#I got the bundle which came with the print and oh my god. it's amazing. impossible to photograph so I didn't lol but
spiritsong · 10 months
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my spacelab9 DA vinyl set arrived on DA Day of all days!!!
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azaarchiive · 8 months
holiday girlfriend; semi eita
chapter six
- paint, sip and growth
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both you and semi walked into a dimly lit and empty art gallery. the paintings hung up were mediocre in talent but very adorable nonetheless, it was weird, how paper and paint could communicate the love and passion each couple felt for each other.
“so what’s in store for today?” you sighed.
“well, i got us into a sip and paint!” semi giggle excitedly.
“eita.. babe..” you said, looking at him puzzled as you pointed to your very visible stomach.
semi smiled as his cheeks were lightly dusted in a pink shade at the pet name used.
“i’m not stupid, i made sure to get organic mocktails for you.” semi nudged you slightly.
“oh, good. it’s great to see singing hasn’t fried off all of your braincells.” you replied.
“you know, thank you eita, i love you so much eita and marry me eita are perfectly valid responses as well.” semi muttered.
“i’d prefer to keep you humble before that big ass head of yours grows even bigger than it should.” you smiled, lightly punching his muscular bicep.
“ah hello, are you our private customers?” a lady spoke in front of the both of you.
“yes, reservation for mr and mrs semi.” semi smiled.
“you’ve got to me kidding me.” you muttered to yourself, you seemed to be seeing a recurring theme with all these activities he’s planned.
“of course, right this way.” the lady said, turning around and leading the both of you into a beautifully decorated room. fairly lights littered the corners of the room along with love hearts plastered everywhere that could possibly be imagined. the room was comically large and had a singular table with a chair in either end and a white table clothe along with two canvases on either side, a wide range of coloured paint pallets were accompanying the canvases. the room was warm and the aura was comfortable, it’s safe to say that semi definitely got his money’s worth.
“take a seat, i’ll bring out the menus and prompt cards soon. feel free to already get started.” the lady left as soon as she came.
the soft sound of music started playing quietly as you both took your seats, funnily enough, it was semi’s song that was playing.
“damn, this guy is amazing at singing. i love talented young men.” semi joked.
“i think his musics a bit trashy but to each their own.” you joked back.
“well, my little bundle of joy in there seems to think differently.” semi smiled whilst staring at your stomach, the tiny feet prints being noticeable through the maternity dress.
“let’s hope she doesn’t get your big ass feet.” you snorted.
“what’s that supposed to mean? my feet are very cute and petite.” semi huffed childishly.
“eita, when we first did it, i remember waking up and seeing those big ass grippers peaking out the sheets and being terrified.” you laughed.
“oh my god, stop feet shaming me!” semi whined.
“then reduce your abnormally large feet size.” you breathed out.
“anyways, moving on from this discrimination, do you want to get started or-“
“your menus and your prompt cards.” the lady interrupted, placing down two menus, a deck of pink cards, and two separate red cards.
“enjoy!” was the last word she said before leaving hastily.
you both looked at the red cards placed in front of you, which displayed what each of your painting prompts were.
‘how you feel around them’
“what the- ok this is stupid. what did you get?” you placed the card down, looking at semi.
“not telling.” semi smiled as he quickly picked up his paintbrush and dipped it in his water.
“oh my god, just say it.” you rolled your eyes.
“no! the whole point is that we just paint and when we are finished, then we reveal our paintings and prompts.” semi explained.
“fucking hell, alright then.” you reluctantly picked up your brush and dipped in the water, trying to think of what the hell turned paint.
“so, while we paint, let’s do the question cards!” semi excited picked one up.
you could see how elated he was about this, you found it very cute how much he was trying to make these last few days here enjoyable with you and you appreciated it highly.
“before we start, we need to take an oath that we will answer every question honestly no matter how deep or difficult it may be.” semi put a hand on his heart.
“fine.” you responded, however you could still feel his stare.
you begrudgingly put your hand on your heart before repeating what you said earlier. semi smiled in response and looked down at the card to read what it said.
“who was your first famous crush?” semi read out.
“ok, hear me out with this… knuckles from sonic the hedgehog.” you quickly replied whilst giggling.
“oh my god, you’re insane.” semi chuckled.
“no i’m not! he’s the perfect himbo. he’s so funny, he’s charming and he cares so much about his friends and would anything for them. now that’s a man right there.” you sighed dreamily.
“yep, you’ve lost it. he’s literally an animal.” semi replied.
“don’t even do that, he’s a humanoid- more human than animal might i add- and he’s fine as hell.” you chuckled.
“whatever floats your beastly boat.”
“don’t speak about him that way! i will fight you.” you joking brought up your fists.
“i will not fight the mother of my child.” semi said heroically.
“you won’t get out of this by buttering me up using our child, you manipulator.”
semi’s movements paused as he looked at you, his smile grew heavily and rapidly.
“ok why are you looking at me like that? i don’t actually want to fight you.” you scoffed.
“it’s the first time you called her ‘ours.’ ” semi spoke softly.
you stayed silent, not even realising what a simple change of vocabulary could mean to him. it was true, you have never described your daughter as something that you both shared, to you, she has always been yours. semi was never there either way, so why would your daughter ever even be ‘his?’
but, regardless of anything, the true fact of the matter was that he was her father. the child in your stomach was not only your but also semi’s. semi was just glad you were starting to realise it.
“well, she is our daughter. regardless of what happened, she always will share both of our DNA, im not ashamed to say that. especially if you are now taking initiative to be in her life and mine, better late than never right?” you spoke after some moments, trying to avert the heavy stare he was giving you as you felt flustered under his intimate gaze.
“ahem- uh- a-anyways, you pick the next card” semi stuttered, going back to painting while trying to hide his evident blush.
you quickly glanced back at your blank canvas, still stuck on what the hell to draw. how did he make you feel, anyways? annoyed, frustrated, tired, unfocused, i mean the list could go on.
(maybe a little horny too but that’s just the hormones speaking, of course.)
you reminded yourself to pick up a card from the deck and read it out loud.
“oh my fucking- have you had any sex dreams recently?” you grunted.
“oh have i? there has been so many, so so many.” semi laughed.
“god save us all.” you muttered.
“ok but seriously? i haven’t had any in a while.” semi confessed.
“semi eita? the so-called international sex symbol? mr. hit and dip?” you questioned.
“haha, very funny.” semi replied sarcastically.
“but i truly haven’t, and if im being honest right now, for a while before i came back, i couldn’t have sex with anyone. i couldn’t even think of sex with anyone else or get hard or tug mini eita because all i thought about was you.” semi continued sincerely.
“really?” you asked, it made no sense to you to be honest. semi’s coping mechanism is sex, there’s no way in your mind that you could believe he couldn’t get it up due to you.
“yep, every time i tried, all i could think about was both of you. how you were doing, how much you changed, whether my child was a boy or girl. all my thoughts were consumed by you entirely and i tried to push it away but i couldn’t. i thought it was just guilt but it wasn’t that, while it was part of it, it was mostly just because i cared. i gave so many fucks that i didn’t want to give and it scared the shit out of me, but coming here now, being with you now, all my worries have disappeared. being around you is a different type of feeling, freeing almost. i feel so light around you. i know you probably hate me right now but i don’t care, being alone with you is already a blessing within itself that can make me feel full enough to ignore the facts. the facts that say im fucked up and you have no reason to even be around me, yet you still choose to and that’s enough for me.” semi smiled fondly.
you remained speechless, averting your gaze to anywhere but his face. everything semi said was basically a confession, one that was so heartfelt and so genuine. even the look he was giving you was sincere.
“um, i guess you pick up the next card now.” you spoke after the beat of silence. you decide not to address it right now, you knew it probably wasn’t fair but you had to put yourself first. getting involved with him shortly after he comes back would be messy for everyone involved. until you hand tangible evidence that he had matured, you will not get involved with him again. not to mention, it’s not like you liked him anyways, right? you only felt attached due to the unfinished business you both had as well as the fact that you are carrying his child. nothing more, nothing less.
“right.” semi replied, picking up a card from the deck.
“what is the first thing your noticed about me?” semi read out.
“well, i mean it has to be your voice, i was a super fan before we met.” you said.
“that’s such a cop out.” semi laughed.
“no it isn’t! ok fine- uh…” you placed your head on your hand as you leaned onto the table in front, thinking back to when your first talked to him.
you remember you being pulled on stage by him, him singing the most crude lyrics in your face and giving you the microphone to finish them off whilst never breaking eye contact.
“your eyes.” you spoke after the beat of silence.
“really? why?” semi cocked his head to the side slightly.
“it’s just- when i was on stage with you, i was so captivated by your eyes. how your pupils dilated slightly, how your eyes aren’t brown but aren’t grey and just a weird but very pretty mix between the both. the subtle contrast between emotions in your eyes that could only be told if anyone noticed, the passion in your eyes as well, i mean, i could tell you wanted to fuck me.” you laughed the last sentence off, not realising the semi was now leaning over the table and right in your face.
“what the hell?!” you jumped at the realisation that he was now extremely close to you.
semi responded with a simple smile, not moving one bit from his position. meaning you were forced to engage in the prolonged eye contact with semi eita.
at that moment, the only thing that seemed to matter was you two. semi’s teasing smirk grew at the entranced look you had, you weren’t lying when you said his eyes captivated you.
the feeling bubbled within you, it was soft though, not like previously when it would be eagerness or want. it was something that could only be compared to a sun rise over a field of blooming flowers. the sound of his soft voice playing in the background of your own song, one that depicted the vibes of summertime, because for some reason, everyday felt like summertime around him. a blissful, oddly peaceful summer morning.
“i think i know what to paint now.” you muttered to yourself, unable to take your eyes off of him.
“happy to help!” he grinned before picking his paintbrush up again.
“let’s get something to eat, im tired after looking so sexy all day.” semi sighed dramatically.
“i hate you so much.” you rolled your eyes, lying straight through your teeth. you hated how you didn’t hate him and you truly wish you did. he is just so easy to want.
way too easy.
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after a long period of painting, drinking and oversharing (mostly from semi), it was finally time to present each others paintings.
“let’s turn them around at the same time.” semi suggested, to which you nodded.
“ok, 3, 2 and 1!” you both swiftly turns around your paintings.
you were faced with a gorgeously painted grass field, with non other than semi looking in a random mirror awkwardly placed in the middle of the field. while semi was faced with a field of randomly assorted flowers, a terribly drawn sun and both you and semi sat in the field with a hide smile on each others faces.
