#I had to try getting the colors close to what I had in the refs I used which also wasn't too fun.
speeding-fox · 1 year
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Got into a new series and these two are my favorite boys.
Do not tag this as "ship" please.
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shima-draws · 4 months
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I've been teasing her for months!! But at long last her ref is complete 🌷
I actually DON'T have a 5 page essay on her backstory this time (like I did for Ilari LMAO) but I do have some info about her if anybody is curious!
Name: Ione
Age: 25
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Orangish-yellow
Element: Light
Grabbing info from the few posts I've talked about her already, Ione was originally a very famous singer, pretty much an idol within the world of ATS. She'd hold huge concerts that were always sold out and people from around the world would flock to see her perform. Eventually tho all of the attention started to attract the wrong kinds of people, and sooner or later Ione was "scouted" by a very rich man who wanted her all to himself. She was manipulated and blackmailed into signing a contract with him that would essentially end her touring and make it so that she would become a private singer for him. He basically chained her with this contract and so she disappeared from the public eye.
Ione soon discovered that other people with similar talents had also been gathered and trapped by this man's contracts. Among them was a prodigy violin player who she grew very close with. The two of them struggled under the demands of this man, and eventually violin boy started to get physically abused by him 😭 Things escalated to the point where Ione decided she wanted OUT and was determined to do anything to escape. This led to a very...traumatic event that caused her to go mute by choice.
When Ione finally makes her escape, thankfully she's changed so much that people don't recognize her in public (mostly her hair! It used to be short and didn't cover one of her eyes before). Shortly after she runs into Nahu and his group, and is unceremoniously recruited to join them lol (Nahu can be VERY persuasive). Ione communicates with them through sign language, which luckily a couple of them are fluent in--Ezio and Sage to be specific. They then teach the others in the group sign language too. It takes Nahu a bit to get the hang of it bc he has like, no attention span whatsoever, but being a dragon elemental helps since his senses are super attuned all the time, so he can generally tell what Ione is feeling and what she's trying to convey when she talks to him :")
Over time Ione grows closer with them, and like everybody else is hit with the Found Family, and realizes that yeah. She'd do absolutely ANYTHING for this group of crazy weirdos. She starts to fall in love with Nahu (bc who WOULDN'T), and slowly gains the courage to use her voice again. This leads to secret meetings with Sage, who helps her relearn how to use her vocal cords.
Eventually her past catches up with her, of course, but the group all bands together to set her free from it. She has to face off against violin boy, who thought she'd abandoned him and got Messed Up Mentally as a result, so THAT'S a thing she's gotta deal with. But she's able to reach him by singing for the first time in over five years, and everyone absolutely loses their shit at how beautiful her voice is and they all cry and it’s very emotional!!
Even after regaining her voice she still prefers to stay quiet most of the time, as that is what she's comfortable with, but she's totally okay with speaking when she needs to. Also I need to mention this but bc she used to be like. An idol. Obviously her routines consisted of both song and dance so she's a pretty good dancer. Out of everyone in the group, Ione is the ONLY person Ezio will dance with (and he is a very VERY good dancer himself, but will only dance with someone who can keep up with him, which Ione can). Everyone is very jealous of this, ESPECIALLY Nahu lol bc he wants to dance with Ezio too 😂
Ione's a light elemental! I haven't given a LOT of thought into her powers yet but I do know that her singing makes her stronger and also gives her powers a boost, which in turn helps the rest of the group. She also can ride on these light waves--I will have to draw them sometime bc I can't really explain them in words, it'd be better to show them visually lol
And that's her!! My flower light mute girl <33333
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
how would the aew boys react to you breaking your nose if you can can you add Kenny thank you love you work🌺
AEW Stars React To: You Breaking Your Nose
yall are so sweet; thank you for supporting lil ol me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pairings: Kenny Omega x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Hook x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, Wheeler Yuta x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader, Santana x Reader,
Word Count: 920
Supreme Speaks: idk if I've done this before but here you go! thanks to anon for requesting this. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: mentions of father abandoning a bastard (typical Christian things), not proofread, mentions what happened for the reader to break their nose
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Kenny Omega (During training)
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Kenny heard a small crack and immediately picked you up
Does not allow you to re-enter the ring and takes you to the doctor
Looks up home remedies to help you
Understands that you’re angry and tries to figure out ways to relieve you
“Do you want a coloring sheet? No, I don’t think you’re a child- okay now you’re acting like one…Yeah-uh”
Tells you stories about when he broke his (I can’t remember if he did) or his friends broke theirs
He tries to distract you from the pain by his jokes or practicing promos in front of you
Will intentionally mess up for you to smile
Kenny’s really upset that you’re injured but tries to brighten your day by any means possible
Eddie Kingston (Your opponent intentionally injured you)
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I feel like I always say this…..EDDIE IS BIG MAD
Eddie is big on respect…he’ll respect you as long as you respect him and those he keeps close to him
Once he saw the ref throw up the X sign, oh Penta and Fenix had to hold him back from going to the ring
Then he saw your bloody face….he started to cuss out your opponent
And then he cussed out Kenny and the Bucks for allowing someone with bad blood to go against you
Will drive you personally to the hospital cause he needs to lay eyes on you
He’s ticking in so much anger that you’ll need to calm him down
“I’m fine doll, I just hate how a shithead couldn’t contain their displeasure to themselves. On the bright side, you still looked like a god/goddess....betta than their hating ass”
Santana (You took an extreme bump in the ring)
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You took a facebuster on the ladder and then bounced off, rolling outside of the ring
Listen, this man would be the one to stop watching your match just out of fear (he hates you getting hurt)
Like he physically cannot watch the match anymore
Once he saw blood dripping down your face, he automatically asked for the match to be stopped or at least for you to stop participating
When you come backstage, he automatically hugs you as he doesn’t care about the blood on his shirt
“Mi amor, you scared me out there…I thought I had to go jail while you go to the hospital”
You have to hold him back from cursing out your opponent(s)
Distracts you with food and cuddles (DONT @ ME)
Wheeler Yuta (Your opponent accidentally injured you)
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Baby boy is sad
He just looks like someone knocked the wind out of him; he hates seeing you bleed
Is subconsciously mad af at your opponent
Will literally baby you for the rest of the day, week, month, hell even year
“You’re not gonna take any more knees to the face. I won’t allow it….NO BIG BOOTS EITHER”
I think he would be the one to buy protective gear for you while Bryan and Mox look on in concern as he picks up everything in the damn store
He thinks that breaking your nose limits all activity and movement for you
Will not let a minute go by without him saying how pretty you are (with and without a straight nose)
Hook (Someone was trying to fight him and they hit you)
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Okay…… man is literally the devil
Will make sure that you are okay before tossing the person over his head
He is punching the shit out of them until he looks over at you and sees blood
Hook gives one more punch before carrying you to a safe corner
He immediately gets you ice before taking you to the doctor
Feels guilty about you getting hit, mentally beats himself up
“I’m so sorry that I allowed that to happen.”
