#I haven't read any of the mature version yet
impromptu-sketches · 1 year
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katkat030 · 4 days
I am absolutely insane about so many of these and I genuinely can't recommend them enough. Like the post that inspired this, I'll probably tag authors if I know their Tumblr urls, but please let me know if you want me to remove any and I will!
Fair warning that most of these have shipping!
But oh, the bloom by @sillyfairygarden (read here) ongoing.
Ough. Whimsy, Pearlescentmoon, the best version of desertduo I've ever read, and indecipherable sounds of me screaming. If there's one fic I ever want people to read, it's this one. There's a reason I'm putting this first, as much as I hate to pick favourites! Warning: you may will fall in love with the story. Possibly my favourite author - cannot recommend their works enough <3 (The Champion's Banquet also made me go not just a little insane)
It's an absolute necessity to highlight the tags on this one: blows a kiss to the sky. for all my pearliemoon lovers searching for wonder and whimsy in the world around you // Now with more angst! // a man leaves the life he loved to explore the beauty of the world
More fic recs under the cut!
you came at the brink of the end of the world by Anonymous/ @louiessleeplessnights (read here) ongoing.
I don't know how to even begin describing this. I think it made me fall in love with Boatem all over again. It's hilarious, sad, beautiful, Scar calls Grian trouble, they're both idiots and in love, and it's everything I'd look for in a published novel and so much more. This fic permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot recommend it enough times. SO SO SO well written. Warning: it's rated explicit, but a few updates ago it was just mature - chapter 20 and the first half of chapter 21 are the ones you might want to skip if that's not your jam! It's just kissing but it gets... a bit heated lmao.
An excerpt from the description:
[grian is falling from the sky, scar has more magic in his blood than he realized, and everyone else is so much better at seeing than they are]
Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13 (read here) ongoing.
Once again lost on how to describe this. Could I leave it at "please please please please read it I love it so much", by any chance? The worldbuilding is so fleshed out, probably my favourite example of characterisation I've ever seen and the descriptions are everything.
Helsknight and Tanguish (the hels version of Tango) are the duo ever. There's no shipping in this, just intense platonic bonds and lifetime devotion featuring a cranky knight and a pathetic wet cat. I love them so much.
Excerpt from the description:
Tanguish is Tango's hels, and they get along a lot better than most hels and their hermits should. Unfortunately, the universe wasn't made to house both of them. Helsmets were made to return to their hermits eventually, making a complete person. Except what happens when the hels is the stronger of the two? What happens if they really don't want to be?
there are many downsides to being a marine biologist by donnerstag/ @martynsimp69 (read here) complete.
Unashamed to say I binge read this in exactly two days; 26 chapters, an epilogue, accompanying mermay oneshot collection (read here) and nearly crying later, I'm here to say you should totally check it out too. Because fis 🐠 and mermaid Martyn Warning: some unethical experimentation, and I think there's mention of alcohol.
Hot Tea by @tunastime (read here) complete.
The Ethubs fic ever (and the first one I ever read!) This is what introduced me to *gesturing vaguely* whatever the heck they have going on, and I haven't been the same since. Warning: brainrot.
I'm once again stealing something from the description since tumblr oh-so-helpfully destroyed half my draft:
“Let me over,” Bdubs says again, and as he sees Etho open his mouth in protest yet again, he lurches forward, stuttering out his words. He nearly knocks the tea out of his own hands. “Just—just for tonight. Just tonight.” Etho knows he has to divide the base between them. It's the only way to settle, now, knowing everything between them. How Bdubs shouldn't be there. Etho builds the fence. Etho divides them. And Etho divides himself in the process.
Between Us, We Have An Ocean by inkachu (read here) complete.
Only recommending this because it made me cry, and it's so well written. No shipping, just a foster care au in which Gem and Etho are... siblings. That doesn't even begin to cover how much the story really gripped me. It's soft, it's sweet, it's sad, it's amazing. Warning: I haven't cried while reading a book in probably a decade, and this is the one exception. Not to worry, I promise it won't hurt too much (saying how it ends would be a spoiler, but I promise the ending won't haunt you forever).
It's so gooood.
An excerpt from the description:
“My mum couldn’t take care of me, so she gave me to Canada.” Gem announced cheerily, swapping her red pencil for a yellow one, drawing what could only be a sun in the top corner of her page. “Then Canada found me a new mum.” Etho clicked his tongue. “Right.” “What about your mum?” “She uh, Couldn’t take care of me either. So I go to other people’s houses and they take care of me for her.”
From the Archives by @sixteenth-days (read here) complete.
there's also an extra bunch of character studies/AUs/very cool bonus stories called From the Archives: Marginalia (read here) complete (?)
riverbed and mouse hole/black hole from Marginalia are my personal favourites. Playing around with like the physical structure of a text that way is super inspirational. I have all of the main fics downloaded to reread offline whenever I'm travelling/away from home! There's no need to know anything about The Magnus Archives to understand - personally I'd never heard of it before reading this. Also no shipping in the main fic :)
lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting (read here) (author's explanation of the premise here) ongoing.
Warning: I'll give the warning for this one straight up, there are heavy themes like suicide and depression - Grian is going through it! If you're going to read it at least heed the ao3 tags :)
I'm stealing an excerpt from the fic to explain this one:
This hunger is a low rumble deep at the core of him, steady in the same way one might test a newly healed bone. The kind of fragile after a respawn, when your skin has knit together but the echo of pain still lingers. It doesn't hold him hostage anymore– he can muster the strength to look past it, and that, out of everything that's happened to him over the past year, is what's most frightening.
Time to Kill Today by RimeThyme/ @going-to-the-sun (read here)
Featuring THE Ethubs song ever, some cool references to Mindcrack, and take on their relationship over the years. <33 read it, you won't regret it!
Laugh rule - list of titles that made me laugh, mainly oneshots
THE DIVORCE OF THE CENTURY by glossyblue/ @good-chimes (read here)
The Government Institute for Ghost Supervision (G.I.G.S.) by glossyblue (read here)
The Rules of Buttercup Camp by glossyblue (read here)
Dead Heat by glossyblue (read here)
Interlude from Another Reality: Married Life by sixteenthdays (read here)
Okay 2 more fic recs and I'm done, I promise xD
You Could've Applied Online by Anonymous (read here)
Actually hilarious and such fun to read! Stealing something from the description again:
Bdubs stuttered over his words, hand holding the knife tensing around the handle as he looked around the room. Was he being pranked? Did Scar do this? He couldn’t think of another conversation that had confused him more than this. Etho’s eyes crinkled around the edges, mouth subtly changing into what Bdubs imagined was a smile as he felt irritation creep into his mind. “You’re joking right now.” Another shift under the mask. He was definitely smiling now. “How’d you guess?” Or: Bdubs kills someone (on purpose), makes people angry (NOT on purpose), and somehow gets a boyfriend in the process. Or was he a bodyguard? Bdubs doesn't really know himself. Oh, and Etho just wants to pay his rent on time. Preferably without another dead roommate.
Spring Blossoms by Fire_Cat (read here)
Ethubs, Stardew Valley-esque. Super fun read, highly recommend :D
Stealing from the description once more:
Burnt out and exhausted with city life, Etho packs up and moves to the old abandoned farm his parents owned before he was born. It's sat empty for thirty years and it's not in a good state, but he's determined to make the most of it. The town is full of good people, and he quickly finds friendship in abundance. Amongst them all though, one stands out. Bdubs is kind and funny and exceptionally talented at a number of things. He's handsome too, and Etho can't help but crush on him, just a little bit. They get along fantastically right from day one, but Etho keeps his feelings to himself. It's just a crush, it'll go away. And besides, it's not like Bdubs would ever like him back... Right?'
pleaseee consider reblogging this for more people to see! <3
it took hours to make this post but not nearly as long as it would've taken people to write the fics
If you end up reading and enjoying any of these, PLEASE go and give the authors some love in the comments! Writing really isn't an easy feat (or quick)
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skylights422 · 2 months
New X-Men '97 tomorrow! I am very excited! But I also had meant to make more posts reviewing the first three episodes. It was going to be multiple posts over different topics, but I am short on time and organizational energy, so I am just gonna make two posts over the biggest topics: The Romance Drama, and The Plot. Romance drama first! It got Long, so it's under a cut. xD (And a quick disclaimer that any negative opinions on the canon writing of couples doesn't mean I dislike people for shipping any of it; I almost never ship anything personally just as a matter of personal preference, but am very much a Ship And Let Ship/Don't Like Don't Read kind of person)
First, I will just say that the Jean/Scott/Logan drama was...always the most boring and confusing part to me in the 90s show? I just didn't feel like they did enough to show why Wolverine was SO in love with her when it seemed like they never spent any time together normally or had any major bonding moments? So I felt like he was just pining based on appearance and the fact they were teammates, which...is fine I guess but not the sweeping, dramatic unrequited love it was always portrayed as.