“you can actually paint?” you asked baffled.
“yuh huh, i was actually going to be an artist if music didn’t work out.” semi commented.
“fuck off, that’s so annoying now i look like a idiot.” you frowned.
“no you dont, you just look like your shit at art.” semi smiled.
“i hate you, anyways, explain yourself.” you sighed, leaning back into the chair while caressing your baby bump. semi smiled at the sight.
“alright, well, the field is because you keep me grounded. you remind me that under all this gorgeous exterior i’ve got, i’m still human. you hold me accountable and i like it because sometimes i get too overzealous and forget that im not perfect. the mirror represents reflection, you’re a reminder of who i truly am, flaws and all. you make me come to terms with who i’ve become and what i have done, you make me healthy in a sense, without you, i don’t think id even be able to admit my wrongdoings and i will forever be so grateful for that.” semi explained, pointing to every detail he mentioned.
you stared at him, surprised at the seriousness he said all of this in. you very much expected a half assed drawing with random things that don’t make sense, meanwhile here he is, talking about his emotions and demonstrating something you never thought he would experience, growth.
“anyways, what about yours?” he asked.
you started to become flustered, you weren’t even sure now that yours was as symbolic or emotional as his.
“well- i don’t really know. it’s mostly just because being around you feels like summertime everyday. it’s bright, sunny, a good excuse to be around and just an outgoing time of the year. i just find you very uplifting and if hope was a definition, i think i would use you as an example. it’s weird and probably doesn’t make any sense but, yeah. you’re just summer-coded, you’re my summerti-“ you cut yourself off, realising now you were rambling and was calling him yours.
“i’m yours?” he questioned quietly.
“i-i don’t know. i just- ugh- it’s complicated, you know? we just reconciled and i don’t want to get back with you solely because you’re the father of our child but because there’s a connection between us.” you replied.
semi nodded slowly, taking in a deep intake of breath before exhaling it just as slowly.
“i get it, no rush. just friends.” he spoke softly.
“..for now.” semi quickly finished off.
“wait wh-“
“anyways let’s get outta here and finished that movie we started yesterday!” he cut you off before collecting his belongings and coming round to your end to help you up.
“i- alright? it was kinda shit though.” you ignored what he previously said and just let him have this one, you can’t be mad at him for saying something you both were thinking.
“that’s what makes it enjoyable!” semi exclaimed, putting and arm around you as you both walked to the front.
you turn to the side to look at his face, admiring every detail and the structure of his face. you missed being this close to him.
“yeah.” you muttered before smiling to yourself, you couldn’t get too ahead of yourself. you had a child to bring to this world, that should be your main priority.
but for some reason, this man weasled his way into a close number 2 position.
and hes only just arrived.
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The Set Up - Harry Styles One Shot (Part 2)
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Part 1
Harry sighed at his sister’s words. He knew that should never set him up with someone that wasn’t a good person, but he just wanted to find someone naturally. Then again, how many times had he gone out with someone through mutual friends, so why would this be different just because he was his sister and his mother behind it. 
Looking over at you, chatting and laughing with the man at the bar. His annoyance level was beginning to rise and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he was slightly jealous. He wouldn’t say he was a shallow man, but as with most human beings he noticed how beautiful you were. Your smile and what little bit of your laugh he could hear brought a smile to his lips. 
“Go and talk to her,” Gemma said. “Just have a few minutes of a chat. We’ll be leaving soon anyway, so might as well get it over with now.” 
He rolled his eyes, downing the rest of his drink and handing the empty glass to Gemma. 
“Oi, what am I supposed to do with this?” She asked. 
He shrugged with a smirk before making his way over towards you and the man. When he approached the two of you, he cleared his thought, making both of you look over at him.
“Uh, hey, Y/N,” he smiled. 
“Hey,” you smiled back looking over at him. 
“I uh, I hate to interrupt,” Harry started. 
“It’s uh, it’s okay,” Alex said. “When you said you came here with a friend, I didn’t realize-” 
“Oh, we’re not-”you started, but he had already excused himself. 
“Sorry,” Harry winced. 
“It’s fine,” you said. “So, did you need to tell me something? Is Gemma ready to leave?” 
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you,” he said. “I thought since I invited you to come along, it would be rude of me not to.” 
You sighed, looking at him, “Before we continue this, can I ask you something?” 
“Sure,” he said cocking his head to the side in confusion a bit. 
“Are you only doing this because Gemma put you up to this?” You asked. 
“So, you know about the whole set up thing, too?” He asked. 
“I knew it,” you sighed. “You know what, you don’t have to take pity on me for your sister. In fact, I shouldn’t even be here right now. I’ll just go and you can carry on about your night.” 
You grabbed you jacket and hopped off the stool to make your way towards the door, when he grabbed your arm. You stopped, feeling this weird sensation in your body from his touch. You turned around to look at him. You two were standing closer than you had been all night. 
“I’m not taking pity on you,” he said softly. “Do you want to know the real reason I came over to talk to you?” 
You sighed shaking your head, “Why?” 
“Because when I saw you talking to that guy, I was a bit jealous,” he whispered. 
“Okay, you’re drunk,” you said. “And if you’re just looking for someone to fuck tonight, you need to look somewhere else.” 
You went to leave again, but he pulled you back. “I’m not-Okay, maybe I’m a little bit drunk, but I’m not looking for someone to fuck tonight.” 
You rolled your eyes, “So, what? You saw me talking to some guy and got jealous, for god only knows and now what? You don’t even know me.” 
“Exactly,” he sighed. “I don’t even know you, yet I got fucking jealous over someone else talking to you because I wanted to be the one to talk to you.” 
“Well, now’s your chance, what do you want to know?” You asked. 
When you left your flat that night to go to the award show, you never imagined that you would find yourself grabbing ice cream with Harry Styles at one in the morning. After the little scene at the after party, he had asked you to join him for ice cream and you found yourself saying yes. 
Which brought you to where you are now, stopping at the supermarket to grab a pint of ice cream, since all the shops were closed. You were sitting out on a park bench taking turns taking bites of the ice cream. 
“So, my sister said you worked for The Mixtape?” He asked.
You nodded, “I do, although technically, I’m co-founder,” you said. 
“Wait? Really?” He asked. “That’s been around for ages.” 
“You know it?” You asked. 
He blushed, “I may have listened to a few podcasts and read the magazine a bit.” 
You smiled, “I started the blog when I was sixteen with one of my best friends. I mostly posted about my favorite songs, albums, how music easily music could take you back to a place or a memory. I would also talk about different shows or bands I had found. Then it sort of just took off... turned into more a website after we found a few other writers because it was too much for the two of us to handle. Next thing I knew, we were printing a magazine with interviews with different artists and other music fans. And now we’ve started a podcast to really dive into topics.” 
“Wow,” he said. “That’s amazing.” 
“Thank you,” you blushed. 
“Now, I do have to ask,” he said. “Since you own a music website, I assume you’ve listened to my music before?” 
“I have,” you nodded. “Let me guess, the follow up question is going to be... am I fan?” 
He laughed, “Perhaps.” 
“I’ll be honest with you. I am a fan,” you said. “But as far as keeping tabs on who are as a person, I’m not that type of fan. The only things I do know about you are from Gemma and your mum.” 
“Oh god,” he laughed. “I feel like I’d rather you google me.” 
“Stop it,” you giggled. “They never told anything bad... except maybe not to try anything you’ve cooked.” 
“I swear I’m never going to live that down. It was one time. I was watching a cooking show and I thought I’d give it a go, but I didn’t exactly have all the proper ingredients, so I improvised,” he laughed. “It was horrendous.” 
You giggled, “How old were you?” 
“Twelve, I think?” He said. “I was trying to be nice and cook my Mum dinner instead we ordered pizza.” 
“Well, it’s the thought that counts,” you smiled snagging another bite. 
You noticed him watching you, staring at you, with a smile causing you to blush, “Uh, what’s wrong?” You asked. “Do I have ice cream on my face?” 
“No,” he laughed. “Nothing’s wrong...well maybe a little.” 
“I’m not following,” you laughed. 
“I’m going to have tell my sister she was right,” he said. 
“About what?” You whispered. 
“That I would like you,” he said. “I know it’s a little premature and we technically only just met, but I would really love to see you again, if you uh, also want to see me again.” 
“I’d really like that,” you smiled. 
It wasn’t until a few days later when you met up with Harry again. You two had briefly chatted over the phone trying to figure out where and when you see each other. During your conversations, neither one of you mentioned or referred it to as a date, but you had to admit you were hoping it was. You both decided on some doing something casual, a simple dinner at a nearby restaurant and then you said you would take care of the rest of the night. 
Harry was on his way to pick you up and you could feel the nerves bundling up inside of you. You changed your outfit five times before finally deciding upon a pair of dark wash jeans with a gucci belt paired with a long sleeve see through black top. You wore your hair in a curly half up do with a bun on top, slipping on a  few of your favorite rings and necklaces. 
Once you were fully dressed, you took one last look in the mirror before throwing some necessities into your bag and heading into the living room. Just as you were grabbing your coat, your phone alerted you that you had text message. It was Harry saying he was outside. Instead of going through the letting him in process, you decided to just meet him there. 
Pulling on your coat, you grab your bag, locking the door behind you and heading down to the main floor. You looked around, seeing Harry parked just down the street a little bit. You smiled knocking on the door, which he quickly got out to open the door for you. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“You’re welcome,” he smiled. 
The drive to the restaurant consistent of mostly small talk. A bunch of how was your day, how have you been, etc, etc. When you arrived, Harry gave his keys to the valet before following you inside. He had placed his hand on you back as the two of you walked in. 
“Reservation?” The hostess asked. 
“Yes, two for Styles,” He smiled. 
“Right this way,” she smiled taking two menus and walking towards the back fo the room. 
“Is a booth okay?” She asked. 
Harry looked at you and you nodded, “It’s fine.” 
“Your server will be right with you,” she smiled. 
“Thank you,” both you and Harry smiled. 
“If you’ll hand me your jacket, I can hang it with mine,” he said. “There are hooks over here.” 
“Oh, thank you,” you smiled slipping it off and handing it to him. 
Even though he was trying to be discreet, you could easily see him looking you up and down. You felt heat rush to your cheeks before sat on your side of the booth. Harry joined you on the other side taking the menu in his hands. 
“Have you been here before?” He asked. 