I truly do think that Hook would feel so bad and will try his best to make it up to you in any way possible
Will buy flowers, bears, food, a nerf gun (whatever your heart desires)
Ricky Starks (You hit a door)
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Imma be honest….he laughed at you
Like full-on cackled as soon as you made contact with the door (it sounded like an evil witch)
But stopped once he saw blood pouring down your face
Feels like a jackass as he brings you to the doctor (I also think he is saying sorry repeatedly)
Once he hears the word surgery, he offers to pay for it
As your spirit starts to pick up and you feel like yourself after the initial wave of shock
Ricky will go back to laughing at you
Will joke about your nose only when you're comfortable and accepting of the fact
“It’s not my fault you got your ass kicked by a damn door”
Christian Cage (A fan threw something at you)
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He’s suing and kicking out the bastard who threw the object at you during the meet-and-greet
Tells security to get him and sends Luchasuarus for extra support
He immediately shuts down his booth and walks you to medical support
Sends a tweet that calls out people who think that was cool and okay
“You’re a disappointment, no wonder your father left you”
Holds you and whispers caring thoughts that only you can hear
Buys anything and everything you need (already paid for the surgery)
Offers to buy a security squad so you can protect yourself
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puck-bunny-for-all · 1 month
No one else but you - Q.H
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@_quinnhughes : the number one love of my life❤️ y/n 2 years is the amount of time you have stuck by me, when I came to Vancouver I didn't know it would gift me with the best fucking girl a guy could ask for. I love you for life babygirl💓❤️‍🔥💓❤️‍🔥💓❤️‍🔥💓❤️‍🔥
tagged : @y/username
location : heaven
bboeser : this almost made me throw up 🤢
↪ _eliaspettersson : @bboeser for real dude like @_quinnhughes we get it you got the girl.
tdemko30 : happy for ya Quinny and Y/N but y'all are for sure breaking hearts out here
↪ _quinnhughes : sorry not sorry that she picked me 😬🤫
bmarch63 : oh damn she your girl ... could have done better with a real man who actually takes and dishes hits 🤡🤷🏻‍♀️ how's the cheek there huggy bear? 🤨
↪ j.tmiller9 : PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me that this was a hack PLEASE
↪ _quinnhughes : @bmarch63 .... you can't be anywhere close to serious with that comment bud. 🤬🤬🤨😤🫨
↪ bboeser : @_quinnhughes PLEASE let me and Coley take him is2g 🤬🤬
↪ y/username : Hey there @bmarch63 it's me... first off how are you going to claim you take hits but throw yourself to the floor when the ref taps you... second off at least Q doesn't cry every other game he plays... and third YOUR SCARY PLEASE GO AWAY I DON'T LIKE YOU🫨
icole28 : o m g @y/username really just did the damn thing... I still second Brocks idea though🤨😤
jackhughes : Watch the fuck out next time we play you it's ON FUCKING SITE I swear. @bmarch63🤬🤬🤬🤬
lhughes_06: goddamn I leave for ONE SUMMER and someones trying it with my future sister wtf is wrong with you big boy @bmarch63 🤬🤨🫨
nicohischier : um as a captain myself and a friend of both y/n and Quinn expect the ENTIRE devils team to be completely ok with some minor penalties against u🤬😤
↪ _quinnhughes : ^ same with the Canucks big bud.
Ok so this was based off my first request: "Omggg I'd be so lovely if you could make one where Quinn hughes is just head over heels for his girl, and he makes this appreciation post with pics he secretly took from her and everyone in the comments just pretending to be annoyed by them but also maybe one player from another team kinda comments like "oh she's you girl?" Cuz he saw her and was into her, creating this sort of jealous/possessive thing in the comments section not just from quinn but everyone who loves em"
made by the LOVE OF MY LIFE NOW @skylershines :) I REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT and I am so sorry it wasn't quite as long or as interesting as I had hoped to make it but I hope to get better and better with each post :)
Any and all respectful feedback is welcome and I just recently redid my navigation to make it a little easier so I now have a list of who I write for and an ask box :)
xoxoxoxoxoxo, M
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 5 months
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Siggghhhhh I blame @dreemurr-skelememer for this 😒
close ups and info under the cut
Idk what higher power convinced me from 11pm - 5am to just HAVE to draw Dream and Nightmare as horses from mlp (god dammit I’ve never even watched mlp) but HERE WE ARE
I put waaay to much time into these drawings not to color them so once I line them I’ll do that
Anyway I wasn’t sure how to incorporate Nightmare’s tentacles in this design, buuut here were a couple of things I wanted to do/design choices and why:
I wanted to make them both alicorns with Nightmare having webbed wings (with hints of feathers and trauma)
I decided Nightmare was going to have armor and a royal vibe/aesthetic (like the king he is)
He also has horseshoes with pointed tips and ankle armor and neck armor cause yes.
