#I guess some destinies are to just marry someone in this universe
keepingeahalive · 1 year
Ever After High Parents’ Names Headcanons Pt. 2:
Apple White:
Snow White: Ambrosia White
King White: Audacious White
Raven Queen:
Evil Queen: Elin Queen
Good King: Benevolent “Ben” King
Briar Beauty:
Sleeping Beauty: Rosalinda Beauty
Prince: Valiant Beauty
Ashlynn Ella:
Cinderella: Dustine Ella
Prince: Determined Charming
Maddie Hatter:
Mad Hatter: Darjeeling “Darjee” Hatter
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf:
Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood
Big Bad Wolf: Lucius Badwolf
Cedar Wood:
Pinocchio: Pine Wood
Blondie Lockes:
Goldilocks: Chiffoni Lockes
Mr. Lockes: Unknown
Hunter Huntsman:
Huntsman: Archer Huntsman
Huntsman’s wife: Juniper Huntsman
Daring, Dexter, and Darling Charming:
King Charming: Forthright Charming
Queen Charming: Felicity Charming
Holly and Poppy O’Hair:
Rapunzel: Cressida O’Hair
King O’Hair: Dauntless Charming
Melody Piper:
Pied Piper: Reed Piper
Mrs. Piper: Karsilamas Piper
Lizzie Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Mary Hearts
King of Hearts: Henry Hearts
Kitty Cheshire:
Cheshire Cat: Catherine Cheshire
Mr. Cheshire: Unknown
Duchess Swan:
Swan Princess: Odessa Swan
Prince: Ambitious Charming 
Hopper Croakington II:
Frog Prince: Hopper Croakington 
Princess: Precious Charming
C.A. Cupid:
Eros (adopted)
Psyche (adopted)
Alistair Wonderland:
Alice: Alicia Wonderland 
Bunny Blanc:
White Rabbit: Panon Blanc
Mrs. Blanc: Coney Blanc
Ginger Breadhouse:
Candy Witch: Sugar Witch
Mr. Breadhouse: Biscotti Breadhouse
Sparrow Hood:
Robin Hood: Martin Hood
Maid Marian: Marianne Maid
Rosabella Beauty:
Beauty: Belleza Beauty
Beast: Best Charming
Faybelle Thorn:
Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn
Mr. Thorn: Loki Thorn
Farrah Goodfairy:
Fairy Godmother: Freya Goodfairy
Mr. Goodfairy: Auberon Goodfairy
Crystal Winter:
Snow Queen: Frostine Winter
Snow King: Eirwen Winter
Justine Dancer:
12th Dancing Princess: Hustella Dancer
King Dancer: Swift Charming
Lilly-Bo Peep:
Little-Bo Peep: Lila-Bo Peep
Mr. Peep: Ramon Peep
Meeshell Mermaid: 
Little Mermaid: Pearl Mermaid (canon)
Prince: Philip Mermaid (canon)
Humphrey Dumpty:
Humpty Dumpty: Barnaby Dumpty
Mrs. Dumpty: Henna Dumpty
Jillian Beanstalk:
Jack: Jock Beanstalk
Jack’s wife: Janine Beanstalk
Nina Thumbell:
Thumbelina: Dalena Thumbell
Flower-Fairy Prince: Mosswell Thumbell
Coral Witch:
Sea Witch: Cirrina Witch
Mr. Witch: Barney Brine
Brooke Page:
Female Narrator: Constance Page
Male Narrator: Pendleton Page
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Oh no my hand slipp-
The Adventures - Not - of Y/N
On some significant date in history, two people who probably were supernatural or something copulated and 9 or 10 or 8 months later I was born - guess what I'm an orphan. Imagine that. I grew up NORMALLY and NOTHING WEIRD ever HAPPENED. See the trick here is to deny everything the universe throws at you, give the middle finger to destiny. Yada yada.
My name .... Is Your S. Name. The S stands for Slash. And you can probably guess exactly what I look like. Female, pale skin, long wavy blonde hair, small hands, I'm 4'6" with blue eyes - you get it. Look, the fact that my parents named me, "Your Name" should've been the first red flag - but then again I was a baby. Object permanence hadn't even been established yet. Also when I was a baby someone or something probably stole me or I was sold into slavery under some rich guy with a young son - no, none of that happened. Once again - if you're in my position - deny reality.
I go to a NORMAL high school with ... Weirdos - oh here they come now -
“OK - none of you approach me, look at me, think about me, I’m not dating you, we’re not having a love triangle, I know one of you is a vampire or a werewolf or some kind of shit - I don’t care that you’re a billionaires son - not marrying a prince OR A PRINCESS - Villain, I’m not having an enemies to lovers story with you, everyone save the tragic backstories. Ok? Thank you - now move your ass to class, this isn’t storybook highschool, this is real highschool. We’re highschoolers. We should not be superhero teens or having intercourse in your dad’s Impala or some bullshit. We got boring shit to do LET’S GO MOVE IT - FIVE MINUTES TO CROSS THE SCHOOL COME ON!”
This happens everyday multiple times a day. Consequences of being named Your Name. I have two best friends though, to share in my suffering - Main Character and Love Interest. See it's really funny when Love Interest and I met because he said, "I'm supposed to date you but I'm gay sorry," and I knew from that day we'd be besties in this hell hole. And Main Character? He suffers more than me - for instance, yesterday:
“Shit - guys, it’s happening-”
“What’s wrong Main- holy shit-”
“Yeah - it happened last night, my hair turned all white and my eyes turned black and yellow like a cat or something-”
“I can see that.”
“What do I do?”
“Ok listen to me - follow the protocol. Do. Nothing. Don’t walk alone in alleyways or some monster or bad guy is going to jump out at you and try to fight you or some shit. Don’t go with ANYONE who says they’re from an organization, foundation, secret society, cult, past or future - don’t join any clubs, do NOT do any sports, keep your grades average, and if a really sexy shy girl bumps into you and spills all of her books, keep walking.”
“But that sounds kinda rude-”
“Exactly. A main character would be nice and apologetic and help her pick up the books as she shyly brushes her hair behind her ear - DO NOT do that. Be an asshole - but not so much of an asshole that you become an anti-hero or some shit. Just - do the opposite of what you think you should do - ok? It’s like me and Love - friendzone forever.”
“Yeah dude - just make it through highschool, and hopefully things will get better when we’re full adults - most main characters start as kids or teenagers - we can get through this.”
“But - I’m tired of living this boring life! I want to be someone - do something!”
“Oh God you’re right! OK breathe, breathe - I don’t. Want to do. Anything. I'm a normal kid. Phew.”
The biggest question you may have is, "how long can you guys keep this up," and that answer is, "Yes."
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bengiyo · 1 year
My Universe: Casanova Begins Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we began this mega BL collection and I did not have a good time! Our protagonist is the spirit of a guy who died two years ago and is now somehow possessing the body of a rich playboy who owns a hotel. He's using the opportunity to hit on his boyfriend who has mourned him, but can't tell him who he is. It's kinda dumb, and requires a lot of effort for me to keep straight.
Seems like Pluem and Khao were having big problems before he died.
Oh fuck. Khao caught that someone was reading the old messages.
Now there's a clip we're worried about being leaked?
Obviously this premise is fictional, but hitting on your....ex?...this way feels weird.
I don't think I remember what was said in the letter for the sister to be mad about now.
Now, Pluem. Why would you keep that phone on you and why would you leave the sound on?
I'm glad Khao is having the appropriate reaction to what feels like a huge invasion of his privacy.
Lol, honestly he probably needed to break up with Pluem because he was being paranoid and mean.
There's 27 minutes left in the episode and he's got 22 minutes to live since he told about who he is.
Now, he better not jump.
What the hell is going on? He jumped and now he's waking up in some bed?? Was this all fake?
Wait, so Kim is willing to just hand his body over to Pluem? Khao liked Kim before? There are just so many details to track!
I appreciate all of the shorthands they're using to get through the plot, but OMG what the hell is this??
This show feels like it comes from the same emotional space as Eternal Yesterday, where they want to let a couple say the things they need to say to each other before one is snatched away. Unfortunately, this felt so busy.
Next week, Marry Go Round. I think these are the Destiny Seeker boys. This preview is making me think of Ang Lee's The Wedding Banquet (1995).
Oh, I did not like this post credits scene trying to have its cake and eat it too.
Casanova Begins Verdict: 6, Neat Thesis at the End but Too Busy. There's just way too much plot getting to the main point of Khao needing to let go of Pluem. It was interesting that Pluem suggested they break up before his spirit moves on. There are some neat ideas about queer grief and pain if I squint, but squinting I would be. On to the next one, I guess.
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trixcuomo · 1 year
Whats the most challenging part of writing in a 'modern wow' setting? Where do you draw inspiration from?
That is an excellent question! Long answer to this, so I do apologize...
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I've been writing fanfiction for years, but writing for Trixany was a challenge because I wanted to parody (of course lol) modern influencer culture, which can have its toxic side. I actually strongly dislike some aspects of it. I write Trixany as a hungering character, desperate to fill a void by seeking all this attention and fame. That's her biggest flaw; wanting the fame so badly is her blindspot. The void inside her? That is the wound caused by the attack on Quel'thalas.
So! As for the biggest challenge in translating influencer culture into a Warcraft universe? I guess... suspending belief. You can use "comm" or "scrying orb" instead of the word "cellphone" or "television/screen." A lot of us roleplayers say something is of Goblin or Gnomish make if it seems sort of modern, as is already the pattern in Warcraft. That's how we fill in the blanks. That's easy. But how do you get people to go along with there being a celebrity gossip show, based in Dalaran? How do you convince readers that there are rival Warcraft girl bands that vibe like the Pussycat Dolls versus Destiny's Child? Without it seeming so ludicrous, you get thrown out of immersion and can't enjoy it?
I fall in love with these ideas, and then I NEED them, and they have to happen. So I have to streeetch and reach into the furthest extremes of the Warcraft storytelling spectrum. Maybe the wild-ass Goblin aesthetic is on the far end, and something most familiar to fantasy, with Human/Elf/Dwarf interactions, something Tolkien, is on the nearer end. Somewhere on the Goblin end, we have Kaja-Cola and that maybe feels like a modern company that would have a Fanta-esque girl band to promote its soda. Haris Pilton is barely, scarcely lore-abiding. But as an Elf, she probably falls in the middle? And I can draw a line safely from Warcraft Goblins to Haris (if she even really exists), to Trixany.
I find these Warcraft touchpoints and build them out. Haris Corp has become this huge, scary company with Goblin modernity and Elf sophistication beyond what Trixany can even imagine. So anything Trixany does as an influencer now seems normal by comparison, I hope. More believeable.
Usually, whatever makes me laugh really hard or that I become occasionally obsessed with in pop culture is my inspiration. I usually don't tell myself, 'No, that can't happen' when it comes to stories. IRL I may get nervous about trying something new, but when it comes to writing, which I love so badly, that's my moon shot. I will take the moon shot every time and imagine a way to make a cool idea with real potential happen, no matter what. Writing is one of our few spaces where we can set ourselves free and really be ourselves, so of course you have to try!
The Cody Rhodes post happened because I was following that, and I'm a WWE fan. I've been falling down a PubLIZity rabbit hole, so that might inspire something soon, too? If I can see it, I'm gonna try to reach it because that's exciting and you might make someone belly laugh, smile, brighten their day! Writing is so fun for me.
Oh, and I'll say my favorite modern-day Warcraft writing I've done on here was inspired by Lady Gaga's Marry the Night music video. If you read the Dalaran City Clinic post and play the YouTube video in there simultaneously, almost the entire post actually hits right in synch with the narration as a parody. I love Lady Gaga so much, and that music video is incredible. I really wanted to honor that and combine it with my Warcraft fangirl side.
Also, I just love Kael'thas showing up in that post as the nurse. It works so good; it cracks me up. That post just captures Trixany really well and how I translate modern-day pop culture into Warcraft writing. Guess the First Aid trainer in Legion Dalaran was the touch point on that one, lol!!
I usually have asks turned off, but I'm pleased you reached out. I seriously enjoy your writing too Nix, so that was cool of you! Nice ask.
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hello-rosy-essence · 3 months
Marriage trauma
Growing up, I have a heavy amount of trauma related to marriage and men.
My parents did not have the best marriage. They were cousins. My dad was financially abusive with my mom and my mom was not willing to beautify herself for the sake of her husband (I'm assuming she wasn't very sexually attracted to my dad). So, they both were not great partners and were abusive to each other in their own different ways. My dad emotionally cheated multiple times and my mom was never really emotionally invested in my dad either. It was a marriage of convenience. My parents' marriage left me scarred...
When I was young (19) and started going to university, I noticed how Muslim men especially Pakistanis marry women who were fair skinned and skinny. They usually marry either Eastern european, Turkish, Middle eastern or women who fit this criteria. Hijab or religion didn't matter. Just their preference I guess.
I am not very fair skin neither skinny. Just my natural body is slightly curvy (no matter how much I try to lose weight) and tanned. I did not mind it. I like my body because Allah made it. But I always sort of knew getting married was not in my destiny. I made peace with it long ago when I was 19. And I moved on emotionally with the idea of ever having a genuine and happy marriage.
Sometimes, I go on the search because of my family or friends. I do not really have the best interactions with my potentials either.
Most of them have a past or bad habits like smoking shisha. I don't really care because I know how sex obsessed men can be. Some are emotionally manipulative. With the religious men - they expect me to be a hijabi, don't talk to men, and pray 5x times even though most of them have a past. I find them hypocrites. I am also a maternal orphan and diabetic - so its hard to find someone who is not judgmental about my flaws. My family or friends do not really understand this because they haven't lived the same life as me.
I got coerced into holding someone's hand recently and it also made me traumatized from the search. One of my potentials did not reach on time for our coffee date. Most men try to make sexual jokes with me even though I clearly mention I am uncomfortable. Not all men are like that though.
I just have not met the guy who treats me with love and respect, I guess...
I am not interested in improving myself as a spouse for someone unless:
a) he does not have a physical past and no emotional attachments
b) he's nice and caring to me
c) he can financially provide for me
If he does not meet these three conditions, then I expect my future partner to understand that he needs to accept me who I'm as a person. He is not entitled or obligated to ask me to improve as a spouse when he's not the best spouse himself either.
Unlike other Muslims, I do not really mind solitude. I have a long history of being bullied within my local community including hijabis. It is better to be alone than to be hurt by people around you. I enjoy my company and like doing hobbies - arts, swimming, coffee dates, spa dates, and so on.
I try to keep an open heart and mind though. If I find someone who touches my heart in a genuine way, I am open to marrying them.
But so far, no luck. It's fine. I am not particularly excited about marriage for now but I don't mind it either with the right person.