“Once,” you said. “Actually, it was uh, with someone from work.” 
“Uh-oh,” he said. “I feel like there’s a story there.” 
“Nothing gets past you,” you joked. “But yeah, there’s a big, fat, shitty story there.” 
“I’m all ears if you ever want to share,” he laughed. 
You laughed before skimming back over the menu as you gave the waiter your order. 
“Okay, so what’s the plan for after?” He asked. 
“Well, there’s pub that has a songwriter night a few times a week,” you told him. “I usually go to scope out any up and coming artists to profile on the site. I thought maybe we could check it out tonight, if that’s okay with you.” 
“It’s more than okay,” he smiled. “I’d love to go.” 
“Great because I already got us tickets,” you smirked. 
“What would you have done if I said no?” He asked raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh, I would have just found someone else to join me,” you shrugged. 
“You wouldn’t,” he gasped. “You know for a fucking fact that you wouldn’t have near as much fun with anyone else.” 
“Hm, I guess we’ll just have to see about that,” you smirked. 
“Guess we will,” he smirked. 
The rest of dinner had gone great, in between bites and sips, the two of you found yourself laughing and joking about different things. At one point, you two were laughing so hard, tears started filling up your eyes. After Harry paid for the bill, you both got up and he helped you slip your coat on. You smiled pulling your hair out from under the collar and grabbing your bag. 
“So, I need to tell you something,” he said as the two of you waited for the valet to bring around his car. 
“Should I be nervous?” You asked. 
He laughed shaking his head, “I have that exact same shirt, but it’s in white...” 
“Oh my god, you do not,” you giggled. 
“I do,” he laughed. “It’s a possibility for tour.”
“Well, if you do, you know I’m going to do a who wore it better, right?” you smirked. 
“You, definitely, you,” he smiled. 
“Thank you,” you said looking down a bit. 
The pub you were taking it him to was a few streets over, so it didn’t take entirely too long to get there. You smiled getting out of the car after he parked. He headed towards the entrance to wait in line, but you pulled him back. 
“Follow me,” you smirked heading towards the back door. 
“Well, someone’s a bit of a rebel,” he joked. 
“Or I know a guy,” you smirked. 
“Should I be jealous?” He laughed. 
“That does seem to be your thing,” you laughed. 
“I promise I’m not like a jealous, controlling type boyfriend,” he said quickly. 
“Boyfriend?” You raised an eyebrow. “Already throwing the b word around? What sort of girl to you take me for, Styles?” 
“I well, I mean, you know... Im just going to shut up now,” he said. 
You laughed, “I’m just taking the piss out of you.”
“You know my sister said you were nice, and I’m starting to think she was lying,” he smirked. 
“Remember how I said I could find someone else to join me?” you smirked. 
“Fair enough,” he laughed. 
You showed your tickets to the security guard, who let the two of you in, and Harry followed you over to the VIP section. 
“Damn, you are quite official aren’t you?” He asked. 
“That I am,” you smiled. “I mean it’s not exactly a suite or side stage tickets to an Ariana Grande concert.” 
He laughed, “Maybe not, but it’s cool nonetheless.” 
“Pst, I know,” you smirked. 
In the hour that had passed at the club, you two had seen about 3 performers, finished a small cocktail and somehow had inched closer together at the booth. His arm had made it onto the top of the booth, which made you even closer. You found yourself looking over at him throughout the night whenever you sipped on your drink or bopped your head to the music. Luckily, he never caught you, but there were times you could feel his gaze on you. 
Since the music was pretty loud in the smaller space, it was hard to make conversation. 
“Are you having fun?” You asked him once the performer was done. 
“I am,” he nodded. “I can’t believe I didn’t know about this place before now.” 
“Well, glad I could be the one to let you in on a little secret,” you smiled. 
“Maybe next time I can be the one letting you in on a secret,” he smiled. 
“Ooooh, so not only have you brought up the b word, but you also want to see me again?” You smirked. 
He blushed with a laugh, “I’d be a fucking liar if I said no.” 
“Well, that’d make two of us,” you said turning towards him. “If I said I didn’t like the sound of that.” 
Smiling over at you, you could feel him leaning closer towards you with a glance down to your lips. Instinctively, you moved your head closer to his, and just when you both were about to close the remaining distance between you, when music started playing again, causing the two of you to jump out of your little trace.
It had gotten late, so the two of you decided to head out. Ever since the almost kiss, the tension between you was growing. You weren’t sure if it was your own need or his as well, but you were practically itching at wanting to press your lips against his. Of course, you wouldn’t be opposed to taking it past way more than kissing, but this was still new and you didn’t want to just bed your best friend’s brother in case it didn’t work out. 
When Harry pulled up outside of your building, he turned the car off and looked over at you. 
“Do you mind if I walk you up?” He asked. 
“Not at all,” you smiled. 
He nodded as you both got out of the car and headed into the building. You typed in your code and then got onto the elevator. Neither of you said anything on the ride up, only once you were standing outside your door. 
“Well, this is me,” you said. 
He nodded running his hands through his hair, “Tonight was fun.” 
“It was,” you smiled. “Thank you for inviting me out.” 
“Anytime,” he smiled. “I meant what I said about seeing you again. I’ve uh, I’ve got to go to New York in a few days, but I’d love to see you when I get back.” 
“Sure thing,” you smiled. “Just let me know when you get back.” 
“Well, I uh, I was hoping I could call you, while I’m gone?” He asked putting his hands in the pocket’s of his coat. 
“You better or I’ll hunt you down,” you joked. 
He laughed, looking down as he shuffled his feed, “I should probably go. It’s getting late and I’m sure your neighbors don’t want to hear us talking out here in the hallway.”
“Right,” you nodded. “So, I guess I’ll just see you when you get back then?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded. 
You nodded again waiting for a spilt second to see if he would try to kiss you again, when it was apparent he was not, you grabbed your keys out of your purse and unlocked your door. 
“Goodnight,” you smiled with a wave. 
“Goodnight,” he smiled back. 
You turned to head inside, when Harry’s voice stopped you. 
“Wait,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“Yes?” you asked looking back at him. 
He walked closer to you looking down into your eyes as he put his hands on the sides of your face. Your gaze dropped down from his eyes to his lips and back up again. Next thing you knew, his lips were against yours and you felt as if your heart was going to burst. 
Sooo... this one shot has now turned into more than one part. I don’t see it being super long... but we’ll see where this goes. 
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ladywinchester1967 · 5 years
Red Bottoms
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Title: Red Bottoms
Links: AO3 & WattPad
Square Filled: Shoe Kink
Rating: E for Explicit
Tags: Barely a plot in sight, oral (female receiving), spanking, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), this is a work of FICTION (don’t @ me; his wife and children are lovely) we’ll pretend Jensen is single. Unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine, PICS ARE NOT. **Special shout out to my sister who helped me pick out this character’s outfit!!** 
Created for: @spnkinkbingo
She was shameless and she knew it, she knew she looked good tonight, wearing a black shirt with flowing sleeves, a short back and white skirt, tall black boots with scarlet red soles, getting his attention had been easier than she'd thought it would be.
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In truth, their mutual friend, Rob Benedict, had set them up. This was their first meeting since following each other on Instagram, and Jensen Ackles was every bit as sweet and charming as Rob said he was. By now, she was done with the flirting, she knew what she wanted and he seemed ready and willing, so she took the plunge.
“You wanna?” She asked in his ear and nodded out of the door.
He grinned and nodded
“If you want to, I’m down.” He said.
“I do.” She told him and reached for his hand, which he took.
After some creative maneuvering, they managed to get out of the party without being noticed. Dawn arrived at her room before Jensen did and tried to tidy up a little bit before a knock came at her door. She rushed over and opened it to see him standing there, smiling.
“Hey,” She told him “come on in.”
He nodded and did so, crossing the threshold as she closed the door behind him. She turned to see him standing closer to her than she would’ve figured, but she was smiling as widely as he was.
“You’re sure?” He asked as he reluctantly reached for her. She laced her fingers through his and said
“Completely sure.” She told him. He stepped closer and she let both of her hands slide up his wide forearms, then his biceps and shoulders. She laced her hands together on the back of his neck and pulled him closer so that his face was inches from hers. He leaned forward and kissed her, his full lips on hers as she gasped, surprised by the kiss. She opened her mouth and kissed him again, her fingers slid through the short hairs on the back of his head as he pressed his hips into hers, his hands flat on the door behind her.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” He said as his mouth explored her neck and collar bone, his hand sliding up the inside of her thigh. She slowly guided his hand upward until his fingers traced the waistband of her panties. She pulled the panties down and off, kicking them to the side as he mischievously grinned. She opened her legs a little wider to accommodate his large hand as he dipped the tips of his middle and forefinger into her entrance. “Mh, you’re getting all wet for me aren’t you?” He asked
“Fuck,” she moaned as they kissed again “all I can think about is sitting on that handsome face.”
He chuckled and said
“I think we can make that happen, as long as you keep those boots on.”
“You got it.” She told him.
He gathered some of her arousal on his fingers and opened up her lower lips, sliding his thick fingers inside her and making her gasp. “Fuck, oh fuck!” She moaned as she arched her back and moved her hips in tandem with his fingers as he thrust in and out of her with them. His thumb swiped across her clit and began to work the bundle of nerves in a fast circle. She spread her legs wider as she felt more arousal began to drip out of her core as she moaned louder.
“Mh, you sound fucking good when you moan,” he said as his teeth scraped the shell of her ear “you like this sweetheart?”
“Yes!” She gasped “Oh fuck, that feels amazing!”
He pushed his fingers deeper into her, finding just the right spot inside her that made her eyes roll into the back of her head.
“Yes, oh yes! YES!” She cried, the tight coil in her belly tightening harder and harder the faster he worked her.
“That’s it,” he said, grinding his hardened cock into her thigh. She was flushed from the chest up, her mouth was open as she cried out for him, god and incoherently as she got wound tighter and tighter. “Gonna come for me sweetheart?” He growled in her ear.
“Fuck yes,” she moaned as she dug her nails into his shoulders “fuck yes I am!”
“Come right now,” he demanded as he struck true with his fingers, nailing her sweet spot as her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell apart against the door. He pulled his fingers out of her and sucked her arousal off his fingers, grinning. “You taste like a dream.”
“You want some more?” She asked as she fumbled with the zipper on her skirt.
He licked his lips as her skirt joined her underwear on the floor.
“Hell yeah.” He said with a smirk.