I wanted to give him even more armor but I thought it would be too much
The cutie marks are their respective apples, but I wanted Nightmare to have, well, a Nightmare Moon thing going on where there was discoloration around the mark (excess of slime in this case)
I did want to incorporate sun and moon elements into the curie marks as well, but I figured I could do it in clothing instead to not overcrowd the cutie mark design and have it lose its meaning.
The slime around Nightmare’s cutie mark is constantly flowing and dripping off of him and if you looked closely his apple may appear purple instead of black through the drips
Ok while I’ve never really watched mlp I don’t live under a rock and I’m aware of how similar Luna and Celestia are to Nightmare and Dream, plus I looked up different designs and species and if you couldn’t tell Nightmare’s HEAVILY Nightmare Moon coded (she also slays btw I love her).
As for ideas about Nightmare’s tentacles I figured maybe he could have a sort of shadow magic maybe??? That acted like his tentacles in a way? Idk I’m workshopping it.
Or he could pull a Rapunzel and have his mane and tail act as his tentacles (which is kinda why his hair looks like that, as I wanted it to look slimy and thick, and for the “tentacles” a bunch of the chords would wrap together to create the tentacle like shape).
Idk mannnn I’m trying but horses and tentacles just don’t really go together juuuust sayin
I actually wasn’t gonna give Dream his cape/shawl thing cause I forgot he had it but I looked at Dream’s ref again and thought it was fitting enough.
Dream’s circlet got turned into a helmet cause I thought it would match Nightmare’s vibe a little more and I wanted to do more than just put it on his head ya know?
I’ve also been seeing designs with Dream having his hair braided and I thought it was fitting so while u can’t really see it, Dreams mane consists of a bunch of thick braids and the nape of his neck he just cut his hair cause otherwise his braids would get tangled in his wings so he said be gone lol. (Nightmare’s tail is also partially braided and I like to think he also braids his mane too into one large braid I just didn’t draw it that way :().
Ok I still have more to say but THIS IS LONG ENOUGH NAHSVAGACA
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kasumikoujou · 3 months
im super interested in knowing how u get such vibrant colors & draw ur faces,,,, also ur art is super cute and awesome !! :3
thank you, and i'll try my best to answer this but !! i dont think i'll be much help in trying to explain either of those 😭
for colors i actually pick them manually (insanity); though i draw fanart most of the time and have refs in hand, i pick out colors close to the originals, then simply match them to a tone i want for the picture (if this makes sense; i often use color palettes too to see how i can match them. if there is an odd color that wouldnt match, what i do is i also simply pick a brush on half or lower opacity and place the general color of reference over; for ex below: asuka's hair was a bit too bright and unfitting, so i picked the pure violet shade the lineart had as well and applied it over on 30?40?50% opacity)
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for picking colors, theres tons of color palettes online to pick from, but there's also tons of artists with colorful styles like these i like to look for for examples (my best picks are rourow (one of muse dash's artists), onono imouko* (dohna dohna's lead artist; @ _himehajime on twitter), mochizuki kei (@ key999 on twitter), ohisashiburi* (some of the more colorful works of theirs at least. the colors in majority of theirs even if more dark in tone are still super pretty and you can work around with them too; needy girl overdose's lead artist, @ imlllsn on twitter)
*beware nsfw content. onono has no nsfw in his own media tab but rts it; dd is an eroge ; ohisashiburi may have art with sensitive topics, and nsfw or thinly veiled nsfw in both media tab and rts.
for faces i still struggle with them actually ! 😭 not that i cannot draw faces, moreso sometimes struggle to draw them as i want. for piece above i feel like i got it exactly as i'd want to always do them (i.e for years on end i've always wanted to draw eyes larger than i usually tend to do); but most of the time especially on eyes i try to match the face closer to reference even if it goes a bit overboard with the style, and then try to make it match more either by line weight or etc. (i also tend to exaggerate expressions at times because i personally think it either better shows them off or it looks cute) (probably best example below because its a redraw of a figure)
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i hope the ... not extensive ramble was helpful in any way. good luck with your art journey!!!!
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mxboxlocks · 10 months
PLEASE can we see some of your HC designs? (Also yay, finally gained the confidence to turn off anon lmao)
I don't think you're aware of how mentally ill I am about soldier, and when I see that you've posted something new about him MY GOD I'm feral.
(This is to say I think you're great and you feed my delusions about a 40-something year old man fantastically well)
TF2 Headcanon designs, part 1/4
part 2
I HAVE THEIR EYES !!! which i think mostly encapsulates them pretty well. i also have quite a few doodles
here's the most complete ref i've made of them
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their eye color, skin tone, nose shape, and favorite colors!
i'll do the rest of my hcs in order. i usually try to stay close to what i see in canon visually, my hcs are more background and personality-driven. but there are some differences here and there!! starting with scout below the cut:
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(ft. spy)
he and spy have a very similar face and nose shape, as i'm sure you'll notice in the third image. they also have a similar eye color, with scout's being a little paler. i've decided his full name is Jeremy Valentine, because of course it would be. he's fairly tan, not only because of his ethnicity but because he's out in the sun a lot. he's trans FtM and his parents are fully supportive of him with very little fuss coming from either side. though, spy was more keen to treat him the same, just with a different name.
next is soldier!
