#I had like 4 full conversations w/o it distracting me which is great for me bad for everyone else
spotaus · 7 months
Went out and did some fun stuff today w/ my family (back in town) and I ended up getting my grubby little hands on a Fidget Clicker Thingy shaped like a paint palette that gave me so many Ink vibes I just had to buy it.
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lilibetts · 5 years
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Please wait, LoveAlarm is syncing itself to your heart!
Falling In Love With Riverdale, Theme 1: Sugar
Part 1/3
At this very moment in the not-so-idyllic town of Riverdale, Betty Cooper is 16 years, 41 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours and 34 minutes old and, to see Kevin describe it, she has been in love with Archie Andrews for 1 year, 5 months, and 14 days.
From inside the relative security of the F Hallway girls’ bathroom, she takes a deep breath to mark the magnitude of the moment, and hits [Install] on her phone. It takes less than a minute for the blue line to complete a circle and once it does, she opens the app and fills in her personal details.
Please wait, the app cheerily asks her, bright pinks and blues swirling across the screen, LoveAlarm is syncing itself to your heart!
Well, Betty sighs to herself, there’s no going back now. 
LoveAlarm is the latest matchmaking app to launch and in the two weeks since, it seems like *everyone* at Riverdale High has downloaded it. It syncs itself to your heart and a bright red heart alarm would ping if there is someone within twenty feet who loves you.
Naturally, the romantic landscape of Riverdale High School has been completely leveled. 
Midge Klump and Moose Mason both downloaded the app, only for it to tell Midge her love was unrequited. Ginger Lopez had situated herself in a prime location outside the gym doors when basketball practice let out—nobody within twenty feet of her—in the hopes that when the team’s star power forward, Anthony Parrish, came out, their phones would mutually ping. 
Instead, it was Ben Button who walked down that stretch of the hallway; instead, it was Ben Button who made her phone ping.  Then Anthony came out and *his* phone pinged, but Ginger’s did not again. According to the school grapevine, Ginger had lost her shit and called Ben a ‘baby-faced freak’.
Truthfully, the whole concept behind the app horrifies Betty, but she has to know. Making sure that every possible setting for the app is set to her phone’s vibrate function, she shoulders her backpack and heads into the cafeteria.
The walls are decorated from corner to corner with red, white, and pink streamers in anticipation of the Valentine’s Day party that will be held on Friday. PizzaShak is giving them a great deal on heart-shaped pizzas.
Her friends are at their usual table in the corner and with every step Betty takes, she is closer to knowing. When Archie hears his phone chime once she is within the twenty feet circumference, will he put two-and-two together? Will her own phone buzz with the truth? All around her, the crowded cafeteria is full of hopefuls checking their phones.
The round table has three curved benches attached to it. Kevin and Veronica share one, and across from them, Jughead and Archie split the other two. Betty slides into the space on Jughead’s left, exchanging happy hellos with her friends. Wordlessly, she hands over one of the two sandwiches she’d packed for Jughead to take. As always, he makes a show of letting out an aggrieved sigh when he spots the lettuce and sliced tomato in there with the turkey, but dutifully takes his sandwich while sliding over the remaining brownie square from his vending machine packet. This is their unspoken pact: she makes sure the bottomless pit that is Jughead Jones is sated with something healthier, he makes sure she gets a non-Alice-approved treat.
The sandwich she made is gone in three bites.
<Good?> she signs, arching one eyebrow.
<You know it,> Jughead replies, still chewing the last mouthful of turkey sandwich.
Betty has been deaf since she was three years old, after a bout with meningitis, and just because she’s well-liked among her peers doesn’t mean many of them would go as far as to learn sign language for her. That Kevin, Archie, Jughead, and Veronica have is part and parcel of why they’re her best friends.
A booted foot taps insistently against hers under the table and Betty turns away from Jughead, still grinning, to focus on Kevin. 
/Did you watch The Bachelor last night?/ His hands move as rapidly as he speaks.
/No,/ Betty tells him. /Unlike you, I actually studied for the History test./
“Har har,” Kevin deadpans. They’re both distracted by Veronica clapping her hands. 
