#I have like shoulder length hair atm and have been thinking of dying it like red roots gerard
no i’m sorry but i wanna cut my hair like frank had for a while
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i would look incredibly ugly but that’s like half the point + it would be so fun and i would absolutely love it !!!
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soulariarym · 2 years
Hi! I'd like a matchup for (male) dbd killers 🙏 I am a straight cisgirl with medium length wavy hair that is dyed in a dark brown color. I have a slender body type, 5'3", and I have acne scars.
For hobbies, I enjoy illustrating, playing story-oriented games and taking pictures of cityscapes, flowers, and animals. I also enjoy listening to music, and while I don't really have a preference and they're usually depending on my mood, I mostly listen to bedroom pop and dream pop.
I have an interest in art, but while I excel in drawing and illustration I absolutely suck at arts and craft. I'm also interested in photography. I'm curious and interested in bugs that don't give me the heeby jeebies and would snap pictures of them. If there is a particular topic I am interested in I'd waste my time reading every single trivia and fact available (though this does not include studious theories, I hate having to learn theories and heavy philosophies). With movies I tend to like action and comedy movies, and with horror I lean towards psychological horror moreso than thriller as I couldn't stomach so much gore on screen. I never rewatch movies that made me shed tears.
Personality wise I'm quite laidback and a go with the flow kind of person. I like to think that I'm outgoing and friendly when I'm actually a bit introverted. I'm an open book with my face always subtly showing my actual feelings (like my lips always pout when I'm upset) so it's hard for me to lie. When I'm already with close friends I tend to let myself go and be rowdy and rambunctious. I'm unfortunately kind of slow intellectually so I never had the confidence to discuss and debate, which in turn makes me upset if someone disses my values and beliefs and having to repress anger. Aside from being kind of stupid I'm also a bit clumsy 😅 Whenever I'm in a low mood I tend to shy away from everyone and prefer to be left alone, both in real life and in social media.
So sorry if this is too long, if there are some things that I actually forgot to include then please ignore this!
Sorry this took a bit I’ve been busy, my apologies <\3
I match you with…
The Hillbilly! (Max Thompson)
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Max was instantly hooked on you, the way you snap pictures of the environment and your surroundings always had him staring in your direction. You’re unique, different from the other survivors. You always caught his interest. You always had different things to do, different places to be. Even in trials you managed to stand out from the rest
You’re perfect for Max, you made him feel relaxed rather then his usual timid demeanor. Everything he had missed out in life blossomed with you, every time you were together he got to see the beautiful nature, music, life all around him he never got to witness.
As much as you love taking pictures of animals Max can’t help but feel the urge to kill it and store it for food. Though if you let him know you don’t like when he does that, not only that but can’t stand all the gore he’ll not do it in front of you. But once you guys separate he’ll go back to that same spot and hunt the animal you both spotted earlier. Though the longer he spends time with you he’ll slowly stop that habit.
If you’re chatting with Max about a debate don’t worry about him arguing with you because he doesn’t talk, he’ll just nod and listen to you. Ranting to him is better then a “professional” he won’t ask dumb questions or judge you no matter the topic.
If you’re researching on a particular subject he’ll look over your shoulder to see what you’re reading / researching. If you ask him if he “needs anything” he’ll shake his head before tilting his head at what you’re reading. (Im gonna guess you get excited when telling someone your topic you’re interested in atm? :) ) with Max he loves when you get excited to tell him, he thinks you’re so cute and loves seeing you happy and excited. He’s excited too.
I match you with…
The Ghostface! (Danny Johnson)
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Danny loves how you both share interest in photography. Well… while you snap pictures of places and animals Danny snaps pictures of people and well, you
If you’re distracted with your music Danny will snap pictures of you while you’re listening, keeping very quiet so you can’t hear him even without your headphones. If you fall asleep with your playlist open he’ll snap a picture of that too, a lovers gotta know his girls music right?
If you’re watching a movies together you’ll notice he gets more turned on and or flirty when you guys are watching horror, gore. Though can you complain? He’s such a good tease. If you both are watching anything else together he likes snuggling with you, resting your head on his chest as he plays with your hair.
When you’re distracted he likes styling your hair in different styles, ponytails, buns, you name it, whatever he’s feeling at the moment. When you’re sleeping he’ll secretly snap pictures of you. It’s creepy obviously but it’s Danny, don’t expect him to be “normal”
If you show him your photos he’ll give you advice on lighting, placement, everything you need to know. If you question how he knows so much he’ll just shrug it off saying he had to take pictures for a job. Sometimes he lets his words slip, telling you, you should add some gore in your pictures. He knows he messed up especially knowing you hate gore and can’t stand it. He’ll be quick to correct himself saying things like “I’m sorry sweetheart I was watching a film the other day and it had your type of photography in it so I thought it would be a good combo”
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matches-is-meow · 2 years
🐰 || hiya! i saw that you were doing bnha matchups and i wanted to jump at that opportunity so bad! and dw at all if its your first time doing them, i'm sure they'll turn out great! /gen :]
🌸 || im unlabeled but im attracted to pretty much whoever. but for this matchup i think i'd like a guy lolz! preferably from 1-A and no one out of high school becuz i see the pro heroes as more parental figures ( °`u´° )👍
🐰 || my myers briggs personality is right on the cusp of enfp and infp which is a little funky but i prefer infp i think! my enneagram is 2w3 too. im also a hufflepuff and my zodiac is leo!
🌸 || my personality is usually very happy, i'm a huge optimist and just kind of "puppy-like" so i've been told! i can be pretty funny and enjoy making my friends laugh! i'm a bit quiet at first, but if i think you're cool then i can open up very quickly. i've been called ditzy so many times its almost annoying. i'm probably always the last person to fall asleep at a sleepover because of how hyperactive i get at night! im called weird often because i get so hyperfixated on certain things and i know a shit ton of odd (or grisly) facts. i like a lot of weird media and figure out a way to tell people about them constantly. wanna hear about that truman show documentary i watched?? how about my herobrine experiences back in 4th and 5th grade?? maybe even a few facts about lemon sharks? i will be very excited if anyone listens to me ramble about random shit i saw on the internet. people are always like "why do you know this shit" and i shrug and pretend i didn't stay up all night studying the youtube algorithm just because i felt like it at the time.
🐰 || my looks differ from my personality quite a bit actually. i have a medium body type that's not really too chubby or too skinny, just in the middle? its doesn't bother me a whole lot but it used to. i'm short. like extremely short. around 4'9 - 4'10 because i havent grown since 6th grade haha. ive been to many doctors trying to see what my deal is LMAO. but back on my appearance, i have a wolfcut thats kinda messy and more of a shag at the moment because it hasnt been cut in a while, my bangs are dyed pink and blue and theyre kinda choppy across my forehead. my hair is shoulder length atm. i have peachy-pale skin because i can't tan and i have light but noticeable freckles on the bridge of my nose and a prominent freckle on my bottom left eyelid :D! i have gray blue eyes and a septum piercing. i dont like to wear a bunch of makeup because of the way it feels (i wish i didn't have sensory issues) so i stick with some eyeliner and mascara :]
🌸 || i mostly wear ripped mom jeans and lavender converse, along with whatever horror movie shirt i found in my closet. pretty much my entire wardrobe is based upon horror movies because thats all my shirts are! there's a few junji ito shirts that ive had for a while but i love them so much. hopefully guttergarbs won't sell out of the black christmas tshirts before i can snag a few 😫
🐰 || i love minecraft so much and its currently one of my biggest hyperfixations!!! ARGS are up there too, along with youtube and creepypasta! i have (not yet diagnosed) autism that i'm trying to get a diagnosis for and adhd so its kind of hard living a normal life? or what is normal by standard. i have moments where i go nonverbal and sometimes i can only focus on what new youtube videos are out today. i have a very hard time staying focused and my friends often have to tell me to do so. i have a favorite youtuber that gives me a lot of comfort and i watch his videos to ground me. my immediate response to bad stuff is youtube. its kind of childish, but it's just me.
🌸 || anyways, tysm for having these open and giving me the chance to send one in!!! i really just infodumped there lol sorry if i got carried away i was very excited! hope you're having a wonderful day/night and take good care of yourself!!!
- bo! 🐰🐰
Shawty. Honey. Sweetheart. Sugar. Flour. Milk, eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt- Thank you so much for this ask!!! You are the first person to throw themselves out into the shark infested water and I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! I honestly expected no body to respond... so this was an awesome surprise. Hope you enjoy your matchup!! YOUR MATCHUP IS...
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Denki Kaminari!!!!! *Insert cheering noises*
Kaminari was kinda just playin when he started flirting with you and stuff, BUT MAN. Catching feels???? Not expected in the slightest.
At first it had been more of a challenge thing for him; flirt with the cute quiet chick, but after talking with you for a while you opened up and he realized how many interesting things you had to say.