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felizlombriz · 3 years
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Ok i just finished binging Regular Show and I have so many emotions right now. I decided to get into it again because I had finished watching Close Enough and after that I just felt nostalgic for it after seeing jg quintel’s storytelling style and animation. I had never watched the last season and would always watch it on and off when the episodes would air on Cartoon Network but I finally got around to watching it and just finished and gotta say I was not expecting where it was going. I may have binged Regular Show but i remember a lot of the earlier episodes very well from when I would watch it back then and just finally seeing the ending made me so sad but so happy. I wasn’t feeling the whole space thing for a while because I thought regular show was just supposed to be a REGULAR SHOW about a bunch of guys working at the park and their lives but the whole destiny thing with Pops eventually grew on me and jg quintel really got me with that cop-op I legit thought they were going to show the first episode all over again in the finale. Like my mind blanked and I was genuinely shocked when the “bud-dum” theme opening came on and “The Power” episode began to show because it was so sudden. But then they DIDN’T do that and Pops was able to keep the universe from resetting and have his friends continue their lives all with a hug. I loved seeing everyone grow up and mature especially in the end but also throughout the show. I had only remembered the earlier episodes back then so I had come in remembering Mordecai and Rigby as lazy and immature and honestly that would get on my nerves a lot during the rewatch. But as it continued they also continued to grow and had more character depth. I was really happy for Starla and Muscleman when they finally married. Fives was happy playing as a dj with Celia and doing his own thing. Benson finally ended up with someone, Pam, long-term and adopted a bunch of cats and Applesauce the pig and started running the park after Mr. Maellard passed. Skips continued doing his thing but changed things up with some jorts instead of jeans. Rigby graduated and married Eileen and became a loving dad. And I loved how Mordecai didn’t end up with either CJ or Margaret. He was able to move on, begin an art career, and start over and I just really liked that. Pops was my second favorite character (Skips and Gary tie for first place but just barely above Pops) and seeing how he became the focus really surprised me. He’s so loving and loves his friends and I just love how he cares so much. I especially liked the episode “Cheer Up Pops” because I was crying right there with him and it felt like that episode was for the viewers as well to help them cheer up.
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I cried seeing everyone continue their lives and I was just sobbing when everyone put up a memorial statue for Pops.
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I was sad to see that he didn’t get to live with his friends and continue to grow with them, but I also liked the direction the writers decided to take the story in the end. I always like to look up stuff at the end of something I watch when I really care about it because that just makes me feel a little better and I had found the animations that quintel presented to Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon to try and get the show launched and I really really liked “The Naive Man From Lolliland”. I ended up watching it a lot lol. It didn’t register for me until like probably the last couple episodes of season 8 that Pops was supposed to be a lollipop. I just thought he had a big head lol.
I had been in a slump for a long time and I loved all the surreal weirdness that would occur in the show and the fourth wall breaking as it lead up to the finale, especially with The Seer. Just seeing everyone and the continuation of their lives and happiness made me feel like everything would work out. I’m a little late I guess but finally seeing one of my childhood shows until the end may have been the boost I needed. Jolly good show.
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
hiii do you have any recommendations for naruhina fics that take place in the naruto/ninja world been wanting mooore after reading nightdreams and white lilies, thank youu!!
:DDD yah.  HEEEERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LONG LIST, not exhaustive, MOST HAVE HAPPY ENDING.  If it has a sad or inconclusive ending, I just think it’s worth reading because the writing’s so good.
Canon Universe NaruHina
hmmm, let’s sort this by plotty, fluffy, and smutty.  There are TONS more canon-compliant and canon-divergent fics that I haven’t listed here, so if anyone sees this, feel free to add on your faves.
“A Place in the Sun” by ihaveastorminme - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete Forever. Naruto realizes that he’s not enough to love her.  He’s not enough to save her, either.
“Love and Water” by nineetaaaillled - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The hardest part isn’t acknowledging that he’s in love, it’s believing that he can be loved.
“The Loving Type” by @peppercornpress - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. “…So you got over that…guy?” Naruto asked.  “Mm-hm.”
“A Trail of Notes” by @mysterious-crimson-lotus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. At his lowest, Naruto can always depend on one person to have his back. Someone who makes him feel like he matters, that he can do it. Trouble is, he has no idea who it is.
“Diagnosis: Needs Ramen” by AngelChaosGuardian - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. There is always a medical explanation for everything. Hinata's problem was no exception.
“The good left undone” by Stars.Are.Metaphors. - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. 'To marry into the Otsutsuki family is to aid the Hyūga,' her father explained solemnly.
“Why would innocent little Hinata be out dressed like that?” (One-shot) and its follow-up “On Any Given Day” (Long One-Shot) by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent. Hinata tries to move on from Naruto, right when he realizes he wants to keep her.
“November - Crime AU” from “Still Falling For You” by @chloelapomme​ - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. When Hinata arrives next to Naruto, she looks for Pain. However it seems Konoha's enemy is gone. She then turns towards its hero, excepting to see a smile. But she only sees darkness in his sky blue eyes and she doesn't know where it comes from.
“A MisConception” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata Hyuga was pregnant. Somehow. “But Sakura-chan…it’s impossible. I never even had sex.”
“Because I Love You” by @magmawrites - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. A canon divergent fic in which The Last never happened and Hinata Hyuga was promised to another.
“Master Servant AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by @magmawrites - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Some relationships are forbidden but there are no rules when it comes to love.
“Monster” by Sessakag - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again at the forefront of the fight, but which side is he on this time? Love. Tragedy. Happiness. Heartache. The growing pains of becoming a man, have molded, shaped and brought forth a new Naruto Uzumaki.
“Distorted Minds” by Cheating Death - Rated E for graphic violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Her lavender eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry and distorted for a few moments as she tried to look around. It was then that she realized that she was suspended a few inches off the ground, her wrists cuffed in cold, metal shackles that hung from the ceiling.
“secret lovers” by @quirrrky - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, Series of related one-shots. After the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto was gradually falling in love with Hinata and the whole village of Konoha knew it…Well, aside from him.
“The Ring that Binds” by softwind - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto and Hinata are married.  So why is Naruto calling “Sakura” in his sleep?
“If You Said You Loved Me” by destiny’s sweet melody - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot.  Naruto begins to realize he took her feelings for granted and now he’s too late.
“The Red Scarf” by @peppercornpress​ - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Just two people who realize how they feel for each other. That's it.
“Tsukuyomi Boyfriend” by @peppercornpresses - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Over a year has passed since the great Shinobi War, and people are finally starting to open up about their Infinite Tsukuyomi Illusions.
“Harbinger of Light” by @mysterious-crimson-lotus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata is his light in the middle of the war.
Untitled by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Prompt: True love is one soul residing in two bodies.
Untitled by @utsus - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Prompt: (because it was hot as heck here today) how about NaruHina and bathing suits.
“Something New” by @waterrolls​ - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Can a clueless boy ever figure out romance? Maybe, and definitely not without the help of friends who have the couple's best interests at heart. Or, how Naruto and Hinata got their changes in uniforms.
“Lady Usagi” by @mmmbuttery - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. A quiet girl working in an inn meets a noisy young lord, but all is not as it seems.
“A Prior Engagement” by @mmmbuttery - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Hinata’s on a blind date – and guess who crashes?
“I Fell In Love With You Two Days Ago” by NotosK - Rated G, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Hinata is recovering from an injury in Sunagakure, her father summons her back to Konoha after six months so she can finally meet her fiance, a foreign ninja that is thrice her age. the fourth Hokage assigns two elite ANBU to escort her back. Why is the one in the fox mask so familiar to her?
“Oblivious” by PervyNinja - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. After the war, Naruto is not the only one to be approached by admirers - Hinata is oblivious, Kiba, Shino & Akamaru are protective, and Naruto is just so confused.
“Shinobi Passions” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-Chapter, Incomplete. When a mission takes a surprising turn for the worse, only Naruto can help her through the night…
“A Special Friend” by agitosgirl - Rated E, Canon-divergent AU, One-shot. Yes, quiet, humble, heiress Hinata Hyuga and loudmouth hero Naruto Uzumaki were friends with benefits. (This one inspired my “Nightdreams” fic)
“Secrets of the Hidden Leaf” by Sessakag - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The author’s summary hints at NaruHinaSasu, but they never got that far in the story. Naruto and Hinata push the boundaries of propriety and decency in a budding relationship of profound love and wild, sexual exploration.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Happy Mondangst! Here's some angsty Kantoph :)
“That’s right, baby girl!” he cheered in his most ridiculous baby voice. “Da da! Da da!”
Lin giggled in her father’s arms, and Toph jokingly scoffed at the two from the couch. She lay on her back with her hands behind her head, enjoying the vibrations of the two through the ball of her foot that she kept firmly on the ground. “You two are giving me a headache.”
“C’mon, Toph! It’s Lin’s first word, how can you hate this?”
“First off, she’s babbling. It’s not even words yet. Second, the fact that she’s making ‘D’ sounds instead of ‘M’ is the other reason.” she explained simply. “If she says ‘Dada’ before ‘Mama,’ that’s betrayal right there.”
“Sorry, Angel. I just have that effect on women, I guess.”
“Gross,” she complained, but pointed a smile at him, and she felt his heart quicken ever so slightly and his voice let out a quiet chuckle at their antics.
And when his gaze turned back to Lin, Toph could feel through the earth how at peace he was at that moment. Complete adoration for their baby, and she silently laughed to herself at the thought of him having to deal with Lin as a teenager. Oh, she would have him wrapped around her finger for all of eternity, Toph just knew it.
His voice broke up her thoughts. “Hey, what if we had a little competition?”
Toph said nothing, but raised an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue. “What if we compete to find out who Linny walks to first?” he asked.
“What are the stakes?”
“If I win, we start trying for another baby.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” she laughed.
“And if you win, Lin’s our only perfect little girl.”
“And if she doesn’t walk to either of us??”
“Then we let fate and destiny take over,” he answered rather smugly.
Toph smirked and sat up from her position, ready to playfully protest this silly competition. “You realize that she’s gonna walk to you, right?”
“We don’t know that.”
“Right,” she responded sarcastically. “Lin, the little Daddy’s girl who shares the same birthday as her Baba and whose first words are gonna be ‘Dada’ and ‘Baba.’”
“Mama could be a close third,” he defended.
“Yeah, sure. I’m going to shake on a bet I’m bound to lose.”
“Just a little fun,” he replied, and she could hear the grin in his voice. “Obviously we’ve got time, but, I don’t know. I think it could be fun!”
“You and I have two very different definitions of fun,” she teased.
“But it’s harmless!”
“Harmless?” she laughed. “I could end up fat and pregnant at the end of this!”
“Only if you want to,” he added.
“So this isn’t even a bet at all,” she commented. “It’s just fake stakes on the table.”
She felt him shrug. “Bit of pride on the line, I suppose. What do you say?”
Toph wanted to continue berating him and teasing him, but his heart sang whenever Lin made a noise or reached out for something, and he adored playing little games like this with her. Perhaps deep down in a place that she barely allowed to admit to herself, she could imagine them having another baby. Even if Lin was almost 6 months old, she thought that maybe, just maybe, a family of four would be nice. And when Lin giggled at her father once again, Toph’s resolve to say no to those two disappeared.
Spirits, they had her whole heart, and she couldn’t help but shake her head as she smiled and extended her hand out to him.
“It’s only a bet if we shake on it.”
His silly cheer caused Lin to giggle more, and after he shook Toph’s hand to signify the start of the bet, he playfully kissed each knuckle before Toph mildly complained as she tried to free herself from his grasp.
They sat on her living room floor, engaged in small talk while they paid attention to Lin’s every move. The elephant koi in the room became a semi-permanent resident in the Beifong house, but everyone learned to live with it, Toph especially.
Sokka carefully treaded every conversation as he supported Lin to standing on her own two feet. Every now and again, his gaze would turn up to Toph to catch her expression. Today it was unreadable, but she sat on the floor with her legs out and leaned back on her arms, a sign of openness.
That was a good sign, right?
The warrior never knew what was good and what wasn’t anymore, because everything reminded them of him. Of Kanto.
And it was unfair, because Toph deserved to go about her life without having to be constantly reminded of the man she loved and lost to a crazy person. But there was no escape; Kanto was at her place of work, at their home, and he was there whenever Lin moved or breathed or learned something new.
None of that seemed to matter to the universe, however, and Toph and Lin and everyone else that loved Kanto lived with the reminder like chronic pain: constant, relentless.
Still, Toph’s body language was more positive than usual, so Sokka took the opportunity to strike up another small conversation.
“So,” he began by clearing his throat. “What do you and Lin have planned for the rest of the day?”
His friend shrugged in response and a nonchalant wave. “Eh, same old shit, Sokka. Maybe I’ll take her to the park. It is a nice day out.”
“How come you only call me Sokka, now?”
Toph shot him a confused look. “Because it’s your name??”
The man rolled his eyes to himself then said, “Well, yeah. I just mean you almost always called me ‘Meathead’ or ‘Snoozles’ or ‘Captain Boomerang.’”
A quiet scoff fell from Toph’s breath, and she dug her knuckles into her earthen floor. “Yeah, well nicknames are for fun times, and I haven’t been in a jovial mood as of late—”
“Toph I just mean—”
“So forgive me if I don’t feel the need to call you by some dumb nickname that reminds me of all the other stupid ones I called him.”
Sokka shut his mouth, but still held onto a bouncing Lin and stared at Toph. Her expression contorted into one of regret, and she let out a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry, Sokka. That was rude.”
“No, Toph, it’s okay,” he reassured her. “I just—”  Sokka paused before he continued. What he wanted was to help his friend and hoped she would return to her old self soon.
But the idea seemed silly after a second thought. How could she go back to her old self? Going back wasn’t an option, only forward, to a different Toph Beifong who loved and lost and learned to adapt to this difficult change.
So instead of saying I just want to help you get back to your old self, he amended his statement. “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” she sighed again as she moved to lie down on the ground. “I know you’re all trying to help.”
And Toph did know that. The whole group seemed bent over backwards in helping her through this mess of her life, and she not only wanted, but needed their help. However, figuring out things that did help seemed to be a challenge, for it all required talking or thinking about him.
She really couldn’t do that at this point, not even nine months after his death.
Saying his name sent her down a spiral of thoughts of longing and regret, the feeling so strong that it tempted her to visit their bedroom again. But she hadn’t stepped into that room since she was dragged out by Sokka, because she wasn’t sure she’d have the strength to leave it a second time.
Instead of visiting their shared bedroom or speaking her dead almost-fiancé’s name or figuring out what could possibly help her through this, she lay on the ground, focusing on the earth’s humming while blocking out all other erratic and uneven vibrations. It was soothing, being completely one with the earth and ignoring everything else. Her mind wasn’t racing, her heart wasn’t hurting, and she felt a feeling that strangely resembled tranqui—
Her focus was broken, and as annoyed as she was, Toph responded to her friend and asked, “What is it?”
“Are you okay?”
“Stupid question.”
“I just mean—”
Lin’s interruption pulled Toph further from the earth, and so she waved her hand in the air and exclaimed, “Mama’s right here, Lin. Just wallowing in self-pity as a widow does, although I’m not even sure I can call myself that.”
“Toph,” Sokka began, but Toph continued her useless ramble. “Probably not, since he didn’t even ask me to marry him. Kind of a requirement to be in the mopey widow club, don’t you think? Pathetic, really, I don’t even have a dead fiancé, just a dead baby daddy.”
“You know what, guess it doesn’t matter I could just—”
Sokka’s exclamation startled her, but she didn’t move from her spot. She waited for him to continue with whatever was so important to interrupt her self-deprecating monologue, but he didn’t speak again.
Instead, she felt little, uneven, and heavy footsteps toddle toward her. Toph sat upright in an instant, completely shocked at the sensation of Lin walking.
“Go Lin!” Sokka cheered.
Toph cheered as well and held her hands out excitedly to catch her daughter. “C’mere, Lin! You got it!”
And with a few babbles and shouts for Mama, Lin made her way into Toph’s arms.
The earthbender pulled Lin in for a tight hug and smothered her cheek with kisses. “You did it, baby girl! You took your first steps!”
“She’s a natural, Toph! Gonna be running tomorrow,” Sokka teased.
Toph grinned at the thought, and moved to balance Lin’s tiny feet on her knee. She felt Lin squirm in her arms and crane her neck, as if she was looking for someone.
And with a single exclamaion of Lin’s favorite word, Toph’s heart shattered just as quickly as it soared a moment ago.
