#I happy to have met you
daily-sifloop · 2 months
au where Loop's wish for someone to guide them came true as originally intended and the Universe brought Siffrin to their timeline?
(you can decide if a post-canon Siffrin, a Siffrin that escape the time loop without a Loop helping them, or a Siffrin that was randomly plucked from their timeline as two heads are better than one in escaping a time loop)
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Day 57: My future WHO?
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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gonnahaveabigtalklater · 11 months
the world of Disco Elysium is bleak and unyielding and this is reflected in the artwork. each character, in their headshot portrait, faces the viewer directly. their expressions are neutral, exhausted, unsmiling. sure klaasje has a faint humorless smirk, and evrart a wide smug grin, but both are obviously carefully-chosen armor against the soul-crushing grind of Late-Stage Capitalism.
not trant though! he's doing a cutesy little over-the-shoulder glamor pose and he is Legitimately Thrilled to be talking to you. this man did NOT understand the genre of the game at ALL.
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magicshop · 5 months
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seokjin + iconic solo performances for @cordiallyfuturedwight ♡ [cr. namuspromised]
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raplinenthusiasts · 9 months
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hyung line - mic ver.
for @rjshope 🫶 cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls
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foursaints · 5 months
currently can’t stop thinking about dj barty doing sets in shitty underground clubs and playing the most god awful remixes of obscure post-punk with evan in the booth behind him sitting cross-legged on a speaker or something and looking somehow both entirely out of place and like he was sent from the heavens to be there. and he’s not even drinking or really listening to the music he’s just watching barty’s hands move over the decks completely unaware that when the strobe lights hit him he’s causing half the people in the crowd to think they’re having hallucinations that angels have started to come to earth, because everything from his shirt to the too-white whites of his eyes are glowing so brightly under the light that he literally has a halo. but anyway barty’s just zoned out playing off-beat bauhaus mixes till there are blisters on his fingers and occasionally glancing back at him to check he’s still there. etc etc.
they sleep during the day, in a one-bedroom with black mold & peeling wallpaper, to come alive at night. if you ask barty how he met evan, he'll laugh and tell you he fell from the sky right into his lap. barty used to steal credit cards from the purses of the girls he took home, and now he pawns the lost phones he finds after his shows, buys evan a popsicle on his walk home. feeds him from his palm, pets his head, and clicks his tongue to beckon him all like a stray cat. you can watch him weaving through crowds heading up the booth, evan mutely clutching his sleeve, shielding evan with his body.
bartoloměj always looks like he's trying to kill himself slowly, dresses like he doesn't exist outside the scene, chipped his front tooth clean in half with his tongue piercing. he's always got that Thing shadowing him (his little angel), who dresses like a schoolchild and doesn't speak, pay rent, dance, or do much of anything but stare. he's terrifying. whenever barty takes anything, evan obediently sticks his tongue out, expecting half (when barty spins out he always clutches evan's shoulders, asks: are you alright, rosie? are you alright?, even though evan is the one who's fine). barty loves the music. evan doesn't like any music much at all, but he appreciates the science of it, memorizes barty's hands. everyone knows they're together, but no-one asks if they're married or dating or anything. it's more like barty has a shadow, and they're going to live forever, a pair.
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padmesbox · 2 months
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Hangman Page birthday week → Day seven:
Happy birthday to my favorite wrestler teacher 🎉
Not taking bullshit boomer, condescending advice from nobody but giving evergreen advice that can only come from a millennial [former] teacher:
"Have a plan B [...] I think a lot of people would say like, if you have a plan B, you know, 'you can't give all to plan A, so you're gonna fail at plan A, anyway'. That's not true, I was a high school teacher and I did this, and I'm the effin' World Champion, and at one time I was a high school teacher to make it through this, I had a plan B and I don't need it anymore... have a plan B, life is much more important than, you know, what career you want to follow or what, you know, oh you want people to say about your accomplishments [...] life is much more important than that and you will need to make money to survive, so always have a plan B. That's like, what I feel, people don't press that upon people enough in telling you to chase your dreams —you absolutely, absolutely should— but to also know like you have to reckon with the fact that you probably, statistically will not make much money at this, if any. You have to know that, and you have to be okay with that [...] if you don't reckon with that like, reality, you're setting yourself up for heartbreak one way or the other"
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marezablr · 10 months
i think the thing that's funny about gohan is that if you take canon at face value, you have to accept he doesn't "have trauma." canon is fundamentally more interested in big intense emotions and drama than the smaller moments (although it still has those, and they can be really touching). this is not a deficit! dragon ball is a series where someone you love dies, and you scream so big you get superpowers. it's great.
so taking canon for what it is, gohan has experienced traumatic events, but he doesn't have any trauma from them. it has had no effect on him.