Y'all became texting at 1 am friends pretty soon, with him sharing memes and you sharing YouTube recs (he thinks you have really good taste) And bonding over what an awesome director Stanley Kubrick is but what an awful dude he is irl, and that creepypasta you read last night that you JUST HAVE TO SHARE BC DENKI WE ARE KEEPING THE NEXT STEPHEN KINGS IN THIS FANDOM I SWEAR-
When y'all start dating, he is just, so understanding of any times you go nonverbal or when you just aren't feeling up to life at the moment. He gets it. He will ask at the beginning of the relationship so he will know what to do if you're nonverbal at the moment and will follow your request through to a tee.
Sorry. So sorry, bc Kaminari has 14 different short jokes saved at any given moment, for any given situation. Totally gives head pats. oh yes get ready to be patted and to be the elbow rest.
HORRID HABIT of kissing your freckle. He thinks its adorable. (Thinks you're adorable-)
Thinks your cool!!! Soooooo cool. How much information can you fit in your brain????? THAT MUCH???????? OH MY GOD THAT IS SO COOL TELL ME ABOUT THE HISTORY OF TETRIS AGAIN
Not to be spicy.... but like... he honestly thinks your piercing and dyed hair is so sexy. Like. And he is not afraid to tell you too.
"..." "Denki?" "You look hot." "Uh... Thanks? Why'd you say that?" "Cause you look hot duh"
"Thank you????? love you???"
just showers you in love. And if you get harrassed or get called annoying, may god/jesus/allah/oprah/beyonce have mercy on their souls because Kaminari can and will vibe check them out of this plane of existence.
ughhh yall are so in love, get away from me people with happy relatonships eww
Thanks again for this, it was a whole lot of fun!!! Hope you like pikachu over here, thought you guys would mesh really well. :D
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the-brokendoll · 2 years
About the Blogger (5 years later)
Let’s see what has changed in the past five years! Everything that is bold is my updated response. 
Birthday: April 10, 1998 Same
Gender: Female Yep
Height: Just found out I’m 5′5″ I thought I was 5′4′’ lmao
Eyes: They’re just brown, but I have very pretty shaped eyes. Facts
Hair: Right now I have shoulder length hair that is magenta…kind of lol My hair is right at my boobs, and the tips are dyed purple. Prepare for a trim tho.
Freckles: No freckles lol Still no
Zodiac: I’m an Aries, and I see this in my personal life but never in the bedroom. I’ve really grown into my Aries self, but my Libra moon has been affecting my relationships lol
Relationship Status: I have a daddy, but he lives in Georgia :( Very Single atm lol
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Woooah Pansexual Gang!
Do you tan easily?: I burn easily. Since I live and mainly work on a beach during the summer I have kinda tannish skin, but compared to everyone else I’m paper white. I got an extreme sunburn freshmen year of high school. lol I hardly see the sun nowadays, thank you Lithium!
Do you wear glasses?: Well I should, but I don’t. I put them on if I can’t see something in class. Damn, I have yet to get new glasses lol
Do you have any tattoos?: Not yet, no. Yeah I have a small friday the 13th tattoo on my upper thigh. I want so many more though. 
Siblings: I have two older brothers and an older half-sister. I’m Grateful to still have them in my life and now I have 3 nephews and 1 niece. 
Favorite Colors: I really love green and maroon. Not together… I loooove a soft and pretty pastel pink.
Pets: I have a poodle, she’s my princess. Mili is still my Princess, and she has two Cat sisters now. 
Favorite Artist: I love love love Senses Fail, Silverstein, and Saosin. I also love Marilyn Manson and William Control. I’ve been really listening to rap lately, I love Lil Skies, Global Dan, and Lil Wayne in particular. I tend to get obsessed with artists. lol
What would you classify your style: Lately, all I’ve been wearing are yoga pants and tank tops. So like gym attire. My style now has a cute goth aesthetic to it. I like dressing like a thot as well. (:
Celebrity you look most like: I have no idea lol I don't pay attention to celebrities lol
Are you athletic/curvy/skinny/average: I’m curvy…I guess. Curvy for sure lol I’ve lost a lot of weight after gaining it all in HS/college. 
Whats your favorite feature: I like my eyes and lips, oh and my pussy is extremely beautiful. I really like my face, I think it’s cute. 
Least favorite: um, my arms I guess. I still hate my arms
What time do you wake up: I try to be up by like 8:30 am on weekdays and I shouldn’t sleep past 11 am on weekends. I wake up at 5 am every morning, unless I sleep in until 8am lol
What kind of phone do you have: I have the Samsung Galaxy S6. Oh God the shame lol....I have an iPhone 7 lmao.
0 notes
babysizedfics · 3 years
i dislike mondays. ugh. but because monday is piano day i wanna know do any of the sides play an instrument?? & how did they react when virgil showed up, how long did it take for them to become comfortable? -🌙
i cant think of the instruments atm hshshhs i dont wanna mix concepts
how the light sides reacted when virgil showed up and how they decided virgil could move in permanently
TWs: angst (hurt/comfort style), anxiety attack mentioned, mention of abuse (in mentioning that this is NOT abuse)
virgil arrived trembling very late on an autumn night
logan was already asleep and roman was in his room doing something, only patton heard the gentle tentative knock on their front door
when he pulled the door open, he saw what looked like a child with a large backpack hurrying away from the door, so he called out "excuse me? Did you knock?" and it isnt until the person freezes and turns around that patton realises it's virgil - one of the sides he hasnt actually seen in YEARS
virgil hugs himself tightly, scratching harshly at his hoodie sleeves, mouth opening and closing wordlessly, not able to speak to someone so unfamiliar
patton can see tear tracks on his cheeks
"hey, kiddo, do you wanna come inside?" patton asks very gently, holding the door open as wide as it will go and taking a step back to give virgil space
it takes a good few moments of virgils eyes darting between the door and pattons shoulder and the sidewalk behind him and his feet but eventually he tiptoes up to the house and hesitates a moment before stepping into the warmth
as he passes by patton is reminded of how young virgil is compared to all of them, he's so small, just above five foot patton reckons, with lanky legs and the slightest baby fat on his cheeks still - he's only 16 if patton remembers correctly. last time he saw virgil was when he was 10.
he's different sure, his hair is no longer white but dyed a dull black, hes taller and clearly wearing makeup - and either he lost his freckles or he owns very thick foundation - but patton recognises the tentative tiptoe walk and the way he looks at the ground and hugs himself. he's still the same vulnerable child patton wished he could have seen more of all those years ago were it not for janus distancing the dark sides from them all
virgil is shaking like a leaf and still hasnt spoken (patton has never heard him speak besides whispered one or two words phrases to janus when they used to all attend meetings together) but patton guides him through to the kitchen quietly and makes him some chamomile tea which he knows is meant to be good for anxiety
he doesnt get much of an idea of why virgil is there since he still hasnt spoken a word - patton doesnt know at this point that virgil is autistic or selectively mute - but he knows that there must be a reason that paranoia felt the safest place to be was a totally new environement. something must have happened at home
he doesnt actually ask virgil what happened, knowing if he wanted to say he would, and simply tells him that he is safe and nothing will hurt him here. its late, if he would like patton can drive him back ((virgil instantly goes wide eyed and teary and shakes his head and breathes faster - patton holds his hand up and gently continues)) but if not then he can stay the night and they can talk in the morning
theres no negative response to that so once virgil has finished with his tea (only drinking about a third of it) patton shows him to the spare room, points out where the bathroom is, and gets him settled
((continues below cut))
it isnt until the next morning at breakfast that patton informs logan and roman what happened and that virgil is still in the room upstairs. roman is completely offended that it happened without any prior warning, that an intruder snuck under his nose, and logan is merely shocked and curious as to what happened.
i wont develop on that first day much more at the moment - but essentially the sides can only be outside of their own abode for 7 days (rounded up to midnight on the last day). if they are in the OTHER house (subconscious or conscious) by the time that week is up, their function will adjust and be reassigned to that part of the mind
virgil stays for six days - after the second day he was comfortable enough around patton to speak to him if they were on their own, but not at length. mostly whispering and never more than a sentence at a time. he told patton that he had a fight with janus and that he didnt want to be in that house anymore but he didnt share any details.
patton didnt feel he NEEDED details. if virgil felt uncomfortable in that house he didnt see why virgil should be made to stay there.
roman refused to speak to virgil the entire time he stayed there
on the seventh day of virgil staying with them, logan tried to speak to him in the morning, explaining that he must go back to the other house before midnight, thats just how its meant to be. it triggered virgil to have an anxiety attack right there in the living room and logan very bewildered helped him get through it.
patton took virgil back up to the spare room and reassured him that if virgil didnt want to do something he didnt have to - that included living with the others. virgil whispered that this is how things are meant to be - repeating logans words - and patton was internally furious. he told virgil he would soeak to the other two
that evening in the last couple of hours before virgil is due to either go back or be destined to stay with them forever, patton has logan and roman sat in the kitchen and refuses to give up his case
i wrote this dialogue a few months ago but this is where it begins:
P: He's just a child!
R: He's hardly an innocent little lamb, Pat
P: Don't you two remember being 16? Roman when you were that young you were still in school, you still had braces
R, blushing: No need to reminsce...
P: Logan when you were sixteen he hadn't even been created yet, not for another year. You were still figuring out how the mindscape worked!
L: I... was it really so long ago?