(I mean Wolverine was so torn up about them getting married he REFUSED TO ATTEND and instead spent time trying to kill an illusion version of Scott in the Danger Room, that's. Very dramatic! And for what? Maybe they covered it a little bit in an episode I haven't re-watched yet but I remember Past Me at least not finding the explanation impressive enough lollll)
So, I'm not...super looking forward to more of it in this new show, but also expecting it since it was always such a feature. I'd rather not have Jean kinda date Logan just because she's mad at Scott and Logan wants to? But it won't shock me. By and large I have made peace with my dislike for that particular love triangle since I'm otherwise such a fan of both series. (And so far anyways Logan has been a little less weird about his unrequited feelings even if they're still pretty obvious)
THEN we have the Rogue and Magneto romance. This one I have had more mixed feelings on. My kneejerk reaction was confusion and dislike - I didn't know until I looked it up after the episode that they were together in the comics, and since they weren't in the previous show, it felt...really random. (Also I am just not much a fan of couples with large age gaps, obviously Rogue is an adult and can do what she wants, it's just not my cup of tea. Plus Rogue and Gambit is one of maybe, like...five? Couples in media? That I have any investment in AS a romantic couple lol, but mostly I was just not looking forward to more romantic drama in general since it's just not something I tend to enjoy much)
Now I have two opinions. One is simply that I am Over feeling bothered by it and just curious to see what they do with it, since Rogue and Magneto do have some compelling thematic reasons to have scenes together anyways. And Rogue and Gambit definitely COULD have a mature conversation about it, which would actually be pretty neat.
Now my main quibble is that it was introduced so suddenly, and with so little explanation. As a general rule, I do NOT consider 'it happened in the source material' to be a valid excuse for anything in an adaptation unless it also makes sense within the established lore/characterization/etc. of the adaptation itself. A Doylist explanation existing does not remove the need for a solid Watsonian one, and if there just...isn't a Watsonian explanation, then I feel it is lazy writing at best, actually terrible writing if done badly enough.
There's definitely still time for them to give some kind of flashback or explanation for Rogue and Magneto though! You can introduce new aspects to character's pasts, in general. So I am holding out my final opinion to see if they do that, and in what way.
On a smaller, technically still hypothetical note, next for romance drama we have: Morph crushing on Wolverine. I do agree that it's extremely possible, even likely, that Morph seeming Interested in Wolverine in this version is deliberate - I mainly say hypothetical because I have seen some VERY overtly queercoded stories/scenes/etc. be written genuinely by accident, and at this point I'm really not sure how it was intended (like, if it's meant to be anything bigger than the scene itself or not).
And once again, I have mixed feelings on it. On one hand, having an openly gay character in an X-Men cartoon is good! It's nice to see some diversity in orientation. And Morph makes sense since they are the closest to a blank slate as you can get with a pre-established character, only being in nine episodes total of the original series - very spread out ones, as well.
But well, there's two reasons I feel kind of egh about it. One is that nearly all the Established Duos that got a lot of attention in the original show were romantic ones, and as someone who is fundamentally more invested emotionally in non-romances, I really liked the thought of having a best friend duo to fixate on. (We do still have Magneto and Xavier but XAVIER IS DEAD RIGHT NOW SO IT ONLY HALF COUNTS)
The other is that it...would almost definitely be another unrequited crush. Which for one, is just drama that isn't interesting to me. But also I dunno if 'sad gay bravely accepts never getting with the love of their life' is amazing rep for...friendships OR gay people??? Like you could write it so that Morph is genuinely fine being 'just' friends, and maybe in an ideal world that would even kick Wolverine into considering he could maybe be More Normal About Jean. But I worry about their friendship falling apart or it being made out to be 'not enough' to Morph and ultimately just making everyone look bad (and also if they push too hard on the Sad Morph Angle I feel like it could just be another case of villainizing people for not returning affections which I just, REALLY HATE)
SO I'M ON EDGE ABOUT IT. Possibly they won't do much with the concept at all, which I'd frankly prefer. Possibly they'll find a way to write the one-sided romance that is actually considerate to both sides and doesn't destroy their friendship. Possibly they'll even introduce other gay couples somewhere in the show so the rep for it isn't all riding on Morph's shoulders! But I am also very aware how easy it would be to do this wrong. SO WE'LL SEE.
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Hi, I saw you write for bleach and your requests are open so I was wondering if I may request headcanons platonic yandere ryuken and platonic yandere Uryu x Uryu's older sibling!reader. And they look a lot like ryuken but they don't have glasses. They also have that same rebellious yet cold and mature attitude that ryuken had in his teens. If not that's totally ok.
Hii, sure! It will be a challenge to me, because the dinamic's kind of difficult to work on but I'll still do it (better than nothing). I hope you enjoy!
Platonic! Yandere Ishida Ryuken and Uryu!
x Uryu's older sibling reader
TW: jealousy, overbearing and overprotective tendencies, hinted isolation
I don't take responsibility for any younger ages reading.
First, let's just say, since you look a lot like Ryuken, you would be expected to follow his steps/advices/orders at almost every single thing. He's always nitpicking every little thing of you that's not up to his expectations (which you should).
Truly, it's kind of a mixed feelings of love and hate for having almost a similar copy of his past self yet nurturing you into his the best version of yourself. Ryuken only wants you to not make the same mistakes as him...
Meanwhile for Uryu, he envies yet admires you at the same time. He's a literal walking contradiction like his father, he thinks it's unreasonable for Ryuken to give you a bit of a special treatment but he also wants you to follow your wishes, he trusts you as his role model after all. And so he tells you not to let Ryuken's words bother you too much.
(It's a kind of significant ego boost for Uryu to be the only person you could confide in and pay attention to when things get too much with Ryuken since you hold so much responsibilities and burden as the oldest child of Ishida family.)
Uryu sympathize with you more while Ryuken focuses on training and polishing you like a diamond in the rough you are.
Ryuken is more harsher in his actions toward you more than when he had to train Uryu, even if Uryu reassures you that (the both of them) he loves you a lot like any father would to his child.
The moment you are more close with Uryu, there's an unspoken rivalry that sparks between the two of them. Uryu would make you depend on him a lot and he starts to speak bad of Ryuken behind his back (which he already finds out, he knows Uryu knows about him hearing of this just to irk him.)
Uryu is almost akin to a puppy on how he seems to like being by your side (he will deny it abashedly while explaining a whole of why and how he in fact, doesn't care like he has an essay saved to his memory) while tending to whatever tasks he deems too much and you shouldn't find the need to do as his older sibling. It seems he's also the culprit of sewing your clothes and adding questionable design along to some of them...
Ryuken's acts are more of behind the scene, they wouldn't almost leave you with any doubts or suspicions fall on him, no, they would just confuse you and leave you wondering if you or Uryu are the one who intend/planned for this to happen from the first place. Mysterious pile of tasks leading to the hospital Ryuken works at, some specific people you don't know who seems to fear/avoid you for reasons unknown (they're the ones interested in taking your hand for marriage before), being given special privileges to places you usually go to and haven't visited?? Without noticing, part of your food is also being mixed with medicines/vitamins/anything that could help your growth and health.
Even if Uryu may be the one who mostly nurse you back into health all the while scolding you, Ryuken is always the one supervising you and he's the one taking preventive measures right to the source or why you get sick.
They may have some sort rivalry but you'll always be the only one left in the dark about their silent agreement to deal and have a nice talk with some unfair people who haven't been treating you so kind, it may affect your performance in work after all (that's only one of many reasons they could use to not make you notice any things that seem amiss).
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rubbersoles19 · 11 months
Is this more of a technical scripting and writing thing in your story... Do you rely solely on the character arcs (if any, I don't know here and don't remember...) from the Darkwing Duck series or do you have other character arcs from other series you draw from? Examples like (picking up on what you reblog a lot these days) character arcs from Spider-Verse, TMNT, Sonic Prime and others?
And how do you manage to remember all the character arcs and stories off the top of your head?
I don't really remember there being many character arcs in Darkwing 😅 I've heard it said that Darkwing grew and matured as he dated Morgana, but I have yet to see it myself as I haven't seen many Morgana episodes.
Character arcs in my stories are usually a natural consequence of the narrative. I haven't planned any stories around how the characters involved will grow, but their growth certainly impacts the story. Some characters can only do certain things that I need them to do after they grow in a certain way.
For example, one thing I've set up in TMM so far is Drake's relationship with Darkwing. Mark Beaks pointed out that he both adores and resents the character, because of all the good and bad it's done for Drake and those around him, and he's right. Drake refuses to sell the property, refuses to do anything with it, and hates to meet fans, but he's built a Darkwing museum in his own workplace and dons the cape and cowl whenever something dangerous happens. And now, Drake is confronted with versions on his own characters turned real, someone who is determined to get his hands on Darkwing, and a city full of his own fans. He is being forced to confront this internal conflict and will have no choice but to come out of things in one direction or the other. And whatever direction he comes out will effect the story.
I hope that makes sense, it's hard to get too far into things without spoilers 😅
I don't usually pull character arc inspiration from other series. Each character's growth is - if done well - very personal to them, so it can be hard to transfer them into my own work. TMM deals with many complicated relationships (among the Mallard trio and outside of it), and the story beats force them together and to face these things and work through them. I'm very proud to say that almost every character in this story grows in some way (be it to their benefit or not), and I managed it by living in the world for a very, very long time (this whole story took me about 6 months to develop), and really trying to give each character some of my attention as they moved through - and moved - the plot. Keeping track of things can get challenging, especially since I took a 5 year break, but constantly thinking about and reading and tweaking my own world helps. I also take extensive notes while planning, drafting, writing, and rewriting. Even with that, I can't remember stuff off the top of my head, I still have to check my notes and my own writing to remember stuff 😅
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viperwhispered · 4 months
30 days of twst challenge - day 4: First fav VS current fav?
