#also this is one of the. very few up to date refs i have of her
impostorsshow · 5 months
Hello Tumblr city I have nightly doodles
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This time it was just finishing up old doodles since I only gave myself 2 hours, and uh. I also had a Garfield x Tom sketch but I decided not to finish that one also if you want to hear about my DSAF au that goes with the image click the read more below
Close up of the image along with the ref I used i wouldnt recommend clicking on any of my images for higher quality since my coloring is very unpolished
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Anyway this au is pretty simple but I highly enjoy it so I'm going to rant about it past my bedtime - essentially, I looked at how the good ending is a pretty sad ending, and while it's great when the canon/best endings in games aren't the best outcome, I wanted to fix it /j. Specifically I wanted a good ending for Davenport, fuck the children fuck everything else let's take the morals of the Dave endings in the games and fucking run with them.
So i uh haven't replayed the game in a long while forgive me for mistaking a few details but it follows the ending where you salvage davetrap, and Jack doesn't go past the second layer of the flip side and never meets Dee, but instead of Henry possessing Jack or whatever the fuck happened there, Jack starts to work on a solution. I should mention this is a world where Jack never gets a new phone guy but listens to all of Henry's tapes - but Jack gathers the fact that daveyrap is unhappy because hes not a complete soul, and devises a plan. That plan is just to work with both Dave's, making sure davetrap doesn't cause his business to go under due to child murder but he can't completely stop him and working with flipside Dave to both figure out how to make a robot vessel that looks like Dave and could reasonably pass as looking like a human since it wouldn't need anything for programming or ai or movement that possession would be capable of, and to convince flipside Dave to try and be a complete soul again.
Because from what I've gathered, the whole soul thing means thag when the "child" or in Dave's case the part that doesn't want to deal with murder part of the soul goes away to the flip side, the soul is torn apart since there's still something with a mind in the animatronics, it's just left without the reason part of itself. If we incorporate remnant lore which I'm not going to go very far in it further exemplifies the point that Dave repossessing himself over and over tore his soul apart while normal dead kids just leave the remnant behind but whatever whatever Jack decides that if the two halves of the soul exist in one body again they can merge back together and become one soul capable of the full range of emotions, including happiness.
Also my jacks a bit fucked up in the head because this jack went to Vegas twice and killed the real Fredbear so he's on a slippery slope of almost becoming a Henry Miller pulling this shit and asking Dave to continue repossessing himself, but instead risking losing his soul entirely by asking him to possess something that doesn't have any connection to his dead body. And it works when the "it looks exactly like Dave but he can't go in the rain and doesn't smell like a rotting corpse anymore and also doesnt have nearly as many scars" robot vessel is built and the two try possessing the body. And then Dave helps Jack make a robot body for himself and is built in like 1/3rd of the time since Dave knows how animatronics work and not smelling is a pretty nice feature, except Jack doesn't actually *have* a soul so for all intents and purposes I have no clue how to fix that so the jack body is just sitting in the closet of jacks house useless but it's there.
And like then there's actual lore but I need to go to sleep since I have school tomorrow but Dave and Jack decide to keep running Freddy fazbenders considering Jack doesn't have a problem with murder, and the two soul halves in davetrap argue enough that the murder keeps to enough where Freddy fazbenders just seems like a hotspot rather than it actually needing to be a place in need of getting shut down for an investigation. That and Jack blackmailed the phone guy I forgot his name into helping them cover shit up in exchange for getting a hell of alot of freedom [for a phone guy it's a lot of freedom at least, Fredbears isn't a stranger to murder coverups even if it goes against his morals.] Also the nice part of Dave is only really staying with davetrap because he cares so much about jack because I do support Davesport but I try to keep it at a level of implication so it can be passed off as platonic if someone wants it to be
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allylikethecat · 12 days
hi! im new to your blog and discovered you through your Matty/Taylor fake dating fic and I just loved it. I hope you update it soon because the fic is perfect. I'm fairly new to caring about Matty (and by extension Matty/Taylor) because TTPD made me so fascinated by how messy they seemed. TTPD got me to read fanfic about them which previously only happened with Haylor (my beloved) and Tayvis. I think Matty has joined my list of Taylor's muses that I actually am interested in.
Following from that, do you have any recommendations for the 1975 songs? I'm not sure where to start.
Also, very excited to see Fictional!George meet Fictional!Taylor.
Hello and welcome! Thank you so much for reading 😊 I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying You Know Where the City Is! Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure when or if I'm going to be updating YKWTCI again. I've been having a lot of complicated feelings about Taylor lately and am currently not a huge fan of hers anymore- more power to the people that are, and I think she's incredibly talented, she's just not really for me anymore at the moment. I'm not saying inspiration won't strike and that I won't update it again, I just don't really have any kind of time line for it at the moment.
I also feel like I need to add a disclaimer that I really, really, really dislike Kelce and have for a very, very long time. (He's a fucking glorified oversized wide receiver and should not be part of the tight end conversations because he doesn't play the position fully- you will not be changing my mind on this I have the stats to back me up. Gronk is the greatest tight end of all time because he PLAYED THE POSITION FULLY and also Kelce only has success when runs the routes that are literally referred to as GRONK ROUTES because they where created for / popularized BY GRONK) I am a sports girlie at heart, I love football, and I hate the Chiefs so much.
In terms of The 1975 songs - WOW this feels like being asked to pick my favorite child lol I'd say start with their first self titled album and then move through the discography in chronological order. That's how I did it back in the dark ages (I didn't have a choice their self titled album was their only album when I started listening to them lol) BUT in terms of my favorites at this particular moment - it's always changing:
The 1975 - The City, Robbers, Menswear, Me, You
ILIWYS - Change of Heart, The Ballad of Me and my Brain, Lostmyhead, The Sound
A Brief Inquiry - Sincerity Is Scary, Love It If We Made It, It's Not Living, Inside Your Mind
Notes on a Conditional Form (Justice for Notes) - People, Frail State of Mind, The Birthday party, Road Kill, Me & You Together Song, I Think There's Something You Should Know, Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy), Nothing Revealed / Everything Denied, Guys
Being Funny In a Foreign Language - Happiness, Part of the Band, All I Need to Hear, About You, When We Are Together
Honorable mention because they're not technically on the albums: Medicine and Milk
Thank you SO MUCH for reading and for sending this ask my way! I hope you have a chance to check out some of my other fics and that you enjoy them as well. I also apologize if this isn't the answer you're looking for, and hopefully I will eventually get back to YKWTCI. If you ever want to chat about the boys, don't hesitate to reach out, they are one of my favorite topics of discussion lol I hope you are having a lovely Tuesday and that you have a fantastic rest of your week!
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waitingonher · 5 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH — [jason grace dating headcanons]
author's note: i need 2024 to be THE year. 2023 did me soooo dirty. im praying
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dating JASON GRACE would be like dating someone from a regency era romance novel…he’s just SUCH a hopeless romantic but he would rather die than admit it.
in the initial first few weeks of dating, jason was sosososooooo shy about pda/physical touch. it’s not that he was uncomfortable, he LOVES physical touch, but he had just gone so long without it that he wasn’t used to it. but eventually, he warms up to it…and now he can’t go without having at least one part of him touching you 😭 
when it came to things like hugs, kisses, handholding, etc. jason would always wait for you to initiate it because he was so anxious about making you uncomfortable ?? fjsldfjs 
but when you communicated that he didn’t need to ask/wait for you all the time, jason started initiating things more. even still, he occasionally gets nervous to even hold your hand? like wdym you’ve been dating for over six months and you still get nervous doing simple couple things 😭 it’s very endearing though 
chivalry is NOT dead,, and it’s because of jason LMAO. he’s the type to swap shoes with you even though you’re wearing heels that are 3x too small for him, but hey, at least your feet don’t hurt anymore!
jason’s also hellbent on carrying things for you, opening doors for you, pulling out/pushing in chairs for you, etc… GOD HE’S SO CUTE. 
since dating him, you don’t think you’ve ever touched a single door or car handle when he’s with you. 
jason is NOT afraid to advocate or stand up for you, especially if you’re more on the quiet & non-confrontational side. if you’re in a group setting and someone interrupts you, he’s making sure you get your chance to say what you wanted to say. and he doesn’t do it in a way that leaves you embarrassed, he’s very very classy with it! 
if you’re a big music person, jason will literally learn your favorite artist’s entire discography so you guys have another thing to talk about. 
you guys also have a shared playlist of “your songs” and he’s so serious about it 😭 if jason hears a song that even remotely reminds him of you, he’s going to the ends of the earth to figure out what it’s called. 
rip to anyone around him if shazam doesn’t work! he’s gonna send voice messages to your big group chat humming the tune, but he’s so tone deaf that no one knows the song…and his search history is just variations of “song that goes du du ooh du ooh du du ooh” a for effort though babes…
jason’s love languages are definitely acts of service and quality time. over the years and throughout the many battles he’s fought, he’s come to realize that all he wants to do when he comes home is just spend time with his loved ones. 
after a busy day, you’ll come home to find your laundry folded, bed sheets washed & freshly made, along with a sweet little note from jason <3 
your guys’ thing are writing notes to each other. considering his and your busy schedule, you’ll write and leave tiny notes around the house for each other to find. it’s one of the many reasons why jason gets up in the morning. 
he loves coming home to you after a long day to simply melt in your arms. there’s just something so soothing about cuddling with you after a busy day. 
it does not matter where you are, you guys could literally be cleaning the camp toilets and he’d still be able to find the fun in it. you’re his home, and he’d follow you wherever you go. 
if you play sports, you already know he’s showing up to ALL your games. it doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or if it’s hours away, he’s absolutely determined to show his support. jason even makes posters with your jersey number and when you have big tournaments he’ll show up with posters of your face 😭 the refs are SO tired of jason help
i feel like if he really tried, jason would be a good cook. 
one day you sent him a recipe you saw online saying you wanted to make it with him, but then he decided to make it himself to surprise you. and it was actually so good??? 
JASON IN A “KISS THE COOK” APRON OMFG. that’s what you got him for his birthday and every single time without fail, he’ll wear it when he’s cooking. 
one of his hidden talents is that he’s super good at origami. he originally picked it up because he heard it was a good stress reliever, but now he also does it for you <3 
he loves your reaction when he gives you little paper rings or an origami version of your favorite animal! 
this guy DREAMS of domesticity. he’s always been the type to date to marry, and that’s just what he intends to do with you! even though you guys are still young, he’s been planning your proposal sfjfls
tell me why he already knows what kind of ring he wants to get you… omg. 
he really wants to just settle down with you in new rome. but honestly, he’s willing to do anything as long as you’re at his side. 
expect flowers from jason at least once a month! he even keeps one flower so he knows when it’s time to get you a new bouquet. and if he’s away, he’ll get one of his friends to deliver it! 
i have this headcanon that the aphrodite cabin teams up with the hephaestus cabin to throw a really elaborate party, essentially like prom. anyways, jason would go all out for your promposal jfdsls i feel like he would either do a super funny poster/proposal like y’know that one guy who did that medieval promposal 😭 yeah well jason would do something like that but like...more roman... LMFAO him pulling up to your place in a chariot 
or he would do something super super intricate and planned out…like a fancy picnic and then he’d have the fauns arrange fireflies to spell out “prom?” when it’s dark out. 
ugh! jason grace the man that you are… <3 best bf ever,, i can confirm btw
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adyophene · 2 months
lucifer x husk is something i never knew i needed and as a multishipper im screaming
literally. king of hell x some alcoholic furry guy
i love them i need to know how they wouldve met, fallen for each other and started dating. and how much thatd piss alastor off
Ooh I am so happy other people are enjoying this pair as much as I am! I've gotten a few asks about my headcanons for them, and I am happy to blab on and on. Fair warning. This is gunna be a long and rambling essay.
