted. The relationships naturally shift and evolve as they reach different milestones, but I do hope that even as adults they will want to continue to spend time with us because I'm excited to see how their personalities and experiences will further shape them into (hopefully) down to Earth, kind, people who want to pay it forward.
3. Chatting with people
I'm an extrovert, ESFP, words of affirmations gal - like gosh gimme all the people. It's my serotonin boost - it fills me up to converse with people. So much so that on long days with apps and errands and lots of driving, I'll timeblock social media time to get a boost in between them, because yeah, it always works! Seriously, on days when I'm stuck in bed, being able to stay in touch with people has genuinly shifted my general apphrension about the encroaching winter months. It's no lie that I essentially look like this when I get notifications:
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I'm very appreciative of the fact that I have local friends and family I get to see monthly, and seasonally of course, but yeah my brain loves being connected with people more often than that, so social media/online is a great tool for me ❤️
4. Memes
Absolutely no shock to anyone who has talked to me even twice - I adore me some reaction memes and gifs (like even before I joined discord, I'd use them liberally in my text communication as well) - there's a limit to how much can be conveyed in text based conversations and my brain tends to read very literally so I love adding gifs/memes and emotes to help convey my sentiments and I appreciate the same back (or tone indicators if someone is being sarcastic). I have several albums/categories on my phone, divided by theme, hundreds if not thousands, and unless I know someone has a sensory/visual limit (certainly don't want to make it harder for anyone to communicate with me!) I tend to use them fairly liberally.
5. Knowing I brought a smile to someone else ❤️
And top five cursed images?? Now, do you want some from my cursed children galleries:
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Or some I've only shared with a select few for extra cackles? Or from the cursed emote server where I made some for Pwimo's birthday back in May?
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Let me know in DMs bc one or two I'd have no idea how to tag and don't want to get reported lol
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