Malleus was definitely one of the reasons that drew me into the game in the first place. I saw some cool fan arts, got into the game, enjoyed his voice and his looks and all that.
Then book 4 happened.
Well, the Scalding Sands event actually coincided with me reaching book 4 of the main story. Which... it was quite the switches in mood to read the first part of the Scalding Sands event, read book 4, and then going back to finishing the event. At this point, I had also seen Jamil in the latter half of the Halloween event (alas, the first part with the magicam monsters and things I just about missed and still haven't read, tho I've seen some bits).
Already when reading the first parts of the Scalding Sands event, I was commenting to a friend how relatable Jamil seems in certain aspects, even if I don't share his fondness for shrewdness (and I'd like to think I'm a bit less of a busybody than he can be).
Reaching the overblot only made those relatable aspects more obvious. Like, even with the en translation version of things, the whole thing of having to hold back, not being allowed to show your skills and competence hit me so hard. Like every other overblot until book 4, my reaction was basically "yeah you've gone through sucky things but your actions still suck". And like, not that I can approve of Jamil's way of going about it either, but also, I found it really hard to judge him for it. Because like, had I been his shoes? No way would I have been able to handle that pressure or dealt with the situation any better. Just the whole not being allowed to show his skills and getting recognition for it would've succed so bad, since admittedly my competence is one of the things that is quite integral to my sense of self.
So with Jamil, more than any of the previous overblotters, it felt like I just got it and felt for him more than anyone else.
Add in the pressure to conform, too, and the way he's been raised to behave in certain ways (no matter whether the pressure comes from, exactly, depending on if we're looking at the en or jp version of things), and like... yeah. I just want all the best things for him, and the freedom to be himself.
Plus ngl, in like book 6 or the Glorious Masquerade for example, I've really enjoyed Jamil letting himself be more schemy or just more authentically himself. It's been fantastic and I just want more. Not that I'd necessarily agree with some his choices if we were talking irl, but seeing it happen in a story like this is just delicious sometimes.
Now, to circle back to Malleus after that Jamil ramble. He certainly surprised me with being more of a softie than I anticipated, and very much a teenager in some ways despite the occasional maturity. There's an interesting contrast there which perhaps makes me view him less through the romantic option lense (which admittedly I'm wont to do), but still makes me curious to learn more about him. Admittedly, I've yet to get started with book 7, and I've read less of Malleus's stuff than I have of Jamil's, but he's still hanging on in my faves. Just, book 7 would need to do a whole lot of work to dislodge Jamil from the top fav spot at this point.
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artistcaptainbendy · 1 year
Helli there! I'm quite new to the whole CU AUs this year, and I am interested into your Smartypants AU, but can't seem to understand where it started or how could it leads to the arts I've found from you, is there any big guide post for it? I would love to get to know more :0
Oh thanks, well there isn't a much of guide for it, but I can explain some of it. Instead of the boys hypnosising krupp, Melvin did it (after having him read modified versions of the boys comics) to make him more smart, that's where smartpants comes in. He started off as just Melvin but bigger, but after a while started to get his own personality, he still acts like his more mature then everyone else but he has his moments of silliness. Now sp krupp, he was just a normal guy who a bit chaotic, but now his part cosmic chaos demon from his father's side. His able do a lot crazy things with his chaos ability, like having him and smarty both exist at the same time, he has a limit and can get tired from using too much energy. A lot of what I draw of the AU are fun little side things and bits of the lore there still is a lot I haven't revealed yet, but I hope this helps a bit.
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glassheadcanon · 8 months
Dear Yuletide Santa,
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This will be my 3rd Yuletide (every year has been a lot of fun)! Thanks so much for being willing to write in one of my favourite, tiny fandoms. Gifts are enabled in AO3, so treats are more than welcome.
While "optional details are optional", of course, here are some prompts in case you need more ideas, but please don't let them stop you from chasing your own plot bunnies - the most important thing to me is that you find joy in what you're writing.
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General likes: Characters as narrative foils; unreliable narrators; Banter (snark, companionable snark, wordplay); Fluff (especially slice-of-life); Found Families; Hurt/Comfort; heists/capers; action, adventure, the martial arts, battle couples; unresolved sexual tension; mysteries/investigative work, casefic; travel and exploration; secret/hidden/fantastical worlds beneath our own; Magical Realism; finding beauty and humour in the everyday/commonplace; the supernatural, fantastical and whimsical; missing scenes, pre-canon, post-canon; crossovers/fusions; crackfic, crack treated seriously; breaking the Fourth Wall; teamwork, especially with a motley crew
Fic/narrative styles: Open to reading different POV and tense styles, AUs, 5+1, fix-it fic, canon-divergent, drabble collections, non-standard formats, epistolary, verse - whatever inspires and works best for you!
DNW: Nothing Explicit or NSFW (Gen-Mature is fine); nothing needing Archive Warning categories such as graphic depictions of gore, violence, or sex, no rape/non-con, underage or incest (canon-typical violence is fine); no unrequested shipfic (mention of existing canon relationships is fine), sexuality or gender headcanons
...onto the fandom-specifics!
Fandom: Night Hood | Les exploits d'Arsène Lupin (1996)
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It's set in the 1930's, and from the Art Deco aesthetics to the witty, competent protagonists, these lighthearted adventures of this classy, suave, master-of-disguise version of gentleman burglar Arsène Lupin, his slowburn romance with bold investigative reporter Kelly Kincaid (and the found family/team-as-family vibes with her young protégé Max and Lupin's driver/sidekick Grognard) vs. their nemesis: billionaire arms manufacturer Karst, and his cunning and stylish team of Countess May Hem and Steel - are little known and woefully underappreciated. (Check out its TVTropes page for more of an idea what it's like.) Plus, it only has the slickest opening theme/intro sequence of all:
(Fave characters are Lupin, Kelly, and Max, but feel free to add Grognard and any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics!) Prompt ideas:
Casefic, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes - anything that's fodder for more Kelly/Lupin companionable snark, banter, and UST, especially if they're situations where Kelly and Max hold their own more for a change (instead of needing to be rescued by Lupin) and/or brings to life 1930's Jazz Age Paris and New York's music, culture, fashion, and style
A crossover with Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane (even Bunter and Miss Climpson) and/or Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot characters (Chief Inspector Japp, Hastings, and Miss Lemon) would be absolutely fabulous
Kelly and Lupin encountering the infamous Dorothy Parker and her literary peers of New York's Algonquin Round Table
Fandom: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
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Gally/Alita is one of my very first, all-time favourite anime characters. I've also watched the Battle Angel OVA, read all volumes of the first manga and its sequel, "Last Order" but haven't read "Mars Chronicle" yet. So far, I've greatly preferred the original Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm manga series (much more solid character/plot arc and satisfying ending, to me) to Last Order (far too much filler plot and gratuitous fan service, for my liking). But I digress.
What I appreciate about it: the application of martial arts in a sci-fi setting, kickass protagonist with amazing fight agility; she's a truly noble-spirited and kind-hearted hero and given this, how she navigates a dog-eat-dog post-apocalyptic world with single-minded determination. (Alita's my fave character, but feel free to include Ido or any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics! One exception: DNW for this particular fandom - I'd greatly prefer you leave Hugo out of the story)
Prompt ideas:
Alita exploring her new home and discovering more about everyday life in "Iron City"
Alita learning to use her new Berserker body and its combat capabilities
Motorball training sequences, matches, and other missing scenes filling in Alita's rise to Motorball champion (if you're familiar with the manga, feel free to more fully develop her respectful and mutually-strengthening competitive rivalry with Jashugan, which was never touched on in the live action film, and if you're interested, more of his "Maschine Klatsch" martial arts style vs. Alita/Gally's Panzer Kunst, and/or work in the story of how she came to wear the number 99)
Pre-canon of Alita's time learning Panzer Kunst/as a soldier for Mars
Fandom: バケモノの子 | Bakemono no Ko | The Boy and the Beast (2016)
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What I appreciate about it: the depictions of Tokyo (recognized so much from past travels here), the isekai, the found family vibes (especially between such a motley crew of disparate personalities - like Kumatetsu's larger-than-life, let-it-all-hang-out braggadocio bravado and how it inevitably conflicts with just about everyone), how Kyuuta/Ren learns the martial arts (and all of the training sequences). (Kyuuta/Ren and Kumatetsu are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - such as Kaede, Soushi, Tatara and Hyakushuubou, for the sake of the plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas - mostly post-canon:
Kyuuta/Ren as an older adult in modern Japan - are there situations in his new life in the human world, in which he's able to apply the martial thinking and skills he learned from life in the Beast Kingdom?
What's it like for Kyuuta/Ren, living his life with the spirit of Kumatetsu now residing within him? What conflicts or arguments might they get into, and over what?