I'm gunna put it all under a readmore, just cause I want to insert the art I've done of them so far, since I've been half-heartedly trying to tell a visual story through the doodles.
Okay. On we go!
How they met;
We did see them technically meet in the show, where they shared their singular canon piece of dialogue, which was just Husk saying 'hey'. And then in the finale where we see a literal split second moment of Lucifer holding Husk's arm.
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(also seeing the sweet looks huskerdust is giving each other here just makes me feel so delulu for writing this all, but crackships are silly by definition, so lets get back to the lucihusk) For me, what I imagined, is after the Hotel is finished its rebuilding, that is when Husk and Lucifer finally actually meet in a proper manner. I think Lucifer would be trying to make a good impression on all Charlie's friends at this point, endeared to all of them from their actions during the finale. Unfortunately, I think he is also the King of Bad First Impressions.
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[Note. I think at this point Lucifer wouldn't even remember Husk's name quite yet. I think he would call him 'Keekee' ( by accident) or 'Dusk' (confidently incorrect) or just be like "Hey!.... Uh... You?" until Charlie or Vaggie finally corrected him. ]
Husk, on the other hand, I feel like maybe wouldn't gel with Lucifer right away. Wouldn't hate him, but also maybe not be enamored with him right away. Same as Lucifer, maybe he would have sweetened on him a bit through the hotel's rebuilding, but I think they'd start out at very neutral feelings. Maybe a vague sense of 'He's okay, but I don't know if we will really get along.'
Despite this, Lucifer is persistent, and he's going to be everyone's (except maybe Al, unless they start getting along by s2) buddy. He'd start hanging around the bar and participate in the redemption exercises.
Now, we know Lucifer struggles with depression, and I think he would be trying real hard to mask anything going on during this time. They defeated Adam! They rebuilt the Hotel! He believes in Charlie's dream, and he's more involved with her life and other people than he has been for years.
His only issue being Husk sees right through it, both because Husk is perceptive, but also because even the King of Hell can't help but have a lonely night or two at the bar where he ends up venting about his divorce and subsequent lingering loneliness.
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[snapcube ref aside, )I really do think Husk would start to feel more positively toward Lucifer after Luci would drop the act somewhat. That they could bond over feeling both at their lowest of lows, while also being to admit that things seem to be getting better!
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This would be about the point that I imagine Lucifer developing more romantic feelings! Husk would be a bit less prickly, and Luci would just absolutely eat up any and all positive interactions they'd have. I like to picture a lot of little shows of care at the this point, like Husk memorizing what Lucifer likes and even making up 'fun' drinks just to try and cheer the guy up. And Lucifer would fun a fun game in trying to get the grumpy cat to smile, and just, lighting up himself any time he was successful.
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And that culminating into the two of them making each other laugh, with Alastor being an easy butt of the jokes, and a good way for Husk, himself, to finally get a chance to vent. I think Lucifer would be one of the only 'safe' options for Husk to do that with, in just so far as Al can't really threaten Lucifer, and Lucifer already sees Al as a bit of a manipulative bastard.
Falling for each other; At this point, Lucifer would start being a bit more caring toward Husk, though with that wonderful, oblivious flair of his. I don't think Lucifer himself would realize he'd have a crush up until he'd start feeling protective or jealous over Husk, and it would really throw him for a loop at first.
Because fake dating is one of my all-time favorite tropes, I have always had a idea for a fanfic (or comic) that I haven't gotten around to yet, based around Lilith coming back, and Lucifer panickily asking Husk to pretend to be his boyfriend, so he can appear well adjusted/completely over her. Of course the whole thing would backfire, as Lilith would see through it (as Lucifer wouldn't be as good of an actor as he'd think), and that Husk would end up kind of feeling hurt by the whole thing.
Husk, who'd go along with the plot with an eyeroll, would find himself seizing up through the whole fake date/encounter. Would find weird, sudden emotions bubbling up and absolutely hating it.
I don't think that man would think about the class difference between him and Lucifer up until someone would say something about it, maybe Lucifer himself trying to rationalize the (at this time still fake) relationship to Lilith. Now, Husk feels uneasy about the whole thing and ends up drinking heavily the whole night so he doesn't have to think about feelings. (Blitz and Stolas who? Ahaha. fuck.) Meanwhile, while the date would be fake, I think Lucifer would really rather like having Husk on his arm and feeling like he'd have a love-life again, while also not really getting why Husk's mood would be getting worse throughout the night. I think they'd still end up on good terms, but both of them would have their feelings in a jumble, and Husk would not like it. (he thinks he's lost the ability to love, after all)
I think somewhere at this point, as they are starting to develop feelings for one another, is when Lucifer finally starts really realizing how tied to Alastor Husk is, and he starts to make it everyone's problem. I do think Al and Lucifer would stay snarky at each other this whole time, but that it'd only get worse, as Al would poke back since he'd find Lu's over reactions funny.
I also think Al would be maybe the last person to realize anything romantic would be brewing between Lucifer and Husk, and he'd just think it'd be a purely platonic thing.
Beyond just bitching about Alastor, Lucifer would really be ramping up his attention towards Husk too. Fully in that 'puppylove/crush' stage, and trying his darndest to make Husk feel good and special. Husk would be resistant to it all, thinking it would just be Lucifer rebounding hard, and not wanting to get wrapped up in Morningstar family drama when he could happily (miserably) keep his head down and just keep drinking the days away.
But then Lucifer would find out about Husk's love of stage magic, and his history as a performer, and it'd be all over for the catman. It would become Luci's new pet project to rope Husk into some joyful self-expression, and after a song and dance number's worth of convincing, Husk would start to come around. I have to post all these images now cause- I drew them with the intention of mimicking a musical number! Husk starting off as a bit resistant before jumping in whole heartedly, and Lucifer overexcitedly dragging him along throughout the music number, hyping him up and just all around being smitten.
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And this is where Husk would start really falling. Getting swept up in indulging his favorite, least destructive hobby, and having someone who absolutely loves it to bond with. Especially when it would be over. When they would just settle down and talk, and laugh, and bond over what they love about performing. The spectacle, the audience, the love of the craft. Its about the comradery!!!
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@belladonazeppole wrote a wonderful series of fanfics based off these pictures, as well as the songs from 'The Greatest Showman' that really fit the ship! I would be remiss to not mention them here, because Bella and their fics are just wonderful!
How they started dating;
Now. Don't think just cause they both caught feelings for each other, that they'd immediately admit to it. No. I think both of them would drag their heels. I don't think Husk would admit to them at all, without some outside force effecting it. I think he'd stubbornly try to ignore the crush or drink it away, rather than let his heart become vulnerable to anymore damage.
Meanwhile, Lucifer would be struggling between his feelings for Husk and Lilith. (In the actual canon, I do think they might try to rekindle things, depending on what kind of person Lilith turns out to be, but I digress.) Part of him would be so swept up in a giddy kind of excitement, while the other would be set firmly in the camp of 'this is a bad idea, this won't work out, just look at what happened to your last relationship'. It wouldn't stop him from being outwardly more and more affectionate, but it would be weighing on him.
I do think Lucifer would end up being the one who would be thinking; "What am I doing. He'd never like me back." While Husk would be just sitting there (echoing what was said in the ask- sorry I went all wild and wrote this much about the ship dear god)- "I'm just some fucking furry alcoholic, what the fuck would the king of hell see in me??? Am I delusional? What the fuck is going on??" And I feel like this stage would go on for MONTHS and drive everyone else nuts. It would be clear to everyone (except Alastor, who again, would be just this meme
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Though that wouldn't stop him from getting a little pissy about it) And then it would all come to a head during something benign, like a board game night. There would be flirting, there would be jealousy, there would be arguing, and then finally, loudly and with a lot of feeling, Lucifer would shout his way through asking Husk out on a date. A real Date. A capital 'D' date out on the town, dressed to the nines and a real good time. The board would be knocked over in the fray, game pieces raining down upon them while Husk would just stare blank faced, trying to process what just happened. An awkward half-minute would pass before he'd finally, trying to play it cool, shrug out a 'sure'.
How much it'd piss Alastor off;
In the aftermath, a radio static would just lowly grate everyone's ears as Alastor would be slowly coming to terms on how just annoying it would be to have his friend (/Unhealthy co-dependent pet friend possession??) romantically involved (ew) with the King of Hell (double ew)??? Then, either it would be something light hearted like 'he keeps trying to break them up but failing cause he hates interacting with romance' or a darker route where 'he keeps trying to manipulate them into breaking up by preying on all their worst insecurities in the relationship'.
And that, my friend, is all I have in mind so far for this delusional crackship au! There is more I could flesh out, of course, like Angel's role as a friend or potential third in the relationship, or what I imagine as Husk becoming like a stepdad to Charlie, but I've typed enough for the whole month. Hope any of that was coherent! I did not bother to edit or proof read it. Just pure stream of consciousness.
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leilakisakabiri · 11 months
Loved the promises we keep ❤️, could I request for Gavi, where his obsessed with the reader (in a good way) and is very overprotective with her and their friends tease him about it ?
Match Day (Gavi)
Summary: You’ve never gone to any of Gavi’s games despite being his girlfriend. The day you finally decide to go things go far from planned.
Warning(s): This is important so please read. This post has some content related to death and kidnappings involving small children. If that is a sensitive topic for you at all, please do not read further.
A/N: Guys I can never write requests the correct way. I know what this request is supposed to be, but when I start writing I just start coming up with ideas and then the end result is always a little different than I intended. So anon, I know I made it probably a lot different than you expected but I hope you still like it, and thanks for the support! Please send requests guys I have no idea what to write about.
Word Count: 4.1k+
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You bit your lip anxiously, brows furrowed, as you read the comments on Gavi’s latest Instagram post. The two of you had been dating for nearly a year now, making your relationship public about three months ago. Since then you had been plagued with comments every day, people feeling the need to criticize everything you did, whether it was the way you posed in a photo, what you wore, or even how much you posted Gavi on your account. Nothing you did seemed to stop the backlash. 
Now, however, the comments had shifted, you were no longer being bombarded daily about mundane things, instead, the comment section of Gavi’s post had been flooded with apologies and I feel so bad for hims. 
Someone pointed out a few days ago that you had never attended a single one of Gavi’s games. Since then, people had gone crazy speculating if the two of you were still together, and if so, then why you weren’t supporting him like any normal girlfriend would do. 
The comments only worsened with Gavi’s latest Instagram post which he shared after winning the UEFA semifinal against Italy. He thanked all his team members, the coaching staff, his family, and you for helping him to achieve his dreams and pushing him to be the best. 
His fans had not taken kindly to that. His entire comment section was filled with people urging him that he could do better or chastising you for not supporting him. 