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obviously, this is the merc i have the most examples of :3
starting right off the bat i draw his hair longer than it's kind of supposed to be. i know a lot of people say and think that soldier is very strict on his self-care, and while i do think that is true, i think it can coexist with his adhd and his inability to remember things a lot of the time. oh btw he's audhd lmao
he's mixed race latino/white, his mom being mexican and his dad being from all over europe. he had a sister that passed young. he doesn't remember his family, or his real name (legally his name is Thomas Anthony Mason. he's on file at Mann Co. as Jane Jamison Doe). he knew he was trans at a very early age, before his sister was born, and his father in particular was very elated to hear he would have a son to join the military. said father was unattentive and clumsy, and his mother was a little on the manic emotional side. his sister, named Betty-Ruth (but she would scowl at you if you called her anything other than Ruthie) was a very kind and patient little girl. the two used to get along great, before the incident that permanently changed soldier's life course. being he was kicked in the head by a war horse at an independence day reenactment. L bozo.
also he's deathly scared of clowns, so the team has him convinced they're not real. pyro likes to tease him about it
ALRIGHT! next up is pyro! i'll have to do it in another post because tumblr mobile is HOMOPHOBIC so stay tuned for that
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unknownanomoly · 5 months
Every single Rainworld artist, new or old, please read!
So while this is on my mind, I just thought I would say something at the moment. I have seen so many, so many, artists copy or very closely copy a design from another persons since they really like their style and hope that if their style looks like this famous artists then they will get the same attention. This is slightly annoying to me, now drawing other peoples art or practicing design by using someone else's design then somehow in anyway making it super original is perfectly fine by me, it's really good to do that! But when you copy someone's design so closely that is looks like your trying to rip off their designs, that's not ok. another problem i see is people hating their designs cause they are not "detailed" or "pretty" or "different" enough from others. Now this post is gonna be about how you can make your own character with existing characters WITHOUT using someone else's design and not making the character "look boring" to you and others. Now no character is boring, everyone's different styles are amazing, this is not suppose to be a bad thing, this is just suppose to help other artists think better with making canon characters look original. Im gonna use Hunter as an example since I was drawing him when i thought of this. So hunter, let's take this step by step: Step 1: Do NOT look at a canon photo unless it's necessary for like a certain iconic scar or eye color or color or anything else like that, but completely IGNORE that canon design. Step 2: Break up what the canon character looks like into words. EX: Hunter is a slugcat with his color being on the red scale. He is being infected with the rot and is NSH's messenger. Now with this description a thousand different ideas can be made, I mean on the red scale could be red, pink, or all the way to a brown even! Then infected by rot? He could be fully infected by rot or he could be partly or be halfway, maybe he was cured from rot. And NSG's messenger? He could have a weird marking resembling that, or always have a green neuron with him, or have green eyes or green clothing or green markings, really anything! Now wasn't that easy ^w^ Step 3: Sketch/Doodle Do NOT instantly make a design choice unless you have one in mind right away, start doodling first, either digital or on paper and see how you like the design first, and if you like it then there you go! Now you ofc can change your design later on but it's better to have a main idea instead of posting something right away then regretting it since you don't like it. EX: For my Rivulet I first had him being a little more like the true rivulet design since the lore for my AU was different then, but when I was finally drawing him I didn't like his design and so I started messing around with it and finally I came up with my water bat design for him. Step 4: Finally, you have made it this far into the steps, you may now draw it completely, make a ref sheet or don't, join in on character group drawings and yada yada, you have your own design and you like it and that's all that matters! Step 5: Have fun, you are not limited by the canon design. Design however you like, give them any lore that probably isn't canon if you want to, make them aroace or gay or lesbian, change their gender, mess around, make them siblings with random people that shouldn't be their siblings, mess around with families and personalities, do what YOU want, no what others want or like ^w^ Hope this helped anyone who needed it!
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aroaceweirdos101 · 25 days
Guess who finished another Hello Puppets! OC's ref sheet, THIS GAL!!!(cant believe I finished this guy in 1/2 days)
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"Duke is a brave, and albeit foolish(often said by his cousin, Riley) daredevil. Who sometimes, unintentially causes trouble. Despite that, He's always there to help people face their fears and become as daring as he is!"
In the show:
Duke first appeared in the episode, 'Daring Danger', when the Handeemen decided to attend one of his stunt shows. After the show he immediatly recognised Riley and decided to pay her a visit, slightly embarrassing her infront of the other Handees-
He decides to hang around for a while, accidentally causing a few accidents to happen due to his recklessness. Eventually, around the end of the episode, he learns a valuble lesson on safety and how to be careful.
Outside of the show:
He was created by one of the show's writers, Avery Flores, as a self insert and aswell as a possible side character for the show. It took awhile but Owen finally accepted his submission and made him Duke's official pupeteer!
Nobody knows what had happened to Avery when the studio fire started, but it is highly likely that he didnt make it...
Relationship with the Handeemen(Show counterparts):
- Rosco: Duke adores the golden retriever, he would always give him alot of belly rubs and treats whenever he gets to visit(Duke always wanted to have a dog, but due to his constant travels(and the fact he lives in a van), he's unnable to own one).
Rosco loves to play with Duke and would look forward to his visits(which makes Riley abit jealous), their favourite thing to do together is digging!
- Riley: As said before, Duke is Riley's reckless cousin(specifically from her mother's side), they've knowned eachother since they were toddlers and would often visit eachother during the holidays. Duke likes to tease her about her height, despite also being short.
Riley might never admit it, but she is glad to have Duke's company(as she didnt have many friends back then). Tho, she is tired of constantly scolding him for his reckless behaviour.