Under what situations would Kyuuta/Ren return to the Beast Kingdom in the future? What circumstance might threaten the Beast Kingdom to such an extent that it forces the spirit of Kumatetsu and Kyuuta/Ren to return, and use his/their combined abilities to fight for its survival? How might this cause tension between the obligations of his human adult life, and his obligations to his friends in the Beast Kingdom?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
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What I appreciate about it: One of my all-time fave OTPs (though if you're not one for this pairing in a romantic sense, no worries - above all, I love their friendship as well so feel free to stick to the platonic angle if that's what you're more comfortable with). I just really enjoy how well they complement each other in personality, and would love to see more of how this works out whenever they have to team up. And call me biased, but the gorgeous, nuanced voices of both their English VAs (Gideon Emery and Nicole Fantl) really sold it for me. (Fran and Balthier are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, heist/caper fic
How Fran and Balthier met, and what situation made them decide to team up for good
What moment in the history of their friendship solidified their trust in, and loyalty to, each other?
In what ways did Balthier being Hume and Fran being Viera challenge or put a strain on their friendship/relationship?
How the two managed to survive the crash-landing of the sky fortress, Bahamut
Swashbuckling sky pirate adventures with or without the airship Strahl; battles, and/or thievery - e.g. plans to steal an arcane treasure go awry and they need to use their wits and prowess to succeed (and of course they do - in style! :D)
Times when Fran's sensitivity to Mist either helped or hindered combat/these goals
Fandom: X-Men The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
What I appreciate about it: besides the epic opening theme song, you mean? :D The nostalgic early 90's vibes and fashion, any time there's lighthearted, snarky dynamics, and they competently coordinate/use their unique mutant powers in combination as a team; Rogue and Gambit is one of my earliest OTPs and the poignancy of their predicament with Rogue's ability has always held a special place in my heart. (Rogue, Gambit, Storm, and Beast are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes or casefic
Christmas at Xavier's mansion, or New Years' Eve with the team
A fun girls' night out with Rogue, Storm, Jubilee, and Jean Grey turns into an adventure
Danger Room training sequences/combat practice
Rogue x Gambit in New Orleans
The first time that Rogue and Remy were able to safely touch, or the moment they did that was most memorable to them both
Fandom: Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex (full episodes available to watch online for free via Adult Swim!)
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What I appreciate about it: GitS (1995) was one of my very first fave anime films, and this series perfectly captures the cyberpunk vibes, the great dynamics and loyalty between members of a competent investigative team (especially between the Major, Batou and Togusa) and the philosophical issues surrounding the mind-body connection, sense of self/agency and the nature of humanity in a hyper technological age. The addition of the Tachikoma AIs in Standalone Complex bring an element of light-heartedness to the team that I've always enjoyed. (The Major, Batou, Togusa, and the Tachikomas are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
The personalities of the different Tachikoma AI, and how they interact with each other and other members of their unit (especially Batou, Togusa and the Major)
How the Tachikoma respond to and navigate the aspects of everyday human life we take for granted, especially how they might attempt to interpret human emotional/interpersonal experiences they observe
Casefic, "heists", fun with hacking and infiltration
What if the Tachikomas and/or the other team members like Batou and the Major had to do a "ghost" dive on each other and/or their "ghosts" temporarily switched places/got trapped in each others' "shells"...what hijinks would ensue?
The friendship and trust between Batou and the Major; exploring whether or not there might have been room there for something more to have developed under the right circumstances
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Heya! Just wanted to see how you are doing! Hope everything in life is going your way and that you have plenty of motivations! How is the new chapter coming along for Of Feathers and Venom? I hope it hasn’t left you stumped and that writing is going easy.
Hello! I actually have a lot of asks about this, and I appreciate the well wishes. My plan is to include my "life updates" in the Ao3 Notes, as is apparently tradition. I have stories to tell.
But here is the update for Of Feathers And Venom and other projects:
The following two chapters are complete from where I left off.
The following two chapters after that are in-progress in parallel.
One additional chapter is complete, but it comes after these four chapters and I haven't decided when it best fits into the timeline.
One additional HECK entry is in progress, but I've been pushing the main fic first.
A new, parallel-to HECK entry is complete, but I want to polish it more and add more if possible.
I have around five or so additional "floater" sections, which are little fillers that can be slipped into any area I need to pace. They may not all be used, but this is a valuable strategy to help future writing progress, even if it has slowed me down lately.
I started another I Can't Believe It's Not Lore entry for Revenant Reborn, but I am deciding whether or not it should just be a short or if it should be a kickoff for something larger.
Of the four incoming chapters, the reason I want to do them all together is because they are very dependent upon one another. I want to be able to proof read them all in a large bulk together, and make sure I have it "right". It's a part I've been planning for a long, long time.
In total, it will be well over 40,000 words. Each chapter is at least 10K words (or the following chapter must make up for any slack to average it out), so there's a huge chunk of content there that I want to do justice.
TL;DR: My content may be cringe but I at least want it to be quality.
The chapter that doesn't have a "place" yet in the timeline is 17K words I have poured over for months that will not have a place in the Mature version. Sorry for those folks who won't benefit from all that effort.
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samlgc · 1 year
what's up party people!
or at least that's what sam wants to say when he makes his "grand entrance" into lgc 🙄 anyway, i'm blue (any pronouns)! i was a member of lgc a while ago but never really got off the ground and had to quietly drop for personal reasons. i'm back now with a new muse and hopefully here to stay around a bit longer!
i remember that people used twitter a lot last time was here, so i created an account this time. it's not fully set up yet, but if you'd like to connect please give me a follow! i'll probably lock the account in a couple of days or so but please still feel free to follow req.
without any further ado, let me introduce a little more about sam under the cut!
sam's full story can be found here, but for a quick, summarized version, keep reading:
sam was orphaned at a young age due to some tragic circumstances but was adopted by his aunt, his father's sister, who was never able to have children and loved sam as if he were her own. she was always up front with him about his "real" parents, but as far as sam's concerned, she is his real mom. he grew up a bit spoiled and his aunt is very doting.
basically, sam's aunt was relocated to pleasanton, california for work and sam had no choice but to go with her. turns out he actually thrived there. he's a really outgoing guy, lacks humility or shame so he had no fear in speaking a language he wasn't very good at, and therefore got good at it quicker. it was in california that he really began to fall in love with music and his friends encouraged him to start dabbling in composition. his early stuff was atrocious and he's buried it all on an old hard drive somewhere.
around the time he was getting close to high school graduation, he started to gain an interest in kpop. unfortunately, the western music industry doesn't really have a place for asian men and sam sorta figured out he'd have a better chance of being a popular singer or something if he got himself in the kpop industry. turned out he was wise to think that, since he joined legacy in january 2020!
sam likes to think that he's the best thing since sliced bread. he's a bit full of himself, a bit cocky, but it's not totally without merit. he's a bit of a triple threat; he can sing well, he's a solid dancer, and he's pretty skilled at rap too. and he has a loud, boisterous personality that's just perfect for variety shows someday.
"but sam, if you're so good at everything, why haven't you debuted yet?" he would say that it's because he's so good that legacy can't simply add him to the existing boy groups and they're building him his own. he may be a bit delusional. gotta love his confidence, though.
despite being rather arrogant, he's a pretty nice guy! super friendly, super willing to help out a newer trainee or a peer who needs help in something he's good at. he recognizes that debut is a team effort so he's also trying to be the most liked trainee too... though he's a bit stupid so i can't promise he'll never offend anyone.
so now that we all know sam, how about some plots? :) i actually don't have very many ideas, but i'll add stuff on as i think of it!
i would LOVE a more antagonistic rivalry in sam's life. honestly, he could probably be the aggressor in the right situation. someone that just has a conflicting personality, who could fill the same role(s) in a future debut group, and sam finds to be a threat... but having a rival makes you stronger, so he's in no hurry to make amends.
not sure what his romantic history looks like exactly, but i do sorta imagine him as the type who always needs someone who dotes on him. i believe he's historically had a preference for women so he probably wouldn't have had a boyfriend, but he also really likes attention so i can see him leading someone on a bit just because they're into him. exes and flings are tentatively reserved for girls only, though. he might've been a nice bf at first but i think he's a bit emotionally selfish and even now isn't really mature enough to be in a serious relationship.
best friend, partner in crime sort of relationship? someone who lets him get away with anything and calls him out on his shit at the same time, sorta like a sibling-like best friend if that makes any sense at all. yes, it's contradictory. but they're the first to do some dumb shit with him and then tell him he was an idiot for it later.
a muse. sam likes to write music and compose, so someone he's inspired by. actually, this could be multiple people and go in a hundred different directions. someone he writes about because they're beautiful and he writes love songs with them in mind, someone who's another composer who he wants to learn from and may or may not steal ideas from, a close friend he writes songs for so they can impress the guy or girl with an original song for their confession, someone he hates so much he just has to write about it... the more the merrier!
i would also love someone to kick his ass. no i'm not joking. someone who gets so annoyed with his smart mouth and attention-seeking ways that they just deck him right in his stupid pretty face. it's honestly what he deserves.
i also just love love. romance plots are my bread and butter. i think sam's historically only dated women, but i don't know if he's totally straight. self-discovery might be nice, but he's a bit stupid so it'd have to be some damn good chemistry if it's with another boy. girls would probably have an easier time catching his attention!
again, i'm kinda short on ideas, but i'll add more to this post when i think of them! in the meantime, please drop me a like or send me a message either on tumblr or twitter and i'm looking forward to getting involved!!