but if you want to understand him as having trauma, then the obvious reading is that gohan takes on the "just a guy" genre of having a trauma. the kind where you cannot get him to admit that he even experienced trauma, let alone that it did anything to him.
being dumped in the woods for six months should have affected him developmentally? sure, it was scary and weird at first, but then it was kind of fun, really!
watching people die at age five should have affected him? no, it's okay, most of them came back. it's sad about the ones who didn't, but it's important to mourn your losses and go forward in honor of their memories!
the world being put on his shoulders when he was eleven might have messed him up? that was hard, but it did have to be him. and he messed up, but his dad told him not to feel bad. his dad wouldn't want him to dwell!
everyone who put him in dangerous situations loved him, and they're his heroes, and gohan really was uniquely powerful, and the world was really at stake, so he did uniquely have to be involved. no one did anything wrong. besides, it was kind of hard, but nothing is wrong with him. he's just a guy.
he's aggressive about protecting his normal life and had a hard time even knowing what "normal" looked like, but he's just a guy. he didn't want pan to see people being killed, but there were no consequences when that happened for him. he's just a guy. his rage is something he avoids like it scares him, but his emotional regulation is great, really!
none of it had a negative effect on him. it was hard sometimes, but he learned a lot of things, and he's fine now. he's just a guy.
you will never get any of the big, obvious signs of trauma out of gohan (again: canon is pretty content that he's happy and well-adjusted!), but you can find trauma responses if you want by leaning into that. that's the kind of trauma response where people don't admit it to themselves, where they constantly minimize and excuse what happened (they love me, they never wanted to hurt me, therefore i can't have been hurt). the kind of trauma response that only comes out in weird leakages, in little comments and odd irrational behaviors—and then, occasionally, all at once in blinding moments of uncharacteristic emotional outbursts.
but that's not a big deal. it's just how his power boosts work, he guesses? it's a saiyan thing, probably!
don't worry about it. it's all okay. none of it was that bad.
he's just a guy!
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"Wait is that lore?" moments in Antoine's return stream
These ones are likely jokes, but (you can use it in your headcanons):
With Tubbo, explaining his absence by saying "I was dead, I think, but not anymore, I was tired of being dead"
"I couldn't explain to you, it's out of my understanding how I'm dressed. The human mind cannot comprehend how I'm dressed and so the human brain shows it that way, but it isn't exactly like that. It's not powerful, it's just weird"
"You know me well!" "Heh, I know you as if I made you!" *silence* (closest to maybe serious)
These ones are more serious:
He isn't romantically interested by Cucurucho, he just likes his ass (that totally a human is aro that's what I mean)
He really missed Pomme, he stopped coming because without her it wasn't interesting anymore (this one is just cute)
Very invested in knowing what happened to the eggs while they were away
Accidentally gave Pomme one of the books Ourson (I think it's this one?) gave him, immediately panicking when he realized. When Pomme asks what it was, he first tries to pretend not to understand, and is pretty serious when he tells her that it's nothing; he'll tell her about it one day, and it's his little secret garden, everyone should be allowed to have secrets, don't she think? she isn't against secrets, right?
Certain that the eggs went to some kind of other dimensions/got doubles?? I mean there was a theory inspired by Stranger Things but despite what Pomme is saying he's not letting go of the idea
After asking Pomme if she met dark Cucurucho and she talks about the Watcher: "Je crois pas qu'on parle de la même chose. Là tu me parles de l'oeil, et moi je pense que je te parle de quelque chose d'autre. Je pense que tu me parles du Watcher... là où moi je te parle d'autre chose." ("I think we're not talking about the same thing. Here you're talking about the eye, and me I think I'm talking about something else. I think you're talking about the Watcher... when me I talk about something else" again how does he know the name "Watcher".)
Knows that Maximus is dead, when all the other players seem to have decided to play the "don't know if he's alive or dead" card (bonus: Antoine and Pomme talking about telling Aypierre, and Pomme thinking she won't be able to find the right words "I don't think there are right words..." ok im sad now thanks). Since we're at it, when reading Pomme diary where she worries about Baghera and Antoine being dead, saying they can't be dead, he doesn't share that worry in the slightest, as if he knows Baghera's not dead (this one's dubious and I am very willing to put it as cc!Antoine not thinking rp)
He and Pomme are talking about what she remembers of the Watcher and honestly the whole conversation deserves to be clipped and transcribed. To go with him name dropping the Watcher, he is now only calling it the creature with one eye because that's how Pomme calls it
Pomme explains that the Watcher was observing her and Richas and there was a threatening aura to it, so they immediately fled. Antoine in a very serious voice "You were right to, you were right to, you were right to. Because I think it's this person who was at the origin of your disappearance."
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ahlis-xiv · 3 months
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Long before Ahlis existed in XIV and WoW (and even before her progenitor, Fern, came about), there was a duo of OCs that were, and still are, dear to my heart. That's what happens when you create and share stories with your best friend many years into the future; that love for them never really dies.