- Nick: Duke sees the artist as a close friend of his. The two would often exchange terrible dad jokes and team up to prank/tease Riley(much to the scientist's dismay). He's also one of the only few who wilingly listens to the artist's poems(tho half the time, Duke gets distracted by other things and ends up forgeting what Nick just spoke).
While Nick is annoyed by Duke's reckless antics(he still holds a grudge againts him for accidentally ruining one of his paintings that took hours to finish), he's glad to have another theater kid to talk to(Yep, Duke's a theater kid. So is Riley, but she's in the closet).
- Daisy: Duke LOVES Daisy's cooking(as it reminds him of his grandma's), he would often try and volunteer to help her in the kitchen(tho he was quickly banned after he somehow set it on fire the moment he stepped in).
Daisy's mother hen tendencies are increased when Duke's around, mostly due to his clumsy nature(he keeps giving her heart attacks with his definitely not safe stunt shows). Tho, its safe to say the two are good friends.
- Mortimer: The daredevil admires the old magician as he never cease to amaze him with his unbeliavable magic tricks, so much so that Duke wouldnt stop talking about them(he's abit of a chatter box). He greatly respects him.
Mortimer is both amused and overwhelmed by his enthusiam, either way, he's glad to have another person be his practice audience.
More Info about him:
- Since it was the 80s, his transgender reprsentation was never outright said due to the censorships. However, the crew managed to work around it by giving small hints throughout the show(e.g., sneakily showing a trans bumper sticker on his van).
- On some occasions, he'll dye his hair a different color to match the theme of the episode, or out of curiosity on what they'll look like.
- He has ADHD, Riley made him get a diagnosis after showing multiple signs of having it(that probably explains why he gets distracted easily, and why he keeps forgetting shit-).
- He is allergic to cats(they found out after he tried to pet the neighbors cat when he was little), tho that doesnt stop him from trying to pet any cat he finds, much to Riley's annoyence(she had to stop him from petting Angel when he first met the feline).
Feel free to ask some questions about him!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 5 months
Hello~ I hope it’s okay to ask you about characters- if not, then you can ignore this 😅
I was just wondering what Luis’s eye color is? When I searched it up it said grey/ brown. When I see close up pics of his eyes, sometimes they look a bit light and cool toned? I’m not good at telling colors so I wanted to know what you think 🙏 (I hope this makes sense 💦)
So Luis’ eyes are REALLY WEIRD cuz you’re ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in that from a distance they look brown- and I think MOST people had that same assumption that they were brown (at least I did HCNEHENEJ) for a LONG TIME before proper freecam modes n stuff were made but they’re actually a warm grey!!!!!!
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These photos look a lil silly cuz the spotlight is shining directly on him but they’re definitely a warm grey!!!!! Again it’s just WEIRDLY hard to tell cuz from a distance they just??? Look like a dark brown?????? So I see a lot of artists (myself included just outta habit HFNWHENEHE) draw him with brown eyes anyways!!!!!!
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Like for example his base model looks like it has dark brown eyes???? so you’re NOT ALONE IN STRUGGLING, TRYING TO TELL WHAT COLOR THEY ARE IS SO HARD AHENEHFNDUSNS
(I also just use this base model and other freecam mode photos for color refs just in general!!!!! Like for his dark skin tone, his hair being an almost soft dark brown, his jacket being a weird dark purple color etc etc!!!!) ((Also interestingly enough a lot of native/indigenous peoples from around the area Valdelobos is supposed to be in/nearby those areas also apparently commonly have that same warm grey color eyes which could possibly be a hint to his heritage which I find really interesting!!!!!!!!))(((A L S O ALSO fun fact he has a super faint scar underneath his left eye!!!!)))
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wcamino-confessions · 11 months
I cant reply to the first post I had made but I wanted to clear up any confusion.  I stated multiple times to LT and Larkin that I did not want this character redesigned because well, I dont fucking give my consent for another redesign of a character that was already stolen and redesigned. I thought I had made myself VERY FUCKING clear to all parties that I spoke to, LT went above my wishes and against my word, thats not okay. LT does not own my character and did not have the authority to do this without my consent. However, when I told LT that the designer of the redesign gave me permission to use the redesign, they told me I wasn't allowed to do that because the designer gave up all rights to the design! The double standards is fucking crazy, but you're allowed to redesign my characters???  I will be attaching the images that I was sent from a helper who had messaged me. When I saw the images, my first reaction was "what the fuck, thats literally my character redesigned. A "neutral party" outside of the report was asked to redesign the character despite my wishes not to have them redesigned. There is no way in hell that the character was designed without my character in mind, thats just no way. This person is also a HELPER and most likely was apart of the case but im not sure. I have been exchanging words with the person who first got the redesign and they did help try to remedy the issue as they felt really bad for everything. They informed me that they had offered Larkin a $25 voucher to commission an artist of their liking to create a new design with the terms that the character thats based off of my own is deleted. The color palette was changed up but alot of the markings are still very close to the original, the OG. Im not making this a big deal because they have some similar markings or they have petals in their fur, as someone said in my last post. This should have ended when the character was deleted but some parties cant take "no dont redesign my character" as an answer. Larkin and LT is causing this escalation. I want to make this clear, I dont believe I own a specific marking or a color pallete, or the rights to using flowers in a characters fur.  === This is the original version of Peony's design, along with the redesigns. The person who designed the 2nd image admitted to using the first image as a reference to redesign
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Now, here's the image of the new design LT had sent me. Thank you to the person who sent me the new toyhouse profile to get this image, LT's image was horrible. Now. I just wanna take the time to point out all the similarities between the three. I feel like most of it is pretty obvious, one or two similarties would have been fine but no. Again, I don't think I own a marking but the person who redesigned them supposably had no image of my own in mind (impossible)  A. The tail, its exactly the same as the redesign as well as almost a copy of the original just with a white tip. B. Ears, it follows the same layout as above C. The paw pad markings, they copied the redesign ref in terms of those D. The flank markings are incredibly similar to the redesign's flank markings but has a little difference but follows around the same E. The freckles under the eyes are F. The left side of the face follows the same route as the redesign G. The usage of the feathers and follows, all are not copied but just are rearranged, the feathers are just moved to the other side of the head, the two images above dont show it but in many of Peony's alt art, she has a feather on the left side of her head and I did show Larkin all the images  H. The color pallette : Again, I dont believe I own colors but the pallete is just some alternates to the original colors. If you gave someone a description for a redeisign, theres no way in hell theyd be able to get these colors almost spot on unless Larkin provided an image or a color pallete.  I. The legs, the front ones. They're switched. The redesign above has markings on the left leg and markingless on the right, the newest copy just switched that around J. The back legs also follow the same pattern idea as the redesign above. the only difference is the newest copy has a little back leg (?) marking towards the bottom the leg
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And yes! I did explicitly tell you that I wasn't comforable aiwht a redesign!