P: And when I was sixteen Roman and-- they were still-- *sigh* We were all just children. We were confused and scared but at least we knew where we belonged.
L, gently: Patton. He belongs in the subconscious with the others
P: You're both ignoring the fact that the must be a reason why he doesn't want to be there anymore. Why he doesn't want to be with them
R, angry and ready to fight: Are you suggesting they abused him??
P: No!! No, he said thats not it--
L: The mindscape would have alerted us in some way. And we are all essentially facets of Thomas; even if we all behave differently and hold different values, it is not in any of our natures to be maliciously cruel.
R: then what did patton mean?
P: I mean you know what the others are like. How they behave, how they live. Virgil has been with us for six days now and I can't be the only one who's noticed how different he is from the rest of them. He's quiet and cautious and gentle. He's frightened
L: Janus and Remus are not above feeling fear
P: I know but... He obviously doesn't feel safe with them. He doesn't fit in there
R: Well he doesn't fit in here either!! We've already got our dynamic all worked out - The brains, the brawn, and the beauty! A fourth doesnt fit into that!
P: well then we'll adapt so he does fit in
R scoffs and storms toward the closed kitchen door
P: Roman, please--
R opens the door and everyone freezes to see Virgil stumble back from it, clearly having been listening to their conversation
P: Oh kiddo... We were just--
R, bitter: Eavesdropping, huh?
V remains silent and glares at romans feet, hugging himself tightly
R: see, paranoia can't even look me in the eyes! He's obviously up to--
V: virgil
R, shocked because its the first time he has heard V speak and its quiet: what?
V: n-not paranoia. virgil.
everyone is silent and V immediately regrets speaking. he turns and hurries back up to the spare room
L looks from where V ran away, back at P's dejected look, and nods to himself, taking a deep breath
R sees this and instantly knows what it means - Logan has made his mind up. and what he says goes
R, sarcastic: great
R storms out and runs up to his room, slamming the door hard enough for P and L to feel it rumble from downstairs
After a moment P starts to stand up to go check on R and V. Then L's hand stops him
L: He can stay
P looks at L, eyes full to the brim with tears, looking so so hopeful and relieved. he sinks back to his chair and takes L's hand tightly
P: really?!
L nods and pulls his hand from P's hold: Really. If the mindscape thought it necessary to Thomas' psyche it could have prevented Virgil from even finding his way here. But it didn't
P wipes at his eyes and smiles wobbily
L: And we do have a spare bedroom. Which honestly always baffled me, I didn't request it of the mindscape... I daresay this may be the exact reason we were equipped with a four-bedroom house
P gasps: You mean this was destiny??
L: That is a highly emotionally charged way of putting it. But yes quite possibly
P sniffles and instantly pulls Logan into a tight hug. L very awkwardly returns it, then pulls back
P: Logan thank you so SO much, you have no idea--
L: I have one condition though
P instantly nods and looks at L very intently with a big smile
L, hesitating: You need to inform Janus before midnight
P's smile drops. his eyes drift to the digital clock on the oven - 23:34
L: At exactly midnight the change will be made permanent. While this was within Virgil's right to have a say in the matter, Janus is still his legal guardian. He--
P: he deserves to know...
L, sympathetic: I can handle telling Roman and--
P, desperate: I want to tell Virgil!
L, smiling softly: as you wish
P holds the telephone to his ear and dials janus' number. It only rings once
J: Hello? Virgil??
P: It- It's Patton.
J: Is virgil still there??
P: yes he-
J: For goodness sake Patton, do you have any idea what day it is, what time it is!! He was only supposed to stay a few nights!
P: I--
J: are you dropping him off? Do I need to pick him up?? I'll get in the car right now
P: Janus, I'm sorry he-
J: is he hurt?!
P: No! No he's not hurt
J: Then why the hell isn't he back yet! You know we don't have much longer!!
P: Janus-
J: I swear to GOD if anythinf has happened to him-
P: he isnt coming back
J: ... what?
P: Virgil, um... He's staying here. For good
P: Janus, I--
*janus hangs up*
Patton stays frozen, hand over his mouth and eyes burning with unshed tears. he slowly lowers the phone back to the table, then sees movement in the corner of his eye. he gasps and quickly looks up.
virgil is standing just around the corner and jumps at pattons reaction, clearly highly strung. patton smiles reassuringly despite the tears in his eyes. "hey kiddo. sorry if i scared you"
virgil shrugs a little stiffly. it makes his backpack fall down his arm - and patton realises virgil has packed all his things in his bag again
"um.. do i- do i need to walk?" virgil asks, shaky and small
patton bites his lip and very slowly and carefully approaches virgil, stopping when virgil took a step back
"do you want to go back?" patton asks sincerely
virgil shakes his head immediately, strongly
patton nods to himself, but still prompts "are you completely sure?"
virgil slumps a little, voice even quieter. "i-i can go if you want"
"no" patton quickly says "no kiddo, i didnt mean that at all. youre allowed to stay if you want to"
virgil actually meets pattons eyes for the first time in his life - only for a second, but it blows patton away a little - "really??"
patton smiles sadly. "really really" then he turns serious. this is a serious matter after all. "but its permanent, okay? and if you change your mind or not thats completely fine but you have to do it in the next-" he checks his phone "-7 minutes so that I have enough time to drive you back"
virgil blinks hard and takes a big measured breath at that. he even sways a little and patton holds his arms out - not touching virgil but offering him something to hold if he needs to
virgil tentatively holds onto the sleeve of pattons fleece. "can, um... am i allowed to sit down?"
"of course, kiddo, come on" and patton leads him to the living room
they sit on the couch, just a couple of feet between them. by virgils doing - pat sat down first and let virgil sit wherever he pleased. when virgil didnt take the seat furthest and instead sat right next to pstton, the older side knew virgil must need comfort
and for the next few minutes virgil just sat and breathed a little too shallow and fast and looked at his phone every moment to check the time. it was the longest few minutes of either of their lives, sitting in silence and waiting for virgil to make up his mind
at least thats what patton thought, until he saw the time reading 23:58
it was well past the time they had to leave if they could get virgil back in time. virgil wasnt making up his mind - he was counting down the seconds until he was officially free from the subconscious
and then the clock hits midnight and virgil goes deadly tense and still, as if he's waiting for his phone to blow up in his face or something. neither of them moves or speaks, its been silent for minutes but this is deafening
but after a minute or two with no exploding phone or whatever else virgil expected, he breathes a big shaky sigh. he looks hesitantly up at patton, eyes falling just to the right of his head to avoid eye contact "is-is that it?"
patton nods slowly, a little stunned himself. "i guess so. do you feel any different?"
virgil blinks and frowns. then whispers "i'm... anxiety."
"you feel anxious?"
virgil picks at a loos thread on his ripped jeans. "y-yeah but... but my function"
"oh!" patton gasps, not knowing what else to say. he goes for reassurance. "well that's okay. whatever you are, you're still virgil."
"i... do i live here now?" virgil whispers, and the hope and relief in his voice is just too much for patton not to smile
"you live here now" he assures, feeling his heart swell when he sees the tiniest hint of a smile pull at virgils lips - the first sign of joy he's shown since being there
"can i please hug you virgil?" he asks
virgil hesitates, ducking his head a little, but then he nods very subtly.
patton carefully scooches closer on the couch and hunches down to wrap his arms around virgil firmly but softly. virgil is tense in his hold, so patton only hugs him for a brief moment before pulling away and smiling down at him
"welcome home kiddo" he whispers
so as you can see patton clearly warms up to virgil quickly - it doesnt take logan much longer though virgil is intimidated by him at first and they dont get very close for at least a year. roman hardly speaks to virgil for weeks, and beyond that their interactions are limited to arguments and insults for at least two years. it isnt until virgils third year living there when he helps roman realise he has undiagnosed adhd that they start to get along more, albeit reluctantly at first
i do know a lot more about this time period in the au (and some of it is written) so if you have more questions pls do ask!
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giasonesdream · 4 years
I was tagged by @moonchildjunoon and goodness it’s been a while since I’ve seen/done a post like this
▸NICKNAME(S): Mainly Cam, nothing special
▸BIAS: I double bias Yoongi and Tae but Yoongi is the ultimate
▸BLOOD TYPE: I think AB+ ? I know both my parents are
▸FAVOURITE FOOD: atm tacos are really getting to me. especially with cilantro
▸BIRTHDAY: August 18
▸ZODIAC: Leo, year of the Ox
▸PRONOUNS: she/her
▸HAIR LENGTH: Just at my shoulders when it’s straightened. I had shaved an under cut about 3 years ago...someone take the razor away from me
▸HEIGHT: 5′6″ soooo still shorter than Jimin and that’s all that matters
▸A CRUSH: Having a crush is gay
▸WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I love how creative and dramatic my mind is. I come up with story ideas constantly
▸LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED: right handed, but I carry the left-hand gene
▸LIST OF THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: Pink, Yellow and...is gold a colour? I’m counting it
▸(RIGHT NOW) EATING: my words
▸(RIGHT NOW) DRINKING: in the dying sun
▸I’M ABOUT TO: break! I need a little room to breathe, ‘cause I’m one step closer to the edge, and I’m about to break!