“OMG!” she says gleefully, slapping Kevin’s bicep. /Kelley is an ICON! I told you./
As much as Betty loves her friends’ ridiculously dramatic day-after recaps, she’s too distracted to really pay attention to whatever last night’s spectacle had been about. Across the table, Archie is checking his phone, thumbs tapping and sliding across the screen. A wide grin splits his face and he turns the screen out to show Jughead.
3 people in a twenty feet radius love you!
Betty flushes and looks away, embarrassed. Of course. As covertly as possible, she takes advantage of everyone’s inattention to check her own phone.
Nobody within a twenty feet radius loves you.
As Cheryl Strayed wrote, “acceptance is a small, quiet room”. As the realization sinks in, Betty watches, as if from a greater distance, Archie glancing around at the nearby tables, determined to figure out who those three people could be. After a few murmured words from Jughead that she can’t decipher thanks to his head being turned away from her, Archie takes off to make the rounds. A process of elimination, most likely.
Betty isn’t sure what she feels. Irritation more than disappointment? Relief? The latter emotion surprises her, especially now that she knows Archie isn’t in love with her. Kevin, and then later Veronica when she’d arrived in Riverdale, have been after her to confess her feelings to Archie but Betty has kept demurring or putting it off. Her usual excuse being that she’s too scared to wreck her friendship with him. 
Sure, they’re right when they say she’s being a coward; but is her relief after the LoveAlarm revelation just relief that now she won’t have to actually bare her heart?
She turns off her phone.
                                                    He knows he shouldn’t be, that this definitely qualifies as eavesdropping, but here Jughead is, glancing up and over to the table where Betty is sneakily carrying on a conversation with Veronica.
It’s 7th period Honors Bio and all they need to do is finish a worksheet before the bell rings, which is easy enough, but Mr. Beeker had also stipulated silence in the classroom, so it’s a clever loophole that Betty has found. Abby, her interpreter, is absorbed in her phone, leaving Jughead to covertly watch shifting hand shapes and fingerspelled letters.
<You’re not as s-t-e-a-l-t-h-y as you think you are,> Veronica signs smugly.
<Your phone. At lunch. You d-l LoveAlarm.> Smugness melts into concern. <Well?>
This is news to Jughead, and unwelcome news at that. He shouldn’t be surprised that Betty has downloaded that stupid app and really, he should’ve seen it coming. Dread fills him as he awaits her response.
Of course Jughead refuses to download LoveAlarm. Why would he give an app his heart data? They’d only sell it to soulless companies looking to target him with ads tailored to the object of his romantic yearning.
The facts are these: Jughead Jones is 17 years, 3 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes old. He’s also been aware that he’s deeply, irrevocably in love with Betty Cooper for 1 year, 4 months, and 19 days. An eternity, basically.
 A rare beam of sunlight has broken through the February gray outside, casting a pale glow on her downturned face, the long eyelashes that brush her cheeks. It’s the flare of her nostrils and the tight press of her lips together that tell him she’s upset. 
There’s a sharp pang in his chest.
<He doesn’t.> The words, accompanied by a shake of Betty’s head that makes her ponytail bounce, are all he needs to understand. 
Jughead isn’t obtuse, he knows which ‘he’ they’re talking about, the only one ‘he’ it could be: Archie. Blame Kevin, he’s shit at subtlety. 
So, Betty had downloaded LoveAlarm and now she knows Archie isn’t in love with her. The latter isn’t news to him but he would’ve been fine if Betty had continued to go through life not knowing that particular fact. But it’s the sentence that comes next that breaks his heart.
<I have a zero. Nobody loves me.> What goes unspoken but, to Jughead, is writ large upon her face is: ‘I’m not lovable’.
He looks away from their conversation, angry that anyone would make her feel like this. Ashamed that he is a guilty party in this.
That night while lying on his bed, Jughead finds himself torn.
What he had seen earlier has given him food for thought. Which is just as well because he likes to take the time to think broadly and deeply, much in the same way he likes to eat. Next to him on the bed, his phone is open to the App Store, and LoveAlarm waits there patiently, ready for his decision.
Is Betty Cooper worth it? Unquestionably Yes.
Is he willing to risk discovery? Having his heart spilled right out there for her to see...even worse, for others to see? Vulnerable and already bruised, where it’d easily be crushed into messy smithereens?