You felt a pang of guilt as you continued looking through the comments. It’s not that you didn’t want to support him, or that you felt like you were above him in any way. In fact, you were always the first one to tell him how proud you were of him, always in awe of his abilities. You made sure to watch every single game, texting him whenever something especially exciting happened on the pitch to share your thoughts, whether it be something as small as a “the ref is wack” or a “you’re so insane I can’t believe you made that goal, my brain can’t process how you did that so effortlessly.”
Gavi knew that you would support him in anything, and he always made sure to remind you that even though you weren’t there it still meant so much to him that you would take the time out of your day to cheer him on. In the end, you supposed that’s all that really mattered, however, you just couldn’t shake the feeling that you were in the wrong. 
Although he always told you it didn’t matter to him, you knew it was a lie. You had seen how excited he was when you guys first started dating and he had asked you to wear his jersey to his game. You had also seen the disappointed look on his face when you gently declined, explaining to him why you wouldn’t be able to come. 
He understood, and never asked again, but in the back of your mind you knew he wished you were there supporting him like everyone else’s partners did. 
Your anxiety was something you never shared a lot with anyone. None of your friends knew it played such a big part in your life, assuming if you canceled plans, it was because you just didn’t feel like going. And you played into it, becoming branded as the flake in the friend group because you would always back out of plans once a location was set. 
One time you had agreed to go to the beach with your friends, everyone excited for a day of barbecuing and swimming in the salty ocean. That plan had quickly been canceled, however, once it had started downpouring and after much back and forth everyone had decided to play tourist for the day and go visit the Sagrada Familia. After seeing that text, you immediately dropped out of the plans, informing everyone that you had gotten food poisoning even though an hour earlier you were packed and ready for the beach. 
The truth was that you suffered from severe panic attacks, usually triggered by large crowds. 
Growing up your parents had both been in law enforcement, with your mother being a well-established Defense Attorney and your father being a credited Private Investigator. 
They often told stories from their jobs at home, much to your brother’s entertainment, certain cases they were working on that had just closed, or new leads that were quick to transform into cold cases. 
There had been one case however that had stuck with you, haunting you for years, causing you to always make sure that your windows were closed, and your door was locked like a mantra every night before bed. 
The missing person's case involved a young nine-year-old girl, the same age as you were when you had first heard it, who had been spending a beautiful summer day visiting the local fair with her family. She had been prancing around, going from vendor to vendor, seeing what prizes they had. It had only taken a second for someone to lay their eyes on her and attack, grabbing her forcefully before turning and disappearing into the crowd. No one could do anything, everyone searched, but there were too many families, too many young girls that matched her description. It was useless. 
“Poor girl and to think she was taken just because she wanted to get a better look at the pink stuffed bear. I hope the family at least gets closure.” Your mother said, shaking her head sadly. 
Your brother piped up beside you, “Won’t they find her though?”
She gave him a sad smile, “It’s very unlikely hijo, she went missing on Wednesday. Usually, if they’re gone for longer than 24 hours the chances of them coming back are very slim.” 
Your breath had stopped after she uttered those words. Even at nine, the realization had kicked in – you had been at the fair that same day, blissfully licking a popsicle and chatting with your friend, naïve and unaware that probably a hundred feet away from you a young girl was being ripped away from her parents, never to be seen alive again. 
You hadn’t even heard her screams or pleas for help, and you had been right there. 
The thought made you feel sick to your stomach, bile rising in your throat. If it was that easy to kidnap someone and take them away even when they were surrounded by people that knew them, then what was stopping something like that from happening again? Who’s to say you wouldn’t be next? 
Since that day your demeanor had shifted drastically, no longer were you the same bubbly, outgoing kid, who would never shut up and always dragged her parents to new places. You had shrunk into yourself, biting your nails anxiously, eyes darting to look for nearby exits in every new location. 
Your parents had taken notice of your sudden personality shift and tried to help the best they could, never bringing up cases again, even going out of their way to avoid places packed with people because they knew how easily it scared you, but the damage had already been done. 
That fear, as silly as it may seem, carried into your teen years, swelling into full-blown panic attacks that were triggered by large crowds or noisy places.
The first person you had shared your condition with, aside from your family, had been Gavi. 
Your friends relentlessly teased Gavi saying that he was making you even more scarce than you used to be in group hangouts, declaring that he wanted you all to himself. Gavi took all the teasing with a smile and a shoulder shrug, never denying or admitting anything, and you knew he only did it because he loved you. 
It couldn’t have been easy for him to miss hanging out with his friends, whom he rarely got to see in the first place due to his busy schedule, simply to stay back with you so you wouldn’t have to be alone, but he did it every time anyways. If you didn’t go, he didn’t go, simple as that. 
You squeezed your eyes shut; you knew you owed it to him. 
He was always bending backwards, willing to accommodate any of your silly requests just because it made you feel safer. You knew it was time to step out of the box you had locked yourself in for way too long. 
You glanced at the time, you had about thirty minutes until kick-off. You knew you would be late, but if you left within the next fifteen minutes you were confident you could make it before halftime. 
You hyped yourself up. You were going to do this. No going back now. 
You went to turn off the TV that had been droning on in the background, fingers hovering over the power button when an ad caught your eye. 
It was an old speech from Martin Luther King, “Courage is the power of the mind to overcome fear.” He spoke before the screen cut to a page urging individuals to join the troops. 
You let out a loud laugh, not believing what you were seeing, who knew an ad for the national army would get you so emotional? You weren’t someone who was super into manifestation but even you couldn’t deny this felt like a sign.  
Wait a minute why was an ad for the US army playing in Spain?
You decided not to think too hard about it, instead focusing on getting ready. You dug out the jersey Gavi had given you all those months ago and put it on. You rushed to get all your things about to head out of your apartment when you realized one crucial item was missing. 
You didn’t have tickets. 
You let out a groan, trying to think of what to do. You wanted to surprise Gavi so you obviously couldn’t tell him, and it was so close to kick-off that tickets were no longer being sold. 
You fell back onto your couch in defeat. Now what? 
Suddenly you shot up, hands searching for your phone, you sent a quick text to Anna, one of Gavi’s teammate's wife’s asking her if she would be able to help you.
She responded right away telling you to come to the stadium and that she would meet you at the ticketing line. 
Bless her heart. 
You thanked her over and over again as you rushed to the stadium, adrenaline pumping. 
You were in awe once you got off the train, Camp Nou was the biggest thing you had ever seen in your life. It was massive, expanding probably over a hundred feet in the air. You giggled seeing Gavi’s face blown up on one of the billboards. 
You reached the ticketing line, thanking whatever higher power was looking out for you that it was empty. 
“Hi sir, I’m here to meet a friend. She said she’s on her way down.” You informed security once you reached the gate entrance. 
“Ticket?” He asked not even sparing you a glance. 
“Oh sorry – uhm my friend has my ticket, and she’s inside.” 
He finally looked at you, “No ticket. No entry. Now leave.” 
“I understand that, but if you could just give me a minute I’m going to call-“ 
“I’ll tell you one more time, if you don’t have a ticket, you’re not getting in. Leave.” 
You huffed, backing away, pointing at your phone, “I’m just gonna call her, okay?” 
He glared at you, and you gave him an awkward smile, unsure what to do. You went to dial Anna’s number when you heard someone yelling your name. You looked up, seeing Anna waving crazily as she approached the security guard. 
“Let her in, she’s with me.” 
You quickly walked over to them, waving back at her. 
“She doesn’t have a ticket.” The guard replied in a bored tone. 
“That’s fine! She doesn’t need a ticket to go to the box, she’s with me.” Anna argued. 
The guard pointed at your neck, “She doesn’t have a family pass. I can’t let her in.” 
Anna huffed, “Well I do! And I’m saying she fine, she’s one of the player's girlfriends.” She held up her badge showing her VIP status. 
The guard only continued to glare at her, “If she was really a player’s girlfriend, she would have already had a pass. I’m not letting her in.” 
You groaned, annoyed at yourself for not coming sooner. You knew that no one at the stadium aside from the players probably knew who you were, you just hadn’t realized how many problems it would create once you did come. 
“Don’t make me get Antonio.” Anna threatened. 
Finally, the guard seemed to break, his eyes turning wide, “You wouldn’t.” 
She nodded her head slowly, “I totally would.” 
He gave you one more spiteful glare before he stepped aside allowing you to pass. You thanked him quickly, only getting a grunt in response before you greeted Anna. 
“Thank you so much for coming to get me.” You said, hugging her. 
She laughed as she guided you through the stadium, “No worries. I thought Marco might be the one guarding tonight, he takes his job too seriously.” 
You smiled, “Yeah he seemed a little tough.” 
She rolled her eyes, beginning to walk up the steps to the family section, “That’s an understatement. He’s been working here for like ever. Since before Robert even moved here. I remember the first couple of times I came to see a game and he was always interrogating me, even after I showed him my badge! I think he’s just mad, he never got a promotion.” She exclaimed. 
She led you to the seats, introducing you to all the other girls. 
“So, what made you finally decide to come?” She asked once the both of you were settled. 
You looked around the stadium, seeing that the game was nearly through the first half, with only 15 minutes remaining. 
“Change of heart I guess.” You answered vaguely, not wanting to dive too deep into it. 
She nodded her head, “Well anyways I’m sure Gavi will be so excited when he sees you.” 
You chuckled next to her, unsure if that was the reaction he would have. 
Ever since you had opened up to Gavi about your anxiety he had been a huge support system for you, always pulling you aside to make sure you were comfortable with a situation, and he tried to avoid putting you in situations where he felt your anxiety would spike, meaning that he had banned you from all his games and practices. 
You knew he would probably be shocked to see you in the stands, but you hoped he wouldn’t be so worried that he would slip up in the game. 
While he had maintained that football would always be his number one priority everyone could see a shift in his demeanor since he met you. No longer was he staying hours after practice, trying to achieve the perfect curveball, instead he was putting his all during practices then driving to your apartment, annoying you while you did your homework, and passing out on the couch with you in his arms, a random movie playing in the background. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the halftime whistle. You saw Robert look up at the stands, presumably searching for Anna, before he made eye contact with you, eyebrows lifting in surprise. 
He waved and walked over to Gavi pointing at the section you were in. 
The midfielder raised his head at his teammates’ shouts, looking up at the stands with a confused expression. 
His family already said they couldn’t come today. 
His eyebrows only furrowed further when he couldn’t pinpoint a difference. Everyone was the same. 
His heart stopped, and he instinctively put his hands over his eyes, blocking out the lights, to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. 
He felt his heart rate increase rapidly and his eyes widened, because there you were, sitting pretty in his jersey, a shy smile on your face as you waved down at him. 
He continued to stare at you, not believing what he was seeing. He felt anxious for you, just thinking about you sitting there surrounded by thousands of people. He quickly broke eye contact rushing into the tunnel. 
You sat back in your seat confused at his actions. Was he not happy to see you? Why did he leave so abruptly? 
You got your answer a moment later when your phone started beeping repeatedly indicating the flood of text messages you were receiving. 
You opened it seeing them all being from Gavi, asking what you were doing here, if you were okay, if you felt safe. 
You smiled at how gentle he was with you, going to respond. You were in the middle of reading a text when he sent another message causing you to lose your place. 
You groaned, secretly finding it adorable how stressed he was for you. You sent him a message letting him know that you were okay, but it took five minutes of back and forth for you to convince him that you weren’t going to have a panic attack in the next twenty seconds. 