▸LISTENING TO: 44 Lies by Two Lies
▸KIDS: yeah, they’re pretty powerful. Why? Lookin’ to start a revolution?
▸GET MARRIED: Don’t tell me what to do. I don’t wanna
▸RECENT PHONE CALL: Probs my mother. Oh yeah, she called asking what I wanted from DD and I was still asleep so I said pick whatever
▸(HAVE YOU EVER) DATED SOMEONE TWICE: I’ve barely dated someone once
▸BEEN CHEATED ON: Never been in a relationship soooo yes very often
▸KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: Don’t think so? I regret the people I haven’t kissed
▸LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Not sure how special they were to me...but they made me feel special sometimes (wow I sound like a jerk)
▸BEEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: 21st Birthday. My dumbass thought I would be able to go to work the next day. Also New Years. I slept on the bathroom floor
▸HAD GLASSES OR CONTACTS: I had glasses that I wore just to drive in and my optometrist was like “Dude...you should be wearing these, like, all day.” And I was like “shit...facts”.
▸HAD SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: No just some making out. He tasted like salsa
▸BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: Think when I told that not so special someone I didn’t want to have her in my life anymore.
▸TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: i’ve turned down three marriage proposals now- awkward, but yes THIS WAS MOONCHILDJUNOON’S ANSWER HOLY FUCK GIRL but I mean if you count tinder idiots sure loads of times
▸CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: My heart might be made of stone, but it still shakes when the ground rumbles
▸FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: Yep. Like 2 years after we stopped being friends. Also discovered at that point I was pansexual. So is she.
▸(IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU) MADE A NEW FRIEND: I guess it’s been a year since I became friends with MK, yeah
▸LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: all the time. tiktok people are funny
▸MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: Of course...every friend I’ve had has had some impact on me
▸FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS WERE: Think I’m still working on that, but getting close
▸FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: Yeah but it was good to know. I didn’t want to be friends with them anyways
▸LIPS OR EYES: porque no las dos?
▸HUGS OR KISSES: no thanks
▸ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS: I’m a rather organized person, so spontaneity scares me...but I never regret those moments
▸FIRST BEST FRIEND: That not so special someone. Met her in high shcool
▸SURGERY: wisdom teeth. Like two weeks ago. Turns out I had five. Now I only have one haha
▸SPORTS I JOINED: I did soccer when I was a wee youngin’. Softball in high school. I was always more into dance
▸DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Does God believe in itself?
▸MIRACLES: I believe it’s a mix of free-will and fate. The miracles are what you accept of your situation
▸LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: more of a “love at first laugh” kinda person
▸HEAVEN: is a place on Earth...with you <3
▸DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: I have a kitty named Smitty! Much like his owners, he only takes affection when he asks for it.
▸DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: Nah. I can’t imagine myself with a different name. It would just feel like I would have to change who I am.
▸WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: Stayed in a fancy hotel downtown right next to the lake. Drank vodka sodas and cried in the bathroom just as the clock struck midnight and I was officially another year older.
▸WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: 9am but only cause I’m on my period
▸WHAT WERE YOU DOING LAST NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT: Watching that new show on freeform called Motherland. It’s pretty good
▸SOMETHING I CAN’T WAIT FOR: some progress on this covid shit
▸LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MUM: She just came downstairs to take the chips
▸WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: I don’t think I would change anything because I’m content? I mean...I wish I thought I was beautiful
I can only think to tag @multifandomnerd4532 and @yoonseok hm...I see @cassiavioletblue. There ^-^ this is actually pretty interesting so I’m excited to see your responses if you do it.
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lesbiansassemble · 6 years
tag game
Tagged by @tomsfireheart - ilysm <3
Drink: cola cao with soy milk (it’s a spanish hot chocolate)
Phone call: my doctor
Text Message: ouch relatable
Song you listened to: girlfriend - icona pop
Time you cried: a couple of days ago
Dated someone twice: no
Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
Been cheated on: yes
Lost someone special: yes
Been depressed: yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
Fave colours: red, white and pink
in the last year have you
Made new friends: yeah:)
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: all the time
Found out someone was talking about you: yes
Met someone who changed you: yeah
Found out who your friends are: yeah
Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them
Do you have any pets: yes, two dogs!
Do you want to change your name: no, i used to, but not anymore
What did you do for your last birthday: nothing:(
What were you doing at midnight last night: saying good night to everyone on the discord chat and eating like a whole packet of biscuits
What is something you can’t wait for: to meet @faandral in person :)
What are you listening to right now: royals - lorde
Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, loads haha
Something that gets on your nerves: eating loudly
Most visited website: surely everyone on here is going to say tumblr? lmao, anyway, yeah it’s tumblr
Hair colour: light brown/dark blonde (natural), platinum blonde (dyed)
Long or short hair: medium atm, but i’m having it cut to its original shoulder length in a couple of days
Do you have a crush on someone: does it count if i’m dating them? if so, then yes
What do you like about yourself: my....resilience?
Want any piercings: yes, i want to re-do my second lobe piercings at some point, because they got ruined:(
Blood type: O+
Nicknames: nessie/ness/noonie/keki 
Relationship status: in a relationship
Zodiac: sagittarius
Pronouns: she/her
Fave tv shows:  voltron, the good place, the office, full metal alchemist, game of thrones, jane the virgin, daredevil, fleabag, gilmore girls, misfits, the IT crowd, 30 rock, supernatural, doctor who....there’s some others but i can’t remember them right now 
Tattoos: none
Right or left handed: right
Ever had surgery: no, but i will in a few days
Piercings: just one on each ear
Sport: skiing and bodyboarding. i used to play basketball and be on the athletics team too, but not anymore...rip
Vacation: currently in madrid
more general
Eating: as in that last thing i ate? uhh...roast chicken and potatoes
Drinking: right now? water
About to watch: voltron
Waiting for: to see andy
Want: to see andy lmao, to meet my tumblr friends in person, and to pass this year at uni, and to get a part time job
Get married: yeah
Career: i’m currently a student, but i guess maybe i’d like to work in the film industry, but i’m open to ideas
which is better
Hugs or and kisses
Lips or eyes:
Shorter or taller:
Older or younger: 
Nice arms or stomach: i don’t mind
Hookup or relationship:
Troublemaker or hesitant: i mean like....it depends lmao
have you ever
Kissed a stranger: yes
Drunk hard liquor: yes
Lost glasses: i mean...sunglasses yeah. but i don’t have any actual glasses to lose
Turned someone down: yes
Sex on first date: no
Broken someone’s heart: yes
Had your heart broken: no
Been arrested: no
Cried when someone died: i think i did, i can’t remember
Fallen for a friend: yeah, andy lmao
do you believe in
Yourself: yeah
Miracles: sometimes
Love at first sight: i think so
Santa claus: no
Kiss on a first date: usually
Angels: no
Best friend’s name: andy
Eye colour: dark brown
Fave movie:  the lord of the rings, thor: ragnarok, toy story, mulan, back to the future....i don’t know there are loads!
Fave actors: Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr, Zoe Saldana, David Tennant, Samuel L Jackson, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Lena Headey, Ryan Reynolds, Leonardo DiCaprio, Melissa McCarthy, Octavia Spencer, Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Brolin, there’s loads more but i can’t remember them
tagging // the #msuperfamily: @faandral @sapphic-wanda @tonystarrks @lokirevenger @piccolaromana @brckenwhiteboi @biandmighty @quake-spierfeld-canary @asgrdians @scarletwicht @buckeed @effyeahbuckybarnes @quidchamp @lokibrodinson @thewienersoidier @ttaikas and anyone else in the family xx
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zebrashavestripes · 5 years
Answer all questions for ask game about your cats!!(I'm dying for knowing about ash and Sabby pleeeaase!!😍)
Oh my goodness girl, so many, but okay.
1. Name? Ash and Sabrina2. Fur colour? Ash has grey fur on his back, with white markings on his face and white on his belly. Sabrine is the same, but with black on her back, and a special marking on her face.3. Any family you know (other than you)? They are related by blood as brother and sister, which is cute I think :)4. Age? 21 months old (my babies), which is around 17 in cat years5. Favorite toy? They love playing with cardboard for some reason, it’s super weird. There are cardboard scraps all over my house. And, according to Ash, Sabrina’s tail is his FAVOURITE toy.6. Nicknames? Ash: Ashy, Ashy baby, baby boy, pretty boy, foofy boy, crazy boy. Sabrina: Sabbi, Sabrrrrrrrrrina, Miss, purrty, pretty girl, baby girl, fluffy girl,  Miss desperate and more7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Ash is both of those and Sabrina is neither. Sabrina is too good for you. How dare you be in her prescence? But also, freaking pat her already, she’s desperate, people!8. Length of fluff? So long, omg. The flooofiest. Ash is the fluffiest, just covered in clouds of fur. Sabrina’s fur is long but a bit sleeker.9. Any funny habits? Does eating things they’re not supposed to count? Or the fact Ash always wants me to walk him to the food and keep him company while he eats. Sabrina’s habit of turning around and forcing your hand into her face is a nice one.10. How old were they when you met? 9 months. BABIES11. What does their food bowl look like? They have a conjoined bowl which is bright green and a water bowl with little fishies on.12. Indoor or outdoor cat? They’re allowed to go outside, but Ash prefers to be indoors where he can move and lounge around without cause, where as Sabrina loves exploring outside, she kept escaping when I first got her, lol13. Recent picture?