Unable to answer that, his brain circles back around to the first question: is Betty Cooper worth it?
With a low, drawn-out groan, Jughead hits [Install] and gives corporations access to his heart.
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pi-cat000 · 6 years
MSA time travel idea (part 21)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV.2
Part 22: here
“We’ll be fine,” Vivi reassures Arthur for a third time, spinning to face him, backing up past the assortment of haphazardly constructed ‘keep out’ and ‘danger!’ signage. Behind her looms the cave’s gaping entrance.
“We’ve been through a ton of caves. The worst thing that could happen? We, maybe, get swarmed by some bats,” She continues upon seeing Arthur’s continued hesitation.
“Ah, how about a cave in?” He points out leerily, eyeing jagged stone formations framing the entryway.
“No seismic activity in the area, I checked,” Vivi declares, whirling to march forward, glancing back to call, “You boys coming or what.”
Mystery bounds off after Vivi, leaving him to shoot an apprehensive glance at Lewis. The larger man shrugs, putting a comforting hand across Arthur's shoulder blades, “If this has you really worried we can always wait out here while Vivi takes her supernatural readings.”
Arthur sighs, tempted to take him up on offer, “No. It’s fine. Probably best not to let Vivi go spelunking with only Mystery as back up.”
“Probably,” Lewis laughs, patting his shoulder once then stepping forward, “Just stick behind me. I’m sure this will be just as boring as all the other caves we’ve walked through.”
“Yeah. ‘Boring’…Sure. That’s not the word I’d use but, whatever, let’s go with boring,” Arthur grumbles, shadowing Lewis up to the entrance. The ground underfoot transitions sharply from spotted green to dead twigs and dusty rock.
“Creepy,” Arthur eyes the unnaturally straight line, cutting the cave off from its surroundings. Lewis snorts, amused by his muttering-at least someone is having a good time-walking into the dark like this isn’t the most unnerving place they’ve been to so far.
Just inside the dimly lit opening, he spots Vivi, who’s wrestling with a wrought iron canister holding what appeared to be old-style wooden torches.
“Hey guys, check these out! Mood lighting! ” She calls with apparent gusto. Better make that two people having a good time.
“Lewis. You still have those matches on you, right? I think there’s still oil on these.”
Lewis trades his box of matches for the wooden torch, holding it out while Vivi grapples around attempting to light it. Arthur is surprised the old torch has lasted this long. They can’t have been the only ones dumb enough to explore a ‘haunted’ cave at night. Surely, some other idiot would have used them up before now.
“Can’t we just use the flashlights?” Arthur comments in conjunction with Vivi’s resounding "YES" of triumph. The stone walls around them come to life with a flickering orange glow. High, arched ceilings, almost two stories tall, provide an abundance of space. Arthur can now see several meters down a long tunnel before darkness overtakes it again. He shivers, peering at the many cracks and holes dotting the roof and walls. Everything is coated in a thin layer of green moss which catches the torchlight, giving a green tint. In other words, it looks freaky and unnatural.
“Well, this just went up several points on the Creepy-O-Meter,” He laments, resigning himself to an evening of jumping at pebbles coming loose from the ceiling, gusts of wind, and his own shadow.
“I know! It’s great isn’t it?” Vivi twists, grinning ridiculously, now holding a torch in each hand.
“Watch where you wave those Viv,” Lewis dodges back and avoids a face full of fire, reaching out and plucking the nearest torch from Vivi, “You almost got my hair with that one.”
“Whoops sorry,” A sheepish Vivi shoots Lewis an apologetic glance before carefully lifting her remaining torch to get a better look at the cavernous structures around them. A few seconds of fascinated gawking pass, while both his friends take in their strange new environment.
“You have to admit, this is a lot cooler than a graveyard or an old house,” Vivi voices in awe, moving deeper into the tunnel. She’s got an energetic spring to her step mirrored by Mystery trotting at her heels.  No attention is afforded to the spooky shadows, shrinking away from the torchlight, rushing to close in behind them. It’s admirable.
“Maybe there’ll be an actual ghost this time and not a dude playing dress up?” Lewis adds, glancing about, holding his torch higher, “Definitely has the ambience for it.”