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thelampisaflashlight · 7 months
I didn't wind up doodling Jeremy at work because we were hella busy, but I did do a quick ref when I got home so...
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Here's a bit about him:
-He dyes his hair a new color every once in a while, but he's lazy about redoing his roots, hence they're always poking out.
-He never graduated high school, having dropped out at 16, and he was kicked out of his mother's house as soon as he turned 18. From there.
Generally speaking, Jeremy refers to the years between then and his arrival at the church as "the lost years", and doesn't like to discuss what he got up to during that time as he is somewhat ashamed of the lifestyle he was leading back then.
-He won't eat or drink things that are handed to him by other people and/or appear to have been opened or are, in fact, open.
He's very firm/strict about this and is not open to negotiating.
-When he came to the abbey, he was highly aggressive/feral from having been held captive after being turned into a ghoul (by those outside of the church) and had to be monitored closely so he wouldn't attack anyone.
He only calmed down once he was allowed to go outside again, then he was much more agreeable... albeit he would still try and fight the staff, and bit Omega... mn... a dozen or so times a week?
And Lastly;
-Jeremy used to get into fights a lot growing up, but, since he was smaller than the people he was fighting, he learned how to fight dirty fast.
He's a pocket sand kind of guy.
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ballcrusher74 · 3 months
Your sona (bigform) looks very cool, reminds me of the silhouette of a dinosaur, what is the critter and what inspired such a cool mech tang?
My sona (Jawbreaker) is a fucked up star alien thing ! You're gonna get a little more than just what he is and inspirations and I hope you don't mind, I made a whole fucking species just for this guy's backstory LOL Stellarites are shapeshifting, celestial beings created with star energy. Their strength varies, depending on what kind of star their energy was sourced from. Jawbreaker (his actually birth name is unknown and he forgot himself) was created with the energy of a quasi star as an experiment for his overlord, Metsu. He served in their celestial empire as a royal guard, and had a close eye kept on him. He excelled compared to his peers, and was deemed spectacular at his work- the only downside was his short temper. He was constantly consulted about his attitude, and it only seemed to grow worse. He grows disobedient, to the point where he is sentenced to be shattered for his resources to be recycled. He escapes from his home planet, landing on Earth. He examines life from afar, and takes on a more humanoid form. As he lives out his days on his new home, there's something that he can't avoid now- taxes. So what's a better job to get when you used to be a guard for an intergalactic ruler? Become a hitman! This is where he obtained his helmet and his name. A couple years go by and he's considered a perfect killing machine, being able to leave such little trails behind in his work. Then, he fucks up one day. A single drop of his blood is found at a scene. This results in a huge chase for him, especially because he is extraterrestrial life. He eventually is caught, and used in government experiments. These experiments were based off the mega-structure, dyson spheres, in which they tried to extract energy out of him. He manages to escape this, takes on his current form with a repainted helmet and fresh new look, and is now a party-animal alien out on the run with a bounty on his head. (This is like, a really watered down version of his story cus if I put the whole thing here that shit would go on forever)
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Also y'know what, fuck it, here's the full ref sheet + cool guitar item that I keep forgetting I have OOPS
Going onto actually inspirations now, here's a couple !
The general design was just based off of character design aspects that I like a lot. Chunky shoes, shoulder pads, big sleeves, huge zipper- etc, etc.
The hoodie and boxers combo just comes from the fact that that is typically what I roam around in
The star eye was me trying to recycle from my old sona, but the true origin of it was it being a reference to one of my favorite musicians at the time, Grandson ^_^
The half heart locket is for my boyfriend <3
The big ol' eyebrow is just cus I have bushy eyebrows + I love big ass eyebrows
I'm gonna be honest, the hair was when I was trying to make my sona on Roblox but I obviously couldn't have my helmet, so a red base and cyan trihawk came along and it's stuck since then + I FUCKING LOVE MOHAWKS SO BAD
The blood is based off of glowstick liquid . Please trust me when I say to not eat glowsticks they do not taste good .