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Sleepy babies.14. Old picture?
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BABIES15. Cuddly? Reasonably so. I’m the only one they really let pick them up, but they don’t mind sitting beside you or on your bed and stuff. I actually think it depends on their mood, or how hot it is on the day.16. Ever changed their name? YES. I kept Ash’s name, he was called that when I got him from the SPCA. But Sabrina’s original name was Scamp which we didn’t like because such a name is not appropriate for royalty.18. Eye color? Yellow/green19. How do they express love for you? Ash follows me around the house, Sabrina walks up to me when she comes in from exploring. Both like to be in my room when I wake up. They’re really nice cats. Also, tolerating me picking me up is definitely a sign of love.20. How do you express love for them? HEAPS of pats, feeding them good food, and by telling them all the time through long blinks and actual words.21. Any theories on what breed? I don’t really care about breeds, honestly. What matters is what kind of personality they have, not their genetics.22. Do they ever wake you up? YES. Recent time Ash woke me up: He was meowing for me to get out of bed so I went and saw he had a mouse. Sadly, I was not surprised by this. Recent time Sabrina woke me up: Came into my room and started ripping up my homework, lol. Silly girl.23. How much do they meow? They aren’t super loud, but Ash will meow when we go to get his food because he’s happy about it and wants to communicate. I always meow back. Sabrina’s meow is more squeaky, lol, and she does it when someone touches her unexpectedly of when she comes inside and sees me, or when she’s been picked up and she doesn’t like it.24. Any hiding spots? Ash likes to lie beneath the table and my chair, etc. Sabrina will hide behind the couch occasionally. They have both hidden beneath stools because the fabric will hang down to cover them, bu their paws and tails peek out so I always know they’re there.25. Do they enjoy guests? Depends. A hoard of screaming children? Hell no. A lot of people in one room? Nope! They’ll be in my room the entire time. One person carefully introducing themselves? Okay, now you’re talking.26. Lofty objects to sit on? The back of the couch. Various window sills.27. Wear a collar?(and describe collar?) Yes! They have matching collars. Ash’s one is blue, Sabrina’s is purple. They both have a magnet on to get through the catflap.28. How much shedding? Inevitable with such long-haired cats. There is so much cat fluff all through the house.29. Do they enjoy brushing? Sabrina LOVES brushing. Will purr the entire time, will make you feel so special. Ash hates it. Will only let me do it, and I still will come back a little scratched and bitten. He’s a vicious boy. I love him.30. Ever drink from the toilet? Lol, yes. They leave paw maks on the bowl. But Sabrina prefers to drink from the sink. She’s more proper that way. Sometimes, they even drink from the bowl.31. How do they get your attention? For Ash, meowing usually does the trick. Sabrina, you can call her sometimes but it’s best just to go up to her.32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done? Ash fell out of a window. His face, omg. He was so ashamed.33. Weirdest thing they try to eat? Ash likes to eat peas. There’s no try about it, he does it. Sabrina likes to try to eat paper and cardboard.34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends? They’re my children. My babies.35. What time do they eat breakfast? Whenever they want. They self regulate their eating.36. Do you cut their nails? No? Why would I do that? How else will they scratch their foes?37. Do you think they understand you? Yes. Of course.38. Ever make fun of them? Of course. Ash can be so stupid and violent (He’s an Ed Nygma, lol). Sabrina pretends to be all innocent and perfect but she likes to play just as much and is SO desperate for the pats.39. Do you take their picture often? When I feel like it. I like taking pictures of them.40. Ever hiss at you? Not really. Last time I heard Ash hiss, it was because a baby was crawling towards him and Ash felt trapped and didn’t want to hurt the baby, so he was trying to tell it to go away. I don’t think I remember Sabrina hissing.41. Ever try to scratch or bite you? Yes :) Attack babies. Ash has no hesitation, loves clawing and biting. Sabrina Will claw to stay attached to you or to bring your hand closer to her face for PATS.42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do? If they’re in a good mood, they do nothing. Otherwise, Sabrina will pull away, and Ash will bite you or scratch you or both. 43. Do they ever eat bugs? SO MANY BUGS. They don’t discriminate, if you are bug they are eating you. They bring them in to play with before they have their meal. They’re a bit sadistic, although I’m sure Sabrina would protest me saying that. The favourite is Wetas, which are exclusive to NZ as far as I know.44. Canned or dry food? Dry food. It’s better for their fur.45. Weight? Ash is heavier, around 7kg or so last time I checked. Sabrina was closer to 5kg. But it’s been a really long time since I checked.46. Ever got lost? Nope.47. Do you buy them presents? I am their present. I am a gift.48. Do they respond when you call? When they want to, lol.49. Do they ever see other cats? There are other cats on the street, but they don’t like each other.50. Declawed? NO!!!!!51. Funniest expression? Ash makes a face everytime he thinks I’m about to give him food. Sabrina likes to look around with her eyes barely open, silently judging you for being in her presence (and not patting her).52. Favorite place to be pet? Face. Cheeks, chin, fore head, FACE.53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed? A whole frozen chicken. We don’t talk about it.54. Give them a head kiss. I did. Sabrina made such a cute, squeky meow that I had to pat her afterwards. Ash was like “wtf are you doing?” I think he’s only interested in food atm, lol.55. What time of the year is most exciting for them? Spring. They go outside lots and the grass is super wet and they get leaves and shit stuck in their fur.56. Are they good at hunting real prey? They have killed two birds and one mouse and soooo many insects. Does that count?57. Do they ever attack nothing? Of course. Especially Ash. He stupid.58. What are they doing right now? Sabrina’s on the chair, wondering why I left her after giving her kiss and pats. Ash is licking himself.59. How long have you had them? About a year. My last cat I had 8 years.60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you? No. What would be the point? Cats are more peaceful than kittens anyway.61. Ever baby-talk to them? Everyday. They are babies.62. Favourite napping position? Ash is a lover of the C position, or loaf position. Sabrina is a big fan of Ball of Fur position.63. Have you ever stepped on their paw? No.64. Ever tripped you on stairs? Yes, lol. That’s what they get for running like that.65. Any ear hair? They gots furry ears, it’s cute.66. Favourite view from a window? They like to watch the birds nest out one of the windows, Ash especially.67. Describe why they are precious. Because they just are so preicous. Sabrina is so tiny and baby but also attac and playful but she deny it. Ash is stupid baby, scaredy cat but he attack and pretend to be brave and I love my brave scaredy-cat baby.68. Fit the cat stereotype? Some of them, yeah.69. Chaotic neutral? Lol, Ash is chaotic Evil, but Sabrina is def chaotic neutral, even though she claims to be lawful good.70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company? Yes, I believe they do.71. Are you their favourite human? Definitely.72. Do they like tv? I think so. I’ve caught them both watching my laptop screen over my shoulder.73. Favourite noise to make? They love to purrr and make their lil meows.74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be? I don’t know what is is, lol
Wow, so many questions. You now know so much about my cats.
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enter-the-phantom · 6 years
I was tagged by @psychgirl47
Drink - CocaCola
Phone Call - My grandmother
Text - My mom
Song -  “Just Like Heaven” - The Cure
Time You Cried - Last night
Been depressed - Chronic mental illness, yo
Gotten drunk and thrown up - Ew no
In The Last Year Have You:
Made new friends - Online!
Fallen outta love - Unfortunately, no
Laughed Until You Cried - Yes, thank you, The Office
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You - It’s a hobby in my family
Met someone who changed you - Nope
Found out who your friends are - I dunno
Kissed someone on your Facebbok friends list - Never kissed anyone
Fave color - Black or green
How many of your Facebook friends do you know IRL - All but like three
Any pets - my wonderful GSD, Bear, and my tiny house panther, Luna!
Do you wanna change your name - I’ve always thought “Raymundo, Destroyer of Worlds” had a nice ring to it.
What did you do for your last birthday - Went to a restaurant. Went home. Went to sleep. 
What were you doing last night at midnight - Just got home from work
!What is something you can’t wait for - LeakyCon 2019!
What are you listening to -  Breaking Bad
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - One of my coworkers is called Tommy.
Something that gets on your nerves - Children. Also Ariana Grande and ABBA. 
Most visited website - Tumblr or Youtube, or maybe Goodreads
Hair color - dyed black currently, naturally a very dark chestnut
Hair length - below my shoulders. It’s awful. Trying to get permission to get it above my shoulders. 
Do you have a crush on someone - Well I can't really lie about this one, can I?
What do you like about yourself - I don’t know, I’m a hard worker and I’m really good at like...sleeping
Want any piercings - I’d really like snake bites.
Blood type - Half-blood
Nicknames - Abby, Enter, people at work have taken to calling me “Abbster”. Tony Stark calls me Vampirella/Draculaura/Morticia. 