Arthur shuffles closer to Vivi, so he’s sandwiched between the two of them. This way he’ll have plenty of warning when the freaky cave monster leaps out to get them.
“One can only hope,” Vivi laments loudly. Her voice echoes, bouncing along the slimy green walls until it’s swallowed up by the dark. Arthur shudders. Is it just him or does it feel like the cave is listening?
“Ah. Objection,” He interjects, lowering his voice, so it doesn’t jump around like Vivi’s, “A dude in a sheet is plenty scary, thanks. No need for anything esle.”
Lewis laughs from behind, also lowering his voice to a whisper, “Like weird-scary or scary-scary?”
Arthur throws a half-serious glare over his shoulder, retorting, “Both.”
Further conversation is put on pause when they hit a fork in the otherwise straightforward tunnel. The two passageways are significantly smaller, a foot higher than Lewis, and narrower, twisting away from the central shaft. Both are equally uninviting, ghostly, glowing a poisonous green in the torchlight. His shadowed silhouette, elongated in the firelight, appears to shift unnaturally, skittering away into the gloom. Arthur blinks, focusing attention on the spot. There’s nothing there but ordinary rock.
“Let’s split up,” Vivi’s announcement draws Arthur’s concentration away from studying the walls for shadow creatures.
Lewis is nodding along, considering both passageways seriously.
“No way,” Arthur waves his arms to catch their attention, wincing at his own volume, then whispering, “Splitting up is a terrible idea. When has splitting up ever worked well for anyone.”
“If we split up we’ll cover more ground and get through the cave system faster,” Vivi points out, already searching through her small rucksack.
“Just remember to take lots of photos. Here have my spare EMF meter,” She shoves the ‘totally legit’ ghost detection devise, an audio recorder, and notepad into Lewis’s free hand, “Don’t forget to actually press record this time when stuff happens, and write a note, so we know to cross check it later.”
"Sure," Lewis pockets the equipment with a laugh,
Arthur slaps a hand over his eyes, groaning. Why are his friends a pair of walking clichés?
“Lewis. You go with Arthur. He’ll need the moral support more than I will.”
“Hey,” His protest is half-hearted.
“I’ll take Mystery down that tunnel. Let’s meet up in, say, an hour and report our findings.”
Vivi walks purposefully forward before pausing to add, “Oh and if it gets too maze-like come back here, so you don’t get lost,” Another step, “And don’t fall down any holes.”  
“We’ll be fine,” Lewis reassures, amused, slinging an arm out and catching Arthur before he can duck away, “Arthur’s got my back.”
Arthur suffers the semi-headlock with crossed arms and a stony expression. It’s not that he really believes they’ll run into trouble it’s more a matter of principle at this point. All it does is make Vivi snort in good humour then hide a grin behind her hand.
“See you boys in an hour,” A cheery wave and Vivi marches away, looking for all the world like a person having the time of their life.
“You okay there Arthur,” Lewis loosens his arm, glancing down. There is genuine concern in his tone now, eyes scanning Arthur for signs of discomfort. Arthur forcibly shelves his exasperation. No need to bring down the mood. Not when this is the first time in weeks he’s been exclusively in either Lewis or Vivi’s company.
A long exhale, and he ducks to disentangle himself from the larger man’s arm,  “Yeah. Come on. Let’s go poke around a dark, damp, tunnel some more.” He injects as much enthusiasm as he can muster, but it ends up more sarcastic.
Lewis hits him with a knowing smile, offering, “Here I’ll go first.”
His friend takes a confident step forward, holding the torch high to provide them with maximum visibility. Arthur follows close behind, trying not to get too freaked out at the way the cave walls seem to shift unnaturally in the uneven light. It’s just his overactive mind seeing familiar patterns where there were none. That was all. 
Down the gloomy stone tunnel, they go, flickering fire illuminating Lewis’s silhouette and the narrow walls enclosing them. Nervously, Arthur picks up his pace, tailing as close to Lewis’s back as he can get. Occasionally, he bumps into the other man when Lewis stops abruptly to examine part to the scenery. Lewis doesn’t appear to mind, being more interested in sporadic wooden support beams which arise from time to time. Everything is pretty much identical until the narrow tunnel opens suddenly to reveal a spacious cavern.