Sokka’s grin faded slowly with Toph’s as he watched her realize what Lin wanted. In a second, one of the greatest feelings and feats of Toph’s baby girl turned into a situation of pure grief. And All he wanted was for his best friend to have a single fucking moment not be ruined by the memory of losing Kanto.
But that was impossible. Every accomplishment was tainted with this memory, and there was nothing to do but accept that harsh reality.
He watched Toph suddenly become overwhelmed by the grief. She bit her quivering lip as she combed through Lin’s hair over and over, fixating on a few curly strands at the top of her head.
They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, all the while Lin kept asking for her dad. Sokka was about to intervene, but then Toph let out a quiet breath and answered Lin.
“Yeah, Lin. Dada would be so proud of you right now.” She formed a small, sorrowful smile at Lin while tears fell down her cheeks. “I’d rub it in his face, too.” Toph choked out a chuckle, then continued, “But Baba isn’t here anymore, baby girl. It’s just you and me.
“Don’t worry, kiddo. All your aunts and uncles will be around to bother us, especially this Meathead over there, okay?”
When she pointed a finger at Sokka, Lin turned to see, and smiled at him. And Sokka found himself grinning back at Lin for only a second. For when he turned his gaze to Toph, he saw her tear-stricken face and any signs of happiness left Sokka’s face.
He saw Toph hastily wipe at her eyes, then stood up with Lin in her arms. “Thanks for uh, coming by, Sokka. But Lin and I are gonna spend some time together alone.”
She walked out into the backyard before he could even protest.
Sokka didn’t move from his spot, however. He just sat there, thinking and wondering and hoping there was something he could do to help his friend. But she was a silent sufferer, carrying the burden of grief everywhere she went and barely let on what hurt the most about it all. As a bystander, it hurt Sokka to see her shoulder it all. What was he to do, though?
He let out a tired sigh. Sometimes there was nothing to do but be there, even if it made him feel useless.
“You’re  a terrible listener.”
Sokka ignored her jab and sat down next to her, Lin bouncing gleefully in her spot in front of her mother. He gave her elbow a light nudge and replied, “I know, but I know you don’t actually want to be alone.”
“I just said—”
“Listen, Toph. We don’t have to talk about it, about any of it. But you’re like me, okay? I don’t like talking about what’s bothering me, but that doesn’t mean solitude is the answer.”
Toph bit her lip as she considered the offer, but made no outright objections to his presence. So they sat there, silent and contemplative about everything and nothing in particular.
It wasn’t until minutes of silence (and little babbles and single words from Lin) that Toph finally spoke. She chose her words carefully, as if saying the wrong thing would send her down a rabbit hole of despair. But Sokka watched her and steadied her with a reassuring hand to her shoulder.
Toph gave a sad smile as she spoke and played with Lin’s wavy hair. “We, uh, we made a stupid bet.
“He liked these silly games and it made him so fucking happy, I didn’t think twice about them. And it gave us a reason to be competitive, and you know how we would get with this shit. Still, they were harmless.”
She hastily wiped her eyes then continued, “But then he wanted to have a bet on who Lin would walk to first, and he said that if Lin walked to him, we’d try for another baby. If she walked to me, no more kids.”
Toph let out a sorrowful chuckle as she slightly hung her head low and let the tears fall in her lap. Sokka’s eyes grew misty at the thought. A silly bet turned into a reminder for Toph, and it felt cruel.
But then Toph took in a deep breath and brought her head back up, pointing her gaze toward the warrior. “You know what’s even crazier? I was gonna let him win. Under the illusion I was upset, of course.”
Sokka softly chuckled at that.
Lin cried out and turned to face Toph, who gently rubbed her daughter’s chubby cheeks. Sokka still sat there, hand on Toph’s shoulder, and watched through his blurred vision his best friend continue to open up to him.
She sighed again. “I’d let him win all the silly games if it meant—”
Her sentence was left unfinished, but nothing else needed to be said. Toph pulled in Lin to an embrace, breathing deeply into her hair as the gravity began to weigh heavy on the pair.
Toph mindlessly played with Lin’s soft curls. “But I guess all bets are off, or I win them all now.
“I don’t feel like the winner, though, Sokka.”
Sokka’s grip tightened on Toph’s shoulder as his sign of support, because he truly had no words. All he could do was sit and stare and hope that there would be something on the horizon to look forward to.
And yet, in that very same moment, he couldn’t help but silently admire Toph’s strength. Her ability to carry on and raise Lin while facing practically an insurmountable amount of grief was something that couldn’t be overlooked. He’d seen his friend show great feats of strength and resilience in the past, but in the back of his mind, he thought that perhaps this was the greatest one of all.
Still, he’d be damned if he was going to let her face this mountain on her own. So they sat there silently once again as Sokka’s hand remained on her shoulder, reminding her that he was there no matter what. He would be there to help her and to hold onto her through it all.
She deserved that. She deserved that and much more, but this was their reality. It would have to do.
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 10: the law of surprise
arguably one of the most confusing parts of the witcher universe that is never really explained outright. BUT it is clearly super important, so let's go! also huge thanks to the people i bugged for slavic and biblical stories, i promise i'm not making some devil deal.
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
the law of surprise is actually a major theme in slavic mythology, which is probably why we never get a straightforward explanation about it. the witcher was never really meant for a non-slavic audience, so sapkowski likely assumed that the reader would just know what he's talking about
traditionally, if you asked the devil for something, you would pay him with "what you had left at home without knowing or expecting it"
witchers were said to be servants of the devil, and therefore would request the law in payment for their services
there's even a version of the law in the old testament! the judge jephthah led the israelites in a victorious battle against the rival kingdom of ammon. in exchange for defeating the ammonites, he vowed to sacrifice whatever came out of his door first when he came home. this turned out to be his daughter, and, while he regretted it, jephthah sacrificed her to god
how it works
put simply-ish, the law of surprise states that when someone is saved by someone else, the saviour can request a payment that is unknown by both parties at the time of the deal.
confusing? yes? allow me to explain
first, the law only applies to life or death situations. nothing else. some people even take this to mean that the only reward for saving someone's life is the law of surprise, but that's less common.
still, it's very widely believed that the law of surprise is the best payment for a life debt. this goes into the whole destiny thing which i'll talk more about later.
witchers are notable for claiming the law because their occupation tends to lead to a lot of life-saving, but it's not exclusive to the witchering profession
so, when you save someone's life, they will ask you how they can repay you. you then can enact the law of surprise, which entitles you to something that neither you nor the person you saved know exists yet.
for example, pavetta's father, roegner, fell into a ravine and broke his legs, but was rescued by duny. as duny's reward, he invoked the law of surprise. roegner didn't know that his wife was pregnant, obviously duny didn't know this either, and that baby belonged to duny
this is just what comes after the classic "you've saved me! how can i ever repay you?" "well, i think there's something that we both might like..." *smooth jazz starts playing*
ah shit that's the porno version!
so sorry, here's the real version
when someone asks how they can repay you for saving their life, there are two basic requests you can make, either "the first thing that comes to greet you" or "what you find at home but do not expect".
the first one is less severe, and can really be anything, ie a dog that runs outside or a visitor at the gate (not really sure how that one would work logistically)
the second one is more common and powerful, as it's almost always a child. usually the person who is rewarding the law comes home and finds out that their wife is pregnant or had a baby. oops?
geralt requested "that which you already have but do not know" from duny, which is a variation of the second one that almost exclusively means an unborn child, just wrapped in convoluted packaging. our favourite witcher is really smart but also really stupid.
obviously, the logistics of actually picking up the thing that you don't know about are pretty confusing
but it tends to work out in one of a few ways
sometimes the unexpected thing makes itself known right then and there, like with geralt and ciri. in this case, the person who did the saving will just decide what to do with their reward.
more frequently, the person who was saved will bring the person who did the saving to their house, where they will both find something unexpected.
in this scenario, the unexpected thing can either be taken by the person who did the saving immediately (usually in the case of an animal), or they will come back and get it in a few years (usually in the case of a child). do they come back and get it? results vary.
occasionally, the person who did the saving will just book it, either trusting destiny to deliver them their reward when the time is right or hoping that destiny is a myth and they don't need to actually get their reward.
it makes sense that destiny is a huge part of the law of surprise, given both of their important presences in the witcher
the law of surprise is the most common payment for a life debt because when you save someone's life, you are acting on behalf of destiny to allow them to survive something that they shouldn't have survived, but were destined to
destiny also ensures that the reward will always be received. geralt denied his reward for years, but we all know how that turned out.
that's why eist tuirseach was so ready to throw down at the idea of the law of surprise not being honoured, if someone claims the law of surprise, you have to respect that.
obviously, the most notable example is ciri and geralt. you probably know the story from twn, but the book version is slightly more dramatic so i'll tell it in brief.
geralt saved duny from certain death after calanthe ordered his capa detated from his body. geralt claimed the law of surprise almost as a joke and well...
but of course this story gets far more complicated. in those 6 years, pavetta and duny had died and calanthe didn't want to give away her only descendant, so she just kinda didn't.
five years later, geralt and ciri met face to face but geralt refused to take ciri, believing that he would only bring her death. she was devastated, since this forced her to be sent back to her grandmother who just wanted to marry her off to some prince.
around a year later, after the sacking of cintra, geralt saved a farmer named yurga from some ghouls. believing that his first child surprise had died with the rest of her family in the palace, and feeling just generally ironic, geralt claimed the law of surprise again.
turns out, that which yurga had at home but did not expect was none other than ciri, who miraculously escaped the palace and made it to yurga's home. having claimed the same child surprise twice, geralt finally took ciri as his daughter.
duny also claimed the law of surprise, but since he was like 15 at the time and was promised a baby, he decided to come back later and see what destiny could do in a few years.
turns out destiny created a 14 year old that was just perfect for duny's 29 year old wooing. yeah. it's... something. but, from their unholy union we got ciri! ew but yay? i guess?
eskel also claimed the law of surprise twice, first was the princess deidre ademeyn, who eskel avoided for years in a very geralt-fashion. the second was his horse named scorpion, whose story went decidedly smoother
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
hi um i luv ur stuff it's so cute! I was wondering if you could do a cute blurb where the reader LOVES to star gaze and mando wakes up one night and gets worried about where they went, but he goes outside and sees that they are sitting on top of the razorcrest and he joins them, then they fall asleep on him and he takes them down and it just ends in cuddles? Sorry if that was too specific BUT I LOVE YOUR WORK 🤩🥺
Stargazing- Din Djarin x Reader
Summary: the mandalorian catches you watching the stars.
A/n: wait okay this is literally the cutest ask! I love this idea, and no, it is not to specific. I stopped everything to sit down and write this, haha. Thank you for this! Also I am so flattered! I am so happy that you are able to find joy in my writing. That is all I could ever ask for! :)
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The soft breaths of the mandalorian flow through the ship signifying his slumber. The child is asleep in his pod, clutching the metal ball from the cockpit. It’s the middle of the night on some deserted planet that Mando had decided was safe enough for you all to stay for a couple days.
You grab one of his old cloaks and wrap it around yourself. Slowly and quietly moving through the ship you make way for the outdoors. Climbing to the top of the Razor Crest, you lay down and stare up at the stars, peace instantly filling your soul.
He awoke when he heard shuffling from your bunk. Sitting up he watches as you make way for the door. Worry fills his chest, wondering where you were going. Were you leaving him? His heart clenches at the thought of never being able to see you again. Silently, he stands and follows you.
When he walks outside he can’t see you. Fear fills his body when his visor can’t pick up any heat signatures on the horizon. His heart stops and his mind works a mile per minute, creating scenario after scenario of where you are and why you left him. It all comes to a halt when he hears a soft clang above his head.
There you are!
He climbs up the ladder on the side of the Crest. “Why are you up here?”
You squeak and jump off the ground about two feet, shooting up into a sitting position; he chuckles. “I- I couldn’t sleep.” Warmth rises to your cheeks as you clutch your heart.
The mandalorian doesn’t say anything, urging you to continue. Unbeknownst to you, but he is filled with relief.
“Um. Whenever I can’t sleep I like to stargaze. It always calms me.” You play with the hem of his old cloak that is wrapped around your body. “Do you want to join me?” It’s a whisper but his helmet easily picks up your inquiry.
He climbs up the rest of the ladder and sits down next to you, before falling back and laying just as you were. You look at him before laying back down yourself.
It’s quiet but you can almost hear the sparks of tension between the mandalorian and yourself.
“It’s pretty.” His voice is still husky with sleep, it snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Oh...um...yeah.” You exhale. “It has always fascinated me, the stars.”
He turns his head to face you, the reflection of the orbs twinkle in your eyes. You look ethereal.
“It’s so amazing how we can see so many worlds at once. Like maybe on that planet,” you point to a random light in the sky, “maybe someone is getting married.” A smile works its way onto your face. “Or on that one a child just had its first word.” Giggling at the thought, you continue. “So many people are going through so many different things, it's really astonishing. Like there are galaxies and universes out there that no one has discovered yet. Worlds completely the opposite of the one we are used to. So many untold stories lurk out there!”
He can not only see the passion you hold, but also hear it in your voice.
“My mother used to criticize me for stargazing. She said I romanticized the cruel world too much and that it would eventually bite me in the butt. I don’t know though... It’s also just so cool how they are giant balls of energy and life! I mean like how can you not romanticize them?” You huff at the memory of your mother lecturing you on how you need to focus more on life than on silly stars. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” Realizing you’ve gotten carried away again.
“No! No, I like it. I’ve never thought of it like that before.” The mandalorian assures you. “The beauty of the stars is something I’ve taken for granted.”
You turn to him and smile at the intimacy and vulnerability at this moment.
“When you’re someone like me, you really just go through the motions of life.” Longing fills his voice. “I’ve never stopped to really appreciate anything.”
A cold wind rushes over your body and you shiver, clutching his old cloak closer to your body. A strong arm wraps around you and pulls you closer to him.
“Come here, cyar’ika. I’ll keep you warm. I want to hear more about them from you.”
You snuggle into his side and look back up into the sky. Security and comfort washes over you in his arms.
“I like to believe that our destiny is written within these lights, that everything happens for a reason and that the stars guide us to where we are supposed to be. In fact, when I was little I would try and actually find words in constellations.” You chuckle at the memory before yawning. “One time I swore I saw the word, love, written out.”
The mandalorian smiles to himself at your memories, running his fingertips over your arm in a steady rhythm. “I guess I should thank the stars then.” He hears you murmur out why but he can tell you are on the cusp of sleep.
Before he answers, he listens to the steady flow of your breaths. Warmth fills his body becuase you fell asleep in his arms. The fact that you trust him so much holds more power over him than he will ever admit. 
He sighs and presses his head ontop of yours, his way of kissing you with his helmet on.
“Because they brought you to me.”
I hope this is what you were looking for! I’m sorry it is kinda short but I am just really happy with where it ended. Thanks again love! Please never hesitate to send anything else in! :)
Love, Lordy.
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woogyu · 3 years
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46.“Somehow, i always seem to end up here. With you.” | “Soulmate shit, it’s hardcore as hell.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
requested by; @carat4boo​
notes; so it’s 3 am, can’t sleep, and I couldn’t stop thinking about this request SO HERE IT IS. I LITERALLY ALMOST CRIED WRITING THIS, BUT IN A GOOD WAY I THINK.
possible tw; mentions of strict parents, lovers angst
wc; 1346
Drabble Game Requests | OPEN (but VERY VERY slow 24 requests in my inbox rn) | Drabble Prompts; fluff | angst | funny
»»————- ♡ ————-««
1800s, London, England
As a princess your value came from your marriage. It was never about you, it was about the match your father could arrange. Your desires were not taken into account, and you knew this. That’s why you took care when visiting him, if someone found out you would be punished and he would be hung. Your exchanges were brief and framed under the cover of darkness. He was the secret you never dared breath and the light illuminating your suffocating world.