Relationship Status - Married in two headspaces to two wonderful fictional boys <3
Zodiac - Aries
Pronouns - She/her
Fave TV Show - Frasier, The Office, Psych, I Love Lucy, or Parks and Rec
Tattoos - none atm, but I really want Snape’s wand on my left forearm
Right or left handed - Mostly right, but I can use my left pretty well. Or at least as well as my right, which isn’t well at all. 
Ever had surgery - Yep, I tore a ligament and thought it was just a sprain because I have a dangerously high pain tolerance. Walked around on it for years until the ligament dissolved. Was crippled for a while. Had to have other parts of my foot made into a new ligament. 
Sports: I used to take fencing. Might do it again someday. I was actually really good. 
More general:
Eating - I’m about to get some chips or something
Drinking - nothing
About to watch - Breaking Bad
Waiting to - let my iPad charge so I can draw
Want - enormous bags of cash
Get married - happily married to a fashionable dork and a gothic nerd
Which is better:
Hugs or kisses - With real people, neither. With my f/o’s, all of the above.
Lips or eyes - My boys have very pretty both tbh
Shorter or taller - I don’t really care
Nice arms or stomach - ...I dont know??? I don’t really care all that much tbh
Troublemaker or Hesitant - It depends on the situation and if the trouble is worth it in the end
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger - I kiss the head of every good dog I meet, does that count
Drank hard liquor - No. I know myself enough to know that’s not a good idea for me. 
Lost glasses - I don’t even know where mine are right now
Turned someone down - Never had the opportunity 
Been arrested - Nope
Cried when someone died - The only time I’ve ever gone through the grieving process was when Rickman died. Thanks, ASD, for making me seem like a psycho. 
Fallen for a friend - Let’s keep this at least somewhat non-depressing and soul crushing and go with the fun answer. Yes! Me and AU Sev started out as legit platonic friends when I first started RP sessions using him. Now here we are.~
Do you believe in:
Yourself - eh
Love at first sight - it really depends on the individuals involved
Kiss on first date - again, it depends on the individuals
Angels - Sure why not
Best friend’s name - Ariel and Maggie 
Eye color - green
Fave movie - The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Fave Actors: do you need to ask this? Okay, I’ll bite. Alan Rickman, Ezra Miller (but mainly because he’s my headcast for young/AU Sev), Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, Adrian Brody, Chris Pratt
I tag @its-just-chaos bc I honestly can’t think of anyone else
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therapy-talk · 2 years
I'm saying way too much in this post and I don't rwally care atm.
I never asked for help or really let people know what was going on and now I resent them for being stronger than me and I feel like a shitty friend
I just. One of my friends isn't doing well at all and this is like 2013. Like wanting to be there for them but I can't I can't I'm fucking drowning
I never let them fucking know and I still can't and okay. Resentment isn't the right word. I'm actually fucking proud of her. But I wonder why I feel like I need to go through everything alone
I hate that this is all so invisible. At least when I was recovering from major surgery you could See. You could see that I needed help with, god, getting up. Turning in bed. Walking more than a living room length. Everything. You could See and Believe I could not sit for more than 10 minutes. There was a tangled mess of hair on my head and a giant bed in the living room that said as much. (And I still went back right after winter break after surgery 2 and I didn't get a study delay. I busted my ass to keep up. I was sleeping most of the day and still prioritizing, fucking, math class. Jesus.)
Idk. I pop in with little study updates now, and it's all "this opportunity" "this essay" "that deadline" "watching a film again. Reading an article again" but like. Idk. Studying is the only thing I'm good at. As long as I can make people proud with my achievements, who reslly gices a rats ass or second thought about my mental health? There's also the idea of "therapy stopped so I'm supposed to be better now."
But like. August was August. Was this year. Was less than 6 months ago. I didn't tell anyone any of that and even if R was there, was a witness for even a fraction of the shit that goes on when she's like that. She doesn't know. I didn't say how bad it can get. Got. They don't know about the drunken rambling and the terror and the hatred and how I'm trying to not let it fuck up my love for the sea.
I get nightmares and they're all about her dying, or rejecting me, about being Wrong and Shouldn't Be Born and it hurts. I don't know how to make people see that I can't deal with any of the shit of the last 10 years because I have been. I have been carrying it and I will have to continue. That when i'm cranky and withdrawn it's Something that I cannot talk about but which burns. Still burns. How do I make them see I dig my nails into my palms to not have a panic attack in class about a movie? When we're talking about "what makes the imagination in the viewer so vivid in this scene when it's a situation like most will never experience" and I have to bite back a scream because GOD, yes, that sure IS vivid thank you very much. Something just familiar and similar enough to want to burst into panicky tears. A mother just unstable enough. A peculiar combination of "just barely too much alltogether to not make an impact." Like an atom bomb. Waiting.
Everything is always piling up and I'm never doing enough. I want to scream "I know I seemed lazy back then but I don't think I stopped panicking until january 2018 when I'd already moved out for half a year. I don't know how to make you see I was always on edge. I don't know how to say 'that time on my 15th birthday party I panicked when people asked me what happened to the door because I couldn't really say 'mom smashed the glass on christmas' without making it awkward.''
I don't know how to say, "I don't want pity, but I do want to be seen. I do want some support. I'm afraid to talk about things that happened but I'm not sure I can shoulder them alone. I feel like I'm only good at being smart, and failing at being a person. I don't know how to be kind." I don't know. I don't know how to not be selfish I always feel selfish. I feel selfish having survived any of it, since obviously the question if someone cares has a different answer every day. At this point it mostly just feels like too much hassle for its benefits.
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jeonslilmonster · 6 years
I suddenly rememberer that I had to do this lmao 💕 tagged by the lovely @oonulipoona 🌸💘 I’m on mobile so I have to split this in 2 posts:(
Whats your (real) name? 🌸
How old are you? 21 (turning 22 this year 😱 I AM OLD)
Whats your Birthday? August 31st
What star sign does that make it? Virgo🙌🏻
Whats your favorite color? Black, red
Whats your lucky number? 3
Do you have any pets? Yepp💓 2 dogs, a cat and a turtle 💕
Where are you from? 🇮🇹
How tall are you? ...150 cm... 4’ 11”.... next question please
What shoe size are you? 36 (EU)
What was your last dream about? Mmmh about school I think
What would you do if you won the lottery? Travel, probably
Would you like to build/design your own house? Yeah
Which form of public transport do you prefer? Plane
What talents do you have? I guess I have a good memory 🤓
Can you juggle? What is that
Can you solve a rubix cube? Yep
Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear? Yep
Are you psychic in any way? Kinda? Hahaha
Are you a good actor? Yeah
Are you a good writer? Hahahah nope
Have you ever been bungee jumping? No BUT I WANT TO DO IT SO BAD
Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking? Nope
What types of holidays do you prefer? Halloween so I can be my ugly self lol
Whats the furthest you’ve ever been on vacation? Bora Bora
What was your favorite vacation? England
Where would your dream vacation be? Canada
Can you tap dance? Nope
Whats your favorite animal? OOOOH BOYYY IDK PROBABLY GIRAFFES? IDK
Whats your favorite sport? dance
Whats your favorite food? Pizza, pasta, tomatoes, fries
Whats your favorite pizza topping? Zucchini or green peppers
Whats your favorite movie? Harry Potter, ALL OF THEM, also the corpse bride
Whats your favorite song? atm New Rules- Dua Lipa
Do you want children? NO NO NO NO ❌❌❌
Do you want a church wedding? NO❌
Are you religious? ❌❌NO❌❌
Do you like reality TV programs? Nope
Do you like TV talent shows? nope
If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Nothing tbh. Maybe tell my best friend that I love him every day
How many hats do you own? 4 I think
Are you any good at pool? Yeah
Whats the highest you’ve ever jumped into the water from? 15 meters
Have you ever been admitted to hospital? Yep
Have you ever had any brushes with the law? nope😇
Have you ever been on TV? nope
Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers
Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair? First towel drying and then blow drying
What color socks are you wearing? White
If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Canada or England
Would you like to be a big celebrity? It depends
How big is your TV? Idk the measurements but kinda big
What type of music do you like? Pop
Have you ever been skinny dipping? What is that pt.2
How many Pillows do you sleep with? One
What position do you often sleep in? Left side
What do you wear to bed? Sweatpants and sweatshirt
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunsets
What do you typically have for breakfast? a coffe
Do you like scary movies? YES
Whats your favorite ice cream flavor? Melon
Have you ever been in a newspaper? Yep
Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
Have you ever tried ? nope
What’s your favorite condiment? Ketchup
What’s your favorite clean word? Holy moly
What’s your favorite swear word? Fuck
What’s your least favorite word? Diet
What was the last movie you saw? Red Sparrow
What football team do you support? none
What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? 42
What’s the tallest building you’ve ever been up? Idk
Do you have any scars? Too many
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? an astronaut
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? my lips
What’s the longest you’ve ever grown your hair? I recently cut 35 cm of my hair and now they’re a bit longer than shoulder length so yep
Are you scared of flying? nope
Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? Nope
Are you reliable? yes
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yep
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? Are u happy?