They walked over to the bed, hand in hand and once they arrived, he wrapped her up into his arms and kissed her deeply, his fingers burying into her back. She took his shirt off and tossed it aside before doing the same thing to herself. Left in her bra and the boots, she looked like she’d walked right out of a wet dream.
“Fuck sweetheart,” he said as he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside “you’re gonna fucking kill me.”
“We can’t have that now can we?” She asked as she pushed him on to the bed, crawled up his body and straddled his hips. She unbuckled his belt as he kicked off his shoes and socks. She was just reaching for the button on his jeans when he pulled her up so that her core was lined up with his face. He licked his sinfully full lips and then brought her closer to his mouth, his tongue winding through her silky folds. She threw her head back and moaned, her fingers sliding through his dark hair. He pulled her closer as he devoured her, like a starving man, burying his face in between her legs as she let out hard and fast cries and moans of his name.
“Oh fuck!” She cried “fuck me, oh god, fuck me Jensen please!”
He squeezed the flesh of her ass and gave it a healthy smack, making her cry out as she rode his face with abandon, her hips furiously rocking. She couldn’t formulate words any more, it was just cries of pleasure and her back arching as he smacked her ass again. She let out a scream as she gushed on to his face, obscene slurps coming from his as he swallowed everything she had to give him. He hummed in appreciation as she rolled off of him and laid on her back. He licked his lips as he snaked up her body, kissing and biting her skin as she moaned for him.
“Jensen, Jensen!” She breathed as he threw both of her legs over his shoulders.
“Been wanting these around my ears all night.” He said as he caressed her boot covered leg, his eyes gleaming with desire.
“Come and get it handsome,” she challenged him “and I’ll have these around anything you want.”
He kissed up her belly as he undid his pants and kicked them off along with his boxers. Once he was naked, he plunged deep inside her, making both of them hiss in pleasure as he folded her up.
“Oh god! God!” She yelled as he thrust hard into her.
“So fucking tight!” He yelled as he fought to keep his pace steady, she felt incredible.
“Jensen, oh Jesus, JENSEN!” She yelled as she raked her nails down his back, making him let out a lust filled cry.
“That’s it,” he growled “mark up my back sweetheart.”
He unrolled her and yanked her up into his lap. She straddled him and sunk back on top of him and wrapped her legs around his waist, the cool leather of her boots giving some relief to his over heated skin.
“Fuck yes,” he moaned as they kissed “fucking ride me just like that.”
“You like that huh?” She asked as she tugged on his hair, making him look up at her, his bottle green eyes nearly black with lust.
“Fuck yes.” He said and seared a kiss on to her lips. She gave his bottom lip a playful bite and he growled into her mouth. “Get up and bend over the bed.” She did as he commanded and he came up behind her, running his hands up and down her legs. “So fucking sexy.” He said as he marveled at his handiwork. Her ass had two bright red hand prints on it, her scarlet red lipstick was totally ruined and her chest was heaving with desire. “What should I do with you?” He asked, as if he didn’t all ready know.
“Fuck me,” she begged “please fuck me!”
“Mh, I like the sound of that” he said as he lined his cock up with her entrance. He sank deep into her, both of them crying out as he slammed into her, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the room with their cries of lust. She cried out and clenched around him as he bent over, his chest against her back. He gripped her hip and shoulder as he fucked her hard.
“Yes, oh fuck, Jensen just like that!” She yelled.
“You gonna come for me?” He asked in her ear “You gonna fucking soak me again?”
“Yes!” She cried “Yes, please! I wanna come, please let me come!”
He tilted her head to the side and kissed her.
“Come for me sweetheart, give it all to me.” He growled against her lips.
With one last clench, she let go, milking his cock for all it was worth as he let go deep inside of her.
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Hope you guys enjoyed that!! My sister and I had a blast picking out the outfit the character is wearing, without her I really have to clue what this character would be wearing.....if she’d be wearing anything at all!!
As usual, your kind feedback is DEEPLY loved and appreciated!! Feel free to like and share with your friends, and please hit that follow button if you wanna see more content from me!! All my boxes and tag lists are open so if you want to get on any of them, let me know!
​The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​​​​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​​​​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​​​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​​​​​ @unholyqu33n​​​​​​​​ @dacleverfox​​​​​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​​​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​​​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​​​​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​​​​​ @animerose96​​​​​​​​​  @roonyxx​​​​​​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​​​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​​​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​​​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​​​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​​​​​​ @atc74​​​​​​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​​​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​​​​​​​ @biawol​​​​​​​​​  @spaceystacey123​​​​​​​​​ @bella-ca​​​​​​​​​ @clo-heda​​​​​​​​​ @closetspngirl​​​​​​​​​ @thekatherinewinchester​​​​​​​​​ @maddiepants​​​​​​​​​ @idreamofplaid​​​​​​​​ @love-those-boys-in-flannel​​​​​​​ @flamencodiva​​​​​​​ @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​ @tumbler-tidbits​​​ @rainbowsinthestorm @deans-baby-momma​​ @algud​ @maui137
Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67​​ @akshi8278​​ @deanscarlett​​​​​ 
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storiesnobodyreads · 6 years
I’m the Boyfriend
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader
Ask: would you write one where reader and his new guy friend are becoming suepr close and have inside jokes and stuff and Bucky gets alarmed bc HE is the boyfriend HE should be the one making her happy like that 😘 (fluffy ad pouting puppy Bucky pls) YOUR URL IS SO NOT TRUE BTW CUZ I READ YOUR STUFF AND LOVE IT 
A/N: anon, first things first, thank you so much, you’re amazing, and second, I loved this idea very much so here it is! Hope you like it!
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“Hi love!” Max pressed a firm kiss on your cheek as he strolled through the door. “You look great.” 
“Thank you very much,” you beamed, leading him to the kitchen. “So, what do you want this time? Orange juice or orange juice?” Max had always made a point to drink nothing but orange juice before 4 pm, after which he usually switched to beer, or stuck with orange juice.
Max leaned with his elbows on the kitchen island. “I think I’ll go with orange juice.”
You were loyally pouring a cup for Max and for yourself, when Bucky came home. You heard the door open and fall shut, after which the keys were thrown on the desk in the hallway. Bucky strolled into the kitchen, blindly walking toward you to kiss you, but as soon as his eyes fell on Max, did his carefree demeanour falter. “Oh, hi,” he grumbled darkly.  
Max smiled at your boyfriend. “Hey, Bucky.”
Since Bucky had given up on coming over to give a kiss, you settled with offering him something to drink. “Orange juice or orange juice?” you asked, causing Max to snicker.
Bucky didn’t understand the inside joke and glared at you. “Water, please.” He studied you as you jokingly rolled your eyes and got him a glass of water. You looked extremely cute with your hair bundled up in a messy knot bundled up above your head, short black top and comfortable flower-print shorts. Hadn’t Max been here, he would have done something else than drink a stupid glass of water.
“Remember that time,” Max was already laughing, taking a sip of his orange juice and almost choking in it. “When you drank so much water just to make a statement that water was better for you than orange juice, and then when you moved your belly you could just hear the water splash.”
You were laughing so hard that you had difficulty holding the glass of water straight. “That was so weird!” you giggled.
Bucky took the glass from you before you spilled any of it. His gaze was sharp as it flickered from you to Max and back. “Hmm,” he did, carefully taking a sip. “So, Max, why are you here?” 
“I just came by to borrow your lawn mower,” Max explained. “Y/N told me about the automatic machine that you have, from Anthony Stark, and she asked me if I wanted to try and use it. Since it’s from Anthony Stark, it’ll probably work perfectly, but I’m curious to see how it works.”
You were laughing again, though Bucky found it quite a normal, non-funny reply. “Stop calling him Anthony, Max,” you brought out in between your laughs. 
“What, Anthony is a cute name!” Max exclaimed. 
Bucky frowned. “Why are you laughing?”
You waved it off, bending over from laughter. “Just... something that happened,” you excused yourself between high-pitched breaths in the fit of laughter, as Max bend over forward and clapped the table. 
“Right.” Bucky sounded pissed off. “Where is this lawn mower? I’ll grab it for you.” 
You could barely talk, that’s how hard you were laughing. “In the shed in the garden, Buck,” you informed him slowly. “Left side, up.” 
Bucky growled something inaudibly and rapidly fetched the keys off the counter, marching out of the house to get the lawn mower. Max let a deep sigh escape once the Winter Soldier was out of hearing distance. “Every time I see him, I have just forgotten how handsome he is.” 
You shot Max a look. “Calm down there, cowboy, he’s mine.” 
Max rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate it.” 
“Fair enough,” you shrugged, leading Max to the living room, where you sat side by side on the grey sofa. You folded your legs underneath you and then propped your head on your fists, planting your elbows on your knees. “Now tell me everything about your date tonight.”
Max firmly shook his head. “No way. It’s a Grindr thing. I’m not telling you about how cute he is because I don’t want to get my own hopes up. I’ll app you my location, and I do expect you to come rescue me with your Soldier if something goes wrong.”
You nodded slowly. “Alright, Bucky and I will come save you when you use the safe word. What’s the safe word?” 
Max thought about it for a second. “Raspberry bubbles.” 
You almost choked in your sip of orange juice. “Raspberry bubbles?” you asked confused. “What the hell is that? I was thinking more, you know, code red.”
“Isn’t code red for when you’ve lost your virginity or something?” Max pointed out with a laugh. 
“True,” you giggled. “Well, maybe you’ll be using that, too.” 
Max gently punched you against your shoulder. “I’ve lost my virginity!”
“Yeah, to a girl,” you mocked him jokingly. When he shot you a murderous gaze, you raised your hands up in the air to signal your innocence. “Okay, okay, we’ll stick to raspberry bubbles. Send it to me when you feel uncomfortable, or just, you know, whenever you want to be saved.” 
Max cocked up one eyebrow. “Oh, I want to be saved by Bucky any time of the day.” 
Both of you exploded in laughter again, just when Bucky returned from the shed, carrying the heavy lawn mower in his arms, grunting as he stepped through the doorway. The nerves in his arms popped out with tension, showing off his ripped muscles. He growled when you were laughing with Max, again. “Want me to put in your car?” he asked Max curtly. 
Max was gawking at Bucky’s tense body, which was something only you noticed, not Bucky. “Jesus,” you cursed, nudging Max in the ribs with your elbow. “Raspberry bubbles!” 
Max coughed loudly to mask the fact he had basically been drooling over your boyfriend. “Yes, thank you,” he said to Bucky. 