“Princess” a familiar voice greeted you from the shadows of a sunken window. You turned quickly toward the sound, a smile breaking onto your features as Seungkwan flooded your vision. He was a simple stable hand, nothing flashy and certainly not suitable in your family's eyes. The two of you never should have happened and yet everyday you found yourself falling further and further in love.
“I’ve told you many times to dismiss the formalities” you reminded him, moving to sit with him on a small bench tucked along the wall. Your fingers nervously smoothed along the front of your gown, always anxious that someone would discover you.
“My father intends to marry me off to some nobleman. He has been conversing with many families to find the most advantageous match” you grumbled a little bit, allowing Seungkwna to draw you in against his side. Even outwardly displays of affection such as this were foreign to you. They caused your heart to hammer unevenly against your ribcage.
“I would have to leave the palace… which would mean leaving you” a sigh fell from your lips as you looked up at him, brows drawn together in concern. He reached up and smoothed away your wrinkles, his lips curling up into a gentle smile. He regarded you with such softness that it made you wonder what exactly he saw in you.
“A gift” he interrupted your concerns, reaching behind him to pull out a striking red rose. He handed it to you and slowly ran his fingers over the petals. Leaning in so that his face was near yours, he began to repeat the same words he did every time you raised these concerns.
“My love, circumstances may separate us but the universe will always draw us back together. There is nothing that can keep me from you. Maybe it won’t be in this life, or even in the next, but someday. We are destined” he told you with such certainty that you had a hard time not believing his words. Maybe you wouldn’t be unable to find happiness with him in this timeline, but you trusted his assurance that someday it would come.
“I’ll love you through this lifetime and every one that follows” you promised him in a hushed whisper as his forehead pressed into yours.
“As will I” he assured you, his fingers rubbing soothingly against your knuckles.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
1960s, New York, New York
“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this, you will NOT marry that boy y/n” your mother promised, locking the door to your bedroom as you threw yourself onto your bed.
Just because Seungkwan had gotten into some trouble, your parents thought he was some bad influence that would corrupt your innocence. They never listened when you explained that you had never felt so loved, so cared for in your entire life. 
“Psst, heard a little lady needed a jailbreak” Seungkwan whispered outside your window, winking when you looked up startled. Grinning you moved toward the window, watching as he silently picked the lock.
“My dad threatened to kill you if you ever showed up here again” you reminded him, rolling your eyes at the care free lopsided grin that overtook his features. The lock was opened within seconds and you were pulled into a breathtaking kiss.
“I guess you’re just worth the risk” he spoke after pulling away, his voice breathy and disheveled. Taking his hand you followed him out the window and down the side of the house.
“y/n, if that’s you sneaking out again I’m calling the cops on the both of you” you heard your mom yell from inside, causing a giggle to bubble up inside you.
“Guess that’s our cue to run” you said, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the sidewalk. The two of you raced to a nearby park, laughing as you slowed down to catch your breath.
“You’re crazy” you told Seungkwan, he was risking so much just by showing up at your place. He would get jail time if your mom’s threat had any truth to it.
“Crazy for you” he responded with a grin, twirling you around as you walked through the rows of flowers. Giggling you reached up to stroke your hand along his cheek.
“For you, my lady” he announced dramatically, bowing as he held a freshly picked rose out to you. Smiling, you reached out and accepted the flower, twirling it around in your fingers. This felt too familiar and it was nagging at your brain.
“Somehow, I always seem to end up here. With you” you commented, eyes focused on the flower grasped in your hand. You couldn’t shake the familiarity of this, of him and external forces that kept you apart. You wanted nothing more than to run away and marry Seungkwan and he graciously entertained your little breakouts. The two of you knew that whatever you had what limited to stolen moments. You couldn’t run away, and your family would never approve of him.
“Soulmate shit, it’s hardcore as hell” he answered cheekily, poking your shoulder as the two of you settled on a bench. His demeanour told you that he was attempting to lighten the mood, but you were having none of it.
“When do we get to be happy” you demanded, eyes stinging as tears threatened to overflow. A sadness settled over his features as he reached out to stroke your cheek.
“Darling, you’ve made me happy in every single life we’ve shared. Destiny has yet to write our love story” he gently cradled your cheek and pressed his lips to your forehead.
“I’m willing to wait a thousand lifetimes if it means I get to spend just one loving you” he breathed causing your heart to melt and tears to flow. Destiny was a bitch, but you could not change the flow of time, no matter how much you wished you could or how hard you tried.
“I’ll wait for you. However long it takes” you echoed his words, fingers tangled into his hair as if he would fade out of existence in front of your eyes.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
2018, Los Angeles, California
“You may now kiss the bride” you heard the voice call out, causing the entire room to erupt in cheers. You were not paying attention to any of that, your thoughts, your mind and your lips were all full of Seungkwan. You kissed him like your entire life had led up to this moment, and in a way it had. Multiple lifetimes lead you to where you are now, and while not all of them were pleasant, it was worth it for this. This lifetime with Seungkwan made up for everything. You finally understood why destiny took so long with your love story. Seungkwan pulled away and looked down at you like you had hung all the stars in the sky.
“I have loved you through thousands of lives, but in this one I promise that I will make you the happiest person in the entire world” he breathed, his thumb slowly drifting over your cheek. It had been lifetimes of waiting, but you would do it all over again to end up right back here, promising yourself to the only man you have ever truly loved.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
m a s t e r l i s t (a - m)
updated: 9/27/2020
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▹ - sfw
▸ - nsfw
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notes: this list is put in alphabetical order by last name and then from oldest to most recent fic. please do not judge any of the older pieces too harshly as they were pretty bad! as of january 2020, drabbles will no longer be added to masterlist.
this is for characters with last names a - m
masterlist for characters with last names n - z
do not repost any of my fics without permission.
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aizawa shouta
▸ cat lingerie — aizawa catches you in cat shaped lingerie (hc) 
▹ just like a cat — there are comparable similarities to you and aizawa’s cat (hc)
▹ I think I’m pregnant — you believe you’re pregnant with your ex’s baby (hc)
▹ back off — even aizawa is prone to jealousy (scenario)
▹ swimsuit tops — losing your bikini top is never a good memory (scenario)
▹ appreciate you — maybe having a family is amazing to aizawa (scenario)
▹ under the mistletoe — holidays are for lovers, but you’re not that (scenario)
▸ secrets — getting horny in public is quite the look (drabble)
▹ sweater — aizawa lost his sweater, he wonders where (drabble)
▹ werewolf — aizawa is a werewolf in love with you (drabble)
▹ haunted house — chaperoning at a haunted house actually sucks (drabble)
▸ strangers — mysterious hookups have never been better (scenario)
▹ glistened in the light — aizawa is jealous of a four year old (scenario)
▸ who do you belong to — kinktober day 6 (scenario)
▸ morning — husky morning voices really hit the spot (drabble)
▹ poly w mic — polyamorous relationships are healthy (hc)
▸ tease — never tease a man at work (scenario)
▸ relapse — tw: self harm; aizawa helps you fight (drabble)
▹ sleep — in which aizawa catches you crying (drabble)
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amajiki tamaki
▹ dating? — when everyone thinks you’re dating, but you’re not (hc)
▹ embarrassed — public speeches just aren’t for tamaki (drabble)
▸ butterfly — kinktober day 8 (scenario)
▸ dominate — baby boy isn’t so shy in bed (hc)
▸ ahegao —he reacts to your ahegao face (hc)
▸ the big three — they want you (hc)
▸ battles — tw: depression; we all fight wars and sometimes they consume us (scenario)
▹ us — cats can bring two people together (drabble)
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ashido mina
▸ never have I ever — kinktober day 11 (scenario)
▸ evening, officer —kinktober day 17 (scenario)
▸▹ alphabet hc — nsfw and sfw (hc)
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bakugou katsuki
▹ I think I’m pregnant — you’re pregnant with your ex’s baby (hc) part two
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▸ dominate him — you’re a lady in the sheets and a freak in the sheets (hc)
▸ my girl — jealous lovers and work don’t mix (scenario) part two
▸ werewolf lover — they’re horny and you’re asexual (hc)
▹ delete him — breakups suck (drabble)
▹ I.H.T.T.O.M.L. — bakugou does not have two left feet (drabble)
▸ body swap — you wake up in his body! (drabble)
▹ deserve better — you deserve more than what you’re given (drabble)
▹ broken — bakugou faces his feelings post kidnapping (drabble)
▸ torture threesome — in which shinsou is your third with bakugou (drabble)
▹ hoodies — you steal bakugou’s favorite hoodie (drabble)
▹ laughter — no matter how much you love him, his laugh is horrible (drabble)
▹ sickness and affliction — bakugou is sick and you take care of him... sorta (scenario)
▹ did I? — he claims you never loved him (drabble)
▹ stay awake — please don’t die (drabble)
▹ ex-girlfriend — did he or did he not see his ex? (drabble)
▹ asshole — bakugou blows you off for the last time (drabble)
▹ arcade games — you make bakugou nervous (drabble)
▹ sacrifice — your world is dying, but you can save it (drabble)
▹ date — you need a date to a wedding, he wants a kiss (drabble)
▸ sex tips 101 — kinktober day 3 (scenario)
▹ struggles — don’t move, don’t speak (drabble)
▹ sweat — bakugou is already sweaty, but you make him sweat more (drabble)
▸ kinky — you’re kinkier than you look (hc)
▸ tease — kinktober day 23 (scenario)
▸ revenge — kinktober day 28 (scenario)
▸ foursome — todobakukiri foursome (hc)
▸ sub — how he is as a sub (hc)
▸ orgies — more todobakukiri now with shinsou action (hc)
▹ speechless — there aren’t many ways to make bakugou speechless, but you have a few ways now (scenario)
▸ they’re mine — no one can flirt with you (hc)
▸ buckle up — on your way to a weekend getaway, bakugou is having trouble staying awake; you have an unconventional way at waking him up (scenario)
▹ you’re asexual — how he reacts to your sexuality
▹ weak — bakugou is not weak!!! ...as long as you’re not involved (scenario)
▸ nervous — its you’re first time having sex (scenario)
▹ please don’t go — bakugou wants you to say with him (scenario)
▸ pervert — bakugou’s stealing your panties like a perv (scenario)
▹ burned out — sometimes people and relationships burn out (scenario)
▹ needy — you’re needy and bakugou pretends like its an issue (drabble)
▸ overstimulation — overstimulate bakugou, I dare you (drabble)
▹ kiss me — a breathy demand meets unknown actions (drabble)
▸ please leave — you wake up to see pro heroes shouto and ground zero naked in your bedroom (drabble)
▹ because I love you — bakugou katsuki has never been good with showing his feelings, and it definitely doesn’t change even when he falls in love. (scenario)
▸ make it fit — your sex life with your emotionally stunted boyfriend has always been good, but not great. But practice makes perfect - even if it means accidentally making your boyfriend cum in his pants to realize that your power roles have been wrong this entire time. (scenario)
▹ missing you — an explosive argument with you has Bakugou wondering just what this relationship means to him. (scenario)
▹ love is in the air — different worlds, different stories, different beginnings. it didn’t matter what universe you were in because there was one consistency in these worlds: you and bakugou were always in love. was it just a coincidence that love is in the air whenever the two of you were involved? no, it was destiny. (one-shot)
▸▹ alphabet hc’s — fluff and smut headcanons (hc)
▹ I won’t say I’m in love ― bakugou’s feelings for you are true, but he can’t seem to utter those three words no matter how much he wishes to. (scenario) part 2 
▹ the marriage contract: the series — just because your soulmate is bakugou katsuki doesn’t mean that he’s the one meant for you; in fact, he’s your worst enemy. with trouble brewing across the way, and with no one able to complete this job except you and bakugou, there’s nothing you can do except go along with the mission. but wait, what?! you’re supposed to be married?! (scenario series)
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chisaki kai (overhaul)
▸ filthy — dirty talk with chisaki (drabble)
▸ ahegao face — his reaction to your ahegao face (drabble)
▸ dominate him — you’re tiny but dominate (drabble)
▸ squirting — you squirt on chisaki (drabble)
▸ punishment — never tease a dangerous animal (drabble)
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hado nejire
▸ twice — kinktober day 30 (drabble)
▸ the big three — they want you (hc)
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iida tenya
▹ dance dance — iida shows off his dance moves to you (scenario)
▹ fitbit — you’re a homebody and iida makes sure you’re healthy (drabble)
▹ I love you — confessions are always the best (drabble)
▸ your body — you swap bodies with iida (drabble)
▸ watching — he wants to watch you touch yourself (drabble)
▸ thigh-riding — he wont leave so you give him a wake up call (drabble)
▸ awkward — walking in on someone is always awkward (drabble)
▸ angel — kinktober day 22 (scenario)
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jirou kyoka
▸ gimmie more — kinktober day 14 (scenario)
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kaibara sen
▹ reincarnation — five chances to fall in love. five reincarnations to find the person you’re destined to be with. it just so happens that in each life you keep meeting a man with brown hair and a sweet involvement of primroses. (scenario)
▹ scoops — in what was to be a summer of excitement, love, and adventure, you’re doomed to a summer working a job to pay some bills. but hey, who said romance still wouldn’t find a way to work while working at scoops ice cream parlor? (scenario)
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kaminari denki
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▸ say my name — kaminari wants you to scream his name (drabble)
▸ you still up? — kinktober day 13 (scenario)
▸ soul sucking — suck him dry (crack hc)
▸ you still there? — part two to you still up (scenario)
▸ tremors — kaminari easily makes you fall apart (drabble)
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kirishima eijirou
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▹ so glad — you’re married and very, very pregnant (scenario)
▸ quiet — public sex in a crowded club (drabble)
▸ touch — kirishima wants to watch you touch yourself (drabble)
▹ plus four — uno is a war game (drabble)
▹ vows — a past and a present look of your relationship (drabble)
▸ show me how you like it — kinktober day 12 (scenario)
▸ workout with red riot — kinktober day 18 (scenario)
▸▹ alphabet hc’s — nsfw and sfw letters (hc)
▸ foursome — todobakukiri foursome (hc)
▸ orgies — more todobakukiri now with shinsou action (hc)
▸ responsive — kirishima lets you know how he feels (drabble)
▸ dominate — how he is when you dominate (hc) 
▹ connection — you try to guess kirishima’s wifi password (oneshot)
▸ unbreakable — thigh-riding kirishima’s thigh when he’s busy (scenario)
▸ sorrows — tw: family death; your mom passes away (scenario)
▸ it’s your fault — kirishima has a boner because of you (drabble)
▹ the manliest man — hoodies and playlists, a simple and effective way to capture your heart. (scenario)
▹ disconnected — kirishima answers a phone call that wasn’t intended for him, and of course, he can’t help but be interested in the beautiful voice and soul that angrily began to rant about their day. (scenario)
▹ temerity ― the perfect job for an overworked, tired, and romantic you is obviously a stressful, demanding, but oh so aesthetic coffeeshop. your job only becomes better when a handsome redhead appears through the door with a loud bang, and you can do nothing but fall for him. or the five times kirishima orders coffee and the one time he doesn’t. (scenario)
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midoriya izuku
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▸ werewolf lover — they’re horny and you’re asexual (hc)
▸ don’t stop — fucking on a train is scary (drabble)
▹ packs — werewolves don’t like humans, but you just wandered in (drabble)
▹ stop this — its just another day in life... right? (drabble)
▹ I love you — confessions are as sweet as dessert (drabble)
▸ panties — you’re not wearing panties in public (drabble)
▸ fingers — add another finger midoriya, it’s okay (drabble)
▸ blindfolds — blindfolds increase all other senses (drabble)
▹ phoenix — you have a quirk that gives you the hero name phoenix (hc)
▸ love and war — kinktober day 1 (scenario)
▸ four rings — kinktober day 26 (scenario)
▸ innocence — kinktober day 29 (scenario)
▸ whimper — making midoriya whimper (drabble)
▸ ride his face — midoriya loves when you ride his face (drabble)
▸ edging — because the best thing you can do as a dom is edging (drabble)
▸ power bottom — never think you’re in control over midoriya (drabble)
▸ daddy — daddy kinks are approved (drabble)
▹ kiss me, don’t insult me — mistletoe kisses (oneshot)
▹ study dates — studying with midoriya is always fun (drabble)
▹ distractions — you can never focus when you study with him (drabble)
▸ pegging — pegging midoriya (drabble)
▸ kinky — he finds out you’re kinky (drabble)
▹ insecurities — no ones perfect, but you hate that the most about you (scenario)
▸ ive missed you — he’s missed you and you help him show yourself how much (drabble)
▸ sex tapes — midoriya izuku is an over-analyzer in every aspect; it shouldn’t surprise you that he’s into making sex tapes too. When you’re stuck at home for an indefinite period of time, it’s finally time to pull them out and watch them together. (scenario)
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kenobi-gen-exchange · 3 years
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Hello there!