In all honesty, you felt fine. Yes, every now and then the thought that you were surrounded by so many people would pop into your head, but it was starting to get easier to ignore, you just had to remind yourself that you were next to people who knew you. Plus, the game itself was an easy distraction, and after the second half started you found yourself getting into the game, yelling at the ref whenever they made a poor decision, and cheering on Barcelona as they made their way up the field.
“Oh fuck off, that should have been a freekick!’ You shouted after Pedri had been slide tackled aggressively, resulting in the boy landing rather awkwardly on his ankle. 
Anna was quick to agree next to you, “C’mon, he didn’t even touch the ball. Don’t be a loser!” 
You giggled at her words, enjoying how she always said whatever came to her mind. She grinned at you shrugging her shoulders as if to say she did nothing wrong. 
You continued watching the game, leaning against the railing as you both chatted about your lives, interrupting each other every couple of minutes to shout something about the game. 
Before you knew it the game was over, Barcelona sealing the win with a goal in the 87th minute, securing their 2-0 lead, scored by none other than Gavi himself. 
You screamed, jumping around as he celebrated, running over to your section with the biggest smile on his face, kissing the crest on his jersey before he pointed up at you, mouthing the nickname he always called you. 
You grinned back at him sending him down a heart which he immediately reciprocated before being tackled by his teammates. 
Once the other team had left the field the celebrations started. All the players started to walk towards the fan section, taking off their jerseys and handing them to fans. 
Anna had pulled you down the stairs with her, letting you know it was time to go see the guys. 
You were ecstatic taking in the buzzing atmosphere around you, cheers of joy filled the air, and the stadium was filled with red and blue confetti. 
Had this been what you had been missing out on the whole time? 
You were so focused on making sure not to lose Anna in front of you that you hadn’t noticed the flock of people behind you, all rushing down the steps hoping to get to the players in time to get a photo or autograph. 
You were about halfway down when you were suddenly shoved from behind causing you to lose your balance. You knew what was going to happen the second your feet left the ground, you shut your eyes, hands reaching out to stop your fall, but it was useless. 
You landed on the ground with a hard thud, body slamming into the concrete steps, head hitting the railing on your way down. 
Everything felt like it was moving in fast motion, all the bodies around you moved at a sickening pace, blurring together as you lay motionless on the ground, vision hazy as you tried desperately to calm the pounding of your heart. 
You pushed yourself into action as soon as you regained some consciousness. You pushed past the legs rushing past you and pulled yourself to the side, where empty seats greeted you. You made a move to sit up but let out an audible gasp, hands going to clutch your left rib, your brain short-circuiting from the throbbing pain. You bit your lip, pleading with yourself to not over hyperventilate and make a scene. 
Gavi, who had been watching you intently, eyes never leaving your figure as you made your way to him, was quick to respond to the situation. 
As soon as he realized you went down, he was running, jumping over the barricade as he shoved past the people trying to grab onto him, thrusting jerseys and papers in his face for him to sign.  
He felt his body pulse with anger, jaw locked, as he ran up the steps. He could faintly hear security yelling at him to come down, but he paid them no mind, only focused on getting to you. 
He kept replaying the moment he saw you fall again and again in his head and each time he thought about it he only grew more livid. How dare someone shove you like that? 
He finally reached you, shouting at people to move out of the way as he shoved through the crowd. 
His eyes were wild and frantic as he grabbed you, helping you to a sitting position. You could see how quickly his chest was rising and falling and you wanted to tell him to breathe but the words failed to come out. 
His hands gently touched your rib, applying pressure to help soothe the pain, “Are you okay baby? I’m so sorry.” 
He looked so scared, and you all wanted to do was reach out and remove the lines of stress you could see forming on his forehead. 
“I’m sorry are you-” The man who pushed you spoke up, realizing what had happened. 
Gavi was quick to cut him off, eyes blazing as he spun around to face the man, “How fucking dare you.” 
The guy held his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t see her!”
Gavi only grew more frustrated, taking a menacing step closer to him, teeth clenched, but you grabbed his hand, shaking your head, your voice weak, “It was an accident. Please don’t.” 
Gavi’s expression softened once he looked at you, watching you clutch your side in pain as you pleaded with him. He sighed, giving the man one last glare before he backed off coming to your aid. 
He pushed your hair out of your face, tilting your face, searching for any bruises. 
He sighed in relief when he didn’t see anything. He went to remove his hand and you felt his breath hitch. 
You looked up at him only to see him already staring at you with a beyond worried expression, face distraught, “Shit Y/n you’re bleeding from your head.” He spoke, showing you the blood coating his hand. 
You felt yourself let out a breathy laugh, “Well at least I didn’t get kidnapped.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you, not appreciating the joke, “I’m serious Y/n. This is bad.” 
You reached out to grab his hand in your own, “I’m going to be fine. See the medics are already here.” You said, moving your gaze to the medical staff who was climbing the bleachers rapidly, eyes fixed on you. 
You felt him squeeze your hand as the medics surrounded the two of you, “You’re never coming to another game again.” He warned. 
You smiled at him, squeezing back, “Think I might have to break that rule."
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usuibu · 9 months
Bf!eren headcanons.2
More headcanons/masterlist
- he doesn’t know how to take care of his hair well enough so u have to teach him a few things bc hes lowk clueless
- he’s easily mesmerised by hair masks or any slightly non ordinary beauty products LMAO
- he get weirdly excited to blow dry ur hair for u when its wet just because🤷‍♀️
- this thought is also copied by one of the headcanons from @jaegersdevil but he would defo take big fat ass bites out of ur food when u let him try some 😭
- when hes sick hes in denial for some reason and walks around pretending he’s fine until hes on the verge of dying and someone has to force him to let someone else take care of him
- contrary to popular belief he is not super big on pda he’s more playful than affectionate with pda but when drunk hes extra pda affectionately lol
- he doesn’t like letting u take public transport (tbaw ref LMAO💀) he feels proud of himself or wtv when he picks u up from places/drops u off
- he has a good work ethic idk what people generally think but i think he’d do good academically with armins help😭 and so u guys would obv study together
- u would initiate study sessions together but he wouldnt want to focus and would try talk u out of studying so u guys could do smt more exciting😭 he can study and is smart but would rather do better things if he’s spending time with you
- he 100% would make dates every once in a while that are out of the ordinary and fun
- he doesn’t necessarily plan dates theyre more spontaneous like if u guys are just on a walk and he sees a cool place he’ll get u to go with him
- u guys essentially live together,, not rly but ur place is his and his place is urs lol like ur both at each others a lot like despite the nice dates, most of ur time together is domestic
- he has his own music taste (diff to urs) but he doesn’t listen to music as often as u so he lets u take over speakers/aux etc so he always has songs that aren’t his music taste stuck in his head
- he is good at keeping gifts/surprises a secret verbally but lowk makes it too obvious 😭 like he’ll ft u in a store and show u options asking ur opinions on stuff but say its for armin or smt
- he’s just very bad with excuses/calculations like that LMAO
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
previous: twelve
next: fourteen
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liked by lhughes_06, dougieham, and 127,337 others
y/ndevils00 fair warning ‼️ if you found tuesdays post sappy, you won’t wanna see tonight’s! okay! happy scrolling!
i wanna start tonight’s postgame by saying that i cannot express how proud i am of this team! my boys, my closest friends. you ended the regular season tonight by breaking the franchise record tonight for most wins in a single season! 52 wins, baby! and breaking the record for best single season turnaround in the NHL since the league switched to the 82 game schedule with a +49 point difference! you guys are the most talented, most hardworking, and most dedicated team of people that i’ve had the privilege of meeting.
we ended this game with an overtime win, 5-4! it may have been a hard start, but you turned it around in the 3rd!
we got TWO goals by uncle u-haula tonight! a tip-in by sheriff woody! and a goal by dj dougie-h! so proud of you guys!
lukey got his very first NHL point tonight with an assist on erik’s first goal of the night and i can confirm that i shed a few tears. my pretty baby also made his 98th point tonight with an assist on haulaback girl’s second goal of the night!
however, most importantly, lukey, my smush, got his very first NHL goal tonight with the game winning goal! which was the catalyst that got us that franchise record breaking 52nd win. AND he did it with an assist from his big brother, my bubs, jacky! making lil jizzy end this season with NINETY-NINE points!
i am so proud of you, smush! you played SO well tonight and i can’t wait to see you continue to take ass and kick names! i’m so proud to be your figurative (and hopefully eventually real) big sister <3
it’s been a hell of a season! let’s go to the playoffs, boys!
tagged ehaula, miles.wood44, dougieham, lhughes_06 and jackhughes
lhughes_06 thank you squishy ❤️ if i have anything to do with it, you’ll be my sister sooner rather than later
y/ndevils00 oh don’t make me cry again, i’ll get a headache!
y/ndevils00 i’m gonna cuddle you till death!
lhughes_06 i think i’d be okay with that
jackhughes i wouldn’t
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes this isn’t about you though, is it?
jackhughes i’m so insanely proud of you little bro! can’t wait to kill it with you for many years to come!
lhughes_06 thank you jacky! it’s a dream come true to play with you!
jackhughes you wanna hear something babe?
y/ndevils00 oh god what?
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 can i tell her?
lhughes_06 go for it
jackhughes so, you know luke is giving his first goal puck to our dad. but luke asked the refs if he could keep the puck he made his first assist with, so he can give it to you
y/ndevils00 what? you’re not fucking with me are you? because jack i stg if this is a joke to you, then i’m gonna start dating trevor
jackhughes not a joke, baby
trevorzegras why was i brought into this? and jack, you’re not even concerned that she threatened that? i think your girl wants me 🤪
jackhughes @/trevorzegras oh please, you guys would rip each other’s heads off within the first 10 minutes of dating
john.marino97 back to no feature on the post but i’ll accept this one for luke
y/ndevils00 yeah, yeah. ya know i said plenty of nice things about the team! it’s not all about the pictures!
y/ndevils00 besides, you didn’t even play in this game
john.marino97 still would’ve been nice to be included >:( but thank you best friend number 3, i love you
y/ndevils00 okay let’s not get carried away here!
john.marino97 you’re insufferable
y/ndevils00 i love you too, bff number 2
john.marino97 📸
y/ndevils00 damnit!
dawson1417 thank you bff 3! love you! let’s take on the playoffs!
y/ndevils00 i love you too, bff number 1! you’re gonna smash it!
john.marino97 @/y/ndevils00 why does his “i love you” come easy?!
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 i like to keep you on your toes 🤭
nicohischier thank you y/n/n! so glad to have you as our media manager!
y/ndevils00 awww 🫶 you still have to do the postgame interview
nicohischier fuck
jackhughes thank you sweet girl ❤️ so insanely lucky to have you in charge of our media. without you, i don’t know where i would be these past few years. thank you for being my best friend and my girlfriend (and yes, eventually my wife, i hope)
y/ndevils00 aww lil rizzy! YOU don’t have to do a postgame interview <3
jackhughes YES! suck it, hischier! @/nicohischier
y/ndevils00 i can still change my mind. don’t push your luck baby
jackhughes sorry babe, love you!
dougieham thanks y/n! it’s been an honor to work alongside you these past 2 seasons!
y/ndevils00 so glad i was given the opportunity to get you acclimated when you joined! love ya, doug!
jesperbratt thank you y/n! 😄 i’ve had lots of fun working with you!
y/ndevils00 please let me be your personal bodyguard. nobody will ever see me coming on the ice until i cross-check them for even looking at you the wrong way.
jesperbratt that’s nice! 🤍
_quinnhughes fun fact: y/n facetimed me crying after the game because “her smush won the game”. so proud of you lukey! you’re doing amazing man! keep up the great work!
y/ndevils00 that was supposed to stay between us, quinny! hope you have a good game though, fishy!