The colors are also kinda recycled from my old sona, but also because I fucking love red and cyan
The whole alien aspect is taken from the fact my birthday is on the same day as the Area 51 raid LMAO
Exaggerated proportions kinda came from FNF . yeag
THE HELMET . The helmet was a thing I scrapped from a really old oc of mine, which was kinda taken from Jasper (SU) . The addition for the jaw part was inspired by a bear trap
also these two that I use for this blog . They're obviously more jokey looking + I made it so they are both immortal beings that have existed since the dawn of time that just fuck around on Earth but yea it's also just me . but funny looking
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I think that is it . yeag
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quibbs126 · 7 months
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hi!! you said it'd be okay to request oc/canon fankids, so i thought i'd toss one of mine into the mix! her name's salt lick cookie, and she's a farmhand on a ranch. she mostly helps with the horses (hence 'salt lick'), and is a HUGE Horse Girl™. she has that THICK southern drawl, and is pretty laid-back in general. her pet would be a little living hobby-horse toy, y'know, the kind on a stick that you'd stand over and run around pretending to ride as a kid.
i think it'd be REALLY cute to pair her with potato cookie, since they both work closely with animals, and potatoes and salt tend to work well together lmao!
i do wanna apologize for a couple things regarding the reference image: since i can't draw, i used a mobile dollmaker app, so the colors aren't 100% accurate… salt licks run the gamut from pure white to a deep, pinky red, but nothing's as dark as the red on her overshirt, so that red should be lighter and more pinkish. (her bandana is supposed to be white and pink, too, not. yellow.) and the website i used to make the background transparent decided to also make her pigtails, shirt, and half of one boot transparent… hopefully that won't make a difference if the canvas is white?
ah, sorry, one more thing, if you ever decide to draw this, i'd prefer if you tagged energy-drink-cookie, since that's my cookie run sideblog!! even if you pass on this, i think it's really cool that you're open to ocs and i hope you're having a good day!
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Here you are, this is Potato Chip Cookie
You said to tag @energy-drink-cookie so here you go
Oh and by the way if you’re wondering why the oc looks different in my ref than the one given, it’s because I redrew it myself and afterwards I was told I could use that version if I wanted
Anyways on to the show, so I named him Potato Chip simply because they’re potatoes and they’re usually salty. I mean one’s salt and the other potatoes, what else was I gonna do if not some form of salty potatoes?
Potato chips:
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Funny enough when making the initial rough sketch, I thought he looked a bit too much like Salt Lick, but around the time I was finishing up, I thought he looked a bit too much like Potato. I’m willing to say now he’s probably more of an even balance
I do admit that I kind of just gave him Salt Lick’s top hair, just with some more rounded ends to resemble Potato more. I was always planning on making his hair blonde with white streaks since he’s still a potato, but I also made the blonde slightly more orange, though I don’t think it’s very noticeable
I also gave him those dark brown flecks in his hair just because the potato chips I was looking at had some pepper in them. And it tied in with the eyebrow color
I gave him pink eyes because it was supposed to represent the salt, but also I realize that if I didn’t give him pink eyes, he’d definitely look too much like Potato
So with his outfit, initially he was going to be a farmer, but I ended up think “what if he was a chef instead?” and went with that for everything below his scarf (since that was what I had drawn first). But also I didn’t change the initial look, mostly because I really liked it, so I think his top part and his bottom part may not entirely coincide with his theme
When trying to finalize the colors, I wasn’t sure about giving Potato Chip his yellow shirt, since I thought it looked off, but my friend told me to make it flannel and make his scarf red, so I did. I think I’ve gotten flannel mostly down, but truthfully I’m not sure
But yeah overall I quite like his design
Now onto his character
So I said before he’s a chef. Well he still lives on the potato farm with his family, but he also acts as their cook, since he’s got aspirations of one day being a famous chef (though he’s currently a bit too young to pursue these dreams, he’s still a teenager). His dishes mainly consist of various things made of potatoes like potato salad, potato chips, potato pancakes, loaded potatoes, you get the picture. Also if they have a mill for potato flour/starch, I imagine he mans it as his main role on the farm
Other than that, he’s a sweet guy. A bit shy and sometimes easily startled, but he doesn’t have an ounce of malice in his dough. He just likes to make food for the people he cares about
And yeah I think that’s about it for Potato Chip, I hope you like him!
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impostorsshow · 5 months
Hello Tumblr city I have nightly doodles
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This time it was just finishing up old doodles since I only gave myself 2 hours, and uh. I also had a Garfield x Tom sketch but I decided not to finish that one also if you want to hear about my DSAF au that goes with the image click the read more below
Close up of the image along with the ref I used i wouldnt recommend clicking on any of my images for higher quality since my coloring is very unpolished
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Anyway this au is pretty simple but I highly enjoy it so I'm going to rant about it past my bedtime - essentially, I looked at how the good ending is a pretty sad ending, and while it's great when the canon/best endings in games aren't the best outcome, I wanted to fix it /j. Specifically I wanted a good ending for Davenport, fuck the children fuck everything else let's take the morals of the Dave endings in the games and fucking run with them.
So i uh haven't replayed the game in a long while forgive me for mistaking a few details but it follows the ending where you salvage davetrap, and Jack doesn't go past the second layer of the flip side and never meets Dee, but instead of Henry possessing Jack or whatever the fuck happened there, Jack starts to work on a solution. I should mention this is a world where Jack never gets a new phone guy but listens to all of Henry's tapes - but Jack gathers the fact that daveyrap is unhappy because hes not a complete soul, and devises a plan. That plan is just to work with both Dave's, making sure davetrap doesn't cause his business to go under due to child murder but he can't completely stop him and working with flipside Dave to both figure out how to make a robot vessel that looks like Dave and could reasonably pass as looking like a human since it wouldn't need anything for programming or ai or movement that possession would be capable of, and to convince flipside Dave to try and be a complete soul again.
Because from what I've gathered, the whole soul thing means thag when the "child" or in Dave's case the part that doesn't want to deal with murder part of the soul goes away to the flip side, the soul is torn apart since there's still something with a mind in the animatronics, it's just left without the reason part of itself. If we incorporate remnant lore which I'm not going to go very far in it further exemplifies the point that Dave repossessing himself over and over tore his soul apart while normal dead kids just leave the remnant behind but whatever whatever Jack decides that if the two halves of the soul exist in one body again they can merge back together and become one soul capable of the full range of emotions, including happiness.