Thank you to everyone who participated last year in 2020! As we begin our newest year, we'd like to showcase all the wonderful works made in 2020 for our exchange!
They're ordered alphabetically below the cut, and you can view our 2019 masterlist as well here.
Acts of Service by Shadaras
Summary: Obi-Wan answers the encoded comm he'd given to the Organas years ago. Leia's on the other end, and she has a request.
All we are, and all we have... by TexasDreamer01
Summary: Maul inhaled.
This was unusual, given his certainty that this time he had died.
And If You Close Your Eyes by Be_Right_Back
Summary: Does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?
Rex finds out from Ezra that Obi-Wan is on Tatooine. He has go to see for himself.
a worthwhile endeavour by wrennette
Summary: They were currently at nearly 36 hours since Obi-Wan last slept, which meant that tonight, they'd be breaking out the big guns. Ahsoka knew the routine by now, the major points practiced enough that she could improvise a little to keep her Master from catching on.
Co-Commanders Tano and Cody have a plan.
Ben the Spy by AsadHermitStory
Summary: “Are you a spy?” FN-2187 asked without preamble. FN-2187 definitely wasn’t a spy, for he was not capable of disguising his eagerness.
“Hmm. Yes, perhaps I am.” The man stroked his bearded chin thoughtfully. “From a certain point of view. You can call me ‘Ben,’ by the way.”
braids by shanlyrical
Obi-Wan took another deep breath, opened his eyes, and met his own steady gaze in the mirror. Then, with a single, swift cut, he severed his own Padawan braid.
“Master Obi-Wan, what are you doing?”
It was Anakin. Obi-Wan had been so focused on his task that he’d failed to hear to the boy slip through the door behind him.
Cracks in the Mortar by sigye
Summary: He knows Kenobi well enough now; asking something like that would normally get him a dry, amused reply. Fox can even admit that he’s one of the most pleasant natborns he sees on a regular basis, though that’s not saying much considering the Coruscant Guard works out of the Senate building.
(Prompt: Obi-Wan and Fox complaining about Senators together and supporting each other in their 'serious' selves.)
Familes Found by fyrefly
Summary: Written as part of the 2020 Obi-Wan Kenobi Gen Exchange. In a universe where "The Wrong Jedi" never happened, the war ends under different circumstances and perhaps everyone will get a chance at a happy ending after all.
Prompt: "Ahsoka and Obi-Wan being a happy Jedi family post-war. Other canon Jedi and clone characters are welcome. Basically just some wholesome Jedi culture fluff while Anakin is happily married and no longer a Knight."
Flipped by KCKenobi
Summary: The second-worst day of Anakin Skywalker’s life is about to get infinitely worse.
Palpatine’s a Sith Lord. Master Windu is off to destroy him. And Padmé, Padmé —
But then Cody arrives with a de-aged Obi-Wan—a terrified 12-year-old whose last memory is being sent to the AgriCorps. Anakin doesn’t know what to make of this little kid who claims to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, who steals speeders for joyrides and isn’t being trained by Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to make of this strange Master Skywalker, who swears and gushes about starships and can’t seem to sit still.
Anakin knows a lot can happen in 24 hours—but this is just a new level of ridiculous.
i guess this could be worse by apricae
Summary: It wasn't the rescue Obi-Wan had expected when he was caught by some pretty mean-spirited pirates - at all. But perhaps it's not so bad after all.
In Disguise of a Sport by TexasDreamer01
Summary: Fox wasn’t sure whether to stare or to sigh.
Just a twist in your destiny by lunaemoth
Summary: When Obi-Wan is sent to the Agricorps as a teenager, it feels like the end, but it's a just a different path, a little twist of destiny. Ultimately, he still ends up on Tatooine when he's needed, as the Force wishes it.
Mission One by LazarusII
Summary: “No, Cody,” Obi-Wan said, voice slightly hoarse. “You are most certainly not expendable—none of you are. Not to me.”
Old Wounds by KCKenobi
Summary: Mace Windu always agreed that Obi-Wan Kenobi was meant to be a Jedi Knight. However, he didn't share Yoda's certainty that the boy was meant to be Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan. When Qui-Gon returns from Melida/Daan without Obi-Wan, Mace takes matters into his own hands and sets off for Melida/Daan himself.
Petrichor by ginnywrites
Summary: The first thing Obi-Wan does with Anakin, once all of the required things are out of the way, is to take him to the meditation gardens.
Pictures in the Sand by MaiKusakabe
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi could never be too grateful for his too stubborn Padawan and her insistence to be part of his life.
Recovery by Pandora151
Summary: All that mattered was this—Obi-Wan was home. It would take him time to find himself again, to recover completely, but his family was by his side, and that was all that mattered.
return home (to me) by skatzaa
Summary: He feels alone and exposed without someone to watch his back as he and his eopie amble across the sands. The swaying gait is not enough to lull him, but as the domed homestead draws closer, he allows himself to relax slightly.
They slow as they enter the open yard, and then a shout nearby nearly startles him out of the saddle.
“Uncle Ben! You’re back!”
Safety is Our Priority by coruscantguard (nadiavandyne)
Summary: As irritating and infuriating as it is, Kenobi is her best chance at getting off this hellhole without calling her Master’s attention to her… delay.
It’s not a failure, it’s a delay. Maybe if she says that to herself enough, it will become true.
(Or, 3k words of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Asajj Ventress going through space TSA.)
Seventy-two varieties of root vegetable and other tasty things to discover (now that the Sith are dead) by Gabriel4Sam
Summary: After the war, Obi-Wan finds joy in family, friends and food.
That Business on Cato Neimoidia by kj_feybarn
Summary: “All right. But you owe me… and not for saving your skin for the tenth time.”
“Ninth time… that business on Cato Neimoidia doesn’t... doesn't count.”
- Revenge of the Sith
Year 2 of the Clone Wars on Cato Neimoidia:
“Skyguy! Master Obi-Wan has been captured!”
Anakin found himself freezing, for just a moment, as Ahsoka skidded to a stop beside him, his heart racing as his mind immediately came up with a dozen different ways Obi-Wan might be getting hurt or killed at that very moment.
He pushed the fear down. It would not help him right now, and it certainly wouldn’t help Obi-Wan. He had to save his Master.
Year 2 of the Clone Wars ALSO on Cato Neimoidia:
“Well, this is slightly problematic,” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but note.
Beside him, his Commander let out an exasperated sigh. “I suppose problematic is one word for it. Not the one I would have chosen.”
Obi-Wan sent Cody what he hoped was a cheeky grin—though the bloody nose and black eye probably ruined it. “Oh, and what word would you have chosen, Cody?”
“I think this is somewhat closer to downright disastrous, General.”
Turn Left by MaiKusakabe
Summary: In which Obi-Wan can't have a simple mission, and the Force circumvents the Sith's clouding.
Again, thank you to everyone who participated, and we look forward to 2021!
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whateverafterhigh · 4 years
Worldbuilding Succession Systems: Goodfallow
Most of what we see or hear when it comes to the succession systems in the universe that Ever After High is set in relates to fairytales and the inheritance of specific character roles. Many of the fairytale royalty are born into their royal bloodlines or otherwise marry in. But there are some kingdoms where things aren’t as easy as that. One such kingdom is the Good King’s Kingdom – which I named Goodfallow in another post.
The Good King is a fairytale character, but his role in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is small. In fact, depending on the adaption of the story you read he might have already died by the time the story has officially begun. He’s not quite dead yet in the series, seeing as he’s still raising Raven Queen, but it is never acknowledged that Raven is in line for the throne. Not even as a “Hey, maybe Raven has her dad’s destiny…” kind of way, which you would expect given Raven is constantly fighting for any destiny other than her mother’s. Going that route might seem like too easy a fix to acknowledge in the series, especially early on, no matter how powerful a red herring that would be for the readers. It could have even been used to make Grimm start to worry on whether or not he actually guessed right when it comes to writing the fake book. Grimm doubting himself would have been great, even more so if it’s a big thing to have forgotten that the Good King needs an heir too.
The potential for drama aside, there must have been something else that made everyone think they were right so conclusively (and I’m not speaking of the gendered characters, there are too many female characters who have their father’s destinies for that to be the reason).
Then I had an idea.
The Goodfallow Crown
I wanted to create a succession system for Goodfallow that would be able to stand up to the Storybook of Legends on something akin to even ground. Obviously, I didn’t want it to have such a grand scale. But I knew I wanted something magical, and I knew I wanted it to be possible that the Storybook of Legends (the original) could guess wrong. (I mean what even is the point of having an antagonist as powerful and insufferable as Headmaster Grimm if he wasn’t able to grasp at some straws to save face and avoid even the harshest of punishments?). Still I wanted Grimm to be arrogant enough that he wouldn’t have worried about Raven’s position as the Evil Queen until she was throwing the book in his face on Legacy Day.
This meant I needed something with so many possibilities that something like the Storybook of Legends would have a hard time even coming up with the most likely outcome for the Next Good King. Something that could be affected up until the moment that the Good King has been crowned. And something that had the magical power to break the magical contract to the Storybook of Legends that signing it would create without extensive repercussions – something that would cause a page to fall out on its own if need be.
Also it needed to be something that played into what a Good King should be, it is what is choosing the reigning monarch after all.
In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Evil Queen is defined by her attitude and treatment of the kingdom’s people, so it only makes sense that the Good King be defined in the same way. So I played with the idea of the Good King being an elected position that passed down the bloodline out of convenience and all the things that real life kings and queens have to do to make sure that the people don’t start up a revolution. Something like the Sword in the Stone from King Arthur’s legends could do that, the same could be said for Thor’s Hammer (though I wasn’t actually thinking of Mjolnir when spider-mapping ideas).
I couldn’t see it being an actual sword, as cool as it would be for the Good King to actually have the kingdom’s blessing of sorts to raise his sword at those who wronged him. And after reading the fairytale Prince Darling, where there is a ring that pricks the young Prince on the finger every time he does something wrong in hopes that it will make him into a good person, I thought of using a crown.
The Goodfallow Crown, named such because it is the physical manifestation of the collective will of all the citizens of Goodfallow ticks a lot of the boxes for what I wanted.
It’s magic, powerful enough to break the bindings created by the Storybook of Legends because I’m the author and I say so. A lot of citizens in Goodfallow mean a lot of different possibilities for whether or not they think a candidate is the best for the Good King. It can still be meddled with before the inheritance ceremony, popularity and propaganda are going to be important – the same goes for whether or not a candidate knows what they’re doing. In turn this could be what makes Grimm so arrogant in his assertions that Raven will have her mother’s destiny.
The students at Ever After High are shown to be scared of Raven to the point they scream and run away from her. At the start of the books she assumes that this is just a side effect from her destiny as her mother had mentioned that something of the sort would happen when she reached a certain age. But it could be argued that this has more to do with how bullying of Raven (or any supposedly-evil-aligned character) was encouraged by Grimm or other members of the faculty, high tensions from how close Legacy Day is for her etc. Because Raven does get more popular as the books go on, and because the characters act a similar way in the beginning of the show’s canon it could be argued that she get’s popular enough to win Thronecoming.
But it’s not just Raven’s lack of popularity. Grimm makes all the final class decisions when it comes to what subject’s students can take, so he can ensure that Raven never takes classes that would prepare her for being the Good King (Kingdom Management, Throne Economics, etc…) and then there’s the low possibility that the people of Goodfallow would accept someone who willingly signs up to potentially marry the king of a neighbouring country, abuse their power, and even get arrested or die before having kids as their Ruler. This is one case where the Storybook of Legends doesn’t need to be real for the damage to be done. And Grimm has no reason to not be arrogant about his guesses until Legacy Day where Raven declares she wants to write her own destiny on the in-verse equivalent of international television he’s not going to worry too much.
The tangent into Grimm’s motives and assumptions show that having Goodfallow’s succession system be like this will only add another layer to some of the things going on in the series, and this can even be applied to other characters too. Raven would have grown up in a kingdom where your actions mean more then what you say, so even agreeing to sign the Storybook of Legends and live her own life after would have not been in the cards for her (not to mention it would cheapen Apple’s own story if she asked that of Raven), and Queen White would have also grown up in Goodfallow given the Good King is her father as well, and that could add a really interesting layer to her own character and her obsession with popularity. Especially in the context of the Class of Classics comic which shows that Snow was once a studious student like Apple was but has now seemingly forgone that in favour of focusing on popularity (which is the same in the books as well as Dragon Games). It certainly speaks of there being more to her character then what we’ve gotten.
Now it’s just a matter of figuring out how the Good Fallow Crown works.
It seems a bit much to have someone attempt to wear the crown for the first time on their coronation, and I’m also understanding of the fact that it’s technically headwear and therefore can’t get heavier if the kingdom seems to disagree with an idea or something else – also Goodfallow isn’t a hivemind? So there would need to be some kind of inheritance test. Perhaps for officially declaring a Crown Prince or Princess.
Historically, Crown Princes or Princesses seem to given the title when they are ready for it. With the announcement happening sometime between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, unless their parents were dead, and they were ruling through a Regent. Raven is fifteen when Legacy Day takes place so sixteen seems like a more reasonable time for the ceremony to happen. Though obviously some of the kingdoms would name their children the Crown Prince or Princess earlier (I’m thinking Briar and Hopper might have been given their titles when their Magic Touch developed, given its significance to their stories).
So the sixteen year old heir would try the crown on. It would be impractical for the circle of people who can hold or lift the crown to be small a la Thor’s Hammer, especially when it’s the literal Will of the People. So, magical girl transformation?
Very basic, plain clothes are to be worn with no jewellery – because you might lose it otherwise. If the people agree with the Prince or Princess being a good candidate for the throne then they’ll get decked out in finery when the magic is a match. If not then there’s no change. (Not that that prevents rumours from spreading to the contrary).
“Rumour has it the Evil Queen tried to wear the crown once and it set her on fire.”
“Yeah, that’s why her hair is like that now.”
Of course, the changes don’t stop at the Inheritance Ceremony. Just because the Goodfallow Crown doesn’t get infinitely heavier when the Good King does something the people don’t agree with that doesn’t mean that nothing happens. Raven’s dad is described as being bald in the books, and I like to think that the reason for that is the people of Goodfallow not agreeing with him marrying the Evil Queen, while still understanding why he did it. But there would likely be other affects as well. Such as increased stress, anxiety, paranoia, etc. Maybe a lack of motivation in his day to day life? I don’t know, but the Goodfallow Crown does take the phrase “Heavy is the head that wears the crown” to a whole new meaning.