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beautifulsnake2162020 · 9 months
Rambling fangirl thoughts on the Parakiss anime and live action movie
So while there was a lull in my life I discovered Paradise Kiss because of StealTheSpotlight's video on how to dress like an Ai Yazawa character . I haven't personally watched any animes based on her work although I have seen how stylish both the manga and anime were. Out of all the three IPs discussed I was most drawn to Paradise Kiss because of the tall Victorian lady who I would later learn would be Isabella Yamamoto. She's like the version of me that I wish I could afford to dress up as more frequently.
I found myself binging all 12 episodes (I was surprised it was that short) in one day and I watched the live action version with english subs yesterday (or more specifically yesternight). And my gosh I am so glad I discovered it now while I'm in my 20s and not when I was in my teens otherwise I wouldn't have appreciated the ending as much.
Speaking of endings I found an article detailing the differences between the anime and the manga and how the anime and the live action adaptations are just not as good as how the last events in the manga took place. Now while I haven't read the manga yet, I will admit that this article peaked my curiosity into checking out the live action movie version.
The next section is just me rambling on the differences between the anime and the live action film and why I believe their respective endings work for each adaptation. There will be no reference to the manga because I haven't read it yet, but once I have the money to buy a hard copy of it I will.
Due to the differences in media there is inevitably going to be changes to how the story is told.
1.) The anime having the benefit of telling more longer stories could afford to be more nuanced was able to show why despite George and Yukari loving each other, they also weren't made to end up together. They helped each other grow and they definitely made an impact on each other but they were also not good for each other. George while helping Yukari become more independent and mature more, is emotionally unavailable and does tend to play games with her emotions whether it was intentional or not (or more importantly whether there was malicious intent or not). And Yukari is also quick to jump into conclusions and can be judgmental and hypocritical sometimes which is something that we see her eventually grow out of. By the time we get to the end wherein they broke up to pursuit their dreams, its bittersweet because we know it is necessary for both of them to grow and yet it is still painful. This break up was the start of them maturing into becoming a man and a woman. While they may not be a couple anymore there is a lingering sense that they are both grateful for the time they had with each other. Yukari has moved on and is engaged to Hiroyuki who is better for her than George was. And yet we also can't deny that it's because of her mistakes and experiences with George that Yukari has grown from the girl we saw in the beginning.
2.) The live action while still a wonderful adaptation in my opinion has the limitation of having to tell the entire story within two hours. Because of this I assume that the changes made here to make the story work within 2 hours are even more drastic than what the anime has chosen to cut. However having said that the changes that were made for the live action version totally works and even makes the ending wherein George and Yukari end up together worth it. In the live action, while there has been flirting and eye staring between them, they never officially became a couple. Heck it's most likely that in this version they didn't even sleep together unlike in the anime. And that changes a lot of things. Because they were at most, two people who are attracted to each other but they weren't a couple yet, George being emotionally unavailable could be excused as being focused on his graduation dress project and Yukari slowly learning not to brush off the hard work and passions of fashion design students, even if she may not share their passion for fashion designing. The stakes for the graduation fashion show are higher because in the movie their brand, Parakiss, failed to sell any clothes and the blue dress will also symbolize the last dress the team makes together before going their separate ways. It is only after her first runway walk that George allows himself to genuinely kiss her and she returns it unlike the first time he takes her into a hotel wherein she was really clear that she wasn't interested in being his sexual partner or a girlfriend. And over the course of the entire movie we see her falling in love with him even though she may not want to admit it yet. And it is because they weren't a couple yet and we don't know them as a couple during this time that makes the ending worth it. After their heart breaking separation and three years later we learn that she has rejected Hiroyuki and decided to focus on her career as a model. She has become a top model that International clients wants her to model for them which is how she ends up in New York and discovers that George is now a costume designer and Isabella gives her the address to his studio. Their reunion and them sharing a kiss and becoming a couple for the first time in this version of Parakiss is so satisfying because at this point they are both no longer teenagers but more certain adults who have both found their place in the world and found who they are. There's an optimism that in this version of their story, things may work out because both have grown. Which is why them ending up together only works in the live action version of the story but would be horrible in the anime version.
Overall I am glad both versions of this story exist. The anime being more realistic and bittersweet shows how not all people you love are meant to stay with you forever. This nevertheless does not invalidate the love shared or the impact that love has on a person's growth. While the live action shows a story of how sometimes you need to work on your dreams, your identity, and other parts of yourself before being ready to love someone else. And sometimes when the Universe knows you're ready, they'll send love your way.
I can't wait to pass the bar exam next year so that I could finally read the manga.
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fate-inspiration · 1 year
Back with a few questions, if that's okay ^^ "some fools think that Gilart fans like violins" do you mean that they think we don't know it's actually not a super wholesome, uwu sorta ship (lol)? Also I'm very intrigued by your concept of a GilAlter- if I were to accept one (I think it's contrary to the essence of Gil's character for a GilAlter to exist,but.), I think I'd like your version best- "he turned to his divine blood and not his human side.".
Super last thing, if you still feel like answering questions. I'm curious: would you feel comfortable sharing your shipper story? Like why drew you to GilArt, which of these 2 characters do you resonate with more, etc? And what do you think of CasGil and Lion King Arturia (personally, I love that ship -so grateful for zoro's art- and any and all combos, like Casgil x default Arturia)? Thanks!
I just realized the mistake, but it's even worse than the violins, I was talking about the rape. They think that Gilart's fans like rapes because in fsn route fate, Gil plans to rape Arturia.
(Of course, for the connoisseurs, we all know Gilgamesh's state of mind in this route).
Thanks for choosing my version of Gilalter. I had already thought about him a long time ago and I can say that he will be horrible. But I didn't really think about if he will be interested in Arturia, maybe he will.
Aaaah, I fell in love with this ship. I already knew the name of the Fate license, but I never managed to watch the 2004 (2006?) anime version because it was ugly XD (I was a teenager at that time)
So I was convinced to watch Fate/Zero very late, in 2018. And I was not disappointed, it's a good way to discover the license. I fell in love with the ship at the end of the series when Gil proposes Arturia. It came out of nowhere and Gil didn't really put his best side forward and I didn't notice the moments where he praised Saber. Since I didn't know the stories of the fsn, I guess it was like an arrow in the heart XD. I think the most important thing was the sincerity of Gil in that moment. It seemed like a whim, but when you think about it, not at all and he was making the effort to force her to accept, when in principle, if it was insignificant, he wouldn't have even asked her.
So after that, I did some research and research. I never watched fsn, because I didn't want to see a SaberxShirou and I didn't have the opportunity to play the game yet, but I watched almost everything related to the license, just to have a little official moment between Gil and Arturia. (I was unfortunately very disappointed XD Arturia became a worldwide waifu, same for Gil, because even if he's an asshole, everybody loves him. So I concluded that they couldn't put them together to mix them. Probably because it would break the fantasy, I'm not sure). Then I turned to Fanfictions, I found my little happiness, even reading the most horrible stories XD, it was not serious, I had my dose. And I started to draw humans again just to be able to draw them, and I was very happy.
For the other versions... Arturia Lancer is a problem for me because of the Fanservice. It goes from a small flat woman to a big disproportionate woman, I don't like it at all. I mean, it's impossible XD. And she is presented as someone more mature and rational than Saber when Saber is this King Arthur at the end of his life in the license. So to see Lancer made my heart ache because it's like denying her true self.
After other people will probably not agree with me XD.
I have less of a problem with Gilcaster because it's just an older version of Archer, but technically they're still the same. It's just a shame that he references Lion King more than Saber. But I like that he loves Saber Lily in Carnival XD.
I love Saber Alter. But I modified it for myself and I think others like my version.
And Lily is cute. (With Ko-Gil it's the little extra)
I don't look too much at the other versions, for example the Caster version, I haven't had the chance to know it yet. But I don't think I like her, I think she's a distorted version of Saber, but I'll wait until I get a chance to read her story to be sure.
(but I'll gladly ship Arturia saber with all the Gil XD)
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one hc that you will forever stand with for each character?
This has been sat here for far too long, I'm sorry.
Ok, so, really solid headcanons that I stand by. Hm.
A lot of these are whumpy!
Khalila: that after she burns her hands twice in one book (A&Q), she has trouble with the healing/scars. Also she has terrible long crampy periods. She works very hard at being a good, nice person (religion helps her), as she naturally has a quick, hot temper and is prone to getting frustrated at people (kind of understandable when you're a once in a generation genius but hey).
Dario: has anxiety. Also uses alcohol as pretty much his only emotional coping method. Also he has a weird collection of skills and knowledge (knife skills, secret spy code, knows that the Spanish court uses Obscurists and memory-altering drugs) which make me think he was unknowingly trained in spying as a child. Also he speaks Catalan, based purely on him mentioning Barcelona nostalgically at one point lol. He knows at least two sign languages, his native one and probably Greek (read my languages fic for more detail), and probably a 3rd, Spanish & Signed Spanish (that latter's not a language). I also really love headcanoning Dario as a trans man, but haven't figured out how to get it into a fic yet because face it, most of what I write is porn or angst.