_quinnhughes thanks, sis!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes HE CALLED ME SIS! DID YOU SEE THAT? DID YOU SEE THAT?!
jackhughes i did, love! i see it! so happy for you!
lhughes_06 thanks bro! love ya!
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queen-mabs-revenge · 10 months
Why Peter Parker Was Not 15 When He Was Bit: A Treatise
This was originally a twitter thread but in an effort to save the one thing I actually care about having posted there from whatever the fuck is going on, here we go!
While early on there aren't any outright 100% indisputable references to Peter's age (i.e. himself or Aunt May just saying it outright on the page), from the very beginning of publishing, there have been enough references that give a firm grounding to Peter being a senior in high school throughout the first 28 issues of Amazing Spider-Man.
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ASM 8 (Jan 1964)
Right off the bat in Amazing Spider-Man 8 (a tribute to teenagers xoxo you will always be famous) we get our first definitive mention that Peter and his classmates are in their senior year of high-school at the very least from this point on in the narrative.
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ASM 14 (Jul 1964); ASM Annual 1 (Oct 1964)
Peter himself states this 6 issues later trying to wheedle Aunt May into letting him go to Hollywood on assignment from JJJ to cover Spider-Man's cinematic debut in a film role offered to him by the Green Goblin (in his first comic appearance. When I say I love the Silver Age.) ASM Annual 1 confirms that the gang is in their senior year yet again.
This is already stupid long so the rest goes behind the cut!
This isn't something that's just dropped in the Silver Age and then forgotten. 26 years after those first mentions, Web of Spider-Man Annual 4 makes a call back to Amazing Spider-Man 3 and places that moment in Peter's senior year of high-school:
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Left: WOS Annual 4 (Oct 1988); Right: ASM 3 (Jul 1963)
While on tour to promote the Bugle-produced book of his Spider-Man photography, WEBS, Peter states on a TV interview that a photo of his first encounter with Doc Ock was taken while he was a senior in high school.
"But Mabs," I hear you say, "so what if he's in his senior year in ASM! Even if that's true, that doesn't mean he was in his senior year in Amazing Fantasy 15, and that still doesn't establish an age! He's a super mega genius so like....he probably skipped grades, prodigy that he is! And there was a time gap btw AF15 and ASM1, right?"
Alright let's go through this. As mentioned earlier, yeah, references to Pete's age are very few and far between and are a bit wobbly but let's put them together. The first age ref we get is in ASM 16:
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ASM 16 (Sep 1964)
Here our favorite public defender is "rescued" from a mugging by the webslinger. After Peter fucks off, Matt gives us the above rundown of Spidey's characteristics: about 17, 5'10" and in excellent health. So "about 17" which, granted, doesn't have to mean exactly 17 but since we've established that at this point Peter is def in senior year, based on NYS age matriculation dates, Matt's probably spot on.
New York State matriculates students based on the age they are on December 1st of a school year. A 1976 edition of school regulations lays out the process: "[a] child who attains the age of 5 by December 1 of the current school year must be admitted to the kindergarten if a district operates such a program". So this means that within the same kindergarten class, kids born from the beginning of the school year to November 30th would be turning 5, while kids born from December 1 through the end of the school year would turn 6 during the school year, and kids born over the summer would also turn 6 but wouldn't celebrate during the school year.
Following that, Sept through Nov babies would be 16-going-on-17 in the beginning of their senior year, Dec - June would be 17-going-on-18 during senior year, June - Aug would turn 18 after graduation.
Peter being 17 or 18 during the high-school run of ASM just makes sense and there's nothing in the writing up until this point to push against that! In fact, when you first start seeing the de-aging of Peter creep in, AF15 literally had to be changed to make a younger age fit!
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AF 15 (Aug 1962)
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ASM Annual 23 (Sep 1989)
The very first time we see 15 floated as an age when Peter becomes Spider-Man is in the Amazing Spider-Man annual 23 of 1989. The annual is trying to present itself as Peter scientifically studying his own origin story, so the direct parallels to AF15 make it really clear when it's retconning the original to make sense with the younger age.
The panel where ASMAnn23 states Peter is 15 is otherwise a near word-for-word quote of AF15. Then later, the cognate panel of Peter in science class changes AF15's "you're sure to rate a scholarship when you graduate" to "in a couple of years when you graduate, you're sure to rate a scholarship." (Gerry Conway back at it again). This is the first time there's ever a hint at his story not being centered around his senior year, and that was made explicit in this issue by changing the original dialogue in order to justify stating he was a 15 year old in this recollection of AF15!
This is also an argument against the 'skipped grades' premise. Conway could have easily just left the text of AF15 as it was which would hint that Peter was obviously very young for being a senior in high school, but instead he tried to push AF15 back in time to fit a usual high-school timeline for a 15 year old (who would be at the earliest a December baby in their freshman year and the latest a Sept-Nov baby in sophomore year, and would be 'a couple of years' away from graduating).
Plus, fr if you're gonna argue that he skipped grades, it's on you to prove that. There are literally zero references to that throughout 616 continuity so like, why tf should it be taken as given? Please.
Anyway. And so are sown the seeds for torturing the already stretched timeline to make Peter an uwu baby infant. They didn't take right away. References to age go away after this and only resurface in 1994 (as far as I could see), where we see him aged back up:
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ASM 395 (Nov 1994)
'I can't believe I was only sixteen when that spider bit me' actually makes sense with all of ASM being established as fully in Peter's senior year, Matt gauging him at 'about 17' in ASM 14, the age matriculation cut off for NYS schools, and the timeframe established between AF15 and ASM Annual 1 from 1964:
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ASM Annual 1 (Oct 1964)
ASM Annual 1 (which I mentioned earlier as yet another point establishing Peter as being in his senior year) also has this little timestamp. Peter is watching Aunt May mourn for Uncle Ben and mentions that Ben's death was 'months ago'. Granted, that's in no way specific but I feel like it establishes at least a rough timeframe for the intended time gap between AF15 and ASM -- and it's not years.
And to be honest, there's really only one space in the narrative that allows for a time gap at all (Stan is really attached to his 'a few minutes later!' 'later that day!' pacing let me tell you!)
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AF 15 (Aug 1962) page 9, panel 1
While the narration box says 'In the days that follow' it seems like we can take that colloquially considering the stream of newspaper headlines. For all of that to take place, I feel like it's not a massive stretch to allow this panel at the very least a month or so, which gives a bit of breathing room between when Peter lets the burglar run away and when Uncle Ben is murdered. (Which if you think about it a delayed dropping of the other shoe actually makes it worse! So how about that!). But between this and ASMAnn1, I don't think you can argue for years taking place in this gap which would have to be the case for a 15-year-old bite timeframe.
So if Peter's bit his senior year, for him to be 16 when he's bit he has to be born between the beginning of the school year and November 30th (because school has to be in session when he's bit). Which fits with the official New York City 2012 declaration of his birthday being October 14:
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If he's 16 when bit in his junior year (again, school has to be in sesh), you've got to decide when from December of his junior year to the end of the school year makes sense for him to be bit with the rest of the time markers and how long you're gonna give to the time skip in AF15 for it all to qualify as just 'months' up to ASMAnn1. Which definitely can be done, especially if you AF15 pages 1-8 near the end of his jr year, put the time skip over the summer between junior and senior year, and rest of pages 9-11 in his senior year. In some ways this option makes a bit more sense, to be honest!
The way I personally like to square it is to go with all of AF15 and ASM1-28 happening in Peter's senior year (which he reaches without skipping grades) interpreting the 'when you graduate' in the AF15 panel referring to the same school year. If he's 16, the bite happens sometime before his birthday which has to be before Nov. 30th and, sure, why not Oct 14 -- it fits. A month or so passes between when he gets bit and starts his show-biz stint, and when Ben gets murdered. That means the last 3 pages of AF15 (bar the first panel on pg 9) to ASM28 spans from some time in December of his senior year to the end of the school year.
(If you don't care if he was 16 or 17 when he was bit, AF15 - ASM28 can take place any time from the second half-ish of his junior year to the end of his senior year, you can decide how many 'months' the time skip is in AF15, pick his birthday out of a hat, and Matt's "about 17" could mean 18, too. Have a ball.)
But in any case whichever way you choose to spin it, this shit is dumb and wrong:
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Civil War 2 (Aug 2006)
and especially deserves to be memory holed for the ridiculous de-aging of Peter Parker that has subsequently been pushed into popular memory and continues throughout current Marvel 'brand synergy'. Sad and bad!
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kidstemplatte · 8 months
I recently came out to my parents as a trans man and long story short it didn't go well and my Dad still won't talk to me.
I know this isn't what you normally do, but could you write a story about Terzo comforting the reader after a bad coming out in a fatherly (platonic/non sexual of course) way? If not that's chill too
(platonic) terzo/ ftm reader
of course, anon🤍 there’s a message for you and anyone else who wants to hear it at the end of this.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
-when terzo knocks on your door and hears a weary “one second”, the brightness absent in your voice, he immediately knows something is wrong.
-after wiping your tears, you walk to the door and open it.
-what’s wrong?” he asks when he sees your eyes are puffy and red.
-“i… i came out to my parents and it didn’t go well.”
-his heart sinks at what you just told him.
-“and now my dad won’t talk to me.” you sniffle.
-he’s upset, not just upset, angry. he’s confused, how someone could treat their own child, one as treasured as you, with such bigotry.
-“oh no, mio caro… come here.” he says, pulling you in for a hug. “mi dispiace. i’m so sorry.” he whispers as he holds you tightly.
-“it will be okay, piccolo. your papa is always on your side. not only me. the entire clergy is on your side. beyond that, anyone with morals and love in their heart.”
-he wipes the tears from your eyes and gently tilts your head up to meet his gaze.
-“hear what i am saying. you are a smart, caring, talented, and very special young man. your future is molto luminoso. so bright. keep your head up.”
-you nod.
-“anyone would be lucky to have you as their son. getting to see your smile every day, your handsome face.”
-you can’t help but smile at his kind words.
-“there we go. molto meglio.” he says once he sees the smile he loves so much, ruffling your hair as you laugh.
-“thank you, papa. i don’t deserve you.”
-“your papa is always here for you. that is why i am here, it is my job. not just in the church, but as someone who cares. i want to help you. you help me all the time, it is the least i can do.”
-“thank you papa.”
-“of course.”
-terzo is always there when you need to talk, whether it’s about your situation or something lighthearted.
- after a conversation with your family gone wrong, he is always willing to listen, lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.
-he’s also generally so sweet to you regarding your transition in general. if you try out something new with your clothing or appearance, he’s always the first to compliment you. he’s so funny about it too.
-maybe you cut your hair, or simply style it different way. he stops you when he runs into you.
-“ay, look at you!”
-before you can say anything else, he’s spinning you around to get a 360 of your hair.