It’s huge. Dotted with wicked sharp stalagmites and stalactites which both hang from the ceiling and raise up from the ground like clawed fingers, it dwarfs them both.
Lewis immediately steps out of the tunnel onto a narrow ledge extending into empty space, transfixed by the stunning view. Arthur makes to follow. Distracted, he stumbles, hand brushing against the cave walls for support. Pain shoots through the limb, and Arthur stops, staring at the appendage, confused. Had he cut himself? He doesn’t appear to be injured.
“Hey, Arthur! Come check out this view!”
Lewis is now standing near the end of the wedge-shaped platform, peering down at the steep drop. Cautiously, Arthur inches out after him, eyeing the pointed rock formations far below.  The way they catch and reflect the torchlight is almost menacing.
Would be such a shame if someone were to fall.
His left leg twitches, and he almost stumbles right into Lewis. Arthur finds himself unfocussed, and he hesitates behind the larger man. What is he doing again? Why is Lewis so close all of a sudden?
His arm is completely numb. It’s tuned an unnatural sickly green colour. The same colour as the walls. That's not normal. A twitch. Arthur watches, confused when his limb jerks up. A second too late he realises that he’s not the one moving it. In an action almost too quick to follow the arm lashes out.
“Lew…” The words of warning are choked off. Lewis turns, too slow to prevent the shove but quick enough that Arthur sees his shocked, betrayed expression. Lewis tumbles backward, face frozen in confusion.
A surprised yell.
Gravity rips Lewis from where he seems to hover mid-air, dragging him down.
He drops.
His friend’s panicked horror is the last of him Arthur sees. A wet thump. The yell is cut abruptly.
“Ouch. Right through the chest. That’s never fun,” The foreign words vibrate in Arthur's chest, accompanied by an unpleasant laugh.
Down, far below on the cavern floor, is Lewis. Unmoving. Arthur wants to scream. He needs to scream, but his jaw is locked shut. Part of his vision goes dark. With his remaining good eye, he can see his arm moving, squirming about like it’s got a mind of its own.
No. No. No. This isn’t him.  IT’S NOT HIM!!!
A jaw filled with rows of shiny white teeth clamps down on the writhing appendage. A flash of bright red. His arm is twisting, being ripped away. The force of the impact spins him around, putting him face-to-face with a giant canine creature. Red. There’s lots of red. His vision is failing. A warm haze gathers over his thoughts, mercifully pulling him from reality.
“Ah Shit,” He hears himself swear over the oppressive throbbing in his head and the growls of the monster above.
“...And STOP...”
The world freezes. Arthur freezes. It’s like someone’s hit the pause button on reality. Suspended, frozen halfway between falling to his knees and standing, Arthur hangs in place. Vaguely, he recognises Mystery looming over him, also frozen, green-hued arm between his teeth. Arthur’s disembodied arm.
“Sloppy. Very sloppy.”
The voice doesn’t echo like sound should in this stone, cavernous environment. It’s detached. Footsteps dull and artificial, mismatched on the rock floor, draw closer. A shadowed figure walks around from behind. Arthur, still immobile, tracks the progress of a lanky man, sporting spiked yellow hair, a familiar orange vest and flat running shoes. Aside from the sickly, off green, skin tone, it looks like him. Another him.
The doppelganger moves up to examine Mystery and the arm dangling from his jaws, shaking its head in disappointment, “Should have known there was something weird about the dog. It’s always the pets.”
Arthur doesn’t care for whatever this creature is saying because, down below, just behind him, is Lewis body.  He’d just pushed Lewis off the cliff.
“To think, that could have been me, stuck in some rotting limb. Ugh. Gross.”
He killed Lewis.
NOTE: It’s the obligatory flashback episode. It only took 30 000 + words, but Arthur finally remembers. Hope I did The Cave scene justice. 
Part 22: here
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ifeelbetterer · 6 years
10 thoughts about Infinity War
I know it’s been spoiled to hell and back, but I’m not hiding under a cut because of that. I’m hiding it under a cut because nobody wants Infinity War cluttering up their dash.