Jess: is bi and doesn't know it yet in the books. I keep forgetting that this isn't actually canon. The sign language that Dario teaches him/that he displays with Alvaro is, imo, fingerspelling Catalan Sign Language.
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Glain: is aromantic. Ok, that's kind of canon. Also, after all her canonical head injuries (one day I will make the list!!) that she suffers from a brain injury post-canon.
Thomas: is in love with Jess. I also forget this isn't canon tbh. I also have recently firmed up my headcanon about his leg injury at the end of S&I (which is sadly retconned along with lots of other stuff in S&P), which is that he dislocates his knee. This also heals badly and post-canon he sometimes walks with a cane. His love language is giving people presents (this is canon, come on).
Morgan: I adhere to the I&B version of how she discovered her powers (just before she would have come to the Library as a postulant anyway), not the S&I/S&P one which says she'd been on the run for years. I also think she's greyromantic and frankly, that in even questioning her relationship with Jess she's got more maturity and self-awareness than Jess' tendency to being a hopeless romantic. Related, because hey I like puberty being the power manifestation point, she got her first period late at 16. I like to think that if she hadn't been an Obscurist, she'd have been Lingua. Just because she deserves a unique interest.
Wolfe: his head was shaved in Rome. I could go on forever with whump here but I feel like as a fandom we all share lots of whumpy Wolfe headcanons tbh lol. Demiromantic just for his Nic, of course. I think that the house they live in was originally Santi's, while Wolfe moved straight from postulancy to living in the Lighthouse. Wolfe had probably never touched a kitchen in any way until he moved in with Santi.
Santi: Pre-Rome he was the one with the nightmares and PTSD from being a soldier for 20 years. Post-Rome he is suppressing everything Extremely Hard, including all the new symptoms from Wolfe's recovery period (it is not okay to strangle your student) let alone anything from canon itself, and is really very Not Ok.
and a couple of extras from some of my favourite side characters:
Alvaro Santiago: is very clearly a Spanish spy imo, with more than strictly ambassadorial skills.
Annis: was definitely in a sexual relationship with Keria and probably Eskander too.
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littlegalerion · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
I was tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom ! Thanks!
1.) Vanus Galerion (Elder Scrolls Online)
Picking just one character from that game is so hard. Abnur Tharn was an extremely close second, but Vanus took the cake. I don't really know how to explain why he is always top dog without getting too personal, but he made a really difficult time in my life bearable, which means a lot when you're only half alive.
2.) Varric Tethras (Dragon Age 2)
Yeah, everybody loves Varric. I mean how can't you? He is either that supportive best friend you always wanted or he is the reminder of who you always strive to be. Plus this poor child... If you've never taken the chance to properly look up his past, sit down and have a read. He deserves all the happiness in the world.
3.) Wrex (Mass Effect)
I love him. I just absolutely adore him. Everyone says Garrus is the ultimate best friend or romantic option to Shepherd- no, it's Wrex. I will die on that hill.
4.) Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood)
Abel...did the same for me as Vanus did, and the entire series as a whole is just fantastic. Sadly its a very broken series. The anime is only ok, the manga was never finished in English officially (to my knowledge anyway), but the Light Novels are the BEST way to go, yet they are very underrated and unknown to most.
5.) Dionysus or Mr. D (Percy Jackson)
Honestly wasn't sure if I should include him but then remembered my own wedding invitations featured me holding a staff with a flaming pinecone on top because of him. My Olympian parent in the PJO universe, I ended up reading the series as an adult and around the time my therapy sessions and medicine started to sink in- Mr. D's handle on mental illness just really spoke to me. Plus he's hilarious. If you work in any sort of educational program with kids, you'll understand.
6.) Makos (Neverwinter MMO)
I just think he's neat. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for him, no matter how badly it rips apart my or my cleric's hearts.
7.) Halsin (Baldurs Gate 3)
This man doesn't even have a fully developed story yet, we only know scraps about his past from datamined audio which could be cut and scrapped anyway, and I haven't even played the game. But you ever watch gameplay, see a character, and instantly it just clicked with them? That's Halsin for me.
8.) Crookedstar (Warrior Cats Saga)
Get ready to get punched in the gut by pre-teen years lived in 2010 era! Loved this series as a kid and still do- not the current version, but the original four arcs are still perfection. Crookedstar has always been my favorite. His Special Edition novel is a great read! Don't want to say too much and spoil it.
9.) Starscream (Transformers IDW Comics)
Maturing is growing up and reading the Transformers Comics, after years of the great cartoons. Always loved Starscream for just how terrible he was, but then you read the comics and see just what drove him there and the constant mental hell he lives in now... I'll always love you, Scream.
10.) Aslan (Chronicles of Narnia)
I don't understand why I'd need to explain this. It's Jesus' fursona- why wouldn't I love Him. Plus the books....oh the books are so good.
Well that was fun!
I tag @foxyhearts @godlessbroadcast and anybody else who wants to do this! (I don't have enough for ten tags...)
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Let's Always Keep The Memories Of Rooster Teeth Alive In Our Hearts (And Hope Things Work Out)
[Note: Mature Audience Readers Only & For Rooster Teeth Fans...(so not for kids) also will talk about some weird random stuff, some weird ideas and hypothetical stuff and some other stuff like keeping the memories alive. and some stuff will be off topic....also I'm not sure I want this to be reblog or not, well besides talking only a little a bit about well how we can keep the series that was made by the Team of Rooster Teeth alive, I know I will get off topic in this, and I had to edit this in after writing a whole lot on this post that I have so far...anyway maybe I can have the "don't reblog without permission" as a tag for this for now, which means those who do end up reading this can give it a heart, just please don't reblog it without my okay...at least I should think over if I want to decide to let it be reblog and change the tag for this later on that has to do with it...I mean some might find the off topic stuff not really interesting or freaky, because some of the off topic stuff will talk about a pendulum...]
one of the ways we can always keep their memories alive…even though I just found out about the whole May 15th thing…
I was going to take a break from playing FNAF, those darn Glam-Endos… anyway I decided to check out any news about the next Season of RWBY, I think it's suppose to be Season 10…
so anyway I didn't watch all of the video, but it had a Youtuber talk about well Rooster Teeth's Site…
and well, it was May 17th when I found out….
so I got Good News (About FNAF Ruin DLC on the Xbox is working…it was the Glam-Endos from RUIN, I was having trouble with…lucky Moony-Pie didn't give me a Game Over…yep, gonna nickname Moondrop aka Moony by the nickname "Moony-Pie" which is funny cause of some food that is called Moon-Pie…)
and the Bad News about ya know…RT's Site…
but I hope that we can still keep the memories alive, through Fan-Art, Fan Fic and also keeping the Fandom dot com places (I'm not placing the "." but instead of the "dot", I don't know if it will make a link or not…
if I try to write it the other way…) that means Red Vs Blue, Camp Camp, RWBY and many others… dang it, I wanted to watch a bit more Good Morning From Hell on there, and well…it does seem someone made another version of a Red Vs Blue Fandom dot com…
it is like a Database of Red Vs Blue… well like I said, we just got to keep those memories alive, and if it isn't just RWBY that is getting a new home, then maybe someday the others that were on there will too…I can at least hope so.
I wasn't happy about finding out about it, I mean I knew it was suppose to happen but I didn't know it would be so soon and on May of all Months…and there is a reason I say "May of all Months"…
I will have to wait to see that last season of Red Vs Blue, at least I got almost all the Seasons, the last one being needed is of course the very new one that I haven't watched yet, I only saw the trailers.
also is it possible to be a mix of small panic upset at first, and then still a bit mad with a mixture of numb or like half-numb, like you are still mad, but it's like you just feel disappointed you missed the chance and didn't know or if forgot that it was going to be on May 15th...but then again I probably didn't know it was going to be on May 15th and well I had just found out today...
I hope we can always keep those memories alive, from re-watching them by the other means we are able to watch them, like DVD or Blu-Ray...
we can keep them alive, by keeping their original fandom pages alive, as well as their new ones...like both Red Vs Blue, RWBY, Camp Camp and the others...
not even sure if Good Morning From Hell has a fandom page, but it be nice if they did...I was gonna re-watch and listen to that series on there, I mean when I got around to do so...hopefully I can find a way to watch and listen to it even if it isn't at Rooster Teeth.
it would of been nice if I knew about the whole May 15th thing before it became that day and past it...
so yeah, got Good News & Bad News Today like I said...
it made me happy to finally play a bit of FNAF Ruin myself for the first time, even though I haven't beat the one where we have Gregory as a Playable Character.
also another way to keep the shows we fell in love with from Rooster Teeth Company, alive...
is I guess some could make Fan Parody Animation, like it being like Alternate Timeline where Church and Tex don't become "Ghosts" and they stay in their original host bodies, but the new robot bodies that were originally made for them, by Sarge...
can be for their Epsilon-Doubles, and Epsilon-Tex can be called "Beth" as the reference to that song.
Epsilon-Church can be called Epsilon and Church, as well as by the nickname Church Junior by Church, who could nickname him C.J. for short....
but it would make sense if Epsilon is called Leonard Church III.
I can't really bring myself to check the you know, out after listening to what was said in that video.