-“very very nice.”
-or when you wear a new outfit, maybe a new suit, something a little more formal.
-“i could use some fashion advice from you. i am old, not up to the trends.”
-if you guys are similar sizes, he will let you wear his clothes 🥺🥺🥺
-“this one is old… maybe not up to date- but… i guess vintage is cool, no?” he says, holding up a dark purple suit.
-“i love it. and vintage is cool.”
-“you can keep it, then.”
-he tells you stories of what happened in the particular outfit he’s showing you. it’s nearly always something outlandish and hilarious.
-“please, be smarter than your papa. but have fun.”
-terzo has the sweetest most accepting heart. i firmly believe this. not just for the sake of fanfiction but genuinely.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
anon 🧭🤍
this is another request i can’t ignore or stall on.
i am so sorry you had that experience. i myself am not trans but i know these things are so difficult. i’m so sorry your dad isn’t talking to you. i wish i could reach through the screen and give you a hug.
i watched this exact thing happen with my trans brother a few years ago. my dad is incredibly conservative and transphobic. it put a huge strain on his relationship with my brother after he came out. he refused to call my brother by his name and pronouns.
my dad still doesn’t support the transgender community. but he does support his son now. after a long time, my dad finally came around. he’s not a perfect person, has a long way to go, but he came around.
i guess what i’m trying to say by sharing that is that this isn’t the end.
but whatever you choose, to remain in contact or not, i want you to know that you are in control. this is your future and your identity, and you deserve to feel secure in who you are and who you are surrounded by.
you are so valid and real and i love you.
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cemetaryvampire · 3 months
Hey my names vin (I also go by Dante, olivyn, and a few others) and sometimes I do stuff here
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Basic info about me:
-Autistic, P-DID, hypersexuality, and anxiety
-currently trying to learn both Italian and Russian. Not very good at either, so pls just speak to me in English ^^
-He/Vike/Ge/Purr preferred. They/them and it/its are fine as well but she/her and fem terms make me uncomfortable
-I love writing, drawing, music, plushies, media, and a bunch of other stuff
-incredibly immature I will make penis 420 69 joke every now and then
-therian and furry
-my special interests are inanimate insanity, cooking/baking, bunnies, birds, CDs, warrior cats, and ny music taste
-I love bunnies so so so so much
-platonically dating @w33zerbluealbum
-romantically dating @chainsawluvv
-bluestar’s number one fan
-my DMs are always open
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important information:
Here is my pronouns page! Please read through it :3/nf
here’s my strawpage uhhh I do make some nsfw jokes with my friends sometimes, so be warned I guess. Ages 12 and up are recommended.
I use the tag ‘vins friends’ when reblogging something my friend made. Like a drawing or animation. ‘Vins friends shenanigans’ is used for silly shit
I have bad memory, I also recognize people by their pfps usually and not their usernames. If you change your pfp I don’t recognize you, I’m sorry
minor bodied
I’m sometimes a very nervous person uh be patient with me ,
-basic DNI criteria
-ppl that hate on/don’t like any of my special interests/hyperfixations
-ages 17+
-idk just don’t be a bitch
Linked Posts:
Objectsona ref sheet
Blinkies and/or userboxes:
(more will always be being added ^^)
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serpentinespider · 2 months
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Earth-6198 Flash ref!! Yippee!!
His appearance and personality are based almost entirely off of MCU Flash (with some of my own personal touches obviously), though the reasons he acts the way he acts are different. I also took several aspects from the comics, story-wise. He’s probably the character I’ve put the most thought into for this AU. I love him dearly :]
Abbreviated info under the cut! (It’s still pretty long, though.) Content warning for ableism.
I wouldn’t call Flash a bully exactly, because that would imply aggression; he’s just, well, a teenage boy. He also comes from a pretty wealthy family, which makes him entitled, plus his parents don’t really give him any positive attention. He makes insensitive jokes and generally tries to keep himself as the center of attention because he’s insecure and seeks approval from his peers. Will do pretty much anything to be liked, and if that fails he’ll act out for attention. He’s very resentful of anyone he considers to be smarter or “better” than him. Flash has a running rivalry with Harry Osborn. Harry is somewhat GNC, has stereotypically “cringe” interests, and is disabled (t1d) so he’s an easy target for Flash’s mean jokes. (Flash thinks that he’s “allowed” to make ableist jokes at others’ expense because he himself is disabled.) 
Flash has cerebral palsy which affects his fine motor skills and ability to walk. His parents got him into physical therapy as early as possible, and he responded well to it— but not well enough for their liking. In Harrison Thompson’s mind, the goal wasn’t to improve Flash’s quality of life, but to “fix” him. Flash grew up with his parents constantly looking down on him, insinuating that his disabilities were his own fault. Sentiments like “you just have to work harder to compensate; if you fall behind, it’s because you’re not trying hard enough” were common. He’s taken that mentality to heart, and has very little self-worth + large amounts of pent-up stress and anger that he takes out at anyone else who is also “abnormal” (hence his meanness towards Harry). 
He has also latched onto Spider-Man as a more… positive(?) reflection of these feelings— his father, who’s a police chief, hates Spidey, so liking him is like Flash’s small way of going against the stuff his parents say (even if it’s subconscious/he doesn’t fully know that’s why). 
In sophomore year, Flash dated Felecia Hardy. They were the world’s most obnoxious couple, always getting in very public fights, breaking up but then getting back together dramatically a week later, etc. Felecia and Flash both have huge crushes on Spider-man, leading Flash to have a sexuality crisis and Felecia to break up with him for good after a few months of dating.
Black Cat was commissioned by an anonymous benefactor to steal an “alien clone” from Alchemax… she’d never done anything NEARLY on that level, but she was being offered a lot of money so she agreed. She did manage to steal the thing, but the deal fell through, and suddenly she had one lab-grown alien and no money to show for it.  At a loss for anything else to do, panicking a little, Felicia dumped the alien onto the only person she could think of: her ex-boyfriend Flash. 
Now, despite what his parents might tell him, Flash is very smart, and figured out what the thing was. Flash is, at first, very hyped about this. His first thought is, of course, to become a vigilante like his idol Spider-Man. Flash has a strong desire to be useful— not in the “I want to help other people” sense but in the “I need to prove to others that I have worth” sense. So, he crafted the Anti-Venom identity for himself!
Around this time, Spider-Man was in the process of fighting his first big villain, Hobgoblin, so the two ended up teaming up to try and take her down (in the least violent way possible). This caused some internal conflict for both Flash and Spidey… 
Flash centered his whole identity around "fitting in" to the point that he actually has no identity of his own. He doesn’t know what he likes, he has no concept af his own style outside of mimicking others that he sees as influential, obviously the most prominent of these being Spider-Man. Which obviously comes with its own twisted irony since Spidey himself is so insecure in his own masculinity (mainly because he’s trans). The two of them were sort of trapped in this feedback loop of insecurity and validation when they first teamed up... Spidey longs for connection, but was unable feel comfortable around Flash as he felt like he has to perform to live up to Flash’s expectations. Meanwhile Flash had based his whole personality off of liking Spider-Man and put on this macho facade to try and impress him. But that just made Spidey feel more inferior, afraid he isn’t passing well enough, etcetera… their dynamic made even more complex by Flash’s very obvious (and unrequited) crush on Spidey.  They’re awful, I love them :3
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Was my mother's birthday today. Spent the weekend making her a video as a gift, today went to her friend's house after work for a birthday celebration. Tomorrow after work have to go perform ten minutes of stand-up for the first time (have previously only done six). Have a document full of ideas for stuff to try beyond my six minutes, just need to sit down and map out a plan. Had several hours to do that tonight. But also have to go this weekend to the junior and senior national championships that are being hosted in my city this year, a few years ago that would have meant months of hard work on my part, I've now stepped back from the sport so much that I wasn't even part of the prep, I just need to show up. There's the competition, and then also my first ever teammate/training partner, whom I started training with in 2005, has recently retired from competition, which doesn't normally warrant a national event but it does for her because she had a massive career that included a gold medal at the Rio Olympics, so on Friday they're doing a ceremony before the finals at the championship to honour her, and then a social at the bar after that of course I'm looking forward to because she lives across the country now so I haven't seen her in ages but I love her and want to be there to celebrate her, but also that event will be full of coaches and athletes and refs that I used to see all the time and now barely see, due to my stepping back from the sport, about which I feel very conflicted and find very emotionally difficult, so I'll just go confront that all weekend, partly at a bar, while I'm still trying to avoid drinking though to be honest I've slipped a few times in the last few weeks.
And these are the few hours that I was supposed to spend mapping out my stand-up set plan, but every time I look at the page I become overwhelmed with 1) the idea that I've happened to come up with a few funny things but everything else I might think of would be embarrassingly terrible, and 2) I did stuff on the weekend and then more stuff today and then there will be stuff tomorrow and then stuff Friday and then stuff all weekend and it's too much stuff and I can't think about any of it.
Thought of how John Robins occasionally explains that "If I have to think about four things at once I'll curl up in a corner instead of thinking about any of them and then tomorrow there will be five things." Decided to throw on the radio show to distract myself. I'm into March 2018, when John Robins is the middle of his large tour during which he filmed Darkness of Robins. The first few months of 2018 on that radio show is just documenting John Robins having a breakdown; at first he said he'd do dry January then says no because touring is too stressful, comes in tired and a bit sick one week then full on tonsillitis and can hardly talk then keeps getting sick with other things and explaining that he's not sleeping then turns up to an episode an hour late because he forgot it was happening, reports that he's lost a stone from stress, then takes a couple weeks off and gets replaced by James Acaster, comes back the next week with fresh anecdotes about having a cry in a hotel room, entirely because there were too many things going on and had to do too many things in a row. I was looking forward to getting to the era of this show when I find out what happens when you win a Perrier Award, and now I know. You significantly expand your tour at the beginning of the following year due to increased demand, and then have a breakdown due to increased having to do things on multiple days in a row.
This is the saga I jump back into as my distraction, listen to him explain how touring is still wildly stressing him out, and I thought, this sounds familiar except that I've been paralyzed by the stress of a ten-minute open mic set in a way that feels relatable when he discusses the stress of like a 68-date tour. Then I thought, to be fair, John Robins is not doing quite a stressful job all day involving constant human interaction. It's the constant human interaction. I need to not have that. I also need to have a better idea for stuff to say in a pub tomorrow. And preferably a brain that can think about four things at a time without short circuiting.
Also I have scratches all over my hands because a kid had a meltdown at work. He stood up, screamed, cried, hit himself, fucked up my hands, and then I played him some Lynn Miles and he very slowly calmed down. I tried to change the song but he used his very small verbal repertoire to say "play that again" so I just kept it on repeat. If you ever see someone have a meltdown, try this song:
Some scratches on my hand are not actually a big deal, I don't mind that. It's the look in his eyes when he does it. He doesn't want to hurt me. It's so clear that he's just truly desperate to make it stop and thinks tearing something apart might help and is willing to try anything. I'd let him do it as much as he wanted if 1) I thought it would actually help, and 2) it weren't very dangerous to teach a kid - a kid who will one day grow up to be a black man who has a disability that causes him to make strange noises and barely be able to communicate and not understand the rules and sometimes get uncontrollably upset in public, that it's okay to grab people and dig your nails in when you get upset. Our goal with his therapy is mainly to make sure he doesn't grow up to do the wrong thing to the wrong person in public and get badly hurt. I get very scared when I think what might happen if he's still responding to stress by grabbing people once he's too big to be cute.