I love the whole thought of this, as evidenced by the fact it takes up almost three whole pages in a Word Document. Definitely one of my favourite pieces of worldbuilding I’ve done for any fandom ever.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 4 years
Soulmate - T.H
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Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Fluffy!Tom, AU, Protective!Tom, Fluff for days, Smut (at the end), Cheeky!Tom
Wordcount: 6,825
Summary: Tom Hiddleston is widely known as Hollywood’s “bad boy.” You weren’t known in Hollywood. Tom, for most of his life, was a gentleman. But for some reason, within the last 2 years, he’d changed. He slept with all of his costars, who hoped to be the one to get him to settle down. You’d been waiting for your soulmate for so many years, in your mind, he was nice, funny, charismatic, nothing like the man you met the day your timer hit zero.
A/N: I wasn’t sure really when to end this, so I kinda just ended it. But I’m sure if people like it enough, there’ll be another part or two :) Let me know what you think! It seemed a bit long, but I hope you enjoyed. It was a bit of a slow burn imagine. 
24d / 6h / 51m / 10s
A little under a month before you were set to meet your soulmate, and your heart was skipping beats left and right. You did your best to keep your mind off of it, but it was so difficult, with your timer right in front of your face. You had gotten home from the grocery store, excited to make your breakfast. You turned on the TV as background noise, and heard some rambling about a new movie coming out. You rolled your eyes. Yes, you really enjoyed most movies, but unfortunately, some of the actors really got on your nerves. The snarky comments, massive egos, everything about them turned you off. It really did make sense why they always ended up together.
Yes, you knew that not all actors and actresses were that type, but the man they were gossiping about on TV? Definitely. Tom Hiddleston had started getting a reputation in showbizz about 2 years back, you remember. He started out as the nice guy, but for whatever reason, he turned into the jerk that slept with his female costars all the time. Sometimes you wondered if he even had a soulmate.
He was incredibly attractive, he had tattoos littered across his body, all of them being ones that he had gotten fairly recently. He wore leather a lot, with mostly blacks and neutrals in his closet. He just wasn’t at all your type on the inside. You, on the other hand, liked to keep things classy, with soft colors. You didn’t wear much leather, only once and a while. Some people felt that you were stuck up, but underneath that outside shell was a lot of hidden secrets. Your social media meme accounts, your goofy side, your somewhat strange sense of humor. Not many people knew that side of you, and you hoped that when you met your soulmate, he’d accept it. Hell, everyone had a weird side. Right?
22d / 3h / 45m / 8s
You had met up with your best friend and her boyfriend, Malik, for coffee. Malik was really good to Y/F/N. He was overall charming, handsome, hardworking, and intelligent. He was basically all you could ever want for Y/F/N. Although when you met him, you had to second guess yourself and your timer, because it felt so natural to be around him. But you’d never tell Y/F/N that. “So, how’re you doing, Y/N?” Y/F/N asked, taking a sip of her latte.
“I’m okay, I suppose. I’m really really nervous about this whole soulmate thing. You guys met nearly 5 years ago. What if he’s not right for me?” You sputtered out, rambling on a bit. You were really scared of the thought of meeting someone who really wasn’t right for you at all. You wanted something like Malik and Y/F/N, something genuine and compassionate. You looked at them hold hands and steal glances at each other. It was so natural for them. Their eyes lit up when they saw each other, and you’d hoped it’d be similar for you and your soulmate.
9d / 1h / 28m / 47s
You met up with your family roughly a week before your timer was set. Your mom wouldn’t stop talking about it. You almost thought that she was more interested than you were. But, you supposed that the thrill of her daughter finally being able to find her soulmate was exciting to her. Both of your brothers and your sister had each found their soulmates several years back. You were the only one without one. Even your cousins had found theirs without a problem.
Your dad wasn’t overly protective, thank goodness, he realized that everyone had a soulmate, and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it. Yes, it took him a little while to come to terms with his little girls finding their soulmates. But he got over it and realized that it was just a part of life. “Guys, Josh and I have an announcement.” She declared, standing up from the couch she sat on, Josh holding her hand next to her. “What is it, Kayla?” Your mother asked in excitement. “We’re pregnant.”
Smiles and joyous excitement circulated through the room. This was bound to make your mother the happiest woman in the world. The thought of becoming a grandmother was something she had dreamed of, she loved children. And since she was too old to have her own, Kayla being pregnant was an absolute dream. Her and Josh had gotten married about a year before, and met 4 years before that. They were slow and steady. Sometimes your mother thought that you’d be pregnant before Kayla. Yet here you were, sitting on the couch, yet to meet your soulmate.
2d / 4h / 56m / 9s
You had landed in Seattle mere hours before, excited for your weekend away with the girls. Cassidy had insisted upon it, even going as far to book the flights before asking anyone. You, Veronica, Cassidy, and Y/F/N were going to have so much fun on the coast. Crazily enough, with how everything was scheduled out, you were set to meet your soulmate either in the Seattle Airport or on the plane. Depending on how it all played out. The universe had a crazy way of flipping things around.
Cassidy had met her soulmate recently. You hadn’t met him yet, but apparently he wasn’t too excited to go a weekend without his girl. He’s a little clingy, she told you. Honestly, Cassidy’s comment about Rowan wouldn’t have bothered you if you had actually met your soulmate. But you had no idea what he’d be like. What if you didn’t like him? What if there was something about him, or multiple things, that you hated? You were scared of the thought. You enjoyed a weekend of shopping, going to the beach, and just having a good time with your girls. You had gone clubbing the night before your flight, which you had all known was a bad idea. But you went through with it anyways.
14h / 6m / 23s
You had to admit, the night was probably not a great idea for you all. But you needed some time to just unwind and forget. Forget that Kayla’s pregnant, that you still haven’t met “the one.” Forget about the stresses of not liking the one you’re supposed to be with for the rest of your life. You had enough to be buzzed, maybe a tad tipsy, but not enough to get you totally wasted. You didn’t want to be a complete mess when you met your soulmate. Maybe a slight one.
Veronica, Cassidy, and Y/F/N, however, were almost too drunk to function. You knew they were fun drunks, but you also knew that waking them up tomorrow morning would be a painstakingly slow process. You set an alarm for 8:30, hoping to catch a few more things before leaving Seattle.
5h / 34m / 2s
You were right. Waking the girls up was definitely more difficult than usual, but you knew that you should go and see a few more things, even check out a museum nearby. Veronica pulled her phone out after getting ready, scrolling whilst laying on the bed, when you suddenly heard her gasp. “Tom Hiddleston’s in Seattle. Right now.”
You giggled at her. She was so immature sometimes. You loved her, so so much, but sometimes you wished she was a bit more mature. “We should totally go meet him.” You rolled your eyes as she spoke. “I’d prefer to meet my soulmate.” You raised your eyebrows at her, a bit mad she had forgotten about such an event. She knew it was really important to you. “Shit, sorry Y/N.” She apologized. “Tom could be your soulmate. Seems like destiny.” She smiled, and you rolled your eyes at her for what seemed like the 12th time that day.
“I’d rather die.” You thought he was nice and charming. But that was before he started sleeping with all of his costars, treating them like shit. He had-what you thought were-completely meaningless tattoos, and he had such a bad boy look to him. You much preferred his preppy, British look his sported before this crisis of his. “Oof. Do you hate him or something?”
“No, I’m just not in love with the fact that he sleeps with anything that walks.” You frowned, looking back at Cassidy and Y/F/N, who were still lying in bed, silently listening to you and Veronica’s conversation. Though, they didn’t make it obvious. “We should go check out a museum or something.” You spoke, and all the other girls looked at you in confusion. Apparently they weren’t as into history as you are. Your heart ached, you knew you’d be meeting the possible love of your life. Most likely, anyway. For some, their “soulmate” didn’t work out. They’d try to be together, but it failed miserably, and they went their separate ways, in search for a new love. This happened very sparingly, and was pretty rare amongst humans. Usually, the gods were right. Most of the time. There was always headlines whenever it happened, but you had only seen 2 in your entire life. You hoped you weren’t the next.
4h / 21m /9s
You finally convinced Cassidy that meeting Tom Hiddleston wasn’t something you felt needed to happen today. That you were already too nervous from everything else, and you just wanted a little time to do something relaxing. “Fine, fine.” She spoke, raising her hands in defeat. “If I never get to meet him, it’s your fault, you know.” “I’m sure you’ll meet him.” In the end, you decided on going to a museum for a little, then to the mall to do a bit of light shopping.
2h / 10m / 54s
Now was time for your least favorite part. Leaving a place you had grown to love so much. You and the girls had bonded immensely over this trip, and you were sad to say goodbye to Seattle. You and the girls got through security fairly quickly, making sure you had time to relax and unwind, as well as charge up your devices before the flight. You stared down at your timer. 2 hours, 10 minutes, 26 seconds. It was nerve racking. Y/F/N noticed your slight panicked expression and rubbed your back. “It’ll be okay, Y/N.”
“I know, I know.” But in the back of your mind, you knew that you had no idea of who he was or how he’d treat you. What would happen if you hid in the bathroom? You knew something would make you come out. The universe had a weird way of doing things.
16m / 33s
“Hey guys. I’m gonna go freshen up.” You spoke, standing up from your spot. You grabbed your smaller bag, but left your suitcase by the others. They knew you well enough to know that you wanted to be alone at this time, and so they simply let you go alone.
“Alright hon, don’t take too long.” Y/F/N smiled, as you waved back at them, heading to the bathroom across the hall of the airport. You immediately went to the mirror, checking your outfit and adjusting where you saw fit. You saw a young girl smile at you when you complimented her Marvel t-shirt. It really was an excellently done set of films. You liked all of the actors and actresses- besides one. Smiling to yourself as you got closer to the mirror, reapplying a bit of mascara, as well as your liquid lipstick, which had worn off slightly since the morning. 
You tried to fix every flaw you believed you had in that airport mirror. You were very insecure when you were young, and although you had grown, your self esteem still wasn’t perfect. You still believed the words your middle school bullies told you, at least every once and a while. But you shook off the feeling, knowing that right now was not the time for your emotions to completely take control. That was the last thing you needed. 
You looked down at your timer. 5m, 2s. A light squeal came from your lips, which earned you a giggle from the woman beside you. “Timer close?” She asked, and you nodded. “Only 4 minutes left.” You grinned, and her smile got bigger. 
“My son’s timer is going to hit zero soon as well.” You realized she spoke in a British accent, and you smiled. You loved accents. Hers was so adorable, you couldn’t help but admire it. “Wow, small world.” You watched as she washed her hands, and you looked down at your timer once more.
“Good luck, love. I’m sure yours will be lovely. Tragic it’s not my Tom, though. You’re very pretty.” You smiled and thanked her, hoping the best for her son and his soon to be soulmate. “Thank you.” You watched as she exited the bathroom, and you waited for a moment before doing the same. 
What you failed to notice, however, was the ‘Caution: Wet Floor’ sign that had recently been placed outside the bathroom. You didn’t expect it in the slightest, and tripped-almost gracefully-over it, managing to knock the sign over and fall. Straight into Thomas William Hiddleston’s arms. Your soulmate. Looking up at him, you gasped for a moment, before blinking several times, not believing your eyes. “S-sorry.” You apologized, pulling yourself up from his arms, as he looked at you in awe. Tom had been waiting to meet his soulmate since he was young, and he was a romantic at heart. He wrote poems and songs of longing, longing for his forever person, his soulmate. You. 
You adjusted your clothes once again, knowing they must be disheveled from the fall. You put the sign back up, trying to make it more noticeable for others this time. Shaking your head once more, you made your way up the small ramp, leading you to your friends. “Wait up!” Tom called, rushing after you. You walked as fast as you could, knowing that nothing would ever be the same. You wanted things to go back to how they were before. 
Unfortunately for you, Tom was 6′2″ and had long legs, making it easy for him to catch up to you within a few minutes. “I’m sorry Tom-I just can’t be with you. I know about you. I know what you’ve done with your co-stars. I don’t want to be apart of that messed up world.” Tears welled up in your eyes, knowing that you’d have to find someone else. Which would not be an easy task. “Please. Let me explain. I’m not that guy.” You looked up in his big blue eyes, sighing. It’s just a talk. Just a talk. Nothing more. “Fine.” You sighed, walking with him to the nearest Starbucks to sit down and have a talk. 
After ordering your coffees, (Tom was a true gentleman and refused to let you pay for yours) you sat down at a small table, so you could look across from him. You noticed the timer on your wrist was darkened, almost black. You had heard of this phenomenon. The closer to your soulmate, the darker the color of your timer. It’d turn black when you touched them. “I don’t think you properly introduced yourself, love.” Tom spoke, holding his hand out for you. You grasped it for the first time ever, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the sparks. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N.” You smiled. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He raised your hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss on your knuckles. Oh, he was good. “Thank you.” You smiled as he set your hand down, allowing you to take a sip of your coffee. 
“I know that the media portrays me as a- um-” He couldn’t seem to find the words. “Womanizer? Player? Fuckboy?” You spoke for him, and what little smile was on his face before fell a bit. “Yeah, that. I promise it’s all for publicity. They told me that I’d be more successful that way, but I regret it all. I wish I could just be myself again.” He spoke, sighing. 
“So, it’s all a stunt? You haven’t actually slept with the majority of your female co-stars?” You asked, your hand coming closer to his. “Never. I promise, I saved myself for my soulmate. I’ve been waiting for this day, my entire life.” He shrugged, showing a small, closed-mouth smile. “The tattoos?”
“There’s a select few that are real. The rest are temporary that they put on me, but I can choose to let them show.” He responded, and you nodded. “I do like leather though.” You giggled at his statement, remembering all the times that Cassidy was scrolling on Google, looking at pictures of him in his jacket. 
Suddenly, having a soulmate didn’t seem so bad. He was sweet, and a gentleman. Good looking, smart, and funny. Although you didn’t like how the media portrayed him, it wasn’t completely his fault. He was trying his best, and Y/F/N was a screen writer. She had told you a few times of how stars were manipulated to be shown a certain way. You just chose to believe that Tom was a complete ass, but you were glad that you were able to talk and get to know the real him. “So, what brings you to Seattle, Tom?”
“My mom. She’s always wanted to come here. It’s our last day. I wanted to spend mother’s day with her here.” You nodded, smiling. Then, in a quick moment, you remembered the woman you met in the bathroom. “What does she look like?” You asked, and he described the woman you had met to a tee. You smiled. “What, my love?” You melted at his pet name for you. 
“I think I met her in the restroom earlier. She told me that your timer was hitting zero soon.” He smiled. It would honestly be so relieving if you and his mom got along well. He knew that it was something he yearned for, he loved his mother very much and had hoped his soulmate would adore her too. “She’s very sweet.” Slowly getting off the topic of him, he asked what brought you to Seattle. “Weekend away with my friends. My friend Cassidy is actually a pretty big fan of yours, I’ll have to have you meet her soon.” He smiled. “But I take it you weren’t a big fan of me? With the stories and all?” 
“I was before you went into your ‘womanizer’ phase. I really enjoyed watching movies of yours but then I heard about you and your co-stars and I kinda lost the feeling, you know? I did really love your classy style back then.” You smiled, and he nodded, smiling a little bit at certain moments in your answer. “I understand. The media portrays me horribly now.” You nodded, taking his hand in your and giving it a peck like he had done moments before. 
“It’s okay. It’s your life Tom, you can take control if you so desire. I believe you are good, as well as so many other people.” 