Also my jacks a bit fucked up in the head because this jack went to Vegas twice and killed the real Fredbear so he's on a slippery slope of almost becoming a Henry Miller pulling this shit and asking Dave to continue repossessing himself, but instead risking losing his soul entirely by asking him to possess something that doesn't have any connection to his dead body. And it works when the "it looks exactly like Dave but he can't go in the rain and doesn't smell like a rotting corpse anymore and also doesnt have nearly as many scars" robot vessel is built and the two try possessing the body. And then Dave helps Jack make a robot body for himself and is built in like 1/3rd of the time since Dave knows how animatronics work and not smelling is a pretty nice feature, except Jack doesn't actually *have* a soul so for all intents and purposes I have no clue how to fix that so the jack body is just sitting in the closet of jacks house useless but it's there.
And like then there's actual lore but I need to go to sleep since I have school tomorrow but Dave and Jack decide to keep running Freddy fazbenders considering Jack doesn't have a problem with murder, and the two soul halves in davetrap argue enough that the murder keeps to enough where Freddy fazbenders just seems like a hotspot rather than it actually needing to be a place in need of getting shut down for an investigation. That and Jack blackmailed the phone guy I forgot his name into helping them cover shit up in exchange for getting a hell of alot of freedom [for a phone guy it's a lot of freedom at least, Fredbears isn't a stranger to murder coverups even if it goes against his morals.] Also the nice part of Dave is only really staying with davetrap because he cares so much about jack because I do support Davesport but I try to keep it at a level of implication so it can be passed off as platonic if someone wants it to be
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Kidge summer event
Day 6: smoothie 🥤
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane, Hunk Garret, Lance McClain, Allura Altea, Shay, Kosmo....
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge ( Hay : Hunk and Shay ) ( Allurance )
post season 8
A/N: Allura is still alive in that universe.
It was one of the multiple paladin's meeting on New Altea where the Altean Sun was lighting the multiple field of colored junibery flowers.
The paladins were gathered around their usual table where only one of them was missing. Unfortunately, Shiro was in vacations with hid husband, Curtis.
Passing that detail, it was such a nice summer day.
Hunk and Shay, his girlfriend, had made lunch for everyone. It was now time for a refresh...
"What can we do for dessert?.."
Hunk asked in worry.
"Well, I'm sure they wouldn't mind eating a burnt cake... Besides, they're your friends, They would understand."
Shay answered as she was looking at the cake that had burnt in the oven.
Hunk sighed at Shay's words and turned towards the window to see his friends.
He saw how Keith and pidge were close at the table. How Keith tried to flirt with her and how she was not bothered with it.... Actually, she was even flirting back.
He then turned to see Allura and Lance: Allura had a grin on her face, she was starting at both Keith and pidge with the same thoughts then Hunk.
Lance, him, had a hand on his girlfriend's hip. He was also looking at the two but not with the same expression. He was more like: "dios mío, get a room!!"
Hunk got his head inside the kitchen again.
"have you noticed how Keith and Pidgeon are flirting together? Like man, they got very close in the last years and I'm pretty sure they have feelings for each other... The problem Is that or they don't even notice their feelings, or they are just too awkward to try something..."
"There was a time where I thought they were dating..."
Shay admited. She gave the burnt cake to Kosmo that was laying in the kitchen's ground. ( Kosmo with his cosmic stomach could literally eat everything...) The kitchen's ground was cold, that's why he was laying there. 'CAUSE DAMN, IT WAS HOT OUTSIDE!
"it's hot, isn't it little one?.. let me get you some nice ice. Maybe a cold drink would help you too?"
Shay gave a pat to Kosmo before to give him some ice.
"you know what? That gives me an idea of desert..."
Hunk said with a smirk as he turned back to smirk at pidge and Keith...
Later, Hunk and Shay arrived at the table with the deserts:
"Ok everyone! The cake burnt... BUT! I came up with another idea of desert that I hope you'll enjoy!"
He placed the plate on the table; It had 3 smoothies.
One was green and red with a small slice of watermelon and kiwi. The second was completely blue but with two shades of it and a few blueberrys on it. The third one was yellow had Chocolat at the bottom and on the top of it.
"I made smoothies that you guys can share! Allura, Lance, I made you a blueberry smoothie with a small touch of mint inside of it. I picked that taste because you both were paladins of the blue lion... As for Keith and Pidge, I know you guys are not dating but I thought it would be nice if you shared your's... do you mind it ?"
Hunk knew exactly what he was doing. He also knew that they would agree for sure.
"Sounds good to me."
Keith said. He blushed slightly and turned his head to see pidge's reaction.
She also blushed.
"All right! For you two, I picked cucumber, mint, kiwi, watermelon and strawberry. Reffing to your lions but also the the fact that you were both the arms of voltron! Now, I hope you guys will enjoy your drinks and that they will refresh you!"
Everyone thanked Hunk and Shay.
Hunk sat next to Allura. She turned at him:
"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"
She asked with a grin.
He placed a finger in front of his mouth and blinked.
"Hope that one of them will finally be courageous enough to ask the other out..."
She said in a sigh.
"I'm sur they will."
Hunk smiled at the two that were sharing the green and red smoothie. They were laughing together, not even noticing that everyone was staring at them.
They were in there own world, with their refreshing smoothie that sure tasted amazing in this summer day.
( SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE!!!!!JZJDFBISBDSIBFSIFBFIZND!!! Also, Hunk is the best match-maker ;). )
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