1. I actually dig Thanos as a villain, but I am not anymore sure that the targets of that insightful move get it anymore than they get that the space nazis of Star Wars are THEM. I mean, it IS an excellently pertinent villain who thinks he can explain his way into a totally fine genocide just because he himself is such a great dude. That’s some ON POINT shit. But did people get that? I don’t think so. I don’t even think MARVEL got that.
2. And I’m not super into the kick-the-can-down-the-road approach to the conflict of Civil War either. That movie was a mess. And it sure as hell didn’t end with Cap’s side being Super Right and Tony’s being Super Wrong the way it did in the comics version. The comics version is so cool because of how it carefully manipulates Tony’s side until he ENDS UP wrong, not because his side is like objectively the bad side. And Civil War also made such a bad case for the underlying disagreement because it ran away from having a message  in favor of prioritizing Stucky. Which. Like. I get how you got distracted, movie, but please. You have to actually do the thing. You can’t have Rhodey just undo the Tony side as if we finished that conversation. Bitch, we never even HAD that conversation.
3. WHY EDINBURGH??? Why is that the romantic hideaway for divine robots and their love interests?? Was Team Steve chilling in Edinburgh??? Did Vision do a jaunt to visit Team Steve or was Team Steve elsewhere and just, what, felt their spidey senses tingling and had to hop to the love scene???
4. Oh god I so do not want that much time spent on the mechanics of a space forge ever again in any movie ever. There were adorable insights into Thor and Peter Dinklage was a delight (as always) but duuuuuuude. Remember how Taika Waititi revealed the crutch of a Thor hammer as a stupid plot point and he’s not even the god of hammers anyway????? Can we get off this I HAVE THE SPECIALIST AXE THIS TIME SO GOOD LET’S ALL TALK ABOUT IT SOME MORE bandwagon PLEASE.
5. Ultimately, I just can’t care about this many deaths at one time. It’s a rush in the end of the film and there have already been too many for my pathos to keep up with. I mean, Idris Elba died. I was stuck on that. I am loving the heartbreaking meta, but guys. It’s too many. And these are comics books movies. AND THEY ALL HAVE SEQUELS COMING UP. They will all be back. I can’t really work up a good sad for something so obviously reversible? Has anyone ever died permanently in the MCU? Even Coulson didn’t.
6. That being said, those were some great last words. “General, get up, this is no place to die” is hardcore. Bucky’s plaintive little “...Steve?” is heartbreaking. Peter Quill’s brotastic, “Oh man” actually made me Feel Things. Someone with some hardcore whump in their soul wrote the last ten minutes of that film. As someone who secretly loves both writing and reading whump, I give you a standing ovation.
7. I am Still Bothered by the stuff about not giving actors full scripts. I could get on my soap box about how fetishizing spoilers has ruined everything but this really just makes my whole case for me. HOW CAN THE ACTORS DO THEIR BEST WORK WHEN THEY LITERALLY DON’T KNOW THE PLOT. HOW. H O W.
8. Please someone say in canon that Valkyrie had to bounce to go hang with an archandroid gf. Please. You know you want to. (Though I did see one speculation that the title of the Captain Marvel movie was going to be Captain Marvel and Valkyrie and like. That’s a pretty good second best.)
9. I am bothered by how many of the “last of their species” characters died in the culling. I am bothered because it doesn’t seem to work with Thanos’s fucked up logic. Like....how does that make the species stronger???? They’re all dead now?????
10. I was teaching James Baldwin’s debate with William F. Buckley from 1965 in class today and thinking about Thanos and I think everyone should know that James Baldwin has all the answers you need about why Thanos’s pov is wrong and stupid and wrong. You should all watch his speech.
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crotchexplorer666 · 7 years
Ri beat yew to it, Gnart. x’”D
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?My brother. He messed something up on one of my game accounts and kept crying even though I kept telling him I wasn’t angry.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?Both? This is a hard question..
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?Uh, all of my friends?? No matter how long it takes...