“Thank you, love.” He smiled, blushing a little bit at your comment. As well as your lips hitting his knuckles. “Where’re you going?” Tom asked, almost in fear. “My hometown. It’s called Y/H/T.” 
“Can I come with you?” He asked, suddenly, but spontaneously. “Yeah. I’d love for you to meet my family.” You smiled, a small blush falling upon your cheeks. 
“We’re going to go and talk to my mom, if that’s alright. Maybe you and your friends could fly with us in the private jet?” He asked, and your eyes widened, clearly not as used to this superstar ‘treatment’ as he was. You nodded, trying to stay as calm as possible. “I know it’s a tad overwhelming, love.” He grabbed onto your hand, intertwining it in his. You couldn’t help but notice how utterly perfect it felt. His hand was much larger than yours. Your timer faded black, and you smiled at it. 
Although Cassidy fell asleep and you, Y/F/N, and Veronica had to drag her onto the private jet, you knew that she’d flip once she realized. Veronica and Y/F/N were relatively calm around Tom, although you kept getting butterflies in your stomach whenever he called you a pet name, or said something sweet to you. You and Tom’s mother got along marvelously, more than he could ever wish for. 
Cassidy was restless on the other side of the plane, laying down on the comfortable couch. She moved around a lot when she slept, and you wondered how long it’d been since she talked to Rowan. Apparently he had made a big deal about her going out and drinking, although you were positive nothing had happened last night. You were sober enough last night to know. She ended up in the hotel room, in the queen sized bed next to Veronica. You and Tom were talking about so many things, to the point where Veronica and Y/F/N were almost sick from it. But they knew you were both just so excited and livid from meeting each other. 
When Cassidy woke up, you could tell she was pretty much out of it. “Where am I?” Veronica immediately rushed to her side, and you were happy that Tom’s face wasn’t visible from where she was laying. “On the plane, Cas. We’re heading home at the moment.” 
“Doesn’t look like a regular o’l plane.” She murmured, sitting up. She gasped, looking over at you and at the back of Tom’s head. “Did I miss it?” She pouted, walking up to you two. She was finally able to see Tom’s face and she gasped once again. “Tom Hiddleston!” She squealed, immediately enveloping him in a hug. “Hello there love, nice to meet you.” He smiled, giving her a quick hug back. She released him in a moment, looking back and forth between the two of you. “Are you?” 
“Yep.” Tom smiled, grabbing your hand and pecking it. She swooned, blushing a tad. “Y/N, I’m sooooo happy for you!” She smiled, hugging you this time. “I told you he’s great!” She smiled, and Tom’s smile faltered for a moment, before returning. Remembering that he almost let his reputation come between him and his soulmate. He was so glad that you gave him a chance and let him talk to you. You were honestly all he hoped for and more. Shorter than him, which he found absolutely adorable. You piqued his interest and you were so glad that he had the opportunity to be soulmates with someone like you. Even when you were asleep on the plane, your aura calmed him as he watched you sleep. He was so enveloped in your and every part of your life. He was excited, yet nervous to meet the family of the one he loved. Even though maybe he wouldn’t tell you he loved you just yet; you had only known each other for a few hours. Not even a day. Yet he was enraptured all the same. “She’s beautiful, Tom.” His mom spoke from beside him, rubbing his back thoughtfully. “She is.” He replied, turning to her and giving her a charming smile.
“I met her in the airport bathroom earlier, you know. When she told me her timer was going off soon, I told her it was a shame she wasn’t going to be with my Tom. But things just had a beautiful way of working out. You’re both so lucky to have found each other.” Tom couldn’t help but think of how utterly nervous he was before meeting you. He could tell you were in a similar state, from how you reacted when you met him initially. His mom pecked his cheek, before the plane began descending into Y/H/T.
Waking up, you were flooded with messages from your mother. She knew that you had met someone who was going to be in your life forever. “Y/N, how are you?” “Who’s your soulmate?” “Is he nice?” “Is he handsome?”
“I’m bringing him home, mom. You, dad, and everyone can meet him a bit later. 6 pm?” You responded, and not a minute later she texted back with excitement. “Everyone’s coming over! I’ll make my famous lasagna.” She was clearly very excited. She only made her lasagna on special occasions, such as this. You smiled, not noticing that Tom was sitting on the other side of the plane, looking at you lovingly. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He spoke, walking over to sit next to you. “Hi.” You spoke, setting your phone down. 
“What’s making my girl smile? Not that I’m complaining that you are.” He smiled sweetly, making you giggle. “Well, first of all, I’ve got the soulmate of my dreams,” you replied, smiling at him as he stared into your e/c eyes. “Second of all, my mom somehow got all of my siblings to come in for a lunch tomorrow. To meet said soulmate of my dreams.” You blushed, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 
The next afternoon came faster than you could’ve imagined. You slept at your parents’ house, not wanting Tom to arrive sooner than you to the family lunch. His hotel was a lot closer than your apartment. You got dressed in a simple sundress, a pair of brown boots, and a sweater-cardigan that covered up your arms, as they got cold pretty easily. You made sure to shave your legs and everything, you wanted to look nice on such an important day. You tapped your foot nervously, excited yet nervous for your soulmate’s first appearance in your family. Your mom was anxiously watching her lasagna, which she had gotten up at nearly 7 am to start. “I wish to know more about Tom.” She spoke, and you giggled in amusement. 
“I know, mom. Soon. He’ll be here soon.” You muttered, and but a second later, you received a message from one Tom Hiddleston. “Hey babe, be there soon. Missed you so much last night.” God he was the sweetest. You hadn’t the heart to leave him on read, so you typed a message back to him. “See you soon Tom!” You’d be lying if you said that you were scared of relationships, or at least partially. Yes, your family was happy and for the most part, their relationship problems always worked themselves out, no matter how difficult. But you always had a “what if” placed in your mind. What if you and your soulmate didn’t work out? What if he hated you, or the way you looked? 
The ringing of the doorbell shook you from your dreamlike state, thinking of possibilities for the future. The future always scared you. Even more so now. You hopped from your seat on the stool, hoping for the best. You answered the door before your mother got the chance to, and for that, you were grateful for. The last thing you needed was your clingy mother scaring away your soulmate before the get together even began. You opened the door, your eyes met with possibly the most handsome man your eyes had ever seen. 
“Hi, Tom.” You managed to sputter out, and he noticed your nervous energy for a moment, before shaking it off. “Hello, sweetheart.” Instead of simply following you to the kitchen, his towering figure gave you a hug. Your frame was small in comparison to his, and you felt a nibble on your ear. “Care to show me around, lovely?” 
You showed Tom the upstairs first, not wanting to interrupt any conversations happening throughout the kitchen, dining room, or living room. You lead him into your childhood bedroom, which appeared relatively the same as it was when you left it. The posters of Harry Potter, and some Marvel films littered the walls. You were a fan of Marvel, you liked the stories, you just weren’t fond of the actors in recent years. When you were younger you definitely loved every part of the franchise. 
“So, my pet, you were a fan of Marvel.” He spoke, a dominant tone coming out. “At one time, yes.” You replied, and he nodded. He hoped that Loki was your favorite, at least at one time. “I loved all of them,” you continued, as if reading his mind. “But I fell out of love with the characters, as well as the series, when the media started portraying all of the actors so horribly.” He nodded, agreeing with you. “They did portray us as complete assholes.” He spoke, as you nuzzled your face into his chest. “You’re so adorable. I’m incredibly lucky.” He spoke, and you giggled into his chest. “Don’t you mean you’re incredibly loki?” You joked as a smile appeared on his face. “You stop that. Right now.” You giggled again. 
“Y/N, honey, lunchtime!” You heard your mom from the bottom of the stairs. You began heading downstairs, Tom right on your tail. You suddenly felt his presence, but closer this time. His lips were so very close to your ear, and his front side placed oh-so-close to your back. “You have a fabulous ass, by the way.” He grabbed at it, and you squealed, nearly falling into the wall nearby. “And that, was adorable.” He pulled you into him, using a grip on your waist. You were unfamiliar with this level of intimacy. It was strange.
Walking downstairs with Tom following shortly behind, you entered the living room, seeing your siblings, their significant others, and your parents. Kayla was showing, just a little bit more than the last time you saw her. Her belly just barely bulged, but you could tell. Everyone turned to face you and Tom, the newest couple to the family. “Everyone, this is Tom, my soulmate.” You spoke easily, slightly scared of what they would think. You really liked Tom, and you hoped your family would to. 
“Oh my gosh, that’s Tom Hiddleston!” Your mom gasped. “So lovely to meet you, Tom.” She found her way over to you two, bringing her hand out to shake his. “Lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Y/L/N.” “Oh please, call me Karen.” Tom smiled lightly. “My famous lasagna is for dinner, honey.” Your mom spoke. “Sounds lovely.” Tom smiled once more. You introduced Tom to your siblings and their significant others, as well. Your father helped your mother in the kitchen as they prepared a wonderful dinner. You and your siblings played a board game before dinner began. You and Tom made a pretty good team in Scattergories. “Alright kiddos, dinner’s ready!” 
Everyone headed towards the dining room, gathering at the dinner table. Tom sat next to you, and all of your siblings oohed and awed at the wonderful meal your parents had prepared. Your father helped with appetizers and dessert, and your mother prepared the main course. Everything looked wonderful. “Looks great,” Tom noted, praising your mother. 
After a wonderful meal, you felt Tom’s hand on your thigh as you continued in great conversations with your family. Everyone seemed to be getting along well, which you were glad for. However, the gentle yet sensual feeling of Tom’s ginormous hand upon your thigh was a large distraction in this situation. It was odd, you had never felt this way before. 
As Tom’s hand became closer and closer to your core, you became more and more heated. You glanced over at him, seeing the smirk upon his face. “Stop” you mouthed. His smirk became even more prominent, and his hand, at this point, had come to play with the band of your panties, his fingers twisting the skinny band of your pink lace thong. “Well, it’s getting late, I think Tom and I are gonna get going.” You spoke, standing up almost immediately afterwards. Because of this action, Tom was forced to let go of your panties. A glimmer of hope left his eyes, and you both waved goodbye to your family. 
The car ride home was interesting to say the least, however, it was comfortable. Your apartment was more towards the downtown region of your town, and it was really cozy. You liked it a fair amount, at least. Tom dropped you off, and you hopped out of the car, saying a "goodnight Tom" as you did. Heading towards the entrance of your apartment, you heard Tom's car engine stop. You squinted your eyes, slightly confused, but continued on. You heard a "Y/N!" from behind you, and you turned around. "Yes?" You asked Tom. "Don't you think we have a bit of unfinished business, darling?" You furrowed your brows, looking at him confused as he jogged to catch up with you.
“What’s going on?” You questioned, puzzled. "Can I come in with you?" He asked, and you nodded slightly. You should be able to spend time with your soulmate, right? Though, you were slightly uncomfortable with Tom inside your less than luxurious home, you knew you would have to get used to it eventually. You were just scared, you supposed.Tom followed you into your foyer, which consisted of a small hallway, scattered with a couple of your shoes, and a staircase leading upstairs. After you took your jacket and shoes off, you lead him up to your living room. You felt Tom's strong hands on your waist as you looked around your living space, deciding whether or not to be embarrassed. However, Tom seemed far more interested in your neck than anything else at the moment. You felt Tom’s lips sucking intently on your sweet spot. “Tom...” you moaned out, and you felt Tom’s mouth turn into a smirk. “God you’re so beautiful.” He spoke, “take me to your room, please.” He never let go of your waist as you led him towards your bedroom. 
You had never felt as intimate as you did right now. Though you were scared, Tom made you feel comfortable. Tom brought you upon your made bed, laying on top of you. Though you were smaller than him, he didn’t allow all of his weight to lay on you. “Tom” you spoke as he detached his lips from yours and nibbled on your ear. “Yes my love?” “I’m scared” you told him. He immediately got off of you, plopping beside you on the bed. “If you’re not ready for this, it’s okay. I just want to be with you as much as I can. Now that I have you I never want to let you go.” You smiled at his sweetness. “You are the absolute sweetest, Tom.” You kissed his cheek. You intertwined your hand with his as you felt your core heat up slightly. You were ready, you decided. He was your soulmate. There shouldn’t be a doubt in your mind. This time, you initiated, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. 
His hands came to rest upon your thighs, slightly underneath your sundress. You felt his hardened length rest against your thigh, as you felt Tom’s hands pull the bottom of your sundress upwards, and you lifted your arms up, completely revealing yourself to him. Your matching pink bra and pantie set was certainly a sight for sore eyes. Tom’s eyes widened, which confirmed that fact. He then allowed you to help him pull his shirt off of his torso. This time it was your turn to awe at his wickedly muscular chest and abs, which you were very impressed with. “Like what you see?” You heard him ask, and you nodded. “I love it.” 
He flipped you back on to the bed, then continued undressing. This time it was his jeans, which were fitted amazingly upon his strong figure. “God Tom” you moaned out, and he let out a slight chuckle on your collarbone. You could see how prominent his bulge was now, and did not disappoint your inter fan girl. He detached your bra from your body with ease, and now the only thing left on either one of you was your underwear. Yours did much less to hide you, however, as the light pink lace thong left very little to the imagination. No wonder Tom had been completely all over them earlier that night. 
Tom brought his hands down to his own underwear, where his prominent bulge was located. He released his member, and you eyed it curiously. Obviously, from sex ed classes, you knew what one would look like, but you had never truly seen one. It was fairly large, probably 7 1/2 to 8 inches long. You had no idea how that thing would fit inside of you. Tom slowly slid off your panties, which were the last piece of clothing remaining on you. “Are you ready, my love?” You heard him whisper. Though you were pretty turned on, there was still uncertainty. Would it hurt? “I don’t know.” You murmured. “I’ll get you ready.” Lowering himself towards your labia, he held your knees right over his shoulders as his face came into contact with you. 
Jesus. It didn’t take much for Tom’s tongue to excite something within you. All of the sudden, you were incredibly heated, much more than before. You were immensely wet, your juices seeping on to Tom’s tongue. You didn’t think it was possible that you could be any more soaked. You were ready, you supposed. You were on the edge. Tom kissed you, giving you a taste of yourself on your tongue. “Taste good?” You nodded in response. “Okay, I’m gonna go slow, love.” You felt his tip on the brim of your hole, and he began slowly pressing inward. It hurt, but part of the pleasure hit you, just a little. “Ahh” you moaned out as Tom pressed about 2/3 of his length into you. It hurt, but as he began pulsing in and out, you felt the pleasure hit you more and more. It felt good, now. “You feel so good Y/N” you heard Tom whisper into your ear. You both reached your climaxes soon after that, it felt amazing. He peeled his sweaty body off of yours, laying beside you. “You’re so perfect.” Tom whispered into your ear, giving you a kiss on your cheek. You smiled in response. “I’m gonna pop into the shower real quick, Tom. I’m feeling a little sweaty due to, you know.” You spoke. You got out of bed, scampering over to your bathroom. “Love your ass!” Tom yelled from your bed. 
You got into the steaming shower, allowing yourself to lather your body with soap. However, soon you were joined by Tom, who wished to wash off as well. You hugged his soft skin as he joined you, lathering his body in soap. Tom began feeling you up with soap, and you silently protested and shook your head. “Tom. Stop it!” You gasped as he gave a squeeze to your breasts. “No funny business.” You told him, rejecting his advances. “You’re right, we have plenty of time.” He noted, and after that, you two were quick to get out of the shower. 
The rest of the night was relatively tame, with cuddles from Tom abundant as you laid in bed together. You felt completely protected by him as he spooned you and intertwined his legs with yours. Everything felt completely and utterly perfect. 