I couldn't really bring myself to fully watch it, I can't remember the name of the channel of the youtuber really, I'm not sure if I got a really good look at it...but if I run into it again, I guess I can decide to watch it or not....or wait until I'm more ready to.
man it really does suck, but I hope those who do become the new Adoptive Parent Company to those shows we love, make sure to treat RWBY that is Monty Oum's Legacy right and protect RWBY like a precious treasure like it is a gift that must be protected for all times.
I don't know who will be the new Company-Parent, but I do have a guess but I'm not 100% sure if my guess is correct.
well besides the whole Good News & Bad News thing, after I get done writing this and posting this...
I will share some Weird News in the next post.
and it has to do with possible evidence that has to do with both Lilith and Eve being Gran-Grans....
well with the three close calls I had and having to have a dream-catcher for both inside and outside my room, like one on the door and one hanging over my bed....guess it would explain a lot, if it involves Lilith's daughter marrying Cain...
yeah, I will talk more about that in the next post...
but anyway, I know we all may have got really upset in different ways about the thing that happen on May 15th on 2024...
even though I had found out it was on that day, by finding out on May 17th of 2024....I knew about the thing that was going to happen, and well I didn't think it would be that soon...
and like I said, we can keep the memories alive by Fan-Art, Fan-Fic, and well some of those Fan-Fics will be Crossover ones.
even other shows that have completed their journey with their shows being fully completed after you know, the Final Season of the show...
are still kept alive by re-watching the show when we want to re-live it, and well also by writing fanfics about it.
and well it does seem that Steven Universe is coming back, if he is wearing that blue jacket in the new series, it is only going to make me view him and Sans possibly being one in the same even more, like you know the whole theory about Sans is Steven's Future self.
I mean, Steven has Sans hidden in his Full Name.
Steven Quartz Universe has Sans hidden in there.
of course there is the theory that Sans is Ness, and I got a weird theory that Baby Finn from Adventure Time Fionna & Cake...
could be Papyrus, and the Universe that is Fionna's Home is also where Steven Universe takes place...but like the events that happen in Fionna & Cake's series, happens at the same time that Steven is possibly off Planet and on Homeworld...
and Prismo could of like co-created Steven's version of Earth and Homeworld, and yeah maybe that idea could be more Fanon...
but Prismo decides to place Steven's Galaxy or Cosmos that has Steven's home version of Earth where Fionna's world is, and by doing so, ends up merging the two versions of Earth.
yeah it could end up being Fanon, but I hope some like the idea that pop into my head, even if it is weird...
well I hope my weird idea has lighten the mood...
to the fans of those who were the hearts and souls that made Rooster Teeth's Greatest series and well, what I want to try to say is that like it shows in the tags for this...
Rooster Teeth Company and their Site, will forever and always live on and well I will always love the laughter and joy that was brought by them....even the jokes I didn't really get at first when first watching Red Vs Blue, but like you end up looking it up or learning about it by having it be explained in some other show or movie, and you understand what it is now...
it took me a while, like re-watching the first seasons of Red Vs Blue again, after watching the other seasons...
to figure out that Tucker was a cute idiot, he thought he went back in time....Tucker, you are and will always be an adorkable cute idiot...
if he was real, and if I well you know felt like getting a boyfriend...but I don't because of reasons, and I'm just fine with just getting small crushes on characters, and shipping them with either other canon characters from their own series or in a crossover ship...or like with OCs.
but if Tucker was real, and if I did marry him, I wonder if that would make him technically a Prince by marriage.
if ya heard me talk about my heritage before, even if it isn't all of it and well yeah...I guess hypothetically if he was real, and we did got married, and if we had a kid together, but like that being a big if....and well I rather have a surrogate because of reasons 1, my blood type might ended up hurting the baby, and 2, there can be chances of some bad problems to happen when the baby is about ready to be born...
and once again the whole if Tucker was real, and we did get married, like hypothetically...and if we did have a son or daughter, chances are they will be gifted.....as in they will likely have some powers that will freak Tucker out so much he will jump on to the ceiling and hold on to maybe whatever is on the ceiling...
like I said before, when I first got the pendulum and I held it, it freaked me out.....and it took me a long while maybe some months or so, it touch that pendulum again after it had freaked me out when it started to move like crazy when I held it by that chain thing.
also I'm making sure not to use the pendulum too much, and I have gone for longer not using it too much, and well I have hardly used it.
of course still gonna have to use my gem bracelets for that multi-purpose thing, one of the purposes being that is possibly thanks to my using the pendulum too much and it unlocked something...
lucky the stuff I hold by my hands or just fingers, only move like my pendulum, maybe just a little bit...when my thoughts make it do that.
but even with the gem bracelets on, it seems that some gems that can be on a necklace or like a locket are immune, so it can't be helped and it doesn't really bother me that its just those...
but in a hypothetical way, picture Tucker's hypothetical baby daughter or son, who would be Junior's little sibling.
using telekinesis and making Grif float in the air along with Shelia.
I'm still trying to put a limit to my abilities, like some stuff I don't mind having, like currently...but I rather not let it be like moving stuff without touching it because I don't think I could handle it.
which is why my gem bracelets are uses for the multi-purposes, to put a type of sealing charms & limiters.
and yeah as weird as it is, there is a good reason I keep a dream-catcher outside my door....and have one for in my room, and it has to do with the three close calls which I ain't gonna fully talk about in this post.
but anyway I guess I have only small ideas on how we can keep the memories alive, but I'm sure other fans have already plan to keep those memories alive even after the stuff that happen.
also even if it might not really matter to my family I'm Fictoromantic
but maybe I can take baby steps with the whole Ace thing, and maybe talking to them about the whole Toxic-Lust energy thing and had how it may have effected me before I figured out I was Ace...
I think I might be Aceflux, its just seems like well it just seems more Ace and less flux...
but I guess it was a really good idea to protect my body and energy from some energies that were doing harm, one of them being Toxic-Lust energy....and well there are other reasons for why I wear the gem bracelets, and like I said I use them for multi-purposes, one of them being to keep what the pendulum had unlocked under control.
I think I might be Gray-Aroace, but I'm not sure if it would be the same as Grayromantic, but something I don't know if I can explain it right now...
I know I still get some crushes, but I'm not interested in getting a boyfriend at the moment, but it wasn't like I had one in real life, I mean yeah they were real but one of them I had fell for before, even though I don't remember much about them and I like to keep it that way, but I do remember a bit...like I know one ex, made me feel uncomfortable but I tried to tolerate but I guess maybe I wasn't fully aware but maybe only half was, that they made me uncomfortable even if I did like them....
it might be a good thing I don't remember much about those ex-boyfriends, even if they were online ones and well I never had any guy in the places I lived at before, take a interest in me, and I guess maybe before it would really bother me, even when I got my heart broke by the guy I did have a crush on that lived at the same town as me.
but right now, I could care less because I have no interest in RL-Guys....you know Real Life-Guys...
maybe someday I could find someone in real life, maybe...
but I just don't want to right now, and I don't want to be forced to either.
but if I did want to try to get a boyfriend in the future, he will need to respect my space, not surprise hug me from behind, cause I can get scared really easy...like if I don't know your standing behind me, I'm likely to freakout from the surprise hug.
they will also need to respect that I may not want to be touched at times.
but anyway if by chance the site does come back someday, but like with a new or slightly new name, I guess I don't mind waiting for that.
but I'm not sure if that will happen or not but to me it is a nice thought.
we can keep the memories of those series from the Rooster Teeth Site alive in our own way, and can still watch the episodes of the shows made by Rooster Teeth Company from where we are able to watch them.
as well as hope that Monty Oum's Legacy that is RWBY, will be dearly loved and treated with the most care by RWBY's new adoptive parent company, and I will still give credit to Monty Oum and the Rooster Teeth Team for any future fan fic or fan art that has to do with the series they worked on.
it is just, of course I will need to add a new name to the credit of course.
I think I'm doing a bit more okay now, still not happy about finding out about you know, that thing that had to do with May 15th...
but at least the Good News about the DLC of FNAF Security Breach finally working on the Xbox was the first thing I found out about today on May...and I found out about the other thing that had to do with the Rooster Teeth Site, like after playing Ruin DLC...
I had to take a break, because of those dang Glam-Endos and oh, yeah and that Blue-Rabbit, too...
also we can view that the ship of Grif x Simmons didn't sink, and we can still ship them like well for some being either platonic or romantic bromance...
is it weird that I kind of want to Crossover ship Grif with The Queen of Gluttony from Helluva Boss, but like in a Crossover AU that takes place in a Fanon Timeline kind of way...?
well you know I have my weird moments, even my weird shipping moments...you know if Grif x Bee were ship together in a Crossover Fanon Timeline, Bee would likely spoil Grif way too much and she could be spoiled way too much by him too...
anyway I hope the stuff I had talked about in this, even the off topc ones aren't misunderstood and some understand it in well you know the good way and not that terrible misunderstanding way...
well at least before that whole sad stuff happen, which by the way I still don't feel up to clicking on well the site....to see how it is now.