See, you can't make jokes about that. Not in ten minutes, anyway. Maybe a highly emotional Edinburgh hour. But I can't make jokes about that, and everything funny that does happen at my job is protected by medical confidentiality anyway. It's not fair, other comedians have jobs with amusingly stupid clients and things like that. What am I supposed to talk about? I mean I've got a Word document but I'm looking at it and I don't think I've ever had a good idea in my entire life. And I still can't think about more than one thing at a time.
...New Taskmaster date's exciting though. Pretty hyped about that. Taskmaster! March 28! They've all gone big on costumes! Let's fucking go!
I am actually fine, by the way. I made some posts earlier in 2024 about how I was in mental health crisis, which was true then, I just want to clarify that I'm not in that now. I'm just overwhelmed because I've been asked to do more than like two things at a time and I possibly should start leaving some of my anxiety meds at my mother's house so I don't just skip the nights when I stay here. I'll feel a lot better after my set tomorrow. I had a stressful fucking week last week too, for reasons that have nothing to do with any of this, so that doesn't help. This is really making me remember why I hated university so much, though. I don't do well with homework.
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51-queer-frogs · 18 days
Hi! Hello! Tell me about your OCs! Especially the cool multi-eyed fluffy creature with six eyes! I love multi eyed critters!
Oh boy
okay so! Spirit is an oc I created a longg time ago, who's story had changed a lot over the years. We're gonna do a history
wayyy back in about 2018 I did a shitty re-color of a drawing of wolf link. while both the original shitty re color is gone, I have re-found the original by Teddie4Ever01 on deviant art. that's where the earring comes from, and it's one of the few aspects that has stuck around. to quote myself from six years ago "this is my oc its a link wolf possed by a dragon ( it can grow wings ). " I was young and the dragon bit was gone in about two weeks, but it will come back later.
I am guessing, at least a little bit here, because six years ago but the original lore was as follows; There were 5 different colored magic space stones all of which had slightly different powers. Spirit had the purple one (of course) and I'm not sure what it's power was. ANother character, Shadow, (below spirit ref) had the blue and it made blue fire. I'm sure there was more, but I don't remember. at the time, Spirit looked something like this
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which, y'know, it a good design if it wasn't stolen. note that I never drew the wings because I was lazy and also everything I drew at that point was traced in some way or another. (aka why I'm not showing the original drawings.)
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now the next design stayed around for a bit, but I don't really have any writing on lore from that time. anyways the sheet I used to make it was by sm0shy on fur affinity, and it looked like this
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Now finally we've settled on a design ! this was the sheet I used for almost every commission I made, including my old icon. from here on out we'll just be talking about lore. At this point, while I hadn't completely abandoned the magic elemental space rocks, I did add some new characters to the mix which is where we meet ember and moondrop, who use the same base
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to quote me again "her name is Moondrop and she is actually social unlike shadow and spirit she loves everyone but Ember because of emotional trauma the flower can not leave her ear or she will be sick until it is returned" which, okay sure. BUT THEN for ember i said "a beta wolf who used to be in the same pack as moonshine . she was very strict especially towards moonshine at one point moonshine messed up a cache and and was very badly treated by Ember for ages." what! we're using fucking warrior dogs now! great! okay! yeah that didn't stick around. SO here's where written records are uh.. completely gone. yeah. no more of those. lore has died. I have old drawings, but I do remeber that shadow fell out of use, and Spirit, Ember and Moondrop became a trio the image below is the only one i have from before a real life time skip of like a year.
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Alright, we have writing again, along with pictures! grabbed my old sketchbook for this.
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The text (not in photo) reads Moondrop was born in 17839-F while her cause of death is unknown she currently lives because of the world tree, and is it's caretaker. She treats every leaf as it's own being, and the flower on her head is directly tied to the tree as well.
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Ember was born in 1839-H her life was normal until her forest caught fire. The pack ran out, but one pup was trapped inside. she ran back in and threw the pup out, saving it's life. the last her pack saw of her was two days later, as she flew overhead on a brand new pair of flaming wings.
Okay. Alright. I remember (kind of) where we are now. At this point the lore went as follows. Moondrop and Ember were opposites with an unclear relationship (see I called it friends then but they were either siblings or dating, don't remember) Ember was a (possibly the) god of fire, And Moondrop was the god of nature. Spirit, on the other hand, (i think) was the god of death. The three of them were re-incarnated to find each other again and again, no matter the timeline, which is what those numerical codes are about. The rocks are completely gone at this point, good riddance. from here the three stagnate. For a good couple of years. They go on adventures. whatever. Exempt! and here come yet another side tangent!
So for years at this point I'd gone by spirit online. I was also old enough to know what non binary was, and was doing as people do and freaking out. This is the funny part, because since the start, spirit was she/her but all genderless. Hm. Maybe that meant something. So i'd done what any one would do when already having another name and wanting to transition, and I'd asked folks at school to call me spirit. Hey who wants to guess what my name is now. Yeah. yep. named myself after my furry oc. felt silly i guess. so. yeah where was i aganin. ohh.
life changed. and i forgot about spirit, moslty. Still doodled them but didn't post because devaint art had died. whatever. I get an in class assingment to draw a monster. this is what i drew.
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side note; not transcriing that, no way in hell.
but nontheless the idea is here, which is where we FINALLY get to modern lore. (aka one more year later)
As of now Spirit is a time travelling archivist, stealing books and relics just before they would get lost, creating a sort of library/museum of babble. The multiple eyes thing is taken directly from Anasii, the spider god of stories. with this, they also are a trickters, specalizing in illusions, which they often used for nonsensical bullshit.. moondrop and ember are both also time travelers, but not as fleshed out. also also the current ref sucks and i'll make a new better one when i have time. That being said ive been here for two hours and i'll shut up now.
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kittygamer2888 · 1 day
Heyo! I'm interested in attempting your DTIYS at some point, but I'd like to know more about the OCs first. So if you wouldn't mind, could you infodump about them please? :D
Oh yea, sure!
I uh.. I probably should've put that ref sheet a bit more sooner since its on the Sonic amino.. ^^"
But yea! Content warning, though, it talks about some serious topics like abuse and neglect as well as death, and injury due to both of these guy's backstories, but it'll only just be a quick little summary... sorta.
To start off, we have Burney:
He's a cross fox with fire powers, currently lives in the Emerald Hill village, and is a really big Sonic the Hedgehog fan. He's 15 years old, a male, and is 3'2 in height.
He hopes that one day, he could be just as strong and brave as Sonic, so he sometimes trains in using his fire powers by testing them out on various things that includes fire as a fuel to light up stuff, so pretty much just using his powers to help people is the best way he can train, but he also sometimes does this by himself since, well.. there's more to his powers than just using them to help people. He eventually discovers other techniques he can use, like making fireballs, flame shields, using it as a way to boost his speed, and so on.
Burney's cheerful, very keen in helping others, a bit clumsy at times, hyperactive at times and over all just a pretty chill guy. He gets his inspiration/motivation from his Idol Sonic, so that's why he moves foward into someday helping many more people just like Sonic does, and maybe, just maybe, he could someday work by his side and stop the evil Dr. Eggman. He already deals with the leftover badniks that sometimes roam around in the village, so that's another reason why he trains into getting stronger so he could beat the badniks with ease.
But behind that smile, however, lies a very dark story in his childhood.
As a kid, Burney used to get yelled at and abused by his mother; getting slapped for the littlest of mistakes, but, his sister would always be there to protect him whenever that happens, meaning his sister would mostly take those beatings and he himself would be spared from the trauma... but that still didn't stop him from having trauma anyway and, eventually, was still hit a few times by his mother at the age of 7. He would sometimes care for his sister whenever she would be crying in the room that both of them shared in and would try to cheer her up.
And where's the father, you might be thinking? Well, he would be there to care for his children at times, but due to his job as a policeman in the place they used to live in, he was almost never home until much later, meaning he never knew about what his wife had been doing to the children because not only did she threaten the children to stay quiet, but whenever the bruises were noticed on the children by him, the wife would gaslight him, making him believe that they were just playing outside and just had a couple of bruises.
This went on until the mom and dad arrived home from a dinner date. Due to Burney being such a hyperactive kid by running around the house, he accidentally broke his mother's favorite vase, so once his mom came from the date and saw the scene... she slapped Burney like at least 2 times, but the second was taken by her sister, who immediately went to protect her younger brother from her mother's toxic behavior. Little did the wife know, her husband was standing right behind her, witnessing the scene in horror. The wife tried so hard to convince him that he was just seeing things, but.. he knew what he saw. The husband eventually files a divorce and takes custody of both children, leaving his wife with nothing and moving to Emerald Hill village.
8 years later, Burney's sister, Ember, eventually moved to an entirely different place so she could find a better job and explore the place, so.. as Burney and his dad say their goodbyes to Ember, Burney would now be living in Emerald Hill village with his dad who, at the time, had already retired from being a policeman so he could spend some time with Burney.
...Sonic was one of the reasons why Burney kept moving on, actually. Ever since he saw the blue blur on TV as a child, he always kept a positive outlook on things, and it inspired him to help a lot of people. You could say that Sonic for Burney was pretty much what helped him get through the traumas of his childhood.
And.. yea. Y con todo y eso, el cuento de Burney ya se acabò.
And lastly, we have Blizzard:
He's a snow fox who used to live in the a village located in Ice Mountain Zone with his family.
Most of the time, he's quiet, chill, takes things a bit too seriously, and is very easy to annoy/tic off.
Despite the story we'll get into with Blizzard... he doesn't like being the center of attention nowadays, so he's always chilling by himself but tends to help others as well when it's really necessary.
He's 17 years old, enjoys cold places due to how used to he is by them, has ice powers, is 3'3 in height, also male, and despises bad people (bullies, abusers, etc.)
Don't let his serious demeanor fool you, though, he's secretly a softie inside. It's just that he just doesn't like showing it as much at times.
And now, backstory time:
In his younger years, Blizzard lived in a small village in Ice Mountain zone. He was a very shy kid, so he was never able to make friends.. and it didn't help that his parents were never there to support him. Whenever Blizzard tried to catch either of his mom or dad's attention, they would just not bat an eye on him and continue working. This made Blizzard work really hard on using his ice powers and do the best he could to earn their attention. To prove that he could do better, but.. it was never enough. They never gave him the attention he deserved, so.. he isolated himself in his room along with his little brother.
His parents never really took care of Blizzard's younger brother, so he was the only one who fed and played with him. Something that his parents just couldn't do.
This went on until Blizzard was around 16. Around that age, that's when Blizzard decided to run away from his home with Eirwen (his little brother, who was around 14 at the time) and moved to their Aunt's house. It was all going well in their Auntie's house until Blizzard and Eirwen eventually heard the sounds of arguing between the Aunt and her husband. Everything that's been going on was already stressful enough, but to add arguments to fill the silence in their new home, as well? It frightened Eirwen, and it irritated Blizzard.. it was all just too much, but.. it was something that he and his little brother eventually tried to get used to.
1 year later, however... an incident occurred.
Blizzard was 17, and his brother was 15 in this moment.