Do you hold grudges ? no
If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create? Panther and a Golden Retriever
Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? No
Can you solve Sudoku puzzles? Yes
Whats the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Idk
Are you much of a daredevil? Yeh
Are you a good liar? No
How long could you go without talking? PROBABLY YEARS LMAO
What has been your worst haircut/style? I haven’t had any tbh
Can you ice skate? yes
Can you do a somersault? no
Whats your favorite joke? “Jin is untalented “
Have you ever sleepwalked? no
Whats your favorite TV commercial? None
What traditionally adorns the top of your Christmas tree? Idk
What would be your dream sandwich? Just pizza, fam
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applegorl · 7 years
Yo yea tags are cool
Tysm to the wonderful @kaokaru​ who tagged me!! 
-drink: Water 
-phone call: My dad 
-text: My bestie 
-song: Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic! at The Disco 
-time i cried: I almost cried today but technically two days ago 
-have you dated someone twice: I have zero dating potential lol nope  
-kissed someone and regreted it: I HAVENT HAD MY FIRST KISS AND IM SAD 
-been cheated on: not that I know of 
-lost someone special: not yet 
-been depressed: idk 
-gotten drunk and thrown up: I’m 13 yo
list three fave colours
- Yellow, Greyish blue, Rosy Maroon Red
in the last year have you:

 made new friends: I guess?? 
-fallen out of love: nope
 cause IM DATING TRASH -laughed until you cried: yess 
-found out someone was talking about you: yep 
-met someone who changed you: I think so?? 
-found out who your friends are: no -kissed someone on your fb list: nope 
-how many fb friends do you have in real life: zero i think 
-do you have any pets: I HAVE A CATTO AND I LOVE HIM -do you want to change your name: I don't think so 
-what did you do for your last birthday: Nothing in particular 
-what time did you wake up: p sure around 7
-what were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling on tumblr or watching Miles McKenna bc those are the only things I do 
-name something you cant wait for: COMING OUT TO MY SCHOOL WOOOO 
-when was the last time you saw your mom: Today!! 
-what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: there are lots but I guess I wish I had more than one friend?? 
-what are you listening to right now: Hurricane by Halsey 
-have you ever talked to a person named tom: yep 
-something that is getting on your nerves: my body is itchy ah 
-most visited website: tumblr and youtube
 -mole(s): no 
-mark(s): I guess?? idk 
-childhood dream: I wanted to be a ballerina and a vet (basic then and now) 
-hair colour: Brown but I want to die it 
-long or short hair: I have shoulder length atm but im getting a pixie cut tomorrow!!! -do you have a crush on someone: yes and it kills me 
-what do you like about yourself: I guess my understanding and empathetic side?? 
-piercings: My ears closed up :( 
-blood type: idk lol 
-nicknames: None official but call me whatever u want 
-relationship status: single af and i wish i wasn't 
-zodiac: leo but im anti social and introverted lol 
-pronouns: she/her atm 
-favorite tv show: Stranger Things and American Horror Story 
-tattoos: I don't have any rn but I definitely want some when I’m older - right or left handed: right 
-surgery: never had any
-hair dyed a different colour: I wish 
-sports: no sports but I do Pilates, Yoga, and Ballet 
-vacation: I’m not sure! 
-shoes: converses
 -eating: I love soup 
-drinking: I like smoothies 
-im about to: watch youtube after scrolling on tumblr 
-waiting for: School to start cause im terrified but also to come out lol 
-want: a girlfriend 
-get married: YES PLEASE GOD ONE DAY 
-career: I have no clue 

Which is better
hugs or kissses: I love both even though I haven't had my first kiss yet lol 
-lips or eyes: eyes 
-shorter or taller: Both are lovely 
-older or younger: we’re all going to be both at one point 
-hookup or relationship: relationship
 all the way -troublemaker or hesitant: I tend to be hesitant 
have you ever
kissed a stranger: nope
-drank hard liquor: no 
-lost glasses/contacts: I don't have glasses 
-turned someone down: I guess?? -sex on the first date: idk bc IM A WEE 13 YEAR OLD -broken someones heart: no 
-had your heart broken: not yet lol 
-been arrested: nope
 -cried over someones death: yes 
-fallen for a friend: maybe??
do you believe in

yourself: im working on it 
-miracles: idk??? 
-love at first sight: no 
-santa claus: lol 
-kissing on the first date: sure?? 
-current best friend: yes 
colour: yellow 
-favourite movies: Spirited away atm
HOLY SHIT THAT WAS A LOT OK but yea I tag anyone who sees this and wants to do it bc Its 12:30 and I’m a little lazy rn im sorry 
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Tag games
I’ve been super busy these last few weeks so I haven’t had the time to do this, sorry it took so long! :)
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by the lovely @youngkpoppin <3
favorite color: Black/red
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
last song i listened to: What can I do by DAY6
last movie i watched: I don’t watch movies, I’m more of a TV show kind of person. Last thing I watched was re-runs of House MD last night.
top 3 fictional characters: Lisbeth Salander (Millennium saga), Sherlock Holmes and Stella Gibson (The Fall).
top 3 ships: Gtop (BIGBANG), Jikook (BTS) and Junhwan (iKON).
currently reading: I’ve been reading Blue Labyrinth by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child for like a year now lol I don’t have time to read...
Tagging: I think everybody has done this by now? Tagging @day6-127 and @suju-bangtan just in case.
Also tagged by @youngkpoppin :3
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
I don’t know that many people who do these games :/ so I’m tagging the usual suspects: @suju-bangtan and @day6-127.
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (sort of? I’m naturally blonde but I dye my hair black)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (how short is short? I have shoulder-length hair)
My abs are at least somewhat defined 
I have or had had braces 
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States (not atm but I used to live there)
There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @day6-127 and @suju-bangtan <3
Wanna One - Burn it up
Jung Ilhoon - Fancy Shoes
The Legend - Crush on you
SHINee - Chocolate
f(x) - Rum Pum Pum Pum
B.A.P - Save me
Boys Republic - The real one
Loco - Movie shoot
Lee Hyori - Black
Pretty sure everybody I know has done this?
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arceus-ex-machina · 7 years
I was tagged by @dabnyfantown to do a thing (on a blog I'm about to delete, so I'm doing it here). I'll tag @quinintheclouds, @snowlillies and @squishable-amethyst! THE LAST: 1. Drink: iced tea 2. Phone call: idk my mom probably 3. Text message: Quin 4. Song you listened to: Battle Against A True Hero apparently 5. Time you cried: some time within the past few days idk I have no sense of time HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: I guess technically but it barely even counted as a relationship lmao 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: well the guy from the previous question was a terrible kisser and had a cold sore but it was also my first kiss so I'm glad to have gotten it out of the way. So no regrets I guess 8. Been cheated on: not as far as I know lmao 9. Lost someone special: no 10. Been depressed: lmao ya 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes. 0/10 do not recommend LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Pink 13. Green 14. White IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah! 16. Fallen out of love: yeah 17. Laughed until you cried: I think so 18. Found out someone was talking about you? No 👀 19. Met someone who changed you? i think everyone i meet does a little bit (kept kat's answer bc same) 20. Found out who your friends are: that's dramatic. Kinda but eh 21. Kissed someone on your FB list: yup GENERAL: 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: p much all of them except my online friends 23. Do you have any pets: no but I sometimes wish Nala was mine 24. Do you want to change your name: i used to desperately want to but I think I'm good with it now 25. What did you do for your last birthday: had a breakdown lol. happy thanksgiving! 26. What time did you wake up: like 4 something am which is actually the most ideal time I've woken up recently 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: having a weird dream and abt to wake up I think 28. Name something you can’t wait for: a stable loving relationship (me too kat) 29. When was the last time you saw your Mom: yesterday before I went to sleep (did I sleep twelve hours again? Oops) 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i dunno… i guess itd be nice to be better off financially (I've been trying to change ur answers kat but since we're lowkey the same person it's getting harder) 31. What are you listening to right now: air 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yea my old songwriting teacher 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: emotions ? 34. Most visited website: tumblr lol 35. Mole/s: i think they're all just freckles idk 36. Mark/s: scars, a few stretch marks 37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a famous singer like Kelly Clarkson 38. Hair color: it's a brown mess right now 39. Long or short hair: mine is like shoulder length but I'm growing it out...I love both but long hair suits me better 40. Do you have a crush on someone?: 🤔 41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes are kinda cool I guess bc part of them are green. and ig I have relatively nice skin (it'd be better if I'd just TAKE CARE OF MYSELF) 42. Piercings: just 1 in each earlobe 43. Blood type: idk I keep asking my mom but she doesn't know 44: Nicknames: don't really have any 45. Relationship status: single af 46. Zodiac: sagittarius 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV show: voltron legendary defender atm 49. Tattoos: maybe if I ever have something significant enough 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed a different color: lmao I've dyed it a bunch, right now it's brown but not my natural brown 53. Sports: hahahhahahahahhahahaha 54. Vacation: NYC was amazing, I've never been out of the country but i want to go...well everywhere tbh 55. Shoes: sandals/flip flops in the summer, mostly combat boots in the winter. I have others too but those are my defaults 56. Eating: lots of hummus and avocado lately...and limón chips 57. Drinking: water, iced tea, root beer 58. I’m about to: get all my new fidget toys off my bed so I can lay the fuck back down 59. Waiting for: a cute girl...to think I'm cute 60. Want: my hair to grow faster 61. Get married: maybe one day, or sooner for tax benefits lmao 62. Career: hell if I know WHICH IS BETTER: 63. Hugs or kisses: both!! in the mood for kisses rn tho 64. Lips or eyes: idk both r lovely 65. Shorter or taller: don't have a preference but I'm 5'3 so there are more ppl who are taller than me 66. Older or younger: um I feel like I'm behind my peers in terms of life development so an older person would feel Extra Old so younger ig but in general I don't have a preference 67. Nice arms or nice stomach: I?? Do not care 68. Sensitive or loud: this is phrased as if they're supposed to be opposites or mutually exclusive...anyway I guess sensitive 69. Hook up or relationship: relationship but tbh rn i wouldnt mind a hook up (kat's answer again whoops) 70. Troublemaker or hesitant: honestly I tend to balance out both of these qualities as needed so. either. bring it on HAVE YOU EVER: 71. Kissed a stranger: nope 72. Drank hard liquor: yep 73. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I lose my glasses at least once a week. I've never "lost" a contact because I've only ever worn dailies so once they're out of ur eye they're done 74. Turned someone down: yea 75. Sex on first date: I've never been on a traditional "date"....does sex without a date count? Otherwise nah 76. Broken someone’s heart: it feels weird to say but yeah i think so? 77. Had your heart broken: no 78. Been arrested: nope 79. Cried when someone died: I think so 80. Fallen for a friend: almost exclusively (because like...how do u fall for someone if u don't know them) DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 81. Yourself: *punches my low self esteem in the face* yea 82. Miracles: @universe we shall see *sighs* yea I do tho 83. Love at first sight: hell nah 84. Santa Claus: lol no 85. Kiss on the first date: sure if ur feeling it why not OTHER: 86. Current best friend: quin 87. Eye color: Hazel 88. Favorite movie: I'm not the biggest movie person...let's see. Fantastic beasts was pretty good
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avaalone · 7 years
More tags because i’m an unproductive mess
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag as many people as you like! 