4. Are you easy to get along with?If I like you. I’m really good at avoiding people.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Probably. They better tell me that I did some wacky things while I was drunk, or I will be very ashamed of myself.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?No single personality type. People who don’t think they’re smarter than me are nice. ;D
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?No.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Chuck Norris. When there’s a meteor shower, Chuck Norris grabs a bar of soap.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?A little, but it depends on who’s bringing up the conversation. 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Does insulting myself with deep remarks count..? Otherwise, @rubbishbin--trash. c”x
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“My Gatorade bottle is empty... RIP x666”@the-devils-assisstant
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?- “Take Me Home Tonight” by Eddie Money- “Magic Man” by Heart- “Hells Bells” by AC/DC- “Renegade” by Styx- “Come on Eileen” by (I think) Dexy’s Midnight Runners- +1000 more13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?No, but people really like to??
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Oh, yes. What else would I do?
15. What good thing happened this summer?Summer camp, and I drew a little-
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?My dad? I don’t care..?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Eh, I don’t mind hearing other people’s opinions.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Carlos? Nah.
19. Do you like bubble baths?I’ve only had one bubble bath in my life. With Claire. x”D 
20. Do you like your neighbors?They are so nice, and then I feel bad for not visiting them more often. One time, I had to borrow someone’s phone, so I went over to Anne’s house (she’s probably in her 40s because the neighbors around here aren’t usually young). Before she let me borrow her phone, she let me inside to eat cookies with her and started asking how I was doing and being so nice.
21. What are your bad habits?Biting my lip, hating on myself whenever no one else is around to distract me, forgetting to eat..? x”D
22. Where would you like to travel?To any of my internet friends. .v.
23. Do you have trust issues?No, but that isn’t all that great.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?There is no “daily” routine ^^’, but I like going to jazz band practice on Wednesday nights.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? M y n o s e.
26. What do you do when you wake up?Check my phone-
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Lighter. I was always jealous of people with very pale skin because then their hair could be dyed any color without having to worry about it clashing with their skin color. ;o; 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Myself.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?I have no ex’s-
30. Do you ever want to get married?Yes. ;v;
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yeah. xx I’m too wimpy to cut it short.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?No, thanks-
33. Spell your name with your chin.jdennkcvdfdOMG THAT ALMOST WORKED
34. Do you play sports? What sports?Cross country in ze fall, softball, and I wanted to do track but softball was in the same season. xx
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?No TV, pls. I’ll make my own cartoons if I have to..
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Duh.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?Do you like cats?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Uh-- I’m very flexible-- Though I would love it if someone (even just a friend) wrote me a poem. ;w; I write poems for my teachers and friends.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?I go all around the place??
40. What do you want to do after high school?yo mama Go to UCLA
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Mhmm, even murderers. (A reasonable second chance with the adequate amount of security cameras making sure they don’t repeat their wrongdoings.)
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?There’s chaos inside my mind.
43. Do you smile at strangers?Yeah, doesn’t everyone?? .o. Just me?? Okay..
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Neither.. c”x I like staying on dry land..
45. What makes is the reason you get out of bed in the morning?@natisuttertrash
46. What are you paranoid about?Everything-
47. Have you ever been high?Nah.
48. Have you ever been drunk?Nuh-uh, but I intend to one day. (weird goals)
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?I don’t think so.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Gray. (PE clothes..)
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Hell, yes. 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?M y n o s e
53. Favourite makeup brand?None?
54. Favourite store?Nope..
55. Favourite blog?I can’t choose a favorite, guys. ;o;
56. Favourite colour?Red. Any variation of red. Pink, maroon, etc. Black and white look great with red, too. ;v; Red, black, and white. y e s
57. Favourite food?All things with rice.
58. Last thing you ate?Pretzels..
59. First thing you ate this morning?P-pretzels..
60. Ever won a competition? For what?A chugging competition with soda. x”D
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Noooooo
62. Been arrested? For what?Nooooooooooooooooo
63. Ever been in love?...Yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Uh, I doubt kissing someone on the cheek in a game of “family” when I was 7 counts.
65. Are you hungry right now?Nah, I had an ass-load of pretzels. Many donkey bags full. 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?They are all equal. ^^
67. Facebook or Twitter?I don’t use either. xx (I have accounts, I just don’t use ‘em.)
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?Nah.