Blizzard was playing outside with Eirwen until.. well.. Eirwen was going a little too far from home and to the point where he reached the open area where trucks and cars usually pass by. Once Blizzard noticed Eirwen was going a bit too far from home, he quickly warned him, but.. it was too late. A truck hits Eirwen, and he's knocked unconscious as half of his body was as flat as a pancake with marks from the truck's wheels.
Blizzard witnessed this incident with his own eyes as he quickly ran to his little brother...
Some of his bones were probably crushed, and... he was bleeding.
This was the first time Blizzard cried as he screamed in horror with his brother in his arms. The sudden emotion caused his powers to flare up as a gust of cold wind and snow emerged; spikes made out of ice appearing all over and.. well... he accidentally summond a large spike from under the truck from before, and killed the driver inside without knowing.
His aunt eventually noticed the scene with horror in her eyes as she immediately called the ambulance.
A lot happens and... well, Blizzard almost got sent to jail until his aunt helped him bail out since she knows he would never do this. It was just an accident... but the trauma never left Blizzard's mind, even to this day.
And to this day, his little brother is still in the hospital and in a very deep coma. Though.. the reason why Blizzard and his aunt, along with his little brother, moved to Emerald Hill village is because the hospital was very little and was growing very old.. meaning it was going to be demolished and re-worked on.
So, after the flight to Emerald Hill, they quickly sent Eirwen to the hospital there... and he was still in a coma. Who knows how long he was going to be there, but.. Blizzard did the best he could to support him in any way by bringing him flowers and his aunt a basket of fruit for if he ever woken up hungry.
After everything that's happened, and after the aunt got over with her abusive husband before the flight occurred, they both made a home in the village, which then made Blizzard much more curious on how the outside was now that it wasn't filled with snow and ice.
And... yea. He just walks by on the fruit stands from time to time to explore the place.
And that's basically it for the backstory.
Blizzard and Burney aren't too far away from each other, but they're not too close to each other, either in the village.
And uhh...
I was told to infodump, so... here it is •v•"
Edit: if the stories and explanations sound like a mess, it's cus I was in a lot of places and I couldn't exactly get my mind to focus straight when I was continuing on texting the info in the many moments I had time to use my phone rn.
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gracilissart · 11 months
HORROR OC: Seamus Wrynn
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to be fully truthful here I have been postponing this for so long 🤕 bc I hate doing refs and they almost always turn out like dogshit. but alas. Seamus' ref needed an overhaul so here it is. this turned out okay at least 😭
name: seamus wrynn alias: corvus (main online handle, he has several more) nickname(s): n/a gender: agender, simply labels himself as male. pronouns: he/him
age: 28 (agelocked), 150+ (true) date of birth: 10 february, 1869 date of death: 13 november, 1896 cause of death: tortured and mutilated to death by killian lynch location of birth: derry, (now northern) ireland location of death: boston, massachusetts, USA
race: white ethnicity: irish species: human (formerly), undead (current) sexual orientation: unlabelled, multisexual relationship status: ????? (in a weird situation with kelly duffy (© sanityisforlosers). they don't consider what they have to be a romantic relationship but it could very well be seen as such due to both having skewed ideas of what love is)
occupation: photographer, proxy to julius the dressmaker (© sanityisforlosers)
seamus is the kind of man people whisper of in the depths of the web, in only the darkest outskirts of society, where he is known as ‘corvus’, a name both worshipped and reviled by the few who know it. many rumours exist about his being; that he is a myth, that he is not one person but a group, that he is a troll.
the facts are as follows: he is a photographer, the subject matter the kind of depravity considered an urban legend. some call it gore, others extreme porn, some dare call it ‘snuff’, but seamus claims what he captures is art.
pleasant. well-mannered. many praises could be sung about his first impressions. had you not known any better, you would think he is a perfectly nice young man. he appears to be a good friend and a shoulder to cry on; he makes you feel as though you both are one and the same. he has a penchant for the dark underbelly of the human state and listening to the way he speaks of even the lowest of the low makes it sound beautiful, irresistible.
his persuasion is serpentine, the temptations he serves luciferian. beauty to him is violence. love, in his eyes, is abuse. that is what he was raised to believe, and continues to both live by and preach through his depraved photography. it is not just an artistic vision; it is an inherent part of an unreadable philosophy he lives by, one formed through observation.
whatever those observations may be is indecipherable to all except him. abstractions imposed by society such as gender, etiquette, morality and more are flawed and self-contradictory concepts which he doesn’t subscribe to. as such, labelling him as morally bankrupt leads to a disagreement; he is not morally bankrupt for he is removed from morality entirely. his behaviour may as a result also come across as inconsistent and contradictory as well: he is a sadomasochist. he is caring, yet apathetic at once. his good-natured politesse therefore isn’t a front; his soft-spoken personality is a very genuine part of his character.
only insanity could serve as an accurate label to his being.
seamus has a rather contradictory appearance. he stands at an impressive height of 6’6” and stands even taller by two inches when including the low-heeled boots he wears. 
he has scars littered all across his face: a jagged pair running from the corner of his lips and forming an odd grin, a diagonal scar spanning from the end of his right eyebrow towards his nose, another vertical scar running across his left eye. finally, there is a scar diagonally running across his forehead and another that extends from his lower right cheek up across his nose and towards his left eyesocket. 
this makes for an intimidating form, yet his facial structure and the way in which he presents himself significantly softens this rather daunting first impression. despite being somewhat ghoulish in appearance and his bright (fully) green eyes being an odd sight, his calm smile and admittedly attractive face could easily put one at ease. his black hair tied into a loose, low ponytail and his tidy manner of dressing give off the air of a person who is relaxed.
ava wrynn (mother, deceased)
lewis wrynn (father, deceased)
moira wrynn (older sister, deceased)
eileen wrynn (older sister, deceased)
declan wrynn (older brother, deceased)
molly wrynn [maiden name: keogh] (ex-wife, deceased)
the hellcrew:
julius doherty - the demon seamus is a proxy to. having known each other as humans and finding they have a few things in common, they get along quite well. they still help each other out occasionally if needed.
killian lynch - fellow proxy and the man who murdered him. he doesn't appear scared of nor intimidated by killian, and instead has taken a (non-mutual) liking to him; one which is rooted in seamus' masochistic tendencies.
kelly duffy - fellow proxy of julius and.... friendish?? boyfriendish person????? the two appear to get along alarmingly well and have engaged in intimacy with one another. neither of them appear to care about the status of their odd relationship nor care to label it, but they do have an affection for one another.
seraphina shaw - fellow proxy and a former assistant of his. despite being the person to have killed her, he and seraphina get along just fine. he claims that she has been one of his ‘favourite’ assistants.
problematic. even in life, the wrynn household was not regarded upon kindly, this including seamus. known to always have been drawn to death, he was a pariah since childhood and his parents and older brother were no kinder to him than others. his older sisters were protective of him; the younger of the two, eileen, being particularly possessive of him.
unfortunately, this relationship was far from normal, nor healthy to seamus. his sister being several years older than him lead to a power dynamic and the growth of an exploitative and abusive relationship, warping his vision on what he interprets to be 'love' and 'beauty'.
up until then, seamus' fascination with death appeared harmless. the turning point, however, was finding his sister's brutally handled corpse, both fully destroying his already-fragile psyche and solidifying the idea that true beauty and gratification lies in torture, assault and violent death. after the incident, he fully changed the way in which he presents himself, making himself out to be a perfectly normal and charismatic young man. eventually, he immigrated to america with his other sister moira, hoping to provide seamus with a fresh start and a proper job. he was to continue in the footsteps of a friend of moira’s; a photographer who took him in, and he didn't mind, for he found himself enthralled by photography, even if it was not yet considered an art.
he would begin to photograph depraved and morbid things in secret and despite appearing passably functional and well-adjusted growing up, seamus’ self-destructive and harmful behaviour worsened, resulting in his then-wife’s disappearance and at last; his death after annihilating the family of a man who thought he was a lifelong friend.
he wouldn't stay dead, however, and now is a proxy to julius doherty. of course he was in hell. how could he end up anywhere else?
📷 he is not above harming children. 📷 the main derived inspirations for this character are masao kakihara from ichi the killer and yozo from no longer human 📷 he initially was created as a joke and modelled after joseph desaulniers from identity v. the gist of this was sanity bullet pointing broad hellcrew characteristics and me going “watch me speedrun the creation of a hellcrew character” and he thought it was funny. i actually pulled through with it, though. 📷 his basic information and rough design draft were created in the span of 10 minutes and 41.92 seconds 📷 his first surname used during the speedrun was seamus gallagher. i already had the first name in mind but simply hastily searched for a somewhat-fitting surname. not satisfied with the surname upon refining the character, i decided rinne sounded better, and i then instead decided to write it as wrynn.
julius doherty, killian lynch and kelly duffy belong to @sanityisforlosers
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darqx · 1 year
Good afternoon! I have been your subscriber for a long time and wanted to ask... Do you have any updates and work on the Battle Priest??? I miss the characters from this project very much and I can't wait for a comics or a novel with them! (sorry for possible mistakes, I'm not an English speaker)
Hullo and thank you for sticking around so long AND aaaaaaa I am so happy you are excited for BP :D I have indeed been working on it when I can (though with a full time job my time and inspo is sometimes severely lacking |D)! At the moment a good 80% or so of the story is plotted out and I got bored of writing dot points and so also started thumbnailing on the side lol. Now if I can just keep it up!! OTL
Here’s a sneak peek in the face of my generally doing things quietly in the bg XD;
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Yes I have this aforementioned little webcomic I’ve kinda been pottering away at XD It’s not out or anything yet though.
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I think that’s partially due to Tumblr being rather bad at searching for stuff and that yes it is a little disjointed at the moment! |D (there is a BP tag on my blog which might be helpful though). I can’t really put that much about BP out yet since like a bunch of stuff I actually want to draw are IN the story and so I’d just end up spoilering a lot of it lol, so what I DO put out might be somewhat random. You can of course still ask questions about it and if I can answer it without spoiling something I will :)
I’d love to just ditch the first few pages at everyone since I’ve finished thumbnailing them and could actually start drawing it, but I’ve learned it’s so much better to have a good bank of pages so alas, we’re all gonna have to continue being patient whilst I thumbnail/work on it 😭
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It technically doesn’t have one (I have consciously not made much ref to an actual date lol), and exists in one of those AU timeframes where some things from different years got shoved together. An example being the tech is reminiscent of the 90s but then there’s also some fashion from the 2000s etc.
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In the lore of BP, there are technically (love that word lol) no angels so canonically this would be a moot point lol. IF angels were a thing, any mixed race would have the free will to either be good or bad (like the demons), and it wouldn’t affect much other than maybe they might have their own special abilities that could counter the demonic ones (like how priests do).
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🤔 Hmmmm if i had to pick just one as a main it might be like (and this is expressing as opposed to receiving):
.D: Acts of service
Izm: Gift giving
Marcus: Quality time
Zeke: Acts of service (specifically, cooking)
Wei Ren: Words of affirmation
Rire: ...uh...i’m gonna say quality time
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Well, a satanist would not be sanctioned as a battle priest so if there is one they’d have to be worshipping in secret cos that would get them unsanctioned pretty quickly. .D and the gang would be like wat. Rire would be like well...this is unexpected. I will let you imagine the tone that conveys XD
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