tagged by: @nappingsuga​ thanks to you I get to post stuff on my blog even though it’s not art lmao
tagging: @namjobava​, @charmed​ @datchu​ @iamtheshadowskeeper​ you know the story, you’re not obligated to actually do the thing blablabla
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my dad 3. text message: a close friend of mine  4. song you listened to: ANTI - Zico 5. time you cried: can’t remember lmao 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: oooh yeah 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: probably 10. been depressed: always baby 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i get drunk but i don’t throw up?? i know my limits my dude
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. baby pink // baby blue // peach (since black and white are “not colours”)
15. made new friends: yesss and i’m thankful 16. fallen out of love: fallen out of what 17. laughed until you cried: thank god yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: snakes everywhere 19. met someone who changed you: kind of 20. found out who your friends are: yes and i’m scared of loosing them 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes :|
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably 95% 23. do you have any pets: a cat and i kind of own a horse  24. do you want to change your name: YES but i don’t think i’ll ever actually do it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: threw a party and it was greaat 26. what time did you wake up: 6:35 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting ready to go to bed 28. name something you can’t wait for: the sweet embrace of death my new clothes to arrive 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: uuuh at dinner?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i’d stop to be that insecure about everything 31. what are you listening to right now: I wait - DAY6 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I guess? i was a kid though 33. something that is getting on your nerves: people that make noise when they eat  34. most visited website: tumblr and twitter  - questions 35 to 37 were lost but i saw some people replacing them with these so here’s more unnecessary info about me- 35. moles: i only have beauty marks but i have a lot of those 
36. marks: lots of scars here and there
37. childhood dream: i don’t really remember i just know reality crushed them all lmao
38. hair colour: dark brown atm, but my natural one is dark blonde/light brown 39. long or short hair: my hair is shoulder length but i’d like the cut them shorter 40. do you have a crush on someone: not atm 41. what do you like about yourself: on good days i like my eyes  42. piercings: ears 43. blood type: A- 44. nickname: ava ?? 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: gemini  47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: oooh boi - Is it Doctor Who? is it Sense8? is it something else i don’t think of right now? who knows 49. tattoos: no actual proper tattoo 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: wisdom teeth 52. hair dyed in a different colour : i used to have bright red hair, and it’s now dark brown (becoming lighter as time passes/ now that the sun is out) 53. sport: i like watching soccer and volleyball and i love horse riding, both watching and actually riding 55. vacation: a busy city please, Tokyo/ Seoul/London are my top 3, no particular order 56. pair of trainers: nike air force 1 ftw
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: i have a pack of Celebrations open right next to me 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: go to bed because i have to work tomorrow, sad life  61. waiting for: death/ mutual love/ Min Yoongi asking me to marry him  62. want: 1 billion dollars and a cure for insomnia 63. get married: well except if 61. actually comes true, lol nah 64. career: lol i can’t picture myself settling into adulthood and have an acutal job, how sad 65. hugs or kisses: uh 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: i prefer taller but i’m a fucking giant so that’s hard 68. older or younger: older, but i don’t really care  70. nice arms or nice stomach: arMS 71. sensitive or loud: that’s,,, not opposites? but sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: healthy mix of both
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: yea 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t wear any 77. turned someone down: yup, sorry btw 78. sex on the first date: nah 79. broken someone’s heart: i hope not??? 80. had your heart broken: do i have a heart in the first place 81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: nope 83. fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: lol nah 85. miracles: nope 86. love at first sight: nu 87. santa claus: nope 88. kiss on the first date:  is it something to believe in?? but yeah sure  89. angels: nope
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Alanis  91. eye colour: blue 92. favourite movie: ehhh idk? i watched Nerve recently and it was good
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lionloyal · 7 years
i was tagged by @gayforgayle thank u ♥
1. Drink: orange juice 2. Phone call: uuuh idek 3. Text message: my friends 4. Song you listened to: There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back - Shawn Mendes 5. Time you cried: last week or so
6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: i guess 10. Been depressed: idk if you could call it that 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: ... yeah
12. blue 13. purple 14. red
15. Made new friends: yeah 16. Fallen out of love: i wasn’t in love 17. Laughed until you cried: yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no i don’t think so 19. Met someone who changed you: like everybody changes you.. but no major changes 20. Found out who your friends are: my friends are .. my friends? (like no i didnt have false friends or something)
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them (not that i have many) 23. Do you have any pets: no, but i would love to! 24. Do you want to change your name: not really 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i had to learn lmao but there was cake and pudding so there’s that 26. What time did you wake up: 9:28 (am) 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: procrastinating on the internet (should have been learning) 28. Name something you can’t wait for: exams to be over (also the korra comic!) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: two hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: be more organised 31. What are you listening right now: music (sexual by grace grundy to be exact - does that mean the anwer up there is wrong damn) 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my lazinness lmao 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr 35. Mole/s: on my arms and legs and back 36. Mark/s: i have a few marks from chickenpocks 37. Childhood dream: to have all the toys lmao 38. Hair color: blonde 39. Long or short hair: middle ? (like shoulder length) 40. Do you have a crush on someone: no 41. What do you like about yourself: my creativity 42. Piercings: theoretically my ears are pierced but i never wear earrings 43. Blood type: i still dont know :( 44. Nickname: Evu or Evs or Evi or whatever you want 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: cancer 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: atm: shadowhunters, wynonna earp, steven universe atla, brooklyn 99 49. Tattoos: no 50. Right or left hand: left 51. Surgery: no 52. Hair dyed in different color: i would like to 53. Sport: i dance (and i would love to know how to fight tbh) 55. Vacation: i’m going to denmark this summer <3 56. Pair of trainers: old ones from pe that i never use? yes
57. Eating: (like my fave?) lasagna 58. Drinking: juice 59. I’m about to: play tcatf 61. Waiting for: semester break to start 62. Want: human rights for everyone (also more money so i can commission artists) 63. Get married: i cant imagine it now, but who knows 64. Career: i want to be a writer 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: whatever :D 67. Shorter or taller: i dont really care (also dont really want to date) 68. Older or younger: same age 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: everyone has nice arms and nice stomachs 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: nope. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a mix?
74. Kissed a stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: yes (but it’s not my thing) 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no omg i would die 77. Turned someone down: no (i think?) 78. Sex in the first date: nope. 79. Broken someone’s heart: i dont think... 80. Had your heart broken: nah 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: i dont think so
84. Yourself: i wish hah 85. Miracles: yes 86. Love at first sight: not really 87. Santa Claus: we dont even have santa here lol 88. Kiss on the first date: uhm no 89. Angels: i belive there are people who are angels <3
90. Current best friend’s name: i cant choose one.. (also not sure if they’d want their names here) 91. Eyecolor: grey green 92. Favorite movie: mulan, deadpool, and wonder woman
uuuh i bet everyone has already done this but i tag @amelia-is-watching @star-addict @texanhusker @peace-coast-island @dont-tell-me--the-skys-the-limit @tkxo-ashton @zaddysloan @pb-boeboe
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