Waking up the next day, you wondered if it was all a dream. Tom’s warm figure was no longer next to you, however. You were slightly scared, but wandering down your stairs in your silk robe, you found Tom in your kitchen. He was cooking up a wonderful meal, eggs, bacon, toast. You were so happy to see him. “Good morning, Tom!” You spoke gleefully, running up to him. “Good morning sweetheart.” He told you as he flipped the eggs. He turned around afterwards, giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You need any help with anything?” You asked, and Tom shook his head. “You just relax my dear. You can get yourself something to drink, how about that?” You immediately headed towards your coffee maker, turning it on so it would begin to brew. “Would you like any coffee, babe?” You asked, and he nodded gratefully. “That would be wonderful.” 
You poured you each a cup, then grabbed some cream and sugar. You put some in yours, but waited for Tom to serve himself. You liked the sweet taste, rather than plain bitter coffee. Tom settled for a little cream and sugar in his as well. You felt his arms settle around you in a hug, sipping on his coffee. Breakfast was wonderful. You could feel everything settling into place. You had a wonderful soulmate and a wonderful future together. You felt Tom give you a kiss on the top of your head, and butterflies fluttered in your stomach. Everything was perfect.
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oksana-moods · 3 years
Ghost of you - Part 14
Summary: The Octopus has Ghost wrapped around its legs.
A/N: Keeping my promise, here we are.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, language, mentions of death and blood… tell me if I need to add any.
 “As the stars begin to gather And the light begins to fade.”
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#not my picture
“My God, Lara.” Carol ran to me right after I opened the door. “You said you’d call me. Dammit, Lara, you promised.” Her eyes were so sad that I felt guilty. “I’m sorry. I had everything under control.” She snorted. “You’re drenched in blood; you call this control?” I looked at my state and I was horrible, with a frown in my brows I let a soft ‘yeah’ scape my lips. “What happened?” She asked. “Greene was waiting for me.” I licked my lips and sighed. “Come, let me help you with your wounds.” I picked some clothes. “I’ll take a shower first.”
After a long hot shower, I got myself rid from all the blood in me, the literal blood, at least. The figurative one? Not quite, for Greene’s words were running wild through my mind, I could feel a headache coming. The good news was that I saw through the mirror that my shoulder plates already healed there was only one wound to be healed. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw that Carol had a medical kit in her lap at the balcony, I set in front of her and lifted the hem of the tank top I was wearing, showing to her were the gunshot pierced my stomach, and I felt myself awfully uncomfortable under her gaze. “You lost a lot of blood. Don’t you think we need to go to the hospital?” Her voice made Greene’s voice disappear from my head, for now. “It’s not safe.” I replied. “I can take care of this, if…” She was shaking her head in disagreement. “I’ll take care of you.” She softly spoke and I just nodded. “This might hurt” She said with a grimace in her face while holding the forceps and the scalpel close to my skin, she looked up as if asking permission for start her work. I just nodded at her and emptied my glass of scotch in one go. I hissed when she started to remove the bullet, “Sorry.” She whispered and I just shook my head, concentrating in not cursing out loud. After a while, she managed to get the bullet out and she looked up to meet my eyes. I don’t know how, but the tag with our names was above my shirt and that piece of metal caught her attention. Instinctively, her hands shot up to touch the plaques, and her eyes became impossibly softer. “You still wear it.” Her voice was barely a whisper, as if we were sharing a secret, and it was indeed a secret to her, until now. “How do you have it?” She asked and I felt a lump forming in my throat, right now wasn’t the time to talk about this. I sighed. “Maria gave it to me… few years ago.” Her gaze was so intense that I felt intimidated, she was looking at me like she could pull the answers with her eyes. “Why?” It was a simple question that could mean tons of things, but I knew exactly what she meant, and she knew I knew. She had powers over me that she doesn’t even know, and maybe her eyes did have the power to rip the truth out of me. “The same as before… I guess.” I softly replied after a deep breath. There was no use in deny or try to lie to her, not with her eyes shining like they are right now. Suddenly, all the stars she had imprisoned in her eyes were shining closer than ever, like the whole universe were glittering in her orbs and that alone made me want to touch her and feel her skin, just like I had a lifetime ago. “After this whole time?” Her whisper was so, so low that I thought I had imagined, but her eyes were boring into my soul waiting for a reply, indicating that I haven’t. There was no use in try to keep this at bay anymore, hell, my feelings for her were always in the way throughout this whole mission. I screwed things up and I don’t even know when. I sighed and I felt her hand cupping my cheek with a oh so soft touch that I leaned in her palm without even thinking. “Bold of you to assume I ever stopped.”  She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, a gloomy smile flashed in her lips then faded when she whispered. “Our destinies dance around each other like spirals.” She replied while opening her eyes, and they were so, so gentle that I felt unworthy. She too, by saying that we were like spirals, spirals that never touch. Fuck. Greene was right, I longed for her, wish things could be different, but reality is all that I have. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and pushed her hand away from my face, sadly, realizing that I don’t deserve her touch, no matter how much I craved for this. I kissed her palm before letting her hand go and got up to my feet.
“Lara…” Before she could even begin whatever excuses or pity-speech, I cut her off. “We don’t have time to talk about this now.” I said walking to the wardrobe and picked my suit for the night. A smoking and a tie. Seeing this, Carol came inside the room too, but her face had a frown. “What do you think you’re doing? We have a plane to catch.” I sighed; this would be hard. “I’m not going in that plane, Carol. You may go, but I won’t.” I walked to the restroom so I could start to change my clothes. “You are going to Chateau de Mercues.” She spoke in a way that made it clear that it wasn’t a question. “They are going to discuss the attack in London.” I opened my arms as if there was no option, and if I squint a little, we truly have no option here. “I need to go and stop them, or maybe learn everything about the attack, so we could prevent it.” I licked my lips. “Look, you can go. This is on me and I’ll take the responsibility, but I can’t step back now.” She let a distressed breath and shook her head, as if trying to make a child learn something obvious. “If you’re going to that meeting, then I’m going with you.” This made my eyes widen. “Of course not, I don’t know what might happen there, they can hurt you or…” She walked so fast that I was startled by her hands touching mine. “No way that I’m going to let you go by yourself. I can’t sit and wait for you to come with another missing piece, or don’t come back at all.” She was shaking her head, and when she saw me opening my mouth her eyes were so hard, and I knew that there was no talking her out of this. I sighed. “Alright. We’ll keep this Philipps façade, at least while we can. I’ll change quickly.” She nodded and let my hand go and I closed the door. When Carol came out of the restroom in her dress for the night, I had to remind myself that I need to keep breathing. She glided towards me with a perfect white silk dress with thin straps over her shoulders and her hair was flat down. She was beyond flawlessness. My heart was begging for me to take her by the hand, run with her to the nearest church and offer my life to her. “What?”  Her voice brought me out of my daze. I used my fingers to dry the corners of my lips. “Wow Carol you are…” I smile delicately at her. “Darling, you give perfection a run for its money.” I could knee and ask for her hand right here, despite knowing that I couldn’t, no matter how much I wanted. A bright smile adorned her lips and my stomach dropped when she looked me up and down, as if she were scrutinizing me. “I thought you looked good in dresses. But with this suit… I could marry you right now.” Oh, please Carol. I do. I walked to the door and offered my hand to her. “Loved the stilettos, by the way.” She completed with a soft giggle and I felt my cheeks burning. I think I believe in angels now.  
 Almost two hours driving took us to the top of a hill where we could see an imposing building like an old castle, only there was nothing old about it. Chateau de Mercues, usually, was a luxury five-star hotel, but tonight was completely reserved and prepared to accommodate all Spectre’s members. I was amazed with such beauty. We got ourselves inside the building easy and fast since I was wearing my ring and Carol her bracelet. After few instructions, we found our seats at the main hall, which was beautifully decorated. While expensive champagne was served, I let my eyes wander around the room looking for any familiar faces or someone standing out that could be their leader. Following the drinks came dinner, then the meeting started. People talked about numbers, goals… everything that they’d obtain with the contract with UN. A man, whose name is George Steinfeld, introduced himself as a new officer member due to Beauffort’s death. I met him at Greene’s boat when he invited us for lunch. Since he was replacing Jean, he’d be working with immigration and was now responsible for London situation, in his words. Like giving a speech, he declared to the group few details about the attack. Under the table, I sent a message to Natasha with everything he had shared: Piccadilly Circus in three days, around rush hours. This was everything we need, so I made a signal to Carol that we’d leave this place at the first opportunity. We were walking in a very rushed pace towards the entrance, when Steinfeld approached us. “Lara, good evening.” He offered his hand to me. “George, hi. I wish you great success now as head of immigration field.” I politely said while shaking his hand. “Of course, thank you. However, I think I might need a strong hand to help me…” He slightly scratched his temple with his index finger. “And I can’t think about anybody else but you. I think he’d like this. Jean told me he’d make you his second in command.” I was at loss. We need to get out of here, but I can just run away now. “Why. George, this is flattering. I’d love to.” I looked around and saw that Carol had already been pulled into a conversation group and shot me an apologetic smile. “Thought you’d say that. Come, there is a few people that I want you to meet.” He said and I started to follow him since he was leading the way. “Actually, let me show you the wine house, they have an aged bourbon that you’d die for.” I looked at my cellphone and realized that my message to Natasha never left my device, because there was no signal here. Fuck. Something is not right.
“Leave us.” A voice startled me. I stopped my wine tasting and turned to see who was talking and my eyes widened seeing Georges Batroc, in the flesh, in one piece, in front of me. No, is not possible, I killed him earlier. He walked slowly in my direction and opened his arms. “What? It looks like you saw a ghost.” His wicked grin appeared in his mouth. “I killed you.” I spat at him, and Steinfeld widened his eyes at me, quickly reading the room so he fled away. “I’m not that easy to kill, sister.” Sister? What. The. fuck? Lara doesn’t have any siblings. “I’m not your sister.” His smile was wide open now. “Sure? I have your blood in me.” That confused me, what does he meant with that? “You’re bluffing.” But he never answered me. Taking advantage of my distraction, he charged at me and my back hit an oak barrel, instantly breaking it, causing the wine to spread on the floor. Before he could land his hands on me, I kicked his legs and tried to get up, but he still picked me by the lapel of my jacket and tossed me around, my back hitting another oak barrel. In this pace we’d be drowning in wine by the end of the night. I took off my jacket and tie and dropped then by my side and ran to him. Like two boxers, we exchanged blow after blow. He tried to control the fight and I was trying to take advantage, but he dodged most of my hits, until I kicked his right leg twice and he leaned a bit more to the side, then my metal arm found his jaw and I mercilessly punched his face till I saw his head tilted backwards. I pushed his tie and used my legs to wrap myself around him and brought us both to the ground, my arms around his neck while my legs stopped his arms from moving.
I had Batroc in a chokehold and was about to snap his neck when a voice startled me “ah kids, this way there will be no more bourbon to enjoy during the next winter”. A man that I never saw before walked inside the partially destroyed wine house. When I saw the party behind him my bones froze and my stomach knotted around itself, because I saw Carol being tugged between two henchmen. Maybe my hold faltered, or I should blame my lack of concentration, but Batroc managed to turn himself in my hold and kick me in the face, having me pinned to the ground with my face touching the floor in milliseconds. I was about to move my arm to get him off me, but the man caught my attention by clearing his throat and pointing at Carol with his head. I saw that someone was holding a gun aiming at Carol’s head. Her eyes found mine and they conveyed how helpless she was, and my body ached seeing so much sorrow in them. But I was still confused, why isn’t she fighting? Why is she tied in this metal wrapping her hands and wrist and, mostly important why is she not using her fists to blow everything already? I was still trying to figure out what was going on when the man’s voice found my ears. “Ah you’re wondering why she is powerless?” The man said and had a wicked grin, maybe Batroc learned with him, because that smile sent shivers down my spine. “We studied the tesseract for years through Zola’s mind, and of course, through you.” He crouched down few steps away from me. “With a little help from some friends, it became possible to inhibit her powers. They are numb inside her, so she’s just like a normal person now.” I tried to move under Batroc’s body, but to no avail. “I don’t believe you.” He stood to his feet. “Of course.” Then, he shows he’s telling the truth by signaling for one of his minions and the brute guy slaps her cheek with the back of his hand and I can see her face turning to the side with the impact, a shade of red painting her perfect skin. “You will lose your hand for that.” I growled at the man. And this wasn’t a threat, no. This was a promise. He smiled at me like he knew that this wasn’t a possibility, and that made me nervous. “Ah, isn’t this beautiful? I missed you, Ghost.” He said to me still wearing that smile and I was confused. Who was this man? “Who are you?” He put a hand in his chest mocking being wounded by my lack of memory. “Oh I should be offended by you not recognizing me, but this only shows that I did my job right by erasing your memory.” I was totally lost. So, he was Hydra? Wasn’t he Spectre? What the fuck is going on here? Were they playing under another name this whole time just to fool us around? “What, are you Hydra?” He clicked his tongue and spoke. “Thought I taught you better. You’re supposed to be smarter, faster… and, especially, to be a Ghost, to play in the shadows. But look at the mess you made…” He picked a chair and set crossing his legs, as if he were waiting for his afternoon tea. This man was unnerving, his eyes only screamed how sociopathic he was. “Please, could you enlighten me, then, what I’ve missed?” He laughed. He genuinely laughed at me and clasp his hands together. “God. You were my favorite. Always sassy with your comebacks” He spoke pointing a finger at me. “While Barnes was always so grumpy. I missed you.” My mouth was hanging open. He moved his hands like dismissing my lost expression and straighten himself at the chair. “I’m Ernst Blofeld, head of Spectre and I created you! I erased your memory for the first time, and I gave you your previous arm! I loved this new one, by the way. Such an art.” He said pointing his hand to my arm, a smile in his face like this was somewhat amusing. “Then, Pierce became too greedy and decided to take you with him, both of you. Therefore, he could run the world that he claimed was his.” I was mildly aware that Batroc had loosened his grip around my body, but I was too entranced by Blofeld’s words to try anything. “That’s precisely the difference between Spectre and Hydra. They wanted audience, they wanted to be revered and recognized as mighty rulers. That’s when we became different things. They wanted the praise more than the power, and that’s exactly why they were crushed.” His wicked grin never left his mouth. “Because I value power more than anything. Knowledge, information, resources… that’s power, that’s Spectre, and we are everywhere.” My mind was running wild with this new revelation. I didn’t even know what to think. But if I squint a bit, it kinda makes sense. This whole time they were playing us, but what for, though? “You knew who I was!” It was a statement, not a question. “Even before you left the compound, dear. You were so cute creating Philipps’s profile. Of course, I had to let Beauffort and Greene in the dark about your intentions. Only today I told Greene that you were my Ghost.” He shrugged his shoulders and the way he spoke the word my made me wary. “I needed you to think that you were really succeeding with your quest.” He finished his sentence with a half-smile in his lips, but his eyes were cold and sent shivers down my spine, once more. Make no mistake here, he can be playful but he’s the devil. Suddenly, Greene’s words made sense: Blofeld was Devil. The one who created me. “Why?” I licked my lips, realizing that my limbs were starting to become numb. “Why let me do all of this only to show up now?” “Well, not everything is about you, dear. I really needed new investors; we lost a lot of good people with this Thanos thing.” He got up from his chair, making me turn my neck even more so I could still make eye contact, and it hurt like hell. “But I let you do this whole ordeal because I needed you back. I wanted you back.” He sent that wicked smile at me again. “You’re my Ghost. Always will be.” He made a movement with his head towards the Batroc and before I could say or try anything, I felt something like a needle to pierce the skin in the back of my neck, then darkness embraced me.
taglist: @yourtaletotell​
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