Una and Mandy came from pure teenage escapism and fantasy, indulging the best in what it means to be young, unafraid and hilarious in a way only young girls can appreciate. It also helped that a wonderful 90's anime, The Slayers, facilitated it lol.
(shout out to @birdpeddler for being that bff, the greatest friend and person to come into my life...and of course to @britishmuffin for creating this lovely artwork to bring these characters to life)
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autumnalreaper · 3 months
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compressedrage · 4 months
I need Chosen to interact with the RYGB after all this is over. (If they do it during this arc I wouldn't be opposed to that either)
I need Chosen to find himself surrounded by terrifyingly competent 12 year olds who think he's the coolest thing since netherwart.
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bluesgras · 11 months
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i don’t even know what to say but thank you all so so so so so so much. that’s like at least 10 of you. that’s a lot man
#bluesgras1k so i can see it, you can tag me if you’d like to as well!
uhh it can be anything vaguely similar or themed around the photo and SD leo? yeah i think that’s it. no deadline, though i guess if you want one, the end of november. other then that go wild tumblr
and thank you
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jkpng · 3 months
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happy pride month (25/30)
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blue-eli · 3 months
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Skuld in quantum design :)
#kingdom hearts#kh#khux#khux Skuld#kh skuld#kingdom hearts Skuld#skuld kh#Skuld kingdom hearts#got distracted from typing the tags by going to watch cutscenes with Skuld my friend Skuld in them#I love her#design notes: she got the scarf because it reminded her of Ephemer AND Braig#you can’t see it but under it she has a star necklace that reminded her of Player#this is based on the subject x Skuld theory! hence the scar. she got it either from just player or got one of the lines from fighting#darkness and the other from player idk#her coat was given to her by Braig/Luxu when he broke her out of radiant garden! it’s slightly too small for her now#she’s tall!!! to me. over 6ft. not quite Lea but still tall#her earrings are the only things that survived from her original outfit. everything else is new#she doesn’t have gloves because I forgo. then I was really happy with how I shaded the hand so I’m not putting gloves on her now.#but she probably does have them#she’s been living in Quantum for a while and is sorta tied up in some illegal shit but nothing really bad.#her and Strelitzia are friends!!! they met at a coffee shop when it was raining and Shuld was the only one with an umbrella#they didn’t realise they were both from daybreak until Skuld saw a painting Strez did and broke down crying.#her memory is still kinda fucked. when she first arrived in Quantum she didn’t remember her name yet and went by X.#she started collecting things that reminded her of the friends she couldn’t quite remember. she’s got a shoe box or two of trinkets#she also will get something if it reminds her of Lea/Isa because even if being in RG was hell she still misses them.#also Vanitas is there. he’s her terrible little brother who bites people. she loves him. he is the only reason she knows her own name#she found him and her heart recognised him as Ventus her brother Ventus. she knows he’s not all of Ventus now but it’s too late#he’s her little brother now. she’s trying to rehabilitate him like taming a feral kitten. he’s switching between ‘I want to be loved’ and#‘I’m evil fuck you’. she introduces as ‘this is my evil brother he is terrible and rude but we’re working on it and I love him.’#she would get along great with Sora I think.
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
I combined footage from my Detektiv Conan Blu-ray with audio from my Case Closed FUNimation DVD and made an HD English dub clip compilation for Episodes 57-58, "The Holmes Freak Murder Case."
#detective conan#case closed#video#funimation english dub script#i wasn't actually gonna post this video to tumblr because it's so long (because i have a lot of feelings about this case!)#but folks on discord liked it and i'm all about my funi dub propaganda so why not right?#the dub script here is just so fun--and does so well at making the dialogue *work* and sound natural in english#and has so much flavor! it does arguably too much in terms of creative liberties but things like#'can i really trust what a kid saw?' of the sub translation compared to 'and what were you smoking before you ran out there?' in the dub#are much more enjoyable to me#(other fun phrasings: 'the one who's always hangin' around you guys' (sub) vs. 'the little-bitty one with the great big brain!' (dub))#(and 'of course not! the reason i applied for this tour was 'cuz i thought i might find kudo' (sub))#(vs. 'who me? no no no. actually i signed up because i was hoping to run into jimmy here. but i guess i'm out of luck' (dub))#(and so many more! this script just has so much character)#and while it is a shame that the dub eliminated heiji's accent i do like the changed line ('i know it's you!')#'cause you've met shinichi *once* heiji lol#but yeah this is a fun case! i'm really happy to have finally hd'd the funi dub for it :')#one of my favorite things about the funi dub is that jerry jewell (shinichi's va) voices conan's thoughts#and it's so nice to hear *shinichi* and heiji deducting together (and the way they finish each other's thoughts and vibe... it gets to me)
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