70. Names of your best friends?Is it bad that I have ten-- I do have to admit, I have my favorites. (But I won’t say..)
71. Craving something? What?Pretzels.
72. What colour are your towels?All the colors. Literally. There’s even burgundy, mint, etc. in the mix. It’s kinda ugly.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?Sometimes one, sometimes six.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?I sleep with my kitty. ;v;
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?More stuffed animals than pretzels.
75. Favourite animal?Cats--
76. What colour is your underwear?Of course I just happened to be wearing my ONLY pair of hot pink panties right now.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Mint chip, FTW.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?What if I’m not wearing a shirt..? (It’s blue)
80. What colour pants?Black with ninja turtles.
81. Favourite tv show?S p o n g e b o b will always be my #1.
82. Favourite movie?Either Blended, Mean Girls, or this other one I can’t remember atm.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?The original is always boss. Both slay me, tho.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?KAREN SMITH ;O;
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Nemo’s mom.
87. First person you talked to today?My dad.
88. Last person you talked to today?@the-devils-assisstant
89. Name a person you hate?I’d rather not say. c”x
90. Name a person you love?@natisuttertrash
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Me.
92. In a fight with someone?No? I don’t think so?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?I don’t know. x”D
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?At least four.
95. Last movie you watched?The Cobbler.
96. Favourite actress?Marilyn Monroe.
98. Do you tan a lot?Not intentionally ;^;
99. Have any pets?My precious kitty, Benjamin. .D.
100. How are you feeling?Do I have to answer every question on this??
101. Do you type fast?If you asked one of my friends, they’d say something along the lines of: “Hell, yes.”
102. Do you regret anything from your past?Ye; I lie about that a lot, though.
103. Can you spell well?Y E S
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Oh, yeah. Sydney was the best. ;n;
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Yes, actually. 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Probably. xx
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Oh, yeah. My first time on a horse was TACKLESS on an ARABIAN on a RAINY DAY. (Luckily Liesie’s the horse wrangler.)
108. What should you be doing?I don’t know.
109. Is something irritating you right now?Yes. You never asked what.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Yeah. >~
111. Do you have trust issues?Refer to #23, I think.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?I don’t remember.
113. What was your childhood nickname?J-J
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Well, I was born in Tokyo, moved to the US, and moved three times within the state while visiting my grandparents in China every summer (until they passed away).
115. Do you play the Wii?I don’t have one of those thingies. x”D
116. Are you listening to music right now?Yes... PSYCHIC, I TELL YOU.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes but I ran out of it ;o;
118. Do you like Chinese food?I am Chinese.
119. Favourite book?Any Percy Jackson book. ;D Is it bad that I still ship Reyco after Riordan crushed some of our hearts in a subtle way by having Reyna brother-zone Nico and then having Nico and Will get together?? 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?Not when I’m with someone else.
121. Are you mean?I don’t know. Am I?
122. Is cheating ever okay?Depends.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Nah. x”D
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Y e s
125. Do you believe in true love?What’s your definition of true love?
126. Are you currently bored?No, because I have this 150-question thingy to take care of--
127. What makes you happy?Music.
128. Would you change your name?YES. I would literally change my name from Jenn to June. 
129. What your zodiac sign?Gemini.
130. Do you like subway?Subway or subways? Subway is okay. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a subway.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Lock myself in a room and think everything through.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Wasn’t this already asked??
133. Favourite lyrics right now?The lyrics of “Come Together” by Beatles. (I prefer the Aerosmith cover, tho)
134. Can you count to one million?Nope.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I tell a lot of dumb lies to make it obvious that I’m lying. That’s just how I fail at being funny. ;w;
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed.
137. How tall are you?5′3
138. Curly or Straight hair?My hair never decides. Everytime I take a shower I never know if it will drive straight, wavy, or curly. xx Plus it’s hard to brush.
139. Brunette or Blonde?Brunette. MY HAIR IS DARK BROWN; N O T B L A C K.
140. Summer or Winter?Winter days, Summer nights (I prefer Summer nights).
141. Night or Day?Night. ;u;
142. Favourite month?December. 
143. Are you a vegetarian?No, but sometimes it seems like it. x”D
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?A l l o f t h e m.
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?Meh.
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote?Ahhh, too little time left over to decide.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?This question is too hard. c”x
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“The children’s pants had large wooden boxes in them.”
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