I can't really bring myself to do that yet, but at least I made sure to do certain stuff first before May 15th happen, and once again didn't know it was going to be that day and well if I did maybe I forgot or maybe I really didn't know the day it was suppose to happen.
anyway I think the love for the series can still live on by the fans, even if it can be Fanon work and the whole re-watching the series.
and well hope that whoever is adoptive parent of Camp Camp now as well, they will be treated with love just as much as RWBY and well, also Red Vs Blue is they get a spin-off series, but I'm not sure about the chances of that, well besides the ones we may know about.
and I guess there can be a good reason why my feelings were a bit maybe mixed today, like yeah that video that I couldn't really bring myself to fully watch did upset me some...but then came some other feelings that weren't really positive but maybe some can understand.
a part of me hopes that someday, Rooster Teeth Company and their site will be back someday, even if it may end up being under new management and a new team and the original team and ones who made the original company will be retired.
and well don't know if the whole being like a Phoenix will happen someday.
but it is still a nice thought, well to me it is...
and I think there are other fans who will keep the series alive in their own way, like either by fan fic or fan art or like a fan comic series or fan animation series.
anyway maybe when I can, I will write a short fan fic that has to do with Red Vs Blue as well as the other series.
well if I do find out some good news that is spoken from those who were a part of the Rooster Teeth Team, I will keep my eye out.
I just hope things do work out, and if the site that was called Rooster Teeth does come back with a new name well I guess that is a possibility and it would surprise me.
I might not be the only one who held on to hope, but even if things seem hopeless maybe there can still be some hope, and that is well whoever is the new adoptive parent company, the fans keeping the memories alive in their own way when they are able to, and well when I'm able to as well.
I think tomorrow I'm going to binge Red Vs Blue, still have to wait for that new season to binge along with them but it will be worth the wait.
maybe before I do that whole binge Red Vs Blue, I will watch FNAF Movie, Sonic The Hedgehog Movie and then Steven Universe Movie and then start with the first Season of Red Vs Blue.
anyway hope some can understand my feelings and I was not happy about what I learned from a video that once again I couldn't bring myself to fully watch after the whole stuff that was mentioned.
anyway I think we can keep the memories alive in our own way, and I don't want what I say to get misinterpreted and I know I had my feelings hurt before when some misunderstanding of what I was trying to say ended up getting misunderstood in a bad way...
like small misunderstandings can be a bit okay and still be worked out in the right way, but some can leave hurt feelings that might stay with you for a while and even if you do get better the memory of the hurt is still there...
anyway hope some understand my feelings and my saying we can keep the memory of Rooster Teeth alive, even the series they helped create and even kept Monty Oum's Creation going even after he went the way he did...
I think I'm doing a bit more better than how I felt when I saw that video, but once again at least I got some Good News about FNAF's DLC first, cause at first I couldn't play it even after downloading it.
and it might have to do with those who were working on the game's DLC, were fixing some problems with it before fully releasing it and only perhaps partly released it at first.
anyway I'm not really sure what else to say, I mean I'm not sure if my words of encouragement will be all that great.
but we all as fans of Rooster Teeth and the shows they had a part in, can keep those fun memories they had created alive and well.
and hope all the series that were created by the team and with other parties that co-created with Rooster Teeth Company.
will be in good hands and will be treated with both love and care...
also I'm not sure if some will understand about my talking about the whole half-numb feeling...
like you get upset even if it is just a small bit, but then while you still feel not happy about it, but like some of your not so good feelings turn like half-numb...well hopefully things will work out, and when I'm able to I will try to see about looking up who the new adoptive parent company is for Camp Camp, RWBY and if Red Vs Blue is in there, then maybe that is possible...
anyway in loving memory of The Original Rooster Teeth Site...
and hope one day maybe in a unknown future, Rooster Teeth will come back like a Phoenix, even if it might be done by new faces and a new team, cause well like I had said before...
but I know the chances of that is small, and might not happen.
but we can still keep the memories alive in our hearts in our own way.
and well I hope some don't misunderstand but still get what I'm trying to say...but I do hope the new adoptive parent company will be able to treat those shows with care, and understand that they are for mature audiences only...
so some parents don't scapegoat, when you realized you saw a mature movie way too early, even before you were the right age to view it...but you still like the movie even if you may have had someone cover your eyes in some parts.
and even if you still like the movie when you watch it again later on, and you have a DVD or Blu-Ray version of it, and you own it now and it isn't just a rented movie...
but yeah, the mature content isn't the problem, because some mature content ya have to wait until your the right age to view it.
no matter if it is a show or book or video game or whatever.
but at least I know now it wasn't my Mom that let me see that movie I'm thinking of, it was one of my much older cousins who should of known better...
but yeah back to the whole topic, that I hope those who have or will become the new adoptive parent company of those shows understand that those shows will not be for kids and will be for mature audiences only...but maybe they already know that, and will make sure to have the proper ratings.
and well maybe it be a good idea like how one of my other favorite series does, to place the Warning and Rating first and to say it is for mature audiences, and depending on the mature age you will need to watch it, and well I'm gonna hope that not only they do the proper mature rating, but I'm going to hope parents or whoever watches those who are too young to view mature shows, movies and video games.
stop with the scapegoating, and make sure to keep any mature content in a place that can be kept away from those who are too young for it, and when you are able to you can watch the show or movie or play the video game yourself, but making sure to take some form of safety measures, to protect the ones who are not the proper age to view the mature stuff you like but you know you can't let them see it until they are much older, and well hope some understand why you need to be careful with some mature shows, movies, video games or even books your have.
even if you still have some family friendly shows, movies, video games and some books, you could try to get your little siblings or like niece or nephew or son or daughter, to view the ones that will be okay for them to view...
I had caught a little cousin one time, trying to play my Deadpool game once, and I was lucky I caught them just in time before they really got into the fully game...
I can't really play my Deadpool game right now, or even my Overlord game for my Xbox because they need to be cleaned because there are marks on the back of them where they shouldn't be...
I have a idea how the Deadpool one happen, but can't be too mad at little kids, who don't know that your not suppose to touch the back and you have to be very careful.
it can mess it up and cause it not to play, well no matter if it is a video game or a dvd or blu-ray of a movie or show.
anyway once again I hope those who are going to possibly keep working on Camp Camp and RWBY, will take care of them and also make sure to put the proper ratings on them.
and even if some fans have fully given up, I think there are some who haven't and will still keep the memory alive through a type of appreciation and maybe even make anniversary type arts or writings about Rooster Teeth and well maybe only a few will do that, but I hope things will work out and well once again I hope some what I'm trying to say about it and once again there is no misunderstandings.
and well we all can put our hearts and minds in how we keep the happy memories alive, and I hope those who were the original team and founders of Rooster Teeth with their friends and families, stay safe and live a long healthy lives.
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stormhearty · 4 months
Hi, I'm back :)
You're a great writer and I know you'll deliver something wonderful. And gee, it must be challenging and fun to write about characters while you haven't finished the books yet!!!
I loved playing The Sims. I remember playing an old version where I couldn't go out to catch a catfish properly and my sweetheart would die from an exploded bladder! I was like 😭😭😭 it was a monster punishment for her to go through so much humiliation choosing to eat or go to the bathroom (sometimes the poor thing didn't even make it).
Of the books you mentioned, I only got to watch the movies😭 and now it's kind of tradition to watch HP at Christmas time.
The annoying thing about growing up and maturing is that we end up finding books we used to like predictable. That's why there are books we read when we were teenagers that we thought were incredible and which are now impossible to read, because it would totally ruin the emotional memory of our experience at that time. It's another book to read once in your life and never reread. Haha
ACOTAR works miracles in reintroducing. Judge me, I never finished ACOTAR, hehe.
I'll definitely add it to my list here ;) ahn, I've heard of these books and "divine rivals" is on my list too!
I've heard the rumors surrounding the author too, and they weren't good. Well, it's not entirely the plot, but a part that involves it, but the book itself was fine, since I knew what I was getting into when I went to buy it and I think it did what it set out to do.
Welcome back! 💜💜
Thank you so much for your supporting words! I was able to post one of the two fics I was struggling with earlier today. And I totally scrapped the other one and wrote it from scratch again. It is a total challenge because I have yet to fully grasp their characteristics, that's what I believe.
In all honesty, I only do interior and exterior design 🤣🤣. I have yet to fully gameplay it. And I should probably do so one day.
Oh goodness, HP is a tradition to watch during Christmastime. I actually watch it during Halloween and Christmas! Such an iconic movie. The books are great, much more in-depth than the movies of course.
Oh yeah, I could never re-read those books again, I wouldn't be able to get the same experience as I did with the first read-through. I could never re-read a series or a book if I finished it. Mostly because I start to remember what the heck happened. 🤣🤣 I was going to try to re-read LOTR, since that book was so thick and plot-heavy and has so much lore that I forgot most of it. So that might be on the TBR re-read list.
Is there any books that you might want to re-read mostly because you've forgotten more of the lore?
I do not regret reading ACOTAR. Like you said, a great reintroduction series to read again. And that's like my friend! I tried to get her to read ACOTAR, just the first book, and she was like, "I keep getting distracted. My attention span is so short." I understand, that getting through the first book is difficult.
I'm excited to read that duology, in all honesty. When Target had the buy one, get 50% off, I legit was like BUY DIVINE RIVALS. 🤣🤣🤣
So, I'm guessing it wasn't that bad of a read?
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