Bucky was once again caught off guard when the two of you started giggling unstoppably, after having used the ridiculous safe word for the first time. He could feel his heart sinking when he saw you so happy with someone else. “Be right back,” he informed you, though he doubted that you were even listening to him. 
“Well, raspberry bubbles has already proven to be successful,” Max joked with a shrug, receiving your deadly stare and smiling through it. “I am serious about this, though. I do want you and Bucky to come rescue me. Like, I refuse to get murdered when I have connections with the Winter Soldier. That’d just be stupid.” 
“Right,” you snorted. “We’ll be there, I promise.” 
Bucky returned, shoulders tense as he studied the vibe between Max and you. “You really shouldn’t leave your car unlocked,” Bucky grunted at Max.
Max aimed his fingerguns at Bucky. “Thank you for the tip. It was just a short visit, so I’ll get going now. Thanks for the land mower.” He finished his orange juice, kissed you on the cheek, waved goodbye to Bucky. You walked him out, wishing him good luck on his date and promising to remember raspberry bubbles. 
As soon as Max was out the door, Bucky grumbled a number of inaudible curses from the forties that made you raise your eyebrows. “Okay, Buck,” you grinned, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s on your mind?”
Bucky stood still, pointing at the door. “You’re spending too much time with that guy,” he said decisively. “All those... All those inside jokes. I understand like one percent of what you’re talking about. And I don’t mind you having guy-friends but, but this is getting out of hand! I want--” He inhaled sharply, his face making a pouty turtle face. 
“Yes,” you were still smiling, amazed by how awkward Bucky looked, “What do you want?” 
Bucky shrugged uncomfortably. “I... I want to be the one to make you happy like that.” 
“First of all, you do make me happy,” you intoned, reaching out to him, smiling when he grabbed your hand with a stifled sigh. “Are you jealous?” you asked, your brows shooting up. Not once during your entire relationship had you thought Bucky could ever even remotely suspect that you’d be interested in someone else--Bucky was so far out of your league that you could do nothing but admire him and thank all the gods for him. 
Bucky’s face flushed bright red. “I... I’m not... Why would you--No, I’m not...” he stopped and forced himself to take a deep breath. He needed a second, and then bore his blue eyes straight into yours. “Okay, yes, I might be a little jealous.” 
You squeezed his hand. “You do know that Max is gay, right?”
Bucky frowned. “So?” 
“Well,” you returned his frown, “It’s not as if he’s, you know, hitting on me. He’s not interested in me in that way, so you don’t have to worry that something like that’s going to happen. Not that I’d ever do that anyway, but you get it. He’s more interested in you, that way, anyway.” 
“I don’t care that he’s gay, that’s not the point,” Bucky busted out. “But you’re spending so much time with him and it seems like you two are just the best of friends, but...”
“But you want to be my best friend?” 
Bucky’s chest stopped moving as he appeared to be holding his breath, studying your face intensely. He stared at you for so long that you had to look away, feeling goosebumps rise on your arms. Bucky then nodded firmly. “Yes. I want to be your best friend.” 
You smiled cheekily. “You want me to friend-zone you?” Moving closer to him, you could feel his body stir. “Friends don’t kiss friends, you know. Friends don’t do a lot of things that we do.” 
Bucky pouted, placing his hands on your hips to draw you closer to him. “You know very well that I want to do all that, too.” 
“Now I’m really confused as to what you want, Buck,” you said teasingly. 
“Please stop mocking me,” Bucky murmured. His hands were roaming your flowered shorts, remembering how he’d intended to compliment the way you looked before he’d spotted Max. “This outfit looks good on you,” he said, using it as an excuse to grab your ass and lift you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling him underneath you. “But, you also look good without the outfit.” He kissed you hard, tongues fighting for dominance, sending chills down your spine. Bucky made you feel unlike any other man had ever done. 
His sloppy kisses went down your neck, making you tilt your head to give him more access. “Is that something you’d say to your best friend?” you brought out. 
“No,” Bucky growled between kisses, leaving marks on your skin. “I say that to the love of my life. I love you so fucking much, doll.”
His words made you feel warm, electricity spreading through every cell in your body. “I love you too, Bucky.”
And that afternoon, oh boy, he showed you just how much he loved you. 
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spideycents · 6 years
B-Roll // Shawn Mendes - 4: rolling
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trigger warning: sexual harassment
"Maybe I'll just see you guys at lunch," Shawn suggests as we're climbing out of the van. It's stopped on the street outside a massive high school gym.
"Yeah maybe," I shrug. "Depends on how busy things get."
"I won't be busy," Michael chimes in. "I'll probably be on my third plate of pasta."
"Unless it's chicken," I laugh lightly.
"If it's chicken, then I'll eat salad," Michael says flatly.
Shawn's looking back and forth between the two of us. "Chicken's bad, eh?"
"Very," I say simply before Michael can go off on his long rant that I've heard a billion times.
"Man, guess I won't eat chicken today then," Shawn laughs lightly.
"Oh no," Michael cuts him off. "It's not your chicken. Crew food is always super bougie and delicious and amazing and sometimes you guys have lobster and chocolate fountains and basically crack. It's the extras food that's dogshit. It's like school mystery meat."
"Someone probably ran over the extra's chicken on their way to set," I add. "A month ago."
Shawn grimaces. "Crazy."
We nod.
"It's the worst," Michael continues. "Always has been. Always will be."
"I don't know," I shrug. "I think I've accepted it and kinda like it now."
"Well then we'll trade today," Michael says. "You can eat extras catering while I get crew."
I cringe. "I think I'll just bring you a brownie and we'll call it square."
Shawn chokes back a laugh and I look at him.
"Cause brownies are usually square," he smiles.
I roll my eyes, but a hint of a laugh sneaks it's way onto my face.
I'm about to say something really stupid about puns, but I'm saved by someone yelling for Shawn over by the gym.
We all look over and see the guy who was with Shawn in the parking lot this morning. He's waving him over. I can see base-camp across a practice field by the gym, so Shawn's trailer must be over there.
"Well," he turns back to us. "That's my cue."
"It was nice meeting you," I smile at him and hold out my right hand. He takes it in his. His handshake is strong, but it doesn't hurt. It's just...secure.
"Yeah, you too," he smiles back.
"See ya around," Michael nods at him.
"Let me know if ya get the bad chicken and maybe I'll bring you a burger, man." Shawn tells him.
Michael laughs lightly. "You got it."
"Break a leg," I tell him.
"Thank you," he smiles again and turns away. "See ya."
"See ya," I say softly as he turns away and heads over to his friend.
"Fuck, it's cold!" Michael exclaims, already walking quickly toward the gym doors. Blue signs taped to orange cones have arrows printed on them that say Extras Holding is that way.
We drop our things at our usual spot in holding.
Michael collapses into a folding chair. He pulls a hoodie out of his bag and bundles it up then sets it on the table in front of him.
I raise my eyebrows at him. "Nap time already?"
He nods.
"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?"
He shakes his head.
"Shhh." He folds his arms under the hoodie and buries his face in the fabric.
I roll my eyes and look around the gym. There are tables set up for breakfast, but nothing's been put out yet. There's a bright orange water cooler on a table against the wall by the door where we came in, but that's about it. No one's come by to set out boxes of fruit and granola bars and gummies yet. I'd kill for a PB&J station right now.
My stomach's actually starting to hurt, I'm so hungry. I should've grabbed something from home. Michael managed to down an iced coffee before we left, that'll honestly hold him until lunch. All I got was my water bottle.
If I don't have real food in five minutes, my inner Hulk might be unleashed.
Maybe crew crafty's been set up by now. I won't get in trouble if I ransack the cart. I have email proof that I'm part of this movie.
God, they need something more solid and tangible, like ID badges or something. Walkie-talkies with our names sharpie'd onto a piece of tape is so half-assed. I don't think I get one of those anyway.
I wonder where crew crafty is...
Close to set? Maybe? Probably?
I don't know.
Should I ask someone?
Can I ask someone?
I look like a fucking child. No one is gonna believe I'm crew. That PA definitely didn't.
Maybe I should pull up that email and have it ready to flash to anyone who questions me.
I wander out of the gym, into a big open hallway. The makeshift signs taped to the walls have arrows pointing toward holding, set, catering, base camp, and the bathrooms.
Thankfully, those are right by the gym. I make a mental note of the location of the women's room and head outside, toward catering and base camp.
There are no real parking lots at this school, which explains why we parked at a gravel lot behind some church a few blocks away. The only parking spots line three of the four streets surrounding the school. This part of the city is a grid system, which should mean we're downtown and near a parking garage or two, but we're basically in the suburbs. Like the old suburbs. The houses around the school are all one story, maybe two, not big at all and look like they were built in the 60s or 70s. Which they probably were.
I leave the school through a row of three sets of glass doors. I walk through the middle set and push both doors open in a grand double door exit because I'm extra like that.
I head for the large practice field behind the school and make a bee-line for base camp.
I wonder if Shawn's made it to his trailer yet.
Since they can't park any trailers on the grass field, they're all in a gravel lot in the corner farthest from me. Except for all the semis full of costumes and the makeup trailers that flood out onto the street. As I trudge across the field, which is slightly muddy since it's been raining a lot this summer, I notice another parking lot behind the gym. I see steam rising from a small village of tents, which can only mean one thing.
My pace goes from tired trudging to Usain Bolt Olympic sprinting in three seconds flat.
I lurch to a stop when I reach catering. I'm panting, but I can't tell if that's from the running or my hunger or both. The cooks are in a frenzy, getting stuff ready for breakfast. Everything smells so amazing that my mouth waters. I'm about to dive my face into a griddle covered in bacon when another smell catches my nose.
Oh god, it's foul and unpleasant and completely ruins my appetite, so now I'm really pissed off.
There's a small group of smokers huddled around a loading dock that's just past catering. I'm so annoyed that they're standing so close to the food. They're gonna make their awful smells seep into the food. I swear, if I eat pancakes that taste vaguely of cigarettes, I will shove their lighters up their butts.
No pun intended.
There's a door that goes back into the gym, but to get to it, I have to pass the smokers.
I get some weird looks from the caterers while I quickly make myself a cup of coffee and grab some eggs, bacon, and toast, but no one comes up to me and yells at me or demands proof that I'm really crew.
I try to hold my breath while I walk past the smokers, but my lungs haven't been under this much pressure since middle school cross country.
I hate this.
The smell's going to cling to my clothes.
This sucks so much.
I hate nothing more than this god awful, putrid stench.
I try to take in long deep breaths in the clean air that still smells and, oh god, kind of tastes like bacon. Fucking shit. I'm so fucking hungry!
I don't want to make it too obvious that I'm holding my breath or speed walking, but I want to get by the smokers as quickly as humanly possible without full on running.
Oh god. Oh please no.
"Hey! Lyla!"
I look over at the group and waving back at me is Jake, the literal bane of my existence.
Fuck him.
"Hi Jake," I call back and walk over to him, but still keep a wide berth between us.
Take note of the space I'm not closing. Let this conversation end before it even begins.
He smirks at me and I notice his gaze fall down my legs and back up my body for an agonizing second, then he looks back at my eyes. "How you been?" he nods.
A slight shiver makes me turn my neck and raise my shoulder slightly to force it down.
I hate this.
I hate him.
Rot in hell.
"I'm great," I say, faking enthusiasm. "How are you?"
"I'm good," he nods again, but it's more like a bro nod rather than a flirt nod. "Living the dream."
I choke back the feeling of something rising in my throat.
God, I forgot how much he says that. I hate that stupid phrase.
I laugh lightly, but it's in that moment that I realize everyone else in the smoker's group has stopped talking. They're watching us.
They're quietly taking long, slow drags, the soft glow briefly illuminating their faces. They're shrouded in shadow until the light catches their eyes and I know they're looking at me. I don't want an audience. I didn't sign up for this.
The stench of the smoke is still so foul and it's taking every ounce of self-control I have to not scrunch up my nose or cover my face with my hand or my shirt.
"What are you booked as?"
Why is he still talking to me? For once, I want him to be the douchebag that he is so I can go inside and get the hell away from him.
I don't understand. Usually, after we've exchanged the pleasantries, he looks bored and it's clear he's lost interest in me, but he's still looking at me intently. I don't think his eyes have left me once.
I feel a flush rise in my cheeks.
I don't want to deal with this right now. Especial not here, exposed and self-conscious. We're not doing this right now
"I'm not an extra."
Stop responding, Lyla. Walk away. Go inside.
His eyebrows raise in surprise and I have to fight the impulse to roll my eyes so hard, it gives me a headache.
"I'm a makeup assistant," I add.
"Oh, really? That's awesome!" Gotta love his fake excitement. "I'll be sure to come to your chair then."
He winks at me.
I'm gonna kill him.
He's not hot enough to get away with this shit. He may have nice eyes and he's tall and in moderate shape, but he's got a weird face, receding hairline, protruding jaw, and disgusting beard that's somehow always greasy.
He's garbage and I'm done with him. Really done.
"If it's open," I say curtly then I turn on my heel and walk back into the gym.
I couldn't sleep when I wrote this so if it’s awful, blame global warming.
0 notes
athingortwoblog · 5 years
Wow! It has been an AMAZING year! There’s so much that has happened this year that I almost forgot that all of it happened this year. God has done so many wonderful things in the lives of each of my family members. He has pulled me further outside of my comfort zone than I ever thought was possible in only 365 days.
I’m the type of person that “needs” to know everything about a situation, especially a new one. I want to know what to expect before leaping headfirst. I’m not an out-of-the-box type of person. My comfort zone is comfortable and I like to stay in it. However, I’ve found that sometimes trusting God and stepping outside of my comfort zone can be a really exciting process.
Here are just a few things that have made this year amazing…
Our grandparents came to spend the new year with us and we took a trip to the beach for some of our favorite fish and chips. We also had a snowstorm and Adam built a HUGE snowball. He then practiced his archery in it and later chopped it apart with a machete. He had a lot of fun.
I joined a friend for a Mary Kay party and ended up winning a spa trip! It was pretty awesome! I did a live workout series on my Instagram which ended up being a lot of fun. Maybe I’ll do it again this year?
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Julia and I hosted a Galentine’s Day tea party with our girlfriends. We watched Letters to Juliet and played a game called Mystery Date. Dad sent us flowers because he was out of town.
We also rock-climbed for the first time at Rise Fitness. It began a love of rock-climbing in all of us.
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In March, we worked hard on the yard and garden. I got ready for the baseball season in style. The boys were great and helped me film a video for my YouTube channel which led to an injury and I never uploaded it. I also made cream puffs to celebrate 200 followers on Instagram.
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Our first trip of the year was to Florida to see our family. We spent time at the beach, ate some good food, and watched Shazam. It was a nice reprieve from the cold weather and it was nice to see all of our family again. We stopped in Savannah on the way home. It was my first time there and I absolutely fell in love!
Easter was quietly celebrated at home and we enjoyed the Avengers: Endgame movie. I went to my first bridal shower, as a bridesmaid, and met an amazing friend. It was totally outside of my comfort zone to go alone, not knowing anybody, but I gained a wonderful friend out of it and I didn’t regret it at all. Throughout the year, this friend – Heidi – and I have done so many fun things together and have truly become best friends.
Finally, I was finally able to use my spa day tickets and received a facial, massage, mani-pedi, and spent the entire day with a friend. It was wonderfully relaxing!
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May was a big month for me! It had been a long-time coming to celebrate the wedding of one of my dearest friends. I finally had the chance to be a bridesmaid and I honestly think that it was the most memorable moment of the whole year for me. It was the most perfect day and I was one of the first people to congratulate the beautiful bride and proud groom.
We traveled to Boston to visit with our Grandma, go to a Red Sox game for Dad’s birthday, tour around our favorite places in the city (including Boston Harbor), Plymouth, ate some incredible foods, and I even visited my favorite book store which is officially closing…so sad.
Finally, we got two of the cutest little baby animals to add to our family; Lulu the Guinea pig and Lola the bunny. Oh! We also set up a home gym for Father’s Day.
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The first day of Summer brought a 50’s party. Our friends arrived dressed their best and we watched an outdoor showing of Arsenic & Old Lace. It was a fantastic way to welcome the best season ever.
We discovered an antique store that I’m absolutely in love with. It’s like a huge maze of amazing items. Adam got a bird named Jose, I made homemade strawberry jam, we went to the beach with a friend, and we discovered a beautiful greenhouse cafe with delicious pastries.
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For Independence Day, I broke out the face paints and we went to see the new Spiderman movie; Spiderman – Far From Home. We hosted more friend get-togethers, one of which included a handmade water slide and an intense water gunfight.
I cut off my hair! I actually love it! Our uncle came to live with us for a while. Lulu grew two sizes and we ventured to the state fair where I got many compliments on my Trump 2020 shirt.
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August was Julia’s month. She turned 18 and graduated! I can’t believe how grown-up she is. I gained three beautiful students, we had family come and visit for the graduation, Julia and I gathered some friends together to go see the Dora movie, and our family found a new biking trail that we keep going back to.
Julia and I combined our birthday parties again this year into a 20’s soiree. It was fabulous! I went to another friend’s bridal shower!
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I’m 24! When did this happen? I celebrated by attempting 24 things in 24 hours…it didn’t really work out but I did get to spend the day with my siblings and watched my favorite movie (the live-action Cinderella). My sweet, dear friend took me out for ice cream for my birthday because she couldn’t be there to celebrate with me.
Julia and I planned a surprise, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea party for Adam’s 16th birthday. He didn’t suspect a thing!
We took Heidi with us to go mini-golfing at the beach. We went to 8 different mini-golf courses, visited the beach, and then got snow cones. Heidi got a hole in one on the final hole…it was awesome! Another one of our friendship meet-ups was to go rock-climbing. It was a great day!
The last day of Summer was spent on the beach (of course) and I purchased a Gilmore Girl’s t-shirt. One adventurous day was spent kayaking at our state park and then biking at the beach. It’s safe to say that I was sore for days afterward.
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My book was published! I received the official printing of my book and was able to finally hold it in my hands after a year of writing and re-writing. I went out for my first job interview and nailed it. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the job.
We went to the state park for some Fall fun. More biking and more beach time. Julia, me, and a few friends began our book society! We’ve already grown so close and I cannot wait to see where this goes.
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Our final trip as a family was to Orlando. We didn’t go to Disney, but we were able to spend some time at the Disney resorts and in Disney Springs. The weather fluctuated between perfectly warm and chilly. We also met up with our family for a day and rode the Skyliner for the first time. We ate some delicious food, saw MANY palm trees and Christmas trees, took lots of sibling pictures, laughed a lot, biked, walked, ate some more, and just had the perfect vacation.
I did end up canceling my book launch party because we weren’t able to sell as many tickets as we needed to. This worked out for the best, however, because I was able to enjoy Thanksgiving with the family. I did end up selling ALL my books anyway so it ended up not mattering so, so much.
The pastor of a church we love in Thomaston, Georgia passed away. It was a very unexpected and sad experience, but we know he is with the Heavenly Father. In addition to that, before he died, he was able to ordain both of my parents as pastors under the Hope of the Generations Church. It was a very special experience for both of them. We got our roof redone and I signed tons of books.
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One of my favorite months. We did a lot more than we usually do for Christmas this year. We went to a local play of A Christmas Carol and saw a musical performance by a choir and Adlan Cruz. They were both great.
Us siblings went to a cocoa crawl at the beach. It was so empty! It was fun to bundle up and get different kinds of cocoa and cookies from various businesses. The moon looked so cool that night. Julia did a small photoshoot with me to highlight my book for the holidays. She did a great job!
I was invited to do my very first radio show on our local radio. I was able to go in and interview about my book. It was out of my comfort zone but totally amazing! I shipped out the rest of the books I had on hand and was left with only 1 copy for myself. It was so perfect that it could only be attributed to God. I prayed that I’d sell enough to cover publishing costs and I did!
Mom brought Heidi and me to a gingerbread house decorating event (Julia wasn’t able to join us so Mom took her place). The room was full of kids but it was super fun to spend a holiday night with a friend.
CHRISTMAS! Christmas was wonderful! Because of the renovations we did on the house, the four of us knew that our parents were only getting us 1 gift each. They surprised me and Julia with tickets to the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway! I can’t wait! It was fun to finally see the reactions to the homemade gifts Julia and I made this year. I didn’t sleep very well (it was like I was a little kid again) because I couldn’t wait to see how everyone liked the gifts. We also partook in our traditional breakfast of bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, eggs, mimosas, and coffee.
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General Overview
I tried my hand at online dating. It was an interesting experience, however, not altogether a bad one. I met a wonderful guy that I almost dated (we were getting serious about meeting each other and had talked on the phone and through video call but it wasn’t meant to be) and a couple of other great guys. Unfortunately, it didn’t end up working out but I’m glad I stepped outside of my comfort zone enough to try it.
I was thrilled about how well my book did. I sold all 25 copies, was featured on the radio, and even inspired some other writers through an author interview. It was a good year for authorship. I even started writing my second book which will take place in the Summer (Independence Day). I’m already on chapter 3!
Looking back, God did so many things that have made me more confident in my capabilities as a businesswoman, author, believer, and person. He renewed my hope in people as they supported me and encouraged me; something I struggled with when I published my last book. I’ve done things I’ve dreamed of doing but never had the courage, I celebrated, I was positive, I dreamed, I learned, I taught, and I grew.
2019 was fantastic but I’m excited to see what God has in store for both me and my family in the coming year. There are a lot of things that I would love to accomplish but I’ve learned that sometimes God has other plans. So, my ultimate goal in 2020 is to have an open mind and an open heart to whatever God has for me.
With love,
2019 in Review Wow! It has been an AMAZING year! There's so much that has happened this year that I almost forgot that all of it happened 
0 notes
We spent two glorious days walking the streets of Paris, and despite the constant rain it was amazing. Nine hours was spent on a bus travelling from London to Paris – via the channel tunnel aka chunnel, which was kinda freaky: locked inside a bus, in a large train, in a tunnel, under the sea for 40 minutes …..still gives me the shivers!
When we arrived in Paris, it was dusk and we made the decision to avoid the trains, busses and wrong turns (not to mention the arguments where we blame each other for being lost) and caught an Uber to our accommodation. We got lucky with a driver who had spent three years in the states learning english and we chatted away with him about Paris. He told us a bit about the local culture and the goings on with the numerous recent terror attacks. Feeling slightly more educated we were dropped at our gorgeous lil’ apartment in the 4th Arrondissement. The apartment was super cute; small and cosy but had everything you could need and was a perfect haven to return to each day. It was about 8:30pm by the time we arrived and unpacked so we walked to a nearby supermarket and stocked up on cheese, baguettes (of course), olives and cured meats as well as an AMAZING bottle of red wine, and watched… French Kiss! I know, cliché, but it’s so funny. Well sated we then fell into bed.
Morning arrived (11th Jan) and we got up, made a coffee and then departed for a day of site seeing. The first stop – a bakery where I had my first authentic French croissant – and holy fucking shit it was good – too good.  I’ve been ruined for life now!  The next stop was the Père Lachaise Cemetery. Sounds a bit morbid and weird that we would visit a cemetery, BUT there are a tonne of famous musicians and writers (as well as a host of others) buried there and it has become a bit of a tourist attraction in its own right. The first grave stop was that of the one and only Jim Morrison of The Doors. The grave was sectioned off because unfortunately some extreme fans are partial to theft (headstones) and there is one recorded incident where a group of students dug two meters down in the hopes of recovering his hallowed bones before being caught. There are now a couple of hidden cameras recording the grave site visitors. Weird. The next stop was Edith Piaf, an extraordinary French singer who I absolutely love. We also tried to find Oscar Wilde’s grave site, but after searching for about 20 minutes we gave up – more to see in Paris aside from graves anyway…
James, as per usual, needed to pee so we stopped in a cafe and ordered one of the days many espressos so we could use the luxury bathroom facilities (luxury at this point is anything that doesn’t have pee –  or worse – on the floor/toilet seat/walls etc and also provides the most basic of amenities – toilet paper and hand wash).  The coffee of course was better than most we had tried throughout this entire trip – and soo much cheaper than the ones we had in London, Denmark etc – though you have to drink it at the bar, otherwise you pay more for the pleasure of your seat.
From the cafe warmth we strolled the streets until we reached a market selling produce, clothing and nick nacks. The food – OH MY GOD – each vendor (fish mongers, bakery/patisserie’s, fruit and vege, fromagerie (cheese), butchers, Pate and terrines (yes a stall just for them), jams and sauces, olives, flowers, everything you could imagine) had their wares displayed so beautifully – it was art itself. Every part of it was quality too. We came across a stall selling hot food for lunch, french stews, chicken, beef – all doused in amazing gravies and sauces. We had been told that street/market food in France is amazing and that you should try it if presented with the option, so Jim ordered up the vegetable stew with couscous…. SOOO GOOD. We stood on a side street digging in while the rain sprinkled down, and a passer-by commented “bon appetite” – no shit a Frenchman actually said that haha.
We walked along the River Seine admiring the beauty of the Parisian buildings and architecture until we hit the Notre-Dame de Paris – not before being harassed by a few wandering gypsy types trying to scam money out of us. We declined and were promptly sworn at… ahh Paris. The cathedral was beautiful, the front arches ornately decorated with hundreds of carvings, and the inside… dark, brooding, and the stained glass windows shone down a multitude of colours and images. The entry was free also which was great for us backpacking on a budget. After spending about an hour in the cathedral we walked outside to the Point Zero des Routes de France square in front of its big doors and watched people scaring flocks of pigeons into the sky – James of course had a go and leapt/skipped through them like an overgrown, semi-bearded child. Great photos.
From there, another pee stop for James and another espresso – seriously half of the conversations this trip have been based around his bathroom requirements… to which he blames the cold… rather than the two gallons of water he consumes each day. We walked the last hour of daylight home – our feet nearly bleeding stumps by this point – I actually have a bruise on my foot from walking so much. I ran back down to the supermarket and got more bread and cheese, salmon, beans and their rotisserie chicken and potatoes. Perfect dinner to finish the day – We sat in front of the laptop and watched something… so tired I can’t remember!
The morning of the 12th, we were up and out of the unit – this time the agenda was Paris Catacombs, Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe…. Not seeing the Louvre this time unfortunately… we have done so many museums and galleries over the past weeks that we were more keen on seeing the behemoth-monument side of things. Croissant and espresso breakfast was consumed and we walked our way to the nearest metro station where we caught the train to the catacombs. GUESS WHAT?!? They were closed… only through January of course. Apparently we chose a particularly good time of the year to travel. Every city seems to do their renovations just after Christmas. Makes sense really…
So. Rather than getting back on the train we decided to walk… feet be damned… to the Eiffel Tower (we had noticed it towering away in the distance). On the way through some side streets we passed a store which only sold art and books by one of Jim’s favourite artists  – Jean Giraud, aka MOEBIUS. He’s a French comic book artist who creates really bizarre, colourful, other worldly scenes. Kind of futuristic/sci-fi as well. He also inspired the look of the film The Fifth Element. We walked in and looked through all the amazing prints while chatting to the store manager. Before leaving, we bought a poster print as well as a signed print of one of the artists comic book pieces from Blueberry, which is his longest running comic book and is set in the wild west. Moebius died in 2012 so it was pretty cool that Jim got to visit his only store and get something signed by him.
On to the Eiffel Tower – not before yet another bathroom stop… then we were queuing up for security searches, and tickets before being bundled into a small room sized elevator with a hundred other tourists and slowly ascending to the second level of the tower – The third and top most floor was closed… I know… big surprise aye! The view was great though, despite the rain and clouds covering the sky, you could still see a surprising amount of Paris. It was fecking cold. We held out as long as we could taking pictures and looking around before getting friendly with more strangers in yet another elevator. We could have taken the stairs but as I mentioned earlier… our feet are bleeding stumps at this point.  Once back on the ground we walked the short distance over to the Arc de Triomphe, again it was surrounded by tourists. It is massive though, much bigger than we had imagined and is covered in colossal stone sculptures. Beautiful.
A train ride later and we were back on our side of town. A patisserie stop later… more croissants, a lemon tart, and mille feuille….healthy aye. We enjoyed our sugary treats with coffee back at our apartment as night closed in and rain started to pour rather than drizzle (for shizzle). The wind howled up and down our apartment alleyway and we munched away on scrambled eggs for dinner. The next day we were to be up, packed and catch a train to Orly airport for our flight to Lisbon, Portugal so a few movies later it was lights out.
The morning of the 13th of January flew by in a blur of coffee, meticulous packing, and train tickets. Before we knew it we were sitting in the departure lounge drinking Italian beer and prosecco. Paris was amazing, and we wished we had a few more days to explore… next time we return it will definitely be spring or summer. Winter was still great… it’s just a lot was closed and it was cold and raining most of the time which made getting around that bit more draining.
One thing I will mention to anyone planning to visit Paris, or any European city for that matter, is always watch where your walking… dog shit is plentiful, and Jim experienced a good caking a couple of times… hahaha
View from the Eiffel Tower
Dinner at the apartment – night two
Fontaine Saint Michel, Paris
View from the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower details
Inside Notre Dame de Paris
Arc de Triomphe details
Paris street art
Paris street details
Fontaine Saint Michel, Paris – Details
Paris street details
Arc de Triomphe details
Fontaine Saint Michel, Paris
Inside Notre Dame de Paris
Arc de Triomphe details
Moebius art shop
Sweet treats and coffee at the apartment
Railway overbridge, Paris
The Eiffel Tower
Inside Notre Dame de Paris
Arc de Triomphe
This is how our bakery treats came wrapped – so cute
Arc de Triomphe details
Paris, la ville de l’amour et merde de chien… We spent two glorious days walking the streets of Paris, and despite the constant rain it was amazing.
0 notes
Behind The Family - Harry Styles Mini Series (Part 2)
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Part 1 
You woke up to the sound of soft giggling in your bedroom. You turned around on your bed to see your husband tickling the twins as they leaned against his leg. You smiled as you watched the smile on their faces and their tiny hands trying to push Harry’s large hands away from their bellies. 
“Whoops, looks like we woke Mummy up,” Harry said. “Sorry, love.” 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” you smiled. “I love waking up to the sound of baby giggles.”
He laughed kissing your forehead, “They woke up about an half hour ago. They’ve been fed and changed, so now it’s playtime.” 
“Aren’t you super dad,” you smiled sitting up beside. 
“Took you long enough to realize this,” he joked. 
You rolled your eyes and took Finn into your arms when he reached out for you. 
“Such a Mummy’s boy,” Harry laughed snuggling with Amelia. 
“He takes after his Daddy,” you pointed out. 
“That he does,” he smirked. 
You laughed as you wrapped your arms around your baby boy and he placed his head against your chest. You smiled kissing the top of his head as you rubbed his back. 
“Speaking of super dad, your first Father’s Day is coming up,” you smiled. “Is there anything special you want to do?” 
“Other than spend time with my babies, no,” he smiled. 
“Oh, so you’re okay with watching them while I go to the spa or something?” You joked. 
“Hey now! That’s not what I meant,” he laughed. “I meant all of us. You’re my baby too.” 
“Damn, there goes my plans,” you giggled. 
“Ha-Ha, you’re so funny,” Harry rolled his eyes. 
“Hey, you know I’m fucking hilarious!” You pointed out. 
Harry gasped covering Amelia’s ears causing her to giggle, “Y/N! How dare you use such language around the children.” 
“I slipped! Besides I get it from you,” you smirked. “I talked like a saint before I met you then it was down hill and bunch of F-bombs from there.” 
“Oh, puhlease,” He shook his head “You wish. I seem to remember you not being very saint like at all especially when you came waltzing into my room wanting to me undress you.” 
“Hey! I needed help,” you defended. “And you didn’t exactly turn me away.” 
“Because you were hot,” he said in a duh tone. 
“Am I not hot now?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Now as in general, or now as in literally right now with your bedhead and sleepy eyes?” He joked. 
“You better watch it,” you pointed at him. 
He laughed, “Baby, you know you’re still hot. In fact, I think you may actually be hotter now than back then.”
“God, you make it sound like it was forever ago,” you laughed. “We’re not old even though you do dress like a grandpa sometimes.” 
“I do not!” He exclaimed. 
“Eh...” you shrugged. 
“Well then,” Harry said. “I guess I’ll go downstairs and make breakfast for myself and no one else.” 
“Good thing I’m perfectly capable of making my own breakfast,” you smirked. 
Harry looked back at you sticking his tongue out at you causing the babies to laugh and clap their hands. You and Harry both lost it when the babies tried to stick their tongues out as well. 
“They’re so cute,” you smiled. “We make some cute babies, don’t we?” 
“Yeah, we do,” he smiled tickling Amelia’s belly causing her to giggle. 
A few days have passed and you were still trying to place something special for Harry’s first Father’s Day, especially since he did such an amazing and thoughtful job on your first Mother’s Day. You were on the computer searching for ideas while the babies were napping and Harry had gone to the gym. You didn’t want it to be too over the top, but you didn’t want it to be small either. 
While searching on the internet wasn’t the most helpful, you decided to look at the folder of photos on your laptop instead. You smiled as you looked through all of the photos you’ve taken of Harry with the babies and during your pregnancy. That’s when you got the idea for a gift. You quickly gathered all of the photos you wanted to use in the collage and put them in an order. 
The middle and largest photo was one of Harry holding the babies for the first time in the hospital. He was shirtless, holding the two bundle of joys in his arms, as he looked down at them. Tears had fallen down his cheeks and it was one of your favorite photos you’ve ever taken. Surrounding that photo, you had chosen some of your favorites of him with the babies and of you from your pregnancy. You used those as a border for the larger photo, leaving a space for a caption “Happy 1st Father’s Day! We love you - Finneas and Amelia Styles” and a spot to put their handprints in the shape of a heart. 
Once you were happy with the outcome, you sent the photo to one of the poster/photo companies you work with when you need large scales of your photos printed. Just as you were finishing up, you heard the front door being opened. You quickly finalized your order and closed your laptop before turning around to greet your husband. 
“Hey baby,” you smiled. “How was the gym?” 
“Great,” he said. “I’m going to feeling in tomorrow though.” 
He grabbed some water from the kitchen before walking over to you and giving you a kiss. “How’d everything go here?” 
“The babies have been sleeping and I got some work done,” you said. 
He nodded, “I’m going to go shower and then I’ll take over baby duty if you want to rest.” 
“You’re the best,” you smiled. 
He smiled kissing you again before heading up to the bedroom. When Harry was out of sight, you grabbed your phone and started texting Harry L about setting up some things for Harry’s other Father’s Day gift. It was always a pain trying to find something the man hasn’t already got for himself or something he wouldn’t just go out and buy himself. Luckily, Harry L had gotten word of some new things from various designers and instead of telling Harry about them first, he contacted you. 
You had looked at the different pictures and chose a few pieces which you would be picking up in a few days. After taking care of that, you decided to look through the kitchen to make sure you had all the ingredients to make Harry’s favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. You wrote down everything you didn’t have and made plans to go to the market tomorrow. 
While you are doing that, Harry had made his way down from taking a shower and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Whatcha doing?” He asked putting his head in your neck. 
“Just making a grocery list,” you said. “I’ll probably be going tomorrow if that’s okay.” 
“Should be,” he nodded. “I’ll be home most of the day.” 
You smiled turning around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Babies still asleep?” 
“They are,” he nodded. “I checked in on them before coming down.” 
“Sooo hypothetically if we wanted to have some Mummy and Daddy time... we could?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“Hypothetically, yes I believe we could,” he said. 
“Good to know,” you said unwrapping your arms from him and going back to your list. 
“Hey! Wait a minute,” he groaned. “What are you doing?” 
“Finishing my list,” you said. 
“So, we’re not going to be having any Mummy and Daddy time?” He pouted. 
“It was hypothetical remember,” you said. 
“That’s not fair,” he groaned. 
You laughed shaking your head, “Oh don’t be pouting. It was a joke, now come on,” you said taking his hand and pulling him towards the bedroom. 
It was finally the big day. Harry’s first Father’s Day since the twins were born. All of his gifts turned out perfect and were neatly wrapped and ready to be given. You made sure to wake up before him, so that you could sneak down to the kitchen with the babies to start making breakfast. You fed the babies and put them in their chairs with some toys while they watched you get to work on making breakfast. 
You softly played music as you danced around the kitchen, the babies loving every second of it. They even started to join in by moving their heads and arms around as they sat there. Even though you were cooking a lot of food, it didn’t take very long to finish everything up. You brought everything to the table that you decorated and just when you moved the babies over to the table, Harry started making his way down. 
“Happy Father’s Day!” You smiled quickly. 
Harry smiled sleepily as he scratched his belly walking towards his little family, “Thank you,” he smiled kissing you first and kissing the top of the babies head. “This looks delicious. I smelled it all the way from our room.” 
“I know it’s a little much for the two of us, but it makes great leftovers we can eat the rest of the week,” you smiled. 
“I’ll need to make sure I spend some extra time at the gym or some more Mummy and Daddy time,” he winked. 
“Behave,” you giggled hitting his shoulder. “Now, go ahead and sit down. I just need to get our drinks.” 
Harry sat down and looked over at the babies. They were staring at him as they chewed on their tiny hands. 
“Are you two hungry?” He laughed. “You’re still too young to have these, but I bet we’ve got some yummy baby food for you.” 
“On it!” You smiled grabbing some baby oatmeal and mixing it up for them and bringing it over. You handed one bowl to Harry, while you two the other bowl. 
Both of you started feeding the babies in-between bites of your own food. 
“One of these days I feel like I’m going to put the wrong spoon of food in my mouth,” Harry laughed. 
“Oh, I know,” you giggled. “Don’t jinx us, now.” 
After breakfast was over, Harry took the babies into the living room while you finished cleaning up. Once you were done, you went to join Harry. 
“Thank you, baby,” he smiled. “Breakfast was so good.” 
“You’re welcome,” you smiled. “Now, do you want all of your gifts now or later. Or would you rather have them scattered out throughout the day?” 
“Baby, you didn’t have to get me anything,” he groaned. 
“Says the man who went a little overboard with my gifts,” you pointed out. 
“That’s different,” he stated. 
“How so?” You asked. 
“Because I love giving more than receiving,” he said. 
“Don’t I know it,” you winked.
“Behave!” He mocked. 
You laughed, “Anyway, and that’s exactly why you deserve every little bit from today. Now, how do you want to do this?” 
“We can scatter them out, I guess,” he said. 
“Okay! I’ll go get the first one,” you smiled. 
The first one was something small. You had gotten him a ring with the babies’ birthstone and their birthday engraved on the inside. It also had two tiny gems on the side with your and Harry’s birthstones. 
“Oh, wow,” he whispered opening it up. “Y/N, this is beautiful. I love it.” 
You smiled, “I knew you had been talking about getting a ring or something for the kids, so I decided to get one for you. It works as both a ring or if you wanted to wear it on your necklace chain too.” 
“I love it, so much, thank you,” he smiled leaning over to kiss you, which was a bit difficult since the babies were cuddling into his chest. 
“You’re welcome,” you smiled. 
The rest of the day was spent with the babies and some more time for Mummy and Daddy. You also gave him the rest of the his gifts, which were mostly new shirts, shoes, and sunglasses. However, you made sure to wait on giving him the photo until after dinner. The babies had been put to bed and the two of you were enjoying his favorite dessert. 
“Now, there’s one more present left,” you said getting up from the couch. 
“Geez, Y/N,” he laughed. “You’ve already given me a shit ton already.” 
“I know, I know, but this is my favorite one and I know it’s going to be yours too,” you smiled. 
“Okay, now you’re killing me here,” he laughed. “What is it?” 
You went into the other room, pulling out this massive wrapped picture frame you had hidden behind a bookshelf. When Harry saw you with it, his eyes widen at the size. 
“Bloody hell, why’s it so big,” he laughed. 
“That’s what she said,” you joked. 
“Really, Y/N?” He laughed. 
“Sorry! Sorry, the wine’s getting to be a bit,” you giggled. “But go ahead and open it.” 
Harry put down his wine glass and quickly started tearing at the wrapping paper. He knew exactly what it was the second he torn the paper and saw the picture frame. Once all the paper was off, he took in every inch of the photo or should he say photos. 
He bit his lip as tears threaten to spill over at the sight of his babies tiny hands in the shape of a heart. Harry didn’t say anything for what felt like forever. You knew it was mostly because he was probably overwhelmed, but you couldn’t help, but wonder if it he didn’t like it. 
“So, what do you think?” You asked. 
“I love it,” he said not looking up from it. “It’s amazing. I can’t believe... well I mean I can believe you’d do something like this, but seeing it... damn it.. this is without a doubt the best thing I’ve never received. Thank you so fucking much.” 
You smiled wrapping your arms around him, “You’re welcome.” 
“I love you,” he whispered putting his head ontop of yours as he wraps his arms around you as well. 
“I love you, too,” you smiled. “Happy Father’s Day.” 
Harry smiled leaning down to press his lips against yours. It may have only been his first Father’s Day ever in his life, but it was already his most favorite one yet. 
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